Newspaper Page Text
AFRICAN SLAVE TRADE. BEN BY *. STANLEY S LETTER TO THE AVIFBI* C\N-*ORFIUN ANTI-SLAVERY SOOUTX. Tbsloilowm6 passed betwoen Mr. Hcnrv M. .Stanley ac I the Aoli H la very .Society, of it... city, in re.atioc is.IBs Air.can slave trade. TI.S, . -nicer, sdugbl.Is formation concerning tbo codUiiioi. or tbu traffic, ?listed, in the Portuguese African dominion*. ?? 'rAy0z?Mu 10 Jo.u our l.utuole tr.uucool re.pect and B?? Ihoto ol lUe nations who vl* Willi tacn amug oouor to you, ?ur " tbiy honor ?? '^.rVrori'lVv^tsgc wmciThiuai mV.lUy ^vrArri-rK t: rr.c;^uor,f'r{,.:r..r human ircigbt "bound n,a. jou glisssss which your ueooveriee shall l? the human race. Wears ool unn.ii.Ulul of 'overworked', iu I doubi, couslaniiy busy, and perhaps . , j el insurer lug the qtmaiious ol societies and '* i- 'ssiisrr^'?s.-.-.n. /JU.h.Noltbo Am^eAO-Fo^ifn^Antl^avery^So N*w VoitE, April 23. 1878 Mli. BTAXLBY'S KBV1.Y. In reply to ih,? the aocio.y yesterday received the lol owing loner Iroin Mr. Stanley : ? No. 30 Strkkt, I P10CA911.LY. W., May 11, 1878. J 3 ^t&KC?Mk?P.rat returning you very sincere tbauk3 lor the gracious manner you ^"Ve oouvcy cd ILo me the o. your society. I n g Weil thouah slavery is not quite ixnagui.heu on tbo Well K of Ifnoa, .t ha* been suppressed so Is.' W out me embers ol it rotuaio. I be I urtukue^e iiruvinieh ar? governud by men eboui 1 boiteve to be animated by n? pure u halo ol slavery as ituy HrUls'i or Aiuertc... philanthropist ha* shown. It W0,"'J ueeu be a vco iui e.uuie ..ctou any alaver attempt tug by lun . or oy sea .o revive eiavery iu Pnrtuauoao doDlu loaa What may transpire among the uejro .ub'tcis at Portugal in Angola reflects nothing ou tbe 1 or.u KUSbe tbt i.iasi Ves any more thito the uoiueslic sluvery ft cspe ioast or aura. id lh. Brit,., uom.ulou ol Nortbern Capo colouy, reflect, on lUe l-'u8"8h. iiow lar the coolie iraue wu.cli you rel.r to tuuy ?live trade uuder a ucw name I oauuol asy, but 1 do not mink Governor General Albuquerque waa?ware ol .1 a. being anything approaching tbe odious irafllc wbich laua degrading uiid uslsaiable aa 11 la damnable. U lH au cMy metier to create a sensation upon lb., tonic and 1 hod thai humanity ol ihe newspaper world is ralber prouo to seek moan. to stimulate auy Tbing ibll ui.v a cry ug.lo.t Hie old slave s me. But this is neither cbaritsbie nor wise, l-rvm wo at^1 bave obaervvd 1 kuow that the lortugucse goY?rn meni officials. wiib tbuiiovo lor rod lapeibmloruieh tuey are celebrated, nave crouiod a u.oal dht ve laleguard agamel slavery in tlieir domiulous by una procraaliuaiiug offloiul machine. fc.ven hlro ol it lew iree black, atlrac.ia tbe argue ? vea ol a score ol oflleiala until me eoflce or sugar olauier groans iu distress. 1 was at a party near Loaiitla wben Iho biro ol iree blacks was u.a sussed, wmcli elicllsd sucli u liorce .Isuuuciatioii of Portugese otUcisia in geuersl as wae ?wlul 10 liear. Tuougti me words wero only to soi ordaiice witn nieir usus. fierce style 1 took tbe spirit which prompted tpent SB answering thoao uccusalious wmcb are cause lessly directed against iho Portuguese government. 1 Imve uigued w UU tbo Governor General oui several seen, lun a, ?ud was .lel.gbted to observe ih it I ortugal bad awakeueu. lie la n bitter enemy of slavery. At tbo same time tbero la a good deal oi truth in What Cameron said.' There is out ths siiahtcsi UoUbi list Portuguese eubjecu, like Miiugglers on vhu routisrs, coutinuo tbe slav# trade wben they cuu ?scape i once, but the broad dietincf.on in fairness between Portuguese Alricansand European Portuguese should be drawn. Ills ibe Portuguese Air lean, toe native ol Buri, uud some ignorant loba (chief) who era involved in this tisdr, and not tbe Portuguese European. The -human Height" wblou you refer to .? being bound lor St. Tbomaa and Princess island, consisted ol a number el coolies irou. some part south o?Loauda toauotber partol the Portuguese dominions. Whstber just or unjust, I kuow nothing of the mai ler. not baving paid much aiteution to IL I hai.rd a number ol bold assertions made by wmu Babm.nd. n.t.ves, but 1 found they were founded on old traditions of the Ujvs ol Congo. Ihe sale of umuKind manliud Is still going ou iroui one trlbo to another, Mt such persons sold are those where the deatU penally he. been commuted toslsvery. For s luiiiwho hi. atoleu a chicken or s gost is Bab .itu be sisin unlets be osn os sold. 1 rolessors ol witch- | crslt arc so detested that tew ol them eaca|>e the Icai tul aoom wuicu uwsits tbo unhappy accused, a**""*! times have Europeaua aieppud lorwurd Irom awakened ?Ttupeiliy t? sivu ihe uniortuuaio victims, to mior* S-rto' their liberty. Provided Him the Ksivopeans restore Ihciu to ilieir liberty all ought to exonerate them from the charge oi maintaining tbo slave Theae liberal minuf^. Europeans, however, are ?o few In number that not a twentieth part ol the vic tims who might bo saved are roueemed 1 ib. bonor to ne. Tsui FliAULS ON A COUNTY. DIBCOVKRY OP SYSTEMATIC PECULATIONS IN THE ACCOUNTS OF PUBLIC OFFICERS. [BY TKI.EOBAPH TO TIIE HK.lllLD.] I'liiLMrsnruo, N. J., May 22, 1R78. The Board of freeholder, ol Warren county ura ?till in session, and it is tnought that before they ad jourti several luiportaot arrest* will bo mads. To-day lbs accounts ol tbo County Clerk were prvsented to be audited, and proviug uus.tislsclory to tbe Board tuev were referred 10 a special committoe tor iialioii Tue Treaaurur of tbo couuly still reluses to present his old books, aud mat ho will present bono others man the n--w ones, although the old ones are ?HB I" h Is possession. On I ha .8 hen li s list ol special deputies for the Ju y riots amounts appear as haying been paid to men who never received oue-loiirtb tbe amounts for bills ren Or red sod orders dlawn. l.*st summer the Court H ,u?e was enlarged under a contract and Urn h r*e. holders io day discovered orders overdrawn smouul lug to erolLS RKTCKSSD. Pome of Ibe members ol Ibe eld Board of Free holders it is staled, to-day returned some oi the moneys' winch tney illegally rsceiveu, amounting to sunt, of from $1,000 upward. a rooiiHouss HnasT. Wben lbs books ol the steward of Ibe poorlioc.e were presented il wias ssoertainert Ibal among tlie bills paid was one ol |MK? lor lobaeco, ouo lor thirty ions ol pork sou another lor a large aiuouut ol Java e Ifee, wmcb liie now Board will not allow, a. there were but ball Ibe number ol inmate, in Hie cnuo.y almshouse dormg tbe entire past year necessary to consuino the amount ol provisions winch the bills paid lor. UNION CLUU ELECTION. The annual meeting ol lb* f'nloo Club wee held leet Bight at ibe club house, Tilth avenue. Tiie attendance ol membera waa unusually large. Immediately upon the organization or the mamma election# were to Qll <be place* or eieven mrmlwra of the hovernlng Comuiutee. There were four IKk'li In the lleld, eacn oi winch w#a trie "regular ticket." As will be aeen Iruui ilie tiukete tltenteelvei, wtticli are given he. low. there wet not * great deal of ilideri cce among them, eo thai III* etaiieineut neualiv tell iriMiuil.r aoaocialioae ahnul ine cltone ol oltlcere we* herdlr perceptible, and tne ehctioee p?*aed off liarn oornuiy. Tintlt No. 1.?To eerva lor three year ?J tinea liena trd. Juiea K. Itrugi' re, William Consume, W ill. lain M. Bvurta, I'elejr Hall, Oliver K. King, William Turubuh, LawronC" Wc .a To ?eivo lor two ye.<r#? Joim I. i idwulader. I o *erve lor onu year?J. llow ?ra bee. Ilouverneiir Tlllolion. Tkurr No. 1-Kor three year*?William Countable, fe|.g II .11, Oliver K. K l)|, W 1111 ii in lurubuli, Law rence Wet la, William M. Kvarts, Jamo* Benkard and Jo-# K Br og I Are. for two year*?J. Kearny War ren. for one year?(louvonrur liiluitou acil J, B 'Wera Lee. licarrNo 3?for three yeara?W '.llatn Cooaiabla, William lernbml. Oliver K. Kmr. Lawrence Woil*, th' Pliard handy, 1'eiog llall Jan.oa ceugar J. Jules h. ttriigiere. >or iwo yeara?J. Kearny W arren. Bur one year?hourameur Tllloiaon, Jamas A. Bayard, Jr. ficaer No ? ? t or three yean ? W i.liam Conatable, William M Kvarte, Oliver K. King. I.ewreiice Well*, hbciipard <? >i>dy, 1'alrg Hall, Jame* Baakard, Julaa B. Brugi're. *or two year*?J. Kearny Warren. For onu year Oouvernaur Ttlnilaon, Jamea A. Ilavar.l. Jr. Up till one <>'< loca Una morning ibe coaming of tho VoU'i lied uo*. been completed, but tome <>| the mem ber#, who ere thought to be wull ported, "Spr*t?ed their cot: vtctlon that No. 1 ilrkot win thi winning tit a ?*C. II. < i iluSST." Mr*. Mary K. Ctllioun lacturod lost night at Chirk ?ring Hail. Tho title of bar laciuro Wai "A Car bureurd Hydrogen ??ho*i." A? a medium Mr*. Cat boun can hardly be called it aucoeae, lor throughout the laciuro llio "c. II. ftlioal" did not *pp>ar. The aohjart of iha lecture waa the aiiunoaa prevalent in the pre?< nl day reelecting journaliam, politic#, gov ern >nrai and arvrr >i other topic. Kegar.lio* jour baliant kite eaid that mo pre-nutation ol the correct vtraion of aianiliranl rvaota wet feat becoming one ?I iba >oat aria, l'ohtic#, alio thought, nil becoming tnrra covotuouanea* without honor. Ilia oivlne r'glit nf aereaalou ahe cnararlvr rod aa a ??gigantic fraud." Tbe arealeat care of governrnenl il*g.a be the aieedy au<l profitable employ maul ol the people, ?ne tliougm. The cauae of the "hard tun' a" ? a* not ovrrproiiuetion, but the continued increuaa of the rich to lhe detriment of tne poor and tne central, tging of poWer In the handa ol the lew. Nne advocated a large li t# of currency by the government, con vertible at will into ( nitrd State* nooda. fcvea alould Una incraaee tliu puhlic debt it would decrease private debt* a01 eda to tbe happine-a ol the |m op e. By tbia raoaaa the middle rinaaaa, ibe huiwara of an Jrce ataua, woald bo praaarvod lion# destruction. AMUSEMENTS. GRACE CHrUCH?OROAN RECITAL. The stalely edillee <g?a thronged ye-trrduy afier noon by a large ana tosbiooible audience to enjoy the eshibuiou ol the new organ aud tu connection*. Tho programme wee ae follow*I'ossacagha, J. & Bach, Sutnuoi P. Warren. "Ays Marie," Schubert, lleury Carter. Vocal?- "Deeper ami Deeper," reciutiye; "Wult Her Angela," air ("Jsphlba"). Handel, George Simpson. J'relude and fugue iu 1> minor, J. a. Jlacli, Georgu rt Morgan. ?'At Kvuuiug," Idyl, Buck. Dudlev liuck. (a) 1m promptu, (b) Mnrch irom ?'Eli,'' Coeta, George W. Warren. Vocal? -I Will Extol ftieo. O l.oru" ("Atin.nam"). Molique, Ida W. Hubbell. from ?'Lob ge'ang symphony, Mcuieleeolm. Henry Cancr. lneiue a?? <1 Variation! in A lUl. Ibiele, Dudley Buck. Vocal?"My Song Shall be Alwa.v," uuet (Hyiuu ol l'raiiei, Mrudt'lssohu, Miss Huboell and Mr. .-iinpeon. (?) I'aslorale, undaiit" iiuani allegretto; lb) fiaaie, allegro aeeai, Irotn Sonata Op. 42, Gullmaut, Hatnuel I'. Warren, introduction ?ud Vatlatiou* on "God Suvo the Qm nii," Morgan, Georgo IV. Morgan. I be organ In beyond queetiou u triumph of art, and will take lie pluco among the several retuarkabio In Mrumcuts ol the kind In tlio country. It bus beeu exuui ued and played upon by ?ur mom noted organ lam, and the judgment Is unanimous that Its disiinr tive lenturec, ni<cu?iiical and uiubicai, combined wuti us general tburuuetiuess ol atruclute, makes w a worihy lacior in toe xaered service to wlncn it haa been dedicated. The organ haa 70 mope, 23 mechani cal uppllaucea and 4,410 pipca. BTEIN WA Y HALL THE AIICXXO EXPEDITION CONCERT. The concert In aid ol tne Franklin Arctic expedi tion, which look plnco lam night at .Stemwav Hall, was not a financial eucc?s. The audionca numbered leas than two tiundre'l perrons. Among those present were Chiol Justice Daly, who was accompanied by the commander ol tne expedition, Esquimaux Joe and oihors interested In tlio enterprise. Artistically the concert war one ol Ibo bam ol the reason. Mr. S. H. Mills jnayrdtwo ol Ins lino compositions oil Ibe piano. Dr. Duiurosoli perlormed u couple oi Ins own adagio movement* on llie violin, and Mirk Elizabeth MJoraau rendered nun exquisite tnsto u burp solo, "Oberoo." Misses A. Henue, A. J. Borie, Mr. Harrison Millard und Master W. Lea, ibe boy soprano, sang sev crul attrocllvo airs; Mr. K. Berguer per formed a nocturne on the violoncello, Mr. Frank Gilder enlivened the enloriaiuineul wuu a couple of solos on Ibo piano by I'ape, and W.iliaco and Mr. Mueller opened und closed (he per iortnaueo with some delightlul impromptu* on iho organ. Tho uudicnce was ihorouguly appreciative, aud it la a pity that un nflatr so sdmlrabiy arranged und with such u noulo oojeot should not have been liberally patronized. On ibe stago wore a number of rilles contributed to the exnomiion by difloronl man ulacturcrs and a suit ol Arctic lure. MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC NOTES. | A grand Juvenile concert will bo given atStoinway Hull on Saturday evening. Mist Kate Claxton open* at the Academy of Music, Brooklyn, to-morrow evening. i ''The Italian Opera Company, with Mile. Gemma Douali as prima donna, will commence a season at the Academy ol Musio to-morrow evontng. The lost Dlghtaol "Diplomacy" are announced, and those who havo not yet aeon this One play should avail themselves ol the few remaining opportunities. I 'Mr. John McCuilough will appear as Brutus, in the play ol "Jollus Cmsar," on the occasion of Mr. F. B Warde's benellt, all reports to the contrary not withstanding. A maiinde benefit Is to be given to Miss Gusele De Forrest at Nlblu's Garden to-morrow. The play of the occasion will be '-Oliver Twist," in which Miss Da Forrest will personate Nancy Slkes, Mr. Sam I'lercy will take the part of Fagan and Mlsa Mubol Leonard that of little Oliver. Mien Emily Gavin's readings and concert will ba given this evening at Cbtckoring Hall. The pro gramme Is an interesting one and comprises several well known artists, among whom are Mile. Estelle Buzzoitl, Miss Annie E. Beere, Mr. J. X. l'attlson, pianist; defior Bless, and Messrs. Kaboob and Hession. The last concert of the season is announced at Stein wey Hall to-morrow evening. The following artiste will take part:?Mine. Florence Rice-Knox, Mlas Mai lie Reber, Mist Alice Hosmer, Mis* Madeline Jerolemon; Messrs. J. N. l'attlson, W. J. Hill, L. M. Ruben, A. E. Stoddard, Carlos Florentine and Henry Sawyer. It ought to he attractive. "La Belle Heleoe" was given nt the Park Theatre lost night to a numerous audteooe, with Aimde in lbs t6U ol Helens and Duparn as Orestes. Bollard modo n good Ptria, M6sl6res as Calobae woe particularly amusing, Jouard played Agamemnon with spirit ami Dnptan made a most eccentric Menelsus. The gems of tbt opera were heartily applauded. MAZZINl'8 BUST. The bust of Msalni will be unveiled at Central Park, at two o'olock P. M., the 25Rli Inst. President WeaiiMn. of the Department ol Parks, will presido and accept llie gilt ol the bust on behalf of theciiy. gg?^*?^?? SHIPPING NEWS OEAN STEAMERS. DATES OF DKF1RTURR PROM SKW TORE FOR THE MONTHS OF MAT AND JT7NK Stnimrr. rity of Cli?at?r... stale of Neva in. Italy J ?4 V H . Fntla 4 ' Jill faril 1* Adriatic Kgrpt Mkhi Ifohensollern .... Montana.... ..... UunKla... |*ere|re City of Motilrrnl state of Virg oin, Herder ..... Hit annle Helvetia Ktbtopt* |June 1 M?>*ei (Jin 1 Vt isconsiit |June 4 AUt'i* .(fine 5 Sail* Itmtiwiti't May 28 Mar 21 May 21 day 2M May 23 May 28 M ay 25 May 28 M ay 25 May 25 May 2* May ?ll May 2:1 M ay .'w? May 3D Mai :i J line 1 ?I DM Xeytoia Holland ?... I' Calami ^ IIIm '!?? Farls ... Celtic State ol Georgia Spam. Itoitvta Oder ?. . . i ny of iierlln.... I >ina h fur.e h I une h June || June IV June 12 V?iftiaud.. ...June III 11 y?.. Denmark. J, j vi-rpool.. Glasgow ... London Antwerp... Hamburg.. Glasgow... Liverpool.. Liverpool.. Kntterdetn. lire uteri.... I Jverpool Liverpool.. Havre Liverpool.. Glasgow... HimbVfr.. Liverpool. . Liverpool.. Glasgow ... Bremen.... Ltverpo.I. London.... Liverpool. London CQjbw J tine I une June 5 * llotterdmii. I une Inn# I unt J une Havre.. Liverpool Glasgow ... 11 amberg IJ verpool.. Glasgow.... llreuiKU Liverpool.. Liverpool. IJverpool.. London.... H amhurg.. Liverpool iImsow.. .. lire 111 en .. Li verpool.. I*.tig!and..? ........ June I Virtorla June 1 June I.' W > on. hi j June Is*. Canada June 1 !?| London.... I he Queen ?..?.[Juno 22t Liverpool.. Idaho 'June 25[Liverpool . ALMANAC FOll NEW YOIlK?THIS DAY. 31-33 Hrondway 72 Hroad way IP Broadway 52 Broadway H Broadway 7 H 'Wliuir Green 87 Broadway ?M# Broadway 50 Broadway 2 Bawling Green 211 Broadway 1 Bowling Green 55 Broadway .11-811 Broadway 72 Broadway B! Broadway .'17 Broadway (111 Broadway 7 Howling Green 2 Howling 4ireoti 29 Broadway 7 Howling Green 1 Bowilnu Gre u till Ilroadtvav Mi Broadway ?5 Broad way 87 Broadway 72 Bioadwuy 3D Broadw ?y :ll Broadwiy 7 How ling Green 2 Hon ling Green 81-2.1 Broadway 21* Broadway ? Boa itr..? Green ?'?I* Broadway D1 Br adway 1 ID Broadway 7 Howling Green 2 Howling ? rtcn 21* Broadway ?11) Broadway Gil Broadway JB Broaiway Ml'N AND MDO*. flon rises 4 Bun sets. 7 17 Mood rise*....morn 12 24 high water. .Sandy Hook.,..eve 22 48 ? .or Mill tti 1 Hell Gale eve 3 23 HERALD YACHT WEATHER OBSER VATION'S. ,V?rv 22. II. ir. I n-r. yiil/r 0/ llftml. j H'rttlhrr. Horseshoe....... 11.r Lightship....... New \ ork........ Jfo'.tl 4 I'M r r?i li I'M rio:lft| lift 10:12 07 |'?:I2| '>* pp I4| M SMV s M 1? I'l.D. 1 'ic.r. POUT OF MAV YOKK, MAY 22, 187*. A Hill V \ LS. R Kf )KT T P RT Til K IIPRAI.D STEAM YAKUTS AMP ffBEAt.D w riTFRTosia t Ki.ED a a rii MM I. CB steamer Fowhatten, Ffllebrmin, Norfolk, hteamer Ains (Br). Williams. Fort an Frlnce Anrll 2H, kfartnagefta May ?. A*pinwall 14th mid Nevoesa 17tti, wit It nidae and paesengers, to J'tttt. Fofwirml A Co. attain r City ot Washington, rimuierriian. Havana 5>1^ days, with 111 Le and * 1 passenger# to K Alexandre A Sons. May It*. .'P? mile* N of Cape Hatteras, passed brig Odorllla, from Havana tor Baliimoe; same day. lat 27, Ion Til 5U, a Mhoofiei allowing a blue Hag, with letter* KK in it: 2lG, lai :u? t ?. Ion 74. brig Chat A Hoard (Br), from St Johns, ri?, lot \??w York steadier C:ty ef San Antonio, lVniltirlofl, Galveston M 1 I . via Key West |Hth, wiiu and pussengera 10 Mai ory A 1 o. team r A 'l^ra II as thorn. New Orleans and South we t Fees May Its, with IDd*a to ftagort A Morgan. .May IS. off Alligitto' heef, brig Caroline Kdny, from ciettftte* 1 os tor New York: off Carvsfort. brig Cadet, troni do tor Fhllade tUiia. off Ciihi Florida, ship Utfeen of England (Ko.from f'eu leola r ?r Liverpool J off Jupiter Inlet, hark *\a Ihet Bri . hound N ; I BM lat 341 ID, Ion 7H 40 brig Kt a J' hnsoti from < #r lenas for Fltiladelnhia; same da*. Lit 31. ou 71* 15 sehr Henry C \\ instiip, from do for New York; . 1 441 wI esRf5 of Cape Hatter a, nark nattie G McFai? land, from 4>> for do '???"or Beg ol a tor. Doane, Wilmington, NO, It days, wil IF, til ft 1 jr-le A ' t a*rr? fob a ? ?ll'# ?i?. Mmmgo, Georgetown, DC, with iri'iis to J L i-'wtm*. It, ? r A h^ nsrl* Globs. (.owes, Del, with mdse to the OH Doffitoiofi t**?s n*h)p Company j. lg' Fnil idelphla, In ballast, to -Msri ?*???!?r ? ? Fuilsdsiphie. with C<#al to the |L id ' i ? B " / ) A ? ? f ,>f,y,? " %i, ypleer, Llftruool '2#'H . O ? . U i 00 a . W-i 12 day W of trie H?M* *1 . ? ?*?'*? t Hark Fre/* '' ? , >'? *< ??#.? 4*m ie sallast. te B"? *< ??<?? ' ??**? v ? ? *?m 0* Berk u i* r?r# ,*? ? B?Lis V* dats. wifh *%'/** ? *4*' ? iv ? t ?,<*??$ ',r'?t?ed Ui? TAI /|*t 4 *i V' ? . ? 1 +4 *.> 0*0 hug 4 m* ? La*. S4NWS, ?'^sd*# iai** A awlsa to lene.h, M/i A (rA B ig O C LUrtv. ccott. Barbados 20 days, with sugar I and mo) ;?**??$ to Dwigbt i Piatt. [ Brt* hlche (Hr>, Lindsay. Porto Cabelto 19 'lav*. with coffee to Dullett, Bouleui <fc Co. Was 4 d?y? N of llai | t?r ?? with variable weather; Mav 15, tat 31 35, Ion 73 37, pasted a wreck, apparent ly ?n old on? Brig K II Uilliain* (of Portland). Tucker, Cardenas 10 day*, with sugar arid mria<)o to Drexel. Morgan k Co. Schr Louise P Vfall ry (of Mi uiJetnwn, Conn). Stetson, I Port Spain (Trinidad) 21 divp, with sugar and iuotas*es to or-ier: veenM t > Hentlev, *?ilder?leevo k Oe. Schr Ltgaio Lee "tublo, Antigua 13 day*, with *ugar i and rnolitisrc to Leaycrott A Co; *rM?l to Brett. Bon A Co. | No ilate. lat 30. Ipu 7U, spok * ?chr 1'mta, ironi Phil a j delihi* lor t arthagena. 1 Schr Annie Bet), heed. Mayagues, PH, 15 day*, with ! inol*??? * in I) Trowbridge Co )!ad moderate weather, j Schr Al*x Harding (of Philadelphia), McBrlde. Cfenlue ! got 17 day*, with sugar to Maitiaitd. Phelps k Co; vessel to 4 Hail n a Co. ftcor Addle Kcnlaeffer, Deaken. Hock Sound 7 day?. with pine* to J*?me* Douglas; vessel to H J Wcnberk Co. May IB. let 31 22. long 74 30, rpoke scnooner Rescue, from Baliiin ?re. bound *outii# Kchr Mary C Decker (of Port Jefferson), Nelson. Nassau 7 days, with pine* to James Douglas; vessel to It J Weu ber^ k Co. Scnr Gertie E Merrow, Dunning, Jacksonville 6 days, rlth lumber to order. Kchr <*ei? P t- -pinner. Dayton, Jacksonville ft days, with lumber to order; vessel to A Dayton k Co. gjy* Hark* hmhta (Nor), from Liverpool, and M J Leslie (Bri. from do, which anchored in the lower bay, came to the cltj 22d. tiijr Barka Hrlmlgo *Br) and Avonport (Br), from Liver pool. which were auchored in the lower bav, eamc to the citv 22d. passed through hell gate. BOUND SOUTH. Steamer Neptune, Berrv, Boston for New York, with mdse and passengers to II F Himock. Mean er City of Fitchburg, LID*. New Bedford for New York. Steamer D (aware. Smith. Norwich for New York. Schr Adrhmnu Wood, Windsor. NS. for New York. Schr It in g Dove, i.'ock port for New York. Schr Midnight, lined. Hath for New York. Scnr Heile ol the Hay. Hammond, George's Banks for New York. Schr Saxon, Daholl, George'* Bank* for New York. Schr Maria lluxie, Roger*. George1* Bank* for New York. Schr Ximine, Thompson. Machine for New York. Schr J W Hine*. Fruacl*. Cape Ann for New York. Schr Penry Rein sen. Allen. Providence for New York. Schr Hickman, Velpor, Providence lor New York. Schr Sarah A Falconer, Wilson, Providence for New York. Schr Haven. Dunham. Providence for New York Schr Hannah E Brokru. .-uckett. Providence for New York. Schr M F M ebb. Cook, Norwich lor New York. Schr S W Blake. Blake. Norwich for New York, bchi Daniel Webster, Napkin, New London for New York, Schr Joseph Hall. Rogers. Port land. Ct. for New York. Schr Freestone. Wickson. Portland. Ot, for New York, schr General Mierldan, Portland. Ct, lor New York. Schr Samuel PGodwin, William*. Slumlord for New York. Schr Trenton. Wall. Bridgeport for New York. Schr Kacuit, Hawkins. Bridgeport for New York. Schr Tern peat, Warwick, New Haven for New York. Schr hilen H Hanie*. Cole. New Haven for New York. Scbr Sparkle. Muopthire, New Haven for New York. Schr Guar. Allen, New Haven for N?*w York. Schr Scud. Mien, New Haven for New York. Schr Twilight. Hathcurt, New Haven for New York. Schr Green County Tanner, Hyde, New Haven for Ron dent schr Argo, Gitrney. Connecticut for New York. Schr Maggie Gumming!. Smith. Coha*ett for New York. Schr Prudence, liaise*. Norwalk for New York. Schr f^ulck Step, Jtayner. Norwalk lor New York. Schr null. Mead. Greenwich for New York. schr Sunny Side. Northport for New York. Schr Albert, Smith, Port Jefferson lor New York. BOUND EAST. Bark Florenco Treat. Veaslo. New York for Cape Town. Biig M C lla?kell, Ha*kell. New York for Belfast, 1. Schr Jed F Duron. Cook, New York for St Jotift, N B. yCfr Fclir Rescue. Kelly. Now York for Haverhill. Schr Charlie Me<1 man, Grlflin, New York for Calais. Schr W Freeman, Rogers. New York for Boston. Schr Trade Wind, Gray. New \ork for Boston. Schr Plymouth Bock, Burgess, New York for Boston. Schr S S Scrauton, vVright. New York for Providence. Hchr George Temple. Rogers. New Yoik for New london. Hclir Cora, Illues, New York for New London. Schr Mary, McGee, Hondoiit for Boston. Schr Julia Ann, Csswell. Newhurg. for Portsmouth, Nil. Schr Orient. Staples. Hoboken for Kockport. Schr F Kdsaid*, West, Atnhoy for Boston Schr Kate k Mary. Cogswall, A in hoy for Kail River Schr Prior. Hallowed, Port Johnson lor Saco. Me. Schr J <1 Huntington, Dickinson, Port Johnson for Ilav veriilil. schr Balsora L Sherman, Young, Port Johnson for Bos ton. schr Willard Saulsbnry, Ryan, Port Johnson for Boston. Schr Nelsou Harvey, Chase, Port Jobnaon for New Bed ford. Schr W P Phillips, Jonea. Port Johnson for Providence Schr John Stockham, Hart, Port Johnaon for Provi dence. Hchr Empire, Smith, Port Johnson for Hag Harbor. Schr Sterling. Bali, fillxabethport I or Bridgeport. Hchr Annie P Chase. Poole, Pensacola for City Island. Sailed from Hart Island Roads PM 21st, brig ElJsa Mor ton, from New York for Cherbourg. BELOW. Brie Ern.ntlns, MeAIer.y, fr?m C.ra.n.i H17& SeUr Aaulo Bell, from Hnyti. CLEAItED. Steamer City of Cheater (Hr), Brooks, Liverpool tU Qneansiowii?John <i Dele Steamer 11mlT (Hr). Mtnpsnn, London-F W J llarat. Steamer hldonlan (Br;, McFee, Brtatol, B? Haaderaon Bros. Strainer Java (Br), Olalm Antwarp?Patar Wright A Bona Steamer lien Hnrnoa, Chessman, Savannah?Murray, Ferris A Co. sp-amer Call Straam. lagram. Charlaitoa?J W Qoln tard A Co. Hteamer F. C Blddle, Davla, Pblladaiphla- Jaraaa Hand. Ship Coltlan Htata Delano, Shanghai -A A Low A lime. Ship Crusader (Hr). Ihirkso Liverpool?Boyd A lllackeu. Ship Jacob Trumpy (Nor), Mvauoe, Antwerp? Mooknaaan, Osrlelu A Oo. ship nt l'etereburg (Nor), llanaan, Antwarp?C Toblaa A Co Bark Tillta Baker. Boynton. I-oudou? Bratt, Hon A Co. Bark Olnlla (Ital), Trapanl. Hrlatol B?Slocevleb A Co. Bark Truro (llr). Hurrla. Iloll. K J r Whitney A Co. Bark Suaanna (Nor). Rerkeland. Qoeanatown or Kalruouth for orders?Bonham A lloyaaan. Bark Iiorla F.ekhoff (Hri. Hona, Queaoatown or Falmouth for order*?John Zlttluaen Bark Loveid (Nor), Pan. Cork for ordera-Bonham A Boye*to. Bark Prlocaaaa Margarita da Plamonta (Ital). Malflno, Cork for ordera? Attillo Clnnio. Hark Viator (Nor), BJomaen. Stavar.ger?Fanrh, Edya A Co Hark Virgo (Aua). Ivancieh, Conatantlnople?John C *t'urk Kllaa llaraa (Br), Hollla. Hamilton (Bermuda) ? June* A Lvurli Br iv Thome* Turrull, Batee, Port Spain (Trinidad)?L W A P Armatrong. Brig Long haaah. Anderson. Port Spain (Trinidad) ? James W Ktwell A Co. Brig Annie Ingram (Br). Olrrolr.HtThomas?Panlston A C .. Mrlr Harry Vlrdor, Barrett, Philadelphia?Jamea W KW w?*ll A Co. Srhr Win Thornpaon. Doana, Port Antonio, Ja-B J Wan b"chr Annie Lowle. Aldrlch, Clenfuereaa?, Ball A Srhr Rlcardo Harroa, Newton, Barraeoa?B J Wenbarg A C ?. SchrFJ Hamilton, Mlllt. Naaaau, NP-B J Wanharg A *"seSr Carrie 8 Wrbh, Hawkins, Nassan NP? B D Hurl I nrt A Co. Srhr Perean* (Br), Baxter, Parrsboro N8-C W Rertang, Schr John Sn >w, Bradford. Shnlee, Ns?C I, Snow. Hehr Southern Croat (Hr), Patlsrson. Shulee. N8?C L Dim v Schr Jed P P'iran. Cook. St John. NB?A T Henry. Schr It T Potter, Anderaon, Jacksonville?Tapper A Brattle. xnsMaryJ Bnaeell, Staclman, Savannah -Warren Ray. Schr Pre# Trade (Hr). Kluley. Perth Amboy, NJ?P I N-vlus A San. Srhr Aaro ia (Hr), wesson, Perth Amboy. NJ?P I schr Carolina Knight, Oyar, Portland. Ma?II P Brown A C ? srhr John 8 Moulton, Crowley, Boal on?Matter, srhr slloa Hralnard, Carroll. Middletown, Ct?M Brlgga *Srhr Illtnoia. Wllaon. Saw Haven? Q S Waltera Srhr Ida Palmer, Palmar, Stamford? Htamtord Manufac turing Co. schr Dart, Campbell, Standard?Stamford Manufactur ing Co. SAILED. Steamara Canada (Fr). tor Havre; Algeria (Br), Liver pool: Ilanlrl Stelumeun iHelgi, Antwerp; Auatralia (Ur), Icindou ; (Jen Kariica. Savannah; Culf Stream, Charlaatou ; ship-Joseph H Spinney, Sou t-'raaelsro; II s llremirv, do; ilnl'.en state, Rhangbal; barka Happy Home Bri, loodnn ; Sicilian. Zanalhar; llneiavo (liai), rilourrater; ore-ie (Hall. Hlnraliar tail Malta; Anrelo (Hr|, (or* or Kal ntontlit Pare d? Painilte iKr), Havre; brine Kmerald iHn, Corg;>l F lieery. Savannah ; Snlllran, ileorgatown. JJC ; Nellie (Hr), ??; arlira VelloW Pluc, Pare; llelan flaa brotik. Baltimore; t'urtla Arkerly. do. Also tailed, brigs Irene lor Adelaide or Brisbane; Kllan II Munroe. Feral; arhr l-.flia J sinirnona, MARITIME MISCELLANY. Cat t'In llawlherna, of the ?tramar Algiers, from New Orleans. haa our thank* lor courtesies. Sts??' is Domi* Davla, from New Vork for Cartliagena, which put Into Nerlolk In distress, vai discharging her coal '.nth. preparatory to undergoing repair*. ?TIIIIK A.NTOXIO (Br), Anderaon, tram Liverpool via Dola ?aia Breakwater, lor naitimmn. went atnor at Cap. jl -i.rr. oppo.lte the aignal alatinn. alinnt J A M yesterday morning. t'U'. floated again atlnoon without assistance. -TKANKRs HiietiL Altp Jltxn, from Philadelphia for Para, wl'lcb arr red at st Thomas IJlh Inst, w?ut?l undergo sun dr. repairs before proceeding Ship iIwkh >, 074 tone, built at Warren, HI, In 1H.">4, re paired In IHHrt. now at till* port, has brat sold lor looal ac count at or front flO.Atltt It * uk AaraTO-.aK >Br), at Baltimore loth, from Dublin, reports:-Mar I. lost overboard seamen Thonie* Talbot, of Dublin, and John English, supposed to belong at Walbera wlcli HB Hark Kacnki. Walls, from Mstancas for Boston, Is St Vineyard Havan leaking badly. Tut erew refused duty, ai d the captain reromniendod steam ta Boston. The vessel ha- a cargo <d Baiik Ikri ko (llr). front Bremen, at Philadelphia Mav 27. rei oris passed, 1st 81), Ion 71, a vessel bottom up; pa Iroh-nm barrels picked up marked "Standard Oil, New York looked as II they had beeu hut a short time In tho wafer. Held lent (Fr. not Ibis), from New Vork for Hi Pierre. Mlgueion was the is-scl ton,ly wrecked May 17 at (1*1 ieniry Head, MUnelon. Crew saved Hue had as rargo Her hbl* sugar, 4'J lihds Molasses, AM) hnls Hour and 'JO da pork. Hrna CORavitrr., of Newhuryport, Irom Haracna. bound to Boston, with fruit, want ashore on the south aide of Nantucket on Monday night. It n'elock; erew saved. It 1s dnnhtful If she gets of erne LT Mam, of (Jlnncaster, lu going Into Newport Harbor night > J 1st, ran ashora nn (he south point of float Island; will coma ?(T at high water without damage. Sen* Ho**. of I'roslnretuwn, lias bran piirrhaaerl by.led Kryr A ?'o for Kept )V r annlng. nf l.nUec, Me. and Is to be thoroughly overliauled by John Moltrlde. She la to beam, ployed as a p ickot ti-teren Lnhoe and New Vnrs. ,-rna Watkki.oo from New York for Deer Isle, which grounded at Keiiiiehmikpurt, proceeded IIHh, having ro paifrd. Si iia D II Iriiraiiaw. which was seuttlod In the dock at Blrliiimnd. Va. a law days ago, lu order to put ant the lire In 'lie hold, was floated May /<>. She has not anlf.-r-'d any vrrat damag" by the fire, and her cargo is now being taken oat. -?( .ik llaea ari. from Windsor, arrived at Chester, Pa, Me> 21 el #r being asi'orr on C.ierry Island, but sustained no dam PborkklKB Til.I,if (of the Vermont Central RR line) i fioni )' < Itinili'S III! Nee l"r?, hrosS her shaft on night ?.I Mar at. sod was tewed hash by steauier Bolivar, al the sasaa lias, J IIiLIrAX. NS. May 22?Hrig G A Cuonan (of St John. NBi.from linhtln tiny e. for Mtrnmicbi hu been totally wracked on St Haul'* lilenil. Crew saved. I.rvav.c. Mo. May 30?*-hr Sibyl. Wile n. from Calaie for Newburypnrt. which waul ashore on Cemp.ibeUo. au Hunted "it last high lidoa ?nii sailed |7vli. I'tAriuuct:, May 22? Oupt Austin. of eeiir M iry A Wit hout. arrived hare !? day .rom ot , 'omlago, reports thot while It I ll ^ at anchor off * ion elves April 2S, J a too* a *liy. ot 'Iray, NY. went in bathing anu waa ur?u???I. KITorta were oriuiiD iy in ado by the veaaat'i crew to recover the body, hut without aui eeea. Before the veaael telt port, however, a large shark brought the oody to the eurlaco. and. twining ? ?(T one of the legs. wvnt awav wuli It. Tile liohy then ll. and waa recovered and bnried by the eeairirn. Qfaarc May 30?Itark Adriatic (Br), balura reported ae having been nelion at Atitlenati. while Inward bound. Uae undergone necateary repairing, and cauie out ol dock to ilnv. 21?l? Ship Harold llaarfager (Nor), erpool with ilmoer. it reported at returning with lore ol jlbnoora, Ac. Lai'XCHIP-At Hrltiol. BI. May 21. a tteam gunboat called iho Clara, built bv the ilerrcsbolf Manufacturing Co for the Spanish government. /'be Clara !? 1.11 lent In length. It) leet wide end ? feei deep, and of light scliuon<-r rig, and abe la litteh with a vertlca- cunipound condensing engine ol SOU-lmrse power. Her hull la composite. having an Iron frame, with wonuen planking, and (a coppered to the water'* ed.o The veatel will he ready tor tea In a few day a, and will aall direct fur the -paniib isle*. NOTICE TO MARINERS. W a an i.i<(.to a. Mar 23?Notlco It given by tbo Lighthouse Board tiiat an iiutomotlc algnal buoy, palmed with alter nate w lit to and b.ack perpendicular atripea aud giving lilaata of a whittle at eliort intervala. I aa been moorod off the entrance to Hie south channel to the Colombia Kivet. tlregon. in I4K Inlhouia ol water. The magnetic bearing* and distances ot pr imlneut object* are oa follow* Cape liUappolnlment Lighthouse, S by W, lji W, 7)j oillea; J'out l Adams l,ighlhoiia<. NK by N. 4H mile*; Oilier Bar Buoy 112 lathoms), touth channel. N )* K, lj? mile*. WHALEMEN. Sailed from New Bedford Juue 22, ?cbr At lor I a. Crapo, Atlantic ocean. > a 11 e d Irom Stnnlngion May 21, rebr Thomaa iluat, Eldred. South Shetland Inland*. Cm lit.11 ii llyatt. recently ol the brig A J Boer, with other*, purchased aclir Caleb Eaton, 11H.IS ton* of Hotton. and ?he will be fitted ut New Hodford lor a whaling voyage to Hreenliind, under command of Captain llyatt. Mr Gifford late hrat ollicer of bar a A Houghton, will go In the lame capacity on tbe r.aton. 1.altera frnra aehr William A droller, llobert*. atatrd that nlie haa taken no oil tince lull report. KepnrU *chr gutck atop. Mnndloy. taken 2o bbla ip oil linco last report. SPOKEN. Sehr J D Robertson. Glover, from Ponitcola for Rio Janeiro. May 11, let 2d, Ion ")). OUR CABLE SHIPPING NEWS. Aar.RnHKX. May 20?Balled, bark ASolus (Ger), Bcrdlng, United stataa. Astwkki', May 22?Arrvled, eteamer Augutt Andre (Belg), Kyler, New York; ihip Marlborough (Br), Mnnroe, Baltimore. Hailod 31it, bark Caatante (Hal), Girochettl, New York. 9 Bristol. May 22-Arrived, *teamer Tyrlan (Br), Carrie, New York. Sailed 22d, bark Margarotha (Oer), Maeellnt. Wllmlng ton. N0. IIki-vast. May 22? Arrlvod, bark Apple (Nor), Sando, Philadelphia. Sailed 2<>tb, bark Molllamo (Br), Nell, United Rtatee. Bukmkn. May 22?Arrived, atoamer (Gor), Dannermann, Baltimore. Boupkacx, May 20?8alled, bark St Genevieve (Fr), New Orlean*. Bahcelora, Vay 20?Arrived, brig Pronto (So), Serve, Charleston. CopkriiAciKR, May IS?Pasted, berk Wllbelm Fo?* (Nor), Nielsen. Irom Galveston for ltrvaU nailed 10th. bark Post (Nor). Uunderaen. United Statea. Ckttb. May 19?Arrived, brig P rote It ore (Ital), Slauo, New York. CaoRSTADt, to May 22?Arrived, bark Bengal (8w), Myra, Savannah. Dual, May 22?Sailed, ihlp Moaareb (Br), Sinclair (from London). Hydnev. CB. Falmouth. May 21?Sailed, bark Wlmbnra (Br), HallL day (tr?m Hall), Darien, having repaired. Glouckstrk, May 21?Arrived, bark* Oenaarlae (Ital), I.uhrano, New Orleans; 224. Angasto (Ital), Item an n. New York. Sailed 2l*t, barks I'aieat (Nor), Cbrlstopherson, United Statesi Peppina Mlgnano (Ital), Da Martlno, do; Saga >Nor). ftovlg. Baltimore; 22d, Tre Sorelli (Ital), Conaig Here. Philadelphia. (iLAHiiow, May 22?Arrived, steamer State of Louisiana (Br). Johuston, New York. UMtKNomc, Mar 20?Arrived, bark Qlusenpe Maatone (Hal), Mnrlllo, Baltimore. Hull, Mar 21?Arrived, bark Johanna (Nor), Mailer, Pensacola; 224, (teenier Croft (Br), Uodgeon, New York. Hailed 22d, (teamer Lepauto (Br), Avery, New York; bark Virginia (Ital), Bertolotto, do. ItxLrakT, May 21?Arrived, brie Maria (Nor), Boreoeen, Mobile. LincKFOOL, Mar 22?Arrlred, (teaman Strato (Br), Jonea. Philadelphia: Baenarentnra (Bp), (JrHlia, New Orlaane; bark Honnabond (tier), Boat. Wilmington, KG. Hailed 22d, (hip Qnehec (Br). Rood, Delaware Break water; barka John Jehnaoe (Br), Wade, New York; BeaoonaOeld (Br). Munrof, Baltimore (the latter net pre rloeely). Loboon. Mar 22-Halled, bark Belt (Br). MeBrlde, Boa ton. Liaxmrg, May 22?Foiled, bark Aretle (Nor), Dan ne viz. New York. LoBDOiiDaaar, May 22?Arrlred, bark B H Blgnlew (Br), (lallburton, Baltimore. Hailed 31st. barks Soathero Belle (Br), Robblne, Balti more; 23<1, Admiral (Nor). Jenaen, de mot previanaly), Maitas. May 21?Sailed, bark Ignatlo (Ital), Morll, United states., Mar 21?Arrlred, Haaaar Deronla (Br), Oral*, New York fur Ulasgow tand proeoeded). Nxwar. May 22?Arrlred, bark Colomba (Nor), Reetrnp, Baltimore. NarLae, May 21-Arrlred, brigs Helina Stanford (Ital), Mareeea, New York; Italia (Ital), Kncarlera, do (before re ported without date). Both reaaele were slightly damaged by heary weather. Qt'KiWMWtt, May 33?Arrlred, bark Haphlr (Mor), Bn? drearn, New Yoik Hailed 22d, 4 ;H0 KM, eteamer Celtle (Br), Oleadell (ftom Liverpool). New York. KirtL, to May 22?Arrlred, ehtpo Matilda, Carver. Cherleaton; L B (lllclirlat. Watt a. New Orleana; Mary B Klrip, Laaodiio, do, Konksma. May 22-Hailed, eteamer Schiedam (Deteb), Chevalier. Nrw York direct. HoeTiuurTos, May 22?Arrlrad, ateamer Lelpslg (Ger), Hlnck, Baltimore for Bremen (and proceeded'. Hailed 21 at. barka BaUaglla Utal), Campodontoo, New York; 22d, Hotnmerln (Nor), Petersen, do. WATauroitn, May 2D?Hulled, barka Canassa I'adre (Ital), Heliiapnapetra. United Staira; Chapman (Nor), Oleen, do; N 8 del Boacbetto (Ital), Peregalle, do. WEATHER HEI'OJlT. Iiot-rnean. May 22, PM?Wind HW, moderate; barometer 1ft MS. Pi.rnotrrn, May 22, PM?Wind SW, moderate, rain; barometer 30.83; tailing. FOREIGN POKT& rt Emma L iranl. ilu; M A rijr. du; li. r, Howes. II i t A L Palme IlMit'nA. May ;i-Arrived, scltri Etnma L C Wlgaor, At wood. New Tuft; 7ln. Edwin Hrarant. del Weaa ey Abbott, Johnson, do; Htli. it C Nuyes. Aruy. du; link, Aunle U Merrill, Lewis. do . Harilo I'laree, IUwes, Huston Cm ma, April It?Arrived, bilg A L Palmer (Ur), Bcott, Bela??re. Calci tta ? Sailed from Haugor April 17, abip Sir John Lawrence (Mr). Burl. Han Fronclam. ( AkiiioiAr May HI?Arrived, uritr Laid (Hri.Ulvkn. St Than-as. -cljrs Seth VV Smith. Mali, Havana; Itebpce? Hlieppartl, Crambos, and Sarah Harding. Meivln, du. halted Itlth, aeliraOeu K Hatch, Merphy, N ??< llattersa; Henry 11 Wlntliip llnane, dn; Kmmi L ..uttliighotn, steel man. and liaiid Ames, Flanders, dn. ClKMrtt??<>(. (lay 14?hailed, brim Shasta, Bray, New York; Cdh Wuaro (Hr), Mortead, Hnstou; Alpnouse (Bri Ki'hi. New York; sehr Blink Bnniile (Hr). Swain. Boston.! In port Mav HI, bark Bella (Br), Ounatngham. lor New York in Hnays r artiKK Point, May 22? I'aserd, steamer Peruvian (Br), Hnilili, Liverpool via II uvllle tor Motitrral. Ilokdl.ti.r. May 4-Salled, b-rk Martha Havla. Benson, New Bedb-rd. Arrived May 14, ship Mystle Belle, Davis, New York Jan X Havana. May 10?Arrived, brig Lewis Clark. Smith, Paseag'Ulla; Isili, schrau B. Atkinson, Philadelphia; RilHe S Herbr, Naylor.uo. Minute t) Taylor, Tavlor, at John. N B. balled I 3th, brigs Wlnflold. Bibber, and Florence I Hen dofsoti, Malenev. Met ?nr tas Itlth, atesmer Wm ?t llewes. Morgan, Indlenete; 17th, aieemer Hannover (tier), hr.i menu (from New lirleanst, Bremen; harks Isaac Hall, Ryder. New York; I'ain Attn, Jenkins. d>; brig ndorllla, Holland. Baltimore; achr Ciara Smith, lireen, Matanxas; l*th. steamer Km 11 y H Souder, Koote. .New Orleans; hrlgt (versions. KorfT, New York; Arret, Small, do. Cleared 17th. brie Albert!. MrCanlder. cerdenae; achr Robert KufT, Mriags, New Orleans. 11 a i.t r a at. Mar IS?Clewed berk Providence (Hr), Potter, Cornwallis. Matanxas, May IB?Arrived, bark Adeline C Adams, Callmn. Muhlle; aebra Mollis Frame, inaclier, Shieuis bnroiixh , Henrgia Sh.ppard, lla'l, Havana. Sallrb I7in, harks t,olden sheaf, lliompaon, and II A Alien, hnrr, N ?l llntteraa; brig Ystd-ra i.ionda (llri, Cliaee. do; Is h. bark ttneee.; brig Llrrin Wy man. Fnsaelt, do; sclir Maggie Cain. Senil. tlo. In p-irt May 17, ?. Ur llaunati MeLoon, Keens lor New Yoik direct, -ngm at s"4. Mostsaai.. May IH?Cleared, ship Lake Ontario (Hr), (Jilraoie, Liverpool. Mdkkav 11 ahN'in, ("II. May IB?Arrived, brig Livonia (Bri, llyrn-, Liverpool. I'oayn CAnxi.l.o. May ft ? 1 ft port, bark Rocket, Atkinson, fnr .Now York to salt next day; lirlgs Ransom (Br), Lit son, lor do. Idg; Harriet (I. Avery, lor .daraeslbo in a lew days; achr H J Wlllard, Kvaus, Irons Laguavre, just ar rived. for New York, to sail about H'th. PlcvntT, NH, May |8 Arrived, alii pa coronet. Arthuraen, Hi-lfast. (iuv l.-ncdon, Watson, Bairow; Ihtorva. Ore liain, du iVrrnvc, May 2d-Arrived, barka Prlda of Walts, Jonas, llaire. Ulan .Monarch, steal*, H.rrnw. Also arrived 20lh, ship lilen (Irani (Br), Reaeell, Liver pool. Cleared'.'Hth, ataamer Wtildanaien, Htephan, Ulasgow ; alupaChallenge, Wilson, llfeenotk; I'riiiceaa Alexandra, Kkii, do; home H?ear, Wlenaea, Clyde; Isabella, Blench, Sunderland, bark hvellne, Lnetiead, l#eith. May |."i-Arrived, aelir Klea K Pettenglll, York, Hn?mn. sailed I At h. haik Adolpb hngler, FlekMt. Naw York ; achr i.lnie II llrecg, Anderson, do. ST Jaon. Ma 21-Arriviil, ?leaiiier N?? Jarlntn, 1*1)11 Hue, .Now lork. bulk Kvening Star tllr), Cltlck, do >y J mi s s ,nf. May 3J?Arflvcd. steamer Hibernian (Hr). Mrhardaon, _ SMkkiAC. N M, Mav IH- Arrived, tlilp Hides (llr). Mo Fheraon. Charlolleiown, PKI. at Josn. NB, M If 2U-Cle.?red. aehra Kllen (Hr),Weo4 I worth, Kinaaie (Ireland); Uladeiu. urey, lleekeoaeck. AMERICAN PORTS. ASTORIA, O. V? 14?Arrived, burke Herbert Black, Tre??. Iloni; Konir. North bend, Hondlelt. San Kransleco. foiled?Iter* Well,>,ii It kevlwrtirhl. Sou ? rancisco. ALEXANDRIA. M ay 21 ? Arrivrd ?el>r Ever;rccn. New Tart Cleared?Sehra Heor.-e Aery, Providence ; IlenrjT It Conjt don, Providence; Nellie Lemper, Hoeton; nunliifht, U?ur?etowu. Pawed down?Hcbrt I, S Levering lor Previdenoe: Whit# Foam fur Hovtou; K II Odtoruo For Seco ifroiu i?eor?o townj. HUSTON, Nov 21? Arrived, ?i-iiraer? Mataachueette |Kri, W allure, Liverpool: 4'utiimaQder. lor Now Yur* (la to"\y of ate rner Weybuaeei 22d -Arrived, etoamer Uonersl Whitney. Ilalletl, N?w York; lirli Daphue. Copeland. Mata'-ana; hark Penoioeul, Chapman, Unreport: e<-or? K Vandn-en, llndirey, Phila delphia. It A S Corson, t'oreon. do; A IS Salter 1. hetohutil, do; Frank Learning. Culleu. 1'ort Juuuaon;J M Moralea, Eidrldge, St Mere. Cleared ?Hark Seorero (Ital), liluemipe. yueenalown or Falmouth; ?chr J C i upp r (Br). st'Kltta; Alvarud." I' luea, itnd l-ulu. St ow llallim t ? rin Kennebec; K M Cook, Cook, Kleii|tion>i. Va. ?U Kenneb-'C. Sailod?Mcamera Seiuinole. IIallotl. Savannah; Roman, Crowell, Philadelphia; Achillea, d>; I'erklomen, do; Nep tune. Brrry, New York H vL I I Mult It, May 21 ? Cleared, echre Xebec. Shropshire, New tlav.n Hinlimd W Hill, lll?i.'lne Hoeton. 22J?Arrlvd. ateamera lieor^n Appold, Lovland. Hoa tou; doaephine Thoruaoo, Clurk, Ne.v York: achr Lemuel Hall. Tripp. Kcnn-bec. Cleared?Sieamera Kinillano (Sp), L'nutia. Liverpool; Pedro (Bp), Miirlea, do; ehlp Kliia Everett (Hri. Ditnker ton. Londonderry; bark* Scoit ilir). Ilinea, do; Yar mouth , Itn , l|IIton, do; llerlHit (Itr;, McHrtdo. Uonfleur; aclir O I) Wltherell. liarheld. Ronton Sailed?-teamar NovaScotian; ah<p F.llra Everett; barke Scotia, llartba; brig Romance. Wont to iea 19th, brig Mary Kice, Challoner, for Per nam num. BELFAST. May 18?Sailod. eehr Z L Adaine, Nlckurcon, Philadelphia. 2(>th?In port, aehr A W Ellla. for Charleaton. HANOI)It, May 2D?Arrived, aehra Ur -iron, Melvln, New York; Idaho, Peck, do HATll. Mav 20?Arrived, hart llanry A Hnrnham, Boa ton; achra Leoneaaa, Acorn, Hoatnn lor Howiloinham. to load for Wilmington, NO; Samuel (J Qllman, Kelley, Hal t more. eniled ? Sehra A P Nowell, Lurk. Philadelphia; John II Hancock. Hallett. Baltimore; Willie S Shcp?rd. ? CHAKLKHiOv May 22?Arrived, aleamcr Virginia, llnnter, Philadelphia: achr L A Konnfl Port '<oy?|. Cleared?Sehra Tlmothv Pick ? rluic. Koilv, Bo ton; Joe Carlton. Thuraton, Hailtmore; Alllioa, HlacKnien. do. Saih-d?Sclir Jo.eph Soolhor. Watta, Port Koyal. CALAIS, Mar 10?Sa'led achra Kannie Pike, Kilpatrlek, and Light of the East, Hl'rirtne. Now York. 17th?Sailed, aehr Oven P Hindi, Clendonnin, New York ISth?Arrived, eebr William O R Mowrv, Eaton, New Yelk via Pnatnort Sailed??chr Dolphin, Cliadwiek. New Y'org EDOAKTOWN. May 19?Arrived, achr Chase, Ingraham, 11 vanilla for New York 2"i h?Arrived, achra Jamea Henry. Snow, Now York for Bath. SKRNANDINA. May 18-Arrlvod, achr YY II Jonea, Pal kenherir. New York. Cle-rcd?Ham Ailgmtlna (Bp). Ztraeoaa. Barcelona. PORTRESS MONROE, May 22? trrived. aliln Oold brlnira (Nor). Joh trineaen. Arendal (Norway), e-ekln r. Paaa'd In lor Itlclnnond?Hnrk Vaettan (Nor), Holier, from Baltimore. KAI L RIVER. May 30-Arrived, achra John E Stnd tord, Herr.v; Theodore Dean. I'vuna, and Daniel Brown, Emerson. Georgetown ; Noy, llakor. New York. 21 at Sailed, achr Palladium, Ryder, Now Y'ork. OAlVEsTON. May 21?Bailed, ateamer City of Houston, Stevens. New York. OKOHUKTuWS, sC. May 18-Cleared, aehr E V Clover. Introranll. New York. OKOIUJETOW.N, DC. Mav 20?Arrlv?d. achra 8amu?l Caatnor, Horry. Philadelphia; Alfred Hr?hr>ok, Phillips, Providence; Sunlight, from do; T T Taakrr. Imm Boston ; Oriole, from Knnebeo ltlver: II E Shubert, Shnbert tend cloared for Brooklyn). 21 at Arrived, sdir Sunlight. Ilodirdnn. Providence. Cleared ?Sehra Vlekhurc. Amealioro. ?: Alfred Rrt hrnok. Phllllpa. Piovldonee; Sunlight, Hodgdnn. do; T T Ta?ker. Portemonth. Nil; Hattle Baker. Baxter. Boston OLOUCKHTKK. Maaa, Mav 21 ?Arrlvrd, brig C R Hitr coat McBride, (lloucoeter, K; achra Poari, Coidtbwaltn, and Bramhall. Hamilton, Portland for New York : Aretlr, (ilnn. Rockland for do; K M Brookings, Dnnton, Richmond lor Philadelphia: Commerce. Thorndlke. from New Y'orl for Phlladolnhla: Commerce. Thorndlke. from New Y'ork lor Newhnryport: Mnry Stow, Bacon. South Amhoy for (irovelann ; Samuel Carletou, Burke, Philadelphia for May 21-Arrived. IT 8 ateamer Verbena, Clhha, Wood's Hole; achr John II Uancock, Hallett, Bath lor Baltimore. Sailed?Srhr Maud Mollen. J VCKKON VIl,i.K, Mar lS-Clearod, acbr A A ? Benton. Budd, Albany. NY. .... KBNNKBtTNKPORT. M'iy 19?Sailed, aehr Waterloo, Haskell (from New York), for Deer Isle, having repaired. In port - Ilrtir Cora Green, dlag. LUBKC, Mar 17?Sailed. ?chr? Carl D Lothrop. McAllen, Point Wolf. NB. t" loud dnala for K coast of Ireland; Saramr Ford. Allen. Dorchester, NB. to load for New York. NhW ORLKAKS. May 18-Arrlvgd, ship Margarita (Hr), Owena, Bremen: Park Kreoerlabnrg <I)an). Munch. St Thomas: bark Livingstone (Nori, Bowita, Harre: eclir George Poabody. Dametrlo. Tnxpan. Cleared?Steamer KM Ward, Jr. Pliiatl, Ruatan; aehr May Kvellne. McClearn. Knatan. 2Ud?Cleared, steamer* Persian (Br), Beynon, Liverpool; Morgan CitT. Heed, New York. Passu*. May 23?Arrlyed, ship Northampton, Murpby, Bath. Mo. Sailed?Steamers Brannsrhwelg (Ger), Hudson, Amy Dora f Br): brig Wanderer (Br). NORFOLK. Mav 20?Arrived, schr Exchange, Beard well Jamesville, NO, for Philadelphia. NKW HKDPOKD, May 21? Arrived, aehr Charger, K*1 ley, Rookport lor New York. 33d-Sailed, bark Veronica. Hathaway, Fayal and a market. NKWPORT, May 20, PM?Arrived, 'ehra George E Prer. eott. finptlll. Koekland lor Pblladelpbla: Alice Oakes, Maraton. South Amboy lor (lardlnor. Me: Lnconia, Crocket, Kockiand tor New York 21st-Sailed, ecbr Hattle Card. Moore (from Cape Haytl), New York. KKW 1/ONDON. Mav 21?Arrived, eohre .1 H Bnrnett, Amboy for Norwich: Cornell na, for do; S S Tyter.Phlle delp'iia Nrr do: George Carney. Ifoboken for do; Thorn a llaveea. Maltlmoie lor Allyn's Point; Twilight. Georgetown ?Sa?ksd?Sebra B W Bloke. New fork: Daniel Wobeter, do. 22d Sailed, berk Norena, Nichols (from New York), Portland. Passed Little Onll A* 32d, harks It J Moult on, from Now York for Capetown; Ada K Crosby, do for Nswry; brigs Ella* Stevens, oo for Port Caledonia; Ellas Morton, do bound eaat; IMherla (Br), Cpbain. do fo- Diib'ln. town : j K Pott*. Kid. Perth Arahev; John Brooks, Kox, .port; Henry, Saterly, New York; sloop C A Kllaabetliport; liaynor. Baylli; Perth Amboy. 22d-Arrived, aelirs Jennie ItesOce, Staples, Martinique; B M Heed. Reiser. Baltimore; Tw.llxlit, Philadelphia. PUKT BLAKRLY, May 14?.sailed, ship Topgaliint, Gray. San KrancDen. PKNSACOLA. May 17?Cleared, bark Hypatta (Nor), Isakson, Amsterdam; b'lg Chance (Nor). Pndarsen. Oporto. lSth?Arrived, schrs Oeo E Thacber. Thaeher, Mobile; Jennie R Morse. Ilerkneas, New Orleans. Cleared?Hark Ante (Kit*), "tin. Rotterdam. PHILADELPHIA. May 21-Arrlved, barkt Minerva dial). Galliano, Limerick: SI (Ital). Nlcolinl. London (not a. telegraphed!: schrs Clytle. Laurrhlon, Matansas; A K Steven*. Tlee. Wevmonth : Sea Breesa, Kreethv, Calais; R B hm-ry Wicks, Kenn-bee. 22a?Arrived, steamer A C St m ? ? W rres. N ?Ttl| bnra Impero (Hr), tlrleraon. Hrem n: -ehr* Li/.aie Flor ence, Lippincott. Jacksonville; 11 P La well. Simpson, Havana: Vrank Atklna. Atkins. Matansas; Vila Brown Brown, Mavblsai Georgia. Hramberg, Eilgartown D V Streaker, tlarrtaon. Danvfsport: L D I'lsh, Baker. Wood's Hole: D G Ployd, Clifford. Newbnryp rt; J s Hewitt, Adams. Provldenee; W Bemenl. Harris, Wilmington; Ahrsbam Richardson, lteed, Cardenas; Gale, lliley. Provi dence ; Arabella. While. Pocomoke; Rstelle Day, Macer Gardiner. Cleareo?Steamers Norman, Mckerson, Union; Aries Wheldn. Providence; Knntta. Croekor, Pall River (ami all sailed); Masllower. Derldsoo New York; schrs Jamr. H Hewitt, Adams. Richmond; Helen Tracy. Til ton. ('lisrtns 1011 ; Idtth I. Starrs. Nlckersin, itoclon; Jamr, Safer Ihwait# Wolf, (jumcy Point Also cleared?-te*in?r l,ord Cllve(llr). Crqnhart, Llv erpool; bark. Solyst (Nor). John e ?, Penaance : Grarlnxa lltal). Niggi, llnltl James A Wright. Spear, Bristol; Al bum (Mali. Bortoletto.; '.ill-epos lltal), Per. rone Uuaen.iown , Corlolsn (Ger), Von Bremen, Antwerp; Candida (Itali. CalWo, Lisbon; llatMe Gondey iBr,, llevre; aclirs llarbeson llickm-in. Kobinson. Car. .lei.aa: Addl* It W arner, Lewis. Port An'.ooln; Narratsn ?Sit, Shaw. Salem; Hal*. K|i*y, llsrtiorA; f}||v*. Prr*. " orrison, Orne, Pall Kiver; Ann Round Pond. Me: Ellen Morrison, Kiln Uo ?Bi?, Ktuma I hailed -steamer Nederlend (Helgi. Antwerp. cukstkb. May 22?arrived, echr Haml.nrg, Llbbey, *l',*wra. "nil, Mav 23?Arvtved, ship Sfambnnl (Br). Cainp Bremen; btrka Alba (Dan.. Koxvard. Ivlgtnt for Philadelphia: setir LAM Donovan. Blake, Marsroes Salted?Barks Alice Rot (Brl. for Baltimore; Savannt llor), Philadelphia; brig Jeremiah, Kord (from Csrdeust), * Steeling in - Bark Strathnalrn (Br), Whit*, from Palo mare* Bark Rata Sancton (Br), from Londonderry, Is ordered to Philadelphia PORTLAND, Me. Mef 2')?Arrived, schr W'm Thomas, Llttlejul.n New Yore for Augusta 21st Arrived, schr Caroline C Ober, M< nnt Desert for New York. Alan ii deed, schr Delhi. Kmer.on, South Amboy (not ts before). 234?Cleared, tiork Agnes Wilton (Br). Wilson. Cort, pUKTHMOlfTti . May 20? Arrived In lower hnrbor. schrs M?rv Jlawes, llaskall, Hi" kpoit for New Yors; I sb>n Mills, St Julio, NB, for New Y ok: Albert Clarence. Pisher, Vlnallievnn fur do. U|?t? Arrived, imlire W L Ahhitt, Lndlnm. from Plilla delplila: American Fa/le. Brown, Port Johnson. psoVIDKNi'K. Mav 3d?Arrived, scbra Providence, Gandv: Henry Allen, fslein, and Arlo Pardee, Stamp-hire, Pblladelpbla Bailed?Schrs Bwsllow, Oarlow, new York; Herald, Poland, do 32?l Arrived, aehr Mary A Wltbnin. Austin, Gonalvee (see Mis. ellnny). PaWTUCKKt, May 21?Arrved. aclir Julia R Clark. Oerburv New York. RICHMOND, Mar *)? Arrlred. achrs H Bradley, Brad ley, Philadelphia; Ml?r S|>nii*l*d Banner, Mullen, .In, Clemen?Brig Pert* (<ier), S.-hnd*. saiiJoaeoo Nori. Balled? Hehrs Joseph W Allen, Chase. Boston; Sarah Khnberi Tomlln. New York; Lunet, Hind, do. 2lst-Hailed, svlirs George P ilelloek, Sharfett, New York ; Jaeoh Kernel, hirer, do, SAN PRANCISCO, May 14?Balled, barks Com orant (Br), Williams. Liverpool; Caprera, Hlcubora. Cape lewnt schrs W L Be*Ire. Rschen, Honolulu; Oersl iKr) lieekwlth. Tahiti; Matthew 1 urner Anderson. Mesetlan. 220 -Arrived, stesmer Australia. Carvlll, Sydney via llonotu'u HhA BUCK, May 14? Ar Ivod, bark Oregon, Howe, Sati Praneisco. HAYaNVAM, May 22?Cleared, schr Marlh* Welsn, Steel in an. Itaili. Ma Silled Steamer William Lewrenee. Iiowes. Baltimore; hark < illmpla (Hp), London; schr E-nchant rest, Phillips, New York. s tLKM, May HO? Hailed, steamer Reading. Pierce, Phil adelphia. BTONI NO TON, May 31?Arrived, sehfj Tliomas Potter, llandv. Perth Miiboy ior Brighton; H W Ponder, Lincoln, New Ver* for Taunton, VINRYARD 11A VI, V, May 21-Arrved, bark llaehel ef Portland), Walls, Matansas (see Mlscellanyi ; sclirs latru I Brl, llcalhar St Johns. Pit; Jennie Biisaietie, fonkcr, Clcntuegua; Wm Wilson. Ward, .Mayauues. Pit: Geo 8 Tiim. il. Illgglns, Bsltloiore: Corn In* Young, Young, nod Kllwiii"! Dor-li. Warrington. Philadelphia; Atlantic, Coombs, lion .loot all for Boston | Victory, Moon, ,'orl .1 uhnssin for salcin ; J S Leoiprey, lionid. Ilobokeo for Glonre.ter; .lames Kord, lte>nsre. New York lor Portland; Win I) MufVel, (PKeole, Baltimore to. do; Penal# Boiler, W run, llrun wlcs, lis. lor do; llonjauiln Peril, Bare, Maryland Point lor ll-tlt . Howard llnlorr (Hri, Holder. Smith Altiltoy tor Piedericton. Na ; William Glllnm, Mrhafl y, llallnwoil lor Albany; Annie M Allen, Conklln ~ ret" ' ~ Beeto# for Philadelphia; Adele Trondell. Grac i, Melinrd for do; A I* Norvell Lank, Gardiner for do; Ghas Law. rente, Shaw, llnsion for Baltimore. sailed?Brig Kalrtleld (lie; schrs Anna Corrler (Hn, Tarry Not, Kate roster. A aftl. K Gales, Abigail tlarn**, H* a ion. i harg's. I.eroy, Howard Holder, William Wilson, J S Lamnrev and James Kord. WU.MING I'u.N, NG Mar 2D?Arrived, aehr K II flrnm inond, III (aIns, New York . A.hsri Mason. Iloso. Krnneli. c lllrer: Mary Lymhnrntr, En, MeikpnrG 22d - Cleat ml bar* Bettor Sleen iNori. Alraberg, Rot lerdam ; scor M KGItrar, Baker, c?p' HayGen. Went in ana dill, bark North Carolina (Br). Klchau, for Liverpool. WILMINGTON. Del, May 23? ArTlwO, schr Gee Clark, liar lift I, the * WISCACKKT. Me. Mar 15-Sailed, acbr E "Inalrkeoa, J*enni ??.!, Obarleetoa. Nk.STF.RLY. May 21?Sailed. aebra M V Webb. Brown, and La ?! ? kmerr >e? Y?rt vv ? .KEN. May 21 ? Arrlred, aebr B a Whllldlu. Karri I, l ob ken. YACHTS. HTEI.UUO V l b. At. I W .1,1, K NO H N K\ST HCiUMiNKK "Yai'iiT* iY/u-eiil.ii.e coopered, in perfect order, will be mild low. C. A It K .1 LL'.N 214 Knatli hi, TJI ..4 S 4 LK ? AX OKKX HUA I', 21 Kitr.T L'.XO, BOTH Teat nnti alo p ri/a; cu.hiona, canvas cabin, Ac., Aa Apply at 33 Coatabera at. I^oT hale -.<rK tM "vaimit ocean ukm, rol i.ial.eU complete : leni?tl?.21; beam. Hi in, ar.<i demit 0,6 I-or particulara apply to A. Isr.L.N' A OO., 4M Wall at, SI.OOI* Y toTlT KO-t BALK-45 BY l.l^ KKKtl il'iplli llj^feet; nearly new: perfectly aouod. State room!, Ac. : ' cuniplet-ly equipped . fait. ?..oil tan boat. Inquire o J OIL* A MoX.5fc.LL. II Kino at . third door. 11 rt I ?C K L L A fUCOU ?. AVANA LOTTERY. Or EICIAL LIST OK DRAWIRO 1,015. WHICH TOOK I'LACE MAY 10, l?7d JT; Priie N'> Prize ,v> /?rite. Pri,, 60. .. $7.(8) 0703. $1000 13363.. $UKH) 2)183. . }60( 115. 0799. ..5(8) 13861. . .5(8) 20193. . .504 111. 0778. ..5(8) 139(81. 20218. ...50C 140. 0798 ..500 13960. . 10(8) 20297. ...500 2:5. ...5(8) 0814. . .500 14(819. 20385. ...500 335. 0813. ..600 140)1. 20390. ...500 313. 0x62. . .500 14100. . .5(8) 20)93. ...500 ..500 0936. loooO 14142. '20142. 33s. ....600 6980. 14197. 20453. .1(88) 355. . .101X1 6993. .. .4(8) 14-221. 20481. ...500 14'22?l 20510. 425. ..1000 7031. 14351. .1000 2)549. ...500 431. 7137. ..500 14360. ..600 207,80. ...5<8) 4.10. 7181. 14372. ..MX) 2(8132. ...500 450. 7193. ...400 14370. ...400 20090. ...7,00 515. .50000 7213. .. .5(8) 141.41. . .0-8) 10700. ...500 618. 7-26,. 14502. 207 (8. ...500 055. 7277. 147,43. . 1000 20744. . .MX) 721. ...1000 7287. . .600 14503. ...60O 20795. ...500 777. 7321. ..500 14573. 20799. ...600 833. 7343. . KMX) 11.4)4. ..500 ?2080). ..5O0 043. 7374. .KMX) 140717. 20374. ...594 04 7. ...1000 7438. ..600 14041. .1(88) 20877. ...MX 071. 7450. ..600 14008. .1(8)0 209)1. ...MX looi. 7491. 14071. ..600 20973. ...Sod 1039. 7524. 14719. .1000 20930. ...500 1007. 7549. .KMX) 14770. 211)81. ...500 1100. 7501. ...500 14823. ..600 21120. ...609 12 :u. 7589. .1001) 14913. ..500 21104. 1275. 70(89. ...500 149714. .1000 21175. I3o0. 7950. ...500 14902 ...400 21184. 131S. 7031. ...500 14904. ..500 21213. 1315. 7097. ...500 14909. ..500 21214. .10(8) 1373. 7733. ...500 14937. ..500 21260. ...500 1440. ...400 7741. ...500 15041. ...500 21312. ...6(8) 1447. 7700. .1000 15044. ..500 213/12. ...500 1491. ...1000 7807. ...600 16 XVI. 21316. ...300 1522. 7874. ..600 1.4083. 21426. ...500 1564. 7927. ...500 15117. ...5)8) 214/17. ...500 1357. 8044. ...500 16160. .6(8)0 21460. ...600 10o4. ...1000 8072. ...500 15177 ...600 21400. ...500 1651. 8220. ...500 16219. 21470. ...500 1700. 8247. ..5(8) 1524). 21434. ...500 1717. 82.41. ..600 16250. ...600 21-432. ...600 1730. 8317. ..500 15233. ..500 215.44. ...500 1815. 8370. 16233. .1000 21596. ..1(88) l81?. 8444. .1000 1.4311. ..600 21621. ..1000 1820. 8470. ..500 15371. ..600 216(0. ...500 1849. 8500. ..500 15415. ...400 21671. .1000 i860. ..1000 8512. ..500 15430. 2109/1. ..10)8} 1803. ..1000 8524. 15623. ..500 21096. ...600 1907. ...1000 8518. ..500 15603. ..500 21731. ...5(8) 2051. ....500 8572. ..500 15593. .1000 21769. . .500 2054. 8977. 15711. ...400 21323. . .501 2077. 8684. ...400 16713. .1000 21-47. ...601 2125. 8701. ...400 15775. 21898. ..1901 2143. 8740. ..500 1.4777. . 1(8 X) 21399. 2145. 8751. .1000 15779. ..500 ?21903. . .504 2181. .. KMX) 8825. .10(8) 16796. ..500 21931. ...504 2303. ...1000 8302. 15802. 22O07. ...50t 2341. ..1000 831(3. ..500 15305. ..500 22079. ..500 2243. 8910. ..(400 153.44. 22129. ..500 2-240. 8920. ..500 15865. . .5(8) 22137. ...m 2276. 8922. ..500 16389. ..500 22140. .1000 23oo. 8962. ..600 1.4913. ..500 22245. 25060 2328. 18819. ..500 10007. ..500 22281. ? 10W 2330. 9001. ..500 1303-J. .100U 22306. ...(**? 2355. 91(82. ..500 16043. ...400 22315. .logo 2397. 9114. ..500 16)56. ..500 22399. ...500 2413. ..1000 9138. ..500 10059. ..500 22412. . .500 2460. 9139. ...500 10074. ..500 22454. ..*90 2100. ...1000 9144. ..600 10113. ...400 22511. .. 50(1 2498. 9303. ..500 10173. 227,34. ...M 2573. 9379. ..600 10192. ...400 22542. ..500 2627. 9399. ..500 16195. ..500 22407. ..500 2645. 9411. ...400 1021)4. ..500 22602. .1000 2098. 9443. .5000 10247. ..500 22653. .1000 2730. 1)480. 10279. ...50) 22677. ...500 2741. 9534. ..600 167)19. ...400 22718. ..500 2751. 1)502. ...400 16339. 22755. .1000 2757. 9508. ..500 10343. ..500 22702. , .500 2774. 9597. ..500 16421. ..500 22811. ...500 2783. 9001. 16423 ..?500 22830. . .590 2785. 9710. ..500 16446. ..500 22333. ...500 2828. 97.48. ...400 16500. ..500 223/14. ..500 2931. 9819. ...400 16510. ..500 ?22872. ..500 2042. 9306. .1000 16414. ..500 22877. . .501 2086. . . KMX) 9901. .1000 16639. ..500 22907. ..500 3089. ....500 9908. ..500 10639. .5000 22955. ...500 3069. 9927. . .6 xi 16062. ..500 22-.J09. .. 500 3070. 9940. 1071.4. ..500 22096. .. 7,o0 3073. 9W70. ...500 10723 ..600 23037,. . .500 3046. IOOH'2. ...500 1636.4. ...500 28036. ...500 3122. loo,!. . 1(19) 10370. ...500 23047. ..500 3171. 101.48. ..500 10331. ..600 ?23030. ..500 3177. ....500 11)1 HO. ..500 16896. .1000 23035. ..500 3238. 10196. ..500 16910. ..600 28120. ..500 8 nil. 10256. ..500 10932. ..600 23131. ..600 3.141. ... 600 10317. ...400 10916. ?231/19. ..MM 3342. ... KMX) 10488. 10969. 23140. .1900 3370. 10489. 1018)1. ..5(8) 23170. .1006 3375. 10.404. 17(8)4. 23176. .1000 3440. 10.4X4. ..500 17(89). ..5)8) 23191. .1000 35-25. 10537. ..500 17092. ...MX) 23-204. ..500 3541. 1(1545. ..MX) 17(8*1. ..500 ?2/1221. ..MX) 3571. 1(8449. ..600 17124. 2/1274. ..600 3998. 105.45. 17130. ..600 23336. ..500 37o9. 10666. 17137. 2/1/(44. ..500 3714. 10577. 17176. .1000 23366. ..50fl 380). 1(8139. ..(400 17202. 23380. ..500 3858. 10747. ...40) 17270.. ....400 23401. ..500 3861. ...1000 10808. 17.347. ..5(8) 21422. ..50(1 8888. ... 7,'JO 108.47. . .500 17355 ..000 2/1427. ...MX) 3891 . 10875. ..MX) 174(85. 2/1473. ...MX) 3911. 11017. 17103. ..500 23514. ..500 3912. ....500 11078. 17443. ..?400 23,83. ..500 3(70. .. KMX) 1109). ...4(8) 17527. 23592. . .500 4033. 11KX). 175.43. ..500 23040. ..MX) 4195. U112. 17560. ..500 237X2. ..500 4328. ...1000 11119. .6(8)0 17501. 1(88)0 23776. ..MX) 4249. 111.37. 17573. ..500 2 437,3. ..500 4364. ???.500 11237. ../XX) 17577. ...400 ?23892 ..500 4302. 113o3. .1000 17531.. ?23921 . .500 4305. .400 11X10. .. 7X8) 17.437. ...4(H) 24020. ..500 4306. 11539. ...'XX) i;.496. ...400 24114. ..5U0 4336. .2(8X88) 11:47. ../XX) 17050. ..400 24120. . .600 4144. 11379. ...400 17007. ? ,/X8) 24158. . .-XXJ 439 i. . ...7,00 11333. .. 500 17705. . .400 24190 ..600 4402. 7XX) 11423. ..500 17742. . 5(8)0 2421.,. .1000 4432. .....400 11434. 17702. ..500 24216. .500,1 4467. 11437. ...400 17315. 24284. ...MX) 4563. 11472. . .500 4675. 11189. 17330. ...400 24330. . .500 4579. 500 11.4(8). ...400 1738.6. ..500 24(3).. .1000 459.1. 600 11517. . ..4)8) 17913. 244 13. ..500 4610. 11.409. .1000 17929. . 100.) 24421. . .500 49.12. ....?400 11573. .. >00 13(88). . KXX) 244/14. ..600 498 4. 11019. . 500 4715. 11024. .*8)3 4722. ....500 110.13. . .618) 13018). 24470. ..500 4741. 11050. . .500 18113. . .50(1 4747. 11704. .1000 13119.. ?247,46. .1U0Q 4792. .. . 1(88) 11711. ...4(8) 13141.. 24013. .1(88) 4822. 11716. . .6'Xl 13173.. 21011. ..600 4345. 11737. .11X8) 13199.. .100(1 24,8)0. ..500 4857. .. .5<X) 1178.4. .50(0 132/12.. ..7X8} 2 40,13. ..500 40O9. 1138-2. ..500 13239.. ...400 24071.. ...400 5027. ...7X8) 1188.4. . .5(8) 13275.. ...400 24' 160. .. 600 5051. 11893. 11913.. IS (11.. ..500 24.07.. ..788) 6095. ...llHK) 119 X). ..600 1-CU7.. 2(779.. ..MX) 6179. . .KHX) 12019. 13417.. ..MM) 24841. ..500 6183. ... 51X1 1209J. 13430.. 24366.. ..50") 7.212. ? . 10'N) 12114.. ...400 1840-2.. ..M)() 243.(6.. . .788) 5261. ...74)0 12150.. ..500 18476.. ?24931 . . l'H/J 6.119. ...7,18) 12180. .1(8*1 18433.. 24993,. .7,(8)0 5X19. ...MX) 12191,. .lOfX) 13493.. .1000 2M8S .. ? >)') .4412. 1-2-2"-3. . .600 13.4/17.. ...400 250/15. .6(88) 5414. 122X4. .1(88) 137*14.. ...MM) 25047.. ..mhj 6128. ...300 12209.. .. .4(8) 18675.. .10)8) 2507,9. . 1188) 6444. 12270.. .looo 13010. 25113.. .. $00 645.4. ...500 12277.. ..500 180/12.. ..7*8) 25130.. ..7X8) 6462. ... 7,01) 1278)3. . .600 18090. ..500 251/(4. .1000 5475. ...500 1-2310.. ..600 18712.. . .6'H) 25212. .10(8) 5623. .. .500 12.110. ..(XX) 1373)).. ...4(8) 26223. ..MX) 6577. ...?400 12339. . .500 13792 . ...4(8) 26?l?.. . .7X8) iX'ilM. ..1(8)9 12 133. .1(88) 18325.. ..7,(8) 25322. . .7X8) 5911. .. .6(8) 1208.4. ..5(8) 18345 . .1(88) 25/142. ..500 67,19. . .l'HX) 12781. ...400 13857. .1(1(8) 25/19). ..7*8) 6743. ...7,00 12793. ...X8) 18)4).. ..7X8) 25417. ...49) 7.8-26 ... .4(81 12871.. .. .400 13952. ...400 2,459.. ..6(8) 6332. ... .400 12873. ...400 19<8X). . .6(8) 25,13. ..500 6852. ...10)81 1288-2. .. .41)0 19012.. ...4(8) 25567 ..500 7,972. 12.8)1.. . ..400 19069. ..MM) 27,58,1. .1000 7,995. .....400 12922. ..MH) 19034. ..7x8) 2.8)19.. .5000 6030. .....4(H) 12945. . .500 118 88) ?. 7X81 2.V>24. . .7X8) 90.49. ....?>00 171033. ..600 19123. . 1001) 25651.. ..500 9090. ....500 13)34. ..500 19214. ...400 26731.. . .MX) 00)19. ....7)00 13063. .10(8) 19240. ...400 26803.. .1(88) 6o7o. ...7?X> Ill 10. . .500 19277. ..7X8) 253/18.. . ..MX) ?|?$. 13133. ...MM) 19307. 27,842. ..600 011.0. ....500 13141 ..500 19329. . .7)00 25861.. ..500 9149. .. .788) 13201. .. MX) 19373.. .1(88) 25916. . .6(81 617,2. .....41)0 13220. .1(8.) 19.13.4. . KNXI 25942. . .MM) 6166. ....6)81 13268. . .7X8) 1911.4. .1(8)) 20065. ..500 9219. .....'810 1.1323. ? ??XX) 19433. ...4(8) 20340. . .MX) 0208. ....',(8) 172131. . .7x8) 19439. .1(881 26/149. . 1000 6243. .... 788) 13427. ..500 19.41/1. ...XH) ?204.55, . .7*8) 6200. .....400 13429. ..7X8) 19.479. . K 00 26489. ..500 6306. ...6(HJ 134.43. ...4(8) 19591. . .7,(8) 206.44.. .1(8)0 6334. ...10(81 13509. ?. 6(8) 19733. .. 600 26.399. . .Mm) 6337. ...7X81 13411. . .MX) 19716. ...4'*) 2/010. . .5i/) 6.146. ....500 13581. ../XX) 19731. ..61*1 2(8120. ...400 936., ....500 136271. .. .4(8) 19354. . .7,18) 217.8). ..600 0126. ....5(8) 136-25. ..500 19817. ...400 20747. . ..VP) 0.434. ... .6(8) 179727 . ..5(8) 19913. 20603. . .5(81 9679. ...1000 191 -I. ..7X8) 191139. 20870. ..sot #599. ... 7,00 13-.97. .KMX) 19977. ..600 . .501 0942. ....Vxi 13705. .1(88) 19997. ..7X8/ 20922 .7*81 0691. ...1(881 137x2. . .7X8) 2(8)90. . .7X81 2 ,942. 09.81. ....618I 13799. . .(XX) 2011.1. .Khhi ..500 (987. ..l(HK) 138(8). ...4(8) 2(1.37. .1000 20993. ..500 9980. 1.IX-J3. ...500 APPROXIMATION 1'KlXHft. $1000 4X34. ..flilOO 4328... $1000 514 $.'*)$ 4.133. ...1000 4:1:5.. ..1000 4329...1000 610 a* 43i3,...l000 4:137.. .. 1000 4330....1000 "0....4W NEXT URAWINUjilAY 31, l*7? ,InL'>r,n 1*t,,n ?panlah rimd ?n< li.uad! Mill* bonchl and .old. oi lUftil M. A. MAHTINK7, A CO.. Hanker.. - I" Wall ??.. >?? y..r* B'Vnr nh'"l'v*"K ,hNmVN -KKDWVs VKK*. mifa**. i ?.nu U.nm .ft m b?x. MaV >r <?7.045: tlektt., $1. ft?P Br0WILLI AMBON 4 OO.^