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L The Stock Market Dull and Steady. GOLD STEADY AT 100 3-4. Government Bonds Strong, States Steady and Railroads Firm. HONEY ON CALL EASY AT 2 A I PGR CENT. Wall Street, 1 Wednesday. May 22?G P. M. ( Thero was tbe usual congregation of would-bo boay brokers In tbe Uoard room tbia morning, wbo, Dice tbe "bee" of tbe departed Watte, were eager to improve tbe "shining boor," bad tbere beau any ibinlng hour to Improve. Unfortunately quite tbo cootrary was tbe case, for tbo bands of tbe clock told of flvo of tbe dullest, dreariest' bours that bare been passed In many a day. Tbero was no special loature whatever in tbo market; no special operator wbo bad stomach for tnore tban a hundred shares ol stock or aspirations for moro tlmu a quarter per cont ot profits. As for the thousaud sbaro men they were as sonroe as are threo-bottle men in this the year of our Lord, and In takiDg themselves out ol tbe market tnoy took away wltb them all orders, busi ness and activity. By fits and staris Lako Shore was lively or dull, strong or depress d, not hecauso tho property was from hoar to hour hotter or worse, bat becauso tbe trading element treated It to paroxysmal burst* of activity atone moment and left It severely alone at another. Wbat waa true ol Lake Shore was true of tbe rest of tbo market, with tbo posaible ex ceptlon of the St. Paul stocks, wb cli wore In favor tbo day through and slowly increased In market valuo until near tbe elose. Tbe sontlment with regard to this properly all rnos In ono groove. That higher prices nro to be reached Is regarded as a fixed laot. Tbe extraordinary earnings ot tne road, tbe favorablo business anticipated lrom tbe next crop, tbe bopo of steady dividends to be made and declarod and tbe fact that strong parties are steady buyers, bare begotten a confidence In the security wblcb, for tbe present at least, lias made It tho first favorite of the list. The Northwestern property, whlob In many rospectB partakes of tbe same benefits as St. Paul, remained dull and neglected. Tba stock is tainted by tbe handling It receivod In. tbo election contest and offers anything but a sweet and pleasant savor to tbe speculative nostril. Nor is It likoly to be otherwise until some sort of liquidation lakos place, or tho election Itself (still a moot question) clears sway tbe difficulty. Tho Obio and Mississippi direc tors met at Cincinnati to-doy to consider the proposed plan of recinstructlon. Tbe anthracites wcro lower und somewhat weak on account of tbe moderate ad vance fixed for tbe price of coal, and tbe rost of tbe market remained steady simply because there was nothing to disturb tbo equilibrium ol tbe inactivity winch prevailed. OPENING PRICKS. The opening prices ot stocks at tbo Board to day were as follows:?New York Central, 108%; Erio, I'i%\ Lako Shore, 02%; Wahasb, 14%; Northwestern, 10% ; do. preferred, 71% ; Hock Island, 108%; Mil* waukee and St. Paul, 61 %; do. preferred, 77%; Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western, 55% ;New Jorsoy Cen tral, 22^; Dolaworo and Hudson Canal, 55J,'; Morris and Essex, 80%; Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, 103%; Obio and Mississippi, 0%; Western Union 82%; AtUntlo and Paclfio Telegraph, 21%; Pacific' Mail, 18%. CLOSING QUOTATIONS. The closing quotation* at three P. M. were:? I'iil. Jii'i. jfsifd At k Psc Tel.... 91% 22 Kantaa A Texas, 2% 2>2 ChtJtNW ?<>% .">0% Lake Hbore. ... 02% 02% CUIANWI'ref 71% 72 V >cta Central.... tW% 05% CM, it I A I'ttO..llK", 1?hV Mor A Kiws,... 0(i% 8l)V Chi, It AO Htt.'V 103% Mil A Rt Paul... .'>1% 51% C, 13. CA1 27% 27% Mil *-t P proL. 77% 77% Oteve A I'ltte... 7K 70% I 2% Chi A Alt.... 75 7.'?% Marlpeea pref. 1% 3 Chi A Alt pref.. t?? 1<"? N Y Cent .. .. IfW 100% Clinton ID 2<l N J Cent 22% 22% Del. Lack A \\\. r>5% 53% N J -notburn... % 1 Del A Hud Can. .r>".% 35% ilnlo A Miae .... 0% tl>' Admits Express.Id 1<>2 Pact fie Mall lr>% Aiiieiican ix . 4!? 40% Panama 115 120 C .> fciurci. .. 4U 47 fll??APW 04 ? Wella-r nrgo Kx. P"% 01% yuickMleer . 10 10% 12% 12% gulcK.liver prf.. 31 3.1 Krienrei 22 23 Mi.AtM ?V 7% Marie 147% 14H St L.KUAN... 4% 4% llan Art Jo... 12 12% St L K C A N pf. 20 >2 21 Man A St Jo prf. 2* 2*% Tel. WaU A W .. 11% 14% Illinois Central. 7*% 70% Colon Pacific... tin' 6'.l.% Kansas Paeihe.. H 0% Weat CalunTel. 02% 02% H1GRE8T AND LOWEST. The tollowiDE were tbe highest and lowost prices of Stocks to-day ?? UighrtL. Lowfit. Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph 21% 21 >4 Chicago nnd Northwestern...... 5u% 60% Chicuao and Northwestern preierred. 72 71% Chicago, Hock I?lund and I'uciflc lns% 108 >, Cleveland nnd Pillaburg 7G 75% DeL, Lackawanna and Western 55% 65% Do.aware and Hudson Cabal 55% 66 Kris 12% 12% Luke Shore 02% 02% Morris and Essex 8n% mi%' Miiwaukeo and St. Paul 51% 61 Miiwaakse and St. Paul preferred.... 7774 77% New jerccv Central 22% 22 Ohio and Mississippi 9% ?% Pacific Mull 18 % 18% Wostern Union Tolegrspb 82% 82 THE MONET MARKET. The money market worked easily to-day, call loans being made nil day at 2 a 3 t>cr cent. The following were the rales ot exchange on New York at tno under mentioned cities to-day:?Savannah, buying 1-10 pre mium, selling '4' premium; Charleston, rearer, 1-5 premium, )4 premium; Ht. Louis, 1-10 promium; Now Orleans, commercial ?. bank ),; Chicago, pnr, and lioaion, 12)4 discount. Foreign exchange was weak, and me asKlng rates wero reduced to 4.86)4 for bank ?rs' long, and to 4 88 lor demand aterltng. Actual buainesa waa at 4.84)4 aid and 4.87 a 4.87),. TIIK GOLD MARKKT. Gold waa atrady all day at 100)4. The carrying rates word ,4 and 1 per cent. Loans were also made 0 it. and at 2 a 3 per cant for borrowing SOLD CUIAKOUa AT TIIK XATIOXAI. HANK Of TUB STATS OV MKW TOKK. Gold balances 001,002.600 Curroocy haUnoea 1.til 7.078 Gold cleariugas 12.838,000 CLKARtXO SOt'SK HTATKSK.MT. Currency exchanges 057.001.283 Curr ucy balances 3,240,732 (?oli- exchange* 7,264.430 Gold balances 1,617.710 OOVKK.\RCNT HOXPS. Government bonda were strung and in good dc maud. 7ho Syndicate advanced the price for lb# new 4)g per cents to 103)4 and the market price was almost as high. Tbaoiosing prices were as follows:? Hid. A'krd. United Slates oarrencv sixes 120*4 12"), United Slates slice, 1881, registered,. In*', 1"R'4 United states anas, 1881, coupon 108*, 108', UnilSil Stales six**, 1816, new, regie, .. 104^ lot'. United .States elxos, 1806, coupon I"4'.| 111) ?, t uned states aixss, 18ti7, registered... in;1078, 1 ai ted States slxsa, 1807, coupon 107 '4 107 >4 Lulled Sittre silos, 1808, registered.., lonig I'm United stales sixes, 1808, toupon 100 im;, Lolled States teu-iuriie*, registered... 107', ? United Slates ten-lorl lea, coupon 107', 107'4 United States fives, 1881, registered.... 1"..?, l?6u | nlfed Steles fives, 1881, cuupuu 106)4 106', lli.lted States 4>4's, 1801, rsgtsisrsd..,. 10:1-, ion *4 UBiloU States 41,'a 1601. coupon.,..,, 104), I'M', Unltec States fours. 1?"7, ieglsler<-d... 10l' HU'4 Uoltod Status fours, 1007. coupon 101 10] ', TIIK fORMG.X MAKKKT. The London advices reporied consols down to ? 6-10, end at the oiosa up to 00*4 a 08)4. United ICtea bonds wore )4 a )4 lower at the opening, but iloeed a shade better. Kris sold at 13 lor the common tnd at 31 )4 for the prelerrod. New Jersey Central fe!| to 23, slid recovered lo 23)4. Illinois Central ad mn cd 10 80)4. 1 >' surer declined to ft.I 4X per runce. The Hank ot Kngland gullied ?8,000 bullion to-day on balance. At Paris rentes roso 10 110'. loo., ? ml renoted to 1001. noil exchange on Lonuou was quoted at 261. 15)40 1 be closing prices 111 Lon don wares?Consols lor money and account, 00)4 a O'i'ti new 4)4 per cant bonus, 104)4; ftvs-lwrnty bond's of 1807, 100 a 100)41 G n-lorty bonds, 108)4; Ores ol 1881, 100',; Krie common shares, 13; do. prvltrrcd sharvs. 31\; New Jersey Central, ttfc; Illinois Central. 00)4. STATK BOX OS. gists bonds at the Hoard wore ateady, with sales ol Georgia sixes, Missouri sixoa ol 1881 or '00, do, sixes of 1888, North Carolina sixes, special tax, tnird class; Ohio sixes of 1881, and South Carolina stxeo non-tuuduble; District ol Columbia throe Elxty-flvea sold at TO?an mvaoco oT %. RAILROAD BONDS. Kullroail bonds wcro strong and moderately active, witb lbs largest advance in Uotou l'ucillc .Inking lundi, which sold up to 99,'4? a rise ol 1); per cent, 'ibe otbor changes were as tulluws;?An advance of 1 per cent lu Ohio and Mississippi consols, >4 In do. sinking funds and Mlehtgnn Cemr <1 sevens and X In Central Pacific Urals (California and Oregon branch). There was a decline ol %' in C, C. and 1. C. firsts, sua % in New Jersey Central firsts, consols (assented). MINIMI SHARKS The following were tho opening prices of mining stocks at Sau Vraucisco 10-dayCould & Curry, 6),; Savage, 0; Cbollnr I'oiosi, 24; Ophir, 34.%; Hale Ac Nur cross, 0; Crown Point, 3 X ; Yellow Jacket, IX; Beieber, 2%; Virginia consolidutod, 13; Califor nia, iH,%; Overman, 8; Hnymoud ti felly, 2%; Best k Belcher, 13; Union cousolidated. 4; Alpha, 10%; Sierra Nevada, 4,%; Mexican, 9; Eureka consolidated, 57 >?; Justice, 4; Utah, 9%; TlpTop, 1%; Navajo, %. The closing prices lu San fe'ranclsco wore sa fol lows Alpha 10X Halo Jk NorcroSi.... 6% Alia 0>, Julia Cousolidated,. 7 Bolcbur '2% Justice 4% Best A: Belcher 13 Koutuck 2% 7-10 .Bui ion 3X I.eopard Caledonia 1?* Mexican 8% Caliiorula IT,'* Northern Belle 8 Cliollar -4.'4 Opbir 33% Conli U nco 3% Overman 7; Con. Virginia. 12% H?vtnond At Ely 3*4 Crown l'oint 3', Savage 8' Eureka Cou 37)4 Sierra Nevada 4% Exchequer,... 2)4 Silver Hill IX Gould A; Curry B% UuiouCou 4)4 Grand 1'rue 3)4 Yellow Jacket. 7)4 rltllJtDKI.PII'A STOCKS. The closing prices ol Philadelphia slocks were:? Hid. Afkd, City sIx-b, new 114% 116 United Railroads ot New Jersey... 120 12014 Pennsylvania Railroad 2744 27*4 Reading Railroad 13)4 13)4 Lehigh Valley Railroad 30 30*4 Pniiadeliihla and Erie Railroad 3)4 7)4 Schuylkill Navigation prelorred ... ti 7 Northern Central Railroad 13)4 14 Lehigh Navigation... 10% 17 l'ttixhurg, Titutvillo and Buffalo.... 3)4 6% llcbtuii Vllle K ulway 7)4 7*4 Central Transportation 38' 38% memoranda. The total sales of stocks at the Board to-day aggre gated 49,021 share* The receipts aud shipments or wheat and oorn at Chicago and Mllwaukeo ware ns follows:? Chicago?Receipts of wheat, 100,279 bushels; ship ments, 02,102 ao.; receipts ol oorn, 329,072 do.; ship ments, 320,276 da Milwaukee? Ri colpts of whost, 92 200 bushels; sblpuieuis, 92,700 do.; receipts of coru, 4.400 do.; shipments, 200 do. There has been s remarkable Increase In the earn ings of the Western Union Telegraph Company during ine past two woakSL Last week Ihure was sn Increase of $21,000 over tho corresponding week ol 1877, and In tho previous wook an Increase of $20,000. NEW YORK STOCK. EXCHANGE SALES. Wkonkbday, May 22, 1878. BEFORE CAI.L-10 A. M. yiOOOOC, O * I C lit.. 42% 7'*) >bs Northwestern. 6(1*4 100(10 do. 1 4 Bui finnuwcatonii 42% 50 do 6(>% VHJii A \V It. con. 44 list Northwestern of.. 71% 20tS?C, P * Alb. new 110)4 ?...> a.iV llSSSI N J (!?u 1st, C,?a 711% 200 01 ti*).Us Western Uniuu 82% tin St I'nul pf 77 509 do 82 2iSJ do 77) 100 do b3 82% 4( si do 8'g 1(M I do 82'4 1TOO Lako Shore 82*! Hid do |3 82% 200 do......... b3 82)1 (feH) pacific Mail 18% boo do 18% IOOO 18% 311) do i3 18% 12)2 200 do s3 12 i l'jo Erie Railway boo do 12)4 45 do 12% 2'Hl Union Pacific 8!)'! 100 1111a Central. 78% 5 do 77 *1 4?KI do 78% Kill ilan A St Jo 30 do 78% 200 Ohio A MIm s3 HKI Wabash 14% 2(*>U, CAIC 100 Pitt. A fe't Wayne. 92% 3UO Kamaa t'aclfio.... 900 81 i'ftul 2iX) do !???? St I'aul pf 2<MJ do l'Hi N J ('eutral t3 *(X) do luo do 25 do c I'M do..... ?JO) do i.r?o do 44XJ do.... 3f>> Del, L I Wentoru. 4<M1 do C<X) do.. ??????.. 1(M 10 do l(Xl do 1(H) .Morris X J-hmcx. .. 10 do loo do ....i3 300 do 10-15 A. S1UXX) US 6'i. '81. a... 108*4 f 20000 US 6-20.e.'H7b9 107% 2-as'O U.-b-2".e.'UbD.sJ IU4% lutSkl US b-20. r. *07.. 107% ' " *" " 13% bOUtXi U ->5-30,r.'8bn.bc 104% 70?i00 U8 b'a. 81. r.... tub' 100III do. be |3 lo4% Itsssi U8 4S'l.r,'Ul.h3 103% lissKl U3 fi-20. c, '87.. 107', 4UOOO US 4%'s,e,'91.?3 11)4% IOUOO do. |3 107% $23000 US C's, '81, C.ah 108)4 130110 do be 108)4 SMUiU US 5.20, r, *87.. 107)4 11:15 A. M. $11X10 US ft'i, '81, 1*15% .. .. - - 1 ? 4U1 l!M 4%%.c,'Olsm 104% 2lkXi US 4-,'s. r. '91 . 108% KKJHO us b-20, e, '87..e 107% 3000 USO'i, cur 120% USS'i, 'HI, e.... 10>.% 3000 FIRST BOARD?10:30 A. M. 8bOOO?6's 1()0?4 10 ilu fmo A Traders'2(M> i?X) Mo?,?,'89or'9a 106% 100 UK Kapreu be 47 HXXI vlft tl'?, '88 10b .V) %nicktiirer be 16% boot) XI' O'i. h t, 3d c. 2% 2i"I do 10 lOOOOhio O'l. '81.... 108 100 do 10% ioOO sCti'i, non-tuu. 2*4 1"0 Del A Had... 22'**' D uf C 3.0a'i, e. Tit 1'*) do ~2oO(>C. I* A Q7'i, e .112 UX) Weit Union bc.18 M2*J ohk) N.I Con >11. con. 81 :?X) JilHl ,TiJ t Dll 1 It, I VlL ~ 1 )XX' uu itui! mm ~ i KKXi NJ Uen lot c ai. 7<l UX) do 0 82% IIXK) do 89% hOO do . 8jo.i M A St P con s f. limit 000 Pacific Mall.bc.b.'l 18% 4000 do UX)), ltxt <10 18% bitKI Lehigh A *V a 0. 44 1IX) NT U n A 108% iX??> I' A N W lit I'll 4>N> Erie Hallway... be 12% txxxt C A N W e cd it b 101 % 6 Mleh Cm .be 04% 4*xXi do 101% 200 Cleve A I' g'd. be 7)1 ? DOS. B A NY lit... 11)1% lotto I, S A M lt'2% IIXX) Mor A Ki con b. Mil 8M do ?I2% 2'**' Mor A K l?t < on. 1)3 100 III Central b!t 78% fMXX) I) A If f bd?, HI. U?2% loo 78% .tooo i rie bill m 110 loo do he 78% ooco Erie 4th tu...... U>4 limCAMV 60% HXmH A 8t-te L7'?. 104)4 5 do fit six*) Mich Ccn 7'i.... 108', 4(X) do 50% 7. ISI <4.. IflMA list P A Mil vat lav. .'1 fit? 7'(XI do.... los% til)CAN** pt . .bc.<>3 71% ???*i Ohio A M con 11 in 700 do 72 2>*X) do 99% loO Con HK ot NJ be 22'4 1000 < Olio A Mi'l'Jd.. 69)4 :xx> do . 22% 20tX> Ohio A Miss con 99 :iOO Cblc A 11 L..bc.i3 108% 2 xr nhn Packbdi.. 1(>7% loo da Uw% 32(XXIC I'lit, (; At O b 02 bo do Kv.% bi?r p U P 7'?. I it lai)t 2b do 108% lltul'l I'M ltd 90% 11 Jl) 1INX) do 99% 111) do 108% 2<*X) do 9.i% 2i 1) Bel, Lack A 5.6% Ipiioi .1. (Mil Hid, A.. _ 'J t 1" 11**1 do 99*i bOuO 99't b<XA> do 1S)JL :x*x> Hontli t'ac lit... 79% HXiC, M A St I' bo hi K**j P. fe't W A C lit. 120% :xx> do bp ll*X> P. fe't *V A C 3d. 114% UX) do t>3 bP (XNXiC. t: A I C 2d... lb 21*? bj < i*?*i St LA I M IK.. U*l)? I'D do bh bp ' G. C A 1 C lit... 42', 7)*l C, M k 8t I' 7"p% li**l do 42% ll?) do 1*3 77% l.i**l I'oe It -if Mo l.t. 1(>4% 2IX) do 77% 2<*X) I'hc of Mo 21 1*I I'll do |3 77% l(??l I A A lpt.MLd._X 73% 3)?) 77% ??) T.VWcpnc.Xx'78 4ip% .'**) do 77% iltXXilit W IH.8H.xe M?% 7110 do 7('% 1"0 2<H?Del.Lack *t do t3 loo 00 000 do ? . loo C, M A Si 1' be :<oo do nil I'm do 1*3 2'HI KM) do. 1)3 7(H) C, M A hi r pf..bc KM) 200 do KM) do ?3 JOO do ???#.03 :?oo do 7<N) do KM) All) A .Sum I 11 POO do 99% 6PIOO if Vt 2d, XNc'77 87'. :x*> Han-ai A I'm..he 8% Illibi Am Li Unit.. 1)8), Pmm iilc A aUipii . 10 p-o be 98', 1p*' ill.pip A I II pL.bc 13 ~ b() Hank ol Com 1U% b II A si .lu. be 12 10 Kourth Nat Ilk.... 98 3D ? I A Hi Jo 29 48 l'birnix Hank 8(1 2">C. (. A 1 l! be 4% BP.FOBB P. II. Dial I'ol 3-ttS'i. TUJ* *<llk? It J Central... 77\ ftOOO do I'll do c 77 '4 4.VMU no 7!", 4<>*> fiortbwot [il . bl) 7j 7i??i Kn? 1'itc InNnlU 14 . ftO no bl 7-'? fat a a I IIon A nti ?*?, c. 117', 100 do 77 7HHMJ M A M I' con it (. IU1 4<>0 8t I'auI oik, IUUOToIA W let, M lh>0 .10 b3 Sl'fc 1, dix x mat cp,.. 7H/$ 400 do ftl'4 1000 do 7.1% K"1 do 1)1', .WlUlNW ce( 11 . I"'1, O"*' do >11 .'11 1, 6HH1O do bll !Oi 1'no do SI 1, 77i?o do ......... IOI1,, till) Hi I'*nI pi 77* into SW e 1 ( b I'll , 7>?* do 77 , Itnj >l? Vk i d I.n .. .hi) 47', lie* I? 1 Central b l 7"'t 4'm "."11 7 ?i l?i, Uck t Wttl. Ud, ;iim do .,?|3 47*4iot (in ,, 4. ,v?i, ?JM do *7', Hon do......... >11 tAM 71*1 00 W* **? ??" bj ?'*?"?% UK) Uol A Hndaon ft.i', 7UH'liie, II A (Julaey,. |n:i\ 11 hi I.' .1 h.xpict 47 100 It uck Island,... Of) loo , tUM fMlfld MmII IH)? 100 do... ln??, 10 IS V Cent A 11 ml... I o? SOU 00 IOH', 100 do li'H'a 11" Ohio A Miaa *.*?, JO do I"* , SO do !'% loo Delia shore H3j{ IOO MorruA K?tex.... HiiC Jul) do '*7'a TOi> do MO% MO hria Hallway ...b3 17/, ISiW P. M. 8JOOO0 UHB*d. ep, 'Ml. loK'i fionno C8 ???. r, "SI. innw ?jonu CS.I IM.r'ii-Mi.bH I04J? I MM) ill lu'i|2 Dmii Us ft a, r. 41...>3 ID.)fi KOUO L'8 4%. e. '?l.bc M?% IM P. M. ?jiniuuo UH.VUO.o,'?'??">,? I Of'1, ?**? UR ii'?, ear 170* j.iOO Cs .">-'7", c,'H7. ?>? lo7ii 5< 0) t'H &'?. r, 'HI Rki)] J7>mo do bo IU7% 3:30 P. M. f 10000 USd'a. r. 'Rl... 10K*{ *30000 l.B 4>i. ?, *1)1. >3 1?4?, SOOOO U.4 Va. ?, 'HI.... UK./, 3UU0U do 104/, Si co.nh b<jw;i>? p. .*. <1000 N J Cont lat.c * lb*', .1. ?ln CI1I0 A MW..1I0 ft* MM) Del A lldil, r,'H4 11)7 100 <10 50* Mono Del A Itiid. r,'l)4 |0M lot) ( hie A NW |>l...l*e 77 ? I 7) 1 Aioy A Km 7d. .lot 7 m t'hle A I<k I oc Ihk1, WtOOt; l'?c 1?'.. M l br imV lo OC, M A 41 I'.l.c bit ftl% 1)000 Un I'M 7'd, I K . l'J0>4 ?*'" do 7(1,t MM) do . 1"H,'? 300 do _?_ I , lib ivooo I'd I'aclflc ? r. 14"., AMI* till 77'4 2O0O0, 0 A I C let... 47/, WO do. 77/, ?."?i*i iltcio A I II Inc HI M M do 77', MM) Mo, Kan A T 3d, 0 10" do e3 77*4 IDiO M I'Mllc 1?t. 7lW 4"*> do 77)4 loud) ChicAN A ? e g b lol.', M" Del, I.nek A W. b? ftf(*, SOU) I odll A N 7*1 ne He 11,) Uo >3 Mm MM) I), MAT let.IMM InlUd :"?> do .V.% dUUOTBW 7d.*''77,c Ms) 4") do SO', 4UU) 41, KIAfH'1,1017 HM 000 do ftfi.C 370 all, Del A lluu.. be Sft'< 000 uo...... .. >4 ft.' 301) do oft 14**0 do. all loo A A l"'*c I cl be 71'i 1W( I", r? W A ?; iruar. IK", 3O0 Wid Union be Hj?j .*? jc V. > II A II.. be 1&0V ?jtei do R7>4 l*1" Iten A 4nr? be l)R jO Adam* I't7 7**i Morrn A no*, aoofnolBe Mull be 14* 10*) no 1)11 do IM;Z 0*) Obld. B A (3 lttttj I o>> t'.rle belli! IK 1 lO<> do...., lull*, IK*) 1, Mi ? .re A V H.Ik' ?3 '-H ?'* "df, I' It A 77 I < h > CI left A Plttt (tn?r. 7l*H Mill, II A I O In* 4 4* 2. Ml TO :? P. M. rA**l"0 Diet t'ol II Oft'a. 7li14 l?o ?Ii, III Central..... 7'<4 30IHI t I' let. I A M.. I'*) nil do 7k*4 ?ouoo, lln* A V H'e.. lIBi W) Ni.rthwe?tern b"^ IMeei Ocni t'ec.M .Mir HI Ioi.4nrihweeternpf.e3 77 7ilHH, ? It A Me t liil 70 l*?i H J Central... .lifl 77'H 3UUW Una ao deb cert. 73 700 do 77M amo Mo. Kon A T 2d. 0 100 St Paul ?oa :?! S 70 lit Central 7?'. 75* NKW If OUR MINING STOCK EXCHANGE. .VX) >&s Bor 4 B.bc *30 .10 200 da be blO .11 100 do .11 KM) do .11 500 do .11 500 do . .12 500 do .11 200 buckeye. .37 loo Gold tilacer ... >10 100 do . . ?3 l.iO 200 do , 1.05 loo do 1 ur? 100 do .... l.OJi 500 do 1.05 3uo do ur bBO 1.20 K*) do ac blO 1.10 1000 Dahlone^a ?.3 .IK 200 do .IK 100 do...... c .IK 100 Laero??e.... .37 100 Mom tiroes 1 10 100 flam*a 4 0<i 1?HJ dO 4.UO 100 do 405 Wkunksday, May 22, 1878. FIRST 1 A. M. 100 shs Plutuno 4 n5 100 tlu bill 4.15 10() do bJ 4.05 100 do b'J 4 05 Hull ion 4*4 bid. 'J., askuU Helcber ? old, a mfct 1 Imperial .. - bid. .05 asked Cunml V.i.13 bid, I4'j asked Cashier. .1 Ml bid, l.lkl asked Ilukllt bid, 4 00 naked i.euiuck ? bill. 3 k.ked King's Ml,? bid, 1.70 naked Mu.iaa.... ..? bid. 7'j ?sned NYACul.l 30 bid. 3.1 i a.kud asatoli ....? bid. 2), aaaeu Merra Not..? bid. ?'>>. naked South Star..? bid. 1J, a.kud Yellow Jacket. ? bid. 0 naked SECOND U0A11D?1 1'. M. 500 aha Amor Flair, .be .00 300 alia Gold Placer... 1 ICl do bo .00 loo do 1 .'?Ml ad .10 100 do I 500 do >3 .111 luo do 1 500 do a3 .10 10(1 do. .... blO 1.05 500 do all .10 loo Moiit Hroas 1 10 500 do a3 .10 lOOKatmuud A Ely ... 4*. Wl do a3 .10 100 i'lutuas t>10 4.0* 500 do...., .3 .10 100 do b3 4.03 800 do 10 looseatuu liH i 1 500 ao blO .10 100 do bSO 1 400 Dahlouega is Hull Ion ? bid, 5* asked 100 do ,1s llelcher ? bid, ll.^ naked oOO Lacrosse... .be ?30 ,30 Cashier.. 1.50 bid, l.lkl asked 100 do be bid .37 Caledonia,.? bid, 2). asked 1000 do be bio .37 Cnllioruin.lU* bid, 21 asked 100 .Mariuosa be c 1.30 Con Vir . 12-. uld, 14 '4 asked 100 Cold Placer, .bo s3 l.o5 Crown 1'ulni..? bid. ti asked loo do be blO 1.10 exchequer..? bid. 3,'a usked 100 do bee 1 Goiil'iACurry? bid. 7'. naked 100 do bee 1 linkill ? bid. 4 o> naked lllO do 1.05 Julia ? bid, 0,'i naked 1"0 do nc 1 Justice ? bid. ? naked 5oo do bead 1 keuliick .. bid. 3'4 naked 10 do 1 Kinic'aMt 1.50 bid, i.5u n-keil 100 do 1 Leopard . .30, uld, S3 asked 100 do blO 1.05 Moose ,4.5i bid. asked lOO do ............ 1 Nertbn Hello .7 bid. OJ, asked 101* do 1 N V ? C.1.40 bid, 2 15 naked 100 do 1 Ontario .30 bid. .US'. uaaed THIRD BOARD?2:80 P. M. 500 aba ?3 .36 500 shs ti A Ed. .be a*tO .(?) looo do...,. ? be fcOO .Oi? KMMJ do .00 KJUO do .00 KMM) do ..... ,oo 101 M) do .00 3<H) do ..... .oo 51*) do .Ok) lOO do .00 200 do .00 500 do. ... .. b.10 .iM) .51X) do .oo 500 do ,uc b 10 .<?.) 2'*) .00 1(M) do .00 5'M) do .ac blO .cn# 500 do ,ac blO .00 5(H) LacroMHo... .3(1 loo .'Mi luo UOe.e.e .30 5<)0 <lo /Mi 5U0 do .'Mi 3(K) do .30 5<H) do bo b.M) .37 5o?) do . . .3.5 400 do ?3 ?30 .rD H) u?>. . Mil 200 do .30 KM) do .bo s.30 .30 100 do .30 loo do .30 KM) do .30 5uU do .30 500 .3d KHM) du .be b.'io .37 3?M) du .3d KM) do . ...1)0 .3d llH) do. ... .3d lOO do. .3d 5011 do... . ?...fc3() .35 .'MM) do .35 40) do. ... ?:t 35 .50 Cfiltt'ornla. .no ?3() 10>4 loo (Jold l' 100 du 1. loo do 1 1(M( 1. Km) do 1. 3oo do 1. sbM) Dohloiiefra.. ...b3i) .10 :>oo do .10 .r?uo do .18 500 do .10 5(K> do .... .10 3O0 du ...., .10 KM) tlo .... .18 500 do .10 .'KM) do .. ac ?3 .10 2(H) do . uc bO* > .20 200 do .10 Km) Klumaa 4.05 ;>oo do 4.05 KM) do 4.05 100 do... . 13 4.05 COMMERCIAL REPORT. cotton: spot quiet; futures closed fium? FLOUR LOWER ?WHEAT DULL AND litBEGU LAB?CORN FIRMER?OATS STEADIER?WHIS KEY FIRM?PORK NOMINAL?LABD LOWER? PETROLEUM DULL?OILS QUIET? SPIRITH TUR PENTINE STEAD*?ROSIN STEAD*?COFFEE STEAD* ? SUGAR QUIET. Who.nksdat, May 22?0 P. M. Basloeae wna almoat overy whero moderate and the markets generally strong. A notewarthy exception wna to bo fonnd in wbeat, however, whioh waa ex ceedingly doll and lowor. Corn was scarce and Arm. (lata Arm. Whiskey dell. Pork dull and nominal. Lard without decided change. CorfKU ? For Kio and Santoe the market ruled quiet but Ann at nnehanged priees. We nets further oaten per Harold of 1,?0O bag* itlixou private terms, and at Balti more 1,00*1 bars do. per Horn I'edro end 500 ban per Ama suu on private terme. Mild roffes-a wore slow at nota tions. We quote Ordinary cargoes, 14'4'e. a l4\o ; fair do., IflV^o a ltl*4c. : good do., 17e. a 17!a'e.; nil me do., 17*0. a 17*0.. extreme ranee for lots, 14'4e. n 10*r.; Hunt-is, lair to good. lie. a I?l*e., gold, 0*)days; Java, gnr erniuent bags. 20c. a 21*0.; do.. grass mats, 30c. a 23'je.; Singapore, 17c. a lHJic.: Ot-yl??n, 15c. a IKe. j Msraeslbn, 13*c a MV.; Lagunyra, 13,'ie a I0*e.; Jamaica, 13e a 16c,; St. Doinlnjo. 13c. a 1S*c ; I'orte Kleo. 13c. n 17,'jc.; Costa Klca. 14c. a IS .; Mexican, 15c. a lll>?c.; 17e. alHe.; Angostura. 15e. a 16*0. ; Kavanllla. 13c. a liltjc t t uracils, 13c. a 14*-,c Cotton on the spot rmcd quiet nt about yesterday's quotations. Future- were fairly active, sud clueeil steady at an at 7 a 0 point* over yesterday 'a figure*. The sales of spot col tun weie T'kI'H/. Loti Hrrninj/, Tot'U. :?*? ? ?a* Consumption I "** 140 2'.h* Speculation 120 ? 120 lioml miauling 11 i Htrtet good middling ll\ UB Knlr... 12?J Total* Wl 1+1 7H? ? Delivered on contract. 1.21*) o?lo? reilirilijr. Tlio lul lowluc quotation. arc hnaed on Ainorioun *tnud*rd ol clu*. ?iflc.tlon and on cotton in itnro. running In qnalltv not mora than half a (ratio above or oalow tne grade quoted Al'Ottni.k. y. Or/eon*. Trsat. Ordinary H 5 Ill K 5-IH H 7-IH K 7-Hi Strict ordinary 11 1 HI I' 1-M U 3-HI II 3 HI Uood ordinary ? U Hi I' H-HI U 11-111 Ill II.I Strict good ordinary. Ill 1-10 III 1 -10 HI 3-1(1 Hi 3 10 Low iniddIiuu IUU H"a WS 1'iji strict low middling. H1I4 HO* Hi;, |iOr Mldd.lng.... H VIS II 111! 11 3 10 II 3-10 lio.xl middling 11 7 10 II 7 10 II I) 10 11 1110 II* II* II* I2U IMS 12'g 12* 13* 12* ?Stalnad?HooiJ ordinary, S?,o. ; *trlct good ordinary, l?Se ; low middling. Db-lOa; middling. 10 310c For fu lurr dclivcrv the ?alo? have born n* follow*:?Ve*terdny. after two 1'. M.?I una, 5ra) unit* at Il.'.'l?. 3>*lat 11.27c.; Jnly, 300 at I l.3Hc . 3 *> at 11 37c.; Augiiit. Hit) at 11.3se., I.000 at 11.83c., I.2O0 at II 40c. ; Sept ember. 2O0 at I0.ic.1c , 20 1 at lie. : Novrmber, lOOallfXHHc. Total, -f.4110 nalr*. Toelny up to two I*. M. - M?y. 3IM hnlen nt II .Vie., 1MI at II.27c.. loo no notice at 11 I4e. : June, MO1! nt II.31)0.. 11*) at 1131a., 7i*i at 1132c.. 31**1 at 1133c, 2,V*| nt 11.35c., 2"0 nt !1.3Hc., 2 '*?) nl 1134c.. too at II 35e., 200 nt 11.31c, 400 at II July. 2.01*) at ll.42o.. 1.400 nt 11.43c., 3?HI at, IKjn at 1144c., I.HIO at II.13c.. li" at 11.42c.. 2H0 at II 44c , I ..VIO at 11.4 or . I0O at 11 41c.; Aug".I. 1.1**1 at I I l ie., 7'?i at II 4?lc., 100 nt ll.4Sc.. 4<?l at II 47c , OIHl nl 11 4 Ic . I 1*4) nt II 40c.. 2t>) at I I4tic. 4<*l nt II. 47c.. 1.7'h' nt 11. 4sc.; September, Imi nt 11 o."?c , mat at 11.otic., l,30o at Il.iMc.. SUUnt ll.otc.. 2<IO at II.talc.. 4)Ki nt ll.oHc.. m?l at 1 1.07a. loo at 11.OHc.. 1.2'*) at 11. H)c.: tic to or. 100 nt lo f*c.,tt.*1 nt 10.85c., ?'??> at 10 H7c.: November, 3 a) nt 10.73c.; December HAint 10.78c., HM nt In 74c.. 'J hi nt 1" 7'ic. ; March, It*' at I Ic.; April, l'*i nt 11 ok,- , 1 nt II 10c Total. 33.5HOoalaa. IHaad Intnl. 41.'loo l'*i t)c. tobcr. IO.M7c.. 100 Dec-mber, 10.77c., togai cr. 05c pmd to exchnng" 4IA) Mny for June Mock-luV-w \..rk, 152,224 be Ira; eon.olldiited .tick, 322.313 linle*. The average* ol yretcrdny'* forward dellverlc* n? ..fltcl illy reported on the bulletin, were n* follow* . Mny. II.20C.; June, 1123c. ; July. 11.33c.; Augn*t, 11.311a.; sepieuihrr. 10 trie. 1 October in 77c.; November, lo,tl7c . December, 10 ONc.; Merch. |o.l)3c Prion bid ntone 1* M ? Mny, I l.g*c.; June 1134* : July, 11.43c ; A?gu*l, I 1.43c ; s., II.07c. ; October, 10 S5e. ? Moyember.IO.74c.: Decern,.er, 10.74c.I .Innuary, IttKlc. : Keb-onry. IDiaie.; ti .rcli, lU.MBa; April, II tie. Klr.t cell; -July. I 1**1 *1 II lie.; Auaatl. 80 ? at 11 47e.: October, <*hi nt |o H.V, ; Decernoer, 100 nt HI,73c.; April, HHI nl nl II <?ie., I<?) *t 11 1 Hie. 1 oial a,:**! bnie*. second call: July, Itkiat It 44e. September 21* 1 nt 1107c 'lotal, ???iiale* l liird callJulv. H*i n< 11 4flc.; Ati(U*t. l(*)al II.40c. Total. ?200 bale. To day't price*, compared with yreterday'*. wera n? fallow* ; ? , fwefdy, if-ly 21. It e>/ne*,/,n/ ffoiy 22 May II 22 a II 2.1 May II.flail.32 j una 11 2* n ? June 11 3A n ? duly II 30 a 11.37 July ,. Il4ln - Aiignat........ 11.40 a ? Antrim .... 1147 o Ills September .... a Sepieinber 11 1111 n Oil" 1 er 107?nl0.M0 Dclober lo *7 a ? November .... 1007 a HMW November 10 77 a ? December....? 111*7 . It).ill) December...... lo77n ? J miliary |0.75nl'?.77 Jnmiary Ht.ftfl a 1'l.HH February...... I'MMn I'lni Kohriinry I0 03nl0|ij M.rch Ill 04 n IOIWI March II "2 nil >4 April 11.04 ? 11.1*1 April II.I'm II 12 ? Ihc rec-Ipt* nt the part* were :-Onlve.t,,n 2t r> bale*; New Orlenn. 712. Mobile, H4; Savannah, 430. l.'haile* tori, 3 13; A llminyton. 5 ?; Norfolk. 371: New tor* 7. Hminn, 1 f; I'hllndelphla. lit. Total. 2.015 bale*. Tnl* day intt week, 3.0IH bale* Thr* dnv In.l year, N13 bairn. Total ?IUC# September 1, 4,131,33s .ale* to la?t no-lit Ki.nm ?*p i.ftAlS. ? Hecelpu:?12,1*2 hhla. p.,,,, bu*ll-l? wheat. 42,2."i0 do. corn, 31.1**1 do. oat*. ll.7'*ido. rye, 8f?ldo. mnlt, 0,374 do. barley, 445 do. needa and .07 pickax#* torn incal 'lb# flour ni arkrt ruied null nnd I fie. a 2'ie lower lor all grade*. nominal at t n reduced quotation*. The ?ale* wore 13,<**i bbl*., Inc ndlng Mate, tVetlern and eonlherii. nt price* within the H|ipendeil range Hye flour w .* en*l#r. will) nioner 4* tr.n.oetlous Horn meal ?old to the talent of 3JI hid* at mj 00 a #3 for Hrandi wine ; >2 40 n72 Hi for ? e-teru anil Now .1 i.ey yellow; 2'hi bag* conriw city .ackeil (aid nt IkVi. per H*i lh? We quote: No. 2 state. *3irinS3 M> Mnp?rfln# st?le. 3 73 a 4 40 hitra Hint#..., *..... 4 511a 4 75 Choleu 4 73 a 5 mi i-uiierlliie Wo.tera 3 7-n 4 to Kalr.i ?4e?tern . 4 "m n 4 s;> Mluuetotn 8 1*1 a II 18 Ifoond hoop. Ohio. *hlpldag brand* 4.Via 4 "5 Hound lieop, Ohio, trade rand*. 3 |,? 3 ,-*) Karalli. 3.VI a II '*1 City mill* 4 Vi a 3 7 i St. Lout*, low ihi , 3 St. I.nul*, low wtreilicht. 5 25 a 5 75 St I oiiIh choice double extra. 5 75 ,, d 1*1 M l,oiil?.choico iHtmly oiHln 7 2.1 Kye flour,. 2 7 ? a 3 .'Hi Southern, No. 2 3min 3 75 sonthern. *ni'erflne 3 75 n 4 25 Hontoern. rtir*. 4 50a 5 25 Southern, family. . 5 VI n S<H| Corn ineul, Vi e-(orn 2 4" a 2 75 Corn meal, while Weetera 2 75 a 3 it" th-rn meal, JerMt 2 on a 2 hi Cor n meal. Brandy wine : Ml) a .1 n5 Co 11 meal, puncheon*. 15 73 a ?Vk heai wn? dull, very trre--nlar end almoat nominal. I he price* at tne lir.t call were a* fellow* ; No 2 ri d 'vlnt. r. tor May. SI 2"bid and Si 24 aake l; do , lor .1 une, SI 15 i>iu and f I 24 a?kcd , No. 2 Spring, lor ,t|ay, SI I i bid and M H % a*K.d: no., for .lone. SI 13 bid and S< I ? Hiked; N... j Northwe.l, lor Mar, SI 15 bid and SI HlaakeU; do , lor Juna fl I2jj bid and Si Hi n.ked At the naoond cell the Crlce* were a* follow*-?No. 2 red winter, lor Mny, SI 2H Id. ft 34 n*trd . do., fnr June, $1 15 bid nnd SI 24 naked , . Nb. a wring, for May. fl 18* bid and f 1 l? naked; do., lac Ufol n? tal'a 0"!A'ld" ?>*?" ?0 2 Northwest, lor rj'l *J J? }*' *"d ? 1 1* asked : do., for Juno no bide: of ii ,i bore wmii no traueacliune at eitner call: 1' , calls the sale. reached UO.Om bum- 1*. part i?? i u i "? '"eluding No. 1 wliito hi Xtl :ij mid -h. ??'riu? ?' " 2'- Today's business was mostly at 8 I Irt to, go. 2 Chicago Soring. St la a ,5 ?h, 1 IwitU sellers at the clone at *1 1K| ? i n ? . I. . or ? ?- " ?t"inu'. ( urn wan liriuer At HLa.olV <2S! ? following price* were D>iurd:-Cash, steamer, .Ml.-. a 3n?so ; canh. No 2. SO.'aC-?-'?? V : !<?>'. ? d"- N?- i 50V ? 50?c.. witli naie !..i bushels J nue. -leauier. at 47V- : for .June No. 2 .nit?.?*" .. """ 4u>ic- "sked; *2,400 bushel* July. ii wn. Ifi" 4rc-.?,4H'??- ?nd July 2 Thu'.i. *'"? ,VJ?f "*',ed- A? *'?? nrrorid cmU there *ere rionalea lb* following olTum were made May, steamer, 48V. a 4t?'?c-; do.. No. 2. &0'4c. a TOlde ; Juuo. steamer. 47s,c. , 4^c ; do.. No. 2. 4!)'?c a 41'Sc. July, steamer. 47j,e. a 48,'te. ; July. No. 2. lie. a fojCc. Hie sale* outside too calls were UU.IJUO bailiels at 4*>c. a 51V- lor uiivraiied tulx d: IHo. for No. 2 uo.; .Vie. a 'J*c. whl'te0''urn w ; ,,lf- '* 'V1*?' ,or So 8 do- 1 Wee for No 2 .Tl *rtrt.n h,,YT* F lemaud and steadier, with tale* ?r.i . v bu.?be1*- quote : No I white. 37c ; No. 2 do.. Jplvsi 'lro 31 ^7 I mix oil, :J2c. : No, I. 'f"c' * * ! .?? uu'l Nu. el, die. Kyi wit* iu buyer's *"'*? "f *>u*Uel? A' enter ii at 7()c. llailey auu 111 it 11 wt>ro dull and uotum ally tiu chunked. l,?mi*nnVN|U. lTlt.r,hi.3J,,rltl1 "Uiainei quiet lor both a *???> v'iV . t'i B e quoteAmerican dressed. 8177 a 8188 50 for single. 8210 a *21.7 lor dniihlo and 8120 a #17.7 lor iHidresno"; Russia. cleau,8203 a 8210. gold; Italian. 8270 . I.? ?""" .4 'c ??<???. (fold:Jute butts,*. Si'sc., currency. rasli slid lime; Manila hemp, OJ^c. a Vc.; Sisal, 0 at-, a .'J.c.; 1st la, 6c a 5 ?,i-. all gold, foreign nrun only bought la *mall lots, and smiih.oo t?' V "1"lK-r';tcly uoiive; 40 hlidn. Trinidad ? )* ? quote : ( iiba, centrifugal and mixed. 22c. ' ? r'-yod, 21c. u 2Jc. ; muscovado relininc. 21c. a 24c. grocery, 2Jc a 3Uc. , Porto Kloo, 24c. a 2.7c.; Kngluh haicy j.-i'c u VV ; -Vt,w Urlcann, new crop, common to ii.V11'" , Islueced oil was In moderate demand, hut steady, inner description* tveie quiet at about former figure's n *i''nf n I'l"need oil, .'A-, a .70c.; nperrr., crude #1 n2 al io bleacbe" wluler nperrn. 81 17; do. natural do., fi'.11'. Northern wi itlo, .7.7c ; do. Southern, foic. hleacned winter, <12e.; natural do.. Hoc. -.extra nleached winter elephant 72e : naunal wlnier extra no. do., 7oc ; winter Die icbed U?li, otic.; crude Unh, Sound loc ? tlaiue 4/C. A flOc * ' . .1,'?,0T,SL0!,S^?Kecelpu-mo bbln. uork. 115 bbla. and i, cask*beer; l.o.>7boxee bacon. l,2ia? tlereen and 212 kege lard; 2? oar. Ureused nog*, 1.222 package* cutineate. 1 lie pm k market was dud. Wo note ealen ol 2.'>l) bhln. m ns on tbeepol ou private terinn. and .70 i bbl* . July, at 8* Ho * n o o, !*? s?Puu?>ur. ?t 88 20. Also at the Hist call J..O pork sold at #s 2ti. for September delivery. At the closing cull prlcea wero as Inllown: -May 2.?; Juno. JFm :io n Jniv *h ^r? .. fr "5: ^ u;'i " ^ NO; September. 8H-8.7 ? $k ihj, Oretned huge wore In good ilniiiaiul at llrmor figures, the ti!? f!r w * 4',c' lor be,Ty ?" "vht. and at aVo.'1 1 *" "'""by nt snout former prices, wit i only ,, moderate demand. Heef hum. sold to the ox tent Ol 100 hbls. at 817 .41 - tne quotation being 817 .7o for prime Western. Hue in was Inactive and iiumiiial at about ..l*c. lor city omg clear and 4?ie a 5c. lor Weetern. iuealn wore dull and nominally unchanged Lard wan moderately active without material change in at *i ?" tierces city, on the emit I inCk . on U,B ?|H?l. ?t 8? 70 and fnl..r? H II l a ' " ,""e, "Ot.lde tile Calls for , i J M. do 11 re ry unibrared 2j0 tlercca. May. at *t. 72C, ? ' : u.l,(,0 Heroes. July, at 8? 72^ a. *" tierces. August, at 80 80 a f4] S2W. and 'ill 1 -Nei'tomccr. at 8d !?., Alt he call, there wor" .ale, of 1.0th' tierces at 8? 72'i for July delivery, 2 .0 tlu-ce. samo delivery, at 8-1 7.7. and 2.7u tierces at 8<i 7.7 for July delivery ; also 2.CI tierce* lor September at 8<i'.si. The S ) lL?lin* c*" were as foilowe I?May je; 7->tg a COHI; Juno. 8H7CJ 118072,'i; Jnly.8H72Wa 8<I 77k'"'Ii.l fJgVjjUT''' *" ; h'!I",'ra'",r? b,u; fe"r. I'nULTitv was neglected nud values were tnoro or less nmiiiiial W e quote : ?Dressed poultry?Turkeys good to .\'e- V-"0,' ; 'erkeys. Vermont. ..rim.r emit T'-m . V a . f"* ?-W-ste.... 1.7c. a 17c.: Jersey .,,d tut,' Vaii. f 'hJckHna. winter, I'hiladeiphia dry picaed 2.7c." 1-iV^ 'lib,' "'f1,1"*- ?iHe. * ; do., yearling,, diy picked' l."C. a lttc l.ivo poultry-howls, Jersey, Now i'ork and 1 enni) Ivauia, 12c. a 14c; fowl.. Southern, 12c. a 12c ? do Western, 12c. a 12c.; roosters, per I b.. 7o. a Sc.-. turkeys' Jeisey. Now 7orx and Pennsylvania. 12c a 14c.; turkeys' W ostein, per lh., I2e. a 13c.: duck*. Jersey. New York ami 1'aonsylvanla. p,-r pair, 87c. a 81 12; ducss, W-stern p'r pair. u.ic. a Hoc.: geese. Jersey, New York and Pennsyl Wkui&'l' Whd ?i i"' * m"t,e' W,,l#rn. P? 7"i . pllteene, pruuo fligbt. p<-r dosen. Isic a8l do).?n.q";k ' POrU"*?"- '?**? " *' -a' English snipe* p? Kioii was steady, with a moderate lobbing domand at ubom iurmer prices. We quote: Carolina, lair. He. allkr ? coo.! to prune. H'.o. a 1,1,0. , choice. H"?'c a 7c. ; Patna. 7c.' diuc"1 goldlr011' ^4o- " 4^c-: Uangoou, In bond, *?ZA*r.riiibrl 'U'cl<lod dl'ange In price the market for raw was rather 11.activo n I, it anything, a turn In huvors' a'mm1!' f1*'??* V1 4410 bbdH' Vr.-nch Island, at 7c. a 7' ... nnd .?*? Ii In!,.. ( 11 ha at about 7'4c. Inr mnseovado and m'.cJ fur erntri ugal. all on the hasi, nt 7>,o. a 7tge. for lair 1,1 good re tilling. Itebned ruled qun-t wlitiout material change In prions, though more liberal offerings gave buyers aslight advantage. We quote:-Kuir rellnlug, 7i.e.; good mi 'f?c'' '{J.'. "C.5 ?jHbM. centrifugal, nogsheads and boxes. No*. 8 to 12, 7'*#. s hi4c, ; 00. inolassea, lingsbeadi. }'Bi ('I""' 7?^" " 1 ' 4'orl" Idee, re tilling, cofumon to fair. II, U(. ? 7 *c.; 1I11,, do., good to prime. 7!ic. a 7\ic.; ro Bncd standard A. i'.c a nQc. ; ..It A. 8i4c. a 'Jc.; cru.hed H^c. . pondered, ICaC a Of*c.; granulated. Iliac, a llj.c ? otf grnnuldta" ll' o. a ; cut loat Hbc. a l??4a*; white vilra Incindktig MX ^ ? H<='' ??d?. Whismt-R-celpts H-?7bblfc The market ruled Inac $1 Ol*)< a 8"l"u7 * ' ul 1 be quotation wae about >TKARixg.?Kecelpte. none. The market waa dull with sales conIIlied to about SO.UW lhe. at 7V.C. per lb. i'rlmo was qiioto 1 7l ,c. 1 11|(\ At the close. Tahlrnw. -llecaipte. 25 lihds. and 32 bbla With a small 1 St'iVs 1 iI.V'.','arix.'i,W7" Hna Wo ??<"? ??!?* "f V **? .1"' Per lb-> ">? Diarknt closing 5"," "Si ih pr,cu' ?0U"?o,a *l &^?- * Naval Ktuiuji ? Hutlnesp was light, but nrlcet were not specially changed ; sales 5011 bbla ro,In. good. 81 &>t; ordinary strained. 81 45. We quote :-Splrlt* turpentine inerchantahl.* onh.r. Tllko.; rosin, good strained 81 jo' ordlnary.81 4.7; tsr. 82 2.t; pitch. 82. ' 1''it,?There wae no business done la rednod and the market In general waa dull and tame, in United certificate, a m.Mjurate busiueee wae done, with price, ?ligatl) varied. Tho sale* In iho-a were about 2u,i?s) bbla; market ope*,-d 81 21 ft. advanced to 81 2317 the bk-hest. noclliied to81 II'*, anil closed 81 32? bid for old We quote ;-t,rude. in bulk. 7l*a ; do., iu bblsfV.c aH'.c 1 refined. In bids.. Il*.'c. asked: do.. In cases. I4kc e^kej for 1 rtliiiary brands. Nspntha, He. a HjUc.; rellned at Phil, adeiphla. IIV. nominally, ai HemmS';! IV'.c ' r IIim in.irkut In general was iiiuii^rati'lr ao* live, and rates wero steady. Livcrttoal, sail. 1H Mm misliels peas, lid.: no tons nieasureiasnt goods. 15*. a 17a lid ? and Jteam. Hjmo banes cheese. Ills.; IH.UHli bushels grain, I.oudon, sail, o.ihvi huslud# grain. 5s Od. per quarter and steam. 2.UUU bhls. Hour, "to 111!." 1* p.| H(?i) bushels corn, "to (III." last evening 8\7d ? ' nj Measurement goods. 2.7*. Ulasgow. steam' ,7i*? packages I. niter nn-1 1.5M1 bexet cheese. 40..; .70 tons oil eeke, 2.7* Antwerp, steam. l.;:ou hlils /l ur on private terms. Cliarters:-A Norwegian l.srk. In,nee to Hotter lam, with J.OOO quarters grsin. f.s. ml.; a Hritlsli bark, hence to Cork for order*, with 3.000 quarters grain, i?.; a Norwegian hark, hens* to ('"penhagen. with 3 imo quarters grain, 5a. Hd ; an Italian bark, bonce U<"ricy"*- 3.JH0 quarters g.-aln. .7*. li'.d : I a British ''ark. ntlne. hence to Called Kingdom, direct, with I.2UO quarters grain. 0*. 1 i,d ; a British nark, Havroor 1 a a Is. wltu H.ssi quarters wheat at ? is. 2i?d.; a Norwogiau hark, hence to Cork lor orders with 2.HOO qu trier, grain, 5*. Hi'.d, ; a Hriiish hark, hence to a direct Continental port. Willi 4.UMI quarters grain on orl vale terms; an Italian nark, bene ? to <mk for or JfTt-i.T 1 V"*rler?, .k'*'0. <"? prlvata terms; a nriiiNii liArk, frwm ItAlrlmore to ?lirect Iriuli P"iiii.i ? "f1!1 i"'*,i(JU . J""1''*" k'aiu. 5* IS-t a "rills 1 brllieiiee to Leiih or VherJeen. with .TOO ton* oilcake, at h-?. Od.; an A uvrican sclioo .cr. 450 tons, 10 Olontnegos, with lihds., at ?7 25 ,lirh. 8.7 .7,1.18 |?C|,. a BrilisU ship. I.400 tons, lieoca to London, laid on tho *r. i.*4 '"i""'- 1,11 Italian brig, heu. o to Santamfor. Willi II.ISSI cases rehm-d petroleum, at 2.7c ; a British ship, hence to Bremen with H.otxi bins, crime petroleum 3* J,*d. ; a British bark, from 1'hilado plus to London" Antwerp or Ham oirg with petroleum at 5,. 7VI , a Bril^ nli brig. In nco to United Kingdom direct with 2,.r0tl bhl* refined petroleum on private torms;,. Norwegian . ark 3o.7 tone, bouce So Cork lor orders with oilcake st 20#. lld.'aud pi 1 in age. NEW YORK. CAT TLB MARKETS. WKDttr.siur, May 22 1878. RFC1CI FTB FOR TWO* She fit and find t'lr ftrrrrn. fW#. Ouh'*n. I/Hmha. SUiieth street 1,679 12 Wfll l.lKtt* ? fortieth street ? ? ? ? H.ft2tl Jersey City 1,1)37 I 78 ft.118 4..l*?i Toti?N 3.518 13 1.011 7.?KV7 12,?12 HKPvKl.-Trid9 was slow on tin* l??re?ioon . nra the arrivals "fint nto emtn, rates were steady. \ few cur loud* u( horned cattle nem held on twin; prie ? *er? 8tgc h 11c. per I It , weight* ft1^ cwt a l**4 cwt.; quality ranged from common i?? god'ft hi ^cncr il coarse Un i fat. ?t sixtieth stieet > *rtlj? T. < hniimmi ?old lor solt 54 curt of horned cattle sales as followsI HI Missmiti hi**** lit per I". weights ii*t (*t n tM4 cwt ; ll i Mi?v uri *tecr* ?i lOf. p r lb., weight ^'4 cwt : loi Mi**>urt ?t?fi? t lo*|C per lb., wel. lit H?^cwt.: 48 Missouri altera st |0?|e. per ib,, weighs j *%i cwt. . .?! HMfiots steur* m Itto per Hi., weight 7'4 ?wt.; 11J Illinois steers ut It*. a l'?'4c p r lb , weight i*% cwt.; ? 77 i linoiu dtoeroat lotae per In weight h p#t, ; ?ui mini* ut eri ut HHtc. a 1()?4e. per lb., weight 8t4 cwt. : 132 I .lluoi* I steers wt lo\e. per In., weight 8*? cw?,; 40 Illtuoi* steers I hi Hie. per to., weight 7l$ cwt ?. Joseph sold far ?-lf 128 | 111 i ti< <is -leers-8D head hv O^e. ner In. with $1 on pr head on 20 head, weight* HJg cwt. a 7'4 cwt.; II h?*tf it loc. per I .. with $1 off p?r litetl, weight 7 cwt.; 12 liOed ut l"',e. per ib. Weight 7'4?ws.; 21 head wt IOltc. per I lb , weight 1\ cwt. I'icry A Cary sold tor selves . IIllinois *t*.?r* wt lli^e. per lb., with 41 on tier head. weight cwt.; 78 tlhooia utters wt I'H*. w I0'tc pet ih., Wrlgbt 7*s twt ; i), !\ ihii ?ili for Kwhn X i nrsl 8ft Mi?*ourl steers. .'17 head at |t?c. l?'ir Io., weight 7 cwt. ; 2ft hnad wt |Dl4c. ji**r lb., w?-iiiiil i '4 ewt 29 head *| lu'tc. per lb., wtlgbt i}B cw t. Coon A tnoiti|moii sola l.?r wlvva 100 llllno ? ?teers?i?o hewd wt ??4C per lb.M with $1 on per l.ewd. weight 7 cwt. ; i? heed u loc. per lb., with $? on per hewd. weight fl4 cwt.. 1ft hewd wt lo'4c. per lb., weight 8lg cwt.: 10 bend wt lo^c. pel lb.t weight h cwt. A1 Jersey ri|y ywrda, Cm jr .t Mel'hemon soli for I. H. Itoed :io flhnols uteer* MtO',c w lo*4c. per lb . with $1 * ff per liei?d ott 12 liew!l, noid et top rwlu. welyhta 7 ewt. w M 4 cwt. nlegei A MejirioM lor N, Murrli 111 Miounrl ittrr* | wt H'fC per lb., with #1 ?>n per Itnwd on HI tie id. w loc. p? r Ih . weight 7 cwt. i .*4 Illinois atesre wt 11 >c per ib . with v?c. on pet hewd. weiirht #*4c. ewt . .11 Hiincia stoers ?t l"'4c per Ih.. wel. h? 7>4 cwt Ll. Wwivl sold lor Wuliei <1 - ilertoti 4 Mto?<nri atcca ut 1H4c. per Ih.. weighing cwt. ; lift Mlabour| Hteera ??% per lb., wltn ftOe. on per bond, weight *4% cwt. . 4 MUa. Iirl ateers Wt HJ4C., per lb , with $1 mi per berni, weight 7 ewt. sesnt: ft !Mi-???tirt steer* wt In?. I?er lb.. weight 7 cwt.; 8 Miaaoml ateets wt H?\c per lb., wel lit 8*4 cwt. ll. VVeaibettnsr ?olu on commission H7 IlltnoU steers wt l*u. per lb., with $1 on per howl, weight ll)$ ewt. .Newton A lloline* a Id 011 mtnialaaii'ti I ox ttre weight 1,320 Ins., w? lc per Ib ; 2 oxen wt n?#c, p r n, ( weight cwt. It tliasotiri Cte rs nt i?}ic per lb., with Title, m per hewd. weight t? *4 ? wt . 35 Mlssoyrl Steera wt l?^4f. per lb.. Weight 7 cwt ; I ? Mlsaonri ateera wt Itlc. per lb., with VH!. oft per he td, wei, lit 7'4 cwt 8. W. -Iiermun *old torStwixel.t v\Ilertoti 32 llilnola *ter*r* wt IH4c per .h . wel ht ' ^ cwi , stroh : H i Illinois wider* nt 8V P?f Ih.. with $1 011 per h*w?i on Id It end, weight cwt,; Hi \lts*ot?ri st-er* nt 10?. p?r lb. With fdlc. off par In wl. wet / ht 7't cwi 8. ti Don nail sold lur Weixel A Allerloti 40 Tm in oxen. 2t'? heed st *\e per lb., - i hewd nt 0?, per it..% weight- 7% cwt. senti , ? 7'# est,, senttt. K. watuelt *oid (or ,N. Morn* H Texsb oieti nt l?c per lb., with $1 ofl per hesd. weight 7}+ cwt ; 17 Iihiiols *tecrs fit My. per Ih , weight tM? < et., *r int; 18 fllinoi* *te<*r* nt t?';c per lb , weight 87^ cwt.. *tr? ng, I ? Imnoi* ?teer* st ii?4c. per lb., weight 7 ? wt , 08 lilinoti ?t?era nt lite per lb,, with ft"?, on per head on 2U lie Ad, weight 8*4 CWI . H7 lillnol* *tear* st l"'4c. per lb . w*-lgb? 7l4 cwt 42 llilnola *ta?r* At l(l,y. per |h , with pi off per on 1ft ii<?Ad. weight ? '4 cwt strong <: Ashn sold for Kshn A 1 o. l.? mill fed Dhi? steers st H)|C n l"c per lb., weight cwi.; 24 etillfed bull*, lire weight I.4UI1 lbs. per hesd, nt $3 87>s n #4 per cwt.; i*? i'olut. do *ieera nt per !??., weight ? rwt M. libuterbnch toid for \tmx?i A Allerton 27 Mi* aotffl *tcera st 1D4c. per ib.. with .f| on per weight rwt. . H" M?*<.onri steers nt O'fe. per lb., with ftth?. ? ff p??r bend, welglit 8*4 rwt . 78 Illinois ateera?I hsnd st |l|fl per Ih., weight 8*4 cwt.; HP hesd st MK? per in , with $1 on per heud on HI head weights ??*% cwt a (Df cwi. strong I ? fcded at Itl^f. psr lb., wsiglua 7'4 cwt s *'4 ?wt. 2" i? ad at l?",c. per Ih.. weight* 7'# cwt s 8 cwt. ; 7 hulls, lit? weight, I,HI PS lbs. per lead, st nil 8ft per cwi ; It h'liD, ilvo Urlgiit, 1.42ft ih per hesd, at ?:i 7?l p r cwt M tlii'd? hmldt *old f ?r N Morns li t still led It xsn *teera at sh*. per lb., w. Ight H1? cwt strong; I ft still* fed steers at 0*4e per In., weight .?H cwt.; 224 atillled steer* at H',e 1 !*V. per lh, weight ft%? cwt Vogei A He.etifltelit sold for Msjrr A Kegenateln 112 Illinois ?teers di i<>?, pot lb., weiiblBXdwt. i ft3 XlUooli itftrt nt HMro. per ID . Willi ?l "IT p.r blrfo. 8M*. 0'? CWt5 87 Illlii.'U ?lo??? at lie n?r lb., weigh. H i ??? ?l Hhkkp A?1> IwAKBS. ?iul' Ju . tluckM held ou ?*!?. ?ol** *1 ?* iu * ? * . J . t SSb.?5c. .? P .ID ???-'">? r MU;.t . tl..n. Jud<l * Buckingham .olo 126 Ohio *e-p. we ... ? A* 4i. i,.?r lb. : iKJ Ohio ?hfop. ?*P lit 10 '?,ri ?" ?? r ^ fb jftSton A Holme.. '.1 33 <>UI? al??ep. weight ? ??? ? v v u?r lo. ; ?K Ohio ?Uorp, wutuhl I.**-' ii hi 5'aC wor lb.; 35 Ttuiitfiits l*mbs, wol-hi * bt* st 7v per lb 3 TennesM* iawib% il*0 I * ?7M pirlb1: K... I Fldcn* a dd l; Vidir by ?41MK1.1 I."-*" ID? , Ht 4'4c per lb. . .-I. Ohio ?h I, q. 5v*JOIbV.?l4\'e P?r lb . at. Ohio .beep, ne. ut ...?*? fi' *. ili. par "b. ; 34 Ohio she-p. wci ;ht ' ?? ' I Mid I7tt Indian* .beep. w"*7.h^ wiV""oerheatL^t s- 1U ir^Gi if ?.^hellS: at 4*c per lb : 170 5b . -rtAl SLlft iW'llSr^ "adfit %c.%af .U ; H7 S.a.::, wettfhl l?H lbs per h**?i, ?M>c* P1'1r,{)> .* iVifute Uiuot* ? '??? rr'b^at'Vc4^ fb" ; ?7Ke,?"iV ah" '": weight 55 lb. per bead, at tc. per m . Kentucky weight 1? lb.. P?r *???*??*J-' "?r. " ; llfc , 17 lambs. weiaht 4t lb?. ^er^heed., ^ #7 ;?.. per e.i. S; w? H: ::i|; S EE m ?t 4%i. py *? ,?'X: wefet m lb'.: l-r h"d! aV 7c p.V lb 1*8 l,"ub*- "*itrht P cVw?a^A* iw t'a'e. W-'ted at **> ? ?? P?' k?*1 e*t?.Vi'e^?*CALvr? -Trade Mow. Ilmt.rmllk fed calve, .old Mb..,c. per lb. Cklve.. from eoturonn to fair, at 4c a %W?-Tbree ear load, of Ohio bo.. w.r. .old ou live weight l term, not reported. DOMESTIC MARKETS., May 2-'. 1?7?. Cotton nominal; tnlddlln*, lol.c. ; low good ordinary. l".c. Set receipt.. d!C bolea txpona coa.twl. -, 24. Stock, 18,475. Ori.kapch. Max 1"7H. notion flrtu ?, middling. 10?.c ; low middling, likh; ^j,0? zAkt* sayivitfsr ^ 2.CMW; co*?twiie. Siilo#, 1 M?tk. . Mo BILK. Mat U-. M'U* Cotton llrm ; middling. lOJfie.: low middling.? ordinary. He Not reeolota. baloe. F.xport. 81. rale.. 800. Stock. U.871. Sat,k^?. M.y 22. Ih78. Cotlon llrm . middling. lO.'^e.; low uiid diug 0-*?;; ordinary. He. Net r.oeipls. *?? bales: groM. 4JU. bx ports o. a.t?i?e, 0110. Saio.,50. Slock, 0,74-. CHAKI.KSTO.V. May 34. lnjH. Cotton .teady ; middling, l'^.o. a lu),o. l low m ddlinc. l(V4c.; good ordinary,'Jt.c, Net rcc .uts, M 1 bale.. Lx ports coastwisj, lie. SaIws, 10(J. htuck. 4. Oswkcu, May z. .r%??diJ i ^bo^rr^'!^ r^ibor-mrrlbl;^^"^' * in per ton. I'anai y.lgbM^ny au^d^lUe^t.^ JJiot"^Shlp^ant"?Kloiir, 1,11)0 bbla ; barley. 40.0U0 bu.b .1.; lumber. 4.14,out! loot. BuvrALO, May 22. 1S7S. Flour In moderate demand; .ale., 7c*l bbla pilce.un ehnugeil Wheal ....setllol; no oe.ire shown to "P?"'"; Corn neglected. Oal.<lulet; No. I I Hleai.0. d-o., ? t . ,_ ..a A Kkrlav lltf Itl Y ? HftlOS. ?1 CATS l/HIHUH. At t ?C. Uye liiiictiv?. wines dtill; s*le?. 1<> bblft. ut l^l CJi a iV OH for city riftile. Other nrtlrlMA unchAfieed 1??iJ sr-?v. by rmtt?a ?*l bbf. 'nour'." l.nvhel. wheat. 22.4t*ido. rT.;. 10 (in do oats. 4.UOO do. barley. 'J..XW do. ryo; do. by X-1?I .V-. b?"?U cm. ltl.'kN. do rye Sl.ln.nrPU by raiU-8 ltri bbl. Hour. IIH W*> bu.bel. wheat. 42.4<iO do. i*ii immi rti? miLK r? 4<X1 do barlsy. li.HUO U'?. ryo: do. by ?n?l ?J?a?:S5 bn.hels wheat. IHdjH.ldo. corn. 14.8U0 do. oat.; do. to intermediate points?a,UIW b.i.hol. co'?- DrrnoiT. M ay 22. 1 ?7h. ? raws, ih."^ nigh mix ol on tr.ok at 44e; Ojw ?w.r. ?t 8 "A" i!ecc^pt??hl,'h'- * llVi bnls.; ? n.-at. 15..?W hn.b.U; Sorn', 1.000 oo.; oat., b.t-'iu do.> shipmonte-Kiour. l.JOO bbla ; eorn, 80d bnebel.; oat?. 4.4W do. TolkOO. May 22. 1H7S. Floor .toady. Wheat .teady: No. I white Michigan. Si is * exira do.. $141; amber .Michigan, cash. $ I 16. , *?1 I Ma. lio.?? red winter, f I II; May and June June.fl !? Uj- (Ww . Nl>-3 ro(| \vabash, $1 <JH; No. .1 t."h' and 'llehica *, $1 int. Corn steady ; high ij???^ ? jira . vii ?? cash 41'aC.; ?Iune. 41 ; ?inly.4C* ? ;:,"eh^d.W dim^tb. oaak OT* O.. . ,???'.';???? To'. sir' 8ii;:it^;. \J*. 5 llSoda oaw^ .Market, closed-W heat dull ; am .or Mlchl d,UUUua.onMD red winter, cash, fl Hi .lune, fl012 'florS dull: No. 2. July. 42He. esked. 42^- bid. Oete dull; No. 4.47Jio. CivCinvati, May 22.1?TR. F.onr dull unehangod. Wheat dull and weak; red. 81 10 Barley anil, tuiehaugad. $?? demand ; current make, fo ttio. y I 7e"ra'A'a^' hlTe"^.'^ duli'-common'. *2? I 82 l". >Vl M?. packing, V a f.l 15. buteh.r. . M lo a >i 4o. receipts. 2.140 ; .hipiuenU, ?.4 .. Ch|(.a0() M,r yj. is7H. Flour dull and weak; spring exirai. *4 40 a w M ?l a 85 25. Minnesota extrae, St NO W"iiTm a SB; soperttnea, *4 bu nfcl 7b; b ^ ? pntee**' J? .,r Wheat uiiA^ltlO'l; actlvo S rewe.V t'eb'.c^o^pnn^s?;^ bid ca.k ?n I l\\. .ale a, II IP'i -Vj;-. : *\r.'",ir? r.?uic\ -ii riv.;-,,-w .*2& .1^/.%^ j&\ drC^l,e-,!c '^iX Vu'lr "oMS?. AngilsU l{yr'duin?ta?l>bC. barley easier at 4V/',c. i'ork opew-l wJik and lower and eloaed llrm at <mt?|d? prlc?. ? ? *7 7t? cash ; $7 <15. .Inn?: silosat f7 52>4 ? 91 i4i I. ? St m->L? 11* i? ? *7M7'; a #K. Aufiist I'Aril in cnodtfemiiitd MblAuVu.1. Markets closed :-Whent fir-tier at 1? fit & "S SSLSf i-"o sSffi- at I.ard stronger at 8<> ?">?..??' ? ? .W| Ituix meats i|Uiot uuohunged. Alcohol. ' C.i ?l (It freight.?Corn to HulTalo. I\c KecelpU ?!I?| tt ili iloii' l'a;..VO bosUnla wheat. :t-.l.??l do. corn. ?j?..ilt*l?toL eat" 7.i?" do rye. ;?.4-W do. barlee. "hip. '^'?Xiu i. Thbi. Hour. 02.144) bu.lie1- wbo.t. UdjUl nlo. coV^ ^.^Jdo. oat.. "-.''. - do r>?? 1-^ do. barley. PBINTING CLOTH MARKET. PaOTlnK.VCC, It. I. May 22. 1S7H I Printing eloth. are inactive, but qnol.tiou. are un !.hA"nV3;5.U^V:.r?",.et CTor,O50x.Kl good, the markot U .toady at 3c. cash. EUROPEAN MAHKETS. COMMERCIAL. I.ickhi'ooi.. May 22?5 P. M. Cotton?The aula* ol lha tlay included U,ratio bale* Afnerl* ciin. Katucea quiet. but Itrru. PrnviaMiCa Lard. Sua per cwt.. for Amorieau. Pork, 44*. per Mil . for prime mrn. Produce?fallow, 117*. 6d. per cwt. Spirit* ol turpentine, 23e. lid. a 24%. par cwt. Lohixin. May 22-5 IP I P. M. Produce?Hplrita turpentine 24* 3d. ? 24a. Od. per Ctrl. Halloed petroleum. Wind- n ll|ad. per gallon. skw rim* iKonocR (xcaa.tur hki-okt. LiTKHI'iiOL, >I.i) 22. IH7|t. Her* ?Hanlero nil at M? ; dull at ?!."??. lln .ii ? Cumberland cut dull M 21m iid.; abort rln dnll at 2"> ? d ; lunar clear dull at U4?.; annrt elear null at 2->? Item*?I?.n2 Out dull at * i4a. ; thoaldera dull at 2H*. Heal?India uical null at K7?.; enlrn ni"*? dull at lull*, .prime maaa dull it TUa Lard?Prima Weetrru dull at i.n. I allow?Prime city uteade at 37a. ltd. turpentine Mpiriia dull at etaitl. Itoein Common dnll ut ;>a. . Una dull ut !"? Uliaaee American rliolec dull at >'>*?. t.ard oil dull at JtWa. Hour? I'.xtra -Mule dull at 27*. ?M. Wheat -.Nr. 1 aprlnd mil at 1111 ."id ; No. '2 ipriUK null at ll*. HM.. winter dull at III*. )IM. Corn Hofi iiiia iu dull ut 2"* M lor o!1 and 2j?. lor aew. Cottuniead oil?Veil .w American, nunc lu market. PINANi I Ala l.i>m.o*, Map XI?4 'KIP M. i'on*"l?. IW 7 Id War both rnon.T and in* aaeonnt: New Jeiwey Central anneal*, 11: Ncw.ler?e> Central, J3la ('??Had stutn* 4X par cent l.unil. lni',i new Ilv. *, 1i?t% Pari* adder* uaota five per cent rente*, I(*'i ;> ie. lor the accent. P a ma, W?y -"2. 1WW. Exchange on Loudon. 25f. IN1, i lor abort *i|<lit. HAVANA MAHKET. Havana. May '22, Im7m. -panlan irold, 2211', a '22lC,. xcliamce flrni on Ilia L'alU". -tel-?; Uouay*. currency ll a it.f* premium ) abort ?l.lii da *M a '? |.ri iglmn . do dav?. dil..l', ? I nr.. in .i.ii. *b virht do , a premiam On London, IH n ll. , premium. On l'an?, II', a 4 premium, ruder du L but firm. KIVWtlM,. T Til K I'UHLIc dltlCK ifXCri A.Xitk, 44 "it"Hi))Tl -PI. A1 speculator* can exaente tlielr own ordart on any active stock on a maritin ol 1 per cent. Cnniuiiaaton on aup nuui'.er of there*, from 9 to Win. 1-10 per cant. Tr,o*acooiie can ba m*dn on lluver 11, sailer 3. or Ceali. but margin* are affected bp lexular vale* only. Additional marnlua of not lea* I per rent will ba received at any time belore the atoek **11* "regaler" at tba "wipe out" price. ~ Y.. W. TOPn A CO. Manama. ?A. ?M AMI A I I ,N slid l\ KXUM ANnfc, A.A. . .is Miami, and 1H New at Mr i |H at and 41 I i. pine*, ileal In all th* active ato. ka. Accept muritina ?l on i. ill per ? ?. t n I upward. When bat on* bell per neat I* dupoelted no lurtlirr margin 1% re. reive i ; In oilier caee* an additional margin ol not lea* than una ball ol una per atut ma) u ? dep alien. I? in. -I i niiiii.aioa, o.,e aikieaoth d one par aant on all iranaeotc in t?lii. No Inieraat charged for c irrymn iM borrowing atocka on ?m all or lore order, ai opaoln^ price muai i,a given halite In a. M. I'ricea ol alack* arc raao.uted by olhclal uolatlona ol the Hold and ?" to* k latagmpti Company, .ubjrl to nt< lal cor ro ilona enter* by mall or telegrnph promptly exacuO'd. Y I l*MI) I'M, i-ltk COMMISSIONS sTOCKM HOUull 1 A.Mr s il.H IX LOT. OK KITH HllAllK.a ANI> t 1'WAHO ON M llttilN Of ONE I'l.H t.KNl OK OVlilt. Tl'M Hill I'll . A CO , 21 Ni.W If,, i 112 lino tow )Y. I loRh l Mf.KlctN HII.Vi.H cola BoUilMf ,\Mi -u |r \T Aa l* dlaaouiit 0) Mlll.TKK A ll Vi N POKT. No WW ill i \?III. I Mill I \ ail Ml.. A a I kkr. HA I, Mil ?II. A I. ? Mould" Motit||omnrp and hnta'n II-at not rave l oud. itiW. c. 1'iiX.i i'ii . Wuil -i ? A hvanoks" ?in phnoh, KChniti kk. ad -i >i Ar tWait .134 ah, want ofOth av. mtvra^e olHcel, without Bonn*, vunviib a T KFASON ' HI. i.ATK8- MilSibT^uW LOT a*B A Endowment In.u -nee Paln-le* and Mi'iiiti'M. "IM bom.l,i ilnaura.-ce a. .11 kind. cHeeled witnbestuVVrO. .1 lowe-t peetauiro- J. J. ? ? PFMOYKD TO I A\D 1"7 HKoaDW -Y. O.K DOOB BELOW OHHTLaNDT XT ___ ? OTA NCK~ OK IIOl'Si-.iHIl D HOODS, PIANOS. J\ I'uru^n. Ac.. It -crcd ?t ?dv Ti scr'a warebou-afc Addc ? STOR A'.fc.. b"X U? Mural i othco. __ A.r nkvr xto 'kTf.xciiaNtiK. ? IHcom. IW Hr ad ?t. 1-lttoo?. autl 57 fcxcliaturu place. Buy and ?\\ all t ?- icflv m >rk* rtaait In at tha l*#w \ ork A(o4!k liitaUan*? In 1*6* t?f irom ?? i?? ajO auarea. Coiniiiikiioii 1-16 par c?ut. 1 16 com. Margin ?2 ?? I l?'r crnt 1-16 com ltrnnch of M*nl"itt?n Mock ! *cl?autf?, jw tiioad and 'M N*w Hi _____ k liS FROIH(^6HaM A ? ? BAMIM* AnroKBr*. I-J Wall -l. Dealers In lr.l cl?? hl?k Piiv il.'iri'i. Iiuv Mo 111 at tlso No w York Muck kitbHiP, nti.I can v same us Iuuk' ?? desired on . deposit ol three per cent. Explanatory oirculur iroe. _ ___ 4 roK XAtB, i.Sh .-11 .*?. IN HAlMJUK l.-LVNO A .Oarporalion. Apply to ? M. X. BKaOH. .No. 1*1 Wait A , li HAZARD. ?1 BKOAl> XT., If VHKIt OF A.the New Vurk St<M-k K*ch?ii*?. STORK PltlVl Li.OhS. put-." and ".traddlaa on the active ?lock* u* rotleted, on fir?t cU?. parlie. only. Orders aollc ited. _ A T ldlWBHT BATES??X >2.00<J IO U)*IJ OX * III. ApruvaJ eitv Property; 111* la.ur.iiOJ policies cashed. 3rt Hroadwny. rooitt !?' TNSTATI1 Kl Nil* To I.OAV O.N KIKST M<1KTO AtIB J*i .1 H P'-r cent; Bra y -ere; moderate expense. T. B., Inn li JI 11 IT i? Id uflio ? - CM)" > A LB -7j"rtl 1AI th 8 I* AC I FIR ASl) ATLaKTIO P Talcsrapb Coiupwi* stuck : |?*r fl.HW. will .rl for 5!?kl. W. O. Ill)>K I. mm Bniwdwav. room Oil 01 | vHIl ? '.VSII.' ?ltIR11 vltDWALTBIW KOXB AUO J Liii.iioeri.. *7 It .at Br..iidw*> .dranco c.?" to nk? aiuuui't mi ? uruiiuro. I', Xtucka of Store. ?uo Mar. i hinuti.e of every df.crlptlnii. 1^1 K&8T KllU DhfOHlTs. 1'c.KSoSS ObSlKOUl III obt'.lulnc int'-rent lor ilopo.lM and tl.elr lial.ncoi ?t .11 time, au jactto cUrt-k on dainead. do ?? ?T <Uh I....ill.! witl. tlio old ill: I.on.a "f MOW K? A OO.. so. tl Wall at.. New York, willed allow. Intarvat at 4 per ?#>?? f A1.WAVS Tiave moTey TO Loan on mort. I New York citv 1'roiH.rty. cliv It.llro.d Stoeka ana iiond. bought nil! told. II. li OKAS I'. IBro.dway. TlfOmTy TO LOAX ()> BONO AND MotlTOAOK AND JVlltfe luanranee o?llri?? ? p.illelaa pnrrh K. TltU.Si.OW, 14.i Broadway, room IA_ M 'i.NKT TO I.iiaN-OX XKtV YOltK AXD OTATBV I,laud improved y X'unCHCOCK. M Hrovtwav. OT. J'AUL CITV (MiNXj BONUS WANTED-.Yt.SO plwww dddOty Dili" no Vy ";; "k i" a\i"isVloe .4. aatANTED?A LOAN OK $>i,'A*). KOR ONE YEAR. ON W li.n) .Uare. ofDorUlnuvr .. laaa Companv iteck : WrBd lnlrrciit or bonne will bj paid. Ad.lre.. I. A. J.,box3a?l Poit pflico. - WAh ri'.O?f'l.U'*!. F??lt FOUR OH Jil X ROJJ * O.V with $o,OUU a.N tucuriijr. Addruat PRICE. Iluraid offlco. - $,)"?iV w ANf KD-KOIl TWO YfcAKS. TO SAVE A ? ,0v/' Mnnii y Irotn ruin: evcurlty clven for .mount and liileiunt paid. Addrede KEtl&f? boa 2Ui llerald oDde. AaTk a"" TOR TH* FUROHaRR Of UUl'LltiAfB lilll).UUUw?ilJ liir Kranant.; wauled, e lew .ilvar Tea Sou; #U'iO for ? pair line Wlnte ItrillianU. almo.t " carat., bourn" at a .acriltcu, Watclie. by ni.ialinunta ; .liver Wad diliK Oifta .,.|0w|.,.r..1.m.u:o. -;;;r..srov |V1 Sloa i IIIII 1 X' roiw UNDS TO LOAN ON SSmIv'.vJ' ' V/no proved Kronertv. tl and 7 p -r caiit. BOOTT \. M . I'KI'. NZ 1 ! II'I'.I Broadway, l'Hu^.1 duly. ill Ilk It) bOAN AT kll l' Ck.NT ON b^.^ll.UUUllonl and Mort-air. till, cttr ?r Brook. JOHN D. CON 1thV, 1<5? Hroadwav. T COEAETIIBBIiinn. UK CONNECTION OK Nit. CHaKI.Ks li YoltSTON 1 with the llrin "I Vtrtoe A Yoraton. terminate* thlartay and tha liaalne.a hnratol-re ro duutod under eald Oriu name will be continued under tlie inanatramenl cl Mr. c".,enoe A. Henri.,uo. In tb? Bnu nama and for account of Mr. J .mo. S. Virtue. Dated W* May _2, . JAME? ? viltTUE. By hi. Attorney, H. S. llrxr.v IIUHIKKXS OPPOIlTilNITIKS 1 S OKKICK AND ' UiriMSti OLKKK Wa.nTIJU A.WI10 cun furnikli #?.(*)?ocurlty. "y a men anliio hm?o. * S(l I It <>!?: H ? It A CO.. 'J R llnton place. AIIOUSK MANUKACTtlKIMi AND CONTItoLLlNO au articiu ol nubile and private iiaceaaity . xlouelyeiy in iito, want- n" aaaocldto Willi #'3 .. ,'j A|'*i"V Jm', atradlly urowlutr liuiluek*. Amity ORIOUS A t,Atti,is. TON. Its Broadway. * , "a well Establish*i> oloiii and ul.nTlk. men'- I'utitLlduu lluatnt-.. In a llvo town near city. In Cludlui; Duo llonvi an l Oround, for part ca.h and city Property or noar-by Karm^ BL((MqT1|rr tap "7 FoitTUNE. A~ I'.ES I'.iU ItaNT, U.vLF CASH OH i\ Real Estate. Ill I Chamber. ?t. . "a CTIVK i'AHTNKE W'ANTKU?WITH dB'?: BUSL Aneas In ld?n<l"u. Knttland; InlucemettW. Ad. dre.. LONDON AM llH. AN. Herald office. . A tlOOll OPKNiNtl IN I IIK ?T ATIONBHY ANL) Abo k baaineaa; prominent downtown corner;, rant eery It t ail - price low and term. ?.?T. owner bavkitu otnnl buuliie.. Addre.. HAltC AIN. bo.\ J3D llcral! "?c?. I' V It I'.N Lk7 Willi A4U). IN HOOD BOOT AND jvb'Mi Busineae; al.ti Partner, .It It diitk), lor a Si kit avattuo Raetauraut. JONliS. 311 Centre at. A M tN w II" WILL INVEST BWOO VN KIWI) BU<1 _ ne>. that will pay *25 per week, cell ,No. li. weit 34th >t. a HAKK OPiM??TUMI*-A LOBO AM) fill A established Willie.ale anl retail trrocer In tula clii would .ell cheap one ol three pro fri)a? Store., uow ewne i by III in splendidly located and doind a I't'ije and first class bu.inets. Audreu M I It' IIA NT, llerald pH. e A ;hi _ _ FilRXT OLtSn SALESMAN A* KARTNMB IN A. LA* dies' dros. trlniinlnua maiiufiielory and Imp rtin^ buo i.e.- to'." a-labiulied in lUi? city. capital re>|iiired not le-a III in S'|."1?oilier n irty wi I inye.t unex* ci ti o.abio relereee ?? a? to eh traeii-r and aid Ity if ili.anpcd. Andre.. II tl . Herald oflice. T.'Olt SALE CHEAK-IIALK INTEREST BEST PAY T Intt Har. ice Cream, supper and L.eldiutf Loom.; owner c,,".c tttfi M BWki .rWh,.*. 7,1, n. TTev'TLKMAN will! dl.taw CAN sECI'UK INTKRi { r?t In elep int cia.y businos*. paymy enormous profile OaM I<i4 W "?t ML I I 1 A 1 H , It 'A A M l || T l I AiaIt. I II K PL\CH I Jul r llillit partner in H we.I d lealuer in ? liu-lii'it re'-r.-nce reintred and giveu. Audreei LKATHKIt. llerald olhco. MKC IANl)!-K OK A HOOD ML'slNESS WANTKU for cash or in eaclnuco st, Evanlng lost Hnildiny. iloem s. . AN WAXTaD. Willi MEANS Hit uBal EKTaIK to co In 1 allliTiiis . tins ctianoa lor man or tlie right atauio sUMNl R. ?l Broadway. ro m S. |J tACriRAi. I'ltl l It Willi *.1.1.1" 1 A-H \) ANT ll'i X III an e.tabLsbed busineae. L. J. T., box 3," I o?t, Xew Vorh. ? TO CAP! rALlSTS ? A CH ANCE TO MtKK MONET ? itli e -map capital in nn honest bu.lne-. k"" bst Per .on. id-trie! Integrity ne> d apply Adorn.* box 1711 Jersey Oily l*?wt O0M* - ? iirtNfi|)-\ PAitTNKK WITH \ 11 t PIT A L OK \l *10 i*JtA !?? $1 to Inv.l It In a rloak iud autt man n'actory. Address U S . oox 131 Herald "fliee. WAT II PAKTNRK WITH in AN BNTAB. d 'nd I'r nluee cauiml-alon liu.lne?a Andreas ,f. >. Ill T<' III NSON. 24?t.? I'hil I %. Ill ANII.I1 A Vol'NO SAN Willi CAPITAL A? W trea-urer Willi a trirellinc mineirel tronpo. MAN. 31" West iMth ?'? ____ fANTrli \a AHKNCV IN NEW YOltK CI IT BY two yontic men; m.nuleeturlnc company; .alary or rni-alon ll. boa In I .l. r.nt < Itr, N J vv UfEDXHsiikY. r 11. itTiVii. will he the la.T car for euteriua P.tent Richta for the tie*t Hraed Auction S-le. Now Y .rk Patent c.xeban<?. .VI Id -eftf St. v\ I'A11 Ts EK. -A 1111 A3 k), i ,N 1 IFF I K lirsf. ? p.rtn wnl . 1 boi.'-ai man wtntel more tliaa money. Addre-- T Itll.llV, llerald ollice. T iMEIl p llTirK.-T'V"'IK- IN BUSf NKSft , ) want 4 pa<ty jeitlie 1 It or ecu. email, wit" ?I.1**'. ,\d It i'.- A. A A I'Vi 11-r slil "fflce . tt- jiin -Ax ai 11 vi. AX wfrii Tills tMorsr. 2).VMl.ra?-erure an Interct in a new Invention. new III lull operation. i?era.iiial Invest 1 .aliou de.ired- No scent-, fa I it Vi Mi.ill i n .1 ?e. ond II ir ______ r-TTlA t.N I I..I i ? I i. '.'I < I. r- a Itr. K MUSTER rA.)UU|tor.i?er anil Indl .tor on* or more euilferen' l.res: Stationary or portable; di.roiint. anythlnc n?ed adapted " r ra-t.arant- elevated ratlrna is, any nlacs u?m'c check.; patent allowed. INDICATOR, Herald Up t .Wll llfWlM l?. || , cil"Timi P ARM kit WANTED. TO ACT A 3 S I .1 M M P.r ubier, *e . .plendol m ney m.vln* ?nler pri.e W"'?SI profit. H'l. .umnssr .ere. Apply 437 Hit *v,. Wr-i rt -or I, , j op 1 WILL P ii' H ask IIAl.f INTRRMT IN ,S_.l M M I- II -as 1 oil.hen. ? "id ii.ylns manufaalnrlui b*,.|?e.? tildres. -I'OKR, Herald oflice. a;,, n/c. iVaNII.M ADDITIONAL CAl'tlAL S| 'wanted to cartv 011 a ion* e.tabll.hed rlty b klnee* nayln ? laree rr ???- and shoal to ehaa/a hand* ?,.r beet bf re i-?n. e.ptt ?l felly secured; no egeate. Ad drees I'. A,* Herald office. KID GLOVES RELEASED. OoWOfbl Appraiaor Koichom yoatorday midi t H' port to Collector Arthur to tho rooppraiaomcnt of kid glntrea hold tu bond by tba eu<toma aniiioritma lor aortril tnontha p?at. Iloaidea hit owa tio mhtniiud tho rrporu of tba local apprilnor, Mr. 4. It. HuieUor, niid tlio niarctiant apprataora* Uoutral K-tch'Jm place* hi* (ljura* high' r than tha merchant *ppra>oora aod lower ttiao too local appraiser. It now rcata wttb the Colli nor wii oh <>l tboaa rrporlt to accept U.u oral Arthur at once c mmuirc? ? ???! with the Tr*a*ury I>c|?art m?iit on tlio aabjnot, in wli ok tin rcij teatod p< rmianion to accept a dapoatt Irom the merchant* entering tlia raliod tr ilu itli'ii put upon tlio Invotcoi ol urn ?lorn?. In raplyih' Colldetor w?a T-oordrO p?rmi*?ion to an an, nod toe Importer* wer? ootiQ?<l. In a day or two ibu bulk ol tbo eninirRo-nl kid giome will barn ?<eu withdrawn irom iiund and ha pot upon tlio market. mo C" Hooter haa pnimi*od to render in* d< r ision on tha Appratanr a report aa promptly ai pom bin. municipal motes. Corporation Coannol tVhitaoy hat Riran an oplntntt tbo i o in in m Co Ob oil liavo power to paaa na urdinanco ab dishinc loox co.lortnd Iro n ibo buaiaoai Community by IntpOOtOfW of weight* and men* urn*. 1 lie Aldormoti bam r trnn porm <*lon to is JuJgi puaady to pine* in tho Ooneral r?nn room at tnt ttoproiwo court a ntml ill'oa b#d? in marbie, hi ih- lair it. vid t.ribaaa, |i ta oiKioirtood lb it tno anm* ol a tlcm inrattn At. anmoit man wltlbw ??ut ta t? tko Be >W wi Aider unit .in lin.Uny neat by Mayor K y, of rotillrinotion a? Knone Owta intamnaor, in nil in" p. too uiauo raoaut by tba rtuivyal ol boor go W, Morton. K