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PUBLIC NUISANCES. The Grand Jury Going for the Aldermanic Scalp. ENOCH A. COE'S DEFENCE. Sowing the Seeds of Pestilence ana Death on Harlem Flats. Tho trlil of Enoch O. Coe, the proprietor of a fertil ising factory ut Newtowu Creek, L. 1., uod wuo is charged with maintaining a nuisance, was resumed yesterday before Judge Gilderslecvc, In fart 2 of llio Court of Gener I Sessions. Members of the N'cwiork and Utookiyu Hoards of Hcultu and several oneinisis were in alleuduuoe. Assiatuut District Attorney Hell and Colonel W. 1'. Prentice appeared lor llie prosecu tion, uod Colouel J. K. Follows lor .he aocased. Mr. F. W. Arviuo, cbemist ut Coo's Uclory, de scribed the process by whicU no claimed to control tue odors etcupiug from the esiablisbuieni, and insti lled tbul ut tue present lime thero wero no ollensive smells there. Dr. J anu s Crane, president of the Drooklyu Heard of lie nth; Dr. Joseph U. Kaytnund, supei intended, uud Dr. William Fiske, sanitary inspector, testified that they visited Cue's factory on Friduy lust. Iho unly odor lliul thoy perceived on their approach to the factory uud wlieu tuey were msids was chlorine (as. lUcy witnessed the process ol the uiuuuiucturo ul fertilizers una saw the materials put into tuos uud unx.d. lUe smell of chloride of lime was distinctly perceptible, ibis lime was sprinkled about the fac tory, uud Mr. Arv'.nu pointed out 10 them u number ol barrel* couuiuiug quantities of it. '1 hoy also wit ne.sea ibu new lor consuming the refuse sludge u 1 Without creauug an Odor. Pioiescor W.ilium N. Johnson, l'roiessor ofCtiurn lsiry In V ile College, lest.Uud tuat ht1 wiled Cue's factory on Friday, una the only odor which he pel cuiVed in or mur It Was chlorine, flu considered Unit Uiu sine.I which emuusleu from mo luctory on Fliduy was nut nlUusive. Pioiis. ur avu Cluing, ol iiuiliniore, also visited the luctory on i rida, last, unu uuauiu to detect any uup.eusuiit ouor.-c ??u the occa.-ion ul a lor.her visit ihesmeil wus exceedingly disugreeablc, hut t.ow the use ui cloriue ot iliue hut apparently uoutud it. Prbltssor Livbig noticed a gioat improvement tu the pruccftb. Cuiuuel Fellows then prOUUi etl samples of the mu leriils Used at Coo'.-: lattery ana uflerod lo nave the manufacturing proeess g>.ue tnrough before tue Jury iu uruur to satisfy tUeui Hint no odl suieil result d lrom me operation. Assistant District Attorney Dell objected < u the ground that luo ?uiouudluys were ou lliely different tu a cuurl room irum ttliai mey were at Coo's laclury. Judge Uildoisleeve sustained the objection ui.d tue case fur the defence closed. Couu Icl will sum up this morning. IHlC Gli.t .NV JC'Ui' a WO UK. No additional Inquiries wero made by tho Grand Jury yosterduy into the alleged licensing by the Hoard ul lfballh ol certain establishments claimed to bo public nuisances, almost tho entire sess on being occupied iu investigating tne ucuou ol the Uoitiu of Aldermen. The inquiry us to tno Hoard ol iioallh has beeu adjourned lor u few days lu order, it is suit), to obtain addiliouul testimony. Doteotivcs Field uud O'Connor notified the parties Indicted for maintaining nuisances uud lourleeu of mem pre.-enied themselves ut tnaotllce of the District Atloruey yesterday uhd lurubbud b.H In $600 each tu uwuii trial, iho otui rs against whom indicimouts have been louud Will probabiv give bauds to-duy. i.\vssritiaTi.vo jus Ai.nguMt.v An investigation Was uiso tieiu by the Grand Jury Into tho alleged illegal acts of the Hoard ol Aldcrmuu In issuing permits for the erection ol fruit stuuds, newspaper buuibs and other street cncumbruucrs. District Attorney f helps was present us the 'eg il icviser tu tue Grand Jury and examined a number el tbu city official* w ho were summoned to attend. Mr. Allan Campbell, Commissioner Ol I'ublic Works; f oneph ill union thai, Super mi undent ol Kuuumbrunces; Gorpuruliou Counsel Wintu y and Francis J, 1 worn ay, Clerk ol the Common Council, were in terrogated ut some leuglb. A sub. re. a was also Issued to Mayor Ely, Who seut u communication an nouncing bis wiihnguess to attend, but did uot appear up to tno hour ol adjournment, iho investigation ?nil be resume j to-duy. HAUL JCil FLATS IttfAlJ Y KOB IUFIK HUM MBit IXIIaLA i IONS -BUM WHO KKFUaf. ANDUAli BaUL UNBEB IUE VKBY Notts OK THE CITI ZENS. Id alt ibe bouquol oI odors (by do menus rare) that assail tbe nostril* of residents of tbe Kaal aide, there are lew or uouc thai equui the stcucb irom the iiarlcm Flats id tbe summer time. Ibe broad up .use Of inarsb tbal was years apu of lbs nuiuru of (be ureal Mil tnusduw* ol New Jersey, but wbicb is now in tersected at right anylos by high 0111 bauKuieul*, uu winch ruu hi reels sod avenues. is very sparsely settled, sud tbe largo majority of the residents urn squatter*. Kvcu ibvao people, who are uilracud by vacuo 1 lots where they can build thctr sliaulies ud tneiOHlod, protest vigorously at liuiua ugaiost tbe way in wli icb the city baa uud> rlakeu to muko tbo grouud ra'uablo, while prospective buyer* uhd tenant* of real estate have learned to shu.idor at tho words ''Harlem Flats," undueaily all the old ri stdouisof the blgb ground urouud have boco driven away by tbe noisome odors tbal arise from tho old meadows. For tbo (lowers tbal be, lor aome rea.uu or otuer, Lave cbo-?n to dump a large portion of the city's roiuse on this grouud, pleading that thereby the reluse wss dis posed ol and tbo grouud uiudo avniabie. Neither of tbese statemouia seem to he borne out by tbe tacts, lor tbe roiuse is .-.o far Iroiu being disposed ol that it I* re* lived by its own swill putrilaciioo into a uui suticu that nut only renders the themselves unlit bnb.tabie, but drives away the residents of the higher (round acj moot to litem. Some years ugo wh .u the uso ol this place for a lumping grouud began popular indiguuiiou grew ao tioi ou the subject that alter a amount 01 sick ness had hacn caused and property hid been depreci ated greatly in vaiuu tho city oiiloiais stopped dump ing re use there. It wua oniy lor a lime, however, and alter the cxciltmcul had paascd away they began again, though *11100 that lime tbuy have cliccied u partial sopnratiou ol toe aabas Irom lite garbage of be citv, and by sondiug tin worst ol tbe latter to son tbey have avoided maklug as great a nuisance as they made at Hist. VLAOitAXT .Mtbl.niSXCS. Tbeir latter pToossdings, huwster, have been wufll Cleuwy flagrant to call lor tbe most earnest ?ud angry remonstrunoo ol the public Iruin year to year. Naturally tbo approach ol hot weather Is tbe signal lor the anger ol tbo public 10 rise as ll ? tilth dumped through the winter mouths Is froreo, and the boisolue kteuohos ol it are irnpri oiim.. 11/ tuo Kiudly trust. Suiuuiei alter *umun" lbs ciiir.- n* who live near by or pa** ou business or pleassrv up tuv First, ycciiu 1 or 1 bird aveunes or lbs Kost itlvsr ate rv 1111 tided of luo otlldtal incapacity or worse thai pie veot* .be finding ol a l) Iter dumping ground tor re I use. or ol a 111 1 r k e I lor ibe valuab e p .rt ol the city's ollul. ffMDier uhsr Milium r p.isaos ny, tilled with detniucluti'ii* u. angry la*payers, suu see tin ir prop< 1 ty injured aud tbeif Health Imperilled, and with sillily excuses by olUci la, who allege that |i Is impossible to do any Hung with putrelyiug llltb, sept 10 aprvau It over lus ground to breed disease through inn city. And winter alter winter find ine patient public weaned wiiti trying to untie ri d tap), and glad ol evtu a temporary loaplic Irom autioyaocv. UKKKPIXU VKSTILI'.NC'M. This year tbe uouble bio* lair 10 bri ad out early. Ibe rereut soc. es* ol private cnlMIs id tilscoVermg Ibe source* 01 daug. r u- HuiMnosg lust were ofli ci lip nut,-- Xl.ii'bl, nod Ibe quickuued uo.luu ol u.e bifida.e, who could ao longer plead ignor.i0CS4OI what III. > paid to kuow, oavs moused the public Sat iter loan usual, and airea iy r.. iiipuu. is hsvo rvicned lb* IIhualo ofti? .. 1 e man or in sli ni II.a damping 01 reiii-o 1 cined on ou the litis. Ibe block uu* b'dug tilled up by brder 01 ibe li ard jl I'oli" e l' nuiiiiasionei? .ml wiib tbe ?aoci on ol tue II ard ol Ueaiib, ilea lietw.v,, First aud asceli eye 11 use , and boiWeeu Nlusiy-?e. olid and .Nicely-.h r.i slreuis. It was a lew year* ago one ol tbe lowest ol tbo low iy ng blocks lu the Vicinity, but about two-Munis Ol Ms sunaco baa bsvu c vtrefl with a layer 01 dumping* perhaps three let, aud lbs rt uian. iuk iraciion is now 111 pfWsesS?l ueiug cov ered, .Home ball-a doseII hill III houses aland oil tbs ?ou 1 h side of the block, tho roar- el wboli extend downward tweuty leet irom 1 e level ol Hi* (root uor Step to ih*t ol ine back uour*tep. ami the back yards ol wlncli cousiei ol paicbes of grouud iliaiiulaciui*d out ol ibe con louts ol the garbage barrels 01 lus city. fe.xu?ptii.K lor t.ieau nouses 1I10 btocn cousins ol a bole iu tho ground tlltesii or twenty (cut deep. A Sk.VTHY ox blaua W lieu iho wilier visited the p.sce yesterosy lie touud a sort uf teuiry owx, about eight leet square, un tUe Nine!v-third streei aide, iu iroot of wiuoa were bail-a- ios-n dirt carlr, which were driven oil one by ous 1.a lie came up. In the sentry box there wass man w ho seemed to boa lorcio 1 n and another man who dW not a? am to have auy am g, ibe Inst men tioned, woote bums proved 10 be < narivs Packer, cx plalnvd, in aiirwer 10 qneatisiis, Miaihe was inspector l?r tliS police nlid ilso lor the Health II..aid, and that be ?u ill charge ol tl.e dumping Mini was bstlig dtilie ?t itisi piau*. 1 lo re were hrooght thlilier, ho said, ociy tue ashes and lbs street -Weepings coiisctsd be tween Sixty-fifth and Eicbty-aixih streets. Ha was there to see that no garbage was dumped. tie said, tu uuswer to lurlber questions, that be alteudcd to tin dull s thoroughly iu Ibis reipoct, and that theru was uo g trb igo clumped there, excepting bucIi as was ui xed Willi tbo amies lu the burreis In front of tiousos, uud tbai three men were employed ou tbo grouud to separate tbis iroui tbe usbes, uud it was iben taken away. Kveu tbe paper and sucb light refaso aa would burn was onrned at night, uud the old ttn cans were east lu u heap to one side. Tbis last statement was corroborated by tbo preieuee ol many thousands ol sucb cams iu various tie a pa. So lair a seeming bad tills story tbat tbe reporter wae almost convinced that tbe woik was nt la-l receiving proper attention, aud wlieu the iii-pc-c.or invited bim Iraukly to go dowu aud look at tbe dumping ol tbe loads hlinscll, It socmed hardly worth w hile. Ho turned to go, how ever, au<i tho inspector fell beuiud huu mr u lew steps, whuiuupou tbe reporter looked urouud aud saw u uotewortbv tbiug. a cart was just coming to lbs ground, and tbe man tneutloued aa beiug with tbe in spector was uiiiilnnlug with bis bauds to the driver oi the cart to go back. 1'he driver was turulug bis borse aside when the Inspector, wbo saw that tbe reporter bad noticed the uiaiicuuvro, called to bim to come ou uud he did so. MOKIS UAKUAOk Til AM ASllkS. Thodumpiug .round was louuu to be covered wltti mounds ol return, each mound bcluk a cart load eilb'T of elieel sweepings or of asbes and garbage in.xed. iu none of I hem was theru a preponderance ol ashes over garbage, out in mauy II not iu all tbcro Was more garbage than asbes. 1 be three mcu were at work with pilcblorks levelling down the mounds, and it is only proper to say that when tbey o.iiue uerois auy lar.o aud easily discernible muss of vege. table reluto tuoy pitched It 10 one side. Tbo small piece*, however, such as potato purings, rotlon pea pods aud tile like, were tell with the asbes, uud a sickening smoll was apparent that only needed a little moru Ileal and u luvoriug wind to spread p- stlleuce broadcast. The inspector looked ou with apparent suiisluctiou. "The usbes are lovelled uuwu," be said, "and then the street dirt Is spread over theiu." "but are all these small bits of rotten vcgotablo mailer left in tbe ashes?" asked tbo reporter. "Oh, yes, wo cau'l gel that separated," was tba reply. These small bus mentioned composed at toast twenty percent in itio bilk ol so-called usiio-. preaeutly tbe curt wiucb ibe numelesa Individual bud tried to bead oil was emptied. Its load proved to be almost entirely oi garbage, ami tbe reporter culled the inspector's attention to it. Iboruupou the driver Was bulled. "Whut do you bring ibal hero for?" said tbe in spector. "Lion'tyou know belter?" "It's only oue barreiiui," said tbe driver. "Tbe garbage mull bud gone by and I thought it would be belli r 10 bring it than to louvo it." "Well, you ought to know bolter than to bring gurbagu here, ' said iho luspecloi mildly, uud the driver urovo off. A carelul inspection of the ground showed tbat ibe "filling" whs con.posed exactly as the Inspector bud explained?ol usbes uud gurhagu mixed, covered with street sweepings. A p.iperwbich Uo showed, beiriug the signature ol Captain Gunner, declared that tbo work wusdouc hy order of tbe Police board uud up provod by the lloird ol Health, This work has boon done through the winter uud spring, und tbo uurly summer is likely to show the results. Judging by the smell yosionl.iy (though the inspector deciarod there w.i>. none apparent tu liltu) tbo Urst hot days will briug out a stoncb us had us those from Huuter's Point und certainly of as uangerous a klud. HO MALAUIA TIIEliE. It having been rumored that malaria was prevalent at the Normal College, a UtHxno reporter yesterday upproachcd President iiunler upon the subject. Tbta gentleman said that theru was nut a word ol truth tu the report. Commissioner Wtckbum, chairman ol tbo committee, also denied the charge. Uo said tbat nothing coulJ be more ridiculous; that there was no healthier location in New York than that occupied by tne Normal College; uud that ibo Hoard ol Health had made a oxainiualion of tho locality last laii, and again tins spriug, und pronounced it excep tionally lreu from n yihlug like malaria. REAL ESTATE. Tba tallowing sales were made yesterday on the Exchange:? BY JOHN T. Bull). Foreclosure aula?Amass A. Dedtield. referee-of luii'- five stery brlca trneuieuts and lour lets, each 20.HxU.Stt, en Kusl IJOIU si., u. s.. HO ft. w. of 1st uv.. to plaiutiff $3-1,926 Al?.- Mmilui s?le ?e. B shnfer. relcree?of brick Luiiiliag. with lot 2.).\fH u (No. -<3:i West 3t)lh St.), n. s., MS) It. w ol tttu uv , tu plaintiff. 6,000 SV SCOTT AND MVS IIS Foreclosure salo?J. it. Sinclair, .reteree?of lour .too br.,wn stone liuuvc, with lut 211*80, No. ISO l.rxtugtuu uv.. w. a., li).r? It. s. of 45i!i St., to plaiu tiff 15.250 BV JAkkS k. UlLLKIt Edward S ltapallo, rcfeieo? Foieclosuro sale of a plot <>l land. :i.ixn2. uu ?. ?. ol -Multi st.. ltX) ft. a. of Unrduii si , Atoll Haven, to plulntlff. 1,000 BV A. 11. MCbLXIU Ambrose Muuell. reteree?foreclosure tale of a plot of luu I. uuuor vruier, 233x7.1.6, Irregular, foot of Kual 53d and 5sth ?l?.. iu planuiff 10,000 Also iwu lots, ouch 25xl(X). on the w. h. ol lltll uv., 50.5 It s. ul iotb St., tu tilalntiff 4,1 XX) BY L J. Alt) I. riiiu.irs R. S. Newcoinbe. ruieree-Fureclusuie ?ale of the building. wuh lot 25x75, No. 35 l.uwit St., W. 1., 125 It. s. ul Di-lancuy at., to plaintiff 10,600 Totul aules for the day $61,776 OFFICIAL HEAL KBTATE TLANSFEBH. The following auitmeot allowing the real euUlo transact ions recorded lu the Uegister's olllco May 22, 187b, la obtained from Augustus T. Docbarty, deputy register:? 29lh *t., n. ?.. 130.8 ft. e. of 3d av., 23.4x100; alio 2*th ?t.. *. 1* 'ft o. of 3d hv., 25x08.3; John it. i uirir Had \*iio tu John llysloo $20,500 Grove tuil piuco, u- ?., 123.2 ft. o. of av. C, 23.2x50 (-3d ward); Clara Decker and huiband to Chris tian Hum .?nh ........ 2,000 13-?lli >t., a. ? , i50 ft. e. of WfelllH hv., 20x 100 (23d wart;; lliouias Ove?iur.ton and wife to Albeit \htcl.ell . 5.20O 118th ?t.. n. ?., 2?'>'?ft. w. of 3d av., 25x100; Koieit Christie to i lisab th Christie Num. 11th nv.. e. a, 24.11 It. ?. of I2??ih at.. 25x75; Mary A. K uu/. find husband to i'raukiiu Savings Bai.k.. 2,500 Werlltwitfii at., tio 11 ft. n. of Chr>sti?j st , 58.9 (x-irienuuri; diaries Heck to Lotus iioiitiuineier, 10,500 50th ?t? s. a . 132 ft. ?. of 4th av., 21xlUO 5; August L Mother and wile to I'lulipp Keiiimoit Notn. 441h at., n. * . lout. w. of *tb av.. 25x100.4; Mary h. Uiai-Q :uid liuahuiid t ? Heujaiiihi Richardson.. 5,(JU0 l2titii at., n 2i?* ft e. of 5th a v. ,47.5x211.11; Well .nirtou 11. hearts to John i* Hell ..... Noui. 3 1 av.. w .. 25 o It. s. of 82d at., 25.8x102.2; Kino iinu M Gray to ihoui-iS iluvw 17.750 75th at % it a . 125 ft. w. of 2a av., 80x102 2; E. 11. I!?>bba treierce) to Marv J. Lyon 2.000 Lexin .t tu av.. v . h., 4o.5 ft. s. oi 45th sc. 20x80; J. <? Sinclair (ieb rem to W. N. lieach (trustee. Ac) 15,250 W.tiker at. and wkuu av, (24ik waru) ; .*. 11 8tei her (referee) to I bai lea Du??l 5,000 2d uv . e. a . < 1 1 ft. it ol 24th at.. 24.8*1 41; B. ^bafer .rulers**) to Ueebrlck Westfell (executor). IS,OX) Na?V'C av,. corner r.hwood at , 300x130; J. G. Sin clair (refer# ? to J una A. Dyckuiau 2.000 LuUtow .it.. HuiOxHKJ; Henry Droosterand wife to lliurv httivji?? 1,5(10 51st at.', s a., 205.4 ft e. of 3d a? . 17.8*0regular ; hrniiy Macr and hu* .ami to Martltiu K differ Num. Iltli uv.,?*. a. 7i.ll ft. a of 20tb ?t.,2*?x/5; Will lam tt. Carpenter ami wife to Tbotuas 11. Lang .., 000 03d nU. li a . 85 tt. w ?>f Lexington av , 7t?xl<J0 5; also 58th at., s. a., 220 ft. w. of Lexington av.. 38x lisj.5. miao Lexington ?v., o. s . OH.5 It. n. of 57th at , Jtlxtkl. also I I7tli ft., a. a.. 155 it. ??. of 4tIs ?v , mix MM.5: hits* McMsuui ami husbnud to Cathar in*' McMniiUs ><U1. .waoi'" prop, rty; Catharine Mc.Hauua to Th rna* Vic* Maoiilt ???? Noiu. Canal aI no. 41*1) ; Vt ill lam Mciick and wife to Charles Mcock ????? ????? 8,129 llud-o'iist (>o 2231 ; Same to same 15,000 Monroe at., s a , between Kuh-er* At. ami Jefferson ?t. 21x100; hciir) 4. Bailey (executor) to T. 1*. do rerriere .......... .... 3,250 \V nils av.,n. w. corner 144th St.. 25*100.0; ,\un J. t? \. iuiiti Num. 3d av to 4tb av., flNiji to 99th st. ; W. L Kiudley. raierco, to J oaiau ML risk** 140,000 LKAHk Pike St., w. s , lot So .1H.*?,2| years: C. A. Hedges to J anaes M. W hi t lie Id f 225 HKCOfthkh XORTOAUK*. Haini'ach, Christian ami wkiv, to Clara Decker, n. a. of Grove 111*1 place, e. of av. C (23d ward;; 1 year fl.'.O 8au>e to am iii'. -a iM? property; 4 years i.uUD lis ,.woe, Patrick aim wite. to aou Bought, e. a Hfvert*aie av (24th ward); 5 years.. 5,000 Cleavelanu, >u?an I , to ? aroliu*- M. Glihllati, n. s. oi Sprittur fct w. of ? rosby <%{.. 3 years . 12,(M) i,MW?ln, Peter aud others, to Henry Nturs, ^c\ 28J liroo i.e ?t. . 3 years 0,(XX) Same to Vtcudcl .>tr?/oei. No. 282 On oine St.; 5 years 3,000 i! viiop, John, to .loiiti ii. Currle, ?. s. ol 20th St., i 8 ft e of 3d av., and also s s. of 20ih At , MO ft. e. of 3d av , 5years 14,500 Lilburu, itachel C and husband to William If. Macy a ti u itoOert hay dock, n e. earner ol Otn a v. an i 21 st s*.; 3 years 10,0"0 MiUu<!ll, iib? it li.. to llioliias Overiligtoli. s. a. 131 At At., e of Willis av ; I year 1,000 O'c tutor, Kb'hard, to thralisin ."iiuiu. n. w. corner nl ttuiii nv. slid 144th M. ; H mouths .......... 4.0UU l'etth rew ituoeft ami wile, to KloUe L. Lawrenco, it. m 4t)in St., **. el 3d hv. 3 jesfs 17,000 PfailiiD*. Willi am 11. and others, to Julia M Poiliou. ti. u com. r oi Fcrrace place aud Mott at. (2Jd w rd); 3 years 5,nuu Shanu'it, ununaii I., and ha*baml, to Samuel .if vliliKii. s s 5Lt At . e. of loth av.; 1 year .... 51*) Stabrn>??tii, Anna U., to the Germaiua idle Insttr nnc?? C.'iopaiiy. s. ? Hilfh st , e. of 2d av. , 3 years. 4/dJO Bton?*. t ortielu* aud w I to, to Han lei II. (til mail (ex ??nt' r. A? ) n. w. corner ol Madt?on av. and 124th at ; 2 mouth*. . H.OX) lUaye*. M* phefi if ami wile, to Ge? r*e Hell; s. w. comer or ..exui/trii av. and H'tn st ; 3 years ... 5,U(X) Same to * w. ? uf Uiiogtos sr., lux ft a of i?5th At 3 years 5,tXk) SauiM t ? Kmily Bell, w. s. of Lexington hv.. 37.8 ft s. f 95th st. ; 3 years. 5,0(X) - uns t?? (ien e Mel!, w. a. ot L^xlh^tno nv., 55.8 lbs of M5?i? at* | 3 years ... 5,U00 Baine to same, w * ol I^exiugtoii av.( 73.H ft. n. of ^?.?th sf ; 3 yours ... 5,i*J0 .Samw to sums, w s. cl Ul n^t<m av., '41 8 || *. of 05Ji st. ; 3 years .. .. 5,(XX) WskHi. Maria i*., ami husband, to cornslius M alke, s. s. ol I loth it. v. of 3d hv. ; 5 years ... 4,000 i M-nitoKh asAio.sak.sff. op momti.auks, Maria )V., to I oe Importers and traders' National Hank 92.500 Mselav. .iam?* G , to M(?-*es H. Mac lay, trustoo, Ac. 4.085 hteuinie, John, to Menrv ntimm* 4,5(.?U Filtb Di.rAltTMENT. Pr.siiluDi Ming, ol ilio Uoard ol Fire CominKtloa ?r?, nt ilio wtnigiy mealing yoaiorda/, prosoototl lb. Ivlluwluti ropurl rai.uvo to Ibo condition ol ibe ap propruiiont M it;. rtpiffWIl SllMW on a.larlti, M it M, ItOO CW W; on upparatna and aoppli**, 4.i.i J1 , cmlinuii'd Ii.blliuea incurred darn g ibu k I!IHH?K vt.y Is on u|M>* *od ?0|.ptii'?, $17,790 W. Milan, o aflat deducting linbllluos?Uu a.tlnrlm. |7i)ti,9W) iHf; on ippatatui and supplies, (Ili'.,<if4 lu. lotnl tailuilld lmliiitti?a? Ou sil.irlcs, tU4i,17J 04; on opjiaralua aud aupphua, *6l,3o& St. BUSINESS TROUBLES. PETITIOX8 FILED AND ADJUDICATIONS IN BAXE BUPTCT ? EMBAUKAUHEO FIHAI8. CQarhs Grlesswso, Inane Holf.nun and Joseph Griesstutn, composing the late llrm of Grlessman Brothers ft Hodman, wholeealo dealers la clothing, of No. 39 While street, have been adjudicated bankrupts ou the petition ol the two llrst named partusrs, and the case has beeu relorred to Register Dayton, who has called a meeting ol the creditors, to bo held on Juno 25. The liabilities amount to about f 150,000, ol which tbo following ere the principal creditors in cluded in tho schedulesLehinau Brothers, $11,902 60; I'uled ft Uermholmur, $11,000 08; S. Ji. ft B. Cohen ft Co., $0,164; David Lovl, $7,976; Hermuu Brothers ft Co., $6.016 27; Samuel Seim ft Co., $2,098 13; Siege! Brothers ft Co., $2,002 34; Slgman Brothers, $4,774 13; Adolpb Griessuiun, $2,333 94; Scbnabcl Brothers, $2,030 06; Aoo'ph Schusior, $2,363 64; Felix Tharmuu. $0,401 24; J. Struuss, Brother ft Co., $3,996 91; A. Frieduiuu ft Co., $3,311 02; William lleller ft Co.. $7,390; Slarzberg ft Co., $4,480 73; Josephlhal Brothers, $2,480 03; Spuuldlug, Swl.t ft Co., $7,079 65; Salxoacber, Gltter- | man ft Wedcles, $7,237 83. There aro no assets men tioned in the schedules. A petition in buokruptcy has been hied against Cornelius O'Reilly, builder, o 1 Nu. 116 Last Forty fourth street, by six creditors, whose claims aggre gate $3,893, the lurgost being mo foliowiugJohn Deluuty, $1,097; Terence Ur Ula, $000; C. Berry, $570; William Delaney, $500. Guslavus Frank, ol No. 331 Bast Seventy-seventh street, has beeu uojudlcuted all luvoluutury bankrupt on ihu petition ot Samuel Strauss, who has a cia.m lor $326, aud au injunction has beeu granted restrain ing biui from disposiug o! his property. Tho case has been rolerred to Register Dwigin to uke lurtber proceedings. A pennon in bankruptcy has been filoU against Abra hum Btrasburger, jewelry, ol No. 24o West Twonty tourlli street, by lour creditors, whose Claims aggre gate $6,383, as loliowa:? Max D. isteru, $1,800; L. BlrasUurger ft Co., $1,083; Dauiul Al. .Stern, $1,U0U Blocs Brothers, $000. The creditors oi John Feltrelch are endeavoriug to throw huu into bankruptcy, unit a pennon lor inul purpose has heen U.ed by live creditors, having oiaiius suiountiug to $2,506, aud the manor ol itujuui calion will he heard ou the 26.U insi. The C.alitia ol ina petitioning creditors are as follows:?8. A. iluiphy, $8U0; B. H. Fur y, $085; L,z2io Coilou, $500; W. Jackson ft sou, $ loo; Joitu ileeuy, $276. VOLUNTARY HAMkgUPTU James Rice, duaier u silverware at No. 513 Broad way ami ut No. 81 Reude street, has genu into volun tary bankruptcy, be.uro Register Little, His nubili ties amount to about $119,aUU, ueai ly nil ol which are ou uoti s either made or luuurseu by'mo llrut ol Btay ft U Ice. The largest ci editor is tho National mate Bunk of Blizubetn, N. J., wuosc cluiin appoars la the schedules lor $100,024 41 on ilil>-lhree notes, itiude or indorsed uy toe uoovu meiitioued hrnj. Amoug Ills other creditors are tlte kale National B.uik ol New lluveu, $1,913 5d; Brook.yu Bank, $l,i>60; N. Grid ley ft huu, $1,817 18; Lenigii iron Compuny, $1,413 37. lie hits liO assuis. Daiglii 1\ Otis, utunuluclurer ol pianos at N'o. 209 Bust Ninelcenlh street, has 'men uOjUdkalud a vuluu tury bankrupt ou msown , etlt on by Register Dwigiit. His liabilities amount to about $26,000, and me assets consist of cash, $10; slock uxtures, $3,100; prom issory notes, $826; book accounts, $l,ubU; claims, $2ib, and a patent lur improvement in planus, uluci! he claims is ol nu value. Auiuug mo creditors are the loilowiug:?IF ury F. Herkuur, $4,903 67 ; William F. Chittenden, $3,086; Mrs. Al. J. Otis, $3,02o 33 Clair ft AIiulou, $2,023 07, liability as indoiaer; Dan-' lei 1'. Ous, $2,000; A. G. Slude, $1,407 27! Tho City bus a claim lur tuxes, nut the amount is nut men tioned iu the schedules, und there are priority debts amounting to $336. XKkTlkO OV CKkUikOKs. A mooting ol tuo creditors ol Arinnr L. Sewcll, of the late firm of Joun Bouuer ft Co., b.iukcrs uud brokers ut No. 32 Broad street, was held yesterday at the cilice ol Rcklsier Litlio. Two claims wsie pruvud by Robert L. Cutting, Jr., us receiver ol tho Bunkers and Brokers' Association lor $484,608 84, and by William It. Gould ft Co. lor $21,432 08. Air. Burr W. Griswold was nominated lor assignee In bankruptcy, but there wus no cboice, aud Juhn H. 1'iult was ap pointed assignee. At u meeting of the creditors of Matthew Byrnes, Jr., bulluer, ueld yesterday at the olheo oi Register Little, schedules were presented showing liabilities amounting to $100,000, out no claims wero tiled, aud John H. i'iail was appointed ussignue. I he creditors ol Jumes Uenuessy, dealer lu shoca at No. 89 Nassau street, met at mil olllce of Register Dwighl and uccoptud ucomposiltoii ol tweuty cunts en the dollar In nulus at lour and eight mouths ou lia bilities of $2,101 50. Register Dayton yesterday called moetiugs ol crod It'is ol Joseph A. Keeling lur July 2 and ol Jonu O'Conor lor June 20. Register Dwignl lius dosianated June 20 lor the mooting ot the creditors ol Rnodca ft fcorver. A meeting olthc creditors ol Wurron A, Ransom ft Co., wholesale dualurs lu stoves at No. 637 Broadway, Was heiu yesterday at tho otUou of Register Ailsu. The firm presented au oir?r lor u composition at torly cuuts on the dollar iu notes ut three, six, uiuu uud twelve months, and its consideration wus postpoued until June 6. The crodltors thou proceeded to elect j nu assigneo in bankruptcy to lake care ui ilia eslato i ana Air. William A. ilail, of tho llrm oi Benedict' Hall ft Co., was chosen. Seventy-two claims wore piovud, aggregaliug uboui $300,000. tho creditors ol Hsuty d. Welles, contractor, of N<>. 70 Cedar street, held a meeting yesterday at tliu ellice ul Register Dwtgbl. The baukrupt suumilted an oiler of composition at live cents on the uoliur cash, uud lis consideration was postponed for threo weeks. Bight claims wero proved, uggiegatiui! $115,00U A UPeting oi the crodltors of Charles Merrill ft duns, manul icturirs ot nardware ut No and Grind street, was nolo yesterday uiternouu at tno rooms ol tho Uaidware Board oi trade. Nos. 4 a id 0 W.irieu street. Air. Hull, of Cooper, liuwlli ft Co., presldod, uud Air. J. H. Goldey was chosen Secretary. Mr.' Charles Merrill read a statement lu the meeting show! lug the nicrchaudiso liabilities to be $72,000 ami mo iissot-, inciud.i.g stock, machinery, ft.., were valued at $12,600. I'lie equity lu tliu nmi estate was staled to be merely nominal, a oumuniteu oi three, consisting ol J. R. Haisey, ol the Oriental Bank; Charles M. Joyce, of Demornst ft Joyce, uuil G. 1. lulleu, oi Bruoklyii, was appoiuied to examiue into Ihu injurs 01 the llrm uud authorized sua requested lu call upon tho Committee oi Business failures ol the iluru wure Board ol l'rado lo co-operate wnh mem. Tho meeting a ijourned subject to tho call ot tne com mittee. assign* km ra. Jucob flyman ft Co., neuters in lancy paper nnd curd stock, at No. 29 Bcckiiiun street, uianu an as signment lor tno henellt ol ilieir creditors yeiterdav to llauioi Miller. The senior partner na- beeu lu buaiueas lor many years, aud Mr. Cnurles B.chi.uid was admitlou lu the firm about two years ago. Up to March, 1870, the hrm was flyman ft sirauSs, aud luun it beiuuio Uyiuun, Carpeuier ft Co. 1 hey Have had goon credit and lucir naoiillies are reported ut aiioui $26,000; they have good assets consisting mainly oi alock and nook accounts. N. I,. Burditk ft Brother, packing uoxrs, at Nu, 117 1'rinco street, louuo au uas.g'iiiem ) esieiduy lur ihu benefit ol their crsuilors lo Bdwttrd H. Builey. They have beeu in busiuess lor over leu yeurs. Ou the 20th lust, a chattel mortgage lur $4,0' o ou UxiRres was tiled to J. i-stuerou. Wiinam Kodh, importer ol luces, ut No. 636 Broad way, made m. assignment to W. H otiuor yesterday lor lbs benefit ol his cr dliors. He was loruieriy oi I llio llrm of Rodh ft IJocker, which was dissolved lu 1876. OllEKM.KAK, NOJIKiS & CO. Id the adairs ot OreeuleaI, .Noma A; Cu., a decision hns bc-en rendered Oy toe rvleree, tg-Judge Joseph S. Uoewurth. lie says tho cvideuco pro.ucud bclorc hint Justifies the conclusion that it ?w understood between Urconleaf, Norrts 4c Co. and ttieir custom ers, lor whom aud on wbo*u order ibo iirm bought slocks ou too secuiity ol a uturgiu tout the lirm might, according to tho usual cuurso ol such burl no.a, pledge or liypollircutr, as security lor louoa to too Urm. loo stocks tltoa bought. lorn being so, toe uiero piCdgu ol ru.u slocks Would out oo ol Hash a cuuvcr.eiou lor which a right oi aC tloo wuuld accrue to lh? cuaiotoer. I Ue oolljullon ol tho Urtu to rucli a oaau would lie to keep oh liuod ruIIIcieol uke klouka uud lo U- over to ihe Ma* to mo i lilco alocks, a ud the quantity buugbl, ou paynicut oy me uuaioioer tu too lirm ol iiio .mount owing to tlia Uriu ou accouut ol kuuU purchase ? ? * Aa to .lock bought lor a cuatuwur, aud which can be idonulled to the lunula of any pledgee ol tlio Qrin who liaa aold it, such custom- i inuy, an 1 aui at present udv.aed, oioct to ratify aucu aaia, II ue has don* uolbiug lucouaiateut a itli hia rl.Ol to inaku aucu elevtiou, auu cla'in the price ai Wolcli It w.ia Hold. Il the proceed* ol klock lOu* IdehllflaU lliitre uoDw to toe rccaiver'a liauda iho customer iollow tueui. Il tuo stuck o?k como tu tue receiver a oauua, uoeu cuio icrid by tlio piodga, and he still liafl II. the etia turner may reach it, and hare a delivery ol It, by My ing to the recaivor ih? au.ouut ow iog to lliu U. iu in re. poet to ll * ? ? l ht-?e v.ews accord etiOalau ttally with the piMiliotia iiaaumed Oy Mr. Selah Cliatn h?riulu, the receiver ol Oreemeai, Morns A tu FUli CUAlUiYb .-SAKE. Ibe following contribuiiona have beau received at Una oillca lor .M ra. Mary K uie ai.d liar children, uien tloned in ibe Unuaon ol May 17:? ??NrtVy" |'l 00 **l uree Little Onee" 1 oo ?'Auouy mou." 1 <)0 Tolat #4 00 HlNUtJLAll ACClUinNT. Tboraas K iwarda, ol Youkera, aged about seventy yeara, wai louuJ yeaierday inurniug lying in a ball inseu.-IOle conuitlou ou alio vast aide of Ihu liudaou Klver railroad traek, a abort diataltco below Irving ton. Mr. Willi tins, agant at that place, had bitn re moved tu the ataiiou and thence to at. John's Kiver suie Hospital, at Youkere, wuere a surgical examine lloo allowed that Mr. Kdw.troa tiad reeivveu toiuo so Tere injurios. It is supposed that ou perceiving tlio approach of atralu bv had preiaed against tlie wires wmco caused him to rooouod ngaiu-t the train and .o he was injured, the signal wire being lound broken at tbui point. THE COURTS. The Estate of the Late John Winthrop Chanler. A WOMAN'S WEAPONS OF WAR. Important Decision ns to Creditors' Liens on Trust Estates. Tho late William B. Astor in 18CO settled over $1,000,000 on tila granddaughter, Miss Margaret A Ward, who was subsequently married to tbo late Jouu Wintbrop Cliuuler, wbicu after bar death was to go to tbo bcuctU of bor children. Following ibis ante nuptial settlement another was mofle ol a similar cliuractor succeeding her ruirriagf. Mrs. Chanler belore lior death made a will making' use of the appointing power which sue supposed she bad under tbeso two doods ol trust. s<be also gave out ol tbe sureties lu her possession $100,000 to ber husband uud an annuity ol $l,00o to her lather. Alter ber death Mr. Chanler bad tbe Untied States Trust Coin pauy appointed guardians of the ton children surviv ing Mrs. Chanler. Alter Mr. Chauler's douib several legal questions arose, growing out of that trust uud the respective wills ol Mrs. and Mr. Cliuuler. Mr. Jobu Jacob Aslor ut.d the oilier trustees desired to bnve tbo United Slates Trust Company suusliluteu tor tbeiu, but ibe question aio-o us to wnelbor tbeir trust tisd not expired; also, wbotiicr iho trust should bo turned over to tho Untied stales t'rust Couipuuy as trusieo or general guardian. A Irioudly suit was brougbt iu inu Jiu preiuo Court to doteriiiluo ttnse questions, uud tlio case was recuutly tried before Judge Van Brunt, wno yesterday rendered au eiuoorato opinion in inec .se. judge Van Biuul decides tnut Mr. Cuauler, having procured Iroui tho surrogate llie appointment ol the trust coinp my, could not revoke it by will or other wise without the couseul ol tue Surrogate. Tho second qucsliou was whether the trusts lor iho chil dren were void, so ihut tin y look the property abso lutely?in other words, * heltier the property should . e lurncd over to the UuitoJ Slates i rust Company us guardian or as trustee, under lue deeJs ol William It. Asior and iho will ol Mr. CbuniT. He dculues that the irusts iu Mr. As.or's lir.-l oeed are valid us to Ilia real estate, but void as to the personally ; that tue ti lists uudcr ilie second deed uru valid as to tne children horn beloro It was inude, but void us to mo otner eight. I be trusts under Mrr. Chuuler's w ill uru declared void. The tinted tjtuiu- t rust Company is appointed the new trustee, and .lie $luo,uuu tell to Mr. Cliuuler arc to ho of secunlits at pir, iW ttiout regard to p cmiuui. lu tbe proceedings to determine tbe amount to he allowed tue children during llioir minority ho things that $50,bOU a yeur is too much, us apt to produce liuhits ol expenditure uuove their linul iucoiiiu, uud llxus $&>,0dU us ibo amount to ue allowed lor tiro maintenance ol the children. WIDOW M'OAULY'S AiiSENAL. Tbo Wiuow Mary McCauly carries on tho junk busi ness at No. M Hester street, and ber next neighbor Is Custuve Meyer. Mrs. McCauly raises cbickons und so does Moycr, and oacb keeps u dog. There Is a bole in the dividing leuce through which the cblclteus ol each occasionally passed and exchanged pastures, liut white the chickens readily agreed to this interchange ol courtesies tbe dogs and tbeir respective owuers did not, so tbst when Meyer's obickeus invaded Mrs. McCauly's yard alio und bor dog drovo tnem back In Irigbt, disorder and occaaional lameness, wbilo Meyer ana liis dog mude similar rcprlsuls on tho other sldo of tbe lance. Ou the 7th oi April, 1877, iiuldu, ibo solid wile ol Mayer, was urousud iruin her demesne quiet, as shu said, by '*sereums of chickens" in tue ut'joiuing yard, and instinctively oonciuded that ber brood was boing luliospitably u'ud Iguoaimiuusly driven tbrougu tbe nolo lu tbo lonce. bucn was tbo ca?o, Mrs. McCsuly'a dog being In not pursuit, sue want to tbo rescue and was mot by Mrs. McCuuly's littlu daughter, wuo ciiue to tbe support oi the dog wilb u whip. The Child was soon disunited, but suddenly Mrs. McCauiy appeared ou the scene, urmed, as Utiuo Mayer suvs, with u sword and a's club, it was now the turn of the hue baud ol flume Meyer tu near u disturbance in wbicb b:s wiie seemed likely to suflor. He rushed to ber rescue, and bis lirsl effort was to get possession of tbucluo. He caught it and pulled, and tbe Widow McCauiy pulled, uud tbe curd giving way be says be 'Meil back uud the Widow McCauly lull back." This, be assorted, was the only kuoca uowu during tbe tray. But tbe matter cume into tbo courts in u suit brougbt by the W idow McCauly to recover $2,Uud dum ages Iruui Mover aud nil wile lor assault and buttery, inis case cume ou lor trial belore Judge Binuoil una n jury, in Furi U oi tbe Marine Court, yesterday, and Ir.sin the tesiimuuy the lorcgutug iacis have beeu g.vuuud. Ino Widow McCauly ensrged thai Meyer gave nor u "powerlul blow ou the nose," besides striking bor iu llie side aud injuring her so thai she was ill tor several days. She eiso charged thai Hume Meyer bit her ou tbe liund, but tue lutiur insisted tbst such was impossible because she had no teeth, the toatiurouy was much contused, and loft tbe case still iu coulusiou ul the hour ot tbe adjournment ol the Court. Tne Widow McCauly Is a small, gray -haired and mild iook.hg woiuuu, while Dume Meyer Is heavy sad tuu<? cuisr, though not over vicious lookiuy, but each gives to the other e bel.igeruut name. The Meyers assert tbul the Widow McCauly keeps u Complete hi so in.I of woapoue, aud thai as ibu rough udge oi battle was about to join on this occasion cslled to bur tun to brtug ner tbe sword, the pistol anu tne club. The contending parties are represented lu tbuir lucid contest by Mr. Ailrod SleokUr lor plainllO aud Mr. Cburles Spiro for tbe dclcndauts, (JitEDlTOUS OUT IN THE COLD. Judge Ssuiord, tu Superior Court, Special Term, yesterday, rcuuorod an important declelou iu several suits brought by Judgment creditors agslnsl the es tate ol tbe I .no Fullou Culling, who diod ?iu 1875. Cutting Dad no property, but bis molbur leil to ber exe.u.ors u large share o? ber properly in trust lor bun, lie to receive tbo reuts und income during bis lilu and boiug given a power to uppolul by will who shall lake the property utter his death. By his will, wuich was nrobuicd in November, 18*5, bo appointed such persons. Hi. creditors thou brought suit to have mo estuto applied in payment of their claims. They liis.slcd tout the power Coiilvtred ou Culling u> nis mother's will wss ellectuul und operative tu eutitlu the iu, lu equity, to a lien upuu the prop erly over whiah ihe power exiondod. 1 he Judge says laere cat. bo uo douol lUai prior io the aaupiiou ol the Iteviso i Btutuiex the actual exorcise oi a general beueuciai power oi uppoiuttueul over properly cper utuil tu render such property liable, au assets, to tuo mount ol creditors in orelcreuoc to tue c.aims ol the uppuiutaos Una uuciriue was louudud on tlio prin ciple lust tbo absolute p <wer ol couVuylog or dispos ing ul property lor ouu's oau benellt makes thu person to whom it is givcu the owner, lu me prcseul case, under (he KuVisuc. Mt.ituies, the Judge holds that lbs powei is unauthorised aud void; that the trust Vested in thu executors ol Cutiiug s mother Was a v 1 tu out, and that the estate is not subject to the Ileus ul creditors. 1'KuFE^blONAL SLANDEU. There wai concluded yesterday, belore Cblsl Jus tteo AIkc nuit ? Jury, lu Purl 1 oi ttio Murine Court, a olauuer null brought by Dr. John Frederick against Dr. Adolph li:uii ;e*. The slander wa such, plaintiff claimed, a* tended 10 impair bia professional reputa tion, nod alter a practice ul Uttucu jrcura without any suco impulatluu be tell juslillju tu uppcanug to too uuuiu lu charging the jary chiel Justice Aikur laid Uoaii tbc Uw aa relating to (lie aubj ct ol professional slander tv the vIIeel lUal, a litre a pruiesvioual loan la charged an tu tu liti practice, und thereby auaiatue lu bte iiruKaalooal standing and reputation, (to te t-uiiHcd totxeiupi >ry n.itn go . It n|>tM'dicit in tiie course ol the teatluiony, m wmcn l ie le-sor* Jacoby uuu Curuocbun participated, tbat Dr. k'reucrick a ta a leuuhir graduate a physician iu good standing, and alibougu several pnjsitlaua were called tu tesil y on livbail ol deleuduol none of tbeiu cuiitiudicicu liiuae einiuniuiila, 1 lie respective p.irtice aore amply represented by counsel, who lougUt >liu taso during three da>?, tUo pl.nuiill being lepir eciitud by J. C. J. Illiuti aa atlorucy ana Charles W Itrouae and Alt guilder J. Uuavey ae cuuusei, ahd tbe uelendain by eg-Judge Van cotu Ins Jury louud in lavor ol uuu gavu nioi $i0 damage . A OjLOULD MAN AS JlKOli. For the Ursl lima In the history or our Stalo Courla tu this city a colored inan aat yeatorday aa Juror in atrial. I ho n .uiu ol the luror II Jaincs D. Turner, and hi* appcuruuou lu the Jury Oox, sandwicued be* twocu a robuat Teutun and an utiauuated Cell, at trucicd, trom the variety ul lUo scene, no little atieution. I ho case iu wmeb tins coloru i Juror is to eiercme tho power tonierreo upon uiiu by the III leeinli i oj?ntutmual niuuuotm at is ueiug tried be lore Judge Van Vuiat, holding Supreme court, Cir cuit, tiia la n suit brought by W in. H. Soutl against Ibe Middleman, Uiiionvllle and Walergap Hailroad Com pany io recover |0,nlU 43, claimed to bo due lor rails, nolle uud other imitvriala sold to tne company, Jt wnl be renumbered, however, ibat a coiurei, man wna culled oil a Jury in the Stokes trial, but alter ex aiuluailou '.vua peremptorily Challenged. WOMAN'S moms. The Supremo Court recently garo to Stewart M. Freeman the custody of hit Infant child. His wile, Hannah Froemau, complained that tho was not al lowed to see the child, and on Monday obtalued in MM Supreme Court a writ ol hshoaa corpus lu tbs case. Ihia writ was roiurnahla yesterday, but Mrs. f reeman's counsel not pulling la au appearance she wuiit in tjucsl ol liiin. Not Itndiug her lawyir she re tarded, and encountering her busbaod began belabor ing biin over tint hcud with tier p<r.isol, nrouking tne bundle, an nlltcer pat im end to tneae hostile demon strations, but scarcely bud poacu been restored when her counsel canto upou the scene. Mrs. Frssmau then ?Nt for htm with her dismembered narssol, when en olUcer agatu nad to luterlero toemquera psaee. Kiiyiilv ilie matter ua 10 the child wus post poned till Saturday. SUMM.UiY OF LAW CASES. Argument ou the motion to dlsobarge lroiu civil arrest Andrew L. Hoberts, tbe alleged forsor, was continued before Judge Joseph F. IJaly, in Common fleas, Special Term, yesterday, and will be concluded to-day. In tbe suit brought In the Superior Court by tbe widow ol tlio late Jo'.m ford to rocovor a balance of bis aalary aa an officer 01 tbe Marino Court In 1S72, tbo Jury rrnuerod a verdict yesteruay id iavor ol plaintiff lor $243. The amount claimed was $400. In tbo suit tried before Judge Van llrunt, brought by Juno Durma against Ferdinand MoQie, to compel tbe dclcodaut to rccouvey to the plaintiff tbe scouery and cusiumes of tbe spectacular drama "Bubi," tbo laots ol wbicb bave beeu published, a judgmout wus g ven yesterday iu Iavor of the plaintiff. Jane W. me, u colored woman, alleges mat Junius Fallon, a wntiu wun, Is the lutner ol hor child. Sho is scelciuit to obtuin $2,000 ns mdcniuity irotu Fallon, uud yesterday, ou uppiiuaiiou ol Mr. a. M. liuminul, Jud.e Mo.cdain granted an order ol arrest against Fallon, upuu which he was arrested and the bull fixed at SI,000. Two hales ol cloth belonging to (loorgo F Victor were lound missing ou denvury irom the luiernu tiooil Navigation line, and us tbe owner had pa.a duties ou sixty-niuu baies insleud ol sixty-seven on tho certificate ol llie sieaiusnip company no insisted ou recovering back the dunes as well ua tho pneo ul'itie ciolb Irom ibo compuuy. Ho succeeded iu the Su perior Court, before Judge Speir, yesterday. John Hargrove and William llurgravo wore commit ted y steiduy ny Juctiue Murray, ihe former for dis orderly conduct and the laiu-r lor coulempt ol court. Iu supremo Court, Chambers, yesterday, on applica tion ol James 1). McCieiluud, counsel lor tbo prison ers, Judge Duuobuo gruuted writs ol bain sis corpus hi their iavor. In the petition ou wnich the writs wero granted It Is Hlle.ed thai the parties did Lot have a lair In urlog or an opportunity lo be beard, but had beeu urtmrurjiv, unconstitutionally and Ille gally held against protest. The sua brought oy Micuuol Uerrou against Joseph H. Key l and C A. Weed to recover upon two uuius, aggregating $5,000, wmch bus beeu on trial lor sev eral duys, beiore Judge Liwrence, lermiuulcd yester day in u disagreement oi ttio jury. Mr. iiovl only defended. He denies mat be was a partner ol W.-ud In llio ownei.-uip ol Hie New Orlsaus Timrt. It is asserted, on ino contrary, tbut lloyt, in bankruptcy proceeding- in New Orleans, before Judgu Durucll, , paid $15,000 Iu sanely his obligations us ouu ol tbo I partners ol tbe New onuses Timrt. It was stated iu , cuurt iliut the husband ol Jvunette Norton?tlie notes | lu question being givon lo Hie latter and ussigned to j the plaintiff ,u tins sail?wus Ihe universal assignee ! in bankruptcy ol Judgo Durnull, slid iliut Hoyt paid $15,000 ra bet than sacrifice *1)0.000. It wus stated itiui uiejjry stood ton lor lue plsiulill una two lor the deleudaat. COUitT CALENDARS?THIS DAY. 8CPRKMK CocRT? uamiikks? Hold bv JudcO 1)000 hue ?Nos. 21, 40, 40, >2, 50, 58. 03. 02, 90. 97, 9s, 101, iU3. 113, 135, 1?U, lbO, 101. 102. 101, 170, lib, 154. 165, Assi-SMlieuls?Nu.s 99, 123, 127, 179, 152, 153, 188,190, 193, 194 195, 190, 197, 198. 199, 200 5 UfKkMK COURT?(iKXKKAL 1 KRM?Held hyJUilgOS Iugulls, Dulles and Potter.?No-. 170, 171, 177, 128Itf, 140, 151, 157, 158, 159, 109. 178, 100, 180, 15b, 103, l'iU, 109, 173, 91, 181. 1S2, 183, 184, 1S5. 188, 188. aui'KKMi-i t oL'itr?-I'kcial Tkkr?Held by Judgo Van llrunt.?N,is 355. 379, 104, 39, 180. 59, 391, 429, 134, 105, 292, 71, 453, 201. 50, 158. 409, 481), 402. 407, 159, 418, 472, 473, 475, 478, 480, 4S1, 487, 459, 491, 492. 498, 500, 592, 504, 508, 508, 512. bupusna Co out?Circuit?Part 1?Held by Judge Barrett.?Case on?No. 1179 No day calendar. Part 2?Held bv Judge L iwrence.?Nos. 1, 953, 989, 1344, 995, 2034, 1004, 1800, 1808, 1319 1494, 1103, 1491, 3342, 1355, 1579, 405, 1508, 1887, 1421, 1080, 2508, 2o57, 1420, 1884, 1877. 1'arl 3?Held bv Judgo Van Vurel.?Nos. 2503, 608, 507 , 512, 1328, 3000, 384, 1441, 1119, 1125, 1527 Jf. 1217, 1547, 3479, 1174, 553Js, 1444, 1282, 37, 229, 1482, 375, 1527, 1283. 1549. 8Vi'KKii>K Court?Gi.nKital I'kem.? AUJourucd until tbe lourth Monday ol June. fSUPKKioK Court? Spkuial Ik km?Held by Cbiot Justice Curtis.?-No day Luleudar. Suhkbiok Court?Trial Tkum?Part 1?Held by Judge Spelr? No. 800. Parts 2 and 8.?Adjourned lor tbe term. Common Plkas?Gk.nuual Tkum.?Adjourned until tbe Urol Monday ol June. Common Plkas?Equirr Tkkm.?Adjourned for tbe term. Common 1'lsas?Cuamukks?Held by Judge J. F. Daiy.?No. 13. No day cuicudar. Common Plkas?I'kial Ikkm?Part 1?Held by Judgo Vau Hoeseu.?Nos. 449, 1951, 1949, 1431, 451, 203, 204, 578, 679. 680, 5sl, 2394. 390, 229, 834, 1143, 1130, 1435,2137, 829, 387, 2801, 1115. 1983, 643, 1428. 2529, 243, 147, 145, 2730, 820,'j, 1948, 2895, 1433, 1463, 2453. Part 2.?Adjourned lor the term. Makink Court?Trial rKi.M?Part 1?HeiJ by Judgo Alter.?No*. 4839, 4824, 4825, 4439, 2014 , 2046, 2721, 2580, 4827, 4831, 4400, 4841, 2230, 2895. 4621 Part 2? Held by Juuge Uospp ?Nos. 4474, 3949, 4298, 1919, 4803, 4687, 3880, 4662, 4607, 4430, 4811, 4187, 4083, 4418, 4008. l'urt 3?Heid by Judgo HinuolL?Nos. 2375, 4280, 3887, 4035, 4)101. 4038, 2343, 4421, 2043, 4468, -4408, 4070, 4071, 4872, 4073. Court or Ukxkual bfcssioxs?Held by ilecordor HuckeiU?Tno People vs. Katriuu Krackaldorl, arson ; Hums vs. G*urgc Anderson, burglary ; vs. Cuarles rcnuiia, burglary; Heme vs. John 1>. Payne, grand larocny ; Sumo vs. Auuio Douovan, lar ceny irotu the |icrson; Same vs. Jobu Kohoe, larceny Irotu ttio (a rson; 8amo vs. Murv Howers aud Henry Williams, grand larceny. Part 2?Held by Judge Oil dorsleovc.?Tbe People vs. Knos Coe, misdemeanor (continued). SWILL MILK AND VIENNA BKEAD. In Ibo Brooklyn C.rcuit Court, beiore Judge Pratt, tho case ol Louts Fleiscbuianu against James Gordon Bennett came up yesterday. Tbo piaintifi ts tbe pro prietor ol tbe "Vionua Model Bakery," at tbe eornor of Broadway and Toutu street. New York. He sues lor alleged libels publii-bodln tbo Nkw York Hkrai.d, charging him, as he alleges, with being ono ol tho owuers ol "890 diseased cows lod ou distillery slops," giving "12,899 quarts ol lacteal poison Uuliy," "and that the nunc aud cream used In said oHiaoii-iiineut, corner ol Broadway and Tenth street, New York any, were pOHouuus una impure, aud that the same wet u pioduccd In filthy cons ut Hllssvillo, an i were mixed wnb excrement Irom diseased cows, which nad Oruu led upon poisoned loud or uuwbulesomu loud, and lliat tbis pluiniill luanulaclured broid winch wus produced L'V the u?e ol saul milk aloresald and was unfit lur use, snd mat both it aud laid mint una cream wouli cause the douth ol inlints and sick people." l'ne defendant douies the allegations ol piului.fl'a complaint, and avers that the alleged libels ate true and ure lair roj> iris ol the trial of Guff, Fleiscbuianu A Co., an an indicunout lound ugaiuxl tiiem by the Grand Jury under tno law to prevent tbelralhc Iu uu wiiolceuiuu milk. Tne case was Called yestorday inorulug, and a mo tion made by tbe delcuuanl's counsel that the cau-e go over tho term, ou the grouud liist the same had been, at the rtquibl Ol tho plaiullfl'e sltoruey, set down lor the 2otn lust. ; that utiurwur.i he hud writ ten s attorney that he cou d oot atteud to It on that d y, and asking Inst It be set uowu lor Thur.-diiy, tno 25d, or Monday, the 27ib. The de fendant's attorney aud his couuael, lSlbmlgs T, Gerry, vouseiilid to the caso going over till the 27th luat,, mm tnaio their urr .ugeiiicni* aecordlngiy. Allsrwaid the plaiulitl's cuuussi, liudmg tbere wouid be uu court on Monaay, the 27ih, rucousd irum tho ar rangement and sought to havo tbe ens ? tried this tarm. Judge Praii, alter In.wing counsel, set tne casu Uowu lor tno second Monday in October. COUUT UF APPEALS. Aliia.nt, May 22. 1S7S. In tbe Court ol Appeals to-da)?presuat Hon. g. K. Church, Ciiioi Justice, und associates?the following business was transnctrd:? No. 416. Nullum O, Ureenfluld, pinintifl to error, vs. tbe I'copie, Ike., uoti'UUHiilK in error. ? Argued by S. C. Huntington lor planum la error and J. J. l.jtnori* lor Uuijiidaul iu error. No. 220. .'oseph Uti-hncll, respondeat, vs. Hie Co tu tanqilii Cou.ily National It a n K, nppell nil.?Argu?il by It. I'. Marvin tor appcliaiil uud K. C. Mpr.i.ue lor re spun. tut. OALkXIiAR The is il.v ii .y calender tor Thursday, May 211:? Nos. 167, 2U2ttf, 14b, 226, 2211, lhj, 210 nud 12. llMltD Oi- l.l'UCA 1 ION. An adjourned mtoiiuj ol tbo Hoard of K.luctllon wus held yesterday altornoon at which a number u( coiuiiiuuicallons were road, anions tnom one Irani Mias ratlin Wright, principal ol Primary School Ma 60, who roouiniuendad that Ilia course ol study in the in unary schools iliuuld bo reduced and snnplllled. Miss tV right ollurrd .u experience ol Ibirtv y> era iu support ol lur argument. Ibo column mention was re;erred to lbs Cum inn ire on Course al study. Com missioner t rauo olUreu tbo loliowiug preamble nud resolution Whereas by chapter 1(W of the lawn of 18711 It Is provided that no cult n .1 tins tats seall, by reavoti ol raee, eolt.r or |>r..nous uoudltloa ol no o?n pied f excluded from .be lull and iiqd tl enjoyment of any sceoraiuodsIlea, ad* .nta-je, Mill) or |*mMd* lurnlsue.loyliielruvi. es or otbur ..dicer* ol coiniiion sciiools and pubile Institution* ol learmuir; all I wuereas the establisliiueut a*.I in elate li nnet ol lour svbmils tor colored prisons in connection with tnls department Is enntrary to tbe spirit. II net in direct violation ol Ins art Herein referred to: end eh reas the coet per capita ul sueo centals it largely In excess ol tlist required lor the support ol (lie ordinary uay solioel.l there lure Itesolved, 1 hat the Committee on Ootorait hcho .Is of this Hoard be directed to examine Into (he espodhmoy Of We continuing tna acliouls for color il people now lualutslued by tins lloaid and nf prorldlua ill child tell ul tbrse acheo.i with eeeomiUodati mis In echo. Is lor white children and it port to tuts Hoard their vicars In reference tlieieto. Itelcrrod to the Commltloo oe Colored Schools. Commissioner Msnivrr* o lie red u resolution o! ibanks to tbe Coinuiissiouers wno uavu been si Albany re cency for ibo manner in which they had discharged llioir duties. Commissioner Vnrmilyo obieoied to this rosolutlon oo the ground that too genu.-men ul Albany m. rely did tbolr duty and ho did uol tlilns ibu resolution necessary. It was Immediately with drawn. Later on Commissioner Mauierrs oflered a resolution of ihsoks to a number ol tteoilsmen wno bed rendered efUnnot cervices to the connnitlev from Ilia Hoard ol Ed nasi ion wnns at Albany. The resolu tion created considerable discussion end was Dually adopted. Commissioner Jellilfe odered a resoiutlou advising that a certain number ol acuouia be kepi open during the lumtner months. The resolution was rs lerred. CARRIED. Fioa.nirkk. ?By tbe Rsv Dougherty, ol tho Church o! tbo Holy iBn0coulZ alkrko Victor Iikaillv, 41. P., to Ejiaa, daughters Loui* F. Dit Flganure, Esq., nil ol this cily. Hbkts?Stkiine ?On luesduy, Muy 21, by the Be* H. S. Jacobs, at tho residence of too bride's parents' lthLt.R, eldust duugoter of .Solomon Sterue E-u to Maukicb A. Hkkts, all ol this city. *' I-ovhll?Alls*.?Tuesday, May 21, at Claaaoo Art. hue Presbyterian Church Brooklyn, by Joseph r Puryou, D. 1)., Edward J. Lovkll to Amanua U Allk.n. Nathajt?Frank?On Tuesday, May 21, at tbo reel, deuoo ol tUu groom's parcaia, by tho Key, Ur. G Lands berg, Jacou A. Nathan to Tillik Frank bom' ol this city. ' Oo Tuesday, May 21, 1878 at tho residence ol the bride's |iareul?, by the Key Will, iurn K. Morgan, 11. P., William H. to Emma" daughter ol, William -S. Kldabook, both ot lb la oily' Now York. DIED. Aurams.?Ou Tuesday, May 21, Sarah G. Adrams aged 4s yours, 2 month and 21 Uuys. ' Fui.urui Ironi the ITuiou Avcuue Baptist Church Munhntluu nv., near Mo*erolo, Urooopoinl, on Friday' Muy 24. ut hull-past two 1'. .11. '? iiiuoKiia.?In Brooklyn, Na.ncy, widow of John Bur Bern, id hor tilth year. 8 lielaiIves and Irionds aro luvited to attood thi funeral, Irora her son's rosiueuce, ti7 Kaoolye st Brooklyn, ou Friday, the 24tli Inst., at two P. M. Booth.?At Bastings on Hudson, M iy 21 1878 Eluauktm, wilool Tnoraas Booth, aged 75 years ' Relatives and iriotids ol the lannly are rospuctlullv inviiod to attend the luneral, from St. Matlhow's Church, ou Thursday, May 23, ai ten o'cIock A. 41 Train leaves Forty-second Street Ddpot at 11 o'clock ' Bcukok?At Qaurauuno stutiou, Slaten Isiuud Mai 20 (was accidentally drowned), Francis Bckklb' acod 38 yours, 8 mouths and 23 buys. Fnuerul services will tuku place on Friday, the 24th lust., at his laio rosidcnce 320 East 28ih st at on< o'clock P. M., and at Odd Fellows' H..I1, corner o'i Graud and Centre sts., ai twro P. M. Frieudsaud relatives ure rospocllully invited, interment id Groeuwood Como Masonic IjODok, No. 418, F. and a. M.?Buktiirkk? You ure r. quested to meet ut lodgo room, Odd Fel lows' Hall, ou Friday, Muy 24. at one P. M., to nay the lust tribute oi respect to our uio brother Franco Burklo. Z.-rubbabel Chapter Is requested to purtici l'u|u* H. C HOVER, Muster. Co.nsidink?Ou Tuesday, May 21, suddsuiy Ella A,, daughter oi Deuia und Margaret C. Cousldiu'c, ugoj six years and eleven mouths. ' " Helutives and Iriedda of the laraily are lovlted to at. tend the luneral, (rem iho rosidouco ot her pareais 258 Madison su, on thursday, Muy 23, at two o'clock sUurp. Coonky?Iu Brooklyn, May 22, at No 303 Macon 81.. Mary Ann Doris, ugeu 71 yeurs, wile ol Michael Cooncy. Notice o! luneral bsrealtsr. Dam?Ou Wednesday, Muy 22, Cuaklir G? only eon ol A. J., Jr., una Bollu C. Dam. a ed 1 vear 1 molt in und 0 days. ' Relatives una lrieuds aro ihvited to attend the luoeral services, trom the residence ol his parents Union Square Hotel, at one o'clock 1'. M.. Thursday Dklahatkr?On We.lueaday, May 22. of consume linu. PitiuLip Dki.amatsr, iu tuo 2'Jth year of uis age. Funeral services will lake piuco from Ins lute resi. deme, 202 Aiuslie St., Urooklyu, E. ii? ou Friday Muy 24, at two o'oiock 1' M. Relative* aud friends oi tnu ittmily, ulso mombers ol I.ycoum Dodge. No 333. 1. O. o. O. F., arc rospccliuliy invited to attend Dooi).?Ou Tuesday, May 21, William Dood, iu the 58ihyeuroi his uge. Relutivos und meeds ol the family are luvncd to attend the funeral, Irom his late residence 242 West 318. si., on Friday, May 24, ut 10 A. M. Drkw.?Ou Weduosuay, Muy 22. at hi* residence Iu tnu town ol Now Lots, John Drkw, m the U7tn year ol his uge. Relatives and lrieuds are invited to attend the fu. ncrul, trout his lute resideuoe, on Friday, May 24 ut two o'clock P. 41., without lurtlier notice. Duval ?Ou Monday, May 20, at tho restdonco ol her sou Lawrence, Mart, rollct ot Daniel Duval iu tbo doth year ol her ugo. ' Funeral look place May 22, from St. Patrick's Church, Jersey City Heights, whore mass w is eel*, bratoa lor the repose ol her soul. Intorred In Cal vary Cemetery. Framcr?At his residence, Na 134 West 44th sl May 22, Alvrkd S. Fkaskr. "* * Notice of luneral hureutter. Gill ?In Brooklyn, Wednesday, May 22, John Gill. In S8lh your ol his age. ^ Relatives aud friends of the laraily aro invited to attend the luneral, from the resideuoe of his sou Joiui Gill, 424 Uuion el., on Friday, May 24, at two Uokhail?Oil Wednesday morning Fa.n.nir F Goriiam, youugeet daughter ol the late Samuel and" Eiicu Uorbum. Funeral win take pluco Irom her slstor's, Mrs. Au thouy Hoguet, on Saturday morning, at nine o'clock Irom 110 East 281 h at, ' Barkis ?Lizkik, beloved wile of Edward G Harris sged 27 yours und 0 months. ' Funeral Msy 23, at eleven o'clock, ftom late resl. deuce. 14 Bunk st. Remains will be taken to Cypress Hills lor interment. Kkllock.?On the 20th Inst., at Ms rosidenco 441 Lexington ay., Gkorok Kkllock, in tho 04th year of Ma ago. Relatives and friends of the fumlly aro invllod to attend the funeral, irom the Church of Diviuo l'uter uny (Rev. Dr. Cbupin), 5tu sv. and 45ihst. on Thurs day, at ball-past nine A. M. * Dsvartwrnt or ) Public Charjtiks and corruption, J Nkw York, May 21, 1878. J ?r lb0 offloor? ol the Department of Public Charities and Correetion, held at the teutrui OiUco, the following resolutions wore I aUopte i:? Resolved? Wnercas wo hsve. In the providence of God, been celled upon to lament the death ot our late much valued associate and irlenJ. UKORos Kkllock, wo desire to bear testimony to the uniform cour tesy and efficiency with which the late Superintendent ol tbe Bureau ot Outdoor Poor performed the uuuau ally exacting dutlos ol his otlice. In Hih death ol Mr, Koilock the poor have lost a syiiipuiliiziug Irnud aud the Department ol Public Charities aud Correction the faithful tervaut ol more ibuu a third ot a century, aud while wo bow to tbe dispensation ol our Heavenly Father \vu would unite la tbe expression ol our most heirtlelt sympathy lor tbe Iuonly circlo wno by this sore bereavement are deprived of their honored heud. Resolved? - '.a-1."." on?ro3fio'1 copy Of these resolutions be forw V.? ine UtV"y ol oor '?'? associate, and that we uueiid his lunoral iu a body. p?*? u u JOtiHUA PHILIPS. Kohlrt M. UaonxN, Chairmiu. ?ccretarr. Kkm.y ?Oti Tuesday, May 21, altar a short illneas, Frsukkiuk, Hon of Michael J. Kuliy, ugua 8 yearfc uoil 0 munlus. Fuotml wll take placo froui tbo rcsldenco of hit par.iiiK, 203 Rest 63u su, to-day, at two P. M. LawKKNCK.?At U Vaudatu at., Now York, Sophia Lawkkm:k, Mgi'U 64 > uura rite relatives uud'friunda ol tbo family aro roapocl 1 liny invited to attend tint funeral, irom St. Ambro.-e Cuurcb, oorner Prince and Thompson sit., on Priduy, 24iu tuaL, at ouo o'clock, wituout lurlher uoilco. Matiikwn.?Uroltiroii of bold ltule Lodge, F. and A, M., uro hereby aunuuoned to tisaeuible at then nidge room, corner i:it>iu at. and 111 ?v., Friday, May ?44, to pay ino last tribute ol reipent to our deceased rothur, i. W. Mathews. .Sister lodgoa Irsterually iu> tied. EHNfcST A. LKVY, Maater. vl. (ioinmiD, Secretary. Mii iitwa-Uu the 221 Inst., Jiua. beloved wife Of l'sti ics Mathews, tu tbe 45lb year ol borage. Funern alii take placo irom No. 81 Jouu at., Fri day, at ou? 1*. M. Friends are invited to attend. iioKA.v.?At Princeton, May 20, alter a long and pniiilui illness, Mr. Joit.v P. MokaH. brother ol Hov. T? it. Moruo, iu the 50 li > our of his age. Ktquiescal iu pace. Washington, Baltimore, Ouuun and Sydney new* pupi ls please copy, MCftnAT.?After u abort Illness, ou Wedueaday, May 22, Fkavbs Kmzabktii M carat. Funeral will take place on Friday, at one P. M-, Irom tier iait? rekidouce, 501 Washington at. McKkoX ?On Tuesday, May 21, MAMUARCT, widow ol Michael McKeon, native of coduly Wostiueulli, parisb ol Street, Ireland, in iho 75lu year ol nor age. Funeral will take place Irom her late reaiueuoe, 103 I,liquet r at., Brooklyn, ou Iburaday, at too o'clock. Kciojina wnl he taktu to St. Mary '? ol the Sea, Court at., wuare a kotemn requiem mass will he eele bratou ; itieuce to the Cemetery of the Holy Croat lor interinvnc u'Bmik*.?Jom.v H., youngest ton ol Jeretniah and Margaret O'Briee, aged 1 year, 7 mouths and 13 days. Fuuei al Ibis d <y, at two P. M., Irom the reaideuce ol Ins parents, No. 70 Oliver sc llslativcs and Irteoda are invited to atteud. ii'Hon.xkli..?At me residence ol her soo-io law, Jeieinian tf ilulau, New llrl.hlon, S. L, on Tuesday, May 21, 1H7?, at two o'clock A M., MakY, widow ol tno late Hugh J. O'liuunell, sgud 76 years, 11 months, 1 day. K Iniives aud irleoda ol tbe lamily ore respectfully Invi.ed to nltrudllie Mineral, from .-l. Peter's Cburcti, Barclay sc. Msw York, on Iburaday, 23d mat., at ten o'clock a M. lut> rinunt iu Calvary Cometry. O'loons.?Amsik McUlixcht, widow ol tbe late William U'luole, died May 20, In tbe 51st year ol bar age. Kelativca nod Irlends ure respecllully Invited to at teud the, Irom her late residence, 103 Watel at., Brooklyn, K. I)., tbia thuradav, at ball.past ont o'clock. Monday alternooo, at bor resilience, 1,203 1. xitiKtim av., corner H5tn si., Mary K Siim. Lav, eldest dau.liter ul Mre. A. M. Shelley and sue late Ueo. K. Shelley. Fuuei al Irom at. laiurence's Church, 84th at, near Madison aV., on Ihnrsduy morning, at ten o'oloik. Friends are invited. avARK.?tin Weuuesdar, 22d mat, at quarter past eight A. M , Mrs sistus stark, at the resldeuoe of lier s?0-lli-lMW, 8. Naumhurg, 223 West 48'.h at. Kemalus will he taken to Baltimore tor interment. &TILWSLL.?tin Wednesday evening, al Freehold, N. J., \lAKl JaX -. STILWM.I. Ftmerui services will be held at her late resldonoe. on Saturday aext, at half past cievun o'cloek A. M. ami at two I'. M., at the Kelurmnd Cliuroh, liolmdel. IteluliVefc and Irienda are invited. STt'canr.?Sudduuiy, on 1 uo-iJay, May 21, Martha, wile ol William 1', Sluckuy. Kola uvea sud friends ure Invited to attend tbe funeral, Irom Iter late residence. No. 131 Norman a?., Urecnpoint, L. 1., to-day, at two o'clock P. M. Swsk.vt?In Brooklyn, Wcdnoaday. May 22, Mart M., el Jest daughter ol Jurats M. aud Mary M. Sweeny, aged 44 years. I he lunoral will tuko place fram her late residence. 204 Jay it., on Saturday iii.riiing, at ten o'clock, U St. James' Cathsoral, whure a solemn requiem maai will lie eoh lir ilcd. lnieimeoi in Calvary. Va.vui riiilt.? vv. Vasukkhilt. Notice ol luuerai berealtor.