Newspaper Page Text
COMMUNISM. Secret Session of Its Adhe rents in This City. ADDRESS TO TEE AMERICAN PEOPLE. What the Party Demands and What It Hopes to Do. MINISTERS DENOUNCE THE COMMUNE. "Its Outbreak Must Be Met with Grape shot and the Bayonet." Two dark visnged and flcrco looking men eat nt a imall table lu the narrow entry loading to thoGer mania Assembly Kooms, on the Ilowery, last night, when the Hkkai.u reporter railed to report the proceedings ol tho Socialistic Labor party. Tbcy demanded his ticket, and whoa bo announced his mission they shook their houds. "Lot him go to the inner door,'' said one ol the sentinels, dubiously, "and usk admittance. P'raps they'll let him iu. ldunuo." His companion muttered au mi. willing assent and the writor passed to ibo inner door The mooting had not organized, and as no sergeant-ut arms hud been appointed, he met no obstacle to ad mittance. The ball was largely filled with rough-looking men, moving to and tro, arguing with each other, and seemingly impatient lor business to begin. Hanying on the walls wore a number of communistic banners, with mottoes in whilo Ictlors on red backgrounds. 1 he ono nearest the platlorut reud, "Government i'rotcctlon ana Provision Irom tho Cradlo to the Grave;" next to It was tho inscrip tion, "Nationalization ot Land, Labor, Education and Insurance." Another nnnounccd that their motto wis, "No rich, no poor." A fourth g.ivo nonce to the world Ibut they believed in "Equal rights, opportunities and compensation." Near by was displayed tho Interosnog nniinuir emeui that "Inter est ou money is a direct tax 011 labor to support wealthy paupers." Anolhor declared the govern ment to bo "Tbo superintendent ol trado ar.u com merce and tbo cmpioyor ol tho people." bill! another cxprosscd tho doctrine that "Tho uncon ?umed products ol llin past should bo an equal in heritance to tho living generation." ? STORMY SCKNK. fflc reporter had scarcely concluded blB survey of the surroundings when a slainplug of lect give notice that something wan about, to happen. A moment afterward two men stopped ou the platform, and ouo rapped the mooting to order. The latter was tho chairman, Robert 11. Bartholomew. Tho noiso, which for a moment had subsided, now re commenced louder than before, partially drowning the chairman's words. In tho midst u! it a delegate ele vated his voice to a high pitch und asserted that there were persons present ou the floor who hud no business there?bo uliuded to the members ot the press. (Loud applause and some dissenting cries of "Lot them alone.'*) Tho speaker continued in a still higher key that ihov should not ho admitted and bo tbcreioro moved they bo told to "get out.** Ho was followed by citizen Justus Schwab, who emphatically seconded tho motion. "Far my part," he said, "I am opposed to reporters being allowed in. We do not want any representatives of s capitalistic press hero to lie about us as they baa done before. " Mr. Schwab sat down amid loud applause, in a mo ment a delegate, a Mr. Bennett, hud secured urnid confusion mo intention of tho Chsir. He said that ho saw nothing wrong in tho roporters being present On the contrary, he thought it to tho advantage of tho meeting to have them there. It was not u secret inoetiug. I hey hod assembled for the purposo of adopting an appeal to the American peop'e, and the best way to reach the people, iu his opinion, was through the medium ol the press. He, therefore, strongly opposed tho motion. (Cheers anu more coniusiou.) Another delegate iu a loud volco an - polluted himself of tho same opiniou. Ho said ho uudorstood that the press had been invited, and ho bunded to the Secretary a circular of invitutiou sent tho press by one ol tho officers. Tho secretury read it, but the noise almost drowned his voice. In the turtnoil that ensued, a hall dozen seeking to speak at once, the Chairman put tho ques tion, "Shall the reporters bo exclude.]?" The mem hers were requested to vote by a show of bauds. 1 be Secretary counted, Tho vote was close, but tho cueiiou wis carried. The reporters then moved toward tho door, aud a motion was carried to appoint Justus Schwab sergesnt gt arms. Mr. Schwab alertly took his place it the entrance anjsmiled grimly at the departing reporters. From that point until tlio close o< tho meeting no person was admitted unloss he came armed with a red card showing In in to be a member. lb- following is the appoul to the American people referred to:? Al'PKAL TO TilK I'XOrLK OF TM1 CXITZD STATUS. In consentient ? ot the frequent appearance of -ennational reports ..lid denunciatory unifies In :h press during mo Inst few weeks in reieronce to the socialistic labor move iiR-nt, we, the members ot the socialistic labor pert? ol New York and v Cioily,deem u . nr dotv to lay before the public a tfSt stelement ol tli vi^w\ principles, aims and oi.J- cis of our party nod the use a us 'jr which we seek to attain our ends. Nearly the whole civilised world has years and years been laoortsg und -r so-called "hard time*." iliesc h rii times or.i particularly tiard on the working classes; to them they bring reduction of waues, irregularity of employment or even forced suspension of work. I'o tho working cia*-6s reduction of w.tces and irregularity of | employment mean* a redaction of the standard of life? auo worse, less and worse clothing ma! a discour aging uncertainty as to tho future, while a forced cassa tion of work means starvation, ruin anu despair. To what a deplorable ?.\t> i.i these painful calamities bare already nefuilen the working* of this country a p .nee at the con-in ion of the laboring population in the Industrial and mining districts of the t Piled State* and t look at the hornets of men who are forced to become tramps wilt show. How, where and when will this end? KfTetts will not tease as long a1* tho . sir s* which pmdu. e them are hi tperatloti, und the "hard tiiu?-aM will not end until (heir tati**s are rem red. Hence the flr?t step toward curing the "oard time*" is to ascertain wiiat their causes are. What, then, are their causes* Hons natme reuse to fur nlik man sufficiently with her pro uc? and treasure*? t erlniniy not. The fault does ut lie with nature, which offere most bountifully to tnan all tlist whi. It lie r?* uires for a comfortable and ?>nj?.y .nle existence, and y> t there is want, privation and suffering. it is, therefore, evident that the fault lies with man, and the cause of the evil lies in tiie manner or *?ftera by which inauaind manages its affair*. r.vtL.s to a . RXRrDfKDb This *y*tem of msnqtlRR with the product* of nature i* | tho sam ? iu nil tin; sited civiiuod countries, empties, kingdom* as reli a* republics, and, then-fore, hard times prevail everywhere. The wor-d detects of tho present *cori<miicai system are that It pr>-vide* fur no rational or Inte.lL ent plan of guid ing and regulating prona tion and iah<*r generally, i.nt leave* l at to chance, nuces w<<rk and spec til ation, there by causing a tearful misapplication and w do ot human labor br predefine things which are not needed and failing to produce that which t* really required, lint the in est peruieious -vli of Hi i no* prevalent ecu mimical system is mat it allows property whtc.i is soclai in it* nature and u*? to her me prr tuiaf in its ownership, thu- empowering on* class of people to ho t the |?r ?perty widen i- required and tttl by other# or by society, end thereby leaving ou* part ot limA'titf dependent upon and at the mercy of another, f or tb ?*w who command w\#r the means of It(o ?!*<? command over the ifln mii.1 liberty of fitter*. Itw diowtog thi* power to U inherited tueti ? ?* o? ht* horn frre and equal hut afu born either a- part owners of the world ati<i what it contains, or as total y disinherited dejtendenis, who are Compelled to submit to being deprived at the larger share of the products of their labor by the owners of the means of production liie*?* two evils in the urtttRt economical system which rules ali the fifties and nations are the main ? an?e of the ''herd times" and of the glaring contracts between the rich and poor. We deem it our holiest dutv to humanity to work with all our rnivht in order to abolish these *vl.?, ani we si.all try to do i fiit in t tie on I v way in which it can be aoeom ffltshed?namely. by acquainting mankind with the c*u*e? of its stiff)# ring* una the uu an* by whicfi the causes can be removed lo the-e ends we have tunned a political party, as With ent the legislative power u* permanent c.tan :e for the l>? iter can be Inaugurated. THR M>? IAI.MTK' rt.ATfOHW The following is the platform of the socialistic labor party J? Labor being tho sour. * ol all wealth and civilization, ? ud useful |.?bor being possible only by and through the a* ???dated effort* ? I tb?- people, 11.? mean* of labor ? uotiid, therefore, in Justice belong to society. The system under winch socialv is now organised is Irn pect mid hostile to the general wel'arr, since through U toe IIrectors of labor nmegMfliy a minority, are enabled in the competitive struggle to practically monopolise all tho means of labor?all opportunities to produce lor and supply store. the wants of the people?and the are, there* luaiutainvd In poverty and dependence. Mime the rutin political parties fiave always sought only the direct interests I the dominant or weelthy classes, endeavored to uphold tntlr Industrial ??ipr? tnacy and to perpetual* the present condition of society, it i? now the tiiity of the wuffctng people to organise them*?|v?-?? into eoe great i bar pirty, using political power to achieve inrlu* tnal iridependeiice. I lie industrial cm an. ipstlori of labor, which must be pehicved by tfie working thetn-elvt'S, iiidepeiiuenv si all political parties but their own. Is. cons .jiientlv, the Site to which every political movement should he stibordi sate as m means. The material condition of the working people In all civ Itiseit couutries hem* identical, and resulting from the ?auie canoe, tb" struggle for iiiuustriai < mancipation is in tin iernst.oual and miMl naturally he co-operative and nib tuai , therefore the organisation of national and interna tional trade and hkwor unions upon a sect iilstid basts Is an ?hsoitit" necessity. for there rvewtie the socialistic labor party lias been foetid, d. WHAT fill V PSMASP We demand thnt the re*ogrces of tile?III? means of pro duction, penile transportation und romminf|#tlon, !nn !, leacblnery, raiiro .d*. teiegrnp ? timt/sniii, Ac,?-become, a* fast as practicable, tea coinmou propt>rty of the Whole ^people tbrvugh the guversraeut, to abolish the wagea sys* frtn nnJ substitute In IU stead co operallvo production, ?nli a Just distribution of Its reward*. The socialistic labor pariv presents the following do* uiand* m? measures to instlorMl the oondltion of ilia working people uudor our present competitive system, ?td to gradually accomplish tbo entire removal ol tbo a >mo. I. Ei-'ht Hour* for the present as a legal working dsy, and prompt punishment ol all violator*. 2 .-unitary iusnection of all condition* of labor, mean* of subsistence and dweilin * included. 3. Bureau of Labor Statistics in all the Ststss a* well as In tliu national government. Tha olticer* of tbo tame to be eluclod by tba people. 4. Prohibition of the use of prison labor by private em ployers or corporations. V l'rohibttiou of the employment of children under toar* teen years of ape in industrial establishments. ti. Compulsory education of all children under fourteen years of age. All materials, books, Ac.. necessary In tlio public schools to be tree of charge. 7. I'rolnbiilou of tlio emplot mailt of female labor in oc cupations detrimental to lieaitli or morality, and equalisa tion of women's wages with those ol men where equal ser vice is poriurined. 5. Strict laws making employers liable for all accidents resulting lur -upli their negligence to tne Injury ol their employes. H. All wages to ha oaid in tne law-till monev of the nation, and at Intervale of time not oxcooolng otio weca. Viola tions , i tine rule to be legailv punished. 1U All conspiracy laws operating against the right of workingmcu to strike or iuouce others tu striko shall he repealed. II. Uratnltoas administration of Justice In all courts of law. 12. All indirect taxation to be abolished and a graded In come tax collected lit its stead. III. All banking and insurance to bo conducted by the govarnmen t. 14. the rigpt of suffrage shall In no wise be abridged. I.'i. Direct popular legislation enabling the people to pro* no * e or reject any law at their will, and introduction ol minority leprusentaiiuu in till levislativo elections 1(1. i-.very public olllccr shall bent nil times subjoct to prompt recall by the election ol a successor. KM.tNuiiMTins or 1.41>0K Unsolved. That the emancipation of labor is a social problem, r. problem concerning the wholo human race and enibraciug both sexes. The emancipation of women will be accomplished with the emancipation of men. and the so-oalled woman's rights question will lie solvud with the lubor question. All evils and wrongs of tbo present society can be abol ished only wtieu economical freedom is gained dor meif as well as lor women. It is the duty, theroloro. ol VI lie wives and daughters of the worklngmen to organize themselves and tako their places within the ranks of struggling taber. To aid and support them in this w rk is tlio duty of men. lty uniting tholr efforts tlioy will succeed in breaking the economical letters, and a new and free race ol mon and women will rl-e recognising each other as poor* We acknowledge the perfect equality of rights of both sexes, ami in lite socialistic labor party this equality of rights is a principle and D strictly observed. It will bo soon that our demands are of two kinds?those which we hold as Immediately necessary lor thu momen tary relief of the working classes, and those which we hope to reulixi in f e future in order to establish an improved system of political ecou my in place of tho present one, which, bv its Irulls, lias condemned llselt. KKI'CTINU ACCUSATIONS, it e are accused ol wanting to "divide" proportjr. It will be seen that the exact opposite is true; that we wish in stop tlio now tustoinnry division of property, and piece property where it belongs; that which is social (public; in It* nature ami use to belong to society (the public), and that w Inch Is individual iu its nalara and use to belong wholly to the individual. Again we are accused of wishing to establish a system under which tho i'llu shall live upon the fruits of tho labor ul the industrious. That is exactly w hat is going on now. and is one of ttie greatest curves of the present system, which wo suck to abolish. J-.voiy una who takes interest or incutuo on any property whatsoever appropriates thereby too labor product ol others, for alt iuterost or Income what soever thu' is not the product ol tho labor of tho rocipiout Is tlio fruit of the labor of others. It will lie aeon that hero wo are again accusod of wishing to do the evict opposite ol what we really want. What we want is every ouo to en Joy the fruits of his own labor, and he who does not work shall not cat. We invito and challenge all tlilnkars on these subjects to prove us wrong iu our viows and to discuss tlicse mat ters with us In our agll i tie it meetings, which are always open to the public, and we always invito ciiticism and dis cussion. furthermore, we doslre to state thai wo are not ? secret society, hut u political party, and seek to obtain our amis in a peaceful and legal manner II any of our members chouse to drill mid carry arms, thay have a porfoct right to do so. an the constitution of tlio Hulled Status guarantees that the right ol the people to bear arms shall in no wise be iiilriugod upon. II any ol onr in umbers arm themselves and drill, it is omv for dolence. ami It is because history teaches that a privileged class will try to uphold its privi leges by force, when its opponents through lack of organ jr. ilion or armnmont arc unable to uphold their legal rights. Wlio. tor Instance, Bred the first shot at Fort-timtorf In conclusion, wo hope that every inuepemiunll think ing man will weigh those mutters in Ins own mind and pass Judgment upon our movement without allowing himself to he influenced by the silly ravings of newspaper writers who undertake to pass Judgment upon tile matter?as they itro now doing with so much inisdiroctod energy?without having previously taken the trouble to acquaint themselves therewith. Tlio appeal was the work ol Mr. John Mclutosh, tho editor ol tbo A'ationul Socialist, ol St. Louis, who read It both in English and Herman aud moved Its adoption. While he wus rend ing a number ol ladles wearing rod soaria entered tho room aud hung rod Hags on tlio walls. Mr. Bennett, ol the Cigartnnkers' Uuion, said that In asmuch as the party had licoo abused in tne papers tlioy should hold a public mooting and vindicate tlioir character. The question of the adoption of Iho appeal was then placed Ooforo the meeting and it wan adopted. After tho report Itod been adopted Citizen Schwab moved that flu.uoo copies be printed tor distribution. Ho only received three votes, and then desired to make u speech. Ho ordered tlio doorkeeper to closo and lock the door on the reporters, ana on thiB being done spoko in a buncombe way for about Ave minutes. t West followed in nn equally Insane and in flammatory itudruss, aud similar baranguos wero made by others hi tho meetlug uu to an early hour tliis morning. Tho inhas meeting will bo held next Saturday night. PBE8BTTEUIAW AMD BEVOTIHED CHURCH MIN ISTERS DISOUHSISO THE AIMS OF THE OBGAN IZATION?ITS CBKLD AND LEADERS?REV. OAKIiOS MABTTN ON THE GREAT AND GROW ING EVIL. At two ministerial gatherings yesterday Commun ism uud Communistic loaders were discussed aud re vlowed. TUo Presbyterian pastors Hold a weekly meeting in tUo chapel ot Dr. Crossby's church, on Fourth nveuuc and Twouty-second street. Betoro that body the Rev. Carlos Mariyu, of the Thirty-lourtb streol Iteloriued Church, who bus given attention to I ho subject, read a concise paper. The other confer ence of pastors, composed largely ol German ministers and solely ol Reformed Church ministers, meols weokly at the synod's rooms in Vosoy street. Beloro this body, yesterday, the Rev. Mr. Oerter, I as tor ot . tlio German Kolorracd Church in Weal Fortieth street, read a very elaborate paper. Mr. Oerter bus studied Commun ism lu Europe and America and Irom the original documents. He recently preached throe eermous In his own church on the subject, sad the paper read be fore the Conference yesterday was a translation of one of those sermons, it occupied over an hour In Its delivery, and was very elaborate In all Its details. It gavo si a t ist ics of the Commune, sketches ot tho rlso 1 and progrcsu ol the movement and of the leadors in j Europe, and a list ol publications of various kinds j issued by the Communists in different countries and at different times, it also indicated tho innor work ings as well us the exterior purposes ol the Conimu 111mir, and the means and methods that should bo used to them. Mr. M.irtyu's piper was not so elaborate. It was nooessarily brlol because of the iline allotted lo it? half an hour. It discussed the question under two j proposition*First, is Commuulsui? second, j Wltat are ibe causes ol Communism f As the French ( Revolution was cm Hod to Hie brain of Ronseuau, so j Mr. Martyu declare.i was Communism In tho brains of Proudhon, Canst and Blam|ui. From belug a theory In iheir minds, bexild, It has expanded lulus move- i mem tfeat lots become Interr.stlonal in Its ramifica tions. indeed, it arrogates lo ilsell ibe title ol inter- | national society. Its lieadquarteia were moved here In 187'd, because Hie governments of Europe established such s system ol espion age us to niitiva It uucomforiublo for ttiem. I,.ko other omniums, the liiiernailouul society h.>? Various aliases, lu Russia, wnlch Is honeycom bud with It, nnii where one ol its disc.pies Isteiy attempted to aassssiauta ine I'roicct of 1'oiicn, it oans I lent f Nlbilista, in Germany, where it cast* ;oo,oOJ votes and elect, torij -?ev, n members ol llie Krteiialag, and wli' to one ot ih members lias made an attempt on ihi tiiw ol llie klllperor William, It is Called thu Social Ueinoerocy. in KraBue It is t u Coiuiuuue. lu Eng land ai d America it |? .-omeihitU' elte. At its ime cougress in Newark, M.J, it Voted to call ttsell hero the Socialistic l.auor Tarty. But under whatever name it Is known, hi tuud ml Slsbds the M.phisiopbe les ol me Interuuifoaul Society, TI1K CKSNU Of TUK OOBNl'SB. What Is the creed oi iliu Counuuuer Here Mr. Mar ly n quote ! Irolu publications ol a reccut date I bo cr bed of tlio party as lormut.iied by the leaders here. Ttioy are SoaRlBilIMB til SB we they iln-ire iBBjBSt ?llstritiu Hon ol wealth aud work nmnug all men, and thai the power to posress sliall not belong to tlio tew, nut io ? II tho com in unity. They ure Communists became they wish to destroy mis individual property; be cause they desire to unite society with a bond et hep ptuoss and equality. They are at heists because tboir logic refuse., io aumit ibe existence ol a rtui>r? me IR iug. In the new society ibny no riot recoguig" God, but mm to get fid ??! Him a* the only mean, whereby society is to bo saved. I hey arc revolutionists be csoso ihoy desire to overt how by lurce a society that ue-lres to uphold nscll by I ice. Hence I ties say they mu-i r.iiuqner at auy price political power whioh can establish a dictature ol ibepr?f?d?>*. 1 nl^lheii, is not > ri vnluiionury committee sluing herein America at a good distance irum danger sod aiming to republi can./..? Europe. It la not a movement like tnat ol Msgxiui. it is au organised nttault on existing order in society the world over. It assails tho Americau system u* violently s it UOe Iliu monarchical. Accoi ding lo lis uw u creed ibe objects of the Commune arc?hrst, a desired on ol individual property ami Its ceutrshr. itiou in the .State; second, th? siialilieu ol reiigluu in every lonn. And ha a means io ibis eud it seek* lo acquire political powei?peaceably il pot-ihie, loruiuiy II uece-sary. iM.wits rsiiMj.N.vsL or tiik Comb PS s. Tom lung the persooool ol Hie movement Mr. Mar ty n n marked lis aidest propsiiMdisM are cither GertMn or French. Many ol them are wormugmen, but a few am very stolid uud reckless llrebrauds, who throw sp.rks over the iiuwdor maguxloc and loug to be hoisted wtm their own peurd. I'liey use thn mtuhty power ol the pros to overthrow society and publish periodicals In many Unns and many lan guages. Hero in ilia I'liitod rttates one >,( turlr lead ers is Mr. Duusi, editor ol the ?VA, /.?iiun'i, snotneV Is l iiisen Megy, who w is recently beloro one ol our to injure or lake Gieiiie oi ? re porter who had published votno ol their secret pro needing*. Another is ft. liancey, a director ol Ln Inttr nalwrnUt- TUo loot two wero prominsat members ot the French Commune, and Mogy Is said to have oeen the assa?sin or the Archbishop ol Pari*." Mr. Marlyn here quoted from the Ukkai.o's Inter view with Hansev (published May 11), gave his resi lience uu I busiuess, and called special attention to thai Communist's statement that the International Is radically opposed to existing to< ioty, whether re publican or inonarcbleal. "1'hoy separated from tho worklugmeu," bo coutinuod, "on this radical point, l'bo workiugmcn's party hopes to obtain its ends while respecting existing order and legal means, but tho Communists intend to seize power by loroe. For this reason their aims are not dirocted against secondary oentres, but against capitals such as Washington, Parle and Berlin. The Ameri can worklugmen as a rule, do not under stand the social question, Thoy are far be hind Europeans in this regard. They do not study the rotation between capital and labor. Americans and Irish arc not Iriend'y to the Commune, 'fliey wish to eflect changes in society by Congressional and State legislation, but the Communists ny lorcibly applying thuir radical principles. The Commune doos not make headway here as it does in Europe, because ol our free system and the publicity ol our llv s. Tho Paul Pry of the newspaper has his eye at every keyhole. No secrcis are kept in the United States, arid our Ameri can workingmon, howover poor, hope to be proprietors by and by. N'ovortheloss, tboso tireless conspirators of the Commuue mako headway here. Thoy have their hands now on the dillcrout trades unions ol the land; tbey are interested in the iron ininos, coal mines, shoe shops, railroads and other manulacturmg and commercial interests ol the country. " 1 hough there may be among mo workiugmen of this country few well defined Communists, yet these few multiply themselves and by their incessant efforts intensify tho antagonism hotweon capital uud labor, and thereby give the impression of larger numbers than thoy have. GV.VKRATING CAt'SKS OP COMMUNISM. The causes of the commune w ere stated by Mr. Mar tyn to be manifold. "We are to sock them," lie said, "chiefly in tho grave social uud political abuses which bavo existed and do exist In Europe auu the relations between capital and labor there. Capital regards tho attempt ol labor to better itself as the effort of beg gars to rule on horseback, while labor regards capital as a beggar already in the saddlo. llunce the fre quency with which quo-nous of hours of labor, Inter est arid occupation uro discussed. Labor says '(jot all you can,' and capital says 'Koop all you can.' In Europe thiugs are worse than hore, tor tbero political aud ecclesiastical abuses, hoary with age, and grown rich with their years, are beyond the reach of reform. There both Church and Statu treat tno people us If thoy'were born bridled nnd saddled to bo ridden and tho kings and nobles aro born booted nnd spurred to ride. Abroad, there fore, tho Communist finds his most ready rosponse. Revolution is In the air?revolution made possible and almost nocossary by despotism. Even in England ibo Established Church hns no sympathy with tho people. There lies dormant in the chamber labor which rises only to toil aud comes homo ouiy to sleep, it is sweetened by no comfort. It looks up to wealth which lis own hands lisvo garnered lor others and looks down Into its cradle, but there is no lulure for its littlo one savo that ol the unenjtor. Aud when labor cries out to tno Church lor help in the name of Christ the bishops get logotlior and decide to build a charity scnool. When labor appeals to tho Btain it responds with soup houses. But these are mere poul tices ou tho sore?they ure not cures. What labor asks Is that aristocracy be taken ofl' its throat, that social lifo be rourranged, that tne statutes which liavo b-gislalod It into pauperism uo roinudeliod. But when this demand Is made tlio Cliurcii quiotly hides Itself behind its prayer book and tho i'.irliament adjourns. Now Communists aro educated by that system. Thoy know nothing of l'rotoslantism or republicanism. They novor could liuvo origiuatod in America, but coming here aud existing as a ready tnudo organization and favored by the freedom ol our institutions, which it ubuses, ran wo marvel at tho growth of this movemotit here? But ovcti hero the Commune is what Jules Favro said It was In France? a standing menace lo us. Wo must deal with It. Its just complaints must bo beard and remedied. Its outbreaks must be mot with grapesbotand ibo bayonet. We must tcaoh tboso meu to behove in the American principle that there is no abuse which way not bo rouiodiod hero by tne ballot in every man's band aud tbo Bible iu every man's heart." BROOKLYN TAKING PltECAUTIONS. At a meeting of tho Brooklyn Board ol l'oliee und Excise Coiumlsslouers the question ol tho propriety of connecting tho various pulica station bouses with tho armories was considered, but no doQolto action was inkon In the promises. 'I be object of the project la to be promptly notified lo the event ol auy attempt ou the purt ol tue Communists or worklngm<-n's as sociations to obtain pogsesstou of tho armories. Tuo authorities disclaim all fours of trouble ol uny de scription from the source named In Brooklyn, but tney also deem It wiso to take tboso precautions aguinst the possibility of surprise. YACHTING NOTiiS. Mr. Lester Wallack's schooner yacht Columbia, which bus been tn wtutor quarters at New LonUou, Conn., was nauled Into the stream about six weeks ago and ban since boon overhauled and put In ordor preparatory to work In the coming season. On Saturday hor sails were bent and on Suu day aiiernoon she sailed for this city, where she will go upon the ways to bo csiked, and afterward be fittod with new canvas, llcr stateroom and cabins bave been newly upbolstcrod and carpeted, and In tbelr new dress display a quiot eicgance. The crimson volvoi carpel laid upou hor stateroom is niatcbod by upholstery ol similar color and ot cosily material. Mr. Wallacn's room Is furnished In green, uud the rooms set apart lor guesis una for Mr. lioury Wallack and tho yacht's master arc in bine, in all her alter apartments a tasteful arrangement ol colors and drapery is notlueaoio. On either aide ol the stateroom daintily carved sideboards novo been pUcod, and an armory aud quite capacious li brary added. Captulu AOdiew Comslock will com mand the Columbia thia season, mio will curry a crow of louriccn men. Among them Is a young theo logical student, wno pays lor his tuition si collego by bis summer* as a ysoutsmun. Sctiounor yacht Restless, N.Y. Y.C., Commodores. Nicholson Kane, is being overhauled at New London and will go upon ihn ways tun weuk Schooner yachts Tempest, formerly of the X.Y.Y.C., and the Base, owned ny i?r. lleury A. .Molt, ot New London, are ulso undergoing repairs at thai place. Schooner yacht Fleet wing, N.Y.Y.C., Mr. Ueorg^ A. Ossood, Iroiu New York, aud the sloop yacht Alori, N'.Y.Y.C., Mr. Henry Vail, iroiu New Lmdon, arr.vsd ut Wuiloatouc, I- L, yu.-ieruay aud aucbored off the Hkuai.d Telegraph Siatlou. Soiiuonor yacht lNiello, N Y. Y.C., Mr. Jamoa f). SmiUt, which has wintered iu .-ilerllug llssin, Green port, alter receiviug a thorough uvcriiMUltug and be ing put In first class order for the coming season?in cluding a new boom llfiy-eight loot long (twenty eight leet of it extending outward), sod a galvanized irou cutwater, w Inch adds a loot lo hor wulor line?was launched from the yard ol Smith A ferry ou Saturday lust and went Into coraim?*lou the sum# day. Mr. Small and a party of InenUe were on board aud sailed mo same eveniuz tor Mouiauk on a fishing oxcurslon. Captain William Murphy, ol Comin unipaw, Is building a new vaclit, winch I* Intended lo be entered in the com log New York Hay Hegatia. She is to bo named "1 ne brothers." Cnptain Stephen Couloliaa u . oporto tc ndlng the work. She will do launched In about ten days, I u? Ufw si asm launch C. 0. 1*. Gibson, ot tho Jer sey City Vacnt Club, lias been token upon the ways lo repair tho dam isee caused by running ber upon a sunken rock last Friday night, she will also receive a new uoilur and machinery, the Urst not working satisfactorily. I ho Jersuv City Yacbi Club will have Its annual opening on D-coratioa Dnv, 30th Inui. The squadron will go to Uaili, L. 1., ?h rii the yuchlinon w li par take ol a diuucr. TOO new vocbtN. R. Fowior, of the 1'avonia Yacht Club, of Jersey Cny, w.H lie launched to day. i hero will be a dinner iu honor <>l the crcul, the yacht is named iu honor ol i'once Coniuiliaioner Kowier, who Ins presented a racing soil of sails and set ol colors, t*nlted .Stales .Son iter J. K. Mcl'nersou u a member of this c!uh The New Jersey Y tcbl Club will hold their annual regalia on June I'd. i'hu course ear, 11 be Irom a stake boat oil the Kiystan Fields to ilie .? ol ol Seventy llfih street. New York, and return, ln? ever the courae three Miner, I hi.- will allor in i no t e# nl too ?oi ire race from belli aides oi lb'.-river. Among the yaohli ol this cluti arc the Us re lluvil, I'.ielia, Cbtrui and Meteor. NEW BOAT iiOU.SE. The Wlnons Boat Club movol into their new and Commodious house yesterday, it la oue of tue best ap pelated Ofub houses la the country, aud cost aoou t M ooo. It is located on Btwndway, at ibe foot ot Hendcreon str< ct, Jersey city, is two stories hub, sud surmounted villi it cupola, on top ot winch will be p ice 1 a powerful light, contaiulug sixteen burn ers, wiin reflection*, winoli will bu visible I rum any pnriol Nrw York Bar. Tbo tormal < peuing will lake pine* Juno |. LOUISVILLE It AC laS. TOOL BKLMNO ON T'l-DAt's F.Vt'.NTB. Lotiami.1. Ky., May 20, 187S. Pools on to-morrow's races hero were sold lo-nigbt ns lollow*:? Kihst IIaOR?<?tiO and a qn ? rr miles dash.?King William, hdluDOrgli. g'g.'i; llan K., |21. iRiiiMi It Acs-? K o u lucky Derby { una and a half miles.?Ilimysi, flbd; iiiy Hur, $n?; I.cvilor, $16; Burgundy, 110; Melleury, fin, Chiiie) linrli, fa; II tu Hindiey, Solicitor, IlcuconsUnld and llespond. iu tue held, 11 1. I inkn Hack?Kile boats.?Janet, 126, Joe Rhodes, fl8; Belie Paonor, <8; Advrn(ari<, fg(|; Mollle Mc Culln, fA. BALTIMORE it AC EM TUbT TONED, IIai.iimork, May 20, lfciS. On account of the heavy rain ol last night, tho rnocs, winch were to tako place lo-innrrow, the opeDlug day at Pnulico, have heeu pomp.mud until Wednes day. PKRALTG'H 11AOE POSTPONED. Owinc lo tho heavy condition of the track and tho nliuo-t coflalniy of contmnnion r>| rain I'cr illo did not start Mil* morning on hia attempted rida ol JO'r miles in llliuen oonsccutive hoars. Weather permit ting ne wul start on Wednesday morning, at four o'clock: if not. the* on the next ialx dor. THE TILTONS. THE EXAMINING COMMITTEE OF PLYMOUTH CHUBCH LIKELY TO MEET THIS WEEK?ITS PROBABLE COURSE IN REGARD TO THE CHARGES AGAINST MRS. TILTON?INTERVIEW WITH MRS. BARBARA WALTON. Although wearing au outward air of indifference, there can bo little doubt that the inombers of Ply mouth Church are secretly dieturhed on account of the probability now anstnz that a reopening of the Tilton-Uoecher scandal, with all Its disgust ing dotails, will bo precipilatod upon tbem be fore raauy days. During a conversation witn a Hkrald reporter yesterday, Mr. S. V. White, chair man of the Exuuiiuiug Commltteo of tho Church, In reply to a question as to wheu hooxpected a meeting of that committee would bo called in regard to tno let ter of Mrs. Barbara Walton, said ho thought thoro would be a meeting ol the committee lor the purpose Indicated duriog tno prosent woeK. "Can you iniorm me," asked me reporter, "how the commltteo will proceed In the esse?" ?'I presurao they will take the ordinary course. The flr.'t thingdooo, 1 suppose, would bo 10 notily Mrs. TUlon that coargos had boen mado agaiust her In re gard to alandorous accusations. The furtiior action ol tne commltteo would depend very much on Mrs. Tilton's rejoinder, una whether sho wisbod un inves tigation or otherwise. 11 sho wishes lor an Investi gation I don't soo hut that soo has tho right to insist upon having one." "In tho latter event, would the proceedings bo con ducted privately f" "Well, 1 don't know exactly, but I tblnk tliey would bo held In private, at least, in tho iuieresls of decouoy, I should hope bo." "May I ask 11 you would lllto to glvo a conjectural opinsoc as to tbo result ol an Invosugalion, 11 one Is held ?" "Ob, no I That would be too much to undertake. We oan never know what is locked up In the hearts of a petit Jury uuili ihoy come into Court and an nounco tbeir verdict." MRS. IIAKRAKA WALTON. Calling at No. 22 Orango strcot, Brooklyn, the writer readily obtained au interview wilh Mrs. Barbara Walton, who has prelerrod wriltou charges agaiust Mrs. Tillou and Mrs. 11 or so lor having, as sho says in her henrlng, inndo assertions derogatory to the char acter ol Mr. Bcuchor. lire. Walton has hoeu a mem ber ol Plymouth Church lor (bo past twenty-live years and nlwuys an unwavering supporter of its pustnr. Tito reporter having staled that tho object of ins visit was to ascertain, il possible, the specific character of tho charges made agaiuBl Mrs. Tiltun, Mrs. Walton replied quite unreservedly us follows: ? "Uoaily, I liuVO very little information to give you in regard to the matter, and wheu 1 wrote tho letter to the Examining Committee i had no Idea that tho fact of my doing so would bccoiuo known to tho newspapers. 1 was a good Irieud of Mrs. TUlon until mat latest ooulcssion ol ber's appeared. Un first seeing it I was surprised, uud w.uldu'i believe It. Why, she might have gouo down to her grave respected and pitied, hut now sho has gono uud made a tool ol hursoil. On tho evening ol the diy on which that conlossion appeared I weut to sec "Lobby" (Willi whom 1 had gono to school long ago) lor the purposo of bearing irom her own lips wuetber the conL'Sslon was really hers, as 1 hulug intimate with ner hid always heard her cxprosa hersoll to the contrary or what the conlossion as sorted. 1 rumained iu tho houso with Mrs. Tniou aud Mrs. Morso on thai evening lor more than two hours, uuring winch tiuio I fiut to both of them pointed questions, which they replied to In a manner tn it caused me the utmost surpriso and auiuxenieiii. 1 would not nave boheved mat they wero capable of such utterances dorogotory to Mr. Beechor had 1 not heard them Irom their own lips " "Did you immediately resolve then to prefer charges agaiust both ol these ladies Y" "Not at all. 1 would not have made tho charges but that several momhors of Plymouth Church asked me to do so, inasmuch as 1 had heard the derogatory assertions from their own lips. Now thul is all I have had lo do with it or with the scaudul, and 1 shall ue glad if you will not mention my name in conui-otiou with tho ufl'uir, as I have really no Uosire lo *eo it published. Why, somo ol lbs newspapers hsvo actually uttemptod to glVo a per sonal description ol me; it is ridiculous." "May 1 inquire the character ol tho charges In your letter to the Examining Couimiiioo Y" "Phut tniormntlou 1 must dconno to furnish. Of course, now tbut the letter hue gone belore the com mittee my lips must remain sealed on tho subject, us It would be agaiust the rules ol tho Church lor me to slate its contents. Altor 1 bud handed It to a mem ber of tho committee 1 lolt that my part la the trans action was concluded." "But do you not expect to be called bofore tho com mittee in oaseol uu investigation Doing ordered?" PMPlDNCIXa sits TILTON AND MRS. MORSK. "1 am not unixipuiing au invitaiiou to appear be fore tho cummlticu. My opinion is thul they will let the letter rest lor u whno uud thou quietly drop Mrs. Tilton lroin the rolls. Even uller my letter went into the liauds ol the committee 1 tuiuk that its existence would h.Ve hied kept a profound secret but for tho loot (but I happened to montiou tho matter lu a confidential way to a boar neigh bor, a gentleman connected with a morning paper, sou 1 supposo no thought II too good lo keep aud to caused the news to be published thul 1 had written aucli a letter. II called boloro the commltteo l would, ol course, relate the accusations verbatim, as 1 hoard tbem fruui tbo lips ol Mrs. Tiltoo and Mrs. Morse, wbo were bolb very vloient while making horrible cuurgts agaiust tir. Boucher. 1 hey evidently liave an object in tryiuc to pull Mr. Buecbor dowu, nut he is away up, up, so nigh that their loul breath cun't reach him. Mrs. Tiltoo, us 1 said beiore, might huvo gone to her grave respected, but now she is de spued, and the many friends who have culled upon hor and as.-islud ber during ber troubles have now resolved uuver to enter her door again. Sho is nwsy aown now, while Mr. Boucher Is exalted even In lliu estimation ol raauy who might h*v - lolt luke warm toward buu belore. 1 have known Unby lor twenty years. Sue is cultured and refined, as is ulso Mrs. Morse, but the latlor has hud the worst traits ol her charscler developed by ud vcrse ctrcumaiauccR. Lihby's mother never wanted her to uiarry Theodore I illon. Suo was eugugod lo u lawyor and jilted hira for Tiltoo, whom suo married wuen bo was scarcely uluelecu yours old. Mrs. Morse dlsbkod this marriage vory much, and has always looked upon bor later troubles in tno light of retribu tion lor Libby's having Jilted lier ufliaticod. A HMI.TIPICANT FACT. Id view ol tbo repealed denials by Mr. Tilton of tho rumors that be has ol late been Visiting bis wile clan destinely at ber homo in Brooklyn, aod tbut the relationship ol busbaud mid wilo had bveu resumed by ibotn, a somewhat significant fsct was made known to the writer yostorday. Last Friday inorinn* ihu sou of a gentleman living in Madison street, liiooklyn, on examiug the mail mailer just handed lo bim by a letter cniricr, and Which eui pruced letters ami papers Irom Eugiuud, luuud among them a newspaper, bearing German postage .-lumps aud addressed lu the handwriting ol a lady to "Theodore lllton, Esq., No. Madison street, Brooklyn." tbo uuniber on the dlrecuou being tbut ol tne house In which Mrs Tilton uud bur mother had burn living up lo tho Urst ol the present month. Hie young gentleman relerred to, know lug Mr. Tilton'* (uiuily, was snllsfitd at u glenco that the address bad been written by one of Mr. TUlon's daughter* in Germany. As tho letter carrior ban proceeded only a lew puces ho was called buck, and having been apprised or bis mistake, the ncwapipcr was returned lo hiui. The question remains lo ho answered, it Mr. TUlon had nut been iu ttio habit ol visiting lira wile, why should his dung bier expect that a newspaper scut Irom Gorruany should Uud him at the liomo ol ber mother. AliTIiaLEUY HELD DllILL. According to order* ol Cnptalu John Keitn, com manding Uutcry II, Guard, tbo member* ol llio Inn lory assomblcd yesterday niter ir on at their armory lully artiiod and equipped (mounted) for Hold nu4 target practice. Two piece* of tbo buttery were so.ectoil br tbo Captain, iM, undor comniantl ol Lieu tenMt Foller, proceeded to Ootr.oas' larm, New Lots, L. 1., loitritig lire aruiorjr In tbla city about tUreo o'clock Initio alteriioun. 1 lie real ol Iho commaud will procce t to Now Lota tbi* mornibg, nud the day will bo spout In Held ni.n u uvrua ami target prnctior. Hull call will be at nine o'cmclt A. II., wusn it i? ox pectod tlio ntiendMiice of artniarymru will bo largo, l bo advance Miction ol tbo b ittery, uudur command ol Lit iileuant Keller, nutwiibulaniinig the intinmoncy of tbu weatuei yesterday aftorim iu, paraded m excoi lent abnpc, tlio in>u nppnenuy but druading tliolr wot nignt'a encampment at Now Lout. THE NINTH llEGLMENT. A mooting of tho Votorana of tbo Ninth regiment wan bold last night, at the armory, lor the purpoao of receiving a ret on of tbo board ol management in reference to me ami tin I dinner to be hold on tbo ililb mat, at Hie fiiurtcvnnt Hutu* Tbo report waa at a formal character, and waa ngreod to. Alter tUo usual parade ol the regiment and the presentation of tbo markoioon'o oniines, uio veterans preaeniod m Company K a very Inn noma badge. tin* company having obtained tbo largest number of recruits during the year. THE DEFUNCT TUUnT COMPANY. In the Court of Oyer and Tormtuer, In Taterson, yesterday, anotler trial originating from the latlure of tbo Merchant*' Loan and Trust Company was given a briel existence. It waa the caso of tbo Htato vs. David floury, who gave to the bank oflloiala attar its closing a lour hundred-dollar check drnwu by Mr. Wilson, forwblou bo oltorward received a note lor tho amount. 'I he counsel lor the defence contended tbat ilia Court ought to order a verdict ol acquittal; that it was a legltimnln transaction, as tbo defendant having deposited MM checks alter the apphcalion bad been made u>r i receiver bo a as a preferred creditor. Prosecutor Woodi nil opposed the argunioul of the doleudanl's eouusel, asking the Court to luotruct tbe jury to acquit. Tbo jury, on reoorameudottOU Of Judra Dixon. returned a verities ol aooulttaL A BATTLE FOR LIFE. Kate Southern's Appeal for Executive Clemency. WAS IT A MURDER ? Tho Georgia Tragedy in a New Liurht. Atlanta, Gs? Mny 20. 1878. At I predicted in my last letter, tho case or Koto Southern, who It sentenced to bang on the 21tt of June, has been taken Irom the courts and put lalrly bctoro tho Governor. Tho battle for bor life It now being botly waged within the walis of tho Capitol. Tbere seems to oe little doubt now that Mrs. South ern's conviction was duo to llio lock ot concert among bcr lawyers. As a prominent citizen said to me In Jasper last week, "It was a judicial murder. Tho counsel lor Kalo never consulted bolero tho caeo opened. They koew nothing o( tbo witnesses nor wbat each ol them was expected to swear. Conse quently tbey avoided exposing their Ignorance by in. troaucing no witnesses. Tboy did not know the weak points of the witnesses lor tbo Stalo, and consequently tbo prosecution mado out proclscly tbo case that it wanted, unembarrassed by anv tear ol cross examination. Tbo defendiug lawyers baited iu tbelr case and proposod a plea ol iusanlty In open court, and then withdrew it amid tbo Jeers of tbo prosccutiou without trying it at all. At another time they tried to withdraw the ploa of 'not guilty' that they might plead guilty to mnnslnugblcr. The whole defence was asorios ot false starts, retreats and confessions. In maxing the arguments the eounsol disagreed, and 1 really bcliovo if there bnd bocn no lawyers lor tho dcfcnco Kate would have been cleared." Much of ibis luefllciency was duo to ibo faot that tho lawyers wore not promptly employed and could not have proper consultation. Kit Iter of them, had ho been placed in control ol tho enso, could buvo done better then tho whole of tbem. Slnco tbo trial, however, tbo lawyers, and especially Colonel Corny W. Styles, probably tbo ablest ot tbem all, have been busy lu collecting testimony lor tbo Governor's con stderation, and hnvo succeeded in making a good show. Indeed, It is bard to believe that the Jury could havo convicted Knte Southern at all u ibis testimony bad boen placed bofore the Jury. Colonol Stylos reached tbo city some days ago with a largo number of ulQdavits, which ho deposited with tbo Governor. Non-* ol tbeso aflldavits, or anything like ibo matter contained in tbem, bus ever been published In the Georgia papers or given to the pub lic lu any way. They uro very essential to a proper understanding ol the case, however, and having se cured a logk at thera I forward you tbo substance of wnat tboy contain. The first step taken by tbeso affi davits is to prove that Miss Narcissa Fowler, the wo man who was killed, was a woman ol bad character. To provo this affidavits are procured Irom Miss Auu Conart, who swears that Miss Fowler frequently spont the night alono in the room with men In bcr (Miss Conort's) house, and that she has positive knowledgo of the fact that she was not only unchaste, but grossly so; that she knows ol her having cohab ited with at leust tHroe or lour mou. Mrs. llurtlsou, a most respociablo lady, swears that Miss Fowler was ? woman of notoriously lowd charactor. Various other affidavits bearing upon tho same subject, and making the inuttor very cloar, have been socured. The tact was also recited in affidavits that Miss Fowlor had do sorted bor husband, wbo baa in turn abaudonod ber. PKKBU REVELATIONS. Tbo uncbaeto character ot Mius Fowler being estab lished, ullluuvita are then prepared to prove ibat Southern bad illicit Intercourse with tier. Tbls point Is suMuined first by Bob Southern's own affidavit. He swears tbat be frequently bad oriminal Intercourse with Miss Fowler, notably on one occasion just tbreo days before bis marriago wltb Kate Hombrick. Ho ?weurs that bo moi ber in tbo road, wnen sne began to upbraid him for not bavlog married ber. She was la great rage ut tbo news of bis approaching marriage with Kate liombrick, and wltb tbfeats and ouircstlos tried to get him to go to her bouse and spend tbo day wltb ber. lie positively rolusod to do this, but finally agreed to go with ber to Mies Ann Conort's, where tboy bud bad guilty meetings before, lie then went witb bor; they took a room to tbeinsolves and remained together that nlgbt. Southern's affidavit does not cover the interview be bud wltb Miss Fowler the fourth day alter bis marrlago. Au affidavit is produced from Miss Ann Conort, who swears that Narcissa did spend the night at ber bouse with Southern on tbo nlgbt Indicated in bis affidavit. Mr. Soutbei u also swears tbat -'Bob'' lived on bis farm, and tbat It was quite a common occurrence for Miss Narcissa to come to the place and solicit an interview wltb blm; tbat she would frequently take btm oil and keep blm nway the whole night; that when he left with ber bo nsually spent tbe nlgbt away Ironi borne, and tbat It whs well known that he was living In adnltery wltb Miss Narcissa. Other nffiuavlts are Inirouucod on tbls point. Tbo affidavits tben go to show tbat Mrs. Southern was acquainted both before uud aftor ber marriage with tbo laci of ber husband's criminal in tercourse with Miss Fowler. This Is shown directly by an affidavit of "Bob" Southern, In wblcb be swoars that his wile was iicquainiod witb tbo true slato of affairs, and was very much unsettled and annoyed by tho knowlodgo. Various incidental affidavits are produced lo strengthen tbls one. It is then shown by several affidavits that Miss Fowler threat ened the domestic pence, tho cbusto reputation and the 111* ol Mrs. Suuibern. An affidavit is sworn to hy a sitter ot Bob Southern, In winch a most course Is detailed. Tint Indy says that Narcissa Fow ler visited her constantly, and was In tbe b iblt ot ialktug uoout Bob's murrnige to Kile Uumbriok. She would uso tbo most scandalous language concerning Kate, and once told Bob'* sitter that Knto bad been delected In criminal lu'.linacy wltb a noigbbor In tne big swamp, and ask>'d V.iss Southern to tell Kito sho had loid bor this. Miss Southern carried tbls story to K ito. Mlas Fowler luriher ?a<d to Miss BoutUorti that Bob oagUl not to merry ber, and should not, and that If be did *'tboy should have no pi uce or satisfac tion as long as she (Miss Fowler) lived." Another affidavit is to tbe effect ibat Narcissi said that II Kale married Southern she "would Kill ber." Two or tbroo other witnesses swore to the fact tbat Narcissa talked violently, nbustvely and unjustly about Kilo, and threatened to purhuo her and persecute ber to ilin cud o! life. It is a simngo lact ibui each of I tie witnesses swcir* tliat ho or alio carried to Mrs, Southern the ubti. Ive or tbrcatoniug remarks mado In their prosenco concerning her; so that sbe wua fully advised of tho violent and desperate course udoplod by bar rival was it a MrnnF.Hr Affidavits ore ilion prolucod to change tbo gen erally conceived cbaracior ol the Intel rencontre, and 10 show tbat It was a fight rather than a murder, doing curious testimony Is udducod on this point. A Mlas Moelor, who was at the trollo, swears tbat just before the encounter sbe was silting In Mrs. Southern's lap, when Naiciasa Fowlor ap proached iiieiu uud roughly pudud bar hy the arm, lilting ber out of Mrs. Southern's lap. .She then took ber rapidly out ol Iho room, and alter taking a drink of whiskey (tho natural beverage lor these Illicit distillery counties), commenced aliasing Mrs. Soutncrm Bhe used, says Miss Moelor, In ber uffidavtt, "epithets loo vulgar uud obscruo to ho eilhor written or spoken." She denounced Kato Southern wltb nlj the poworofa violent and hall erased woman, mingling threats with ber abU'e. As soon as she could get a raluase Iroin her Mibs Meclor went back into the room where Mrs. Southern was sittiug. Mrs. Southern ut onre demanded to know what "Narcissa Fowler had bocu saying uiiout her.'' After somo persuasion Miss Meelor repeated what Narcissi had said. She says tbat Mrs. Southern received it wllhoul any visible sign* ol anger; that sho slm piy sat still and listened, and when she had finished did not any a word. An. other witness swears thst Miss Fowler told blm that nlgbt tbat Kato Southern bad put out ber lout twice to try and trip bor up, and tbat II sue didn't mind tho would kick her. Anothor witness swears that bo heard Mr. llonoy, who was Miss Fowler's friend throughout the whole matter, make the following smtenioiii jusi an lionr or two alter the killing"About an hour belore tho fatal encounter look place Narclasu Fowlor CaiBo to me and took me outside of tba bouse. We I took a drink al whiskey lei el ber out theft, and. that Narcissa told mo that itt expeetod to ha to i row before long. Sho accrued very tnueh exorcised about it and asked mo if I would stand up to her, or suck to her, io caso she was pushed. 1 told her that I would, at which she seemed very much relieved." This wit ness does not swear that Houoy said Miss Fowler ' nioutioued Mrs. Southern us the person with whom she was about to have s row, but the evldonco all shows that this must have been the case. In support ol this testimony, uud corroborative ol It, Is the sworn statement ol u reliable witness concerning the en counter its ell. This witness swears that Kate Southern (and the evidebce agrees perlcotly with Kate's own statement sent you a few days ago), was silting on the coach by tho side ol hor husband, lailciug to blm In a low lone. Suddenly Narcissa Fowler walkod in front of them, and planting herself defiantly before Urn, Boulborn said:?''Now, Kate Southern, I'm ready lor you!" Upon hearing this challenge Mrs. Southern looked up quickly, said, "All right," and arose, ilolore she bad fairly quitted her scat, swore the witooss, Narcissa selzod her firmly by the hair and dragged her forward on tho floor. As she did so sho struck her heavily orei the back of hor head. "Thoo," eayathe witness,"Kato, who was under Narolssa's hand and rooelving her blows, cuugbt bold of Narolssa's ooat tall and commenced to drag herself up. I never saw Kuto strike a single blow while she was down orboforo that. Sbo was eh. gaged in trying to pill herself up so that she oould have achanco. In tho meantimo Amorclll (Kate's sister) had allocked Narcissa from behind. As soon as Kate had str,lightened herself up sho bogan to striko Narcissa and aid i.ll tbo striking alter that." It appears from thlt stntemeut that Kate bad the knllo in her hand un known to Narcissa when the latter Issued her chal lenge; that through the aid of Amorelli the was en. uoled 10 get into position to use It, and that as soon at sho struck the first blow with lbs knlto Narcissa wm either disabled or panic stricken and olfcred n< lurihor resistance. Tho encounter was over s< quickly that no ono had a chance to interfere. Tbosi urotbe diroot points of the trageuy as given by th< nowly secured affidavits. A PLKA FOR TUB COXDEXNID WOMAIf. Affidavits aro offered ou incidental points as fol lows:?Firsi?Kate's character for chastity, modesty, good nature, religious proleselon and practice is fully established by nffluavits from the bost ladies of tho county una from her minister. Secona?Her nervous and unbalanced condition at the time of tho killing Is so lolly sot forth as to show that she was almost wholly Irresponsible. One affidavit shows that sho hod three successive epoloptlc fits on tho Mou day boforo tho killing, sod was in con. etant fear of a new attack. Third?It is shown that at least two of tho jorymoo who found her guilty hud cxprossod ihemsolvos in favor ol hav ing hor hung before thoy wont on the Jury, and that two others would never havo consented to glvo a vor dict of guilty If they had not been led to boltcvo that the recommendation to mercy would have saved her life. It is said that several of tno jurymen wore anx ious to sign a similar statement, but oould bo given no opportunity of doing so in tho short timo allowed lor the preparation ot tno case. This is about tho caso that Is now befors tho Gov. ornor. Ths friends and relatives of tho decoosud woman have taken no pains to eitbor amend or con. tositho points raisod in tho now testimony. They say that thoy havo nothing farther to offer. To ro view, tnoo, the esse as it is absolutely established by the faco of these affidavits It is this:?A girl of mod est, chaste character, lovos and marries a man. She discovers that bo has beforo marriago contracted nn illicit Intimacy with a handsome, fast and reokless woman of iho county. sbo finds that through cortafn threats at exposure hor husband is under tho influence of this woman, who succeeds In carry,ng btra to her bod three days baforo (he marriago and seduces blm away from bomo on tho fourth night after tho marriage. She learns from all sides that this woman swears that sho and hor hus band shall have no peace or satisfaction as long as she lives, that sho is clroalatlng reports that blacken ber (tho young wife's) character and la oarrylng thoso re ports to her husband and hie relatives." Alter being driven out of tbe neighborhood by tbla pcrsooutlon she returns lor a visit, aick, pregnant, nervoos and worn uown by epilepsy. The first night of her return she Is confronted by her rival and onomy, who trie* to take cliurgo of hsr husband, pulls her coufldapt irom her lap, and, taking her into an, fills tho oars of this friend with tho vileslabuso and tbreatx ot ber character. This friond returns and tells her what has boon said, and in a few moments, whllo abo Is smarting under this scandalous attack ana fearful of ibe future, this woman comes to her, in tbe pres ence of her husband, and insults ner by flaunting borsell in front of ber and saying, "Now, Kato South ern, I am ready lor you I" This is tho story of tho provocation, according to those affidavits. It is not ooe whit overdrawn, and until tho affidavits sro invalidated It will stand as ths true story. Thore Is nothing in the testimony to coutradlct the osseous! points of tbese sffldavlia, Thoy introduce now matter aliogelhor, and navo not bocu controverted. The counsel of JIra Southern declare that thoy cannot be successfully opposed, and are coufldeui that no attempt will ho rnado to impoacb them. The Governor will doubtloes satisfy himself fully of their truth ooforo he acts upon thorn. It may be said that the general opinion of the country pooplo sustain ihcra to tho exleut ol saying that Kat* Southern's provocation was more than enough to justify bor crime. irrLTiw ron a full pardon. The leading frionda of Mrs. Southern, who have boon very much in the dark aa to the real facta ol the case, are so much encouragod al the completeness ot the defence made by these affidavits that they are changing the petitions from commutation to pardon. Tho Governor will, therefore, be pressed lot a full ana unconditional nardon. I do not boitcvo that bo will go this far. Uis i-xtreino reluctanco to tnterfornig with the Judiciary will withhold him (rout going any further than Is absolutely accessary to save the woman's Itfo. If ho coinniutea the senteuoo to imprisonment lor Hie the friends of Mrs. Southern will go before the Legislature with application lor full pardon. The pressure on tbo Governor inoroasec dally. A petition from ladles oi New York city bar been rece.vud. The ladles and the olergyraen soom tu be especially active, bat all ciasset are included In lb) llood ot daily loiters that Is poured upon tbo Gov* ernor. lie is still uncommunicative as to bis deter tu union, although be is quite ready and even anxious to lain on tho general subject of tbo tragedy. He scuuia to be desirous of obtaining all the lulormutlon possible bearing upon tbe case and ol bavtug tne case discussed in all its bearings. Aaid* troui the desire mat ba has to save this human life, lfr be can do so and at the same time aorve the ends ot Justice, the mailer has assumed such importance that its treatment has a |>olltlcal beurtng. I am still Orra in my boliol thai be will oominuio the seniouce. It Is said that Hob Southern will bo lu the city in a da/ or two, and with the lather ot bis wife will go person ally beiore the Guvoruor aud ask for her Ufa A num ber ot delegations will watt on him la her Interost. HAliE POaTAliE STAMPS. How many people imagined that, notwithstanding tho storm that beat about their doors last evening, a party of tomo fifty or more men and boys assembled at LeavlU's unction rooms, in Clinton lisll, to bid on a lot of second hand postage stamps. The majority of people would say that ibey would not give flvo cents tor the entire lot; but here was assembled a number ol other peoplo who entered Into eager oompetltloQ to get even one Btamp, though thoy paid several dol lars lor tU the uoiiociion oflered lor salo was that ol Mr. A. K. Blair, aod luoindod aomo slumps that gladdened tho heart of tbe collector* Tne audience was composed ol amateurs and dealers, the lortiicr being represented by boys and young men, I ue prices mngcu from ouo cent to sav er ii dollars, and while they were noi very nigh they were as u general thing lair. Still the knowing ones were enabled to pick up noine good bargains. Tno hign?st prices were $6 75 lor a Charleston Coniedoraio stumped cnvoiope; gu lor a flvo neat red Luzon of 1854, a rare specimon; $5 75 lor a ton cent cermtno l.uzun, 1854, slightly torn; $5 34 (or a blue Luzon, 1644, extr?m?ly rare; $4 lor a set ol Moxicun, ls67, ou.r.ivcd, rare: no lor n similar Set; $3 4l? lor a green unused Naples; 55 lor u blue uuuuod Naples, 1847; ?{!> 3; lor a buff unused Naples, 1867; 45 31 lor n hull unused Naples, 1857 ; |7 ior n .Spanish vermil ion, iS.i3; $3 tor a blue Spanish, 1853; |5 lib lor a three cent bronze ripaoish, 1853 ; 54 lor a ouo cunt Spanish, 1863. 110118 hi OAK ROUTE SOLD. The Nowark and Bomb Orange Horse Oar Railway was sold out yesterday afternoon by h. P. Morns, Master In Cbanccrr. The track, right ol w?y and real estate brought $14,000 and tho rolling stock 41,736. 1U? salu was to saiisly all claims against the road. Tho suit was brought by Mr. Eugene Kelly, of New York, who bongut th? road 1ft at IhuJLgure*. above mentioned.