Newspaper Page Text
BOAHUKiRl WAJTTKU. rxxsistrrKoNT HaffrwxrfTTit n~ & 6 v kb; its Aper week for two perm in ote at $1?; two large Kiiimi, for three nr four persons. at *7 per wi-ek. each; fnrnilure. table, aarvica unexceptionable: references- 63 West lllb 1?A LARGE AND HANDSOMELY FURNIRDED .Room, with Board, for pentientan and wile, in private family with all (oniiorts of * home ; house nn.i neighborhood strictly lire! class; terms moderate; reference. Addreai PhAtll, Btaliou E, Post office EX TuA LAhUlTTRUNT ROUkl. WITH BOaKD; terms low; home made bread, pastry, Ac., In abttud aace. 341 West 14th St. ?A LADY AND GENTLEMAN AND TWO SIMILE .gentlemen can obtain superior accommodation lu a Jewish laiuily 64 West 4Sth st. sxni lk room for gentleman, with boakd. 67 West 4Sth st. Also table Hoard. Il'i.tASA NT HOi i.Mh ON bKCOND Kl.OOR, WITH sHoard : also hall No. m. 13 hast 43d st. j ELEGANTLY FURNISHED RoOM AND FIRST i.class Hoard in a French family. 311 West 33d st. j HaNDSOMKLV' ri'RNisTl"ED swii Nl?" FLOOR I. Room. In Jewish family, opposite Central Park. 33D VestbHthst. 1H A N OHO MB THIRD FLOOR. SINGLY ORE \ ?UIT K; bath; private table If d sired most delightful corner on Mauisou av. south of l'nrk. Address AMERICANS, Herald Uptown oihce. FRONT ROOM TO LET. WITif BOARD; CO FOR two. 4117 Hudson st, near Harrow. 1 LARGE FRONT ROOM, WITH BOARD, fll FOR I two; stogie and double Rooms st moderate trices. 310 West 11th st. 1 ""PLEASANT THIRD FLOOR BACK BoOM. CIS FOR two; also large middle Boom, very reasonable^ good Board 68 West 33d ?t. -RINGLET"AND DOUBLE R OMS. WITH BOAHDl .also furulsbe i Uooinst table Hoara; New England lam lly. 317 West :iOth st. ILAKuE AND SINGLE ROOM, WATER. GAS ? qnlel, well turnished: botae privileges or Board; refer.. Slices. st3R West lBtli St. FINE 81 IT A<D SINGLE ROOMS, Willi OR without Board; desirable Office lor | hyslclan. 133 Madi ton sv. I' ?L V RGE AND SMALL ROOMS ON tiKCON D AND ? third Honrs, turnished, with or without Board; terms stoderate. 43 West Washington place. ELEGANTLY FURNI.SIIED ROOMS, WITH ?upk rlnr table, suitable fnr party of gentlemen or gentlemen and wtvos. -HI West 43d st., tirst house Irom Rmsdway. QD FLOOR ROOMS ro KENT, WITH HOARD, EN Oxtilte or MparHtoly, lurntfthed or unfarnltiietl; alio other Room* 10H and UiH hn*t iS-la *t ? 3 PA UK AV. (ML'KKAV it ILL).?THE ELKOA^T five ktorjr brown htotiv Hotiift. wlih Cottar* ati*checi (never before occupied only m u residence); apart ments for families or single gentlem -11; raloretice*. Til hT.. 164 WKST.-NICKLY FU KNIS4IKD ROOMS, rwltli or win,out Koirrt. CTII AV.. NO. 23 ?ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SKU tlond Floor, with^prlvato table; moderate price*: alio Hn.-lo Room "III AV.. 808 ? HEHI LOCATION IN CITY: FIRST Jclat. bouse; two Salt* Room*; Hoard summer prices. 5111 AV.. 4ft, BELOW 14TI4. ST-LAIUIE, COOL Km mt ot. parlor floor; private tablo II'deal red; summer prices. -Til AV.. NKAK 37TII ST.?IIANDkOME HL'ITF.S AT I/; reatly roducod prices ; private table It desired, or would let separately Buck Bailor, $123. for two, per week ; reler mee*. <>.. box l'JH Herald Uptown office. 5ASHL vND PLACK (Pi KRY ST.). NF. aR GKBKN wlch av. -At 8ft, !??, $7 end 8s par week,*nlcely lurniibed Room?, with Board. rrH~AV.. NO. 125. ?DESIRABLE ROOMS, WITH EX tlcellent Board, at mmmor price*, permanent and tran dent: reference. f?C AND $6.?H ALL ROOMS TO LET. WITH BOARD; P?Flare* Room*. 812 to8 14, table Board, 83 50; tran .iont. 81 '.'ft per day 3D6 Weal 14th ?t. - TO *7 WK K -BOARD. KOOM. 15 NEILMON place, corner Clinton (Htli it), near Broadway $5 - ?CHOICE ROOMS, WITH OoOD HOARD: NEW bouse; bath, piatio and gas 14'J llenry at., near Knt i f.ast i7TH st.. near stii av.-furnished I Itonms. with Board. In French family: reference*. r? WEST HIST sT?FINK SUITS AND KINDLE ROOMS I for lamiliee and gentlemen, with or without first class Board. 7 WEST 10TII ST.?H AND8O.MK.LY FURNISHED Rooms, with Board; extremely modernte price; table Board: private table If desired. 7 WEST 3SIH ST. ? FURNISHED ROOMS; N Kid II i borltood unsurpassed; first class Hoanl If required 9TH ST.. 3H WEST.?LAROK BOOM. SECOND story front, with Board ; also single Koom; terms rea son sble. 9 WK8T21HT ST. ?ROOMS. WITH BOARD; VBOE1A bles. Ac., from our farm at Dundee Lalt*. New Jersey. 10 Til ST.. 223 WEST. -LA ROE. SUNNY i.OOM.FUK oislird to let. with Board; terms moderate; reference. $10 AND 812 FOR T\V(> HANDSOME BOOMS. WITH good Board. 2fi 4th ?t., near Lafayette piece. 11 LF.ROY ST.?TO LET. BaOK PARLOR, FUR nished, with or without Board. nVVi-ST SOT 11 sr.-II \NI)S(IMELY FURNISHED Second Floor, with or without private table; other Rooms; desirable arrangement* for the summer. ftfni"ST , l jH W EST ?Till R~ > sTORV FrTTn T ROOM ; i Ztlc hall ttoom to let. with Board, to gentlemeu; fam ily small. 1 ?) LAFaYKTTK PLACE. CORNKR 4TH ST.. ONR XsLblnck from Broadway.?Fine location; Ronctt, with or without Board. lOTH ST.. 73 WEST?NEWLY FURNISHED SEC 1 w<>n<l ana third story front and back Rooms; also hall Rooms. ItJTh ST.. I Aft WEST.?PLEASANT ROOM, Willi ^Hoard; alto front halt Room ; all convenience*; terms low. 12 t)TM ST.. 1IH WEST.?NICELY FURNISHED LAROE Room: also hall Ro >m. with first class Board. 1st WkVt 34 I'll ST -KI.KO I NT SICO'-D FLOOR ? Apartments. singly or en ?itite: superior Board -.private tablo II desired: reduced rates lor summer; references 1 ?) EAST 321 > sT?HOUSE CHANGED HANDS; F.l.K lOganl'v furnished Inrge and small Rooms; summer prioes; reference* exchanged. Is} WASHINGTON PLACE.?Nll'KI.V FURNISHED O Rooms. with Board, lor gentlomen; French and Span sh preferred; reference exchanged 1 A Th ST.. AND 311 Vt KsT.-WI Til HOARD l'Xliandsomely furnished Rooms: terms moderate; refer ?aces. UTH -T.. 227 WEST.?DESIRABLE FRONT ROOMS, on third and rourth floors to let. wlthBonrd. at summer prices, to lamlllr* or gentlemen ; southern exposure; relur ?nen. 14 TH ST.. 34J.-KLIOIhLK ROOMS. WITH BOARD, singly or en suite: terms reasonable; transient and table Board; referenced. Til ST.. 2Sv? WKoT. ?PLEASANT ROOMS. FRONT "and rear, with Board; terms low: references. Til f-T . 114 WEST. KLEOANT FRONT ROOMS TO net. en suite or singly, with Hoard; retereitee*. U||| ST.. WEST. 843 -SUIT OF ROOMsTiN 8KC ond floor, also hall Room, with first nasi Hoard; refer ences exchanged. 15 rn ST., 333 WE-T.-TtVO ORNTLEMKN OR A FhW vnnng Indies, with first class Board. I cth st. west. 153.- Handsome back parlor-, (.dottier well furnished Booms, with or without Board; food location; moderate term*. 1(5 Mil >t ka>t. iaa-ruRMsiiK(i iRoomh, with * Hoard, for $f<ntlcin*u. 17 EAST -.'tril NT. ROOMS TO LET. Willi BOARD; also tanlo Hoard : reterrnee*. 17 WEaT 3D I'll sT.?VKRV ATTRACTIVE NEWLY furnlslod moras to let, with choice Hoard; rntereocee. l(lTH SI'.. 334 WEsI ?Willi HOARD. ROOMS FUR. Lr'nlshed or it-Hnmlslied; t* rois moderate. l(k WiHT DH'II NKAK fiTtl A V. ? DKSI It A RLE I ?'Rooms, superior Board, ball Kontns; cuntaioing water snd closets. 19 WEsT 21 sT ST.? 1. LEO ANT HyU?RK ROOM OV third floor, front, with hall Room eonnecting uvi-ry " 0 ball Convenience; Intromit to possession : also tbreu largo Rooms; tint class tnblo. I <|TH sr. 311 EtsT., NEAR 2D AV.?SINGLE AND iw """??* te let 'with RnarW. ^ hi rooms; bathroom, with sh .w... 1 T.i *"*' cold water food table . ,er?,. Pleas.,,1 hoosl and ^9fkndj raii^Besoms wh h rsatlem?i teraM re.^'^de lor <" ..nili 29 SF25Lm. ?m 5>/| WKHT i>ril KT. ?NiC) LV ITKM.SH!,)) ROOMS, ?t\J(u lei, wlili naperlor HnarU ; ierma inotJerMia. 21 ftTII AV. RLKdANTI.Y I'l'KMsllEI) HCOM8, with good Hoard, for families or gentlemen. III ST ST.. 2B1 WEST. DP.SIRAHI.K SECOND STORY U 1 ironl Keom to let, wltb Board ; moderate lerois; refer in eee. il-lsTST.. Ift7 WEST-KINK LARGE. KOoMm ALL ^Alinprovements ; good Board ; pleasant Rooms for single gentlemen. <?T*r nT ria WE II FEE! IIMIRAILK. NEWLY & itarnished double Rooms, with Board; terms reason sble to permanent p irtl-s. *?<^lt ST.. 24J M'EST.-AT EXTREMELY LOW aM^prtces. desirable hsll Rooms, lor gentlemen; good Board: relerenees exehan ert. tltlll sr.. Xt!> WEST. -I.AKt?K. IIANDaUMRI.Y Ft'II. ^^mlshed fro 1st R oms. wlili first class hoard; terms reasonsble; relerenees. 2H I) ST.. 'I I WEST?IIANDSUMKLf FURNISHED Boom to let, with Board. 0*JU -r.. 156 WEST. I.AKHK. NEWLY FU> NIK It ED ZOltsorT.v with unexceptionable Hoard, lor families , sin gle gentlemen can make advantagaous arrangamant* for the summer l?sjD RT. I?t WE.hT.?DESIRABLE Itini >is FOR TUB LUtsmmsr. parlor and second Honrs; first rises table. lion ST.. JIM WEST ? R110KS 1{N SUITE Olt.-INGLI ; i^Olabl* first class; neighborhond tinsiirpnssed, being tqual distance trom depot* on both olevated ratlroastt; ret ?ranau. nil 7TH ay. to let. with Hoard, very dksir. 6*1*hie front Soout. second story, all conveniences; terms to snlt the tint, a ItOli sr.. 4|H WEST-ONE LARGE ROnM, aLKO tlhnil Roim. to lei, with Boerd) pleasant summer real dene?: relerenees rxehonged. 26 aislied Rooms, ?Ingly or en tulle, with Board It d* tired ; terms ress nshle ; private family. II sr. 121 WrST LARUE, II 1M1-1 i.M EI.'V awOlurulshed Rooms to let, with first class Board, lor the tnmmef. *,?( 1 WESI IIITII 8t.. NEAR 5TII AY. J Famished Rooms; first elans Board. t?(l WKKT 31 ST AT HANDSOMELY FURNISHED LT'/lruat Rooms to let, with Board, tor gentleman and wile. ?(t west 2*rrn -r near broadway -HICELY ^?/fMrnlshed sunny Itoama. with agperlor tablet terms moderate t?t? WK-T 3isr -T.-FINe L SHI 11, HMOMK FOR ? I^egentleinen, with first rla-t Hoard; alto table Hoard for gentlemen; references esehanged. 32 It sr., DW KAHT.-FUHNIsilKD rooms. WITU OB Without Board | term*, Willi Board, #3 to 87. BOARDRUB WASTED. ?prVXSlii.NUTO.V ARE. Wi sT -NIOKI.Y f"ITR. OeJnlahrd. cool. Front Koorae, tingle nod doable; pood Uiiln ; reasonable . reference. o | T? it.. uaTwKST.-uMexi'EenoN ibi-h loca tVltion: elegantly furulti.ed Suit (or atnglr). eeeond flour; Hoard three, $14. ?TT VVKST HU'ii SI' -LAKUlv UANOKuilfcl.Y H'K ?JTulshed Rooms; table and liouee flrktciaa*: alae table Board. M. Qr KAHT 1HTH ST?PLKASANT ROOM- (PARi.OR Or /floor auitoble for phyalclau ?r dentlkt; nleo table Board. OR WKS. I6TH ST 111 I WKK.N ITH AND6TH A Vs ? OONIcely furnished Roma. with flr?t class accommoda tions ; reference. ?Ji? KAST SJiTb ?A NICK LARliK 8KGONI) $TORT OUfronl Keuiu. with Board, to nenilemen or . entlmnau and wile, alao hall Room. In deairabie private liouee and lauiilj", i rise ex< eodlugly reasonable >17 \VK>I sum ST. ?UEKItttHLr. I'.OOMH, WITH O I Board for lamliles or single gentlemen. 07Ta^T 3UTI1 ST.. BETWEEN eTH AV. AND O 4 Hroauway.-A oleaaant suit of Rooms on third floor, suitable for gentlemen, with Board If oealred. from $11 per week. ?JO KA8T ?)TH ST.?MMT OK THKKK ROOMS. P*I OOiata bathroom. Willi private tablo or without board; Rooms tor uentlein.'ii; references. ?J(t RGl{e.K\TkkHOAN tfl'., BROOKLYN HEIGHTS.? Or/Summer Hoard; pieaaaut rooina; modorn ^otiven tencuH : mod.'rate terms. sTT. 68 "Wk^tT?PLKASANT H11OM8. WITH Or/Hoard, at summer prices; location unaurpaaaed; ref erences ex chunked. TV l-AsTail) ST.- LAlt(IK AM) KMAI.L BOOMS *T I to lot, with Boaro, at reasonable prlcea; table Board; refereurea () 1 U.i NTl) N, t/'OK.N K K CNlvKRSlTv PLACE.? ?wVery deairabie Rooms, with auperlor Board' table b uotliuliy supplied; parttei desirous of economising will meet with favorable terme. A ?y EAS I' IJTH HT.-HOARD.-LAIUIE ROOM, SEO "T Ootid floor; excellent cloaeta; gentlemen ; $5. ; table Board. $3 5(1. lo WhsT BETH if., kUI M AT.?OMB mODM xbOaud hall Koom for gentleman and wile or single gen tlrnirn; good table s'reasonable rates: references I iV KsT 2STH ST. II AN DSOMRI.V Ki R.MISIIbD r Rooms, with or without Board; French table It de aired. 4- WEST 84X11 sT ?A FEW MCE DOUBLE AND r /single Rooms, with Board, can be had; references ex changed. wVkT 11T11 NT ? ROttMB To LET, WIIH OR 45wlthoitt Board; famillea or aingl# gantlaman; large closet*; reference. 7~^TH ST JI4 WEST -PLEASANT ROOMS ON 4Othird floor, with Board ? hou?e an l location Bret ?!???? T~rrh ST.. ?rt WKST.-FKONT ROOMS. HOARD FOR 4:Oiwo. $lli: refercnco. 4 r? WPST "7I'll NT. PARLOR AND UPPER FRONT 46rooiii*. with or without Board; roaeonkble to perma nent partial. ? .. ? 483^ flonrlTo,' fouJreiom*. cast's mirr^ndparOy irss# "u?r?ir/ ?* elian irid. ? I O WEST 10TII ST. ?ROOM AND BOARD FOB OKN 4-Otleman and wile: ever* convenience; nlerecce re (i itired. ???* j PAST G()Tli >T.?ONE OK TWO GENTLEMF.N 48c.n bf.c?!,r.modated,w,th a large Room and Ar.t clan Board In a private Airman family. . n XKT23D ST.?TWO NICELY FURNISHED 4" t)connecting room* to rout. with or without Board, modern couvemoncet. j - ~T /\TH"fiT 167 WKBT.?LA ROE AND SMALL KOOM8, 49with Board; e/erythin* flrmt cU??; wamuier price*. m i a w i. s i' SfFfi ST N KAK BKOADWaV.?BAt/IC t)0parlpr: *l*o pleanan'i Boom on third floor, with Board; summer price*. ??; ??? r M l a wi'r HTM ? l N I'.AK BROA0WAV.?OONNEt/T 5()la'tc and '.Ingle Room*. nicely fhrnUhed, band.oma mirror*, with Board for <?? 50 each pareon. ?5TiTHncF?T -ONE DOUBLE OR TWO BI^OLE 51 Hoonm. wlTh Board :^ple*?antlv altnated; In privet. family; no other hoarder! in the home. x w amT "TmiTH ST. CORNER 4TH AV., ONLY TWO tie men, Ht moderate prices; reference*. ? rvi MORTON ST. lUloil"STOOP). NICKLY FUR. OOni?hed Ro< m* to let, with Board; referenee*. rTj W KSf XII) ST.?HANDSOMELY FURNISHED 53second Floor, together or wpartely; alio other Room*, with Hoard; rolcrence. . ?=?.?Past 49th st.-a party owninci THEIR 54hou*o* have de?lrable Room*, with Board; references, /.-i CLINTON PLACE.?HOOD H<>Alll>; JVl!?*Srg?? Olliome for vonn? bu.lne*. women; *4 per week, refer enee* required. ^TTTTTafoN PLACE. NEXT BRKVOORT 1IOUSB. fo4*t very low price*, with (rood Board; elegant anil;?ln yla Kooma. __? ^ an WEST 63D ST.?FURNISHED ROOMS. WirH V_)?/ Hoard; refarence* required. - evi 7TH \V TWO i.ix'MH. MCHLY FURNISHED; 7Ion* lartr# and one email, with Board. Tor gentlemen; alio day boarder*. ?T57t.T|7ay sT ?(IENTLEM KN WHOSE BUSINESS 7 lr^u.ri* them down to.ti ?an find good fural.bed Room*, with Boird. ?t inodirate term. W, ) FXIN0T0N7V~NlCr LY FURNISHED ROOMS 7 4witi> or wittieiul Hoird. to acceptable and permanent p irtle*. favorable term* will he off'rcil. _____ mrtvn I'LaCh NKAR ORAMBRCY PARK.^ 8lb*rgr"corner Room* on ???cond and third fl?"?- "J1!1 Board; also Room* lor .Ingle gentlemen and tabl. board n.j WKST I'iTII ST.?A LABOR FRONT AND llAl.L 82lUnmT,n e.eond *? *???>???? ??d wt,c gentlemen with flr*t cla?a table ;tVC' irvISO PLAiTk. 1W > DOOltS FROM ORAMhR 82cy Park -An elegant third floor, with Hoard; ral.r en co* ? r. o7r?"LINION PLACE. FOURTH HOUSE FkOM NTH 8'Tav ? ihird ?tory (root Boom, with Board; alao alngte Room. 84. Finr ~5T^PUKNI>HED ROOMS. WITH OR without Board, ladie* and Bentleraen. IM 50 and ** JO. bath. ??? y . iksiiM AS' ?TO LKT. TH WHOLE OR PART 87ul^Parlor Floor, elrttantly InrttDhed. with or without Board, at moderate price ; al,o Room, third .tar,; releroiicea ? .T.?kIkTII a VKM'B ? ROOMS. WlTtl BOARD, KN 91*ttlte and *ln?ly, permanent or tranrient; term* mod er?te. ? ?? OTTttH AV.. BETWEEN 13I'll AND 1ETH RT.-FUR y lnl?hm\ Room*. wlthBnard ?# et; referent**. _ - , f,x-K sT ?tlKNTLEMr.N t)K LaDIRS CaN 9 2(1 rid de-tr'ahie Hoontv with Board. In a private family. 4TH HT BROOKLYN. K I).?SECOND STORY 97front or haca Room., with Hoard, fnrnl.h.d or nnfur niahed; term* r? nonabia. ? Kl\n EA-ii^5TH ST.. NEAR MADI>ON SQUARE.? ^07Second Floor; ev^r, convenience; with or wltltoqt Hoard: reference. iTtU W Sl~44Ttl HT.?B AI TIFLL SECOND STO lY 10(Slront Rooui; other Room*; flr*t cla*a Board; term* lnodkruto. il ?ranem. 7?" MADISON av.-witii boako. rooms on wp*rior Uoor, ?econd floor; *l*o Ihlrrt ?tory, Iront; rc ? Ta?T~M0 Sr.-HAUL KOtiM. WITHOUT board, to a ?ingle tentleman.^ ST., .NKaU BKGADWaV.tDK?1RA. 114b,# Koomt. with oxoHcnt B???ird; locMion crnttal ?nd eonvenlont to be el neat. U4 . . 1 l4.WdT ?elMsV loci tlii n .^'n e a r ^ M ai l'l *ntT '?q*ifare l ah la boilrd?rx ni'Cnminu'Ut**d : pm?*r* , 1/1 r.EXI N'ITiVn aV. ? A LAKOR. ?f"1 li !tKI 'TL lit)Room Iiewlv lurnl*ne.|. closet*, hot and cold water, with Mr-t elite* Board. t<< irenlleman and wile or ?ln?lo k< n riement he?i relo'. nce.: term, moderate. 1 ? . I ?-?'?Til ST -HANDS'.MK ROOMS, WITH J JA 'or without hoard at aninmcr price* nil EAST 1111 l - 'AETIK* sEEKlNti FIKHT 1 2 Ida.* eecommodatlon* will And elegant Room a. with Board, on parlor or second floor; rol"Tonc??. a.wi Bast IDTIl HT-BOARD'AND NlCKl.Y FUR 122nl.hei Room*, with or withont; reatenat.le prlc*^ ?t - t w"Xv~KLKY PI. tC ?. N AR dril AV.-HaND 12*?.neiy fnmUh-d Room, with Bo.r.1, to ? atleman nod wife, or g*titlrmen. wlthoul hoard. - , ?7*Trii,TH ST.?A VERY DESIRABLE FdONT 120Parlor. uninmDhed lor gentlemen. wricoT tJTli ST.. NEAR STH AV.? FRONT J 28pi.rlor to let; alto Room* on see md floor. larnDhed had with Uretcla*. Board; term, ree.ooaole to pa rm an en t perTl a* ;dealrenle location; reference. changed 130 "rahT sitD ST. ?FURNISHED ROOMS. KN SUITE 'or'singiy.with or withont Beard, at lewreeee,.^? io/v" WEST N4TH ?T-PLEASANT R?><'Ms FOR ltjOfamllle* or gentlemen, with Ant claaa Hoard; refer eeeee igeEew.ed ? ToTTwitsf 44TH ST.?NEWLY FURNISHED SEC 13?ioed floor Room I homo, location and table uiiexcip. nr.naiiie; term* low ; refareneee *,)<* "w*k*r 47TH Ml. -PLEASANT IIO>l E IN A 137private tmntly. elegant Room*. flr?t elan tnble. lor j;o!ii,?ro^n i*r conptc?. 1.1T KAsI AVTH ST . NEAR LRXINOTON AV l37e?od Ro.r.t In en American Utility on reasonable term.' Room*, t ottr large aid .mall; pl?a?*nt. c mmodlou. and well faretehed. - lTIS K Artf 15TM ST.. NEAR IRTtNO FLAQK. loHl.arge and *tn*il nicely Inrnl.hod Room*, with or without Board tab e Boarder* ta*?n. J ~W haT :?4lil sr. NEAR lino tDWAY.?HAND I,ijiomil) Inriil.hed Room*, on third Do T. with *e peilor Boar i. retere-ce* egchaeged^ 138. t KAST 5CITH ST.?FURNISHED ROOM* TO LRT, x ^ , J with Ho .rd, to *logle gentlemen or gintlemin and will, term* nanomhl*. . _ f? i W -T~44TH Ef.-t.AKOS SQUARE HO'tMS; 14 laUohall Room* for dingle genllemee; location and labia nneaeeptlnnahle. . r wksr KID sr.-A LADY HAS TWO labor LlnreUhed Room, to let. with or wlthoet Board. rwl5? 4I.*T ST.?HANDSOME LY FURNISHED LHoom*. wit it or without Board, at inmroar price*. 1 i *? EAST Dir.I jr., ' NEAR IKTINO FLACR. 1 1 ? ll.nrgo front I'aflor for twoi aUo two .tngle Itoom* lor genllemon. *lth Board : moderate forma 1 , , i'A.-l Vil li ST.?HRt'tlND I'.Lt>')it. FRONT ANI) I'll b*eh ; c1o*ot*. hot and cold water; hall Kuomstetm* moderate t eood Hoard. _____ r iBTll ST., NEAR JeKJttNOTON AV -FUR" J nl*he,| Room*. With Board. *4 and M a week ; good table; reference. RE 141. 147, tablet i'rr' WRsr istii sr.?with board, in small I ? )? )r*m11v, t.lcelv fnrnUhed aparo Kootp*; term* mod etetn to permanent parties. ___________ i'r r WKHT.tnrM ST., NEAR BROADWAY. ? EXi)P.L l ? )r )lent accommodation to permanent boarder*: *plen did neighborhood and good Board at reasonable rate*. f-/? WE-I mil ? T !? I.HAS A NT ROOMS To LET. L?)Owlth Board, to goutteman and wife or gentlemen; refereac*^ _ ____________ 1>0 WRsT 2lD ST. ?ROOMS. EN SUITE OR B1NOI.T, HDV/loca: Inn d'tlfbl-. *nli or without Hoard, a" . !. HAST 7'iril ST ?riTRNlSlj. Tl ROOM, WITH I")Uor withont Hoard; horn# eornfofg; near Central park; term* very nio?|er>it*. Apply T. ,1. W i7i i wRsr atirii ht-to lei. with hoard, sec it)iond etery bacc Room; referancea akcheegad. BOARDERS WANTED., iiib lAHT HASDSOVlfe.LV ANir"KKWL* J Ootumlshed second id ttoor alcove Room ; alio other Rooms, lor Keutleraea; table anil honae Oral class; aomtner pricea. 17 ft VrKST~llTH ST.?LARGE BACK ROuM ON 1 I Utltlrd floor; alao hall Kootn. with Hoard. 1(1(1 loTII .ST.-NEWLY KUK.VISHKU HOO.SS. .LOt/with or without Hoard, singly or <*n mite, with every convenience; alao table Hoard. 184 WEST I 1 1 1i ST.- KI KNISmKU ROOMS, WlTlI or withrut Board; toriua moderate. m.\UDI-ON AV.-DOl'HI.E AND Hi SOLS Kooma, with flrat elaaa Hoard; moderate terma tor aunitiier; references. 206 WEST 4111II ST.? HANDSOMELY FURNISHED Hooma. with or without Hoard. WKST XVTH ST.?A SMALL P IYATK PAMIL? 209 have furnished Itcoma to let, with Hoard, to gentle men or gentlrman and wife. *>1n KVST 10111 8I\?A LARGE PaBLOR. WITH LU rxietiHion, fitrniahed, aultaulo for pliyaician or oiltora. with Hoard or without; alao n floor, unfurnished; Board if desired. till KaM 17TII ST. MfCfVSiuXy SOOAMb? Lilian pleasant single Itoome, with Hoard; Iront and back ; American familr. 222 EASTdlKT .-T.?ROOM. WITH OR WITHOUT Hoard, to a young man, iu a J ewleh family. Call or 225 fij WEST 14TII ST.?ELEGANTLY FURNlSIlKD Kooma on accond and third lloora, with flrat claaa i)? ).) WEST ST.-TO LEI', WITH BOARD, A ^t)_iiice!v form.lied buc* Pailor. to two gentlemen or gcutlemnn nub wife, in a private Jewish tamllv. QQ(i WEST 10TH ST. ? A LARGE FRONT ROOM ON sigOOlhe second floor, with Hoard, lor tientlcmen. at $5 per werk. 241 IV'Ksr 88TU ST.-SINGLE AND DllUBLK lloora a, with good Hoard; improvements; terms 244 WEST 1ST11 ST.?A SMALL FAMILY CAN AC. commodate a few boarders; terms moderate. i)A A WEST 24TII ST.-A PRIVATE EASILY ^iT" ^tollers a verv elegant aeoond floor Iront alcove Room, handsomely furnished, with superior Hoard; alao third floor Rooms ?t terms to suit the times. OUft WEST 13TH ST.?LAROK AND SMALL AJ''ORnoma, with Hoard, to single gentlemen ormnrrled couples. In a private family; terms motterale. Q(l') WEST 2HTH ST.. N'E A It 8TH AV.-ROOM8 TO OUOlet. with or without Board; terma moderate ; refer cue a exchanged. QAtl W 8f 18TH ST.?LARGE SECOND STORY Ov'sJKooms, with or withont Hoard; halt Room; refer ences e?l i) WKsT WD ST.?W ITH BOARD, LARGE HACK OJ ^Parlor, finely tnrniabed. very reasonable; alto Board lor sin le I ad v. ?-UK " AST 27TH ST. ?HANDSOME ROOMS, FROM Ol()#l to $3 per week ; Hoard, $2 f>0 per woe*. noil WEST MTH ST.-Bf>0\Ts. OAs. BOARD. FOR d-?s?t?o, $7 weekly; Floor, for house Keeping. ?S; fine neighborhood. OfSa* WEST 4VIH ST., ONE BLOCK WKST OF ?J^OBrouuway. ? Deairahle Booms, with Board, nt re duced prices; references. *>alQ WEST 2BT(I ST.?La ROE AND SMALL ROOMS, sj ?Owlth Hoard,gentleman and Wife, a few gentlemen; terms moderate. Oat 4 EAST lOTfl ST.-A PRIVATE AMERICAN D^vtramily can necommodate a few who doslre good table and pleasant home rather then nil style Oil/; Wli-T asm ST. -HANDSOMELY FOKNIhHED O-iUltooin*. with Hoard, near Kt< rated road and Broad way stages; moderate prices refer neon. GO I 2SD ST.?DESIRABLY FURNISHED sjO'X Rooms, with Hoard; reference required. Q4 SJ WKST fljiD. ?ONE PLEASANT SOITARE ROOM. O rOtliird floor, front, with excellent Board; summer prices; all Improvements. O/-7 WE-T 24 TH ST. ?PLEASANT ROOMS, WITH OO I Board; gentleman and wile or eingle gentlemen; table uoardors; near Elevated Railroad ; terms moderate. 4(1(1 WEST 28D ST.? ROOMS. WITH SUPERIOR x'/v'Board, to families or gentlemen, on reasonable terms; desirable locaflty. * J 8W A>.-BOARD FOR TWO RESPECTABLE *T 1) ??working glrla; alao a lew men, in ft clean, eomtorf nbl* home. rio EAST 120TH st.-board in delightful t)J.Olocailnn. near ateainbont landing: cnmbinei< oily and country; ground* woll ilinded; line lawn*; term* mod ernte. /??IfP LEX1NUTON AV.. NKAIi 54TII ST.?H AND OOOsomoly furnished Room*, with tlr?t elft** Board, in Jewish family. O A *1 BTII AV., *KKAR OHNTltAL P \RK ?FINE. Ox I urge Room, with ample closet; gentleman and wife. *10; ft few day boarder* received ; good table. A -HOARD AND NURSING KOR LADY DURING ?confinement In atrietly private family. Addreu Mr*. Sl'KNOKil, Herald Uptown office. A CHOICE OK NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, with llr*t elft** Board; German family. 216 Wait SUtlt Keierence*. Anf.atly furnished room, with bath and eloact*. for tingle gentleman only. 181 Weit 10th *t.. Mow YorK city. A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL LKT BEAUTIFULLY furiilsbod front liooin*. singly or en mite, with Board or nrlvste table. In fdttr itory high stoop brown atone linaae on 14th at., near (Hit av. Addres* B.. box 1*1 l'o*t office. ALADV Has A l'LKASANT FRONT EDO# TO LET to uontleman and wife; board for lady only; aim Room* ler gentlemen. Addrois RiJOSMO.tE. Herald Up town office. e A LADY. LIVING ALONE, HAH IIA ND.-OM ELY ?ixfurniilied Room* to let to gentleman, with flr*t cla>* llonrd lor wife. Mr* 0., Herald Untewn Branch ? dice. SECOND KLOOR HtONT ALCOVE CORNER Room, to two peraou*, wlih go >d Board s private family; Lexington *v.. near Graud Oftiural Depot. Addreu* CLK.M ANCK, Herald Uptowu office. A. A PRIVATE JhWISM KA.MILYOF TWO HAVE TO rent, with flr*l cla** ll'>ard, a iiutidtome Second Floor, en unite or amgly ; every home comfort; location between .*>th and 4ih av*. Addrc** L.. atation ll. A DOCTOR'S WIFE MILL TAKE CHARGB OF yoang children wlimt parent* are. going 1. Europe. Ad drei* DOCTOR. Herald office. A handsomely furnished front parlor, not and cold water, with flr?t ela*a Hoard; reference*. 2IS West 30th *?. AGKMTlKMAN, OCCUPY ING HIS OWN HOUSE ON Madl*on avenue near H3d at., will accommodate a cen tleman ami Ida wile or on" or two single gentlemen. Tho*o willing to pay a lair price lor good accomuiodatlon* and a home will addrea* box ItlO Herald Uptown office. A LADY WletlSS A CHILD 'ill I WO TO HOARD; nlgbeat retereuees. Addreu J. U. T., 1,637 Broadway, near 40th it. Boarders want d-in private family-, pleaiant location. Ilv* -ninnies' from depot; terms mad erete. Itux 128. I'auale. N. J Beautifully furnished rooms to let-to gentleman and wlto; Hoard forlftdv. Addreu M. 0. D., Herald Uptown office. IilLMoANTLY Pt'ltNISHc.D olt UNFURNISHED JKoonii, ?lngly or en null, with llonrd; private lamllyt private laid# If required. II., box 181 Peat office F .TURNtHHED Room?HOARD FOR Lvot;7l)TH ST., nenr Central Park. SINCLAIR, station K. IpU RN isll ED ROOMS AND BOARD A I' 13 LaMaK 'tin" place; convenient to Elevated Rtatlot. 327 Wo*l 2?tn at. GKNiLKMaN aMD wir e can HAVE HOARD AND pleaiant Room*; board fur wife only. BUCKINGHAM, IDmld Uptown office Handsomely furnished rooms, with all modern Improvomrnta, with or without board. In a prt vete Herman family. MA Lexington av., corner >2,1 at ntNDSOMKLY FURNISHED ROOMS TO OENTI.K inan and wile; Hoard for lndyoniy;to quiet parilo*. Addrea* It. U. F.. Herald Uptown office. HAItLI M.-DKl.Mlir ' I'L ROOMS To LET, WITH Hoard, convenient to boats and cars. Apply corner .1th nv ftod IhOtlt It., or to W. J, OOt E*. 1,333 jtrouoway LIiY LIVINO aLoNi WOULD RENT IIANDSOME ly luriiishod Room to gentleman and wile; Hoard for Indv. Addioaa ALONE, box 117 llorald Uptown office. MttSTlMIKIN, 412. 43t AND 410 MADISON AV.ToF" tar* de-lrable Rooms, with llrst ciass Hoard, at price* to salt the limes ONE IO FOUR PERSONS OF REFINEMENT SI KK mg Hoard in vicinitr of ">th av. and ft.Tth at., may ad drea* PlKAHANT HOME, Herald Office. ONK OR TW O GENILEMKN CAN ItK ACCOM MODA ted Willi all the eomlort* of a boin* In a strictlv private Jewlsh lamily; moat dcalrahle loe .tlon on the weat able. Addrea* S. K , Herald Uptown office PR AS A NT ROOMS FOR GENTLEMAN AND WIFE? Hoard lor lady, *8a week. MaDImiN. box 183 Herald 1 ptown nfflea Room and board given in fjkbt clash loo a tlou for tlae ol *60. 8AIISFACTION. Herald Uptown office. SPLENDID ROOMS, SECOND FLOOR, WITH HOARD; permanent parUo* d aired; bona* Drat clau; rafarence*. *1.1 Weal 54th at. s a ECO N D A A D THIRD "TORY ROiiM*. II v N ? Jsomelv lurnlahcd. at -nmtner price*; home and labia first CI as*. 63 r. *t 21't "t. To LET?OR M t III SON A V.. OPPOSITE CENTRAL Park, very large, also small famished Room ; rnnirfntf water; ample claevta: with or without Hoard ; no children ; term* modr'ftte. Addreaa AMERICAN. Herald odlca. WITH OR WITHOUT HOARD.?FURNISHED ROOMS; private home ISO Win 12th st.; alio tab'e Hoard; term* moderate. iy I DOW OCCUPYING HANDS') MR PI,\T WILL TV Hoard gentleman or wha will lurnlah their Rooma. Address EOLID COMFORT, Herald office. Z? ELEGANTLY FPRNISHKD ROOMS. LARUE AND ??mall, with llrst elasa Hoard. In respectable, genlrel parlies only; larva tlMSi; hot and cold water In room*; hatha: 24lh at.Jnatwatt of 7th av.. near *t*ue line and Sixth Avenue Elevated Railroad atation. WILSON, Her aid offiee ? BUABP AWII UflJCi.Tii WAllfBB. a toulftr<fititVlIOka}< OF T/i VfiTKTTlldEANsTiE. l\ rlres a Room and partial Roard In a refined, strlotly private famtlv, near Hth av.. helnw 30th at.; unexception able rtSNHMi term*, *6 to *7 per week. Addreu A., box 31? Herald offite. Board wanted-for two adults, east sidb. Ad,ires*, (tatlng term*, GRAHAM, Herald Uptown offioe. B" OA*D DEnlKKD (PRIVATE FAMILY "FbI lerred), treat aide, above 3tlh st Addrea*. with term*, Ao., !?., box 112 Herald Uptown office. C* KNTLI'.M AN AND IWtK WANT TWO ROOMS 7 above 40ih it.; board and location go,d; stale term*; private family preferred. Addreu W., I'oal office box 3,607. New Yefk. /?A KN I'LKMAN AND WIFE WaNT SUNNY ROOM ON AjT-ecend floor; Heard for lady; tarma flu to *12; central location DOWNEY. Herald Uptown office. WANTED?ItY A I'HYhIUIaN, OFFICE. BEDROOM and Hoard: location 28th to 33,1 it., near Broadway. Addres*. with torma and lull particular*. I'll \ SICIAN, box |K."> Herald Uptown Branch. VV ANT, l??A r U K N IcllED Kl H)M~ RE LOW 23D"htT. TV with Hreaklatt, by two young gentlernpn. Addrea*. with particnlara. II. K., box 221 Herald office. Ynikd itiAitii i oRi.enileman, w i kk. n uks"k w and , lilld prlee not lo exvaed *1* per weak | Nlne " " " far * * teentb ward preferred A. X . Herald ,,fficn WArrBU- HOARD" AND "com KOHTAHLK room lor a lady and child (Am year* old) In a private family having no othiir bnarilori; weat of 7tn av.; to run *8 per week. AiidrcuAlOM FOMT, Herald office. A HOTELS. ... T~n?T ynuEaxV hoiku an 'hdWkr^Suo Koonn. Lodging*. 30c., 4-? . -Vm.: weekly B2to e1 T GRAND UNION HOTKL. 41HT XI'. AND PARK av,?Koiciit are rtnliai lo? : rcataurant prlcae BtOWte Ciarlkto V'iiousp, wili.iau. ooiuiBM khank. /futt IM.-UII KiHin?, villi new furniture. bed* aud bed ding; gentlemen and fatuilfeii. (?y KANT HOUaF. 48 NhW"iuiWKRY. KaMILY KOOM8 \J50e.. 75c.. #1 per day ; tingle Kooiu. 'Jib:.. 35c. ClbKKU \ M HO hi.. ?TH aV, Bhl'Wh.KN 5TS7 AND JTJ'J'I ?t*.?Single end Unite of Kooii:* at editable term*; table d'hote dinner between tt aud 8 o'clock. KII-KLL, HOU>k7~HI KIKTII AVKNUh.-ROOilH with Hoard, en suite and tiugly; tranaiui.t terme i'J ner day. StT~GEKJJ AIN.~ 5TH AV.. 33b, BROADWAY.?KLr etrnntljr Inrnlehed Koom* lor ?uiumer reduced $1 per day and upward; restaurant unexcelled and moderate. Ar rangement* lor Room* at uew hotel, lirauu Union, Ooney 1*1*1.II bench. WM. I). I'l 'kl I'KIN S, Proprietor. ST. ANDKKW'8 (PI KB K8CAPK), MTU ST.. N K A K Broadway.?Rpleurtldly furnished Rooms cheaper than any other tirat clue* hotel. Tlltt BRISTOL, 51-53 WK8T 11 I'll, N K A It BROAD way ?An exclusively reepectable lamily hotel, Room*, with Hoard; eery moderate price*: table Hoard, 83 per week: Irautletit Hoard, fl 75 per day; for one week at reg ular rate* COUNTRY HOARD. Apamily can" kisp KUPEHttiH AolfomiiHoa: tion. tor *tiintner Hoard tit River.tde. Conn , nouictjiol; .ait trator; term* reaaonuule. Addrc** .>1 tts'l'ANTIAt,, Greenwich, Conn. M T (IKKK.NWICH. CONN.?HOARD IN FrTvaTB tierinau I'aniitt lor adult*, noar depot and *teatnboal; (tHMirr voek. Address box 73 Poet office, llrernwlcli. Conn viTei Da UK, N. J.. HKaUTI KULLY SITUATED ON tho Paaaale River., dUtnnce II mile*; convenient train*: Hue scenery; pleasant drive*; ho.tiug and Halting; Hoard roaaounble. Apply 343 IVtit 14th *t. P <IVATR HAMIi.Y IN MOUNT VI.RMO ", N. J., nicely located, will lake .ingle gentlemen or gentle men an i wive.; term* moderate. Addroas CLAYTON, box 2511 Momit Vernon. A V IVAi'li Kl.MlLY. I'HItKR HOURS VIA KKIK Itallroad ?Have horn - romlorte; good Ro..r(t; mountain air. boating, buttling. tUhlug; larm ; no malaria. Parttcu litis GARDNER, SSOUranil at. T RJVhRHlUE, OoN.V, ONh HOUit KltoM 42D ST., Hrat cla** Hoard; atabllng; reference. Addreaa R. A. NEWMAN A T Ui Nllhl', t,AKK. .h. J ?GOOD HOARD AT 2A private country renldeitce; one hour Irom city, eight minute* Irom depot; abundance of altade, lawn, fruit ?ta bling. Ac.; reference* exchanged. Addrea* COUNTRY. I'.iterautl, N. J. Aparty ok okntlkuen. roomingtogether. acconimmlnted Willi Hoard. $5 aud ffl per wlek; b ?? tiful pl.ioe, high and healthy, pleaaant society; atiilile: croquet lawn ; large, airy Kuoiua; eaay aceaa* to oily per boat, .team or norae oar*, addreaa ELIZAUETIi, .\ior rleania Poat office. N. Y. A HrOHlA?BOARD CAN' UK OBTAINED FOR 9 < Kjt; Ahous- all Improvements, near Harlem steninoont land ing; grounds exloudin.'to river: terms re??onaliU lor the season. Apply to sieumboat agent, foot Xlth it., or drenH box luO, Astoria. "7 WIDOW, LIVING IN a a ML Utile irirl to Bonnl. Addre?? A MOTHER b CAKE, llqrald Uptown Brunch office. A MONO T1IK MOUNTAINS; 40 MILES UP Ailuds.n; boat or rail; Rooms on eulto or singly and Drat dill table; eta'ling: spring water; fruit. shady lawns end large grounas; first clan* relerence n'v*? ttnl* required: term, reasonable. J T F.. box 645 Poet oMeo. "a FhW OBNTleM, N 0AN BK ACCOMMODATED Board in a nrlvate fnmlly i ?P'en^(1 view: Ave minute, from ferry.. Inquire of the Tompkins vUle ferrymttNtor. fitaten Island. . A T FORT RIUHMOND. S. L?TWO FINK KOOMn AT A.Mr FaBER'S bouse: lawn, shade an l garden: touting aud bathing; cowr and chicken*. 1 o*t office addroiabox 107. s SINGLE GENTLKMAN MaV OBTaIN BOABD IN An private family, within fllty minute, of Uty Hall, ref erence.. BESI. Ilernld offlos. T T IIACKKNSACK.-A Fr.W BO Alt DEBS ACCOMMO Adated with desirable Booms; ?Plf'ldld 31 around j four minute, from depot. Addroes BAltl. Pier 31 North Klver. __ ~A FEW GENTLEMEN AND LADIES CAN BK A(% A eommodated with flrd clau Boara fiva minute, walk troin landing, by addressing J. EELLEY. Post office, h?a pletnn. htaten Island. 4 V.ICNO COUI'LE CAN KIND BOA It D AND Aplea.ant home with prtvato family on Herlem Kali road twentv minute, trom 42d St., bjr addressing M. 0 , lleruld office. Keteronces exchanged. ___ ?HO\KD FOK TORE . OBNTLEM N IN A GER* ?man private family, wlthont children, in an elegant cottage on the shore, near landing; .all water bathing and splendid "leer! Addres. box ISA 1'o.t office. New Brlgb ton, s. I. ______ A ?SEA BATHING. BOATING. FI>HIN0, 8FACIOUS, A .well ventilated rooms, charming drives, shadrd walks, Oy.tvr Bay t two hours Irotn New Turk oy boat or Cars, menty of fruit, lnwn aud shade no mueuuttoes ; ffrst class Board 86 to #10; reloreucas required, P.. box 170 Herald Uptown Branch office. ~~7 WIDOW LADY AND DAUGHTER LIVING IN THE A country would Board aud take good care of two^"ung children lor the .nmmer; torms reasonable. Addrese B? box 112 Herald office. ~a?Tamil*, owning a commodious remi* Adence, modern Improvements ample groand.. lMJiours Iroiu New York, desire a. boarders a ra.peotable lamily. Address box 247, Peeksklll, N. V. ^ ______________ 7 TTt'iVATK FAMILY WILL LEI* TWO OR THREE Ahandsomely furnished Rooms, with first class Board, at moderate terms, at Rye, Weslchesior county: boating and bathing near iiotue; ass ol horse and carnage to and Irum depot. Address ItYE. box 130 Uptown Herald. 4 lad* FROM 14TH BT., HAS TAKEN A PLKA8 Aam country liome and would like a lew gentlemen and their wive, and .Ingle gentlemen a. boarders. Address Mr a MaURAN. l'.rkvlllo. L. L ^"TTADYrHAVISO A HOUSE AT MK.UOHEN, N Aj I. preoared for boarder., on very moderate terms. Call at :wt We.t 3-Uh at. FEW U NTLKMKN CAN HaVK LaRGK, AIRY ARoom., with good Board, at moderate ratea. In a private family at Fori Richmond. 8. Ll refi^enoes exchanged. Adordss HOME COMFORTS. Herald office ?GOOD HOARD AND Pl.fiA-AN I' ROOMS OAN .ho obtained at a largo farm house; healthy location, all country advantage.: ten minutes' walk to H^lera or New Haven depot Address T. W. DALE. Fo.t office box 214, Mount Veruon, N. Y. "a T A LARGE PLEASANT FA<M HOUSE NEAR A Wnraroany Lake; pn?? mountain air. hlxh f rooml, healthy location, alrr rooms; neat, plentiful Itable, P1*"*' shade - mlik eggs butler, fruit, vogetablee. Ice. Ac , in pie uty : no sU le. Those willing to par a IPJ1?* fOr good ...b.tautlal board aud home comfort, address ED WARD HINT, Marbledale. Litchfield county. Conn. T~LADY DEsIRKS TO KBCOMMEND A HEALTHY A farm house to a Christian family a abort Iron, the lln-lson Blvav. I% hour, from Jfcew Ycirk where aha hat passed five summers. Address Mrs. P.. box 111 Herald Uptewn office. Board. >10 "a -twuTfamilieh ok party or gentlemen A.can be aecommodstcd with good Board .reasonable terms: airy, comfortable Koomt; three miles from ,-qnan Tillage head Barnegat Bay; ten minutes walk from the ocean ? bathing, boating, .vo.; location perfectly neallhy. AddTcse Mre. H. BKO.HSARD. Point Pleasant. Oce.n county. N. J. KKW FAMILIES OR SINGLE PKRHONS CAN KB aconmmodated with country Board, rooms large and airy t location plenssnt and very hsaltny: fonr nitlel from Peekskill; good t?ble: terms Moderate. Address A. SHERWOOD. Putnam Vail- y. N- Y. "a VON DALE. N. J.-BEAUTIFULLY" SITUATED. ON Ath. Paasals Rivars distance II miles: fine ?<-enery; ,Tina.ant drives and to trains: hosting and Cmg t reasonable. Apply at 342 West Mth at. wTTTThT) 111 A NEW ENGLAND FARM?4?OOD J J Hoard esn 1m ontalned In the b.antlfnl1 Connecticut Mver valley; pleasant drives, boating an.l fishing, table 1,1, 3 plenty .if milk. Irnlt and vegetable. In thelr seoaoa ; f.rms inideraw. lU-terence. Goo. '*? luU*^a square. Now York city. Ad.iross FRANKLIN FIELD, Mon tngne. Mass. liTlillBN POINT. N. J. ?HIVE It FRONT; BOATING Illl'sblnu. baililng. Ac. Apply at 57 Codar si., room J. ironi III to 5 I". M. . lfOARDING"oSK HOIK FROM Tllh CITY; SALT 1 Later bathing, boating, fishing; fine view of the l.ay; jar "e? airy roomi. Call or a.ldre.s No. 5 Carroll placo. Until! L. I. T)barukks wanted-in a use mountain JJcounlry; high gron-d: large house: terms low ; city' FARMER'S WIFE. Grapevine,Greene county, N. Y. Board's ear mount ivy D-pot, on nkw .ibr. sey and New York Railroad: plea.*|U grove farm ; high xronnds; mono tain air. AQdrow O. B. I IIILLI1 narvllie. Koakland counly. N. ?? Board on statkn island.-plrasant rooms. good fsre, terms moderate; at New Brighton, near farrr Addrem J. H. R.bog UW Stapleton. S._L iiaYUNNR"n. j -w MINUTES FROM NEW YORK. J)on Now Jersey Central Railroad ; good Board In pleae sntlr located hoesc near tn. May ; boating Ea?hlng fl.h. I,,,. Jkr ? terms very reasonable, parllcnlarly If lamPy lor sessmi or leer Mrs. JOHN J. SIOI.Ek. No. 7 Tier stew place. Saynne. N. J. T) F.AC II WOOD COTTAGE. FRANKLIN, ESSEX J ycounty. N J. ?Besutlfnl location . high ground; plea sant rooms: evorylhlng oeat and clean : good table, fall and plenty ; fine .t.-do ; 00 ...mute, on the Newsrk branch ef Erie, near station. J. I. TAN kiraa. _ DuAKDP.RS W VNted-in PRIVAI K yAMILTs i>llr.t class table; terms reasonable. Address box l?5 Mount Verb?, N. Y. bOABD AT EbtEARBTH. N. J.. WITHIN 30 M1N ISiites of New York.?L?r*e, well shaded grounds, fine rooms an I flr.t '-lass aeeommodatlonst also stabling Ad dressS. J. IIIO 111 v.. lis . mi,... at.. Elisabeth. N. J. 11 UK SCENT HOUSK. ASBUIlY PARK. NEW JhltSKr, VJf onling Weslev Lake ?I Ive mlnntes walk from the ocoait. finest location hi the Park . liberal terms to names lor tbe icaEOii; ver? tor boating, baililnit aad fishing. pply to W. A. LKCK lEK. 4W * esey st-. N. Y. /TO l)N TRY BOARD, PlUVATN. F AM I LIE IM V_/cltester eonntr ; own place; moderate prteea. Apply si Irving place, or C. D. JONKs, 24 I ark place. / Kii'V l RY BOAnD. HOUSE HI'.AUTIFULLY SITU Late,I on Karltan Bay, oac hoar from New Vore boating, bathing, lawn, low ratea Aopiy Monday from 10 to 3, | 1,131 Broadway. , C10MF0RTABI.R ROOMS." WITH FIRST CLASS J Board. In Montclalr, N. J. IIIHelde av., first bourn from Mountain av.^ /TOUNTRY BOARD WANTED?FOR SMALL TANTY V/of adults, not more than jae Itonr and a qnarler Irotn Gliy IIail: vicinity of hoatlna preferred i term. moat t.s ,n.i,. r a le. Address, stating priees It. M.. 1W lie raid aM, CHlUM it* BOARD?GRRRNVI LLP.. N. jute, by Central Railroad ol New Jersey. Address box 8P, Greenville. /TOUNTKY BOARD CAN BP. OBTAIN KD AT DHOIIARD \J Villa-Delightful situation ; haihlng. bosilng and fish hTi and good substantial Board, with everything Tor corn tort. Addre.t A DIBBLE. Five Mile River. Conn. / tOl NTRV BOARD AT UARGKJIAIRY FARM.NEtH l^Mevn, hen. N. J . aWmllCs from Now \ ork : alrr good tebla; l<Kiatl.>n healihv; terms moderate. loqulre at H?I4 Broadwar. In the store. / lOVNTKY BOARD, N1AH OC1AN?ROOMS BN vJsnlte or singly from *0 to CIO per week ; plenty sta^11"?' f,tr? 17 rents, via ' -ney Island Rullrond. Mrs t H RI.II. King- High a ay, U 1. ItefrreliCea, C. II. Flagg, ink. Broadway _ ^ g~tdi'N I HV BOARD. ?TM O F t Mll.iKo AND'A FEW Lgeollem n c-tn obtain sunerlot ?eonmmvdiHleejl within !K? minutes -f Clip Hall: suit water hathlnjb fc^Hns and fishing; l? acres garden t}"1 lewu ; Ireek ofge, tfgUtaoles, Irnite Ik abnndauoe. Apply 17 Meet WM s? COtUTUY BOARD. -iiiaiT"A>u hiTVpy V/ifrouudii. Uo(4ilu|/. iiHiLhtt; himI fi?Uf ?r; fruit In nmmd nnce: term*. if8 to per vreok ; private family. Address J. M. 1>., Oriental Villa, i'ansaic iiriduu, N? J- ? (lOl'N IKY HO \ Kli WANThh K< JuT" TWO LA I >1 KB ^/nn?1 three <?kitl?tr?*ti lor three months, with P'"!*'**? fam ily; a farmer preterreii, near ?eitnhore ?ind rsilrond depot; terms low. A>i(lr?M M r., box 1 ??ii Herald u(!ice. CSTTuTKY H ? AK1). - AVilSH - K. V J.: 5 ilN from C/bninbcr* ?t.; luidorn house: live minutes from ?iMtion. a hi pi ? ur*?nn?i9, with eurroundioi; xrovnsj i'ssssic KiverhaH mile di tant; ho?tiim and Haiti#** hma tlon hiuli and he>?lihtui: terms moderate, Cn?l or address 843 West Mtli >-t., Ne v York city. CloUN.KY BoakU aT~||aTII. LO*U IKLAND; /hoiHe ?n bench ; bathing fishing. bm?t intr. sMibllutf. am pie grounds; rooms eioaunt for comfort; communication with N-w Yorx by boat and rail. U >WB*.T. ClOl NTKY HO A lib vf >LA1 sKIFlD. N. J.-ONB Jhour from New York, 5 ininuteM front depot; Isrire airy rooms, line ground and abundance ol fruit; splendid ac commodations fur horses. Address Mr*. J. O. 8KU1VN, corner of Ororo *t and I'rotpeci sr.. P'ainfic.d. CtO^JiTHY IIOAiiD?.t BA It (T^THIULL M'll'Nf HNS; ) Tin honae; good tnlilo: inrire. niry riHMil*; hou.e new; lr. ah wtricit. ml k. veirntanlea: terma ronaitO"ble. Addreaa HIDNEY O i; A.N 111'.I.L, Durham, llmtiit ronnlr. N. V. Cio"?r?\~ hoaTTij wantkiT-kok Family ok ^fonr; term, mum h? v?rv low ; will r.-m-lii about fnar montlia. wuirea.. ? vlnij price an. particulars, OAnll. H A -? 1) TlMb.H. Humid Uptown Branch nlHee. CioUNI'UV nOAKIl CAN UK HAH A! 'IT t K OI.I'.N /Mlnnaa; hoatimr and bathing For phntneraph and par tiituinri call tlTH Weal 25th at., or addreM T. LOOK WOOD, Sprlnir Valley, i.nekland ctiantv, N Y. CTOUNTKV HO A It 11. i?AT iTTXo Nil- Irtl.ANO.-K LK yieant private residence. Jnat on ilia water: tlrat elaaa table. ror particulars Inquire ilm Low UKY. 122 Kae( 23d at.. pr Avoea Villa. Hatli. * iviuNTTtY Ifu Ito.-hTiard kok onk oTi two /'little Klrla: every atlontlnn patil; teruia very low, Mra, . o. BltOWN |.., KitltOn at.. Hetnpatead, I,. I. CTlaIIKNDuN HO' hK. Al N v A O K'? IV K MINUTES ,/lrnm atntiou, frmitinjt the llnd.on Illver. only 300 lent illatant; l online, bntlilnu and fiehinxi the table well aup pllod anil the mania nr. para l bv a II at clnaa enok: Irnlt and voidable. ral-e I on the gronnria; no palna anaretl to inako thn above a pi usnui home. Apply at 4DU Weal 23d at,, or on ih" pr mtaea CTOOI'KK HOU.-E." (TlOl'e.KbTuWN. N. Y-UNDER ynew. manayement. with many Imprnvenieiita nail re dnced prlcea S. P;. OBI rTENDKIi. Proprietor, box 1.408 Koat olllce. New York. EXi'Kl.L NT AOOoMMODATIONS FOB BOABOEBS at Stamlord: hatli, hot au<l cold water; 15 ininatee Irnm depot; atabllav. Partlculnra 143 Ka?t 2lat. ELIcTmNT MAN ION, THHI'IB MINIUTKB' WALK from depot.?Private family will take three or four ifou tlumen to hoard. Addreea OWN h II. Orance. N. J. UIK~T OI.A8 BOAKO OKKKHh O IN "PKIVaTK L family, one lionr Irotu aitv, two mlnutea from depot; healthy, piotureaqiie. II. OA^KIN, IrvOiptnn, on llndann. LAIHST CLASS ACCOM VtttDATION8 FOh" ADULTS F for the anmmer at llaekenaack. four mlnutea from ala tlon. Addreaa M. A. K? llackenanek, N.J. fjioUK PERSONS, UKNTLK.MEN- vND WIVES.. DK r aire Eo.nrii within 30 inilos <?( the fit*: oasv or access: shado and water desirable : answers must he accompanied with lull particulars nnd prlcas 10 receive attention; farm tinn*e preferred Address COMKOKT Herald "II or. IjUllnT GLASS CONNKU l JOLT HOAKD.-KASY AU 1 eoas: lionlthy, ahedy: stabling, boating, Ac, Inquire 8. KAY, 36 Dey at. IiMRBT 0LA^S HOARITkOK A D U LTS IN" A PRIVATE 1 family. In Huynnns, N J., near \eWark Huv. 25 ralnutea from Now York; bathing, boating and fishing. Adilraaa box 00. First class hoard on sound, forty-five mlnutea from citv. Photographs and tarma at HENRY LETSINGKR'H. 47 University piece IjMKsT CLASH BOARD IN MORKIMAMA. EAST aide, 20 mlnutaa Irom 42d at. depot: high, ahadod grounds; taiga, airy Ronmi; (rood reference. Addraaa E. y. D.. Herald Uptown office. FIVE ~m7|7k~RIVe.R HOTEL., FIVE MILK RIVER, Conn , between Stamford and Norwalk.?Meely tur< nlahed Rooms. with Hoard: elegant bathing, boating and Balling; term! trerr reaaonable. ARM HOU-K I.N ORANGE CoUNTY-PI.I A8ANT, deairable home tor the anmmer: lame, commodious houae ; plenty ot shade. Inquire 163 Maiden lana. /NOOO BoXhP Can BE obtained AT A FARM vJTIioaio near Long Ialand Sound lor $8 per week. Inquire of M. TERRY. Upper Aquokogue Poat office, Long Ialand, Uulfolk connty. Terma lor board per week / 1ERMAN FaMILY-BEHT LOO A I.IT Y, HTAPLETON. YXStntou Ialand?doairee a few Qrit claaa adult Boarder*. CERES, Herald office. Gramkrcy house^ asbury park. n. j., wild open Juno 1; bathing, boating and flsblnv: stabling on premises. Appllc itlona received at 110 i aat 21 at at. KNTLKM"AN."wiPE AND DAUGHTER II YKAR8 OP age deaire Board In a private family living In Monlclalr or Orange; midday dinner required. Audreea, with fall nartlculara, C. A., Herald office. CN RERNWICH. ON THE SOU*D.-SA1.T WATER Tbething. ahade; 53 mlnutea from Grand Central Depot, 3 mlnutea from etatlon. Pnrticulara 231 Woat 23d at. OOD HOARD. WITH LARUEs7aI V ROnMS, IN~A heaullful location, with flue garden and ahade treee and good atabllng can be bad by addressing H. DUstiER, Poet office box 21)3 Oreat Harrington. Main. iTe?nwioiT. CON N.?PI RsT~ "CLASS B()A Rn"; large, alrr Room*: wide plaaaaa and ball*. aniemfld ahade, extenalve ga'dona: I he Ireedom id a hotel with the eomfort of a private roaldeffe.:: I') mlnutea Irom depot; free carriage to cara. E. P. HOI,LEY, Greenwich. C nn. Hudson river.??gm.knoid situation: high extenalve grounda; atablea, garden, frnfta; twenty mln, utea out, ton from depot; terms moderate. Addr ea M.. Kurt Washington. E LTII AND OOMFOK*?At FARM HOUSE. 1* m M Itnnra' travel Central Railroad ol New Jereey; table and room* Drat ela?s: mountain air, magnillc?nt vicwa, ttn>-roads, targe plana and no moaqultoea: terma |8. Ad ores* BI'XTON. North Branch, somerset county, N. J. Its. BOGGS. 44 Whel 23D~RE, HAVING TAKEN a house on Oornwall lielghta, Ilighlan the Hud aon. will be prepared to raociv.i boarders from .May 15. For particulars apply at the above number. Mrs! camp and mTss" anukkws. having taken a plane on the Shrewsbury, at the Nave*lnk Highlands are prepared to make arrangements with tara lllea for the anmmer, Poat office addroae. Nan-sink, N, J. ORRlSroWN. N. J.?DELIGHTFUL RESIDENCE, four mlnutea Irom depot; highest refereneea. moderate terms Applr third hnueo on Franklin placo, or Poat olllco bnx 314. tiorrlalnwn. iNTCLAllt?B' 'AKD FOR SMALL FAMILY OR two cnupb a may bo haa; no other boarders; near de pot; all country ndvnnla ea. Hox 237 Herald office. MILFOBD.?FURN18UeTTcoTTAGK. Al"Y ROOMS; ipnniitain alr.ahadv glens. watarlalle. blnlf view, trout streams cam-. Ac . within ten mlnutea' walk: near hotels. Apply to C. C. MERCHANT. 1,151 Bioadway. North port, l i.-oood board, weekly; hlgli. healthy location; no malaria; private lamity: home romlorla; aeren mlnutea' rldo of two railroad depo'i; horaoa taken to p .ature. Inquire of R. It.. 43 Weat 43d at. NEW BRIoilTON. s. i.?roomhTTn huitk an sin gly, with nnexcvptlonable Board, on Richmond terrnee, near weatervelt av ; one minute frorr landing; boating, bathing and llalilng; references. Address W., New Brighton Post office, VI YACK. ON THE HUDSON.-TWO LARGE FAME J3| lies ran be aoemmodatod with excellent Hoard, at a term boose, where they can inaka themaolres pa feetly at home. Call or address II. MIKHKRT, 328 I- aat 32d at. RANGE, N. J.-ONE OK TWO LABOR-ROOMS. Willi first claaa Hoard In lionae occupied by owner, five mlnutea from depot, to let to doslraMo n <rtle<; stable ac commodations. Address GRAllAM. hox 4tl Orange, N J. 0' N~K MOl'K 1IY~ HA HI.KM Hiia !' ANIf CAR- #12 lor two: pleutv eggs, milk ; plar ground, shade ? perfectly healthy: prlv te family. FORTI'NA. Herald office. Y>HIVATS ffoT Hh?RKAUTIFITL ROOM8. GOOD I Board; loeated on high ground, on the mat bank of the Paaaale Itlvor; shaded lawns and stable nrcommorlatlons; about ono mile from Newark and 35 mlnutea to New York. The ho?ee la Jnat hallway on line o< the mnrae where the International Regatta of Amateur Oaiamen la to laue place In August. Aduraaa K., Newark, N. J., Post effieo. Park iiccse. peainkii i d n J.-THIN iidebr, rntlrolv roirovated; great redtiotlon in price of nnard to thoao commencing early; It) trains dull v. THOMAS M, BALD WIN. I'rtrprintor. fA ft I I18 HE K K i N tToGUNTRY HOARD CJAN FIND everything requisite for health, pleasure anrl comfort, nlaeconvenient to d pot ami beach, tiabllng, at Kh.NT'S, Greenwich, Cenn , box 1?H. PAKflRti DkNIRr US OK SF.LUkTnoTIKNI CI,ass country Hoard for the season, aruld the niirn air aud deliglnlul mountain scenery of t na Heraablra Hills. Mass., can l>e handsomely eetomniodated at reasonable rates. For terms and particulsra addr-aa E. B. WICKS. earn Cham berlin. Whllmore A Co.. 45 Meek man at., New York. SUMMER BOARD CAN Hh OHYaENKD In A PHI. vale family at Tremout. N.Y., on ih? heights, 35 min ntea'ride from the city. Address, with reference, A. B. 8 . Tremont. N. Y. SOXMKR BOARDING?IN ONE OF THE FINEST orations In Delaware ronnty. near Andes Houae; new, neat and clean rooms; large ano airy pimra; croquet, swing, good trout fishing, fine drives, pleasant walks and beantlfhl teeiieiy; dally mall, telegraph, Ac. Reference. II Dowle, 834 Wn-hingeee at.. New York, and J. W. Dart ,t Co.. banker*. 347 Broadway. N. Y. IitA W. liYZER. Andes. Delaware eonniy, V V Q\oW HILL cui I itOE?ON PaNM near TILL AOS; Olour hours from rlly: ht.h ground, m-untain air; heau tlfnl aeenery ; I o*'Ing bal'-lng. II-lilng; good table; fruit, vegetables milk, Ae. ; oltf refereneea given. J. H. HTKAT TON. Napono'h. N. Y. S" irtTr.RS. ?FAMILIKH ACOO.MMODATRDi good Hoard, lawn, shade, stabling; terms rrasi nsbla. Ad dress W. D. M.. Homers. Westchester county, N. Y Ss I-.AilDK ? ON "THK~NARR.,Vt - A I UY~ROOMa! ^superior tnbla. AdureaS .Mrs. ROBERTS, Htapleton, stolen Island. SEtlMKK HOARD IN A PRIVATE FAMILY ON TDK Sound; five mlnutea Irom New York and New Haven depot tnrae minniea from the shore, orchards, gardens, Ac. Address K. H. It., hog 138 Waal Haven, Conn. SUMMER BOAKD-FOR TWO OK Til HUE PERSONS; private lamtlr: elegant Narrag-naatt vilia; city con Vanlencts; stabling; uoexe.optlonabla relorrnces given and required; one night's sail In palace hoata or eight hours' rail to Now York. Address HUNT, Herald Uptown offic-. SU MM K It HO A RD ?W I I'll HOME f IM KO llTS ;~s7l aItT gronnda; near ilepot; moderate terma; large, airy Rooms; atabllng If needed. Mrs. NAtsMlfU, Falrvlew, per Nanhtrn Railroad. SfiUTII SllTPor LONU ihland-all tiir com. forts of a first elaaa home ; near Boy Shore tlnnee; bona an i lurnlture new . prices modernist. Pall particulars at 2433th av. or at house at Bay Shore. .1. GRAHAM. Saratoga ri'T<Tnos.-handsome accoMmoda tlona In an elegant honeo, near the principal springs and hotels, may now ha engaged by applying at 214 Mmll (on ?? The homantic iiamapo vallky.-bU.mmbr Board; delightful situation; excellent table. Abraham Van llonten. proprietor. Seen Monday at Hammer and Winter Resort Exchange, 73.i Broadway. haBhkqui'k a lake. Hi HOMKSTBAIt FARM Hi'UdK, NBaR DELA wort Water Gap.?Good table; large mry rooms; hann T A wort Water Gap.?Good talile; large mry rooms; nann. tlfal lake, good boating and llahlng; lawn, shade, fine scenery, mountain air; horses and carriages, stanling; oally inall; post office In the honse; modorat* tarma. Par ticn ara can ba learned of fll ATCIIKR. room N, Tribune bttlldtftg. ^hr oambriimir. on thr bkauiiful i.akr Duntiao one hour Iron* idly by ttia Erie Circulars. JAMES 8 WVIJKOrr. Clifton. Paaaaia connty, N.J. ARiku -BoaiiD oN sui nd. tud -1dk of . . Hridgi-pnn, near depot; six adult* nnd girl 12 ya rs old and servant; flvo rooms reqnlrod; uooil table. Ad dress, terma and DBrtlcnlara, (Alls A. WOUD, 3 Hanover ?!., New Yore. T W COUNTRY BOABU. ABfErt-CotJnTitv tib vtii.TIx "A'SrifftsttOOT" vat* family. for five adults (three room*) during sunt met. Irmu J it no. within 'J' i utile* of city; proximity ui -la tum <>r Iun<? inir; teiaas fr.'3 pur w?ok. Address CllAKLKd LANK, bux 5,1 JR Wantkn 1 mmkdiath lv? i vm hoom?, with Hoard. In ? enutitry house, for four month-, for gentle nt m. wife and ehild; term* ?..ont t><' n month Address, with lull particulars. IIAlti'lNO, Herald oftlcs. "\\ A vTKH-tMI'ATItV HOAHI) KU . UK VTLI M \N V* mid wii?: positive requirements; two room*, cood 'table; not more men two other ho.irders; Connecticut or southeast Long l-lmid preferred. Address MAliKilttEI T, Hi-raid Uptown. WANTED?BOA KD. AT TAB'l\ TOWN OK I VINt* too. lor Kumnior, for lour a-.ults (no other boarder*)! plenty of etable accent mode I ion : Inrtie grounds. M. .1. OKAIIaM, HI roau at., room 13. w ANTED-KOIt I.gvrI.hM 4N^ WIKh. NCBBR aNO V? three children (oiliest under 3., Juite 1 to Uctnberi an It wnt-r htitliiuir pre'nrrcu ? good latilw ; lam pleas ml rnntna ; low tirloe. Addre-s UUItAL, Herald eRIce. \ri IUNC'8 HOlJdft, HATH. U I ~ OSK lltiUK KROlj X city by ears: battling, oonllttd, fishing. croquet grounds Irult and ??gatanir* In abundance; applications for Board received. QhiiRhR M. YoC'Mi.'Huth. h I, *;/? 1 wlt-T iivn: sr.. i?ouffrYT pTTat-a wid>w ? U I Isdy wlsltus to Board a iouplo ot children a short distance Irmu the city; would have a mother's care. Id, quire for two d?y*. E Sl'MNKh HE*ORTh. A*""m6nu tub burk-hikr hills. . MAPLE'vtroofl 11H11 Pittsdold. Mass. Thii unexceptionable summer re-ort opens Mav 15. under now management; six aero* of IiohiiiItul gruiinda; l.'KJO reel above the tea; six hours [rum New York and Boston; itcrnmmodatlone and table ex. celleiit. Address, lor t'Mil, (IBUMO W. KITI'KI.LK. -sTTmaRK HoTKLTnEW BKIOHToX sTATKll .NUnil. now open; applications received on premise* or br letter to F. LAG II US >1E YKIl. HBOTTv PARK. STJ.--SDN8KT HALL," BKAUTL fully located on 4th ar. and Oeaan; first class family h?use In every reapect; boating, flahinir and cranbinr. Mrs. K L. GARKKTHON. BERKSHIRE HOUSE, URKaT HARRINGTON MASj Till* ravnrlto reaort among the Berkshire lillla. in tits lovely ilousHtonlr Vnliey. now open for truest* Photo* urapha und particulars at Summer and Winter llesort Ex> change, 735 Broadway,or of the proprietor. O. Tlcknor. HASBROUCK A It A KB. B-Tthino suith, bathiKq" WfriT bathiNd Soli*. ?Proprietors of hotels and bnthlug houses can be supplied in any style, qnan tlty or quality, cheap, by first olas. niaoulacturer. Jnst starting, anxiou* Inr trade; style and low price-* combined. For Interview sddrosa dATlUNO SUITS, box 1311 Herald oflloe. (~3 ITSKILI* MOU VTAIN8.-MAPLE GROVE HOUSE} Jh dellL-htful sumni-r resort st entrance to noted Cauter*. Rill * lore: cool. Iioulthy mountain >ir; largo y rd. well shaded; good uecominodatlons for aeason and traniien* iionrders? el lit miles west of Catskill village. three miles Irotn the Mountain on?e: Wostorn Unloh Telegraph odlce nearby. PIIILO PECK, Proprietor, may be seen to-dav at Martin A Rear's Summer and Winter Resort Directory. 41 East Hlh, Union square. (~1LIFF HOUSE, TARRYTOWN ON THE HUDSON-a ./Open for Innillies and transient quests ss strictly firs! class hotel; hitch ground; Ouo view; terms moderate. Q. W. H"DGES, Proprietor, formerly of Perry House, Kens port. R. 1. One hour Irom city; three minutes' walk froa depot. 1.IFK HOUSE, RYE, NEW HAVEN RAILROAD.-1 /Nov open under new inanagomeut: salt wstar bathing, heating, fishing. Soe circular. J KWETT, 52 Warren st. B^LEWOOD HOUSE -THK BEST KA.W 1LY BOARD", intc house f?r health, comfort and good table; hy North ?rn Railroad, from to -t of Ohamhers st.. New York. THOMAS W. DEMAKBST, Proprlotor. B~VBRETT HOUSE. SARATOGA, OPKNS~MAY 20| prices reduced; special rate* tor Juno, Address J. IL CLaY. . LMER HOUSE, CORNWALL*. ON TUB HUDSON' 'jwill open Juno 1. WM. H ELMER, Proprietor. ELM T EE FARM HOUSE, AMONG THE CAT* kills ?Charming place ; superior table. Particulars and pictures at summer and Winter Resort Exchange, 738 Broadway. H ASHItOUCK A LAKF. F"AIRFIELD HOUSE, FAIUKIKLD, CONN.?DKHIlt able family resort tor sea bathing and drives. W. K. MBKHITT. Manager. FOREST HOUSE, HULL'S LAKE, N. J.?WILL OPES June 1 for the reception of guests: been refitted ina furnished : prices to suit the times. GEORGE F. OR KIT hit, Proprietor. 1*31RST CLASS MUSIC FURNISHED TO r hotels; torms moderate. F SOHULKR, IB East Hlh st' /?3 It AND CENTRAL HOTEL, FAR ROOKaWaY. Li'NG VTIalaitd?Now open: still water and surl bathing; low terms lor season. Address, lor clreular, as above, or N. F1KHLATT, ?42 8th av.. city. CNROROE HOTEL, ON THE S()UvD. TWO MILES Twest; two hours from New York hy New Haven Rail road. also by boat; Ashing, bathing, sailing, line drives, no mosquitoes; accommodation tor 300; transient. 83 per day. MILLER k WELLS, proprietors. Full particular! nt Frank tl. Miller, 20 Maiden lane. Send for ciioular. HEATH house; 8CHOOLEY MOUNTAINS. N. J.. J. Wsrron Coieman, Manager.?This -old and populai watering r*iare. combining the ettroctione of mountain and springs, will open for gnests June 1: photograph and par ticulars at Summer and Winter Resort Exchange. 733 Broadway. Mr. Coleman may he seen at the Kxchsng* Tuesday, rrom 12 M. to 2 P. M. HABBHOUCK k LAKE. JOHN ITTN R'S VILLA, AT TRKMONT (S4TU wardi. New York city, will be reopened for the season on Sunday, Mav I'd. 187A JOHN ITTNKR, Proprietor. iCKSON OoTTAGB, LONG "BR NOH. N. Jf? WILIs opon May 20 lor the summer season; good bathing, shade, fishing and boating; reasonable terms. Address J. J, TROUTMAN. box 78 Long Brai.eb. N. J. LA ORANGE HOTBL, BABYLON?THIS HOTEL IS beantlfnlly eltnated In one of the healtbieit places of Long Island; overlooks the great South Hay and offer* perfect home coiniort*. eombtned with moderate charges, to lamllles and othera seeking a pleasant and delightful summer resort; the laellltiee for boating, fishing and di I v* ing are unexcelled. JOHN P. DODGE, Manager. La TOURhTTK HOUSK, BBHG7.h~POINT, N. J.; 38 minutes Irom Llnerty st., br boat or rail; now opon. J. BOWMAN, Proprietor. Long branch. Mansion House, rciornlshed throughout. bathroom and closet* on eaetl floor, will opeu early In June at greatlv reduced price*. Rooms may be engaged at Hgtel "oval. New York P1EH18 k BUTLER.* ANOK HOUSE. LARCH MONT?42 MINUTES ON New llaveu Railroad : fine lawn, shade, bathiug, boat ing; horse esr meets every train. ORfuN 11OC SkT~0N THE SOUND, AT OREKN wlch. Conn., 80 miles from New York via the New 11 even Railroad.' Thle first elaes summer hotel will openeu for business June 12; Its close proximity to New York "(Tors superior advantages to hnalness men wlshiuj to go hack and forth each oar; yachting, boating. Hshiui and good driving, and the house has a fireproof stable a* Inched; elegantly furnished rooms, with gas and rnnnlnl water In each For lurther particulars apply on the preia I set to J. M. MORTON. Mi*TRIIPOLITAN~BUMMBR AND WINTER RESOkI fMreetory, 42 East Hlh at.. Union square (free to th* punllc) ; proprietors of suminor resorts will find this th* proper method of Increasing *-r securing patronage; DrW class houses; the principal resorts, especially the Cata kills MARTIN k BEAR. NEPTUNE BoUSR. NEW ROO IF.IJ.K. ON T B -ound. now open for guests, renovated and Improved ; hathlog, hosting and fishing on promises. HUGHES k CI)., New Rochclle. 45 Hey st.. New Yora. OAKLAND JO08K. OAKLAND. AMONO TUB mountains: 35 miles from city New Jersey Minimi* Railroad; extensive cronnds; Sue fruit, milk, vegetables; terms moderate. J. II. VAN HLAUM. PVVfLioN IIOTEIp 18LIP." L I.-FIRST CLASI family hotel; prices to anlt me timet; boating, bath'ng, llslnng. Circular*, plans and tarma at Hotel Bureau. 3D Union square. P. D. CARRllJUE. PAVILION HOTEL, WOObiiuTtui LONG ISLAND^ ?-outh Shore?Eighteen miles troin New York. WaI.KEr A GI.aDWIN. Proprietor*. PREBLK IIOUsB, ORANGE, N. J . SEVI'.N MINUTM X Irom in-pot, will open May 3H. Large airy, nnwly lur i-lshed lloami 1'jKF.MIUvi POINT HOUSH, NEMMtOUliRLLR.?TilB Hnest u-rove and beach on the Souml for the use of guosts; boating anil fishing; positively no malaria. Send for circular. Mrs. h. A, RlfOW.V 1) tl.lSAHI-.S MOUNTAIN HOUSE. KNiTlKWOOtMiN llndenn. will open June I, 1*7-*, 45 mlnutos hy boat from New York; also by Northern Railroad of Now Jersey. A ppllcHtiuns received hv II. s. II A.1I MuN D, Koglewood, N. J., or Gilsey llonso, New York. I ) 11 Ml K FI " LI> PA K, 3G MINUTKS KIMM J Vclty, ft minutes from depot via Midland (New Jersey) Railroad, opens May 15. FiiANUM IIOVRY, 35 Gramerey place. Rr7 iiracii hotel, westchkutkr county, n* Y., will open May 1; applications ree Ived now tor ih* season; sp-rial arrsngememt with parties lor the summer. SIMMBR AND Wis TKiTRKSIIRI KXiTTF A.N OK. 735 Broadway ?Those seeking summer accommudatlons are invited to a samlne, without charge, our complete descrip tions of hotels and hoarding houses at mountain, seashore, spring, river side, rural and snborlian resorts; photograph* exhibited: duplicate descriptions gratoltonaly printed an* fliven visitors Proprietors ol summer hotels and hoarding muses de-lring to secure gaests may avail themselves of the fscllltles offered by this Exchange with almost a moral certainty of success. Call or request clreular 11 AnBltOUCK k LAKE. SILI.Kt K HOUSE, GREENWICH. CuNN.-Tlltff ??ell known Unit y samnier reeorl. delightfully sltnsl-4 on l.oni' Island Huund. will he onanu-l for the reception *il gueets ahnnt June I. having every facility Inr fishing, sail ing and hathlng and of easy access in the city, with fin* lawn and shade trees, making It de-lrahle and attractive f?r summer hoarding. Attdtess K.M.GOODWIN, Green wicli, i ono. ST. CLOUD IIOUfK. OKsNOh .M III; NTa 1N.?M KS. INDLh will open bar hoarding hosts lor th* summer on May I. The house Is new Una locality, nnted as Roc* Spring. Mages lor accommodation of bnardere QUOOANUNNA IIOUSK. 8UIIH a UN N X" >. J. -Till! ijlavorlte resort among the mountains open* for gue-ti Juno 11 photograph and parti* ulers at -ammer and W in ter neaurt Exchange. 735 Hromlway HAwEBOPCK k Lake. SURF HOOsEToORAN HKAOM, N. T.. WILL OPbH Inna lit; first tlass family bouee. 2"G I* el from ocean) billiards, bowling, croquet. W. W. WALL, Proprietor, 711J itili av., corner 45th st Tgk ORhBMBUEU HOUSB 18 OF MR FOB FAB1LTM and gentlemen ; flue river view: pieygrounds, gas, plauos; terms very moderate. Address v., Ureenberg, llohbs' Ferry. U'sltEU STATE* IIGTEL ' Long Branch. N. J,, will open for the reception ol guests esrly In Fbne, at re duced rate*. LAIRD A VAN OLRaF, Proprietors, EbT PGIN1 HOTKI., * * on th- Parade Ground, In the military post, npee tlirnuvhimt the year. Al.llhRt' H. lIRtNRY. J EHT RUTHERFORD PaKK IIOI'BK (NRIV Ji R* F sey) 1s now open U'ider new management and will he conducted ae a flret olaes lamllr boarding honte; uiiexeei*, tlonahle ; terms very lew ? references exchanged. Circular* with full particulars at 32 .* est 3Jd St.. **r at the liutcl. A. B. KnYNBLl,, Ffsipitotff. Il LGWTfAVKft IfOtl L I OPEN FOR TUB tlV am* ?Bathing, boating ll*Mng an 1 grove; the trains atiended ro.nlarly lor pa?sencors on the (l-utral Rbilroa*!* I'smrapo Station, N. J. ARMSTRONG BON'S, Proprietors. ^?hit'k Lake houbk, m llivan ? ouRtr. N. Tq new open ; boating, fishing, Ae S, nd Tor circular. A H KIRK. H> I Bread St.. Newark N J. S'7 PER WEEK ?Flimr GLASS IIOAIll), ,M A N >? 111N bp * Hons-*. Belleville. N J . on the bank ol Passaic River, I) miles Irom New Y?rk hy the Erie read, loot el Chamber* st : Commute l**r 2<at. a -lay, boating, halting, crnqn-t ground-, line drives; everything requisite to mas* a stay la the coulitre ploasaat. Address BAMMlS A MACOmBKit. Pri'prletor*. Kor Other Hoitnllnst Advertltement* N* MfNtWjri vv Wi w