Newspaper Page Text
A i CITY REAL ESTATE FOR HALE. Central. JSSoRTURNT CHOICE DW KLlINGS?MODERATE prices: own production ; scud tor desc: iptioti. DUUUIN A CEOSSM AN. erchilecu. CJ K?l 41st. A" FiR8T CLASS DWELLING (BENTS FOR U.OGO) for half'farmer value, and only sB.UUO cash and $B,UU0 per tnuuui. TKL.Sl i K, Herald Uptown uRlco. t^ASH FUKCHABEK WAXTKU?tOUlT SToiT? /brown stone Huvw ID Wart Jlst au, turuishud through out; exchanges considered Hikcrllaneout. For sale?watkk front for refineries. chemical wor..?, factories. Ac: large Block* with tula bo ad wuter trout. rIio Blocki for dwellings for ieIo oil taay terms. Apply to U. A. YOUNG. Engineer, Ac., BO Exchange pluce. _____ BROOKLYN PROPERTY FOR SALE AND TO RENT. tjHfK SagR?BaKG A1N -r? II It EE "nTOli V EttuWS A atone llou.e, containing every Improvement, Caching tou av., near W illoughey av 11. It. DONSeLLON nSFaclfle at., c.veolngt. 1" .iorITalk-a house and lot. consisting of 1 atore and Mine reoina; good lor ai.v busiur*s; at present occupied aa grocery. Apply I'M Vlyrtlo av.. Brooklyn. For sale or to lei?fink mansion, stable aud eight lota, on Willouuhby av.: will sail or rent wory low. BURNER DOB La NO. Rrouilwav. corner 4tli ?t . Brooklyn. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPER'!'* FOR SALE A.VO TO RENT. jAOIt SALE?CntMUY FLACK |A YONK IIS.BE I twoeu 8 anu U acrea, (1l.UOU. Inquire 1H Kaat loth at. .time. GU.YFANCHR. YONKEKS.?EVKKaL FURNISHED ANU UN FUR iiishod Houses to let cheap; aeoaou or year. Apply VOUMANS, Agent. Vonkera._ ____________ PROPERTY OCT OF THE CITY FOR SALB OR TO KEMT. V LOtfo BRAN'en, ".nTonmoutii beach anB vicinity, elegant Cottages. nicely furulalied, to let lor tho auuiiiier: al.o Board procured lu hotels or cottages, h or particular. apply to \VM. LANE A CO., Eaat Long Branch. La?V. LIVINO ALONE. IN CAPGB, HANDSOME houae, tu bountiful, healthy v illage in U'onuocli. ut, HI milea from New lloveu. two tralua daily Iroiu New i ork, will reul tlx Hoena, ulcelv lurniabed lor housekeeping, piano inclutlcd, lor #55 per luonih: luaa tor nyear; iho whole lleuae. If rleetred. Call or address Mrs. MoOitE. 110 JSorth Washington square, Now York city. AMRNISHKD COTTAGE; ALSO LARGE liOUsR at Kyo, Long Island Sound, 45 miuutoa by rail from city; bathing, yachting. Ac UboKOIt. JACKSON'S SONS. 201 Centre at. VALLABLE A N D VKKY~COWFLETE CMUNTKY Seat, all fiirniahcd aud atocked, for aa>o or exchange tor Ireo ana cloar I'toporty lu city; will pay money on Uif Icreure, or will trade lor eccurlllea. AUdreaa UUSlNE-S, Herald office, with particular*. T/Uli M IN XwS IE It N CONNECTICUT. 1<>0 ACRES, 1" on (Jwiiibbang Hirer. 1'? mllaa Irom f'ntiiuui. 5 Iroiu Woodstock; l?u houses aim lui o outbuildings; all lu Urat rate order. AUdreaa W. II. UATTEY. Futoum, Conn. IfOR SALE?AT UFFKR NYACK. JO ACRES OK ' Lund, runuiug from the river to the top of the moun tain. Inquire of GAltKKT SAItVENI', Upper Nyack. 1pi)K SALE OK AT ALOI iON?A COUNTRY SEAT IN 1 Greenwich, Conn ; 15 rooma; view to Auuud and vil la. e : 5)4 acre- land : not exchange anle; owner la going lu l'.urnpo: price SHU,UUU. Apply at 110 Na.aau at., reatau rant. or to A. OEOKOI, Greenwich. Conn. lOR SALE AT A BARGAIN?GOOD FARM OF 4B acres (tuitahlo lor auuiuior hoarder*), huililinga. stock and crops; price $5,500. Apply tu OWNER, 54 Laluyette place. For sale or to bent-fine residence at liarion. Conn.; all the modern improvements; bvo min utes tr tu depot; eight ucres of ground, nicelv laid out; hums, stable*. ?kc. J. II. liA itlfEN BECK. 110 Furk row. 1AUUN1-.IIED MOUSE. MONTCLaIR-U RoORB; COM*, pleto. pruttv. all improvements. garden, play ground, near iiepot, cbmmauding situation: tor season #10O per mouth. Address MOXl'CLAlK OWNEil, Herald office. CAIIATOh A - - E Lit N Isii E D COTTAG En TO LET Willi Oull modern improvements and ample carriage room; the cottages are on 1'lilla at. und within a short dis tance ol iho park aud principal lintels. Addross H. A. HFuFARI>, IBM Broadway, or 11. F. JUDSON, Foat office, Saratoga Springs, a. Y. <h - (Hill I'AnlilviLhl'lllUllAnEUiU BUILDING ?t/.vUUUti In Now Jor*oy, one hour Iroiu Now York: these lota have boon sold lor $J(kl ouch and oan he tra ied tor other property ut that figure ; any one having the cash cau make a rare investment, furcation and ail particulars at NICHOLS' office. Ho LIhorty si. RBAt? E8TATK TO EXCHAUGB. AT all A RON 3PRIN0S?A COUNTRY S AT. KREE uuu clew, to exuh?n*e lor Avenue Property or City Lots. JACOB K0bK.V-sTKlX.3Ut hum 4th st fpOK BALK OK EXCHANOK?T\VO~COUNTRY RKSl. deuces, furnished or nulurnlnhed; Dlna utiles lu .Naw Jersey; river trout und near depot. Apply S. K. KKE.D, 157 tut Both at.. Now York. ALK OK"KXCHANUK-8KVK.\ BLKGANT IIAKD wood Uuiatied brown atone Uoiiaoa. < .'tU at . uaar Mudl lon ?v. ; bargains. T A. ObAHIUtlN A iu, 14'J Broadway. rpo kxoiTamub"p?iu'coVsmtv prop?utv?a two I story basemen t sbrick tiuiiau in Brooklyn; good nelgb borboud. cuuvenleut to farriea; party wishes to obiaiu a bo'oe, with u lew acrua. III country, coin anient to .Saw York ; equity, $3.'I0U. Address KXl/'ll V.NiiK, Herald office. UK A Is K ST. VI'In tV A \ TKD. WaK'teo to uTTy?pok' #12.10>" emu?* sualTl Tf hi-'h utoop I!ouno. about Hi l?et *id*. below 75th it., veil of Ski uv. Ajdr?i V., 102 IJiruM ottlce. TO U T FOIt lvLSl\t;SS I'tlU'OSlCS. BKnneT't ffOlXoffTtiT L"" comer oi Pulton and Nassau atv Several offices tu tnls buildlni; to lot at greatly reduced Tenia. Tba office, will be altered to ault tenants. I be buildin.' Is beuted by ataaui. aud aacb office baa washstanu and Water III It. 'I wo elevators ruuulng. Kg oxtrsa. Apply to JUUN Is. KNIflUT, at tha building. CHEAP STOKE TO LIST. WITIIIN PIPTV Pc.KT ot Central Park station of elevated rallroau. lid av. aud 60tb at. Apply ou premises l.UOl 3d av. rent, #60 per inontU. L~~ a KGk STORK O.N UTII AV. TO RENT; NhAK depot Elevated Railroad ;2J.xDl>; auitabia for luruiture, d'uifs. Ac. TlMl'bON A PhfcT, 1.510 liroadway, bear 44th ?t. OP-IS TO LET?WITH OU WITHOUT ST RAM Jpower; ail modern Improvements. 345 hast 20tb at. PARI' OK rsTOKr. 33 UNION sUL'AKB. BROADWAY side, to let reasonably. W. L. 11U I LK It. 33 Unlou square. SfutuTiw) and ?3 GHKkNWIOH NT.. ALSO UOUNB itkl M dt st . at a low rent. App y at 303 KllaaUetb at. JACOB WKE.KS i7kt-a wkll KNOWN DOWntown hotel, on . tbe l-.ttropean plan; astablisheu since 1441*. auo has about 30ii ruuius. pas and water throughout, tna luruiture will bo sold or rchteu with hotel. Address lull netne tu KX ECU I OR, box 2.MW Post office. fPO LET?DKsK Rood IN A XANUrACTUUla J. Jeweller's office. Address DKSK BOOM. Herald office. T* OIAT-HU NUmV' KACTORY: sTKAJf hNOIMH, elevator; rent moderate. NATHANIEL ItOE, lt*l Var Ick st. To tier?THK Ha.SKINo KOOtl OI- HI'EE'S IIKaI) Hank, with fixtures complete; desks fire and burglar ?roof vaults. Ac.: also basuiuent offica. Apply at the B uk. Property lor sale ( U EhT-OPPObiTE W A3HINUI ON MARKET. 252 Pulton, fit ted up lor Isgrr ..eer -oloon ana npartuieols IP stairs; rent low t: hK.MISON, North River Bank Building. 1y' Oreenwlch st. O'J -. OKRhUfW!< II DOUBLE WINDOW ? ?)? 'Store -uitsi le lor anr business: .mat ihoroupbiare; scar Hobokm ferry; rent low t . treod tenant DWKLU.SO IHHsKli TO LK'U P u I II ialiuii. Faroe pour story brows stonk house, 4:id Jet., near 3ib av ; partially inrnisiied; rent low toprl i?t? family. illll'SON A Pc.KT, 1,51(1 Broadway, near Htli at. I'm fu ml sheil. A THREE STORY MoUsK. 10 ROOMS. IN KIRST rale order, 103 West 4lb St.. pood location tu 1st fur ? Ished rooms to; rent #03") per anuunn Urocer In oorner will tliow tbe Uuu?e. TO~EKT-ON VMYlKs11 Y PL tGK, HKTWKEX 10TH and lltli ?ts.. a medium sited high sloop House, lieln-t sow put In pood order. Address box 4,4??* Post oflina. N. Y. rjpo Ltl-W~lo|,K t'K PART Or VKitY NKAT BKOiVN JL stone Hnu?e 350 West fiOth st.; very low rout. Apuly on premises or 7(4*> Bib av To EfrET?aT ,iToiTekair katk, acosky house, centrally I. csteu In a convenient iielpbborlioou down town. Audres- box IMu Ueraid office 1111 REE sTORY HltOAN STONE HOUSE. 1U3 WESr ?nth el.. 3d feet wide, ell modern Improvements; ?i:| bo put In perlect order; rent. $1,UUA TlMI'Si.N A I Klif, 1.510 Broadway, near 41th st. a !\ East *jtii -T . NKARBecahway"7Ti3 BRZ 'xVuewly painted. OW NKK, 134 East 33d it. tSiw?~?THEEK >toky Tuurr hToo? B iTl.~Tc VO'/V'sHousd; 15B West 34th St. Inquire B.AUBKY. Ill Broadway. KI HMSIIKIJ HOO>IN AND VPAUT.MKNTS TO LET. A COM PORT ABLE fU RNTSIIP.D III- Alt PAttLOR te let- #t- anil two perenas, private resldvuer 333 East l.llU st. . uat, batb. AN KI.KiiA.NT I'AKLOK, A I.NO OTIIKR ROOMA nee l? fun .Ished. to let to yentlnmen. slimmer prices; keek Psrlor, unlurnUh-d, If desired Call 32 West MKH St. NICEI.Y pFknIhIIKD IIALL ROoM, WITH OAR, to veatleiueu only ; prlea $3 50 weealy. 344 liast :nh A Art UNI?llhi? no* i M lo m IKT PART IK4 BY day or week, east etde. Address AVBO CONPIANCR, Herald office ANRaTEY PUHNINH hl? IIAI j7~KOoM, (JAM, BATIlj to penile lai. on y 11" Katt 37th. I exluptnn anl 3d. AOEMLI MAN OOlMI t li HO s II KOK lllk ?I IT mer. bavine deeupic I Ins mom In private lamlly lor sev eral years. Is desirous of reeommeiidlut' It to a parti before ?ravin*. Nor particulars address C, H C.. boa 4A4I Post office. ___ _______ A? llANDsOMKLY PtHNI.-iTiKU KOOMdHN HlO sond nnd third llimrs; terms low. 44 Wust 27th st APKIVAir. Pa Ml I. V WILL KENT a La H<1 K THIRD ? I oi y i in utr lied Room ; hot and cold water, hath und lsl MB Wnet irTth n. A NKWLY1 NUKNINIiBD IIALe UkDUOOmI Pk|". J\ rate teiullv: teiuiaiow to oealrebie party. 131 East 13th st A" pitlvatr panil?~will UT inaTdhomely lurnlslied Rooms al reaaonabla rates ; Board If desired, dlllviil 3inh st. A PUi.N 14hM?" NRiTnT ROOM: klTCHRN, BED* room, llrst floor, fid; also funr Booms, third Hour, f4' till Wast .17111 st. A-r.iii tv.. aw. corner op 3iit ?T. hand .soinoiy lurnlshcd Rooms, wlthoat Board ; also Rooms lor sinale pontisinon. At ado~e"a?t-i#th sr., oppobTte par?cT-elk pant Rooms; bouaa and looatE.n Aral claas; gentlomen only. 7 NEATLY PL'KNIhHKD room, KtfUHKN. PRI Jlvato llatb. Ac., orery conrenlenco for housekeeping; terms inoderato. -ft' Writ 3Atli st iTeCOND PLOOK, PUI.LV NUNNI4HED, ftTlt housekeeping, pisae. private batnreom. 4(14 West 34lb St. ' a API.UN Dl D 4 uTt - r AR LOrTbED R (H>M, ? A Til. A0.> jVtmond Hoar, fronts 333 >ib nr., opposite Hotel Bruns wick. PVRMgHKDROOlVft ARD APAKTHBHTI TO LKT. X^-L Aau*ET~~I-L 2a - I a T~ "uoua^FJ^TsTru. 3\ (housekeeping ur gentlemen, $3 tu $5 ; good location. 354 Wait -_'OtU at. CtsNTKAL POINT.-UOOMH, FURNISHED. KOH OEN Airmen ur married couples; $3 50 to it 100 Hudson at., opposite U< abroasea. Jjii.EtiAMr suit ok imom.-, entire second Jlloor; laige and atuull Room oil tliirii Uoor. private la'u iiv. MO vt vat -l.d-t. f.U OANTLY FC KNISHhD ROOMS, AT KhAaoMv labia pri.ea, at 53 Woat Otb at. T7YRONT FlkLOl AMD BEDROOM. WELL FUR r nlaliail. ou Brat Boor; 44 50 per weak. 300 33a at., cor uvr Mb av. UKNlSHkD?A LARGE SITTING HOOM AND Bedroom : term* very moderate; aultable for two per aona. 3(>4 East 37th at . third floor. L1 OHM-? 11 l.D ROOMS TO LET TO HINOLK OENTLE I imsii, without i oard, in American family: reference* re quired. East both at. (Dunacumb place). Addreaa B., box 110 Herald office. IjU'xNIMIhD Itootl-T FOR i.EN TLKMiN. WIlUOUT board, iu Brat claaa houao 33 Weal 35th at. FUR "MSH ED ROOM 1FOR TWO ~CIENTLKMEN: PKI vate houae, with bath; rent $10 tnouth. inquire 17 Abingdon aquare. TuT< N1 11KD ROOMS ON WASHlN OTO.V ~SO UAB B, r *1 50 uud upward; housekeeping II desired. 50 Weal 4th at. yiURN'ISIIKD ROOMS. WITHOUT BOAKO, FOR tiEN 1? tleiiien ouly; choice accoinmodationa aud very ceutraL 31 Waal 33th at. J^UKMSIIhD ROOM* TO LKT?WITH OAS. BATH F and nil modern iiuurovcmrnta, iu private houao 333 Wvat 30th at.; Irout Rooma, $14; back Rooma. *10 per month. jjlUxRISHhU ROOMS TO LKT KOit HOUSEKEEPING r or gentleman. 4l<5 Woat 33d at. (Loudou terrace). L'UllMSItHl) PLAT FOR 11)iUSE itK PI >U ; OR P will rent to a club of Eeutlemen; excellent condition. 1,357 iir noway. If URN is fi E U ROOMS T'? LET-TO LADIES OK HE N tlanaan . hnnaaq*U> ME Weat htlih at., uear Broadway. LI i HIT HOUSEKEEPING-NICELY KUR.NISHED rrout Room, water aud gas, $3- 417 4th ar., near 30th at. S~~ hi UNO Kl.ooit, Nl-.Wi.V a.Mi I>K*>I RABLV KU R ulahed. $10 a week: alao back I'arlur, $?'>: Board il de aired, #?"> each; houao Brat claaa; ail iiuprovouionta. 300 Wot 43d at. vv I.LI. FURNISH F.D HIM' FLOOR KOit HOUSE keaniox; $o weakly. 300 woat 35th at. <J..? \V Eh KLY. ?NICELY FCRN 1*11 KD HaLLROOM; V* ? gentlemen ouly ; 400 Otb av., accond floor; alao a large Hooui. $3. ?_) KITItNISII l.D FRONT ROOM>, FIRST FLOOR. FOR Ohousokuonlag; Ninth ward; $33 month. CHR1STAL LEE, 17 Abingdon aquare. 9m K AS I' 37TI run TWE EN MADISON AMD 3TH A VS. - ? Furnished Rooma lor gcutleinuc. without board; roler eDcea; brcaltlaat if desired; terina moderate. no bank st-private kamTlV; elegantly aUrefurnished Rooma; all modern improvementa; moderate ratea; geutlomeu ouly DO WEST 20TB ST.?LARUE NEWLY, HANDSOME O^jly lurulalied Rooma; phyaleian'a office; half block Mndiaun aquare; aniiiiuer pricea: references. ~ EAST 3STU ?T.. BETWEEN 4111 AND MADiSON Oava.?Kurniahad Rooma. with hath. iraa. 43 A *7 tt F.sT 13T11 SI'.-IIANDSi.MELY FURNISHED r I Irout alcove; alao aquara Room, raaaonabla to per manent partiea: role recce a. U.iKeTiW ST - FURNISHED SECOND FLOOR Olor housekeeping. $5; atnall Rooma, $3; bath. g?i. 03 L'A WEST 3?rH ST?FURNISHED ROOMS TO U Xreut. to single centlamon ; alao Extenaion Parlor lor doctor or dontiaL 98 f'D WKST 4TII (WASHINGTON SyU lit. ).?NICELY ' rUfurulabed Rooma to let losiuglo men or housekeeping In a private family; gas aud bath; rent, $351) par week up ward. V 3D AV.?FlKsT FLOOR. FRONT. FURNISHED Rooma to gentleman or housekeeping; terma low. 1 /If I EAST BOTH ST ?HANDSOMELY FURNISHED 1UUl'arlor aud Bedroom, ur ploaaant front aud ball Room, to gentlomon. mKtST 37TII ST.?NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, with bathroom attached; bouao pnvato; tarma mod erate; geuvlemeu ouly. 7 LUDLOW ST.-A WIDOW LaDY. RESIDING ? alone, haa handsomely furulahed ltooma to let, tor gentleman and wife; Board tor the lady only. OMvJ EAST30TH sr.-A NICKoY FURNISHED SEC OU_voud Floor, conalatiug of two largo roomf, lor light liouaekveplng; terma $7 per week. _ A. 4 UN FlUMSHKU KUOillM AND APART MENTS TO LET. '-1^ AJ^f^hO ON L> FI .Oi ?K KOoRii.A.CL .largo and ligbt; closets In abundance, bath. with trout ]ia>emoi;t; largo pantry, washroom, separata (unitui purluct order. 114 ran lltli st., near 4tb ar LARUE, HANDSOME FRONT PAKLOtC. UN FUR nlshod. to lai, to goutlemen, wltUout board. 33S 4tb ?v., near lUth St. AP AKTMRNTS. 3?5 WEhT 35TII.?SPACIOUS GAR dcn. shude trooe, play irrouno, summer bouse; Janitor; now, raliuod, uiodarata. A SPLENDID PARLOR FLOOK UNFURNISHED, three riome deep; hot and eold water; elegaut bouae. U it.asl 33d at. a LOWER PART, FRON I' AMI MACK PARLORS aud twu bedrooms, front and back basement and bed room, bath stationary tubs, hot and cold water, gas na tures. Ac., $35 por month. 130 East 51st sL, near Lexing ton a*. FtuVr CLtsS APARTMENTS TO LET-IN TIIE Irving, 57th St.. near Otli av.; 1(X) foot street; high, healthy ground; alt light rooms; mirrors, cornices: doors deateucd; all modern conveniences; near Klevated Rail road aud Central Park; rents reasonable. Apply ou premises ?SINE FKr.NCH Plats TO LKl-ALL MODERN J linuroveoieuts; all the rooms well lighted; ehoapost in city Inquire on premises 453 West 43d at. Tjll.ATS m"RENT IN CONYENI ENT LOCATIONS tIN I? Stli av. and side streets . comer 43d sL at $3i>. $.15 and fio per month. TIMPaON A PELT, 1.510 liroadway, near 44th si. A N DSO M h SECOND FLOOR TO LhT 1IN PRIVATE house 343 F.est lUth at . n lar 3d ur.; live large rooms, all light, bathroom, gas. bot and cold water; closets: use stationary tubs. P~~akt ok "a uous ?. to let. 3o? wkst *id kt. Inquire on the promises, ilood location; rent choap. PARLOR FLOOR, KlVr. ROOMS. TO S H ALI." F A~\T lly; newly paluted and in good order. Apply to J suitor, 318 l ast ~u.ii sL TU~"lKT-A KKOnT ANI> HACK P a Kl.UK IN A drat class neighborhood; an excellent opportunity for a physlclsa or dentist; rent low. 333 Kastillstst rpo Li T?FROM J i Nr. 1. FOUR ROOMS, ON~SKCOND J. lloor. to n small lauiliy;ront $KJ per mouth. Inquire at 3*7 Hleecker at. T~<TlkT?11Y A FamTLy OP TWO. IN PKIVATh KN(I> Halt basement house. Kitchen. Lining Room. Extension, lour nice Uedr miis; use of bath; rout $3<i per month. AMERICAN, Herald Uptown oQice. (jj I |j il aX1?->OMKPaRLuR FLOOR AN'O H.ASE ?PT'/sinont. all improvements; flue order; also Second Hour. r35. 135 East 4Ulli st. >||)0 K18T UIST.?PiUVaTK lloLSK; TillKl) a_i ?J Flour; three conoeetnig rooms; everything drsl class; iirrun ed lor nmiseseeping. _____ IIOU?KA, HlHIiHH, .wc? W A.M'I'KD. lit title City ami It roots I yn. 0X8 I.aKOK OR TWO SMALL ROOMK WANTED? Kor a law .llice ; In vicinity of City llali; must be cheap. L . box KW Herald Uptown office WANTKH-BIf"AT;oUPLK WITHOUT CHILDREN, Part of a noose, with a private family: rent uut to exceed #:5 per month; west side prelerreu ; relar-nco giveu and required. tddressC. W., Herald Uptown olBce Uf ANTED BY fHKBH ADULTS, F RMSilhO Floor, lor housekeeping. In stiletlr private tamily: stale terms; retsreacea Address B. U.. hex 103 lierald Uptown office. In the Country. QKASIDK COUNTRY IIOL'sK AND 0R0UND3 Oeanied lor tlin summer; bouse lurnlshed end wltb not less thuu elsht bedrooms must be within two hoars el the city. Address fc. J. IL. 154 Congrsss si . Brooklyn TT'antku-TuknihiTkk Foriaok. for tiik hba M sou, with garden aud shade, within one hour of New York. Addre-s. wi.h la I particulars. L., Poet office box 3,553 New York. BOAHltKItlfl \v AM'i'.i). ITTnTuioSii fx*itn Isded tfooiT-TJiGb"taBLfe: # 13 Slid $14 for two; ample closets. 13U Wsst 45th, nssr Oth ev. I MM ALL ROOM TO LhT, WITH BOARD. ?338 LAST X 13th st. . 2rKONT ROOMS." FIRST FI.OtiH. llKAUTIFtJl.LY furnished: elso otuer rooms; excellent table; elegaut residence. 3U North Washington square. __._____ D RU(J)| la xKit, V tson place, turner Clinton (Bib st.), near Broadway. rtH "av~ i'i.-liANunomk suit ok FUHNMHBD ? /Rooms. on parlor flour ; private bath. Ae.; also other do ?treble Rooms, wltn excellent table. F~FioirKt:t"pLACK (EAST 41ST mt.)?excellent ? I Board ; well furnlebvd Rooms , will lot at any prlea; re 1 er eoce. 7 WKsr 14TI! 8T? FINK 8UITK OX SECOND FLOOR, I alto single Ho me. wltb or without hoard: excellent ac commodations. Mrs. Sl'DKHONH, -I SITII sr.. 133 WEST.? LARUE, PLEASANT ROOM; X^aise ball Room, with Board, to gentlomsa; lam lly small it) park ay.?handsomely ri kximiko lakok J slltoom on second flour, trout; also ball Iteom, wltb Bvatd; rutorenten. Til ST. WhST. 343 -ROOMS To LKT. EN HI ITK or singly, wltn first class Hoard . best ol references. 1 I Wi ST 4UTH ST.. NEAR WInDBOK HOTEL.?DR. l'Tsirablu seeeud Floor, ea suite, and oue other Room, with Hoard. WEST tmTII HT.-rlsKASANT MOONS, WITH OR without HoarA ttl WEST 3IST ST. ? KLF.OANTLY F(JKNI>lf hD HBO Ae 1 ond Floor and other Rooms, wltb supsrlor Boerd, at reduced rates lor the summer a tjl WKST SOT 11 ST.-DBstBAHLR ROOMS, WITH ae I Hoard, te latnllle* or single goullemea, at reasonable prices. tjsiu "sr.. 5ii H TWhKN 5TH AND HTH A Vs.?spLTIT. awawdld ascommedatloas 1 handsomely fnrnisbad Apart luen ts for geutlemeu and wlvrs or single gentlemen ; cle <n llnsss ami upr.tur teals gnarantued. tit IDS r., We s"r l5W-NlciLt FURNISHED MOOM| aJawrl'i lor two. drst class Hoard; other ' ooms. 14 20 20 lit Si I?TH sr.. Nl. Alt 5111 A V. Furnished Rooms: flrat Class Hoard. ? >7 WKnT 34TM ST?HOOSS FOR ORnTLEMKN, si I with flrst class Board; few day boarders taken: prl vats family _____________ siLj EAST 3"ifH ST -SUIT OF TIIBKK ROOMS. PRI SlOvate bathroom, with private table or without board; RsHtme l"r gentlemen , relerences . A Cl OLl vioN. COHNKH INI YHHsTtY PLACE. 'i awVerr desirable Rooms for famlllee. with permanent or lr nslent Monro ; table bountlfnlly supplied ; terss reduced to smnmer prices. ^ _ a it SKiT ibt 1 si Nil Ely ri rsis 11 p.b ituoMrf, ir,'wlth Hoard, to families er geutleraea; prlee moder ate i tranelent or permanent. BOARDERS WANTED. JffS BBS uth, near nuo\i)W.\y. - UXrok tJOlront Rooms. llrat and second floors; excellent Hoard; moderate cbargee. S~TT WEnT 33D ST. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED OKoom* on second floor, ?? idUo or iligif, ?IU> first clots Board; re ureacea 60 5TII AV. HANDSOMt LY PUMNISHrD ROOM*. Oalso I'orlur Sulla, lite single geutlemeu, with llr.t clust Preach vaisias; termsraassoaM# 1 whwarfi required. 7 I MADISON A v.?ROOMS To L>Mr, TO FAN!UKl 4 laud gentlemen, wllh Board; trausleuta taken; ruler an coo. 1 noii aDIhON A V.-DKSI RABLE a 01TB AN D BIN 1 .iOglo Rooms. with or without Board; also Office for pliystcinu ; reasonable Icrms. W4VRRLKY PLACE.?SINGLE ROOM, WITH Board; also day Board. 1')?) \VEST 44TU.-8L7PKRIOR ROOM FOR ONE OB OOtwo: location and table uuaxoupilonable: beat ref erences ; reasouabla. 1 wayerley PLACE ? Tfll CHKAPMV AtJUboarding house in New York; uxcallent table; ueat and clean front Room, with Hoard for two, $11. WESf 4UTH ST.?HANDSOMELY FUKMSlIRU Roouit to let. witb or without Board. 127 206 OO/k WEST 381 it si'.?LARbK. PLEASANT ROOMS, agOUlurtiished or unfurnished, with Board; terma mod erate. 611Q-WKSI SCUD ST.-.VKWLY FURNISHED KuOMS, O''Owiilt or without Board, for gentlemen and their wivee or single gentlemen, very reaeouublo. N EXPERIENCED MIDWIFE WILL, ACCOM MO date laules during confinement witli good Hoard and medical attendance; terma moderate. Address L. B? Herald ofliee. suit' AND SINGLE ROOMS, WITH OK WITHOUT private table; sumitier prices. 442. 438 Madison av. Back paklok-aLso oihek laroe rooms to let. with eood Hoard: ceulral location. Address PERMA NENT. IBS Herald Uptown uflice. LAKOB AND SMALL ELeUaNT hOuM--with or without Board. 23d at., neurliUbert road. PRIVATE KaMILY. Herald Uptown olUce. NO QllAAUA.?APPLY FOR LISTS OP PIRST CI.ASS hoarding acconimodations, city or couutry. SANDS Hoardlug Directory. 1.151 Brosdwsy. l'.f!ll.\D AND THIRD SfOltY ROOMS, WITH OR without Board; bouso and tablo ttret elaas. 53 East 21st at. ~~ BOARD AND LODUISU WANTED. "A LADY' WOULD~LIKE L'NFUKNISUED'KOOM. /I. wit I, or without Hoard, in exchuugo lor music loaaonn Address E. W., Herald Uplowu uflico. YOX7NO GENTLEMAN DESIRlTs"uOARD; PRIVATE fag|iy; borne comforts; society; bank of Hudson, 30 minulua out: terms very reasonable tor seasun; tostl uionlnle Address SA Tin FACTORY, lleru d uilice. BIKENcH BOa'kD WANTED?PIItsT CLASS, BY A gentleman who requires large room with ample closets or room cud bedroom, between 14th and 30th ats. and 4th undtith a vs.; unexoeptionuble ratereuce gtvon and required. Addross. giving full particulars ol location, price and de scriptiou of rooms, E. W., cars of S* S. White, Not 707 and 701) Hroadway. AMY.D-liY A GENTLEMAN. HIS WIFE AND two children, fnrniahod Aparturents. with Board, be tween 23d and 34tb sta. aud 4th aud OtU avs.; state lowest terma Address A. A. J., lierald Uptown office. anted-by a ukntLemaK, a NICE ROOM, witb Hoard, up town; stato price and lull particulars, P. S. B., lierald office. Vl/ANTED HOARi> P')R OeNTLEMAN AND WIFE; Vr private family preferred; above 27tb. wosl ot 3d av. Address BONNER, lierald Uptown office, stating terma ANIVD-BOAKD Pur a small family, about 10 mluuies'walk from Arlington House. Address, by letter. Mrs. MYERS, East 14th St. UUTULH. TT~N"irw enuea"n7T iiotfhL. jjUBowiuY-auo xY Rooms; Lodgiu.:, 3'Jc., 4'Jc.. 50c.;> to S3. tTAKLETON HOUSE, WILElAM. CiiR>T7ir~FKANK. /tort lit.?.ilnule and double Rooms. with uow furniture, beds mid bedding. OTBLWkTOL. 6'1'U AV. AND 43D ST.?SUITS ?if apartments euu bo secured by uddressiug J. H. COREY, Manager. COUNTHY BOARD. ~~' ~ Boak'6*Wanted?ay .new' ukiouto'n, b, i in a private lainily, by a young married couple, within con venient dietauce of landing. Adaroee, etutluK loeatioa, time from lauding and tortus, O. 8 0. F., lleraid oBlco. OaIuj WANTED?ON SOUTH S.iO tE. LONG lalaud, for lady, two children and nurae. tor about throo uioutba: high, eliady ground; lieaitbT locality; good bath lug; two good sls.-d Rooms: moderate torma. Addraee, with full partlculara. N. W..4B West 33th et. CioUNT ItV BOARD?FAR tl HOUSE. ON MORRIS AND )Essex Railroad, not lurthor than Morristowu, ucar sta tion, fur 3 adults and 3 uhlldreu; stato trrma. Address L. H.. box 137 Herald office. Five ok seven adults can uavk oood board, ic private lauiilv.on larm one hour Irom city; terms moderate. Address box 714 Post oBiee, itahway, N. J. IF YOU WI.sll To "SPEND TIIE sUMM U PLEaS antly, in a quiet way. whure everything will be made agreeable and at very moderate oxponte, write to NELSON M AHKK. Pleasautville, Westehesier county, is'. Y. N~EW JERSEY, NEAR 8lAlioN AND NEW YOKE Elegaut place: Irult and milk abundant; terms83 and *0. liOMEit, llackeusack. SIX UR EIGHT PERsONSCAN BE ACCOMMODATED with ltoard for the eeasou at a farm house pleasantly sit uated uear the water, with every facility tor boating. fish ing, gunning; also siill(aud sea water batblug; house woll Shaded and rooms pleasant; terms moderate. Address ALANSON EDWARDS, C'unlro Moriches, L 1. SLUM 1.11 A SO WINTER RESULT EXCHANGE. 733 Uroadway.?Free to the public; complete deserlptloue of Summer ucsorts gratuitously primed aud lurulslied colors; roadway.?Free to the public; complete descriptions of proprietors of summer hotels and boarding bouses dosiriug guosts should avail themselves of the leoilltles offered by this Exchange; call or request circular. IIAHIIKOUCK A LAKE. 8VNMER KKIOKTb. A." GRAND UNluN HOTEL, SARATOGA 8PR1NO!", N. Y.. THE LAROEST AND MUST MAGNIFICENT SUM MRU IluTKL IN THE WORLD. WILL OPEN JUNE 15. 187a ROOMS CAN BK SECURED O.V APPLICATION AT THE METROPOLITAN HOTEL, NEW YORK. HENRY CLAIR, MANAGER. /I VIEW HOUSE, ITuTTT sl\. ON THE lIUD IjTi 'n ?Now open. Applicatien at the hotel or W. E Flstl.restauraut. 331 Hroauwey. W. J. FISH. Piopiletor. MUSI CLAIM. N. J.?MOUNTAIN AVENUE HOUSE, now oneu: all elty improvements, Call or address. A. T. Lack. PAVILION HOTEL. WOODHBlNtO. LONG ISLAND, south Shore?Eighteen miles Irein Sew York. Walker A HLaDWIN, Proprietors. sALFik AT \ t UTlUt, ATJcWoSu-aT^PRIVATE RESIDENCE. Mossrs. RANDOLPH A CO. WILL SELL T'llS (TUESDAY) MORNING. 10 O'CLOCK PROMPT. AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE NO. 41 WEST 10TU ST., BETWEEN 5I'll AND Bi ll A VS., PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN OuINU ABROAD, HTkINW AY PIANOFORTE. L'I'rIUUT piano. PARLOR AND DRAWING ROOM SUIT*. In crimson, tau and gold or,-cade satin and cuL-lulne : Spanish Lounges, h a,y Cuaiis: marquetry. gilt < autre and Console Tallies; ? Ktagervs. Cublneie. I'ler and Msutel Mirrors, French Man tel sets, in day C>o< ks. Musical Hose-, Lace Cm taits. Li brary and Secretaire Uuokcasee, Turkish Suit, Library Ta bles. Desks; Oil Peiiitiius. bv eminent artlstr. compri sing :-"A NCIK NT CYPRUS." BY MKLKOSK. ??OFF THE FRENCH COAST," BY LEO A NO, "VIEW OF VENltiK." BY II ? Itr.N IOK. ?SENTINEL ROCK," BY ANDREWS. "ON UUAItD." BY LANGWOKfUY And 33 ulbers, ail choice collections, r cu glit Tram en. Fine seleetihii imported bmun statu ry One pair Freneh brouts Cupids, cost fldt Cesar. Mark Aiiiuny. Milieu, rliakespenre. 1 he Four Seasons and 38 pair* ol other desirable Figure*. Ur.Di.OOM FURNITURE. CONSISTING lli-drnutn Set", inlaid and gilt H<'d*tead*, Dressing Cases, Bureau*, i liifTeualere*. Washstaud*, single and double Bed steads. 33 lialr and spring Mattresses. Pillows, Blankets, rep and plush Suits, marble top Tahlst. Chairs. Hookers DINING FU ?NITUKK. vis two Extension 'fables,In laid French walnut :.|drboard. Chairs in leetbor. Silver ware : Dinner, lea Bete, Cuilery, Ac. ; 33Carpets. N. It. ? Take Sixth avenue cars to lUlti si. Men to pack, ship goo is, city or country, Rldl.villi II. RANDGLPli. Auclioiioor. Auction sale this imy ituesdayi. TO IIE sol.o WITHOUT reserve, ALL THE ELEG ANT FU UN 11 U I.E. WO It Ks OF ART, AC.. IN I'KIVAIK RESIDENCE 130 WEST 331) .*T.. NEAR OTII AV? COM MEN vI NO AT 10 O'CLOCK. WINDSOR eye A RE liKANI) PIANOFORTE. ST IN WAY UPRIGHT PIANO, rich Pake hi suns, covered in satins. LIBRARY. CHAMBER aNU DINING FURNITURE. N. R -SALE POMII1VE. RAIN OR sitlNK. PARLuRS t.'i INTA IN Suits covered In crliueou sarin, with ?liver puffing. Reception Chairs and ItiLsers, In raw ,11ns; t abnisit and Tallies, Inlaid tuurquvtry and beis du rose Outre and Console Tables. Etageres, Encolgnuret, Ped estals Mu.ic Cabinets, Ease's, Plor and Mantel Mirror*, lace Curtains. Sevres and Ormolu Mantel nets. UO dav Clocks; also large collection of CUOlCB OIL PAINilNOs I1Y MASTER ARTISTE. MODERN AND ANTIQUE BRONZE OKOt Ps. STATU KS, AC. CHAMBER Sl Ts, Inlaid and plain Dressing Cases, Bins,us. Bedsteads. Waslittaiuls. Cnilfeniileret. balr and spring Matretses, Boltlcre, I'lllows. Sheets, guilts. suites In hairclotli and reps. Turkish Louages and Chairs, l.oek era, Brussels and Ingraiu Carpets, lace Curtains. Clin ks' M irrors. Engraving*. Ac. i Library, .-secretary, and Dwarf Bookcases; Library Tables Desks, ledltt' Escritoire and Worstahle. Eoeks, Ad DININO ROOM?isuffvtt, Extension Tehle, Bide Tables, Chairs. Sliver Cabinet. China, Olatt and Silvsrware, Cut lery. builor's Tray, Marvin's lire and burglar proof Sate, Ae.; 11 al l|-1 and and t hairs, hall and stair Carpet, and Rods; alto Furniture ol Kitchen and servants' Apartments; evsr 4i?i lot* hy catalogue I.UKK FITZGERALD. Auctloueer. N.B. ? (leodt packed and shipped. Take Otk or 7lh av. ear or 33d tl. stage to door. Auction. auction. auction, fkis TUESDAY, cnmmeuciug at 10 o'eloek, at the elegant four story mansion, 31 F a?l 17th St . between 5th av. aud Union nqonr*, Stlei'ant rosewood Pianofortes. 1 satin nud 3 raw silk nirits. 7 pieced 3 Hoi.fcease*. Lady's Desk. 13 elegant velvet ami Brussels CerpstA 4 elegant Centra fables. 3 Library labia*. 13 elcgsnt Imported Bronte Figures. 31 <)li I'sintiugs. oy Muliey, i-eplsa and others. Kltg i nt Imported Clocks 0 Parlor nulls In rep,, 7 pieces 7 elegant Freneh w tlnui Bedroom Hot* 35 ti ring and hair Matt'eseea Pillows, Bolsters, sheet*. Ae. 3 elegant Buffets, Dining Cnalrs. 5 Spanish I.uungi-s, Chairs to maloL, Elegaut Silverware, Cutlery. (ties,ware. Wall I'ockvts. Kite hen and servants' Furniture. v. H.- Take Broadway stages or cart from Astor House, or green ears Irora Grand *t. ferry. B. R. MARTIN, Aee tlooeer. office 4i Union -quart. A -OLD POST OFFICE HALKBKOOMB, s Nassau at., betwrsn Cedar and Liberty, ON WEDNESDAY. MAY 33. AT II A. M.. Immense tale ol flue lloilteliold Furniture. Carpels, An. I wslniit and eosmcll# ' Chamber salts, fine Parlor Suits, MvdduigoiallsliMU.Crockcry.i l*,, end Kitchen Ware, Unrlght Piano. Painting,, lotnngs* Chalre, Desk*, Ae., Ae . also I sidebar lop W agon. I sundown Depot Wagon, lltraeaa. Rnhes, Wnlps, Sliver end Japanese Ware, An ; nil without reserve, to slot* en estate. fl AlilCS AT .IIXTIOS. TiSIBSMY's" s * CI ok tropical plants, suitCBfl iluuti Klow*r?. Ac., or C. L. fck'Utuiedtr, ?t lnwood, ou Iti# 11 uiUou. on Wednesday, Mmy 22, at 10;JO o'clock, br orde." of Henry K. Roeder. ?u.. aa.lgnee. for catalogue*. Ac . apply to YOUNG * ELLIOTT, Auctioneer*. I'd Cuft laadt *t. ______ ?GEO. W. KEELKK, AUCTIONEER ? TO-DaY Id o'clock, kt iJ Liberty ?t., SALE OK IIOUsEHOi.D FUkNIIUKK. Palntinc*, Hroniea. Ac. A?TUNIS JOHNSON, AUCTIONEER. . Old itand 27 N'a.aau >t. THIS DAY. AT lUk O'CLOCK, at our aalatrooui S7 Nuaaau HALK OK HOUSEIII LD FURNITUKB, FiN'K (JILT MANTEL AND PIER MIitKORS. VELVET and Bruiaei* CarpeU. Buffet. anil Kxleiialon Tabloi. "'a** vara. Crockery. Oilcloth., larva awrtiuau; of Qou Odlca Kuruituro Iroiu an Inauruuco ollice. rueo*ood Etaueraa, Bureau, aud Card Table.; alio 10 .olid black wuluut aa loou Tallica. A* ?JAMF.S 11 L .NT, A L'Cl ION Ei-.R, WILL NELL ?thl* day. without leMirve, at SOU Broadway, at 11 o'clock (by uriler of L. XL siney, to cloao out atock ol the lata llrui of Sinay A Co., of Warren at.). new and aacoud baud Harnaaa, all kind'*. Hlanketa. Sheila. Lap*. Whip*. Bru.hra, Ac., making an aaaurtment oT horao good*. Sad Uleia. ilveiy uicu and doalora luvitad. Sale poaltiva. A~" UC'ITON SALE. PK Tl'.R BOWE. Auctioneer. aeUe. WEDNESDAY, at 10 o'clock, tbo eotiro Furulturo of the West Struct Hotel, coutainlug 100 room*, N'oa. 41, 42, 40 uud44 Weat at. Black walnut Bedaioada, Cottugu bulla, balr and iprlng Maltreaaea. quautitiea Bluukuta, Countarpauea. Ac.; dOO Diuiup Uooui Cbaira. Bluck walnut Tublea. Hrua.ela and lupralu Carpeta, allver ulated and cupper Ware, Tea and Cuff o Urua, Caatura, Cut lery. Glaaaware, Crockery, Eiigraving*. Two lurpo Range*. 2 Brullera, 2 Mo am Tablet, Icchouao, Jueuoxe*. cuuleuia ol Laundry, Olhce Kuruiturc, Duaka, lutul Aiiliuilclator, Chandelier. Ac u o i FG nT aiIcttiTn i auciioni LARGE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE SALE Tills (TUESDAY) MORNING, rain ur mine, COMMENCING at 10 O'CLOCK. AT THE ELEGANT BROWN STONE mansion 127 EAST 27TH ST.. BETWEEN LEXINGTON AND 4TI1 AVS.. two iiiapniliceiil roaewood i'laiiul'ortea. one Stilnwmy, 1/ flue Carpet., 35 Gil Palutinga. luaguilleunt crim.on iullu (Juoun Aiino nud Ornude Duche.ku .tylo Parlor Suit.; allk, culclalne aud rup Marie Autuiuette ami Foiiipaduur Druwlnp Room Sulla; Inrpu and niunll Mirrura, Lace Cur tulua, i'.luvurea, TaMea. Buokcaaea. Oeaka, iurklah Kurui turo. elepunt Bedroom Suita, atvle ot Lnuia XlV. : Bed ?leada. Bureau., W a.batunda. Dreaalug Caaea, Wardriinoa, hair aim aprlnp Matlre.aea. Beddiup, llul.tra. Pillowa, Ac ; mapnltlceut Freucli walnut sideboard, Exteu.iou l a .lea, Chaira; over 27U Iota Ulu.a, China, Silver, are. Cutlery; baaeiueut and Soryauta' Furniture. E. KoTII, Auctioneer. ucrioN sale?unreserved-this day. this (TUi-sDAYi Morning, commencing at 10 O'CLOCK. RAIN OR SHINE. AT LARGE FOUR STORY BROWN STONE MANSION 121 WEST I4TI1 ST., BI'U AV.. EXPENSIVE CABINET FUKNIIURK. TWO ELEGANT ROSEWOOD PIANOFORTES. PARLOR SETS. CHAMBER. LIBRaKY AND DINING uoou suits, oil paintings, bronzes, marble SETS. Parlor, contain nulla in aatiu and raw ailkt. Euat lake end La Greclunue atylea; marquetry I able*. Cluura Marblea. Pier aud Mantel Mirrura, 3o Hun Oil Palntiuga, 14 Calre ol' imported Brouae Ftpurea. 2 Clock., French make; oia de ruae Cabiuet Pedeatala, Jardlmeie., Lace Curtain., velvet and Carpet., Easy ? ln.lia, Luuiipea. Ac. Chamber.?12 aeta ut aolid walnut Beuatuuda. Drea.liip Caaea, Bureau., Waahataada, Wardrobe., apriug ami hair Matt'eaaea. Pillowa. iccraln aud Bruaaela Carpeta. Exten sion Dining Tublea; buiidaoiue Buffet, cuat $200; Cnalra, buokcaaea. Desk*. allver and plated Tea Seta, china Dinner Seta. Glita.waro, Kiteiien aud servant*' Furniture. AL BERT KitAEMKK, Auctluneor. Good, packed, chipped or atored If required. ?BUOkTsALe] . IIaKKER a CO., Auctioneer., 47 and 41) Liberty at. BARKER A CO. aella on THURSDAY. May 23. an ex traordinary library ol choice mlacellaneoua atandaid Work, in coetly binding., aud elegantly liluatrutud Hooka now ou ?lew. ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, within our atore. choice A iuei. Ale*. Liquor., Ac., by order of Louia F'. Payu, Eaq., United Stutea Marahal. ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, a highly valuable Law l ibrary, eolupri.Ing all valuable report., argument!, an Cialoua. record., apecchea. Ac. A MORTGAGE SALE. EDWARD PRTTINUEK. Auctioneor. By virtue of a chattel niuiigagu, I will expose to tele on the 21?t day or May, 1878. at No. .5 0 4th a v.. second flour, at 10>( o'clock A. Al., a large assortment uf Ural class fc'ur ulturu, consisting of Parlor Suite In maruun, eatlu and daiuaak; black walnut .-ulta, comprising Bedsteads, Dress ing Cases, Bureaue and marble top Waabetande. marble tup Centre Tablet, black walnut Bauiueler aud Kxcolalor i.oek lux Chairs, square puat Dining Chairs. Sola Louuget Set toea. black walnut r ranch Plate Mautel Mirror*. Extension Tablet. Mattreaaea.'sheeta. Quilt*. Tablecloth*. Blanket*. Lace Curtain*, Carpet*. largo lot of assorted Crockery, Ac., Ac. By order of attorney lor mortgagee sale poeltlre. BEaJAMIN P. FAIRCIULD, AUCTION Efc.K. " WILL sBLL UN WEDNi SDAl, MAY 22. and each day following until all I* disposed of, commencing at 10 o'clock oeoli day, all thut part OF TUB ST. NICHOLAS lloThL FURNITURE belonging to the Loubat estate, and contained lu the preiniae* NOS. 007. 509 A.NO Oil BROADWAY, consisting ot roaewoou and uiahoiraiiy I'arlor aud Hedro?m Suit*. Cabinet*. Wardrobe*. Rtageres. Pier aud Mantel Mir ror*; Wilton, axniiusler and Brussels Carpet*; Curtain*, Cornlee*. hair and spring Mattresses, Blauketa, Ac.; Cat Fixture*. Bathtub*, Wa?bataud* and Uadlatora; marble Mantel* aud Grates, Ac.. Ac. Y CAMPHfc.LL A CO., AUCUOaKKKa. " sail* tomorrow large. general assortment Drat claaa Groceries, Tees, Ac ; alao aell lot Liquor Store Klxturea, Counter, superior largo cooper Water Cooler and Ale Cooler, copper Meaauroi, Pump, Mirror, Chalra. wire Hereon*, swing Door*, oat Fixture*, Glassware, lou bra** Kauceta, bottle* flno Claret, Alaa, Ac. Full paitlcnlara tu to-morrow'* llerald. B~v James m. ford. oknkkal AUCTIONF. Kit.? J o'clock, eaat aide auction rooma, 192 3d nr.. orio au peilur 7t? octave roaewuod Plauufurto, city makers su perior rosewood Purior Suit, two 1'ior Mirror*, about SO line Camels, auporlor black walnut Bullet, marble top; 14 loot black walout Extension Table. Colna Dinner .-er vice, large variety Chamber and Bedroom Furniture. Mnt trcaaea. Bed*. Uolatera, I'lllowa, Centre Table*, llatatunda Bowkcaaei. Cutlery, Ulaa* and China Ware. Oilcloth*. Ac B~Y JACOB 1IOOAKT, AUCTIONEER, OFFICE NO. 14 Chamber* at. THIS DAY, Mny 21. 11 o'clock, at No. 24 Spruce at., near William, Saloon Fix ture*?black walnut Bar, Oa* Fixture* and Plumbing com plete. Back Bar. Kugllah Iteer Pump, ailvarol-tcd Cigar Cute. Clock. Slove. Partition Soreeu, large Ice Box far grocer or reataurant Hot Water Urn, Mug*. Tumblers, Meaaurea, Sign*, In lota. BY HaL-F.Y A MILLET, AUCTIONEERS. THIS DAY (luoadayj. May 21. at 1U^ A. M.. at nur taletrooui. No 112 Chamber* at., boavy and aheif Hardware. Cutlery. Tinned Ware, Wood and Vt 11 lu v Ware, Clock*. Ac.. Ac. Alao Cot Null* and Spike*. Bolt*. Nuia aud Wrought Good*. Alan, at 12 o'clock uoon. Groceries, Smoking Tobacco, Ac., tocioao an account. TODWARD SCliKNCK, ~~ SPECIAL sale OF FINK CABINET FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERY. I AT NOR 0 AND 7 EAST 23D ST., KURTZ ART BUILDING, MADISON SQUARE, COMMENCING ON THURSDAY, MAY 23. AT 2 O'CLOCK P. M. Cnn be seen at any time. The stock was made to order far first claaa retail trade aud la ol tlio boat workmanahlp and malarial and ombra- ua evary variety ul furniture lor drawing room*, library. Iiod mom* aud dining rooma: Bookcase* Library Tables, I ou tre aud side Table*. Cabinet*. Pedeitai* Doak?, Chil fouler*. Ac. JOHN U. IIOHSKAI.L. 007 fc.aat 23d ?t., Madiauii square. IjlXfc.CUlOK'8 SALE OK DI tMONDH-JOUN A. liUCNN. Auctioneer.?Thi-day, 11 o'r lo .*. 59 Great .lone* al , about $l.l>a> world of IHaiu nd Jewelry, Pint, IHogs t lusters, Croat** Drop*. Stud*. Soiltairel, Ac. By order of Semual hluen. Ilatsinf. I.A COl.Tf IN. auctioneer. ________ r ? Seleareom. 590 Broadwav, below lloualon at. Superb llouv houl F'urnlture On MONDAY, May 27. at the private uianeion nn 5th av. near the Windsor Hotel, the entire Furniture and Carpet*, Imported aud made to order at on expense ol abuul fiui.issi. The house will oe open far Inspection a lew days hrlore the sale I he Hulls ' and l..'l v. HI al-.. I.u s. Id at t u laru" time. I"ji CoLlOB, AUCTION KKK 1 .Mortgage tale or rich Furniture, Carpet*. I'ler and Maniol Mirror*, Billiard Table, three tulla ol ijverv. Ac., on fhiiradey, nay 23. at II o'clock, at the salesroom", 590 Broadway, a vary large aud choice aa-.oit.oent uf ell kind* ol Furniture. ^TkT>. A. Lfc;AVTTI~A-CU.. AUCTION tbnk Thursday and Fridny evrmnu*, 23d and 2Ills, at the LEAV11T Art llooiua. 817 Broadwav, now on viaw FIRST AN.NUaL EXIIIBI 1'loN of the SALMAGUNDI > KKTCII CLUB, original black aud white drawings, eaoicho* and etching*. FRIDAY MORNING, *77:1101011 Ilnll, now on view. Household Furmtur* in graat variety, raiuovod for conveul once *1 tela. 8 Wfc.INBKhOKK. AUCTION fc.fc.K THIS DAY *iTueaileri. May 21. ut lOli o'clock, at new aalesroora No. 53 Bowery, 2 <M) > erda eood new Oilcloth, Furuliuro, Uinbrellaa aud Oeuaral Molthandlea, Japaue.e Work boxes. Ac. ISIDORE J. HWARSKOPF, AUCTIONEER. 257 FAST 4lli It., tells, 11 u'eluct- corner Klvlngtbii aud Saerilf -Is., Urge Mock an I spivtidiv Flxiuree or corner Grocery, Coffee. Tea, Sugar. Soap Ac.; Counter, llm. Ice Mux, Scale*. Ac. Positively lu lola. Deal raluvlttd. dTvTdaonT All fioNRKM. SKI,. >. ink ipouoE *2U7 East 70th *1 . enlre stuck and elegaut rlxtureaof very Due grocery atore, consisting of great quantities of Teat. Coffees, Sugars, Flour Cigars and Tobacco, Ac., Ae , In on* or mot* lota. Irade Invited. p*WNBKOKKK'.s SALn.-HI UPSON. SOMEKs A CO.. 27 Chatham ?!., will aell. on Thorsday noxt, Man's and Women'* Clothing, Dry Good*. At.. contprUIng nil Good* plodged provloa* to April, 1877. JASt AGAR, Auetlonoer, 94 Bowery. pAWNIIIIOCKRK'R KALE.?R. FIELD, GENERAL J. Anotlonenr, aalearoora No. 152 Canal at , near llowi-ry, will aell tbla day, at 11 tt'tloek, Htlliota Men's and Women's Clothing Droa-ea, Shawls, Itamnants.l nderclolliing, Qullia, Hlaoketa. Ilrddlng, lioots, Shoes, a large lot ol Hruaaela and Ingrala Carpets. Ae.; alao Coals. Paute and Vesta. By order It. Simpson A Co., 195 Bowery. FAw>H..OKKK'M sAl,r. Tn 18 DAY OF WaTCHRS and Jewelry, by JaMKs AUAK. 94 Bowery, ladles' and pennant- n's gold bunting casn Welches, long and guard Chains, Pins and Earrings. Flneer Kings, diamond Kings and Earring*. Bracelets, Silverware, Pistol*. Opera Glaaao* ?ud various other articles ton numerous to mention. By order ol M Cook. 21 Wait 3d at. P. 8.?Sale to eummonco at IU:3H aharp. 1>A#NHKOKER8' SALK.?Tlluit, J. MtniRATH, aUC. tlouoer, 158 Chatham at., corner Mulberry, will aell this day, II u'clubk, tksi lot* Men's and Women's f'lothlog. Dresses. Shawl*. Remnants, Quilts, Blanket*, Bedding. Boole, shoes, Ae ; nlso Coat*. Pantaloon* and Vesta By order A. sehlnug A Bro., East Broadway She riff's s*TTe?Tan tabs ell a kkakney. sheriff's Anetloneer*, will aell this day. al looVloek, al 134 West 49th st.. on* buy Horse, two Wagons and on* rtal Harness BERNARD ltltlLLY, Sheriff. M, UAtLiuax, Deputy ' ^ KALK? AT APCTIOM. T)fcflAttfl V.Tl AlVjfPfr "a"UC1 I O.N KEIti ~ -IV office 111 Bioadway. Now York, will Mill, ut miction. on the on .luiurday, May ?>? 1878, at 4 o'clock P. 11.. several desirable plots ol Land, witbiu III roe luinutaa' walk of Jiiiictlou Depot, at East Oraugo. N. J. ; nlau one Kreiicti rool Cottage. H rooma. aud one elate roof Dweliiuv, 11 Room*; all conveniences; very old shade treos Irtui, shrubbery ; desirable neighbor liood: terma aaay. Particular it. AlTLETON, Jr., adjoin ing Hiiek Uliurti station HI OH A KD WALTERS'" SONS." .VI O'TIO.NKKHS.? Mortgage tale ?Will -ell Wednesday. at i'?X o'clock, Fureuuro. Ac . contuiued lu l ouse No. 151 East llroad war. comprising a large and crueral uaaortmriit of House hold Furniture; Carpet*. leather Beds. bedsteads. inten tion Table Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Ac. By or der attorney. OAI.kTn F'IUKCLOHUKK-TUK THItKK STORY . Ostore aud l-ot No. 510 Broome at . between Thompson and .South Nth av., will bu eolil at the Exchange .-ales No. ill Broadway, on Frldny. May 24, at 1"J M. OOUDKKT BROTHERS, PlalutllTa Attorneys. US and 70 William at. SII EkIkF'.S WALK.?VaN TASSKLL a K.iRnK 7' Sheriff's Auctionoera. will ealt this day, at 10 o'clock, ut 110 hast 13th at , one Coupe, sue llorae, oue Bet lluruess, ono Lap Kobe, oue Whip and two Blankets. BERNARD KEILLY, I-He riff. W. Kitxpatkick. Denuty. _ UK UNDERSIGNED WILL BULL. A T PUBLIC AUO" tioti, by Messrs. A. ULAFFL1N A CO., Auctionoera' at No. 118 Church St., Now York city, on Krldar, May 34* at 13 o'clock, uoou the Stock ol the lute Arm of 8. A Beck man A Co., consisting of Ktiaw aud MUlipery (ioods. JAM Km S. Ill AYKIt. Kucctvor. II.LlAM ABBOIT, AUCTIoNeBIt. will sell to day, 31st, targe lot of solid walnut Bed stenda, nurt-aut. Drosslng Cases, Wushatauds, Bookcases, Wardrobes. ChiffonUrea. Ac.; also sonio mahogany uo., ut 3I*> I'.ast 35th st.. near 'id uv.. at 10)( o'clock. EtKOPKAN STKAM-SIIIW. ItytriTK SI'Alt LINK.'"'" IT Uuitud Statec and llnyal Mail Steamers, lor (Jiieeiistowii ami Liverpool. NOTICK.? Tho strutters of tliia line lake the lane routes recuninieiidcd bv Lleiiieuaul Maury, 0. S N? on both the outward aud botnownrd passages. ADttlA 1'IC Saturday. May 35, noou. BKITANMC Saturdav, Juno 1. 4 P. M. CELTIC Thursday. Jttuj 0. U;30 A. M. I'nun White Star uock, pier 53 .\orll' ? tver. ltates .-uii>ou,.$SU ami $100. In gold. iteturn tickets on reasonable terms. SIcorace. $28, currency. Saioons, stateroom*. utitokintr atoi bethrooms are placed nnildalnps. where the noise ami motion uru leant, sUordiug a uegreo of comfort hitherto unattainable at sua. For inspection of plana and other information apply at tho company's office, 37 Broadway. New York. It. J. CURTIS, Agent AMERICAN LINK FOit LIVERPOOL, rbeonly tratisatlautle line -ailing under the Amorlean Hag. Sailing every Thursday Irons I'liiladelphiu. PENNSYLVANIA sails Thurs lay, May 10, t> A. M. HEl> SI'Ait LINK FOB ANTWERP, carrying too Belgian and Uuited States mails.sailing aomL monthly Iroiu PhllaMolpliia una .sew York. JAVA sails 'Ibursdnv. Muv 33, W A. M. For rates el passage and other lnloriuation apply to PKTEK WRIGHT A SONS, ueneral A;cnta. 31)7 Walnut St.. Philadelphia; 53 Broadway, .New York. JOI1N MCDONALD, Agent. S Battery place. New York. WILSON" LINE TO SOU I 11 AMPiON AND HULL, TT sailing from Eagle pier, Hohokon, us follows 1? lllllr.LLO May 35 i LKPAVTo June 23 HINDOO June S | MJ It It K N TO. July ?? First cabin, S50. currency. Excursion tickets ou very favorable terms. Apply, lor full particulars, to CHARLES L. W BIO UT A CO.. 50 South si C~N ItKAT WK8TKU* Sl hAMhllIP LINK. I'NKW YOKK To BRISTOL (ENGLAND) DlftKCr. I nking Goods aud passengers lor London. Cardiff, New pori, Oloticestor aud all ports lu British Ckaiinel. From pier IS i ast Itiver, as followst? CORN WALL May 31 .-OMEHKKT Juno 4 O .bin pussaco, $">0, $00, $70. Prepaid Hleoruve certifi cates, $20. Uolurn tickets ut lavorablo rates. For freight or passage apply to W. D. NO KUAN, Agent, 7l> South st. SfATK~LfNk" ?To OLAMIOW. LIVERPOOL. IlUBLIN,' BELFAST, LONDONDERRY AND THE PABIS EXPOSITION'. Sailing trom pier 42 North River, foot of Canal st, STA'l'h OF NEV ADA Thursday, May 23 STATE OF VIKti INIA Thursday, May 3D STATE OF Oi-.OltUIA Thursday, Juno tt Fir-t cabin, $00 to $75, according to acc luiuodntioiis. Return ticket- at reduced tatas. Second cabin, $45. Steer age at lowu?t rates Apply to AUSTIN BaL WI.V A CO.. Ateonts, 72 Broadway. STBEB\(JK TICKETS AT 45 BKOADWaY AND AT THE COMPANY'S PIKIl. FOOT OF CANAL ST., N. Y. CN UION LINE UNITED "-TATK8 MAIL STBaMBKS T for Queunstowu and Liverpool, leaving pier No. 38 North River, foot of King St., every Tuesday. IDAHO......May 31. 0 A. AI. I WISCONSIN June 4.8 A. M. MONTANA..May 38. 3 P. M I NEVADA.. .Juno 11. 2 P. M. Cabin paseage, $05. $75 anil $80. according to loeatlou. 8m ok inc. bath rooms and piano on oach steamer. Intermediate, $4<>: steerage, $20. WILLIAMS A OUION, 29 Broadway. HAMBURO-AMr..KICAN PACKET CoMPAN Y'S LI. K for Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg. ERISIA, Thursday, May 23 I LES >1 NO. Thursday, Jane 6 liKOUKR, Thursduy. May 30 | W'lELAND.Tbr'sd'y, June 13 Rates of passage to Plymouth. L uuou. Cherbourg, tl am burg end all puluts in Euglaud:?Pirst cabiu, $100. gold; second cabin, $00, gold; stearage. $30, currency. KCNIIABUT A CO.. C. B. RICHARD A BOAS. Ueneral Agents, Ueueral Passenger Agents, OlIBroed St., New York. 0) Broadway. New York. ENEBAL Tit ANSa"TLANTIC OOMPANY BEIWi.En NEW YOBK AND HAVRE. Company's pier "new 43" North River, foot ol Morton el. CAN All A, Frunguet Wednetdey, ?PEUi IBE, Duiire ........Wednesday. Mar 20. 3 :30 P. M. ?VILLK UK PA (lis. Haute III.. )V ednesdsy. Juue 5,0 A. M PRICK. OF PASSAGE IN GOLD (Including wine)i? To Havre?1st cabin. $100; 2d cabin, $03; 3d cabin, $35.. Steerage. $20. Including wine, bedding and utensils. RETURN TICKi-.TS AT REDUCED RATBS. Steamere marked thus (*) do not carry steerage paseea LOUIS DB BEHlAN, Agent, 65 Broadway. For freight end passage at Pbiladelohla apply to ALoNZO slloTWKLL, 2 Chostnnt St. Most direct and economical koutk to iiol land. Belgium, the Kniuo. Switterlaud, Ac., Ac., via Rotterdam. I'lieapeat route to Parla, Simmer MAAS 35 Steamer CALAND June 5 1 tiu?e beautiful (learner*. carrying the United State* mull to the Nether)anas, are great lavorlte* with the public. Trip* regular, rate* low, comtort and llrlug perfect,, Per paataga, i?rik>,"ti rum t ran i. ur PUNCH. KDYE A CO.. L. W. MORIllS, 27 South William *L SO Hroadwajr. (Moms' European aud American Kxpr***.) CAUNAKD Iil.sli.-B. AMU N. A. K. M. S. S. CO. J NOTICE. With a view to dlmlniali the chance* of colllaion the iteamor* of thi* line ink* a apoeiflu conrae tor all *eaaon* of the rear. On the outward Daaaege from Qneenatown to New York or Burton creating too tuoridian of 50 at 43 latitude, or nothing to tb* north ot 43. On the homeward paaaage, eroding the meridian of 50 at 42 latltudo. or nothing north or 42. NEW YOHK. LIVERPOOL AND QUBKNSTOWN. ALOEKiA .Weu.. May 22 I 8CYTIIIA... tied., Juuo 5 ?11U >sl A Wad., May 20 I ABYSSINI4 ..Wad., J una 12 Cabin pa*?a e aud returu tlckat* an faToranle term*. Steerage ticket* to aud Irom all part* of Europe at very low rata*. freight ami puaaug* office, No. 4 Bowling Green. CIIAKl.K* U. KltANCKl.YN. Agont. PASS EN OK US I'EK SI'EA.MSHIP ALGERIA EMB IKK troui the Cutiard wtiarl. loot ol Oraml at., Jer*ey Oily, at U A. M. on Wednesday, 2'Jd May, IS7H CtlAKLEs o. niANCKLYN 4 Bowling Green, Now York. Anchor line united .*tates Mail steamers, NEW YOltK A.NO GLtSOOW. Oil IPOHNlA.May 25 noon. I BO I.I VI A. June H II A. M. EriilOPlA. June I. DP. M. | VICTORIA. Jnue 15, 3 P.M. new your to London direct. AUSTRALIA. Mar 22.10 | A LS ATI A, June 5,0 A.M. Cabin, $?).'? lo Jsil. Excurainu ticketa at reduoed rataa Svroud Cabin. $4<>, Strorauu, f.'H. Compaut'a pier*. Not. 20 aud 21 North Itirer. New York, HENDERSON BROS. Agent* 7 Howling green. INMAN LINK. KOYaL MaIL MKaMKUS. FOR yUEKNsTOWN AND LIVEKPOOU CITY OK CIIESI Elt Thuraday, May 23, at Id A. M. CUV OK MONTUKAl I hureday. May 3D, at 3 P. M. CITY OP BERLIN Saturday. June 8. at 11 A. M. from pier 45 North Itlver. Cabin, SSI) aud Sliai. gold. Return tlekot* on favorable term*. Steerage, #-'H, currency Drait* at lowed rataa Saloon*, *tateroiiua, ainoklng and bath ronma amid.hip*. JullN G. DALE. Agent, 31 and 33 Broadway, New York. Philadelphia office. !U"> S uth 4tji at. roR7?T"GKKM AN LLOYD ~ Ni stuamahip Lino, between Now York, Southampton, Loudon, llavrn and Bremen. 1IOII KNZOLLER.Sat M ay J."> I ODER Set. June H. Mi >SEL ..Set,. Juoo 1 I !)<?> AC Set.. June 15 Itaiea ol |iae*age from New York to Southampton, Lon don. Havre and Bremen!? Klrtt cabin. 81i*i. gold: aecond cabin. fUO. gold; Moorage $3 i. currency, return ticketa at reduced rate*. Prepaid eteerage certificate*. J31, currency. Kor Height or paa-'tgr apply to OKLKICns A CO . 2 Howling Green. National link-krom new pier sm n. r. - KOR LIVERPOOL AND Ql EKNSrotVN. ?? Egypt, sat..May 25. II A >1. | ll-lvail*. Sat.. June I. 3 P.M. ? -KOK LONDON (Victoria Dock).? ? Italv Tliur . M ayJ.I. 0 t M | Holland. Wed c'una 3.r* :'.*J A.M. Cabin. to"#70. currency: *i*rr*ve. #JG Oral i. i Iroiu ?1 upward iaaned at very lew rate*. Company'! office. BO end 78 Broadway, P. tV J. IIU.(SI. Manager. UNITED ST ATMS PASSPORT BUREAU OKPIUIaL pa-aporta ot the Deparliueut ol state iaaued at the Peat Office Building, loartli atory, room 18; take elevator at nortl. weal corner. PtlllS EXPOSITION AND CONTINENTAL TOUKS. Permnallr conducted paftte* and etieclal exruraluna to Parle Exposition, June -'7, July 4 aud July 11. Call or noud for programme. American and European General Iouriai Tkaul office. 271 Bruadwav. Corner ut Cbamhera at. Lr.VK k ALDEN. Manager*. Kxeinaiona in all cummer resort*. TJA-SENGERS FOR _ EUROPE _WHO_ LAND AT I yucenati yucenatown and wlah Rxcuralon or Ton rial Ticketa round _i London and I'arle embracing Klllarney. Giant'* fans* way, scotch lake*. EiigUb lake*. Ac., can ualy procure the ut lb America at reduced rate*; they are not *old In Ire land exceol at r*gnl?r (are*. Coo .'? ticket* da net limit their holder* In time, are good any day and on any train, allow a? much time aa you wiali and are 'Jo per cent cheaper than regular ticket*; any tone ... b. arranged. ^ ^ ^ 201 Itroadwat. New York. COAST WINK STKAMSHIPffi. > ACIK1C MAIL BTKAkSIIlP t'oMPANV's'lMfi* Pur CALIKoUNIA, JAI'xN, CHINA. CENTRAL aud SoUTil AME IC V. SANDWICH IsLaND*. NeW /.EA LAND, AUSTRALIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA. WASH INGTON TERRITORY and OREGON, Aa , aaillng Irom pier loot of Canal at., North River Per SAN KKANI IMCO. vie ISTHMUS OK 1'ANAMAt Sleainahlp A< 'API' LOO Krlday. May SI (connecting lor Central and South America). Prom SAN K KANClSCO tu JAPAN end CHIN A I? Steam chip CHINA Tneaday, June 4 Steam.hip CITY OK PICKING Monday. July I Hleam.hlo CI l'Y OP TOR IG Thuraday, August 1 Prom HAN KRaNCISCO to SANDWICH ISLANDS, AUSTRALIA and N W ZEALAND Hteainaliip AUSTRALIA Monday, June 10 Por freight or peacage apply at the company'* office. U Bowling Green, New York, NI, HAVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL H. R. LINE, e Steamer* leave irom pier 3 N. K., at 3 P. M. POR HAVANA A sD VERA CRUZ, calling at Prngrvao, Campeachv. Krontere. ClTYOP WASHINGTON (Havana only).Ihnraday, Mey30 CITY I) Mexico aeturday, June 1 Stoemer leave* N*w Orluan* June 0 for Vera Cru*. via Matatnoroa, Tainplco, Tuxpnn, ma.lug cle*e uonuectlou with steamer lor Havana. New York aud all the above port** P. ALEXANDRE A SONS, 31 and (Ut Broadway. rn, xas link por ualvksTon, touching at X Key Wrat ?Steamer Si A I it OP TRXAS Captain Nick eraon. will aall Saturday, May 25, at 3 P M.. from tiler 21) haat River. Through rate* of Irelght end bill* of lading glvan over all railroad* In the State. Pet freight end pa*. ? ago (Having anperlor accommodation*) apply to C. II, MlLLoHY A Co., office pier sit) Knot River, er COOK, SOM A JENKINS, 201 Broadway COASTWISE iwunm. Trnmn>A:* kokto icco, sttthomiisrw. i.v o.* Vm, PUERTO C4U LLO. VEN. ZUi.LA with eunoeetlone to all part. .1 WEST IIH.IK8 end SOUTH AMERICA.-The UuibM and tiull Forte SB Co.'a Line anil ki un it*riiuti?U : ?For B.KMUl>A? SS. CaNIMI, M*y -3, For aST Jt'llNS (and PONOfc on homeward voyuco ouij). ST. H10.MAS, LAGUAVUA and 1'UKUTO 'JaBKLLO, as. ilAUJl. May For uencriptlvo omnphleta, freight "A^rrM^i'dDOK A CO., A?nM, 99 Broadway. till, lilt UAitMKNDlA, 35 Broadway: U. LEVE, 371 Broadway. XTEW YOKE XnD CUBA MAIL 8. 8. LINE FOR j\ HAVANA DIKKCr. From pier 17 Eaet River, at 3 I. M. Maguiticuui accomiuod uluu for paaaeugere. NIAGARA (new). 3,305 tona, Curlla Saturday, May 25 SARATOGA (now), J.3S.". toua. ? uudbeig.. . Wed.. J una 3 Tlcketa laauud elan lor VERA CRUZ aud WKSA INDIA I>LANDS. Di connection with French aud Kngliab *toam< ship liuoa Irom Havana. ^ ^ WaKI) a (,0 ^ w>>| ^ A'^FuK^VVEST INDIES AND SOUTH AMKRICA. ltauular bi-uioiittily aailiuga Irom pier 31 North Ulrer a* '"fIT KINGSTON. Ja? and HATTI AT1.A> Juue 0 I KTNA June 31 KorHAYTi, Columbia, isthmus ok tanamaand SOUTH PACIFIC PORT* (via AaplnwalU A LI'S May 30 | A1LSA June 13 Klrat claaa Brltiah built iron stoamere. Superior Art! eiuaa uaeaeuger accouuuodatioae. 1'IM, FOKWOOD it CO., General Ageutu No. .VI Wallet KW YOIIK AND HAVANA DIRECT MAIL LINK.? Tb-'eo Urat claaa eieuiuahilie will aail at 3 P. M. Irom pi r 13 North Klvur, loot of Cudur at., for IIavana dlreot, a.loll"Wa:? S\vrlA(iO DE CUBA Saturday, June 1 tVedne-diiy. Juno 13 Kor freight and pueaago. having uueurpaaaod accomme d >tlona, apolv to W1 I.I.I A M I'. CI. Villi A CO . No. 0 liowlinir Croen. .VlcKELLAtt, LULl.NO A CO., Audita In Havana. United states"and bkazIi. MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE to Itio do Janeiro, touchlnu at St. I hoinaa, l'ara, X'crnam liuco aud llonia to laud iiiulla aud puaaeiigera. Tho now Urat claaa iron atoaiuahip CI TV OK PaRA, 3,500 tuna. Captain Carpenter, will aail lor tlie above porta on I huradav. J uuo 0. at i>;A. M. Kroiiriil at low ratoa taken for tho abuvo porta Freight received at all tiiuoa at llotierta' dock, Brooklyn, Jnaui auee lower than bv any oil.or lino. shippore doalr in.' Iiiauranco eau effect auinu uudo.' our opou policy. Kor irelght l Uitageiiieuta or pugaage, buying elegant ao Couiiiiodaitima, anp.y to C. II M ALLOu V A CO.. Agonta, office pier 30 B. It. I1LOUIDA DlKECi?STEAMKKs lZTvE 1'IKR 3I> East River every Friday, a 3 I*. M , lor Kernaudlnit, Fla , touching at Bruua.lck and I'ort Royal. Steauior I 1TV OK AUSTIN, Cuptaili Clieatur, will aail May 34, Through freight aud paaaage ratea given to ail polute In the "oath and Southweat by C. U. MALLOItY A CO., Agouta, office pier 30 Euet Uiver, or COCK, SON A JEN KINS 301 Brondw ay. H* ALIFAX, N. &, AND ST. JOHNS, N. F. OKoMWeLL LINE. / Stoamehlp CORTES will leave uler 10 Nortb River, 3 K. M.. Tueeday. May 31. Kor Irotght or paeeage apply tc CLAICK it SEAMAN, SO Wosl at. N~ ASSAU, N. P., sr. J AGO AND ClBNFUKOO^ Cuba.?steauialilp S.\N JaCINTO, Tburaday, June 13. at 3 F. M M U It It A Y, K lilt It IS A CO., 03 Snath at. Nliw OH LEANS DIRECT?THE OKOMWELL LIN 8 atvauiahlp NEW OKLE'aNS, Saturday. May 35. nl 3 P. M.. pier 0 North Klver. ThrnU'.'h bllla uf lading given to Mobile aud principal pnlnta on tlie Mleai-aippl Kiver. Kor Irelght or paaeaue ap ply to CLARK. it AN. SO M eat at. MORGAN'S LINK TO NK\V~0ItLEANS AND TEX AS.? The atoainer LONE STAR will call from pler 30 North Kiver on Saturday. May 35, for New Orleana dire.t. trane (erring 'laxue Irolglit there to Morgau'e Louialana aud Texaa Kuilruad and etoaumhlpa. Through bllla uf lad'ug ?Igned to all Texaa aeuporte aud rallroau atatlona, Browua Tille, Moniiu and all Migglaalppi lilver polntg. luauraneo can be effected under open policy ?f the lino, to No# Or leana, \ tier cent: to Texaa Dorta, 7g per oeut. For irelght aud other information apply t<> BUCKET A MOitUAN. A gent a, ? olliee, pier 30 North Kiver. gAVANNAii, Florida! GEN. BARNES, from pier 10 E. R... .Woaneaday. May 33 CITY OF SaVaNNAU, Irom pier 43 N. K., Saturday.May 33 OKOKGK YOnUe. Agent Saturday ateamer, 400 Broadway. MURRAY, FEKltIS A CO., Agont Woduoaday eteaiuer, 03 South at C. D OWENS, UKOltUE YONOE. Agent A. A 0. R. It.. 315 B^wa^ Agont lU K. K.. 4U9 B'way. TRA.VKL.UiCn?' UU1DB. ?bXSy'"boat. ...ftwuB .tki' Pare reduced via KBOf'I'fc B LINU 25, ? cunti. .Excursion. $1 50. Elegant steamer* DREW or ST. JOHN lo?T# ptep 41 NortO ttlvir J ally, except Sunday*, at 6 P. M., nActinir at Albany with oxpr6? train* for SAHArudA, La KB GKOKGK LAKE tS RAMPLAI N the AD IKON. DAOKs, HON THE A L and all point* NOR I H AN O WEST. Ticket* for sale at principal hotel* and all of Westoolt Ex. pre** office* In N*w York and Brooklyn. Brooklyn passen gers transferred fro* by "Annex' boat*. A LBANY BOATS DIKKCT.-Mr.RO'lANTH- EXPKB89 ALiu*.-Kl*g*ot *team?r* WALIKRBRKTI or NEW OIIAMPION will leave daily (Saturday* excepted) tor Albany, from Canal at.. Nortb Klver Ur't dooknhov* People* Line, at U P. M . connecting wltbtraln* North and Welt. Pare (deck). 2&0.; eanln fare. oOc.; meal*. jOo. Pmlght takan lower th.^y^othe^ln.a 8upertaUB<UBt. A ?THE MARY POWKI.L WILL MA*K I U K PI KSt A.regular trip o( the season on \V*du*?dey Mav23 lea*, la- Vestry *t.. pier SB, North Klver. dally at 3 ;J0 P. M. Boston.-pare reduced via pall RIVER Lin*; f3 to Beaton ; exenrtlou ticket*. M: inagulflcsnt tteamer* BRISTOL ana PROVIDENCE leave pier 38 North River dally (Sunday* June S3 to September S). at 5 P. M.; full nlght'e reit: liye morning train* from rail River to Beaton. Ticket* lor *ale at all principal ticket office*. Brooklyn pascenjrer* transferred fr?o ny ??Annex" boatk loiviug toot of b uiton it. ? 4.30 P. Me B" OAT KOR CAfSKlLL.STUY VE3ANT_ANDINTB8. mediate landing* will leave pier 34. Harrison at. North River, dally, Sunday* excepted, at 8 P. M. For nurwalk and danbury daily. Steamer AMKIUOU. leave* Brooklyn (Jewell'* Deeky a :30 P. M.; Pi*r No. 37 Ee?t River, 3:45 P. M. and 3 P. M. connecting with Danbury end New Hevea Rail road*. 'Meduoed far*. 35 cent*. EXCURSION TICKETS. 50 CENTS Long branch and Philadelphia via New Jersey Soatbern Railroad, commencing May 13. 187S. Steamer* will leave New York Pier 8 North River (root Rector at.). oona?o*. tea at Sandy Hook with train*for Lone Branch. 8:30 A. M.. 1.4.?udBP. M Red Bank and Tom* River, 8:??!. M.. 1 and 4 P X Cedar Creek ami Waretown. 8:30 A. M. and 4 P. M. Barneicat and Tuckerton. 4 P. M. Vlueland. Bridgetown aud Atlautlo CIV. 1 P. M. Philadelphia and Pemberton. I and 4 P M. Sundays, for Long Brancu, 930 A. M. WM. 8. 8NKDKN, Central Manager. __ /\NB HUNDRED AND PIKTY MILKS PoR 10 CENTS. ?'ltl*en'* llue Troy boat*.?New palaee steamers CI rt OP TROY and SARATOGA leave pier 48 North ltlver. loot Leroy St., dallv. except Saturday, at B P. M. Sure conneo tion* wltn luoruiug tram* for all points North, Ea*t and \Ve*t. State room* only #1 I berth*. 33c.; (Irak Claee lare, 5<ic State room* and through ticket* at Dodo ? Express. 844 Broadway, N*w York ; 4 Court *t.. Brooklyn. The ureat providence link to boston, via Providence direct. A PULL NIGHT'S KEnT. ONLY 43 MILKS OP RAlU The lavorllo p.lave steamer* M aSS ti> IIUsEIMSaud RHODtt 1SL i NO, troin pier Jw, North River, at o P. M. THE OLD, RELIABLE SToNINtlTON LINK, for all poiut* E**t, trom pier 33 North River, loot ol J ny ?L. at 3 P. M. _ " KXUUHSIUN3. V -PUR KXCt'RnlONS. nTEAUKil J. H SCUUYLKB A.and Srtt cla?* Bargos, with B-iyutou Buach, OecS dental, Glonwood nnd otuer favorite cruve*. MARTEN A KA-KELL. IlUSuutn ?u open Sundayt. Bath and con by isLvnd railroad lexves GreenwouJ Cemetery, uialn ontrnuce. every oil minute* for Coney Island. Irom OroOA. M. to 7 P. M. Kxeurtloo ticket* 40 cent* TjhuR EXCURSIONS.?TIJB LARGE, HKSr CLASS J' tteamer Long Braneh, which ha* been furnished with new bollere nnd utherwieu mucli Improved. Also, strictly ttrwi clae* Grove *n.l Barge*, with Bonis of all klndef With many veare' experlenc* and improved facilities 1 ceo a?uf* comnlutu *ail*lactiou *t ruduceo rate*. J. JlYr.R.*, corner Morton and Wert *t*. ? kf-AMUATTAN BBAOIL OPENING OP THE SEASON, 1879. MANIIATTAN BEACH RAILWAY, completed to Giocup-int. npuosftt* loth aod 33d sfot. East River. time table to take kppeot THURSDAY. MtV IB. 1878 TRAINS LEAVE COMPANY'.-. DOCK AT QREEN POINT. opposite Hull nnd 33d ate. East River, lot Manhattan BeacU. at 8, 10 aud 11 A. M.. 13 M., and 1. A 3.4 5,0 P. M. , ,_ Returning, leave Manhattan llench for Greenpolnl, ID and II A. M.. 13 M., .ud I. 3, 3. 4. 5, U and 7 P. M. VIA BAY KlDG STEAMER TIIOS. COLLYER. }3d ?t., N. K. l.eroy ?U. N. R. Pier 8 M. R. 10 A M , 13 M? 10:10AM. 13:10, 10:S5A. M.. 13:35, 3 and 4 P. M 3:10 and 4:10 P.M. 3 Jo ?n J 4:2 > P. M. Returning, leavo Manhattan Bunch. 8 A. M.. 13 :3U, 3 JO, 4 ;30 and 0 :'3U P. M. _____ rpo CHARTER POR EXCURSIONS?STEAMERS GEN. 1 Sndgwlea and Kurt Lea: Barge* Caledonia, Kepuhlle. llarv**t 0even and Anna; al*o hxcelsler Park, Rarltan lieneli, Ofteiital, Coluiubia, lona Island and C'dd Stirtng Grove-. N. S BR1GGS. 384 Weal St.. opposite Christopher ?iroot lorry. . The steamer p. a sciiultz will leave pooy of Prsnklln St. dallv, *xc*pt nuuuar, for Knxlewood, Yunkers, Hasting*, Nyack, niug Sing and llav?r*traw, at 8 o'clock A. M. WATCHES. JEWKI.KY, etc. A'f 1.373 BKOADWaY. AH u K 33llTfrVt)ffH lor Personal I'ruperly; old Gold, Silver bought; ad vance* made. Ladl**' office. WILLIAM A. GLOVER. T 018 BROADWAY, Hr.TWKKN BOTH AND 21HT Lite?Loan* iirgiitlatod ; IMamend*. Watch**, Gold *ad v>>r Were. sli??. Ac., purchased. J. TII'iH. LYNCH. T 77 ULhr.CKiTk sT , NEAR HltOADWAV.?MG.NKY advanced on Diamond*, Watehns, Jewelry. A*; el no Pawnbroker*' Ticket* bought of Ulamonde, Wstebee, Ao. 77 Bleecker *l. AN EXCEPTIONAL UAKGAIN.-PAIK 7 CAKAY Brllllaute, 47nO; smallur nnd larger pair* eway below market r*le*. Cash nai l lor duplicate WoUdiog Present*, Jewelry, Sliver and Diamond*. JOHN HENRY JOHN STON. 150 Bowery. A SOLITAIRE Dlt.VIOND RING. PUKE WHITE gem, only f!35; yrnst bargain; enet $250. MILLS A COLEMAN, 188Grand*1 PAIR OP E LRU A NT OLD MINK DIAMOND Stud*. $131). ea nnredeenied loan. MILLS A COLEMAN. 180Qraedti. AOOLI) KB AMKL GN V X KAKUROpr EIGHT pearl. In centre, lost, Saturday. Mav IS. Liberal re ward return to JACOB Y. D WYCkOPP. 30 Pie* ft. of 1,3117 Broadway. T 35 UbIOR syu AitK.?pUitCIIAHKD, DI A monds. Walebt*. Jewelry, Mercbantabl* Articlee. Ac., any amoant: alto eaeb bargain*; Loans eflected . establiso *U IRVI. J. H. BARKlNUBR. DTaMOBINI, WAtOllKS, JKWKLKY BOUGHT AND ?old. Lose* negoilated. AI*o Hank Book* on brukon saving* hank. I.ought. II TR < I' B. 767 Hroadwy. obey, diamonds, w-tcTTbs. JHvVEl-ltY. 81L, A*., b-iught and *oli| hack at a email advance. QUO. C ALLEN, 1,180 Broadway, near 30th *t (1,17 MMOADWAY.?DIAMONDf, WATCHER A_bB */" I Jewelry bought *nd aobl; loan* uegolleted oe P*^ p MATTHKWN. 1*)U7 BHOtDWAY. OVBB HKHALD BRANCH. iuU I Ladl**' private offic* ; Diamond*. Watehe*. J*^ elry. A*., beagbt and sold. Branch, 1 -Uu7t ?