Newspaper Page Text
WASHINGTON. Democrats Decide to Ask the Reopen ing of the Florida Case. A THREATENED EXPOSE. A Louisiana Republican Will Have an Office?or Teil Tilden. PUBLIC LANDS. Merchants Utilizing the Herald's Labors in Africa. FROM CUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT. ? Wasuiaotox. May 11, 1878. DEMOCRATS DETERMINED TO ASK FOB AN IN VESTIGATION OF THE FLORIDA FRAUDS. The Joict committco of democratic Senators and Congressmen mot to-day, and it wus dually decided that a resolution Rbould be offered in tbo House on Monday uoxt asking lor tbo appointment of a special eouimittoc to Investigate tlio Florida fiauds, und tbat It should be Introduced by Mr. Ctarksoo N. Potter, who has agreed to perform ibe duty. Tbo reception Jf the resolution will be askoJ under a question ol privilege, and will In all probability bo opposed, not upon its morns but us not coming properly before tbe House as a privileged question. ANOTHER LOUISIANA REPUBLICAN SAID TO BE ON THE RAMPAGE?AN OFFICE OR A SCENE. A curious story floats about the streets here this evening to tbe effect that, one ol tbe republi can electors of Louisiana, recently asked lor an oflleo in someone of tne departments, and, being refused, lost bis temper ami blurted out tbat bis namo bad been forged to the official return or declaration ol tbe voto ol Louisiana, and that ho would make this lacl known to Mr. Tilden. Tbo rumor says that Levissde asserts that the original certIDcale ol the Louisiana vole was louud to bo lackiug tu some of tbo legal forms; tbat it was sent back to New Orleans to bo corrected; that when tbe new paper wus drawn up I.cvisseo was not at baud to sign it, aud tbat one Ivolley. au omployd under Governor Kellogg, forged bis signature, und, Anally, tbat some Louisiana re publicans Lave takqn Lcvissfle lu chargo to prevont bis making tbe matter known to Mr. Tildcn:s friends. Di courso tbo story, uveu if it were (rue, would bo ol not tbe slightest constquence, though sorno lawyers bero pretend to think tbat It might be used to raiso a serious question as to tbe Presidential title.' Moreover if I.evissoo bus asked lor an ofbco and been refused, he is tbo flrst republican connected with the elections In Louisiana and Florida, so far ns Is known, to whom some sort of provision has not been offerod. colonel ?weight's benevolence. Mr. Hcudrick B. Wright, ol Pennsylvania, one of the most benevolent old gentlemen in tbe world with other pooole's tuooov, attempted to report to the House to day as from tbo Cominlttoo ou Public Lands his noto rious bill leudtug i400 Iroui tno Treasury to every mau who will settle ou the public lands. Mr. Hewitt, of Alabama, asked him to state whether It was ordered reported by tno majority of the committee. Mr. Wright's benevolent countenance became red us ne replied, "I have been waiting six months to report it. It is a unanimous report from tbo. committee." Thereupon another member ol the committee flnlsbod Mr. Wright by the explanation that tbo commiiteo unanimously agreed not to recommuad tbo bill, ami Mr. Wrigbi sal down amid tbe luugbter ol tbo House und advico Irotu some members lu rnako tbo appro priation out or bis owu pocket. THANKS TO CONGRESSMEN FROM WORK I Nil MEN. Congressmen Mulior, Chittenden, Cox, Wood and McCook, of the New York delegation, have received coplos ol resolutions 01 thanks tendered by ttia work logmen associations ol Now York and Pbiladelphla lor their ell .rts in bcbalt ol tbo Interpretation ol tbe Light Hour law lu tbo interest uf the loeobunlcs tnd laborers at tbo Brooklyn aud Philadelphia nary yards. ? GENERAL WASHINGTON DESPATCHES. M'amhiskjtcx, Vay 11, 1873. TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THIC JlCUALl/s WOItK IN AriilCA. Mr. Rushnell, the Culled Mules Commercial Agent nt Gaboon, A no a, writes to the Department of ^uin that missionary enterprise continues to lullow in the path ol Mr. Stanley'sdiscoveries. Two iitUslouarie?, Messrs. Strom una Craven, hitvo recently spent a lew days at Gaboon, en rxrtfe lor the Congo, now called tno "Livingstone" River. They havo been sent out by philanthropic ?ncrchan's ol Liverpool ana LuinJou to ascend the loulii fork ol the river to a point above ttio Oral raplita, whnre they are to establish uu industrial Christ) to mission. Such enterprises, Mr. Bu nnell adds, will prepare the way lor the extension ol' eom uierue and slcam navigation upou the vast interior rivers ol Kthlopia uud tha development ol her valaa blo uulurat resources. our "trade with a ustualia. The Department ol State has received trout the Vice Consul General at Melbourne a rcpurl In repiv to ibe trade circular of last August. Mr. Lord says thai Aus.r.ilia proper, haviaa a protective tariff, bears a dillcicut relation lo the Amerlcau tr. de (rum iho other Auatrulasnui colonics, such as New Zealand and Tas mania, Which arc tree trade. Iho chief Ausiraluu export to Iho L'nttod Status Is wool of uurivalloa Uneucss and leugilt ol llbre. Great quantities are exported either direct or via Rngiuud, and iho trade could he increased tenfold by u tuoilurato rodur lluu ol Uio wool duty in tho Culled Stains. Such re duction would uot prejudice American wool growers, as the Australian wool is uutirsly dillurunt Iroui that raised with us and dous not amor iuio coiupeiltiou with it, while the eioib tuanulactururs of lue Culled SUBS, with cboapor r.yr materiel, could succetsiuliy compete with Ku gland, France ?nd Germany In the markets o( the world. An increase in Iho wool trade with the Cuiltd States would result in au moreaao In lliu itn partition ol manufactured articles and products tbruce to Australia. At present uenrly all Anicrtcun product* are subject 10 lilgh dunes in Australia, enhancing tile coal and diminishing the demand; lull Mr. Lord thinks that a reduction u( our wool dunes would lend to a reciprocal reduction ot Iho Australian dutlea 011 manufactures, lumbiir, tobacco, tinned meats, Irutlf, hardware, tools, turpentine, oils, carriages, harness, agricultural implement , woudoiiwarc, lurnllure, glassware, organs, musical lustrumeuts, clocks, watches, wonllen'gouds, olliloiti, plated ware, drlad Q?b, gunpowder, Ma Worn llin Australinu tariff lowered on those ailtcles tun Culled Status could practically secure tbu monopoly of lit* trade therein with all Australasia. 'The Ires list com poses several articles ol staple export. Dir.lTt 11T Of til MA I t.M AT UAlGllUAI) STATIONS. The Ki cond Axslitaiil I'osiiiiasier General yeeterday transmitted lo tbo chairman ol the rtsnuto l'ost Offleu Committee a coiuniunioaiiob ou the subjout ol "th* delivery of mails by rujl* road companies lo offices located at tho termln! of their routee and to other cilices not ovor eighty rods distant irom stations." Mr. Brady lake* the ground that this service will bo bultrr performed by the govern muni limn by the railroad compaokl. FUUCELDLNGH OF THE UOUmI. Wahiiisutok, Mny 11, 1878. Mr. Haxii.tox, (rep.) ol I oil., from the Commltise ?f Foreign Affairs, reported a bill lu tho matter 01 tno Tom suclau claims. It authorises the 1'reeident to talur into n inrther couveullon with Venesuela, lu hue that government should desire a bearing of auy It the cases decided by the commission heretofore organised. Ordered to be printed and recommitted. Tho brsAttt* called on the committees lor toporta, TIMBBK bASiiS. Mr. Wiaui.Nro*. plum.) el Gal. from the Committee 00 l'ublln Land , tcpoftwd back iho tvnuto lull ler tho tat* ol timber lauda in Cull.01 ula, Urogou ana Waab tngton Territory. It provides that such lands may bo sold 10 citizen* ot the United .Stales In quantities noi cxcecdlug 160 acres to auy one person at tbe mini mum price ol $2 60 per acre, uud makes it uuiuwlu ulter tbe passuco of tins act to cut auy limuer on tne public lauds. After being so mounded us 10 luciudo in Us provisions ibo States ol N'evaua sud Colorado tbc bill wui passed. Mr. Wutuur, idem.) ol )'s., from tbe same commit tee, reported u bill providing lor tbe loan of $500 to every person wbo ahull settle on tbe puoiic lends under the homestead law; ibo act tube iu operation until $10,000,000 lias been expended in sucb loans. Tbe bill was reported without rec mmcnuaiion and reierrcu to lbs Committee ol ibe Whole, Mr. GAi-pc. (dcro.) ol Ark., irom U:e same commit lee, reported a bill lor the rebel ol seiners on the public land:. Passed. Mr. WinciNTO.N, ol California, irom the same com uilttue. reported a bill providing tliat ar.y person wiu shall plant, protect and maiuiain lor eight rears tea acres ol umber lund sball ai tbe expiration ol ibat time be entitled to a paieut lor tbe whole ol sucb quarter section. Passed. Mr. tinwiTT, (ilem.) ol Ala., front ibo sumo commit tee. reported a mil permitting Nebraska to cede cer latu territory In tltat Statu to mo Stale ol U ssourt. Passed. Mr. I'attsksox, (Jem.) of Cob, Irom the aamo com- < niiitoe, i ep i teu a bill placing Oahfornla, Nevada and Colorado ou un equality with cue other States lb the matter ol public lauds, Meterred to ibo Committee ol the Whoie. RAILROAD MONOPOLIES. Mr. HkaUa.v, (dutu.) ut Texas, bailed up the bill to reguiulu interstate transportation by railroad and to prohibit unjust uiscrtwuiallous ov common carriers. Mr. tia.iao, (d. tu.) ol Wis., iiudo a speech against Ibe bill as being uot wbat it purports to be?a btil to restrict railroad utonopolies?nut a bill in tbe iutcrest ol railroads, and ol tbc grunt railroad ktugs, as suown by tbe lact that t i:o Pennsylvania Legislature (! om Scott's hegisi.sture) bud iustiuctcd tbe representatives ol mat statu to support it. Ho opDoscd it also ou constituiiouai grounds The bill was an absolute pro bib, ttot> against cuinpetiliou. It protictcd one great trunk hue irom another ? sjeoll Irom Garrett, and botlt from Vaudorbllt?and not being obliged to light uuclt oilier, tbey would Join In consuming all mat tbe grasshoppers Uud leit to thu tin liters ol Ibo West. Mr. Phillips, (rep.} ol Kan., opim-oa tbe mil on ibo ground iliul its practical eltccl would be ip render it impossible lor rui.roads to ship Ireighl over the great continuous l.nes, aud that it would thus cripple the Industries ui tbe country. Mr. Potter, (uem.) ol N. V., sala that Congress bad gone ou creating urtiUcial croatures, which never died, until to-day there existed a nody o> great corpo rator-, wblch. controlled more property lliatt any pnuce and exercised a puwor greater than auy uoble. i besc corporations composed the greatest aristocracy thai existed on tbe face ol tuu eartti, and hat becotno go great that a cry bad come up Irom tbc p.cople lor something to be done to control tb.'iu. Ibis bill, be uuecrstood, was a measure to put some aUcoh ou their power; nut bo was surprised that sucti a measure should comu bclore a democratic Congre-s. 11 tuu power pos sessed by Cougress to regulale commerce guvu It au thority to sav wbat common curriers should cuarge it was a more dangerous power tuuu no bud supposed it to be He w.,s in tavor ol aurtdglug thu power ol tboso corpoiut ou.-, but to i Congress to unoeruku to say w but itiei ..Uouid or should not charge would briut; upon llie country an evil greuier tuun any now existing. The result would be that tuny would control Cougrets and tin v wou.d become Ibe power behind the throne. the pill was then teau by sections. Alter a long uobatc, in wmcn the principal objectioa ? made to toe bill w is that Its inunuiug was buried away iu sucb a mass ot verbiage us to render it ulutost unintelligible, Ibo Mouse proceeded lovoto ou UmODU nieUtS. Mr. Cannon, (rep.) of 111,, offered an amendment prohibiting "pooling" arrangements between railroad companies, a green 10. Without disposing ol ibo bill (on whicb, however, tbe previous question was seconded, so as to keep it beforo tne Mouse) ibo Mouse, at Ultcou minutes past tivo, adjourned. A SWINDLER'S CAREER. ABIIEST, OF WATERMAN, THE L\ TE DISHONEST ft.EliK OF THE 1'ACT J IC MILLS?A COMTI.I CATED SYSTEM OF THEFT. Lawkkxqk, Mass., May 11, 1878. 0 B. Waterman, who was detected sonic months ago stealing large sums of money from the l'aciflo Mills corporation, of which ho was confidential clerk, has boon rearrested on fresh evidence of moro ex tended frauds. He was not prosecuted at first, tlio matter haviug been compromised by bis refunding the larger portion ol the stolen lands. The operations of lb is slirowd swindler have covered a long period o! his twcuiy-livo years'of service, and prove him to be a bold and daring thief, whose coolness and tact have lor so long prevented detection. Ho has held the position ol purchasing agent sioco his re turn froin tlio war iu 1S85. About six years aso the uirectors uutieed that lie had begun to ltvo ralbor cx truvagantly, and they bogan to suspect bim or pecu lation. 'l'hcy gradually ciuio to tlto conclusion tliulte bud comuiuucud u systematicc iroor ol cruukediiess, in ikiug money ou bis purchases tor the mill. lie was frequently qtic-Lonud us to tliis sources of his large supply' of tnouey, and always stated that bo was ia receipt ol lui^o divnluuds lroin stock lnvosiiuuuls and specula tion! 'Ihe uiaiuigers Dually removed hnn irom ll.o position nt supply purcbakiSg clerk and gave biui the place ol auditing clerk, where it was thought he could do the corporation uo injury, il their suspicions Were correct. At tliis period lie received $1,800 a year und w is lividg iu a stylo that #8,OUO could linrdly sustain. It was kuowu that bis wtt? had iniierueu property iroiu un aunt uuu oilier re.uuous, ana Waterman give out that ilie proceeds or interost on this ttud the divi dends ou bis speculations luruisbud ntiii wuu tbo money ho expended over and above ins salary. AS ACCOL'MTA* l' ? WtXTXnOVS TKIkVIMI. All thin timo lie w.cs appro;ri.lin. >u in own use tlious.iuds of dollars wi.ich i>ei?u.i-d lo tne Oompany, at in. rate ol 11 out .y'J.OUo to $ I,oO0 per mouth. Hi* met hod was as foilow -:?For ol live > ours the p.i) muster, Cupula Jo n K..ilolti:?. iu or :ur to get me b"uoat ol W norm m's Sue abllitios as uu account am, li .u been lu Hie habit of calling hpni into lit uo psriinoul nhtui the B'sl ol mould lo help biut to luukv up tbe tiuie schedules and tne payroll. tValer uiuu was ablo to ndd iwo Cola runs ol llgures ut a time, uud was ocoinod almost invaluable in cousu queuce. Hero was hi, opportunity; il $l40,t)OU war needed be 'inade it $141,000, und that amount was iliereupiu scut lor-to lbs Ireasuier's tticc in Hoe tou, und when the mousy arrived everyilung wur lu couluslon uud tbe urilliuot nicouu ant was again master ol lire situation. lie uoaliacleJ tlie extra f 1,010, sud $140,000 Was divided among the opera lives. There are, us everybody knows, lim it on W<ek* iu tbreo mouths. Wliuu ibe live woks' term cuius round Waterman absiiaoted $'J,onO, so contriving it that no secured $5,000 I Iroui the lour larger! rooms. His .ootlnnsd sx- I Irutagauce at lost convinced tlie olll era that lie i w is taking In some in iuusr Iroiu tbo lands ol tiiu | null, and tney s?-t shout a carelul cxaurloullvu In July . luat iu.o the atl .irs oi the corpor itmn. Tuts wan cou- ' tin tied lor several mnnliie o.nore all tbo larts vCero , ascertained, so skillndy bail tne sharp uccouutuul covered In* tricks, tbe ottincr* are now couviuied that b? atoln money when ilia oppon unity ptcsouud insli siueu li a llrst couueciiou w uu tue nulls, uu i that be did a big busiuesi ou bis own account while pur cbiislng clerk, ol which however, no proof can he ob tained. 11 u lias never coin muled lurgsry, they say, Because lie never bad a tbunco, and wiial other dcviltrv l.e in-iy ti.ive been engaged iu is uud will re loam equally mysterious. PARTIAL# RKSTITUrinn. Last September ne wus um eu into a corner. When he got back ticin Ins vacation Mr. Fsllou, lbs agent, told I.uu all, sou demanded such rcatituti. u .->? was iu bis puwer to iiiakc. Ai llrst Watsriuan aakuu, " aro you ?oiug lo oo abuut llf" out, ou being informed that lbs only ulicrualivu Wye arrest uud prosceuiion, be prolonged buusell ready to enter into a settlement, lie iiiuu drew up a Uocuusrut eo.tveyn.a to the cwrpo rutlou ail Ins rial and |cr?oiiul esUtle, laCiudmg tlie equity ou bis elegant eetule lu An dwvor, vamod at $k,uuu uud mortgsged lor Jd.OUU; bis place in Muiroso valued at $7.UUU, una mortgaged lor $J,oUtl, and shares in lbs New Lug I .iid I rust cumpsny, bank stock auu i ivmu luuk books, lie siso conveyed to the company bis stock hi the Ivcre I'iauo t.ompsuy, in tbe Hloue Theatre bunding, lloalon, Ml wiilcli only thirty pericut ol his luvvaiineut lias been; Ins -lock iu tlio stationery store Ol W. K. Ifce, lu Luwreace, nil whirb ubout twenty par cent has oecn realised, and sic k iu various other disastrous rpecniatious in Ho ton ami Lawriibce. In ail, ills sain, ilia amount conveyed lo tlio company liad a fuco value ol ..bout $7o,000. Tue shrinRase lu values and tlie bud uuture of the invesluiuuis n vo siucc reduced ibis amount. He was luen Uiacli .rge.l Ihbni the employ of tue mill, uud uolbfiig more dune by .lie manager*. Ik LkU iL tiUtClM Tho rocvot disclosures in r ait Kivcr ol the opera tions Ol Chuce and Ha.haw,,y h-iVs so eacitol public Iseliug against all liieu who itavu tresu caugul si. sliug oilier people's money that District Attorney Bnermau Was lorccd lo agulu o| ou Hie c*?e,\ti'd accordingly Waterman was pi inaptly arrested on a warrant . harg Ing ti? in Willi uiuiieasiiiig $100,000 irom tbe Fuciiio Mills. Ilia cxtciisive cperatiiiiis and proUigute career will lie thoroughly'ventilated wild it will ou resnily shown III it liu reeks high in lliu bsud ol awttKllurs , that hare b. uu lor year* preying on tbe profit* ol Masaacqusetis manufacturers. D15IVEN lO SCIUID*. Oflloer Multie.iru, ol iba T? oui y-iiiuui precinct, fouuu a young man lying in no uuoonacloas condition last nigbt on ono ol Ibo i>cnctte* in I'uiou square, The ofltcor took blm to lbs Thlrtiotb atroet station boaso, wdero lit tctitcd sutli icntiy to i;.** Ins ojiuu as Charles si. Oljlr, and to lull Sergeant Wallace ill it he li d taken belladonna, which lie nnd obiu.ucd at tlln !?!? nun Dispensary, a here ho bad beon niiilur treatment lor a utaeMM ol tito ejra I he reason Mu unsigned lor taliltig ibo poison *10 that lie bad boon out ?l employ incut lor hunm tithe, ami hav ing no bon.c or IrivuM nil thought hu would unu mu 11 If. An aintuiance was sent lot ai id St. Clair was taken to the New York HjspiuL 'J.J1E mZl'ATlUCK uohicide. Jamos Hielly, who was Indicted by the Grand Jury ol Kings nounty lor the honiioitie of I'atrick Kns patrick, was arraigned in the Court of Sessions yes terd .y. HeniOtfti-d not unity, sM was itiniamicti 10 jail by Judge Muoro 10 await bia ttial, whiuu wua act Uuwu lot UlO Jod lust. LONG DISTANCE WALKING. T1IE 1'ltOl'i.bSlON AL A Kit AMATEUR CUAMl'ION BHIl's?CHAIILES A. UtllfilUAM -AND' U. LltUCE GILLIE TIIE WINNERS?CREDITABLE PERFORMANCES. Before one o'clock yesterday sltsmoou many of the competitors, both prolosstousl and amateur, la tbe loug uUtubce wulkiug touruumoul si itie Amertcau Iustiiulo, fell by tbe wayside. Of tbe pro Icssiouals, tbetr Journey being fixed lor thirty six Lours, Frank Clark ol Philadelphia, slopped at 'J 5 utiles and 0 laps; James L. Downey, of New York, ut 55 miles, alter being on tbe track iCli. 6-in. 40s.; II. Campbell, ot Brooklyn, ut 59 miles; 1'eior Van Ness ol New York, at 63 miles; Jotiu En? ms, ol Chicago, at 01 lutics and 5 laps, requiring 12u. 62m. 40s. bis withdrawal wus caused by ill ness); Edward Wlgzoll, of Kavcnswood, L, 1., at (J7 miles; Peter Kicc, ol Vermont, at 68 miles, and George Coyle, of New York, at 92 miles. J. C. Moore, of Australia, retired ropeat cdiv, and tbougb bopolussly lu tbu rear would again venture to coutluuo tbe tusk. Hen Currau, me old longshoreman, upward of Qity years ot age, left tho track at 1 h. Jum. last evening alter completing 106 miles and 2 laps, wbicb required 32h. 30m. This left ol tno original lourtoeu starters worthy of cousldoruliou Cbarlos A. Uarrnuau, of Uaverbtll, Mass.; Gborge Guyon, of Chicago, and W. S. O'Brien, ol I'biladeljftils, and lltiso received much attentiou Iroin a largo assemblage, lucludlng two or three hun dred ladies. And really suon attentiou was well be slowoj, particularly upou liarrlman, for ho proved bimsoll to bo posses od of great pluck and cudur uuec. lie won llio lltsl pnx ol $200, uud llio champion bolt, nnviug walked at till. 20m. last night lliUs miles, in 34U. 29m., and lu tins liuiu ho only rested 1" unnutua, this being ut the end ol Ins ouu huuuredin mile. Wnut utile lood ho look was eateu uu too truck. Only a perfectly bcullliy organism could stand men u severe strum without fatal m* jury. When ilnrriuiuif stopped ho was u.uo in,lea uheud ol Guyon, wno at the timu wag in his Urussnig room; but a rumor thai bo would again appear cuused the ruruicr to rouiuiu sitting at the sine ol the track lor lourteeu minutes, whieu was wlimu lb. 17in. ol the si punned tatrty-six hours, and then, it oomg im possible lor Guyou to equal uis poi'loi muuee, should he re.umo, Uarrimau wus c.isriad train tno truck verv wuary una loon-ore. Guyou made 151 uiics un i 5 laps in 35b. 48m and look $106, second money, wuilo O'Brien, with 1J2 miles to ins credit, in 34u. 7ui. 53s., received the luird prize ut tho. Til K SCO UK. Tho following briefly tolls tno Story of Harrimau's walk:? Jilujiscd Tune. it ties. Leading it an. u ,\/. s. 5 0'Hrien .a U 49 41 lb W igzeil .7. I 41 45 16 WlgZell 2 35 46 2b Wl.zell 3 zu 4,; 25 IV u/'.'ll 4 26 25 3D t. Wipz II 5 25 35 35 I'.Bj.? 6 29 3b 4b Euuls 7 gs 15 45..., Knuis 8 27 3b 5o flurrumiu o zg 3., 55 Uarriman lb 3t 35 6b Hurrnnan 11 22 4u 65 Usrrimao 12 3b 3U 7b nsrriman l.j 41)47 75>. Harrimin 14 3* 3D 80 Hurt 1111 an, 15 30 25 t-q llarnmau I#- 30 Sb Hurrimau 17 33 10 05 it.rriinau 18 34 6u loo .?...UarrliDtin lu 36 52 106 Harriman 20 57 50 110 Hurriinao 21 65 45 115 Harriman 23 63 lb 120 Harriman 24 13 42 125 Harriman. 25 18 07 150 Harriman., 26 27 35 135,.,. Uurriiuan 27 41 05 140 Harriman 38 62 12 145 llnrrimsu 30 11 47 160 Harriman 31 39 60 156..... Hurriluuo 33 06 36 ICo Harriman 34 26 14 ilnrriuian walked 0110 lap further, making in uSI 160,miles, occupying 34li. 29ui. Tint amatkuks' jouhnky. It will bo rcineuibored that twenty competitors, ut eleven 1*. M. Friday, sturtoU 111 tno amateur contest ol twouiy-lour hours. J. V. Woolcoit, M. A. G., led the pedestrians troiu ouu to tnirteeu miles, finishing tnu latter in 2h. 10m. 20j. Then E. C. Holsko, 11. A C.t wont to tho iront uud contluuod to hold tho post ol honor until ho had Utnelied Iwenty-ilvo miles tu 4h. IUiu. 49s. T. 11. Armstrong, Jr., 11. A. V,, next assumed couuuaud, and led his brethren ouo mile, tho twonty-slx bo ng completed lu 6h. Out. 30s,, alter whiuu U. urucu Gillie, b. A. A. U., jnadu his etlori, uud, heaolug all tliu resi, stuck like the plucky young man ho Is, sua wus novor ulterwsrd deprived 01 thul position. Kb wo? tuo'lirsi prize, uud Is uuW tarrly to no considered ?tio amateur champion Of America at loug Uisluuco walking. Ho wus curried irum the truck at 10U. 64in.. buviug to his credit 108 5-9 laps, win. n Ue made 111 23li. 04m. Uillio wus the Urel American amateur w ho veulurcU to walk twouty-llvu miles, and wlivn he accomplished the dis tance, ouu your ugo lust wmi. r, it was justly ingardcd u veri crudilnble teat. M J. Knuls, 11. A. C., received llio aoeoud prize, a gold uied.r, haViug made at 1011. 10m. lot miles in 23u. 08ui. 49s., and was still walk lng, with tno prospect ot still uddiug a mile or two to ins score. J. M-umnlt, ot llrooklyn, received the third ptizs, a silver luoilul, liuving coniplolod neariv ono nuudrod miles. J. V. Woolcoit, .\1. A.U, retired alicr walking thir teen miles; E.G. iloiske, 11. A. G., when ins twenty* tilth had been scored;.!. I', .slecgay, A. A. G; F. I.. Ed ward", A. A. a.G. ; W Wilson, New York; W. A. Clark, Now York; I. Cook, Brooklyn, and J. Scorn, A A. C., ut ibo cud ol niiy; r. IL Arrastioiig, Jr., II. A. G., and J. Uu-'iu, N> w York, at blty live; J. Hnuman, Now York, ut liny nine; 11. Wioac, Woaiern Uolou Telegraph Gompauy, at sixty-six; .1. W. Goodwin, A. A. G., at *ixiy-?labt, and H. Foster, Now York. ..t buveuiy live Gillio rrMed only iw.oe? twenty minutes at lbs end ol Ins ttlllclh mile ano h ail an hour wuen be had placed to uis credit. Gillie's pcrioi in.inco can be soen ul u glance as fol lows:? Klained '/ ine. Ektp$ed Time. Mitet. II. M. X. it lien. H .!/. A. 6... bb rb.... 15 67 4 1 lb... 1 65 10 76 16 2b... 3 61 99 48 bb 61 95 la 65 43 6b UU 1D5 22 11 lb lie w-Blked live lull" .oritur, niaki lUg in ail 198 a.9 miles | | V Sk J % 230. 04 ul. ATTEMPTED HOMICIDE. A DISCUABOKD KNOINKEB TBI HM TO ASSAS SINATE THE JlOOKIklif.PKIt OF THE BUKVOI'Cr llOCUL The Urcvoort House emtio very neur boing tlio sevuo ol a colli blooded murder yoswsrduy, by a dis charged employo ul.cmptiug to jboot Mr. Libby, Hie bookkeeper. lbo animu- wtncb prompc I mi* de sign arose from a buttol in llie mind ol I'bllip Lynch tliuv bo was s badly persecuted man, slid (but ins clue! enemy eud tno csme of all bis nilslortunu was Mr. Lib by. It uppenra that Lynob has. been la tbe service ol Mr. Waits, ot lbo lirevoort llwuso, lor louriceu yveri. Ho w is emi loycd In the capacity ol ongluoer, sort Ind.been esteemed as a steady and reliable man. 11? was a man ?l more tbau ordinary intelligence lor olio lu bis cupaclty, and bo bad won tlio connd-nce ami rotpuci ol the peuplo who wore em ployed .uboill the lintel. Leilitly lie took to drink aud neglected his business, lie leveral times reprimanded and warned and would pruuiiso to reform, but be would again return to bl* nowly ac quired, diisimtted habits, until at last Mr, Ob tries W.iitr, sou ol tlio prupriotor, discharged Inm. flnct his discharge ho ht?* visited (lie botul several limes aud tsikod in a ibreaiuuiug w iy tu the servants about "gelling square" Willi suiaeboey. ? A NCHUgltnC* act. Yesterday nllernomi, it seem*. bo concluded to put Ills tnresis into execui on. He . ulered lbo butel at the Klghlb rftro t entrance, aud remained lor awblle In i lie en tine room. Us asked one ol Un- servants il Mr. Waito, .sr., whs in the uUloe, and, being answored ia the negative, eapresaed ma ? attsiawtwu. (Simrilv Hl.erward no ascended tliu stairs leading lo the rear ol tliu <>m cc# Mr. Libby uud Mr. Wat.-ou worn engaged ill tlin o||lco at the lime, tbe loriuer being occupltd in counting money nmi alter nately pisong it in the -alit Lynch ssunteroJ into the ulhcu and bulweau las two mvn, fronting Sir. Libby. Mosakcd If Mr. Waito wiu in ins lande (IllCr, and Was iblurmvd lUat ba Was dining with Vuaera I Hester. Lvnch iben addressed Inm sell .bfbtquely lo Mr I.iidiy, saymg:??! sap Ikiso you urn sstltUud now wub what you navo dnaof" Mr. Libby replied.?"! doa't know what you mean." "Voe, yoa do," was tbe re spouse*, "you got inn sacgoJ iroui my Job, aud I uu going to have asililsowoa, svyiug wlucn ho icvonud u Puvoivor at Mi l.lbpy, both bin on not being tnreb last npiri. tUmuilm. uusiy wnh the nuiiou he anap|" d lho pistol, hot Ijriunaiely It inlaeed lire. Mr. Libby, alarmed tor bis life, ibraw bis bunds ?r.r ins keen, stooped low mid cried out, "I'aillp, lor Ood's s ike don'l snool!" i Uu pistol was snapped again and again falUd I" gb off. Mr. Libby, In vfeU'Uiiig pos tura, bushed pi*l Lynch and mtbdii hi* way toward tlio restaurant. Lyncu soeuied to Ii.iVo spundtmed the went on at the second failure lo discharge It, and struck ol Mr. Ltony with Ills clcnahed list, fha lat ter. however, sbcceeded n renin ng the restaurant wiwmui 11.1Vlug received any bodily harm, and l.ynuh rap. ily luudu bis way dowu ibu hank sialism the eu g'ne ruum nod Hod through the Ninth street entrance. Meantime those ol the guest - of the hotel who hap pened to ue usur the Mann ul the assiuli, paiticoiariy those wlso wyro in the dining room, were almost par my and with lesr and horror. M ,ur ol Ibam were IauIms, aud the sighi of an infuriated man mid snapping i revolver over tbo head ol no inolfon sivn luaii oaSsed the wildest commotion. AHHtst ok tiik ausassi*. Tbo Cautrnl Ullice w.ta nouilod ol the ucourrouco ?ml Dctretivda Williamson an I licCortnaok wore do-' lulled to arrest lb- Would-be uiauiu. Alar a lung search iliey iounn turn nt Fourteen!b stroet and liroad way, but iuiuus ttie pistol, wincb be sild tia tiad thrown In tuu East Hirer. Wneu taken to the Central ouice and quaMlouod bo a dd that lie was justified In what be bad attempted lo du. Ua baa uotbiux to say in extenuation uud was propurod to meet tbo constqueuce*. Ho was only sorry bo was not more Hicoesslul In bif designs. Ha will bo arrtwgQou at court to day on ? charge ol leloui ous assault. LANUiNCi A WHALE. OEORGE POPE DRIVES "a THIRTY-FIVE BARRED COW bP?K\l" ASIIOI.E IN If A U1T AN RAY. Groat excitement bag beon created all along tho shore ol .\'cw Jersey, Irom Squuu to Keyport, by tbo story ol a real w bale having boon cdugnt in tba Karl tan Hay, near l'ort Uonmoulb. Tbo carcass ol tbo enormous Usb was anchored near an oldQshoil fac tory. wbcro tbo lucky fishermen who buvo struck a big bonanza in tbo capture of ? sperm whale were meltiug thb blobbor in largo iron pots. Tbc wbaie was first seen about suurire ou lust Wednes day mornlug by u fisberiuuu named Ludlow, ou l'ort Coiulort Shoals, about mile miles Iroin tiandy llook. j Ho saw tbo large black object in iho water, but | thought It was a wreck ol somo vessel and did not go 1 near it. Uoorgo Pope, also u fisherman, went out | in a small boat lor tbo purpose ol eatening gome o> stcrs uud mi nouring tiiu ghouls noted be : largo dark body in tuu water. Ou approucbiug It bo louud that It was a large live litn | ol some kind, and Having uo oilier weapon bo com- j me need sticking bis oysier kunp mto tup slJe ol the wnuie, nut, basing tbui it uad uu <11 cel. be went to ibe snore aud piocured tbo ussistauco of a lullow lisber niau Willi an axe. CUASIXQ Tillt WllALK. Tbey returned to where tue wnulo was still lying; tne boat was tbeu backed up to tue wnaio's neud, w lien one ol tuu men cnuinieuced chopping It in (bo lioail wub Ibe av. Fortunately lor Hie bnaimuu llio w balo did not slruggl i much until I tiey wijo some distance away, wboii It commenced tu llouudcr. aud rull. and in a stiori mue succeeded in getting oil'ibe shoal uou staricd toward Handy linos. Tbo fishermen not kuowing the dsuger they were in Started ulier H aud tried to cutcli or artve it lotvurd tbo sbure oy tbrowiug tuoir ancaur tutu its spout, uud at one time, wbilu Huts endeavoring to euleb tuu en ormous Usb, it jiassed uudur ibeir boat almost lilting it out ol the water. Tbo wbalo was followed down tbo bat" several mi en and Willi lUc aid ol oilier ll-nertucu, wlio were lu boat*, it w us or ivcu aklioru. W lib u scythe boi rowed irom a iielgbbormg lurmer tbo whale was Dually- killed by ktubOing it in Ibe si'de. A schooner Uioii look tbo carcaiui iu tow aud brougtu it tu tno liruys l.u.dioa wlreroil is bow being uiutllulud. Cautuiu Blisou, wlio is all old Waaler aud IIas been In iliu Souinoru Indian seas, stated mat tms was u very large cow wane, it buiug tbirty-uvu ieut lung and ui.oui uine in dis.neter. lbey expect to gel thiriy two ouriels 01 sperm ml una said n tltey bud proper lucilities lor the dressing ltd rendering ol tbo oiuub r iliuy would get inucu more, lb,-re were two good siz d ruwbo Us well filled with blabber and several large puis w I b line, cieur oil yufler.iay. I no owners ol tile trepny were busily engaged getting it in u marketable eouuiiion, one tnkiug tue teellj out. Crowds ol people v.ailed tbo scone y lifter day. SQUiiLCU THE FMNIAN4. A FEW REASONS WUX AAIHIUCANS SHOULD BEltt SPECIAL AFFECTION FOit TliEIIi ENG LISH COUSINS. To the iluTot or tiik Herald:? Tbo Englishman whose letter ou Fcniauism appears Id to day's Herald is hardly to bo luKcu as a lair sped mou ol? his couutrymen bero or bo would not say so many toolish thing*. llo ussuuios that tbo Irish na tionalists aro a body opculy recruited, armed, drilled and equipped ou Amoricau soli lor the uvowod object ot making war on a trioudly Power. bucu is not tbc {act. There is no military organization id America trom whose ruuks a revolutionary army In lrelaud yilgbl be rocruited tout violatoa any American law, in the letter or tbo spirit, or is uuy uioro liublti to tuter fercneo by auy Stale or loderai authority tbau the St. lioorgo's Society or the Urutigc Iratcruity. When Mr. l.ynagb undertakes the task ot crushing the Fsuiiius legally lie w ill Hud It just as big a tusk us w uuiu bo the si,imping ol I hem out physically about wulcii bo very loollshly luiks. Tho men who can be relied on lor service ou Irish soil iu case ot war aro to be louud In leguliy orguui/cd boobs, iu IbesNatlouul tiuurd, uuil tnousauds ul tiiuin Uavo trumped across Uuorgut wiilt Sherman or billowed Grunt through tbo uidfiJy buttloiiides ol Virginia. Many inoro nuvo reuderud good service to ibu United Status iu tho regular army since tnu civil war. Holora our Kugugli cr.llcs b <u*t so iiiuoU about stumping US out let lintiu rellucl lor u moinont wliul miaul uo ttio altitude ol tho Irish sol diers ol tuu Uritish army whsu coalrontod with those | men. ltui it uo or Stato law exists ot course ouo should bo uiitdo lor tho espcoiui kratihcauuu ot our KuglisU lrlenda, because Kuglund Is a "iricudiy I'owor." Why? England ttiuployod Indians to butoner unit scaip Aiuoriuin citizens during tne U vo lutiou ; when lliu w >r ol socuoiluu oroko out she Utlod out tirivaiecrs to prey ou Amorioah commercoj sho cncou'ugud lliu Sodih while sue thought it bad any climce <H success, and lliou iti> tndoued it wimn bin- | ure w in staring it iu the lacs. Wueu lliu news ol tnu ! soccssbiuwas .uuouucod in luo tiuuso ul Commons It w .s snouted that "mo bunblo was uur?l," and a riug- ' lug cheer weal up iu r spouse. Ul onurso England is ; a iricud.y Power. Wlisl was Ireland doing during I tbo periods relerred to If From tho Very I outbreak ol the lUvoluUon thousands ol | liisbinea fought la tuu American rsuks, uud U.stiuguishcd trisbuiou rsadcro l unportaut : servico in every dupariinent ol the government, fun ; Friendly ol si. Panics in t'hi adetplitt poured ' out tueir cash to relieve Washington's starving army , wollo Irish sold tors poured out their bo.oil. And ; Wiishiuglou uud tbe HoVoiulloiisry leaders were ' limn culled hi the sauio opprobrious epithets which tbi Euylishui in now applies to tbo Irish uatiou.l i leaders. Iu tlin lute W?r, while England Was Ulting ; out alsbainas, thousands ol lrnh soldiers wore light- j iiik bravely lor trie Union, sud iiuiueusu mas. uiuct lugs were hold iu Ireland to express -juips by with > lliu Noriu belore tbe echoes ul too nerisivu bad died away in tbe ttouse ol ( ominous. Ol course "our Anglo-Saxon uoasius" uoservu more : sympuloy si tbo bauds oi Americans tuau the** wruicuud Irisli, who liavo poured out tbeir uiood .ike wuisr to uutid up ibis Kupuuiio uud to preserve us in tegrity iii uo hour ol danger. M|uulcu tlie F'cuiau* at once, just to objigc your ] good, tide and consistent Inoud '. A.N iltiatl .S A1I0N A Els 1'. Nkw York, Hay 10. 187*. UEUiSilUCJlNU UiilO. Cmcmvi, Uiy 11, 13" 1 The Ilouse hat passed the bill I ?U.striding tbu State fur Cou grass .ou>l purpu >1, in tuu Sonuiu ihu too lion in roj'jcl llio Uudutricllug U.11 via UeUuted?vio? IS, nay* |ti. MAINE OiiEE \ ii A C K PA B1 Y. LxWiaroM, May 11, 1"?79. Th j Slate Contrul Commute-' 01 (lie national greou back party n t* isauod 1 call lor a Stale 1:01 voulioo to ha held In lUi* ci.y 00 Wrtmnur, June 5. POLITICAL NOJES. Thu Chicago labor Icagur* have 7.000 member* Tin* Ciuciuu.iti Haquircr (dem ) *.1) a ibal Ubto ha* beo.inu a democratic ?1*10, lb* Vuiinuui republicans Will noil tlieirbt'ita Con* vunt-ou uu tno -dd luci. at liuiiiugion W.ikesbarra |r*,| lltcorU (r*|i.):?TbonMO Coch ran i? 11 republican cun.iiiato lor (!wi|rM in iho Mur cor anil Crawieru diairict. 1 no f I11l.1dc.plua /9w (rep,) say* lb it there will he no citcuau lor iho auiliuriuo* II tiu-y are takiu una ware* by a cuuwiiuuinte revolt. No one will bo permitted to voto at the conservative I runary elea'.loO III Norlbig, V i,, who ill! cot In 1S71 wnt In* ballot lor Tiltleu nw President. Thar* ?? diateusiuu among lb* item cral* in La mot c iumy, i'1. The dii|i tie* of iho rival du.egale* ? II givotr iublo to the Pittsburg Convisiitiou. India i poll* ?Jrntiri'i (dam.):?"The ImncritlC county couvcuiiou* toue inr bold throughout the Stale have placod in tiouiluatlou the atrongoat legists* live tickot* ever auleotcd." i ho New Albany (tu>L| Ledytr (dem. )i iy* that Voor bee* IIM been guilty of many politic I uct* which tlio 'Hit uioci my" Cannot afloril to indorse, ar. I It Oppose* hi* rt -election to the Sen ito. Tno Cuiciuiiati UaxtUt (rep,) say* that the ilsdla tricling*' hill, which the uoiiiouraia at Washington are urging tho 0110 Legislature to p i*-. Will render the representation ol U.tliireui nocuous very dispropor tionate. Philadelphia /*rv 11 (rep.):???Nationnism .1* a kind ol political cltickon pox. ol which society h a! ready couvniosceiit, and la two or three year* only two or throe utilo bound pile will remain to leuiind ua th it WO have had the due ito, " Cincinnati Kn/jnirer (dcin ):?"With a heart bowed down with weight 01 woe wo tenru lit it t'ocie Jimmy William* has dotign* upon the Presidency. It is to ho hoped that Uncle Jimmy wiliahandou hi* design* bolero It is everlastingly loo late and lei Mr. Hen dricks prance over the course, wlib no one lu molest or make him etralii.^ The iloston Iravtlltr (rep.) any*:?"It la ox peeled that Chat lea 1*. Thotni sou will be nominated lor tin* <fj-or ol Massach 11 celts by the democrat*," but Will wuh I raw in favor ol licneral Uuiier, th* probable greenback oiindidato, receiving a* a rownru lor his sell -v*wincing patriotism lb* Uobor ol ruobing (or Cou? OBITUARY JA?OS(,AV CI 11MAK, PAISTtB. By ft pr letter, rtecivoj irotu I'arlz, under dftto ul April '.'J, we learn or the sudden death ol ,'aroelav Cerm.k, u Bohemian painter ol great renown for bis age, una ? hu.-c de.ati, while y?i young and io the lull ftuu Vigorous exercise ol bis great powers, is a great loss to lire art world. 11. Cermuk was a native ol l'raguo, but bad reamed i" l'aris lur como twenty yours. He wan n pupil ut Louis Galtail uud Hubert Floury, tils siu.lio was at No. 1JS Avenue Wsgrum. Ho was renowned lor Ills masterly portrayal of dra matic scenes in tUc lives of iho ptclu; cique Montenegrins and llorzogovinans, laid uuiid Ibu grand scenery ol Itiuir wild iiiouuluuous uountriei>, many ol wbicb were iucidculs la Iboir struggles uguiust (lie hashl-ouxouks ana other Tuike. he spent inucti timo in Herzegovina and .Uoulenogro. He tlrst exbibited in the Saiou, wo believe, lu IStll, wneii lie Was repre sented by "Bastii-iiuzuuas lUaCbriilian Village ol Her zegovina;" "A Study ol a Slav"?a youuV peasant girl wiili tier child?uud by u portrait ol ins wile, lie re ceived tiis liret luuda. In ibis yonr. In l&tid lie sent portraits ol "the 1'nncess Daruika, VV'ifu ol liauilo 1., Prince of Mouiuuugruul "Priucoss Milcun, tti.o ol Nicholas 1., Prince ot iluu icircgro," uud ol "ilerko-l'oirovicb, Geuerul in-Chicl ol Iho Ariuy ol iiouieuegro." he was not roproncnteu lb Ihu Salon ol 1807, or lu the luternuilotiul Exposition ol ibui year. In ISciU ho contributed to lire sulou a masterly picture, winch bus siuCo become very pupulur and we.l kuowu through a Hue eugruving ol it, and which is culled "Yuui.g Ulrl> ol Herzegovina Enslaved by Hasln HnZOUks and living Carried lu Adrialiuple I o Hit Sold." He r. appeared on the wails lit 187b Willi two por traits. his ucxi exhibit ' Was 111 187u. tvbeu lie soul "Au Episode of War lu Monten egro (Ib'dti)," representing Montenegrin women carrying- cartridges to iho combatant?,. a striking scene, treated iu tbo urlut's best and most dramatic style, ilia pictures lii ISM were "A Vouu.; Ucracgo viitun Girt L.-adlug llorses lu Urink," "A Itoudezvous in tbe Montenegrin idouiilulua" uud u "Portrait." lu 18ia be bud uu piuiuru in ihe .Salon. "An Episode ul too Siege ol NauSubourg" was Us picture ol 187(1. Last year lie wus admirably represented bv "lleiz - govinaua iioluriiing io Ihuir Village Alter its 1'iHugo by UaiC i-Itazouks and FiuUmg Uie Cemetery Do spoiled and 111*11 Churcb Destroyed." l'be nrusl re ceived a second medal in 1808 and W is decorated wiiii tbe Legion ul ilouor lu 187(3. Ho caught ud miiuely u his piclurus the ot the brave, uuiidsome races, giving mister.y renditions or (he d.ilk, tierce eyed, heavy mustaeded, pioiui t-squelv eu .mined mull ot tiiu country ana ol the sculptur esque laces, duu b.ack eyes, long black Uair aim uoble forms ol the women. Iiis pictures uie luil ul hie and action, intensely dra matic, with due Kouumeul,. aud ultruct strong svinpuitiy lur bis characters. Ills treaiioeut ul Ibu du - scenery la wbicb lie pr.tceil Uis Ugures wus siroug, uud tbe accessory work was curwiul mid uccuralv. lu drawing, uiudollliig, pose aud llt-jib liuis lie WusMiluitrable, and a hi,Mi lluisli was u cbaractoristic ol iuu h of bis worg. Ho also was very burcusslu! iu painting spirited, siikou coated Arabian hor?cs, ami lull inuuv pictures ot these ul loutituina uud amid varluus surrounding--. lie always commando# very prices lur ins panning*. they W're not very wull kuowu nere. A Iuu size, single ligure was lalolv uu exhibition at Saltans', iu ihis city, auu Was described iu too hue arts column under Iho head ol "Heceiil Piciure* lu Iuu Gu.lerius," on March 'do, us lollows:?"Hy C irosluv Carina,, tnere is u iiiugnillcunl example, 'A Huizegoviuian Captive.' A beau11lul womuu ol lliecouirliy stuuds by n curtain, Icuuuig against u wall, with her dark hair struuming down pusi her hue iscv, her buuus clasped to her breast, lot king sadly out wiiu a tear stealing down Iroiu one ul iter uiagutUeeot blaca eyes. I'Du Iuu jlizo, tbrec-qiiurier length Uguro is very well givou, and me bcinnlul lacu, hue heck and halt Seen breasts arc trusted in a masterly manner. A very sympathetic picture." JI'DmE SAMUEL A. FOOTS.* Alter a very brief 111ncss ex-Judge Samuel A. Footo died at live o'clock yesterday morning. at bis real. Uenco lu Uencvu, N. Y., iu iho oijlity-mglitb your ol bis ukc. lioru oo D.-cciuber 111, 17UU and generally reputed at tbo time of bis dcuiu lu be tlio oldest mom. bor ot tbo X)?r lu Hits Statu, bis decease severs tbo Inst connecting link butweon tbo lawyers ol the ou scliool unil tbo present generation ol legal | raci it loners. i(o was born ut Walcrtowu, Coco., and alter a course ol academical itudy sou-red L'ulou College, where be graduated with distinguished honors, lie ut once chose Hie law as his prolcssiou, utid pursued bis lerui studies in Albany. Umid being admitted to tbo Uur be rapidly rose to dislinctlou in h is prolcssiou ano urgued niuny iiuporiout oases in the Court ol Cb inc ry and iu tbo Court ol Knurr. A youug ill lib ol bis l> i ill in 111 sc<|Uirt'ineiits uud Inch loreuslc uUilillos could iini long escup ? public recog. union, and whim yul a youug man was elected to the Important position oi District Attorney ol Albany couuty. la lM-gi ho moved to tnts oily uud entered into a law partiutrsnlp witu Hie lain Judge Williud) Kent, ion ol Cuancuilor Kent, and sub>e queui!) becatuo associated Willi bis nephew, JuhRu llcnry K Davie*. Alter remain ng here two years bo moved to lienuvu. where be niude bis homo (or iho rest ul his tile. His record as Judge ot tn? Court of Appeals is well kuiwn ill tne proles-icu. For critical analysis ol the intricate punas ol u case, clour comprehension ot tbo issues Involved uud sounduvas ol jndgiiieul id bis cuuciu:Ions, be is geueraby concede I to tauvu beau vgiinuulu neer, and bis decisions, as appearing iu the court reports, are regarded by the prolcssiou us atnong ine i.uuiidesl ol our judicial repurls. A -iroug ellort was made to secure Ins elovatiou to the fulled .S ales Supreme Court Heath to till the vacancy caused by the death ot Judge lhompson; Out President i'ylor desiring a representative Irom a Southern .Statu refused to nominate III in. Ho lias served with distinction In our .-late legislature, uud wis givep the pasitiuo ol Clmlriiiuu ol itiu Judlil.ry Commute.-. He had rather an aver-lot), however, to politics, altlioiigb taking an active part in the Coust^utl nul Couventiah if was MlUgalar y devoted lo Tns proluasiwu, and up lu his hinil illness was actively vugu,ed iu b s pruluaSlonul duticH, and, in Isct, ni iy be said lo huvc died in bar neys. A lew weeks since, as will bo remember- d, l.o preKontod to u.o liar Association u portrait ol iho emineut Irish hnrrisiur, I'ticm s Addis Kmmrt, with Ahum he hal lornied a close mlimscy during the Inner's pro!i;s?iiiual carter In this city. His last up pearsucu in public was iu r^tplumber lost, w!i- u lie made uu address at iho agricultural luir at Geneva, ? REIDSICB 1HLLLEB ? PAINTKII. Tbo doth is aunouueed by mail Iropi Weimar, in tbo tixij-lourlh year ot his age, ol Frets It r, tbo iniliter, well known uud esiocmeJ in Ger many lor bu gruud tgi j cartoons atnF or bis iroscots. He was born u KistnuCO on 4pnl '-'o. 1 sol Alter study end r various masters iu Iirctdou aud Wtiuiar, tin went to tbo Antwerp Academy, ha leaving ibe la ter place no decided to go to I ny lor study wiieis b- re nisi Bed iroiiT lS'g7 to I'll Uu bis r-'lurn to (.eruiiiny bu ?m made fro tot-or ol at ti.i WuiBti.r Academy el Fine Arts, and soma years alter Court punter. Among bis wurks ur i. a. rles ol seven cartoons Irom scenes lu the Odys sey; a series of Piitd-c-pcti Iroin the sunn- poem, and pan ted lor tbe *iu de u Weimar; the decoration ot tne -tVeii iu u Zin in- r,'' . n the astno building; two pinning.', ??Calypso'' and "Loucultiu:," now in Mu nich; aud "NaUricoi," in the Ituczinski Gallery ?l Heilin. 'Ibe decerned leaves ? mu. nlso Kroidricb, who has riUlie a rvputaliou at s landscape painter. A. if. XCbSEIJk 7,. H. Itusseli died yesterday at Honesdele, Pa., aged seventy <.u? years. His funeral will take p.uce at three o'clock I uesduy sllcrc ou. DAVID W. SVLISH. DiVnl W. WnDs d.ed at his residence, I'ialnQeld, X. J,, on Monday, Otb Inat., ol an leceruide disease, lie sulKfbd ovi r u j ear from cancer In ibe inoutb and has not wpunoii for nearly a veer through an unsuc CCssft)I operation* lie wus bore In GuUunborg, ft we. den. May I, HI , and camu lo this country in la-id. it iv ng learned ihe iron business in ttwe.ien, fee dents in?i.o -I with luck riu.ii, Jiluil! an At Co., u| too filer Ceuniy iron Works, ii? was roou inaen Into Ibe llrm and I ?r a namber of years had entire control of iho business. A N01 il?U HI Villi M Vis 1 EH V. Tho body ol tbo man loni.d flouting In t!ic Fast K v-r, at pier No. 17, on the Mill Inst , by OlUcef Dow net, ol i fin Knstern steamboat, was last evening i.lent-llcd at tbo Moigao as tbal ot >'r nk Mc Govern. oi No, SOCyrneiia street, who lias been miss ing for ivmt time. I ne decu-a-<1 was a w itter by uc eupitien. II-s Ii lends are ol tliu opnimu Ida*, fee .lid botcomiiilt su.cide, but the/ are unalno lo udv iLco uny theory its to lioe be c.ihie lo be drowned. DOMES'!IC INI lUi.LiTV. Hrulgct Doylr, n domestic employed by Jatue* A. it it in r i. I, oi No. 1.10 Filth avenue, was arrested lost night ou a charge ol stealing |70 from her employer. Hi rainier, Mrs. Mary Kanr, was also arrested as nn acce sory, ss sn<- Was seeu leaving Ibe homo eountlug a roll oi bills wi loii was aui posed to be ? portion u( tbo money stolen. 8ANUIINAKY Ah-SAULT. Clifton Van Colt and Jackson Wott, each about four teen yeart old, attending school fet 0 enwood, Islan-l, got Into a light about suiuc matter, slid Moll becoming highly enraged drew n pocket kn-ie and attempted to stati Van Colt in ilia breast, lie lulled in ih.n, but instead gave Ills antagonist a terri ble tut M Ibe riaht nrni, wben tbry were aapsrsted. it is alleged I bat Moil bad been leas- ug Van Colt uutll be became desperate. CRUSHED liY A NVAGON. Uiorg# Welsh, aged tbrro yeare, of Na 10 Georek strsel, while pitying lu front ol bis parents' residence, wa- run over and kille-i by a beer Wagon driven by Fredurn k Uxeiltus, oi No. jg lio-e street. Tne UflVef was locked up aud the Cormier*' olflco uutibod. BLANC-TERRY. Nuptials of the Italian Minister at 3t. Stephen's. THE BRIDAL THRONG. Scenes in the Church and at the Wedding Fete. The marriage of baron Albort Bianc, tho iUltM Minister. pud Mini Dolores Nslica Terry, daughter ol SeAor Dou Touia* Terry, look place ul Si. Stephen'* Church lual ^evening, and was in alt respects oua ol tho mom elegant and brilliant wedding affairs ever witnessed in Ibie cliy. Card, of In vitation uud huou issued lo rnoro than two thousand persons, and no one wan admitted to the church with* out presenting one ol tuete, lu turn way the epacloue edifice wiu nearly liiled with an assemblage compose! ol tho wealth,-beamy uud lusti.ou ot the metropolis. | The interior ol thoeburcb win brilliantly illumtoated, j as were also the mam and side attars. lu trout ol i tho uia'u ultur were three itniDcnse boutjtlois of lovely flowers, while other smaller ones wore oh. served ul various piacos ai% >ud tho chancel. On either aide ol tho entrance to the latter was placed n tall p 11 in tree, each growing out ot a largo box ot ru?. tic pattern, while several other specimens ot tropical plums and rare flowers iu pots were arranged on tho chancel steps. To the left ot tuo altur were chairs in tention tor the accommodation ol tho friends of tho bridegroom belonging lo the diplomatic corps, and opposite to theso wero similar seats tor the nearest relatives of the bride. IItirOIlK Til K WKUDIXU. Although the ceremony bad boon set cown for eight o'clock vimiorn coiuuu ucrii uri.viiig at llio church shortly alter hOirou, aud by half-jun-.t scvon u hue ol carriage* extoit led on boib sides ol Twenty-eighth btreet Irorn .bird to Lexington uvouua. Wlieiuer II was out ol curio-ity to witness too splendid toilets ol the ladies a* they were banded out of their equipages and then disappeared under tbo awning wiiicti coveriug the mattod steps loading to tlio CUurcb eiitraucu ux'uudoi to tbo atroot or a du siro to leiut tUoir eyoa ou tlio inton-sung young lady who loruud the ventral llguro during tbo uvomug is uol Known, but tbe crowd wliicli gathered around tbo (Unroll and almost blocked up tlio carriage way al Well as tbo sidewalks I if outnumbered any similar gathering aeen in front ol St. Stephen's tu the history ol that vuuorahl > edified. A platoon ot police was preacut to keep tbo eutrauoo way unobstructed, and a-, those wttu wnoin they bad to ooal wero prin cipally or tUO am loi sex the pnliouco ot tuo ollicurs waa oltou sorely tiled, us tuo wcapou ol retnouatruucii ouijr had lor this occasion to bo used Instead o. the club. Wiulo the elegantly attired ladles and their cacorle wero slowly tilth ; into tho church und securing tuo most desirable goals yet uuoccuuioU. tuo ere at orgau pealed tones of welcome. Many ol tno ladies up. puuri d lu opera costume, wuile pro- lous Mlonos Hashed b.ick ill i glitter ot a luousaud gas lights in every pu t ol tbo build.iig. About u quarter Doloro olgut tin) dtplouintic party comtnetiosd to arrive, aud walking un llio aisle uutei'eU tlio cbaucol and look the seme asMguoii to ihein. 1 buy were in ovoutug dress, tue uosuuia nl many of them glittering wttu stars, ordore and knightly decorations. DISl I.MJUISII Kit ATT KNII ANTS. Among these personages were Sir Kuwnrd 1 horn ton, tho Brliitu Minister, end .admiral (lore Junes, ot llio British Legation, und lady; Count Uruiiott: und Mr. Do Soto, ol tho spuuieh Legation; Scfiui Mantilla Ho Lua Hois, alio Spanish Minister, atnl i niy ; Haliac: Kllcudi, ol the t'urkiall Legation, and lady; tho .lapuuusu Ambassador, sortor Fsrdl imud Do Luca, Itaraii Consul Ceueral; Mr. Dardotr, Minister irom Gualvinalit; Count Litla, ot the lulwi Legation; Jiuqnn 1'odcstu, Italian Legation, and Mr, fr-slou, tlio Haytlau Minister, und lady. Sotr.o ol llio ludtes of tbe diplo matic party wore cxqultlio toilets, thai ol tb? ScDura Mantilla being a salmon colored silk robe, ricn in loaiher trimmings ol butt and black shades, lu her baud stio cart tod a bcuuulul bouquet, while her coifluru U.ui'alively blazed With diatuauds. An olhei ol loe ladies appeared in ? crimson silk drees, heavily Iritnmod Willi velvet ol the aamo color, and 11 ad ou her head a uuUiaol whito llouiluu laoe. Mrs. Uoro Jones wore a black groa grain sllic dross, wi.h a scarlet India shawl throw n over her shoulder.-. The ushers wero Count Lata, Uaytiun Legation; Count Mrunciti uud Mr. De Soto, 01 tuo Spanish Lo cution ; Count Mariioschi, Italian Vico Consul; Mr. De Cotc.ilu, ot Hie French Legation, and Mr. D.uu doru, ol tue Aus.riun Legation, TilK liulUAI. THAI*. Tbo .TuJiouce remain.d in liUjii- d expectancy until a quarter lo nine o'clock, when tho stratus ot W ig tier's Lotiengriu Mwcddiug marcu pealing Irom tno deep toned organ caused tiuaily ml assembled lo turn lumr laces toward tue in a in eUtraucc. Brigtil eyes grew brighter then, aud youiblul cua-eks ttu-lied w it!i ponl up ex c.tuintui as tueir owners strovo to obtain a view of lie- wiin was about to no nodded lo the man ol Iter heart's choice, first Caino s.owly np tlie aisle Mrs. Terry, anther ot tho undo, a sligut, luucuta looking lady, haoiillaied in hho leaned upou tlio srtu ol a mils relative, following wero Mr. Ainouia Terry, breeder ot the Urlou, and his lady, witu otuot rcl .uve?, all ol whom took seats luslde tno chancel, and oppuaito to the diplomatic visitors. Meantime U iron Diane bad conic out Irom the sacristy aud stood in iroui ol the ultur, supported by his best man, Mr. Dul Fosse, tlio Minister. 1'bun cams too undo, tlic ( yuusure ol all eyes, supported on the ariu ol in r lather, white tiosidc her walk-.-U Iter liltlu niece, Mis* Dermal, carrying her biuquel. Tno two urt* nruJ' aiiiuuU were Alias Duiion ana M i?< al i, ihu remaining two being .Miss froyrs iiini M iss Clllt The brhlsl toilet was of wliito saim, w tu an unuaU'lly lous train, aud was draped aerusi (root ana back with a very de?-p llnuuce ol ponl d'Augleierre (a present Irom tbo bridegroom), and lur.bor eiuuUDsUcd with rows ol Irtngd mado ot orange hlos?on:s nod while llijus. I be w.ii-l was cut -quato and ilia aioevea reached <u Ibe eloow and were iiuitliud with luce. Over the train Ujsu-iI a loug Veil, lastouod lo the head WltU sprsys ol ttowers alii bunion is. Ibe hridosm.tidl wero ures-u i entirely in wuiie, all, excepting Miss > rtyrr, weariu . dressos ol whim gaus* striped wttu silver, hers being white eutln aud crepe fuse. 1 bey all ware short tulle veils. at tu>; altar. 1 bo bridegroom and bride having taken tbolr placet bulore the aliar Rev. Dr. Alctiiynn c.iuinvnced tbe then sod si in tile inn ritgo ceremony ol the CatuoDa Ceurcb. Tbe aiorgymiM spoko In a low voice, aud ihu response, til the couple wboui ho addrnaaod were \ also givwti in a subdue i tone, so that they w .-re scarcely audible al a distauce of a tew loot, i be unite w >s given awsy by her lather. 1 be two riugs were Urst bb used by toe priest, aud tbeu tno bridegroom placed one oe tbe buger ol the bride, tb.i Iftdy in tutu plaeiiiK tho other one upon nis linger, u* is the custom tu lureigu enuutries. Dr. Mctsiyuo baring tbsu solemnly pmiiounced the two man aud wile, lu veked the messing oi Umupun their marriage, and (Aborted Hit m to live tugetlier in auoh a way mat their union ou earth might he typical ol their more lasting uuiuu lu heaven. He alluded lu the distiiigumued anouibUg'i, the brilliancy ol tue scene and ibe purlumo ol ilower* wiucu waa arooiid them, and said ibo dowers uiusl perish and tho lights ho diuimeJ, but the love that ie born Ol ItesVeu la eternal. At tbe conclusion ol tug Uriel aud eioquenl address the baud of tbe clergyman waa cordially pressed oy Marnu lilanc and hts bride, AFTtiM re> WtiDld.lU. Immediately aiiur ike luirrtase the bridal party, Ibcir frieuds uud iaVlted gueals rt paired tu Ilia rest Uiiics ol Mr. Terry, No. 4J4 fiitu aveuua, where n civil coiemouy Was ) orloriued, according to the Italian law, alter wbleb a Wedding lota took piece, winch lasted until nearly iiiibuigut, ami was part Mi ps ted ib by a lai go number ol seioct kUs?l?. Among tbe bridal pie ins, wiin i wero costly iud taa-elul lb the cxtremu, was one Irom tue bndu'a lather ol IM.OiW, lu a do u lob to ibo trousseau and weudln| ure-e tual lie had given her. Ii.n amoant tinmud u Intended by Mr. leery lo he expanded oy Ills dnuglitel in ? reason, jewels cr whatever sua may preier. line Mother's nil, a Include superb solitaire eirriugs and a star ol tno s tuie j.wen lor her hair, tier sister govs a Urge solitaire diamond ring. I hore wero also uu tuireua other prca?uis irom relatives and irieuds. I ItK W K0UIXU TOUIt. llaron Mlnne, it Is said, purposes Bailing for Europa aim his bride nasi luurday, loth last. He will t.k- hi r hrst tu fans, and after rem lining in the F.i neb capital a short time win proneed to Italy, to present her to bis K ug aud (gueeu, aud allerwurd ihey spend tno nu tumor at tue elegaut residence owned by lUroa nunc in tliksouihel franco. Tnv Jistibgiiished bridegroom, although still a comparatively young man, baa b?i ? some what uVuuilet caroet. A native ol Chaiiilery, jsavt y, aud ooiuiug ol a good umiiy, lis lu Ihu ranks as a volunteer during tbe war with franco, and wbsn dually Savoy en tided to ihat t'ower und tua alisrnaiive was prosentod to tht Savoyards to becoms siUier Frenuhmon oi Italians lu their allegiance, he prompilv evowoil blm sell then end always an Italia*. He subsequently hucame private Secretary to Couut CaVour. Having chosen dipiomsey lor bis profession no soon rose to a high position iu ihst isvoruble Held lor the enltl* Votioii ol subile uiuui. Eru many yeaia pu-sed be ua? tne trusted ebut ol tbu Uubinoi ul Menerai Its Maiuioio. He was next appointed Secreiary Ueneral under (lolloral AK-nahroa, an %rul-soqueutly scut us Minister to Sjisiu. Vie.of Kiniuauuvi, lo ASDt, sc know lodged bis v lusulo so* VleOn by u.iuntg a royal decr.-e declaring bun a barou, and since then bo was lurtner rewarded hjr being sunt a? Minister to tbs L'bitcd Shi too. soAor Don lomas Terry, tbo father ot tho bride, it a eeallhy Cuban planter, owning soma of the largest sub IMSl productive sugar plantations on tbu island. Ho also owns au establishment In Havana, where he Is mil to bo oue el tue most prominent oealvrs in the sac carbine cotumudiiy. As a uier client and (ilanMf nm repnui, >u slan ts bigu both in this city aud Itavsua, sua bis wealth M estimated at uiauy millions.