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THE NEW YORK HERALD WHOLE NO. 15,237. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1S7S.-WITH SUPPLEMENT. PRICE THREE CENTS DIHI CTOUY FOIl ADVEKTISEllS. HERALD BRANCH OFPIOB. J OPEN D.iY AND NKJHT FOR RECEPTION OP ADVERTISEMENTS AND SALES OP PAPERS. AMUSEMENTS?2d Page?l?t nnd2d cola. AHTIQLOOX?'7lB PAUK-Oth col. BILLIARDS?2i> Pauk?4th col. ... , BOARDERS W a NTKD?2d Page?3d And 4th cola. Board and lodging wanted?2d Pag*?4tUeoi. Brooklyn real Estate for sale?in PAo*-?th col. business opportunities-ata p?o?. BUSINESS NOTICES Nth Pauk?otli col. OITV HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE?1st PAGK-Olb col. CLr.KKS AND S \ LESM EN-7th I'auh?24 col. CLOTH I NO?7th Pags?4th col. _ COACHMEN AND GARDENKKS?7tu Pagb?3d and 3d COAST WISE STEAMSHIPS?7th Pagk?5th and Gth cola. ? OPART NEHSHIPS-Btii Pag*. COUNTRY BOARD?2d 1'agk?4th eoL DANCING ACADEMIES?2d 1'agk?2d col. DRY GOODS?1st Pauk?5th coL __ DWELLING UOUsBn to let, furnished and UN rU KMs 11EU?2j> Pauk?3d col. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?7th Pagk-SIR col. EUROPE?5th PAGa ?otli and tit It cola. EYES AND EARS ?Till PaG??6th col. EXCURSIONS?7tii PAGK-Ocb out. FIN ANcIAL-WTii Pauk. For SALl-?1st Pauk? Mh col. furnished rooms and apartments to let?2d Pauk?34 col. FURN11 U RE.?2D Pauk?3d col. HELP WANTED?FEMALES?7th Pag*?2d col. help wasted-males?'7thPAO*-adcol. HOUSES, CARRIAGES. AC. -1st Pag*?4tn and 5th cola. IloiKLS?2D l'AUK?4th col. HOUSES. ROOMS, AO.. WANTED?2d Pac*-3d col. INSTRUCTION?2D 1'agk-2d col. JERSEY CITY, HoBuKEN. HUDSON CITY AND BER. GEN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-lST Page-Oth col, LOST AND POUND?1st Pauk?2d col. Machinery?ikt Pagh?5th coi. SlARHLE MAN'IELS-7*u Pack?ctu col. MEDICAL? 7tii Pagk-MiIi ool. M ISCE LLANKUUs aD V EKTlSEMENTS-lOlIt PAGH - Oth col. NEW PUBLICATIONS?Oth PAGJt-Otheol. PERSONAL?1st Pauk? l?t col. 1'OdT OFFICE NOTICE?1st Pack-5th col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 7th 1'agk?2d coU PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RKN I'?1st Pagk?Rtn col REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?1st Pagk-6th eol. REAL ESTATE WANTED?1st PAUK-Oth coL RELIGIOUS NOl'lCEs?1st 1'agk?1st and 2d cols. removals?1st Pag* rttti col. SALES AT AUCTION?7tu Page?3d and 4th cola, SITUATIONS WaNTED-FEMaLLs?7th PAGK-llt aod 2d cola. SITUATIONS wanted?MALES?7th PAGK-2dcoL SPECIAL NOTICES?1st Pauk?2d and 3d cols. STORAGE? lar 1'agk?6th col. SUMMER RESORTS?2l> Pauk?4th OOL THE TRADES- 7th Pagk?3d col. THE TURF?Hit Pagk?4th col. TO LET FOR 11U- IN ESS PURPOSES?2d Pack?3d col. TRAVELLERS' OUIDK-7TH 1'AUK-ttth col. UNFURNISHED ltOOMs AND APARTMENTS TO LET?2d Pagk?3d col WATCHES. JEWELRY. AC.-7TH PAGK-6th col. WEsICUEhTEK COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR To LET?1st Pagk -Oth col. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS, AC.?10th PAGK-Oth col. B PEKKOSAU. BLACK-BU'siNESS PREVENTS MEBTIH5 BATUl drty. Has "lather'* gone t Will telegruoh future up polntmentr, signing *a atrtufsd WHITE. Oil l-.B.?CANNOT GET AT IB K A PPOI N'lED place till 7 Sunday evening. DENNIS. IINDC) BROS. WILL UiVE fiIK LADY 4400 FOR JHiamona Cluster Earrings offered to tliera yesterday. ORPHAN -COULD NOT MEET YOU AS PROMISED, but will be at name place, with same sign, at 2:45. Sat urday afternoon. ANXIETY. f|lUE ADDRESS OF MARY QARKOWAY. LATELY J. residing in Yorkville, Is wanted by a trlend Just arrived from Srotlsnd. Address J. J., box 2:13 Herald eltico. KtTXHAPPY HUSBAND" -IF YOU COME IMMEDI U aielv to your owu little one nothing: will ever be Ilave not seen uuy one, excepting our friend at 22: he dots uot know about tbo affair. I go back soon, but cauuol until 1 Hour I rum you. bo write to me at onco, to tbo care of our friend at 22. "PLEADING BLUE EYKa." WILL T11K LADY DK ESS KD IN BLACK WHO RKC ugiilseil the gentleman as he left the Elevated train at Mortis st., Friday morning, about D:?U, lavor him with her acquaintance? Give some particulars to avoid mistake. O W. Tol I, Herald Uptown otllco. ft V"oUEK RECEIVED-WILL DO As YOU WISH;" X do write noun; 1 am worried about you; find another leti?*r, station A. Saturday afternoon or Monday. Address J. VIS(jK>' 1' FisNOliiNKY, I'uat ottico. KKIstUIOUS flOTlCKm AlEfiRTAif i'K w PKRAN'cE UrfloCto'dftPttKliTsit* XAtute, Sunday, 31". M.?Mae* mooting to rejolco in defeat of Ilolnhan's Excise bill. Professor William Mason Krnns it ml other speakers. M iss En Croix will sing " I he Anpoal ot the Drunkard's Child," W.M. II. MliNDY, President. TTKl.SllY BU'TiST CHURCH. 55TH ST.. NEAR Lexington iv.?Dr. Simmons, ll A. M., and to YOUNG M F,N in evening. Blbln reliooU 3 P. M. T" WASiUNlVioN SqUARR MKT'UODIST KP1BCO pal Church. her. Dr. tung, pastor. .uorulng subject, no Flowers Appear on thu Earth." Evening, "Hasbuud* end F'atbers." strangers welcome. At AT TlllliTY-FOUKTll ST It it KT KKKDItMKI) CHURCH. Rev. Carlos Martin proarhes at 10:90 and 7 :30. Even* Inc. third ol serine on undent worthies, "Joe-ph, the Secret of Success in Life." LmISS nTXdU. ~ HIIDIIlAir INsF 1 RATIONAL ? speaker, lucliirns for First Society Spiritualists 10>4 A M.. 7'a 1*. M.. 65 West 33d ?t. Seats Iree. Children's lyceutu. '-!<% P. M. T STAN 11IN STREET llAt'TISf CHURCH. STAN ton, between Chrystlo and I*orsyth sts ?Samuel J. Knspp, l'ostor. At lb -10 A. M. and 7:46 P. M. All are Invited. r the BROOKLYN TaBKRNACLK Rev T. lie Witt Talmage, D. D.. will preach . unday morning. 10:30, and evening. 7:3 1. Subject A. .M.?"Ilow to Make the Best ol Everything." AT GRAND UNION HALL. 461 7TII AV., ABOVE 34th *t.. i-nndny, 10:3H Mr. John l>. Griffin will proHeh, snd 7 bio llev. W liliaiu tlumpetorie, ou "Why Are You Not Dlirtsllun f" Gospel temperance meeting, 3:30; singing t>v W. W. Bontley and ottorua. AT WILLKTT 8TKBKT METHODIST CHURCH preaching sunduy. by Pastor Seartes. 10)4; 7)4 on ''What is Death in Jtespect to Its Kxporlouce t" strangers eordta'ly Invited. ALANSON METHODIST BPL-CDPAL CHURCH. NO It folk st.. near Grand.?Preaching 10:30 by Hev. J. L peck. presiding elder; 7 :45. "Tlte Teaehlagsot Penteeoet." AT OHICKKRIXG HALL, BTH aV.. CORKER mm st.?U nlon Gospel services.?dev. Samuel Colcnrd will prcncli ot 3:90, Sunday alteruoon. Subject?"The Word of God." singing by the great choir. Heats Iree. Ever} body wclcr me. AM BRIO AN BLUE RIBBON TEMPEKANUR UNION Mess Meeting at Tammany Hnll, Sunday, 3 o'clock, speakers. Rev. Dr. J. P. Newman and Edward S. Carswrll. Programme to morrow. A .M. H, At FLECK, President. Emma Oatks Coxklix, Correspnndiug secretary. BLBECKER STREET UNIVERSALIS!' CHURCH I he pallor. Rev. h. C Sweetscr, will preseh, to-mnrrow morning and evening, at I11:45 ml 7 ?45 o'clock: morning subject?"The Old Men and the New.Man;" evening sub ject?'Ovureonilug Evil," u temperance sermon, <'|JIUUI1T SIDE OP LIKE IN LIHIIY PiUeUll."? .JJI,?cture by Chaplain C. 0. McCabe, Monday, Mnr 13, 9l Hi'. M., in the Washington square Metbodlst Episcopal Cbarcli. Tickets, 35 cents. For sale at Pond's music ?tore, No. 35 Union squire; No. 3?4 4th av. and lit the door. tll'NTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH, WEST 43D ST.. RRV. / Dr. Ilerr pastor.?Proacblug rourning and evening, (strangers welcome. t\ IIICK E1U N'l IIA I.Is. IW. II. GUERNSEY Mensger SUNDAY. MAY 13. Rev W J. COGUKHIIaLL. formally an elder In the Mormon Church, will deliver a Lecture on the "CURSE OF UTAH." Doors open 7:3tX Cotninonoe at 8 o'clock. General admission 50 cents. Reserved otcbestra 76 cents. tlKNTKAL I'RESHYTEKIAN CHUIICH, MTH ST., /near Broadway. Hev. J. D. Wilson, pastor.-Services at in SO A. M. : evening service In the new chapel, on 57th SI., at 7 ?:?> o'clock. There will bo a service ot sacred song (ram 7 to 7ti<> o'clock P. IE, led by Mr. L. P. Tliaichrr. Sabbath schawl at 3 :SO P. M. /THRIsT CHURCH, 5TM AV. AND 88TII ST.. KEY. l_/Dr. hhlpman, rector.?servicoe at 10:30 A. M. end 7 :'ki ) M.: children at 8:30 P. M. i 111UIII'II OF TDK ASCENSION, CORNER OF 5TII V 'av. and I'>th St. Tbe llrst semi centennial celebration 01 the haunting ot tbo Cburrh ol the Ascension, wlileh was postponed last .Sunday, will take n'ace on Sunday next. Slay 13. An historical dlvotirsu will be delivered by the rector, f lie Hev. John Cotton Smith, It. II. The service will bo at 11 A. M. A aniens -Stewart Brown, Frederic lle lVystcr Vestrymen ? Frederic G. Kdjlrf, Francis I/eland, iames M. Brown, Daniel F. A|>pl"lon, William K. I.nthrop, Lloyd Asplnwall. J. II ilautier. Fred. W. Kninelamler. ft ANAL HTKKKT PRKSBYTKRl AN CHURCH. IN Lv Greece st. near Canal ?Rev. Alexander MoKelvcy, raster, services at IO:3o A. M, and 4 P. M. Sabbath school at 3:3H P. M. All weloonta. DR. FOWLER. EDITOR OF t HKtsTlAN ADVOOATB, will preach In St I.tike's Methodist Episcopal Church, 4l>t St.. nesr 8th av.. Sunday morning at 10)4 o'e.iock and evening at C ime and hear. __ i/hiist kkpokmed episcopalcHuiicn, Madison fay and 55th ?l ? Heryleea, II A. M. and 7146 P. M, | hev. A H. .MenIII?.>n. D D., will preach In the morning end Bishop Cheney, of Cbidago, lu the evening. J'RF.H EPISCOPAL CHURCH OP THE RKCONCIL1A 1 uen 313 Bast Flat St., boar 3d av.?Service and sermon v Rev. E. S Wlddetncr, at 10:99 A M. and 7;.'I0 P. M. eundaa solteol atA M Cordial welcome to all. vTfTIT AVENUE BAPTIST CHUHUIi. 48TH ST.-DR. U Ainiliiive, pastor, will preach, morning, lOi.'M), "Hhall We i.icegnlne Our Friends In Heaven U' Evening, 7 :3o, ??III" Healing Waters." _________________ t'l'IK II A I' I IS I CIIUKOjl, 36TII ST.. BKTWERN P 7 i |i slid "ill a vs. Itov. .4. L llowell will preach at p iuA. M - ?"Endowment of power," and at 7:t5 P. M.. ??I i'n iifss nl Believers" All welcome. /I RACK CHAPEL. 14TH ST.?REV. DR. a. B. CAR. I I ter minister In charge, will administer the holy com munion at II A. M. and p eheti In the evening^it 7)4 HARLEM PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. CORNER i/Mh St. and Madison av.?Preaching by the pastor, l;, V J s. Ranisav, to-morrow, at 10)4 A. M. ana 7)4 1*. M. to rangers cordially Invtted. , I vDlMON AT EN l'K PUKeBt I K HI A N CHURCH. Itl Madisoii at. and 47lh st.. i:ev Wllllain Lloyd. M,.rn t at II o'clock, subject, ''A Perpetual Covenant" Iend's mi* ncf a close of set men. Evmfng nt 7:16, first ol aerie* Ol (tiaeonrses upon oraniatle *eene* Irom the Bible Snbjett, "A or ah Itn I'leadim, lor tbe Citlet ol tbe Plain." Strsager* cordially weleomotl. aRLlGltil'S SOTICSa. Murray iiILL pkishyti.ihan QHCnvH. jfttU *i.. BH?t of Lexincton ev.?Services to-morrow at 1U-.30 A. M. ana 7:45 I'. M ; preaching m the morning by 1U:3U A. M. ana 7:*> I . .u ; preaching in the morning by Hev P. It. Marling. anil in tin livening by tlie pustor. Rev. George S. Chamber" Strangers welcome. Mauisu> avk.nue baptist church, corner itl Ml at at.?Pronrhin r hy tbo castor, Rev. O. i>. IV. Brhlgman. O. 1).. on Holiday, Mar 12 ; services at 11 A, M. and 7:4ft P. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday ovonlnir. 7 :4m. Madison avenue kkiohmbdcuurgh. corner 37th St.?Rev. .1. W. Hathaway will preach at 11 A. M? nod Kev. B. M. Campbell. D I)..of Rochester, X. \.,at 7 MO P. II. Evening subject?"The Untrodden Way." Habbatll school at M 1*. M. NKW DISCOVERY.? I'll14 RMO-MOT it FORCE. DR. Bevan will continue Ida popular Reading* thereim at M'ience llall. Hilt at., on Sunday^ at M:'IO until further nntlcr. Admission freo. PREACHING IX Tllh LAlOHT STREET BxPUST Church by Kev. W. W. Atterlmry, I). I a.. at 10:81) A. M., and by the Hev II. W. Knanp. D. I),,||7:8IP. M. PILOttlM BAPTIST CHUltl ll, HMD ST.. NE AH KTll ? v., Itev. F, II. Van "lyke, paatur. ? Services 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. v.; Sabbath school anniversary in evening. Strangers welcomed. OPRIXO STREET PRBHllVI'EUIAN CHURCH. REV. O/ OAllred II Moment.?Snhoath servicer :?Morning, 10:30, "Daniel, or the Conscientious Man;" evening. 7:1ft, preaching by the Rev. K, M, Gabon. Stranger* welcome. Sixteenth baptist church, kith sr.. near Hth ?v.?Rev. John (Julncy Adama Sunday morning, 10:30; Rev. T. D. Anderson, 1). D., evening, 7 :MO ST. JAMBS' METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, enrner of Madison a v. and 126th at. Anniversary Dav, special sermons ny the psstor. Rev. W. R, Davla. Morning subject. "The Dedication and Glorv nf the Temple;" evening. "KseMol's Vision of the l.Heglvtug River." All are cordially invited. Lecture Wednesday, at 7:4ft P. M. Subject, "Thy Kingdom Couio " All are welcome. SIXTH AVENUE RKKOKMKD CHURCH.?REV. WM. H. Merrltt. pastor, will preach IO:MO A. M. and 7 :M0 P. M. Prayer mooting Wednesday evening, 7 :45 o'clock. Wel come. 2T. GEORGE'S CHURCH. J Htuyvesant, 7 :M0 P. M. Rev. Frederick Courtney, M. A , will speak on "Christian Work Among Workinginen.' SEVENTH PKKSBYTEKIAN CHURCH, CORNER Brootne and Ridge at*., Kev. Hcnrv T. Hunter, pastor.? Sorvlee, 10)? A M.; service of s"ne. 7% P. M. CTRKF.T PREACHING BY A DISCIPLE OP CHRIST.? OTIie Gospel preached evory Lord's day, at 4 P. M., on Jackson square, near lMtli at and 8th av. TABERNACLE H.-.PTIST CHURCH. 2D AV,. HE tween loth and 11th sir., Kev. Robert II. Hull, pastor. Morning?Consecration Evening?Mr. Ira D. Sankcy will eondnet a Sniiday rcho 1 missionary meeting, and there will he interesting exorcises. Meeting on Wotlnosdny and Krldsy evenings. Strangers cor liallv welcomed. UNION EVANGELISTIC TENT.?DEDICATION HER. mon, Rev. T. Do Witt Talmage. 3:3<> Sunday ntternonn. May 10: 100 singers wanted for choir led by Prof. I bandore Perkins Forcl^ntr tickets address HOMER KING. Union Evangolistio Tout, 7th av., Broadway. 52d and 93d sts., city. f) 4 Til STREET METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. AU Anear Otlt av.?Kev. It. II. llurcb. pastor?10:30 Com mon Ion; 7:3). "Hastho Gospel Lost Its Power?" Strang crs welcome ?J/\TH STREET METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, O*/near St It av., W. P. Abbott, pnstor.?Seats tree. Oen tleninulv ushers at the door. Sabbath services, 10:30 A. M., 7-.30 P. M. All are welcome. LOST AND KUHND. _ Dog ijOsF-PRO?r3s? srii XVT;" black "XnTTTa?) lerrior. A liberal reward will bo paid for tbo return ot same. Xo questions asked. Lost?on Thursday, may 8, a BROWN spotted Knll Dog. answering to the name of Jack; had on blacx leather collar, with license No s.147. The Under bv re turning hint to JAMBS McKINLEY, No. 426 West 42d St., wilt be suitably rewarded. Lost-may 4. in pi mi avenue stage, gold Bracelet. Suitable reward given by lonvtng the same at 4 West 28th St.. W. P. HILL'S. LOST-KKuM 83 HTUYVESANT ST , SMALL YKLbOtf Dog: fox eors. Any one bringing the same to the above place will receive ?2 reward. Lost?a pocketbook, with name on tub back, on 3d aw., between ft7th and 42d sts., or on Hnr leui Railroad cars; $5 In cash and cards ami papers inside. Kinder may retain the money and return the book. P. CRAWFORD. 1)56 3d av. Lost?a medium sized skyk terries, an swerlag to the name el Gtp, from 322 East lftth St. In* formation will bo liberally reward d leading to Its recovery" LOSI'?B ETWEE* RESIDE NOE IN BROOKLYN and Pennsylvania Railroad depot, Jereoy Olty, a lady's gold Watch, Elgin make, matxed with owner's name ami a date iusido and with a niouogram on front of cuo. If left at roues 1, 64 Cedar St., ur 2uS St. Mark's sv.? Brooklyn, a liberal reward will bo paid by the owner. IOST-ON WE DN BSD AY, MAY 8. ROM K WHERE Jbetween Pavonla ferry and A. T- Stewart A Co.'s, a lady's Gold Watch Chain, lower part broken off. inn Aiid er will be suitably rewarded by returning It tu A. 8. Oitlr PITHS, . 7 Groat Jones st. Lost.?$ts reward pgr "pinkie." a light terrier; tall and ears uncut 10!) East IRth st. May 6.-lost, puom 173 . est 17m st.. a white hull terrier slut named "Venus;" $5 reward will be paid for her return. SPKCIAL. NUnCKS, >CA T.'eh" "" J\, IT NhVRIt KOKTPONK8. LOUISIANA STATU LOTTERY COMPANY. K1KTII (JRAND DISTRIBUTION FOR 187H will take plaeo at noon of Tuesday, tho 14th lout., ut tha city of Now Orleana. Silo of tlcketa cloee# at U o'clock A. M. of Unit day. Only a limited number nf tlokria Is allotted tu ihia citr, and cnuiiol bo incroaaod Tha offlcoa of tlio company at 317 Broadway will be opeu to-day until U o'clock I. M. for trie accommodation of bay era. Klrit come. Brat aeryed. 100,000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACH. It ALU TICKETS, ON K DOLLAR. LIST OK RUIZES. 1 Capital I'rlao 930.OOO 1 Cnpitul I'rir.e lO.OK) 1 Capital Price 3,1 **) 3 Prima ol $3,.'>ia) NiJtO 3 Prima of l.<*?. :>.i?*> 2i> Prima of 5(JO. 11K> Prima of )Oti ll),UOO 2f*> Prima of .V> lfliNio fa*) Prir.eaof 3D ID.t**) l.DDO Prirea of 10 10.1**) APPROXIMATION RUIZES. t) Anprnxltuatluii prima ol $;*?t 3,71*) I) Approximation Priaoa of JUQ l,si*j tf Approximation Priaoa of 11*) '|*?| 1,837 Prlaas, amounting to. 9110,400 ?M. A. DtUPIIIN, New Orleaii*. La. II. L. PLUM. 317 liroadway. New York. All otir Orand Extraordinary Drawing* are under the auprrvbion and management ol UKNEKAL8 O. T. HS.aU KE.OAKD and JuBaI. a EaKLY. The follow in it cartltlcatea ol prima relate to tlio fourth drawing for 1870, which took place on tho Oth of laat month. NOTICE. All onr correspondence l? atrictly confidential, and we never piibllah toe name* of nore.ioa drawinir capital prltna without flrat obtaining a written card uvei thrlrown atgna turo and u'jlcaa apeclaily permitted to publiab it. Nkw Oki.kar*, April 33. 1871k Hie nnderalgned certlflea that lie hold for collection for account of tioo. It. Ootnto, London Ilrldae, Priuceaa Anne county. Ya , one-half ol aiu*io number tlcaet No. 41 .330, Claaa "II," In tho Lntilelana State Lottery, which drew the flrat capital prim of flto.t**). oh Turn-day. April It. 1878, aald ticket having been rent by rnrropomlMice Ir >m iha onice at New urieana for the atim of CI and that the amount wna promptly paid In tail ou premutation ol the ticket at the of fice hi the company P. 11. LUOSTi., Exchange Clerk Ixnitdana National Han* ol New Orleana. Nkw Om.KAire, April 10, I87S. The etideraigned eertiflea that lie lirlu for cnllertlon for accoont of Juan Rate lie a. New York, ticket No. 36,010, Claaa ' II," In the Igiuiaiatia State Lottery, whlcn dr-w tho third casltal price of BO.iaC) ou lueaday, April'.), 1878. aald ticket having been aold tor the -am of S3, Ihrouuh II. L 1'liim. agent. 3IH Hroailway, New York, and that the amount waa prumptlv paid on premutation ol tha ticket at tha olllca of the roicpaoy. T. M. WKsTCOAT, Aaont Sontlicin Kxpreaa Company, N+w Orleana Nkw Orlraxb, April 10. 1878. The enderalgned eertiflea that he ?? the holder of ticket No. 74,K*i. Claaa "ll." In the loutalan* State Lottery, wnlrh drww toe lourth eapital prlae ol fj.'n>l nu I neada.v, April U, 1878, aald ticket having riot the -ntu ol 93. at the ollire or A. P. Saloy, No. 173 M. 1'hlllp at., and that the amount waa promptly paid on preacntatlun ol tho tlcaet nt the ofllre of the company. K. MoHKaU, 381) Treme at.. New Orleana. Attention twkm y teaks' erissian hosrd tal eaperlence; aperialtlea dl-caara of men a id nerv.iua ayatem: eonaultatlon free. Ilr. JACOHY, 1*41 Hleerker at. DVICK KRK.K. lilt. WHITEHEAD. PRurKIMOK ol midwifery; aatlafactory treatment. 313 Laat 43th at., near 3d ay. Li. DlMASIIi UK MI.N, WHATEVER Tin. c tl'itlT. ?peedily and permanently cured. Ilr. DYER, 47 Weal 13th at. LL KHl II if ATI KM POSITIVELY CURED?ANT atageol tho dlaeaao. KUKOI'EAN Rllkt'MAlIC SO. CIlvTV. 3D? Weal 31th at. \ftteSCTR10 in i. r.- ? t certain, naki:. AND IIP afectiral ettre for nil nervona and chronic Diaeaaea. Tbe.e app'lancea are applicable to either acx and afford in dent r?liat In cnaea of Kliettmatlani, Dyepepala. lienor*! Debility, An. I'nlyermaeber'a aro the only genuine. Depot, 313 Hroadway. All diseases ok men a specialty?lhnddn* boapltnl experience. Dr. WKHT'h medical olflce, 43 Hleecker at. SURE C 1Kb. M lit LI NO DISEASES. HOCK ?Candy and Rye Wlilakey ; 91 per gallon ; 91 p?r lame botile. Rock Candy, 3 p oinda, 91. good* delivered: rnnd penal oard. N VAN BKIL, *01 hem her* at. A - OKN fLNMKN'N, BOT.V AND CIIILDIIRN'H ?H*t*. nnvcltlea for apring wear, every drairahle ahape, at low prlree. at IIUNSDON'S, 843 Broadway (Wailack'a Theatra Building). Derbya, 93, 93 Of), 94; ailkjlata. 93. _______ BROUfJII TON'S INVIOOIUTINfl NTKUP CUKES atotnaeh. liver, kidney dt.-eiaea, weekneaa, Ac. ; nlao re etorea manhoorl '33c. Advlca Iree. IMI Weal 4tli at DlVOftt NU RfllOlbl "HI Ufkp IKK.MS SURER latlvcly reaaonaoie; CONSULTATIONS free. KURD* KKD K 1. KINO, Lawyer, ?) Nt. Mark a place, adjoining Cooper laatltut*. iviiKUA Cases m i ended to promptly witii ont publicity; c uiaiilt him. ISAAC t). BDYCK, expe rienced lawyer, 3111 Hroadway. ic illtDKll S K.v.KMH OK LIKK RMHOK Es~M AN bood to the dehllltaterl In four weeka; (allure Imuoaat Me . 9'l per ra-e. HrrtKvlala anpplled. Sole agent, llr j. JACQUIs, 7 llblvefatly place. New To'k. DISRASPS 111 .MEN A NIECIAI.IV. HfN'tV t. DAMI LS. M D., 144 l.evington ay., near ?3<<th it, HITlea hoitra IVom 8 to 3 and 0 to 7. LILRtITHIC"iifljTS?NUItfe "C( KK KOirpRBMAfUNB JCjdebility ; toe only reliable. Hand ror rlrralar. Dr. KAKR, MU Broadway. A VPEC1AI. SVOT1C1L.S. JgST AHLI.SHKD SEVENTEEN "~YEAi;A' "**' Drs. JORDAN A DAVIKSON, Proprietors of the GREAT EUROPEAX MUSK CM. tbo largest collection in tbo world. 729 Chestnut it., Phila delphia, wish to inlorin tbeir patient* and (be public tbat they may bo confidentially consulted at usual on all dls eases of moil, which they have made a specialty tor 17 yesra Their medleal work, "Practical Observations" on differ ent diseases, with an "Kssay on Marriage," can bo hud on receipt of 25 cents, postage stamps. Address Drs. JORDAN A DAVIESON, ? 1.625 filbert at, Philadelphia. No connection wtth any other firm In America E -OFFICIAL KENTUCKY STATE DRAWING*. xtNTuokr?Kxrn.t ci.asa no. 321 -Mar P>. I87?. IB, 7lt. !>. 07. 27. 4. 17. 5, 78. 40. 32. 58. KtWTi'Citr?ct.tea no. 322?tsar 10, 1878. 23. 5, All, 11, 4.,. 1,, u7. 22, 71, 73, 12. s/.M.MONS A DI'okVxSGN. Managers. raOBGIA STATU?KXTIIA CLASS NO. 341-MAY 10. 1878. 40. 14. 37. 47. 411, 18. 58. 75, 04, 53, 8, 34. GKOKUIA STATU-CLASS NO. 342-MAV 10. 1878. 70. 48 , 4, 25, 30. 54, 3. Oil. 51. 71. 55. K. 14. KullV A CO., Nl.inagera. Information (riven regarding tbo above drawings. Apply to J. UbUTK A GO., Hankers, 2IX) Hruudtvsv. rear nfilcs. ?i.OYAE OA VaN DRAW.-s ~MAY Hi. ? Capital 1'iir.e $21)91kK> in Spanish money. Tickets $4<>, $20. $10. $5. $2, $1. Mode nnmncr Kentucky draws May 15. Tickets. $1. Louisiana Single Number Distribution dra?s May 14, Capital prise. $30,000; 1.857 prlr.o?. distributing $110,400. Whole Tickots, $2; Halves, $1. J. GDI! IK A GO... Hankers. 2<io Hroadway, rear office. 15 ?IdJUISlANA STATK PISTK1HUTION. OLASS K 2s to be drawn nt Now Orleans. ?n TUESDAY, May 11, 1878. Tickets $1 and $2. 1 prise Of $30,000. 1 prlsi of $10,000 1 prise of $5,000. 2 prises of $2 500. 5 prlsos of $1,003. 2o prises of f.>00 1,857 prises distributing $1 lli.4(X). No postponement. payable in full. J. OLUTR AGO., Hankers, 200 Broadway. ?KENTUCKY ST U K DISTRIBUTION, GLASS f'. .to be drawn at Covington, Ky., on WEDNESDAY, May 15, 1878 1 prise nl $15,1X10 1 prtso ol $8,000. 1 prise of$5,000, 2 prises ot $2,500, 1,804 prises distributing $67,924. Whole tickets. $1. No postponement. OLUTK A GO., Hunkers, 200Broadway. -LOOK!" KBNTI'fKY STATE HINtiLE NUMBBrT To !?? drawn Wuduesdav. Mav 15, 1 *78. 1,891 prises, amounting in $67,025 Capital prise. $15,t??i. prises paid in lull i tickets, $1. PARKS, EMeKSON A GO.. Bankers, IKO Broadway. E 4'G."" Important rases, medical or aurylcal-, Impairment of any organic luiiction, hereditary or constitutional taint uud diseases of the nervous system a specialty. HEURY A. DANIELS, M. D., 144 Lexington av? near 29tli st. Hours, 8 to 3 and 0 to 7. C3BXERAL F.AMTKKN OFFICE. Site BROADWAY X (removed from 500). KENT! OK Y STATE J .OTTER Y. NEXT DRAWING MAY 15. 1 Prise. $15,000 2 Prlsos, each $1,000 1 I'rlse 8,000 10 PrUes, ouch 500 1 Prise .. 5,000 50 l'rtsos, oucli. ... lnO 2 Prises, each. . .. 2,500 100 Prises, oacli 50 1.729 other Prises, amounting to $22,925 1,804 Prises, distributing 67,025 WHOLE TICKETS, ONLY $1. Open until 8 o'clock this evening. WILLIAMSON A GO.. Oeneral Eastern Agents. 509 Broadway, near Houston St.. New York. Williamsburg Brunoh office. No. 01 Broadway. HOTEirASP STEAMSHIP STEWARDS BAY. At 839 Broadway all cult lenrn That delicious coffoe. at half cost per day, Is made in the Eureka Urn. Kentucky statk~dkaws may is. Capital Prize, $15,(Xk>. 1 Prise of $8,000. 2 I'rises ol (each) $2,500. 1 Prise of $5,000. 2 Prises ..f (each) $1,000. 1.891 Prises ill all, umountnig to $07.1125 WHOLE TICKETS ONLY ONE DOLLAR. Open this evening ill) 10 o'clock For sale ol Kentucky and Louisiana. BULLAKD A CO., Brokers. '.k>7 Broadway, near20th st. K~ KKTUckt STATE LOTTERY DRAWS MAY IS. ' Capital prise. $15,000. 1,804 prises la all, amoutttiug to $07,925. Whole tickets only One Dollar. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY DRAWS MAY 14s Ounltal prise, (30,000. 1,857 prises In nil. amounilng to $110,400. Whole tickets, $2; halv-s $1. ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY DRAWS MAY 16. Capital prise, $200,(100. 821 prises mi all. amounting to $810,000. Tickets, $40. $2 1. $10. $5 ; twentieths, $2; fortieths, $t. JACKsON A CO., Hankers. 82 Nassau st., near Pulton. L" uU IslAN A~ BTA IK LOTTERY?UPTOWN-3PPIGK." May 14. Tlcaets, $2; Halves, $1. Address orders 1,207 Broadway, I8A tCKH A GO, Open eventngn. MGLIERE THEitMl)-ELECTRIC HATH.-ELECTRIC! with Tin kith or Uneaten, ONE DOLLAR KACIL 21 West 27th st. ARHLK "MANTELS AND~|77nUMENTS CIIEAPBH than ever. A. KLAHKR. 134 East 18th st.. near 3<1 ay. M Metropolitan job printing orrtcb, iET 28 ANN BT.. 19 TUB CHEAPEST AND BEST FINE BOOK. PAMPHLET, JOB AND MERCANTILE PRINTING OFFICE IN THE CITY. SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH TUB PKOMPTNBaH AN LARUE ONES. THEATRICAL AND RAILROAD TICKETS, AND HNK WOOD KNOKATINO AND COLORED PRINTING A 6PECIALTT. METROPOLITAN JOB PRINTING OFFICE, 29 A^N ST.. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AM) WORK SENT TO ANY PART OF THE UNITED STATES C. O. D. Miul Hanson! electrician, bwmdwh moth. merit, cnres tbenraatisiu ami debility successtnlly. 107 W?>| 39th <(., near Dili a v. J^"OTIICE OF ASSIGNMENT. ,\otl? li hereby riven tlia't Oliver Ankntell, of the city o( Newark, In the Connljr ot K>??s and State of New Jer sey. halh lbl? Uev inado an assignment to tbo subscriber of Ills estate, lor the equal iieneflt ol bis creditors, and that the said errdltors must exMiilt theli respective claims, under onth or adlrraatlon, within the lorm of three months, ABRAHAM MANNERS. Dated April 25, 1979. Notice of absiunmp.nt. Notice is linreb.r riven that Joseph II. Cooper, of l#on* llraiirh In tne township ot Oresn, In the eonntjr of Monmouth anil State of Now Jersey, bath this day made an assignment to the subscriber it Inn eatate for the equal benefit ol hla creditors, and that the said creditors must exhibit iheir respective claim.,, * Ithlr. the term of three months. Dated May 3, 1979. CIlARLER A. BENNETT, Freehold, N. J. /yryioi w win nw tokk mutual qaauubt Companv. northeast corner Union square (4th av.i and 10th St.. New York, May II, !N7W.?The anti in I nicotinic of the stockholders of the New York Mutual Gaslight Com tiny for the election ol sixteen directors and three Insp e ?ra ot election for the ensnlinr year will he held at the of li. es of the comiisoy. In the eltr of New York, on Tuesday, Mar 21. 107*. the |nills for which election will ha open be tween the hours ol 12 M. and I P. M. of that day. The trausler e. us. .>f the company *111 be nosed lor too (Is?> davs prior to said election. By order ot the Hoard ol Dlrec t >rs CIlARLKN PL.tCfc. Secretary. SEP. h Nathan iip. opened a bka.n< 1 om-lana Statu Lottery lleketa, $2. Kentucky State will draw May IN; Capital. fl.'t.llijf). tickets. $1. Full Information given at H. NATHAN'S. 191 Broadway. Our Bmnrh OflLV. S.'W Broadway. 0 1 9KP. r Nathan has o .Office at R'bt Broadway. Let will draw Mar 14; Capital, $3>l I**); li OYaL HAVANA lOrTKi-Y. Nait drawing May IB. 1979. BlO.fJOO pe"os, 921 prises ; Capital Prise, 2").00f) pesos, inform stlon Inrnislied and prises cashed. Npnnlsh Gold and Havana Hank Itlils boutrnr and sold Oralis on Itsvana Issued. M. A. MARTINEZ a t o.. Hankers, Wall at., basement. HOYAL II sTANA LOTTK Y-NKXT DRAWING MAY #|(l; fk|ll.l<). ilrawn; Capital Prise, fgraiir*); prlres cashed ; nmars fl le 1; Inlo motion tui nld ed : highest rat* ? mild for Spanish ttaiik llills. Governments, Ac., Ac. TAI hull A Co., Hankers. II Wall si.. Now York. SILK IIATH MADE OVER INTO Til E NEW STYLE ; led, Panama and straw hats cleaned and trimmed ut JOHNSON'*, removed to 1,43.1 3d sv? earner 9|s% it., fir t floor. c77nd4>ry, m. D.. or the Vienna, ?and Paris iihierrclties; offlee 1,217 Hroidway; office hours, 10 to I A. M ,4 lo 9 P. M. ;sp..clal rases suetessfiilly treated. ? '1(1 ROY A I. fl A VAN A LGTTBRT MaVHVEF.N V1'? ''?lucky ^tat" lo ttery. May II. prises paid in full by SONNENBKRO A CO., New llavon, Conn. Ialft7 (W? -OLD HKLtAHLE KENTUCKY DRAW #?U I .4'JO.!n< May l > Tickets, fl. Capital Prise. #|T.,o m. 1 Prise ot $9 rr?i. I I PriMot $5,0001 2 Primsol (esen) II Wt | 2 Prises of (eerhi $1,4100. I# iwest Prise, f> Tickets only f I. Buy Iroin the lucky offices ofN>rtbern agents, H. II. POHTi R A CO., 1.227 Broadway, New lork mien rycnlngsi, or 193 Montagna sL, Hrooklvu Louitla ? Stale,Mnv 14. Tickets, $2; Halves, f I. <fcft7 (W. I KENTUCKY 9TATK, MAV 15, ?p" i ??'.-#? '? I ? apltal I'rlss fll.issi. I HII4 prises In all, amounting to $#17.'.I25. Whole Tiekets only fl. fll'htori LOFNIaNA NTATh. MAY 14. I apltal prise $3fi.(NlO. I .9.17 i ris s In ail, anionntlng to f 1114,4410. W mile Tlekeis, $3l llalyes, ft. tt*li ,00o-I!I)YaI. HAVANA, MAY 10. 4' p lal prise f2lkl.iSk>. 921 it s t u ell, amounting !? $910 000. Tickets p.|o. fj'i till, f ., Twentieths, ft i; Fortieths, fl. JACKSON A Of)., Itenkers. 92 Nassau s? , near Fulton. tSl ( III ft I I ?1)1'': 1L BRUNSWICK Gl'.i MAN vl#oU X#H I Is LOT 1 KKY.--9tth 9einl-aiiniikl Drawing. May 14. 197*. One pii*e to ueerly ei ery other HekcL 2#4,.V4il prises. OB.ftik) tlekrts. Drawing positive. Never postponed Csplfal Trlse $103.5/10, wold I Price 34..VSI, go d I Prise Pt.4'si, gold I Prlre I3.9IHI, gold V9, 11*1 other Prltos, aMountlng to fl.4.73.441, gold. I'riies eashed. rnll Infoniiatlon aeni free. Kentneky Stale la'tterv, .Msy 15. Whole Tuk-ia.fl. Ilaykl Havana l.ottrrr. Mar 10. Tickets, f lu. quarter*, ft"; eighths, ff>; Louisiana Mate Lottery, May 14. Whole Tickets, f'2. halves, f I. sL OVtt A CO.. Bieiert. 43 Naacati it., cor. Llbtily. If. Y THK TIUIP. Auction and kkeni ii pools solo thi* Day ami evening on the taxing ton races, litLUl ?k BUSH, OH Hudson at., iioboken. N. ?L ?THOMAS bT JOHNSON' WILL OPKN BOOKS ON ? Lcxloictun Knee. mi Nn. 1.215 BruuJwny ; ?l?u mi tlio principal Slake, at tiifferent meriiHim. IjIM KIES AM) ..l.sri.TS OP LKXi Nil ft ?N MAC 5 Xlial 1,21*1 Bruailwaj ; jl 0X1 Book and Combination: <lay and errning. WILU A CO E" XTKIES amT ~ RESULTS OP rnK i.kxTnGToN raceM received at tbo Kuzle Hotel. Iioboken, ue?r tha ferry. V*. LOVELL <t CO. IEXlNOrON I!AUKR-COMMENCIKU MAY 11; LN Jtrie, and r.?ult? ?t TILLY A CASEY'S, Al Barclay at. Combinations, Ac. HKAMAN A CO. LEXINOTON RACE*? MB. DIU1C WILL ATTEMO TO 111, "mini tpecialiy" day aud evoiiiug. ut CO liudibn ,t., Iioboken. LI XINOTON KACfts.?BOOK OI'KN aT BANDS'" l,'il4 Broadway; entrlm record ??! in the evening and a I no affto Hudson ht., Iioboken: combination*. Ac. JOHN II aCKKTI A CO. LKX1NUTOS 5Xi KS -KNTK1KH AND KETUkNS aT i'atternairs, Otto Cottage. Iioboken. McDO I' <i A LL LBXINGION HACKS. -II. BT AX KOHL) WILL ATTEND at Kelly A Bliss', 15 Worn 28th ht. POi)IaH SOLD A.M) innings received on THK Bull Games to-day? vlr..? Boston vs. Providence, Cin cinnati vs. Chicago and Indianapolis vs. Milwaukee, ut the Eaglo Garden, ilobt/kou. oue door Iroiu forr.v. OoTIER A QUI NX. EST SIDE PARK, JKKSKV CI TV. RACING. SATURDAY. MAY 11.? 1878, o< mmencing at 2% o'clock. Dash o! mile and a quarter imp purse of $125. Mile heats tor purse ot $2iH>. Tire following thoroughbred horses have entered and will start Prtncet ?n,b. c., by Oakland, Wombat. Printers of Ihulo, h. I., by Leamington, Puoeno. I Initio F.. ch. f., by Leumintlou Bonnie Dooti. Prom on, ch. g.. by Pluaet, Miss Morgan. Orion. ch. g., hy Gleuelg. Laik. L'sxts Half, late Lei mi re, br f., by Enquirer, Leisure. Allan, ch. g., hy Asteroid. Dan (POonneU, br. g., by Oakland, S cylark. Pnt Hoouey, by Gilroy. Doui Pedro, b. c.. by Nariugunsett, Minnie Minor. Trotting? 2.45 class. Why Not, Martha, Prunella. Clara Mortis, Collector, Jack Sheppnrd, Prince, Charlotte, Poutlac, Cornelius. Transportatlon?rutins loavo loot of Dos rosses and Cortiandt su. tor Marlon Stat.on at 10:55, 11 ;55, 12;">5 A. M., 1i&5, 2 :55 p. M. Street ears leave Jersey city lorry every 3 minutes, via Montgomery st. American and French poolh sold on the races on the track. Admission, 50c. BGAN k OU , Propria lore. 1IDKSF>, CAUfiUAGEA, ArtASkKK a Vo.vS* City AUCTION M A HT AND NEW YORK TATTEB SAI.LS, CORNER OK BROADWAY AND BOTH ST. CIURLES W. HAkKKR, REGUl.AU sales every Wednesday and ftalurday. TWENTY FOUR hours allowed tor trial. CATALOG Ch OF SALE THIS DAY. AT 11 O'CLOCK. TWO HIGH *lx seat Park Phaetons, by Wood Bros.; Brett, by 25th st. Brewster: Landaulet. by 11am; lot of ton side bar and cud spring Koad Wagons. Depot, Express una Business Wagons, top and 110 ton Phaetons. LAltOK LOT of Doublo and Single Harness, 1J or so Clothing, Saddlos, Bridies, Whips, Ac. ONE OF the most bo'iutinil highbred chestnut sorrel Trotting Geldings in existence. 15% high, 7 years old; ab solutely sate lor the moist ordinary roiiisiuati to handle at speed: can beyond a doubt beat 2:to, either single or to the nolo ; warranted sound and kind; also single seat sbio bar Itoaa Wagon, by Pray; Single Harness, by Dunscomb; tine Clothing, Ac., the property ot a gentleman lea/tug lor California. HANDSOME RICH brown all gaived combined Saddle and Harness Mare, 15% high, 0 years old; used all last sea son at Newport by a iaoy ; so gentle that she can be trusted with a child, yet of spirited disposition ; warranted sound and kind; th? property of a lady going abroad. KAHf SOUhEL Trotting Gehfing, 15% hint), 0years old; graudiv galled; lias trotted in 2:40; warranted sound and Kindt also top tud a/ring l oad Wagon, by Wood Brothers (tine order), Single Harness, Ac. EXT HA FIN K hay Mare, 15% high, 7 years old : an ex traordinary stylish driver: driven last year at Saratoga by a lady; warranted sound and Kind; also top Brewster pattern Phaeton, by George II Close: Harness, Ao. EXTRAORDINARY BEAUTIFUL bay Filly. 15% high, 5 years old; very promising and reliable ; can trot in 2 :50; wart anted sound una kind. HaNDSOMc.. 1*1 NE, largo blood b?y Family Horse, 15% high, 6 years old; tine appearance and driver; can trot in 5 minutes , warranted sound and kind. THE WELL known bay Trotting Gelding Lakeview, 15% high. 7 years old ; has a record ol 2:38; warranted round and kind. EXTRA STYLISH and genteel Jet black Trotting Geld ing, 10 high. 0 yearn old; cost own??r $475 in Dutchess county last fall; can trot close to 2:50; warranted sound and kind. KLKGaXT KENTUCKY* bred bay Saddle Gelding, 15% high, 7 yearn old: g*>en all gaits; boon used by a leuy; war ranted sound and kind. SPEEDY SNOW white Gelding, 15% high, 10 years old ; stylish and handsome ; can tiotln 2:sO; warranted sotiuu and kind. EXTRA STYLISH bay Mare, 15% high, (5 years old; can trot close to 2 minutes; very high knee action ; would inako fine leader for leudctu ; warranted sound and kind. BAY HuR.>E, 10 high, 0 yoaisolu; goo 1 driver; war ruiited kind. MAY COLT. 15 high, 5 years old; well broken doublo; uultc promising; warranted sound BAY GELDING, lf>% high, t# years eld; tine driver; warranted sound and kind. NEARLY THOROUGHBRED bay Seddlo and llarneas Gebhag. 15% hlgli. 7years old; got by itnp. Phaeton ; very Stylish nod handsome. CLARENCE IN tiua order, blue satin lining. TOP xrfrK bar % seat Road IVagon and top full spring Road Wagon, both hy Brewster, of Broome St. LAKGE NUMBER <>f other llorses. Ft LI. DKHC Hi Pi ION at sale. SALES NEVER postponed on account of wentlier. NOTICE.?-Saturday, May 18, the WoMtmiiiMter Kennol Club's Hocofid Hiinuai nalo ot Sporting and other IK)d>, Kutrirs now being received by CHARLES LINCOLN, Sup rintandrMit, tiiirn-?re's Garden. NOI'ICE ?>, J un ? 17, COLONEL DAVID Mc DANIEL'S Urnt grand annual sale of HARRY BA>SlSiT Yearlings, Two-year-olds. Ac. A A Auction, auction, auouon. WILL BK HOLD AT 1'UHLIC AUCTION. This IIAV (sAIUKDvl). May 11. AT 11 O'CLOCK. AT TUB PRIVATE SI AH I.K 241 \\ KM .A'Til nT.. includinu 5 valuable and speedy horses, cabhiacks. 1IAHNK.-H. AO.. con tiling of the handmmeat ladle-' or gentl. mon'i Saddl ? and Driving llorae eombiuud In the illy; lie li?? nil gall* titular aaodle, guidoa by a motion, la aale lor any our t> drive or rule. L alralii ot nothing. at?<t traveller and war rautou anuud and kind. "Ilia wo'l -known trolling Coming KLr.ETW HOD, I5.'l)| liamli high, 7 year- old; gut iiy llyi riykV IIamblol<iul.iii. (lain by Alexander'* ITIot; ho la cue ??f hi, ilnnt galled hor-o, living; Hulled hit nun hpat lu 2 H'-"*; can boat 2:it" In harm-aa and warranted tuund mi l kluil. Bay Trolior IIAMI'TUN. got by Wietbrop Murrell; can trot lu 2 I"; warranted tuund ami kuu'. Hiack trot ting Mara DARKNESS. got by liatiiel Lambert; can beat 2:11; warranted aounil and kind, ltlack C> hling HUE* 1'HlsK, tun ul Ktliau Allan, d tin Annie Coillna; can heat ?2 :M>; warraiiteil anuiid nml kind. r.fagaiit Bark I'hartou, canopy ton I'ouy 1'haoton. top Bond W agun, Ladiea' and Gefitlemen'a Saddirt and Hrldirt, una act heavy alitor wotintf.d Coarh IIarnraa. Single anil iKiublo Itoad llariieaa Hlaukelt. Ilnlioa Ac. N. H. ?I he above iloek will positively lie told lo Irlgbn-t bidder, without limit, roetrlctlou or rcaervatiou, by C. 0 DUKK, auctioneer In HUSI - KAfl t sI) DKL1 V'Kltl k AOmM\ ALL ?alaea. #Sn lo fl In, for exprcaa, grocer, butcher, baker, nu I a, depot. XBleprlngtt. rul i lor DELIVERY waoon buk aale at a bargain. Addrcaa WAUO.N. Herald office All lawk and hick hmimks i iked >hk'i I P charge.?fillet' Liniment Iodide ol \ minontu (yellow wrappers) ; epavln, iplluit, ringbone, shoulder luifivncts. S?nd postal e ird f >r |iamplilet. I rial aiao, 2->e Dr. IIILM, 1*0 Wen Brwadwar, New Vnrk. OBN tl.KMA.N'S Mil LADY'S KOAlt rUKNUl/f for one-third lit value If Id at onee; hay florae, M yeart, 1.1)% Panda; warranted at.nnd and klnil; ladle ran drive; llrewater Top V. aeon, ilarnnat, el gti.t Top I'onv I'baeton. Sell aeparatelr. very cheap. 1S7 Weal S7th it. \"" ? ? I lit SALE. Klll/il tlOKMK.i, IAHWImT, ? groreriee, eaproaa or trueklng. at half value. Inquire 3H lilocckcrat . roar, near II .wery. V handsomeIruitNoufTtm salk i iikc iu'y puny llurae; tuund and kind; tup I'ouy I'haelon, liar Iie-s, blanket. Lap Kobe, IVhlo, and a an extenalutt top Pliacton, arata lour; very atjli-li top Itoad W aguu, -loglj and lloithle Harnett; ollgoodaourw and (luteins. I'ti rate liable J ?> Kait 2 nh -t.. near ild av. ANKAT OEM PONY PHAETON. LEATHER Top; a lap mil cprlug top Hogg.. line llarnea-. Manhattan .-table., I'.' It at I Mill at., near Hroadwuy. l KINK TEAM UK hi 'KN ICS. HAt AND BLACK, Ifttf J\ hand- lil.h. (1 yeart nld ; warrui.t- d tniuid and kind ; a by lady can drive llleul; ran trot In 2:1(1; good galled; alto > v rr liaodaoine aa-liltv llorao. UilHlfii.Ve aiai.let, II and .% Weit tilth at, AYOl'MI, SOUND AND UKNTLK HUH III'. L HORSE, ever I i li indt, fur aale ch ap Inquire at W Inustucfc'a ? tallica, Hth av., between 2WIh end 2Htli ?i?. t -TRY OUR I'ATI' NT CUT CRN MM'. Willi's; J\ .warranted nut lo break; hare all . ?n a-iurlui ul of English holly, mulacra and wlialobone Whip*. Ufcil. r. OVI-.llIN A CM . t Katt HomtOB -t. \HANDSOMK I.ICIIT EXTENSION Tup PHAETON Iteiita tonr), Hrewiter uprlng top Wagon, t ip I'n I'naeloD, llerneta; alimtt new; veiy cheap. 247 Watt 41 it it. A?KOK SALK OHl-.AP. KMUlt WORK IIORHP,-. t?nll tnr hnsieeaa., |H7 Mercer, near Hloceti r. t t vironoR -Hv jAMK.s ii bin, iumtiunhrk, JVat till Hroalwar, tlilt (Salurdar) mi rning, at ln4 o'elnek, large lot tingle and douole liainraa, now- and tee oml linn I sad .lea, Hrldlea. Blankets. Sbeeit, llnhc, I.apt. Whip*. Hroahea, Hnae, Ac., the ft oca of a whnleiale dealer retiring Irutu busine-a. 4 - - * 1?"?' I. ?'II IP HIIKWST! It I M I' -; m V E D I'll V. .A.wltl. line Harneat, Hlanket, I.Sp Robe Wl Ip, Ac ; bntidtunie top Pony t'uaolon and Double llarne-t, Apply |o cotchni ili, stable I Went llti, tt., one 'liair from .'ftb . oi.NTLKMi.N WILL SKI.L TilK I' jil'mporiy lor one-third valne :-Two very fa?t need lionet (Warrantefl in every partienlar). two iVagont, fine I'haelon. Double anil Single llarneit, llnbea, Hlaukelt. Ac. Hold trp.traiely or together. Stable IBs W ent .11 at tl A -TWO HAY WMHK HOUSES, YMI'NO AMI SOI Mi. ttull Ice wagon, truck, grocor, I arm lug. A'- ; f'KI, f'kl, 2IH Molt tt. A"" V e. It Y IIANIlaMMK" K li l"li Lei'H isTT" V i ('Tt 1111A, made hf Petf-ra, of laindon. coat Al ikai, iimu! only a few timet and will he told at a great taerlflce; alto one Landau, al M < I HLhY'S, |(HI klat tilth at . near till nr. |y AHOAINS M I - I BK SOLD TmMEIH AI KLY, $ 17.1 J >cii-t t'i HI, one nl the handn.iiiett and llghlott . vlanalun top Park Phaeton-In the city, not aolle l. alto top Ihuy I'haeino, very atvllth, cheap; one Pair oi haniltenie maliegnnr h.iy llereet with I.lack point-, 7 yeart old; team; and klrid, very aale lamllv team; Single and Double road and coupe Harnett, elan two mt-a (Inn ladle-' Ib.rte-. 1 Ida ?took mutt be eeen to bo appreciated Htll tu-i n anilne, Palette Ciuh atablo, l.'HI Ktal 2'llh, near il l at. ; the turenian lie* lull charge In anil. Imiufre for O. JENKINS. itKWSTRR, Ol IOImmMK hi., I Of -IIIS HAK A.AU end prlng Head Wtpiiu, the large-t attortrn. nl In ti e city, lor -ale el HAKKEM -. iffth -i an i Hrnailw >r. /IARRIACEh and HAIINkSS IMMKNSe. Iklilil'l',. \7menl?; ilocl y reliable woiki I'haetnei irum V up, waul: leather Top Hugglea I'om #4.1; lioek .war?. Depot, jumpieat Waeoni, Aa.. extremely low; elegant W agon ette, #121; llarnoat, anperb variety, fii 4 > upward , Lap Hug*, shecti. Ao. J'JtlN MOOUL. 07 Werron it. ftlOUKK*. CMKltft VOK\ AC . jgOWAKD KCHENCK, AUCtlONfeElL KLKdANT HuB-SFS, HARNESS AND POKY PI! IE* TON. By HOWARD 8CUENCK. tbu day (Saturday), llth Intl., at oue o'clock, in from of hi* iraiearumn no. 10 .\uio? n dank, a fine span of dark tiny Trotting Mruv ncven an ! eight year* old, warraniea perfectly kino and grmte and to tr?t together in three minut.*# (a certificate of boundneM of one ot our prominent veterinary *urg ou? will bo iriveu) ; a I ho A UK A UT1 K ti D PONY Pill ETON, built to or.icr by Brewster A Co , of Broome *1.. with Pole. Shafts and Canopy. ruM $7i*?, ami used but on? short sea. sou; also a fine liviit D< utde Harm's,#. The above is the property of a private* jro till emeu Also, one net Dlvory, naver been used und Just Imported: one pair Publish Blanket*. two Gentlemen'* Saddles and one Lady's Saddle, as a* new N50R SALK-8KCOND HAND l Top Ponv Phaeiou. own make, at a bargain. Victoria, in $pt?nCid conoition. Brewster Dog <'art. Br<-tt Ilu^-v. Park Phaeton. A T. DKMAKKS I A CO, 028 Broadwuv. Iilnft S\DK?t T CART. MADE BY J. U. HKKWSTBR A Co., in perfect condition, havin * been nut little tired; price Jf4D0. Apply at |?rivate ntable 101 West 50th $i, yfoit SAbH?FRESH Ml K ADDbRNKV COW AND J? Calf. Inquire 2,3811 3a a v. JTWIH BALK SIX BcaT ROCK A WAY CARRIAGE, I four neat l'ark Phaeton, shifting pole ; one Hot Douule ilarneas. but little used Private-table 228 ha-t 3Uh -t BlOlt SALE BY It. FIELD, No 152 CaNiL ST., near B ?w rv one lb-lit Busiiters or Evprest Wagon, in good ordor; made by Swift. Price, if75. L^Oli Svb, \f ? B v KG A IN? ? V K It V PINK SIDE F bnr Top Wa rn, built to orJor. Call No 8 North Wash litoil square. FHiK fiAU;-THREE 1TKSI CLAsS ROAD HORSES, one pair bay. Mini one chestnut; they ure hbout 15 Iuimuh i inch m h and all sound and kind. (Tan bo seen at private stable 103 Lexington ;tv. hM)U s a La? \ CU!UNDER HOCKaWaY, NEARLY uow; also a Pony Phaeton, made by llrowster A Co. Apply at 130 Kant l.ltli. fjUlRSvLF. TIIKKe, G< )()D. YD U N G. SUl'NM WultK Horres suitable fur any business; all warranted, in quire cartnau,04 \ and tin st. Harness.?tuk propri tor ok tiik cheap' est harness store in New York ha* removed from Bar" clay st. to 158 * liautbers st.. where he it selling Hugujr Harness from $7 50 upward ; Grocery or Milkmen's Har ness from $20 upward; a good Truck ifarue^s. Sin trie or Double, from $25 upward: a good Stable Blanket, 75c, Pleuso call and examine for yourselves. RICHARD KlsklKB. 158 Chambers st. IRON STABLE J 1T11NGS-REDUCED PKICEa, ONiv* third off. Msnger*. Ilav Racks. Partitions, Drink fur Troughs, Ac.. ot the be?t No 1 iron. Catalogue* rent free. JANKS A KIBTLAND. 8. 10, \-j. Read* st. | I'.xT ARRIVED?A LOT OP Tills r IN EST SADDLE rj Horses that can bd found in the city ; at-o an extra fine team of Kay Carringo Horses, at 213 and 215 Wert 41st at. Ask for W. S. WELDS. ONE ELEGANT LANDAU, ONE DaNDAU'DKT, ONE Coupe, one Victoria and one Pony Phaeton at M. CUR LEY'.", 1,553 Broadway atid 4??lli st Racing horse wantkd-i:?w hands or over and cite that can tro| a fair good gait; state lull pnrtie ttlars. Address 11. II.. Uptown Herald office. VJUPEUBDY FINDS 11 ED FASHIONABLE OA Kit I AGES O of the latest PARIS AND LONDON DESIGNS, In all the loading styles. VICTORIAS, CABRIOLETS AND T CARTS, for Park and avenue driving. BREWSTER. BUCKINGHA M AND LADIES* PHAETONS for light driving. LIGHT CURTAINED VEHICLES, IN VARIED STYLES. for country uhc. FIFTY SECOND HAND VEHICLES, nl 1 ill i iluced prices. A. S. FDANDKAU A CO., .372 and 374 IT room o it. SADDLE JIOKSK WANTED FOR A YOUNG LaDYj Oman be thoroughly nroKcn, sound and > oiing. aud not over 15 hands. State price and address R., box 515 Post oOice. yi\-SE\T HOCKAWAY BY MINER A STEVENS, 0$275; do.. $2(ki; ('-oupe hocKaa ay, $250; Coupe, $125; Brougham, $.000; extension top Ph letons. $!M, sf | ?'5, $15f>; 5 light Coaches, $l5o up: Wood Bros. T Cart.$2H<>; top iirawnt'T soring Wagon, $i?0; t"p itiil spring Wagtm, $75; Skeleton vVngon, ;f74>; CMffrey Sulky. r5<); Dounlo liar. Iioss, $15. WM. H. OllA Y , 2<? and 22 NVooster st. ' UMMEti CAK1UAGES. ) AB styles for b wn and country driving, our own mnnufneture. at extremely low prices. A. T. DE M A RE ST A CO.. B2H Broadway. OPLKNDID PASTITKK FOR H?*RSKs Al PER Ont uith ; Horse., stabled at night and grain feci if desire<D lit $12 per month, near Nowv?wn. D. I.. 5 miles from Thirty fourth Street ferry. Andres*JO>RPIl S Br.ITLKR, Newtown. D. 1. If e'er to Mr. 0. W. Gritwold, Fifth Avunud Hotel : Mr. K. A. Buck, '?plr t of tho Titnes. UAUDDK HOuSE WAN!ED?FOR A GENTDKMAN; Omtist bo woll bred and kind. Address box 1,222 Post ofllco. CTaDI>? To LET OR PART OF PRIVATE STABLE, Ol7 Wo*t 44th st.. very cheap. CTYL.IHI1 PARK PUAfcfo* KOK .?.ALU CHEAP 03<>, IU.t lllli SAUIlIPlCK-TOP Ht.SINF.Sd. I.XHKFSS W.VliONf^ plHiforui And elliptic tprmisi, $3.1 to $7 llunw, $03, Nil. 2 7lh *v. mill MINIATUKB IIOH8H-A PEKP8CT RKALTV; l*oun<liMn oxeeilrnt .mlills h>>rM. Kor >alo by VAN TAHSKI.L A KKAKNhY, l\2 Ku?t 13th it WANTKU-A HA>r KOAI> BORSK THAT WII.I. TIIOT n ini|i> in 3 mlnnto* or und-r on tbs r<>nd and will k -. p np a <1 ininnto k>iIi l'<r four mli??: iclvn (lie, atylo. color, (mo. p?iii:rce ami nrleo; no inner price. Addrein I'ASII, box 1 nil Memlil offi-'C, lor ion dnyi. vv TA.NTKD T I BPY V <PH)I> UORHK AND TlUTOKj inu.t bo cbeao. Apply (t I'M Hth av. lyixiisolt M ilJON AND KXTKnSIoN TOP Pllnf. TI ton, bf J. 11. Ilri'w.ter; Coupe Kocknway nnd cut. under ton A ason, by llrew.ior A Co. OKVV, NOAKKK A CO.. Mro'idway nnd 3'nb *t. jjNvOKkl.s J liuiisks ro* Mil AT I1V, esstavn ? i.ahok sizrd Canadian pony.sound, O 1 " " '.Kind, irentle; alnple, double or (Addle Apply li AKNKTf'd amblfl, 17 Kn.l .'(Itli nt. (>1 7 C?TOP I'ONY III I ETON, WITH OOI.DIH.ATRD Oi l ?Jll(rne?n: cod tbrre mor.tli. nro; (Ino Top 1'uixuy and Double llumom, very low. I'rimto .taidolHI Weil I Hi It ,t. A. r>UY (IKK AT itRDUCTIOM. (jorilI?iii'-n'tt Boot* itud Sices. Drcii, Mjle,('Ork Hnl? (!niters And Shoes, <?* urd Tie* Ac , Ht f.'l Vi mid tipwnru I????ii?? ??' flu Hult??n Hoots, ?2 fto, ?1, ,V? f4 und $'?, lit HKUOIv.V, 1.15*1 Krondwnj. e >rner2*.HIi *t. KOIi KALRi. ffiTOfriTiMtU<>Tlfuith."ad YEaks Eb'tahusiiko, wiih Slock, Klxturrs wild S >d* Kotiuiwin. for p?rttcu inr* Inquire on promises, 24- (Irnnd ?!.. N#w York city. F~Oii SALE Ml! : I I N 1*5 BOWLDKI ALLKYS, COM plet?> wild chcm ?it 4"? Hudson ?!? Hohokett. jCuiK SAI.K LttiKit SALOON Ml. jjj n kTt 1" i?l . between Prn iklln mi.I North M?M?r? i h. No agents. F~nif HALK?TI! K I I KNITUKK, NX TURKS AMD I.ohio of tho Imperial Hotel. Washington, I?. The boilV) la In irood ruuntug order wad doing ?% oud huitnevi, having ?t tho nres-nt time Id ? guestv Satisfactory rea* ?on* ivo11 for App v lo or *ddre?? .1 a MK.s S. 1'KIKCK, l'roprlotor. tAOrt HALE HOllA API'ARATOm a N !> KOIM \Tn8 P of < T.?ry description ; good on row ; will tie *old rery l<-w end upon e*t>r monthly \t*\ newts and for price Hit. An dres* W. I. FI>IIKK. U? Hudson si , Mow \ ore city. UAKHWAKi:. IIOIHK Kl HMSIIIMJ >Nli CHOCK*, ory 11 MIII -M f" M'o-At tlie old established stuno, Mo. HVi Hi av.. Maw Vorkcity. Apply to Jdshl'll K, K RO MAN. on premises. oijUA \.\IM' K\* V A fi A Tl/H -KOK BALK OK To Unfit, * lot ofpc'-ond band trustble Hods Water AptiarattiH. ?i splendid Mr ad Vonntaln and a mi ol second h*n?f cotpsr K? untmni, clioap for cub. Apply to JUllN liKAV, >o &M Knit Iftitf) St. OODA WATER AMD ROOT HKMt APT A RAT IS, ALT# Oat vie ?. nelow coat. W !l II f I KI#D*H 2K2 Water at., N. V. 1 ri\ WILL IP Y A Ml PR lifgi oK AND tp j rll'llter Haloon, wltn h ?? d* mo Mick wnlnnt Kii turea. Including Mock. Apply to (u%.\ r'T A HnhKllf, In Maw Kowarv. M \t !ll\ KII 1 . likstfism ilnlvriNU kMiiTftiTKm haLI, Ap|i y r'min HI. .'II l"ark row. L'HI'llll. WOOD SI'V.ITIKKH MKkT IN uki'Tko I jSiati a for ? |.H' tinplus. ink. lilckor. ; .ead fur clrru I nr. II M I.. W1 I.I.I a MM, I VI Kh.I ^'.th ??. A L'IMI TOOI.K run .s M.K KNOTS K. I. ATUK.HHAl'KII, 1 MIM .< tlActilnr, I'm.,sc. Ac. row hi.I. UMOH.,11 4 We't -"'ili n liJOK (inn M BKKAKKU ' Co;: C INKhCTIONTIW, III...,'niruH'n, It < rr?m. r., olivkk iikyan.W Ub.rty m. TTnitor i.ATIIR WA.STKll I' 11 k i* kok .'ahTT! A.lilr"... with ?lr., Ac . MO > iToi., OfVrd. I'd*'!' OK KICK fllTTICK. |>UAi oKKli K Sofli K X Hi furat m nialld Aw tf>?? ???k miliar safurdajr, M?r II, HK ?llldln.aat t .!? hSIcj!?Oa I'uaadar. at 7 A. M., fn. Kafnpa. Iiy ?tnam?iilp Srraila. Ha (#a#?n.tawa: an W atliiaMlar. lit 7 A M.. fur Kufiipd. 'ijr ?t?*ni.lnp Ati*?.iniu. vlu <VU' Mi*|ii*k rarraapdaiA*nr. li>r Kraiira t? pa li>f??ril?i| In tula .i. imar nin.t ha .pa.laUr addraaardl. and aid A. .'I. for Frnii'ii ill raft, h) nWam.hlp St. I.nnraut ria llnrr. ; an 7lnif.i|iiy, ata i. \J, tar llr..l ftrlttilii anil Irw IhiiiI hy niaainnliln ? Oy Braanal. via ivnmnitowu (??. Inr Orrmany ?ml th? Ootitliianl |n ha lor ward.d hy till. Maamar ani"l l>. aptl'iatly ?i|.lrn?.ad) and at IJ v., Inr I nri'tra In aiaamah Ip I'nm .naranla ?l* Kir in onto, (iharboaryr a ad inmimr/ M aatnrrlay, at Will A. tl , Inr Nrnyr, III CtaainaPIp Oartnanla, via '#?t. .'n?tiia-n (rnrrvipand*nca for i.anaAnjr and ArnUanii to h? loraranlad Iit tlii. Htaamar mud b?' .ii-rla'ir aiM.raaa t|, and aiHildi A M.. inr >?? itlaint Uirm I. hv aiaamaliln lh-r nila, via Olaa i n*, unit at II ,.ii> A. M. or I nrrnt, l?r atrani.lilp \Vraar, via Mrmtlramptnn mil I Iranian tw Maamahlpt Narad*, ?tiya*nil* and t.arinaata do out tako inalla Inr Danmark, K?* lan and Norway. Ilia mall, for A.tdnwali and Houth I'*. iflr purl, lanva N.w York Ylar n I'ha mall, for tin Won! Indian, via Harmada ant ht. llhMiia? taara Na?r \ nfk 'layti Tha nulla I I Naaaan, N. I'., laara >nw Vnrk Mav II 7 h? tnailajlnr 'Milno aim Japan laara Han Fran rtacn May I'l. TIIOH. L. .1 A MKM, I'imtmaatar. I'cayoiaii.a, Nk? Yoiiic. May 4. IM7M ll'OHAItK. AT MOitOA o a IIKhTII KKS' TdUAUh W A ItK boiora, iCTJ and Jdt Waat 47?li .1 . tinm llrnadway.? Hapmaln room a tor t ii rr. It ure. pianoa. ha.ic' , Ar., In. ?I nation anllcita I. Uai ?i k'.M WAHKnoiTnKH. nru av .~ritod .nii in III'i .1 Hlnra faf llimitara, ha-Itn-a, H tola and Warm "I nparv daaartptlaw, In a.-paraia rlnaad rnmpart maun, tl .ay* amaaatblr ufllraitlli Waat:t4that Sro AoK Hik l- u i.s11 l it. ,, t a Kill Ani .a .t.>"3 raanin mot nh an ill.a ; low rata*, aa'nty and ahaolata raapoltatbllltjr. h M I r 11 A si 1,, 750 and 75# (Hfe It, tad 347 Waat 4 Mb *V Cfi'i kkaii lisrn & run silil. i 'fin r a t. A BEAUTIFUL PLOT ON 5TH AV . IIK LOW 57TH M?, for bmI? ; >u:tat<l ? for a rhur h. For particular* up plv lo L. 11. Ll'DL >W Jk OO , 3 P no ?t. ana 1,13) Broaa whv. AN' KLKOAXT TUuHr. STOKY BKOAN ST??N15 Dwelllos. 22xl 0 J "Q, N?- 117 VW*t 47th *t.: i?rtc?% rent. $i.:ioa J AO >it V. D. WYClCoFF, 30 Pina at. ami 1.2H7 Broauway. IiFaT -FOUR BTOKV AM* basevienT BKlCiC /Dwelling, frwug plac-j. no tr 16|h At ; e**r t-rmi. UAFFi BT\ 3oil Broadway. IjtXTKEMfeLY DfWlHABLK-Mo >4 \VK>T 54T*7i 8T. ? 'ji* flnUhrd in aril-tic ribiiiat work, h i* every improve ment; plumbiur, drainage uud venriliition pcriiet. Apply on |iremi?on. Op n ?iild"y. BH>riTflAU^-U)T 25 BY lOA ON ATh AY- 80 fSkT iroiii tin corner liUlh at., oaat wide; price $7 .O*>. Ad Urea* h N . station A. BoaIoii, Mum*. LVo"lt SALh AT A HAKli \ IN - A> KLEOANT MKUJLM 1 Hie Houao. with i.xtcn?iou. 700 Mudisou nr.. ueur lower end of tlio Park. KmhI St?ir. A.Dee rlptlon of valuable Tenement House Property In Cl.erry >*t. nod valuable private Ftenle Property in Last 39 th Mt.. near 5ih a v.: - HOUSh.s IN t'HKKKY ST.. Nos. 324 end 32a The <l ut>le i!ou*c Is about 27 leet wide. 48 feet deep. The win.* I? House is about 20 root wide 48 feet deeu. Varus 20 loet deep by 47 loot. Also a Kntidlng oa tlie rear. 29 by 47 feet. Hi? Hwcltng Houkpk are five stories high and basement. Ujo double Tenement lions* has 48 rooms, single Tene ment House ho 33, ruakin;.' 81 room* in all. THE STABLE. No. 4 East 30th ft., near 5th a v., Is 25 tret irout; first floor, 60 feot deep, with tig lit large stalls, carriage room, gin** c- Aea for harticM, with faciilticl lor washing. Lower floor contain* six largo stall* and one box stall and wnler for horses. 1 ho tipper floor, three rooms for coachman and family, with large bins for different kind* cf feed, with slide wave to lower fl or. The stable I* perfectly dry and healthy. Lot 25 by 98 feet 9 iucli?*. 'llie above property ie ottered for rent or for sale by ap plying to or nddreaslng W. II. HeNKY. New York Herald. ARBAL BABHAlB IF TAKEN To-DaY-FKAJtB House, with store; lull lot ; $2 590; belter than a bank. J. A. LIN'M'OTT, 113th and 3d av. Inuk~ialr?a"very"svpkbior four inoRY stone Mansion, beautifully frenooed; mti?t he sold. Apply ut once. Price, $16,500. F. OIUWKO .ii), 956 3d av. W est bide. IpOR RALF. Oil LRAHR?TWKNTY-OXK LOTS OF (ironud tronttng on llthnv, 1 >th and 21st sta Apply to HKHUlNii A CO., 251 Bron<lwa> , corner Murray st Blsrellit netitit. For sale?a first class frenoh flvt, in a good central location, paying a good percentage on In v ?atnimit ; excellent opportunity. Address OWN Kit, box 104 lleram office. No brokers. BROOKLYN PROPRRTY FUR 8 A LB OR TO LET. WfiVC mi foil ???> th'-Ct kikst" ?lory Imick House No. 7"J Heillonl av. Apply Imme diately to U. M. ftfl \s hlte ut , Now York. WKSTCIIKKTKR COISTV PROPKRTY FOR SALB A.\l> TO RENT. For sale?cormky place i> yonkki;n, br. tweou H ana 0 acre., $11,"DO. lnntilro )h ICn.t Kith St. M inu. GRAPANUBB. IDlfllN ISII Kl> HOUSE AT YON K kits. NKAU LKPOT? lino river view, lininlro at KHI Kn.t 2'itli ?t. rfio"I."KT OR>i>1T"salh-KLEGan7VILLA IN YON. X kor.; two acre,; hlcli. It" room., .t.lil.. vuitr. bu. Itu poeiimion. Joh n a. DAVIS. 704 Broiuiway. JKRSKV CITY, HOBOKKN, HC7DSOIV CITY AND IIKUGKN REAL ESTATE. To L?t or I,fuar. TO LET ON JKKSP.Y HEIGHTS?A PULLT PUR. ni.liod llouae. 10 ruuio., with *t.l>l? anil oxten.tro irroiiiula, cou.ervatory. nleam Inrnaee. 'prime water, icat an J all inudorn ooiivenieaoo.: view unMirpnn-ed; 30 mln. uto. to the citv ; care intm the d'Kir every ten mlniiti'i; rent low. Apply to M. A. DANIELS, 10 Unlver.liy plnre. PROPRRTY OPT OF T1IK CITY FOR KA1.K Oil TO RENT. AT M A Ml ASSET, LONii ISLAND, COUNTRY MAN. .?Ion (lurnletied), with trruunda; Urge k 'rden, .tnbie, he. : !!>, mileu Iram depot; neur ehurubea; pientv lam, mid .iii.ll fruit; liinh icruund; healthy location ; no chill.; poMiniotoii nour; rent low: nuiumor or year, hull descrip tion ?lveu ut REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. 33<l Kulton St., corner Red Hook Inno, Brooklyn. T MILIU RN. N. J , o.NK HOUR PROM ORT?O* (Short Hills) for lease low, two new, ihurnuiihly built, handsome l<esld>neri; finely llnished, cnmpleie In every rrapoct; reservoir sprlini water throus iout; every Improre lneut; hlttl, cunimandlna location ; iierfeet heaithlnlnessj excellent nelehbornood; rents. pWsi, STesi. Pliotoxraplts permlte, epply to KiiWaKD I'. II AM 11 TON, 30 Pine, g Y. T A kTkOAIN, PRIOR TO SUIT THE TOO.*? House, tve rooms, beeutlful garden, near depot. Ells*, hetbport, N. J., only *H.'S1; aieo charming House, best lo eatlou, Eliiehetheort, price $2.sou. KELLOGG, 3 Broad way, New York. 1M 3d St.. Klisahethport. ~A BKAUT1KUL HOUSE.' PINE LOt'AllON, 13 jVrooms, In uirieet order, et Koselle, N. J.; 4A minute* front New York on Central Railroad ol New Jersey; rent eery low to a good t. neat. W. W DILTS, Hot die, N. J., or A. D. HOPE, I la Liberty ik, New Yore. A-rr>B fajSSSTVfiTu can buy house. 4 lot* .and Steble that en*t fs.O 10; other big bargeine. MUNI.mE. 37S Sain St.. Patoraon, It. J. AT THR HiaULAN 08. NEW J EES IT. A OOTT AG* oontslnlnk' eight rooms, Ibafb AC.; rent moderate. Add res. aKTIST, box 'J.'U lloraiil ..dloe, KslKABLK MARYLAND PAKE?<tu MILES PhOM Baltimore. 171) acres. 3" wheat. 7?> corn; double bouse, irviiard. heaoUy, g od neighborhood, stream of wmeri $0,001) w Kb crop-, hall cash IIKN NET, 7" Kranklln at. T.'' XI It sORDINARY BAKGAINS?KRUfT, STOCK AND Jld Poultry r arms; all slxea, nearhr; sale, rent, exchtage. OLIVER. 103 Broadway. IjVJB KALE -illK hUMMEK RESIDENCE OK HIS EX c-lleucy Ibu <>o\ernor General of Canada, ?l Tadoiftus, Province tifyuebee. with >11 Its appiirteiian> ra. Including the Household Furniture, Ac. Addret* WM. B1UNKLL, Notary, (Jnebue Oily. l/ok "salb?oTioiok country mom 51 oood "buildings, running brooks, assy itern?*r station, vary healtny. Andre** K. II . box ..It Herald offlce. E'"NO* IAU-THI IUOMT UOMSMTKAD OK TH| late Captain William.Sklddy, at Stamford. i'oiih., with Ova acraa land; dwelling spacious. modern and handsome; Wall aliaded and fruited; complete coach and liable encom ia "gallons j garden, lodge, Ac. Apply to HOMER MOK* CAN. 2 Kino si. F"~OR~SALE?A~ VaR*. *1 ACKKR, HOTRL Alii driving park, 2S? tuitee from New llrnoiwica, one lii.nt from New York : a fortune for the rigottnen; tortus oaey. Andreas K S. TRACY boa X12, New Hrunawfrk. Si. J., ol ca I on JOHN THAOY. ' Harrison at,. New York. 1KV1.NOTON.-TWO COTIaOKS. IN OOOI) ORDER, at a low rental; one will l-? furnished if desired. JOHN U, CON NOR. Jr.. Oraxel Building, New York. UNO BRaNOH.-TO I.hT. TUB WINpttOR COt Jlages, RivOO, P7UO, $750; well located: nicely tirnlahod. T. W. COnrfcit. Icing Branch. MURRAY IRZ MOtMS TO LET NEARKNGLB* wood 00 rooms, furnished. OWNER, box 105 Post nlfioe. vrT w"MiiffJhtos7~tiTkkk arr htill tukkeIik IN those nice, new brtrk Mouses to let; Due view, near the landing. Any one dealrlux all tne convenience* of a mod ern city hona? In the country at a quart- t the r. nt of a cltjr h mac rdeaas address or call on II. II. MORTON, .'PI llruaf. wnr. Now York. fro i.hi *T SNkEOaN'S LAN ill Ml O I* POSITS A lioWs Kerrv. on the Palisades, a neat Cottage, with stable . rent fi<'> for the season. Apply to K. N. I A11,hit. 75 Worth St. TO LRT-H IIIIKWHRCRY.N. ~ J?-COTTAOK, CON talnlng 15 room a, with bath, stable, (mil. shade trees. Ac. AddreeeU. W. bTILWBLL. lied Hank,N.J. mo LKT-KULI.Y AMI HANDSOMELY KIKNINHBD, X the lata Iteaidenae and line Orountla nf John II. Ilnldane, Esq., at Cold Spring, on the IIii laon. TIII I per month. Per* milt llrnm S. hllHRKRON,HI W. st 4M at. e rpo LET?AT eTAHKOKI). CONN.. KOK Til K SI .M I mer. or until November I, a tnrnlshed deteehed House* II roema, cellar under whole hotiee, ra< and water: three' qoartera of an a-re of land, with viable and garden; lor%> lion dealt able; six ?IsnNS Irunt M|si Apply 10 W. PKKOUSUN. PiaP st rpu l.ET-AT RICHMOND Illl.L, L. I., SEVERAL X neat and rommndleua llouaea, with garden* and all con vcnlcnrea. ettuated n-ar the depot and only 'Jfi minute* he rail Irote the ferry: location healthy and pleaaaat; com mutation M5; rent* low. ^ JAWPKR R. CORNING, Irt4 Hroadway. TO I.RT-A NICK lloOSR KOR ONE KAMI I.Yt MNI| reomtt Crnton water In kitchen; five mtneles from Itud ami Klver Dap >t. IVJd et.; rent low. Kor particulars ad dreaa K. C,, atstlnn M. city To"let or Leask kuknTmTed ok unkcil nlahed, as Port Washington, a large llenas, wltn band aome oround* attached. Apply to KATIIHcNK A HAT ThKliKK. inf. Itroadway. TO KENT AT IRVINtlToN, COMPl.BTKLY PUB nl*hed, nn? of the meet deslrahle places on the let we r Hudson; ground*, nonservatorlaa gr perlas, garden. Ac.j will be kept |n order for tenant at ewner'a axpen-e. JOHN C. CONNOR, Jr.. Oounsellor-al-Law, Dresel Building. TO KENT?WKiti RKIOIiTON, H. L, A LAHUI MKlO* arn Imllt House, 15 room*, ga* and water ?lx lots of ground, in mlnutea fr.> u lauding; rent ttOH. Ii. M. L'shkii, :? Dev *t. SI E MONTH FOR NICB COTTAOR, NEAR CITY Ol''and depot; fruit and shade; healthy and pleasant neighborhood Applr KhlibOHd, 4't Plan at. URAL KSTATK TO SXCHAXOR. pi A ItM WaNTKD-ON LINE OK NhW Yolth AND f Harlem It llnrad, ftetn ho to I.V> aeres, not Mora than one mile east or west el railroad; not particular lor good htil'diags. bill well lanced; for <*hlcn ca*l> will be paid at a bU'g In Address with loare.l price ami particulars, 3JH I s*i Ii4tli at., station I#, llarlcm. New V irk eltv I HAVE NRARBT 0HOICK COUNTRY PROPERTY, ?nencumhan-d nod without Intprnretrenls; ceet sksst |ln,(POt will r xehenge tor* on weet side, not too much encumbered. Address, stating general location aud amount i I encumbrance, I*. It I',, llernid ulflee T I KXi hamik? A 4VackK plot or LaNO IN Ihetowifhlp ol 1 lip L I I.-r a Hnvlnesa In the elty. Atfdiesa 11W ,M- K, tioa J-H? Herald oltlrn. TiTTxCHANOh -KOR NEW YORK OR* BROOKLYN Improved Property, a Cewntry Heat, at llyde Park, on tne lluuson, 125 .teiea, tu la? n, grove garden >nd larni leg Innd. stone House. An. l ost nfflca box 175, Jersey City. W?TkTED-A H.MALl. BROWN NTuNK IIOL5R IN exebenge for a Country Heat, In t ornwall, on the I luns.ui Ch A HLK.h (I. KP'tRRItY, ltfl Canal at. HEAL KDTATK WANTED. /IVI-kE.hh ItlLlA ihMhrKttV l.ifT.H WA-ttKlC \yntata liicattun ai d price fto inaat with attention). Ad dreaa HEAL KHIATK, 74 Broadway. Brooklyn I WILL PAY tlO.HOri CAMI KOR A WELL BUILT 1 lion*e weal aids prch rred ; must be a bargain. Addreaa 11., box IS IL rel I nflt't*. niiuvAM. tjoBKKT MAHSHAI.L. JR.. II AM iffilofKiTTulMI J b Broad way. Elegant steak of Dress Tilnmlngs ud I Bat tea*.