Newspaper Page Text
lEiuri From All Parts of the World. THE CZAR HOPEFUL OF PEACE. FtTMlc Feeling in England Less Sang-uine. DOUBTFUL OF AUSTRIA. preparing on All Sides lor the Congress. AUSTRIAN DISSATISFACTION. Preparations in View ol a Failure of the Congress. THE ENGLISH COTTON STRIKE. [BX cable to the bkbald.] London, May 30, 1878. Tho Hxbald correspondent in St. Peters burg telegraphs under date of yesterday as follows:? "Prince Gortschokoff is still in a delicate ?tate of health and occasionally sudors much. Notwithstanding his Bufferings, however, he had himself carried into his study to-day. He still takes a keen interest in public affairs and watches the progress of the negotiations almost as closely us when in good health. TBI CZAB HOPEFUL. "The Emperor has evidently made up his mind that there is good ground for the hope of a peaceful solution as a result of the negotiations now pending. Ho has given orders to prepare a grand theatrical repre sentation to take place on the proclamation of peace and in honor of that event" GROWING UORICS OK l'KACK. The aemi-oOlcial Journal dc 8L Pelerabourg ex presses satisfaction at the progress made toward the assembling of the Congress and the estab llsbment of an understanding, and adds:?"Al though in view of the existence oi a war party in Constantinople, Pcsth and London, sonic reserve Is still necessary, yet every day tends to promote a pcaceinl settlement.'' STRENGTHENING DA1IA. The St Petersburg correspondent of tno 11rues ?ays at one moment, alter Count SchouvaloCs ar rival in London, an agreement appeared very doubtful, but the obstacle has since been ronioved, nud the hopes of peace strengthen ually. j danger kkom Constantinople. It may be considered certain that the Congress Will meet at au early date, but it is by no means certain that it is possible to conciliate all conflicting Interests therein, and it is feared meanwhile thut a dangerous crlMs may be provoked by the war party iu Constantinople. INCREDULOUS AilUt'T IT. The St. Petersburg unofllclal press is still In credulous about peace, and points out that while Austria and Kussia were making negotiations to that end Knglaml brought troops irom India. Now England accepts the Congress and Austria Is mak ing a demonstration threatening to Iiussiu. WJtl.l. GROUNDED KHARS. lhese feelings are not entirely unwarranted, even if judged by some of the points of Count An drassy's speech to the Delegations on Tuesday. He ?aid that certain military preparations were necessary, because, even tf the Congress led to a Kuropeau understanding, complications might afterward arise imperilling Austria's particular Interests. DOUBTKUL OK AUSTRIA. The peace leeling lu London was not so buoyant yesterday as on Tuesday, rncasiness was caused by an apparent cliauge in the attitude of Austria. While England agrees to the Congress Austria is making demonstrations unfavorable to Russia. No doubt is lelt, however, that the Congress will meet. INVITATIONS TO THE CONGRESS, flie foil Mull (t'azfll&M Berlin correspondent States that the formal Invitations to attend thn Congress will lie Issued as soon as all the Powers have answered the informal communications In regard to the date and other particulars 01 tho meeting. WHERE TI1E IIITCII HAT COME. The Timrt Vienna correspondent explaius that Russia will only accept the lorinula of the invita tion binding her to permit the ireo discussion of ?11 questions upon tne condition thst she can 11 rat come to an understanding with England as to the modifications to l>e proposed at the Congress. REMOVAL OK DIKKIUl I.TIKS KXHECTKR The corrcajiondent concludes:?"The removal of the difficulties In the way of the Congress is antld paled here as hopefully as be lore " EOHWrniNG YET TO BE KETTLER The Times, In Its leading editorial this morning, ?ays:?"It may bo safely concluded that the prosi poets are more hopeful than hitherto, but some Dot unimportant points must be settled before tho Invitations are flnsJIy issued." , BCnOUVALOKK'S CONDITIONS. The Dally lelevravh't Vienna despatch says the propositions winch Count Hchouvaioir took to London, and which appear to have been substantially accepted, wore Unit the southern boundary of Bulgaria la to lie a lino irom Burgas to Phlllppopolls uml Vranja, Turkey to re tain llatoum on condilion oi the demolition of the Deaubiaa fortresses, the sulMtitntion oi European tor Russian control in carrying out the treaty, and remaining questions to be left to tlic Congress. the place or meeting. It Is announced that the Itad/.iwill Palace In Mer lin Is being prepared tor the alttlngaor the Con fieea. IE TltlS THE PROGRAMME? A telegram Irom St. Petersburg gives the follow ing as the programme ol the Congress:?-The Con I tea* will Immediately upon mooting at Merlin determine the basis ol a treaty oi |iearo ami the regulations concerning IU execution. It win organ ise several local commissions to deOnc boundaries, he., the commissioners being appointed and in structed by a conlerence of am baasauors resident kt Constantinople. It la expected that the session U the Congress will be short." SISMAKUE AND THE CONGKKS*. A despatch from Merlin says Prince lllsmarck has been advised by his physiciaus not lo take part In the Congress, as personal attendance might prove too exciting and laborious for liltn in the pineent condition of his health. It Is prohalrfc, however, that he will attend at the close or the do liberations and give Ida formal sanctlou to the pro ceedings. SUIIorVALUKP CONKERS WITH SALISBURY. It is stated that Count Mchouvaioif had a long Interview wiui Lord Salisbury on Tuesday at which he submitted Russia's answer to the poluU raised by England touching the Congress and the final understanding reached during im>t week's negotia tions. IS AUSTRIA DISSATISFIED* Xo doubt is expressed in any quarter about the assembling of the Congress. The only unpleastnt feature of yesterday's news is in the direction of Austria, ior although Count Andrassv had been all along persistently in lavor of a European settle ment In Congress his utterances now and the Aus trian preparations are creating uneasiness. WHAT IP TUE CONGRESS KAILSf Then, again, the Congress might AH, when Austria must be prepared to look the facta In the Ace. t'OSCBNTRAT 1 Nil ON THE FRONTIER. As to the actual employment ol tue sixty milltctis credit already voted Count Andrassy's explanation was extremely meagre, but from other sources it Is gathered that the Fourth Army coros is concen trating in Galicia, Eastern Transylvania aud Dal niatia. PREPARING KOR ALL KMKKOENCIE8. Iron-clad squadrons have been ordered to the coasts of Albania and Macedonia. The military occupation of the Hue 01 the Orsova Hallway la In progress, and the occupation and fortification of the Carpathian passes are accomplished facts. Great activity prevads on the Dalmatian frontier. LOOKING TOWARD HERZEGOVINA. General ltodich has gone to Macaraca to inspect strategical points on the road leading Into' Herze govina. DISTRUSTFUL OP ENGLAND. Connt Andrassv undoubtedly regards the sep arate Anglo-Russian negotiations with uneasiness. The semi-official newspapers ol Vienna throw out sarcastic hints that the Congress will have no work except to puss upon Austria's interests. RUSSIAN RETICENCE. The Russian semi-official press has not heretofore taken notice of Austria's uneasiness except that the A pence Ruese and tli a Journal He St. I'eurehourg stated that the Powers had agreed to the occupa tion ol Adakaleh and that no Inference might be drawn from this fact in the direction or the Aus trian occupation of Bosnia, which Is regarded us a s rong hint that Russia would not sanction the lat ter measure AUSTRIA SHARPLY CRITICISED. The Berlin Journals, however, arc full ol sarcastic criticism of Austria's position. They say that the occupation or Adakaleh is uil that Austria could do to remind Russia of her claims, while the Rnsso Gngiish agreement was perfecting ior the protec tion of Russian and English interests. Austria, therefore, seems unable longer to effectually take cure of her own and German Interests In the East. BISMARCK'S ORGAN FRIENDLY. The semi-official North German Gazette docs not adopt Hub tone. On the contrary, It advocates the formation of Independent principalities out of Turkey's European provinces under a direct Aus trian protectorate. The relations ol the North German Gazette with Prince Bismarck causes attention to be drawn to this suggestion. AUSTRIA'S POSITION DEFINED. Count Audrassy, recapitulating to the Austrian Delegation yesterday the points of the treaty which had been brought to the notice oi Russia and the Powers as chiefly affect ing Austrian interests, satd, as regarded the extension of Bulgaria, the development ol the Christian people lu the East was not prejudicial to Austria or Europe, but the establishment of a State destitute of the conditions ol peaceful ex istence, and which might oppress other nation alities, was quite another tiling. WHAT AUSTRIA OPPOSES. Turkey should be preserved in what remained to her alter the settlement. The two years' occupa tion of Bulgaria was too long, and the extension of Servla and Montenegro should be so arranged as not to interfere with Austria's natural commu nications with the East. THE THIN KNU OF THE WEDGE. The Timea continues to dwell on the necessity of a British protectorate for Turkey In Asia. BRITISH INTRRKtrrS REQUIRE IT. The Pall Mall Gazette, in its leading editorial on Tuesday, took the same ground, and argued that such a protectorate waa absolutely necessary la the interest of future peace. The Gazette has hitherto rejected every suggestion of Infringement , on Turkish independence. Tt'KKlMII CABINET CHANUK& It was reported In Constantinople yesterday, simultaneously with the changes in tlie govern* mcnt already announced, that Kedlf Pacha, lormer Minister of War aud a oonlederate of Mahmoud Diimad, will succeed fund Pacha, and that Osman and Mukntar Pachas have been appointed to com mands In Asia. A REACTIONARY STEP. The superseding of Sadyk Pacha, chief of the Ministry, by Rushdi Pacha, and the designation of the latter as Grand Vizier, Is distinctly a re actionary step. Rushdi, however, Is an advocate of peace THE SIT.TAN'R CUKIXCY. The sultan has ordered the reinstatement of ex Sultan Murad ut the Tcheregan Palace and the re lease of all of Alt buuvfs accomplice* TROUBLE WITH MONTHSEURO. A special to the Vienna Political <>)rrc*p<m(Vitce from Catturo says the Tnrktsh Governor ol .Scutari absolutely Insists upon tlie Montenegrins Imme diately evacuating the strategical points near Podgurlt/.a The Montenegrins are temporizing, hut show no intention to comply. CRETANS WILL IIAVE XO AMNESTY. A despatch from Athens reports that the Cretans have refascd tlte amnesty olTered through the British Consul, bat olTered to accept a regular armistice. STRIA RIB YIKLDIXU. Both the weavers sod spiunera ot Macclesfield have agreed unconditionally to return to work at the ten per cent redaction demanded by the cotton masters. IRTtKXATIUXAL L-OI-TMIUUr. The Ktlnburgh Scuhmnn't London correapondeut understands that the Royal Commission on Copy right, in their report just presented to lbs House of Uomwooe, think au arrangement might be concluded with lbs United States, but they entirely repudiate the principle ot retaliation, even If the Amerioans refoao to do Juillce to Knglieh sutnors. oolo ror saw torn. Thar# was withdrawn irom the Bank of England yeatorday tor New Yerk ?100,uoo in gold. THR WRATHRK. The weather yeeterday was oold mad wet. EUROPE'S PEACE CONGRESS. ENGLAND AND liCSSIA ACCEPT INVITATIONS TO THE CONFERENCE?ATTEMPT TO ABBANOB TWO CONPKBKNCKS. (From the Kvening Telegram of yesterday.J [SPECIAL CABLE DESPATCH TO THK TEKLORAM. ] London, May w, 1878. The corresponHent of ttio Trlkomam has just been informed, on the very best of authority, that llussls snd Kngland have accepted invitations to the Congress to be held In Berlin. Previous de spatches fixing It at June It are premature, as the preliminaries are still under discussion. HOW DIPLOMATISTS WOKE. Both sides arc exhibiting a lively desire to arrive at some conclusion, and there are many apparent efforts lietng out forth to that end, nut there are reasons for believing that this is only an asaumed air, and while the diplomats are lavish with their honeyed words ol peace there la no real wish to compromise existing relstloua SPABBINH AND FENCING. The bargaining and lencing over trifling points of etiquette and minor detsil are as desperste as on the main points npon which the destiny of nations hinges, and even the places and date of meeting are bones of contention ATTKBPT to ahranos two confbrrncrs. At present ttiero I* an attempt being made to arrange for two series of conferences, the flret a military convention, lu winch the simultaneous withdrawal of both the Russian and British forces will be the subiect matter of debate, and the other to be hekl lu the fall tor the purpose ot revising all existing treaties. HOPE hgPKRKKi). Tlie hopes that there will be a conference are hlgn, but shrewd observers and those best informed in political circles think that the probabilities of a definite settlement arc on the decline. RUSSIAN AGENTS AT PHILADELPHIA. Pun.ioai.raix, May 29, 18TS. The alterations to tba State ot California are pro gressing rapidly, and she I* gradually assuming all the warlike appearance of a baud some and formidable corvette. She has been pierced lor six suns, and some of them are already ou deck. The Columbus sets lower lu the water. It is thought ibui both will be ready tor departure in ibau a mouib. MX Kusaiuu oflicors arrived in tbta city this evening, making lu all twenty nowhere, a'conference waa held ut the St. George's Hotel. Captain Gripenberg went to Mow York ibis afternoon. ASOTUKK STKIKKK IIOCUMT. it la stated to-nighi, on good authority, that the agents of the Russian government have purchased Iroui Jaroea K. Ward & Ca the iron si earn - eblp .Saratoga, of the New York and Havana Hue, lor a sum between $600,000 and $700,000, and that she will be sent to Cramp's yard in tins city at once to be altered. The Saratoga waa launched a; ltoseb'e yard at Cheater eleven uiouihs ago. and will be remembered as the vessel wmuh started prema turely Iroin the stocks just before being launched, eruahlng to death seven men and wouuding several others. Her length Is 292 leet, width, 08 leal and depth of hold, 26 leet. She Is s very fsst ves sel, making ft l teen knot* an hoar, sad will be a valuable addition totbe purchases already made In this city by tbe Russians. PROTECTION FOR BRITISH CO LUMBIA. Sax FkAXCisco, May 28, 1878. A Victoria despatch says:?"Colonel Crown, com mandant at the School of Gunnery in Ontario, his ar rived to superiniond the erection of fortlOcatious for tba protection ot Esquimau!! and Victoria. Young tuen are voluuieering for the artillery service." THE ENGLISH DERBY. Loxoox, May 29. 1873. Tbe betting on tbe Derby, which will be run on Wednesday next, stunds at 2 to 1 against the lavorlto, Mr. Weaver's bay eolt Sir Joseph. HAITI AND ST. DOMINGO. AX EXTRADITION QUESTION W1T1I LIBERIA? THE COMING PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IN BT. DOMINGO. St. Tbonas, May 17, 187S. In Hayt( tbe whole country U quiet. Goaeril Salo mon has been showed to go on board of an English steamer and la uow in Jamaica. Louis Tanls la atill lu the Llbertan Consulate and a atrong guard ta kept night and day to pravenl bia escape. Tbe govern ment applied lor hie deliver*, whtcti being reiuseu, they have now applied to Liberia lor bis extradi tion and await the reply, l'resideut Uourond Canal continues to give entire satisfaction. ST. POKIXOO'a PKKSIDKMIAI. ELECTION. St. Domingo u still perfectly quiet. All are en gaged upon the election ol the new President, which wul take place on the 24th. General Luperou'a chances are said to be good, but lie declaros tbat ho prelers not to be elected. The Clbao, it is said, will vola tor Uooxales. UL'ILLKItbo'B CDAXCkB. The latest Intelligence points to tbo election of Cesarlo Cuilleruio. It is thought his chance la tbe best from tbe mere fuot of bia never uaving been concerned in any ol tbe revolutions, and the couutry wants a new inau. Caillermo is now at tbe bead of tho provisional government, and tbe city of St. Domingo and tbe district around it are lor him unan imously. TEXAS OUTLAWS SURROUNDED. Galvsstox, May 29, 1878. A despatch from fort ar.ibvm eaya:?"Sam Basr, (be tram robber, wltb live ol bis men. Is snrrouoded on Big Caddo Creole by llsrry Meadow, Sheriff-ol Stephens county. Meadow was reinforced by ton weu Irom i'uio 1'inio last uigbt at two o'clock, sua expected to make au uttacn at daylight Ibis woruiug. borne lighting waa doue yesterday and the day belore, but no damage was done ou our aide. It Is not known wbeiher aoy ol ibe outlaws were hurt." AN ATTEMPTED MURDER. DAKOBBOCS COKOll'lOM Off TBI WCUMDEO mah.. Pbilabblpbia, May 29, 1878. An attempt at murder was committed this morning at a low drinkiug saloon and bouse ol Ill-lame, No. 9!d Green street. Ibe victim was tbo proprietor, Scwell C. Hull. Bo is also proprietor ol an eslablisb mtnt ol n similar obaraotsr at Atlantic City, and wbilo tbsrs mada the acquaintance of Carrie Ueniley, whom bo aided In opening n saloon on Ntnib street, nbove itaee. A man named Tom McCon Dell, of Mew Orleans, bad been lor some time uu Intimate wltb Carrie and was extremely Jealous of the attentions ol Hull, and threatened at rarioue times, while intoxicated, to kill bim, but no serious hoed was paid to bis (brealk About ton o'clock tbla morning McCoou- ll walked Into Bull's saluon, ou Ureeu street, aud called lor u Uriuk, throwing a bell dollar on the counter. Hull asked blai if be badu't anything smaller, as he could not ctiubge H. lbo rnau replied wlib so oath, uua picking up the money, commenced calling Hull rough names, saying, "You , I've como hero to lick you or kill you." llo tbeu stopped back a lew pacos and drawing a revoivur bred three abuts at Hull, lbo Orsl onu taking eth ct id ibe loll cheek, lodging under the ltll jaw close to tbo carotid artery. 'Ibe second shot entered Hull's right liand as bo throw it up to protect bluisell. Tbo third missed its sim and entered tbo uuior summer door through which Hull was roiroatmt'. NSCAI'K Ok Til K Ct'LrKIT. McCouuell walkod coolly into the back room aud out luto the yard and from there lata the street without being luiorcepted end escaped. He I* said to bo a (all, pock-marked man ol dark complexion and has been tor years a desperate character. Hull hue always maiatuioed ibe character in bis neigh borhood of being u very quiet and leoffenalve man. Dr. Kitnu a as called in to atteud the wuuodod man sod has pronounced lbo wound a serious ono and likely to prove futal. The police are bunting for MeConneil. At hail-past eight tan evening Hull had recovered irom the first shock of tut assault lufllcienily to sit up In bed nud convene aim tome freedom. Tom MrCounell, his assailant, was captured at eight K *1. at Ninth and Kaco streets, end commitlod to await tbs rtsnit ol the injuries to Hull. ALLEGED MURDERER. Mo.vtrkal, May 29. 1878. A man named Content waa tbla morning brought to tbe city Irom St. Francois Do fallen, charged with baviug klllod Eugene Corucilie in a light. DEATH WARRANT SIGNED. [BY TULXUBAPIi TO TBX HERALD. ] Akxai'oii*, ltd., Msy 29, 1878. Governor Carroll to-day signed tbe death warrant of Hirsm Fooks, convicted in tbo Clreuit Court of Boraeraet county ol tbo murder ot Jack Tyler in oe tuber, 1*77, end senleuced to be hanged. The exe cution will take place Friday, July 12. AN INDIAN TO HE HANGED. Hai.t Lass City, May 29, 1878. Tbe Indian, lumbago, eonvloted of the murder of Alexander Rodeo, at Fort Hall, was to-day sentenced to bo hanged at Korea City, Idaho, on tne 2stb of June, by tbt District Conn at Maiad City, Idaho. INDIGNANT JUIIOLS. [DT TKI EOBAPH TO THK TIKBALD. ] Tokstox, N. J., May 2V, 1878. Much Indignation exists here over the action of tbo Court ol quarter Sessions In discharging the whole panel ol Jurors?loriy-eigbl In number?at the instigation ol tbs rroseenting Attorney, because one jury urquitlcd a man and woman on an lodlct meut ohargiog ibetu with having received atolen chickens l tie Prosecutor staled that be did not ex pect h lavorabln Vermel In other casts of similar character, aud tbs conasquvnee was Ibat lbs Jurors were dl-onarsed. Ibe rceuit is that prisoners under indictment w in be held in jail lor Itvo inonibt, until next term ol Court. Next Friday the jatora Intend holding an Indignation mooting, when resolutions will be adopted denouncing me eetioa ol the Cunrt and Prosecutor. Alt the Jerora are respeutaoio men end held in high esiaem in tbo community. UNRULY STUDENTS. [tlY TKl.EOUAf'H lO THE HERALD.] ABBAPoUB, Md., May 29, 1878. The leenlly of St. John's College last aigbt failed lo try tbedieorderly sludente because of Insuflleirnt eel decco. While Ibe faculty wae in sesnion a disguised sindeut pushed oprn the door sod blew B blast In tbsir midst with s tin horn. Tbo facnliy was amased. Alier the mooting oue ol tbo professors, Rev. J. M. Daehlell, was slmced with water. Tbe building wee i-earthed .n vain lor the perpetrator. Diligent in uuiiy is to be made into this outrage. IOWA DEMOCRATS. MELTING OF THE STATE CONVENTION?THE FLA1FOIIM AND THE CANDIDATE*. . Ckdak Karma, Max -#i 1878. The Democratic Slaio Conveulioo mat at eleven o'clock A. 11., wiih 421 delegates present, with no contests. Tna CommiitM ou Permanent organization reported J mige Edward Jobmon, oI Loo county, a* permanent Preaidant. Npoecnea war* tuada by D. O. Finch, D. F. Miller, S. B Kioua and J. N Preiloo. Tba Committee on Keaolationa then raponed tha Joilowing platform, which waa uuantinously adopted:? THE ri-ATFOKM. We. the democracy of Iowa, iu convention assembled. Congratulate the country ou the re.ioralloii of houiu rule to tue Suutn aud the era ol' peace UrougUl about iu re spouse to tlie dutuaads of ilia natlouai nomocracy, and make tbU declaration ol principles first Tarl* tor rarmua out v. honest and ecanoinleat home rule, supremacy ol tlie civil over ilia military , ower, eeparatou uti'burch aud Stale equality of all cillaeue be fore ibe law. vppoaitieu to lis* granting of tubaidlee to any coiporation whttever. Ncmad?Tlie Be.ncial system of ilia republican party haa beau one ot feeler to moneyed wouepoltcn. of unequal taxation, ol otriuptlou ol claaa ulid of reuior.t'l aa 1011 traction, that tia. deatroyed every mitrnirlse hIiIcIi gave ciuoioymeut to labor, aud therefore wa deuuuuco it, ita lnua.urri and Ita men aa responsible tor t ho tluaucial die tie-s. uiiaery aad want whleh now slUlcl the nation. Thint I..iOur and capita) hue# an dqusl demand upon aud equal reapoualhl Ity before the law fourth Public oltlcers ahould he held to strict account ability, dataultera t.u severely puuUbed aud riot and die order prouapllr supprcss-d fifth vVe deprecate the funding ol our nun-iuterest bear* in-' deot, and Inaiat that tlia boudod debt bo refunded at a rate not exeei'diug four per cent. Sixth?We favor tha equal recognition of gold, ellvvr and United late* notes In tlie discharge of public and private obligations,except when otherwise) provided by contract; and In llie end that tliu sauie bo secured wo lavor the no cou'lllional repeal of the Kesumutloii act aud tbe colnuga ol silver on aqu il conditions with god. We oppose any further retirement ol United States notes now in circula tion. and tavor the substitution of Uulted Stale* Treasury notes lor notional banlt bills. St truth?It Is the duty of the government to tako imme diate steps to liuprov.-our great Western rivers, and tb* means provided should be commensurate with tbe Im portance and oiegnitudo el the wora. Kighlh?A thorough Investigation into tha clectlou Irauus should he inatle. Frauds should ho exposed, truth vindicated aud criminals punished In accordance with tha lnw ? henever found. W e accpt and reaffirm the doctrine* of Mr. Tilden's letter upon war claims as a proper edjuxt mciu ot rational poller upou that class of claims upon the public Treasury. 8TATK TICKET. The following State ticket waa adopted by ncclam malum fur Secretory of Stale?T. 0 Walker. for Auditor of State?Colonel Etboack. For Treaturtr?E. D. Koun. For Regitler ot State Lund Office?T. S. Bard wall. For Judge of Supreme Court?Judge J. C. Knap p. For L'lrrk qf the .Vuprmte Court?M. V. Gannon. For Reporter qf supreme Court?J. B. Elliott, of Marion county. For Attorney General?General John Oibbina. TENNESSEE DEMOCRATS. NOMINATION OF SUrnCVK COURT JUDGES. Nasuvju-k, May 20, 187S. The Democratic State Convention, to nominate Ave Judges of the Supreme (JourI, met to-day. K. T. Tall ferro, tbe present Speaker or the House ol Kepresen. tativoa, waa chosen permanent chairman. Much lime waa comumcd Iu speeches and presenting tbe nninea ol candidates. The following names wnro presented:? From East Tennessee, Hubert McFarland sod J. W. Duderlck; Irom Middlo Tenneaae'e, William F. Cooper, 1'ctvr Tierney, James J. Turner, l'bomaa Jones, Joltu W. llurton and David Campbell; from Volt Tenuesses, John L. T. Sliced, Thomas J. Free luun, Howell E. Jackson, Kobert T. Morgan, Benjamin J. i.oa and Judge (Joshrun. Four bonra were consumed iu taking the Brat ballot by counties, aud at its ouuclusion groat conlusiou was caused hv rupld cnanglng ol votes lo leading candt uato*. At a quarter past umo o'clock the vote being anuounced showed a majority for McFarUnu, Dcderiek, Tierney and Cooper, and they were declared the nominees by acclamation amid great eseuemeut. Ail but Coopor are members of tba prwseut Supreme Court. I be Convention then adjourned to nlno o'clock to morrow morning. There still remains one more can didate to bo alerted from West Tennessee. ALABAMA DEMOCRATS. Montuoukuy, May 20, 1S78. Tbe Democratic Stale Convention assembled here to-day. W, L. Bragg, of Montgomery, odlvtstod aa 8resident. Throe ballots wero taken lor candidate for ovsrnor, the last rssultingaa follows-? Cobb 1'JlJs Barnes 128 Ltnglon 17s NocevSitry to a choics, ;131. Tbe convention then adjourned until ataeo'clock to morrow morning. Ftvo nundrod delegaiee nro present HONEST MONEY LEAGUE. Cuicaoo, May 20, 1878. The Executive Committee of tne Honest Money League baa lasued a call for a general meeting, to be bald nt Milwaukee June 11, for tbe purpose ol perfect ing and forming local organizations and to make tko work of the League more exteuslvo and effective. Members cl both political panics nro Invited, tlio League being entirely nonpartisan. PROHIBITION CONVENTION. Ai.toona, Pa., May 29, 1878. Tba State Convention of tbo Probibilioouis u ?embled here to-day, when tba following ticket wa? nominated:?Governor, General F. 11. Lane, ol Hun tingdon county; Lieutenant Governor, Julio Shall cross, of I'bliadelpbla; Secretary ol liiturnnl Allaire, Calvin Parsons, ol Luzerne county; Supremo Judge, Daniel Aguew, ol Denver couuty. A ro ST MASTER OUT OF PLACE. THE ATTENTION OP CONORK8H AHKVIJ TO A VIOLATION OF THE PRESIDES IS CIVIL 81 B VICE OIlDKB. Lot TELEGBAPII TO TDF. UK BALI). 1 Nkwronr, R. 1., Muy 2'J, 1878. In tba Kboda laland Soueto to-uay Mr. LliilrlDld, ol Lincoln, mentioned In tbia morning's Hickild as presenting a resolution deprecating the opening of tbe Presidential question, called tbo rcaolutlon trout the lablo and moved Ita puieago. Immediately a acn sulion vraacraatad. Mr. Treat, Senator Iron Warwick, at once arose end laid tbal Charles It. liraylon, the Providence I'oatinaeier, had been id Newport the paal three daya and una iben in tbe Slate House trying 10 itflut'iicc member# ol Ibe Assembly to vote against tbelr honest couvieuone In tho matter ol tba alacilou ol a sheriff, in direct violation ol tba President's civil ?arvlco order, and be ullureil Ibe loiiowing amend meul to Mr. Littlalleld'e reaoiuitoo Xt-solved, That wlisreas tbe Postmaster at Providence, an ultkser of the L'ulted Ktatns guvvrninont, has been and now Is p -nt In Ilia General As.iiribiy ol Kbuda I.lain] working and using tbe Intlueiiea of his poaitlun lor political purposes In Mela affairs. and eo in violation ol the order of ilie Prrblurni ol tba United htelna In regard to civil vervico raioriu. lliarafurs Kavol tad, I bat we would respecllully call the attention of the II one of It.'prrioiitattiev ul tiia I'nitad mates to the disobedience ol tbe President's order, and would most humbly pray that release may he wanted bv Congress to the people of ibis 8tatd from idrb liiterlerauca With their rights. Tne ameudmeut was Indefinitely poeiponcd. Tbe belter elentent ol ilio rrpublioau parts, while know, ing ibat Mr. Ilreyton wan electioneering in tbe most open manner, did not tuiuk it wiso in taae auy action In regard to lite matter ni tin* lime. Tbey were, bow ever, disgusted, and ihowed their disapproval of hla conduct by Voting against ma candidate lor Dltarifi ol Providence mid Kent counties. .Mr Little field's resolutions ware passed by a volo Of 29 to 8. _ A VERDICT FOR '11IE GOVERNMENT. HAiiTrmtu. Conn., May 29, 1878. Id tho UulteJ States District Court lo-dav tbe case of tba Government against Mrs. Louisa M. Mansfield, widow ol General J. K. F. Manrftvild, United States Aimy (kiiiou at Anltatani), wee on trial belora a jury. General Manaftid was bondsman lor Assistant Pay matter Joaepb M. Wade, ol Clhennatl, whose sc coonts. alter Ibe diMb of Generni M nislicld, proved io be 83,9(10 short. The existence ol ibe bood was not dtsel'ised uoill rerently, harm; laid lonrleen years pigeon holed nt Washington. The suit was brought against his widow lo recover lbs dollcteucy anu Inter. est?about ?4.bOO?uud tbe jery leucul a Verdict lor llie government for 11,8*9 Kx-Cougreesman Kel logg, lor respondent, has Ulsd exceptions lo lake tbe case lo Ibe Uulted Stales Buproina Court. GOOD TKMl'LARS. Rostov, May 29, 1878. Tbe Right Worthy Grand Lodge ol (be World of the Order of Unod Templars la holding Its twenty lourib ?ession here. Delegates are present from all parta of tba United Slates, frtsm England, Ireland, Scotland and Canada. Vailons com mi uses were appoluied and fraternal greetings reoelved. Tbo report ol R W. U. T. Rose congratulated tbe Order on large accessions daring the past yesr, and reviewed tbe negro question auU me disa "miens In tbe Order that grew out ol it, auesald; "'The doors are in reality now open lo all mankind, anu over tba temple uow limits inn tmuner ol universal brotherhood. ' I'bv rrpon Ol the II. \V. G. ,-eoiPtary congratulates ibe Order en lie numerical end financial progress, sad sunis up as Inliowt ?"I'o. day the Good Templar Order ol the world u fiinuy as* tabiisbed In aeveuiy.svven different countries and territories In ntx comment* el ibe world, end lbs order wna established In IHteeu countries unoccupied by It last year, with a totni membership of 899 00" uuuite utiU 199.bOJ Juvcoii*#." A QUEER QUARREL. CONTEST B TWEES CIVIL AND CRIMINAL COUBT8?THE AID OE THE MILITARY INVOIED BY THE CIVIL JUDGE. [BY TELEGRAPH TO THE HEliALD. 1 Nsw OmLKAXS, May 29, 1878. The greatest excitement prevail hero over a tbrest CCSlIJudlcUl <1 tlioultj IwtVMl J UdgO Houston, ol III* I Eourtn District Civil Court, and Judge Wbitiaker, of I the Super'or Criminal Court, and between. Sheriff 1 Houaloa, tbo criminal Sheriff, aud Sheriff Bandy, Hit civ.I Sheriff, which thrvatvaa to reaull to a serious didlculiy. The iroub o ? on oe cmiiI of Iha urretl ol one Agosli, cUargrd wnti aelltug illegal lottery tickets aud vulaling a law, acloloa ol 187k!, whlcli given the Louisiana Stale Cut lery Company exciunvo rights to sell ticket* lu this Stale. The civil judge released Ago-liona writ ol habeas corpus, when the Judge of the Superior Criminal Court raaodamused the criminal Sheriff, prohibiting Ihiu Iron releasing Aaosit. The civil Judge ibeu ordered toe civil Sunriff lo bnug Aguail belore Ului do .?! or alive. A posao wai aworn io. The criminal Sheriff, undr r orders ol the Superior Criminal Court, swore out a posao lo resist this do tuauu, aud ml fuelled hi ill-ell in the purisli priaun. At th.a stage the civil Shorn! mails a lor in.litis, uun Judge Houston called on the Uovornor, asking to be auataioed. The latter Is taking the mailer uuder conaiurration uutll to inorr.KV. A VIOLSXT COLLISION AMTICIPATKD. The Civil Mberlff thla evening said that lu case the Governor declines to call out ibe uiiRtiu he will havo Agosti out to-iuorrow by twelve o'clock at all haz ards. The uffalr has created intense excitement among the friends ol th* opposing parties, aud It is ftarod a oonUict will lake place and bloodshtd ensue. It Is believed, bow ever, tne Superior Criminal Court will be sustained, this court being the highest criminal court iu the Slate, with similar status ua ibe Queen's Boncb In England. The civil judges nsiurany, also, claim thay hnvo Jurisdiction over criminal matters on a writ of habeas corpus, and It Is on this Ibe matter binges. The whole affair Is unprocedeutod, aud the events ot to-morrow are anxiously and gravely looked for. NO GENERAL RAILROAD STRIKE. [BY TELEGRAPH TO THE HBUALD. ] Cleveland, Ohio, May *19, 1878. I'. M. Arthur, Grand Chief ol the brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, stated In tb* uiost emphatic manner to-day tnat there was no truth in ibe sensa tional report telegraphed from Washington that trains on the Northern and Western railroads would soon be stopped simultaneously. Engineers ol (be Brother hood. be said, would have nothing whatever to do with such work. Mr. Arthur denouuocs tbo circula tors ol such rumors. There la uol, nor has there been since last summer any unusuul agitation visi ble at tne bcudquuriurs ol this organization, and so lur as the Brotherhood is concerned these rumors are, doubtless, unqualifiedly false. T. U. Ingrabam, First Assistant Chiel, says that the railway officials, woo ire known to bo preparing lor trouble, aro alarmed wholly without cause. REDUCTION OF TIIE ARMY. Cincinnati, Ohio, May '29, 1878. The Board ol Trude to-day adopted resolutions pro testing against Ibo further reduction ot the United Elates Army, declaring that It Is now unable to pcr | lorm tbo duties required of it and urging Congreea to ooact a law providing for the lucri aso of tbo army. Among the declarations In the preamble Is one tbst the spirit of Comniuuistn is rile among us, and unlets effective measures are taken to overawe the lawless portion of the population tbo torribie lessons ol lust summer will be repealed. ? Phil a dki. pin a, May 29, 1878. At a meeting of the Commercial Exchange, held this morning, a resolution was agreed io in lavor of portioning Cougress to increase the standing army ot (be United 8tuiee, aud asking tor the Uuleal ol tne bill now uuder uiscusaioo. V. M. Brooke presided. WEST POINT EXAMINATION. Pol'CHKKkPMK, N. V., May '29, 1878. The anuuul bop ol tbo Went l'oiut cadets will occur June 1*2 and diplomus will be awarded ou Juue 13. lbs cadets will go lolocauip ou Juuo20. OMIMl KultTSIl's CAMS. Tbe commission, composed of General* Scboflnld, Terry and Gully, will meet at tbe Point aoioo time 10 June to reopoo tbe case ol General Vila JoUu l'oricr. A large Dumber ol ex-Conlederai* generals, Including General Longiiroel, will be preaent. A DEFAPLTER SENTENCED. NKwaunrroitT, Mass., May 20, 1878. George R. Waterman, late paymaster of tbe Pacific Mills at Lawrence, who stolo $111,000, was ibis morning seuienoed to twelvo years in ibo Siaio Prison. KILLED ON THE RAIL. SOxA>TOW, Pa., May 20, 1878. Patrick McLane, a gravel train laborer ou ibe Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, was in. siaotly killed at Ablation, eight miles Irow Ucrsuton, tiii< atternoon by lalllDg between two cars. William Gallagher, while asleep on the track ol the Lackawanna and liloumsburg Railroad, noar tbia city, to night, was struck by a tram and literally cut to pieces. SALE OF MILLS. Ambsiiuky, Mass., May 20, 1878. I TbeSallabuiy Mills wero sold at auction to-day lo John Gardner, of Hoatoo, lor $100,000. Tbe sale iu eludes lha old Ainoauury^tod gallsburv corporations, couslstlug ol dius milia, Willi warehouses, dyebousea, ice. I lie original coat ol tlia properly was about f 3,000, U00. PRESS CLUB KECEPT ION. The ?prion reception ol tbo l'ress Club, held last evenlug, was an eujoyable ufTitr, about two buudrod meinbera and guaaia being present. Tbe entertain ment was opened by President Wood introduciug tbe veuurabie Tnurluw Weed, a member of tbe club, who in a quarter ol an hour's speacn gave very pleasant rnminuceneee of jouroeiism tn the last ball century. Among tbe artists and others who Helped lo d I up the programme were Henry Win gar ho 17, violinist; Chirles Morion, bari tone; O. II. Haley, tenor; A. P. Iluruauk, J. It. llur <loito and William C. huiehingt. olOCUtloniata, and Proleeaor Rico, piauial. Mr. H. C. King acted as mo siral director. Itriel speeches were made by Post master James, Augustus Maverick, It. P. Annrows and oilier (rends ol the cluo. The reading ol a char acteristic telegraphic letter (rout General Wunrmau, re gretting lil? Inability lo reaeh the city iu tune to par ticipate and wishing the club auccca-, was warmly ra ce i vac. DEATH IN THE bTiXEET. A man. whoso name If supposed to be J. II Davis, died suddenly yesterday tn tbs street, in Irout ol No 20 M.idison aveuue, from hemorrhage of tbe lungs His body was mrried to tbe Twuuly-niutb precinct aiatiou bouae, and tbeoce to the Morgue, aud tbe Cerouci was noli Red. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Diabop K. P. Wedhams, ol Ogdensburg, and Tbomae 0. Alvord, ol Syracuse, are at the Metropolitan Kx Govoruur Kuliis 11. Uulloek, of Georgia, la nt ibe Wind sor. General A. McD. Mel'uok and Colonel J K. Tpur tolliitte, United States Army, and Jobn It. Alloy, ol Uoslon, aru at tbs I'llUI Avenuo. Wauulor D. It. Ht. Jobn, Ol Nswburg, and Adjutant General Krauklin Townaand, ol Gortrnor Kobinson'a stall, ara at tlie ' Brunswick. Paymaster General George P. Cutler and Payinaater George H. Head, United Stalea Navy, end ex-Speakrr Henry Wtnlth, ol Ali-uny, are at the Aitor. Kaar Admiral Itsed Warden, United tHaies Navy, and ?x-'J?yernor J. W, steward, of Vermont, are at tbs Kverett. Captain llama, ol tbe steamship Wcylbia, la at Ibe llrevoort. Mallbew H. Carpenter, o( Wis. consul, and Htualor W. W. Kockwell, of Glenn's r'al a. It, Y., are at the ll?flin m. Hear Admiral Allrad I Taylor. Coiled Slates Navy, la attheUilsay. Sbarill Jobn M. Clark, ol lloalon, la at lb# Grand Central THE WEEKLY HERALD. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR-POSTAGE FREE. TI1L CHKAP1AT AND BK8T NRW8PAPER IN THC WOULD?NOW READY. The Wubkly IIsualu lor this waak contain j tele graphic news Iroui all parts of tbe World; the K letern tjueailon; Washington Corrrspondsnce; I'ennsylta nia Democrats; Vermont Hepnblicaue; Letter from Senator Mnrrtil; a Chapter in History; Flood* la Colorado; kirn an I Loss of Lllo 10 Hartford, Conn.; Momdal upon Scandal; an Interview with Mrs. V oa? burgb; 1 ornadoea In the Watt; tbe Greet Banana* Bull; tbe Murderer*' Fate; an Ubio Borgia; Mlslor luo* and Knicldo; "Beware ol tbe Viditera;" Wvthe Mellyillo on tho Horte, American Kiike; a select story, entitled ??The Count," aod a aormon by Key. Dr. A r mi tag*. It also eouteiui euitoriai arliolee ou the prominent topic* of tbo day; foreoml lulelligeuee; ii ligiuus. Literary, and Sen Not**; K View* ol tftw Dry Good*. liuree, Caltlo no l i'r.uluou Maikett; Financial ituii Report*; Ann cultural auil Sport lug M utter* ; Instructive articles lor lite ladle* aud the most imporual events of till week. Truss.?Ooo dollar per year, postage paid; ein.'li copies, three cents. An extra copy will be seut W every elab ol teu or more. WHEN THE SCALP IS ANNUYKD WITH DAN. diutf tilUS'l M PL r ii til Soar will be found ao lulallible remtdy. A.? AIMLLI.NAKIS N A IURAL Mi.NhdhtL WATE B. HIGHLY KKKKUVE.-'CKNT. Approved by tliu Acadamiu de MaJaclua of Franca, and Its tale la Franc* authorised by special ordar of tlia )itucb goveruinant. Itecuuioiendadiby tba hJgoeel medical autnorltiaa lu Nate Turk as 'A mailt relief fur senile knee*." "A dellgutlul beve>axa " "Far suusrlur to Victiy. Settler or aoy other." "kuO gralctul and retreshiug." "Vueuluiety pure aud wholesome: sunerior to sit fur duily use free Iruui nil the objections urged against Croton an I artificially aerated wsicre." "Itopragnuted only with its owu gas." "Useful aitI vers agreeable." very agree* "11 eaitbtul aud well suited lor dyspepsia and of acute disea-e." "Mildly antacid: a;reea well with dyspeptics and where there is a gouty diathesis." "Hy tar the must agreeable, alona or mixed with wine, useful in catarrhs uf si miach ur bladder and id gout." "Not uiilv a luxury but a necessity." To be bail of all Wine .Merchants, Grocers, Druggists and Mineral Water IJealurs throughout the United metes, aud wholesale ul FREDERICK DM BARY A CO., Bole Agents. No*. 41 and 43 Warren St., New York. Every genuine bottle bears the registered YELLOW pictorial label ul tue APOLLlN AltlS COMPANY (LIMITED). LONDON, A?KNOX HAS BKKN STEADILY EXTENDING his whulesalu trade until lie ha? nuw agents fur the sale ul his matchless llsre at all the prominent poluts thruugnuat the country, thus maintaining Ills position as Tba Matter. Me ha. introduced uls summer sty a of (Jeaileiuau's tlaia and cratllylug srlectluus can be made lu this city at No. -Id Hrusdway and in tbe Fifth Avenue Hotel. Ills last production Is decidedly a beauty. A GENTLEMEN wIlL KTnD THE MOST STYL Ish aud elegaut summer Hats at KS I'hNCll KID'S, lid Nassau si. A S3 PEARL OR MIXED DERBY, $1 90. (Mackinaw*, $1 S), Worth S3.) 15 New Church St.. up stairs. A MEDICAL WONDER.?IIYArr'SLJFE UaLSAM, thJ ? onqueror of Khaumatism cure lor Hcroiula, Ac. BEST PLACE IN NEW~YORK TO BUY MOOTS, Shoes. Gaiters. .MILLER A CO., H4W Broadway, (Dutuestlo Building;. CLARET WINKS: Suund, reliable Wines from $4 to S3U ncf case. All tbg favurlts brands. Do Sauternns. II. B. KIRK A CO., tiki I- ii I too st. and 700 Broadway. HAIR DYE.?BATUHELUR'S IB BEST. SOLD BY druggist*. Applied at celebratod New York factory Id Bond st. have you Fried the perfection blend op MOOMA AND Java thin KK in glass jars T LICENSE GRANTED TO USE SINGER'S PATENT Non Gas CoAOUgTtNtl W'astk 1'IPa, positive exeinptioa troin sowar gas; p rpetuall r aud without expense ; exhib ited at 7ti4 Broadway. NEITHER DRUGUE1). lTqUOKED OR WATERED? Dr. Lnpxuuh,l'? Puai W ixaa, trout the Crutou l'ulnt vlue* ya da. PRINTING OF ALL KIN'D.4 DONK CHEAP Ft)It GASII AC 111 It MKTIIOPOLI TAN JOB PRINTING OFFICE, ?J? ANN sr. TRUSSES, BANDAGES. APPLIANCES FOR DR. tommies, ul every desirable lienor n titled to iorin per fectly SgKLKV'l II AUD HUBRKR TIII S IX.S, light. Cool. com. Ipi table, used In bathing. i'-HJ Bruadway toupuslte Grand Central Hotel). ?nd 1 117 Chestnut st., Philadelphia, THE LILY iT aFTvHIIE AS SNOW, I he rose Is as the crimson rod ; B it neither can surpass in pluw '1 hn color nr the brightness shed By tlio sweet lips and teeth allied That NozonoNT has pointed THE STEAM CAltl'K Y~ CLEANE1L T, M. SrKW.vKT. KM 7th av. Heud for circulars. THE Ur.RALb OKi ERS l uirSALE TWO SINGLE BULLOCK. PKltFECriNG PRESSES, capable or printing 14,1 mo copies par hour ?f an eight-page paper, either tlx, save* or eight columne ALSO ALL THE STEREOTYPE MACHINERY BE LONGING THERETO. prick, fi'v**!. Address J. G. BENNETT. New Yore ileralg. KVHOPIh. BKlMTol. ilofhL. LoNkoS. Hl/lcClNtilds U a It den*. ST.?Ibl. lame dr?t ela.a tamtiy hutal. In the ha.t I aituaiiuu hi l.umltm. I* newly ?>lat>tlali?d in the I'un. neiital mi la and with every huaubl* cuiniurl ' and mu iarn haprnvemaut. excellent rulalne and wineai | I'ruprletar, ii. .IhKLK, lata ot M urine.'. L'I?U CATION IN rHANUH.?A mitillM LADY O# I Hi food Uiuily. mu?i hd experienced teacher, would be ' h ippy t<? receive in her house m lew lemale pupils, whe I Would Imve hII Hie kIvhumci of the b#*t proto??or? end ? c reful maternal tupei hitrndcu ?? ; e xceptloual comforts; terms, eonipiIsing w|| ?k|imi)m?, ? per annum Ad dress ?u\ Mrni Ul" KAlitfc, lu Hue Lesbordc* V* ?ft, I'a'kjf, Parts. OLDKN M A I K. ? KOii 7kK*H ?A U KHO LIS K PKo" duces, by two or three spoilt aiions, the heeutllul ffoides . color so much admired; it U nericctly 'ur uiao. to oe bed of alt apothecaries end fancy ^'ood* dealers. nolo a^eutt. It. lIOVhNlJfcX A SON, Loudon biiiUiid ONU(is.?m ksmks j ay kKaj'krrkTjluTk mjij the honor of a visit from ladles and gentlemen visiting 1 the British metropolis to inaoeci a variotv ot elegim silk Cestu iii B, Parisian Mantles, artistic Millinery. Mats and ee*ry variety In Ores*, specially selected n Peris from the best srtiols and representing the correct fathloi* of the seasons, The following extract trout ?it Amerts*u paper it | a pleasing testimony to the -ysiem of business flouted at this lioose !?* We visited during our sojourn lu Loudon last ; year the warehouse of Messrs. Jay, tbe cii<>*t uoied estals* fishiti *nt ol the kind In tlm worl i. lu looking tlir ?u^l? lit ! numerous departments we were able to appreciate the true j cause ol the distinguished success which has attended the ; estaiillshnient tor mauy years Messrs Jay receive Lr^s ! supplies ol Cosi umes and Millinery direct from ttie tlrst I houses iu Paris, and tb *y are sola at mat h more mo ierate i prices than ladies can procure them the Contiuent- We take pleasure lu directing th ? attention of our fair readers | to tuts time honored <*etabllsiiiaent wtiere we are sure thef will he honestly and !otally dealt with " bLa? K SILKS. Special Agents for Bounet's Black Silas. 2IJ, 24-*?, 247. 24 *. j*'il and 2'Li He;ent at. Liudou. W. 11KBit) UOM PAN Y's KXTKAT or MKAT -KlNKaif J and ch*Mp?*t flavoring stock lor souot, wade dishes slid sauces IBHId COMPANY H rXTKAMr UK M K AT success aud boon lor which nations should feel grateful 1 See Medical Presa. Lancet. British Mrdicai Journal. Ac. LIhBfL lOMrANV'S KXTKAtT OK Mh\r -< uf lion.? (fciiut i? only with tac simile ot Baron Lie* bl/'s signature, lu blue lub. across label ' Men* ??niptIon In Knglaud increased tenfold in ten j ears.' LlhBuTTiYiMPAN Y S LX TKst.'T or MKaT.-To HK lied ol all storekeepers, grocers and chemists Sole ace its for the United States wfi >|.-sale only , 0. LAV III A IB#., id Mark lane. London. Hn*iaud ONO'M HOTEL, BU >1# VT.. LtiNIKiN. jKstahli?hed uuward of a century. This weII known and ari?tocratic house Is situated In the centra or the most fashionable part of the Wast find. Celebrated for ite cuisine and cedar of the choicest wines \ K \% Ft HLH ATIONd. ^ VImuant ani# pkamatIo %ukk. By the antlior of'Maria Monk's hausrhter." Mrs. St. John (BtkeL Harper's new booif. BT. PRTKK'A BKtDK A piquant and dramaftie new work, posaeasinir the Intew ?at ot a romance, at the sent a time helo^ one of the hoideal aud tu<??t oiiyiual books of modern times. Hv Mrs. >i, John (Kckel; llarper, author of ".Maria Monk's Laughter.^ 12iuo , cloth ; price. #1 M P i'CAVI. A charmmif new novel by Ktnma Wendler, of ClcvtlnnB CJhie. litiiu., cioth hound . price, $1 b>). MBS KIZZLKBUHVS NB W GIRU A tr tu rtr ? e i cente. L MHK. KI/./.t.KHl i;* ? NRMT UIKU tiuljr UoWaeiW >u>ry. by I>? Coada**. lb* K<i,>atar l?a tr ihiautaiy tium iru i. an I llbar.ll/ illiuiralta. I'lUt, (i. \V. CAK1.KTON A CO, I'ubllfthtrt. btdlkiu ?|>iwt, At* Yurk. * - HKIOIIT'H DIASKTC4 f'Kor**, ?'AKAI.YSM. i\ rrvttl, Man*, bt-lbi-y ami bladiitr rhtum amn anil .mil am Imiirabin witboul Ilia A.alirl N uu-.l Sin. ar .i t>rib< \V*lar, II .uprr.iola, avorjriIiiiik titn. tallun, urinary anil pauiuiilata. Willi lull Ulrao linn* .III ta.tiinnmal* lr-t. by th* kI'Hul'KAN A>0 AMi IUCAM MKI?MU. Hi Kb AI i!M lliuajw.y, >*a Y nrk. AWK YtlU UOIXti INTO I Ilk I'til NTiiY f lluMI. Jill l(N 11, baa a rrerl aulil* In .niamar ra. lurla, .b?iwlii|t i||*laMA*a, ptl.a* an I nacattary tiarlicaiarft For aal* artry whtrn PfMM 7 cant a M ' i Kit l> I'll I l.l.l K> A GU. S I'arh plai'*, Haw York. U.AX rlKkkitftlVK liKhAI M'JUK. .Iii-irta ly atil aaillnu'Ilia wllilllra. I'rltr fl VI aTRiKKNk. OOS KUNlnrM A.Ntl UkTi t.TIVkSL Tha tftmanil tor tbl, lamoat ainrk itanormoaa 11 ayr Yot' kkad i.irri.K urrtxrr' Anotbar brlkbt, la-rinaliak bunk ny tb* antkor of "IIKbkM'l HA HI KM " Fricn f I. Kttrrbody I. buylnr It. Ik,MHI.M'!< I It CI *1 AIIIKIAli 1 ha iniiiiar ol M ?rl Twain and aallrt of (link' Habv. MY TllH A LTIIl lit l>l "YuM H WIKK.' with m.ny buinvruut itiuitraiioaa frier fi ClAt'i MlaalON OS KAItril A IIIONOUOH Mklli atli .l troailta, ladKMime haw ronllnnod <1l.*bltltl*. niaf bt rnnrnl I br .? X I.aii-uor ul twantr ttari' HMf, .ik ? ?i? at"i'i ami prole.atoaai |i anlto ?h'>wtiivr tha -M.aulat l ia, w'Tf Intbr . r.tlaraJ manhoid, <Wt<liH'nr l utaiilf ana ivkwil .nmlilbik* ol braltu mat h?r. b>oa nupairn't bf t.tariaXr'l puwir. A.talrmant of r'totaalaa tn iiiarriaak anil ?f tha maant by whtrk tk.f ran h* ramnmi ity mall, 'AAe.,a*rrandr at fatMM atarnw*. AiMroaa Hormary <!?. ?Hum Aualotay and H.l-aca, l.ltrt Hrnadwaf, Saw Yurk. ON THI K ASK f AI.HK T Hi in r It A TloS.T. K W K0|7 ilon nl lb. Phllua .(ilir of Marrtaito t hlrta. iKCKlb TtltY. Milium ol Aaalutuy, Oil Urwadway, .Saw Yank f ian 2j*. ataiBtii.