Newspaper Page Text
If TV WgAl/ EITATB. WE gAtK. " ~ (>nf ral. A -MADISON' AV.. BETWEEN 39Tb AND 40TB STK ? Full sue four story blab sloop brown ?ton*, nn exquis ite residence, lur ante reasonable. V. K. STEVENSON. Jr., 4 Pine. 36 boat 17lb at. and 881 Sib ??. A" T LOW PRICKS?FIRST CLA8s"NEW BOUSES, Madison ??. and 45m at. ; 90 faat wide ; extra Una ear ner. substantially constructed; extensions: eabiuat ttutsh : Artistic designs: sideboards. nilrrora, Ac. o'lthlLLY uRoTHEKS, builders, architects and proprietors of ator age warebouaa, 100. lift hast 44tb at. Assortment choice dwellings-moderate prices; own production . sand for deacriptioa. DUGOIN A UKU88MAN. arcbitocia. 63 East 41st. Brown stone house. is feet front, with llbrarr extension. No. 68 West S4th at., for aula; ta tb-Tourbijr well built and la flulsbad in artistic cabinet work; oarlor story la ebony and French waiuat: antique krone# bardwaro art, Iliad grates. bevelled mirrors, Ac ; In Ike construction and finish of tins bouse ovary cara iiaa boon taxeu to Insure bulb elegance and durability ; plumb I'*it, drainage aud vautllatlou perfect. Apply on proinlsaa; open all day. lt*Q WtdT 47TI1 ST, NEAR BROADWA Y.-E LE AvJOcaut brown atone llou?e at auction June 4; aalo positive. Mane. Ac.. from RICHARD V. 11A U.N E FT. Auc tioneer, 111 Hroadway, basuuiaut. tfflTl r<WtI KART74TH ST.; ELEGANTLY Lu M f.eated four story brown stone House, 18.8 front; cabinet tlulsb; oiler opeu una weak. Fust Ultle. For salf.-a new three ktory brick house ou 113th at. near Lexington nv.; all improvements; possession ; lightly mortgaged. $l,utxjcit?b required. .MURRAY. 316 East I lOtb at. Wot "side. A PLOT OP GROUND FOR 8ALK-8DXH0 FEET; Ninth ward. E. L, A 11 T. MU'RNIIAM, tXW liudaou st. GRADED LOT IN 56TII ST. HKTWlihN THE 6tb anu 7tb avs.. $5.CXJU V. is. STEVENSON, JR.. 4 Pino sk_ BROOKLYN PKOPEHTY FOR HALE AM) TO RENT. A T ??0U- FiltsT CLAS.x LARGE A11 ouse ; mirrors; all iaiprovaoi ants; first class neighbor bond; six blocks to terry. Brooklyn; bargain. D. ELa'ION, 28 Liberty st.. New Y'ork. OR SALE-HOUSES IN BROOKLYN AND ELsK wbore; House aud Stablo. Monroe at., $3,750; Sackelt It.. $4,500; Hart at.. $4,750; Fare sr., $.">,750; tjueens. 12 DUG, Ulilton, S. I . 13.350. Whitosloiie. $3 000 and 13.500; South 9tl> st.. $10.5 O; Tarrvtown. two acres swell, $5,iK)0 anu $5,500. Address A. F. WEEKS, Tarry lowu, N. Y. To "let?Nomina l ken < koii ~the summer. elegantly furnished House, near ferry. See MACPIlbU" hoN at .Mining Board. WEHTCHKHTEK UOUNT V PKOPEUTY FOR SALE OK TO UK.VT. A~MEW KOCHELLii. -furnished house near ?the Sound; rent low to a carelul tauaut. Apply to R. W. UU LAO i'. is. 51 VYilllain at. Nice s7iady"flack~fuknishbd; season ok year; reot low. Address OWNER, or apply coruar 1st av. and 3d st , Mount Vernon. Tolbt-fullu FURNISHED. AT TAKRYTOWN, ON Broaowity, In full view of tiia Hudson, the second House an tbe east side, north of AicKiel psveuue. A poly on the ?Usee or to S. KM HI- It SON. PROPKKTY OUT OK TIIK CITY FOB. SALE OR TO RENT. A- ' GILBERTsM'fiS A~?o.T s 3UI Hroadway. are ptodiielng at Fairmnuiil I'ark. N. J., unusually attractive nod complete Suburbau llomna. Flute. 10UX15O; skilfully laid uut. Our latest improvement (tlie park) excites oqual surprise, aduilratiou and delight ol tbosa rislltug premlaes. A FINK TEN ACRE PaKM, AT V1NKLAND, N. J.; ili.l kinds Iruit. crops, line seveu room house, outhouses, farming implements, Ac. ; price $J.2 4); bnrgnlu. KWKN, 7 Floe at.. Now York. SPAl'IOUH HOUSE IO LKT.FUKNISHBD. AMONO tbe bills, not Inr Iruni New York. IIOMI'.K MORGAN. 2 Pine at. A' T MONTROSE, SOUTH ORaNoeT thKEK Mix utas' walk Irotu depot, desirable Residence; every con venience : garden, stable Ac. C'oUDKKT HROTIIF.K8. No. 08 William at. AMCELY FU KNI8HKD"HOUsK AT KNULBWOOD at a muoerate reutal. Addreas P. 1)., Harold Uptowu ?floe. CHARMING bUll.ilKR RESIDENCE AT [KVINO ton on tbe Hudson: handsomely tarnished: five acres, trail trees, vegetable gardru; complete appointment! for gentlemen's homo ; lor rent Ibis season or lunger. Apply to HAKi.ol'N A BIKKmTaDT, 58 and 00 Keada at. Farm worth $H).(xxi, good buildings, for $4,1X10 caab. if money can lie bad this mouth. Apply to bELDN KK. Bowery and Bond st. 1/IUKNI8I1ED HOUSE To I.ET AT WASUINGToN 1 Heights; 15 rooms; water and gas; gardau, iruit, nice lawn ; low rent. Apply UakDNEK, 87 l^omaest BNOK BALE?AN EXCELLENT PakM OF SIXTY-FIVE eeres, with buildiuga, all In fine order; price $7,500; on taay terms; will take smaller place In part paymeDt. In quire ol JOHN H TALMAUK. Counsellor at law, 320 Broadway, New- Y'otk. House?in rooms; imfkovements; 4 acres; frnit. shade, lawns, spring water; high situation; views; bealtby; perfect order; furnished: borae, cow, chickens: tor sale, flft.OOO: terms easy - let $100 month; 17 miles III New Jersey. OWNER, box 188 Herald office. VTKW BRIGHTON. H r A T L N ISLAND, ON RICHMOND Xl terrace uear the terry. ? A few large, airy Rooms to mt, lor gruiletuen, with or without Board, Addreas Mrs. MiitlWKK. box 14 New Brighton, OK NO:- (A SPECIAL! V).?V^KY DhhlR , liLE lurnisbi d Houses; rent $5(> month aud upward. S, D. CO.xDIT. 182 Broadway; Orange oflice, adjoining Brick Church Station. ORANGE-MOUNTAIN' SLOPE: BEAUTIFUL LOOA lion, lor rent, furnished; fine Kealdenee ; all Improve ment*; stable, garden, cuw. B. K SMALL. 145 Mremtway. o let" at Long brandm, ak ei.euant Store on Uceen nr., betweeu Mauaiou end United Stetee H< tel. It] by 3J, suitable for aav business, at moderate rent. Apply F. Y A UF, 4111 8th av. To lkT-at ktamFord. conn., for the sum mer, or until November I. a furnished detached IJouae. 13 rooms, cellar und> r whole house, gas and water; three qbartcrs ol au acre of laud, with stable and garden; loca tion dreirabli-; six mtuutos Irom depot. Apply to W. f KKGl'SON. 35 Fine at TO LET- AT XKW BKIOIITON, ON FiTts HKIU11T very desirable llonse; all modern Improvements: gar den and lawn; well shaded; unexceptionable neighbor hood. oouvenlent to ferry. D. K. il lTC'llCOCK. 62 Broad "7 rpu LET?FURNISHED COTTAGE t)N THE HUDSON. X near Ferry House. West Fidut. with or wlinout Board. Addraea WILLKTT PARKY, lllguland Falls. N. Y. O I.ET ON THE NORTHERN RAILROAD OP NEW Jrreay. at Leoula. a vary ha (Issue Cottage, containing eight rooms: garden partly made, pleuty of fruit end abode ; three lutuutee Irom station ; can be eeeu at any time. In qui re of station agent REAL ESTATE TO KXCIIANGE. jjflEN I KAI LY LOCATED BROWN HTONK HoUBK VJ (subject to light 8 per ceut mortgage! to exohange lor fH.lxxj Nraclt Real ieuco ; also 5th av. House to trade for place at Tarrytowu. Y'onker* or Kiverdale. ( II. i.Ot K. 171 Broadway DON I MOURN OUR FAST MIHFOKTUNCM. Til ERR Is a goad tlm<> coining ; clouds eheed have a silver lin ing'. I'll buy. sell or trade and give all e ebanee to panic! Rate In a grand, ola-iashloued ' Jubilee Auction" on Coney lland J una 23. J - i(K .Mill x.sON . 58 Liberty st J~A0K SaLK OR ~ihXOHANGK?AT TARMYTOWN, antnmnr aud winter Home, large honae, but and cold water. 12 acres; laundry, cetrlage house, barn, hsnuary, Isabuuae. pujtd. fruit traes of various kinds; fiuo river ?iewe. Also a fine Plot on two roads; two acres; river ?lews, $5,fax). Also two story and attic Dwelling; two acres, $5,5u0. Ad-Ira-" A F Wi.r KS. Tarrytown, N. Y. I (SOB HALE OK" EXciuNGK?A VALUABLE FARM In Connertlout for personal property. Address J. H. BMILKIBIE, North Ashtord, Conn. FOiTsTLe OS EXCiTaI^iTiT-a FINK FARM OF J?W acres. In Harrison c inutv Iowa; Bret class Impreva aients; uear railway. Address CLAt. IIU ll. rslu ultn-e, T' O KXCH A (.; 11) uT'OU'nTkA' PLACE OK HrtOok lyn. a feur story Dwelling, up towu, or Plate nesridh nv. Qr.o. 11. FE1K1' . M4 Broadway. Wanted to kxciiange on account of kick. nfss, Wa n and t arrlage Factory also Match Fac lerv In toll runclng order several Buildings,20 acres if Lend, large Dam. (Aatcr Power, enjoining depot; ho tulles Imm New York; free and clear: price. $40,0U0; want Xew Y'ore or Hrootlyner first class A - .teru Lauds. Addreas KKAt KHTATK WANTKI). /"N fcRhNWOOD CKMKTKKV.-LOT UK HALP~IAlt XJTwaated Oiva price aud parllculnre. hUMUMlH. bus lift Herald office. TO luKT KOIl It( Sl.\ KNW Pl'HPUKKN. y>kNNRtr h( iliiIm. J J rurnur ol Ku Vg s Pulton en<l Naeaau tt? ceveral office* In till* building to lot *t graatly redaeed root* Tbc office will be altered to eult tennnU. I be building t? beeteil by ileetu. end rack office has ?lahauiil end Water In It. Two etovaiora manias. No extra*. Apply to JOHN U K NIOIIT. at the building. T~\ F.N fit AH LK NIO Kk" iUTff IIUAUWaY, t'Mr Kit 1 ' Vt iocheeter llutel, Ono location. largo ebow wtndowe, low fast. uAflUOLPb Meet MM bet. YaIhnT CLAM I 'M NliltV TO KKKT-W1TH MA L eblaerjr ami llaelta. In cempleto rnnalutf order; will ac t oaetltiga lor Hi root. Apply at tbe KhYaKIl M'uVIi ?KK>. tor. Kaat Utli ?t. TRAN POWhit wTFh W LL LIUUTKD KoiIMB, vartoua eieee. In Centre and Kim ?ta. U_F. IIA LL. 137 Kin at. I.KT t; 11 KAP ?KIUIII "tor?7 Wlfll WATr.M ,'run, at tl" f"oi ot :<Utn at., Kaat Klver. Apply to O. Ion Kb. eitx uth it. fin 1.1*; i ri ;-i smut i> \ k w ii ii.dim." ill 1 Bower jr. aultable lor any baalneii. Apply T. U. OKOWK, jAil Bowery. rpo LBT a hkoovu Floor^ nut LI HIIT HUdl X aeee. In the buelneee centre or the city. Kor particu lar* appl r lu at ore SUM Hi Ii a?. rpo LM-nTOKB A.nTiuA KLLINO NO. IR'CIIRIR* JL top her it : in neighborhood I tnrae ateamablp llnee ?ad llobeKen ferry: no agent* Kor further uartlcuiare la |aire of W >1. O. UOWRNKl INK. 4WM iladaen it. THRKK FLOORK. OR MIX APAUTMKNTN, IN A MI.W nulieiar. with lateat Irnprnvaaionta. well ventilated, water, rae Ac. 7u Hank at., near Hlaecxer ILLIAM NT. A HTOKK FOR MILK OK POT 1 goe'l aland for drupe, clgara. YlOYLR 3>rj William at. DWCLL1NO IIOL'SKN TO LC'I. Ktif n I a lie! OOAFY OOTTAItR. MM* KOoMN, IlKNT ROM FUR* Lnlehed BVi. at g:m l- a.t 4"lb at. ; all luiproveinenta w A ? BAItOAINB IN Kl'KN INllKIl IIOUHhH Af 4 ? Pine, 3ft Kaat 17th at. and UHI frill av. V. K. KTBVRNHON, Jr. A nkati.v fcknihhkd four htoky iioish. part ol rent will te taken in hoerd If deaireil. HAUL NH 1.514 Hrnadwav. corner 44th et. l NICRLV FLKNlhllRO IIOI'SB 111 I.KT CIIRAPt A modern Improvement!, pleno. Ac. 571 Madiaoa ?v? filliabeth. N. J. Jll'RNtKIIKH HOl'ltR TO LKT 13.5 W KRT 3HTII NT ; 1 two atoriev end btrceieit: 47ft per month, inquire at 137. naat door. litURNIhllKII HOC K TO KRNT-B40 PKH MONTH J} Apply at 130 Reel Md eh OWBLLISG HOrSKS TO LIT. " 1 nimrmalirti A -BARGAINS IN UNPl'ItNISIIED HOUSES AT 4 ?fin*. 85 But 17th el. and 061 3th av. V. K. STEVENSON, Jr. OJOiNma LEXINGTON. 4800: UNEXCEPTION A ble b.oc*. 41.UUO: perfect gem. $5-50: Hlt? oilier bar gains. MINZESHEiMEK, 16nEast 57tt ?t A" FOUR i-TOBY HOUSE. NEAR BROADWAY. EUR alabed or uuturnished ; low rent to carolnl tenant, as Mcupaoi wlsbe? to leave town. III C UN II A, I 314 Broadway, corner 44tb It BAKUAINS.-THKEE STORY (18 KOOMS), PAINTED throughout. 41.000; modern lour etory, near Broadway, 11,200. T. B. GOOD.ALK A CO., 5 Wait 23d at CAaLL. EXAMINE HuUSeS LElff <?VhB: ALL LO /callous: 45uu upward; near Ath av.. 41,800: near Lex ington. 9800. FKOEHUCU. 7S8 3d av. SECURE YliUK HOUSE FOR ~THE FAl.L NOW. 34th at. aud 33d at., near Broadway; Houaea, uaw, $1,060; Plate, In the Alexandria, Adalpliia. Saratoga, haw port. 460U lu 4Uis i others 4-' > up. near tliia nmoe. J. W. STEVENS. Broadway, eornar 5Jd at. O LET-BROWN STONE HOUSE; SACRIFICE; L<J Metlfia, Mn.ul Pnetlimlawa tad. 1 P. All *JTtll ll. N O 1AO LET?WEST 3oTU ST., 008KY THREE SfOKY Mansard Houae; bath, itaa; rent low. 84 Ldberty, room 4. FUlllVIHHKO ROOM8 AND APARTMENTS TO LET. " PRIVATE family will let a'labgk front J\ Kooui, naudaoiuely furnished. for housekeeping; rant $4 UU. 208 Weat 4t?tli at. BEAUTIFULLY PUBNI8BED PaULOR FLUOR, three rooms. en auite or aluely; alao single Koonia 81 Beat 20tli at. SECOND FLOOR. COMPLETELY KUKNI8IIKD lor housekeeping, with Piano and nrlvata bathroom. 408 Weat 24tb at. ^handsomely furnished booms, hot and ?cold water, closets; 47. $0 and $8; Sue location. 1,147 Broadway, near 28th at. A~" I LO WEhTsU M M K it PK1C KF.?PRIVaTE~FAMILY will let cool, baudaomely furnished Kooma; ltonrd 11 deairvd. 26 hast 20th at. Front hall" room, bath and gas. in pui vute tumilv, to gentlcinau, 42 per week; reference. 7 Won Waablnutou place. FEW NEWLY~FUKMsTFeD ROOMS IN BROWN atone house ; newly painted; hot and cold water, bath, Ac.; plenty ul cluaot room ; very cheap. 818 Weat S2d at. COUPLE OF~llANDSOMELY FURNISHED LAROE Rooma; hot and cold water; batb; low rent; choice neighborhood. 222 Eaat 14th. LABOR AND a small from t~uoomTog e n ilk men > nly : rent moderate, 103 Weal 28ili at. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM TO KENT. WITH Lor without Hoard. 27 Weat 31at at. LaD"Y~ OFFERS NICELY KUs.NIHHKD ROOM8, to $6 weekly; bath and gat. 198 Eaat 10th. Af2 A?handsomely purnisiied rooms, suita able lor light huusckeenlug; hall B droom. Reception Room, with prlviL go In kitchen 27-' M eat 25th at. C" AHEAP RENTS.?107 tkABT 44TB ST., NEAR IM4NB /Central depot, tarnished Apartmenta lor amnll familiea; gaa, hath. Ac. IjtLKGANT R4IOMS FOR GENTLEMEN, 45 nEEKLY. 2230 Eaat 15th at., oppoaiie pnrx. Plrat claaa private houae. Elegantly furnished koomb to let?at reeeonabla pricea. 83 Weat 9th at. F7UKN1.4HEU NICELY?FRONT ROOM FOR HOUSE keeping for raanlad couple In ? privato bouse. 8 Yariek at. FAUK.WSHKD NEWLY AND HANDSOMELY. ALL cdhvealanoea; very moderate price; gentlemen only. 144 West 15th at. F~"UKNISIIKD HANDSOME HALL. 43; ROOM. PAR lor floor, 44 ; Basement and Ilodroom, 48; Attic, >1; large Room. 44: hall Room, $2. 106 East 15ib at. Furnished sitting room and bedroom cheap: no other boarders or lodgnre In house. 144 Rust 17th at. Tarnished rTjoms. without board, for oen r tlomen onlv; oboioe accommodations and very control. 34 W tat 25th at. iJurnishkiT FRONT ROOM, hall ROOM A D.J GIN" r lug. togethor or aeporoto: gcntlem n. 14 Eoat 15th at.. Bear Tiffany's. Iill'RNISHKD HACK ROOMS, COMPLETE T248 WEST 37th at ), to rant. IIKWLF.TT, 34th -t. and Nth uv. TjlLOOK-KIVE ROOMS, ALL IN GOOD ORDER ; ALL r conveniences; ball mice lor the summer months. In quire of the landlord. 173 iVaverley place, near the Jeffer son Market and I'erry at. C~TfcN I'LEMAN DESIRING JLARGE. IIAnDSOMETTET^ Troom, every convvnlenee. with or without Parlor, In private lamlly. apply 4U West 38tli at Handsomely furnished cool front rooms. to gentlemen or ireutleman and wile; nlao First Floor, three moms connecting. 140 tt'eet liltli at. ANDSOMKLY FURNISHED and unfurnished Fiata and Suite of Rooms.; reduced rentals. A. DAILKY. OStlOth av IN A PRIVATE BROWN STONE HOUSE?A HAND aotaely turnialied ironl Room and Bedroom, together or Separate: gentlemen or housekeeping. 2<)9 vt est Slat at. I oWhit pTkt Ofl HOUSE HANDSOMELY FUR. Jnlahed, lor bouaekooplntc. to a small family; reut (11. 2(M Went 40th at. H Nicely furnished kimnt room on second Hoor. S3; one on third, S2 75; moderu lmpruvoueula; cool and clean. 20M Went 21at at. ONE SUIT AND SINOLK ROOMS?AlHY AND COOL: at pricea to suit tbo times: opposite Columbia Colic: e: acco r.modatiooa unexceptionable; use of carriage. 438 Madison av. o MADISON HQUAKK-RLKOANTLV FURNISHED Apartments to let In floors or singly. 12 East 28d at. PHYSICIAN'S OFFICE TOLBT-FUKBlMHKD, IN prlrato family; 235 West 22d at.; also desirable front Koonr: heat accommodations. TO LET-A SECOND FLOOR, HANDSOMELY KUR nlahed. to a party of gentleman, or will let tho Rooms singly. in a private nottso. West 33d at., hetweun 8|h and litfc ava : hath and all coavenitncee. Address GEORGE, Herald Uptown office. y i-.RY ELEGANT ROOMS TO RENT TO GENTLE meu ; rates reasonable. 13 East 28lh it. between Stn and Madieon ava $.) TO (111 I'ER WEEK -DKSIRAHI.E FURNISHED -Room- to lat, without beard. 20 West 12th at. till AND ?2 50.^FKONT II vLL ROOM, OuMFORTA ?ahly furnished; nriaate family; references exchauged. 14 Warren place (Charles at.) to CI t TO (5 ?LAKG K. WrgL:fURN 1 s II ED ' r\Jfront Rooms on Brat and second floors 31 Clin ton pleae. ?J ROOMS ADJOIN INO?NICELY FURNISHED. IN Oflrst class house ISO 2d av., corner 12th at.; cool, pleas ant: every convenience : will rent to suit: eery reasonable. References. Inquire till Saturdav for Mrs. POTTER. 4NICI-LY FURNISHED ItoOuS ON ONE FLOOR, suitable far light housekeeping. INI West 24th st. 5TH AV.. NO. Kt4 -LARGE FIRST FLOOR. Ft'R nished. tn let; every courealenee; alee single; rvlerences required. Hfll ST tCLlNTON I'LACEiTNKaK BROADWAY.? Furnished Rooiua to rent lor single gsatlomen or taml Ilea; terms reasonable 1H MART 2STII ST . HKTW KKN flTH AN D M ADISON ll/ava?Handsomely lurnithed Rooms; oroaklaet It de sired ; references 10 WAVKKLeY I'liiu. NEAR UR'lADiV AY ?FUR. nlehrd Rooms, front, st very moderate prices, 22 to (ti. WEST 20T11 ST. CORNER OK RROaDWAY.? Elagaut booms, suitable (or lamlliee or eingle gentle men. 1 Q W AS IIINGTON FLA IK. NEAR B RO A DtV A V AND J O Washington sunare.?Neatly lurulebed Ronnie for gen tioinou. with exclusive use of handsome parlor and rea<dug room eomhined; location cool and moat desirable; terras moderate; reference* exchauged. Oslfl ST.. 4*7 VkstTI-TII It E ROOMS. FURNISHED aJa^for housekeeping or gentleman, divided If required; terms modsrate. 4~e~KA?T Vril 8 T.?NEWLY FURNISHED BOOMS, sjlarge anu small; also Parlors, partially furnished, at sunns r prices; noar good restaurants. Cll WENT KITH ST. MOKLY FURNISHED ROOMS ? JUlor geutlam-n; reference r qulreil. vTesi 24r? sr.?FRONT >tLCOVE ROOM AND are Room; aleo ball Hodroom. haudsomely fur r/i < > t ? Jequ 1111 MACDOUOAL by.?FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH A L' 'convanisiu-e tor beneakeeptng; house refurnished and cUanged bauds. lift"AV.?FURBISHED FEONT AND EAUK 1 J < 'Parlor, let together or separately; ana for house keeping ; coiner 14th st. 17)/j MAdTsuN AV?FARLOK AND BEDBOOM ON Uorusl floor, lor a gentleman : broakfast II duslred: rsfarancca '>111 WEST 22D ST. PRIVATE FAMILY WILL LET w' ' I two alcely lurnlahed front Rooma, aleo Farlor, with out board. nvnnni uoo.ii* ,nu APART* MEVI's TO LKT. "a'PaW 8tffPK BTWTT; ^Vacant, reflued new; garden, shade trees, play ground; modereta; flue location. T A SEDUCED RENT?SPLENDID Mltsi FLAT Rooms, on Lenlnaton av.. elan one nn Tills av., near h at. MARY LEVY. 7UTBlh ,.v. A A NICE FLOOR TO LET IN BROWN HToNE IIOl SK, :m7 East 21st st. Apply to J. McDElt.MOTT, 156 Prince at. LOW BR" PART~OF~ A HOUSE TO LET.?PR ONT and back parlors and two bedrooms; Ironl and back basement hot anil cold water, belli, stationary tabs, gas fixture., he ; f:ti per munth I3U East Tlst at PLOoR AND "of II BR hoOMS. #2 To SS FEB Asi FIRST AMD THIRD FLaT TO LF.I-nIX ROOMs cb rem 922 null #2'J. OWNER, 4 ?' West 31st st BF AI TIF PL. CON PACT APARTMENTS. 2 lift WEST 25th ; p ay i ri'dml; shade trees; kiosk ; Janitor; line lo cation . oral windows. IJEaUTIFULKboi, PRIVATE HOUSE. 82ii"wisT ITt-'iil at . six gmi all Improvementst rant reduced. Apply on premises. C1AP ITO L?BOB WEST IHTII ST.?FI BUT CLASS /French F at. seven light rooma. very desirable, (m jll.lln 925 TO SR.; HALLS ' ARP TED. J.lMTOR. ? 123 We.t 11th st. hetwaea Alh and litb art. StiEWoii FL tT. "six IIOOMs; AIX ~M" 11F. It N I M 7 provemmts E'lj mouth. 122 Waverley place ?ORE OR UNFURNIsilBD ROOMS TO LET.-14? ; East 3!'th st FM.O'i|tS TG l.lif f.'j, ?*>; FIVK ROOMS, NEWLY painted | brown stone hmis.i; with owner. 2(11 Watt Ml st. 11-1VIn -F t ".Ml FLOOR. I N FMIVATE FAMILY; idei n Improvements; lurnlahed or nnlurnlehed 215 r.a>t SME si Si'LF. x I'l li SKCONI) FLOOn. $25 MOETH7 TWO Itnoins 1.15; one It om. 41": bath, gas, hot water; com plete" lu in-had for hou-tkeeping; aouae private. 171 East H7lh el. K 'PLF.M III SHOWN nTuNE FLAT. S LIGHT MiIGMS, Jail modem improvement!! rent low. JANITOR, 330 Poet 2M"i at rno let-Paiu.iik fi.ogR, nTS Rooms, rent hi J lour booms, on second flour, reut $12. Apply to nwi nn premleoe, SSiKeai loth si. rnSTLEf?tMs iMuiFrhiNia ih feivam eou 1 3111 East IVth st.; nil modern Improvements; with own no bill. liNVUKKIKHUU HOOMI AND APiHT MENTI TO LET. mLpfhT-Kot K iTATDaultE koi>*"8^Wyn~**HitY X convtulrnee. to a luill family, la house No. IDT Bteeeker ?l.; rout *1 >? par mmiili. TO LKI-Sr.COND AND THIRD FLOORS OK NO. 23 Whi 13th *t..six rooms each; every coaveuUaeo lor housekeeping. ?? mo LET-TWO ROOMS AND A Kl?OUEN., 104 8TH To lkr pijut*ffH av.. near sra at.. live rooms. with bath, ho; water. stationary tuba, gas. Ac.; rout $30 par month. Inquire In atom. X) LET?THREE KOOM>, IN GOOD OKDhK; KENT. $8 a mootb. Inquire on the second floor of 333 East T TO LET?A THIRD KLOOR OK KIVB NICE ROOMS, with gaa ana water, to a email private family, at 233 7th av.. near 23d at. ?SECOND FL00k7~6 ROOMS AND BaTH. ?room. 310 3d av. alao Dower Par* ou Lexington $30 K AS T 33TH aT.?TOP FLOOR. BHUWN mI I stone, with bath, $18. 227 (lun KASI' 3VTU ST.-TOP FLOOR. KOUU ROOMS, MiOc'cli aui'd. with all iiuprovemenla. $18. uoq KA8T18TU aT.-fo" Let. fTkst class sJv'OKrencb Plata , all modern impruvemeats. Can be eeen aaily. q"= OLEXINGToM AV.-PLAT. K1R8T0LA8H HOUi*E; t/oOlupruveueata 234 bast 5'Jd at. ; Flat rents. S23. $18. HOUSES, ROOMS. >vi., WASTED. In this city nnil Brooklyn. A SMALL. PLEASANTLY LOCATED, NKATLY lurnialied House, convenient to city : small family; give partlculara. Post office. 4,804 cTeNTLKMAN DESIRES A NKATLY FURNISHED Room. Address, stating terms aud particulars as to ruom, H. K. Al., Herald office. WANTED-BY A (JENTLK t! AN. AN UNKL'KMsllEU 11 Room, with carpet, vicinity Madison or Union square. Address, with lull particular*. W. L., box 3.532 Post oflioe- . W" ANTED?\~SM ALL HOl'SK ON LEASE OK KENT, with yard room or some around to It, iu or abont the centre of the city. Send particulars to P. P. KIKKST.43U East 17tb St. ___ ANTED TO LB ASH?BELOW 2 ID si.. KASI' uR west side, a factory, 75x100,.tour ur Ave stories; must be well built, uood order aud low r?nt. UA Ol'NIiA. 1.514 Broadway, corner 44th at. ANTED-A P LB AS A NT. E ORNISH ED PLAT OR Apartmeut, hei weou 5th aud 7th ava, 23d aud 45th at a., near Gilbert Railroad station preferred. Address BACHELOR, Herald Uptown Branob. Iii (he Country. WANTED-TO RENT POK THE SUMMER. A KUR utshad Cottage at (Hen Cove, Ruslyn or Sea CUE Ad dress. giving Incatiun. terms. Ac.. II. U. 8.. Hersld office. ANTED?A COITAOE, "WITH UROUNDS, WITHIN ball boui of city; must be lienltby; low rent. Address, with full partlculara, 1IOME, box I8H Darald office. ANTED-A sm all "well pubnTbhed HOUSE; rent net to exceed $40 to $45 per month; locatiun healthv pleasant and good neighborhood; easy of access and within one hour's ride ot City Hell. Address K. B. D., 13Jonuat. AftTKD-A HOUSE UR COITaUE, IN BATH, L. ST. lurnialied or unlurnlahed. with no lese than five bed rooms and near the depot. Addreee, with lull partlculara, A. C. GONZALEZ, No. 35 Broadway. New York. W~ anted-~a~ Fubnished cottaob por bum. iner, at least eight rooms, near soasnore; New Jersey prelerrod. A. D., Gerald office. BUAUDEKR W ANTED. fSTnCLASS iro^irANb"^jis"ATTH~ToWst Xpoaslbie prices 32 West I7th at., near Union square. 1" LARGE ROOM.?iii EAST 18I'H ST., NEAR BROAD way; upper Story, hnudsomely furnished; flrst class Board. 1 LARUE PKONT ROOM. SECOND FLOOR. HAND snmely furnished, with Board; private bath, ample closet roeiu ; terma moderate : references 21 West 12th at. I -iiand-somFkoomh. FRONT AND BACK. GOOD 1.table; line surroundings. $4 and S5. 138 East 31st st. I ?$4 TO $7 WbEE?BOARD AND ROOM. 15 NEIL I .?ou place, corner Oilmen (8th st ). neer Bmedwai. "I -NKWLY A*i> (JOMKOHlAHLY KLT.i.SlsHKn TuSs&s**,uUe-w,tb ???d b?"5- 210 term. re.t?gM?bU. Kid 13th it.. aeir 8t? a" 3'oun? a-xia er?/.u;i-v."'r? >..M, k.iwM, ,.1.1.1,.. ...... HT.-HAKO^UMHiY KUliM ??ri<Ti jXlwIarand Bedioom. connected. wlin or with.^t u"-?i i^" ^.-UaNDso.\IK FtiO.M i' siii.H Avu "C?" ?U,H,ri0r Ho<ird; Prtc; p?riaiboout i3WT-^r^f'?^|l-liil,ASfr HoomV'huuM WKWI-HK0 eonvunioui; reference*. * ?^?rjinlng b?v ana kin,m. '^zuSinrsSitvAss table, ebonld appj,;^.:.?.^"r;.':|r],."tt;||'?t??^r 2j^K?L??J rurr?>!.h.d.lV;uUB^ .Kftjy; 23ko<;?.: "VirngiJ^L? h^?? price a. t alto hall Koorae; cummer 28?c.MHenr. ' table Huard. *i 50; rifarenoec. ' 1 H*""a- ?5I K peine, ,|,h B?ard,,?ol" e!?"*' 3Lu??' bJ?,l!i?0,ir0^S^tr^UA^T"^ fourth Boor: v<lr' r?a?ou*bl". ' b *****! Koom, oa ^th ii00mn! "n ^"'orS"d "cmid till', L ?* with Brat eiaaa Itaard: r.fetinoee. "Bale Boom*. 3G?!;u?.,^oL"r,i^;i^^* ?oo??. r?. K??oma lor Kentlemea : relorcncea ? "'out ??ard; 41 ?dK.P^iK0L1i'0'ufls-W1T" moderate terau. appointment! Bret elan; I 49 OKIMTOK.. CORNER DNirER-rrT ~PtTFw~ ^r^(V err deilrable Koumn for f.niille. .i.f ' LLACK.? trail,lent Beard: labia bountliullr ennulUA,P'?'?????" or to aumnier price*. ?uPpHed, term* reduced if) KAST 2tTH ^T. ?OKSIKABLK ROOMS FOR Mirw uu."V??:r"*u"1 "d lrau,luu'??iu*?*?"; ^oJS3&iS^S^^?^mssr. tlemea or iraaaleni: lata,, ?!?."; ^f,r.n^0f "n*U g^gSa^&J^"l^S5g l!!bo\!iVoart"'*" ^oni"^'^m'.ulUffiLY rUHN"?*? tjrrnie per dajr. iranelent j traaaleut, 113^, lSSal,*S5?STf,,UO,,B KT.ttli'r'- ?ttfc ?????.. 52& i?t?SEiJi ^ W'^ ?""^U.l'hVlifh'o'i wllheatBoartMStoS l22.lnal? Kooro,. wui, u\ wl!h*Vt'm r d!'lefoVmic?"? if 2 ?"> iu i' ?i.?m"J' 11 '? r e i',h r ; . av ? - IUe? and Kuntieuirn: ren,oii?ui,. url'o, Bo?fdt r*ra P>fi W'AVI-.UI.KV I'l.AOK ?TO LfcT WITM HuT^TT .^2;;: it." h^^_K_ttom,? ??? 133am**iLitJ^ieed.1DTaMrire^^ ceptluaaMa; term* low; refereiic,,. ' lo0,4"on ""?*? 1 37. hAST 4(,T" MT.-r UHM.*IIKD BOOM T<. I RT ! XOiraail,,.,. ?iu , 138^2? JjgJ^!!"?jy??l.i~>uieil.llali Kievatnl Itailreail. ' raltatee Irom rL;r;^reTmu'?o,u,lo",ur ??m.V:#:l,;.nr! 173aJrAm?? jfjyw f,,r fixwas 2l5?^y lukI;.,:,1,. 5$Sl252P9B 234p*rler '"'liiT ON B"Q". eaeatanilni M?*r,lM.rm, ui^ler.""' |JnJi"toh*B. ?"??? 304/re^^i?^K?^ htni,A?i!,8 perlor Hoard. Ini private laa-.Ily ^r-Terenr". ' *"d M '?if i J Wr.iiT :*;ril. \ btkihixt PKiV/tfk rmiiT V il I ft AV., II A KLKM,-?OOOi/ HOAK1) |?| ,' IT ^U..'^! ixsias.?ar5 ^a/ffaviis iJ;n' er a!'*,?,,; nUAiUIKKM WASTBD. rpW<T"L Afe(JK^JOM MUNICXTING " KO .Ml}* fob Vhb 1 prlw of om. ?Ub Board, in a small Arosrie"" lentily; reference*. 278 Wast 22 d at BOAK1) AMU LUUUIHO VVAVl'KD. tjoaku wa?Tr3 <> ahClt-.; f IVaik JjUtully preferred. with board not to exceed #10 or 912 par work : elty lef.rence girt a and required. Address bus 117 Uerald Uptown office. __ Rooms, with hoard. wasted hv a kesfkut. ?ibis young geatleinan and bla mother, with Dalian or Kreucb family in the vicinity ul the New Yora Lulvereity. Washington square Address H. II.. Host "Bee station D" Wanted?board and furnished room. With Piano, iu a private family, by tw? reeprolable Ger nans, betworn West IStli and 34th st*.: terms 98t> monthly. Address K . care ZUFALL, 246 lOtb SO. MWl'MLb. Tt" nbw lnTHCand rTOrV.L. "aw'TioW ekY-suo J\. Kooms : Lodging. 30c., 40c , 50c. ; weekly. $2 to $3 C4LAKENCR Ho TIL. U CLINTON PLACE ("Til ST.). ./near Broadway.?Board and Itoome iruni SI per day. (IaELKTON HOUSE. WILLIAM. CORNER FRANK ./tart st.-33c., 50c.. daily ; Kooms reserved for strangers visiting city Deeuratiou Day. N~ ATIONAL HOTEL, 8 OOUKTLaND ST.?NOW open, nodding all usw, at nnpuUr prices: convenient to all ferries aud ears. W1LL1AN A. 1JYDE. Superin tendent riVllK BRISTOL. 51-S3 WEST 11TH. NEAR BROAD X way. ? An exclusively respectable lainiiy hotel: Rooms, with or without Board: one large Room, with Hoard, for two, (Hi per week: uue at 91'J per week for two: table ?/, u... a It - > fi.naletii II 75 nar dav : one week or Hoard, 95 per week; transient, 61 75 per day: oae week or over st regular rates; Rooms, with Board, at 97. fR. *Up#r weak. COUffiTKY UUAHU. '? ? NEW HRIO ilFon'sTAT EN IsLaNdTTiVe miN XV-ulea from lauding. ? Handsomely furnished Rooms, with Board: urouuds and loealicu beautiful; stable accommoda tion. Auply corner ol York av. aad lat at. Mra. CONK. A LADY RESIDING UN STATEN ISLAND WISHES a child to board. Address A. M. D., Mariner's Har bor, S. I. A PRIVATE FAMILY AT MOUNT VERNON, SiX minutes from two depots, want two or three adults to Board: tonus moderate. Call for one week. K., 88 Walker st A T FARM HOUSE FOUR MILKS FROM GATSKILL J\.village, situated on high grounds, lino views and Drat class Board; Hoard from 87 to 8H per week; good boating and fishing uoar by. Tor partiiolsrs call Summer aud tVluter Resort, 42 East 14th St.. Uuiou square. MARTIN k BRAIL A -PRIVATE FAMILY. OUTSKIRTS YONKERH; ?healthy location: will Hoard few parties; tresh vege tables, milk and eggs; stabling; 97 to $S. Address box 438. A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL L T TWO OB THREE handsomely furnished Rooms, with first class Hoard, at moderate turms, at ltys. Wostchostsr county; boating and bathing near house: uae ol horse and oerriage to aud from depot. Address RYE. box 150 Herald Uptown. AT UKLKN W It.'U. CONN..-HIGH ELEVATION, TXnverlooklug Sound; convsnient to bench and dspot; stabling; retereneos. Address KENT, box IBS Green wiub.Couu. A FEW GIIOIGK KOOMS. WITH BOARD, ON RICH ./A nioud Terrace, New Brighton, s. I.; first houee west of Yorx av. Boarders wanted-farm house; one hour via Cetitral Railroad; pure, hraeing sir from Blue Mouutnlns : good for astnma aud pulmonary diseases. Box 3U, N. Market Heights, Middlesex county, N. J. Board wantkd-fok lady and four chil dreu (aged 12,b, 6. 3). within 30 milos of New York, ou a farm ; terms not to sxesodBUO per mouth. Dtreet B. P. K., Herald office. 5CIAKD WANTED-FOK THE SUMMER. ON THE line of Harlem or Nvw Haven Railroad, by three fam ilies, either at farm house or pilvate buardlug house; ao eummoilatioas must be first class ta every respect. Ad drrea, stating terms and particulars, H. J. W., box 110 Her. aid office. Beach mountain house, montclaik. n. j.? Having changed hands tne Rooms arc now offered, with first elass Board; prloes to salt the times; the house on the top si mountain ; plenty pure nlr; nu mosquitoes For lull particulars apply 45 East 22d st. c lOUNTKY BOARD WANTED?BY A UBNTLEMIN. -/wile, two eblldron and uarse. wtiblu one hour ol New York: on a larm preferred. Addicss. stating price, which must be reasonable, G. A. B., box 216 Herald office. CAOUNTRY BOARD?NEAR CITY: GOOD TABLE; /boating ; tall hathicg: $3 to 912 weekly; photographs. H. LETSINGhK, 47 Uaiverslty place, upstairs. ClOUNTKY BOARD ON THE HaNKs OF TUE 1IOU /anionic River, two boure from city, on Now liaven Rail road 7he bouse is larga and airy, beautifully located on bigb ground: splsndld view of ths river; very healthy; ex tensive ptsxxes; pleasant inwris well shaded; boating, bathing, fishing. Ac. ; stabllug; reteronces exchanged. Ad uress HOI'S ATONIC, box 217 Herald office (lOUNTKY BOARD-QUIET, SHADE, CKOQL'r.T; /home eomierts, with refined private family; 4U minutes Iroin city. Inquire OSBORNE, 71 Bsrelsyst. First class hoard and accommodation*. - Home comforts with s private French ramily. Protes tant; all Improvements; Orange. N. J., near Brick Cburcb depot; Urge, cool rooms. Address (reiereaeet) box 124 Herald Uptown office, or eall at Brick Church. Inquire at the dspot. FIRST CLASS COUNTRY HUAHO WITH A STRICTLY private iamily far two or three simile gentlemen; terms to suit limes: eight minutes' welk from depot; boating, bathing end fishing. Address B., box 18 Post s8o?, Uobli'i Ferry, N. V. Hudson river.-splendid situation; high. extensive grounds; stables, garden, fruit; 20 minutes out, 10Irom depot; terms moderate. Address M., Port Washington. LsllV WITHOUT CHILDREN. LIVING AT UOCK swsy. L I , would take law small children to board; terms moderate. Mrs. KOPP, I.USI 2d sr. MO.NTUL.AlK. N. J.-COUnTi;Y BOAKD-TWO OEN tleition can be accommodated with large Room and Board In private family owuiuir bouse; short distauce from depot; fruit, vegetables, Ac., In abandance; stabling if desired. Address D. D., Herald office. ORANGE. N. J.?LARUE AM) SMALL ROOMS, flr.t class Board, Male St., next St. Mark's Cuureh. Post office oox 23, Ornnxe. PAltK HOUSE, PL V IN KIKLIi N. J.. ONK HOUR from city; 18 trains dally; great reduction lupilceof board. I. S. BALDWIN, Proprietor. PKIVATH FAMILY IN COUNTRY WILL BOARD X lour or live persons at reasonable prices. Address, not " :DONA" '? "" " by postal eard. Mrs. JAMK8 McDONALD, Fly Mountain, Ulster county. N. Y. SUMMKR AND WINTER RESORT KXCHaMD., 7? Broadway.?Free to tbe public ; complete descriptions ol bummer Resorts xratuitously printed and rurulsbed callers; proprietors or summer hotels and boarding houses desiring guests should nrntl themselves of the facilities offered by this Exchange ; call or request circular. IIASHHOUCK A LAKE. TWO PLEASANT ROOM* FACING THE BAY. WITH French table. Address nTON K COTTAGE, New Brigh ton. ntaten Island. WANTED- BOARD FOB GENTLEMAN. WIFE, young daughter, two iniants and two nurses, within fifty muss of New Yurk and easily accessible; three rooms communicating II posalble i good table and plenty of shada. Andres-, stating particulars. C. K. L., box 4.788 New York Post office. WA-I1I.NOTO.N ROCK MOUNTAIN IIOUsR. NKaR Plalnlleld. N. J.? Unarming place. 800 list above the level; air pure, dry and coot all suuiiurr: cure for malaria, astuma and hay lever; beautiful uiountalu and valley view; lung, broail piessas; croquet lawn, rustic arbors, spacious, sbady crovs, Hoard. 50 per dev. 810 to $12 per week. Address STAATs BROTHERS. Plalnlleld. N. J. WOULD LIKE THREE SCOTCH FA Mill KB (children not oeer 14 years eld) at a country farui house; beautiful location; largo, airy rooms auu good water; two miles from Erie Hal road Addreas Mrs. C. M. WIGGINS. Oitsvllle Oreo ire county. N. Y. it laDIKb can Find a Pleasant home in a wvrrv desirable part el tbe country; board reasonable; relerence r quired. Address Mrs. A.sN M4WBKY, Fair vlsw. N. J., s miles from New York. r(J EAST DTI I sT.-OOOD BOARD CAN BE. OB rJsJlalnmt In s qnlsi country heme lor $5 and $0 pur week, 5o miles Irom New York HUM.HEH KKsOKTb. A RLINGTON HOUSE, VT AMFoKD. i.'OhS. (ijL.AkE'2 ./Y Hill).?Open for tbe teaeen. Address K. I'. WILSON, 1'r.prlrtor. / AOLUMBIAN sulphuu m*kINGS?quiet and ko. VJuiantiu retreat lur invalids, artists and all. with good Hoard and baths, irom $5 to ?H per week. Addraae W. COI.I'.. Illoii. Hetkimer county. N Y Long branch. The Hewlend Hotel will open Juue 15, 1S7S. under new managemaui, with increased aecemmodatlon* and anditienal attrartloue, Fur particulars address HOOTHuY A MULFOHD. Long Branch, or A. G. RAPP, Nu. 5 Ledger Building, Pnliadeipbia L" P. HOY HOUSE. NEW KOCUELLE. NOW OPEN for the season; former patrous will please observe chaiige In manegeineni. M ijNTCLaIK. N. J.?MOUNTAIN avenue HOUSE now open; all city improvemcui.. A. T. LACK. Murray iiili. iiousa. one hock from city via Northern Railroad, now open. T. HIIK A Its. Pro prietor, Demerol. N J I'notograpn and refereaeee at Everett Board Directory, BBS Bib av lTORWALK hotel. NOKWALK, conn. SUMMER .V Board at low ratev HURT UHOI'HKKS, Proprietors. IaVilIon iii)re.l. woodshl kg. long island. South Shore?Eighteen utiles from New Yurk. WALKER A GLADWIN. Proprietors. Rye beacii hotel. wesTciikster county, n I . Applications rccsleed now lor lliu ssusoa ; special u.raugatnf nts wltu parties fur the summer. UMIi.1) bTAIKS ill i 1Kb. Long Hr.inch, N. J., will open for lbs rsssptiou ol gueets eerly In Jane et re duced rates. LAIRD A VAN CLE A P. Proprletorx V .V.N DP. Kit I L I HOUSE, STAPLETUN. STATER . island. First class amomar lintel, right oppmite the Bay, botween foniokli svllle and Stapletou. on Hay st. far particulars, I7K Broadway. Bavaria Restaurant. nnd oa premises: low pneus B FIKMENICH WATCIIKk. JEWKLKt. mv. "? T 77 BLExCKeK ST.. NEAR BUuaDWaY.?MONEY /V advanced oa Diamonds, Watches. Jewelry. Ao; also Pawnbrokers' Tickets bought el Diamonds, Welches, Ae. 77 Bleecker St. SOLID SILVER TEA SET, ELABORATELY AND A SOLID SILVER TEA SET. ELABORATELY AND elegantly bnUlied. $450. Ju?l hall prise. J. ll.JUH'. HTD.N. ld<> Bowery. Cash paid lur Diamonds, Watehaa aud STON. Ido liowery. Catb paid I duplicate Wedding Presents AT Ml 7 BROADWAY. SECOND FLOOR-III A MON DS. Watches, Jewelry bought and sold Lonue negotiated on persoaal property el every description. IttAAli BAKH. AT l.tW BROADWAY?PERSONAL PROPERTY bonght, sold heck ; Wedntng Present*, old Gold, Silver, Advances made. Laules' olBcn. WILLIAM A. GLOVER. At ids hroadway-loans neOotiatmDi dia iiionds, Watehes, gold, silver; Huki, Ac., purchssed; large luuns st special rates. J. IIIOMAR i.Y.NCIE At as union square ?diam' nd*. ac., at greet bsrjain# (.ohiis effected on Dlnmonrli, Watches jswelry, Merchantable Artieies, Ac., sny amount, or pur chase. EstatilDberi IS.MI J II. B * it HI No K K B LUK WilllE UIaMoNi? i ARRINGS. $I4:>: AW)* r $ia.'?; flnsst goods ever offered lor th? prices. MILL" A COLEMAN. Is? Grand sL MOR SALE-GOLD W vTUH AisD D1 A MON DS ; G KR VT L sacrifice : value'dts bought and sold; loans. 27 Bund st. M ONKY --DIAMONDS, WATCHES. JEWKLhY, SlL vsrware. Ac., bought and sold baek At a small advaetE GEO (I. ALLIi.N. I.USI Mroa way. nsor 28th at. 907. Broadway.-Diaruhdr. watomkr asd ?IftWftlrv oovvhi iiml ?old| (?Ana neuoiUtad on J ar* se.elW iyof every desert,.!.-^ Sw! .... *.J*u?ignuemts. AoUAXu' T^VSnoMAL FAREWELL CONCERT liudorod to Mm#. EUGENIE PAPPENHEIM. TUURSDAV EVENING (Deorsliou D?yl. May 30. Overture?"Prometheus" L. von Beethoven U(aND ORCHESTRA. Los Kameaux ?Baritone Solo.. ..Kaure _ Mi W. H. .sTODDARD. ? Ttu King of Tbnle. F- D*"' Mrs. ISAUKLLK P KAoBKTT. Noctnrnr. op. 27. No. 2 (traoecrlbed lor violin bv ?Vilbelui; F. Chopin l)r. LEOPOLD DAMUOHUll. Sulamlth?Serns from "Solomon'# Souir" L. Damroieb Mm*. EUG. I'APPhNHKId an i QdCUKSTKA. STAB AT Ma I'H/K, lor Soil Chorus snd Oroln'l'-*? ? ?Rswl?l Mm*. K. I' A PI" K N 11KI S. Mr# FLORENCE RICBKNuX. Msasra CHARLES A Da.MS ami K Kh MKK KTZ. tiia OR t1 OHIO SOCIKTY. ot New York, and Or<.Uetir>. Grand March, tor Chora* uud Orchestra, from "Tannliauser" U. Wagner Tho ORATORIO SOCIETY. oi New York, aud orchestra. Dr. L. DAMROSCII Conductor. Admission. $1; Unserved Santa. 5(1 cents and SI extra; Boxes. SO aud SID; Family Circle. 50 ceuta. For sale at the usual places. TANDAKil THEATRE, BROaDWaV and ddD sr. HENDERSON Proprietor ana Manager "AN evening ok FU.v" unnreccdaatail saceose of J. K. KM MKT In bis RECONSTRUCTED VERSION OF FRITZ. FRITZ. FRITZ. FRITZ. FRITZ. FKI Z. FRITZ. FRITS, FRITZ. NKW SONGS. NEW SCENES. Humorous lonlUoots. Hkotchss, Ac. EVERY EVENING aT S. SATURDAY MATINKB 1:30. Popular pricss; 25s., 50c.. SI. SI 25. Box office open Irom H A. M. to 10 P. M. ( 1 KAN U OPKUA llOL'SK IXPOOLK A DONNELLY Lessens and Managsra POSITIVELY LAST PERFORMANCES POSITIVELY LAST PERFORMANCES OK A CELEBRATED CASK. A CELEBRATED CASE. A CELEBRATED CASK. THE GREATEST PLAY OK MODERN TIMES. THE ORIGINAL UNION SOU A RE THEATRE COM PANt, SCENERY. COsTUMES AND APPOINTMENTS. Laat CELEBRATED CASE Matinee on SATURDAY. ON MONDAY NEXT Mr. Leonard (Trover's American Comedy. OUR hOAKDI.NU IiOUsE. Grand opera house. POOLE A DONNELLY Lessees and Managers TO-DAY. DECORATION' DAY TO-DAY. GRAND HOLIDAY MATINEE. GRAND HOLIDAY MATINEE. BENEFIT OK MR. WILLIAM MoCoY, TREASURER. A HOST OF BMINKN f ARTISTS LEVY. OUs WILLIAMS. Messrs Edward Lamb. Thomas Whllkn. T. (). Kings, Alex. Kilsgeritld. Frame Evans, Charles Stun Is. Charles Morton. J. Wtlks. VY. Thompson. William Rones. John Mathews. James G. Peaks#, J. C. Morrison, C. Watson. U. Victor. Muses Llllle Kldrlduc. linttle Anderson. Fanny Den hnm. May Gallaglier. Jennie Yuamana, Millie Vernon, Mrs. Blanche Galtun NVIiittln. The performance will eomprlae tho charming Comedy FAINT HEART NEVER WON FaIR LaDY, Mr. T. O. Rlggs* Comic Drauia. HOME FBoM THE WAlt, tba roaring Faroe. A KISS IN THE DARK. Mr. and Mr*. WhllHn in their Musioal Sketch, THE B I-GUARS, LEVY'S WONDERFUL CORNET SOLOS, PKAKES' DESCKIPriVK MONO. THE VAGABONDS. UUS WILLIAMS' DUTCH SONUS AND bTORlKS AND AN ATTRACTIVE OLIO. Door* ooen at 1|(, Commence at 2 o'eloek. ALL AC K'x Proprietor and Manager Mr. LESTER WALLACE. w The approaching TERMINATION OF HIE REGULAR SEASON compels the manager rsluctanlly to aunoauce Iks nights of DIPLOMACY, EVENING AT a MATINEE AT 1 JO Fifth avenue theatre. matinees Wednesday and Saturday, at 2. ?.?SUMMER SEASON -OKKaT SUCCESS.r ' ADMISSION. ~ 50 CEN I S. RESERVED SEATS, SI. FAMILY CIRCLE, 25 CENTS. V DECORATION DAY ??? NEW FEATURES. GRAND BALLET. HUMPTY DUMPTY'S UREaM. Comic Kantomlmo by G. L. Fox and Krnaar. FBAZEK AS HUMPTY DUMPTY. iubek acts of fun. "The beat aominar oatartalnmant."-Snn. u NION SQUARE THEATRE. Every evening at S. Saturday Matinee at 1sSO. BALKE's EVER POPULAR OPERA, THE BOHEMIAN GIKU TUB BOHEMIAN GIRL. THE BOHEMIAN GIRL. NEXT WEEK Laat performances of tba HESS ENGLISH oPEUA COMPANY. GtsU^UDa'n ^HOOK^'and K. O. GILMORK. Lesaaea. THEODORE THOMAS.... ? Musical Dlractor T-m ri H T H II T II H T HHHIl T II H T 11 H T H H n h oo NIGHTS' CONCERTS. EKEE OO E O O E 0 0 BEE 0 0 K 0 0 B 0 0 KBEB OO ? MM MM A SB 8 MN NM AA 8 8 MN N M A A 8 M N N M A A 88 B M MM M AAA 8 M NX M A A ? 8 U M U A A 88 8 T H H O O T H II 0 O 5HI1HH O 0 II H O O T H H O O * H H OO and iu? Mupui u Orchestra. MK. R. ml liKBKUCK, Cornai Virtuoao. OHANGK Of PROGRAMME NIUdTLY. THIS (THURSDAY^ KVkN1.NO WII.L BE DkVOTBD 1 TO CLASSICAL MUSlU. PROGRAMME. Overture. " M??ie Flnte ??*V*, No. J, A minor (neoteli) Mendeleaehn 1. Introduction-Allegro agitato, g. Sehertu unl vlvitca. 3. Adiiglu cautabllo. 4. Allegro uuerriero nfld Finale muettoto. Overture, "Triumphal". Rnblnsteln L*fL'u ..... .... . IIaudal CORNET OBLIOaTu ?V MR. R. SHUEBRUCK. In vitatiou te danca ..... W obar (Ad .pied r?r orahaatra by llaetor Herlioi). Selection* Iroui "Tbe Plytug Dutchman" Wagner Schiller-March Myerhesr K*uuili for Cornet Aroma MR. R. SHUEBRUCK. Walta, "Wiener Bonbon." Jobann Stranaa Reserved Seaia (tor thli nignt only) 75 Cant. Boxes, admitting tour . *?} 00 Tickets In neckago* ot twelve o? ou NIBLO'S GARDEN. A BEMBVED SKAT KOK 50 CENTS, second week or tbe exquisite Seenie Drama, THE OASO'iN. HOLIDAY MATINEE TO-DAY AT Complluieutury PARKWKlL Benettt to Mr. SAMUEL W. PIERC'Y. Tuesday Alternoou, J UNE 4. , Broadway theatre and museum. A KKSKKVKD SKAT POR 5I? CENTS. TWO Pr.RpoRM ANOKS EVkRY DAY. EVERY AKlER.NOO.N at'i. | TIIUKSDaY KVKNINO THE EDWIN BYRON in FOUNDLING OK PARIS. I TIIK POOL'S KEY KNOB. DECORATION DaY, TIlllhE I'KrtKOKM * NOBS. Morning, lu o'clock Adniinsiou. 25o. No reserved seats. Evening price*. 35c.. 35c., 5()o . 75c Bowery theatre.-every sVunino. first appearance ot tbe ulstln (uished actor. Mr. W. H. LEAKE, who will apooar In bin great dual role ot KERT BRtSTOW and W ILD NAT. In bin ureal Sensation Drama of TH KOUUI1 KIKE, l'recsded by the Karce of PLEASANT NEIGHBOR, The great new yoke auUarium. Britndway and 3Stli at. Tropical Kishas and Anemones, AUgel Klnbsn, Grouts, Cra> tlnbe*. Ac., Ac : beautiful Llelair Coral; tltousaiida of other curious Creatures; Cblinpansves and Oraug Gut eng. I'ailormaiice* dally at '3 30 and S u'cloak P. M Mlsa ANGIE SCIIOTt in "Maaka aud Kace*'' and "The Ureen eyed Monster." Mr J. D. GR1KKIN, Irish Special ties aud Recitations. Admission. '?0 cents; children half price: no extra charges Coney Island Aquarium noar apeu. with ff. C. Coup's famous troupe of Broncho llm sen. AHKRLK's tivoli theatre, sril ST.. hktwkkn 3d and lid ava?The greatest performance In lb* city. Lena Ai.erle. th* young vocalist; Allele Pegilerl. promiero uanseuse a.aolul*; Mile, r rensinl. VJueeu ol tbe Uluicle; Alice Beteman and Billy Nuoiian, cliamuiun cleg dancers: Jennie Lindsay.Cnoper Bros.. Henrietta Mollenheuer. Pero end Klsb. Plana and Irene MurdocU. eccentric four- the great and only Vienna ballet troupe ; Geo. Levanion. Wat eun Bros.. Orimalul iteltner. Ihn*. Weteon. and last weak ol the ferce. "A Slippery Day." Matinee Thursday. Egyptian iiall. 34111 si. and 3d av. URr.AT SUOCE.eS OP THIS SPICY SHOW! Plr*t week of the near Sensational Corasdy, A1 IT AGAIN. Positively Introducing the great Peicnle Bathing Seeaa, together with tbe b?aiitiful Auiasuiitao March, by lovely Icwalca, In glittering armor, and onr elegant Minuet and Kreueb Solos. Nmliing like It In this city Evening at S. Maliuess, l ues Tour*, and Hat at '3. Saturday eve., Juus 1. grand Uniiulti te Manager JOHN J. DAWSON. Tony pahtuk'.* theatre. STILL A NO III hit GKRAT HILL, eummenclnx MONDAY EVENING. May'37. Mrne RK.VI/.S PKMaI.K MINSTRELS and SPECIALTY ARTISTS, together with MABEL SAM LEY'S LONDON Hl'Kl.KSQUl-. TROUPE, in the great Ilnrlaeqiie, PKMAI.K PORT Y TiilhVKS. MATINEE TUKSD t Y. KKIDAY and SATURDAY. OHUAN CtlNCKKTs en the enperb uaw organ bail! for St. Paul's Kpiecopal Church, Rome. Italy. Pending the enipin-ei ot the urgae abroad. Mr. Reeevelt has undertahen the expensive one difficult work ol erect lug It In Irving Hall e*|>erlally for lb* purpose el giving. In aid <>l tue organ Taan ol lbs church. TIIKPE ORAM* CONCERTS. Irving llall Monday ovanlng, J ana 3. at N o'clock, and Wednesday sad ealumay allcrnoona, J use & and 5, at 4 o'cluea. Tbe meet celebrated .onanists la the e.-entry to perform. Other leotrumeelel end vocal tnlnnt of the highest ornar. ADMISSION PlPTY CRNTS 'l Icketa lor sale at chirkerlne and Irving 11 alia, the Windsor lintel aud Schubenb't uia?ic store. CI HAM' OPENING. IM.KAS.NT VALLEY SOI'I A Tules. Decoreti.m Day and Evening May 3Ht BUSH k Go. Maeegvrs Per time tehle see P.suoeelon eel emu. H UMPY Di MPTY'H DREAM. NOBODY SHOULD MISS IT."?IIKRALD. I/KKNAN DO'H HANI'INO ACADEMY, N5TII ST., OOK f ner 3d av.?Grand Closing Recaption. Thursday even ing, Mnv d?; J Kauer's i el r lit ate d r iim Regiment Bund. / 1 RAND HI'LID |Y sOClABl.K TO NIOMT AT CRN VjTtral Park Geiden '.Mill st. and 7lli at. Admission f>On. CARIIKR A CO . Meting -re. BUCKINGHAM I'aLiCk. '37tn at. near Oth av. Elite Sociables ni 'litly i.ast ventilated ballreea world A grand sum mar garusn attached. CNOOPKR INSTITUTE TiiK OREATkBf SInOING ,/ieeeon ever given, to-night. IRANI) HALL" AT TUB "ROYAL CREMOHNK." VTllsd st., near Broadway. to-night. II LEPTY DbMlTY's Die AM. TAKE THE CHILDREN THIN EVENING. Ls Kami HOLIDAY soClAHLr. TO-NIGHT Al i KN Ttral Park G.r.lan, 5lRh st. and 7lk av. Admisalen 50e. aRiIKK A go., Maaagert. inniKii institute.-nil g he ate at kinging Isssob a ear glean, to-night. c AKVtUHEHTB. tjAKlK^rKATKrf. THTTTImTaTuT I liENBV h ABBEY Le?ua aud Mauaxar Limited iipinomi of tba r?ou?o?| LINGAR:)-. ALIOS DUNNING ASU WILLIAM HORACE Gilbart's charming Cuurdy, sWEhTH h \ HTj" Mr. WILLIAM IIOB ?CK Ll.vGAKDIN 10 SKETCHED To conclude with MK. AND IIBr.. I'KIKK WHITE. udaiisstou, 'die : seats 50e. extra. dTsuN'S 81'htKINU PHONOGrt IP1I. ??? Fourteenth Consecutive Weak of Exhibition. I liU Mlrscln nl Science - e Machine that Talxs-wlll a, axbioitcd at K>ltb Avenue llali (late Heller's), every After, neon and hveulug thie week. It Talks. It Slugs. It LaugUa. It Plays Cornet Holos. F.v< ry sound that the voice can utter it reproduces. EDISON'S Ml'SICAl. TELEPHONE will also be exliibitad in the eveuing. Phonograph itaclials ouly at 2. 3 end 4 P. M. Admission 33 cents. Wednesday and Saturday Matinees lor Ladies and t.'btldreu ouly. Lecture en Sound, wltu Brilliant Illustrations, at S o'clock, by Pi of. Ho he it Spice Phonograph Recitals by b. Il Johosou. at U P. M. aUsical Ielephono at 0?43 P. M. Admission 50 cents. JAMLS HEDPATil. Mauager. B OOTIl'S THEATRE. MK. U. J. MONTaOUE'S FAREWELL MATINEE BENEFIT, MONDAY. JUNE 3. 1878. AT 1:30. The eutertainmeut will oonsist u! the drat set of FH1TZ, lu which Mr. J. K. KliUhf aud the STANDARD THEATRE COMPANY will appear, by tue courteous par* mission ol* WM. 11 r.N HE itSON. Esq. Second aud third acts of tha ROMANCE OK A POOR YOUNO MAM. In which Miss ROSE COO II LAN. Mine. PCM hi. Mia* EPKIE OKRMON. Miss SARA SIEVENS and Meters. W. R. ELOYD. J. W. SHANNON. K. M. HOLLAND, C. K. EDWIN. ALLIK DOUitINoTON and H. J. MONTAGUE will appear (By parmtssloo nf Lester waliack. Esq.) wm. Horace liNOARD. in his CELEBRATED CHARACTER SKETCHES (By permission oi U. E. Abbey, Esq.) The last act of the TWO ORPHANS, In which Miss KATE CLAXTO.N. Mr. CHAN. a. STEVE*. SON aud their CoMPaNY will appear. MB. MONTAOUE'S KABEWELL ADDRESS, written cxprresly for the occasion by JOHN, EaQ. Concluding wltb TO OBLIGE MONTAGUE. Characters bv Messrs. IIAKItY BECKETT. J W. SHAM. NON. W. a. KYT1NUB, Miss i-.KKIE GERMON end Miss KATE BAUTLETT (Ity periniiaiun ol Lester Waliack. Esq.) Music by W attack's Tlisatre Orchestral Band. THOMAS HAKEK. Conductor. Box book opou daily at Bo -ill's Theatre. fioOTH'S rHEATRE.-AlMEE'a ADIEU NEXT WEEK. BALK OF SEATS COMMENCES THIS MORNING FOM AIMEE'S POSITIVELY FINAL FAREWELL ENGAGEMENT Id the United States, limited to EIGHT (8) NIGHTS AND ONE (U MATINEE, commencing MONDAY EVENING. Juno 3. Repertoire for the entire season : ? Monday. June 3 Les Cloches de Coru.-ville. (The Chimes ot Corurville.) Tuesday, Juno 4?La Heine Indigo (Queen Indlro). Wednesday, June 5-La M arjoialue. Thursday. June 0?Les Cloches de Corneyllle. Friday, June 7?La Joiie Parfumeuse. Saturday (Matinee) .June 8?Les Cloches de CornevUl* Saturday Evening, June 8-La Tlmnale u'Argent. Prlees as usual, 50c., 75c.. $1 and $1 50. EW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. " NINTH ANNUAL SPRING GAMES, AT MOTT flAVBN. THURSDAY. May 30 <Decoration Day), eotuinencluic ut 2 o'elocs P. M. ENTRIES LARGEST EVER RECEIVED. INCLUDIN4 NEARLY ALL THE AMATEUR CHAMPIONS aud mauj ot the host college atoletcs. Reserved seats on covarot grand stand without extra charge. I rains leave Grand Central Depot ut II :30, 12 :30, 1 80, 2:30,3:30. Boats from Peck slip and Fulton lorry svsry Uitoeu miuutes. C"tOOPBB INSTITUTE. TO-NIGHT J SINGING EXTRAORDINARY. Mrs. MtUD GILES will sing three successive hours uninterruptedly. Compositions lu six different languages. Ouly chance iu a litctiiue. Admission, 25c.. Sue., 75c. TIekets at SaalUeld's, 33 Union square : Burnton's. 92 4th ay., and at tha door. T. J. WATSON, Musical Manage* CADKMY OK MUSIC. FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1878. Beuctit Performance ?ot the German Hospital. COTT BELLY. COTTRELLT. TIIERI'.SE KRONER. N H UMPT* DUMPlY's D.<KaM, AT THE FIFTH AVENUE THEATRE, Atlantic garden. 50 Bowory. SO ON DECORATION DAY. Thursday. May 30. 1878, two Grand Alternoon ami Kveninx Concerts, by the VIENNA LADIES' OHCUKHTRA and ?Alt TORI'S PARLOR OPBRA TROUPE. tpHE LADIES' ASSOCIATION OK THE "SHELTER lug Arms" will bold the annual reception at tha Institution, )2ttth st. and 10th ay., on Thursday. BOlh lust.; tba oxer elses In tbeoottages will eeminence at 2:30 P. M ; the an nual report will ne read aud addresses made by various clergyman. All nervous interested in the work of the in stitution are cordially lurited to bo preseut; the Shelter ing Arras may be reachcu by the Broadway stages leaving 82d st. and 8th ay., or by the Eighth avenue cara Last w..ek" ' " NATIONAL ACADEMY OF DESIGN, 331 St.. corner 4th av. The Ally-third Grand Annual Ex hlbitlou now open. Day and evening. Will close June 1. CT^ndIi OLID AY HOC 1 able to-night at OEM Ttral Park Uarden, 59th at. aud 7th av. Admlsalon 500. LART1ER A CO. Manager*. H UMPTY D UMPTY'8 DBEAM. PLEASES YOUNG A NO OLD."?HERALD, MEETING ok the champions. DUNCAN C. BOSH aua THOMAS LYNCH, tor $1.0(1(1. at Washington Park (adjoining Jones' Woods). TUU US DAY, MAY SO. 1878. Commencing at 3 P. M. Admission..... Mtnti ?AKD.-PRIVATE lessons, piano, organ. vio lin, GUITAR. HINGING. University, SO YY uverlsy place. Circular! mailed. J.JAY WATbtlN. Director. H 0 UMPTY DCMPTY'S DREAM. KIKI'H AVENUE THEATER TO-NIOHT. TKKMORNK OaKDEN. 33O st., NKaH BKOaOWAT. Grand toclety reception ball to-nlirbt. G?RaND OPENXNiTpLEaHANT VALLEY SOCIABLE! r Decoration Day mid Evening. Boat leaves foot ol Canal, II a tit aud SAili sir. avery two hours from 10 A. M. to S P. M. BUsH k CO.. Maiiagera. R' ~Ot AL CRKMOENK, 32D, Ntf AK BBOADWAY. THE Handsomest and largest (Terpekhorean) palaea la America. Open nightly. . mrorofttu, ao. ~-T?olritKN f ,~UPillUtil, bUUAdt* AND UHAlf3 A. ..I lacos of our own make; also tor sals and rent, a num ber of tine second hand Pianos, in ported order. WILL IAM EN A BE k Co.. 113 Stn ?v? above ISth st. N ASsOK'lMEN 1' OK SECOND IIanD -TKiNWaY I Pianos, some nearly new, all in |>erlect condition and tuily warrauteu. at a bargain; also (lie largest selection in tbr country ol second bauu Pianos of other manors, ranging $3U upward. Beware ot bogus instruments represented as genuine Sleluway Pianos at auction aud In private houses. HTHlNWAY k SONS. Steinway llali. Nsw York. A" Mason k HAMLIN ORGAN P~H KKoFoRDE R. $30: Mvlodeon. #30; new Upright, $133; square Plana $U0; low reuts; small lustalmsuts UOKDON k SON'S. 13 East Uth sL a "boon PIANO WANTED?GIVE Ma Eh It's N AM J and number, and where it can be examiued. Ad dram Box 3n4 Herald office. r HOilMKK k 0(1.'s, 149 KA3f UTII ST., PIANO mannlacturers, llrst class Pianos at extremely lew prices for cash ; several good second hand Pianos, very 11$ tie used, at great bargains: rent and Instalments, $3 tg $3U monthly. Soil M hK A Co., UP hset 14th st. "7 LADY WIi.L SELL STEIN W AY PI AN OPOKTH, jV$; four round, oarved. Inlaid caso. 7t. octave Plane, evury linproeement. guarantee, ussd ouly > months, a sacrifice; Cabinet Grand Uprlrut Piano, .-I73t Box for shipping Call private residence No 41 West Uilh St., be tween 5th and Hill eva. Mrs <'. L. VAN DKVKKit. LADY WILL SELL CauVKD KOSRWOOD 7 OC ktave Pianoforte, $<13. 238 East 90th st . 3d av. HTEINWAY PIANO fOK HALE CHEAP-A MAO niflceiii foor round enrnorud ronwnod Pianoforte, all uiudtrrn luiurovt iiitnn, made la order, cost $00(1, tor $173 < Htaol. Oorer, Cabinet*. Call at prlvata reddaocc 120 Waal 23d at., near 6th ar. ^ KKW SECOND HAND WKHHIt PlANoS AT VKR^ Lgreat barcalos; some of them userl but avery short time by our bsst musicians, and really almost as good as new: tuliy wa> ranted In wery reso-et. Please sail at tbb WKUElt warero us, 3th av. and kith at. "lady, LRAVINU THr. CITY, WILL ShLl, HOSE .wuoil 7 octave I'lanolnrte, >85. 1 l>tl 3d av.. near 13th at. 11) DLL'S " PLAN OKOK Fits?O It Ha I BAoOAlNMl Cbieaerlng'e and others. $3 to $10 monthlr. HlllllLK'S. 13 Waverlay place, near Broadway. At A. B B A RO AIN?$ 140?7 '4 OCTAVE PIANO. NEW GOV8I and stool; half price ; instalments: rent $4. uaHLK'.-v corner nth av. and 33d at. OR" $ALK- 1IEACTlKUL 7<~OCr7VK UPltlGill I'latio at bargain : used nines l hrisUnas j tvery particu lar first class. Address PRIVATE KAM1LY, Herald Up town offiee. 1" NOR haLk OHKAP-ON ACCOUNT OP OOINO to ' Kurepe, Planu and Billiard. Apply at 33 West 3 >th st. HAS ELTON rtlton , MANUKAOTUMhltm, $4 AND 1$ University place, have a large assortment ot naw and second haad Planus; some ol the latter as good as uev; will be sold or rooted at orleee to suit the limes. 1WILL PAY CAHH DOWN ?OK A KIKHT CLAfti Piano, stool, Cover end Case et way down price: must answer to-day, stating oetarts. maksr, age, cost aad price, Addrsss BAi-GaIN, French'? Hotel. Maun i kickn F v% ocTaVm imuhlk round carved lags Pianoforte, only $ut>; rars bargain. HON DON'S, 137 Hleeaksrst. KUANh ?APLKNDID ORGAN*. St stops. $43; _ 7 stops. $5i?; tl stops, $5ftt II stops, $83; 13 stops, $73, and 13 stops, #M3. Pianos?Concert grand, $413; tquare grano. $333, $3<?l. $173, $130, $133, $133 and $110. Hbeet Music ai hall pries, some at mis cent per pagat greatest bargains; unrivalled instruments: unequalled prices. Head fur catalogue HORACE WATERS A HONH, 40 Kelt 14th et. FIANOH AND ORGAN* TtJitKN l' IN l'i i K CO uflTR#| or for sale on Instultiients. extremely low. HORACE WATMM A son.-, i i Rast Uth st. ?t?r ?sui'RuH chiukYhino PIaNO; CIaNO, _? I.nearly u-w, Stoel mid Cover. $130. 301 Oth ev., opposite Marv's. Open evenings 0 IMfTOVOfwir ANY IE AC IIE it- tv "aNTeD KhiiM Man Y Dl'itito Ltlons fnr autumn ; a lew Immvdieloly. itailaolu vaudl Bales luvltad. HCIIKKMK IIORN. 3d Hsit 14lh. M DKYTUrUY. AHKt OK fit KTII IN TIIRER HOUHH, AT EMmIER 377 Hth av.. one do >r above 33d st , or I3H West 34th at,; terms to suit. NKWBItOUOII A NKWHROUOII. BKAUTIPUL A RTIkTc IaT. TEN fit, mi; GUM, $*J warranted. "New York Dental Rooms." 303 Uth av. i atahllabed IMI. h- m aim it. PA I M.l ? EXTK action! ALHO A EIIPIC1AL teeth: term, to suit. LIGHTII AVENUE dKNTaL AMOClATIuN. 373 8th ay., eae door heleir 3Bth th