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RUSSIAN AGENTS. What They Are Doing and Propose To Do. IMPORrANT STATEMENTS. Seventien American Vessels Chartered for Indefinite Periods. ' CA/TAIN GRIPPENBERG'S VIEWS. JlOw Russia Will "Crush Eng land's Little Army." BRITISH SPIES IN AMERICA. Tho presence oftho Russian naval ofllcera (bat are Dow stopping at tbo Everett Uoaso baa created a con siderable excitement among tbe steamship owners and brokers in this oily, and although in somo Instances they Insist that tbo Russians bnvo no Intentions of baying any vossols, there bos been a vory decided ad vance in tbe market price or all sen-going stenpiers In tit aro In first class ordor. Up to the present tbo Russian ofBclals have kopt very quiet, aud no offers have boou openly tnndo to purchase any vessels, ?ltbougb tbey do not attempt to deny tbnt thoy might bo Induced to make some purchases if tbey were mot In a reasonable manner. Tbo laet is, tbo rumors that bavo been spread ol tbe Russian government hiving sent over agents to buy a lino oi leogoiog last steamers bas so carried away tbe owners of nearly allatbe avatlablo vossols that It is understood tboy are prepared to ask a price equivalent to more tnan what tbo vessels could t>o built lor. If tbe Rus sian officers find tbey cannot got any vessels at a reasonable figure they may possibly bave some built, is there are builders now ready to rurmsb tbe vessels tbey require lo lour months lrom tbe date of tbe order. 1XOI.AXD ALSO HUYISU 8T&AMKK8. One difficulty in tbo way of tbo Russlun officials Is tbe competition that is raised by the English agents tbst aro also said to be in the market. A Hkrald re porter was lnlormod yesterday through a reliable sourco that tovcral steamers bad been carefully in spected by English agents and an offer bad also boon submitted to their owners, Tnore is no donbt that tbo English are as equally well represeniod In this market as tbe Russians, but tbey appear be prevented lrom maktDg any purchases by tbe prloes that are being askod by owners. One gentle man Intimately connected with tbe English officials said yesterday that tbey bad cabled across to pur chase lour steamers tltil bed been offered them in France, as they were lor better tbnn anything tbey eoulu get in tins coiyiiry tor the same money. SUOWIKO MR. KHOLIKSKKY OVBK TI1B CITY. Tbe Russian officers did not transnoi any business Sosterduy ol' any importance, and l.tenteniint Ii. M. hohbskey and Lieutenant N. R. Rodionuff Kept pretty close to tbe hotel all day. Tbo naval architect. Captain W. Konteynikoff, started off about eleven o'clock witn Mr. Nainaniol McK ir on a kind ol excur sion through the city. Mr. McKay took bis Russian friona to tbo Treasury Building, l'ark Bans, Post Office and other places of note, and gave bun a realiv pleasant drive. Wheu they visited the Post Offico the Naval Architect was introduced to Postmaster James and shown over tbo depart meat, lie was rather astonished at the view bo obtained from tbe root, and oxpressod Uimself very muen interested In tbe elevators. After that Mr. McKay took bis guost to tbe Fall River lino, where tbey made an lospcotionol the steamer Bristol. Tbe maguitlcencoot tbe saloon Qttings wcro something new 10 Captain Konteynikoff, as that was a eluss ol naval aronlteetnre in which tils Knowledge was limited. SOT TLKABSn WITH TUB BTKAMKRS. Tbey then paid a visit to about half a dbzen of tbe bestot our coaal Hue steamers, with a view to form lug seme ostirasto as to bow tbey could bo adapted tor naval service. Too Russian naval architect was, per haps, not quite so well ptoaacd as hcnfigbi huvo been, suit said, lrom what bo nad seen, there was a good doul of work to be done before those vessels could he turned toio cruisers. In tbo first place tboy would bare to bo sheathed lit wood, tnat is, tbe iron vosselt, aa otherwise tbey would not be capable of standing a long cruise. Tbe wooden vessels are nearly all too old for aotlve service at ?ea. Before re turning borne Mr. McKay took Ins guest to Day a visit to tbo uew armor tbul General Sorrel bad only re cently brougDt to saoh u siato of perfection. Tho Russiun officers remained In tbe hotel last even ing busily engagoa at their correspondence, and Cap tain L P. Semotsehino returned lrom Washington at tin o'clock P. M. INTERVIEW WITH A BUSHIAN AGENT?SEVEN TEEN STEAMERS CHARTERED?CAPTAIN HTTNT CENSURED FOB TALKING?HINTS Of BRIBERY IN WASHINGTON?RUSSIAN FLING AT OUB STATE DEPARTMENT. I BY TELEGRAPH TO TBB HERALD. J PiHLAusLPniA, Alay II, 1878. Captain Senutachkln, of ibe Russian Navy, ono of tbe reputed agents of tbat government In tnis country for tba procurement of nru:?era In tbe event o' a war between Russia and England, arrived in Philadelphia tin* morning on his way Irora Washington. Ho re mained bora only for a low hours ond tbon loll lor New York, wbtiher tba headquarters ol ibe Russian Minister nave recently been transferred Irom Washing* lug. Captain SomiiscUklu could not bo intercepted by 8ho Hkbai.d correspondent before bla departure; bat tbo writer snoceedod in finding a Russian gentle man, a friend of Ibe Captain and bimsell one of ibe Irafierlal agents, from whom more information was obtained ibin tbo rotloont*naval ofliccr would bave Imparted. LOOKIXO FOR FKIVATKSIIS. Wbcn tbla gentleman was approached with tba direct qnostion as to wbat was the object of ilia visit to torn city h? shook hie bead, and pointing to his ayes, ears and mouth in turn, said, "Wo have two eyes lor soeiog, two ears for bearing, but only ono month to speak with." If you see Ibo moral or tbla you will uoderatand Russian diplomacy. 1'orsisient bat courteous pumping, however, on the part of tbo interviewer finally brought the admisaion fbnt flic principal object of ?omitscbkln*s visit to Pnilauolphla was to dcotdo upon tbo availability of tbo American lino of LtverpeQ! steamers for prtvafcsrlng purpose*. Tbo denial that tbeeo vessels could be bought by ibe Russians, which waa sent to a press agent by lb# steamship company, tbe Russian agent pronounced uutrue. "Ru*6t* does not wish to pur. sbaae steamers," raid tbo agent, "sbo only wishes to what you call ?charter' tboio. Wo could bave char lerod thcao Amercta Hue steamers for our own pur poses If wa desired it, although I understand au exorbitant prlco was demanded, hut Captain Somltech klo examined t'bo stcanierr and lonnd them unKtiilu ido. It wae to cloeo thia business that he was In Philadelphia this morning." "Why are they unsuitable!" 1 aeked. "They have made quick passage*" "Yes; but they aro not fast against strong winds ?nd ?? as. rher are ioo high out of the water. They niigh^ho plercod lor guns, but jhey ure too ulgh io make privateers of." "H ivo auy American veeeols yet been chartered or bougin, or are Ibe preliminary negotiations now going on in ibis country V" SFVKXTRKX aTKAMRRS C:iARTKIIBU. Alter some reluctance tin* quest.ou waa answered "I And tbat seems to he tho general impression, hut It Is a mistake to suppose that wo have dune nothing more than look around. Seventeen vessels luve already been onarierea lor an unr.erinin t rno, butut fixed rules, end will oe hired, 1 uo decidedly objoct to telling you what these vessels are You mutt not ?Sjt nte auy mora. Tllk I1KRALD KVSKTW'JIKHK. ?'You already know loo much. 1 would willingly give yeu lurthrr tulormatton, but I bo Hkiiai.d has too large a circulation. M nv, 1 lludllin hi. Petersburg and a? far as Nijnil-Novgurod, and in |dao?s In Kuropo whore tbo Loudou Timet does nut t go. f bava peon all over tbo world, and 1 llnd the llEHALO everywhere but in Australia. Tbo IIkkai.o has Infured us by-pubdahlng tna Baltimore ue. i'iicb aunouucing the arTiv.iiof iheso genilsinen In New York, flow did you gel lit" captain Hunt was crliicisad lor talking loo much to tho uewspanora. |i was admiited lliat he shared iu ihosecrois ol lbs Musslso otllcera, nut ho had been indiscreet. CHAHUKS or IIHIIIKKY AT WASH1MTOX. Tbe Kugli-n lullueiiou is very strong in Waehlngtop, and in inu evem ol a war wun Russia the gentleman declared Ibo Hlaie flepartmeut would ctilorce ilio aenirsiliy laws much more strictly against Russia than against Knglsno. (?) I lie reaaoD of tills is llinl liueisutf is constantly using inonrv in Washington an . Russia Is not. England twa Ibe ear of the United Miles guferMWbb <?nnn the corn spolMi-oi a?kad Ins inlormaiii ii lio wseture lliat Kuglieb money was being Weed m n*a capital lie replied poalliVoly ilist ho know li fortunately lor Russia, however, the ugunt con* iiuuod, tills policy of tho English government is par iiailv neutraiixeo by tbe cupidity oi the English people. John Hull is always reauy to turn au houest penny, and It Is a /act that some ot those Russian crullers have Seen bought with pounds end shillings und pence, English money. Home Englishmen, said be, are acting us our brokers to procure ships to de stroy their owo commerce. . WILL, USK TUB UBKMAB FLAG. "Will you not base some dilllculiy m getttug away lrotn oar ports with yoar new ships, our government being disposed 10 eniorce the neutrality laws, und linvtug already seat a revenue sutler to watch the C tnbrlnf" " We no not anticipate any trouble, because wo may put ibom under the German flag. All tue privateers will probably sail under Gorman colors. This will protsct Ibem, without uoubt. You know His German merchant steamers wore ran oncer the Russ;un flag during the Yranco-l'russiao war t" iiora wak will bk avoidro. Being asked what lie thought sh to the probabilities of war with England lbs Russian, who seemed to aro that lie bad boon a little uflT Ins guard, answered that he did not think that war was very likoly to occur. This struck the writer ua uot exactly ronaiatont wiih llio declarations that seventeen piivatoers have been alM-udy chartered. 1 i sked why war was thought uot likely. "Uurause," ai swered the Ruaetun, "I know tbo Cxnr does uot wish to go to war. 01 course, il we ere siupped 10 thujace, why, then, wy will dcleud our aeivos; but II It can he uvottled with dignity Russia wilt out go to war. Thut is Hie disposition ol ihe Czar Alexander. When the Czarewitoh reaches the throne It will probably be uillereni." . lXSfkCTI.VG .STKAMKKH IB I'UII.ADKLIUIIA. Having usceriuiued lUe mission ot Captain Semltsch kln to Philadelphia regarding the American lino steamers the correspondent sought diligently to Und out whet steamers at this port would t>u approved by the Russian puval ofllcers. This lUe Russian, with a polite smile, absolutely refused lo tell, ulalmiog that anyhow it would be impossible lo suy positively as tbo Inspection had not boon completed. . IXTEEVIEW WITH CAPTAIN OBITPENBEKG? FOLLOWED BY SPIES?MEN FOU TUB PACIFIC COAST?HIS V1KW OF THE RELATIVE POSI TIONS OF ENGLAND AND BUSSIA?SHIPPING INTEBESTS. [BY TELEOBArH TO THE HF.BAT.D.] Huston, May 11, 1873. la tho Herald of Wednesday appeared an Interview with Captain Hunt, of this city, who Is an ngcnl of the Russian government and now looking alter tho inter ests of that country In Now England. It wag also stated In that connection that Captain Grlppoubcrg, of the Russian Navy, was In Boston on tho game crrnod. Bo;h these gentlomen left town Tuesday eight on the Eastern Railroad lor the coast of Maine, Captain Gripponborg went directly to tho steamer Clmlirla and thero held consultation with the olHoors and ?'passengers," while Captain Hunt stayed at Port land and from that point look observations of the harbor and adjacout boys and ports. Meanwhile Count Alesijeff, the distinguished ??piisssugcr" from tho Cimbria, was in Boston and on his way to Now York, and Washington. It is a Strungo coincidence, but It Is as true as It la strange that Count AlexiJcfT and Captain Grlppenborg woro at tbo Parker House on the same day, both tbelr names appearing on tho same page of the rcglstor, and each was Ignorant of tbe presence of tbo other. ^Captain Grlppcuberg regis tered under.tho name of "Alberts" and Count Aloxt JefTas "AgncVigno." Both lott town within an hour's time and they never saw each other. HUNT AND (JWrPKMIKItU IN CONSULTATION. Caplain Grtpponberg and Huai bavo since returned. They wero In consultation to-day with certain goot'o mou In an ofDco In Pembcrton square. Tbe former is stoppiog at the l'arkcr Houso and tho lattor with his father in Neponeet. Your correspondent called on Captain Grtpponberg at his room In tho hotol this afternoon and bad a very ploasaut chut on Russian and Amorican affairs. AN INTERVIEW |TITU CAPTAIN GRIPPRNBBRO. "I bavo Just returned from tbo Cimbria," said the Captain. '*1 went tbore last Tuesday, and 1 am happy to say that I found all tho otlioers and nion In good health and spirits. Tbo inhab'tants In and around Soutbwost Harbor are very kind to them, and hnvo displayed a good deal of warm sympathy for Russia by their kind treatment of both olllccrs and men. Evory day hondsomo bouquets aro soul to tbe Cim bria. Tbe harbor is a beautiful one, und 1 don't think a better could be selected lor th'e purpose." "Is It true, Capiaiu, that you and your associates have been pure),using vessels in Xew York and else where since your arrival in this country T" "Oh I" roplied the CuplaiA, "you aye lam aciiag under specitiu instructions ai my government, and it would not be proper lor me to dtvuig e the sscrois en trusted to my keeping. Of coarse In ease ol a occla ration ol war we will ueed* Unit number oi steamer*. .Wo nave a great TnaBjr*aW*aibrlxed agents In the Culled ftatoa, each buviug lit*special work to do, and 1 am not acquainted with nil their operations, ueiihor do 1 know officially tlielr instructions. However yon can say lots muol., and that Is ibui Russia will tio well propnred when war is UocUrod, it It is ever deolared, and that sho will buve all the steemora she uoods lor ail purposes" . destination or the uimdria'e men. "What Is io bo llio dentinallou ol the men on tbe Cimbria 7 Are tbey going to tho l'acillo?-' "I understand liial such is to be their destination, or, at loast, I have beard it so iniitnaied. You sue, we have a very duo naval station in ibe l'aclfle, called VUdoviich. II wo wore to send crews irotn Russia direct ovurlund It would tako I ally three months lor them ie reach that port, lu sen ling Hu m through the Untied stales the Journey is accom plished much moro rapidly. The number of men on ina Cimbria le very small, however, and it willAake a great many more iu'ii to man all oar res sell to ilia Facitle, 1 soe It stated ia soiuo ol your Amorican papers since my arrival from Kirropo ili-l the Cimbria la to be turned into a privateer, and that there weru arms and iiiuuuions oi war on board. There Is no truth in tine. It would be loljy. There is not a single gun on board ot me vessel and tbe Cim bria Is not tilled lor privatceriog purposes." AMERICAN .NKWitPAIKK BNTKKPKISK. '?There is," taul Cupuio Grlppenborg, "a mystery that 1 would like to have cleureo up. How wus it discovered lbal 1 was a passenger on board tbe Her mann 7 I know no oue on board, and boiido mat no one know inn or my naine, so lur as I cao learn, uud yot on my arrival in New York 1 lound niysolt heralded In the newspapers. You aio Vi ry enterpris ing in America. 1 must say. " - AKR THEY E.NOLISIl RPIK*7 '?1 am nwart that everyoue ol my movements ere watched by Prillub spies, .Sometimes I go along the sirceia attending to my business, and on turning round suddenly I am sure to sec tlio l?co oi a man wboin 1 have met upward ol a dozen times thai Same day. He disappears qaicky mid us quickly ro.ipposrs when be Is least expected. At Mouinwesl Harbor I found an Englishman on iho lookout. 1 ticlievo the New York Herald culled him Tbo 1-ono Fisherman.' He exolied u good Uenl ul merriment by Ins move ments. The moment 1 Icll lor Boston ho lolcgruphcd my departure io the Uriilsb Consul litre ?ud nl>? to the British Minister ei WiubingioL. As lur it* 1 ain personally concerned I do not care, but It serves to show what a doteslablo system of erplouago Is being kejil up by the British government." RUSSIA CANSor rack down. In sn.twcr lo u question us to the probability of a solution ol tue UilQouliy Captain Urippvubcrg sunt "1 sco by the papers Hits morning that European advices aro more pacific an I that war may yet bo averted. I do not seo bow Russia csn back down and givo way lo the dtiuanus of England. Rus sia bus already granted' moro concessions than 1 could novo believed. Our people, al though tbey aro willing lo doieiid their national honor upon boin land anl sea, desire peace, but tbey aro not willing lobe robbod ol I lie beucltis oi their victory ever Turkey, 'lliat victory cost us tbo Uvea ol ih >u smdus ol our best officers uud aoldluM, and having ac complished the freedom Iroiu furki-h thraldom ol ilia Christians In Bulgaria and Itoum uilt w- aro not going to permit England to come ill at tins laio hour oi ill* ?lav and dictaio lo ua wbal terms we shall luiposo or accept. Nor AFRAID OK KEULANO "England lias made a mistake' tins lim*. She will Und tnat io case ol actual no.- tilultis wo will crush her handlul of iu irmt. The greatest number of man that Engluiid can musicr lor aciIre service is lo Ibe neighborhood of thrco hiiudrci thousand lighting men. We haw mi army ol 1,MO,UOO men, including hOO.uOO veterans namped in the vicinity oi Aurmnopln and .iati Elcluiia Our navy is, ol course, not so ellecuvo as lliat of England, hut our vessels, rucli as we have, ure supplied with (lie boat and most clfoc tlvo ordnance lu mo wqrid, manned by llrst class sailors aud coniuanded by ekpertauced ollloers. WllkRB ENlll~t.NO I AN STRIKE. '?I ho only lowna lu iho Russian Empire lhat the English can atiaek with their men-ot-war are a few uoprotenied places In Kiidand, ilie destrnclion ol | which would notoiiAtll serious loss upon the Empire, although 1 should be very sorry, indeed, lor any loss thai might oocur to the inhtlanls ol these loans No, sir, ro.t assured tu?t wo aro uoi afraid of tbe Kngllsb either upon land or sea. ' VKKT lainOMAT1C. During tho entird coliVersatHiu captain Grlppenborg preserved a sludloUaud carniol guard over bis speech, nod while nppareully discoursing In un off hand and Jovial manner he never luade u?e of a aioglo expres sion Hint wou d lend dtreoily to coinproimsa hlinseil or divulge aught of tne secret Willi which he is lu trusted. Capiatn Cripjenhurg Is u man in ilie prima ot lllo, Willi a splendid pbt siqiie nnd a prepossus:lug countenance, lie apeak* both French mid English fluently, and in bit conversation with iho Herald correspondent made use ol the purest Angio-daxou. LOOKI.NO AKTKR SHII'I'INO IN t KII R.ST*. Captain Grippenoerg uud Cnpiaia H int tiavo been on duty all day at the otttce ol llio Nit r, No. 12 I'em herton tquare. A large number ol leilors wero nril lon and despatched to proui.uenl slnp owi.eri nnd sailing masters. Among others, Captain Hunt wrote a letter to Capiam K.<rr. who ai , resent occupies a position as Custom House officer on one ol the stoaiiiort plying h.-iwecn tmscily and si. Joliu, N. B. During the lain civil war Captain Farr Betted as a iiruifiiant commander in the volunteer navy oi iho United .11 sirs In lit* teller Caplaint Hunt slated teat ibe application ol t Sptnln Fair hud been con eulored lavorably by the Run isn Mlmeicral Wash ington, and be would receivedellnto orders III n low days assigning him to a position in tbe Russian SlVf. ARRASOINO ron TRANSPORTATION TO TIIE PaCIPIC. It was rumored about towu yesterday aiicrnoon tliei Captain Urlppenberg waa actively ougaged iu , making negotiations with the agents of the Take Shore and Now York Central railroads lor tho iron* poriatton o( the Russian contingent to the I'aclilo coast i'bo Hkkalu correspondent called upon Mr. Cromwell, agent ot the roads referred to, at hi" office. No. 15 State street. Mr, t'romwoll slated that be was on board the Clmbrte on Monday last, and bad bad a very pionssnt Interview wilb Commander tirippen berg, and tbst as yet nothing doflnlto bed been ar ranged, but tbst he expected to bear trotn that gen tleman tn a lew daya. DENIAL OF TBE STATEMENT THAT THE CIM BRIA HAS MEN FOB TBE AMOOB BIVEB? "NOTHINQ OF TEE KIND." | BY CABLE TO TBE HEBALD-] 1.0NI)ON, May 12,1878. A despatch Irom Rome contradicts the statement In the Standard of yesterday that the ltusslam Ambassador at that city lias said that the Cimbrla was engaged to transport men ami officers to America, whore they will cross the continent and other vessels will take them to the month of the Amour, the object being merely the better protec tion of her possessions on the lower Amoor. The despatch says ?"The Ambassador said nothing of the kind." BANCROFT AT ANNAPOLIS. THE VENERABLE HISTORIAN AND DIPLOMAT REVISITS THE NAVAL ACADEMY WHICH HE FOUNDED?TREATED TO A HEYIEW AND SHAM FIGHT. [BY TELTOBAPH TO THE tlBttAJD.], tod., IIay 11, 1878. To-clp.y was one ol ospoclil interest at tho Naval Academy. Mr. Goorgo Bancroft, the venerable hls toriaa uod ex-Secretary of ibo Nuvy, of Mr. Polk's admluietrntloo, under whoso directions tho Naval Acudcmy wis founded boro In 1845, rovlsiicd the in stitution. Mr. Bancroft arrived on tbe nine o'clock train and was driven In Bear Admiral Rodger's car riage to the Naval Academy, whero ho was received by Roar Admiral Rodgors, tho odlcors nnd Professors of ibo acudomy, in their full uniform, and the full Marino Guard ana the band. As Mr. Bancroft entered tho gate the Naval Aoadomy band played "Hall to the Chief," ana ibo gnus of the Santco thundered a su lnte. The officers and professors ol the academy es corted Mr. Buucroll to the library building, where they were individually Introduced to their distin guished guest. HANUSIfAKIXG.' Among tbe officers and professors Introduced wero Rear Admiral C. R. P. ltodgers, Superintendent ol the Arudomy; Commanders Edward Terry, John A. Howell, H. 1.. Howlson, A. T. Million and W. T. Samp son; 1. ion tenant Commanders Miller, A. 1). Brown, C. V. Gridley sad B. H. McCalla; I.leaieuuuls S. Hub hard, J. h. llavtoo, M. It. SrMackensie, W. H. Emery, H. Knox, T. B. M. Masou and a. 1'. Naxro; I'ayinus lors A. S. Keuny and S. T. Browne; Cmof Engineer C. H. Baser; l'usscd Assistant Engineers 1,. \V. Robin son, C. H. Greeulesf and It. Crawford; Chaplain H. Hudson; i'rotessors W. Hecdrickson, J. M. Rico And M. Oliver; Assistant Professor Thomas Kearny and Assistant Librarian J. J. Grail. ? This ceremony over Air. Bancroft, accompanied by Rear Admiral ltodgers, Colonel Bliss (formerly of toe United Slates Army), Commanders Km ward Terry aud S. 1). Green, paid a visit to the various departmental buildings in the Aoauemy. A SUAll FIGHT. At half-past ten tho tcuturu of tbe coremontes of the day began?an urttttery drill and sham battle com bined. Tne bands present in their uniquo suits ol Ba varian blue aud tho red-coated drum corps shone in resplendent contrast to tne Ireshly mowed sward. To tho strains of euliveulog music the battaliou, with sixteen guns, inarched out of their armory aud termed on tho plateau fronting tho soutlieru sen wall ol tbe aeudemy. Lieutenant Mhbou was in command. Mr. Bancroil was lu n position to view the maiifeuvroa uDd he was evidently greatly interested. The bat talion inarched by in suiulo and Mr, Banorol't re turned the compliment. Tne light wus men begun. The battalion lor a moment passed out of Sight, and then on the loft they curao in view with tweivo guns at oouMe quick. ATTACK I SO TUB UKKKZK. Taking position they opeued lire oa tbe Imaginary enemy. Alter a lew rounds the lour remaiulug guns were ui ought lor ward at a very rapid spoed as rein lorcemenis to the oxtreine right. "Cannon to tho right of tbem, oaunou to the left of ttioin, volleyed and thundered," wnile tne note of tho bugle called the carbineers to lake position oa tne extreme rignt, and to "open Ore," wlfich they did. Once more tne bugle sonndod, and the plan ol battle oiiangtd. The battalion fared about, soul out a akirmisti line end began tbo bittieanew. This time in pantomime and without Brink FfUfSSSTATIOJI OF OFPICKRS. When this was ovor the battalion tunned lor dress parade, ana the offioers ot the Brst class, thirty in number, loruied iu lino and with drawn swords marched op, saluted Mr. Bancroft and each shook hands with him. The parade wss then dlsinlssod. This is tbe Orst visit Mr. Banciolt lias paid ibo Naval Aoadomy since he selected mo site thirty-three years ago. Tucn ibo academy was a fort with a conipauy of soldiers siaiioued tneru, aud only ten acres uttucnod. Now it has forty acres of beuulTlully embellished grounds, hamlsomo oulldlngs and 6U0 residents. Mr. Uancroit was much gratified st the great change that hud takou place, and at wnut he saw. Roar Admiral ltodgers euiertnined Mr. Buocrolt at dinner and he left this ulternoon. SECltETAlU THOMPSONS TOUR A VISIT TO KOBFOLK AND THE SOUTH CARO LINA COAST B* WAT OF THE IMLtND NAVI GATION BOOTE. [BV TELEOU.'.FH TO THE HERALD! ] Koupoi.k, Vs., May 11, 18T& Secretary of the Navy Tnoinpaon aud a pany of government ofQdala ana legislators arrived t,oro oo the Uay line ateaaier Adelaide tins morning alter a pieaaant rido down Chesapeake Bay. TUo party con sisted ol the Secretary and tils eon, Mr, John Hogg, Assistant Secretary of Hie Navy ; Hear Admiral (rua lavus 11. Scott, Fabios Stanley, Commodore Thonma II. Stevens, Congressmen Jonn Goodo, Jr. ol Virginia; John ilanna, or Indiana, aud Leopold Morse, ol Massuchuisitr, representing tho Naval Cumrolttoc; J. Proctor Knott, ol Kontacky, of the Committee on Judiciary; Stephen 1). Lludsey, ol Maine, nfgd Levi Warner, ol Connocilcnt, of tho Committee on Claims. A number ol ladles were with tho party, which nnm borod Olty-fonr -peraoue, embracing department clerks, newspsper men and women, there being two ol the letter elacs ol correspondents. knt Hi's i an tic RXtsmox. 'An Immcnao throng ol peopio uascmblod on tho Hay lino whsrf, sod as the Ad-lalde stenined up the harbor to Ihe fool of High street tbo flagship Powhatan saluted her with seventeen (.una, and the sbiita ol tho Old Dominion line dippcu their colore, Tho Unucd Hinica siesmer Fortune *a< in waiting with Captain W. T. fruxtou, executive ollicor ol tbo yard, ami stair on board, aud at oaouihu visitors were transferred to the Foruno and steauiod over to Norfolk to breaklast ul ihe Allautio Hotel. In tne muauttmo they wero joined oy Coininedoro Marshall Parks, ihe host and ric-roue ol the occasion, and Colonel William 11. Hogora, Colonel William Wulle and others. Vtsirixo 'UK SAW TAKO. Alter brookiuat the st<-*ni?r couwyod Co party te the .Navy Yard, whero ihey were received with ail ibo honors ol tho service. Commodore Crcigniou and tee various oth ers ol the yard, in regulation lull dreet Uniterm, assembled on Ihe wliart to tender a recep tion, sud iti# murine battalion, uudor comm*u<: ol Colonel Jurats Forney. was drawn up in Hue Willi arms at a presout as the viators lauded. Tlio band ol the Powhatan w?a not on hand. Tnc .?Secretary In lurined Commodore Crnighlou that his visit wm in no aeiiso official, and lie llioroiore declined to make an Inspection ol me yard or bo r A a lad by Ihe Franklin. Willi a portion ol ins party be than repaired to tho residence of ibo Contmasuaul, where mutual intro sluetiuua look place aud greeting* w,r? loiorchaugoo. A TRIP TO TIIR SOUTHWARD. After an hour's sity at ihe yard the visitors were esc >ricd to iba whari by the military and went on board the Old Dominion eiaanmr l'ainlloo, which Coin tnodore Parka had placed at their disposal, and very aoon slier rapidly (teamed up the southern tinmen. Tbo goiiilemyn beiuae mentioned and several repro ?untativel ol ino ,Norient Hoard of Trade accomnatiied Ihe party. A ibtung ol Norfolk It lies and their es corts roinsined with the vl.ltors as Inr aa Great llridgo and wero brought book to the city ou a lus. It ia ihe purpose ol tho party to morn hero enrly on Monday morning. On their trip thsy will make an inspection ol the characier tl the Aibemnrlo and Cheanpenke Cuiiai rouie, as the great connectins link ol inland coast navigation. They propose to land at Mug's Iliad and visit tne scene ol the Huron disaster, near Kill" HnWk, and II possible rtta over to too listening ground* ol tne United Stales Fish Commission, on Albemarle Hound. a iiAfftiUKT is raoePHcr. On the return ol mo oxuursinnisia they will speed all day m Norlulk and aOeept a n*n<|uet to be given by the busmen* nt"ii ol the city, aud at six u'oloek P. M. will take tno Day Duo steamer on their return to W sab rag I oo. TAMMANY. A brief session of tho Tsmmnny Committee on Or ganisation wits held at hesdi|iiartera, in Fourteenth street, yesterday afternoon. No business of Interest was transacted nlber tuao the announcement that Major (piracy, Collator F.ccloslne, Mr. A. .Sullivan aud Aseuinliiytnau Grady hud been Invited to address tno General Committee at their regular 'neoling on Thu-sdtty evening next. PEL UNO A JU8I1CK. Justice M'II t, ol II tyonne, N. J,, was waylaid on Friday night by n gang of young roughs, who petted him with a snowsr of eobhlo stones. Ilernard Horns, wno I* said to bo on* of tbo ssaailanta, has boon ar rested. AMUSEMENTS. TBR OH AND OPFRA HOUSE?"MACBETH." Willi the performance of "Macbeth" last night Mr. John MeCullougU ended bis present engagement in New York. It u an event with which he uiuet have been welt satisfied, although In allot his Impersona tlons be has been warmly received by largo uudiouces, who have awarded him tho Intelligent praiso which thu true student ot art moat desires as tils recom pense. The theatre last night was tilled lrom gallery to orchestra, and standing room only could be bad. The part ot Lady Macbeth was assumed by Miss Kmily Grnnara, a lady who not long ago gavo readings In tbts city under the narno of Oarln. It may seem uuktnd to say so, and yet H is iruthfu^ that sho Is too toll tor a general aotross and dwarfs Into con temptible stature ordinary sized men. McCullnugh, lor Instance, is a well built athteto of tiro foot eleven, but the lady last night overtopped hire to such an ex tent Hint he loosed like little more than au over growu l.iltputian. .She has a lair delivery, reads well, though low and indistinctly, and is entitled* to all too Indulgence which attaches to a Ilrsl uppearanco. It la not to to Ccnied that the possosscs much, dramatic lorco and adapts hersolt to the requirements ot the stage with a coolness worthy of u veteran ; but sho ought not to be misled by tbo applause of a mude-up utidUnco. or unagtuu' herself supreme because a half dozen c ills beloro the curtain represented tbo tribute Which her insny trleiids doslre.i to pay. 'l'boro was scarcely any sceno In Which Miss Grsnard made her solt hrurd ut tho eud of the Hudliqrlam, except to cultured oars, that could catch lier nicely intoned notesnnd enjoy ihoartsof her seacticr of elocution. .She Is not likely, thereforo, to be imraediately recognlzed as brilliant or to curry away with her a reputation much above tbe averugo lauy readers of Shakespeare, of whom we have a husk To tnako alt audience is tho business ol u manager. Tact belongs to tho nox office, true success is the outgrowth of well administered genius. ' The tragedy was enthu siastically received by Ihe many invited lrieuds, and the debutante lias good reason to begratlfled with her reception. Mr. John MeCutlougb goes to Syracuse, where ho begins an ongagemont on Montlsy. 8TEINW.YY HALL-?8ENOB KUN'f Z*8 CONGEST. Setter Gouzalo Nunez gavo a concert. In the small Sloluwny llall yesterday afternoon, at which lie was assisted by Mr. S. U. Mills, ilI3S Lootle l'luner, so prano, and Mr. A. Muokittrick, tenor. The perform ance ol Sefinr Nunez ou tho flauo was tho feature of the concert, lte has an adtulrablo stylo, a clean, clear touch aad brilliant esooutlon; but tho quality ol his touch Is not sympathetic. He was hoard In a ticeitioveu sonata, in a Chopin duct lor two pianos, nt ono of which Mr. Mills presided, and In Liszt's "Rhapsodic Hongrolso No. 2." In Ibis lxtier ho was hoard at Ills bost. His Inter pretation of ttie pieeo is slightly different from that of most pianists. Wo Dave seldom if overheard tbo pieco better played on tbo piano. ,His runs wera as clear us crystal, and lie brought oui all tho brilliancy ot this remarkably brilliant composition. Miss Lottie Puttier sang 8uliivan's "Lot Me Dream Again," and la to be cumpilraontcd upon having a neat iitlio voico ibat was not overstrained in this selection. Mr. Munkittrick sang a romunza irotu "Mignon" In u rather unplensnnt tenor voico, that was tried boyond Its capacity later on in Uio programme, when bo 8?bg tbo famous and dtlllcult tenor aria trout Rossini's "Otelio." MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC NOTES. Lotta wilt occupy her Newport homo during tbo sutnmor. Urignoll, de Murska and Sn9tnl aro giving conoerta In Texas. Too Paris theatres have dono a poor business daring the past son sou. There aro 472 theatres, music hslls sod concert rooms in Loudon. Den Thompson has beon playing with much succors In San Pranclsco. Miss Lena Aborlo's benefit Is scnounced lor Tnos duy, Mav 21, at Tivoli Theatre. One of our leading photographers has sold 340,000 pictures ol stage celebrities. Tony Pastor's Theatre la occupied by a varloty com pany, which Is doing a fair business. Another dime sacred-concert at Cooper Institute to night, with an excellent programme for tho money. l'oolc A Donuelly, ot tho Grand Opera House, are aatd to be among the luckiest managers In New York. It is gossipod In foreign parts that "Diplomacy" will bo reprodacod at the Queen's private tbeatro daring tho summer. Tony Pastor and bis ostlro troupe are announced to oppear nt tho Grand Opera House lor tho woelc com mencing to-morrow night. Modloska was the recipient of each a magnificent flower pteee in Loolsvlllo. Ky? from the Prentice Club, that Bbo had It photographed. Master W. 11. Leo. tho boy soprano, will sing and Mr. Prank Gilder will plsy the piano at the Young Moti's Christian Association to morrow evening. At Xiblo's "Che Marblo Heart*' continues to draw full bouses, end downtown peoplo onjoy one ol tbo best porlormnncos of tho eoasoo at this populur thea tre. . Mr. kdgnr 8. Allien, en amateur Illusionist, assisted by Mr. M. Isaacs, will bo the rooipient u! a testimonial bonclH at Cblcksrlng llall on Saturday evening, May 18. Mr. J. Sobo, tbo young pianist, to whom a bcneflt concert was given at Miolnway llnll on Wednesday evening, will sail lor Kurope in August, wbero ho will complete his musical eduoslton. The "Celebrated Ctee" is to be perfortnod at the Brooklyn Academy ol Mualo to-morrow night and during tbe week, with the original cast ana scenery from tbe Union Square Theatre. Miss Maggie MDohell is winning new laurels on tho road In Paocbon and Little Barefoot. Few artists hotter deserve thorn. A good nod virtuous woman always carries a blessing with her. Tbe Colviho opera troapo, ol wnieh Mile. Roseau Is a lea-Hug member, are singing in Bnlttmora. The prima donna Ims a repertoire ol thirty-four operas. Last week ebo sang lor Mrs. Hayes in tho Woiio Bouse. Mr. Steele Msokaye'a play, "Won al Last,*' Is to bo put on tbo Walnut Street Theatre etsgo to-morrow evening. Tbo author aaaames tho lending character of John Fleming and Is supported by Miss Blanche Medea, a ddbuunte. At tho Park Theatre to morrow nfght tho Aln do troupa will pcriorin "L s Cloches de Cornevh'le." it Is ono of the choicest operas iu tl.o ripertoire ol tho com pany, and tho soling ol Mczldres, tho intsor, is a stage ptcluro by itself. Levy, tho oelebrnted eornot flayer, says that after travelling 80,000 milea during tliu past threo years It Is his experience that the borne music ul i nation oltruys elicits lite most and commands tho sympathy ol sn audience. I T ho managemotil of N ibio's Theatre have tendered e boneflt to Miss Guasto de Forrest on next Friday evcutng. Dickens' "Oliver Twist" will bo performed, with Mist de Forrest in the character of Nancy Mike*. The young Isdy is a rlevcr actress, and baa made her mark during tho past season. To a select and distinguish*! audieneo in Chteker Ing llall, Ust night, Mr. Usn)-?min Gregory gave an atnitcur magic entertainment. The trtnka, which wore of Hie usual character of proslidigateurs, rxaitsd cotitiderabie amusement and astonishment, especially the celebrated Indian I,ox and hisket trick. Heller enters upuli his I.St wook, and then hies away to Kuropo to join the- professional pilgrims propone to tvorsbip al the eurinva of the Farm K\po sit loo. Those who hsvo not eeen his latest uud moat Intrrvsllng programme tnuai no so within ihentxt six or eight parlormanceH or be disap; othted. Mi -s Clara K. Colby and Miss Flora L. Fro-t oro an notincod lor a Oral appesrance in New York on Wednesday evening, M ijf 15, nt Chlckeriog IIall. Tho other artists ou tho occariou will be Messrs. A K. .St<eld - I'd, baritone; Hermann and Ferdinand Cam, piano and violin; George W. Morgan, organ, and Ml-a Maud Morgan, harp. Tho success of "Diplomacy" increases nH the plsy heroines inoro widely known. Tbo audiences unrlng Iho last week have been unusually large, and Mr. WaUsck is contemplating tho extension or his season beyond Its usual limits. It is scarcely possible to eon celre anything more perfect than the pretoni repre sentations by thu respective aft lata. Mips Adelaide Lenox will Illustrate tbe condition of tbo local drama in a dramatic ntouologtie cut it lo I, " I he Now York .Stage as It Is," si Sieiaway llall, en Friday eeuiting, the 17tli lust. The entertainment will consist ol word pirturos of anturs, actresses ami aspirants. It la said that sharp dashes of word paint lag will ho laid on eome of tho portraits. Hlgnor snd Klgnara I'atrtxio are presenting ono of thu most interesting performances in sieiglit-ui-liand, illusions, demonology, ?Wctriouy, memory and other kindred tnlngs that has been seen in Now York lor a long tnnr. Xm<> hours cinnot he morn pleasantly (Hi sp- nt th -n ntWic Man Frstieisco Minstrel Opera House watching dt holism, although it Is described tn bad Ksgllih. Mr. J. K. Kmmet, at the Standard Theatre, is doing such excellent burlBets as Frdt that the play will be kepi en tho bonrdn until furiber announcement. Ills sorgs and dances nro nightly received with roars ol laughter. Mr. Henderson dcsorvos much credit fur iho hippy tnaauor iq which he hi* mppllcd excel lent pabulum to thu public during bH man agement. A musical and literary entertainment lor the beoo fit ol the Freo Home fur Destitute Young Girls will be given at tho hall of tho Young IVuracil's Christian Association, No. 7 Kasi Fifteenth at root, ou Tuesday evening. Several well known amateur a I pro re have voluuteered their services, and the occasion promises to bo one of unusual Interest. Tho locality of the Aquarium Is very luvlllns to our uptown residents, and the management appears to bo straining every nerve to muks tbu place popular. Several groups of rife tlshes have just been re ceived, and mi hour or two can bo most profitably( spent by every one who visits the placo In eojoyluir tho piscatorial wondors of the oceans. Tho musical fo.itu res ol tho week uro also attractive. There will ho a parlor concert for the bcnoOt ol '?I.title l'earl," tho child vtoliutst, on Friday evening next at No. 107 Madison avonuo. It is tcuaered by Miss Arabella Hoot, who will bo ursistcd by Mies Nolia Cleraonce, violinist; Mr. A. H. Furlony, tenor; Mr. Kugouo do Ksv Townsond, basso; Mr, H. H. May land, flutist; Mr. Albert G. Titles, pianist and accompanist, and Mr. James Po.iroe, musioal director. Blgoor and Siguort Msjcronl, both of whom have been greatly admired by ihoso who love that which is genuine In art, will appear to-morrow night at tho Fifth Avonuo TlAatre lu "Camilla." It is too fre quently tho case i hat wo let first class actors or actrcssos slip through our hauds boforo wo bceotno half ucquntnKM with them, and then regret a lost op portunity. Ou Friday night tbey wtll tako a Joint bcacflt In the samo play. Tho Juuo stoamors will enrry abroad many of our prominent actors and actresses. So mo go to play; most of them to rest. Florence will divide honors with two Emperors around tho wators of Ems. Kav nioud goes into exile at auolhor fashionable spring. John McCullough will spend his timo in rambling through thu Exposition, and Sotboru will ftudy httmau uaturo and guess multiplication sums in guineas across tho footllghls of Iho Haymarket. The bonetlt tendered to Mrs. J. H. Hackclt a year ago will lake placo on the 201 b of the present mouth at Hleloway Mail, Ou this occasion Mrs. liackotl will road select Ions from Sbukospoarc and roclte a pootn from Tonnysou. Htio will be assisted by carefully se lected musical lalont. Tho Invitation to Mrs. Ilackett is signed by ex-Governor Tlldon, Mayor Ely, Willium Cu!Icq llryanl, William T. Fargo, John Kellv and otlior prominont cit x ?of. Tho second in thnstrios of Levy's concerts In con nection witn Mr. Henry Tissingron's grand orchestra will be given this evening at the Grand Opera House. Ho will play on this occasion "Tho Exile's Lament" lor the first time In thirteen years, and "The Carnival of Venice," which he announces has never beeu per formed la tho world by any otbor player on the cornot. The assisting artists will bo Mils. Clara Kelninan, soprauo; Mr. R. S. Glover, tenor; Slgnor Morostol, pianist, und Mr. Charles K. Pratt, accompanist. Miss rielma Burg, thu woll known lecturer on Fin nish mythology and Finnish music, who rccontty ap peared in Chlckcring Hall, in ostooishud at tbu diver sity ol oplnious In this country concerning Hoi I. She savs that tier own cllinnto Is so cold tho pooplo look on hell us a very dcslrn'do placo of rest on account ol Its warmth?a veritable paradise, where ono Is uot obliged to burn porpotual peat fires and live tn dark ness half tHo year. What a dlRvronca icraperituro must mako with ono's religion. Tho Iless English Opera Company will prcsont tbo sparkling opera of tho "Cbluies of Normandy" at the Union Square Thoatro to morrow evening, with many new and effective features. The scene of tbo Hall of the Knigitis ol old In the second act will ho ono of thu most striking effects ever produced on tho boards ol this liouso. When the midnight chinios commence to peal and tbo nffrlghtod miser seeks to conceal bin hoard the stage is saddenly filled with men In armor, who desooud from tboir nlebos and pedestals, la tho last act a grand lelo and procession will be given. The old Broadway company, under Mr. Duff, will reprodiico Mr. George Fawcott Rowo's version of "Exiles" at iho It )wcry Theatre to morrow night and during tho wock. The great capacity ot this nago permits the lirgosl dovolopment ot drainntlo effects and tho druuvi will probably bi admirably pro auuted. Several ucw loecnJnlcal effects are promired, especially in iho snow scene, and iho menagerie will consist ol n double supply of doer and dogs. Tho cast aide thoatrcgoors nro likoly to enjoy a now sensation. Mmo. Holeua Modjoeka will play at the ucw Park Theatre, Brooklyn, during tho coming week, sup ported by ncompany which includes Mr. W. F. Bur rougus, Mr. F.d. .Marble, Mrs. J. J. Prior and Miss Clara Cole. She will appear In three rfl.Vr-Cnibllie, Juliet aud Adricnoe. Rohson aud Crsno In "Our Bachelors" succeed tho Couniess B< zenta on May 2n, aud wlih their departure Colonel Sluu concludes his dramatic reason. It has huen a vary soccesaiul one, ^nd has dcs< rvedly enhanced his ropatatiou and pop ularity as a manager. Gilniore'd Gard 'ti will be openod by Messrs. Shook ft Gilmoro lor the rrguiar summer sousou on tho eveniug ot May 23. la addition to the orthodox at tractions of tho garden itself Theodore Thomas, with a newly organized orchestra ol eighty musicians, wtll discourse popular airs every awning during each week, except one, which Will bo exclusively devoted to claasicil music. Tmsarr.ingeinent, It It nnnonncod, will ho rntldly ad bored to, aud will, whon carried out, tend more to popularize Tucodoro tbomua and his hand ilinh any other measure that could hsvs been adopted. Immediately nfter Iho dog show prcpura | tions will be m-ido for the summer season. Mils ltito Percy Douglas, soprano, wtll bo tho re cipient ot a grand lestlmonUl concert which la to lio given to-morrow night at Cbtckorlug Hall. The follow mg artl-ts h ive volunteered their aervicea, and their nsinca are so well knowu that a promlso ot a pleasurable ouiertnlntnoiil is . uiiriocsneary:?Minc. Julo Da Kytber, contralto; Mr. W. 8. I.eggat, tonor; Mr. Goorgo P. Warner, i?a-?o; Mr. Chariot Werner, ?cello; Mr. Ilomer N. Birlleti, piano; Mr. Henry Car ter organ. Tho Sytnpbonia Quartet?Mr. 11. A. Mas*. Mr. W. Dennlson, Mr. I. F. Weismann, Mr. G. P. > Warner; Mr. llcnry Gall, elocutionist; Mr. Charles A. Cable, conductor. Tho programmes ol Hit London ihentres lor the week coding April 27, preseni iho following:?Her Majosly't, closed, Drury I.xne, closed; Covcul 0?r deli, llaltan Oixira; Haytimrkol, "A Fair Eli conulcr," "R inieo and Julicl" and "Measure for Moasnro;" Adelpbl, "Proof; a Celebrated Uoso;" Prloocsf', "Gut to Nurso" nod "Jane flhorr;" Ly ccnin, ' Louis XL" slid "Turning the Tobies;" Olym pic, "Ulllo Vtx<*no" and "JealousyStrand, '-The Telephone," "Family I lea" and "Dli lunacyG loirs, "Mind iho bbop,' A Fool red llis Money" and "A National Question;" Opera Com.que, "The Sorcerer" and "frinl by Jury;" Vaudeville, "A Whirligig." ??our lioyb" and "A Fesrlol Fog;" Gaiety, "A Mere Blind," "Old Soldiers," and "II Sonnam hulo and Little Alessio;" iTitic.o of Wales', "Diplomacy;" Criterion, "Iho Portor'e Knot" and ' Pit k Dominos;" Polly, "Crrr.rd" and "Los Cloclios do Corncville;" Hi. June.*', ? Soch Is Iho Li*;" Ouccu'a, "Orson'* and "Mndolcino Morel;" Royally, "l?a Marjolaioe" aud "Cherry Jlonoco;" Standard, "Turn ol iho lido;" Surrey, "Hlack Eved Hn an" sad "Bound lo Succeed;" Duke's, "Baal Lynno;" Alhanibra, In res and "I bo Grand DuchOSSt" Philharmonic, a Isreo and "Ueoevieva de llrabanl;" Now Grecian, "Noiic^io (fun ;" Writtanois, "R.chcl'a Penance" and "'.New llioliard III ;" Park, "Pom;" Astley'r, "Dolly Varden;" Court "Olivia." 8KK KING HIS WIFE. Tho wifo of J'>tin Itl'im, wno Urea at No. 30 (iaroon at root. Hobnkea, baa dl?ii|>po?rrii lllom la a ntgbt, and when lie fe>? had lila liuine jrastarrlay morning no (mind on a labia an empty biltla Inbelled p." on. IIjr iti alito wna an oilceflon tla nolo in wtiinti the writer, bla "loriug wile jiun*.'' ait4 that ha ?mM naror again me ueTaiire. she had taken mo Eol-on, hut it lined lo promptly d > itawora, and aba ad Wfcern de.illi a embr.ea woold ho In.'. I lie xri- '.-if ie-eii biiib.ind discovered that tiia wile wna an km* d">Mfc with har goodeiotboa ou. IKr eniiro wnrdrohn em miming. MB. A. V AN HBNHSBL EU S PUNKKAL. Tbe funeral of Aloann ler Von Hanaaalior, who (tlod last Waaoeaiiay, look plane ycaurday moraine from Or. Jolyi Hall's CMrob, Killy-fllth straot and rillli nronne. I lio <h-r< n-ad was lha Inst milo de-eond-ini nl mo laninna t n ll'tiaelner, an I lea liinrrat oh *c<|iiirN tun libndi'ii by lepreMtila'Irua lion noarir all lha ol i Kiiu'ki flwirkri laiatliia in trie Klein. The c illle nrrr. were Char.". I,. Ilmne, Willi >ret II. Croaby, Urorgi I J>i|o<, Waller Ul|<?i 1.1, urine I la nit, rrederivk Wottwvt end ttiiilain 0. Sclieruitr horn. Tliu servicea ol ihe rn ahyierian O'lmrcu wtra rv?J liy Dr. liuli, nWlitvd bf Kay. W, VV. Ahor. EXECUTIONS. TETFB BROWS HANGED?THE PENAL** OP A* ATEOCIOOB CRIME MUBT CONFESSED ON TUB GALLOWS THAT. [BX TELEOEAPB TO THE HERALD.^ Kiv Orlraxb, Hay 11, 18T& Yesterjuy at twelve o'clock promptly I'atcr Brown was buog at Manoy, Id Sabino parish, In tbia State, lor the murder ol Dr. W. If. Evans. Tbo murder was particularly cold blooded, and had robbery lor Us object, Brown, In company with so another uogro, stealing Irorn tholr victim only a low dollars. In March last, while Dr. Evans was at his rosldenco. Brown and anoioor negro came np to him and IstaiK'd that he was their prisoner. As Brosra had beoa lu tome way connected w'.tb the Sheriff's office, Dr. . Evans accompanied them, though why was not known, they having no wnrrant to show, or anything wbicb would leetUeny Intelligent man to suppose they bad any rigut to arrest blm. Alter passing tbo lorry at I be Sat. i no itiver tbo murderers conducted their victim into me woods, where, though bo war unarmed und bis bunds were lied ihey fell upon him and killed blm, pounding blua Into a jelly. Alter dragging ttie body some eighty yards lurther Iroui the mud tnoy robbed and lett Ik TUIAI, AND COXVIUTIOJf. Subsequently suspicion rested upon Brown, and he was arrested and tried in February last, when bo waa louud guilty and sentenced to uo bung. ON TIIK CCAVVOI.D. At tbe appointed ituio tho prisoner was led forth guarded by ihu Sheriff and Ills deputies. Heappeured somewhat excited as lie mounted tbo gallows. A large crowd wus in attendance, who gazod with la lento excitement upnu every preliminary, but wltb? out syninaii y, tbe cold blooded naturo of tbo murder selling ull ugiiinsi him. A rUIX rONEKMlOX. When asked n ho ban unythlnir to ray he inudo a lull confession, and uskod forgiveness of Uoa and ttio p.'oplo lor his sins. When ho bad concluded the imp wan sprung and he was launched Into eternity. Alter bunging for about tweuty min utes his body was cut down, when the crowd qumtly dispersed. Tho plnoa where tbe exeoutmn took place is near the Texas lino, and it was only alter tbe utmost difficulty the facte could ho transmitted. A correspondent having to rido nearly eighty onion to reuch a telegraph station. EXECUTION OP ANTHONY M KAY FOB A MUBDEB COMMUTED TKN YKABS AQO?A DYINO ABSKBi* TIOX OV INNOCENCE. [From tlio Charleston Journal of Commerce, May 8.J Dahi.i.notox, 3. C , Muy 3, 1878. Anthony McKay, colored, was to-day hanged for the murder ol S. Suggs, who was most iouily murderod about tea years ago by an armed band at Gee's lllll. One Cyrus Coachman was baqged for the suine crime, and monttonod bcloro ho died Anthony McKay as cno of tbo band. At tweuty-nvo minuteb aftor eleveu o'clock tba SherilT, with the ueocssury guards and witnesses?who worn admitted into the Jail yard by tickets?entered tlid Jill. Belwceu tbo Jill and tbo kitchen, whlru stands lust In the rear of tho Jail, u wall twenty feet high had bocu arreted, using the rear of tho .(ml und trout of tlio kltcueu as two ?lden of tno Inclosuro. In this ijuco, about forty feet tquaro, tue gutlows hint hucu erected. At sixteen minutes before twelve o'alock tue Sheriff emerged Irom tbe back door of the jail, Icadiug tbo doomed tuan, wearing tbe black cap ana dressed lu bin burinl clothes. Iu appearance he wus calm, though wetik and very much emaciated from long imprison* moot. With homo diflh'uliy he ascended tbe ladder, bis bunds being cbuliied behind Mm. When ho bod g lined tho platform and was seated he spoke as fol lows:? '?1 am happy to see you ?!l, and bid you all farewell. 1 bope you will a'l pruy und irtm in God and try to get to heaven, lor 1 die to-day an innocent man. 1 never undo any confession to tbe brother (J.itnes rsuntil, on whoso testimony ho wus partly convicted), who owore uway my lilc. 1 never had any pistols, guns or shot. It oould have Dcon decided hero below, bat It wus not, and 1 go to tho supremo court ot Almighty God to be Judged by Hun. My lifo wus sworn away, because my wlfo und daughter hud a difficulty witu tho wilo ol tba Iter, James .Smith. 1 am lunocont, yet 1 am willing to die, lor 1 am not the only niuu wbu was put to dcaiu in nocently. My Saviour was ulso put to death without CuU.11. " lie was hero told by hla spiritual adviser, Rev. ML S. Ltwton, that some criminals, even ou tbo giUJuwa, say tbui they nru luuoccni, thereby hoping lor par don, but there wns no proepoot for ntm ol a pardon, aud did he still deny 111 Me ugnin declared Me inno ounce and said Hint ho knew noiutog of the murder ol Soggs. and did not know even whore the pUoe was. Several tunes lm voico alinon broko oown, and with grunt eiloris ho kept from crying aloud, bot In otlior reap.tin bo wns very calm, lie men biuo the minister farewell aud nout farewell messages to bl( (l.awton's) family. Me llienkml Mr. Datan, the Jailer, und said thai ho has received niuoy kindnesses irom Mrs. Dalcu uud tue children, lor which be felt very gratpiul. The rope w'.is tliou adjusted around Mi necK, and tho Mhcrill road tho death warrant. At twelve M. the dro|i lull, und tbe soul of Anthony McKay was launched imo eternity. Tuough no bad n full ol live teot tils neck wus not brokou, uud ho died by sirangnlaMoOb ? SEN J ENCED io DEATH. UrrrAto. May II, 1878. Carl Mauko was this morning found guilty of tho n.ur.ier of John At loir. at Kiina, lo luis county, on April 2 last, ami sou leu cod to bo exocuted on Juno 21* It will bo rcmomberoU u? a ruse ol cold-bli-odoa shoot. Ingot A l loll, on llio public highway, by Mnnke, th? act bring 'bo eulminutiou of ueighoorhood difllculiloa. Tno trial laatou iiovcn days aud created lnucii excite moot. MURDERER SENTENCED. Bit/rnfoea, May 11, 187& Henry B.irlnge, wbo via convicted In Marob loot ol tho murder of ins brother, waa to-day nonieoced M coolloomout lu tbo Penitentiary lor Ulluon yeare. ARRETTED FOR MURDER Lnxoov, Ont, M ty 11, H78L John Smith, ollaa Brown, waa arrcatcd at Tborndalo to-Jay on aunplclon of being the murderer of Tbomon Allan, wbo waa recontly lound In ? augar bnab, near Heme, wuii bin throut cut. MURDER WILL OUT. 6t Jam*, N. B.. May 11,187& Tbo body of Timothy McCarthy, wbo waa raurderod at t*bodlno Inn I Au :ur.t, was fouud to-day In tbe scou due Klver, near (lie placa p> luiaJ out by lb# girl 1'arker, wbo accused tlir Oslmra lamlly of murdortnc Mm. A gold wutcii, a revolver, a tnoersalinMi pipe and |'.i>o were found on the body, Tbo Osborns am held in jail awaiting trial, und also tbe girl I'arkor u a witness. BURGLARY, THE 8CMMEB BEMDEMCt OP THE YAK BESS* sr. I, A Ell FAMILY VISITED UV TIIILVKd. [BT TXlttOIlAPH.TO THE Ur.HAI.D.] Nkwpukt. It. 1., May 11, 1878. Tbe inmmor rtaldraoe of the late Alexander Van Honarclaer, of New York, wbo wsa buried to-day, baa been broken into. The houao la alluated on llraclt View avenue, a eecttea of the eity whieh la ool guarded by llio potter. Tbe thicvea went lo the mini, iner reaiduiice oi Mr. Henultou Itonpiu. of New York, n?ar by and tooK loiders which acre bring used there by painters and by ilir use ol wlncb I bey mtered the \ >ii K?iisaelucr lionneibrougii the window, ot the sec ond floor over a niatna, the giaoa being brokra In oruot to permit tbo nut i-tiiniug ol tho window Caleb. Pro. curing a light ther not >ckrd tbo lioaeo I rum cellar InaillO, entering all tbe it On iii? lo llie deten tion ol ibelsinity in New York hy tbrir and bereave iiiout It will be srverni data belorc it rau be known whut article* Imvo iimu elolen. The Inddere were brt alandlng agaiiKt tho bou*>\ and no attempt Wen in .do to eonc< nl lha trices ol tbair depredations. A DESl'ERADU. Murma, lone., May 11,187% In tbe Criminal Court to-day Judge l#ogwood ean? tan and Mank ViHhni io tbo Puattentiary for twn years for malicious ahoottng In connection with en aa iuii upon some negroes on Uig Croek la thin ooaaiy. a low moments after aentcmo waa pro. iionored William* darted thrnugn the door and ran down Poplar sir-rt Three deputy sberin< were a>?a inountod sn i lu hoi pursuit, and dually overlook bun In tho suburb*. ilu 'drasl at tboin Willi a revolver, wounding Deputy Mcynbon'e horse, and oonlinued shooting nalll ine weapon was emptied. Ho then draw another revolver an! couit'iuod Bring until Mens lit down by a shot through tho hip. Ilo waa tbon oarneil back to | ill, lie is also Indicted lor mar* denns two colored men. It" Raid yratrrdav Hiallf ton ./ml ?> sentenced him ho would kill tbe Judge, dberill mill Attorney Oonerai. '100 WILFUL TO LIVE. Ciimiano, IP., May II, 187A A special drapaioti ta the Triimnw from Jol et, III., soys:?otb-. Conner's |nry yesterday, tn tbe oaso of Quo Reed, a negro oonviot. who died recently undei |h> uiiiifsoiri atnstacces In llio Penitentiary, ron<S erod Htverilct lo u>e effect Hint ha Ul -d la tho solitary dspirtmeni of the prison from , oir.i nary apoplexy, pfoU lit on hy perslaisot yelling whilo ? gad Wat m li.s mourn, that tin- gag -?<?? pel in his mAutli by Mi-pit op It -"d and I'.ira l.nisiir-, aullag un<l--f tbo orders oi thelf *oi--?rior oill- ers, and that tho ntlldals weru lusnii- -i lu giving enefl oriiurs bi-cnueo ol mo unruiy comiuet 01 tbe denetscd. The caso nt>ricic<j ?nine stl-iiilon beoeu'o of tho nllegni extreme crunity practised on thin uau and otbtr oouvitw.'' 4