Newspaper Page Text
BITTATIOMS IVAilTKn-raMlLEI. 647 MHUrrtMi. <vt. 2D AV.?A RESPROTaBLB GIRL AS FIRST class laundress ; city or country ; city roloronca. Q(|?J 3D AV., RK VR.?TWO YOUNG GIRLS: ON* OUuu Brat clans laundress; tho other ao nlniu cook and to nuist whu washing; would do tho work of a email fam ily; city or couhtry: reference. IOLj I BROADWAY. SECOND FLOOR.?AS FIRST .?iOt: class laundress and chambormaid; good roler Iiiin 3D av.. back boom.-a woman to go ?*XI "v/oiit by tho day. or lu her jioute washing. SITUATION 18 XIReT CLAnS LAUNDiiESe; WOUl.D assist with chainbcrwurk: It a good toamttreot and eperator; city or country : cood city rcloronco. Addioto L., litis 132 Herald Brapeh "(flee. Nurava. die. 5 ROCKING!)AM, BROADWAY. CORNER S6TI1 RT. 4 laoy daeiree a tituation for a latthlu: and experienced uareo, to take fail charge oi an iulani; beat retereuco. ROOKINGHam7~BKOAI>W AY, CORNER Mill HT. A lady desires a tituation for a faithful and experienced nuree. to take lull chorea of an iufant; beet reference. 1 (1 IVKsT 33D ST. (PRr.SENT h.MPlIoYhrt'S) AN J A/intelligent American irirl ae r.uree for erowlne chil dren, or ae chambermaid and plain tower. Can be eoen antil eulted. OA 1 A-T 3STH ?T.?A KKSPKUTABLB YOUNG aiTwomu to travel at nuree with a family guiug to Europe; beet city reference. Can be eaeu uud recom menced at pretent place uutil engaged. iltj KaST 19TH sr.?A VKltY COMPETENT PERSON ijUai ndree; will take full charge ol an infant or growing children ; no objection to the country ; beet city reference. on War" Washington" plack^?a kem'bct OUable married woman aa wet nunt; Rood broatl of milk. Apply before 12o'clock. Mrs. EVAN.-. OO W'MT MTU StT?A RESPECTABLE YOL'NG Osigirl at nnrte and chambormaid; city or country; four yeart' refereoeea. a 7 st. :mTkk'TTplage?a rknpkctablk gkuman T I American girl aa nuree, or will do chamberwnrk and light hi'Uaewnrk. Apply at jfre. Ward't, betweeu 10 and 1. Ring third kill SPRING sr.-* Rhal' OTAHLK MARRIED WO man aa wet nurae; milk two weekt old. 50 err west ibth si ?a YOUNO Protestant girl U J to take care urchildren; will do chamberwork; city or eountry; Rood reference WEST 43D ST.-YOL'NG OtlRL AS NURSE AND to do plain sewing; willing to tin to the country. i?Q LEWIS ST.?A YOUNG PGOTBHTANT GIRL AS UOnnrte to a child and to ao plain aewing; Rood refer ence. Addreee. Park av. (present kmimaiyer si -as ex peitem ed nnree nud eeamstrecc or to do chnmborwork. 66 91 100 ATI! AV.?AH NURSE AND SEAMSTRESS TO crown children, whose family are g >lnc to Europe. 1HQ >VK8T 33D ST.?A COMPETENT PERSON AS AV/Onureeand chambermaid or none and eeamatreet; good city referencce. ?J W~E8T~3fiTf FTsT. -A RESPECTABLE WOMAN ?ito take entire cUargo of a oaby; beet city reference. Call lor two dnys. m m" WKSl"3IITII ST.3BV A RESPECTABEE~NUKSK; can take the entiro care of a baby from ite birth; beet city reference. WKSl' 30TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE PROTEST out woman aa competent infant's uarse ; capable of taking the entire charge from birth; lour > earn' ciiy refer encee. MULBERRY ST.-A RESPEC T ABLE GIRL AS intant'a nur'e: six yours' reference from mat em ployer. Call lor two daya. HANNAH PEEllEEr.Y. 1 WEST 52D VT.-A COMPETKNT COLORED XOOrtrl aa child's nuree or would travel with ladv and child; city reference. 6TH AV 7101'H ST.-AS clilLDREN'S NURSE; well recotumeoded by prcient employer. Call for two >i aye. ~ WEST 3STII ST.?A YOUNG FRENCH WOMAN ae nuree; city or country; pood city reference. 144 1 GRAHAM AV.. BdOOKLYN.?FRENCH Nl L'J?iio children; good relerenec. I" ?> WEST 261' 11 ST.?A COMPETENT YOUNO iJOwnmtn us nur?e and aeumatress; is truatwortby mid reliable in taking lull charge of a baby or growing chil dren; several years' experience in the cure oi children; eapaole of bringing a babr up oa the bottle ; excellent ref erence. 12 C WEST MKT sT.-A YOUNG GIRL AS NURslf: ? J'Jim willing and obliging; no objecHon to tho country; turre rears' city ref rence. 1 ;.c WAVEiTlEY~PLACE.-aN AMERICAN WOMAN i?;?.>*? nurae to an inritlul or as monthly; beet relerencee es to capabilitv. Call or address for three day*. HA| | WEST 37TU ST.-A KESPKCTABLE~WOMAN AS ? UUnurse; caoablo of taking charge of Infant from birth ?r growing children or do sewing; best city relerenee. Ol |<) WEST 2TTH sT.?EXPERIENCED NURSE; dj''Ocau take entire cbarge of an infant. Call for two lays. 999 WEST 4DTH ST.-A YOU VG GiRl AS NURah; is_fclty or country; seyon years' reference. ST.?AS MONTHLY NURSE; >97 WEST 3IST ST.?AS t references nnexeeptinnable. 997 EAST 3JI? sr.. BETWEEN 2D AND 3D AYS.? I A young French girl as nuree; would like to go to Europe. " WEST 41ST ST.. FIRST FLOOR. AS COMPE tent l'roteetant nnrte; beet city reference. 230 238 care ol invalid: excellent references. Oil WK?I 23D ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).? aJTlAt experienced nurse to take charge of an infant; It truatwortby iu every respect; will do plain sewing; no objection to the country. 242 WEST 47i'H ST . PlttST FL iOR.?A RE epectahla girl ne nnrae and seamstress; can operate ' ladies' mi all mamines: can mate children's clothes and underwear. 9 A*) EAST 30TII sT.-A PROTESTANT YOUNG ^?*X?.woman ns nittie and aeamstrusa; is an excellent operator en Wheeler A Wll?on a machine ; Brat data city reiereueea; no objection to the country. 9 AO WEST 3&TM sr.?A YOU NO GIRL TO TAKE j'TOisro of children and be generally useful; home preferred to high wages. ________Hl>HpiTALa NURSE? HAS THE highest recommendations: IB years'experience. 247 9 - s? WKHT 4WTII Si' ? A YOUNG GIRL TO TAKE ^?J_*carnof cUildien and to assist with the washing; willing and obliging heat city reference. 9 f?9 WEST 23 D sT. iPRh^Tr TmI'LOYBR'S) ?A _,l) .Lreepecahle to take charge of a naby from lis birth and bring it up oil the bottle, or would tata earn of a house ; good city i eferonce. 7 7111 A \'7?A (il KL TO TAKE CAKE OF GROW log children and do plain sewing. 265 4)7 IT WENT lilt II sr.?A uo.MPETr.NT YOUNG 1 (JWomen aa children's or intent's narse and eeem itreet; 11 years' city reference. IHTli AV~a~YOUNG [ children ; willing to assist in the hones ; good city 900 '"Til AV. - A YOUNG GIRL To TAKE HARK reference ijn.l WKSl 29TH NT. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).?A OUdwyoung girl at nuree and do light chamberwork Call for two days. <jl ?> EAST (WITH HI'.?A KI.SI'KlTA K Li (il III, AS OXOtinrea and seamatrees or would do chnmberworx and walling: no objection to a short distance in the coun try: city reference, (fall or address. 324 KAMI 87TH HI.?A YOUKO cilHL TCI Ml Nil ; rhil<lr?n nnd to rn?kA hersntf u?rfat. 328 EA-I FiTH ST.-A \OL'NO Ma Kill ? D WOMAN It wet nurse ; hi st cttv references. ? JO11 E 1ST 31Hr sT ?A YoUNii A.VIKltli A> GIRL ? Jell 'as child's nurse; will d# cliamberwork ; no objection to the country. 30 I EAnT OfH HT A YOUNG LADY OK EXPr ? J 1 rience wonlu like to go with a family to Europe at unrse and seam-trees or lady's maid address K G. 007 KAn'1 32 D s| ?A SEMl'JtGl AHL . fill NG Oe J I girl to mind grown children or do chamberwork; good city reference ??sj 7 We. T 4l>T .-T.. NEAR IM'II AV?A COMPE - see J J tent an.i obliging girl to take cure ef children and lew or do chamberwork : relerenee IJOQ KAfT 4SfH XT.. T"P Kl.oOK.-A KK8PKCTA 00?7bl? fntn ?? child's no re* and aeatnitreee rrrr bad relerenee. Call two day a. ?j K. A N I'" BSD ~H r?A KKKPKC r A B LK TO UNO ? i*X?)ni:irned woman ?? wet nnrig; milk three months aid: beat eltr reference. ?J AC 8 Fh AV.?A KKHPBOTaBI.R, YOUNu WOMAN OT'^m Infant'* nnrae and to do plain eewln.-, or to taCa awrn ol growing children nlna year*' reference. 348 WEST HA III Sr.?A YUIINU WUHAN name and eeamatrnae: good rltjr reference. 349 359 383 EAST l*TII ST. KIKST KI.OOK, -A YOl'NO Preach Ad as nnr*e: tend reference*. Andrea* IfoT; WEST 43U nt.-A MIDDLE AOKl) Wuhan To flake care ol a child and make beraelf useful; good Illy relerenee. __ ^ __ ?? Sf.-A Yoi'SU WOMAN AH Brat cle?a nnrae ; beat eltr reference from leet place. am ay.. >Kcuf?0 ploou iMm i pCImk. Orenn'e).?A Krendi girl ae nnrae; good reference. 11)1 ?ril AV?(llffll 'lil'OM) IIRI.I,). A UK. Twirl) rul'ir lowiiir clrl ae nuree and chambermaid: net ueatly; city reference. AOfl dlH At iRINO ONB BKLldT?A hki.IABi.k XdwOyoung girl. tally competent tn rake rare m an In. lent from nlrlli or grown children ; no nbjactlou to travel; beat city relerenee. A/j r WKs i 4ft. M *T.. BhTARP. v ITU "a jf|> ior 11 T'ofari-A rerpi eta le married woman, with a ire u treaat ol milk, wlanee to go out ae wet nnrae. I an be aeon m grocery ator" ? WKef I7TH :*T - * > UUHI'r I r.k ? > I ii.-h; Xi lllierouirlilv unneratande the cam of rnlldren; bait reference Call lor two nare Tli OH AT- WEAR ?mf AT.?A kHAhT lUUNO X0X?lrl. recently landed wnalt take care of children and arel*t with light work ; I* a roan plain tewrr; no carde. WKhT 4il> ST.?A KKePKi:! ABLE UTILE girl to mind children. 457 541 812 rlA? WEHT 4ATI1 nT.-A OOMPETKMT lilltl, aS UlOnnrae and to aaelet with light ehembcrwnrk: three yeara' relerenee. Call for two day*. BMOOMK HI ?A KKmI'KiT 1 BI.R UlltL AH Intent's or child'* tnirsi; hret reteteneee. <; * A UXUuTOII AY. (PltNWt EMPLoYEK'Hl.? DtvA young woman a* naree; willing and obliging', beat city relerenee NTII ST.?A Kf.HPKf TABl.K YOUNO wiltl. AM nuree: cood eltr refereoee. Cell lor three day*. tTj 1 Alll A*.. IN TilK sTOttf.-A~KhNPEUTABCS yXi-Protcatant women ae nnree;lan take fall charge of t baby : good city relerenca. 1*1 fiK ao a*T bstWIuTii'rr'anti'nart nT.a.-A iJ oOyiiunt girl aa nnrae, or an chambermaid and to giaae hcraeif aaefal; reference Irom laat place 1 *>71 f-AAT 7:tl> Hfy,~if| ? KT~ KLOOK.?AN AMP.ItT J I 1 c-1> gi'l a* nurse will do or e*?l?l with 11.111 chamberwork; willing and obliging; city relerenee. (Tall two de*a. 1 *" rANUY HTOKB.?YOUNtl AMiItT A a dw ?/ ? can wot^in a* inlant'a or ynu ng children's nurse; can t ie ?Mir* en ..r/e irew t>lrtli; beat city reference. iil ssoaijWaY. sktwIkn mfiT~XSW inni .?)'! Itf. ?I caoewtaki* yuan it woman si wet nnree; >*??1 breast el inlla . *????? city relerenee A" FitrvT' H I. AI >1 Hit aT|T~ANI> NUnHE DEHlHM to ret?rn to I- pa wlih a Inmilv ; ycry highest rerom meuoatlone. ArArct* Ilereld Branch offlca. Jn EEPEBISSCiif MONTHLY""*NI'Khe": HeVbk eoee. Art. WKHT. baa 143 HaroldeBce. HTPAT?Q?? WASTfcO-rgMALlS. APR'TRSTANT A8 NURSE TO growinc children. J. 8., bos ltw llertld Uptown Branch office W at t rea???. At. 10 WEST 37TH ST.?AM FIRST I'LaSS WAITRESS; X vSundarsiandi bar ousinet* in all tta branches ; will as sist with uliainberwork; country or city. l>u ha seen at bar present employer's. I ? J I-.AOT .VtlH sr. (PRESENT r"MPl.OYER'S).-A X*'xirl as lirst oiass waitress or chambermaid ; can lake entire charge of the dluinx >oom ; city or country. west"30111 si.-a respectable girl as Jr?t class waitress, four years' raferanca trow last piece WEST 3IST ST.?A HOI NO GIRL AS FIRST lacs waitress; na objection to chamnarwork ; brat city reference. ]|;|| WKvT 2HH1 ST.-a PKort-StANT-AS wait XIIUreas and cbainbermaid: bra years' city reference trom last employer syl I KA8I 28III 8r -A GIRL AS WAITRESS AND ? Xxcbanibermald; good wesbar and Ironer;' bast refer* 155. 0>lf< WEST 42D ST.. Bb.TWBBN 7TH AND 8I'd ?XwUavs.. rear.?As first class waitress and chamber maid :m kei all kinds of salads; Is not afraid of work; best city re fere uee. ?7oT*?WEST .Villi .-T.-AB COMPETENT WAIT. aoOUress; understands her duties perfectly; would as slst in chumoerwora : pood city relerence. Cell or addrese OSS MADISON AV.?A FaMILV ABOUT TO LBAVB sal*Idlor Europe waut a place for their waitress, whom they can highly recommend. O'Jj kAST~WIM~ ST.?,\ RESPECTABLE CIRC AS OOlwai tress and cbeuibermatd; sis years' reference. Call lor two days JT'Tw bStIoTH ST. ?A KI It ST CLASS WAITRESS TTUand chambermaid; city or country: best city ref erences. I - A 4TII AV.. NEAR 3IST ST.-A RELIABLE CIRC TOTa? brst class waitress, baying years' experisncs and the best relerence. NlKeiianrons. 8EABT iTTH ST. (PRESENT EMI'l.OTKR'S) YOUNG woman to iro with family to Europa and make herself useful with children. 4it* LAURENCE ST.. HHDOKLV.N (PRESENT EM aiiUployer'i).? Two Oerman girls, to trayel with a lady or family. Call or a'duresa, Xp7 LKWIrTbT; ~U V i'. R CIO A K STORK.?RESPECT A *J I ble young girt as general bonsemaid; good washer and Ironer; wliliug and obliging to employers: good relerence. fix 7 AC LBN ST.?A NOKT H OBK MAN PROTESTANT XaJ s aa nursery . uyerness; leaches perfectly lu her own language and kindergarten system; able to cut and lit chudreu's dretees; no objoctlon to trayel. 1-55 east asru sr.?by mob. tidy, smart XUUglrl, lately lauded; willing to do anything and oblig log. 1 C' I PRINCE ST?A RESPECTABLE UlrtL IN A XU ipriyate family or boaruing house ; no objection to the country. iJTfi AST SOT 11 ST.-A YOUNG PROTESTANT awV'Xtrirl as lady'a companion or to take care of growing children. good sewer. Call on or addrera Mrs. OKU. 41 (U WEST 27 I'll sT.?AN AM.KICaN PROTEST ?il./'Tant girl (17; to mako heraslf useful or to mind clnl dreu good city reference on I WEST-3S1J ST.?A RK.-PECTaBLK foUNU ?iv'"Tgirl to make liersell gsneraliy uselnt; willing and obliging; good city reference. 204 MADISON aV. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S;.?AS lady's maid and seam?tro*s In a private family. *?1 '/ AST 37TI1 ST.-A PERSON OP (iOOU EDU aLX?cation, eoeaking Kngli-li and French, to take care ol children ur make nereell useful to a lady. 004 ~WEST 18TII ST.?A GIRL IN A RE8PECTA ?al-xXTble family. O?JQ EAST 41ST ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL TO ZiOOilo light housework and take care ot children; good city relereuce trom last employer. i)A Q EAST 44I M ST.-A FRENCH YOUNU LADY 'Jas nursery goyerne-s tor crowing children. Address, j by letter. S. B., at A. Engelhard#*. ?JOl EAsT 36111 - A KK.-sPei'TaUI.E YOUNG t)?j XWoman In a private family; no objection to city or country; host city reference. Jfk*> EASt~4(TH ST. (PRESENTllMPLOVRK'S;.? TXV/^jTwu resnectaolo girls to go together, in the city or country, to do the work ot a family Jl'J 5TII AV.?A LADYGgINO To EUROPE WISHES xXOlo bad a place for a Tamable servant, either at lady's maid, chambermaid or waitress. Can be steu on Friday, between I) and 1. A '-lit WEST 40TI1 ST.. TllIUD IFLOOR, PKO.N T? rtOUA young American girl to do light housework ; pro le ts to sleep ut home. 658 KiTII AV. A SMART. INTELLIGENT UlKL. 17 .veers ?f age. to do llglit housework or mind a baby. QffC HTII AV. ? A RE>P1CTABLE YOUNG WOMaN Cj'Ji)to wait on a lady nnd sew, or do light housework, or take charge of a law growing children; no objection to leave the city. YOUNU ENGLISH WOMAN ,_D ESIRO Us OF RE turning to England, wonld render her services to sit lady or family going there for psseage over; Is a lirst rate sailer; would taae care of children. For further particu lars apply at preeent employer'*. II. W. BA8UFOKD, Highland ay.. Yonkers. Weaicbesier county. RESPECTABLE PERSON WOJiTo'wur uN AN invalid; be geueraliy useful. A. S.. Herald office. K HE Mill UIitL A ? LA I)II.Sr M AI Da N U sEAM ?treas; understands her duties thorough! v: bolt city ref erences. Address E. M., Herald Uptown office. 1LLINKKY.?A KIR>T CLA-S SALE -T.ADV WOULD like a position In a Sne millinery establishment where she can devote some time to assist lu trknmlng; Al relet ence. Adores* Ml LLI N K u , Jersey ? llj? Post ultico. PROFESSIONAL. SITUATIONS WANTKIJ? FEMALES. titXf* EA^T .-)?f lT HT - A K2EPS9?aS?Y FTOSH ewawVaccustomed to the charg- ol children ; teaches Eng lish and music; would assist with eliumuerwork ; good ref erence. E. MARTEN. N ENGLISH LADY. SPEAKING FRENCH *ND Snantsh, e pianist and vnoallst. offers her services; would travel If desired; salary no object; highest reler ences Address MUnlCI . N. 24 West I lib st. .MEXICAN LADY. MloDLE AGED, QUALIFIED, experienced, would t-uch, reed nr travel, speaks French; relerence* exchanged. EDUCATION. Herald Uptown office. ? YOUNG-LADY IN A FAMILY OR t-CHoiiL IO leach English, music and ludlnieDtaof French: is a competent snd experienced teacher; best reference. A?t ilr. -s 1. . hot ir.ll New C.uiaan. Conn. HELP WASTED- FBEMAX.CS. AgeTmaN oovlfkNcss Wan To assIrt children with their German, Franco, English and plane Itasona Address, with particulars, Mrs. A. S., Post office box 4.W75. New York. GOOD- NURSE W ANTED ? M US i' COME WELL recommended. Apply at UNO East 48th st GIKI. (GEK.MAN PBKKE RED), GOOD COOK, washer and Ironer ana general homework : well reoom menoed 84 Macdougal el. GE KM AN ill Kb" 17. FOR TWo GROWN Children end he uselul; reference required. 136 East 73d st. COMPBTKNT ORKSS WalsT MAKER AND AN OP erstor oa Wheeler A Wilson's machine wanted, at 133 East 31 tt st .basement door. KKANIl .UlRL WA iTED?ALSO A FEW FIRST class waist hands. S3 West IHth st. UMKKT Ci.ASS DKESSMAKEiit AND APPKe.NTH.KH X wanted : ceme prettsreu to work. '111 tj 8th av. LMKST CLASS DKr?M aKeITT STEADY WORK; f also, girl to leern. 4">OHth sr. ^die? io make lace at uomk ihf Is..liter edged braid) will he well paid end receive in struction at I3M l ast IStbat.. only between lu end 12 A. M. s-id 2 sud 4 P. M. MRs. M. ~A. CONNELLY, 7 EAST 1?TU ST.. WANTS lirst class dressmakers lor muslin *n<l luce dresses for huu * or to lake home: reference and samole required ; also operators on Grover A Baker's machine; one accus tomed to dressmaking. Basement dpor. before 10 A. M. flYWo" COLUKtD WO MSN-COOK. AND NURSE. 100 X East 74th at w ANTED A SERVANT fOK i.KNEIIAL house work Cail *t Sil 2d ?? . ta-emein \LTANTED?A TiKRM AN OB 8WBDB GIRL ro7i TT 11Klit work. waiting and rowing Mr two in family; mm bf nmt and wall recnmineaded. M.'?7 Wtil Xlil iL aNTku?>itrIT koh oknkkak iiT>k?. ?mall family: wage. 96; mint aleep at hoina. 2u4 Writ .(6;h at. ANTED-A i.OOD COOK,~WA8IIr.K AND 1RONKK, wltli city rafaraaca. Apply 36 East 32d at., between ll) ami 12 o'clock llMlKKIMi ~libUSEKEEPER" WAnTkI7"-HIK VERY TT amall family almrt dimauca Incnnntrr: iuiddlo-<tged American; reepectable and heel ralaranca: ttate term*. wliicN mum be moderate, Addreea li , boa 3UU Herald office. antku?a girl roll bIniiAii hodtittork. Apply at hisf>tli a*. ~\17 ANTKlV?AS EXI'kitfhNCED woITan AS CITTI R TT and fitter In cuat'-m anil dap irtmcnt vl arka Wotern rrtall liuaaa; oaa ca anla nf takmir ordara; giro axparltnea aad reference*. Box 33h llaraid office. vyANrM)--A V(>CNG~blRL IN A SMALL A>llIII TT ran family la do general houaewnrk. Impure 313 Ilrrmma at., milk etnra WANTED?A YOUNG OIKL. BE I WEEN 14 AND 10 year* "Id In laka earn uf a aaliy for a lady iu Mott havn. iTa 1 at *246 Wait 11 alt at., natwaan I'd and 3 I*. \l. fARTBD-Xv o tt "n <Tkrkicti~UIRla Tt? ~MIN0 A eliiid Hnd make brraaif nrelul up atair*. 123 l-.aat 34th w vv VI/ AM I D-A YOUNG PROTESTANT OIKL, AHOI'l TT 10 yeara old. to take care of etill ran ; only I bona wlah Ing a permanent home need apply. 3U4 Kaat lUiiih at. WANTED?A tilllL MTRAKlNo' GERMAN ANO Erancli, aa nnraa lor a child of alx raara; nin-t l>e rum potent tn teach tha child, cuiaa well recommended and be willing to wear cap* and aprons. Apply, between 0 and 3 I'. M . at I4M Waal -lat it. fjy ANTED?A GOOD UIKL IN ANMALL FAMILY TO TT do houaework aad alio can waah and Iron. V U N DO ItSK, 333 ."lib at. Wantrd-a oikl"to do ti kn7raL Hounawork; wagea, fs; ralaraneaa wanted. Call at 13 Uatcuraiiy piaea. WANIBD?OOOD OPERATORS WILLCOX A 0~IBB8' maehlne; line laea work. IIKC til' A DO., 010 llroad way, eeeund Door. /ANTED?Suit A SMALL fAMII.Y, A YOINU V. <7 Baa a- in ik and lanadreaa wiiu iimleratanda bcr bual ba?>. Apply 310 Weal 3sth at. \kf ANTED- rlRdT I'LAKS WAIsT AND SHIRT TT maker* for plara work j only good handa need to apply. 331 4lh ay., brtort I* o'clock A. M.. or niter 0 I'. M. a \tmi 7iWftm ANbiTriTFi>it"iiT.Sekal hoCsb. work In einall family relerence. 300 I.mat 40th at XMT ANTED-A UI.L Yok HDl'sETTOuk; WAG En 93. TT ApplyJ)3 Kaat llruadway. areond floor. WANTED-A WOMAN TO At!I AS CHAMBERMAID and do hoe waalung 3111 haat 30th at. vy as Ted young pkuTks Fa n't uTkl ti7ahiist TT Willi general liot-aework wb?r? a lew boarder* are kept, wage* Bl a muutb . good ratereoee 17S 3d *y. w WAN TED-AN AMERICAN. ENGLISH nil HKitMAN girl to do general honaework at 334 Weat 83th at. ty ANTED A SMART AOIIVR To'UNU WiiMAN"a? TT Olio* and lanndreaa and to naalrt wlih homework, c'.tr raferenca required. Apply at 139 Eaat loth tt., Iron 10 to IS o'clock. w HELP WAVTED?PEMALKs. ANTED-/ cm housework. C?ll la (ha Mora. 219 Wan 77 tk at. w aNTED-A YOUNG U1KL TO DO KITCHEN WuRL Apply at 11 OS Bowary, altar 10 o'clock. oyster saloon. w ANTED?A YOUNG NURSE. WITH UOOO KEFER aaca. at 0. H. STr WARTS, 14 8th a v. TIT ANTED?A UEKMAN GIRL TO COOK. WASH AND TT iron fn an Amariean family: ally relaraaes rsquired. 144 Wast :ilfth at. WANTED-A GlKL KOll CH AMBEKWOKK; MUST ba a good washer and Irousr: rafarancas required. 117 Bast Ii5tl> at. WaNTeD-gk,;man OM?WBDtsii ulRL tu cook, wash and Iron for an American lamily o( lunr; must ba compel- nt. 131 East floth at. A.MED-A UlKL 'ID DO UliNhlUL HOLsB work. Call, altar 9 o'clock, at 225 East 62d at. arroAT??a w^o^oig^ GERMAN Man and WIFE '.NO CHILDREN) want situations on a farm or la the city; tinrieraianda farming and giftdsning; ralareaeaa. 332 Weal 30th ?t. A A SITUATION WANTED?BY A COMPETENT HEAD ?TV waiter: beat reference. Address 11. W.. bos 193 Herald Uptown officer. A FRENCH HEAD COOK WANTS A SITUATION! bast reference. Address 1L. bos 143 Herald Uptown office. A YOUNG MAN. 20 YEARS OF AGE. SPEAKING German and English, wants employment In any ca pacity where he eau make himself generally useful; best city retereuces; ralaiy no objeet. Address L. F.. 227 Bowery. BV A MIDDLE AGED AMEBIC iN MAN-A SITU A tlon as valet or nurse to an invalid gentleman. Ad dresa VALET, bos 184 Herald office. (N ROGERS OK BUTCHERS IN WANT OF A TRUST /worthy, steady, sober mat., with superior referonce. as bookkeeper or general worker, address PROBITY, 212 W?>t 41st st. w AN IT'.D ?A SITUATION AS POKIER BY AN able bodied young man. Addres 121 East 37th. WANTED-KY AN ENGLISHMAN (SINGLE), A situation as butlsr lor four muntlis, during the ab sence ol his employer in Europe; hig.iast references. Address P., 2.2: il Sausom at.. Pbiladelphla WAITER?FIRST CLASS (GERMAN) IN A PRIVATE family; no objection to travel: good references. 1 West st. Young man cid, highly recommended, will ing to make hinisell useful In storesliotel or club buuss. Audress D., 127 East fAith st. ULEUKh AND SALESJIKN. ~K G*ENTLEMAN DF GOOD ADDRESS AND BUSI xVtiess ability wanted as salesmen lor a specialty by an old established publUbing house. Only thoae who are vriil ing tu accept liberal coiamieelon fc their servicea need eduress AJ X. Herald office. A YOUNO MAN. EXPERIENCED IN GEN ILEA xxInruisbLigs and clothing, deeires a position In a whole* .MEN'S i whole sale house, to treeel or ineide; competent in office duties, shipping or collector; New York reterenee. Address SALESMAN. Jersey City Post office. SALESMaN?o HU PBRFE TLY AND THOROUgH ly understands the retail jewelry business. Address J. A, M. A CD., box 112 Herald A GENTLEMAN FAMILIAR WITH THE FRENCH and : punish languages and Custom House bueinsse lu all its details desires a position where lie can make himself Jeuornlly uselul at a low salary; best references. Audress . W. O., 2,709 New York Post ollice. Drug clerk (2o) wants a situations five years' experience. Address KHEI, Herald Uptown Branch office. Drug clerk wantkd-a cdmpetkni young man. Address, stating salary expected, references, Ac., MEDIC US, box 174 Herald office DltUGGlST.?KEL1EF OLKrtK WANTbD, FOR F1F teen days, at $1 a day. Address, by letter, FIELDS, 30 East 14th st. CNENTLEMAN WITH GOOD SOCIAL CONNECTION Yean leaiu?ot an opportunity to make money by address ing A. J. M-, 21 Astor place. H AT SALESMAN WAN!ED-AY M'GUIRE'S. 64 Bowery. Manufacturers, brewers, distillers.?a competent bookkeeper, trustworthy and tellable, can kei p your books at moderate salary; city testimonials; se curity. COOl'EU, Herald office. D.lLi eMAN.'?AN EXPERIENCED AND 1 HOROUttH Oxolug salesman wishes a situation iu a line retail cloth ing ur gent's lurnlsbing house; best of refereuces given. Audress 'I'.. box 191 Herald office. O LIU ATION WANTED-BY A YOUNO MAN. 19, IN lOwholosale dry goods imuse; Itvee with parents; will make himself generally uselul. T., box 170 ll,yald office. WOULD LIKE A POSITION AS TRAVELLING agent for auy character ol' business: can give best of references as to ability. Ac. Address ABILITY, 176 Herald office. anted salesman acquainted with the wholesale trimming basinets. Apply by letter, stating references una salary expected, to J. K. A CO.. Herald office. WANTED-A COMPETENT MAN TO TAKE CHARGE of custom salt department In a large M estern retail house; slate where have beeu employed and what depart ment understand best; also full references. Address box 2130 Herald office. w ANTED?A8 SALESMAN IN A RETAIL SHOE ?toia on Saturduy nighn. C. L. TIIOM AS. 270 Columbia at.. Brooklyn. w ANTED?SALESMEN FOR A NnW PATENT AR ticle. 22 New Cuurch, room 34. WANTED-EMPLOVMENT IIY A YDUNG MAN WHO line Just closed bit fourth term teaching; capable of at tending to any kind ol nusiness; clerkship desired. Ad dress FORWARD. Herald 1'nlladelphla Branch. COACII.MK.V AND JiAilDENERN. A COLORED MAN W AN IS A hlTu A l lGN An COAC11 man; no objection to the country; good reference. Ad dress K. 0.. 313 West ..3d st A?WANTED?SITi ATION COaOIIMiN; under ?stands the business thoroughly. I- or interview address W., box 216 Herald office for three days. A YOUNG MAN WANTS A SITUATION TO IMPROVE as Horlst and gardener; understands dlflersnt kinds of work; c-.n make himself geuerully uselul. Address J. KUN/-E. lookers. N. V. A..M GOOD COACHMAN aND GROOM WaN'TS A BIT on; Ave years' ralersnce. Call at No. 2 Wall st. A SITUATION WANTED-AS COaCIIMA s. PLAIN gardener and to be generally uselul: single man; wages moderate ; nest reference. Address COaCHMaN, box 123 Herald office. A MIDDLE AGED MARRIED MAN. I'KOTEsTANT. wishes employment as coachman and gardener, or farmer; has the bast or city laterences for honesty, sobriety and iuduslry. Can or address J. N., 232 East 37th st. A SINGLE SCOTCHMAN. THOROUGHLY COMPE tent, wishes a place as groom end coaenman; maybe seen al the office of hie tormer employer, URaM.UOND KT.N.N ED V, >t 6U Liberty st , from 2 to 4 p. M. ACTUATION WANTED?BY A FIRST CLAfS coaclimau ; thoroughly understands hie huslnesa; ie one ui me best drivers in tne city. Call at last employer's office No. 3 Day st., room 23. A MARRIED MAN, No FAMILY. AN KXPKKI enced cosebmen, would like to take care ol a gentle man's place lor the summer; lately disengaged: beat ref erence. Call or address :uitt hast 44tn st. CM) Oil MAN?BY A YOUNG maN (-iWKDK) ; TllOB Aiughly nndsrstands his business; city or country; good reference. JOHN, box 201 Herald office. aCHma.N AND GROOM. BY A GERMAN; 18 A lomiigli horseman, either as e rider or urlver; willing obliging; city or coantry. Address M N., 336 Eaet 2..1U (toaciima.n AND oRoOM-HY A SOpICIIMaN, WHO Jthoroug ilywrnd-rstiinds the care ol fine horses und car riages ; wit.lug and obliging; city or country. Address B.. 11)4 llnreid Uptown office. /NO CIIMAN'B .* ITU ATION WANTED?PROTECTANT Vman: first class city relerence. Address ?V. 11. W., 283 West 2Htli st., city. fMUHT CLASS COaCHMa.N WANTS A SITUATION J 1 city or country; wlillnir ami obliging: flrat class rater* euce Tall or adore** VV. M., Ill VI eat .Mth at. i ' KNTLEMAN W IailKs Ki I'HoiiUitK A sITVAtfOR VTlnr hn coachman ; gardener and tanner; la a drat class man in all tlioae brunclies; la willing to go to any pari ot the States; 15 year* id iny employ ; ia liuueat, miber, In dn<trioua and laltlitul. Call lor tbies daya. at 214 and 21*1 duatriout and laitiuui. t ail n Baal 12 dh at.. Ha lent, N. I. Gt AKDKNKK-MNOLK HERMAN WIHII KM SIT c A Tuna understand* U>0 care of burses and muting. Ad draaa ADAM. 17 Rlvlnglon at. I WANT A SITU A TltiN As V KliKfABLM OaKDENK It J.or cotchman ; willing to mate mraelt uaotul; can mi'lt: good reference from, laat employer. Addrraa J. W. I... bos III! Ileraid office. ANTs.O-A sITU A 11 UN As COACIIM AN : WILL ingto make lilmaell generally naefiil: good reference from l*?l employer. Addreae U. R.. I.ox 1 III lloraltl office. \JLTANTKI)? IIV"a' P ROTKMfANT MAsITuaTI ?N TT aa coaehmno or groom ; good city r fareure. Addteaa or can no aeeo at 141 Kaat 'Id at EAST ?cril HI.-A RKHPS.U TA HLK -MAN. LATBLT landed, want* a place aa coachman or grouiu ; country pi elerred ; good relerance. t . .*>. I IE I a I* \V A BIT K I>?M \ i.i ;s. tJlfSfS %ANilk D-iflli'>???!V#7'MfliABY~$3f. ployoiant; city or country, M. L. IIVltN, 411 at., room II. A" TI RNTIutf, AOsnTM.~.\KW ARllCLK JUStoWi; laat aalea. good profit-; good lirmg can bo made by. energetic young men. Call and see It at 3d I'ark low. room 1H. A -PART, IMK.lUJKNT Mt.N AM> UOO0 PISII cleaner, at JUtlN II. LYNCII's retail flab statld, No. 1H ;? nil on S'lah Market Call before 2 I' tl. HEAD (>il STKVi A H DW d~N I KI >?S O K a am el I Bret claaa reatanrant. Andrea* IV., bos I.HI tleiald T pi own office HASH IK K SO R RET A fiT OKOCKitY W ANIKD 15" ceali aeeurity required . aalary HI" a week. HCIIKOKlSS.R A CO.. 2 Clinton place. A$ M COI.OKKtr HOY. AltUt'T IS iKaRs. TO WAIT Olf Liable. Apply at 34 Meat 4dth at., between It end 10 AN CoOB (WliTrii "WANTr.iS?At' MERCHANTS' Hotel, 31* Cortl ?ndt at. P" URK TKAS-AUK.a TsTwaNTKirTTvT.RYWrfKItK To' aell to famlile-, hotel* una large consumers t large-t atock In the country t quality and terma the beat. Caotry alorekeenera anoiiid call or write. TIIK Ws.LLM THA COMPANY'. 201 Pulton et. WANfTo-XuGoii pXmily to uu i.\ thkcoun? try to milk cow*. Call at 140 Lewie at. frum IU A. M. to 2 P. M. * ? AN TP O A VV A1 ROYKU'H RESTAURANT, 4*14 Mill ae. f A NTKD?A~~ r I IIS I "oL 18*4 PBN MAN TO COP* letters. Addrcaa PrNJUN, bos 23" Herald office antsD-kr k i~> u MoT pur UkksmM a kkk. Call ink o'clock. 3d Weat 23d at . baaement. VV w \v Wasted - an Honest, stroma, bkiuiii, vvii.l Inr hoy, eixienn to eighteen year* old. who roaldea with hie parruta (r.ronklyn proterredl. to attend office* end deliver package*, Ae.; in nil snow how to read and write and iiiiilrr?lk .d milling figure* rortei tly ; wage*, $2 .iO per week. Addri as. In own handwriting, with reference*, to KKLIARLK. Herald office. ANTED? A H K.a P BUT A M LN "ioT. ABOUT ~ 15 years old. *? cashier In t*? store. Addreea TRAM, Herald office. WANT c.U A HOYWlib AT HI Tun a"TlaTn"T|Tn*D to run etrenn* and mako himself generally useful. Addreea In ewn handwriting, atetlrg age, relerenee* and ?alary expected, bos IN ller eld ollio*. HEliP WA1VTEU- MALES. ?7oTnfffirT0Sr*^^ UCANTON TEA COMPANY. HSChambors it. 9'>? WEST 4DTH 81 ?WANTED bYeXI'EKIKNCkD AmUihw to go as cook and carver tad good meua|ir. Add rem COOK. THE T11 AillCS* * Tot'no HAN wisHia" to l k a*ft"Tilesmith? Ling- tome sxperleuce. Address T. CROW LEY, 244 Division at. ? A* ac hini8i wan fs aj( ) h 7~?ot PARTICULAR "J""' 1" 110 5 8?o'? apeak English. Addreaa E-. box 219 Herald office. PKE*8M AN. WHO CAN BRING UP WOODCUT8, Lwautad in the eoantrv July. August and September; one who cau assist in type vetting preferred. Addreaa, atatlun wages. U EN TON, herald office. A 11 CTCH R; GERMAN Tit EF ERRED; ONK THAT xli nnderatendt bookkeeping; Drat claaa lefereuee re qnired. Apply, for two dnya. to JOHN NbWr.LL, 757 H aahingtnn au f'K tCTICAL ENGINEER WANTS A SITUATION; or would take a a tu.tiou aa day or night watchman ; A fourteen years' reference. Addreaa C.. box 112 Herald office, for three daya. I WOUED UK PLEASED TO COMMU.Nlt.AI? ITtl reliable parties with a viaw toward effecting an engage ment in or adjacent to New York city, consistent with a twelve yeara' eervlce in theory and practice of general machinery Addreaa ?!.. 213 Hroadway. C imdan. N.J Machinist, -wanti.d. hv an engineer, a sit tuition fin janitor or oDginefr; cnu ilo nil repairing, steam titling, loess ana can>.. taring : rH*ieu<-e Cull all week at the Win cheater Hotel. 1.244 Hrondw .y. CUHVKYUk ? ENGLISH. JuSi Alti.lVhU-ltl-.Qo 1 RES AJau immediate sugageinent; dtelance no object. Addreaa forwine ween, ENGLISH SURVEYOR. Herald Uptown office. UFaNTED - ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVERS TuaT TT have worked on gold end aitvoi. A. SCHWARTZ 33 Kdrfhiiv at ' I Barclay et. PROPOSALS. ~ pitOPOSALsKOK COMp-nfeTfNQ ANDTEa^nCTtHE CINCINNATI SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Orricx or tiik Hoard or Trustrki or run) a, ... CINCINNATI SOUTHKKN RAILWAY. > No. 70 W AST 3d 6T , ClMOlMXATI. May 11, 187a I Notice It hereby glren that tbe trnateee of the Cincinnati Southern Railway will receive aealed propoeali anvil 12 o'clock M. of Thnrkday, July 18. 1878. for ccmplotlar nod loaaing tbo Cincinnati South irn Railway. Coplet of tho form of contract and loaee. containing tho conditions on gWhlch aald lino of railway will bo lot and held, the form of proposals, the report of the principal Engineer on the con dition ol the road, and tuch other Information as may he desired, can he had upon application at tbe office of aald trustees in Cincinnati. Proposals mu-t be directed to the ol Trii?teea of the Cincinnati Southern Kailwar. No. jU Weal 3d at., Cincinnatl. Ohio. The Hoard of Trustodi reserves tbe right to reject ?ny and all bids. ? MILKS GREENWOOD,! R. M. BISHOP, 1 E. A. I-K KG C SON, J Truateea. 1IENRV Mack, ? I A. II. BUGItl'.K. / _ UVSTltlCflOA. A~KEKINEi'TjLi)EULY~LADTo^ JtUN SETLeCT ii educational party Tor ball price. Address or RiAii 0 ( t?7 IV ?ki >i li ui cali at 67 West 35th at. WKLKGRAPHY.?AN OPERATOR WILL IAKK FEW X more students; teaches hy sound; reduced rutea. TEL. EtJKAPnY, box 210 Herald offioe. r,auce? """? WRITING^LESSONS. MONDAY. WEDNESDAY. KK1 dny.JI Earn lath at; Tuesday, Tiiuraday. Saturday 31 rulton at.. Hrooalyn. OLIVER B. i.OLD.-MITil. YV AMED-A YOUNG FRENCHMAN TO GIViToun". ?? veraation lesson* In exoltange for Kngllah. Address H. ?So, Herald Uptown office. HOUSES. HOP AIM. Et., WANTED. In thta City ano liroulOvii " " , A RESPECTABLE MAN AND WiKK. WITH 10 ?TVyears tlrat class references, wool I 1 ko to take charge ot a geirtlemap'g Ivukc for tho flummur, jo;1 ha?i 4<nh at. LMJKMHtitiU liUOM, mji AtioVK 2'\ ? .s, . >i a .> T h . tV treutleroan for the summer; price $3. l>. , 1 lo il? raiu oflic-. C;iVViLKMAN AND* WIKK WAST L\RG& US FUR A iilnned Koora, IK'ht housekeeping; best reference*; park prelerred; nbout $1 i tu ?ntbij. Add.em SOriKft UTO. liar. uJu office. Gentleman and wipe want three unkuTT. nlsbod Uooms with American family; state price. A. Y.. Herald office. KP1CK ROOM WANTED?NEAK~POST OFFICE. AT about*12(? cash, or *150 in printing. ATlIhN.EUM. Herald office. ' Wanted?a neatly Ki-hm.siikd bedroom h7 a gentlrman; not to exceed *1 a week. Addreaa G p Post office mix 4.171. ' WantkiTtkmpotarilytA SHOW-WINDOW ON Hroadway. holween Htlt and 23d ata. Address B. S care Post office box 5.713. city, WANTED?AN ENTIRE PLOOR OR PLAT. PAR (tally or fully Inrnishod. Address PKEBDoU. Herald Uptown office. Iy ANTED-A PLAT HKLoW 5UTH ST.; PARLOR. i dlalng room, kitcden, lour be<1roomH Horvuntx' room ; pr CO to *7a Address A. B . box 115 Heralu Uptown ofiiee. ANTKD-BY THREE ADULTS. HM\LL, NICELY lurnished Plat; location between 23d and 31th six Address Mr. K., Herald Uptown office. In the Country. A FAMILY DESIRES To KENT FOR THE RUM mer a lurnished House. sitnateJ convenient to railroad or boat, within one bonr'a travel from the city. bouse io contain It) to 15 rooms, witu . ar- On and -bade trees and location on high ground: must hivo all conveniences. Address, ylth lull particulars. b.?,t 4 Hs > Post office. a farm, with good buildingh~wantki>7~to P T"k.?n ?hfrea or in exensnge lor City Lota FARM, box 2.15 Herald offica. A FUltNI i UUK. N~??N'Tw"7tMtN 7Tu~KrcXltFEi' and Heddln r Warehouses, 512 and 514 8th av., near 30th at.; the largest establishment In the city; lowest cash prices; weesly and monthly payments takou. A pkivaie family will sell satin parlor Suit 114 pieces) , Coat 81)75. lor$173: raw silk, $75; reD suit. $25; Bod'Oom .-ants complete. $35. $75; walnut Bed steads. hair Mattresses. $8; Ljbrary and Dining Furniture Brousaa. Painiiugs. Htelnway Pianoforte, $125; positive' tncrillce. (.all private residence. No. 41 West lOtn at. bo tween 5th and 6th avs AHR.ST CLAH8 PIOKHARDT SOFA BED. COV ered in raw silk, at a bargain Call at once. 1 323 Broadway, in store. A private family will sell elegant par. lor Milt, covered In satin, coat i?0o, for $|.V>; do $HK); Suite In rep and halrnloth. $25, $.V); Paintings' tlronim. As ; Chamber oeta.$ID); de.,$4<i; Mattreaaea. ?8; Ltttrarv an t Dining Room f urniture, call at prlvnterf-esi oetice 120 West 23d St., near flth av. BAUMANN BROTHERS ARB OFFERING GREAT oargains In Furniture, Carpets and Bedding at their atom 228 and 230 , udeou at., corner Broome ; weekly and monthly payments tsaen. ETURNINUI.E OF SIX ROOM FLtT FOR SALK. " CALL immediately. 7(i8 8'h av.. 1st floor. IMMENSE i.KdLgiIo.N IN Pit IC KS' OF F'UR.VITlTKiT .V!i,rDVil *f;v torA J?!" Lor e*'-T P?f ments. cow PER*, i IIW tlT'.".. I.i.i and 1.i7 i hatliam at. Send for llluilratei price Hat. Weekly or monthly payment. V ?""?twtffil Misfit carpets and oilcloth a very chbaf At the old place, 112 Fulton si Window shadings at botKiM prices, hiogh BCIiURBRLKK A CO., Msnnlaeturers. 01 Fr nklin g! A UAKHliB MASTKL.!?. At pricks nkvkk approached be pork.* slate and marble Mantel-; l?rn??i ataorimatit lb the cltj PkNKIIYa ML ATE COMPANY. 50 Union *quare,4lh av anil 17tli at., N -w York. mauiil'actiirara ol all kind* of alaie ?vL C~-\ rates and femie .s. -vvk WOULD CAUL SPS Tclal anautlon to our large variety ol open Pirepl.caa won braaarranina.Aiidir.iiit and Pender* ofantlijna da, ?Ian*. with na-knt Urate*. for wood anil coal; alio thn Ur-irat aaaortineni ol Oratoa and Pender* in the markal, Willi our patent ahaklnu ami dimming urate. Wlmlvaaie and retail. J. H. CONOVhK A CO., BUM Canal at.. V Y. Akiunukriu AND MONUMKNlH CHEAP** limn ever. A K I, A II .R. 124 haal I Hi h at., near 3d a*. yvi'EW*KI"rt B.-AfK. HARD WOOD OMmitela?hlonant de?l?n?; larir-at ***ortm*ni; luwaet* prbe*. 75 and 77 \V#*l -3d el. (Maaonlc Templet. WATC1IKM. JEWKLRyT^. A" T 77 ST.. M All HRiabWAY?MONKS' advanced on Diamond*. IVatcliea. .Jo weir v, Ac; alao Pawntiroaera' Tlckata bought ol Diamonds, Wat cue*, Ac. 77 Hleecker at. _ Tt" 35 UMoN sQll ARK.?LOANS KPr KI TKI) DM i\Diamond*, Watch**, .Jewelry, Metclieniable Aitlelaa, ,lc. on.* m mm or purchnaad; u em i.arp.lna In Die monda. Ac.; aatabllaliad i-vv. J, ii it IM. It. 1.27a IIROADWAT, AB JVK 32D ST.. MONEY lor I'eraoual I'ropertr; old Hold. Sliver bought; ?d vauca* made. I.adlea' olJlc*. WILLI AM A. liK. Diamonds, watoiiba, jkwki.ry houuii# and ?mil. Loan* nocatltteil. Alan llank Hook* on broken taring* bank. Iiountil. II TK U H. 707 Hronlwajr. 17 RM??Aiia <y.-diamonds, wa icTiks~and i I $ Jewelry bought and told . luant negotiated on Par a in at Property ol every itaacrlption JAMES P. MATTHEWS, Cl.OTllINU. . ?f ir a"V , S k a k 4TffTfr7. KiVil BlifBIH iu* for caat off ClotbiiiK, Ad. Call or addrata Mr. or Mra Natiian. a.iHIh **. AT PLATTfPS, Hill dill A V., NKAK 4HTII ST.. LA DIPS and aantlamen will poaltlrely racaiv* AO per cant mora than elaewnare for anti-off Clothing, Jewelry, by nddraaa lng Mr. or Mra. PLaTTo. A" T HARRIS', 1.274 MHOADWaT, RKTWKKN BSD and M id at*., tlrnadway nrlce* paid for caat-off Clothing, Until, dr., by calling or nddresaiog II IIAKKIs, 1.274. AT MINifos, BKOADWAT, KKrWKKR ?rriI end 4Uth alt , llr iadw iy prieaa paid lor Caat-off Cloth In i. Jewelry, Hooka. Plaaa* call or addreta B MINTS, I,HUH Hrmidway. ^hFkCIAL AliV~N7lUN 1'Hr. W KLL KNOWN ? II Alt Ids (formerly SI M av , removed Ml I1*' M av., on* block below Macy'a) guarantee* to continue, a* be fore, to n.y the ntnioit for cn*t olf Clothing, .lowelry. Hooka, Ac. Call or addreaa Mr. or Mr*. IIARRIH, lso 0th dr. HTONISIIINO HIOII PRICES WIlFhk~TaID KIIR caatolt Clothing. Carpet*. Jewelry. Honk*. Ac. I7m7iU Mr or Mra ANIIALT. A Mli J Vaam A A I KUWahD MILLER'S. OH (IfH AV., NKAR W\ varley plnco?Utmoai Tain* paid for Caat-off Clothing Call or addraaa. , Fm. marks', 101 era av.. opposite rth sr. Ladlaa and gentlemen will be aalonlaned at the IIItch prlee* paid Icaa .) lor east-olT Clothing. Carneta, Lace*, jewelry, Hnoka. Ac Ladie* wait d on by Mra Mark*. ~~ MEDICAL. -DfiTTl llTSl?L'isrbpPlCE''Nol"47 WlSf" 13 rII nf.% Ami Dlt. WIIITKiiEAD.-aDVICc. PHMK. 215 Keat 45th at., near 3d av. Itrt. LYONrt?HK Ml)V KII IU 107 WEST SI*f *t. M M R8. BURNS. 194 Lexington at,, near 2M at. AItIn tad, ialbi at At'cncr*. _ "a ucttok sXi.'r. "at"HtfVATii kahidSTnce! A Attention housekeepers! Positively iba largest sale id the MMM. blbuant cabinet made household furni TIKE. TIIIB (THURSDAY) MORNING, commencing at 10 o'clock. at the In itorjr brown atone mansion NO. ?I WK.?r SIXTiENTu STREET. BETWEEN FIFTH ANl> SIXTH AVRNUE8. STEINWAY PIANOFORTE. * CHICKEKIM1 UPRIGHT PIANO, PARLOR AND DRAWING ROOM SUITS. Eaatlake and Quran Anne >l;l? covered la crlmeoo. tan and Kold. aatia and raw eilk; Suite In brocade. tapestries and rape. pink collection modekn classic paintings. SPECIALLY ATTRACTIVE IN THKIH ORIGINALITY. KINE SELECTION IMPORTED BK'NZK STATUARY. WALNUI CHAMBER SUITS, MARBLE TOP. DRESSING Casks. SI D-. BOARDS. PIER GLASSES. MANTEL GLASSES. SO PA BEDSTEADS. LOUNGE BEDS. LIBRARY TABLES. WALNUT BEDSTEADS. walnut library cases, easy cUaIur UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS. CYLINDER D SKS. I PARLOR DESKS. marble top Tabler TETE- t -TKTBs. t'OKNBK STANDS. MARBLE TOP BUREAUS. MARBLE TOP WASH3TANDR CANE SKAT CHAIRS. EXTENSION TABLES. Brussels carpet*, ingrain CARPETS. SPRING REDS. HAIR MATTRESSES. ? MIRRORS. CORNICES. CURTAINS. LAMBREQUINS. Window Shades, Mate, Huge. Ac., Ac. N. B.?Kale punitive, rain or ebina. Don't tall tn attend. Messrs. RANDOLPH A CO., Aiitftloneere. Arrangements made tor parking and shipping if desired. Auction.-pubitiye sale"Wis day (Thurs DAYi. ELEGANT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, at ihe Ave alorv brown aioua realdanoe. 130 WEST 23D ST.. NEAR Bill AT., commencing at 10 o'clock aliarp, STEINWAY A SON'S UPRIGHT PIANOFORTE. WINDSOR 7& OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO. oil paintings, bronzes, vtatuary, mirrors, ac. Drawing room Suit*, covered in satin. r? w eilk. c teialne, style uf Queen Anne: Mnrqneterle Cabinets and Tablea, Etugeres. Consuiee. Pedestals. Centre Tables. Pier and Mantel Mlrrore, Musical Boxes, choice Oil Palntinirt, rare Antique Uruniee, groups, alatuea, pitch-rs vaeee, Ac.; Sevrea end Ormulu Mantel Seta, Ornaiuente, Ac. Cbambera?Inlaid carved and plain Dressing Cases. Bed steads, Wesbstand*. Chiflbuniera. styles ol Eaatlake, Luult XIV.; cnrleu. hair Mattrea>ea, aprin.' Heda, Pil'owa, Bian. keta. lounges, Chalra, ."ults in repa. Bruaaela ar il ingrain Carpeta. Clocka, Mirrora, single Bedataada, Criba, Book atanda, Tablea, Ac Dining Room -Bullet Extension Table. Chalra In leather; Silver, Glaaa and China Bare; Cu'lery, .-Ida Tablea and alao Furniture of kitchen and aervanta' apartments. LUKE FITZGERALD. Auctioneer. N. B.? Gooda packed and shipped UCTI'i.s SAl.f., aUU'ITG > NOTICE. This THURSDAY. commencing at 10 o'clock, at the elegant I'unr story mansion 21 h aat 17th at., between bin av. and Union square. 2 elegant r aewoad Pi.molortea. 1 satin aud 2 raw silk hulls. 7 pieces. 2 bookcase*. Lady's Desk. 12 elegant velvet and llrusaela Carpets. 4 elegant Centre Tablet. 3 Library-Tablea. 13 elegant imported llronae Figures 21 Oil I'aintluga, oy Mutiny, Lepina and otbera. Elegant imported C.ocka. (1 Parlor Suits in repa, 7 pieces. 7 elegant French woluut Bedroom Sets. 23 ai ring and hair Mattresses. Pillow*. Bolster*, ."beets. Ac. 2 elegant Buffets, Dining Chairs. 5 "pauiali Lounges, Chairs to match. Elegant Silverware, < htlery. Glassware. Wall Pocket*. Kitchen and servants' Furniture. >. H.?Take Broadway stage* or cars from Astor House, or green cars Irora Grand at. lerry. B. R. MARTIN, Aue tlonear. UCTlOft SALE?UN RESERVED?THIH DAY. THIS tTll U KSD AYi .4tGIC.NI.NG. COMMENCING . at It) O'CLOCK. RAIN CR SHINE. AT LARGE FOUR STORY Bi.ii.VN STONE .MANSION 131 WEST 14I'll ST., NE?K Bl'll AV.. EXPENSIVE CABINET FUKNIt URK. TWO ELEGANT ROSEWOOD PIANOFORTES. PARLOR sKTS. CH AMBER. LIBRARY AND DINING koo.. suits, oil paintings, bronzes, marble SETS. Parlors contain ."iiita in satin and raw silks. East lage and La Grt-cienne styles: marquetry Tables. Cianoa Marbles. Pier and Mantel Mirrora, 3 > line Oil Paintings, 14 pairs ol imported brouao Figures. 2 Clocka, French make; bnia do rose Cabinet Fvdestals, J ardiuieres, Lace Curtains, valval and English Carpets. Eaay Chairs, Lounges. Ac. Chambers?12 sgis ol solid walnut Bedsteads. Dressing Cases, Bureaus, Washstaads. Ward robes, spring and hair Matt-esses Pillows, icurain and Brussels Carpels. Kxten siou Dining Tables; handsome Buffet, cost #200; Cnalrs, Bookcases, Desk*, silver and plated Tea Sets, cblua Dinner Beta. Glassware, Kiteuen and servant*' Furniture. AL BERT KRAEMKK, Auctioneer. Goods packed, snipped or stored If required. A -TUNIS JOHNSON. AUCTIONEER, i old steud 37 N sssau at. THIS DY. AT 10K O'CLOCK, at our salesroom, 37 Nassau St.. LARGE SALE CARPETS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNI TURE: ABOUT 23 i-INe ENGLISH BoDY BRUSSELS and Carpels. Buffsts, Ext nslou Table* aud Obalis, curled hair uattresses and other Bedding, Parlor and Bed room Furnitur'. togetltar with a large lot ol Kitchen Utensil* and Office Desks, Partitions. Railings, Ac. ON SATURDAY, AT 10^ O'CLOCK, at our salesroom, great sale of Household Furniture; also a snperb assort ment ol the finest black walnut and gilt i'IeR A>D MANTEL MIRRORS that hare ever been offered at auc tion. ^RT.?THE~ DgTuYVK'ITKR COLLEC/ioN of Important and entirely new MODERN PAINTIKOS now on view nt the SCUENCK ART OALLERT, NO. 10 MAIDEN LANE, to he sold at auction peremptorily, on MONDAY. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY AFTER NOONS. May 27. 23 aud 20, at 3 o'cioca each day -GEO. W. KEELER, AUCTIONEER. " * rales rooms, .'>3 and 3d Liberty St. FURNITURE SALE?VELVET CARPETS, AC. On Friday (to-morrow). May 24, at 12 o'elock, at 53 Liberty st,. Eaatlake and other style floe Cabinet Ware, Dresslug Cases. Bedstead*. Chiffionlers. Hall stands. Par lor Tables, Buffets, Velvst Carpsta, Mattresses, Bronses, Cylinder Desha 4 FI !K PROOF SAFES. A SCHWAB. AUCTIONKER, 277 BOWERY. SELLS ? Friday, large stock elegant Fixture*. Horses. Thick*, Harness, Ac.. ot first cin?s Vinegar Factory. Farther par ticulars Friday. ?GEO. W. KKrLEK, AUCTIONEER. ? TO-DAY, 12 o'clock, at 33 Lluarty it,, sale ot Bronaea, Clocks, Vases, Ac. R VTURDAY, 12 o'cloek, at 53 Liberty St., sals of 100 lorelgn and Amarlcan Painting*. A?CONTINUATION ."ALE. . PETER BoWE, Auctioneer. sella I HIS DAY. at ID o'clock, the balance of r urniture, Ae., of the West Street Hotel. No* 41. 42, 43 and 44 West at. dottage Suits, Mattresses, Pillows. Bolsters, quantities Of lainb'a wool Blankets, nbeets, Counterpanss, Brussels and ingrain Carpsta. 3HU Dining Houm Chairs, black walnut Tahlaa, Chand*. lleis silverplated and cupper Ware, Casters, Cutlery. Crock ery and Glassware, Ac. Hotel AiinuuciatoA Desks, Arm Chairs 4 large Ranges. 2 Steam Tables, Platform Scalaa, lea Houses. Cooking Utensils, Ac. A 'A T AUCTION. BY VAN TA88ELL A KEARNEY, AUCTIONEERS, AT THEIR SALESROOM. 22 UNION ByL'AtiE, 4TII AV.. NEAR 13T1I ST.. THIS OA Y (TIIU E>DAY"), MAY 23, AT II O'CLOCK. Elegant flonaebeld and Parlor KuroltU'e remitting of Parlor Suit* In rep*. raw cllk, cotelaine ; Bedroom Suits, In black walnut and mahogany ; Heiixtanda. Bnrtauv Urax Ing Cum. W adiaianu* Wardrobe*. Barron. Waabstnuds, Centre mul Exon ion Tnnles. Lounge*. E**y and holding >;iial,?. Bldabuard* Mirror*, MMIre?*?*. Pillow*, Bul?te:?, En.raving*. i'm>teil?, I (diet Crockery. Kitclirn Uteiiill*, Piano, In good order, by schomacker, ol Philadelphia, nna two elegant Mutlc Bona*. Alio, the Furniture of n aportlng bullae. eomlitlni of Cord nod Layout l ablei, Chain, Ao , Ac. Alio, two Billiard Tablet, Coot. Ao.. by Kavanagh A Docker. AUCTION I AUCTION I AUCTION! POSITIVE, RAIN OK SHINE. Tills (THURsDaY") mornino, COMMr.NCt.NO AT low O'CLOCK, THE KM'lKK MI-KUAN t HOUSEHOLD) FIRM TUBE AT TLB PKlVAlB RESIDENCE, - IJ7 HAS I 27TII ^T.. NEAR 4TII AV.. drawing Room Suit* In tatln, rape ami velvet; 1'lanoforte, Carpet*. lace Cnrt.ilni. Hrruri. Palntlnc*. henry black walnut Bedstead*. Hrcninx Caaen. Wardrobe*, rinreau*. hair Mattiemri, rprtnu Seda, I'tilnwe, rtolit r?, Lounge*, i ocken, TableauBillTet, hxteiiainn Table, any iiuanlity ,,f, Cntlery, Hian ami t;hlria Wnro. Hall and stair Carpetl, Ac. blillNk'T i.OI'll, Auctioneer. The good*mint be removed 24 h> or* alter tlie aaie. Take Broadway stagm or Fourth arrnua cara to 27th at. Huotli packed If neilied. A?BOOK BALK. THIS DAY. ? BARKER A CO.. Auctioneer*, 47 and 411 Liberty at BARK Ell A CO. i*ll on T UKsIiaY, May 23. an ef traordinery libra ryot choice miscellaneous itamlard Work* in cmtly binding!, and elegantly lllmtrated iiookt now on ?lew. > ? A -JAMES H. UTlKY, AUCTIONEER. WENT BROAD ,war Itnd Thomas at. ~l ure*?rved aale Orled rrulti. t'liow Chow. Sardine*, Herring, Soapi, Butter, Vinegar' saneei, Coffees. Saleei, Lime Juice and (ienarat Merci an, diac, thli day. II o'e ock. BE.nJAMIN P. FAIKOIIILD, AUCTIONKELK. WILL SELL ON W EON ? hi) AI, MAY 22, and each day following an ill all la rilipoied of, commencing at 10 o'clock oaeh da), all that part OF IIIK ST. .NICHOLAS HOTEL KI'UMTUKR belonging to the Loabat eitata. and contained in the promiaea NOR 507. .i<K? AMI Oil 11 ROADWAY, eonalitlngnl retewooti and mahogany Parlor and Redro-ra Sulla," " " " " " "* "" ? La, Cablueta, Wardrobea, htaKeres, Pier and Mantel Mir. rove; Wilton, a am.inter and Hruaaaia Carpet!; Curtain*, Cornice*, liair and curing Mattreaaea, Blanket*. Ao.: tin* Fixture!, Bathtub*. Waahatnudt and Radiator*; marble Mantel* and Crate*, Ae., Ac. BY. THOMAS, AUCTIONEER, W1LI, SELL ON ?Thuradny, May 23, at 11 o'clock, at No. 131 Weal 34th It . a large atoek oi Carrara marble statuary, ronalatlng of 0(1 piece* Monumental Statuary, 20 piece* Parlor StVuitrv ana 20 granite and martile Monument*. Slock on exhibi tion every day until the aale. BY JwSKI'H HFO'.MAN A CO., rriday. Mar 24. at 10 A M., at tna Central Saleiroomi, corner Pearl and Willoughby it*., Brooklyn, regular weekly inle of new and aecond hand Karniture of ererv ritaerlplioa. At 2 P. M.. 12 new haudaoma walnut Parlor Suit*. (1 aecond hand ditto, new Sqnaro and Upright Pi ano*, Pointing*. Cbrnmo*, Engraving*. Pier HI****., ,tc. BY JOHN It. DRAPER A CO.. AUCTION KERB. -Til K Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Com pany will aell 50 000 tou* Hcrariton Coal, at public miction, on Wedi eaday. May 29, at 12 u click noun, at 20 Exchange plac*. SAMUEL SLOAN, Pre?ldeut. BY^IKDEK ?)F N. H. FARJ.NBACH. AsHtO.NRK, 1 will aali thla day. at I o'clock P. M.. the Content* of the Coal Yard and Offlc* *1 the loot of Eaat 28th at . ronalatlng of De**a. Chaira, Humping Cnra. Bote*. Barrel*, one large Platform Scales, Ooal Dust, AO. JOHN McDONUUUH, Auctioneer. ?AlsES AT APCTIOn. dwaHo Sen Esck, AWfifoi SPECIAL 8a US or FIKE CABINET FURNITURE AND UFHOLST*** AT NOR. 8 AND 7 EAST 23D ST.. KURTZ ART BUILDING. MADISON SQUARE. COMMENCING ON THURSDAY, MAT ?. AT 2 O'CLOCK P. M. Can be Men at any lima. The stock was mad* to order for first elan retail trade and is ol the beet workmanship and material and embraeee every variety or rurniture for drawing rooms, library, bad rooms and dining rooms; Bookcases. Library Tables, Cen tre and Side Tablet, Cabinets, l'adestais. Deaks, Chit fouiers. Ac. JOHN H. HORSFALL, 6 and 7 East 23d si. Madison square. DWAUD PETi'lNUKR AUCTIONEER. SELLS IOJ< o'clock. Contents first class Printing Ofllco, 78 Murruy el, consisting everything apertalnlng thereto. Catalogue ready. tTT * COLToN, AUCTION IP.EK. X1 # Mortgago sale. Extensive sale of rich Household Furniture, 50 or 60 line Carpets, Piano, Mirrors, Ac-, Tlll.s DAY iThursdar). May 23. at 11 o'clock, ' at tha salesroom 590 .Broadway, below lionetoa at, A very large aesortment of rich Parlor, Bedroom and Dining itooiu Suits; to oest hair and spring Mattresses, Holding. Cottage Suite, Arinoire Wardrobes, Plimpton Hen. Payne's paieut Heds, Sofa Beds. Lonngee. Centre Tables, Extension Tables, BnfTet, elegant Krenoh pinto pier and mantel .Mirrors, superb rosewood Plane, one square Piano, Axminster. rouquet, velvet and Brnsaela Carpets; Chin* and Glass Ware, Hri>iiS"S, Ac. Also a fi die c irrotn rosewood Billiard Table, made by Cnvanash A Decker, complete and in perfect ordor; three Suite ol Livery. N. H.?The Carpsts wlli be sold at 3>t o'clock! . I~[i COLTON, AUCTIONEER. * 1 ? buoerb Household Ptirnitnr*. On MONDAY May27. at 11 o'clock, at the private resldenoe 656 5th uv.. near 46th et.. tne entire superb Furniture, Carnets. Mirrors, Draperies, 'lupestiies. Paintings, Bionics and Statuary, imported and maiie to order at sn expense of about $100,090. Tha house will t>e open lor Inspec tion on Friday and Saturday, from lo to6 o'clock, by permit only from tha Auctioneer, <. COLTON. 596 Broadway. Catalogues will be ready Friday morning. The House and Lot will also be told at the same timet terms at tela. CI Kit. A. LKaVITT A CO. AUCTION K K RS rTHIS THURSDAY, at II o'clock A. M., at Clinton Hall, now on exhibition, FINE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, consigned from private parties Parlor, Lining and Bad Room Suits.-lu dllferent styles, by the best maanfaeturara; an elegant Purine Set, lu ebony and gilt, imported by Marcotie. with lung i-nrtnins to match; rosewood square Piano. 7 octaves; China and Glass Ware, docks mantel Ornaments, Wardrobes. Tables. Paintings. Mattresses, Blankets, Carpels, Kltchra Utensils. Ac., Aa., the whole M be sold without any reserve whatever. SALMAGUNDI-SKETCH CLUB. This Thursday (also Friday) evening, at the Leavltt Art Rooms, No. 817 Broadway, now on exhibition. FIRST ANNUAL EXHIBITION AND SALE OF ORIGINAL BLACK AND WHITE DRAWINGS, SKETCH INGS AND ETCHINGS. II. B. HERTS A SON, AUCTIONEERS. important sale of kipal lacks, shawls, barrios, flounces, handkerchiefs, ac? ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, MAY 23 AND 24, at 2 o'clock each afternoon, AT NO. 19 UNION SQUARE, WEST. Messra.* IIE'tTS A SON will sell aa above, positively without reserve, a large and varied assortment of guar anteed Real Lac sol the richest and rarest detUns and quality, which need only be seen to be appreciated. The Laces will be on exhibition Hum Wednesday morning, en abling ladies to examine the most anporb collection of Mo lein and Antique Laces ever offered ut auction iu this country. ? H. U. HERTS A SuN. AUCTIONEERS. SPECIAL SALE OF TURKISH AND PERSIAN RUGS, CARPETS, AC. ON SATURDAY, MAY 25, AND MONDAY. MAY 27, AT 2 O'CLOCK EACH AFTKKNOOM AT 19 UNION SQUARE. WEST. An entire shipment dlract from the celebrated house el Messrs. YEAH TEA, EFFENDI AND CATRIEVAS, OK CONSTANTINOPLE AND SMYRNA. Comprising abont 30H rare and valuable Tnrkish, Persian, Daghesian. Khurasan and other Carpet- and Rugs, In every variety, wulcli will be sold to the highest bidder without any reserve. xhibltiou now open at No. IB Union square. S. WEINBERGER, aFc7iu.SK..R.-REGULAR .weekly sale Jh<upral Merchandise this day (Thurs tlay). May 2d, III 10), o'clock, at new salesroom, Na 53 Bowery; also invoices ol Lanterns. Japanese Ware. Um brellas. Dry Uouus, Clotiiiug, Curtains, Shades, Clocks, Ac. ISIDORE J. MVaKZKOPF, AUCTIONEER, 257 BAST 4th st.. will sell H o'clock, 425 East 14th St.. large stock Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Tinware, Ac., positively la lots. Healers Invited. JlisfFlFsiiiTNTiiiOD. AUCTIONEER, 240 EAST 45TH st., si lls, this W}? o'clock, 427 9 est 4Hth St., complete Mock and Fixtures ol Grocery; Soaps, Starch, Blueing, Teas. Coffee. Sn nrs, Canned ? ruits, Snlcos, Counters, glssa Case, Icebox, .-cales. Tea Caddies, Lumps and Brackets; also llorro. Wagon and Harness .irigage sal -Jacob boo art, auction. eer, oSice 14 Chambers at., sells this day, at-10 A. .*L. at 1,102 2d sr., corner 58th St., contents of first class Lager Boor Saloon. L. A. CURRY, Attorney fot mortgagee. MNUsSBaUM, AUCTIONEER. 261 BO WERT, ?sells this day, 10 o'clock, 4SB Fear at.. Stock and Fixtures ol Saloon Bar, Backuar, Icehouse, Tables, Chairat Ac., in lots. * M mFT-HAU\I, AUCTIONEER. 261 BOWERY,8ELL8 ?this day, II o'clock, -1 Bowery. Stock and Fixtures of Concert saloon. Bar, Back Bar, Tables, Choirs, Mirror, Cloce. Glassware, Ac., ouly in lots Fa"\V N llllilkEk'.7 S ALK. - JAM K is AGAR, AUCTION eer, 94 Bowery, will sell, this day, a fine lot ol Men's and Woman's Clothing, Dry Guods. Hoots, Shoes, Ae., com prising all goods pledged previous to April, 1877. By ordar of Simpson. Somert A Co., 27 Chatham st. JJaWNBROKKILS' aALK-WATCHKd AND JEWELRY. TIIOH. J. McORATII, Auctioneer, 158 Chatham si., corner .Mulberry, will cell tills any. 11 o'clock sharp, Hooiuta cola end (liver Watches, Diamonds. iroiil Jewelry. I'tne, Rings. Barrings, Bracelets, Charms, Opera (ilaM ??. Ac.: also Huns, Pistols, Musical instruments, Ac. By oruer 11. rscutaug A Brother, r.Htl Broadway. AWNBROKhtt'S SALE. -W ATCIIBS AMD JEW ? Iry.?JA.Mr.S AdAlt. Auetloner, will tell to-morrow iFrldaji. at talesrooma. Hi Bowery, at II o'eloek, 7IJO lote Ualil and Sliver W atcliea. llolo and Uiamoud Kings, Pint, Earrings, Necklaco, Hold Chain*. Opera (Lasses, Sliver waro, (luns, t.arolvtra, lnatrtiiueiita and other valuable goods pledged prevlnua in April 10, 1877. By erder of D. Abrahama, 45 Chatham at AWNB.iOKhR'S SAL.1?-H. HELD. (lfe.Mr.RAD Auctioneer, salesroom No. 152 Canal at., near Bowery, will sell this dev. at II o'clock, 7U' lota Men's and Women's Clothing. Dresses, Miawls, Remnants, Under clothing, Qnilia. Blanbets. Hedoiuir, lloota. Shoes, Ac ; a'ao Coats, Pants and Vests By order D. De Long. BUS Bast Broadway. F_hiRKMPTOKY SAI.r?BV TilK OKIir.K Of TIIB Court ol Common Pleat, .??? ol the flnest Water fronta on tlie llarlem Klv-r, between lo;.th. lUBili eta, 111 lots. In eluding lunkhead Wat r Front, with eorporstlon irrantj Hock, Building and several hrlclt Pactorles on the groan I will lis sold rrlday, t r 21th lust., hy RICHARD V. HAIL NI'.TT. Auctioneer, at tlie Exchange sal aroom. 111 Broad way, at 12 o'clock. 1)iTilTp"SC1IWKINBURU, AUCTIONEER, sBLLd. 10 o'clock, 425 I list lltli St.. entire large stock Crnckeitea and loaksware of All kinds; situ flue futures, Kero.sno Pumps. Ac., lu lots. R~IIIA?U~ W AL.Tr. R.V SONS. A UCTDJNKKRS.? Peremptory talo lueaday. May 28, 1878, at 12 o'clock. s| the hxcnsnno .salesroom 111 Broadway, the substantial, well bnilt liner story, attic and on-emeut brick float# No. 217 Bast Broadway. with lot, 24x87,11 foot. This property Is eligibly situated In the best portion of the Itevonth ward a< d. belnic always rented, it desirable (or thoso lo.ik inn for a prolltaole and sale iuvestment: tonus aaay. Par ticulars at auctlonesrs' ortico. 27 e. ist Broadway. E"EC'S 8AL.K. ?IN PU.ldUANCiToV TWO CKR talu judgments of ths Snpramo Court. I, tho under sixiied receiver uained in **id judgments, hereby irive notleo that 1 will soil at public auction, at No. IB Spruce at., la the city ol New York on thn 2Hili day ol May, at 10o'clock In the torenonu, by Rich a d Field. Auctioneer, everything requisite for a Ural class House. consisting ol Cyt Inaer sud Hand Prawaea, fe nxines, Mia tin*, llydrauiio Prssset. a very large qaantity of Type. Cabluott, Btando, Stones, llalleys. Chases. Sticks, Ircus Woodcuts, Bill Posters and .Miscellaneous OonUt. lormorly belonging M Torres Brothers. KDMOND III i. It-TEL, Receiver. c riHL'sKI, IIKNKIt At. AUCTIONEER, 422 PULTUN kJsSt.. Hronklyu. sells, till-day. at 10 tiki o'clock, a lar<a sloes Dry and Psncy llncnls, consisting ol Piece Hoods, Wrappers, Hosiery, \ civets, Itiubons; also Showcases, Fig tares, Mauds, Figure*. AC. Ths sale Is worthy the atten tion of dealers and ethers. CALK IN FO RKCLOMD ItK.?Til K THREE 8TOKY Ostore nnd Lot 510 Broome St., between Thompson end South 5th av , will be sold at tho Exchange Balearoom, No, 111 Broadway, mi Friday, M sy 21. at 12 X. COUDERT III.I' I'll I Its. 1*8 and 70 William st. C HERMAN AUCI'KlNKf.u7 ' O. Large. special, Important aod peremptory sale, FKIDaY. May 21, at II o'clock, l.ijj and 17 Bowery, the enure slock ol a dealer?VK , ol a ,out |l.*>,fl>io worth Wines and l.lqu >rs. 2.VI barrels Bourhou aud Rye Whlstay, Ashland. Blue anil Hear (trass. Crow's, Clark's, Kteveks', Konrer's an i other choioe hrauila, various axes; also cask* Brandies. Uln. Rum, Port and Sherry Wines; also about ?too vases Imported llrnndiea. Claret and Rhino Win##, Champagne, clears. ORIce Fnrnlture, Sales, Ao. Dealers particularly Invited. c M .'AN. Alii. II ONE hit] sELLs THI-DAY O. 'Thursday). May 23, at II o'eloek, Noe. IftW and II Bownry, an a-sortment of Furniture, Ingrain and HrnaaOe Camels, Hllclotlia, Units, Quilts, saia, Office Furniture, ir. *?l? ponltlvu. TIIK UNDKKSIUNED will rklu at public auo Hon. hy Messrs. A. 0LAFF 1*1 N A CO.. Anotioneert, at Nu. 118 (.hiireb St., New lork city, on Friday, May 24, at 12 o'clock, noon the ?mek ol the late llrni ol & A. Bock' man A Co.. consisting ol Straw and Millinery Hoods, JAEEajt^ TIIAYhR, Iteealvar. WILLIAM AMHhTT, A0OTIONSER, nil IlLhhCK .K st . will sell a this day, at I0M o'clock, the stock nnd Fixtures ol Hie Urocsry Store at It Roosevelt at., aquan toy "f Soap. Starch, leas. Mutter, Canned Hoods. Platlorin and other scales, syrup and Molnsses Cans. Ala Pumpa, Brooms, Pails. Ao A ASl'ItOLOUI. -nd i.mposirii?Ai. HRhai t;laTkVTiVan fT >Mrs. r OH I Eo tells everything; name*, hum >ers. t*l Wsetton or no pay. M llllh St.. near Itlvnv. 25c., fHK' .f I. A "I TltN'l ION. l/ON s'tTiTf A rl< INN, BCHI N tinii.'tlAW -\suits, eneoilsr., losses, abucat irlends. love, marrlaxl and death Mroe *l.s(lill, 447 West 24th st. A WONDRitFUL 0IIILD~,~oIkTRD WITiI "?i:cu.t8 ?l,hi. tells erorslh ox without nuestioniiix. I (IB Rati 4oii. st , near Leal: pion at, ( iHUftTKns DE London-JcnT TkhM* I chStSi V/.-uar Clairvoyant of the world. 57 West Itiitn st. 1 r EAST IMTII BL-TmISS Br IiiioNT AND MRS L( fshannonherx, roeently from Colorado, Magaetle .Mew merle treatment. Parties speculating la Batace lotterloa or mines obtain reliable information.