Newspaper Page Text
HOUSES, ROOMS, ?/., WASTED. In thix C'lty and Urouklvn. GENTLEMAN WANTS A FURMoliKD ROOM IN ?fVilli, city : price mun suit the times aud must b ? stated; dowk town prtterrcd. Address A. G. K., Herald office. AYOUNO COUPLE AND KIVli Y..AK OLi> DAUGH ter desire to rout two or three furiiUiod Knouts, licht housekeeping allowed, with a respectable private lamily. Addros*. statias terms, which must be moderate, NBA T nr.bS, iierald (?itif,o A CLERK WANTS A SMALL NEATLY FURNISHED AVKoom, containing gas. good closet and flue ior stove, at el 75 per week; also, at about $4 50 per week, anulher Room, similar to above, with Hoard, lor a lady working out. Address CLERK, box 170 Herald olllce. A first ci,ass party wants to hire large downtown Tenement House; will do al1 repairs. Ad dross TEN I- ME NT HOUSE. Herald offl :e. back parlor ok extension wanted-by ktt dentist, in the neighborhood oi Uroudwsy and 34th Addross DENTIST, Herald Uptown. A lady wish is a furnished house, uen trally located, owner to accept halt income Irom ronled rooms: tbo advertiser ran secure trausieut lodgers during summer; unexceptionable rt'terenees given. Addiess TRANSIENT, box 193 iierald Uptown office. A SMALL FAMILY WISH A FLOOR OF FOUR Rooms, location 35th to 14th st... iith toUtb n?.; reut Sid to $18. Address O. S. B., Herald Uptown oflico. A LADY WISHES CliAROE OF FURNISHED Houte, owner to accept half income from rented Rooms; has Furniture. Address ltr.LI ABLE, box 120 Herald Up town oflice. A FAMILY OF TWO ADULTS DESIRE AN UN'-IJR nlsliod Second Flo >r of, say, tour rooms, for liouscl.eon ing, between 5th aud 8th nvs.. 11th mid 33 I sts.; would purchase carpets. T., box 1ST iierald Uptown office. A WIDOW LADY WISHES RECEPTION OK OTHER Roam; running water; sofa bod; mudcrato rant. HOPE, Herald branch office. D KSK ROOM, WITH USE OK DESK. WANTED; terms $3 weekly. DESK, box 331 Herald offico Furnished iioi sE wanted?city, first . nod location, lor summer or longer, it mutually pleased ; moderate rent, or would board two as part payment; owner prelurred: excellent care; no children: best leferonpes. Address FUKNI-HED HOUSE, Herald Uptown office. Furnished house want u d. ?s m all family would like to take charge at house for summer or longer; leslrulilo location (rent free); bent reference given. Ad iress FRENCH, No. 117 East 15th St. Fviknished ROOM wanted?by a GENTLEMAN, in a cliuorful family. Address, with terms, OUISEPl'L, box 134 Iloraid office. IOFTS WANTED IN THE VICINITY OF BEER MAN, JChumbors and Warron sts . with power and ;ood light Address, with terms, Ac., MANUFACTURER, box 318 it"raid office. OWNERS WANTINU RELIABLE TENANTS FOR furnished or unfurnished bouses, send us oarticulnrs mid locuro them. JAMES D. Il/vY, Madison ay., corner t7th st. fVWNBRB HAVING HOUSES WILL FIND If AD V.lvantageons to place the same with MORRIS II. BAER ft OO.. 73 West 34th. I Respectable young married couple want completely furnished Rooms for liousokeepiiitr: $15 mouth; references. NEIGHBORHOOD, Uptown Herald office. /TWO LADIES. SISTERS, FROM A RESPECTABLE 1 lamlly. desire a lurni-hnd Itoom in oXcliun e for rau-ic or othoi lessons It re'iuirod. Address C II., box 133 Herald office. f|iwo furnished rooms, between isi'ii and 30th sts.. 4th and Bth uvs . permauontiv: genteel noigh horhood, lionr restaurant; Si" month, by lirst class parties; reforoticcs. Address M. A., 333 iloral'i offico. WANTKD-BY A PHYSICIAN, AN OFFICE IN lOTH or 17lh St., hetweou 5th and 7tti avs. Address PHYSI CIAN. Herald office. \\fANTED?THREE STORY HIGH STOOP HOUSE, v v central, not above fi~>th st : rout about $700 to $800 yearly. MERCHANT, box 104 Herald offico. WANTED?ROOM. MODERATE, ISY GENTLEMAN whoso society would bo company to lono widow. Box 240 Herald office. ^ WANTED -BY GENTLEMAN AND WIPE, SMAl L turmslied Floor or three comfortable Rooms, with rc ipoctable family, on cheerful street below 10th; moder Ite rent; prompt pay; best references. Address L., box 108 11 e i aid office. W ANTED?FIRST OR SKCON I) FLOOR, FURNISHED or unfurnished, for housekeeping, by gentleman and vile; references. Address, with tortus, CLARE, Herald Uptown offico. WANTED-HY A SINGLE GENTLEMAN, A NICELY furnished halt Room, for tho summer, hetwuun 14th It. and 34th st., Oth and 3d nvs. Address E. P., Herald Untown office. \V ANTED?UNFURNISHED aFaRTMENTsTa sTaXE If Flat ur tour nice Rooms, with improveni' tits, in a pi i 'ato house, between 31st aud 37th sts. and 3d and Lexlng lou nvs.. by a newly married couple ; best references given. Address C. K.. 99 station F. WANTED-A SMALL OK LOWER PART OF A HOUSE, with two Rooms up stairs; down town preferred : for lb- nt $39 to $40 per month. Call or address 35 Walker St., tnsemcnt. WANTED?FURNISHED HOUSE WHERE ALL OR portion rent taken In board. KUSTACE, box 1,849 Pest office. WANTED?FURNISHED OR PARTIALLY FUR nibbed House : rem about $150; unex'-ej tionublo rcfor lure. Address EKTEE. box 3,'}51 Post office. U"ANTED?A SMALL 81Ze"d~FULLY furnished 'Flat, near Central Park; stale price an d locality. Ad I rest ANDREWS, Herull Uptown office. V1TANTED?FOUR "TOliY IJoUSe.. CENTRALLY LO TT cated, good order, tar respousinle tenant; also threo ? tory. DA CUNHa, Broadway, coruor44th St. WAN IED-FOl)It ORTlvF'UNFURNISflED ROOMS, all conv"iiieuess. not a' ove second Hoar, on or near nth uv. ; uo children. PROMPT l'AY, box 185 Herald Uptown office. WANTED-HY GENTLEMAN AND WIFE. FOUR UN turnisbed Rooms or a Third Floor, abovo 00th st.; runt low. BRITISH. Herald Uptown offico. W: 'ANTED?IN A QUIET, QENTEBl HOUSE, AN iinliirnlshed Floor of throe or tour rooms, by a man ind his wile ; nctwoen 43d und 59th sts., dtli an I 9th avs.: ?unt not In exceed $13. Address A. B., box 105 Herald Uptown office. WANTED?KY A YOUNG MAN. A COMFOKTAHLY furnished Uonm In n vspcctable private family. about 15 or 'JO mimitns1 rlilo from City Hull; rent about ..'??''J per month. Addrcaa A. It., box ll*> Herald olllca. \y A~vrKi>-HY~Ti7nan adults, a"hTc<Jn7>~pLook m In private honae In tbo Ninth ward or below 20th at.; rent from ?2'> to $25 per month. Address UUTIKKD, sta tion D, Post ollice. WJn1KD~a" KlKHT FLOOR FLAT. SUIT * HuTT'OR a dentist. Situated between li:ti| and 42 t sis., 4th and 6tb ava Address DENTIST. box 1 'id Herald Uptown ollice. WlNlED V Kl oM.- ili;,! FLAT OK FLOOR FOR 1 glit housekeeping, between DUtli and otliii sis . near Hroadway. Address V.. box 114 Herald Uptown ott'cc. "i|T ANTED?TWO OR THREE NT OM.Y"ITT;nTsTI ED V V ' noma, witli conveniences tor liouv'kcsMii;.-; only tw i In family; location wo-.t aide prelum I not wlnivo dOili at. Address, ?ill) full particulars and terms. awh|rh must oo low. S.. Herald Uptown oil]Co. Wanted-A iiTTCsk, with >tTblk witTi some ground, botween bt'th and 125th MS , weal aide; r?ut tboui $Tu per month. Addroa?C. [)., Herald Uptown ollice TjLT ANTED?B Y~ <iK NTI.KMA N ~Vnu WIFE, 4 (111 5 IT furnished Rooms tor light hoiis.-k-enlng; teriui biuat he reasonable L. L' U IS, Herald oflicn W~ ANTED?IIANU8UMKLY PUBNISHBD ROOM. BY flrat eTiia huainoaa gentleman, at If5 nor weoa. with people who are not Inouisliivo about Itia visitors. SUB box 120 Hem <1 Uptown office, X\T A N TKIl-TH O Oit TilIl7h~ FUKNlSII ED ROOMS Vi tor a clairvoyant mil magnetic pli>?lciau. Addrcaa MAGNETIC, Herald ofllce. In lite Country. A HIGHLY KESPONSIftljK SMALL F AMILY WANTS to keep a famished Ounntry ha tt during annumr, one lioiir'a tide Irotn New York, for which they would pay a nominal rent. Ad dree a WILK9. llornl! onice. Asm all kami l y~')T the highest hi hpbct ubiilty, want a gentleman's conntry real to taac cltatge of lor the antr.mer; nominal rent. J. II. U., ItU Herald Uptown ollice. WANT "TO" HI UK A Fl KM HUE D PLAClT"Foit '.he summer; must b w.thin an hour aud a ha'i trnm rily. be lully fiirnlahed, bar<- garden i Ian ted. Ii. rae, tar rla -e. cow. chickens, Ac. Addrcaa U, box Ho Eiultable Building. VI/ ANfhn?FUK THE sUMMKilT "SY A PKIYATB TV lamily. a iurulalird ('imago In Connecticut, on the Round or on the aouth side of Long laland Great .-vuith Kay. adjacent to the water. Addrcaa box 2511 New York peat ollice an7ed TO LI ash i on A TERM Or YEARS. V imall furnished Country Hotel er largo (dwelling. with hum, IhiiJ and fruit. Address, witti particulars and relit, which must be lour, PROPRIETOR, Poet ollice, llrooklyu, n. r WANTED To RENT?ON LAKE Or.OKuK. A PUN tilalied Cottage State alio, exact IccatTn, advantages and cash price Irnm date to October. Addreaa G. C., box CHI Herald oil e ? AN I'ED? FA UN ;l ..H ' t' ? i ? >N~V NIENT TO city, lor Hoard oi owners. re'ereni' a given COl NTItY. lleralil Uptown office. ivTyrki?: it km shed house, about ii "rooms, iV pi only ol all id i, within ono noui ? dial men Immell ? idilrOaa, with lull particulars, M. MMMO.XDri, No. It# Cni m aijnare. ROAIIDKIl!* WAYraii. IB UI r FOK "T'AmTlY bit two GENTLEMEN. ON second floor, Willi bath; private tnblo ifdcalred: terina reasonable. 12 E ta. 17th at. 1 NEWLY AND RLE ? <\NTI.Y PI MNIsilkD HOUSE: booms, s.ngly or en suite, witii excellent Board, in llrr man family, In the etegaii. Ilouae 141 HOtli at., corner Lex ington ay. IpKONT KOOM OVER PAMI.oK.Wini HoAKD: also other furnistiad Hinmi: dcairahle neighborhood; teimi moderate, ibri West l.'tli at w 11 SUIT AMI Sl.\(;Lh HO /M.-e Willi OH WIltfOUT private ??iinn> 1 pii 142, ;i ..?n 1m LAKGK FKONI HiVuM. FIK-sT PLOlfTtT PoR TWO: Suit of llonnia. aeeoi d llimr; other Itounis lor genii, m ill; excellent Board; moderate price,. f>3 East !*th, ?ear lirmldway. 1 FKONI- RiToM AND IIALI. HEDllOOM, HEl.'OND flour, with Hoard; ampleeloart room: prlvntn bath. 21 eat 12th at., hear Bill ay. Reference,. t)U ANiVTIIIItb HT.iRY KOo uS. hLldlanTLy^FuU awniabed; Hoard and ?| poininionla aBex -,.p,|oiiab o , din Inp room on parlor floor. x E. DICK, ir..T IVeat 2111 at. 2HID FLOOK Slir OK nyU V ICR Room Kl.x.o.N. able; hail Room, Til. with Hoard. 2s Wea l ull it. 2mm NlLT.I.l FIKNISH D HO' l MS. W~IT H GOOD I Hoard; alao front I'arlor. unfuinlalieJ. with or without ntrJ; noar reataurant an I four llii.-a ol cars; tormamoO erato. in) West I2tli at., between Oth nod "III are. 411) PLDoit ?A FkIVATR KAMILT ? r ! I.'t a I. \ h ^some Salt of Kiioms. wen nr without Heard. ?? reason ablo larma- No. OH Weal 4"dh at. rfcO -ft TAlll.E HOARD HyViiK WEEK. NO." IS (It) i/vtKni I7ih it. _ _ r rn" AV.. 345 AND :t4'j \ IIAMi-si M ELY FUlt Oaiahad .suit of Roouia to rent, with or witliuu t prlvsio taole; one single Hooai. _________ ____ 5B^lT"AV.7si'-irAX ?? IMI: T,:o.NTI|.?t it, t PBltlOK Hoard; luuimer pure,. r'iTi ay ."in/, couNKit hint sr. -iiand" Ufornlshed Kooins. with or wlluont private table; Kooma for ingle g. ttlenien. r rii ~aT~~9w hRrwRit s 4i?i H and ?/til srs", MMi " ULlVEd.-Elegant Apartiuenla. with or without private tvde . strict i nAt eiaso location very aRpwrlor. r pitOSI'ROT I'l.AUt. (KAsT 411 rT.I ? T.XCI'.I.LK XT ajlloard. well lurniabcd Hcuiua; will let tbein at nny priee, velerencra. BOARDERS WASTED. S~*3J to rfTE8*W8B6T'>i > ?t itoi :??(*; wirTnioXla/j >/ulso Uooms without board. 83 M anion, al Kb, uear tiieeeker. wk5t?555 si.?minnv nouns. In bPitk or singly; Board first class; tuble bo i dor-. -illicit,j.l. -| /\th sr.. as Wast, betwhuh broadway and XV/University place.? Plea*aut Uooms, with good Board; summer prices It 1 ABlMlUON UljUAhK.?HOAKI) AND I'.OO ~3 -jfor gentlemen and ladles, $4 and $r>: piauist half Board; hone oom'orts. \vr.3! ioth sr. with boaIu),~7fa~n7u-u? 7e Koomt, on second and thir l Boors; hou>e lirst class. ?"TtU ST.. WW WEST?LAB ? I'i BOOM, BATH AC . Tb X*? party of gentlemen; terms, with superior Board. 87 per week each. 13 Mi ll ST.. aau WHAT.? I'O LET, OK .SECOND A NI> third tleors, handsomely furnished lto. ms, with first class table. Tjj? west" tmr Mr., mi bkoaoway.?books. 1 t/#S npvrard: second floor alcove Uoum, SB: kitcheu pi ivlleuo. Til" srT," NO. 345 WK.ST -N 10ELY I'UHN 1SHED Koums, with Board; $10 to $12 for two. 16 sls>!> S' Lidjwllli ClOO ? TO PAST loril ST.?MOBLY KlUN'tSlIBI) IULL XOllopuis for single gentlemen: also lor o i.'oom lor laiuily. with Board. Ill \ BEACH ST.?BUAKDKKK tVAN 1'KI). ~5~ tVLY furnished and ch inco I bauds: prices to suit the times. (sf ST.. MS WKMT.?NloKLY FUKMBHBfi*Ho!CMS ?ij-ior funis I ios or single geutlenieu; tabic first class: home oomforts; references. % oTTiThtTSt WEST.?i'KONT, BACK (lit sI.N'OI.E ?s ?I Booms, wt h Board, lor tjvo gentlemen ; $12. tTtlf WKBr.-liAIDVBIK BOOU, WtTUJ7s without Board: hot and cold wntor; roteronces. D~srT~8iS w> ST.-KFk.Tisiu.u uooiis, *wi*li aril; tjiblo ho .id. 0-/D ST.. n". I2!j" KAsTT" nT.AK ~41'll AV - II A N D Jj. fsoniely furnished KulU of Koomt, ou parlor and second floors; also hall Booms; superior Board; roleroncer. QtliTuT., at WEslTTfAVii comply kuitnIshTTo AeOApartmeuts, on second mid third floors, with oewltb out private table ; two slc.flo Uooms. nOD ST.,119 BA8T.?TO LETT WIT IF? I EST 0 I~A S S s^Olo.iird. larao mid small Koums, on second floor; a fine Basement, fer doctor or uonttst. nOD sT.. i'ni vVes i.?uiTht class""uiTTTd-a~n7> AsO.iewly nrnislied Uooms, en suite or slugly; also hall Kooius; references. OsJt)' ST., 381 WEST.?TO LET. WITH BOA ED, A ^lOlarpo Boom on lee nd story ; also back Parlor; table and transient Boarders. SI'., WEAT, NO. 347. ? I'd LKT. WITH BOARD, a-Oapleasant front ltooiu;ienus mod-rate. (1 A WEST 82 D SI.TnEAK STIFaV.?VERY HESIRA ?.'Xlile rnrnishod Booms, on suite or siliirly, witli Board, suitable (or single trentlouieii or gentleman and wifu. ODTU 61'., 48, WEST. ?AN KLKUAN FLY I'UllNI8MKD u?Ub?ck Parlor; also nuoth.-r Boom; summer prices; tublo first class. OU WEST 90TH ST.-LAUOB AND VERY DliSlKA. ?1U0I0 Booms, on suite or singly, with Board. ijd bakt*50th st.?large single booms .and ?sUoli suite, boiiutllully s lusted, with excellent Board! price modulate; over) tiling first class. <)() EAST 1UTH ST.. near" BR.OADWA Y.--DK81R Zd ?7ablc It aims, with Boards location conn al. nod cou v- nlont to buaim-sN; terms moderate. oTToreatTInks hp., ni-:afTrikXnT?~centiiTL ? )"/Uotol.?Heoioi to lot with Board, aiuply or en suite ; bouse and iiccomiu datlons Urst class; rel'urem os. ?iT)i7 st., 2i 1 wkst.Tsummi-.k bcap.dkun. de 0_llarlitlul Uooms, private bath; small family or irentle mon will liud pleasant homo; oxccllont tabic; dwelling lariro. coiiimoUiuu-.. ?Jt,) WEST 17Til ST.?WITH BOARD, SINGLE FRONT O.jltoom, $7; one elegant Suit vary cheap. ?J>J COTTAGE Pl4AOE PARLOR FLOCK: ALSO *J' /Rooms on second Uoor. neatly lurniahed, with or with out Board. ') 4TH ST.. NO. ?>U WttST. BETWEEN M il AN'lt 6TH Oi avj.-An elegantly furnished Second F1 >or to let. with Board; reference* exchanged. ?>,- EAST ?TH ST.?PLEASANT LARUE ROOMS. Ot/wlth or without Board, at vary moderate turms. ?jTj washinotun square. West.1 hoarding OUuni Iodising in high stoop u own atone house; good view, good air, good tublo and cuuvnlent to cars. ?j(VH ST.. WEST. NO. 333 ?HANDSOMELY FUK Ot/nlshed Rooms. with Hoard: references oxchangod. It; WEST 37TH ST. ROOMS TO LET, WITH FIRST rt?jelass Board; location unuxceplionablu: references. 42 rn ST., 100 WEST.-BOOMS TO KENT, WITH ?i Board: terms mode: ate; location unaurp issed. 1 /? 711! AV., NEAR 14T1! ST.?PLEASANT ROOMS, TtUfurnishod or uuiurulshod, with first class Board; terms reasonable. 17 KAtT BOTH BT.?FIRST CLASS BOaKD in a J ( private family; single Room lor u gentleman ; rofor ences. A 7 WEST 36TH ST.?IIANDSOMSLT FURNISHED j I Booms to let, with board; refer to parties about va cating; references reunired. ,1(1 CHARLTON ST FURNISHED BOOMS IN PRI Tt/v?L house, fur geutlemua und wife or two gentleuieu, with or without Board. CI WEST 2NTH Sr.. NEAR MADISON SQUAKK. ? 'Xl.legantly lurniahed Koome, ' lor iauilioe or gentlo men: hoase, table strictly first class. ej west lorn sr., between gth and uth clTTavs. ? Elegantly furnished Second Floor and Suit ot Rooms to let, with or without Board; private family; ref "~7\ WEST BUTII Sf.?TWO ROOMS ON THIRD sjtjllonr, with Board : references exchanged ; immediate poeaeeaien. cinj west 5al> St.-just oprxed! newlv e/r/and handsomely furnished throughout: Rooms, n,i suite or slugly, elegantly furnished; also vory desirablo Room for single gentlemen: splendid table. All WEST I7TH ST.?ROOMS. WITH FIRST CLASS v) vrBoard, fnrgontlemen and wives or slsgle gentlemen; references f'l\ PERKY ST.?TO LET. WITH BOARD, SECOND v)''story back Iteom; privato bathroom attached. Also hall l.ootii. 02, WEST 231).?ELEGANTLY FURNISHED TIIIIU> -Islury front Koom; also slnglo Koom, with Board. A. K. MICK. (??J 5TH A v.. THE KAU FFM A N." I OKMEKLY OO ' W ardsworth "?Fin-dy furnished A part in en > s and sin gle ; ? ooms; superior Frencli table d'hote for IndlcN mid gentlemen, by tbe dav >r week; reduced summer rates 7|| IRVING PLAC (UKAMKRCY I* >ltK).-EXTRA I V/lrrrn i:ooins, second, front; medium r.lzo, fourth, front, with or without Hoard; location first class; prices moderate. 7 ? l i-ASr 4TII vr.?LADIES AND GENTLEMEN CAN I ?be aeenminoJated will; good Board; moderate prices; pleasant Rooms, gas and bath: table boarders taken. 1(1- WEST 4?ril ST.?FIRST CL ASH Ml JL*'i.'prlvato family: comfortable Rooms; _ sunny ex posure; terms niodora to KlTt B' DFOnll, NEAR UH Ul - TO FHKK.-FU K 1 1/Unlabel! Homus. Willi or without Itotrd; or tor light housekeeping , first lloor: private family ; very low. ma.VST 08TH BT.?all accommodations can be had. with first class Board and ulooly furnished Rooms, tor bi mi! lea-and single g ntlcmen, in Jcwiali fa inly. nr WIST 34T1I .ST., X K A It MHOADWAY.-A FEW OMSllsBan tsn be son mo iatod with hnmlsotunly lurulslied itnoms auu oxceHtn; Board. TOO MADISON AY.?DfcMKABI.E Dul'BLK AND A?jsjsln . la ll'jems to let, with or without Board; relyr 1 f)A KahT 45TI1 ST.?FURNISHED ifOMM--, k.N J Hits nr singly, with or withuut Board; reasonable terms; relorunce. m> LEXINGTON AV., BETWEEN 2.Ill AND 2'jTII lit- A lady "111 1st a lur e Irmit Room, also ball l.oora. newly durtiDlicd, with Board; spacious bathroom. Koom. newly eurnisnon, witn noar i; ipadtotis u >tirroom, hot and Colli water; house large, lamily small; to gentle men oniy. IOj ASi' 8?TH BT.-LARGE FRONT ROOM TO J MsOlet. with Hoard ; hot and cold water. I >j(| Vf r S r 430 isT.-RKCONR FLOOR FRONT KOOM, I ?)'"with strlc.iy lirst ela s Board; references. 1 'J 1 WEST 34TM ST.. N. Alt BKOADWaY .? ND stMI 1. nr.?i.logaiuly luiulshed Booms, with Board, tor families ?ud gentlemen; lions* newly tarnished, papcrod an I painted; references e? hanged. ivK east lorn sr.-nicely furnished and 1 siliconvonleut Konms for reatleiuss or tanillies, with or witiwnt Hoard: reference. ]<)C WEST Hiril ST.. NEAR HI If AV. . ICKLY X')'''urnislii d Kooina, with or without Board; terms moderate. "I ?? " LRXfNGTON AV.?CONNECTING ROOMS, FOR I ? D/laiiillli s an I tingle gentlemen; hous i and t iblo Hist e. test re 11 re nee. j ?)(! WEST 4JD ST.. OPPOalTK SI CLOUD III) I 0? "cel.?A largo second story front Room, handsomely fui nls i d, with II i ird. 1 19 EAST IttTH ST PLEAS AN r ROOMS, WITH X'r?.Hoard. one bloek and a hall from Union square; summer prices. ICC waverley place. NEWLY AND HAND* lUUsoraely lurnlshed Huxee: square Reotu, wllb exeel* lent Hoard fur two, .-ill; Hall room, t >. lo9 WKHT 221> ST.?FUKNISIIRO ROOM , EN suite or singly, with or with mi Beard; l'*b!o Beard. IDs) AKsT 31 ST St. IIANMSOMKLY FURNISHED il/ORmns, with sr without Guard: house newly fur nlahc I an I thor Highly r<novatei; terms re as mi ibla. IDE WK.sT 2Mr BT.?WITH HOARD, RKCOND X" Irjstnry, frobl; also inir i stury, fruul; nil Improve iiient ; large cluset-: rolerenees required. 183 west irrti?rooms ro let, vaiih huard. "1(1(1 WKHT I0TH sr. ELROANTLV FUKNIsIlED I ?)l rback Parlur and Rxt?aslon. lulri lloor. Iron t. with first e lea Board; t*rma reasonable; rofarxnes ex hang*d. 200b ;'Til ST.?A NICK I J* FURNISHED I. with Hoard; anmrnor privet. t)( 1st HI II AV. ('tlkU I HIUM lib.I.Li. HOARD for ? 1', several young ladles, td VJ por uaok; also ball Komn fur gent:- man. ? lit/* WEST 21HT sr.? GENTLEMAN AND WIFE OR ggt M Klnvio goutleman can bo acoomtn <dat*d with Hi at elate Hoard. S> 1 1 WBST 41V sr. ONE LARGE. AIRY ROOM, TO awl I gentleuian and wl'a or tingle gentlemen. Willi first class Hoard; terma mederato; fafarencea. t>s^jjWEsT :nTII hT.-FURMBIIkI) or UnFUR As? )1'iiislie l Rooms, witli Hoard ; alto two alngle Rooms; term* m< deraie 2-s) WEST I.ATI I ST.?NEWLY FURNISHED HACK ' JsLParlor. with B mrd. or gantlemen < r senileinan mill wile, also Koom fur two ladles; reaauuahla terms. t pi*'} Wl-I' 4-'D l-UHOICR ROOMS, WITH m V) m Hoard; location deniable ; convenient to steam ele vated r.dlroa la. Mr. WRsT 831) ST (LONDON THIIIIa Ki. '/IIlndaumely lurnisiied Rooms, with or without Board, in a small private Mini y : in ulerate terms. r. ESI 34 I'll ST.?A LIGHT, LARGE, AIRY FUIL [?/ulshod Ho 'tu, with or board; terms low. fftJtl 7rII AV,, CORNER 41 ST ST.?TO LET, WITl slO^aor without lloaid lianilsomely Inrnlsbed Apart merits, to couplaa or alualy ; t< riua reus unable. NuF sri|_. AV. (RING HE,CoNl) REI4,).?LARGl s - r vc.nnt lb oin, >m the se o ,d Hour, to let. file, iy lui nl lied, with or without Board; modern Improvements. 7(;- OKKE w7uh <r ro LMT, WITH m>\ I'M nicely turnlaiiud Rooms; all linprovomenta; terra Inod urate. B[ BUARURR8 WANTKD. 1 K*\t I l! ROADWAY, I II1 HO DOOR SOUTH OF 47x9 X.O?*Oil. ? A liiiDd?i'tiioly l."-ui?heil Back Parlor fur a uuntlumau au<l wile or two sui^lo leiitluuiou, witU llooril V~HA.slOO.Mli SUIT OK Ko7>MS,_(> . KlTfsT V N t? MtCoUtl lioui'u, to li t, ssitll It I (I'll, to tll'bt l.ltnil.oi; hKo Room Huitaola lor u |iii>sirlan's office, on 47liibt., near Stb av. Ad reas C. K. U., lleralil ofllce iT.tu7CAS HAVE BOARD AND NURSING DUK j\ Iu_* confiiii-niuiu ; be>t me deal ittoatiou. Call or ud dross 2'J1 lia-t H.'itli at Mrs. McNEVINS Lad Via vircTo s~a "Wkncii ko ?rvv uaTubt Rooms to partlea desiriinj rooiaa, pvrmauont or tran alent, with or without Boul KXULUoIVK. Humid ofllco. RD AND BKILPOrC NUKsINU FOB LADY DUR confinement; consuluitiou Iroe. l'ny ilci a.i'* rest* douce, 132 East I2th *t. H A N1 ).sOM~Kf4Y r'UR NlStlKJ) liiloM s" ?Q\CY\mT !!*?? ??r retitlemen. with or without Hoard : also t*^lo boarders. 24 Hast 41th st. I" AUG" AND SMALL FURNISHED BOOMSTO LET, J with Board. Apply 50 West 15th ?t. T>bTlVATK T WtslT~pXmiTyIx VVH 8PARR ROOM; X locution first class; table liberal. Address M. N. K. lleralil Uptown olficv TO I. B'F-1 N A P HIV AT K K AM ILY OWNING tTTWTr own house, a Second Floor, handsomely furnished. with Bo r I, naur elevated, separate or i:i saits. Address J. 1*., box 188 Herald Uptown office. board and Lodging wanteds ADKaLBK WHLH LIKE J O KXt'H ANbK A Piano or Cubiuot JJr/ati lor Board. Addioss SANDS. Herald office po'Ai:iV vTi VoTjnTjf jm"en"oh J suivxcptionable char eter, and a 1o to furnish the hi b* est references, *Un two *iu do Rooms In tho same Itoit.o, with Board Addicas. statlMi.'; tonus, w ich must be low, W II. Yr? room 1U, 35 William *t . N-w York. ^OUKU G NTUEMAs- DES1 uKA .sTi:hv fuV RuTf J. able Hoard with respectable partlea, above 14th st , centrally; teriusSfd: give particulars of room. SYNTAX, Herald Uptown office It IOOK LA HOARD. r >li:m hi a hi ?board rTi'id-it m i n i;tr?* f>9 vial'; from Fulton Kerry, ten from Wall E><?A ItD IN BROOKLYN, NBaK fiIB IN BN >irane ? to I'roMiect Bark ?A huuM-mn -ly furnished and frescoed second floor alcove (loom, or back Boom on sumo floor, lurui'lKul or unfurnished: taniiW strictly private: house in tine order ami has all modern Improvements; terms morbrat": reference* exchanged. Address PRI VATE, box 2,555 New York Post olttco. HOTELS. /lolESIAN ITOUSK, ASHUKY PARK, S. J.. WILL VAiprn Juno 8.1878; lake boating, fisltlitff, hot nnd c >hl h a bathiittr. Address S, L OOLRMAN, Propnet? r rV<fl LD'HH (>TEL. 3D AND HP HUG B, PMILADBL ATidila. ? Board reduced, permanent and transient; all sue invited. D L). PETERS, Mnaavrer. R KO"KM\(l OK TIM CITY HO BL I NDKb NEW nu!i treuient, Broadway and 8th st.: refurnished. K B?)U(Hl BR. Manager. COVNTB* BOAitO. A T TillANDREWS MA.NrfIOS. fiN TUB lIKIUHTrf u'Vevrlookin- tli ? Harlem and Hudson Ivor-- olevutlon ?jiii) f.-i, t: nchin*rv unsurpassed: siotm house, wide ?JO Iicrot of woods. lawns. gardens, walk" All.I ?ii-lvo-; 25 trains daily on tli') Hudson mi l Harlem railroads: lirst cla-s tuble; terms inodarate; carriages at Trcmont in will tin.' 4 LA DA CAN ll"vlTBO aT;O a N H OAI1K HI' HI NO ivctifliicmciii with nn experienced nurse Mr*. RUFF, 1,051 2<l *v. A FAMILY WITHOUT CHILDREN WOULD TAKE j Vone or two to Hoard; best care; tortus moderate. 1,061 2d nr. _ Bb<t op "count )<Y BOARD," HI> of < Fh "monoaup Mountain, nun mile *nuth ol depot, ut Llbertr, rfuhlvnn enmity. N. V. ; new house. Iu.pi ro ot S. C. MUrfTIN, 534 West 14 th st. ______ _ Bo a RDiH <r"Af_qu6.i UE, Long Island. Tho Post House being uewly lurnithed will be op ned r.? a fir?t class boarilimr liousi Juno I; terms $rf to $15 per weoic. AddressVlLLi*. WILi'OX. Proprlotor. [: iid's "lake. n j.-coomtry boa557"5 a<7 tier (louse, open May 1; situated directly ou lake; very healthy, no mosquitoes: tonus to ?nlt ti in ox. (lOFVIVY HO \lii> WANTUO-ntOM jT NK~ 1 TO 6<% Jtober? aceesalbl i; gcmloman. wife, uitr-e, thrco cll dren. Statu il bathing: irlve partieulars and price, which must ba low, or uo alloutloii given. Address RURAL. Herald office.' CT lUNTRY BOARD AT KRYPOKT, SKA CM HP. Joensico llreenwlcb, llartsdalo. White Lake, Nyack, Peterson, Pon Q-iogue nud others. HANDS' Boarding Di rectory, 1.151 Broadway. / A111' N TI: Y HOAI(l) wantkd-koi; .ciinti.i-mav V Jiin.l u-ilo. Address, with lull particulars, E. It. II., 245 41 li av. F" IR8T CLASS COUNTRY lKlAilD IN ONE OF THE most bo iutlliil locations on L in/ Island Sound, nnout 20 miles I'rum New York ; splendid bunting and imthiim. Hot further particular! inquire at 145 East 21st St.. oppo site (iraiuorcy llotcl. JNALl>BURtfil, SULLIVAN COUNTY. N. V. -1.100 1 feet above the sea; ciiurmlig scenery: delightful di i ves; excellent table : bin Inn?, boating and liahluse; an elegant place to spend the summer. Proprietor seen all week at hummer and Winter Kesort I xeh itige. 755 Brosnwny. HArfBROUCK A La KB, ADY, WITH PLEASANT COUNTRY-UtTufiTT WILL take charge of two chil Iron or child on bottle; taiis luclory re fere BMW given. .V. N.. 24 West Sttth, New York Mount airy, two milk> from Hudson rivkr Kxtonsive /rounds, Irults, liuntinir, fishing; piazsas, large rooms ? no malaria; terms moderate. Further par ticulars B"7 5th av. Address D. rf.. Croton Landing. S" IX PERSONS CAN H AVE ELK) I ANT AUCOMMODA turns, best country Board, In |irl vats fniuily ; uo otlier bourders; cottaire. water Irunt, bathing, tiehiug. Address PERSIA, Westport, Conn. QARATOtlA SPKlNUs?BOARD FOR THE HUMM KB: Ovurr dcsirablo Rooms; locations tlrst class: tliaded grounds-. near tho principal springs and Congress Park, comer ol Union av. and Cirenlur st Address Mrs. Dr. CARPENTER, Post uffico box 414 Saratoga, X. Y. WANTED - s U M M K It HOARD FOR THREE LAD 1KB mid a child of throe years, within two or throe Injurs Iroiii Now York; at u Ini m Iiounc Iii the mountains or near the Hudson River preferred; two good slxtjd rooms re quired and well shaded grounds: cleanliness, a good table uiul cooklug indispensable ; repllos mast give lull particu lars dessrinlion oi place nod price per month (two or three months) ; none otlu rs uotle d; no extras, malaria or mosquito*. Address J If NSON, box 101 ll'-r ild "fli m. aUHHER REMOHTsi VRLiNtiTON Hot SK~ rf I A II FoItlJ. ? 11N \ (8l tTtt K S Hill).? Open f r the season. Address E. T. WILSON, proprietor. J->ATiT.-L I. LOCUST (JROVE HOI'KL NOW ol'K.V. J-iiuutml on the bay, n?nr steamboat landing and r *11 - road station, within >:ie hoar from New York; Hoatd, #!<? to el '? per week-. cars to and Irom Hroeuwood, main ou tran, o.-very ?? minutes: boats on and alter lat Juno. jTtCHAUWEKI rfPRIMih HOI'EL. H^hehcui, Pa. for Information address W. M. STBWABT. KA CLIKK HOUSE. LONtl ISLAND SOUND.?BKAU tilul sit us lion high and healthy ; uo mal aria or mosqtll toe-; lablc tlrs* close md prices tuoderate ; splendid coat lug. fishing and salt water bathing I or circulars u[iply to WM. DHVlNKri, Proprietor, Sea Ulllf, Long Island. "117Tccahio Iiourff; ?T i nated among the tr.onntalus, (I k) feet above tide water. at Wacca' ne Lakes, will be opt tied as u*ual this s< ?? son: ph.-asant drives, good hsolng, booting ami bitblnt. Fir terms. Ac., address M. it. MEAD, tioldon's Bridge, Westchester county, X. Y. Vor Other Uouisllng Atlvurtlki'isiuntu ties Olrticlory. .11A I'll 1 \ 10 It > All si/.i:-. wakuanii.d, LivCtiiiVu BKi,fi--?i. new and second hand, very cboan for cash. KITZ UI'.H ) LDa B2 Ceutre it. Repairing done at hall lurmer rates. AW hl.Lrf BALANCE KNOIIU COUTH ll..-. UHKS le s tut. occupies In,, space, weighs fhuch less and ruus williout shaklu.. -.a Libert.) si. ALaRDR LOT > OAK l-ANXKD BELTtNO VOR sale ch'.'up. a little air stained that wo i.nrn withdrawn from lOUNlgnmuiit: all sites, slnglo and double. RKKDY A II AltVI. Y. II d acob St.. Manulactaror of bust Oak i'auned l.^stuer Bsltlw A (iORLlHrf LNtiiNL, 10X34; WKtOiir CUT-OFF j\ l'.nrlue, 111x52, llollcrs. Puiups. Ac. 2M7 Wat- r st. McHWEOAX. XIOILER TUBB.s.?LA HUB LOT CM I INCH 11 II J.y I 4 loet I uig (new), lor sale cheap by M. B.tNN RUM A >, Bl I I At< 'I't c st . II roo kly ii. JAN ll.,Erf. BOILhurf, rvuri HB.YTBiuir YAOIIT "jll.ngines, hvdr .ulpower and (ian i l.lovat rs, Presses, J .cHet 'd Kettles, tanks. Pulleys. Mhaltlug tad Hangers; also I l ol miscellaneous Machinery, o>?' and second liana, hi Jersey City Maehiue Works, toot Mnrri, st., Jersov City. N.J. l?i'OT LAlHK FOR H4LI.-S? INCH IS rfwT.NO. 5 F leet bed, new, with Slide Rest and < buck. oKo. If Oil APPl'.LL, rffl Pike t. Jjli ill rf.tLE -10 11 OK K IPRIoill II 111 LAd I II dler and 'l-ilorae Engine; In operation, lull but folk st - iTuu a t LK-iTN ti-ii Toot cooki n i mant h-.T sti.a m i I'abtn uu'l - v rtl small up'iglit Hollers, ? and In horse Engines, Air Uomnressoe, Mum Humps and rftcaui Jacket heitles, at l~5 Water st., Hrooslytt. Mil; BaLR-IWO IIOKIZiiATAL TUHULaK HttIL i rs. H\l.>: two, ileal <: two, ..xl5; two, 4\\I5: two, ?Ixl.>. ill I two. 4x14, ill in*. Apnl> n JOItN Ll. i AHD.45iiWest St.. Now York, or t<> P. OA -SI DY, dealer In ill kin Is of new and second hand machlifery, 4 to t > llriugo st., Brooklyn. l>i?K rfAThT'iM mm ind ?m kaka, nbwi pubom r 1x1 liirh hole -liesr. llxl Inch Iron, t'nn be seen at l l, IIIKK I Hl.SI'H, copperstiilths, K'l Dlkerian st.,rfoutli Y. Ft I lisT UliAM BACK 0MA HMD ClkU LATIIk, wi b lido Rest and 11 bucks. Apply to ToW.NbKM) J. rtll'.sTON. H'U'emru st. II jt| N K To LA K'l. H A LB - KNUIN K LATHE. " .-diaper, Milling Maililuc. I're sea, Ac. - POWELL Ill.Orf., 2H4 West 2'itli St til-: DIH M C,LI)DI'.it PltErfrf, '| Wt? Rol.l.Kltrf. ben 54 by 52 Inches; tplenmd order; I? t sain chean. UILU'j'ILY. 113 NtHsaa. iiYUKOhxriiAt;ioit Wanted -ia ond h ,mT, J lrlmsp. also lor sale anew ''lark tjaadriiplo Blower, siae K . priro fo'i. Ad ress Ahtl>N. Ilerold office. STi'.AM ENUINK F"K rfALl'.-MADE BY TODD A alferty; cylinder 12*24 inches; liorlsoutal tubular ? oil'/i, 45 I). r-e power. li?at<.r, pump alio coin i us; gin,J us new ; e n be > en ruiiulug from I'? A. M. to > P. , at earner ol (irabani av. and i "Wersst. Brooklyn, E. D. Apply to K. THEADWBLL'a HON. 2?15 W at- r St.. N. Y. SMI Ml TKMNdMnO MAOMlNKt WlltU -kl?; V<Jl R dench Lathes, rftoam Punin; four horse Boiler. W. J. HY 'I MF.s. mi pike st. tJTATIONAR). puitTABLE hNtilNKlf PUMPA. Orfhatting. Pulleys, It augers and miscollnneous Machinery ol all ib'scrlptlou* III)III) .Oil and ? reeled ; clieapess rules, by DA V In .V VAN ill it I. ?. I H i II r?? st rpTl r, UN 7(1 UrfltiNKD Ri.flRI.s'1 7KTO?*i.VK!W, A iilfer lor sale their targe stock of Engines and Bollors; els<> Machinists' and Boilermakers' Too!,, Mhops and Prop erty; ooo rfuop, Zlxllfl feet; onoolxlisi feet, one st"ry high : also three Icte ot tlrouzZ, 75xlis? test. KINNEY .* 1IOKKM A N. 2lT to k7 > Water ft., Brnnklyu sTTw7?"TuTltIDtir HiiM.'.Krf. TtlitKR STEAM PUKPrf, I si* large wooden I'aoks, Pulleys and Khattlnj.*, .'la rhlnists I mils, -rales, Ac., for sale; good as new, W.,4lltl Herald office. friii tin tmpidnT'Tek diiitrtTtf iioks'twdie ri*K i work ol auy maehinr In tlm market. JUSTIN R. WELLS, BH Liberty St. w miaamy, miLkojf "* koakk, front and"'do visi:' -ts. ? T* Now liii 1 second hand Knc.eca. Hollers, l'ump* and Qttttrsl Mae.attery; YmIiI BitniiWI And Koliora V(r ?. N I'KD?A S. < uND Il vNli i-.l. V iToit KOI F.tC ? i tory iiao Audrc*-. with lull particulars and lowest eu-li price, K. II. D., Herald officii. VIT tNTED-NoNKAIlT.lL' WASHING* MAi'HINK ?? (ate 'in or Hand). 1 llrMI. atatlut; price, Ac . ? M. JOII NriO.t.'.'H St. Mark a place, rooin 14. amthi) tq rokoHitHiUA s*oond u txo foot I.uthe. Andre.s b x 107 Herul.l Upl urn oHice. "H7ILL~BUY A (MIOOTitOONO HAND ?-HO~K I S* ? ' nine, li at a low priro. state kluU and bottom price* it. 1',, cost 1,7M) Feat .'iSc -. 0 WOODIU'FF r NGlNKS 30X48 COMl'LbTE IN~A 1 ? order, except flrwlioel, flywheel sualt hihJ crank; tlirie years old: ki.tajo each. ^tlio I licrrynteu Fe?d Water floater, a in >at new ; price.*; '(old. R.. 107 Ohurch at, New Yore. ? ) BAND - aTvs~"oXK KI.U riMI MACHINE, TIIKKB OScrolt saw>. dilferent mulcai; tell cheap. 8. AWOUO'S M lOIHNK COMl'A.NV. 01 Liberty at. O&ISCINU ACADUttlUb. I>K( (OKI'S'li NCI Mi ACADKMY, 3HI IIRUOMf'l ST.? >Ali tho fashionable Daucos lu one eotira** oi leaaooa. AL.UB TMAdTRB llUMAK'M DA NO I NO mTtiEaTy. ::l Went It i at ?Walt* an<l fltro Unices taught perfectly in aix private lessons. CTIiiTTTtT.'sTdaniifno aoaDBMy,1TunTon7qu toll 1 tth av. aide?upon .ill aitnimer ? private les uiia any hour; Glide specialties; Imlv assistant*; Receptions Moo day ITIEKNTn I JO'S DANCING At: iDKMY] biT H~ St,' 1 corner ?'!<! 'iv?Il> apacial request the receptions wll, contluu- every lit nr.-J,iv tn 41ay 11 '. eomineneinir * ... Inelc IITIATIONK Wil STEU-fEMA Litis, dilll mix riotliris. etc. A LADY WTKHKS to KIND V II'I A ION FOR AN X\ American 1'i oteatant irirl to do light upatnira writ; will iiaeiat with children or muko her sell amorally naelitl; no objection to tin* country. Can bo aeon Monday, trom 10 till 3, at 45 VV-et 3?tl? at. Oi i'HKiuti i.tPv it sr.I Jseumutrnaaec. ? 8 FIRST CLASS M I DDI X It It. DitESSM v KKK AND 1 V aoanistr -sa or tad vh maid ; will lag to travel Alldrcil maid, ilondd ifnitsro otUcc. "i fiksF~cHash i?Iu7s.m aickIT: will do to iVliu i rctidoncu to do the (Ittiny and '.'.pish It homo; nutting; n..d basting <lou?. Call or tiddresa Mrs. A. FAY, 153 ft list 3(Jth at. (fi-iicrui HotltefVOi'K. Ale. A N ENGLISH PROTESTANT TO DO GENERAL avli"iiM'svorl. : good plttln eo' It : short dlhtauce In country; refereucea. IS. 11,, Herald t'ptowudtfllce. Ilauaekovjjcra, Ale. QflO ITBUT 37TH ST.?A YUU.NO WIDOW FIIOM wU Montreal as house keeper In city. T slTI'A I JON AS IICFSBKKtll'KK FOR A GUN* - at tlaman ot wealth ia desired by a widow ol culture and rettnemeiK; relercnca. Ac. irlveu Trlliers neod not anawor. Ad lreerbox 'i.KJ. Hartford. Ootsn. 1 roTTsi ki-.i I'isit ci i y (> r ? .'ni'sik y , iT<< i 11T uit I Lprivate family prolnrred: roterouco Address D.. box ilurald Uptown if ranch Ofli'.'U. W1BT.W ks i>r>7mo x as iioi: *h. keeper. Addreu Mrs. OU ASL, Herald Optowu ollica laiiiiidreaaea, Air. 1 - I WI ST 41 SI- ST.. NKAK BKOADWAV. RK 1 ?' I spocta de colored v.oniau to do gentleman's or fitnillca' w a-hin ?. v>v)f'~K. isr diTrii sr. a~swk"d1sii wTTman' to do O'y'Jlamily waaliinr: licst relereiicwe. jmc wrst 55d"7t a uesY'i-.oiablk froiks ' ' ?' riant puison to dowashln; or liousOcleaning by tho day or week. Nursna. iKc. 1 vl Wf-'8T4I3T S4T.-A KKsl'ECTABLE COLORED 1.'J Xwoman as nurse ; good city rotoronco. ]7Tj KA I IHhi' sr. AS N I'USE nil NURsTfitY AtJOgpveriiess : imi Isti b music an<l English: willing to b.? useful: patient witli children ; good rofcroneos. Andrew. o?>;> wiuf sura sf.?a aub as infantum ?j?. Onursr mid lo do tewing, or take cure ul children and do light cli.underwork; two y an' rolercnce Irom Inst pluco i)fi A 1QTM AV.?A HEALTHY* WOMAN. WITH A wv Tln.sii breast ul milk. n? wet nurse: city rel'oroncc. yo 7 i'. isi wen sr.?a I'ltoi-KSTanr Si ul i?K hi ? >?j l lu mind cliildren. ~\ tl w HST 57T:fsT., TtVF i'LOOU. FRONT.?A HB? ?)' r Liner tablo wum >ii wishes tlio care ol a child at her owu homo; references given mid rei|iilred. Waitresses, cWe. Q1 EAST USD ST. -A KKS1M-C I A RLE YOUNO OIRL O I in lirst e nss waitress or chlidrou's uurso: city rofor cucc from last place Misndlii ncaut. <17 HENRY BT . ItOOM !?J -A YOUNO SWEDISH ?I I 'fill to do light liouscwurlc; good city rslcroucu. f<n WEBT HoUBTON ST.. FIRST fLOOK.?LADY vlL'wislios fu in to Paris und return hero, lor care of chlldieu ; uudcrstuuds sewing perfectly. w'^faofrrsT.?X'irouno American uibl to <1u II "hi housdwork in a prii ate tmnily. 217 ?)r," ULi.KCK.Stt ST.?AN AMERICAN LADY. 27 e)?Jr Jyosrs "I age, ns companion io a party going abroad; hits apt>ul a uutuber of yearn in Europe and novel neasiA; weald ko aa piain mailt or take chars* ul ?nc child. An. dress lor one welt. N. A FRENCH' r.AIJY AVOULD I.IKI2 A SITUATION with a family Koine to Europe as lady's maid or to mind children : will come buck with family If wanted; best oily rofcrcuco. Call tor three dan, 417 Utb uv. TVrANTKD?A POSITION BY a MIUIILEADED AND TT reliable American; would do all tbe work for a snmlt fmnlly, oxespt washing. Address Mrs. HKNDKKX, 1 i . Uptown olllce. liKI.P WANTED?KKJIALES. A?to its I'CLASS WANT HO. TO HUCll I.lf.-r ??xcoljent wa :es L'.NlO s 1} \2aK. Al l iltli iv. "I iToon MHO.INK I~XnI> TRIM Mr.It. WASTEliX. A a.m. t K v, \; ?v i .???. \Y tNTBD?BBsPKCTABLE OIKL TO DO GENERAL It housework and washing In a .mall family and sleep at homo. Apply, with roloienc s, at RAN Wont 211th si., ton flat, lea ANTKD-ONE HOOD DKKS.sM AKKIt. WHO CAN make buttonholes; ulso Improvers. 452 4th sr. Wanted -iTusi ?um" shirt ikh.nkr.7 at Union lisuudi y, 4431'th at.; steady work. ilM.N ri.U? FIKHI CLASS DKKSSM aKKRS; T>n17y if sucli n?ed apply : also apprantleot; good sower*. 15 East 1 till it. YV Ul ANTKD-A HERMAN OIKL AS WAl IKKSB ANI> to do flue washing and Ironing. 33 University place. nrANTKD k FRENCH M i;-I WHO i'a.N CUTE IT city reference Ho University place. IITANTKD-A PBOT11.4TANT 01 Kb FOR UBMRRAL It housework; must ho a good cuplc, washer and irouer. No. 12 I'erry *t. VITAM'TRU?Pi KMT CLA^p WAIST A Of 7k I iTf IT makers Call. Mouduy and Tuesday, OclAiru H o'clock A. U.. 331 Ith av rCATIONS WAKTUD-HAbiBB. \ YoU Nli UaN W i.VllK.-> A MIOAIION Aa Fi/lf tor, coachman or footman , Speaks English, French aud O'-riuUu: ttrsl class rcfcrcncu. Address or call at 1110 East 331 h st. A tOUW MAN. ClTitRKSFONDINO i'NOLISH", J V (lermaii and i rouch. wishes a situation. Address It.' F. box "42 Herstd oMn. OKNTLKmXn iTliHIIlBH A SII UATtHN FOR HIS J V wuitermsn (Swlssl 'or tee nunim r. Call S A n t 120th t. Kl'.Sl'EclAftl.K MaRKII.D Man io FAK.K CI1AKOE id house. 4117 West 31st st. U' \irKit.?a u .sri.crAiiLK vouno ? "Lm.. u man as waiter, in a pOvul ? family or buer iln - li Miee : five years' referrnce Iron, lust pleci. Call or address ISAAC R SMITH. I is West 3d st. O I M OT St??A SITUAriON WtNTBII. .i V ak' I young man wlllini; io in .ko Inmiolf use.til; bait of rltjr rclercuoe. Address!'. McijiiOUoll ( liKKKN AN 1) A\LKS.v, . Tl" K\l'Ki;ii'.>C,.o" CA'il'Ki ASH FIRM f I ill. isle sin an wanted at TlloM As m tl HIP / Howery. ItWANTED. A HITl!ATIhn"|IY A YOt'SO M \N ufjli, with loor years' reference. Address AMMONIA, 211 East Mat at. w ANTED?DKr.SS OOOIIS SALESMEN. IIOBIBRY SALKSMKN. JA.ME8 A. HKAKN A EON. 7711 AMI 773 HROAIIWAV TtfANTED?Cbl'.IUC. Willi .--.dsi |> iioo . i l.aT TT in ss; g i .it oosltiou ; security lur m ui'/. dRI.lSLI , bus II 111 raid. lU'AMI.I?-\ Fl i:sr"ci,Xs8 SALI-.S.U A . I '.fit fill. TT tancy goods department EllHlOIlrs'. 'dli av. and J Ith it. \ I' A N r It If?Til IlK '1 ACIIVK F LOO It WALK Kits aT \\ I'.II RICH a*. Stli av. anil 24th st. VVXntbo rKiTXcTi- >.\ lebmXn ?. alX'VF \ lk.T. IT 'nan fur domosilcs, at KKVl.s', . 143 ah I 31,1 Sth av. Apply before 10 t. M. CO Mil.Tl K.N Wit UtllDKVKKN. i' sin atioN Wan i i.ii-hv t fik i ci.tss ciitu J\or.-d riiaebman, single; Is a lirst class driver ami th >r n.irhly nudcraiands the cere ol hnrces and isffttrri; s'.rlctl* temp rate; hevt city reference Address (J., 100 \l .1 31st st. Am YOUNO man WIsllKit A HiTUiTI'IN As CoaCiL nu n or groom; Is willing lo make him ?lf ircnarHIr uvc ul: city r-ferenrq I ruin last plai-e. Call lur two'leys Nil. Ill EMI 33 I St. CVIACilMAN hTtUAtToN wXntEH I'll iIi.-ia.M /man; 12 years' city relerence. Address W. II. W..'2'KI West 'JOtli ?t . New Yurk. ANTKl>?A Bi t ( M AN , NT A TT man that can -rlre 111 years' references Irom I vat em ployers. Address 1", M. I ., car." It. Cnmpliell No M Ith av. HK El* WMTKH-THLEa. \li:W 'i'oon OLII I '"UNTIII MKN Wa Nihil IO rrliiru to f iig.aiul In charge or horses tpply lo J. it, CflAsh. Monday, May 13. from 7 to 10 aM, pier 41 told unmhsn. North itlvcr. IyiiHlhlt W ANTKO. A Y 011 NIT Xi \ V nf .. I I ha'its. willing to work, may address 1,127 Herald ip I- wu olHce. \\ ? i ..I .MAN"iu KKKI'ER , v. i l L tKOi "? TT mended. Apply Monday. 7Hi ay., crner 3Mth St., be? lor ? !? A._M_. _ CHE TBADIK*. I" Al, HI'INNK .S AND rINNhit WANTED?.'.'I' 10 Dunlinin place, liruuklrn. K. D. it ANTED Mils MORN I NO pXi'KK II TT lirlng hiusn. 104 Wust 3JJ st. Ask lor CIlAIII.K.'f ^iiiEW. * ; ANTED a (iO"|i r A IN I Kit AND I' U'EK A.NI...K. ' lu b'-ard with employer. 333 Hudson ?l \ IT A VIED? A Kl KMT CLASS K'HAIHI'.ll KO.'t IT I ri nch and American clocks. Apply cluck store, (i Cortlaudt >t UfANIKD-A T11 olto If <111L V Oh.MPKTI -T MAN To huttle champagne ; must "imlorstand llio blending anil inaeipelatlea ul wince. Adilres* s Ik, box 113 Herald n litre. _ FKI'.Vtll ilDviuTIHEMKIlTN. Ill MaNDE 'l NK IIDNNi. FilAM AlsK, Jhi'StC. srlani blen ?? languw et aachanl bien coudre. n'adres* , 23 Wost 2JI I For Otlivr Wnnt AdirrHirmrnlt Eee Uirrituryi M W OS CimUFfSAHl MT KAMtlHlP^. pknmcai. i ansaplantic coMnSv IT lit i W- I- \ N! W YORK AND tlAVRK. Company' i?i? r "new 42'* North lt<ver, foot ??! Morton st. LAHl UJOlf. hioalior VVediitsmy. May 15. 4 P. M. ?'aN.\H v Kr.'ii -iu-l WeJutsiav, M . 22, IO A. M. ?1* 1 UK, > ?u.?v .. ... \Vodue?>do MrVJD 3 :30 I*. E. PKlCK OF 1'An> UK IN iiUi.1) 0' ludlox wineK ? Tt> Havre?I*t cabin. #100; 2d eubin, $th>; 3? cabin, $35. bluer .i?e. S2t>. including wine. Vddititr tuid utensils. l.KrtUN TiCKtirt Ai REDUCED RATES. Steamer* marked ihu% ?) do out curry ?lecra/o patten Ktrs. L.OUXS I>E KE' lAN, A^ent, 55 Broadway. For freight uu 1 pastaua at PhilaUelona *-?>|?iv ? vLoNZo mioTwell, 2 cm ho*tiiut at. (^CXAKU LINE. - It. A Mi A. R. M. K ?. CO. j NOTICE Will: A > iew to diminish the chances ot collision tho ite mo. & >f this lino tuko u spuertic course lor all seusmi* .'! l a yoar. On tun ( u;wsrd pussaeo from Qucustown lo New York or Boston crosniu.? the ui'-i idiau ot C?U at 43 latitude, or uottiiu- to tit*.- ninth >143. ? mi tho tioniowiiru passage, cmssln.' tho meridian ot 50 at 42 1 allude, or nothing to the uorih of 42. NEW YORK. LIVERPOOL N D OCEKN8TOWN. BOTH SI i....Wud, May 151 Ml' -i v Ve?L, Ms; 29 ALGERIA....Wed., May 22 | St' YTillA.... Wed., June 5 Ca.'iii puseng ? and return tickets ou favorable teriua. Steerage tickets to nnd from all parts of Europe a ve y low rules I'rchbt ami paftaagu office, No. 4 Bowling; Green. CifAKLK* G FRANCE l.VN, Ay eat Ha Miillhi-A M i tic AN PA (* ii K |T(TTFanY'S hl.Nli for Plymouth C erbimrg and haniburg. CKi'LLtil .Thurxt'y, May 1** | IIKHOhR Thursday, May 3d 1 Kl.*fA. Thursday ay 23 | lESSINO, TUursda), Juno 6 Lutes oi nassume 11? Plymouth. London, Cherbourg, Lam burg and all points In England: First cabin, $100, gold : second cubm .$?*>. go.d; sic race. ? ??, curioncy. kUMl HLfTACO., C. B. RICHARD A BOAS. General A cti'.i. Ueuorul Passenger Agents, 01 Broad St., New York. 61 Broadway, Now York. IN MAN i. IN e. iIuYaL M uL M'LAM Kits!" I b\>ii OI KKNsTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. CII'Y OF Kit .IMoNO Saturday, May 1H, at 3 P. M. Cli Y OF ClIESl Fit Thursday, M ry 2 3. at !?? A. M. CI . Y OF MONTREAL 'JhursJay, Muy 80, at 3 P. M. From pier 15 Norili Fiver. Cabin, $S<l and gotd. Hoturu tickets on favorabio term#. Mverugp, $2s, "currency. DruU at lowest rates, haioous, state rooms, .smoking on i b ? i ti rooms*. J 'UN G. DALE. Aatut, 31 and 33 Broadway, Now York, Philadelphia oilicc. Id > 6 utir 4th >t. \ M HIC IN LINK f'Oli LIVkJpOUL. /V I he only iraua uliuitiu lioe ailing under tho America ! llu;- Sitil.n every TdurhUay from Philadelphia. PENNSYLVANIA sails Thurviuy, hay 1U. y A. M, Iti*. I> Si A LINK F? >It aNTVVKUP, carrying tuc BoI . iuii and United States muiU.sailing semi* ino.itniy trom i'ltiladchdiiu and ? w York. JAVA ?a.U 'Ihursditv. Muv 23, B A. H. For rates oi puatuuc and otiivr information applv to PKTlilt WltiGH l .V SONS, Goner.d Aleuts, 80'. Walnut st , Philadelphia; 52 Hroarlw. y, New York. JOHN M< OONALO, A ? it, B Battery place. New York* \ NCllOU KI N kT n IiklT s r v ikS^i.vik G KA m K its"! A NEW Y UK AND GLASGOW. A N OH OUT A. May is. 6 A. M. I ETHIOPIA .June 1. 5 A. M. 0 ALlFOItN I A. v ty 25,noon. I BOLIVIA..J um* S. 11 A. >1. Ni \V Y HtK IO i.O.Nkh.N 1 'I it EC I. UTOPIA .M iv 15.3 P. M. I at -Tit vLl A. nay 22.H?A.M. Cabin. u? irSO. Excursio i tickets at reduced rates. i .muv! Cabin, $40. Btvoraise. t2S. Company's ulvre. N ?? 20 and 21 North Itiver, New York. ENIU' HON BKOS Auents. 7 B--wi?ii? Green Mi I UlltltCT kNO KCONOMl 1L KOUTE TO IIOL* laud. Belgium, the Uliiue. Swiueriaud. At*., Ac., via Rotterdam. Clio ipest route to Paris. Steamer M lioLTKN ? May 15 Steauier M AAJi Muv 25 These b? autijul tu nnors. earrying: the United States mail to the Netherlands, are ureal favorites with tho public. i rins regular, rates low, comfort and living perfect. For froUut. For passu^*, FUNClI. EDY'OA CO., L. vV. MORltlS, 27 South William at. fAl Broadway* (Morris' Kurp;.*?tn and American Express.) C?TATE LINE.?TO GLASGOW, LlVEUPOoK. DUBLIN O BELFAST. LO.< DoKlJBltKY aNO THo PAKIS EXPOSITION, buliiug ironi pier 42 Nortli Itiver, foot of Canal st, STATE OF NEVADA rhursduy, May 23 STATE OF VIRGINIA.., Thursday. May 30 STATE OF I A L> L A N A Thursday. J it tie 6 First cabin, $<?d to #75, according to mcc mmodatioiiu. Return ticket-, at reduced rates. Second cabin,$45. Steer age at lowest rates Apply to AUSTi N It aL" W l> A Cfk, Acents, 72 Broadway. STEER rOE TICKETS A i' 45 HKOaDW\Y AND AT THE COMPANY'S I'iEU. FOOl OF CANAL HT., N. Y. (M ION LINK i NIT l> STATES RAIL STEAMERS \JT for Qnoenstown and Liverpool. leaving plor new AS North lliver, foot oi Kiu^ St., everv Tuts lay. WYOMING.MityH.aP. I JWON l'AN'A...May 88, 8 P. M. lU AliO Mny-Jl. 1) A. >1. | \VISCONMN.Junu 4, 8 A. M. ('abin ptumagu, i1 i >. ?7'i itiul nccordiui; to lot'iiuou. SmokiiiiC. liittli ro'itn. on<l piono on uach .touiuur. luiormoiliuto, |>K?. .tn-rngi'. $80. WILLI \MS A iiU10N,2? IlroailwHy. \17ILHt*N liiSS TO itlUilTAMPlON ANU ItULL, il nulling irum Knglo plor, llul.oki'U. uatolluw,:? O ? lit-. LI.O May 8.1 , LKPa VFu Juno 88 HINDOO Juno M|>OUKENTO July (i l'lr?t cubiu. $5D. curroncy. !? xuurklnn tiekata on verv favombla t?rin?. Apply, lor full p.rliculara, to UI1AH1.LS L. V. KHJUT A CO.. mi SoutIi -t No it Fu ?; ikman' lloYd Stcnmalilp I.lnc, b.tween New York, Soutlinmnton, Loudon, iiuvre unil llruinou. NEcKAit. . May is | MOShL Sut.. J ino I llollL.iZoLLKL.buiMiij2.1 [ Oi>KU sat , Juno H ICat. . ut ;ui?ai.-u from Naur York to Soatbuuiptou, Lan don. tlurru umi llrrnion First cabin. #HiO, cold : aacood cuoln, $?><>, gold; ateorage, fU ), ourrcnoy. I.eturn tickets it; rouueca rules. Prepaid steoriigo cortlllcstas. $8<i, cur:obey. For ircigUt or paa.utrc apply to OKLItli'iiS A CO . 8 Howling Green. WlilTK STAR LINK, TV Uuitad Slab's and Koyul Mall steamers, tor (Jueenetowu ami Liverpool. NOTICE.?The s??uinor? of this line take the lane route* reootnmcn led hr Lieutenant Maury, U. H N., on hotli the out want and homeward pwaeu, ?a H iLI 10 Thuradav, May 1?. I P. M. ADRIATIC Saturday, May lib, noou. BhlTAMMO Saturday, Juno 1,41*. M. I' rum White Star dock, pier S'J North hirer. Rut a sal. on, T-sy and flDO. In gold. Return tickets ou reasonable terms steerage, ?118. currency. Saloons, stutcrontu*, smoking and bathroom* are placed amidships. w here tile nuLo anil uiotion are least, ullordiiig a negro" of comfort hitherto unattainable at tea. Kor Inspection of plana un.I other iiilortuatlou apply at the couipauy'a olhoi),J7 Uruadtvay, New York. It. J. 00RT18, Agent. C1IIK.VI WESTERN HTKAMsllII* LINK. r.NMV Tt? HRIsTOL (ENGLAND) DIRECT. i uking tioodv and paaaelibera tor Loudon. Cat dilf. New* port, Uloucu-ler aui! all port i In ItrltLh Channel, from pier in i i>?. Illvor, us followet? COKNWALI May J1 sOMKllHKT lime 1 Cxhlh passage, $oO, f6h, ?7U. l'rcpatd Steerage eertlft* eaten, f -M l.eturn tickete at fav irable ratve. Kor Irelgbt orpmaapo apply to W. I>. Hth.llAN, Agenk. 7n South ,?t. I > \ Kid KXiOSITION \ND?CON flNKNl'AL TOLLS. I Personally co i lncteii parties and special excursion* to Kurie Kxporitiuu. Juii" 11..July I and July _ 11. fall or moid lor Anterlcaii and Kuropoaii lictioral Tuurlpt I icket "tiles a71 Broadway, coruer ol Chamber* at. f.i.Vh A AI.Ul.N, Malingers. Kxcuisluus to a I intui tu r ru ort <? J>AS:-KNUI'.lt8 KOIt EUROPE WHO LAND AT Queenatown and v. I?h Kxcui elou or Tour I it 'I Icket a round to l.indon and K irla. emoraclUv Klllurney, vilant'ai suae way. Scutch lakes, English lik-a, Ac., run only procure tneiii in Duerlca it reduced ratee; thuy aro not ho.u In Ire. laud elcept at regular farea. t o k'? tu kola do nut limit their holder, in time, are any Jay and on any train, allow na lunch time aa you alah mi l arc II'> per .out cheaper than regular tlcketa; uy tour ouu bo ar,auged. LOOK, SON A JENKINS. ?Jot liroadwny. New Y'ork. COASI'WIHK KTMAillNIIII'S. \ TLAS MAIL LINK. iYOK WErtl INDIES AND SOUTH AMERICA. Regular bl-inonlhl ? sailings tr. m plor .11 North Itivcr at foiiowa Kor K1 NtlS fO.N, J a., and llAVTI E 1 s A May I'M ATLAS June J lor MAY I I. COLOMBIA, I ? I M M ? * OK IMN.v Ml ml SOI I'll PACIKIO PORTS (via Aeplnwalli:? Cl.alildKI.. Mav 16 i A TIM May JH l ira! cl-ia* built iron atcaiuvra, Suparlor lirat clane pa, uttger aec*iinuie inMons. J'lM. KOKWooD A CO., Ocneral \ <nt?. No. D<! W ill at. I/O It VERA CRI 1 #7'i KOU KlItST CLa.Sh PahHAGK f p, r nl-' in aulp saKaToUA. MaY to, connecting al Ha vana a ith royal mail steamer. james i.. ward a co.. iiu >i'?n ?i. VKW YORK \ ao CI !? \ Mail H. M. LINE IMA I\ ii a Van i D: ru.' r Mac nl He em accommo'Etinu fir passengers Sal I In - I IIU Its i'A VS. 'roiu pier 17 Kaal Itlver, it 8 I*. M. KAIt ir O A <B"W|. U.JH ' ton*, uiidberg. I liurula; . May 111 NIA'IAKA new), "J.g'J5 tone, Curtli.. Saturday, Mn , 2fi Ill-.DLCKD ItAlhe ol pal up* for V KKA OKI /. hiiJ WEST INDIA ISLANDS. by through tlcketa via English and Kranch steamship lltifa Irom Havana. James k ward a oo.. iis tvaii m. UAl.lKAA, s. s.. AMI M JollNs. n k. PKiikW I.L LINK. Sieauiahlp CORTES aill leave nier 10 North itlver. 3 I'. M I una lay. May Ml. I or Height oi pa.aa.e apply to CLARK A SEAMAN. >tl Weal at. I/LOKIKA MRKUT. HI I AM ERA I.KAVli IMEIt I Kail River evvi V Eridsy at i I*. M.. for Eeriiandlne, Kit toachlu'. at Hint aenk and I'ort ItoVnl Steamer flit OK OAl.LAu, faplalil lliuea, will aall Mat 17. I hruu. b InHg i anil pe*ntee rale, riven t. all n.iinia In the oitl. .ml > '.lihweat liv f. II, MAl.L'iRY A fO . A enla, odic ? pier dU K xt River, or COOK, SON A JEN K I >k. J<ll lli'iadway. HEItVII DV, I'l IVTO RICO. ST. T MO MAS. A. I.; LA 1>(|I AYitA, Kl KRI'O ( vllELLo, VK.Nh/. ELA. with L"iineetlotia to all pmte ol '.i - f INDIi S .rod Kill fit A M ERIC A. ? The t/iu bee anil Uu'l I'orlt SS. f o.'a I due a ill I, nn jeriiot d . I ??It Ml',It M 1 fix. s> I#f.N MI. AI'E, Mi. |> f..r JoiiN - | u i I'D" IK on h owardaot 8f. THOMAS. liOJCAVHA nd Kl Kit I" OA I'M LISl. su. H MiJI, wat is K r deeeriptivn pamphlets, . Iglil and pan ? .a. <pp J to A h. o I i .Hit lit Mir. A OtI . A .cntt. "JO U oadway. f. O. If . ??ARM I NDIA, 'J > llrna Iway. o. I.KV .. a7t lirnadw >y P At.lKlf M .11. HIEAMhIIII' OoMI'ANY'S LINK. Kor OA LI I'D KM A. JAI'A.N. CHINA fl.NTEAl. ami SOUTH* SAnDWH II I I. NDS NEW I. A land, alstmiali t. hkiush ? oLUMUi\, Wash IStl foN I KKItlTo .V and OEKOUN Ac., sailing from pier loot ol Canal at , Noith lit* r, Eur S VN rilEM l.ifU, via l.-TIIMUrt OK PANAMA: Hieameh p fI'LoN Monday. May 20 (i.onni-enng for Central and -until Atneriea Err nil SAN K A.<ClSfOt< J A K AN and *. 111 N \ 1 Stcain-hip i 111 N A I'm ? I ty. J uni 4 Steau.e Hp < IT\ <*K I'KKI.SU Mon lay. Julv I Oleainahlp I M TV oKlOKIO Thurnay Intuit 1 from SAN I RANI I'd to SEND\VIt il I LANDS. Al SI I.Al.lA and NEW ZEALAND:? Meatnahlp CITY <*E hYDNKY Monday. May Id Kor fr> Iglit or pateage applr at the coupany'a oflc", 0 Howling <1 i-en. New York. s iY'ANNAII, I LOKIDA. II LIVINOSTON, from pier I'l I . II, W'c ItiaMay, May 13 VITY UK MACOJl Irom pier 4J N.K.. Saturday. May IS OI.ORI.E Y'lNtJf, Agent Saturday etna<nar, h" Hroadw if. M ' Kit AY, KERIHS A ' O . A,eni* VVeilnceday ateatnar, f'J Honth it. 0. I> OWENS. t.EORliE VllNlll., Agent A. All. It. It , Jl"> It'WAy. Aguut O. It. K.. 4".l ll'way. M ? K<;AN'rt MNi. r?> NkW QHLKAN* AND IF>XA? - Ihu R'.omucr NKW YOlIK will from pier .>?? North on .H.itur'lftv, Siftjr It, f??r N??tv <'rio%n- ?ln? t, traw i f*.*rrli?^4. foxtt* ther? to Moroni's laoni?iHtm hiuI f??T t< I ToXji? ItJttlroH'l irnu * t stmihlp^. Throtiitl) hilts Of Kiiriieh to nil Icsrh M<mporit ntiil mtlr ifttl KtHtlan*-, MfoWttt* villo, Mut'iitt <?i??i rM MifitUBlppi l.lvrr poi'>t-?* liiJMirvnco v>m h?* ?if#ctf?1 nn< I of opwi poiiejf of tlio line, to ^ow Uf Iohiih. i??r cunt: t" i?xn^ n *rt*. J4 m i otfiit. For freight unit other Itiformttloti npply t ? HUUKItf X MHu.iAN, Airenl*. ?ifhre i?4?r !t?t /iotth hieof. N* \ js \r, s !? . -1 i s ;<> \> ii ? ii. v i ; titip, l ull i.? 8t0am-l??p -t \ N .1 \?*f M TtUnitir lnj. >1 s\ II, Hi :? P. .H. y.litJtAY, Fi.HUIh * CU..UJ rtvutli ft. UlillTWIfl! aTBA.nump*. n \fl-:\V VKUh A*l> HAVANA DIRK. I NAlft'Wt il I brae brat data alcatosklba will tall all! J*. M.IroA pic III Virtu Knar, taut of Cedar at., tur Havana direct, ??* folia v* coi.l'lit's Wednesday. Miy 23 WMlA'HI Uh CUBA* .Saturday. Jutiu 1 for Irjiiilit and pa??.i^i;, Laviu," iiua.irpuieod aceuuiuiO" dutlour, apuir to WidLIo.VI r CLYDE A CO.. So. <1 Bowline' Oreen. McKLLEAU, LUUSG i CD . Atlanta ic Havana. Texas lineko7; a l v k.std .s, ioi chinu a? Kay Writ.?Steamer ItlO DrtANDE, Captain Hilgvr, will sail Saturday. May lit. at 3 I*. M., lr.uo pier 2D hnat Kivor. Ylir<iuj;li rata* ul frel(ut au<t Uilli of ladiuir ilrea over all railroad* in tliu state. For freikhl aul paammJ (liaviii i super or accommodations) apply to C. II. MAD* l.OKt A Ct l.. office blur 2D L..?t tit or, or CUUlt, SUM It JK.NKHfs.aHl Broadway. 1_ N' V., HAVANA VM> MEXICAN MAIL S 8. LINE.-* ? Steamers lent .* truiu pier 3 N It., at 3 P. M. KOit Havana and vera cruz. ml'In at l'rn.iraao, Caiup achy, Frontera. CITY Or V KA Hit 17, Tuoi.iay, May 11 CITY "i WASH I MM O.N I Havana on'.yl.TUured >y. May IPX i ITT OK MEXICO ...Saturday. Junu 1. Steamers lu re New Orleans May 15 and Juue 9 lor Vora Crua. via '? it .moms Ta.tplco. Tuxpen, makiug close Ovu necti o Willi steamers tor ilavuua. New Yore and all lu* aliovo port.. K. ALEXANDRE A SONS, 31 und 33 Broadway. N" ' EW~7>RLEAn" UI KKc'F.-THE" CROMWELL LIN'S,hip KN It'KKKUOCKKIt, Saturday, May 18, 3 1*. M.. pier <? No. tU Itiver. ' I nrouitb till - I.f ludinie alien to Mobile and principal point, oa the >1 lv?i.I.;;.pi Itiver. For Iroljjtit or passage ap? plvtuCLvUK A -EaM AN. 86 West ?L U nit. u -r'lii'J.i i7T:7tAZiL maie steamship LINK?Kor Hi . do Jauriro, t?uuiiing a: St. Thomas, Para. Poruauinuco an I llubia. to laud malls and paaarii* tje.??I lie new first clas* iron nleauisliip CITY OP PARA i.'i.OJO tint wl.i t tll lor ill.- above porta u Tlicr,day, Juno H. at uoou. Freight at low rales taken for tlie abovu porta, l ieum rucvivod at all tlinea ut Koberta' dock, Brooklyn. Per fteiirlit eiinaifiniouts or paasauo tbariuM enuuut accommodations) upplr to C. II, llALLOKY m CO., A . out*. olMi-o pier 20 Ka.-t Kivor. TliAVKLLlClU' UllUE. v LUANY BOATS DlIU.OT.-M TrOiIA^SMBXPItEsf J\ Line. ? Kletiaut steamers WALTER BKETI or N'EtT CHAMPION will loavo dully (Saturdays excepted) lor Albany, from Canal at.. Norm Itiver. flret dock above l'oople'i Line, nt *11*. U . couneeiiiii; wltb train* North and W'at r are (.lock). 25c.; cabin fare, 50c.; weals, SOo. Freight taken lower than by oilier linos. A. P. BLACK. Superintendent. LUaNY~liOAT. " A1 Pare ro.lucou via PEOPLE'S LINE. $1, first clus*. Dock,25 ecuta. 50. Ileirant iteauier* UHI-.W or ST JOHN leave pier 41 Nurtb Kivor dully, except Suuduya, at U 1*. M . eou noting at Albany witli express train, for SAKATOOA. L .Kll UEOItOK. LAKE CHAM PLAIN, Hie A 1)1 RON. DA. K ', MON'I'ltK W. ai d all poiuta NOIti II AND WEST. Tickets tur sale ..t principal l.utcla and all of Westeolt Ex prota office* Ih Nov. York and Brooklyn. Brooklyn paiaea ircra trai^icrrod Ire by '? Annex" bouts. A LB AN V AN.) TK..V ,1 N i ?.\ V K. V I. N IN.. ID i \T. ? J1.sure connections with morning train* for all polntu Noklli, Eiia'. ami Weak spleucid at. a.nor Saru'oga, troru pier in Norili Ktrer. tool l.uroy at., at tl P. M. Staterouine only $1. bertha 25c.; D at claaa fare 00c., deck IDc. B."~T(7n"FriTliT" Kr.IH'CKL) VIA kTlL KIVKH Line: iilto !><>aton; exeiir.lon tick, ta, $5; magnlllceiit euauiera HKI8TOL in i PitoVIUENCE leave plor 2)1 ^orlb Itiver d illy .Sun laya J nun 23 to September Si, at 5 P. M. ; lull ui.'hi'a real; tlvo niornlu^ train* front 1 all to Boatou. Ticketa lor aalo at all prluelp..l ticket ulll'.e* Brooklyn paaueneen tranafarred free by "Ann. x" bi at% Icaviinr loot of Kultou at. ai 4;3D P. M. l>OAT COll CAIKKll.l.. STUYVESANT AND INTER. jAme ilatu laudlii.-a will leave pier 34, liarriaou at.. North Itiver. daily, Sundaye ekceptud, at *> IV M. "L30K NoilWll.K AND DaNBIRY DAILY. " J? Steamer AMElUCC- leave* Brooulvu (Juwell'k Dock) 2 :3D P M. . I'ler No. 37 Kaal Itiver, 2 :45 P. M. aud 33d aL, 3 1*. .M., coiiiicctlnir Willi O.iubury and Now Haven Hall rou'la. Ited.iced tare, 35 ceuia. EXCCKSlDN TICKETS. 3D CENTS LONU BRANCH AND PHILADELPHIA via New Jersey southern Railroad, commencing May 13. 187S. bteauiers will leave New York. 1'ier M .North River (loot Rector >t.), connect lng lit Sandy llo. k with iruinetor Long Brunch, B:JO A. k.,1.4. und li I*. M. Ki ll Hunk unci River, Sf::in M., 1 and 4 P SI. Cttdur Creek und Warelown. 0:30 A. it. und 4 1'. SI. ltarnegui und fuckertoii, 4 I'. M Yiiieland. Bridgetown und Atluntic (My, 1 P. XL Philadelphia und Pi'iubertoii. 1 ami I I' M. Sunday*, for Loag Bruueii. l':3n A. M. \VM. S. SNKIIKY tloucriii -Manager Kit tlUNDRBD AND FIFTY BLLHS FOB lO CKNTU 0 iiUeri'* lino Troy boutii.?Now pulac^ itramurs Oil/ OF Th'OY and SAHaTOOA leuvo piur 4l> North Kivor, l?x?t Loroy st., daily, except Saturday, at ?> I*. M. Sura counuo tiouD with morning trama for nil point* North, Litat and Went. .Stato rooms oulv $1 ; berth*. 25cj.; tirnt cl?i*? turo, fate. Statu roointi and through lit kots at Uudd'a hxpresa, 944 iir-'ttdv. a\. Sou York; i ?Jourt ib? Brtfoklyo, rpilh OHfiAT PKUVIUBMCB LINK TO BOITOB, X via Fruvidonee direct. A rULL NIGHT'S ICiinT. ONLY iJ MILKS OF KAlU The tuTorito p ?lace utoatni r* MaS.Sal'IIUSETTS unl BllOOb LSLvND, ir>?m |>i**r 2t>, North Itivor, at 5 F. M. TilK OLD, KhLIABLL STuNJNOTON LINK, fur all points Kant, from pier ntt North llivor, loot of J ay St., at C* 1*. M. T ie stkamkk V. r. sciii uz TTkvves foot Krapkiin at. oaily. except Sundays, for I ui?Iowo.mI, Yuukers. Iladin^t, Ava- k, S!d? ?ml lUvfratmw at 8 o'clock A. M. FAttUHlOilS. rppp OO KRR K 0 o li R ? o o It U IFF O O KRR r o o K It F o u It K V OO U B II It OO .. II HO O \ 1! H O 0 Vt mum o o h n o o v n u o o 1 H b OO <$> RUH 00 CO K K A W V W A * 1 11 RO OO CK Kt AA W W W AA T T K BO <><) KK A A WWW A A Y ?? KRR <? <>0 KK A A WWW A A YY H BO OC K K AAA W VV AAA Y II K?? OC OK K A AW W A A If ft U 00 00 ft ft A A V V A AT LOXO ISLA D RAILROAD. SUNDAY, Buy 12, li uml 11 :io V V.. 1 :*i r. M., from Long Iniuud City (Thirty-fourth street terry), Rutin wick uml ??.. toiner Atluntic ?v? Bioklvn. Returning. leaving Hoauli. 8i80, 4:30 und Mini I'. M. Round trip, 60 cents. Tim i. ?'> minuet S. SPKNCLK, Oenerul Stir.eriiiliitideal, .1. ( IllTTK MH.N. I.euoral Pueeddue) A..'.ut. A. ?OA LA DAY ON TIIK HUDSON. tlril Kxcureion In and Int.- mediuto Points, SUNDAY, M \Y 13, Is7?. 'the mammoth Kxcnrelwi Steamer COLUMBIA will mul.o lior virgin trip ? il till* ?? .aeon on sUNDaY, B AY 13, no the Rhine of America, leaving Jdwall'a Duck. Brooklyn A. M. Wot loth at., N, rtli llivor 2:-0 A. M. Wot Jim ut.. North liter 3:43 A. IL Liudlnc at YONKSIiS. WLHM'OWT, CORNWALL and MKWUUUa Ml'SIO llY COKTPRNO'H-CELEBRATED TWENTY till Hit ItL.IMKN I BARD. PAKE. KOK Till'. KMT HE 1 XCLK-InN. 60 CENTS. HiTre.hmeiite :uriil?'iod on linuril. \- Pi J It KOCKAW AY HKaI'HI . OPi.MNt' Ol IT1U .SKA SOB, SUNDAY, MAY 12, 1 -7s. TIIK POPULAR TKaMKK ABKftlOtTS will leal ,111 SI NiiaY. May 12 (wentlnir [lernilitliti;) 34th t.. Nor..i River ..B SUA. B. uml 1:3U I* ft Vtutt lUih >h. North Klver...... s At A. VI niil I in P vt. lirnii i >1.. l.u>' Rieor ' 1 "? A. M. uml 2:iei P M. Jewell'a deck, lliooulyn H n ?. M *ud2:l6 P M. Ha.vD OP MUsIU YND KP.I HI SIIMK vTs u.N UU tRtX I it: Uuckui .it at 11 A M. uml ?? I*. M. PARK YOB Mil. KNTIIti: KXCUHSloN. fui CENTS. ?St M.AV KXCUtlSlUNH?TK tMKlts iiAKLKM .uml M' i Kill -i A AI i will make the reKUlur Su..lay nip) May I'.'lo YMOrla. Ilnrluni ami Mnrrltanla. landiiiK a( Oran1' ?t., (ireciipolnt. foot ?l voble it., and 11'Jth ah each way ami ennnci't with hu*l* I n lluh liildge. I.u?vc PC TON MARKET SI.IP ut lu, U A. M.i 1,2:15, 3:l.'i. 4:?(>,0 n 1 ' 15 >' M Leave B0RK1S i NIA utT;.W,U;30: 11:15 A. B.: 12 3u, 2.2 0, 3 and H 13 r M. Puro mi Sun Uy> 10 cento. 0. II. LOMOSTRBBT, Hnperlutocdnnt. A -YOB Bxc"/ttnToNS, liTEABKlTJ,~U."St7ST:YI.KB ? mi,I Aral rim liarge*. Buyulon H uh. Occi dental, rileiiwood uud olner favorite ,ruvc?. MAI.II.> A EAsKKLLe H.'Suutb it. Open Snndaya A lill. PR'iPP.LIOR IpTVKRNOR'S I.-iLaND .I..V- the I 'net mil lion** pier, at the Rail rj. n ry eveii iiuar dally tor (hwirrudl loland; muvlc by tlie und in if,' altemonii. Inliowud by lr??- parade. \JidtiKI.Y.V RaIII AND CORKY ISlXnO KAtlv Dr .a-L?On and a'l. r May 12, IS7s, Maine will leave Ururc*?d d-i'Ot nicer Cireeirv,....! Ctm-tery main en trunce) ut <1 ? ?". 7:4l?. S:?0, UlSIO. I<? lu. il. II t? A. B ; 12:3 . I;! I. 2.2 ti, I: HI. I I I'i <1: In, 7 13 OM " P. M l.etn/niim I' u> - (' nev let and 7 t-> s ti t?5PV. IU * 1.1, IMP. II ViA.M I "I i. I 2 I,'J At, 2 .30, 3 :S >, 4 Jli, .< (03, At, il 713 and 7 .2 ? P. vl Euenr di :i lickeiu. I i ? art elreeteuru. Ilrm.klya. -in* ct to depnt. O. A. Ot'NTllKIt, lien..ia) Manau'ir. 1/XUl RMo.N IIIIATH A Nil liltOVKS. ? aTKAMEKS l u .a i nil SedgYkli'li ai ? I Cft u.ri'vi Ualeduuiu. Its puhih ami Am a Kwtldernrk Oriuii I, Kvilluu Hi.?<;S, Colli Sprlin t.inu leiuiiil aud C# umbia i?r.i,du. R S. BRliiUS, :ih! W. -t it. <?!??? -ait? CUrl wplier etieet furiy. VALI.kY AM) e|| Alit IN' iRT LbK. PLEASANT r tide ?? lli'Ul le iv" I in il it. A. M 3 and 5 13 ?' >1 Umilnj tu mlnutut later at 24tb ?t. ROUND Tltll'. 3.1 I I.AfS. ' I/OK I X' P i.-lON-s -TIP. LAIDIK.' PI RSI CLASS i I ut * vmi r Lnn Mran Ti. which live been I a r r-1 - 'i <?.? with pew b.iliyra, and ntlierwii iMch iMprofdd, Aled. elrleily I 11 ret elde* Lrovee and liirc.e. Willi Ileal) ?! a I kiade. W Ilk uiuiiy tear. ? ii-efiewr and Improvii.! lacllitiee I eud 1 a ,)df? cniiipidte eatlrt icilon at radueeil rate*. J. M V Kits, eiimer Morton add Wueteta CI. NI?aV* I RAINS TO LONO BKANCII." " j o Siiaddv. May I'i, UP. I tiremer CRYSTAL R A VP. will leave pidr H Nnrib rtl?"l I (l.idi llecior el.l 1? . "I A. .tl.; arrive Lome llrancli II :IHe* I turn lug leave Lung Branch > P M.. arrive tew V?. k It v i. W S. SNKUKN. Oenerul Mki.aper. ' t?i N u v V EX"o"uRs!oNS~ TO IIARLEB AND ASIC, jjr i The Itarieinan l N"v York Navigation Compact/ in -.he tli" tolluwluk -iin.ay tr p.. lendiiiu at lllh ik, A* i> rla l2<Rh ?t. each way and r uin cl with Mich Bridge LEAVE PECK SLIP -1(2:30, It DU A. B.; 1 Jo. 2:43, i II l.i R and 7 3D P. B, I P. a VK l ilU.KM-M. in, 11 Ml A. M.; I, 2 On, 4, i ,*> and ?:?'*> P M Pure 10 cent) no Nnn lav. \V WITWERWaE, Nnperintendenl SI AKIN KXCUlimORiC SIKAMBOATs. PROPBL ,er). Tuge and It ir,-> ? ai* .y> on baud to (harler ut rea to i title retee Route ami adeem rood ittonr eutinrhrr t<> any III tlie> T? ? inhoal- lot email pariii" a )p . idlty. Papular greV ') on Hii'teoli Hirer, l.oag leiuml end Stated lilwid eouiida Tor mil pentddlare ai>:?ly at . lb ?. pn r M North Itiwr. hetaoeu Corlluuitt and Duy eta op. n Hun day Iruni 12 to 3. _ _ _ , iuuicAJa t ft SMI III MlCALL IN 'PERSON O.N SUPER u\ tlntrmleiii I > hav? r.-.m -i c mpllu i with. I) M iM M II. WHITEHEAD?AI'Vfl p. PKKK 313 Keet 4-ith ?t.. n?dr 3d ay. its,"LYONS?REMOVED TO l?/7 Wk-I 21 SI ST. RA. EURRN. tnad??MM. ? U' ' " '1 KMt 1Mb Mm ???? *?