Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 15,239. NEW YORK, MONDAY. MAY 13, 1878.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS DlttKCTOHY FOH ADVfcUiTiSEKS. BKHALD branch OFFICE, 1.265 BROADWAY? ? ?oS DaV ANl> NIOHT FOR RECEPTION OF ADVERTISEMENTS AND SALES OF PAPERS. EMENT8?1 n Pack?5th and 0th colt. ASrK0l,o,iv-2x> Pack-2)1 col. *OLLIAKDS-1st Pack?3d col. * 5^;V ?EKS WANTED?2d Pack?2d eol. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE?20 PASS?1st *a tS0'* uKS!S?H!1 OPPORTUNITIES-?? Pack. JJPsiNEss notices?7tu pauk-uhicoi. . . .,\. 5':AI' ESTATE for SALE?2d Pack-Iii coL JJHtBK? ANI) SALESMEN?I2ru PAoa-titb col. CLhtiiINQ_J2Th Pack-dili col. ^ACIIMEN and HARDENERS?12th PAOK-Otbcol. J'OASTlV ISK STEAMSIIIPS?2i> PAUk-5th ool. tDUNTRY BOARD?2d PA<;K-2d col. 5A-J'V\<> ACADEMIES-1?, I'Acii-ith ooL dentistry?2d PauK-oth Coi. &,L?.,,.?.01,8-,? Pauk?4th end 5th colt. dwelling houses to let, furnished and ?.. I'N I'URNIsilED?2t> Pack?In col. f STEAMSHIPS?20 PAUK-4th tad 5th colt. EUR0PK-7TH Pack?dtli eol. AND BARS?2d PACii-Oth coL ?. , ,f- URSIuN S?2u Pack?Oth col. f INANClAL-Uni Pack. vH R/YLK?2d Pack - Oth coL furnished rooms and apartments to let? -D Pack-lm col. fi'''*NIT U1CK?2d Pack?Oth eol. HELP WANTED?FEMALES?12tu PACK-5th and Oth colt. ? J'1';''!* WANTED?MALES?li? PA0K-5th col. !!P'<8''-N CARRIAGES, AC.-Ist P auk?2d tad 3d coft. HOTELS?2d Pack?2d col. WANTED?2o PA?K-2d coL INSTRUCTION ? 1st Pack? 5th col. LEGAL NOTICES?2d Pack?2d col. fl"8T AND FOUND?Is* Pack?lit col. *1 MANTELS?1st Pauk-OiIi ooL MEDICAL?2d Paok-OiIi cel. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?lorn PaoZ?Oth col. MISCELLANEOUS?12th Pack?Oth col. N? PUBLICATIONS-TV,, PAUM-ttth col. PERSONAL?1st Pack?1st col. PIANOFORTES. QKUANS, AO.?1st PACK-5th coL PROPOSALS?2d I*auk 2a col. 1 professional situations wanted?females? 1?Til PAUK-s-Ot)) col. property out of the city for sale OB TO RENT?2d Pack 1st col. REAL ESTATE to EXCHANGE?2d Pack?lit coL KBAL ESTATE WaNTED?2n PACK-Utcol. REWARDS?1st Pack?lit col. BALES AT AUCTION?2d Pack?3d tad 4th colt. BiiUATioN's Wanted?females?utr PAcs-^th ,2tu Pack?Ut 2d, 3d, 4tU atid 5th colt. IffiALNOTICES-m 20Aao^th COL btora'Le-IdPao-^^i 4C-1si 1>4UIt-ad"L SUMMER RESORl S?2d Pack-2d col. THE TURF-?wpIoK-A2?d5lth C?l LNFUKNISJIEDROOMS aND APARTMENTS TO LRV? ^%?RHKTriV.Ti?2SNp^.-TCHTY K6B 8AWI yachts, steamboats, ac.?10? pack oth col I'EUSOMaI^ ' T 'Vuise GKAiTAMTwno livedTnTiew'orlrans Jjtlurlng the winter oT 1800-1801. or her ncircaii. will Bud it ol advantage to communicate with II. K.F..boxl22 Herald Uptown office. rpo.MMY?THERE IS AN UNDERHAND MOVEMENT frier id a* ?n ,OUr M "ffalrt. Beware or iituned Tn!t,M.?YiUUN.V L,AVY., WITIf LIOIIT CLOAK. WHO icr ?l tVo?,I1,t NI?,'n.ln Park and Sevun,h avenue car yea S i ii SI e to mAl1? acqumintuuce bjr addretbinir ?. U.. Herald Uptown offico. * I, liOST AAlU FOUND* ~ i K?wAKD~Y^^irG6crn^ffira rnlin^A s * ?? " ,U,UHeh?'}j^U B"r; wa?ch bl" wno f?' " VAv'* 8-?"? <">" Md? and 1877 on other; made by Tlf. guy A Co. Return to 40 Eat! 21at tL L08?'?*"KS'rEKDA.Y, oli BROADWAY A BLACK rTiurSo n'V/r ''VP* ? mon,lia old: uncut. *5 re w.rd will bo paid for lie return to leoond lloor. No. 27 Bond Lost.?on saturda'y, may 11. a oane, with uwnor't name oa. at tliu St. Jumei Hotel or Mr EmrePe re.laurant 408 Oth ay. A liberal reward will be wld b J returnicg it to the office of JOHN M. COONEY, 23 Pari llEWAKDS. VUtan Sheep Dog; nictel collar; licenced. SPECIAL JVOTlC&b. ^-oFfToTal" KKNiMJurrST^rDKXWIl^ 1^* """^"--"TUA class no. Kb?mat 11. 1878. 67, 07. 74. 51. 40, 20. 11. 45, 75, 01. 70 14 XKKTUCET?CLASS NO. 324?MAT 11, lsis. 17, 08, 07, 48, 53, 30. 50, 35, 10, 20, 37, 45, & SIMMONS A DICKINSON, Manager!. oe,"?f.?IA "ATK-kxtka class no. 343?may 11. 187a H, 24, 30, 4<), 70, 76, 02. 0, 77 00 71 55 OKORfllA tTATK-CLAIS KO. 344-MAT 11, 1878. 17, 68, U2, 72. 47, 22. 70. 73, 00, 20, 44, 40 08. ... K. D. EDDY A Co., Managers. lo CLUl'^ .tnCo!r.e|"iui'>ke'riif^jutRru'aoyify^rBlfn<fiHeeA^>*>^ A ?koyal Havana draws may i?. I * a nl ? it I <'?>?? il'liVi ikui i _ .i , i ? Capital Pntc, $200,000 In Spanish money. Ticket*, $P), $20. $10, $5. $2, $1. Single number Kentucky orawi Muy 15. Tltkota $1 LnuDlaua Singlo Number Distribution druwa Mar 14. Capital Prite, 630,OOO; 1,857 uritea, dlitrlbuting Rlio 4U0L \\bolo Tickata, $2; llalroi. $1. ... ?. . CLUrM A CO. llankere, 21*1 Broadway, roar office. A?ONE MOKE Day. PRIZES, $110.40U ? Look I Lait cbance; 1.857 diHerem prise*. Luulstun t state Diatrlbutlon druwa TUESDAY. May 14. 1878. Ticket*. $2 each. Capital, $30/XX). One. ol $1C OO), tS.OUO, two oT f2 500. CLU-TE A CO.. Banker*, 2UO llroedwey. A -KENTUCKY STATE DISTRIBUTION, CLA88 ll J^.ton, drawn at Covington, Ky.,ou WEDNESDAY, May 1 prlae ?l $15,000. 1 prlio of $8,000. 1 priae oT $5,0Ua 2 prliot ?r$-?.50U 1.MU4 prla. i, dlitrlbuting $07,024. M hole 1 Icketi, $1. No puitponcment. _ CLUTK A CO., Haiikeia, 200 Broadway. AT TEN HON.?T WEN. Y YEARS' PKUhSUNTioSpT tal exparieiico; ipai'ieltle* di>casci of men and norvuu* I^iti'in; c.nnultution I toe. Dr. JACDBY. Ml Hloockor ?u A?81'itE Cl RE Ft IK LUNG DISKaSKh. KOClf .t undy and llyo Wl.l.koy ; $t per uultou ; $1 tM>r larao la"tie; Luck l.andy, 5 D..und?. $1: good* delivered: *end postal c?rd. N. van URlL.HMfhaml.tfrt at. a itrntion. patients.?all dl>eases, recent Um or old, sain Diaordera and Nervnu* Debility ra.liaalle f nr' <L Dr. TROT IN (Irmn I'arli). 34 liond it. A ",Vuir Ki'ise. nit. wTiTteheTd. PROFESSOR .A Midwifery; aatialactory troatmonL 215 East 45th at , near 3d av. All special complaints, medical ob ?uk Kical, Muloly, Rucccshful ly iro??t*<l; mlvlce freo. Dr. HIlAUrOKU, 13J hu.t 12lh at. A ?ELECTRIC BELTS?A PERTAIN, SAFK, AND KF lectual cure fat all iiervun* and clironle Dln-aiet. ' app'Uneva are applicable to either *?x and atTord m ii h it.1 I in caaaa of Itliouinatlam. D)ipeinle. General "iJ llroa'dway "lT,ru>"obur'* ?fu "?? only genuine. Depot, A !'L '"T'Kasks oV mkn. whatever the CAUSE. RUl' iI* *n I,urm",lout|y cured. Dr. DYER, 47 Wait B 'ILLINGES? ., ? , l>rjr, extra qnallty. tbo lavorlte Dry" Wine ol Grunt Britain. Divorce c vst.s attended to promptly with" mil publicity; Commit hi at. lNgkAO U. UOYCE ?id*. ricncod lawyer, 310 Broadway. ' 'Xp* 1 )'r^a OF MEN A SPECIALTY. ~~ It , ff. DANIELS, M. 11,, 144 Lexington av naar 110th 8 Office hours from 8 to 3 and II to 7. " Die ItlCOKD'S ESSENCE OF LIFE RESTORES MAN hood to too debilitated ill lour weoka; lullore Impoaal Jar<?t?kEurv supplied. Solo agent. Dr. J. JACQUES. 7 University nlace. New York. Divorces speedily obtained-trrms super. :,iv'J TJ7tV;n",bU,; <:('NSI'stations free. FhED Owipor^InttUKto ? ^ ^-ulng 'oiViTKFUL AND (IOMKOrIVmT COCOA* "I tin* tiMturitl 1 awn which gnviirn the op ratlona of dlgeatlon and nutrition, *nd by a e?re ul application ol the lino proportion nt well .elected 2-iiel:. iL" li1"" h*?,t"'uv,,?'"l ol" broaklaat tabioa with a delicately llevored beverage which may aato u- many He'i'*/ h".?! '/?! '* 1* hy tlio judlclnu* uae of *ucli nr . .11 , *? '""???totlo.i may ne gradually built up liitll >trong ennugli to rvaist every tendency to <ll?ea*e. Hundred* oTtyiutle nialadle* are floating around U* ready k? attacK wharover there la a weak point. We may escape ? enr a latnl .halt tiy keeping oor.elle* well lortilled with lamitte "Dl1 * p,0,",r'J, """Drltail Irani.."?Civil Sorvlto H.ddon'yJ11 Hat lb. and 1 lb.), labelled. J A M lis Rl'Ph A CO., IIOMIKOPATII10 CHEMISTS, ledttlow. Kiigland CtKNKKAL KAHTtKN Ok KICK, 5 i? HliOADWAY T (rriin>v?<l lr?ni O'W). KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY. DRAWS NKXI' WEDNESDAY', MAY 15. 1 imm $i5.<am 1 !>? i??i. ?l.<*? I Pria? N.liuJ |? I'riie., aaak. 5(1(1 1 I'rlio.......... .. 5.MU >'> I tiipi, hhi'Ii l<ai V i'tlani. eorlt S.50I IUU I'Dao*, tacli SO I.Tiliintlitr Prl*?n, amounting la $T2 trjr> 1,801 1'rlaoa, Uistrlhiitliiir. tlT.tUS WHOLE TICKKIS, ONi.V SI. Opon In day Kinl to-morrow until 9 o'clock In tha aranlng. YVlLi.lAMSON A CO.. (tunrrnl Kaalarn Acnta, SMI llroatlaay, near HoiiHou at.. Saw York. Wtlliamaimra Itrandi otlu-a, N \ <11 ItroaflwHy, IK YOU QUESTION TDK VALCE OK YOl It shCCIlI tiaa, raail TUB < MKItlC an EXCIIANOE <iaiiy. KENTUCKY STATE LOTTBltV CHAW'S MAY 15, CapHal prla?. $15.1 aw l.HtM prftil III nil, nmountlHS In 5(17.1125. n hoia tit'katit only ('no Dollar. . LOUISIANA HTaTK. LOTTERY DRAWN MAY 14. Cnpllal prl* ?. ?.'M,liqo 1.H57 prian? In all, Hino-intliiir to $110,4(10 Whiilv ticket*, Mi litlvua, (II. ROYAL UAVAN \ I.OTTKHV DtiAWB MAY la capltnl priao. ? '(?('*??. sji nrlaaa .ri nil. ant Minting to Ssio.ikia Tlcknta, $40. T-i SI". #Ai twntlatha, f'Ji fortieth*. $1. JACK.-ON A Co., Ilankara, 82 .Nnaua at., NX Kultuti. KENTUCKY STATK DRAWS MAY 15. Capital I'rian, $I5,UUIa 1 Prla ? nf |8.f??, - I'rlana ol (each) $3,500. I i'llan >if T5.II *a 'J l'rfaea nl (each) Cl.lKlu. I .so I Pnar* In all, am4 :iitl?a to $87.8:5 W lloi.K TIOKKTS ONLY OR8 DOLLAR. Open thl* oraniiia till Ml o'clock S.r *al? ol K an nick r nml Loillalatm. liULLAUO A CO.. Ilr<>k?ra. in? llraa.iway, uaar Ttitli at L OUIS1 AM A sTATK lottkky, uptown OEflCK. Laat llay to buy tickets; i Wee opau to nlitnt until Ilk 18 A AC Kb A CO., M?7 litoaiiway. SPECIAL AUT1CES. MaTTbT^TIANTELS AND MONUMhNT#CHEAPER than ever. A. k, 134 East IHtb st. uoar 3<1 a*. M~ BXICAN ONYX~TABLK TOP. I*KSI AN Dm." AC.?P. KLABErt * CO.. Slum Marble Wur.i, Welt 51?l St., ImtweM Broadway and 8lh av. ^iautols, Monuments, Headstones, at lowest urlces. "IfETBOPOUTAN JOB PRINTING UKFICh. OK 28 AN .V ST., 18 TUB CUBAPE3T AND BEST PINB BOOK. PAMPHLET. JOB AND mercantile PRINTING OKKICK IN TUB CITY'. SMALL ORDBI18 EXECUTED WITH TUB SAME promptness ah large ones. THEATRICAL AND RAILROAD TICKETS, AND FINE WOOD KNOKAVINO AND COLORED PRINTIN.i A SPECIALTY. METROPOLITAN JOB 1'RINTINO OPPIOE, 38 ANN ST.. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND Work sent TO ANY PART OK THE UNITED STATES C. O. D. N." Importnnt eiut, medical or surgical; Impairment of any organic luuctiJR, Uereditarv or eoiistltuiioual taiut and diseases of tlio nervous ayatetn a specialty. henry a. Daniels, m. d., 144 Lexington ?v? npar 29th at. Hours, 8 to 3 and 6 to 7. QKKICB OK THE NEW YORK MUTUAL OASL1U1IT Company, northeast corner Union aquoro (4th ar.) and 18th at., New York, May II, 1878.?The annual meeting of the etockholderv of the Now York Mutual Uualiglu Com pany tor tho election 01 sixteen Uirectora and three iuapeo* tora of election (or the euaulug year will he held at the of fices of tho couinusy, la the uity of New York, on Tuesday, May 21. 1878. the polls for which olectiou will be opeu be tween the hours of 12 M. and 1 P. M. of that day. Tim transler booss of the company will be closed tor ten (10) days prior to laid election. By order ot tho Board ol Direc tors. Cll ARLE8 PLaCi-.. Secretary. -LOOK-LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY WILL ?draw May 14. Cupitul $30,IXJO. Whole Tickets. $2. Kentucky State almrle number will draw Muv 15. Capital $15,UOO. Whom Tlckatt, 81. Kull particulars given at B. NATHAN'S, 181 Broadway. Our branch olhce Is at 838 Broadway. R~ OYaL HAVANA LOTTERY. Next drawluir May 10. 1878. 810.0CO peso*. 821 prises; Capital Prise. 200,000 pesos. Inlormation larnished and prisos cashed. Spanish Gold und Havana Bans Bills bougnt and sold. Drattaou Havana issued. M. A. MARTINEZ A CO.. Bankers, 10 Wall at., basement. ROYAL Ha VAN A LOTTK Y-NKXT DRAWING MAY 10; $810.08)) drawu; Capital Prise, ?2i/OOOlT; prises cashed ; orders filled; Information turuiahed ; highest rates uald for bpanlsh Bank Bills, Oovernmunts, Ac., Ac. TAYLOR A CO., liaukers. 11 Wall st.. Now York. R OYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. Next drawing May 10. 1878. 810.000 pesos. 821 prisos; Cupital Prlso, 200.000 pesos. Inlormutlon furnished and prises sashed. Spanish Gold and Havana Bank Bills bought and sold, Draltaon Havana Issued. C. VUDKilO A CO.. Buukvrs, (late with Marlines A Co.). No. 1 Now st.. New York. HE AMERICAN EXCHANGE LIVES TO-DAY THE amount ot stock held by each stockholder ot tho Chicago and Northwestern Railway. rpo WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.?I HEREBY REVOKE A any and all powors of attorney or agency heretofore given bv me to .1 smes P. Robinson. Armi. 12. 1878. L. L. ROBINSON. d?Q"l A -ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. MAX 10. KEN sjpO-LU.iucxy Mate Lottery. May 15. Wbolo tickets, $1. prises paid in full by HONNENBBBU A CO., New Haven, Coun. CWfi -OLD RELIABLE KENTUCKY DRAW* u)0 I it/LOilnir May 15. Tickets, $1. Capital Prlso. $16,ooo. 1 Prise ol $8,000. i 1 Prise of $5,000 2 Prises ol (each) $2,500. | 2 Prises of (each) $1,000. Lowest Prise, $5. Tickets only $L Buy train the lucky offices of Northern agonta. B. U. PORThR A CO., 1,227 Broadway, New York toueu evenings), or 183 Montugue sL, Brooklyn Louisiana State, May 14. Tickets, $2; Halves. $1, <t1 Ii/Ll w-DUOAL BRUNSWICK GERMAN <JplsDUtt.O'?l. LOTI'BKY.?81th Seuti-aanual Drawing. May 14, 1878. One prise to nearly every other ticket. 28,500 prison 89,500 tickets. Drawing positive. Never postponed. Capital Prise $103,500, gold 1 Prize 24.500, gold 1 Prise 19.400, gold 1 Prlso 13.800, gold 28,490 other Prises, amounting to $1,433,441, gold. Prises cashed, l-ull liilormaliun seut froo. Kentucky State Lottery, May 15. Whole rickets. $1. Royal Havana Lottery, May 10. Ticket*, $40; quarters. $10; eighths. $5; lortlathc.Sl. Louisiana Mate Lottery. May 14. Whoto Tickets, $2: halves. $1. J. DUFF A CO.. Bankers, 42 Nbstsu St., Cer.lUherty. N. f, SPOKTinCe-DUUS, IUUDS. QW& sOoTcTf AN D' U?aCK~AND "TAN'tEIt 1(1 Kits; OWutch Dogs, Ac., fur sale vory cheap, at 477 3d av., top floor. 'I'll 10 'l'I- Its'. A?riio^AiT5rVoii><?oJTWill open books on sLaxlngton ltsccs at No. 1,215 Broadway; also on the principal Stakes at dltforont meotinga UCTION AND IMOiJs SOLD ON TilK Lexington races this day at Kaglo Hntoi, Hobosen; books also open at Thomas' In Barclay st LoVrLL A CO. A UCTION AND KKKNOU POOL8 SOLD TO-DaY oN .xjLLBXINUTON RACES. Races commence at 2 1*. M. KELLY A IILISS, 08 Hudson st., lloboken. B* ROOKLYN dkivino-park, pakkVille. l. l l'rot Tuesday, May 14. 1878, st 3 o'cluok P. M. Dan Mace's lilack gelding Ocneral. 1. Pawllug's bay gelding Drill. John Uishiip't spotted niara Arabian Mag. WllMeui McMahon's black maru Clara Morrlc. HIRAM W. HOWE, Proprietor. ? JBUUB.LXN UlllVlMi t AKK, I'AKIAVILLK, L. 1.? X) At 3 o'clock P. M., Mat Oil Km a lor H50UL Wednesday, May 15. 1m7P. William McMaiiou name* bar maro draco. Thomas Dunn names Petty Lath. HIRAM W. IIOWE. Proprietor. OOK OI'KN TO DA V A N D P.N T III ES~IK hCKI VKD (hie evening. at Hangs', 1,214 Bruadway; also :u) llud aou at , Jlobolt.n, coiubluatiuiia, Ac , JOnN 1IACKKTT A oO. CTOMB Af A 1'IONH ox Ll'.xTKurON HACK-; BOOKS Jou all ovents; Thouiua' Exchange, 3 Barclay at. WM. I.OVELL. EhXlNOION BACKS?UOMUKNCINO~XAY 11; EN irin and rcaolta at TILLY A CASEY'S, a1 Barclay at. Combinations, Ac. HKAMAN A OO. f {XIAOToiT BACKS-ENTRIES AMD RETURNS AT .LdTallarsall's. Otto Cottage. Iloboken. McUOb'UAliL KXINOTON RA( FkHL- H~ ST a N KOitD W IDE At taud at Kelly A Bliss', 15 Woat 2*tb at.; rveaivctou triti oacu evening. IIUUHKK, CAKUlAQiSb, AC. TTJc ftoS"iA v huT~muCiC VAN TA88KLL A KEARNEY, AUCTIONEERS, havo rocolvd I nit ructions TO KKi.l. Al l*<'IILIC ALCflON, Oa WiiO.SI.SUAY. I5TII MAY. at sloven o'ciock, TUB ENTIRE CONTENTS-OP LIVERY STABLE, 124 Cllatou ptaco, Hth at., naar Otb ar. THE STOCK eonalita of TEN IIOR8EH, THREE CLARENCES, TAD BKKTTri, 4 and 0 teat Pbaolooa, TWO UoC'I'KS, top and no top Wagotei. t>r Browator and other bulldora: Barcura Wnifuu, Platlurm Scaiaa, Llvtiry Coats, Ulaoketa. Kobe. Office Kurulluru, Ac.. Ae. OATAL"ODES NOW READY. SALE POamVK. AlCTIONKKKM OPPICB, 110,113 East 18tb at., aaar 4th ar. A BALK OP TKOTiBKS AT A UCTION.?WI I.l, 11 aold ai Prospect Park PalrOraonda, on Priday, May 17, at 3 o'clock, 12 bead of lloraca, including ^.potted Colt. Llitla Horrlt, Horace OrecUy, Oennral, Para and ulhora. Can bo aeon ul tlin track every day until the aaia. Cata lugues at 30 and 37 \V?>I 2Htli at. T. DK.MAKK.nT A CO.. -112* llrondvajr, ufler at ? xtraoralnary bargains 2 elegant Victonaa. laal >ear a patterns, _______ | aecond band, natd lour ilmaa. . A-TBY~OUU~ PATENT OUT-CENTRE WiTiPsi ? warranted not to break t hnvo Otao an naaorun. nt of Buallab bully, mulacca and ? baiobone Whins. UMl. P. OVi KIN A CO.. 4 r.aat Hnnaton at. ANT ABLE TO KENT 45 STALLS AND COACI1 room, MJalUU laet; No. NA Wast 3?tb at,; vary low to a good tenant -POUK HORNS*. 14 T?t 1?H HANDS: nCIT .lanulnv nr any butino-a; all warranted. I..3 South Stb av , near Sortnir. T HA LP YaL UK- f WO HO KM KM~ SUITABLE aagou, truck, groeur. lartninn, Ac.; 803. Stay. 219 Mntt at. A BROOME M T. IIKKIt SIKK WAOOlC top" Po'nT Phaetau. Ilnrneta ami Itnod llorao ladles Con drive; ?ell clmap 139 Weal 87th al. IMPROVED TOP* VVAUOX, IIAND aoutn leather lop Pouy Phai ton, same maker; Dona* eorab llarnca., alt (ami ?? now and very cheap; alan buy llorae, 7 roara. I5lj lia>ioa, .oita .le lor any work and tier, loclly kluil. lor #!?i AN had 11 at. run "s a i7k tJ I|V. a P. 4 llOKMM, PART OP a*tnck of exp.eas staole alao l.ay Marn, 7 yonra old, I .-.Ik hand, high I trot In 2 80i time shown; aide bar top Wagon, ant or Harness ; or will toll out bmlueaa. Stable, Hr7 Mercer at., near Hieeeker. LaKOK HAY iToKSK. I?>4 HANDS; Till UK AND Harneaa; two oilier atyllah l.ualiioaa iloraea; climtp lor want ol nan. 413 West 13th al.. between Htli and loth ava. A?-POI4 hALB~Pl?UK IJOKNKN; SUIT ParWTno, ?groceries. axpreaa Of trucking; aold nt half value ; no work. Inquire 39 llleocujr, rear, near llowory. LIOHT LAROAUTTWU UOOD CLARKNCKsTpiVR Clara Landau, one llrett, al baigaloa. PITnKY'H, 4UO 3d av. ? Unvv AND OaLP POR BALK CHKaP-aT IIODOKR TAYLOR'S private stable, corner Stale and Court ai a , Itrooklyn. OLOak CO AG II, #4(1; ULAIiKNUK, #LV ?; bouD running order. 4 East nuliaion at., near Hroailway. Avery ha ^o.??Ti? ht?"?p hTnm Victoria maile by Peters, of London, coal #1.1*10, used only a lew times, mid uill oe .old at a ar?at aiirrlltao ; also ono Lan dau, at M. CUKLKY'N, I'*' Kaat 13th at., near 4tn ae, __ arm MsAf t;os r. i rcis an 7 uoaf. A. 410 HreailPbr. 5|D Hrondway. 510 llroadway. Now la the lime to get burgaina. Cat this ant tar luture lelereuc*. A A HOKSttS. <S,C. TrTvcms". i\-BY Va.X TAS4KLL A KB ARM P. Y. AUCTIONEERS, A'rXUKXU IIOK8B HDii CARRIAGE AUCHOM.MART. 110, 113 K??[ 13th si., near 4th av.. ON TUESDAY. MAY 14. at 10 o'clock, A VERY STYLBIH OPEN DKAU POK FOUR HORSES, suitable lor pleasure excursions or business purposes, la every respect equal to new; weighs 1.475 pounds, carries 14 passengers, hsa load bara and polo book, tents bahiud lor ouard and footman, ample baggege room, tltted altli mull coach lampa and patent brake; built by > bbott, Downlug A Co. Also English r'aur in hand Harness, heavy sllverplutod Mountings, a 1th lona lugs, ouly a low times used. CAN BR ShliS aT THE MaIIT. Ai-SO I'INK HOG CART, MADE BY BREWSTER AGO., of llrooiue st.; has Colliuge axles, pole and ah alia, aide lamps, Ac. ; cost $70U. ELEUaN'T S I AS IIOfK I'll A ETON, 111 perfect order, built by llrovrster A Co.. of Broomo at. YEltY MYl.lSll DARK BxOWN GELDINGS. 10 hands high, tl and S years old: proinut. pleaaunt drivers; fast travellers; a llrst class carriage team; war ranted sound and kind lu harness. Double Harness ant' ELEHaNT clarence, satin lined, condition EQUAL TO NEW, without a spot or scratch. -CUr-Al* FOli CAR 11. THE PROPERTY OP MR. ? Law. beautiful leather oxtcuaion top Pliiiutolt, pole auil alialts. seals lour porsous; elegant Surrey Wagon, scats four; lashlouabie leather top Pony l'haotou, Victoria stylo; Hue s-t of lJoublo Harncaa; the ahovo have been used ouly a low times 114 West 37lb St., near Utb av. LK AT!|T 1CR TOP PUAEIOnT~HIX-SEA1 OERMAN* town llug. v. Hum's patent circular glass front Coupe Heckiway, secondhand. HAM. Ut>0 llroudway. handh3m"e. liout Extension"top phaeton (soats lour). Top Road Wagon, Top Pony Phaeton, Duo Road and Coupe Harness, almost new. Very cheap. .Stables 317 West 41sl st. kam'ily TUKNOUT, HANDSOME AND STYLISH. Cliostnut Mare. 7 years old, 15$a hands; wurrautod sound aud kind aud every way safe lor lady's driving. Ex tension tot) Phaoton isouts four) with fine Single lluruesa. Sold very low nud separately. Stable 144 West IStU st. LlTTLR PET Bay MAKE, 16 HANDS HIGH. ? years eld: Hue tor saddle or harness; warranted sound and kind. 5 West 13tU St. A SOUMT sToUT-BUlLr MARE. EXCEPT U7TLK xxsore from the pnvcuients; valuable for the country; $45. 80 New Chambers st. -TEN~HUSINKS8 AND DELIVERY WAGONS. ALL stiaes, $30 to $110. new, second band, lur express, grocer, butcbor, baker, milk, depot. 220 Spring st. A GENTLEMAN will SELL THE KOLLOWINO' Property for ono-thlrd value Two very fast road Llorsus. warranted In ovory particular; two Wagons, one Phaoton, Double and Mugle Harness, Robes, Blankoie, Ac.; sold separately or together; also a Una hay Mare for ladles or children. Stable 138 Welt 31st at. -KINK CHUNKY BUILT HORSES PIT KuK ?farming or any business, to he sold at half value; trial given. 107 Uth st.. between 3d end 4th ava, ?PUB SAL!?-, A BLACK HORSE, BY KNOX, 15.3 ?high, 7 years old: sound, kind and gentle: alrald of nothing; has trotted, last July, a mile In 2:35)<; top Wagon, by lirowster, of Uroome st.. and a Dunscomh Har ness: all nearly now; at it sacrifice. Inquire Murkort'a Livery stable. 1-exington av., corner 23d st. AY PONY. PERFECT PET; TOP PONY PHARlON, Harness, Kobe, Whip. $225; separated. Pluck's car penter shop. 37th st. aud 7th av. Beautiful top pony phaeton, ukkwster snrlnc top Buggy uud fins Harness; both almost newt no oiler refused. 50 West ll'th st. CTAUKIAGf.S OK ALL KINDS-TOP BUGGIES. PONY J Phaetons, ltockaways. light extension tup Park Phao tons aud other, all my own tnako, at manufacturers' prices, and warranted. CHARLES ORCBh, 300 Canal. tipt "-harness at cost. harness at cost, VJ.blO Broadway. bill Broadway. Olu Broadway. Now Is the tlmo to get bargains. Cut this out fur future relerenco. tillEAP FOR CASK?STYLISH BREWSTER PATENT ,/surrey Wugon. soats Lur, I'olo and Shafts; elegant top Pony Phaoton, Double and Single Harness, Saddle and ltrliilo. 12 bust 18th St., near Broadway. D D. EM A REST'S. Bristol and Norwich Phaeton* tor four persous. -For gent lemon who drive are the correct styles.? A. T DEMAREsT A CO.. Makers, 028 Ilroadwav. ?SECOND HAND CARRIAGES. Tandem Cart (two wbeela. four persons), together with Harness, Dennct Cart, Landau, Puaeton, Coaeh, Caupelot, Cabriolet, Victoria. Top aud Open Wagona BROWN A PRAY, 5tb av. and 14th st. Depot wagons. 4-pahuknger rockaways', trade Wagons. Cortlund Wagons. Wutortown spring Wagons, top and opou Express Wagons at low prices. WM. H. GRAY. 20 and 22 V\ ouster at. FOU SALE? V bay HORSE, 7 YEARS OLD: SOUND and kind; Brewster Improved spring top Buggy and Harness; little used. will soli cheap, togetner or aoparsteyl. Apply KKY. stable, 2 East 53d St. ORSALE-A PAIR OK KINR OAKRIAUE HORSES; loui: tall hays; 1U)? hands high; sound aud kind; nu opportunity to buy at u very low prico. as the owner Is re moving to the country and lias no use for them. Apply at private stable 1CJ West 18th st. IjloR sALK-BY R. HELD. 152 OANAL ST., A 1 tight Express or Uuslnoss Wagon, made by swllt; price $75. ? F OB SALE?A SECOND HAND CAB, IN cUh oritur. Can bo <ioen at 21 Knat 3(1 at. IjAOB SALE?DOUBLE AND S1NULE TRUCKS, ALSO I1 a tcood Mlllt Wagon; now work made to order. 21*4 Woat Kith at. IftOH SALK-30 YOUNO 1IOK8KS FRESH PUOM IN" ' dlai.a; aid Adaioa' Ixprosa Wagon. 120 Norfolk at TYRIK t4ALK-BL\CK~MAH . 15 HANKS llYiTlT^ } 1? yenra old ; warranted aouud and kind; can trot In lliroo uiluutoa. Appiy BO Urovo at. i/uTK SALE?A SUPERIOR LADY'S SaDDLK HOUSE, r 7 yoara old, lft>g bauda high. Apply to COACU.UaN, No. J> Weal 41th at. OUTsaLE?TitltKE CHIBAH HOUSES, SUIT ANY bualheaa: alao now Truck, aacriUcti. 238 Spring at. F~OB WALK PIVK DORSES, SUITABLE POK irncka, Uo wagons, grocer*; alao bandeorao gray Pony, 14 hand*. 113 Harrow at. ~P?Tk~SALE-aIiaVmaKK. Ift3 IIIOII. 7 YEARS old; trota a tulie In 2 ;SO. Call at 25 Woat 41th at. IjtOK HAlaK CHEAP-POUR HOUSES. SUITABLE I for exproaa, grocery or anv buaincaa; all warranted. In quire fur caiman, atore llltl Hudson at. IilOK SALE VKKY CHEAP-UOOD HOUND 1IOKitE, 1 nearly new Top Wagon and Hernias. L. BLANK. 431 Raet 12th at. F< F 11 Handsome, ig hands, sound, kind, past hay. and aide bar loo Wagon and llarneaa. compote, for salo at a ba gulu Inquire at boarding atable ol PL VTT, 3lllh at., uoar I'.lb av. Mouse and harness and covered wauom lor ante cliuap. Call at 203 (Iraitd at., stove atom. 17?>N STABLE PITT1SUS?IINDUCEDToTlCBs, (ink. third olf. Mangore. Ilay llacka, Partltlona, Drinking Troughs, Ac., of the boat No 1 Iron. Catalogues aunt tree. JANES A KIKTLANU, K. 111. 12 Keada at. JM~Hot AllKIVKD-A LOT ui7 THE rlNEST s \DDLK lloraea that can be found In the city; alao en extra Que team ol bay Carriage lloraea, at 213 aud 215 Wett 41al at. Aek ler W. H WBLLK. J"" UsT IN PHOti DUTCH ESS COUNTY?LOT OP CAIU riege and > oad lloraea end three Pontea; for aale cheap, to. DEI,AIIA V. 47 Beet 62d at. EAT11KK TOP LANDAU (1.1*4111). IJY HINDER, OP ^?Parla, nearly aa pood aa new, at one-third lie original e?at. 20 aud 22 Wnoatfr at. OHH N'T; eT.KI I \ NT LAN UT U, ONE LANDAU LET, ONli i nape, olio Victoria aud one Pony Phaeton at M. CUR LEY'.", IHroaoway aud 4(!th at. IJltlV.tTE tlK.N 1LEMAN ,~l AVI NO SOLD HOUSES, . alll toll Immediate;y liia top roed Wagon, Dog Cart, poles -hafia In excelleut order, Inqolro promptly at Ml) IT'S, I. lit! Ilroadw y, neor 311th at. SpFpBKULY H.NisIIKD VasIIIoNABLK cakhiaubs J of the >ateal PARIS AND LONDON DESIONB. In all the loading atylea. VICTORIAS. CAlllilOLETS AND T CARTS, for Perk and avennu driving. BREWSTER, BUCKINOII tM AND LADIES' PHAETONS lur light driving. L1QUT CURTAINED VKIIiCLES. IN VARIED STYLES, for country uaa. PIPTY BKCoNH IIAND VKIIICLES. all at rrducoil prlcea A. fl. PLANDKAU A CO.P 372 and 374 Broome at Season a ble cab u i to eh. ' Unrivalled In atrle and finish. The entire a lock manufactured by Wood Urn*, cloelng out at exceedingly low pricoe, by BROWN A PRAY, 5th er. and 14lb et. I'M M Kit CAWRI AtlKH. " ? all alvlee, for - . town, park and country driving. > our own in an ii I aet it re. at axlmmeiv low prleea. ? A I. HE M A It EST A CO., H2H Broadway. SPLENDID PARK PIIAP.ToN CHEAP?MUnT IIK sold In rlo??, lor two horsue. Private ateblo IftV F.aat Sftth at. COACHMAN. qii HEDLCE STOCK?WK UPPER AT Hit EAT HAH 1 galni, 3 line aix aoat Roekewata. 3 Coupe It irkawaya, 3 ?lie Victoria#. A. T. DEM AKKsT A Co.. 02N Union. m mwo WllRRLKK. ' X built by Wood Hrothera, In good nritnr, at a bargain. WM. II. OR and 22 Wooater at. ?) W Oat. 8 fib)P sil)K lltlt hOADWAO iN. LIITLE USED. AND 1 elegant l ur aeatod Deinareat, can h? pur chased very cheap this morning beforn II o'clock. Apuly at i i1 ? d HotelanM,?ifwer SIM at. and Broadway, W\NTE" I'd KXCHAMiK?SI ?W NEW PIaNO loitea for alngiini new llerauche. Ad treat box 44, Wiiahlngtoii. New Jersey. WOKKINU HORSES FOB tkALE A I' III', CHKYSTIK CHEAP HORsKS, SUITABLE POIt ANY IIUSl naea; eby trial given: a sacrifice. 41# Weal :*ilh ai. j' Ci I'Av KNilElt waiiiinetik-in pine OUIimT, JsWartili Double llarneaa. aultabla hir eounlry. hotel or boarding hoiiae. 2 ? and 2J vtooatar at. - TAKEN POR DEBT; TOP BUSINESS PLAT ?J> l?)?J#loini spring \t agon. aide bar top Hoed W agon, liarlieai. 207 V\eat Ibtli at. /?- TOP BKKWsTKK IMPUOVKD BUOOT, j-.Ui l.wllIt ftin- llarneaa. Blanket. Lap Itolie. Whip, , roal $ PCi alx innlitha ago; handaomo top Pony Phae ton and Duo hie llarneaa. Apply to coachman, Malda 1 Weal Ifttli at , one door 1mm Nth a?. 111 LLIA ItUR. l"T NEW WARV.KOO*IS OP II. W. (;6l,I.KNDh B, 7dd 7V Hr-iadway. between tirace Church and Stawart'a? Mill iard Taldea, new mi l aeonuil hand. Ill lateat duatgna; beat pooda and loaxat prlcea. '* VI Kill! II MA NUA RD BILLIARD I' ! W 7x.end ai-ennd hand, at redqeed prlcee; Balla, Cloth, Tip#, ubalk. cue*. Ac. W. II OKIPPITII X CO.. du Veeey at. Iiioit sale -I'llkLan a l'iillendkk iikvel hiiTl. . lanl labia; aliuoat new; cheap |?r caah. 4<il Weal ft lib at. ANTED - t (SHOD HU,r,7\kD I MILK, 4^X14, WlfA w, t iiea, Ac. Aildreaa. with luweal prieo aud maker, bos 4,bSI New York Poet oitiae, , At L)ll Y UOOUS. ?XTU AV.. CORNER 20T1I ST., IIAVIKO BOUGHT AT AIIOUT ONE-HALF TIIEIR ACTUAL COST TUB BALANCE OP AS IMPORTER'S STOCK OP PREN'CII AN|7 ENULISH DRESS GOODS ANU SILKS. WILL OPPEE THIS WEEK TUB MOST EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS *' "Tn* SILK AND WOOL BOUIiltETTES, CLACK AND COLORED GRENADINES. CASHMERE BEOE3 AND CASHMERE, ORGANDIES AND LAWNS. ALSO 85 PIECES OP Tr.l LLARD'S 2A-INCI1 BLACK UltUS GRAIN sILKS, AT TniJ ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICK OK $1 PER YARD; NEVER liEKN RETAILED BEPUUE Full LESS THAN 81 25 PER YARD. ALSO (JO PIECES OP COLORED silks AT 75 CENTS ANlT 81 PER YARD. ELSEWHERE, 81 aNu 81 4" PER YARD. THE PRICE.** Ai WHICH THE ABOVE GOODS ARE OPPERED TO THE PUBLIC WILL INSURE THEIR NPeEDY SALE. AND NO LADY TO WHOM ECONOMY IS AN OBJECT SHOULD PAlL TO CALL AT C. F* KOCH'S. Bill AV.. CORNER 2<>TH ST. A. B1XTII AV..' CORNER 20TH ST., WILL OPPER DURING THE WE^K EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS IN PINE PREACH.. ENGLISH HOSIERY AND SUMMER UNDERWEAR. FRINGES. PASSEMENTERIES, LACES AND BUTTONS, HOUSEKEEPING LINENS. UNDERWEAR AND CORSETS, INFANTS* OUTFITS. CLOSINO OUT AT ONE-UALP THEIR COST, BALANCE OP STOCK OP IMPORTED AND OH N MANUFACTURED LADIES' COSTUMES, FICHUS. MANTELETS. ADAPTED FOR SPRING WEAR. NO LADY TO WHOM ECONOMY IS AN OB JECT SHOULD PAIL TO CALL AT P U. C. P. KOOU'S, OTH AV.. CUKNKIt 2HTII ST. A r J. A C. JOHNSTON, BROADWAY. 5TII AV. AND 22D ST.. ABB OPPBUINO A MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT of SEASONABLE AND ELEGANT COSTUMES AND DRY GOODS ?I MODERATE- PRICES. QUO CAMBRIC WRAPPERS. 00c. and upward. 40<J figured CaMHHIG SKIRTS Sou CaMHRIC SUITS. two Hud three piece*. 82 lo $4. 1.000 LINEN OVERSKIRTS and SASgUES, cmbrold >1*0.82. *75 LIN ,1NF.N 8UITH. embroidered trimming, $1. Kruneli orgaudlo PRINCESS SUITS, oil color*. 80. Wur?l?d TRAVELLING SUI TS, 87. 80, 8IU. 812 ?>id 815. French bunting SUITS, trlmuiod wllb tils uud torchon LACE. at low prises. A beuutlfdl Hock of black, colored and fancy SILK 8U1T8. MoURNINU KL^ITS a specialty, aud ordore executed In quo day. An axtunslvo vurlety MISSES' SUITS at moderato priest. 5U0 Imported CASUMERU SACKS, trimnud with allk aud fringe, #5. _ A I urge aeaorlmont DIAOONAL SAK8 and Shoulder Cupoe, 87 to fo. TUB NEW SILK MANTLE. f'.O and upwards, LADIES' PC UN IsTjTfTo DEPARTMENT. The largo ?ale at LOW PRICES of LADIES' AND CUILDUKN'S UNDKitWEAl; is .till coutluuod la thia department. Trimmed CHEMISES, 28 conta Corded and bound CHEMISES, GO coots. Tnekad and l.uflied DRAWKRS, 25 cent*. TrnuiuoO sue, Tucked NIGUT DRKsseS, 50 cent*, lucked SKI 11/(0. 23 cent a Utoto-tilling COKoETs, 45 canta. A complete lino oI Childrou'a and Iufanti' Garments at very low pricoa MILLINERY DEPARTMENT haa rocelvod pumeruaa novelties in a Una quality of LRU IIURN PLATS at 75 eauta All the new stinpcs. lilac* FRENCH CHIPS. DJ ceuta There haa been a LARUE REDUCTION made la the prlcoe ol all the trlimnod BONNE IS AND ROUND HATS. A choice an*l beautiful variety of trimmings In P'oathcra, Ploweia, Oruatucuta and Rlbooua ' SHOE DEPARTMENT. Ladlei' flno pebble goat IiOOIS, button holee workod. box tec a 82 GO; reduced from 83. Ladles' kid lox. button bole* worked, French Ueel., 82 5U; roducou Iroin 83 5U Infante' filue.l quality pink and bluo HU (TUN SHOES, ft: reduced from 81 25. We make a specialty or Ladles' handmade .-<peul?li arehed Instep BUU'TS. the Quest produced, tho prices of which we warrant to bo 81 laaa tbau atecd aiaawbaru. BOYS' SUIT DEPARTMENT. LINEN SUITS, ft GO; ri-dured Iroin 82. Gray and blue SAILOR HUII'S,fg Go, worth S3 50. Cloth IILOlMh SUITS, 82 75; co.t 83 50. HLdUSG SUITS, all wool, one piece, 82; formerly told at 84. SILK DEPARTMENT. 7(?>nlecaa STRIPED SILKS, 50 cent!; .worth 85 cunts. 1.4DO places BLACK SILKS. 81. Former price at retail $1 GO. 000 pieces plain colored DUES.* sILKs. fi. Cost to Import fl 3G. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. 4R3 piece* si l k aod wool UOUIIKITE, It, yards wide, 81 a yard; cost to import 82 GO. 012 pieces CAMEL'S IIAtit. I jf y ,rd. wlue, 5ocents the yaru , coal to import S3 cents. IJXXi pieces ftno French LAGS RUNTi.Nl in all lb* n.w ?liados. 55 coute; co.t to Imp *rt HG cents 700 pieocs printed lrlsn LINEN LaWN8,15 cent.; worth ?.0 cents 3,000 pieces printed ORGANDIES, JACONhlS. LAWNn, /.KPIIYKS aud PERCALES, at reduced price*. Sample, ol dry goods .ent gratiillourly to all part, of tho Couulry ?n appiieatlon. thus eliahllug out ol town parties to made llialr purcuase* In New York ee es residents of tho city. J. A 0. JOHNSTON. W V w www w vv w WV V w NO. dt WfcSTMill St., MhA.luril A V , aKW V??KK HUNAN tIAIIl AND HKAIM IKVINll |:A/.AAI? Hi.. Iine.t at.-ek of HUMAN II AlU AND PAIIKll n ever ?llilblM, lor which ituld and silver medals wore award. d rilR LaUOKMf and UNLY LKaDIND IIOl'AK IN Tllh COUNTRY ?? ? <b IIIK' MKKCKDr.h roiKKIIllK, iltTof lorii.xd by inrar.t ol our newly Inraiilod MAIIIK A.' MvTTK SW 11 OH. vorv laaliiouahlo ami atyllaii, al M, |H, flu. fid, fl'i anil upward Ti.a "Kl/'UbNIK SI AI.PRTTKH." or COlKPUIIK DK COy UK IT 14 III K, IN V K.N I Ml AND KHtNT IN I KUOUOKll HV b'N, ha? beau aduptod by tli- llAUTfe VOLKi-. In country mid l.iiropo .%? llio react aeeful and duralilo a. .|ul-I ol a ladies' ln>?.idre?a--vnrv a t> 11 ~ 11. self-ad) .tide, al way* rnailr. "lid will not rip ur tear, liny Ilia Invent..r III.- nllly tieuulnewrlldlr. Ironi AJ M) up word. In our eai|.ila|l" eaaaflment ol i ulVKUKKA TIIK NlNDN alnu.ia unrlvallo.l tor simplicity, elegance and grace of form. aAll-aHJu?labla, in.i'io ..I ill.. (In.-al quality, 11.1 lit ally, all long li .air. al fl. ft. fid. Ac. IN VIM Ml.K rnUNTo for young nml ni.i, improving the look* ol all lndie\lnstatitly. TIIK WDM lv"K ., I In* latest a ad very be. ..mlng alyle. alwaya toady, al $d I-1, M. fA, fil. AC. A moat in gn ll.-niil varloir of riwilelies, Curia. Kinm rpnlfa. all af wliulaaale prlcta A)? -4> ^ IIIIAY IIAIII A M'KCIALTY. r Tba Un?at uiiallty, gontllnn colura, lower than any ntlior bouae IN Vial IILK HUMAN 11 A11< MUM for tin- ftliol hair, iba largest and bo/M Imported, 'iDc. each, f-! par doacii. COAHIINdS mala mi In ttie moat approvo.l inannori roota "II one way. If air taken In i-arliniura. Advice ilv?n bv a Kronen artlat boar lo arrange balr m.<al becomingly, Irce ?f charifo. Hair arllnlleally arranged al tba establishment, OOe. | of at laolea' A complain assortment of the choiaoat beautifying Coa "'kVhKMK'S MtOKKT OK IIRAUTY. the irraal magle beautiner i..r the eouiplcalon, a apaclallv, warraotfd to be liaiinleaa, f I per #oa. A inagntll.Miil assortment ol Turlolsn (shall, Ivor/ and Jet uooua. at lowaat niauufaatarora' prise*. A DHY iHHHta. "a cor 873 AND 873 BROADWAY, Corner of 18th kt. FRINGES AND GALLOONS, handsome uuttorni, at QBBATLY REDUCED PRICES. buttons, CROCHET AND FANCY. Extensive variety. AITKEN.'sgN A CO.. 873 AND 875 IIROADWAY, Corner of 18th st. I UKhAT REDUCTION. I Gentlemen's Hoot* ami Shoe.. Droit, Doaolo sole, Cork Sole Gaiter, and Shoos. I tix'ord Tie*. Ac . at (3 5tr ae<i upward. | Ladle.'tin if <i it on lloott, #3 5n. $3, #3 fm. $4 and I f.">, at lUiUUKt', 1,IW corner 2Dtli ?l. -<8> B LACK, COLORED AND FANCY BILKS. RICH ASSORTMENT. FRESH OOODS, ? ? - m AT GREAT BARGAINS. ALSO JUST RECEIVED, AN IMPORTATION OF ELEGANT NOVELTIES IN ALL SILK AND SILK AND WOOL GRENADINES, PLAIN AND MIXED COLORS, UEAUTIFUL EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS. A. T. STEWART A CO.. BROADWAY. 4111 AV\, Dill AND lOTII STS. J^IOH DRESS GOODS, .iUI'ERU DISPLAY. REPRESENTING ALL THE choicest fabrics ok foreign and domestic MANUFACTURE, TOGETHER WITH 1UE LATEST PARISIAN NOVELTIES AND BEAUTIFULLY SOFT SUMMER TISSUES, AT REMARK ABLY LOW PRICES. A. T. STEWART A CO , BROADWAY, 4lli AV. Dill AND 10T1I STS. M MARBLE MANTELS. A RULE MANTELS AND MON CM K NTS CiYkaT'E K than aver. A. 134 East 18th it., near 3 I av. STKWtRI'S Si.ATE, HARD WOOD AND MARBLE Mautolt?Klogaut designs; lurgost assortment; loweit price.. 73 ami 77 Wott-3d ?l. (Masonic Toinplei. iNSTKUCTIUA. T Vi iOMfsON'riCOLLada?20 4TII~AVTBOOK keepiuc, writing uriinimUo, at reduce I rates, day end uveiilug; telegraphy taught pructically with iuilrumeute; Cumnieiiee Immediately: no vneutiou. GENTLEMAN DESIRES 'TO LEARN MODERN (.Greek. Addreti 11. S. V. P., Herald Untowu olllce. jtRKNCH LESSONS BY PaUiSIaN LADY, WITH L1 pure pioDUUciatioii; my or punil't roiideiica ; beat ruler uuee; term, moderate. 317 Kth av. DANCING ACADEMlEb. jjiALLETMASTER DUM A ICS DANCiNG ACADEMY. J)D Weil 4th it ?Welti and Ave Dance, taught perfectly tu tlx private lea.ons. tlAUTlER'S DANCING ACADEMY, H UNION SyU m'.E /<4th uv. aide)?Open all tumiuer: private lea.oui any hour; Glide specialties; lady uasl.tants; Reueplioua Muu day, PIANOFORTES, ORGANS. MV. An assortmeaT oF stCond hand sTaImWa'Y i'ian<i?. .nine nearly uew. all In perfect condltluu and lully warrantad, at a bargain; alio the large.t .election in the country of lucond band Piano. At other lualtara. ranging (30 upward, liewaru of bogui iu.trumuun ropre.unted at genuine htvlnway Pianm at auctlou and In private housoe. 1 WAY A SONS, Steinway Hall. N? ~ A?FUR RENT. UPRIGHT, SQUARE AND GRAND ? llato. of our own make, alio mr .ale and rent, a num ber of tine .ecoud band I'laiioi, In perlect order. WILL IAM KNAHK A CO.. 113 3tU av.. above DJth it. AMAI.NIKiOE.nT FAVORITE WINDSOR PIANO* torte at aiaerltloe; a cabinet upright Plauo, $140. Pri vate reildeiice 120 Wo.l 23d it , near 6th uv. ATSDIIMER A CO.'S, 140 EAST 14I'll ST., PIANO Mauulactuieri, Urn claa. Planoi at extremely low pricai tor caah; .everal good lacoad band Pianos. very ilttlu u.ed, at groat bargulni; rent and luitalmeuti,$ft to $20 monthly. SOll.M ,.R A CO.. 140 K.ut 14tli st. T HAINES BROS.' PIANO W ARB ROOMS, L 5th av ami 2lit IL, new Piano, to rent by the month or eoa.on, lor city or aottiitry. Piano. by In.talmunt. aud old Plane, taken In exchange. Special Inducum uti to ca.h purchasers. A MONTHLY PAYME NT OF $K WILL 111 * A PI nNO an.i $3 niOrguii: 7K octave. nearly new, $I2.>. GOR DON A SON. 13 Ei.t 14th it. A BARGAIN.?A PRiVAfE FAMILY. HAVING No luri.ier u.h lor tliclr Pianoforte, stool and Covo% will veil ut le.i than half coat; originally coit $475; purfoct order ; have rcaaon for nelling. Cell at No. 21 Eaal 17th at. (Union aijaare). A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL SACRIFICE MAGN I Fl ee nl steinway Pianoforte, a grand square lour round corner 7,*? octave, brilliant tone ; alee grand upright Piano* lorte, perlect parlor gem, (175. No reaeoliablo offer re lu..*d> Ilox h.r .hipping. Cull at private residence 127 Knit 27th it., lulworn Lexington and 4th iv. A RARE CI1ANC '.?THE WKUli , PIANOS, USED only for a lew week! during the itay of lh> Italian (>|ieru Company lu Now York, ey Mt?u Kellogg. .Marl) Horn, Cary. Montague, Frap.dlt, Turn Karl, Virdl. Coaly, Ac., aud especially ...looted by tlieiniur tuelr sympathetic rlcn n.of tune, will be aoid at a very great bargain; tlm li a chance seldom mot with; tully warranted lor Ave yeari PleaMi call at WKHKK W.tRKROOM s, 5th av. and IKtli ?t. A PRIVATE Family IN NEKD of money rill .ell Steinway Piauoforte, $150; lour round roiewood In laid marqu.'tiy caoe Piano, 7>i octave, purcha.o i at Cen tennial, co.t $1,1(?>. perlect parlor gum, a lacrilleu; aKo cabinet grand btinght Piano. $175. il'leaae cell uud ox amliia beloro ilox for .hipping. Call prl* vato r o.l tie lice No. 41 We.t ltltli ?t., between 5th and KlA av.. Mr.. G C. IIAIiRIMIN. A GENTLEMAN WOULD SACRIFICE A MAGN1FI* cent 7', octave roiuwoo.l Piauoforte, patent ugrulfo .ml liandiome carved leg. aud case, Co A la.t kobruary $H si, for 4-17(1. StouL Cover alul Moiic Cabinet; ai.o cahlnet up right Plauo for ni;u-quarter cunt. Cell at residence 131 Wot 14llt ?!., between Kilt and 7th ava. Box in .hip. BARGAIN.-UOSEWgoD CtllCh'KKlNG PIA.O fofto. Hlool and Cover. $75. modern improvement. Re.l'ietiee It)M2d av., near 12th at BIDDLK'S PI aNUFOUTES?GREAT I1AIIG \ IN'S ; '.bickering's. Weber', and other., $75 upward; $3 monthly 13 Witverlry place, near Broadway. Ha/. ELTON itROSa M AN UFAG I'Ultc.RM. 34 AND 31 Uulveralty place, have a largo a.aortmoiit ol now and tecnlid hand Piano.; sumo ol the latter a. good aa uew; will be aol.l or rented at'prleoa to ault the lima*. irilANICII A BACH, 243 EAST 23D ST.. NEAR 2D JV??., have a beautiful a?>erimaut of One I'lauolertea, both new and .acotid baud, which they are offering very low. Plauo. let ami soul no Instalment*. 1 ADY LEAVING Ult'Y WILL S.-.LL ROSEWOIIJ 7 IJoctavo Plan-do. te. carved legs, modern Improvements. $7 >. .20 heat SHtli at., near 3d av. OKaAftn.?sPLBNDIU ORGANS. $35: 3 STOPS, r-43; 7 MOiie, 450; D.t?D?.$53 11 atop., $t!5; 12 atopa, $75, ami 13 .tops, $s"i. PI .it ie?Cenerrt grnml, $115; ??iiiare grand. $225. $2<?>. $173. $150. $135. (125. $IU>; sheet Music at half price, soma at ono Oeat per nage; greatest bargains: unrivalled Instrument., unequalled price.; .end for catalogues. HORACE WATERa.A SUNS. 4u East 14th at. $1 A rtAONlKiCK.Vl* ClitCkttKt mJ PI AX). 7 ^f)(iHlt?Vl>. 4 ? I'II lull I7ll? Bt., Poll IIV. lid tnilNK.IIE'tTN. '11WaI;d mfsSitijQiIAjTv*?u* f.ITTCST*a!T. .derera, 4<) New Bowery. Now Vera.?The aeventenuth aniiiv?r**rv of tills mi.sL-n will be celebratrd on Tlmis'lay evening. May III, hi tun N?w York Aeudetuy of Ad die.aea by Rev Frederick Courtney ami other emlnnnt apeakers. singing In the chlldruu and yueng poonl*. til lb# too.ion, under the direction of Mr. Theodore E. I'eiklna Hole by MD. Kate Stark. Door. "pan at 7:1 ft o'clock I x?r c'aea at 7 1(5. Ticket, at the door .u toe Acad, only. 517 cents A, H II All II, President J, F. WYCKgFf, Seervlary. VT L\V PAKE TIIBATR . BRDOELYnT JLn Fur tlx ulghts and Wednesday and Saturday Matinees, THE GREAT Tit tGIC si All. HELENA MGD.IK.KV (OgUNTKSs BgXKNTA), Monday, TucMlay.'W eilne.uey aud Ibarsday, CAMII.LK. Friday (bennllti. NtiMnO AND JL'LIKT. Saturday Mai nee and Night, AUItlKNNK Music u. :;vknr or tiik -kason. t I i It: K Kit J Nit IIALL. vvkIiSKSIiaY hV'll. May 15, Brst appi amnu <>l tlio Aiucileoii uilma douuaa, Ml.-H CI.AIU I, uoLiiY ami MISS rtiDRA !? KltO.iT. a>m>tn] I if thn IoIIowIhk rmlnsnt artistai ? Mill M A I' I' K MiiIIHAN. Mr. A. It. fiT< i|l|> A IIP, Mr. ri ItUI.M ami CAKNt. Mr Of.i? W. MOMIaM. r r. i? 1/1 ?i n ?' vim ?? " i| in "i ?' ??? ii" ??? w ?** Mr. llf.It.M \.M CAKKi In a brilliant prourntuma. Ill kola. Inclodlnc rMtrrad |m|a.|l. al I'unii'a, Sift Union ?i|u*r? anil III liroailwar. T" IIK AMl'.lilUAN M UMKU M Of N All.'Hti. IIUlOItT, l Park. 77t!i at ami Htli at , will h.ii'l lit I-KIMI KNUMfriON an TUKkUaY Art* imiot. MAV IK from ~ ?? 8 o'clock. An annual mnmbor, paying fM yearly, reeatvos a ticket fnr liiniauir and faun)/ and two complimentary ticknta M r,U"U"" RoliKIlT L. HIT AR1. 1'rnMiii fpilK KilVAL OIIMMOKMK 1 ami Society Music Palace, JXI st.. ailjolutnit Broadway, I lua Innii rlal Koole IMblMM ami Salie Mnslnue wh| In aiiiror ilc its nuinnier Meaaon on Tnursilay, Mat III, Vienna Kntloiji Hni la'ilas alxhtly dulilli o iiinfit anil Hall t bans* poire, Mondays. antbraclno inoanntaliiiii ?l Vienna Mm fanlra, lieunlilnl CllMI, MlftnHdhtiid displays ami Lima liaaeas Admission, few. . Jutrtlaa nl. t t, fl. jubilee, Bai, 1,'haiiiiMtra, iimmN uidlil. Tltatwlay. BUCKINUIIaM I'AimlJh. ?/7ili tl.. m ar i.ill a*, tlio Amarlcan "Jardlu Mabil.o." "Klllo Koelahles," nlnlitly. "Upora Kuiilfe Music" A n'end KANUV IIAI.L will tin Illran on TIIUKHIlA V, May IK. Urand Bhedow liandiiR and bnantlldl Orders ol llai. ,1 n u, Imparl,d ex pressly mi this occasion. fjtDrtO.VN hl'i.AKlMI rilllfKMiKAl'M-TAI.KKt Pilauolis. sinus, plays solos, rrtsNl ami rsnao* iima- nil inanii?r or sound*. Ununited dally al K hast d id si., Karis Art ilatlory, limn In to Id, J in li, M to |n CV A Hp, I'KIVATK LKHsOKM, I'lANO, UfUIAM, vio /I.I.M. Ill: 11 All, nlMulRti, University. *1 Wasertaj placo. Circulars mailed. J. JAV W AI tiUh. Director. . AMlSKJIKSTit. __ N" ""l"B?5tiT OANtifcft. ~ " " A RESERVED St AT FoR 50 CENTS. Pruiiouuecu success ol the thrilling romance of real I If*. TUB MARULK I! h keeis A K!ta -rrrf HllS AA K It t II II K A A It It T IIIIII If HUB A A ltUR T II II K AAA K It T II II K A A K K * U U KEEB A A K R T <i Act I ? Studio ul Phidias, at Athens?The Sculptor*) Drouui. Act Tbo Artlat'a Kutioat ill ths V'uiitaii.oidoati. Act 3 ?The Mudio Of Raphael. Act 4 ? Uluw nr Ileum in u Villa in tbe it ma do Boulogne -The /hrou Act A? ileal tuition ol tbe i rea ii. (Ju Friday, OLIVER TWIsT. Benefit of Xlu GUSSIK Ilh FORREST. at wliicb ?lio will appear no Nancy .'Hnn. J aLlai.-K'.s. i'rupiiotur and Manager Mr. LBli'fKH 1VALUIK. DIPLOMACY. vv JS EVKNINO AT H. MATINEE AT i :30l bj^lH Sr.CURBP TIIMI WEEKS IN ADVANCE. ROADWAY THEATRE, CORN Kit U?>l it ST. TWO FEKFURHANOKE DULY. Every AHomioiiii at 'A I Every K veiling at H. II I'.i:N a NDh'Z KorteK I ami Saturday Muiiuoo, in Itiu great#*! of tlie llurlt- I O. W. HA It It V away scilea I iu Uls new ami llirillluK ,I.\CK IIaKKMWAY IN tlraiua ol AMERICA. JaCK 11A i ? K -1 BROKEN FETTERS. AWaV IN AMERICA. | ItliOKKN EhITKKd. I'Ol'l l.Alt PRICES, 25c.. 3.ic.. 73c. Boa kT;v tiikatrZ ~ " .VION Da V KVKNINO, M ir 13. oluborato production of tbe successful Drama of tbo hXl I.KS. Willi Ita i rant cart ol ch.iraetara; itlso all tbe Krand cITuets. including the most realistic enow ace 110 evor pro* Minted, ? lib reindeer, pontes, dogs and sledges. EX ILK MATINEE SATURDAY, at 'A TilIPT'li AVENUE il ALL. JD 24tb st , next t' IItn Avenue Hotel, LAST WEEK IN NEW YORK 11Ki,i.hit's>;.us ?T <$> I ^^ LAST WEEK IN NEW YORK of ROUKltr HELLER. K VbT WEBK IN NEW YUR? ol Miss HELLER. AN EX fRAURDlN A It Y PROGRAMME of NOVELTIES. SURPRISES* and IN KXPLIC ABILITIES. MURE WONUhllS, EAUEWELL PHANTASMS. HELLER'S MAUIo.Nc.TTK MINSTRELS. Eirst appo trance In New York since lttU-A Overtures, Songs. ? burus,^tc., Ac. ?fbe Curious Storr of THE MAN WHO WENT TO HEAR FAUST. Special Extra Performance Wednesday Afternoon ul A SPECIAL NOTICE. TIJUItSIVvY and PUIDaY EVENINGS are especially set apart for Miss HELLER'S LhNEEIT. Saturday. May is, Earewoll Matluso. Elnal I'orlarmaneo, Satjrday Eveulng. May IS. All claims upon Mr. Holler's establishment must be pro* tented un or holoro Eriday next. EVERY EVKNINO AT H. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday at 2. CbllUreu liaK-prioo to nalineus. nillh OIIKAT NEW YORK AQUARIUM, A Itroadway and .fitii St. Juil received aud now on oxnl bitiun, strange, raro, beautiful ami grotesque TROPICAL FISHES, with all the colors of the rainbow. Eloest collodion ol Planes In tlio world, l'orformuiieus every day at 2 :SU and S o'clock I*. M. Tb i La Vnoda sisters In Aristocratic Elirttv tinils Scaulan and Orotiln III Character Sketches. Ad mission to Aquarium. Perlorinaiices, Cblinpaniues and Ouraug Outang, Ml eenta. No extra chargus. PARK THEATRE? URUaUWAY AND 22D ST. HENRY E. ABBEY Lessee aud Rauognr LAST WEEK HUT ONE OF THE BRILLIANTLY SUCCESSFUL a II MM MM EEEE ..E3B AA II M.V NM K K A A II M N N M E K A A II MNNM EES EES AAA II M MM M It K A A M M NX M E K A A U M M M EEEE KEBB OPERA IIOUEEK SEASON. MONDAY, TUESDAY and WKDNKnDAY KVENINOS aud SATURDAY MATIN r-.E at 2, Orst complete prnduetlou of tbe rolgiilmr musical sousatiuo, LES CLOCHES DP. CORN hVILLh (Ilm.Chuuos of Ceraevlllel. THURSDAY EVES I NO?LA GRANDE DUCHESS B. Friday evening? lb*cent vikrue*. SATURDAY EVKNINO?-Benefit of Mr. C. aLMERaR, LES DRAGONS Dh YILLARit Box office open Ir nil H A. M. In ID P. M. MONDAY EVENING. May 27?"Til K LING A RDM." T 11EATHE OF AKTn. (St. James Theatre. 23d St., near Gth at.) Commencing MONDAY, May 13, 1878. After an nbsonca of many years, old .'rofossnr ADRIRY comes with grouting to the cliiseus or Now York In Mgutc, Mirth aud Tbrliiiug Wonders. Tbo publle are Informed lb it PROFESSOR ADMIKM will bore liiHUgiirati a series of Entertainments of tbo most rebuild nature. Illustrative of Necromancy. Geo* uiaucy and the White Art nl Magic, Intermlngiud with the sweetest music ef angelic Voices, wnlcb can be wit nessed by tbe must laslidlous wllbciil a blush, but alwayn wiib a smllt. Tbe old method of Olaelatorial HullWliht llorrnrs, sueb as ghastly scenes of bloodshed, decapitation Slid the use of firearms, belonging to the i)*rk and Be nighted Aces, and shocking the sensitive nerves ol modern refinement, nuiug eutirulr dlsearded, tborohy bestowing upon entertainments a hlgti moral t>u* of Music and Astonishing Wonderment, worthy of tbo wuadorlul pro gressive age lu wliicb we live. Popular priues-Orcbsstra chairs, 91; Orchestra circle, 50c.; general adiuDsluu, 2be. Matinee* Wednesday and Halurday at 2 P. M.. Sacred Concert every SemUy evening alter ibis date. Admission 15c.: reserved scats -Pic. LMFl II AVENUE THEATRE, " T TU NIGIlT at H, MATINEE SATURDAY at 2, positively' Taut week OP H1GNOR AND HIuNOUA MAJERONI. TUB NEW VKRblON OF CO A MM MM tt L Is EEEE CO AA MN NX It ? L K C A A M N N M 11 L Is K 0 A A MNNM II L Is KKB C AAA MM MM II Is L K I) O A A M NN M II L Is K 00 ? AMR M II Lttfc LLLI# EEEE > Hlgnor MAJKltOM as AhMAND Siguora MAJERONI as C AMI LLH ?a?SUM.MBli SEASON BEGINS RAY 3u STANDARD TiIEATUeT BRGaDWAY AND 33D HT* WM IIi'.NDKIINON l*ro|irletor and Manager "The bauuaomval comedy theatre In the world." fourth a fourth fourth WEEK. Whr.K. Wl'.EK. 1'NAIIA rKl> SUCCESS attends the artlstie luiperaunatlon of J. K. EM RET as dtp int.i ii rrn /.zi:\ ? F It R II T Z F . B It II T Z FPF KRR II t z Y It II II T S P It it If T /. F 11 it II v ZZZS <3> EVERY EVENING AMI .-.aTUrDAY M.v riNEE, 1:3dt until farther notice, the moat enjoi ante uerfnrinanca In tbe city. I'nPUL t It prices. Box iiSIci open dally. Carrlagei may bo ordered ID:I.T. UNION SQUARE TilEArR/V * I'reprletor Mr. SHERIDAN HIIOOIC Manager.. Mr. A M. PALMER rills (EG ADA V) EVENING. MAY 13. first prediction hern of the charming, romantic Onera (mu sic by I'lauijuetta, libretto by M. A. t'oona/f in turve sslk oh titled 1IIK CIIIMF.M OF NORMANDY, for which TIIK HESS KMil tail ul'KBA COMPANY has been engaged. 1 ha npern will no piaeed on II n stage with new Scene* hp Mr. Msrstou, new I nsiiiiiina and Appoiutmenta, au on* largno i burns mid with tbe lollowing c lat: ? Mignonette, a It alt Rlsa KMhI.IK MP.LVILl.R Gnrmalne. the t^nt Marchloiiesa....Mrs. /.i.l.DA hhGUlM i.erirnde. a Gnsslp Mr* C. I). BUCK Marquis d? t Hlvrni, a Wauilarar Mr WM. CASI'LK Knbi-. More, * l.outisb Isivur Mr. C. II. TURN hit UO*pard, a Miser Mr t.'. II. MUKrilN Nbnrlff, an Ancient . .Mr. EDWARD .sKGIUN Notary Mr. J. J. lll.NIIS Villager*. Guards, Ae. Orchestral Director Slgnnr OPl' KTI SAfUKD V. AT I III. Kll.Sf MATINEE UP THE CHI Mrs* BP NiiRMANDY * Heats secured a week In adv nice Prteos as usual. /MIAND UI'KltA IIOUnK. * WKAKD Ul'KlA liOUkM. T I'OOIiK A HON NI*. I.LY. . .. U*?*> I'lMiiilMiinftctA UcaOl ??'! ??? ata (OtcliOilt * Clrclti ami It . luuiiyt. jttc. t'Ott liKh \VlhK UNL.Y. TONY I'AA.Oil T'l.N* PaHTOK ? IO.vV PAaTUK Ton Y PAIlTolt TuNi fA.-Toll A.M? IM4 I.NtlliB Tltol'PR, V II III.H K.nTIHK rilOl l'll, TIIK I.HA III NO AKTlnTH Ok lllh AMl'HhMhAI MIIKI.II. MAtlNRkA v\ i ihlMMY vM# AATPHU V Y. V-MO.Mt.vY M XI, I Ol'. i f.l.hlW V I hll OAHK, Willi III- miiltial UAIO* SI|UAIIh TIIKATllk i?.l, iff nary, rrtatmnaa, H|ip ilntritiMiia mil -II tU AHHlitK'4 TIVOl.l TllK VTIIK. Hill aT. HhTrtKK* j<1 untl ill Mm lit* groataat ?h-w un oartli. Cnmmln/a Mini I1 nril-Ki"'', ili<" Yltaltli Hunt ami llaiiru Von IIvliatr t Mil-. Praiir.ltil. gut'i-ri uf llir i'I*>?*io ; Joint liwilljr. rival <t| I'al MU'IIWI ; Ilia Mnril*. Iillljr 1 niiuii, f-alar am! Il-Klioa, Aiinlii llarl. Ill- f c.-nlrl- f Mir, 1,-vaiil.n anil Walann, Ilia lir-al ami Hiily Vianini llail-Ul roup.! anil th- imrlfc i>n.v-kiHK Or r, A Aluiri'l.llt MAY, It-nafit of Mat LhNA Altl Hi.K, I aealay May 'J I Matnio-a Tnurnlaj and ? .iiiflajr ali-rnu-na. aian numlay iiit-alaUt hi: Si v.n I a riii a ntK G a|i. NKVKJillJUI'r,.,. I>lrra?a? I. ..Iirlu, iitntlli uf Ilia l'ih? ami llvnrko.ipar "Klirllclin Art- It," i -maiiy in tloa tatn-aut. Iit Wllkaa, Roi -Hir- -o n ilaiiy i?-m h mi I ,,'ci-ak NIw~uaNi?i 1 ihI?? 11ai:gi i-.r i.AUtP." k. C Htnnnoiia, Alio."Ploworanf Ht. P-Voralntru," walts-a, tji "nll?..r luaal " tttaknrtM, J. N. lYuilaM, fair. | "(IktHiaa of N-rinainljr,'' waits, Jtkv ; Oal-p, :iiHt, i Polka, il". l I*..I Iiunirl. 7f? Aula itailntrllnil uUltiuiia, 1)11 bill! . A CO.. Til Mil IMJ UroaJway."