Newspaper Page Text
The Stock Market Inactive, but Higher. GOLD 100 3-8 A 100 1-2. ?Government Bonds Higher, States Dull and Railroads Very Strong. Money on Call Easy at 3 1-2 a 3 Per Cent. Wall Stribt, I Moxbat, May 6?<J P. M. t Thoroughly dull and uneventful to-aay falla into place with Kridav and Saturday o( last wook, being a porfcct match In inaitor of dreariness, dulnots aud general absence of all exoillng topics. The best that can be said of It la that tbo small traders were dis posed to be a little more active (alter the Sunday's rest) In their scramble lor Infinitesimal protlts, and that the largo operators, while keeping tbelr hands off of any decided movement, seem to agree that a Strong aud steady calaloguo ol prices shall bo main tained. This Is particularly relerablo to the Norili vottern and St. l'aul stocks, tho former being steadied under tbe single and double privileges of Sir. Gould, aud tho lattor held firmly under the an ticipation that regular dividends will bo es tablished upon both classes of stock st the annual meeting, to bo bold next month. In fuct, the same hopes are entertained with regard to the Morihwost ?hares, even by partios who are loudest in denuncia tion of Mr. Gould and who prolcss to believe that the passage oi tho control ol the road lulo his bauds moans nothing less than uu unmitigated smash. A mouto, however, ts a long time in tho history of Wall street, aud It will bo extraordinary It halt a dozen schemes are not set aloot to break up spocu- I lotion in the grantors before the days ilxod for tbe wnnual meetings occur. Beyond the usual amount of thlmble-rlgglng in Lake Shore (which is mean ingless if taken to indicate a popular estima tion of its value), but little attention was paid to tho favorite. Pretty much everything that could be said to tbo detriment ol tbe property has already been said, and on the other hand there ap pears to bo uothlng particularly cheerful to bo advanced In Its fnvor. Consequently tlio traders tamillar to Its precincts stand Idle and look glum, aud nro lorced, Micawber like, to wait for something to turn up. A ?harp advance during tho last half hour in Delaware and Lackawanna partially relieved tbe prevailing monotony, but it possessed no moro significance than usually attaches to tlio financial filp-fiups with which the street Is so familiar. To sum up, business to day has been sololy that of a broker's market, atlect Ing no prominent interests, meunlng nothing, and of as Utile moment as though It had never been trans acted. Tbo opening pricos of stocks at tbe Board to-day wero as follows:?Erie, 11 ^ ; Lako Shore, 82?4; Wa bash, lb; Northwestern, 61 >4; do. preferred, 72; Kock island, 1U5\,; Mllwaakco and SL Paul, 60>4; da pre ferred, 74,'i; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, *2*4; New Jersey Central. 17)4; Delaware and Hudson Canal, 63; Morris and Essox, 79; Michigan Central, 71; Illinois Central, 76)4; Union Pacific, <i0>?; Chicago, Burlington and Qulncy, 10214; Chicago and Ailou, 72>.; C., C. and L C., 4; llunmbal aud SL Joseph preferred, 27)4; Western Union, 80*4; Atlantic and l'uciflc Tolegrapb, 22; Pacific Mall, CLOSING QUOTATIONS. The closing quotations ut three 1'. M. wcro:? Hid. A.iu'rt. Hi,I. AikriL At A Poc TeL... 21 14 22)4 Kansas Pacific.. s)4 H': Chi A N\V 61J4 62 Lako Shore.... 02',, 02*4 Chi A NW pref. 72;'? 72;i Mich Central.. 71 71'.. Chi, ltk I A Poc. ION*4 10 .*4 M.irrla A Essex. 7t?>4 7t?7g Chi, llur A U...101H 102 .Mil A St Paul . 01'4 61)2 C.CAlC 4>u 4>a Mil A St Paul pt 74*4 76 C. C, C A 1 2.. ', 20 Maripoaa 1*4 2 Clove A l'ltts... 7o)a 70'? .Mariposa prel'. 1 \ 0 Chi A Alton 72711 N Y Central ...10*1)2 100)4 Chi A Alton pi.. 00)4 10O NJ Central.... 17?a 17*a Consiili'u Coal.. 2-> 2S SJ southern.. 1', l'a Canton 14 10 Ulno A Mi,a.... hC S'a Del. Lack A W. 01'a I4V Pacific Mall.... 30)J 21 Del A Hud Can. 64*4 .'a Panama 12o 124 Adams Expresa. 102-1, loll Pitta A Pt W... thtjtf Ol American Ex... 4u'a 40)4 Quicksilver 10)4 17)4 I s Express.... 4S 40 Quicksilver prof 111 hi Wulla-f urgo Ex. HUf? l?i St 1. A 1 M 7 M)2 Erie US ll?i ML, KUAN.. 4*4 4?! liarlem 147 l is St L, K C A N pi 2t?'I 21' , Ban A si Jo.... 11)4 11)4 lol, W AW ... I 4'? 14'4 II an A st Jo prof 27 U 2M Union Pacific.. 00 - 00)4 Illinois Central. 70\ 77 Wost Union lei So', Bl.'4 nitiHKBT AND LOW 1.8r. The following wero tho highest and lowcat prlcoa Of Blocks to-day:? Low-it. Chicago and Northwestern 62 51>4 Clilgugo and Northwestern prulorrcd... 71) *2 Clov., CoL Cincinnati ami ludUuupolls.. 20 '-.'1)4 iluluwaro, l.ackawuunu anil Western., .'id1, 62', liaiawuro aud Hudson Canal 65 60 J?rle 11# 11 Ji Illinois Central 7'C, 70,', l.nke shore..,. 60 02', Micuigau Central 71 71 Morris and Kbbcx 70S *'J Milwaukee and fat. l'.ul 61S 60'a Milwaukee aud St. l'aul prelerred J4,S 74.', New Jer*cy Contral 17.S IV', I'nciUc Mail 21 20', Toledo. Wabash and Western 16 14.', Vuluu l'.teillc 00', CO', AVuBlern L'uiou Telegraph bi.1, buJt TOS MOSXy MAKkKT. Money on call was easy to-day at 4 a 6 per cont and mt tho close went down to 3# * * per corn. Tho fol lowing wore the rates ol exchange on New York at the undermentioned cities to-day:?Savannah, buying 1-18 premium, soiling ', premium; Charleston, ou*y, }, premium, a-lii u a-10premium; fat. Louis, 'JO pre mium ; Now Orleans, par a 1-10 premium, premium; Chicago, 00 proiulum, and lloston, 12>,c. di.count. Foreign exchange wits quiet, with aotuul business at A SO for baukers' sixty days sterling bills, and at 488# lor demand. 1HK GOLD MARKKT. Gold oiiened at 100?, and cloned at 100#. The car rying rules wore flat to 2# l'ur cent. OOLD CLEARINUH AT TUS SATIUX AL IIANk OF TUB STATU or XKW YORK. Cold balances #936,782 Currency balances 939,711 Gold cleariugs 7,62u,OdO CLKAHIKU UOtlSK STATKMKXT. Currency excunngos #76,663,8'J2 Currency halancus 3,20*.201 Cold exchanges 12,317,011" Cold balances 1,240,040 GOVUKSMKNT BUXIM. Tho market Tor government bonds was very active ?nd strong to-day ami a general Irnciioual advance was made. It was stntou that tho Syndicate haa already, dlspoecd of tho lurgur part ol tho last con signment ol 4# per cents and that an application will probably be mudo for the Jaly instalment. The following wero tho closing quotations Bui. A'ltd. United Stales currency sixes lli'Si lit',' United States sixes, lb^l, reglsterod. lb* , 107', U' 11 lied Mules ?i\t?, 1881, e upon... 107', 1"<# U ulltd Mates .Ixe-, 1865. new, regis, 10.1 '4 lot Uu.too Mutton sixee, W>6. coup n.... I?ki# 1'4 U oiled -laics ?ixe-. I*67, r< ; sirred. Jo*', Ibd# United Mate* eix-n, 1-67, cuupou.... 106 166 Untied Mates sixes, l-'.s, registered. loo 109\, fluted Mates sixes, lsos, coupoe,... 190# loo1, toiled State- leu loriiee, 1'j.j , 106 United fautas ten-iortie-, coupon,... I1.6# l"i L'niieu Stales fives, 1--1. registered. K4 1'4# United Hlates fives, 1?-1. coupon .. loA1, I'M# United Males 4v,'s, l?9l, registered. 163 ,' 1?W# Untied stale* 4#'*, 1891. coupon.... i<&^- liki-4 Lulled faunas lours. 1907. regtvwred. io? , V*>\ L'uited ?taies lours, 1P67, coupon... 100,', Ibv# tri roKtius MAKxar. The London advices report consols op to 9' # for money and to 96# a 95 >, for the accoont United Stales bonds are # a # lower than at the close on tiaturday except lor tcn-lorttes, which ere unchanged. Lrlo loll off to 12V, and rallied 10 12',. Illinois Cen tral advanced nearly 1 per com, selling up to 71#. Now Jersey Central stock rose # per cent to I*',, and da Consolidated firsts 2 per cont to 75. At Paris rentes roeo 10 1091. 42#c. The closing prices In l/mdnn were:?Consols for money 96#; do. lor account, 96# k 95#; new 4# Dcr cont bunds, 104)4; Ove twenty bunds ol 16fl7, 108% ; ten forty bonds, 107 ; livei of 1861, 10U; Krlo common shares, 12#; Kris prelerred shares, 30; Now Jersey Central, 18?,; Illinois Central, STATS BOSKS. Blste bonds at the Hoard were doll, with salon ?on flned to Lonislana sevens and Missouri sues. It AILROAb BOX IIS. Railroad bonds were very strong, with the largA rlee?3), per cent?in C , C. and I, O. firsts, to 44; C., V. and L C. senooda advanced 2# per cent, to 10>4; Central Pacific gold bonds 1 per cent, to 107; North I wen gold sevens %. to 99 V, and New Jersey Central convertibles Vt to 71. Tlio otUer changes were as lol lovrs:?An adr.inceol V iu Northwestern firsts, Albany and Susquehanna seconds, New Yuric Elevated firsts, Union Pacific firsts. Union Pacific sinking lunds, l'acifio Railroad ol Missouri firsts, Lehigh and Wtlkesbarre consols and Canada Southern debentures, and >4 Northwestern firsts and Hannibal and St. Joseph eighths, convertible. FtllLADKLPlIIA STOCKS. The closing prices of Pnlladelpbla stocks wore:? Hid. Asked City sixes, new 113 V 1U United Railroads ol New Jersey ... li'JV 120 Pouusylvauta Railroad 28J,' 28V Kcaului; Railroad 13>, lit Lehigh Valley Railroad.............. 37 37 V j'b .ladeiphla and Erie Railroad...... 7 7'V Schuylkill Navigation pretsrred.... 6 7 Northern Central Railroad 13V V Lebiith Navigation 16V Pittsburg, i'llu-ivilla aud BuOalo M 6'a Hestonvillo Rallwuy 7V 7,V Central Transportation 38V 29 KIM Mi 8HAKK& The following were the opening prices of mining stocks at Ban Francisco to-day:?Gould & Curry, 6 V ; '.savage, 11; Chollar l'otosi, 3b; Oplilr, 32V; He'd & Norcross, 7V; Crown Point, 3V; 'Yellow Jacket, 7; Belcher, 3; Virginia Consolidated, 14V; Calliornin, 26; Overman, ?V; Raymond & Ely, 3; Best At Bel. cher, 16; Union Consolidated, 4; Alpha, 3V; Sierra Nevada, 3; Mexican, 9; Eureka Consolidated, 6; Jus. tlcc, 6V; Utah, 9; Tip Top, IV; NavnJo, V' ?Assessment paid. The closing prices In San Francisco were:? Alpha 7V Hsie At Norcross .... 7V Alia 8 Julia Consolidated.. Belcher 2 % Justice 6 V Best At Belcher 14 I.oopard >4 Bullion 3.V Mexican Caledonia... IV Ophlr 32V California 26 V Ovcrinuu 9.V Chollnr 29 Raymond At Ely &?( Consolidated Virginia 14 V Savuge 19 Crown Point 3V Slorra Nevada 37{ Eureka Consolidated. 69V Silver Hill IV Exchequer 2'V Union Consolidated. 3V Gould A Curry Yollow Jacket,..... 7 GraudPrlzo 3V Mt Molt A.N OA. The total salos or stucks at tbo Board to-day aggre gated 93,3b0 shares. The lollowlbg despatch was received from Sau Frun cisco to-day:?The bulliou yield ol tbo Comstock mines lor tbo past quarter was ovor $10,000,009. Tbo boistlug at the C. aud C. shult was resumed oa Satur day. The workings In ilia Consolidated Virginia were only partially suspended; It Is not proposod to stop the dividends while repairs are being inado in tbo main shaft Consolidated Virginia ore averagos $80; California, $90 per ton. Tbo following despatch from the West gives the movement of grain at somo of tbo loading points there to-day :? Receipts. Shipment*. Chicago? liushels. Jtfushch. Wheat 118,722 118,072 Corn 217,983 436,006 Milwaukee? Wneat 139,000 242,000 Corn 800 700 An election lor directors and Inspectors of the Flushing, North Snore and Contral Railroad of Long Island was held yesterday, and tbe following gentlo men were chosen:?Directors?Morris Franklin, John W. Lawronco, Adolph Popponhusen, Charles Knob lauch, Isaac Sherwood, Henry Clomont, Herman Funke, Elizur D. Hinsdale, John D. Locke, Samuel B. Parsons, Edward E. Bpraguo, Carl Vtotor, Fred erick A. Potts. Inspectors?Charles Lever, Isaac Bloodgood, George B. Roe. NEW YOUR STOCK EXCHANGE SALES. Monday, May 6, 1878. BEFORE CAI.L-10 A. M. ?6000 Great Welt 2d.. 83 2iO?h? St Paul 0 30?. KKXX) Lehljrb A W B o 4")4 300 do |3 50tf 4000 0, 0 A I C 2d.... 10 300 do 50), Kmxio N VV c, r, K bill.. 00 200 do 6O*, 4000 do c 00 403 do 5IIV 20 ahi I>el A llud... .c 63?4 1003 do bS 30*J 3"0 I-hcIOc Mali 211'a 100 do b3 50)4 100We*lcrn Union...e 8n?4 130bt Paul pref ail 74"4 30 do 81 600 do 74'i 2(11 do 80V 600 do 74'i 27 NY I) A lludion... 108)2 loMorm A Kacex.... 711)4 ?U?) Erie 11 76 U. UA1C 4)4 200 do bit 11)4 100 do 4 1100Lake Shore 02', 100 do 4'V 10O do. c 02"., 100 do 4)| 31*) do |3 Oj1, itOOWabaah 15 100 do 02', 3?) do 141* ? " 02,'2 200 do 14', ii-'lZ - -1" 6oo do ....1)3 2i*) do".".'.'.*."....... <12Vj 4')0 do............ 14'i 71*) do 02*. 2O0 do 14,'J 5i H) do "-la ?"*) do 16 800 Michigan Central. 71 40") do 14'4 201) lllluoli Central.... 70** loo do 14'1 5<) do 71. 100 do )4'|' 41*) N'ortliwciti ru. ?.... 51), 100 do 16 7(*) do 61), 1)00 do 15 V 201) do 51)? 200 do b3 15 21*1 do 51)4 200 do 14V 1100 NoitUweatoru pi.. 72 200 do ?3 15 11 Pitt* A Pi Wayne. 01 70i) Del, l.uct A Weit. 52V 5(*J KaniM Untitle.... 8'i 800 do 52'). 500 81 Paul 50), 300 do 63 % 10-15 A. M. $10000 US 0-1. 18*1, c. 107V $4000 US 4,V*. r.'Bl.b3 loilV 5)*>00 Ui45.20,r,W?.n.58 llWTi, I***) U?4 Vi.e.'Ol.bc c 103*, H**) l.'S 6 2o.c.'tl5.n e 10 li*>) do be 108)2 351)00 US 5-20. c. 1807. 1 '** ;! 151**1 US 4'*. am cou.. 100'i 1HA**) US 5-H. 10-40, r. 106V 4000 US 4'?, r, 10U)J lOoUO US 5'a. '81. cou.. 104;', 11:15 A. M. ?2500 US O'e, '81, 107), $VX) US 6-20,c.'<B.n.e KJCIV 111**1 US 5-20. c. imr7. l(?!*i ?**) US 5'*, 100 HOOU0 US 4)4'l,r.'01.b3 1031, 20000 do be 105)4 FIRST BOARD?10:30 A. 51. CSOOOChl A Alton lit. 11.I), ft >hi III Can TOV IOUIUIK'1 A (> l?t, c. 23 lOOOUb A NW...bc b3 51)4 li*A) N J Con i on .... 71 100 do e 51), .MAX) UhA.NWocKb h:i)4 800 do 51 V 11500 do 00 I'JO do 51', .xx)Ob A SW lit.... 100 300 oo e 6l'j lOooO lib A MW eon... 108)4 20j do ,3 51', IKlDH.t KA N let.. HS', i?*) do 52 2000 Alb A >ut 2d... !?8 2<)0 do 62V li*X) Mieli So ? 1 1IH*, 100 do 52 4oO > no 108 2i*> do 51V lixi.NYKItlil. be so 1(0 Ub A N)V 72'? 1000 S Y C lit, C 120*4 13 do 72), liaxxt North Mo 1st lob, Mo do 72*, wOIOCii 15c In loi'J, 303 do 72', 12HO.I do 1(>7 II*) do 72'i 10. *) Union Pnc if... !*? )4 3<J0 t;o 72', 5t*K> Pacol Mo lit.... loi'J 100N J Ceil.... be 17>, OiKJU do b3 102 S do 17', 161**) Soutb I'ac 111... 711)4 21*3 oo 1?'2 21**) P. I t W A C lit. 120 200 Ch A It I be 106', MOUOU. U8IU lit... 44 HP, Kt W A V g .... !'l 2'*"3U. U A 1 C 2d ... 15)4 300 0, M A b3 5n\ 2 **J do 1(1 400 do ftoV 4(*?) do 1H>4 6uO do 60', 31**) Tol A W 2d 81 100 do e 6o'?. 4'?M> M A St I* 8', 118*4 IK*) do b.'l 51 231**1 H A St J 8H), lino do 61 I.'***) ( in So d c 70 801) t|,> 6I14 2<K*) do 7H)4 li*) do 0 61, I'm)Cm Kb lie U*l)% 1<*) do M 7i**> do be lo7 100 do ... l>3 5l'4 21) ?b? Hno* of Cora.. 112 7i?) do 51 4 1 t ulon Hank....... 14) 3HO do 51,'4 1U) Am 1 * pre u . 60 i;>oo do.... 61', oil ? '-no amin ? u. ,? ,r ?... -1. 1.1 1(*3 I ID) Del . 100 , . __ 21*) Weit Un 81-, '??) do .. ........ 5:i lia> do c 8,-, 2*) Oo 53), :**) do ill si', 2") do 63', .1'*) do . 81*, 2?) do 63 2"', 7"i3 do b.3 .">3', 100 r.rle be II ", 21 *>Wnba?h be 15 3'*) 11,', 21*) do 14V 4 > Mich Con l.o 7"', l'*l Morri* A 1-: iicx.hc 71' J<*i do 71'* I") Tli', 2D ilo ISO tls', U?)NJ Southern.. .be I*, 3 *) L S A MS be U3 H.'.'4 !?*? Cb, 11 A (4 be I02*. 306 do 02), ll?) do 102", Jill*) do 02), loOSt li, KUAN ,.l>c I,1, 500 do.. c ('-", 2i*) St L. K (' A S pl.l>e 2n 3)** >ti do be :*'*4 40()C, M A St 1" pf..l?c 74?? .1 Ademi lui), 2'*) do c 74), Ml Pull PC Co be 74 200 do b3 7)', el Del A II 53 4 ?) do..,.. 744. ,j do 5'I'? '?> Del, I.uck A W. .be 53', 100 do '.... 20)4 1,?|-*v 11 k) do .......,..0 2 BS fcr.v.v- g!. *3> Hr fcr3 s B Z-zzz* ? :i'?) III Ceil be 7?'*4 36 do * 11)1 (10 ? e e e # ? e e # e e e ? * 1 *4 BEFORE CALL?1:1:30 P. M. -!m i3S,h,Ndorih.?.rt.?.,:c SS 'Smi f!eu a'si J 8'i,c S0'4 aw % b3 73 .14)0 Morrli A ft Ul.. I'*' - do""l"".l. 72'4 3,11)11 W.t ut. 8H.xe 57)4 *w to ? 7IS i*D ut V)fitera.dd. 8> onirii" li'a JS'e wl d,"W,....V:.M 17.'J 3O0J) 7?'* m No 18 18 25 Itock liland lit'1, '.^.I^'do ...: 17H - *!'? 7(M)NJ coetrell.t^ uK |?(W" I50'4 ,") ?h. We.t I nlou.e3 s ; 1 74 * ^ , infC 10u Del, Laok k W..i6 58 Jw1 "'V-l.T.'i::::: Northwilurn gJ> J IMbSO P. M. TOWRrfta: 88f TSSW.^'S" 88 1:30 P. M. t b**) ub o-i ^ 1881.13 10744 $3000 US 5'. ce. is8i.. KM44 )4;:J0 P. M. f\i? ft) US ')'? e, '*1 .be 10744 $40000 US O'eep. I88i l?34)k V***) Us 5 20 I p, 1807 10#*4 SECOND BOARD?1 P. ?inr*) Iami*eua 7'i em 70 50iheMicliCcnt .be 7144 f. ?) Sur. (. H A S l"l "8 13 do ............. ' '? 30Wi;kIAP'('*,I?I7. 1<)8^ ?*) ti m A M ? i3 im. I'**)N j ont lit,eon 74 2:**) do '?.? a 74)4 ||?M) do I.) 07V I'MMkiN J Ciut eenirl. 7:i loo Ueten Pacl?e...te 2'**M l,i A SW III m 1"*K M?f' v , to ??????? ? "l',* 2H*)( A .(Aenridbd, O.I 35 ? ''? iitt 7i*W( L A W M ren ... 41 .M*)ChleANW be ? U) limi VofrliAi.eeenlil MH OW to iljij 411*1 Brie 2d m 1""\ ... |i**? Ohio A Alton Ine I'** :n?) (.ble A N(A pf.. .lie 7.., Kil l S * (J l?t "? roil. 12014 4<?l do '*-? 2000 * W?n* 0 e,'83 toa 100 Mo ,...eOO |3 21000 O A Men ??.?!* 9H 100 0, C. C * 1 26 12tHJ0 Cent Pac icld oda 1"7 200 do bo 96 HMIO il ? 1"7li lot) do -?'% :??? i(' I'l at.SanJnubr 85), 10" do V?1 V 100 > Ci'liiiu.CAO br. sh luo-:iilc A K 1 bo 15'HJO Liilou 1'nc 1*1 in 107 5" > Waba*:t be UV 2J<NJ) do . 1"7V 700 Uo 14), 11KNI Sollto I'oo lit IU 7ti\? lot) do 14'. IIOI Pac of Mo lit ui 101. a loo do it ll'j 2"00 do 1"2 1" Hur, C K A N....bc 20 1"X)T A W lit, x con 9H* 00 do 21 4"00 do 00 1100 Okie, M k St I*, be 01 20000 Tol k W?b 2d in 8. 600 do 90ft 5000 O.C, k I C lat.uc 44 lot) do 51 40UI) (H lull 24 m.,. S4ft 1100 do 51ft lOOU Kai.Plat.JADbc 11" IDK) do 51 20 aba dorcboDla' Hk 1"" 3"" do ?'>''% 10" iiul .1 IIuj be 53ft 100Cble.MAStrpf .be 74', 6"0 Ont SUver.Mio' 8"'% 25 do 74 'a 10 Anier Kxpreaa 5"'J 1000 do t-3 7474 loo At A l'?c Tel.. .be 22 HO" Del,Lack A West, bo 62 1<K) Wiit I'niou. .be b2 Sift I0u Cblc A Altou 721% 2"0 d bd SI 25 Chic A Altou ltd1 100 PiciQc Mail, .be a3 2t2U0 Kanaaa Pac. .be all 8ft 100 Brio be 113% 2:31) TO 3 P. M. K Pa no No 16. 18 100 oh* Northw'n prof. 72ft HOOO do. b3 IS 100 Wabaali b5 14.ft lWAX) South Pac lbt ui 77 IU<J do ilo 14'? 2" bin AdHim Ex.... 10274 O'XJ do 14ft I"" 1'iiilm.tu'i P 0 Co. 71 10t) do .....b3 1474 lOJ Del A liudioa. .. 53* DXtBtPaol b3 50V l"0 <lu 5?ft 100 do 5" J4 loo do 53*' 500 do b3 51 50 do 54 1100 do 51 100 do 5474 300 do 5lft 3<JO do 55 3tJO do 51 ft 1"0 A A P Telegrnptt.. 22 200 St l'uul prelerred. 74V 400 Wi iteru Union ... HI* 500 do b3 74/., 5; - -- - ..,,7 4"0 J 100 100 0 Central of N J 1774 1001) an ....??..... 10" Laxu sbore........ 02). 1000 do 1300 do 027, 1200 do 400 do 09ft SO) do lklJO do 62?? 400 uo .... 2"0 do 0274 100 Morn, A Ebiex... 200 Kkuih* Pacific..... 8), 15 do 100 Northw.-sieru .atk) 51 lliOC.CAIC 3"0 do 51* 400 do 4'% DUO do 5174 loost LAKC prof... 2<>s 100 do 51ft 100 N Joraey boutU'n. 17s 5 XY*cJnk Hitdaoti. 10"ft 000 Del. Lack A Wert. 53V hi Mich Ooutral 71 5(J" do 63ft K> do |30 00)4 400 do 5. f 10 no 71 100 do. ?3.? NEW YOllR MINING STOCK I-XCHANGIC Monday, May 0, 1878. FIRST BOARD?11 A. M. 100 ih* .IS 100 aha l'lutnaa blO 4.00 100 do be .IS 2"0 do 4.00 lOO du bo o .18 100 do b5 4."5 500 do bee .IS 200 Lecroaae b: .43 600 do be c .IS 500 do be c .44 5t)0 do be .IS l'X) do. be 65 .45 100 do bo .ID 500 do be .4-1 100 do be bf? .18 300 do be .44 do be b5 .Is 500 do be 44 do bee .IS lOO do be 63 .44 do be .18 100 do bo .44 do be .18 lOO do bo 63 .44 be .18 500 do be ,44 do be e .17 10J do bo .44 100 1(10 100 1U0 100 do 100 100 100 100 do. .be e .17 100 uo be .44 100 do. I c bl5 .1H 100 do be .44 Id) do be blO .18 lUO do be .44 1200 do be s3 .17 5W) do bo .44 3oO do be .18 500 do be .14 211) do be b5 .18 500 do be b3 .41 51 jO do bO .18 500 do be b3 .44 50O do b3 .18 50O do. be b8 .44 500 do >8 500 do be ,44 300 do '8 100 do be .44 500 do Is 100 ?lo bo .44 6(H) do *18 500 do be ,4-1 100 do b5 .18 5(H) do be .44 5(H) Borth11AEditb.bc c .15 10 Northern 5.1)0 lOH) do bcblO .15 Am Kl?i;.. .11 bid. .14 askod jm do i3 .14 Am Con.xd. .5), bid. D naked lOOCaahtar 1-4" Knllioii bid, 5 naked lOO do 1.40 Helelier.... ?bid, 4), naked 100 do 1-40 lliickeye 30 bid. ? naked 100 do 1-40 Oun Vn....15* bid. 10 iiiacd 100 do 1-40 Jliiklll,xd,4.55bld.4.UO naked loCuliforulu ?c 20 JulU ? bid. d.'? nakod 100 ? -- ' SECOND BOARD?1 P. M. rjOO.biBAEd.b.blO .15 as. M 21)00 do bo alO .15 Buckeye.. .30 bid. . lu u?kcu 500 do b3t) .10 CHllloruln.20'4 bid, 27 naked loo Cold 1'lncor 1.40 Clevel'd.3.10 bid, 3.45 naked 500 l.ncroaaa be a3 .43 Con a Vn.. .14), bid. 15 nakod I looriutuni b3 4.00 Ciuhler.. 1.40 bid, 1.60 naked 100 do 4 1X1 lluktlLxd,4.50bld.4.8"nakod 300 do nc 0 3.D5 Imperial ? bid, .85 naked 300 do uc b3U 4 05 Kliiya.Mi. 1.00 bid. 1.75 naked 5uo Dabloiiexn.. ..bee .17 Mnnpoaa 1 bid. 2), naked 2<H) do be b3 .17 Mar pret...IV bid. 3ft naked *<00 do o .17 Mo.<ae 77% bid, 8), nsiced lufl do bee .17 Memphia 10 bid. ? nakod 100 do bee .17 6ortu Belle. ? bid, OV naked ->ijo do .17 NV A Col.. ? bid, 2.00 nakod 100 do 17 Ontario.. ..85* bid, ? naked 500 do 17 honton ? bid. 2 naked 4o0 do 17 THIRD BOARD?2:30 P, M. 20 aha alO 20V 5'HJaba Lncroaao....a8 .80 100 Dahloneua -17 50.) do 3v) 400 do 17 1000 3D 10UO do a tO .10 5"U do 40 100 do 17 500 do .40 lOO do 17 100 do.... 06 .41 100 du a30 .17 20(1 do all) .41 500 do ac b2<) .IS 200 do blO .42 2(H) Lacroaae be .43 503 do 42 luoo do .42 -IX) do 42 500 do bo b30 .43 luO Mooae 7 2 H) do beb3" .43 100 do 7 lOO do be C -42 100 do b30 7J, 1 100 do be .41 1'"' Plutnaa 4.00 .4" 100 do blO 4.06 10J do. COMMERCIAL REPORT. cotton: bpot unchanged; futures closed STEADY?FLOOR STEADY?WHEAT EASIER? COBN KAHIkR?OATS STEADY?WHISKEY NOMI NAL?PORK QUIET?LARD FIRM?PETRO LEUM UNCHANOED ?OILS I IBM? SPIRITS TURPENTINE DULL?ROSIN DULL?COFFEE FIRM?SUGAR FIRM. Monday, May 6?(5 P. V. Business was fair to-day save in a fow commodities. Tho markols were mostly steady, but tbere were some exceptions. On 'Change Hour was steady. Wheat was easier under large roceipis and with free sellers, who, however, tried to kaop tho market up. Corn was also easier under large arrivals. Out* were steady. Fork was quiet. l.sru firm. Groceries wero firm. Cotton on the spot was unchanged. Fntures closed .-toady. Na val stores were duIL Oils firm. Petroleum dull, but un changed. Corvxa.?Tlia market for Rio was quiet but brm. Mild coflno was steady: 2,000 bugs Laguoyrn, ea Scud, sold on private terms. We qnole:?Ordinary carguee a It.'a'c.; fair da., 10c.: good do., l(i(,c.; prhao do., 17c. a 17'4c. ( extreme range for lote, lh?4c. a 18?4'c.; Santos, fair to good. I'O^a a Iti!4e., gold, UO duya: Java, government bags, 20c. a 2l*je ; do., grant mats, 20c. a 22',c., Singapore. 17c. a is'.c.; Ceylon, 15c. a 17c.; Maracalbo. lilc. a )d>?c.; Lagunyra. 13c. a 15ljc.; Jamaica, 13c. a 10c : 8b Doniingo, 12,'gC. a 13c.; Porto Kloo, 15c. a 17c. ; Costa ltlcx. He. a 17)ta l Mexican. a 10c.; .Macassar. 17a a IHr.; Angostura, 15c. a ln,'gc. , Suvaulllu, 13c. a I'l'.c. : Curacoa, 13c. a It.',,!. Cotton ou the spot was null, tiut uomlnally unchauged. Futures opened I a 0 points lower, but closed steady at about tln> opening prices. Tlie ollli lal closing prices to-day, compare,! with Saturday's, were us follows:? Nu/nn/uy, M'ly 4. Motility, MnuO. May... lo.bft a 1(180 May lo.oo u 10 hi Juno..,.. 1(1 (15 a UUItl June lo.!?> a lO 111 July 11.05 a ? July 1O.II0 a ? August 1107 n 11.on August 11.01 a 11 01 September.... 1U7(I a 10.77 bepteuiber . .. li?.71 a ? October lU.Wi ? October 10.58 a 10.54 November 1U.4U a 1(1.50 November lo 43 a 10.44 December 10.5nullJ.5l December in 14 a ID 45 January 10.5B a KUIt January 1(1.53 a 1C.54 February 1(168 a 10 7(> February...... KJ ii l a ID.D4 March 10 82 a IU.H4 Mar. It 10 72 a 10 73 April Ill U3 a 10,(XI Aoril 1(1.83 a 10.8(1 ? ( urrcnt prices of spot cotton ttue lullowing quotations are bnse.i on American stuodar.l ol claaslttcatloil ai d on cotton In store, running In qualltv not more tnan half a glade above or belo,. the grade quoted) Vi'litmh. .tlrrenmrr. .V. Orb una. TVxi*. Ordinary 7 13-DI 7 13 10 7 15 10 715-10 Strict ordinary...... 8 '.1-16 s ti-It) 8 II.Ill Nlliu O'lotI ordinary....... I* 0 !>' , l)(2 Strict good ordinary. ('.'? '.Oj ll\, <t?n l.ow middling 10 111 |l|i; lip. strict low middling. 10 5-1(1 Id 5-1(1 III 7-1(1 lo 7 10 Middling 1(0, lii', |()V II iV (loo,I middling II II J | 'g j; ? Strict good middling II 5-16 11 5-16 II 7-16 II 7-16 Middling lair II 13 10 II 13 Id II |5-10 || 15 |0 Fair 12 5-1(1 12 5-10 12 7-10 12 7-10 -Slaincd?(I,rod ordinary, 7 I3 I0,.; strict good ordinary, 8 SI-10c.; lew middling, II 1-IOc.; middling, P 11.|0e. Sales ol strut cotton : ? Fir-/Joy NoI AV'y. TotoL Consumption 1113 I.hi 343 Speculation 45 170 216 Totals 238 320 538 ? Delivered ou contract, 1.700 bales, Haturdav. For future delivery tho sulci were is followsSaturday, alter two I'. M?May, OOO hales nt lO.SSc.. 3IIO at Kt87c. 1 lOO at l(l.80e.; Juno. Odd at 10 07c.. 500 at 10 U6a; July. l.(**J nt 1107c, leKsial 11. (6c., SOU at 11.05c ; August lOiat 11DO0..4DO at ll.OHc .lUSIat I l.07e ; Scptuml er. I'd at 10.78c. ; October. 2tsi at 10 Ouc . 4'*) nt I (Wide. Total. 7.000 hales. To-day. up to two I'. M. ?May. 7U0 bales .it 10 HO NDO at IDSJo. I'*' at tU8|a, I.KJO nt Id.71*., 000 at 111.78c . 5 n at 10.77c., 100 (short notlcoi at K>.7(lc. Hon at I0.77e., Wi (abort notice 8ili) at lo.76c.; June. 2'*J hi lO '.rj .. 1,700 at Id.UIc , 4.2,*) at lo ODc.. 7'*> at Dt8i*c., 8.31*1 at lo 6-o , 1 .'KS> at lo.87c., 1.ISKJ at lo suac , 1,11/) at lo.87e.; July, 1,300 at Ur., 1,600 at IdiUBa., lloo at lo.KSc , I.300 at 10 07c., 31*1 at lD.f*lo? 4(*l at 10 D7o., 1,3(>D nt lo.laie.; Angnst. ?*> at II.(He.. I,lot at 11.02a, ODU at II.03c., l.ftWJat lie.. MOJat lo.imc., 2D0 at lie. Septem ber. 100 at l').72o., 3i<) at 10.71c., mm at ln.7oe.. 11*. at lllMa, 2'SI M lO.HWe.; October, loo ?l lo.,,V . gor .( 10.52c. Toenl, 28.r??j bales, tiraud total, 37.4DO bales. The receipts at the ports were us follows(lalrcsion. 111 bales; New Orleans. I.MOd; Mobile, 47(1; Savannah. 484; Charleston. 473; IV ilntiugton, lift; Noriolk. ?(??; New York, 1.1/77: Philadelphia, 73 total. 5,164 bales. This day I.ret weak,7,474 bales This day last year, ft,'S>5 hales. I o tal store Seplenioer I, 4,ie*h.H2? bales. I niton freights closed as follows:?In Havre, by steam, Afc.. compressed; by sail, ,'ie To Hamburg, by steam, ;'te., curaprassed. To Bremen. by stesm, ll-IHc , c onpro-sed; by sill, >fe To Liverpool, . bv steam ; lit sail. 15 Old., comnressar). I trrvl Ol, (JNSI*.?Ke'elpts?Fi'rtir, 22,120 bsia ; whast, 726.03 I bushels ; corn u?al,32" sacks; corn, 034,118 bush els: usli, oo,423 do.; rye, >1,1*3 do.; barley, |O,10O dir i barley malt, 4.22 , da. Flour was staid v, Willi a lair de mand. Tire - lies. Inciudln ? state. Western end Soiitliern, were ah not 13,.><) bbls., within ths aaitssed range. live floor whs unlet, with sales or 4'sr hols lorn meal was quiet. Willi setae ?| 3.5 J hhls. fees -1,200 bushels Canada sot I at 83r Kye was quiet at 72*4e a 7He. for No. 2 Wset orn ilarley and barlarmalt Were quiet. We quote-? .so 2 state ?( (/) a 9-1 8ft Snperflne state., . ..... 4 25a 4 75 Extra-lata. 5 Ud a 5 15 Ch"rcc "tale ........ 52.5 a 6:/' Superfine Western 4'*) a 4 '13 l-.xira Western 5 far s 5 15 Minnesota & II ' ? *1 7) Hound hoop Olno, shipping brands............ 5 lira , > Itrmnd hoeji Ohio, trade brands 5 (era 7 76 Ksnilly 5 >13 a ?! Vt city mills 5 no a ? '?> 8t. IhioIs, low extra ft 2 > a ft r/? M. Eii'Ds, law ?tr. right 5.Via o '*> St. Louis, choice double extra Ilida (I 2.3 Mt. Louts, chvlse laiuily..,.. ? 6 35 a 1 JU 3 SO a 4 33 Rye flonr.... ,8 50a 4 55 Rontonra. No. 2 ...????? 4 .toe 4 73 .southern. sBwerfinu 3on? 5 7"> S..uth ni. extra 3 7j # 8 111 S nillieru. laiully 2 4<) a 3 75 Corn iiiful, Wuitarn . 2 75 u 3 IV) I.urn meal. while Western o ik> a - CMI Corn meal. Jereey 3 IO a 3 15 Corn meal Braudywlne "ia ? Corn luonl.nonclioonn ???? ftniJ prices ? w heat was depressed )>y Tory h?H]'y r?' !?.., .mils w.-re woro rather lower. The ??'"? b!w*for No. 9 Chicago, 100,01)0 buiheta. at fl 22* a MM?^ .j Maw?uko?. *1 33 e*l 22* for do. Juue. ?1 J* 2 04 n ?1 30* for So. I. SI 20 lor ungraded red w? ? (||(| ftr<t f 1 31) ?or No. 3 do and <1 40 lor No l ?blte. - No call 8,000 bnshela No. 2 spring ? . . wllra the bid and Bale* at tbe second call. Tlio follow!nig w jjny, asked prices at tU? second call r.?? $l 34 ??ked; $1 SO bid. $1 35 askod; do lor June. ?1 j- ? ' asKe'l; No. 2spring. lor May aud June *.--S. biu a; u>((|. dt( No. 2 Northwest, for May. H-A ?ia,_* uanlor.bat 'cfoii.:: ^. slror ,ors i % tbeftrst 51c. usaed". do. No.2,5-c.bId, o_,? ?? jjjVc uskoa ; Juno 48c. bid. 51c. ankod; do No Js 59c. bid. . **? ,, t|,u CH|ls NoT 2. 33c. bid. 54c. a.Mod. Tbe sales between were about 1O01WO bo.bols at 5U. a jl*u u 4?c. ior mlxed: 52c a 53*c for No - ?"ft? mi xed Oats No. 3 mixed, and 48*0. a J3C ior uutr .N?. 3 do., were firm, cloning an follow.: - No. 1 W "He ^ ^ .,1^0. a Mf.i.'u ? extra anil No. 1 lillxC'l. * ? * . 85c. The #aliH were about wan quiet bu*. Ilrnr AMI Jcrtc -ror booti tnai.?????* we "? uur. Julu bulls were also steady .ana rum dr8gOT(j rent of sales ol 1 000 bales. oouCle and ?175 a ?182 50 lor single. 9210 a ,t ?>j0, %\M) a #175 lor und?ca?el; KuMlkj ?'eal!v., i#old; Minn, 7c. . Sisal. j.?i~ . lent. a moderate demand nn^r ^ rW 23c.''a ^^rda5V3^35c;m^,orado ?*?,? Kc *? 2 Stl NOW Orleaw. now crop, common to tontine was dull, but without )V*'nu"!rl 'V'^^dne r V I1 5r2?U't'55 ;'t arr: *2 2a ; piub! Advlosn ^'^^.'^'^o^VtMlned'VulT. 8197X Tar sUndy ? 'rurpentl.c steady ; bard. *1! 75. .|,Pirlt"??'e,-1gSavj|~ Jul,,soldat 50c. Tbe 40>^b bid, 50c. uikrdi Augnsi. ?>s?- bid. ? 47u uul ^ ?3n^4ViU& du.' do.^'7Oo ^w 1 ntor?b 1 escl!eV liab, fdia : crude 1*. Sound. 45c.: Maine. 47c. a 60c. , .n,i .mcliauced, but RKTBOLiiO*.?dellned was quiet ??, Ex pu?b?bly a little tirm.*r *^lttcat06 wllfl macule, ouiy abuut chan ire traue in crude ce K(liti 'rite murKut opened at l!i.U0t? bbton having bee. -old. ^ $1 *.1H?4 and clobod lit $1 ? -a ua/c ,v ; retlued, !" b^MlW' do1 itc^e "oU^cd ? uCc. tH ordinary bnr.ndi '0&" f/^e- % ."rdl"?ry;1 r?"UUU' I'UlladolDltia. lie. i at ^ilalli J'chfjkous opruud fully a" firm .sPaUtrSa?n^^ 13c ; .lersov and htoto. toe. a . ,n,x 2Hc ? 3iJc.. adelphla dry l' ?^,a, k*^i16J ? i?tf. "uve poultry?Nowls. do., yearlings, dry tilebed^ n^ia 1Jo.'lk l4c.. |uwU. Jersey. lNe.* .13- ? do Wenteru. 12c. a 13c.; roostcro. Southern, l-<b ? ,nr'kovg. J.rsey, New York aud Rtnnsyl per 10., 7c. a ^ tt'estcrn. per lb., 12c. a 130.; vania. s'' york aiid I'onnsylvanla, per pair. 07c. a ffSiS'w aC/l ?2; iSr aoion1btngU.h ^'aulpo.'"lur "^n, ^"i'liovisioss?Rocclpta?l'ork. /^"'^.I'^couf S tiorces and 20 bbl?.. S ' 05 tlorcen. 150 bbln. and 000 tierces and i, uU|0t. closing at tbe second call as tol ca?c?e 1 ork wji# qu 01.. so 40 bid. $^>50 uaked; July, ^f^^fSg^sbufA; diarso'd6^u^,U ureVso^ bog? wore qn-''"^ Lnrdwas Brm cUmiuir ?5 b,d< 47 27* asked; ?T,lf fc7 3Ll'bid"*1 35 asked; seller year. $7 12* bid. *7 2.? July, ?7 3U ota, f' ,j.b sales wore aoout o.iMXJ asked; llecombei eV o bm ioo ^ j ulv. The tlorcesnt?7 2oa*7 37*mrouu ^ ^o. ?,.a 250 spot sales wore -oO tiorso y alla 15o do. tlo. Western at *7 ^7,,.-., r:nl,s st$7 53. do., to aJrlv0* Wa Daeftfti(eik I Ho market wui dull BtttterTKeoolpw; 3.104 pa ^ , a 2;jc . U!r t0 bUtdniHLK''^'Oe. ?choice old Siaio, 22c. a 24c.; fair to good good, lHc. a -Ot..; uiot 1 do., common1*0 a? VC,iTm a'12* '^ "bVoso-Kaceipts, 3.489 box s. The good. 10t., a 1-tj- u?0te : ? f ull cream at 11*0. a 12c. ",7c? ^itc-Eggs?Receipts, 1.573 bbls. nnd nkimmod ?t 7 . d demand; no change in Tbo market was, brm, won ago j aUcl nearby. ?.e?a lOcVrS Pam^lVX'-Uc. a 15c.f Western. 13c. a l4c" ... ?,.rL?i was firm, uuder a good Jobbing do m?d" "wS mimeCarolina, "air. 5*0. u iii ; good to ? ' i-i . .tike ? cliolci,<)*c. it 7a ; l'atua. 7a a 7*a. currency * in brntd', 4o. ? 4*c.; Rangoon, in bond. d*a. "'Stbain>it. ? Mccclptn, 50 lihds. and 18 bbls. Ino ma?kct was quiet. Tor rafieod was firms 200 hhds. Suuar. 1 be ma ^ alld 5^0 00. inolssses sugar fBM at BVo^ 7c yur refined tbe market was very strong, sold at 0*e-?7C. ror r? higher. Rentiers havo and. In Bome cases, a i.ttie oign. tK|lir ra. sold lully up to tb# supply, wo 1" ' V- i Mt " a oa ? off A. M*C. a 8*c.; crushed. H*a; i?iw ??????". n? mWmsgKr-Hcjelp*s. 709bbls. Tho rosrkct was qnlot; WAba\uinlk-KAtosli^gOBoral were steady uud the mors .. mSalMiv active. Kngugements :-To Liverpool, by Mdl 9?ooobsrbeU graln at 7.* i.. 00 lbs.; 200 ton. oil cake ?^.?rivateloriiii- aud. by stuurn. ltl,t>rt> bushels grniu at SwS rtindards i.iw bo'xsa baton. 30..: 2,300 boxes do.. st'esm! 2.r''|Jpitckagcs p'ovis'loiiiB pOvatji tornu ;,2l^ t^rce^bcet, wla ?un 3 500 Quarters grain. 5s. !M.; a Norwegian bark. u?l, with S.owqu ? wltll 3 20O quarters grain. ???. Vo^Uori.lor orders, wlrta.50. quarters gr.tlu at 17*Tb? b^bsl sblp^erj; wilh tllh ?rVJwnwith nk> bbis.^ 10 fined ^purir^-^u^.^ wltb geuorsl cargo, iisn e w f Uu bark. hence to lb* cblelly ob prirat ^ refined pitroleulu at 4s. lid.; llaltlc. wltb 3 0U-? 3U1.) rruu p roUuu4 petroleum *" AU*t,r : ' ,r ? hrmc. to Uoust.ntluoplo a. rates; and 9??*ral cargo. ^ ir?m Boston to Calcutta, with un American ?nip, . bllrg ,v<l tuns, henco to London Ice at 12 ruP**' including grain at 8d irnr bushel; and with general o. rgo.,^^ tU# ^MU , ?imu. nrbaV^" >u*-,or K"''D, "paij u'd,gr'by ? NEW YORK CATTLE MARKETS. Momur, m?>o, H7A KLCKtm roN mi uit nrg*. I miU sUh,i nwi <i/> I I'tnU. Herre*. ftorr. (hfccn. iuoAs. Uuj'. Sixtieth ?tri>tt 6.120 51 U.b.itl U.JHO _ 2 Fortieth street ? ? ? ? 17,425 Jtrnjr t ttjr 5,HMO ? ? 9,441 14,034 Totals H.tml 51 3.490 ix.H.II 32.0,11 1'roli tu day 4.174 23 I.OwJ M.'.'oy 11,974 llkxvis.?Trade this forenoon was steady, hut slow Quality ranged irom poor to good: in general coarse una moderately lit I'lie herds to lisud wire nil .old oil by noon, shy : it iMirtinn oi u lew carloads. which woro 1 to to ? rriro. Frlce* were Hlye. ? 1 Ic per lb., weight* 5)4 cwl. n lo'4 cwt. From 53 lh*. n 50 II,*. hut heou allowed not. with u lew mile* at 57 lbs. nit. At Sixtieth street yurii* T. 0. I.istmiu sold lor self 71 cur* ul liorued emtio, lute* ** follow*1*1 fexiti ktoer* ut "Mc. per lb., weight 0 i wt ; 72 Missouri ?leer* *t 9)4c. p*r lb., weight 7'4 twh ; lstl Missouri sucr* ? Iti'jc ptr lb., weight* 7V tel. ? 7'4cwt.; 08 lliinui* steuii ut He. per In , weight 7 cwt,; 47 fllliiolu steers at l|l4c. per III., weight 7S, cwt.; 124 Ilimelt stem ut V)tc. per lb., weight* 7.'i vwt. .. 7'4ewt ; 117 Illinois steer* at 0'4e. nor lb , weight 7':, cwt.; 2I'> lilliiol* steers nl |lle. nor lb.. Weight* 71. cwt. uHcwl. Ulert A tare) enld lor seire* J m Illinois kieert it 0<4c. n IIM,c. per lb, weight 7'* cwt. M. Klrchway *oM lor *ell SI lltiriol* eterr*?14 h -id st 1>*,n per lb., with 11 off o r held on 20 head and vie. nITper head on 25 ben t, weight* b'k ewt. u 7 ewt. n 7'4 ewt., *cint. >ind II heed ut lUc, per In., with VI <>n per IiukI, would* 7'* cwl 1 II bend ut lib. per Hi., weight H'.j cwl . lilill* ,v llrown sold tor lelcc* 27 Illinois ?teer? ut Oljc. s Hl.l.C, per lb., weight 7 cwt. I Hit Illinois steer* ut 11?1. o. u lie. per lb , weight M1, iwl. t'oun A Tliouipaon sold lor *elve? 107 Illinois steer* from u lo'ac. per lb., with SI Oir per lioil on Is head soi l it IU'4c. nerln.; 19 head ul IU)*c., per lb., wnd ti liuid ut lie, per lln?weight* H ewt. n 7)4 owl. usewt. 0. Kolni solo lor holm A I-ur*t H bull*, live weight I,op) lb*, per head, it H'tC per lb.; 22 hull*, lire w eight 1,410 Ills, pgr hel l, ut 4e. per III. ; 12 halls, livu weight 1,441 lb* per bold,it 4'4e. per ill WI, still I.I. Pi M issotiri stein ul H'gC. u II p r lb., weight 7\, cwt II. K IItitcbiird sold lor sell llw lilluoit sto, r? it I'Se. u lo'4e. per lb. ? Including II iieud ut lie. per H?.?well lit* 7ewt. i7l4ewt i7',cwt. | lorC. F ? ejn lds A (io. 15 11111? ill ? steers it '.0,0. u lOe i I'd,': per lb . weight* Oi* cwt , u 7l*c. u Sc. II. S. Koseuthiii * 'Id for h. Morris sM Uiilorndo neer* ut ll'^e. par lb., weight 0.% cwt.; 4s Illi nois steer* ut per III., weight 7'4 cwt.; 30 Illinois atcer* at Hie. pei lo., with Vie. on per hs'ad on 15 bead, weight 7,'j rwi.; lor 1*. Kothtchlld 147 Missouri st-rr*? 37 Iieud ut H',e. |ier In., irltli V1""lT on 24 bead, welglo* 0)4 r?t. an,1, cwt. | 75 heed it H'jc. per lb,, weight o't ewt. ; 20 bend it 10c, per Ilk, weight 7)4 cwt ; 15 bead it lo'4r. per lb., witli iiOc. olT per lieiii. weight 7'g cwt. At .lersey riiy yard* tloiiey A Mcl'lierssou aolil lor Try I'm I A < ti. 05 llllti'd* steer* at U)*e. per lb. And .Vie. on per held, wnlgbt 7 ewt : on commission, 07 Illinois steer* at l?'*?>. ? l"V. I'*r lh., weight* 11'4 cwt. ? 71* cwl. 1 lor K. swope 51 Illinois steer* at !>4jc per lb , weight 7 cwt.; lor nwppe A Reynold* 110 lutllano steer* it He. ? li'4c. per III., welgut H)g cwl ; fur 5. Read HO Ohio steer* it i'lc. 1 ld),c per lb . weight* 7 ewt. ? 7'., ewt.: for llillespl* A Swipe .41 Illinois steer* at H'^c. 1 Il,"4e. per Its., weight* 7 cwt. a Tf ewt. ; lor It. Moron* 140 Missouri steer* it i"4e. i lo),,;. per lb , weight ret )*. W. Mierinan sold lor Watvl A Ailerton t*l llllnoi* steer* ut 9'*c. per lb., with f 1 oit per head on ill bead, weight* OS* ewt ? 7 cwt.; 52 Illinois ?tier* at H^c. per lb, with 4>l olf per bead on I* bead, weighted), rwt. *7 ewt.; 13 Illinois steer* it He per lb., with .'ale, on per held, weight 7't ewt H. O'linniicli sold lor Walxal A Alleiton 10 Missouri steers it t?'4e. per lb., weight 5)4 rwt ; 13 rou,.li Missouri ?sen at 9,'**. per In., weight H cwl.; 43 Missouri sloer* at H',e. (oir lb , with VI ufT per head on 21 bead, weights Olf ewt. a 7 rwt.; II Illinois sloer* it 9tge. por lb welgln 0'4 cwt.; II llllnnls steer* ut Mo. her lb., weight* i;', ewt. in,**owt.; lor 1?. Murphy I'.MJlilo steers, I' d. at H'4e. pi r lb., welglit 0 cwt. W. h. Dudley sold lord. A. Middletoii :| .state oxen ut M)2s per lh.. wolght ewt ; 47 Missouri steer* It M?. per lb., weight 7)4 cwt. ( I or A. Vogel Oss Illinois steers it 9>4c per lo., with 'ioc. on per head on lit head, and VI ( >? pK head on 34 lioud, weight 0k4 cwt., strong. K. enmuels sold for 71. Morris Ml bulls, lire weight 1,47a lbs per head, ?t ?.l 45 per in. ; 2 bulls, lire weight 1.525 lh*. per hosil, at d'4e. p*r lb. . 2M Illinois steers it i't4c. per lb, weight 5)* not , ,t:i Illinois steers at ll)*c. per lb., with 50c off per hnad on 15 head and .'air. on per head en 14 hsad, weight 0'4?wt. ( 75 Illinois steels at 9)*c. per lh., weights U1* cwt a 7 cwt. f"IT*r 4 Hons add lor N. Morris I14 Illinois steers at H),e per lb., weight* o'4 owl. i 7)* eat. It. Westheim r sold lor M. <i*lsmer 12 Htate oxen at 9*. per !U. w?lght OM cwt. t IV Ohio steers atl>?<c. a 10* ?lO'.'c. per lb.. weight. 7 cwt a 10* cwi.: 19 | Mir it loan htnei. at HV ?. per Id., we i-'lit 6l4 v*%. Newton Jt lioliuus sold li?r L. iJ. iXMvd 17 JIUuoIn nwnr*it t"? P4'r Hi . weight 0'4 owt.; 4 Illinois steer* ut 0*4) I">r "'?? 7 cwt. 0. l\'*4*el ?old lor it nixel A Allert.m 70 Missouri steers, 17 In aJ at o'.u per lb., wltb SI j,'>c? I10.1M, weight 0'4 cwt. ; 37 head at 0*0- por lb , Willi SI ou per li< ad, weight cwt. ; 10 nea.l at ' par lb.. Weight O* owt.; 207 lliiuoi. ?n>or?. 57 head at I'lgc per lu., with 00* off per bnad on 23 (Mad ud i 5O0. on por heed on 15 lie ail, weights tij. cwt. u I.?, cwt.; Ho boa<l at loc. por lb., weights cwt. a 7'4 cwt. : 111 Head ?t 0'4c. per 1U, weight ?). cwt.; 111 head at 'J*c per lb., weights O'i owt. a 7 cwt. at owt ; 15 bead at lU.'.'c. per lb., walnut 7>? cwt. ; 20 head at 10*-4'c. per lb.. weights 7l4 cwt. 117* cwt. VokoI A Kogensieiu.sold for MoysrA Kegeiisiein 3ik> I'll* uoi? steers?117 iieud "t0.'4c per lb.. with 50c. off por h, ?i on 101 head, weight 8* cwt.; 52 head at B*e. per lb., with 50o. off per bead on ill bond, weight* ?1* cwt. ? o\ cwt: 128 bead ut !l\'c. per lb., wltb 5o* off per head?weight 7* cwt.; OJ'h -ad at W'e perlb.? weight 7?? cwt, alb 51 hi. off per uead ou 3d boad. Siegcl A Veyer sold for N. Morris 184 111 inula steers-17 beau at W4c. per lb., with 5oc. on per head?woldht 6* owt.; 34 bead at 1'ljc. per lb.?weight H!fi cwt.; 83 bead ut 0*0. por lb. ? weights i>,'4 cwt. a 7* cwt.. 31 bond 10c. per lb., with SI ou per bead? weight* i* cwt. a 8 cat. M. hautei bach auld lor Waixcl A Allertou O bulls, live weight 1.4U0 lbs. per head, at 3)?c. per lb.; 4 bulla, live weight 1,300 lbs. per lioud, at 3*e. per lb. ; 0 bulls, live weight 1.300 lua per bead, at 4!ac. per lb.; 44 Miaaourl hteor* at U*c. per lb., with $1 off per baud ou 14 bead r.t 'Ji?c. per lb , with 35c. off per bead on 33 head, weight 7 cwt.; 137 Iliiuoia steers?67 head at 0*e. per lb., with S-> off uu 38 bead, weights Ou, owl a 7 cwt. ; 70 lioud at 1 >o. pur lb., with SI off pur bead on 3'i bead and 50c. off per Iiead oil 34 baud?wo trills 7 cwt. a 7?4 cwt. M. Uoldschiuidt sold lor N. ilorris 330 Illinois steers?14 boad at 'J'4e. nor lb., with St on per bead, wulgbl 0* cwt.; off (lead at ?i>fu. per lb., weights <i'4 cwt. a 0,-4 owt, with SI on pur be a J on 5 bond. 18 i.oad at '.i?4c. pur lb., weight UJt owt.; 85 bead at loc. per lb., witU 50a on per bead on lo head, weight* 0,14 cwt. a 7 cwt. a 7* cwt.; 30 iliiuoia stoers ut l<JI4c. pur |..., weights 8 cwt. a S,'4 cwt.. 35 Illinois atuers at Iu;uc per lb., witliaOo. off per bead, weight 8)4cwt Siikki- anp t. tuns ?Trade steady In both abeop and lambs; duality. from coiniuou to good, in gnueial lair, Sheep sold at Oc. a 7c per lb. ; shorn sheep ut 4%e. a -VsC. per ll>.; yearling, at 7c. pnr lb.; lambs at 7'4c. a lie. por lb. .Nowpin ,t Imbue* sold 543 shorn Ohio sheep, weight 11>,130 lbs., at 5c. per lb.; 174 shorn Ohio slieep, weight ??lbs., at S5 30 par cwt.; 85 Ken tucky Iniiins, w iglit 4.II4H lbs., at 7'4c por lb.; 148 Km tucsy lambs, weight 8,202 lbs., at 7,'ju. per lb.; 387 Virginia laiubs. weight 14,703 lbs., at 8*4c. per lb. Judd A Kuck lugbum sold 33D shorn Ouio sheep, weight 23.800 lbs., at 5c. per Hi.; 333 shorn Ohio sbecp. :XJ,8jxi lbs , at 5'4c. per lb.; 45 shorn Ohio sheep, wsight 4.C30 lbs., at 5}Bo. per lb,; 13 Tcuiionsoe laiaos, weight 4,030 lbs., at *?%e. per lb. .>old for week ending .May 4, 18/8, 3.LS10 sheep and lambs at $4 85 uvorage per bead. Knsu A I'ldcock sold 144 shorn Ohio sheep, weight 13.180 Ins., at 5'Jc. por lb.; 301 slinru Ohio sboep, wuigbt 30,1.50 lbs., at 5>ac. per lb.; 103 shorn Ohio shet-p. weight 0,430 lbs., at 5&c. per lo.; 103 shorn Ohin sheep ut 84 03 per. bead; 35 shorn Indiana sheep, weight 3 iioU lbs , ut d/Bc. por lb. ; 83 shorn llidiunu sheep, weiguttl.300 lbs., ut 5c. per lb.; 70 shorn Indmnu sheep, wslgbt 7,31X1 10s.,ut 5c. per lb.: 88 Indiana sheep, weight 0,1 lo lbs., ut tic. per In.; 318 Kentucky Ininbs, weight 11,070 lbs., ut 7*jc. perlb.; 384 Kentucky lambs, weight 15,43o lbs., at 8c. per lb. ; 34U Kentucky lambs, weight 13,010 lbs., ut 8'4c. per lb.; 350 Vlrglmu lambs, weight 13,110 ltis., ut 8t,,o, per lb ;01 I .el lware l uu' S. weight 4,470 lbs . uth^c. | or lb.; 10 lleluwruro lainos, weig t HO) jbs.. at Oc. por lb. Sold lor the week ending .May 4, 1878-5.070 sheep und lambs; average not obtained. 3. Kirby A to. Sold 153 shorn Ubm sliecp, weiglil 73 lbs. per head, at 4J?c. per In. ;50 Ohio sheep, weight 34 lbs. per bend, ut ti'Je. per lb.; Ida Missouri sheep, weight 03 lbs. por heud, ut da per lb.; 105 Missouri sucop. weight 07 lbs. per heud.ul ti)ac. per lb. Ilumu, i liiotl A Co. sold 131 suoru Ohio sliecp, weights 00 lbs. u liJ0 lbs. por b. ud, ut 5c. per lb.; 38 thorn Ohio sheep, weight 1X1 lbs. per bond, ut $5 30 per cwt.; 355 shorn Omo sheep, w eight 100 lbs per hand, ut 5^Bc. nor lb.: 33 Ohio sheep, weight 83 lbs. por lisud ut d.'ao. per lb.; lilO Ohio slicop, weight 103 lbs. per huud. ut li^c. por lb.; 17 siiorn Kouiuoky stoop, woigut 133 lbs. por lioud, ut5,t4c. perlb.; 1U0 Kentucky shoop, weight 1)5 lbs. por head, ut tic. por lb.; til Stuto sheep, w iglit 7r> lot. per bond, at lie. por lb.: 35 Stuto slicop, weight 04 lbs. por boad. at <>,',c. por lb ; 163 .stuto shoop, weight 101 ins. per head, at $t. 70 per u'wt.; 481 Stale snoop, weight 130 lbs. per liesd. at 7c. por In.; 0.5 Kentucky lambs, weight 51 lbs. per bond at 8c. Per lb.; 373 Kentucky Iambs, weight 5d lbs por baud, ut 8,'4c. por lb.; 301 Kentacuv lumbs, weight 57 lbs. nor i cud ut 8}^c. per lb., sjln lor week ending May 4, 1378, 4.433 sheep utid lumbs at 35 07 uvcrsge por bead. Itnvls A ilalleiihock sold O'J slinru Obiu sheep, weight 81 lbs. pur bend, at .-4 05 por cwt. ; 03 shorn Ohio sheep, weight 83 lbs. per head, at 5c. por lb.; 107 shorn obiu sboep. weight 105 lbs. per heud, ut ;5'4e. per lb.; 3U0 shorn ulilu sliecp, weight 103 lbs. por bond, ut $ > 30 pur cwt.; 83 State sheep, weight 83 lbs. per bond, at dtju. per lu.; 05 State sheep, weight 83 lbs. per uead ut 6>a?- par lb.: 25 blute sheep weight 114 lus. her bead, at 0>^c. por lb ; 51 State alieeu, weight 05 lha per head, at 0?4c. por |h. ; 58 yearlings, weight 05 lbs. por head, at 7o. per 111. Sold lor week ending May 4,1878,2,782 cheep und lumbs at $li 20 nverngo per bond. Mil.) II COWS,?Ho sales reported. Vkaps ami Calvks--Trade slow but steady; qu-.Uty gen erally interior; prices, 4a a Oc. por lb. 110(5).?There wore no live hugs on sale. DOMESTIC MARKETS. Ualykston. May 0. 1878. Cotton qulot; middling, lO.^c.; low middling, O&c. ; good ordinary, s^.c. Net receipt*, HI bale*. Sale*, 1.024. Stock, 27,140. NkW Oui.kans. Muy 0, 1878. Cutton quiat; middling. 10'4c.; low middling, t'3,c.; good ordinary, HJjc. Net rec.'ipu. 1,805 bale*; gro.a, 2,248. Exports to ore at Britain. 7.2UU dale*, 2,500. Stock. 147,105. Monibit, May 0. 1878. Cotton quiot and easy; middling. ; low middling. 0:.; good ordinary. H,'4c. Nut roceipt.. 470 bales. fcxuort. coastwise. 31. Salea. SOU Stock, 18,828. Savannah. May 6. 1878. Cotton easy; middling, UJac.: low middling. u>4o.; good ordinary. 8>?o. Net receipt*. 4*11 bales. Exports Coast wise, 100. bnlaa, 000. Stock, 1U,2I2. Ciiaulkstox, May 0. 187a Cotton btoady; middling. lO.'-jc.; low middling, l?J4c. a li;?c.; good ordinary. Ho. Not receipts, 47.t bales. Exports coastwise, 1,075. Salaa, 500. Stock, 4,003. WTlminoton, N. 0 . Muy 0, 1878. Spirits turpentine firm at 2<tc. Koaiti quiet at 91 25 for atralnvd; crudo tui|icntluc steady nt VI tor tikid. VI 75 for yellow dip, VI 75 a V2 for virgin. Tar atoirdy nt VI 05. Oatrxuo. MnyO. 187a Flour urn-hanged. Salea 1,400 bbla. Wheat uaaior for aprlug; while Stato.Vl 38; red do., VI 34; No. 1 Milwaukee club, VI 00; Ouluth clnb, cl 31. Corn ateady: sales tbrco cara Statu at 60c.; old mixed Weaturn liuld at 5Hc.; new do., 50u. (rata quiet; wlilto Statu, 30c. Hurley quiat; No. 1 Canada hold at 70c. a 77c.: No. 2 do.. 72c. Corn meal and milllued unchanged. Canal freight* higlier on gruiu ; wheat and poua, 5o ; corn and ryo. 4h,c.; burluy, 4e. to Al bany; lumber,$1 70 to Albany; V J 25 to New Vork. Ito ceipta ? Vt bout. 0o,<X)'J bushels; barley, 10,000 do.; rye, 25,000 do.; lulu nor. 2.181.0U0 leol. shipments? Flour, 1,200 bbla.; ryo, 8,000 bushels; lumber. <103,000 tout. llurrALo, MayU, 1878. Flour quiet; salea 7'K) bbla.: city ground No. 1 miring, $5 75 a 80 25: No. 2 do.. V5 2ft a f5 75; amber, 8U 5o a V7; wlilto winter, $d 75 a V7 2j; new process. V8 a Vm 50; rya, VO 75 a VI; Western No. 1 spring. V5 5> a fto 25. No. 2 aprlng, V? a V5 OO; liakura', Vd a Vt> 50; air. oer, V8 25 a SO 50; white winter. $0 ?><? a >7; new proceaa, $7 75 a V'l 75. Wheal dull; aalea Hoo hu.Jiol. No. 2 M ilwnnkeo cluh at VI 30. C ruin light demand;* 1(1,000 huaheli No. 2 at 47c. Harley quiet; anion 5UU buahela two-roa ail Sluts on track at 52,'|U lt>o inactive, lllgliwinca steady; aalea 2o hhla. at VI tki a V> OS lur city made. Other articles un changed Kail roan Irelghla .toady ; wheal. He.; corn, 7>^c.; uata, ftc Ua.ial Irelghla unchanged; wheel, SJjc.; ceru, an J rye, He.; oati. 4c. itccclple liy rail- 4 Voo libla. Hour, 38 HOT hualiela wheat, .Si,-o i do. corn, 20,000 do. oata, 7,800do nerley, ft,'2UU do. ryo. Hrruipta by lake ?I.5H-I lilila. Hour. 41>H,0:id buahela wheat. 3igJ.tl74 do. corn, 77.<aK> do. oata, .>4.20) do. rye. sltipmoula by rail?4,t>4'l bbla. Hour. 57,8110 bushel. whaat, 82.500 do. corn. 2J,4<*> do oa>a, 7,IP JO do. hurley. 5.200 do, rye. sbipmeuta by caual to tide water? 200.30J buahela wheat, 10 J.4AI do. com, 14.7l<4 do, ryo. DkTHoiT. May <1. 1878. Flour ateady and unchanged. Wheat ateady; extra white Michigan, >1 0o>4; No. 1 no., VI 28\ Corn lower, with Very limited demaud; No. 1 mixta ulforad at 43c. U..ta lower; U<> -alee of No. 1 while; aaiea of No. 1 mixed at 2'dac. (Tov.raeod quiat; held a. VI a SI 05. Kccclpts ? Flour. 2,80b bbla.; about, 10,000 hu.lmla; corn, 1.00O uo.; oata, 2.0'*i dj. Hlilpmciita-Flour, l.omi bbla.; wheat, lil.Ot/J buabuli; corn, 7'JO do.; oata, 3,4' >0 do. loi.i i.o. May il, 1878. Wheutdull; extra while Michigan. VI 00; amber Mlehi gan, ap?l. $1 2tiH; aoller Juno, VI 2814; No. 2 rod winter, spot, VI 22 '4 ; aoilui May. VI 22'.; do J uuo, VI 24Ja; No. 0 Imyiu alio .hieing in. red, VI 14; rejected Wahaan, VI "Ot do. t.nkn shore, VI 07- Coin quiet; high mixed. 40'4e.; No. X apot 40c.; ?allar June, t.iSie , hiu. do. July, 44;'4e.; No. 2. white. 40c . naiiiagod. 07\c. Hye. No. 2, Wc. dull: No. 2, 28<2c Cluturaecil dull; priiuo >4 "5. lie eoipls?Wheal, OiI.OjO buahela; corn, 40.KX) do.; o its. "2,uuu du shipments - Wheat, 14.IXJ0buahola; doru, ll.taay do. Maikota cluaud : Wheat dull: No. 2 red wintor. apot, VI 22.'J; >111110, VI 24'4. Corn dull; No. 2, June, 40'*t.; July, 4l,\e.; rejected, 4l;4c. Oata-No. 2, 2sJ4c CINCINNATI. May 0. 1878. Flour dull; family, V5 a #il 25. Wheal quiet; rod. VI 12 a VI 18. Curu oaaler n| 42c a 40c. Oat. quirt, hut aieady, at 27c. a 0O?. ilye dull aud nominal at title, a tile. Ilar ley guiot and unubungod. Fork llini and In fair demand hi v.i. I.ard hrm mid In lair d iiiamt; ateam. 7c?; cui rent. He. a lltKJ; aettlu, 7v4c. a 7)?. Riilltmcata quiet, hut hi in, at 0\c. a 4?,c. and oe tor sboiildtrs clear rib and cloar sides. Bacon quiet, but llrm. at l',c. a 4'4c . 5<4c a li',c. iind i',c a 5\c for abualdera, cioar rib ami clear .lies Whlaaoy a.rung nt VI OO. liuttvr ateady and In lair demand; fancy cieaiuery, 22c. a 20c.; tirimo to choice dairy. 14c. a 18c Sugar quiet; hurtle, loo a IO;,c.; A Wnlle, U^,c. a llJtr,; New Oilcan*. 7c. a s^.e ho,? dull; common, V2 51 a fl!. light, #0 10 n \l au; pack lug, V-1 20 a VI 35; butcher*. V 05 a V'l 45; leoolpta, l,tPJ0 head; alilpiucnta. 1,072. t'liii'AhO, May6. 187* Flour ateady. with a fair 'lemand; apriuc exlrna, Vl 50 a fr> 2 n woatcrn oxtraa, 5-1 .'iO a V5 .'KJ; Jl uiit do., fl 75 a >11 5H. patent-. V OOnfH. aiioerflnca. V2 7 > a V4; winter e Ira*. V5 a V 5n. Wheat lairly active an I a *lia>ln higher; No. I I'aiiag.p aprlng.,VI 12'* a VI 10; No. 2do.,VI 11'? hid. caalit V< 11 'A n llh. Mav; VI >?ta a ?l OH. Juno; VI 'klja> July ; No. 0 do., #1 i*ljt a VI u7. tcj -cled, i Oe I'orn lairly active nod a ? iado higher; 4'ic. a 40k,e., caah anil May { 40'4c a 4oJ?e., June. 41'yc. a 41 1 ,c.. J uly . re jected, 07c a 07'4c. Oata in good demand mid a htnole Ulglicr; 2H},c . caah; 2H<tC. a 2H're? May: 2iO,,e . J tie; riiectod, 24<h Kye ateady iimi iiiiuhanced Harley Urmur at 4lie. Foia una'ttlcil, hut g> nor ally lilitlier; V8 56. a V8 UO eaah ; V8 U7)4 a Vs 70, Juno; Vs 87>,. Ju v. ateady, with a 'an ilelnnlidi yo lO a VH l'> M caah ; V7 n V7 'h!Juno ; J7 07'a . July, 9< I'V llulkuiuiia ateady and unchanged. Alcohol dull and lower at 32c. a 02<4c. Win*key, VI "4. lteceinta?Flour, IO.ihiO tihlt.; wheat, 117.'am buahela; corn, 218,000 do.: oata, U5.0U0 do ; ryo. 2,oaldo.; harluy . 3-l.laai dm Shipment* Flour, 7 5' hi hbla.: wheat. Ils.iaai luahioa, corn. 40il.iaai no. t oata, HH.i tai de ; rye, H20 do ; harley, 4,tea) do. At the clnae, "".eel tiroiigar: VI ll>a. May; VI Oil hid, June, (torn firmer, hut not quntahly hi her. Oata ateady and nn oli.incod. Fork nil r; VH nO, June; fn 80 July. Lard oaaler, but nut quolabi/ lower. MINTING CLOTHS MARKET. Pnovitiklfi'E. ft. I.. May H. 1878 The markot for printing ointlia combined quiet, with light triiiiaeclloii*; buyer* offer 0Ja'c. and holder, generally aak ajjd. BUTTER AND CHEK8E MARKET. Littlr FfttU, N. V., May H, 1878. 1 he clieean markot ahuwed a downward tendency today and a deoreaaml ileniand. Mnnr of the olferlug* did not anil. I'rlcea ranged from loi.c. to 1114c.. the rnllug II-urea being lie. a il'.,c.;the puce nil all gr-ilea waa ',c. a le. lower than a week ago. Farm elieeae br.mglit He. a Inc. II utter, I He a 20o. per III., a llllie going fur 21c. a 22e. HAVANA MARKET. Uavana, May 6, 1878. Market quotations unchanged. EUROPEAN MARKETS. COMMERCIAL. l.irKurooi., May 0?0 P. M, Cotton ?Fntnrr* dull, hut atek ly. l'r iduco-spliila ul turpentine. 23a. per cwt. Loxnox, Mar H?0 :30 I". M. Produce?Spirit* of turpentine, 22*. I'd a 23i. per owl, Kxw ton* rnoiiuvg mchaim* iicpoht. LivkKPOOL. May 0,1878. Pork -Faetera dull at 50*., Wealrrn dull at 47a. Bacon? Cumberland cut dull at 27. "it, Iftall rtn dull at 27*. 0d? 1 dig cloar dull at 20a, ahort clear dull at 27.. Ham.? Long i ut dull at 36*. shoultieia dull at 21a. B.-of? 1)1 It la in aa dull at 88*, extra ?f? dull at I'?.,, prune mote dull nt 7V>*. Lard?Prime Wettern dull at 30a Od. Tmiow?l'rliua city dull at 34a Od. Turgob A. tin*?Spirits <taU *1 28*. fld. Rosin?Common dull il .'is., tins ilnll ul 10s. Cheeae?American choice steodr at <14*. Lard oil dull at 4D*. Flour -Extra State duU nt 20s. Wheat?1L?. 1 s|H'iny dull ul l<>?. Ud.: No. 2 do. dull ut lOd. cd. -. winter dm st lis. 'i-l Corn ? Mixed soft steady nt 27s. till, tor oi l unit steady ?t Ms 04. for now. Cotton seed oil?Yullow Amerleau n nio in market. Receipts ? lor week Irom Atlantic ports. 22,000 quarters; do. Pacific ports. 24,750 do.: do. from other sources, 1,800 do. | receipts of corn, 52.UIJO do. BliAZILIAN COFFEE MARKET. 11 to Jankibo, May 4. 1878. Coffee market uutmnted; priors Ilnu good first*. ?. 1(*) rris a 0.250 rois per 10 kilos. Exchange on Loudon, 23'i'd. Santos, May 4, 1878. Coffee market animated; prices lirtn; superior Sautoa. 5.2U0 reis a 5,400 reis per IP kilos. FINANCIAL. A'""f "i'liAStJXAML h it ATE S- MONhV ~0M QWU~a8d Endowment Insurance Policies and Mortgages: same bought; Insurance of all kinds effected with host companies at lowest premiums J. J. HABRIUH A CO. REMOVED TO 1?5 ASD 107 BROADWAY. ONE DOOR BELOW OORTLANDT ST. ^ -E. W. TODD * CO.. STOCK BROKERS. No. 70 Broadway and No. 44 Broad st., New York, and No. 200 Montague at, Brooklyn. We buy und sull all active Stocks, at New York Stock Exchange prices. In lot* of from ?"> to 11X1 share* on a margin of 1 per cent. DvTnCEn" 'ON FUBRCTUkB, MANOR 4a, I# stored at advertiser's warehouses. Address STORAGE, station <J. New York city. -DETKi lit AND MILWAUKEE RAILROAD Bonds wanted. EDWARD 0. KOX 4 CO.. 5 Wall st. LADY WISHES TO MEET WITH A GENTLEMAN ol respectability to help her out with a few hundred dolnir* on chattel mortgage. Addrest X. H., box 207 Herald oil!:e. " \ DVANOBS" ON PIANOS. FURNITURE, 40.-103 A West 33tl st., west ofOth uv. (storage office), without bonus. wTbow lady desires the loan of $200 in exchange for handsome Rooms and Board. IOLA, box 121 Unri.ld Uptown office. JflSTATK WILL LOAN 8150,000 FIRST CLASS 01 rY [/Property, C per cent, five years. Address ATTORNEY, station U. IaIAVAYs" HAVE HONEY TO LOAN ON MOKT gage New York City Property: City Railroad Stocks aui Bouds bought and sold. 11. L. GRANT, 145 Broadway. Office of obasb a"JcnciNs, bankers, " No. IS Bkoad St., ) Nkw York, May 2. 1878. I By request of several holdors of Michigan Central Rail, road si nek we aro receiving proxies, to be tendered to Mr. W. 11. Vuu'lurbili tor use >,t the coming election for direc tors. to be held next month, and we shall be pleased to furnish blank proxies upon application. SOUTHERN RAIL GAD OF LONG IsLAND.?PAR ties holding first mortgage sinking fund bonds of the South Side Railroad of Long Island and those holding mortgage bonds of the Southern Rallrond are invited to attend u meeting, to be held Wednesday, May 8, 1S7S. at 1 1*. M.. at No. 141 Broadway, near office of tt)e Uebhard Fire Insurance Company, to devise soma plan tor funding the said h nids nmi reorganizing tho road aud placing the samo upon a solid basis th realtor. BONDHOLDER, rilUE NAbHAU bank" ' * ' A Nkw York. May 2. 1878. A semi-annual dividend of two and one-half per cent, free Irom tax. was this day declared out of tho profits of the last six mouths, piiyithlo on and after May 10. Tritnsier books closed until May 11. W. B. ROGERS, Cashier. The undersigned solicits "bids for iff Bonds, ^l.lJU.) each, October, 1877. coupons attached, is-ticd by Town Lewlston, Niagara county. N. Y.. and Aid Luke Ontario Shoro Kuilroiid; principal payable 1881; bids for whole or any part will b? received to 15th iust. RICHARD M. RENT Receive*. Now Amstordum Savings Bank, New York city. tlfhiwf WANTED ON CHATTEL MORTGAGE ON qptJUU Furniture In this city. Address G. W., Herald Uptown office. A (inil WANTED-HEYEN PER CENT; SECURITY ?P7tsl/Uvvalued 820.000; details ut Interview; no agents. GEO. B. ELLF.RY.22tt Broadway. Sfi nnn" ?uwiwT w a nt ed on lots near ?iUv)*UUUCentral Park. Address J. A., box 241 Herald office. ^ nnn wanted-ON kiimt class new qp'JsJ.U\JUYork city itunioved Property, Bve years, at il per cent. Nono but principals need call at room 18 Evening l'ost Building, from 11 to 2 o'clock. |TtTH~aTwl to loan "on real estate in iplfJOiUUUililii citv (U per cent), Brooklyn, Williams burg or Greenpolnt. JOHN D. CONREY, 104 Broadway. N. COPARTYGR^lBlP^ ~~ ISM iLUTToN' OF COPA RTNER.--M l 1'7?J USERHINE Daniels and Timothy Sullivan, moat and vegetables, 484 Pearl at. dissolved partnership, Timothy dullivan tak ing sole charge of tho businoss. JOSEPHINE DANIELS. Nkw York, May 6. 1878. TIMOTHY SULLIVAN. iTw York, may i, 1878. _ James ?. Butler retires Irom the firm of Butler A But ter 11 o111 and after this date. Either partv may sign la liquidation. E. K. BUTLER. J AN. W. KUTTKR. E. R. Butler will continue the bnsinass ef the late firm, Butlor 4 Kutter, under same stylo aud name as horclotoro. E. R. BUTLER. 1~The COPARTNERSHIP HERETUFORE EXISTING between the undersigned, nnder the firm name of Yueng llug 4 Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Kyerson having transferred his Interest in said firm to Messrs. Yucngling 4 Tuck -r, who will continue the busi ness under lbo same firm name. They alone will sign In liquidation. Dated Ni.w Yalta, May 0,1878. DAVID G. YCKNGLINO. JR., WILLIAM T. KYERSON, OH AS. A. TUCKER. ' THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXI8TINO betwo n the undersigned, under the flrui name of Kyer* son 4 Ytieiigllag. is this day dissolved by mutual content, Mr. lfyer-on having transterred his interest in said firm tm Mr. Yiiuiigllng. The lattor only will slgu In liquidation. Dated Nkw York, the Uth day of May, 1878. WILLIAM. T. KYERSON, DAVID G. YUENGL1NG, JR. The firm of kykkson a yuknglino having bo -n dissolved l>y the withdrawal of Mr. Ryerson, Mr, Charles A. Tucker takes his place, and the business win ba continued by ibe undersigned under the firm name of Yuoiigllng 4 Co. Dated Nkw York, May 6.1878. ? DAVID (1. YUENOLlNG.JR., CIIA8. A. TUCKER. |i(SI\K-?> Kl'I'OlirtM 1'1K>. MILLINER OK EXI'KKI KNCK. UAVINli NICELY furnish d first floor on ono of ttie leading avenues. In I good neighborhood. would Ilka to moot a partner who could influence some trade and Have small capital to start Willi Apmy 73 Hlh av..first floor. WHOLESALE BURINKXfl, IN KILL AND 8UO eess.'ul operation, constantly growing, for $3,000: yon ulno and legitimate; give lull address. BAIiOAlK, 231 llorald ofllce. \R0SINK8S MAN WISHES TO RKI'RES BNT HOM K New York inanulacturer at all points on tbe Hudson Hirer. Address K. W., Herald Philadelphia Branch. M hN<lAUBDlN~AN nl'TUiHiR MOXkV" MaKINO enterprise. In which there Is $NO,OuO clear this sutnmor; want a partner with $2.IXIU additional capital and bla un divided time to help manage; unquestionable proofs shown. Applicants address $.10,0 Xi, llerald Uptown. HALT INTEREST-"IN HSIWHLISnBD STORAftR and Furniture Itusiueas; to guod man reasonable terms. Apply LLOYD'S, 4 AmSm"ohNTLKman. wlitTi 12,000, dbhiheh partner with IUo amount; fl'i Or) net cash prollt a year a cer tainty ; no riasa. no liabilities. Only those meaning busi ness call ?t 2D4 Broadway, room 0. NY Flit if WISIHN?J EL LIES ANI) PRESERVED Krults of all kind* made to order for tbe coming season, l>v an ul I. experienced hand tl'runcb), address TOM It. W ILLIAMS, Herald othco. C* iolokaho" stock raisinh. 2The subscriber having secured In Southern Colorado tha largest and host located Cattle Kancbe In America, with ll.'HHi head of American Cattle now on it. proposes to In crease the herd to twenty thousand head, and now olTerato nontlemeii or means an opportunity for an investment with out rl.k and with a certain prollt or thirty per cent or mora per annum, beside* material Increase in mo value of the land every your. Fur circulars containing full particulars address DAVID W. Ml Kli WOOD. Bridgeport. Conn. (10AL AND WOOD HIJH1N ESS.?$**) "TO fl.tW)'??" Genres half Interest In old stand and another yard I have In view; capital fnlly secured: tn .nor required to All families'. Institutions' and manufacturers' orders this summer; an incomo of Rj 'K)0 yearly cnu he realised; ref crentss. IM M h DlA IE. b 1.17 Herald Cpiown ofllce CHIOAL AND UlCNKKM. I KICK AND EXPRESS J Hnslttos* loinhluoil.?Wanted, a partnor, with a capital. In the anove ; established 14 years. I,2."i2 .'Id av. you nalk-.w inti.uest~Tn~a"*wkll Btrxk r lish. d newspaper, published In Nea-York sitr; relets encrs given and required. Address JOliK.NAL, 233 Herald ofllce, yotT -Tale," *x<Jhanoe""or" would takk a F Partner, for one of ttie heat I'ateuts out; no agents, 4'-all on or address J. N I) , HU Bridge St., Brooklyn, N. Y. /NXAND BOl LkVAltD I1UTkL~ Fll UNIHIlMl, TO VTlense, Broadway,f'-'ith St.. Cantral I'ark; full gnesla* 1D\ ? ||,lllIhataam quoee. Is a down rotv.s msffaotlrind businbsh Wantvd, an esooclate with /l 'l.tll I to replace deceased part nor; honse established toveral years, and goods have the best ropulatton, with growing demand. Apply ORUAUM A t'Altl ETON, let Broadway. /"tlrARl7. t:!trsllINH-ao Tcfloo tonso f qi artz Wrnck to he erushsil. Parties having snltahle machinery n-Ay apply to II. J. RICHARDSON. 2Ui Kast 334 at . New York where samples of the ore can b- seen. 1)1 LIABLE (IKN FlKMAN. WITH Hl.noil, cVn JWsrcura Interest in substantlel business; proflts enor mous. Call I'M West 23-1. \\* AS IK I) A PARTNER, Wiril FROM ffNOU TO ' ? ?!,') D, In ? long ustahllshed. well paying, light manu facturing husiuesa, to manage the flnaocial and retailing p .rt ot II. Address MANtFaOTUKKK, llerald Uptown ofllg I. WHITa nTk77-1 A~P A RTY ~ WIT ft 'Ski TO fft.OOQ fo ? take an interest In an established huMuess. wholesale and retail; nun wno understands bookkeeping preferred; flrst clam reference required end given. Address box 221# It- i aid ollioa, lor particular!. WAN IKD-fHsi,uuu TO rs VMoT IN ~A~MAN UTAC ft tnnng bu-lness, strictly . ash; no risk and always In For particulars sddross FRANK ButVitRN. Baltimore, Mrt, - PARTY wanted 'with THIR aMuL'NT ????'),to redeem valuable Diamonds, Oold Watch, r Camel's If Mir Shawl, In pawn; worth ptUO; wilt dlvitU over amount redeeming them naRDOC', llerald office. jT'TlUl PARTNER WANTED. I'D ATTEND OH PICK t#f? 1-MJ,duties; established cash brokerage business; guarantee fhO each weekly nroIR, with toetlrlty. Partlett firs with Si: IIBOEDER, 2 Clinton place. O 1 ill ill ?PARTNER WANTED." IN PLKaSANt". 'Icl.v/sfs f .well established rash business ; can be greatly dxlendod with tho right party. Room 3, 00 i 'oriland'. st. JUDGE llOiUNBON ILL. la ibe ml let ol a tortious argument Id the ComaoR l'luaa, General Term, yonlerrtnjr, Judge Robinson, who, together with Judges Daly and L trremore, woa presiding in Hint court, suddenly dropped Irom HU chair iu ? IH ot vertigo. He was at once borne Intra the court room nnd medical aid sought. The un expected event caused a great commotion In tbe court room and it wan some qms before the builuoai ol IDA day wen resumed.