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FINE ARTS. THE COOPER UNION AST SCHOOLS ? RECEP TION or THE woman's ART DEPARTMENT LAST ETENINO?THE EXAMPLES OP THE STU DENTS* WORK IN THE FEMALE AND MALE SCHOOLS?THE PRIZE WINNERS. Among the most useful and creditable institu tions In New York city are Ibe Woman's and Man's Art Departments ot tbo Cooper Union. A great deal of good is done by tbe Woman's School of Das isu under charge or Mrs. Susan N. Carter and by tbo De partment of Drawing and Engraving on Wo-id under that of Miss Charlotte B. Cogswell. Tbe progreas made lb botU departments Is observable iu tbe gradual raising each season o| the art tone ol tbe schools. Tbe nineteenth anneal recepiiou ot tbo Woman's Art Department waa held In tbe largo working gal leries of tne scbeol last evening, aud the beat ol tbe txamplea produced during tbe paet eeasou by tbo pupils were buug on tbe walla. These include draw ings irom casts, those done in Ibe portrait claaaes, Ibe work ol tbe classes m designing, studies in oil ana pbotoerayon work. Toe exhibit of tbe male art departmant was also open last evening, though tne reception of tbia divis ion ol tbe schools will be held this evening. The dis tribution of prises end medals iu both schools will take place to-morrow evening In ibe large hall ot the institute on ibe ocoasion of the nineteenth annual commencement of the Union. Tbe work oi the male student* was exhibited in tbe alcoves oil tbe large gallery aud that or the department ot drawing and engraving on wood lo its own rooms leading otr these. There was a very large gathering of i he pupils, their frlenas aud others, who tlironhaii the galleries and examined the exhibits to the niusjc of a bund sta tioned in the library below. Mr. Peter Cooper, as sisted by Mrs. Curler, received the guealA The gal leries wore dt-coreied with Hags unc flowers. One oi tne most interesting 01 tbe branches ol in atructiou in the woman's school is mat of designing of patterns tor carpets, wali paper, lace, tllee, pisirs. Ac. As seen irom the examples on exnibltou these ere produced chiefly by e drawing being first made of flowers or other objects wbieu are to lorm tbe motives ot the design. These are then enalyzeu uy tbe separ ate drawing of tbeir pans and tne latter and the wholes are oomblned te lorui ibe designs. The class In oil paintings under it. Swain Gilford is small and tne exhibits, inersiore, lew, though credit able. Mr, Wyait Eaton's care it seen la the work Irom the east and iu tbe portrait class. H. Aiden Weir next sensoo will have the morning classes iu lile and antique Trowing aud Mr. Eaten those of the ultcruoou. It Is very grutiiytng to be anie to state that tho earn lugs oi the lauy students during tho patlseason, cblelly Iu pboiocrayou and dosigniug work,have reached some $9,000. This all goes to the students tbemaeives, and the return ol their earnings Is made to Mrs. carior in order to get at tne practical results ol tho school's In struction. There have been gome 340 pupil* during the past season. In tbe engraving department, under Miss Cogswell, wc tlod some very creditable work io designing and drawing on wood. Tbere have been ibtrty-six pupils during ihs year, of whom ninoteen are in tne engrav ing branch. This department, unlike the rest, reinaius open all summer, aud tne pupils continue to receive orders as usual. They do a large aiuouot ol work lor publishers Their earnings during the past season were $1,603 31. Tue exhibition will be open to-day and to-morrow from ton A. M. to lour P. M. Tbe loilowiug is a Hat ol tbe awards of money prizes, medals and honorable mentions .in the womtu'a schoois which will be presented at the commence ment:? Portrait Class Prizes.?Etnity ilsvlland, subject, old malt's head, Dtst prize, $30; sccoud prize, silver medal, Leila Smith; tuird prize, silver medal, Kiln Martin, lor a study ol woman. Bronza medais?a. buotiugion, lor old man with neard, una Josephine Kibb*, lor woinun In low ureas. Honorable men tions?M. B. Piatt, lor young man's bead, and Jesaio bavage, lor old man's beau. Auitqua Class Prizes.?Marian illoougood, subject, trumpeter, first prize, $g0; Miss llartluasne. sec ond pnze, $10; T'auuy Prosier, third prize, silver medai. Bronze medals?Rosalie lieiser, lor old man's head, and Koaulle Paltnld, lor "Young Curd." Hon orable meutiou?Emma D. Brook*, lor "Youog CureMiss Wens, for a torso; Thraoors Cbase, for "Young Cure;" Ida Barnes and Mrs. Clara Apollooi*. ornamental Drawing Prize* J. L. Parker, Urst prize, $'JU; Jt. Wohlfert, second prize, $10; Amends bchill, silver ruedsl, and bronze medals?M. Forbes and Maine oprsgue. 1 he subjects are all scroll work. Normal Drsigoing Class l'rizes.? Miss Jones, first prize, $50; Miss Wood, second priz?, $30; Miss Walker, third prize, silver medal. Award ol excel lence lo Miss Helen C. Bervoise, and for particular designs as follows:?For wall pu|x-r, Misses Marion M. Eatuu, Nettie Palm and Florouce Prince; for Brussels carpeij MrA Florence Cory; embroidered table cioib, -Miss Ulrica Kosel; sut.quu lace, Mies Nettie Palm, and Brnssois carpet, Miss Fauutn Palmer. Drpsnmsntol Drawing aud Engraving on Wood? Prizes for Designing aud Drawing on the Uiock.?Isa bel McDougall, brat prize, $'JO; Lena Walters, eeuoud prize, $10; Marian Wnistimors, third prt$e, silver medal. Bronze meant? Evelyn bin lib. Honorable mention?F. Matson and Abbey Kinney. , Prizes lor Eugraving.?1 bird year, sliver medal, Jessie Nay lor. Bronze medal, second yror?Alida Vau Djke. Bronze medai, first year?Mary Le Uontillier. AN ART SALE. There was a good uudieoco sua good prlco* were realised el tbo couciueioo, yoncrday ellernoou, of tbe sale ol pictures at acoeuek'S uuctloo rooms. The lollowiog are tbe principal p Clares sold and prices obtained:?J. C. Tnom'a "First Step," $70; Koeiert'a ?'Bird's Nest," $180; Van Camp's "M ischial Making," $Mj; Koounau'a "Dutch Landscape and Cattle," $14J 60; Waster's "Winter Sports in Holland,'' $180; llamecbroeder's "News Irnm tbe City,'' $185; V'er aecV, "La Promenade," $12- 50; J. It. Kristol's "Lake Dun more, Vermont," $110; C. 1'etit's "I'skiag a Hide.'' $2u6; Hoorguaru'g "Noonday Kest," $U10; bullion's "Alter lbs Exhibition, First Prize," $ZIH1; A. T. tail's "UrnuHO .mooting," $l4u; Vun Lseinpui len s "IbeSheep Fold," $1185; Poriielje's "Circassian Girl," 1400; J?u Cbilminski'a "Austrian skirmish ers," $140; Mae's "Victory," $'AAft; Bsron Leys' "lbs .-punish Fury at Antwerp" (*at?r color) $00; Charles uuma' "William ine ttileoi, Prince of Orange, auu Henry il . Ku.g ol Fraoec, in me loreat ol Vm cennes.'' $560; Lebrei's "Barnyard, Caltlo aod Sheep," $1115; 11. C. Koek-Koek'e "Old Kim Noar CieT?s," $180; Prolaasor Ueyerman's "Eney," $3l!5, end Kuweaaey ,/i/s "Port ol Messina, a icily." MAZZINl'S BUST. THE UNVEILING CEllEMOMES IM CENTRAL PARK?MaTOR ILT'a ACCEPTATION ON BE HALF OF IHE CITT. If tbo committee In oberfe ot lb* eeremwsles ac companying the unreinsg el tbo Maxxiwi bust In lb* Central Park bad had tbeir choice of toe weather ot tbe whole ot tbe coming summer tber cnuld not bave cbosen a day more like the lamed Italian days than waa yasterday. The air wae warm, but a plaasanl breezi blow over tbe Perk, aod tbo air waa aimply dellgblla'. Tbe cersmouiea ol tbe unveiling aiiruricd a throng or sevaral thousand persons, more than one-hall ol whom were, naturally, foreigners, and tbe most uf these Italiana The inunuon of tbe Italian propia in the Culled dialog to pressul to tba city of New York a colossal bail or the great Italian pairlel has been made well known to tbe public by lepeaied notices in tbe press, and as tbe city bad accoptod tbe gift, a bosuti'ul alte was cbosen beside ilie west drive lu the Park, and tbe butt waa lately placed In position on u plain and maa aiv# pedvstaL It is a bronze buat ol colossal else, modelled by 0. lurinl, and cast by Fisher, It Is a beautiful and most impressive work, and cvou the most ardent admirer ol ibo subject could not fall to admit tbat lull Justice bad been done to lilm. It was drspsd in a bugu American llag when ihe people as sembled yesterday, aud wtieu me cord holding lbs flag was Indeed at tb? proper moment a muruiur of ?pplauee inataully arose i .wbii.isi, TRs m;?T. Mr. Hmllti k. Lane, l ark Commissioner, in calling the assemblage to oruei, alluded lo tbe Identity ol Columbus ana Usr.zim in nationality und said;?"For 400 ysara toe two uaiioua uav? becu drawu togeiber in the progress of tbeir history; to il iy we again unite tbetn, 14tri and 1*78?luly and America, Columbus ?ml Maxaiul." He spoku at some Jeuglu ol I lie progreae of liberty in ma two countries, and of the character ol Mexiini, dwelling ou tbe tuner's desire lo separate true republicanism Iroui aociallslii auu atbe>am. He then made way lor rligoor Nesiori Corrndi, * eenerubie nrtiat of this city, a no inn da iho pre-enimion s patch in completion oftue gut to the cu.v, 1 he llag waa then dropped a?d the buat for tba flist lime exposed io view. At rose ibe luce ol the pedestal, winch ia twelve leet id height, ii tbe name, "Uiuseppe Maztini." On the opposite aide are tne words, "Pre earned oy the Italians is the Culled States to the city ol Nvw York, 1878." On Ihe north side are Ihe words, "D\n * U po/'olo," and on tne south side, "J^entitro < tf'OtSC. " After ibe band bed played for a lew tnlnotea Mayer Ely aocepU'd the gill on betiall ol the city iq t abort sp'-ecu, in which be said:?"I lie un .alieriog laiib In Uod and Iho people which Matsiiil always avowed waa that which most endeared bim to tbe people ol hla native laud, aud gained lor bim ihe admiration of tue Irlends ot liberty and lew throughout the wornl. Nignor Corradi, lo accept a valuable gill and to return sincere thanks t# the gen erous donors requires no ornate Phraseology. In ihe oame of the city o( New York I accept tne statue ol Maxnai, and 1 union you for II." iaa okstiox or rus pat. Mr. VTiMlam Cul.en llryant than delivered the ?ratn>a of ibe day, in which be recalled hie own memories ol Itsl), forty-.our years ago, when it was held dean hy a score ol despotisms. au<P said u was iioi tsrprisliig ihal ibe (>?a?ion ol Mazziui's 4ifu was Abe Idea ol Italian unity and liberty, lie planned for a political conaiiiation, trained on the most liberal pan em tbe world ever sew. Thai object be oarer suffered lo be out of me sight. No proeiaimer ?I a aew religion waa arur mora taiibiui to hia j wl-sion. Yet earnestly aa be dealred those ends [ and struggled to attain tnein, the struggle *?? a noble nod manly one. Ho diademed 10 coiupas* these ends by base or ler?ciou* means; be abborrcd bioodabed; be detested vengeance; be spoke little of rights, but mocu ot duties, resolving the carta of *u enlightened statesmanship lino matters of duly. The only erarlare which be would allow, and thai aa a Horruwlul necessity, waa an open warfare wsged agaloat mat brute forco that vio lalea human duty and human right. In Ibul bit coura.'e rote alwajr* equal tu the oc casion?a courage worthy ot the geucroua political phlioaopby which he protested. For there waa no trial lie would not endure, no aacrlttcc, no labor lie wiuld not undertake, no dauger he would not encoun ter lor the sake ot iliat dream ot his youth and pur ault ot bta tuanbood, toe unity and liberty ol Italy. OK. CAKO's APPKKS*. Alter Mr. Bryant's oration Salvatore Caro, SI. D., delivered a abort speech id the Italian lan guage, In wiilCO ho spoke of tne historical Interest attaching to the uamu ot the great Italian statesman, ana termed bun tne hero, the delender, tne apostle 01 human dignity; the philosopher, the prophet, iho terror ot tyrants, the lather ol Ins country, llti said In conclusion, '?Tne lite ol Muzzim was a sac. rltlce to the holy cause ol patriotism nod humanity. He lougbt lor God. lie louabt lor the people, and his uiotto was 'Via t l'ojtola' lorerer." Till HA.Nqi'KT. Tbe people tben slowly dispersed, and at Qve P. M. n very poor diuuer was scryed under tbe name ol a '? hanquei*' at Lion Park. Alter tne banquet a number of totata wcro drank. ?? The Memory of Giuseppe Mazz n!?champion of Italian unity, apostle ol universal freedom," waa respouued to by General Franz SlgeL "Tbe United t-iilos ol America?great tu toe exienl ol their terri tory, greater In the stability of their constitution?thn hope and asylum ol the oppressed," by John L O'Sul livao, ex-Minister to Portugal. "Italy?a bright alar in the galaxy of nationr, honored by the gouma and patriotism of her ?ons, the beauty uud devotion of her daughlera," by Lecchl 01 Casali, editor of tne Jico d'ItuJia. "Tbe Kmplro Ntato and ber metropoli tan city, lamed tne world over lor tbe liberal and cosmopolitan cbaraoterol their citizens," by Commis sioner Liw. "United Kurope," >y Utwuod E. Tborne, P. G. M. ol Masonry. "Turin! and the Italian colony In America," by H. T. Monaehesi. of the Indicator; "Fraternities: a great agency lor good II wisely directed," by Colonel H. f. oicott, president ol the Thcoscpbical Societ"; "The American Press," by Charlea ."otberuu, editor ol the New York Echo. Alter tbe dinner en entertainment or sieging, more speak ing, recitations and instrumental music aud fireworks were given, and at u late bour an "international ball" wound np tbe festivities ol the day. SOCIALISTIC MASS meeting. A mass meeting, under tbe auspices ol iliosoclallla tic labor party, was held In tbe National Assembly Rooms, forty.tourm street, near Eighth avenue, last evening, with S. Brunuer in tbe chair and J. K. Hall and \ . Burger acting as secretaries. A majority ol Hie listenors wore Germans, some ol whom were ladies. The Kngiisb speaker was Victor I)rury and the German speaker G. Winter. Tbe loature of the flrst address was Mr. Urury's remarks Isvor. ing Jonn Brown, Garibaldi, Mazzini, Commun Urn, tramps and tbe striking coal miners, wbile ho denounced the press, the pulpit, tbe platform, the government, tbe Mayor and tne rich people at l! h r w?uid nave u reform aocial labor uarty Ireed frotn all political organisation. The working men now received at much consideration as a rich mun s horse. Under mo present government a work ing man was denied ihe right lo livo. It wus time for working men lo lake charge ol the government. J he meeting men adopiod Justus Schwab's resolu tions, which were as follows:? reaoiu _ Considering that Joseph Mszxlni was the founder of the AAftociHtioa known an otinir Italy " tvhich AkmwiaHnn hm irMn?pl?nt?d to other nation* and developed into the l,wl?o? .If 1 . \oail5 Europe:" that this Idea in the evn l.i ion ol events Inuncl its ultimate expression as tbe "In ternational Workingranii'* Aaaociatloo." and the latent lo"! belt ? * " th" *ocUli"'c Ubor P?rty; there Ko.olved, That we declare that tbe assertion of 8. V i t on)tf.l*?niner of Public I'arksi, that the revolution ary labors ol Joseph Matzlui were to separate true repnbll rr?rV"i e0'r " "bel upon the exalted mental idea, ind *" "'d?nC0 ?"? a Dohr'.'ci'tafJ'l'" 'V r"rolut'onary labors of Mazzini took a political lortn merely as a means to an end. and that hie doctrines included a renovation which was pre eminently intellectual, social aed moral; therefore, bo It ou,,nelJl" '".<!l*#d-Th"t w*/**?rd the expressions of Mavor Ely as to Free speech. Itee press nnd free ballot" as mera in the fuel of Tompkins square. January 1? the prohibition of the sale of the IjttUtr SJumlarrl in Philadelphia in July. 1877. and other wr Ct.ce."" o^l ti Sn?mer^r.rT """""on ??>?=<? ?oo nT.Vro?. to ssaX'Trifr- "???""??-U:; .'teaiJta'Stii.f'f.stSigj: i'l'.1'".""' bi? obituary] CLAUDIUS JACQUAND, PAlMTtn Tbe death la announced from I'ani, in tba seventy IlltU year of bis aga. ol M. Claudius Jacquand, a painter of some repute, wbo bad a long and laborious career and was at one lima quit* a popular painter. His works ware, boworer, though Interesting from i heir subjects, aentlmeutal. monotonous and metiilie In color, and have fallen much out ?f lavor. He w?? born at Lyons, in 1S03, and was a pupil ol Kleury-Kichard, under whom bo studied at thu Academy of Kiao Arts of bis natlva town. He lor a number ol yoars painted historical subjects, and later on gtnrr paintings, and produced a number ol examples which wore bought by the French government and br mnnlcipalltiea. and placed in museums, town hails and cabinets ol France. Ho al-o painted a large number ol portraits. He was well represented in the public and private galleries ol Belgium end Hollaud. Dunne a residence m Boulogne irom 18fi2 lo 1855 be painied ualong otber works, "The Mayor ol Bouiosno RnusI lala !."* t9T Capitulation ol Henry Vili m VHm n.*thPOlnl,,,, *?,Ch " D0* 10 ?Lo Hotel'dS I .1, ? i ,OWB' He 8orae years ago decorated with mural paintings Ihe Chapel o| tbe Virgin In the Chorch of .Halnt Philippe du Koule ? ira. exhibited slocu 1824 ??. ne Sacremeot " ?The Court ol a Prison,'' end "Thoinua Morue''' now in the Academy el Lyons; 'Tbe nf.!!. 'of A??i*of C0?'"*"'" "ri>? Goodby Kies," "ibe F'our Ages of a Flower, ' "The Children ol theTainter" Jocc.yn at the Feet of tbe Bishop," "Lxurenco AL lending on Joceiyn," and "Gastoo, the Ansel ol F'olx " now la tne Mu.ce at Rotterdam; 'The Avow.!'" lb# Sacrament ol Cbarloaiagno??The Chanter of Rhodes in 1414," -m. Udle^t Pag^' "U\P?#'?f Bourgongnr, King ol Portugal" and "The Taking of Jerusalem, ? for tne gs'lery ol Veraaiile?* "Autama Hues," 'The Orphans," "rha lllli hnrs ? .J*"1 o L''? PM2?" " ?"? ???<0 of IW burg , Lo Droll do Haul at do Basse J as r?Wm"' bjr 4lk* K,n* *r thw Belgians ..?5 ?"?'">? M Cardtaal of Saint Bonavenfure 'i Tno Hap teein of Ciorta,'' 'Th# Cast Interview ni J?* ^ M|# CllU4lid "L'Ameodi Jlokor aole, the two last of wbkfh are la the gallery of f-T hr?at!?*rr. "?h. Clemency 0, ViTaTtu (?real, "Rriuee," "Tno latserupiod Maal " "Pom. gino I'aioting in a Monastery," "Gaston, the Angol of Fo x. Leaving His Mother, Woo Has Taken Kelugo at the court of Uiaries the Bad ;" "The Conv?l?.n?n.? o, the Father A bod," 'The C.nsl ollb. Pl* " - fuJ Prceootatioo In tbe Tompie," belnnxl'ng to !.!? MJI,,,,ry Atato; "Lo Vierge uu Travail" 'Damn at Rome," "Tbe Marquis of Ku migay" (lFt?4); "Kastor," 'Tie I wo Mls.ra" (18?A);'-Guy ul Arozso and His Pupils," 'The Return Hie stkih "Bonapeii, atNice " (1867)" It ,V? ^ /**r ?' lu* tulo? ??'?? "Stella at Rome in 18M soda portrait. M. Jacquand received cmM?? IB !??? ?nO a lirs, c ass one in li t W-':r^r"UU w,,h ib* L",oa 01 Honor H. May, 1AJ?, with tbo crocs ol Leopold of Belgium in lMt. and received fldoon medals In dillereiil extiiuitioni is Praaoo and ahraerf. His aiudlo waa at No. 18 Avenue oe I. Remd Hot tease. He w.a married to Mil# . orbio, daugbirr of the Coiote an Forbto Jsiison, and wiuow of the Cnmte do Pmelli Hi. h.e toricai works have become well known to tbe puh le by engravings and nibograpbe. P 'SfMASCdX, kANO, PAINTEB. Thero died lately In Paris, in b.s tllty->lxih year, M. Emmanuel sano, of Antwerp, a distinguished marine , r nnd expert ia old paintings He waa born in j 1122 A ttr b ifln; bad a good deal of success in Ibe Bi'U g>an exhibitions for many years lie roeoived some vesii -polo move to Paris. Here bo became vorv Well kn<'"n ?? ? J"*1** *nd expert in the dillerent IisIihd and Spanish acliooliof peinnug. Ho painted but little of lat# years snJ then only ee an amateur, llo wee J the expert lo Prince Nspoleen and lormed hi* wail known collection in the Palais Royal. Hla opinion wav on a unraiwr ol occasions sought by the London National Gallery, which ndded to its collection at dif. lereni times a large number of Italian paintings ol the Drat order on bia advice. ? l?b. MAHCEf.MN COTK. Dr. Marrollla Cote, the oldest homrrnatble pbya leian In Pitlsonrg, Pa., eg President of tha Horrm patnto Htaio ."society, and President ol tbe Coontv Anatomical Society, died at bis reilnt nee yesterday! BROOKLYN Q\s7 A private meeting of the representatives ol tbo d.dc-rout gas companies In Brooklyn was held yestor* day, tbe object of wlneh was said to be the considera tion ol the late action of the Board ol Aldermen in directing in, Board ol City Works to rmiuveriuo lor proposals for iilumtnatiug ihe We.iero c, ,hi PIXVo* ?!??' "(her than coal g.i lo b, ! a !" . ! *** 0o0,rAnlea, fearing. It Is said, great r#io!ved to"tek!lr. b)' l?? compa.i.oa, . . J ? om* ??D"n at once looking loward a reduction In their present prices. SCHUETZEN FESTIVAL. The fonrteeutn annual festival of tbo United flchnetzen Asswiatloo, ol New Jersey, took res irrday ?i ihe ."Oftnetzsh Vara. Union llill. The first shots ou each target were ?On the Union tarsoi > Krn.SOb, 70; II. W. ( erd... .7 ; W. KV.!!, 0? oi' H*ff..e?a*a m". " pV 'i?1' ??*?-AugMi Krataob, 80; was mT/m or l-a ? T6? nf?? bull', eye war made by Rb. Kieis and tne last by H Raataan. Tbo (booting will cvatiooe to-day. MIDNIGHT WEATRER REPORT. WAK ifBFARTMBNT, ) Orric* op tiik Cuikp Signal Oppicbe, [ WashisotoM, May 30?1 A. 11. ) Indication*. For tbo Middle Atlantic Slate*, lalllag, followed oy rising barotueier, east lo south winds, warmer, partly cloudy weather and followed by rain areas, producing lower leoiperetures. For New England, rising, followed by falling barom eter, northwest lo northeast winds, st .ilouary tem peratures, Increasing cloudiness and lollowed at nigbt In tbo west portions by rain areas. Eur tbe South Atlantie and East Gulf States, slightly lower or stationary pressure, rising to sta tionary temporature, southeast to southwest winds and clear or partly cloudy woatbcr. For the West Gull Slates, rising, possibly fol lowed by falling barometer, southeast to southwest winds, slightly warmer, clear or partly cloudy wea Ibor, and possibly occasional rains. For Tennessee and tbo Ohio Valley, higher pres sure. warmer southerly winds, becoming variable and cooler, partly cloudy weather and rain areas. For the Upper Mississippi and Lower Missouri val leys, rising, followed by fulling barometer, norlheust to southeast winds, stationary to rising tomporature, partly cloudy weather and occasional light rains. For the Inks region, rising barometer, except a tem porary I all over the lower lakes, northeast to south easi winds, nearly stationary lemporaiure, partly elondy weatbor, and, over the lower lakes and Luke Huron, rains. The Missouri Ktver below Omaha and the Missis sippi at 31. Louis continue rising. Cautionary signals continue at Tort Huron, Toledo, Sandusky, Cleveland, Erie and UufTilo. THE WKATHEB TE8TERDAT. The following record will show the changes :n tbe temperature lor tho pest tweniy-rour hours, In com parison with tbe corresponding date of last year an indicated by the thermometer at Huduut's pharmacy, Hkralo Buildinr, No. 218 tt road way:? 1877. 1878. 1877. 1878. 8 A. M 64 59 3:80 P. M 82 74 6 A. M. 67 67 6 P. M 75 7-t 9 A. M 66 63 9 If. M 67 60 12 M 76 ? 69 12 P. M 63 64 Average temperature yesterday 65 Average temperature lor oorreapondlng dale last year 67J? TAMMANY CENTRAL ASSOCIATION. The Tammany Hall Central Association had a largely attended meeting leet night, the occasion baing the opening of the society's new rooms at No. 498 Third avenue. Meters. Lststuer, Kynders and others made speeches, alter which the association went to sapper. SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN .STEAMERS. DATE* OF DKPAHTCRK FROM KKW YORK FOB TBI MO.TTBS OF MAY ABO J USE. .Steamer. City Of .Montreal... State of Virginia... llerder Biltaunie Helvetia hthlopia Mo-el. Wisconsin Alaatla Seythla Holland. I* (inland Villa de Paris Celtic State of Georgia.... Heating. Spain Hnlivia Oder City of Berlin Nevada Abyssinia My el a Denmark St i.anrent City ol Bm?aels State ei Georgia.... Wieiand. Kn gland Victoria 1 ton an. .. Germanic Schiedam Wyoming Canada.. Bothnia I'ommrranla........ The Qneen Cireaaaia Weaer............... Kwitterl-nd Idaho SaiiA. I Drutimitian. ?May .10 May lid May ?) J una 1 ?I une June 1 June J une | Juno June J une .">| J une June J one June 0 J une n June s J une H Juno 8 June 8 June II no 13 June 12 June 12 June 12 June 12 June 13 June 13 June l.'i Iune Hi June l.'i June 16 June 15 June 18 lJuue IB June 10 June 2(1 Jane 23 Juno 22 Jane 22, Liverpool Glasgow... Hamburg.. Liverpool Liverpool.. Glasgow.. [Bremen... Liverpool.. London.... Liverpool.. London.... Rotterdam. Havre Liverpool.. Glasgow... Hamburg.. Liverpool.. Glasgow... Bremen Liverpool.. Liverpool.. Liverpool.. London .... London .... Havre. Liverpool.. Glasgow.... Humbert*... Liverpool.. Glasgow... Bremen.... Liverpool.. Rotterdam. Liverpool., i-oadoa.... Liverpool.. Hamburg.. Liverpool.. Glasgow... Breateu (jjicr. 31-33 Broadway 72 Broadway jdl Broadway 37 Broadway Bit Broadwny 7 Bowling Green 2 Bowiing Green 2t> Broadway 7 Bowling Greeu 4 Bowline Green tin Broadway 511 Broadway 55 Broadway 37 Broadway 72 Broadway 30 Broadway Att Broadway 7 Bowling Green 2 Bowiing tirven 31-33 Broadway 20 Broadway 4 Bowling Graon 7 Bowling Groan GO Broeuway 55 ((roadway 31-33 Broadway 72 Broadway 41 Broanway 40 Broadway 7 Bow.lug Green 2 Howling Greeu 37 Broadway M Broadway 2W Broadway 49 Broadway 4 Bowling Green 41 Broadway 40 Broadway 7 Howling Green [2 Bowling urteu June 221 Antwerp.,. MV2 Broadway June 33|Llverpool.. 130 Broadway Montane |Jnly 2lLlv?rpool..i2U Broadway FftOM FHILAOXLF1I1A. Vaderland. |June S| Antwerp... |307 Walnut at ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK-THIS DAY. BOX AXD MOOR. I HIGH WATER. Son risen 4 32 | Sandy Hook....are 834 Sun aets 7 23 I Gov Island eve 7 10 Moon rlsoa....inoru 3 06 | Hell Gale ere 9 04 HERALD YACHT WEATHER OBSER VATIONS. May 29. New York. ...... Hospital Ship. .. Scotland L'slilp. Bar nor | Thrr. | | Stair of Dry If'rulAev. '"leer. Partly elendy. Partly cloudy. Cloudy. PORT OF NEW YORK, MAY 29, 1878. ARRIVALS. RVFORTRD BT TMR HERALD STKAM YACHT- AKD HERALD WntTKRTONR TKLRUHArtl LIXE. Steamer Alsatta (Br). Markay, I<ondon May 14, with mdaa and paasengera to Henderson Bros. Mav 28. 204 miles K of eandr Hook, passed ship Man ia 0 Day, Irum Havre for New York. steamer Ho land <Br>, Heeley, London May 19, with mdaa and paaaengera to Y W J llurst. Kneouutered fresh westerly gales with high see to Ion 20: remainder of pes - tage variable and moderate winds, with heavy rain and feg; May 23, lat 44 19. Ion 37 39, passed a M bite Star steamer, boned B : 38th. 312 mtiee t ut .-eadv llaefc, ship Ooorga Washington (Ger), 1'robi. from Havre lor Now Yaefc. Steamer Ntate of Georgia (Br). Cooper, Glasgow May 17 ad Lara* 19th, wiih mkn and 114 pasaottosra to Austin, Hattwlii 4 0a> Hod atrOmg westerly wnuta during lb* paa _ r add ibr; dense logs from 24th te 2U4h; May 27, lat ?, len 84 39. paaevd an Aether Una eteemar bound W. Steamer Stella (Br). Anderson. Bmll Mey 5,CaiaalaOth, Pslrrm Uth and Gibraltar I4lh, with Iruit in Henderson llros May 22. lal 41 51. Ion 44 44. apoke bark Blectra (Br), trora New York via Haitian for Glonrestar. K. Steamer Giralngan iBi), IJn.lheru. Km Janeiro April 24 via Hrrmndn May 24 (where the put in for atupnly of roelj, with e (fee to Jam** Herland. Steamer City of Martila. Keynolds, Vera Cras Mar 14, Fronter* IWtli, Campeclie 2t'tn. Progreao 22d and Havana 25th with mdae and 23 passengers to P Alexandra 4 none Steamer Saratoga, -nndhurg. Havana May 25, with mdae and 83 passengers to Jtmes K Ward .t Go. May 25. H I'M, when abeel 4 hours front Havana, was run into by ae an. known trboeaer, atavlng In several plate* on the starboard steamer City of Houston, Stevens. Galveeton May 22 via Key Wast 25th, with mo a and paseengort te C H Mailer* A Ce. Steamer Mergtn City, Bead. New Ortean* 0 deya, with as gee to Hsgert A Morgan. May 23. off Cans Florida, spoke sehr L W tthesler. front Mataasaa for Philadelphia. 2Rrh, :y< miles H by K ef Delawate llghl-lilp. berk Ihieco. Irom Matansas lor New York?reported havtog been 4 day* N of llatteres becalmed strainer K 0 Knight, Cbieeeter, Georgetown, DC. with mdse to J 1. Bonnie, Jr ship Winnltred 'of Vermouth. N8), Abbott, Dublin April 24. in ballast, to Boyd A lllueken. la anchored la Gravea end Hay for orders. Berk Kerlg (of south shields), Jnhmm. Isondou 38 daya, In ballaat, to order, ilad moderate weather. Bark Linnea (Nor) Berth, Hamburg 29 cava, with bar* rela to Renhant A Boyeaan. Hark Niobe (Nor), Olson. Arondal 42 dart. In ballad, to Book in*in. Oerltln A Co, M Mr fee la'ncoln lAnii, Oeroltnlch, II *rr? W2 In bnl !??t lo .1 (J 8??n?r*r. HrU Prffldrfrh (Or). Brntfenrti n-n. Santo* ho <Ut?. with eoffe* lo I ?upk- 4 Held, veasel to 0 Tobias 4 Ce. Crossed the equator April 311. In Ion 38 W j had light winds end celma. Hriv Llstie Wyman. Koesa|t. Vatanrat 10 days, with autar lo K D Morgan .4 G?: vessel to II Y Meleaife A Co. Brig Charles Curve*. Small. Cardenaa II daya, with sugar to 8 A W Welsh ; vessel lo Hevd A Hlneken. r>ehr II W tiodltev, Jarvte. Virginia Berks (Ithare (lir), from Havre, and Kong Cnrl (Nor), (mm Itnhlin, whirh were anchorad in the lower bay ter orders, eame ap to the elty 20tli PASSED THROUGH H KM, GATE. IOUND SOUTH. Steamer F.loam.r*. Johnson. Portland for New York, with md?e and passenger to J I Ames. steamer Glancua, Bearse Bosfhn lor New York, with mdaa and paa-engars to II Y Dimork. Steamer City of Kltehbnrg, hills. New Bedford for New York, with mdse and passengers to Barling A Davis Steamer Albatross. Davie, (all Hlver for New Yerk. Schr Dresden, Phillip*. Shulee, NR. for New York. Schr A R Baxter (Br), Baxter, Port William, NR. fer New York. Schr Moil Haven, Colllne. Calais fer New York. Srbr Malabar, Collins. Boston for New York. M> lir Whistler. Keafe. Tuuaton lor New Yerk. hebr (da. lieerlng. Taunton for New ierk. Sclir Nallle W Ponder, Liaroln, Tannlen for New York. Schr Mathew Vaster, Jr, Kelly, New Hedlord for New York. Schr J N Colby, Colby. Kail River fer New fork. Schr Anna Carrier iBr), Van Wart, Provident# for New York. Selir Marin L Dnvls, Jarvls, Provldenre fer New York. Sehr Jnf.n Croekford, Hart Provldanee lor New York. Sclir Boston, Nickers.m. Providence tor New t^rk. Sehr Kites Rots, Lewi, I'awtnekei for New Yon. SchrTexet, Davis, Norwich for Amboy. Ncbr K M Well*. Keltey. Hartford for New York. Schr llattle S Collins. Hrelaerd. Ilertlerd lor New York, rebr J A Cnrll*. Miller, New Daren inr Richmond, Ye. Sehr J I' Mlfcfteli, Morrell, Slam ord tor New York. Passed In ? Brig Kenorter, before reported off Ft edition, l/ong Island Sonnd. seur Columbia, Donovan. Providence for New York, schr S M Tyler, llarl, I'rovldeuee for New York. BOITND KAtT. Berk Whitehall fBr). Davldieu, New Tork fer Ooele. K. Brig Matilda Buck (Br), Baek, New York lor Dorchootor, In ? * awtst-emc Bohr Robert Foster, RoMneon. Ntv York for Bo?to?. Sclir bonj-Lnln KunlUb, Clmse, Ne?r York tor New Bed ford. Kcnr Ue?*rg? \ Pierre, Baker. New York for Halem Sclir Aniii<* J Huaaell, Carroll, New York for Portland, Ct. schr Dart. New York for Staiulord. Schr Ida Palmer. Palmer, New York tjr at Am ford, hrlir Udorre durn?r liurner. Newbury tor Norwich. Ncbr Miliow, IJaekell. Port Johnson tor Bo?ton. Schr P L MnUb, i pton. Port Johnson tor Boston. Schr Qnickstep, iiutchiaeon. Port Jobsson lor Preri deuce. Schr A T Rowland. Rowland, Klixabethport for Boston. Schr Sam Welter, Brockway, Am boy for Provldeuce. CLEARED. Strainer Russia (Br), Cook, Liverpool .la Queeustown? | C li Francklyn. Steamer Cltv o( Montreal (Br), Brooks, Liverpool via Qiiecustowu? J olio 0 Dale. Mraraer stats ut Virginia (Br), Mooale. Glasgow?A Baldwin A Go, steaiuer herder (fieri. Brandt. Harabnrg eta Plymouth and Cherbourg?Kuuhardi A Go. Sie iiuer Alps (Hri. Williams, Port an Prlnos and Sav aullla?Pim. rur.ood k Co. steamer II Livingston, Daggett, Savannah?Murray, Ferris k Co. steamer Gsorge V Clyde, Crowell,Charleston?J W Quiu tard ,t Co. Steamer Eleanora, Johnson, Portlaud?J K Ames, ship Prima Donna, Lunt, Yokohama-Salter k Llver more. Bark Jonathan Chase. Cnrtis, Sydney, XSVT?It W Cam eron A Co. Haik l.ucco dial). Olivari. London?Hlneovich k Go. Bark Arctnrue (Br). Brnt, Loudon -J W Pnrkar k Co Bark Whitehall (Br). Davidson, Goole, h?J P Whitney k Ca Bark Praneltco Cilsnto (Ital), Porzlo, lloyle, E? John C Ueawer. Bark II Sols (Ilel), La Rosa, Sllgo, I?Atllllo Cnlnln Hark Skjilrt (Nor), Tonnesen, Cork for ordera?Benhum k Ilo.r.arn, Hark Ararat (Aus), Malcovlch, Cork or KaJiuonth for orders?Kuueh, Kdye A Co. Bars Lsif (Nor), Frlckeen. Queeustown or Falmouth Tor orilers? Ro< kinann. Oerlsiu A Co. Itark Kreva (.Nor). Blaauw, Queenstown or Falmouth for o ders ? Bockmann, Osrlein A Co. Bara Panes dial), t'hiesa, Qusenrtosrn. Falmonth or Plymouth lor order*?Uassori Strai'hlo A Co-. Hark Graf Moltke (lien, OH. Stettin-C Toblaa A Co. Hark Hoiivornlu (Nor), Williamson, Hiintzlc -Beoliam A Boye?en. Hark Hjorviken (N'or), Uarrle, Antwerp ?Fundi. Edjs A Co. Hark Sea Crest (llr), Bennett, Amaterdom?C W Ber taux. Bark Frll*o (Nor). Tellefsen, Copenhagen?OTobias A Co. Bark Lizzie Wright (Br>, Wright, Calais (France)?J W Parker A Go. Bark Slavlo (Ans), Dablnovtch, Alexandria. E--Sloco ?lrh A Go. Brig Sabra (Hr). Rohlnaon. Qneonslown, Falmouth or Plvmouth Tor ordera?G W Bertaux. Brig ChUrn (Ital). Jaccorlno, Gibraltar or Naples for orders?John C Sanger. Brig A J I'ettlnglll, Clark. Cienhiegos?Miller A Hough toa. Schr Aldana Rokes, Rhodes, Southampton ?II P Brown A Co. Sclir W II Carl, Foss, Mlragoane?Thackeray A Co. Schr .Marv A Witham, Austin, Capo llaytlen?it Murray, Jr. Schr Isaac Oliver, Panned, Aux Caves?Lyons A Co. Schr Frank W Emery, Willey, .-uutiago do Cuba-J II Winchester A Co. Schr Alexander Harding, McBrlde, Cienfuegos -Maitland. Phelps A Co. Schr Right Away. Crossley, llaracoa?B J Wenberg A Co, Solir Lome (Br), Speight, Yarmouth, N8? A T Metier. Schr J L Cotter (Itr), Thurber, St John, N B?Scarame'l Bros. Sclir Kate Clark (Br), Guptlll, St George, NB?JodPrye A Cn. Sebr Jefferson. Berry, Galveston?Tupper A Beattle. Schr Henrietta Simmons, Godfrey, City Poiut and Rich mond?fames A Van Brunt. Sclir John Musser, Rhodes, Baltimore?Win Chalmers. Sclir henry Menus, Carbury, Philadelphia lease R Staples Schr Harbinger, Wentworih. Bangor?Warren Ray. Schr Ned Sumpter, Couary. Boston?llavlland A Pros sev. Schr James Warren, Leighton. Newburrpnrt-O L Snow. Schr George A Pierce, Baker. Snlera ? Willis II Itopos. Schr G A Hoyden. Greene. Uncaaville, Ct?J C Roberts. Sloop Edward Bills, Darnes, l'orth Amboy?Gregg A Gsrmann. Sloop Fred Brown, Wlckson, Providenco and Newport?J G Roberts, SAILED. Steamers Perelre(Pr), lor Havre: Russia (Br), Liver pool; II Llvincstnii. Savannah; Geo W Clyde. Charleston; ship St Joseph. Havre; bnrks Sea Bird (Hr).Cork; Sva nei; Oor). Queenatnwn; brigs Klehe (Brl, Laguayra; Harry Davis (Br), CnAcoa: K T Sheldon, Pensacola. OUR MARINE CORRESPONDENCE. Kt Thomas, May 17, 1*78. The steamers Braiil and Juno, wbien arrived hare on the 12th lust, experienced on the voyage vary boisterous weather, and tome of the machinery or the Brasll cava way. She ie now having same repaired, and botl> boats leave to-day. They will toach at Barbados, and expect to make the ran from theuco to Fare In about 8 days. Brig Maud Potter (Brj.lta* boen condemned by survey ors to be sold at pnblle auction. The captain has tel eeTspbed home and awaits Instructions The cargo Is stored on shore and will be reshlpped In another vessel. Brig Anna (Her). has ronie oil the repairing slip and Is refuting. Will shortly take In balance of cargo and proceea to her destination. MARITIME MISCELLANY. 8^0apt Read, of steamer Morgan City, from New Or. leans, will please accept our thanks for courtesies. J9*The parser of steamer Saratoga, from Havana, has our thanks ler favors. Stximmr Oladts (Br), on her last passage rrom New York to Antwerp via Bontlsampton. is reported to have lost her deck load, some 100 head of eattle. Bark Vatroka (Brl, Dim, from Ivigtut foi Philadelphia, was spoken May 23, lat 41. Ion Ah. with loat of rnddar. Bniu Barbara (230 tons, of Dublin), (not Col born or Osborna), from Limerick for Miramchl, waa the vessel wrecked on St Panl't Island on May 3, and went te pieces on the Otli, during a dense fog. Rriu Kit* Htomans, which was tewed te Havana after being ashore at Matantas, has been registered as British under the name ef R L Wenches. Brio WKxroan (Br), Covert, which ealled from Bllboa April 1 for New York or Philadelpbia, is reported to have been lost In the Bey ot Ulteay. SCHR Pooiiasskt. Kaekett, at Qulney Point, Mats, 20th from Philadelphia, carried awav foremost on 21st Inst off Abteeom. NJ, and got into part In a very crippled condi tion. Will proceed to Boston after discharging cargo tor repairs. Bchb Ariki.. from New York, at San Francisco May 21, reports that off the coast, in strong westerly winds, stove boat, bnlwarts, Ac. Fchr CbMgKRCR, from Barocoa for Botton, before re ported ashore on south side of Nantucket, got off May 28. nlie will proceed to Vineyard llavan. senR (?f Lunenburg, NH). Klrhy, from Mobile Msy 4 for Havana, with a carro of Inmber. was abaudoned on the lHth (10 miles BK ol Key West. t'r?w taken off mid landed at Vineyard Haven on the 20th by acur Ebon Fisher. Reynolds, from lllontuevos for Botton. The Be la was dismasted the day before in a squall, and waa leaking badly when abandoned. Schr fnot Ella) Ricn. from Boston for Albany be fore reported ashore on Chatham her, got off night ol Msy 28, wltn assistance from Chatham, not much damaged, and pricetded. Edoartoww. May 27?Two-thirds of tfe cargo of Inmber of schooner Ualon. sunk la this heritor, has keen landed and tbe remainder will ha taken out in the morning. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Captains necking freights for Hartford, on tho Connecti cut Rivar. should be careful not to load too deep, as thern Is but eigbt tect ?f water on tbe bars above Mlddletown. with the water still falling. Tbe Dominion government of Canada has glvon Bailee that on Juao 15. 1878, the light at Cops Jeuriraalo. la the county ol Wealmorelend. Province ol New Hrunswlek. will Ve changed frwm a fixed white te a flashing white light, shewing a flash everv 10 seconds. The llgRt should be vis ibis Irem all points seaward a distance of 14 miles. WHALEMEN. Arrived at New Bedford, ship Niger, llallett. Peeifle Ocean, with 9.VI hbls sp ell. sent home on the voyage I,050 bbls sp, 430 do wh oil and S,3O0 Iba hone. Reports sailed from Auckland Jan 22: had flna weather and good passage to Meageie Island; landed eight seaman (natives) on Feb <1. and the next day tailed for home; had moder ate passage te Cape Horn and nsstsd Dteros March )8; experienced heavy galea of abort duration, with calms be tween, hn to 1st 40 8. Sailed from New HeJferJ May 3B. bark Mattapolaett, for the Atlantic Ocean. Arrlvetl at Barbados April 29, brigs Henry Trdrwbrrdgo, Cdnaon, ef New York, with 7o bbls an ell; May 2 F, II Adams, West, NB. 130 bbls so (and tailed): 3d. V II 1IIII, Baxter. NB, 125 do sp anil aail?d) ; 4tf), sclirs Franklin, Sprague. N B, 25 do sp ; 6th, Smells. Bralev. N 8 ; 7th. bark Sarah, rilra, NH. liaioblssp (and snl:nd> ? I'th brig llenian Smith, Cook, of Hostnn, 3D hblt sn ; schr W'm * II on, Bars tow. ot Marlon. 7o do uo laud all remained tn port May 10, except these reporteo sailed). Sailed from do Mar 7. schr Ellen Hodman, Wllhnr, of F II. to cruise ; Oth. hark I'erry, Ntekereen, -if Kdgurtowti, do; schr Fsnnis Byrnes Line, NB. do. Hark fieueral Scott, wltlrh arrived at New Bedford 27th, Is tn he Immediately fitted for tlreaalnnd under command ot ('apt (lenrge S Anthonv, late ot hark Catalpa, A letter from Capt I.nee. of hark Kannia Hyrrtes, of N B, reports het at Barbados April 20, with 21 hhla sp oil. Ilad been In eolllalon with bark I'erry, of I'.dgartown, night of April 7. the I'erry being struck on the larboard slue, store boat to plecea. broke davlta. plankehear. 8 stanchions and all bulwarks on larboard side ait or lore ringing The F ft broke llylngjlnlioom, maingafl ami tore malntryaall. A letter from on hoerd lirlv I) A Small, t/urren. of Pro vlneetowii, reports Iter at Barbados April 22 with 2'*) bbls ap oil. taken ainee leaving St .Michaels. Reports rpose April 0, on Twelve Forty Uround, echr Amelia. Mralry, NB, clseu. SPOKEN. Baik F.tta firewart <Hr>, -mlih from Bt John, NB, for BailaH, May 24. lai 44 ?7. Ion 46 11\ Itrl>r lorim (Hr>, Malliaaon, from Clenfuafwa for Bnaton, >l? 20, lal MB IM. Inn 70 MM. Scl.r Claluma (Br), Mauri I, from 81 John, NR. for Qiierliatown. no 'late, lat 4M 40. Ion ">2. Srhr Wlnnar. Naah.from Now York for I'oneo, May 10, lat 2r?, ion 05 :v> OUK CABLE SHIPPING NEWS. Ajcywanr, May 20?Sailed, bark Otrar Wmdl (Oor), Hrharmlirrf. Now York. aaaanaL. May 20?sailed, bark Yrloa (Nor), Olaan, Philadelphia. Bkirtol, May 29?Arrlycit. brie Coraalr (On, Otbbe, Bull Rlrar, BC. Bri.raar, May 28? Arrived, bark Xrma (Br), Fotter, Hal. tlmora. Rnrat*. May 29?Arrlrad, bark Hartlf Otear Fradrlk (Mw), Wordlandar, I'enaaoola. Ballad 2Sth, ahlp Atlantis (Oar), Bekaffar, Raltlmorr. Caaotrr, May 29?Ballad, ablpa Columbia, Faroell, Rio Janalro; Manha ( obb, Oraanbaak. do C'ko**tatvt. io May 29?Arrirrd, ahlp Maranak, Wood, Cliarlailon; bark* David Habcork, Coleord, Now York; A()i:lla (Nor), l.orold, Baltimore. loraantokft, Mar 27?Arrived, bark llarmonla (Nor), Janarn, Ma* York. Caoik, In May 29?Arrived, bark Brnniwlek, llotahlnaon. Matron. Irrau*. May vB?Ballad, bark Oluteppa Oaporro (flat), CniY*S~3kktea. Doebgal, May 28 - Arrival, bark Viator (Nor), Olaen, Baltimore. Dcsoalk, May 28?Ballad, bar* bllvla (Hal), Ferraro, United StMti. Dcxkike, May 28?Arrival, bark Hludoatan (Br), Bart lill, New Orlaaoa. Klsixobb. May 2ti?Arrived. bark tioldfBEe (Nor), Jaeob Ml). Philadelphia ; 27th, brie Gflfe (8*).". Lxuol'th, May 28-Bailed, bark Balder (Sw), Wulff, Halted State*. Falmol'TH, Mar 29?Arrived, ablp St Lucie, Rivera, .UuaalUoa. Gloucester. May 29?Arrived, bark Oirieo (Nor), Jor aeaaen. New Vork. Okkkxocr, May 29?Arrived, eteamer Anehoria (Br), Hedderwick, New Vork. IIatbr. May 27? Arrived, barke All (Nor). Tbornaen. New Orleana; Mary A Kelson (Br>, Franka, Charleston; 29th, John Bunyitn. Hntmau, New York for Rouen. Hamburg. May 29?Arrived, bark Falmoutlt (Br), Man sou, Wilmington, m; (before reported arrived 18ib). Sailed 26th, barns Soinervllle (Br), Fraaer, I'biladelpblas 27ih. Frediiaes (Nor), l'edersen, Baltimore. Helvokt, May 28?Sailed, barks ilermania (Ger), Sebnl kon. New York; A O Vlugo (Nor). Pederaen, do (both fr. m Rotterdam). Liverpool, May 29-Arrived, steamer Meinnon (Br), Gewan, New York. Sailed 28th, steamer Indiana. Sargent, Philadelphia. Los not. May 29?Arrived, ship Dunrobln (Br), Harris, New York. Cleared 29tb, ships Emerald Isle, Patterson, Nrw York; Pauline (Her), liruggomnon. United States; bark Vera (Her), Lukke, do. Ltssox, May 23-Sailed, bark Alter (Nor), Oram, New York (before reported without date). Marseilles, to May 29? Arrived, brig Nettie, Maekay. New York. New Rous. May 28?Arrived, bark Bayard (Nor), Ton) neeeu, Boston. Oporto. May 23-Suiled, brigs ifelecla (Ital), Castallana, New York; Carolina (Port), Goncalvos, Brunswick (before reported without date). I'Lrnoi'Tit, May 29?Arrived, bark Talca (Br), An-tin. Bull River, SO, 1'ALEitno, May 27-Railed, steamer Cobanim (Br), Berg, New York direct. Qubkkstowk. May 28-Arrived, barke Ginseppe Em manuel (Ital), Denied, New York: Nleolay H Knudsen (Nor), Peteraen, New Orleans; 29th, ship Tros (Nor), Bragar, Savannah via New York; bark Diainganno (Nor), Lorenlsen, Baltimore. Also arrived 29th, steamer Illinois, Shacktord, Philadel phia for Llrerpool (and prooeaded). Sailed 29th, steamer City of Brussels (Br), Watklus (from Liverpool), New York. Boothajiptok, Mar 29 Arrived, steamers Gen Werder (tier), Hoffman, Baltimore for Bremen: Keeker (Ger), Wlltegerod, New York for do (and both proceeded). Seville, to May 29-Arrived, brigs Mary Kink, Spenoet, Corunna ; 8 K Kennedy. Spanldlng, New York. StMalo, May 28?Arrived, bark Nanette (Fr), Jabal, Dsrlen. Trieste, about May 27?Arrived, brig Wapiti (Br), Smith, Bermuda, with cargo of schr M E Rankin, from Philadelphia. WEATHER REPORT. noLTB*AD, May 20?Wlud NNE, moderate. Plymouth, May 29-Calm, with rata, thick -.barometer80. FOREIGN PORTS. A MOT, April 6?Halted, bark llalana. Snow, Keelln? (be fore reported in pert April R). AxriNWALi.. M ij 211? Sailed, steamer Crescent City, Porter. New Vork. Axtioca. May 11?Sailed, echr Addle A Nellie (Br), Brown, fhiladol uhie. In pert Mar Jl. brig Bride (Kr), Ilaake. from New York, arrived 9th. ilitx; schr Forest City, Ilodgdon, from do, arrived 10th. do. Bombay. May (not April) 18-Arrlrod, sblp Indiana, Prtimmnnd, Liverpool. Burkarh Im.kt, May 21? Arrived, ship Cnnon Harrison (Bri, Ilawes, shanghai. Rabbados, Mar2?Arrived,brie Italia (Br),Miller Balti more (and tailed 9th fur Porto Itleo) : aehr Pern, Bryant. Bear Ritvr, NS; 9th, scbr Yoaemite. Pierce, St Kltta. railed April 29. schr honanxa. Alien. Delaware Break water; May 2. bark Carlb, Tldtnarth, St Croix; 9th, brig Harr, ,t Aubrey (Br), Delano, New York; sebr Silas C Evans, Rahman, Boston. In port. May 10, barks Edward Albro tHr). Corbett. from Rio Janolro. arrived 5th, for Canary Ishtndi; Sarah Lor lng. Cook. Irora do, arrived April 20 tor Canary I .lands; Pal stlna (Br), Ford, from do, arrived May 2, for Boston; San Fernando, for do; brig H B Junes (Kr), Collin., truiu Detnerara, arrived Mar 3. lor do. Idx; Swlftsnre (Br), for do, do; Klnglesd-r (Br), Lewis, from Pjrnsranncn. arrivod 7th. une; Alice Ada (Br), for St John, NB: schrs Juliet, Kohibton, from Bio Janeiro, arrived 7th, une; Saarbrtick, Clarke. Irom Hear Klver. NS. arrived April 30, do: A F Randolph (Br), tor St John, NB. Bkuhoda. May 24?In port, schr Nellie Grant. Jordan, from New York. Cocahapa. April 10?Arrived, ship Sarmatlan (Br), Kh' aume, Bombay. Caicuh May 15?Palled, bark MarU (Br), Stewart, lor (Jueenatown or Falmonth lor orders. OAiBAiiiKX.'Mav IS?sailed, barn Maggie (t'ri. Urqnhart. H S Bishop, Bishop. Philadelphia; sehr D New York: bri* A J Lee. Smith, New t ork. CtK.irnxuoi, May 20-seiled brie Alice (Br), Baxter, llancoos. King, New York: Rrally flay Boat ?n : Rid. bark. ntond (Br), Rtewnrt, Philadelphia; sehr K II Ilerrltnan, llerrtman, do. DRMKBAm.t. May.4r-Anieed, sebr Lncts Wboatlay, Hip pie. Jaeksonyllle. In port May 9, bark Ossello, McDonald, from New York, arrived 2d: brigs lldrman, lliehborn. Irom Boston, arrived 4th; /-no (Br), Babtn. (Yum Troon, airlveri April 29: achrs Silas I! Mor.e (Br). Grant, from Now York; Alabama, Boss, from Jacksonville, arrived 4th: Grecian Bend (Br), liodtrer, nne. Froittrra, Mny 19?In port, bark Granada. Ilodgdea, wtar orders. Honolulu, May 1?Arrived, barks w A Holeomb, Dodd. Baaer's Island (and sailed 4th tor Victoria), so reported (probably tor Qneeostown): 2d, II W Almy. Freeman, San Francisco; sehr Newton Booth. Ganjrher, Call<ornla coast; Oth. brig Sbsst Anehor, Went worth, Iltlo; 10th. bark Tie tuna (OR). Hope. Ban Francisco. Sailed May S. bark J A Falkenberg. llnbbard. Portland. Hat aba. May 22?Arrived, sehr John II name). Jr., Fen nimors. Pi.t adelphla; Xid. steamer Tappsliannoek, Cook key. New Orleans (and sailed 23th to return); harks Aca cia, Anderson. Boston; Sir lienrr Hsvrlnes (Mr). A tutor, son. Greenocs: 2 Ith, steamer Uttsalo, 111 It. Indlanola (and sailed 25th to return ; Braunschweig (Oer), I', . ow Orleans: bark liobln.nnCrusoe. Robinson. Boston. Sailed 23d. barks Mat I las (Sw), Hansen. New York; Tros do Mayo 'Bp). Gamocho. Baltimore; 25th, sebr Sarah l'ottor. Wall. Matamas. Cleared 24;h, barks Mary Ann (Sw), Walorlns, and Juni ata Oiar (Spi. (rallies. New York. Iliurtt. Mav 2ft?Sailed, barks St Olavet (Br). Liver pool, E; Mariner (Br), ship Harbor, to load tor United Kingdom: hrleCongsl (Nor), Clyde Klver to load tor do; Schr Rescue (Br). load lor "ndstra. KltfOkToH, Ja, May 9-Arrived, srhrs W D D.l.ley, Smith, New Grleant. Sarah tVnltmore, M hllmore. Mobile. In port May 10, echr Jesse H Smith. Williams, for Bos? ton. M>rancKR. April 27?Arrived, s-hr Snstn Stetson, Merry, Bt Johns, PR (and sailed May 3 tor Delaware Breakwater); May 3. brigs Alpha tHr), St Thomas; 6ih, Kitgonia, Yossie, Baltimore; Hth. Johr, Mason. Porter, Now York. Balled April 27, brig Adelaide. Stover. Areelho. Mstasias. May 21?Arrived. schrs J W Vanaman, Sharp. Portland; Thomas R PlllsMtry. Pitcher, Barbados; 22d, bark J TV llolbrook, Mltebell. New York; brigs John 0 Noyos, George. St Thomas : Callso. Lehman. Philadelphia; schrs A I' Kmorson, Emersoa. Portland; Silver Spray, Hall. Boston; 23d, brig Llbortv, Devsreux. New York; scbrs Virginia, Armstrong, Bt John, NB; Nell!* Beat, llalburt, Pblladolphls. Salieil 23d, nark Stillman R Allen, Taylor, N of llaltoras; 24th. brig I'ara (Br), bpeod, do; sebr Sadie Wiloott, Walls, do. Montrral, May 211?Arrived, stesmor Hermann l.udwlg (Helg) Dort. Antwarn : 27th. barks Arbutus (Hr). Mitchell. M srseil e-; Surah 'Ilea (Br). Armstrong, Liverpool; llltar ( sua'. Ilnndvlch. Burnt Island. Cle-rod 35th. ship Albert Victor (Brt. Davidson. Lolth; bark President Hverdcnti (Nor). Hoe, (Jaeenstown. I'KRNARRTCP. Rbont Mey 5?Sailed, sehr Bonthern Ilnme (Be. Thomas, New Vork. 1 o tr spaIR. April 20?Bailed, schrs Starlight. Grant. Barbados: May 3. alert (llr). Bt .loon. NB. In port MayS, brig Pearl, rtrlghinian Trom and for New Yors, arrived Anrtl 27; aehrs Nellie Treat. Dow. from do, arrived M <y 11 hva Adell, Kills, and liortensla, Lsrrehoe, from Baltimore, arrived 2d-John Ross. Howell, (or Pnlla delphls; Wave Cioet. Wlnchenbnen. front New Orleans; TV B Chester. Brown, for Washington, DC: Welleitiar, Parker, and Ada F Whitney, Masters, for New York; Jkri (Br). Mnrentson. for Delaware BreakwsteY. 1'iiier A t'irRR. May S-3* brig a V Nichols (Hr), Poole. New York. In port Mat A. scbrs Llssic M Stewart, Perkins, from Boston, arrived April 29, fIt New York ; Atnion Bird, Drlnkwalor. from I oitlausl. arrived April 29; Georgians, Lord, from Baltimore, arrlred 30th, dug. Post about May 10 in port, schrs David L T ay I ir. Ga-klll, for Roiton; Daniel Llove, White, lor I nl eo States Idg. PiiNi'R. Msv 3-Arrived, schrs (tattle K King, Crowley. Now York; 5'b, Katie Cmllns. Mstliis, Wilmington. NC. Railed 7th, brig Chatstnooga. Terltiiiie, New llsTen. (Jt rttio , Mat 25?Arrived, narks Ke-tlna Lenta, Ander son. Troon: Eunice Nlsnelaa (Hr), Smith, Bristol; Cheva llor (Br), Frew. Glasgow; Ocean tRr>, Paulsen Greenock, brig Bt Louis (Hrl. Forlin, M Thomas; 27th. aieaiuert Scandinavian iBr). Ritchie. Liverpool; Ontario (Hr), Hon. do; ships City ot Itirhmonu (Mr), Cummiug*. I.lver poo) ? ller Msjeaty (Hr), l<oahey. do; bark Elisabeth (Br), Ch s'lolm, Inverness C'Ssreu 27III. ships Patrick llenry (Br). Sargent, Cork; Underwriter iBn, Short. NeweastU: Clyde (llr), Bnltcr, Swansea: barks Pre mad (Nor), Johnson Tayport. Magna (Nor). Zaeharlassn TVatarfnrd; Hlndostan (Hr). Frsser, Aberdeen; Josephine (Bri. NeCallum. Conway. Rio J ARKIRo. April 23 (hack date)-In port, ships C )l Davis (Br). Ko'ptoan I King (Br), Morsn; King Oeehrlc (Bri, Melvlllt; Gov Tilley (Bri. Ilnmohroy, all Tor Paeifle, India or Untied Mates; Countr ol Crnmnrty (Bri. Stew art from Glasgow, arrived 22d: barks Midas (Hr).Stub Ing. from do. arrived 19th; John Trshey (Br). Ryan, from Glasgow, arrived 10th, all for Pocifla, India or I'ulted Slates. Santos. Anrll 20-In port, bar!; Hratilara (Gar), Jaekans. for New York, Idg; brigs Undina (Gar), lor oo do; W II Lailmnr 'Bri. Armrtrcng, nne. nr I'isriik, Mert, April 27 Arrived, briv Zebenla iBr), Merriain, Boston, May 4, schr Geo B .-nines, Norwood, Now Toik. in port Mnv 7. bark Itelndeor, Decker, from and for New York, arrived April 2S; selirs Anita. Small, lor do; DH Everett Ilirks. fur Delawsr- Breakwater. t'Iiiomas, Mar II?Arrived, brig Sophie iBr). Ling, Demersrs <ano sailed I7tli tnr St J ago) ; sehr Kdna. Gar wood. Turner, Baruisdos (and sailed 14th lor Sagoo); I2?h, bark Charily i Mr), Taylor. Kin .1 unelrn : brigs John snsy, Nieksrson. no (ami sailed 15th fur Caibtrlem ; C S Pack ard. Anieabiirv. Ka tlmors, chartered for Pnnea and New York; 13th. Il Hwnsion. ? len'es. Hamado* (andsillnd I7lh for sagii-) ; setir J P Hlnki-j Hi). Meeliy, Barbados (and sailed 17ih for Arroyo and N of llatterasi. Ballon May 9, sclirs Monte 1,'briatl Smith, St Croix and New York: lliisnrls iHr), 11 n 11. Naguabo and Portland; 1 Ith. brig Virginia. Devsrosux. Fsjsrdo and N of llstlarast 12th.schr Alia, Mitchell, Ihiniaroa and New York. Bt JoBNs. PR, April 29?Halted, brig Laura Bruce (Hr), Boston; May 2, schr Le Hoy (Hr). do. Savpa, May 21 ?Arrived, brig Zerllna (Br), Frelleh, Phil ?He I phi a. MtiLSunXR. NS, May 22-Cleared, ship Vancouver (Br), Crcsby, St John, Nil; bark Hyringa (Br), Paysen, New York. St. John, NB, May 20? Arrived, sehr Kathleen (Br) Brown, Ht Thomas; 27th. barks Cnneerdla (Nnri Kae.el hortt, T srmoulh, NS; 1 W Oliver (Br). Lamb, Ltverpoel; brlpr Julie (Nor', I'.oar, Limerick. (Hcared 25th, nark Arabia iBr), Hasten, Barrow; sebr Ti ll Ism h Marry (Br). Douglat", T Ineyarl ilsvon lor or I ar?. fniNiiMD. May IB-Hallo I, brig Bernard (Br), Wtlleby. N of llattrrss. WiNpsnn. NS, May 24-Arrlred, schrs Almeda, Boston laud sailed same day for Halllmora; Annlo Fry#, do (and sailed Same day lor New Ymt). Ballad 24th. schrs ranartel, and Ada 8 Allan, NawYork; Keystone, PMiedeipiiin. amebican ports. ALEXANDRIA, May kB-Faseed up. achr Warren Saw y*'M.e.Vdow"-^Vhr. Zulotte K??r?o. for N? wark ; M A TjlerHadMn: E?? ?? Bnrues, -N*w "?**? <f'"m *? BOSTON, May 38?Clearsd, ?chr Monitor, Chose. PbH* ^'sailed - Steamer George Appold: bark Emilia M; brig '"?'Jiih Arrived steamers Gen Whitney. Hsllett. New V?,L ? To.V,.h hitcir"? He#<l. Kouth Ainbov; brio Woed wg'(H* Maf hereon. OI?ulnag?s: Laurella (Mr). H. nee. ?R-MhrVfiT" "o y. K-stm-m. Klo Urnode: A D Saull. Kren'b... Phllsd.lphla: IJ?1. *ouai J''\a\ZkoJ 'c I Pimnrii t'Artll AlU'OVi ROSllUt, KonDf Jf, IbOllflOUl , C Matthew* Wouiworlhi Tort J*>U??J?iS H R?Mr Cr'uofe*. Norfolk; White X'uS"' iTc i? minu I lip .t'orr McLean. New 1 or*; Alii*tol cord do; Pointer. Dill, do; Panel. * Edith, Ferguson, KMriow-BrU Elite K Butler (Bri. from Clenfuego.. Cleared ?Ute*mere Bulgarian (Br). Trnut. and Mew. chnsetts .Br). Walter.. I.iverpool i Koman l^rowri . Ph a. r'Wj'r t^XTileX' barks Rdwarif Knt.lit Adelaide and Svdney: Stonewall Jaekaon. Arbo r-am ti el ho urn ? *. Rachel. Weill.. Portland: brigs Helen, Aiui Veweo^b. B?roia; J V Wellington, RichO.orgj town DO: Lottie, Homers, do; Monline. Chaos, 1 htladek phi a; .lennlr borellne. Tooker hew \ork. ^^fMOKTrM-VMl.?TbS?k Tempier, Booth "an"''Arrived, steamers ntb.rnl... (Br) Kleherdon L'm^pii^iB "* D?r.rD?.ibff;0^ aXS." ? B*rk Below?Ship ? Dulsborg ??er). Kvers. Irom Kotterdbm; brie Odorlllu. Hollaed, from Havana. . , Cleared? Mark Krone (?we)., Queen stow. : brio rSriM <*?.*?"? Barcelona- Mary R Rowland La w too. Mat au * a.; echr tl.rtrudo tHr), Kelly, Harbor ''hKIjVaST, Mey 25? Belled, acbr A W Elite, Bnrtietl C38tiwArrived. ?cltr Eerl, Edwerdi. Bangor for New YoH (*BAl^lUiar'a?"-Arrreed. achr. J M Do Wolf. Baker. Bo. ton to load'Sr Bleltmond. Va; Mary G Gollins. H?w> to l?*d lor Philadelphia; Allre oak?*. Mw?on? \?nlr?r\Tiirrr Not. Ilendtfreon. do f?r do; I * A L r s 28lh Arrived, achra K?.ex, Cleaves, lor New Yore .PM h^dliVertUr*'*' j?hniUU: ^^KL^^ Falcon. Klrbv "ffilS*'May 2:1 -Belled, achra Serah A Heed. GuptlU mmi M*rv Kilt a, Smith, New ^ 25th? ncUrt Macule Todd, Norwood, aod Wm Board man. Klchardton. New *?rlc- , Kraaman ?^7fch?ciloarovl achrs Morion P Lharaploo, freeman, 8iuit?U<Srand?: W H Board man. Blehardson J* Xjjj" CO IaSSKi, .May 18? Arrived, ?chr Macule Cnmmlngn, B'k ri'ti A STO WnTm^V 27 -Arrived, eebr Ruth b Hodgdon, T<k7sTN(J* h 28 -Arrived. achrCople, J otic.. Port .lotiti.on (and ?alf,d 28th for New sork) FURTHERS MOSItoK, Mey 29? sailed, ahlp Annlt a^U.lSBnVirTtV?lmo?n5S?h. berg Y.o.orie (Nor,. Irom "p1 ??ed"mlt fronj Baltimore 29th. ahlp Elisn Everett (Br), lor Londonderry: lierk. ) ermoutn (Br) . Beetle (Br). and Noel (Br). lor do; ?Jf1*"1? JASer^ lor Bremen; .John JLorwnv (Br), for Uork, Serene, or Uio Janeiro: Sng.tta (Br), for Ualwey; Aaron ?<'edej (Hr) fur Dublin; Ilertha (Bri, tur ilonlleur; Geenltt (ItaU lor Quecnatown; btlif. Homaiioe, for Nevaaeei Mine N Martin, for I'ernatnbueo; aeltr Win II Jottrden, Cot ^OAL\',ESTOX. Mey 24 -Arrived, aehr Ia tbella, Spalding, TSailed'?Bark O noe (Hr), McWilllam.. Wilmington. NO. GEUKGETDW.V, SO, May 20-Arrlvcd, achr Linler iv^raylor l/Piwrford, Olmrloiton. v . Olettied 2">tli. nehr rt I Hazard, 8r8W"#rtJ^JJ_^.orami,H GAHDINKIt, Mo, May 24?Belled, achr J Peine, Smith W2^Eh-AmT0d. .chr, Annie B.rlon, MpNoelly. Phll.del P 27th-Arrived, achra II U Mer. Mar. end J S D.tvrilei Pownell.Philadelphia; Alice Oaice., Mar.on . Sailed?Schra J) Clarls.on, Ireland, Washington, M A ?(il"">UORs'TER.n<May ''27?ArrlTCd, sehr Jbhn A 'rank "'n-ANNIS. May 28-Sailed, schrt Horbo.t Mapttrn. Ck'kw'(jKLV.\NS May 25?ArrlTcd, ehlo Scioto (Br), MltchMI nev4; bark Carlo,.. (Hp). S.inper.; kVi.. t'arrie Berttte Hell, Matansaa; kOlira Robert Rnff, Brizo Havana; W I> DMtlev. Smith. King.ton; Jennie Wood, Smith, t'tilla- Olara I. Drer neera lttieten. 29th-Cleared, tugboat Tbomea A Morgan, lor Fblledol BhpAS.M, May 25?Arrived, bark Roslta tSp), Mnr. Ma U2("h?Arrived, steamer New York. Quick New York. In v.~. America Palmer (trom New York). Cbarletton. S M' BURY PORT. Mar 28?Arrived, schrs Mary, Rich, Kondnnt; Eliae Roes, '(?**?? philadelDhla' sehr Bulled Steamer Leonard. Wiley. I niiaoeipnte, ecnr Bamu?l Carlton. Burke, New A ork. Uenrr A VKW BKDPOKD. Mey 27?Arrived, senre Henry a Tiber Ben'ou. Georgetown. DC; ''ceann. Helen Perrv. Bel.lmere. Gloucester. Hurley. New York. Sailed?Scbr M, Jr, W esk., ?N?1,T|X"rpi.|i?A.iBhlat 2S?h -Soiled, eteainer Allentown. MJ1,8j schrs Katie J llovt. rleanev, do; John Mettler, raraer, NrRw7'0:RT?nMay t^'PM-Arrirod. .chr H B Dieerty. X NEW*'?Lt)Nll)?N*,1lay 28 -Arrived, schrs silver A?8*? - . Qartt \VA11Ar IIohOKfll llflDrtttlfti NfW lOFlt rtr?Norvrl*"S^Ue of the Hay George. Bank. Sailed?Bchr> Florenco Lockwood. Baltimore, John B 8^-Am^rldt?hr' B C Ranklo. Bishop. Penoe. NKW IIaVKN May 2??Arrl red, ?K5lM52?* NKW p j., t M Carrlnffloii, Parker. Rtltlnioras Xebee/ Hirrtion, Philadelphia : J J Worihlngiow Baltimore; J alia A Crawford, lleorgotowa; jUadlwg HE ^?)lear?d?Sctm." Stwanfj'onest Osorgsiown; Ifattfo B <3it? "&ta-Am?Teh'^SUaal. Dowlek. N.w York. PORT G A M B i .K Msy 20?sailed, bark Ro.well anregne. ?PhYl^SLPi'ua,'*Miy 29?Arrived, steamert Veder land (BeU). Nlehols, Antwerp; A Stlmera. Warren. Now v?... brigs Wm Ma?on, Adam?, Tnnlrtad, Mansanllle, N.w Maven (and elrare I lor Portlanrt); schrs Fmma lloathsr, Hudson, Matansast B I> Simmons, Blake, 'aUo'arrived, steamer Reading. Colbnrn, New IIevens K.rk.C F Flwell (Br). CBrlen. London; Arfaesed (Aasl, two M Vincent; Thnr (Dan). KolobL ktlt.n Allen, slako, Matansas; Tnes w kVinoboc- Isaac Kleh. Stndlor, Boston; tllsa n/ih liTa' Lee do: Mahol Rose, Allen, do; James PMnn1iye'w4^sCham" j'ames's'wat'.on ' Cru.e. LjDtn * J*B kz: Harding, Providence; ranna, llalnes. Fall Elver (and Iiaruing, ? Davidson New York; ship Andrew lA?Ut (Br) JtcCormlck. (lue.nstowp ; brigs Christlne|(Br), L?ii. .. Pl^rv. Mart .cBrs B r Lowell. Slmoson. Port ?.Z", S L Slmraon?. ()andr, Fell Rlv.r; Mery Weaver, 'woiior B?t?n; Btrnt. Ma'tln. Hartford; Scud. All.^ 8 Aim*"ideared, steamer Ohio. Morrisee. Uvernool ; b.rk. Alba (Dan , Koxvara. (rlgtut: Hugh 9""" (Br). Eldridge, ^UAto5nVT.^T?d;ho^ folf^wa'StTr1!'do; MsDhsllo'WeTTr cise.'Sag llarbo"j#H Har'tlott Hart let). Weymouth: Arianna. Snowmaa, Fall lt*ver; John Oadwallader. Ptilnnoy. Illughass; Jamee 8 WSriTed?Steamer Catherine Wliltlng. &Tara?K?^53? liJI.rirk Wave King (Br), Corbetl, WatorfordS Aea Varia (tial). 8lbenone, Belfast: Union, from ? for orders POKlLASD, Me. May 28-Arrived, schrs Garna. New T A^si arlivwd! scbr Derlns Eddy, Oreen, Soolh Amboy. ?nh--Arrived, bark Cellna. Hodgnjao Turk. Island! x s McLeiian. New York; Ciw? Looge, do. ClBarrd-sichrt Vfm U Marvel, Oeor?;etow?, D C; Clara I^?URToMo'urH, May 27-Arrived, sehr Jachin Gllkey B^-VXdd"U.W.r^r<Wn.U?H>ort, Wlll.tU, Phl.^ ' PLYMOUTH, Msy 28?Arrived, sehr Modesty. Nicker* *"proVTHENCE, May 88?Arrived, sehr Orient, Staples, '' 8^?l" - He*J u sk ^llen norcoce M; Tunis "Jga. :wi Msyo. Whltaker. Maiden N\; John Cornelia. Lyon, and Saran R Thomas. Arnold. Newjorg^ PAWTiJCKRT May 28 - Nailed, aebre Anthony Burton, Miller. N.w V SAN ?KR ASadSC0.^ayd2l - Arrived Ship ElhenMun. roe, Norero". Manila: berk Rival, Adams, OoleWMIe Itivsr; sehr Ada May. Apia. . _ _ . Cleared?Hark Portland, (lage. Aetorle. brig J B Ford (ilex). Soto. Maxailan via Anauolm Hailed?Hark Monitor. Kmoraon. HiimbeloA mbahlck May 17?Arrived, barks_Caeoandra Ademe, Edwards, Han Fraoclsco: (lea Cobb, Oliver, do; Chlelayo, "HKATTLe', May 20-Arrlvsd, brig Deacon, Connor, Ben Savannah, May w?KMIs^. nte^mewr lltfooer. Baltimore; ?*?ininole, llalleil. New York. NOMRUHKT. Mar 27 ?Arrlvad, achr Harah Rlleabeth, 8eh leek, Kondonl (and sailed 38lh tor s*Wr.V"lV'ii.?.oA?t? iSHth >rrl^ed. Echr Lharlea Dttinle, Crane, AlexandflOo Halled-Hc.r W 0 lllil in. Iloraer. Oeor?elown, DC, VINEYARD HAVEN. May 28 Arrlred ecbrs A Il Loarn ln?. Thambes, Baltimore for Boston; Frank "kr*"r; gins, and 8 E fclghtingalo. Ililyard. Now York 'ori Fstiny Fora. Eaton, and r ^mina Mote ihl?. liTi-. for New York: Sarah A Rood. bupllll.ClidilsrtJ/l'I'tl Cemery, Ctwamre, Bangor for uo; Mansneld. Tw Ueoree, Me. for do; Meuutaln Laurel, Farrril Ellswwlh lor Ron<1 out; Anna P. Ketrimm. Ketfhum. Boston for Pbll; a dolphin; liadab. Cheney, Sewburyport for do. Delmoot Lorkr, llodge. Richmond, Me. for do. Passed lie?Schrs Sainuel L Cartwright, Adams, Matan sas lor Beaton ; Taylor A Mathle, C boo soman, Weymouth '"salleA-Mchrs Aurora Borealis (Br), 'neper (Br). ThosP Cooper. Ms gle .1 Cnadwick. vt llllsm Tlce. Iielphla. Roue 11 I'hllllp-, II W Anderson. R R Emerson. 8 R Nightingale. ? nd rraiik Barker. _ . m Art I red, achr Rben FUher. Rrynolde. Olenfuefoi r?WlL. i NOTON, NO, .May 27?Cleared, aehr Oatawam lenk, Kennetir. Newhuryport Cleared, brig Mary hnowlton (Br).McKee, Pernam buv YACHTS. STK V.MHOATS. Ac. AS-k.KT.MKNI' OK WOOD AM) MhTALLIC BOATH aifn Spoon Oars cheap HtW ~onth it., near ilonramear ?ll?. ROm-RTfl. IjVlK HACK OR OHAKTK It?SIDKWIIKKL SAI.OOH ?I'K'inr In irood nrdar In-iulraol WM. H. II A/, v III), nil Harrison ?l? Now Turk, or addraaa HI. A Mill \Kl? A KAKMlAM. Tray, N. Y. JNOI? SAI.K-A OaHIN YACHT, S3 KKET OVBR ALL; I. In first class condition ; u .cry last and wall found la ?rrrjrthtiiic that la naeataarjr; atao ona l?-foot, otto 'JO-foot Sailboat; one Har*e, 2."> foot loot;: has noror haan used; Id bttllt la tha hast manner anil of lha ha.i mattmala . all will bo sold rery ehoap. Apply to I*. McOIKIIAls. Yaeht and Hoat Ralldor, I'aatrnpo, If. J. STK AH YACHT R. Il.TfiJwDKitit-TO 33 AKTBH BY day or waok; 50 l?at Ion*. *o?d aocAmtnndatlnn fbr ?mall partlas Addrasi W. a. DALY. 2711 Haftit,. Brook ion WAMK 5?A KOUTt OK HIXuAKKDBA ROK A I) dross, statin* lowost cash flvnro, OUs. KUllft. IS ionn St. ' ~ irzr-^=z=rr? i,:r^=r ? r Jt HISORLLANROtlk. Bftsi WoKSmhWoiNK SIFl'uA UOMri ril.OH WORK LCZURUAB, 25o. MS. \