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JIWIIADN oAMJ lL:\lu Will the March of Industry Go Westward and Southward? TEACHING THE USE OF TOOLS. Workshop Instruction at the In stitute of Technology. 5TANKEE NOTIONS ABROAD. Boston, Mny 5, 1878. Mow England, proud of hor mechanical skill, is to la/ strutnlug every possible ncrvj to retail) thii?mpo riority m industrial knowledge, tvhicli, iu tho absence il th.'product ol the soil or mine, is h. r groat stock ill trudo. She Icars that iu tlio not dislaut luturo tho fteet and South may locato machinery near the places Micro tho raw material is lound iu sucli uhundauco, tndj.witli the aid ol tho ever-increasing railway lines, luct ail onsy market lor goods inanulucturcJ on tlio rory spot where naturo placed Hid material. Already s the IVost mukiug rupid progress in this direction ted net a lotv Now Eoglaodurs have recently euter nluod tho idea oi irauslerring ttio looms auu spindles )1 the East to close proximity with tho cotton pus ol tho South. While taking u survey, ihoro oro, ol American Industrial progress, U would bo lolly ?o ignoro tbo anxiety loll on this subject, not only In d issue!)usolts, but also In itbodo Island and Coiiucctl tut. Several manufacturers nud niorch nits wit i shorn 1 have conversed during the past teu days uc tnowlodged that, now more toau ever, they are dc ermined to put their shoulders to tho wheel, and lhut ?lioy cannot alTord lor tho suku of tuoir own soctlou to ibalo one doi, nowevor small, Iroiu that ceaseless tuergy which hxs virtu illy uiudo ouo vast workshop ?I tho urruory lying between Capo Cod and ibo Hnd ioi). But, aside ol their thousand uaii ouo inventions, ?hoy have uot shut their eyes to tho to-sens taught hem by contemporaneous history; and, seeing the lungers that threaten ihura, h:.vo laketi tunc by tbo orolock by making thorough nicelieuics ol those rouths who will havo tire luturo ol New England's udustry iu thoir keepiug. Said ouo ol tho best thiuk irs ol Massachusetts to mo: XI1K INOlaTHIAL LESSON':, TAC'UOT IIY KXUlBtriOXS. "We do nut intend to bo caugui n ippiug, like Eog auu was, wlieu tlio industrial products ol ail nations verc tor the tirst time put side by sido in tho Universal exhibition ol 18ol. Without going to work, even then, she permitted vaiuaole years to pass by until, Iu lSii7, she louuu berseil leariuliy disiuuced by other Bullous at ttio /aria Exhibition. Then only did alio Dpeu her eyes. ITo lessors, engineers, manufacturers, comuiisrloucrs, all were si at to i'ans, along with a number ol skilled artisans, to ascertain thu reasons Why England old uot excel iu those very industries which she considered her own. 'They catuo back and niudo tho startling unanimous reports that since previous exhibitions other countries had xuudu rapid advancement in manufacturing and inc chauleal Industries, us tney had educated their peoplo Iu the industrial arts, rtiou, with tho patriotic pride peculiar to England, alio at unco set to work and adopted such cducuiiunul measures as wore deemed Useiul. Ten years h tvo passed sioco then, and al ready at our Uautconial Exnlbition England showed whet she had learned in the meantime, though tho other Europcuu countries nevertheless had too uu Vuniugu of at least one generation ol workmen. Euu cation, ihereiore, whs tho secret which EngiauU other countries rorcuicd ihiough their WonUertui improvements, uad .is each umvcfsal rxhihitlou IS being lielu yuu Can Uole the manner in wuich ft nation leaches loo industrial ni ts, ilero in Mas utnu-etis, at least, wu mien i to Kci-yi ti up to luo highest Kluaduru ut our liistuutu ol technology, Where we turn out youug uieu woo can at once' it they so wish, cuter a tactoiy or mucUluo bhoji u'nd earn a living." WUAT Id TALOliT AT TUB WoHk UOI'S. President Hunkie Ol the lubtllu.e, couurinctl the views ttius sol lorut hy ? gent,email wr,o n;,.- given this subject n g,.ai dent ol thought, ,.nJ, ttccutn panieu oy one ol mo director*. 1 vimicu the worg shop* attached to tuo Institute. "In these .hup.-" Shop- attai ned to tuo Institute. ??Ill tutsu hop.-, baia Mr. lii ukle, ?'.ho system ol Instruction does n'ut consume mure t .an than ought to he ..pared Iroui tho Ihdlspcn ,?oiu uulles. 1 he lus.ruction .mops hero are Hot Cohatl ucnoi: shops iIkc (liose coniJi eted witu oihor euucatiouu! csiuliiishmcuis. ft,, ->?tcm Is only two years o,d, .,ud lite itu, sjan l.,ugol it to us while at tho Cenu-uiiiul Nothing so,a here j nothing wa-teU. ' 1 saw the young -TUOehts take their cu iU olf in ouo ol the snops and go to their tool KiAct. Each student has thu ..loo sc. ol luo.e It.- 1 ho c.itss h.' tiioor-, an I ouo eXi o.t liuches the outiro Class p .utuer, lu tho nrbl shop th -v are taUgm now to us : tho Ille, boll, on wood und on inetul. In another-hp uuoiaer Til tools Is bandied, Unlit tho Use ol nil tin tools u <Su in cehs.fuolioit is learned Nothing is burre d liiTC. is ti,uy v^ould be il goods cou.,iructe , uerc woio 1 boio, ut.U smpiu i,mo is expended in learning not ,>n.y toe manipulation ol the ioois, but n,so ibetnooiy tt.ut I unoerlics loon lue skill Inc pupil ipnre. hero ' either at too iuige. or w.tu the 11.e, the hummer or : 11,0 -aw, rii.,01 ?? Ulni to tic trausierred at o ,cc, il nu j to desires, to unv cousUucliou shop inrougnout toe Country. li is the stuuy oi piactnal inechauism j winch is never taught in a leguf.r cuustructlou shop i o ntHy re uns arc looked lor as uiua : gating llmli ll*o skill ot I Jio Workmen em- j ?ioyed Tuo munuiii skill o?u, stud ni requires ! hem is simple, marvellous, and wneuvvsr thieK, nu ' ration ol J i lI,g mecii nics Is once ripened into man hood llio lu-.nulacturtug establishment* ol .sew Ehg lint) .u in..- . need not tear to lost* tue.r .u, ertortiy. In leaving Hits iustUuie ol Teciu.o.ogy President Hunk.o addt'u "i he hand hire I* educated ?b well ka the Ulind, auil the skfllul uunds win IU Tde Cuuiau t>l time adapt tnemsvives to wny niaoulaoiurc. As au ngcncy lor ueVelnbitg our industries its Value CauDol he uvtriblimulcd.'* VAXKKK >U1*10X8. Duo u lbs directors ol mi institute, hlnttcll a tiianulsclurer, who has unonuc.* d lallh iu the iuturu prosperity ol the country, cuned my Siteuln>ii to itta .'act thai hel'v llu.tahdllig New England had divested u grewt deal ol titp.iul in I .e tearing iii.Ustrus already alluded io, her roul s.iengtu loiiM.led in tho num-raus niiall thiin>-, in ? hich sill stand unequal, cd ile cons.?ed it in oveisighl n ??Yaiikae nutions" snuuhl be oinittud Irom the Now Ei giutid mauulactures ??.lieie,' he Said, "t,ur po p I stand uiOoe .uc without rivals, und full inuy I ill,.p. II, Uk thai thu Worid Call . cd along SitUnut main, still So many luiugs are reqa.rou tty twr eivi .Xaii I, that the i ssencu ot the vVit smuiiunt >1 these i.alTin wouia tie m ?? a ny l,ou-*ud?, oolu lore i- ti abroad, now ucoasttitne 1 in their u.c. lake this lu ie t,.g, tor Jii-laucr, whii b hardly costs unv. '.lung; S.uav l, luatiuiaoture, It. d-malid, aud luu Wm readily ace the imp Ttai.ce ol sac rtn Us in tho Country, lnduslry.,' >o, owing uis auv ,oa 1 called upon a in .nuiautarer ol tags, tic w j u ,t d-c pio r E.g u cable dvepuioli Irom l.ondou ordering iruun itiua ot tags. on do uot mean to say," I oluervoJ, "tla..t ynur ?wrrcspnodeutesbics lor ,iu anlcle like tags. tu. ho not Wait ior tfcs mails to convey hi. ordei s to jruu f" ?'sly near ?ir,'' said thu mai.ulaciurer, "yoi) h ,v out tlieitatiid'U what an triorunots hu-iucgg thorn Is done iu Hi so tag* uoroud. In lac,, o i ir as the Con iihsnt at Kuro. o is coiitvrned, I had tninnnli n tuere I u ieguiar agtni to attend to nil the peopn- r, quiring 1 them i,wr there. Andsiiii it is k Very imiiU thine, i Hero nr. Io ttrs hum itucuos Ayres, it ,vaoa ttio J >I)C.IS, ail received this vtry nioruiug, una ail anx lou. to ui.Ve ibu lagf,'' Ibiagrntieutau, at my r-qutit, escortnd me ilr*i 1 through hi,. estahlikUiiiehl n. Milk sir?.ol, Itutiio-, I wtier t ho sale.rooms ?ru local tit', then to Uo.-ior! lllphinuda, whan- the hi .cninvry spscl I./ con- 1 Stiudlv l lor .n . articin ninrost I iok< a bupmluoa* | ?r ul It IS! too oosl.y. to trie, nod I ?KeU u,j ell III,' qnsttloh whether Kuriqie and America CjOiiI not Very Well gn slang without Ihssa lags. Inn I was reminded Ul IhSloiserUwii irtatlo by too leobuologival d.rctilor I that New England hud reiily grown great |Ur,.k "a.".!! . ,uul""1- ,lcre >?"? ?" tnlira l brick UuiliTug where tirst li e cnrdloard is , smoothed uowu sun by itnmcme raacmaery, wtiiis it, r niter tloor is no voted to ory mg tutting, pa< king, pointing, with uny numooroi in ii und worn, n employ, d, ail fur tuo puryo-e ol pro iuc tug the ug winch one see. dangling Irom a trunk or valise. Ira cutting machine* are ol lageiiiou* con. struc p.u nuJ operating in the same tyio , ? inu eye. leltiug mactnues ol the ?l,oo I t iorim; hut the most |Mcul,ir work done hy those Biachnus, however is that iney ilo thoir own cnuuting, dividing the i.iim n packages o' llliy a. Ib.y are b?mg dropped into lbe box,a, and lurthur ringing their own alarm It one ul the little mats! riDuv obnract* the tree pnatago ol others. Considering ' " """ ' "? votmi'tvi ill] lire nun,her o, i? opto empi, > .i i..? iw , , ,onsh Uivnis, the Vadt nud puweiim maclilticry uhgaaed lu tneir produetiui), and, lurui.r, th ? tact I mil order* tnr tires# goods aru stradny on tire ihcrea.e?not oiiiy Iron, souln Anierlca hut also uom Europe?.all llie.o r. It, Ulcus somewhat reconciled mo to ihn "notion'' industry, oi wi leh tag business I* a In I r rcpre be;,iative i.ranch, ami Utqiss more a id more to be ap preciated by lorvigu couuiries. ruLiO), WO liK. Thore wore 1,&?6 parson ifloi ted by (bo police ol '.Rif r ly 'luring llio wevk oix) ?>.?; at i x o'cluik yoo wrodjr iiiuruiiiK OEttlJiOYED JiY 1*1112. A two *lory lramo dwelling honeo h don;: me to Mr. Rdgur W pciiI, it K?r llo< kuwiiy, wis destroy I by Jire on y rid.iy night. I lie limy is between it.'.Oil mid #*.uuu, put daily lueurod tu tbo Uieo Cure Woiuduiu. LEXINGTON RAGES. SPU1NO M1ET1KJ OF TDK KENTUCKY ASSOCIA TION AX LEXINGTON?FXl.rfT DA.X?THllKE EVENTS?DAY 8TAU, LIABIUNAH AND EDIN BUltCl THE WiNNKUH. [BY Tiililiumpa TO THE HERALD.] Lkxisutox, Hay 11, 1878. Notwithstanding that tho duy.was cloudy, raw uud col J, the old race course of ttio Kentucky Association at tills place was crowded wlUi Indies and gentlemen lo witness tbu runuiug. There is no people ou earth more loud ol tho sport of horse racing iliati thoso ol Kouiuuky, and this meeting oemg iu llto groat blue grass re. ion, where tnun, woman and cliiid ere all lutcrostca iu breeding aud rearing good horses, It would have been strauge, in dond, had llig attendance been less, no matter wuioh way the wind blew. Tbo opening day was a satisfac tory one, notwithstanding that the iavorues were boatou in every mstaiioe. Throe waccs wore run In capital stylo and lent time was made in cacn event, us tbo truck.was iu good order and perfectly safe. Tho hrst race was a milo aud a halt dai-b, won hy Day Star; tbo second, hall a mile, by two-year-olds, wou by Lmblunub, and tbo third was a mile dash, which was won by Ediuburg. The following are tho delutls:? Tin: nitsr hack trad the Blue ltlbboa Slake, u dash of a mile aud a half, lor ibree-y onr old#; $ 10 J ohlruncu; $0U iorlelt; $5UO added ; second horse to save bis stake. There woic ten starters lor tins ovoul, comprising L'. J. Ntcbo,'s cbcsl. nut Coll Day star, by Davis, daiu Squccz'uiu; Cidwuliader & Owcu's hay colt Levcllor, bv Lever, dum Sly Boots; L.sle ,'c cully's b.iy colt solicitor, hy Kuquirer, dam Sally; A. llulord's cuosiuut coll Me J lieury, by Kuquirer, dum Outurio; J VV, Hunt Key. ! Holds' clicsiijui colt Diuo Eyes, by Enquirer, dam , Bocliu; and the saiuo goutloui iu's buy lilly Fortuna, j by Kuquirer, dum Karlalstta; T. J. McGibben's browu | colt Aurtliuj, by Asteioul, daiu Doiiv Morgan; J. o. ! Blow's boy coil La Kpi, by Giiroy, dam Ziugnru; Holla Colston's chosinut colt Karl ol lioaconsllel.l, by Eli j quircr, dam Genuora; D. Swigort's buy coll Mexico, by Asteroid, Jum Zone, uud U. II. Boweu's chesinul IIIly Cammlu F., by U euolg, d iui Cordelia. Leveller liail the call iu tbo betting, soiling ior $00; Solicitor, $4'J; MoHeury, $30; Biuo Eyes uud Foriuua, $20, and the field, $30. At tiio seventh attempt Aurolius got 1 away with the loud, Livelier second, Day Star third, ! the o.uers well bunched together. The horses ran i lu tbls order round tbo lower turu (wntch is i up hill all the way), tboy having boon siurled i at the half-mile pole. At the throe-quarter pule Day .? tur showed lu Irout, Mi Henry i second, licvellor third, Karl 11 .ucoluheld louriD, Ihu romuiuaor hi Hue like a sqoudrou or cavalry. I I h'y rattle i down llio quarter stretch una piiasd ihu 1 si.aid iu ibis order, lining around the tui u Karl ol DuacotisUeld took sueoud pluco, Day Star snowiug tun way, McHeery third, Lovelier lourtn, not a length dividing tUe lour. At Hie quarter pole Day S ur was n length in Irout ol Leveller, ibe latter hipped by Mc Ueury. The trio ran uead and head lor 100 yards, j Going down tbo uuckstretcu to the sinning place Day i Star drcwclear ol the others, Lovelier second, Solicitor third, the race sicaieil all over thou excepi tho bhoutiog. From the liall-uiile homo Day star mam j tallied the Kad, and won hauduy oy two leiigliis, I. evuler ecund, u leugtu in I run t ol Solicitor, ' thini. Then lollowoj Moliuury, M"xico, Blue Eyes, | Cadi line F., Karl ol iieucohslieoi, Lo Kol, Fortuna, i Auretius iu the order named, the first uilio wag rua in 1 :45jj and the mile and u h ill iu d:4u>4. The ? uttfr, Day star, is u chesinul co.I, with a star and stripe in his luce, wnh three white slocking* mid a utile white on tile leit hind log, with gray bairn iu tiio llahk. lie is dltueu bauds two inches high, with a beuutiliil bead, stout nook, largo barrel, strong hack aud loins and immense hips uud quarters, lie has very sound loot aud legs, and is an excellent, easy mover. | TII K BkOOSD HACK ! was the Filly Stakes tor iwo-year-olJs, $00 entrance, i $35 torleil, $36o ndded; ttiu -ecoud iiliy to save her i stake. Hall a mile. Tuure were ?i ht surlers I or j this race, comprising U W, iijwen At Co.'s chestnut j iiliy Florence D, uy ioiu tlownug, daui Skedaddle; D. | Mvigcrt'a bay liny Malacca, by Uliroy, dam Maggie i Hloue; 11. 1'. McGrulfi's chestnut 11 ly Verdict, by ' Leamington, dam Jury; 1). G. ^llouius' bay 111 ly luxa tion, by War Dsute, dam I alarm; J. F. Kuomsuu A ? W. Freston's cnestuui iiliy by Uluuoig, dam Floriue; J. A. tinnsteiia'sout Uily Liabtuunii, by John Morgan, hmgi Lautui.u; G. W. bowen & Go.'a chestnut lllly Vtga, b> War Dance, dam by 1'laiiel. lu tnu ; pool selling MalueOo. was tho Isvorile, selling lur $100; Vermel, $S0; i.hibtuhuli, $10; U. W. 11 owe.i & Co.'s two, $00, uud tho bold $6u Tbo start \\..s a had oih. Willi Klureucu II. on ihu lead, Malacca sicond. Verdict third, taxation i .urih, KoUiusou At l'reslou's Gleueig lllly Htm, Liubiuuah s.xth, Vega i last, in this order iney run tiio urut quurirr of a uiilo up tbo mil. At the threo-qu trier po'c the tot look closer orm-r, uud, enteiing the Uuniesirototi, Verdict was lapped oil e .orence II. Whcu hail way down the strutcii tueso two were p.used by L.ab tuuih, uud alter a whipping race Inline Llabium.b wou mi lire post by six nic ies, Vyrdlot sa.unJ, tupped Uy Florence II. third, >1 ul icci good lourtu, Vega tllib, rtobiusou's A: I'resiuu's Inly -tixifi und luxation sev enth. I line, b :al ,'a ihu wmner, LlaDtunab, Is a big, slashing bay lllly, Willi black pniuts, liileoli hands two inches high and is exiren.e.y haud-oinc aud promising. TI1K Til I it o HACK was lor a pbr-o ol $300; *1eb to tno 11 rut and $51 to the second horse; one tune. Fur this 0Vein there were eight sinners, cons:stirg ol James Jlurphy's bay c 1. Edinburgh by Lougtuitow, uum b. Loxn g lini, 4ya>rs old; Lsie At rcnliy'* bi.v geldiug Jo Ilnoao.-, by Virgil, p tin Item, 5 year* old; J. G. ithiw's giav cell 11.11 Bass, hy I'lanlagullet, daiu AdeliUc, 4 years old; T. J. Mi .iooun's CiiOStuul m ire iauimuc., by Planet, dmi Guraella, 0 years old; J. I. Wiidariis' hey adding Shun Line, by g.ou, dum Import d Inverness, 4 yi ars Old; .'dr. ihoinnsou's bay Celt 1'iukeriuu, uy Uleii Ainoi, dam >us ni Over ton, 4 years uid; Kail* oist u's gray Coil K nloelt, by l'haetaii, gain La KeiV., 4 yenrs old; J. F Kelier's chcstnu. inly Ads a., hy Asteroid, dam Jeuui* 11., 1! years old. Jo lthodes vol ibe laVoritu in the pooia, selling lor $inb; Kd iibur-h, $100; Hill Diss, $55; Mil ur i Liues, $4o; Ltnui i ? ,. j4b; Allan Piuktrioo, -0; KiulOck, $.3; Ada S., $10. Alley c.iQsnleruoie uel.iy the I at wero seni nWiy to a und cling start, Ki.luck lirst, Jo Kbodvs mc oiij, Suor. Line* third, li li IIa s Inurui, tnu reuiainglcr catteriug. The horse* run in tills order le i lie <|Uimoi pom on the i urn. w hen >1 ill Kwi lapped KiuIock and oiiurt Lioe, this tr.o carrying on iiiu i anuiiig lo me bsL-uu.e pole. On the lower turn .Jo Khon'e.- was second, iap| ed by Shun Line and KdinhurgO, laol.i lur got oil uadly. Ka'cring the hoineslri'icii Kdtuburgh Joined Uill IIass, and, null way down, showed in ir-iit, aud filially won by a length ..mi u hail, onlli Something iu nan,I. Utll Haas was second, Kiuiosk nurd, a ue It in front o> Jo louriii, tuorl Line Illlti, Allan 1'iukeriou sixth, EuiUia I, seveulb, Ada S. eiguti:. Time, 1:43%. . 1' I, Hi ! LIMI. LmiiiorA, Ky., May 11, 1878. Pooti cn Holidays ruse* tul 1 a* in lu? Kikst 1(ac i'liio mid u hall nilk ?)1 ?-ii Brorck, $?!??; AHMI iua and L o.urj, $12; Vara Crut, $12; Liziiu Wliipps, | i. skoink (liOugti'lloMr siake. in lie beau).? Uuvi Muofc, $do; Lucille, $4: Harper, ?ld i 11 litO Mid (' Hi nt M, ?;n' aud ii iniil miles) ? Swiacn' . 320; Hiow'a, $io; Oriim iMii'i, $i?; Laa.ul iauer'a, i'i, u tt< >0 ul aix nor*???, jf.4. KACINO IN NEW JEUSKY. 'two 1;USS*I>0 BAC1H AND A TUOT At WIST Mil) i- Fa XX A ?OOi) DAi'.-t Ml OUT. Yesterday wa* * tfil* day at West Sldo Driving hfk, Ma* ItrMjr, ib ri wait a v-ry lurgu atitnj nn.o to wttuc** the sport, Jenpltu the threatening wither nra itio very lie .vy lundtlion of ihe Irann on account ol tlio ram prut?umg. l ucre Wcro three event* ou tho progr .lumc, * bitli gnvo general fati?> laulion. Til* FIllH I HACK w t* for a purae o! $lgu, at which i:5 wa; to go to lecoiid horse; lor ill; >1 'isli ol olio ltd a qu.irior mile . There were ten oniric ml lour slirteis Ihcie wore tk c. rrlnuo.ou, 4 yi >r ; cli. W llatlto T., on. ii. Atliri mi l oli. g. OritMh H .tlle K. wan tin 'itvoruo ngaiiikt the del I t ilio fate ol foil ^ $'M. 1 lio boraca were sent away to a lino rluri, uHit Jliiile V, on the lead, cioacly pre <cd by 1'riiiculou. Uulug down the b.n Itstretch Orion aluiiihlci mid threw lilj rider oror hi* bead. When picked up it wan ascertained that ilie rider ol Orion wa* Severely injured, in* ?boulder and left arm being heavily brulaod, ne ?!?? wna the *tdu ol hta liead. The horse got nil Willi a lew Rcnicba* and wa* loon all right again. Til,melon and Hal tie V. daubed over tho course, with Atlaa at their h??M Alter leaving the hull-mile tola Atln* trussed Ina front ley* and fell, but lortuiulcly neither ruler nor liorae wa* imrt. Alter a spiotidlu alrugglo liotwem Kilneetnn and Halite t. tbc former won the race iiy lbree|tengtha, lUttie accuud, Orion and Atlaa dtaianced, Iliac, ft'41 , III* si con n hack wa* lor a puno ol jgih, $60 to second hmse; (or all age*, Alio litait. A mi: borer* bod enured, out lour only I mi lo til Post tnvsc Wcrtlbeb. I. 1'ilnCc-e ? ii Tnuic, 4 j are) or. f, |,iuM I'aiy, J ye*r?; u.n e. i'rt'sluf, ii ) car*, and b. e. D ili IVoro, 11 >ear>, fir ft !!? of. ?!;,<? horses w. re started in the seventh attempt, l../*i IJaiy jumping away wi ll ihu lend, Don I'mlio drew o.o u I||| UliU pasting tuo (piurtgr pole, 1'rlMMi* ol Inula third and Pre St on inarm, 1,1/aio Duy Jumped mio a Mho nil t?e tun coining hum i old ;ch llntn horse iiiid rider wero ?Ileum, nut roiivua no surion* lb. |ury. I'r metis el I lima weut ?wa> irom lion ? drn no I're*ton mid woo inn heel e any in 1 :A4, Don fedrn netnau and I'reetoe ibiM. N? ? judge* ueridni m il aitbiitfgb aedof .1104 in rale ol Hie Juekey blub Incut Defy wee dwiaucvd tbeyuikwud her to Haft *n, i n. Second //'*rtf. ? I'rincfl'-s it Thnlo w?* the favorite over too Muid at .loo to As'. At tnewidD u India took the lead and kept In front around the first turn, but betoro reaching llio hall-mile pole I.iazio Italy* rustled in the load. Ou tbo homestretch a splendid race ensued, finishing by luz^o Duly passing under tbo wiru by a length in 1 :53, Preston rocond, Don Podru third and Princes- of Ihulu lourth. Third Heat ? luzi.o Daly, Princess of l'Uuiu and PreetM ran Slue ?ud side lor ibree (juarlers ol a mile. Ou coming home, however, PrsMou, to th ? sBrpfisn ol ull present, cutuo with a rush and won too heat by a iougtti, in 1:50; Liazio Daly second, Priuciss of Thule third. Don Pedro drawn. fourth Heat ?Preston was sharply pushed by Lizzie Daly, but be proved by far the better horse, as he wou thv heal uud ruce ut Ills ouso by lour lengths, lu liM^i Lizzie Daly ssoaiid. Previous to starting tor the loartli bout Princess of Thulo was drawu ou aocouut ol h*ink lame; siio ac cidentally. iu polling up alter th ; third beat, hit iter- | sell uud injure! her Joiul. TUlt 8liCU.NI>' HACK was lor horses that huve ucvur beaten 2:45, for a j purse ol $ 1 OU, $50 to the first, 530 to the second and j j20 to the ibir... Chore were ton entries and ihreo starters. These were Wl.liam MncMuhotrs hlk. in. i Clara Morris, 0. Wright's b. g. Jack snuppurd uud F. I K. KdUrook's or. c. Pouuwe. fi'ho race needs uo do- | tcripllou. The first named was the lurorite against the lloid at the odds ol $25 to $15 and won (ho race without a struggle hi three straight beats. Xuo lol lowillg are the SIM1IAKII.S. WkUT 8lDK DttiVIJIU Pauk, Nk.v Jfusky. ? Hu.V.VI.NO ami ikoth.xu.? .Saturdiv, May XI. X8I8 ? First race, parse $125, ol wuirb $25 to secoud horse, for ail tig US; dusu ol' ouo and a <|U trior miles. Starlet s. II. Walsh's b. c. Princeton, 4 wars, 118 lbs 1 J\ J. 11 villa' oh. f. Dullie F . 0 yours, lib lbs 2 ti. tJut. nil's cb. g. Oriou, 4 years, 115 lbs, die. W. 11. bane's eh. p. Atlas, ugei, 124 lbs dig. 1'nne, Same Day.?Second race; purse ol $200, of wbicb $50 to llio secoud nurse, lor ull ages; mile uoats. tilirter*. F. K. Rives' cb. g. Pro-tiii 3 2 11 W. C Daly's or. i. Lizzie Daiy 4 12 2 J. A. Siulto's o. 1 Princess oi l'bulo 14 3 F. baiilon's b. c. Don Pedro 2 3 dr. (>ruy l.ay, Orion, Ilultio F., Atlas, Duu O'Conucll uud Pat Hooi.ey drawn. Tune, 1:54?1:53?^:50?1:54. Sauk Day,?Purse $100, lor horses that have never boutou 2:45; $50 to tirsi, $30 to stcoud uud $20 to tho third horse; milo beats, host three Id five, tu harness. Starurt. W. McMulion's blk. m. Clara Morris 1 1 1 O. Wrigbt'K o. g. Jack bueppgrd 2 3 2 K. U. KJUrook's b. e. Pontine 323 ? Till*. Quarter. Half. Mir.. First beat... 45)^ 1:25 2:02>4' (Second host 46 1:20 * 2 >4 Third bout 45 1:25 _ 2:52 PitOSPECT ' PAltK PAIli GltO USES. TUli UNFINISHED TROT OF FKIDAX ENDED? VULCAN THK WINNER. The unfinished trot lor horses that buve covor boalen A; 24 was completed yesterday at tea o'clock A M., at Prospect Park Fair Grounds, Gruvesuod, Loug Island, which was postponed lroiu Friday on uccount of darkness, when (our boats bid boen trot ted lo which Alley, Ctiurlio Green, Vulcan, Darby, tyoMilt, Grace nud Nellie Irwin wore tho contestants. The Oral heat was won by Nellie Irwin In 2:27; Vulcan look the next two heats in 2:23 and2:27%, an t Alley the fourth n. 2:301?". Grace wus withdrawn uftor the socoud heat. l'he track yusiorday morning was very lioavy, caused by the rains ol tho night before, and the tiuio luado by the horses was cousequoutly slo w. It took two hauls yesterday to decide the question which was the best horse, fhu ilr*t heal was irollod lu a rain storm ; but the socoud wus not, as it cleared up botweou heiis. 'there wero only a low pcrsous pres. ik lo witness ibe trotting. ftjlh lira'.?Arter scoring eleven or twolvo times .the word was civun with Alley lu trout, Ghurilo Uroeu second, Vulcun third aud the others Well up. Ncurlng tho quarter pole Alley broke aud Ghariio Green pussed It in 37seconds, Vulcun second itutl Alley third. Tho bull-mile pole wus reached in 1:16 by Ctiurllo Green, ouo length iu tho lead of Vulcun, Aliey third and Nellie Irwiu fourth. Alter passing this poiul Greon inuao a break and Vulcan went to the trout and lod to the turning lino the homustrelcb, Charlie Green second nod Alloy third. 11 ui a low rods had omy been travelled alter this when J. H. Goldsmith, the driver of Alley, pulled the' horse out irotu tho othors aud went by Vulcun easily, and captured the host by three-quarters of u length trom Nellie Irwin, itesuit third una Vulcun lourib, who made a break alter Alley passed him. Tunc, 2:33. .Sixth llral.? Result, Charlie Greon and Darby woro sent to the stables lor not wiuuiag a heat in live, ac cording to rule. 1 bo word wus given alter three at tempts to a good Hurt, with Nellie Irwin tu the lead, Vulcau secuuu aud Alley third, 'i'o ins quarter poiu In 3b seconds the places ol llio horse* nut chaugeu; out going uowu the backstrelch Vulc..u wa ul to luo Irout, aud pussed thu hall-milo pule in 1:17; Nellie lrwiti sucoud aud Alley lasL Vulcuu, utter leaving this polut, trotted suauily, and won the hunt and race by one length, lu 2:30^; Alloy was tiwardod second money aud Nellie Irwin thtru. The lollowiug is tne SUMMARY. I'Kosi'kar Park Fair Grounds, Gkavksknii, L. I.? Tuorrtxu?May 10 undall, 1816.?Purse ol $ton, lor horse* lout nave uover beaten 2:24; $200 tu first, 6J26 to second una $7i to tne mud horse; mile heats; tno bust three iu live, in baruo?fl. .Starters G. Huynnr's 01k. g Vulcuu 3 J. It. Golasiuiin's b. g. Alley 2 A. J. Russell's b. m. Nellie Irwin.,. 1 J. Murpnys b. g. Gnarnu Green 4 It. G. Dobsou's o. r. itesuit 0 Dan Muou's o. g. ilnruy 7 \\\ McMahou's U. ui. Grace 6 TIM K. 3 1 1 2 4 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 0 3 2 2 4 3 8 & 6 r.o. It 0 4 4 3 r.o. 7 7 6 0 0 r.o. 3 0 dr. Quarter. Ua'J. Mile. First heat 1:12Sf 2:27 1 ;I3 2 '22 Third boat...., i..... 'Ua 1:1. * i uunb neat.... 1:16 2:3 j,'j Film boat a?;. 1:16 2 SKI Sixth heal....., 1:17 2:3t ? HOUSE NO i'ES. Four prominent brooders of trotting horses havo united id a Joint .sale to tuko place on the 25lb : utt. ul tlio Amorluxu Institute building. I Mo druku are Irom the ritu ts ol A. U. Darling, Hurrlsou Durkco and C. W. Orkwold, ol New Yorit, and Charles M. I'oiul, or Hart lord, there la ti variety ol Block, nuiiiueriti* lorty-seven loir, to lie Bold, ideluding tlie not ul KoiP tu ny I'riuce, Uluckwood, H.'aUslre, Vulunloer, kys uyk'a lli.'uiuiotoiiliiu, fee. About tw. nty uro road~ierp. AinOng We Oro.Hl mares are ib? Uuuia ul .-uvor.d troU tera ol last rocurd, such ua ko uliud, MeUuw k, Jr.; Mollio Lung, &? CllE DilOOii. Mil. WASUHUftN WINS TUK WAT CBS LONG KANUM I'UlZu.-bliOJXTNU AX lllg "BUN NINO U. lU." I lio aecoud competition tor the Waters long range pr.a ? ol fad in gold, wutch look at Creed uio.r, atone o'clock 1*. M. yesterday, resulted in a very poor display ol markiindiisinp. the m.ucn, which la only open to metnliera ol too Niltmal Kill.? Ana iclatiou, consisted ul thirty rbuta ut mo l.boj yards ranee, Willi the privilege ol tWh Mghtlng lbol|. Ilioreworo lUv it en riea, lour ol Wfhoiu wubdr.w nolo u Uniaii lug Weir acres. 1 lie highest acuru wis made by Mr. N. Waeuburn?ltd out ol the po aiolo 150 po.uiH. rna ariuair w a very nulavurablv. Tnu wind Veiled Irani west to nortnwesi mid was subject id lulls mid sUddou , lis wnieii rendered ibo shouting very inneli ? miliar ol to n.e.. I lio follow ing were Iho .core# tu Uio Water* an uuii: ? N. Wssii Hire il l M. It. Doughty 09 II. K.slier 1WH . I .ilib !?? 1. L. Adeii 10? N. D. Ward 75 it. kulhbouo....-a... 1U5 TUB MOIXiaO Id: It MAT til. At iour o'cioita, the tmrd cum, mition lor a Win chahtur rapiatlug rill loan at tun "KunotBg lie. r l''irgel?M 1 ?e lullowitig is the oliloiul doscrip t n>n ol lla matcii Distance, 1CU yards liter to '?? run by a signal from firing point. Auyrille.bat light, i.i be uvar ilie aaulra ei il.e ."t.iul, .in i but in' ali<? l tu lie dtkoiead in eiieti run. bhlMncii :e twenty II.a emits, wlneii will entitle mo com petunr to War iuna. .in liW i l>? tne atim. ui ul time* w ?any titor uinr riitcr, but no p. rwu to itr - In* sscea.l en try unlit ml other emtipeiii, is i tv.i Or. 4 tleirlii -t. fen . inn 11no lor u. I IIrtii . lor hrlng Whlia tkiflr is uu: ol ion ml?, or lor Ilk Hi; t It haaiien i eiri to be pnid balore a s .nwd -but i* ttred. Ilia locust acme la lane lla rifle, tin' eaal lo lie lilt per emit ..I lint entrance money uu I floe* iii.d tba tlilrtl ten par eaat, ata * reiuaiudar i. lug by lb .siaiatlah to cuvar tua yvp-not. of tbo nittteii. Ilia to UaaoiM tne prop rty ..I Hie parson w ? ii ii m A Ii tbro.i Uuiaa |.i?i naeet.ariiy 000 sac all v ??) rlitre were eight c.mipa; nora hi ibn match, mid tbirly-uihu einrics were made. C.iptuiu W, It, l.ivcr ?oro Wwa the Brat prixi ou ? suoieoi 11 pom is mid llio third oh u score ol 7 on . ul a pomildo 14 poiuta, 1 be lallwwlug ?ru too highest somas ni.ido by each Mhiipelttori? t.'upi, \V. II Livermore. 11 T. I'm 3 Uorp J :i K. W. lluilion., 9 J. W. limy 7 J II. lencKle 3 A W. Diuioda 6 H IV. Dim 2 Mlti'U ul Ilia competitors were inulc.ed in the niiii) ul ten cent* liar striking tba animal upuu iho hauucii. I'l.o .Seveiiili I! glinont Mill i Club shot tbo second Coinp' tition lur tuair "trophy.'' Mr. J. it. TeacKln w - the winuei on a More ul it out ol a poaaibie :;5 p i.ii a. I lie Math* consisted Ol V snots ull-liaud*nt lliU 'kIKI yard* ruuge. LJClV'n ? L. Tlio opening djy lor the Ml. George's Crick't Club hits both liA d lor n. xt W(dttadnv, wllhii it Club mulch will ba i lived, coinineucing at twelve o'clock. The pnWBtl wlil ho open :or practice oil W odnoadnys uhll I nuradi. a tinlil I'Jiio 1, and alterwurd uu ovary iiny during tiro actio*. L.ieuo.ssib, Owing tu tbo windy we.tliur yoitorday Iho gatuo winch to liiivo l iken place ut l'rovpoct l'.irk pur.i .u ground betwon tne N. w York and Hnvcm wond l.tcruani old be w.ia putlpouod. iho CiUba nninud will, however, teat tbair akin on bvM iSiturdny at Ihe Jerome Park I'oiu Ciub erntinds, wliun u silver cup will b? ttmaciilid to tlio V. lOdufs THE DOG SHOW. M.STIFFS, OOUNDB, TBItBURS, SP^SISLS AND MINT (TBtU BBUWJS TO BB KXIili-XTlD IN gilmobk's oauben. Tho seeoad annual bench show or dogf, un auspices ol the Wosliatusler Ksnuel CiulJ, w <'P .. coatinuo lor four consecutive day.', about the sumo us last year. Some ol the cU?os i Ih wore not expected to fill very well have snrpr ?od Laagers by Ue.a, ...ore UrgMy representedI than a t yc ir. The display of tnastlll* will be very flue, l b C'ass ot lox, terricra, whitti two yo irs known I., tms country, although H t? couriered the ,hdU,unable dog of England U well Tm o. "collies,"' or ?oottt0 shepherd dogs, will bo one ol the flU0?t over seen. Yorkshire terrlers-the llltlo blue and tan dogs that are usually crrou,!?UJ ' das 'i J as -Skyeo"?Will bo exht died tn largo uuiu hers!' There is also a largo display ol miscellaneous toy terriers, Blenheim, King CUarles aod Japuu sd spaniels. Mr. William Lon, lor over ten \tais the "ail round" judge ul England, and wh?.1. 'us au uuiuority there, arrived In the steamer flainc oa En ,ay evening, and will Jodgt the English setters, pointers, m.mlOs. >-t. Bern:trds. N'ow.ouudKud,. lo* terriers, pugn and ail the toy spaniels. Mr. John U.vison. ol Monroe. MloU.. ?U> Judge the Irish sellers the Gordon suitors and tbo collie*. ,)r ! H. Twadiiell will judge all the hound classes, wnlch include the Ion hounds, harriers, bougies and dachshunds. lhe Qdec.-s coulI> hunt will make a very Hue display, and during tbo "how their dogs tuch.rgo o, the huntsman, who w,h appear in lull ?S.^tuZnch uJZtu tng wilt bo dono in tuo utreiia rmy. ? , loU lor that purpose, and PJ ^ ^ poodle. I be Ourdtm "^ready hstnicSt ??K alluche'd to ?acli one. lUnd.-umely eugravou ocrut!elite* Uavo been prepared lor each w,truer ol a pruc or honorable I The lollowing uy%"VaUoBa\ the DoaW Show, 1876. VI S. 1)., cla-s u?For Hie beat brn'-o ul poloior?, SUs? W lbV -??o?l ;o .? .udoowucdd by K of potn'tor bitch, a coiuu uod guu oaso ??,"u__J'or ltlB husi miior Jmg iruu*, vriiuo $ ? Uuiiod Si iics lroin nt of Huy fcl,^.0 1 oianci ii?For Hie ucbi toner bucti t've parents, god. 01? J?J Siatca lr0m balivu Oi any strain b ed harness, value i:-- ' class I-Eor u' e best Kughsn seller bred ?n the s?r f ~wo: too best English so Iter y, CUhs K-Eor the best ?"nuh'h sittc'r cltclb u. bo shown with two, and only fcugliMJ stuir Ol Ol, mas* I?For tuo Oc?U red two, ol her $',0aol^ras uog, to be showu with "wo and only two of hi* got, u huua.ome 4 to ul progeny, 4>S? _hHWn w).n mo,-and only .two, ol ns'l'ot a handsome double-barrel shotgun, value SWV|I.-miukiug ^:VoaS<fr\ZZT^ and wf ieuor bftoh. to be shown wnh two, aud only and win .tuui y iauu* 1' For ibo best di*? lk?. Q-Kar the best mustlll. dog, bitch or '"""'?I* tttvssfs.?dsu'ssa ?? S?For BPS. *?'?" Sc^&^awrsrais TrH^S^-sssswis cnsssss d'oifs\?ethereg are lourtoon entered lor tbo i>r?x a. ? i,?l "nchos are in class i ltougligcaaiert ond smooth-coated St. Bernard* number sixteen, v ..I,.,..i. i.tide out up the creditable showing ol Lweniv inroo Of Slborlan or Ului* lucre urc eievcu, and ol grey hounds nod dccruounds tweuty-seven. ? ci ? ,! 1" to 1U. it.elusive, I oiuters, campion iud otoerwlle. ever and under Ulty "ro noted, loiuter puppies, over MX aud under twe vo mouths, number tweuiy-lour. lu th ei..s?cs ouo. Puppies 01 the same ria'nnJ ?Si:?;^i n .? then there arc lour OnesspeaKo dogs aud - i?a>i tuo ? luiiiOcr bpauici^ aud liiuun coikii pure Irish) two n.oer i ,of ,0xUcunUs spaniels and |.npp M. t" iu lUBl |or Uurrlcrs. bull i r" b...? i?rn r? loot up aovouleeu, pugs .'T.'"!;?" ?,.T!.""" ." ???"?????' "i cial prues. . YACHTING. EIOiiTU COltXXTHlAN BACK OF XI1E 8KAWAN U'KA XA.CUX CLUB?BULLB AMD BLOULA TIONd. Tuo Hcawanhaka Yacht Club offers prizes for on eighth CoriutUiuu race, to be sailed la New York Bay ou June lb, 18JS, lor secouU class fchoouert and Ural, second an J third class tali in s oups. The rnce will be open to yachts ol uny duiy organised c ub; is u> bo governed by ihe sailing regulations tilid liuiu allow uucu and nri .or the direction of l..e Regatta Commit tee ol the .Scat, an link i Yacb, Club. Tut coutiqiitou hoi'O thul yacht owuurg will tontluno 10 cncouruge thi* Manly anil luMiriictlve kind ol racing and will make a numerous eu iry lor this ovent. Four puses are olluroj, olio in each class in wulch two or luoro yachts atari. CLAM irtCATUX. SciioosKKa. ? Socund oiu.-.s, all whoso area is l.USO tqu ire lu t or loss. .-Loors ?First class, those wboso area Is grcsior than WOO square Iculj second class, those wno?e urea IS MUD square lOet or icsr ami grs itor than bo t -qi.ato leeij ti.iru Clas?, loose whose urea is Job quars leel or less. l ho area is obtained by multiplying the extreme beam ny the xio.tSol lungtu ou wutur lino uud length over all. KXTS1IM. must bo mauo in writing, and will bo re ceived by M Itooscvrlt Schuyler, tliairman ol ttiu Ucgullu, at No. ."J 1'iUQ street, Until throe F. dl. ol Thursday, Juoo lb. CKkWH. Yachts must bo manned by nmaiours exclusively, and e.tcn "Wlisr, upon en luring bis yacht, sliull sub mit a list 01 too names, ot-cup iliona ah i nddres-oi ol ins propust il crew, wintiii list shall bo subject to the rt ol ibo KgiUu Committee, wiio.e uuuiaiuu sb .Il be IImil. Yachts w il bo ailnwa>l one man far every live icol vl length oh deca and oiiu to every ..edition it Ir.ic tional part ol live lei t. this number shall not inciuuO the n#nor. A sailing iuar 1ST or pimi, conk and steWani limy o? carried, bin none ol mem snail iu any Way assist in I Be mating, mem or working oi I hn ynchl. U .ch tucnt shall bo sailed, mid, >s lar as pussiolc, steered by bur owner; aud a vio.utlou ol ibis rule will lorioit the priXu. SAILS. Schooner* will be restrictjtl to hsads tlb, foresail, muinsnil mid woiKnig gaillopsuiB. Sloops * ill be re stricted to hua.uaiU, lusinsati mid gall top sail. "A working galltopsuil Is s Jlb-heudoa-iopaail Hint does not cxtcuu above I no tru. k nor beyond tuo pall uud.'* No two headsulls ol smno uumo shall bo carried at ibo s.iuio time. Yachts shall lly llisir pri vate signal., nt peak. st a nr. The start (llylng) will tuao ptacu nt as near cloven o'clock A M. us practicable, and Ibo lltnu ol cnuh yaotlt Will be liken as she passes bClWeou III* CI b steamer and Fort Wad-wonli, .11 nun Island. 1 ho sisnuls lor -tarling will ou given Iroin Hie stcsiucr as loilowi :?Fust (preparatory signal), one whistle and lowering ol tboiiuo signal on ins steunier; second, tun tninutus latur(lor thv start), another whisilo una the lowering ol Ihe elun Signal on tliu Sle iiner. I en minutes Will be allowed to cross tnv line, lit the expiration el winch tune tiie.c will ho one bins! ol ihe whistlu. "No vacUt or y.iuUls slisll he ruled out on account ol m.liiro to crost the lino at the start wiihin tho silpuiatcd tune, out the tuna ol such yacht or yachts snail no taken as iron! ihe expiration ol mud tlino allowed lor crossing llis lin.A Hiisut III si ol the whistlu will hn giveu, II poss.hls, as each yacht's time Is tukeii. col urn; Ihe eourni will bo liom ihe starling point as abnvo to and around buoy .No. Id, on the Auutll I west FPU, teepiug it oil the port hand, tlioncu to and around the Handy lin k iigintiip, keeping It on tns l irhoird hand, end leturn over Ihe same course. Y ..tills mils; keep 10 the eatwar#ol bunt s No.-.'.I, II and 111, on .Itu west hank, nun outside oi buoy No. 61? ou Ibo uoml ol tSandv lluok. going and rotui'uiiitf. ?nil must pa?? between tho club steamer and Fort Wridnwnriir 01: arriving bo ne. The iti^'aita Comuiiiteu consists ot M. Roosevelt Schuyler, James 11., C. Wyllya Doll*, llcury Del'. Wcckes uad l.ouis 1'. ii\ itrJ. VAL'il UNO .NOTE. Y.ctu Scaw'.lch, B. Y.C., ex-Coniuiodore F. H. Stoit, Iroiu li reimport, L. 1., pissed tho Hkkalp Telegraph Station, at Wtmcstone, yestcrduy alicrtiooit, bouud to New York, iu tew of. steamer rKictcbcr. miniatuke yachting. The mutch race botweeo iho miniature yachts Hum bler ami ltoroluie yesterday in Coutral Park war won by tuo Rambler. Time?Uamhler, 44m. 12s; Hero lute, 44m. 31s. Distance, ouc mile. liOWiNG ON TH15 liAULLM. BPltINO BEGAT f A OP THE C LUMbIA CO! LEGE BOAT CLUB?CillLLTf WEATHJ.B AND NUMER OUS M H1IAPS?THE HENLl.Y FOUR. By a action of very clastic cxlrav iganco a porton staadiug oa tlio float of the Columbia College Boat Club^yosterduy vvuilo the tdpriug Kegatta of tbo Col logo was in progress might suppose thai ho was liuggiy 01 Joying Ugmtolf. fho loeliugs ol persouat discom tori, however, wnl.h anybody but an optimist In such matters would experience, would prompt a coun ter vlow of tbo question. Collogo regalias arc usu ally cujoyao e, hut thig ono looked liko a P0B1 toullal compliance witU some stern edict lui in i n a led by some potent authorities. And the high mettled ladg on whom tbo penunuo fell boro tbeir burdeu bravely. Tho oarsmen cumo Uowu to tbu wuursido loyally hut shivering!)', awl tbeir chums in the bualbouso, although they na'l their College cry chilled In their throats and their class .prejudices benumbed by a cold Wavo from tho West, iiiaitu u brave seeming ol uaihusiustii. It was a oilier day, uhd lu complete auutgouisui to uquullrs. March h id not "tuujo sweet tho weather," as it 18 reputed to do, uud April seemed to have done It but scant set vice, Tlio very suustilne was coiu, and tuo bittor wind ttiut biejiv out ol the West tosseu tlie wutor tuio turbulence. fne Columbia boys hud brought a great many ol their lrionds to witness their contentions on tho wulor, uud tliiso ol course went thioagU the courteous ailectaliuu ol being deligtitud. l'ho ladies ou tlie hiicoay looked uu udiuirtugly except lu tno iiii niu! forsotiulues.-, wnon tbov drew tnetr wraps closely rouuu thou and by ttioir looks acknowledged the chill influences ol the - immature season. Under sucn conditions ol wind and weather uu. rough water it was impossible lor tbo oarsmen to make any record worm preserving. Indeed, tho regatta was iu many respects Imormal, uud only lor ihu impromptu race between tUu lienloy lour, us Cap tain Ooouwiii and til* nivti are now called, uuu a picked OigUt, Would liuvo been rather lu llin nature ol a lull ure. i us- course was irotu MueComb's Daut Bridge to the boathousc, u of ulioui one mile. Sl.v-OSHKU 811KLLS. For tlie llrst race throe orews?Freslimoa, Sopbo mores and Settlor-?got lute line at ihe giartiug point. Tho crews were made up as billows:? Freah mint. 15. T. P. Ficke dow J il. Van Slnderin.... 4 D. A. ClarKsou - W. Foster a L. H. Beers. o J. H. Montgomery.Stroke Sop'ioinnrca. E. Blunt ..Bow W. H. Bates. 4 L. N. Phelps 2 P. M. Stewart * 5 C. M Kooiue si U CogUill stroke Sen tor a. Ilogart Bow C. H. Browor 4 K. L Pryor 1! s. 15 Newbury 5 W. K. Barnes li W. C. Con tout. .?..Stroke Tho race began w.tu a mishap and resulted itt it wulk ever lor tho Frestiine'u, When the word wis given the Seniors and Frosuiueu swung togouier, the furmor losing tnolr rudder und the inner having their paper boat b >uly cut tuto hi tlie bow, u Ititlo iu front of the washboard. All throe crews were called bacK, and in the souond attempt to start thetn tho bout ol tlie .Seniors, having uo rudder, swung ucross the bows ol Hie Sophomores, u bad lesuUiug. Both crows were di-qitalifled, and tlie Freshman rowing down by the Now Vork gtioro, with their bout leaking rapidly, covered tho distance in 17m 4Us., uud wore given tno race. VOUIt-UAItKD SIIKI.I.H. Tills raco was contested by crows irom tho College and irom the School of Alines. '1 hey were constituted as lollows:? Co 'lepe. E. H Snyder Buw W. Foster. 3 \V. B. Parsons, Jr..... ~ J M. Moutgouicry..8iroko ScRoot of Mtnta. B. T. P. Fiske Bow 8. U. Newbury 3 P. T, Browning 2 W. C.Eobleut Stroke The conies, was also marred by an accident. Ihe bow of the college crew lu?l his scat and Was ohltgou to slide on tho rail.-, in which uucoiulurisnh: position ho could ouiy ruw ineffectually. The Scuoul ol Mines crow accordingly drew to tlie irout with care and wou by about nvcn lengths. 'Ilius, Diu. 12s. , THK 1IKNLSY FOUll O.N TIIB W'ATKlt. Tho Henley lour and llie picked eight next took their places, the eight rowing iu the shell in whlcti tbo Columbia representatives rowed against the Bar v.ud crew at sqiriugllcld. 1 ho lollowiug were the crews:? ? ? Henley Four. E E. Sago Bow 11. U. it dab-ck 3 Cyrus K lSou 2 J. 1. Goodwin Stroke I'ickctl Fiyht. H T. P. Fisko (ell's.- 8. ii. Newbury (class '81) Bow '78) 0 I). A. Curkson (cl mo James It. Mouigomery ;31) 2 (clisii '>0 ft E. 11. Heirs (eiuss'81). 3 V. Po-ier (ciuas '81)... 7 \V. Parsons {class '111). 4 W. C. Couleul Stroke They started in h ho roe run squall, and la? lour im mediately sitlliug uowu into a loug, oleady stroke, urow slightly ahead. Both (iruws loued metro irs high to avoid the rough w iter, nut the eight were Inr more irregular In iheir movements lliuii their oppo ncalS. 1 ne lour rowed along lliu New Yin It .ho O . ad niu. tallied a -light lean all tlio way dowru. ? Ju.t us they came opposuo tne ho it boos the eight made d Vigorous spurt and picked up rapidly. It seemed Unit thoy bad luk n the lead before tho llue was pu-.-oU, but II was tleciUcd that tuo lour ban wou ny about thirty loci 1 my were ol course warmly tongiuiu laltd on their victory, aud, tne regatta being euued, a general rush was m .do lor the city bouml tralus ?WESLEl'AN UNIVERSITY REGATTA. Midolktowx, Codd., May 11, 1878, What vrns cxpectod 10 be a race betwo.n (be lour Olusi en ws oi Wcsleyau University to-day was narrowed to a raco between two, u collision between ibo bunts In wlileu tUo Juniors anil frrcibmon wore practising oeluro tbu regatta disabling iho Junior's bom (which, by Ibo way, was tbe one wnicb curried Wesley au to tho lure in 1875 in tbu Freshman coutusi ut .SpruigUuid), aud botn Ibo Freshmen nu<l Juniors, wuo wore ex pected to pub close loaotbor, withdrew, leaving ibe r me lo '78 and ' U Tboec crew* tlarud auoui eleven o'clock to row In shells over u throe mile course, a mile aud it bail mi ruiurn, the loilow lug Meii oicupying the reipeeuvo boa,*: ? '7S ?IJ. ,-t. Hu b (oou;, K J. Fainter, L. Q. Le 11 ir, A. l> Kyin ii, U. U. J teg, K. A. burn in or (-upisin and stroke). '8'l?J. A. 11 iIcy (now), C. >S. Da VI*. J. A. Wnslii, V. A. I'm ii my, W. U. Uili, H. \V. Warren (caplulll Itlld ?iru*<!). Tnu a- uio.s throughout tbo rnco pnlieil a steadier stroke'than tin- .Sophomores, uUd, ullhotnib the latter gamed an edVMliagv In turning iho Upper put it ol the Island In Ibe middle ol the cuui e, g lining about tWa.ive length* by uailcr net ring, they Inst ibis load -iooii and ike ot'Uiorn won b. about two length*. The wlniiiug I'.m ' was not vory good??Jbm. 1 lie other nine wusJJm. the* were tV. K. ISorgi'H, '7a. starter; J I". blow, l.inkospcr; tV. M. Harber, rlerxely Divinity rcbool, rolereo. 4 he riciiio. f, h iving won at Ihu last tail regatta, are by tbe Victory ol io-d?y entitled lo plac i tho class n ine on ilie (laborut: cup. an Inner won by two vic tories. Tho weather was lb.e, tbe river lu good cuu dillon aud about ouo tbuusund people witnvsael tbo rcguitn. THE PLAINED-11 AN LAN RVCE. TT1K MEN IN I x. Kt.EI.vr CONDITION AND BOIH 9 INHIH ST or 8UCCIS8 MIC.l EXClTKMtNT IN TOBONTO ABOUT THE All A HE [iJ* TlMv.KAIM TO TUB tlKKVI.D. ] Iouokto, May 11, 1878. l'lals: oil nn<l IIuuImd arc Uuili lu excellent coLdillun mih this iiruipccu ol u iMIUig contest are goo i. I In: weather | re von i.i Plan tod practising very much Rl'ica lie came neicj hut its the ratio is very auori, being only two iniIns. uutl u? ho ?rni In good cun. ditiou when ho nriivcd, further hard work i* considered by Ills trainers almost uiinecosiary for tho race. I'l listed \ weigh* l?;t* pounds. Hi* siylo of moving his t.rrna wnnu rusting is not much admire <1 by our boiliug num. In Itiis respect lie ciosoiy rc-i tallies lions. However, he may liuvn ruti'rvo )>ow< r tiuit is liitiu lookva lor. wbicu only iho great tr at will develop. Hanlou woiglia 101 pouud*. and was nev. r In such flnu condition, or rowed in he lev form than at tho present uiin . 11h lung, unsy, swinging stroke, tu winch lie pull-* ln? oar* iroin gi p to IIulsb, Indicate that I'lnlstuu will IIiiU l?iin n lough competitor, i UuVe is little money botug Kuked on tno result, ss linnlau's If tali Us are cuuu lent, whilo l'lihlM't bncKera arc unwiliii g to stake inucii on lire rosull, except at odd* o( a ?o 1. l)ouing uion oi loront ? nrc cxtuudlng every courtesy tO l'lsisted anil bis backers. BOAT 11AOING AT 1'iTJ HliUHG. PlTr.Mil'ltu, l'a., May 11, 1878. Tho boating season w la.opeue.l liero tn-dhy by a lliroo mile single scull r.ico lor $noo a sido between Pel singi r, ol Wiin ling, West Virginia, mui l.ujhprgcr, ol SMlt l'litaimrg. I no rare was rowod over the lower Muiionaahoia coins", and was wou by Folsmgcf, lu twenty tlireo minutes miuutes by about tbiee boat iungibs. Mi StIC BOAT CLUB. Tho spring nthletio gamos of tlic Mystic lluat Club, opou to am Hours only, will take placo at Waverioy I'ark, N. J., on Saturday, Sl&tli Inst. Tho entries will closu I uesuay, May 17. COACHING. ANNUAL SPRING FAUADE OF IDE CLUB?TUB MLET AND TH 3 ROUTE?BANQUET AT THB HOTEL BRUNSWICK. 'the sprint; parade or tho Coaching Club will tnks place on Saturduy, 2>tU lust. The drugs, as usual, will meet on the west side ol Madison avenue, lacing Twenty third street, lbs liour liietl being Ulicou min utes past four o'clock. Tho members, together with tnoae u ho may uccompauy tbom on their drags, will dire together ut the Hotel Ilrunswlck tlio s.ituu ovon Ing ul s.vcu o'clock. A brilliant reunion is autici. patod ou this cccatlou by tbo oflleers of tho club. There u but one vuctuvy tu the list ol membership, uud sluco the club's lust' parade threo new drugs buvo baeu udded to the number on tbe muster roll. Those uro tho property of Mr. F. Augustus Scboriner horu. Mr. George lb Fearing and Mr. James V. Parker. Ins certuiu that toe public will bo treated to an exhi bition of the new coaches on tno auouul turnout, la udduiou to tl.Ao ovtucd by tho oldor members, and wnica have become familiar to llio citizens ol Now York. Now dresses were gtvuu to muuy of tho drugi duriug tho past winter, so tbo outlook lor an enjoya ble tiuiu may reasonably bo tariuod very encourag ing. Tiiu rattans. In tho spring of 1877 there were clovon drugs in the liuo of parude. This year tho number will corlulnly be increased, so with a lair duy ou tbo 25th inst. an atiructivu picture will be presented to tbo thousands who will gather along the stroeis through which the parade will pass. 1 ho old route will be observed. It is uiouud Maui-.ou Park to Fiitb avenue, lUeuco up that thoruugtiiaro to Ceutrul Park, thwough tbo latter to hli-lsuuV, wtiaro u short ball may ho maue. Ko turnlug, the drain will pass through (be l'uik, down Filth avenue to Washington square, when, wihdiug aruUu't the fouutnin, the coucuiueu will make quick timu oacs to the Hotel M< uuswiuk. by ibis hour the umucr will be ready, aod, with appetites made keen by ibu drive, one uud uil will uudoubiedly appreclato tue rvpasi. ngniiKits AND Ot'FICKlta. Tbo members oi tue Couching Club aro now as fol lows:?Mr. August Beiuioui, Mr. AugustBolinont, Jr.; Mr. Perry Heihioht, Air. James Gordon Beuuett. Mr. Frederic Broueou. Air. Willi a in P. Douglas, Air. Hugo O Frltsch, Air. Uoorgo K. Fearing, Mr. Theodore A. Huveuieyc.4, Air. George Gr.swolu ilavou, Cotouel W'linam Jay, Atr. Leonard jcroiuc, Colonel lie Linccy Kane, commodore a. Nicholson Kuue, N.T.Y.C.; sir. Pierre Lortliurd, Mr. Frederlo Nensou, Mr. Thotnui N .'Wbolu, Mr. Jaine> V. Parker, Mr. A. lhorudikc iiice, Air. Francis K. ltivos, Air. Fuiriuuu ltogers, Mr F. Augustus Sonermei norn, Air. George Peuoody Wot nioit ui.d Mr. Augustus Wnitiug. he >.Ulcers lor tuu current year ure:?President, William Jay; Vice President, Do Laoccy Kuue; Secre tary and treasurer, Freuerio Bruusou; Executive Cuiuuiitiee, A'igu-i Buimont una Wniiaui P. Douglas. In tho receut drive ol tbo Tally Ho to Phi.auol p.'iiu and back tuo public curne to kuuw better ibu ever b-toro how export the cluo members uro in driving lour horses, una it may remombor iu ibis conlioe.iiuu ibut rule 2 leads:?"No one sball be orgiuio luf inemhorshlp lo the Coaching Cluo unless he can drive tour hprsea, nor unless be shall bo tno owner ul u 'drag,' III whola or In part; her shall any ouu he ellglhle unless be owns at least oue-iourtU ol a drug." TIlit I.ADII3. Upon the occasion ol these club parades, particu larly ibat ol the spriug, wbeu all the inuuibeis are in town, tuoir luoy relatives and friends grace the guuierings. Ol lire eleven coaches iu Hue last Alay ten continued Several ludies, and tully as many ol tuo lair sex may be expected in the coming public re union. N'o outlet* evidence' need ou required ol tho iavor winch couching is looked upon by the lulus than the recent. 1'niuUoiphi.t trip, us among tho Ions ol thousaouS who, greeted tuo drag through Jer sey uud received mo visitors in tue Qjukor City douo were more culhusuisuo than the laircr portiou of creation. Colonel William Jay will boiid I be parade on tbe Solo iusi. auu Colonel lie Liucey Kauo bring up tbo rear, those positions being assigned to tbo president and Vice pie-oldeut ol the club under Its rules. PKINCEfON COLLEGE ATHLETES. ANNUAL. GAMES Of TUU CLASS?'fffl P IZliS. * 1 ho nunuai gymnastic coiitost of tho senior class occurred ai Prtucciuu yesterday. With tho exception ot class day, perhaps, this occasion U tho luost not ablo of the college year. Its occurrence was wol comeu by tho urtivul of scvoritl parties from New \ era, Philadelphia aud other places along tno line of the Pennsylvania roau, so thai by a quarter of uleVett o'clock, when Hi': contest begin, tno gymuustuin was bright with spring bouuolt and protiy laces. The presout class being rather smaller than usual tho number 01 outries was louud to ho soinowhut smaller thau lu otber years, Theso were careiully trained far some mouths past by Mr. George Guldiu, the well kuoivu atlilclo and lustrucior of gymnastics. He supervised tbo nfUtr. 'Iho geiiural contestants were Messrs. L. P. Funk, ho user, F. ?. Haines, l. U. Hess, 11. s. Johnson 1. A. Mayo, A. 11 rowu, 0. W. ilcCorkle, G. d. Muuson if. ~>tewart au . W. D. V un Dyke. Ka''fH'SSil prize Messrs. C. D. Ucuuett tiuu t. b. \V Miami uuiurcd. TRICKS ON TIIK I'AKALLkk i. I P'?^jU"Uo ,ua ?" w"h tricks on tho par.tllol bars, Mr. Haiins being the llrst to appear. He dipped through lliL'iii, ending with a handspring oil'. Mr. blown lo,lowed WaUuig upon his liunils which led the way lor the nips, turns and vaults. Mr! Mayo sue. needed in ciilcblng a very pretty weathercock dtid Mr. Iless the same, on coin right und left bunds 1,,? rings were next oruer, U(J0n wtllaU Air. Hi owu loU by Orc*gUuK up aud Kir*, nig Into a Very good cross, ilr. Mayo pulled un w.toouo hand eigut times, live w.tli tl.e right und ilireo witu the leu; Muuson succeeded lu lukiug au excellent upper ba. k horizontal aud then lowering hituaell Into n lower back. Mayo was highly ?p plauded lor a .peoialiy exoelleul cross and some hori s .ntula held vory long aud glcaoily. On Iho swing Muurou loucued u.e neam anu Uaiues closed uu ex- ? liuustuig double swiug aud double disjoint. Uolween the rings und horizontal bar which followed Mavo loot au .xoellout llag. Ou tho bar McUoru.o led w th a Iron I Circle, \uujygo alter u hip up did a ireo wheel; Uuiue. UVo back rcvoivos auu a hori zontal, and McCorlde u Hoot aud oacK a.aril swluir Joliosuigcaiiahl u very prettv baiauco. Ou the lie* pole llaines and Hrowu reuched the top two holos at u blue und Mayo ruao about two-thirds ol iho way br three boles. ' l'kcuslk. A new piece of apparatus, kuown as L'Kchele, was tlicu U*c?l. li coutfj.-si* ol tiiroo 1'iira nbjtn two loot long, joined by parallel go as lo inake u make a sort oi lander, tuu rouudg of wuicb ure lour leet upurl, with the whole cuvored with rubbar cloih und suspended from tue co.liug. 1 bo act w,.? a iriplo one. bj Haines, Urown auu McOorkle, lu which McUorkls snowed Ills noliiiy as u light weight, Ibero oeuig cou ttiUcrabiu truj f work. In His emu sw og Bennsit wss peculiarly facile In bis Juggling. W illiams, however, bad u greater num ber .ma more motions, some ol his Kr.imer Uuo C"Cl? under auu iiiotiuua being especially The tumbling oopaistod of front nnd back somor. eacll-. baud spriugs, flip Haps and bolt buuiorseulta. Considerable aiiiusemsnl was caused by some fro/ leap-. McCorkiu did a very good ucad spring A douole iruiug.j act wa? uext given py Drown and Johiiaon, loiloWl d by the Uells, In which -lowurt held lives1 y""X *nU ,orlJr-1ve. and Vundyke two forty Hie contest closed with a good trapeze exhibition by llroan, V unuyku and MoCorklc, lu wh ch tuo latter excelled. " Tint rmxr.S. I bo Judges, rormer g'aduates?Mcesrs. J. M. Taylor 7b; A. U. I urnurn, 'Til. and A. J. JloCosh, '77?then retired and.returning alter a short deliberation, hunduu then decislune to Dr. MoCosh, who unnouuoed Iho prises, as loilowst?1 lie medal lor tue best gym liast in 7s to a. Drown, tbo heavyweight modal to H. a Mayo, tno lightwoigni to G. IV. McCorkie, una tho emu swinging prise to u. 0. lleniiett. J he unaehuli match botweeu the Harvard und Prince tou-iduea resulted iu luvor of tho lorrner by a score ol BAiEBALIt. iho Alaska', ol Mtateu lsUn I, visited tlrooklyfr ye-iurday, aud playoj tuu closing gamo With tho iiiookiyus oh the Union Ground. Only live tunings were played, at tuo close of which the ecoro was a tie. Elf.!!"? " " ?4(''"HNlb* Mutual agreement, tbers being but lew spectators pieaenl, uud tho Aluskaa Wishing to catch a par.rcular boll. The .cor. by iorihigd was ud folioWn? Al>??kn 2 1 a A rt n Ur0"k,j"' 0 i 0 a oZg DA. K DAI.L NOTES. The games at Prospect Park, which wero wilnossod by about ilfieun hundred ipeciatora, ro.ulto.l as lol lowei?aeooto, Tj Polytechnic, 9 Nestor. 14; Kuoiid, la. Webster. Hi; cnutoo, ft Hidgowoud, iH: Uemout. 10, Bunuyelde, ?; CloVe, 7. Alpine, 10; Forres. ?. Warien, li; Union, a. ilorders, 7; Kxcjlsoira a' S Itiynnr At i o., J7; Chamberliii, W hltiiioro At Co IS. Uoutmental, pj; Star, ft u " a go., 15 > At Iho U .pil ing Ground two ntuos from H.ckor'e flour mi.Is ;hu Orixiinoos and <> Jila^pmytu , ^ro iiwibn:'*"11^ 10 ,^?ro' "'tier, ny iht At Ho ton ye i lord ay tlio Uostooa defeated tbo ProvL rZtcr,az V?w: riiiFirr, z, /\i Wnslintutoii?.Nmiouai in uVo'ft'At^H H.yT'l' l''" bya'soS???! li lo AiiSew ilnvcn?Ailoxiifi,y. ly ,\..w K ,Vl.n i IIulinger Cm,.never eiates thl y^,?u.y'a Was ihe list that would bo pinyed ou tho Union Ground, us ilia aruuiid has inn-u sold off in building Ibo'eiound?h*a'mnn "" com, 'eS seventeen ^ears. UKJ ? "-ball grouutf abou, b?v.-,:;v;,;r^:r.L::,nir,,,,y bos'"aoff ,ot