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SUMMING UP. The Trial of Pastor Vosburgrh Nearly Completed. ARGUMENT OP PROSECUTOR M'GILL. Scathing Arraignment of Wit nesses for the State. Tbe evidence io the Voaburgb poisoning cu. doted ycsterduy without the testimony ot tbe pernor'* wile, who baa only beeu able to tell her ttory id tbe col umni of the Ukkild. It wat conceded yeaterday that tbe prosecution bed outwitted tbe defence to aodu cl ing Mra Vosburgb eud watching ber witb detectives to order to fnguteu Or. Voaburgb's couueei trom gull, log ber (or tbe defeuce. Tbe prosecatioa tbua created tbe Impression that tbey would elicit Important evi dence trum hor aud that, II tbe delence called ber te testify to her hulief In her husband's iuuoceuce, the District Attorney could coufuuud her witb her tup poted contradictory staleiaeula aa made lu him uad others. Thia, It was thought. had prevented the de fence trom calling the paator'a wile. The couducl of the Diatrict Attorney couQrmed this Impression, lor alntoat to the laal moment he, In anawer to the ques tions of the representatives of the press, loft thein the infcrenco that the prosecution was undecided and might still call the lady aa a witness against hor bus band. The summing np of eounsel, which w.ia begun yes terday, will be continued ou Friday?the Court not Bitting to-day?and Judge Kuapp requested the coun sel to arrange their addresses to the jury, s? that the summing up might he concluded by to-iuorrow night aad the case go to the jury on iSalurduy morning. Mr. Vosburgu llsleued to the proceedings with perfect ebeerlulness, and his wile, who, having boon ut last treed from ber seioi-cuplivlly, wan present during tbe afternoon, seemed profoundly interested in ex-Sena tor Windeld's address to ttie jury iu behalf ol her hus ban . To-morrow ex-Uoveruor Beule will speak; lor tbe defence, and Attorney tieoerul Stockton will buvo tbe last word for tbe prosecution. HRuVKSSOU UORRMIB OX TIIK WARPATH. Protestor Doremua *?'? recalled in the morning ami Stuted thai in the analysis which he made it was essential to break up or ox dizo the orgauic matter. Unlea3 this was dnue and it was dissolved by chloride 01 potash aud bydrochior c acid the analysis would not be effectually made. This very mistake was made in the Wharton tr al. 1'ioleaaor Doremua now de tailed the methods ol analysis adopted by I'rolossor Morton, o! HoboKeu, the witness for the defence, aud aaidthatifhe (Doremua) had analyzed In the samo way he would also have tailed to And any antimony. In a loud, ringing voice ot contempt tbo Professor suid:?"it was the analysis ot an amateur lexicolo gist. There ia not a echo ur in the senior ciuss ol tho Colioge ol the City ol New York who would cot have done hotter." (Laughter.) The Professor went on to point out what he considered tho egregious errors ?i Professor Morton, and, addressing the Court, re marked during his oxitninutlon, "And 1 hope Your liouor will he Impressed with this I " Ex-Oovornor lied la Interrupted the Professor, say ing -l'rolessor, won't you just go on with your testimony In your own way and let the impression take cars ol itaeilf" Prolcssor Doremus loudly and emphatically ro torted, "1 want to show thai Proleaaor Morton knew nothing ol what he was talking ubout." With in creased emphasis he loudly exclaimed, "I want the icteuuUc record to be worthy ol tho State ol New Jersey." Ex Governor Uedle-That's what Professor Morton wanted, too. (Laughter.) "A UOKSK DOCTOll." Proloasor Doremua then lauded the Marsh apparatus which had been used by Liebig and all the greatest chemists lur such analysis as the most reliable of all teats. In explaining a certain point ol Professor Mor ton's method ol analysis he Indlgnautly said, tottn voce "Thai's a thing such as never was done oven by a horse doctor." Tuo Prolessor continued with much detail, but was interrupted by ex-Governer Bedle, who said he would like to know whotber the Pro lessor had not leslifled to all this belore. District Attorney McGlll responded that be wanted to allow Irom Prole.aor Dorsums' testimony that nothing escaped him during his analysis. Judge Kuapp said that, as far as he knew, the accu racy ol Professor Doremua' antlysla bad not boeu c.ilcd into question. The testimony, however, was '"a greai chart was hung up against the wall, showing the ciiomioal apparatus u?ed in ibe analysis, aud tho Prolessor demonstrated that in Ave dlBeient ways the presence ot antimony bad bs. u discovered by Ulin. Me said lbs elimination ol ..nlimony from tbo body waa irregular, and it would not decrease in any arith metical rale-ol diminution. Ex-Senator \Vinfield cross-examined the Prolcssor ou bti explanations. Sit MOSK ClISMISTRY WAXTKD. "Shall 1 give you the details?"' the l'rolessor asked. With cheerlul willluguea?. Mr. Wmlleid?Oh, biesi you, nol we ask your mercy I (Laughter, i the l'rolessor. during ma cross-examination, ve hemently oeclared, "And 1 believe that l'rolessor Morton would nave lound antimony II he had applied the proper tests in nis analysis." o How do you know that ? A. I believe It u. How do you know that the antimony was not put in the I'quor wtucD you examined 1 A. I believe it was not; Irom the insnner lo which it was brought lo me and lbs tout mtr.mMr I believe so. Judge Knspp?1 here was nothing lu the analysis ? which showed to you that the poison waa or waa nol F put ihere? I Witness?Nothing. Ex-Senator Wiiiueid?Because tbo antimony was tlieru yon think ll passed through Mrs. VoaDargh'a I body? A. Yes. sir. Mr. W in fluid (abruptly)?-If you bad lound a potato tin rc you would swear thai ll had gone through her body V (Laughter.) % l'rolessor Domains (drily)?That may bo witty, bat 1 can't see the wiL (I.augHer.1 A JtKOR ASKS sum qORSTIOXK. A Juror?l'rolessor, II some expert put the antl mony lUero would Ue be likely to put more or leas than would probably pass through tne oody in a case ol poisoning? ,. l'rolessor Iioremns?More; ibe person would projs bly put hi too much. I bo Juror Couldn't you tell Irom the condition of the poison woollier it bad been put lu? Prolesaor Doremus (arny)?I havo uovor applied tho phouograph to chemistry, so that wheu I discover a metal ll woold loll un who put it iliere The Juror- Would a physician know enough to put In tho right quantity ? Prolessor Doremua (amilmglyi?1'hyaiclans tell us that they know ootuing auoui cnemiairv, aud we are bound to believe them. This ended the Processor's examination aud ho hurried awsy lo Nsw YoiK. 1 he prosecution here rested their rebuttal. tiik are? kkiii'ttal?. Mr. 11. Lsvcriug, a local druggist, was called by tho dfleuce, liy way ol sur-rebutlal, to measure out dll tereut qiisuliUus ol thfi poi-on, such as a a rain aud * South ol a grain, lo show them to the jury, and the defence ibun Dually rennd. District Attorney McGlll was about to begin bla sum ming up to ine lory wheu ex Governor lledle, looking gleudtasliy at the uva Judses ou the bench, aru-e aud Said:?"l'utr Uuuora, 1 uuJerstaud thai a capias is ? till oulataudiug lor Mra Vosburg As the evidence Is closed I move that the cupian he now revoked." Judge Kuapp the presiding J nation, grained the mo tion. rug piaraicr attorxst's apprkss. The District Al'oruey uow heg in uia .lUdres* to the Jury, who had stiowu tUamaelvvs axceediuviy sleepy throughout the medical evidence, hut began to brighten up now. 1 he District Attorney, who oegau Very quieliy in manner aud speech, said tuat the prosecution had UuU to conteou with a public anu a press largely predisposed to view ttie deleudsut as inuoconl. Iliiswaanot an ordinary criminal, the t*iaic pad to go into a wealthy and liilluenllul cungrs g,lion aud tear Irom their midst their pas'or "We pity lbs prisoner," he said, "He ia young aud ainln tious. ThoV tell ine that he la eloquent, thai he is successful Uui stern doty confronts us. Iweuiy lour men good aud true redacted before p acing him upon this trial, snd ll lie Ue guiltless nobody shall be more rejoiced to see lilm acquitted than toe counsel lor the !>ute f" ?ana is WITH tux axukj-s. Tbo District Attorney men developed his theory ol tho case. "IU? pastor's wile," he anid, "being a plain country girl aud utterly different irom tbo tiusei that kurrounued him in his new city congregation, she stood in toe way Ol bis smhl'lon. Ambition was the door through which astan entered ninny Uesrts, end be wss now pore upon trial irom the rosuits ol bis sin hiiion." The District Attorney recnod the well known lucta ol Mrs. Voeburgh's illness, ueginnliig witu the glass ol lemonade wnicb the deienilaiil made lor licr one rtuuday evening. "Portuoitely,'' he said, ' her btolhar, nr. Sickles, did not arrive ioo lam, and when Mr. Voeburgb passed his liana over bis wile s brow and said that sue was with ibe angels,' she waa not dead yell" He I lien detailed the poiuts of suspicion against the pastor. The defendant went into tne bathroom when ho mixed the tartar emetic, and Professor Deromue bad to id tbein that tartar eineiio was more eealiy dieeoived in hot water ibaa anything else, nuJ there waa hot water in tuo baihroom. After uiigiug the poisou in tne glasa of walor be was bring lag her bs pal i?* la il, end thai made II **14 l)i this luin (tOV rfw pro/ at the bedside *l hie dying woe? No. a'd in uid But deny ll Mis i rarest ,, | pro.,eh lo a prayer wag when u? said -lis suit, ens I Is with lb* aug*i*.' " uim nam romciua Kerens was bow takuu. 1b tb* aiisrii**a Mrs V?s burgu's eutrauc* into lb* court room ere tied iwuic ibtug ol a wruaaimu. s?b? waa vary *ui*tly lnnM, thickly TtUau and looked quit* placid ana She look a a*ai loald* in* railing. But <a tha raar I muk? ol tba tamala aoactaiara. ???dually t.d bar Iroiu lua gama ol many turiaua ay?*. Tha Dlatricl Attorney pointed at tba toardar pa para and tha cprinkiiug ol powder >u tba ataaa aa ?uani oioua lac is. 1'i-a Ualaadaut'a akiilaaaiiaa that tha powder waa raaily some rahuad a agar * ... n Ba aaad In preparing: some laiuonad* ,or himself, be ch aracter izrd aa a lauia oh*. He alludaO t* loo laa aBWr Mr VoaUurgli luai-tad apou cairyiug up atana, tea o Mar taste which Ins who uoticad in Is, bta stnsibg "it.acb Jo*," waau bis wile was at tba point al a*?lh . bis peon liar uiotlou* iu puitlBg Ula o.nd into bia raat pocaat to u. a the poison iu bar 10*0. wbtaB tB* d*> Innuuut bad ai| lamed aa a "narvoua habit. " and tba recovery ol tha pastor'a wile asswou ash* bad edaaa* adiuiaiatartug to bar want*, fb* District AUoraav re siled ilia symptoms 01 Mia Voaburgb, anyiag tbay were all indicBtlvo ul anlimuuial p*is?*iag. and tba results ol 1'roiassor Doretuus' snsiyaaa uf tba laa, lead water aud ui.-uicmo, arr vad at by mora tba a aaa hunurad lasts. On iba subject al tba irrsguiar a to nation ol the auuiuuoy iroui tba buoy tua ll.*iriat Altoruay desired 10 read from soma b oka on pu.sua, but Mr. Wiuusid oujectad aud tba *Bjr?ii*a waa aaa luinad. tub rAsrob'a aorirk "W hat tnoliva could Mr. Vu*burgu Basa lor Bia aa tiouf'said Mr. Mutaili. "Wi.y, getuleme*. ba tail* you or, raiber, ba lolla ?> pedes.- and -ladn*. He says this wouiuu baa aommiusu sisl| roiicn upon berseil more tbsu user, aud thai ba bad MM M al lectiou lor bar. Sbs beu also Isaac murpu aa aa* da stroyad lua useluluaaa aa a pastor, ba tatd tbaat. lu.s uuoduubtud wouisu must no luugar bang rosed bis he ok i sbs must uo lobssr ba a clog upon bis ? is biliuu as u miniaur. Not coutaul witb Uisaa vu*ri<a ba told a story ol lirr going sway uitbs barber p. r uud getting a ribg I ram uiiu. uns waa uttoriy utaiaaa to In 111. Moreover, ba Was already gvsi iu dtni through Iter liiueae, and waa gaillug mora and mora Uuhuuisi y embarrassed. li this uibu tagunty no it doubly Uyed in guiih Wi raau every day in .ba *? aa pupaia aucounls 01 Ibllau mi sisters. Oautiaman, ma spuakar concluded, "1 have done my usty, a# you now justice and vindicate llio law " kx-sssatou siMmn's use rone a. District Attorney McUili reauutcd bis est aad tbor* Was a loud busk in tbe court room lor BOVvrai uribUtrs uulll eX-bCUSlor W lUlield rose to eddies* tba jury Iu bubull 01 iba ddiauuaiit. tie began by tual this deieuuaul was indeed a unuisloi ol Uie UospoL cl lute il ..ppeura lUut tbe nsVil use Changed nit lactic*, tie used to work against ordinary pe.pre, out now uo gcuorally works against lliote Who ..ia deVuiiug loan power to tne destruction ol lib empire IbedaBil does not wo k agaiusl .nwyt-rs. (L uguitr, sioppod by tbe Judge's gaVvl.) ttut Ibis man is uol to be prtiudcea because lie la a iniblsiar ul ttia Uospoi, and tba eouuaal lauoad tba pastor's geni.l uuu opeu uature. Bringing uie tut heavily down upon me ladle be said that tbia wss lUc vilest conspiracy ugsiuwt s puio aud gu.m young iiiun that ever uau.oeo mortal uisu. At this Mr. 1 Voibuigii. woo ail lacing the |ort, wept billrnj an 1 ! bin n a tui.o iu Ins Imu keichlel wn.i, : who did not liku to secM.iis pannui sight, turu.U .beir ? fscsa sway, . u.- 01 inct Aitaraay had nge* wny 1 thu deleuco ht 1 not celled tuo oo.ored gin, I'billH, I uud the pasloi'? brother. Homer. IV. re toesc honest j questions, whoa ihcne two witnesses were su pa-uasd by the Stale uud waited here iu the couil room sev eral days to be culled? WUV .NOT CAUL MRS. VOSBUtOH ? "Moreover, why wus Mis. Vosnurgb not called ? Why all mm purupborualia ol bnngiug bur lorcibly tisc-k irom .New York, and all ibis lu.a, 11 snu wus not to bo caliou? oh, that waa ou iguoble by-pluy unworthy ol un hon est udiniuistruiiou ol justice. Tb* dslouss did uol wnul to steal n verdict through sympathy, they did uol ncsire u verdict ol 'not piov.-n.' Wbst they asked was u clear and uiuguittceui vindication o( I bis ijuocuuce. "it bud been asked by tbe District Attorney why lb* pastor had -meddled in wouieu's work' in preparing iic-r medicines, her food. Why, bore wus ibis wouiuu iyiug 011 ber sick bed, aud, though bor sis tar and all luoso women ware iu tba bouse, be bad to brush bar hair aud Ueth, make ber bed ubd periorm all such services. Keyholes must be looked through, aud il Sickles can't see, 'the Lord enlarges Ills vision.' (Laughter.) Sickles was u spiritual houiu<-raug to look touuu the corner-, (Laugnter.) Il VosburgU tells j the Doctor not to encourage bis wifo too mucu lest sue might be loo discouraged alterwurd, be is dotlug ber to death. RIDICCLOl'S PROPOSITIONS. "II be leuves a liltlr powdered sugar on bis library table?bobold the poison Ua baa spread over her loon I II 1111 is in uis study witu the door locked, be is there to do ibo work 01 uealli. II be sleeps in a separate room irutn hers, that shown mm he was ulrnid 10 hear the moaulng* ol bis poisoueu wile. Why, 1 would like to sue ibe learned District Attorney's wile with her leet iu an ordinary sack ol onious, uud iben seo niut cliug 10 her Cioser thuu ever. (Luugbler.) Do you think he Weuid do it, genliemeu? Mo, sir; lie wouni Uy to Ibe blue room uud suy, 'Wile, getaloou us well as von eau, I'll come buck when tins is over.' Wby, according to the prosecution this doisndaat was a walking urug shop, lie waa going along witn bis poitou tike a lurmer sowing uud scattering bis seed. He bad his vest oockets lull ol It. H* went into the bathroom twenty mute a duy to put tbe poisou in ibe lue water?he was tuere halt tbe day, Hit kles sain?he put iu a powuer iu the presence ol sickles, uuoihcr in Iho presence 01 b. r mother. He prepares Ihu poisou wiib three 01 theui at the uoor. He leaves It scattered ab ut ou Ins sludv table. Wby, remember that there wus not a 1110.Heine or tiuid which was taken to i'ro lessor llorsmus lor examination ttiut did'not drat pus* through the nuude ol (pronouncing tbe nnme witn hissing contempt) James Sickles. (Her* tbord Was a si.gut nuzz sue everybody in tbe court room turned round to look at tne complaining witness) TUK 1'AHruK H CUMHIJI. "My iiisi proposition is that Ins eotiru conduct la incompatible with iite assumption ol guilt. Wlien sue became ho seriously III ebe wee unJvr tlie treai uieut ol a clairvoyant in New York. Was not that too very best opportunity be lieu lor carrying out ma murderous dcsigus ? Hot no, be talla bur that sbo bad better have a local physician wbo could see ber bvre at ber worst nours, and tboo lie did not naiuo ibe physician, but asked ber lo select one bersuli. Are tbe .-sickles isiuiiy uut sll welcome at bis bouse f Wuy, dickies aUiuivteu on tbe staud tbai wbeu be was about to leuw tbe buusO Mr. Yosburgb persuaded l.lui to atuy ; uiid wbeu Mra Uaotob, ber sister, lei t ne ciuctcd tbe condition that sue suould return. Wby. baa crinio cbaugeU ill character 1 Duos murder now seek tbe very duyligbl? We know tbut dickies told Humor Vosburgii tbut Vusburgh bad pot loo proud and 'wauu-d pulling down n*eg or two,' and tbal lie (.tickles) 'would do II.' Vusburgn bad grown above dickies, lie uud excited bia vindictive ouvy ; tnat was bis crime. S'CKLkH' CONDUCT. "My Hecond proposition is tbal .dickies' couduet shows thai ibia man is innocent, dickies says tnat bis llrst suspicious of poiton were excited on tbo 16ih ol February, and on tbe lTib tbey Mere so strong (list lie saved tlte lea lor chemical analysis. And yet liu allowed Vosburgb logo on poisoning ber lor two days, lie sew Yosuurgu mixing lue poison id her Ice i water aud lea, and yet allowed ber 10 drink It ail uut'l tbe Iblb. wbeu, be says, noilung more wee al lowed to pu.-s through tbe pastor's bauds. Altnougb be bad saved tno lea lor auaiyaia ou tbe lilh lie went to bed ou tbo nigbl ol tnu lstu, leaving bur lu charge ol the defendant, wbo udtuiuis tored lo ber ull the drink and inedloma she received that night. Mrs. Maoton, Mrs. Vusburgh'* Msicr, sits up tba same uigut wnb ibe sav.d uu wuicti bicklrs gave her mowed away in ber s.ichcl, aud she hursell swears that this nigbl Vos burgb aduuuisiersd to bis wile all she took. Aider Sickles bus aaved Ibe lea and Is couvinced that Vos burgii la poisoning bis wile bo still allows bis sister to lako two swallows ol more poisoned leu, and euvus toe resb WnyT lie says bo wau.ed to verily bis suspicion thai it was poison. II Mrs. Vosburgb. bis sister, bad u.ed it would bavo been u most exc.-leut veiincallon at lb (l.augfiler.) Was tbal natural it be really thought sue was being pu.HJbed? i'htn Mrs. dickies and Mrs. Maoloo saved in a vial more ot tbe poison administered by Mr Vosburgb. Anil men whit do ib-y no! Tliey go to a photographer to have tbeir likenesses lakau, and then tboy viait a llower show, (lutu.hmr.) lilt. t'OltXKLb AND ISTIIINIT. "My third propusiiiou Is tbut 1?r. Cornell's couduct shows tbo deieuduiit'a lOttoceuce. This uiuoical gen turn in bid absorbed the leernlug ol bo'biclioole ol modicum. The tries ot tlreece, It Is said, strove lor lliu honor ol being llomer's bir.hmace, end so lu n lint lur distant luture wo may ex pent lo see bulb schools ol medicine engaged iu deadly etrile as to wuicb one ol tliem sb ill a. joy lue aole honor ol bay ing brought tins brilttmt medical luminary into an igupr.ibi RClciiliUc world. (Loud lauguler. lollowed oy a r prim and truui Iba Court.) For thiiiy-luur cays be treated lur without having a suspicion ol poiHou, mid tli'u when he boars ol it bo isumaxed; borribed. What uooe ne do? Does lie rush to uonly ins authorities or lu call lu an expert? No, ne goes borne and goeK to bed. Is that natural? "My lourtb proposition U tint there was never any aotimony In Mra Voeburgu's bony .it nil. A man was called up uuce because lue dog bad bitteu somebody. Ho said bis dog could not have bitten anybody, la lue lirei place bis dog wua lar too well bred a dug lor thai; I lion ibe dug was blind and coultu't see; then tbo dog bad no belli aud cuul.n't bile; anil, >*sl of alt, bo h id uo dog at ail. (I.sughler.) Ui course anti mony was loutu by I'roieasor Doremut. I aatiilt They Inuud cuough poison to la lit lourtvon Mrs. V...burghs. 1 wonder that llicy did but pick it up Willi u above I." (I,a j-liter ) Mr. Wiiidol-l traced IbO nousu ol Mrs. Vusburgli's Illness and arguod tbal tlie ?jih, wmen bad llrst attacked the cxironilltea, moved up tu the stomach aud turned into gout ol tlio -tollmen. Mr WI u lie Id de cribed bow l>r Cornell, Willi great elasticity, lieut to all the wants sal the pio ecutioii in icsliljing to Mrs. Vonburgii's symptom* Mrs. Vosburgu ha i all the ?ymploma ol guut ul tnu stomaca; io be euro tbey re* in "led Ibe sympiouis ol autlinonial pinioning. Hut Mrs. Vol buign bad oao symptom invar lonnd in euliuionial puleombg??* "dry, soaiy skin," wnlle Dr. Humnioiiii and ev. ry other authority tiad declared tbal In aucb u cuge me skin wua always cold and clammy. Alluding to Mia. Vusburgh's extraormnnry r ju*tipation. lael mg forty lour days, uu eaid:?Why, bad a nose ol eieVeu gruins, which Wottid const line "twu ewal Iowa," been given alter Hist It would b .vo been eiiongli io kill a burse. Isn't it just as easy lor Sickles lo have made up ibis < umgn lalsely nguiuat Mr. Vusbur.n as (or Ma Voenurgii to have committed tuts enmo against his wi ey t'tie pre-amption li eveu la stronger Hint Sickles concocted con spiracy than ibin Mr. Vueourgb tried to poihuu Lie wile. >lr. vaeourgb had iiu motive for It, w-iila .WicKlea could be prosecuted not only mr conspiracy, uut aiko lor having attempted to poisou hie sister. Me had a motive lur poisoning bis sister, for bur death would reduce tbe number ol bis ? toil father's heirs Iroin ihno lo two. Mr. W inbeld concluded by no appeal lo the iury end tbe Court then edlnurucJ until Fridav uiuruiuu. *. SOME rXPI.EAKAKT DISCLOSURES. AH OIL MEttCUlM ABBKSTLD IOI AM -ULTIMO A WOlgAb W|TH WHOM MB WU LlTIKO. It <U t WMf IM MT1II| ktMMM WM Ml ?imm mm Timmi ihm ? vary bsadssas wsmaa, hiimMi draaaad. hiM Mr m?mmm is Iks *' <fl* SSIMM AlAeSI CSSrt, SM WSS MbSTSd BUS IBS ffU MM (MSIMIIM MM. INM UUlS MMMIJ WM wau-asa. mm* attar as# kM ItpwMl M uiwiirM ikil lit mm Mrs. lurtl A. Ulir, sI Ms. M Vast Pony ?Ms Arm ad imhwiim Imm J. outer, ?#J Mr IMIMM WM IS SiSA? apHiSS'l** for ? war nil isr IS? HUM al Basri A. Cmmhsi Sll MSI cSask sl few Ids ?rwsl sir sal, whssi ass sbargsa s.M maaauii Ssr is ssr swa Sams. Ths war rail war irasisJ sws > nisi is Iks Ass As sl Cwsrt OBtar Ballard, wm wssi is isss for fwlBsaws sl kfo place SI laws*ASMS ASS AfoeWbara, IMS fotiss IS tkA SIM. Late IS ISA sitsrssss bs retsrasd is tba Csart is ra |Hi ibat ism. Mrs. LsMr. wm wm Aimsg is s SwS|A IS UfelbglM ASSAM ASS.aSSlr SWSlUSC IbA SAWS AI Mr r?il*sW arrssi iSaw Mb for Sams. Tfeta wm . a Saul kaifitS. iwsr >W| t#Sser It .ford wm IS mm ssi m Msibsr tswr lbs, is iAS|ai; wub Bra. I iisr's wniw. isr twsb Mr. fokHSM1 aaasi bsssia. ?Ms Iks Ufow rs?arn? a* Mrs LaAsr's i?m is Iks mm tag, aiisr bss)at Mia is Ifcs brass IvsWa tfo|MM IS L>?S 1ST b'S isab, bs ?*. wsrsisA ikst rvikswss bsA cats a IS IS IM MSSSI HM akA WM HAASS Ag sf a Asbawsk is SM sl lb* i|S*r rwaw- tbs sAser wssi as stairs wsss ay Br. rstbaWM ssA sksss-i b.ia IM WaSraSt aigssA by Jus. a Da Ay. Al irsi M ISAIAISA ll was ??iMtAit," Ml allat MM irwssta wm Ra-iif Ma>sA Is mmmmmpmmp IM tCiH is IM Niss UrsSIb yrstil I alaoas bvass, a bar A bs WM foSSSd si> for im stfbv mmnmms is osarar. VssuwAay wtsrsi-.g M w .a twratsllp arratgaad IB SH'Sri as A Mrs Is M Was promptly s? bakA Wub bar rsaaast, Haibas Measti. Is twsisr A ab.rgr sl Maasli sad sal ary agsm.1 iM pr sossr Ska >aid last Pai basiba S.sta is hat taut Ms??>| Btskl i sis I .ASIaA i satertaf bs SsasaiasSaA Is* stadia isly ansa aalarlsf is gaairsi a Mb Mr, sarsg assy sksaiss I ASS pr A aSS i.Sgaaaa, AbS. SS MS ra ??ra>r.i ag wub a?w, M at ran bar SUB bis el. a Al* a A bst IS Iba lata, sISISSSU Mr fey lbs tarsal Ma isrsM ssr astfe agafoSi ifea w It, asar y SSaalSA Mr la prwo! isarsui am SMWSA SSVaral swtA?s bar s-sa, wtai ska mA wa<s IM ss?all al lbs i tost ag aba rwsrirM at la laaAa Mr. fslba Si u*. wbs ?* A i A<l, Asa I AM >tg tsaa, aSuAt Isny yaara sl t?t, Mara A fa. Lodsi A ? owpiaist, bSi SAS ittrss liuu sr ii.-Ikit.? ib rapty, ?M>|M Wbab am ap.-g# Sl kls ibraAlrA'Kg la ata asS. Iba ba a la pii.ticity Aai.MM. Abu# Bra. Lsasr Waa testilytag >ba aaSi-ra It<ua. rsMSA aat aaSaMrcbttrt is bar ryaa, Ba il mi btM IM tsara, ass saal asSSVS- SAt t raptoaab lii Mt al iba yrsatai, as sbas ibss SMbiaA M bs Mlupfoieiy luai "A* !?Al'A*or?VASIk SMSrTlUS. " Jug* OoS> tilk Mra Uki M IM Atlas AM I baA Any tig .1 lb mat laUt bti bbaaSAtSbA alt yttlltl Wi b li r. Bin. Lobar abtstras IbSi ba baa -la ba iwyiH awstpsoy sub yMf" sttJ ws J Uii.i-. ??A. IL, bs ba. bass aty HfosA," assWarsA -ba IsAy. "Will, ?ny don't y?d g't tb.rrlau ama trv aaA Ufa happy luiaibtrr ia lAlara r" y-itab-l Mia Mvbsr. "lbsr.'aM is*siMtbSbfobia ssyasiiss ut iMt wm utr ul |.roc- r iBf,1' aais luuvxtiur .N.?bl, '??a IM laay is ui .nlru atrsidy. and *a Ass*i Wasi is wsss our all an i gu uy si bigamy " li >uuatM|ut-Siijr ir.a.pir.a that Mr. PsIMwas, WM ia a b.rb.tor. tuii Mr. LsAsr baA MM ssry tai u. la roianout (or ait sr asras ysars and ibsy baa baA ass srai quarrsla daring Ibal tiwa, bat im bsa bsas i rougbl tu iba italics ol a Pons# i obi I Mlsra Jsdgs HuO., alter giving Ooii. Mr. Point wa* aoA Mrs. l.o ,sr Bulua good advisa, cottiwitlM IM Isrtssr is ll.irai bail is ko#|i lbs | ia sua lor ail nnstsa. Jtsss M. bcoains botiii.was lor Mr. I'olbswsa, sod ba saa rs isaasA is abdbl as boar altar tbs aswwitisaaL SEAJJUuOKK AMJ 61 AUG. PUllDX ABlil.bTEU ON k C M Hull OP LABCBMt? A l>ll AM A IIC bUbNB IM OOII ST. Saabrookt I'urdy, wfeo mum wsatba ago siisiaaA conali'arabla uoioriaiy as proAtasMSg silssat is lbs $30,000 larmtara rubbary ol Wasbibgiva b aca, ?ts yeMurUuy a prltsssr is (M Iswba I'oliaa Cwsrt I as obarga aualuai bini was graaa larosay, Iba suwpiaia a ul bsiug I,iltla SUgg, as aclreaa. with thus ba baA bct-u otmp.ay lor soma iws yaart l bs is ?osllguilou darsloped amst g oibsr cwrissa Isalur** a aorloua iiuiui-auou agaiuat Iba uiiparitaiiiy ml iba doiecliva alio uada iba arraat, tba pnaouar'a toassal opauly ciiarglsg ibal ba bad aeud tbrsugbMi. sal Irom a acute of offlcial duly, bat Irsw walisa and enmity. Countai fsrtbar gars uotica Ikst fes istssdsA to inks legal atapa tbs oifeosr. (?? oairuiiiir. The affidavit* o! tha complainant Ml I oris that oa taa 27fh *1 last U?ruU were lak.a Ira* kar m money and two rings valaad at ISO, aad that ilia only person naviug aeaaaa la tbe property a* taa lima ot Its dlsappaaraaoa was ilia prisoner at tna t?sr. Waaa called to tbo stand la corroborate bar kflldivtl (be complstueot, a woil urcased youua woaaaa ol aeaeataan, uiaunesiad muob nervousness. dtiu tiuiiciy >ook ibe Bible in ber nsud, bat bolore Jadsa Wanueil baa aoe eluded ilie lortnula ol tbeualb ana dropped toe aeareu book, ottorod a Mint aoraan and Ian a a awooa lata tbauruir ol Dotectiva C'uoamg, tne officer *00 bad arrosied I'urdy. lu an eaj'uuiug room aba swwa re vived. When tuUicienuy aumposad aba eaa again placed on tna aland and Counsellors Coinun and Keudy, wbo appeared lor tba prisoner, began lbs eietniealieu. Mie manifested much liosuauuy lu unsweiitig tbsir qaeaiiosa. but, sparred on, aba Anally, amid sob-, tasue tiiu loiioartag statement:?"1 do not want id prosecute cbsrgr. Tina datecuva ram# to me in Newark and praaaed ar to make it. I rupcaiadly declined, bat ba urged mm on, saying (bat Mr. I'nrdv bad lorsaksn uia and cared nothing lor ma, uutil at laat ba ae worked oa my ia< I mga tuai I complied with bla request" II.ra taa witnaaa again broke down an J wept copiously. Couusaltor Keddy lb?a aaked Du trail ve Cuuniag tf be bail not relu.-eu to exhibit bla Warrant to tba prisoner when called upon. Me summed that he bad reluaed, but claimed it as bi* privilege .?? an . fiber. ??Are you not employed by outside paruae ta proa* oute I'urdy 1*''continued counsel. '1 am employed by the city and county ol Nuw York," answered lUU detective, ?'and 1 'aland IB* Wllb no one. 1 simply did my duty. Counsel then asserted, unu cbulleugad tbo Uctcollvo to Uooy it, tost lie (Cunning) had begun ns efforts to lUduca Una tiiagg to make tne charge baiora any warrant bad beau piacod in ma nauds lor I'ardy's ar real, and before aba bad over said anything about bar lose. Tba officer mads uo denial, hut roansoriod that ba bad acted ouly tn the lias ol hla duty. "TKCL TUk TRUTH." At tills point tha pritooer, who laaaifasiod much fouling, asked purmiasiou to put k quasttou to tbo cuinptuiusul. Too re quasi being krauted, ba said "L'l io, did 1 steal tnis mouoy and tbeso nags irum you f Tell tha truth " A sik-tico fell on tbo court, but ao answer aama from the young woman, mu# waa gruatiy agitated. '?Apruk up Lll It," said tbe pnsouar huaklly. Again all wasglignoe; ibe young woman moved bar lips, out emitted no sound. *-Hememoer," ksld Judge Wendell, "you are oa your oath, .i new or Ibe quostiuu." Another siillueas and aba said, aa aba burst Into tears, ''No, I gave llltm to MM. " Then Hie couusal moved lor I'urdy'a discharge, but tbo Court aaid, as be denied the motion, ??tins c.>m appoars to have too many antecedents. I do not lot I warranted in the case uveu on tbo com plainant's admission. I will let ibis go to a Jury.' An argument then ensued between tba oeteetivu and the cuuasel as to which ot tbcui would bo ra sponsible lor tbu complainant's appearauce to-day at the more formal examination. Kach pressed bu claim. 1 he Court dually turned ber over to ibe couoee!, taking Ms verbal raoogoizvuce lor bar appaan I'urdy waa than seat io lua ceiia IlEMAKKADLE DiVOlUJE SUIT. In the Kings County auprsms Court, before Judge Pratt, ault waa brought yoatarday by Jona Hands agalust hla wile Louisa on tba ground ol adultery. Tho circumstances attending tba osm arc aa (al lows:?On July 17, 1870, Carl I*. Kiohstardi, wbo waa than tweuty-iwo years ot age, married In Hiabop beiiii, Caimany, tbe defendant, who waa dve years his aaoior. Alter tbc honeymoon tboy came to America, where bo obuinvd employ moot in tbo gasworks, (la Juno >0, 187 J. Carl uisappoared and all eOorts to laaru hit wborsaboutf proved unavailing. Iu the meantime one Jobn Hands paid biv addresses to Mr*. Kicbaiardt, who advertised lor her absent buebaod wnli the declaration tnai il ho did not coma forward within tbrao weeks lrom tho dste ol publica tion she would cooMdor herself at liberty to remarry. On Octwlior 4, 1874, aba married Jotn llanos, aud they llVbd together lor one year and ten days. Oho Was standing in the kitchen of tnqir raaideuco on tbo 14th of October, 1875, when, to her great surprise bur loug lust husband sutured tbu ap iritueni and emoraced bar. W ban aba recovered lrom her excitement she was overjoyed and went uwny to live with Mm. l'ue explanation givan by Carl Was mat ha had bean to (larioauy, where ho hud cujovau hiiuaell. Wneu llsiida re turned tbe told liim ni her determination to cleavo to (in-hand No. 1, and he intllluted suit lo oOlaln a divorce ;roin ber. r'ue ucuies tnu allegation of adul lerv. Judge Pratt referred tba osaa to a relaraa to take testimony. _____ bAAlUEL. WOOU'b YVJLL. In the Surrogate's Court ytaterday the contastover the will of tho lata S.unu<d Wood was couliuusd- Mr. Willlaui 1. Lloyd lostllied that ba aigucd tba codioil to tna will and saw Mr. Wood sign II la a clear, buld band, bnt be could not say bow long It look Mr. Wood to write bis signature; Mr. Wood waa very laebl# when he entered the roam lor tbe signing ol the Will, and was the 0rat to speak, saying ha baa glad to see them and w.iutad them to witness the codicil of hla last will; he bad two papers IB hla band?tbe will nnu ilia nod c I; be banded tbo will to Mr. hidndge aud then said "ihta is my eodlstlhs read the eodi Sil uv> r bolore ne Signed it. I he lurtbST bearing of tbe suie Was sdiourasd till Friday next. BUSINESS TROUBLES. PETITIONS IN BANKUCPTCV AND APPLICATIONS POK DISCHARGE. The failure ol Joseph M. Koebler, baaker, ot No. 116 Chatham street, is anuonnced. sad be has been adjudicated so involuntary bankrupt on tbe petitloa ?I bis creditors, lbs esse being referred to Register K auburn, who has sailed a meeting lor June 16 10 elect sa assigses. Several gears ago be was very wealthy sad Invested all his money in real estate and lest heavily by depreciation. His liubllitios amount to $460,000, ol which there are secured $300,000. The greater part ot bis liabilities are on bond and tnort. gage and are mainly old debts. Tbe principal secured creditors are tbe following:?Manhattan Idle Insur ance Company, $160,000; New York Llle Insurance Company, $36,000; Mutual Lite Insurance Company, $'Ju,u00; Heal Kstate Trust Company, $16,000i Man beitau Company Hank, $16,000; D. W. Prime, $21,000. Among those nbs held unsecured claims are D. M. Koebier. $01,276; Marie Jtoebler, $30,000; Leopold Bern,elm, $13,323; Uathew Sebalk, $8,260; Henry Kuu r, $2,760; Josepb Kobn, $676 ; David, $740, C bar lea Neisiog, $360. Cnarles B. Wood, manolacturor of carriages at No. 1,364 Broadway, has bean adjudicated an Iuvolunury bankroll no tbe psiitiou ol two cred.tors, and the oeae oas seen referred to Regiater Little. Mr. Wood wee lormeriy of the Arm of Wood Brother*, and arsons too large bulldiog at No. 740 Broadway, ax. tending tbrongb to Lutsyetla place. Thta luvolved hisu o aucb an nxieui that be baa uerer been able to saeever, and tbo irm waa reorganised without liim. Wei ?r Jones, one ol the ooniraotors, waa never paid lor bis woik, and be obtained a Judgiueut lor $44,037 4 >. I ue creditors Who united in tbo petition in i>eukrsptcy aie Sarau M. Slarr, who bolda uio cia.m nl tV alter Jut? s, $44,767 40, and Pruticia H. Vte. as sac Ueorga L 11.vers, committee ol ibe person a 4 estate nl Jouu J. H. Urieted, a luualic, $9,7111 60. Howard Yiatee, dealer io lau< y goods at No. U Carmine street, bee been adjudicated uu luvoiuutary bankrupt on tbe petition ol tnruo creditors, wpoett earns aggregate $?7? 60, nnd tbe case una oeon re ie<red to M' gteier Uaytuu. a ararr.u ta nauaruptcy baa been tasued against Cost vox Jsrelski. who baa bsau adjudit uled uu lu ? emery lotabrupi ou tun pvtuou >.i one creditor, Mas tr.osg r, abo on a Cl.liu loi $6.6 lor luuuey Mtaaeo. n o ' as? baa u?eu relerred to it. gisier Alien. J ailua Uembriin, luanulaoiurer ol U<>wera .iud lea nars at No. W lire, u- street, baa uouiuieuced Com posttiou pr ?. taU uss oelora Itegiaiar Allan lor a aattltmsBt tutu u.s creutiur# at ibiriy coots ou tbo doll r m uusecured uotes at tbrae, six sua nine noiua. ma 11oitittea ol Jscou Hyiuuu A Co., dealers in hall M< 1 ana ward sloCK. at No. -9 U<,kuiiti Street, woe tn-oe au tit a few u?y- ago, amount to *44 407 s ibe nominal aaaeta mourn to $64.836 14, an I b- re<. Value l? plat), d at $10,13. I'd lMMB*a Hoe an, nap rietnad m u itepaira in tbe t> , .i a' Work a. blade appiloalioo to h gutor I tine yeateruay lor discb .rge Irotu usualaptt>. but lbete Was oppaaitluu by Arnold, c .. ...ui- a C?. ud tbe usu.i time waa allowed lu allien to Al? specification a ? a?.?t.i nit a baa a juo,cited hu*.cue McCarthy, uutn.1 .oi, ei ho ltd tssi lllHk street, a Voluntary oaubrupt vo bis own peittioii. Hi- lllea amount ta about $11 600. and nta aaaeu am merely uomiual, neing bovorsd oy aba tei murt?n.ea. Amoug lbs aradituf* are it. L d. Baiioa. $3,000; Chares Bay, $4,116; Mary A- MeCerihy, fl.ouu cnsbiTtma' lasTisaa A meeting el tba creditors oi Beolnl Be Laucy ab.parti Waa bald jsaieruay at tba olttue ol Register i. tss Jess H. Plait Was appolu ad asslguet in baukrnptey. Ibe ttnbtiiues saiesnt to about $41 MAS I b< creditors nl Hegelm Iterance, snipping and com mission mart haul, ot ka 21., ? treat, met yostor oar at tbe ?? a at Wsgiatar Bay ton, auti those Uaao lower ass .uaa. limy own maim waa proven?by Anion ta Kmnrd?$276,433 A meeting ol tbo uTsviiiwra ol osatsm U. Ashley sno Meary .?eai?y, beokora, into at Nn. 2 Ltobangn court, wea b*id reetefdaf at tba uftua ol Register Atlen. Tan aoboooree subtnittnd abuwed arm lutuili. ttea, 66; ie,.ivide-i "e-n.ti.a ol B. U Aabiey, $17. "7e an, insividutl iiabditiea ui II ury Asuley, lie,ilk .SO Claims w?re proved, nod Jooa H. Piatt waa appointed eag'gnee in oaokidptey. I i.e uiaiii rs m Aoner H. Abseil. mtBnlacturnr of whiting at Nis Jo street, met at tbe utllc? ol Heeiat.r Alien. iss -cuaoniea ebownu liabilities aw, onaitag to tkesl $iuu,<MW. ant oaiy on# nlalm waa Kwed oy Heresy Btstiar A i'ar?nna (or $464 0L John , Plett waa appointsd ssetguee. At a moeting ol mo erauttors of James flill, liquor dealer, oi tl-e late arm ei Junes Uu. A Cm, ol ho, U6 Pearl etreat, beta at the nlUos ol Meg.ater Keicnuui, eabetlnlee warn prseoniea si,owing ,mutinies amount ing to $02.-147 >4, hod John it. Piatt w*a appointed' asaiana. Ban etna Inr $246 Ml waa proved by Maury W. kneaa Hag >? tor kotcbam baa cat lad a mooting of tba cred itor* ol Joan 6 . Lou a It bo betd oa Jane 4V to aleot aa anaignno ta baukruplcy. A mooting of toe ei ad i tors ol Joblsl Head A Co., Whoioaole deatora in bate at No. 6H> Broadway, waa held at tba a ol Ksgiatnr Height and tba composi tion ol loriy noait ?u ibe toller waa eeugrmed. ibe lieb.iMwa * moan t to $tini.uw>. Is As Cowrt at Common Piooa y eeterday tbore were also Aied tae teaedoles la ibe matter ol tnenaeignmi at el Jamoe P t oi to Jobo 1". Oedeerd Tba tisu.ilt>ee emoost to $36,010 A?. aomrooi eaaoto to $31,647 70 aod reel a toots to $47,074 37. la lbs Caoaty Ciora'e nAlae there were filed yeeter day tbe see Igo low ate ol Abeweaor Valentine to dames L Welie; o4 Martin Uadagbef .ad i tenia i Lena, eom pi taiag the Arm el UeHagLer A List; In Jemee Camp FACUrlC MAIL. tii m*v ?jauo or i>? ?? cious? sua a* rlac* TlOWAKklMo TACT OA TM ikinr lnl uinti tiMii a d llNtwri ?( iba Paolo Mall tdiHikf U*bm*7 ?m bold yaatarday a! lb* t>Mu* vl Ibo aaaipaar, Jlv. e Hawhag liroau. Tktrt vara tw* uaaata ik Ika Aold?v.a , tfea rrgatmi aad lb? opiMjautcu, w Marl OaAal? a J kikck asa.ia lua a I pr*v*l,ad <krik| IUa a?>. ItHdirtkla nppool ilua baa baa* aApriaai I aga a.i tba Maaaaakaaat af ika company, aaa tbraait baa baaa ruad* I of to aaa Uai of loraiug a cUakia Ina kkklicuki pariiaa, U?aa*af. aakaa MgaMar, aa< agraad ?o kba lol.uw 1*1 regular iiabat; ? Havu H. n.baack, Maury M<ft, rtoaiaal U t'biillp*. Chart** U kroaaklyi., Maat uai C. 1 bompaoa, C. M Moaai. H. A Taorbar, Job a K R IIMa ak< It. A. Maaaoy. kvarytbiag Burked auMiliif aalil 1 oeaa ay alkikkua, *ba? Mr Man aajra *a aaUaraiaaa thai Maaara Iboflaa ?? Araooaika aau .i*iuael C. 4 t?a|?ox baa bee* daprociatiug lua a.oak aaa bu> lag u ?k U> wa* airaie ibal Iboy ?ora daiai ibia la iba iu'*r**i vl Mr Cljra*. tb* praaaat urtaiaeal, aaila.eo bo Juaged .not >M| 14 oat .aland to aland i>f Ma no*at a?r*aJ i|iM; a* loot a tluaa au Iboadoy ba w di up lua a* uppoan ua kiabas abiab a a auuaaoatai ?Hoary M?it, !?? J< ba K.tai, aaakvr I I'biUiiM, Miiiiai UaMtxl, Jtba Knat, aaakv* I fbiluiM, a.iiiem R, m.aa, HiMa la llaal, fi*a< U. dkiMdk, Lbanaa I. Uivorn.or# aaa Juno M. M.nuiy in* an*. ini WuaathaCiyua m.rii Ivaad ibal lb* ?|<T?.*.iia* 1? Ha liafcvl aaa rua >?? Mr Ifari ia*f taralcn- a ua name aud lail ul kaaaai L Turnip*. ma pro do*, in* lua regular lick at. aua ?*b*.iiu . u lb* k?u?t at Jab* A. A laadrr aad l?*w*g* H. b ? ? luo uuuiwr ?t ??i*? caai ??? III Ud, **t *i UUU,WU lb* laapocitara *1 *,*aiivu aara M H lv*?n ard, Juba L Atokaadro .ad bubu V *o bataruad lb* l?M iwibii M l*a ditr" kl oaklililai aad* a* la wat.-Mttrr Marl Idlavl; Ika* d A M b cock. 132, ikd, Joaa ?. -i.y, Paaaml L k*b>I pa. lVlidli Hnlt.m Kou.a.a. Kk.aul , vVnaou u Maui, an.tat, n..i ?? f, t. >rro.u, t? ? i, Joua M Makua), ?? jal, J ua A Ao auaore *. *> Ckarlaa ta Ar.a-kiya. *a i >ba?b*?a. ?;i,aob, c. H. Mourn. la ao. , * A liar #t, ??,*?., Jouu K. Mill.*. 7u,m?4 , A A Nu.aay, > dak, taowrg* U. Mor**v?d, <k?A, aaa A A #?*?**. kw A* lb* Aral aiaa gaol* ak*a a?ra H. *<od d -room. IA* aiviu-M is mi lua praoaal Mao<d ??* rw rad, Tttb lb? ?Iv pi.ou ol r Uai I. aad lb* ****** am at a .at ba ciiiira jf abaaaad tar kutki. lb* luHvatug abort I i.iary af lb* *?? Hoard Mar b? taiaraana*M?or| M*n k? ????* ko> u* di *1 lb* IkiM aaonaa Monraad t -?p?a., aad Iba i.rgtai ai aaa bold *r *1 !?*?** M-. owaiar 21,14*1 ab r?a, or |.,i.?umu !?.? d I. UiKot, ta I bo piroiooai *1 la* I'rotidoava aud Maaiagiaa baa #1 at-??***. aid M*<u>r ml lioMi bobuocl, o< ta# tbabibar m* t.eatarw, aanual L> i ... ?? I rn.krn ol lb* IblPd Araaua Kairttdi WiiUoia Mo??*a la a rai.rad babaar, ? ivoa lb lluni i* a ary fkru tuort baot, a to* Ka ml a* it* %ttu, A U, laai U Sko aao >? a rat rad brukar; C arta* A Urrraan ?* a ratirod uiori i aat aaa *au-iu-laa ai dab* K?i*f| dona M Mobaoy ?* a ralifbd dry ?"?*> aiartb'Ui, .at??? > a ib.rt. ai w tb* lirra ol Baa* A Mob..*., i ua I rat or m* praorat auo ol lb* pr. p.?otor? *< lb* A lib* Mo * b* alaotiau lor uAiaar* ol lb* eoepaay aid Mao ya* lo-morrua. Ill If irl kojt Ibal lb* dabi daa t> * PiNBi Had ro? i * onti ai.r aa aoc >aui af tba Pn>M< i raaakk Coaipaav o *ain*u p i.aa aul ba p*?d atttaat <?!<** it..u, ?>? ) 11.oi ... jr i.<r**ik*r auk ba raa ia tba iaur*ki ai tb* oi<.cbb?4*rr. TB* a our a i araraaaor Tb* obi Huara a>*i ?a T*???*?, aad praaaaiad ta? aaaa?l aiaioaiaai ul lb* laaaatai *aa*n*?o ui ia* I'ociUv Ua.l aiaoatab.p tuuipoay ap i* April Mt, !?;*, aud it waa aecapiad. Il it a* uHtaat ?l..ou.t.nao a dludliig tb* <1. bl I* lb* I'ma'a* Railroad lutupoay, M; O*tow. ?u:- *Ji 42, i*o?ia* a aaa aiaaay af il,*12,2211 IA bCAVKNUKH* AT WAH. Tb* icavruaara ul Braubly* bav* pralarrod aaai ploiuik agaiooi tbo ?tdoriaaa bi?<raiiag Cuatp*ay, ta wboni w?? atraruad tba auuiract lor raworiag iA* uigbtaoil ol thai oily. It it allagad ibat lb* t#io. pan/'a boat* bav* uot beau at lb* do** ak all HBiaa to raeaivn ibo tell, that tba compaay *aV* cbar*fd lar mora mntoriai ibaa ibay boa* rou.ova-i; taat luaiaad ol uaiug lb* algblaoil away ib*V bora lb oatno ibkiaoeti* uuuipaa u into lb* dock, aad, ttbaity, Ibal liiklaoil ol p*ylug lb# Cuinplrnllrr *? bay ahoold bav* done, lliay have paid him only |T4k 71, Tba Board ol !my Woraa aud Haailu ilmtro will moot *B Toaadav altaruoon aaii to eoukioer tb* afaargaa. DOCKING TAILS. Veterinary Surgeons Believe that flprrition Benefits Horses. MR. BERGH CONDEMNED. Opinions of Owners of Stock on H.s Recent Acfion. Tb# recant action of Mr. Bergh in earning the arrcat of the head groom at tbo polo aubW-e on a charge ol unnecessary cruelly for having dock< d a pony's tail bus rather iimuted ihe faorae owner* tn this city. It appears to he on u par with the attack that was mud* by Mr. Ucrgh against the habit of clipping and stage ing horses. For ceuturica. especially in England, horses' tails have been docked. In the opinion ol all the loading veterinary surgeoug of ibe day docking is an operation tbat Is quite as uooo.-sarr to tbe borse, under certain circumstances, as tbe extraction of tecib may be in order to preserve the shupc of a Child's moutb. I here f?, comparatively spoak lug, little or uo pain irom ibo opera* lion, anil it is ull over In thirty soconds. Iu England it has always been customary to dock ell hunters, as it la generally supposed to strengthen tbe epiuai column as well as to obvlato uuy accidents that might occur from the tail gettiug caught or twutcd in euy obsLructlous that the corse may bo crossing. In tbo game of polo it Is also ueut-ssary to buvo tbe tuilg Ol tbe ponies kept short, as otliarwiso they might, whtlo switching auoui, interfere with the direction of ibo mullet and in various other manuers loconvenl* euce tbe player. Agxiu, there are many msluuce* in which the operation ol dockiug la necessary, when the horse may have a crooked tail or have commoted Ibe habit o" twitching the tail arouuil the linos, thus depriving the driver of all power over the ani mal. U was only recently that the operation was pcriormed uii u well known ironing mare, as sue kepi switching her tail so lnu< b arouud the lines that it Was fouud positively necessary to snurteu it m order to givo her driver some conirol over her on tbe track. On Flitb avenue every day thero ure plenty ol uorsee with dock tails to he seen at every moment, and although in Borne instances the operuiioa is per formed tor merely appearance sike there are m ,uy other cases w hero tuo horse has been raised with a crooked or melloriucd tail, and then amputation at ?oine of Ibe jotuts becomes necessary. A VKTKklXAKY 8CKGKOX*8 OP1XIOX. V < sterday alleruoon a Hkkald representative took ? walk around the upper portion of tuo city, 10 tho neighborhood wbere the borsemcu generally congre gate and lounu almost everybody indlguaut at tbe treatment of tbe i'olo Club trmnor. There appeared to be a divorslty of opinion as to wbethor the opera tion strengthened tbe spinal column, but every oue was unanimous in the telict that it was a neccseary oparatioo in mauy instances. The reporter culled upououeof the moat distinguished vetertnarv sur guous in the country end the loiluwing couvoraation ensued:? Harop.Tkit?1 have called to get your oplulon as a veterinary surgeon upon the action of Mr. Bergh In arrestiug a mau lor dockiug a pony's tail. \ ktkhirary Slrukox?1 was surry to see Mr. Bergh Uke eucn a step, us 1 think be is going a trifle tuo ler lu ins uewiru to guard tho horse irom unneces sary cruelty, Dockiug horse.' tails i* a custom thut has been in vogue lor mauy years, especially in KugUud, where almuel ail tue crone couuiry horaca uua ri.jiug hacks ure luroed oui with dhort tuiig HkeuKiaK? I want to know if it is a very painful ?p' ration 1 Vrtrrirak y Scruron?It is not a very painful opcr ins uone very rapid.y by separating tnc bone at the joint, KgrokTKK?Is tbe operation of any practical bene lit to I lie nurse f VkTMftiXAHv Surukox?That le a question tbat Is opeu to discussion. 1 call docking a horse's tail uu operation oi fashion, ullhougn it is souienaies uu operation that Is actually necessary. There are mauy oases wuer* it is necessary to dock a horse's lull in order to improve In. gouerai appearance, and some partus an., claim that tbe operation strengtueca the Spinal column. HaroMTua?le It ao operaiiou tbat tbe stud groom ol |?orh.riniu^ t \ ktkki.iary buHUKON?Id Europe especially tn Franca, tue operation is always perlormod cv a vster nary surgeon, but in mis country the Leud groom fc.cuert.Jiy uoeit the work. KaroaTKa?iben you do not think it an unneces sary crueliy to a Horse? \ KTsarxAHT opaukOR?1 should certainly uot cull it vrueitv to tbe animal any more thin tue opcruuou ?I altering, wnieh, by the way, is lar more pmulul. Mergb might juai as well urrist a veterinary sur gcou lor pelforming that operutiou, uu the ground that H was Unnecessary cruelty. 1 thing u wJuld be tMtter lor tbat gentleman to couflue his efrurta tor tbe pioUetiuo of Hi used horses lu the esses ol overwork I Mr# ??U?el#, wbere be boa don* such efficient ser ine lli:u ald represeniativa then paid a vialt to the veterinary institute presided over oy Dr. J S Cat, ibai gentlemen bad juai Uulsbad the exami n-lian of a horso wnau the reporter called lu answer to bis request lor loformatiuu on tbo subject oi docking Dr. tattaneub baudrd tbe reporter tbe lol lowiug communication whicb, be said, ba bad lust |>r. pared' J I US rATTARACM OR DOCIIRO. To fur I- into a or thr iikualu: I in yuar IMU. uf tu day I hu.i that the good Mr. Bergh has itiarom rod s new lerm ul cruelty to auiinals?that nl dock ???.*?* talla?and IB pur.uanoe the eur. Its, caused Ilia I .iii -1 ui ... J.lues It appear. to toe that lu ibis | adtluo Xr hergb i> .sain uv.rateiiplua the limits of his I >hb>,au.i ii be It .uilaiued by the courts, he will next pr... ea.i Iu hare e, t? rln ry .ur.aou, arreted fur perluratlng the upe reuse* ol a.ldieg. knag. Oilterln* and uuuieroa. ether. tbat > ?a twenty times wore paiu to the amuial than tbat el doe km. the talt. I hae. n? doabl that tb. god nr. Pai.h i# periectly aiuuera It. the behei that he Is P-Momim* a act in preeeutiug the dockiug of bi.-aae I.lie . but be lake, an estlraly oua-aldeil vl-w of me a on on. aud, la fact, be is realty performing au set of cree ty ty cnilsniaiug tbnn.aod* of lior.e* lo a life uf d-ad.riy ibai won d otnei wi,a lead a life of euninaratlva S-ea IB the etanie tl aome r iftli ar nut luilllouuaiiu tan III. t?* Mr HergS auk lady or gantlsmioot hie n.u.miaMi II tusy would parehae# a horaa lor lhair car '.*** Ibai rairta'l bis tall to one alile line the rudder ol a : ibip |iul l ard a wri or curved around at tha end like the sail al a | a* d * ee Ilia ibeocse are that |i ,uoh a not per. ? .1 l.i pleaanre tbey will be coudeiiiued lo lie.. .1 uruu.ery Tbe operall u ol dncaltig can be Dor ?** " ?? ?' ? ???diaer, operator In Ibnty seconds, aud tue fe. p,?dm ad .1.1 a?t oe more then mat daaaed by the .tie, u? a MNBMc hoe. t ary lew horses sauiblt any sy ui|. i, of Julu ill* v|?tr?tiuN !? ireiUK performed and ?*?< .M I ?.*(?? RiiafVari I rtf v#r r?% M?i?hor?? re uae ? MW|?nb MwwuMt tl katii.jc ? ili? op inion .if I ft.!* uii} ?lwi i#d ?*r >tr.iKnt?un.i. /'"* IftnflCKllLK I -rkir,*a?u eioSiag art- ao.aiute uece.aitl, ? In Biany Mtat aPaae, . a. m wi rh I. . nan an animal ha. tha |,abl% of ? i .h. S .1- tail over lb. reiaa ( iliug Irlirhteaad. running ?**??'."s.1" ?"'"** po..ibl? k 1111II. iti OC 1 ? r?'F ,,f ,k* be ldf. an I It l, tnu oiilnt.m of nam.' a. aoinei, as eatBtiBar y ?? lanca, that tua apiual ' .a?. - lk'??<? ' ? ."if atatlug a few J dir.s mm. |? I wded I ka . ... ia point all p?,0y ueod b-r i a .am. -4 pale I a. doubt in. oparation was * " ? ' i n < !? w !t |. Jnai a il ????.?? barm rnoeld ba UrcSed .ad elebod as It is 1,.el ?bu hare lip ul a .lil.d wide Mian l-.eth In sreaaret tba .bapa uf tb* a.V .' "* * """' " ' doatt. oi great bene "* ' ? ?weiBC rewa net It haeawtd a.a of the,, n a t e k -e. i..b ol oueSin* I think he would ** ***** ?"??dp ... l? .a lUie a Hilling pain . ...y eeeawa so tmin* eomdenod to drodwer, for thf rwet al b i J A SI ? s. i A I I . \ A Cll *es? riaai f '?i eee I.. West Kai ly-lourtu .wort. ' ? tas tottar tsiwi euotuer veictln ry T-. (<?? fctrttM* ?.? ? ?* likttll - a i ?? Ma Mat- k* a pai tgtap.. n tun -?Bt ? Maar k?a*-* '* -?< blag II t-r* T*Mt " fey wlilt-(i Urn it. i?. ra a* ?*? i? ium Im4 tat ?h* ynif iiroviid. naar J ? t- ? i a t >* la .4* a- *i <?-*< It- a* aaauviatii* li?bi, amiat mm aaalMi ik> lav. n?M kt i.M iH<?lwiuti| the f, .I~? ? > ?# as " akiab is III ?yisl?a III II. ? ?Siaf* *f lb* Im?<| ta? ik l*t**t an** a- Cm lijr |a limb imakitMi m i<mi 4ataaa4l*g thair Iklar ?iim> a* 4 Ik* hi*m I Ik* >Uf|f4 n- H I. r ,\v?,* 4 n?k?? I* -aaa* I* Mr *?i,- i lb* a ci?it ?i.ifi. k m>i| *1 ?!?.. . I bat* ih* baasr |? h* a uinn-m, ?a.t.t.,, <H ..* iwib ?<>'? ?i..?, map k*t* actum ptt*hr? ? i?i?#* '-?[??i. at* mm iHi ?a?*ai#? in pi?.*>t auvr ... at askIISM b. It. imiHl a-m-Hil In ahitv*. * N<|k'i|t>? -*???? I* *? *-MS I.n 4>i?ailun*i?iv I.-H.U fciat mm aiMkll ta kit . alkatlatta at la Ika I.r..?ni a ma. ? li?a ..H?l ?l it* akl?b a let * 4 pa I f lank *hmk "ha hail jaa* glgca, a ? *?? ka?a la lb ***? ?*4cr . mauiaraili in an i an?*a. aai i*a at Ik* >?**< -agitta I r Ik* B*i ?k*iljr ?*.. a? ik* *i-arall*a ha4 ?' Ik* *??*<? lla*l/ to r*. I a . I aaa i *n? ?|>?? ik* i? ... "lattlag" aaj a4J ucc a I** r? *#???? a w kai'k* ? ?- M< p Mi ma aaa i? Ik- mmmm ha a taMnwa M la n-ai a<W *< mia*nl arlur*. I <*au .*?#** a?- kai1 n* a* a *hari*Bl*? ml lb* tail of II.? !.??? .. ..|ia-.iim? vkl k laal" ami ih? *??? **ni*nr* ai in* n*a* *>???** la k* a ?<?*?? i mm mmmt a- i *a* ani Mala" It ha. k*i ? tm' n. ? ikal a4?l n>a*i a|r*lislll la .a.aaS bf a ???t* tanatl-v**t ml mm a ill Mi a tap*)? It It a-n iiynkaala ?st ika? 'ha I.*.* n.i**ir i far lha ?u|.j> >h ml tat 1*4 a.* i la a **PMk* mm$'*r- *"<* 'taa.l Ikai g&aa i.a > k| la?aa??ia. . >.? ai-aatwtasaiag ?inw i** *i ika tur ;r raaa.4 1*4.-1%? ifciairt*w ll la uapfal aa a. Via Ik a* ' -k? ?a<ta au*sii*a I .? mmmm rl'a* in tha aa 4 *1 a* I ?h"l ik* ?-??? ml aanaan a it*r* Vkw urti II. -IIMMI ral-M a '? -?i?'hl.y i.aaaMari *'**altllpj la 1a a*k*a r. t( , t Ikau Mi I., hi. .a i in* aaa.i I *p:>**? Billing ?.- a. r* I laaia II Bat aBU*****!!? happi ng Ikai a ink.- I all M aa?*a|raal?, aa il M*f la ,#f ?*i* Wllk the k*??*al amm mi tna rikai tag a***# I ra# a a* III aan**l*? ?f caaa* ?k?ra IH* .|,.rai. .. mat to* 4#u.aa4*il in m rao Ufa* paraPr MM* A batas ml a*f?-?#* i*ai|i?ram*i i i>.4 liM-iinai it -Ura t*?i nuaaf* II k* kaa a Isay tal- lit kaa-aia* ?*!??? *ia4 la kaa kaaavan la mSi aa nnliiii'l "."**?**' I* aa kkawiais ii-trani. aaa ?? prrirr run las Iks i rmm ml hmmmm .aia?tl* . . aaas ? M?ia*aiaty pun I t |ttiiit|*4 !? rat lau-l) aa r. aaan a It la ?af Ika .*1 PIMM| taigraa I* t*Mi *a a gam- n ml Ik* Ian, a nan i?a lam .t u It l?r-k* t....n.-ai SaMur la ram-it* k hull a*s*l in-a Ik* kataas iaki"i ll l> an *aur* Miaitk* In a*t yaaS ikki Ik* aya'ailok ?l **?? rklaa" I* all*- ?*? antk awl pala ll It 4?a* In ??an|i|>. lb* a.uHi a* ilt . tp. j t ta if*m ihr*a in tig S*??? **4 ll It a at WMWigtii 4 Wllh aa ? run warih mm nulling ?n*u th ll* ) ttntrn.1 flia i *ft*at ttntaii n M mi* pa" ?***'? *iiahl ta i ia* p*4a mat a* t*iai> atii n*a-*4 a* rataparalli *l| lsk< it*ai uai *k?* <**ti -*rtg la ??i Imiiia *M *M4las lat nakili. ?kMk mmmm Mr. ?erro men i??ll I* ke I Mimtn ?MIIiUm. bet itld, In at* t* m? mere w ' < ?nteg" a ta ume*. H> i?tt? Mi ^ A iKll 1 K. C, i, k, | 1,0*4 Itaosewe* May J ' l?T? uiut or * Jam>-t r ruM, a konm trotter, wyl?|M by Any art Bei aaai. Jr.. urairt By (*? lanly Mr Irt Krerea lienor Cruelly to 'or "eooatbg" ? barao'a tail, mas b?M Bf J art* M array m .a MM MM ? JMVlJlC END. Chrittiaa Braaalay, a Herman. ??*? lliy-aoe, ahm bitneelt la mo bead M bie baaaa, Ba. a# Cliaioa atreet, on Tuaa iay nub:, k limg bimeotf iMiaaily. Hie wila bad given bim *<me otl run ?kian aa ? eaten, ba mid, U> dean ku gun. ail a ebmri abila altar lea* I log tbo room ana beard ibo gaa dioeberaed. Ret?*a. I mg to the room ike bail l>er husbandly lag ea the Hour, tna tup ol k>a brag aad ike riant side ol bta laaa blow. aval. Ike well* mora ooverag i witu the taan'a oraiaa and hli r.gut aya ?*a y oked up In iba Ircni room. C?reaer Crena, aba maa aam I tauaod, judged irem iba paeitioa al iba body that u ' wis a ca.e of eaicida. but Bra Hraaamg said tb?t ber bmbeod bad no reae?a U take nta life aa<1 mat be are* probably attempting to replace tae gaa la ibo rank oa tbe well, wbvo ik slipped tram kn baaaa aa<! wu* discharged. Uruouing bad been la comlortable eireamataaoaa louve time ago, bat aqaaadereo am tonunee aad be gun 10 uriuk bvariiy II* maa >n ibo employ el Bar mill) Hunker, e Waeliiaglou Berk, t peoneoe dealer, uud resided in Ifabokeo lor imeaiy tnreo yearn Ha" leaves a alio and lour catlaraa. Coroner Crane will bold un imtukei. -A FiUSMAX IXJUiiED. bparke Irom a loundry a. i Ira to thoraal al ahaaaaia 136IH street on Tuesday aud lb- alarm van ape. dily car. rled by a citizen to tbe bouae of Hook and Ladder Com puny No 17, in 143d atroei, near Third avenue. Tbe "luuciitue" wan atouce started at full apaed, aad an the boraea daaiied mlo Tnird arauue ibo captain ol tbe company, Charles L Kelly, atieiupiad lo attack tbe hose carriage lo iba uook uud 1 miner carriago. Tba wheel ol the toruier struck an obrtiaction ind knocked liiui down. 11a sprang up, but maa again struck uuo knocked down oy iba carriage, aud ?aa unable to rise the second time. He was carried to tbe oumue hou-e, Wi.ere Dr. Krueet McNeill examined him aud fuuud that he Was burl Internal.y and tbal one rib was broken on bin rigui aide. Ho wea tnou carried lo bia nouae In 146iu aireel, naar Coila?a avenue THE hMI i H H MIOIDE. Tho luqueet into ibo nuuae of tba daalb ol Jaataa Smith, who was struck by a stouu duriog a Ilgbt on ibe lPlli inst., wr.ia concluded in the Kings County Court House yesterday by Coroner Blmax Ibo witu.-saca examined were John Ander son, Daniel Conns and Drs. A W. Shepard un i John E Kioharuaou. Bolu Anderson and Cotuoa ucknowrle.ig,.u being la the fldbi. bud lestiSed to hoar in Ku.nwiiy, their comp i. ion, state tout un uad laid oniHu out. Ader a ahori cohaultatlon tbe Jury returned n verdict to the effect tbut the deceased cumu to uia ueuiti Dy tbe blow of b utous thrown oy Micii.ioi Kiunerty. l'bc jury al'ao held tual Com us sod Audersoti were aocesaorios to mo tact. Fiunerty, Comus aud Auuersuu were then commitiod to Rny maud direct Jail oy the Coronor. UAiaUAGliS AND DEATHS. MARRIED. Atkins? Remington.? Ou i'ueeday, Ma/ 28, at tbo Cburcb ol lua Kudeeiuer, Urooklyo, N. V., by lb* Kov. E. F. Kom teuton, uaaisteu by ilio Kev. William A. La. nurd, Ai.vKKn (i. Atkixa to Draco, daughter o| tba Rev. E, F. Kcuiinatou, olllclatiug clergy man. No our (In. Boykns? Pkkankk.? On May 20, by Rov. K. Hmkle, A. A. boykns 10 Miss Bkokik Frkanbb. ol Uarriaburg. Daildnkk? Wells.? Uu Tuesday, May 28, 1878, in Now York city, by tuo Ruv. S. B. Roe siler, Roiikrt Gardner. Jr., nl Monlroal, and Sarah, duugmcr ol James N. Welts. DIED. Casbidy ?May 28, Josgmi J. Cassidt, son ol the late Joiiu and Elite Casaidy, ageu 20 i aura 01 M "?r kMl","Utty-"1 ">r" V- 'ro,i' ">? residence 0141. .. Keaitr, 3a u lord a v., Flushing. Corbett?Suddenly, on Mouday, may 27. Edward M. Corbett, aun ol Aldu and ibo late E M. Corbelt lu lbe 14lb your ol bla age. women, i?^uU1ilVU* ot the latnlly are ruapeotfullv invited to aiiond ibe luueral, Irom in# raaidonoo ol """"" i? ? nu<i friends ara mvuud lo attend the In oral, Iroiu ibe Plymouth Baptist Cburcb 4stu aL Da CcL?a" ^ T1.ur--y? 30' ? onTo'oitok. ^ I.. luoauuy moruittk. May 28 at hai late residence, 472 Usury at., Brooklyn; Rama,, 5." widow oi ma lute John 41. Da Coma. "* I b? iriouus ot tbo tuinily are luritod to attend the loucrul nor vices Curls' Cburcb, corn," Cl.uioS and Hurriaou hia., Brooklyn, ou Fnu?y, May 81. ai lout ?eni." 'oopowlully requaated ibat no bowers b< Downing.?At hie residence, in Ureenburs Mar 2a ?KOKua L. Downing, in ibo With yaar oi nia mo. ^ ttuu "wuu* ?*? reapooimiiy iuvuod to at. loud me luueral, Thursday, May 30, at hall-oaat two Wbue Fi'-fr in; l"r" ipiacopal cbtrcb* imm^Vork mW 'rl,M* * "rUai Auburn papers pleaso oopy. D Aucua.? Uo Wednoaday morning. Alberts Hluh youuaoat child of Alborto and Aim D'Asum? aged 1 year and 0 months ?guiar, Interment at Calvary Cemetery. Ga?,V-0?T " wii^. "mITT""*/!?* Juskpminm Gamin. widow ol the late kenry pfeVr! Omsiu, U?tu 3U yenrfo itelallyea aud Irieuds are Invited to attend u>. inUdf,*'vir?m UerUt? '??'donee, Richmond Hi* L l on Saturday, alone o'clock P. 41. ' ^ *?" 1 rovidenco papart ploaae copy. tinia Hallstsd, in tbo 84ib year of nor "'?* Kelativaa and friends are reabecifniiv , tend ibo inneral, Irom reaidcooe, 24o 2d ?[ City. N. J., on Saturday, June 1. M two o'e'ook 7 Uklo ?At Ureenwicn. Couo.. May 28. Emma a daughter of henry aud Ellen Held, in bar 20tu ve.e * H.quietn maia will uo celebrated at sl ti.V;,. Cburcb, Ureonwicu, Friday morning May si" ..k./ paai teb o'clock, itelall yea "ud lr7.uoV!l,A-, "*f are reauoei lully invited lo atleud. Trai as lea ve * New Haven depot at seven and nino A. M. " Kinnsv.?Sabam E., beloved wile ol Steuben Win. ney, auddunly, on Monday, May 28. of belrt d1L?l l uueral aervloce will take place on rbured.^^e 3uih, at ten o'clcca A. M. iL V. 'nit'odey, tbo 217 ?a.i 10,h Relatives and irmndi o. tb.'umHv ara> reapoctiuily invit-d to attend. Inmlly and L."?Vu?Z*Vt :i8' OTT0' ?ou of Angnot teu'd'*h/Tunlr.'l['irolu %0" B^dut, near ^dbam^b^:"^^?^ ?sw^Xer,^ liuueruua, Ireland, agou 62 Mosaoli, of 2 F?b.,.,.lUo ,, m., Friday, May 31, from ?? cop?4100 ""J Londonderry (Irol.nd) rwpere plea*. Notice ol luneral bereali.r. ' " /#a** P.J2: "?4u"- ? IbomM N. H. KeiivH* M"n* **? anJ l"? teM a i to n'd V b : * u n e r al' * e r y i o e a''**n ?y Tit Cbriatopber aia at 1U'3U A. M Barslay and .te te. v1x.js.2,?s Farad lee, agad 27 year*. lluiaiives auu triunda are Invited to menu am luueral, irom tba luie*... \ u 10 ??*ond bla . . IU'' itfiidtUttO of bio ftflior Vr? 10 Ooi'*C|or "'K'i' no^JriM^Jb'V^1 M"r ",Ur ' ?h0? ?? .1.! ZTr,at'/Tutl^VoV?00' No 98 UoQf' ASMficiiTioir of1 Kxkmpt Kirkmky ft.. . . ' J?A W#M* ?? ?'Mreby n7liaJd um^ot at One *s!uck Im tbo'unr "'"V Sowooa._ij,. w-./ C,S BAOADOKN. F. 8. >??5^d7?gb..Tm olnXi i1?"" I"*- Biasu k, Mi" I mo.";?' ^ r No |c? ol tunernl nereafier. Tnoca, ?gedU',7U4UUy7er?U naltvu"7/ u*7 ^ Bh,o?"> muni, Westmeatb. Ireland Uounu,u P*riab, 8ai..",""n"2'u^on" vlil*! W,Uf' K"?^?0*h y** u",ZAi W<Joa,,lJe''L wV tm. ^'Uiativo. lg ntete,terete a j: 01 bla ago "" "" M' ,I,0"A? W"??. ?0 tbo 7?lbfOM ?e* -mm it., on Friday. Mas 81, at one f! *. '