Newspaper Page Text
VALUATION OP IMPORTS. When the commueioo, ol which General Appraiser Meredith is chairman, closed its session on Tuesday, ?t the Appraiser's stores, il was given out that no meeting would be held again until to day. At lbs saino time notices were being circulated among lbs sugar men mvltiug them to uppear at the Custom Uouse at twelve o'clock A. M. yesterday. At that our 'It? commission met, in secret, as usual, and the stii^?rrsDl"!a ,or ?lie duy wu strictly carried Thl *'y'lo ""lulre into the Importation ot sugars. Fu?le? it !?*" ;UUiWuuoa w,ro "ossr.-. Luwsen N. Booth ai u * Fuller; tVillium-A. ol J 'J * Hooort Hewitt, Jr., 0 E n Cob""0* * Co i *'? ?o'?n Humphreys, 01 U Ca> oud 1'aul Brooks, over th^# , TU??* iientltmcu uiorely went tnisheJ*., Uci* #4icllea conference of the augur Wh!i h.WJ,h,S*creUry 8l?.rmuu ? ">n weeks Zgo were iuTi?^8!?. ^ cUy'. Ule P?>??Ottlars ol which meui. - ' Publi*"ed lino. The seme nrgu men J?*remado which the importers aud refiners occaslou. The polurisoopo was no un iinr, 88 UDro"?ble, and the witnesses advocated a nuorm system of tare on uclual tare rather than ob i11T<"?* Ur*' Th? hrcrcnt "Hutch Sluudard" test on in trior sugar, up to No. 16 was recommended to auh .i"n!f ?n u" BU*,,r" ahovo that, grade II was .... . Bol<,ouo1?'he amount ol uuty should bo h?t?ifi . ,uUor praciioe was ndvieea lor tho oenelit and protection ol reflners so as 10 keep flno taJl"? i m oon,l,1ll Hi nt ?o low a price as to inter *?. the prolita of thfc rellncrs. Ihe polariscope was exhibited by one ol >tbe wit -h.,/A.wh,cb *"* tt,'ed wub a solution of sugar, by was claimed there wus a variauon ol Irom u?.l??"#n.d#*rces- Tb,? "?ne gentleman positively ?h, 5 even In the Quest bulanced poluricoope .iM"..eX1#teU 1,0 r?llahillly ol teat. It is understood ir.s.n !i.M0me ,lde rolln"r" tcstilled that great ir e?u,aritl.g existed iu exportation, and that the sys tem ol sampling rellued sugars lor export should be cnanged ana made more stringent in oruer lo prevent , .Mu y 01 *ub*iitui!ns other matters lor sugars to be exported Irom this oouniry. Mr. Phio B. Shclton, the Boston member or tho sommlssion, conducted tbo exauuuulion ol the sugar nen, being an expert In that line ol business 'iho commission meets again to-day. ANOTHER VOLCANIC IRRUPTION. The "unpleasantness" between the sexton ol St. Psul's Cburch and Mrs. Tom-ltl-Jon was renewed yesterday In the Tombs Police Court, belore Judgo Morgan. Tho deputy sexiou, by nuuie Christian Hcclf, sold be told iho lady in trousers that she must retire trom the block. She declined so lo do and con tinued selling Her r'ofcanes anu pornmbulaiing Thereupon tlie deputy sexton called <Jn Ollloer Corl eorun and he urioetcd hor. Judgo Morgan spoke quite Sharply to her alter alio hud inude her statement Which was to the effect that she was attending L0.^LbUSln.Ck8.'".an t,r"?r|J' "hd respectable manner. He said ihut while she hud a right to walk Irom iho Battery lo Harlem il she desired she had no right lo parade in Irom ol Su Paul's Church or uuy oihcr building Vbon ihe proprietors or ocoupauis therool by 1116 8a,nc- Ho cautioned her that SbonId she agaiu no arrested on a aim >iar charge ho would Impose a One. Mrs. Tom-Bl-Jon essuyed to speak but the MngistraSo cut her short by saving that ho did not propose to urguo the matter with tier. She was thereupon released. A peculiar leaiuro of the ?ase Is that Judge Morgan took a somewhat opposite ground Irom Judge Wandell, who on ihe occasion ol her last urrest said tlint she had commuted no wrong and he discharged her. f(?ST OPP1CK NOTICE,. post OmilK. Nl'.w YORK . ITY, N. T. OFFICE lostmastor.?Post omco Notice.?The foreign So i * ween ending Saturday. May j!S 187s staam2uBU|>bi8 ?Bceo0" Tuesday at 7 A M lor Europe ny' Steamship luaho via Quecnsiown; on Wednesday, at 7 A. feorm..* / ""'"'hip Algeria via Queenstown iloLmlr'.'V i rauco to be forwarded by this! hT. I speelnly addressed), and at 8 A. .V. for daJ .. h I u0>i t Canada via Havre ; uu Tlmrs .hm Cim ,u' ?r I,Britain and Ireland by steam snip Ulty ot < hester via Qtioonstowu (corresiiondeiice lor Henna,,y and the Continent to be lorwarri,"by this steamer must be specially addressed), and nt 12 M. tor y Prisla via Plymouth, Cherbourg and ?hm? aTS:.Qi" ,a A- M . for Burope bv steam man.'l. I i via Queen-tdwn (vorrespoudi-nee lor (lor Pe ?n?? .ni*0!'! '7 * hirwardeaby this sie.mei must bJ sPi ..?J,oPnT,s,'<1)' "n" 9 A A'- '"r Heetland Ulreot w i Canlornia via liiasgow, and sill ;.?i A. M. in , bT ?tvanisliip llahensollern via Beutliampton dP . f11 J he steamship* Idaho. Algeria and Adriatic ?k ,7rir.S "a, '? lo,r Heamark. Sweden aud Norway. The J?d vi?. , 2."' Hitties via 8t, Thomas, also Porto Kleo f iu "u direct, leave New York M .y Jl The msll* En s . and Japan leavo .>an Pranclsco June 4 The f.I* .!! -*ustiBlU, .Ve , leave ban Francisco June 10. _PostOmen. May i*. is7s. T. L. JA.MK8, Postms.ter._ "OH ?Aha. A SrsTNTC^TtacE AX.ror fJiX); also Restaurants. C ulectionories. _ M 11 11 KLiL, 7'J Cedar st. ASPHHNOID HlRLlAKL) A.*l) wf.\E JHIU.M K(Jlt sals; best corner Liquor Stores. . .MiTCllELL. 79 Cedar it. A pine meat mark t roit half its value UaXerits. t.rouerios. Cigar Stores. ? HIIOiIKLL, 79 Cedar st. A WhLL LOCAI'El) DltUU SfUltK?6n_AN~AVKKUB corner,cheap , low terms. Inquire 13* lltli nr.. In the drugstore. ' A cooii family i.iQ'Imk sTii'tK Vor SALE, ^?pply lit it III I,i.WIN RE .'8, S3 Rutgers st. AB UUIAIN. - Pi I iT 8 A Lb OK LET Oil R aP. O.sfc OP liie b?hi corner lal.iiior M?rw?; no 4H7 Grand. A 1 OA 111 NET II < It A.*U CI if Ait PiT'I I.MIM COM JA Lp ele, with best French Plate Mirrors; separately or With ibe Store. Apply J J ON KM. :j?l Centre st. A CORNER LIQUOR bTOHK -KIUHTEESTII WARD old estabiisneu, doing good naymg business easy LLotO'S. t Warron. BAKEltY FOR SALE.-r,IE STOCK FIXTURES, Tools. and U neons, with the Business, ol a PiiKery, confectionery and Ice cream, doing a good business Aim (-banco of lncro lalut;; to an encrurtic mau with tome on!hkri' b" in^o0t ij.VHijAIN FOR aoMKHiiDY?OLO h8fABLI.sIIEU X#.4lAtlonery and News Dustraeaa. cheap. wr' ( II10.*." ? ?7T4S" FI It AT CLASS BROADWAY V^linlel; doing a good trade SMITH. 17 Centre st DlUli sTlitiK Poll S\LE ?('.'ORNKio, ON ACCOUNT sicjnie-s; price f.VSI; store ciosed ylst ult. Inquire 5l?l r?r^? .ou' ,'ro"klvn- K H. i or the agent. dTRICK Ja (> U'h, do Heekionn nt. HALE ALDK .sNEV HU ITKH ? KOM KKG Hi i lt'. X edcow*. Addroxa J. H. VASsSElJIi, Manairor Cremm Col* Iajto Mock Nun, J'Mieraon, .N.J, fOH BALK?DROO BTOKK. sMAlsL BUT PIRgT ? e a>?; perlei-liy complete; very cheap. Address BRUO nerald Uptown olflro Volt "AI.K?jpTtiTfr SMiKh, WITH SODA WAlKit X/ and Oiu# i Bear. 2H.) ifle^cK#r at. SA1'K~A uTUAKSTOMK. IN TI1K BK8T LOCA A Hon on Howery. Inquire No. IB 3d ?r. L^OR sale a HuriKK ano I'.nu and family ^.L,rirrya*S,.ro- *?* ,aul Fistures. northwest corner JMIIi st snil Hpi sr. No. 38.3 8c |, av. ?LpOlt BALE VKRT LOW?Oli.AII, So OA ST?)RE AND ? ,Vt uci'. ?.ln ron,b",e<,? between 11 and 2., clock, at -'?? .dnldati lain*, corner Na*aj?ti at. 01 iVrtKiiT,A?';IHIIEil> ;l'STAL R INT IN NEW KM), i'ti'.ss ILiti-i for MMle. In complete order; price $1 (*>>? ftpl iwpar wmk Ippty office hotel 80 Hevirf. " ' 0.llm-VrAM.LI.'*l.l,,U I'FTt7:r a.M? VlirJE. able Market. d.ilng good bn.lness; good re'sons lor jeiUna. Apply 1117 Hlh St., corner Sontli 1st. Brooklyn, fj tKl CHANCE.-AS9PLB Nl7iD Clii \ K STORE 11 IVmlles fFom New York; rent only 313 with rooms, oppo Ht? railroad depot. Appiy 81) I <ith nr., atom. CODA WATER APPARATUS-POK OR To Fl!S5iv.?a ? Of?econd hand marble Sod* Water Apparatus a splendid Ms ad . nnnlaln and a lot ol second hand cooper *s^r!wth it' Anpl,r *oJO,l^, hllAV. 5.1 o.TEH THAT IIAVK HBBN T * KEN IX EXCIlANUK k5l"r mi nrw ronnd '-ornrr aalee for *ale very low. W. II. bU I L.HK. SI91 Broadway, Net* l'ork A i uu. ale pump OiKap, at plum kk ahup Tt.'.li! Ea*t 14th at.. New \ nrk, and two corner .Storm to t?t. 44tli it. on.l :td It*., Brooklyn ; rent flu end fl.\ NACHINBUI. _ "XsHdRTmrnT ok kxtk \ BVlLT~Hof6*i57~li3f J\ gleet. Tunkl and Steam Yacht Boiler* lor tale at I,KS 1,11 ,'s, Pearl, anar Ore ne at.. Jereoy City. "7 ? aOhin k w ant a it-irT> it U n an >? ,m pi y tuorul uo at"am. AddreCk OIIUIIX, box ltd Herald office. Tjtiiit 8a"i,k Polt liEss than"So~t,v.Mst on ThK J dollar, I i Danlortli Frame*. 144 *|ilii<llca each; *1*0 other Cotton Machinery, all In fine order; mnat he ?n,d In 15 day a. .-end lor il*t to MOKKInrih, C78 Main at., Pater ?on, 5. J. W IL.AOX A BOAKB. KKOXF" AXH OoV,.H HTtk Now and aernnd hand Engine*. Bolle**, I'uittn* and General Machinery; Yacht Engine* and Holler*. Si UllililAllOS A By VAX TAHSEI.I. A KEARNEY, Anetleneer*. jj ITliioli square, kill aall tlilt day. at 11 o'clock, two billiard Table*, One*, ic.. by atratat* a Decker. "V"t mf wabkhoomiorn f eni.3nokrTw J\ llreadway, between Hi ncn Chnrch and btrwert'a?Bill iard Table*, new untl aeemtd hand. In laleat dealirtia; beat (.nod* and loweat prion*. Ml.KICAN oTAXIJA HDBll.I.l A KU TAMI.hS, NKtY and aeeond hand, nl reduced prloae: Hall*, Cloth*. Tip* eChalk. Cue*. Ac W. II OKI r KIT I at Oik . 4*t Vi aor at. B~~ll i.lAHD AND POOD TABLES VBBV I,D\V;~I1.yi,1*H turned and colored, CI par act, at PlIKLA.VS, 14 Vaaev ?t. ? SKCOsO II.CnU~PDOI.AXU IUeMaRII ft BLM front CI"" tif waul. I- URl' K KK A I'D.. 7'd't Brokd war. MUitCAIe. ~~ ' " Piano tuVku it'am i i?-tiooO Ffjfk' itn fiti; Xr Ki At'll .ICS. 43 > tVeat J * t t IHMIM. ACAIIKUIB* (SAItTIfR'S OaNCISU ACADEMY, h PSION SQUAWK J (4tIt a* tidal.?open all ummtr; private lemon* any bettr. glide apceialtr. IIKMTSTRl. KAC 11 r UL, Ah'l lFlci Al, ll'.CTil. #t*? utfffTtff; ,itrani?d. ? Near Yore Uental Kootn*. 3WI thh a?. he Itahed iBSL 1 Of. MKAPBB. B1KI AMI KA1IS. Mi-:a T u'aVIS, INVENTOR A-DONi.Y Maker ,a m o itn Artldctal ilumiiti Eye; acknowledged ta.ii i, to be the only correct Imltetinn ef nature in o. I-J7 l.aat loth at., between ltd and 4tlt are B | tM, rJ Ith viiacki.i. wkoijn. It- t.XTEU -A I'A t>TV I'D IlirY Al.lj till'. 'AVlft \\ r.' ii* made hj 11* lur one year, to he removed every ,i?> 1 avcuAty required Apply Ale Brewery ui4 Wett ill I *1 MTI'ATIOM V/A STMWKDIAbKft. ~ *;??ok?. <W; """ > WEST S1ST ST.-A VOL'NO WOMAN AS FIRST )cl?>t cook an ? to assist witn washin i; city references. T|k GLAKKSON 8T.-AS FIRST OLaKS COOK; EX il'lnmel; trustworthy; city or country; b?*t city refer ence. _ _ _ ^/?"TIIROOP AV.. B ROOK I. Y h. - I AA (> P R(> TIiTsT 7nT 1 Oniric; one nc first class cook: the other ax chamber iual.1 and waitress; would assist with the washing and ironing; goou reference. > tTft W?81 I3TH ST. THOROUGH COMPETENT Wo. mUuiu cook; superior iu every branch; inent* and pa-try ; hoarding house or hotel: city or coautry ; best ref erence. LAIGIIT Tt.-TO COOK, WaSII AND IRON; best reference. 28 <)u WKST 43TH ST. (PKKSRNY I- MI'LOYKk'Si AS x?Oflr?t class conk; wnul I assist with the washlnjr: city reference. Cell froiu 2 until 4 to day. O f W h-T KIT I! ST . KK A R IIOU8H, UNH FLIGHT O'xup.?Respectable 1'rntnstaut woman: excellent olstn cook, i/ooil washer and lroner;.cltv or eountry; wages no object; good family; good reference. Of' WEST 13TH ST." AN ENGLISH WOMAN AS OUcnok ; thoroughly understands all branches iu hotel or res^inrant. QQ WK8TJ3D ST.?A KRSPRCTABLK WOMAN AS OOirood cook ; will assist ultlt the washing; best city ref erence. Oil Ka>T 3HTII bT. (TiASKMc.NT llO<li().-A BK Ot/spectablo woman In a private family as cook; host city refersucn. Can he seen lor two uaya at last place. TTr ^'lTrlTW. UK AK. Til! ItD-fLooA.? AS I'gond cook : good waehor and Ironer: city or ^ountry Q~W EST 43t> ST.. KIRST KI,()OH._aK KII18T CiTaSS UOcnnk; no objection to aeelet with washing and ironing; beet city relorxnco. ' AVl-.ST a?TIl ST. ? A CO MP I-TENT UKKrioN AS 'cook; unuorttande all kinds ol cooking; good' city rof 76 77 CAKMINK sr.?AS THOROUGH COOK IN A 4 4 privuto hoarding house; good city reference. nril AV.?A WOMAN TO TOOK. WA.-ll AND iron; good city rolerence front last place. 1 |Wl WRST 46TH 81'.. RINtP BELL WITH NAME X \J\lon.?A young woman to rook', wash and Iron; good bread and biscuit baker; In a email private family; good city reference. 88 100 1(11 KAST irrH ST. rPRhSKNT EMPLOYER'S).?AS cook ; will assist with washing: city or eountry. W 81' 4.YTH ST. -PLAIN FAMILY ENGLISH cook; will assist with tho washing; good reterencaa. 1 O J. 3,vr 8T -SCOTCH PR0TK8TANtUIRL J a/ths Orst class cook : understands milk and butter; elty er country; good reference KJC EAST 30TU ST.?A WOMAN AH OOOD COOK. A" 'Uwasher and ironer: no objection to go a short dis tune- In tlin country; best citv reference. 1 Af WKST 19rH ST.?AS FIRST CLASS COOK; NO 1U? Jobjsctlon to do coarse washing; -,-ood city reference. ?|~A7"WE8T 20TH 8tT?A PKOtTsTaNT" WOM aN Ts 11' I cook washer and Ironer In a small lamily: city or country; aatlslactory referenee. 1 /ui~WEST MD ST.?AS COOK IN A PRIVATE 1 If?"lamily hy a neat competent Protectant woman who understands her business thoroughly; good elty reference. .) WKST :5b KT ?TWO GIRLMTO DO THE WORK _ornfiimi<y: one ax good conk and excellent laun dress ; the othar ax chambermaid null waltreax; willing to go to the coautry; first class city reference: Inst employer can be seen. 1 I 4 WKST 33D ST.?AS FIRST CLASH COOK f UN 1 I Tdorsunds ood family cooking, soups aud desserts; good baker; city or eountry; best city reteronce. 11C WKST 331) Sr.-TWO GIRLS; ONR AM KXCeT 1 A'JIent cook, washer and Ironer, the other as ehamber maid and waitress; city reference. 3D AV.. FIRST FLOOR.?GERMAN GIRL AH lirst class cook; good baker; nndcrstunds desserts; good reference. CHARLES ST. ?A RESPECTABLE YOUNO woman as first class eook: will assist with thu wash ing; first class reference front Inst employer. HQ WI-.8T 2HT I sr.-A YoUNO WOMAN (CfiL A I ?Joyed), us plain cook In a private family: |x willing to assist with the waanlng Call or address M. WILLIAMS. IOC WM k4Tll ST. (KING I1KLL~4).-A RE 1 ibijsp ctahle woman ns good eook aud to assist with washing and ironing Iu a private lamily; good relereno*. m? REST 50TB 8t7 TIFiRjTIfLOO k7?A COM 'petent woman ns coon and tofiassist with tne wash ing; is a good baker; no objection to go with n family to the country for the summer. I Or WR8T"33D~8T.-AS COMPETSNT COOK IN 'A J J I private family; would assist with the cuarse wash ing ; elty or eountry. W i.ST IP HI ST.. REAR AS GOOD COOK, wxsh -r and ironer; elty or eountry t city reforenee. 1 U4\ ?Evr 19TII ST.?AS FlR-<T CLASH COOK AND lOUexcellent baker; thoroughly understands ner busi ness; Rest city relerenee I ?J I Wi HT 27TII ST.-AS FIRST CLASS COOK; AO J would assist with the washing; fire years' relereuce Irora her last place. 1'J'J AV. 0. BKTWKF.N STII AND 9TII NTs., TOP lsAOfloor. ?A German Protestant woman at good plain eook, washer and Ironer; good elty references. No cards. 1 9(1 WEST 28TI1 ST.. IN THE HaKRRV.?TWO AO ?/sisters; one es eook. washer and Ironer; the other ns chambermaid aud waltrese: citv reference. 1 I f\ WICHT 2SI'll ST.-A PRiiThhT > N'f WOM AN A X' 'at good cook and laundress; understands all kinds nl family oooklng; has llred with Jews; eompeient to be lelt home lor tho summer mouths: or would do the woik of a amall fiunitly wtli another girl; best relerenco. I AO WEST 39TII ST ?A COMI'E I EST I'K r SON _AS ' ltOcooklu a boarding house or restaurant; good infer ence 1 A f? EAST KITH i?T? A YoUNO WOMAN as GOOD I t Ucook. a axher and ironer Iu a private fnmlly; good referenee from last place. 129 K VST 1HTH 8T?A KKbPKCTAHLK WOMAN to cook, wash and iron; city or country; good city 146 references, I IP 'R"\ST~?)TH sT.? AS GOflf) CO~K: No OB A't vejsetton tB axslst with the wushicg; city or country; good city reference. Lr?i EAST 23D BT.?AS OOOD C06k~WA-H?R L/erand ironer; would do general homework; city or enuntty; city reference. 1 XTj WEST 18ril ST.. THIRD FLOOR. FRONT ?A A- )V)woman to cook, wash and Iron; no ohj -cilon to the couniry ; good rofernnon ff\ft WAVHKLBY~PLACE,~ KKAK. FlKhT BASK I U''moiit. -A tidy, competent sir I ax onok, washer and Ironer, or to dn houxewurk : city or oonntrv. 1 fin KAST Sim7 sr.-A' girl as plain cook. AO" Iwaxher and Ironrr or to do chamberwork ; goo I city relnrencex. mSnfTv.n-APKR STDKE ?t!OMPETkNT~wril man as cook and lanndresx, with hoy 1(1 years old ; understands all kinds of work; country preferred; best city reference. IOC AsT.WH'H ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN AS~GOOl? 1 Q? Jrook. washer xnd Ironer or to do general house work ; good citv reference. W KB I' 27T11 ST.. Til I It I s" Ki.oOll -A VOIXG ' i ?English s oman it thorough eook and baker; good roferonee. I 1-iXsT tl.lD KT. (IN STfJitRv.?A RR -PcUTaHLK ttl'Tw"i?ss ax good eook. washer and iruner; on? year's city lefi-reuce fruiu Isst plnoe. ? >(t i east :mrn sr young wom an as i:u<Ti<| x^U'Xwnsher and Ironer or to do housework in a privnti taiully : best city referonco. s on t WES I M l7 ST.?A YOUNO woman as good t xei-ok In a restaurant or chop house ; ellr or eountrv. Ol 1 EAHr S8TII ST. -As PLAIN COOK. WAlllhR id IJ and Irnnsr ; good city refefence. vjlvi E AST JHTli sr.-\ RhSI'hCTABLF. WON All At md X kMfgood oook and washer aud ironer; best elty refer 91 .J west ibth sr.. ukar.?a >it"sT claWh A*'cook In prlvxto boarding bouse; olty or country; city reference. 1*1 A RASf HTH IT., IN UKOORHY STORK, a oil respectable woman ax plain rook, washer ami Ironer. oi7 east aorii -r. rrsi'RutamlI woman as ?ill first clas- e>ok and assist with washing aud irouiiig; country preferred; heot reference. i)9(| EAST SUI!l~ST.?A RKSP CTABLK GIRL AS ?I?i\/ioo'l plain rook, waxhei ar.d litiner: beat refarmrrx. 2|.?1 DIFIKION Si'., IHIUf) FI.OOK A KKSl'KUTA so Able, honest girl ns rook, washer and trenor. boat rol sronce from last place country proforred. v^vjl KAST ^*?T II ST.?AH FIRS r CLASS COOK IN Lall branches; soups, side dl?hos. desserts and pastry; elty or oouni ry; first cln?s references. VJ.M h.AS SffTH ST.. HM OND FLOOR. FRONT ? mj ? A Young German girl ns cook : no cards. o77sj WENT ITTl" si -a ,YoiMl WoMaN as Zd -?'good plain eook and to do coarse washing; g-iod city refer-me. *)*)A w, ?r larii sr. Shah 7Tii av-kiust u<j icl<'i conk i la n good washer and lronor; Is iA strald of work ; beet reference. 22 " hAHT 3?Tll ST.?A IllU.NO (IIKL, AH (IOOD ? )c<??k and laundroee. ()(U{ RAKT 47TII sT.-A llhSPKCi ABI.K UtRla AS pintii cook, waetier and Inner; bent olty ref erence. i;i)|| rvi ?r iht?i nr., ROOM n-woman ah first MOl!rlin band meat cook : h del or lamnior l.omo , brat re fart nee (i?>li rami 2t?rn ht.?a kkspkctahlk oirl ah Jjt ?l Jeool. and to a?aiat In nothing ; no ol jeotlnn to tlia foantrr : goon reference. Oul 1IITM SI.. Pi RsT P Lot lit, HACK aiaJlronma. - Two th roughly rompeiei.t iritlni one m rook, waehrr and Ironer: ton oilier'or npstnlra work ; III a private tnmlly ; would Ilk" to go to tha runntry for th-mim ? man moil aailafnetory ralarenea. Call or addresa for two day*. g>jn WfeHT aiRT IST.-A RlMPfeOtAhi J, WO8 A8 ^*'iUli conk, w aaher and lronor In ? amall fnnilly ; beet cily rolefonea. Adore an. Jmi'tKJ WKMt 4nl II sr.-AH OOOli I'liAIN COOK, wanlier and lronorj elty or country; g. oil city refer ?J|J I KtST MllTIl ST.. HKOONU S LOOK.?As UOOU w>)'rpl?h cook and lauiidraaa; elty or country ; best city rrfarenco. 0?> 1 4!HT ST.-A HKIFICTABCK? OIRL T<i XiO'xcnoh, wash and Iron or do general bonaawork la ? private family . oily reft rente. no - ilsT'JNTII hT?HOOD COOK. ASf[> Mi'/> Jirnner; city or country; good rot. retire. (i'jn WRsT HHTH HT. (PUKhKNT KM PLOYKR'HL? ?'JtJA young woman at cook and leametrett; heat rrtrr. once. 11'Jt" KAST 3TTII Sf. waalier anil Irnnerj heat ally and country reference; country pr Ibrred. 41'jq KAMI .dill sr.. FIRST FLOOR.?TWO IIIKI.A, awOOane *a good nook, washer and Irnnnr. the other to >lo eottalrs work and waiting and anils! with wiishlng and Ironing; no objection to tha rmitiiri; good raleretiro ij'Ki BAsT icrii st.?A R8?PK0fARLS PkOtEH ? Ot/tant woman to con* waah and Iron ; iinderaiunoa milk and ' uttar, country preferred; good reference. 211 WKHT -J7t II ST.?AS FIRST CI,ass Ml: AT ' r J and paatry cook ; underalAn<1? all kinds of made up nlabaa. Ilna p .atrial. honing and larding; largo nr ain .il eat bllstiniout; city orennntry. reiereiic-. ill .1 We. S1 ISiTII sr.. I HI Hit KMioit. a YOUNw as't Tgtrl na eo k. wnalier and lronor; no objection to tho fonntry ; good elty relerenor. C ill or aildreti. Oi - kakt Will sr.-ah kxcku.kaT cook- vs M T t4d.-rat.inda cooatng In alLItt braucbca; beat elty ttf ervuee. Can be icen for two alro. srrcA.TIOWi waiteo-rjBMale?. Cooks. "auS o I Q VAST 90TII ST, rilRoT FLOOR.?AS/??''0 6tOiii?li; understands Dekery; first class uiiliir ltd ironvr; good rifir^noei. (\ r o RAHT 81-ST 8T?AS GOOD IHIOK aND bx ZOOccllent fubii and ironer In private lamily; good city reference. t,.., ?Tri AV.. ReAR.-AS Kl ST CLASS COOK; SDlno ubj'CtRtn to a boarding honse: city or coiiatiy tiiiit WKnT S5TH ST.-A TUUKO' (ilKL AS GOOD it) _ron* and laundress; no objection to the eouniry; beet relet cure*. ^ OtTTotTTXv.-A KBSPRijTaBI.e: Glltf. Ab PLAIN S I I BOOH. washer aud irotier: city rafersnoo. n WKST (ViTIl ST.?A YOU NO WOMAN' AS St I i/fir?t ela? root and laondreet; gnsrt city retereneea. OH | KAWT &9TH ST?A COMPETENT PERSON AS OU Lflrtii claet cuok. waeher and Ironcr; beat city reler euco ?3/To7Tii av!. IN OROCERY* STOKE.-A protks ol Mtant w?man ae flrtt elaaa cook In hotel or tumtner houiio ; city reference. WKST STH ST.-A YOU NO WOMAN Art {rood plain cook, wash*r and ironcr; flood cHy refer 304 3141 I HAST 34TII ST-TWO GIRLS TO (IO TO t jjl-Tireliter; <?uo h* flr*t clnea cook and excellent lauti drons* other at ehemberrauld and waitreee; city or country: three yaora' city releroac*. ________ OT a B tST V?TH ST.?A KKBPH CTABLR WOMAN, ?J lOwlth a child, to cook, wath and Iron; gooa refer enret. __ OOj KAST 74TII ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNO oZlwomtn at cook and plain watner; bra* city refer ence : no objection to the country. Can be teen ror two dttyt. ? ' Qt)l VVRrtT 88 ' 11 ST.?Art 0< t M P RTKNT OOOK! M AN Oe^xoxcelietit baker; good waaltor and ironer; city ref erence. ?Jt")> KA8T~3TsT ST.?A HIGHLY RKSPKlWAHLK tJ.iOwo.onn at lirat clatt cook : Fngllah and American cooking: alao ^wkaar: can make all Kindt ol ttonpa. ereama ana JelHet; no objection to the country: good reference. ()()7 WEST 431) ST.?A RESPECTABLE QIRL AS DS I cook and l? a?tltt with washing; no ubjeetlon to the country ; firtt class city reference Call or ed.lreee 007 EA-T 84TH ST.-A TOONO GIRL AS COGK. OS i watber and Ironer^clty or country ; ?ood city reler. ?nce. o0?1 KART 38TH rtT.?A HKrtPKOTABLB GIRL AH OOJLcook ; seven yearn' reference. Call for two dav. 338, WKST 48111 8T., IN STORK.?A RESPECT . a_ I. - . .. ?* leaner in a nriVRtn ? >V 0^1 TOI II "Ola, It' ? aw... -- _ "'able girl at cook, waiher and Ironer In a prlvato family. _ I) I-. ? KAST~llTt! ST.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN q4 S*% llrtt cl?|t cook; willing to do the criarae washing , city nr country; reference. OA A WBNT96l'H~rtT. BASBM KNT -OOMPBTKNT UTTwomun a* c *ok end pood laundress in privtto fam ily; city or country : good reference. OA A WKsT tiflrii rtT. ?A ft K8P RCT A ft L R (IIKL AB iSTTxcook. wasbor and ironer lu a private family; beet city reference. Q-1 3D AV.. TOP FLOOR, FKONT?A UKSPBCTA. ajO Lb), girl aa plain cook, waaher and Ironer In a email private family: good eity reference iirii KAsT 1UTII "iT.?A HI 81'I* ("TA BLR WOMAN oO?'to cook. wa?h and Iron In a small family : raferenee. Vvpfr JHU ST. -A RESPECTABLE ENOLIRH ?lO wProtrttant girl ea flrtt clatt cook; city or country; reference it r* nuired. .jTw/t 7TH AV.. PANOY STORK?AN KNOLIHH WO ?? I Oman a? flr?t data cook; underttande pattry. Jelly end Icoa; boat rtferrncet TTTt BA'ST l-ITH ST. A Ri'.SI'KGTABLh PROTES. 4U I tant woman a? plain cook, washer and Ironer; good reference. 407 ?relict. WEST I6TI1 ST?A GERMAN (J'HGTRSTANT) girl in gOJd plain cook, washer and Irorer; eltv re Til WBHT 35TH ST ?YOUNO GIRL AS GOOD T" 1 lnlain cook and llrat claae lanndrett; good refereneo. 7i'?T wBsr aiiTif bt. - a tiooD. steady woman 4r I Oas cook, washer and ironer in city or country; it highly recommended hy Into employers. * I 7xh AV? A BKSPKCTAULK Y'OUNtfWOMAN *?S Oat good cook In ? private (amlly: referencet. A t)T WK8T 4-jrrsT-AH PLaI.V cook, wasiikr S I and Ironer; b?0'' ?"y reference. Call or addraea for two dityt. At IT WKST 17TH ST?TWO Ol It L8. TOGETHER; 4 ? 1 ono aa rook, washer and Ironer; other as chamber^ maid and waitress; good roloroncea I :in AV?V KBSPCTABLK WOM \N IN A PRI 4 . . 1 vat. family aa cook; good baker; will natlat wllh the washing; betl city refarenca. WKST 89X11 ST.?TWO GIRLS: ONK As OOOK 4 3L 44:^ ? w r nw. it is i.?i " ? ,ni?uo, ...... ?...? -j:. Jan.l lanndreta: the other as chambermaid and wait ress and to nsalst with the washing: be.t city reference^ A | a EAST BUT I ST?A YOUNG WOMAN TO and Iron, or would do Housework, III email lamily; city reference. WKST~iSTH fsTt (OROOKRT NTORKi?A HE A A rr" toil! nu .unvn,o.,. 4 I ki.ectable woman aa good plain cook and to a.alat With washing and Ironlnr; aitv or country : city reference. 449e EAST 38 li ST. A KBSPKCTABLB WOMAN AS _ . Vook ar.d first rate baker; good reference. Can be teen at laet employer'a. A KlV'WBBT'3iDST.-A RESPBOTABLB WOMAN AS Fcook and lanndreii; no oHjtetion to tht ?ouutry for the. mimrner, or would gt> oui by the day; city rtiercnec. Addreat. . WKST 381 It ST.?A YOUNO WOMAN AS I IRbT -T-r / Idais cook ; excellent haker: w?nld do roarae wa?h Wg; willing and obliging; exeellent city retorenee^ 45L 47 O WKST I9TH vr?A RESPBOTABLB YOUNG * lajwoman aa first elaaa cook ? understands Iter httalneti perfeellv : very beat city reference from her last place. i'qq .n il AV?A ootipktV.'nt woman as oooK: Ef nnderatanda bar t.naino.a: would aaeltt with washing; city or country; beet city referenjee. 7/tit WKST 44TH ST-A KKSPKCT * BLR WOMAN DwVfa. drat Class cook In a private family or boarding house: no objection to a short distance In tbo country; beat cltv rolerence. Call lor two d..y?. 717 7T1I AV.. OOKNKK 38TI1 >T. (STORK) ?AS 01 | good rook, waahor and Ironer In a private lamily; threo yeare" reference from last plane. . 21) A RESPECTABLE OlKL IN A t'RI l;-Jvalo rnmlly na first elaaa cook underatande French and German COoUIng; five years' city referenre. rtlft 1ST W.. OOENER OPSliT ST?PROTKBTANT as conk, bread and biscuit maker In small private family s no ob|eetlon to etalst with washing; under stands care ol milk and butter: city or country! reference. Ail drew. ___________ r ro TIN AY,?AS FIRST CLASH COOK : NO OHJRU ? jQntlot. to a firat elaaa boaidlng dome; city or country; first class references . _____ ...xq .j0 Ay t > R A K 34TII ST. ?A YOUNG GIRL AS Iplntn cook, waaher .nd Ir.m-r: heat city reference f 8TH AY?A YOUNG WiiMaN AM OOOK AND thelp with th washing; flr.t class olty reference.^ :t|) VV.. Ill rWKKN 41X11 AND 4.-.TII sfs? \S rflr?t clues cuok. wuaher and Ironcr; bast city refer t nc?. - 7OT 7TH AV BKTWPKN 4?TH AND Wll rtTS. a Zs)rrEp*ct*l)1e irlrl an cook or Unndr??? In a priyalu lamPy t no oi Jaetlofi to th^ coantr? : good city rf Drenee. 523v 044. 70 If 787 810s ~3D AVT^-A RKHPhCTABLE WOMaK AS . first class cook ; elly or country; no objection to a ling house: b?at reloreuee ______ rislV"\V YGl'Ml 151HL AS TlillK. W ASHE It JAna Ironcr, or honaewotk In smell lamily; beat city Teferenre. ? Ol ????!).\ V? iliHiM ID - A YOING GKKMAN WO OlZman aa perfect cook In a private ."hrlstlan family. 81 f. 1ST AV?A RKSPECTABLB girl ah cook; nn.l Ironer ; relerence. fall "f addreaa.^ Mjitri lit AY. CORKER aotfi ST -YOUNG GIRL AS OaJsJcnok, wasber nnd Ironer; city or country; heat city reler.-ncea 97 enc?. O 3D AV.. COHNKH MT ? *T. A COMI'RTKNT ? peran.i as cook ; would go to the country ; good refer 3D AV. UGRNBR.GP 80TII sT.-A|Ri<. , i-r t v/-r>*elable woman aa good cook , has no objection to the country ;!? willing to easlat with tho washing and Ironing: ha good city reference*. 1:410 t HW'-DI-II WOMAN AS KlhsTCLASh COt.K IN private family. A. U. box 1117 Herald Uptown olfice. rnwo girls, one as pikht class COOK and 1 tne other ea firat elaaa chambermaid and avaltreaa^ eonntry preferred; best relerence. Address A., box 1.7 lleiald Uptewn ofhee. Chit rnni let*. Ac. 8 EAST nsu ST. iPRRSKNT EMPLOYER'S).-A young woman (lairing on account of tamll? going to Kuropei as chambermaid : lottr years' reference. Address. H?U. -"'Ill SI A PROTESTART (illtl. AS chamiermeld end aeematraas ortntako care of chil dren ; Hi a years' city ralarnnca. 1 C WKST 818T ST . BtsKMKNT DOOR.-AH COM. X* 'patent ehamhermnld and waltrnaa. In a prtrnte family : elir or country: Seat city reference Call Iroin 10 lo i o'cioca. i) i :iuo "sr." IpT:KcknT kmim/iyh.k's).-a ae't V ling woman aa chambermaid or waltreaa In a email private tuiolly going tu the country Q/'aWHST nil HT. TpilibNT RMl'I.OVKR'Si - A a^'finiing slri'e cliamSermald; city Or country; good city wtcrence Call for two ilaya. ??Q KAHT aill) ST7?A ReTPSOTabLk YOUNU OlRIa MOaa elinnthermald and nuraa : teat city reference, ? ?() WKST 44TII SI -A T'lUNO (ItRIi A* (IIIAM liemiald and weitreaa; under landa her hoalneaa; will in* and ? bluing; fonr yeara' reloremea; city or country. ? ?7 wr-r 21 si' SI.?( (JUL AS CIIAMBKK ?l I maid and aaalat in dualling : alao a girl to tend chll dien aim wait on the door; heat references. ?JU W ST ISTTTsT ?A YOU.NO KNOLiSH WOMAN ? Jtid'Hoteatenil a? chambermaid and waitress; no ohj-e lion to a boarding house; city relet ance. T?t wkst\hth sr. (PhkhRnt kmpi-oveh's). a 'r' 'neat I'rnteatant girl aa rhamliermald ami aaalat wllh the washing or aa narae; no ohjettlon to the conntry ; heat reference. 7ft A?. It,"sRCflMI) Pl.OOK. A III UMAX lifiTh TO 'J v/do npatniri -work. One wnahlng and Ironing In e tier, man family. 40 KINU 8T.-A YOUXO (JlltL TO DO CHAMIIKR ? ta.Tk and waiting; city or conntry; good reference. Tu RAttflwfH ST. (I'KKShhT h-MI'LOV UK'S). -A rrOlatly wlehea a plaee lor a young girl na chambermaid and waltreaa or t* maao lieraell' generally uaelnl. .1 u MTIt ST. (rRBAKXI RM I' I ,i i v H.irs . A "xOyoing colored woman aa chamharmald or lanndrnaa ler the eoeetry. mT~STsr6ATIf ST. (PHH *KNT~MM PLOtilPm. -Aft Ue/ctinmbermnid and waltreaa or to take cam of young chlluren. , H- I l.iiiijlnll'. ST.. NKAlt ORAM) ST -ASt'TlAM. ? Jsertnatd and waltreaa In boarding limits; goo J city relercnce. WKSI ftOTII ST.-A YOU.NO (ItRL AS CHAM bermuld and waltreaa ; thoroughly uoinpnteut In nil ; highly raeronmonded Ironi Taal place. 100 T|TiwK?^i3i^!^^^oiJNt^r?otSOTAiI^roT 1' ' I man n? tjiain oerm aid and waltreaa In a am all (am in ; cltr relerenre. jit I KAsr aao s't.. nb vn 4Tn ay. (Lmt Nm I (rTploycr'a).-A ronng women aa chamlierniald and waltreaa . witling to go to the conntry I excellent references. May he aeon from III ta t o'clock. _ lift H.AST rtl'sf RT." II'RKhT(NT KMI'LoTPItsi a lllFyonng girl In do chemherwork or chmnberwork and finii waahlngt wlcltea to gn to tbe country fur tlte an tamer moat ha; need ralereucce. ^SITUATIONS WANTEI3-ra.WAL.KS. ? I'MiiiiM-rutMid*. <Xt mWK.ST 1RTII 8T.-A RESPECTABLE GIRL AH*rmklil end wnitrfii; city or'country; aix yearn' reference from laat nltra. |t>1 WEST ?)fH ST.-A YOONO GIRL AH OHAM 1 i?Xbermela and waltreaa; no objection to go ia tlta country; clti reference. IO'J Si sT inrH ST. KIKtiT C LOOK.?A OIRL AH 1 mi*Jebam ertneld and to no aswtug; la ? eood operator on Wheeler A II lleou'a machine ; or an chambermaid ?ud to do fine waabiug and irentnc: Hrat alee. city relrreueo. fO(l W EST it* I'll St. ? A YoU Nil I M iiKICI aN lOV/vroman ae chamberiuaid and eoauiatroee; city or country: ctlr rotnrence. f'fj WBsT il)TH HT.. THIRD P LOO K. _ A8~ VI HST JOIclaaa chambermaid; would aaalat with waiting; no objection to a bo irding houae. fo/ * EST 44TTl "sr. BhTWEKN BROADWAY AND X?Jr/Hth ar.?A ynuiii siri aa chambermaid and waitreta, or aa cbil<lreii'a nur?o ;$10 a month. 1U0 WEST MtH ST-Am OHAMHBBXAIOil* WAIT L')'irraK; trill aaalat with the waibioit an>l Ironing; city or country ; lirat claaa ref-reme. No carda. 1 07 vyksi MTH ST., MEET FLOOR. PROMS?AS IO I chambermaid ami traltreaa: good reference. 1~X7i IV HST nil II sr.. IN lUMlt sT' 1 It K ? AN "fcU Amor lean Kirl tie chambermaid and w*ltre>e In a private family : be.I city reference, t.'all for two daye. UO WEST NTH ST. a IO0NO W6?a* A* a'chambermaid and waltrea* or at chnmbormaid end to do Itoe wuablug; city or country: good referenda 1~17 WI'.ST 1ST I ST. - A I! Rsl'h t'TAHI.K YOUNO "1 I ulrl to do chnmberwork and lake care of children: uood city reference. "I - j WESrIsTlT ST. -A SOHKit. HONEST AltD INl X9 I duMrlon. girl aa cbam ermald and waitreta; tlx yeara' raferouce. 1 ??J WEST 1HTII ST.?A YOUNG QIKL AS I'UAM 1 ?yObermald and tvaltro.a nud to aaalat with waahiilg end Ironing; beat city roference. 1M iVKsFaaD aV.?a yVjuno girl to do cham 1 tsOberwork and wailing: can be recommended by ber nrexent M|ilayw. 1/TC I1.AST 41 ST ST. fKINC. TWICE) -A KP.HPI'OT ./rJablo I'rntratunt vonu.' worn nil ue charaberinald or waltreaa: no objection to tbeoountry; good relereucea. Coll or adrireaa. ?1T7 WEST 4HTII ST.?A YOUNO OIRL AS CHAM. J ? ) I bermald and waltreaa; good reference from prr.ent employer. f s: Q WiST S'JII ST.-A 11K8I'K0TvHL~ VOUNU X'JOelrl a. cbainbermaid and laundrcaa; city or country ; gnod citv ret renee l"7?f* EAST 50TII ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOU Nil X') U. Irl, lately I elided, ea chamb -rmald and aeam.trcaa; wmtlq like to waif on ladlee; no objection to the country. Apply to K. la 1Qf? M illlSOS AV"-Ylll'N() WOMAN AS SlItsT I tJUi-'aaa cuantberinaid ivnd eeum.treai or waltreaa: beat city reference. tijwf west -.'Hrii sr.. rkmsi it 7irH av.-a girl rl/aa chambermaid and uaaiat with waiting, or t > mind ebildrpu; good reterenoe. t)AO BAST 45TH ST.. CORNER SO ? AT.?OtRL AH Jj\M 'chambermaid ami waitrnaa. and aaalat with wa.ti lnc. or lirat claaa chambermaid and lake eare growing cbll drcn; beat elty reierenea. 9(4 \> K AST HIST ST.?A YOUNO 01RL AH OIIAM Ziv/ ? bermald nnd waitreas: eonntry prclerred; beat elty reference. O/fO WKST 141'II ST.. BASEMENT. A KKSPF.CTA ^f.'Oble i-wediah clrl aa chambermaid and to aaalat In uniting, or would take care of children: teat ofty refer, enee. 9(4(1 KASI 4 l.?T ST.-A llf' SI* r.l! I'Alll.K YOU Ml at" ryxlO n* ehnmberinald and waltroa. in 11 prlrato tain - lly ; citv eonntry ; willing and obliging; not afraid to work . lirat claas referenco. f 91(1 EAST .">9 I II "T-TVTO ill?LB, TOOKTHBBl OnS aa chambermaid nnd waltrea., the otbor ua cook, wuabcr and ironer; 110 objection to tbo country; beat reler eucea. 2tlO WST WIT 11 ST.?A RKSPKCTABLR YOUNO ?<Ogirl to do cbaiuberwork aod welting; beat city rof cienee. 297 evst -2i sr st - a rT:shectab*l k yoiiNo I irlrl n? chambermaid and to aaalat In waahlcgln prlrato bnardlne houae; beat refer-nco. 29Q I ASI' josF ST.?a kk'spbctablb YOUNO ?w A/girl aa chambermaid and to do ?awing, or aa wait reaa; Ave yeara' relereuve Irom laat place. OtJo wi-sr"ufri st.. k ar.?a youno oirl as Zj'/?jibain'iernniKl and wnllresa: no objection to gn to the country; two yeara' good elty rele rnr# noo WEST M -T ST.-A TOUKO OtRIt As CHAM ^OOhermald nnd wnltreat; tlx yeara' relerence; no ob jectlona to tile country. 9"4*1 WhST fibril 81'.?A I'HOTKSTANT OIHI. TO DO eu jrXchamberwork nnd waltiug: no cldection to a abort abort dtatancu In the country; good referenco from lait place. 9A. I WEST L'IST ST.-A VOb'NO WOM AN AS C1IAM Ai*Z 1 bermald and laundreta; beat city relerence. IH 'J WEST 4IST ST.?A KK-I'KCTAMLs7 TdUNO ? ?0/irl at chambermaid and waltreee and to do plain ?ewlnir in a prlrato family. Call for two daya. 9 1A WEST 1HTII ST ?AS CllAMRKRMAID AND ?1 i waltreaa; willing to help in the kitchen: city ref er. nee. 9X7~?' av^rTm-kciahlk OIRL Art CHAM" ? At X I bermald and waltreaa; elty or eountry; beat refcr cnca. ij'r i _w"kst " ago ht.. sk(TT?nn rl<>iir.?a re L.?) irapcrtahln young girl aa ebaiuhermal'1 and waltreaa: would aaalat with the waablng and ironing; good city rof erence. 9ft'l mil AV.-YOCNU OIRL AS CHAMSKKMAID auUXand waltraaa end In ueal.t with waahlng; wllliug and obli.-lng; city or country: good reference. i)/<9 wrst nr.r11 sr.?a 'youno i;iiti.-\s i;iiam eiU^bermald nnd waltreaa; no objection to the eonntry; beat city reference. 31) AV.-A RRSi'ECTARLB oTrL AH ('UAM b*rmald and laandreaa; good elty refcrencaa. 307 311. 288 QfWl WEST 40TII ST. ?A YOUNO WOMAN AS Ol/Ucbambermuld and to aa.i.t with the waibing; beat olty re fere n u. OA I KAST r?TII HT-A SMART YOUNG AMERf >)'/ I can girl to do clianiberwurk and aewlnz In a private family; wllllnr and obliging. ?"la j WI-.-T :|HI II St. ?A i'KDThSTANT "OIRL AH f )" r't-cbamberiii'tld and waltreaa; wllliug to make hrraalf uaeful; city rafaraucei. Ojjtf* WK8T "Wf" ST.?A RKSPKCTABLK YOl'NO O' /llglrl aa chambermaid and waltraaa; willing and oblig ing . city or country; good city reference ?Jf|7 lit AV.. it BOON il fLoTotT-A RKSI'i.CI ABLE ? )9 I young girl aa chambermaid and to aaalat with waiting. ' KAST BOTH ST. ?A K SPKi'TaBLK GIRL AS chambermaid and laundraaa ; good relerence. EAST 4dl) ST.-A RESI'ECTAHLE YOUNO _ J.woman aa cbainbermaid. waltreaa or Hrat rlaaa binn drraa ; willing and oliligln : illy or eonntry. of 9 wrsr torn st. kempr table young a) I ^girl to do ebainberwork and take care children," or hoiia.-work inwimall private family; bail elty reference. Call two daya 0T7 EkST '-'4TII ST.. Tol* FLOOR.?kKHI'ROfARLB ? 'I I youn : gL I a. cliamhermuld and waltreaa; no nbj -c tlon to the country ; gnixl city reference. oof EAST HTri ST A (lEMTRkL YOUNO OIEL. ltwn weak. In thla country, to uo npatalra work or tako cure of children. jVlrto wTsthbtii mt.?a LAHY"w7)rr.I7TiKi ro ? ? a place for a girl a. chambaniiaid and waltreaa In a private tamllr: ran reconimend her fully. 09Q WKsT KITH ST.-A WKI.SII I'KOTKSTANT ? )W<'aa eliainltermald and waltreaa or to do aewlng^ood rctar-acea; elty erconntry. Call lor two daya. qof K. ?>T S7TII ST ?A YOUNO OIEL AH CHAM ?/? Jlheimald an. aeamatreaa; willing aiuj obliging; city refcrencaa. 007 II t* IKON SI. A Kb H I' EOT AII LP. IRHII Clitl,. ? I.) I latelr laaued, aa chambarmal l or to do general hmieewerk In a autall faniilr. Can be aeen for three Maya ?)?>7 4 T11 AV. NEAR "?Til sr A C'OMPITKNT a)?> I waman aa lirat claaa ohainberrnald or parlor niald; eight year*' beat city reference from laat place. 343 W.h i;a-:t 1 ?_?I" 1 st a lit sI'Eitahlk yui ng 'girl ht chambermaid or would ea.l.t In wnltlnv. *".r" 8T-~A KKsPKCTARLE Glltl, AS ? ).)r/chamhermald and waltraac; no objectlnu to the Counify; httt elty r<*for*n<*?. 9(U|?' sr*<? >T- I'lt< IT/'.H I'A^ T (ilRL ts t;|, ,M. ?)l)V/h-rmaid and waitreta lu a private family; elty rof erenre ' young uibl as OHAVBkftMAlO , land waltreaa: no oijacliou to aaalat with the waah lng four yeara'relerence. jjlio OTII AV (PRESKNT EMPLOYEE'Bi.?As drr/t^r lj'orco'ualry. " W,U w ,hln?- or 403*1Ll "I'V EE4E--A VENT MkSpicT r V/.'able girl ea eliamher.neid and waltrea. ? willing to nuke liaraelLgiacraRy nocfu ; ihrwc year.' eiiv refer# ace a. I I 'i ***! '''111 St - A it ESP E1 'T A HLK YOUNG I J -.girl a. cbainbermaid end aeam.irea. 1a a privaln faintly; good city relerence from la?t employer. I "ill " "Hl ?,,M" ~r * YOUMJ WOMAN TO 60 I ). 'chamberwora and lino; aaven yeara' refer enco Irom laat nlace. 4-?> 20 AV. (2HTII ST.). ? A OI'JL FOR CIIAMIIKIt ? )?jwork nnd woahind i>r tinnaaW' rk ; country pr?(i*rro?lj wftrnnv. t'All lor two daya. I - 'illl AV (KIM) I llllll* IIKI.I. \ KRttPKIlr. 'Ja Ja rnlilo woman for clnmilier ?m k ami Ann vutlniii no nlilncilnlt ?o the Country ; lint city ami country rataronca. 409. _ 'cham arm aid and wallraaa mid to aailat wllh waali Inj nnd Ironinir haat rlty rrfrrcnec. | (||| tlTll v. A RI'HPI CTAnhF. OlUI. T' > I'd I ill "eliambtrwork and lino wiiahlns | hoot city rrlcrcnrn from loot ctnpltyar'A VMT 4SD ST. a RKHPKCTABr8 illIIL To ll^illn cliainliarwork and toko cat* of children; boat rill !( (rr nco rr'l KA T HOT II ST.-A ill II I. A?" OH AM BRUM > II) a )?) I oml wnltroaa In n private foinlly j will bu lnunil will* Iiiir nml "tflluinw ; no a Jretion to go ? ahort illatanoovlu Itir country; n- oil rafarcnca. fiOO oni AV. A BKSl'KCTAHI.K TOO NO (II It I, TO \ )? ?t\o np atalre work Ami mind children. 71 tO in AV. (BIRO Til I Ml) HKI.Ll -A KK.Kri.OT~ | VlOohlo young girl oa ill em bar meld ntiil waltrrea of to toko ran of |N*tl| aMMlll; M ot Jartl m to tlio rimntry , boat a ltv reference. 7.)l Iiril AV -A M'l M. '.MiMVN \s Oil AM NIK. i) I maid or waltrwea, or to tot o corn of children ; nlty or emirflfy; 10 yoara' ewferetace from loat employer. 7t K) 3D A v., ClftRN KK urT'l - I I'BOTItHT t .NT 1 _? IrI on i hnmhermold mid w altreaa or line woahrrt cite or country: Itilly competent: boat rlty rofarrncoa. 7wU 77,1 AV a bine, as ciiamrmT ( Oarmaid And WAltraan; wl.ling and obliging. brat city iftflMh I NT A V - A R~ : IIA M H K RMAI0; CAN BR W nlcly, nr At laallraaa; city or country; beat rofcr 898, 1i)i) I 3D AV.. HhlWKKN 7HTII AMD 77TII STs. ,tya J' r t reapertable young peraon an chambermaid in n A rat; p.oat rtfarantt. 1 I U I '?ko"aDWAV, SRtK 431* ST. -A KKsl'Rtrr. Xa't O'tenia girl In do fhaiiiherwork and woitlng or Would tag* rAm of rnlldrrn and do Bowing; run operate; h <at rlty reference. lii'.-rl'? I t ii'l.K "l*r Rsmv as kT??*T lltaAIH _ jrliainliortnald And wnltrce. good operator on machine; no n-joeilm to th? r .untry i neat tit/ reference. Add-tie bog 190 Utr Aid U/Atwn oflltt. A* HITIATIOXR HAtTKU-rR.VAI.RI. (Iiuutbt-rmuida. AVOL'NG GIBE tH i ll AMB .KM AID aND watt roes of as waitress alone beet cilr tibrtuiA Addrteas X. s. I'. Herald Uptown "Rica. COLORED WOMAN WOULD I.lklf a fUCE A? cliamuormaid I.r as plain cook. Address .LICK, llor Aid L'pt.iwu ortice. (MllPKr XT VOL'NO GlKn lO DO cdambVr wurk mid waiting or to do general licnaewnrk In a small Britain l-iiully, o-ii cilr rtltieui. Address U.. box 14? lersld Uptown office. Orrwinakm una K?itin<irpMr>. Ur 8ACKETT ST.. SoUTII BROOKLYN -AS first ' IrL.i seamstress; will go out by ti e ds). .)~i kaht hint st.-A laot wikuee to riMb ? yjs situation for a seamstress end cbamuermald; beat re terror# 107 west lorn si?oompki-knt hi;am>tkkhs ? 1 and dreasmakeri c n out and lit: la a uinf.ugb operator; willing to make lierael! useful; hurt reference. Irai EAST :i:il> ST, ? A YOUNG A M K II l?' A N ., 1 RL ? )?Jaa er.imatrraa : rau uemi U be, ler A M'/l-nn's rns chln : willing to assist with clilldreu; lour yeara' eity reference. kasr nr11 >t.? a oi l to hotonkw" HI .'port aa aeamatreae; willing to lake rare ol children or naaiat wltb ehauioer ork: alao a good operator nt il Bant ivru si as coup tent ska m' _ ?i , ehambc 9'BI I AST KITH ST. (piSKSKN I EMI'LOVKK'S). aW .^t 'Seamstress and librae; cut anil (It cMldrrn'a. ladiea' dreaaoa; good opurator; take lull cliargo m 1'rnV, lru' children; citr referenco Call two data i)r.L[ 5 E.VT 117 I'll T., KIICoTTluOII, ROOM SL AS ?<? I' )atylla|^ilreeimaker ; cute and triinaiu all tbs lateat ?tylea. ?T < /? I.aNI' 1UTII "sr.-A VUtNG AMERICAN Uir.L a It'1st nur*e and plain aramatreaa or lo do igv kind ol llrlit liou-ework ; ie n good operator; good relercnoe. Call on or iid'lrras .1 () N S. ? HI 8, . m.adison av. ip kshni emplovrk'hi ?a 'Protoatant girl aa aeametieae; would lake earn of children ; la a itooil operator: no ooloct ion to the country; good rcfrrrucea. Call between i> and A A'I n WEST 86TH sr.-AS COMPETENT SLA II X Ltsstross: wlllln ; to aeaiat In any kind ol light work ; city or ooiintry ; city reference A-1 <) a 0 *V '"'N<5~ CRTH HELL).?A REsl-KCT jl Lr'aMe woman na dreaamaker and seamstress or would intend an Invalid lady : can upriato i>n Wheeler A Wilson's machine : beat city relerencee. K-7 | HD AV.-AS COMPETENT 8EAMNTKK S: UN Ol Lrierstaiuli dressmaking and all kiuds el' family at*, toe: would take care ol growing children; city or eonuiry; city reference. (\O ) HTiF AV. ? V YOUNG GIRL AS Sh i M.-> IHK.sH? OA ? 'tin !er-ianda all tamlly sawing; export operator; heat citr relerencea. 9k) A 21L* AV.-KK xMSTRKSS IN FAMILY; CAN OCT ?'r uid lit ladice' mid children's drcasca; le a good operator: good city reference. (Ti O E:> AY. (TRIED BELL).?A LADY VMnb ?' x")to do dressmaking or family sewing hv the day or week. Mrs. MII.LKR. A" FtRsT CLASS DKKHSMAKER AS LaDi'8 M t i D or seamstress: cuts and fits well; good hairdresser; has got a Wheeler A WILon machine; wiriln.- to travel; will be disengaged In a fe . day*;can he acen afterfl P. M ; o al city refrticnce. Address D.. box 117 llai aid Untown Branch. DRnsSMAKK.ll, WITif TiYTuTl U1IY"ith.KhnE.NCES, would like a few customers by the day. Address MuD a, Herald Uptown i HI:". Geucral llouactvork. iVc. 7I1UUEHT ST-A HERMAN UIIIL TO !>'? OKNEKAL honaowork in an American family. No puatal carda. COK-.K IA ST.. ROOM 2 A ?:liSPECTAHLh l?lRL to do gmioral hooaeworit in drat clasa private lamlly ; city oi country; city rnh'rcnco*. Call two dav* Sstu^vesant place ?a respectable woman io uo g neral houeewerk: elevp horns; good nty ref ercnoo. 25 CORN- LI .a ST. FIRST KLOOR.-A RERPECT able woman for general hoiiaework: city nr country. ?> i west miTi sr.. rear. om-. Fumir cp ? OTA rianir woman to Ao general Nonecwork ; excellent plain cook. Hret elaae waenor nud Ironor; city or country ; good referenco. A~[ KaST.TJO ST?A YOUNO C.IUL TO DO OKN T rrral honaowork; le a good waahcr and Ironer; city relerence. T~U OH A ft LKS ST.. ROOM 12.?A YOUNG AMERI I < 'can girl to Uo general hoiiaework. or, to cook, wnah andiron; city releronto. CAl <UBMl.Nl NT., second FlIOHT UP, FKOifT trag'd ro' iu.?A young woman to do general homework : good reference TO "KAST OATH NT. (Tilllib PLOOK) ?A YOUNG Owmnan in do guneral homework In a email private family; city reference. ?J (k7 WEST IHlfi ST. -RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL I'M to do general houaowork ; good plain cook ; first claea lenndree*. a I liTrrril AV.-P.ESPKOTABLE YOUNG GIRL TO DO i "?'general hoiiaework; goo I plain cook, good washer and Ironer ; no objection to the eonntrr: good reference. II (i K AST 2 V irHT. A CO.VI PI/TKNT GIK|T to i>o 1 .LUgnneral liouaewurk la a email lamil/; city or country; good reference. 11Q WEST 4?1TI1 ST.?A YOl'NO WOMAN Ti? DO 1J ?'general houacwora In a email private family; city or country: good reference. foO-WERT 20TTl stTTkIRST HKI.L).-A C.IIIL TO iij.jdo general hoiiaework In k private lamlly; food city relerenoee. lk|(? WEST AOril HT.-A RESP 'CTAM.R HIHL TO 1 wVrilo general hoiiaework or upataire worn In a email private lamlly : no objection to the country; city relerenc ?? 1~t)Q"WBST <BrirNTr."TuTA"iL "gTrl IO DO GUN AeOerel liouaewurk In a private family; beet city reler ence trnm laal place "l'kJ/V Wi sT 17III ST . IN TIFk" B\SKMENT. ? A KE i.OUaprcteble young girl to do geoornl hoaeewnrk; lea goed olmn cook, waaher end Ironer ; beet city ret< rence. 1?J<Y WEST IB ill ST. - A HI III, FOB GEN RW, ? haihouaework In a amall family; fully capable; city rc(|rencc? 1 ?).; WEsT'Trrii ht.-a " young womTn pblt X*'?<cen?rel hoiiaework In e private family; good plain cook, waaher and ironer; le willing and obliging ; relerence. I Ok) WENT 171II ST. a YOUNG GiltU LATELY le)_l tndod. to uo general homework In a email private family; ao card*. lot) WEST 4HTH ST.?TO DG GENERAL HOURB lOOwork; no objection tn III# oountrv. 1?>(t WEST .'(.Til S..-A SMART ??IKL 1'< DO i.EN ? )>'eral Imuaework ronld go a short dletaore in the country ; heel city reference. Il/l WEsT lie I If ST.?A KBSPRO T A HI*K <illL~D 'TV/do general lieueework In a private family| city pre ferred. 1 i / \ WE ST PITH HT, IN C V Ml V STORK-A OOM l'r" "pcict woman to do general honaowork; good waaher and Ironer: good reference. 1 II WEST 4 il H sr. A i OhiiRED- GIRL PGR L i "7 gmicral housework; city or country; good reter. 14 1- ^ ivimrg''remt'i tn do g^er'ai^'btnaw Ul"'h r r 1 i~ Cityrclorenee. "general noneewora; excol|.-nt SULLIVAN sT, KKONT IIhIJH .?A YOUNtl girl to do housework; good refori-noe 150 1~i) FeAHT .UlTH nr.?A m Id T?i IK! OKNKRAli H ?)wlion*PWork In n ?ninli fumlly ; f'?ur r-np?' r?frrnnrtt. 157~ ^7 WES I hi.ST ST. ?TG DO Gc.N RltAL HOUR work; cltv references. I-O WEST sail >T . FIRST I I.OOK. HACK.-A PK ? lOspeetable girl to do boaaework in a small family; good elty rrfereaee. WRST 34TII ST.?A OK KM A V illK L TG~DO general hoiiaework In private family; le a good plain 164 1P(17"I AV? WEST 7' i I It sr. ?A YOUNG Ol IIL TO H)t)do general houaewerk In aprlvate family; uoobjec tlon te any kind of work : first claea cltv ref rence. Oil |" BLKKCKER sr. I E A It?A i.ElllvV oniT, aaUlia uo general housework; no ohjectlon to ihe country. O/tk) KAHT !I1RT HT.-A VolfNG G1RI, TO DO m '' aJ house work ; Is willing sad nhll-tng; ao ohjeetlnn to a private hoarding house waves no o' Jeci. K AHT WTH ST.. FRONT HASESl .Nl --i wynnnt girl, not long In the eountry, lo do general 212 217 EAST JVTll ST. ?A PROTESTANT YOI NO women to do homework; willing to go In the ceun EAST AND HT.-A REHPKUTABLR WOMAN to ' o general housework 248 t?i (? \t i sr lsnt si.-hehpi rrtm.E mom t . to Ail ?/oo general honeework In a amall prlvelo family; city nr country; good idly telniance. OOl WEST NIITII ST. YOUNG WOMuN 10 DO <#a1 geoAal housework In snail family; good plain rook, waaher end Ironer ; city referriicoa. 999 W EST torn HT?A HERMAN ifltl. In #w#w aWgcnerel hnueeworai city or country; rn?r mii'* k)k) I WKHI illTil ST. HKtR"-A RKsPEi l AH #g 1.roun .- girl to do general houeework ; beat city rsl ence; wngrr moderate. 991\ KAST V5TII HT.-A Y<IUN<t WoilAn"T(T" *? ##? 'general Imuaework; good laur.drcre; illy referee No cards anawered. 228, Vatanl trnmau in do hnitaramrk t Willing and oblig ing, pMl rtlrniM*! Ml Or wi <?n, i)?)U KAHT * .Til t?r. <1* HTOI;E)._(lKKMk-1 I'flOT faattnl woman lor iianaral hmiaewot* in * am nil family . with daughter 11 yaara ni nr, to mnk* hrr-elf gen ?rally neafnl. ? >'>n i k*T .;?rn sr.. FTwit fLOOR. A YCJl To ? f" ' American irIrl in do linuecwork ; Ikrea yeart' city 28$ ?WMT ISC'i HT. A ml Ml lilliu KOK IIRN 'oral h on an or Ark, In prlratr family ; com! cliy rnfnr. 2*1*1 HA*T A7TII KT.-RKHPhi TAIII.K OINti TO HO ? n>ml honaownrk In a airiall nrlv-.te family , good ?Ity relnrean*. tSa?<y kaht hvm nr. (I'ubaknt kri'Miyrr h). a ^i) ( r -apTtAhl, y?nng rrlrl t? do general houaew.rk ; Htjr orcnnntry l'?n nr addreaa. TJrJQWK I wfll I ri I KNT KM l'I.OYM('M). ?A iOOminr girl to do general hntttewnrk: |a a Bond ? ??hnr and irnrter, 21 i; WC.-T 47TII HT Klll-il KI.OOil k RBkl'RCT ' 1 aoahtn girl in do run,ml liooae work la a am nil family | I ond rnfnr,mm, f) < - I'.AST ?-"?Til nr \ \ III' I) III ill, ril tin IIK.. a'.L' 'aral hoiix-work ; nlly r*trr,n,n (fail lor two daya. (lfa> rAM ? ril Sf k mi Ml <Vnil \\ T" I >< ? A?'l " llo'iiannork good pfaln conk, wnannr nod I rotter) cliy or noantry: good reference. wksi ?ihr t ( vm nii Wom CH folio general hon*nw?rk la n amnll family ? ?li j Wi s I II -1 T i l(i sk NT Kvn,?vhK;^:~ OWrmlddln nged ?ornnn in do neutral homework ar kitchen work In a hoarding ?III" K >?r iwtll AT.-A V t II' fell III HI. To IXII.RV <)w? feral hone,work : good refnrenrn (root laat place. U||(? WHAT 4|Hl AT -A VOIFMll III Ml, TO l>(? ilWV ?>( ft feral honanwnrat city or ennniry; In potato family I cliy refernnca .ffw; bast Tin -it. h>iiinp yi.nuR. iimk OWUrimik.-* .toaarr girl to no gcutrnl homework; city or ??iMUtry ; !>??! cttv reicrtncfk. 250 gTtATIO?? HTAIITRt>-PRaALFJ. <>rnrral hnaxrwurk. Alt. '-tin Ka-T :i?rn HT.-TWo'lIKSPECT vKLF. girls O Mfia do lb* work of ??moll family; city ur country; city r/freuto 0| j "SamT 4311 ST. FIB-T FLOOK -AV AMERL OX2 ran girl, aged JO t<> do general housswork Of U cuamheriowld or t>t*kacaraet ci.ildreu; beet eily refer ence Irom Uu p: not Cell lor two dart. ? \V KST JOT 11 Ht.-A YoUHH ffoMtN TO DO general housswork: cltv or country ralereeee. 317 01 vi KaST 2*TH ST-A BK*P CTAHLl. WOMAN OA' H , do bousework ii> the country; good biker end nnderntanda milk end butiuyt good rifuenr#, ?TT(? Has7TiftH Sr. ? 1;h -lMXTAIILl.V.lKL TO HO Ol'/general liou.ewurk in e private family; goad city ref renc. ?Vi) I ~K IS r -J4T I T \ KI'SFKCT HIiK IUKL. TO 0?j Ldn general housework; eity or country; beat city fgfernnen. No cap's 0 90 R in r HOTII >T~ BK ' WKKk l?T AWW AT4w 1) wOt ynniir irirl te do funeral houaewirk io e am ell pri yele family t rlly reterenei. 097 R tRT 23D NT. BETWEEN 1?T *HI> 311 AVR. - 11? 4 A Irt to do hnnaework; no objection to the eoan try heat citr relerenco ?jejo fast am kt.-a ro? omnuIaI ? ? Jo<>honaeworK: irenrl reference. QOQ M'gdT 17 r H Ml'.. USA It. THNMN PkMtt# .OjSOiib.?A respectable irirl to do gauefSl houaework In a U??I| privet'i fa-nllv ; good reference. ?ja?"I KtrtT IITS ST.? V KKSFK1 ?TFaHI.K PKOTES? *>0"?l?nl f trl to <!o hotiaowork in e emnll family ?>?> I KA*T filiTH ST-A OiltL TO K ?)? >1 housework; good waalior and iruner and plain cookt city reference O 1 X K a ?r no ST A YOU NO IV 'MAN T<> HO aX'T'Xjaicml hott'owork in e antell family; country pre ferred. A respectable yemiir irirl to do gonorel housework. IS V ASiOY_AT'l'ilv. ?A TODtfG OIKL WEST J5TII mT.. KlllHT FLOOR.-A YOUNG O' )l 1 inerlran irirl to do yaarrel tioaeework; city or country; phrigett qcq: east wicTst.T b fTtw"hkni HT AND 3D A vs.? ?>(T?* 7rn AV U?Utn do iron 'rel houaework : eity reference. No cards jjTjj PAST 1ATII ST. - V ftRKPKill1 AltL.E Villi Mi T' ' | artrl to ilo general houseware, in city or country; it willinir lo work; tieat city relerenee. 4 119 ? Fit A v.. N (? A R 24TH ST.?A HI'KPPOTA BLR a " wTonnr woman to do general housework : plain cook, wither and ironer; not afraid of woik; brat city refep ance. 40!? ? K ANT 4STH ST.. THRKR KLIOHTH CP. ? f ont. A roa;n'Clelite irirl (0 do general houaework nrlvitin temily: good eity reference A MJ WI ST ft'JT'l ST.. NFAK 9TII aV . BACK I " 'TTbeaeinent. A German girl t" do general honaeivorb to e entail fentlly: good rtlerenoo. t .tiles HOFFMAN. C WEST 18TH st _A GIRL TO DO GKNEllAl ? 'liou?ework ; boo I reference. EAST IMTII sr.-A WOMAN TO DO GF.NRUAti linuaework ; Rood city reference: country preferred. d|Vo"m 21 fll ST ? \ Y < >U Mi I W OM \ N TO DO *X"'Oii' iierel housework; good ureaher end Ironer end pleln cook; Bond reforenco A HQ 7TH a v7 Fktwbkn r.rru and iwth str.?a T'/O?ood romoot'ttt ttirl to do itnnardl houaework; ll e Hood weahcr end lronar; doea ell klnrla of conking. 7 r11 W KOR (TENEfRA X hOfsKWOIt* |? amell prlret" lemllr; hrat city refrronan. ? 40 407 408, 4i)iy vvA-r AJi> nr.-A kk>p, crAHi.E woman ?. I to do hnnaework; uood baker; no obj ctlnns to the country. 8D AV?A YoTTno Olitli TO DO OKNKRAt TirOt/houaework In u prlvaf family ; thnrnu'rh'y nnder. eten'*bcr bnalneat, beet city reference Troin leat employer. Call for two davn 1 i I WRsTr>2ll SI.. IN xTokR _A YOfSO UlKfi I 'XT: lor boneework ; good plain cook, weahcr and Ironer; reference. A "t~f WEST 2HTII ST A KRSI'I'.CT A HLE fllltr" T: xl lelely landed, to do hontework: wegea not to much of en object ee a good home. ci)i ari avr~A younc toixX ro do uiit. tJ jieral houaework : relcreno'. pfQ'J 2D AY.-A BBMPI-CI ?BLB YODNO OIRL TO *.)t/Odn Bcnerel houaework ; beat city re'erenee. ?49?Dir BPTW ;KN 41 HT~AirD 421) STh.-A ' '"T ?(flrl to do imnerel hnnaework; good city referenect from laat employer. jpTl/:* ilUDNON HT ?RKHPKOTABt.B YOL'Nil OIRL IX"I "t, 1 do general houaework. private family; good city referenco. ' ill two (lara. Oft I 2D AV.. THIRD TLO IR. BACK.? RKSPBUT. OIX rable Ijerm an worae'i will co out uy the day to do general bonaework. wa lling nnd Ironing or take In wnah Ing and Irnnlnir. Oft 1 3D AV.. PiKST KLOOK ?A R ?.SPRCTABI B OlJ"Tglrl from tho country to do general houaework; etronz and willing. qkT bth a v. . brtwVkn mo and mth ?T8.-in i/iXta auiAll private famllty to do ceneral honaework;ia 11 cool waaliar *nd Ironer; beat refe-enee 1 t)9A SO AV. IBKCOXD BRialtl?A GlRXi TO J| X.V/a^i Xccnernl houaework In a small family; city refar ance. 191 ?X 3D AV.. PMST FlaOOlk-A OIRL To DO ? awll'Xgeneral houaework for a small fnmily; willing fttl,I UU| glnz; beat dtJT relcronue. 1 7(17 lin AV. (R fxi r Till up BRUD.-A TOtTRA LaX t'lglrl to do generol housework in nn American larallv; good city re'errnc*. 77.11 FT ~AV. A FFTphCf ABL.K YOUNU UlRIa ? jT ? /" 'to d'? hotm?work : itnud rilpfciic i rr;7~an av -a toung gihl t?? no oknkhal X.?X *J I houaework In a private family; two yaara* reler 1". I 1 II fH) A I) WAY. HI.TV, KIN AsTII AND dllTft if'T 1 at ?A vnumr Blrl to do linneework : good reference. IjVS iTu SI i P KO rs ST AN T TO DC > CRN EltAL IIODSK. Jwork; la a good baker; short distance In lha country. B. C., Herald Uptown oflW MontCHeeiiera. ittc. 91 HXEPCKRK nT A KRRVCH I. \ DV WISHES K ? Xaltuailon as Imuaakoeper In a wi lower's family 1 French preferred. Call Innn 1 to 0 I'. .M. EI.DKITmIE NT , KOuM lT?T YULiNii LADY AS houaekaeper. HI M ST.. FIR?T FLOOR.?a7a!7y as irOUskT keeper. " WKNT 40TH ST.-A TOUNtTsWRIIISII (ilu TrTs years old, as houaekaeper; Ainorlcan family pre. 1)7 147 211 228 We.ST 3ATII HT.?AH HOUHKKKPF.R. ' Mra TURNER. Situation wantkd-as iiodsrki-.epkr or I'inltor, by a married Herman ; no children- painter by tiale; can do all repelrlnga. Plekae address 11. K , Herald ultlee. 20 40 48r>M KaanArruM. dtc. 4TH ST.. 20 K tHT ?r I KhT I'LAKH LAtffft>RB?R TO ???Ut with charuherwork : no objection to th? country reference from lout place tt kHT 13TII Hf.-An FIRST CLASS LAC.N drum; city reforoncea 1)7 WKAt IOTII Rr. (KRK-RNT RMFLOYKR'Ma?A _ I rriM tibia girl laundreaa; willing to aaalat wild cbamherwork ; li n no ?' faction to tlia country. ')?! \VK T Itlll ,-T ? A Ml. ST CLASH 1 AlhMlLSH altlto do family wn^iinii ?t hsr own lioino; to rin? moder ns ; good iliv roloronoo ?)?? LAST 1SIO .-T. -AS Lai MJKKRK in a NlTAtl tlOboarrtlng b mae; no objection to a?lat with chamber work: gone elly relerenea AV. H. KlitJONl? FkOOIt. ?~A U KMAN ilIRL AA laundreaa In (ho country vv r'dT vifTi ?T. (I'krhkrt km rid < v k ich.)?a mmc oolorod worn on no Inondroo* lor llw country. 1 l if t WkhT 111r U SI . KKA It, Kl KMT l'Ui'?K.-t Kh J 1 'lepectable wo0100 ooino ladieC or gentlemen'* wnalilng or hou**cl**nlng, or wonld go out by the do; ; beat rel t -nn. WKHT KirTlTT.. IN TIIR KhAiT?ah K1 UrtT rl ? laundreaa or chamleorm-ld . country prrterrad; boat reference 1?)- ohukWh'II at kkoTkhtahr \vomah _? Jwlelera gentleinen'e or family weeding: wonld no out by lb ? day ; '?ii reference -it^(t wkSS ihtTI -t a rrmprltaulr vounq 1 ?w ?'woman a? IIrat ele?a lautidrnae and chambermaid ; rli y or e mnlry ; a a col tart dtl r r-leanoee. e~bamt aaD nr.?a~?1omfktknt yoUnu wo ? /?nan ?? laundr-Mi would aaalat lu ehambrrwnrk t (??intrr ?r eliys ban rlty fafctaMb. 1-- KITH AV.NRAH HITM HT.?A~K?6tOH OIBL yjrlaa Ural rlaaa laundreaa and pood rook. Barf kith m\ cor?1 r bo av.-a kTrst I a ay laaodroaa; itinmagiily aiioaratanda her baal. n??e: baet elly rrlerencea. 1 WKsT aini kt.?a vounu oiki. ah hkht I t )?Jcla?a laundreaa In a prlaaie family: thoroughly un dercianda alt kinde 01 pulling and fluting ; country prefer red; city relerenea frame laat plaoa. IWWi WhST '.'7TH ST. ?A WOMAN TO OO OUT HY Aw" M Ft lira day tn d > waahing. Ironing nr nmiaarlranliig. 0 I o wk>t 1 mrTi ht. ? tit FiHitr oiii-ii lau.n. Aw 1 fMraaa and ehnnibarmald or would do waiting; city or country 1 fla# yoart'rclaranre il.itjKtsi 47111 AT ?OnMFKTBNT La lisIIukmhI aw ewawwilling to aaarat with light abnmbarworh, city 01 country; negt Mfdfrne* ? a f\f> KA-l WTM hT-A UKHrKOTAHLlT Woman aw^y'aaflral rle?a Innndreae: iinderatnnda the bualnetc In oil Ita hranrhaa. eonntry preferred: heat referrnrr. R to 1 1 T 1 d --A ? FT sl OkAMM LaUK drear; beat elly relerenea: city or ronntry. LAST :i7T?l kT -AK MrVio'LAHR LaUNUHKMR __ [ la a prlaate lamllyt lonr yaara' beet elly rela reoca 1 rem laat place. ipvi I AST* 4WTH _hT~KOf??rii?. -AROoMHWI aw* lOleoo.ireaa or to 1I0 honaeeleanlng by the day ; beat yolrretooa, ?>?> I wkht K'.rii m.-"a rkhpSi Taulk woman ow?i 1 aa llrat rlaaa laundreaa and plain rook t city or rontilry; beet reference. ?? I 1 KahT MlTII HI . ROOM i. -ItKHl'KOTAHkK dw T I woman logo out by the day or weak or to taka waah ing homo- rlty relerenea. t) to w kh r 47tii st-a rkkI' rotahlk woman Aw't"< 'to (?o nut by the day waetilng; onderatanda flutlngt 12 yeara' teleranca. ?> I 7 Ktsr tor II nT ? \ it Rli FR1 M.U.K UIRL AN ?) I I fret rlaaa lanndreat or aa chambermaid; no ohjeo tlon to the ronntf) : brat rlty reference. L")0o,: 224 2:5! ?>??r WRoT d'.TII RT.-RkRFR.'TARk)-: Wt.MtN e>ww? M11 go oat by the day wneblog er to do honaoworkt gon I rlty rrfrtrncea ata?7 WRSI IliTH Hi -A Hi -CM TARLR 7'lII.?iRKO aTar f woman lo do family waahlne hr the month nr *?>, Mm. FRaRORH fit IN t?,N. I I t W KH I .'<1111 HI , noil I 1.1 ,H PIHfk r ULAAfl I 111 anndraaa, nr to do nonar olranlng hy ?ho ilav : city raferanrca 4011W 5ft" :?ii sT - t vor vo woman Xii fI KMT _ ?y. laaa lanndiraa ; willing nod nbllcl is: noohjaciloi to a?al?l with < hanibarwork : I rat rlty reh rai r ?. | ana a WRHTtJIt HT-A WOMAN TO (|6 1)111 |'| ' I alt 'the oay ; umtarat.inda family <rRihlng n . Irnnlng na h n-erlaaolne 7 ??.! I'll O I KAM t P oi.AMi 'I a la riaundraae , rlty or ronntry . rlty rrf fence i tat WKHT fill HT ! HRHT ? l.tSI I, A UN*. 'I 'f'ldrraa; Wmild aaalat with eh inibrrnnrk . brat rity or rotirtiry ratorrncaa. M 1 '?A'? Hr" !"T ? ' " 1 ' " ? 11 t r.-apoanble noman in pn out waahlttA nrt<J tro .lug or bouaoclcanlnt by the day or week.