Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD WHOLE NO. 15,256. NEW YOKE, THURSDAY. MAY 30. 1878.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS DIKLCTUUY FOR ADVERTISERS. BBBALU BRANCH OP OPEN DAY AND NIGHT FOR KELErii ADVERTISEMENTS AND SALES OF "rtw. AMUSBM KNT8?2d Peak?5th and 6th 0?1* ASTROLOGY?12th PAHg-Otb col. BILLUkDS-Uth PaU* 6th ?"k , . h BOARDERS WAMtD 3? KWSS-SStvaoh dtfccol. BOAUU AND LODOpO WAhlhU-iD n?? 4tM BROOKLYN BBAL ESTATE FOB SALE?2D rMUM? BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?6?gP tax. SiSKSW. "L CLERKS AND SALESMEN?12th Pxuit-3th *ol. coastwise steamships? h? Fane?sthoob CopAUTNEKSHlFS-teiH Pack. COUNTRY BO a EO?2d Pauk?itb ?ol. DENTISTRY?2u PA0H-6tn coL a?Rn AND D WE J. LI NO HOUSES TO LET. PURNI8HBD AND U.SFURNISI'KD-2d PAOk-lst and <M high ?ol. BUKOPEAN STEAMSHIPS?IItRPAak?UK and 3th fc'JKOPr.?7tu Pack 6tb col. EYES AND c.ARM?1?T PAUK-Sth eoL EX' URSIONS? llTH PAUg-SlbCol. PIN aNCIAL?Writ Pagi. TO LKT-l. Faob?2d c??l. ^ . FUBNITU Hh.?1 tlTB l?AGB-flth col. I UKLP WANTED?FEMALES - 12th PAGH-4th ??? 5t? 11V LP? W A NTK D-M ALES-12TH PAGB-Sth and HOUSES. CARRIAGES, *0.?1st Paoh?Jd. 4th ?"<? 3"1 coll. llOUKfcsr KOOlf *.~ikO ,?WANTBD? 20 PAOB-Sd cot. INSTRUCTION?2d I'AOB?Bill col. LOST ANO POUND 1st PAOB 1st coL Machine by- i 2tu p agh - sth coi. MaKBLr. MANTi'.LS?1 1th Paoh-6th eol. SiLLINMBV AMDDKMNb>UKIhO-lt, PAO?-5th coL MISCKLLAN uUS ADVEBTliKM K N Ts - lOW PA?x-6th NEw'lPUB LIGATION 8- 7tu rAUB?Cth eol. P. KSiiNAL?1st l'AGK-ltt col. . PIANOFORTES, OoGANS. *0.?2dPA0B-6?E aoL POST OFFICE NOTICE?1ST PauB?6th coL PKUPOSALS-Ist Paob-6H> coL .PU11 Pa_ PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES PROPEKTY^oUT^OF TUB CITY POB BALE OB TO RKNT-2P I'AOB- 1st coL MEAL ESTATE To EXCHANGE - Ud Pacb-Is* coL kkal estate wanted 2d paoh?wtcoi. REWARDS?1st PAOk-lst Ctrl. . . ... HALES AT AUCTION?1ST PAOB? Sth ?nd 6th coll. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES?12th PAOB-ltt SITUATION?'VaSTED-MALBS?I2th Paob-ME eol. SPECIAL NOT1CES-1st Pauk -lit. 2d ?nd 3d coll. SPORTING?DOG8. BIK08, All?1st Paob?3d col. STOKAG B ? 12T1I I'AOB-flth col. SUMMER RESORTS?2d Pagc?4th coL THE TRADES?12tii Paok-SiU col. THE TUKF 1st PAGK-3d coL ... TO, Ll,T FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d Paob?1st coL TRAVELLERS' OUIOE ?IItu Faok-SUi ?ud Oth cols. unfurnished rooms and apartments to let? 2d Paok -2d and 3d cols. WAN I ED TO PURCHASE?llTH PAQB-6th ool. watches, jewelry, Ac.-2d Paok-4h?coL WESTCiiKSTER GOUNYy PUOPKUTY FOR SALE OB TO LET?2d Paob-1st col. WINKS LIUl'OuS, A0.-12TI1 Paob-6th col. Yachts, steamboats. a?.?iotu paob?etheoL PERSONAL. _ A? p i>.?\IA Vf5 ~SENT TWO NOTES TO 'TUB AD .dren you give mo on ftth it. ; have received no ?u icer. l'loiiio call on inu Ht Windsor Hotol, boloro etinday night. ?? I leave town then. s- "? J' urHoK -Do not call at house-, a^^aY; look for lottor Iroiu mo Friday morning. ALICE st. ULTON AVENUE. BROOKLYN, CAR. ON TUESDAY afternoon, obout 5 o'clock ?Very beautUul blonde went Into store, bowing ?? she Blighted to gentleman, who ro ?Decttully rcuue?i? pie am re of l?er ucquainiaoce. Auoreaa, lu perfect confidence, box No. 109 llerald Lutown brancb office, MtathiK dre?s woru or ?om? circutiifclauce. VINCbNT PINOKNBY FKK.sI STH. ANOT1IEB ?^reverse*' would auuilillate him. M.?LBTTttli II kCElVKD. TU hbD AY KjiXT. ,HHuex depot. Hrooalyn. foot of Fulton nt.. 11 A. M. Aonwer 'oy letter. **? K* ?'T AURA."?"NOT FOSSIBLK BEFORE ..NEXT JLiweek. 3. BERTHA. fFCtPT. BE ATT IK. LATE OF TUE SHIP MA LAC Ac a, will write to ateuto?bip Britaunle. New York, no will boor from bll ion. W. IL Hostile. Auatrnlinn paper, please c py. - IT HISS AUUUSTB WOLFF, KINDKRGARINeKIN. will lend her addrem to C. M.. llirald Uptown Branob ?01 e. sbs will boar ofiomotbinir to her advantage. LKAaB HETUitiTGOLO WATCH MARKBO "L A. D , No. 72 291), Loch J. Broquet." to (11 Weit 10th it. ind receive $2.1 reward and no question! nikod. Pawu brokera take notice. ? W HOM IT M tY C'NCKRN.- I SH ALL STOP wearlug out my brain nnd strength invonllng lace ?igns. Newspaper print do.s not pay lor tbo ""J]1- * been tooted long enough. No moro design*. !!*?? 1 hi* the " bull's eye or notT" Kitwaat. \\T ILL MRS. KATE McISaAO, LaTR OF VIMGIMIA W City, Ne*., please send addreti to_ ber anxious friend,' where a letter may reach her. Addreee J. U-, bos 171 Pott otttcs. Castiu*. Ma. . LOST AMI FOUND. B aSIt feoOK KO.~ 307,328" OF~ Til IT BLKECK ER .street Bank tor Savings. Tba Budar will plaaaa raturn it to the hank TNOUND-IN A CENTRAL PARK CAR, <>N TIIE24TII, 1? a sum of Money. Call at 1.03B Midi ion av. OST?ON TUKHDaI. AT NOON. BROADWAY. Jnear 28th it., brown psoar Parcel contnlutDg J.iweIrr act, .^llk; rowmrd will b? paid. F. C. ttMllH, world office. T OSr-3LUK S1CYK TERRIER DOG CORNER Hill I i.? cud raith it. A reward of $10 li offered for hi* re turn to 320 Weit 56th It. L' OST-WBDNBSDAY AFTERNOON. NEAR BROAD way and 83d it., sleeve Bntton. with S engraved on ?tone; liberal reward. H., box 4.4H;> Post office. LUHT-A SMALL ITALI AN ORKYIIOUND BITCH; hall pink ribbon on neck: $IO reward will b* paid and na Questions asked Tor hor roturn to 172 East 73d sL Lost-tiiursdav. mat ja tom. a large jet bl*ck OmI. wlih brmM colltr. Anr ono rotumlng film to 4 M est 21st St. will be suitably rewarded. 1 OS I-A GOLD WATCH AND CHAIN AND POi GET. Jjbook A liberal reward will paid lor their raturn to 04J Lexington av. t OST-YESTERDAY. BETWEEN CENTRAL PARK JjSprlngs and 72d at ga?. steel Eyeglass, with chain: $3 reward will he given for return of eaui*. 26l> West aid *L T OST-ON TUESDAY'; THE 28TH INST.. HKTWRKN JjHarlem and Union square, a buiieh of Kav* A ''ward ?I $2 will lot paid bv returning to C. R. It IOHT. 21- Broad way. room 1. I" OST-ON TIIR AFTERNOON OF TUESDAY. MAY 2*. Ja portfolio, containing bill*, receipt! and cote* payable ta thi ordar of Jaeob, - tab). A liberal reward wRI b^| paid for the recovery ol the same by III KO. FBLD?rr.IN. 86 Koriyth eW.or IIKNRY STAIIL, 87 2d et. ItBWABDk. f o'KEWARD-LOST. AT THE W&TH MBnT. LTuesday night, a Card Case, oontalnlag papers of va lua to llio owner. Tlio above reward wilt he paid ou Its re turn lo'JI Wast 17th it A.l/Y RBWAHD'WILL HE PAID. AND NO QUK8 2b?Utious askad. lot the rsturn of Russian leather Bag and Content* taken from room '204 Sturlevant House on Mav'JSloC. IIEIDELHKRG, 32') llrondwny. or clerk at liataL | SPECIAL NOTICEb. ~o?rcf~ v ^ HK_ , S22 DIM) A Y y ?H89_ 22 22 D D AJt Y Y 8 8 22 D D A A Y Y 8 22 D D A A AY 838 22 D D AAA Y 9 a El I) D A A Y 8S(ja9 222222 UDD A M Y 833 More. POSITIVE SECURITY, W1TI1 THE CUANOB OF WINNING A L t Iti.B PBIZK. An excellent Investment now offer*'4 1? th* Agbartenx pel,llo. Tha nail Grand Drawing ol IMI EIIIAL Alio h"" SlOWS. SOSWLO-H Takes place JLNK t. 1878. These bonds, wblch are issaed sod ??<W*6 by the above ?arerumsiil. ars radaaiuoil i? drawings held lour times an* aualiy until oarh and every bond (there era no blauks) u r/il1' u,",r ur ,,,,,u"r p,,"!l.M,, pm)rins 'J L? 'ALUHO FUlMlNS ID PIUXK * ?"VVssssls.?? ##???????? " <MU FLORINS Wo offer tl'ies* soeurlllet to the American iMiblle on lha lane plan that lhar are at present sold at lii/larmaiiT tliUt |s, a boud wblrh we tell lor $IUU the buyer An pay lor in 20 monthly instalment- ' r..'<3 nat uoo $ a in ill ?w 5655 iw 00 l"? '*> , 55 OI 00 0" OU % 53 00 IO <l" ??? ? .. -- x:. now IMI IMI Milft 55 55 OU 00 OH 00 ? " * 555 000 W? . _ ?nd every lioud bought ol at ?.y tne pavmaul ol $5 0* *r be,or. Cm .at day .. VUkM 1U V 14 ma? driw on tii?l ?Ut?. *? ?? |a a"y ?rulcfi mm full loth* Houtl III at tl?a fulnra qtmriariy <iraw. lux* durtuir tliv of ilia 2U li??4aluiawit. . Au official raporl at H?? Urnwlng will ba ?i.a?lad to aach currcBpouriaut aoon *? faaafaau. _,_rL-. 1 baaa Bumla *r? u?uailabia al any tlma ?i tficlr ?notation, both in America and (lartnsay .and uo Bond ulll b*> rpdivinsd wllli IrM Hi an 'J.W llurliii OfUtitry afdara. laiit w ragUiarad laiitra and auelo'luf |6 Will secmo oil* ol these Honde lor tli* next drew log. For elrrul irs slid other lulormatloii <u\ . international banking V ' -i.. 135 Chnthem sqnare (Bank llelldlng). Now Yore flip. I stahllshed In ISi4 N.B.?la writing pleas* atal* that yon saw tble In lb* Herald. ., _ Open to-day. April .JO. -ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. Louisiana Statu Lottery. Kentucky etntu Loltery. _______ Also Kentucky and Osorgla ______ Osllr Drawing-. TllhODOKE XSCIIOCII. 23 Park row. room 4. A FFL1CTKU OlrsEASKS FROM WHATEVER CAUSB A-pee'lly and p.r?....n?ly enred. Dr. WKeT'S old .. tabli-hed medlral office. 4-i liloecker si. A bll ?K FOR M?A?C?K A C-O.'-S K_K?F?R?1?0?E-R-A?T?O?E?ff. A? -.hhioan INnTITUTE.?A SPECIAL MEETING OK tble lnelltu# will be Held at rooms In the Cooper Build Thursday. June rt. at 8 .. clock P. M.. to cou.lder ?ud iske action on the prop"**'1 umsn?ini . nts to thanylaws mad* LI the uiocllug May 2. I87M, in relation to Debate lur mem st Ihe sioetiug way a, N A |-11 A > (J. Kl, V , President. aaf*? mi ii ? ? i, , m_poUK YEAH OLD RYE W HISKEY. $4 PER \ etllon $1 ner large bottle: 5n* English Hreau bi rluAVlIot. P. limim: really Ban Cigars. WlD-r ban 55?d N. Van IIKIL. 8ft t,'na".b?resL_ ? kl tcrmc BELTS?A CKRrAlk. SArM AND A ? anre for all N.reous and ehrnnlc dteesaex ^.I^!lt.e? ar. .pplH?Ula to .Ub.r sex and afford i-aiatii Collet iii cases ol rheumatism, dj spepsi*. ?*'"?'al gSSuTtf.^Ai. fSwSCrtfffff lha only ganuln*. Depot. BU Broadway. MPECIAL aOTHER. TL't'HMtViiATTHjr "FSartTVfc LV^'cTKlftf "any A>l?? or lb? (llHtN. EUROPEAN HUI'EMaTIC SOCIETY. 207 Weil 3eth st TTKNTI ON. PAT IE N IS. - A LL MsBAbEiTBBCbNT or old, ?kin Disorders and Nervous Debility radically cored. Dr. I'RUTIN (Irom Carls). 34 Bond at. LL SPECIAL COMPLAINTdTllKDIOAL OR 8UR meal. safely, succestully treated. Or. BRADFORD, 132 East 13th St. A_T~ 63^-B-R-0-A-D\f-A-Y 8-K-K E-U-R-E-K-A?C-O-P-P-B-K?U-R-N.' * ALL DISEASES UP MKN, WHATEVER the CAUsB. receat or lung standing. speedllv aud permanently cured by Or. 11. DYER and Dr. J. W. "KINDLE, Puy.i clear and Surgeons, 47 Wart IHili at., aaar Otli av N EEbAVTsUfPLVlXU MEANS POK EFFECTING cure of uerrous debility. wailed free. W. W'aLKIN, boa 2,500 Puat oStce, New York. LL SPECIAL DIHRAftfcH, BLOOD AND SKIN; alao nervous debility, no fee until eared; evamiuatlou free. Or. PKEKMaN, 266 Grand at, TTK NTlOh.?T WKNlY YEAUS' CRUSBlAN IIOSPl tal axparlenca: apectaltiea diseases of meu end nsrvous ayatew; consultation tree. Or. JACUUV. 101 Uleacker tl? DVICE PKEE.-OK. WH17?71 r.AU PitUp?s.-?Ult UP midwllcry; tale treatment guaranteed. 215 r.aat 45tb at. near 3d av. (1 ATA K KIl^MOKKO LIKE TOBACCO; NEVER Jlaila to cure ; #1: lu any part of tbe country, or call on Or. M. C. MoCOUMICK, Krone-villa, kour-u county, Ca.( lVOKCKS SCEEDILY O BTAi N K U-TnRMH~nUCKR latlvely raaaonable; CONSULTATIONS tree. FKKD E.itlCK I. KI\U. Lawyer, 0 bi, Mark's place, adJolulOK Cooper Institute. ii. UlCOKO'S ESKi.NCE OP LIFE Kb STOKES MAN boou to tbe uebiiltated iu four weeka; failure Impose! ble i (3 per care. Dru|i|tlati aupplfed. Sole agent, Or. J. JACQUES. 7 University place. New York. D~TscokatiON Day -VISITORS to wood lawn and Triultv cam terlea can be accommodated at scbed ler'a Urtel, High Bridge. I (it It ur., 173d at. Rooms may be angered by telegram ; rertauraut open fro n 5 o'ciook A. M. Decoration oav?Windows to h..nt. oris Broadway, aecood floor. DISEASUsTiT" BEN A SPECIALTY" Ur.NnY A. DANIELS, M. 0., 144 Lexington nr.. near 20th>t. Office boura from 8 to 3 and 6 to 7. ivouck casus attknoeITtu PROMPTLY WITH out publicity: eonault bim. ISAAC 0. BOYCE, expe rienced lawyer. 310 Broadway. Electric belts?suke cure pgr premature debility; tbe ouly reliable. Seed for circular. l>r. KAKIl. 832 Broadway. ESTABLISHED SEVENTEES YEARS. Dm JORDAN A DAVIfcSON, Proorlotort of tbe ORBAT EUROPEAN MUSEUM, tbe largeat eellection in the world, 720 Cheatuut ah, Phila delphia. wieb to inlorin their patients and tbe public that tbey may bs confidentially conaulted aa uaual on all dia oarea or men. willed tbay tart made a apeoialty lor 17 years. Their medical work. "Practical Obaerratlona" on differ ent diseases, with an "Kaaay on Mirrtage,'' can bo bad on receipt of 35 eoula. pottage eluiutM, Addrora Dra. JORDAN A DAVIRMON. 1,625 PlTbert at.. Philadelphia. No eonuoctlon with any older Arm ip America. ? OPPICIAL KENTUCKY STATE DRA WINCH r KKMTOCKY?KXTKA CLASS SU. 353?MAT 30. 1878. 1, 3. 58. 24. H. 78. lO. 51. 55. 31. 70. OS, 86. KkMTUOCT?CLASS NO. 354? MAT 20. 187H. 63, 5. 22, 43, 13. 8. 47. 5S. 65. 75. 33. 73. 50, 3& SIMMONS A DICKINSON. Managers. dKOBalA STAT*? kXTUA CLASS NO. 878-MAY 20, IH7S 41. 78, 10, 40. 38. 32, 07. 13. 17. 11. 34. 7, 16. CXOIUIIA STATU CLASS SO. 874? MAY 20. 1878. 83, 20, 65, 58. 14, 32. 40. 46, 32. 23. 78, 75. 44. 77. K. D. EDDY A CO.. Maaagort. Information given regarding the nbove drawings. Apply to CLUTE A CO.. Bankers. 2C0 Broadway, roar oBoo. E. l.SOU prises, distributing ... , Louialaua sun : extraordinary drawing. Capital prls*. #100 (XJO. Draws June 11, 1878, distributing $522,500. Tickets. ?10,6V $2. $1. CLU I K A CO.. Kntikers. 2O0 Broadway. P. P.?Open on Decoration yay natll 12;30. E -KENTUCKY SINGLE NUMBER. . D1CAW8 MAY 31. 1 prise $l,4ot> 1 prise 8.0U" 1 prise...... 400 2 prises...... each 2.5CIO 4 prima a aach l.OOO 10 prlaaa each 6500 each loO lOOprleea.. eacb 50 500 prlaea audi 25 l.UIlD pneea each 5 $67,025 to be distributed. Tlcsett, $1. CLUTE A CO., Bankere. 200 Broadway. P. 8.?Open en Decoration Day antil 13 :30. ill -LOOKI-KENTUCKY HTAtK SINGLE NUMBER', fa To bo drawn on Friday. Mav 31, 1878. Capital prise. *14.1 UU. 1 prise of $8,000 3 prtaea of (eacb) $3,500 1 prlaa of 4,(AO 4 prlaea of (aacli) l.OOO 1.800 prlaaa. amounting to $07,026 Wbola ilckata amy $1. Prlaaa paid In toil. Royal Havana draws May 31. .Capital pr'ae. $200,000. Tickets, $40. $10. 65. 42 uud $1. Healed rlake taken on dally drawiogm. P. 8.?Will be opau all day to-day. PaKKS, EMEltSoN A CO.. Agents. ISO Broadway. H. ?_ Important cases, madlcal or anrgleal; Impairment ol any organic function, hereditary or cooatitutioual taint and diseases of tba nervous system a specialty. HENRY a. DANIELS, M. D.. 144 Lexington ev., nenr 29th at Henri, 8 to ^and 6 to 7. Kentucky btate-to he dkawn may sl Capital I'risa, $14,000. 1 I'rtae of $8"0"j 1 I'riae or $4,000 2 Prises of (each) ... 2,5"" I 4 Crises of (eacb).... l.UUO 10 Prlaea uf leach).... 5<iO 150 I'risea of (each).... 100 l.MtNt I'rlaes. In all amounting to $07,925. WnoLK TICKETS. (INK DOLLAR. LOMMIaNa (IK t nd drawing. JUNK II. Ca?4t?l I'riae. $100,000. Tlckata, $10. $5. $2 and $1. JALKMiN A CO.. Bank. ra. 82 Nassau at., naar Kultou. -LOIIrlAN A 8 TATE. JUNK U.-(Tit A N dTiKA W alng. 6*>3o.lklO In cash prise* Tickets, Wholes. $1'); Helves, $5; Tenths, $1. Address Uptown office. 1,267 Broadwav ISAACK8 A Oil. fTuUID OGLD $1 PER OUNOEr * JJ I.IGU1D SILVER. 7.5c. per onnce. I.IuUID CGPPKK, 75c. per ounce. Magnlflcent Uevoratlona lor fbrnitarn, mirror irnmes, ornaments, antique pottery. As. f >leo lor sign painter*, feather and flowur workers. Ac. NEW YGRK CHEMICAL CgMPaNV. 733 Broadway. METROPOLITAN job" PRINTfNO OFFICE, 28 ANN ST.. Du all-kTnds or FKINTING roa ALL KINDS UP BUSINESS. SUMMKK EXCURSIONS AND STEAMBOAT WORK, PAMPHLET TIRE TABLES. PINE WOOD EDO RAYING AND COLORKD I'BIN I INO, I'OHTp.Kn, PROGRAMMES AND TICKETS. Law casks. EXPRESS companies, steamboat, HTEAM8I1IP LINKS AND RAIL ROAD WORK. FIRST CI.a.nS WocK aND LOW PRICES FOR CASH. OIYK I s A TllUL. METROPOUTAN JOB I'KINTINo OFFICE. 38 ANN ST. kXICAN ONYX TABLE ToP. INKSTANDS. AO.-8. KLAHKK A I'll., Mean Msrble Work a, W sat hiatal., between Broadway aud Sth av. Maoteli. Monuments, iieadslullra. at iowi-at prices. KM HHA.NNONBi-.ltil AND AnSlMTANT MAU iietip pliyaldan. 15 East IHtu at. It- J. W. DANFOKTH, MAGNETIC PHYSICIAN, 03 Clinton p-aco, next do w to Hrevnurt lleuae. ARMLE MAN! KLH AN D~ MONI M ft NTS 11II RATER tlian evar. A. KLAHlyK, 134 Kuat 18th at., near 3d av. OLD Dlt. ~COX? PilKMRKLY OF I'AKMINE ?T. irenta all special eompIaluU safely, suecesalully. 2trj Last I Sib at. PKIcF~TO SUIT Till'. TIMKK?VKItV ItlCII PAS ture. 6'>per m-mth; llrlda wild running atreama; Itoraes Willi acratcn-a,-oraa or bruises cured ojr I lie celebrated "I alcutl'a Care," it ilesire-l. references exchanged J. C. TAl.COlT. HPuh -l. and lIHli av P1GTUMKM UP HON. JOHN MOHKImiKY CAM MB procurud at WHMATON'n liallerv. 735 llr.ia.lway KOfAL HAVANA LOTTERY. ~ Next tlrewiug May 31, 187& I prise uf ? ? JMl.lM) pesos i prlaa of 5U.< >A) pesos 1 prlSII Of 25 HHH pesos 2 pnaea of lo.miU each a 2'i.i??( pesos 111 priaea ol N.imici eat h.. ..?, .5H(A*ipesoa Mai p. isea of I.UtlU and Ntleack 4U5,I>XJ pesos M2I prlaea amounting . flu uuupssus M. A. MAHTINEX A CO., Baakara, 10 Wall at., basement' ROYAL II a van t Totikki -may :ii. Capital I'risa, $l<ai.iaNi. 1 I'riae of $5H (>ai | I I'rlao of $35.(A)0 2 Crises ol leechi.. ID," HI I" Prises ol (each). 5,i**i 124 I'risea ?l(eaehi.. I .HUU | 682 I' of isaclil. 500 Tlc-ata. $4H. $ '?(. $10. $.5. TwautlatllS. f'2. Fortieths. $1. J At'KwON A CD.. Hankers, *1 Nassau -t., near Fulton. RiiYAL IIAVaNA.-N E XT Du a WIN.. MAY M. I |.rlie of 31*1.1**1 pease I prise of ....a Ms.l**'pesos 1 pr ts ol s.ssssl '2-5pesos 1 prizes ol*i eacb "2" ??*? pesos 10 prt*aa of 6.1**1 each . .... fsi.issi pasoa 81*1 pria a ol l.HUO and .SO eaeh 465,1"*? oosus 831 prlaaa. amounting to 810^1*Ml pesos Crises cirslieil. Spanish gold lint Havana bank bills bought and aolil. C. tlADEHO A CO., Hankers, (Lata with M. A. Mertine* A Cat.). I New at., corner Wa I. RovaIs-Havana and kentTckv sinulk num. her draws May 31: i nitlsiana draws June II. IH71 For information apply to SCEaOkK A CO.. 9 Ann st. aud 31 I'erk row. ronai A ? . . R~Ot Al. HAVANA LdTTKKY-N It DHAWI %u MAY 31; $810.1**1 disiribuinu: Capital I'riae, $2i*l.l*>lt or i tea cashed: orders filled ; in'orm it Ion furniahed Ills best rates paid Inr Spanish Sank Hills, lloverumaeia, Ac. f , VI,nit Aid, Mansers. 11 Wall st . New York. M M M S A|X DKLICIOt'S I'l Mill Nile mads from nut package of II.LL'!* IAAT INDIAN MANIOC A. To hd had from groeera and druggists. a, N1481 ,.. b..? >? ????* 599 BU'>il)WAV-GENERAL KaSTc.RN OFFICE. KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY DRAWS TO-MORROW. MAY 31. 1 Prlae of $14.nUO 4 Prlae*. tech $1,000 1 Prise of $8,UCiO 1" Prlae*, aach f MJO 1 I'rlieol $4."00 5<> Prlaea. each*' a Prison each $2 500 1,827 Prises amount..$1,827 1.89b PRIZES AMOl'N UNO IO $67,925. HOT ICR.-TH UKSOAY. ' j\* ?* ?PB"S ALL DAY T<> 10 IS THE EVENING. WILLIAMSON A CO.. Kintern Agent*. 598 Broadway, near iiumiuD ; Hreucli offie? *>l Broad***. WiMUinbufn. (SlIJT llOS ?KENTUCKY STATE MAY 31. 551)7.17^1). Capital Prisa. I ? ?/ ? ' v; niNi 1 Prlaa of $8,000 1 1 Prls* uf"-"-\;;-"-*f?5{ 2 Priaesof (each).... 2,3n0| 4 {T set of (o?ch?.... 1.000 ? rriieiui iukch;.... ?? r. hmy 10 Pruet of (each).... 5oO) W> Prltee of (eachj.... 100 I,MIS other Prtiee, from $J to $15<>. $07, I.OIO uiliwr I rises, irvaw v ?? ?, .. WlloLK TIC KRIS. ONE DOLLAR. Ken lucky Draw* Daily. Tickets, $1 l? 50, Open eveuin^a unll? B u cluck. UuLLAKD Jk CO..V07 Broadway. near JOin at. 925 r oiVr.N away in caSil-KEntuoKY State, draw. May 31. Capital Prlae. $14,000: 1 prUe or$8,000; 1 p.l?? ol $4.y00; 2 Drlii-a. each $2,500: 4 prixes. each $1,000. 1M77 other prlaea. Buy. for $1 each, your lucky tlcaeta Iront the lucky otDe# ofthe Northern Agents. 1.327 Broadway, N a? Vore. ''' ? vvnlnita). or 1S3 Montague iL. Brookyn. B. H. POKIER A On., Northern Aueuls. $100.OOUwu* there ever auch a chauce offered he fore 1 Unprecedented attractlou I Over halt a utUliou distributed. LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. CLASS "P." TUESDAY. JUNE 11. 187H. under the auperviifou and management of Oeuerale O. T. BEAUREGARD aud JtBAL A. KAHLf. Over naif a million dollars distributed! Capital Prlae. $100.UOD. Prlaea of $30,000. $20,000. two of $10,000. foor of $3,000 each! W hole Tickets only $10; Ilalvsa, $5; Plftba, $2; Tenths, Addreia k. A DAUPHIN, Poet office box 692 New Or. leans. La., or II. L. PLU M. No. 319 Broadway, Sew York. 0<l |h||\ fl/tlt ?L'UISlA.xA DRAWS JUNE 11. ?Dl.UWU.UVJU.TIcketa $10. Keutucky. May 31. Tickets *1. B. NAT It AN, 181 aud 838 Broadway; branch office, S3S Broadway, reiualus opeu from 7 A M. to 8 P. M. lit)/I list 1 ?DUCAL BRUNSWICK GERMAN ?M.OU^t.Utl.LDTTEnY.-STih Anuual Drawing, commencing May 14 and coulluulug iallv uulil June 6. 28,3110 Prlaea, amounting to $1,694,641, cold. One prlae to uearly every other ticket. Capital Prlae $103,500, gold 1 Pnae 34,500. gold 1 Priaa 19,400, gold 1 Prlae 13,800, gold Royal Havaua Lottery. May 31. , Wholes. $40; quarters. $10; eighths. $5; fortieths, $1. Keuturxy state Lottery. May 31 Tickets, $1. Louisiana .-tata Extraordinary Drawing, June 1L 'i Icketa, $10; halves. $5; Oftus, $2; tenuis. $1 Prises cashed and fall Information of the above sent free. J. DUFF A CD., Mausers. 42 Nassau si.. eor. Liberty. N. Y. Sl*OKTI.\C?tJOUN. U1KJJ.H. ctsC. f>AhK BALL.?POOLa 'SOL'D TO-DaTaVKELlV* JJBIias', 11 oboKeu. ?Boston vs. Cbleaxu, Providence vs. Milwaukee. J. O'NEILL A CO. FUlt SALE?3 VERY PRETTY YORKSHIRE BLUE fan Scye Terriers; one ualr Knslish Uret hounds; Pugs. KELLAUIIKK, 01 Cbarltou at. I^OR SALK-nOME UAVDmJmK Y(7rKSlIlKE TEK rlera, Crocker Spaniel, and hue King Charles. 11. klMTc.MANN.323 East 34th iL POOLS HOLD~TtMJAY at"IS 11 UDSOjTs I'.. HOBO ken; Boston and Chieagu at Boston; Provluenoe and Milwaukee at Providence : Cincinnati and ludlanapolia at Cincinnati. J. U'N KIL A Co., a till Kelly A lilies. THE TLttP. T MEuTcX<~JOC kLYCLU B'-sPRINO'Mii ET1NU. A. JEROME PARK., 30TII MAY (Decoration Day), let. 4lli. Oth aud Silt JUNE. Races commence each day ADMISSION TO FIELD, fS* CENTS. ? jdent, C. WHgATtxr. Secretary A. nr. Lai on I. ' rostneas. A T H.tOOKLYN~DRIVlSli PARK. PAUKVILLK. L I. A. Friday. May 31. IS7S; Muteh Base for $jUJ, bast three iu Ove. in harness, good day and track:? Barney i oles' gray mare Jeunie L. T. Dunne's bey gelding Patty Lath. If not good thl. day. "?ft""# Proprietor. Admission 30 centa. -BOOKS OPEN BY Til OS. II. JO HE SO N. AT .Jerome Park on Thursday: also Weaueeday evening nl 1,215 Broadway. Combinations. Ac. _A.?T'ATTEK8 ALL'S UPTOWN OFFICE AT .Roche's,corner Broadway and 28th it.; comi.lnatjou boos open t*la and every eveolug aud day; longest odda. OuenatUA. M. -BOOK OfttN TO-DAY AT JKKUKK PAKK. ALHO A -BOOK OIK N TO" LI A 1 A I -""w .ever, evening at Brew.', ^^.^i^'rco"' UCTIDN AND FRENCH POOLS SOLD TO-DAY AT L50 Hudson at., Hobokon. o^J.rom.^acjia ^ ^ cq /CINCINNATI RACfcS-COMMBNLl.NO KKI.|>^Y KAY Osi, 1S7S. Entries and results received at 13 West 2Slh St.. oaseiuent. UKIPUE A bU /"COMBINATION AND BOOKS OPEN ON TUB C/J. r. iue Races at No. id West 2StU et.. No^ 3 Barclay at. and the track. W. LOVKLL. EnoME Park racks, jkrdmk park races. u Auction and French Pools sold to-night andIt" morrow kitiH htdaon at, llobokm. KK1$L\ m BLi>?. J TKKOM". PARK backs. May 30 AND JLNh I. fl 1S7S. ?Entries received the ulgbt before the race a at 13 West 2Sth at., basemeut. Bor.ka. combinations, places, Ac open from uow uutli tho d?y of the races, and will be ,n attendance every race day at Jerome Park^^ ^ c() TEKOMK park backs.?h. Stanford can be J seen at the Brower llouae till 12 M.; after that on the track. MR~M'I)OUi1ALL. OK TATTKRSaLL'S. WILL BE fN attendance at Jemme Park every day dorlng H?o moot ing to lay the longest odds against lavorlloa aud etu-rt horses N l- W YOUK AND IIARLfcM RAILROAD, e ' JF IUIME PARK RACES. Mat 3D June I, *. '? s special trains, with reserved ears lor Udlea. will leave Orend tlenlral Depot on race days at 1 :43 and J:IO P. M.I returniag alter the races. Fur regular trains, see time table. Excuralon I Icketa, 40 ""'Fourth avenue cart run direct to depot. C. M. BE8SELL. SuperlntendenL l>ROSl'KCI PARK FAIR URdUNDs DRIVINO PARK. 1 Uraveacnd. L l.-Tburaday. May -lo. 3 P. M. There will be iwo good races one for In.race that uever beat ?'?:i0 with Uve autrles ; one for throe mluale horses, with four entries. Admission to all parts ol grounds SO cents. Prospect Park and Conor Island Railroad run horse and stoeiu cars lo .rand aland. All trains ^ ,.Q Srn PhlNCFlF.LD DillVINO I'aIIK. Ub'r.kNa, L I. frnitlog nn Decoration Day. nay 311. Purses tor J;4j and 3 oiiniite classes lllind. Iloreea called 2 P. M. sharp. TAI TKlts aLL'S BRANCH OFFICE Af StNDY Spencer's corner Fallon and Hrnadwav: oruera re ceived lor lloboken French ticeels; ooeauleallon book open every day | copy of lioonken bulletins every day. ^Ht i hK-ALLS OTTO COTTAUK, IIOEUKEB.? ? conch and suction Pnola on Lnulsville, Baltimore and Jerome Cark rae-s this week; wire direct to the r^in_ fPRolS TROTS, TtifHS.?TA I I K i< S A I.L's tiTIO 1 Cuttage, Hobok n. AUCMnn Pools a?M on all trots, pi.lal Hrreae, Wednesday. Thorsday, Frloay. Direct wlros I mm track. - IIDItNfcn. t VUltlAOEg. dMus A I I'TIdN MALE ?JOHN li. WILMIN, ALCfloNKEB will soil on FRIDAY, May 31. at II o'clock, at Noa. 3811 and 3H-J Hreenwlcli si., near Houston, the entire contents of the Livery and Express Stsblss. enn il-llng. In pait, '.'3 good Work llorses, 3 Clarences. 3 Light Wagons, 3 Express Wagon-, 2 Trucks, stable (tensile. Harness. Ae.. AC. TIIK WHOLE W ILL HE SOLD WITUOUT RKSKRVK. Ah ?TWO OF TIIK BEST AND HANDSOMEST synuug, sound Horses Inr Indy's lies In the stain; also up Pony Phaeton; also one light hockaway Carriage, eat* four: one nxtenslon ton Park Phaeton, teats lour tnd hung low. very ea-y fur lady aud chlloreu to get in ted out ol; weight, 34D pounds, caeli oilers waLtedonae Inuat ol leaviug the city. L'luo stable. I3ti East gSm St., in sr Id UV. AfdR saLK?fFvE CHUNK" HOUSES: St7i-D aT ? hall value: good worker*; warrauted kouud. good; lltal given. Cull IP? Mereer et. AI.NI. OF THE M i I -T K LEO ART ROAD TVEN ?outa lo tn* elly, cuiialatlug of pair ol black Mares; trot rery fast: U and 7 years old; warrauted -onod aud kind; ran be driven by any Ikiiy: also Top Wagon, pole aud ? bait*. Double and Mngla Harness. Robes nod niankets, Ac.; will be sold to suit purchaser *t elmnet any offer, tep srate or tncetber MlllUAL CLUII. I3S West 31st si. Alee beaulilul I Ctrl and Harness to inalrh ? MI ST IIK SIILI) Jl'.-f ARRIVHD i RDM YORK ?Stale, the liamltoiueat pair nf perlectly matched bay lliii.el lot T cart ol coupe use ? high action, g.nal drivers, full brothers, 0 aud 7 years old. l.i.2', hands, most ha seen ta appreciate . nliy warranted. Brown's Amer ican I lub Manias, 134, I .'Ml and 138 W est 2t)lb st., one d^or west ol Broadway -IF YOU Want sheets: HIDtNKKTrt. \Y;7Tfps, ? Harness, Blankets, rubber lluse. 11 eiiiinucka, call on TUNIS JdiI -m>N u l i Stall, M Liberty si A well r. AiN. d hadiilk ihiitMi. iii HANDS high , price $2511. Apoly *< 1 .'sir East 32d st. ~a MAONIFICENT illlFriNU LEATHER KXTKnMoV J*Top Phaeton, seats lour persons, light for one horse; Pme and Shalt*; used a few timaa. Double and Single IIer nes* to match. All made to oratr; sell cheap. 114 Waal 27 Hi at., near Bill a*. "I i I.I, I.AM I'. AND Hli h HOl SUE CC HED FREE DP \ charge ?I,lies' I.lull: i ..lid* of Aronioula (yallew rapper-l ; spavin, splint, ringbone, shoulder lameness, end postal card Inr pamphlet 'I rial site 23 cents. Iir. lilLEn. I -U West Broadway. New York. t ?TrtV our" PATENT uur CENTER WHIPfl; \ swarranted not to lirwak ; have also an nasuriment e< tgllali liollv, malseca and whalebone Whips, I1ED. I' D V Eil I N A (Id., 4 P.ast Houston at. REP tilt IlKI' iKI MEM , BltEVt.nTKR A CO.. or Broome et. [Carriage* Inr 1*11 and wlntar nse needing rapalrs may nar be placed In our lianae, and If repainted or varalahed III be etoretl without charge until autumn. Broadway. 47lh to 48tli at. k ? fltACK SULKIES.' IN ALL WKiaiTVlt. 11F~U17 Ysequallod lorin. Imlsh and qnality. A O.. Iir us at.. Hi nailway, 47th to 48tli st. \ iiANDSUMK TOP PONY III A ETON. W1TH ? llaiue-s to mat' h (enst $485 Hve months ago); alto ylisii -addle and liar eaa; Horse, yonag, sound and no: I5>e bands, told very low. Private stabia, 144 West sin st |? illisiN ESS AND I.Ei,IVE V WAHONS, $?J $126; new, seeoud haort; for eaprett. grocer, lit her. baker, milk, depot 22-1 -|.rlag. dftAKLY NBW TDl' R'iAD WAIIiiN FUR $123; Lmutt be aold ; owner leaving city, elabla 2DS Eaa* 4utn HUKRKb. CAUHlAUKk. ?C. vr^fi'cfiojr ~ " BY VAN TAS8ELL A KEARNEY, AUCTIONEERS AT THEIR IIOR.?r. aM> CARRIAGE AUCTION MaBT. 110 ANI> 112 BAST INTH Si.. S KAK till AV.. TO-MOkROW (Kit I DAY). SIsT MAY Af TBN O'CLOCK. FAIR BAT HOUSES, ISA; H ANDS UIGH, 7 and H year* ?id; fin*, nandv drivers; extraction aod appearance: fast traveller*; warrauted sound and kind and irua in all harness Ouuula Harness and ELEOa.NT COLPKLBT. OOOU AS NEW; built by Wood tiers. VKKT STYLISH BLACK tiKLDlSQ. 10 II ANUS IIIOH. 8 years old: a good driver, slnirle or double; not alrald of anything; he* been used by preterit owner tbree .veara to a Brougham; Is warranted Klud and true In all harness aud is only sold ou account of ouner'a departure for Europe ENTRIES SHOULD BE MAUL BY 4 P. M. THIS DAY A?CHABLEh W. BARKER. a L'CTION r.EK. .UNPARALLELED SAI.E of Ibe Kaate-t (1KRKN KAnTKRN bred 1UOITLK8 In America, nu Saturday. June I, at eleveu o'clock, at IIAItK It .k SON'S New Turk Tattersall'i, corner or Broadway end SDtli at., comprising SIXTEEN IlLAU. an lollow. :-Gray gelding KM I'M HO it, l!t\ high, loeled |M70, liv Wlulbron Morrill, can trot lu 2:4u: bay mare ARTY. 15)* illicit, fouled IS7'J. not by Rear naught, can trot In 2:45; bay ware NOUA, 15>4' hiub. fo .led 187a, got by Uaulel Lambert, can trut lu 2:43; bar geldimr OSMOND. 1SU high. foaled 1871, got by I'lyiug Eaton, can trut iu 3 minutes; gray voiding kOXY ILLE, 131. blub, loaled 1872. out by Godfrey's I'atcben. can fot lu 2:41); sorrel celt MMKOD. lot, high. foaled 1873. trot by Carenauitlit, can trot in 2:50; bay filly MINNIE, I5'4 blab, loalol 1873. can trot in 3 minutes* aray mare HL'KLlNtl'foN MAID. 15.2', liieb, loaled 1872, irot by tledfiev'a I'alchcn. can trot lu 2:4a: bay gelding YILLAoE BOY, 13V blab, foaled 1871. col by Dsniel Lamb rt, can trot In 2:3(1; bay mare LtUY MUKIU8, 15V bleb, foaled 1872. got by Knineror Vt I lium, can trot In 2:43; bay gelaiug IIA Ilk I SON, 15V high, foaled 187J. gut bv Taggarl'e Abdullah,can trot In 2:45; bay gelding ST. ALBANS. 15V hiub. loaled 1872. not by Tag part's Abdullah, can trut In 2:50; bay mare TAUNTON OlltL, 13V high, loaled 1872. pel by Hell's i.tban Allen. Can trot In three minutest *rny mare ii EN BILTTA. 15V nigh. louled 1872, pot bv t'hauipi n Morrill, can trot in 2 :i3; chestnut mare MOLLIK, 15 V hiph, loaled 1872, pot by Daniel Lambert, ean trot In 2:45; bay peldlup AlOBY. 15V high. foaled 1872. pot by loin Lanp, can trut In tbree minutes. Above ere nil warranted anuud end kind, aud are now at the Mart tu La sesu, examined nud BIDDEN AFTER up to tale A PAIR OOOII WORK IIOHS 8, (151); TOGETHER or eeparate; kind single or duublo. 238 Hprlup St. -THBh.K BLAOK HOiTh 1.8713V HANDH; HLIT ? any buslnose; choap: trial plvon. 133 South 5tti av. -CARRIAGES OK ALL KINDS?TUP Bl'UGlhH, ? Pony Phaetens, Bockawaya, llpht oxlenalon top Park Pbeatona and utbor style-, nil my own make, at manufac turers' nrleea nud warranted. (illCUE. 88(1 CanuL Abb i'ctiok sale -^thomah ri illy. auctioneer. sella tula uay. II o'uluck, 417 West 44tb at., 4 Horses, to pay bill of keep. Bv order of J Crowell. -TWO SOUND YOUNG III) It-K S,~s LIT A III,K KOB ?wapon, proeer. Inrmlnp; (50. (75 2IU Mutt at ?(175 CASH", COST"(B30, BKaUTIKUL hlUKITNO ?lanthar tup i'baetuu; aenta lour persona Also, (123 Will buy a lop Pony l'beetnu ; both used 15 times; Mnvle and Dunble Coupe Hnruesa. Private stable 12U East 20th at., near 4th nv. -LIVKKY STABLE KEEPERS WILL UAY K OMB ? tblug advantageous by addressing postal card lu K. W. HL'LSE. IDOLreouwtcU sL. New York city. Don't fell. ~~~~HANDSOME HADDLK MARK, WELL BROKEN^ Llor aula ebanp. 28 Last 30th at., two days. LDKIlNKY COW, WITH CALK. FOR SALE OIIKaP; 3 years otu; pond milker, MAX KONEET. Uepue sL, West ll.ibukeil, N. J. UK WATER"-* CO. ROA I) WAGON, (H3- LANDAU. (350; top Pbnetnn. (83 : Rock away. (00; Depot Wapon, (125, exteuslod top. #110. 250 new aud secuud baud Car riages. WM. H. OR AY. JO and 22 W.iustor at. Best assoriment 'ok puakTons. buggies* Kocknwnys,Depot.Roail Wacom, Waponettea, Juiupsrat Wagons, Ac., la New York: mine sli.-ntl.v used irom (35 upward. Closed to-day. JOHN MOORE, 57 Warreu at. CTAKR1AGK8 AND HO (iT WAGONS J fitted altli RUBBER CUSHIONED AXLES ride HAFER and BETTER In every particular tbnn those fitted with plelu axlea. howavc* pood. IHuUsaNuB of vobielea In dally use for more than two years ATTKHT THE FACT I BUYERS dealrliie tbla valuable Improvement, securing Increased SAKETY, absulnte COMKoHT and areat ECON OMY In wear and tear, ere referred to the ioliowing bouses wbere they are kept in HfOCKt - BREWSTER A Co. (of Broome at.). Broadway and 47th sL W. KKANK DC ME - BUkY. 135 and 137 Chryetlo el. H. M. STIVERS. 144 so 152 East 31st at. A. K. KLANDkAI A CO.. 371 and 374 llroomo at. (JRAY. NOaKEs A CO. Hroudwnv and Stub sL THE RUBBER CUSHIONED AXLE CO.. Broadway and 43d at. (Long Acre). New York. ARKIAOBN ~ lor aumtner use. of fnihlonnbla styles and bast quality, made by Wood Hrotbera, are offered at decided bergalua, to olaee the estate, by BROWN A l'UAY, 5th av. and 14th at. AKMlAOKS.?KUETHER UEDUC TKIN IN CAU rlnpea lor Ion days: nil stylos; work warranted. J. COLYE.R A CO., 5U4 Broadway. (t aRki aoks. -skcon d hand To ar rTwooLliKo. ymake ; goad ,im*; blue cloth. J. COLTER A CO., 594 Broadway. I^leoant wagonki 1 kTlighf, KINK CONDITION. Jelplit passenger, at BltoWN A rilAY'S, 14th it. and 5tb av. PIOII salK-ELBUANT PRIVATE ESTABLISHMENT: fine family llnese. sound and klud: Minnie Harness, new [ Victoria. Llverr, Saddles, slrldles, R hipe, Ac. KETER, 148 East .'Willi at., third stable. IVOR SALE?3 HOB-KsTsUIT FARMING, GROCERY or trucking; sold at ball value; three oay?' trial glveu. 1 uquire at 31) Hleeeker at. fl {lull 8 A l.K ? LEA I'll i.K TOP UbiikiY, I.N I'EitKr.Cr ' order, cheap; sorrvl Mare, (I years. 13 bauds; pood traveller; suit doctor or lady ; warranted. 3*1 Charles at, fTolt 8AI.K HORSE WAGON. AC.; LADIKn' I L'KN L uut complete : owoer leevlup the city. Mrs. BURNllAM, 201 West Midi St 1S0R HALE-A OKNTLEM aN'> H AY *KOA[) M A It E. 1 sound, kind, ploaannt. fine driver aud ln?t; also Brew ster tup Wapuu, first class iiarneae; price (U50. J. K., bos 13(1 (lerald Uptown olltce. tToit ?ALe?TTitvlidh gray iiokmk, i? hands r hlph, suitable far simps or nrlvato family ; don't any at anytnliip and warrauted sound and kind; trole in 3 inlw Apply to II. 0. POBSQ.n, IM Vaiiek ?(. Ii'OK SALE?AT GABE CaSE'v HOTEL CKN fit tL av , noar Fleetwood Park, a complete Turnout - roed llorsa. Wairna and llamest; a gentleman's road Horce, 1.V3 high, per'ectly aonnd and kind, can trot lu 2 :?). will drtvo single end double: tup Wagon, by Brewster, of llrooma at.; Harness, by Dnnscomb. Can be setu nt above hotel. fioK sale?three nick young horhks, suit 1 able lor any buelness; most sell; wer'euted sound end kind. 5U2 Washington st. ITtiii sals' at a Bargain?T blockyteam or Vermont Ilorsee. 15V hands; snuad and aiud; at Kyar son A Brown's stsble. 32d si., nsar (lib av. Fnoii sale cheap?three"good work hokskk. on# Park Phaelou and a pood side bar Wapon. No 34 Larnyette place. FtOll 8ALK-A VERY HANDSOME T. aM ok roan Horses. I5Ja bauds high (I and 7 years old, also very handsome small Pony. WI.NFIo.LD Stables. Ill) West 5'III si. T.NOR SAL)-,?TEAM OK BLACK MAIlK.8. 13 HANDS , P 7 years old: warranted; eeparate or topetber. Move store 318 Hudson et. bw7K SALE-A COiTkE HOCKAWAY, MADE BY I? 11. Mlvere, with Pole and Shafts ; also Pony Pbaeton. Apply 13(1 East 13th st. FN. 1 It SALE CHEAP 8 add Li-,' horse, ill). 13 bands, (1 years old; sound, klud and sit lists under saddle aud harness as well; specially good as ? lady's saddle l.orse I'eu be seen el stable, 7 Last 33d St. Aodrsss owner. A 8 . Poet olllce 2.587. ntllNEss ALL KINDS c'iVk AIV?M A I* 8 KSS KX cnauped and bought Inr cash; second band harness wanted. LKNT A CO., 408 llroadwey. HAMMklW-TUB KnOPRIKlOR okTiib CIIKAI'rSr harness store In New York bat removed from Barclay st. to 158 Cnembere St.. where bo is selling Buggy Harness from (7 Ml upward. Grocery or Milkmen's Harness from (JO upward. I rock Harness, single or dnunle. Irons fj ? upward; Itldltip Saddles from (3 upward. Hiding Bridles from el 5<) upward; Stable Blankets 7or 1'ieose call ano exenilne lor ynureelwes. Rll'IIAI(l) Kl - II K 8. 158 Chambers st, HtNTiROMh OARMlAGkH to.: ha LE.?LANDA UN, L.ndsulots. Coupes, Virtorl is. four and six seat Pttk Khaetwss, eiloasloti ton I'baetun'. Jump seat top Wagoas. lop Puny I'liaetons. side bar top W.tpons. aiili patent springs. Ac, at M. CUi.LKY'R Kactery, 1,553 Broadway an.: -thill St. UOItflB, 11 tit N hits AMI FitUtiK LtRGK HO Its K sound, trus; cheap; splendid opportunity Call at ambles 184 Creeue at JT;sr in Kilos dutciibss county-a 'lot or fins carriage and road II iraea, and will ue said cheep. 8. DhLAil A V, 47 rnet did st. I^OOK THE GRBATBAT MABUAIN BTRB OPFBBBDi Jtlie lisndsoinest coal black llorsa in llie ism 1 , <A hanus. 8 years old, with a stylish Top Puay Phaeton anu Harness to match. Whip. Lao llu?ter, laury Ku>>t Mat, all lor (J75, cost last fall (7<k); all good new. Mrc Will I K. IM Kaet Mh st h iianitn.>mk kihh r nPrini. Victoria maue be Peters, of London, cost ll.tni also one fire g ass Latnlae, at m t'U 1.LEV'n, |igi east Vim St.. near 4tli av FmTvatb bbtamlibhmbnt rt)K hale my auc lion, t.'arrlage and saddle Horses HKDKIIK A, Li.AVITT A till.. Auctioneers ?8alurdar morning, June 1. et Id o'cl. rk. nt the prtenle stabls I'k'i t.t-l 2 s;h sL incur Brewster's), the prooeity ef Mr. WM. II. APPl.rt ION A nslr of Carriage llarset. 18 hands is bey and a brown): drive either single or doable ; the liny a psrlleu lerly fins and showy horse In single hsrness; else a Noddle Horse, >orrel end thoroughbred. Ibn above ere sound nr.d kind, end ceo be seen until time of sale freui 8 A. M. to tl P M I )o.N IES KtiR KALE?ONh MINGLE PUNY. AMOUT It 1 hands high ; pair of Paulas, tame site : geutla son kind la saddle end harness. Apply et Wall's stable, JUtU St., near Bioadwny. KAMI s A riLn CAR It LA G EH, ~" Cabriolets, r Carts, extension top Phneteus, four peeeen art open Phaetons, tour.passenger Hurrey Wagons, top and open Pony Phaetons, top end op-n Depot Wegoes el pr ess to salt the tluiec WM. II. GRAY, 2t) end 22 Waoe ter su CAUDLE HOKSK-ONK GK TI1K MOST DpHIRAHLK tlliorset eeer ottered | tfiorouihlyitrsliied a4< saddle b. t e, and Is perleelly sound: mar be seen for twu days at pri vate stetilo. We IT Mast Mrtth st. CAUDLE IIORdKh KOK nALK-SKYKRaL WELL Obred nod theruaghlr broke Saddle llorses. ahleb ean be easily ridden or drlvsn to the elevated railroad by n gentleman ur lady; ranging from I3'4 to Id banda high. Also, au extra (Ins 18 ben 1 feam. tliorcughlr broke to sad dle. To lie aneu at Noa 213 aud 21.1 West 4let St. Stivers full skat hphinu. pgi.k'and siiaktm perfect oeder. for sale et 4K) West MUlk t4 ^I'EClALTY IN KDCKAWAYfi lor four ano six pssaengsrc EXTENSION TOP I'HaeFTnH AND ROAD WAGONS lor town nud oountry. A. 1. FLAN DR t U A t'O.. 372 and 374 Bronme at mo ink W.VwLB UK Pari of a stable 1 from 8 in 25 stalls, near 8|h st. and Hrendwnr. A do rasa' MOUTH. Uarald UntownBrnush oMee. Au.rstt HOKSKS. CAllltUGK?. <U. TK AM CO It SaLK-A VERY sTtLlBU PAIR OK Hays. Iu\ liauda. ti mid 7 year* old alrald of nulbiug. it mid stoppers and cau ba dilvau by n lady to the elevated railroad; wainbl about I.ixjii lua Alaeaelyll-h l<i bauda dappla brown Coupe lloraa. 7 yaara oi l aud cau aieo better tnau SJj. To be aaen at Not J13 and 315 M eat 41>1 at. Tunis johnson. ai o tignke k, will aali at 37 Nassau >t.. ON SATURDAY AT 13 O'CLOCK. HHKWSI'KIt I't It K PHAETON AND DBMARB8T LEATHER TOP BUGGY. with Pola and nlinlta. belli nearly uew; alao aat Double and Slngia Harnaaa, Itouaa, Whips, Ac. THREE UOKSKS. THRKK SETS LIGHT HARNESS; alao Itockaway and Pbaateu; aell rbeap; tio uaa for tbem 343 Weal 52d. TOP WaGUN HY HBKWSTK K; EXTENSION TOP I'haatou. CoUua Kucknway, top I'onv Phaeton, Landau let Mr. tt i 3 light Rookawaya. OKAY, NOAKtB A CO., 1 'liiih at. Broadway and :R TWO VALUABLE MARKS, U AM) D VKAitS OLD. 10 bauda high: little tore front pavautanta, $45 and 406. SO Now Chambers. WANI'KD?A COOD SKI'ON 1) HAND ICXTH.NSluN top Pliaatou, to -eat four; rnuat be pretty lew and light. aullabio for una borae ; a cut under prefer .ad. au ?liesa. wllb pwrtieulara aud lowoat caab price, CASH, box 1D7 Herald ofllre WANTED?Tit K USE OP A llOKSe. Pott Ilia k K P f<>r tbe ennnner rauntba, by a reaponalbla party, lor tlie enuntry, lo drive to aud hum tbo depot. Audreaa L., box I bo Herald Uptown. \kf ANTKD-A COOD PAYING LIVRltY AND HOARD lug hiablu In exchange lor a llouao Addreaa KllNKS I", Herald Uptown lirauch uflioe. Yt,' ANTKD-HY A RESPONSIBLE PARTY, A HOItSK ? * and Phaeton lor tbe aniniuer. Address, at atlng terine, wbieh inuat be reaaouable, A. K. U., box 104 Herald Up town oflica 5UHKAP IIOKSLS KOR SALE-SUITABLE KOR ANY buaiueaa ; rnuat ba aold. At 4oM Weat :t<>tli at. d>| 1 T, -HANDSOME LEATHER TOP PONY PHaB ?PJ.*Tt/.tou and Qua llarnaaa; alao Urewatar Improved spring tup Buggy. alinoet new ; very cheap. 61) We>t loth at fl;l .-.j| M)MK OK TUMa SOUNDEST AND PIN KMC ifl-'JvyayounK ltoadatara aud Kaiuily Huraea in New Nor* for eale at thle piico at BAKKEH'S, 3t)th at. aud Broadway. - MKaUTY. STY LB AND SPEED.?SHOWN ?J)?>U Is..Mare, 0 yearaold, Klban Allen etoc*. can trot taater than 3 minute-, with tup Phaeton. Ilarneae, Lap lioba. Blankets, all tba -auiu n uaw and eoat laaa th?u one month since over bl.DUO. Inquire at etaule I3S Weet 3tet at. 27 .HlbLI.VKIlY AN li DKKMMAK1HO. EAST I4TII ST.?OUTTI NO,"Kl *TI NO. hPBC SALEn at LUL'TIOII. AUCTIOff HALkT THIS 'THURSDAY." ALBERT KKAEMER. Auetlnneer. will aell THIS ? Tburaday) MORnINU. cotnuieiiclue at lOo'elocK, tbe entire rlcb, coatly ami plain Ilnuaebold Kuriiiture CONTAINED In THE KOUrt STiiRY KE-IDENCK 131 WEST 14I'll ST.. BETWEEN OfII AND 7TII AVS , COMPRISING ROsEWOoD PIA.NOKORTE, MAUNIKI cent Parlor Huita, lateat aiyla, covered in antln and lulaid frainer. coat 4inO; alao larire and amall rep and haircloth Suita. Torklall Chairs. Lnunces, Centre I allies. Kt.iiterea, Secretaire aud Library Uookcaeei. Deaka, Hr.oixea, Oil Palutiuita, hauilaomaly framed; larire. olab.irately carved Cbamber Sulla ; large and amall walnnt Iteileleadrl. Druaa III* Caaaa. Uureaua, Wwabatanda, Wardrobea. 3b aprliiK and hair Mattroaaea, Plllowa, Bolalara, Sola Ueda. LuuuKea. chairs. Rockers. 33 Brussels, Initraln and Stair Carpets. Cnrtalna, 3 baud aoiue I'lor Mirrure. large and amall Luokln* Glasses. Exteualoii Gluing Table, llutTut. 34 Dining Ko tn Chairs, Library Tables. .silverware. 3'*) pieces Glassware, Cutlery, two duo Hall stands. Basement Kuriiiture. Ac. N. B. ? Uuoda paokeil. buxed and shipped. city or country. AUCTION SALE AT PttlV \ I K RKaIDENCE. THIS TIIURSD vY. 10 O'CLOCK, at tbe flveslury brown stune mao-lnn NO. 41 WEST SIXTEENTH STREET. BETWEEN KIKl 11 AND SIXTH AVENUES. STKINWaY PIANOFORTE. PARLOR AND DRAWING ROOM SUITS. Kaatlake and (Jueou Anne slylei. covered In crimaon. tan and gold, aattn raw atlk ; Sulla In brocade, titpeatriea and reps KINK COLLECTION MODERN CLASSIC I'aINTINHS SPECIALLY ATTRACTIVE IN THEIR URIGiNALITY. i tiported hbonze and Makhlk statuary, walnut chamber suits, marrlk top DRESSING CASES. RUKKAUS. WAmHBTANDH. EXTENSION TABLES. SIDEBOARDS. - . PIER AND MANTEL ULaSSKS. M SOKA BI D 1 .OUNCES. r ? library tables. t 9 walnut bkdhteadh. ? 3 walnut liuhaky cases. . t I'A bull DESKS. I- ? MARBLE TOP TABLES. < ? easy chairs, i kTi-a-trtes o BKi SSliLi AND INU > A IN CARPETS. O ? HPR1NU IIEDS, HAIR MATTRESSES. f MIRRORS, CUKMCEs. CURTAINS. LAM lilt EC UINS. Messrs. RANDOLPH A Co., Aueliuueera. i Uc'TloN notice?at private sale. A.Elegant lloimebold Kurnllure, Parlor suite covered In crtuieou aatln with allvar puffings. coat ttkkl ior?150; da., fl'O; Turkish suit, coat 43bU lor S7b: .'tuts In raw allk for $tk'?; rape aud haircloth suita. $50: da.. $35; Elagerea, Centra Tablua.Oll Paiutln.;a. Bran let, Ac.; Cliainbar Seta, Dressing Case*. Bedateada, Waatiatauda. Ac., from $35 ta S1U0; lialr Mattraaaaa,$7 lo $15; Hruaaola and la^raln Car nata, .Vie. to $1; Bolelera, Plllowa, Mlrrora, Lunngea, sofa Bed, Ubalra. Clueka. Ae.. Diaing Routu, Baffat.lbx teniluu Table, Chalra, Silver. China and lilaaa Wara, At; steluway PI alio, $ID>. Call at private reaideuee, 130 Waat 33d at., rear Bib ar. ?MOItKIS W1LKINS. AUCTIONEER. HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD KU UN ITU RE AT AUCTION. V.. It. LUDLOW A CO. will aall at auction en Friday, May 31, nt 11 o'clock, at No. 71) Weal 54th at., handauma black walnut parlor, dining room au.l cbamber Kurnituie, llrna.ela and other Carpela. curled hair Mattret'ea, Ac.; alao all kllcheu and laundrv Furnunre and Ulenallt. A RT. Now on exhibition at BARKER A CU.'S Art Gallery, 47 aud 4U Liberty at., an extra attractive collection of iropaan Oil Pali Jntiugi. Among which are beat exam plea of Latablael, Buhler, Luuebda. Dlat. Haekalvwlek, l/vyendeeker. Da Gary. Cba eet. Ilubncr, William Hart. Caallaar sonutag. Tboiuneua, ilriekai. Hrlatui. Lanibdln. Uicbarda and many otbara. They Will be aold un kriday aud Saturday, May 31 and June I, cuniiuaucing at 2 u'clock. T aUCTI'JN.-PIANOS-PIANOS. L GREAT MORTGAGE KALE OK PIANOS, BY VAN T ASS R L L A KEARNEY. AUCTION EBBS. at their salesrooms. 23 union sguARtt. ON THURSDAY. JUNK 0, AT 11 O'CLOCK. alxteen new Planoa from Hie old and well known manu factory of T. II. Ubetnbe'i A sen. I b ty aooaDtof tan up rlglita and alx ?i|uare Plauoe. all of tbo moat elegant da ?Igua aud Unlali. Ilia name ol Ilia bullae la auOelaol guarantee aa to quality. Can ba aean and axamluad at our aaie-ruoin until dar of aale. nnla abaoluta. By order of Ball'a Head Bauk. mertgagoa A?AT OLo POST OKKICK SALESROOM, , on SATURDAY. Jane 1. II A. M.. eery lnr*a aale uf llanaabyld and OIHce Kurnitura. Carpnta, Ae.. uaw aad aacond band. (Fall uertlculara la Saturday liarald.) A-UKO. W. KEELEK. AUt,"HONKER. . Saleeruutua. 53 and 55 Liberty at. KrIoaV. Mar 31. at 13 o'eloak, CON! INUATION HALE ART GOODS. SATUKOAY. June I, at I'J o'clock, GREAT SALE MOQUKT CARPETS PIER MIRRORS. KINK UARlNhT FURNITURE. AuuiDln. auc i ion. auction. Thla THURSDAY, comtnanclag at 10 o'clock, at Ilia elegant lour tlory niaaalun 31 Kail 17ih at . batwaea 5tli av. wad Uuiun aquw/A 2 alagaut raaawood Ptanofortea. I aatln and 3 raw allk nulla, 7 plaeaa. 3 tlookcaaea. I.ady'a Daak. 13 ele/ant velvet ana Brntaula CarpctA 4 Of gant Centre Teblea. 3 Library Tablet. 13 elagaBl imoortad Rraoxa Ugurea. 31 oil PaJotinga. bv Mulluy, I onian and otbara Elegant Imported Cl<>cka II Parlor suita In rape. 7 pleeea. 7 elegant Preach walnut Bedroom Seta 35 aprlng and balr kaitraeaaa. Plllowa BoUtera. Sbeata. Ac. 3 elegant BufTeta, lilnlug Chairs. Hlleerwkra Oooda paekad aad ablpped. R. R MARTIN. Anetteneer. VHUCTION SALE. PETER BOWK. Auctlonoor. will aell FRIDAY, at II u'cloaa. at tba section riutatacorner Sib at. and Ublveralty placa, a gauaral aaaortmeut of Furniture, conalattng uf Purlor suita, Fler and Mantel Mlrrora rosewood Flanua. Oil Paintings, Chandeliers, black walnut sldaboarda. Wardrobea. Bookcase*. Damask Curtains. Cut age su<l?. Lnuugea. Rockers, Tables. ('hair*, black wainwt Uedateaua, hair and spring M at trvaaa'i. large aa awitiaanl i.rusaals, Moquet aud Ingrain Carpela; olaaewero. A -TUNIS JOHNSON. AUCTI'LNKi It, , wil'aell at hit aalaarimm. 37 NaaaaiiaL, ON HA1UHDAY, AT 13 O'tLOUk. IIRKWSI KK PARK PIlARTON aND A DEMARRsT laalhsr top Huagy, with Pole aud Hhalia: I elli nearly aaw. Sal Double and Single llarnaaa. Robs*. Whips, Ae -TUNIS JOHNSON, AUCTIONEER, old ataud 37 Naasaa at. ON SATURDAY. AT |ttt{ O'CLOCK, at ?nr salesroom, 37 Nassau at, IMMENSE SALE or CARPETS AND I URN ITU RE; also 20 vary One Kefilgeretnra. At auction.?Drugs and fancy iitTici.Ka. By VAN TASskLI. A KKaHNeY. Auctioneers, on SATURDAY. June I, at u'clock. at Not 22 Union aquara, 4ala av.. near IMh at General aaaortmant vf Drngs, Faisal Madlrinaa, Per fernery Kaaey Artlelea. A No. I Glesewara. briar stock at a Aral eisas Drug Stars rallnug from business. Will ba oa exhibition to morrow (Friday) UCTION NAlai.- PMMTkM* K<i I.LKI1 M A Nl FAC. lory ad vartUed yesterday aad adjourned will be suld tbla dey. IO o'eleek, without reserve. No 5<> Centre at. LEWIS A. COHEN. Ann unilinear. AsCHWAH. AUCTOlNKr.K. 377 IIIrWEItV ? sELI M ?June 3, entire Bulldlnga, Lumber, Fixtures. Kurnl lure, Ac . ol tbe svlven Perk, IM7tb at. and 4tb ev. Kur. tbar particular* from tbe auctioneer. A J. HOWARD LIVINGSTON. kUC 11< r.NKEH ? ? LIVINGSTON A TO (ufllcee I.3MH llrnedwayl will tell at aactlon. en -etntday. J no. I at II) :4a? o'elrmk, all the IIuiiartiulil Knraliure, Carpels, Aa.. in Krrucli Bat, sac uud floor. 433 Weat 47iti at. By Joseph legem an a cu. SATURDAY. J I NE I, at In A. M.. at tba Parifle Club Itooma. 163 Pierrepont at , sear Knltoa, Brooklyn, tba raralture Carpets. L'haadellara, walnut Desk, Hookcs-e. 3 walnu Holes and 43 i.'heire in crlmaen pluali , Clock, plela glasi Mirror, stained glass Sliding Doors. Billiard Tatde ill a Collaudrri, ellb Halls and Fixtures t ompleta. coat $4<A) large .-lave and Pipe, DL'uapadora, An . Ac. BlMoELL A WELLES, AUCTION KEKrt. Kill HA V May 31. at Hi1-. A. M? at our Salaaro m. Ne. 15 Murrar at. Peremptory sal* of over 7'Fi lot* Hardware. Table and Packet Culler* and Frenali Tinned Ware. Also I.AO) doaau Table Knives aud Knrka. ilealrahla Patlsru. large lias French Tinned War* and water t oelert Alao b> order of eontlgnaaa. M<kid'?eu 2 and 3 lloop I'alla 135 Nasi* Cedar and Fainted Tuba. IVidoaan Broemi, 3UD duioa luy I'alla, l.fSJD lb*. Iluraa Nalie. At HAleKH AT AtltrriUI. BENJAMIN P. PaIKCHILD. auctioneer will Mil FRIDAY. 31-t. at 10 A. M , ? t No. ill Urot/xjr, ?a assortment of Furniture, com.ting .if hair and spring Bureau*. Uhalrs, Carpal,. Nlarl,la Blabs aod u,b NllUrti Alia F uruiiure lor account of luruisr pur chasers; Extension Tables. Cbatra. Mirrurt, Ac. BY J. W. C tMPHELL.' AUgTIONKKu! 1 AMPBELL A CO ,all (lo-Durr<ivl, In lull to olooa buslue.s. autiro large choice Stock. Fixtures, Boo (Ion*. Grocery top IVugon ami llama,, of Hot class wholesale and raiail Grocery aud Taa Mom tli'i Hudson at., near Gai xavuort Kull partlcula.-. In to-morrow', Herald. BY~J wT~CamTbKLE. AUCTIONEER. """* ? AHPMF.I.L A CO. will roll on Saturday, at storage woraioom, coruar lludaoii aud Wu*t I ltd ala., large lot of dooirabla Household Furniture, comprising general assort - maul. Null particular, Saturday. Bf JOHN A. DUNN. AUCTIONKKK.-TO-MORROW", Friday). lu1^ o'clock, all tha Kuruituro. Carpet,, bed ding. l'aintlug*. Mirrur*. Statuary, lioauoaa,,. Secretary. Desk*. Ac., cuutaluad lu Hat of swan room, ou Bib ar. Hal* poaltiva. a, tlio lady aaila for Europe ou Saturday. Particulars iu Friday', Herald. FT COLTON. AUCTIONEER^ " ? Anotlier extenstro ,ale of rich Household Kuriillar* Iroin a doxeu different families embracing elegant Parlor, Bedroom anil Dining Suits; a large lot ot flu* Car pat,. 1'iano. Billiard Table. Ac.. at Ilia salesroom 580 Broad way. on Friday. Mai HI, at 11 o'clock GT K.O. A. L.aVIIT A CIi7TaUCriONKEKS. r MKKIDKN MILVKRPLATKD IVakK, now ou e(hibitlon at lb* Art Ito.nn,. M|7 Broadway. COLLECTION OK si I.VEKI'l-A 1KB W i HE. comprising TEA SETS. UiiNS. I'lTcilEHS. IOK SETS. KNIVES, KllltKH, SPOONS FRUIT. BUTTKK AND SOtlAK DISHES: CA-TORH. KI'KKGNES TK APOTs t'AKl) RECEIVE KB, TUREENS. Ac. Ac., all ol new do' sigus and manufacture, to bo ,old MONDAY, Juno J at 2 o'clock I*. M. JJ B HKlUS A SONS. AUCTIONEERS! * ELEGANT CABINET rCKNITURE. UPHOLSTERY, AC.. FRIDAY, MAY SI. AT THREE O'CLOCK P. M-, AT NO. 10 UNION SQUARE, WEST. Moaara. Hart, A Sona wilt null aa abova tba moat scpart assortment of Parlor, Cbaiubor, Library and Dlnlngrooia F uriiiture ever offered at pu .lie aalti. embracing KasiUse. Meaievil, l^aouu Anus, ?ii|;lial) Golliic nod other modern style,. Uooda ou vliw ou Thursday. Sale positive and utirofterved. Hji. IIEKTS A ~o \a, auctioneers. will -sell, ou Saturday. June 1. at 12 I*. M? at No. 10 Uaioa Siiuarc. the cuilre bai nee III La,ilea' and Children's Kin# Impurtad 'hulling, Uudereiotbluir, Robea, Maotlaa, Aa.. Ac. sale positive to close tbo coualguiuuul*. By order of tlir Importer*. ISIDORE J. swTT ZKitpF, AUCTIONEER, SELLS. 12 o clock, 4JW Kits', 11th at., one of the most rvuowutd and beat lilt'd up Wblte Beer Breweries. Willi the Good Will of the business, complete Fixture, aod Maeliinory. Boxes, Buttle*. Horses. W agon,, Ac., iu ou* lot only. Broworn end speculator* invited. 1i u"' JJAXK,S,' ,aI'tTflON K-TrTsELLS FRIDAY. J J.May .11, at II o clock, all tbo rare and elegapt Kur uituro contalued lu Oral flat 7H.'i Bib av.. inul ml lu ir velvol Brim.el. and niher Carpet,, superb Turkish Parlor Suit! Cretoii Baby Chair and Lounge, black walnut Sets, inlaid with French walnut: lace Curtain*. Secretary, Writing Desks. Buffet, mantel aud tiler Mlrrore. splendid lares curled hair Mattress,,, feather Pillows, Eltcboa and Dinlug Room Kurnlluro. MNUSSBAUM. AUCTIONEER, 301 BOWERY ? ?Soil, tbls nay 2 o'clock, comer Madison av. aud 110th ?t.. Stuck and Fixture, ol Candy and loo Cream Saloou. without reserve. PITER BEATON. AUCTION HER, SELLA. FoU o'clock, 107 Bill St.. Williamsburg, magnificent Butcher Shop, leehuiua (cOxlfJSOi; positively in lota. Daaler, In vited. Richard Walter s sons, auchonkers, will sell Friday, at 10 o'clock, at 131 Franklin St., Stock nnd Fixtures ol Liquor Store, Icehouse. Bur, Tubtee. Chairs. Beer Pumps. Ac SHERMAN, A L'cFFoN KK R~FRI DAY. MAY HI. 11 ? ' o'clock. I5>i aod 17 Bowery My order of the consignees, about <13.000 Imported Winee and Liquors; gin barreia Rourhoii and llye Whis keys. at Aiblaud. Crow's. Blue and Bear Graes, Robrnr. Steven's, Clarx's aud utber choice brands, various agee| ca-ks Brandt- s, Gin. Rum, Pott and slierrv Wines: also about HAG cases Imported Uranoles, Claret and lllilno Wines, Glu, Cuampague, Cigars. Hals*. Ac. aale positive, without reserve SHERMAN, AUCTIONEER. HELLS FRIDAY, MaY ?HI. at lit, o'cluwk, sharp. No. HI Grand st . Hie eutlra Furniture aud Fixtures, via -.-Bar aud Back B?r. T .hies. Chairs, Crocker>. Glassware. Gae Fixtures, lee Box. ilea Range, Copper aad Iron Ware aud ail other Kurmmra; sale positive. In lots: goods to be removed Immediately alter the tale. PllOPOSALS. ' / TOLON! AL ENGINEER'S OFFICE. BELIZE. HRlflii'ff V/Honduras. Mareli U. IH7S. Teuders (lu dupliceioi In dorsed "lenders lor Court llnn-a." will oe received nutll noun, ou the 12th of August, 1H7H, from person* willing i* Construct a uaw Court House and Public OHicet In tha town of Hells*. Person* desirous to compete for tb* work can Inspect plans aod section* anil speclflcatlons, tonus of tonder smt agroeinnits and oilier oarticulars. on epudce lion at the office ol the undersigned, at Bella#, aad at the offices of the Crown Auouts lor Ilia Colonies, Downing *1 . London, of Messrs. A. K OUTEItUUIDGK A Co.. ? Broadway. New York. No under will be noticed oxoapt * ? *B# prescriood form, nor u lets two oOUisnl sureties or* pruvldad for tba duo performance ol tb* work la s Si Si n* aeo with tbo terms of tha sDo-.-ifloalious. Tandera must be ad. drue*?d to tbo Honorable tbe Colonial Secretary, lieliao, British Honduras, car* of A. K. (luturbridg* A Co.. W Broadway, New York. Tli# vovarnmont do not biud them selves to accept the lowest or any tender. By order of Ilia Excollrncy the I-leuiauaiit Governor. OUST AY VO.M OilLAKKN. Colonial Engineer. PRDPUHALN FOR INDIAN HUPPLIEB AND Trnntportstton. Dopartment of tbo luterior. Office of Indian Affblrm Ur at.. Now Turk, will be roooivad until II A. M. of Tuesday, June 18. IH7H. fur fur nishing fur the Indian am vice about U7.V00U bounds IIscon HH.onu.mjn pounds Reef nn the hoof, UKiuUO puuuda Beans. HM.uut) pounds Baking Powder. 2,UUU'(UD pounds Corn, ViO.UUO pounds Cnlte*. 7.ISXI.ISSI pound* Flour, .'Hl.lkJO pounds Feed. HHD.iBsi pounds hard Bread. 11H.UBH (Hiuuda lloraiuv. IH.swi pounds Lard. I.Illy barrels moss Pork,'JIA.lgsi pounds Ricu, 7,<*?I pounds Tea MiUO pounds Tobacoo, gisi.issi pound* Hall. I'ki.UUU pounds K*ai>. B.isfi pounds sods. HJO.UJD pounds Sugar, aud 1,330 uud pounds WbenL Also Blankets, woollen and cotton Good*, coaslstlag la part of Ticking, HA.isxi yards ; standard Calico. ikkiUUO yards; Drilling, 2M.310 yards: Duck. 'JIH.h.VI raids: Denim*. U.tSMU yards; Glnsbam. HH.flUO yards: Ken tuekv J eons. dHSki yards; natlnst. W.llUU yards t brown Sheeting, -JAO.UUH yard*; bleached Xbeetiac. HH.iaU yards; Hickory Sbirtlag. 2U.UU0 yards; Calls* Shirting, 7..H*) yard*; Wlnsay. 7.3DI yards; Clutblng. Groceries. Notions, Hardware. Msdlcal bupplle* and mU callanuous Articles, such as Wagons, llarusaa. Plow*. Knk**. For**, Ac , Aa Also Transportation lor snob of th* Supplies, Goods *o4 articles that may not bo uoulracted for to be dailrered at the Ageuclee. BIDS MUaT BE MADE OUT ON OOVBENMEMT BLANKS. Schedules showing tka kinds and quxutitlo* of tnbsietdn*# supplies required for each sgeucv snd tbo kinds and nana, lilies, lu gross, of all otbsr goods and artlelea, logutbar with blank proposals aud forms for runtrsot aud bond, ooudllious to bo uboerved by blditors, lima ond place ol delivery, terms uf contract onii pay niont, transportation ruutos. aad all otbar necoosarr Instructions will b* fiirulilisii upon appln-atloa to tNa Indian Offii* In Waohiugloii. or Nm. HI and HX lT - out if si-. New York; to h E. Klngslev. No 3D Clinton plaa*. New York. W m. II. Lyon. No. iu Broadway. Now York, ?nd to lb* Commissaries of Snbslstoae', l ulled Slaloa Army, at Chicago HI. I-uuie, Siuux City, St. Paul, L*a**a> worth, Omaha aod i/'heyeune. Hid- will li* opened at ih* boar and day abova el?l*d_ end bidders ar* Invited to be present el tbe opening. " K A. II ATT. ComaiUsloaar. pKOPOSALs FOR COMPI.F.T1 NO~AND LKANlMtt Tfll CINCINNATI SOUTH BRN RAILWAY. Orricn or vim Roaitn or Tausr*** or taat 1'I.XCIPXSTI SlICTlfBNM KaILWAV. > No. 70 Wxxt Ho B1., Cixcixxatl May IL IH7K } Notice is hereby given that the trustee* of th* CiaduoaM Southern Railway will receive Mated proposal* aatil IB o'c'ock M. of Tliur*d*y, July IS. 1878, for completing aad loaaiog th* Cincinnati Southern Railway. Cop loo of tea laim of coutract aud l*a*e. contalalag tb* eondlUaoa OR which laid Una of railway will be let and bald, lb* farm of prop' sals, tbe report ?f tbe principal Engineer oa th* cea ditioa ol ilia mad. aad such mbtr Information as may ba desired, can be had upon application at tb* office of sate trustee* In Ciui ianati. Prop >e*ls must bo directed to th# Board ut Truster* ol tb* Clnciuuail H lulharu Hoilwav. Nat 7n West 3d at.. I'inrlaoetl Ohio I lia lluard uf TraaMte raaorvo* tba right lu rele, I any and all bid* MILKS UKFKNWooD, 1 It. M. Ills MOP 1 E. A. ) ERG Li SON, VI IIE.NRt MACK. A. II BUGHEK. / frill-. 1 UL'.-ifEP.H OF I III-. NEW YORK AND BROOK" X lyu Bridge. OlWI No 2t Wins Bt.. t IlkuoaLvn. May 34. 1*7* I Kaalad proposal* will b* racaiwd h. the trustee* of tka New York auJ Hr'uklvn Bridge, at thalr uffiev. HI Wetef . Brook lyu, until IJ If., uu th* fifteenth (|3th| day or tie. |H7a tor the manufacture and delivery, not laciaO Ing arociton, of aboal hvo tliuusand eight haadrad |J.U| '"us. of wruugbl Iron aad steel worn, required for the MO beaded aupeiatrnetura of th# heat River Bridge Hpraifl.-atiuaa may ho ubtainad and plana aeon at Ite Kasluaar'a affice W. A. ROKHLiNil. Chief Knglnoar. IMFft-r OK KICK NDTICba 1>?)ST orFhK NorrcE. Ilia Foreign Mall* for tba weak andlag Saturday Jaad 1. IS7S, will ulua* at Una office un IH lor I arupa uy steamship Montana, ala ljueanMowa. *# Wedtieaday at I |'. M ; for Eumpo by ataanisblu Maaaia, aia tjuoeu-iuwn (correspond-uc* for Fraase to ba tor warded by iIns steamer mutt be apaalally aildr**s*dj, aod at I *1 I*. M lur Fran, e direct, by ataa.usliip I'araira, aia llavr* i us I huisday, at IH M . lur Garmauy and tba Ctatk nam by steamship Harder, via Piyinnutb, t'liarhuurg aod Hausuurg (eorrespouileiie* lor Great Britain aad Irelawd te he I irwardn I by this steamer must b# specially addreaaodl, and at li M., l?r liroal Britain and Ireland by atsartablp City ui Montreal, cm Ifuernsiowa leurraapuadonc* lor tter many and Ilia t'outin,-iii lu oa fnrwardau bv tbls stoampr Unlit U* specially addressed): oa eamrday. at II :3<? A M. lur Uermoay, Ac., by tissuiship Moaal, via Suutbamptea and llrrisaii laoriaapondsure lor Groat Britain and tka Continent to bv lorearded by thie steamer must b* ape daily ?,l ire*.ad), and at I P M , lur Svutland direct by ? icamtblp Kthlooa. via Glasgow, and at I I' M. lor F.urap* hv steamship Britannic, via tjiiveiialowii Th ? steamship* Montana, Russia and HrltHiiole da not toko mall* for Dea mers. Swadrn aud Norway. Tb* lualla fur Brasil direct Irav* New York May Hit Tha mall* fur ll*ytl, Sevaallla, Aa-. leave New Yors Mar 30. Ilia insII* for Asplbwall and Hontn I'aeifle purls leave Now Yura May HI. The <nalla fat Mvtiao leave New York J una I. Th* mall* for AaalralliK Ac , leave fl*u Frsueltco June III. Th* mail* for CUta* aaa J span tear* Nan Francisco June 4. THUS. L JAMBS, i'uatmaoter. Po?T Grrtcn, N*w Ynax, May i3, IH7R MYMB and MARfts " | ameh t: Dayis, inventor and oMlT MaKicI *J ol the Improved Artlflslal Human Eye. asknowtadgot b> the faeaity to be the only correct Imitation of aatar* I* th* world, Nul IH7 Kaat l .ih st., b*lw**a 3d aad dth ate