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DRY GOODS. /L 00 MM MM nu O MM N M B O .MM MM K O M M M M K O M MM M i:BB U M NM M K O M NN M B O M US M B HUM EBBS 3. A. 6 ~ 5 O OTH AV. BI.UXOMB. ^AA g g g ? IIABIUS. A A A 0 0 6 31BT ST. A A 0 0 0 0 AAA A CO 00 ? ? I J ^e-accaaofl CcJcc;cqaca ********3 vnvmti ***** 3^ 3 ********* *** c^eaaeao w 9 deje-jacew ????? ?>????? ?SSS"? RBKKKKKKK tg?tt8?9se9 *U0 03 03 03 a, 03 03B? ft ********* WW*W?***W "?.B.B,? WKWKWWWM mxa Q2 9?o?e?e> 2 ? 0?000?0 'tWPPCt** s e QDCDQQ 5 ??? BBB L V V X X OO KM MK EEEE B B L E U X X O O UN MM K V B L U V XX O OMNKMK BBB L U V X O OMNKM REE ?B L IT V X X O CM MM M E B L E E X X O O M NN M K BBB LfcLL ED X X OO M M B EEEE AA CO OO B B C O O O ejn coo A*i> BVENCR / 4 4 $ O O 2,BT ST B B O 0 O O . BB B CO OO e PARASOLS, SEN DMBKELLaS, KOENTED IN EVERY CONCEIVABLE SHAPE AND RTTLE, UNDOIJBTEDLT THE CHOICEST 8TOCR, THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT. AND AT PRICES ENPRECEDENTLY LOW. f III ? vkkkkkkkk * _***X*?** SBWWSBWJB SBW5J RKXXXKKKX g s wwto* wrw fc?> I rprccrcr ge?t*ce"rt?r* **^333?? p ********* ********* qOOQOQq ********* WWWMKWKKM 6 s B 8ocg J CCOOOOo 8 3 ?oeoooo NTWWfNWjtW cOooooq E ? 8^ 8 *??* ?**" ?ocoooO esDoewDO ? ?OOOOC? *?? s. I i 5 mmw m ? i 8bb l e v x X OO MX KM K B L U E X X O O MM NN 8 B BL E I' XX O OMNNME BBB L E I' X O o M N N M E B B L 1' C XX <> Q M MM M K IB L EE X X l) O M NN M K BBB LLLL ED X X OO HUME KERB ffflkX. | ? | f.4% *? K c??c o <:> CO OO ? HATS AND BONNBTS. CHIP HATB. CHIP BONNETS. STRAW MAW, STRAW BONNETS, IX EVERY SMACK AND STYLE, AT SO PBB CENT LX8S TrfAN LAST WBBK'S PRICE* J." A. BBB L V V X X OO MM MM EE BR - BL E E X X 0 OMVNMB U V E XX O O M N N M K BE8 BBB L U y X O O M X N X ? LB L E 0 XX O O M MM M B ? ?' ^L-J" Jt * O 0 M NN M K B LLLL EE X 1 OO K I K I iau ii J. A. A * C 0 O O ?TII AV. SLl'XOMR A A C O O II . c 0 0 AND B. ??. A M Harm*. JIST ST. Dill GOOOh. ?jn imasHtDiMtt ' JJ oo KN N EEEB 888* JJ o o K * N K 8 9 JJ O O N N N E 8 JJ 0 ON N N EEB 888 JJ O 0 N N N E S JJ JJ o O N NN K S S JJJ no N NX EEEB 888 DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS. AC. uss c U II TTTT SSa 8 S V u 11 T 8 3 8 V u II T 8 898 V u II T SS8 S u u II T 3 8 8 b u 11 T 3 8 SSS UU 11 V 888 ? NEW SUMMER STYLES. NEWEST DESIGNS Foil SUMMER WEAR. We trill display tbl* week en elognnt assortment of Linen end Lawu Salt*. Linen cults. 8i 50 end upwerd. Lawn Suit*. $4 nno upwerd. Cambric Suite. and upwerd. Eoptln Suite, euperlor make end finieh, 85. $0, 87 50. nourette end Cashmere, 87 50, $3 to 812. Bourette. trimmed with (ilk nnd fringe. 812 to 820. We will-oBer e magnificent line of latest styles In Ledlee' Suite et 815. reduced irom 825. Black Silk Costume*. $22, $25. $35gtnd upward. Jlade to order at same price*. i Ledlee' own materiel made In the newest stylos. Silk Sacques, Fichu*. Ac., from $12 upwerd. Largest assortment In the city'of Boy*'end Children's Suit*, lor ell ages, at groat barguius. Black Silk* of ell the leading makes Cnlnr.iil Silk* of everv new description. Satin* in all tho leading styliali colore Money and time aaved. Correct etylo*. DRESS GOODS. Jnat received. Novelties lu French end English Dress Goods. BLACK GOODS. Great reduction ln? black Cashmere. Just opened, from 15 to 20 per cent less than former prices. Immense assortment now style* Greuadlnus, iiaragos, Ac., Ac. SSS H H OO EF.EE SSS B 8 H H 0 O B S S 8 II II 0 O E 8 SSS HIIHH O O REE SSS 8 H HOOK 8 S811HOOE S 8 SSS H H OO EBEB SSS <& Partlcnler attention is invited to this department, nnder new and superior management. Superior goods at prices that defjr competition. . Sun Umbrellas. ZZ Gents'Furnishing Goods. 2 2 Embroideries, Z Z Underwear. ? Z Z ? Trimmings, Z Z ^ Hosiery, RibbontT Z* Z Gloves, ?? z 3s " Cornets. 35 35 Lac??, z L Z JJ OOO NN N EEEE ?88a Z Z JJ O O N N N K .a Z JJ O O N N N KEE sS3a Z JJ JJ O O N N N K c 2 Z JJJ OOO N NN EKEE SS98 <* EIGHTH AVENUE EIGHTH AVENUE AND NINETEENTH STREET. NINETEENTH STREET. KRK Ifl* EEEB TTTT SSS R R I* P F, T S 8 R R I' P E T 8 RRR l'PP EES T SSS R R P K T 8 H R P E T 8 8 R R P EEEE T SSS 1 GREAT BARGAINS. z JJ OOO NN NEEEE BSSfl z JJ O O NN N K Z JJ o, OK* N EE Z JJ JJ O ON N N K Z JJJ OOO N NN EKE Z Shoes, Z ,y Notions, Z Z Furniture. Z Z Worsted*, Z Z Oilcloths, Z Z Boys' Suite. Z Z Lace Curtslr.a, Z Z Fancy Good*. Z Z Upholstery Good*. CO A SC AA A A D A A 0 AAA 0 0 A A 00 A A CARPETS, FURNITURE, AO. Fresh importation*, latest spring selection*. Uront vurloty ot styles and pattern* at GREAT BARGAINS. Carpets, ingrain, 25c., 30c., 35a, 40c., ?05* Comet*. two-ply, 500., Hftc , 75c.,85c., 00c. Carpet*, three-piy, 81. $1 10.81 15,81 2'i. Carpets, ta|>e*lrv Hrus*els, 75*. to $1. Carpets, body l!rn??el?. $1 30 and unwnrd. Carpets, velvets, $1 50 and npward. Plain, cheek and fancy Matting*, from l*c. upward. Superior assortment ot Oilcloths Irom 25c. upward. FURNITURE. Pnrlor, Dining. Library nnd Bedroom Suits, new etylM. Parlor Suits, *35, 840. $5u and npward. "EastUku" nnd "(Jneen" Bedroom Suite, In ash and walnut, new design*. Walnut Bedsteads, 85 and upward. Bed Lounges, $5 and npward. flair Mattresses, from $10 upward, immense variety of plain and fancy Chair*. .Mattresses, Foatber Beds. Holsters, Pillows, Ae. Samples and catalogues sent free. HOUSE PURN18IIINO DEPARTMENT. CO KRR OO CC K K KERR KRB T T C OK RO 00 O h K K It RYY C K HO 0 0 KICK RKYY 0 KRR 0 n C KK KEE RRR YY C P. R 0 O 0 K K R R R Y C OR Ro 00 OKKR it R y 00 R R OO 00 K K EEEE R R Y <$> Special attention is Invited to oar llottso Pnrniehing Oeods, consisting of the largest and finest assort ment in the city. _ . Cblnawnre. Glassware. Earthenware, Platrdwaro. Tinware, lretiw?*e, 8'oodeiiware, Willowware. Crockery. Cutlery, Clothos Wrinirera, Ac., m and every sort ot Kitchen Utensil*, all offered at pricos 20 per cent Irs* than any other house. In order to gnarantee to nil that we are able to safely doty any and all competition in quality, price end style, we have marked our good* down to marvellously low prices, and t ike plo mure In presenting to your consideration the following prices noon a lew of our goods:? Refrigerator*, from 83 50 upward. W ater Coolers, m gallon* from 75r. upward. Wa*ii Boilers, round, frtiui 33c. upward. Weal. Boilers, oral. 0 inches. $1; T inches, 81 1CV Boantiiel tin Toilet Set*. $1 75 and upward. Clothe* Hampers. ?5c.. $1 2l> end upward. Knox's Improved Fluting Machine 82 75, Children'* Carriage*. $4 75 to Trunks, great variety, 05*;. to $20. Croonet. full ?et, 8 hell* and mallets, 75o. and np. Compare uur prices. Cell, examino. and these laett will be verified. Illustrated eelalognes sent free. JJ OO NN N PEEK 8 SB JJ 0 O N N N F. B S JJ 0 ON N N E 8, ? JJ O O N N N KEE BBS JJ O OS S S K S JJ JJ O 0 K NN K 8 8 JJJ 00 N NN KREE 889 ? Bill **., eorner 10th it. !/? BEP's eltiars. lllE BKST AND CIII'APEST IN TUB WORLD. WB CANNOT MAKE "iTkTTEK 8IIIBTE AT ANT PRICE. All made from the CKLKBRATED WAMBUTTA MUS LIN. Boaotna rt-ply. nil linen. The very l>e?L KEEP'S PATENT PARTLY MADE SHIRTS, 0 for ftl. Oni) plain a?nma in llnieh. KHEP'S CUSTOM slilRTS, the very heel, to roeaaarn, 6 for $11. Perfect aatlafaction guaranteed. An elegant aet of extra heavy gold pitied Buttoae pre. tented to every purehaaer ol 0 ablrt*. KEFP'8 UNDERWEAR. CANTOR FLANNEL Yearte end Drawen, extra heavy, elerantly made, *'? Oesta each PKPPERILL jr.AN DRAVVKRR, eery beet. SO ceata each. KEEP'S UMRRKLLAS. REST OINOI!AM, with Patented Protected Elba, St each TWILLED SILK, Paragon Krataee, $3 each. KEEP'S COLLARS AND OCFFd IN ALL THE LATtST STYLES. POUR-PLY LINEN COLLARS, 0 for 73 cent*. POUR PLY LINrN CO FYS. $1 SObalfdotea. l'.NOLlSII UAI.P HOHK. SUPER STO0T, 25a pale. PURE LINEN Cambric llendkerehlefk, $1 SO half dot?. SAMPLES AND CIRCULARS mailed freo on appttea tlon. ALL GOODS WARRANTED. All of KEEP'S food! warranted ?o ctve perfect sallifae tlon. Ke-rrbody Invited to call ntid teat the celebrated Bell Telephone* connecting atorra and factory. KP.P.P MANUFACTURING COMPANY'S STORES:? No 4J7 Fnltoo at., Brooklyn. WK. PEYTON e * baa removed from 8TJ end 874 llroadway I-. 4ir.tli a?. and will open on Tl EKDAV, Mar 14, with an fdtlrely ?'??? ttocb or Dry tiooila, Cloalte, Slinarla, Dreaa Oonda, llneaekeeiitnir Oooda, lloelery nnd Oloret, Ae , all pnrtaaaed wihin a week at axtremoiy lew price*. DRY GOODS. H H 11 H >1 11 Ii II liaini ii ii ii ii u ii OO " ' xir N EEEE O 0 ? ?NX N E E 0 o ?NX X o 0 N N N E 0 u N X N FEE 0 o N X N E U 0 N X X K o o X N N E OO N NN EEEE n f> L M L L II L L II L L 11 L L II L L II L L II L L U t.r.r.t. LLLL ii? A CO.. 321 TO 6TB AT.. CO Ft X EH OK 20TH ST. <g> f | KFDl'CTION OK STOCK IN ALL DEPARTMENTS^ <J> I Our customer* will bo benefited by a consequent I reduction ot 29 per cent In the prices tblt work. I .'<)?) dozen French chip Halt. 75c 500 French chip 11 ate, $1 25; worth 82. 1050 doieu French clitp Hats, SI 05; worth S3. 1,5(< Milan 11 ate, 48c. to $2. 500 doecn sailor Halt, 40e. to SI 95. ERR (1 BUB BUB OU NX X ESS H R II H B H BO O NX M 8 S R R II H KB BO 0 N X X 8 RRR II HHB BBB O O X X N SS8 R R II 11 B 11 B O O N N N 8 K R II B BB BO OXNNB S R & II BBB BBB 00 N NX SS8 <S> BARGAINS IX~H~8H RlllBOXS. 60 cartons It-Inch Saih Ribbon, all ailR. 45c. 73 cartone 7-Inch Sash itthbun, all ellk, 35c. All shades and widths In satin and tiros grain, moire and two-toned satin, at our well known prion}. <5> <$> FEATHERS. 100 cartons of tno choicest French IS Ings In the city. 25c ; wortli $1. 300 dozen gilt and silver Wines, 23c.; 50 per cent lest than oust. Black Ostrich Tips, 50a.. redneed Irom OOo. Black Ostrich Flumes. SI; worth 82. 50 cartons white Ostrich Plume*. from auction, $2 45; ?old last truck fur $3 a> ? ^ FLOWERS. ^ Having purchased, nt ?u Immense sncrlflce. the entire ImDortntlon of two of tlie lartrest Importers in this cltv of flue French Wreath* and Moutnres. we will offer litem on Monday lor less limn one-ball their original c >st. Thcsii are the Oneat genu* mado in I'arle. Wreaths and Monturcs, 75c., $1, f I 25 and upward. ? <5> "f KID CI LOVES. <S> A lull stock ol the celebrated brand* of TltKFOUSSE AXD JOliVIN. 500 doiea '2-button, real kid. 00c. 850 (losen 3-button, real kUL 00c. 250 dosen 4-hnttnn, real kid, 81 la 173 dor.011 0-biittou, real kid. $1 24. TIES. 2 OOOdos?u fine embroidered Ties, from 25o. to 81. Job lot rllk Tics, 10c.; worth 25e. Is Is L Is L BLIsIs A A eomplofo line ot Rnsslon Point, Irish Point. Point Duchesso and various other stylas. , - Larire and varied assortment of hlack French Laces. Novelties In Children's Cap*. Bows, Cellars, Cuffs. Ac. ^ ^ UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. A Bn? Parasol, 32-lncb. 82 25 ; 24-lncn, 82 50. Pearl Inlaid handJo, Cue silk, 22-inch, $2 b9; 24-inch, $3 20. Umbrellas from 82 75 to 87. UNDERWEAR. Special Inducements to close out our slock. ?.Ohem'ses. baud stitched, 24c.: embroidered edges, 29c. Cambric and lace Chemises Irom H7c. to $2. A large assortment ol t-itmbric downs, 81 33 to $3. Embroidered ruflle Skirts. 75c. and upward. Children's pique and linen Suits. Nursery Baskets, 82 US. 100-bono Corset, 75c. 150 styles ot Corsets, 4'le. to ft. Thomson glove-tittlnr Corset, 81 12. IJRhSS 0001)3. I ? 200 pieces damaaso Orenndlnes at 99c. yard; sold on Broadway. $1 25. 300 pieces nil wool 40-luch black Cashmere, 45c., C5c., 75c. Biacfc and colored Grenadine, Seaside Buntings. Ac Special bargain* In black Dress Silks. - <$> A FULL LINE OF MOURNING OOODS. T ?? ? ??? ?? ??? Q? HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. ^ POSITIVELY THE GREATEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED IN THIS CITY. Linen Napkins. 4Dc. per dozen and upward. Linen Table Damask, 25c. per yard. Full bleaobod, 37>fc. per yard. Double satin Dauiask, two yard* wide, 65c.; regular price. 81 25. 450 doxen all linen buck Towels. !2c. each; usual price, 20c. Job lot of Marseilles Quilt* at less than half price?rual Marseilles, full stzo,$l Utt, $2 23, and the best 83 50; actual value 87. h n ii a ii ii OO R8S8 11 KEEB IIRR Y T 0 o S 8 II E H R y y o o 8 II R R R Y Y o o SPSS 11 EKE RRR YY 0 0 s II E it R Y o O 8 8 11 E R R * 00 HSS8 II KEEB It it Y ii ii 11 H U U CHOICEST PATTERNS AND FINEST GRADES IX SILKS. HALBRIOGAX AXD COTTON. Ladles' brown Bulbriggan, full regular made, 25c. and upward. l-.xtra out else. 35c.. 45c ft'tc,, 05c., 75c.. 85a. and $1, Fane) Hose Irom 25c to 81. A specialty made of the popular "Star" brand ofLadlea', .Misses' and G-ut's Gauze and Cossamer Merino Underwear at greatly reduced price*. A marvellous bargain in a gent's onlanndored Shirt, fully fiulahed. three-ply lloen bosom and bauds, all slzoa, 02c.; worth SI I". & ? ,J> | FKINOES, TOILET SOAP AND PERFUMERY, T 1 ? ? ? ?? ? '? ?? 1 ?*? " ? (?) Fancy* goods, ac. 1* IF TTTT SSS U II T s 8 U II T s U II T SSS U II T 8 U II T 8 8 -U U T ?8S OPENING SALE OF CAMBRIC LAWX AND PER CALK SUITS. 150 cambric i-nlts. 82 03, warranted fast colors, ftoo nercale Salts, 84 50. ?oid elsewhere for 85 30. 500 tlgnrrd Lawns, with plaited waists, jruko walsta and Gnrtick waists, at 83 !H); posltlre valuers. 5i*? lawn Stills, trimmed with lace. 84 50, 83, 85 50 and 80, the tiest gooda ever sold for the money. A complete line of English olid French Organdlea from 812 V) to 82". ORE iT CLEARING OUT SALE of embroidered Capes, Fiebiis. Dolmans and Jacket*. Coatlnued sale of our worsted Soils at a still greater re duction. SSS u s s u 8 u SSS V s u s s u SSS t <S>" SPKCIAL NOTICE. ? 1,000 trimmed Bonnets and lists at greatly roduced prlcva. 11. O'NEILL A CO.. 321 TO 329 I'T 11 VV.. CORNER OF 20TII ST. TTTI r h II r eee NX X r.F.ZK W V W , T it II E XX X K w w w T h II E X X X K TV VV W T iiiiii If ki:e X X N EKE www T ii 11 K X N X K VV VV T n It E N X X K w w * u u liEEE N NX KERB V V B3X V V MM N 8 3 U IT XX X 8 U UK X .V ssa y i; k s s 8 V U K N S 8 8 V U K S X 838 in; X NX ir umm mm nun unit kkeeu t, a U U MX XM B BR RK h L AA r i: mxnkhbkre l l a a V V M X N M Kl'.H KRR KEE h L A A U I'M MM MB RK RK U h AAA U U M NX M R BR RK L I, A A UU M M M HBB H R KERB LLIXLLLLA A \? II Vt) TTTI OO RRR II A Y n o ,o r o o ii n ii aa T I C T 0 O It R 11 AA V n V T O O Kltn II A A VT II C ~ ~ VT II C C T O O K It II A A V II CO T OO R R II A A TTTT OO RRR 1 0 O R R T 0 O It K T 0 0 URR T O 0 R R T O O K R T OO R R Ii Ii b KEEK II I. I. K II L I, K II L 0 EF.E II Ii Ii K It I. L 1 11 LliLL Llilili BEEB T W IV W II I. L K II D T WVYW II L Ij K I) I> T WYVW ML L KEE D I? T TV VT II L Ii K ri D r.RN OO Ittth npo r.KEa Rltlt BXS h n OCR R I? D K It R S 8 H R O O R R D I? R It K 8 nnR 0 5 ) RRR I? l> REE RRR 888 n r 0 i > R R I> D ? R R 8.. n u o c > R R II D F. K R 8 8 . BOB OO ii K DDD BEEB U H 888 ^SUPERIOR TO 81 Ii K AT IIAI.P THE PHlUKn.^ 18 to 20-lacb In blnck*. brown*, bluet nnd treenn. Follonluc Hnlnbens? V?Nntnrnl Foll?h*d Sllrk*. VK?Rnnmrlled llnndle*. llnndle* wllb Hingn. VX?Imitntino Ir.iry ll*n(ilr? VT?Xicknl lube* nnd tlorn Mount*. VB? Cnrved Hon* linndle*. VX-Meknl opnrn nnd Rulb llnn dln*. VII Horn lmn<1le. VP?Cnrrnd I'npn, Ont* nnd Owl*. Vl'W ? An?orted Celluloid II*?dle* VCR?Iml l*iion Corel llnndlen. VBT?Xlrknl. Oold, Block Mounts. Fur sole hjr "| DAWK8 A FANNINo" I EXCLI'bIVR MANl'FACTURERN, I M,d *11 I.HAIIINO^IBBKK.S AND ItF.TA f LKKH IX THE COUNTRY. w lUtOX A UHKIO'S Krent ??l?. Bnnkrupt end inenulnrmrsr'* ntuCk of Mnntllln* nnd i onttiine* nnltnblo lor the present tennon, which will he nnld, together witb nnr own further reduction*. New ntjrln* In fXtlldrrn'* r*rl? Drnnnnn rerr cheep. Nnw Mnntllln* nnd Fichu* from I'eric, Imr^niu*. New Uoetdnie* *t low prioo*. I'ref* flood*, prontly reduced. I nte?t *t)lti* in lire** mnimlnM, Unitonf, Ac, *1 pnotilnr price*. W1LN0X A flllKIH. 771 Rrondwny, corner 1'tli et> JHtlVIN KID aiiOTBB, M AI MOM VIOliBT PER fitincry. nt II. ORHLlEB A CU.'B, l*l? Brun, 52 Kttft 121 It if, ncnr Brondwnjr. diiy uuom RRR OO DDD OG EEEB R R 0 c D D 0 O K R K o o D D G X KRR o o D D G BEB R R o o D D 0 Ca O if E K R G 0 D D E b a 00 DDI) GO SEEK mrr SSS R R 9 8 R R 8 RRR SSS R R 8 R R 8 8 B R SSS AND oo KRR RRR null KRR OO SSS o O It It it R B B R B O O 6 S OOKRKK RBRROO ? _ 0 0 RRR RRR HUB RRR O O GSR o OR RR R B BR RO O ? 8 ... OORRRR BBRROO So 8 .. OO B US R BBB R R OO 888 ?S>, 183. 185, 187 Htft av.. beiweeu 19th and 30th ?*?., h s vi n g purchased for CASH ontlrs itock of STRIPED hILKS, COLORED SILKS* BLACK SILKS, Brocad* Orenadlnos, Damasso Greuauine ? RICHEST OCX J 1)8 IMPORTED?wo will offer uu usual aod very attracilvo Eric*. A call of examiuatlou will eonvlneo the elopest uvera that extraordinary and unprecedented bargains may be secured by an early eat! on Monday morning?about GOn. on the doliar. 3,880 yards Striped Silk*. 47e.: , Importer!' price waa 75ct Onr Colored and Hi.tee Sllxa will bo found equally lew. 60 pieces Bruoaue Grenadine, rich patterns, finest Im ported, extra wide, 08e.: laat weoU'a price, 81 75. 150 plecee Gt'INET'S beat aalin lace Ores Grain Silke, warranted to wear, ONLY 99C. PSR VARD. The above la an unuaual opportunity to aecure decided bargains, and all who Invor oa with a call of examination will ue convinced, vtfe are determined to popularise and extend our bntinosa. BODUERS A nKK BROS., 183. 185. 187. 8th av. <jj> <9 MILLINERY. ^ Many uav novelties will be ehown on Monday; prico* lower than over. 500 caaea Sailor Hate, 25c.. 35c., 45c.. 53o., 05c. 30f> caeee Straw, llat* oi evory well known fashionable ebapo, 223 5553 CO 22 23 55 CO 22 5555 C 22 55 C 22 65 C 22 55 55 0 0 222238 555 CO <9 150 cases Derby, imvutiahira. Gloeter and London Walk ing lints, 45c. ; Bond vtlno at 75c. 250caao* anpertjao Milan Hate, extra unallty, 75o.; tola eleuwhero ist 81. 50 caeca real French Chip, best Imported new novelties, $1 50; worth 83. TRIMMED ROUND MATS AND BONNETS. 3,001) different styles, 81 75, 82, 82 25. 1,0 10 dlfforent styles, 82 50, 82 85, 53 25. 50O styles will bo diaplnyod on centra aactlon. second floor, 83 <3 to 815. exact copies of French novelties. <S> FLOWERS AND FEATHERS. Every style, color, qnallty end variety o! the moat fash ionablo novelties In Tips, Plumes, Pon Pens. Wings, Fancy Festhera. in great variety ami at low prices. Ostrich Tips, bunch ol three, 15c., 2i)a, 25e. Ostrich Tins, colors, buueli of three, 37c., 50c., 7So. Ostrich Plumes, 9 to 14 inenes long, 25c., 35c.. 45c. to 75c. Ostrich Plnmes of rare quality. 18 to 27 inches long, 75c., 51. 81 25 up. 150 Cartons, French Flowers, Wreath and Sprays at 33c., 35c., 40c., 5 )c., 60c. up, Not t bo coat of material, <9 <9 I VELVETS, i <9 ? I SILKS. J <9 <t> -<9 7 SATINS, i ^rTbuonsT^ No. 7 iftnbla face Satin Ribbon 1 , ri_ No. 7 Groe Uruln ami Satin Ribbon I No. D double face Satin Ribbon No. 9 Urus Grain and Satin No. 9 Groe Grain, 8c. N'n. 12 trroa Grain, lOe, Sash Ribbons, 6, 7, 8 inches arlde. 20c., 25e. up. Sauna In endless nssortmout. 65c. up. Silks, every new shade. 5<)o. np. Velvets from 75c. to 85 50 per yard. Every eolor. Grenadine in new noveltioa, from 81 np. <9 ? I UNDERWEAR. <9 lluvlng added to our establishment a department for Ladies' and Children's Underwear, Corsets. Ac., we will offer I he finest goods at extraordinary low prices. Laolsi' Cliomlsos, 25c , 50c., 65c., 75c. Ladies' Chemises, Toretion Ineo bosoms, with tucks, laco Inserting, edged with lace. 51, $1 25; formerly 81 50, 81 75. Ladies' Drawer*, reduced priogi, 25c.. 35c., 5oc.,60c, 75e., np. ladies' long Gown*, 50c., 75c., 81, trimmed with tnrk* and embroidery, and 5<I0 dozen Skirts (a special porch a so for oasb). Hamburg muslin, with tucks, cambric rufflng, cluster of tuck* above ruflle, 50c. t last weok's price, 81 Cersots, 150 bones, 90c.; w >rtn 81 50. 750 dozen hand made Corsets, loo bone*. 50c.; worth 81. 150 dozen Ciuonutra Corsets, silk braided bust, 150 bones, extra length, perleot glove lilting, only 99c., reduced from 81 5U <9? ? ? <9 I SPECIAL i 4> <9 <9 ? ?? <9 I LADIES' SUITS!! i We sre offering our Suits at a great sacrifice to raaka room lor our summer exhibition at ios* tban 50 o*ut* on tb* dollar. Walaiug Halts, $3 50, 83 75. 84, $4 5(1 Seaside and I ravelling Suit*. richly trliumeu, only 85 25, 83 75,86 50,87 43, about cost oi material. Milt .-nits, 817 4,5 to 893. Wedding ana Monrnfng Suit* a specialty. We invito tho public to onr grand oiiplny this week, w!iii.n In I lie most attructivo as regards assortment, qnallty and low prices. Wo are doierinined to lucroaso our airoaoy large lr.iiC. Goods tent to all parts of tbo United Mate* nmt Canaan C. G. D. or on receipt of Post uflico order. Samples Irau. Satlstaciinn gnaraniood. KODGERs A ORR BROS.. 183. 165. 187 8th av.. New York. A. II NN N -5ZZZ EEEB T r II N N N Z E Y Y II N N V z 8 r J II N N N K EES Y f II N N N Z F. 1 r 11 N N? z K 1 r u N KM zzzz KEEB 1 r ft K It K K K KK K K K K K K REMOVAL FROM BROADWAY TO GTIl AV. SPECIAL BARGAINS THIS WEEK: l,50t>do*ona Ladles'. Misses' and ileul.anion's Hosiery, in plain and fancy striped, full regular made, lest than cost of importation, 15c. to $1 7o pair. 2.000 dosens English and Frenrh Gloves, in Berlin and silk. two to six buttons, all now shades, frotn lite, to sr>c. pair.; lest titan tue gold cust. J,000 dotens KIJ Gloves, nil new shades, two to six nut tous. 2i>3. to $1 50 pair; special bargains. Lnce Mitts, relora and black. KISZEY KINZEY KIXMY KINZKY KINZKY KINZLY KINZKY Bargains In Parasols and Umbrellas* Fine variety of French Flower*. Lot of Silks and Satins, 50c. jrrftd. Bpeatal bargains to Fsn* KINZEY Novelties In Jewelry Department. KiNZKY Stationery and Toilet Deportment. KINZEY Sales and Japanese Departments. KINZEY 10.000 dor.ens Dt white and black Lares, In real and imitation, at prices lur below cost of importation. KINZBY 25.U00 rards of Hamburg Embroider lea, Irotn Slirtlon. pretty patterns, frim 2c. to 75c. yard. KINZBY So.fWO yards real Torchon Lares, ad linen, hnnd made, Incli wide up, lie. to 10c. yard. KINZBY 1,500 rich Spanish Lore Scarfs, white aud blsstk, 50c. etcb. 7,800 rich silk Scarfs and Bows, band cuiuruiaercd, troia L'?c. up. 2 000 rich (inipore leeo Collars, largo slscs, iWo. each. Special bargains at llnndkerchief Dep artninnt in Ladles', Gentlemen's. lllsses' anil days'. Ladle*', all linen, hemstitch, do Bp. 1. .dies', all linen, hemmed, 5c. up. Gentlemen's, all linen. hemmed. 1 '*Hc Lot ot silk Handkerchiefs. lit up. Lace aud tutored embroidered Handkerchiefs very low. 2(a?sartens silk, tiros Grain and Satin Ribbons, 5c. yard up. Oyer 150 different shspoa and Styles IU straw Hats and lioiinsts at pupnlar prices. Special bargains In silk and worsted Fringes I'ralda, lllmp, tisiloons. Moss Trimmings. Jet and Deeded trimmings very low. NOTION DEPARTMENT. ?Mas. le. paper; Hairpins. le. packaget Alpaea Skirt Hralds. lie. ; twilled Tapes, te ; Darning Cotton, 3c.; Basting Cotton, 8* ? llMl.ynrd Machllte Silks, 50.; bast *K? ynrd Opnol Cotton, lie.; pearl Buttons, da <0MS| Needles, ite. paper. Soaps, llags, Braids, hclssors, Ac., all uoder price. On aeeond floor, special bargains In auction lota ol i'owele, Napkins, Curtain MuSilnv, Ac., Ac. Hneclal bargains this week st site Underwear Department. Corsets, Sklrta, Chemises, Drawers, Night Dresses, Basques, Aprons. Caps, Shirts, Misses' ami Imams' Goads, at prleos About tits cost of the material, wlthont charging for the making. NEW. TRUST! GOOD8 IN EViSRY DEPARTMENT, AND POPULAR PRICKS. 241, 243 hixth ^.N0B,nRTwi!M asd ioTH STs ?a ? - WM. KlkZKV. TlAlU'ETrL " \j Kitraordlnarv liargalns this week. Mattings, A cargo of white and fanev Matting, ttTf handsome pstterns, hi 33 cent, per yard and npwarA NApp 180 and 191 <Hh IV., cornsr 18th sk | (two doors shore former location). KINZKY KlNZBY KI.NZEY KTNKBY hl.N7.BY KINZBY KINNEY KINZEY KINZEY KINZEY KINZEY KINZEY EE UllY GOU1IS. . ... on; ?imzmkk jrf n X .v N N N N N N S X X N N X X N X X N X N X XX X XX N XN 773 AXD 775 BROADWAY, ABOVE XIXTH ST. 4? <S> II II EEEEK A RRHRR II H E AA 11 K II II E A A K R H H E A A R H II H E A A R U HIIHIIH EBB A A HRUKR H II E AAAAA R R H II K A A R R II II E A A K ft H H .R A A R R H X KEEEE A A R R I AT OXE DOLLAR. FIFTY CENTS. WE SHALL OFFER THIS WEBK TWO CASES I DRESS SILKS, NEW COLORS, JUST PURCHASED.J THE SILKS ARE OF EXTRAORDINARY VALUE. THEY ARE SATIX FINISH AXD FULL WIDTH, AXD THE IDEXTICAL QUALITY AND OF THE SAKE MANUFAC TURE AS^OLD LAST FALL AT OXB DOL LAR AS? SIXTY CENTS. EVERY DE SIRABLE SHADE. ? INSPECTION SOLICITED. ALSO 150 PIECES PANOT SILKS, SOLD EARLY IN TUB SEASON I AT I 75 CENTS AND 85 CENTS. I AT ONE | UNIFORM PRICE, I WITH ASSURANCE THAT THEY ARE I NOT INFERIOR QU4LIITE8 THAT HAVE | BEEN 6ELLINO AT LOW PRICES, BUT I DESIRABLE GOODS, REALLY WORTH | THE MONEY ORIGINALLY ASKED. WE HAVE ALSO REDUCED ONE HUNDRED PIECES ELEGANT NEW STYLES FANCY SILKS FROM ONE DOLLAR TO SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS. ALSO AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF PARIS NOVELTIES IN RIOH DRESS GOODS AT HALF THE EARLY SEASON'S PRICES. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. LOW PRICES BUT NO INFERIOR GOODS. JAME8 A. I1EARN A RON. 773 AND 775 BROADWAY. A." K K EE KB Y Y EKRB 888 K K 6 Y Y E ? 8 K K 1 Y Y 1 8 K K E Y Y E 8 KK EEE YY EEE .SSS K K E Y E 8 K K 1 Y ? 8... K K E Y E ? 8 8., K K BEER Y J5EEE 888 . 34B AND 352 STII AY., BETWEEN 27TII AND 3STH ST8. We shall offer on Monday, May 13, the greatest bar gal ai 888 0 c II TTTT 8S8 ft 8 u u II T S 8 8 U V II T S SSS u u II T SSS 8 u u n T 8 8 S U u ii T 8 S KSS UtJ it T SSS aver seen In this city. , These aro all of the newest shade* and styles, and wa guarantee them to be fntly 4' > aer cent less than the prices of any other raits sold in the city. ONB DOT MOURKTTK SUITS 1.1 ORAY, NICELY TRIMMED, AT *4 50; WORTH *7. ONK LOT RICH DAMASSE SUITS AT $5 50; WORTH B1U OXE LOT DKBEIOK SUITS. NKW SHADES. 8TTL ISIILY TRIMMED. ATM: WORTH BIS. onk lot handsome hourettbh at bo so; worth *12 so. HANDSOME SILK TRIMMED SUITS. IN REROK. BOUKET1K AND CAMEL'S HAIR. AT *10 50; WORTH "prikoera suits, beautifully trimmed with BILK. AT $12; WORTH *20. I'll RE M'lllAlKeUITS. PRINCESS STYLE. SLEEVES AND TRIMM1.NOS ALL OK SILK. AT*l:t NOdWOKTII *2'A PRINCESS SUITS OK JAPANESE SILK. AT $18 50; WORTH $25. STRIPED AND CHECKED SUMMER SILKS AT $25. $30. *45; WORTH 40 PER OUST MOKE handsome silk and imported cloth cos. TUMKS AT VERY LOW PRICES MISSES' SUITS, IN EVERY VARIETY. AT LOW PRICKS. . ROYS' CAKSIMKKK SUITS AT PRICES 30 PER CENT UNO HI THOSE OK OTHER HOUSES. Also Jmt purcbneod the eullre atoek of a raaanfactnrer of JL <s>? ? 9> I PIOUE SUITS AND INKANTS' SLIPS. | PIQUE 8CITS. BEAU rlFULLY EMBROIDERED. AT $1 25.$1 50, $1 75. $J, UP TO <15. The** have been bought at much le*? than eoet of man nfaciure and cannot bo dtinlieatod In tbi* oily at the pric*. Infant* Slip*, nlcjly tucked front and bock, at 00c.; worth ?Sc. Very handsome Slip, wltli embroidery. Ae., at 75a, 8.5c., "also a'oRKAT JOB IN LADIES' LIOIIT KPRINQ CAMEL'S IIAlRCLOAK.S AT 83 50; Woltril $4 One |n? spring mntrla**c Cloak* at *4 50; worth $8. Hand* ome Doliuau W api, Kichui, Mauteleta, Aa. at $7; worth $12. LADIES WRAPPERS AT 55C., ?5C.. 73C., $1 UP; WORTH KirrY PER CENT MORE. LADIKa' CLOTH WRAPPER* AT $3 75. $3. $3 75. $5 UP; VKKY CHEAP. Alia the graatett Inducement* ever offered In CCO A SSS II II MM JKMKEBKKRR RKBE C C AA S 811 II MX NMK R RE ?J A A S II KM .X X MR R Kit C A A SSS 11111!IIM X X MKBB KRR RGB C AAA BlI IIM MM MR H RE C CA AS Sll IIM NX MK R KK CCC A A 888 II UK M HURLER REFER# ALL WOOI, BLACK CAsIIMEKK, 40 INCHES RIDE, AT 454!.; WORTH 7<X!. ALL HUUl BLACK CASHMERE, EXCELLENT QUALITY. AT 0"C.: WORTH R5C. ALL WOOL BLACK CASHMI'.KB, VERY FIXE. AT 75C. ANDftH!.; WORTH *1 AND $1 25. SPLENDID QUALITY AT $1 AND $t ?l| WORTII rOllTY PER OxMTMORK The above goods are a "peclnl Importation not generally known In this eltv, and for color, flnaneu of material and weight of cloth are ranch .uoerlor la the grado* generally advertlaeil *t almllar price*. Mourning t>ooii* In every rarloty. Black Oroe Oraln at ROe., R5e.. 1**.. $1. ft.Mk _ _ Very fine Silk* at *1 50. *1 75. $2 ; worth $'2. $3 50, $3. Cachemirt Silk* at *2, $2 '25, $?2 50 np> Colored Silk* from $i up. In every ?bad*. Rummer silk* ai H(5e ,8.5a, 7f>a, $1; very cheap. Colored Cn?lim*re? at all price* and In every (hade. Imported novelties In lire** (loo la. In large aooortment, at 5<)o., 85a , 75e., S5e.. $1 up. CHEAP DRESS OOODS. Pleln Drene Ooeda at Sa, i?a, I0o., 121*a. 15a, IRa, SOa, 35e. UP. Fancy Drea* 'loud* at H>a, 12. 15e . 80a ap to 40a AI*o treat bargain* in Carpal*. Oilcloth* and .Matting*. Hemp Carpet* at IS*., 2i?a, 25?. Li*t Carpet* *1 Sla. 4<ia up. Ingrain Carpet* at 2*c , ll()a. 35a, 4fte. up. , Ihrte-Ply at $1. ft HI. $1 25. Brnati I* at 75a. S5a. 11.5c.. $1. $1 25, $1 35 ap. Olleiotli* from 25c. up. Matting* at l4e? IRc., 2He., 25a, 35a op. inuuriiinent* In erery department. Your advantage will be con*ulted by an ln?peetiim. Job lot 400 pair* ladle*' plain colored Uo*e at 7a per pair. AT Y. VIQOUROUX'8, 122 4TII A V., KRaR l'2th.??Large bargain In old ?to?k of Imported Un ier Wear, piqne embroidered Dreaaa*. Aa. before our reniov.l 15 K,*?l I7ih, neer Broadway, on Augnat I. stamping, embroidery, initial*, monosraitM. for handkerehlefl, table end bedclothes embroldervd to order. ULEAKIXH OUT SALE-KINK KRRNCH HOLD Paper llanginc*. 26e. p*r roll. Boo Paper, I'Ja per roll; old Window Shade*. $1 per pair; alio Oarpett, Olleloth*, gold w ineow P" 'V.d'W. C0ATE8, 377 Uudeon lb, below Bprlafr A. BBB L U u B B L V V B B L V 1 B B L V u BBB L V u B B L u u B B L u V H B L u u BBB LLLL uu DRY GOODS. 00 MM MM EBUP ' O M N N M K 0 NX UK h 0 M M M M K O M MM M i;B2 O M KM M K O M KN M B O M NN M B M M M KRgif AM A ft . . , . J- A. MA 0 0 O 6TH A v BLCXOMB. A A 0 0 O Z_1V> AA 0 00 i vn 8. (1. A A 0 0 0 P BARKIS. A A A 0 0 0 21ST HT A A 0 O 0 O Br' AAA A 888 V u i\ TTTT ' 8S8 b a V u II T 8 8 a u u II T 8 SS8 u If II T 88S 8 u u II T H 8 8 V u 11 T 8 8 888 uuu II T 888 <$ Cambria, llnan and lawn Suits and Wrappers, a grant vn rlety. at positive bargains. 10,000 cambric Wrapper* at 40c.. half value, (?annlue mark down la Spring Suits. f 10 Suit*, selling at ? IS Salt*, selling at "" t 20 Suit*, selling at <2 25 Salts, selling at i* 40 Sun*, selling at AO Suits, sel.lng at [ .>jj Handsome Misses' Spring Suit*. SO SO. cost Sl0| Vl'l?ag'es" One lot Barques, fine material and stylo, ages four to ?l*. torn years. $1 110. worth $4. to^l'"0*' Wr*P*' Uoln""" *nd s*cQoes, half value. $2 60 OUR UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT HAS BEEN REPLENISHED WITH ALL TIIB NEW EST STYLES, AND OUR l'RICBS ARE LOWER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE. 3T 5 00 MM MM EEEK X X O O Mff NM K XX O O M N N M K X O O M N N M KEE XX O O M MM M K XXo OMNNME X X 00 MUX BEEQ AA A A AA A A A A A A A AA A 6TI1 AV. AND 21 ST ST. BBB L U V B B L u V B B L u V BBB L u u B B L u V B B L u V BBB LLLL uu cc oo c c o o c O O 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 c O 0 cc 00 $ A. O V PPP TTTT U U P 1* T U U P P T U U PPP r U UP T U UP T UU P V lilJB. A a'N N K 8 ItRR B B AA NN N K K R J B B A A N N N K K R 1 HUB A A N N N KK RRR B BAAANNNKK r p B BA AN N.V K K U ? BBB A AN NVK Kb I 9M A u KKEB 8 S AA L K 8 A A L K 8SS A A L EEE 8 AAA Xj K 8 8 A A L E ?88 A A LIiLL EEEB OK DRT GOODS, AT 621) AND 631 8TH AV.. s'J -?* cox* ?-<3 JSJH BANKKUPT I bolwoou 4oth surt 41st its., New Bankrupt I York. BaNKkUPT I farther redaction in prices to-mor BAN KKUPT j row. May 13. and tollowlug days. BANKKUPT IflUO.fWO worth ot first clas. Goods MaNKRUPT I yet to bo sold. Ban KRCPT I PLANIGAN A CO., having failed Bankrupt I in bnsinoss, their goods are now sell BANKRUPT i inn for tlio benefit of their creditors. BANKRUPT | and lu order to settle up tbe estate BANKRUPT | aa anioaly aa possible, the eutire BANKKUPT j stock ot Ladies' Suits, Cloaks, Shawls. BANKRUPT I Silks, Dress Goods, Housekeeping BANKRUPT | Goods, Calicoes, lloslerr, Glovus, BANKRUPT I Corsets, Underwear. Ribbons, Laces, BANKRUPT I fringes, Notions, Embroideries, Ac., BANKRUPT I have been still further roducod in BANKRUPT I prlee, and the public nre positively BAN Kit UP I | assured tbat all icoods are to be sold BANKRUPT | at tbe prices advertised. I DKKSs GOODS. 10U pieces of Woollen Dress Goods at 4\c per yards. 125 pieces of a tiner quality at 7){c.,2Ck' pieces of black Caahruere (double width), 17)4c. per yard; 100 pieoea of dner quality at 2f>c.. 75 pieces still fluer, 37>4c.; 75 pieces very Hue. 50u. per yard (these cashmeres have been sold ai from Slic. to 81); 150 pieces ot black , Alpaca, 12)4c. per vard ; 200 pieces ?t colored Alpaca, new shades, 12)4c. < < pur yard; 50 pieces of fine Silk Pop '/? x tins at 37)4c. (reduced trom $1,50 ?Id pieces of black Sllksat 65c, 75c., 85c., positively lets than half price. X O LADIES SUITS AND SHAWL& 5>Xl fine Suits at $3 50. $.'1 and M. not hall tha price of material; BANKRUPT 300 Mnlla at $a, $? 50 and ?7 50, BANKRUPT equally cheap; 250 line Cashmere BANKRUPT suits (tllk trimmed), at 87 1)5, worth BANKRUPT $17 50; fine Cashmere Saoks and BANKRUPT Dolmans at a great sacrifice; a very BANKRUPT large stock of beautiful Shawls have BANKRUPT been marked down to 50o. on the BANKRUPT dollar. BANKRUPT HOUSEKEEPING OOOD8. BANKKUPT I 5 bales of brown Muslin, l&e. per MAN KRU PT I yard; 50 cases of white Mualtu at 3c. BANKRUPT | iter yard; 75 pieces of good Sheet HANICRUPT | lug. 2)4 yards wido. 12Hc. per yard; BANKRUPT j 5>l pieces of 'fable Linen, 19c. BANKKUPT | per yard; 100 dosen of Linen BANKRUPT BANKRUPT BANKRUPT BANKRUPT BANKRUPT Bankrupt BANKRUPT BANKRUPT BANKRUPT BANKRUPT BANKKUPT ., .? w? ...ti ? 4) doxen extra Napkins. .1)4 ? b 7%aot.;n Towels large alae. 3e. ??*?>. ?f Krench 44 c. );? i?rd- 75 pieces of Pique. J?"p0r yard; 50) Curtain Lace, v / while Bed Spreads. 49c. eacu, pieces ?t Calicoes, *asl colors. 3*0. Pt" t'olVery. Olovea and Corsets. r, r;'? ?'''1 Vo ^^\)^'aiOcaUr"s'u^?anJlo?. IV??.' long (atik oloeked), 20c. por l"?r 43*1 per V'alr, ad T.rt.. -? "' quality; i-button Kldu'oCe.. 90c., each pair 'di^hrrtp-;Un*^C^. Su. 28*? branch woven CorssU. M?c ? MJO huaa Corsets t.te.. S* ""Lame^d^nta- Underwear Vtc" "'' h an dvt ni e* 1' tamers. 'eli!* tor ^dSrXdng^.i .-vr. ^^M^Drawe-raandNig^t. dreBMOt ??ry *aW P vir'i ? extra v :^i ^rrtrnr^ r,h^Si./-nv,?'? BANKRUPT i'!"*"' *v 7a' ? bankrupt bankrupt BAN KKUPT HANKrttiT HANKR! "1 BANKRUPT bankrupt BAN KRUI f BiNKRUPT BtNKRl.PT bankrupt BANKRU {I II iNK'-LPT BANKRUPT bankrupt BANKRUPT bankrupt BANKRUPT bankrupt BANK ItU1'T BANKKUPT BANKRUPT ofed mat t-H CO 55 thai Kd X* y* K* BANKRUPT BANKRUPT B \NNKUPT SB A ?it BANKRUPT BANKRUPT BANKRUPT 15c. per pslr, groat bargains; 4 ply Upon i'ollars. .-1 perdvxen; Neck wear. all stiles, equally cheap. RIBBONS AND TRIMMINGS. Pine groa grain Rlbbous, all silk, 5c., ?>?.. Sc., Inc.. 12e. per yard, all widths, from No. 4 to No. 12; Silk fringes in great variety. Iroro 2?c. por vard upward ; Worsted fringe-, 5c., 5c., Sc. per yard, worth, at least, double the price ; llamburg Edgings, Marseilles trimmings, laiccs. Gimps, Heltons. Kuchingt, .lewelry. I'ertu niery. Combs, it rushes, Heaps ami Notions ol all kinds clearing out ch^p. Alsq an immense stock uT goods for infants' wear to he dis no-cd ol at half price, incloding Lace Caps, Worsted .shoes and Hacks, flannel and Merino Mliawts and .sktrts, long and short Kobes and Dresaes. Marseilles Cloaks, Merino Cloaks, Lace Bihs and Collars and all goods pertaining to infants' wear, at very low prices. Parasol stock reduced. Misses' Parasols, 24c.; Ladies' 21)-1 rich, #1 25 ; 22-ineii. $1 35; 21 Inch, ft 50: all One twilled silks. CAUTION. In consequence of the graat rush for our bargains other dry goods HALE SALE HALE hale hale MALE bale HALE HALE HALE SALE SaLE sale SALE SaLI] SALE hals sale SALE SALE 2! W s> PO TJ o> k: cN n 5? sale sale SALE sale SALE sale sale sale RALff SALB SAL8 SALE SALB SALE SALB SAI.a SALH Sale hALB SALE sale h ALB sale SALE SALE SALE 2^ H-l C3 tea SB* WM CO t) .j HO ? H o3 tun **? SALB SALB SALI hALI saLH SaLU SALd SALH HALB SALH SALB SALfi SAL It SALE SALE HALE HALE s aLB hALH HALB SALB HALE HA 1.8 SALE HALB sale "S"4 >> via cc halm haLH Sai.K M \NK lU'PT | stores In tills vicinity have adopted J nA LU bankrupt bankrupt BANKKUPT BANKRUPT BANKRUPT BANKRUPT BANKRUPT BANKRUPT oar method ol advertising, intending j RALE by ancli means to mislead tboeo who I HALE come to look lor our store. Tliero- j HALE fore, make no mistake. Our num-I s 41.It Iters are 029 and 031 Slh av.. be |MALK twaen 4'Hli and 41st sta.. New York I HALE city. I hAI.E ft.ANU1 AN k CO.. Agents. I KALE A." ? 568 IT MM MM OO "K IT 888 GO KM It 8 8 It M N N M O 0 1*3 3? OX* M $ IIMMMMO 0 NN 1*8 <? O N M Jf J IIMMMMO PX XS O DSN > 888 II M MM M 0 q N N N 818 O O N N f IIMMMMO 0 " I* >* B"8 ? O N N N IIMNMMO OKI*" 8 O ON N M aMNNMO OX XX SO ON XX M NN M O 0 * XXI I 0 O N XX HUM OO N NN 888 00 N Nil 3d Past 14tb it., near Union square. 20 East I4tn St., takes Dieasare lu annennelng to lus customers and Irtends thst his store has hern refitted In the most elaborate man ner and stocked with the tar.est.elioleest and finectttoekof Human llair Hoods aver offered, at tha lowest prices In this or any other oily Hpeclal Notice An excellent assortment of Cosmetics, Powders. Paints, Soups, Pomatums, (His. Brashes and all article* belonging to Ifiis Hoe. Also a large variety of choice llatr Ornaments. 29 P.sst 14th. A. HIMONSOH. 2fl East 14tb. -IMPORTANT TO LADIES. GBNTLKMSN AND s lam I lies. ECONOMY IN BOOTH AND HHOKH. T <?> db ^ AT IIHOOKHV ^ Ladlet' fins Button Roots, $1, f? no, ft and $5. Misses' and Children's Button Boots. f2 and $2 50, Boys' fine e*ll llnlUtn and Congress Boots cheap. Gentlemen's lie* Bnots,Hlioes and Oallcr*.$5 and upward. The finest ahd best work In tbe city at lower prices tfaas any other hoe so In the trade. Perfbet fit gnaranteed. BROOKS, 1,19b Brosdway, corner 29th St. SHOW CASKR. latest London end Psrit ttylot, at PHASEII k BON'S Showcase Warehnbse, esrner of West Broadwaj and Readest. Orders by mall promptly attended to. ORIENTAL HUAWL, ONLY ONE IN TII8 CITY, f75| ulaek thread lace flounce. 24 iuclios wide, $75; Shawl, ffxA UNDO DHOH , l,2ui Broadway. For Other Dry Onodt Ailrciiliementi See First ftuA Rineteeath Fsgffc