Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERAED WHOLE NO. 15.268. NEW FORK. SUNDAY. JUNE 9, 1878.?QUADRUPLE SHEET. PRICE FIVE CENTS DIHECTOKY FOR ADVERTESKltS. NERALO BRANCH office. 1/3 woadwat Ot'K.N DA* AND NIUUT KBOBWIOM Olf ADVERTISEMENTS AND SAL?5S OF rAI Etlb. AMUSKMBNTS?4tu Pack?Int andi21 cola AMKOLOGY?15TII 1'AGn-Otb ool. B1LLIAKDS-13th Pack?6tb col. B 'ARDEKS WANTED?2i< Pack-lit And 2d cofe, And lfiTii I'KiK ?Rd 4th ftod 5th wis. BOARD AND LODGING WANTED?1-Vru PAG?-6th coL BROOKLYN BOARD-15th Pack?5th col. BROOKLYN P.KaL ESTATE FOB SALE?14th Pacb? BUSINESS OPPORTUNITlKS-ltTii Pace. HUSI.nKSS NOTICKS-9TH Pack-4Ui and 5th cola CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE?14th Pack?1st col. CLKKK8 AND SALESMEN?3d PAUK-4th col. CLOTHING?13th Paoa -<UIi col. ? _ COACHMi-.N AND GARDENERS?Jd Pack?4th An# COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?4th Pasik?5th col. COPARTNERSHIPS?11TH PACK. .... COUNTRY BOARD?2d Pack-2d. 3d. 4th And 5th colt.., and 13th Pack 5ih And 6th cols. 0ANCI.NO ACADEMI..S ?13th Pack-5l? col. DENTlsl KY-ISth Pack?rttb col. DRY OOODS?1st PAOK-l?t.2d.3d.4?J.5?n AndOtb eol?., BWELLINii" TO LET. KURNI8I1ED AND L NFUKNISHKD?14tji PACK-Sthool. EUROPEAN NTEAMSH1P8-4tu PACK?4th and 5th eoln.< EUROPE?DTH Paiik-SHi col. KX0,!ANUE-4tii Pack 2d col. EXCURSIoNH-4th Pack?3d and 4th cola Financial?iith pack FINE AKIS?Ith Pack?CtU col. FOR BALE-13TH Pack-30 col. ? __ T?_ FUItNlsItKI) ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TOLKT? 14tii Pack?5th and (Hit cola., and 15th Pack?liW ami 2d coD. FURNITURE-3d Pack?Otlt eoL HELP WANTED-KKMALEK-3D Pack?3d col. HELP WANTKD-MALKS-3D PAGK-5th col. HORSES, CARRIAGES, AO ?16tu PA0K-8d, 4th and 5th cola UOTKi.K?15th PAGB-5th col. HOUSES, KOuMK. AC.. WANTED?15th Pack-3d col. INSTRUCTION ?13th Pack?4th col. . ??? 1ER8EY CITY, HOBOKBN. HUDSON CITY AND BER OKN UEAL ESTATE Full HALE?14th Pack-IsI. LOSt'aND FOUND-13tu PAcn-2d col. M .\CII INErtY?13th Pack?4th col. MARBLE MANTELS- 13th Paok-M col. MATRIMONIAL?ltlTn Pack?6th col. MEDICAL-IOtii Pack?6tIt col ^ MILLINERY AND Pack?3th ool. MISCELLANEOUS ADY ERTISB MENT.S-12TH Pagk 6th ool. MISCELLANEOUS?10th PiCK-2d col. MUSICAL?13th Pack?5th CoL MEW PUBLICAI Ions?Oth Pack-5th andOthcola. Personal?1st Pack?1st col. PIANOFORTES, OHOANS. AC ? IStii PAOK-0th co* Proposals?13tu Pack?6th col PICOFh 8HIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEM ALES ? 3d Pack 2d and 3d cols. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT?14TU Pack ?1st, 2d and 3d cols, REAL ESTATE 10 EXC1IANOE-Mtu P?gk?3d and 4tb cols. REAL ESTATE WANTED?14th Pack?4jf> coj. RELIGIOUS NOTICES?13nt Pack?2d ool. KRsTA URANTS?13rn Pack-2d col. REWARDS?13th Pack-2d col. BALES AT AUCTION?16th PACs-tfah and 6th cola SITUATIONS WANTED ?KEMALFdS?3d Pagk?1st and 2d cola SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?3d a'Pack-3d and 4th cols. SPECIAL NOTICES?16th;Pack?l?t s id 2d cola SPORTING?DOOS, HI RDM. AC.?16m Pack-3d col. STALLIONS-ICth Pack?3d col. STORAGE?13th Pack?Ssti col. SUMMER RESORTS?2d Pack?Stlw and Otb cola, and 15th Pack?Oth col. THE TliAUKs?3n Pack-5th andORj eola THE TURF?10th Pack -3d col. TO LET NOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?14th Pack?4th and 5th eols. TRAY ELLf Its' GUIDE?4th P/ain?5th and 6th cola UNFURNISHED ROOMS A.'.T> APARTMENTS TO LET? 15tii Pack-2d and ' at cote. WANTED TO PURCHASE -1-Srn Pacn-4th col. WATCHES. JEWELRY. AC.- 43th Pack - 6th coL NES1 CHESTER COUNTY P RoPEK TY FOR SALE OR TO LET-14TH Pack?DA col. fACIlTS, STEAMBOATS, A'i?12tu Pack?6th col. 1'EH^fmAli. A AY PK RH< )N IlAVISo 'aSv OK"THE LECTURES of Mrs. Victoria WoodhulJ, or the Hire ol the Woodhull kClaflin Weekly, who it ue drone ol disposing of thesamo, Blease communicate with f. A. R., box 2.U2D Post office, ew York. Adoption.?wanted* a healthy, dark com plexloned fetnnlo clit aj, betereeu O.end i) years. Ameri can Protest nut parents; lull surrender. Address M.. 2,175 Bd ay. ADOPTION-A BE (UTIKULKKM ALP. INPaN f, ONE week old. Lil Pit ^ si,, near Houston, ono flight up. H ?Please sen^ me $io m6rday morning ip U .possible. C. El. has li ,vt kor England to look por .you In very t>ad health ! fear for his reason. If not I'*W?N yo,V*kre bore. Tor Ood'ssake cotr.munlcate with LIKED. P,fll|, MORRIS AND OHAUL.BS. PLEASE C call at /r,2 Waet 4tn at. A. B. HKN'/Y IRVING?PLBAt-E LET MRS. OUVIA t. 'tying get letter front 1'ost office Monday afternoon 01 ra""/day; ne boies atetation; I returned Saturday mora P"+ Please arrange for Interview. Mnet tee yuu seen. "^FORMATION W>Nffci) BY MaKIa M'IIILl, UK ft Wo her mother, Grace Liglitbody, who left Klllniore, county wn. Ireland, 20 yeare ago, and laat heard of was In Mln aeeota about It years ecu; married a Mr. Burns. Also of mX ier sister, Dorothea MeGi.l. Aur informattou eoneerninc them will be tliatiklolly reeetyed by U. All KENS, 255 Washington St.. .V Y. Minnesota papersolease copy. JIMIE. OK J.-I UNDERSTAND THAT YOU ARK IN towu nesrly ryery Saturday; why can yim not make It ennvenlout to eall f GEORGIA. JOHNIT IIAVr. TAKEN THE PLAT. ADDhESS NETTIE II.. Herald Uptown offlee. K ING-WHY DON'T YOU ANSWER MY LETTER? PET. LOYD OI.ARKP.. KoKM KKLY ENGINEER ON PA ciSe and California Railroad, call oa GAHPaR, 1 Union ?qnsre. elevated railroad. Vf ADIHON AVENUE 8TAUK. GOING UP WKONKS Jyldiiy, 5 n'cl ek?Two lovely brunettes left stage at Airo.Klway and 23d St., looking hack recognised gentleman In stage. Ploaso send nddresa to C. A., lox It.7 Herald Yptoarn office, stating some circumstance and dresses. M R. EDW ARDS. HOOTMA KKR?Br ND VOUK AD rlresa to M. SEYMOUR, 1.41IH B way. Mrs. m?"-thb pkivatk detective i km ployed ean he seen by addressing I'RIVAI'K DETEC TIVE. box I+s Herald Uptown office. K r D 8*?***t*>TH ST. - I II AVE CONCLUDED NOT TO go abroad until you return; must see you oncu more. YEKDL N'OTICR IS MERE lilt EN TO ALL OONCKkNKD? Unless you give me full proof of ynnr plot befbrn the (veiling I June II I shall certainly take measures. W. W. N Kw VIM?wan and Kit 12 A 8I.ND BBHT LOVK. Kvrtruf. K*m?*tly en trout !?? tier. Thin nccrct. 0 Ka.VGE?'YOURS OLADI.Y RECEIVED; APPOINT interview. W. W. SATURDAY. JUNE M, 2iSl)P. M KLAlBUSH AVR. Onoo c ir, dnwit to tinrnha A llnl.hle. I?any with st.lped litnwI please nd.lress ELATBl.'SII, Herald office. QKWINO RED JACgUhT aNDBLUK DRESS, dATUR Otlav morning, please oblige by eendlng card and edtlreee to OPPOSITE. eral.l iffice. SOUTHAMPTON.?To PASSENGER* BY NORTH Ocrtnnn Lloyd steamers?lladley'a Hotel can be well ret nmmrnded ft IE LADY WHO PAINTED FRIDAY IN THE TELE itrspli office Is requested t? send her address to riiXTli KNUR CAR Hriineh nlllw. W fANTKD-A PERSON TO ADOPT A LITTLE GIRL, three years old; bright and pretty ; of good perentage; est he Protestant. Address P., box 117 Herald ollice. \\TILL MRs. JULIA IIART. FORMERLY OF 330 f?T.. vr please send her present address to H? box 1411 Herald office f w ILLtA.MSHUiiO. MAY WALK?HOl'fJUKT OWNER and companion in window ; salute iroiu csrriag"; re lorued for parcel: have merer atd grant rme Interview to ST JOITNOi ROMANCE. Herald office. Y S.?BOOKS, MONDAY. TOHSDayT?557 FOU.NO OK WW .44* AN. Of GOOD DISPOSITION and social standing, would like to Inrtn the acunlntanre ?I an atfactlv ? yonng Isdr whom lie ?ionId .etv>. Address BOON. Herald Uptown office. 52 U. P M U P. OlCl NO. M WuHT uru HT., NhA.t tiTII AV.. .mEW TURK III*MAN* HAIR AND BBaUTIKTINO BAZAAR. The tine?t clock of HUMAN IIAlR AND KABi(i('rt ifrr exhibited, for which gold ami illror medala were awarded to OA Til K LtROFHf AND ONi.V DBA HI Ml HOUSE IN TIIH COUNTRY. ' l^HK MBKCBPKH COIfKUHK* T formed by rfitap.e ol our newly Inrtnlnl MARIE ANT'.D NKTTR AtolTtrH. very TaebfoOable an<l atylian, at f)l, IN, f I", f 12, $lf> And upward. Tne ? KUOl.Mh A<,AUFKTTKN," ..r COirKURB DK CUQUETTF.RIIMNVKNTr.D ANl> EIRHT IVI KODUOKII B\ i'H, ban been adopted by the HaUTK VOI.Biy In lhl? mnntry and Europe an Hie moid n?efnl and diirnble ari|tnat |ou ol a lady'a hevldreaa?rarr ?ivli-h. cell adlnetahle, al ray* ready, and will not rip or tear Buy from the Inventor die only gennlne article, from Rg .VI npward. In our oxquiaile nvportmnni ol IJOIEKURKN THE MM i.N at aorta unrivalled lur aiirpllcitr. eleaanee and ?rare of form: aell-ail|u?iable. made o| inn flnvat uualliy ueturally rin ly. all Ihiir lialr, at ifit, .fet, Tin, Ac. I.NVIAIIII.K KiiU.N1> for young and old, improving the .tonka of nil Indiea Inat anlly. Ilih MulMK <K ?, Ilia latott and verv becoming alrle, alwaja ready, at R! fd, f4. <1.1, ft., Ae. A moat in gn<flreni variety of itvltoDW, liafli, Klngefpufta, all at wholeaele prlcea. I (Tray hair a sbkcialty! Tlte lliieat quality, gentium colore, luiver than any other tome I.NVInIHLk IHJMaN IIaIK .SKIN for the front bnir, the largcat and beat Imported, J>c. each, per doera. t'llMBINHS mado no in tne moat approved manner; (o<da all one way. 11 air taken III exrhanire. Advice > Iven pv a Kreorli artltt how to arrange lialr moat becomingly, tree ol rbarga. lialr arllalloally arranged at the ertabllahment, fttk.-. j or It laoier' reaidencea. f I A complete eeenrlment of the cboleoal he citifying t'ee "kV uRNIK M sKi'Ri T UK BRAUTT. the great magic leantiher lor the cetuplctlon, a aptnaltr warrint id to bo ?atn?lc?a. per an*. A magnllh ant aaa .rtment ol Tortolao .-bell, Iroty and let Uo.hi*. at loweet manufacturer*' prlcea. . r t. VlltOUliuUX'A, Tif4TH tV.. NBA* lilTH ST.? A Dadlca' Imported Underwear el bauiatn*. prevlona In e, moval to IS Kaat 17th at.; atemplng, Monogtema fbr handKarchiela. tenia end hod linen dcalgned to order; Ural da, Alike, lnlantt' Woef, Ac. DRY GOOOh. i? fAJULlSUhti 184U. JJ JJ < 0<?0 JJ , JJ 0 o JJ 1 O 0 JJ JJe 0 o JJJ no NN N EEEB 883 N N N E 8 8 N N N E H N N N KEE SSS N N N E 8 N N N E 8 8 N NN KERB SSS <3> dry goods, fancy goods. ao. MX MXIIL M.N NtfUL IX X ENtjftMOUS REDUCTION IN FRIGES. Very latest* imported Novelties, trimmed aid untrinimeit . "MarlwStuart," "ModJeska," "Tivoll," "Gypsy," "Fra ^>lavol?.,? French Culpa, Milan Braids, Imitation Braids, | of all ahatpae nnd colors. Ladle*' and Children hi Sundowns. Leghorn Flat*. 4o. Children's Sailor Mala In all stylo*. Immea>aeauianrtn>ent of French Flowers, Ostrich lip* sod Fancy Feathers in all the leading tlote. HOSIERY. ldletl designs In Ladles' and Chlldren'a Ifoao. Omih Half-Hone, unbleached, plain anil I'iney colore. I adieu* lialbeiggan, f'lll regular. '25.'. and upward. Lad lea' Ann stripe, hill regular, 25c. and upward. _ GENT'S FORNIHIIIXG GOODS. ?Superior-quality India Gauau Miirts, 25c upward. yr B:tra quality Summer Merino -hirts. 35e. upward. 'IBxtra imported Gossamer and Gnnao Shirts, tSle. upward, tfttogular made Not folk and New Brunswick Sblrta, SI. WameutM* three-ply linen bo?om Shirts. six for SB. 4 Sblrta made-to order and warranted perfect lit. . LateiUstrles In Gent'a Collars, Cuff-, J lei. Scarfs. Hand kerchief , <hc.. Ac., at great bargain*. RIBBON*. Bargains dally from auction. Or/m^rnln, all alia, abnica shades, 14c. upward, cjash itibbon, all alia, 25c. upward. Alk Windier Ladiea' Ties. 15c., 25c., 35n. upward. 'Elegant line Ladiea' Tiea. SB inches long. 2 to. upward. ? Dlaek Ktobona, cheapest In the city. Bargains In silk Handkerchiefs, neat borders, IRc. Bargains in silk Handkerchiefs, twlllod, uil colors. 25c. KID "oLOVES, Two battens, Ms, 75c. and upward. Threa buttons, 55c., 75c. and npwartL Four buttons. $1 and upward. Lace Mitts, all alias, all colors, 40c. upward. Lisle thread, 13o. Three button, extra Hue, 2So. SSS U H GO KEE8 8S3 8 8 H H 0 O K 88 8 H H O O E 8 SSS HHfin o O EEE SSS 8 H II O O E 8 88 U HOOK 88 SS8 H If 00 EEEB SSS Snporlor quality. guaranteed as represented, and at 20 pur cent beiuw any other bouse in tbe oity. San Umbrellas, ^ ZZ ^Gents' FumlsblngGoods. Embroideries, Z Z Underwear. ??? Z Z Trimmings, Z Z Hosiery, 2 Z ? Ribbons, Z Z Glorea, ? Z Z Corsets. Z Z _ Lanes, Z JJ OOO NN N EEEB aS8? Z Z JJO OSS M K Ua Z Z JJ O OS SS KBK BSSj Z Z JJJJO ON S S E ? 2 z "rJ j a o.f \j u n o a Ei a u s JJJ OOO N NN EEEE hS8B Z <pi f> EIGnTU AVENUE EIGHTH AVENUE AND NINETEBNTH STREEtTnINETEENTII STREET. Z JJ OOO NN N KEEE Z Z JJ O O SS N K Z * Z JJ O O N N N EE ?SSa Z Z JJJJO ON SS ? R 2 Z Z JJJ OOO N NN EBFB B8SB Z Z Z Shoes. Z Z Carpets, Z Z Notions, Z Z Furqlture, ? Z Z ?? Worsteds. Z Z Oilcloths, Z Z ? Boys' Salts. Z Z Lace Curtains, Z Z Fancy Goods. ZZ Upholstery Goods SSS n b K K SSS 8 S it L K R 8 8 8 II L K K 8 SRS II L KK SS3 B 8 II L K K S 2 88* U LLLfc K X 888 A GREAT BARGAINS FROM AUCTIOM. DDD URN EEEB 888 888 DDR R K 8*88 D D R B E 8 8 D D RRB BEH S88 888 D D K R E 8 8 DDRRE 8 8 S 8 DDD R A KBBX *88 888 GO OG ?/o DDD 8S8 G GO 00 ODDS 8 G OOOODD8 O O O O O D D SSS OCOOOOODD 8 g go oo odds a GO 00 OO DDD 888 + GRKAT KKDCCTIONA HLACK GOOD4. Great bargales In black Cesbmerea. HhS V u 11 1 1 IT Hst? 8 S u u u T s a 8 f u II T 8 888 u u II T SSS 8 u u 11 T a 8 H 0 B 11 T 3 8 888 uu II T 888 <3> NEW SUMMER BTYIJSH. NEWEST DESIGNS FOR HUMMER WEAR. Llnon Halts. $1 SO and npward. Lawn Hulls, SI 1)5 ami upward. Caiunrlc Suits. 82 and upward We will offer a magnificent line of latest styles In Ladles' Suits at 815. reduced irotu 825. Black Silk Costumes. #22,825. 855 and upward. .Mada tu order at same prices Largest assortment In the city of Hoys' and Children'* Holt*, for all aces, at great bargains. 8 OO 0 A KRlt rrr KEEK TTTT 888 AA R R F F K T 8 8 A A R It P F K T H A A KRR l'PP EKE T SSS AAA R R P K T 8 A A R R F K T 8 8 A A B R P KEEE T 888 <* o 0 0 0 00 GREAT HAROAINH. FURNITURE. Parlor. Dining, Library and lledroom hints, new styles. IfOUHK FLKNlhlll.NG DLFAUTMKN r. CO BR!l OO CO K K KERB RKlt Y Y C OR RO 00 CkKK It RYY 0 R K O O C K K K It R T Y C KP.R O GO KK F.EE RItR YY 0 K BO OC KK K R R f J OK Eg 00 O K K F. R K f 00 R R OO CO K K EEftB KB y <$> ,-peelal attention Is Innted to oor llouso Furnishing Goods, consisting of I be largest and lloeit snort m int lu tbe city. Cblnnware, Glassware. Karihenware, J* latedwafe. Tinware, Ironware, Woodenware. Wlliowwure. Refrigerator*. Crnekery. Cutlery, (tint lies Wringers. ,*e., and every sort of Kuchon I'tensll*. nil offered nt prices 20 per cent lut than any other helm. Samples and catalegue* sunt free on application. JJ OO NN N KEKX shn JJ O ON .V N K 8 8 JJ O O S N N K H JJ O ON N S KKB SSS JJ O O N N X K 8 JJ JJ O O N NN K 8 8 JJJ OO N NN KEEE 8*3 ft, 8th as., corner lihh at. A.~ JOhNSON BROTHERS A CO.. JOHNSON BROTHERS * CO, Johnson brothers * Co.. UNION SQUARE. UMo.N mQU A HE. GREAT CLEARING - HALE. IMMENSE BARGAINS. STRAW GOODS AT HALF PRICE. RIBBONS, SILKS. LaCRS. FRENCH FLOWERS AND FEATIIEHS EQUALLY LOW. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS IN LADIES'. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. CORSETS AT HALF PRICE. LADIES' AND OKRTI.KMB.Vfl HOSIERY AND WOOLLEN UNDERWEAR AT A SACRIFICE. ORF.AT REDUCTION IN PRICES AND UNUSUAL BARGAINS IN ALT, OCR DEPARTMENTS. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCKS AND PRICES II vPOBK MAKING YOUR PURCHASES; YOU Wtl.t. SAVE TIME AND MONET BV DOINO HO, JOHNSON IIROTH? SB A CO., BOS. 84 AND Vl EAST I4TH 8f? UNION SQUARE. ? UHY GOODS. A.~ KIN35KV K'NZKY KIX/.KY KlNXKY KE140YAL FROM BIlOADWAY TO SfXTII AVENUE. M'KCIaL BAR JAINS. 500doaen two-button Glares. 10c. pair. Lirte l<>t ftt.o Berlin Gloves, 20c. Two-batton Kid Glares. 3Uf. Udm' English Slllt Glowt, 17c. Genu' English Berlin Gloros. 17c. 1 liren button Kid Gloves. new shndos, 50e. Fawner's best English Gloves, 23a Black and colored bilk Mitts. Lace-top Llale Gloves, very low. Job lot Misses' Gauntlets, 10e. Ladies' f Ilk Embroidered Hose. 15c. Ladles' full reenter Halbrlggans, 25a. Ladles' fancy shades lu llosierr. 15c. Extra Hoe striped Hosiery, 25a Fine Lisle fancy llose, 4<)c Extra full regular P.ntrllab llose, 25c. Ladles' oxtra Italy line ? tripes. ale Ladies' plain colors lull regular, 31a Extra Llale Thread, silk embroidered. 75c Flue French Embroidered lloso. 73c. Large lot of Misses' lancy Hose. 121?c. up. Lot ot English Milk Embroidered, 28a Lot of full regular English IJoau, 2 >o. Lot Misses' nalr-liue Stripes. 3">o. Misses' flne French Hosiery, 31a to 5()o. English W and % Uoac at 20c. Gentlemen's English Half llose. 2'>c . 22c. English Fancy lull regular. 20:. Full regular made Derby Bibbed. 25c, Silk Emtroiuered Hall-Hose, 23c. Extra fine hair lino Stripe, 23a Gentlemen's fancy Llsie Hose, 31c. pair. Gentlemen's full regular English Hose. 23a Gentlemen's Half-Hose. Job Iota, 12)%<>., 17a Bargains lu Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Gentlemen's Gauss Merinos. 23e. np. Misses' and Boys' Gauze Moriiios, 25c. up. Ladies' Gime Moriuos, 29a np. Bargains in Ladles' Muslin Skirts. Bargains In Ladlos' Muslin Drawers. Bargains In Ladies' MnaJln Chemise. Bargains in Ladies' Nlglit Dresses. Bargains la Ladles' Dressing rteeques. iMar gains In Misses' Underwear. Bargains In Infants'Underwear. ^ Infants' Lac" Gaps and Ontuts, Ladles' Linen Hemmed Handkerchiefs. 3e up. Gentlemen's lltirn hemmed Handkerchiefs, Oo. up. Ladles' llnon hemstitched Handkerchiefs. 8o. np Gentlemen's llnon hemstitched Handkerchiefs. 23c. up. Silk Hundkcrchtafs, 15c.. 17c., 2>>a, 23c. Large lot ot laco Tlea, 20e. np. Large lot lace Scarfa, <>2o. no. Lot or allk Tiea and Bosra, 13c. np. Real lace Tlea and Scarfa. Ileal lace Seta and Collate, hall prtca Extra One llnon Collars, 3a each. Rich embroidered Scarf Laces, 23c per yard. Real hand mado Torchon Laees, 3c. np. Fine llembnrg Embroideries, 3c. yard up. Blaok French Laces, all stlk, 5c. yard. up. Bargalni lu colored Lace a Special bargains in flne Laces. Bargains In Skirt RufBings. Bonnets, new shapes, popotsr prices. Ronod Hats at popular prices. Children's Hats, popular prices Shade Hats, popular prices. French Flowers, groat bargains. Fancy Feathers end W Ings. Bargains at silk counter. Special bargains in Trimmings. Bargains In Parasols and Umbrellas. I'ortemonneles, Bags. Purses. Belts, Ac. Novelties at Jewelry Deportment. Perfumeries, Powders. Aa, Toilet Department. Finest assortment of Fans in the city. Fine linen Fans. 5a up. Fine Japanese Fens, 2c. np. Fine Spanish Fans, 23o. np. Fine Vienna Fana,30a to$7 5a Fine bone stick Fans, 23c. to StO. Fine sstln Fens, 23c. up. _ ? Fine silk Fans, 19c. np. Fine Pronch Fans, 23a up. Special bargains In fine Fans. All silk gros-grain Ribbons. 5a yard up. All stlx enrd-edge Ribbons, 2o. np. Fringed silk Ribbons, 10.*. yard up. Matin Ribbons, 3a yard up. All silk Sash Ribbons, 23c. yard Bargains In every deportment. 241. 243 AND 215 SIXTH AVENUE. BETWEEN 13TH AND ICTH STd. ^ a,NZpy *!N N K 8 RRR O C PPF TTT N.VNKKR RU IIP V T N K N K K H R U U P P T N N N KK RRR U U PPP T NNNKK R R U U P T N N K K R R U U V T NN K K R R DU P V ~L KEEB L K L K L EKE L K t K I.I.T.B. EBBB Sbtt A 8 8 AA 8 A A ESS ? A 8 AAA 8 8 A A 888 A A or DRY GOODS, at tun AND 631 srn AV.. BANKRUPT. between 40tu eo<l 41?l ?t? . 1 2, in BANKRUPT1 - I?ai.b Bank .urr MAN KRUPT "qj4 y.ji. **2 oo ta ?iSH fc'ia Ox2 BANKRUrr H.AN'KKLpt bankrupt BAMRKI pt Bankrupt BANKRUPT BANKRUPT bankrupt bankrupt bankrupt bankrupt bankrupt bankrupt BANKRUPT BANKRUPT HANK HUP I' BA.NKRt IT BANKRUPT Bankrupt Bankrupt bankrupt BA N K K U PT bankrupt bankrupt """" *?*? JPT farther reduction In krteee to-mor "PT row. Jane 10. end following dey*. bankrupt $iiw?(> worth offlrtt ?u?. Good* BANKRUPT /alt* be sold. Bankrupt PLanigak a co. h*rin* fhiisa BaNKRUPT In basinets, their goods era new tell BANKRUPT leg for the benefit ol their creditor*. BANKRUPT end In order to NtMa op the estate BANKRUPT aa quickly h possible, ibe entire BANKRUPT atuckel Ladles'Hnlis.Cloeks. KhewU, BaNivUUPi Milks, lyre** Good*, Housekeeping BANKRUPT (hiodi, Calicoes, Hosiery, Wlora*. BANKRUPT Corset*. Underwear. Htbbona, Lace* BANKRUPT' Krlngea, Notion*, Embroideries, to., BANKRUPT hare been atill lurtliar redneen In BANKRUPT price, and ibe public are positively HANKHUPI wiuml that ell good* are to be eetd BANKRUPT at the prices advertised DKKM.n UOUDd. ,r; I lOOpteeeauf Woollen Drew Good* Y: r* | at 4c per yard: '-!(?' piece* of flue quality impirtcd Runrelte at 5c ,ilc and 7)ic. per yd (theeu Kood* were in tendeu to bo ?ol<J at 50c.t i'MU piece* "I i<l*ek Oaahmer* (double width), 17Sc per yard; It*) piece* of Oner quality at 25a., 75 piece* ?(tii finer. (7 t?e.: 75 piece* rery Dec. VA. per yard (thee* cethmersm bare br*n (aid at front 5 >c tefl); ISO piece* ol black Alpaca, 12A?r. per yard ;'Jt*i piece* of colorea Alpaca, new shade*. )2He. per yard; 50 ptoceaof One Silk Pop tin* nt !f7>tc. (reduced from Sl'.m piecasof bieck .Hi|k*at(l5c . 75c.,M5?s., positively le*a thau half price. Hp rial sale of iron frame Oreo* din* at 121*0. per yard, wortb Mm . tl.o Buntings, all the new color*, at 12c. per yard. Special aalo of Hunting. Lawn and Cambric Suite, the create.t bargain* ever offered In tbi* city. .KM flue Suit* ut 42 NO. $11 anil $4. not half the price of material. :w> Haltf at $0 Mi *nd ?7 ?'?>. eitnally cheap; 250 fine Oa?hmere a lit* lallk trimmed), at $7 Bft, worth $17 50; line Caalttner* Sack* and Dolmen* at a intil *acriflce . a eery lame itock of beautiful Shawl* bare been marked down to 5<Je. on the dollar. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, rvnvi ? i 5 bale* of orown Muslin. Ilgc. per KRUPT | yard; NO case* of whlla M.latin at lie KRUPT |?) piece* of Table iarren, 111.. KRUPT I per yard; 100 doten ef Linen Napkin*. 5,(40. each. 45 dnien extra large *i*e. be. each ; 75 domeii loaal* 414c. eaeh; 150 piece* of Kreneti Plqne, 5c. per yard; 75 pieces ol Curtain Lac*, 11(40.. per yard; Ml 1 whit* Bed Spread*. 411c. o*eh ; .V*? piece* of Celicoc*. f**t color*. Jl>,a per yard. Hosiery, Glnce* and Oureett. 1(1 ?*?*? UaOIr*' tin**, extra long. 5>4r. per pair: .??****. Iloer quality if. 7.' in ? O'J - Ry.f.y, P-cnw. C;;j g - -r 'j *ia< IgJgM d s:sa BANKRUPT Ban KRUPT B aNKRUIM SALE *ALd SALE HALE HALM SALE SALE HALE SALE SALE MaLE sale kale S VLB SALE SALE HALE HALB SALE C-9 X* M* ^ie H'b M.' "t" ??> Xn CH ?s ??2 > z 55 HtLK SALE S A l.f. SALE saLE HALE MaLK SAI.E Ml.ll HALE sale 8AI.IV HAi.K balk sale kale SALE HALE SALE SAI.B sALK SAL.. SAI.E haLK 32 XX 32 w , tic Iter pair; 5 r*?*s tine *irlp _ ilose, ne.. loeaac* Halbrtggan extra Ion* (?tIK *.oc*e(Tj. -'Oc per pair (would lie cheap at MM 1; 2 Hot inn Kl.l Glnce*. 45c per pair, ad ? bade* extra lilt" i|iial.iy; 3 loiiton Kid (ilaye*. !*tc. , e*"h pair warrant rd; Lisle thread Gloy** nt 10.:., I .e. and ISc. per p <ir: flue On bone Gor. art*. "JO* . PrencB xrwrcu Corset*. IP,.; nail, ate i ?raets 4ttc.; Ikf). Iron* I ?>rset*. 75c. Liulir*' and ttent*' Undctwear. 1 o - Mnalln Gbciooe. good quality, I 2.1c ; ban.Nome Drawer*, einater I inrked and cl/inb'. MM. ; good in,l<| tKvi tin Skirt*. 51T each; extra llni CkWMtaWS, sklrt*,l?rawer* and Nlpht lire****at y.rry low price*; Alerln Vest*, ilc. (haee bt*n Mm. 1 ; extri quality. MM.. Uie. and 40e. encli Cbllilreu'* Merino V**n, 14c. IV |Hr ,'JOr. eiwh; lieutleineii'a mil tin-I cry dried ,-hlrt*. 45c. earn ; callcu Shirt* | !rn 25c. s lloy*' .shirt*. -Jc ; Alen'* Mrr j <*/? inn Shirt* and irrawert. 22c. eaeh: I HDD do* i-11 Snrpnier Un .eranlrla, 1 MALE line qnalltr. at 25c., itic., Rrc, I MALE wor'h double the price; Men'* I SALI-. Heck*, lit., 7e. An . llle, lfc.,|kAWS BANKRUPT | SorB*, tic., 7e , He , DM, 12 I B ANKkUPT I t.Ve. per pair, great baruaina; 4 pi? I SALr. BANKHUPT I llqen Collar*. *1 per u-iran; Nei-k B AN K RU f*T | wear, all tty Ira, equally cheap BANK.tUI'T I RlBIKlNS ANi> TaIMMINOS. BANKRUPT I Pinegro* grain Ribbon*, alt *llk, M aN KRUPT I 5e. no., sc.. I'M.. l'2e. per yard, all BAN K Itl'IT I wldtha, from No. 4 to No. 12; slla II iM. Ill I'T I fringe* In groat variety, from 'gur. B iMiKUI'I I pnr >ard npw.trd; VA'or-led fringe*. B xNKKi I'T | lie.. 5c. Sc. per r*rt|. worth, at icaal, MaNKRUPI 1 double the price. Also en numeii** I AN KRU PT i atoek of good* lor liilaui*' wear to he .II.NK RU'l'f I ..l*p..-ed 01 St bait price, in -luding It AN KRU I'I 1 l*aee Cap*, II orated ->lioe* and seek*. I AN K dl'Pl 1 flannel and Merino Shawl* aim IANKkUPT I Skirl*, long and abort Itobe* and IaNKRUPI | l>re?#e?, Marseille* Cloak*, Merino Cloak*. Lace Itili* and 1 nllar* and all good* pertaining I* infant*' wear, at very low price*. I'araaol stork reduced. Mlaae*'*. '24c.; I.aulc*' 20-lneh. *1 25; 22-tncb. |l H.V; 21 Inch, $1 ?); all fine twilled silk* UAUIIGN In aon*e<inenea of tba great m<h Inr our 11 irgatn* ether drr goud* aiore* in nil* cioinlty hare adopted Ja t?bS r/l ?/. ? IANKKUPT I.ANKhUPT t w KRt I'1 UNK HI IT 4 iMKlti'PT \ a \ KRU I'I IANKKUPT dlNKKLl'T IANKKUPT IANKKUPT IANKKUPT r method ol adrerlialng. Intending MALE M I Li. sale sai.e M ALI'i SALE SALE S ILK , e A L K i HAI.E SALK Male SALE HAl.E SALK M \l. . "91 >*? AS II r . HALE hale mai.e sale HAL . SALE haLE. sale HALE HAl.ll MALE v .acli mean* to nilaiee 1 tliofle who C01110 to look lor our store. There h.r* make no mlatnku. Our num bera are rt'251 and (Ml Hih ar., Im twecn Ptli and 41*1 *1*.. New York , r 11 v. PLAN IU AN A Co., Age,lis | I -IMPORTANT TO~~ LA III KM, GKNII.RMKN AND V, fkmilla*. m ^ hUONOMY IN BOOTH AND slloBw | ^ A I HHOOKhV T Ladles' line II11T1011 Moots, $5, ?:? Ml $4 and $5. tl|*?et' and 1 blidreu'* Hullou ll.a.t*, $2 ami BJ 5 ?. II. v?' line rail Billion nun Uon?re*a lluota, ? heap Gantleman'* tlne Hnnta. Mlin ? and Gaiter*. $5 ami upward, the flneat and heat work III the city at lower price* than iny otfief house In llie trade. I'erfeet tit gnaranteed. BROgKM. 1,11*1 Broadway, corner ffPth M. LXilit H A LK HANDHUM* ( tMKI.'H IIAIRBHAwIl, 4 reasonable. Address J LIIG.ML, ll?r*ld odn? DKY GOODS. A r n n h u H H H H IIIIBIl il II II H ? " - 11 OO " ? N* N EEEB 0 o ? ? K S V E 9 ? 'NX N I 0 0 N N N B 0 o N N N EEB 0 0 N N N E o o K X N B o o N NN E 00 N MM BBSS II Is > II L T> II L L II L L It L L It L L II L L 11 L L 11 LLLZs LLLL A CO., 321 TO :?> 6TII AV. IMMENSE REDUCTION In STRAW GOODS CLOSING OUT STOCK. 2,000doseo CHIP DATA, 43ft. to 9.V.. worth 21 30 and 8X 1,000 dozen CHILDR-N'S 8AILOR AND 6HADE Hat*. a3?. t.> 8i. 1.300 MILAN MAI9. 48c. and upward. f KLOWER.H AM) PRATIIEKS. 200 carton* REAL BLACK OSTRICH TIPS, 50c. SOOdoaen PA NOV WINGS. 25c. FINEST FRENCH MONTURBS, 75c. and $1. BIBSOKH, VELVETS AND TiIIMMINO SILKS. f KID ULOVEs! f "TREPOOSSE and JOUVIN," In all abadaa and number of button*. Is a Oti KEEK SS3 It AA C O K 8 8 Tj A A 6 K 3 A A 0 EES 8SS MA 0 E g ii A A 0 0 E S g LX.U. A A CO KBEE BBS A large and One aolectlon ol FRENCH LACES. Colored EMBROIDERIES, COLLARS and CUPF8 and novelties in mode nn LACK i.OODS. < A full line of SUN UMBRELLAS and PARASOLS at low price*. LACE JACKETS and OVBRSK1RT3 especially. UNDERWEAR AND CORSETS. DRESS GOODS. All silk and wool ORENADINES. 8V. All silk GRENADINES. 21; s<>ld elsewhere 81 2\ SEASIDE HUNTING In *11 new and desirable shades. XV. and upward. Extra bargains In CASHMERES. PULL LINE OP MOUKMNG GOODS. sss u u a tttt Sbg B g U U II T B g 8 V V II T S 898 u U II T 888 8 U U II T 8 8 8 U U II T SB 888 UU II T 888 > Extraordinary inducement* will no offered this week In BILK. GRENADINE, WORSTED, LINEN, UaMBKIO and LAWN SUIT*. 5O0 LAWN SUITS at 81 98. werth $4. 200 CAMBRIC SUITS, $2 95; o"it to make. 84 5a 1.000 PI NEST LINEN SUITS. $1 75 to 87. ORGANDIE COoTUMEH a ?penalty. BARGAINS IN H H OO H H O 0 II II 0 O 1IUHII O 0 11 II O 0 H H 0 o H U OO StiH i! AEBB RRR Y Y s s II K R R Y Y H II B R R Y Y sss II EES HRR YY 8 II K R R Y s s 11 K _ R R T 888 11 KEEK R B t MERINO UNDERWEAR. 2i*) dnien LADtkS' BAI.BRIGOAN FUI<L REGULAR SILK CLOCK. extra lone. 35c. par pair; worth AOr. Our $1 SHIRT, mad* to or (lor. th? bolt la I ho market. A rally Snlahed SHIRT, S-piy linen bueomnnd boodm.02u. [fringes. fancy goods. TRIMMINGS. ( [TOILET ARTTCL.BR. AC. NOTICE. Tbo oreat Inoaeomonti WK OFFER FOR TWO WEEKS TO HOUSEKEEPERS. REDUCING STOCK. LINEN TABLE DAMASK. 3:>o.: former p'lee STXe. LINKS DAMASK. ;i7V?e. fiirmerly mid for tic. 1>(> RLE DAMASK, hV NaI'KINS, extra henry, all linen. $I f?0; rednood from $2 .V). TOWELLING and all klnda of LINEN GOODS, reduced In like oroportlon KXTH AOHDINARY BARGAINS In MARSEILLES Sil ll.TS, larife alio; DOUHLE MAKSKILI.KS, f 1 OS. 2 15; extra line. T-l VI; worth double these prices. BARGAINS IN FINE WHITE OOODR. f SPECIAL NOTICE. ~~~~~~~~ i <a> - ? <A CLOSING OUT OUR CHOICE STOCK OF TRIMMED 'BONNETS AND IIATS AT GRRATLT REDUCED PRICES. IL O'NEILL A CO. nth a* . earner 20th St. -SPECIAL. SALE. KERB BER 888 K R B B H KM R R 8 KBR 888 R R 8 R R 8 R R 8 8 a oo ddd on eeeb k r. bum 11RR OO DDD It R O O D D R K O O I) D R R O O 1) D KBR O O D D R R O o D l? It It 0 o I) D H K O o D 1) oo O 0 oo XRR RRR RBR RRR OO S3R K R R R H n K R O 0 8 3 R RR H H HR K O OS K R R H H 1IK R O OS KKK KRB llltll KBR O O gffl R IK R H H R R O O S It KK R M MK R<> 0 S K KR R R UK B<? 0 8 H R BR B BUI! R R OO 88S i 183, t?l 187 Hih ?v.. twtween l"fh and -'nl. Ma. MM. MR ? L L II AM R FEES *1Ul T T MN h.W II L L II K.1 N E V R V Y M N N M ML L HX 8 B_V & R Y Y KXXXlll L II N H 2? KK8 KBR V* M MM M IJ L L II X X X P II R Y M NX M II I. L 11 R XX R R R Y M R M U MULLLLLL II * MR EBEB R R * tt e will off r on Monday, J una 1". three mar.nfeelqrera' atorki.Wiu'ehAaed lor oneii. at ZOxanU un tlia dollar. At wa at" fiillv prepared to offer nnna.ial and unprecedented haraelna who f >vor M will, a call ol rxamlnmion will tocure bargnaa. All poodt ara eiartljr an we revrre lit them. 5,1 VI dnren real Prenrh ( hip. flneet fmpnrred. leading ihyt; Iran*, lierii. Stratford i'nr..n?t. r.ugiia'i Walking hat. Vlolat. Maria Stuart and manr uthtrt too nam*r. ui to m -oll'ia. Ann wm? rvi iw'tx (?? eu int n'? or?.i? oi c?i im e?i in is? m two MM pood vntna at 81 7*. a? $5 21 I .Mm .mean anlidrrn'a sailor Hate, In all tlia new etrl*a and liraida nt the aeiteon, 18c., 2Hr., 2.V., ."Or., die.: our laat wrek'e price, .Via., 7.V., <1. *1 2.1, aetne iioudn. (tin do*?n ralaara' and ehlidren'e Steeple Top and naw nnvalllan In all Ilia new nhapaa, 2 V . dfte., #),?? former pr.caa 7.1a , 91. 81 21. We am fnilr eonrlnred that no liooa* can offer a nail un. unnal and attraellre prlera. hierf hat worth three time* the prli-o offered. f ERA TURKS. T 4 A a Imtnenee aatortment: urlcea alao redned. Ill >011 ol threa Upa. Itr., Ifle . 2"r_ : Oat rich tlpa. at tra hna, hnaeh of threa. :4V . Vie.. MfW., 7.1e. i In all eolora. .Mai rarfona axtra lunar Piumea.nte 14 lectoee, K3e., 8fte., 5"'. ,8V.; worfh fnlly double. iWVi aartona I'lnmni. 14 to 27 Inahaa lunp. 7.1? , 81, ft 2.1, 81 HI ni>. Thaaa ara unnnnal haitralna Pun Puna, Wlnga, Kaurr Feathers. are all rrdue?rt to very low nrn ea. y iiO'.v mih Sftn eartnna flna Pranrn Plnwara will he openad at IV., 21c.. fw.. 4.V., .V e.; Sptaye ami IVreatbt our <|ti.iri?r their Nciual valua sll.KS, HaTIRS AND VELVETS. .V?) ptaeaa Itlaek Velvet. !?*. to 81 "at I .Ml pieces Inner Slika, 4tle. up. 12.1 idaree flatln, ."aie., cor., 7<>\. up. ROL'RD AMU TIIIMMR0 IIATs! T Trlnimad. to cloae the line, Yd ."ill, 8:1 2.1, ft 7.1 fltei floral iiiinlltlee, richly and aieeanily trimmed, 8:t VI. fM 7.1. 84 m, fl: worth Inlly donhie, Tlirae llala will bo dlaplaied on ennirn e^tlon. flrnt flour: alno on cenlro aeetlon, an. ond floor, and every art Inn marked in plain Atnrr>. I'rlcva lower ilian ever belnre known lo title fii.r. hODOtltts A Ultit Shi IS., |*t. 1*1 |rtj ??h nr. IJt'MH T, PSt?M AtlUl'HTK PATH. P A It IS. .M'ST Jlrurrive.I Iri.m liim. tho late?t arnaalIon. tlia won.lrrinl I u.|rtai, wl.leli inakeaevrrv ladv Inna revlananle : will aril Lla larife aiork ot llral qnatltlr ilnman ilair at a prrat re* onrtlmi, prior to tila departure for Parle: aola Importer of the Permian llnlr Seta, auperlor to any made In Amrrtrn. 27 Union aqiiara, near filth at. $75 ?will riR Paid roit irdia 8haWl.-a|: 'dree., two deya, ST. tlbKMAIR IIOT&la, city, j Dill UtMIUM. LADIES WHO ARE REPLENISHING THEIR WARD ROBES BEFORE LEAVING TOWS ARB RESPECT KULLV REMIND-D THAT EVERT REQUISITE OP CLOTHING FOR LADY. Ml.sS OR INPAST 18 SUP PLIED BY U8 AT PRICKS WHICH ARE GBNERALLV ACKNOWLEDGED AS PaTlOWER THAN AT OTHER ESTABLISHMENTS. ~ VERT EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION AT PRES ENT IN LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS, TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED HATS. LADIES' UNDERCLOTH ING. FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, AC., AC. RELIABLE GOODS, MODERATE PRICES AND COURTEOUS ATTENTION ARB ALWAYS TO BE POUND AT T EilltlCHS'. ? RIIKlOHb', ?> I ?<? 287 TO 203 8TH AVENUE, NEAR 24TH ST. A sss u h OO EBBS 8 8 11 II 0 o E 8 II II 0 0 E 8 II 11 0 0 E 888 HHHIt 0 0 FEE B II 11 o 0 E 8 II II 0 0 9 8 8 H II 0 0 E 888 U B OO BESS BSB 8 8 8 8 888 8 8 8 8 888 AT keee n h nnn n co E II I! K A II C O K H II R K II 0 E II II R K II 0 KEE HQBH RRR II C K II H R R II C K II H R R II 0 E II H R R II C 0 EEEB U H U tt U CO H H SS8 H H 3 3" II II I ? H II 3 1111II11 8S8 II 11 8 II II 8 H II s a . U H 888 KIUIITII AVr.KUK. { I EtUHTH AVENUE, i BETWEEN 24TI1 AND 25TH 8T8. TO-MORROW (MONDAY) WE WILL OPEN tnatr Bra dmeni of MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTH TOP BUITON BOOTS, la every alio. Naif eleo and all the wldtha, end ta a great variety ef faahtonabla ehadea to match eoitamea at 82 K7 per pair. We are iBe Brat Ionian to I ni reduce JTIaaea' and ifhllttren'e Ctotb top Bnote: no other hoate carrtea ? lino of theae good*. Ira Hag thla week Weahail c .Bilniie tne great >ale of LADIaS' Cloth Top Bo..?a at $2 87, 83 87 and $4 87. Aak to lee "Murphy i ltoia'" make of Boo ahoe. WK DB8IRK TO DIRECT the atlontloa of LADIB8 to aaothor lot of RRaL FRENCH KID BUTTON BOOTS,. tai alt alaoa and wldtha, which wa shall ?IT.-r aarlag tho com lag week at 82 NU. Wo ore eatletted thkt our patrone will Jnatlty ua In the belief tlial theaerlboee are tha lineal over offered ta thla city at tha prlee mentioaod. OUR FRENCH KID BUTTON BOOT for I ad tee. at 83 81. 84 6!) and 85. ara from 81 50 to 82 BO loaa thaa prleaa u.uallr caked Inr Similar gooda. Tho llllUCil WAl.AI.NO BOOT, made over the "McCUMHKtt" PATR.NT I.A.-T. are now open and aching at 84 37 per pair. Theae aliuea are manufactured eapreaaly for na by Meear*. W. ItltlSTwL A CO.. of thla city, and ara certainly modela of Comfort and durability. No ladv ?ho admlroa au hAnV SIIOK ahopld think of getting along without them. *'e make I.aeia to order at 82 2i per pair on the "MeUllll ><KR'' Cilnclplo W# hare the eanlnalre rlalit for thla city to lanafecture ahoea or mako laata of thla kltid. -IIAlA'8 MEDICAL ADVISOR," retrrrlnc to thla atth Jact, eayas? Pew of oar roodera are aware of the Importance attached to thia naw kaireailoa. tho introduction ol which an happily meets the wanta and noceaalilea ol all claacoa and agea la ?oeletr. P'T crnmrlec. id fact from the tlral commence ment In the manufacture of bonte and anoaa. tho wiah haa tuen uppermoat tnat tho feot could be fitted perfectly, eo that there need he no pain malformation or trenbla In wearing them, bat no one, until the preaenl, haa hit upon the method In rain thla reamt, aod. ooneeqaenHr. ell h?v:? rxperleneed the aamf illlhcu tr and nad tholr full ahare if Taxation, dlatreaa and dlatortlon Incident to boota and ahoea The day. however, haa at laat arrived lo which ad Who will caa enjoy lite wearing of tbelr foot aooarel aod bo free from the pain, tro ible and dlatertloaa attending their braaklog In. OUR ASSORTMENT OF half high (ad low eat Shoe* foraummcr wear In NKWPilKr. HA RATOO1 AND IiONU KKA.M'II TlKit, a? well a? naNDALs. la almply Imnrnan. ?htr "Uonntett Hoieberry'' sandal Tl# at ?H 31 and our hi#a cot aaudal Soma ai fci .VI an t fit !*? are oar* popular. Ouratockof Mlaaoa' and Children'* ?h"o? eoalalna ovary thin# that ran ho doalrad la tlila Una; line medium and rh'iauer cradea of draaa and achonl Shoe*. INFANTS' WHaR in eroat prulualou. ASK TO SEE TIlK "I'KlNChHH." ilia ntwaat Idea In ladlaa' bout* and our own oxrlaalre ttylo and production. OIK ffsrOM DF.PAKTMKftT NOW OPENt We rnako Sho-? in order for ladlaa. gentleman an; chil dren at a vary allKht advance upon oar wall known anr. prl.ingly low nricea, ami In many eaaea no advanro la eh arced Only wliare the peculiarity of tba foot requlrea It will an additional chare# bo made. ? . . _J? .. ..??> 287 TO B? "TM AVr.h'LE, NEAR 24TI1 8T. f BIIRlOllsT""^ T hllRICHH'" A." G6J 1 It ? 8 S 1 II II S 1 II II S 1 II II SUB j I1HIIII n i ll H 8 1 II H B H ! I II B 98 U M CK) FEES ?88 O O E 8 8 0 0 K 8 0 O E 8 8 8 iEE 88a. o o *S m 0 O K SB OO EE EE 888 ? REMOVED Id order to locroaaa our butlneaa. wo ha to removed our ?tookof Slioea from Klnaoy'a HI nth arenaa Store to No. 18 Waal 14th it., whore wo will open, on Tueoday. an Ineroaaed itoeh of I.adlei*. *le?ee\ Children a and Infanta Shoe*, at remarkably law prleev All kid ballon Mnotn at f? VI Light el.Mh, t"|. aid. fanod. hot toe ;! t?l hatra line quality cloth top, boa toe, French luwh. . 4 Vi kllra hue French kid, round boa toe. French heell.. V VI Wo altn offer the eotobratad Uapgood Spanlnh arched luatap Shoo, band made... 97 Iblaboot, without the beat boot In point of ntyla and eiecntlon of wnraman*hlp to ho fnand In the market. Th# quality I* of lha beat aeleeted aterk of the tonal popular bran da, Utasbee If rennlderod by all to bo tbo beat Shoo to he bad. Our lino of Slipper* la unequalled. Fair* Una French kid. hand aawe I, l.nula t^ulnae b-ela , 8N VI r atra line Fr u< b al.l, hand aewed. French heela i I t Infant.' fine Kid, aptlng h> el shoe. u I Hi lunula tlnn kid In colore I J~> InVnia' One French kid, Mark V t At No. 19 Woat 14th at . between nth and 8th art; "" t. la JARTIB a CO. Oil k UUOUh. DON'T FA YE ONT FAIL k* villi during tho coralnt THE POPULAR DRV OOODB KMT YBA.I6HMKI * JOHN E. KAUUJir.AN A CO., JOHN K. K A 1'iiii It AN A CO., JOHN E. KAUUJ/SAN A CU. N oc 707 Anil 7f>) BroadirAT, corner O'Ji si, and No. 60 ha it 9th tf. A GORGEOUS EXHIBITION ol NEW AND DfsTuABLE GOODS at POPULA T 'RICES. sTLlcs. MOURN iTi.T"GOODS, LINEN'S AND 111 ills BII OLD GOODFi, FINE WEiTTb GOODS. IrAOES AND UiTksS TKIMM1NOS. HOSIERY ALU UNDEHWK/.R. ?I tho lowoet prices reached In twenty yean. A careful perrueal of the following - EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS 19. KEnPECTFULLY SOLICITED. Uavlnj completed our alteration*, we will cetebmtal atpcoinic of oar NEW BILK ROOM, NO. 06 east oth bt., OK MONDAY. JUNE 10. and following <lny?, $ by making a ipeeial offering of t i ?ILK*. 'tbuel exprcealy lor the Ntl aloe, comprising BLAI-iTbILKB of the celebrated manafacV art/ of Bonoet A Co. Poneon, Tapteeler, tiulnot. ^ Tnlllcrid and Alexandre Otrnnf I, whirl] we will off jt al05e..75r.. 88c.. 80e. $1.81 35. f >1 50. $1 73, ??, B3 23 and 93 90. poeltWely worth teenvV Ire per cent more. Rleh trtmralnir *llk. In ererr re rlety of ohodo. at 90*. 85c.. .75c. and R5e. Rteh colored groe grain Draea Bf Ike. In eoary aow eheda, at SI ? yard, worth ft 35. BoWttttwqnaMtr23-Inch rehired xroe train Dreee 811 a, rich ealWi;ttaUk. In all the nay and cA.lratrle 'MBMae, ae |1 36. worth SI '<6. Uleh Dumaeie Bllka, for orei drotaee. la all the an* and deurabia.aliadoe. at joe.. *5a.. Sl.Si 50 and S3 3B? nreal bargains. The en I Ire haianee or ear itock .if PABCY BLMXKR BILKS etoefnir eat beoardlkm* or cost. Bupntlor quality black Taffeta bilk. 45* a yard, worth 73* Superior wnallty twilled foulard 811k. extra wide, for irea adatetliuin., Sffta. a yard, told everywhere at 30a. P1PTV 1'IECRfi rich Japanese Bllka In plain colora and damneee. antra bljb.metre, pure ellk warp, at :Cm. agard. wortb 75* 1IRKS8 GOODS DKPARTMRWT. SOU pit roe eatnol't hair Hnltlnct, 4c. a yard, worth IS* 350 English Pnn-jee, inc. a rani. wortb 30o. 1,300 pi tret varlona fabrlci, coaa latin* Mohair Panalgo, Imperial Marge, llarrtngbnat OiahmrrM, Geneva Kif|?, (iruito Mlaluru Mil MnliairUlan. at 1>V it yard, nraat bilora tola M led than 11* ISO plan** Damanee Cuhmart, illr* wide. fabric. la all the new and dueireMo *n miner abodes at J Jo. a vard, never bsiure ??hl at lei* Iliac 3V. 7Splece?all wool Debelge at SHc. a vard. recently told at 99a ,'jOO pteeia faney Greaadlna, from 0){a. ? yard ap. MILK A!?D WOOL~~?TbaHIDB CLOTH. 4M luetic* wide, 7 V a yard; recently ???Id at RI 90. KI.KilAVT N VELTIBK In Qranadtna Banting*. tt iwim wide, toe a yard; ra aaatiy uid at (I xv> riECKK Pl!l1iFr:?D OROANPY. In dark coloring*. Me. ? yard , wurtn 3Uu. BLACK OKKKADINBA. Iron Iran*, black Ureoodlee. excellent quality, 93d ? yard. BLACK MKXrCAIt ORKNAPIRK. 22c a yard J wortb Ma BLACK IRON TLAtlB OltKKADIKE. pure ailk and wool, Ih.. to<\, aut, Rk. and TV. ALL PURE MILK MKXlOtR OUKRADIRK. Mm. a yard: worth #1. ' '? t '? DAMAMHK HEWITtO MILK G RKK A PTS BM, ?7|jc. a y*r<l; (old everywhere at $1 I V BILK AX1> WOOL BOUKKTTB OREMaDIMK. SUe. , lift v. 75e. and #1; jruralt 3") per rest more. MOURSINO liltKHM OOOD* BLACK ALL WOOL "okRKADI MB BO.YY1RO .'V. a ya-d: worth 117 tfc. BLACK IitCK BU.VT1NO, 29c a ) ard: worth 3.V. ALL WOOL BLACK CASII Ml',RB?. MM lathe* wide, :u.V * yard , wortu Sua. MILK BAKP TAMISK CLOTH. ?nperlor quaint Sk. a yard. ALL WOOL LACK RUHTI390, Hi yard* wide, rnilraly new. $1 a yard. LIS 1MB AMD 110 c"s I "k E B P1910 GOODS. Heavy hae* Teweie. to. pin-i wltiia l.laee. J'<9 a yard. Kalra heavy Pinner ItapKin*,.W. a daaea. rr ii line white rtRaa, vj|e. ayerd Yard wide nnblaached Mhccttn**. Ba a yard. Litre hear. all linen Tabic OamAak. J <e. a yard. Klae plaid Nalna oik. 121*0 i yard, line whlta nw?a? Mull. Me. a yard. Kalra henvy buck Tow*la, H7 Inrhea lens, Tl laehaa wide. H e admen. < M*r?ellle* Oallti, alight!/ tolled on tha nnttlda, cleetag out at (I TV t- ?"*> and t-l 7">, wnr'.h dnulilo. Col tat# Prapory. 4 ? Indie* wide. 131ft. All the ataudard make* of nheetlng and Blilvtlag Ratline *l POPULAR PRICKK ALL WOOL HORE BLANKETS. |0-4. ealra heavy, f I. II I. > alra lioavy,RAl haal qitalllv. lit. Cailh.rnia. M "el a pair. L ? DIBS' AND uKNTLKKItR'B HOJIKKT AKD I'SiiRliM hAlt EXTRAORDINARY LOW P tll'KM. lacp. asp pITem* TRIKRtNlMI la KRPLKRM TABIBTT, at mPULAIt PRICB& PaRASOLK A NO MIR UMBRELLAS, la RNDI.KMK VARIETY, at I'OPt I Alt PI! ICR*. A TI IT Of iNSUKc 1*1'IN* ItPSPF.t TFUL1.Y RO * Liciriai joliS K. K AUG II RAN, iToIIVR KM'iHIRANACO. Jacob Rich. / TBI aad MB Broadway, Tlli'MAhP KAUOliRAV I eoraer at ntfc at. Ptr Other Dry Hnnda Advertlaciatnti Una Hlktcnnth P?|?*