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WASHINGTON. The Unseen Hand that Prompted the Potter Committee. SOUTHERN CONGRESSMEN BEWILDERED Is Mr. Tilden Palling the Wires (hat Move the Puppets? TENNESSEE DEMOCRATS IN A RAGE. An Address To Be Published in Re sponse to Secretary Key. Trouble Over the Necessary Ex penses of the Investigation. FROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. Washington, May 29, 1878. gBCBETABY KEY'S LETT IB AMD X1S Et'FKCT8 ? DEMOCRATS ANNOYED AT THEIB POSITION BKFOBE THE COUNTRY?EVIDENCE OP BECBET INFLUENCES AT VFOBX. The democrat* ar* deeply annoyed here to-day at tb* letter ol Postmaster General Key, urging Southern men not to support lor tb* next Congreea any man wbc, in this Congress or otherwise, tarors the Potter resolution ot Inquiry into the Presidential tills. It was an unsxpeetad blow, and the more tolling upon lbs democrats baoanse they are themselves, with very few exceptions, Irritated at having been coerced In lorn* way, ibey know not how, into supporting the Potter reaolutlon against tbolr better judgment and Intentions. Tba Southern democrats lu particular are annoyed, because tbey find themselves accused by Mr. Key ol revolutionary designs which they beve not entertained, but for wmeb tbolr loollsb rapport of tno Potior resolution bas, as tbey Icel, given at least a color. Tbsy are amazed, puzzled and Indignant. Tbey teal that somehow? Ibey do not qnlte comprehend bow?ibey have been led Into a lalse position and tbey do not know to get out of it. It is not now probable that any one of them will be bold enongb to bring in a resolution repealing tbat ol Mr. Potter, but a large number of tbem are indignant enougb to do It, and It such a resolution oould gel beture tbe Hons* under tbo rules, there Is excellent reason for believing tbat Mr. Potter's committee would be die. missed by a large majority of democratlo votes. Tbe demoorats go about In private, In a maze an if with puzzled minds, asking each otber, "Who dlatble thing?" '-How was it donof "Who advised it?" "Who consented lo It beforehand?" and their inde xation iaereasea as tbey discover tbat not one con spicuous isader oi their parly was even asked about tb* propriety of tbo resolution or tbe inquiry. Not one, except the Speaker, who appears to bavo been the only loading democrat here In tbo councils of tbe men wbo got It up. Mr. Potter long ago let It be known tbat bo knew nothing ol tbe matter until, at tbe last moment, ho was informed by tele graph tbat he was ordered to report It to tbo Hoaee. Ol tbo dotnooratle Senators?Bayard, Tburman, Ran dolph, Kernan, Lamar, Gordon, Beok, Hill, Morgan, Garland and others?not one, so lar as is Known, was even allowed to know anything of wbat was proposed. Not only woro tbey not asked lor advice, but tbey were carefully kept in ignorance ol wnat waa pro posed. In tPe House tbs same care was observed to keep tbe secret irom tb* moat Important men. It is not strange, therefore, that now, whoa men bavo bad iftno to talk tba manor ewer Ma 10 discover toil nobody except tbe kill donen wbu wore wgifik In It ?m oenooitod, they go about wonaerlag boor It was done, wboio was tbo aneoen bend tbat so boldly manipulated vbe whole mailer, aod bow the whole demoorails deleft lion in tbo House was led Into supporting a measure wbicb so la to aa ibo 24 th of April, as appears by in terviews in lbs IIskald, all but twelve opposed with sontempt. Tbat an unaeen band was at work In tbo matter begins to be plain to many el them as tbey sompare notes. A Southern democrat, wbo In the HsidtLn Interview was strongly opposed to any meas ure like tbat ol Mr. Potter, was asked to-day, '?Were yon misrepresented t" ?-No," be said,.."thai Is wbat I thought, and that Is wbat I still think. The whole thing is unwise and wrong." "But you voted for itf" '?Tee, 1 did. Two or three leading newspapers In my district suddenly came out for it and threatened tbat no one should be returned to Congress who dared to opposo It, and 1 c}id not like to go agalost the sentiment ol my district." ??Waa there really an exoltsment among your peo ple about Itf Old you receive letters Irom yonr con stituents urging you to support itf" "No, but these newspapers came out all at once With sharp arllolesand paragraphs, which were sent lo me marked, and you can see that would naturally afreet ma " " Were any public meetings bold in your district to demand itf" "No; only this sodden outburst In the press?and Vbat la what 1 Hod everybody tells me ot bia own district. The newspapers all at once blew out, and threatened every mau's seat wbo dared to opposo tbo investigation." New, wbat is noticeable to this matter la tbat tbis is tbs gen oral experience ot Congressman, pariloolarly a tbo South. So tar aa they know, tbo public mind a tbelr districts waa not exotted on tbo subject, fbalr people mad# no damaoda on tbem; It waa not Itacassed; no meeting* wore held ebeut It; no letteis from prominent elllnoae came to warn tbem that lboy wanted noertela course pursued) bit tbero was ibis sadden outbarot In tbe newspapers at the critical moment when It waa necessary to the purposes ot tha Daooea Hand that Representatives should bo misled tad eoerood by tbrsots from borne. Who did It f People bore begin to enapect tbat the Unseen Band waa Mr. Tlldan'a; tbat bla famous literary oure?a prepared or inspired these simultaneous fui minatlons; tnat as Colonel Pelion is known to have tome to Baltimore to arraogs lo a private meeting wttb Mr. Randall and a few oiber* tbo exact time sod ? inner In wnleh tbo resolution sboula bs Introduced tad pushed, so It was Irom tbo New Turk headquarters that tbo tbundero were launched which wore intended lo alarm and decalva Representative* hare aod coerce tbem Into sup. porting a measure about wbleh tbey had not been consulted beforehand of the form nnd inten tion of which tbey bad neon carefully kept Ignorant wtilob, virtually important aa it wan, waa navor sub' mined to o caucus, and of which, in fact, they knew eo lltlto that aven tbelr Ignorance helped to lead Uirm astray. For they argned:? "The men who are posh ing thm mast have positive proofs In their hands or tbey woald net dare to be so eoattdtni." Ho far sa your correspondent has been able to as serials not a dsmocrtt who Is on reeord In the UssALn lalsrvlews ol April 24 as opposed to the measure has slnee changed his mind. Of course the whole list has not been agals questioned, but tbe re mit of cartfal and extended general inquiry develops tbo laot that men thick now aa they thought then ol lbs meaaure aod think It wrong and nowise. If, as tha general opinion tiere begins to be, It was really Mr. Tiideo's unaeen hand which thus bagyod the B-iuss of Representatives one cannot help but marvel at tha industry aad dexterity with which ha led bis party into what all ol them now see and almost ill beforehand declared to bo a gross blander. It is remarked here by abrowd democrats tbat Speaker Randall baa pnt on the Potter commiliee almost every one of his rivals lor the Speaker's ebatr. ?The post of honor is ibo post of danger," oomoono mid when Una was pointed oat, and ibe speaker in assigning to laadlog places on the commute# Poller, Morrtsoo, ManMahoo, Huntou sod Ular.kburn, all possible candidates for the Speaker's chair, ami dan jerous oandidaiot, too, did o shrewd stioko ol busi ness. It Mi boeomo privately known that some of Ibo democratic membera of lb# committee era not pteasea tn*i tney were pal ua It, ana mean to to on their naard 10 novo no special responsibilities oast ?ipou tbem Individually. The assignment of members to sub-coin mtticee will prove a matter u( tome tf'ffl culty, a* several members privately say thai Ibcy wilt not go on sab-committees. They vsill not be rostie scapegoats for a lullure to get evidence, and will In sist that the whole committee sbsll go to Louisiana and Florida, to tbat all shall be equally responsible. FROM OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT. WoatiNovos, May 20, 1878. TENNESSEE DEMOCBATS INDIGNANT AT MB. BEY*S LETTrR?TENOR OP AN A DDE ESS TO BE PREPARED IN RESPONSE, The democratic representatives from Tennessee are Indlgusnt at the letter ot Postmaster General Key,and Mr. Casey Young, who has bee n the inost conservative member of me delegation on t he subject oftnvestlsa iioo, is the most indignant, lie proposed to-day that the democrats of the Tennessee delegation hold a meeting and adopt a tormal reply to tbo itty letter. This pri position mot with lavor, except Irom Messrs. Wbiuhorne aud Bright, who held thst Mr. Key snd his production were not entitled to to much consider ation. It was dually agreed to prepars an address to tho democracy ot Tennessee In reply to Mr. Key's letter, and Congressman Heute was authorized to write it. This address will be presented to tbo | members wttbiu a day or two for their slgna. | tores, after whlolt It will be published. Its trior will bo ubout as follows:?Mr. Key's political course will be reviewed iroui tbe time ho wss a leader of the whig party to snow that be is not qualified to advise iho democracy. Ills acoepiance o( a position In Mr. Uayes' Cabinet and tnbsequoni course will be | touched upon In order to show tbut he has been grad ually drifting from ibe democracy, aud It will be olaimed tils letter was prepared and laaued In the in terest of the republican party; that it is simply sn appeal to tbo people of the South to elect re publicans In plsoe of the democrats who now represent them In Congress. It will be asserted thst Mr. Key baa allied himself with tbo tho republican party In its attempts to control tbo noxt House of Representatives, and that mis toiler really emanates irom tbe members ol Mr. Hayes* ad ministration wbo are particularly anxious to prevent tbe democracy Irom retaining Its majority In the House. This endeavor to establish Mr. Key's connec tion with tbe republican party aud itt tnteresta will be followed by a review of the blatory ot Tennessee under republican rule, and tht peoplo will be ashed If thoy desire s retnrn ol that rule. Tho benefits that hsvo followed tho return ot democracy to power will then be pointed out. aud the people will be appealed to to stand by tbeir party colors, ignore Mr. Key and tho Hayes administration, and to return none but tried democrsta to Congress. The imputation that tho democratic members Indorse any revolutionary scheme and are not sincere in Ihelr devotion to tbe Unlou will be repelled in sharp and severe language. TUB POTTER COMMITTEE EN SECRET SESSION? SUB-COMMITTEES TO BR SBNT SOUTH?TROU BLE ABOUT THE NECESSARY APPROPRIATION. TheKlwtoml Investigating Committee held another length? teuton this afternoon with closed Coo re. The members unanimously agreed to keep the proceedings secret and are utterly reticent to night aa to what they did. It is understood, however, that, after a protracted dlsooasion, it wu resolved to pursue the investigation In secret session, st lout In tbo earlier ?tagee of the Inquiry, and to leave to a luture day the question ol the propriety ot making tho pro ceedings public, aecordtog u the propriety of ao doing, should bo determined on by circumstance*. It waa alao decided to seed a sub-committee to Louisiana and another to Florida, and part ol tho aesslon wu oc cupied In tho consideration ot propositions of name* to constlluts these auh-committoea The democratic mt|ority of tb# committee foresee trouble should they attempt to expend money In sending ?ub-eommliteos to tbo 8ontborn States or In siuiug hero daring tho recess of Congress without a preliminary appropriatloa. They agreed upon the sum ol $20,000as tbeamenat necessary toearry on tho work of Investigation, and a bill appropriating that sum was reported to tbo Honso by the Chairman of the Appropriation Committee to-day. Tho republicans succeeded by parliamentary taoilea In postponing Its present consideration, hat its ultimate pauage by tba Hums ean be depended upon. It la feared, however, that the Senate will delest It and leave tbo commit tee to lake the risk of incurring a heavy axpenso without legal sanction. The republicans say that all this trouble about aa ?pproprlstiou is only a pretext of some ot tho demo crats to back out of an investigation which they be gin to ace la likely to turn out a Oxxle. llenco It waa eo many democrats were rsady to-day to adjourn on tbo 17tu of Juno, the Interval being ao short there will not be time to push tho appropriation through the Senate, and the pretence will be made that tb* Investigation waa prevented by iho republican Sen ate. The necessity of special approprlstlon lor the com mittee arises from tba exhaustion ol the regular con tingent fund of the House by expenses incurred by the several ooininiiteea which have been pursuing various Investigations already, especially I be Glover committee, which baa taken a great deal of testimony. The contingent fund ol each branch of Congress is provided In advance by the preceding Congress. In this Instance it baa bean exhausted by the long ses sion, Congress having been continuously at work alnco the 16th of October last ABUT AFPAinS?BILLS BRPOBTED BI THE HOUSE MILITARY COMMITTEE. Tba House Military Committee has directed Con gressman Bragg, of Wisconsin, to prepare a bill pro viding for three claases of awards to ba glvon to In ventors of magssmo guns of tbo army, to bo sub mitted to the Ordnance Board, which reconvenes at Springfield Armory June 10. Tbo awards are to be of three classes. tttnea the failure or tho House of Renresentattves to adopt tho section Interpolated in the Army Ap propriation bill providing for lineal promotion in the army tba Hou4a Military Com mil tee baa directed Congressman Malab, of Pennsylvania, to report favor ably bla bill, provialag that promotion of com mis sion ad officers sball be lineal throngh all grudOs op to and Including oelonel of cavalry, artillery or inlantry and not by regimanta aa has been the rule lollowed by the Adjutant General. Except that whan odirer* voluntarily transfer to dlderont corpe both odicers shall rank according to date of Iho Junior eommlsslou. Subaltern officers promoted shall na assignou July I and January 1 ol each year by the Secretary ol War as captains and Oral lieutenants as Iboy may be promoted, as may be deemed most bene ficial for tba sorvlce and to save transportation ax penae*. GENERAL WASHINGTON DESPATCHES. Wiflat*oTOfc, May 30, 1678. IMPOSTS AND XXPOBTS. An official statetneoi mads by tb* llurcaa ot Sta tlaties shows that tba amount of experts and Imports daring tea months of lbs current fiscal year ended Aoril 30, 1878, were s* follows:? F.xporia ol merchandise, domestic $581,028.821 Exports ol merchandise, foreign. Il.8i8i.4il Tout $603,187,203 Imports 386, ,'>81,861 Excess ol export* over Import* $237,626,441 Exoortaof speclo and bullion 27,077,014 Import* 26.704,400 Execs* of specie exports over imports... $1,283,614 Excess ui exports over Imports of mer chandise and tptcie 223,008,066 EO APPOINTMENT* TO TIIE MtLITABX AND NAVAL ACADEMIES. No appointments a* cartels to the Military Academy or of cadet rnginerra and cadet midablpiaen to the Naval Academy at large have beeu made tbio year, nor will thers be until the pending bill prescribing the manner of those appointments la disposed of. 1HOCKEDINOH OF CONG11E8S. SENATE. Wasemoton, May 20, 1878. To-morrow being Decoration Day, on motion ol Mr. Antiiovt, (rep.) of R. I., It waa ordered that when the Penal* sojourn to-day It be te most on Friday next Agreed to. Mr. HAiiaxaT, (rep.) ol Cel., five minute* before the expiration ol the morning boor, moved to tako up tho Bouse bill to relieve certain legal disabilities of women ao aa te allow them to practise in Untied States eourt*. Mr. Hamlin, (rep.) ?( Mo., and others, opposed tho Motion on acoonnt of insufficient lltno to eonaidor tbe bill, an tha Legislative Appropriation Mil wculd com# up aa unUuished bnatnesa at tbo aspiration of tbo moratug boor. Tba motion was rejectedby alio vote, yeas 28, nays20. Messrs Ilotlar, McDonald and Vaorbiaa voted with the rapnbllcana. In tba affirmative, und Meaara Conk ling. Dana o( illtuoia and Hamlin witb tho democrats, In the negative. Mr. Sauoixt aald tbo vote waa encouraging, and bo would aubmit tho motion again at an early day. THE LKCftaLATlVn BILL. Tho Senate tban proceeded with ihecooaiderattooof tbo Legislative, Executive and Judicial Appropriation bill. Mr. Wisdom, (rap.) of Mlun., chairman ol tbo Com mitten on Appropriatlona, In charge ol the bill, said toe total eatiinaiea lor tho Initiative, Jndioialend Executive departments ol the government lor the lineal year ending June 30. 1870, neru $16,002,1117 00. The total amount impropriated lor tbe currout Steal year waa $10,637,381 30 To I hut had been added by various defloieocy bill* $340,045 47, making a total o( $1.1.878,4:0 77 lor the year 1878. Th? total amount appropriated by the trill now belnre the Son ata, u? it came from i lie Conimlnee on .tppropriatioua, waa $16.6d4,l)42, being $313,584 77 lea* than the appropriatiou lor tbe current Uveal yaar. II tbara wero any objection* to Uie bit', it was probably on ucuount of appropriulioos being too small, rather than too large. The bill was by no means ua formidable aa tbe several hundred amend ments would ludioate. There were certain general principles governing ail ol tbvm. In the Orel place, the House of Representatives as sumed to revise the compensation and reduce tba ?ember at employes at the boosts. Tbe Senate Com mittee would aot agree mere to, and submitted anttndmeou to reinstate the employda and maintain tbe compensation at all aa now flzed. ibe House hill undertook to regrndo lbs sevorul classes ol clerks in the Executive departments ol tne government. This reorganization, or rather dis organization, ol tbe clerical lores extended to all the departments. The Houee had provided tor certalu clerks at au annual compensation of $1,000 each, but the Senule Commitioe would not ugroe thereto. The demnud ol nil too department* was lor Clerks ol u higher grnde. Those ot n lower grade could not do the required work. The Senate Committee bad there fore reinstated tbe clerical lores as organiaed by the aei ol 1863. The House bed abollebed tba Fourth and Fifth i Auuuorahips ol tne Treasury, and tbo Senaie Com mittee reported In favor ol rexturiug those officers. He apoke ol tbe work done In their offices, and quoted from tables as to accounts examined by tbem. An. The Heneenad provided lor assistant mersenaeraand I pngra In Ilia departments, but tbe uniforu testimony 1 et department eilloisis wjh that pages would he of no use, und ibe Senate Committee iiu.i tneroio restored the system ol messengers now la use. Tbe committee had increased salary in one instance only, ana no additional clerks were authorized except In casts of absolme neceecity, one of which was In tbe pension branch ol ihn surgeon General's office, wbure thirty-two more clerks wero needed. Oo motion ol Mr. Wisdom lbs Ave hi In u to rule wua applied to tne discussion npon amendments. All amendments reported by the Committee on Ap propriations restoring the number and compensation of employd* ol tbe Senate were agreed in. On motion of Mr. Axthoxy, of Kbodo Island, tbo clause iu regard to clerks in tne Government Priuiiug Office was amended so as to provide for a cbiel clerk at a salary ol $2,000 per annum, three olerka ol class lour, one elerk ot class two and one clerk ol class one. Tne House Inserted a provision tbat tho duties pre scribed by sectlob 460 ol tbe Revised Statutes, which authorises tne President to appoint a secretary to sign laad patonte, should bereutter derolve upon aud be discharged by one ol the Kxecutlvo clerks, l<ut the Senate disagreed tbereto and reinstated tho secretary to sign land patents at an annnal salary ol $1,600. The amendments ol tbo Committee on Appropria tions reinstating tne Fovrth and Filto Auditors ot tbe Treasury, abolished by tbe House bill, wero agroed to wllbuut discussion. diversi bunored amendments ol tbe committee, re storing tbe number end compensation of oltrks, mes sengers and laborers In tbe various exeoutlve depart ments of the government, offices ol assistant treasurers, mints and assay offioes, throughout the United Mates, were agreed to without any nebnte wbatever. An ameudmont of tbo committeo, providing tbat before tbe expenditure of any ol the $76,UOO appro priated lor tbe New Orleans Mint, the city ol New Or leans shall release to tbe United Mates all title and claim to tbe lands and premises npon whlcn said mint la located, waa agtoed to. Tbu clause ol the bill Oxing tbe compensation ol members ol tbo Territorial legislatures at $4 per day and mileage was emended by striking out all ol that portion ol the Hoaao bill in regard to districting tba Teri ttoriaa and apportionment of members la tbe legislatures Tbe committee reported an amendment to strike ont ol tbo House bill tbe elenae forbidding tbe Com missioner ol 1'eoatons from dropping pensioner* trom tbe rolls upon ex parte statements takeu by special agents. Agreed to. Anotber amendment of tbo committee, appropriat ing $6,000 ler investigating tho history and babtta of insects injurious to asrlcnltare and lor experiments In ascertaining tbe beat moans of aeatroyiog mem, waa agreed to. TUB AMOUBXMkXT QOIBTIOIV. Pending consideration ul tbs qui a message wa? re ceived Irom tba House ot Representatives anootiocing ibai that body bad agreed to me Senate coneurrunt resolution tn regard te n Anal adjournment or con* grass, with an amendment, Axing tne date an June IT tndteod ol June 10. Mr. Hahlix, ol Maine, Mid be enggeeied tbe pro* prletynt taking op and aotlng upon the amendment of ine Houae now. Tho earlier tbe question or ad* JournmoBl abould Ire determined the better it would ne, aa coogreae wenld then know tbe neceeattr of working up to it. Mr. Win do* opposed tbe present consideration or tbe resolution auu amid it would Interrupt the con sideration ol tbo legislative Appropriation bill to take It up now. He lutended to make a motion to relar it to ibe Committee ou Appropriation* Mr. Paddock (rep. or Neb.), Irom toe Conference Committee ou the bill to ainand section 2,401 ol tho revi-od statutes ol the Caned States, relutire 10 ibe cultivation ul limber on the public domain, submitted a report which was agreed to, aud tba bill passed. Tua consideration vl Ida Legislative Appropriation bill win tutu resumed. Tbs amendment ol lbs Senate Committee rslnatst* lag tbe olDce ol naval soldier abolished by the House ul Representatives was agreed to. TUS AM'; HILL. Pendisg discuaaiuu Mr. Hlaixb moved Ibst the Army Appropriation bill be read oy litis end roisrred to tbs Commlttse ou Appropriations. Mr. UohmmAs, (rep.) ul K. 1., muved to rarer tbsl portion ul tee bill relerriog to tbe rooriiaoisitlon of tbe army to tbe Cumuiillee ou Military Affairs. Mr. Sasosnt, uf Cel. raieod tbe poiot ol order thet tbe bill could oot be divided lor purposes uf reference, end the point was sustained by the Cbalr. the bill Was tbeu referred tu the Committee on Ap propriations aud ibu Senate resinned consideration ol lbs Is gislsllvs Appropriation bilk Mr. Hows, (rep.) ol \\is., submitted so amendment Irom the Library commlttse to give tbe Librarian ol Congress ibreo additional assistants at $ 1,'JOO sseb pvruuoura. Agreed to. Mr. Barorxt, ol California, from the Committee on Navel a flairs, reported an ameodmonl appropriating $6oU lor additional eompenautlon tu tbe ciuel clerk ol Ibe >avy Uapariuieut while aeiteg aa saaistanl secre tary and the same amount for additional compensa tion to a elerk of class lour wbllo acting as cnisl clerk; also $l,0bu lot a stenographer. Aprctd m. lending dicussaion on tbs Legislative bill Mr. Wisdom, from the Conlerenos Committee on the Con sular and Diplomatic Appropriation bill, submitted a report, wbiob was agreed to end the bill passed. Ml VSR AMD UAKHOR SILL. Mr. Prs.vcsa, trep.)ol Ala., iruut tba Commutes on Commerce, reported, wiiu aineuanienta, the Kivnr and Hartiur Appropriation bill, and gava notice that be would call it up lor cooeideraliou ou tiaturduy. In reply tu a question ot Mr. Merrill as to how much It appropriated, Mr. epnsdnn saic It wis an increase over lbs House bill ol about gltuO.ow. Tbe bill was placed on tbe caieu.iar. Tbs .Senate Iheo, at sis o'clock P. it., adjourned until Friday. HOUSE OF BkPllEbENTATITES. Wasiu.mjtox, May 20, IS78. Immediately afler tba reading ol lbs Journal Mr. Wood, (Usm ) ol N. Y., called up tbs Senate adjourn ment resolution and moved to postpone Its lurtber consideration uutll .Saturday, Juue 8, and the yeas and bays were ordered thereon. There being a number of vacant seals on lbs demo crstie sols Mr. lleacsn, ol Tessa, asked if it ware in order to bsve a call of tba House, to which the rpsaker replied tbat be thought there was a quorum preoenl. Mr. Wood? For the purpoeeof ascertaining whether there la a quorum present I move that tbs House adjourn. Mr. Hals, (rop.) ol Me.?Does Ibe gentleman want te filibuster en his own motion 7 Mr. Wood?Ne, sir; bet 1 want n fair, square vote on tbe proposition. Tbe yeas and nays being tsken an tbe motion lo adjourn. It was deleated. Tbo vole was than taken on lbs motion te postpone the consideration ol lbs resolution lor the final ad journment uutll June 8, ana It was delcaied? yeas 124, nays IS*. Tbiswasa party vole, with the re ception ol Mesrra. Aiken, Ball, Biaod, Houck, Duck ner, Cutler, Fuller, llardeobergh, lenders, Morgan, Morse, I'rideoiure, ilea and Willis ol New York, who voted wilb ibo republicans, and the throe Kansas member*, Messrs. Havkall, 1'ttllltpn and ityan, Who voted with Ilia democrats. Mr. Kkllkv, (rep.) ol I'a., aisled that he was paired witti Mr. MiKiuiev, ol Ohio, otherwise be would have Voted in Ilia alllrmative. Mr. Wood then moved lo lay tba Boost* resolution Ob tbe tablo. 1 he question being taken on the root lun te lay tbe flanste resolution on lbs labia. It waa rejected?yeas 126, nays 131. This vols waa tbe aims as lbs preoedlns one, with the exception that Mesara Buckner ana Bland this time voted with their polities! associates. Mr. litmus, (dam.) ol Vs., moved in amend the reso lution so ?? lo ax ins day tor final sojournment on the 2'itli June, Mr. Hai.r. (rep ) of Me., mads the point ol order that no anieniimcni was In order, is thn previous question waa villi operating. I be ft rank KH?rnta proposition rame up as a ques tion ol privilege, and tHo gonliemnn Irom New York iMr. Wood) moved te postpone us consideration until una 8. Tba question waa then asked ol tbe Chair whelbei effect ot rustsiulog the previous question carried iho litoto to a *t>ia on the resolution ilwli, and Uio Chair doclcek ??at i< did. '1 hero i* but una way lust tbe i hair Knows of *-e rhicb lH,i resolution can be amended. II tiie prwfios!*** * concur is voted down ana n motion to reeoes'.^av Ai?iJe it will ?trip ib? proposition ol iLe previous ?.-*?ilou and auiendincnts will be In order. Mr. Wood?As 1 undersum li, lb*. Cliair baa very properly determined tuat tbo p.-nous question Is operative. 1 desire io Know whether If lbs House re late to concur in the rcsoiti'ion it will be couipcteut to move u new proposition llxtn; some later day. The Sl'KAKKK repliad that It would. Mr. Wuou?I give notice mat that ism)' Intention. Tbo rote was men taken ou concurring in tbe Kenalu resolution, and it wsa rejsoted?yeas 127, nay* 121. 1 his time Messrs. Hell, llardetibergh and Laudcrs To ed wltn their party. Mr. Wuon then moved to reconsider tbo vote Just taken, euu that living agreed to movid io nmsnd the resolution to as to Ilk June 24 as the day lor hnai ad|otu nni*ot. Mr. Ci.tmkh, idem.) of Pa, moved to amend by In serting June 17. Mr. Ciymcr's ameuumenl was agreed In?year, li?4; nays, 93; and then the Senate resolution as inns amended was adopted without a division. The reaolutiou now goes back to the Senate, end that hotly may either concur at unco in the amend ment (thus virtually nloetiiu tho question) or H muv abstain iroin boat actios until witinii a day or two ot tbe 17th of June, wbeu it will be able lojuugo wlictner either Irom public or Irom party considerai mua it will be necessary to extend the time or to adjuurn on mat d?y. TUK U INSULA* AMI IHI'LOU ATIC BILL. Mr. 8i.xui.ktox, (dom.) ot Mua., mane a uoolerenco report eu the Consular and Diplomatic Ap. proprlstion bill. lie slated that the hill as It passed tbe House made appropriation.-, leas by $101,000 than the llko bill of thu last suasion ; that tbe Senate had increased the appropria tions by $84,000; that the .Senale uoufvrees hud yielded Io the amount ol $44,60(1 and Iho llou.-o ecu ivrani to ine amount of J.'I'.l.tO'l, and that thu u.ll as it now stands appropriates $61,uo0 lest tlitn the bill o( Issi session. Tun revert was agreed to. Under me bill as It now stand* the salaries or the Ministers to Great Britain, Krauce, Germany and ltuasla remain til $17,MM), luatead <>l $16,000. ss'voted by lbs House, and those ol th* Ministers to Spain, Austria, July, lirnxil, Mexico, J .pau und China at $12,bob, Instead ol $lu,000. The raiaeion>. to Belgium, Motherlands and tho Argentine Kopnblic are restored to tbe $7,600 class; the salary of iba Ml under to Haytl is put back Irom $A,tX)0 io $7,600. and tnst ol tlid Mluisier to l.ibcriu irom $2,Aou to $4,000 I'rovisluo I* made lor charges d'ullairea at Denmark, l'sruguay and Uruguuy (combined) and Hwliaerlaud ai $.>,000 aacli. Tuo salary ol tbe Consul Con era i at Cairo Is restored io $4,0Ub; of tnn ounauU genernl at London, 1'arta, Havuua and llio Janeiro io $0,bO<f; ol ilio Consul Gooeral at Melbourne to $4,600; ol tlie Consul General ut lleriln to $4,000; ot the consuls gen eral ai Vienna, Frankfort. Koine and Constantinople to $3,000. and mo appropriations for sulartes oi" con ?nla, vice cansuls, commercial ugentn and consular clerk* IS increased from $200,OoO to $304,600. kxraxsKH or ixvkst uatio*. Mr. Atkins, pit-in.) ol leuu., cliairruan of the Com tnilteo on Appropriations, reported a bill appropria ting $20,000 to delru) tbo expenses ol the select Com mittee on tbe Priaidsntiul hlectlon. On a poiut ol order made bv Mr. Coxokk, (rep.) of Mich., me hill was referred to the Coniuitiluc ol tho Wuon*, and then iho House went Into Gomuiitic* ot the Whole, Mr, Cnldwell, of Tennessee, In me chair. Mr. Atkins then moeod to set aside tbo bills now before that committee aud members ou tbo republi can side interposed to impede notion by requiring each oi such bills io bo reso lit lull. I'hla weut along until the bill was reached which regulates the grunt ing ol pensiona an scoount ol death or wouuds or in. juries received or disease* contracted In the service ol llio United Biales sinco Marcn, 1861, aud for tbe puy mailt ol arrears ol peuslons and to restore to tbe pen sion mil tbe names of such as hive bona struck 00 lor disloyalty, sod, as tbero was objeetiou in setting ibis bill usldo Mr. Atkina moved that the committee rtte, staling that thu block ap peared to bn in term,liable und that D* did not desire to do anything ibat woulJ retard business. Mr. Kick, (usin.) of Uhto, wbo reported the bill, op posed lust u.olioc, but it was agreed to?90to 64?aud tbe oomratttee roae, leaving ihe appropriation bill lor the select committee at inn rent ol the calendar. Mr. Kbauan, (deiu.) ol I'exus, mou called up the bill to regulate in term a to commerce by ral.roud, but the question ol consideration being raised tho House refused to consider it now. Mr. Bukcuaho, (rep) ol III , next catlod up tbe bill tn amend lb* lolorual revenue laws. Mr. Cox, (deiu.) ol N. Y., raisoJ lb* question of con sldaration (desiring to gel up bis lull lor life saving stations) but the House voted to lake up Mr. Burcbuid's bill?90 to 76?and proceeded to us con sideration as in Ciiramilteu ol iho Whole (Mr. Carlisle, ol Kentucky, la the chair) The bill covers foriy-nloe prtuled pages, and merely makes changes ir. tbe oulies ol ofllcvrs and id the technical execution of iho inter nal revenuo laws. Aftor oonsideriug but three pages oi ihn bill tb* matter went over without action. Mr. Bsaoo. (liehi. i ol Wis., iniroouced a bill to *e enra th* moat etUoieni arm* lor the use of the regular army nod lb* militia. Uefsrred. Tba Mouse then, at twenty minutes to five o'clock, took n rtoeaa uotii ball-past seven o'clock the even* ins seaaion to bo lor dabna ooly. When th* House adjourns to-nlgbi It will b* to ment on Friday night, pursuant to a previous order. Alt MY INT. LUGENCE. .ft LEAVES OV ABSENCE OK ANTED ?ORDER ACCEPT INO BEblQN.lTION REVOKED. Wabrinoton, May 29, 1878. Lbbtb of absehto for alx momba .a granted Captain O. M. Bascom, Thirteenth infantry. Leave of ab sence lor eight months, with permission to go beyond the sea, la granted Copum Thomas I*. Qulnn, Fourth Infantry. Leave of abaenoo for bis months, with per mission to apply for an extension of two mouths, la granted First Lieutenant Cnarlea F. Hue, Eleventh In fan try. By direction of the President, tho special order nc oeptieg the resignation ol First Lieutenant 'I homes J. Spenour, Tenth Cavalry, Is revoked. Captain tleorge A. Ames is ordered to report by letter to tho Huperiu tendent-Oeneral Recruiting Service or duiy, in con. dncting a deiociiniem of recruits to the Tenth In fantry. ' NAVAL INTELLIGENCE. ORDEBE ? DETACHED FROM Tll i NAVAL ACADEMY. Washington, May 29, 1878. Assistant Surgeon J. A. Tanner is ordered to the practice steamer Mayflower at Annapolis, MJ. Pay master U. H Kenny ie ordered to the Mayflower. Chief Kngtneer J. IV. Thomson la ordered to the Alaska at New York. Lieutenant Commander A. I), brown la detached from the Naval Academy and or dered to command tna Mayflower. Lieutenant John C. Haley le detuched from the Naval Academy ana or-, dored as eascutivn ol the Mayflower. Passed Assist ant Knttneera Kobert Crawford and C. H. (ireeullrld ara detached from the Naval Academy and ordered to tho slay flower. THE TENNESSEE ARRIVED AT OIBBAI.TAB PI.OM VILLA ERAKCA. London, May 29, 187?. Tbs I.' n.1 tad Slates. steamer Tennoe-oesrrlv^J at Gibraltar oo May 22 from'Wills France. ? ? ? THE PLY MOUTH AT PINNACOLA. [b* TELKUIl Pll Tt) THE HERALD.] Pensacola, May 29, 1878. Tba United Stales alaainsr Plymouth arrived hare this morning. All well on boird. THE INGEUSOLLb AGAIN. There are lew family <1 fllcitliloe thai have so often beaa made tbe subject of police court investigation as those of William F. Ingersoll and bis wile Mary. Tbo atery which was yesterday recalled In tho JefTcr?on Market Police Court dales buck almost a year to the evening wbeu lnjr?Troil. mined with a knife, assaulted Assemblyman James Ifsyes while lie was standing uu Hie stoop of a bouse lit Cberlioa streei, wblther bo had escorted a lady. Tbe aasaliiul wua urged to make tho attempt Irom a jealousy ho conceived for Hayes, whom ho believed to be ini.uiato with hla wife. Mra. Ingersoll, to free bereeif from further aanoyanoe, determined to saeurn a divorce, aad In turn adopted her busbano'e system ol espionage, which eunhli-d liar oo October 0 io bring sail against bra. Nines that noil her party bus come liefore the public, and It was believed that eeparellon end the Inteivenllon ol the law had eflee tuelly tnded the fend. But Ingersoll la not a tnun who ytenia so easily, and all along ha Kept watch upon the woman's actions. SIdco ihe adjournment ol ilia Legislature these Jeelbiis attentions have hewn redoubled, from a motive Ingersoll makes no prelanec ol concealing. Ha passed her place ol residence frequently, ami on the eireels, she save, ho won *cce?iomrd to accost her end ennov her with hit importunities. At length ihero was trouble?au encounter on a stoop in Thirty set und street, nurd words, perhaps blows, and a scone on the sidewalk, the result of all which was Ingereoll'* arrest and arraignment yesterday in the Juflerioii Market Police Court. lie was placed by Judge Murrey under *iou ball to appear lor trial. MI<ll'LIFTt Its AURKHTKD. Hctentivas Forrla and Shelly, wblla walk lag down Broadway yesterday, had their aiientloa attracted hy tbe suspicious movements of a man and woman who were coming out or the dry goods store ul Kattghran 4c Co. They walked past Ilia aetociivea and tarnoj down Eleventh street. The woman was seoa to hand a park.axe to the man, which Ilia latter concealed under his coat I hey oext returned io Broadway end etilernd the store ul l.o lloutillier Broibera, where lhey remsiued a short lime. On leaving ilia latter plana llio detective* arretted iliein, sin) on being rearmed at Ilia < iifllie tweivo pslra ol giovea were foaml in possession oi the mini, while the woman had a piece ol lace goods secreted under her dries, I hey gave their oaime as John Nullivan, of No. 311 Mulberry street, end Prudence Martin, whose piece ol residence wae not ascertained, Tney will be arraigned at court tbia morning. DECORATION DAY. Official Programme l33u=d cy the Granl Arrr,y. T H E P R OCESSION. Regular Orders Govrrnicg llie Lnc of Marrli nnd !t!ovrniriits. The celeuraliou of in-day bid* !eir to excel anything of > similar naiuio ever witnessed lu Ibis city. Tbe military {ngraui will be especially gorgeous, and the preparations by tbe Committee ol the Grand Arinv of Ibe Bcpubhc bsve been on a file of unusual masm tuue. The following In il.t official programme fur tbe day as tssuou by itls comuiillet: ? rnKAOK or Tiir or a.m aksy or tiik mcrrai.ic. \V T. Mieriuuii. General U. A. A.. aiol Staff, accompanied hy Major General IV. H. Hsncoca and Staff, ami ceorted by filly general olHoara ol' llie late war. Admiral S. II, Tretnhurd and oilier officers. If. > N. M.jur General John <f. Itobio-on. Coiuinanilerln-Chlef, (J. A. ail I .Half. M.jor (leneral Joseph Honker. with the Mexican War lateralis ami various other nvla and military organisa tion*. all escorted oy the Fir?t lilvisioe, N.G ,?.JI V., the whole reyleweit hy 111, Excellency Lucius Ki.biuson. liorernor of New Vork. accompanied bv the Honorable The Mayor and Common Council of tbe city of New Vork, i-KoCkraiuy. Tbe order of tbe procu.siou will be as follows;? ksookt? rimer iiivimion N.a .s.x.r. Major General Alexander .-baler, commanding. Asslstaut Aojutuol General ami rhtel ol mall, Colonel Henry A. Ultdurslreve Division Inspector, Colonel CsrlJu-sen. Ulriemi Engineer. Colonel r., H. Van Winkle. Dlvlaion J ml ijo Ailvncato. Colonel A. W. Sheldon. Division Miraeou, Co onel J C. Barron. Chlet of Artillery. Coencl C R. Mitchell. Diytslou inspector Kille Pracilce. Lieulenaiu Colonel E. It. SautorU. Orilmnce Ullicer. I.lenleuant Colonel C. A. Pout. DItI.Iou tjnarterma.ter. Lieutenant Co onol A. l?. I'alne. Division Commissary. Lieutenant Cninnel rrank Wri.ley. AlUes-de-Cantp. .Major Joiin II. I relin and ( apt nu William lie L. Boechtnu. Separata Troop A. Captain Karl Klein, commanding. Separate Troop B, Captain I,. T. Ha.or, uuniinnuulug. Thirit llriff'iilt. Brigadier General John M. Vaiian commanding. Serentli regiment, Colonel kmnioneClark, commenting, sixty ninth regiment, ( oiuucl J aniea Cavauagli, couiuiaud ins Eighth regiment. Colonel George D. Seott, commending. Battery B, Cantain John Keliu, cuniiuanding. / ir,f Brigadier General W illiam G. Ward, enmm Hiding. Twenly -ccund regiment. Colonel J isieh Porter, command ing. Filth regiment. Colonel Charley S. Spencer, commanding. Iwolllliregiuiatil.Coioual S V. it. ( ruger. commanding. Battery K, Captain Augnatu. lioelato, coniiuandliig. .Secoiiif Urigoitr. Brigadier General Frederick Vilmar, commanding. Seveuty-llrst reglin-lit. Colonel llldiard Viixo, comroaud Ing. Hleeenth regiment, Colonel Kroderlek L'nbekaut, com iiiamiing. Ninth regiment. Lieutenant Colonel M. P. L. Montgomery, commanding. Third Cavalry. Colouel John II. Bndka. commanding Grand Manual?Comrade Heart A. Barnuin. (?eneral .natT?Cumrauo* Jamea II. Bailey, Adjutant Gen eral; Joseph Forbee, A-aiataut Adjutant (ieneral; J. Barclay Faaait, Ordnance officer; j. C. J. l.augbian. Judge Adrocate ; Louis ocbrait. (Juartcimaster (ieneral; J.Gray Boyd, Engineer officer; K. b, d<; c/niraltn. In apector General; B. A. Willie, Paymaster General; Max ilea tie. M. !>., Medical Director; Klihurn Knox. Comnil sary Genets! and Iter. s. B. Willis, Cnaplain. Assistant Marabals?Comrades W. M. Dallraan. Levi Stock wall, K. P. Liiitan. W'. II. Ktiner, M Meyer. J. W. Hiuwu Ing. Joseph H. Mereillth, it. It. Gri ennnd J. M. DnHota. Aidoa-de-Cump?Camrades K. M. Mlddlohrook, Dennis Sal Itvnn. Jacob Miller, H. II. Helinumao, William xEntee, J. A Joel, George II. Cooper, C. A. Hick and A. M. C. .smith, Jr. . ., VS. T. Sherman. General If. 8, A., anil W. K. Hancock, M..Jor General I'. S. A., In barouches. Staffs: - General Janes B. Fry, (ieneral T. A. MePerlln, General L. C. heatuii. Colonel J. K. Tnnrlellotlo, General A. Mcl>. MiCiok. Colouel W. G. Mitchell, General Klehard Arnold, Cnlonal G. N Lltbrr and (ieneral A. J. Perry, Cap! nn John S. W barton. Special escort, in carriages. to W.T. Sbirman, lienors) L*. S. A. Gen. II. W. Hloeum, lien M T. McMahon, Gen. A. K. Hut aside, Gen Jacob Mia-pe, lien John A. IIIX, Gen J. H Klddoo, Gen W. F. smith. Gen. II. f. 1r?cy. (?en II. G. W light. Jen. N. G. W illi urns. Gen. (J. A Gilmore. Gen. Stewart L. W oodfbrd. Gen. I'. K. SnkloA, Geu. I. M Catlln, lien. -V. I'lreaanleu, Geu. Horace Porter, Gen. J. Kiipatrlek, Gen. C. A. Arthur. Gen. D. S. Stanley, Gen. K A. Merrill, Gen. A. H. Wl llama, Gen D C. McCallum, Gen. Frans slgol, (no. r.H Gong. Gen. John Newion. Geu C K. Graham, | Gen. J. G. Barnard, Geu. Robert Nugent, Geu. Z. It. Tower. Gen F. J. Ilerron, | Gen. 11. W. Kenhem, Gen. F? L. Ilayee, Gen. I(. It Ayree. Gen. E. .larulue. Gen John M Corsa Gen. A. Duryea. Gen. Uanlal Buttorntld, Gen. Jamea Meteor, Gen. A. Deubieday, Gen. r'. T. Locke. Gen. W. W. Atcrill, Geo. J. M. Disks, Gen. W. 11. Franklin, Cnn. David Vlckera, Geu. F, C. Barlow, Gen l.vulo P. dl Cainols, (ten. II. K. Danes, Jr., Gen. George W. Palmer, (tan. Max Weber, Gen Charles lioome, (?en. Schuyler Hamilton, Gen. J. C. Plnokney, Gen George H. Greene, Gen. (irindley. lien. James Mctjuaiie, Gen K. W'. Serrell, lieu. I'. II. Jones. Geu. A. S Webn. (Ji n. John ? ochrane. Gen S. W. Crawtord, Gen. C. f. Cbriaiensen, Geu. C. W Tompkins, Gen. George II. Sharps. Gen. flsnulhsl Day, Urn J. I. Gwen lion. Walnwright. (Ian. Theodore B. Getee, Gen. S. T. Ollpbant, Gen. A. G. MeCook, Grn. J antes (I. (Irindley. Lulled States Navy officers (in baruuobesj. Admiral n. tl. Trenchant Captain T. S. Flllebrown. Captain S. H Luce. Lieutenant ( oinmantler F. K. Chmlwlok. chief Engineer D. H. Macomb. Chief Engineer M. It. II. W barton. Admiral's .lecrrtarv John Si udder. S Orgs on eomrrset Koblneon. Past Aasisiam earge n W. s. Dixon. Asslstam Surgeon Klcbar I Aslihrldge. Paiuia.ter C. W aliark. Comrade J. C. Itobinson. ('oninieoder In Chief. G.A.K., and sialf. Comrade Conslantine Mtsche. Senior Vice Department (/'??mm an dor. General V P. Banes. Orator of the day. General Lloyd .\,pmwail. Presiding Officer. General G. H. Carse. Orator. Cyprees Hills. General E I. Hejrea, Presiding oftli er, Cypreea Hills. Coinreds Nelson llroes. Chairmen Memorial t'oramtliea. Conn ado Ler|n Crendall, Past Grand MartbeL ( inurane W. H Kraft. Past Grand Matelisl. Comrade James Tanner. I'eet Department Commander. rinsT Dtriaiox. Governor's Island Hand, U. S. A, Colonel Charles Iratehel, Marshal. Aides-de-Camp?Comrades J. s, Dingwall and F.A. Fhllliny. Naval Battery, composed ol Sailors and Marlnet from the Powhuteu and training ship Mlnnosota, Lleuteneut Conimender II. ( . White. Commanding. Light Battery I'. U. S. Artillery, Captain and Itreret Major William Sinclair, Coinmeodlug. Mexican War Veterans, Colonel William lAnn Tldball, Commanding, eceoinp inied ny .Major General Jotspu Hooker. C. 8 A. Hiii'i* a renin m vision. Band Veteran /.auiok, hlisab-th, X. J, Comrade J W Jiie?bQv Aides-da-Camp ? Coiara?ie William U. Pools and Captain J (i Norman. Vetersu Zouaves of hlisabath, X. J . Gensral J. Mad Hon Drake, * I>t??||? Washlagton Continental Gifttd, h-cond battalion, Lieu (?n?nt htilayiiiilfliCanifiandiaK. Bund Aasoeiaslone Italian* del Tiro at Bare**!!*, Guardla Co. Itttubo. Captain Giovanni CaviKairn, Commanding. Drum Corp*. Battalion da* Oarae* I a Parana, < aptalna Weill and lleiuiuardinrar. <om maiming Veterans of tlie War of HI2 (In baroneties). General IJanry Raymond. Commanding. Washington Continental Hoard, Pirst battalion. Hind. Hktdrnore Guard, Major Andrew Brown. Commanding. Pons of Morgan. C. P. Gordon. President. Drum Corp*. Abraham Lincoln Post. .*? I i. d. t. H , Comrade Joseph Porte*, Cutiutt-nding. Disabled Comrade* (in baroitrhot#, mi no tint.Mojt. Hand Corn r a !o R. B. Montgomery, Marabal. Aldat de t'amp-Conn ado* I II. Davl* and J W. Martinet Reno I'oat. So. 4 i, G. t. K.-Comrade Henry C. Parlay, Com Bland tug. Brigade Lira Department. ew York Clly^Obarlri O. Mi ay, Ami. I an l tibial ot 1'epartrneut, C mini audi ng. t'iirt fl'iH-ih'tn William W Rhodes, C hi a I ??i Battalion, Commam ing. figine Coin pun r No I. Foreman Francis M?ltedv. Kncttie Company Bo. 4. Foreman George i.. rum Knglne (Ntmpunr No ."M i on-msn John J Hreanan. I nglne CwMtpany No Jfli, Foreman Hamilton K Parley Hook and Ladder Cotjiiianv No. II, foreman Frauds Murray. ? p.dward W. Wllttalna, t'hlel of Battalion commending. P.fifHnt* C.impanv No. .1. foreman William 8t?aw. KtigtUt Company No. L*?, Paieman John Castles, fn.ine Conti??i> \?. ;?:t, Foreman Joseph I'otnton. pngiuo Company No 2*. Foreman William M. Landers Hook and Ladd- r Company No 12, Portuian Jama* ? d ait on. Hand Battalion Vat-ran Guard Colonel J em?s B. L#e, Com manding, rofkrn pi vision. Koltfi Post H no J. Kaner, Leader. Comrade P P.t?*eg?r, Marshal. AI den da-Camp-Comrade* Charles Klegnr and Henry liiaal. Knltes Pott, No. -t!. (i. A K . t mmade Merrmaii W Thorn, Cam mi and i tig. BHtll B. Y. Vol. Veteran A a to? la t ion (Garibaldi Guard;. 4Ut V V Not Veteran As?oglatl"i?. 4 ?th N. Y. Vol Veteran A*?oclacun. V V. Voi. Veteran AtMioclatioi* Veteran singing Society, rtrvii division. Hand. Comrade Joseph IIatfield, Marshal. Aldat-de Camp i mnrades 8. W. Johnson and Mor. Thomas. Dnhlgren Pott Bo. I Lt, G. A it . Comrade P. M. Vincent, Commanding. Veteran Corp* 47th Re jmim N. \ Volunteers, Joseph W, Parker, President. Hawkins Zouave*, forge int Joint Heat, t'oinmending Drum Corp*. Veteran Association 4Jd Regiment, Captain Jam-* K. Ca *ev, Co mm Minting, W. 0. Kennedy Pest, No. 42 G. A. it., Comrade Itiomas Abbott. Commending. ri\TM division. t?dBB Hand. Comrade Custer? ^ehllalder, Marahal. A Idea da-tamp Comrade* l?o?la BruaiafT an I Charle* f. flyaa Barbara Prlrbla Poat. No. II, (LA.It,, Grr on point, R. V. V tmng. com inn tiding. Drum tlery* Cameron Po*t, 79, t?. A H,. i orurada John Nugent, eoiti uiiutdlrtg. VataraA Cor pa Slstynlnth Iteghru tM.Colotiai John Coon an, jirmrn ruidltg Band Atiderton Post, No. G.A.K., t!omrado J. Gray Boyd, commanding Baltlmora Battalion American District Telegraph Com pany, ? ? '? ???? commanding. I Bow York Battalion American District TolograpU Com puny, H. W. Pop* *a<l Ooion*l U K. C,rev >ry. c >mmanl SUS.XTll DIVISION. Ha I.a. IVeirad- M ill Ism F Phelps. Marshal. A?Conofvl"* a. <1 Ad?ni* an<l J. H. Nolly. Wiulsaortb l'o?t. Nn 77 (LA.R. **nMfilr Charles K. find!!.. efmmiptinc. 1'htl Kearny Post. >o h. U A It.. Comrads B. T. Morgan, c-'osraaautag. Sumner Post. No. 114 It. A.K , c. .,r? e limes M.S.nth. i onnaaaaln f. KIUIITII oKIIIOt H.i it Comrad" Lm ? Sciilauip, Jr., V iraiial. Aldea-da Camp? Contrail-a Philip DaUb and a.itn .-uU ii isr Anderson /..ihuvhi, Cuptnm li?a II. Moeser, cornm inditig. Pool, No. ti'J, U.A.K., Co ur.idn J acub W vising. sens m? piling. Oe.lroleli Mngiug Morlo: v, Chaa, fiw->bo<la. Pra-i-tra!. Danish Veteran AaaMtatlou. ,1. I" Liadbanor. f r -I I nt. Farragul I'mi, No. "j. i.A.ii. I'marade K. if. Greoue. ermiia sliding Kimball Post, No. 10". U. A.It . ( uatrsdr J. K. Per'.*y, rota mending. It I .worth Poet. No (17. it. A. It., Comrade <1. A. Utley. cum. mending. J. O. Rlee I'oft, No. I'M, G. A. K., Comrade W. Robichor, luinmainllug. O. HI den Post, No. I'd, t' A. IU, I'murade AV. M. Roger t, commanding. Ceo. II. Meade Poet, No. .IS. (?. A H . Cumrad* W. Flnloy, commanding. Kawllne Poat, No. HI), O. A. K . Omrads M. A. Ite- d. com rnniidiii r. ninth division. Comrade I, .1. Hlbiiey. Alerehal Aidas-dc-Camp?Comrade. .J. T. Ackvrtou and G*orgo W. Brewer. (' imposed ?f Uunralnl Plural AVaironf tiik uryiri ?i, ujinca. Tbe fallowing la I ho villi tal order lo regulate tb? parade:? flllTSHAI. nil nr. R a NO 2. Itfai iji aurr t? ijuisn Marshal ( 'hum toia. Mar -7, I-.7 . I I.?Tiie formatl oi of i!ie parading eolumn !"r Hecnmtlon D.y.Mnv :su, tsio, will i>e ae herewith .ui,.l.l,.<i I'be eavurt, l'irat division, N V.. >I.Jnr (leneral Alu anirr sbai.r commanding. will iond#*vnus In the atraete crossing Filth kvciiu*. between I biny-iourtli street and Thlity-flrat street. aud mo*, at ten u'elo -k A M It ?The divisions ot tne Croud Army column will lio iorni d la rliwo column In the aireetv below f hlrty-ilrst street. a- follow.; first divlaluu lu Kaat Ibirtlath itie-l roiling on filth avenue. Second division In Weal 'I wenti ninth *ireft. right at fifth avenue. Third division In ICast Tweuti-nlnth street, right at flub avenue. Fourth divteion In hail Twenty uinth street, right at let! ol Third dtvi'lou. Pllth division la West Twenty eighth street, right at Fifth avenii r. Sixth division In ha at Twenty-eighth street, right at fifth a venire. Seventh division lu Kast Tweutt eighth otroet. right at loft ol r-lvth division. Kirhlb division in Ka-t Twriiiy-ecvtnth street, right at fifth aeeitne. Ninth division l? fast Twenty-seventh street, right at left <>l li iii vision. The Crand Marshal and rti IT. tlvneial shernmn aud escort mid other sheets In >arrluge? will lornt In At est thirtieth, right retting nt fifth avuou The column will move to th. above order as soon at uncov ered by th. escort. III.?The line ot march will b. down Filth nveuoe to Fenrteeiith street, to Hronlwny, to the point of rcelew by the Ceneral ol tne A-my. IV. ?At the At orth Mouumaut the honnrt of a marching salute will be D iid fits I- xrsllerry Lucius Itobinson. Goe. rmor of New Aora, aceotupanieit by His Itnnur tbn Mayof of the city of New Vork and other civic and military offi ciate. V.?At Warren street, the (I. A. it. posts and accompany ing organisations will pass iu review I.dure AV. f. Sli. rui iu, Cenoral of the United Mates Army. accoui|ianl?ii by M?.|ur (lenoral AV. Hancock, U. S. A.. Admiral s. I). 1'reuchard, U. .*>. N.. and our other olsiingnislied guests VI.-Alter passing the Ceneral of th. Army, at Warren street, the pus.s and suc'i other organisations as dssiru will proreed to the vartoua cemeteries and dreor.te the graeoe ot our dead comrades. VII.?The staff ol the cram! Marshal and division mar shals and their aides will assemble, mounted, at No. J A West Thirtieth street, at nine o'clura A. M By order ot Comraue Henry A. Hurntim, Crand Marshal. JAMhS If. H SILKY. V Adjutant Ceneral and Chief of Staff. okbks, Assistant Au|utani General. KA'SXlXb t'KKgg'l.MKS. Tho following ia the programme lor the oeromonlM at Booth'* Theatre thla ovcDing:? General Lloyd Aapluwall preaidlng. Music Covernor's (alaa I Band, U. f. A. Prayer Kev. Heury Ward Beocher. "Judge Mo, O God," Mendelssohn Vocal Union of Now York. Addreaa .W. T. Sherman, General U. M. A. "Marching I'hrougb Georgia". ...Vocal Union of Now Vork. Reading, "Our Army of the Dead" Mrs. Ceorge Vandenhoff. Oration General N. 1*. Hanks, * Mars ot the Summer Night," Nmsrt Vocal Union of New York* To commence at oigbt o'clock. in JF.B8KT crrr. Id Jorier City Decoration Day will b? observed generally a* a holiday. All tb? publio offlcaa and ooorta will ho closed and flag* at ball mut will be dliplayed from all the public building* The dlflereol poat* ol the Grand Army ol (be Repobllo will assemble at their respective headquarter* be tween eight and niuo A. U., and proceed thence to tbd cemeteriea to which they have been respectively assigned. The cemeteries to be Tiaitod will be the Jersey City, bk Potera, Weat slde, New York Bay, Bergen, Hpeero. Ilobokeu and WeehuakcL. Returning the Pott* will ataemble al Bergcfa square, Jeraov City llrtghia where an addreaa will be delivered by William MeAdoo, K-q. I be Potu will proceed thence to tho New York Bay Cometary, whore an oration will he delivered at three P. M. by K. F. McDonald. In the evening, memorial eervlcet will he held at I he Tabernacle, Mendtraon atreet, Jsr aoy City, at wbtob Hon. B. W. Throckmorton and other* will deliver uddresaeg. in Itobokea, breiaee the parade of the Grand Army I'nsta, there will be a review ol I he Bunday aohoola by Mayor Reason ana uibor city ofllolaln. THE FDESIDBNT AT OE [ TTSB'JBO. (??TTTSBUHO. Pa., May 39, 1879. Tha Presidential party, consisting ol President Hayea, .Secretary McCrary and Attorney General Dcvens, Genoral Butler, the orator ol day, and twenty* nine other member* ol Cungreea, arrived here al twonty minulea to ten o'elock thta evening to at tend the cereinoolea ol necoratton Day. The Preaidnnt and Attorney Ouneral Devon* are the guest* of Ed ward McPherson, at whoa# residence a reception was giv.n to-night. Alter the reception President Hayea, Secretary McCrary and General Butler wore serenaded in turn. The town is tilled with strangers, and all hotel* are crowded. TO BE CONFIRMED. SI* hundred children are to be confirmed to-day by Cardinal McCloskay, at St. Mary's Catbollo Church, on New York avenue, Clllton, S. 1. The children will eecort toe Cardinal from the steamboat leading to the church. THE CHARGES AG A INS i MRS. TILTON. A meeting of the Plymouth Church Examining Committee was held last eveulng at the residence of tbo cnsirman, Mr. S. V. White, on Columbia Heights, til the six tncmbera composing the committee five were prcaont. The secretary, who had at the last meeting been requested to visit Mrs. Barbara Walton (or the purpose ol calling her attention to an informality In tbo charge preferred by her againtt Mrs Tiltoo and Mrs Morae, Inasmuch as lb* latter'was ' no longer a member o( Plymouth Church, presented lormhleted cfaargoe Irani Mrs. Walton sgaiost Mrs. Tiltoo. These aocuse Mr*. Til too, first, ol falsehood tn the matter of calumniating Mr. Bceebtr in e card recently given hy her (or pub lication Id the newspapers, and second, ol a violation ol iter covenant with th? church, in that she caused said card to be published Instead of first sub. milling It to the church. The committee voted 10 entertain itiachnr*** and also to have Mrs. Tiltou served with a copy oI the saw*. I be latter me.ieur* signifies lliat under the rule* ol Plymouth Church Mrs. luton is afforded an opportunity of ap poarlng beior* the committee to explain, or endeavor to establish the latest charge ni.du by her against Mr Iteenber, should aim cliooa.i l? adoj.l I Hat course; In ill -event ol her not doing so the oooimiltee, It if understood, will isko no lurthar action in in* pretw MUM. GORDONS ARREST. Mrs. Cells Gordon, of No. 204 Ksst Sixiy-thlrd slreei, who was arrested by Officer Palmer, of the Twenty-eighth precinct, on Tuesday mcbt, hut eubse qneatly allowed to go bom* after h few boors' inner cerntton oe e certificate of ilt-bealth, wae before Judge Dully yesterday. Mrs. Blokes, ol No. 1,069 Tuird avenue, at whose instano* Mra Gordon wae arrested, we* also prrseet with bar Utile boy, Jotia Btokee, aged irn ye.irs, who, II was charged, bad been etrnck by Mr*. Gordon with a pail. Mrs. Gordon explained Hie entire mrcntnsluncoa, as re|M>rted in yesterday's Issue, and Judge Hedy teamed convinced tliat It wee nrcldnnt.ii, and tho bov more or leea to blame. He was about to discharge Mrs. Gordon, but Mr*. Btokoe was (earful Iret Hie boy's wound might turn out to bo more serious llian It at praeent appeared, and eon aske-l that Mrs. Gordon lie bold for examination. The Judge postpoerd ibe further th-aring indefinitely, and allowed Mrs Gordon lo a1' ' tier paroie to ap pear when calleu lor. T1IE WABASH RAILWAY?"COMPANY. In Ibe ruil of Tyron vs. I lie tv ibsah ft Mlway Com puny yesterday, before Commissioner Osborne, James A. ftoosevelt, president ol me company ; J. W. Kills, a director, and Mr. Breey, president ef lb# Metropol itan National Hank, were es.-tin'iifd. Mr. Roosevelt test lllod that tbo announced in March, 1874, amounting to IDW.Ooo, represented wtiat wuu d nave been * surplus, supposing that tho luudlng ecrieme had b*?u Onlabed and that lb?m Were no other expense* paid; Mr. Kill* testified that ibe old oompsuy wa. sold lor 9I.6UO.OOU in capita! ?lock ol the n< w compauy, tne hank indeliiedoeea to be assumed by Hie latter; the stuck Was sold, but lee lent' on Ilic do-lir Woe the sum It wis sold I bask lor. Mr. Ken*)'* est*atony we* to tne eiied Hint ilia Mairo|i?-t an National Han a bad eetod as agents ul iho c impiny, and tbat the money deposited on May 1 to pay the intvrem on tho socoad uiurlgag* lu.nds wae hut deposited to ibe credit of tho company, Tne ruoeey o< the railway com pea y wee Mweye kept at foiede.