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The Stock Market Active and Steady. GOLD 101 1-8 A 101 A 101 1-8. Government Bonds Firm, 5**tes Steady and Railroads Strong. HONEY ON CALL EASY AT 2 1-2 A S PER CENT Wau Stkkkt, 1 Widxksdat, May 29?tj P. M. f Tk?re*uinr?ib sprouting ol bora* among uoaoent Balls to-day, and an additional growth to tho head gaar of the veterans o< tho herd, all oeoanaa prloes took a lortber upward start and tba market assumed lbs wall known characteristics of a null speculation. At the head and Iront ol tba movement the granger* continue paramount. Higher figures are promised and expected as a matter of courae, and tho disposition for alt bands to sail In oas boat la not only apparsnt, but acted spon. It la to bo boped that the gone bavo no grudge against these sanguine operators, to be devel oped In tb# future, through tbe agencies of madness and destruction. There u evidently no fear of toch calamity at present, for tbe buying M steady and persistent. Nor la it by any meant entirely speculative, since tbe voice Of tbe Investor U board In tbe doallngs. Sad, what is batter, bis money Is Coding Its way Into I bo street. Tbe preference shares ot the Wisconsin roads are especially sought after, and thero wore Signs to-day tbat an Important amount bad been taken lor foreign account. Th# arguments in lavor sf blgber prloes are tnoee wblcb bavo been repeatedly given?vis., great earnings now, prospects ol greater ones, and by reason of tnese tbe assurance ol regular dividends. It is claimed tbat a stock like St. 1'aui pre ferred. which in six years has dividod 42 per cent, ie oDeap at 80, and from all appearances iho public Is bcgi nning to think so. The demand to-day set strongly In the direction of tbe dividend-paying stock, par ticuUrly Central and Hudson and Ruck Island, tho former gaining 1% per cent and tbe latter 2 per cent on the day's work. Tbe Vanderbtli proporty woke up to new life and a large business throuch tbe support ol somo of Its ancient iriends who predict extraordinary showings ot earning, and Bock Island was pushed rapidly, and It seemed rather artificially up, by tbo ruiterauco of tho old story loucblng tbo declaration of a live per cent dividend in cash una 20 per cent in stock. While everything was hilarious tustne boardroom it is understood that tbe Pacific Mall stockholders were at eacb other hammer and tongs in tnoir Ogbt over tbe election (or d|. rectors. By s small majority tbe Hart, or reiorm, or apposition party, wou the day; quotations on 'Change, however, tailed to show thai much lailh Is placed in tbe so-called reformers, for the price ol tbe stock tell ell lully 1 per ceut when the result of tbe (lection wai guessed at. As a dividend pay ers are IB sympathy with the other stocks el tbat Ilk Western Union was firm and advanced slightly; so did Erie, not from apprehension ol divl douds, but becauso In the present temper ol tbo mar ket, it It moved at all, tbere was but one way lor It to go, and so did pretty much everything on tbe hst for this sumo good ana sufficient reason. At tbe closo prices wart a little lower than the best ones, but not enough to disturb tbe temper of an undeniably strong market. The opening prices of stocks at tbe Hoard to-day were as follows:?New York Central, 109%; Eric, 14; leak# Sbore, 82% ; Wabash, 14% ; Northwestern, ?3% ; Northwestern preferred, 70%; Rock Island, 110%; Mtlw.nkeo and St. Paul, 83%; Mtlwaukeo and St Pan! preferred, 80; Delaware, Laukawanca und West ern, 60% ; Now Jersey Central, 24; Delaware sod Hudson Canal, 68% ; Morris sad Essex, 84; Michigan Oentral, 68%; Illinois Central, 84; Chicago, Burling ton and Quiucy, 104; Ohio and Mississippi, 9; Western Union, 83% ; Pacific Mull, 19%. CLOMIXU yl'OTATIOMS. Tbe closing quotations at three P. M. were:? Mill. Arkni. Mid. Ankrd. 23 Knots, Paciflo.. 7* 54 Lnku >bora ... H2* ti:i At A Pan Tel.... 22* ChlAXW 63?, . Cbl tKW praf. 77* 77?^ Mich Ventral... ?M>J 181* Cbl it 1 A P....113 112?, MorA fcixx..,. Ht 84* Cbl HAO 104* 105 .Mil A ht I'anl... MW 54* Col. Obi A I C.. ??', 4* .Mil A <t V prat. 80* ?U?i C. C.OAI 2* 28* Mxilpox* ....... 1 2* Cleee A I'lita ... 80* "I Martp aa prel, IV ni.i a. .1. Ttl TtlL' V V i< 1 inl' Cbl A Alt 78 78* N Y U.nt 110* 110* t hi A Alt prrl..HH ? N J Cent 23?J 24 Ciploii I ? >* 17 NJ .-uutlmru... 1 |* Uai. Lack A W.. OH* 5?* Onto A .M. 8 8* l>al A Hurt l!aii. 55?-, 58 PhciOc MhII .... 18* lsi* A>.*m> Express. W2 H?* 1'xBaiiia 11" Jgn American hi... 48 4t?* PlUnAKtV |MU tTTt, I s Express .. 47* 48 g.ucksilv, r. .. 15* 18* Wells Ksrico Kx ttl HI* Vuickiilrer prrf 31 Sin" hrle..... 14* 14* ki bAlrim 4,. 8* 7\ Kris preferred.. 33 ? Ht L. KIIA.I... 18 3 liarlam. ...147 14s 811.. K C A N pf 21 * TJ Man A SI Jo.... II* 13 T. Wnb A Writ, 13* jg* Han A St Jo pr.. 27* -jh I nlon Pselflc .. 7l> lllluola i.'antrnl. ? 84 W??t Lnlou Tel. 83* 83* IIIGRKBT A5D LOW BUT. Tbs lollowtng table sbowa the highest and lowest prices ol tbe day Hujkrtt, Low it Maw York Ceatial 11"* urn* Mho 14* 13* Lake 03 ??, 14* 13* North western 63* 63 * North western proicrrcU. 77.* 76* K 'Clc lalbDd 113* lib* Milwaukee and at, Paul...... 64*' 63* Milwaukee sud St Paul preterred... 80* bo Delaware, l.acknwanna apd Western. M* 5(1 New Jersey Central 24 88* Doiawpre <md tiudsou Canal 68* 5A* Morris sua Essex 84* 83* Miouigan Central 87 66* Illinois Central. 84* H4 Chicago, Burlington and Mutiny.... lou 104 Ohio a ad Mississippi 0 9 Western Union telegraph 83* 83* Paciflo Mill 19* is* the noxav MAltkpt. Money on oall was easy at 2* a 3 per cent. Foreign egobuogo en Urmer lor sterling in ton aequo not of Iba easier oondiliua of ibe gold loan market. Ibe posied ratea were 4.83* tor bankers' long, sad 4.86 lor abort, witb actusl busiucaa class on to tltoao Ago res. TUB tiOLW MAkKBr. Gold opened at 101*, and declined to 101, but closed ?1101*. CLBANIBO Hi'CHB STATBMkXT C'orrency exchanges |65?:i 4.?ft Currency balances 3 316189 Cot l ixcb.ugca (1344.9211 Cold balance* l,4ii,lM> UOVkSVKkt SOtlM. Gorernment bonds were aenva and firm, ciualog ?leady at ibo loilowiag quoiatioae;? Mt'l A ? W. i Colled states currenre sixes 121* 122 United Stales aixea, 1**1, registered... ina* 10** Caned Slates sixes, 1*41. e?upon Ion* MM*, Cauto States alxra, 1886, aaw. regis.. 104* lot* I'd lied Statoa aixea, lii>5, aoapva . 1-4* lot* lulled stales aixo-, 1*17. res 1-tared... |o,"* lb',* laitad Slates aix< *. 1*87. eonpna 197* l"7ig Called Slates sixes, 1468, registered.. |iAS( Ceiled Stales siats. 188*, ? upon J<? lln ' lulled 8|atea tea lortiaa, regiaiared... 107* lot* Coiled autet tea-lonc-a, cvep<>e...... 107* In;* ' lanetl state, Bfoe, ia*|, registered. . |i?',* H<a * I lultoO sutee nee,. 1M*[, eoopo* 15* |nft * . Coned States 4,','e. l?ul. registered... 103* in.* I ailed Males 4*'s, Inwl, 10< , |e4* Called Hiaiea loer,. HniT registered.. |A| * in,* ? United Males lour,, 1907. < 00 pen 1*1* lot* 1 thb roisnt* nsnaar lb# UoadM adeieea reported eeaeels ap le 97* a j ?7*. and at Ibo eioao at *7* a 97* Imied Statre bonds art strong at an i4e<sM si * per nent, and Amortoaa railway ebaree are all bigber. Cm ad vanced * percent IW tbe eeminee and * percent for Iba preferred, ibe former aolltUB op to 144, and lulier up 10 82*. Illinois Central was * per seat higher, selling dp 10 M*. .Mew Jrrtey Central ad vanced I* par cent lo 24 Heating reee te 11 end Feaiteyieania <Naire: to Ml* Te-day la ticket day and lo-morro# will be lortaigbtly aettuag day at Ibo ?took exchange. Tbo anm m ?80,000 balttoa was witbdrmwu from tbo Bank or Kualaad to-day ea balance. At Parle rents, advanced to 111k aui later fell off to 1104. 8T*e. The cloaiog prices la Lcndoa were aa fellows:?Cedents tor meaty aad BOcouat, 97* a 87*} aew foer *ad a naif p*r ceat brmds, loft* ; flea-twenty bead* el 1*87 109*; lea fnrty bonus, 1<)9*; nets nt 1841, Io7*| r rie com nion aliaroe, 14* j dot art rrred at. ere a. .12*; Mr* geraay Csolral, 14} lllmola t eatral, M*. stats aoaem State bonds at th# Board wort Moody, witb aoleo of Goorsia ley aad told bondo, Looiaiana soeaas ooaooit and Missouri sixes (Hannibal and Si. Joseph Issue), lo which deillngs were ounHoed; District ol Columbia 3. OS's sold ei K2*. ? deellue ol KAlLKOAu BON US. In railroad bonds the largest transactions were In Burlington, Cedar Kaplds and Northern firsts, which sold at 72* a 73* a 73, against 72* at the oloso yes terday. The other ohange* were as follows:?Au ad ranee or 2 per cent in New Jersey Central flrata con sols (assented!, 1 per eonl in Lehigh and Wllkesbarre consols, * In South Paolfio Railroad firsts, * |D Hor ris and JUscx Brsts, consols, * in Canada Soutnern liebeniures, * in hi Paulsmkiug lunds, Michigan Cen tral sevens. Central Pacific gold bond;, Central Pacific Ursis (Caliloruia and Oregon branch) and Pacific Rail road Brats, and * In Chesapeake and Ohio flrsla (coupon on) and Ohio and Mississippi consols. Thera was a decline of 1 par caul lu Wabash firsts (St. Loots division, ex matured coupon), sou >4 In Delaware and Hudaon registered bonds of 1891. PHILADKLPUIA STOCKS. The closing prices of Philadelphia stocks wore:? City sixer, new United Railroads ol Nrv Pennsylvania Ruilioad, Noribern Central Railroad. HojIouviIic Railway Hid. A'k'd. U4* 113 122 122* 29?f 29 * u% 37 37 * 7* 8 0 ex _ 15 10* 17 ?x 8 38* 39 xixixu aiiAHKa. The closing prtoes ol luiulug shores in dsn Kranolsco wore ae tollows:? Alpha. 10* Hals k Noreroee..... 0% Alts <iS Julit consolidated... 7* tiololior US Ju-tlce 4 Best and Belcuer.... 13'; l.unp..rd 11-10 Bullion 4 Mexican ? * Caledonia- IS Northern Belle. 7 Callluinia 20 OpUir 30* Cuollar 20S Overman 12 ConUdeuoo 4 Raymond * wy 4 Consul. Virginia 13), b.ivsco 107; Crown Point 4 Sierra NeV .da. 4* Eureka consolidated. 54 Silver lilll 1 * Exchequer 2* Union consolidated.. 47, Gould A Curry 0* Yellow Jacket 8* Grand Prize 3* ?KMOKAHDA. The total sales of stocks si the Board to-day aggre gated 123,292 shares. The receipts and shipments ol wheat and corn at Chicago and Milwaukee 1 ?day were as lollows:? ttretipll. SllpmrnU. Chicago? iluth'U. kiuht't. Wheat 116,2*1 >-3,730 Coru 500, 849 433.010 Milwaukee? Wheat 68.U00 09,200 Corn 7.900 700 The earnings ol the Western Union Telegraph Com pany have sbowo u vory rcirarsable increase during the three weeks of the present month. As compared with ihe corresponding weeks 01 laat year we Bna the lollowiug increaso:? first week in May Increase to. f 20.000 Second week in May Inoruuso to ,,,,, 21.500 IhirJ week iu Muy increaso to 24,Ouo NEW VOKK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES. Wkdxmoat, May 29. 1878. BF.FOUE ?ALL?10 A. M. (13500 Bur.CRA N'nlat 7Jii 809 iba St Paul .'?.*??. 5KX) do 73% 12K) do 53 V 15UKI do 73', 300 S|Paul preferred.. Mil 5KK) do 73*, SKI Northwestern 51*. 7KiO do. 73)2 SHU do 5;H, 13KIO do 73*4 I0U do IM$1 5KHI I,eliAW H ron..c 40 IK) do Vl'i 31 mo II AM JoH'a.con 94V SOU do s.'| 53% 10011 Union l*oo lot lOM'J 15 co 53*. linK)C.IUAlVfl'a.lM7 1"9 loO do .VIS 10000 Con So. neb cert 73V lid) do..., 43 5000 0.(1*1 U, lit.. 42 V Hli) do >8 53", 1000 (,',(! A I O.Xd.. 15% Hm do 53*. 5HUO TulAWeb.2d..(8 89% 4oo do 53), 2K> aha Hal A iludion. 50), 2K> North we.torn pref 70', SO i do 5(1 5o:i do 70*. loo Weatern Union... 83 V Sou 77 4(10 do 83% 3oO do 77',' 100 83% loo do 77'. 100 do s3 Mil'; 300 do 77', 100 do c 83% 000 77', MCI do. Wi|t Km do..... 7... 100 racin - Moll 19% 100 do 77', :m0 Krle Hallwnjr 14 500 do 77 2oim do . 13% SKI do 70S 1500 do 1.3't OKI do 77' 70O 00 13% IK) do >3 77 1700 do 14 SKI do 77V UK) do *3 13% 100 <'0 I>3 77'. .Kill do I.HO 14 100 do 77*< 1(1(1 do 1?3 14 IOO do 77', 300 do 13% 800Central ol N J.... 34 ?JtiO do 1)3 14 2<m do S3*, 2K> NY U A Hudaon... 109% IK) Wabnali KK. ...b3 14*, 10 1 Luke Shorn If-'*4 lOl do 14 1KIO do (12% IOO 1I.1 13'. 400 do 62% 3K) Del.Look* Weat'n. 5***, 110O do M2% 8 <? do Ml, l(Kl Illinois Control... 84 son do 50% Kill do HI'S 700 do MO 8 do 83% ? 10 do Nl'? loo I nlon l'uclflo 70*4 1KO U",,.,. 5M', 100 (lo 71 IK urn 8, L, Kan I! A N . 4K 11/1 l*ltU lira 8 <\ i'l I'tiiH 4 Ki W.ynt. 87', IK) do 811UI Cliliano A Alton. . 78), IK) do 81% 7KM'nli'. NnrAUniiiry. I04 37 do s3 HI SOU MorrU 4Kail..i3 84 Kill do b3 HIS 50d do 84% SKI Rook I aland 110% 100 do 84', 100 do bailOS 2K) do HI*, 3O0 do ll'i*. 1100 do . . Hi 50 do 1IOS Sill) p. 83V 200 8t Paul 53% 250 Oblo A Mlaa b3 8 loir. a. m. (5am rs fl'a. -hi , r?g. K?v (28ooo uh .v.,'hi. c.i.m loav 1'14'iH V li (Pa, 'HI. r.hc 1 ('83DUU US4'a, r. 101). 250U0 US 3-20 c, '07 . ,3 1(7% 11:15 A. M. (20000 USM'a. 'HI. r.bc l'??V (SUOO UH 5-2d enup,'fl7 107V 40KI Urt.VJOc. ? V. 1(14?, i:x/m L'4 4*? c. ' lo4*, 5KJU US 5 SO. re*. '07 In" , IKmO US 4'a, o. 1UO7.0C 101% KIUST BOARD?10:30 A. M. (limoOo 7'a. irbda.... 107Jf 7(M)ahaKrla 14',' liaarn l.a 7'a rnnwl . 71*, 50O . rlo pf. bo MS 1K*| Mmt'a.ll AsJK7's 1< IV 5KI N Y U A |f?V l(*ai I Hal 1 ol 3.115'a.e *2% ID dn, SKXi Hur.O HAS lat 7.0, 3KI liMll So be MS', ll.Vm do >3 79 13K) do ?>2% Siaai UI.eaAU lai.a on 32% 400 dn (IS*, 5KUI Si L.J 4 Chi lot 1 IIHI III Coutral ,...b? 84', Ikhi NJCeu l?t. 71% iki du 84 |iaxm Ami'oe . Imp ??a 5" loo Union t' 70',' liam MiIASiiM.i! dlr IK'S 3011 du 7"', (Sail MOAMl'. eon a f 1tf2% 2IIU do 70 5Kd> .?*.HInir.tN Y lat |ifj 9MO Clare A Pitta.uunr 8|i, 2KX) VfnrrlaAka let. e 93% H dn be 81 % ?jk?i H lumntAMP -'d 92 SKI do 81% li a a ? I el.VH.r I'da.HI In.'S liai dn. b3 8|a, |(*?l Del All. e 7'a,'1*4 Iki In N Y, N II * llarl.. IHO IKln-rieSd 0 103% 4?'Uhl*NW be 53*. 8C*i) l.onit flnek bda 11- SKI dn 0 5:,% 4K>> Mich Cm 7'a ... Iim% liai do e 53', 1K.00 ' Inn A M.c af 1,3 IKI 300 dn 5M), 71am Ohio A M. con 100 &U0 no 53% 50K) rUr l?l, 7'a.e.b.l 111# IK) dn e 58?, Iiaaion I'ac. ba h3 |I8U 10 I dn a.3 53V li'DOiil' lal.UAObr 94 !?Ni dn . 53), |KIO Ualon Pat lal... ICH't Km Chi A N W pf be b3 77', 2'aaai d.. I'8 Moo do a.'l 77', SO m Unma Pne. ? f... IKD4 Ski do a3 77*, IKI ?i I'ac "f Mo l?l... I"5 Sim <lu 77', |K*I 1'ai > f Mn Sd ... 97*4 Iki do 77 ', 1000 do 97', 3 ai dn 1,3 77', 4iM) dn 97*, IKI X J Central. .. he 23\ liaaai Minlli I'm# lat 81', |ta> do 3', 50KM:. U A I C lat. . 42V IKI Chi A K 1 Dell"', .nam 11,14 IV ab lat x- I'll *4 -2V' in. l|i,J,* All*. IKIWabaall 1.0 14', '78, A prevbiua 41 4(*l do 14', ?MX*! TnlAMriat.atl.d. WklCbl, M A 8t P.. i.e x malu m 7S urn do a 53V ?JUKI OtWe.lSd.* Xo* Slam du 53-., enu. 77 KlU 7m? a'lil.M A -t P mi 101m 5 V hltvatod I at 811 IK) Del, I, A e 6MV I'aarn Mn.KAT r.ili Iiaa 4l*< 4KI do VH, IKI aha Amar'n I xhrh.l 49 l*fl .'Hi-', |Ki Ontario II Mln.'c :*iV dn 5M', liai IMA lla I. lie h.< 5"', !?)? du 53 5(1), Iki "aiS *a a 1 do '"'S S ai do 55', ski Morria at Kaaex.bc 8:1', S<ai 1 mmlean |i lei in* 19 S ai dn... 1,1 14 Mai Hut I n Tel..,.lib km',' I" iln . 84 7'<l dn HMV I" 1I1 HM', ] .Vai dn b.'l Wif, IKI I'.PtW A Chi (nnr 97 J 15*1 do 5M?, 17 do he 97 I" do. r me, 3'?iChl.HnrA <J...lirlOI |K) I'n a.'i 8.3 *, 8S Bar. C 't A 5. Ml ' M" 1 do 8.1*, II* Uh! A Alton. 77*4 JKi dn h3 81V 7ki do 78), SKI Poo Mall 8H... lie 19% Ski lion A 81 Jo .. ho II', IS d) Krio be IM'4 SI'" dn 11'4 2<*i do a 13', 27', .'8 a 1 do .3 |3>, 2"0 do.... 27?, 7>ai do. 530 II SK) do 27 3>a4i d? 14 SKI Ohio X Ilia,, .be b.'l 9 31' ? I do It*, IKIO, CAIU be 41, I I'm do 14% RKKOKK (Mil.?i2:-'IU P. M. (Shall Dlti Col S(5't , 82 V Km aha I.ako Hbora ,b:i 82)4 >aai dn 8J*, 3'ai do Mja* S.'aaa# du 82', 2<r> Union Poelftc 70 .naaiTnl A Wab lat. 4<ai do.. '??V Hi I. d. x met rp. 72)4 ItHPIttaburs HI |ta??) Henl'1 I'or 1,1. Hi', 3KI .In 8 9, .aaai JtSUenl't rd aaa 71*, Ka)Sorthwe,torn 53*, I.Vaa) > J l eal lat.aio hi ?, Stal on 53), 3 a*, KauPai Ine >?IH ll?, |() > .Nnrthweatarn pi 77', V aoi ll.a A 8t J M'o. e 94', 9K> do. . *3 77'., eil) dn 94 4tai du b.'l 77), |<e aa> 1 >n Pac. 8 J h 92'; 8*) Koek Nland Ill pan NW t , ( b. .ICS), IK* dn ?3III', Oa>'1 an deh elf 71 I'll dn ..Ill', rum Mil A Hi I'M', lat 121 l'<l do Ill', .Viii .i Y Mee let..., mi 51" do 111.', I<a? ,ba U il kalleer.. Ill', IKalHt I'aul 53 34 Jiai *? atria Union.... 83), l?m dn 51', |KI Paella Mall ? U", |im dn a3 54 .<11 <ia 19), |M Wnh?a|i o.u. 13)), *.a?, do IM)J Mai Del. I. irk A Weat. 5m', I", do It", IMKI dn..., 5M'i. Mil R I colli A Hod .. I'll), 3KI linn A Ml J pi Ji*\ |<ri eo.... a I'd', Mai do ... ...... 27 9 a > u . i3 t> 1 ', I" I Chic, M A (Julnejr.. 1"|'4 8ai Krle Hallwae..... IP, S(X> do..... 104') || ai dn 14*, JO no I"4)4 ?<n du . .. a9 11', I'm Utile A Alton.. b* 7H-, IKi Mlehixan ( ont. all ?m?Z It Bur, U it A 8 31 KaiDake -lioro M-", Idl84 I,. Kan CAN.. 4J< |mj do alO b2)4 lot) Uhlo A Mlaalatlppl 8 MsM l'. M. (?? <1 U? MU*i, ?. 718. l<Jt>* r?0000 U? 5'?, r. 18H1. |05J< I 'M) P. M. (IKaai ( X 3.90'a, r. '?h JOB (IKamo U85*a.e.*8| hit 1"'.% ?a" l'a I" 4o'a. r... I"7V liaaai >ta 1MB). ViMii ?.vt, 1. i*"l n I '?), l?*tuU9?V?. r.*9i.. uiM)4 U::M? P M. ?t-aam UM-C.r, '87, n I''4*, iumai UMA Sii *.*, i?7 loTM H UlJil> B'MUU?I P. M. (Siaa 1 Dial of l ot 5-8 >a All, 1'*) alia 1'kl A N W pf . 77% I- a a, I.e 7a run ... be 74', 2"0 dn ., I" at A X ? leeoled la*, mi f??i' toe A Prtv ouuu UooJ oe Boa J00It 2-.V 11A) Uoniroi K b3 77', 3US ij ?Jim Chic. Hur A Qejr.bc 1<M', ?i*> Morria A EuvX lie 83% KM) Del, I.ack A 56% 60Q0O4 Weil lkt icon 03% 300 Chicago 4 B I., .bo 111** 5000 I'm KK of Mo 3d. itu Km ?, 111% ?10 alii Del A H fee Do 56% l?w> do HI', 130J Weetern ( 83* Km do Ill1, lioo ao 83% 2<m uo ill % Km Paeifte Mall bo n? 6SO do 112 600 do l*% ?.? do 111% 4'0 do 18% *tHP.boL3 54% 6IJO Erie Kailwar.bebS 14', 1100 do a3 54 TOO do 1-4*2 K? do 58% W? do bit 14% 2<m\Vabtt.h bo 14% 2 *? Harlem Roilroed.. 147% 2'?l do 14 <?0 do bo 148 Km do 13% !?*? do.... .... 1471, 0? do 1471 1300 L Bhore A M Sobo 62*. 100 do ?d mV 5<ii) da .3 10O Union Pacific.. .be (Hi?, 7lK> do 56% KJO iillnole 84% 12<m do 06 2W> Chicago A N 33% lim tCaniaa Pacltic. .bo 7% "?10 do .... 63C 101 5uo Chic AN W of.. bo 77'* 2:30 TO 3 P. M. $5000 Can So debt cert 73% 400 aba Krle Kallwayb3 14% 5000 Bur. 0 R A N lei. 72'? 20) Luke Shore...... . ?2% 30UO Union PaciHc a r. 10O% ?00 do bS ?3 4000 ti A Mt Jo 8a, con 93% lUOWabaab 13% 50<m LmiIiIicIi A A It cun 4(1', Km do Id' 5000 Lville A N'ville 2d 87% 1U00 North weetern.... 53% 4U00 Pae inc.Vi>16 17 Km do. b3 $??% 5000 1'eetBe K ot Mo.. 105 1500 do 58% 3U0 abs Kel A Hudann. 58 Km Northwestern pf.. 77% 25 A A P Teleirrapb.. 23 600 do 77% Km Micbnten Central. 67 1400 do... 77% 100 do 68% 1500 do 77*4 15il0 Western Union.b.') 8 .1% 20 I-St Paul 54% 100 do a3 83% 10 do 54 200 do 83*, Km Central Rot M J.. 38% 200 do b3 83% 150 Rook Itlaud 112% 2**1 do bS 83% 100 do 112% 400 do 83% WO do 112', 1400 do 83% 110 do 112 Km St Paul p? b3 80% 100 do 112% 1211 do 80% 200 do 112V. 50O do 80% 5 do " 500 Pacific Mall.....;; iV" 100Gble. B A'DuImt! KHV KJO do 18*2 200 do 105 l"o do 18% Km Del, Lack A Wn.aS 56% TOO do b3 18% 200 do 56% 200 do ,3 18% 7U? do 56% Km H Y 0 A lludaonb3 1119% ""O do 5t!% 21?5 do HO 200Morrla A Keaex ... 83% ;um do Ho% urn do 83*2 200 d i 110% 21*1 do 84 2>m Brie Railway...13 1 1% 200 do 84*4 TOO do 1 i*J 40O do 84% WW do U3 14% 200 do 84% / ' ?? iy;? 500 do bUO 14% NEW MiK MINING STOCK EXCHANGE, Wmdnbsdat. Mar 29, 1878. FIRS! BnAHD-ll A. 11. VMahs B A Eillth.bc*3 .65 500 sbs Lacrosse....b3 ,3(1 os ,v*> du ?30 .an ,UB 600 do ??? ,"H !**> do 30 .00 600 do :w .Ob 100 uo 60 .03 600 do bOO .07 .07 600 do bOO .37 .07 6(>0 do .........>3 .00 101 d.i .??.bo SUD be b3 I'll ?? .... UN) ? 0 fV*l liai UNI dO.ea.s .Ml* bo bid 5UI do be bid Vki da..... be bid 5 HI do ... be bid Ilk) Ruckeyo... 21*1 do KM Uo...... ,???.. 5i*i Dohloneka. beblO Uki uo 1IK* do be bSO 5111 do ??? be 1.3 V*J do..... be hlo 61*1 do...a. UIU da . 1"*1 ao,.... ? 0 V?l do .... liai Hold Placer 11 at ittktn. . b*J l< O Lacrusae... .be ?.**> IO 1 do.... bo SUI do be liai do be ?."n> 51 at do IOO do ... b3 ??!.*? lut do..... be >15 Vat do.... t3 5ta> do 3. HI do...,. 21*1 d<?.. ?? 21 a J UO.. .. VW do..... Hat do.. .. 4**1 do..... UM do.. .. 21*1 do .... 5.*) do. .??? 40*1 do 5oO do..... 200 aba B k Edith 2UO do .MN? do .... .be bid *1*1 Co.... IOI *1 do ... , ?:< VNJ uo.... 5 ?? do.... :?y* 00.... .be. b'i IOO do.... pa* do .... 11 ay do ? blO UN* do ... It a* do .. ... bio u?* do .... lik* do ... u*> do 11*1 di ... 100 do bid lUl Am C?n... a... ... 5 CaiilornU e ? 6 da.... .be bid IO C'wn Vh.... be .07 boo do bO .30 .07 auuu do b"0 .37 do bl5 .37 .37 100 nam >? . 4.16 .37 lOO do..., 4 16 .37 11)0 do 4 16 .19 IOO do 4.16 .10 000 ao 4.16 .20 loti do 4.16 .10 OK) do blO 4.20 .20 loo do 4.16 .19 100 do 4.16 .2*1 Aui Flag...09 bid, .1" aekeit .10 Atu Con ? bid 7 asked .20 Bullion ? bid, 6 caked .07 Bc.eher -bid, 3)2 asked A lib dAliflnnli, ?bid, '2 2 Hiked .36 California.'.'1 bid, 21 aikod ,3.", Imperial.. 56 bid .95 a.ked .36 t'on Vlr. 13)4 bid, 14)4 Baked .36 Crown Point.. bid. tl a.kei .36 Cuiuler.. 1.66 bid, 2 6l> asHed .30 Cleveland... 3 bid. ? atkod .36 Exchequer... bid, 3 aakeu .35 i.'a A Curry, ? bid, 7>? naked .36 Halo k Nor...? bid, h aeked ,3b Julia ? old. 0 a.kod .30 K'a Ml.. 1.00 bid. 1.65 aakeil .30 lvtoparil 3D bid, 1. aaksd .30 .tlaripoaa 1 bid. ? nuked .30 N Hollo... 7Ja bio, MW a.Ked .30 N V A Col..l 46 bl4, 2. alkad .30 Ontario.,.,30>. nid. ? asked .30 beatoii -- bid, 2)4 aokod ,30 U C OfTonu.? bid, 5J* aoked SECOND BOARD?1 I?. 11. ,(J7 H*J aba Gold Placer, ao 1. .07 106 Ituklll b3U 4.(M) .07 UNI Lacrosse bo .30 .07 loo do bo b3 .36 .07 200 do bo .30 .1)7 60U do be .30 ,o7 3oo Mont Broa* nc 1.1" .07 10 1 Plurnaa bio 4.20 .07 loo do bio 4.20 .07 100 do blO 4.20 .(?7 H*l do blO 4.20 .07 100 do b30 4 26 .07 Am King... .0 bid.. 11 naked .07 Belcher 2'. bid. 36? naked .07 Buckeye.... 37 bid,. 4" sake 1 .07 Caehler....l.35 bid. ? aekrd .07 2)4 naked .' 7 linnerlitl... 56 biJ, .9" ankcd fck' litquer. - bid. 3)2 naked 2o * Justice ? bid, -t naked hentuck....? bid. 3.'4 naked lOCunVa 14V M.mee ? bid. 4<-, aakod 600 Uablunega 10 Nor Belle....?bid, 9)4 naked 600 do 10 Ontario....30)* ula. ? aakeu 2:30 P. M. 10IJ ahe Am Flag. 10 loo eh* Laeroeea. 30 Us* do 1" 100 do 3ii liaj do 10 1OU0 do 3il miiHl holt be 0 .07 HXJO do 3" lO 1 Hold blO I.U3 ilk) do 30 liai ao 1. !<**> do 30 6ui Dab lone* a.... bio .20 loo do 30 UNI do ....bl5 .20 100 do b.l .30 6'HI do uJO .20 IINJO '10 30 IOO do. b 15 .30 300 do 30 UN) do b15 .20 UNI da b3 .311 |i*> do 020 20 |ia> I'lnmns 1,3 4 20 IOO N V A Ool I.MO UK) uo 13 4 2o 100 do 1.05 100 do b20 4.26 COMMEKCIAL REPORT. cotton: kpot firm; futuru cloud barely bTi ADX?FIOUM DULL?WHEAT tnWlll-COKN KAHI Ell?OATS FIRMER ? WHIMKKT PA8IKH >OUS STEADY ? I. A III) UNCMANOKD - PETRO LEUM (JUIXT?OII.6 QCIF.T?BP1H11R TCIIPLM TINk QUIET--ROHIN BTEADY?CuFFAE QUIET? BDOAlt QUIRT. Wkpvk.uat, May 29?' p. M. Bualoaaa won anil uiodrrale, nltlioajb .bare w?a a rather boiler lealiag la aouie qaart.a. At the Pro. iiuce Exchange bu?ioee? moderate. Flour *u dalL Wbekl was dull aad lower. Cora wee meter. Oals flrui r. Wbiakey ?raa eeeier. I'ork eteady. Lard wtlbott decided cbaoge Cotton on lb? spot waa firm. Fulurea clone I barely ew<dy. (, rocerie* ?ere quiet. Il..slii waa eteady. spirit* lurpeutiue quiet. Olle and petroleam were qalet. Cornea.?The market for Hlo remained quiet bnt an ch mked. Tfce market ler mild coffee waa quiet. Ihr busi nen lor the week la eumrued op ea lei low. t-B.'JIN* inata Java, 5,173 b?f. Marasaibo. 7.157 do. Lairueyra, 273 do. Coeta Rico. 312 Be. navanllla, 3.H ao at Domingo. 721 do. Alrlean. (old In Iota for consumption within ear ran-*. The atock of mild enffee in llrat band, la 22.4*4 bags. Incladlao 6,745 bags Marasaibo. I.06O de LafWayra, S teel do. Ja males, 2.741 do. 1 oat* Rica, 165 do Meaieaa, 404 do. An irnatura and 5.063 do. Navanllla, and H 74.t male Blaaapore We quote :?Ordinary aargoe., 141*0 a 14',e. ; fair de., Id'Jc.; Kond no. 17e. ; pilme do.. W'.e a I7>*e.; ealreme range for Inte, I4'*e. a lUe ; raabe, fair to to nl. l '\?. a III1**, liold. teiday*. lava, government bay*. J'le. a 21',: tra.a mat*. 2"c. a -2J, : cingHpore. 17o. a H), . . Ceylon. 15c. ? IHc.: M*r**slbo, 14e a 17c. ; l.agoay ra. 11 Vo. a ?*"' "iial'i. I.ljit ; i' Jamaica, 19V * 10)40.1 Hi. I.ami 1,110, I ?e a 1714c.: Co.ia Kie?. 14c a I*,'. : k'.t lean, 16c a I6I4 ?? tleca-aar. 17c a l?e. , Angostura, 16c. a ld.'.e. . SovauUla. l3)4o a 17a ; f'uracoa. I3>4c. a 15c Cotton on the apot ruled firm *t yeeterday'e price* Kuturee opened at about turner prices and eh sad barely steady To-day'* price*, compared wlln Tuesday's, were ea lollow*! ? lamlny. Mat 26 k.liMley, Mau 26. May 11.37 a 11.311 Mar If Ma 11.43 June 11.30 a II 4" II 41 a - Jaiy 11.4" a - Jut III?* ,\ ilk net 11.50 a 11.61 A nguat II VI a 11.61 September. ... 11.15 . 11.16 September ... It Ula II 17 October M I'l ? ln'al October 111 1*4 a Itllk't November I".S4 a III N5 November I" *2 ? I" a? Here 111 bar l'iH2al"64 Ureeinbei.. .. I" *1 * I" ?* ! .laouary UMH ? IUIH January. .... I -11 ? 111.Ill Kebr ary I" lH a 11."I February...... lull ? a 11 .III March II ie? a II "6 March !l."7 a 11 mi April II 15 a II 17 April II.17 a II |a ? Current price* of Hunt cotton (Ilia follow 100 qnolatinne am based on American standard of eW*etB*?tlnn. aad on cotton III Jtore ronninir In quality not more than half a krade above or below tho k'ade quoted) : ? /'/?(. 110U. Alain toot. .V. fhnrttnt T'rat Ordinary 6 u-HI h ie.|it S||.|fi HIM" Strict ordinary n 5 1" It 5 IB It 7 1" U 7 I" O 10.1 ordluarv IMS-IB H IS. 16 Ml". IB II 15 I" Mrlci kood ordinary. I" ft IB III 5 Id 1" 7-1" 10 71" L*tw 1111 oilIII'ir. ... Kill IB 1011 IB 1013-16 |n 13.16 Stnet low raiddliuic.. 10 16 16 IO 15 III II 1 IB II I - let Mlditlink II 3. IB II 3 IB II 5 IB II '.IB Hood mlidllnk II ? IB II lk|B II II.IU II II IB Mrtet kood iniddllnk 11?4 11)4 12 12 MldulliiR lair 12'* 12', I'JU I ."4 Fair 12) * 12', 13 13 ?Stained?Hood ordinary. H??o.; airiet ordinary, '.i1,#.; low mlddlink, l'\e. 1 uiluuliuk, I"'4c hale, ol epot cot ton JV/My. /x?,r Af, e. Tat'%1. Esport ? 136 lis Con.ompilon IINI I,|s4 1.3MO Speealation 3:m ISO 4 rj loialt 532 I.47H 2,"l'i ? ileBvertd on contract l**i halre, Saturday. Per lulure delivery the salea were aa tol ow* : - Veeterder. after two P. M.?June. 2-ki balce at 11 41c JIM at II 4le., U'lat 11.4"e.. rpaiat 11.We. . .Inly, Wki at II 4So., 4>M at i I 47r , 31*1 at 11 4"c . 1,1 *N> at ll.46e. i Anknet. 4<NI at 11.51c., I.2?*i at 5<?i at ll.Sie . 1,2'HI at ll.Sila., 4H* at II 61c. | i-eptemher, I'M at II IOe.,200 at It ISe , 4* w 1 at II. 17c . <k*i el II.I#, strict II.IBc : October. IfM at UI VUc. I March. H?i at IIOOc. Total. 0.4<*l hale, T, day up to two P. M.-May. 6111 at ll .TTe. . June. U*i at II 4"!'., 500*1 11.3110. to I at 11.41c., July. I,m?i *t II.tkc ; 21 "I at ll.4He., JTti at II 44c, 1**1 at 11.411c.. 41m at 11.47c., 11*1 at ll,4Sc , M l at II 10c , Auunai. ll.lSc., 3,1* HI at 11.49s., 1,41S1 at II.Vie.. II " at I I.4IK'.. 1.IIWI lit II.vie.. I.IOI at II I2e . |t*lat 11.61c.: 2,2'* 1 at 11.630.: September, 2"" at I I.I4e.. 2,71*1 at 11.16s.; UN* at II IBs., 6UO at 11.16c.; 2INi at II |6e ; Hclobt r. 4i*i at 10.93s . 300 at IU94fl.; :P*i at lO.'.k'tr.. 2'HI at lo.UUe. ; November, 41*1 at UtKIs, : Dscrin >sr. :**( at 10 H2e , KM at 10.63s. . Marcli, 2<?i at I t.lktc., April, j at ll.lllc. Total, 21.Si JO balsa Hrand total. 32. V?i. WW?M?ili The reccip * at ths porta wers a* lollow,: Halvsatoa. 333 bales; Nsw Hrlsans 21*1: Mobile, 142, Savannah. niM; 1 barisatoii 37; 6 tlmliikton. S; Norlol*. tS" New fork, 324; Borlnn 647; Philadelphia. IH2. Total, 3.192. Tin, day lot w-eO, 2.916 llli .lay laal vear, MN5 Mel ? ion Septentb. r I, t,)64,.l2'l balea to last iiiklit. flotton Irelybt" doted aa lellowa : -T ? Havre, by ?ie ,m ',c _ piea-cd ; t,? tali. *< '. I tw llammiek, hv t-aoi. ?, .ted 10 1 reinen. by ateam. 11 Ilk., . oiuure., d ; oy sail, I5."4d.. anil. )*c. lo l.iterpool, i4d. liv,t?Hm ;ny sail, I6.ti4d., com- ! pfes.C I Flouo ano ClhaiN.?Hccelpts? Floor, 7,"20 bhla.; whoot, 247,700 bethel,; c.irn meal, 210 aaske; earn, 297,956 hntliela; daia, 6S.MH6 do ; rye. 26,10" do.: barley, 56" do ; barley mall, 7,6oO do. Floor was siUI oolh The ealsa, iu eluding State. Western and Southern. wre about It'#' bble. within the annexed range flour was steady, witb sales of 3i?l t.bls. l orn meal wo tlui moody. The sales were l.UXi bbl*. Kye wo* steady. Marley and malt war* dull. We quote'? No. 2 State $2 73 a #3 85 Superfiue stag# a .30 ? 4 56 hxtra Stale 4 23 u 4 .'??> Choice Main 4 Viw 4 73 Superfine Western H.'Ma 4'*? Kxtru Western 4 1'n 4 50 Minnesota 4 7 . ? 6 '*? K uud hoop Ohio, shtppiug brauds .... 4 30 u 4 73 ' Ml* b Round Hoop Ohio, trade brands .3 10 u .*> 3(1 Family 5 4na Hwi City tuIII* 4 'ma 3 .3(1 SI. l.ouis. low extra 4 7.3 a .3 0" St. Louis. low straight 3 Oil a 3 .'aj St Ieiuls. cbulce double extra >3 SI) a .3 73 8t Louis, choice family 5 7.3 a 0 75 Kye Hour 2 75 a a 3o Southern. No 2 2 .50a a 25 Southern, superfine a 25 a 4 Imi Southern, exira 4 2.3 a .3 Ul southern, family .3'*'a 7 50 Com meal. Western 2 4<i a 2 75 Corn meal, white Western 2 75 a a HO Corn in.-al. Jeraoy 3 Mil 2 BO Corn meal, Hruu.iywiue !. 2 OH a 2 0-3 Corn meal, puncheons 15 75 a ? ? W beat waa dull ami heavy The sales were 30,0110 nuabela at $1 11 a $1 12k for No. 2 Chicago; $1 12 lor No. 2 \ill wnultee; $1 l3f.rNo. Id...; 51 12 lor No 1 Now York, and 51 26 lor white. At the llrwt call. Ill imo bu-lieL No. 2 red winter, for June, euld at 51 15 a 51 15)4; ltt.nUO?o. No. 2 spring, for June, at 51 10; 4'),(*ai do., for July, at 51 07>< a $1 OH^; M.OOO bushels No. 2 Northwest, f .r J one, at 51 11. At the aecond call, 40JUOO ottahela No. 2 spring, for June, sold at ?1 111)4. and 21.1*10 do. .lo,, lor July, at ? 51 141)4. Com waa earner, with heavy receipti The aalea at the Orel call were 33,000 bushels. cash, No. 2. at 47c ; 24.nOI> do . May No. 2. at 47c , and 64.000 do. July No. 2, ?- 47c. a 47j4C. At the second call tint aulas were 4.HIX) tiuahels July, No. 2, at 47'4e The aalea between the calls were about 125.1*JO bushels, at 46c a 4'l)ic. tor Steamer mixed, 46)4c. ? 47)4 . for No. 2 mixed. 44)je. a 47^0 for ungraded: 04,'**) bushel* No. 2. tor Jn y. nt 47'Jc. Data were firmer, closing a* follow*:?No 1 while. 35c. a 3.3',C.: Nu 2 do. .(2)4c ; No. 8iln.. ; extra 'ml No 1 mixed, 3Dc.; No 2 do..281(0 a'J6*4c. ; No 3 do . 2Mc. The aalea were about 40.0 a* bushels. Hear ann Jutk.?The market remained steady but quiet. We quote American dreseed. $175 a 51*2 50 for sin Is, 9310 a 5215 lor double and 513U a 5175 lor undressed; Kus. sin, clean. 52'>5 a 5210. gold; Italian. $270 a 5275 gold; Jute. 4)4c a rto , gold; jute bntta.2 11-lHc. a 2)*?' . currency, cash and time; Manila hemp, OJjc. a 7e., Sisal,o'^c. aj),c. ; latle, 5c. a 5'4*c., all cold Mo lass is Foreign waa dull and with Incrcaalng re ceipts ih-m irkcl ruled weak. The atucK is 3,131 lihds. t'uoa, 2 1*14 do. I'orto Klco and 2,03.3 do. Kn lish Islands. Jlomettic ruled stendy and litlrly active. The stocx of New Orleans 1* 2,1X1) bbl-. We quote Cuba, cent, ilugnl and mixed. 23c. hHO. ; clayed. 32c. a 31c : muscovado refining, 32c. a 35c ; grocery. 32e a 36c.: I'orto Hieo, 34c a 4 c.; Xngllsh Island-, 33a a 40c ; New Orleans, ucw crop, cum men lo lancv, 25c. n 4tc Naval Stoiikh.?Koaln was an et, but steady and un changed, .-pints turpentine was quiet. We quote :--6pirils turo-ntine. merchantable order. 3 'c ; rosin, goo I strained, $1 50 a $1 52)4; ordinary, 51 43; tar, 52 25 ; pitch. 52 Ad vices from Wilmington were as billows: Koaln unlet; strained. 51 15; good strained, 51 2U Tar steady, 5133. Turpentine steady: hard, 51 : soft. 51 73. Spirits firm. 27c. Oil*-Cottonseed oil - The following were the hid and asked prices nt the call:?.May, 48c. bin, 50),u. asked; June, 46c. hid, 50c. asked; July. 47!,c. bid, 50c. asked; August, 46r. hid, 50c. asked; first half year, 47)4c bid. SOc. asked: seller all year. 46)4c bid. 47c nskad. l.lnseed oil was quiet. Wo quoteLinseed oil. 3Hc.. sperm, crude. HHc. a 51; bleached winter soerui. 51 12; tin. natural do., 51 07: crude, .Northern whale, 5Uc. ; do. Southern, 4.5c.; hie .chou winter. SMc.; uatural do.. 55c.; extra bleached winter elephant, 70c.: nut oral winter extra do. do., 65c.; winter bleached fi-h, 43c. t crude fish, Mnnud, 33c Prtkolkum ? Kenned was quiet, but firmer. At the Pe troleum Kxchango the market was quiet and about 15,.**) bhls. sold within the rsngo. the market opened at 51 2'i%. The highest poiut reached waa 51 30 and the lowest 9125)4 Wo quote :-Crede. lu hulk, 7Me. a 7)?a; do., in bhls.. H\ie a 0)4 c ;refioed. In bhls., like. bid; do, in eases. 14Kc. asked fur ordinary brands. Naphtha, Hr. a 6)4c.; refined, ut I'hlladelpbia, ll34c.; at Kaltlmore, IPqC. POCLTrv?Market luact Ive. We quotei?Creased poul try?Turkeys, good to prime, 17c. a 2'ic.; froseu turkeys, Vermont, prime, small. 23c. a 25c. 1 owls?Western, 15c. a 17c. : Jersey and State. 13c a 14c.; chickens, winter, Phil adelphia dry picked 35c. a 40c : da, soring. 26 a hoc.; do.. 5i'arllnga. dry picked, 15e. a 16c Livo poultry-Fowls, erscy, New York and Pennsylvania. 13c a 14c,: no., southern, 12c. a I He.; do.. Western. 12c a 13c.; musters, per lb., 7c. a So.: turk -yt, Jersey, New York and Pennayl * 4"- - " '1., West irania, 12a a 14c.; do.. Western, per lb., 12c. a 13c.: ducks, Jersey, New York and Pennsvlvanta, per pair. 67c. a 51 12; d"., VI vstern, per pair, 55o. a65c.' geese, Jersey. New York end Pennsylvania, per pair, $1 25 a 51 flo; do.. West ern, per pair, 60c. s 51. Wild pigeons, prime Might, per dosen, 'Sic. a 51; will squabs, per dump, UOc. a 51 '25. bug lish snipe, per doseu. 53. Provisions.? Keceipta? Pork. 11 bbl*.; lard, 1,63.3 tierces, f)7 kega and 217 caves: cntmeais, 1,632 packages: baton. 606 boxes; heel, 14 tierces, and 250 cases. Pork was steady, dosing at the sec md call as follows :-May, 5* '.*) hid; June. 5il bid, ill 35 asked; July. 51) 21) hid, 56 3u asked ; August, 5'.J 25 bid. 56 45 asked; September, $11 35 hid, 50 51) asked, October. $:? 4Dbid. 50 65 asked, Novem ber. 56 75 bid, 5ll asked; December, it) 75 hid ill) 75 asked. Sales were 50u bblt. mn?a at #1) a 51) 30 cash; 5is) bhls. June at $6 00, and 750 do. August et fll 13. t'utmeatt wert quiet; 200 1 oxes pickled o. Hies 1.3 lbs. at 4ke free on board in Boston. Kaonn ruled dull et Sc. for cltv long clear, and 41*0. a 4kc. for Western long clear; SO boxes city long clear sold at oe. Heef was quiet but steady at late prices Wo qnoie:? Harrel*. plain mesa. $10 a 511 Mi; extra mess.511 .'die $12; packet. 513 a $13 5<>: tlerced, city extra India met*. 520 a $22. Ileet bams were firm at (III 50 lor prime and choice Western l.ard without decided change, cl ising at the second call as followsJ one $6 73 old; $6 * ? sake I; J ul v, $0 75 bid. 96 60 asked; August. ?6 Hikbld. $6 a7l? askeo; September, $6 1*1 bid. $6 67)4 asked; seller year, $6 72)4 bid. $6 75 asked; Dec-inber $7 1*3 nsaed. The aalea were about .5.U1I tierces at 56 75 lor Jim-. 56 75 a $6 77)4 for July and $6 82X n $6 65 for August, f-pot sales we" 2lri tiorces city sv $6 65, 1511 do. Western at $6 75. and 10<ido. oil'grade et 56 61) Kelm. d?li?l tierces elty No. 1 sold at 6)4c. Mutter ? llecripls, 6.676 pack ages. The market wae dull. We quotet'reamery, Male and Western. 16c a 2Hc.; Statu tubs line, 17c. a lllc. : do.. fair lo good, 13c a 16c.; Western, line. 14c. a 16c. ; fair to g 10d. 8c. a 12c.; low grades, old, 5a a 6c. Dlieeae ? Keceipta. 24.617 boxee. The iuarke> a as dull auil weak: lull cream quoted at He. and skimmed at 3c. a 4c. bggs - Keeelpls. 1.677 bbla. The market was quiet. We quote:-Long Island, sew Jersey and nearby, 13c. a 14c. 1 State and Pennsylvania, 13a a 13Vc.: Western, 12a a I2VC. Kick.?the market was quiet, owing to the .vght supply, and holders were very firm IV? quota:?Carolina, lair, 6c. *6)ta; good to prime. 6)4c. a 6\c.; choice. H\,c. a 7e.; Patu>1, 7c. a 7)<e., currenoy ; iu bond. 4c. a 4)?i'.: Kangoori. in bond, 3'4c , gold. 6TKAKIHX. ?Keeaipts, 2U libda and U2 tierces. The mar ket was active Sales worn .Ml.'KSr h s. ai 7'jC. Hiijak ? Thcmarket lot raw was quiet: ZtP? btids. cnmniou muscovado sold at 7 I'liic Kellned was du I. We quote :? Fair refilling, 7'4c ; good do . 7)4c. ; prime do , 7',i'. ;Culia, centrifugal hogsheads md boxes. Nos. 8 to 1:1. 7),.c. a Hi^e.; do. raolassev, hogsheads and boxes, 6^0 a 7S,'a; I'm to Klco, refining, common to lair. 6)4a a 7 Igc. t do. do., good to prima. 7t4c- af'.e.; rehned stanoard A. 87,c. a '.ic off A. 6)4a a sVa ; oruslied, 9)4f. a Ir'ia : powdered. Ii?,c a nw,c.: grenulaled, li'?o : off granulated. a ii't&; cut loal, M)4c : while extra C's, 7^'c. aK',c , , olios i:'? 7-4c. h 7)4o.: other grades including 12s. 7c. a 7','c. The tollowlng shows the statistical position of raw sngar : ? HlutM. Tinges. tt u/s. J/ehofo. Stock (ascertained hy actnal count, inclining specula tion!. May 1. 1876 39,063 12.044 33.114 271 Receipts since May 1 76.336 4.516 142.663 3,1x1.5 Total* Utt.UW 17.-41*0 ITA.MIT S ITtt Hale* .inc* May I SA.7U4 4.14 H3.775 3.4.H stuck tiitaday is7H M.M 13,uh.i i la 222 ~tF, Comparing with atoek May SI. 1*77 M,?U 14,1*17 174,*74 US* (umpiring wttU cluck Jtui* I. IS7H H7,IJ0:1 90.121 329,894 5.4*5 ('??in paring with atoek Juuu i. i*7? m,;t.v. 41.ass 104.M12 7.3110 TalI-ow.-Kaceinta, 228 bbl*. Tint market ?*a active. The 1 ilea war* I3B.I**) lb*. at tl ld-lflc. a 7c tor prime. W maker. ?Keeeipta, 624 bbla. Tba mark-it w trailer; All btila. ?"hiatal '*1 olferad nftnrvvnrd a SI '171* Kk*iiuit* -I ba general market w?? fairly active and Arm Kngai;ein*iite?To Liverpool. par ale am. 12,ih*> huahala wheat. Sit: A.UUO box** cat**#. 3Aa ; l.t**t h ixe* bai'uit, SOa. ; 31*1 hit da. tallow. 9U* : 3 *1 tlaroaa beat, Aa ; Mflra. lu lara. 4<tx Lonnin. aall. BO 1 t.bu tl,.u .. . ... I atrem 24.l*JO httahdl* Iiraln. !mi till II.a. Oiaauow, ale .in Itt.ikai bnahala train, s',d. ; S.AOM boxta clianaa. 4*i* Hremaa aall, H.taki i.naiiri, grant. 7Sd. If*. : 3 *i lib I*, ahna pax*. 3a Hi. 1 An 1.Ii'ti. tufaera. :id.. tbl. | K.latol, at earn, 39 hhda. lalluw, 93* ; 3.0*1 liotr, rnaaia. I iv Rotterdam. ataam s.irri buahila grain an private term*. Antwerp, a to am. Id,'**! hnalieii grain, no.; pt) ti.nea haron 37*. Mil Hamburg. aall, 1* 11 tletraa lurtl. JH? 34. Mail, ataain. 4*.U0U bual.ala grain. tt),d. ; 3*1 b?\ra bacon, 37a tit!.; I11U tana mea.uramanl gonna un privata term*. Charter*-A Norwegian bark, banc* t>. tor. I or ur.lrra, with :t,A<?l quarters grain. 7ta. 1(4,4.1 un.i banc* ta Horieaux. 4,'XIU quarter* aata, 7a. 34. par 4M'I lb*.; a Norwegian bulk, tins tuna, hanoe with 3,!*?> quarter* grain and halitnen of cargo all rake: a Norwegian bark, bene* fo ('ark lor order*, with 3.A>i i quarter* uraln. A* lU^i.tan A n?i r an berk, lie mm to Cork, Itnklln ?r llelle-t, with 4.2(*J quarter* grain, A*. 4*1 ; a bark moored (lacked c onfirm atlaii), banca ta dork for order*. 3.A10 qiiArtor* grata. Aa, 94. ; Autlrlan bark, reported bene t<> do., S.AikJ qnartara, A*. I(lt?d t a Hrlttali bark. 347 ton* barer ta Nlo Janeiro, uet.eral cargo 00 private term*; 3.'1*1 quarter* grain, Baltimore, lark lor order*.i>* Sd. . Ti.tHki qnartara (veanal to arrival the oar to do. .'?* Wd. ; "><*?? quarter*. *amH voyage, tl*., and A.AUt! niiartara, Aa. lid (vo-ael* to arrive); Austrian bark. (VIA tone, I'hltadelphla. Hriatol Channel, grain. A*. M, tier quarter; en American *lnn (Sartnai. Philadelphia to Llverpu I. tilaaeow or HriaWfl, gvnaral cargo, on private term*: American acbeotiar 3lit .tl lumber, hence to I'nrl Sp.tin, #3, *a* Ann tt do aaat* rayap* a ad rata. aad ma p?i M da. ? iinie tartns; Norwegian bark (Paaabteol, heme to ih* 1 no. Ilaant wnh ganarai cargo, mat Iv tnMitai. un private lariu*. British alt to, I oin ti n: .more to { aaat coaat at lielann. with h,l*l! quarter* grain at A*.: (larnian >n p. hk'i 1..11-, vapor tad bene* iu ti'iwaru. en ral rargo tlaid on th* berth), at rata* for a bir I 1.1**1 llarcaa lent wis lep rfei angag-d; a Helium batk.benre to Mrrnian, with t.ltjlibola re nan peirmeiini on owner'* acenant; a Norwegian bark bene* to ntnek holm, crude mid re lined petroleum 4a, S I. u It ; ? liaria.n amp. reported H,.>ai bin* refine I priralaum. Saw tor*. I'blladelnbl . or llaltimor*. Bremen, 3a 7,',d ; Catalan bark tram I'btlaualpbla to the Uontinaat, lull r? age, with 4,<*rt bolt 4a. at or aoont 3a |t 1,(44. i .tmwr plan bar*, banee to KhdRara lor a roar* wlin g,m*l libit, do. on private lalWl an rabanaar hpar* ta Imiad Kingdom dim 1 who 3,1**1 Mil*, r.i.ldaan at 4* .Id , a ahlp, r .poitad I liila't Iplil* Antwerp or fireman, lit.tar 1 .,1,1, ratln* 1 pa t'Olram. at 3a. n ',d , itritith abip, recently ham a to la>n> '**! bol* d" 3a ltd. 1 Herman abip reported, banc* to lite < aatiaam a lb do . ao owner'* *? e ant. Natm. ? ship, MM tuna, la laat ra.arted la atrat to Itua.un Ayr** abenht have read Miaman. NfcW SOUK. CATTLI MARKETS. W?ii*?*n*v, May 3H, 1*7*. argktmi ran rwo o.r* ??-.). HA. ? far'K /?**?'? fkn fo'.v* /.?? f/op*. Slattern at real I..YI7 33 1.41*1 1,741 ? I I,moth .treat - ? ? ? fl.ttA.'l Jaraay City 1,711 ? 2,7*1 :t.:te7 Toialt S AVI tl V'i2l I'Mil'i Harvr a I rada waa rilreniety dall on thla lorenioin and th oief.eti r I..*. 4 weak with *e*#ral untold. I'rl -aa war* 7'|B. a l",%r par lb . aeiaiil* l1, cat. any wi. t^o I* it * from poor to g at, la geuarai rnai.t ei 1 fat. . ala* were 1 ITact. d oa .'Sliba oat, Wltb a law an ?'? I ? nat, ano a .till la*. HMHI ar on ftl lb*, net. At S| alirlll atfeal ) .rda T. t Kaatinaii anld I01 tell 43 <?*'? af Harned cailie, aale* a* loilow* . ?!<? tilioida atear* t P'* . twr i?. aa.glil. * i?t. *7), i wl . I7A lllinola ataer. at ,r per lb ael b.a 7 1 wt. a <.'* twt a i vnt . 131 li nod. .latra at !if,e per lb.. Weight* 7)n cat. a . la twl.; 1 7 > llll.nd. aterraal |4tc per lb . welgbk* 1% eat *7 . rat II lliinon ala.r* ni iu ?c. par la . weight iat Clary A Can 4 tor aeiraa ltd llllaaia ateaia Itfypd. ? lnVc, par lb., w Ignt7'* rwt Uillia A Hinwa told for ael**. II lilm-d. atena at P:,,e p?%lb.. weight n>? ? wi t, Kaon told for Kann A Co 4 nulla, lira weight I .'77 lb. per head, at 4c per lb. . II hmlt, llv* weight l,47o lb*., *1 <',? par lb , I' d uiaaourl ataara?J47i head at It* per lb.. walgbl flu cat . At bead at *>''a . par ib., at. 41 < R par h**'l ea bl liead. 7 cat. a," 4 aat.. a< ant; 42 bead *4*'?. 1 *r Ih . with 41 aa p r ead o :tl h ad, walgMkfaWt *7',ewt , |.> n* ?I at n\e , ar In, wet. 1.1 II twl , I'lnaadat t't'ac par lib. wltta ?l aa per bead. eidalitS ( ##4 nan A I neatpaan aatd far . ivrt >1 l linoia ataara at 9)?t per ib Willi 41 an par baad, wwtgbl 7 cat, g. do*, oh .oiu lot aall 37 Colorado -tear. 4* ,v. per In., 41 cwt ; Ml ttlloma .laer*. II head at "I**. p*r lb, Wei?hl ? awl. . 4? bead at P',a. per lb., ealgbt h)? rwt.: W need at M ,c. per in., naight 7/a awt,, a*aat; 17 head at t?\o par U?., weight 7'j cwt.: IHlte nl iu I'le. per lb, weight 7?f cwt lJ# if. fc ~ ' ' " ' "" siren II. s ftt)Rmtli4i mid foe f, <tuib-ehl *1 I2i Mi* ssuri ?ie?r>- Vf head *t Ho per lb., weight ?'i o?l : 34 heed at ?>'4e. par lb., weight 7 cwt,, strung If bead el 9Wc. p r lb., weight 6', cwt. ; h.r 4. Murrt* 73 t'nuruke* steer* >1 fir. per lu.. weight .7}, cwt : 7m Mleauurt sl-ere?Ati it per lu.. weight cwt.; ,m .vile>ui,ri ?l-era-to head at He per lb.. weight /'a cwt ; 31 head at 9'*e. ?er lb., with f I uu per head, weight 7 cwt.; HI heed at ;it?c. per lb . with 01 uIf per bead. *>h<tu 71, cwt. At t'itjr yerds ?t'ony A Mrflirreui! eold am commi-ema 7.' t oloradu steer* at tM.c per lu., with #1 ? IT per heed, w.lchl ??'? cwt., >tffi>ft mi 1 l?t uula aieers at lie, e li"!,c. par Ih . weights tl>, cel. e M>, cwt.; lur 1> Ohio steer* at n'^o. a IHIwC. per lb., weights 7 ea t. a 8 cwt. ; lor s. Hruwa, U -till fed bulls, live weight 1 32H lbs per heed, at 31,c. per lb J 11 still fed hulls, ll\e weight IIMi) I be., et 93 f I ?? r ow t : ft still led bttl.s. live weight 1.39M Ihs per head at 93 7<l per cwt. Nrwiuu A lloliaes s<du fst liiieuia steers, ? uead at pur lb., with Me. ulT per head, weight *> 1ft head ultM.c. per Ih.. weight 7 est A. f uller sutd uu leu 7 I imulssiuii 7 car loads of I'eunvylvatila steers, terms not uhtinned, K, Samuels sold fur V Morris, 1 dr> cow. live weight I .lltlti Ihs., at S-Vfc per Ih. an I #1 on. to dra-a ftsi lbs. net' fj I'heroke# steers at 7*^0. par Ih . weight ftj cwt.: 1M Missouri steers at Hfco. per lu., weight cai ; K> Missouri steers at H'.e oer lu.. weight 7I4 owl . Ift Mis souri steors al lijt,e. per lb , aeiguis 7'4 c? i. a cwt : Hi Illinois st. ers at 0'4e per lb. with #1 on per head on I bead, weights 6<J cwt. a 7 cwt. ; 11 lUiuols siears at 11} Utf4U, vttflglll* T?*4 CWV. H I CWfc, , lit .i.miih Bfui* lit ?? Jb. per lb.. weight 7's cwt.: 8 Illinois steers at uMc. per In,. weight 7ls cwt. ; IH Illinois steers at Hie. per lb., weight cwt. t'ugel A Kdgeu-teiu sold for dryer A llegun Stein H ill.note steers at do per lb , weight ft*, cwt.. 23 Illinois steers at U'.c. !>?' lb., with AU?. oil per bond, weight ills cwt. ; 33 Illinois steers at n'.c. per Ih.. wuh HUe. off per head on 13 bead, weights ?i'i cwt.. strong, a 7 cwt. a 7 cwt., strong. H7 111lts< is steera at fl^o. per In., with 9 1 off per head on 31 head and 7>iic off oer head on ill bead, wulghte 7'f cwt. a 7f, oat W. liuuh'v sdd lor tl. l'l.ompanu Hf still led hulls, lire weights 1,350 lbs. a 3 100 loe per bead, at 3-\ a 5c. perlu . geuernl sal s at Hyae per lb it, W. Sherman sold lor Witixel A ,llcrtoii H5 illinols steers at do per lb., Willi $1 on per head on 13 head, weight tit.,' cwt. Sfegel A Meyer sr.ld tor S. Morris At Co orado steers at 8j$e per lu.. weight .V* cwt.; 51 Kansas steers at '.I'.c. a li tic. per lb., weight 0>w cwt., f3 Mouteoa steers at 9Jf<L a 9<,e p r lb , weight ? cwt.; H3 iliiiioia steers at djgtt, a Hl>eC. per Ih.. wolglit 7.!^ cwt. Toffcr A Sous sold for It. .Morris on Missouri str^s at per Ih , with $1 on per head on 30 head, weight*!1.,' cwt . stroug. 3. O'Donnell sold for Walxel A Allerton 10 Colorado steers at H\,c. par |b., weight 7'a cwt. ; H8 Missouri ateera at do. per In., with otic, on per bead, weight 0'4 cwt. M. Eautcr liach eold lor N. Morrie 15 Illinois ?u? r* at Ik per lb., with $1 or, per head, weight IIH cwt.; -Mi Illinois steers at'.l'^o. per Ih . Willi 50c. on por head ou 13 b -ail. weights 8,<, cwt., scant, a 7 cwt.: H3 Illinois steers at 9>?c. per lb . wulghts cwt. a 7'g curt. iNU Laxiis ?Trade very slow and sereral Hocks nnsol i at noon, when the markets closed week. sheep sold at 3>jc. a 5,'4e. per Ih. ; woolly sheep at ~'%c. per Ih. . bucKs at 93 ill a 93 3,> per cwt.; also at $-1 per bead; laiiiiia at 4kc. a 7c. per lb. Kase A I'iucoek sold 1 i.u ?* lor iff ; 100 .Missouri sheep, weight 11.130 ln*..at9f 01,\ per cwt.: 105 Kentucky-beep, weight 9.fOO Ihs., at Hj4e tier lb.; 5 Virginia sheep, weight IM ?Ins.. at f \c per Ih. . o Virginia sheep, weight 310 lbs, at 5c. per Ih ; HI Ohio sheep, weight 3,3:10 lint, at ftc. per lb.^ H Ohio .s 'Cep, jlglit 330 I ha., at A'ge. per Ih ; f Kentucky UiiiIih, weight lb*.. at 4}tc. per lb.; <11 Kentucky lam<?, weight U > lb*. ar ,r)c. por lb. ; H Kentucky laitibf, weluht ?J'.K) lb*., at Cc. per lb.; 14 Jersey lambti, wi-i ht TdO ?b*.. ?%t ?'4c. pprlb. ; 4<?.)pr?ey laiiioi*. weiifht?bv. at 7? d<t lo. .Nawkmi tk. llolute> *ol?i 'JH Uulu slieop, woi^bt 2, I4>? Iba.. at 4 'aC. l>er 4'blo nbeep, weioul 4-1 1 JO lb* , at 4^c P*1' ft*-1II -tt A Co. eold <104 mi a ?... ? _ xed KfDtucky aiieep' and latuba, welghtN 07 l??a. a 7M lba. per Head, at 4be per lb.; 02 Kentucky alieep. Weight lb*, per beau, at 8){c. per lb.; 101 K-ntucky laiuba, weight 67 iba. i?r beau, at 4'^c per lb. ; 04 Teuue^ttc larnuM, weight 01 ib*. per bead, at '?c. per lb.; .">01 Virginia lamb* weight ?V? Ins per b?*i \J I 'till "1, WUIKUI ???.? IO-V |WSSB ?w ?? 0 . (i?| IU. , S 1 itmky lambs, weight 50 Ihs. per head, at $> 30 per .; H55 Kentucky luuibs, weight fll lbs pur, at 5 ',0. ad, utflAHlH per cwt. oovla A llall' tiheck sold Til woolly sheep, weight 33 Ihs. P"r head, at 5?,c. per lb. - 3H7 Ken tacky iambs, weight 50 Ihs. por lie.u. at . per Ib. . 7f Kentml cwt. per lb. .MI lo it Cows.?One sale of H bead, calves Included, for 91115 the lot. Vkals and Uai.tics.?Sales slow ; quality Irom pour to talr. Hnttcrmlla led cslvet. 3i.c a H,'ac. pel In. ;ordluaty quality calves at f <^c. ? 5l,e por Ih. 11 Otis.?There were no live hog, on sale. DOMESTIC MAKKETS. ? ALTK.sTON. May 29, 1873. Cotton quiet ; middling, lO^e.; low mlddliug, IU1, :.; good ordinary, U.t,c Net receipts, 333 bales. hxpurts Sales, 50. coastwise, 75. Sales, 50. Stock, lo.HSS. Nkw oklkans, May29, 1873. Cotton quiet and steady; middling. 1 Ic.; low middling, 10!sC.; good ordinary. ??,c Net receipts, 300 sles; gross, 57U. Exports coastwise, 379. Sales, 1,500. Stoek, 83.103. MoniLK, .May 33, 1878, Cotton qnlet; middling, lojjc. ; low middllug. Inc.; good ordinary. 9,'Jc. Net receipts 113 bale a Exp <rla coastwise, 70. Same, 350. Stock, 3,21 w. Savannah. May 30, 1873. Cotton?Buyers off-ring lower; uominnlly unrbsnged; middllug, ItHJc.: low middling, 10','c.; good ordinary. 9Kc <et receipts. 0H3 oales. Exports coastwise, f2H. Sales, 20 i. stock, 0,581. CitAHi.KMTON. May 19, 1m7m. Cotton quiet; middling, lofjc ; low mid iling, 1 <i"B ? ; good ordinary, V%<-. Net receipts, 37 bales Exports coastwise, 159 Males, 100; stock, 3,209. Wilninuton, N C., May 29. 1><78. Spirits of turpentine tlrin at 27c. Hosin quiet at $1 15. Crude turpentine steady, 91 lor bard; $1 7> for yellow dip; *1 7.> a $2 lor virgin. Tar ?tun<ly a( f I 53 Ht/rrALO. Mar 211, 187H. Flour In fair domand: ntlm uf 7?V> b <ih at range; .So. 2 spring. ."^4 7.5 a ^"> 25; l?Hk?rll., $?"? 75 a 50; No. I spring, $.? miiib?r. $ i n $ ? 25; while. 2 > a 7.?; new pioceini, ft>7 2.*>n$8 Ac#: city gmuru. No 2 spriug, fi 75 i ff>; .So. I spring $5 75 a $*? 25; a-nher. 2 ? a fri 75; white winter, .fO 50 it $7; new pro eta .$7 .5i? a . rye, $'l 75 a $4. Wb?at n?n??ill?d; *Hie* of 1 ,(XM# otiabvln >t? 2 IhiSntrf nub itt $1 'Mi; 2,00<f do- <?n prieato torrna; 2.5(41 do. .No. 1 hard on priratn torina. Com mill; Mitlea of 2,(*J? bu?hel* high uitxod at 44c . 5<m do. No. 2 We*.tarn at 444a?*.. Oftti riuotcd -No. 2 Cbicago at :<Ic. a 2l>gO.; Mato? 2Iks, a 24c. Barlev ?p??et, aoaouti abont over. Hyo In light Inanity ; aaloa uf 1,4*?>i haaboU We-qlt rn itt '12c. Illghwlnvii iimctive ; h-id at f 1 hi a $1 07 lur ci y made. Other *: tide* unchanged, fttallroad ireight* aifitdy. Canal Ir i^lita lower. Wheat. 5,'^c.; o -rn. 5c.; out*. a*3. ; ry*, 5c. to .Sow York, t.colpt* by railroad*?Flour. 2(t?x) biila.; a beat, 2.tXJU buabelt; oom, 24. do.; onu, 22,Htki do.; Parley, 5,UK) do.; rye, 4,I'M) do ily take ?Fiaur, 1.140 bbla.; wheat. bathe I* ; coru, 2^>,t(47 do. -hip ntiiiU by ruiitua l? -Kluar. <? 15(i bul*. : whaat, 2 * x> ljiuU ela ; corn, (?<4,2UO do.; oaia. 21.4 Mi do ; Parley, 2. I<*> do ; rye. 4,4'M) no. Hv canal to tide water ? Wheat. J? ?.4<>f buaitela; coru, lti.t,ih>) do.; out*. I4.80U do. io iutor> lucdlnte point* - Wheat, .l.iMJO bushels OUTHOIT. May 29, 1H7Hl Flour ateady and In fair demand axlua :tuo lima- wutie at IK) V* hoot firmer; exir.i whit i Michigan. fl 17 m ? I 17',; So I w.Ute 1*1. Corn Sulking do in.; So. 1 nuxod, nominally die. (lata ?In very light da maufi; So. 1 wnlte, nominally .lie.: ./ilea No I mix of, on trace, "27 Ha*. witanwd null; nominal at fl ft ? a Kecelmi Flour. 3.KJU ban. ; ahrai 'A noabala; corn. ?-'.-'On do. : Bat a. 8,lull do. Shipment* ?Flour. I,21*1 hula ; wlmat, H,l*JU uualoila; corn, 4UU Uu.; uala, 1,4 HI do. Tvliihi. May 2'.*. IKTH. Wheat ataady: amher M IchiKaii, apol, 41 UU; J ma. fl IJ.lU ; So. - rod winter, June, M lift},; July, f I ij.,. r?. Jecled W abaah. sic, a 82c. Corn atead*; hl/li mixed, :i:*e ; S". 2. a;.ot. :M'.'c ; Juno. :iH*,e.; July. SfilJkc ; No. 2 white 41c.; rejected, 17c.; damaged, 84c. oat. dull; So. J bald at Jfie.; So. 2 white. 'J7c.; Mlchiuan haul nt'JHe : rejected, flic. K-ceiiila-14,'kki biiabeu wheat, 2i*,ia*>do. corn, 4,ian do. oal> hlilp iiaiiU?I7,uai buahala wheat. 7o.u<ai uu. corn. Market, cloaod?Wt a ?t waak . auiio-r Midi.nan. ?|iol and Jui.e. $1 IK); So. 2 red winter. Julie, fl in. July $> 04'a itik'd. i'oru quirt; ,\?. 2 JtH/jc.; No. 2 white, 41c.; rejected, ^7c. No iu*r?rt> (u*niurrvw. t'l.XCIN.f ATI, May -JtI, I>*74. Flour dull and nuchancad. Wheat In i air dear and ; red. fl afllC Corn llrnier nut not 'inot.uly hi/Her at :too a 4"e. liata ilnll at 28o. aM l<ye dull and lower at .Vic. ? hMc. Marley dull and numiirul. Fork alnux; aal.iata.y, l.ard lit lair drniam; curro..t luaaa f*i 43; kettle, la a 7>,c Hulk moat, quiet but firm. ahonlder., %c. clear rl , 4)?e.. clear .ido., ? . llacou firmer and in improve l dem.nd; Bd; aliou Uar?. 4',e ; c|. ar rlh. a 3?ie , clear aidei, .'??'jo. a .">>??? Whl.key .teady wltn n (Mr demand at fl ii:t Kutter tinner but not <|uotwiily higher. hu.-ar ataidy and unci anted llog.?lletu >ntl fair and market firm: common, fJ 'I I n f'l. liitht. fit a f t Id; packing, ft in a fid 2-3; hutcliera, fi I 23 a f I :HJ receipt*. I,'.Id; ? . I time o la oil. i iiirxiin, M iv 29, 147m Flour quint, unchanged W heal active and firm, atrnnvl S'o J .prinu, rl Ifl, caah . Mke, a UK'4a. 1 June; t)4',e . Juty; So. tl du., trji,c ; n juried. He. I'orn active and Ijfie ; ri Juried. lie. i'orn arltva and hrui at tl7c.. caah; dHjfiC. May . tM'.e . Juu 1: .k.y . July; .!7',c.. annual. rejected, die l?at? lairly active at 2.i',o ca.U , 2;tj,o.. Jane: Jfifcu..4My. Kye ?t> aCy, uuchnn.ed. Hai.ay firmer at 47m,c I'ora active and firm at fx "J.!, caaii ami June; f* 4*1 a fH 4'_"4, Jnly: <b* (>7H afwipi Aiigii-t. l.ard vn at tH 47*%, and June) f<l S i lull . fair y active f*l *13, An/net. Hula meata fairly active 1 ebeolder., a',a ; Churl do aod akort clear iiiiddlea. 4),o and IS Alcohol, 34c. W'hle.ey, fl IH. lratgHia-1 uu, to Hulfaiu, l*,e a 3c. Ilecripla? N,.'h?i blila dour. I Id.'**) liualie.a wheat. Nl.OOOde. corn, MO.tJOHfio oat* tf.VM do. ry? do barley. Shipment* fi.OW hhla. Hour, wtiaai nnahaU w in-at. 4d;l.i??i do. corn, IS'J.'Ml do. oate, J.ikll do. rye. 1.4' a 1 do hurley. PRINT CLOTHH MAHKE C. I'aoTIPrni k May JU, 1S7A The market for printing cloth. I. very duil, any 1 n?, 111 rt or movoment being exceedingly light. tjuotatioii* c?n 11 utie without chun/e. EUROPEAN MARKETS. tOMMKI CI A Ik UriartHM. M?y 21- ft p. m. Cotton - The aalea of tho day lucl id 1 6.9U0 kale* im-r lean Future, firm ; dftandll In ? ml.luting cl in* . *n n?t an 1 Mcptember uellvery, *17-1134.; uplm-da, low nuddllnj r I suae, Anptanibtr and I art "be! d lirarr . *1 I* .'I2 I , uu I .nua low ml Idling claato, October an 1 Soveiuhar do II verr. ti'yd. l UMIi May 'Jt* it I'. M. I'roduce Taltew, 37a. 34. per >? vi . apitila ol t irti- iit an. ate. per cwl. blTldiNnt. May 2ti ? P. M, Frodoce?Hplrlte of inrnentino. 2.M. Hd. p i cot. hokpon. May JM?Kveainn. LlnaeeU oil, CJ > l"e. a t-'H Ida. ;? r ton Asiwitkr, Hay 314 1H74. retrolcn'n, 2<lf. for fine pale AdlHllt. nrw tohk rnunt'Ck ixitniauk kutiht. IdVkMpoall., hay jH, |d74 Fork?Katfnrn doll at "2.. ; do , Wevtorn. dod ai I la. Macon Onmhvrtaod cm dull ai fida . do., ahorl nh. duil ot /it.. ; do,, long clear, itoady at 2.*t. lid ; do., whoit clear, ?toady >t J4a ild llama l.oiia eiaa dull at .>!? ; ?aoal d ra ateaily at Jla Heal ludi* ?ti< ..nil at a., , du,, eatra ntaat, dull at |ii2a , do . prl ue meat, dull at 7ia. I.itr I?Fiiibii Wettarn .taady at 114a. Hd Tnlloar-Frmi* city dull at II7? 11. 1 urpontlne .IpliHli dull at I'M. 'el Itoaln?I . nmion dull at ha ;i|o fine null at |n, ? gooao -Amwrtean eiioiei dun at >1. hard oil ouil at Hi. Flour ?F.Mra Mate dull at J ?. Ihl Wheat - No. I rtprlo J dull at 11*0.t do. So. . dull at t*a. . ' .... , , ...... an .... ter dull at lib. 4d tlnva ? Mluert aolt dull at J' a Ild. for oM, d" unli at .:?x Md lor Haw. Cotton aatd oil?Sonata I tic markat. rm akciaij. I.oaiuio, May 2W-4 ;.?! P. M. t'nllod Slate? bdMla. IWT'i, I, new fire.. I')7*,; Kua Hallway -liaraa, II ,; llllninil' mrai. I'ona.yh . aula ('antral. MJ', ; Saw IHM| Unlfal Mbkil,. Hit, Pabix, May ftp 7 F. M Tha rlealng prheefflve per cent rvntea on the l' >01 ae r I |ilf. IfTa, iai Hie aeOOUat, hxcbaBgo on liondon, Jul 14c. for ahorl al.:ht. Jl WAN A MA "KIT. Ilxi xva. May 21?. Im7h. apaniah gold,3'J*i*t a /Jl. F.x< una more u tive, apanian gold. jju*t a //I. 1 u 1 una more ?< nra; on a Uailed atntea, nxty "ajra. cwtreney,a H'j prrtnlnm; ft aikht. do.. 4 a .1 premium alxty da**, go.u. f* a 4', , mlmn abort algM <0., S a ?! proinlurii , ? 11 London, in In*, nremlum ; on I'nria. M', a t?4 premium Bagar more active. riWAdCIAIe. A"~ I n 1 AHOIIi^lUaa awkflUt?iCvlNaa("\7sf*t,IFlt XhU mailt In.aranc* Foil. In, and iFutgagee. earn* hoapht; laanrani a 01 alt kind* affected with ' eat nudpaai ?? a: lawwet prannama J.J. IIAHKk il A '? Ki Mot Lli in 1*13 ASH I'17 HlKiAtiA V d'li HOOK HKI.OW C'lKft, tNllT ef kiA? IIVA *' h.n OS I'i AS IH. ?11 -Sli UHH. **; 1(11 a at MMd at.. wett ol tlth av. alnrago ollice), without TIIK M1SISO 1 M OHU. HI HIIOAII * A V. fM A tajear, lull deiaUe (mm the CULL and blLVJtit Miaea. A Kivwrnu T TUB PUBLIC STOCK KXmir.Nfi"<L 44 jfSO?!> IV. A.NU 70 BROALWaI. NEW YORK. ANU SOU MOB TAUUE ST., BROOKlXS MKS3K& K W. 'TOOD k CO. will bar and tall all active stacks at New Turk Stuck Exchange prices. in lute of freak & to StiO an arai. on a margin of 1 par oaat. Margins on transactions made on buyer 3, sailer 3, or adrtl ara .? Uncled by regular sales only. Additional margins or sot lass tb an 1 per oast will ba react rod at any time before the stock tolls regular at tba "wipe out" prieo. Alex, pkoiiunuiiam a co.. bankers iir>aer>. IJ Wall si.. dealers in Hrst class Puts and Calls, buy stocks nt th? Now York Stork Exchange and aarry *aine ?> lung a* desirod on a deposit ot three par cant; ex planatory circulars tree ? DETROIT AXU MILWAUKEE KaILRIJAU: ALSO ? .Montgomery and Eufala Hrst mortgage Bond* wanted. El* W. C. KOX A CU ."> Well it. a ?rk-11. HAZA.Rli.~7t B.toALI ST. MEMBER Of J\ *1110 Now York stock Exchange ?Stocks nought and sold on moderate margtae; nlao STUCK PitlV1LKOES, "Pula," ??Calls" ?nd "Straddles." on the active stock*, negut Ittted on Hrst class parties only: order* solicited. CI MINK V A CU.'M SYOKACK WaKEHOO-KS, 3U3. 3ul J Weal 14th si.? Caab advanced ou 1 uraitnre. Piano*. Valuables. Mercbandise. I ALWAYS TlAYS MONEY TO LOAN 7)Tm7>R MAUK N'cw York ilty Property: ctty Railroad Stock* aud Honda bought and told. H. L. tlUA.Nl. 14A Broadway. ^ Money at u per oknt~6n ~nmv y7jrk. bk0ok7 lyn aud statan Island Improved oruporty. STAKE. IV) Broadway. OKMCK OP THK ONION ITONSOLI I>a i KD MINI *5 Company ol Tennessee 22 WUIIam at.. New York.? Tba annual uiec ting of tba stockholders of the Union Con.oil* dated Mining Company of T nneeare arlll ho bold at tba otUce oi tne company asanovj. on Thursday. J nue 27. 1S7H, at 12 o'clock ?. The tran-ter books will he closed on Judo II at U P. M? to pc reopened Juno 2H. IS7H. A. li. BLACK. President. A I i\~IW I a LOAN WnmnTT PI EST M0k? Jp 1 V".\r"/t "gsgi- Property No. H7 to 73 Meserolest,; same open lor inspection on call; no bonus paid. Audrnsa J. 11. ?Cll C.MaNN. Marcy aud Pluahiiig ?vi, Brooklyn. A.ll 1wkit WANTED?B??nI? AN.1 MOitTOAOc T ?P .?,? *" 'Vfper cent this city property, worth fAO.UU*'. Address OOOD. Herald office. dbilS /Will ?SECURITY ABO l*gN PER C.CMT IK. ?P-a'J.U"' ".lere.i lor a loan or credit of A'i.UJO o? .fit.igyi ior a rear, the lender to bo my banker. MKIt k'llANT. 1.11) Hired olboe. I i Til W k EiTa N L i MO it I'll Ati VT</.UU'/cha*ter oOdDt r or Now York HINMaN A SON. It Pine at. ~~ COFAaWEIilOFl" T"~H IfCUPARTN^ KS11 IP "HERETO POKE-"' EX I ST I Nil between Andrew W. Leg-at and Thorns* Itenholm, under the Crm name of Leagat A Denhnlm. has been uit? sol red. A XDltBW W LRttOAT. Mat 27. 1878. 1 MOM Ah URN IIOLM. Ail claims against the lato firm and all debts due tba same will bi settled through Tbumaa Donbolm, at 384 Canal St. Hddl.YKSS HPPHHTI Yl : IW?. A -"^TkN ""V/aNTITu ""tfl I Ip?*1<?*' >K U RED; COMS Xl..prepared office work. Rua.u d'l, 81 Park row. Party""** mi capitaiI"can sec ulw T"veri uroHlikbte ma .ttiwcluring husiues*, now in operation. Adarcsa MORION, 231) Hioauway. room I n PARI S hit 7b r.hf AKLIHHBO BUSll noes; prottka te the amount ul H i.oxt eocured to in vestor . not inuch money required. Adlrsss W E, box 12'i llora.d office. Attention, iihowmen i por tuk~bem* pl.vur oh Coney Island lor show bnsiuese. shooting gallery, llohby borsee. An , call at the do ideutal, lour mluules' walk west ot til* iiuatbvr Railroad liepot. i nner Island. T.hV I s W A X i hU -l.N *V r.KY CITY ANI> TOWN iu the I'liion. to sell engravings ol the lamciu* picture -The Lord's ?.upper," site 21x11. f.ifHI. N W YORK BTEEL EkiiKAVl.Ni l.'Okl PAN Y, SO East 12th st. WANT A Man OB MfABB TO IhVEBT~S53& must h ive character aa well and every way nun e>te> iu?d l>y acquaiat mesa and business men I puMish i paprr in my .tears ustwnlislied. enjoying largcet paying p.itronag* of any nulilicailon of like cluracter in Unite I Slates hav ing beside* confidci.o.' of most r. *pnclauie Wealiui-St end most intelligent men la lb* land; antlrali independent; an advocate ot an industry among the largest, no way likely to decline, uii couirary active la healthy deveiori ment; evert thing in sysieiuatic working or ior; perleciig solvent; retains will jusiifv largrr iuvestincnt, but want Ho more; understand my business; know how to pa'dUb not only I'ur useldlnese hut tor priht; spell my luca with espial P; services not required though may he engaged. No applicntiou uuierlaiiied not acooinpiuiied with asi de res ol reliability ?nd true character of applicant. No agents heard. Address AT O.NU , hov 12S Herald office. 1) ? tl I N k R W ANTEii?IX MA 57 EaCIL'kINU O.tliJ gists' sundries uusinaas. established; probls large: capital amali; splendid opportunity. UOr^t Oiti , Herald olltce. 1>A ITS ER WANTED. WITH ito.lioii, TO PUf ON TH E aaiRst a proprietary article iuuk a iiiodiciue); sold by grocers an I druggists ; woen wetl known rousuuiptiou al must nnllmitrd paring vory iarg" prollu not ? nliraly new. Address PHOPiIIKTaRT. nox 1R7 ll?rs d other. 1> A I'EX IE Kb, AC."?CiTSTtllBPO v U . N C K I- so licited irom parties desiring goods tnaaulactnred Irom irwii or steai by a Arm having unusually g >od mann faclurlng tacllilins, and who arn Willing to make and In troduce any good article sullanle lor tha hardware trade. ?11*11 royalty #? otherwi.a. Ad reaa, IB lust taatanca, ? C11 As f. t ill ?itE. In ? l'uikan ?t., >u * Vera. Silt r mi vi. ?tii itin-rubHTMd fiirkres r~vr "urd rpek" tlgnres; adjrdulag property aoid fur *:i.O "I.ikkj. L H . box 141) llerald office W ANTBU A PAHTN W1 Til 9800 IN A IHKAIHK; TT ample security given. Address 11. I>., Herald office. Btate wuere eaa no seen. TtTANTK!) PtltTV It TO fAKIf MALKIxTRRRST TV lit the Pioneer I'ual Mine. In Hexan couuty, Texas; the only developed coal mine I is that section of the country: a splendid opening flsr capital. J. K. i ItoWl.KY. 1,211 So ilh BIB si . Philadelp hia. A1 ftflfl OAEM "wTlL HKCURR A P.VItrXKKrtHli i, 1 .'/''vin a light, eaey and protitable cash baslneaa Call on Mr. IIK.NrY, II.' East 22d St. RAPID TRANSIT IN BROOKLYN. The Brooklyn Rapid Transit Commission bold ao. oilier executive susuon yesterday eiiernooD. They have already decided open a roaie, but through what aireela It la proposed to rua the road will not be pub licly known until Saturday next, wbea me Com in le mon will lay their conclusions before ibe Mayor, a nop "I proposed mutes lor a rapid transit railway in Hrookiyu U is bean tiled in the ollloe ol the Kings County Clerk by tbe Brooklyn Steam Transit IWtirond Company. The map shows a main line with Ovo oranohea. roe mam line u (font Kultou terry through Water atrent to Mmn, to rulton, to Oe Kaib avai-ue, to Broad way. A South Brooklyn branch is from Kultou and Bond streets to Atlantic avenue, to Flntbueh, to P illb, to First street. 10 Sixib svenue. 10 S xtsenlh a treat, to i'rospect l'ark and past the i'arad. ttround a on* ihe old Coney Island road to Coney Island. An last Nsw Yolk. branch Is Iroin Klatousn avenue at the Junonou ol Atlantic, through Atlantic to Kruok liu, where it will connect with the Islaud Railroad. Another brnuch runs Irom Bond ?ireei down Atlantic aeeone hi Bontn ferry. Another branch runs Irom ??utb rfeventb street terry, Williamsburg, along Broadway to East New York. Another from Huh avenue at Kirst street to Third avenue, where It Wul cuon-ci Willi tbe rspul transit road to Kort Hamilton. The signatures to the map ureCttarles I,. Snow, eliiet engineer, and W. W. Sags, president of tbe company. SCRAN TON COAL HALE. Klfty thousand ton* ol Noranton coal wore told ytb teraay by lbs Delaware, Lackawanua sod Wsstorn Railroad Company, Tbs salt took plaoe at No. 'id hxchange place, and was managed by Jobn H. Draper, auctioneer. Ine coal was divtdbd ea follows:? StesmOoal, 6,0uu tone| grata, 10,000 tons; egg. 10,000 tuna; stove, 20.000 tons, and obestnut. 5,000 tone. The sitandance oi merchant* was quite large and lb* bidding at times was vary spirited. There was an ad verse ol from ten to imaen cents en allolansesot nisi, with itin exception ol etovu, which showed ? tilling on in price iron l**i mouth. Ihe loMnwing ishle will -how the eomparatlve prices ol the sale vesinrday and tbnl of last month:? Mm 1 Any 311. Ste.itnor fISO a f-i 32t? | : 4*', a ? lirAtt ........... -I 3b t ? X 4-'i s ? Kgg a 4A a ? a o.'> a fa oo Move ., J 74 a 3 T7j|, -I 74 a ? Chestnut 3 14s ? 8 II S ? I ha adviiice in pries* ws* cmeed, It Is **ld, by ths coal cnnihisatloii making a rsducilou in tbs amount of cost to bs produced. LUST RAILROAD BONDS. on the night of November II, 1874, tbs steamship Otiv oi Ween, while lying ?ff Ihe city of Oalveeton, Tetss, wasstru k by lightning, sot on Ore, nod every ?uul on hoard perished. Among tbe lIHated passen gers was Mr. Chsrls* A. Rogers, ol Brooklyn, who bso in in* po<*e*aion two 91,000 bond* of m? ebioagn and .forthwestern Knirnisd 1 ompsoy Yesterday Hanry Rogers, adminisirator isr the esuits 01 ilia iiaceasen, brought sun 10 the ttnpremu Court, Kioga eouuty, beinre Judge Barnard, to recover ths int?re~t doe on the linntt* Irom August 1, 1874, and to oempsl lbs raiirosu company t? *itt>siiiui? other hum's in piaao ol ihnas wbtch wcrs lo.t. fbs Court held thai ilta eoinpsn* should p-ty ths interest on ths bonds, bdl reivrved Its decision on ths other point. A CHURCH HAYED. A meeting ol tbs wardens and vestrymen Of M. Ann's Chnroli. Brooklyn, * mortgigs on which lor gl< 0,000, bold by ths Uslou Dims ttsving* Bank, wu e 11. d on 1 needs* was held yetiarday in the Chu ch, Rev. Noah limit ffdbSMk, D. D., ins pastor, presiding, fbe ?tthJo t 01 ihe deht was taken up,' Hid the differ,ml uiatsnros ol rollaf winch preaonii'd theiuaaivss ware oonaiderad, when Mr. R. Kuiien Cutting, a vestryman of tho ciiuri'h and th* suparinisndeut of the ffunday school, aro.r and staled that bo woald give $70,000 in 0Mb to. ward the payment of the debt on two ? ?in.iluotin Tho nrat condition was mat lbs enure amount neooaaary in pay the dsut eh wind be raised at once; tbe ssound that hi. Aun ? should tie 11' eforth be a Iras ohurcbi th it lliu pew-. Instead of being rented, should hi open to aP, Hi* off r was see-pieI, nr. ASntbSi staled subsequently that tbSf hS4 raited in ibo tougrtgiiluu 744,in 1 and nad *aurpln* si 17.11*1 irnm tho *>lu ol urn "la cbaron on Wash. Ibgtou slfrOL which will bribe tbs sum op ts #44,000 Bud Is ves a balance to be raised of soly 91a. oou. Mr. 1 tilling, who is a son In law of Dr. debtees, m? ( Itsaaar lb Wail ?ICSf