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CARDINAL MCLOSKEY. His Public Reception at St. Patrick's Cathedral. ADDRESSES OF WELCOME. His Eminence Replies and Warns the People Against Communism. Tbe clergy end laity of New York, and epticopal representatives ol dioceses beyond, assembled In great numbers at St. Patrick's Cathedral yoaterday slternoon to give a forms! welcome to the Cardinal krchbmbup, lately returned frout Koine. In ao ec clesiastical sense the reception was most informal, tor .be bneleal part ol Ibo ceremonies was conducted in .he Latin tongue, and, aside (rotn tbe peg. rantry and maguiflcent Church and clerical ap pointments, a remarkablo simplicity pervaded sit Evory seat ana every foot ol (laud ing room in the church were occupied long beloro tbe escorting procession entered. People ol ull social conditions and notable men ol various religious and political lalths were present to welcome the man and the priest. The assemblage was representative ol cos mopolitan New York, and, It possible, numeri cally stronger than that which gathered to sritneas the imposition ot tbe berretta some time ago. Tbo scene was an imposing and memorable one no lees oo sccount of Us novelty tban for Its in trinsic elements. The stately procession of ?obed priests, the lines of crimson eae locked ucolyter, with candles and bras"n tmblcms; tne Cardinal In crimson silk, with a 'etlnue or nlttr boys bearing up his flowing robe; .he sea ol beads, tbe ceaseless movement of .IrelseB fans, the altar, with Us tuellow gol Ion tapers and the purple bishops, all r&dlant In tbo runllgbt tbat came slanting through tbo arched Gothic windows, recalled the storied days when, ''with plumes and cloaks, una housings, and the stir of jewelled bridle and ot golden spur," Val moud, ol Allemaln, and Hobert, of Sicilv, journeyed homo hnppv in tho benediction of Pope Urbau. TUB CARDINAL KNYKKH TUK CflCIICH. The anxiously awaited time buving arrived the bead of the procession entered the cbnrcb through the centre porial ana passed up tho aisle while tbe organ played u preludo fugue (G minor). First came a long procession of acoivtes In cooplcs, tbe loaders bearing great cnndles, and tbe 'act two cutbions, on which rested each a mitre. A toy carrying a richly ornamented nrass crnci Iz immdiotely preoeded tbe Cardinal, who vas escorted on either hand by his rlenrs, Fathers Qumn and Preston, followed by the secretary. Father Farley; then came in purple robes Bishops Corrigan, ol Newark; Wadhams, ot Pgdaasburg; McNteruey, ol Albany; Ryan, of BufTaio; Mcyuuue, ol Rochester; Lougblln, ot Srooklyo, and Conroy, Apostolic Delegate to Canada. The priests brought up the end of tbo line, tbe visitor* lirsi and tbca the local clergy. Tbe procession or priests was not so large as that to at tendance at the last ceremony, of which the Cardinal eras the central figure, but was more varied. Scattered here and there among the priests In klack cassocks and white surplices were teen monks of tho Franciscan and Ca puchin orders, la brown cowlod gowns, and Dominican friars in habits of the same pattern, hut el creamy wbne color. Wbilo tho bishops were seat ing themselves un l the priests filing to their allotted places on and around the slur the boys chauted "Sacerdos et Ponliflx." Tho Cardinal hud now mounted tho throne on tho Mil ol ibo altar, the bishops aat lacing him, inalde ibe ?Itar rail, and there wu? ? sbori pause, ibe sing ing meanwhile having ceasod. The pause was Hardly noticeable, for presently the cbolr af 150 trained voices, aelecied from tbe varioua sboirs of city cuurchcs, intoned the swelliug uu lliem (Stride). "Bees Sucerdoa dagnua." Tlie an Iboni flulxheu, Vioar General Qulnn moved to tbe apaee witbm tno altar enclosure, and uetweeu the Car dinal and the bisuops, sou on me part ol tbe olergy ibbf eduresaed Hla Eminence: ? r UtGKATI l.ATIO.NH OF TUI CLBROY. Host Kauvr Loan cakdixal ami Bxlovrd Arch iimioi-? rtio clergy, botu secular and religious, ol rour diocese beg permission to aiipcur belorc Yonr Km nencc to-day 10 ask your bloaaingaud to publicly liiafik God lor your site return troiu ibe Holy City. For Ibo ftrst time in the history ol the Church an 'American prelate has boon called a* a member 01 the Sacred College to participate in ihu eiectioo ol tbe Sbpreme I'oiinflT. To mat grave responsibility you Mere oailed, but the booor is not only lor voursell, jut also for us?tbe member* of your dock. Tbe tiacritv w,th which you obeyed ibe burrtuu suminoos sben the sad now* ni tbo deutli of tbe veneiable Pius IX. overwhelmed the Christian world la au cx unp.e to us ol Ude.lty lo duly and urdeut soul In tbs liacharge ol tiie bigh trusts imposed upon us. Al .bougb the election ol 1'opo Lao XIII. was bapptly accomplished befoie Your Kniiheuco was tb>e to resell tlie Sacred Conclave yon were per muted, by virtue ol your bighorn e, to appear bolore the ttoly Father to offer bun your congratulaliona sod >ur lervont prayer aud lo obtain for your children bis Apostolic benedict ion. Unce more at the tombs ol i lie Apostle, hero you greeted a new successor ol St. Peter, who will erkuuv, .-ustain with nriuiiess und iiguity the aubume trust cosfldeu to the Vicar ol Jurist Your visit to tbe contre ol Cbrlsti.n unity and the ibair ol litl? 1111>I? - truth eaauot have l-iled to relr--sh four own soul. You bave drawn a n< w inspiration mm tbe uotailing source ol Catholic lita und 'nub and sacrifice We bave come to shore in your bleating, to pariake of that Induration. In the moral aud spiritual darkness ol these times ircm Whom aru men to sock light ami guidance unless Irom him to whom Cnri-i, the Lord aud giver ol lile, gave the great charge, "feed my abOt p V1 A KKHTOIIATIU.* Or TgMruRAi. I'l'WKK. In your iDlluialu conv.r-o with lbs Iloly Kalhcr, and in the uluminaiion ol tils presence we trust you have ssen the augury ot better days and tbe inunda tion ol a good hopo that the Supremo I'oailfl may begin bis leinporul power, for uutll tbia be accom plished we see no promisu ol ilia pence ol society troin the pernicious errors ot our nays. The restoration ol (bs Vicar ol Christ to all bis Just rights Is necessary to tbo sately ol Christian community, sad will bo ihu dawn of a new aratti Justice and honor among nation". tVe only lies leave, ibeu, lo add our congratulations on your bappy reiui h to your homo, and to utter our sincere prayer that God may long spire you to govern y our diocese end to Share lu tho labors ol tbs I Ontlliosle ?i I-Co Mil. THk WKLCOMK Or THK rKOI'I.K. Tbe Vicar eutercd, aud Mr John McKeon cams from among tbe people, passed ap the steps at ihe hed el the aula auu resuming the puoo Father Cfu.uu bad Van itsd, be spuku Us lotiows;-? Yuca Kmixkkck? I'o me lias oeen assigned tbs greli lying duty ol prsasnuag to you ou hi-ball ol the .atnolic tuny ol ibis city and diocese luoir congratu lations ou y our saie return Irom lbs Klornai City, Many more worthy than invaell might have been selected lor this Imiim ruble nOal loii. hut you will per mit ins lo say unue maid porlurm it mors sincere sffeenww toward yourseli pur-onaily. It is diltiLiill to express Hie do p sealed It vsrence and love which nru tnieriaiued lor you by ibe large aud faitlilul fines committed to youi pastofal cure, aud yon can well understand how embarriisasd any mnividual must bo as Ihe organ ot aucu u body in giving exprssaiou lo ihoir feelings. Burn in our midsi, your course in Ilia iroiu childhood baa been oelore ns It has been cnnsplcu ouaiy marsed with piety and teal. You liavb dis ctiutged "with meek una quiet spirli," out with au Imprest I vt> clllc.ucy, the inactions ol your ssctcd biben ns prtesi, bishop, urebbmhop, sud at last Oar omul, la siicu insuner ns to sectiru Ibe affection and Vrueration ol not only the people ol t our own tluak, but slso ibe admiration and esieera ol those who differ irom y<>n religious fa it Is. Christian cbsruy baa been uniformly developed in all yonr acia. We all Ami > ilia! unuei your admiulatreilou new tem ples bave been arreted to the ever living God, and sur se in in a 11 ? ? ol learaihg have been in aember. Homes lor the reaeuu ol ihe young Irani de ?tructioc, reluges lor tbe cumlorl ol Hie om and ho*, sitala ler tue sick. have alio oeen urgaiiixvd. iu a Word nuinetooa wuika ol religion, benevoh-nou sud Bieroy stand lortb *? aioniituu- la ol yunr devotion lo thetaeaeof Catholicity. Willi yonr kind permian.on *?* hr? rclarred to solely lor tliu purpose ol ox presaiug lo you ilia aiocero gratitude ol tbu people in trusted to yonr oaro for Uu* yonr hmy work. lo 1'isa IX, of immoitai memory lbs Catholic laity of ibis uiorcte are indebted lor bsvmg selected ftt ss one ol the princes nl lbs Chcrsb. When the new a of ibe nealh o< this groat round reached as ilia sor. row el the Cstliolicn ol yourrliocvae wsa d,ep itud ?Moors. I bov r< ultimo i iu tbu Ills" tiiatmction cam laireu upon mam ov his selecuon ol yours ell us one Si bit Kuolesiasilcwi Weoiile?Ibst body lo whom ins Asplenia I'onl.ll msy nave recourse lor snviou in the iisrcise o' his hmy ufllce, and upon wuose de mise rests the rcspousibiitty ol selecting his sue gesaor. From the earliest .igt-s this soared council bas been composed of those who have attuned a ?0uracier lor those helming the oflloe. 1'hoy ware, in the langu -g ol one ol tna earliest ol the popea, to be diatlosuiSuod men. tbeir morals unirri peneh"bte, their wofoa oraeles, tneir eipre.sioasa rule ol lilt uud ol thought to others?the salt ol tbe eerin. The Council ol I rent directed that tha cardinals mould tie ae.ected, us far ?? possible, liotn all na tions. I lie rc-nlt is tbti. by tins-yrtcin ol Ht.uflN Hie great end noiy wCcs ol cuiei ol the great Christian Republic is oprn io the bnmblesA as wen as the most exslt?d of mankind. Notblog ??bid bnve boon mors tenchlng than tbe Nnppeal msde by tbo present Pontiff, I.eo XIII., in bis address 10 the College ol Cardinals, on bis election, wlien be told tbeiu that ihey bold in tbe Cburuu toe place ol tbe Seventy ol Israel, and mat he huinblv besought their prayers and co-operation In bis exbauaitng lubora. It was to a cnuolavo of ibis geared College you were summoned 10 ullend to elect a successor ?l the late I'onuir. While we regret tbal you were unable to arrive in 11ino at tbe Vatican to give expression to your choice, ?? still rejoice thai you bad the bnppiuesa of being present at tbe installation ol lbs present I'ops and beard his declaration ol the deep sense no lelt ol tbe solatnu obligations assumed by bun, nut yet wilb a spirit (Iliad with undying laitb in brighter days lor the holy Cnurcb. lbs unanimity with whicn the soiectlou was made of tbe diaiinguiebod prelate a lio was chosen shows ibai tbe spirit ol tbe Holy Ubosi diroeted the coun sels ol those ou whom responsibility rested. Weall are conscious thut the period in wbloh Leo XI.1. assumes bis charge is but a continuation ol the perilous scenes through which his predecessor passed. It is one Iruughl wilb deep anxiety, hut tbe present tsupreme Pontiff will be lounu possessed ot thai wis dom and true religion whicb must a vauce and protect tne unity and cOicioucy 01 tbe Catoolic Church tbrougbout tbo world. May we not hope tbat tbo day is not far distant wocn tbay who are dlsalloaied toward religion will leara iron) ibe exam ple ol our own country thai tbo peace and prosperity ol notions are best promoted by governments leaving tbe exercise of religion?the miuislratious ol Its rights sua every matter appertaining thereto? iroe aud untrummelled ov governmental interference. For us, your children, it la a satisfaction to know tbat at ins drsi Consistory held by I.eo XUI. you bad tbe privilege ol receiving at his bauds tbo cardinal's hat, tbo emblem ol (be great dignity coulerrod on you by bin predecessor, ioyou bolougs the distinction of being toe first cardinal selected lor Ibe American oou nneni. It is also consoling to tbe laity to know that you bud tno opportunity of informing tbo Holy Father of tbe prosperity una wonderful lucrcuse ol the Catholic laitb lu tbe United Stales, to make known to hint our peculiar wauts and to assure bins ol ibe undying devotion aud loyalty of the Catholics ot ibis country to him as ibe spiritual boad of the church. Once more in tbe name ol your people wo offer our hearty welcome oa your return 10 your home in re newed nealtn, and we pray tbal your llle may bo spared to continue your labora, to oujoy the reapeot and love ol all and to stand lortb as the ornament, the honor and glory ol itio Church. tun cardinal's address. After Mr. McKcou ban retired mere was quite a pause before tbe cardinal stood up to respond. As bo urose iho clergy and tho people also arose, bet bo beckoned with bis hand tu tnem to ha smited. When tbe bustle ol ibis movcuirnl bad subsided, in a slow, measured voice, he said"Dear Cithers, ven erable brothers ol ibo clergy and beloved laity, it is no doubt n pleasure to j ou to assemble tu-day lu Cod's buly 'emple In order to oiler congratulations ou my sale return, but to ma the pleasure ol mis recent ion is tenfold greuter. I um overjoyed to Uud my.-rli onco more among my de votou clergy uud my over lauhlui people; 1 aui de lighted to stand nerc ouce more ou llie accustomed place and see so many representatives ol tho clergy, una lo hoar iroui them uud ynu so uiuuy kinds words ol welcome, lo listen to such strong expressions ot Catholic loyalty, uud more tuuu all tnut 1 am here lo Jolu with you in heartfelt, munks lo Him who has watched over me and brought me back lo my beloved Hock, Thiegrsnd uud Imposing reception overwhelms me with a sense of grutuude 1 utn unable to express. 1 am liiled with emotions uud inspirod wilb no* courage and Btreugih tbat nerve ine witn a stronger formula lor tbe responsibilities which coins to me. I uo not mlsundorstund or misinterpret tho words that nave been spoken. 1 know that all relating to me is only secondary to tbe honor you wish to pay the new Pope, lrom whom 1 Uuve Just returned and lrotn wnom 1 convey a benediction to you. As i uin sure you would like to bear soinetblug ol blm who succeeded the great I'ope l'lus, 1 will tell you ol faitn. Whuu 1 departed lrom ibese shores I loll you overwnelmed with grief at tho death ol tbe groat pontiff, lor not since tha days ol Poler bus u pope beeu so truly loved by the people. 1 arrived ia K <iuo too lute to utleod at the Sacred Conclave. 1 did not think 1 would be In time, but my doty was still the same. While rumor, with its thousand lying tongues, was babbling of intiigues, cabuls and plot-, the ducn-d College tool and eleele a pope. Ou Thursday, iu his pupal rubes, he uasied into tbe grand ola cnurcn, til. l'eter'f, and gave .< papal benediction to Hie pe< pie. 1 arrived on Hulurduy and eariy on Sunday morning had an audience with His Holiness. THK POPK KKCKIVKS TUB CARDINAL "lie roceireo rnu standing, iolded uie in bis arms, gave mo a double embrace nud eaid uo much regretted that tbe only American Cardinal w?a not at the Coo clave. Ou bended knee 1 usEed a benediction lor you all. 1 received before 1 left the Cardinal'* bal. You need not auk uo what la going to happen or what la going to ho uono, lor you know aa much aa 1 do. In bis allocuilon and tbe encyclical let ter, which 1 abalt order read id ull the churches, be opens hie heurt and iciis you your duly in these ninesand speaks ol inesad condition oi Europe. With beurta lull ol love aud Qde.lty w? rhould heoa the words of the pound und they should encourage us to stand together and oppose our Dressta to socialism and reviiiuiluniaiu aud atom the tide ol infidelity ana irreilgmu that bus begun io undermine the loundu tious of civil govorninent aud society, and will in volve us in still greater calamities tl Uod does uot put a slop to II. Wo bavo the clement ot revolution aud Communism among us. It is threatening. Mischief is brewing on Ibis nue of tbe Alluulic and it needa ull our power to atop tna in iquity thai Is sweeping all Ueture It." Among those present wore lburlow Weed, William R. Roberta, Mr. and Mrs. Hick -I-ord, President Will lam Wood, Jouu Kelly, his wne und slater, Charles U'Couur aud Genorat Uaulel h. S.ckles, THE Fl.UA TING HOSPITAL. Tbe Flouting Hospital ol St. John's Guild, lor poor children of this city, will prubably rea?mo its regular sommar excursions on tbe 3d ol July. The visitors ol the Guild report a great deal ol sickness among teu jinunt housa children, and everywhere tbay bavo visited tbey huve been beset by tbe mothers to kuow when the excursions would begin again, us iboy con sidered tuem the salvation ol their suffering little ones. The Martha Washington Tee Party at tbo Academy ol Music iu Febru .ry did not result us suc ccsslully as bad been aulioipited, and netted but 92,000. As each excursion costs $230 this will not go Very Ur toward the summer work. I'o cirry on tbu excursions the trustees ol the Guild are obliged io appeal to the public lor luods, and It ia hoped their appeal will not be in vain. I no umbers as well as tbe children era benefited by the trips and tlie two good tueala provided lor i hem. From "00 to 900 persons are lakeii ou cacu ol these excursions. In 1*76 twenty-two excursions ware given, currying 22,*30 persons, motners and children; in lsitt, tuirty-iurea excursions, carrying 28,22* persons; in 1877. tmrty-six excursions, carry lug 32,047 parsons. The bare* bas been renovated this spring ?nd made to aocoruinodalo mora people. I lis managers intend, by economy, to keep the ex penses oi tbe excursions down to $260 eacu, cveu though tbey do carry a large number ol people. The Rev. Alvnti Wi-wall. manager ol the excursions, who is at present abroad studying the European system of charities, will return in time to resume his duties on the barge. Cooirihulluns lor the flouting hospital fund may be sent to the treasurer, Mr. W. H. Uuion, No. 29 Broad way, or to this olllce. NEW HAHNEMANN HOSPITAL. The New Hahnemann Hospital, on Park avenue, be tween dixty seventh aud .sixiy-eigbtu streets, is now nearly completed and will oo oiiou io October for the reception ol patients. Tho money lor tbe building, winch has cost upward ol $70,000, bas been raised Co icily by tlie I.aoiea' Aid Association, of wbicb Mrs. Gordon W. nurubnin la tho president. Iteuent con tributions have bran made lor the completion ol the building by tbo iollowmg named ladies:?Mrs. Cain anuv L. spencer, Jl.bbd; Mrs. Horace F. Clara, $1,000; Mrs. Alex-inter Stewart, $1,0<)0. Tho lol loping named gentlemen have auo liberally con tributed:? II -nry llllton, $260; Gordon >V. Ilurnbnm, tlOO; Joslaii M K.sku, flbb; aalein H Wales. $100; ??. 11. 1'aimer, $100; H It McAipnie, $100; d. IS. H. Vance, $100; diuciair feu-ey, f l"0; Willi sill Kaddic, MM; i ti ? it, Mittiit*, $100; W A. O, Hifinsii, $100; John i'. Willeis, floo, and William Orion, late president of the liospiiei, $lno. At the annual meet ing of tbu boapital tbe luilotiug were elected trus tec* lor three yearslleorv lllilou, John T. Willels, Salem H. W ales, W healer II. I'eckhaui, Frederick A. Cnokileg, lieorge W. Clark, Henry K. Tliuroar aud Stephen L. Hoe. At ilie annu i| meeliug ot the true. Icon the loiiowlng nfllcsr? lor ibe cnaning year were eieC'td;?President, Salem H. Wales; Vice Preai deuta, Hiram Calklus and Sinclair I uu-ey ; Secretary, Roger U Lyon; Ireaaurur, John f, Wil'eta, SMALLPOX. The brig Resale Mary, whb'h sailed Irom the Island ol Malansss on the lilth mat., arrivad at tlia loot ol Congrraa aireet, Rrooklyu, on rueeday, with two caaca ol smallpox on board, though she had passed through quarantine .and liad a certificate Irom tho Health Oltlcer ol llie port. Tue Captain, William Ruck, and (he male, Irving Riick, were luund to be si k with smallpox. The crow consisted ol bine men. nnd the cupluin bad hia wile und onn child on hoard. The Rruoklvii Sanitary Inspector discovered that Uvo ol ilxi men who had goun ashore were in tCharrjr street boarding house, and he uo.lfied the health Hoard ol Ihe lacl. Tlie vessel was sent buck lo Quarantine, where site will be detained until thoroughly dislnlncicd. The liessiu May Irom Scotland, Jauuary 24, lor Havana, ana is consign* d io John Neviti's Hons. Mm lelt Rnrani lot MaianXia on April 23, leaving the latter port on the duie mentioned uboVe. I His ah; lock con test. The Mulock est# came up once morn In the New Jersey Vice Chancellor's Court, at Newark, yesterday, upon (lie summing up ol the evidence. Tue suit is brougbt by Mrs. Maria Muloclc, ol New York, against her son, William P. Mulock, who acted aa bis mothar's agent In ilia matter oi a large amount ot real eatale in Newark alii elsewhere. It luvolviw $150,000. Ihe allegation ol the ectopia Rant IS Hint her soil William procured her siguniur.- to three ueeda by lrn id, which me.a conveyed ihe rvalestntciu queitlun I rein her o iiiin. Roth sides are ripresent'-d or i strong array oi counsel, the neleudant ItaViug United A tales i onmns siouer John Whitahuad and Davtu Dudley Field, Tbe esse Will laat several day*. VIOLATING THE EXCISE. DELINQUENT LIQUOB DEALSB8 FINED BT BE COBDLB BACEETT?A LITTLE "UKPLIAUAKT MSs" BETWEEN ASSEMBLYMAN GRADY AMD COUNSELLOR WBITMKT. When Recorder flackeit took bis seal on tbe bench yesterday toe Court ol General Sessions wee erewded to tbe doors. It wee generally expected that Hi* Hooor would make some disposition ol the four pro prietors of liquor eeloons and their barkeepora who bad previously been arraigned and had acknowl edged tbolr guilt io violating ibe Excise law. Huge bundles or affidavits and couoler-affidavils bad been died, and no little Interest was manifested In the result by thoao in attendance. Ex-Jtiogc Dittenhocler represented the Liquor Heal ers' Association, Mr. J. D. Whitney appeared lor the Society lor tbo Prevention of Crime, on whose com plaint tbe Indictments bad been iound, tbe Police Department having representatives in tne persons of Inspector Murray, Copulas Petty una Williams, wnllo Mr. William If. Kintslng and Mr. Peter Mliobell ap peared for tbe accueed. Assistant District Attorney Lyon, wbo represented tbo prosecution, arraigned tbe tollowing named persooeat tbe bar lor sentence:? Jobn P. O'Brien, ol Seventh avenue end Tbirty'-flrst street, With bis bartender, Bernard O'Brien; Jobn Logan, ot No. 13 East Twentv-seventb street, end bla birtcnder, Charles Kuftcl; James Collins, of No, 177 Greeuo street, with bts berteuuer, Edward McGuru, and Mark Lautgan, ol Na 66 James street, wltb bis bartender, Tboutas Esgen. TBS fUNISHMKNT OF TBH AOCOBSO. Recorder Heckeit addressing tbe accused said:? "Except for the prceedent eat tne by tbo Kxcouuve ol tbis State I should imprison you witbln the term pre scribed by tbe statute. Upon tbe 6tb of December last, upou tbe eonlesaion by plea In open court, inter posed by two persons, Hieasrd Eunice aud John Gas grove, cbarged by indtotment wttb violations ol tbe Excise taw, I sentenced Ibem severally?Kicbird Kuetice to sixty uays, and Joan Gosgrove to thirty days' imprisonment iu tbe Penitentiary, audalaoa Que. In those extreme cases the Governor was pleased to remit tne lerma ol itnpriaoomeui imposed, but suf fered tbe lines to remain. Now, there cauuot be uaeus wdree tban tboso wore, and all tbeir particulars were before tbe Uuvernor. yet be annulled the sou tonce of imprisonment imposed on euch. 1 have the most abiding cobUdeuce tu tbe Juugmeutol Governor Kobiusou. Wbileat tbe Bar lie was a great lawyer; be baa been always a man ol the best discrimination lu military matters as well as in quosiiocs ol pol itical economy aud those alfectlug tue puutic good. Therefore 1 accept his standard iu these matters rejecting imprisoemeut, and In ibe case* now sub mitted lor seutence will only impose llues. 1 sen tence ibe ioliowiug named persons, wno have pleaded guilty to the several charges ol violation ol tue exoise laws, to tbo psymeut ol lines as now pronoui.cod uy mo, aud lu siuud severally cam mltleu until Ibe surne be puid:?Upou Mark Lsnigau tue sum ol $26u: upon Thomas kagnu, $26; Jouu Logan, $250; Cuuries Kullei, $26; James Goilinii, $260; Edwuru AlcGuro, $26; Joua P. U'Bueu, $Luu, sua Uoruura U'Brien, $26. lu the esse ol Jo< n P. O'Brien, bis neighbors, tweuty-seveu in number, certify under ostn mat nis place la orderly. . wo patrolmen certify against nuu, but tue preponderance, bowovor. is largely in O'Brien's lavor, and he has come down to me piam mailer ol uot having a license. In bis case, there being no cons deration given to tbe aggravating cir cumstances ol disorder wbich exist lor tne others, bis line u limited to tbe sum ot $10U. " T ne lines were at one# paid, exoept in tbe oases ol Logan aud Kuflel, wno, it appeared, were suable to lurntsh tbe necessary amounts, ar.d were commuted. Assistant District Attorney Lyon subsequeniiy called tbo esse ol Fens Dounelly, ibe proprietor ol three liquor saloons, which had been set down as a lest cane. Owing to some misunderstanding the accused did not put In an appearance, although be was pres ent during lite earlier part ol the proceedings. His bonds were accordingly lorleuea. It wee staled, bow ever, that be would appear to-morrow. A SCX*? MOT DOW* ON THU HILLS. After Reoorder Hucaett una loll the ueucb the ordi narily gloomy surrouudiugs ol the criminal court, on the door ol wnlcu many a bitter tear ban lallen, were considerably cuiiveneo by a little scene briiuial of lun to a crowd ol spectators. As Mr. J. D. Whitney, counsel lor tbe Society lor tbe Prevention ol Crime, was about quitiog tbe tbestre ol' nis recent triumph, Mr. Alar* Lauigau approached bim anu made a remark to tbe cllecl mat some people made reformation a proUMbie business, to wniou Mr. Wbituey re sponded by advising Lauigau lo drop tba rum business aud pursue a worthier avooatiun. As a-mblyuian Giady, who w*n present during thu proceeuinga in Court and awaited the throng at tbe door, bare volunteered tbe observation that be bad already neard Mr. W nuney coin in it per jury on tbe slaud. "fbut'e lalae I'* exclaimed Mr. Whitney, wbo was now tborougbiy aroused to tue situation. *'1 can prove it," retorted Grady. "And that's a lie I" added Whitney, "and 1 wish to have nothing to say to you, lor 1 don't know you." By atauuers averred tbnt Mr. Grauy then generously ex tended an invltatlou to Counsellor Whitney to dc soeud te tbo green sward el tiieCny Hall park, where tbe question lit Issue ooulu be uispused ol. Mr. ' Whitney, nowever, eatisfleu with me victories m court, uociincd ibe offer, aud as the throng wended K way down ins iron staircase the Sociqty lor the Preven tion ol Crime was heartily consigned to the lever beat ol foreign parts. THU HOUSE THAT CAliK BUILT. WHAT THE ALDERMEN AND THE DKPABTMCHT OF FCBL.IG WOBKS HAS TO DO WITH IT. It li understood that one of the cam* under which the Grand Jury will present indictment! against the aldermen la the resolution passed giving permission to Thomas P. Curr to erect a showcase and show window on the corner of Thirty-DUli street and Hlxth aveuue. J he attention of Br. Joseph ii lumen thai, Superintendent ot Encumbrances, was Ursi called to this buildine In the early part ol last April. He notice i Inst the sldo ol the Iramu bouse on tne northeast corner ol Sixth avenuo aid 1 blriv-Oltb street bad been set out so as to cover Ibe stoop line. The owuer and were officially untitled by Mr. Uluuienthal to discontinue the work. An ex animation ol tne premises was also made soon alter by Commissioner Caiupbsli, when Mr. tsuuth, tbo owner, was notided that tbo building was an en croaebineut upon toe public highway und could not be allowed. Clu the Uih ol April Aldurmau Bigliu introduced a resolution is tbo Hoard g'vmg permission to 1 hum as P. Carr 10 ??retain a stand now In irom ol No. 7o Wost Thirty Ultn street. Uetwoou lois dute and tuo lltb ol the same month ihe encroachment was removed. Alderman Hindu's resolution having passed was stbl to the Mayor. Uu tne 16th it was withdrawn by toe Aldermen from ttie Mayor, as the encroachment be ing removed no auiborisitioo was requisite. UOKK CUUN.ICATlO.Nh Another resolution, however, was passed on the same day pertaining Carr to ereet ? showcase and ahow window ou the same premises. The Mayor vetoed Inw resolution, but Ibe Aldermen passed it over his veto on the Tin iubu Then the Department of Public Works again stepped in under the construction ol ibe law by the Corporation Counsel und Mayor, and insisted lliut the work should not go on. An tuluuciiun was next procures by me occupant restraining lbs Department ol Public tVorka irom liiterlereuco wiiti the work, it is tow asserted by officials in this depart ineSkt that the proprmiors ol tbe premises have ugalu gone to work in the erection ol ? building aimoti ainnlar to that originally removed by Mr. Hluuienthsl, being 1'Z}, lest long, V leet nigh and 4 icet deep. The risht to do this, it is also kiaicd. In tbe Ibsl instance, was cl-lined under a permit giveu soma time since lor tbe erection ol a showcase. The authority ui.der the 1 fecund A ilermsnic resolution asserted ss legally operative, uavind been passed ovt-r Mayor Ely's velo, gives tbe else ol tne projection allowen, actord iuk 10 diagram. at toirly-llvu leet in length, lour leet beyond boueu Hue oo street and two and one-hall let t beyond Sixth avenue sine. It Is inrtheF argued that the injunction only covers the points us to erecting a showcase and show window und gives no jicrinissinu whatever lor auy other extensions. It bus not yet been determined by the l'ubnc Works officials as to wlist sddltlonsl slept tliey will take in View ol these complications, which may become important in coiiiequeuce o. tbe proposed indictment ol Ibe Alder men. I he department relies prlnripsliy In ibis con troversy upon a provision ul -ention II ol ibe clisrier ol 1*78, which says (uiludlng to the powers ul tbe Common Council):?"t o regulate the use ol ibe side nalks and pavement*, the extension ol building Irunts and bouse ironts witlnn the stoop lines.'' WARDEN OF THE TOMJM At the meeting ol the Commissioner* of Charities and Correction yesterday the long pending question Ol appointing a Warden lor tbe Tombs ws* taken into consideration, end ol the many applicants lor the plaeo Mr. James Finn was confirmed. Mr. Finn Is a man ol prseticsl txpsrlenoe in the lias ol Ins promotion unJ thoroughly acquainted with the dunes be Is called upon to assume. He has been kooper in the prison lor the Inst Ave years, miring whicn time bo has gained the pool will ol those with whom ne was offi i cmlly coi'ber.ied by Irs strict attention to duty nod hi* I steady halt:ta Previously he bad been a den o ive lor I lour years in the Fourth ward. While not hii aotlve | politician hu Is regarded u* a -lain h democrat. Ih? I mowing resolutions in aonnceiion with the | above subject were passed uy lbs Com missions! o ol Charities ana correction; ? Itrsolrsil, That liouurs ile mention be limits ol Warden Mark Kinter for his tnlthfnl sua aiile psrtortnance of ilia nuilas ol acting Warden ol the i ISy Pilaw n- since tbe death of Ilia late W arden. John (jnliiii, and that hla salary be incr-aned to ft fasi per ainniin. Resolved. I hat Keeper James Klnn be promoted to the pn.iiion ol Warden of tne City Fri-ons, made vacant by ' ?? ' MO" the death of tbo late W arden, John yuinn, and that hla ary lis gd.lMi per annum '1 HE FIiZI'ATKlCK HOMICIDE. The jury in (hn ca*o ol Joints Hiloy. who was tried iHMore Judge Moors, ol Uruokiyn, for the mur der ol Patrick Fnspatrick, returned a rerdiet yes terday of mausiuughter In lb* third degree. OUR COMPLAINT BOOK. [Nora.?Letter* intended for ibis oolomn moat be accompanied bp tbe writer'* fall nam* and addree* to losora attention. Complainants who are unwilling to comply eritb tbia rale simply waate time in writing. Writ* only on on* aid* *1 tb* paper.?En. Hitita] DANG ? SOUS AWNING. To ran Editor on tub Hkrald:? In order to prevent people from being kilted tbe awniug ovor tbe oorner of Broom* and Lewia atrecta should be immediately removed. BROOME STREET. NEGLIGENT CONDUCTORS. To tbk Editor or thb Has a Lei la it proper that the Third Avenue Railroad eon. doctor* ahould atop tbeir cara in front ol tbe elevated railroad oolomn*f Tnoy atom to do It narpoaely. I came very near being aerioualy hurt a lew d?ya ago in tbia way. SUBSCRIBER. MARCHING ON DECORATION DAT. To tbe Editok or Tun Hkkald:? l'leaae requeat tbo atroet apriuklera not to wet tbe atreeta on Deooration Day on til alter the pared* it over. Lett year it waa impoaalbie to tuarcb on them ae tbey were ao slippery, uud our white trou-ori were all covered with mud. P. B. DUTIES OF DETKCTIVES. To tub Editor or tub Herald:? I Bavo notiocd tbo revere and barab comments made on the detectives in regard to tbe oaae of Mrs. Huated Colo. In tbe name of Justice, what are aflalra coming to? Tbo detective, iu my opinion, sunpiy did bi? duty; certainly, uo professional would havo '.loco otherwise. If it and been a woman having no influ ence would tbe polioe magistrate bavo dismissed tbo case I JUSTICE. CITY RAILROADS AND TAXATION. TO THE EII1TOR or TUB HKRAI.D1? Why is it tint*, tbe trans* aud superstructure of tbe city railway* and the wires and poles of tsiegrapb lines are not lazed as reel estate? Since tbo decision oi the Court ol Appeals In tbe case ol The Peoplo vs. Tiie Dunkirk Horse ..aliway Company (40 Mew York Reports, 4b), toe omission to do so is, iu my opinion, a wiliul neglect of duty on tbo part ol the ux as> sensors. TAXPAYER. THE MODEL STREET CLEANING DEPARTMENT. To the Editor or run Hrrald; ? It is tuiposaihlo to retrain from complaining agulosl the parties whose duty it is to remove the garbage aud ashes from West Ninety-second street, between Eighth and Ninth aveuues. Barrels and boxes 11.led witu garbage aro allowed to remain on tbe sidewulK luree or tour days. Uu Suuday ioe sidewalk con tained tweiu v one barrels and boxes, Caunol some tbiug be done t ti. E. RAILROAD UNIFORMS. To mx Editor of run Hkkald:? Wny are not the station masters of tbe Mew Jersey Central Ratlroau, particularly tbe Lang Branch divis ion, required to wear a uniform, the sums as passen ger train ciuductora, so that passengers couiu know positively tout they were adureasiug tbo olUcer in charge and Oould rely on the tuloriuaiioiigiveu them 1 This is just as necessary as to uoilorm conductors. Iu Europe It is the station masters aud their lores* that are Uniterm* d. A PA 1 RUM. UNIMPROVED OBOUND IN CENTRAL PARK. To tbn Editor or thb Herald:? Your reuders must have ottuu observed a largo area of unimproved ground in Central Park lying north of tbe Reservoir. Why cannot this wila, romantic and baauiilui portion of the Park ha made available lor the lovers oi horseback tiding? asverul uwies ol bridle pains mlgnt be opened at a trifling expense aud a great boon be thus conferred upon tbe large and rsptuly increasing class who indulge in Ibis hoalihlul and iuvigoraiiug exercise. EQUESTRIAN. BA1LBOAD PARE TO NEWARK. To tbk Editor or Tin: Hkkald:? Having bad occasion to visit Newark on Monday aud on my return uoi having time to pureiiase a ticket at the office of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany 1 woe required to pay lony-iarve cents fare to New York. Tbe regular prioe lor a ticket is twenty ceots, and us my drawback on the oompuuy called lor ouly ten cents 1 waa charged thirteen cents more loan the ordinary tare. Do you not consider ibis au outrage on tbe travelling pubtto? VICTIM. MRS. VOSBUKt.H S ABDUCTION. To thb Editor or thb Hkralo;? Would not Mr. Flanders bare been Justified la shooting down tbe New Jersey detective* who In vaded In* bouse and loreed Mr*. Vosburgb 10 accom pany litem to Jersey f Should not Governor Kobinton duuiand tbat tlteae parsons be sent to tula city for trial and eeveio puuisbutent niter conviction? Are w* sale in our houses u aucU ouirage* can be oom nntied wliu mipttuiiy 1 I supposed tbat n man's bouse was m* castle, and that It could only be in vuduj by due prooesa of law. Governor Kohinson suould look Into tu s outrage. bJCNKX. AN UPTOWN PERT HOLE. To tub Editob or rns Hzkalui? As a member of one of over ono hundred families who are hourly compelled to breathe a poisonous stmoepfaers I dssire to call attsntiou to tho torriole condition ol tho sunken lota hounded by Tbird and Lt'Xlhgtou svouue* sod 108tb And 109tb streets. Tbe water alwaya standing there la now a heavy mass of green vegetable mailer, exhaling a deadly Taper and making it impossiole to enjoy a naif hour's outside exeroioe or to open our wlnuuws witnout becoming conscious of tue pohonous air wo are nrealhing. At tention has been frequently called iq this peot bole by roaideaif, but no uotiee has been paid 10 tho nuisance. II letiero sduresaed lo tbe Board ol Health aro out noticed to whom shall we apply lor succor? Who will navo our children from the malarious dis eased tbey will be certain lo ooutraot Ibis summer If this horrible ouiaanoe is not abated ? A CITIZEN. THE CENTRAL PaT.K HTAOEB. To tux Editor or thk Hrkald:? On bobaif ol many citizen* and In tbe Interest of visitor* to Central Park it Is suggested tbat tbe route ol tbe Park carriages or stages be extended be yond the Peru limits to High Bridge. This would be an advantage to visitors coming to lbs city and aim to residents visiting the Park. There I* no way now lor visitors to reach High Bridge ?xnept by private carriage at great ex pcuko. Tne U.ibert Elevated road will anon convey paaseogers lo Filiy-niuih street. Many persona will desire to sou tbe ihhiiib ol interest at the upper snu ot Hie Island, and no way so ready and economical can be provided as by the i'ufk stages. A small advance In tne fare would he Jual, and travellers er Tumors would gladly pay for the increased convenience and advanlag-. Let the route be extended to High Briogo, and everybody will commend the cuauge and he grBtitted. J. O. B. MOKE COUNTERFEIT FIB Tit 8. The authorities at Cvstlc Garden, since the dlsoovery of the countenelt Qfiy-dollar bills on tbe Tradesman's National Hank ol this city, have boon watching every steamer, iu tue expectation of ai earthing some tnoro ol the spurious no'es. Their efforts were rewarded yesterday. Two tiasaengerf, John llolsebnll and Ed ward Dobrour, both natives ol Mi-hren, Austria, ar rived on the steamer l.ossing, ol the Hamb rg line, ana wero landed nl C.sUo Garden yesterday morning. They intended lo start Immediately lor WynudoMc, Kan., and lor that purpose applied for tickets to the railroad uganle at Usa.lo Uaraeu. They pre anted n iy-dolinr bills in payment, and as tbe money wsa recnguizcd as counter leu. Ibey were closely examined, when it wm diecovered Irt >t Dolschull bud nine ol tlia bills, or f440, wtnle llobrour had lour, or gallU Ibey were inimaoutcly lakea in charge auii brungbl beioie tbe Austrian Consul, who interrogated tbem as lo tno manner in which ibey procured lite money, liny staled tbat bclora leaving Hamburg ihey bad atei-ped at tlie untel Kept by .Meyer A Co. sua the latter, at their request, lieu changed some florins Into American oaax nems. In proof ol this Uolsebaii allowed u receipt, stamped Meyer A Co., which staled thut $400 Afl but been pn i tor 1,'JftO limns. mid Do bronr a receipt which stuied tnat 12(H) had been paid lot 0ls fluriso. Itetides the num Oliy-dvllsr lulls Dul schail received $44 6u lu sm.ili bills and sliver, all of Which wore genuine. I he Consul stated that the emigrants will not lose any ol tins mousy, nut that the lose will be put on Meyer A Co., ol Hamburg, who are responsible people sod Whu were undoubtedly nuped by confidence men. A CvjU.NTERFi.IT FIVE. Before United Stales Commissioner Benedict, yes terday, Kelt Du Four, a Frcnoh butcher, ol Flut bush, I,iing Island, wan arraigned on s charge of pausing a counterfeit Ovo dollar hill The counsel lur iiiu accused claimed mat his client was not aware that thu bill waa bad wben he attempted to pasa iu Tbw Commissioner reserved bis decision. THE DOOM OF DOGS. Tbe dog preolamntlon wi.l be Isseed by Mayor Ely on B tnrday next. On tbe l&th prog, tne pound will ho opened. Tne orxt important ouy offices to be Alien are that ol dog catcher*. Already several hun dred ward kiaicauieu nave flleu application-. Hi* lleuot hai. nut yet determined wnetner he will divido the pieces evenly between the deiuoeraiio and repub lican parties of m* ouy, an as to make the "Board of JJuk Catchers" s uou-pBrtlsna body. LIFE IN PARIS. How the Prinoes Come Wooing the French Republic. arrival cf general grant. The Prince of Wales and the Ex-President at Polo in the Bois. Paris. May 10, 1878. Paris was never mors than now tb. world', capital. All tbe world *eeroe to bo here or to bo coming. Many Frenchmen and many wbo do not wish well to Franco would bare It tbal ibero can be no auoccsa. no page ant, no exposition, aron, that docs not bare a royal or imparlal sanction. Yet all Paris, irom tbo brilliant entourage of lbs Elysde to .be forlorn attics ol the Boulevard Booheobouart, unite. In doing bouor to tbe Republic and the Kxpoalliou. Tbo now consideration Wou oy Frauca during Iba past few years-won by brr patiensa and bar conaarvatlsm?is shown by lor eigu princes Wbo como to oourt iba K'l"jb ,|C .n various ways. Tb. Pr.oce ol Wale. bare and tbo oaniro ol unusual social attention. He mado a speech a lew nights .go at an Exhibition dinner, In which ha d"?1'"J'? tbo new relations botwecn Frauca and England with unusual lervor. Aa tbe French are a susceptible people the words ol the Pnnco sent a thrill through me country and did more to ccmouta truo alliance between England and France than years ordiplomucy. Whether tbe speech ol the Prlnoo was a Iranlc out burst o. good leollng or a calm diplomatic move no one Knows. As an act ol diplomacy could have been more successtuL The cx-Ki.ig ol Spain, Amadeus of Italy, General una Prince, Is also here, and wooing tbe Republic on bobalf ol Italy. His ex Majesty looks much youuger end brighter than when vour correspondent last saw him in psin, ti,0 cares ol an Empire resting on his ,boulders. The Cnrowltoh I* to come In Juno wnilo spam's new King. Alfonso, will urnvo earlier. The Sbali Is on the way, but his recepuon will not be as dramatic as telorc. Tbore is a rumor that the German Imperial Prince will come quietly and see the show. France Is in good euougb humor io ue civil even lo FrUz, more specially since bis father thought better ot Germany's resolve not to take part In tbe Exposition, and ssnt such a flue col leciion ol pictures irom tbo imperial galleries. arrival of gknhral grant, Speaking ol priuoes and rulers suggest, tho nearest thing we have to a prince on this side or the water Guiiorul Grant. Tbo ex-Prcsidont arrived on luesoay evening. Irom Italy. He came to town in a heavy rain storm, and drove to bis hotel, near the Place Veu come, where be spent the evening with hi. lumlly and one or two Iriends. The General looks brown and sunburnt, la capital he.UU .no spirits, proposing to remain two or throe month*. He will vieiv the uortb cru part ol Europo, so as to be In Sweden and Nor way .bout the lime of the midnight sun. Ho Is accompanied by bis daughter, Mrs. *?rl?ril,? ttU* bis youngest son, J. K. Grsnu e ope have a visit from bit other sous, and a Kind ol lamliy reunion in Paris, but it ooea not seem feasible. Jesse K. wiU return boms to enter upon the study ol law in New York with his brother. Whether lb. General will return io Amerloa or not this year is ? question. The trip has been an immune re*L He would like to ?? to India, China and Japan, and return by way of California, so a. to reach America lu June, 1879. He was so much pleased with hie visit to Egypt end his hurried trln on tbe Nile that be think, of tsklog a dah.h.ab and going as tor a. tb. second cataract. ,4I regard," .aid tb. General, .?lb. lew week. 1 spent on tbo Nilo as among the hauDiesl In my Hit." TUsro was so much rest In that sl lent winning,..d and sunny land. II tbo Khedive could establish a dally mail tbroushout his dominions Mr.. Grant's only objection to a Nil. tnp would v.ul.b, mro l?"wSrd the Cnrn a.o. and II malls -re lu !n?d.2nbour in the Hzkai.d Reading Room, wh.ob lTiue American headquarters during tb# kzposiiloa. Yesterday atternoon no made a special visit to tbe polo grounds IB the Bois de Boulogne. ' vaio ix ?RA*rn. I You see among the attractions which Pari*i odors to ih? world it ibi* Indian game of p?>lo. lbcro it a tra pit Hon wb cb ail good Englishmen aod Amtrlcana oboriab mat no Frenchman c?o or play crlc*** or box.' The malu ining wuich a Frenchman can do la to ait on the boulevards aud driuk aosintbe and hum suggestive uirs Irom tiflenbach. llut *uob atnlng as polo, with no vigorous exorcise, us uorsemansiiif, ua skill ua onaurance and the little spice of danger, ihec nance ol being knocked on the head by your com ado's mallet, or of rolling about til Ilia uouy. The Idea that so lurioua und i exacting a eatne ua polo snould grow aud thrive lu fraucewill be a surprise to uiany houost Americans, whoso ideas o* France were gleaned in English news, mere ta no reasoo why good uorsuneii should not no lound arnoOK the descendants ol Iho cavulrj nun who threw themselves ?g?in ?nd again upon the English tqusree at Waterloo; the de acenuante ol the men wno followed the bend lug plume of Mural over so many bloody liulds Only this tradition la among the many which we Americans must nniearn about I ranee, aboul Germany, uboiit Spain, about all countries x j coin our o* u, which, as all men know, is tne UreuicSt, , (be mo?i Incomparable in tbe world, Fole le *mouj[ . J^ucb Institutions, and ,ou '"^Bo.. has svUclod the polo grnun J. II you know ibi uois de Boulogne you will remoinoor tbo aroouo nailed tuo Avenue of the Acaoias. I don I kuow that it naa any special historical nhauclailon, lor we somehow soek * bsocuilions Hirouguout Fr.nce rxcept lor one incident IU the III# wl llio third Napoleon. B?r,n>; hisTie.ideiicy the I'nnce was auxioua to strengthen hiuisrll bv alliances with llio greui names of 1 rauce. There waa no greater name than that of Lamartiae. Pontics ran so high that FreuOhraen coula not moot Frouobinen for the moet patriotic purpo,.. without scandal, and lor a Lim*rtiue to he aeeu iu h?uV? rs.i lion with n Bonaparte would have agitated franc, o ii wai arrungou uiai ai uigiii 1110 rrinoe suouiu riuo alone iut? Uio Avouua oi ibs Acaniu* uuU >tiers meat nuniiier borseiuau. I In* Happened; au<l Lira.iMlas nnd Honapurte talked in the *il?oro ol liigbi, but to no good, l?r "'a Kepubuc tail uuu the coup d'etat came alt iiio suiue. in a avenue ol lliu liislori* cut conlcrsuce border* luc held ou wi.ioli our French irioiid* nave arranged ineir polo ground. Willi Ui.i cmuutoa moh wincu now and lueu appear* in Ui< Frtucli iiiiuU Hiuy buva actually givan up a pari ol I heir public pern to puio, and not ouiy to puto, but to oihar amuaauicnia. .lust over thai lake, winch looks ao cool and aoll and ? tit it t up ibis warm alleruoon, juo aee the ueuiiquarieri ol the rigeuii Club, WnU n? Hvrgti t<> molest or make airum. i no French nave luiinod iroineliow or HUutner?or Providence only knows lion lti?ae Frenchmen do gel *i tilings?>in. I a pigeon Can be kitleU ami uiudo into n lioieroiue mud. Ann it a company ol g nilcmeu cliuoae nun auu then, ol an alitruuuu, 10 aod lo tbo loorl supply ol Pans a low pigeons tna uuiborhira aee no greek Uaritt. Here, Ibaii, i* It* Pigeon Chun, and jusl over Ibe, near the ireoa. Idle peraoua arn pi '>'.ng teuni-. lu laoi you inusl liava noted ok you came *lung the aveuuei of llua Hon de liouiognr, now Penning under iliu waalili ol il* spring beamy, Ihui nil Kinds ol nam in warn permntad. Clniuien could romp, liova coulii row on ihn lake or anil their toy bos in, mid Just over Ilia loreal, in Ibe raliey, uoai tno wluumill, yoo may aee in a law du)a 20U,0jU men uud woineu wdiCU ill* ?leeds atrmuiug lor mu goul or mark llie a aiu> trnmp id legion* pasting la review be'ore tna P.eaiueni. TIIK I'llMl kl HOC MIS IK TIIK IIOIS. For lhi* Hum l? lu irmu a park, il is wbai vou migui cull su all dncouip.iSiiu* |ile.i*ura ground, ills in ran*, vrillun u ball liour of ovary where. There is uo weary lu. g day's Journey Irom your pionanro ground 10 dinner or ibe opera?an iu Now York. The enclosure ta tiuniinul. Tnero la in<- *hgbt pretence ol a lenca, which do?? nol prevent all Purl* Iroiu coming lo are tna guina it all I'arii wishes. .lie ground la irregular in eliapo ami not n* guo I, I would laink, lor |h?Io ns ilia ground* si Newport aim Jerome Para. Hut lor plu.ur.Mjuoue**, nnliirnl ooau y, con* venidnoe, me grounds aro much liner. A modest mui is given over lo purpose* ol onleriuiniiieni uud reirueli meul. I'ndor one group ol tree*n number u. chairaare c.unarad, and ibe ladies bury lliair laei in ib> bu kef cup* and Usisle* and Ilia long gr*?* as Ibay assemble lo wnloh tlio lorlum * of lbs gninn. On ina oilier nido ol Ilia ground* I* auoilier clump ol ire**, and bare lb* potno* uro champing at lliair nil* nnd wailing wnb liapaiience lor lha none to arrive. Four o'c <>lk wue ina hour, out It is well on lo live boiore thu gams open*. Che lime apeni in walling U lint misspent. There it gosidping lo bo dour, nnd Pun* en .1 lu ne ixcUmiKud, and iiouuel* lo ba looked at?ma the day ha* beau warm aud *l< rn in Pari*, nud ibis cooliug bretso comet graieluily uown Irom Most Yaltrion and over tbo lake. ibeu we can study tbo irowulng liaigbta ot lbs Mont It wa am lu a musing uiood, ami think ol iba purl may have played in ilia sirangt dosuny ol Franco. Or wa can wnlcb Ilia endless brilliant cava! cada ol carriages auu boraamoii thai sua*ma toward ma rlvtr, ibai lias bscu aireaiuiug oil Ilia later hour* of ibis *uliry altaraoou and act putting oalore you in review tno waalili, the Wit aod lue beamy ol France. Or you in*y taunitr under iho ireo* sad < arose llu poim*' flanka auu bsva a mile lior*e iaik uud lie*r all aid"i the pome*; I10W iliey . ulna iroui India nf iNH KuglaH) llielr *g.ll, ibeir sw illU'-.-a, ibeir eiiuumne , wiui or.ive ilimgs iu?y uau do n only put 10 Ik You corns lu behave suiueliuw thn il one bull ol lua oili geua ol Now York bad aa muub aama a* ibeao ponla* Now York woald lava a bailor goTarnmani aud them would t>s bo such scandal* in nuivwrsa; suflrage. And now you nolo stalking over ilia Held apparitions to long gray and brown coals that coma down la (be feel ana di-cio,o be.ivy boou aud spurs. II you bare been iu tbe K-iat, in ineae war liraoa at ieaal, you remember that yon saw ibeae same apparitions wandering about Constantinople. They migui be Cos sacks, or tbay might be Circassians, but tbey are only our frienda who are to play. ana it u not their auor-u or spear* tbey are swiuxing about iu tbui ruckles* mauuer. nut innocent mallets with oatuboo Handles with which vory aoou ihey will he buutiug the sod to tlud una drivo tho ball. UKXBKAL UKAXT AND TUK PHIXCK Of WALkS. A* 1 said, a momoat ago, Generul tiraal bad sc copied au invitation to visit tbe grouua, aua punc tually to tiie nour no Urovu up in an oueu laudiu. lira (Irani, Mr*, Burtorl* and Miss Bvale, tbe dsugnte'r ol es-Minialer Beaie, accoiupauied bun. In another currtage ex-Mim-ter Beale and hie wife; 1'hu Goucral was received by an American member ol tho club, and with Itia party escorted to seuta. Be loolce I remarkably well, and watched the game with deep m. teresl. He bod uever seen polo played, aud a??- so much value in the game that he proposed to the cx-Miuister that aome morning aarly inoy would couia out and have a trial game. I am uoi at liberty to atsta the result ol ibia challenge, lor I do not want to sproad unoccesaary alarm at home, Btlll tticro is una conilorl, that If any ol Ibe A men cans can lake cure ol themselves oh horseback or pouy back with or wiiuoui uw lets it is our rx-Presideut and our ex Miuisier to Austria. General Grant uetoU the valaa ol such a game as polo Iu me army, and at Weal J'oint especially, as Improving the oavairy ser vice. Borne unto later tbe l'rtuco of Wales ar rived. His ltoyul Uigbncsa bud beeu over to Neuilty to lay the corurr atone tor a now Eng. lish cburcb, tbo flrst lime bo bad over laid tbo Corner Mono ol an Kuglith cborcb outside of Eng land. Ho was Wrleeuied by some ot the ineiuocra ami o-corte<l to the grounds, tbe Priuoe looked re markably well, anJ waicbcd the game wlih critical interest, suuniering ubout with his lrieudsand spend ? eg uu hour or so ou the grounds. At tno ciose ol the game ibo l'rlnoe arovo back lo bW liotol. General Grunt loll shortly before the l'riuce. I'o-morrow tbo General visits me Exposition lorutnlly. and will be accompanied by tho Minister, tbo Consul General and Governor McCormiclc. FIRE IN WHITE STREET. Early yesterday morning flames wore aeoa Issuing from the basement ol tbe Ave story Iron building Nos. 13 and 16 Wuile street, and uo alarm was at once sent out. I he work of lb* Eire Department was aousiderabiy retarded by tbo heavy iron shutters wblob secured tbe entrauoes lo tbo turning bulkliog. After au aggravating delay tbe abutters wero burst open and thsu powerlul streams of water played on tho flames. JJetore tho Are was extinguished the stock and building ware considerably dam aged. Tho lower portion ot tbo building was occupied by Joseph thai Brothers, importers ol tailors' irimmlugs. l'uo firm had a largo stock of goods on tho premises to meet the summer trade, uu?i tuey estimate tnoir loss from Are aud water at about $30,UOU. Tbe basemonl was used by Kuower, Htucs At ihomas, clouting importers. They uad ou s orage 600 cases of goods which liuvo Oeco damaged by Water, aud ihoy are ol opinion Ibat their loss will auiouul to $30,1X10. Kapp A S.ix, dealer* in cloaks and suits, occupied ibe second floor. Their effects have been damaged to the extent ol $8,000. These Criii8 are lully covered oy Insuranoo. Tbo flre Is sun posed to buvo originated in tbe boiler room. The dumag: to tbe building will uoi ex eed $1,000. A BLAZE DOWN TOWN. An nlarm of flro early lest evening detained a mul lltnde of downtown employee is tbe neighborhood ol No. 61 Vesey street, where n large couflagraiios seemed lor a time Imminent Officer Webber, ol tb? 1 wenty-seventh precinct, attracted by tbe smell ol burning material, summoned Roundsman Cabili, 'not tbe pair, quickly locating the burning build Ing, gave tbo alarm and hurried to tbo fourth floor, wbeace the flames wore already burst lug from the windows. The loteror, however, was flllsd witb scraps of inflammable material, and in an extremely short space or time tbe flre swept through tbe ceiling above, and, burning down through the deal boar as, set a lot oi paper boxes stored beneath In a blaze. When tbo engines reached tbe scene tbe red glare oi tbo conflagration was cast upon tbo street from the three storiea ol tbo building and tbe occupants ot noigbnortng bouses were Iu a fair wxv to nocome panic stricken. Tbo speedy action of the lire laddies restored conlUenoe sooo, nod wiieu a powerful stream was turned upos tbe Douse, demolishing every window at a sweep sad pouring Iu a flood upon the flames ii became apparent that the conflagration would not be ao destructive a* was landed. In a quarter ol ao hour tbo flro was undo! control, in doublu tbe time it was out comoiutely. Tbo bouao was owned by Charles H. Truax, of No. T 134to street, who loses about ?3.000. On tbe flrst floor Marllo Lswlor was flttiog up a new liquor salooa una be, perhaps, will have oocaaiou to put $3,000 down on bis profit aud loss account. Morris Bubwartz, a fancy goods re tailer. h*u b>s material damaged to the amount ol $1.0U0. and B., who oocupiss tbo three upper flours as a paper box lactory, will doubtless lose about $6,000. Snortly alter tbe flro was extloguisbed ? woaiau iu a bigu slate ol exoiiement broke through Ibe iiuer, and hurrying up lo Uoundsiuse Cabili told biro she was Mrs. Morris Scbwarta Sho bud come from tbe hospital where her oblld wee lying Iu quest of ber husband, who, she said, bad gone to bis lodge. Bbe was aiueu oxerclsed over bis absence, perhaps from exeitoincni, but ibe story of certain dvnixeus ol tbe neighborhood who claim to have seen Morris isave tbe bouse Ave minutes belore tbe Urn broko out lent a certain shade ol suspiolou lo her pro testations. GOING TO COLLEGE. The r icltationa of all the oImsm of lb# New fork College, in Twenty-(bird street, term In sled yesterday, sou the oandidaies lor adaisaion lor the now yeai wore received in the afternoon by froaideot Webb, atsisied by tbe following named tutors:?L Godwin, V. G. Tisdall, Jr., J. K. Morrison, E. W. Fisher, J. Mm. C. E. Lydecker, W. H. Kenyon, U H. Hunt, E. E. Burnett, William G. McGuoalu, V. M. Davis uud M. Hipp. Tbe oandidaies assembled io tbe cbapel at a quartet past one o'clock, wbeu tlielr certillcates ot sunulng awarded by tne city schools were received by tbe (acuity. The regular examination cf tne applicants will uot taae place until tbe 3d of Juan rne total number ol aiudenta who applied lor admiasioo yeaurday, was 885. Ol ibtse 197 spoiled to enter the colic,lain rour?r, 218 the collegiate and aclentlflt course and 470 the buslueas or commercial "one year" course. This course allows tbe applioant to choose one foreign language in addition to the busineai studies. Yesterday 144 candidates selected lbs French language, 281 Ueiman aud 45 Spanish, lb# number rl applicants lor admission is nearly double what It was seven years ago. I. ist year out ef7&6 applicants 110 wrro rejected. Tue examinations will oa made in seven different subjects ol study?namely, spoiling, biriory. grammar, arithmetic, algebra and geography) aud drawing for tboas cutering tne collegtata course. 8E ASIDE HOME FOB FISHES. The Coaay Island branch of tba Naw York Aquarium opened yesterday for tbo season, uuder the favorable ausplcea ol superb weatuer and a line site* dance, ibe i-stabili biucm la situated at lhe termina tion ol lite Couey Inland Boulevard sod Just at the point were tbe ourriage* come to tbe end ol tboti drive. It baa noen entirely remodellod, presenting to> lay an attractive auditorium, with range a ol la oka on ooe side aod a rlag mine centre, destined for tho per oruiuuoas of a troupe ol brooobo horses, part of the original stoca which waa exhibited in in a o ty nt the principal Aquarium up town. Al two o'clock yesterday aiiernnou the Oral pcrlermaaoa ol the summer aaaaon te?K place. Mr. Frank Howe's liorxin usssyod difficult feats of wnagf, and only laned when a sight ui tne craning neck of tba glriille or Ibc sound of tbe aea linn'a bark stlrigutou ihoin. They aro puro Texan sleode who neVi i saw yiralloa lu (heir l.vcs or heard ilie Weird voice ol the seal. Ir a lew days they will undoubtedly be iracltbir. All ill i cavorting, jumping and balau ring leal* were nicely done, notwithstanding their tremor. Tnere waa a hand of music that mixed its melody with the -utoluad roar ol tho waves outside and through the eutlre building came tbe salty soant of i he sea. It la the intention of the management to kctp tbe Coony Island Aquarium npeu all tbe time, day and ingni, alter it tew days, during tue auminer. Tbo mivck ol Halt will be augmented constantly until tbo New itrigblou can ntely vaunt Itseli upon being ablo to compare, lu an aqairtum point ot view, with that wouuron* town upuu tbe channel wbere all good I.oiiiloiicra go m licit tbay get a cuanoe lor a whiff o I he brine laiieu ulr. FKAUDULENT NATUUALIZATION. Important proceedings bavo beau Instituted with o view to ascertaining the number ol fraudulent tiatu ralixtliuB papers ailegi-d to have beon issued iu this city, priuc.pally at lite time ol the election ol 1804, when, it Is said, the number ol frauds lar exceeded that ol any year sluoe. For instance, it is stated thai Judge Barnard sanctioned tbe naturalisation ol lo.UVt aliens withio ten daya prior to toe olectica ol 1868, Ever siuce thai time these unci thousand* of olijcri have be ? n re ui etc ring and voting al etecihm. Marshal .St< veu Moaner, ol the Commissioner's ofllce, searched tbo records ol the fupreino and Mupur or Courts, and, upon his altl luvn as ooniplttiu ant tlial there was no r-uoiil ol several thousand papers issued, Commissioner Davenport had warrants ? cived upon about throe tbonsatiu. the Dili lor iBoumg such Warrants?$1 per capita?was oojscled to when pruaeoted Inr payment on tne ground that tba Warrants had not usea issued through and with tba knowledge ol tbe proper authorities?the Caw Depart ment. In response to aovtral of tho Warrante a number ol ins alleged irau intently naturalised voter* appeared yesterday belore lb# Commissioner. Amo.ig mailt waa James Merkwood whose certiUoatv o naturalisation, while it appears regular on its lad an I IO inrm, and ixera the signature oi Jamee 11 Mwoeoer, uierk, li.a no record ou lllc in the court. .tlr. Kdw.rd .4. I'-um, Ituuord Clerk lu tbe Cottuly Clark'.- office, io*iiH>jd that thnre was no record ol tne Cer.iHo.te Ol ualurallsalieu el Keikaood. .Several other uamea wars called, but in tbe absence ol th* proper pnrsoue tbe inquiry as to them waa adlsaraad until to-aorrow.