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The Stock Market Dull and Steady. COLD WAS STEADY ALL DAY AT 100 1-2. Government Bonds Firm, States Steady and Railroads Strong. Money on Call Easy at 4 a 6 a 2 1-2 Per Cent. Wall Stbkkt, > Saturday, Muy 11?0 1*. M. | The stock market to-day may not ho luaptly com pared to that exhibition ol strength professionally known as the "tug ot war," In which certain strong men endeavor to pull other strong mon over a flxed "scratch" or limit Suppress the athleluB and place Like Snore at one ond ot the ropo and the rest ot the actlvo list at the other and the almtlo is compiolo?at least it suggests the situation which has boon tho laot ot the day, that while the lompor or the general mar ket has been to pull prices upward the temper ot Lake Shore has bcou to drag thorn down again. Being pretty evenly matched in point of strength but lltilo progross was made, though such gain as was efleeted remained in Xavor or the general llsL Although tho reeling In the street Is de cidedly bearish upon Lake Shore it Is not exclusively so, as was demonslrsted to-day by the Purchase and sale ot tho next dividend on a block ot 10,000 shares lor tiro per cent; atlll the stock hangs back and drags heavily, and tho signs aro that It will bo nocessary to cut it looso from the rest ot the market before the general spedukitiou can make auy upward llgures. Much ol the trading In Luko Shore to-day wus conducted alter the green grocer fashion ot purchasing in bulk and peddling out in small lots st a fractional advance, tho ealo ol tho dividend re Icrrod to above alarming the shorts and creating s Still' market upon which to sell, Howevor, the small advanco which had beon made during the morning was lost In the last hall hour, and the stock closed at about opening prices. The granger shares wore advanced slightly, and held strongly st tho Improvement up to the very dose. Nothing new cropped up about tho Northwest speculation, and the situation ol great blocks of stock swatting a mar ket remains unchanged. Tno parallel condition of things which attended the great corner In 1873 will, however, allord a subject of contemplation to Mr. bould, pleasing or otborwlso, as be sees his wsy Clearly or darkly to getting oat of tho stock. Beyond the general observation'that, with tbe excoption of Lvko Shore, the market was excessively dull, but nota bly strong, there was uotblng worthy of commont In Uie day's proceedings. Tho tondency seems toward a recovery trom tbe reoont depression, but progress la lliockod by the heaviness or the Vanderbllt property, sblch hangs ukoa mlllstono npon the neckot the mar ket. oritsisu pkicks. The opening prices at the Board to-day wore as fol lows:?Western Union, 81%; Lake Shore, 01%; Michigan Central, 68; Itock Island, 106%; Dela ware, LackaWanua and Woslcra, 53% ; Duiawuro and Hudson, 341 a ; Morris and Kssex, 79%; New Jersey Central, 13%; St. Paul, 61%; da preferred, 75; North it est, 51; do. prclerrod, 71% ; Pacific Mall, 20%; Brie, 12%; Chios, 8; Wabash, 13%; Si. Louis Northern, 1%; do- preferred, 21%; Quietest Ivor, 16%; llannibal and SL Joseph preferred, 27%; Chicago and Alton, II*. Tho closing quotations at threo P. M. were:? Did. Aiknt JH,l Anient Atlsn AI'ucTel. 21% 22% Illinois Central. 7?% 70% Chi A Northw'n. 61% 51% Kansas Pacific.. 7% 7% ChlANWprot.. 72% 72% Kansas* Texas. 2% 3% Chi. K I * l'a0..1UO li*i% l.ake Mhoro 01% fill? Chi, llur A Q....1U1V 1U2% .Mich Central... ?*% 0*% Col, Coi A 1 udU. 3% 3?, Morris * Kssex.. 7h% 78il C.C.CAl 26% 20% Mill A St Paul.. 51* 61$ Clovo * Pitts... 74% 75% Mill A StP prel. 76 *?l' Chic* Alt 71% 72% Mariposa I Cnie * Alt prcf. 90 100 Mariposa pret., 1 Cousol Coal..... 25 28 fi J Southern... , Canton 13 16 Ohio A Miss..... 8 Drl. Lack A W.. 63% 64 Puuarna Iltt D 1 A II ud Can. 54% 64% Pitta A Port \V.. DO AUitint ExprevS.llUi 104 Quicksilver. ItlW American hX... 61 61U Quicksilver pi... 39 C 8 Express.... 40 49,% Ul L * I VI G% Wells-Kargo i?x. 0O 01 8t L. KUAN.. 4% Uric 13 12% StL. K O A N uf. 21 % llttriem 147 148% Tol, WabAW.. 13% Hat. A St J.I.... 11% 12 llulou Pacific... 611% llauAStJopt. 27% 28 West Union Tel. 81% HIGHEST AMD LOWEST. Tho following table shows the highest and lowest prices of the day :? UU)hat Lowest. Now York Central 106% uxi% Kilo - 12% 12% Lako Shorn 62% 61% Wabash 13% 13% Korihwosturn 61% 61 Northwestern pret 72% 71% Kock Islaud KO 105% MilwaukceandSi. Paul 51% 61 MIL nod St. Paul prof 76% 75% Pel, Lack, nod Western 64% 53% New Jersey Central.! 18% 18% Del. and Hudson Canal 55 64', Morris and Kssex 79% 78% Michigan Central CS'% 67% Union Pacific 69% 09% Chic., lJur. ond Quincy 102% 101% Chicago und Alton 72 71% Hanuibul und Sl JosopU. 11% 11% Hannibal and SL Josoph prof 27% 27% Ohio and Mississippi.,_ 8% 8 Wcsiern Union 8;% 81 ig PaclUo Mull ...... 20% 20% TUB BOSKT aiARKST. Money on call conuueea easy at 4 a 5 por cent, and daring tho afternoon fell as low as 2% per cent, clos ing % higher. Tho following wero the rales of ex change on Now York st the undermentioned cltias to-day:?Sevan null, buying 1-10 premium, soiling % premium; Chailoatou, very ecaroe, % a 3-10 pre lum, % premium; ML Louir, 100 premium; Now Or leans, par a % a %; Chicago, 00 to 76 premium, and Boston, 12% duoouut. Forolgu exchange was quiet at 4 80 lor bankers' 00 day alerting hi lit, and at 488% for demaud. TUB GOLD BAREST. Gold sold st 100% throughout tho day.' Tho bor rowing rates were llat to 2 per cone ?OLD CLKARIXUa AT TBS RATIONAL BASK Ot TUS STATS OV NSW YORK. Uold balances $1,250,229 Currency balances.. 1,260,613 Gold dcariuKs 8,989,000 CLKAHIXO UOISX STATKXSRT. Currency exchanges $50,772,679 Currency balances 2,703.586 UoiU exchanges 4,338,790 Gold balances 983,640 MKkkLY CUUkUW HOLSK STATBMkSr. Currency ukchangos $361,672,087 Currency balances 17.148,241 Guid exchange* 47,210,974 Golu buiatcus 8,288,670 OOVBRKBB.VT UO.YOS. Govornmonl bonds wore In modorete demand and Irm. They closed stroug at the following quota lions :? Did. Asked. United States curreucy sixes 119% llv% United 3 is let sixes, 1881, registered. 107% 107% ? U'liilOd Stales sixis, 1881. eoupous .. 107 q ll)7 ?, United males sixes, 1866, new, regis 103% lot United mates sues, 1886. coupon ... 103% 104 Co Had -tales a lies, 1807, registered. 106% 100% Uuiied Stales sixes, 1867, coupon ... 106*. H*<% Untied males sixes, ls68. registered. 108% ? 109% tuned States sixes, 1808, eoupon..., loo 110 United Slates leu loities, regisieied. loo % 100% United Mates lon-iortien, coupon.... 100% 106% tinted .states lives, 1881, registered. lo4% 104% United Slates fives, 1881, coupon.... 10434 104% Untied mates 4%'*, 1891, registered. 102% 102 % fulled Slam* 4% s, 1891, Cut'pon.... 103% 103% fulled males lours, 1907, registered. 100% 100% fulled Mtsiea lours, 1907, coupou.... loo% I0034 TUB BARK 8TATKBB.VT. Tho bank statement shows the conilnaed'tlow ol currency Irom tbe Interior to tins city, tbo lngsl ten ders having Increased $2,176,700. Tbe specie Is down $2,682,400, which Is partly due to operations Mi con nection with tbe marketing 01 the 4% per cent*. There hss been considerable Increase in loans and deposits, the former being up $2,094,300 snd tho lat ter $1,964,00U Tbo surplus rsservo shows a decrease of $896,700, but the banks still bold $16,004,600 In excess of iawiul requirements. Tbe following show* the oondluou of tho Now York lliy banks this week, as compared with last:? /May 4. May 11 Differences. Lome {229,036,400 $2X3,080.709 Inc.$2,094,300 uiiccle* 30,061.WOO 27,409,600 Dee. 2,1.82,400 Less) leaders 4*6,300 38.612,000 Inc. 2,176,700 listioslls.... 199,074,1881 201,038,18)0 Inc. 1,904,000 Ulicululioii.. ??,9?3,8W 20,032,100 luo. 34,800 TPS StiRMGS MAHKkT. Tbo London advices t-/|foft consols and Untied BUhi bonde a shade easier. Brie sold at 1^3<- The pre ferred tail off to 30)4 aud rallied to 31. llllnola Cen tral declined to 78)4. and New Jeracy Central to 19)4. Tbo Bank or England gained ?100,000 bullion to-day on balance. At Pane rentea ware ateady at 109r. 62)?c., ana closed at 100? 72)4e., while oxebanga in London waa quoted at 251. 10\c. The closing prices in London were:?Consols lor money, 9374 a 06; da lor account, 06; new 4)4 per cent bonds, 106 a 105)4; live-twenty bonds of 1867, 108X a 108)4; ten-lorly bonds, 107)4; fives ol 1881, 106)4; Kile common shares, 12)4; Erie preterrcd shares, 30)4 a 31; New Jersey Central, 19)4; lllluots Central. 78)4. STATS HON OS, State bonds at tbo Board were steady, with sales ot Louisiana sevens consols, Tcnuessoo sixes, old, aod do. new aeries. District ol Columbia 3.65's aold at 76X RAILROAD BOXDS. Railroad bonds coutluned strong sod prices were geuerally higher, with tbo loilowlng ohaugea, com pared with last previous sales-.? An advuuee of )4 ln Lebigb and Wllkeabarro consols and Erie third mortgage, *, in Union 1'aeiUc sinking lunds, in Canada Southern debentures, Louislaua and Missouri Kailroud firsts, St. Paul sinking lunds and Lake Shore registered firsts, and % in Western Pacific bonds, New York Central sixes ol 18s3 and Pacific Railroad ot Missouri firsts. Thero was a decline ot % in Grcut Wealern second (ex November coupon, 1877), )4 in St. Paul firsts (La Crosse division), and ? lu North western consolidated gold sevens. l'UILADKLl'ttlA STOCKS. The closing prices ol Fnlladulp'Jia stocks were:? S Hid. Atked. City sixer, new 114 114)4 United lUUrosds ol Now Jersey ... 119)4 120)? Pennsylvania Railroad 27)4 2714 Keaulug Kailroud 13)4 13)4 Lehigh Valley llailroud 33)4 35)4 Philadelphia aud Krio Kailroad 6 8 Schuylkill Navigation preferred.... 6 7 Northoru Ceutral Railroad 13)4' 14)4 Lcbtgh Navigation 10)4 16)4 Pittsburg, litusvillo uud Bullulu 6)4 0)? Hosionvillo Railway 7)4 Central l'raneportatloo 37 37)4 MI.M.NO SHAKS. Tbo loilowlng were .the opening prices of mining stocks at San Francisco to-duy:?Gould k Uurry, 5)4; Savago, 10; Choljar Potosl, 26; Opblr, 30; Halo & Norcross, 7; Crown Point, 4; Yellow Jacket, 7)4; Belcher, 3; Virginia Consolidated, 14; California, 26; Ovormnn, 9; Raymond k Kly, 2; Best & Belcher, 14; Union Consolidated, 3)4; Alpha, 7)4; Sierra Nevada, 3; Mexican, 8)4; Eureka Consolidated, 69; Justice, 4; Utah, 7)4; Tip Top, 1)4 ; Navnjo, >4. # Tne closing pricos in San Francisco wero:? Alpha 7)4 Julia Cousolldatod... 4)4 Alia 6)4 Justice 4)4 Belcher 3 Kentuck 2)4 Best A Belcher. 12)4 Leopard. 7-16 Bullion. 3)4 Mexican 8)4 Caledonia. 1)4 Northern Bollo...... 6)4 California............ 24>3 Oplur 30 Cbollur... 25>4 Overmuu 0)4 Consolidated Virginia 13)4 Raymond & Ely 2)4 Crown Point 3)b Sav-ge 10)4 EuSeka Consolidated. 60 ssiorru Nevada 3 Exchoqoor 2)4 Silver Hill 1)4 Could & Curry 5)4 Uuion Consolidated. 3)4 Grand Prise 3 Yellow Jacket 7)4 Hulo k Norcross..... 6>4 XKUOKAtiDA. Tbo total sales ot o'ock at tbo Board to-day aggre gated 82,000 sharos. The foreign cotnmeroe of the port lor the week was as follows-.?General mcrcbandiso Imports, Including dry goods, 86,483,095; produce exports, $6,830,357, and epccto exports, $69,168. Tbo receipts und shipments of wheat and corn at Cbioago and Milwaukee to-day were as follows:? Chicago?Receipts of wheat, 118,272 busbols; ship montf, 103,867 do.; receipts ol coro, 184,209 do.; ship ments, 340,695 do. Milwaukee?Uecoipts of whoat, 87,960 bushels; shipments, 21,400 do-; receipts of corn, 4,008 da; -shipments, 1,600 do, THB WEEKLY TREASURY STATKMBkT. Tho following is a statement ot tbo amount of the outstanding circulation of legal tender notes and frac tional curroncy this day:? United States notes, new issue $19,764,007 Untied States notes, sirles 1869 152,046,382 Untied States notes, series 1874. 39,515,182 United Statee notos, series 1875 134,554.255 United States notos, series 1878 801,100 Total United States notos $340,681,016 Fractional currency.... 16,804,981 Grand total $363,485,997 Tho following is a statomeot ol receipts from ens toms and Internal revenue irom May 1 to May It, in olosive, for 1S77 and 1978:? Customs, 1S77... $4,119,378 82 Customs, 1878 3,458.238 99 Iuterual revenue, 1877... 6,934,-124 58 lutornal revenue, 1878 6,230,214 60 NliVV YORK Sl'Oi'K KXCHANGB SALIiS. Saturday, May 11,1879. BEFORE (ALL?10 A. M. $5000 Win ASt P2d.b3 82 4O0ehaWubn*b 13% KXMJO IJaoA.-lJ U'e.con IM'% I'D do c 13% 150UO <lo I?l 14 du 13*4 40U0NW e a gold bd*. 1<>1 1(X) du 13>i KMX) N J ( en 1st con. 7!>% ll?) du.. 13*,, KM8) Uu l'ue .kg luud IM>% 2<K> u? 13', lOiXX) M.KAT eon na'd. 43 BO Kenuai Pacific.... 8% lOMbsWells-FerguKx IX) 21*) Morrl. A Kesex ... 7u% KX) Woeloru Union.... 8l% li?) du 7'jj, (iUO du Ul'4 Iks) St Paul 51% 1(D) do >3 81% 100 du. ?:) .'.1 Ilk) Central of N J.... IMS ?'?) du 51 15 do lH'l 5(Al do 51% 100 Del A lludeon. . . .r> I% 500 do b3 5IS 10O do MS U<>? du.... .....b:i 51% 100 do 51% 100 St Paul pro! 75 130J Lake shore Ml* I") do........ .3 73V 30 do <11*4 2<J0 do 75 V 2<80 do .. ?3 61?J 4<KI du 13 75'., KKM) du. 01V 2 O du 73<4 10O do bJ 01 lt ?!"> St L, Kau I'A.V.IiiJ 3 1200 do Ul% loo do 4% looo do b3 <12 2(M) do >3 4'. 20<) Krla K-llway 12V 2<?) 8t L. Kan CAN pf. il l, 10 Kock 1 aland 105 3oo Dal, l.ack A Went. 53% 200 do 106% 3d) do 53V 10 > Nortliweatern 51 ?'<') I du 53V 3>M) do 31V 300 do.... 53% JIM) du bl). lt?M) du...... ...... 54 KM) do e3 31V 2O0 do e 54 HIM du 31.v 10) Ohio AM lea. H 200 do b3 31V 100 du C ?V KM) Northwestern prof. 711. 2(JU do...... all 8% 100 Mlcb Central 08 10-15 A. M. *1100 US 5-20. c.'OS a. 1IUK 8BOnO US 4 V'?. r. '1(1.. 102 V 10JUU US 5'a, '81. c. .b3 loltj 45UJ US IJ.'a.a.' 1UJ% 11:15 A. M. $8000 US 6'e. '81, d.... 107V $1000 US 3 20. r.' 1M)* 20100 U8 5-2M),c.'( 103% MAX)) US5'.,l<)40,e be 1(41% FIRST BOARD?10:30 A. M. $13000 LouU 7'a, con... 77% 3 op* 100% 1201)0 do be 77*. Km) I'ac M 8.8 Co.bc b3 20'. 20U0 TauuO'a. old ... 30V KX) do 30% 3'mmi Tenn 8'a. now a. 33', 1<M| Mlcb Central... .be M7% IOOO Duals A Me 1st.. !*?% I'M) do M8 5<M) Die ol Col 3.0.).. 7<>V 1 KM> L S A M So be bJ ?2* 2000 1, A W B cou ... 45V, I.'KM) do <I2V 5UM) Mil A St l'car.. 1<M)V do a3 ?2 2i MX) do 100* 800 du 02 1000 MIIAStl'ltt.DCd 108,V 1<>> Unlou l'aclOc...bc 00', 2001) 11 A St J 8'a. c.. Ul V :*M> do IV. 1'4 15000 do 01 1<M) Cbl 1 Ml be 51V 100") Erie 3d 1"7* 200 do e 51V 101 0 Mlcb Cont 8'?,. f 100 3 M) do 51% 2O0O NY Cent O'a,'83 KWV I'M) do 51V IHOOl) do lO'J 4? M) do 5l?a NMM) L H con cou, lat. Ill 300 do 61% JUUO D 8 lei, cou rsg. IdO* 10 Chi A It W nroC.bc 72 l(MMM) Cent Pae ir boa. Ilfl V Km) Caul of N J. a3 1**% 41MM) CAN W c ir r bda. 101 700 do 18% 2000 CAM W ((.1 bda 101 20O Chicann A >< 105k 2< MM) CAN W coo 1"HV l:i'M) C, M Am I'.bobJ ul*., KMJoWeit I'acbdi.... 1U2V lUOO do 61% l'MMX) Uu I'aeiBe 1st... 107 V 7imi C. M.iHi I* prof, .be 7.">% 7iMM) Uu PaclUc a f.... I'M* 100 Morrla A Em. .be a 1 7)>% IMII do ?>? W|t loo Kansas I' M :?>?) Pacific of Mo lat I'ri* lOOCbl. llur A < 102% KM?l Allou A T II Ul. Ill 2oo Del, Lae A W 54 KMMIUWlat. 88, x c 07 4<M> do 54,V 10 MJO <1 W2 l,?NuV?.'77 <81 4(8) do 54 2000 Can South deer 72', H"(i d<j 53 . OOlM) dn 72V ?!?? ....a3 54 40UO Loula A N aah 2d 87 HOJ d . 543$ 3'i alia Am Km Bank.. ohV l'V? do 31 5 do .... IH* ??? do <>3V KI Bank of KoDublle. Mi* Kmm) do 54 ' "" ~' *" * ' 72 71% ? 13? 50 do be I'll KM) do 13*, 4<*l <1.1 IV) do a. Hi XI <J 'i (1*1 Hit t d.. KXJ do J(Mt do IU?I0 do 1(K> Chi A Alton.. ..bO V*J do 4W WabwDU bo H# > do Jim do ....... 21 J?J do 21 1) do....... 2im do. jut dO. .a.*.., . *!'> ;k*) do. UK) do KM) do 100 do K*) do IOO do loo dO. . , . a .. b.1 10 American Baprcaa 51V 3<m) do Ill1, 20 du 31*4 2IMJ do 13', 83 U S Kxureee. .. be 40V * 0 do >3 13% MO W'-K Bxpreee .be b.3 00 2<lll do. ,e3<> t'J 175 do MO 3(M> do a30 13V 100 Ont Silver M, as d. 33)$ 300 do ?30 13-4 KM) Ualek Mlu Co. l<>*, KM) do 13*4 KM) Dal A llud Cau..l>c 54*. KM) do 13% 300 do 34V I'M) do u3 13% 2(8) do 55 1<M) do 13', 100 do 54% K*> do 13% KMiWeetUn 81*, loo do b.l 13)4 500 du 8lV I0O NY,Nll.4ll...bebH 150 KM) do HIV 100 II A 8t Jo pf..bea3 27V 200 du him, iiMidhlo A Miaa be H'. IU) do 81'. KM) do 8 V 100 da HI* KM) do a3 8 BEFORi: CALL?l!i:30 P. 31. $3000 U Pacific aink'if f l?'V I'*' aha Northweatarit. 51* 2'8M) CahlRb A XV B c. 45% 2<MI do a3 51% (VMM) do 45% 5<8> do 31S 2'MMI Ft Wajriix 3*1 ... I"5 K?' N W pral m!5 71% : (MM) Sortlioaat con.. 108)4 loo N J Central. ....b3 K-% KMJOO N\V von e gold b 101 318) bJ 13* 2IMM) TA\VI?t.3tL ituo 7o* >2 do 13% 2'MM I do 71 1IMM) St Paul b3 51% l'MM) I Mo.KA T c nancii 43*4 KX) M Paul praf 75* ] < MM JO do. bSO 43% I'M' do ,.M....... 75% 1 luui Morrla A h late 80 3") do 7..* .KMMl Kilo 2d KX) do 75,% 5(8M) M A M P con a f. IU)* 5<M) do 75% 2IM8) PaciOe of Mo lat K>2% I'M) du 1*3 75% 1(8) aba Waitarn U. .a3 Ml% 11*) do..... a 75% 1(8) Mlcb CautraL...bli !)'*'? 7'?) Dal. Leak A W .... 54% 100 do <*'% 2*8) do 54 KM) Union Pacllie ,.h3 00', K> ChlcMRo A Alton.. 71% KM) Northwestern .. c 31% 20 KaUsai Paclllo 8% 100 do b3 51*$ 14:90 P. M. $25000 U 8 0%, '81, a.,. 107% f2300 U 8 3 20,'67.c.bc 100% . 250') US 3'20,V7,c,bu 100% 10<X? US 4<$, ' 103% S! CON I) BQ\KD?! P. M. $11100 D C 3.65'a 76% HA) ,b? O X M W 51K a WO D C 3.tlVa, raK. 70% 30) do 5l?i muKYLI.ld .be 3(1 HO C X S \V v?t..b c l>3 72 5000 trla,3d mort... 107% 100 do 71% 3<AJ0)licb 8..uih, a I.. H>8 15O0 do i.3 7-' HAA> n A > J H'a, con. 01% lU'l) 1 K 1 U t Md, 2001) North Mo. 1.1... HHV. 400 C. M X Ht f ...,b? At?,' HAXA) Cant Bac, it'dd.. 107% 5?) do >3 51% .7000 N. O X ?lLUl.. 9* loo do Alia lOOOOOaa S. dad cer.. 73% 10U0 do b3 51% 10U0O do?.... 73% 30) tl.M A HI* 53 75', 3000 M X ST. c. 100% OOO Waousb b c ?3 13% lOOsbs D X 11 51% 100 do 13% 30 Adam* Express... 104 30.) do 13% 100 Walls* Kar Ex... b c 00% 3<X) do 13% 100 W U Tel. beat HI % 300D, la .t b3 M% lOO do...., a5 HI % loo do 51% 300 X V <1 X 11 It... b o 100% 50<) do 54 luO Krlo b c no 13 70U do 54% 301) Mich Uen bo 0H% 100 Cb. Bur A Q 101% 8.JO la 8 ,t M S...b c bi 03 loO Mur A Ess... b u ?3 ?' % 100 do 03 100 do 78% 1(A) do 03% 13uO Kau i'ueitic.. be 7% 30oUuloil I'ac. .b 0 1)3 0H% 400 Obio X Alias..uc >3 8% 1(A) do 00% 3(A) do H% 100 U A N W be.o 31% 303 do ?3 H 400 do s3 51% 2:40 TO i P. M. $4000 I'ac or Mo 1st... 102% 100 aba N W i?f b3 73% 1U00 N J Oeut lstcou 71) 3O0 do 73% 18000 N Y Call 1st con 12o% 1300 do s3 73% 5000 8( 1'aul 7%. gold 105 7(A) 73% 5 shs (Quicksilver pi. 30 300 Buck Island 105% 100 Wesloru Uu Tul.bU Hl% 100 do ............ 1<A>% 1(? do sO Hl% 200 do 106 300 do HI % 000 St l'aut b3 51% 37 U S Express 40 HA) do s3 51% lo Adamit express ... 103% 3100 do 51', 1(A) I'acitic Mail b3 30% H ?) St l'uol pf 75% 3(A) do 30% HOO do b3 70 3O0 Lako .-bora 03% 3(A) do ?3 73 300 do b3 03', 200 do.... 73 5(A) do s3 03 1(A) do l>3 70% 2000 do 02 200 Wabash 13% HAJO do *3 01% 2(A) do 13% 3(A) do 61% 7(A) do 13% 1700 do 01% (AA) do 13% 2IA") do t>3 01% 200 Do!. I-uck 4 West. 54% 100 do s5 01% 0(A) do 54' 100 do blO 01%' 100 Ohio X Miss. ...b3 8% 200 Erie Hallway 12 1U) do 8% 350 do b3 12% lU) (lunuibal A St Jo* 11% 100 do 12 3iK) Morris a: Essex.... 78% 330 Nortliwcetoru 51% lot) do L3 78', 300 do *3 51% 100 ~H% HA) do l>3 01% 1(?) ?!?? .. 7'J 0"O 51% 35 Cb'lc, Bur 4(Qulucj 102 500 Northwest')! pi. .53 72% NKW IOKK MINING STOCK KXCHANGK. Saturday, Mny 11, lS7d. ElttST UOAHD-U A. il. 100 ahi Bertha A Edith .14 JO > Kb* Lacrosse c .40 500 do ac a3 .14 100 do.... c .40 500 do uc .14 100 Plumas b3 .105 500 do no .14 lt/J do t>5 3.05 luOCold l'lncer b3 1.13 21K) do..... ....015 4 200 Dahlouega..bc b30 ,1H Am Flag... ,lo bid,.12 asked 100 do bo .17 Aw Cull 5 bid, i>, inked du 17 ilullluu ? bid. 4'? naked do 17 llelcbor - bid. 3)4 askod am, ao o .17 Buckeye. 37 bid. ? asked ?lOO do 17 Caledonia ....- bid, 3 ftskod 21X1 do 17 Calitur..24)4 bid. 25J4 asked do 17 Imperial?? bid..72 sskod do' -.17 Con Vir.,13>i bid. 14.^ nuked do'". 17 Cashier ? bid, 1.50 askod .13 Male .* Nor.?Old. 7)4 ftskod jO ) *3 .17 11 ukill....4 50 bid. 1 , uskod 100 Lacrosse... .be slo .30 Julia........? bid, 5l4 naked do be o .30 Mint* M. 1.00 bid. 1.73 asked do ...bcs3 .30 Mariposa... 1 bid. 1.75 uskou do be c .40 Xooko 4 bid. 7)4 askod do . .bee .40 Noith Belle .VU'. Id. UU askod ow do be .30 .40 ol. 1 U bid, i.*? asked 500 do . b30 .41 Out o.xd 35), bid, .15Ji usked 500 do bed .40 Kay A Ely....- bid 5 asked XUO do b30 .41 Senlou ? bid, 2>, askod 100 do 11 SECOND B0AI1D?1 P. ii. 1000 sbi BerAE..bob3 .15 1(K> sh* Lacrosse ....?10 3i> liiO do c .14 Am Flag.. -lObld, .12 askod 500 do acb7 .14 Am Con. ...4)4 bid. 7V, a-kod 13 do ?e .14 Bullion ? bh(, 4), asked SOOCanbier *c 1 liolclu-r ... bid, J,4 inlitta 100 California. ....... 2?r>V U. I'i/i bid, 13b MkeO 200 Duhlonog.v. b3 .17 Buckoyu.. .00 bid, .40 ii.kod too do . --be .17 Cashier. 1.81) bid, 1.40 asked 6ft) do ." . ... .. .17 Geledonla.... ? bid. 2 asked 7,.) do 17 California.24V, bid. 20 aukoil ?ifri) do 17 Clovelnuil. 3.10 bid, ? asked *500 do." 17 Con Va ... 13), old, 15 asr.ed 100 do s30 .10 Kxchcquor. ? bid. 3}, asked loo do ? ..bOO .10 U Flacr. 1.00 bid. 1.1.> naked 2*5! Gold 1 1.15 Julia - bid.hK KM) dn ac 1.13 .luHtlco - bid, a 500 dS'.::. a.: 1.30 Kin.. M .l.OO bid, 1.75 asked 120 do ae 1.25 Mariposa LOl) bid. 1.75 asked 111 i Lacrosse .. be .4i) Mww 5 bid. 7)t aaked 1OU0 do I ?3 30 NYAOol..l,4 bid. 1.00 askod So 89 Out .35)4 exTi bid. 35V asked 5<o So:;:::::::.a3 .30 Fiumaa..3 ?3 bid, 3.05 a.ked 50U do b5 .40 COMMERCIAL REPORT. 500 300 3(10 SCO 5O0 500 100 100 500 100 500 500 cotton : spot l-16c. niOUER; PUT0HE8 CLOSED BTEADT?-FLOUB DUIii?WHEAT HIQU EB?COEN HIOHBB?OATS FIUMEB ?WHI8KKT QUIET- TOBK QUIBT?LABD EAST? PETBO LEUM DULL?OILS HUM?SPIRITS TUBPKN TINE riBM?BOSIN NOMINAL ? WYIIB FIRM? BUOAB FIBM. Saturday, May 11?0 P. M. Business wai fslrly active to-day, ana mora thun usually ao lor Saturday. On 'Changs brsadstulU wors attain hlghor, tHpeclally wheat, which was in limited supply. Oorn was actlvo and hlghor. Oats wero Ormcr. Whiskey quiet Pork und lard without de cided cbauge, but easier. Coiion on tbo spot iraa l-10a Utgber. Kutoros cloaod steady. Groceriea worn Ann. Oils worn llrm. Petroleum dull but unchanged. Rosin was uomlnal, but spirits turpeutlno iu Urui. CorrkS ?Tbo market lor lUu *11 strong but quiet ; 8uO bags, ea Memuon, .old on private term. Mild cuireo was qjet. We quote : -Ordlnery c?ruoe?. 14'4e. a I4,\e.; fair do lOtiO.; good do., 17c.; prime do., 17,Sie. a 17?Je.: ex treme ranao for luU. 14>4e. a 10^0.1 bantu., lair to good, 16*c. a 10>;?.. gold. l?0 days; Java, nuvornment bags. 30c. a 21^0.; do., grass maU. 20c. a 22?e.; Singapore, 17c. a ltl>4e.; Ceylon, loo. a 17c.; Maracalbo. 13c. a lt'i.'ic.; Luguayra. 13c. a 15)4o.; Jamilea. 13c. a 10c.; St. Domingo, 12,kc. a 13c.; l'orlo Kico. 15c. a 17c.; Oost.t Ulcu, 14c. a 171*0.; Mexican, 14S?c- a 10a ; Macassar, 17c. a lHa; Angostura. 15c. a lOlie.; Savan.lla. 13a a 10)<o.; Curacoa. ' uonoV'ou the spot was 110a hlgnor. Futures Opened 0 a S uotDt. better, but tbo advance was nearly all 10.1 on the later months, thu earlier month, bolug Iroui 3 to 5 i otitis higher. The uiarsot Closed .tesdy. The oOlclal to da", comoared with Friday's, wero a. follows : prices to oar, .Wurilup. Hay 11. >raiup. .*Ity_ May 10.US a 10 03 ?n*ne,au7 * ~ ll.olall.02 JUUO.eee H.tJH* J Ul)T 11.11* ~~ Jllly. U ft 11.12 AUlfUnl 11.14 * iuj{U?t...e-o.. iu'hI ia 10 H2 huptotuber .... 10.KI h 10.HJ HS- Blli N^embev:;.:: IRS:KK Doceutbsr'.::.. 1JA53. laM Viw". 1U?1 K"rT:.:::n A^rll 1U.02 h 10.OT* April 1UV>4 a 1001 icarrentpVlcoiof ?pot ootlou itHe anoiMlotis nr?* on Aixi^rlcikii ol ci?u?lBo?tlun *utl on cotton in iiU?re, ruonin*clu |nwr* lll?u hulf * L'rade above or below the giade quoted) I grade aoovo o. M-v-n-m. .V. Orient* IfJUt-i r, ii..,. 715 10 7 15-10 S I 10 8 110 nirIct ordiiiaiyHi 11-10 Jll-W ? W-W 8 1310 SlS^tiu lfta ifvs ifa Mid ding lair. 7 j.j jg u ll) 12 ll-IO _StViWeii-tii>od ordinary. 7 15-lOc ; .trlct goo.1 ordinary. 8 11-10a ; W?' middling. U 3-10a ; mlddliug, b 13 10a Sale. ol spot notion; - r*-l>ny Last Kti'g. r,+il. !l!DeSwr'ti|noi? concVact bail's, yesterday. ^ For future ilf?ilvi?rv tn*> >-ttl?ii vor? ui follu##J ? Veil*rrd*>, rtlljlf tw?* J")|'"C loo bales Si lo.MOe.. 4<r) at l.tWe. 7UI at iLLroie el 10 ?i>c. ; Juuc. I'S) at lUlhe.,, .1,200 a. Hi i)Oa' 1 700 at 10. U).J7c.; July. 30" *t ll.O8e.. g0O at 11 07?." HiW at ll.oria; .vugu.t. btw at 11 H)e.. 3 >u at 11 lie ' 200 at 11 12e ; Septoruber. JVW at lo.M.c.; liel'i bar aoo at 10 Ollc . 230 at 111.04a? Decsiiluer. ISA) at to -loa- JaunaryT ?<?? ?? luotc. Total lo.5<S) bahs. To Uv' up to one f. M.-.Uay. 301 bales at luo-gi' iOI at 10.113c. 1?*? at lOOsc., US) (no ioUM to day J at 10 05c.. 100 (short notiee 4li.) at liitl-m.; no ICO to aay^at,. ^ -,>w ? , I Ote , 2.1>ai at 1 l.irJc . ??J at 1 l.oia. -JUO at n* .'fWM,! I \^i-u3^U-h ioC.,.t',.C17a. M^ ; Tl.l5? . 7?y) at 11.14c . 21/1 at 11.13a, ?0O at ii Bla" weptember. IKS) at 1 ""Vs.. 100 at lo?/a. 3 <) III H'lc 5oo at III K'Jc. ; October, l'*i at IO.lIHj , 3"0 at 10 07c i*M nt laube.' 100 el lO-XIc 3oO at ia?7?.; Ni.vaiuber 30) at He54c., :??' at 11157a; Decembsr, 5*) ?l 10.55a. MI at 10.57a; J anuary, 2'A). at tictlOc Total. 2J.3U0 bales. tlrand total. 33.0A) bales, ?rile receipts at the porta wars as follows :-Ualvest on, Vew orleaa.. 144; Mobile. 123: Sevet.u th. 3U0; Clia'rleelon, W; Wliwlogton. ??; Norlolk, 175; Halllwore, I New York 1 ll)4; Bostoo. 2uW; Philadelphia, 70 Total, ?l irj'T hairs.' This dsy la.l week. 2.1*12; tins day Ian year. ?1 t'Tl Total since September 1, 4.101.372 baloe. C ol tan Ir.'tatitS ciosml a. lolmw.i-To llatre, by *40.. com - nressad; by sell, ,',e To llambuig. by .leatn. cctn nrraird. To Br?m-n. by eleant. Tl-I?a, eoksproiie o-, by ??.l. l,e. To Liverpool. ts'L IV sle.iui; by .all, Li-litiL, ""flciOsTa'sdonaig.?Koeolpis?Flo?y, 13.404Mia; wliest, 1|,.u buslirl.; corn meal, l,t**l bbla ami VTO sacks; eoro, ini 173 bu'bels ; oaf. 22.5.ldi do rye. bl.lbuldo. ; b.rl.y, I 178 do ; barley mail, ?,3U0<kk Flour ??? ouil; the s.le., 1 ii,- udtuir state, Western and Houiliern. were about lu.issi 1.1.1. witkia the anaoxed range Kyo tloiir waa qnlot. with'sales ol 250 bbla Cum in-al ruled steady, with ealo. r>U>.?375 ciiolre state ? [*' ? J n Sui>erOuu Western ! ??-!? V,,, Kxtra Western. ""."".".T" 5 15 2 0 Kound'hoop'lVkiol shipping br inds t> (*l a 3 15 Koiiurt hoop Ohio, trade brauds 5 40 a o 75 Family ' City uill Is * 7 J fS, St. Louis, low 0> -?? * o SL Louis, low straight 5 W) a O 1*1 M. Louis, choice dounlo extra 0 <?? a ? g.i St. Louis, choice laiully V..?,* 1,'L Kvr Hour. 1 > ? 1,7 Sifuthern.-NoVx > % * 4 O . Hoiiluern. 4 4 ill Southern, extra J?" ?' *Jt Southern, laiully ?' 75 ? B UO lairn raesl. Western 3 40 a 3 75 Corn meal, wlilt. Western 3 7u a 3 ttJ Cora meal , J.reoy ?, J*? ? ? ?) Corn Ideal, Br s inly wine J Ou;a J 10 t orn uiaai. uunebauus... ????? ?Wheat was scarce and lc. a 3a d< ar*r. lliongb quiet. I lie selee betw.eii lbs cells were about I5i!,?**) busnals el At 2KW ft 41 21* for choice No 1 Minnesota, *1 231, ? f 1 21 lui No 2 Jltlwuukoe. fl 33,'s 'or do., to arrive, $1 21 fur No. 2 ( blcago and f I 35)i for No. 1 red. At the llrtl cslt S.IKO No. 3 red whiter, for May. sold $13) ; s,(**i busiieis do., fur June, nl $1 30)4 ? *? :,1. ahd at the second call S is*) bushels No. 2 spring, lor Hay, Sold nL$l 21. Tl.o fol lowing were the bid ftnii d price, at the second s?lll No 2 red winter, lor M*y, *1 31 't bid, $1 33 a-ked; do., lor June. *1 3<>>J bid. fl It,1,; No. 3 spring, lor Jane. *1 3 8, bill. ?! 31 asked; do, July, $1 11* bid, VI 31 nskod; No. 3 Northwastoro, lor Mity, $1 33,'. bid, $1 34 ssked; do., June, 91 21 bid, SI 24 asked; do.. July, SI If bid, 51 24 united Uoru was active und higher. lb* sales at the first call were 8.HU3 bu-drets May. N-i. 2. at 51)4c. and S.ijuii bushels J one. No. 2. at SlJic At the second cull 32.IXK) bushols J una, No. 2, told at 51|fc. a 520. Tli* salee between the calls were about > Uaahela, at S0#4e, for t'eamur tuned, 43c. a 51,'4c. for ungraded mixed, 3U?e. a 52c. for No. 2 mixed, ami 52o. lor Kansas mixed. Outa were quiet, but a shade firmer, closing aa lollows:?No 1 white, 3$)4c. a 3ttc.; No. 2 do.. 35,lac.; extra mixed. 36)40.; No. 1 da, 35c.; No. 2 d .. 34 Cc. I ho aaiea wore about 50.300 bushels. Hkmp and Jutr.?'fiie market waa quiet aud eteady. We quoteAmerican droned, $175 u $182 50 i?r single, $210 a $215 fur double, aud $130 a $175 lor undre-s>-d: liuaain, clean, $205 a $210, gold; Italian, $270 a $275, gold; jute, 4)4c. a tic., gold; jute butts. 2??c. a -lie.. currency, caali aud time; Manila hourp, U,',c. a 7c.: bUul. istle. 5c. a ,Vae.. nil gold. Mulassks.-. liumoatle waa firmer; foreign araa quiet. We quoteCuba, ccu-.rllugal aud mixed, 23c. a llOc.; > luyed, 31c. a 33c.: umscovadu refining. 31c. a 84c.: grocery, 320. a 30c.: Forto nice. 34c. a 45c.; Euvllsli Islands, 33':. a 40c.; New Urieaoa, new eron,common to fancy. 25c a 52c. Nxvxb MOUM -The market lor spirits turpentine wna quiet but firm, 30:. being bin ami refused. itoeiu Wat dull and nominal. We quote :-8uirits turpoutlue. merchant able order. 33c. : rutin, good struinod, $1 50 a $1 52*4: tar, 52 25; pitch, S3 12 Oils.?Cottouaoed oil?The toilowlng were the bid and asked price* at the call:?May. 40c. bid, 52c. asked; June. 4W)jc. bin. 51140. asked; Julv and August, dsitjc. bid. 52c. naked: first hallyear. 10)4c. bid, olj^c. usaed, seller year, 47>4c. bid, 48jjc. asked, Linseed oil ruled firm with a koou demand. Wo quote: ? Linseed oil, title.: apvrtu, crude, $1 03 a $1 05; bleached wiulor sperm, $1 17; do natural do., $1 12; crude Northern whale, 55c ; do. m utlicru, &0c ; bleached wisk-r, Odu.; natural do.. Iklc. ; extra bleache winter elepHant, 72c.; natural winter extra uo. do.. 7(ie.; winter bleached fish, 50c.; crude fish, round. 45c.; Maine, 47c. a .50c. i'KTituLXtix.?Refined waa inactive, but without changes At the t'elrniuiim r.xeuango the market was fairly active, sums 35,000 bols. being U;o bnainosa lor t ie flay, 'i'lio mar ket upeued ut $1 4o;\,, aud closed at $1 3t.l4 bid. lire highest point rqachou was $1 40)4. and tlio lowest. $1 SWjjj. We quote Crude, iu bulk, 7c. a 7Swe.; Uo. in bills., Oc. a O'aC. ; refine J, iu barrels, ll 'uc. bid . do., in cases. 14V asked for ordinary urands. Naphtha, Be. a H.'^c. tor ordi nary; rofiued, at l'hllaaolphui, 11c. eld. at Baltimore. 10?aC. i'ooLTUr ?The movement was very moderate, but vuluos were unchanged. We quote Dre-aed poultry-Turkeys, good to prime, 15c. a 17c., froxcu lurkoya, prime, small, lue. a 17c. row Is ?Western, 1 le. a 13c.; Jersey and Male 13c. a l'lo. ; 1 hicaeus, winter, l'ltiladelplila dry picked, 25c. a "27 c.; do, spring, 2 Be. a 30c.; 00., yearlings. drv picked, 15c. a 10c. Live poultry Fowls, .lorsoy. New Turk and I'ennsylvania, 13c' a 14c. ; fowls, Miulburn. 12a a 13c,; do., Western. 12c. a 13c.; roosters, pur In., 7c. a 8c,; turkeys, Jersey. Now fork and Penney I vauia, 12a. a 14c. ; turaays. Western, per lb., 12c. a Lie.;ducks. Jersey, New fork aud I'ouusrlvoula, per pair, 87c. a $1 12; ducks. Western, pot pair. 55c. a Una; geese, Jersey, Now York and Fennsyl van la. nor parr, $1 20 a $1 .50; geese. Western, per pair, O0e. u$l. Wild pig.ems prime Uiglil, per dot en, UO . a $1; wild squabs, per dos-sn, 53c. u 1(1 . plover, $1 50a$l 02 por dos iu ; Kirgllsn snipe, per doaeu. $2. t-novislONS.? Keceipts? l'ork,581 bbls.; lard, 1.462 tierces, 42 packagos and 25o rosea: cut meats, 1.201 packages; bacon. 25 tierces un I 084 boxes; beef, 100 tierres, 183 bbls. and 1,040 cases. I'ork was quiet, closing at the second call as lollowsMay. $lo asked: June, $U5o asked ; July, #0 a $0 tin asked; 100 bbls. mess sold at $0 50, csab. t;ut uiuats ruled Steady, with sales of 2.SOU fresh aud pickled bellies, 12 lbs., at 65s c. for tresli and 7\c. a 7.14c. for pickled; 1.030 pickled shoulders at 4)4'.. aud 1. .">?>) trusu bellies at 3)q'4'.' Macou was quiet at ojqc a 5)4c. lor city long clear aud ..c,' a 5)4c. for Western long clear. Heel was dull. We quotai'ialn mess, $10 a $11 50; extra mess, $12 a $12 50; backet, $13 50 a $14; tiercud city extra ludia Uiess. $22 a $2-1. limssod itogs were quoted at 4)yC. a 4JgC. lor City, heavy to light, incluuiug pigs. Lard Was easy, clos ing at the second call u> lunows :-liay. r7 1214 bid, $7 17)2 asked; Juno. $7 13 bid, $7 17)4 asked; July, $7 3D. bid, $7 25 asked, lire sales wuro about 2.000 tiurees at $7 15 tor June uud $7 22'4 a $7 25 lor July. The spot sales were about 50 tierces city a: $7 05 and 750 do., Western, at $7 17)4. Refilled w.,s quiet. Mutter?Receipt*, 3,205 packagos. Receipts for the weok, 22,034 do. Sbipiueuts for the week, 4,101 do. Tiro market wns dull but nominal .or new .Statu. Now \\ e,tern met with a slew sale aim priees wore caiy, but without material change, old was scarce; choice was quoted ui 21c. a 23c ; lair to good, ldc. a 20c.; ialr to good uo., 7c. a l ie.; West ern, lrosh, loo. a Inc.: do., eoiumou to good. H e a 12c. Cheese - Receipts, 2,283 boxes. Receipts to.- ttie week, 43,205 do. Shipments lor tiro week, about 31 .'.I t 1 do. The market rulod dull mid weak. We quote :? Full cream ut lie. aud skimmed at 3e. a 7c Itgga?Receipts, 1,403 bbls. Receipts fur the week, 13,340 do. The market was quiet. We quo.eLong islaud. New Jersey and near by, I3)4c. a 15',c.; State, l'euusylvuula. 13c. a 13j?c ; Western. 12c. a 12Lc. IUck.?'fue market was stoady aud tairly active. Wo quote:?Carolina, fair, DVc. a (so.; gun 1 to prime. ss<qc. a b,''4c.; cliolcii, 6)4c. a 7e.; I'atna, 7c. a 7j4<., currency; la bond. 4c. a -l >4 a.; Rangoon, in bund, 3)fc., gold STkAittNR.?Receipts, -lo Mcrecs and 24 bbis. '1 bo market was quiet, at 7,'4c. a 7J->c. lor prime. Sugar.-For raw tUo market was Urra, We note sales of U75 birds, Cuba ut 7)4c. sua 80 fihds. i'orlo Rico at 7,'ae. for refined tiie market clnscd stendr, Willi a lair business. No change 111 prices. We quote :-Fairrefining, 7kjc.; k"od do.. ")4c. ; prime uo., 7jde.; Cuba, centrifugal, bods, unu boxes. No-. 8 to 13, 7}4(n a 8)ac-; do. tnoiassea, hlids. uufl boxes, (i'.,e. a 7)?c.; Fortu Rico refining. common to fair, 6)40. a 7)4o. ; do. do., qoudui prune, 7;,'c. ? 7)4c.; ro flnod, siandaro A, !?c. afiWc.; off A, 8?uc. a 8-,c. ; crushed. UjtsO. tUJic.; powdorud. h.'sc ; griuiaUied, 1>)jC. ; off gran uiated, 11)40.; cut loaf, 0)4c. a 10c.; wbito extra Cs, 8c. a 814c.; yellow extra C's, 7)4c. a 7J?e.; ether grades, includ ing O's, 7)4c. a 7)4e. TAbbOW.?Receipts, 56 lihJs., 33 tierces, 102 bbls. and 32 hall casks. Tim market was quiet, with ta!o< of ubout 01,000 lbs. at 7),e. a 7 3-lt(c. WiusKtiV.?Receipts, 170 bbis. Tito markot was quiet and nominal. FfiKidliftk?Tbo general movemout was moderate, but rates on tiie whole wcru stoady. fcudkgoments-i'o i.lver pooi. by sail, 1,'xSJ bbls Hour, 2s., and tie tin. grain room quoted at 80., 81 lbs. ; HO Idols, tallow, 3(.a.; 0,1101 packages Srovlelone. through Irelghi, at 45c. a .'ale. por 10O lbs. ; .000 bbls. flour, th ough freight, 2s. 3d, Lunam, sail. 2,'ifM bbls. flour, 2s., and strum, 1st tierces beet, 6s. Hd. ; 100 bbls. pork. Is 04.; 2 3U> bbla flour, through freight, 2s. 3d. a 2s. 3d. (ilasgow, steam, 5,003 bbls. Hour, local and through frolg it, at 2s. 9k ; 10 ) bbls. flsb nil, 35s.; 2o birds, taliow, 90s, Hamburg or Antw-rp, steam, 750 packages mosts, 27a 3d. a 37s. laL, sill and steam, iiavro, steam, hH tons provisions and 25 ttorens iaril. j3c. ; 4'J bids, sweeping*. 3-I6-.; Hi tlrrocs liams, )r,c.; 25 tierces heel, $1 75; 8,03U bushels wheat, 22c.; 141) tons tallow, 13-32e. a 7-Me.; 130 tons copper, private terms; .'WXI tous agricultural liBploments, $10; 503 bundles rattans, *4c. ; 50 bales kldssins, $10; 15'idn. blsul bemp. fie.; 3 ?>> birds. Keutucliy private terms; I.StiO liags hoofs, 11-10.-. a '.,e.; 1.3U0 casus vanned goods, $10; 400 bugs cutf-e, \c.; itsi bi-xes bscpn, a 3-llic , and 108 tuns fresh inesis oh private terms Cbsr tors:-An Amui'lcau Irrlg, U-tree to Cherbourg, with 2,500 quarters grata, 5s. 7)4d.; a llritish bark, lietteu to Ilarre or Calais, with tl.mO qusrtors grain, 5s. 53. ; a Hrltish air ip. benco to Havre or Autwerp, villa lO.ODJ quartors grain at 5s. 4)>'.d.; an Italian bark, hetiee to nsst coast id Ireland, witb 2.5(10 quarters grain at 5e. 7)4d.; an Italian bark, hence to Cork lor oiders, with 3.00-r quarters grain at 8s.; an Italian bark, heuce to Itottrrdain. with 2,81s) qtiartors grain lit Os.; a Notwi-glan bark, lience to Amsterdam, with 4,000 bbls. reliu (1 pi-troleum at 4s. 1)41 : an Itallun bark, hence to thn levant, with 13,00(1 cases reflued peimlcuin St 3' 1)4 c.; an American brig, 53'J tons irocvutly), hence to Murdraux, with Kentucky tobacco at 35s ; five barks, with about .1.5* 1 quarter* grain each, Iron. Baltimore to Cork lor enters oil privnlu ter us : an American brig, Iroui Baltimore to 1'er liatnbuco, with 2J4X) bbls. Hour at $1 15 and primage; two l.ri as from llallitnorc to a Rrsslliau port, witli floor, aud uno beure to do. on private teirns; uu Ai-teticsu bark. 073 tens (recently;, from Leghorn to New York. K .stun or Fblladclplrl, a ltli marble, at $3,liixr, and a eebonaer thence to Hum-in with dn. at $1,8 si; un Ameri can 1.rtg (recently), 200 tons, reported with slate, hence to Belfast, at 20s. PRINTING CLOTHS MARKET. 1'rovii>kmck. K. I? May 11,1878. The market! for ?V4 eqnare cloths ontlnu.* quiet. with at any bnsiuoes ?I unto. Muycri mid Mll?ri aiu apart, and quotation* are nonilnally a 1 5-llle. extra aud ?t*n. dard respectively. lit (MiklKl cloths tharo have sen no rnlea at Importance, and, with mocks well cleaned up. quotations aru firm at .'lc. a 3 1-lOc., caab, lor iput goods. and 3,^0. naked lur contracts. EUROPEAN MARKETS. COMMERCIAL. Lout)' v. May 11 ?I 30 P. M. Pro luca?Spirit* of turp mtluc. 241. 3d. a 25a. pat cwt Lliuecd oil, ?2d 13a. a iUI pur ton ? IStl.XU bA.VK UAIIKKTS. I. ox no*. May II. 1H7B. In the Mincing I.sna market* during ill* pa.t weak business has not iuipro**il. Sugar wasqulet. Tlreru waa .oiiiu Inquiry for low brown aorta; xruueiy grades ol Porta kli* at auction bronchi lull r.ito* ; Most 1 ndlaii waa caaier. * x c. pt I.o* cry.taliaad yellow ; mora waa doing In refined A ratliur Inrira aupplt of coffuo wua nlTertid, w blcli rnnatly aolil at laat wook'a ptlciia, except coniinou Hast .'tnllaa. wlib b was rather eaalur. baitpeirn waa Inactive and woakar. l ea waa 'lull and unsettled; two pnroaly ol u. w season's Congou brought I*, ltd. to I*. 7d. per lb.; Indian le i* are unuhunirad. ltice wo* In good demand ; ear.'oo* ol Hnrtnali brought higher rates. In apicus tbeie waa no now feature, roitK rnoDucr: kx<-iiaxuk m.niKr Livkuiohl. May II. 1*78, ? Pork?Knsteru dull at 34*., Western dull at 4?j. ? Cumberland cut dull at '.his. II I., abort lib dull it 37a . long clear dull ut 23a lid., abort claur dull at 3ti<. limns? laintr cut ihill at 3-1 s. Mhouldcrs dull at 21a. beef-India Met. dull at toss . extra mu.s dull at ItMa , meaa dull at 13a Lard?W oatciu dull at :u>a- tld. I allow?City dull at bus. furpentlne?-Nplrita steady at 24a. Iti.s n -Cum ?noli dull at j> , Una dull at Inc. C'.eoao?Ann riuan choice steady at L4*. Lard oil dull ul It Kluur?Ir.xiia ntata dull m b'rvi . Wheal?Mot I -pun- dud at lu*. Orb, ,\n 2 spring dull at Ilia. lib. winter dull at lit Id. Corn ? Mixed suit dull nt 20i. 3d lor old and dul1 at 2*>?. <11, for now. Cott.iu.eod oil?Yellow American, uoaa In the to atkt I. FINANCIAL. I.OXDOX, May 11, 1B7R Pail* advice* quota lire per cent reutas lo3l. 72',c. for the nccouub Paiiis. May II, 1878. Excbaugo on London. 25C Ifi^Jc. lor abort sight Liixno.x, May 11, 1878, It la axpocted that about ?.>iri,IXJ(i iroui tlio Mail mil go Into tbo lluuk ol England to-day or Monday. FIX A MCI A Is. A? ~i t n. A .TuN a i i L?i itATnW -utiNKY "t?N'tb aST) Endowment luaurauuii I'dlili and Uurtgaget! a nil* bought; itiauranco uf all kind* elfoated wlt'i b?sl c itupaulca a: lowest premiums J. .1. 11 .V It l< I < 111 A ? U. Kh.MOYKl) TO IHo AM) HI7 HKoADWaY, O.fK DOOIl HP.LOW COItrLANOI' ?T. At Ms,, iio, l io C.UUMl ryfflNH. STOCKS HOUOIIT AM) 80l.ll IN LOTS OK FtVlt Hit A1188 AM) UPWARD OS UAIliJlN OP O.N V. PR It CAST OR OVKIt. VVMBItlDOR k CO.. 21 >r.w sr . 02 HKoAiiw'aY, j NE,,r YOUK. A A. -DETROIT ASU MILWAUKEE, KAILKOAD BONDS .wanted. K1)W. C. KoX AC.) Wall at. -<217,000 TO LOAS OS UO.sO ASU MOHT gage for flv* year*, at 0 per Cjbt, 0 'mi. In suoia of <3.(Ml to $.Y).OUO, on improved city property. H. L. PHALOS, 151 Broadway. IT TUB SEW YORK STOCK EXUIIAMUK JVwe boy anil sell all .looks and bunds dally lor cath or on a small margin. Wo alto buy Bud sell California au ! other vliuin: -lock* at tbo San I'rauclsco ?ud Sew York Mining Sleek Ex - tbtnges or elsewhere. all on commisiluu, and pay divi dends In Sew York, our custom 27 years. Ah Hi III' II. .Nil (ILAY A CO.. flankers. Hrnkers and Auetiufioors. No. Id Pin# st., S. Y. W. Tt)UO A OD., HIODK IlltOkKHS, So. 70 llroa way and So. II Broad St., N w York, and So. 200 Montague *1., Brooklyn. We bfly and eeH all aollvo Stock*, at Sew York Stock Exchange prl. os. In lot* of from S to KJO shares on am irgln of I per cent. Cotnuleeioni on any number of *Uarol. I-1G per cenl A1 M*4IOUl? ItBuTI WuSjiit i?ioVH -rotK SltSQIwK 110. 110, l 10 COM MISSION. 110 110, 110 Slock* bought udu told In h>uul flviiliuci and upward on tuurgin ul oue-balt per cent uud upward. KKL1.Y' .1 Bl.IHO. 15 Waal JHtU ?t. A-S. 11. HAZAltD. O BkOAD ST., mb*bkk or ?tho New Vi<r* Mock Kxcuaiigo. 8TUC K 1111*1 1-KiiKM, "puta." ' cal.n" olid "straddles" on thai active Stocks nc^utiaiod ou urst class parties ouly. <>ruor* soil cited. * dvanoem In any amouni on diamonds. Watches. Jewelry, Turniture. Ac. WILLI v M ilk (NAN, Uf Nassau ?i . room 1. A?A MEMBER-Or' rHB i*TOOll BXCUANtJi WItB ?a lair lusluca*, desires a pa'ty witU plO.ikkJ. Ad dress BKOKLll. lio* 111 Ueruld ort.UJ. . A? ilOtVKS t OOlll'ANY, 11A X KKilS, 0 WALL ST., .New Yom. buy and aoll ou commission, ou reasonable margin, all lUu Stock, dealt lu at the New York Slock Ex change, giving partiee the bunelll of our loforinMliou end advantage rising Iroin 115 your.' experience iu Ibo luniiow. Tbli U a favora'ilo upportunily lor operating lu eatuo or the leading stuck*. ____________ ? IIONLY To Loan ON LIKE INSURANCE I'tll.l ?eiai ou llboritl terms. Apply to It. A. DaKLIMI, .145 uud 047 Broadway. _ PAIR PRICE PAID IN 0ASI1, KyK ENDOWMENT policies or louii prccursA S. lv V l 1 ar* place, near Church ; box 2.110 New York . Adams KXPUB^i ooafkiy. no, 5*1So sOWay. Nkw YOiia. May 11, 167S. The transfer books of this company will bo closed from two o'clock i*. M. May 17, to the morning of Juuc .1. J C. HAih (m'K, Treu?urer. A Lady iitYiNu handsomkly KUK.MiMtiUJ house wishes to moet with a i/eutleuiao that will make loan on jewels or furniture. liONOKAHLK, Herald tp* town I'ftlce. OESTLKMAN LB-SIKKs TO SELL N70U OT AU uu.t itont. on store to responsible truants. X.. 170 Herald office. \ -LOANS O.N LIT It I MSI. RANGE PoLICIEm ?same bought ; 1 on ii a ou city property. "OS. IIEKZ KivLI), l?tl Broadway. MKKICAN SILVER OOlN_KOK~SALE _N SUMS TO suit. ?t a discount, by MOLTER A DAY EX PORT, No. II Willi ,t. 4? A DVANOiSS" ON 1'lt.NoS. TURNITURE. AC.?10.1 jl Weil 33il st , west of Gilt ay. (tlorage office), without boil u %. YO U Mi ~ PRO T Essft JNAL IN TLU K NT 1A L 1. All Y wishes a gentleman nl some mean., to Invest with hor lu a specul .tiun lucrative And sure ; references given. A., Herald Uptown office. A' LADY WANTS ?auooront"Dli M ON IIS UNTIL Sopteiuber. Andrea . 1*., box 171 Herald Uptown office -NOTIOE TO POLICY lTuLlll.uS IN THE aa .tlonal Lite Insurance-Company of New York.?All oer ?ens holding claims against ibo above company are re quested to forward their policies end other pepeis st onco to the undersigned. CllAS. J. H.VRTMaN.N. Evening Tost Building. 21*1 Broadway, or Test office box 4B4. New York, liny U>. 1S7S. usiness tuoublem.?,\ikhciFants and manu I icturers, city or coaiitrv, who liava recently tailed In business or are in falllnir circumstances uud wish te settle with their craditors outside of the Bankrupt law. can have ibetr nltairs promptly adjusted and aoitlomcutt effected. Turtles ot woil known respoctahlllijNoiigaged iu this busi ness, with money and cxiiericuce. Address, In tlie strict oM'cuutldouce. ItiiLIKr", Herald oflico. (Y A HI T A LISTn SEEKINO ANIN V K?TM h NT WIIK UK >/lhe most spocdv and prolitablo returns ecu uo rea l/od, muv lenrn lull particulars, with satisfactory details, by ap plying to T. S. BUELL, renin l. No. 17 William ?L CYOLLKOTION&?H WKSA (iOMTANY, BANKKKS. 0 J Wall St., Now York, 'J5 years' uxperlence, now the oldest ill the business, collect ou any part ol the United Mutes and Canada at i>o,i rst. s ; r< turns-.nun-day. ijltTATB rUKDd fu LoA-N, at six i'Kit CKNT l^Jthreo or Ave years, on Improved city property. ItsAAL IIONltl, Ul Broadway, room i ti and II. basemoiii. EWk BLlisll EL> IHBOT It A.Ml A L It. KUtlTE. Banker. 70 Hronilwny, N. V. city. Having been for 12 yo irs ? moim or ot NaniY'ork Stock Exilian ;o and Vico Trcsident ot Hold Board, the highest vxtierhinco and character is guar.tut?ail. Stocks, Hold and Bonds ; also Mock Contracts, such an "stra.ldlos." "puts" and "calls." on large or small amounts, bought and sold on regular eominlxstons nud moderate uinrgina. Tamphiot en titled "W all Street." and slock tables containing valuable liifirmation. mailed on receipt ot 10c. lAVI' sTr, MO.N i. Y TO LOAN?SUMS TO SI'IT, 0 TKll Jlicoiit lutercst, 5 year*. K. C. HTKRLINO, 152 Broadway. 1,3011 SALE 75 SHAKES ?TAClTiO ANIl ATLANTIC l; 1'elegrapU Company Stock, $W1, W. 11. HOSEA, 2U15 Broa I way. Howes a ciTmFany". BANixEBB, 0 WALL 8T.. New York, draw Bills ol Excliaugu. iu sums to suit, on any part or Europe or the Uuitod Slates, and receive do poniti 111 the same manner as the Incorporated banks, al lowing Interest at 4 per cant per annum. illTAUD OABII."-RICHARD WALTERS' BO Mi, AUG lllloners, 27 hast Broadway, advance ouah to any iitnount ?u couslgnmints Kariuliira. Tiauos, Mocks of stores. Ac. Establiihed 35 years. alvv.yys have money to loan on rort gage. Nuw York city 1"ropertjr; City HalLoad Sto As and ttoiid* nought und sold. LUCIU ?> MrADAM, ACrUARY AND COUNSELLOR in lite Insurance.? Advice given and monov obtained on Ille policies. Ufltco No. 32 l'ark place, ruom 0.1; take ele vator. L-ady. in lkhTt huslnkhh downtown, ear nestly wants f:?J loan; only those meaning business notice. WAN r, box Its I Herald office. ON BY LO aNKD ON NEW* YORK, BROOKLYN, Williamsburg. Orecupolut. Cue ens county and lease hold Tropcrty; small expeasas. TAN I'ON, 21X1 Broadway, room 2. ON BY TO l7TaN~(7n MORTOaOK AT ? TeUCKNT. MO 11 KlS B. BAEK A Co.. 72 Wost 34lh. VTICE Ot CHASE A ATKINS, HANKERS, No. is liuoAP Sr., I Nkw Yoiik, May 2. 1S7H. 1 By request of saveral holders of Michigan Central Rail road alock we are receiving proxies, to bo tendered to Mr. W. 11. Vunderbill tor use at the ooiulng election for direc tors, to be hold next mouth, and v.a shall bo pleased to lurtilth blank proxies upon application. OiOCKS B'll'TTlTl^lNli s')Tl? <IN K1VK I'KK CENT v5mnrglii ? Icvaitruent orders carefuliy executed. HENRY CLEWS A Co.. Bankers, 18 Now st.; tncmbart Naw York Stock Kxclialign. ID IOAJI??138.0UD ON IMTKUVKU NEW YORK uud Brooklyn Tropartv at six per cent interest. Li'.Yl COOK. Hi Liberty it., room 3. ANI'i.D-HONHS OT CITIES. AC., DUE ABOUT ISM J. K. K , box 1B4 Herald offieo. T W W A VIED?fio.lkl) TOR T1VR YEARS" ON BOND Id mortgage on property worth over fonr times tho amount even In the present depressed condition of the tunes; locution, Qnosiis c iuuty. Address REID, box 3,'JBD T'lSt i.nice. ^ ________________ WHfiANTKD-MO.iTOAtVk Of #7.1**1 AT 0 TEIl CENT on Tenement Property worth double the amount. i'rinclpals address C. L. Herald oBice. \\fA NT ED"l MM llll ATELY?#3,1**1 TOR ONE YEAR; IT will pay #12 weekly lor the uso and will give first bond and mortgage on tarm costing nearly #M,0OO; a good opportunity for ? party having tho money; ean _ give host reteranca as to character. Address KUYALTY, Herald office. WHHaNTKD-A LOAN OT BY AN fil.D. WELL estahlisl.ed Urst class retail houso, or partner, with Aia.DUU, nctiva or special. CaTITAL. Herald Uptown office Yl'ANTED-l.UAN f.KKl; SECURITY K1RST MOItf W gaga on fsrm of 7n acrot, near city; short time Ad dTTiWWI mm: I'HE TURCilASK \)V A SOI.ID MIL. JJ) l.U' M/var Tea Snrvice; an oiegant one for sale at lesa til-n hall cost; Watches by liistalniantt; pair Ml, carat Brilliants, <8 *>; e st #1.1**1 twit vrnra .agtx J. 111. N R Y JOHNSTON. 151' Bowjry. TTT 1IIWI WANTED ON Hi-UOND MiiKTOAlK <?)'l .UVJUon lour cllv 'Iwellinge, well rented : H.i**'oii eaclii first niavtcage H.-'klO aaeli; g.?Mi bond; psymont gnsrauteed. Adurkea BKNJaMIN. box ITkMlerald office. ij 1 WANTED- ON bond AND NOHTdAOliC M,|)UUJersey City Real Kttato, worth doobio tn,i kmottiit; Iniarasl 7 por cant. Address J. B. CLARKSON, liursld office. | Oil* I\fUl WANTED ON EIkST NORTOAOB ON 30aU'M'imptovpd city property, well ranted: property va nod at $10,(**>. Aridreas fit OMAR, box Ib7 llerad otZlcj. a, | it fiTl/k TO LOAN-ON KIKST CLASS BOND ?biUsUl/' "and mortgage. Addross box 1,1157 Poet of Cea. New York _ _ AOft sWWY MUUOHT ON MRmT MoRTUAOR: tft^Us'/UUsupenor estate* la Westchester; exc llani locatioi; quick transit; rentals adequate for lutercst. i |\V stilt, b-.x 11-1 IL-rald -.fie ?? 1 0?)i) Aflll WANTED ON KIRMT MoKTOAOB ON JI*2asisUl/' "good p iylng Irnpiovad city Tropeitv, con slsting of foui dwelling., or #6,.M?i aaeb ; bond good. Ad dress JOSEPH, box 1X5 Herald odloe. (WW\ WANTRD-HONfl AND MOKTOAHB, 5 lUy-ara, 7 p r teuton Impioved city properly. tdiiresa HOOD, llerdld oflico _____________ tt>lfW\/WlfI ?">" BEYOND AND KtKRV MokT. sPLUUsUUUgagea Mate description oroporty. mort. ga.tos. dlscoaut or no reply."TKoMTf CASil. II ra'd office^ A-io,-. fkjlil TO LOAN ON NEAL_ERrsTH IN jpl ^OsUUUthls lit) -six per c-nt>, Brooklyn. W III I ifuHii'irit or <irteuit??inl. JOHN D. CONREY, 1Q4 llreadway. STV7~U I toil V O LOAN UN HIMIO PROI'EK 1Y, SS Z I QsUUV/at 0 per coot; longtime. % PAUL P. TODD, US Broadway. te'JUU rf> W?AN \T tt V')00(' )'/' 'Property. UIOIlA Broadway, haaoment. lib V. IIAIlhhlf, t'OI'A HT.N KUM1II I'M. rtlllK Col'AUT ?kl?Sllll' OK IIUhKKNHaM, u6i,r a 1 lull, or the city of New Yurh. te uleeotead to i-iutiiel coniii :>t line lime. Tne hnalneee of the let him will be coiiliiiueil by It. tl. Htickeaheni, at No. to Maiden lane, wlieri' pnymoni of a I ii*l>t? 'In i the late Bun way be made. Dated 1 Hilda; of .May, l?7H. Kii A'AltII H. MI CK KN ll AM. OMHtHK C >1.11 JOHN II Ai.ta A. IICNIAKMM lll'I'OlirURITIKa. -CATILK ANII nil HK.' IIAIM.SO. Mcelloot opuottonlly fi.r yuur.g men ?A I'aetoral Cnl by, I, betiiit eatabllelimi at I orl Ea*.*om. 1t rrltorv ol N. w Mexico, lor young men of char cter daalroue of learn |?k In ail It* brnuchce the bealneaa of t attle inn ehe? p rata my a moat I'lcratlee ami li-irltlinate IM cupatl'io. fori Baa cm la altuain on the Canadian Hirer, nnarlr the centre ol wlitire over il?i,i??i nra.l o cattle alio ehi ep are gi aalng. I In. un.lerelgi.ed lalhaoanerof the Kurt Itaaoom e-tata. Containing ?err H>X),(All acrea of i feelleiit KTaaiiia land In miuera body, anil over lU.iai) head of cattle and ahoep. I he cilinato la for I la aalnlnlty, and lha out door a tori-He, principally on honehack. will reatorn to health yuanx la.n aiilf -rinn lung, kidney or alinilar dlanaaea. Tile neaiiilmre ol thle college will be offered alter I.e. omlMir tulle acquainted with llio tiualnoea) nnutUal op. poi t ii ii 11 la a for Invoatuient III the ahoto bualne-a, ioojujI.hI miller tlialr own a iporrlei.ui lemn, ff'eai per annum lor hoard, ItaluiiiK. rldttrK animall and amiutrauienla, luclud II. ' railroad an I . ,h tar. a t.. the oMato Km I i-artl.-u an turnlahed by W I I.HON W 111 IN11 ll A M . rooina Nee. HI and 17 fcveuinK I'oat Building. or addieaa I'ott ufHi a liox I.7.IX AM WlflTKIl, CAl-AllliK MK uRTTINtl CI' \ PRKTCII H guide to New Vork city, tnteraporalng It with notlnea of Ithe repreaentallrn huuaoa tor a forthcomliii puhllcatl .n of cxiraordiuaiy tineolty end merit, of which one hnuae order IHMtM melea, parly cap ante of nolleitliif and aketching Ilia whole tiling Will rrcclt o fluty pot aeek. Ad reat NUtV 1DUA, lleraid I'ptown ulUgj. msiAK.** UPPORTU91T1US. A CHANGE?COUNTRY STORK WELL STOCKED with Dimi? anil *h ?#?. furnishing goods uid nation*; established >lx years; no <>|>p< >?? 11< ; 27 mi Ins fiom Now Vork : other business ruasnu tor selling. J. nlSll.WOKE, box 240 Herald ull.g AODITIO AL CAPITAL iM.UOiji WavIED?TO nX toad h foundry business located in Savannah. Uxi special or actiro partuer. For particular* luqutre of P. liEED, 33 Old .Hp, or addfoa* FOUNDRY, Horaid office. A BROKERtGE BUSIN K8* W ITHOL'T BONUS?LOU rout; Fixture* it deatred: present utntr obliged l< leave city. Gall to-day. before 3, 12U Park or., neat depot A" N OLD. EXPERIENCED. ENERGETIC""sALfci inau, controlling very islesblo tpecialty. wulie* dl.ikjQ and partner a* flii.mlor and manufacturer. Addreaa SAPd ANU PROFITABLE. Horaid office. ' t N ACTIVE PA It IN Kit, WITH sUAL.* MlvVN: -fAwantod - Uu-inesa permanent and prohiable. Particu lar*, GAM I'll I', i. L, 44 North Moor* at. KtSTAUUANT, MAKING $150 A MONTH. MOIil or loan uud Real Estate. let for 915 a month, to ex change tor l'ruparty that will let tor flu i a mouth. N* sgerit*. hi11'Cli KK, enrnur Duuue and William it*. BUIL:?hit's"IIA55W AUK.~T<IUL and" HOUSE furnishing Store on 8th av. lor aalo, with a well select cd stock and an astabllali d trado, doing a pood buaiueaa; am nil uruouiit of cash required: owner wishes to retire: no agenla. Addreaa HARDWARE, Horaid Uptown Branch office. ?SOU r11 AMKRt(ia?secretary wanted IN ?iucorporated company : capital and influence required; llneral salary; satisfaction guaranteed. Addreaa BRAZIL IAN. lieral i oflica. of aacroiary in n lucrative manufacturing company by Addreaa MANUPAC 4 VERY PKOFITAHLt. LIGHT. WHOLESALE KB* J Vubll-liM r.uaiuesa (or sale. Willi Stock and Ltenaila M ice $1,-5 i, which can be made in do day*. Inquire of U. MKTOaLF. 1.1135 Broadway. \ M pUIANT1LB COLLECTION HOUSE, WITH A? Jt JLeatabllshod reputatlou, dealre* to eecure an aoergetla gcutloniau of good address a* solicitor. Thoae having un questionable testimonials as to character may addreaa B.. box 106 Herald Office. TiklLFUL MAN" WANTED?THAT CAM FURNISH iLibe macliluory necessary to manufacture all kind* of biitaiinia ware. Address BRITANNIA. 110 Herald office A COM PETE NT PERSON CAN~OBTAIN "i*0?IT ION purchasing 8 i *1,000 of capital stock. TURING 00*1'ANY. Post olllee. Newark. N. J, A RARE CHANGE ~FOR THE RIGHT PARTY TO buy a well eatabllshod Business at a bargain ; article staple and sold for cash, no broker*. Apply at 4l> Uudaon ?t. N EXPERIENCED MANUFACTURER OP SUITS and cloak* wants a partner with capital. Addroa* SUITS A CLOAKS, box 138 Herald olllee. LARGS MANUFACTURING "COMPANY (Ht PIRN requiring about $15,000 additional capital, can addreaa, with lull partlcniars, Inducement* otlcrud, Ac., M ANG11ES TEH, Herald Uptown office. t All wiicTiiXve practical patents to sell address EUROPEAN AND UNITED STATES PAT ENT EXCHANGE. 200 Broadway. Several valuable In vention* for investment. Kr.W HUNDRED DOLLARS WOULD BE INVESTED in some good legitimate uusinoss, luacufacluring or otherwise, witb some honest party: roloreucaa exchanged; state particulars. BUSINESS, nox 12b Herald office. -PiYlNO. HONORABLE BUS1NRSS CAN BIS ?had and conducted by a party wttb |0U0 to $800. Call ut O'BRIEN'.*. 651 t>ih av. 45 ROOM,-COMPLETBLY FURNISHED. HOTEL to let; lull guests; 11th tL, Broadway. OWNER, 61 Welt 10th. N ESTABLISHED PERIODICAL. TOO LARGE FOR one to manage, desires a copartner. Address box 041 New York Post office. WANTBD WITH $2,(XJU IN AN E8TAB* Uilio.l whilesalo to* business. Address TEA, box 2Ul lleruld office. A MAN WHO CONTROLS LARGE CITV AND N K A It. bv trade. In wholetolo grocery business. wants youug man. villi $5,000. capable of doing office work. TEAS, lioruld Uptown office. A" i.iv k m as. wIt h $20o cahh, wanted?as pakt ner In u II.hi clam horse taming exhibition; one loud ol horses prolerrud. Address IIURBKMaN, Herald Uptown office. HOOD BU8INB1-8 MaN, WITH ?7,<A>> TO flO.lM). wanted lu a reliable Manufacturing busluoss; woll established and puylng a very fair prulit; releronoce exchanged. Address J. L., Herald Uptown oflloe. N AUK K K A H L eT'A KTY. WItTi $Ij)OU CASH, CAN purcliaso one-hall Interest In a pleasant established cash Busmoss; pay-lug well and can bo moro then doublud; no fortune, but u good Income sure. (KJ Uertlandt St., room 3. PvUTY tHAT COULD INvUsi-$10,0110 TO $3O.Ui0 on sslo basis in profit, honorable business nearby, pre duciux valuable staplo, may ad-tress WORTHY, box US lterald offioe. YlOAKDINO STABLE PAKTNKK~WANTED 1MMKDI JJaL-ly; SO horses in stable and very low rent, lnquiro 523 5th av. C""a..AI~IIaVK A FIILST CLASS TRADE: WANT $5,000 J and nartner to secure well located yard doing good bust, ni-sa exclusive ol mine; no bonus. Address TAitD. box 2.3 llerald office. kmikahUk BAKERY AND CONKKCTIONBBY I liusinost for sale; loug established; location lbs best lor family and transient trails; attractive and readUr rented apartments connected; price. $O.UHO; terms easy. Appiy GRIGGS A UAKLKTON, US Broadway. Exclusive license can be obtained 'fob inaniifaetura and sals ol Deodorising Garbage and Asb Box In Philadelphia. Chicago. St. Louie end other cities (New Vork excepted). WILLIAM C. KITTHKDOE k CO.. 48 West 4tb st. TNXPOKT AN EXPERIENCED MERCHANT, OOllio Xj(o roslde In f-?ntr>al tiarmauy, wishes to rnpreseul e lew iidiable houses as saleenisn or buyer. Address Shi J AULK, 21 x> Herald. FOIt SALE?TI1K LEASE OK EL EH A N I' OPERA llusis*. Ilnely located In a large city. For particulars address OPPORTUNITY, Clipper offieo, Nbw York. LH)H SaLK-TIIK BEST HaKEKV, CONFECTIONERY I and Saloon In the city, the owner retiring: this will pay investigation. Address b. A.. 221 llorsld office. L'OR HALE-CALL TO DAY (SUNDAY)! A SMALL, J psylug (irocery Mors; also half or whole lutsrest is initial lire lighters (Issued January 15. lH7H),wHh eleo iiolype plates and all machinery; a first elast arllol*. with rapid sslo; must ho sold this wook lor good reasons. 7th st sud West uv., Hauler's Point. WM. A. VOHlSi. CliTll HALH.-M ACIUNRKY AND IRON "hi/hInK.hH ; I? in the best losatloti In Brooklyn ; cheap rent and long least'. Apply at 125 vt ater at, Brooklyn. (Vh.NTI.hM V.N a II a VINO EXCLlIslVB RIGHT TO Texhibll plionoirraph In a Western State dsslres bust ness mauagcr ol uuuonhtod ability and character; inusl b.vs $2<?; a rare opportunity for too rignt man. Apply al 140 lieury sb, Brooklyn. /VRAN D HOMLfcVA ltl> IIOTKL (FURS IS II Ell) TO VTieasa, Broadway, 5uth St, Central Park.?Fall of guests OWNER, 5 Chatham square. H* Titkl forTIia lkVa ftk*t cl v?s iio rKL, within ten miles <>l New York In a city of 125.UOHiahab Hants: centrally located; lull of permsuent and traasiout guests; the Furniture, Lease and Goed Will cau be pur chased by a assb custuiuar at a low fi Tire. Parlies mean ing basilicas eau audresa T. U. A.. Herald office. HAYK AN ESTABLUtllKD HUCtlBRSPUL BUdl iisss. commanding si x sonresa nt Itirome: It Is very at tiactlre aud highly respectable i I need a partner, active or special, with capital, to whom 1 will give an unusual chance Address H. L. h , llerald l'ptow? office. Make money belli no our new w t-..iiv. ma". chinos; exclusive territory given. HAHDINU k CO., 1(12 ChsRiliers st. MI'.ltCHANTH AND M ANUF ACT I/' ItB It A?II AYR Hlnsb engaged In mining snd sale of gas coal and man* u >ciureof iron, a railroad specialty now exteusivsly used iutrcduced by me; good aldress and command re spect and attaiitlon ol bncinscs men aud railway man agora; desire position whore my services may be profitable to employer aud fair remuneration to myself W. D. B , Herald oluea. NR.?-TPaHTY" WITH MODE KATE AMOUNT OF ?capital can purchase a good paving Advertising Busi ness, together with laiuabl* Treatise, numerous K*tinge, Foimulat. Ac., the property ol a lata eminent pbtslcian. sold to close estate. Addicts h. W. 11ALK. 18 llood si.. Sew York city. Partner "vantkd-kitiikr genehaT. or X sp-cUI. with $15.1X10. In an sstabllstied wholesale mil linery house In a Western elly ol over IUU.IUI Inhabitants, Address M. A. I'hKK1NH. Grand Csntrnl Hotel, New York. IDaKTNEK W ANTED To JOIN ME Tm INTMODOCING | meritorious article ol great public uved : Just patented) resily tor bualocci. Address lor particulars Mr.KIT, ller ald offieo. Pd' ATE NTS FOR EXCELLENT TOBACCO p7pK AND I'ailer (tame lor tale or axebauge. Address BARGAIN, 212 Herald. 1>.\ I: I N Ell WANTED A UKNTLiMIAN OF BU8I noes experience, with about $2,<l X?, mas join advertiser iu an eslnhllshed tea and mereliar.dls* brokerage business; M rich <>l MpttCt Ad-ii- a II (OUR, ILirald office. 1>iior<HiiiAriT~g ali.eky-estabi. i-lii.d seven years; gojd business; hail value; extra ebauce for good artist; terms easy. POnlTlVfc. Herald Uptown office. UAKK OPPiillfl NI i Y- l'AHTNKIt WANTED. Lad7 or gentleman, wltb $1,1X11 to $2.IXX>. tor huslnes* that promises greet success; will bvar strict luvesltcatlon; orders on hand and using constantly reoeivwd. A dor ess si i i'Ksk, box 3 157, New Yerk. Sa'r In m ! a hp hi NUH-lro FTi yISiu i a n .7" and Uhomltls. ? A large I'raetloe. with first class Dreg Store etlached, fur ? tie ; finest lorstlon; gentleman speaking Her man prslcrrrd; no opposition to right roan, or partner taken ; cash, f:l.Mai in $4,ixx). Address OWNkR, box 267. COAP UHRINKSB. IIORSBR, TRUCK.x, LKASK. FIX Otures aud llood Will; sell or eaehange for Heal Bstatoi rare chaurn to not established business. MlMLFAC TUHKIl, llerald office. flHVO ENERGETIC YOUNG MEN OF LABOR BURL 1 iic-se experience and well known among merchant*, having s large suit of i Iffii as na Brae Iwav. aesr J <<ho el., would like a desirable agency; would devote their eatire tlms and energy. Address It. k it., llerald Uptown Branch. flHIH HtOHKBT INVBN110N~TO NKI.L COFKKKH. X splcsa. leas; dnmonstrated en Interview; Partner went ed, eitlisr special or active, wllh lld.uil to $2ii.t*Xt Ad dr -s < >I-I> I iiMWKKiTaL I IIAVELI.Kllerald office. WANTKD-A PARTNER WITH 6l,(W AMD lit vices to take IIsl( Intsreel In e Hawrolll In Flovtue; capital Secured. Address, for on* week, H. M., 1U7 Weter Ik, New York. tlTANTtD-A PARTY HAVING UONHU MPTION TO If call on Dr. PIKaHAFF, No 222 West 31th st.. and lu ? a I uslnsss Sfpntctlly, WANTI'.D-MAN US HTAhDINrl AND MKAN3 TO develop hlg patent! "mil llonx le It." Addrea* bog 2-W llsrsld office ANTED A$ PARTNK11 W1 ?l ABguTI^OG Foit the Uoucy laleml season, great preBla Address t. MARTIN. Ilersld offioe. ANTKD-A (ToNBEOUTiVB NUMBERING MA chine. Bevcral valuable Patents for tale. NEW TOitK PATENT KX' II aNGK. 5u l iberty it. rANTiti?--"A ?A~RTY Will) CAN CONTROL LINBB .. nflnsnraneot on property for a prominent foreign fir* Insurance company ; liberal terms olTered. Address i lxK INBI RAN 1'B. hot IHW Herald office. ANTH.D-A I VPI I AI.IST; HkWRb PA I KNT ELKO trie liK-k . sre model. 10 High sv, Brooklyn, top fieer, or address INVkNTGK, llerald office. \l- ANIED A I.ADY PAirhlBK. MY A LADY, IR TV wry profitable business; little money required, In quire at list Bib av., In store. WII.L HO ME GEN TLX M AN DIBUGUnTmV NOTE for fiof I'leaee audioes GfcHruUDH. Herald U?> town office. \\;a"n7kD-A 1'AltTY wirll $12,0X1 OH $15.(XXi, TO TT manurecture an article <>l univeisal roasump.lon; prntcctvil In pctrnt and will pay <xxi per c nt yearly to the riuhl man; this la a rare opportunity to engage In a mile and profitable enterprise. Address MfiVANUkR, box b,*7? Puet oIIkv. VV;