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ff ATKINS REGATTA Ail Events Postponed Yesterday Owing to Bough Water. breast races. Gamblers and Blacklegs Swin dling the Rustics. the atalant as. Can They Go to Europe ii' They W in P [by TELKGUaPH to THE HEBIZ.D.] Watkixs. N. Y.. May 20, 1873. Ax this morning worx on thore wax xtroog reaxon to lopu that tbe water woul J bx bottxr than yesterday in a tbx races would be ordered ofl on time. Tbe cold xeatlier ol ytsioruay bad gone and tbore was a proba bility of rery bot work lor tbe rower* Crew alter (raw launched and went off lor x Coal spin. Tbo Carman lonr, instead of a row, took a long drive In the morolog air, ibolr president, Mr. Soulard, ot New York, and a party ot tbeir club males, being here ready to sand "aid and comfort" and espoclally cheer lust at tue right moment. Tbe Zephyr lour went out, Lin baviug bis damaged wrist well bandaged but ble hand still eomewuat swollen. This crippled band evi dently aunoved him much, and kept him Irom doing lull work. Tbe Detroit delegation here are very mucxt exorcised about Ms, lor they say be will row himself uead almost before be will slop, and they fear be may injure bimselt. Ilia crew are muscular middle weights, and look in good order aad Ot to sus tain the bright record they have mails at home. No doubt they will cut out plenty of worx fur tbo three that ttar; wub them, notwithstanding ttietr mishap, a KSUUIOC8 POOL SKM.KR KSUl'KKI). When Oourtucy announced yosierduy alternoon that he would send all tue pairs off abreast a well known cliixen aod an active Presbytenau sitting by at once Urod up indiguantly, sayiug ibis step would Work harm to the pool selling. Courtoey rejoined, "Wnut do I care lor the pools?" and It certainly seemed a strung* tbtng to see them upheld by such a tnau. u has mora than once been heard here that this pool uusiuosx was part of the "true inwurdneia" of the urgout local deslro for heats instead ol breast races; hut Courtooy, an oarsman every Inch of bim, when tbe opportunity offered end the reason was good, brushed them all away. By so doing, instead ot yesterday rowing but one ol three beats, wbicb would euoh have lakan up an hour, and the real having to go over and Interiors with the next day's raoes, be promptly disposed of them ell In one race and lu a much Inirer way than that called for by tbo programme. COUSTXKY. Morally end mentally Courtuey in the king of all tbe gcullcrs. Ho hue reoeived iuiaorae prats* here from alt who Uavcseeu him lor hie unassuming yet manly bearing, Lis kind, obliging wuye, bin irank, pleasant manuals, bis stralghtiorward, honest oonduot. When tbo great ranu comos (or ths championship ol tue world our people may well put tbeir coulidcnce in Ibis son ol old Cayuga. 1'o-day bin temper and good nature ban been severely tested. Though tbo wind has not beeu quite ns high as yesterday to tormsnt bim the saell bee been longer and doeper, and tbe crowd of ?pectators. wbiob was not large then, bae new swollen to a multitude. Oo where he will Courtney Is plied with questions, and rings ol mou are (ormod around hi in. The first headache almost that he ever had in now annoying bim. A bundrod Minos be nas been asked, "What tim e will they have thoracal" Tbe wind and the loll, retnj looking sky uomtslakably showed that ii guioi water came It won d be hardly belore evening. An lbs efternoon wore on, at different timea it looked IS though tbs wator was calming sufficiently to tlnri one ol tbs races, but Courtney ran over tbe lourse on e steam Unncb, end reported "racing out si tbo question." QAMULaua WITHOUT 9UHUSR. Tbe people bora matters as wall ?? tuey could. Tba baud balpad to iidiim tbum somewhat. Tba eannou want off ui tbo wrong tlmo onoa, and lUta ?u a dlver iluo. Tba bootba and lunobmao, podlcrs and gam blers also afforded amuaemsnt, Tbare are gainblara bare in greater number and plying tbair vocation mora boldly tban one 11 ilicely to aoe in any otbar town earn of tba Mississippi. Tbrse-onrd inooie men, awe* I uourda by tba uoxc-u, wheels wubln wheels?ol fortune?one ol whlcb way a buga beauty erocte ou id rt or tha grand Hanil. apparently built (or State occasions, baring aavarat buudred liada dollars and mucb Tory email silver aouiurea in tempting prolu linu on tbe tabU In (root, und with anrewd, baro-faccd "cappers" among tho lookers-on bsiping tba came by freely indulging tbo gullible witb c'juck-e-iuoic boxes und otber poriablo paraphernalia ol tbo preles gambler, luto a small puaicboard box a inau In a buggy poansd a $10 bill, and oflerea to sell It lor $& For a wbtle no ooa "bit." Suddenly a rustio opi ned a greasy wulis.t, extracted a live uad a silver dollar and got ilia little box, or rutber a llttlo box, lor tba slalgbt-nt.bund which subrtltutad u similar box ? itb only $1 in It wblia be waa opening nia wal let. Ha was Just ti out, and as be luarcbad aorruwlully iway bis rueiul couotenauce auggeatad tbal It bud not taken uaarly aa long to apend ibat lira dollar bin as It bad to earn it. No town in tbia State oould atrord to tolerate aucb bold, barefaced gambling two daya in auocaaaloo and bopa to ratalo raapeeiablllty, ijcaaaao ant mm. In tba notaleat nigbia ot tba gicat rcgattaa Sara log* naver gambled so npeuiy and before all men; and to make malicra worse rutnora were consiaatiy Hying a boat llial tbase fallows, instead ot brtug driven out, m one ol ibsm waa at Owaaco Like (aa Courtney says) witniu lire minutes alter ha bapan bis labors, several ol lliein bad actaslly betn licensed, end that $600 bad bean paid toward regatta expenses irom theso same licenses. Wbiie onset Ibe Alderman dtulcd this, it Was highly sag already stated, tbat ou# wheel snouid be aitacbed to the grand stand and thai dozens ol others were at Isrge through tna town without anybody to Mop Ibeui. Una defence was that tbe grand stand was Just outside the city limits. Hut "wUero there's n will thers'a a way," and no doubt bad there bean even ball a will tiers these posts would bare remained away. It la a poor example to aat before Ibe many who rislted Waiklot lor the hrit time, and a Ireak that few towns could afford to Indulge !u more than once. A very natural result ol tho inroad ol these gamblers into Welkins ami that during the hour tba rucoa wero expected a Jeweller bad hastily looked hie door without closing tna adul ter or curiam, lound, on !;la return, that $'J,t)00 worth ol wslcueg ware goaa. boou the salaamed Cbiel ol Police, who bad held bis place lor many yeara, sud denly lound uia services no longer in demand. "OUT KXAor." At a qnarisr to six o'clock, tna water baring quisled Somewhat, the gun was fired to notify all tbat an Mitmpt would bo made lu gal the racing under war. Hteamors Hint bad aestiervd u?oul the lake much inure heinly ladou tbau yesterday began to ursw in. Counney, lb tbo referee's boat, steamed | down tba lake to tbo starting point, | wbero tba twenty-eigpi onr-ucu to row la | Ibu lour-oared rare hid bwn lyiug off lor hours wall ing for tba order to gat ready. The cold sir bid chilled | Uisas oarsman and tba loag last had made ibem hungry, so that ns the steamer touched at Iba dock 1 bsarhv they were seen eating large piecta or bread 1 and drinking milk, preparatory to their bard work as j expected. rosrroxMi tiu. thummday. Altar a general consultalioa and many looks at lbs dark water and the occasional white caps, Coartnei, wiih niucu reluctance, announced turn it in too rough to raw, sud that thu gun would be 11 rod at eigrt o'clock lo-morrow morning, and the Ur?t race rowed at aoon ah or that as possible. Ha also said that instead el breaking tba lonra up into basis be would ?eod all swan oil lu a breast race. A utile later one ol the ffuoewaecaemotte* asid llial his drew would protest against a breast race and insist un tbs bests ussier ticks aorkkii CI'OX. Meanwhile all the oilier ursws layered the breast rase, and later in the evening word eamo to Courtney thai the HIioewaeeaotneiiM withdrew their objection. They spoke, however, ol one or two ol tne upper buoys winch tbo lorco of tba wiud and Wuros Bad all i lied soma forty feol?a difflonlt thing io prsrsnt where the lines rssobing Irom tbem Vp tbe bottom hare to be t,2ou leal lung. 1 ins can lie rvercome by rsogiag thu hosts on tho proper liho without any buoy, and so it doubtls<s will be, aa ibara srs rot buoys lor seven erews? o many were not ex* pected to atari at olica. The Ksgulla Commutes are ?nut lo grumble at Courtney lor doing sway w till their pel beats; bat when tne delay necessary to races so early in tba season la considered, while tne wvaibor is unsettled, It will bs seen mat Courtney acted wtaoly yesterday lu sending tba pairs nil eff abreast and tbat ha will be equally right lu tbus tending off tbe lours In ilia morning. Mad the morning born sot lor theso races at Oral there would itnvn been hardly au boar lorn. When rowing men arrange regMtaa it la lound they aelodt boars umst likely to bung stnoolu water null tasks nil sun subservient lu that. rirnnHAi moss arv Tim "imATa." Caurril Course J. Ma^ee. toe geuul and onargaua nrssi'iant ol tbu Watkins Mowing Association, and a man reputed to be one ot the wealth led In the Slate, In a conversation to-dsy entirely corroborated Com modore Usno'e statement ol laet evening, that lie (Msgee) Knew u?lbln:-' ol too Intention to Have Ibe races lu "licais." and added that tba Ural oe taw ot it was in lite Hckaux. He loid Courtney to g 1 ulicad and Lmvu ell luce* breast races it be saw U', wbicn tne Inner le nothing loth to do. will run atai-a-ntas uo to acuorx? In an interview wltb Captain Eusna, ol the AU lieut, this tfumoeu, be eaid u was vary doubtlul if baabould no to Europe altar all. When tbe Atalantaa crossed before It coat noarly $0,000, ami tbe $2,000 now olTered 10 covor tbe coat ol a ten weelca' trip ot ten ineuabroud, Including their passage money, eeeui* to bnn wholly inadequate to take them over as they ought to go. Moreover be Is a lawyer and oeouot well leavo his business lor a trip like ibis, at be may ba able to per baps a taw ysars later. lie baa bad a louit and honorable record at the our. He was tbe inuii who brought tie Wesleyau to the front as a rowing college. He taught thu At sisnta Club bow to wlu. Ue won tbe Bunnell prise lor the atuJeuia' seven mile walk In 1874. beating many good men. For several years ba baa been one ol the brat known utnaiaurs In America. Downs, bis mate, inclines to tho same view. He, loo, ia at tba bar atii baa bla way ie make there, and pre fers to be there. Ue is as well known ea the now of Weeleyen'a beat craw as Euslts Is as atroke ol ihe sauie, and la the pair, tba moat most difficult of boats (o row, they loug aga leaned to work thoroughly together. If tboy should hsppeu to wiu^ln the lour-nureU race tbat would improve matters somewhat, and they m gbt be Induced to go. In this ovent It is a pity tbey bad not given Columbia a brush forth# Henley distance oolore tbey left. Ho saya it was not Irotn lack of trying on their pert,' but tbat Columbia would not give them a chance. Had Colombia rowed and beaten them then they certainly would have been wise lo stay at home. AXOTllklt V1KW OV A.V "AMATMl'R '* The point inudo editorially In to-duy's Hie bald that tbia plan ol giving to tho wiboors tho price or a trip to Europe made ovary competitor bar# practically a professional and might bar birn at Henley, naturally awakens serious attention among tbe oarsmen here. It will ba remembered tbat tbn la quite different from the plan as originally proposed by tue Hkrald The latter suggested that a raet should be had to determine the obainpionebip in lours, pslra sod singles, but not for auy prize. This subaer ption plan ia tba one common in England in such cases. It will be remembered that when lb# Idea was brisehed of aeudlng a Cambridge crew to the Centennial word came tbul a subscription would be opened at the (Joiverslty to that ond, and whon tbe l.oodoo Kowinc Club mea came and tho Dublin Univorsity four, no one supposed lor a moment tbat tbey paid tboir own expenses; Indeed, international meetings could not woll bo bad at all on any other basis.; tub oomibo bvkbts. The four-o .rs to-morrow, now that all tho aovan crews are to start together, promises to be an in'onseiy exciting race, and probably to inolude at least two or three separate good races. Wnile the Atalantae stood a good obauoe to win ibetr heat and tho Sboewaecaetnottes a bettor chance to win tbetrs, wbicb of ibe two can win the breast race against tbe whole field f Toe Bboewuecaemetteo are bold and con* fldeui, mid plainly expect to win. II It were a three mile nght tbey probably would wlu, but in tbo mile ond Ore-sixleeotha MeVickar, tho new Aralnutn man, will likely be up to his work, and tbere is little doubt ol Eustis, Rodgeraod Dowos. ilcVickar certainly seems to do as well as Lyons did In his place when, in 1878, on Saratoga Lake, the tiboewaeoaomeues bad logo more than two wboie uiloi before tbey caught the Alulun tas. Il tbo Nortnwaaterus and Zephyrs get the next two places It looks as though tbe Ctrmsu crew mlgtit lead tba remaining tbree with Welkins and tbe F.oral City last. lb the single sculls test race Leo and Rob inson both think they cud beat Hall, but be docs not expect to be abead ol Ratbbone; thin tho latter hardly assents to. SILVER LAKE REGATTA. PB08PECTS OP A LABOE CBOWD?TH* BACE8 AS ABUAKQED ? BETTING ON TUB 7AVOBITE8. [BT TKLEOBAPH TO THE HKBALD ] Fltmftox, Mam., May 29, 1878. If to-morrow moraine looka u bright u this, the heart* of the too thousand people wbo are expected locomo down to witaeM the great oontost of the oarsmen will be uiado glad. No brighter sky or smoother water could be desired lor a bom race tbao wero given this morning und the oarsmen, who aro ever on the alert for a poll, lor practleo sod exercise, took advantage of It promptly. Toe several orews were out sarlv, as well os the single seullers, and the calm lake was dolled with the crab like shells as they shot through the wuter, Impelled by tbe strong arm nnd scientific stroke of the trained athletes. On tho early tram from Boston Mr. Hoagbtoo, of the Union Boat Cluo, oame down. Ho brougot with him anew boat built by Ruddock, and lookod In admirable trainiug. Kounedy. of Lowell, came also, with a new boat built by Waters, of Troy. On the train besides these wero the Coonoly Brother* (pair) aud tbe Longshore crew el Portland, tbe lat. tor accotnpauiod by a detention Iron, the Pin# Tree i'i ?,M'ttooy' ?' who pa lie in the open ?onllera' reca. came later in the day, he having missed the flret tram. Tho cotnmuioo nave made elaborato arrangemonta for the disposition 01 the immense aouieuoo that is sure to come. An sddl Hon lus boeu built to tho grand stand whioh win give accommodations to 1,000 people. I The enoounremeut has been made that In the raoa for working boats the turn will be made from star, hoard to port. There wit. be lour race." m "in umiiear single scull, proteeelonal tingle ecnii."Ion" oareu workiug boaiiaod puir-osred working boats. bkttiso. sur so roots. No pools can be sold owing to toe law passed by the Legislature last sssslon, but a good deal of private betting is going on. The Riverside crew are th! favorites lor the tonrmarod race and I LV 1fu,ouni , 01 money ta privately atakae on them. In the tingle acull coatast 01 aaral08*. bM many backers; so has Plaistod* but the irichda of Maboney and Johnson 0i Boston, feol coufldsut that tbe "Hub" will .o" ">? The worst i..ture of little*' 2? ,?P"M ,or holal,,? that r.%.. .k y Ur,w ,,,jr ?orl ?? ? crowd is tbat tbero ere no hotel accommoaatlons. The farm Ui?srs**la V?UUJ p,)"npion "? all Oiled, and tuere la no more acoommodatlon for strensera unless tbey go to Plyuiontb. Tbe uros 01 j * K8,?'*ring are esoeBent and sbou.d the race be postponed for any cause what-' ever tho e.ragglers would have to sleep m me open air or elao leave tho town. One hundred young rampe nave walked out from Bo.toc aud have made bemaelves a nuiaanco oy begging for bread. NAVAL lit) AT RACES. BACg BETWEEN THE DABUEB AMD OlOS O/ THE TllENTON AND TENNEBBEB?VICfOliX FOB TUB FI.AGhlilP?-DEI.IVt JtY Of THK CHAMPION PB1ZEB WON JIT TUB TENNKBKKE. Vftts Fbaxcmk, May 14, 1878. On tbe morning of tbe llih met. the beautiful bar bor ol Ville Franche was enlivened by the arrival of the United Ntatea steamer TenneMoo, from whoso masthead waa flying a "homeward bound pennant" ol euob Immense length that It trailed on tho water In bor wake. Ibo arrival of the Tenaesaee naturally af forded in eh pleasure lo the officer* and orew of the flagship Trenton, una mutual visits wore mad*. TUS CffALLKSUS. About dusk the Quartermaster ol Hie Trenton as tonlshod tbo officer of th* deck by reporting that tho Tonnosaoe's barge bad just pulled under tbu bow ol the Trenton and "Kissed osrs." All w*s excite meet, as every one knew that It was a "challenge" lor a boat race, aud tho forecastle std porta were crowded by men anxious to get a sight of the saucy crew that dareJ to challenge the flagship. They were invited on board, and in a ehon time arrange ment* were made for a raee between the barges nfiho respective ships. The I teuton, not lobe outdone, obellehgea the gig ol the Tennessee also to row against tbe irentoh's gig. ft waa aoooptcd. and tho n o"' l""11 'our F. named as tbe tliuo lor lot day appointed proved a bright aud boautlftil one. aud a great crowd of people were soon seen Bothering along the briteh, and group* or oarrtacos in.I vehicle* ol ail kind-were halted along the road way and ci, IIa between Ville Frauohe and Nice. HI led wub residents ol me two place* auxieue to witues* tuo coming corneal. Koch excitement was manifested Oh the various t)i,p* m the barber, and men were ?sou erowdtng the forecast,? decks and timet* of itin the'hsrb"r"i "?*14 ,n Ulr??H??us about Title BACB. I reclsety at half-past lour lb* signal was given aud swifily the boats tell the I rumen aud aped uu their course round tbe barbor. Prom tbe Ural the I ronton crewe pulled lo the trunt and rnnilntied their advantage uutii they were reoeived as vietor* br load ctmer* Iroiu Hie deck mid rigsmg of in* fl ? u?ts? tx Toe barge won by 20 second* nod the gig bv .K) second* The crew ol thu Trenton were en earned away bv their victory thai they not ouly cheered uutii titer w. ro hoarse, but expressed tueir delight in th* osir way a sadoi cm to b * lull satisfaction by throwing intir osps. shoes. Ate., into the air nnu sea. The victory wit* unexpected, ** the Teoneseoe'e boat* had never baen be,,ten in ,.uy ol tho moor race* innde wbl'O on the Asiatic station, with bonis from our own and foreign vessels. A abort time after the raco th* Teosessoe's bars* pulled alongside, bringing nil their trophy priaea wou during ih* eruiae, oou.lanug of II .ga, pennants. Ho. I hey surrubdortu thent to tbe trsoton to be held at the champion lor the present. The officer# nod crew wore enteriainod for a lime and when their boat left the order was given to man the riggiog aud cheer ship, aud it was done heartiir MKVAkhM TO tub vtcroita, Tht victorious boat erewa ol the Trenton wero ad vanced a month's pay and given several deye libertv on ahoro. * ""?"?r The Tenneaa. e will leave in a lew dare far Gibraltar, and Irom there go direct to Now York, whore tnor ox poet to arrive by Hi* l?tb of Jane, Mom# thirty inva lid officer* and sailors iron, vessel* el tbe Europe*,, elation will return home in the leu not see rue i renion will ivtve Vine Fret,eh. the Isstol tn* month on a cruise, stopping at Uit.rslt.r, Lisbon, Havre aud Unerbeurg, ' ' POLO. INTEH1BTINQ OAMiB XT Jf'.r.OME PAllX 1QUALLT MATCHED SIHES AND VLB! XX C1TIMO PLAY. The governors of the Westchester Polo Club hsvo sol sport Wednesdays sod Saturday! of each week lor ploy, sod duriog lb# season the nauOiome grounds at Jerome Perk will, at snob times, bo tut scone ol merry straggles in tuts rxciuug sport. Yesterday being so clo.e on tbe opouing ol the spring racing ineetiug ol tbo American Jocsoy Club ttioro were only a lew spectators present, tbo members having previously expressed a disinclination to drive tueir teams such S Uistuuco two days in succession. The races tuoy should aiteud, and so polo yester day must be missed. There were only lour conteslunts on the Held tvben the umpires called the ttrst game. IJte sides were Mr. A ugast Belmont, Jr., and Mr. tfrcuville Kane, biues, aud Mr. Barry Del riobs auu Mr. Pierre Loriilard, Jr., reds. With two mtervals ol rest, tbo gentlemen, up to sis o'clock, played inirteeu games, the blues winning seven end the roue six contests. A lew ol the number wer.. 01 lUon durutiou, wiiiii tfc? were very interesting. The ttrst was tcorod by the blues la tbe time it required Mr. Belmont to neilop across tne ttald, as with two mug bus sod uivau tbe onpo.iug side to euccesaluliy slop ttls ca ??r Ue.euMhe Sail through the goal- In. second uaiiio was played Immediately, tbo goals being cuauged. Mr. Uelmout aud Mr. Oelrich* 1 bull. Theioruter waabrst near whero tbu ?P"\rel"J'? bui Diuiiiua a. Mr. U?Mri?u? ??ui u U?u?diog luwiiru tuu blu??' territory ?uu lolluwiug up Ui? pUy in tu auotuerbriil lau t e t rok e ine ball boundedbetween tliu iiiiii uiviuu tU0 10 ill? roilHe 1 be Id louab gLl.wcro ac.froU to tbo blues by tbe bnl iaut i,lay ol Mr. Belmont. lbe Ultb was won uy the reds. Mr. tioimoul uii.eod an opening ?hot, when Mr. Oelricbe sent tbo ball ball way across lie ttnlJ, and, bis pony covering ibo grouud quicaiy, an'"'h shot dm me work aud iba rada secured the victory. dfikh'MD flay. , Tbo sixth contsst opened lluvly. ?'? Douy boiug aole to gsilop latter than tne ethers, that Hentiaiuau almost lui.riahly had the beet el tne opee L nil.. Ho Obarged iu vxcelleut siyio in this' but mi.sed a well meaut blow, and baiora na could cneck hi. pony Mr. Oelncha aaeumou oommsud aud sent tne ban over near tne b.uo'isgoei. Here ?'?? mur anusaed In e l.veiy struggle. Meileyt cia.neu, ?? ulavers wore expressions ol inun.e earnesiues , i aud lbe ponies, sesinlug to cutou the J?"*" * , tba ttgut, worked in su.t out ol the *uo . u | ware loi.t wilb astouiehlug eaao and celerity. At ingt, lau deioriiuuta w</^ w?? eutieU y Br. Oelrtcna workiug tue ball iioin ?*ue*lvu l"e H" ^ ? y r 1/ Ilk'* UOtlF. ?OU ttrit g'VlUg '* ? bdClt.liuiiUea ?iruK?, aua ibtn ft long *?*ot, lUe Mj daaueo tbrou'u tua blu.a' goal, a wed earned victory for th. reds. Tn-game, were sow tnreo and lurt-tt iu?rtti?wuu ibu acveutb tuuienl, ?uU tUo eublb win ?coreu uy ibw blue???till? tie. Ibouiutu, elao won bytue blue'., a., due to Mr. Belmont's flue I cxecui.ou, lbe teuth pruved exciting. 'flero 1 three mtita, oue in the centre o. the ifle'd, ?uimbe near li.e ciub uonse, uud tue third witum a lew e Tlbi rod'- goal flag, bo quickly w..s the poa.t.ou.. irid uluyer? cbuugud tu ib??e malic? to y? l"u.5"u..c I.r atruuei and to see bow they were ,u ,uo bevelul neat back-Uauded hits were croJited o M JuwirtaMendMr. Uelmout, and a. tbe.e play era were backed up better at tbia lima than ia aoy pra Tmu.gamo a orill.ant exu.b.tlon was the order o, several uamutes. At last Mr. Belmont loaud a lucky nnenms aud taking advantage ol tbo opportunity, shot the bail clean tblougU lbe goal oilb" aide. The next, or eleventh, gome, wee elike 10 toutb Determined play connnaed an unusually loug nme Two buter miUf occurred, aud during these K??siT=frS spirited, aud during au #u??' ' wl* nr. KsaflK (tin V tiTM mU(1 UOUlt? WOrK?U WltU ? Will, ??? Osiricus broke his mallo^ aaa during the time it ?ks cop ea *o procure auotuer tne coatv-t w.. .cored uy the bluon The game, then ^ ^ Uu Saturday allsiuoou aaxt, alley the races es Jerome, there will he ee.ermi games ployed. IBOTAING AT FLEETWOOD PARK. A charming dey end the promieo of good trotting brought out a large aiteudsuce to JTIcetwood Park veeierday to wltaeee two well oonloeied trots. The track wa. in excellent order. Tbo flr.t event on the cord wa. a match raco lor $J00. nitlo Usata, host three ,a live, la harness, betwesu D. B. Merr.ugtao's black gelding Colonel Kuox aud 0. T. Adee'e bay mare i^av A. The colling was very lively, Colonel k"t>* Mug the larorite, aud won lbe race in three straight next race wen a match, |1UU, for oaich wew hie, ?nun ue .is best three lu UVv, in uarucss, between Farrv Wai'ser's bsy mere Leoy Anuie and Wm. K. Wo,s.'uro!n uiare l.lda P.otiu; mile beat., hunt in ee 111 live in barbies, lue lormer bud lue cull lu ihe betting ' lu tbe lirsl liOut Lids Piclon WeUt to tbo rent but belor. reaching the quarter .be broge haeiv and Lady Aunie look lbe l*ed, and by aluudy ^rottm! wou ine boat by loor lengths. Tl.e second aad third beats, Irom the word "go." were well cou tested sud bur.i lougbt, ttuiabiug by Lady Annie win nlng the boats and reee. Tue lollewmg ere the >'lisrwood I'AUX?l'roiiiug?Wednesday, Mny afl, 1#7?.? MaWU lor $kOO, mile beau, heat toree in Ave, D. ui'Herriniion'h bin. v Colonel lCnex.... All U T. Adee'e b. m. Lady A Uuailtr. JJitV' MUe. tripni heat ? I -7 * Second beat 1 Bamk'Vay?Maieb $io?, tune heats; beet throe in Ave iu harness. it. Marry Welker'e o. ?. Lndy Annie 1 1 1 William K. Weoka' br. m. Lid. Piclon I - * ouarler. Half. '' r.r..hc.t 3? 1:17 ? ? a.i: Aic- l:ld 2:d? becond beat l*1. u ,M Third heat ^ 1,10 TROTTING AT PRINCETON, N. J. Tb? first day o/ tb* Spring 1 roiling Mooting opened yesterday ot tho Princeton Driving Perlt, New Jer sey, under the most lavurabis ctreumounoeo, no tbo woetber woo dellgbtlul end tbo aiiunaaoc* very largo, including a number ol ladies. 'lhore wero two trot ting ovente ou tne programme. TUe flrot race woo lor o puroe ol $160, lor borsoo tUat buve never beaten tbree minutes. It bad thirteen entries sod eigbl starter/, l'bese wore Little Dau, Kaiy 3., John W., Palmer Boy, Village Oirl, Smoke. Koty Thompson and Wby Not. In the pool oolllog Litti* Dan was tbo la vorite at $30 to $26 ovor the field, but Smoke, by aploodid trolling, won tbo raoe lu tureo straight heals Kate Thompson oooond money, and Village Utrl third. Toe second race was lor a purse ol $17$, lor borsoo that bavo never beateu 2:31. Pour horses ram : >ur the word out ol seven entries, ?is :?Dolly, Patcbea Cbiel, Jr., James M. Oakley and Miort.v Fountain. Bel jre alanine Dolly was sailing lb the pools as Urst choice over ibu field at $60 to $40. This race was wou in three straight heaia by James M. Oakley. Tbe loilewiug ere the sumssiaa. Primokto* Dkivimo Panic, PmikOBtO*, N. J.?Kisht Sraisu laoiTLNu Mkamo?1 laav I>av ?WrnskahAV, 01,y 20, 1*78.?Purse ol $160, lor horses thai have never ueau-n three tnsuuiee; $76 to first, $60 to second auu $26 to the third horse; utile beats, tbo best three In Ore, in liarues*. Starter*. J. Pawllng's blk. g. awoke Ill K. Smaller'* b in. Kete Thompson 2 4 2 \V. K. nam's blk. m. Vl iuge Uirl d 2 tl ti. Hwick'S 0 g. Little Dau 4 3 g P. Cleveland's b. in. W ny Not...... .T 0 4 11. Morris' g. a John H 1 j 6 C. 11. I'aiiuor's r. g. Palutur Uoy a 7 7 J. Sampson's b. m. Kaiy L, 733 TIMS, quarter. Half. MilS. first beat. 44 l;.i 2:47', Second heal. .... <0 A 1:33 2.e3 a Third heat 41', 1:2S>? 2 40 saus Day.?Parse gli6. lor borses that bnve never beateu 2:34; $IHI to llrat, $eU to second and $36 to tbe third; nine heats, the beat three lu five, in harness. tl'v rhrt. C. A. Denton's b. g. Jas. \l Oakley Ill Saudlord k lie's U. a. I'alunsu lluel... 3 2 2 O. Hudson's ub. m. Dollvy 2 4 3 J, Fountsib'e blk. s. Shorty FeuiiUIn 4 3 4 tins. Van? Mr. Half. M>t*. First heel..... Ml 1:19 2:41 SicoDUIieal 41 Ai lad 2 42 Third bsut 40 1:21),' 2 42 CINCINNATI RACES CiMiSSaTI, Ohio, May 29, 1(73, Pool* on to-morrow's ra<o* wort sold a* follows;? Fin*t Hack?Mils 3**11.-11111 ^sunders, 60; War Qsld, .HI; June Jackaou, 16; Ids I.imbert, litoerge, 10; tho field, cotcpriemg lo<oue, Mystery end Aiboi. IK Mcuto Rack?Mile and a bell da*U.?Ilelle of Nil son, 40; Judge Hancock, 36; iltgaul, 8; Bessie auu Mesgiv Shield*, in the Ui-ld, 10. I hirii Rack?Mne heals ? Virginian. 60; Vagabond 40; Toiotia, 30; KdwinA.,27; Pair Play, 22; Parole' 18; Llciui, 16; aUaS., 10. NARUAQANSi.TT PARK RACES. Pnnviuns H. L, May S?, 1878. At Nsrragansatt Park this alttraoou lbs 2 3* clans rscs was won by John Morrill, ol Aitlsooro; Honest John, of Providence, second, and Mvrtls, ol Naiiek, third. H?st time, 2:31 In ilie 2:24 class race Trnmpolise, ol Boston, was lb tbro^straigut beats. Bast time. 2:24. JEROME PARK RACES. THE BEI JING AND litOBVULE STAUTEU9 IN TO BAYa HACKS. The spring meeting ol tbe American Jocko* Club commences to-day at Jrroine Park, and II tbe weather proven lavorabie a magaiUceot dey'v sport may be auiiclpAieU. Ibe reocs will commence promptly el 3 P. 11. witlr* daub ot three-quarters ol a mile lor a purse ot $400. Tbi* event closed with seven entries:? Knudanianihus, 133 lbs. ; llary, 117 lbs | Idalia. 113 Iba i Hen*, ltd ibs ; Uarriok, 106 Ins.; Pawn, 100 lbs., aud the G.euclg fllly 100 lbs. The second ruco on the programme is _ the Pordhuin Hundicap Sweepstakes, one mile und a quarter, lor which the following lot will probably coma to the poai Virgiuiu?. 120 Iba ; Bertram, 114 lbs. j Gen eral Phillips, 114 loo.; Cuba, 113 Iba. ; Princeton, 106 lbs. i Lady Salyers, 105 Ibs.; Fugitive, 104 lbs., aud Bangor, 03 lbs. The* Slakes, lor three-year, olds, $100 untraucr, hail torlull, with $1,100 added, la the third event, und out ot ibe i?riy-nine entries the (oilowiug will prohahiy tisrt;?Buke o( Magenta, Judith, Zodiac, Pride ol the, Buamuelf, Uramhie aud Kuueue N. Hobiueon. Tue best ruoo is a sweepstakes ol $36 eacb, gentiauisu riders, one mile and a quarter, with 160 lb*. up. 1 he |>rouuhle starters are Mr. Purdy's Fiora, Mr. Water?' Maleoidi, Mr. Uriswold's Burnley, Mr. W. Be Heme's Mho aud Mr. lseiiu's Ballet. Toe day's sport will ooueludd with a haudkiap steeplechase lor a purse ol $oOO. Tbu lollowiug horses are eutcredTrouble, 103 lbs. ; Waller, 101 (Dr.; Deadhead, 166 Ids. | Prob lem, lot! lbs.; Corouoi, 166 Ibs.; Bandy, 146 lbs.; New York. 144 loa. ; Preston, 140 lbs.; Beuetier, 140 lbs.; Helormer, 133 lbs., sua Lord Zetland. 136 lbs. run root, rooms. Bustness in llobokeu wua quiie lively laaluisht, and by otgut o'clock Keiiy'a largo pool room wao jammed lull aud tbo niduiug on the Uiffereut evsuie quite ao tivo. Jobnaou A Lovetl's new rootus near tue laud ing were not Unutted last uight, aud will not Ue opened before Fitdsy night. McBouaall's rooms iu Otio Cotliigo were ruuuiag in lull bleat and doing quite a livuly busiuess. tbu rave that appeared to uttraot the most aileulion ol the speculators was the Pordbaui Handicap, aud wbeucver me utddiug on ?ny other event ueoatuu stuck ho bed only to start 111 st ohoieo lu tho handicap to insure native bidding, l be lollowiug were ooiuu ol tne pools sold at Kelly's last nlgbt:? VOR bit AM HAMUICAP. Banger $40 (70 $85 $loo Virgiuius 30 34 43 66 Conor..! Phlltipu Id 40 40 60 1 Lady Bulyers 16 36 33 45 Cuba 14 35 18 33 Fugitive 13 36 36 35 Beitruui.. 10 31 35 30 Princeton 13 16 16 33 ^.v.v.v.r:.v:::.v.*}10 16 14 21 Till. WirtlHRS STAKKS. Buko ol Magenta $30 $00 $50 $60 Judith I 8 16 w ,, Zodiac J 8 10 W 11 l'nue ot the Vitiugu...... 8 16 13 13 ItrMmbla 6 11 3 7 DauicnuU 6 Id 7 6 Kugouo . Koo.usoti...... 3 6 4 3 lu the ihree-quurtur of a mile dasti the Oral pool that was turn was a, loiluwa:?Hbutlaniaolhua, $36; G irrlck, $36; Mary, $8; ldalta, $V; Fuwn, $6, uuu .no livid, luuiuding und too Clone,g UHy, $4. Nothing much was done on the steeplechase us Trouble and Waller sold together lor $30 and the entire hold oniy brought $33. Nobody appeared to know unything shout tho geotlemuu riders'ruco and |t was tell oaraiuily uloue. TUK SUBSCKIPTIUM ROOMS. Thoro was a lair attondaucs oi uiumbers last night, and some litlio booking was dono ou the evouta ol to duy. Hbadamuuibu* was a strung luvorito at eveu against the Held, and 3 to 1 was offered agatosl Carries. Mr. btauiord laid a net ol $1,600 to $300 against tbe Uienelg Any aud also a long sbot aguioat Fawu at about the same ttgures. For the buudtosp Banger waa hacked lor a liillu mouoy at 2 to 1, hut Virgiuius, Ludy Sslycrs, Central Pnlllips, Uartram ana Cuba uppenred to be the most iu demand, i hero was very iittio business ou the Withers, aud lu tho gentlemen's race inure waa a good deal ot inquiry about prtues, bmuoihtug waa oackod to any amount. TEN DiiOECK AND MOLLiE M'CAK'IH . Lot'tsviLLK, Ky. , May 20. 1878. A rumor having beeu circulated to tbo effeot that Teu Urocele and Mollia McCarthy wero to be controlled nud ran by ouo party, Colonel k. Lewis Clark, Jr., in a card to tbo Courirr-Journal, exposes tho lallucy ol ibe idea, as the race aud homos are un der oooirol ol the l.uui.villa Jockey Clob, es are ail uvents ol the Juiy meeting. Ion Uroeck aud McCar thy both rem a ill here training lor ihu tiiutcn, Mr Harper huvlog deoltnud to go to St. Louis with Ten Brot'Ok, PHILADELPHIA RACES. I'hii.aukli-iiia, May 28, 1878. Tho second day's trotting meeting took plico to-day. The weather was good and tho track In lair oondltion. The Oral race ?u lor the 2:4U class, purse $3U0, divided. HIMilT. AlCldea 2 0 5 1 1 1 Odd Mellow 17 4 3 2 2 Jaine-. K 3 4 12 4 4 Clara Morris 8 10 7 3 2 May Medium 6 2 3 6 5 r. o Hob Scott 7 3 7 0 flr.o Chance 4 8 2 4 dr. Chic 1 0 0 dr. Time, 2:31?2:32S?'**4?2:J0X?2:35?2:J3V Race?Purse, $300; lor double team*. summary. Varlck's entry 12 11 a. Rider's eutry 2 12 3 H. 1'. Stetson's entry 3 3 3 2 K. P/ie's eutry 4 die. lime, 2:48)4?2:4*),?2:42)4?2:44X. Third Hack?Hurts, $100; gentlemen rluera; mile beaut. SUMMARY DalgasUn 1 1 I.ance l 2 2 Lime Mac 3 dr. Woodstock, Kuith and Malay Deau distanced. Time, 150)4?2:bl?. FRIENDSHIP DRIVING PARK RACES. I'ittssuru, Ha, May 29. 1878. Fiutsnauir Dnivjxo I'auk?Sacoao Day.?First Hack?For 2:60 claaa, puree $400. There were ail entries and lour starters. Tho Oral boat wan dead l)au Doualdsoo. 113 1 Kuay Fry 4 4 13 Clara Morris 2 3 2 2 Little Sain 3 2 4 4 11mo, 2:45? 2:41?2:41 !4? 2:41 '.?2:41 Sscoxo Rack?A lr*< -fur-ail pace; purae 1400. Two euir ??. SRepv George wet, beauug Lucy la three straight boats Time, 2:30?2:24)4?2:23)4. BROOKLYN YACHT CLUB. The Twenty-flrat annual regatta (Uuioo Regatta) of the Brooklyn Yacht Club, will take place on Tuesday, Juue 18. The club lovitoe a tree entry and oilers lor cumpetitloa prize* (or the following classes:? Fir.t, a class' lor all schooner yachts; second, a class lor ell sloop yachts larty-Uve iset long sad over on wster line; third, a class lor all aloop yschis auiler loriy-flve leet long on water line; fourth, a claaa lor all yachts (open boats) twenty-live Ret mud over on water line; Ultu, a else* lor all i itlu ma ran s. The club prisv will be aonllocd to yuruts enrolled in ins Hrouklyn Yacht Clnb, and bs awarded lo the llrai yacul in, so euroilou, ol c.o i elan, on time ailownuee. tliu Flag Ofllcer s I'risc will be open to ml yacbla enrolled ID auy rogu lar yecltt elan, and be award d to the seconu yacnt in, ui each china, on tiuie ailowaou* I'ruvidsu, imw CVef, that tula prizo cann it he awnhliil lo the yankt wioiiiuc the club prise. There will be one prizo award.d lo the liith class (auiaiiiaraue), and be awar .ed to the Drst boa) in, ol tbai class, ? n time al loa mice Two yachts or oalemaraue lo start, or no race lor ihui class. The course ssagreed upon tees follows :? fur schoouere and ttrnt eutss elco|>s, I root the sinks* host anchored oil Bey Kldsc to siaSiboat at buoy 3)4, Southwest Mpn, turning on port hand, thence to me Xaeuy hook lightship, rouuumg s?uie ou the sliirbnard baud, nod return to heme slakchoat oil Huy Kidge dnak, passing it on port aids. For seeoud class .loop., Irota slake* li at oil Hay Kidiie to slaaetioat si buoy 8)4, southwest 8pit, leaving sstue on port hand, ihrnea 10 Siakeboat at outer bar buoy, in Ueuney s ohaunel, roundin.- it ou starboard hand, and return lo stake bout oil Bay Ridge dock, passiug 11 ob me port side. I be third class slo?| s (open boats) and catamarans, Iroiti etakoooat aueboreo olf Bay itidge lo siakeboat at buoy No. 8\, Southwest Spit, rounding snine ou tne port hand, tbeuce to home siakeboat 02 Bay Ridge doek, passing II en lbs pert tide, YACHTING NOT EM. Yacht Kate, I). Y.C., Mr. J. F. Haudolpli, Iruui the esstw ud, passed M til lor tone, L. I., yesterday alter uoob, cruising southward. The liaidee, Kelpie and Twilight, of the Newport Yacht Club, and Gleam, of the Providence Ya> hi Club, warn at sac nor in the barber ol Newport yas ttrdajr. CREED MOOR. COMTBf ITION8 FOR Til K WIL1E AND AMATEUR CLUB UllKJKS The 111 its oompetlllou lor the Wylia Badge was shot at t ruediuoor yesterday aileraoon. This match was open 10 all member* of the National Hide Association end el the New York Slate National Guard; weapon, any military rill*| distane*. ami and boo yards; aevea roauds, efl-band, at each distance; badge to be won three Mines bolor* becomiog the property ol lbs wiu. ntr. There were twelve entries. Captain W. it. Ltvermore win the badge on a acorn of Bftjr ool of the po-aiblr kcvouty point*. Tbe tecurd of ibe mated hlood all 'oiloW*: ? Hi 600 i iiife. ]'<rrii, W K. lp?n>?on 20 j-j i>o W. il. Kafro* 27 2.? itl *'? Hy' # 22 21 4J J. K. (irutimau 24 i? 42 J. L. Pau ding li? l>i 37 A. U Van Htuseu. 26 a o> J. W. llangum 21 H 20 M. M. Ualtby ltj 11 37 A. u. Millet lb b 24 P. McMnrrow Hi 7 23 \V. W. Gray 10 2 12 Ilio flrai com pen 11 on lor ibu Amateur Club rikori Range badge to .it place ul tbree P. 11. Tl? lueiati was open to membra oi lue cmb only , disUnca 200 yards: 13 snot* without i giiiin; aiiuu; any rifle; position, aiuuoiuy; ibe badge lo be won tbreu limes before Oetoniiug tuo property oi ibe winner. Tbure wer<* eleveu i-nines, i tan l>eilgv was won by Mr. K. 11. Holion. iboroures stood as luilows:? 1. 11. Hoiiou OS N. b. Ward oo W. M. Farrow 07 11. Ktaber 00 IV Hyde 00 P.O. .-anUiord on K H. Kueue 0.1 T. l.auio 60 M. vi. vuiitay ?1 J. A li*try 6o C. IS. Hlyueuoui gn.... 01 PlGb-ON SHOOTING. IIOUAIIDUS CilVFB AN EXHIBITION OF fXPEUT KKSS WtliVlOUB TO IIIH DK1AHTOHE (Oil eub: p e. ttognrdui, the great pigeon fchot, leivee to-day tor Europe to visit the Exposition at Pane, and aleo to shoot a mutch in England with Mr. E. Peuuoi, ol tho Uurnuguum lluu Club, at lt>0 pigeons at thirty yarde, accord nit to the rulee ol that ciub, lor $1.1KH> a aide The uxhibittou given vcilerday wit to let liU friends form aotue idea ol what be cau uo abroad at the Eng lish ruloe ol aboo;iug. The exhibition came ell' at Hiram Homo's Brooklyn Driving Park, P-rk villo, Loug Inland, aud was witnessed by a large number 01 gentlemen, who were all wall nut.slW that Hogardua will be u hard man to brat in any couutry. Bogardus had aeut to Now Jorsey to Miles John aon lor ItiU good birda to mako tbo trial with, but the latter could only lurnish sixty two, aud thlrty-oigbl glass balls bad to bo substituted lor biriia. Bogardus used a Scott U Sons' double barrelled breecb-louuor, 12-bore, using una ounce aud a ball ol shot aud live drachms ol powder, and H la with tuis gun be inteuua to about aguinat Mr. Penuei. traps weru uaeo, at tnirty yard* disl.iuce, ueiug oath burns in mo utrda, nut only ouo . at the ualis. 1'ne following ?re in? drtaiisol Tilk miiootimq:? . ibe first bird sis killed witu u> cona barrel at loug ' range u? U drovo tapiuly auuy over iu<- hold. In# | second wue quickly killed w Hi first barrel. Th? I intra shot w?s .it u glass null, whicb was broken; lourth. uu luuouter. nrutlv kille ; III ill, s quurierur to tbo right, soon disposed ol situ urst; >1x10, .> uriver, I killed wuu Ural; seventh, tail, hiokeu; el.nth, a quuritTer to the rigui, Knocked over wuii urst; oiiitn, | uquuPt-Yer to llw right, gii.uuwitu secuou ui loug ; di-lauce; tenth, Kill, d uear tho trap; ulevvutii, mil, ; missed ; tweltiU, quurierur to tUe rigul, kuucKtd over ' by Uist; thirteeutu, u driver, nuic.iy kttied witn Uret; I toui teeulh, killed close to trap; U.tecum, u quur.trer to the twit, settiud quickly ; sixteenth, ban, broken ; ?eveoleenlh, a quertcrer to the right, brought uown by secoud; eighteenth, bail, broken; niueieautn, a driver, trustee; twentieth, a qua terer to tho right, hi', by bom?a good kill; tweoiy.flrat, ball, broken; twenty-second, bell, broxen; twenty third, quickly killed near trap oy first: twentv-tourlb. u uriver. killed bv Ural: twenty. UUb, a driver, killed by Ural; tweniy-uixiu, bail, broken ; ivtcoiy-eeveulu, hu uy both burro in, but es caped ; leeuty-elghiti, bull, missed; iwcuiy-ntulb, an eusy incomer, quickly killed; tuirnelb, killed ul trap witu Qrsi; ibirty-Ursi, bull, broken; tinny-second, u driver, mi, but escaped; lUlriy-ibird, bull, mis ed; lliirty-fourlU, u driver, Killed by Ilrul barrel: tlnrty flltb, Killed cloua to irap by Ilrul; lliiriy-Kixib, bull, broken; tbirly -seventh, a driver, lumped; tuiriy elgUtb, u driver, bll by both uud killed; tniriy-tiiniii, ball, brokou; lortielb, un incomer, killed by second ; lorty-Ursi, buii, brokou; orty-sccomi, bull, unsaid; lorij-tlnrd, killed by ueooiid; forty-loan n, quickly killed by Urstnear irup; luriy-U.lii, bull, lirokeu , lorty sixtb, killed by first; iorly-sevonlb, ball, brokeu; loriy-oigutn, killed by Ilrul clueo to irup; loriy-niuib, e driver, kiiiud bj second; Ulilotn, broke%uull; Ully lirst, u ur.vor, killed by Orel; UUy-secouu, bull, brokou; tlliy-imrd, a quarlerer to ibe right* killed by Ural; iiliy-lourtli, killed by socoud ; illiy fllih, quieklv killed by Ilrul; lllty-aixlb, bell, n.iu-eu; lllly uovuulb, nil, but eacupod; Utly-eigUib, bull, broken; (lily-niuili, ball, broken; uixiloili, a driver, killed with eecond; sixiy-llrai, un incomer, killed wnb tlrtt; sixty bocoud, bull, brokeu; uixiy-llnrd, quurturer lo Ibo right, killed by ecoond ; sixiy-fourili, bull, brokc-u; six ty-1)1111, killed by Urui close lo Irup; sixiy-uixtb, bull, brokeu; sixty-seveuta, killed wmh ibe ueoond barrel over tlio boude ot ibe people; sixty-eighth, ball, broneu; eUiy-mnib, u uriv< r, quickly koockud ovor by Ursi ; seventieth, ball, broken; eoreuty first, a qu iriercr to lue r it bi, killed ?ilb 111 at; ei VeQly-aecuod, bull, brokeu; uoveuiy-ibird, oa.l, broken; Hi-veuiy-tuurtb, killed by Oral ult>se 10 the trap; sovooly-nilh, bull, brokeu; aefeuiy-mxtb, au lucomir, killed by Ural barrel ulur wulilug until Hie bird was over the beads ol me poople; sevcrny-seventh. bull, broken ; seventy eighth, ball, broken; ecvetiiy-uiulb, un luoomer, killed by Ural; eightieth, bull, brokeu; eighty brai, uu incomer, Killed by Ural; uigbiy-seooud, ball, oroKcn; eitbty -third, Killed by Ural close to irup; eiijUiy-luuriii, bull. broken; elably-Ollb, u driver, killou by Ilrul; utginy-sixtb, kiiiud quickly closo to trap by I)rat; uighty-scvcuih, ball, broken; eighty-eighth, bull, brokeu, oighiy-uiutb, an incomer, killed by Urui; niuiieib, bill, brokuu; niuety-Orui, a quarlerer lo lue rigbt, killed by Oral; nineiy-eeeond, bail, brokeu; umeiy-ibird, bit by ooib but escaped, ninety-lourlb, bull, iniesco; uiueiy-Oith, a quurtt-ror to llio rlgiu, killed uy Urui; ninety ?ix:b, a driver, quickly Killed by Qrut; ninety seventh, a qiiurterer 10 the leli, killed ut long range by second; ninety eighth, ki.ied close to trap by Ural; nineiy-niuib, killed quickly by Qrn; one buudredib, a quarlerer to ibe rigut, Killed by Ursl. ibe lollowihg IB the rcoRK. liouaanva.?1 1111, 11111, 0 1111, 110 11, 1 l i l l, l o o l l, 1 o o 11, i o 1 l 1,1 o l 11. l 11 l l, 1 l l l l, u o l l l, 1 l l l i, l 1 11 1.1 l 11 1,11111, 11 111, 111 11, 1 l ou i. i l l l 1. Total 100?Killed and broken uallu, 88 ; missed 12. Time?Uue hour and lou inmates. YALE ATHLETIC GAMES. WIMNflUI or THE VA1UOU8 BVBMT8 AT NEW IJAVi N YE8TKBDAY. [llY TELEUIIAI'll to TUB UBBALD. 1 New Uavix, Coon., May go. 1878. l'lra spring gauiaa of iuu Y*lo Athletic Association wore attended by over four hundred ueraoua and were a succors. There were elavou areola, and a large uuouer of cutriee. Tho 100 yerde dusb wua won by K. W flrown in 10?4 seconds; ibe bigh leap by O. D. Thompson, al a leei 1 lucbcv; tbrowiag (he base ball by W. K. Huiebtosou, al 343 leal tl luoboa; the lug ol war by lb*>men class, deleallug Ibe olaaeee ol 'TO ami 'W; Ibe aeulor race dash over 410 yurda by T. K Mower, in 00 eccouds; me hamiuer Ihrowiug by U. D. Ibouipaou, 71 feci J luchce; the qaarier nulo run by Herman Liriiiyeloii, in :<i\ leconua; ibe UUMle raoe, 8 burdlea. distance 1-L) yard*, by W. U Camp. O. U lingge won ibo mile walk lu 8m. ?(i?. CHICK ET. There woe a largo utleudauco of crickctera and baseball player* ycaterday uu (lie parade grounda al Prospect l'ark, at the unusual uialcli of eleven cricketers of Ibe Manhattan club agaiuai eigh teen biaeball playera ol the Polytechnic Uaie bill CiuU The ball pUyera tlrai went to ibe bal, aud were quickly disposed of lor the lolal ol 43 ruua. Cliauncey made a good 13 (not out) and I.awlcr bulled well lor In. The other* wore eaeily bnwtod. Lnwler and Chadwick have olleu played cricket beiore, but ihn ell ore nod ueter previouaiy handled llie Willow. I he M aiihaltaua bad a lair leain oul. Idley, Who acnied 1U, I* ouo ol lite oldest members ?i ibe club, and carried his bat lu ibe eighlh vrickcL Ja< kaou uiad? a good elaud, but the otbere could not manage llie unsteady bal;? uelivirod by ibe baseball pitchers. The following la tha score:? NaSMATTA*. >V. rtcotl.c. Kly. b. laiwier 6 Tilley, b. I.awier Id H., c. Blitk, b. I.awier 4 Auioa, c. llama. b. I.iwier liakiu, b. CnalnlHirlaio ... 0 Itovab, c. Hockley, b Law lor o I.ove, e. Oamaeyer, b. Cawlei u Jausauu, b. C Uanib< rime Ig U I', r cm I. c- Hoi ktcy, h l biiuherlaii U ilcKenilr, not out... 1 linwoy. b. I.awier 0 llyas, il*, widca, 111; no ball*, g 14 Total '18 roLY remain Huckiey, run out g Iluiice, e. tlukln, b. scoti 1 Chamberlain, b. Scott 4 Catuineyer, run out Vnortieer. run ou< 1 MrKae, ?> Magin, b. J?uk?ou u Miles. u Jaoksou 0 ilowrn, b. Scon 4 HoiCK, h rtcoil 2 Kly, b. Hcoll 0 Cbumieey, noi oul Id II >rria, ruu out U Jenkins, run out ....'.! 0 ilird, U Bcoll...... ?...! *.""!! 0 Drophy, b Wooll j 0 Uwler, * Tiller, U icon ^10 James, In Seolt 0 Chndwick, c. 1,0m, b. Jarkiou...,, . . . 0 llyee, 4; wide, 1 ? lolal 43 Umpire.?Mesrrs. White und Cuadwick. S'' ^*or8M P'ay the Pnilaualphia Club at Hubokeu; tin Mannar Una piay llie Peterson tuned KltVvU al 1'aleraoD, aud the Melon Isliud < tub will play a match ? Married r?. Miigte?al fttaten la.and. On .Saturday the ? ootid elefvna ol mo Si. Oeorgea aud dtaicn lalaud eiuba will play al 8laloo lalaad. BASEBALL. ?Tr ? A buicti l? r lUa champ ousuip ot Crniral Park, bo twvuu lua Luue Mara end *fcir"t 11. two crock juuior ciuoi, we* played yceterday tu the pretence or fully two tuouaeud spectators, the Lone 8ur winning 0/ ? acoro ol4 to 3. Ibo games plsyed at various plaaaa throughout th? country retailed ma tollowaAt Baltimore, Naw Bed lord., U; National., ol WasUmgtou, 3 At Pittsficia, Auburut, t), i'ttiaiioioa, 3 At Woreefior, Woroesters, 13; Hoiyottts, 3. At Springfield. Milwaukee*. 7; 'prtngilv Ids, 0. At Horn ellsv ;iU, ItuctiesU-re, i; Hot uoiia. a To-day tua Vlyawaya ami Hoimkrn* play on tbs Cehlvnuiei li round, J?r*ey City; I'lttluitr anil .Una ryIlia (lata Pioepeaii) 1 tie Jasper lirouud-, Msu iiaiun vine ; .-aliar? (I * OlUce >uu llegiawr's Oitlce at High Bridge ; Ho-olulce uuil I'riucelons, til Llizahelh; Hi an. .uii l'uiueuis. at itulberlurd I'uik; Chatham* und Hudson* at lua Captiouou Urouud ; Kl/away* and Orange, in the uiorniug, ul Orange; Butluut auJ Cbt Wiiot, at llo.iou; In aiuuapolis uud Citicluuati. at Cm; an-' Milwaukee, at I'rovhleoce; Btiilulus I'tium til", at Bullulu; liuruolla and Kov'iofiera. in Kocbt'ftur; Monitor* aul M.tldau Biottiera, at tVaiarliury; Wnokaa, ol Broo||)an, and Ac.ive*. at Wappiltgor Kail*; L.ica*aud Maurbuslere, at Manchester, and Mar* nuo Lrweils, at Lowell. During ibe mouth ol Juno t'jero will be aisty-two tnlaruulioual champ oushi;i satum played, lea ol wbicti wt.l take place at Allegheny ; sight at llartford; am each, at I. udon, Hpr.ngtteld aud Mancbealer; Uvu at Lyuu ; lour curb, at Lowell, Qoroallirnle, liui lulu and Buigbainiou; two aacb, at Uoehaaiar and SynwUM) aud oua at L'tloa. Tbe Tucuui.eb make two abort tour*, pitying lour games on aacb tour. Tbe brat trip will like tu 1'uuuay Ivauiu end tbe eecond, New York. I ho Crleaete, ol Binghauilon, uud Buf. lalue uacli p' iy soveu gurnet ou v.s.tluj grounds; the Blurs uud ICocliesters, six each; ibo Hornelle, Ore; Maucheaters, SpiuigRelda, Lowull'e, Hartlorde aud Live, lour oacti; and L'licae, three. Tbe contest lor ilie championship baa, Hide ur, been exceedingly luicreatiug. 1 bu club* urc. lor ibu moat part, eredljr matched. imiahnaiiox'al .caantca ruH junk. June 1. ai tt uetiuMtr. Mar v.. tliuicno.trr. June I, at llurtl rd. Lite a v?. Uarlturu. June 3, at K. cuoi rr. Luff-tin v* llocbester, Juno !i, at Tscuutaen v. I'rlcket. Jitite 3. at U?ucur*l?r, Mar Miuiciisaior. .lime 3, at iiartlnrd Bile* ?k llaitlnrd Juuu 4. at iturueitkville, lucumseh vs. liornell. June 4, at Ly.o, >l*r v.. Lire Hsk. Juue f>. HI Ailegneuy. TeeillUkeU *k. Alla-jluny. June at Bli.gbsutiuo, Itullalo ??. Juue at IIai iluid, Mar v*. tlai tluru Juuu 0, at .-tprlugli id. Lite* Vk Spriuulleld. June II. at AUestie..y. lecmu-oU v.. Allegheny. Juue II. at lleruel.kville, itult .lo vk iloriiell. JuueU, at Mm,ill .ter. Low all v* Manubekter. J uii* tl, at ii ar Horn, Slur vk ti art laid. Juue 7, at Allegheny. Buffalo v. Allegheny. June S, ul Hpr.uglleid, Mitr vs. -tpriu* Itald. Jane 4 hi Alte, lienv. Buffalo vs. tlieirlisny. June I'*, at I.011U, . CsuadH, ito.'bostor ve I'ecutnsob. June l". .t Allegheny, iiorueil v.. Alleiiheuy. J uue in, at ."prnigtli'ld. utloi 1 v> Sp ugtleld June il, at l.nudeu, Caiiad 1, .tucheaier v. f. cauiMk Jui.e II. at ille.beuy. Ilurnrlt v*. A leabeny. Jim 1 J, at Buffalo itacbeeter va. Buff no. June 111, at oweli, Ha.liu>d v.. ,.uw .1. juii ? id. at Liiiduu, I'auadH. II rnel v*. Teeumtsh. Juue Id. Ht .M tuc..enter, ilarilurd v? Manchester. June 14, ut London. ChiihJh. Il .rnell v?. I.euaiseh. June 14 at .alte Ueny, . ueliettar v. Allegheny. Julie 14 hi Lynn, ilervuiru v. Live ->wk Juuu to, at Bctr.lo. iiorueil m. .tulTalo, Jaue 13. at AllegUeiiy, hyebeatsr v.. Adegheay. Julie 17, at Low.dl, Mauclieeter vs Lowell. Juue 17, at Lynu Spriu.Seld v. l.leo Oak. June IS. at Lowell, nprlu.liela vs Lowell. June 14, at Lyuu. MHiivbvkter vt Live Oak. June 10, at Hoclto.tei, Crtcke. vs. itocbekter. Juue In. hi .tlHiiclie*ier. SprlucH.-ld v., .daucbesten June JO at l.oiiduu, ChuhiIu, 1 ricket rt. le.utuaeb. Juue 30. at Maucliesler, Live nak vs iiencbeeter. June 30, at llHrttord, >|irluglleld va. llHrtf.ird. Juue Jt, at i.oud,.n, CuuadH, 1 ricaet va lectuafab. Juue 31. Hi . owed. Live (las va Lowell. June 33, at Buffalo. Cricket vs Huff,tie. Juue 33. at LYUU, Lowali va. Live iihK. Juue 33. nt Kyraeuaa, Koeiieater va Star. June 34, Hi Aile^tieiiy, Cricket v*. Alleebsuy. June 34, ut >|,ringtleid. Live Oak V1. .-priuj;ll,'ld. June J >. at Alleaiieity, Crirket vat Alleatieny. June Jo, at tlarllord. Live oak va. Ilartlord. Juue 36, at Syracuse, lecutitkeii v*. ntsr. Juuu 37, at iiultaio. Cricket va. Httffalu. Juue 37, at Ilarilurd, Masebeater v.. llartford. Juue .7, at LliCi, lecuusaoh vs. L'lica. JuiieJH, at HoruelL Juue -H, at Hlnaiiauitou, leeuniaoli vt. t.'rlrket. June 34, ul Mpriiigti Id. Lowell va. .iprlugtleld. June 3P. at iiorueilaville, lecuiuaeh va. unruelk Juue 3D. si Bliiahaiutoii, Uuffato va CrickaL June 3U, at llartlurd. I. .well va llarltord. Juue 3tf. Hi Springfield. Manchester va Springfield. KILLED WITH A BAT. A strange howichi* baa occurrad to 1'alersoo, N. J. Tliuro la u uioadow over tho 1'assaic aiid ucarly opposite iba gas works, wbich is the reaori ol boya wUu play oalt there. Ainooa tfcoee congregated ibaro oo Tuesday ovouiug were Juhu Davidson, a lad ol tab yearn, and a boy of sixteen uaiued Casinos. Ooa story la thai Caslltuo was aliuul to strika lbs ball witb i>is bui aud inisaad it, the blow lalUiie upon Iba baad of Davidson. Tba boy fall lo Ibo ground luaanalbia aud a largo crowd gaihorad about biin. Altar a oouaidurabio tiuio uiapstd a 01 ttia .arger b iya gatbaroi up tho tiulu (al low and ti<ni homo to tho rcaiaoaco ol big puri-uts, ul Not 88 Bast Msiu atroot. At alaraii o'clock yeatoruuy bu uivd. l'ba Coroner waa ibaa uolided, bv direction ol iba pbyaloiau, but no lata waa ;ba hour (bat bo Waa unable to more Ibaa begin so inquiry last nigbt. iba result ol bia labors tuua lur baa osuu to uaci-rtalu that auutbor story baa bean told by some ol tba larger buys, i'bia is that Casiltb" quarrelled wnb Davidson and purposely struck tba ratal blow while tbu latter waa realising ? u iba grass. Tba Coruucr will order tba arrest of Cast line. THEA t UICAL TUOUBLES. A SCENE AT NlDIiO S NOT DOWN ON THE BILU^ TUK "GASCON" WITHDBAWN. Ai Nlblo's Uaratu last uigbt tbo curuiu was rung down on tbo Qltb act of tba "Gatcou." Tba dolay wbicb loliowad made tba paupis bolievo thai something bad gout wrong behind. Tbo ap puaraoceof ouo ol tbo attaches auuounclug tbat lbs play could not proceed, and tbau Mr. Aruotl'a pr?s> ance close behind him, staling that ba was roady, providod tba managaiuoBt would guarautaa tbat his Diaca should have tba lull ran, indicated thai the periormaaca was ended. The true tuwirdness ol the d.fllculty between Meters. Uicbs A Gardner and Mr. Aruutt IB tbas explained. The muuagomoni claim tbat tbey wara ready to go on uotii the 34 ol Juno, and that tboy could not toe bow bo oould claim that bia salary bad uot bcou paid hint. Tboy bad paid bun in foil and ware ready to couiiuue I he ??Gascon" until tbo expiration ol ilia contract this wuok. Tboy ibluk tbat Mr. Aruotl'a ;ooduct u<ods exploitation at luual, TBS actor's sins or rns out. Mr. Arnott at uivd to a IUh*m> r> porter last nig bl tbat h in llral weak 'a salary was uvsrduo lor torao dsya. ilu tbu lualiiide ol Wednesday Mr. li .chu in formed Mr. Arautt that never tines the tbontre bad been upuned bad so many tickets huoo sold at the bog ufDce | rlor to tbo nruductiuii ul "The 'Isicul,*' bat at ibo saiualtmu eaid that they must withdraw Ibo pu-ce unleaa Mr. Aruott would consent "to lot ap an bis salary." Mr. Arnott objected to this, and again alter tno mallui'oyesterday a.,kod fur his salary. "Night cuiuo," naid lie, "but no salary. ' During tbu Urst act Mr. Arnott sent ruuud to say that if his salary was not lorthcuiuiag ha would not proceed with the pieca. I bey then, he (aid, paid bun $JUU on account, and tba play went on for auotber act. Mr. Aruott ngsiu demanded ilia re maining lot). f4U ol wtuou wera paid him. Inlormsd by tba paopio ul tba company tbat tba inauaaatnoat did uot nilebd lo Ittilll (be cuulract Mr. Aruott askod Hit tieusur. r tor a rimsurauc* that such report was scllm-. Ha d icliued lo klvs IL "At lbs out ol tbu Sitn set.'' said Mr. Arnott, "ins treasurer ordered the prompter to ring down, at tbo ?auto tune -ayiug lb Mr. Arnott, 'You broak your oo* gasemsnl t' " then suid Mr. Aruott to ibo Hkrai.o ro p >rl?r, "I turned to too satire < uuipauV asaeinnkd 10 bear tbo result of this dubata and ?Old, "I uka you nil la witneai I am here, dressed aud ready to play,whether I am paid lor moss threw nights or u?t." Mr. Rroao, the i>roiupter, raug down tba grean cortalo and said :?"l.adlea aud goo tlutneii?Uwing to tba illness ol some ul tbo actors and ?tnars, tbo play cannot proreed. ' Mr Aruott at onoa stepped lorward asd sal I"I wish to aaplsiu. I put ui v loriuoos on Ilia 'Gaacoo,' and will stick by that ship nil aba eiuko. I was horw under an votagomcni to play two weeks isr f.'uw i hat cognginteiit hsa been broken is tba most ll.igraut manual. I am willing uod ab a lo Union the pmee, as 1 U*va negun ik ll H la Bnl finished It it iba taatl ol the rn inagemuot, and sol SUM Tin; upshot ol lhe dispute will ba, tbo management declare, that "The Gascon" will ne withdrawn and ??Oliver Twist" take tta piece to-sigbt and uurmg tt># ro-1 ol the wcok. A I'll It AN METHUUiHT I TISLOPAL CONFERENCE. The session* of Ibo annual Conference of the A mean Methodist Church, luSu.nvm htraet bethel, cio-oJ yesterday. Kcv, Mr. Dickvrsou aud liisbop WaybMb delivered brief addrsakes on Odn atma. Altar tbo traMiCtloa of soma routine bnsiuaas the following appointments wara made:? Hetliel Ctiureh, N>'W York, Kev IV h Dlckarson; Kboneser Mission, Now Y?rk. T. K Nrsukiyn; Kiaat street, lirooklys, f. beb ? nor) UDdgo Sirosi, Uruoklyu. J. IT. Iboiuaa: Mushing (I., i. I circuit, K It. Dsvn; Jamaica (I,. I.f cue ml, J. G, Muwbr.y; It-siva (I,. I.) abd IllckS Chapel. J. Yriely: brisukst, I. I., J. II. Ninbols; t.ion Cove, I.. 1., A. .t. Amos; Moiroee and Wniie rialiia, A U. Uarrisoa, translorrsd Irom New Jersey kumerriice; i'oughkoi paia Mission. J. H. Mor gan; Albany, f Woodyard ; NaiWich, N Y., James A Isppast Calskill, A C. GTippou; l.ockporl, N. Y.. O, hi Janus; Itliignamtou, N Y,, U. V. Aldridvw; km deibo- k, N Y., Ti K JscbioOj Auburn, N Y., W. K. Maranali; Oswego, N. Y., W. K Tuwaecud; Owagn (N. Y.) circuit, Ui-orca W. Itslisy j Cuksatkl, N Y., J. dr. Ubopi r. W. H. rnomas transfsrrad to New hug land Cosfbrenrs; C. Aakwortb, reeoivaS Iron Virgin S Conference; E. T. fbompeos, aspsransuatsd. Aiier ratikiuua atareiMS tbo Coufercuce alluur .oa gtns