Newspaper Page Text
FINE ARTS. FIB8T EXHIBITION OF THE SALMAGUNDI SKETCH CLUB. ? Thorn was a privalo view last evening, at the Lenvitt Art ltooius, of tlie first oxnibitlon of biuclc una whlto drawings, sketches ana etchings, held under the auspices of the Silniugundi Sketch Club. This display, comprising 202 numbers, being a lirsl attempt, is, as a whole, creditable to the club who havo it iu charge. Its chief fault lios In tbo work in opaque black and white, paintod in tho style ol draw lugs, intended lor photograph lug on tho block, which, however pleasing their engraved counterparts tiny he, are in themselves not very attractive. What we would like to sec, and hope to. nest year, is a larger proportion ol pen and ink drawings?drawings insopin, transparent indta ink wusb, and in pencil and etchings. Yukon altogether, however, tbo display ut present made la exceedingly interesting and comalns a good deal ol strong work, chielly by young tuen, many of whom aro yet studcutr. There is many a charming little for an album or for a pl.coou a library or study walL In our talk about tlie individual drawings wo will take them as they cotno in the cata logue. C. Osborne's "Kotreal" (9) is an excellent, clean and amusing lllllo drawing. Ills "i'sycho and Mer cury" (10) is gracclul in design and bus good work in It. 11. P. Walcolt's "The Voterau" (12), uu amusing character sketch, rather lturd in ircatment. A. Barry lias au etching (13) alter Van Marcke. W. It, Hheiton shows curulul work iu h:s "Old Homestead" (1C). A Due little druwiug is Miss Eery's charcoal sketch, "A BwlssLako" (18). F. A. Nye's "Study ot Grasses" (19) is lull ol detail. "Feeding tho Swans" (23) Is an effective little drawing by W. 1*. Snyder. M. 'J'. Burns has iu ?'Fisherman" (23) and In "Wailing" (162) a couple oi good Grand Muuau sketches. "Young Auiericuu" (20) is an excellent sketcli by T. W. Chump iiey. lliss Tory's etching "Hoy" (29) is free in treut liieuu C. H. Vnuderboft's "Hric-a-Bric" (32) is a pleasing and artistic pen uud ink. F. Bellow's "Chus ng tho Heaver" (33) is amusing. In "Luunco and tils Hog" (36) U. 1*. Share lias a comical bit, iu u style ?t pon una ink work, which is very promising, uud iu bis ''Gossip 1'arty" (124) a goou cililu siory. 11 is "Sketch irotu Nature'- (lo7) is excel nut; hi? "Luck ti Hearing Cuiiip." a fair treatment ol a not ploxsnig motive, aud li.s "Aiteruoou Nap" is not up to his iUUUard. The two skolciies from lile by C. x. Turner, In tbo Irume No. 38, are excellent. A charming little pun and ink, with a graceful figure, is "Itoinuuce" (41), by A. L. Emslte. The luce is good iu C. F. Tunic's "Hretou Feasant Girl" (44). 11. 1'. Walcolt's "Wait ing" (43) is uu amusing character study. In his Ir.iuooi "Hrawiugs in Ink" (4'.') Thomas Morau has louto uiuslerly bits. J. S. Hartley's terracotta "A Nibble," is u lino little llgure. Goou "auusniuu" (66) is F. M. Gregory's. Miss Uskoy's is pieusant "Sum mer Hays" (66). "Laytug in i'uat, 1-iauU ol Marken" ;67) is u good Jlilio study ot peasant ttfo by Hewey Hates. 'There is hold, carelui work and a pleasing client in C. Freltag's "Siormy Hav oil tlie Ligntship." Jessie Curtis' "Ever Watch.hg" (oil) is a lino iueu. l'hu sleeping pose ut the chiluren is excellent. 11. 1'ylcg' "bouicliiiug Fresh" (61) is good. Miss Hakcy's "Page" (o3) is a hue little leliow. tliougn ho nas rather a targe body. Wo find a good deal to commend In George icues .-, Jr.'s "luterior" and an ariisllo little Xigure in G. W. Piggott's "Cup oi Tea" (06). W. rnbor's "The Tramp" (67) is gooil. The "April Bays" 163) ol S. G. Mc'Jutcbeon is charming. "July Biurut"(72), by J. F. Murpny, isonool the best things in ihe aullcry anu a bold stuuy ot black and ?title in oil. There is good atmosphere, hue light linking on ine wheat sheaves in the foreground anu n llroug treatment ol the dark masses ol the storm iwayed trees. "Haushlne" (76), is a pleasing J. Lau ser. There is ouu good cow in George Intiess, Jr.'s ?n study, "At the Pool" (77). W. U. Bueltou's "Worn Jut Travellers" Is exccdeut. Miss Fery's "Horse" ?81) is u lino una very udmlrable drawing. F. (J. C. barley Is represented by bis "A Ucrciiul Alan is Merci ful to his Ueusi" (87). Among the sketches illustra tive oi the ciub cui'ioci, "Tho Alarm," wo note F. Vance's amusing (92), \V. Tuner's comic (94), F. M. Gregory's gone (98) uud H. P. Share's creditable (UU). There is a pleasing sentiment In J. M. Falcouer's "On the East Kivor" (102). George W. Piggott's "ihe Italian Girt" (106) is u charming lime drawing. In his Family Group, "Island ot Marken" (108), Dewey Bates has a hue little stndy. G. S. Hoorbuuli's '?Koausiuo Hit" is good. C. Usborue's "Past aud Present" (IU) <s a n. hi drawing, with some carelui work on the Isccs. H, P. Walcolt's "Couuoissour a Ut Moue" (112) Is goou and amusing, tho tuea is a rcry chsrioiug one in C. Usborue's "Sansbtne" (123), ma it is well curried out. J, W. Hill's "Near Ciarks lowu" has some lair pen uud ink work in it. Gcorgo C. Gibson's drawing on the block, "Fails of Tivoli" |132) is pieusibg. W. P. Snyder's "llaud of Liberty" ,140) is an excellent moonlight soeuo at Madison square. M. K. Uakey's "Very Industrious" (14o| is plessiug aud good. J. W. Mati.-lleid's "Viow in Anvvrs" is iuiny eifeciivc. Wo note tsvorably P. C. moor's "Gloaming ' (118), and seine good work in J. iV. Marble's "A Pastoral Husking" (169). "Silence" (160), by W. Taber, Unserves an especial rord or praise, as a bold, eileciive and iiuprussive totiipoaiiion. it represents a sioriu whirling over a pruine, on wnicb lies a dead Indian, liy wiiuni, al iriglited bv the gale, is seen in the air an uugle. s. G. UcCuicheon's "The Hying liuy" is a palnelic negro llory. "Lord of Creation" (171) is au amusing saure ay Charles Memo. "Pupa's coming" (186) is n Goorge 6. Houghton. J. G. Kelly's "Sliei idun ut Couar Crock" 176) is a sir' ng production, reuiurkably fail ol -good iction in home and llgure. "Moonlight, New York Buy" (182), is UD a dm i ruble littlo Granville For tius. Howard l'yle's "Fust and Present" (186) is a neat urawiug. J. F. Murpby's "Twi igut" ,s tine. In his two scenes Irom "Hiawatha" ',190 uud 1.1). Ihomus Morun has been vory succe*. iui, especially in the first, a masterly elltci in India iuk wasucs. There is excellent work In George luneas' "In the Woods" (192). We notice A. T. Uricnor's well drawn "Salisbury Beach, Morning" (193), aud Ailrcd Kappes' "scandal'' (194), uu excel lent cliaructer sketch in n village store. J. Wells Cbainpney's "Hotel Piazxt" (196), has two excellent Igures. There is a good clTect hi Gcorgo F. Snellen's "ihe Plough Team," and, finally, there Is good action In U. Van Ingoo's "Laadscapn and Uome.-" (202). f be collecilon will be sold at tho gaiiorles on Tnartday ind Friday evenings. AN AUSl'KIAN Jr'KlGATE. Tho Austrian frigate Dandolo, Captain Joseph Lsng, rlnch left Philadelphia on Friday last lor this port, irnved here yesterday, exchanged salutes as it pus?ed Jovernor's Island and anchored off pier No. 1 .North River. 'I be frigate carries twelve gous, has a com plement of 27tS officers and moo nnd has on board a number ol cadets. Mho leit i'ola, Austria, some months ago, made a short stay at l.u.raliar and ibtnco tailed lor Brazil, slopping at I'rrnumbut o, It.ilnu mid Barbados. .Since then she has cruised oil the coast ol Brazil. UU11QLAUY IN LOW Ell LIJOADWAY. Mr. C. ellvo, cigar Importer, ol No. 29 Orondway, looked up his business cstnbllshmout, at rooms Nos. 14 and 15 in thu uullding No. 20 Broadway, about live o'clock Saturday afternoon. Mo returned yesterday morning, about ulna o'clock, lound Ibo padlock and toll forced oil one of the doors, the door open, and thout $000 worth ot cigars missing. Mr. Suva mado inquiry of tho Janitor and others connected with the Building as to whether they bad scon any person or persons around his rooms on Saturday ulght or luring .Sunday, but failed to get any inforuiailnn .ending to auy saliKluciury result, lie made applica tion to the ponce of the Twciity-aoventii product, tnu they proniiicd to investigate tlio matter Mr. lilv i C'implsius ltint tnls is the lourlh lime that Ins jlaces ol t)usiness has been broken into and robbed. Jnce at No. 5 ih-pait row (Lffoeckrr street), when ho ost $1.1(0 worth ol property; once at No. 19 Wall itreet, and again at a place lu lirondway, ncur Thir tieth street. A SWIM FOIl F11EED01L Officer Shaw, of the Tweniy-seventh precinct, no ticed early yesterday morning, while on pier No. 0, North River, two men leaving the pier In a sin ill bout, carrying with them a large cell ol rope. Their moveinonta being suspicious ho hailed them, but it had the effect only of making ilient pull harder lor the mlddlo of the river. Jumping in another boat the policeman itsrtod In pursuit and rapidly gained on tbetn. Ae he came nigh one of the men lumped into ibo river nnd be jan swimming lor the pier. Tho officer continued elter the boet, feeling confident Hint the man tu the water would be sobieqtientiy captured. Ho en on overlook the boat and us occupant priaon-r. A lew hours Inter tils companion was lound oo ahoro and taken in cuetodjr. Tno prisoners save the names of Jonu .Sullivan and (ieorge Finn. The police suspect them ol being implicated In depre cations around the uorks. Ibo boat contained sixty leet of rope, Valued at $45. supposed by ilm pmlco to aavo neon stolen. The prisoners were taken hoiore fudge Morgan at the Tombs l'olice Court and buld tor trial __ AN Al'EIL FOOL. Ro?c Wolf charges Motes L. Goldman with having it'Coived her on the 1st ol April, 1870. On that date, ts alleged, ho prosouted hor with a certificate ol mar riage and a gold ring, claiming that this ceremony tonetttated an indissoluble marriage He. Tho parlies ?ftertrard occupied the relation of husband and wife, mhoagb tber did not live together. Goldman telling Rose that hie father was opposed to tlie marriage, subsequently a child wna born. The girl about the same t bi? claims to have lound out that the giving of a marriage ccriifloniu nnd ring did not consututo a legal contract. She then sued for seduction and breach ol pronneo, claiming damages to Hie tiuounl ol |J,5(Xt tioMinao wit yesterday arrested by tho Sheriff and released on formatting adequate bond a Mo Is a clerk In a Bowery doming store, while Rose occupies her tune at a domestic. SOCIAL SCIENCE. MEETING OF THE AMERICAN SOCIAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION?INTERESTING DISCUSSIONS ON VITAL QUESTIONS. Cincinnati, May 20, 1678. The American Social Science Association met this morning in Dexter Hull, the largest ol the minor halls in the Music ilall building. Alter the rending of the annual report by Secret ry Sanborn communications wero road lrom Alias Frances Tower C'obbe, ol England, on vivisection, ana from Mmo. Dora D'lsirm, of Italy, on the war spirit in Europo. Also communications lrom Switzerland, Holland, .Spain aud other coun tries on tho study ol social science therein. General Armstrong, of Virginia, sent a aeries of sanitary tracts designed lor circulation among tl^e ireedmen, wlucb were laid before the association. 1IOMKS FOR T1IS TKOi'Lr. I The principal leaturo of the morniug session was a report aud debute oa tho homes tor the people la Cin cinnati, in which many Cincinnati goutlemen par ticipated. Tho building associations ol Cincinnati, Philadelphia and Boston were discussed. EDUCATION AND LAIIOK. In tho afternoon se.-sion Professor \V. T. Harris, of St. Louis, presided aud dolivorcd an uddrcss on cdn catiou as affected by tho division of labor and by cmi grallon. 'lhis caused an uniinuted debute iu which Charles Iteemellii, of Cincinnati, aud Prolessor Pierce aud Dr. iloyl, of New York', spoke at soiuo length. Colonel Georgo Ward Nichols, ol Ciucionuti, followed with an cxnaustivo puper on art education. Ol'lt INDIAN SYS : KM. At tho evening session Prolessor Pierce introduced General Pope, who read a paper ou the Indian ques tion. lio reviewed the presuut Indian system aud Its results, and explained the method of making treaties with the Indians nnd tho purposo sought to he accomplished in treutlng with them, lie showed lie difficulties in the way ol carrying nut treutles alter thev are made, and why under iho present systom new treaties nro necessary, while by their operations tho Indluus nro being grad ually annihilated and whites murdered. Ho gave tho present ludiuu agents credit lor better morals and character than their predecessors under the old system ol appointment, but as they are mon unacquainted with Indians aud Indian character, nnd ignorant of tho character aud hubits of the frontier whiles, ho considers them Incompetent to deal with either, ledums were starved to death for want ol supplies ihogovernincut was bouud ny treaty to luruisli aud hy llio rapid dcplctiou of tho buffalo, which ure killed by tlie hundreds cf thousands yearly lor llioir hides ulouc. He said 11 appears to be the only lunctions ol the army stationed uoar tlie Indian agencies to force the iudiun to submit to suffering qnietly and without disiurhance, whether the necessity results from the dollcieucy ol appropri ations, bad management of the agent or actual Iratiti. Ho attributed Indian wars to the encroachment of whiles and tho maladministration ol Indian agents, aud considered tho army tho vlotim In these wars. His plan lor the settlement of the dilllculty Is us iol. lows:? Firtt?That the Indian tribes now on the reserva tions along tbo lronlior and such as it may bo neces sary here ilicr so to place, bo transferred to points far in Ilie rear ol auvuiiclug emigration and placed on reser vations in populous districts where no hostility to the luaiau Is felt and ho is secure against want aud protected from doing or suffering violence, Second?1 hat thus surrounded by good influences, and in a condition tho most fuvorublo to success, an houest aud eurncBt effort be made to civilize Uim by teaching him the pursuits nud restraints ol civilized life, so that if capable of becoming h part ol our nopu lation bo may bo uosorbed among us and disappear as a distinct race in this conntry. In the debate which followed Mr. Murray Shipley, of Cincinnati, and others spoke. The sessions ol the Conleronco ol Charities will be opened to-morrow with an address by Govornor Bunop. In the debate which followed Judge Taft and Messrs. Durbin, Ward, Murray, Shipley and others 6poke. Judge Tall took strong grouud in tavor of tiie trantler ol tne Indian supervision to tbo Wur Department. LAURA JOYCE. SUDDEN SUSPENSION OP THE LEGAL PROCEED INGS IN TAYLOR VS. TAYLOR?JUDGE LOBD ADVISES A PBIVATE SETTLEMENT ? CAN THE PASTIES NOT LIVE TOGETHER AGAIN. Boston, Mass., May 20, 1878. The dramatis persona; ot tuo new version of "Evan golino" were prompt to report lor rehearsal In the Supremo Court room, East Cambridge, this morning. Owing to a dilatorinoss of tho ra.nager, Judge Lord llio curtain was not rung up till about a quarter bo^ foroton o'clock. Tne audience room was packed with mi expectant crowd, many of whom were at the door before the room was thrown open. The usual delegation from Harvard College blocked up the doorways and aislts while a number of theatrical and literary people filled the passago ways out to tho front stulrs. Laura and hor mother were In the front seat of the Jury box, accompanied by their witness and retainers. ??Tiny" (short lor Valentine) wat as irosh and chlppor as on Saturday ? be was in eurnest consultation with his connect and' paid but little attention to tho crowd of cariosity sockcrs and lovers of scandal. Lauru sat In a modi, totivo mood, with her baud supporting her diinnlrd cun. Mr*. .Menken looked as unconcerned ua 1/ e/10 m.I":r?.ly " fcP,!Ct'""r- Everybody seemed to t" s.ibe. not one 01 the performers showed signs of evon feeling ?-jolly" or comfortable. MAKK IT VP. At a quarter to ten the ??Court" came in. Judge Lord .a uiouiurcd terms addressod the coansel asfo* "" ?? concerned t'*on"..ojli.tiri?atthemattrrwwa parViM VnieVt'.te'l, and^Seailro'^o'iMSe^^e^qre'^il'o'BV'* solves a?CBrtalned whether it L worth w hi ? . them continue .hi. litigation between "" Lm'V'd nv I have been able to mo I cannot ??. ill'. r log, lor any longil. Of lime nocomary f2r m?m to' UT.* .olse wbotoer u? ..alcalde aajuvtracut* an be effected Ilolli sides accepted tbo proposition as If It had come a. pert ol u preconcerted move or ?he?wye? 1 he matter was laid over till Thursdav y while etioris will bo mndo to edect a'""!! Is not believed that they can be brought to 'livi together agaiu, akhougU au arntouemett . mail, by which further I,tlgStlon an* ^^afVan b2 HtOppcdt 1 llO cr()*'<! lt|K|lf>f n | wt> u . look and feeling much as U they had wT'uim? money aud got obe.ied out of a good perlormUw A WOUNDED MAN'S STORY. A ring at tho .loor boll ol tho German llosp.tal corner of Sovcnty-scvcntU street and Fourth avenue, at three o'clock yostcrday rooming brought one of the Attendants t? (he en trance, where ho found . man ,r, unconscious on the pavement and covered with blood which "owed pr. lueoly (rem a wound on Ins bend! He was at once conveyed to scot and examined by ,r. fASt? 'Rai-s.nrrisrsr.ri kee ,.\n ,,',rl'P,"or' ,h"1 lived in I'Zh keepale. fie appeared to he verv r?. ? . about h? mlurlen, but (lnaliy slnod uTat pi Then ai 1 * . "" * rock' n,,or l"" Boulevard wb? n ho beard several plaiol slioia from behind and aiterward lound that he w?. wound..I. He w?.,h"o ;rUL'*U.J?jf "?? """"own men, who robbed him o" ?old thai ho had reca.ved a poat',1 card , ?n1d writing 01 his lather, wno bad been inlaeing e"nce Sunday morning, and glgned w.ih ,?e name o"Ve"; Ho wna at oneo shown to the couch of Harl.l and recognised him ,.s U,s father, Hmry Badeuh"?c?^ ftUn -mliD, who kofpi j% cud more m th# r.,rilAI,< r Tlilriy-einth s.roet and Third avenue, notwithstanding young Mr. Jtnlienliauaen t,i, lather d'd ,lve ?? 1'ougi.kcopgio nnd did not have ' i"'' *b his pocket on >unday when >m Claims 10 have been shot and robbid. liaiion haosen bad been n, tho habit ol carrying 0',h* *'""0 ?? tlio one which caused ine wound on bis head, and Mr. liaueubauaen ''l'l,in?(,'i" l,,e opinion that his partner inll.cle.i the wouuu on bl3 head himself, as he bad boon laboring unaer pecuniary troubles. U N INTENTION ALLY INJURED. Thomas Bern bard, of NoTTtfO West Forty-eecond ?troet, was inkon to tho Filty.serenth .Street Court yeeterday morning on a chargo of shooting 1'atrick Ohcofe, .g,u ie?( ol No jj, W8tl Forty.seyenib ?troet. Mr. llernhar.l, no was related In yesterday's KHALI., was on a ilea yacht, loot of East Forty. ?cv.mb street, Sunday morning, with hi. /au.ily and To .oral0! wh0n ?crowd 'oughs atiompicd *orP d"?? "?? KssrSw-1"" struck young O'Keefn, Who wi, fy'lne on "i Wh.'rh pile ."ine distuiiee away, n. u,e groin ti,-"i lu,nl'"r removed 10 Hull?von Hospital woere he on. ?I>y ,WM somewhat critical condition and Mr 11 mi * his return from bis excursion ehtei J 1r'"'aru' on He was commit ted to await too result o li'iT^0" "Pa -u sgaminalion .n the csse wlii Kl^t? and BOWDflSM. A r ing of rowdies assembled early yesterday morn log on tbo corner or Court and Lorraine strecis, Brooklyn, when Patrolman Roche, of ihe Eleventh preotnet, ordered tboin to "move on." As they re fused to <10 so he arrested John Burke, one oi the party. The prisoner broke away Irom the offl-cr, and, picking up a stooo, threw It at him. When the stone struck Roche the latter drew o re volver and tired oue shot in the air, intend ing 10 Iriglilen the rowdies, who threateningly g uhorcd about him. Burke threw another sionc at Roche. The latter then tired a second shot and at tracted tbo intention of Officers Travis and lireedi n, who rau 10 his assistance Burke, Junes linoly and Michael Eiynn were then taken into custody and locked up. Daniel Coombs, eighteen years old, was arrested yesterday by uu officer of the Fourth product, Brook lyn, ou u charge ol striking James .smith, aged thtrty flve, nu ihe head with a stune and fracturing his ikuil. 'l'ho injury ens Inllicled during :i general hunt thut occurred ou Park avenuo on Sunday morning last. STABBED DURING A QUARREL. Frederick Honry, aged twenty years, had a quirrol yesterday afternoon with a young mau named John Rooncy, at No. 548 West .Sixty-second street, whoro both parties reside, when Roonoy drew a kuile and stubhod Henry several times in tiiu lace and body. Rooney escaped, and Henry was lukon to the Roonevelt Hospital. His wounds, though painful, are not dangerous. SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN STEAMERS. DATES OF DEPARTURE FROM NEW YORK FOR THE MONTHS OF MAY AND JUNK. y burner. | Sail*. JJentimition Office. Idaho..... May 21 Liverpool.. 29 Broadway Algeria May 22 Liverpool.. 4 Bowlin&r Green Austr alia day 'J- ' .-ndoii.... 7 Howling Clreen Canada *. Way 2. Havre 5ft Broadway City of Chester.*... M y 23 i.ivorpool.. 31-33 Broadway State ot Nevada. May 2d Giasirow ... T2 Broad way Italy .May 2-' L udoii.... 19 Broadway Java May if:t Antwerp... ft2 Broadway Frnda... May 23 11 aim in g.. >1 Bioadway California..... May 2ft Glanffow... 7 B - viini' Green Adriatic. May 2ft Liverpool.. 17 Broadway Kirrpt day 2ft Liverpool.. >9 Broun way Maun May 25 i Rotterdam* tftO Hroaoway llnhonxolloru May 25 oiemcu....\2 Bowling Green Molilalia May 2> Liverpool.. 29 Broadway liuithia May 29 Liverpool.. I Bowling Groeu per? irw May 29 Havre Broadway City of Montreal.. May 2ii Liverpool.. 31-33 Dro.dway State of Virginia..*. May 30 lilanuow... 72 Broadway Herder May 3 II anil-tire.. 91 Broadway Bitaunic Juno 1 l.iverpool.. 37 Broadway Helvetia. .luno 1 Liverpool.. B9 Bronuw.ty Ethiopia Juno 1 (Losgow ... 7 Bow iiijr <ircon Mdhet J.luiio 1 Bremen.... 2 Bowling Groeu Wisconsin..... Juno 4 idrcrpo 1.. 29 Broadway AlKatis I one 5 Londou 7 Ilnwiin# (Jreon Scytiila June ft Liverpool.. I Bow in .'Groeu Ho land June ft London.... 99 Broadway \ Hie do Paris .... lune ft llavro ?>?*? Bro tdwuy Celtic June (? Liverpool 37 Broadway Mate oi Georgia ... June BHlasfrow... 72 Broadway Lousing Juno 6 Hamburg.. 39 Broadway .wpnn <1 ttue S i Iverpool.. ? .9 Broadway Bolivia I ano F Glasgow.... 7 Bowliutr Uroen O ier lur.o s Bremen.... 2 Bowling (Jreon City of Berlin lune 8 Liverpool.. 31-33 Broadway Nevada Juno 11 .Liverpool..i29 Broadway Abyssinia.. lune 12 Liverpool.* 4 Bowlin ? Green VVieland June J3 Hamburg.. (11 Broadway Kn^laud lune lft Liverpool.. 99 Broadway Victoria June lft Glasgow.... 7 Bowling Groen JJonan ..Lino 1ft Bremen 2 BowIiiij? 1 ?retu Wyoiuiuir June is Liverpool.. 29 Broadway FROM PHILADELPHIA. Noderland I May 22j Antwerp.*.|307 Walnut st ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK?THIS DAY. 8l'N AMD MOOS. Son rises 4 37 Sun sets 7 16 Moon rises ovo 11 58 man watkr. Sandy Uuok..moru 11 20 i?ov Island eve 12 05 Hell Goto eve 1 50 HERALD YACHT WEATHER OBSER VATIONS. liar. Ther. St'lt' nf May 20. Hour Inch. i"y. Iffntf. Weather. Noon 39:30 53 8B it nl ii. 4 I' M 30:25 f?2 SSK Rain. 8 PM 30:20 r.2 88 r liftlti and fog. Handy Ilook 12 PM 30:2U 52 SSK Rain. WESTERN UNION TIME BALL. New York, May SO?Noon. The Western Union Tim* Ball wae dropped to day two tenths second slow. PORT OF NEW YORK, MAY 20, 1878. ARRIVALS. REPORTED RY TUK HERALD HTKAM YACHTS AND 8XRALD WHITKHTONK TKLEUKAP1I LINK* C Austrian steam corvette Dandolo, I.ang. Havana via Philadelphia. She ha. a crew of 270 o (beers And men aud mounts 12 mn? etcamor Montana (Br). Beddoo. Liverpool May 11 and Quecnstown 12th, wilh mdso and pasaengors to IY llllnuis A Union. Steamer Oanlma (Br), Leddlcont, Bermuda May 16, with md?e and passengers to A r. Outerbrtdgo, Hod strong NYV winds. steamer City of An.tin, Cheater, Kernandina, and Bruns wick. May 16, via fort Koyal, SC. 17th, wltu md-e aud pa-senger* to O II Mallnrv A Co. HhlpJonanne (Cur). Bnnge. Liverpool April 22. in b*l lait, to H Hiirnalortf. Auchored In <}ravr.?nd hay (or or dera. Ship Alexander Marshall, Oardnor, Liverpool 20 days, with ind.e to C II Marahall A Co. (Junto the northern pas> .aye and had variable weather. ship Western Kmplre, Oroaler. Liverpool via Key Weat SI days, In ballaat. to llro H.iwea A Co, Ship Theodore Koornrr (tier). Sehurenberg, London 32 days, with empty barrel, to II Koop A Co. May 21, Ion (12 30,lat 41 4". passed a lsrtre boat (upset), probably a flshlng boat: 27th. Ion 60 06 W? lat 41 03 S, passed closo by a largo Iron buoy, standing upright. prohnlilr having part of ita mooring chain attached : it was eoiiical shaped, about Steet "Ut of thn wnter, painted red, with 3 wlnto sixes around tlie top. shlo 1'aul Harare (of Boston), Mullen, Antworp37 days, with eniptv barrels. Ac. to ordor. Bar. II L Kouth, Young, Liverpool 36 days, with coal to Thoa Dunham's Nephew A Co Hark Arctnrua (ot Annapolis, N8). Bent, Liverpool 42 days, In ballast to J W Barker A Co. Was 2" days W ol the Western Isles with woatcrlv gale. Bark Ilovdiny (Nor). Jensen. London 46 days, with emptv barrels and chalk lo Bunch. Kdve A Co Kark a)?x (Nor), Kpenaa, Bristol 37 days. In ballaat to C Tobias A Co. Bark Waiden Law (of Bnnderlnnd). Lowory, Bristol 34 dars. In ballast to Boyd A lllncken. llad strong N and SNK winds th" last 7 days. Hark BJorn?teni HJornsnn (Nor), Nielsen, Dublin 28 day*. In ballast to Bunch, Kdve A Co. Hnrk stliena (, Bellmer, Bremen. 3" days, with empty barrols to Theo Buyer Mar 12, 1st 40 3d, Ion 66, spoke hark <? M Barnard, from New York for Antwerp; IHtli. 12" mi es south ot Bloc. Island, passed a schooner bottom up and pointed green, apparently not long in that condition Bark Won tvor), Anderson, Arendal 33 days. In ballast to C Tobias A Co. Hark i arrle K Long (of Stockton), I'srk, Buenos Ayres, via M atansus. 1" days, with suyar to order ; veaael lo Jaiuea K Ward A Co. Boh 11, lat 3 17 H. Ion 36 32 W. IIS) miles off tlio Hrasllinn coast, picked up a man on n raft. In an exhausted condition, having been (here 1" days; one of Ins companions died alter being on the raft 4 day's and one waa washed overboard and de voured bv sharks: Msy 1ft lat 31) 36. loo 7H24, passed a vessel waterloyyed and abandoned, with part ol loreniaat and how spilt standing, bnlw irks and house yonc and thn sua lire,tkiny over her. It ok Anita llerwlnd (ol Philadelphia), MrHrlde, Hlo .Isnriro 41 days, with ColTee to A Dsytn. Crossed the Equator April 22 m Ion 41); hsd fine weather. Ha k Atlantic, l.anlare. Poit Npain 24 days, with sugar and niolnsaea to 11 Trowbridge's Huns. Waa 11 days N of llatieri-: May II, lat 37, !ou Hit, too* a tornado from the NW. snip at the time under lower topsails, foresail and storm st lyssll: blew away tnreaall. mlr.t-n atayaall, parted i lore-!av-and carried away Inro nnu inaliilopiunsts; loth, 4 AM, barometer 2H.isi, had u hurricane from Che.; ti AM. snip under topsails and reeled fore sail. blowing a ynla; K AM, took in loreiail anil lorampsall. wind au1 sen Increa.lny and barometer tailing; 12 M. wind NK, ship tailing off in tlie trongn ol the sea, had to wear ship, barometer 21)112; I I'M, took In (he wesllier clew ol the malntepsall and furled It, slilo Ivlng with her niaiurails under water, wind hauling to t ho N:2 I'M, barometer 2H and still blowing heavy, ship lying head to the sea and behaving well; 6 I'M, weather moderated. Capt l.enfaro thinks it he had had plentv of sea room and sept the vessel off In the (list patt ol the gale Instead ol wearing, he would have escaped It alto gether, as in the beginning the.v were on the |eit edge of the circle, but by wearing ran Into the centre of the cy clone. May It. lat 2H, Ion 7", passed ao Iron can buoy adrilt painted red, a very dniigorous tniug lor a voasol to strike Bark Ctiracoa (oT Windsor. .\H|. Baulkner, Cnracoa 10 Oars, with wood. Ae.. to Joseph Boulke's Hons. Hark Antelope. Hlmpsnn. nt Croix I* days, with sugar and molasses to Itoehe llros A Co. Was!? days N of llat terae; Mar 14 and 16 had a heavy gale, commencing KNK end ending NKH. lasting 24 hours; split sails, Ao, and sus tained other slight damages. Hark John Langhlln lot I'lilladalphla). Weeks, Havana 13 days, with sugar to HAW Welsh ; vessel to Brett, Hon A Co. May 16, off Cape llatteraa, had n heavy gale Irem HK. veering to NW, lasting 12 hours; blew awaytoreslay sail Bark It Mnrrav. Jr. Ilarrlraan. Havana 11 days, with sugar to order; vessel to James J? Word A Co. Burs Jaeuuca Bpurestler (Br), Marcoiiihle, Havana 10 d?y>, with sugar to order. Ilura Clias II Ig-wls, llace, M an tan r as II days, with sugar to Muses Taylor A thi. H?rk < nrrla Heckle (of Cortland, Me). Woodbury, Ms tansas 12 days, with sngst to Moses Taylor A Co; vessel to J II Wiueliester A Co. Hark Urans Minor (Nor), Johnson. Matintas 11 days, with sugar lo order: vessel to C Tobias A Co. Ilerk Antonio Halo, Bice. Caibarlrn I" days, with sugar to (iilnnell. Mlntnrn A Co; vessel to C H YYuoii Mark Brothers, Wesilierg, Caibarl n 17 days, with sugar to order; vessel to James i. Ward A Co. Ilnd light winds and ealius. lixrk M J l.e?lle (Br), Harding. Liverpool, Ns, In ballast, lo A M Bailey A Co. Anchored In Oravesend Bay lor orders. Brig Habra (of Windsor, N.4), llohinson, Limerick 24 days. In ballast, to C W llortaux. Brig Holla (ltd), 1'otraiislno. Antwerp March 16, In ballust to order. Brig Titos Turrnll (of New Haven). Bates, Trinidad 21 clavs, with sugar and molasses to 1< W A I* Armstrong, May 16, In the dull Htreaiu encountered e heavy NK to MY gale lasting 24 honrs. Brig L A YV Armstrong (of New Haven), Allen, Point-n Pllro ll> days, with sugar In I, W A 1' Armstrong Brig Jennie Phlnnay (?f I'ortland), Brown, datanaaal) days, with sugar to De Zaldo A Co; vessel lo Brett, Hon A Co. Brig K M Mitchell (of Marhias), Baton, Mntausas 11 ?lavs, with sugar to YY ilson A llndlrey. Hrig lion Jnelntu, Crnsinn. Cardenas 16 days, with sutar to liiinnell, Mlntnrn A Co' vessel to James Henry. YVaS II day* N ol II sltnras with light winds and calms. Ilrlg David Hugber. Hiowefa, Cardenas |" ib.ys, with sugar lo the Jersey City Beflmng Co; vessel to Carver A Barnes. Ilrlg ,Marena. Handy, Cardenas 10 days, with soger to order. Brig Mario Rosa (Sp). Casanova, Cionfuegos 11 days. In ballast. to K Puig A Co. Brjg Kenchav, Sylvester, Sa^ua 18diyi. wltb Hucar to Mi>HfnT?)i T A Co; vessel to II A Robertson. Hin T II A Pi it (Hi), Outerbiidgo, Bermuda B days, w it h produce to J ouch A Lough. Schr Helen. Dickson. Tuonan 33 days, with cedar to L Bran l*a A Co; vohhoI t?? Brett. Sou A Co. i Mhv 11. lat 34 58. lou 74 30, spoke schr Daylight, front Near York lor llayti. schr Clara AI Goodman, Coulborn. Mansaoilla 26 day*, with inclado and molasses to Thos Oweu A Son; vessel to I b Gager. 8chr Eva, Shelly, St Johns, PR, 22 days, with sugar to Brown Bros, Schr Etueline G Sawyer. Lamson. Arroyo. PR, 15 davs, with - iifcrar an<] molasses to J I) Rivera A Co; vess?l to Simpson, Clupp A Co.* Was 7 days N of liaitoras with NE winds. Schr Clias R Washington, llolhrook. Port Antonio 14 days, with fruit to Wiu Douglass; vessel t? B J Wenberg A Co. Sclir Pow?na Arabell, Low, Grand Cayman 17 daya, with logwood to G Weasels. ... Schr llattio V KoDcy, Randall. Matansas 12 days, with sugar to D<- Ealdo A Co; vessel to it F Motcalf A Co. Schr Express Tilton. Jlcwio, Cardenas 10 days, with sugar to Do Zaldo A Co schr Carrie D Allen (of Well fleet), Neweorab. Baracoa 0 Uiiys, with Ituit to Gomes A Pearsall: vessel to B J Wen. l>?rg A Co. *Amy IB, lat 31 04, Ion 74 51). spoka bark J H llolhrook, from Philadelphia tor Cardenas; 17th, lat 32 10, Ion 74 40, schr K B Conweil, whaler, of New Bedford. 5 days out, nnd4iad taken three whales, and lost considera ble oil on ill-count nt bad woutlier, hut saved 47 bids. Schr Old Ctiad. Wiley, Baracoa 11 days, with fruit to E Ptiig; vessel to I l( Staples. Hobr Carrie Saunders (Br). Saunders, baracoa 15 days, with fruit to H .1 Wenberg A Co. schr tl B Criftin (of Salem), AIcKenney, Baracoa 12 days, with Jruit to Win DoucIukh ; vessel to B J Wenberg A Co. Schr Jordan L Mott (of Newburyport), Tobin. Bsracoa I 10 days, with fruit to Gomes X roarsull; vessel to II W . Loixl A Co. Schr Wildfire (of Gloucester), Bcarse, Rock Sound 10 days, with pineapples to Jae Douglass; vessel to B .1 Wen- ; berg A Co. May 15. Capo Matterus, bearing W by S 45 tuilCH, took a iieuv.v northerly galo, lasting several hours. J in which broke loreboom. stove boat and galley aad was I driven buck to the Gulf Stream. I >ctir Lanie Cobb, Cobb. Pensacola 16 days, with lumber , to Soud -r X Adams; vessel to 11 W Loud and Co. Schr Roma Rppittg-r. Baylua, Cedar Keys 18 day", with cedar to ? pplngor, ItuaacII A Co: vessel to J A Van Brunt. Schr John S Jieacham. Woodland. Jacksonville 6 daya, with lumber to Bcntley. Gildersleevo A Co. Schr Uultie K Giles, Bennett, .iackstniville 6 days, with ] lumber to J* F Gerhard. Is bo nd to Albany. Scbr Mat tie K Tuber, Bray, Brunswick, Ga. 12 daya. with lumber to Southood A Co; vesa? l to master. Was 8 daya N of Hatter ih with N K gules and culms; started uampson post and split foresail. | Schr Thos N an Glider. Van Gilder. Georgetown, SC, 0 days, with iuuihcr to E 1) Hurlburt A Co. Schr Henrietta Simmons. Godfrey, Mchmotid, Va. Schr s \\ Bunnell, Bunnell, Richmond, Va. I Schr II 11 Grant, Larder, Richmond. Va. I Schr Borsch?!. Chambers, Alexandria. Schr 0 H MmIIUoii. Curtis, Vir -iuia. j Schr Samuel II sharp, Webb, Virginia. Schr llnzeiton. Rogers, Georgetown, DC, for Il.vaiinla. Schr Cordelia Xowkirk IlimtTcy. Georgetown, DC, Sciir C Nowuiru, Henley, Georgetown, DC, .-chr Ellas Moore, Lewis, Baltimore. Schr Rodney Parker, Parker, Baltimore, tor New Haven. Schr IJioda Htdiues, Grouu. Baltimore lor Bridgeport. JUi)""Hark Friiro (Nor), from Ilonfleur, which was an chored io tiio lower bay, came up to the city 20th. passed through hell gate, BOUND SOUTH. Steamer General Whitney, IfalWt. Boston for New York, with nidso and passengers to II F Diruock. Schr 11 S Bridges, Lamlrick, Windsor, NS, for Now York. Schr Mary B Harris (of Machiaii, Me), Crowley. Windsor, NS. lor Now York, with piaster to Wotherspoon A Co. schr kute Clark, Ouptill, Grand Meuan, NS, for New Y ork. Schr Alary F Pike, Good, Rockland. NB, for New York. Schr Richraoud, Thompson. Rockland, Me. for New York, Schr I) M Fr?uch. Chi Ids, Kennebec lor New York, Schr L iIoioway, Graham. Jonesport for Now York. Schr Revenue. Phinney, Halloweil, Me, for .\ew York. Schr War Steed, Gookin. Saco, Me, for New York. Schr A Nicholl Robinson, Calais for New York. Schr B L Eaton, Flynn, Calais for Now York. Schr Thomas H Rogers, Hatch, George's Bank for New York. Schr Sara'.i R Jones. Phinney, Boston for Now York. Schr Jonathan Cone, White, Lynn for New York. Schr Emily Bell, Kelly. Dennis for New York. Schr Phcune, Smith, Block Island for New York. ' Schr Nancy .1 Hay. Snow. Bristol. RI. lor New York. Schr Mary 11 Millliu. Ferris, Warren. RI, lor New York. ( Schr k A J Oakley, Newman, Providence lor Philadel phia. Schr John Warron, McGarr, Providence for New York. Schr Kate Kailauan, Houghton, ProviJence for New York. Schr E Flower, Hubbard, Pawtucket for New York. Schr G W Ravinoud, Hatch, Now Loudon tor New York. Schr E 11 Pray, Haws, Bridgeport for New York. Schr Hattic, Kelly, Bridgeport lor New York. Schr Henry Rein*en, Allen. Bridgeport for New York. \ pAKA'-d through AM, schr Madeira, heforo reported in the roads above. At anchor in llart Island roads, schr Marie L Hall, Law rence, from Portlaud, Ct, for New York. BOUND EAST. Steamer Chesapeako, Mangnm, New York for Portland. Steamer City of Fitch burg, Ellis. New York for New Bed foru. Brig Klborla (Br), Upharu, Now York for Dublin. Brig Eliza Morion. Lelund, New York for Cherbourg (and anciiorcu fu llart Island roads). Schr Snow Bird (Br), Crlpps, Now York for St John, NB. Schr Alary Brewer, Saunders, New York lor Portsmouth, Nil. Schr K A Chcsboro, Wait, Am boy for Providence. Sclir Texas. Davis, Am boy for New London. Schr Charles P binuickson, Bllsard, Port Johnson for Providence. Schr Laura Robinson, Kelly, Georgetown, DC, for New Bedford <aud anchored off H khali> lolexraph station). Schr A G Cunuon, Crauiuer, Georgetown, DC, for Now llHven- / Schr Mary C Arnold. Arnold, Baltimore for New Haven. Schr Rodney Parker, Parker. Baltimore for New Haven. Schr Riioda Holmes, Greevers, Baltimore for Bridgeport. Schr Rival, Fletcher, Philadelphia tor Bath. CLEARED. Wtnamer Idaho (Br), Holmes, Liverpool via Qnrenatown? Williams A Guion. >t< umor Colon, Coy, Aspinwall?Pacific Mall Steamship Co. Htaanior Josephine. Thompson, Baltimore?>vm Dalsell. Simmer Hevorly. WnlUen, 1'lillaileiplila?James Hand. Steamer < Tiosnpeako, Mnnguui, Portland. Me?J F Ames. Ship Ilermiouo ilJri, Koherta, London?Arkoll, Tufts A Co. Bark I- rnncosco R (Ital), Callfano, Southampton Docks ? John C Sen-tor. Bark Iminanne) (Nor), SaraueUon, Great Yarmouth? Fundi. K'iy e A Co. Ilsi k Larkspur (Hr). Story, Queeuetown or Falmouth for orders ?Boyd A lllncken. Bark Ada F Crosby. Crosby, Newry, I?Bonder A Adams, Bark Ire Oogiiutl (llal), Plisorno, Cork lor orders? Slorovich A Co. Hark I'ere de Famllle (Kr). Duvard. Havre?Daasorl. Straelile A Co. Bark HebeccaJ Men I ton. Atwood. Cape Town and Port Elisabeth?G Franek Hykeman. Bark namos, llensaheii. Philadelphia?Vernon 11 Brown A Co. Brig Hnrgermelster Strove (Ger), Meesmano. Anlborg? Fundi, E-lve A Co. Brig Agist (Nor), lleltresen, Odanse (Denmark)?Beuham A ll-iyesen. Brig L Staples, Stowers, Citdls for ordors?Carver A Barnes Sclir Y ellow I'lne, SnepparJ, Psra?O Arasinek A Co. schr Mark Pendleton. <>11 key. St Lucia?Leaycraft A Co. Scbr Lnrinla Bell. Aldrlch, Governor's llarbur?Isaac K Staples. schr Jacob I Houseman, Ryder, Rock Sonod?B J Wen berg A Co. sclir John R )' Moore, Canscy. Georgetown, DC? Hlaght, Bailey A Co. Schr J S ivlns, Ingorsoll, Riehmond, Va?James A Van Bruut. SAILED. Stosmers Colon, Asplnwall; Bengal (Br), London; Albemarle, Lewes. Del; shlos Gustavo A Oncer (Her;. Bremen : Carbet Caatlo (Br), Liverpool: Privateer (Hr), Horde ola. James (Ger), Hamburg; barks Lord Klnnalrd (Br). London ; Norman (Br), Antwerp ; Oscar II (Swe). Koiiig'borg; orto dtal). Cora; Marino (Ana), do er Fal mouth. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Captain Hamilton Perry, of the White Star steamer Britannic, has onr thanks for special meteorological ob servations (undo In connection with the Hrhalp weather service. ? Thu purser of the steamer Csnlnia (B ). from Bermuda, will pienso accept onr acknowledgments lor Liver*. Sitir SPAkTAK. recently ashore at Fire Island and hauled off l-v tho Coast Wrecking Company and taken to their ?looks at .-tapielon. la now entirely pumped nut and was ynsiorduv discharging her ballast. Hue will bo taken to Boston lor repairs Bahk nxsitr Pi i.itam (Itr), which was wrecked some time ago on tbo North Carolina roast and raised by tl-e Messrs. Baker, wreckers, of Norfolk, arrived at Baltimore on Saturday afternoon lor repairs. By direction of her owners in (fork. Ireland, she wns sold lie the British Conatil at punlic auction In Narlolk shortly niter her arrival there, and purchased ny Captain .1 C the firm of John 7.ittlo?en A Co.,e- nimirsiori merchants.New York. Cap tain Mcrrym in hop a to have her In lull repair in tho course ol ten days or two w otss. Hho will ti en loan probably t >r British ports. scnu HmrngN. before reported on the rocks at Hamp den beach, was driven nshoro high and dry during the Nit low tiiulit of 17th, end went to pieces. Soiir Kosna, Campbell, arrived at Providence Suth Inst from i elate and reuorts. In a gale off Cape Cod lost pari - j deckload nl shingles, sprung a leak and had Jib stay and two shrouds carried nwny, Nciik Ax.x s Hiniwn?Steamer Falcon, Irom Charleston, at Baltimore M-ty go. reports, AM lltth. two miles s ol chlc aomlco, sighted schr .<1111 n Brown, from Hellstt for I'liUu anchor-lose tithe breakers, with sails blown ewny and living a signal ol distress: t- wed Iter clear of tbo laud, ifnd thu wind having trushened from Hh she pro. cecdo-1 uitilnr dotiblo rm led mainsail and jibs (tho only sails loll) lor ilaiupton lioails. Si nn Louse (Bri, Irom Vineysrd Ilavsa for New York, lie lore report-d sslior on Fisher's Island, wns lisnled off night ol M cy I'd and taken Into New London tube hauled ont to uncertain iter condition. Halifax. NS, May at) The lirlg Osborne, of Dublin, from Lluicrick t-ir >l Irsnilehl, was totally wrecked on HI Paul's Island 011 tho 5th Inst Crew saved. Nouriil.k, May Id?The chains, anchors, all ol the stand Ine and most of tho running rigging ol the aclir J Itu-lor, recently vrreuaod nt Lynnhavon lnlot, have been saved. The vessoi and cargo arc a total loss, Nvw llsnroHn, May a)? Klllev K Tarry has purchased of llnrvuy Bartlett the schr Husau Taylor, which will be towed to Clark's Cove, opposite Mr Terry's Halt oil lactory, and Used lor storing menhaden. WikMlNUTiiK, NO, May IB?Bnrk North Carolina (Br), for Liverpool, got sulaly oil' the shoals naiir Itlg Islan 1 yester* dey morning and nrrlved at Hmltbville. 8I10 was expected to go to spa yesterday evening. * LAruoum?At Mlllhrldgo. May 14. from the yard ol J W Sawyer, a line bark ol HII tons, named Cory phono. She Is principally owned hy her hullder and Capt George (linn, of Hucksp-rt, who will command her. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Orrira or Lianriioi'sa iNtracTOR, Fourth District, > i'lllt.AUKI.rniA. I'n, May ill), IH7W ) Notice Is hereby given that buoy No 4 (Unose Island Flat Buoy), in main channel, east of the Pea Patch and Fort Delaware. Delaware Hlvor, tins been changed Irom a spar to a second class iron 11 tilt, painted '0d. Masters of vessels tnil pilots nro requested to givu tpneial care to avoid run ning this buoy down. U it WIIITK, Commander UN Navy, Inspector Fourth Lighthouse Dlatrlet. WHALEMEN. Ojr H00 Port Arrivals. At llsmlltnii (Bermuda). May IB. sclir llclon M Sim mons, AihIiis, arrived Bill, Willi II bbls -p. Balled Irom Yokohama April 14, hark Norman, Camp bell, .1 B, Arctic Ocean. A letter irom Cant L'urrnn. vt brig U A Small, of Frev incetowu. report* tier at *e* ill P?t'ru%ry. with 80 bblt tp oil ?410 *p all told. It 1h reported tUnt ?he hat slueo ar riv??l nt Bermuda with 500 bbU ftp all t?>ld Spoken ?MhioIi 10, hit 5 S, loii 110 W, ihip Milton. Hatiiblin, of M o. crui.tiuir. _ .. Alwy 4. Ut 37 HO N. l< n 134 W. bark Mount Wolla#ton, Kye, .NLI, with 350 bbla oil; uli wall. SPOKEN. Bark Oelottina (Aust), Copaincb, hrom Triaito for New Torn, May 2. off LIhu. Brlvc VYauliiin. Irom Trinidad, Cuba, for Boston, May 9, lat39 40, li.u 72 24. OUlt CABLE SHIPPING NEWS. AbkhdkkX, May 18?Arrived, hArk Alexandrine (Ger), Rlckeies, Darlen. Antwerp, May 20?Arrived, steamer Glndye (Br), Brit tiiin, New York; berks Ragua (Nor), Kile rt sen, do; Augus tine (Sp), Ocerio. Wilmington, NR. Sailed 20tb, ililp Tamerlane (Qer), Sldenburg, New York. Amsterdam, May 19?Sailed, bark Lara (Br), Carrie, Now York. Bremen, May 19 a 20?Arrived, abip Cleopatra (Oar), Poppo, New York; hark* Saiidvik (Sw), llogstrom, Savan nah: Pjhono (Kr), McDonald, New York; Caroline (Qer), Block (1<>; Meteor (Uer), Dlnkelberg. do. Bristol, May 20?Arrived, steamer Lord Ellington (Br) , Blair. Philadelphia. Belfast, May 18?Arrived, iblp Otago (Br), Gnlllaon, Philadelphia. II n. no a, to May 20-Arrived, bark Qnoben (Fr), Boulon, New York. Bordeaux. May 17?Arrived, bark Veronica (Nor), Peter* ?en. New York (before reported without (late). ."?ailed 17th, baric Ulutin (Ital), P.iolillo, New York. CAKDtvr, May 20?Arrived, bark Eugenia Lougo (Ital) Ruggier, New York. Arrlvod 18th, ateamor Klieola (Br), Allan, New York. Cork. May 17 - Soiled, barkn I'ronident (Nor), llousken. United States; Lillian M Vlkna (Br). Vlgus. New York. Ckonstaut, May 14?Arrived, brig Leonora, Blood, New York (before reported without date). C'httk, May 10?Arrived, baric II'Leono (Ital), Ferraro, New York. Calais. May 17?Arrived, bark Akiab (Fr), Goeselln, Piieagon'a. Ciiristiansand, May 19?Sailed prevlone'y, bark Lov spring (Nor). New York (uot as before reported). Dundalic, May 18?Arrived, bark Charles Kahl (Ger), Mobr, Baltimore. Hailed 17th, bark Flnvio (Ital), Mareeea, United Statei, Dckli.v, May 19?Arrived, barks Amore (Ital), Rosso, Baltimore; Harry lialley (Br). Wlmora. Philadelphia. sailed 18th, barks Ulusopp j Castaglion (Ital), Ferrara, New York; ltltb, Kate Cann (Br), Cann, Delaware River; 20th, ship Unfus & Wood, Davis, San Francisco. Klsixore, May 17?Arrived, ship Ida (Ger), Fenuekohl, Savannah f ir Keval. Arrived prior to 20th, bark David Babcock, Colcord, New York; llertha (Nor), l'ederaen, do. Falmouth. May 20?Arrived, ship Franconla, Otis, Hu antllos;bark Gen Falrchlld, Kolley. do. Galway. May 20?Sailed, barks Carplone (Br), Boyle, and Lottie (Br), tnnls, United States. Urkexocx, May 20?Arrived, ship Corsica, Stetson, Samarang. Gzkoa, May 1(1?Arrived, barks Armonla (Ital), Ferro, Philadelphia; 17th, Investigator. Carver, New York; Giove (Ital), Lauro, Pensacola; Producent (Nor), Espelnnd, Balti more. Hull, May 20?Arrlvod, bark Veritas (Br), Murray, Da rien. Havre. May 17?Arrived, barks Relnc des Auges (Fr), Lecuyer, New Orloans; 18th, N S (Nor), Petersen, do; 19tb, Piskataqua (Br), Scott, Buenos Ayros. Sailed 17th (not 19th), bark Mlndet (Nor), Ingebrethsrn, Now York; 18th, ships Lizzie Burrlll (Br), Bobbins, do; Palmyra, Preble, Philadelphia: bark Vilora H Uopklns, Hopkins, Cow Bay, CB, and Now York. Hoxg Koxc, May IN?Arrived previously, bark Francis B Fay, liollins, Newcastlo, NSW. LrvERrooL, May 18?Arrived, bark Atlantic (Nor), Gun dereen. New Orleans; 19th, steamer Cunopus (Br), Ilors tall, Boston; barks Esra (Nor), Jorgensen, Wilmington, NC; Carmen Lulea (Sp), Foruria, Mobile (see below); Ella (Nor), Larson, Charleston; Helios (Rns), Snellman, Ponsacola; Ilex Oor), Hansen, Galveston; 20th, ships Rydalmere (Br), MoWilliams, New York; Msrtha Bowker, Bowker, Charleston; N Mosher (Br), Klchmann, do; bark Arcadia (Br). Dakln.St John, NB; brig Nneva Juliana (Hp), Marlines, Wilmington, NC. Also arrived 20th, steamers Chilian (Br), Bremner, and Colombo (Br), Young, New Orleans; Memllng (Br), Bunker, New York. Sailed 10th, ships W R Grace. Blaok, New York; Chas Dennis, Krser, do; bark Teteus (Nor), Marcnteen, Phila dolpbta; 20th, ship Olivo 8 Southwward, Walker, Singa pore. London, May 18-Arrived, ship'Edgar (Br), Flowers, Philadelphia; 20th, bnrke Vera (Ger). Lukke, Now Tors; Grsntou (Run, Jamllux. Penaacola; Violette (Uer), Bog garts. Wilmington, NO; Emily Lowther (Br), Webster, Philadelphia. Railed 10th. eblp Bremorlehe (Uer). Rouken, United State*; bark Juliet (Br). Duguld, San Francisco. Lynx, May 18? Arrived, ship Garland (Br), Ingram, Pen sacola. Londondkrrt, May 19?Arrlvad, bark Rosa Madelina (Ital), Fernando, Baltimore. Railed 18th, barks Admiral (Nor), Jensen, United States; Illawatha (Br), Little, do; Stormy Petrel (Br), Charles, Baltimore. Lihkuick, May 19?Sailed, bark Madre CerntU (Ital), Mortola, New York. Lisbon, May 14-Arrived, bark Annie Troop (Br), Fer guson, Philadelphia, Movillr, Msy 20? Arrived, steamor Sarmatlan (Br), Alrd, Montreal for Liverpool (and proceeded). Moktiiobk, May 19?Arrived, bark I<orenso (Nor), Kit trlsen. New York via Qneeustown. MAttxr.ii.LRs, May Ill-Arrived, bark Oatallna (Sp), Julie, Charleston; 17th, brig A (J Jewett, Heed, New York. Mrlbournk, May 19?Arrived, ship Hugueoot, Nicker son. New York Ibelore reported wlthnat date). Oiun, May 14?Arrived, bark Knrlchetta (Ital), Fran cesra, Pensscola. Qurknstown, May 20?Arrived, barks Agostlnn Repetto (Ital), Antola, Philadelphia; Nnova Marina (Ital), Krall, do. Sailed 19th, steamer Wisconsin (Br), Forsyth (from Liv erpool), New York. Passed Crookhaven 20tb, steamer Illyrlan (Br), Arm strong, Boston for Liverpool. Kottkupam. Msy 20?Arrived, steamer Rotterdam (Dntch),Lucas, New York (not previously). Southampton, May 20-Arrivod, steamer Nnrnberg (Oer). Jaeger, New Orleans for Bremen (and proceeded). 81.100, May 18?Sailed, bark Vldfarne (Nor), Mathlaaan United Ktates. Tkxii., May 17?Arrived, bark Soderbamn (Dutch), VIs ser. New York. London. May 20? Bark Carmen Lntsa (Pp), from Mobile, arrived at Liverpool yestorday with malnmstt sprang, vessel strained and leaky. WEATHER REPOBT. ItoLYiiltAn, May 2'\ PM?Wind NE. fresh. PLYMotmt, Msy 20?Wind NW, moderate, One; barome ter 29.85. FOREIGN FORTS. ANTtctTA, April 20?Arrlv.'d, scbr Agile, Fnlford, New bern. NC. sailed May 2. schr Llsr.lo Lee. Ptnbbs. New York, III S'lirnA. May h Sailed, brig Kmlly (Br), K-nne. hrls tul. with cargo of brlx Prioress illr) ; lltli, h*rk Monarchy (llri, I'esrce, Kagllsh Channel, lor orders (>tarted 9th, but was compelled to anchor in eouseqti neo ot unfavorable weather) : 12th. brig Rover (By. M hlte, Dem rara;-clirs Meteor (Br), Dnnscombe. Barbados; 14th, Uncle Tom, Meyeie, he v Yors. In port Ma* HI hrlg Tropic Bird (Br), Meyer, for New York; ?rl r* II 1 Vales, Hopkins. Iroin do, arrived ISth, Ul?g, to lo?d produce lor do: Marta (Br), refitting. C?vrKAi 11 v, April 21?in poll, schr )Valter I, Plnmmer, IMicrii-r, forcbampoten next day, to finish Idg for New York. Caps Hatti, May 1?In port, schr Louisa Wilson, Holt, from Boston, to -all for In 2 days. Arrived April 2H. schr "Algora," Irom (and sailed for Port aa Prince). C1iAKi.0TTRtr1wx.PBI, May 10-Arrlved, bark Wellington (Hr). O'Call.ighan. London. Sailed IBlh, shin .lames Duncan (Br), Klckham, Liver P?c!>w Bat. CB. May 20-Balled, steamer Fiamborough (Hr), Fraser, New York. Ill port ISth. bark J II Myrlck (Br. new), McKay for New York, big; schr !? H llalsteod, for do. do. Fai.routii, Msy 8?Cleared, bark F.boneter (Nor),8oren ""(JibrVlta'r, Msy 14?Passed, steamer Bcotla (Br), Garvle, from Molly lor New York Havana Msr 1!)-Arrived, steamer City of Vera Crus, Van B 01. New York. . ... llAi.irAX. May 2o? Arrived, steamer Alhambrs (Br).Mc Rlheiiv hi Johns, NF. North SV0RRV. CB, Mar 19-Arrived, bark John Oeddle (Br). Jaekson, llnvre for orders. Point hr ( April 11?In port, ship Phlneas Pendle ton. Nlehols, nne. . . . . I'kkx tnnrco, April 17?Railed, bark Adrian V (Aas), Olassicn. New York. _ .. I'oint-a-Pitkk. April 22?Railed sehr Dione, McDonald, Bt Thomas, with part of Inward cargo. 1 onto Cabvi.lo. Amil tO-Artfved, brig Anna (Her). Lsarmon, Philadelphia; schr Fred Jackson, Andrews, Now York. 27th. brlx P.lche (Br), Lindsay, Philadelphia; Harriet H. Avery Now York. Hailed April 2d, hrlg D'Artagnan (Fr), Delamar, Now ^In^'port May 2, bark Rocset. Atkinson, for New York; brig Ransom iHr>, Ieitson. Irom and for do (arrived 2dtii), to sail shout the llth. (jiintxsTowx, May 7?Cleared, hark TJomo (Nor), Bache, Gloiicoslef. . . M Hailed May 3 bark Carollrto (Ana) Glierbas. Fleetwood. UtiKRKO. Mar 17?Arrived, sioanier (jaebee (Br), Lin dsill, Liverpool via Halifax. St IMkiikk. Mart. April 22?Arrived, schrs Clias II Fn bens Keene, savannah via St Kltt*. In port April 27. schrs Xebec (Br), Danbam, for Balti more ; Anita. Rmall, uuc. 8T Thomas, May 8?Arrived, schr Alta V Cole, Mitchell, Angostura, Sailed 7th, bark Nornti, Hall, Sagna; brigs I.nln (Br), divan, and John Brtglitmau. Hanson, Cnba: Mth, D F Brown (llr), freeman, St Domingo. ST Kitts. April IS Arrived. M-lirs T M Thomas, llowland, Washington. Nil, (and MNtd 29th lor Newliern, NC): 21th, T Harris Kirk, Cavalier, Naw York; 28th Vosemiie, Peaice, Boston: Ma) 2. Carolina, Ossklll, Wuihln iton. N(J, StMskti.xs, April 30-In port, schr Nettle T Beat, Tur ner. irom Boston. Bt Johns, PR, May Balled, schr Mabel, Maloney, New Yors, 81 Joiix, NB. May 17-Cleared, barks Matilda 0 Smith ,Br). Bulmer, Barrow; KUida (Br). Lane. <?k 1 y tin (Br), i-hnlmeis, Liverpool- brtig Aa$lo (or)e rou. Orookiiavsu. AMERICAN POllTA BOSTON. May 18-CU-are -. ?cbr? Charger. Ana. to load lor New York; I unis Depew, Miter. do. ao. Ge<>rgo W Gumtnln *, Nick?r??n. i1<?, do. n*iifnw kOtli ?Arrived. (teamor. Worcetter. Hedge. Ha . Seminole. Hallett bavanah; .Bouiaa.^Craweil^ Mil. s phia; Henry Orosky, Butler? Uomlout. Uvo-oool; ADo arrived, tte.ui.ers Allan <1)0. Talb ??< i ? Af"""k U^T-. Ww^i m Barrett? Pidhtilel ph?a j ?oh? ^sri^LmcJld^ ?;>? Mar.'Aldrleb. Hobo Won; Elleu. Wbltmore. New . ,Rr. ir?-tor Llver Clearod?Steamer. City >?( "jUtol (Br). rosterDiver pool; (it ii iicu., jle.rae. Now York; bark We.toru boa. h'u 11 e d?' -'to e'ra "r pSlne. bark Febo. brig Cb.rle. Dan nlB; '"MM-MtK.0 May 'Vs^?Arnvo^' ^irb Hear, Polbam (late Br). ham Norfolk. lo bo repaired. Cleared?Sehr Helen, ferry. New ''edlord. ?jutli- Arrived, atraraor Tnckahoe. "'<{*"?tf*r7h J?Ohio bark?\V llle McLaren (Br) !McLaren I r.lei?. North'?rn me (Br,. Brandon? ^'uVn ' l PenBold. Rl Janeiro: Vaneanlea (Br, bclire s F Mile.. Ap-ley. Bahama.; T J APIg* ffi&?A*"SE?? Mcfceraon, Akia (Gen. llogeraau, A" ''?/E;!! IU? S* A C Bean! yLib'TSiu.; ichr". *???? S <:onant B.^r K.n^bec; ^rotvSrtfK^ci'jol, t Mnu. n! '''X?^.r;frk Kroaa (Swo). Lgg.?. S.I-*-* K"naua2S!^.P lr?p'r? h.avv'wiather; lo.; deek toei "oieSr'ed-ShVp Bon.n.a (Br). Webwer. Dublin; bark. Telumacber (Nor,. Jobn.ojv S H M Cowe'lY Crow M'do- John K Mia*. H...elton, llarlom; HabiRi ??? ESlSiw^CKrOa^7'l"^rrwf:ld%ohr Sarah Eaton. Pi(e[r;?idC0Htb?'b-k Ben]farahi Di ck er m a n, Yale. Now YBBAUFOBT. sc. Mny 15?Arrlyod, scbr Brigadier, Nor 1 ?0leared 17t it.^ark Noah (Nor). aj.ruldwa U.nden. CEDAR KEVS, May 15?Atnved, scbr Gbna Moors. Men ?'(?*l ABLEST?,N, May 17?Sailed, echr Annie L McKeen. M*Bh-^r?r%,?Tu.Abbl. L Dow. Cor.on.,ett; "e'enred'?Ba'rk"rank! Vno*r>'," Petenen. 0?,.w; .chr P T Wllletts. Wlllotti; Barflmore. , p-?-i. Sailed?Srlir. llattlo. New Verk; Jennie ftodLors, ProTl denoo ; Bubble B Didkinson. W llmlnglon, NO. _. k EAST MACII1A8, .Muy 10?Sailed, fccbr Ala.ra. Clark, BKKttNANDINA, Mar 15-Arrlred. sohr. WmTodd Wood New Vnrk; Ueo Cburchmau, 1 i.loy, do. Wm D!filb^Arllve'.n'?i^HW Brown. Hmltb New H.ven KORTKKS9 MONBOK. May -O-Arrlvcd, bark Vaee (N;iA)L^nst'rN\BM!7''?-ArV.yS?l. .teamer City of Houa t?aVoRC<KT6w,N \?)C' May 18-Olear.d. .cbr. K P tfSw. taSS Wio". HoU: Nellie Brown. Kelly ?I iH; Vonib Norwalk; Ira Bli??. ilendaon. Port Morrta, NT ; Conilitutlon, touni, Allyn'. Polni,; Paul l'homn.oa Bi;fbIlWlr"d:\ohr"bnLTwLlUm" Newberry. New f?J AU?ics').N VILL.K. May 18 -Arrlred, .chr. 8 8 Ruiiell, vi.nith \nii York* l'ndo (Br), Garvin, Nasaau, Nl. ' Cleared lBth. echr Florida. Bairier. New Yor}J- York. . i-*ith Mchr A F Kiodbartfe Robuiaon, New York. Hailed litli. islirk lUttle E/ill'-b.Bennmt. Albany r.^V'doVK.Vh Oen^E'sphinir. Daytoo, do (befori re of San Ante Woayor, N*nih''c!?nred. .hip <5oo Hurlbut. Ma.bon, Liverpool. NEW ORLEANS, May 16?Arrived, neamer Margaret, n&A*^ nool t%c * Boruwla (Br>, Wllliania. do via Cornnna. Cleared?Bark Alexaudria (Nor). Mortentejeru. Queens* *7- a May 10-Arrived, berk Frederickabarg (Dan), Muuvleb! St /horua.: hchr Larrie Nelion, p *r.d?n!..' ^* r'f'lJ 2<)tb?sailed, ?blp. St Cloud (Br), for Cork. ^NeVhCRYPORT. May 18-ArHred. ?to?raer Panther, Miliar Philadelpbia; Kchr American Cbief, Snow, ? Cleared?ScUr Edward Lnmeyer. Mllllken. Meyaguea. NE\V~MEDSOlto!' May'lS?Arrtv?d,""hr'Cha. P Stick "'JiilSd-'l^hril^Be'ad^Ben.on, MattapoUett, to loot f?NEWPOBT, May 15?Arrived, tobr Mary II MIIBln, Ferrtg Warren for I'onoken. silledTrnra OutcliV.Taiid 17th, .chr Storm King, Cobb, !>2i)tU?Arrlvod, ?,br Hattle Card. Moore. Capo Haytl fot 0rN?kW HAVEN. May 20-Arrivod, ?)hr? John Brook. Now Yon ; John Potts Araboj; Creono ^ountr Tanner Kondoat; Twilight. Philadelphia: Bla*e. do. I W lline do : A II Huriburt. do; KorobtOnk, Baltimore. Ctoarad?Brig. Ooorgo, St Croix; 0 Morris (Br), Not Y?PENSACOLA, May 15-Arrlv?d, bar*. Hev#r?hom (Br), Mill. Ixindon ; Marlasna VII (P?rt). Lopes id.hon. ltli'h?Arrived, bark Malabar (Fri. FLehot, loulon. PORT RoYAL, May 20?Arrived, .toanicr City ol ? P III La' 1,K^ VH TaJ Vl'* v 1*?Arrived, .ehr. Amo. Fa 1 ken. here Early, Somenet: B (I Irwin. John.on. Provideneoi Lucy K Cog.well, Cheney. Newburyp .?; Ella F CroweO, AUttb'?Arrived .teamer. Lanca.ter, Mill.. Bo.ton; Nun man Mcker?on,' do; Catharine VV hltlng. ll?rding. Provl. rienc.- Kanltn, CroOkor, Kali Hirer; tt lUlam.port, Wit letu Poruni Utb; May Flower. Duvid.on, New lork; bark Jotoph Hlcaman (Br).HI.hop, Antwerp; .ehr. W J Lamb, din \Di)leKarth, Naaaau: Ja?a? ^tarr, Biirton, Oardl nor'; Lncv Jonea, Mnrlhngh. New Uavoni' J (dark, Carr, Now York : M P Cox. Slmpkln*. Broad Lreok.NC. * Alio anive.l. .teainor Rattle.nKke. Swa^. Ko.tnn. OarlU Tnncook (Br). Hnu-h*. Liverpool; 1 P Wbltton Carver, Mat*; brig Chrl.tena (Br), Monroe. HI l iorro, Marti (i W W-keford (Br). Murehl.oo. Havana; .chre C W May, Davis OlenTneko.: Addle K Warner. Lewi., ^'Antonio. Northern Light. Kelley. MaTagae.; A c 1 uige Haley, w'..nii?itAr? \V McLooa, Roiran. Harmnda, h J waiia Watts Windfor, NH; Hannah Bhubart, Klti?. Boston: !War| A Hood, Steelman Soraereot; Robeoca Klorenoe. Ittohardo, Kennebec River: llenry Wlthlngton. Vjt v'.C York-bark. Cleared?steamer Anthracite. Crumley. Now York. bar.. Gra'-e Ktilnn (Br). Grant. Dunkirk: Avenlr (trl. ? e.e mrtcl Cork for orders: An^lnlina Honardl (Ital), -. bcbr, Molr * llnmnier , ef. Alice Boriln. Taylor, de; S D K*i,hh.?"- - aJ H-'?tleT II iren; Surge, Duuglaee. Bridgeport, Conn, A J oentiey, i wi. New Haven; Lucy Jones do. Lkw*.. Del May -JO?Arrived, .teamor Antonio (Or), An'Vrema. Liverpool; hark. 8. (Ital). Xlcobni Landoni Rate Saucton iKri, Carver. Londonderry , Job" Kill. (Br), H|mnw.o.W.terr0rd:Eu,lllo Maria (Not^U OWen-Wmerick. /tirt i ordiev London; bri* roerio*B vor;, ry-.a-w nnic'jeremliih. Ford, do: .cbr. Kinma C Komraeli, Ltttle, MoArua* Bonan.a, Allen. Bar(?ado. for order*. Pa.aed uo?Bark A F Stoneman (Br). Oroaby. from vierrlw. Dowie.. Cardenaa; eehre Clytle, Laagbto'n, Mat.n.a.; B S Farnham. banT'Matarl'u^'wMllTiin'fVo'irn'rlck? Ame*. Card'cnat. b^ll.Md-B.Vk 'MJo.rva" '?hiUd.lphla; brig Co? (%RTLTNVM:.%.VebIs-AX:/? Kirkott; Peari, Ooldtliwalte. sod odell, W Inelow, New Ym'h?Arrived, .blp Berth, (of Portland), Chl.bolm (Wto Tyler, Cenfagoe; brig | 1' P HO \d HE nV: K.1 M V" Ps -*a\-r I red, .chr. Jennie A Shep. ard. Kdgeli. Philadelphia; Mliine.ota, lloltver, I ort John ' Soiled?Steamer. Wm Kennody. Fo.ter, Brillmore via Norfolk; Catharine Whiting Harding. johr. Brnnett, Bleh ; Whl.tler, Kltigcmld, a d Airred CUa.o. Ul?h?Arrived?Mjbr. Itle of I'lnee. Logg. Rondont: Henry Mav llaicb Port John.on; Goo II llovt. Decker: Hham r"?k'. Tr -y. and Potter * Hooper. Bradbury. Havemraw, !i B Clark. Carburr. New York : Helen, Soar e d^ PAWTUCKET. May IS Sailed. ?clir. K Flower. Keleey, Bondont; lllrain Toeker. Knowlton, and Maria 8, Knowlton, X,Scl"lM(>ND Mar IS?Sailed, .cbre Enoch Moor., Cham bcor Erne.t, Betoutnan. Baltimore via pbl| BAVaNNaII, May 'JU? Arrived, >?hr LO lllekinan, run a d l'ut'lnto quarantine-Sebr H-r' rin -ton. from Havana for Portland, with eantaln rfek. Cleared?Bark Oilmnla (Sp). Mareal, London. Sailed?Bark Kama (Hp). Barcelona. _ oil vu Mar IB?Arrtvad. ?i?araer W llli am sport, WIN letta 1'nriimooth for Philadelphia, (put (n for a harbor) \ lcl,r John K Daley. Long. Cb.ckahomtny River lor Frew P"('heared-Schr Iioul.harg (Br), Day, St John. NB. Via "'istlV? Sailed, the arrival, of 10th. pound S and E, with the exception of schtS Geo A Albert and John Haleh. linn?Arrived, ateamer Heading. I'leree. Phllado!pbl?i eciir I.ubteria (Br). Furrier. Cow Bar. CM. STONINUTON, May is?Sailed, .chr Sarah Brn.n, Reed, ^ViNEYARD HAVEN, May lS-Arrl?ed. .ehr. Lexing ton, Letgbton, Hoboken for nalem ; Delhi. Emer.nn, South Amboy ior Portland: Ida llad.01., Ar-y. Provl'?enee le? Roekland; Klcbmoiid. Themp.on, Rockland lor New York. Pa.eed by-Sehr. F Merwln, Hunee. Philadelphia for Kd gartown; P M Wheaiou. Barrett, do for Bo.ton; NH Skinner. Thraeher, do lor Ea.t (vermouth; L llolway, "soiled ? "chrbT 1 dV^ Hndbon, Delhi, Hamnel Corleton, 8 A^Plh-Amw"d.'hrlg ValrflVld1 \Mr). Morri?. New Yerk to* Wlnd?or. N H; bchra Graee Van Do.en, l.revee, Philadelphia for Bobton; llriiry M sterke. Cahoon. do lor Portsmouth; L L Hamline, Velior, Poughkeepale lor So lom Mary Stow Macon. Sooth Amboy lor GroveUnd, M?a?- Katie Mitchell. Oliver, llohoken lor Auguata; Mag. cie Hell Hall. Rockland for Richmond; llantreie, Curtis, Dennvbrlllo tor order. (Warren, K I).I Unturned?Sehr Ida Hiidaon . , , ? I'a.eed by?Hehre Philanthropic, Shea, Franktort. Me for New York: Harbinger. Wenlworth, Bangor f?r doi Huenn.Thuraton. Rockland lor do; Jo.epli llay. Mutter, Bo-ton for Philadelphia Sailed? Si hra Magrlo Itell. Huntree*. and Rlehmond. WILMINGTON, NC. May 18-Olearcd. (teamer Regit, lator. Doane. New York, gnth?Cleared, ?ehr F A Voiint. Grenada. Wt. _ VACIir*. HTK\,Ulll?,VTS, ?Wo. Linn s a i j k a hTRXS YaoIFPT SI Fa Mr .F 10.1 ? In.iMM bcnm, angina 4?l i now l?M Hummer; M bo soon Hi Tollcnvlilo, H. i. 0. WALKRIl. Wont End Hotel WANTED I'll K A I'?KOU It-OA HKD KOWBOAT. A? drcn. atating particular* hiiiI whera to ba neon, ROW BOAT, bo* 1H.1 licrnld Uptown olBoo NliUBLLANBOUk. WffijWJfl VhllXlH Ui. I iiMI'ns. UK WOitk LuV J JKA'iKA pennant to taxo; children Ilka them ; tlie w?rm don't i 'J.'i corn*. TTFiTiRitH! M OTIIKRft! KuMIKRx) DON'I KA Hi T(? I'ltOlHfKI, Mil*. WINrtl.OW'A nliorilINO svitui' foil Il.l, DMBAXKH UK TKKTIt 1NU IN CllII.UKKN ; It relieve* the child from pxlik cure* wind colic, regulate* 'I1* bowel*, mid by giving raUot and UealtU to tha culld clva* raat to tha motliar.