Newspaper Page Text
rtra)I\K3S OPPOftTl'SITIKS. LINK OP OOUD? 'ft; SELL 10 THE ? T trade i't.r PennsyIruniu ami Western State* on com mlssion, Address M , 3,830 Lancaster a v., PbU?d?lp)>Ia il> ? I K ? I' Vu I NER~Toil PATENT PICKPOCKET V V til arm fur watches or pocketbo> k.?. Address ATTACH MtM. Herald Philadelphia liruueo office. \ I * J i L. INVEST ?500. JTltH MY 8RRVI0K3, IN JI good paying business; particular* or uu atteutiou. ANDERSON. Herald Uptown. ?yirA % ?*d?partner in fancy goods ok f f dressmaking. Location 318 Court it., Brooklyn. \y UTTBD-lIuNBSf m \n. '.vi rit fiioo; slim kTty i> ^ivou iitu! pleasant pu.ltlon. SuuU uuuie ana retiiltnco, ADAMS, Uux 114 Herald offlco. ?yOC.Mi MaS. '.VITil $250. WILL TAKE AX IM X tcruat or no as piutnar in a pajiujf busiue.s. STEADY, llerulu Uptown ? >tl? c-j. (SOiWl 1 W ILL UfAIUSTKK ANY MAN WITH iPOl'U.ttli amount, $-?"> w.vkl/ profit In a.talilUheil rtuli I using.*, with no ,IA whatever. SHU 'EUEK. 2 Clintou place. ftoiui to invest in light i-ayinu musinkhs ?P? ?UUbv an uctlve, experienced man, or at manager, clerk or canvasser. with best toitiiuouinln. AJUress I'KUMfTMKSS. Herald office. $500 ~UENT,'EMANLV HAKTNKK WANTED TO ?pOvM r.lieln patent a n original an J valuable invention. ?AJdruhk ELl'.O.V A|', Herald office. 50 WA-Vrl " 1N A I'IIKaTkIO.VL EXTKK _ - "prl ko; expanse* uiuail; sue can* ccitdti. Address LKNKVE, 11 era la Uptown Branch ottice. tQA/j T? $1,000? AND S UViOKS. PUT INTO A ?OV/ V'saiV r. pec able lousiness; no honors, tobacco, aio Ilcines or patents. Give particular* Z V., 110 Gerald eflee. Ql (W|() TO 83,000 A NO SERVICES OF A GOOD tp 1 ?VM/Umnn wanted; one-halt' the d ty ill this ?i? ri ty chain if com. uuU full particulars, address FIN ANCfAL. iierald oiii Other half ten miles out. Salary, security (being complete) n.500di.lSo'*"?* "A" as treasurer tor first class travelling cuter tux iimo nt. 42 Broadway, room 30. HlKlTo $5,000 WAN J ED?TO INCREASE AN' tpO?VM J Uestabiisbed paying business. Address J., box 121 Iierald office. Q (jji; i ? , ' , ! - \ ? > T ?^?V/V*'/.wanted, for nn exhibition speculation, to go speculation, to go to California and Europe;cm make and be secured J best references. Address HARBISON, box 151 Herald Up town olhce. Ctfi Kill i iLF INTKK IN VH.HUU,Planing Mill. Apply to UGDEN A 00.. A 409 Q1 n OIHI -WANTED, \ SPECIAL OK ACTIVE ?3?XV/*LM/IT .partner with this amount in the nuinufac turo of a staple ai tic!" in the dry roods line; wo have a monopoly; profits arc largo, and ail sales are strictly cash 10 days; we have cngag. monts fur our production of this year ; a thorough Investigation is u>ked, as the buetnei-s is a success beyond any perad venture. Address MONOPOLY, box 117 ileralifotlice. O I ( WU\"M5,0 tO.?A WHOLESALE AND JOB tPlo?wlM' liny; Grocery Business, doing an average trade of $9,000 per month: also a smaller avenue Sio re, $12,000 to $15,000. Onlv cash buyers lived apply lor par ticulars. K. P., 221 Herald otlice. Gl^n(U) VV1LL J5L'y v CONTROLLING IN iplfkv'/vteroiit in a manufacturing business which wih pay 25 per cent, \ddro*s WILL M. L11TLE, 208 North 3d St., ht. Louis, Mo. HbAL ESTATE. Tho following sales wore made yesterday on the ileal Estate Exchange*? UY LOUIS M?*lkll Ambrose Mouell, referee ? Foreclostiro rale of the tlirus) story brown stotio hou?o, with lot 20xlU0.5, N??. 137 ? ust 14th st.. n. s., 95 ft. e. oi Lexinutou av . to plain till'. $4,220 klso three story brown stone house, with loaso of lot 2>?x 100.5, on the m m. of Ma t 48th st., 174 ft. v. of 3d av., leased April I, 1H0M; terra, 20 yearn; ground rent, $200 per annum, to Peter uoelet and otburs 5,000 BY A, J. ULUXCKKi; A SON. fobn II. Glover, releree ?foreclosure sale of the three story brick building, with lot 26x83.9x24x 73.9, No. 142 West St., e. s., between Vecey and Hurclay sts., to Andrew Luke.... 27,000 Also, similar sale?Howard P. Wilds, referee?of the three story brick buildiug, with lot 22 0x100. No. 177 lliouipsoii St., w. s., 173.3 feci n. of Hous ton St.. to plaintiff 4,000 Also, similar sule ?F. G. Salmon, r- feree?of a plot of land, 105x100, on .Morris place, s. o. corner of Catharine BL (22U ward), to plaintiff 7,393 by josuru ai'Gt lUK John Whuk n, referee- Foreclosure sale of tfio three story brown stone house, w ith lot 20.0x95.5, No. 102 East 71 st St., b. 22 ft. e. of 4th uv. : also two story brick house, with lot 20xlO<). 11, No. 421 115th st, n. 95 ft. e. of 1st ?v. ; aiso three story brown stone house, with lot 10.8x 100.11. St . 411 East 122d si., n. 171.3 !t. e, of 1st av., to plaintiff 15,000 BY van ta.hskli. and kkaknky. Edward D. Gaic, relereo?Foreclosure ?alo of tho tww story irame house, with lot 25x100.11. No. 410 East 114th St., n. s., 195 ft. e. of 1st .iv., to J. MrKtnno r 1,500 Also ? , dward I). Gale, lofcreo--F reclosure sale of one lot 23x85.0x25x98.2, on 3d av., s. o. corner of 113d si., to J. M i.oary.... 5.200 Total $09,313 OFFICIAL BEAL A.HTATE TEANSKER8. Tbe following statement bliowlua tho roal estate traDsacliuiiB recorded id the Register's ollico May 11, 1878, la obtained from Augustus 1'. Docharty, Deputy Register-.? 1st av., a. w. eornor 86th St.. l'HxlOO.H; Joiioh Keyscr and wile ami others to Emsltuu J'jhQtton .813,000 1st p,v., n w. corner 8i , ll>OxlUU.'-i; Catharine lloyeer (extent, I x) to aaiue KgOOO I t .iv., n w. corner -4>th nt.# lUO*llk).M; llltum A. May nerd, Jr., to eatue. 500 1st uv.. II. w. cottier wild It., 1UMMi3| Alary L. Keysr ttrnstio) to setae 1,500 touth 5th av., w ?. 175 ft. nut Ulevcker st. 25x75; JS.I1 -n D. Brookes ;execuirlx> to i.llen I'. Brookes Num. 12'Hh St.. u. -., 250 ft. w. ol ?lb itv., 50x11*1.11; ?mim to s me Num. 13''tli st., n. 100ft. or ol Mill nv., 5oxl00.ll; ssiue to Horace 1.. Brookes .\'uui. l-.tjt st., ii. ?, 200 It. v*. ol ^ili nr., 50x100.11; sumo to .Mary L. I ohinson Mom. Willi) i? . n. w corner of 144th St., 25xloU; J. .VIu 1111. o.i to Aliraliani Slinm. Nom. lrt si.. II. * . 84.4 It o. ot 30 av , 17x03 5Zlrr gular; Jmraplr Adam* and w Be to ticnriro If, Jolinson . 40,000 7iii M . s. v.. 168.10 ft. w. lit 3d av.. 24.5x >" IO; Marsh (? C. Johnson nn-1 husband to Marab V. A korly Nom. 43 1 it., n. ? . 20O It a. of 11th av.. 3'>xl*s>.5; also, 42u st : L>mxa lllftst to Louis K. Council Noui. f'Jd St.. n. ? , 20O ft. a. ol tlth av., goxlOUo; Louis K. liuarlcii to I nisa I'uvrlch Nom. 2d i.v.. v. a,80 11 It n. ..I 113th at., 30xHO.II; J. A. Steers. Jr. (reloruoi to Naw York l.liu lnsai .no Company .. C.000 Id av . ii. e. corner 113th si., 20.1 lxso; same to sains 7,000 II av., ?. a., 40.11 It. n. of 1131b St., 3 ,x80; same to samo O.COO S'l sr.. o. a, 100.11 It. n. of 113th St., 2Ux8D; same to same 0,000 2d sr., e. s., 120.11 ft n. or 113th su, 20x00; same to same 0,000 s'd a v.. e. a., 60.11 It n. ot 1 l'lili st., 20x00; sumo to irti" 6,000 1'. Iisa do av., e 336 ft. s o! Hive rat ...hoard); J. ft Miller irele to L. also lleau 3,000 1'nlisa is av.. s e. coraor Kiverav >24th aaidl ; II. It. lieckinan (rc Israel la n?o?upson M. bolllstsr.. 3.000 l .'lhsL.s s.. 10O II. w. ul 3d av., 2>>xJuLlO to loath st; L. 1'altison (referee) to L.isa L. I'nr sons 2,500 Kmaabrldm road, ti. a, of hmcrsnntt.. 2oxl50; Mary A. I'er . and husband to Hugh Orni usn .... 1,125 Main at, D. a., 2,ljxln 133 I w ird) Jams A. Bny daoi and wiie to .-arali A Williamson Nora. Washington av , n. w. corner -oh st . 38.3x75 (23d waru) ,corg i W. .-mill* iu Liis* Kuehler Num. M . OkhkP MOHIO iUK i. Bnnr. William C. an, wile, to John K. IB. u, o. s. Le v In (ft oi av . s. ol Mill -i. ; I ycai 82,50 i Iirr mi,in, IluA, to Mary A I'e k, u. s. Kl-gshridj toad, ? id Emerson at. , 5 y. ar. 000 llniulil, Mar> 1. . ..1 Angelica L I lain., ton, >o M Manlsoa av.; 3 years. 20,00*1 lohnelou, Luieli , i and ha-baml and 'there, to isai ah Ke?> r and others, n. w. corner ot 1st av. and faith si.. . m iiths 16,500 kaine to William Mono, same pr iperty; 1uionths. 5.0U0 Kvehier, hllsa and in LacrctiaJ. 1'rter snn, ii. a corner m Washington av. a, 1 Idtli st, (2 ld war II ; I year 500 Median) i. Ann, to Mary lfluil|sn, n , s. of llltli ft . e. nl 3d n ; i i 6.530 Mailer, hvn and baauand, to t atherina M Hattella an' others, i xecatois Ac . s. ,. ol 76tb st..comer of av. A ; 3 s .rs 5U1 Jtuneuil. Mary A. and .roc ? W, Mun-ekl to J. II. Swnet ? r. n. a ol 47th ?t, w ol bill iv 8,300 O'Oonnell. M irifarst B , to U?,ir I I ? Fat mil, n. s. of li*Mb ft., corner ul 4th av.; Inslalmeu tf 1,1 *J<) l .fjrd, I'sul .V, to John Well-. u, t. ol moult placa C-od ward'. 300 Ib'tnpean Mary, to M iry .1 M'nti*, ,, t. of Moath iii af.( n "f (Iran -i. ?? yr are 3,HO) XXtOilIiM' SSSK, ia .III Mlfl.riiAUZS Convert, A*a?J?, ts the hoaivta Caliaalre f'Ullaa tlirspiifae ft.issi *'h re. John i.' , to Adolpn i?r, via Okisr Mains t'iscma lj.n.i) Kennv 11 u tbniomew F . i , John ks .iie . I %, 1,1 I ? srsali, 1'hebs, to J aniss l? K ,^eri Id,11 ) Kahilis on. John It., to Jiisepb i, l.i bhison. .... 1 I Otoa Dims Savin . In tifltsn to Anna X. Lloyd.! 3,600 THE (fAUJiVUE WAIL JaiSM Hanson captain of on# of the gnrbape scows from this city, lying elf the I'atnrnpo (N. J.) shore, traa taken he tor* JudRo ltaviv, ol Jertoy *'tly, tsitsN day, snu lir.ed $10. II * (mrgo llouipd asKOfn and be fore ho coalU ,? t it off Ultlc, r (iouson arrested him. ?*IUJPOMAisM? FFICE OK IIIK HA 1 Li litre KJUU HAItMPB. No. 74 Wall st.. Now > m k. o Maaiad pronusals will he recelvad st this office until Frl lay, the I7tli Inst., (or lurnlshln* 75,'klOfinft 'inallty 11 aver itraw Brlrk sod I3.,' '?i Or,dim I'nDit<. no pale ur arrhet alii be accepted, nn to b" dellv rod in ih< month of May, laTk. elvo pri'i" sal lor farni.Iniig 650,Haverttraw Brick ii, the of Joiim and .1 nly , hi sneh times a. m .r 5? rvqnlred, and of thO same neeilt) i' 7, rsi; also !,"<?> tiro- hi, s s pel uTiiplet also for fernlshing t.'si "t Kaekland Lime and 8 1 '">i nn k'lnlvbing Linis, and t, bo inrnislK-d as may be required.In i|U?ii'illea ol 9UH barrels' 4iri bashelt *?" Its' llsli and WJ.ksi ? ill ; Lath : all m ne delivered en the silors' Bana llorboi dork For pArttca lars atin y to HI' IIA..D ft SMITH Mii-srin i. nd.nt, at tbe nihre ol the Uovernor ol ihe instliuiiim. Manors' Hnng Ii arbor, .Sew Brighton, 8 I. TlillMArv (tMKRLFAF, . Comptroller. BXt'HAKUE. ti'.vS I nil l.v hjfi 11 AMI It f-' ' liODD Hfo* K , it Mcrcliaiiolsc or Lidtiors. i on day >, II., b j\ 237 II>.ia n tBIee IIUARS AND TOBACCO. Tllinlw U.Vl.V. IV i.LI.i.iVI iii'f OF IUVaNa |J nn) Key West * igars at rtkue. IIO.S A KlDf., Herald ?(H#?. ' ftrcsivsp vPNRfie I1 IT. i; A If v 'mii! ft i.i.. a II' K i)K TlIK "''.II. Jidoti Jnernsl," r-ssslrtt, freffi l 7 to 18 ), neatly bound Address II.. lb si iffice Box 2.171*. i.r AND K A KM. A fttlK!*'! t'f.UrM N KVkh uft m. ri.M'U. )V\>. J V.lty O'nd to order Dr. F If A t'OII A I'. UoOol.L A: t ;?>. Wf III a cker et. LOST AND FOUND. Il.ll \I> t HvNM I, fffnutfull Wurcflr PKITAfk correspondence u>? be conducted iu perfect safety. Ad drus? EVEUYBoDI . Heiuld offlce i).sirI.V_NK?rior.lvTii; BKOOkLYN. ON FBI day. Muv 10. u pair ol gold Spectacles In a leather suae. I lie Under will be obernlo rewarded by returning I he in to the owner, 278 Cliulou el., Brooklyn. LoSi" ~f\V fiT KVkuLIsSfcS.~Vn 5I'll AV, UK ivra M mill !Mth it.. Kinder will be rewarded by returning ho above to WM. DIHBLhK. 'J40 4th uv. IO-T-ON KKIOAT KVANINO. toTU IN8T..ON 8TM J.iv. io iii Weit 23d vt . a gold enamelled Locket, let with ihumoiiSs. The Under will bo liberally rewarded by return ing t" the GREEN A ICU IN.8UKANCK COMPANY, 151 Ui oudw.ry 1 0?r $25 REWARD?A~ sMALL GOLD HUNTING .Ideas ? Watch. Chain attached with liar: watch hat mono pram A. 8. S. on one ibb< uul 1877 on otbur: made by Til lany 4 Co. Return to 40 heat 21 at at. L<? I ON ri :? ? 11A V. THK 7Ttd INS I.. BETWEEN Central Park and Siaton island terry, a leather Satchel. I iuder will receive a auit ode reward <<n returning auuie with couteuta to J. K. WALLER, 2>i Wall at. OST? SCOTCH TsK Y e7 TERRIER DoO. LI HE UAL Jreward will he paid lor hla return to 406 t\ oat 43d at. L< is I?un li uoliTmeual. w rrii ho t alley on one ride: reward paid. M. K.,310 Broadway. L~osr?on Saturday, may a, on tiiiku /a ven ue car So. 81 or on 23d at., betwoon 2d and Lexington avs.. u hi ck leather Pockclhook containing $05 57, the entire ?.livings of a poor girL I he Under will be aultubly rewarded by returning the aniue to 2(3 I'.Hit 127th at. OBT?ON 6TH IN8T. DIAMOND RINQ. NKAK271 li Jst. and Otlr av. Kinder will bo auitaulv rewarded by lddNNll| H. B, s, box 150 Herald Uptown ofllcc. t ost-locITkt, lvdym eTctcre one sj de. .ljnair the other; valued us u kcepauke; liherul reward. I' KRY. 5th av. and 5Uth at. J~~8T-GOLu" WATCH, STEM WINDKkTnO. 1.747. JO. i'ttbvre Perrin maker. Local, .Swltxerlaud. A liberal reward by returning to 650 Wuliinrton at. LOST-YESTERDAY "aVtEK ?OON. A POCKEI'lJoOK.' containing about 38, a eheca lor <>30 othi. carda. a pio tare and gold pencil. I'iuder can have the cash by return* ing the rest to .die. J il. llACKliTT, No. 01 East 4tli at. Lost-a large green shine scarp pin. mewheru In tbo vicinity of the Cuatom House, Pearl It. v r at.-..'ui no lntrinaic vuluo exeep: to the owner its an heirloom. The tindur will much obnco hy returning it to WILLIAM ii. PARSON'S, euro ot J. Ward Lydocker. 50 Beaver at. 7 OST-IN Til K VICINITY OK OTH AV. A Ml 23D J Jat . Saturday afternoon, a small polished sachet, de-1. n liorac hit; suitable reward if returned to Mrs. K.t lit FIELD, 210 West 25th at. HE WARDS. ?tj ltl-.WARll.-Lt ?ST. BETWEEN . -il II ANI> C'.TII *PO?ts. and 3d a v., a pair of gold Spectacles in case. Tbo above reward w ill bo paul by returniriLr to 353 East 58th at. SPECIAL KOTlCPaN. ? I Tl.NTiuN.-l.AW SL ITS PROSEoU'TElA HUB OO i; l? NN N TTTT II EE Eis 8SS M a O O If C N N N THE 8 8 H BO O If U N N NT II K 8 HUB O O U U N N N T II BEE 8S8 )l P. O O L' b N N N T 11 B 8 ,, BBOOUUNNNTJIE 8 H .. 11BB OO L'U N NN T II KEEE 883 . 1861. Collected. 1812. PPP EEEE NN N SS.-i IT OO NN N sS3 1* y K NN N 8 8 II 0 ONN N S 3 I' BE N N \ a) ii o O N* N N 8 PPP EKE N N N ?SSS l? O ONN X SS8 I' K N N N S II O O N N N 8., 1' E N NN S 8 II t> O N NN S 8.. P l-.REE N NN 888 m OO N NN 833 . 1812. procured. 1801 No charge unless successful. T. ELAN CIS GIBBONS, Attorney und Couuse lor at Law. No. 12 West 1th at., near Broadway. ASS%^Vi?!!iAiiu,r3iST& ?<"?. ?? O ClUCK, . au ? ?srHfSS-^ i)i?s rt? Native Kaoon aud Natural lii&tory. lu'uetruted wltli 30 ?tereoptlcoii view* >ad m*p? -?-_??*? KlCl.tL KKVITtKV STATE DRAW IMiS. A. KKNTUCJCY-ltlTHA CLASS MO. . 7U, 14. 57. Ii7, 74. 51. 41). -J. n. Vav l5 18^4 KYSTUcitr-CLAss "Vfe rj i-e 37. 45. e. 57. 08, 07, ATKINSON. MenJAert. ,rr :r?" ? utoiUilA WATK^la** NU. 84-*-*AJ0^ 44< 4^ g& 17, 59, 151!, 47, d 'kd?y & CO., Managers. jimMexx&teiBg&2?l iV* Tickets. *4". wo. fl". *? Tickets *1 Capttxl VhuloXtek?tli $J; l'alvej..L^.i E & C(J < Bunkers. 200 Broadway, roar ollice. \ ?~?jE kf?'iVt cliauoo- 1 ^7 dtftertnt prises. A- li .i'lbatlon^w. TUESDAY. May 14. 1878. Tickets. W ouch. Capital. Sk',?0 ,*,.... ?t sic ufv>, ir>,ooo, two ot t- uoo. Cl.UI E A CO.. Batik. r.. 200 Broadway. e.nnnrr STATE DISTRIBUd 10iT 0LA88 I.^drawu^CoviuItoa. Ky..ou WEDNESDAY, May ir. 1878 j of mooo. 1 prlxe or $.".,ntXX "I'prUex'l' $2,500. 1,80? prlxes. dUlrlbutUwE07.O24. Wholu' 1 Icket*. $1ux y"ik'"'(J.'"u "iik'crt, 200 Broadway. t4^?oU,??u?i<?.?l^. Dr. JAOOBV. 101 Biaeckar .C A.Hok.ofVhFdl?or KUBOBLi^KUhUMATIU^. CIi TV, -? '7 ^ !t4tb si. " A "kaUou K 1 'tlnJafcJ^U^Hwah1' ~7=r . nilV- p TtTk.N r S. - a LL DI EASES. RECENT Ao7old ,'kln' iitlrdura ?ud Nervous Penalty radically tur.i i'V t KOFI N Jtr-O. fttrtll.lH Bonis.. SSffiSS Iroatnrcr. ? . _ "a'cUuiTKOR ORAVKL IN THE KIDNKVn LIVER Aaud bladder, nail Hones and all kluuey dlacaaefc L.tiiontrlollc. $ 11. 1\ L' fa CIIMI'ANY. 1 .0 niton place. New \ ork city. -? STTiZk TTlt WlllTKilE >D, PUuFfaSsuR Ao'f Midwifery'. latielectory treatment. 81.'? East 4otU at., near 3d av. ? ?> T7V ,1M IaITbLdOD AND SKIN DISEASES kr " " u(Mi i Jt OKlii'KKL'jj ' '*SAW01f* A iaf.e "th" In'atllble ctaro, within throe days..of all the United Ktalca. .?? ? 7V-V MNUch LAPY OK KEPI NfaMKNT AND A,meant de.lrou. of havE,.: U.? ^.ltV,r?7r.p"^S: able character a'dr#?lorJotjr*t?w, UU 13th. HfanEON HIBiLll Y Uptown llorald OlBca. E NKWeLU faLECTRO-MAiiNKTIO PIIY^ A .icla" curat rhdumatte and nerrout dlteaa.t J43 ? Hit hv . rmar ? A DL I1UEASRA.UK MI.N. WMATKVBSTMfaUAlJSE. JV?pe?4iljr ai)?i parmaneally cured. Dr. D\ KK, i:uu ?t. ? . - - ?.-1.1U1K -l.i.l'ISIAN >. Ml' * "1 A. i ; '-draw. Taeaday. ? -T ,'Vrl?.p.l<l In .nil .^rpoSir.m^uatlna U->'V"? Wliule llckeia,$J -. half tlcacU. jli. The tale of ?{ckeM?l? Bro^wwy. ~T~ ? 1 LKt I ..If Bl'.l.TS. 1 -It rilK fl HE OK ALU c? sr tt-jus ?& tiro tj ttetn, and it appiic ,ur? 1 dablllt). rheum., ... 1 i N v ; ? t 1 - ? . TTl 8**K01aL COMPLAINTS, MEDICAL OR SDR* /v irirnl hklely soceeiMrtttlly Irtated: artrtce free. ' saieij, eu l)( HHAUfORU, IS2 l.ati 12th it. ~t _l,'i(lK KhM UCK Y ^A l h siNiJLK N UMBER. A . I'o ho drawn on M edncdar. lla. 1&. 1878. capital prtae. v . , . _f j or i.'d. e*ch... *T * .: 1 or * aprlaes.aaeh I.?"0 1 l?r *" ? 1 41(17 U 5 1 h ?4 p? Ues, nniotu?tlns< io. ?? *.???.?? V?i*|* * V Whole tickets. #1. I'rkospnl'l In I nil. ,.* \ i;ICS,"l.M E'? -8'?n''.t't'1 ?' tu'i'k'rt "l*'' I?roa.iway. -Vin* > ^v.r4KM? JIfad in i t l .ait k'.'tb ?t. f artaa* D*?. v,V It. hn LEO ALLY OHTAlRfctot MEW YORK l)i?,l Olmr courti. EitEDfaKlt K I. KIM., i ouutel i I It-l,a* Notnry I'ubll* Oomwlaaloiwr lor evrry Sttie, ?1st Mark1* place, aojoinliiif foi>i> r Inetitnt'. TVT,(TbTi ? So.js aTiKndkw iu lot .mi it.y wiril l)out nnhlltiar 1 ci uiult him. lhAAC .?. SOYCE.aap^ rlai.eedlawyer. SIS Hr<iaOw?y . ? 01 tR Ani* a OK MEN A *PRLI Al. I Y. Itr N V A. UlNlt-1.8. v P.. l *? l.etington av.. noar ?onh ?t OITico Imiirt Iroiu 8 to ;i aii.l B t ? 7. "i Vl< UP , P 8 1. -l.'M Hot LIKI Kl ?ro ' *AN 1 )i Itotae dalSlllated in I ur w okt; Inllure lmj.ot.l A m per ,-ase. Pruy - Bit ?'ippUod. 8ola aveni. Dr. J. J A' 01 1 8. 7 Urlvrrtity nlae?. Ntw ^'"h. , , . ec |it" Ml-N A 81'hCIAl.rV; ALL GAMES ] )nulrkly rnrnl. JOHN WM8LH* itillNDLfa, M. D.. 47 M o?4 Pltli st. - ? BPI 8 COCOA. rtppn1 cm o Ci ? lIltrKPUL AND COMKORTINJi. ?,H, ,.k?i I, k niisvlodco lit I tin littui.ll laws which vH,.. tli . . ii t atlo?a of dlyestten and nutrition, end by a Pel s nt' lot that a miailltutlon may ne gradually t up until stroiiK oiioUtfh til rotlel every lenduney u> linn ired. of stintle ntaladle* are lloailn* around ut ready i!, r?t?i Whir the., la . weak point W ? may e.cape man. a t-t .l th .It by koeplnir oar-. Ivo, well lor"III*, with I arc b nod .III I a pioperly nouritlied irame. -Civil Service " s :"ni?y III Hue Ov lb. and I lb.). Vtf1",,ti'd?,,,*tltnTS JAMES KB. 8 A CO.. Ilofaifaol AT I lit M iALKi Ti.iV "nh.iVrT-si be ciiVtK kuh i-kemaTURK Fideidlity; me onlr reliable. Head tor elr. alar, jjiitinnifi. l)r. k A Kit. 8?i Broadway. / s 1.1 \T I h.iI" I' I P IN I N I. tilth.*.' SPANISH ARCII It one I llo. I- . it Proncn kid, band owed, bus Co. ire, rl, noe' lord", il-" M Itv Children ? and Inlanlv l Up"?. ' WM. KINy.l t S. I.'itb anil Hllh tit., nib av. t Kl i llOl.r HI.O'iP Poim ? NI NO.?A ilfaNTLKMAR I T.inlil give, wlilo.nt coar e. the particulars ol a sure . ..V. l ui.i * liore the ?r?at?MNt eau ?.# nblalaedi. ol tlile ISmSSn iSrnrnfalu die-as,.. Addiete MRHOI.aAT. i.TUS Iv.i o'tl. e box. New t ork. ______ t Ad "mae'iViT'tAi oin-TiHAi. modern and an? l .p, pi, plneo It. till" country where real nuci- t ieVt are repro.iutej, at S'.ll Broadway. SPECIAL. HOTlChS.' K' ~?XtUCKYSTATE L' J TTE d Y D it A W S MAY!ST""* Capital prise. $15,000. 1,804 >riia? in all, amounting to $07,025. Whale tickets only One Dollar. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY DRAWS WAV 14. Oauital prize, ifK>? 1,8117 prizes in ail, amounting to $110,4011 Whole tickets. If J; ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY DRAW 3 WAV 18. Capital prize, $200,000. 821 prize* in all, auiouutiug to $810,000. Ticket!, $40. $2". $10. 45; twentieths, $2; fortieths. $L JACKaON <k CO., Bankers, 82 Nassau st., pear Fuitou. KENTUCKY STATE DRAWS HAi 15. Capital prill $15,000. Wliole tickets only $1. Open evenings till 0 o'clock. BALLA'IP St CO . Brokers, t>07 Broadway, near 30tli it. KENTCCKY sl'ATK DKAVVS MAY 15 1.804 fitliISSS, waouuuug $i!7,025. capitals, $15,000, #8, OHO, $5,000; whole tickets, 41. Eastern agents, 500 Broadway, near Houston. Brituch office. 81 Broadway. Williamiourir. WILLIAMSON A CO. I OUIS1ANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY?UUA.ND AJdlitrlbutiun. Muy 14, at New Orleans, 1,857 prizes, amounting to $110,400; capital prize*. $30.000'$10,000, $5,000, Ac. 100.000 tickets, two dollars ($2); halves, ono dollar ($1). Addrers M. A. DAt'i'lllN. box <102 Host office. Now Orleans. La., or H. L. PLUM, 317 Broadway, New York. Molds be the rmo-ELBOTBI? bath, -eleu i RIO. with Turkish or ilussian, ONE DOLLAR BACH. 21 West 27tb st. Marble mantels and monlmknts cheaper than over. A. 134 East 18lb at.3ieur 3d uv. M ETKOPOLITAN JOB PRINTING OlTICE, OP 28 ANN ST.. IS TfIB CHEAPEST AND BEST FINE BOOK. PAMPHLET, JOB AND MERCANTILE PRINTING OFFICE IN THE CITS'. SMALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH THE SAME PROMPTNESS AS LARUE ONES. THEATRICAL AND RAILROAD TICKETS, AND FINE WOOD ENGRAVING AND COLORED 1'KINTlNu A SPECIALTY. METROPOLITAN JOB PRINTING OFFrCE, 28 A N N ST.. ORDERS BY MAIl. PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO and work sent TO ANY PART OF THE UNITED STATES C. 0. D. MMK. HANSON. ELECTRICIAN. SWEDISH Move ment. cures rheurautitm and debility successlully. 107 \\ eat 3>itb Nt., near 6th av. MM!-.. PYRPM. 105 WAVKKLKY PLACE. Cl'RI-.S rheumatism. neuralgia, jinin ill the bead, ear:., teeth (toothache cured inatautly), doolueah, wes . and butter.d constitutions and nervous debility by magn-'iic power. Mexican onyx taiil top. inkstand*. ao. lvl.ABEil & CO., Steam Marble Works. West 51st St., between Broadway and 8th uv. Muntols, Monuments, Headstones, at lowest tirices. QFFICE OF THE NEW YORK MUTUAL GASLIGHT Company, uorthonst corner Union square (1th av.) znd 10th St., Now York, May 11, 1878.?The annual meeting of the stockholders of the New York Mutual (itisiiglit Com pany tor the elect! -u ot sixteen directors and three inn c tors ol election for the ensuing year will he hold at the of fices ol the company, in the city of New York, on Tuesday, Mav 21, 1878. tue polls for which election will be open be tween the hours ol 12 M. and 1 P. M. of that day. The transfer booss nl the company will be closed lor ten (l<>> days prior to said election. By order ol the Board ol Direc tors. CHARLES PL.-vCit. Secretary. OLD SILK HATS MADE OVER INTO THE LATEST style; stiff and solt loIt. Hats cleaned una retrimmcd. Loudon Hal Stole, No. 8 Union square. 0?LOOK-LOUISIANA -STATE LOITER Y WILL ,tlraw hay 14. Capital $30,000. Whole Tickets. $2. Kentucky State single number will draw May 15. Capital $1,500. Whole TU-kets, $1. Full particulars given at Ii. NATHAN'S, 181 Broadway. Our branch olfico is at 838 Broadway. OFFICIAL DRAWINGS MAY 11. 187a KK.vrUCKY? KXTUA CLASS 323. 07, 07, 74, 51. 40. 20, 11, 46. 75, 01, 70, 14. KtCMTUUKV?CLASS 324. 57, 68, 07, 48. 53, 30. 50, 35. 10, 20, 37. 45. 0. CKOKCIA-KXTUA CLASS 343. 31, 24, 35, 40. 70, 75, 02. 0. 77, 06, 71, 55. CKOKOIA?CLASS 344. 17, 50, 62. T2. 47. 22, 70. 73. tiO, 20. 44, 46, 08. Information given regarding the above drawings "" J. E. BKENNAN, 06 Chatham St. Royal iiavana lottki y. Next drawing Mar 16. 1878. 810.0C0 pesos, 821 prizes; Capital Prize, 200,000 pesos. Information lurnishod and prlzos cashed. * Spanish (luld and Havana liana lilils " bought ami sold. Draits on Havana izzued. M. A. M A I. TIN i'.Z A CO.. Hankers, 10 Wall at., basement. Royal Havana lotth.Y-next drawing .may 10; $810.00(1 drawn; Capital l'nze, J2"0OiO; prizes co bol; oraerz tilled ; Information turui-bed: highest rates paid (or Npaniah Hank llilL, Governments. Ac., Ac. TAVLOU A CO., Hankers. 11 Wall St., New York. 1YOYAL HAVAN A LOTTERY. A CO. N'A r.< JL Next drawing .May 16. 1878. , 821 prizes: Capital Prize, 200.000 810,000 pesoz, 821 prizes: Capital Prize, 200.000 poses, liilurmntiun iuruisbed and prizes rusbeu. Spanish Cold and Uuvaua Hank Bills bought and sold. Drsltsoit Havana issued. C, VlADERO A CO.. Bankers, (lute with Martinez A Co.). No. 1 New si.. New York. READY AT LAST. BED CHEEK PILLS, Price, 50c. If you aro weak, languid, disinclined for any exertion; If your food disagrees with yuu. It tour llesh Is flabby and yuur c.implaxion sallow. It yuu lire lu a malarial district. If you are worn down wttli the care of children, II'yuu bars get the bines. tfyou bate kept late hours and llvod contrary to the laws of health. If yuu need bracing and toning up. Take RED CUlEK PILLS. Per sale by all druggists, satnplos free. Qenoral office at liegeman A Co.'s. 203 Broad way. Sent by mail on re culpt ol price. Address Ur. PA Lit. 203 Broadway. I > II hUM atism, gout and all diseases op the iVbloo.l; permanent cure guaranteed. Et RuPK.vN RilKl MaTIO SOCIETY, 50 West 2?th ss. STAMMERING CURED BY PK0PKH80R MOSSCKOP, 10 years' experience and u? lail, 7 St. Mark's place. Now York, office liuurs, 10 to 5 P. M. OTA MM 1'. RING REMOVED.-RATIONAL TREAT Onieiit; correspondence solicited. Address SCHOOL Off VOCAL REKorM, 333 East 30t h. Host reference. SEND SI PUR A RECIPE To RADICALLY CURE the P1L s. JOHN UKKR.N, rear, 068 North 10th St.. Phil adelphia. Pa. TO THE TK TDK.-KUM VN'O ABSOLUTELY PURE Pre 1Mb l'roit. Syiups 01 twenty delicious flavors. Fruit Juices, Kruit Brandies and Raspberry Vinegar, pre pared solely from llit) pure juice of fresh, ripe berries and fruit*: warranted t1 keep lor years in the hottest climate, free fiom all Impurities, never to ferment, to oe of uuilorm grade end very rich In flavor; superior to soy in the coun try and nt loser i rice-. French. German and Italian Cor dials, Absinthe. Ac. Send (or pi ice list. M. HERMAN A CO., -Hi Murray St.. New York. riMJ ALL WHO HAVE BOUGHT LOTS AT GARDEN X City Park?Will hear something lo tlx-'r advantage at 174 West 23d tl- J. WE NTH AY, Dentist. UNRIVALLED IN QUAl.llY AND PRICE. Champagne Wines ol MoET A CHaNDoN. Established 1748. Renauld, Francois A Co., Sole Agents for United States. V CON DORY, M. O., OF THE VIENNA, HEREIN ?and Paris unirersltlos: office 1.237; oflicu beurs, 1U to 1 A. M., 4 to 8 p. M.; special casus successfully Heated. r(J(? BROADWAY. NEAR HOUSTON ST.?GENERAL %JO%J\.astern urcuts Kentucky stale Lottery, drawing May l.? 1.8W4 priacs, ainouutlug to 517,325. whole tickets. ?l. IVIlLFAMboN A CO. Agin ?Royal Havana lottbrv. m ay mken JJfi'XUstu ay state Lottery. May 15. Wiiole tickets, $1. prises paid in lull liy SgnNT-.NBERO A CO., New Haven, Conn. ?Oil) HP. LI ABLE KENTUCKY DRAW Ca) I .U-Os!ng May 15. 1 Ickets, 51. Capital Prise. 515,0011. 1 Prize ol $8.1)00. I 1 Prize of ?5,000. 2 Prizes ol (eacli) SJ.&OI. | 2 Prises of (eaclti 41,000 Lowest, $-?. Tickets only 51. Buy truin tin lucky office- of Northern agcats. H. II. POI.T R A CO.. 1.227 Broadway, New Turk (Oncn evniilugsi, or IH3 Montague St., Brook y a 1 ctilsians State, Vav 1Ticket., 52 Hal e. 51. CTl UIU ('.1 I -1 > tv , f, liKL N s W i C K Tl K. t M AN vJ-svJU'JCsU'T Is Lol . r. 1ST -Olu Semi-annual Drawing. Tie- 14.1878 One prize to nearly >? cry other ticket. 28,51X1 prizes OM..a*l tick. ts. Drawing positive. Never postponed. Capital Prize fHW 500. gold 1 Puzo 34.5 ??, co il 1 Prize Iti,4?zI, gold 1 Prize I3.80O, gold M.4M6 other Prizes, amounting to #1.433,441. gold. Prises cashed, l oll liib.rmatioii sent free. Kentucky Slate Lottery, May 15. Whole Tick- Is, 51. Royal Uuvaua Lottery, May Id. Tickets, $ln. quarters. $ln, rig lbs. : fortieths, ft. aim tatu Lottery. Mar 14. Who c rickets, $3; halves. $1. J. DUKF A CU., Banaers, 42 Nassau st., cor.?Liberty, N._Y', SPHIU'lXL-HOUX. (till ITS. cLC. -H?R sale ALL KiNii:i OK FANCY Does, XA.sHi.ds, Ac.; Ms el Inez lor ill diseases; Prepared Food tor uiwcziiig birds, at II. G. DOVEY'S, No. 3 Greene St.? naar ? anal. CI 11A RLEH W BARKIK, Al ? HONKER.?* ECO NO /grand uimial HALE ol i-PORIINO aud uth rr DOOs u .oer tho nuspic - of the V. F.-TMIN. lElt IvI.NNeL CLl'H,, May 18, at 11 o'cloek, at IIAKkER A HUN'S New York I a< iersall?, corner ol Hr .adway and 38th ?t Entries now bcin ? ieeelVed by t'liai. Lincoln, on or n tendent Giltnure's Gatdek or liy C. W. Barker, 33th at. and Bmadwav. TjTXTIIA FINK SINGING CANARIES, WHISTLING JniBalinuehei and great variety e Cages. Heed, AO. W ILKINH, 1,247 llrnadway, bet wneH 3.>11. and 3I>S sts. F ,1(IK HALK?HKYfc i'KKI.I i'.RS. KING CilAKUhN, small 1'ng. tlx bound wlntn Hull T-rrlnr : M time Curo. J. MARRsUTT, in*I Pearl st. SKYK, SI UTCII AND BLACK AM) TtN TKRKlRRH. A .itch Dogs, Ac., for sale vary cheap, at 477 Jd ae, (on llo .r TilK Tl UP. A ? riiUMAs II. .1 OHN.-ON VVTLL OPKN BOOKS ON sLexington Races at Nix 1,J15 Broadway : also on the principal ? takes at different meetings. EXlvUioN racks"-"i76mM Eft CINU May 111 EN Jtries end r. -ults at rILLY .V I ASEY'M, a! Bnrelay st Comlilnntions. Ac. Bi'.AMAN A Co. , X1NIi 111N K t. E.8 - F. VI AN i> RETURNS AT iI'allorsall's, otto Collage. H. bok n. McDOf'CI\LL t.i'U-.i,-. C A It 111 AO KB- Mb. "? Ll LAMK and SICK ?iOR8|'.? cured ykfc>. OK iV''barge. -Olios' Liniment Iodide or .mil) Ilia (yellow Wrappers) : spavin,, rlu.-houe, shoiudor Inmenesa. Send postal card fur pamphlet. I rial site, 2 >c. 1)1, GIL' S. I2<) West Broadwav. New York. "? ?M it. UUALLKTT, VK I F.ill NARY KlJRGRON. A.Office at Ro .Office at Kossmore ritMli, list St., near sth av. Celt sultntlon free. % gogdTmr HORsKS WILL KMC HIVE EXCEL l-nt . so> lor moderate use In e ointry this siiinnier. REsI'DNol 111 LIT t , box 113 llorald ollleo t PIER LiGirf TOP DELiVl.ur WAOON For gVaale at a bareco Address WAGON- Herald . ffiee A. IT N HUSINFH AND III LIVERY W VOON*. $3<l o $1'*); nil Rfrftt m now, MifiMHl Imnil, f??r unri'l^ uro iiilrltAr liAknt ROitlffr. mi III. dilkil. hD'iMM It. HORSBS, tAltlllVGK*. AC. ^TioiNT"SALE" OV I ROTriN'l STOCK at unction upon absolute term*. Roadsters, Truttert, Stallions. Brood Marc* and Young sters, the prop rty ol tlie following well known brooders l~ A. It. Darling, Darlington stud, near Ilum?oyu. N. J.. IIarriaon Darken. Spring Hill Stud, ueur Klaahlnr. L.I., C. W. Gri-w.ld, Long Island Stud, near N'ewiown, L. 1., Charles M. fond. I rospect Hill Stud. Hartford, Conn., at tlie American lu.-tiiute Building, 3d av. and B3d st.. New York, SATURDAY, May 2 >. 1R73. commenting at 10:30 o'clock A. M. Ol the 47 animals 20 are driving ranres and geldings, 3 to to 8 years old, by such aires as Kentucky l'rince, Black [ wood, Dictator (brother of Dexter/, 'i liomus Jefferson. He* vcifte,, Itysdyk, Ashland, car.. including 2 match pairs lie lit driving horses Two uro stallions, via., Kiesh* man. by Blackwood, dam by Edwin Forrest thus 4 year old record 2 :3ilt? and could trot lu 2:25 when fu condition: and Revenge, by Volunteer, dam by a ?"d of American Star, second dam by old Vbdallah : Id are brno.l mures, includ ing tho several dams ..t It. -aiiud (2:2I??), Mohawk, Jr. (2, Blackwood Belle (2:16)*. 5 years). Mollis Long (2:33'4, 4 years, and others by Kysdyk's Hambleto'ilao, Clark Chief. Volunteer, strldaawuy, Ac.: 1) are ui broken yearlings an I 2 year olds, cliielly by Beausire, that sold at the late -pec.ii sale lor S5.I5D, and Kentucky I'rinco, that letch d $10.7<X>. lit the sale aro three d uphters ol Ken tucky i)uoeu (dam ol Kentucky Prince), one leing by Beausire. ouo l/y Blackwood and one by IVurUeid (closely resemble- her iiiagnllieont datu) in leal by Beausire. No postponement on account otwoatber For catalogues address PETEIt C. KELLOGG. 110 John St., No\r York. t auctionT ~ BY Van TASSI-LL A KEARNEY. AUCTIONEERS. AT TUB lit HoltSK and CARRIAGE AL'CIION MART, 110, 112 East ldth st.. near lilt av.. ON TUESDAY. MAY 14, at 10 o'clock. A VERY STYLISH OPEN ID:AG FOR FOUR HORSES, suitable for pleasure excursions or buslnoss mirposes. to new: weighs 1.475 p.utnds, carries 11 passengers, It.ta load bars end polo htok, seats behind for yuaru and lootman, uiunle Pair:ago room, littcd with mull couch imups and Patent brake; built by ibbott. Downing A Co. Also English Four* in band Harness, heavy sliverplutoU .Mountings, with long tugs, ouiy a lew times used. CAN BE SEEN AT THE A1 . KT. ALdsO FINE DOG CART. MADE BY BREWSTER A CO., ol lirooiuo st.; lias Colliuge axles, polo and sbatts, side lamps. Ac.: cost $7UU. ELBUaNT h I AN HOPE PH AETON, In perfect order, built by Browster A Co.. of Bruouie st. VERY ElVi.lSIl IMItK H OVVs GELDINGS. 10 handa high, tl and 8 years old: prompt, pleasant drivers; lust travellers; a lirst class ourrUgo team; war runted sound and kind lu harness. Double Harness and BLEU,.NT CLARENCE. SATIN LINED. CONDITION El).' AL TO NEW, without a spot or scratch. A. RUBBER CUSHIONED AXLES LARGELY INCREASE tho DURABILITY of ANY velil e!e. however good may bo tlio duality ol its materials or its mechanical construction. 1 ho eusie-I riding wagon or curriaeo EVER MADE can be UREaTLY IMPROVED by applylug to it RUBBER CUSHIONED AXLE ! Tho principle of this now pounlni invention Is tt SUSPEND THE ENTIRE WEIGHT ol the VEHICLE aud its LO WJ upon ELASTIC RUBBER BEARINGS, requiring no spocinl knowledge of mochaufes to porccivo what must necessarily follow vis.: - SAFER AND BETTER RIDING, with greatly dii tinl-h d wear and roar Used by leading builders EV R\ WHERE. THE RUBBER CUSHIONED AXLE CO.. Broadway, 7th av. auil*43d st. (LONG ACRE). UCTION SACK OK I.IVERV SIOOK. VAN TA8SBLL A KEARNEY. AUCTIONEERS, bavo received instructions TO SELL AT Pt I5L1C AUClION, On WEDNESDAY. 15TH MAV, at eleven o'c ock, THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF LIVERY STABLE, 124 Clinton place, StU st., near Utb av. THE STOCK consists of , TEN HORSES, THREE CLARENCES. TWO BUETTs, 4 and 0 scat Phaetons, TWO COUPES, top and no lop Wagons, by Brewster and other builders: Baggage Wagon, Platlorm Scales, Li very Coats, Blankets, Robes, Otlicu Furniture, CATALOGUES NOW READY. sale positive. AUCTIONEER'S OFFICE, 110, 112 East 13th St., near 4th av. A Auction ok arch. Johnston, 1? to l"> 13th st., near L'ulvcmltv place. SAT.KS OF HORSES AND CARRIAGES are hold ovory Tuesday und Friday, at 10 o'clock. On every horso that Is WARRANTED SOUND from 24 hours to 3 days tor tiial. TUo ULDT.b I ESTABLISHED aua most reliable house in the citv. OUN'I Uh Mh.N IIAV1NO HOUSES or Carriages* to sell, or those wishing to uuy, can rely noon tho same strictly honorable dealing which nu* always character ised . ur house and w-u tho coulldsnco and respect of tho entire community. A~?JuM. STIViiltS, MANUFACTURER. . Ncwo.t designs lu Family Rockaways, I'urk Carriages, llr lUgbarni, l.andau ? lets, Landau., l'ouy Phaeton*. Doctor Wagons and the laniuus Circular Comhluatiou -i ring Buggies and four-passeiiyer Warwh-ks, with and without tops. Ouallly unsurpfseo. 144. 1 111, I IS, 15 15<J and 153 East 31st St. A ?SUMMER CARRIAGES, i Landau*. Victorias. I .andaulots, Cabriolets, Vis-a vis, "T" Carts, Jjglit I'h.ictons, Two-wheeiers, unequalled in form and quality ; also a large stock of the well known Brewster Wagon, the acknowledged standard lor quality; ail tilted witli the rubber cushioned nxlj. BKE W.-Thlt A CO. (of lirooiiio St.). Broadway, 47th to 4Stli si. A?MR. CHARLES \V. BARKER'S ? GREAT regular IIORSK AM) Carrlago sales. EVERY WI-.DNI'SIi.W and Saturday, AT F.LKVEN o'clock, Af B A SON'S CITV AUCTION Mart aud New York Tatters.ills, CORNER OF Broadway aud 'Huh t,t UNEXAMPLED facilities, iucltiding tho i.AltUU DRIV ISO 'i RACK A" SAUK OF r.toTl KRS AT A UCTIo s. ? WI I.I," It.-, told a i'rosiiect Park Fair Ground*. on Friday, May 17. nt 3 o'clock, 13 bean of llortea, 1m lulling Spotted Colt. I.lulu Durrlt, Horace Greeley, (, Foio and others. Cau ho socn at tho tracg every day an til the sale. Cata logues at 35 ind 37 West 2l>tli st. A. T. UKMAKUsT A CO., ? ti'dis Broadway, olfer at .-xtraordlu.sry bargains 2 elegant \ lotorias. last year s puttcrns, 1 second hand, used tour limes. A-RKPaIu DEPARTMENT. , A CO.. of Broome at. Carriages f..r fall and winter use needing repairs mar n..w l.o pine, d in our hands, and it repainted ur vurtitfbca, will he stored without charge until uutuiuu Broadway, 17th to 4Hth st. A? CLOSE COACH. sj4t): CLABKNOC. MO) GOOD ? ruuulng or Irr. 4 H"st llou-tou -t-.n'ar I'. ...i.twiiv, N ELUUANT WBL> 1. BRED EXTRA hTlLISn BaY Conpn, coach or dog cart llorse. 1U hand- lugli; Una ac tion; con trot hotter than throe uitnutcs Inquire at sta bles 3D4 West 51th st. A. ?uoaU Wauobh, all whiunrs. Doctors' and extension top Phaetons, two-seat box md turnout-seat Wagons, till liu d with rub'u rcush! >ns. W. PRANK DrrtK.vJftLRY, l.'tft aii?! 18< i tfe ti. % pkiVAT ill M I. M.V.N \\ ILL i ELL IMM1 bT niifHIip Ho fid Wagon a id Do;r Curl, Puu* ?u<t .Shafts; in? order. See promptly at HOiT'H. 1.41*1 Broad way, corner IliHi st. ?LOW ARD OALLANAV! * ? Practical Damage Builuor f?7 Wea 14th it., ittlf Huprintenaent with Wood Brother*, 27 years'exp<* lance in the repair* of Hue carriages; ex perienced workmen and oust ul stock employed In each de partment, with excellent shop facilities. Kstitn ?t?*s of repairs cheerfully furnished. \t dam isTriNk ouDMTroic \ cfiEI?, or will exchange tor t?>am of liorevs or Wagon*. *ult. ahle for livery; will pay difference It an v. MdM W# st 42d st* \ ? KU? KIN Gil ? M Mil aKBI NU HTaBLL^ 54 TH HT] ?and Hroadway.?Best accoiu m od ail oris lor roa. and saddle horses at f jo per moiiih U. S. llAlLkY, Fioprit* tor. V KK Y~7T\NHS(?M K IMPoiiifcl) KNU U if I Tpfj* Y Phaeton, with Polo shafts, uinulo end Canopy, t. r *ale. luqulro hi private stable bo. 2w West Mtii *t It A5UM7*i: TVl;N?)UtTuk "ha FsK OIIKaP-BaT pony Horse; >outi4 aud tctnft; top Pony Phaeton, liar* it-hi, tlatikni I #ap Ho be Whin, an?l a so cxttnelon top Phaeton, hdits lourj vnry stylish t? >i? Koad Waaroti, >iu lo and Umihle ; ail good aa new and ftrst ciaaa. Prl vate stable 2<s. |.a?t 2 HH nt., iteur !)il itv. 1 iKi OUR PAtl U ? I I UKKTHE WMlPdi l\ ?warranted not to hruati ; have also nn losortim ui of RntflUh holly, malucca and wliaiet.????.? \'? Hp#* P. OfKKI > ? ' ,4 Bast a, a htTiiTS i*f itbyi ? 4. i< ln loacu 2 Vrowtii, ?? fx I* foci; .No. fltK* V\ est U7tb st.; very low to i a tfo< d tif ii ant A?iu1101 . i*""PMt VI' ? M l! , HUmihR io> tcotum ilntl >tii far Horses an I Osrrts^ia ni Hnss Xoiih sYAUhKM, list st.. near nth av. "T*7'IN?: HRJ ? KE n ft i K ?. HAY MA I . ' llANt>R JmhiE'h.7 years old; ciiii trot a mile iis three inluutcs( sale h*r a Uuy to drive, ami w; r utited sound and nin<i in liiirtiess. To he s??en at 167 East ??)*! st i %?k "ii).. r \i ' wLinnfS or Tn qti-illeo lor in. fluish and gu ity, B .LW.'-ii.U at CO., Broome st., liremdway, 47th to IHth st. TIAHOAINS? UVH'T BK HOLD I.MMfCDTAtKLT, ft75, A3co*t ? i, one of the handsomest and lightest extension top 1'ark Ptiaetofi* In the city, not soiled, also top P, uy 1'iiaetou, very stvhsli, cheap; one Pair oi liHminome tiiah-ofattt' h.iy iforses with hlack potiit?, 7 years old: souu ; and kind, very saio family team: .Single and Dotihlo | road and c??tip?* ll.irties*(; also two extra fine .adles' Horses, 'I his stock mu't bo Well to be appreciated t'sll mid ex amine, I'nlette < o'? stahln. irai East 20th, near Bd av. ;the loremau lias lull charire to sell. A. J3 A IB J AIN .4 IN SKHOND HAND ('Alt Rt AOES ; ONE Pars Phaeton, one extension top, one Demur's Wairon, one llaht Coupe, one ciHpitc sprint; Wa/i n, two Oon iuu At WofJifM yarrlaire lae;ory. 21') West lUth ?vt llAHOt I Hi;. KIP CL\HS. f|is?; l\\f? <\\. .? T .DrnaetoON 4?v) ami $ in. Apply to JAH, NORTOll, Now Brighton, .*tittcn Island. Bl-INK-S WAHO.N.s K iii HaLK?Al.l? >l/? -. lO suit ail purposes; to curry from i,2<>) to welkin | elliptic an! piaiiorui sprin.?. A large n-ssorttii>ttt con stat1 tlv on hand at BAH.-.JiTTM, corner of Navy and Joint* sou hti*., Broou yn. RhWsri'.TC iiV nitooM* ht.] Pi ll sphimVmTipt. titiir lop Wagon, in good ord -r; will l,o solu cheap. Csn he so en at .VI A^TKRBi/N' s.ahie. st and 7th av. (1\Kl!l \H H iir ALL KlNDH-lTfP Hl^ OiP.'s. PMNT J Pltaetor?s* HockaWay. light oxteiisloii lop Pu? k Ph.n t m ami other sty es, all my qv ti make, at manuracfnrers' prcrs. and wai rants i. (HI A It L KB tlttl H1 . .'???' ao a I. CIA if HI At i I. ^^ K ( 0*1 ill AN D. ?(JoTPKII ;iM'K WVsV / f Cart, basket rhsnton, with rumble an! ei ?,?>; M (hareiHte. Phaeton . dutnp Hsat Wagon, side bar and full spring Uttff|???? mid lioad W leotis. it. M. bflVLUB. 144 to 102 East Mist sL B c HORSKS, CARRIiOKN. ?M>. 'ARUlAtJES?"EVERV"8TV'LE. AT OALVTX Wfl?7'? coiiimiitiioa carriage wurerooiiis. 61 WomIW 16U <rh '.t ', >oulh 5th av. D I*. MA REST'S. Bristol una Norwich Hhoeton* lur four persouf. Eur genii. men tliu drive are the correct styles.?? A X. HEM Alt r.vr A CO.. Maker., '>38 Broadway. D. SECoN D HAND CAKEIAUES. Tandem Curt (two'wheels, four persons). together with Harness, Ueiiuet Curt, L*t..luu, Phaeton, Coccn, Orupolot. Cabriolet, Victoria. Top and < <|ruu Wugoua BROWN A l'itAV, 5th nr. end 14th it. TEE HOT W.WiONH. 1 HASSKNtiKR HOC Iv AW A) h, ; J-rlrudo Wn;'oui, Wagons. Watertown spring A uguiis, too uul upon E.xprusa Wagons at low prices. WK. II. U::AY, ltd audftl W ouster at. XKCUl Olt'8 SALE ?A E'AS?T HAtit OK MIS iiuutched voting trot tlug Mures (buy ana chestnut), about 15 ami 3 Inches high; lino ai.po .trance: do nut pull; drive very evenly; can bo drivou by a lady: honest, anl >io not ally: en t tho Into owner $>.<"">, and will he sold In accordance with the time* to close tho estate; can trot in :45 tosrethor ; also oue Work liorso. Apply at otlico ?IOH blast ti-'id sc.. New York city. Eleven toh side ear and eno spkinu road Wagons, by Hrewster ol llrnomo st : all iu splendid order. Koi sale at BARKER'S litltii at. and Broadway. Elegant kouk-in-h ind mail phaeton. with ruiphlu. in perfect couditiun, lur sale cheap. Apply ut stable 111 West 55111 at. 15 -SPECIALTY IN PONV PHAETONS, ? Howell and Queen styles. with canopy and leather* tops, for citv or country use. A. S. KLANDKAU A CO.. 372 and 1174 Broome at. F5AMJLY HOUSE; CAN' SHOW o MINl'Th OAIT; 1 tetnirl and kiud. single, tl.iublo or unuor sadrilo; not afraid of Mcvutod road,* child cart drive him; sold cheap. Private stable. lXtlt st-. buck ol 73 5tii av. IjlAST TKtJrriNti SO.IREL UEiLDINO C.KSA lt-BU.T tcr than 3:50; by Mlrldlodown; handsome, pericctly penile, sound and kind; no check, winkers or martingale; used by lady ; *300, no loss; ul?o city lunile Buggy, almost ucw,$150. Eagle -toracM Office. lo'J M ost 33rt st. For salk-^v handsome, bi.ack mar . war* muted. souniTsnd kind. 7 years old only; fineweo step" per; uitiiu illy kind disposition; lady cau drive her Knickerbocker Stable. 53d st. near Broadway. TTIOR HALE?LAOV'8 SUK RIOR SADDLE. GENTLE I man's Saddle, four Bridles, no top Buggy Wagon, in good order. KUOKEY'H stable, '93 4th av. T71DR S.W.E?? T CART, MADE BV J. B. I A Co.. iu perfect condition, havin * been but little usod; price $4(XX Apply at private stable 1D4 Wost OUth St. IjlOR SALE.?BI.ACIv horse;. SOUND. KIND AND F reliable, r??cogDirod as on ? of the speediest on the road, used by tuo crwnur lor the past t wo y arm also a one-man Read Wagon all i Harness. 5tl E'ultou St., up stairs. IpUlt 3 LI ?I AKK 1'HaETON', BR WSTKK'8 MAKE; ah > top Wa on, Shalts ami Holo; a sot id Double and Single Harness. Lap Robes. Ac. Apply to TJOUHLASS A Hh'I'EKKIX, 103 and 107 Clyiuer St., Brooklyn. E. D. fvik SAI.K?A SUPERIOR HA I It OK 11 AM HLKTON1 AN' combined Road and Carriage llhrses, IB liauils high, 7 years old: Just brought !rom country: a.T.tld ol nothing; very stylish, easy drlvors; can trot In II minutes logetliur; a poi lcct family team ; prico low. Inquire ol HKlCHiS. 43d st and 7:h av. Also Brewster Windsor Wagon. Hole uud Shults ; Double Harness: nil nearly new. F .lit BALK?TWO TOP W AOONS. IN UOOD ORDER. Inquire ol A. B. MILLS, 137 av. D. I.IOK SALE? IE.AW sINOLK TRUCK. TOH PIIAK ton. Hand Curt, single and Double Harness; all good as new : also two lee M agon*. take iu exchange; oue single Ice Wagon. 3D.i East 14th it. LHtlt SALE?l BAY IDlllnE, 7 YEARS OLD: SoUN'D r and kin I; Brewster Improved spriug top Buggy und Harness ; little um il. will soil cheap, togciner or scpurateyl. Apply KltY, stabl , 3 East 53d st. taoTTsale?one-ok ihiTbest rdad horses in L the state, 15>4' hands, B vears old, ail souud and kind end cau trot iu 1 :40; is handsome and stylish. Address E. II. B., 187 Madison St., Brooklyn. IjlOlt SALE?KOUR-sEaT EXTENSION TOH HHAE ' ton. built to order by Bruwstor, ol 33th st., nearly new; seen at Oruy, Noukoj A Co., 1,418 Broadway. U. EOCXT A1N. I.i3 East 03d st. ght SALE?BV R. FIELD, 153 CANAL ST., A Express or Business Wagon, made by >wllt; prloe TjlOlt SALE?Oil XCH ANGE FOlt PAIR 16.2 1ml V" X in? Horses handsome 10 2 buy Coupo llorae. Apply 47 East 03d ft. IPOU 8 \LE - AN IMPORTED LANDAU. AN 1SLEQ vNT 1 Carriage, llued witb brown satin ; In norloct order; used but a tow times Apply at private stable 5.1 West Wtb at. .tott male?a oot'it team, harness aad rul*ck. ? Inquire at 40 and 61 Park place. ? IjtOR SALE?BREWSTER MAKE STX-SKAT PARK " l'haeton, in good order. Inquire llaruelt's stables. 15 East 8<?tli st. F OK MALE?A SECOND HAND CAB, IN class order. Can bo seen at ill East 3d st. I ton SALE?NEW PLATED M 8PR1NO VS AGON' suit coal or lco man, ouo Express Wagon. At 305 Walt 87th si. jpOK SALE-TWO. SETS OP DOUBLE HARNESS; Op.o silver mounted and alin ?st now ; I lie other covered mounted and in good order; will be sold at a sacrifice. Call at 3 East 28th St., private stable. J NOR SAL.'.?5o GREEN AND RAILROAD HORSES, 1 Ironi #15 to $75. at tho old Third Avonui Railroad ?tables, tUiili it. and 3d uv. TjH)R sALe a family house. lM UlMi FMt X" foctly sound and Kind; plesunt driver; safe tor a lady; also iv ugon and Harness. will be sold cheap, as owucr lias tin use for them. Apply at stable Ids East 36th St., be tween Lexington and 3d avi. Ip'oK SAL -NEW SINGLE TRUCK EXPRESS, GEO* ' eery and platform spring Top Wagous, Uuteber'a Cart. 421 10th av . 34th St. F JiOR SALE-FIRST CLASs LiVERy STABLE; GOOD locution. Address box 120 lturald Uptown office. F ... SALE-SOME CHEAP HORSES; AT OaN r ILLD'S stablo. 165 East 35tU at. / JjlOK SALE OIiBaP. OR WILL EXCHANGE-HORSE, _ Buggy, Harness, Whip, all complete; buggy In good older; horse lOVi bands, been driven by ladies to.' past tnrco years; not afraid of cars. Address B. K., Herald office. bMiK SALE CHEAP (OWNER ABOUT TO LEAVE tho city).?A lino black Horse, about 15 hands; fast trotter, sound, kind and gonile, uud can be drivcu by a lady; also Top Buggy, almost new; Harness. Blankets, Kouos-iu fact a complete and desirable turnout. Can ba had ou trial by a respectable party ou applioitlon at C. J. FARLEY'S stables, 108 tVest o3d st , near 6th av. tt KNTLKMaN'S ROAD I'.BT A H LIS 11 RENT; THOSE rwarruute i to trot in 4<l; lircwstsr Wagon and handsome lihslland I'nny BROW, IM9 Bib av. HAMBLEIONIAN l.LACK MARE, WITH LONG i'AlL and niHt.o, a good free roadster, to be sold for want of use. p'ico $600. To be seen at 162d St. and Mott av., ilor rltaaia. HOR.SE FOR SALE?A OHi.aTNUT gi lding, six years old. sound and kind, 15J? hands lilgli binkrn to single uud double luiriie-s ami saddle; sired by Morgan llalglil's tiold-milh, out of a Tiustec mare : is true gaitcd. with Ingli knee action, and can trot in threo minutes. MAS JaMES, Coachman, private stable. No. 12 East TUOM 27ih st Horse wamkd for luhit wagon-about liftucn bauds; Iran driver. imlcK stepper; state prlco. V., bo* 2,368 Mew York t'ost office. HA.NDSd.ME. 16 HANDS, SOUND. KIND, FAST DAY, and *1 !e bar too Wagon and Harness, complete, for aUu at a ba gain Inquire at boarding stable ol PL\TT, h'.ith St., near 6th av. H ORSE AND LIGHT CARRIAGE WANTED? FuR ?.uinmur months, or will buy; best of care and security, ress Ni BCUIt, Herald Uptown office State term*. H AHNXAR, BilEETs. LAP III ST. Ks, WHIP.-,. Iluriio-s, $7 4D uo. Rubber Trad Harness, $21 to $15 sheets. Immense variety. 60s up. Largest assortment ot Whin- in the cite. 25c. up. I U.MS JOHNSON, 58 Liberty st JOHN MOORE, 87 WARREN ?T. l.lgtit Carrlag a, new and second hand ; also II.lit and heavv Harness. In superb variety, at Immense Indueeinunts. . Strictly reliable work: guaranteed. Elegant leather top Pha toaa. from 85 upward. Buggies. side bar and lull spring. Hi upward. I Men-ion t q< Park Phaetons, $175. Jump?eat Carriages, liiisst in the market, $165. Rocknways, light and heavy. #12D upward, lie pot Wagon.. top and Uo too, $100 upward. Wu.onello, first clas-. make. $125. W hite Chapel, turn over-sent Buggies, Ac., Ac. Harness, 11a lit single, from #6 to upward. Rubber inotinWd Truck Harness, $22 .Ml. Light d">ubie. rubber mounted, $22 6<i upward. Elegant I oaclt Harm's- $6 1 up ; I oupe, #26. Farm. $20; Express from #18: I rnca, $26 Lap Rugs, sheets, lilaiikuts, Ac., very low. JuHN MUOi.K 67 Warren st. JUnT ARRIVED?A LOT OK Ttlh i IN EST baDdLE Horses that can be found In the city; also an extra line team ol bay Carriage II >rsc>, at 213 uud 215 Weat 41st it. ask lor W. S. WELLS. I i.N FROM oL'Tc 'ES.a COUNTY?LOT OF t,'Ali gn and oad llor-o- and three Ponies; lor sale ehcup, LAIIAY. 47 E ist 62 I st. I.SIIAI, II BMI D?1 lh T a ilillYKD?75 ~<J6 DO Y 6 iTSo II Olt HE S. 35 mg Mules;seul Irom a lulua In IVuusylvuala;must he .?22 6 est 24th. ANDaV F'tM SAI.R-HY WOOD; DROP CENTRE: Jpertect order; #175. 'Jus East 26th. A RUE TRUCK FOR BALK CHEAP.?4* 1ST AV. A Ot PASTURES r III IIOK.-KS, HIGH G GUN OS, loo nil# qui toes, plenty Shade, aim i .auce water; terms niorate. . I UI Its I El., IS! ItIcecker st. I FATHER TOP Landau (Lid.ll).lir HINDER. OF IjPa is. nearly as nod as new, at > uu-lhird its original .si '20 and tt W easier st MUSI li,. SOLD?VERY FINK AND EXTttt NTt L oh white lloi-e, 15V, lieins; sound an.l kind: lady can role or ttrlVi ; lour spring Tup I'uny Phaeton, SHI,lug's Harness, bo li neariv new, llrewn's American Ciub Stables, 134. 136 and I'M west 3Wth St.. near Hroaiwai. Magnificent r c.uitr puakton. carries four, I'.v Brewster, ol ilr?ome st : superb lor gentleman's lauiliy driving. For sale by C. W. B AllKUR.3Htlisl.aud Broatiway. N. -ENGLISH VILLAGE CAKTM, DONKEY AND SMALL HORSE SIZES, two so at and four. A. 8. FLaNDRAP A CO.. 372 end 374 Ilroome st. JAB I U RK?Til Hi MPS NECK, MOCK FARM.? WR . have accnmmodat Ions lor ulroitt 36 More horse- at $6 i<r mouth; pasture very fine; teiercnees given. Address ix 70. it ostchelter, N. Y. PLATFORM ORIMI BISINT.SS OR OBOCKH'S Wagon, all i gnud Horse and llnrness for sale cheap. Ii.qulro livery stable, ?"?-th St. and 7th av. P* AClNO huRsM WaNTHD?tAfe HAND. OR oVer. and "no that can trot a fair good gait: -talo lull partic i'lars. Addtuss II. II., I ptown Herald ewa I ) 181.KY, IRVING A TUCKER. It Carriage Jin Iders, oiler a line assortment nf Ladies' Phaetons town or country. Latest patterns. REPAIRS OF CARRIAGES A sIV.OI ALTV. Carotid < stlmntiM made for doing the best quality of work at reasonable prices Choicest materials an I highest grade nl labor employed. V -i lclss ier repair* i -nt tor and delivered In New York. Iliooklyn ami Jor?< y City Irt o ol charge md covered liv Oi.r policies in insurance ? lie iu our po-sestieu, thus sparing t ic owners ri-k and annoyances FaI IORY, HROALW vY, CORNER H7TH ST. K >AD WvOON. 156 FOll It Da, PRKFKOT ORDER; prlco .|125. Wanted, two-wheeled Dog Cart and liar iiHoW a, iternlil Uptown office. CJUPEHloil PASTURE Foil IIORKKH ON LORILLAHD irm, near Futdham. illSNKY BOOTH, Btitiir Mills stables. HORSKS. CARRI.1BES. <fcC. P~?c I At T YIN IlUC K A \V A \*7, ' lor tour mid six passenger*. gpro SPECIALTY IN tXrBN .XOJJ TOP PHAETONS, lor town and country. A. "S. KL.vNl'K lU A Of. 1172 and 874 Brootue st. UIDOLB BOHKK WANTED FOR~A~Y(Jl.'\il Up|j Ornusi bo thoroughly Broken, sound cud young, and uol over 15 bund*, Statu prico cud address U., box 515 Post office. JitOUND UASO MTIMiMUIt WAGOM AMD AM ?loll top Phaet' U, by .1. B. Brewster; Clarence, by QhO< OtOli Broadway und 3Bth st. giCiSUBUi C l. KHI VliKS. ' 5 Unrivalled in stylo nni finish. The entire slock manufactured by Wood Bros, closing out at exceedingly low prices, by BROWN A PRAY, 5t!i av. uud Htfist. OtfMMKR CARRIAGES, O ? nil stylo*. for ? town, park uud country driving, ? our owu munutacture, at extremely low pilcos A. i* Dr. ilAlll'.sT Jc DO., 02S Broadway, Sale or kxobaKi;e-hand?omk coupe rock. away. Horse, .Vc.: also Read Turnout uud cheap family liorso uud siuall Tonics Stable B85 uv. (SPLENDID Park phaeton cheap?must BR Osold to riose, for two horses. Private stable 157 East 35th st. COACH M aN. __ STABLE CONTAINING 21 STALLS, IN CENTRAL InratTnn. on 3d uv -Market, MB 3d uv. UTaBLE FIXTURES AT Itl'DICED KATEsT'oK TUB kyiuost approved designs; lluy Racks. Maimers, Posts Stall Partitions. Cutter, Hrackuts, Ac., Ac. Manufactured by J. W. MSIcE.21 and 23 Barclay st. SMM? MAM D B ABKSY ~PT IA ETON, I N'pKRPhCi order; Rock away, hall-top Phaotau, Ac., clioap. IAS East 41st ft. rr 11E NURSER Y ANNUAL SALE ~ A will take plaoo at the Nursery, Babrlon. L. I. (tho prop-rtr ot lion. AUGUST BELMONT), ON WEDNESDAY. JUNE 5, 1878. Tube sold nt auction, fourtoen yearling Colts and Fillies, the produce of the Nursery thoroughbred marox. tbo get ol KINGFISHER. imp. ILL-USED, and GOUNT U'OKSAY. Tho lollowiug will also be offered. If not disposed of pre viously by private sale: - HAFF1 Elt, b. g., 3 ycaria old. by Kiugflshcr, dam imp. BiUiia flam of Glenclg, Elsie, Ac ), by Kingston. BAGDAD, b. g., 4 ycais old (t1 orouglily broaeu for sad* die and burners), bv Kentucky, dum Imp. Bnbta. MAGNUM BONUM, cb. g , 4 years eld, by imp. Learning, ton, dum Maggie 11. 11.. by imp. Austradan. CLEMATIS, ch. h. 5 years old, by Kentucky, dam imp. Kleur des t humps (dam of Nellie Jumes, Woo iblne, Ac.), by Newmluxtcr. MaTaUiiR. b. h ,0 years rod. by Gladlatour. dam Imp. Nun Purcllle. by Kingston (full sisiur to Silvcrhalr, dinu ol Silvio, winner of tbo Derby, 1877). Catalogues may he liud on application to the otllco of tho American Jockey Club, curnor Madison av. uud 27tU st., and AUGUST BELMONT. IB Nassau St., New York. rpilK MINIATURE IlORNK-A~"PLKFKCT BEAUTY: 1 sound ; an excellent saddle horse Per sale by VAN TASStSLL A KKaRN EY, 113 Eust 13t!i st LE:lr uN~~WKsT 27TH sT.,~A PRIVATE STABLE, lu good order; rent low to a .goad tenant. 11 INK A GRAY. l:2S/i Bronowny. rpo 1 in rpo REDUCE STOCK?WE OPPUR AT GREAT BAR J. gains. 3 duo six seat Uoekawuys. 3 Goupo Koelraways, 3 lino Victorias. A. T. DI MAUE.ST A CO., B28 Broadway. rp CART. L1011T, TilOKOUGULY BU 17,1' AND UAND 1 sumo, fully warranted ; this is no lrslf worn out nll'air, but entirely new and offered far below valun. BROWN A BaTEMAN, 142 East 41st St. WO~ CHOICE KaUdLK HORSES. POR LADY OR gentleman; Morgan Mare, 15 hands; Kentucky bred bay Horse. 15)?; both extra nice; ouo pair Carriuge Horses, color black, ltd hands: tine action; prico low. THOMPSON'S Stable, 38tlr st. and Broadway. rnwo WHEELER. X built by Wood Brothers, In good order, at a bargain. WM. II. (lit \V. 20 and 22 Woostor at. "\TERY SUPERIOR PAnTUUE FUR HOUSES AT #1 V per month, 23 minutes from Macomb's L>ara Brlik-o, For rof'eroncoH and particulars address J. C. TALCOTT, ltii'tu at. and ICth av. Wanted to buy-a mouse and truck, ane Business iu Dry Goods Market; must be cheap, M1C1IAKL, Herald office. ? T17"ANTED-BY "RESPONSIBLE PARTY FOR TUB VY country, a Horse for llirhl family use, for liratclusi keeping during suminor 933 2<l av. WTnTElT-aT ivfYLlSI] lloKSlt, I-? It FAMILY USE, IH hands, sound and kind, st a low price. Addrosi CI1AK. A GAUDINER, 72 Maiden lane. TITANTED-BKT tU L V ER M O UNTKD MtiDKKN VY Couno Harness, cheap tor money. Address HARNESS. Herald Uptown olllco. /ANTED -A I' A1R OF~ C A RBI AGE h t > USES sound and kind. to id bunds; price $0(10; 41 to 7 yeitrs of ago. Addr ss CLINTON, lleral I Branch oflico. ANTED?H Y It I !SPONS1 B LK PARTY FOH LA lJlliS" use, Horse, Harness and Phaeton, from July till Sep tember, for best of keeping; if suited would pay something for Use Address RESPONalB 1LI fY, Herald ollico. ANlED?PONY. 18 HANDS HIGH. FOlt CHID dren'suso; also Ptiuetou and llaiuess. 593 Broadway w w WANTED-PAIR OK TURKS HORSES. WHO CAN work iu together. about !">>, hands, fur 1 ltfht carrlagi work. A., box ld3 Moral > Uptown illlco. antTij-a good paying lively and board 1 nVf Stabiu in exchntige fur a House. Address FAVOR Herald Uptown Branch office. ANTED"-A SINGLE OR THREE-QUARTER LUM bor Truck. Address S. It., Herald Uptown olHce. w WANTED?VERY LIGHT SECOND HAND TWO seated ruvered Carriage, chuup for cash. Addrosi PONY, Herald ollico. "VrOl'NG LADY'S OOB?UANDSOME, GENTLE IN X saddle and harness: ridden by children; trial allowed. The Berkeley, 20 5th av. WO It KIN iTuOKSKSFOR Sale" AT 103 C1I R Y STIH ?J W O.t. 'I O PASSENGER WAGONETTE?IN FINE ORDER, l^wlth DouOlo Harness, suit able tor couutry. hotel oi boarding house. 2d and 22 A ooster st. FOR GROCERY"OR EXPRESS WAGON; IN good order; a bargain. 41ti West 36lh st (hi oo -TlOAD WaGON, 134 POUNDS, BUILT FOB OLssV'.ovnifr. cost 9323, also top Tull spring do., by Stivers, if 13"i. ITS West 3l>th. $45 MATKIMONlALs. A GEN II,KM AN. RES PEC T.UtLY CIKCL'MS I' \NC ill. desires coiitid ntial acquaintance of a riiltlvnted lady similarly situated. FIDELilY, box IBS Herald Uptown ollico. A REFINED AND CULTURED AMERICAN GENTLE man. quiet, unostentatious ami possessing Hurling merit, is desirous of becoming aoquaiuted with a lads possessing t ie aboro qualities, matrimonially Inclined. Address NOBILITY, Herald otllce. ^ young oenVleman7n<7r ~very extensive In a pecuniary way. would like to moot a young lady In the like prrdicaraeut matrimonially lueilnod. B. W., box 2utl Herald ollioe. I (J BN1L EMAn". Alio U T~ 33 vkahs ot aur, J\wishes the aequalntanco ?f an eiiucate<L r< spectablo, prepossessing and iliscroct young lady, inatrlmuuiiiilv in clined. Address, itud no tally, pleasu, F. W. W , Herald Uptown ollico. A POET AND NOVELIST OF ACKNOWLEDGED ability desires tho acquaintance ol a lady imtrlino I.tally inclined. Address, ???>. losing photograph, VERITAS, box 181 Herald Uptown lirnnclt olllee. DKSIItK ACQUAINTANCE LADY. ABOUT 17. VERY atlractivo. s.yllsh full of fuo, matrimonially Inclined. l.UGENc., Ilerald office. rpu'O GENTLEMEN ARE DESIROUS OF MAKING X tlie aoqualntanro ol two voung ladies matrimonially iucliued. Address HAROLD, liorall Uptown ollico. _ YVAN'IF.D TO PURCHASE. CIDAL YARD WANTEd'.-ADDRKS'S, STATING PRICE ./and location, BUY ER. box 2mI Herald office S/f K RC HAN In AND rt To RE K KK PR It 8 IN THE CITY ill or country desirous of disposing sillier their whole or surplus stock in tr nle, ot whatever kind, can llud a cash purclias -r by addrc sing P. !!., box ltd Herald nfiicc. \\T ANTKD-LAKOli BORING BaR. 12 I O 10 INCHE9 VY dlam -top, 12 to 13 feet loug. Address HARD PAN, llcraid office Wante7>"~to purchase-second hand typh Writer. Address l-.VlKitY. box 331 lloruM sEtk AhTFk D?TO K IT HE R BUY OR HIRE, A BOT. lllug Machine. Generator, Ac.; If purchased, must ba a bargain Address, with full particulars, BOTTLES, Herald office. ANTED?A SECOND HAND BOGARDUS Mill* Address, staling price and wuoro to be seou, Post office box 1,318. New York. ANTED TO PURCHASE?8M ALL SECOND MA.NS Orchestrl-n. OH. BAILLIAHD, 28 West 4th st. (jr vv JIAUULE MAITELAs _ VT PRICKS NEVER AITKOAUIIKD HEFORlR Msto and in a r bis Msnttls; largost assortment la thr city. ^ IV.NRIIYa sLaTE COMPANY, 00 Uulon square, 4lh av. and 17th st., N"W York, ma uiaeturors ol all kinds of slate work. i RATES AND Pr.NHEHS.-WK WOULD CALL SI'B Xelal attention to our largo variety of "pen fireplaces, ? I til bra,* i rames. Andirons and I under*m antique de signs, with llissel Grate., lor wood and coal; also the largest assortment of Giai s and Fenders in the nlarkot, with our pa'o at shaking i.ud dumping Grate Wholesale ieta.. .1 0oN'lV UIt V CO.. ibis* Canal it.. B. Y. Marble mantels a d monument's oiieapkr than ever. A. KLAItt-.K. I.H r.sst ISih st.. near 3.1 av, QTEWaKTS SLATh] HARD WOOD AMD MARBLE O.Maiitels?hlovanl drsigus: largest tssorinieut; lowest prt. ss. 7b ?nil 77 West '-3d at. (Masonic Teinplei. \tlANTBU \ tin.M MEN l of M "icil nil ull N?Y m granite, 111 to 18 teot high. Address box 713 Post oltlcj. uKNTimm. \IITI Fllfi A L TKETII A SPECIaL I Y 'ft'lilflfiftskfil fo upwnrilt single teeth if I upward I substantially made, carelully tilted; satisfaction guaranteed. J. 0. Ki.NM-.UY. 33 Boiid sK_ A" TeTOF TKETII IN TIIitKK IIUUKS. AT eTtIIEH 377 dth av., one doo' nhovs 23d St., or I2d West 34tl st.; terms to suit. NKWBROt'GH v Nl,WHRtiUQII._ l> aTn LKS8 EX I It ACTION I ALSO A KTI FlCIAl X Teeth; term, to suit. EIGHTH AVKNUl. DENTAI ASAOClAtlON, 3714 Htli a* . one door below 2!ltb st. (-jiti":tiT"av. ?wr stTTTl ciin - Tituu*t~a"l77~var s )' I _Io11<? a of mccbautcal dentistry at one-third tho usua uilce and writo crlttclsai up n our art and method. Dr. GhiiRGK MOHKMANN. MIECKLL ANKOUS. A '.VI ERIC AN .t'FT ? A P ?' LEa UN HON i-.S. ItKOTd iX terud trade marks " A m rieuii" and munogram "A. C. ad litloti il:y authuuticaied by Victor K. Miuger's a nth graph on ivrapoer. M tUUKd it PE1 RI K. 110 it undo St.. NY C1RUDE CARBOLIC ACID FOR DMIN I-EC 11NU UOS 7pimis, seweit, slaughter housoe Ac.. Inr ?al? In any quaiitiiv at very low price by NhW YORK (JITY OlL COM I* AN V. I24 Mel b-n I ane. J" l>l~N IIit K PIPE AND TtYiKRY WHKI.L8. HE~T Jqaalitv, lar below -nark t rains; mineralised. 3d PI alt. UKFIM.D WOOD A LCollOL CAN ail It UHKH C* tlies aria for all porp-,s- s wli re common alrahol Is n ej slid at much lis. cot. for sale byNEiV YORK Oils OIL CO., 124 Maiden lano