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THE COURTS. Important Decisions Given by Judge Blatchford. A LITIGIOUS BROTHERHOOD. Investigating the Accountability of Executors. Judge Blatohford handed down various decisions yesterday in the United States Circuit Court. In the case of John Leisenring vs. the Land Grant Railway end Trust Company the demurrer Is overruled, with costs, with leave to the defendants demurring to an swer Ute bill wlthiu thirty days on payment of costs. In the suit ot Catharine J. Ludwig vs. the Pennsylva nia Railroad Company the demurrer to ibo complaint is overruled. In the sett of Benjamin Law vs. The Wayne County Savings Bank Judge Biatcblord. lu his decision, nates that this suit was removed into this Court under the pursuauco ol section 2 ot the set of March 3, 1870 (18 United Slates Slututas st Largo, 470). That section providos that "any suit ot a civil nature, at law or In equity, now pending, or hcroufter brought In any Sialo court, where the matter in dispute exceeds, ex clusive of costs, tne sum or vuluo ol $500, and arising under too ooustltutlou or laws ot ibo United Slates, ?r treaties mado or which shall bo uiado under tbelr authority, or in which tho United Slates shall bo plaintiff or potiuoner, or in which tliero ahull bo a controversy between citizens of different States, eituar party way remove said suit into the Circuit Court of tne United amies lor the proper district." When this suit was brought in the Stuto Court tho plaintiff was a citizen ol tbo Slate ot Now York, uud tho det'oudaut was a corporation created by the State of Pennsylvania. The defendant removed the eult Into this Court. The alleged ground ol re> moval was that this ault was a controversy between citizens ot different Stntes, and that tho mat ter in dispute exceeded, exclusive ol costs, the sum or value ol $500. The euit was brought to recover $000 lor prolessioual services ruudored to the delenuuni by the plaintiff' as an attorney and counsellor at law. The plaintiff'now moves to remand tbo cause to tho buio Court. 1 bo motion to romaud is denied. A slut llur question arose lu the suit ot Samuel A. Sawyer, Daniel L. Wallace and Thomas Miller vs. the Switzer land Marine Insurance Company. The plaintiffs, as copartners, brought this suit against the defendants, k corporation cruatod by tho Republic of Switzerland, In the Supreme Court ol New York, on a policy of In lurance issued to tuo plaintiffs, as copartners, uy their copartnership name, .'he dciendaats instituted pro ceedings to remove the suit Into tbe United States Court on a petition alleging that when too suit was brought tho plaintiffs were citizens ot tbe Stuio of New York. An order of removal was mado by tbe Btate Court. I bo plaintiff's now move to reinaud Ibo suit to the State Court, on the ground that when the suit was cowraonced Wailueo uud Miller were aliens uud subjects ol Groat Britain, while Sawyer was u en IZ'in ot the Stale ol New York. Judgo Blatelilord holds that as two of tho plaintiff's are aliens the rcqui me Jurisdictional oltizenshlp must exist as to each Individual plaintiff, and au order mutt be entered re manding the ease to tbe State Court. ANCIENT HIBERNIANS. Daring tbe past four or Qvo years tbe Ancient Order of Htbernlaua or tbe Uolted Slates have bad no end of troubles to contend against, coming not only lrom tbe disapproval ol the Mother Cnnrcb but also from those of their own household. Tbe Ordor, which Is supposed to number 70,000 members in tbe city of New York alone, has bltberto been accustomed to bold ill meetings here. The last national convention was hold bore in 1877, and passed a resolution to the effect Ihut the next convention would be held in May, 1873, it tbe same place. Notwithstanding this John Hart, National Delegate; Thomas Kerrigan, Na tional Secretary, and Edward L. Carey, National Treasurer, all ol whom are Now Yorkeri, called a con* reutiou lor tbo same date, to bo held in Boston. The New York lodges then took measures to restrain ' ho holding ot tbs conveutiou In Boston, claiming tbut aooer the constitution and bylaws ol lUe Order, as well aa the resolution ol tho last oauveuiiou relating thereto, the oooventlon should bo held in ibis city, wbero tbo membership has a largo prepouderuoce. An order was obtained lrom tbe Superior Court di recting tbe officers who bud noticed tbo mooting to tugo place in Boston to show cause why they should not be rostraioeu lrom boluiug it ibore, sou also why they should not plaoe tho boogs ot tbo Order In tbe custody of tbo Court. In tbe moantlme two ?onventiuns were held?oue in tbls city sua one la Boston. Tbe mailer came before tho Conn yester day, lu Superior Court, Chumuors, Chlel Justloe Car tis on the bench, waen It was expected urgumeut would be heard on tbo uppllcuiton lor un injunction. The New Yorkers were represented by Mr. Joseph Newburger, and tho lovors of Boston by Messrs. Loo and Abbott. By ugioemeai ol counsol an udjouru meui was lakeu until the 27th mat. It was plain that the result ol tbe motion could bavo no effect on a convention which bud been already held, but tho object lu arguiug the motion, counsel said, was to ob tsiu a decision ot tbo Court as to the right of tbe officers ol tho Ordor to call u convontton toassemblo In tbe city ol Uusion instead ol the city of Now York. DK. O'TOOLE'S HEIltS. Before Calvin yestorduy, on the petition ?I Jenalo O'Toole, now Aire. Corcoran, and her sister, Mary O'Toole, an application waa made by Mr. Henry 0. Dcnuon, ibalr counsel, for an order to com pel Charles Devlin and Timothy J. O'Toole, as executors nnder tbo petitioners' deceased father's will, to rendor an account of all properly and assets that bave come Into their hands since lUoir appolntniont aa such ex. ecutors. Mr. DcdIsod, In presenting the application, stated that tboir father died In December, 1857, and under the will Mr. Devlin end Timothy J. O'foolo were appointed oxocutore of their father's es lute, and tnoy being minors tbo executors placed them under restraint In St. Joseph's Academy In MarylantL During the confinement they knew uothlng ol any proceeding In relation to the administration of thoir lather's estate, aud when released they employed counsel to compel them to account; but their cuuueol permuted a mo tion to compel tbem to account to go by default. Having become ol age they, through tboir present counsel, luako tbe proseut application locouipol tne exocutors to render a llnal accounting, and also seek to vacate any dorreo discharging ouuer ol them irout their llubilitioa as executora. Mr. Kisac, ou tbe pert ol Mr. Devlin, clulmed that tbo records ol the Court Showed that Mr. Devilu bed duly accounted lor every penny that hud come mto bit hands as executor, aud that ne had been duly discharged under u docreo ol Surrogate Tuoxer from any lurthor liability; but al though the original decree could not bo found on Die the came appeared to he recorded. Surrogate Calvib, alter au examination of the decree. Intimated that the same could not be held as n IImil decree discharging Mr. Delviu, and but oue question rema'ned?as to whether any fraud had beuu commltiod. Mr. Deal son suggested a rolureuce to ascertain thai fact, but Surrogate Caivlo took ibu papers aud reserved his du cislon. Among tbe counsel who formerly tool: part in this ?till unlluislied litigation wcro the lute James T. Brady, Klchard O'Uorinsn aud John McKoou. Too amount ol tno ostaie, as claimed on boUall of tbe petitioners supposed to bavo been lull by their dead latuer, was estimated at about $40,000, but It is alleged tnat all the exocutors bavo nccouutou lor is between $8,000 and gl',000, and (bat ol this sum $8,600 Is cnarged lor the support and eduoailnn ol the girls from 1b67 to 1803. this amount, even ad mliting it to have been paid, la claimed 10 bave been excessive. HAULEM LAND TITLES. Henry Hart and William Uomaon purchased from Urn city in 1870 laud beiwceu bigb and low wntnr mark adjoining property already owned by tbem above tbe Tbird avonue brldgo in Harlem. Sub sequently tbe oily brought a suit of e|ecimenl against tbem. claiming tbal tbe aalo was void because not ?ode at public auetion. Tbo case was argued ou ap. pool In Supreme Court, Geueral Term, yesterday, wbere It was contonded by Mr. Claikson N. l'ottor, counsel for tbe defendants, that, as they derived tuclr title to tbe uplande from ilarleui patents which ante dated the Dongan cbnrior, under whiou tbe any claimed, tbey prc-cinpuvel v became outttleil to low water mark. I'lie Dongan charter guve tbe city all tbe waste, vacant and ubpalouiod luuii Wit*iu the elty extending lo low water mark. '!Uu llnrlein grants oonveyed the nortbcrly part of Msiihnttaii Island "to the end ol the towns and itarlem Itvvor or tny part ol the said ryver ou wincb the island uoiii abutL" Mr. 1'otter argued that, even If ilia Hur Irtn patents granied ouly to nigh water mark, never theless llie owuers ol the upland were by tbe act of 186J entitled, as eucli, to a presumptive right to the lands under wntor in (rout ol the shore. I lie grant to dolenoeuts by tbe city in 1871) wis valid, the pro vision ilist all property sold b? authority oi the (Join, nion Council should ou sold at auction having no bi-arlug upon eules ol laud under water, wnicb the Commissioners ol llio Sinking H uml had lor )ears be. loru power to make. Tbe Court reserved iu decision. MORTGAGE SATISFACTION. A mortgage executed by Uornurd Keeiy to a do teased party was paid oil tcu yours ago, but not satis led of record Mr. Feoly now moves tbs Court lor bn order to compel the executors of tbe deccsaed to exeunt# to blra a aatisfaotion piece. The matter came bclore Jodgo Donobue, In buprcme Court, Chamber*, truer# toe motion waa resisted by Mr. Julius J. Lyon <>n tbe ptrt ol tne executors ol ihe deceased. It mm claimed by Mr. Lyou tbal under the Iiw ot 1868 this motlen ooold not bo tnade until tweuty years alter puymont of tbo mortgage, and that the proper remedy was by a sun iu equity. Tno Court coiacidod wilt ibis view ol tbe case and deuiod tbe motion. It was stated on tbo part of tbe execu tors ibat all they wanted was to be protected in giv ing tbe satisfaction by a proper order el tbe Court SUMMARY OF LAW CASK& Thomas Mauuban, a bankrupt, waa brought beloro Doited States Commissioner Osborn yesterday by Deputy Marshal Bernburd, charged with trauduleut concealment of his assols to the amount ol $20,000. Bail was given In $6,000, and mo oase was aat down for bearing this aiteroooo. Tlio Genoral Term or tho Supremo Court yesterday denied the application of Professor Theodore W. Dwight that tbo law graduates ot Columbia College be admitted as counsellors us wall us attornoys. Tboro were seventeen students, however, who had euiered belore April 30,1S76, and these were admitted both as attorneys and counsellors. Jacob Aberlo, proprietor of the Tlvoli, was nr ralgued yesterday before Recorder Hackett on two Indictments lound on tho complaint ot roe Society lor tbe Prevention of Cruelty to Children, eharglng that be allowed to be exblotted at his thoatre as a song and danco artist a child only eight years old, and also per mitting a trapeze perlormuuce without lue usual net ting required by law. Tho accused pleaded not guilty to both churges. lu February, 1874. AdolpDus F. Wurburton obtuined a judginoui against Gideon J. Tucker, ex-Surrogate, lor $9,23d 06. Mr. Tucker was yesterday examined lu tbe Cuuri ol Comtnou Picas us to nu possession of property liable i# be applied in satisluuliou ol tbejudg uicut. The examination developed tbe lact that Mr. Tucker's wife bus some properly, but be, personally, bus uono ol uuy consequence. George, the Count Joanues, has a suit against Jason 11. Tutile lor $6bU proiusslonai lees. Ttie de leuouut deuios both the servicos und tbelr alleged vuluu, and sets up a counter claim tor uiouey loaned. T'Uu plaintiff moved beloro Juuiiu Donobuo, In Su preme Court, Cnumbers, yesierduy, lor nu ordor ex cluding defendant Irotn giving testimony iu tbo cuso because bo bud not lumisboU a bill of particulars Decision wus reserved. Two Italian children, named Alexander and Nlnl Rubiuo, were arrested by Ollleer Cniurdi, ol the So ciety for tho prevention ol Cruolty to Children, and bolu ul Jelleraon Murkei Poltoe Court. Their lather, Burtolomeo Kuuiuo, applied yesterday tbrougn his counsel, Messrs. Howe Si Hututuel, lor a writ ol cer tiorari to tho Police magistrate to show cause why the youug oues should not be restored to his custody. He is bliud, uud claims ho cannot truvel without their assistance to lead him. The writ was allowed by Judgo Douohuo, made rcluruablo to-morrow. "Proceediugs ou too upplloultoo ot the New York Cuntral and Hudson K.vor Railroad Company to acquire title to the lanus on toe west side ol their truck on Toutu avoouo to tbo river, Irom Sixty-tilth to Seventy-second street, wore belore Judge Douo hue, lu Supreme Court, Cbumbers, yesterday. Tbe Metropolitan Gusligut Company and other owners ol properly opposed tuo application ou the ground tout It was not necessary lor the purposes ot tbo raliwuy company. Tho issue thus raised. It was admitted by couusol, should be Ueard belore a roleree. The mat ter was thereupon referred to Mi. Kdwurd Owen. The Court thereupon uujourued tho Ueartug belore It to Muy 3L Mrs. Diana Bannister, of No. 49 West Washington square, wus, about a mouth sluoe, declared a lunatic, und a committee appointed to tuke charge ol her per son and properly. In Supreme Court, Cbumbers, yes terday. before Judge Douohuu, a motion was made to have tuo Inquisition declared void ou tho ground of Insufficient proof. The motion was opposed by Mr. George W. Wilson, counsel lor soino ot tno Irieuds of 41 re. Hun ulster, who conieudvd that the evidence was sufficient, and that the presont proceeding wus irreg ular. Judge Douonue reserved his decision. COUBT OE APPEALS. Albany, May 20, 1878. In tbo Court of AppoaU, Monday, May 20, 1878. Prcsont. lion. Sanfortl K. Church aim Asaocmtoa. No. 265. Mary E. Mix, roapoodont, va. the Andas Iusuraucu Cotupuuy, uppeliuul.?Argued by W V Cogswell for appellant aud Daniel Pratt for reapou' doiiL Na 214. Krodoriolc A. Potta, reapondent, va laaao Mayer, tuipleadod, 4c., appellant Argued by G. W. Carpenter lor appellant and Buinuul Uund lor reenon. denu Na 218. Allco Jane Hill, responaent, vs. Oacar Hurry ot ul,, appoilauts Submitted. No. 210. Jobu Kellogg at al., respondents, vs. Bob. art Norutan, appaliaot.? Argued by E. T. ltioe lor appalluntand W. L. Vandouburg lor respondents. No. 100. William H. Hume, appellant, vs. tba Mayor, 4c., ol New York, reaponoout.? Argued by George V. Couisioclc lor appellant and A. i. Ksquir lor respuudonts. Case sull ou. MOTIOX CALENDAR. Tba lollowlng Is ine motion caiondar for tbls day. May 21, 1878:?Na 167. Hiscock vs. Harris; No. 404. Tue Germau Anioricau llauk vs. Pulsion und Elinirn Coal Company; No. 400. The Howo Macblno Com pany vs. Pettinooe; No. 408. lu toe matter of oou Qruilng tba roport ol the CouimisHiouurs lor grading 4a, buckett and otbor streets lu Brooklyn; Na 409.' Jooos vs. Ludlani; No. 412, Tyuir vs. Halstead. DAY CALMiDAk. Tba following Is tbo duv caicooar' for Tnasdav, Mnv 21:?Not. 220, 221, 224, 202*. 149, 226, 220, 103. * BEAL ESi'ATE. Tba following aalea ware made on tba Ixcbange yes terday ar uiciiAuo v. tiAB.Narr. Foreclosure salo?Gllbett .u. Muter. Jr., referee?of tLo lot, 08.5x75x10.11x18 8xJux55, w. a. or New at., 13U.1 It. a. ol Kxchauge place, to plaintiff . M 000 Alao aluiilar sale?William J. Kane, referee ot lot 2ftxlUU, e. a. ol Laurens at., ljO It. a. ol Bleecktr at, to plaintiff .. 10(100 Alao oimllur sale ?Daniel M. Van Colt, referoe?of bouse, wltb lot 20x100.10. n. e. of 114tl. at., 241 It. w. ot 3d a?.t to plaintiff y qqq BY WILLIAM KKN.VKLLY. J. Grant Sinclair, reiereo?Foreclosure aalo of 2 lota, fttfxllJJ.h, n. a. of 51st at., 15<J It. w. of tftn av., to piaiotlff 0 500 Total sales for tba day yjy ^ OFFICIAL REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Tbe following aiaiomont, abowing tbe real estate transactions rocordeu in tba Kogister'a Oflloo May 20 1878, is obuiuod from Auguatna T. Doobarly, Deputy Register-? 65lb at..a a (East, No. 30). 82.0 ft. a of Madison av., 17 ??x.Al 2; Harriet T. Mmitb end buabaud to Clara W ttoot, ar, aan 4tn sr. w. a, 6?it, It. a. ol 38th at., 17x80; George J(. IV right III Mary L. Carpenter Nom Adam bL, Ij loll (24tu ward/ ; Willard P. Wor.ter to Mary C. Horsier 10 QUO 4tli ?v., w. a, oo>a it. a ot 38tu at, 17x80: Allied y. Caruoulor auu wild to Georse K. Wight Nom. 32d at., a. 14.1.1) It. w. ot 2.1 a v., lMUxUB.U: liar ilet J. McAuuua and otliera to r anny McGmro . 18 105 123 i si , u. a.. 138.4 It. w. of 4tn av., 38x100; alao. ' 123d St., u. a , tt. w. ul 4tU av.. IU.5xlUU; Chas C. W vbrum to Jno. May.. 075 3d av., w. a.. b2.b It. n ol dull al, 23-bxiuU; Tboa. Rue aud wile to lleury Hrliiokiuann 7 000 SL Auu'a av. Weal at, lot .No. 137, 138, 130 aud lit) * (23d "ward) ; Thoe II. Rodman ana utters (ex ecutors). to liustsv McllWSII Willard sr., n. a.. 275 ft. e ol 3d at, SOxluil "(24th ward) ; Jaue I'olter to Miles 1, Cook Ugi 77tli at., n. a. 2.XI It. e ol 5th av., fajxlou.2*, h'd ward B. Cowlaa iruleree) to .aauluaOory /Iridic y 28 (WO 5th av., n e corner 130th at.. Itl.8x76; A. llouell (r. ferev) to Am,to W. Uunlil ? 53d at., a. 250 It. e. of loth av., 2ftxll/Uft: aaiua tu " Richard P. belts 9 000 MOklliARKS. Armstrong, Harriet C and husband, to Mahlon Mauds aud others lexorulurs/. a. a. kaet llroad way, w. ol Ciiotuu at. 1 5ycara ift.miO Barry. Julia A., to eduiuu Ac-ward, u. a. R3o at. t of Mill av.; 3 years Bradley, Mulabury and wile, to 11. V." Dc.liier ,, u a. 77th at ,. ?| ;,th . ? mo?ih,. 26,000 Cook, Mllca la. to J sue Potter, n. a. of Willard av t24th ward); loataliueut ' oao Fulko, I heolore, 10 llmlrl II. Smith, u. a. 88th at" .. ol av. II; also in 87lh St., c. ol av. fl; alio u al 88tb at., e. ofav H; 1 year -iodivi Giblu, Joiliua T. aud wllo, to W llliam Kevin a'i ' of lltu at., o of 2d av.; I year ' ' 12 (gjO Median. Michael ana wife, to lleury K. Hills (com- ' milieu. Ac./. Nu?. 07 ana 00 Uuutgumory at ? 3 years ' Boo Mote, Sophia D., to Emigrant Industrial Saving's* Hank, e. a ol Manlaou ah. No 2"*b. I vear 3 ouo Taussig. Joseph and wife, to George Mulligan e a ol3dev.,n. oil 41st at. 23d ? arc); 3 ' 4 nrvy ANSIUNMSKTS or MokTOAUki. ' ' ' IJcrm-tt, Jnmci A., iu (/'tmrlun t.oonio , S3 (too C arko. Edwin (okeculor. Ac.) tu Gsorgo lieori'iex ecutor. Ac.) (t Nom Geiuian Mavluga Hunk <N. Y.l to Pater Warren!"" 7 o lu ttooine, Cliariea aud othail (execillorello James A Bennett < * a Bum? to Ann* V( otic II And \Urr M. Itoorn?##*# 7 out) FUOPO8AL8. 1JKG PUBAIJt-PCUL.IC BUILDING*. PENN Mu'uARK L I hllsdelobla. Mealed prop >sait will be receive J at the' office of the Coiuiiiiaeioners. lit tbe bulldiuga until 12 '? clock, noon, ol lues<:ay. June 4, 1874, for ruruialiiuir sou setting In place complete the lirea-ed 8toue Columns with their Pllutha and llaao-. required In supporting lite oailmo and second story Door over tiio va-tibule of the "Northern i utrancualao lor six Metallic Capitals lor the prleuipal coin nine. Heparate bids to be made lu. the capitals aud col um na. Full particulars as to form and every detail and ra <|uireiiioai ol the proposals, with the nnceatary blank, and en i elopemay lie lind on apnllrat Ion at the architect's (Iltiee In the buildings, second story, south front Il.e ('uamlsslonor* reserve the right to raleet u. .n.i all bids. " 1 r*'*01 ?nd By ordar ol the (.'ommiaslouerN >AMC I. c. f'B'.'KINH, PrealaenL Attest?F. I)x II axs J AMViss. Secretary PONT OFFICE NOTIC tu. " 1>OSt OFKIChl, Nl.W Yllllla 11Y. N. Y (M'KIOR A ol tlm Puttmaater.?Poet Office Notice ?The forel/a meha lor the week ending Saturday. May 2ft 1878 will Closo at this I uetduy at 7 A M lor Europe by steamship luaho via (Jiieensiuwn: on Weuueaday, at 7 A. M., loi Europe b? sipemthip Algeria via Uuecuatowu (curreepunuenen for f- raoce to be forwarded by tint steamer mual be specially addree.ed), and at 8 A. M. lor *ranca direct n, ateamthlp ( anadu via Havre uuThiirs. at 8 A. M., lor Ureai Hrltalu ami Ireland by steam ship l.ltv of t heater via Gueenatowu (correspoiidoiico tor Germany nnd the Ccntlneat to be lorwardeJ by this Steamer -must he specially addre.awd), and at 12 M for Kuronu by steamship Krlela via Plymouth. Cherbourg ami llaml/urg ; ou .naiuruay. at II A. M., for Europe bv steaiu sliip Adriatic via (Jneen-tvwo (correspondence lor Ger many and Scotland to be lorwarded by this ate inter must he specially addressed), sua si II A. M. lor Scotland direct bv NlttHIDfttiip <;*ltloilil>? VU (ilOKiiW, And Al I 1 ;UU A M (or Knrop? by si?A.ii?htp HohviitotlArn vt* Kout'hAmiiioii *??? lit (MUCH. Tht ?((?AVnohip^ Idaho. AlyoriA avi.1 AdrUllo do itifi taa9 ntfla for lirtitiiHrk .<<w-d?n AttU >or**v Th? m?ll?for the tl>?t Indira viw Hi. Thoivill?. aI?o Porto Klto and Vtn? tu 114 direct, I?av? >?.v Vork M y 24. TIim niAlit *',f CUIma ?ttd.fA|??n I?av? saii fx ah clfp ft J?qo 4 Tht uitlU for a iinu All a, Ac , Jpav? anq PrAUQltc? J un* |0 I Post Otruj*. Mtjr la, lB7d t. U JAMhb, Foitmnaitr. SITOATIOKB V/ A 1T:'-,i>~rr,.nAI.K^. ?? WB8T 31ST ST.-TWO GIRLS TO DO TDK WO** Out ? family : ou. a. good cook and ^jto '<Tt o the mher a. diam.erraald and waitreaa; Wtlllug to go to the country; Bret el?? etty reference; leet employer oeu be aeeu . __ ??? U'yjc -Mil li eT. ? A GENTLEMaN WltUhB Ban 1 a place for hie cook in a private ftuetly: nho ie^a Bret claae Kreucu cook end underetaude ber buaiueee tbor ouahly ? ? Onion ouukt. between uth and iuim eta A Scotch I'reebyterUu woman ae cook, thor ouchly ondereiaude nor boeiueee; meat*. Mop* 1 broad, biacuit aud ua-try; no objection to private boar g boo.e; 7 year.' reference; conutry prelorred. a lit hATf iaTU ST.?A KESPKOIABLE WOMAN AS iOgood cook, waeber and the country; good re fore lieu* ___ tlu wBsrliiTii ST. iPBBsbnt employe 28vouug woman ue Bret cla.a cook Inu willing to aasiat with waahiuir; boat city rcferauce. Cal to-day, Irom - to 4. TC) HEDEOKD AV.. BAST BROOKLYN -Lomuloyer'a).?A lady lor two reepectablo gtne, one aa Brat claaa cook and Inuudreea. other aa chambermaid aud waitreia; no objection to tbu country; lour yeare rofereuce. mm /1 \vKST dtll'il ST.?A CUMt'ETEN I' WOMAN AS ( (j 11 rat elate cook; thoroughly underetaude her buaiueee; good city reference. net Wr.h'l' 30TU ST.?AN AMERICAN WOMAN AS 7 6 good cook ill a private family ; underetanda bor buai uu??; tfood city roteroncc. Mr*. HUKLUi. 94 en eo ROOSEVELT .VT.-AS GOOD U'OO K. ? d^rafb!^ uud Irouor; t?ood baker; country prolorrod. y 1 g\ <m vAST HO'Pti ST.?"A WOMAN AS OOPl) COOK, lOOwntthur and ironer; no owjection to go a mort dii tuuee tu t&* country ; bo?l oity rotoroncc. ? EAST SO Til s r. - A V0U Na UIKL JO COOK. "1 1KAfST Hum oi.'-a ?ww*Nu lUOwaali aud iron; pood city references; no objectlou to the country. ? WEST 25III ST.? A KESP Kl'TAlll.K YOUNO woman ae iirst clae. cook; uudoiatande Trench; English ?ud American cookiug, moate, eoupe auapaatrlee, live yeara' ciiy rcicrence. "liltTa t 4.5TI1 ST. -AS UOOli COOK: WILUNlj . llOto aaaiel lu waebluir; beat roToreuco Irout preaaut employer. .?. -1 -a r WEST 3UD ST?A Y'lUNU GIRL AS KIKHl llOclaea cook uu.1 to do coaree washing In a private ruin- | liy; good baker , city refercucu from iaat place j i ,iii WEST 10I'll ST. ?AS GOOD COOK AND AS- j loUelal with the waebing and ironiug: good city refer cucee. ? ?? 1 0/1 w'EsT 25TII ST.. IN STOKE.?A PROTESTANT 130womuu ae good cook aud lauudroee; underetande ail kindaof?.uilly cooking: will do the work oT a email family with another tgirl; bo*t reference. EAST SOTil ST.?A COMPETENT UIKL TO cook, watb and iron; good city reference. it a 1 vv v sT 30 I'll ST., POUKTH FLOOUj BACK l^lrooai ?A re*t?ectHbl? colored woman *? first ejus* cook oTu'undre.a in private family, or nurao and to do plain aowing; city or country; good roltrcncce. 131 01! CO WEST 27TIt ST.?AS KIRST I'I.ASS COOK; woulii aaalet with the weablng; has Ova yeare reior t~oO~WKST 'SHI ST.. PIKsT K LOO It, BACK ROOM.? 133cook. wa?ber and ironer or to do guuernl bouaowork lu a nloe private family; city reference. . "To 1 WEST 19TII Si'., It EAR.?A RESPEC1ABLE 134glrl to cook, waah aud Iron; throe yeare city refer encoe. ? -?? 1 ../a WEST a5TII ST.?Ad PIKST CLASS COOK; AOOtive y 'are' reference. r WEST 3STII ST. A KKsPECTaBLK WOMAN jLti 1 us first oIhus cook; no objection to in t o iuic; six years' city reft*route. Onll or eddreee. 137. 1 I ft WEST 191 U ST. ? RESPECTAUL ?. WOMAN AS 140couk. wa.lier and ironer; noobjoction to a boarding houae; best citv reference. 14 1 \VKnT 50Til 81'.?A YOUNG WOMAN AS GOOD 141plain cook, waabar aud itunar in a email iamlly; no objectlou to a abort Ulatauoo in tbu country. good inference. ? 1 4 I WI ST SOTII ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS l^xluoodcook, waeber and Ircnar; city refaranca. 1 1 " Wi'S'T 24TI1 ST.. NKAllOTH AV.?A RESPECT 1 40ablv yoaag woman ae Bret cla-a cook : no objection to cuareo waehlng; wliliag aud obliging; oaat olty rofor anoa WEST 28Til ST.. IN GROCERY STORE.?TWO 1 tf-Xeletere: ana ?? good cook and laundreaa; tba otbar aa abaniberinald uud wnltraaa; city or country. WEST 3IST ST. A COMPETENT WOMAN AS 154. irr west :)1ST ST. a competi-ni ? w>? lOOcook lu a print# Tamily ; nuna but a private family need apply: boat oity raferanoo ; undoretnuue bar bueluaee lu all Ite branches, ________ 1 m WEST 33 D ST.?YOU NO WOMAN AS BXOEL lo7 lent cook, waahor aud trouor lu email private Iam lly : good city reference. l"rO EAST 53D ST.-A YOU NO WOMAN TO COOK. LOOwaelt ?ud iron; no objection to the country for ?umnur; beet city reference. . , wTv RLEY PLACE, r'lltST BASEMENT. 16i)re?r.-Ae Brat claae eook In a boarding nouea; city or couutry; go"d refarauee. ... 1 i?41 WEST 53D ST., sBCOND PLOOK. PRONT It) Trunin ?Two young girla ; one ae cook, waabar and Ironer; the other aa chambermaid aud waitreaa; city relor cncc. IB9 WEST 25TII ST.. TtilKO KLOOK.-YOUNO 'woman aa good cook ; city or country: city reference. 1 i ? A WEST 29 TH ST., CORNER OK 7111 AV.?A 11)9 Kreueli Prola?tant aa Brat claae took ; boat city rol ereuee. Apply or addroaf. oTvik EAST 49TH ST.-A GOOD. PLAIN COOK. ^JUV/wasbur endiroDor; good roteranco. . , . \C\~WEST 27 TH ST, THIRD Kl.OOR-YoUNG ^O^Eugliah womau ne thorough eook and baker; city roferoiice. ? r=w7Tl_WKsT ?'"oril ST.?a kkspkctahlk woman 202a. Bm da., cook lu a private taiully; willing to ilo the cear-o wa-hlug; city -r country: good city roterauca. lm | ,. A.-T 44111 ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).? /04-Twi. reepectablo glrle; ?no at cook. wa?her ?ud iToVaM iho otu.Pr a. chamoermatd acd w^tr.m; would do tbo work of a family betweeu them. 1 WEST *'*1 I'll ST.?AS PLAIs COOK AND LAUN Idrek'e In a email laiuily. good reference. Addreaa. ? BAST 741II ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN AS GOOD ^a.4cook. Windier and lronor; good city reference ; or would do general homework. _____ i" KAbr_4ur?i ST?as cook, washer and Jlroner; la a good cook and azcollont laundroae; boat city re'oreuee. . .. 4 KAST 2STH ST.?GOOD KKIENDS; ONE AS 2 1 4eoo* waabar and Doner, the other aa chamber mald and waitreaa. no obj.ction to tbo conntry; ally refer T.AST~NUTII ST.-rT;ESPECTA111.K WOMAN. 211 218 with beat raierance. aa aouk or laundreaa WI ST 27TII ?T. -A RESPECTABLE OIRL TO 22Ucook. waah aud Iron; city or c.muCry; beat city ral erenco. Qtm KAST Sai H sr.-A UE.ii*bCTAriL.E UIKI, AS ^^Upialn cook ?nii first clan* laundress: best city icier eiicr (full or address. (||)1 EAST JlaT ST.. KUUM NO I.?A CiOUD. ^wJitexlj' woman as good plain cook. washer and irunar; good Or a nil and biscuit baker . alti ruUrenos. .t Q I EAST ?-MTU ST.-TWO II sl'Ki TAIU.lf oTkuT; wu lone us oouk ; the otliar as chambermaid auii wsl truss; would Ilka to ko together; 0 years' reference from last place. EAST 74TII sr.. HKTWKKN '.'Id AMI) MO aVU ? awllo cook, wash an I Iron; bust city reference. 221 nm wwi wril st.-a woman io cook, wash sWswjtand Iron ; no objection to a bearding bouse; city or country; city refere ce. Oil,I Whsr lHTll ST.?YOU"0 UIKt TO OOOK, wash and Iron iu private family; city or country; or to do housework; relereneo. 20Q WEaf~4dTll ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYEE'*).? ?. OA respectable girl as plain cook and laundress; best city relerenoe 230; 'American girl to cook ami assist with the washing and I1on tug. Is a good ba-or; tbreo years' eity referonoc. ii-ij t west lorn iTr.?itr.mhkcr\ b77b oikl as ,?t)\/gnod plain cook, washer and honor In a private family: city nr country; besi city reference. tTo.y W53? 46TlF~8T ?A Vfil Nli WOHAS AS His UN ^gOOcooa, washer and lroaar;eity or country; good city rtferssee. nil I MAST WITH sT-UI'.-I'KOTaBLK. WOMAN AS ^Oxgood plain cook and Isundrass; city or ooantry; beat city reference. ()') r KAST 43TH #T. ? A KK? ftJtJSO Jfjgtrl as cook, wasber and iroaar in private family ; beet rufo'em-e. t)')!'' M.'U ST.? >S UOOD COCK. WABHKK awO'Jand Ironer: good laundress aud obliging; good city 250 ossm east turn sr.. kkaii iiousk.? \ YwUNiJ wO | woimin as good c >ok aid would assist with washing in it sina l private family: host city reforeuee. i)AI\ EAST 1STII ST. (PHKSKNT K X1' LO V E K ? ^X V Plain cook, wasber and Irousr. Can ba seen from 10 to Id o'clock. 011 WEST S7TI1 ST.-a IlKisPhCTAHLK WI ML AS w'x 1 lift class cook in a private tamlly; nadsrstands Trench and (lerrasn cooking; Ore years' city relarnuce from last |ilace. WK>T I4TII ST. (PitESENfltldT*I.OYHK'8J.?iit romnetent women as eook. asshnr and Ironsr. n .- wk?t avrii sr.?as . nolimm cook; boaRO Wi'Uliiv hsuM uraferrsd; ally or eountry; good reler* enoo. Cell to-day. 4 H : W ~7Tli A v.?A H KnPEUf A H LB~PltO ?KsT A NT aw' '( girl ts cook. wasber and iroeer; thoroughly understands her business III all Its branches; no objection to the country; good cttv reference. Call for two days 2 ____y-_? -y 1,hT( M(, WoMAN Ag OOOK IN 'J I a hotel, restaurant or boarding house: good slty reference. ?lit f EAST 27TII Br.-AM PHENCH OuOK IN A TKl Ol/Xyat-tarall where they speak l-'retirh ; no objection to ths country: bast city reference. Cell er eddreee lor tes deys. ?Si tu KAHT 3UTH Mr.-A PKOTES'f ANT WON AN Alt OIS explain cnok. washer and Irnnor. would go a short distance Iu the country : references Cell iur two davs, ? j i !/? "kAMlri5rTr8r7?a~wTLlinuanITublf.1 n7? i)UU(iri as aood cook, washer aud ironor; rafersoca. ? J 11Zi KA.vr M'JI) Ml'.-A KKM It*EOT AHI.M W<?vAi~A> Ov/( conk lua u'lvata family; understands all kind* ?f soups, masts poultry nnd came ; cnud city reference train larl employer. Can bn saan until en. aged. ?i|t Q_KtiT~M3I> *T~-A " YO i~Nil til it I. AM CUifhf OWOwiiPihrr and Irenar; willing and obliging; no oiiue tlon to a short dislnnrn la the country: good rslsrence. ?JilM 7TH'B-A WUMAN AirKliiMT OUrJclass cook In a IssnjlH house or hotel; elty or country: r lereuce to that effect. ?)T| 7TH AV. TlllltU fLOOIt TiiONT.?A riK*T ?Jllelnss Ingllsh conk and laundress; elty er country ? boaiding house preferred; good city reference. ?> j I HAST SlttlfTl Ml., Mlltlh miuhR ENtllTlsTl 01 Xwoman as IIret class cook ; eicellrai oaket; city or country: gosid city reierenae. Address two days. ?j1{? BAST ?t?TH ST.?TWO KKMPRptaIII.B OIHM eJlUas good cook, wssher end Ironer end clianibsrmeld aud waitress; six years' reference: elty er country. ?Jill WEST IITH MT.-TWH YOL'Ntl UtKLMi ONB ij?i Las plain cook, wssher and Ironer ; other as cheat ber* msld aud weitress; good ralersnao. no p .stal cards WBMT ITT I MT., IN rII K REAM. A KXRPKCf 'able young girl as took, washer slid Ironsr ..r would general honsework In a small private larnlly. best city ralsrouce truai her lest piece. :i28. NITT.VriOSIH WAXTRU-rF.NAI.KN. Cooka. Aic QQO EAST laril ST.-iS I)AV COOK IN A RBS OOOuii rtauraul or laundress in a liutel; go.d rsteronce. ?>J 'J KAHT 27TH ST ?A?: KdPKCTABi7li WOMAN O jOii coos, washer au I irouer; excellent bread end pa.try maker: gooJ city references. 017 WliaT lttru dT ?A RESPECTABLE OIKL Ad t)'r I goud cuok . 110 objection to assist with waablug; two yuara' ally reference. Oft?\ 30 av.-tao respectable uiklb to uo OU?'imgetliei ; oue to cook, wash aud Iroi:; the other OS chambermaid ami wallruss; boat city references. 'JQ7 IIIOKS HT, NKAK CONGKKdd, IUK00KLYN OOI (Urat floor). ?Aa lirat class cook; cau laako first clasa butter; couutry preferred : city reference. ?JOOl oril AV. (KINO BEI.L) -A HOOTCH (PKOT OOOyeaiaut) girl aaeook; tdurou hly capable; under stands the care of uillk aud butter; city or country; excel* lent city relet ence. 4t>.? WEST JO I'M ST.? RKHPEOTABLB WOMAN AS ?I ?illrst class cook; uo objection to private boarding houae; will sssiat with washing; bast city retereuce. A OA KA.-.T lata ST.?a KfcBPKOfABLB VtOMAK iOUii good cook and lauudreas; city or country; good city reference. Call for two days. 7TK AV.. Nit Ait 34TII ST.-A RESPECTABLE Ovf woman as good cook and couipstant iauiiureaa in a private family ; beat city reference. Can be aeeu front 10 to 3 o'clock to-duy. zLcLl ***' <llT" it.-A KE-PKCTABLB VOL'NO "XT-lglrl aa cooa or laundress; city or cuuutry; beat oity reference. A 47 WEST 18*11 ST.? RESPECTABLE WOMAN t'i I aa good plain cook, wsabor and iruuer; city or coun try ; city roiereuce. 1K(1 41' AV. (CANDY STOKE).?Ad EI K>T CLASS TrUl/Engllah cook; uo objection to a boaidlng houae; beat city reference. s .-1 WEST MD T.-A MIDDLE AO ED WOMAN AS *T crlcook, waeliur and ironer in a email family; rotor euce 4r C UTIl AV. ?A RESPECTABLE UIKL AH COtlK, rjrjw.isher uud ironer in it private lauiily; good city reference. 4 ft 7 OTIl AV?TWO BEmPKOTaBLH QlBUt; ONE j ? I I aa good cook and to aaalat with waahlng: the other ?? ebumtiorniuid and waitreaa, bust city reference. Call from 10 till ?J o'clock. A AA tllli AV.KOOM l.-AS (!OoD OouK. WAHIIi R *X ryV/and Ironer, or to do ueuorai housework; city er good city reference. ,4(17 7TH aV, NEAR :i7ril ST. IN A PRIVATE to I family; la an oaculiont cook: will assist with waah lng; best city reler<-ncn. 517 east kith sr.?a okuman oikl as cook, waalier and ironer; good inference. No cards. r??( i EAST 111 SI' ST. ? A PROTESTANT WOMAN Ad Oieoco k aud to aaalat wills tliu washing; Is a good buaer; best eltv aud country referencea. (.'Ill WASHINGTON ST.?A RESPECTABLE VjI" Lwoiuan aa cood plain cook : good waalier and Irouer and good b ikor of bread; uuderatands uillk aud butter; country preferred. It'lQ LEXINGTON AV. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).? ''*)O t reapectable young girl aa lirat claaa cook; capable ol French and Herman cooking; uo objection to country. 7|| 1 3D AV.. between 44m and tvm sts -as I V/?XQrat class coos.waaber and ironer; best city roier euce 71 'J 3D AV . THIRD KLOOK.-a VOC.VO OIKL A8 I X ?cook in a private laiully ; no objection to aaeist in washiug; good city refeiencc. QA1 7TII AV.. BhTWK .N oiD AND &3D SI'S. ?IN A CV iprivnto family; ia au excellent cook; will aasial with tlie waablug; best city refereuco. 8(13 8D AV.?A RESPECTABLE YOCMJ OIKL AS Ogood cook, waaber aud ironer; good city relerenoo. 8B2. ?JD AV.?A MOST COMPETENT WOMAN FOR cooking, waalilng and ironing; city reference. UL17 8T" AV. (KINO SECOND BELLI.-A COM Or' I potent woman aa cook, waaber and irouer in a private family : city relerenee Call for two days. QOQ 3D AV. (I: I NO SECOND BELL).-COOK AND Oi/Oto aaal-t at waablug and troulug; no objocttou to the country ; bust city reference. 909 3D A v.. SECOND FLOOR.?A USRMAN ?JProteataut as cook : best city refereuce. 1 HQ'-l l8T AV. - FLRST CLASS COOK. VERV l.UOa'e /economical, and splendid laundress; city or eous try; first class relerenee; no cards noticed. Call for two days. 1 1 \M -'O AV.. IN BAKERV.-OIIIL AS GOOD i ? 1? frtcook. washor and Irouer, or to do bousowork In smalt family; citv relerenee. 1 4"91rlST AV" BE, WKBN 77TU AND 7STII 8TS ? L Two ro?i>cctable girls; oue as cook, good washer Wud ironer: the other to do upstairs wore and waiting end assist with w istilug and ironing; no objection to tbo coun try: references. AVOUXO PROTEST IBr WOMAN Ad COOK, waeber and Ironer or to do general housework; short distance in country; relerenee. Address H. A., Uerald Uptown office. (>St> ChnmbcriiiM id*. <vc. ?I WEST 44TII ST.-A RK-iPI'.OTABLE ?OIRL AS 1 chambermaid and to do wiibluc, or parlor maids city or countrv; good reference. 7" EAST 521> ST.-KKSPKCTABLB YOUNU OIKL TO do chnmberwrrk aod waiting In a private famllr; no ob jection! to the country; good reference!. 1?J EAST 5ITU ST. iPUBHKNT AM PLOVER'S).? I ??Ulrl ai Brat clu?a cbawiheriuaid or waitress; can take entire charge ol dining room ; city or country. i Q east 39T11 ST.-A l.ADY LBATlNU BOB BC J Orupe wlebea to Hud a plaoo lor her chambermaid, whom she cau recointneud In uvery reaoeet. EAST IMTlFsT.?A YoliNO WOMAN Ad KIRS I' clasa chambermaid and aeamatreea or waltreea ; beat Oity reference. I Q WEST "43TH ST.-A Itk PKilTAHLK VOUNO J.t/Protectant girl aa chambermaid and aeamatreea, or to take care ol growing children ; lately lauded. 2r WKoT 42D ST. (PrtBSKNI" KMPLOYRK'Ss.-A ?Jvouo--' girl aa cbamoermald and aeamatroaala a private family ; beat city refereueea. EAST L-Ju ~ sF?A UhSPECtA ULK 01 EL AS OUchaiubermald and wallreaa: good city reference from late employer /|Tt WEST SflTII ST. iPltRSRNT KRPLOYKIt'S) A 'l ' 'rolla'.I ? Pruieetant girl aa cbaabermald and to aaalal In the wtelling and Ironing; boat refvreaev j"Q~jKAST JdTII ?T. 'PRESENT "EMPLOYER'S) A XOIady wl?hea to place a young girl ae cliamberuiald and waitress or to make hnraelt uartol. ri\ (FitBENWIOH AV.?A Yl?UN(I <JIKIt TO DO HP. ?)Ualalre wort and take cara of children or to do light noutework; city or country ; city refvronce. r.O EAST tlOTU ST. (PKI-.KK.sf KMI'l.oThIt's r )^Ae < chambermaid) aad One waabar and Irouer ; no ob j-ctiun to tbe country. /> i) r.Asf 418r hT AN KNUI.ISM OIKL TO DO UP. O-iatalra work aod take care of children; 2% years' oily refereuoe. >Q WEST 431) ST.""-!"YOUM? lilKI, To DO lOberaoik and waiting and Dns waahlug and Ironing; good city roferonco. rj~\ "WEST lUTll ST . CORN KlttfF 6T|T~A~V.- A PRUT, j I eaia-it woman aa rliamoerinaid or waitress In a hotel, bou?c or reslaarantl no objections to tbe coun try: city reference. nil K AST Vil li 81.7 iPUKSKNT KMPLOVER'S).-A J. 1U thoroughly competent girl ae chambermaid or wall reaa. II ff" k7sf^-jtarif htF-akkspkctahLe amrrioan I A'/l'roi-staiit girl as chambermaid aod to wait on o lady and do sewing, er to mind children and do sowing; g oil cltr reference. ffiTIJT. fPBBSB.NT ~KWFloYKR'il^A AAUreapoctable girl as chambermaid aod waltreea; good reference. 1 (fiy west ;a?mi"~Mf. a iriiuvi woman as J.^^pti?in?ormald and waltreea; willing aod obliging; good reference. Von WEST I7TH ST., BAsEMKsT-YobNO U|?L JtM/for cbamberwork or aaalal with waalilng; beat city reference. IOai WEST IT r 11 ST-A YOUNU OIKL KOU CIlAM ?) ?borwork on-l to l ko earn ol eblldran . Is willing and obliging; nut afraid of Work. IimTWKvr~4?>ril ST.. BETWEEN OTII AV. AND t JOHrcadwav?a young girl ae i-hanibcrmald and wait ress or aa children'# nnrae; $ID a month. 1~0 7" W KHT2.V f U ST.?A O (Til. \s Oil AM ill'. KM AIU ? a) j and waltreea or to do cliamberwrk orwaablng; on objection to to a abort distance In tbe country; four yeara' reference Irom la-t place. 1 .l7~*wi~ST J'.TlT sr. iTKIKD HELD) -A RE PECT. 1?) I able girl at chambermaid and aeamatreea. beat ref erences; ii" carda aii-wereu Addre-e. I Will aV. AN~AMi-.kKMN woman WOCI.U DO "tbe work of a am a. I family, or chamber wora end waiting; fenr year*' refereuoe II EAST 18TII ST.?A VEKY KKSPKCTtMLK i _*y?nng woman aa ehanibcroaaul and woilresa, or to do general liou-owiirk In a am all private family; good city r Terence. Call be aeeu for two dart. Vr>-.?f iwrn if? a rot Ru wT if * 5 as hambermal In til- country; goo-i reference. 139t 14:i 11 3cliaiah?riaald an I waltreta or rhauibermaid aod flue wether; city or country; gned reference# 1 | - WEST aifil si.. M.Alt HI II a V ... a kr-Vect' L't' 'able young worn >n aa flrat elect chambermaid and waltreea willing to aaalal wltn waahiug . willing and obltg In_ ; beat clly refers ce. l""-aj K ,8T~S'll'H -T-A VlJUXI (I1RI. Ti) DO 1 ?) ? uliainborwnrk and waiting; no objection to do bouaework In a amall family; beat clly rnlareuee. Can be aeeu for lw ? daya i7"77 KAST A'iD ST.?A KKHPKOTAKLK UIKI, TO J a ) I do general liouaawork In n email family ; two ynare' reference. "|~,(t W K.sf TOl)~sV-A YOIf SU UI KI, AH CH A Jd UKH? !? fa/ioald and wmtreas; willing and obllilng; ally rel 101. 1( WEST 77711 SI. TOI* Y I.Ut i It ? A 111 It I. AS I ehamnermald and lanndreaa In n prlrate tamlly. Call two days. I A-f SI ST iT -A YlH'.MI (II It I. AS ?' 11 A V >?'b.-rmald and to aaalat In waahla; an I Ironing, good 17U 7TH AV -A tOl'EO UtRI, A# Cll a M H K i(M AI l> 1 J l 'and waltreea In private boarding bouse; beat city reference Hiii KaST I7TH St] rr -1 sfiS HE I.)-A 'pkotkr. |?"?"t nt ylrl aa cliamberni-id and aeani-treae or cham bermaid and wallreaa la a email family ; good city reference. a) i i I EA-TS7TII -I A YOU NO Ul I. AM PIHBT " I rlaaa chambermaid and wallre-a ; under at and- her bnainraa Ihnr uglily la willing and obliging; city or coun try; four yeara' refcraiie?. ?wiii ra r d?;i i St.] iiiiRD Floor, a vocno w'rwegIn to 0? chemberwiirk and aewlng; aA'bnelor A AAllaoii machinei can rut and 111; ally ur country; good reier-ncr from laat niece. a l/ l I WEST Hill ST. A ItKMPKCTAHLv. YOU NO .ill I girl n chambermaid or waltr?a< In a private lam IIjr or would do lioiiae w.ira wltbout a calling city r> fereuoe. ;)||- KaST iisfTi ST.?A OlRL AS UliAuHi'KM 'lb ? Ualand waliraaa and to make bortolf generally uaalul. clly rnfarmice lr?m laat place iwi(l EAST 41 ST ST.?A It ESPP. OTA RLK YOUMJ ^U?7ifirl aa ehainbennal-l and wallreaa in private fam ily. coantry preferred; heal city refe-enee from laat pi tee. ill ?? ftrII AT,. OORSRS OK I4TM ST.-A vol Si; ^ I w/woman aa chambermaid and eeametreee. no ubjee linn to in. eonniry or travelling, beet relereneo from Inst nmplefot. 214 WEST 4JU sr.-Kl'.SI'KCTABLR Vol NO <11 Hf. aa ebnmbermald and waltreea; best city refoiooeea. MTUATlOWg WANTED-FMIALBS. t'liuni brriumd*. dk. 91 5 KAST da I'll ST.. THIRD FLliOK.? A Y'UXH 4.1''girl la ej.i ehamberwork and waiting iu a private family ; city relaranca. 99] bast aisr *77 room- 7?a stevcy. *?? 4.44 I toectaoir young girl a> chambermaid and weitreaa: la willing to aaaiat In waahtag and Ironing. Cohfoctwo da ra ti .7] east aisr ht7 koosi kk^phc Tab^k ? ?< 1. young girl tn goto tbe country ?? chambermaid and waitruia or to aaelit with w.ialiiug; lirat claaa city refer ?11 ce. 977i~WKs"d7tii sr.. 7boonu~7Loor7?a re". 4jr 1 Lspecluble girl ua chambermaid and wultreaa; will aa aiat Willi wuabing and Ironinir: good city relereneef. 9<JO WEST IOTII ST., k7 A K.-A YOl'NU 01KL AS wO_echuiubcriuai I ur wallreai; no ubjectlon to tba country ; two yeara' good cilv relerenee. *>?77" witst 31 *7 7t -X coMPKTbNr ^?I'frwomiu tn do chatubcrwurk and line watblnrar chitmberwork and aawtng; beat city reforeuco Iroui loal employer. ? *777 wkst aorn st.?A kkspkutahlk proves ioO^fctaul girl aa cliHiiiberui ild aud aeamatroaa or aaala t with waiting: beat city relcreucee. 9?JC EAST dTTH ST.-A YOUNO OIRL, I.A I EL Y ruOUlanded, to da goueral bouoawork; willing aud obliging. 9')^ WEST 4I8T St.?A SMART VOUNU (IIKL Ad ?wOUchamb.-riuaid and wuitroaa; beat city rulerence troiu laat place. oj.ll KAsrattrii sr. ikiso oncei?a respect ijTTvabla girl II'roteatunti aa chambermaid; willing to aialtt with waaliiug nud ironing or with care of childreu; good retoreuce Irom laat place. ') A Hast 441'11 ifl'. ? A KE.SI'KOTAH Lh YOUNG id t'lgirl aa cbainlirriuuid or lauunroa; country pre tarred: willing mid obliging: beat city reference. CO WftST 101-H ST.. IN TMB FANCY STORE.? A 't -d Pruleitaui girl a? chambermaid and wnitrea* and to uiuWt with waaliiug aud iruuing, or mind eliildren w >t aao sr.?a younU uiul as char beruiald and to aaaiat with waaliiug and lroulug; 254 Olf'J WKST 31?r 11 ST. SRUONO FLOOR, FRONT ?A ?<" ? /young woiii.ui aa cliiiiuborioaid and waitreai; no ob jection to the country: boat city reference. 9f? I w7s r hf)vsFon"st7-T kespikctarlk oii'L id'J'.tin do cliumborwork aud waaliiug ur housework; beat city rcleienco. 9UQ~ao avT~a respi-ct able"youno girl to id'. Ode cbaiiiburwtirk and pi .In aewlng or would uiaao lioraclf generally usolut; uo objection to tue couutry, good city reference. 'J|M WEsT TsriT"ST.?A PKOTESTANT (ilKI, AS Oil JrciiamberniAid and wultreaa: witling and obliging: city or country : cilv reference. 'Jil l EAStTiStTi sT.-A~YOUNO AMERICAN OIRL rlOTaa cbainbermald aud waitreaa in a private ianilly ; willing and obligiug. 0(17 UTti AV., BETWEEN 37TH AND dSTII STS.-A Oil I respectable young girl ae chambermaid aud wait r??a; three aud a half yeara' reference train laat emplutur. EAST OCT 11 ST.?A UBSPBO I'aBt,E YOl NO 3I0? 'girl a* clianiburniaiU or wallroaii; getioral hoUkO work: uooU city lotorouco. O |7% i'a>T Gofll "sT.La YOU .NO (JIHLi T ()~ DO OX ?-/chamber work. plaiu waalilng nod irouiag; city rcl erotica. East sao st?a 'younuiEnglish uiul as 315c 'cbumbeimuid and waitreae, or would do liuuaewoiIc in a email lauii y ; ie willing and obligiug; good relerenee. Cud be eeen for two duye. ?10/| 1 EAST*8TH ST., SBUOND FKOOlt. FRONT -A OXitd/oung girl oe chambermaid or to goueral bouto werk. BAST ?18T ST.-A YOUNU UlsL TO DO light chamberwork and to uaaiafwitb waltin.-. 324 OOQ WEST 43DST. NEAR STU aV.-a YOUNU OIRL *Jid vue chambermaid and wattreea, and to aeeiet with the waening aud ironing; good reference*. 007 EAST "as O ST.?A If EH H EC T A BUI TOtTNO WU I girl aa chambermaid or would aaaiat with waitiug. ?> 1/1 W SI' 20TII ST.?A YOUNU ill RE TO DO OtTTchtmherwork and aaaiat with waahlng; no objec tion to the country. O BAST 31ST ST.?A YOUNO OIRL 7(> DO Ottt/chamberwurk and miad children ; willing and oblig iug; cltr reference. ') 10 west XvrTi sr. nun<7 bkll twieK).?a OTOreapectable girl to do up ataira work end take earo of cblldreu; beat city reference. OjQ WEST aOTH ST.-A OIRL AS CMAMHKRMAlO 0"r c/tnd to du aewlng or take care of cblldreu ; city or couotry; city relerenee. HrBST 2S I'M 81.?AS CIIAMUK MAID AND waitreae; willing to help In tbe kitchen; city ref 354 OKi'l MADISON ST. ?A R1WKCTAHEE YOUNU Ot/Ua girl to do chemborwork and take care of children, or would do hnuaework In a email private family: would llko 10 go in the country; beat city reference Call ur ad drene for two nava. r WEST 4?rM ST. !UEEL BO. 3).-A OKRMAN 'Jl'roteataut girl aa chambermaid and waltrcsa. Bast-isru "st.?as-cu am he rm a i d AhO waitreae Call lor two daya. 40 400 Sail 1ST AV.. SECOND FLOOR. KRONf?A FROT T wleit ut glri aa chambermaid and waitreaa; good ref. erenoe frvin laat plaee. AAA wesfliu7s kikst 1;la7s~^i 1 amuek \TT""Xniald and aaaiat with the wnahlng; eteady and obllglu t young woman ; beat city refereueea. A Pi'-l NTH AV ThINU SECOSD UELL I-aN KNULISH "XOOglrl aa chambermaid and waitreae; no objection to toardluc bouae. Call on or addreae L. M. i SQ 1TH AV (UNO fHTsT"UELL).-A OIRL. rtUOwlth als yeara' relerenee from laat piuce, aa cham. barmaid and waltraae. A QK~Srit AV. (HRhsENT KMELOYKK'8) A RK* ^trOrlapeetible girl aa eheuibermolU or waitreaa; city ur eoantry. JQ/| 3D AV.?A RB8PKCTAHLB OIRL AM OHaM 1 A/Vbennald and to do flue wnahlng; no objection to tbe eountiy ; beat city reference. 1(W\ oru ay.. bhnvKEN jsrii and wtu st7, t'l/Vfrouui I'd.?A competent girl aa chambermaid aud lauudreaa; beat city rulcreucu. "east 74I'D SI.-A YOUNO OIML TO DO ebamuerwurk and wanning: v<><>d rel r>nce 494 A (J7 7'1'U ST.. BETWEEN Still! AND 37ill SIS -A 7v I reauectable yuan.' wnmaii aa cbnmbermald ami Wuudreee lu a private family; baa three year*'beat city reference from la*t piece, WESr~14TII ST.?A OIKL AS CM MllKRM AID MVOtuJ waltrim* ; would unlit with waeblag aud Iron lug: no objection to the country. E As I It) III aT.?AN AMERICAN I'KoTl-.STANT /girl aa chambermaid, waltre** aud plain aeamatreaa; reference. 509. r 1 r 2i> av.-a kkmck'iahlk uikl aavium *.) laJberniald and weltrvaa or will a.alal with euro of ciillurou la a private family; beat city rolerancu. eol On ?v. (fouii Hri<orirt).-A rovio e)ej "I girl to >lo eb tiuberwork and waiting; ti willing aud ubiliriug; good city raferano*. fQTr au aV ?VKKr.PKCTABl.ll TllOMO tllKL Ad ?_)*T'scbambortoald aod wnltrree or chambermaid and laund.caa In a private family ; city reference. 01 II I6rl7 AV -AS r IuVr TTliTaMM CIIAMUKkMAID *T g?and aoauielraaa lu a gentlemen's family; no objwc ttou to tlio conulry. Call or addree. Mice II'ill Kits. 7?IO tfril AV. (h CONl~iiKl.L). ?A Yul MJ lilllL I aOucbainbariuaid *u l waltraaa iu a priaate family; ant ycara' reftienco. <?all or addraaa. 7 oij U U A V ? It hs I* K C FAH Lb. K.M1UM1 HiUTfcsT I ?*)*nt girl aa chambermaid ana waitress; guud city 7 111 I.KXINUTuN AV. (fKksKNT EM l'LOYKi.'S).? l^r'/Ayoung girl aa chamborniald and waltraaa. good raluruncc. 7 1 II :il> A v., cmKMKK 46rii ST.-7*lt<>ThHI \ >T | 'XoJglrl aa cbamOerinald and waltri-.eor Hue wuab-r; cliy or country ; lull* IWUHIII WM ? Ity WfcfHcai 7U7 7? AV ? Mb VI (ItlNU riiK Ubi>M- ? j O I A Tonug girl aa chambermaid and lauiidr< a>; - nI ba Inuud I'ouaat willing and -bilging ; no objectiou to ti e country ; Brat alnaa city rati-re ear 8.11 HTM AV.?a YliOIHilltl. wTnllhS SIM ATI MM Mll? ilu ohaaberwark and waiting, la willing aud obliiriiig. UCI ITU A*.? A Yol/BU UlRL RJ i 5 OR IMBl B. 00 I Work and walling In a private laniily; willing and eWlglng; good retereuae. ,wtu urn AV AS Kilt I CI. F-S l.ll aMIIKUM.VIU t/UOin i waitress; boat city rafareoei-a. tirju ui at.?a Isai'Ki.'TAMLB YuV-tt gikjL aa I Ucbarubrrmald and and waltraaa; will aaaiat wilb tlio waanl'jg aud irouing ; cl l? or country; good ru arencea. 1"i at.) an av , Mi.TvVhkm sirrii a'nh mini srs", ? lO?top floor, back room ?A xniaj girl aa cbatubar m d i and waltraaa In a urlvat" family ; good aitr reference. 1ll<li 2D A V, IIKTWKKM 7UTII *ANb 77TII ATS.? ."r Ut/'lood reaped ablo girl aa abain barmaid or wait ress or to do genarai buaaaarurk ; city ur country; beat any ratareuce. 1 JQ2 BROADWaT, M B A It 42D ST. V IlKSI'KCT 1 ?'I 0'"t abia girl to <ln cliamb irwork and walling ur take Cafe ofeblldrau ead do tawing ; ten uneral on Wbaalar A Wliaou'a macbiua; au objouiiona la lha country; i.aai it y rtltiwett. 1IQQ BBOADWAY, Hilar VLOOH. ? A MERMAN ,'j ?/?.'mrl to do caay cbainbarwork aud sowing or taka car" "I growing children. i-rT71 ib*Av. > kTk %>77i ntT *170 mu 67m, ah J .?) x'/chambermaid end waltraaa aud to Willi washing! goad rliy rafaranaa. / Ml A 3 rtl-.KM A 111 AMD i. i CNHMESS-ii a- lo Y r. A US' VVrelcrence! bunaet and obliging : good hoina pr f?r>rd to Ingu wages. Addraaa V. k., bea 17i Herein Uptown office Draaamnhrrt ami Scaintirritra. Oft K as r 47TH MT.-tbUBO WOBAB AS TIllsT go')*laaa aaamatrcaa and d< aa.inakar ; ewmweteat lu rut ? nd 111 tor ladlaa and rblldrau ; would iaka charge of gr-> log ghlidran or wait an ladlaa; no card, auawered. Call on E. n. _ ___ WK?r ism sr. Mr i.M ci.ovKK'.ai -1 au3 i d| Wl-.ST 171II at! (RKKssNT BMEUl* AM'S/.-A r V/I.armaa toaioairaaa aud aliaomaroi .IU will ba dlaeii gaged Jena A. jp?|; . K-T 4.411 ?f?A KkSFFF rXHI.ri r KsON AM I)' )anaiu>ira?; ran cut and fit clillur-n . clot lira ; liaa Dry own maeliina; woaid a??l.t w.tli ruamnarwora II minlr dt two ynar.'rafaranca Iroin har latt place; cliy or country. Call lor two dura r (i aV. a, si.on.mi h.oiik -a KEsphi;rahLK I vifarnian lady aa aaamatraia; wllllag to wait at tabic; city er ceuutry. (II EAMK AV -AM sK A MsTltl s, WI I.LI tu In t) I travel: will mind growing children ; g od city refer ence lll'J 23b ST.. rBUUNU H.OOll (I'KkSKNT 1 * 'O?iu|do>?''?! ? A? ?eautalreaa aud l? aaant with cliamoerwerk ; eity or country ; wage* no o< Jei t .>l?t isa'st 4.'.iii St a comVI ii Si mkam. ag I iJalreM In a prlaate fa nily ; baattclly ralaranea. Ad draaa. 23 .? Wr.sT 4211 ST. ?AS E KsCH sKAJtSIKkh. auln prlahta lamlly Call all Ilia weak ?7*iV ? Iss I 37 ril SI- AiiiUI'r. I- I . I SMS .4 O't 1 >a a mat roaa . uuda-at anda dre.amaklng ; wo ild aaaiat with grown children ur light en amber work , no ohj alien lu the country, can be highly recommended. Amreaa All Vr.Ki ISKit. TTiI AV.-UKKsrtMAKKK WInHM a fr.iV mora mat -mora by the day or w<-ek. Addraaa 354 -l .1 I WRsT A1TH ST. - A O'iMll. RmBPRTKNT III teamatraaa to tact charge el growing children, er le . uratei In the cbaiabar warn t good ralerauoe. MITVATIOMB W A.STK1*?riCWALKE. OrreamuUer* and RriiuialriMCi. 4r - WKdT soru !>r.-vousu uhl to oo out ')')\jy the da; ur waek rawing* or would tak* rawing burn* Addraaa M. U. 21) AV.. IN Ttlr. h'A.SUV BTOHR.~AS FIUST claas aaaiuatrew; can cut. St and Oo all kluda of family aewtng ; be.t city reference. t (|1 ~3D~~A V.-Ad"COd VETK > i "d LA MSTKKSS : U M ? ) ? ' 1 leratauiia dreaamakiug a d all kluda of family raw ing. williug to aaalat witu cbamberwurk; good city refor mat. Q11 I ?TH AV. ?AS COUPKTK.vr hkAMSI'RKSd: NO O'' lubju Hon to take car* ol cbildrcu ; city or couutry ; ? XCalUat city reference. K1 UST Ql+m OUTTER AND tTtTER UESIKES A few mure engagement. iu a private family. Addraaa A. /... ilarald Uptown office LHltSI I LAS'. F! Itr.K ANO TltlM F m>r uriah** law mora ouelotnere by Ilia day. H . 1*1 Herald L'pioarn otlic*. M"~" EE i.Eu.NAlto. DUKSSMaEe t, 740 OTH AV^ noar 42.1 at. ? Siyliilt Suit* from sfj to $10; good Work| ill guaranteed. Call or addreaa. 19 Genrral Houaiwork. die. west 4srii st a kksekctaulb yocno yirl. lately landed, to do general huuaawora. ?ii t w~Es7 rsru-siT^-itiv?Th.ciau..s vouno "1*0 muuiuiiu to do general housework. Call ur addraaa. 09 hEtTiuE -r ?a vTmTni; unci. ro oo UBS* rural bousowork in a auaall private family; good r*l*r* OO WEST 44111 sr.?A YUL Nil GIRL KOK OKN _ ? Jural housework ; willtuir aud obliging; good city ralar cue*. tT?J "ttKOroltU ST.-A EksFKCTABLK YijUaO gTeL wOtu do general bouaawork ; boat city rotaroLe*. Call lor two day*. \TksT 43D sr.-A YOUNG GIRL TO uo lioL SK ork : iroud city raloreuca. 33* Q/l KAsl ST 11 ST A RKsl'ECTAMLK UIKL FOR cMIluiuaework : la a good broad and biacult luakor; or laun.iry work alone: roUrence. 110 1 17111 -I A \0UNG WOMaN TO OO lmuaework In a am til privuto Until) ; city reference. U'T WES? 33 D ST. (KING 8eEonTi BKLLi.-A ? young ulrl ol iS to do liouaourork or w?u.d lake car* ol ctillureu . willing end obliging. Xk^kJ Was I IUI'ii nl' A U1 itL TO Oo UENKK.tL wOhuutr work in n private litinilv : boat relureuco too WKsT ltlTH ST.-A OlML Tu OO MoUsifr 1 ? )_j wurk; la willing to utak* heraelf uaelol; city reltreuaa. f'JQ B.VST3ITU HI'.. BBTWRBN LEXINGTON ANL> loo II u v*. tureauut employer's).?A young girl tod* ICCii? ral homework. jT 1 wsr 38Fh st.-a Young gikl, lately 1 X Llundod, for general bouaewurk lu a aiuall private 1 1 ft W h ST mill sr. tSIOKK).? A ItKnfhC I'A U LH I I Uglrl for iconeral liouaourork; good plaiu cook, wa*h*l and Ironor: city rulerenco. V* est "ThtiI sr.?a "young girl to oo general hunaework ; cltv rvlereuoo. 150 157 lOOt W K.a I' 31 ST SI.-A HI it 1. I'U OU UK.Sr. UAL lmuaework ; city referocce Call for two daya. it AST iorii sT.?i" It h.S f KCIABLlt PHOIKS taut girl to do geueral bouaewurk. Call for two daya. 1 ( (1 WKST 330 ST.-A RESPECTABLK UIRJL FOB lOIgoneral buuaowork; two yeara' city rrferauca Irem lit at |tl ttCO. iTm LAST 44ill sr., COKNhHSO AV.?A OATABLB IclOwoiuau fur general lioua -wor* t willing and obliging. | 7>4 East uau sr ? a ubbtbutaMUb GiuL wm I I Ogeuoral houaowork; good waaber aud Ironor; oity reitreue*. "|Uk> TTH AV.-l'KUiblSTAM' UlKi. Td OO ~HnS XOaweral hou.ework In aiutall tainllv; city reference. o7w \ "wEar 37iu st.-a yuuwoman to do <LiUV/geuerai bouaewurk; ftrat elaaa waaber aud Iruner; beat city referuuee from laat place. Ol .1 WEsT 37TII SF.-A YOUNG W^MAN TO DO kJ 1.buiiaework iu >t am ill family; good plain eowk. waaber aud Iroiier; good cay relereuce. 91 r* west tisr sr.. rTusr fluoil-a yg'JNO ajiuwoman to do general bouaawork; eity or eonalr/} Ivur yeara' relerente. 917 WhS I I18TII SI.. I'ltol kSTAIkT WO M1 I mini a* bouaeworker; city or oenntry; goad tilg ratereuoo. 99 4 EAsI' 27TII St.?A ItESt'ECTAULlk GlltL TO ZlaL*Xdo general bouaewurk In h aiuall privat* tamliy; I* willing aud obliging; beat city rafureno*. Can b* a**u for two daya. 9') 4 WEsT KIT 11 ST. ? ItEsi'ttCTABLK WOMAN TO housework; city er country ; best citf relerence* k)'4i* KAsT 34TI1 ST.-A KESrfcCrABLK YOCJMa *mOUwomau to do ifuiierel housewu k; best relsreus# truui test pUce. Cell oil or edilrssB A D V fc.ltTI8KK. 9 4ft EAST 41SI' ST ? A M10 l>L E A G EO VSKQ to do gesaral bouaawork la a privat# family! good reference. ki l~(i IvEsT ajO ST.. IN THE SHOE STORE.?4 Li c/reapectabie liermau girl to do general bouaawork In u amul> private faintly. WESf 3jTu sr.?keskkutaslb uihl roi 250. ceuer.ll lmuaework In aiuall lamlly, or ta d* ? b rwurk aud pialu wnablug; ally refereuca. ?in East iEtTi sr". >kFitlio^vv.?a young gibl dwtllto a i general bouaawork in a ptIval* family or kg chambermaid and waltrcaa; tirat ciaaa relerenca. k?C I WsST IUU HT.?A YUUMG UIKL AS GEMaSAli aL'I'raervaiit; good refereuca. EST 17r i l"s T - A EE el' EOT A BIB YoUKti woman to do general bouaewurk; ao oajectton tod abort olatuuce Id the count') ", city relereuce. *)!??? 1ST A V ?A~ItEsf KC f A JLEToIiEg GIMLFili ebU^ikauoral bouaewurk In ao>ue American lamlly; good waaher aud irouer; good city raieraac*. UAI EAST 34T1I ST.-A KKkTKOTaBLK TOOSl Ov/Igirl to do .euoral bouaework , good city rafarauaa. AST 35TU sTETa Y(J UNO GIKL TO DO UBit 258^,1 srnl b?>usvwu(k ; gOtMi cltv rulurwncs. 300 0 d I 7 uril AV, BETWK...N 371II A>D 3Sril STS.-A WV I reapociable girl lo do general bouaawork; ka*S/f yeara' relereuce from. Isal employer. 91 fk j'.asr auru sr?a kksI'KCtamlk vocNd OlUiiirl tu do geucrel huueewuik In a iiuhJI private IM lly . le ? good flam cook and lauudreea; city reference. Call for i*.i uaye. Of *J KA8T 5?ril MT.-A YUUNO UlRle TO IKl UK if OJ-Oernl homework lu a email American family; bad rel* ereuce. ?TI ?> Kt?T SOI II ST.? rW~Ithal'kC IAUL.ltil alm ? J l Olililir-l to do tlie work of a private lauttly Uatwaaa ti uin. beet elty reference. Call or uddreae. ?i i 'j 7Fti av.-twu" uiit?57i*atklTCAVLiki). to OlOfto liouavwork in *Riu*it fwiuilj. , ?J 1 I KAeT JO Flf A ItfcnFhtrrABLM UlKli H OLtJ'i general bouaowork la a private family; teat yanre' city reference '11 * KA.sT~h4 111 sr.-VoUNu OIKL TO DO UN* e)J.?Joinl bomowork in a entail family or to take aareef ?iiildron; good city microaco ?111? kAHl 5T5? nT:-A Kfciti'hCTAlll.K UlKli TO ?llUdo iiuuocwork; la a good lauudreea; ae abjection to tliu country. 3Tia wkuV aiar iHarsuTASck woman md A to do conoiai homework lu a nuall private fatally | cllv preferred. 3t;i ? "fcAbf W HT mT ? LAot OlVlNtt UP HOUMR* ajUkeopniK wieboa to Ond a place for girl to do general boueewvrk ; good > uok, waeuar and Iroaer. four yeara' reN erence. KAnT <7 Til ST.. MOO M lit. ?TWO YoUMd Oiwlglr.e; on.'to do general boo>a?ork ; vea at akaa* b riuaid: beat eitv re'vr-nte t K tS I JdiTTir TuiiTwXbN litr AMI WUAVA ? ^?/tH|IMi I'-treiant girl lar general homeworkl tbor truly unoeretaude her bueineee; will maaa bereelf generally ueefel ?I'l - wKHT~44rn Ft*. riKar fuioi, el? >?IYoung Oi rionn girl for general houaawork la erne! private lamiiv . Krvncii flat pra'errad ?7T I WfcU I tOlTF iuT^A Ki-.rU'K< l AHT.K t oUMli << I I trlrl to do general huoeework j city or country; beat relrenca '111; KAhl MTll lit?A YoCNQ 111 ML. To DO Uwfc 0 t V/?r*l hutiaowork; ic<m?u coal, ?mu'r a ad IruBW: |??4 ivter?nc?. ' 1 1 |? K tnT 0)111 "VtTT?A. KKm rfcCT a HI.K YoUNO el'Mltlri to do bout-worn er uiiad cblldran; city or country '1 " ?! K Mil o41 I 5t! > Itr. f r.t l A BI,K~I HI)1 KA 01 'ulani ir.rl to do general huuiowork la a email private family ?J( ii , 7Ttf~AV~-A Kbril'MrTABLr. UOl.uK CD UlRO O''V/t0 da general liouaework in a privato family. Call on or aodreaa I t Kit. K. ?11 - Wk.'T MfB nT? ROOM A-YUUNU wOma* ?Jfor icaarai bom work . city or coantri. I IS WkM auril ST.. 11 I)SI it ? m.NiiLIMU <11 Kl# r I * 'to do liouaework ; a good waaher and Ironar; klad te 1-1 WKitr MO nr. ON h Ki KtllT. Utt'K -AN Aoiorl an peraon to do the work Inr a aiuall family or aa eliamoermalil and ai auiatreaa or ?hlldreir'a iitrae. 1 ? > V? WI- rt r ilUlTi n r - A Hl.bMti.TAHLn til KL TD I awOdo taaeral bonaeaork ; la ayood plaiu cook, waabe* aadlrouar; city ot country . lalarenca. iajit WIRT 4*r i eT.-A YuU>0 WoMkR TO lid Oi7bo?aawofk In a private family; la a uood aeac. Waab r and Iron r; i lly or com.try , yo. 0 aity rviarvn a. ,l"i 7 Wk57~rril dr.. ktlor. hiokk - KknFhor. rJ I able llama an plri to do yenorai kuaaowerk ar a bam* barwoia In KarlM family tolerance I lie WkBY llir nT. -A YdUno OIRL TO MMi I 1 ''?r?l housM?t?rk ; kfn.tij cllf r<-fwr"ur? I r i \\\.*\ ?a uiiu, to imj aaiifk TIL I ? / 1 wufk ; >u?J ptdin cook ond totindrooo; oH/ or cotiaitrjr; rcloroiico*. M;;?? j ii! s i \ ^ ?l No uiiilT Tw T?6 M> cnortal Uoucowurk; flr?t dto loundroco; kool tiif rcioroitc*. Jl'l ill) A v.; > /.Alt 3-.-I) r>T.. tol' KI.OllR-1 't I c/roepartillia (III to Ilo li .naework In a privali fata lly; ?<?? I pain took waalier aim Ironar ; cltv relorena*. /Ili'i wlirr ..nit ?r a uihL Mk ornkkaL all /Ohnuo vori ; no old ctlon to tlie country fl'lf! *? AMI I4III >T ?A Villi>I) WkuaV TO f>4 ? '? )< I .enerai houaawork; wlil ba willing and ebllgtad) I II ? releru. I 0. I ?'u A V * Y i)UNiJ~i7Tki* Tu OO u!KN KitAl ? 1?1| liouaework , jpawd raak and laaudreaa; roterauca. r.r,7 ill) HT.-,t tut no amkiucan to m ? Id I debvrai houaawork In aamali private laaily; goad relat e nee. Ml 7 Mr AV - K|'MT b sck.-a HRarktrrv ' I fMeyouo.; Amarican woman lo do general home* Woik In a -mall private lamll) ; good city reference. CaM lor two day*. U< ? | 31) AV.. TH1RI1 rLOOR, H U K.-ttKiFBOf* Ovl r erne llerman woiueu will tro out by the day to da coneta! homework, wa iting a >d Ironing or take la waalp' Tag Mad Iveiitag. Q7 7 oril SV.-A RRitflCT tHLR OIKL TO OO Ol 1 ganeral boueawork ; good took wa-her eud imnOft no ohjei nun to city or cuantrv. Call for two dave. | (II1 all A*.. NEAKWD mi- . IN TilK MTaTIoNi lilr r wrr; ktorn. ? A yakeg girl to da goaarnl haaaa* wore in a .m ill private family. II I", I a" AY ? "**T TI/IOR.-A MM ART. IN. Ii'rrl I le ligenl girl lo do yenvral homework , aader ? ikaoi her bmineet. va.v beet cur reference. I'jUai 4T1I AV - A MlDiitiK AOKD Woman TOCO eaaOOganeral neueewora lu aglalN famlia.