Newspaper Page Text
_ ^NITVATIO^I* watTy.i^rwwAiiKii. ' nokk. ?Vi: A A CLINTON PLACE. ?ENGLISH COOK; BOARD ^ i ing house prelerred; willlug aud obliging. Call two lay a. MWKRT 24TII ST. AS IT ST CLASS COOK IN A private rurally . city or euuulry ; b> st reference. Call lor throe days from Sunday. lli'J WEST 45TH vr.. NEAR ?TH A v.?A KIItST ?Lt'Oclase English family cook, lately from London; city or country. Can lie ?een, witli reference. "I SO WERT 28TH ST,, Pi Rr T FLOOR. FRONT.-RR AcJOspeclable woman as eook ami laundress or to go oat t>y the day ; cnod cltv relerence. ____ 1 f'fl it EST 320 ST.-AS GOOD COOK; WOULD AS J Vy'ralat In waalilnr ami ironing; no objection w to a thort distance to tlie eouutry; i e?t relerrn e. O'Vl WEST 36111 ST.?RESPECTABLE"GIRL TO ad'Tcook, waali and Iron; willing aud obliging; city ref erence. Call two days Of I r. BaST 28? H ?T?a respectable young OUtJeDinan aa uood rook; no objection in do plain wash ing II required ; beat eity relerencea. Call fur two dava ?J9 -"7TH AV.-KIRST CL ts8 C<JoK~, THOR Oaj'Jongtily understands her bualnree; all ktnda of nieata. soups, made up dialiea; larur or email establish nient; go by the day : can k? home nights: reference. ?J97 K A ST ?jfi sr.-a KB-l'i'cotablb" Xmeri Oii I can woman ae good cook, waaher aud troner; good relerence A OC WEST 3HTH hT., l INO THIRD IIKLL -A TrOOyoumr married woniun aud her little girl, lour yeare old. aa good plain cook or laundreea 1 clt ore nntry; uood references from last place; no oarda anewered /I r.'J 4TH AV.-A.N AMERICAN OI L. GOOD PLAIN TtJOcook, washor aud ironer, to do honeework; city or ?ountry: relerence. ? (IIIO WEST 46TH Br.?AS PIKST CLASS CO0K1 yJtUcity or country: botel or boarding bouse ; good reler ance. Can be seen Sunday or Monday. bill IOTiFaV.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN WuULD U'T^liko three or four days work a weok iu a geulle man's family or first class boarding bouse; good cooV and all other work ; no washing. Call or nddreas Miss M. M.i 779 MADISON AV. (PRESENT EMPuYKk'SI.?A * I ?iyonng woman aa first class cook; willing to assist with washing. Call two days. PROTESTANT WOM AN~WaNT3 A SITUATION TO Cook, wash and Iron ; also her daughter (14) to make herself useful; country preferred. Address 8. MILLEIt, Jersey City Post office. 8 PRACTICAL COOK FOU A COUNTRY HOTEL; first class relerencos Apply or address COOK, Ul 5th ae,, New York. Chnn.herinnlds. die. A U EAST 9T11 ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).?A TrOroapoctablo girl to do chamberwork and waiting; tour years' reference. cVT bAtTr auTH st.?a good girl ah chamber yJUmald or waitress; six years' reference from lust em ployer. 7J~ WEST 3SD ST.,4KCOND KLOOiTTpRKSENT I Ttemployer's).?A respectable young girl as chamber main and to take care* of children; willing to go to the country. II (4" WEST 46TI1 ~RT.?AS FIRST CLASH CHAMBER X L'f inaiit aud waitress; city or country; excellent city references. 19c WEST 30TH 8T.-A NEAT. SMART YOUNG _?Jglrl as chamhermuld and waitress; would assist with III I washing and ironing or do housework In a small faintly; bvst city references irom last place. Call Monday, or ad frets. 243, 1 7/t NORTH 4TH ST., BROOKLYN. E. D.?A YOUNG X I V/G<\rraaii girl as chambermaid and waltrese; city or country. Addrr-s M. L. II. 7TH ~AV.. BE TWEEN 231) AND 24TH 8T8 *-A rrespoctahlo girl to do chainherwork and waiting or general boiiacwurk in a private family ; good oity referenoe. Call Monday. WES T no ST.-COLORE I) GIRL AR CI1AM bei maid: willing and obliging. 4 1.- WEST 718 T ST. I PRESENT EMPLOYE, ;>'*) ?A XT'/i oung girl to do chamberwork or take care of ofiil Iren; willing and obliging. Call Monday. F?FORc.E.NWlCIl ST. AS CHAMBERMAID AND t/i/'Jivaltress In a private family; willing to work; no ob lection to the conutry. Call for two days. 7 J~9 3D A V.?A PRO f E.8T ANT GIKLTsCIIaM I t?/berinaid and to do fine washing or plain sewing; best city reference. As CHAMBERMAID AND WAITRESS; WILL A8HIST wlib washing and Ironing; countnr 'prelerred: good ountry relerence. Addrese T., box 154 Herald Uptown A > AMERICAN GIRL WISHES A POSITION AS tXchsmhermald In a hotel; city or country. Addreis a. C., Herald office. OrmimiiKfri and Sritiniitr?Mrii. fij. WBnT I7TU ST.-A KIKST CLASH MODISTE UTraakei beautiful suita out nl Hi yards of goods, or could go out to cut and bantu and Bnlali "the work at homo; ?ut ol raaliion or misfitted altered equal to new; wedding ronsseaiix a specially. Call ana eee specimen. X 2D ST., HOHOKEN, Flit ST FLOOH.-A KKKNCH " "seamstress to go out by the day or wook, at 75c. To |/\Y? 4TI1 AV. (HOOKHTOKhl. ?hXi'EKIRNCKD LUUdressmaker by the day or week; $1 50; hae latest iyles. Wh*T~ 20TH ST. ? *M K1KHT CLASS DRESS maker; bent city reference: SI 50 per day. 140 I fkft WKhT :,:,D ST.?A VOUKO til ItL AS KIRAT ItJUelans HoamntrunH In a private family: understands ireatmaking thoroughly and all kinds of family sewiiiKi la a Brat class operator ou Wheeler A \\ llson's machine. lt-C WEST 31 ST ST?A EI EST CLASH FRENCH JLDcJdrensmaker; work taken home and made at shurt Dotiee. A NShL ?line MKRCKR ST? FRKNCH DKE-HMaKER AND A^ftJiesmetreas; cutting, fitting. new, repaired, by tha lay: private families 5j jA EAST 84TH ST.-A DRESSMaKKK WISHBsA L/t" "few more customers tofo out by the day; terma noderato. Address. box SOUTH 2D~ST^ WlLLlAMHBURU A KR ?OtJspectable colored woman as seamstress by the day or week; best reference. Call or address. 111(1 7TII AV.?A LADY WILL (JO OUT BY THE I" ?i ?/day; unuerstanue cutting and fitting chlldreu's ilothlng. P/IQ 3D AV.-A KIKST I LASH DHBHHMAKER D xOwants a few more ladles to work for by day or week t tutting and fitting to Urst class styles. KKSHMaKING?BV a Ladt WHO IH a KIRHT class designer, cutter aud fitter; thoroughly under stands ladles' and chlldren'e dressmaking : would go out by the uay or work at home. Address DllKbnMAKElt. box Its Herald Uptown office. D~lil: SSMaK I NU~AT 111 EaKT "SHTH ?T.| LADIES' dressos cut and Ot by tbe i aylor syst'em. General Housework, die. ISO CllAKi.ES SI' MIRTH iihK.MAN (iIRL FOR LU?'u'curral housework In a small Araertcsn family; foo.i cltv retereuce. Call Monday. jf/jQ 1HI AV.-WOMAN KOIl I OU>hWoKK TTr LU wis coot, wash snil lion; city or country; city refer llicu. ?JffX 7IH AV.. I.N MK?T MaRKET.-I.N A SMALL tlUoumdj to do ceneral housework. . A r\ 1 w li.-r .-?ai> hl-aTJu.vTueTl n i yol .no oihl X"JXin do housework; city or countiy ; reference. Call ay. y|l'J HTII AV.. NEAR 530 nT., KINO SECOND Ot/Ohell. A middle axed American Protestant woman In a small family In the country to do huusewors. Call Monday and Tuesday. fiVt/1 ur'l AV., NEAR til VI ST.?A YOUNU (it KL TO r/UXdo ke'ioial housework In a small private American Inniil) ; flist claes washer and Ironer good plain conk; ten rears In one place snd etirht mouths In mv last; good city relsrenoe. Call Mnnduy. i17 O 2li AT., HETWKI..N 51hT ANlTo2irsTs_( tI.\Q ?./ I Otlie hell lour tliue?).?A yourij girl to do general mnsework or as nurse girl; no objection to the country | relerciice can be obtained lluiiackerpers. iVc. (JQOlll AV.-LADY OK IXI'KdlKNOE (AMERICAN) e/Oas linuseserper, or any position of trust: city or coun try. ? Addrest llliUMKk'Kl' Wilt. IS )?> Is AHT31HT~bf7?LaDV aH llOUnltlUthKi.K; swO.-ooo roteronce. Call all the week. ]| /? nil II SI ?A V'/LMI LAOV AsIHiIsk' I IKuupur, widower's lamily prcterrud. Call or ad ' dross X WB-T Bll?T HT. TillKI? FLOOR.?A TUURO " American lady as housekeeper. VYr.M I 40 Til" ST~-A "VOUNO LADY AH housekeepnr In a gentleman'* family. \V IsHT ml fit Hi ?A WIDOW, A UKD 20, IN A widower's family. 215 221 2t>0 A Iff lit* ST.. NhAtt tll'H aV.. MKiioKLYia. - A xltrladyof experience and unexcsptinnahln rels enco lesiret a position as housekeeper In a gentleman's lamily i ? espaide ol III I?n if a position ol trusl. Mrs. IIaLL. /II 7~ tll li AV. \ YOUNG KKhNt'H WOMAN AS XX I housekeeper in a gentleman's family; no ohlnctlon lo children K. a. AHN IMIRLLIOKNT. DATABLE lady DKHIRKfl A situation la olflcs or as houseksepkr in lintel or gentle nao's house. Ad iress N. sEV HOCK, Herald oftloe. kiifTnbd* kiiui;at71)"Lady, accustomed to keep a home In order and roinlort asks somo elderly. Independent gentleman In kindly emnlny and protect her. Address HOMr LIKK. box 154 llcr-dd UptownsBn. A LADY EX PKRlhNCKD I Nl)() M h sT I C~D UTIEH,' snd a thoroiu'h. cninpeieiit housekeeper, l? In want of a Situation, either city or country; Is a worker end can do Anything except tho heavy, coarse work; it required Is willing to assume tilt entire responsibility ol a klSNSSM, snd wl>l guarantee to purlorm liar dalles to tbe satislac tlnn other emplover: can luriilsli highest testimonial- for lharaeter suit aidlity ; lend of children and accustomed te manage servants; a good home more songnt than high wages. Address H. J., oox 144 llarald olliae. N AMERICAN LADY WIMIKH A I'usIfio.N AH housekeeper; hotel or fsmllr: best city references. Address UOOShKhKPkR, Young Women's Christian As sociativa. AN *? XP1H1KN0KD IIOVhKKKBPKR WISHES A Bltnatlon In a hotel '.either eountrr or elty ; best refer ?aaa. Address J. W., Herald Hraneli ofllce. A]mm REFINRD LADY, S8. W~(*llftll a POKlYiOE .Alt housekeeper to gentleman of moans. Address fill If NBTl K. box IH5 Herald Uptown Brancb olflra. Ays "VUL'NO CDLoKKD lilKL ~AM IIDUBKKKkPRK ; liberal salary exprcted. Address NEI.LIh, box 144 llerslil Uptown ofhoe. T MKllli* AN LA DY AH llUlirtr KRRl'KK ; NU OH. J\ |ectlun to children ; would give a mother's care; ruler races exchanged. J. M.. Herald Uptown ofllre AhK KNtlLlH11LADV OK IIKKINKM'.N I' *TIIOUHK keeper or In auy reliable position. I'liAtiTIC AL, ller tld uMi-S. atlN''MICa 1A llOUHKKBKi'Kit. ?A WIDoW L iDY, i.'iU. witnout enoumhrance; hsst city reietnnce given miiiI required. Aildroes KXI' HIh>X0E. 2J1 Herald oillra. U^HOUHRKKEI'I'.lt AND i :()MK.\N I o n ? Ui>M I'h I i N i, I rasperisble. relined. Addra-s, wlih particulars, R. M., Ilsralu Uptown oBlce. . H^HKKINKD WIDfTiV f?i Vlll'lD LIKE FOMlTtoK >s lioussksaper. can toach mnale; moke home happy. ^ojress i'i. ItSr. V .. K A.Nt'r., iieraid olllce. " tt'iMKD It V tN AMERICAN ADV. t FDHl flON \V as lion ekeeper or se im.troes; good elty reference. Ad lr?-a K. 'I I'll ? IN Will ill. Her >14 l?nti? ?a ofllce Vrnf" rv'i EDl'i: ATI.if WdMaN (UK "mTNJ. HI'Rtk lug hhlltli Iwngnitgo llqcntlr. as practical expcrlenc! 4 ho'i es.o'|ic| lu lintUl ?f prtvato family f cli r rc-e.-,..,,, AdiiiUaS L. M. vi.( uox 115 naiaid Uptown vlllce srrrATiows wantku-pkmalks 11 UHHniirfuttk. tsbt CORYKLlA sr.-GO/D COLORED LA UN UK ESS withes family w?shing. fit I w<-*r Washington place. room 5.?a rk Ua'ipfCUiila woman wishes the washing of a couple ot gentlemen; good relerence. Q? CHRISTOPHER r-T.. ItOnX 18 -A RESPECTABLE ?/(woman withe* would go out by tbe day; fluting done. Cell all ilia ? ???. I Ilk) WEST 28TII .VT.-A COLORED WOMAN WlsHKg Xtw?Haniily wanning; first elane laundress. JaNK SIMS. 147 WEST ati.ll ST.-A COLO I D WOMAN TO DO washing and Ironing: rood reference. 1 Z'J WEST 61ST nT.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN l?J>/to go out i y tbe day to waeb or Iron : beat city ref erence. WEST MTH ST.. It K A It. ?A RESPECTABLE I young colored woniau aa laundress or liouaecleaner by tbe day. Mia. llARKlS. 237 WEST .12i< ST.?WAStlINtj HONK BT THE week, month or duscn. M. J. 3')'J w M' HI'll ST.?a FIRST CLASS Kilf/NCH _j?/washer aud Ir ironer. psitlculnrlv lor ladlea' and chil dren's fine olothea, would go out hy tbe day; fourteen yeara' reference* Addreaa U. OR. <SS. 'J'JH WEST. 41S r RT , HE A it.?A RESl'KC TABLE OOl/cnlored woman wlahea washing nud Ironing at houae or day's work 336 WK?I? 37T?I ST. A RESPECTABLE COLORED woman would like seutleiuon'a or family's vuhltfl At 1(1 WEST J.VTII ST.. TOP FLOOR, FRONT.-A Tt"'t/flrst class laundress; understands her buslncaa In nil Itt branches: will laku ladles' nnd gentleinon'a washing home nt modeiate prices. Q/|7 OTH AV.?AS FIRST CLASS LAUNDRESS. To OU I goont by tbe day to do washing aud Ironing; under stands housecleaninr. J 3D AV.. TOP FLOOR ?PROTESI AN I WO I mau to wash or houseclean by the day. Call three days. Respectable colored oikl as laundrems or to do general housework on it flat; eity reference. laundress, iod iioraid uptown ottice. tiirset. iV e? \VE8T 21 RT ST. ?A LADY GOING TO EUROPE /wishes to find a place for her Freuch nurse to travel. 10 until 2 o'clock. 19 COLUMBIA ST.. BROOKLYN.?AS WET NURSE; beet reference. 9 >/ BANK 81, (J. H. TOWNSEnD'8).?AS INVALID'S unurse; bent reftrenees. lHfi CHARLES ST.-A WELL EDUCATED GERMAN ?IvU woman, who speaks French llueutlv. as nurse or senmstrese; no objection to travol. Mm. ME8SER. 1 'Jf'TH sT. (EAST LINCOLN tV) TWEN I'Y-THIliD lOUwsrd.-As nurse and plain eewer; capable of caring tor tnfnut Irom birth; no objection to country. Call for twu daye. Addreaa S. S. mW EST II I'll Ri'.-A MIDDLE AGEI) SCOTCH woman us invalid lady's nurau; best references irom first dag* phyileuus Otili two days. 214 WEST 20TH ST.?A HlKL AS GUILD'S NURSE or'chnmbermald and waitress. OI L* WEST '28Tli ST.7 ROOM 83,?YOUNG <3<)L wj LUored woman aa chll.t'a nurse and to no plain sow ing-. no objeotlona to the country. Call lor tw.o nays. "Jill EAST i)3u ST.-A YOUNG GIRL As NURSE Ol'.Land sewer; would assist with ehamb.irwork ; oper ates on Wheeler A Wilson's machine ; city or country ; boat eity reference. Can he soen lor two Uavs. DIG WEST D4TH ST.-A YOUNG GIRL AS NURsE 01?and seamstress; would travel; reference. Call for two days. 324 BAST 14I'll ST.?AN EXPERIENCED MONTHLY nurse deeiret engagement. Mrs. HARPER. Calk SD AV., FIRST FLOOR.? 8 4 A RT, TRUST U X V/worthy Protestant woman to attend an Invalid or go out with children; goon washer; best city reference. 8TII AV.?A YOUNt. t.EKMAN GIRL. SPEAK UvivMng Freuub nnd some English, as nnree to children, from 6 to 12 yeare, or as waitress or chambermaid iu an hotel. Address Mrs. LEAnKE > i Kit. 667 8 I'll AV. (PRESENT EMPLOYERS).-A smart, willing little girl to take cere nf children. 1/1 Off 81) AV. '? (GROCERY STORc.).?HEALTHY .TtOt^young woman, with Iresh breast of milk, as wet nnrse; doctor's refereuoe. A YOUNG LADY. SPEAKING FRENCH. AS NUJR>B and seamstress for children; no objection to the couu try; references. Address M. L. M? Herald office. An experienced monthly .nurse wishes an engagement: best references; terms moderate. Mis. M. B., 219 iiermd office. A NY ONE WISHING TO PROCURE A OOOD, HON iltst and reliable nurse, who has been witn my children three yeara, can cull or address 121 West 40th st. INNULiISU PROTECTANT AS NURSE ANli BEAM Mstress; good references. Address L. M.. box 115 Herald office. Lady in an uptown flat is willing totakk oharge ol one or two elilldr n ever two years old; will give them m mother's care and comfortable home. Aadruse B. C. M.. Herald Uptown office. \*f ANTKD?BY A GERMAN M'K.t KING ENGLISH, H a sitnatlon ns child's nnrse or seamstress; under stands dressmaking and shirt making; would go with a lamlly to Europo; not seasick. Address II. A., bos. 122 Herald YoUNU fc.NUl.il8H PRUTEBI'ANT AH NUlt-E AND chambermaid; best city relerenco. Address J* J. uer ald Uptown office. Mlie?luiieoiii> ] CO F.A8T 53D 9T.. TOP fc LOOK. REAR.?A I^E i U?spectablo colored women to do hoaseeleauing, ?uh ing end honing. I) I A UAVKKI.Kl PLAOK.?MIDDLE AUKU WO mJL jTiuen in a private feuillr; no objection to tbo onun try ; boat city roferenoee. it CO WHAT 47TH 8T? KHAR HOUSE. TOP Pl.OOR.? ?i?.)0a respectable oolored women to go out to do di0'e work end tioaseclenni'ig. Cell or adilrt-ts. A |7 WKtiT 36TI1 HT.?A liEHI'BCTABLK WOMAN TZTl I in tlie country; hotel or private family; willing to do any work: best reference Ad Ire.a I. T. J UQ WEST ~4kl> ST.. F11 Hi' FLOOit?.tE-PKC I TT^Oable mechanic's wife to lake car: of a guutiemnn's bonee tor the summer, flrat claaa reference. All WKaT 3181' ST.?A I'UOTKHIANT WOMAN ttt(lit yeara ot age) to do light bouaework or aa nnran. <."eKMaNUIKL W iNTH IO IK) TO HAM11UKU OR Bromou with a family lor ber passage; rolcreneea from preaent employers. 1*. F. K., box 3.151.' 1'oat office FRENCH W'uMtN An LADY' - M ill); Jiit ST ItItf. I ercneea from leal employer. Addreee J. R.. box 164 herald Uptown Branch i. Kn PRUT AH LfcTvoU.NO LAO* An COMPANION TO lady or ladlee visiting Kurope: iinderataiida hatrdres sing, dressmaking and fancy wore: willing to make hcraclf generally uaeful. Address 1). B., box HIT Herald Uptown office, inr three days. KRKNt ? L sUVl)KnrKKsrTo"TT6 TO EUROPE aB lady companion or Interpreter: relerencea. KHIN CAlsK. box 1153 nereld Uptown office. VKRY ~KK 8 PI CTAHLE AND COMPUTKnT~PkTT eon. Brat claaa eeauiatreae. desires a situation to Walt on a lady or to take charts oi middle aged cbmirm: boat city relcrencr. Addreaa J. W., box 102 llerald Uptown Branch office. situation WANTED BY A RftHPECTsHLE colored woman: willing and ubllgtpg. Addrcae M. B , Herald I'pt wn office vflUNO PE (HON. PkKHONALLY NBaT AND Ac W .clean, will accept any poaltlon not menial lor the aniu mer In the country; uiideratamla Iter dutiea. Addreaa l.ULOTT, llerald I'ptnwu lirancli office. YOL'NO LADY OP EXPERIENCE At CANIIES In hotel or restaarant. Addreaa at. T., Herald Uptown Branch nffiac. YOU NO LADY Would OIVK HER 8K RV ICRS ee comoanlon In retnrn lor a good home Box 1U5 llerald Uptown oflice LADY VYIM1K8 A POHITION A-t NUKaE COM ptolou or hoasekoepar; le an ekcalleat reader ana amanuensis; can refer to l)r. Mine and other flrat claaa physicians. Addreaa Mrs. W, Ill Madison ay. YtlUNO 001,0 It KH (1 fll L AH U O M CAN ION OR TO .In gentlemen's washing. LONELY, box IUH Herald Uptown ofllco. VLAOY. WITH REFERENCES', tVoI'LH LIKE To co to Europe aa companion nr physician to a lady or laini'y A duress i' <!.. box 2IH Herald offlrr. /COMPANION A LA*i>Y~or CHEERFUL I'IM'OM V^tlon and Indnstrlons hnhlta will give he services for a good l oins; good reference. Address V. A.. Horild Up town Mitre. ANTEU-BV MOTHE R^mTsoN~~A JANITREHH' position. Address HIIE\H, 3 <6 Kant I Itli st. y TMi lady wants t situation ah nurnebt A enrerncas or unr>e and entnpenlon to an Por particulars addreaa M MtY X llerald Uptown office PllOKKSMIOIVAIs SITUATION# Y.'A.TTED YKNAIiEM. "a Vol'fid LahTToa f^k o?TirreiTil^TiuNlJTi /\ and English, dodre* a position aa governess; she has travelled in Europe and could assnnie the dutiea of com panion to a lady going abroad: being nsed to rending aload the rnald aleo take a position where Ibis accomplish. ni",nt wonld be useful . the highest references can he glren. 1'laaae address M., 3J Wakrtn in ay , Newark, N.J. FKENi'll VlHlTlNti OoVBNNSNR IN (IRNRYA wishes to And pnnila In A inert an ramlllea during their stay In Ueneva highly i comnien led Partlcu.ara at F. \V Cbristern'a foreign bo- katoie, 77 Univeraltv place YOUNU L M> Y |C ItNNutT) DEMTkEB EMPLOY m?nt as governess, cashier or ealselady: relerencea. Adilrcsa II.. box It!J llerald Uptown office Anew knm,ami hMINRNh LaDT DRRIRks a. position In an nfflee: la Competent t if take charge ; high* est reference. Mre. K. si., s^stinn D. lTdY DESIRES jT POHI I IONOP Tit UHT-UUtCK end ac urate ecrnnntant: writes leglhiy Addreaa DUICK, 1.17 licrald Uptown office. YOU NO FRENCH LA DV TE AUII BR WILL ACT aa Interpreter nr lady's companion lor hrr expanses to Ea opet retereacee. Addrese L. V. H.. Herald Uptown ?flloe. uakkful A no" HEI.IvIILE I. AII y tvoi'f.o AUAKKPUL ANO KKLItBLE LADY WOULD copy, translate t rench or dlrort enreloons at her home Andreas PROM PTN Kt-B AND DRHEaTOH, box l?l llerald Uotuwn office. l>ORRl iNNKa INATKI'OTKD IN KN(TlThh"~ CON F versatlon reeding and writing, by necomnlislied lady teacher: moderate terine. Apple at hook store tt2 4ih ay. a or. Act j Siirfoi iT to t iTaveFIwTh io yearn Jin Parle), as Interpreter, companloti or courier to persons going to Karopo. Adtlreas PAKIH, hog Hit Herald Up. town Branch office. ] A V, KIM. IMAMSTK. (IIIOI) I.IVOUIT, IV Jwanl. serlt< saalstonee or engageni jut, on uaay icriiia. r. riu N 0 KK. llerald i ptuwn effico To LAHTEH.?MIa8 H.. I III KASI "afrii ST.. OIVEH lessons aonfldenllslly at her residence or nnplla'; spelling, writing, grammar, French, Ac.; special pains. ?\roUNu laDY. emi'i.(,yi;i? huhino the day, J. would like a position as ainanuenais nr companion even, lugs Address AL HI.AUY, Herald Uptown office, \ OI NO OEKM AN LADY AH AM ANUKNNIH. DAILY 1 grirerncaa. companion, or wouln take pupils lor Ocrni in aim French; licsl reference. A. X., hog kOO Herald Up. town office, rtlfl. A LRH80N -PHRNOH LANQUAOR TaUOIIT ? )\Iby a younc French lady at her or pupil's resilience. ?13 West 17th St. HKLH W MTEII-FK'I AIjRNs A-71.0*.ii~r.llirfiff fi> lKaiin To'it I'iiHfllovH ?In toltgraph Offices. TRI.EOKAPIi INNTUIIUTION HOMPA.NV.2l I'nrk row, opposite Post office. A< iffiit >I? COOK, W AHIIEli AND 1IID v 3?> ms r?4|a rersity place. HELP WAVTEP-EEMALEg. "T~?v.vv lioou ukuiiTmakhks. oNLYuoou WAtir Aknih ??ed apply 1II East 28th st T MRS. M. A. COMNBLLV'S. 7 KAHT 16TH ST.. WANTS U.-st class waist !imk*ir< for low bodies and light silk*; also skirt trimmers and Snithor,, improvers ueed not ap ply; steady wore; good w?i<?? to uond worker* Basement door. before 9 A. M. Com# prepared 10 wvrk. PR?>TB TA*T J*(l?ilA5 AS UPH ~AXD LaI'N dress. good nreed baker, with unexceptionable refer encei. Apply 316 Eaat 15th ?t forewoman wTntb~d-"for a kTkst-clash dressm tain* oouaa nmo understand fitting aid antira nianuueuieul of waist workroam : high salary to competent person. COMi'ETENT. station D. A[ Ru^eLle.' HaraldoiBoa" AM ERICAN WOMAN WILLING TU DO HOUSK wnrk cau have a pleasaot home with a family of four Adults, near the city, and a small coiupausatiou. Address AT. 8TKWAKY A CO. WANT FIRST CLASS MA ?chfne operators on castou shirts. Apply at Broadway, 4th av. and Itth at. A DEMAND KOK 1'ELEURaPH OPERATORS IN new oompanies and summer offices; commence immedi ately; day itud ereninir: taught with Instruments. THOMPSON'S i'oilape. JO 4th ar. COM P KTBUT LAOS MCMOMR, A P AID Ai?P REN" tteo and a girl about 15 for liietia housework (meal* uiveui wanted at do heat IRth at. IiESPKGTARLE LADY AT A SALARY Of IB weekly to take orders: hours U to 4. Wararooms, 80th St., 2d av SIFKHL^ , Manager. T MMR LTvFnoSTON'S. H KA8T 14T l~St" dress cutting tauuht perfectly; apprentices, errand girl and waist baud* wanted- Part of Show Kooui to let to milliner. -STERN BROTHERS, 6TH AV. AND 23D ST., DE. sire Immadlntoly several Brat class salesladies for ladies' suits and undergarments; only those thoroughly compe tent need apply. A -WANTED. FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKER; ONB ?wiio van cut. Bt and trim stylish. 1,486 Broadway, near 420 st. B. ALTMAN A CO. Iti OUIRB AT Oh'CB SEVERAL FIRST CLASS SALES LADIES For the .-uii department. Call porsonnlly or address bv letter H. ALTMAN A CO., 19th st. end Bth ar. Designer for embroideries wanted? -leady einplnyment given. Address. slating qusllflci tious ami rxpuiixoc", ARTIST. Herald office. DIIESS.MAKINu? Al'PHBNTICKS Yv ANTED; HOOD sewers only uned apmy. Call all w-ek 240 East 78lh St. D~KB8sM iKERS \V*aNTKD.-7eN FIRST CLASS hands and two apprentices. Apply at llmi. WEIi ?T R'S, 41'.) Bib av. EXI'ERIENOED SALESLADIES WANTMO-FO R Ol'R luilllnery and tancy good* departments: must brlug first class references. Apply Monday morning to FREDERICK LOESKK A CO., 280 and 2U1 Fulton st , Brooklyn. fill RSI.CLASS OP KATOR w A N T KD-ON WHEBLB R A Wilson's, Wlllcox A Gibbs' and Domestic machines lor suits. K. II AY W AKD. ?o and 67 Le onard st. IN0Rh.W0.MAN TO TAKE YnTIRE CHARGE OF THE waist and polonaise rooms; must ho a tasteful looper mid understand thoroughly the iiianageiiient of girls M. A. CONNELLY, 7 East lrtth st. H"ouhbkbepkr wantkd-amerioan 7?r kno" lisli, liy an American widower: one who can loan a few hituureu dollars. Address JOHN LEnOY, station C, New York. Hands wanted imYTedTately-on feather edge lace aiid princess lace ; bring sample : deposit ro quired. 2.378 3d av. IMI'KdVKRs"anD aFPRBNTICES AT DRBSSMAKINO anted. 68 Varick st. MI LH N Kits" AN D till MM BUS 'WANTED; ALSO IM. provers Apply at J. RlkTHSCII ILD'rt. 58 W est 14th st Mm iier and daughter wanted for thb couniry ; daughter to work for hor hoard; hast city ref erence required Address, with particulars, AMERICAN, box 121 ID-raid office. I'KRATiTrs a.ND FINISHERS FOR CUSTOM 8I1IKT3 wanted; None but flrst class hands need apply. NR W M ANN, 037 Oth ev. 0 PKRATORH AM) FINISHERS ON LADIEs' SUITS; only Bret class hands need apply ; third floor. El>WD. RIDLEY A SONS. Grand and Allen ste. Operator on wheeler a wilbon machine; must he flrst class; liue custom underwear. 493 6th av. Mrs. Ll'ADHLIN QALKSLADIKH-WITH city EXPERIENCE IN Ostraw goods snd Bower departments l.EE'B, 863 6th av SALE8LADIEH WANTED-<7oMPB~I'EKT AND BXPE rienced hands In suit and millinery departments: city reference.' JONES, stli av., corner IHtli st. T* WO EXPERIENCED WOMEN TO SCRIP AND 80RT delaine rags. Apply at 321 East 22d *C. third loft. TO XILL1NEKR?WANTED. A FIRST CLASS TRIM mar. Apply oil Monday to WORTlJIMOTuN A SMITH, 630 Broadway. WTNTED-A COLORED OIRL AS FIRST 0I.A8S cook washer and Doner; good wagee will be paid a suitable party. Call at 1UB Fulton st. AN fgD?ATRENl hf (Intl ABoCT 14 YEARS OLD, not speaking English, as companiorsto litilo children. Apply on or niler Monday, May 13, at No. 144 Columbia llclguts, Brooklyn. w ANTi.D A MILLINER To OO TO A 01 TV I.N CON Bacticut. Apply to A. 811 UM W A Y, 471 Broadway. w ANTED?A GOOD, 8TKADY UIKL FOB DOWN itilri work. 815 East 5"th st. WAN IED?YUUNU LADY Art MODKL FOR AN artist; large salary. Write full particulars, AKTI.nT. box 124 Ifaralti olllee. "MT ANTED?A SMtUT. VERY N KAT, AMERICAN ?T girl, about 12 years, tor door ana orrands; one sleep ing liome. Apply. Irani i) to 10only, on Monday, Tuo-day and WedneSilny, 215 East 45th St. WANTED?KXPERI NCED IIAND8 ON OKNTLB men's scarfs, to work in store; steady work. PLEIaCIl A CO., 450 Broadway, upstairs. WANTED-A FEW LaDV auknth to travel . tiie re.itest money making business user off. red ; r5l) to $7."> easllv made. No fl ast 14th st J. K. WINOATK. WaIsT TKIM.Mi KS.-NONB HUT TIIOrtK WHO liave worked la flr-t class houses need apply. 231 Bast 81th st,, beln-o 10 or after li, ? asaiu,*ni door. kA/ AN . r.Lt i OLOK U OUOK, CHAMBERMAID AND 11 coaolintan to go to the country; coachman must uixler stund gnrUoiiln -?; best ul references reuuired. Address C. 0.. box 112 Herald Uptown Branch adieu. WANT hD -A ST r. AI) V UIKL FOR OK.VF.RAL honsowork lor a small family on one llonr; must bo a good laundress; wages #8 per month. 814 2d ay. Wanted?a yomku hiki. io mind a hamv and mako liersolt generally useful; wages, tit; reference required. No 845 West With at w NTr.D?THOROUGHLY COMPETENT DKKSrts makers. 117 West 34th st., basement door. 11/ ANTED-liAt7.NDMh.8Et HOOD WArt 11KK AND 11 ironer. with reference; colored pr >feired. Apply No. 104 I? ast 14th st. Come prepared to work. w ANTED -KiltrtT CLASS DUK-SMAKI'.lt. CALL AT 471 Bth ay., oyer etatlonery store. WANTED?A NKlT MIDDLE AiiKD WOMAN TO do the Housework for a widower, the family consist ing of three, niu-t he gooil washer and iruner;no eneuin ? liraoce. Address IfoMK. Ilerald office. w ANTKD-KiRisT CLASS DKKriSM A KKItrt AND waist hands. Apply at 22U West 21st St., hasement. ll'ANTED-ON LADIES' PINK SUITS. Ilk) FIRST M cl ws operators on Dom-stlc machine. Apply at D. H. HaBCim K A CO.'8, 167 and HIM i hurili st. IITANTED?A THOROUOII ENGLISH OR PRP.NOH TT lady's maid, with personal references as to packing, dressmaking, halrdresslng and tine washing Only a sternly and goo i leiuperod person may address, with all details, box 12, station U. Wt N TED A tiUKK. CAKEI-CL ?MaMSTHRKN; plain sewing, Addross shAMSIKKSS, 178 Herald Uptown office. vv ANTED FOUK HOOl) IMPROVERS ON MILLIN ery. Apply, at ones, M"8s, 847 Mth ay. WANTED-AT MMR. ALLK8', 41 WRST IITH8T., seyernl flrst class walsl or skirt hands. Apply bctweon H and It A. M. 11/ ANTED?A DliKrtrt.M A KKIt AS UKNRKAL A8 m alsiant on llrsl class work; skirt ar.d wulst hands; two apprentices; steady work. Apply at No. 823Mth ay. WAN I ED A KKATilKIt CURLER, WHO 18 ABLE io sell; city relercnro required; one sneaking Trench preferred. Apuly at Hit 8th a v., corner 18th at. L MEUNIEIl. WANTKO?A MILLINER, A NO. I. WIT.I CITV ruference; Prench preferred. Apply at I'll 8th sr., corner lrtihst U MEUNIEIl. 117 AN I KD A NUltrtM TILL HKrtT WEEK of JUNE VV referencee roquirnd. Apply Monday, betweun 10 and 12 A. M. only, at llrti Madison av. WANT ED ? A nits I CLA-H MlLI.INRlt AND trimmer to go to St. Louis, Mo. ; price iiooi.leet. Ap ply to JAMES T BI RNH A CO., 83 Union square. w ANTED KIKsr CLASS WAIST HANDS. API'LT at 1.171* Broadway. lit ANTP.D -UOMPhTKNT DRESS. WAlET MAKERS; M no other need apply ; at 122 East 31st st., oascment door. Wantrd-piket clans waist finishers; no others need apply ; alto apprentices. CAI'LaI#, ;i.Ti? fltli ay., oyer Hlusome's. 11/anted? t frw Ladies io lbakn an art TT accompiIshment, wherhy they earn #1.1 weekly at home; w >rK liirntshed when Itemed. CRYSTAL IYOKVTVI'K COMPANY. 78.1 Broadway, WANTED ?A NEAT, TIDV I'lUtTK TaNT <i I III/K'TS general honstwora by a ?ma I American family, living on French list. Inquire first flit, 101 West 4<8h st. Wages $12 per month ; must lis good cook, washer anil Irnner. ~ 7 A NT ED-FIB i C'lTiss WaI-T AND alllKT trimmers. Apply si 2-*> West 22il st. VV WANTED PIRwr CLASH DRESSMAKERS; ALSO oper tore on Wheeler k Wilson's machine. Apply (1 LOVER, basement door. 4.1 Weet 2(>th st. VV XnTED-A PEW EXI'KIUKNCKD WaIST HANDS at 81 Weet lltli st. A. McWAY. llTANrRD?an INTKLLIOENT LADY COPYIST. TT Addrnee where can be seen M AC At L A T, fleraid Up town office. w ANTED?PI I'M r CLASS DRK8SM t Kit 118 ; NONE others need apply, Mme. CL i RE, 168 East loth VV ANTED?PI RET CL \ ss H it Ess M a K Kits aT MME. B.UJONON'S, 11 West 28d St. WANTED?SEVKKAL Hit.-IT CLAMS WAIST IIANDH and skirt trimmers; only thoroughly competent hands need apply. 114 W?st 44th St., basement, c. DK Vr. r VV AVI ED?Al' M HE l)r LLAC'rt, |?l WEST 24Til ST. diet class hands lor drcssiuaklng. Inquire in hbseinont. 117 ANTED ID EXPEHIKNOED M 11.1,1 N ERE ? UF TT eral ealary; long eoasotl. AT Ell RIO II8', Bth ay., naar 24tlt st. ly ANTED -TEN PI If ST CLASS OPERATORS ON ? T ladles' andcrwnar; lll.eral pay to good hands. At Ml K It"ii8', rttn ay, near 24th si. W ANTED t Ilium Of EL FUR GENERAL IIOUc 11 Work lit a flat. Apply at 788 Old ay., first hell, Mtwe 12 anil 2 I*. M. \jy ANTED? 1 KW HKNTI.RL YOUNO LADIES TO I TT ehorl distance lb the country for the summer. I nun 51 West Ulth st. ynciii icterebre, nice lookinh and fin 1 li'ftire, may hear to their advantage hy addressing Alt. 288 Herald office 2- West bed st.?a lady to new tyitii a ?T.-liigcr mm blue; $7 por week! refnrenees Irom last place. Call Monday, *>^ *yr.8T 2.IU st.?A , SMART, TIDY ciHairyu SITUATION* \V ANTKU? JIALKS. A WILLING AND INDllhTKIoUS YCUNU MAN, u\.tainlli*r with the grocery and wine buS^tu is Uliotl to irft a Aim ittm m storekeeper in A club or hi'lllcity or country has good relerences. trtdresa, for three daye, E., box 154 ileritli Ummni drench office AVOL'NG MAN. sT-Ka kTnTT" FHIN'CH. SPAN 18iI And English. wishes a ?nuAtton ; rsforeticss. Ad ri'ii J. T. A, 111 Herald office. A STEADY YOUNG MAN WOULD MAKE HIMsELT useful In arv capacity at small wages; will be found honest, Attentive and Industrious; not slruid of llArd w ire; hA? a go<>d elementary education. Addrcsa J., box 1H4 Herald office. Aman and wife <fr> nohi desire a place 111 the country ; uion as wAlter: wife ?a good eeamstrees: no objection to take cure of growing children ; best rcisr enccs. Address, In the morning, verett House, room 129 AO ENT REMAN WISllHS Tu OBTAIN A hITL'ATlON f<>r Ins French cook In a prlvnte leiuily. on a yuclit or In a hotel: two yeurt' city reference. Address ORE?. 72 Ertst 34tli st. A YOU I H, 19, WISHES A PusTl'lON AS DRIVER or porter; good refereuoe. Address W. H. H., 220 Ulh av. BOY (1(1), Wiril HO Ml UK KUk.Ni KS, WISHES employment At unv respectnbie business. Address TAILOR. 123 West 33d st. AREBPECIaBLN YOUNG GERMAN MAN. 28 yesrs old. wants a situation to tend horses and work mound a g ntlemnn's place; three years in last situation; good relereuce. JOSEPH PASGUUL. 201 Herald office. BNOAOEMBNT AH HEAD WAITER WAN I ED Iroin 1st; best rplerenee ipreseut employer). Address T. H. SMITH. 131 Westduth st. FIItKT Ui.ASH ~W \TlRK (COLORED), with six yours' city reference. as wnlter in A private family. Address WAITER, 143 West 19th st. INI 11ST Ci.A^H COOK aND C A ItVhK. CITY OR country hotsl i take lull ehurge of the kitchen; sober and stVady; reirrences Ai. FRENCH, hex 2U0 Herald ollice, tor three days. S~ ITUATION AH WAITER?BY RESPECTABLE COI. ored man, or to trHvel as body servant with gentleman going pi i uropa <!4>? Sullivan st. SITU Alii >N-It Y A TlAN, aUKD 2H. As PORTER;; willing to work. .fO^IN HOHKIITY 40 Laigbt st. W~ANTED-A PKRHAN ENT SITUATION Hi RE spectable young man. III qllhar city or country (country preferred;, where honesty, sobriety and industry are up predated: underst > lids the care or horses and cows, II re quired: Is willing oiid obliging and can make liiin-elr gen erally useful Please call on or Address, lor two days, IN DUSTRY. 268 South 9th st . Brooklyn, K D. WAITKK. A PROTESTANT YOUNG MAN AS FIRST class waiter; wilt niuke hirasell useful; city or coun try. Call at present employer's, 42 East 58th st. WANTED POSITION TO ATTEND AM> TAKE care ul an office. Address U C. (?.. Hcrsld Uptown office. WA NTKD-H1TUAII0N AH VALET OR Sr.KVANT to a family going to Europe. Address WILLIaMs, 233 West 32d st. \ATANTED?BY A STEADY. RK.NPKf T \BLK YtlUNfl M mini a situation as p rior; willing to do anything; honest; wages no object. Address W. 8, Herald Uptown WANT t'.D?HIT U AT I ON BY COLO RED 8TB WARD us waiter; city, couutrv, or travel, gentlemen; well recommended. 8. vv. I.. 04Ji Sullivan ?t. frOf) *0 $50 BONUS.-SITUATION WANTED. BY A qPwJYryoung mau, as driver, porter, or any olhnr position; Is a fair penman. Address LIVINGSTON, Herald office. ?IOU WEST 30TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE MAN HWkwOwants a situ itlon; 6 roars' referunoo. Call or ad dross, ? ) 8TII AV.?AS FIRST CLASSCOLORRD WAITER ? In prlvat" family or hoarding house. W. H. J. 3D AV.-A MAN T< 1 TaKB CARE OF A hoiino or houses: best references. 09 947 A1VU SAliKSMKIV. Ar tas 5BS2?K2J?5 A ?ddSu,.K^^ LL TAKE y^";Alr,l,.,nMt BAHIN, *47 5if'rn""?^<1 ig&kS&Bi&BS&BSi A KKUKK OiiKKK WOULD LIKE A ri>U' mhpv AwZ^LUZH,^o&^wr)t/t0^? ? 8'MK j'rook'l'vn* ?Ur,",b?",? "H?. ^Monro,".^ An5.?tVi!,G,rLAWYEK WI?"ES T6~PRouUUK TfiY t ?.r''l> w Add".. K *.. im H.'.IdlffllT1 b,k| re,eren?? *???? Af.Sim.iTo^w.A1'", r^7.T,I.i?.,.,nC|iUaSK- "AV^? to centre,, for order*' aitUrv and , i younir men Bsshssr* ",i "??"?? aaarBaa far? a?m,,^?;,'i??'?^: rs'T!????? eery .tore, a (fret Cla? recommendationwUlm,Mf" Y?* *&??* ? A<gy.a^s^av-Ma*^.!;? <">?? ??..,? OBLiOfti) To oi?PKN8K #iru tuk hkTT reqnlelte; wth hi,/ re.pon,Title Uon'e ??o?irin"lflrl,Vr" K^wSKAer- " * iSSiSiaSiSa?o aiternoon* *n<l evening, to liil ur. ,rlr. ., ?*e<"??t?nt, rer,r,nc..; term. ft?A?? HnrTTTu?. tefce etinrire if rcqnlred. Add?*.. bT* ?)i j"" *? "Gs*SBS ?>e?t relerrnco ; de,lre, work ?t *?: . ? wJMInj ?? work ; V. *.. 1 oa ll)? Herald *gV e " ",r w,,k Addre.. VV. H?.?o jMog u".u,sv. * ,.\.,?.' i"B* .I,I S,U" nitld i'i.Khk W.tMP.II-ilKinnv?r.T-7;. Al^^^?^r'^TV"Xeofffl,Vn'1 """ Lw.. :I':L"'"vr w A n T8 a i'wTTr77r?TlTTT7W ^x l.Vr r.?r,ld X"'"""1 n0t Mn obJ-c' IJIlAKM AtlHT WAN i Kl>?To iji) WR?4T Imta ?IKI(.KI,A.M>, So. :i.t Iter km en ,t. Cf tuation WkvrM,_?y~KI({,,. cTTAMtTrmTTft Olor Htlfi Mlflkmin ? r?911*tHI?? hnniaa ''OLLfcO* gjiKirr..... ?"?"??' '?? asr? * ?SS i.>? V"v?:vi;!,!u S25,Sj5$Sig ?-??? ? tent toko.,, net ok,t wMI woVe I? T1 Pom"" ?rL ddrc,^. ajJifUg .yrAi.nwi-To es&Ki Rraaya ?" v?: TS 552 5?Rsjj SSSS^P?? ?nKM'Wnlr Idjfr. BBLthfr: IU..M I rpwo (IR TIIRhK KN I.KOI- Til/ st I tctt. v ? ? ? ?" ;.S.SWiS i, .;?w, tesraff* ?*r VhioA,oV.T Kr?.7 AN l*0U?TKIOl'?j HAiTITwoRk'* lUMld l8:we.,: II \ S I ICO?,\ RIIIkT SaLRmMAJJ Til SUfTii \LrA NTKlt? lUll'ii CI.KKK I TIIoKiiIMii'i v . ~r~ FlriTsz": 'zzzxxv SSis'wrw, g?BS* ler*. raannfkrtnrtnir Concern e?n * Mno'TrVV"" " * SSafSS ?': fSS v, And a giMMt p..?!!,,,, attm ?" '""In. e.n *om/ne?lcati,"? or wlibon, g,,\X? knoJi'.^i'Tn 'X'"" "" "U "" "'?nee. Addre./ll . e" ? if". omrt"1'" II'anrhit?a kiusr Chi.dH hoot ?vt? ..., t ""r.';:"" """??J S?JS? ??" jam trade. Addre., AlH I VXr ' *"* n"*r,'r ..........sysi fiS'R.SKrs'. i II ANTED \ Y?nf\(j man %s otfthnnu qii ti" 1 } J?V ^ Attp.y, tt to ,/^VgAVJj;* )V\'^:n'o^wA^;:r^^,^,ri7 a ?kav. Iian.e. throiistn the United m,?.. ? !''"* ?? drr ?.?,.* eitre*. etatlnq aye, ^^r'^y'"" VViSIS A V!" s" M o . MOT IV \N 01 I Inr. P"f??n. Add^lec'l/.o.,1 VV JSPS IU"UK- ^ fcunHfrHUnir, ?iifitlrtir HftlArr Ami ?, #pr#,#,rr?^ A|?|?ljr in H?mid nflien, wiftrr aik| rtfor?n<*ta, to an a I,, V V "?h,rr)! V V K NTl't: M dot,i,nil n?. Addre? *wl*k'""i* ,h"ro,"fhlr ?" Herald l-[.|,.wn ?m.o, A<,,ue,?, with referenda, HOolMt, w:.JioV:^v;:,r,';r;,'5,?''tnM",,f hU""- a<? II K N T h i? * \ V OI' N?i \f > M w j Iff Si MI I u \ r i^tTr I " M M 1 ' * Wmen. Appt'r'to Ju'nkUWa tilw?'.ud?ll"?3 COACH!*K* AXU GAUORWEHS. i?V>ACii \1 vN\i *11'NATION WANTKIk-BV A youn mnn Stowing a fiv * years' reference from last ?utpiaver; no objection to city or couutry- Apply or ad drtski J. K.. 634 5m *v. 4 UK.N'TLKM AN W WIN Si T NATION K?>R IIXH .2\ ooa < bman ; youn,'. single, willing and temperate ; safe eity crlver; thoroughly and rsitiiius c-re fine burses, car riage? and irardcniau ; can milk . modirat* VsgM. Address F. M. G.. 132 South at , up itwiri, office, two day*. A itkLUBle ~]^kiuTrr^~s~llu^H M A S a sT) gardener; !? an experienced horseman. AUdreee 1*K GASUb. Herald otticu A.V, OUUIMbU . 0AUI1MAN WIMIIKs * filTUATIOM eOftcbnmn AU'tren* It 0.. 10 W am 40th "t ATHOKOL'GH KLOKl.vr AMD 0\KD .NKk, SlNUI.E Gorman eoMBetaut in ?ll it? bnuiili.a and ilttalli, <le alrna ? niliintiuu ; (|u 'liUcaliuu. uuoscr|>liua?Me. Apply U J'.. l'>- t'liititiA'ii at. (JfcM L M A NT' n-KUIH;itK. A SIT Fa TK)S FOR his ooHclimitn, who baa bo-n tan y.ara lu lila ampr.y: no olijuctii-na to the couutry. Call ur nildroaa J. It.. 03 Will 54th at. Col.UllKIl MAN WIS 11 Ks A IM.AIII'. AS t'OAi' II" man : c in itlva tooil eity relaranco from l?il plaoo. 137 V\ eat 3.IU at. A" KIKMT OlaAMS OOAU1IMAS WANT* A PLACEt colored : (Mod oltr roforeh.'a It , .VI Weal 24th at. C~"l OAOil.VlAN Oil a It (kid AND COACHMAN', II V~A /re?i?ct?ble man. who undi-raianda hla hiialtieaa; la it l'ro'.eatnut; boat city refari-nce. Aiidruaa lor twu liaya W. M., 114.1th :tv.. )iarut.>a aior?. A (lOd)IIM wN-HV A IMtOTKsTANr MAN. MARK I ED, Jno family; nas eiu'lit boat clip reference?; leave* now oil account of present einp oyer goiitir to Europe. C?ll on or address W. H , 3 Went 20m at., private stable, Monday. /lO^GItUAN .AND GROOM** >ITi aTToN WANTKO VJHy*ia enun; no objection to the country ; five year*1 best city reiereuue; recommende'* (or honesty, sobriety and ability. Address M. H., box J10 Herald office. CVja(77i7i aYT.N 1> PLAIN (J~\ KDfcN Irs^srru atTTTn /wanted ?By simile young man; best roferonco. Address COACviAN, box 115 Herald office. t'UMOuMAN. dttOi>M ? KKLIARLB IHXGLS MAX; /gecerally useful: exp Tieneed in city and country driv ing. Adaress K., Herald Uptown office. C^iTn-TiTrKu?ooacifMxs. gale *or nvu gays. )Address 219 West 41*t?t. Frenchman, spkaks w.limh and italixn, as first class coachman and nroom: host city reiorenco: city or country. Address LOLlS PaZZI, box 10B Herald Uptown Branch. Situation wanted as garden ?? k and iOach man?Useful man; single; understand* horse*, cnrilagos thorou hly.can iniU, mow ittwus; will make iiiinsoif kou orally useful; no objection to wage*; be*t reference ifoiu last place. Address I'U.UJIIM \N. box 106 Herald office. S~ itlaiionJTw anTkd?by man and WiVk;" man a* groom and coachmau ; a good plain gardener; lias long experience : wife as cook and laundress; country bre furred, good reforenc. Address 0, U. , box 104 Herald office. Was rI.D?a NiTi;aiTon, hvp a 5iuglk aue"i> married man, city or country, a* coachmiin or groom ? tfioroiighly understands the care ana management of horses; lias filled that capacity for tho past 20 year*; best reference can be given from ids present employer for bis honesty and sobriety. Call at or address, tor one week, lrw? lliiutiu ton at., South Brooklyn. IIKL.P VVWIKIJ?IIVLKS. A ~yoimi m |i CIakU fo.i PliaffrOHiTTS VV'Zi't k I Kl.Ki.KAP II INSTRUCTION COM . ~X\. 21 Park row. ..pu.'.uo r??t oflioe A5?111 ?J?slbvkvswholesalkjapan Java /.n.rd*V * Uorapuiiy.?gxtreordiuary bargains o'fTered " .tuple I van. green, ..lack- mixed Japan, all kinds- denuro ? 1 k' J Hoods up stairs; Tea More Decorations itariiO- u Watch Chain., cmr,. Flags, Lantern. "ll W e!' urocery Hiore fur sale; torm* oa*? A .."K'-IVi-.KE.t W.vN I KO-KOK a CaTiiOUU PUB ^"Ob-mart outside salesmen. Til OB. A MAN WILUHii TO WOIIK, KNKUOKTIO (Tf1 * *" education. 22 1'nrk place, tip A Ul-.M ANLl FOR TKLKOKArM OF&HAfols Tn rinew compaule. and iiimmer ..nice.; comraen e Immedi ately, day and evening. taught with instruments THOMPbovb Onilere. ao 4th L . AOKNTS.?JOO PER UK.NT P.IOFII ; KNUl.lsil lfu.N K Wait4tbVtttWU de,>- " M "or u'oee. KI I'TltbDOK, AOKMT.s TO riol.Ioir OKI)l-.KS K.tK COPYING PIC. tares, hducikI inducements to country JiirHitth "AKKO..I) din.* I ,t%e" N*'w Vork. A.iknts Wa.vtho everywhere in cop fees miiu spices: oest plan ofTurad The <j UK \T t %i K u ICaM REPUBLIC TKA COMPANY. IW Ch .mUer. ea AGENT*! WANTED?IS EVERY TOWN TUltOUGH f ??'! country; those acquainted with horsemen pri ferred; good chance for active people. N. 8. K KM Mil), i.|5 Fulton st.. Now York. Tl?Y. WANTED-AMERICAN, BRIGHT, INTKLLI i^lPLOYKK, H'?r.,.u .,:nict.0"Ve Wl"' 0,,"'IOyer"- Ad"re" f oA,N V*w,ilSl<B A ANTED ON "PIUTE KtHui,K IKK. THOVtAa KELLY, 17 Barclay. i TAN VABFEItS WANTED?FOK TIiK Fl>KSf OIL ? ... 11"' *"'Br colored Pictures. NEW tOKK COPY. I >() UOMl'A.NY, 7?>H Broadway. room 1st. WaNIKD-A GENTLEMAN OP BXML /rlenc" and at.ftltty, oil a commercial paper; liberal ar radgctuatila made. Address, statinr expurionco and rolor eners, RELIABLE, la?x *44 Pnat office. U IpXl tkli N' U A N A A S?>'. IIS (MALE A S i > t-1,; Jmale) wanted?To sell Mark Twain', p.tout Scrap STtf Pt.blg'M^ag.8 lo""p r ** AUut"" TOOK A PKoFI I A Hi,It, PERMANENT ENGAGEMENT A a gentleman of pood builoess tact and engaging manner'; liberal salary. J. CU.MMINOS. 17 Bond st. IjTIKsT uLt-8 VANVassEILL APPkY TO Mk. oako Ml) Broadway r*11 8 "U<t 5'um<"' ",h? Hotel World," Man cook who marks oklllhhb and but tor cake. Apply Sundry. II A. M., Id'.i West st. M>KK money S l-.l,LINO uL'll NKW WabTuNO inacbiues; sells at elirbt. H a CO.. 102 Chambers st. MANUKACI UK1NO COMPANY W A NTs OK N KkaL aueuts; larpe territories; hn.lnees pay. handeomel* no riak ; uuuuestlonabie relereneee ueoessarv. iisi (lib av * lop floor. * ?? 1)L'KK rKAB.-A<iftVrir WANTKD KVKKYWIIBKK to sell to lamlllus, hotels and larue con.nniitrs' lanresl stock In tbe country ; quality and lerms .1.. be.u OoilJoy PAN Y?'-s'lVVulu'in' it0*" 0r wrU,T,IK W"LLS TEA COM RTuAHLIt AOKNtTTO INTltODUOK A Mi RITKD buuteliold article that retails ;or 2-mj. to rauiiliee and ^St'^yiar** App,r ,u ih8 T AS Ul-AiiANtr.EO Pl'KK. 2>J "poi'mm v.r .T J1"*"0! 10 P"unds. $1. saMPLK TBa CoM-' r.\N i , Teerl su VATANTBD ?tOBNTS FOB AN ARTICLE OK KEAOT Jrf iddr?I btl li'K' If'Tal'l \\r AIITBO?kBLOOO ttm>SBaL AOKKT8 THBoUOU TT out the Lone I Statea; none but thorouuh lei.m,.,, men nee apple tlall jr. East 4th et., between 2 .?d i P ?M? Box 4,wtrtt Post olHee. New Vork city. WANT it? A FIltsT CLAS> BAiiTKNPKlt, NONE Others need apply; salary, and board. AUdro with relnreuca. box 1.(0 iMrald ollleo. Auures,, IE' AMKD-I.OC.VI, AO E NTs. VI A f.E < > li FF.MaiTk TT In ?Very t'?wri and riilaite throughout the United Stales and ( anada, .or the sale ol onr poodt; exclusive territory plreuil; business lluht. very profit.Me end hlobly rcspectanle. eocloelnir stamp lor reply, H li i C?i.# iierMid onus. \\! ANTED-A YOUNO MAN To sOLlKll MBit 1J7 ACT1 ri'lioraM ?;L.n : VIT t N'T Kit?BY a" MANUPAOTUIUNti pTTtM A TT travelllnic s,-nl with experianoo In selling to dry go.als bouses Ibrouith tn. United Mates. Address w lb rclerence, slating ags, Ac., lock bo* Utlit nochastar. N V. an km-kkikm ei>. rnkhok iio TJX*. vaa.iiiir salesman . liberal arrangements wiili the rlwht parties. I UK SIN..Ell MAN UP AO I U III No Oo M Pa > Y illOlllocok. ret, Monday, after IO A. M * Wt W ANT FN rKUPKlsl NO A<iI'.N i S ?0 MLb tTTf. dU'ekrst selling artlclu in tbo market; l.Mt percent proilt. :t;i Park row, r om in. vir h A I) t 'OuK Ft tic MOTKl, IN OflT TT mast Oo llrsl cla-a, with best reference. Audrrse wlili' oniee*"0"' A" CUOK' U"* 121 Uptown Uraucn U' ANT It \ POHTKR AOUUM TOMBO in WORN IN wide bouse; must e .msrl, active man and know uis business Address Pit ft U.K. Uerali oMco. W"ANTK 1>?AUVKItTISlNO . ANY t -l it, kT)7i delly paper; only experienced men will receive attrn "**dr C PltlJ NO- I'L'RH IK A. U 2X PltUNItBTStO?Tin .)< ANI..N Tl I rm, P IN V, I4M Vliair .1 \V ANTF.ft? In A itlllPPfNO orrT?R~"AjT TnTfi.I.L TT gent lad; must -aslda with Ills narents and write a ..nice "L A" *' "r"h IL, box 2, Lid Post AyANTKI.-A VtuTiso MAN To COLbROT BILLS 11 lor adieing establishment; derf.slt #:k*t caeli a. security l.auu Broadway, 11 to I only. YY'VNili. AUK NT- I ot - A N V A S MFfTiT PIRMt CI.a'nR Tf portraits; gnnd Indareinenls tn rlaht earties <1 2\ required lo start. Apoly No. 14 W,.veriey place. ' vy AN TBO?A sMABT. ?ACTI VE HOI. ABOUT 10 k I vini'ii."'.'.''^11 on"'?- Address, with references, K.. box ItW ll?rx)(l oflleo. UfANTKIl?AORNTN AND THE TRADE" To KNOW that our new e-tabllshiucnt is tor all kinds I r and < bronios. UuNTlA ENT.VL CIIROMO ChMrAKV, ^ ^'nrrfii *%. \\ TANTKIt?K VpltAl. HMAI.I. R(?v"dj AldsO roUNfi' ilrl to wait ou tallica DIME LUNCII Co , ;:i V?'UNO MAN (KNOLI-H PltRfi RllKIt). wjfli LIT 1 He money, as treasurer; eniartatu.neat gnl.K to Call forula. Monday, after ten, COOK, | J., ? est i!7tb st. imp; -in ahka, An RNOINKKR. RUN WOoD WOKMNO nil IIINI RV L-V, <??? ?' efty; ema.l ?.gea HAKit' n?)MKi H, Mernitl omcfi. AS .. Jill VA ,M|(|. HI L aRN a I-It A it,'. APPLY at 445 Mesl44lb st., first ll or. BA Kit Kite ?A U. toll H A KMKIt C AN KIM) a -IT ll'.u or establish bimseir III business; trade Hie year rounil Apply at Lake View Hons . Asbury Park, N. j. fltUAR ?aKB < T.I TaKK CllAR lE AND Ve?m.i.afsclure In a small laclory. A.i lreaa, stating sir cnmstaiics, L V.. box l?... Ruronne, N.J. &KR?ijO PUNTRK AN it K .A l.aOM IN Bit w"\Nt1 A Work I.y III., day or contract; ba> ilrst eiaes city rarer. ?nee Addrem UkiIOKA HiR, ll.ral.l Uptown elhce I ' i - l d I n I MAKRK H ANTKIt- CAPAHi.K~7Tr I loin.' all Binds of IIMil. Iftnn. work 011 1110 lathe Address If It A da Herald ollice. giving name an.I addrss" and atat" ll.e nod ..1 w -rk most aersatomvi to ' ttwkLisMl. Toil NO M.A.N A I.HIII'.S A N ff U A I I < I N ?I It. a mnnnfartiirlng house ; understands irm.l >?. d .1,.. or willing M. make bim.ell u. y a, ." bn.ln .s i es.' rVft er.nce Address A . I .1., 11 r r * Idlntxe n II ranch nfllce' A^ntAA 11 VI PKK-NKKA WANlRU.-ile WSmTISTh lyANTRIt A VoilNH man. KXERRIKNOKI) \i TT machine si. w.irk and at ruaulag a p..wr pre.,. Au.lru.i M Aim IN4kV. He,aid orbe. * W miha?",,".i' i!'".'.'I,V TL VIRKOAR Tf maker O.. ho* J|it Herald odlre. YY'ANTI.I) RXI'kKIKm rii iH'stoM tltfTTEil? T' llAllltls A AHt . Jlrl Broadway. ?'or Oilier Wis lit TrtrcrllsriuruU Sew Ulraclurr. __ "AX.EH AX AlffTim, ^ Y ?MouRia wiLffs4."ilgdWfvtfiiS*: EIEOANT HOTEL FURNITURE, FIXTURE* lNI? APfURTK.VA.NCEX oF THE WhLI. KNOWN WINCHESTER HOTeL, NORTHEAST CORNER KKnAOWAf AND 3l*T ST, AT AUCTION. ? K. H. LUDLOW A CO. will ??il at auction. commenc ag Monday, M iy IK n( II o'clock. and eoi'linuiar until *11 11 the NTlRR TC'K^lMJiU, Ac..oi the tbove HotcL H tl.K POSITIVE. Cata.ogue* *1 othce of Auctioneer*, Mo. :j Pine kt., Htiil 1,1311 Broadway. Attention to hotel proprietor* and private fainllle* la ?ollclted. RT. ? >OW ON KXillBI'loN ART. AT MATHEWS OAI.1..RY. 51 LIHKRIY AT., a auperb collectlou ol CARRARA IA It ill. r. STaTUAKV. AI*o Croup* auU Statuette* tit Alabaater, together with XL PhKit FLOuK.N I'INE ETRUSCAN AND PoMPEl.Wf VAXES. ARTISTIC BllONZKs o.NO PINE PAtttf CLOCKS, to It* noid without aur rcaerve at auclloa I L'EsOa Y, WKO?K>OaY AN1> THURSDAY. Mae 14. 15 ?n i HI. At 13 o'clock. DANIEL A. M aTHKWS. auction f, 51 Lih-rtv it. "A IT K.N IIO.N 1?LARGE Hol'sKilOi.D I-L K ?i I'U ..j .Xxaale, on Mouilar morning. at lnt^ o'clock, at the prt. vale rthljene* 137 Kiel 37th el., between Lexington and 3d av*. ; two maguiHoi lit ru?ewund Pianoforte*, one steiu< war; lama auii *mali I'icr Vllrror*. lateat etyto Parlor suit*, lironac*. Va*e*. Clock*. Curtain*. Painting*. line Lturary. Hon room and Hiding furniture; M xiireaae*. Hod* ding; lllua, Okl*a, sliver Ware: 1j I'll I arpat*. in alt oe r 4"<o lot* tint elk** and uae'ul 11 ouaehol J Furniture, iiuutekaapera, don't lali to attend Out I Ml* out. A?TUNIS JOtlNSo.N, AUCTIONEER, e 37 N a?**u *1 ON TUEXDvY. AT 10* O'CLOCK, at our *ala*rooui, 37 Matii at , 8 \LE Of FiNr. HOUs HOLO FU K VITURE. elegant roaewood i taitercv, llulfet* and li.iirooin seta, Bad Parlor furniture, Farpet* ami Mirror*; ?lu SPORTSMAN'S OUTFIT, two Breechloader*, shot ami Hem* Bag*. Powder Flaaka, Sheila, Ac. Auction kale PK'I'KR HOWE. Auctioneer, will nail Monday, at U o'clock. ai the auction rootna. cor ner Hth *l. aud University nuco a general MMriaitui or Furniture, consisting ol Purlor -iilta. rosewood 1 into. Billiard Table, complete; Wardrobe", Bookcases. >tdo boaro., blac. walnut Dressing Bureau*. marble top W ash stands, Centra Tabu-., Hall Standi. Le?unges. Easy Ciielra, Engravings, black walnut Bedateaila, hair ?ud spring Mattresses. Bed-Rug, Rocker*. Chain, Brussels and lugraln Carprt. Ac , UiilON nALM ? Ab'C HO A NI) 1ICE ? 1W" iMooday), commencing at lllo'clock at piIvale real" donee No 31 Kaal 17tli ?k. between Broadway and >tli av.? vim. nirgaut rnwwfiiii Stelnway I'lanolorte. al.o otto ba ib net' Upright, Parlor -nil tit raw sHIt. satin and reps; ele gant Inlaid marquetry Bedroom Suit", hair an t spring Mat i'illowi, Sheetings. OlnlTotinlera. Bookcases, Bronmea. mantel aun pier Mlrrori, Centre and Library Tablet, Oil I'alntlng* by Willla. Cushions. i>. W .Iter and ot.-ers; Dining Piirultore, Extension Tablet, Bullet,.Chain in cane and leather, silverware. Cutlery, ' Tilna and i nail, tnre of ?eivant?'dapartmeiili. H. K. d AKT1N, Auctioneer, office 1.101 Broadway See Monday'* llrrald. | 'A Ut.TION.?KUKM1TUKM?C. J. LYON. AUCTION. .TYoer will it'll, on Thursday, May IB, at. I1' " clock "'l'>rPt on the prentliei. all tho elegant Itou-ahold Furniture ot the very genteel private residence 33 Welt 3KtU sk. compi lung roiewood Piano, iinyliRQ eiii-ala.# Cltand lien, luo^uelte and body Brunei* Carpet!, Parlor and Chamber Bull* and great aeeoetmewt Crockery ware and Kitchen I teii.lli. B~~Y ItOBT. II AY DUCK A BBO I'll Kit. AUG riONBtiRIk B Collage place, on W EDNKSDAY. May 13. Tim cratav KaKTII RNWAItl', of approved m .Iter*, alio FhKNCII CHINA and llOin MIAN HLAS8. TIIU ilSDAY. May l?. L A Kti K SACK OK CLA-sWvKE. including 4.784 barrel* beat quality Pltt.burg lanlewaret alio good* ot itoaton and Western inaiiulacturo. 1 hi. eat* I. worll y lite special intention ot Hie trade and ol all par? tie* handling glsesware. Catalogue now rcarly. B~ ISSKLL A~WBLLB8, AUCTIONKhIW. FRIDAY, Hiv 17. at li?H A. M.. at No. IS Murray it., large mala ol Hardware, Cutlery and Home FnrnHbluM Uoodi. Alio, by order ol a Jobbing cutlery lioueu retiring trom bu.loen, tno Haiance ol tbeir stock, comprising Wade A Butcher'* Humor*. JoiepU Rodgcrs' Pocket Knlvei. Scl-.ori, Carver, mod Ivory Knives; lioardman's 8 P. Tea and fftblo "puone and Fork% ainirla and double plate; Britannia dpoons. Rubber Knlvei and rorke. 8. P Cailore. Taa Bella, English Corkier*we; large aieortment ol rlcltlv decorated Baalish Tea Tray* and geuuluo nlckel-allvor uedlutn and Ooaeert Korka: alio large line of eeruu, Window and SIloe, Wooden Ware, Pail* Neat*, palntod and cedar Tuna. Broom*, shovel, and ftpadea. Pick handle#. Ac.. Aa. T HALRKY 4k MILLKTT aUCTiON EERS. TUESD \ Y. May 14. at .tore. I I'd Chamber* it, 1014 A M. general aiMirt'iieul ol Hardware, I rench Tinned W are and House FurtlLlilllg Oood., Ac . A". _ BY KOBKIlT SoMkllVlcLK. AUCTIONEER. MATI N EE SACK MoNLlAY AT 3 P. <? CoNTKN TS OK KoUK STORY DWKLL1NO ISO EAST ;In I'll ST. CARPETS CURTAINS, PAKKOR, CHAMBER, DIN IN(1 and KI TCHEN KC KM URK, BEDS. HEDDIM* AO. tYy RoBKItT bOllKKVlLEE. AUCIToNkBR. MORTGAGES BALK -ON~~VEDNK8DAY 1STH. AT oo-. WKST ID ST.. CONTKM'S ul? D?VhLLI.MJ. KY OKUKllOf U B. ASHLEY ATTORNEY KoR MOll'f UaOKE. ___ - Y ROBERT SOMKRVILLK, AliCHONKsR. MllINEK SaLK?AT liOoMa. 7* UNIVERSITY l't.ACK ON PR!HAY. CARPETS. KU.KN 1 TUlilt, MIR? KOK8 Bl US. BKUUINO, AC.. ACCU UU CA TI.NO Kltt >M 4'iiY and country, old anu nkvv, now on vikwt. /TIIOICE REAL ESTATE KOR SALE AT AUCTION. I AUiqm MlUUeil, AticlionHr will m?II at public Mucilon, on tho preuilie*. ou Muuday. May t3, IS7S, at 3 o clock I . M. that valuable reildeuce lb the borough or Norwalk, Conn., altualed on blub ground, on Kail av . belonging to Andrews Hamermley ; the nlace periectlv healthy, coiu" iiiaodmg On# view ol Kong laland Sound and aurrounulnt couutry . one mil* lioin south Norwalk depot. diatatUont hour and hfta-n minute.Iroin New York by New toi*aud New Heveu Railroad: tho vt'lag* one mil* Irom the ptaco, having uatlonal bank*. Kboun and churcbn ol all denomi nation*: good boa Ijig and iiihing within ihort dl tance ol houie; home In all about 34 feel Irani. 30 loet deep, twa .torie* and aillc, fl.led In with brick, of auu.taiillal *iru?. ture; room. IS. celling, high; il* room, have marble inaotlei grate* eud Urepiace*; modern Improvement*; bath room lauudry, stationer: tub*: kllcbeu with Hue Beebe a cooking range; hot and coin water and go.; cedar dry, having atatlonary luruuuce, which heal, whole hou*.-. attio .paciou*: root tlnuel: h.tuio inemcellent order; comfort able lor both a minuter or winter resided**; .elte de for gentleman doing bu?ine?? m sew York returning aama d.iy; I.aud about throo-uuartar* acre, laid out In lawn. Irult tree# and garden .pot ; term, ma le kuowii ul tima of sale. For luriher p-rtlculara Inquire ot J.vnit.o nitcti KLL or owner on premlae*. _____ CTH AS T.'LrVI N Ksn. A UC TlON KKB, WILL SKI.fa J Monday, 11 o'clock, at No. 7o New t liamo.r. ak, IUC new liair Mattresie*. The abovo good* will positively M ?old to lb* highest bidder. Lot* to^.uit? INUWARU SCHKNCK. AUCTION KF.R SECOND IIANII FURNITURE. Monnet. English, Mfu?**l* and oilier tine Carpet*, Three elegaut plar Mirror*. Cernleea and l-anihrrqnln*. Parlor suit*. Bedeteada. Mattrea-ea. I able* and Cuafre, Bookcnna*. Wardrobe*. Eaay I hair*. Ia?e t urtain*. Fib* Ula?*ware au-i a quantity ot Kitehan r u ndiira All* a tine roaewood Plan... tuily equal MM*. ON MONDAY. MAY 13. AT II O'CLOCK, at No. io maiden lank 1/ "COLI'ON. At!< "I lONEKR. I? e salesroom ,.UB Broadway, balow Houston *1 Superb Household Furniture. On MONDAY, Muy 37. at the private mansion on 3th *T? urar the Windsor Hotel, the antlra r'nrnlture and Cartiet., Imported and made tt order at .n eapenw ot about ?IO!t.BO >. the house will b? open for Impaction a few dey. before the *ala. Tu? lioune mil l?t will he eotil el th*> **nit time. b COi* ruN, AlICTlOM k k k. Sptfdel Oerpel eele. On MONDAY. May 3 o'clock, at the salesroom 3hB Broadway, auout *1" Lnrpeta, A* minater. tnoqnette, velvet and Brui-elm. On WEDNESDAY. May 13, at II o'clock, at the m del Broadway holow llou.lon emteoalvo .ale of rich ll.onehold Furniture. Planoe. Mir ror?, Ac., from a itorage warehouau. CNROCKkY SAKK? i;HaS. T LEVIN Ess. auction. Year, sell* Monday. !">?? "* 7(1 Chamber, .t.. root Pl.-ta Stock and KImtur*. of a llrocery; 3h .it chest, lea, Soap*. < urrnnts, March. l'? l?"*e? I ttcoa. Pepper. 33 ' a-e* I'eaoNu*. Maecaronl, Vinegar, Saue*., roa.tef Coffee and other go -d.; Puila. Clotha.plns elegant Tom aud epic# Can.. Coffee dill. Scale* \V agon. Ac 1. IUMI^n! -ni \ ' I K IIOUSKIIOLD FUR" NirUHK. Tl'Ksli tY MAY II. AT |OM O'CLOCK, AT NEW SALE*IIO ids NO. 33 IIOWUCY. Tho ontlrn lloit?oo??ld Kurnltur# end Keraonel Kffeete ol Mre t ar-.lite Mluelio, decerned P. rlleulare day of ?<le. Br order ..I M?.?e? Bruckheimer. K.?| . Admlnl.tretor. ^ f OSBFli SIIONOOO At i TIONEBR, Si LLS l'? *1 morrow Stock and Klatero. Urooery store, -oore pan tl uiare tomorrow. JOehPII SHOMJOOD, Aueltopeer, ieii. Mey 13. Furniture of French Flel. More particular* U-.y sale. - JIlVvEN. Al CTiONKKR _ , . time* and ot. Bl W at 3?th. neer Broa.lwuy, Fereonsl uttantlon given ?o ?l inlvale h-uw* OBBfR I I KIN-. vl noAh.KK. ?EXKCU foKV ?*i# -No 31 East iMth.l-fc. II- l-udlow A Co will so l at auction. ..n Tu#?dav. May l?. M7d. at 13 " ?? the Kmchan.-e .etc*room. Ill ILoadway (Trtmly BulLI log). New York, t.y order el the em -,mors of I. w. ruroav. deceased Kelt ,Mth . the de.lrable two .lory, Fri-nrk reel and bae-toent doub eftame Dwelling. No 31 Kaal 7Httt .t between Madl.on and Par. av* ; bunan BTJIkJA fajk j i? in * Air iifdrr runldim I" fwiu* imn'itiunt: ?iii? w.ter g*?. room and wnlor eloeot; lot 3T.B*lf?3 3 f#*!!!; 70 p?r c0Ut muy r^tti*lci on bond *nd morl^ii^v 7 MAlUllM.'S pack -Itl.'IIABI. WAI.IKR"' Ht.y^ tueltoneer* win *#B Moodav. al H>?< o'clock, *1 ?al,-a rn m Wka?l Hroedwav. a general a#.--ilment ul iHot.-t Hold roroliura, large l*i of llrue.ol* and ingrain Ca-oel*. nil loth* on new Wheeler A Wlieon thalf e.*e| Sewing Machine.'one ICtlioue*. on.- aav a oetav# Piano. j.e ?rl key*; also t irorrrte-1. two barrel* V inegar, two ease* Corn, home* Starch, Ai. Sale positive. DANilKL ll'UKtkN, Marsltel. |>AW N Bli<*K Klls' SALKN?BY R YIELD, Oener.l Anrtloneer, saiearoom No. 133 Cenal *t.. near Bowery Monday. May 13 by order Henry McAleenan. l!?l Nth a*., II h.mWomen'a Clothing, together with !*?? lot# toate, iXZTi.: 14 by order sAtpson A hhll'.on, ISI R '*? r 7<r > lot* Clothing. . Wednesday. May 13. a very large asaortm.nt of now nntl rond hand llrue.ela. threo-ply Ingrain C.fh"t?. Ac. Thursday. May IB, by ordsr II. Hrerkwedel. 4BB tNh a*., ? i lot. Clothing. .. . _ -srw Friday. May 17, by order Hngh Freel, Bl Rose ?%-. T?P1 ta Clothing. ? . \V N it K" Kr K'S SALE OF W A Til If h*. JEWELRY, Diamond#, silver* ire, Opera Oleasue. I istoi.. An, on ue.dav Mar 14 at l'i)u o'eleek. ?t the salesroom, of II. lisml sJi. NS 13 Washington pi-?- By order oj I* eaerntors oftb# let* Abraham J. J acksnn. Sale posk ve t-> ri..*e the estate. - U \ V'\ flttoK K S' SALES hi THOMAS J. M> ORATII. Anetl-ineer. I,'.s Cbtsham sk, eornor Mulberry. MONDAY, W' I nit Moo's and Women a Clothing, ny rdei ,1'i.ei.h Binmauer, 411 7lh a*. Tl'K-D iY. Tihi Lot# Men'# and Women # Clothing. By i'i tnn-i 'u.iss. 'J.V i liatham st. i il i it.kll % Y Lots Men's and W'-men's Liothlng. y order U t'ohen. 41 ' anal sk and B. Odheu. Sf Delaocuy k - - ?mi fill l" i SALK BY VAN FANSBLL A KlAlNKY. NtuetVoneer. Moodav. Ma, 13. a. I.. k. .'Hack, at.No. J ,i i ton . Ill# Stork and Fiktures ol M auilt.iory, Mis stln ? ot a large sto- k Of Br nhea of averv de.o Iptloii, nished .nd onftnl.hod t alma largo Quantity at Brtaile* i il*# finril <iUnllt*. HlUlim hlHiiflf, r I * t it X\fll, ? a" EKBNaRD KKii.LV, Sheriff I'll** W. l.'rnAa. Depntv. for OH?**r Adrrrflseinrnta Ultilsr Tibia li?adiit|i ??? BUMtarir.