Newspaper Page Text
20 ?>?????' ATIUH? V/AVrtU-riCMALKft. EAST 41 ST ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYEE'S). ?A ruuug girl as Ural dut cook; Lone Brsuch preferred. ~Avi" AST It sT. (PBRSENT JtMPLO YKH'~S).?TWO young women; one hi rook; the other as waitress; city oointry; nrlYHH (?unl? 1 be.t city reference. w...m- iTFh ht ?a woman An first class ouk In homl Id tbo country; reference. *1~C K AS r l JTlF ST." A KIKST OL?ASS PSBNCH ?tJcnok (widow); no objertion to going k abort dlalance In the country ; boat city raloreuce from Inat place. ?TV o KST48TH sT" (PRESENT RUPL.Uk KK'A).-A O'xProtectant girl as flrat claaa cook; wil inn to aaeiat with waablng. or aa laun<lre<a; beat city lefercu ea 7 ') KI MS ST.. HE > F^tWOGI KLsToNKaH PLAIN 'TeJcook. waaher nnd irouar; the otner aa chambermaid auu waitrraa. In a amall lamlly. ,77* EAST 3.1T1I ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).-A I Uraapectable tcirl aa rood plain cook, waaber and lronar; ol|(bt yaara' refareucea from laai place WES I 1STII ST.-A SMART GIRL aS COOK and laundraaa In the country. 57 fid WEST -JttTU ST.?A YOLNG WOMaK AS OOOk. O''waaher and lronar; beat city referanca from laal plaee. nu WEST 30TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNO I Uwomnn; flrat claaa conk: thoroughly uuderetanda all kindaof cooking; boat clt? rafercnca. IDS 108 BAST 4IST ST.-A PlKsT CLASS PUOTES taul Knicliali rook tor the country. 'in,- I, AST Jims T~TWO ItEKPtSC TaKLB OIKLS; J V/? )<>n? aa pond cook, laundraaa, bread and blacuit mak er: the other aa chamoermaid audwaitraa<; beatrity ref erence. "WEST 39TI1 ST.? A GERMAN* GIRL AS tSOOD plain rook aud to aaaNt with washing and ironinir. l7liU #RST 46Til ST. (KINO"SECOND RKlLTTvEST Xvst/ali!e>.?a reaper-table young girl aa axerllant rook; ?u objection to naai>t with tho washing; beat city rararaueo. <71 Fa it l k's sT.-a" you n 6 woma s as coo K: oxcllent laundraaa; uudarataiida bar bnalnaaa thor eughly; city or country; flrat claaa relereucu from laat em ployer. mWF.ST 46TH ST.?Ad GOOD OOOK. WASIIKR andironer; tlrat claaa baker; city or country; three yearn beat city reforencu. 120 7TH AV.-As GOOD COOK IN rant; beat reterence. 1(V> Wi sr 121) ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).? J. ??JGirl aa cook In u private family; will aaatat with the Wraabiu : city at couutry. 1*YV"we8t"bsd "st.?a respectable"womInah ? XII ret claaa Enirliah cook iu private family; under elanda all klnda family cooking: cliy or country; beat city reference trora laat place. 7" EAST 43D StTTaS JOt.D PLAIN COOK*, twaaher ami lronar; city or country; underatanaa enra ol butter; ?ood refcrencea. East SOTII Si'.-A YOUNG WOMAN TO COOK. _ _ raah and Iron in private family; city reference. r.l EAST 4?Ti 1' ?T. (PUESKjJt"k7l'LOYKK'K). ? AS itood cook. 146 151 1 EAST 420 ST. - RESPECTABLE YOUNO _I?/Uwooiun aa cook, waaher and lronar. or would do Boueework : atnall lamlly; city or country. "J "O WBST 31 ST BT. (SECOND Bfcl,L>.-<OMPE JLl/t/tent woman aa pood cook: umleralauda herbusineaa; excellent baker; beet city reference. tjf TtT Fast IICTHsT -7 respectable, middle ?i" 'paired Scotch Proteatant woman a* cook; will eaallt with the coaraa washing; live yeara' reference from laat place. ()t 7 V~WKST 32Ds r7 tFiRD _FLOOR. PKDNT. ? .li' I "x Young woman aa pood reataurant or boarding houae rook ; cltv or ceuutrv. fj( H WBST mi ST.?A riMMT OLAflS COOKt ? U"TeHy or country; nil klnda paatry; pood city reler ancea O/U EAST 3STH ST.-A MIDDLE-AGED PKOT Aivxeitiot woman aa pood plain cook and to assist In the laundry: two yeara'reference. Address ADVERTISER. t?f Io "wESt"7?7h ST.?COMPETENT COOK: TIIOR ? " f ouxhly underatanda all branches; nndarstanda the earn ol tulik; couutry preferred. tvTj WEST 37TI1 8T -As PIEST CLASH C''OK IN A ? I 1 private family ; willing to assist with washing and iroiiii-g: beat city reference ~EAST 70ril ST. ? A YOUNU GIRL AS GOOD ?pinto cook, waeltar and lronar; beat elty refereneea QIC WEST 18TH ST.?YOUNG WOMAN*AS GOOD ? 1 '/cook ; willing to nealat with the waahlng; good city retareuco. ? n.)/\ bast .virii sr.?^respectable girl as ? -'/good plain cook, waaher and irouer; beet city refer aucea. ?)*)ll EAST 42D ST.-A YOUNG GIRL AS GOOD a-.?'' "cook, waaher end ironer: beet city reference from laat nlace. 212 GO') WEsT 27T11 ST ?A WOMAN TO COOK. WASH ? ? Omid Iron; no objection to the country; city refer ence. GO 7~ WES 7 30~rn sT~- K E S p h CTAIIL K OlHL AS ?l ? xbgooil plain cook or laundress; no objection to the country; heat city reference. Call for two day a. O'lll WEST 2ST11 ST., TO P FLOOR?AS FIKST ?OUclaaa cook : unueratauda rooking lu all Ite nraochee. e?npa. meata. na.try, deaaert; h flrat claaa boarding houae or hotel. m> objection to tlie country: beat city refurenoe. <T7~j WrST 33D sT?A WOMAN TO COOK. ?iT:lwaali and iron; no objection to the country; city reference. EAST 13TII ST. (PRESENT"KMPLClYERVsE? A reapoctable peraou aa conk: city or couutry. 244 OlO WEST 47TH ST?AS COOK; TIIOROUUHLY ?TrOunderalanda her bualneaa; good baker, end would eealet with tho coarse washing If required; best city refer eneea 253 7rii av.-a young woman to cook. t^waab and iron ; city or conntrr ; rafereocea. *)fil | 1ST AV.?AS fliWT CLASS E'KENcH AND ? IJI 'Eugllah cook lu go In the country for the summer; heat reference. 267 0IVIB,0}' !<T_A KrSPEOTABLK (ilRL AS for t? good cook, washer aud ironer, beet reterence. Call 807,: 318 333 ?nc? ' 338 flQl ILI/.AMKTU ST.?A SliOTUH PROTEdT woOiaut woman as Br?t clau ceuk ; can make tb? bait ? I bread and paatrr and baa the beat eity aad country ref arrnce;tbe employer will be suited. ?.all for two aay ? *T( n lOTll AV.. ROOM IX- AN EXPERIENCED _i ?' Jj Icrinan woman as Brat elasa oaok; eompatont to take entire cliartre: Bret claee reterauoe. EAST OOTIi IHT-A OIKLAH OOOLI COOK AND andresa In a email prleate family: good rafaranca WiES'F JMTII ST.. K KONt7*TUXRD PLOOlL?A Urriuau itirl at good cook. oor wkst o sr ? uksT-ki;iahue ? woman te rook, wash and Iron In small private futuiy city or cotiutry; be.t city reference. WK-T 40111 ST.?A YOUNG GIKlTAS UOOlTltf a private lamily; city or country; aia years' refer Cab lor two days. East" 3dfil~STr^-i;E?PBUTABLK OIKL AS 'rook, waelter aad Irouer in private lamily; would In ireneral Itoneewnrk In email lamily: good ralereuce. A~l 7 WEST MITII HT.. NKAK VtH AV.'-AS COMFE '11 4 tent cook in private family; axealleat baker: will tola with washing: good eity reierance Call two days 1 '11 WK~T4(>TH sr. (-iroKKT.?TWO Wi/MEN; TO 1 O1 get lienor separate; cook, watber and Ironer; wait rasa and chambermaid; sis year.' ally ralaranaa. 0(F>tfi"aV.?A RESPECTABLE 111 KL TO GO IE Oi'tlie country at good cook and bakar: can ha saan at pre.nit amptnyer'a wltli good city refereLCM, I ram 10 tu I o'clock, ('ail or address l\h WEST HIST Br?AH GOOD COOK, WASHER ? 11 and Ironer la a small privata lamily; no postal Sards. 7n I 31) AV."(KINO SECOND BELL).?A COMPE t ?7 Lieut person as cook and to assist with waablug; la ? gresable ; gwod City reierenca. 7/1 Tf 11 Tv ?AS KIrfST ('LABS OUOKi UND H|T I *Tstnniis Kranch and Euglitli cooking; In all branches fully competent; good city roirrenoo : eitr or country run 5S av7bi- i'Wkkn itni and 4STH sr., as I " "T:first class eook, washer and ironer: heat city raier anoa. 81. 816 - 21* AV.. ROOM 14.-GOOD PLAIN I'OuK, /washer and Ironer; no abjection to a ooarding bonee. ?ril aV.7\ HBSPBCifABLK WOMAN AM PltUff class cook ; city or country: best eity reteranees. U7| iO AV., PlrtSI PLOOiw A HERMAN PHOT Dl lestant girl as plain cook, wasbar and ironer lu a Iniall American family: city reference. D77 TrM AV.. NEAR MTiTkT. (FOURTH BELLI.?' D I I A Protestant girl to do plain cooking, waaiiiug aad Ironing in a email American tmnlly : ally references Iai; - ail AT ? RKMPK.TTAHLTrTTlRL As I'noK. ."/UtJwaaher and ironer In privaia lamily; beat rafer IlilU 2D AV.?A MIDDLK-aORU EMiLlsll WO ? LswiOman to cnek, wash aud iron lu a private lamily; good city rafaranca. Chair.bwrwiM Ida. Ac. "Yfk KANT SWTII ST.?A IIE-PEC TABLE YOUNQ OIRL I v'al cbamoermaid and waitress with a faaillv residing ju tne country fan be aean at her preaent mnployer'a. 111 WBMT ?TN BT. KMPMVii?r=A L" "North of Ireland Protestant as cbamberiuald and Una ivaeiier and Ironar; eountry preferred. (fan os seen far Iwo days. )| KAS i"43l? sT. TpKESK.NT KM PLO YXK'd).?A I yuang klrl as cnauiberraald, or to da ll(bt housework ; willing and obii<*i 11 g Call for two dais. 1 <1 HTaT>T<I~N HtTtoFTL'Vo it -A *11 UNO, hiiu 1 s/cateii tiaiman girl i> cbambarmald and waltrsss or to tew and take sare ot children , uo Jews need Inquire- Call I ter III P. (I . >11 WEST URTtl~ ST. (PKc.RKNT EMPLOYKit'd) ?A ? ?'t iflrl as chambermaid or waltretl: will assist la wash ing aud Ironing, no ubjectiuu to the country. II EAST 4lWrt7A VUU.NU (itRL~1KKuM TUB ?J Vcoonlrj si chambermaid aad waitress; well recom mended f*T|; P. a?T 74 TH ST. (PKlMENir~EMrLOrBB,4E-wA 1 ?v'Importable young wouian as elismbcrinaid and wait ress; no objection to tbo country. "1 'j I widT IMTIt St.-A KhsPKcTABrii-!!lT(L T<> A'/^tdo ebaiiilierwor* and take ears ol children; no ob jection to go tu the coantrv; good city reference H y eabt awfii at.?UMribiiamlu young > / woman an chambermaid and lauuUresa In prlvato lamily; lour years' city relerancea. fC'l A Est 3BD NT.?A YOUhli (URL AM I y) (/chambermaid and waitress; is an eaaelleut aeam ?B?e. 1 "\W WKdT I'll) SI.-A KEKPES'rtMisK Vol, N't Jl'iOglrl to do cbamoarwork and waiting, wilting and obliging : nest city rsiarence. Of I! rWKsT 4(11 II HT.?A fUtsPECTAIII.k" UlH|7"aS we' "chambermaid and waitress, to assist with washing; illy or country; willing and obliging: good ralarance. King tup bell. I I'll aids. rwTFrWddlH SI*.?A YUL Nil WOMAN All Oil All ad "J soiiermaid ai-d waitress . Is a goad washer and Ironar; So (injection to tba country. Tall at present employer'.. ?if t -Teast 37Tii~IT,-a" KUrkVTaMti Ulit 1. as swU AdCbeiub rmaid and seamstress, undarstauds Whatlar ? Wilson machine ; hast city felsrSMS. ill sj ea>T a:m ht.-a j.auv iixTfi a situation u I ?/for her cbambarmald, whom sua can highly recom heud. *11 7 WKKI 571II HT. ?A YOUNO UlRls TO DO do 1 I chntnberwnrk and waiting: will naelst In wnahmg and Ironing; no objection to a private boarding honao; any or country.' bast city rafaranca. Address. WRhT~I7TM HT.-HHAT TIDY WMfttJI OflUi lOas cliamhermald and waitress: understands her work thoroughly; city or country; good isfarakce Irom last an plsysr. 221< SITUATIONS W AWTHP-raWALKS. I'lmuj bcrwalili. <W. KAHT 21HT HT ?A KKbPEC r AHLK QIRL.AH ItliwMraiM ud ?ill unit ?iik vwli lag iua trailing; city or ooiitrr; first oleic riMun I ram last employer. Itllt/KADT 57TH aT.-OIRl. FOR CHAMBEUWORK ud waning or general housework: good washer and Irmir; rs tereuce. O'Jl WEST IHTU ?T.?A 1VOi;NO UlKL AH OHAM Att'i bermaid sod to assist srttii children or do tbs house work of small family; fraud ?itr rslorsntt. *)'jA aaht ?rru sr.. tuiko floor, mack room. AiOtA young girl to do chsmbarwook sod assist la wsiblair sod trouiaic; tbras years and sight months'ref ereucu tram last place. Ol'J WKHT 4I>T ST.-A RKHPKOTABLK YOUNO ail TtJgirl as cbamosrmaid and waitroas sad to do plain sawing ('all fur two days (ml UiTH aY? TOP FLOOR--A YOL'NG NORWft Aoleiao girl as ebanibsrmaid or to miod cbildrsa ; elty or country; can spoaa English pertectly. ?1q I 10TH AY., BOOB 1A-HKHPIKCI'ABLh UK KM A N aii <71 girl as first class chambermaid in botal; city reler OfWk WKHT 40rH HT.?A tOUNU tllltI. AH CHAM Ovrl'bermaid and waitroas; will assist wltb washing; city or country; city ro.erotics. ?JJ )U KAST 24 Til HT.-A COMPETENT, TRUST OUOworthy roung girl as chambermaid sad waitress in a private family; willing to assist in washing; good city 497 ?JtKAHT 54TH HT.-A RK8PKCTABLB UlKL AH O^nJchaiabermeid and waitress or to do housework; good rity rolsroiioo. WKHT 2.VTH HI'.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNO OtUgirl to do cbamberwork and waltiug; thoroughly uudsrstauds her busluess; ueat cltv rslorences lroin last place ; no objection to go a short distance in the country. ditt* KAHT I7TH HT.-AH hl.XCKL.LKNT CHAMBER. 1;UUmaid and to assist with washlug or sewing in prt vate family; good city relerence. Call two daya A1 7 KITH AV.-A YUUNtToiKL AS CHAMBER li I maid and waitress; It wilting and obliging. 7Tn EaHT 14TH ~ST.-A YOUNO UlKL AS CIIaM T L a barmaid and waitress and to assist with the wasbiug and ironiog; six years' rsiersoca Call for two days. TlIcTWK8T 42D-HtT-A RESPECTABLE GIRL AH TrU ?7ctianib?rmald and waitress and to assist with washing; best city references from last place. TqI 2D AV. (UlNIi HSCOND HELL) ?A YOUNO T" <7 lglrl ss chambermaid and waitress; Is agreeable; citv or country; two years' elly reference. 7IH AV.. BETWEEN 86TII ANl> 37TH HT8.? .A respectable young wouiau ss chambermaid in a private family; will assist at anythiug required; three years' city reference from last plaoe. ,'||il 2D AV.?A YOUNO OIKL AH CHAMBERMAID A/U^iaiid laundress; best city re>erauca from Isst place. CO") 5TII AV^-COLORKO CHAMBERMAID, WaIT rJOOress or unrse; city qr country. (?|||| HTH AV.. IK Til K UKOCKKY STORK.?A U"/Uyoung girl as chambermaid and waitress: best elly reference from last employer. ftEe 2D AV. (IN STORE).?A RE8PKCTABLB UUtJyoung girl to ao cbaraberworn and waiting; city or country; best city reference. 6TH AV. INTl 1K HIIOK STORK. ?A YOUNO OOrJglrl as chambermaid and waitress; bust city refsr eaces >rom last employer. 7 (A Lt-.Xl N (11 ON~AV. ? A YOUNO UlKL AH CHAM I *XV/b?rmaid and waitress or do housework in a small family; NX years' reference: present employera TJtl 3l> AV.. CORNER 40TH HI'.?A FROTKSTAN T ? TAfirl as obamberinald and waitress or to do washing; city or country: best city retsrsnce. Oil 7TH AY.. BKTWKKN 63D AND 54TU HTH TOP 0 LJLfloor.?A young girl as eliMmbermald and waitress; no oojection to go a short distance iu the country; five yean' best city reference. 1 3D AVrTPIbHT FLOOR.-A YOUNO WOMAN J ?Ury'Tas ehambermald and waitress and to assist with washing; elty or country : good city relsrence. 1fV7'4 IHT AV.-A YOUNO GIRL AH CHAMBER .17 I Omsid and waitress; best city reference. 11(1 3D AV.. BELL Jt?A YOUNO UlKL A8 . L LsLcbautberniaid and waitress; will assist with the washing and ironing; willing and obliging; beat city ref erences LfQIl BROADWAY, BKTWKKN 4IITU AND SOTII ?UAUsti?Young girl as chambermaid and laundress; country pieferred; three years' oity references MKKICAN GIRL, AH CHAMBERMAID OK CHILD'S nurse; no objeotion to the country; best eity relerenoe. A., box 19B Herald Uptown office. OrwaumssKera and neamstresees. WEST 31HT HT. (PkKSKNT EMPLOYER'S)?A 'first class seamstress as lady's maid or to take care of children. WEST 41HT HT.?A RESPECTABLE PKOTKH 't nt woman as dressmaker and seamstress; best elty references 1 A /' KAHT 30TII HT.-A RH8FKCTABLK YOUNG J.rtlfgirlin an American family; is a competent dress maksr, stylish trimmer snd operator on Wheeler A Wilson machine: best references. If* 7 WKHT UD HT. (KINO TWO BELLH).?AH 1U I seamstress In a private family; willing to make ber sell useful. (107 WKHT 13TII ST., ItKAB IIOUHK.-A WOMAN I to work by the week; understands all kinds of fam ily tewing; would assist In any capacity; is a good opera tor en Wheeler A Wilson's machine; would go in the coun try good elty references. ?Js?7 KAHT 291II HT.-A FIRST CLASH DRKSSVAK Ow I or to go by tbs montn In a private family; best ref erence. I 1-4 7TH AV.-A COMPETENT I'KKHUN~TO KlT lUTgagt with a lady or family leaving the city tor the summer; good and stylish dressmaker; understands all kinds of sewing; also hairdreesiug li required. Address M. H. fffll WKHT 23D HT.?A YOUNO WOMAN AS rtEAM *717.1 stress In family; understands family sewiog and dressmaking thoroughly ; uo objection to country. YOU.sU UIKl, AH HE AM s T i7RH-V WO ULD TAKK cars of and Instruct a young child la the English branches; cau luruish testimonials fur a similar position. Address J. A. B.. Ilerald Uptown olflce. 30, 115t A FRENCH QlKL AS FIRST CLASH s K A M HT It KSS; cit) reference. Address 0. K.. box 12b lleiald office. DRESSMAKING AND GENERAL FAMILY WORK, in all the styles, by day or month. Address DRESS MAKER. 152 Delaacey at. 32 General Homework, die. 1%) JONES ST.-TO 1>U HOUSEWORK; CITY REF Jdereaca. no WKhT 44TH HT.-a YOUNG GIRL TO DO HOUSE. ZOwork in a ?uiall private family I good weaker and ironer: city or couatry. WEST STH ST.?A UIKL TO DO HOUSEWORK; good city reference: ao ebjectloa to the country. A C~ KA.-T TOO ST.?A~ OB KM AN WUMaN TO DO TrOaaueral hou.ework; ha* a dauahtar 11 yaara of age; country preferred; good reference. 1(1/? east :?jT.I bT.-a ItR*P aCTaBLE youno lUoyirl ta do general lionaaworK. good plala cook. waeher and Ironar: l?e?t city reference. 1 (|Q WES I' isrll ST.?KKHFKCTABLK YoyNO XUOairl for henaework in aatall private taniily: good plain cook, weaker and Ironer; avbor and obliging; call two dajra. So cerde. i et(\ GREENWICH AV.?A FKOTBHTANT (ItllMA.V X*?Ugirl to do houaework in a email American family. Apply all the weak. IOC) neat SIXTH MT.. FIRST II KLU-llK.t I' El T A B LP. X?i^girl lor geuaral bouaowork In private family; good oily ralereeee. F.AnT 53D ST.-YOUNG GIRL FOR GENERAL boaaewora ; good city reicrcncO. 125 If I EAST 13TII ST.. IN I'UK HEAR.?A YOUNO lrrlglrl to da gauoral bouaowork; beat city releraaee Irooi laat place. "I CQ WEST 1 HTM ST.. BEAK.?YOUNO OIRL. FOR XtsOgoaersI houaework in a email private American Tarn* lly: eily or country; underatand* tba care of milk and buiter; city reference. 1 Q?{ SPRING ST?AS FIRST CLASS COOK. WA8II. 1 t/Oer and Ironer la a private family: Bret claee refer encea from laat place. Call lor two daya. otl i WBsf 18TH ST.?A KhSPriCTARLK UIKL TO jtdo ganoral bouaowork la a email lemily; gooo elty reference a)/? KAST WOT 11 sT.-Kc.Ml'KCTAhLK GlrtL To DO AaOgeuetnl houaework; good Cook, waeher and Ironar; good rofcrooce. 236 EAST f?rll HT.-A YOUNO WOSaK TO DO gonerol houaework; good cilv relarence. 2a?Q WEHf 37TH ST.. HASMENT. - A SI OCT GIRL. aJOnot Id tho cniairy, to do general hnuaewore in a ant all ram lly or uoatalra work ; wagee oot ao mnch an ob ject aa a good home. Cell for two daya. *Ja I WE?f atn ii sT.,"" Nkak 1sth~av.,tii i kd ?eTTiavr.-A youog woman to do liouaowork; city or I) IQ WK>T 30TII HT.-A RESPECTABLE A S Fit I J'l Oran girl to do gaaaral bouaowork In a (mall private fern 11) ; good city relerauce. it < <| "west ~aab sf.. in the hTorkT-IIk Je*X ? 'apeclablo German girl to do general bonaawork lu S email family. No carda. 252 , WEST 47TII RT.-RKKPKCTABI.K WOE AN ifnr houaework ; good plain eook and bakar; city or GCQ WEST MiTII ST.. SECOND PLOOR. RACK. A rapei table girl to do ganoral bonaework ; no objee tIon to children : will bo looud wlillog: city or couatry; good relerenco. _____________ il/rat EAST TOD ST.-A OIRL TO DO GENERAL Gt'Ohonaowork lu a email prteata lamlly or aa cuamber maid | referortcea _____________ ___ 'inn torn .sr.?a girl To do ueneraL fjUUhonaawork; la a good cook and a Brat claaa waeher; good rolaraneo. ai(\ I EAST H4TII ST.?A RESPECTABLE UIUL KOK ? )U I general bonaawork; le a good plain ouok. waahar aied ironar: clt) or country . good relerenco. ?Jl I KAST EOTIT ST-A YtlUNG OIRL to do GEN ?>X 1 oral bon.ework la a ant all private family! boat oily reference. Coll for two day a *11 O WB*T tOT 11 ST.?A REEPBCTA III.K YOUNO tH^rlrl to do ganoral bouaowork, or to take car# of ehllrireu . good rofarence. ?Jl?? hAST awTiYstT?GIRL PGR HOUSEWORK ^ arlaja am all private family ; nloo yaara' relet ao to. Call fur two dark ?out EAST X.I II ST.?YtlUNG OIRL FOR GENERAL a) 1 t/nau.eiverk: good ploia cook, waeher and Ironor; beat elty reference. ?i ni EAST WTH ST.?a nRSPEOTaRLR UIRL TO O xUdri general houaework; Brat clan waahar end ironer; goo-1 eook ; city ratcrence. I ( \ I EAST I7TH ST.-AN K N G LIHI f I' K O T h S T A N T I " I woman to do general bonaawork or to work by tho dav . would -leap home . good r. lerenreo. TTvTwest"44TII ST.. TOP Floor.-a PHOTES 1 t/Oteet girl to do honacwork; la a little lame; will go for amoll wagae in private familyt good city rafarvnee. 7j | l "ib A V.?A RtilPKcTA i LE WELSH OIRl Io ^"'TTdo general houaawerk In amalt family, orchambar work ; would aaalat with any athar work It required , city or eonalry; oily reforauca. Jill WEST *Til ST.?RESPECTABLE OIRIa fol rr.1 V/general homework In amoll private family, good plain eook. and Iroaer haat city reference 436 wKsT 2<?TII ST. (LAaT EM I'l.OYEK'Hi, Garman girl for general huttownrk A i -A WEST SSTH sr , THIRD FLOOR.-YOUNO 'X'rrywomen for general henaework In a amall family or wonld do oBamberwork and aaalat in waahlng ; refareoeea. MTl'ATIO t? g W AWTKI>-rgllALE?. ' ~ UMtral Hcmwwwh. *e. A "1 WEST ISTH ST?YOUNO WOMAN. LATELY 4t)llaude4, for general housework; city or country; good rohnnct. WEST UU >T.-A RESPECTABLE GIRL TO 400 Jo'V# "?r?n>ou?l?worlT 1? ? pirloaia family ;ino ob jection to the country; tour j??n' Stj referenda from last placa. ??? i 7*1 so AV.. NISAK iWO ST., THIRD,KI-^R;*A 4l Oglfl to Jo housework In n nrivnts family; plain cook, washer and Irooer; city rafaranca. ,.,jO iO A V.?A YOU NO I.XHL (AO BO *D TO DO O^8goueral nouaework or aa chambermaid and waitress; b??i cily riftreBM from her 1m> placa. HouieK?oP*kr<i< ?ue or CLINTON PLACE, SECOND KLOOR?A YOUNG ^Olftdv a* housekeopar. ______________ - lift KA?T HOUSTON HT.. NEAR SO AY., IN ClOAR ilUatore.?A respectable young Harm an laay. of good laully. daalrat a poelllou aa housekeeper to a respectable Keoilemiiu ; no objection to tbo country. ioo r.AsYlT/ru sr.-a competent woman as ltf ?housekeeper; will take charge of furml.h^d house and auporinteud lotting apartments: best ralaraaoa. Call or address. _____ OO'J WEST lorn ST.?AN AMERICAN LADY AS /] /i? .KiHisHimgnatcity or country ; rnrnrtneet addriai HOUSEKEEPER for three daya; nona but raliabla aortoua need apply. a>2g WENT WTHST.-A- H^f^?BTRUENKK aj-ri WEST 431/ ST.?A KtSPBOTAULH WIDO^ OOiwiihout encumbrance to take care of a houaa lor tbe rummer; beat ralarouea. T RrSPECTAHLK MIDDLE AGED LADY AS .XXboiieekoepar In a private family: city or country. A0 dreas EXPERIENCED. box ltiu Horald office. M ENGLISH WIDOW LADY OK CULTURE AND rellnemant daairoa poaitlou aa, houaokeeoer io oldarly icentloiuau'a household, or companlou to an lo*?l'S. coui petont to ?llro?t tbe education of children. Anoreee wx 177 ileruld Uptown ottico. A COMPANIONABLE YOUNG laAlAY. A OON^KTKNT iVhousekeaner. desire. immediate poaltlou; widowers tniniiy preferred. FlUK**. llerHld office. - *N EDUCATED AND REPINED YOUNG WIDO* Alady dealrea an immediate ongageraeut aa 1'oaaak.eper lor an uldorly widower or widow of manna, ill oily or couu try; no objctiuu to young children; or would teke charge of furoiabed hou-e durinir owttcrU tttiulcb ; reference, Ac. Addree*, for one week, UI&Ttlbbb, Hernia oiUce. "7 YOUNO lady. HANDSOME. REPINED AND IN Atellluent, deairea a poaltlon as housekeeperto a genua man ol means. Ad'ireaa VINCEvT, llerald office. Laundreaaea. die. a EAST 44T11 ST.?A LADY WISHER TO 8ECUKB xJa placa for a molt excellent, competent, raltblul wo man aa lauudreaa. Call at preaent employer a 10. 1 a> East IfcJD ST.?AS PIRST CLASS LAUNDRESS. laJCan be aeeu at her preaent employer A TO WBsT SSTH ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S)?A lOlad* would Ilk# to Hnd a good place for oue of her girls; she Is a good hand for Una laundry work, or would do waiting and upatalra work. ul BAXTER ST. AS LAUNDRESS; COUNTRY Oiprorarrad; ralaroncea it required. WBST5FT.I BT. (IN GROCERY).-A ReSPECT able woman aa lauudraaa and chambermaid; no ob jection to iho couutry ; aevon yeara' rotoroueo. 126, ? URhK.SK ST.. KP.AR?A TEMPERATE AJtER xajOiuau to go out by tbe day washing and Iroulug or boiiMCcicnniuir. Mrc. JOaNba. I"up CLInTON PLACE. ROOM 11?A YOUNG WO IZOidmu um 11 rut cImi Uuudrtu; bo objection to ? bonrd ftutc hou?e. 159 WEST jsril ST.. TOP PLOOK?TO WORE BY I IT fiul III Ola, * VP I * ? , , j r Jtlie d*y ; bo eicellaut inundre.B; c?n do any kiud of work; la compctcut; retcrcnc^B. ill 1 20TH SI'.?aH GOOli LAIJJSDKBSS KUB A ^llpriTAte ramlly or boarding bouse; flea yeara refer once. EAST 40TII ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS good lauudraaa. or good cook: city or couotryt city reference. ______ A - WEST 33D ST.?AH PIRST CLASS LaUN ^?xOdroaa; will uaalal with the obambcrwork; good city relaftaco. - aT\~A WEST 14TU ST. (PRESENT KMPL?)YER'S) - ijJ.'Jai Urat claaa lauudreaa; will aaaial with chamber work If required. irn 51H AV.-AS PIKST CLASS LAUNDRESS; a50t /beat city ro'foreooe. Call for two daya 7~~fni AV^A RKoPKCTABLK OIRL AS )lauudreas; willing to do ebamberwork; city relor ?ucea. Al-O STH AV.. BASEMENT?A K1R8T CLAsS ^xUUliiundriii; cbb pollub Bud flute; oigbt y?BM #*? porleuce ; good reference.. Call or addreaa for two daya 77?v[7Xjrbknwi?:u sr.. rear.-mother joun UOysoN (eoloredj wlahra ono or two firat class waabinga; good city roferaneo. QUil 3D AV., BP.TWREN 53D AND 54TI1 STS.?A OOvroua; woman a> lr<t claaa Inundrosa; a Oral claaa ablrt and collar tronar: uood ally reference. 379. OTH AV. (THIRD BELL)?YOUNG WOMAN j.ea ttrat elass Wundreea ; willing and obliging; will aaalat with ebamberwork . baat city reference. 884. 4 UNION COURT. UNIVERSITY PLACE. BETWEEN Utb Bud 12th ?u.?A* ourtitf; ou objection to tho coun try. ? PACIPIO PLACE (WEST aiTU ?T.). NRvU 6TH Oar?A Proie.tant girl as nurse oi chambermaid; Urat claaa reference. ? CONCORD ST., BROOKLYN. ?HEALTHY AMRR )issn woman aa wet uuraa; would do pla?n aewlng. WEST a 1ST ST.-A RESPECTABLE GOLOKED xy^Crlrl aa child'e nurae. allher to ao abroad or ta tbe country : excellent reference from preaent employer. r W WEST 3D ST., SECOND KLOOB? A PRKNCH Ot)youeg warn an aa nurse; la a good aanmatrosa and will lUg to truvel; goodi city refereuceeo Addfeee. 46. 54a rtn EAST lOTll ST.?A HERMAN OIRL TO GO TO I I the country wltn au American family to taka oara of ckiidren. ?.au bo aeon it weojH HO DIVISION ST.. ROOM 13?AN EXPERIENCED | Owoman to mind children or uuraa alck; good reference. Call lor two daya. 111. . "w, ST aoru sT?A RESPECTABLE PERSON i i i,i nurae ; can take tbe entire charge oi a baby from Ita ulrth ; or growing children; wlillug to go to tba conn try lor the aumiaer; beet city referanee. Call fur two daya "1 1 fr WEST 13TH ST.?A YOUNO SWEDISH OIRL X I Onaed to trarsl, baa eroaaod the ocean twice, to go with a tamlly to Rnropa either aa nura# or maid, or to trarel In tbia couutry; undoratauda all kinds of sewing: but city rtfircofici. CBtinat unawer nny cwroi. Tb/I EaSt'sOD 8T, LP STAIRS. -A NORTH OER loUman girl, lour years In the country, as nurae and chambermaid; boat roloranca. WEST 17TH ?T ?KRKNCil NUBeK AND SEAM ?traaa; city refereoce. Call lor two days. 136 134 i OK West 2STII ST. (IN THE SHOE STORE)?A I,},)respectable Proto.tant weman aa nnrae or aoam atrra. , can taka entire charge of children ; best city reler ence. WEST MTll ST. - AS PRKNCH NURSE ANO 'go./d aaaui.ire.a; cily refareiiee. Call lor two days. 1i)ll WEST S5TII ST.?AH KkP.SCII NURSE; CAP lOt/sbla or taklug ebargs of latent bom blrtb. or grow lug children; boat reference. 1~7l WEST XiH ST?AS NURSE: .'aPaBLK OP X'Xlteking care of an Infant; klud to children ; beat city relereuce from present oinpioyer's. Call lor two daya 1 A n EAST 33D ST. A iIEALTHY" YOUNG WOMAN It I aa wat nnr-a. Call lor two day. in milk store. Cat r.ASI 37TH ST. (PKESeN T EMPLOYER'S)? iOv/A young Proto.t iol girl to taka ears of growing cbildren or uaby. and da sewing. 150/ cbiidrri ________ i *j i-Asr -?5rn ?r.-A ladv wi^uks to obtain I .I./lor a Prote.tant girl a aituation a. nur.e and .eain eirea. for Krowing children; I. competent to a??l?t them in Icons: la willing and obllgiug. Call lor two days, oe tareon I* and lu o'clock. 1 WKHT 3I8T HT.-A KhHl'KCTA BLfc YOUNG X'i'^Btrl lo t?ke care ol growing children and du pUui eewtng. geod city riftmct. tiAU KANT 03TM nT.-A YOUNG GIRL. KATBI.Y _Y/0:anded, lu take earn of nhltdran vr to uo llglit up ataira work. Call for two dart. 77/1(1 MART 2<>l it bT YOU NO illKli. 17. To .MlNO <?U t/childraa and be generally useful; city or country; city icftrruea. otto WKM I7 aonTST.?A YOUNG ii IKl/~AM~N I KNK id^Oano snaieatreea or to do cliambwrwork; beat oily relereace from la?t employer. i i.Ji rwr.hf trtl'll hT., KG ON IO.-Ia" KkSPkcTA a?OUble woman aa nurae fur iuvalld. or would take charge at a baoy trow ita birth; city or conutry ; eity rel rieneo M li. .!?(, 1 KAbT ifiiV HT.-AYUUN(rAMKRICAN P It tIT a^O'seataai arirl aa nurae and aeauietresa , would du light cbaabarwork; the country preferred. No carda. *!??/? wist mm mt.-a kkhpkctaukk yoFno <?Ul)glrl aa Burae and aeamatreaa ; can aew on dlffaraiit machluea; la a Beat baud aewer; excellent i uttnu hole maker . rlty or country i two yaara' beat city reference. *>U1 dL> AV ? A~RKHFr 0(Alik YUUNU AMlltUAX aUt^Xglrl to take care el children or de light houaowork; Willing and obliging : good reference 11( 17 AyTCTToP PUooF, BaCK.-KKnPr.cTaBLK jUis I married wuwab, with full breaal ol milk, to nurae a baby at her home. 11117 an,anriotfrTnisoo.ND kouok, mkookIvYnT^ all" I A reepectahle. eknerlenced lady to take care ut nn Infant or aa nurae to au Invalid lady: would go tu the country . beat relereneea. Mr?. VonbuLKU. 311 KANT 48TH NT.?A RhhP'.C t AII LI', (IIKL ilatelr Inndeuj to lake care ol children or do light Oklft KAHT '.MTU HT.-A COMPKTKNT PKRHON AH eX^iUcaild'a nurae, or nurae end chambermaid; country home preferred. ?Je>|| wiir xu> iST.?a pkknc ? pki>rkh7an't" Oaav/gtrl aa uuraa, or to du housawork in a aiuall privata telly. "MAST 8-JO HT.-A BE8I? I.?: I V It I, I-. WOMAN AH 327w ?IGU KAMI tifiTIi NT -A YOUNG MAKKlr.O WOMAN Oa^Oaa wet nnrae; willing end obliging; milk three montha; beat city relerance. KAHT 28D HT. ?A YOUNG (UK!. AH NUHHK and aeamatreaa or to do cbamberwork ; city refkr 386 ?J?>(? KAHT 1HTH HT., HK.tli HIJI I.DINll?A MIUlibK ale J era jeo worn in tu attend to children In a reapectablo German lamlly: no abjection to the country. SoQ hAvr 44TM hT. tiip VLook?MXFkkTkniThd a >?>i7nurae and eoaraitraaa, with very beat eity reference. Call for iwo dnya. K AHT 47 fll NT.-A YOU NO JAM KKlCANfWo man ae wet nnree. i ell or addreea. 312 351. ?j-1| htii a v.?a kkspkctahlk young pkoT O.AVeetant girl to mind a child aad do aawlng ou Wheal er A Wilaou'i niaenlne; country preterred. MCI WMT4KD NT.-A KKspkctaiiKk Woman Tg UiJiuke entire chary* ef a baby tr?m It* blrtb and bring It up nn a bottle, will glee It e mother'* ear* or would take car* of an Iuvalld; Bret elate reference. WKHT 4IHT HT.-A (IIKl. AN CBIIsSRBRf [nurae: will do cliamberwork or plain aewiug; two tear*' Brat rleaa city relerendd. TTTl WKHT Bio HT?A Rr HPKCTAH I.R'YiiUNG XT aw girl, eyed 14, to mind ? child or cblldrea; realdea with her mother. il.l RAHr 330"NT. -A~itKNI'KCTABI.H WOMAN X I awte wet nurae a nahy at her own houee. A "1 ?T~ HaNT" ai6 HT.?A REsPKCTA 11QT Vol'Ml 'xi-aiglrl (lately landed; to take care of cblldrea; willing to aaeiat with bduaework. SITUATIONS WASTKU-rKMALES. At A KAKT 5BTH^*T."a" KK8PB0TABLB YOUNG llTAuttleta irlrl u nurte to grown children; country preferred: ifftreDOO. Cull ea of M. DONOHUB. A 9fi 3D vV., BETWKUN 38TH aND HUTU 8TS.-A8 1:*jUcoinpe<eui nuru ; cm toko satire charge of inlaut from birth: city or country: bait city rtloroaco. A 'J ,1 BAST HTH MT.?A* COMPETENT AND MX TUTpwiMMf iifut'i iwh; floo r??ri' eltr reference. A,III WKHf 3IST ST.. hOOM 111?A LADY WISHKS J. 1 wt child to ml iid at her lion-a. A QQ ?rfi av. room lil?north ubuman girl ^tOOin American family aa anrco aod do apviag; boot of roforoaco. X.*)A "WTM AV- tor FLOOR, FRONT ROOM.-A KK tj?iX ipectable girl a* child'a nurse or to make baraelf generally uiolul; would travel or go to the country. 533b 3D AY.-A MARKING WoMAN WISHES iaby to wet nnree or on the bottle at borne. 5TH AV. (PRBSBNT EMPLOY KR'SJ.-AS KX tJOUperieuced nurae : oan take entire charge of an in fant: willing and obliging; no objection to the country; eight yeare' reference. 711/L 3DAV.. NEAR 44TH sT A YOUNO WOMAN I uTti nurae and eeamitreea; operatee oa Wheeler A Wilcou'a machine: competent IB the care ot children; two yean' refereuce I rout laet place. 7 JO 3D AV.-A RESPMCTABLK BOOTH lib KM AM I X^igirl at uurre to growing ehildreu aod to do towing; willing end obliging; best city relerence fiftK aD AV., SECOND FLOOK.-YOUNO WOMAN OUUtn wet nurea a baoy; Jutt luet her baby; doctor'! reference*. |1?? 1ST AV.-YO(*NO MvRRIKD WOMAN AS #lJ.Uwet unree; bai.y Ave month* old. Rail or addroir. 1J vO 3D AV.. QKOCKUY bTouk.-HKAL.THY ? XtiOyoung woman with a froeh braait of milk; doc tor'* city reference. LADY. IN REDUCED 01 itOUMSTABCKS, WISHES to cro?* the ocean aa nurae. Addree* D. i... box 314 Herald office. _________ LADY DESIRES TO KIND A SITUATION FOR A girl, highly recommended aa child'* anrao, with a fam ily golug to Europe and retnrn with them: reforeuee, pretent employer. Addieta box 310 Herald office. N AMi'.UIRAN ..IKL TO TAKE OaKK OK UfcoWN children aud do pieln tewing or aa chambermaid and waltreaa. Addreaa s. A. G., Herald office. KSPECTABLE WOMAN AH CHILD'S NURSE: OA pable of taking care of infant; willing aud obliging! tevernl yeare' relerence. K. K. D-, box 133 Herald Uptown ollice. WANTED?A SITUATION AS NURSK ORCHAMBBR li maid; fully capable of doing eitbar. Address, for par tleulare, COLORED. Herald Uptown office. Wnitreaiea. die. EAST 13T1I ST. (PRESENT BMPLOVBR'S) AS Brat clam waitress. Can be seen. 6 9 East 4UTH ST.?A LADY AH WAITRESS OR AS* aletaul liuuaekeeper, or petition of trait, lor n thor oughly competent tiirton; desirable reterencea obtained _ impeteut person; by cnlliug. Friday, botweon 10 and 3 o'oloek. 19 WK8T 44TH ST.?A OIRL AS WAITRESS AND J. ^chambermaid; would gu to the country; good city ref erence. fji* "west iuvFii st -a respectable YOUNG I Uglrl aa Bret cleat waitrcts aud will acaltt with cliam berwurk ; no ohjeetlon to the ruuutry; bett city reference. 1 no KAsi' aorii sr. "(Present employer's), -a XAwOreapectahle young girl at eumpeteut wallroaa; would aatlet with chamberwjrk; city relareuce. 1 J C EAST 2STH ST.?A RESPECTABLE OIRL AS iTOlrtl cleat waitrsaa in a prirnte family; Bra years' good elty referancs. 91 ?> west avrii ht.?a colored* oirl as wait AiOrtu. chambermaid or nurae; good city raiereuee. Call or address. 9?>i| 1ST AV.?A RE8PECTABLK YOUNG OIRL LUUii Brat elata waUrett or rl-.ambermeid tu a private iarally or summer uuuee ; good city relerence. 'J>>7 4TU A V.. 0OK>KU 35Tli Sr. ?A RESPECTABLE 00 I young girl aa waitress: would aetiet with washing; heat ally relerence. Call or address. ?Tei"WKST418T ST.?AS WAITRESS; WILLING TO OUlattltt in cuemberwork or Bus wathing: thoroughly competaut; excellent elty reference ; elty or country. J~V>] WEST 40TI1 ST. (STORE).?AS WAITRESS AND "? OAchawbermalu; all kind* of salad; six years' city rsleranc* DllQ UTIi AV.. IN THE STORE.?AS FIRST CLASS U_j?7w*iir?t?, or chambermaid and lauudresa; will go in tbe country; excelieat oily reference ftfll~3tVTaV.?HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, PRESENT vJUJLemployer. as waitress or chambermaid and wall ret*; trustworthy and tboreugbly competaut; country or city. ________ lUliceUaneoiu. 9 CARMINE ST.?YOUNG PKKNCH WOMAN AS lady's maid; can cut and Bt aud dtaas hair: good refer once. Addieta C. 1L, tor two days. fjTf west asTH sr.?preach woman as lady's XXUmaiil or child'* nurre In lamlly going to Europe. 1 t)i[l HESTKK ST.?A YOUNG GERMAN OIRL TO iait/du light buusowora In American >amily; good relar euce. 9/10 l-.AST 35TH ST.?A PRO TRSTaNT LADY'S gbiUOmald: wants a good home more thau waget; can drett hair well and is a good seamstress; best elty refer sacs. 001 WEST 27TH 8T.-A RKRPROTaHLK WOMAN ^Oltu take car* of private bout* tor summer; city refer* ?uc*. Call or adilrt all tbla week. K\8rU5Tti hT.?A YOUNO GIRL A8 LADY'S maid, ourae and atamatreaa; beat reference. 311 347 What 41ST ST.?A GIRL. LaTuLY LANDED, wlanaa a aitaeiion: city or country. 54:9 WESI 45TII SI-.-A MIDDLE AGED WOMAN a Dlaca to worklu a kitchen. .Vlr*. HLAIR. roo 8I'll AV.-A RESPECTABLE MIDDLE AGi.D t) I OAinarlcau woman aa bouaakaapar, or to do light homework Can b* seen at prcaant employer'*, where aba liaa lived lor alx year*. Ca.l ou or addreaa Mra. 0. era av.. hkrWKKN a4iTi"A.ND aoru srs.?a French girl aa lady'* maid and aeamatrea*. 588 IIIIIO 1ST AY.-A ReSPEOTaBLK GB.tMAN OIRL ?U^O(l5 yaara ol age) in an American family; object good place. Inquire of li. HKKCKT. YuUMI FRENCH PeKSON. KNOWING GERMAN ana Kogllali, aa lady'* maid toaladvor young gills; excellent ralareuca*. Addraaa A. A.. 178 Herald Uptown. "7 UKNTKKL, LIGHT COLORED (NORTHERN) XLirirl aa lady'* maid to travel or go to Rnrop* ; good ref erence! Addraaa Ma CD SCOTT. Herald Uptowu ofBce. A 8 LADt'S MA ID?id A GOOD lUIKDRE.iSKR and dracamaker ; no objection to the cenntry or to travel; beat city rnlerance. Addreaa LADY'S MAID, box 181 Herald Uptown olBce. ANTED-HY A YOUNlt BOSTON LADY. A blT nation aa companion to travel; hlgheat reference* aa to character und ability; wage* no otject. Addraaa Mm*. VON OLKKH, 7U1 Treinout at., corner of Rutland aqumre, Boston. Mass. PllOVGHSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED KBMALES. X^o un^s^ss: ttirl, ApiTAtfTTirFKKNiJTrTk^ xLUermaii, aa nnraery govern#**; beat city relerencca Audreaa D. N? box 112 Herald olBc*. CToUN THY BOARD-WANTED IN EXCUANOK FOR ^iesaoiia iu Knglialt. Trench. mualc, wax Sowara. H. 11., box 1117 Herald Uptown olBce. ANTED-BY Lady. POSITION OK TRUST IN aummer hotel, whore Intelligence and knowledge of bookkeeping are required, with dignity Indnatry end gen eral utelnlneaa. Highest teatimouial* or character, ability. At. Addreaa, for on* week, TRUSTWORTHY, Herald o the*. _ ANTKO-BY a young lady, copying TO DO at her own bom*. Addreaa Mlea M. K., Ilurald office w HELP WANTKD?FEMALES. a la it ym m ai d.-Frkncitd k ii xxaeeking au opportunity to go to Parla, can beer of a cbanc* by addressing n. T\. box 2,148 Poat oBiee. "I WAN I ED, NURSE PoU I>PANI'?; WAGES ft, JY.Apply 30 Beat U'-'d at., batweon D and 12 A. M uirlTIiTor ib years OLD. TO ATTBND TO Inquire at ator* 28S Blaacker at. H?TEKM 11 MOTHERS."?TH AV. AND 23D HT~ ? want expenaucad aelealadiaa for tbeir fancy Jawalrr, W'iratod and Wor.ted Work Department*; only Oral claa* lianda liarlug tit ~elve city exprrleuce need apply be tween Id and 11 <? a. PAM1LY TRAVELLING IO BUROPB Wlnll TO engage n raapeclable middle aged woman, either Aaner Icao, English er Irian, sa children'* aurac. Addreaa, with relarente*. box 3 IMI Geiiernl Toil oBice. A"" GOOD HUll ON U~77lK MAKER AND NEAT ?ewer with a good dreeeiaaker. Addreaa L. T., Herald Uptown olUc.i. A WOMAN WaFtKD-IO 1K> GENERAL HOUsF wora. UOODW'l N'8, foet of 23d at.. N rth River A?A. Klchard mbakkm a <o, w>nt air. ?erel llrat claaa waiat and aklrt tinleber* ou fin* cnaloin Urea"-* ; lioeral wngea to expert worker*. Aiao a lew ex perienced **>?w.>ui#n lor eiubrnhlcrte*. rulflinge. Ae. CtoOK WANTED?WILL !lAYR ro uo to" THE /country In July and AnguaL Apply No. 1US Wed Outli at. /TOOK WANTRD-UERMAN IIK SO iNDI N AVIAN, with city raleroncea; no other* need apply; no washing required 11*11 hatwe*n 11 and f at 14 kail OTih at. C~Vot.K WANTED?FOR A BOARDING HOlsK; ONE /who uu.ierataud* bar baaluaa* end don't drink. 40U Waat 23d at. CURLS WANTED?ONE POR GK> KRAI. HOUSE* JTwork ; ruuat lie good cook and Inundreaa; another, about 14. icak* baraalf uaelul. Apply, with rafareueta, 13d Waal Sttth at. _ CtOOD DRESSMAKERS WANTED?COME EARLY, I lor work. 248 4th nv. ILI.INKR WANTED Pint LONG BRANCH. APPLY to II. Til i Yin A CO., 011 Hroadwny. M 'KVHRU, IIKESSM aKKRs WANTED; ALsO AN AP )pr*ntle* Call. W to ill A. M , 123 Waat 20tli at. w . NTfcD?COPYIS TS ; WOKE AT MOMS. ADDRESS, nth .lamp. QUICK. Herald Uptown olfiee. Wantrd?at am :>ni a v.. a Young pkknuii Protectant girl n* aurac; intiat apaak aome Eng.l.h and have good raf-rtuc*. (Jell between V and II morning Or alter 7 o'clocx availing. ^"^aNTtD'X LADY~A5~MOUSKKKEPkR POR CITY TV and country. Mldrea. B . bux 174 Herald oBle*. Wantrd-a niTat. rouho a?Trniuan-u"irL about IS to attand children and malt haraalf uaaful; one Who will b* willing to go to Chicago; heat reference ra qulre.l ; ? go*4 home olTare.l ; wave) $7. 842 Lexington av" ANTED?! 1 IKL~ PG R URN h It A L HOUSEWORK.* Apply, with relerancaa. at '281 Ea?l 123d at. antkd-a PiKsr ulaim cook andbTkkr lego Into th# enuntry. Call at 20U Waat 481 h at. VV ANTED-A GIRL PGR URNMKAL IK'UnEW"i Gtic T? In a private family; muat be a goad weaker end Ironer. Call, lor two da)i, at 40 Ith a*. ANTED?A "DRESSMAKER AND TWO A? prontleei. Apply at 3O0 Waat 3&tb at. Mra SEYMOUR. WANTED-AN OPERATOR ON WHKKLKK A wilaon and a Brit claa* Bnlaber. 2.N6 Waat 4Sd *L W" AN T E D?Y o UN (IUIRL TO OO TO EUROPE: MUnT apeak (iarman and kmgliali well; nndarataud aawlog and tnka full aharga of children. Omy thnae with beat rae unimendatloa aad not aabjoet to aeaelekneee need apply to 142 it e?t .'.3d at , Friday nud Saturday next, between the hear* of 10 A. M. aad 3 P. M. li' A NTBD-A HfTsT CLANS DANISH. SWRDfSH life TT German toot. Apply at the Danlta Cunaulete, 52 Broedwey. between the lioera ot ID end I J. anted-a First class laundress! call at 1S2 Canal at. (barber a hep). w w w w HEiil* W AUTKP?MiMAJUM. ttfiCKK b IjTk ?T TgirTSSSXaBMINI M apprentice. Call bafora 9 at 141 Wait 38ih st. "RANTED?DKKHr?MAKKR TO GO OCT OP tfTTj . ? una arbe li an excellent cuttar, litter end trimmer; ?o other need apply; pries, 410 to tl'i per wees : maet give good referanee. Call only from lo te 12, oe Thursday mora lor. the 30tb, at Met. WARRING'*, oppoeiU htewart'e. 10th at. and Broadway. w ANTKD-GOOD TRIMMER* AX? APPRENTICES. 11/7 W?tt 23d tt., third Ilo?r. WANT hi)?A FRENCH OR OKR?AN WOMAN WHO ?peaki English. to takt eatlrt euerge of growing chil dren alii do light homework; beat cityrefereacea re quired. Call at 79 Madia on av? before 11 WANTED?AMoRICAN YOUNG LADIES TO LEARN dressmaking; good aevrers paid alter ttret month; alee one willing to do light homework; will be paid lmme elately. 84 Weat 17lb at. w ANTED?WET NURSE. APPLE AT 38a EAST 14th at , at 3 o'clock lo-day. ______ WANTED?A OiRL TO COOK AND DO COARSE walking. Apply, with good reference, 310 3d nr., alter D A. M . baaement door. w ANTED?A YOUNG OIKL POK GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply at S48 Oth ay. w ANThD-AN KXt-KUIKNCKD MILLINERY BALES lady. L. JIKCCKBR. 10% Divioiou at. w ANTED?A NURSE FOR A CIllLD ONE TEAR old. Inquire 56 St. Mark'a place. WANTBD-A GIRL ABOUT 15 TO 17 TO MIND children and mat a heraalf useful. Call at SOCortlandt St.. tu store. WANTED - SMART COLORED WOMAN FOR DOWN stairs wore; must be good plain cook, wa-her and Irouer. 317 Weat 28tb at. w ANTED-A WAIST HAND: ALSO AN APFREN. tice. Call at 110 West 30th at. A 11 WEST 34TH ST WANTED. A THOROUGHLY TITcompeteut girl for general housework; Protestant preierreu. W ANTED?A FIRST CLASS MILLINER, AT PHILIP ANGER'S fnncy store. 555 8th a*. W?ANTED?A GIRL TO COOK, WASH AND luON; TV alao a atuall girl to do light homework; city relereuce required. Apply at 43 Dorainlrk at. WANTED?GIRL COMPETENT SOIl UKNEKAL housework in a small family; city reference required; wages. 413. 3H3 East 58th at. SITUATIONS XV ANTKI3?iHAlalSS. A OERMAhfT^FIKST'CLAaS BReAD'aND CAKE -IXbaksr, wauta a altuatlon iu a baker's ahup or roataurauk Call or address 31) East 28th at. HEAD COOK WANTS A SITUATION; BEST CITY L reference. For paniculate addrcaa CHEF, heraldotttce. A FIRST CLASS BARTENDER WANTS A BITUA Atlon: citr <>r country; reference given. Addreaa W., bartender. Herald ultlce. A YOUNG MAN WISHES SITUATION OF ANY KIND iu some wholesale house; wages uo object. Address J. BLAKE, Harrison, N. Y. A WELL EDUCATED YOUNG MAN, SPEAKING French, English and German, daairee ? situation a> cou rier to a family goiug to f.nropa; refereuces. Address COURIER, iieruid Uptown olttce. A PERMANENT SITUATION WANTED BY A RE .ixspectable young man. In city or country; is honest, so ber and ludustrloOH; understanus the care of horses and cows, If required; willing aud obliging, andean make him self generally useful. l'lsase address INDUSTRY, box ISO Herald otBce. for two days. SITU AI ION WANIED-A YOUNG MAN AS DRIVER or porter; good reference. L. WIGGERS, 315 East 25th it. SITUATION WANTED?BY AN EXPERIENCED COOK abd carver. Address COOK, '226 West 40th it. E NV8LOP.-.8 ADDRESSED IN TUK EVENING 41 25 per thonsend. COPY, bux 182 Herald office. WANTED?SITUATION IN THE COUNTRY, BY AN Industrious man, en n farm ; will make himself gen erally useful. Apply 114 Wast 20th St., rear. WANTED? l SITUATION AS PORTER OR GEN orally useful man in a hotel or boardlug house; best references given. Address C. C.. Box 134 Herald Uptown ulttee. w ANTED-a SITUATION BY FIRST OL VSS COL ored man cook; best referanee. 90 Wooster st. W. REDDING. 228, WEST 301'H ST.?A RESPECTABLE COLORED man wants a situation; good reference. CLERKS AND SALESMEN. XX soles man or bookkeeper; can spaak the German lan guage: has good references. Address E. B., 141 Bedlord sr.. Brooklyn, N. Y. A PROTESTANT SINGLE MaN WANTS EMPLOY ment at coachman aud groom; cao milk and work In a Sarden; has same ol the vary bast oity reterenoes. Address . M.. 134 Uowsry. A THOROUGH MANIFEST CLERK hEKKS A SITU tion (railroad er steamer). Address MANIFEST, box 117 Herald olttce. A GENTLEMAN. QUALIFIED BY LUNG eXPEKI sues, desires a position us private secretary or place la au office: moderate compensation expected sou the high est relerencaa given. Address, tor three days, CAPABIL ITY. box 145 llerald office. Bookkeeper ?r <?th r employment; would go abroad; speaks English, French, German and Portu guese- A. If UEH.-CII.M ANN, Herald office. CltVIL SERVICE APPOINTMENTS.?POLITICAL IN .ffluenoe no longer nacastary. Adurees, with stamp, tor information as to the mode of procedure, requisite quallB catioua, examination; increase of clerical torce Jnly 1st. Ac., S. J. SPEAKING, Colonisation Bunding. 4% st. and Paunsylvanla nr., Washington, U. 0. Druggists.?relief clerk wants a few more engagements. Address TEN YEARS, box 1)9 Herald office D RUG CLERK WANTED?A COMPETENT YOUNG men, at 90 Bust Broadway. Drug clerk wanted.-apply at haktnett*s Pb?rmacv. corucr of 4th av. aad Sth st. H AT SALESMAN WaNT.-D AT M'GU1KK'H,?4 BOW cry. Law.?an inexperienced youth, ageo is. desires a situation In office; salary email and condi tional. HARRISON. Herald Uptown office. WANTED-a SITUATION, BY A HIGHLY RESI'I CTA blc young man, as dry goods clerk or say employment; la a good penman ; II rst cl as a testimonials: anows the dry goods trade thoroughly and is a total abstainer; town or country; selary moderate to start with. Addraee X. Y. Z., pox 214 llarald office. Wanted?at once, a situation as cashier in a ami el Mi reatauraut. Addnu N. N., box 134 Herald Uptown olU'-e ANTKD-BY A YOUNO MAN OP IS. A POSITION at clerk In wna hotel or reRaurant: salary no object; good relerooee. Add rim R L.. llirald ofllce. aNTED-BV AN IMPOKI1NU MILLINERY booie. a tint clasi lAlnman, commanding a pood trade, at a good aalary : axperliaeed man only need apply. Addreea. wltn toil ilgnatura. K. O . bnx _'n| llarald nfUcu. ANTED?A IUOUD SALESMAN IN ~B WT^AND ?boo itoro 331 11 rami it. Unit apeak Uirraan. w WANTED?BY A WIK>LB-tALK GROCERY IIOUHK, a young man ai laloauian who thoroughly under ?tandi tbu builuiai. nuua otbiri need apply at 443 Greenwich at., between 10 and 11 A- M. ANTED?AN ASSISTANT* BOOKKEEPER: MUST bo a good peninan. rapid and correct at Biuret. Ad dreta, at at lug vakii. whieb inuit be reaienable: reference* required. Addreu D.. box 13tf Herald Uptown uBIce. Wanted-a thorough business man as pki T*te aaleitnan at auction room*. No. 53 Bewery; inuit Id well ported in til* furniture buelneei especially: nnue except tboee well recommended need apply, between 7>? end BK o'clock A. M.: muet apeak German and Engllah. COACHMKN .WD GAUDEYERH. Situation STn?eB^by a cTrst class coachman; alngla; several yeart' beat reference*; city and country. Call ue or addreaa COACHMAN, 131 Weet 5otli at. COACHMAN'B SITUATION WaNTKD-BY a YoUNO man with Brat elata referoncea, ana can be reeommeud ad br Sdlff.-reut employers. ?. II.. box 11U Herald oilier. N COACHMAN. PLAIN GARDENER AND GEN eraliy uaeful?Single man: wegea moderate; beat rof areuce. Addreaa box 117 Herald oflloe. AS rlBST CLASS COACHMAN t CITY OR COUNTRY; beat city refereuce; la willing end obliging. Call on er addreu COACHMAN. Ill WeetSOth at. CO LO RED M A * W18 H R.-t JI SITUATION AS carcbuian or waller: ne objection to tbe couutry. J. B . box 164 Herald olBee. C" <)ACHM an Wanted?onb who thorouohly underataada bia uuatuoa.; Brat elaaa, and can be we.I rceommended by bit previous employer*. Nona other* nred apply. Applr Irom 1 to 3 P. M., 14 Coentlca alt p. Coachman andokoom'm hiiuation wanted? By Brat claaa Gorman; therougbly nndaratanda the bealneu: willing and obliging; 10 yaara' beat eltr refer once. Addreu J. (I., advancement uttice 554 3d av. Coachman - by thosoughly kxrE3BBB man : civil aad obliging; Bret claae city refsrouree. D , box 174 Herald Uptown Branob. CNOACIIMAN'S SITUATION WANTED?PROTESTANT jiaan . 13 voare' flret elan* vlty reference. Addreu W. II, Vt . No li VVest 31th at. First clash coachman Wants situation; competent In erery raipect; pleeee are reference. Ad dreaa t*. V., 737 7th av. CNKKMAN GARDENER (SInTiLiM WISUES A SITU Tatlr.n ; nndaratanda care of liori -a and milking. Addreai WILLIAM, 140 Poraytb nt . ba?ement. Ct kntleman wisIi1w~a~hitua t ion pgr his Xcoachman. gardnner and farmer; la Brat elaaa man In all It* brancliae: honeet. nobar, induetrlona anil faithful: fifteen rear*' reference. Call for three days at 314 and 31U Kent 135th (t.. Harlem, N. Y. SINGLE YOUNG-MAN "wants T sTtUAIION A3 coachman and groom ; I* atrlctly temperate; known all itnbranebee; In a good physician with lioraoa; beat city reference. Amir -at K.. hox I.Vi lleraid Uptown ofHc-e IS..I.K MAN Wants a MtOAfMMI M UOAOhL rase or groom; la atrictlv temperate; uuder-tanda the ear* of flue unr-ea aad carriages; very Beat eltv reference. Addreu T. L. K.. box 155 Herald Uptown olllee. SINOLR MAN AH COACHMAN-LATELY DISKS gaged, at faintly Is going to Europe; thoroughly undor standa hie busleeaa; Brat alaae rocomoiendatl-Mi from last employer Can b# tsan at bualneag aflaa private atablee, 3*i Knot 30th at. M. It WANTKO-BIi AN EXPERIENCED ENGLISHMAN, A situation aa coachmu ; hie wife wonld do cbamborwork end plain aawlng or go as nurae: baat elty reterence. Cell or adurou lor tbree days. J. M? 04? Bth av. HRIaP WAJTTKD?BIAJLBM. ? ciTmpeTMnT IXC8HFSF t?p brkBipitoM, ,f\ who tan com* at otieo : ont who dealt with lauieapre lerrebln state age, experlanee and expectations to HAMPTON. Herald nlBee. "7 MAN HP ACTIVITY AND ENERGY?APPLY, 7V Willi refereacea. attar 9. 33 Park plaea. un atalr. cashier wanted?in rnc-T class stork-, one who will loan $5011 nn aatlnfactory aacnrltr can hav* permanent poatlimi; weakly eatery, B30. SO HUGE DEK A CO.. 3 Clinton plaea. IN TIIK Or PICK. OP AN ANUINKBM?A BtlY, rHOM 15 to IS roar* ol age. Aitttreae, la handwriting, box 3,0*11, Law copyist wantkd-stati- experience had and salary required. Addreaa DREXKI,, Herald nlBea. 0" PEici iot WANTED ? MilaT" ~W RIT it WK LL*; wagea, $3 MX Addrots. giving reference*, T. It. n,, lieraid olllee. rricN EO? wanted-op ioon addrrsnand reference; $3 per week et Bret, BONN. Uereld i A 0 HELP WASTED?MALES. tytrjfr'rEAk-x&K?T8~ tXNfrar KvTuTWft* X to Mil to I J tamllies. hotels aud lar a consumers , la stock la tha cnuutry ; quality aud term* the boat. Country storekeepers ahould call or write TUU WkbLH TEX CO .1. PAN V. 201 f ulvoa ?? PROFESSIONAL" ORIOKKTER WANTED?BY THE Mate 11 Ialaad Crlakat Oiub; uoaa bat tborouvhly com petent men. with boat references. aaad apply to H. O. IIA IT(ill lON.tiO atone at. WU FIRST CLASS ADVERTISING SOl.ICITOKS Flrst olaaa caali prieea paid. Address, with references, RECTITUDE. Herein oltlra SKPUL MAN-PROTESTANT^ ACTIVE. KIksT data roilkar; able aud willing toi do all kinds of work; lio.'d eharaetar Irom lest placa. Add rear COUNTRY, box 2.805 Port . ttlce. ANTKD-A GOOD. STEADY COLORED MAN ; MUST uudarrtaad rtlaind room in private boarding liouaa; wages, 810 par month -.steady. Apply 11U Laxluptoa ay. AN TED-RESPKC TABLE BOY WHO Rr 81 DEB with lna pareuta and baa good rafaranea. Addraaa BaKKR. Herald Uptown olBca. THE TKAIJKS. T~oo6d"haRD aKd 80^w6ob~fUBlNKR 64* jVeirea to obtain a aituatlou : can bring tha boat or refer" oncer Irom amployora Add re re JOSEPH JONES. Clin loavllla. Conn. good watchmaker wanted-por brook. lyu : one who understands repairing Jewelry preferred; ware. S12 per week. Call oa Killer, between 1 and 3 P. M.. at PkKUND A Ol'I'EN HElMEE's, 23 Maiden laao. New York. ______________ a PHOTOGRAPHER W ANTED. APPLY 336 FUITTuN Art . nrooklyn. A PER ALE COMPOSITOR WILLINU TO WORK P)K S3 a week until Soutrraber. aud then recalva mora, any address WEEKLY. Herein Uptown office. a. oh a ussy, just-arrived prom pari*. where be liar been iu employment Tor 22 year* aa fora men and director iu a suirar refinery, wishes a situation la a soger refinery ae foreman; no speaks French end Gap man; be has some of the very bast references. Plaasa a4 dress at 13B Bleecxer st. SMTCATION WaNTED?BY~A_lioM I'ETKNT BUTCHER. 5tor country or city trads. Address by latter to B. DARK. No 211 West 28th. SITUATION WaNTKD-AS BAKKK (PORBMaN)i Jolty or country. 818 West 38lti it., third fioor, iront. aNTKU-'FWO MMOxi'ERTl.NC'EblN RUNNING electric wires for alarms. Apply 114 4th nv. WT AN TED?A YOUNG MATS To OKNAM I.NT SEWINO V? machines, out ol city. Inquire H. J. COOPER, Tap wllligsr A Co 's sale works, loth nv. and I3tb st. ANTED-SILK IIAT TRIMMKIIS. Joseph a MILLER, 07 Prlnee st. w w WANT..D IMMEDIATELY?TWO MEN TO BUS ammonia stilL Apply to LISTER BROTHERS, 131 Front sh. New York, WANTS D^A BUTCH KB BOY ABOUT 10 YEARS Of age; one that has worked at the business preferred. 117 Greenwich nv. FOR SALE. \ cok^e OX^e kksTAURANT FOR 8123T alsJ OXLiuuor stores, Bakeries. Confectioneries, Meat Mar kett. M ITCH ELL. 78 Cedar st. A FINE STORE AND DWELLING. 170 R1VINGT0M St., to lease lor any business. MITC H ELL. 79 Cedar St. A 8430 GOOD FAMILY LIQUOR STORE. BaST SIDE, ; cheap rant; long lease; satlsfaatorv reasons. J ON t'.S. 86 Centre >t A GROCERY. WITH BUTCHER SHOP. IN BROOK, lyu i splendid profitable business; prica 81.200; bast el reasons tor selling; excellent chance. EWEN. 7 Pine St. N ELEGANTLY PITTED UP CORNER LIQUOR Store (old stuud In Jorsev City) tor sale, with a lone lease now running. Apply to owner, FRANK GLOVRnJ 30 Peck slip. New York, or to P. COLAH AN. corner Graaa and York ste . Jersey City. A SMALL DRUG STORE, HANDSOMELY PITTED np. In first class neighborhood, will be-aula at a groat bargain; rent very low. Address ADOS, Herald nUea. BAKERY BTURK, WITH OVEN. 219 SOUTH 5TH av., #:!5 alss new email Store. 817; alto Dwelling, tlx rooms. 45 Grand. 817. >AR LUNCH KOOM, l8 ANN HT.-EA8Y TO GOOD B .nan; owner othor business. Apply on premises. FOR BALK-^CaNDY STORK, I.N GOOD LOCATION; now Hxtures and soda water fountain; terms wary matu rate. 183 7tb st.. alter 8 P. M. tflOR SALE VERY LOW^CIGAK. SODA STOKE AND 1 Lunch Knun> combined. Call, between 11 and 2 o'clock, 26 Maiden lane, corner Nassan st. {NOR SALE-A GOOD LITHOGRAPHIC BUSINESS, 1 with Steam Picas, Ac., on accouut ot tha death ot tha proprietor. Inquire at THEODORE KaHLMANN'S, 39 and41 Contrast.. New York. IflOrt SALE?MEAT MARKET. ON THE EAST blOK, 1 doing guod bttslnaat; eausa sickness in family; It aa* sired Fixtures alone; low price. Inquire at 1,379 3d ar., dry goods store. OR SALB-GROCERY BUSINESS. WITH STUCK, cheap. No. 70 King st i For sale?good grocery, in excellent con ditlon ; rare chance lor buyers. SOU WAR. 277 Bowery. FOR KALE?$430 WILL BUY GOMPLBTB STOCK aad Fixtures of a Grocery Store ; a good cbanaa. In quire In bakery 113 Greenwich av., corner Jane st. IjlOK HAEE-A RESTAURANT IN BLERCKBR ST., 1 furnished and well doing, goodraasons tor selling. Ad dress 1.250 Broadway (Bo.phorus Tobacco Company). . F~ UK SALE-A GROCERY; OWNER LEAVING THE city. Apply 742 East 9tb st , third floor. L. LOWBN Til All L>OK 8ALE-A BUSINESS FOR MAKING BOOK, r lilmlin' Tool*. Paging Machines and HMblMrjrofmrr description: established 15 reft' ?. For particular! apply to JOIIN 8. .McGILL, No. 25 Cuaiuberi at., from 3 to 5 F. It ("TltnOKRY .aTUKE. STOCK AND FIXTURES FOB 7aale; a bargain. Apply 511 10th av. Soda water and root bkkk fountain for ??Ii or ta rent; alio a lot ut second hand eoppar Fenn talna and Generators, cheap for caah. Apply to JOHN OKAY. No. 3d I Ka.t 20th at. OODA WATER AND~KOOT HhrR APPARATUS. ALU U>lfl?. belov coat. W H IT FIELD'S. 282 Water it., M. Y. o helving and Vixturks or a ukoubry storh Ofor tale at 878 2d ay SAFK.-LILLIK'S BL'KGLAU AND FIRE PKOOV( combination lock; excollout order; coot $125; cheap. Addre.n ?aFK, box 174 Herald office. -WAN I ED. RELIABLE MAN TO BUY PROF! Uable Cigar Stand, 15 Well it.: owner other bnaL $100, 01 1 1WI WILL PURCHASE a first class laun. ?P'xUUdry. wall established. In the vicinity of Broad, way and Clinton place; matt be told. Addrate J. H. 8., station D. MACIUHEni. nOtlT (Warranted NoTW^fKKWffi) JY Leather Belting, cheap to caah cuitomera. FITZOBK Ai.D, 82 Centre at. BMP IKE WOOD 8PLITT8KB? BEST IN UNITED state- for splitting pine, oak, hickory; send for circular. Mr. WILLIAMS, 154 Eaat 25th at. Stationary, POKTABLK.Tioi8riNo and yacht hngiaoa. In ureal variety, with boilers, puuipa and gen eral machinery, uew and aocond han't. WIi.BON A ROAKE, Front and Dover cto. ANTKD?ONE BKaM ENGINE ABOUT 28-lNcrf xU-cyllndor rondauaer and Boiler complete. Addroca box 210 Herald office. FUR.MI i UltE, .A. .and Bedding Warehouses, 512 and 514 8th av.. Bear Mtlth at: the largest ealabliahioont in the city; loweet caah price.; weekly aud monthly payments takon. ~ik you Want TOTES a fine assort*knV A. .? Parlor Suite, Lounges. Chain, Iloaka, Ac., call oh TUMs JOHNSON (old atand), 58 Liberty si. AUMANN 8 ROT It hHS ARE O FKKKINU GREAT bargalna in Kurntture, Carpets and Bedding at thois etorea, 228 and 230 tindaoa at., corner Broome ; weekly and monthly peymenta taken. B7UKNITURE AT Low PKICK8.-A LaHUK 8Toci of entire new styles of good substantial Kurntture, manufactured br the eldest home in the city, is now of fared at prices lar below any that have boon sold for irst ela-a work. Please call and examine fur yourselves a* WILLIAM II. LEE'S. 98 Watt Idtr, at.. New York. Furniture, carpets! mirrors. mason a ham 11 ta urgaii. Fancy Tablet. CheObnalor, Etageroa, Ae.. at auctiou prices. 84 West 341b. 1M VI hNSKKEDOOHONTnTrICKS OF FURNITUP* Carpel., Ac., for <-aan or eaay payments. CO' TIIWaIT'S, 155and 157 Chatham at. send for Ulu price Hat. Weekly or moatbly payment. Misfit uarpktb and oilcloths very at IIENDAI.L'S old plaeo, 112 Pulton el. t^ for price list Tji.FrtioKK .tors.?an y party wmiJ AVuueutity uf Refrigerators to tell cheap office. ?tOHAHBe "TTTfllKiiAN *" H III I I'll p. US' ST?' , /Yhouaea. 232 end 234 Weal 47th at., i Separate rooms fur furniture, pianos, bay lion anWeitOd -FIRST CLASS- STORAGE. KM. ? Ka.t 44tli at.. I.axlmrton av., lor flue of Art. Ac.; pla-tnred compartment.: par muring city ur country; orders aollcuet vited. O'REILLY HKoTilK Prnprieti A-siokauk For" fuknitUrk. ?aeoarate roomst lowrat rates; elevali WM. II. MICIlALhS, : 18-42 loot'ne'ce at VI Hi ICS WAREHOUSES. 8TII At to 34tb at. ? Storage for lurallare. bag warea ef every deacriptlod. In aeparate meute. aiwa.ra accessible viffiee 3tW West o Toe mi E pi ir kuk.mtuhk. car Oyueral merehandiee; law rate; aacurit responsibility guaranteed- sMITll A slLl. stb av. "1 (!?) WEST 33D IT. (EAGLE STOBr J." ItIhdtMM),?acrtipiiloiialy clean; moileri. Improved elevator: rash eeeommodallnae If deai^ aiiu" ("lifAWAU lagakosak. fffS KVBSfflj tl /In wood and glaea. VICfGR E. MaUUKKA 1j lit) Haaue at.. New lork. AMTKOMMAk. AHTROLOOl'.K LtlifKR, 5o5 WP, :T 23D " V?!?1 onlv one lu the elty. Send stamp fur elrealar. A WONDERFUL CIIILll, OIKTBl) WITH SECOND eight; tails everything without questioning. KM East 41 ito. near Lexington aV. ATTK 5 TlON. ?CON8C LTATIONS ON BUftlNhMlC lawsuiU. auemlee, loseea. aoaant friends. leva, marrlegt and death. Pay ralua.d unlees aatisfled Mtue. SiNGHI. Clairvoyant. 437 West Mth CsiKi f.D LA 5f tElaldTVoUE TRUE FORTUNE ni Ttlia line, rf the hnnd. 2UU Grand at., tlrat Hour. r~Collins, the rkliable TTlaTr" vnyant Id the elty; magneUe treatment. 75 Weed 35th el. iU) (1(1(1 KKWIKD-OuVntEsS |)K LONDoiT ?C* Jv'.Y/V" v/atar elalrvnyeut el the world. 57 We?l Willi at. flKllUAh. fPTVflTFFrrSlD.-Abvic,. FRkk. U 915 Eeat 45th st.. i M M . near 3d do. RR. LYONS-REMOVED ToTl/7 WEdT Visf dF" RR BURNS. 184 Loxingtoa av., near 32d at. Advloo I