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Jersey Central convertibles. Tbe ottaor changes wore as follow*:?An advance of * in Control l'acifle firsts (Sun Joaquin brunch), * in Morris and Essex llrsts consols and Louisville and Nsshvillo soconds, * In Central Pacific gold bonds and Canada Soutnern de bentures, and * in St. Paul (L and M. division) do. 8lnking funds, Michigan Central sevens and Wabash firsts (St. Louis division, ex matured coupon). I'BILADKLrHU STOCKS. The closing priecs of Philadelphia slocks were:? Hid. Asked. City sixes, new 114* 115 L'uued Kuliroads of Mow Jersey... 120 121 Pennsylvania Railroad 27* 27* Ueaaiug Uailroud 13* 13* Lemgn Valley Railroad 36* 36* Philadelphia and Eric Railroad.... 6 8 Schuylkill Navigation preferred... 0 7 Northern Central Railroad 13* 14 Lehigh Navigation 16* 17 Pittsburg, Titusvllle and HufTula .. 5 5* Hesionvnle Railway 7* 7* Central Transportation 37* 38 niNIIVO RII Alt ES. The following were tbs opening prions of mining stooks at San Francisco to-dayGould A Curry, 6; Savage, 0*; Chollar Potosl, 26; Opblr, 33; Hale ft Norcross, 6; Crown Point, 2*; Yollow Jacket, 7*; Belcher, 2*; Virginia Consolidated, 13; California, 21; Overmuu, 8; Raymond ft Ely, 2*; Host & Belcher, 14; Union Consolidated, 4*; Alpha, 0*; Sierra Nevada, 3; Mexican, 8*; Eureku Consolidated, 00; Justice, 4; Utah, 7*; Tip Too, 1*; Navajo, *. The dosing prloes tn San Franolseo were:? Alpha...... 10 llitle & Norcross 5* Alia 6* Julia Consolidated.. 7* Belober 2* Justice 3* Beat A Belcher 12* Kentuck 2* Bullion 3* Leopurd............. 7-16 Calodouia 1* Mexican 8* California 20* Northern Bollo 7* Chollar 25 Ophlr 32* Consolidated Virginia 12* Overman 9* Crown Point 3* Savago 9 Euieka Consolidated. 67* Siorra Nevada 4 Exchequer 2* Sliver Hill 1* Gould ft Curry 0* Union Consolidated. 4* Graud Prize 3* Yellow Jaokot 7* MKMOKASDA. The total sales of stocks at the Board to-day aggre gated 86,700 sharos. The receipts and shipments of wheat and corn at Chicago and Milwaukee to-day wero as follows:? Cnicago?Receipts ol wheat, 120,200 busbols; ship ments, 139,374 do.; rooelpts or corn, 366,870 bushels; shipments, 320,322 oo. Mtlwaukoe?Recoiptsof whoat, 16,400 bushels; ship ments, 124,600 do.; receipts ol corn. 7,000 do; ship ments, 12,700 do. Tbo earnings ol tbe St. Louis, Kansas City and Northern Railroad Company tor the second week of May. 1878, wero 076,190; second week ol 1877, $50,090; increase, $10,100. Tbo earnings of thoDonver and Rio Grando Railroad for the second week In May were $20,075. The following Is a statement ol liabilities and ossots ot tbe Treasury of tbo Colled statos on April 30, 1878;? Liabilities. Coin. Currency. Fuud for redemption of certifi cates ol deposit, June 3, 1872. ? $28,755,000 Post OOlco Department acoount ? 1,234,768 Disbursing Officer's accounts Treasury olUces ? 0,614,101 National Ranks ? 2,706,406 Fund lor redemption of notoe of national banks "tailed," ??in liquidation" and "re ducing circulation" ? 11,632,463 Five per cent Redemption Juud? United States notes ? 6,846,006 National bank notes ? 7,617,262 Secretary's special deposit ac count 29 16,384 Currency and uitnor coin re dompiion account ? 11,274 lulcrcsl account 378,092 180 Interest account, Pacific rail roads ? 0,150 Comptroller of the Curreucy, agent lor crodltors 67,936 864,064 Troasurcr United Slates, agent lor paying interest oo 3.06 D. 0. bonus ? 11.692 Treasurer's truusier checks outstanding Gold 348,408 ? Silver 3,102 ? Currency ? 1,933,333 Repaying Pennsylvania uve ? ? interest account, L. and P. Canal Company ? 360 Fund lor roaomptlou ot na tional bank gold notes .... 1,720 ? Treasurer's general account? Special Iund lor rodomption ol trsctiouul currency ? 10,000,000 Ouiatundtng dralts ? 1,447,232 Balance ? 3,733,006 Interest due and unpaid 3,631,079 ? Called bonds and Intorost 6,206,704 ? Coin certificate 55,ol4,5oo ? Outstanding oralis 93,122 ? Balance, lnoiud'g bullion land 98.694,293 ?. Totals $166, uu.1,711 $86,278,030 Asset*. Gold coin and bullion $120,012,781 ? Hold bars ? ? Btanoard Hlver dollars. 2,014,128 1,166,563 SHvcr coin and bullion 13,602,207 ? Sold certificates 9,032,000 ? Old demand notes ? ? National bank gold notos 1.720 ? Fraaiional currency redocmed in silver 111,524 ? Quarterly inierest checks paid. 19,143 ? Coin ooupons paid 47,896 ? Registered Interest paid 286.045 120 Unclaimed Interest paid 35,546 1,230 Deficits, unavailable luuus 0,703 722,492 Deposits beld by national bank depositories 20,833,291 10,053,630 United States notes ? 49,521,372 United Stales notes (spcoial loud lor redemption of frac tional currency) _ 10,000,000 National bank notes _ 10,648,451 Silver coin rccelvod in lieu ot curreucy ? 777.740 Frsctiousl currency ? 66.830 Nickels and minor coins ? 1,102,247 New York und San Francisco exchange ? 212,000 One and two-year notes ? 496 Compound interest notes...... ? ? Interest on 3.65 Dietrict ol Col umbia bonds ? 828 Speaker's certificates, Forty. filth Congress. ? 126,879 Redeemed certificates ot de posit, June 8, 1872 ? 920,000 Pacific Railroad interest paid.. ? ? 7 310 uotes nurciiuscd ? 8,750 Cvupous, L. aud 1'. Canal Com pany ? ? Totals $160,003,711 $86,278,030 NEW rOKK STOCK. EXCHANGE SALES. Moxdat, May 20, 1878. BFFOIIE rAIJL?10 A. M. f?t)OC,CAtC iit.. 41% KMshi Ct!l V p!.b3 7lV |i*X? do 1- -it"l do 71 ?, 2M"00 tin 42V K*? do 71' ll<' t ?????????? ? ??- 4 ?"" ?IW ???????????? I* H 51)00 do 4J>? 100 do 71V *2)00,0 A I C 2d... in 200ARI RXH ttmO do b:i 15 700 do li/O'i (HUM TAW 2d. '77.1?3 67V UKJ do lOUVj HUM K. C K A S 1*1.. 2>*< do *11 l'r.", 30000 Pnc. 8 J B'li.. KM, ('<*) do 10-M .FWJ \ i ?c, n ai ? ii.. n" | iv/ no ivr j luOihi 3*1 A llud.. *3 35.V 3"? .V J Central 20V ?( 0 ronton 15.. 200 M A St P 51'j 6<M WeMerii Union H2J,' loo do 51 100 H.'1, 4<M do *8 51'' I... U..IA.. \,...l II.* illl K'l Ml" 2"'.' Pacific Mail IDfi too do b3 filVJ 100 do e 1:uk> do o 51', Adnuia hxpre*?..c l"l 11<I0 do 51 .10 MY CAM 1"* too d" !>:< " DIK Boo Lnko shore........ (12% 500 M A M P pf........ 1(2)0 do. *3 200 70'* K/ri) do ............ Ill'1, 100 llllooln Central... 77'. St*) do ?12 , 1(2)Ohio A MIm OIK) do b3 62V ??> 6'abnrh 14s 1300 do C2.S 500 l/ol. Look A W. 70O do' ?3 (I2>J 1300 do 55',' 150 Oh, Rnr A Q 106)5 20" do 2'DCi.NW 61 4"l> do r.i'fj 2(l() do 50V MOO do ... 66 300 6"\ ?<0 do 65^ 200 do 60S ICO 0, 0 A 1 0 ?V am i do 60k 4O0 do 4 V lur> do 5"), 10" do... 4' do . u"-, IV. 00 SUM 1U0 do , 100 do 50", 35) 1 <H1 SUM 200 do. 1UK an no* 1 ,[ lo-OANWpl 7IM (J do 4}\ MO do 71), IUU do 4 10:15 A. M. XituMl'H 5-20. ?.'''7.bc 107 SSO000 CMS'?, l"-4n.t. K17 ('.mh 1 U.1 5-20, r, '1) K'7 oUUAk'H K,-*. c. In . 104V B6M)U?5'?,'dl,o..b3 lOdii FIRST nOAJID-lOiW A. M. MM bono I I, con... (II !'?" no Ml II--, 1UUMO T*un 6'l, old.... '?!?>% 1**1 do (.2*, 731M Vn ti'e, 11, 1M07.. 27 MO Illiiioi* Cent....bS 7, i 1(2X1 SJ C )??. ???),?* 71S :,IM do. 5"), Sp?M >.l Out i-otir. "II SOU do . 31 50U0 do l""V J1" do 71 2i)(i M A K l?l, con.. '.II W uo.,.,..... b.t <2 wkkiii Union I'oc lit... K/7H *?? MorrU A Ka*? mi w 1U00 Snntb PMti? fit MO UM Coot ol Sew J . .bo JO 100001'A.lWc.o. 2 b.St ll)I V 5(?4)U,( A 1 0 lit... 42), ' 1U7V in mo i em Pud g b bo 111") 4MM I' A \> IH, St I, dir. x nut ton. 72 V koouTA iVo 0.* A'JMAp 41 ?ooO(it4 2d,x Soc,'7i 07 (KMOSXtm&AdtlaUl 06 do. ?ii I'M) do 2JV ?JIM I do ? ????? 21', .vm do 22 KA do. W.'.'.VV.Wio 22 )|MF do 21V 1?Ml do 21V IUU do ssssts???*?? 23 05UU UB 6'?, '?l. 0. .bo 105V 22U) US4l, r. 1907. b8 101', 11:15 A. M. f.... lOM'i So***) US 5'o. 'Ml. 0... 1(>5'< I Ml)Uli?*?. 'SI. 0 ... loi'n (****( Uh 4;,'?,o,'01... loc, 1i*XIUm5**<J ! '05. n. I"4', li*X*l do .........b:! I04 2*212) U S 6'P. 81, r ... W.V? 250U UB 4V'?, c, HI... 104'; i 1000 Uenr,l? O'a. 10O*< *l*> ib? LHAM b3 02H M** 1 Cum* 7'i. oon... 7?l 11(2/ do I-H 62 V 5ia*i l? 0, It .* N )'?.. 6WM 300W61 A* W? 3o?j 10 iiO.R lAP0'*,'l7.e |om,'< 10" A fc3 j(i'4 12(221 Mil A MP.IAM d tOSM ?'"?? ? ''???? >'?'< 31S 1I0U0 Mil A (HP son ? f "XjS jKOV'I'l * v V*4*tb' bo 71.', O A U c.7'?. 04.. DM 25 0, 0, V A I bo 2H'2 HajO Hon* A Mnr lit,C 114)$ "*' 4o 27' gi***> It. HAKrleKt.bO 11), IUU Ctl A H 1hh.w.N I0#)? OUUU Mich Uent 7 ?... IOM'4 21*) do 1(B) 11**1 Onln A w l?*2d.. 1*1 115 do 1<?", 2U2lgPl.V-?"J.^ ,MJ?H '*?? Ho ............. IU?? 7000 lntlst.witb Int e 58 100 do ?3 32', KMX) Can t-o. deb cer. 73'4 100 du 22). 3uxi do 78'j 7l>o CU1, Mil A St P. .bo Sl'4 moo l A K*?ii 2.i hkjJ aoo do a sis; 7 ihc St Xlch Hank.. 71 1000 m. 51W 3 American Exnr.'ee 4l)?i 7'<) 0, MASl 1* b3 7''??* Kl Wella-Karwo Ex... 01 4U) do 70T? 1(10 U S hxpreBH bo 4H'7 800 Uo 7HV 2oo Del A Hud 56'. 2oo ,|0 . . U3 77 100 do .. 56), aoo Mo. Kan A '-'V 1% lot) do . 30 aoo(,ui A Alton be 73 100 do..... 30V 2>J L)ul. Lao A W.. be 53W 300 do 33 J? 2?KI dc, 53 V, loo do e 55), (Kxi do 334, 320 do 3<; 2'i'X) d.i 35), 2O0 do 5t?V 3<J I 3.. VJ 310 do 30 300 do b3 33V 3o0 West I'nlon H2Jt aoo d> ?3 55 W 2IX) do 82V lUX) do... 53 \ NX) do >3 82); 2ui (In 55\ ?JK) Pac M S 6Co.bc s3 10', 10 Alb A Su?i|ne... .bo HI 100 do H'V 100 Alt A T H pr. be b3 13 aoo do ln% *10 Hi L, K v I 4V aoo do c 10)5 3ix> St L, K CAS 21V 3 NY C A 11.. .be op? Ion); 100Chi, Kur A 10..% a."> do,.... loH ](X) Hun A St 121., 100 Mich 03 '200 Ohio .V .Ml** l>V BEFORE CALL?12:30 P. M. $8003 Tennessee U's. o. 30V 4IK) aha Northwest..1)3 31V 1 liMMM) l>i*t of <) 3-05't 70'4 10"J Northwoituru pf.. 7a $000 La oonsol 70 100 Ceiitrul of N J .... 22\ 5tM XlTAW.x A Nov,77,0 0H% 03 do 22V IXXXI onloA Mlas2d m (to (MM) do '22V ?25(?X) l.ake 8liore.r.2d IK) 100 Alton A T ii pf.... 13 loooo Cn l'aciiie x f... 08)* 10 I Keck I.laud 100% 1UXX) do t?V 300 m3 10H.V 3'HKlNY Elevated lot HO 13 do 1011% MxX) .N JO en 1st coil a* 70 100 St Paul 51'4 5000 MAStP con af.b3 100V 2o do 51 10(1 alia I'henix Bank.. Ho 1U) Chi A Alton 73V 43 Pennsylvania Coal 133 10 ) do 75)2 31o Del A llud.on .... 50 KXiUhloA Mis* I'V aoo Western " """ 8'X) rn Union.... 82', 5(X) do 0', j 82'i 400 Del, Lack A W.... 55V 100 do 82V 12O0 do 55 y. 1(X) NY C A Hudson.o3 10- 'V lsix) do 56 100 do 108 V 000 dn 50V 100 Erie Hallway 12?, 4500 do 50 NX) Lako Shore (12V, 400 do b3 50 200 do b3 02V l(XK) do 53V 3t*l do 02V 300 do a3 5517 200 do a3 02 , (100 do 5! 5U0 do 02? 1000, C A 10 e-4 100 do 03 02 K 700 do 4V 200 do.... a3 02), 2O0 Kenans A Texan... 2V 100 do,....,....a5 02), 400 Morris A Eaaex.... 81V SOO do 02V KM) N Y. N II A II 15!IV O'XJ Nortbweatorn 51W 100 Chi, It A Q lo4V 800 do *3 51V '00 do 104.V 20 do 51 19:30 P. M. $45000 U 8 5.30, o. >67. 107V ClOOOOU84V'?,e,'01.b3 1D4V 3000 U 8 5-20. c. '08.. 100), 20000 US 0'?, currency 120 V 27000 U 8 5'a, 10 40, c. 107 1:30 P. M. $10000 C 8 6V, r. '81.. 108V $100noUS4V'e,o.'Dl.W:i 104W 00(X) U S 5-30.0 '07.b3 107V 25000 US O'a. currency 12''V 12000 U h 6-20.c,'07.bc 1U7)4 3:30 P. M. $100000 U 8 C'a, r. '81.108% $| 35000 U S 4V?, c,'01 104V 33000 U 8 O'a, cp, '81.. 108)5 SF.tOND BOARD?I P. M. $10000 Dlat Col 3.05'a. 7I),V 100 aha Ilnrlnm be 148 20OO N J Con, oour... 70V 600 L. B A M So bo (12V SOU) do 7t)V 30O do. 1.3 62 V 1000 Uo 81) 3'MX) do 02 v SUM) NJ Cen lat, con. 82V '"UO do 02V nxxi do ass To 101) .Mich 05>, 101)00 \VlnonaA3l'2dbo 83 200 1'auauia lac 2000 Erie 1st 112 100 Union PacMc.bcbS 60V l(MX) Erie 3d 107V 400 CIII A N W 51V 2UM) C !? A Minn 1st. IX) 100 Chi A N \V pf.. .bo 71V 2000 Ubln A Mlaa, o.. i)H 330 N J Central be 22 3000 L'onl'ae lat.SJbr 8'.)*, 230 do 22 V SOU) do all) 80V 300 do 22V 41X10 Coil Pacific f, bs 107)2 "*> Chi A R I be 100', 1000 Union Pnc let... 107V 200Cbt, M A St 51'. 1UM) C, O A I O let... 42V 1200 D*l. L A West, bo 53V 3UX) do 43 1U) do k5 53\ lux) do 42V do b3 50 1UX) 0, C A I C 2d 10 300 do..? 50 lUX/O do.. bo 13 V 5u) do e3 5(1 1000 Cleve A Pitta 4th 107 2700 do 5HV 5000 Pec of Mo 1st.DC 104 1(M| Ohio A Miss.... be PV 1000 lolAAV 2d,x Not. 2<X) do 0'i '77, cou (18V KX) Albany A 81V 1000 do OH 4ui C, C A 1 0 be 4V WX'li Mo.KAT.c fK.aas 42V 700 do 4* 5U 0 l.eii A W 11, con 44 50 do 4f, 300 she Hoi A ll . bcbS 50V "'X) do b3 4), 28 Ontario 811 30 7<X> do 4)J 2iiO American 4!>V -0" do s3 4;V 50 West Uu 82V 147 Chi, H A Uulncybc 104V 100 do 82 V 5 do 105 2:30 TO 3 P. M. $2000 MIlAStP, con a f 100V 100 aha Nortliweat'n.s3 51 lOOOTolAlY 1st,Slid, 1U) do ,s3 50V xiuateoii 73 5U) do .V Jy 3000 N Y Oen 1st, cou 120V 100 Northwestern pt.s3 71 h, 2<xx) Torre II aute, Inc 02 lUi N J Central 22V 5 alis 8 A Loathor Bx 114 1U) du 22V 2IX) Hel A Uudsuu 5<iV 100 St Paul 51V 100 OuleksilTer pf.... 32V 330 8t Paul uf 77 5 Adams Express.. 102 100 Ohio A Miss OV 1UI do 101V 3<xI Hel, L. A Western. SiiV IU) Western Union.a5 H2V 800 do OC>V 2U) do s3 82V 1U)C.CAIC s3 4V llxi N Y U A lludsou.. Ids),' km) do..... 4 V 1IX) du b3 108V 10<) do... b3 4\ 100 Erie Hallway 12.'-, OlX) Morris A Eaaex.b3 HI ', K'O do 12V 100 do 8lC lOOliako Shore b3 63 so Kurt VVeyno H2 100 do b3 02V loo Cbl, llur A Uiilucy ltt'x 1011 di 62K 100 du 105V 100 North western... b3 51)5 NEW I'OBK MINING STOCK EXCHANGE. 500 sb* Bor 1 Ed..bee .10 500 do..., .10 500 do..., *3 .11 500 do... .11 100 do... .13 500 do... .11 H/0 do..., .13 ICO do... .11 5(10 do..., .11 31W do... .11 31 HIO do... .11 So 10 do... .12 5<iO do .13 500 do,.., b30 .1'J 50D do... .11 5()0 do..., .11 lOO do... .11 5(10 do .11 2'*) Caaliler... 1.4D loo do 1,36 10 Con Va... 13-i ,37 8|J0 Lac rosso.. llKl do... 37 8oOO do.... .86 UK*) do..., .51*) do.,.. .86 11*) do..., .30 500 do.... .30 100 00... .36 500 tlo..., .. .be *90 .35 500 do... .36 Mo* DAT, May 20, 1878. FIRST BOAED-ll A. iL .10 lOO she Lacrosse....... .30 " " tin 36 do...... .30 tlo 3(J do 37 <lo w 'it J .30 do 1)30 .33 do LO'J .40 30 Northern Bollo. do b5 4.00 do 1)3 4 (10 Mariposa pi. ? bid,3V asked Jloos? ? bid, 71, asa.-d Memphis Oil bid. ? assed SECOND BOARD?1 P. M. lOOOahs c. .10 MX) do .be s3<) .10 ODD do .10 600 do .be bl!0 .11 31 r) do .11 500 do .10 300 do .10 5(>i) do .10 6 California.. 33'., 5 do..... 33 U 5 do 22^ 35 do It SO Cashier 1 .50 11*) do 1.50 P*) (sold Placer .05 I'M do .... .04 lot) do. .05 50 Ilnklll 4.70 5no ahi L, *30 .30 100 do at) lOO do 30 100 do .3 .36 100 Plum** bio 4.00 l>ahl<nie?a .10 bid,. 17 asked lion V?....13 bid, 141* asked 22? Kin ;'* Mt.1.(10 bid. asked Mar |>f ? bid, 2,'. a.k.d THIRD BOARD?2:30 P. M. lOOsbtB A Edith... be .10 500 do.... bo .OH 5<*) do. .. blO .11) 500 uo. . .be blO .Oil 500 do.... .OH 500 do .oil .VM) Uo.... .10 500 Jl) 100 do... .00 IO0 do... ,OH 300 Uo... ,<H) 500 do... .00 loo do ?15 .00 lOO do..., .00 1<M) do..., .11) 5oO Uo... .01) 500 .OH ;?t n > Uo... .OH 5<J0 Jlnc!*?-yo.. .37 *"?0 illlklll.... 4.70 do l.oo do 1 oo do *30 1.1)0 MA do 1.11.5 do ....1)30 1 15 ? bJO 1.30 do 1.30 do 1.30 do 1 JO do 1 JO M......M blO 1.35 do *c 1.30 blooey a. he bio .17 do bob.) .17 .17 ,17 .It JO Caii' *3 33 5nt .b't ,17 111 do ac*15 33 M?l do b3 .17 .17 10 CoriVirtcinU HC M 1 ?> 14 200 ij?crow?o.... . .be A'i lOO oo 3)1 50O do...... be blO .37 2oo do .30 1500 do b3<> .mi 400 do .37 100 do , . .37 600 Hold I'lncer. I.OO loo do. 1.00 .17 do 17 do 17 do 17 100 do 1H ?'?<10 do bis .In blS be l.oo lu) M*rlp<>*? 1.00 do c 1.30 COMMERCIAL REPORT. cotton: hpot weak; futures closed rillM?PLOUU HEAVT?WflKAT DOLL AND LOW Ell?CORN UNCHANGED?OATS LOWER? W11IBKKT FIRM?PORK NOMINAL? LARD LOWER?PETROLEUM FIRM?OILS QUIET? SPIRITS TURPENTINE HTEADT llOSIN STEADY?COFFEE STEADY?SUOAB FIRM. Monday, liny 20?0 1'. M. Ruslnc** was everywhere motierntr, and In aorne cases ibe market* wore deel ladly dull nud prices wero lower. On 'Change tbo demand lor whonl was very liglu and price* were again lower. Flour was heavy. Corn without decided change, Oats dull and lower. Wblikey Arm. l'orK dull and nominal, hard was dull and lower. Cotton on the spot was wank. Future* closed Oriii. Oratories, oil* and petroleum Drrn Naval ?tore* ateady. Corn:*. -Rio wai dull but steady, mild coffee was Steady | 1,1**1 bag* Marneulho sold to arrive, at ltl'4c. We quoteOrdlnsry carx-ie*, ltl,c. a 14\e.; fair do., 10), a. a Dl'.c,; wood dm, 17e. a 17l,e.; prlmo do., l7'?o. a Ma.; eatreme range lor lot*, 1414c. a lht,e ; Santo*, lair to gaud, lite, a l<Uac... sold, <Ki day*; Java, govern meut ban*, SO*, a 2IX?-i dm, grass mat*. 3()c. a Sfftfe.; Himiapora. I7n. a is'4c.; Ceflen, I lie. a IS#, I Mara eailio. 13"4c. a 16,So.; Laguayra, l.3>,e. a lil)<e.: Jamaica, 13c. a lllc. s St. Domingo, 1 do. a 1.7,l?c. 1 I'urto Klco, 15c. a 17.',o.; Cost* Hlca, 14c. a IHe. j Mexican, 15o a IHJjC.; Macassar, 17c. a lMc.; Angostura, 15c. a I'llfc,; Savanllla, 13c. a in.'4c.: Cnraeoa. 13c. a 14Qc WKBBbV HIO corral STATKNKNr. Bxt/l Stock of Rio coiroe M*y 14, IH7S, 61,018 Arrlred slnco May IS, ilitrald 83.317 May I'd. J In. Pendent ant 3,6111 May JO. Anita llenvlnd ....... 4,i*)3 Total 30.MJ0 Nairn II nin May 14, *a >f f*TatlOVI. e.Seeeee**. 4,'h >.> Mltv 14. ?JI M#Ulll*Hle tea. Mny 14, ox Ulfimuonox I.lit* Stock at Ma and Santos coffee May 13,187&...... 73.1U0 STOCK or KIO IN riKST HASPS. Galveston 4 2' XI Now Orleans........... 4.070 Savannah 4.1x14 llslnptou Koads 4.".'3 Mobile 11.5*10 Uikillmore 29.780 Now York .......... 7.1.100 Total 132,015 Stock in second hands Now Orleans 2,000 Baltimore "4.403 Now lark... 41.77S . 78,271 Total stork 21 *>.886 Afloat mid loading for United States to April 12... 10,275 Purchased lor United States to Mar 18 (31,000 Santos) 128,000 Total visible supply........... 338,101 Delivered Irom warehouses during the week:? New Orleans Italtlmore..... Now York 16,53.1 Total 22.854 Cotton on the spot was weak but unchanged. Futures opoued a shade under Saturday's closing prices. During the day prices cuntiuned to decline and the market eb'sed with a decline tor the day ot from 8 a lOpuints, tbo tune, however, being firm. The official prices to-day, compared with Katardav's, were as follows.? I?ititurday, Mtty 18. if undo;/, Jfii u 20. May 11 23 a 11.20 May li. in a 11.17 Juno 11.34 a 11.35 June...... 11.25 a ? July 11.44 a 11 45 July 11.34 a 11.35 August. 11.47 a 11.48 August 11.37 a ? September..... ll.oOs 11.07 Septembor. ... 11.07 a 11.OS October 10.85 a 10.8(1 October 10.70 a 10 77 November..... 10.74 a 10.75 November 10 05 a lo.oo December. ..... 10.74 a 10.75 December 10.6*1 a 10.07 Jauusry........ 10 83 a 10.84 January 10.74al0.73 February 10.91 alU'JS February 10.83 a 10.85 March 10.03 a 10.98 March 10.06 a 10.OB April ll.10all.ll April ll.Qtftll.03 ?Current prices ui spot cottou (the following i|UOlauuus are based on American standard oi classiflcatiuu, und ou cot ton in store, running iu quality not more than half a grade above or below tbe grade quoted) ? ? Upland,. Alumna. Jf. irritant. Tnuu. Ordinary.... ??*. 8)4 H)i 8)4 Strict ord'uary 9)s OtC ?i. h\. Good ordinary 9K 9* 0)4 Strict good ordinary, lu)4 low 10)2 10* Low middling 10 0 10 10 9-16 10 11-10 10 11-16 Strict low middling. 10 1310 10 13-16 10 15-10 10 13.10 Middling Ilk Ilk IIU 11* Good middling... .. Ilk 11*, l|ij 11)), Strict good middling 11 13-16 11 13-10 11 15-16 11 15 11 15-16 Middling fair 12 5-10 12 5 10 12 7-16 12 7 10 Fair 12 13-16 12 13 10 12 15-10 12 15-10 ?Stained?Good ordinary, 8 7-13c. ; strict good ordinary, 9 3-lOc,; low middling, Ofte.; middling, Io,*4c. Salos of spot cotton: ? To-Day Sat Kv'g. Totnl. Consumption 348 210 538 Speculation 200 ? 2U0 Totals 548 210 738 ? Delivered on contract 300 bales yesterday. For luture de livery tho sales were as followsHulurday, sftor one P.M. ? Mar, 100 at 11.27c. (no notice to-day> ; 500 at 11.26c.; J una. 200 at 11.30c.. 1,100 at 11.35c.; July. 81X1 at 11.44c., 2.4O0 at 11.46a., 2,300 at 11.45c.; August, 6UU at 11.50c., 2.000 at 11.40c.. 2,100 at 11. 48c., 200 at 11.47c ; Septem ber, 300 at 11.09c., 400 at li.OSe., 700 at 11.07c.; October. 100 ut 10.88c.. 500 at 10.81b),. 3oli at lU.85e., 400 at 10.87c.; November, 100 at 10.74c.; April, 100 at 11.10a. Total, 15.100 bales. To-day np tu two F. M.?May. 100 at lL24c., 100 (short notice 23d) at 11.20c. ; Juno, 100 at 11.34c., 1,700 nt 11.33c., 70*1 at 11.32c., 200 at 11 31a., 100 at 11.29c., 200 at 11.28c., 2oo at 11.27c., 2<Mt at ll.2*ic., 100 at 11.25c. 1,000 at 11.27c.. 1.200 at 1120.., 500 at 11.25c.. 100 at 11.24c., 1.2DO at 11 23c., 800 at 11.24c.; July, loo xt II. 44o? 1,700 at 11.43c., 2,600 at 11.42c., 100 at 11.410, 500 at 11.39c,, 4*S) at 11.38a, 5oO at 1137c., I.000 at 11.30a, 700 ut 11.35c.. 5lsl at 11.37c.. 8O0 at II.36c, 500 at 11.34c.. 200 at 11.33a, 1,100 at 11.32c. ; August, 4,200 at 11 40a, 3,700 at li.45c.,7oO at 11 47a, 2IIO at 11.44c.. 1,2<>I at 11.42c., 600 at 11 41c., 1,500 at 11.40a , 1.400 at 11.30a, 300 at 11.40a, 400 at 11.41a, SUO at 11.39a. 300 at 11.38a, 3.UOO at 11 37c.. 1.3oO at 11.30a, 7oo at 11.35a ; septemuor, 1,000 at 11.05a, 2o<> at ll.*Mc., 400 at 11.06a, 800 lie., 200 at ll.llla, 4'JO at 11c , 800 at 10 98c., 50J at 10.07c.. 100 at 10 96c.; October, 400 ut 10,85a, 100 at 10.78a, 500 at 10.79a. 100 at 10 77c., 100 at 10.70c. Total, 45,lis? bales. Grand total, 09,*00 bales. The receipts at tbe porta were as follows;?Galveston, 109 bales; Now Orleans, 1,771; Mobile, 278; Savannah, 685; Charleston. 276; Wilmington. 55; Norfolk. 548; Now York, 324; iioston. 54; Philadelphia, 40. Total. 4,140 bales. This lay last week, 4,324 bales. This day last year, 2.836 bales. Total since September 1, 4,125,502 bales. To Saturday night cotton freigbta closed as follows;?To Havre, by steam %c., compressed; by sail, )fe. To llam barg. by steam >4c., eompressrd. To Bremen, by steaui, Il-I6c.. eompiesse.l; br sail, *a'c. To Liverpool, ,'jd. by steam; br sail. 16-54*1, com preased Floor and Grain.?itecelpta?Flour, 17,586 bbls.; wheat, 2*14.737 bushels; corn meal. 10 bbls. nnd399sacks; oorn, 132,590 bushels; oats, 80,012 do.; rye, U,0d4 do.; barley, 4,050 do.; barley malt, 7,250 do. Flonr wns uull and in iso iatad cases lower. J ho sules, lucluding state, Western and Southern, Wure about 3.50O bbls., within the unuo.xod quotations. Hye flour was quiet, with sales of 300 bbla. Corn meal was xteady; sales were about 750 bbls. aud sacks. Jtye?8,000 bushels State sold at 74).c. Barley? About 10,000 bushels No. 2 Canada sold at 78c. and No. 1 Canada sold at 85)4c. llarloy malt was quiet. We quote N ?>. 2 statu $3 * sy a $3 05 Superfine State 4 25 a 4 50 Lxtra State..... 4 75a 5 00 Choieo tat.i 5 00 a 5 25 Suporfiuo Westorn 4 00 a 4 65 Extra Western 4 75 a 5 no Minnesota 5 15 a 6 25 I'.ouud hoop Ohio, shipping brands 4 90 n 5 10 Hound hoop Ohio, trade brands. 5 40 a 5 *15 Family 6 65 a 6 35 City mills 4 75 a 5 90 St. Louis, low extra....................... 6 25 a 5 >0 St. Louis, low straight 5 50 a (I 00 St. Louis, choice double extra o uo a 6 25 St. Louis, choice family 6 25 a 7 50 Kyi* flour 3 *10 a 3 75 Southern, No. 2 3 no a 3 75 Southern, superllne 4 00 a 4 50 soutbom, extra 4 70a 5 50 Southern, fsiuily 5 75 a 8 no Curu uieal, \\ 2 40 a 2 75 Corn meal, while Western 2 75 a 3 60 Corn raoal. Jersey 2 (KJ a 2 90 Corn meal, Mrandywine 3 00 a 3 05 Corn meal, ouncheons 10 00 a ? - W heat was dull and lower lor Ooth spot and lutures. Tbe salon between the calls were about 100,000 bushels, at St 18 a 8* 19)4 for No. 2 sprlug, $1 18)4 lor May, 81 17 a $1 17'a lor,Juno. 81 25 lor No. 1 Milwaukee, 81 28 lor No. 2 rod aud 81 23 for ungraued red. At the first o*ll 16,000 oueliele No. 2 spring, for June, sold at 81 17. At the secoud call 16,U0n bushels No. 2 spring, for Juno, sola at 81 17)4 Tho following were the old anil u.koa priexs ut tbe second call:?No. 2 red wiutcr for.Viey.8l 25 bid, 81 30 asked; No.2 spring lor May. 81 18)4 bid 81 10 asked; do,, do., for July, 8i 15 bid, 81 10)4 asked; No 2 Northwest for Mar, 81 20 bid, 81 23 asked: do., do., for J unci, ft 13 bid, 81 20 asked: da. do. for July, 8115 uld, 81 3d asked. Corn was without decided cuuiige. I ho sales be tween tbo calls wore about 125,*? O bushels et 49l,c. a M'c. tor steamer unmixed; 50)gu. lor low mixra, 5-?c. a ot>)4>r. lor No 2 mixed, sun for luture delivery HJ.oOO bushels No. 2 mixed, tor June, sold at 49),c.. aud 24.003 do. do. lo arrive at 5uc. The sales at the first call wore 8,000 bushels May steamer at 49c., 10,0**0 do. No. 2 do. at 50c. uud 88,000 da, July, Na 2 at hoc. The follow ing Were the bid and asked orious at the second call? vlay aiO'.mor, 43C. uld, 50c. askru ; ilo. Na 2.50a hid, 5n!,c. asked ; Juuu steamer, 43e. bid. 48>1c n km; do. No. 2 49 V'. hid, <P'4c. asked; July steamer, 48a bid, 49c. asked; do Na 2,5*)'-4e. bid. .'Hike, axkeu. uats were dull and lower, closing as lollowsNo. 1 white, 37*,a ; No. 2 do.. 33)4c.; No. 3 da, 32c.; extra mixed, 33c. ; No. 1 do., 82)4a ; No. 2 do., 32a; No, 3 da, 32a The sales were about 3U.UU0 bushels. Hkmp axn Jutx?Julo butts were quiet. iicmp? Manila steady. lineally some fKJO bales Hlsal ex City of Mexico sold at private pfico We quote:? American dressed.8175 a 8182 5*1 for single, 8210 a 8115 for double, and 813*1 a 817> for undressed; Kussla, clean 8205 a 821*', gold, Italian, 427(1 a 8275, gold; Jute, 4)ga a 6c., gold; Jute butts, 2\c. a 2J-tc., currency, cash aud tluie ; - ? - t fa. - - --- - Manila be.on. 6J4c. a 7a; blsal, 5)4a. a 5),c; Istle. 5a a 5t4c.. all gold. Lixsxkm.?We note ealn of 5,0(J0 bags at 81 77k. gold. email.*.?Domestic ruled steady. as did alto forelye. We <(U0leCube, ccutrlluqal aud uuxsd, 23c a 30c.; clayed. 31a. a 330 ; muscovado refining. 31c. a 34c.; itro ce. r, 33c. a 3Ae.; Porto Klco, 34c. a 35c , Kugilah Ulauds, 33c. a 4Uc.I New Oilcan*, new crop, eotnmuu to fancy. 23c a 32a. Natal Stokhs?The market wee nteed/ for botli ronln and spirits lurpeutme. but quiet. We quoteSpirit! turpen tine, uicrch nituolo urder. floe.; runiu, good itralue'l, 30 all 32^; tar, 92 33; pitch, #3. Oil* ?Ifoltontmd oil?liar 1.nla. seller /ear told at 47.^0. 7be following were the Mid an i naked price! at the call: - Mar. 4H*ec. bid, 32c. aasrd, J aim, July, August and llrst bail J?ui.4hc. bid., 30c. inked; teller /car, 47c. bid, 47 V. a ked. L<nsred nil ruied steady, with a Intr demand at New bed lord; 360 libit, Northern whale nil mid lur export nil prime term.. We quoteLinseed oil, 3l>c.; tpcriu. crude. $1 id a #1 06, bleacbcu winter !perm. $1 17; no. natural do., el 12; crude. Northern whale, IWie.: do. Southern, One.; bleached winter, H2c; natural do., IH^p.; rxtra bleached wlntor elephant. 72c.: natural wlutnr ox. tra iio. do., 70e.; winter bleached fifth, 3 *.; erode tlih, Sound. 43c ; Maine, 47c. a SO*. I hiuilm* ? hrflued wee quiet not lield flrml/, rrOhrrft rclu?lug to tell at current figure*. At the Petroleum hx ehaoxe trade In erode certificates ??? very moderate, the talon reaching only 3,i*/i blilx I lie market opened at $1 3t'l4 and elated at el Bifi bid, #1 33 eeked I lie hiubest point reached was 41 end the low ?t f I 341,. We quutuCrude, In bulk, 7',i.; do., In bbls., Ilhr, a H?<e.; rehiicd. in libit, ll)*r. bid; do., in eetet, 14^c. asked for ordinary brnmU. .Naphtha, tie. a tl'.c. fur or dinar/; reflued, at i'hilauelnbla, 11 %<:. bid; at llaltimore, 11 Sc. bid. f'eCLfar.?The market wat quiet aud eaa/ at tb? revised quutalluns. \\ a quote Dressed poultry ?1 urkeys, (jood to prime, 17e. a 2tX'. from turkeys, Vermont, prime, small, 23 . a 23c. Kowlt?Wet tern, 13c. a 17c.; Jersey aud State, I Sc. a 14c ; chickens, winter, Philadelphia dry picked 33 a 40c ; do, spruit. 2*o. afktr.; do., yearlings, drv picked, I, U< ' ~ " 1 be. a lite. Live ponltrv Pnwls, Jersey, New York and i'eiiusvlvania, 13c. a 14c. ; lowls, HeMkelt, 12c a 13c,: ibs. Western. 12c. a 13c ; roomers, par In., 7e, a We.; turtsva, Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, 12c. a 14c; luikeys, Wesicrn. per lb., 12c. a 13c ; ducks. Jersey, lfe? York and Pennsylvania, per pair, 87c .. $1 13; duest, Wnstom. per pair. 33c. a ?'?3c.; geese, Jersey. New Yen and Pennsyl vania, per pair, $1 23 a 91 Hi ?--eete. Western, per pair, (K)c. a (I. Wild pigeons, prime flight, perdoten, t?> . a 91; wild tqnabt, per doten, tsso. a 91 fb; fcngltsh snipe, per doten, ffk Punviamua. ? ffeeelpts-Pork, 3,417 bbls.: lard, 1.433 tlrrres, |ift! tegs end 136 easel: cut meals, .'I.IKfti packages ; baron. 2*> lien ? s and 2,143 box. t; beef, 43 bbls aid 300 cases. Pork wss dull and nominal, rinsing a*, toe second cell es billowsMay, 9s 3.3 bid. 9s ail asked; June, 9s 4t> lad, 9*4 id) asked; July, 9S fit! bid. 9s ?u asked; August. 9s NO old, 73 eekeo ; .September, ,f? 7u bid, fs Ml atkrd. Spot mess was quoted at rS Ml a fM lib. i m meats weie quie } |s,iek.l lbs, pick ed i elilos, 12 Ins., eold at 6)qe. in boxes, and 3\e. for 12 Ibn. loose, I flfm do. bams at 7)4e. a Sc., and 2,fkXl do ?u nlder- at4',c a l;l?c. Smoxed hams were quoted at 7Mje. a st^e. end smoked thouulers quoted at (a a 3'cO. II .con ruie.l qnleh Heef ruled steady, but without busi ness; bee I h?ms do liressed hog* ? ero Inwor and quoted atf'rc u 41j? ? inr city heavy to light. Including pig*. Lard was mill sit i low. r. clotind Ut the i amid call at follow* : ? May. .frl Mi bid, 9" "Ok ??ked; J line, <6 77!-, bil, 9H S2M asked; .luiy.iftl sil bid. ill do asked. August, if I 3*U biu. if I tni'p assod ; Senlcuiber. 9(1 '?"> bid. 97 H2!? assail; seller yosr, po 77H bid, 9H silaskeil; lie -emiser. fildi Idil, #7 1 ITty stkciL I lie tales wer# about II.7611 tierces at 93 7.3 a fB *J>4 lor Juno, 93 "2*? lor Iuly. 96 it.> for August and 9?l mi for teller year. The spot ssios pore IDO llercrs utty at 68 73 etnl about 9 "? do. VYnsterr. at fat si l a fu *714 Hrflued- 926 tierces Comment sold at 97 23 Jlultar- HaeatpM, 2 102 puck ages. Tim market was steady, with a pond demand lor lliniKrades Weqaota: I'rean cry,Htatis and Western.21c. a 23c, ; Slate tubs, fflie, 2m;. a 21c. ; do., lair to tutu, 13c a Ids'. ; Western, due, 13c. a lWc. ; fair to good, I Ir a Me.; Inn-grades, old, a-, a SC. tfheesc ? Kcrelpts, H,!i.'al bo.s.-s. I lie market was steady, with a fair demand, full croain quoted ut Hie. aud skimmed at 3c. a 7c I.airs ? neceipis, l,IMt l.bls. The market wa* quiet but unchanged. We quote:-Lonir IslanJ. New Jersey and near by, Uttpe. a I I V'. I Male. I'ei.nsylyanlu, 18c a I3>,<\ ; W estern, I2C a 12>?0. rude.?With a lair demand the niarkol ruled llrm. We quoteCoroilue, fell, He a (Oqc. ; pood to prime, a Hfcc; choice. 0fcc *7e.; Pain a, 7c a 7J4c, cm r envy 1 In bond. 4c * 4'je.: Uankoon. In bond. S>ic.. gold. ? TkAKiaK.?Keceints 13 tlercea. The market waa quiet. Si;i;ak. Ihe marki t lor raw waa firm; tKk) limit t'una told at 7Sc.; l(J(i and 04 hbds. meladn Ut 8"^c, and 90 hhds. centrlluaal ai 7J9c. Krllued was quiet and an rbniiirso, ailhnuuh soft mi,an were e?*y. We q uite: Kali refining. 7,'srt.; goo I da, 7He.; prime do., 7 V'-; Cnbu, rentrifniisl. Iioothnads and boxes, Nns M 10 13 7}nC a v'4r ; do molnMue, hogshesds and bokr s, fli,.. a 7S a ; Porto l.lco fulHliltf common to fair, flKc. a 7'4c.; do. do , good to prime, 71%c 1 7y,e.; rebne i standard A. nN,c. a U'aO. ; off A, *',c a I*.; crushed, W^e. ; powilared, tfJ<C irtltltttli VMc. I MfAl olV granulated, Uhit. U PI,c i cut tout, y>?0. u wJko. < White ustou U'?, ?>?o. u ; yellow extra, 7?{e. a 8c.: oilier grades. including C*e, 7H& a 7&c. Tallow. ?Receipts, 20 Ivhd*. anil 54 bbls. The market won easy with sales about 5O.UU0 lbs. Whiskky. Receipts. 1 lb i s. The market was firm. Frmgiits.?Business In general was moderate, out rates were stead v. 1- ngaiomonu: ? To Liverpool, per steam, 18,000 bushels irTam at 8<l. a 8k??l.; 4.<X*? boxes cheese, 40a,; boo boxes bacou. 30*. a 32*. fl?j.; 500 bales cotton, aud 1,5<J0 bales do. (through freight) at lpl ; 1O0 tons measurement goods, 20s. a 22*. Od.: 2,500 packages provisions, bae ?u and lard at 4<>c. pel 100 lbs, from Chicago, Loudon, steam, 200 bid*. pork, 4s. M ; 20o lierces beet, lis. Od.; 2.50U bbls. flour (through freight), at 2*. Oil. Glasgow, steam, 500 boxes cheese, 40s, *. 5,000 bbls. Hour (through freight), lis.; 4O0 tons oatmeal (through) at 30s. Antwerp, steam, 20,000 t unbols gr* m on private terms; 1.000 packages lard aud bscon, mostly lard, at 37*. <>1. Havre, sicam, 400 tons provisions. He. a 9-16c. Charters?An Italian bark, hence to Cork lor or ders, with 4.000 quarters urnlu, ut 5s. 10)4*1.; a Nor wegian hsrk, ht'uce to the east coast of Ireland with 3,GOO quarters gralu, 5*. OJ.; a Norwegian bark, hence to Cork for orders with 3,000 quarter* grain. 5s. lO^d.; two othors. hence to do. with 3,000 quarters each, lift 5*. lOHd.; a British brig, hence to east oo?*ft Ireland with 2,4')0 ouarttMs grain, 5s. 7*4d.; an Austrian t rig, heuce to United Kingdom uiren with 2,750 quarters grain. 5s. 7Hd.; a Norwegian bark. 350 tons, hence fti United Kingdom with oil cake at 25*. s an American bark, GO) tons, i'Uiladelphiu to i isbou. grain, at 15c. per bushel; a >wedish bark, 520 tons. Philadelphia to Cork tor orders, grain, Os.; Norwegian ship, 728 ton*, hence to Havre, lire men or Antwerp, with general cargo, on private terms; three harks (to arrive) trom lJ-ltimore to Cork for orders, with 3,000, 3,3(H> and 3,500 quarters grain, at 5?. 10>*q.: a vessel with 7.U00 quarters. I rota Baltimore, to east coast ot Ireland, and on ? with G.OOD quarters, same voyage, at 5s. lHd.; an American ship, 080 tons, hence to Calcutta, with Letroloum in chhoh and cargo, oil private term*, laid on tho berth ; an American bnrkentioe (now here), from Philadelphia to Gibraltar for orders, with 14,000cases rollu d petroleum on private terms: a Nor wegian brig, from Baltimore to toe Baltic, with 1,500 bbls. refined petroleum on private tonus. NEW YORK CATTLE MARKETS. Monday, May 20,1873. RECEIPTS FOR TUK PANT WT.KIL Veals Sk**p awl awl Yard*. B**o**. Cow*. Colo**. Lamh*. U<yj?. Sixtieth street 5,570 31 4,840 14.200 ? Fortieth street ? ? ? _ - 18,458 Jersey City......... 0,842 ? ? ll,77%> 14,254 Totals 12.418 31 4 840 28,075 32.712 Fresh to day 5.909 17 1,659 10.790 11.833 Hkktbs.?Trade on this forenoon was slow on a very he?vy ruu and the market closed weak, with u few cur loads unsold and values off %c. per lb. on our last qnotu tions: quality flroui course to good, ill general lair; prices from 8c. a 11c. per in., weights 5)fccwt. a U*6 cwt. ; hales were effected on 58 lb*., net. with a few on 5.? lbs and a willl lower number on 57 lbs., not. At Sixtieth stroot yards T. 0. Kaufman sold for soil 88 cars of horned cattle; sates as follows;?110 Missouri steers at U3?e. per lb., weight 7M cwt.; 341 Missouri steers at 16c. per lk, weights 6\ cwt. a 7>4 c* t. a 7% cwt.; 106 Missouri steers at 10/lac. per lb., weight 7% cwt.: 133 Illinois steers at 9*?o. per In., weights 6^ cwt. a 7*q cwt.; 194 Illinois steer* at *J\c. pel lb., weights cwt. a 7)4 cwt.; 131 Illinois s*ocr* at 16c. nor lo., weight 7}?cwt.; 502 Illinois Minor* at IU'.jC. per lb., weights 7*| cwt. aTVaCWt. *. 55 Illinois steers at 1<d?c. nor Ik, weight 1\ cwt. II. 8, Rosenthal sold lor 1* Rothschild 72 Texan steers at 9Vrc. per lb., with$31 on 36 head, and 4s 1 on per head on 3U head, weight 6 cwt.; 114 Illinois steers?18 head at 9%e. per lo.. weight 7 cwt., scant; 07 head at 9*?c. per lb., weights 0>? cwt., string, a 6J4 cwt.; 14 hoad at l?)c. per lb., weight 8 cwt.; 15 head at l'l'^c. pur lb., weight 7'*? ewt. M. K irchwuy sold for self til Illinois steers?17 head at 9*?c. per lb., weight Ocwt.; 17 head ai 9&C. per lb., weight 7 cwt., scaut; 27 head at 10}ac. per lk, weight T}? ewt. il. Joseph told for self 285 Illinois steers?2 49 head at 10c, per lb., with $1 on per head on 16 head, weights 6?? cwt. a 7 cwt. n7)fccwi.; 16 hand at lOVc. por lb . weight 7.W cwt : 20 bead at lOjfc. u?r lb., with $1 of! per hoad, weight 8)4 cwt. C. Kabu sold tor Ivnhn X Kurat ?13 bulls, live weight 1,430 lbs. per hoad, at 3^0. per lb.; 24 bulls, live weight 1,385 lbs. per hoad, at ?3 90 por cwt.; 50 Texan steers at S\c. per lb., weight 5k cwt.; 17 oxon at H*4c. por lb., weight 7 cwt.; 9 oxeu at 9&0. per lb., weight 0K cwt.; 41 Missouri steers at 9ftc, per ib., weight 7>4 cwt.; 85 Missouri steers at lOo* per lo., weights 7 cwt. scant ? 7>4 cwt. scant; 8 Missouri steers at lO.^c. per lb., weight)?)^ cwt. Coon X Thompson sold for solves 142 illiuoih steers?66 hand at 9^c. per lb . with $1 on per head 011 16 head, weight 7 cwt.; 47 head at 10c. per lb., with $1 ou per bead 011 15 head, weights 7 cwu a 7*4 cwt.: 29 bond at lOVa. per lb., with 60c. on per bead on 15 nead, weights 7\* cwt. a 8*4 cwt. lilt lit ?% Hrown sold for selves 21 Illinois steers at 0*4*1. a \)%o. per lb., weight 8>4 cwt.; t*5 Illinois steera at iO ,%c. a lie. per Ik, weights 8>? cwt. a 8*4 cwt.; lor r. Blum J4 lliiuois steers at 9>4c. per lb., weights 6>i owl. a 6>4 cwt. Ulery A Onty sola lor selves 137 Illinois steers at lOj^c. a li)Hc. per lb., weight 8 cwt. II. K. Jlurcbard sola for Uaukin X Thompson 136 Illinois steers?17 hoad at 9*|c. per lb., weight 6*4 cwt.; 45 head at 9*gC. per lb., weights cwt a 7*4 cwt., with $1 0:1 per head oil 34 nead ; :j head at loftc. per ib , wofcght K cwt.; 55 head at lOo. per lb.. witli $1 on per hoad 011 12 head, weights 7cwt. a 7'u cwt.; 16 head at 11c. pur lb., weights 7*4 cwt. a 8 cwt.. with $5 oil on 7 head. At Jersey Ultv yards, Uouay X Mcl'herson sold on commission 60 Illinois steers at 10c- a 10,4c. por lb., weight* 8 cwt. a 8*4 cwt.; for A. Swop? 45 Illinois steers at UKe. a l6\c. per lb . weights 7 cwt. a 7\\ cwt.; 48 Illi nois steers at l?>c. a 16%o- por lb-, weight* / cwt. a 7\ cwt.; for 8. .Nichols, 36 iiliu is steers at 16c. a 11c. por lb., weight 7% cwt., strong; for S. Hrowu 6 still fed bulls, live weight 1,435 lbs. per nead. at 3)$c. per lb*; 27 still fed bulls, 11 vo weight 1.355 lbs. per head, at 3*0. per lb : 1 still tod bull, live wolght 1,270 lbs., at 4c. per lb.; 10 still led bulls, live weight 1,44;? lbs. per hoad. ut 4*t<*. P?r Id. W. 0. Dudley sold for N. Morrla 33 llltiiola ateera At OV4r. per II).. witli #1 on per head, welclil "H cwt.. acaut; 3d Illmola atoera At ???54c. per lb., welnht (l>, cwt ; lor A. Voxel 10 And 1* lllluoi* atoore ai IKs. per lb., weljtht 0 S cwt.; 00 Ullu.'U .Wrn l? U.1,!!. por lb , welxlit '?>}! owt.; It'. lllinoia ateera At Ofcc perm, with MIC. on per li'jAil, weleht 'IX cwt,; 17 llltnol* atoora nt D'.c. Per lb-, with $1 on per heed, weight 0>, cwt.; 17 Ililiiol, tloera At 10a. por lb? with $1 off per h,Ad weight 7 cwt. 8. W. Mtormau ooM lor Welgel A Allortou 1 bull, live weUlit 1.4x0 lh? ai 4>,c. por Ib.; ltd fcllaeonrl ateoru?I* lio?d At OWc. per lb., with ?1 on por bead; 17 heed at U'?<\ por lb., with $5 off the lot, welclit .'>? ewt.; 17 IliiuoU ?toore at Hfeo. per lb., with #1 on per bend, weight tlcwt. .trooi;; AI Iul nnla at?era ut oj^c. per lb., weight* 5)4 cwt. All 4 cwt. Toffev A Sou. .old lor N. Merria a oxen At Kc. per lb., woicht 7 owt.; 1))4 Illinol* ?teer??.W bend At per Ib.; *5 heed At Do. per lb., weight 5)4 cwt., 12 Ulluoln ?teer? At Mo. per lb., welubl li.l4 cwt.; 20 Illiool, ?teers at per lb., with 50o. OU per bead, weight I) ewt.; 10 llllnolu gleuri at P'^c. por lb., with fI off por head, weight dV* cwt. II. Weutheimor uold lor M. llel? merlU >tlll led lllluols atoeru at Do. per Ib , with $i ?u |>cr bead, weight 7 ewt. ; :W llltuoN at< ora at lb', per lb- weight OS. cwt.; HO llilnol, alAera at U),c. per lb., weight 7>4 cwt.; Si Illinois moera at Ujgc. per lb., weight 71, cwt K. hamueli ?old lor N. Morn 70Colorado tleer, Atll^c per lh., weight ?IS? cwt.; 1M still fed llilnom atoera si )> ,c. per lh.. weight 7>i cwt.; 52 Ulinoia at >er? at UJsc. oor lh.. wolghia tl>4 ewt. a 7Sa ewt. a H cwt.; 22 lllinoia atoera at Kb', pur lh., with $1 <>b per hoed, wolghia 7>4 cwt. a 71a cat.; 2.'t MiaA url ateera?12 bead at 10c. per lb., with bOc. off per I beau; 11 head at I0>4e. per Ib . weight 7)4 cwt. M. tioldachD)idt aold lor UroVQ .1 aona 14 bulla, livo weight 1,3111) lha. per head, at 3)go. p'-r ll).; 0 bull., lire weight ' 1,3001 ha per head, at 4>4c. per lb.; 5 bulla, live wight 1 430 lb*, per head, at 4>,e por lb.; lor X. Morrla 32 j Miaaonrl ateera-22 head at 0)4e. per lh , with *1 on per bond on 17 head, weight 7 cwt., a.uut: 4 head ut II1 We. per lh., weight 7^ Cwt.; 0 hoad ut lojgc. per lb., weight 8)%' cwt; 12 lllinoia ateera ut per .b,. woigbt 7cwt; 2t> lllinoia ateera ut lllc. por lb., weiglita i.*t cwt. a 7 cwt.; 34 lllinoia at 10\c. par lh., weiglita 7cwt. i7'i a 7), owt.; 31 lllinoia ateera at 10?vc. per lb, with PI If per hoad. w?l*iits 7>a cwt. a7,S,o*t. 8. O Donneli sold lor Waixsl 4 Ailoiton 8?i 0 >loruUo sieois at 9^c. por lb., with t>l on per bead on 42 head, weight <51, cwt; ?2 Missouri steers?24 head at HV*c. per Ik; *>6 hoMd at U\e. per Ib. with #1 off p..r hoad on -tl iiea-i, weight. *1*4 cwt. A 0)4 cwt.; 30 1 111 not s ateer* at UStc, per lh., with 01 ou per hoad. weight n cwt.; 6 lllinoia aterrm at lOc. per lb., wolght 7 ewt.;28 llllwol* ateera at lO'.e. por lb., welgbta il\ cat. a 7 cat Meg?i A Mr) era cold lor X. Morrla 70 atlll led llilnnla aU . ra at )'\o. per lb., weight 11)4 c*u; 14l> lllinoia ateera At Wac per lb., weight 7 cwt.. acant; ibi Miwourl ateer* atP)4c. per lb., with VI on per head, anight 7 cwt M. Ienr.erbach aold lor W aigel * Allerion 40 Oelorado ateera at liie. per lb., with 95 off the hood, weight 7 ewt ; 87 lllinoia ateera 35 head at 0)4e. per Ih .twith SOo. off ??* heed; 18 besd et ?V per lb.. I?? head at lue. per lb., with VI on per bead, weight-* tiv cwt. s IS ewt.; tel Mlaewiri ateera? 17 head at OS'' per (la. with f f<) off the Jlot, weight ill,e. cwt.; 40 heed At PXc. per ib.. with 50c. ?ff por head on W head, weight 7 cwt.; 12 inula, live wcWbt 1,25.) Iba. per lirsd, at 4e. per Ib. II. Wiamer aold for 11. IdvlDgatons 27W lllinoia ateera?.>3 lie-d at !?S?. per lb., with 5 Ks. on per bead ?n 35 bead, welgbta <1 ewt. a lib t?l; 171 hand at 0.',e. per lb., wilh *>ue. on per head on 34 head welgbta HS cwt. a 7 ewt. a 7S ewt. ; 20 baud at lne. per lb., welg'.t <)a cwt.; 2*- head at l'))4c. per lb,, Wright Howl. \n't"l A ilex- uelulD aoM for Mojer A Keiftnelelit 2 hitlle, live weight 1,414) lha., at 43 (41 par cwt ; 2 buna, live weight 1.0'?i 1 ha., at 4c. por II).: 8 bulla, live wrlgni 1.540 Iba. per head a: I'j i. per lh.; I hull, live weight 1.4-iO Iba, at 4,Se per lo. ; ol 1114 noia ?25 head at '.Hi. |?#r ib., 6 hsad at li.S?c. per lb., walght 5*-t owt. ; 97 Illinois stssrs at tHfcC; psr lb , f lib Mia off par lt?aU ?>n 17 head, waiybl 6*4 cwt., scant; 46 111 inols stcwra ??t 9\c. p?r lb., waitcblstlV owt. a 7^ c*l , 86 Illinois steers at l??c. par lb., wilh H on p?i haul oa 25 heal, weights 7,V4 cwt. a 8** cwi : 26 Illinois ?t?? rs at l nor lb., weights 7 cwi. a cwt ; iNlllluuia I steers at lUffe. per Ib.. wtUh? rwt . scant ; 3 UliDois stcars lie. p?r ih^ weiifht ^*>4 ewt. 1) ^si*?M s >id lor Wsi*?-l Allertou I'M Illinois stcrrs at 9S? lu,, with .56? of! par 1 on 21 head, weight* .?**, ? wt a 6't cwt. a 6*4 cwt. a 7 cwt., strouK ; 32 iliiuols *t?#r* at vt'^o. par Ik, woitfht 6*k cwt.; 'HI ilituot* st??rs at 16c. par ib., witli $1 4 ff p<?r h?*au on 1 ? hoad and ??K'. ou par head en i! iiaa?l, wslxhts ?;wi a 8 cwt : 10 Kllluolfl ttorrs at l(?V' P?r ,r>-- ,,|T on 17 7 cni- ? 7^ cwu; 12 Illinois steers at 16*4? per lb., w??nht 8^ ?wu mikri* s.xri Lamiiii.?Tra?i? slow iD'l values off ?o uor ib. 00 all the floras to Uaad. the q?l iiitity ol wluch was in jtmeral f*?ir. Wl??? p sold at 4>v:. ,fc ,r,V [>"r lb., woolly *be?p at 5*|c. per Ik; mlx?<i tlncl^i, sli??ru and woc#l y, at 5tee. par lb. : *!?orn yeartinRS at -^c pet ik ; lambs ai n per lo Newton X Holmes soiu ?'J2 fihio t^eap, weiRh* 47.43 l lb%.. at 4 4c. par lb.; 4?? Ohio sheep, weight 8,M61 lot,, at 5?. per lh. J 08 otilo siiesp, aright H,ttfif? lbs., at f?H.c F?r Ilk ; 163 VtrclOla Iambi, weuht 6.2.N6lba. at 6V^'e. per In.; 168 Virginia iambs, waiirhi.8,. At lbs., tt 7c per lu.; 246 Virultiia Irimbs, wolnht 12,ia*i ins., at 7*4?. par lh,; 14 Virginia iamlM, walcht 716 ibs., at 7*%o. por Ik; 11 Virginia Iambi, weight 5t*j lbs., stMl4r per Ik K ise X ri'lcoca sold 2??" liidiaiui sheep, weight -M.236 lb*., ut 4*^c. per lb.; 173 Indiana sheep, weight 10,426 Ins.. at 4%r. per Ik; 54? Ohio sheep, wi?l.iil 4,7'ki Ins., at 4*,c per lh.; 94 Ohio slieep, weight a.'HU lbs., at i%e. per lb.; 14:1 Ohio sheep, weight l2,Htkl lh?., at IV. p?r lh.; KM) Ohio sheep, weight 16,136 IPs.. ai 5?i. per l'?. ; 4/ Ohio lambs, weight 2.426 lbs., at Jo. 1 er lb. ; 1.1 mixed shorn and woolly Kentttcvy aheap, weight 1,446 ib* t al ?*fcr- prr Ib. ; 3 Virginia siieep, weight 3'Si Iba., at 60. per in. ; 239 Virginia lambs, weight 11.'236 lbs,, at 7?. per lb.; 246 Virginia lambs, weight 13,616 Iba, at H< p. r !??.; 288 lennessee lainhs, wrlg'it 13 456 Ins., nt 6*?c. per lh. ; 124 Tenrieasce iatnb?, Wolgltt 7.326 ibs.. at 7r. p ?r lb. 8<?id ff?r week ondttig M ?.r iH- 9,65m sb?? p end lambs At #? 8 ? pet cat. Jiidd X lliickluuhani soul ??'??? Ohio ahe'U, weight .'?!?,826 lbs. at 4 *4 e. pel Ib; 166 Olilo slieap, weight lT,'?26 iba., at A*|0. per lb.; 67 Virginia lamlis, weight 3,380 lb* , at *?. par Ib h'drt of we??S ending Mav A3, Ih7H, 3.114 shaap and lambs at H Ml average per load, ilnma, hlll 'tt A Oa. sold 22 ? tate siiaep, wal/lit I'f.i Iba. per head, at !*{?. |?*?r lh, ; 265 Tannesaoe sh* en, weiglit lbs. per haad, .it 4*{c. par lh. ; 51 Tenneasao stiesp, weight 86 lha. p?er liuad, nt #4 66 per rwt ; JfJH Ohio aheap, weight 09 lha. per head, at t.? 's;?4 per cwt., 54 State yvsrlincs, walght 51 Iba. per heal, at 5t$i<. iter lh.; 84 ctate lambs, weieht '21 I us. par head. Ml OV*o. per Ik; Ml Kentucky ismhe, weight 53 Iba. per liaed, at 7\o. uar Ik; 5*8 Keutnnky larni?a. a eight 51 lbs. per hra l. at TWft per In.; 126 K ntucky latunt, weight 06 Iba. per head, at 7\f. par Its.; 2W Kentuegy lamha, weight Ml lne. per haad. at per Ib. soldier woet ending day 18, 1678, 5.846 sheep and lamha at #6 60 nv?rnga twsr haa?t .1 Kirhv X 0??. sold 276 Onio sheep, waight h.i ips. per head, nt 4'tC. per lh, ; 230 Ohio alieap. weight J*6 lu*. par head, at 5'vu per Ib. ; 136 woolly'Missouri ah?ep? weight 07 IPs per haad, at f?V ner Ib. vDafis X Hnlleubaea sold 29 Atata sneep, Wat fill 8/ ib?. uar head at 5?. per lb. , 215 Illinois sheep, weight 96 lbs. per head, nt 5c. per lb.; 241 Ohio sheep, weight *3 lbs. per head at 4*^0. a 4^c. per Ik ; |66 Ohio sharp, weight 06 Int. per heat, at per in.; 76 Htate laltlfit, weight* 4 ? Ibt a 54 lbs. per bead, at 6c. per lb.; 12 8 tat a lambs, weight fto lbs. per hsad, at 7c per lb.; 12 Statt lamtm, weight ?1 li?s. per head, at 8^c. por lo. Hold for we??g ? tiding may 18, 1878, 2,3oi sheep and lamb* at f 1 96 i?vjrage per head. Mti/N Cows. Ihosa to hand held en sale. Vkau axii 1 ai.vra.?Vaalitf frorii ooarsa to good; ptlrws 4c. a :*%?. per Ik, gnlaea oft lo. per lh. on our last qaota th>ns II of j* ?Three oat load* of Ohio hogs ware w Id on live weight; terms not obtained. UUMIHTIO MA UK KIH. Wai.tmtov, May 20, |87?. Cuttoo alron, ; uitMllog, 1 utiUdllBji, oJ.A,; a Oval. ordinary, 9??a Net receipts, 109 bales. Export* coast wise, 443. r>ales. 536. atock. 13.258. Nrw OsLKtsti May 30, I87H Cotton quiet: middling, luj^e.: bmr urdUllng. l??c ; good ordinary, O'^c. Net recipta, 1.771 bult*A; gross. 3,1W. Export* coastwise, I. bales, 2.0U0. Stock. lOt.bii X oat Lie, May 2<>. 1878. Cotton firm and bare; middling. ; low mid mug, ? tfoml ordinary, ttc. Net receipts, 278 bales. Exports ri o <liout Britain, 3,427; coastwise, 9*1. .-ales, 3UJ. Stock, 9,904. Savannah. May 20. 1878. Cotton f riu : mlddlinr, lOb'e.; low middling, Hjit; good ordinary, Be. Net receipts, 6H3 bales; gross. 7*o. Sales, l(ia Stuck, 0,817. Ciiaulkston. Mar 30, 1^78. Cottou quiet; middling, ll?(c. a in',c. ; low middling. 10kc. a L64C.; good ordinary, U^c. Not receipts. 270 bales. Exports coastwise, 828. Sales, 100. Stork. 4,331. Wilmington, N. C , May 2??. 1878. Spirits of turpentine lit in at 27c. itosiu dull at :1 17 , ior straiuod. Crude turpentine steady at ?1 I ?r hard, $1 75 ior yellow dip, $1 75*42 tor virgin, Tar steady o,t $1 35. OSWK.GO, May 30. 1878. Floor unchanged; sales of 1,000 bbls. Whwit steady; No. 1 Milwaukee club. *1 23; white State. ?1 35; red State, $1 31. Corn uucbuuued: Western and state. 50c, Barley quiet; No. 1 Canada hold at 70c.; No. 2 do., at 72c. Coru meal, ?23 lor belted ami ?22 lor unbolted per ton Shorts and 6 dps tuffs. 413 a $10; middling4. ?18. Cnual freight* lower on grain; wheat aud pens, 4'2e. ; corn and rye, 4c.; barley, 3^c., to Now York; iutuoer, ?1 7u to Al bany. $2 20 to New York. Hailroad freights-Flour to Boston, 35c.; to New York, 25c.; to Albany, 20. Keetlpb? 3').(NM) buhbels wiioat, 4,309 do. barley and 1,187,0*10 feet lumber. Shipments?1,400 bbls. flour, 728,000 loot lumber, Buffalo. May 20. 1878 Flour fairly active and lower; sales 9t*i bbU. ; city ground No. 1 spring, $5 75 a $0 25; No. 2 spring, $4 75 a $5 5U; ambor. ??5 25 a $0 75: white winter, $0 5 ? a ?7; new i?r ? cess. ?7 50 a ?& ityo, $3 75 a ?4; \\ ostern No. I spring, $5 50 a ?6; No. 2 spring, ?* 75 a ?*> 23; bakers', ?f? 75 a ?6 23; amber. $o a ?> AO; wiiite winter, $6 25 a ?'? 75; new process. $7 50 a ?^ 30. Whc it?A light milling demand; sales 500 bushels No. 1 Milwaukee club at $1 1H; 750 -lo. on private terms. Corn?'Request limii-d; sales 1,000 hushets No. 2 mixed at 46c.; 3.000 do., by sample, on private terms; l,3oodo. St 42#\jc.; 1.600 ?'.o No. 2 ioiedo at 47 . oats-No 2 Chicago, 32c.; State, 33c. a 34c.; sales 7o0 bushels Western at 33c. Barley quiet; sales 1,250 bushels Western at 70c.; 3 cars Canada ou private terms. Malt steady; Canada. 05c. a a $1 10; t^tato, 85c. a 95c. Rye neglect od. Higliwiuet dull ar.d unchanged. Railroad freights ? Wheat, 7*4.0.; corn. 6>?c.; oats 1c. to Now York. Cnual freights?Wutat, 5*^c. ; corn. 4Jwc. a 43ic.; oats, 3l4c. *. rye. 4-1ac. Receipts by rail?4.600 bbls. fiour, 67,200 bushels wheat, 84,(>oo do. coru. 28,700 do. oats. 13,600 do. barley, 8,400 do. rye. Receipts by lake?7.630 bbls. flour, 177 2o0 bushels wheat. 199.400 do. e??rn, lo,0oodo. oats. Shipments by rail ?14.HOi) bids, tiour, 79J**) bushels wheat. 134,700 do. corn, 26,600 do. onts. 13,200 do. barloy, 8,400 do. ryo. .shipments by eunal to tidewater?132.682 busliuls wheat, 221.235 do. coru. 41,605 do. oats, 31,750 do. hurley. 7,935 do. rye. drain in store?138,600 bushels wheat. 463.mJO do. coru, 144,700 do. oats, 15 800 do. barley, 21.4O0 do., 126 000do. malt, 123,Iks) do. malt (estimated in houses). Grain afloat on the upper and lower lanes for Buffalo ? 92.OS) bunhels wheat. 6*9,0()O do. corn, 85,000 do. oats, 16,O00ao rye. Adust ou tho Erie and Oswego canals for tidewater ?1,672,744 bushels wheat, 1,477.821 do. corn, 272,078 do. oats. 09,900 do. barley. 136,718 do ryo. Tolkpo, May 20, 1878. Wheat dull; umber Michigan, spot, ?J 20; June, rl 2l)sJ; No. 2 rod wluter. ap<?t,?l 16 nsKcd, ?1 15 bid; June,31 161 ^ ; Jul}*. $1 11; No if rod M abash,$1 11; No. 2 Dayton and Michigan roa, *1 14 V Corn dull ; high mixed. 4l^c.; No. 2. spot, 41 V- i auo' 42c. ; .1 uly. 42>bc.; rejected, 4' R^c. Dais dull and uominal. Receipts ? i2,(s*) bush"!* wheat, 45,000 do. coru, 1.O00 do oatm. Shipments?28.OUO bushels wheat, 78,000 do. corn. Markets closed:-Wheat dull: amber .MlchiKau. spot, $1 20*. Juno, $1 20 SjJ No. 2 red wiutar, May, ? I 15; Juno, ?l 16; rejected, IF-c Corn dull; No. 2, June, 41%c. Oktkoit, May *20. 1878. Flour dull and lowot; white nomlnuliy ?5 62*., a ?? 75. Wheat lower; extm wuftto Michtgau, ?l 24k a i?l 25; No. 1 do. ifl 24,k a SI 2*1?? Corn scarce and dull; nominally 43}?c. lor No. 1 mixed. Oats lower, very light demand; No. I white offered at 29c. ; No. I mixed offered at 28'4e. Adovorseed held at ?3 95 a ?4. Receipts?Flour, 2.0UO bbls.; wheat, ;n>.OOQ busiiois; corn, 1,OJO do.; oats. 5,20u do. .shipments?/lour, 1,266 bbls.; wheat, 18,090 oushoist void, nominal; oat*. 3,069 buahois. ClNCiKXATI, May 20, 1878. Flour dull; family, ?5 20 a $6 5 J. W boat dull, lower to sell; rod. $1 12 a?l 16. Corn dull and drooping at 42c. a 42 V. Cats (inlet but steady at 28c. a 31c. Rye quiet at Hoc a 62c. Barley in fair demand; choice fall, 45c. l'ork dull and nominally $8 fx). Lard dull and weak; current make. 6kc.; kettle, 7e. a 7}?c> Bulk meats easier at 3^0., fS? uau <S,c. tor ?liuut(l?n, clour rib und clear xi<iu?. li.uon dull 111 4c. a 4o., be. a 5%e. and for .liuuldora. clear rib and clunr iiilo*. Whiakoy aictuj , in lair d'*iit<iiid. nt Id 1X1. ilulter dull and woak; heavy racoiiita li.vo dapreased the uiarkol: clioloo Wo,torn roaervo, Ida. a 1 >c. tbiniral Ohio, 11c. a 12o. atnndy, uneliannuil. Live hnca Dull t coiniuon. fl! 00 a <1; licht. 03 a $.1 30; pacK inc, I'd I" * Sf.'l aR; hulchora', pi 26 a fil 3ii receipts. 2.40U; ahlpiucnla, !I20. ClIIOAOO, Mav20, 1878. Klour enaler; .prllitr oxtrna. $4 50 a $5 "xj; Minnoaotn rx. traa. $4 75 11 $0 50; pntoiita. $<> 50 a ipO; import! ilea, 75 11 j.4; win lor oxlraa. $5 a Jp< > 50 VI hunt uiiaolileil; acttvo but weak null lower: *0. 3 t.hloaco aprlua. (1 "7U. omit; $1 07h, May; 411 04X a ?1 04>i, Juuo; ?0 oK,. J ufy . aalea at #1 11I v, a <11 0141,. July ; No. 3do.,!a',c. a Use.: rejected, 85c. Corn uaaetllod and lowor; yellow, &*%>? a ;!0c.; lii^lt mixed, OhJic. aaked: new mixed. .'47l,c.; No. 2 mixed, d^.'.c. a OH^c., cash and .VIay; 5?v,c. hid, Juno; 38^,c. old, Juivt rejected, 3thx aSMKc. <4aia active but lower; Jo,S,c..casU and May; 25o., J .net 24^0. a J.V.. July. Kye in fair de mand, hut lower at 57c. Hurley dull and lowor at 4t*e. ?liked. Pork active, but weak and lower ; declined "JOc. a SjWo., rcnclilni; llto lowoat price lor thirty yearn; S7 75 a *7 85. cash; $7 70 a $7 7J',. June; $7 87,^ a $7 00, July; ?JV 05 a $H 07;,, Aupiiat. l.ard 111 lair demand, hut lower: Iff 50 a PH 53,; St) r>2'+. J uue ; ft! 57>k a SI (Ml. July ; fd 05 a fO ?7!<, AiikudI. Ruik tunat*ea.irr: .bouidera, 3tic ; >11011 rib.4',1'.: aliert clear, 4^0. Alcohol. Xic. bid. VVhlakoy ato idr und unchungod. iteeeiotn Plour, 8,5oo ld>K ; wheat, 1-'0,01,0 hu.hoU; Corn. aco.OOO do.; oats, 145.mjo ilo.; rye. 8..V*) do ; barloy, OJXJO do. Hhipuioata?Hour, il,t>U0 bbl>.; wheat, lhh.oOObiuhola; corn. .(CO.OX) do.; o?t?, 84.0UO do.; rye, U.loo do.; iiarioy. 4,2(*) do At the close wheat wax dull and lower; SI 07 V, a SI 07'4, May; SI tH'i, June; SI 013., July. Corn dull aim a .hade lowor: ilH^c., May : !!8c. a . June; UHt^c. a !fHHo-, J ulv. iikm ea.ler, but not unotubly lower. Pork eaaler; S7 70, June ? t7 85 a S7 87Jj, July. Lardeador; S'l M, June; SO 55, July. CHEESE MARKETS. Amvany. N. v., May 30. |H7Hl Over eighty factories war > ropre.euied at the Llttlo Falls cliexHO market to day. The offerings exceeded 4.300 boxe.l n largo proportion warn full creams: ;bo range of prices tor all grade. waa H'gc. a USc., uuuu hut prime gutting OV,.'. n logo. Farm clioeae sold at Ho. aH'40., llio murkot figures being He. a It,'40. Butter?utloiTu^s light; quoted at lHe. a 2 >0. Uric A. N. V.. Mar 30. l?7l The cheese market to-day wis doprenaed; ?nli. of 4,i+K) hexes at S>,o. a Hjge. ; aleo 3,23-1 boxua aoiit <10 comuila alou; average price, ptgc. PRINT CLOTHS MARKET. Piiovipkncb, K. I., May 20. 1*7*. Print cloth, quiet, without aalea; quotationa am nominal at n*(r. a II 5-lrtc. lor heal extra and atanrtard 04 aquurot; 30xHO steady and Inactive at He. HAVANA MAUKE*? Havana. May 20. IR7*. Upantlb gold, 223 a 22.'l)g. Otbor quotationa uuchaog'td. EUROPEAN MARKETS. COMMERCIAL. Laj.x on*. May 20?Evening. Tallow, 37e. par cwk I.lneoed cuke, ?si por ton. Lirtamoi., May 2t>?ft P. M. Cotton?Futures weak; uplands. low ruludllng clauto. July and Auitu.t dellverr. 0 n-SM. BKW TOBK rBoPCCK KXI'UABOK RyptlKT. luivBariKii.. May 20, IH7H. Pora?Raetern dull at 32a, Weitern dull at 4ns. Bacon? Cumoerland cut dull at 2,>a Hd., aOort rib dull at 20a. ill., long clear dull at 34a.. abort claar dull at 23a. llama? Long cut dull at 34a. riliouldera dull at 21a Heef? India niea. dull at H7a.. extra do. dull at lofta.. prima do. dall at 71s. Lard?Prime Wealero dull at 33e Hd. Tallow ?Crime city dull at SHs. Turpentine?>plrita steady at 24a Hd. Kosln?Common dull at 3a.. Hoe dall at loa. Cheese?Ameri can eholce null at IKIa. Lard oil dull at P"a. Flour?Extra Hlatn dull at 2Ma Wheat ?Nix I aprlog dull at IDs. ihl , No. 2 da. dull at Ida . winter dull at tlx Cora?Mixed aott dull at 2". Hd. lur old; do do. .teady at 23a 3d. for new Cut tnn.eed rill ?Yellow American, none In the market. Ke rrlpt. of wheal lor the weea ?From Ailantie porta, al.lalO quartera; Irom Pacific porta, 24.3m drat Irotti other auuroea, il.lUU do. Receipts ?rl corn, 33,010 quartera. FINANCIAL. London. May 20?4:.'Ki P. HI. Conaola. DO?, far bitb money ami the account, l'onn.yl ?aula ? antral. 2Htg Parla arlvlcoa quota flva pur cent reatea, 1UDL AM. lur tha account pmahcial. ^ftiik"Wblic sfot/I"Bxcti anhK 11"it no aT>s T .-speculator, can oxecnte their own order, on ens active Block on a margin ol 1 per cent. Commlaalon on any nnrii.erof ah area, from 3 to .300; 1-10 per cent. Trail.actions can be made and cloned tin lluvi-r.'l, collar 3. or Caah ; but itiarglni aro effected by regular .alee only. Additional margins of not lee. than 1 per cent will be received at anv time batore the stock >elie "regular"' at the "wlpo out" prlee. i.. W. TODD A Cfk, M anngrrt. \T KKAIWNABLK KATKH mom-.V iN UFR tND Endowment Insurance Policies and Mortgu-' -.: same hotight; Insurance ot all kind. effected with l.e-t companies at biwe.t premium. J. II VHKICil V < O. ItK.MoVKli TO 103 AM) 107 BROADWAY. O.MS DOUR BKLOW COItTLANIiT nT DYAXCBs ON TlOI MKTITirD PIANOS, Carriages, Ae., If .tored at advertiser's warehouses. Address ST DBA" R, box 17* Herein ??dice. A-Nfcw ttfo.;K~fcXi'iia>< 1 i, ~ ? l-IHcom. I< Broad ?t. I-IHcora, and 37 Kxchengo place. Buy and sell all the xctlv" St-eks dealt In nt thd New York Mock in lot. ot trom > to 30 shares. Com mi..loa l ift per rent, 1-10coin. Margin s hi I percent. 1-11 Coin. Branch of Manhattan dtoi k Fxchsu-e, 3M Broad and 34 New at. A?""1 ?DRTituir "and mTi.wai km; hVii ciao" ?al.o Montgomery and Itulal. Kir.t Mortgage Bond, wanted KOW.tRDC Fox. A Ct).. a Wall at. (TkNTLFMaN W ANIis tT) BK Al UUMMuDAThO with 1 few hundred dollar, flrat el'a. security 1 a satis factory rate will bo given. Addma. Ai'l'l- X. Herald office, rr.RX FBtMlllMillAM A 111.. BAN> u|i J\ llruker.. 12 IS >11 .t . Dealer. In f'ru cla.. Htnek Privileges, buy Sto ks ai the Now Yur* Stock Exchange, nnd carry .ame aa long a. desired on a deposit at three per cent. Explanatory circular tree. ?? \ nvsNi'R-" on ri\Nos, fphnitckk, Air-mi /VWeat .met., weal ofBth av. (itora-.u <<aic.l, without nOLDHKS OF ANY OF Till. FOLI.OWlNU BONDS, t/'lty ot Ka.rSt Lout.. Ill,, Alexumler rnu-ity 111,, t.'lty nf St, Joaeph. Mo,, I'ettl. rnanlt. Bo,, City ol lieu.ion. Texas, are reqne.ted tn communii ale with FRANK MOltlSON, Attorney-at Law, box 3. .H I'oat oRlcn, Ito.tun. 1 ALWAYS HAVR MDNKY ft) LOAN ON SlflKT gaga New York eitv Property; ally Ballro.d Stock, and Honda bought and sold. II. K nil A NT. lift Broadway. npittirr rdfuflTfo man libhrallt hn il "i 1 mortgage ; lung term and amall expenw. TBI ST. hog 1 -xr Herald oflleo < I | | , till WAN I ?ii I"? l i'ltv l'r party, wort 1 font time- the amoniiMltn Sgeiita wanted. Ailt la IIUI'tlflTON bo* 14') llarald ofTiee 17 "x nnn ? nxnoutiVN's fi nds tu loan <? ?.) I I ?)?"/. t VTaim|irnyed I'roperty. scoii .s JIAC KLNAlR. MM RrvadWAf. UOloo bout I 1U to 3 dally. BIT SI V KSS OPPOftTCI gf 1T? ??? r,V EXPE -IBScOTT k&Atr BSTA I K .iYw.inu pirtnor, with small capital, or au*oclate with ea t tbliHia-il offlitf uptown. Adurt?a IKiiKlMtOACHAliLlfi* Herald office. burTxehh maSTTvitii ?omk means, b uK fared an inirr n in a profitable monopoly. Address boa 81 font office. . PARTNER WAN I kit IS "aX KSTAHLIHllED CI car manufacturing buloeas: must boa business nan with some capital adilre-? WILLIAM. Herald odioe. AfilTXII WAHTaD?I* a (MX>Q. MM.IAHLK* Buying manufacturing business. withtu$12,'AK>; business well established: goed security given ; none but principal* dealt with. Ad ires* OAA, Herald of fice. YOUNU 8INQLE l*AOY, WITH AOWE HI >INKS8 ,i\. experience, can lor $1,000 secure half interest in a handsomely paying business; investigation solicited. Ad. dress iJL'Slh hSS, box 177 Herald otllco. ~ N B N KtUlKTfUM A N. WITH biTI'EUlOU HUalN'E.Sil ..anility, can loriu an excellent c ounectiou with au old nil lelianio house. Address W .V , Herald nOlee. A lug enormous profits. for $1,(XJU down. Call 104 Watt BU l.NK-ri MKN WITH $200-?BS NOVBLTY BUR. glar Alarm. BARilART. i'earl Street aMMA I'M MKT (ILAW "BaKBRV. in UOOD WI88?0? 1 h aul, to let; with or without Fixtures. Iuquirt> on tha premises, corner of Leo uv. anil Wilson at., Brooklyn. K, I)., or or LANfl A ItOHiNSO.V, Not. 2 and ii South it.. New York. F~vTr atlb?flour and produce arouK in lirooklyn. or would lot the stor.i lor other business, inquire on the premise*.i*7U Fulton si., near Urand av. iirkiTro list-curnbr or-c 1 Fa trams(^Tarr and Worth: every modern imprnvnment; bar uud res taurant attached. apply on prennaet. \l Wfi.L SKLL STATE KlliHTB (JiT EN71KB 1PATKNT Lot the heal kerosene oil stuvo iu the inarkot. Fur particu lars address J. I J. 1... Iteritld ollico, for tlirou days. IN AN IKON AND BRABS MANUFACTURING BOTH uess nn associate wantod. with ?10.0*10. to take p.nco ot partner retiring; house has always beeu aucceasfui and m desirable iipeulng Is otfered. A|ihly UitlUOd A CARLE* TON, i't iiroudway. H I WANT A PAIUNKR. WITH $1,500 CAHH. IN MY restaurant, corner south aud Fulton, opposite Pulton herrv, Now York; now doing an elegant business. tpply to my agents. Lloyds, 4 Warren st. IVM. B OVERTON. WANTED-A PAKTNKlt, WITH A~ CAPITAL O# $10,000 to $10,000, to Invest tt In n eloak and suit man n'aciory. Address U. is . box 131 Herald oince. ANThD-FOK I'l 11L \ UK LPll 1 A, FIRST CLASH manufiioturori Saioa Agencies on reasonable oommls* stun. Address P. O., box 4.tiA7, New York. WANTitD-PAKTNKR WITH fTaOO, IX AN ESTAB* llshed Fish mid I'roduoe ceiumissiun business. Address J. s. HUTCHINSON, :?H South 2d st.. Philadelphia, Pa. ANTED?A PARTNBK (HERMAN) WITH AH MALL capital In onoulug ot a first class lager beor saloon down town. Address box 170 llernid officu. WILL I'AY CASH FOR HOMH HOOD COMMI.SalON, or hoot and shoo Tucking Work : would protor it with out stock. Address S., hox JIO Herald office. (Sj-IWt-lF PROMPTLY TaKKN. "WILL SKCUilH J'I Vy valuable Interest in first class dramatic and musical wuekly. Address, appoiuting InterviuW, DUAs VIATIC, lleruld office. FIItE UNDERWRITERS. Tbo annual election of the Now York Board of Firo Underwriters was held yesterday at Noe 15<1 and 168 Broadway. Thoro wore two tickets in the Hold, and thut known us tbo opposition won. Tbo diilurcnoo iu the tlckeiH ?us ou tbo committee on Fire Patrol wboro tbo nauies of Thomas B. Jones, Thomas L. Cor nell and 11. Lockwood, on the regular, were roplacod on the opposition ticket by J. B. Ames, Charles M. Peek and Henry ?. Bowers; ou the Commiitoo on Laws and Legislation, Ceorgo W. Bovago was on iho regular and Thomas U.Junes on the opposition licxot; on the Comraltteo on Burvoys, llenrr E. Bowers was regular una B. Lock wood opposition, and on tbs Committeo ou Police aud Origin of Firos, John J. Wostelie was regular and William A Burns opposition, lloih tickets sgrood ou tbo other mem bers ol iho committee, and also on tbo gonorat oUlcers. Tim number ot votes oast was eighty, aud the only olllcer who rocelvod a uuauunous eloolloa was William W. Ucuahaw, iho Bocrumry. Tlie tol lowing wero Hooted : ?For President, Edward A Wal. ton, ol ihoCitizeiis', 7a votes; Viou PruMdeui, Thomas F. Jcremiab, ol mePaclAo. 70 votes; ?, erot iry Will iam W. Hensbaw, ol tbo Long Island, ?0 votnk; As. slsiaut .Secretary, Jamoe Yereance, of tbo bafoguaul 77 voles; Treasurer, Marcus F. Uodgos, or tbo UolT* mun, 78 votes. Coniiuii'eo on Finance?Edmuna Brlggs, Jamos A. Aio.viinter, Daniel Underbill, Stephen Crowell Jobs W. Murray, Ulrnm M. Forrester, JnUu E. Fulsiord. Uoinmiileeon Fire Patrol?Martin L. Crowoll, Wilt lain M. lUodoll, Hamuel Townsend, William Do L. Uuogblou, J. a. Amos, Charlos It Puck, Honry E. Lowers. Committee on Laws nnd Legislation?Peter Noimna Tboiuas U. Jones, William M. St. Junn, Edgar W. Orte well, Nathan C. Ely, Bumuul E. Ueichor, George 1L Colt. * Committeo on Burvoys?N. C. Millor, Henry H. Hall, H. Lookwood, J. F. Hulstwid, John K. Kan I, Jamos s! Holituahoad, Alfred A. lteovos. Cominltme ou Pollee and Origin of Fires?George W. Montgomery, Bamuel 1*. Hlayden, Theodore Woblia James M. Plnkney, William U. Boss, Edwaru Marritu William A. Burns. * The inspectors of olection wore.?A. M. Klrby, ot tbo Couiiuontal; A. II. Walton, of the Lenox, and George F. Traak, ol tbo Mouiauk Fire Insurance Company. HALE OF A bTAGE ItOUTR SIoco the death ol Mr. Marshull, the veteran stags proprietor, nis heirs bavo become so clamorons for a division ot the estate that the Courts liavo boan oallod upon to adjudicate In tbo promises Mr. Oscar T. Marshall, the younger brother ol tbo dacoasod, soenrod from me Supreme Court an order to olo.-e iho estaio In obouience to wltiuh the Madison Avenue Mage Lino, In which Mr. Marshall owned a bull interesi was yesterday brought under the hammer at tbo Exchange salesroom. A proton was catered against Hie sale ou the ground of insufficient nolle a by Mr. John II. Uray, lor Oscar T. Marsiiail, bat w <? disallowed bv Messrs. Van Taisell and K"srncf. Too Ural bid, ol $75,000, was mnde by Mr. Wilklns, partner ol tbo deceased, and no others being uflorsd, iho rights, privileges, accoutrements and rolling stock of tbo line became his sole property. Tbe purcbasor took tbe property ol the line, sacti as auger, borsos, harness sn<l omnibuses in leo simple, and the stable property, subject to a lease ot $18,000 P-r annum, which has tbreo years to run, dating from May 1, 1.178. LONG If It AN Oil li AI LEO AD WAB. ad spplloatloo will be mado to-day before Judge Scudder, at Freehold, N. J., lor Us appointment of commissioners to ascertain tbo value ol the land to be taken from the owners of villa gronnda on tbe lina or the proposed Long Branch and West End lUilrosd. The routo baa bivn sorvoyed and extends from th? present Long Iiranoh station of the New Jersey bouliiern, near the silo of the lalo Metropolitaa Uo'el, to tpo West End Hotel, a distance of about three miles. It Is rcg.<rdod as simply a continuation ol tbo latter road, out in coo?<-<|uouco of tbo litigation attending tbo dosing up or that Company, Its affairs being in tbe bands ol a receiver, the llrsl mortgage huudbolder* could not assume tbo authority of pub licly appunrtng in tbo matter, bunco the name and title ol the new road, end the formation of a m w c impany. wilb Mr. Williatn W.iltor 1'netps as Fresl. dent lo construct It. Besides luo conlllcl of Intorosia Involved III ibn esse holwrau Iho Now Jorsoy Central me New Jersoy Southern railroads thoro is a still more important point connected with it?that is, the rights ol lbs properly buidors on the line of Iho proposod route. An saivoved the now road cuis of! a portion ol the boost villa silos on ?Tlis Branch," in tic nog, it Is claimed, a loss upon their owti?ra. Among the principal sufferers is Mr. Lester W ii lurk, whose grounds will be oncroachoj up di. There are aires ty ooo railroad and a nubile road running through Mr. Wallack's grounds. It i? esilm-itsd that Mr Wallack's loss will amonnt to nhunt $25,000 if Iho present survey ot tbe new rond bo carried out. The prop rty holders propose lo represent to Ju lpo Sco lder iholr views on tbo snip Ject. nnd lo protest sgaiu?t the taking of thmr prop, i rty against tlimr consent unless lully indemnified lor lhe ICS. Mr. I."Ou Abbett will ippcar lor Mr, Wallsck and Mossr*. KoOort Alien, of Hod Bank, and Uowull Jonos, ol Newark, lor the railroad. CIUAii SHiZLiiLH. As lospoctors Van Horn aud MoCort ware going down Wall street yesterday morning, from tbe Cus tom llou ?? lo I he East Itivcr, tboy met a mar carry lug a lot ol cigars which worn uosinmped. Slopping htm Ibcy found Ihc lot tononsislof SOU line Hsvauan, which had b"on sin igglsd from Iho or iff 11 irry VeMan, Just arrived from Cnhrina. The -ame officer* ai-oaemij 1.0-d) rl-sra on heard of tlio steamship Columbus. Hutu lots werr stored <n lbs suizuro room and Will be confiscated to iho govern menu FIFTH AVENUE PAVEMENT. Commissioner of Fubltc Works Campbell yesterday opened iho loliowing proposals for pavtug Tilth avo nao, from Kilty-ninth lo Bevoaty-eoccnd sired, with McA-Iam pavstnenl:?Edward Bradburn, fiil.A.v-i; Willi mi II. Johnston, 430,2AI; J, It. Byron, $Jo.*Ao; Juliii II. lii'Viiu, f.\!>4o; David ilr nnau, Jr., $29,114'); George irosey, #20,h*0i T. it. Fosgersltl, $25,7Uj J?m"? H. Cal.sUsu, $1)8,244; Jubii A. Itaraur, f.'4,74'i sit; T. A. Cuming, $22,Old $0: J. 1). Cnmmiiis, f'-.1,045; John Blattery, f.if.lssi The contract Was awarded lo J. It. Byron at $2 i,8."*u. MU-NlCll AE NOTES. . Tin Committee on Btreeu of tbs Board of Aide* niuii baa under consideration yesterday the rsaolmloa sunraittsd to them relative to preventing accidents is paesssgsrs from tbs rapid transit pillars la alighting from and entering Third and Sixth arenas street oars. After bearing Mr. John 1). Coogblin on hchnif of th? Th ru svohtie r?sd it was resolved to send mr tbe rep rescntaiivs* of the r?|i"i transit companies. Mlj Chamberlain Uppsnnnde Iho l"llowiog finan cial **|etinni tor the psal WeSKBalance M.vll fJ,$W,2W u2. Hsoeipts. $1,247,410 4U. I'.y mental. $l,440.avV 43. fislanos, May 18, $a,7?4,4Itf 1%