Newspaper Page Text
CITY fUSAi. E8TAT1. TOtt MLB. Central. A 88ORTMENT CHOICE UWKLLINGH?MODERATE xxprlcee: own production : aend for description. DUUUIN A CKOhSMAN. architect*. 63 Eaat 41at. rr you want a good. thoroughly built new four ttory JVioot Horn-. at reasonable price, over looking 5th nr., exauiine Irom 1 to 0 1*. M. No. 4 Eaat 131 at. M A Kc. AN OFFKR.-KLEOANI HKOVTN sTONE Uuuao. 603 Lexington nr.; great bargain. Illarellituenuii. For bale-a superb four stout high stoop brown atone House. Apply C. T. BARNEY, 83 Broad eay. BHOOKLYil PllOPKHTY POlt BALK AND TO HEKT. ^SEKSiwraSrirt;emete rT^-TIiT fch:quartsKB ok ra l.ot for aale cheap, well located and fenced. Addreaa >og HM Herald Uptown office. PROPERTY OUT OK THK CITY FOR BAliB OR TO RKWT. X HOT?rTO *K EST. KUKNlNlitiD. DOtNU A C65o ^Ibuaincia, situated 60 milea Irom New York city, cloee to railroad elation. Apply to li. J. CALLO. 1U Mont gomery at,. Jersey Oily. ALOVBLY OOUNTKY HOME, FULLY FURNISHED, tO tnlnutea troni city; $.'?<> per month. KUKOPE, box 166 Herald Uptown office. Beautiful place, weeibury. l 1-22 ac.^es excellent land; new buildings; Mock, Crepe andToeia; great bargain. 36 West Honaton at. IPOR SALE OK TO LET?KINK HOUSE. MODERN 1 Improvemouta; large garden; flue nelglioorliood: I'ae eaic, N. J. A. McLKa^ 35(1 W eat 33d at. New York. ipOK SALE ? A N ELEGANT 1 li", USE "In NEW ?ey. within au hour from Wall it. Apply C. T. BAR NEY, S3 Broadway. For sale-at co, u i, a very PIKE TWO atory Irame nouae almnat new ; flrat claaa flnlah; two lull lota; on corner; 30minutes Irom New York: threo mlu utel from Corona dopot. Addreaa J. 8., elation P. New York eity. J^ARRAUANShrr BAY. OAKLAND BEACH FOR SALE. HOTEL. GROUNDS AND EQUIPMENT. A rare ooporturilty lor ateamboat owner# and hotel keepera Complete In every department, and ready for immediate orcpuaucy. Deecrlpttve circular# aent on application to METCALF & LITTLE FIELD, I'awtncket. a L Owner going to kuropk offers for sale hU clugant Ktiidtnc*, ueur Englewood. N. J-, lurnishod or unfurnished; either )u or 32 acres (i.Diion of buver) t Strictly healthy: very liijfti. commanding magnificent views; rcsiueuce elegantly fitted up tor summer or wluter conven ience . large Blades. carnage house, gardener's house, lion ?err. hothouse, icehouse (filled): splendid woods, spring water none. Apply to KDWAHIl P. HAMILTON, 31) Plna New York. TO LET-ST STEPHEN HOTEL, 1.018 CHESTNUT at,, Philadelphia; 120 rooms. Addreta 1)3 Cbeatuut at., Philadelphia. fU LET-ON THE .SEASHORE. NEAR NEW LON don, Ohio., for the Naaoa. Part of I Uoltap, turnlalied; a and Halting and hosting; locality beautiful. Kor particu lars addreaa L. E. B LoWIN, 45 Hudaua at.. New -York ?it y TO RENT-ONE OK THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACES on the Hudaon. at Irvington ; liouae lulty turulabed; ?tabled. Ae Apply C. T. BARNEY.82 U road war, REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. C5HEAP. FOR SAL"., A FULL LOT ON ORAND ST.. 2naar Greene -t., iree and clear. Would trade lor small pice of Property. Call any day, between 12 nnd 3 o'clock, ?o JOSEPH K. HLAUT, 13 I'iue at. INARM OK 111 AGUES. IN EoCKLAlfD COUNTY. N. ~Y.. lor sale or exchange, for Ubeneambered Property! mountainous and healthy : pr ce 841,1)00; will rent to re sponsible party FARM, 282 Noalraiid ar.. Brooklyn. FOR SALE OK EXCiIANGK-AT ELIZABETH. N. J., on oue iol the leading avenuea, a commodious Itouae, unencumbered, with gas, hot aud cold water, atable. Ac.; lot 55 by 550, with plenty choice trnlt trees and amall iruita; for a House centrally located, in the city of Ni w York; principals only. Apply to OWNER, No. 370 Went ft5tb at., between 1 mid 4 P. M. REAI, ESTATE WANTED. WSsfEkNOU SO U T11W > T k It N land wanted lor Dntehcaa county Property. ARNOLD, owner, 208 Broadway, room S, from 2 to 4, lltb. BOAHUBKS WANTED. ^ +jrftcoND STOttS" "KRONI; Ai.SO single room"; Xfirat class accommudati'iiiH; table Board. 23 West 2Wth at. 1 'LOOK. Three ROOMS. PRIVATE BATH JLromii. wnli private table or without Board: Rooms lor lentlemen ; references. 3s E-at 2tUh at I LARGE ROOM 114 EAST I0TH ST., NEAR hltOAD Lway.-Suitable lortwo gentlemen; first class Board. 1 HANDSOMELY FURNISHED FLOOR. EN SUITE J or singly, to gentlemen or family; alao tingle Room. 233 We-t 411th at., near Broadway. A IH AV.. 435.?SECOND FLOOR FURNISHED XRiximt to let: airo one on third floor, with or without Boerd. 5J IH AV.. 385.-ELEGANT ROOMS. SECOND AND bird floors, with Board; aumraer i rices; references. 14 Til, ST.. l.VI WrsT.?FURNISHED ROOM FOR A gentleman with first clasa Board: references. Hrn sT, 257 WEST.?HANDsO E SECOND floor front Room ; amule closets; excellent talxe ; very reIisubahie . one single Room : delightful summer location i (ITU sT.. 2)4 KA.Sr.-PLK SA.NT KOOMs UN SEC Xt/und and third floors, with first elnaa Board; reler ancea. #?/? WEST 27TII SI.. NEAR BROADWAY -ROOMS DOon the sccono floor, front, to let, with Board j reter vnces; table boarders taken. A[\ F.AHI' 9TI1 ST., NEAR HROADWAY.?TO LBT, ?fcUwith Board ; large and am til Rooms; tabla boarders ?acorn in od ate d. 45 BA8T JOTH ST. -KOOMS, DOUBLES aNU BIN tiau-lent or permanent. with table Board. ffQ CLINTON PLACE.?FUUNIsHBi' ROOMS TO t/Olet. with or without Board, for, gentleman or lady; terms from $2 to $5. d?'i 5TII aV.-HANDSOMELY FURNISHr D ROOMS; OOalao I'arlor suits, with first ctaes French enialn*; terms reasonalsla; references. 07 MaDI-ON AV.-TO LET. ENTIRE THIRD O I Floor, together or separately, at reaaonahia rates; also Part of Parlor Floor: transients taken. 1 GO EAST 17X11 ST. ? UANDMOMRLY FURNISHED LOOPiirlor Floor, with or without Board ; hot and cold water; closet. (}?{'/ WEST 42 D sT NICELY' FURNISH ED ROOMS. ?wltli first class Board; summer prices; convenient to steam railroad stations. Or 4 WEST 231) SI ?A LARGE SECOND sTORT 0?J*X(front) alcove Loom handsomely furnisned, and su perior Board, In private laraily: reiereocoa. A FEW La HI I 8 CAN IICK A COMFORTABLE home on reas.uahla terms bj calling nt 010 2d nr., third floor. Larue, nickly furnished BOOM on riflat flour for two: convenient to Broadway stages and ele vated road; with or without partial board. 100 Went S7lh el. PLEASANT ROOMS, FOR GENTLEMAN AND WIFB or single gentlemen, at 144 West 21st sL . R OnM.s ARK RBNriNG LOW ; RMSTaURAN'T PRICES moderate, at Grand Union Hotel, list at. and Park nr. w IIO.YUD AMP MIIIGIYG U iVI'Ell. TED-R\r A LADYriti OM ANirBO/TrD; ?ST5o "a week. Addrowr vi ILi.l - hit, Herald olfloo. IIOTKLb. ~ ffE w~EN f .'Cam T~Cx o f I.c ?~hoWkY-3u5 ?l\ji?oni?; i.o<l?riiik'. 90c., 40\, 5<k5. ; wf?#kljr, $'J t? $14. G nRaNT HOa'SE. 4S NEW HOWKLY.-KAMILY Looms Mia. 75c.. 81 per day; single Looms 2t)c.. 2-Te. SOA ALII HOUSE. I4H CHATHAM 8I\?ClNaN'EK, better vontilaled. better < laas of gnastathan any cheap sa in the city; sheets changed dally; 21V. par ntuhf. )AKK AVENUE HOIrL. 4th *v., 32d and 33d sta.. New York, Into Woman'* Motel.) Thla magnificent tfactur#. with lt? aplendld appoint ment*. unaurp.aaod In lie Inraitnra mi l ooultmenta, adapted In ererr particular in ll>? cbimoet and ennvanlcBCO ?f lam tile* anil gueata, I? now open to the general public a? a flret tlaai Hotel. It h?* upward nf V*' albeplnir rn >rae, many with roe? ne< ting parlor* and there ate alto el. ht large receptl n rnorna, with library, parlor*, rranin:-, dln>ng. billUrd. wait lug and <1110*1011 rwmaa for tne general of ga*.i?. wnrreunlRftg en ektenatro court eeer' rlim " '? ?? t ? oneaniage ol light and mutilation, a< dealrabl* daring th* Hummer weather. The building a)*n la Indeatructibie by Are, b*lng Bre proof tliroil boat an I th* only lintel ol tbatcla.e In the' alt* nl Nnw Yore. fnn Horary eontalne S,(?)0rolnmea of >al*cted and mlf tallnneoiK io oa*. Elevator. eonnart nlth avery floor of the llolel. The table will i e at all tlnto. annndnmly anpp'led. and the alteben and enlinarv deporlment will be controlled by eonka of the blghaat greda. An eaten.Ive l.anndrt l? attached to the Hotel, where waalilng will be done axnodlttoualy and at rery mo le rate prleea. A pti'iiliar leatara of tha ondillnr la Iti elegant and apaclnne Interior < martyard, with Fountain. Hammer (tar da". n alcnnle. and Promenade ttlinnted on to* Una of Hie Jfew York Central and Had ton Hirer Railroad. It te hellered that the location la par tlrnltily coorenlent lor the travailing public. Hoard, with alngle Room, fill per day. Parlor* at equally low prleoa. ? Pamllloa will bo aeenmmedal td at apeclally attractlre rate*. ' HKHRY CLAIR. Manager. C. PR It DA). $n PKIt )V KK ?Outfit PROMT booing Central Motel. dftH Canal ?t., near Broadway, 50 COVK I KI HO A ItU. "X KfSiiBft it-'s??itT "if?>?y 7\R<o|>n? Krr-k. four mllee from I'leaannt, ot Snngerttee; target', and lineal farm In (fitter cnnntr; J.iaat Irtilt Ueat; n large waterfall: lit tact, emryihlng te utraet th* aye and imprort tne health I'artlcttlnfa .it Metropolitan bummer itaaurt, 4lf Kaat Ifilt (Union aqtiaral. MARTI!* A B! Alt ItHtf NiMIDK "oTTAIti. tilAlUCI BOJlBltA.*-. JDl'lea. nit home Call Monday, from 10 to 2. Aahland 4th n* cornnf 31RI| at. B" OA KM V) ADTKII OR otlUMD?RRW HiViN KOAflU two hoar* of cltr. for gobUeman, wlfa, two children (I or year, and taroatoen month*) and aura*. Addraaa, with term*. J A. P.. I..MIKi Broadway. n*"oA*D WAtrMl-iT fiHAKIli HI'RIMUH. KIR lainlly el Ore, within walklngttlitanc* of bath*; prtc* taodnate. AddraO* M 7 l ntu ar. CTITY MOTKL. PI.AINKI LD, *. J.-TWO MIKt'TRB ,/troin dep 11 ot a hoae troni few York *1* Central Kail, road ol Nrw Jrraar : twenty train* dally. Kate* reduced. ClotjRTRY IiTA'-D O.NR lllllll FROM CITY; MILS, /ablclteiK. egg>, Ac.; liiwmi with cloablt; bad* Io which yen can ilea||. Kid >aa*aa at.. e**in V rO? f |7 Y Ho ARli MA Ff. fclOM MAM 81 ON, NEAR llngaton. ?He* thy location, well ehaded, tanniitaln air, rai tabl* . ternia, fU to $7 Adurees Mr*. K. HOFF MAN, Magaton, 4. V. /ToFn i ry board, from S ro" S) p|R WrmTi Vy'piaa* int. healthy : goad hunting attd halting. Addraaa ku 1%, fate line. A. r. COISTEV BOARD. Fort flKsT'cLAtHTToliT.< rtt\ bi?aim?^C~L?Vnu Island Sound, about 'All in 11 a* lr.nn Now York?(spleiiuid boating ond bathing. inquire at 141 Bool A 1*1 at. GtOOU HOAKD?O.N Till.; fOUNI''INS OK SULLI fv..n county, four hours In Ml city; healthta-l local.on in the -late; iiiir Hue inke ; good lk>llinir. boating nd bsihlug splendid scenery; larsr dal y; term- very mod arata. Inquire fur two day. il. C. Oil tPN AN, 314 Watt 3Ail at. UAVlNO A LAitflK. Wh L.L BUILT Ht'USK. VI-KY pleasantly situate.), una I our froct saw Yora, wltli in alcguut com try view, fine road* and drlaaa.and not need lau a.I iba room. ?? would d A? a Uraily or two to Board during ibo summer. Km pariacitlurs address N. MABEii, I'leasnn tvillc Weal cheater c<u a lty. N. Y. UUnSON i;1 Vh .?Si'Lh.V'l ?l l> SITUATION; MltlH, axtensiva grounds: garden, fruit*, alablca: 30 minute* out.K Irotn depot; terma moleralo. Addrcaa ?!., fort Washington * Q>i? K(?K WOOD OOUNTKY BOARD. PAKTIIIULAK8 ?PvJand vlowa AKNULD, pro pHator, 306 Broadway, room N Irotn A to 4. 11 tit 8CD1NKK liaSUUTb. A BEaUTITUL AND' V:O UL KKKOKf.?PK08PKtlT XAHouae. Nyack-on-ihe-lludton ifonnarly the Palmer House, now opati. Till* auinim ix reaort. 360 tact aboru the river. It tbe hoallliie.t local w tt witlitu 3D utiles of sew York, and aa accessible as nuy; excellent table: Que staolos; irood drives; boating i in d lisliin-. Kor particulars addreaa T. J POi.TF.H, I'ropn et or. Nyack, N Y., or call ALBEMARLE UOUSK. Saratoga K pirlnge. South Broadway, two doors sou di ol tbe Clarendon. Term vary reusu oable. M J. f.OBIN'SOo. Proprietor, GAKKIHON IJOUSli.?HE AIPTI FULLY LOCATED, 7 iniloa Irotn hlleoallie, Ulst ?? county, N. Y., by stage; lew boarders wanted; very heal tljr; no mosquito a; price low: no children under 10. P. La CtVUKlsON, Kerlionk *on. Ulster county. N. V. LtlNU BKANUH. ?ItOKKlS <"U ilTAtil'.S. <>S NoKKXS av . will open on June 16 for the reception of board ers. Arrantrciuaut* for the season ean bo made at 18 East 83 sf ri! r. s\ r.ilL KNOWN 1'AKK HUUSK, AT BKATTLK ll boro, Vt , la now open for all who wiah to spend the saw mbratoneol the utoat pleasant mid health, ulaceein New Engl,>nd; prices to auit ttie limes. EUROPEAN STlCA-UNIIlPst. TSTuYtk-sIa k~ li nC ?T fulled States and Royal Moil Steamers. F'nr Queeu-towu anr'l Liverpool. NOTICE ?The steamers of tbl 11 Ine take the Ian# routea recommended by Lisuienaut Mange, U. S. N., on botb Ibo outward and boulevard passages, UhlOUMU ? sturuav. June 15. 4 J'. M. BAl.TIO Tlllirsdav, Juno 21). 9 A. M. ADRIATIC a Thurwiav. Juno 27. 3:30 P. II. Krum White Star dock, pi * 52 Noitb Hirer. Katea- -aloon. $80 and $10ti. in .gold. Keturu tickets ou reasonable terms. Steerage. $28. currency. Saloons, staterooms. smKking a 6d bath rooms are placed amidsbips. wlinru the noise and motion are least, affording a deirree ot comfort hitbortuuat utuiable at aea. For Inspection of plana and otbs-r inlorinatlou apply at the company's office. 37 Broadway. New York R. J. CiikTIS. Agent. AMBURIi-AMEKlCAN I'AChJii ? DM I'A.W 'a LlNi. lor Plrmoutb. Cherbourg 'ttid Hamburg. W1KL AND.Tbr'sd'y ,June 13 | SUFP'I A .Thursday, June 27 PuMMF. RANIA. ...June 2tl | tJKlUsKRT.Thursday, J uly 4 Itatea of pasture to Plymouth Lotidou, Cherbourg, Ham burgh and all points in England:-.First cabiu. $100, gold: second cabin, $60. gold; steerage. Ki ll, currency. K C N11AItL)T A CO.. C. B. KHCUaKD A BoAS. Ueneral Agents, Genet til Pass Agents, 61 Broad St.. New York. 61 ^Broadway. New York. Great western -te.vMshic 6I.Ni . NEW YORK IO BRISTOL (SNOLaND) DIR8C1. Taking gtimls and passengers from.. London. Cardiff, New port, Uioiicester and all ports in Bdstol Channel. From pier 18 East River, as follows : ? DEVON I ARRAiGON June 22 Cabin passage, $50, $60. $70. Piss raid steerage cert Hi eates, $26. Return ticketa ul favor.dale rates. For Ireiglit or daasage apply to W. D. MOKUAN, A';ant. No. 70Sonth st. UION LINE UNITED STATESAll. STLA..F.KS for Qnoenstown and Litvstrpool, leaving pier No. 38 North River, foot of Ring St., every Tuesday. NEVADA...June 11. 2 P. M I Mi> NT* NA. July 2. 6 A. M. WYO.MINO.Jooe IB. 8 A. M. | WIsC<D Nr>IN..July 9, Noon Cabin passage. $65, $75 and $81), netrording to lecntion. Smoking, nnth rooms and piano on ouch eteamer. Intermediate, $4(): steerage, $-'6. WILLIAMS A lil'ff ON. 26 Broadway. SPECIAL NOTICE?THE MAIL SiH.AMStnP NEVADA leaves pier 38 North Khrer. foot of King St., lor Queens town and Liverpool, on Tuesday, Jul w 11, at 2 P. >i. pre cisely, WILLIAMS A QltlON, 39 Broadway. IN MAN LINE. ROYAL ~<l AIL, STEAMERS, FOR QUEENSTOWN AN D LIVERPOOL. CITY OF' BRUSSELS Thursday June 13. at 31*. M. Clt Y OF' RICHMOND Saturday,.) uue 22 at IDA. M. CITY OF CHESTER..., haiiird.i.U JUna 29. hi 3 P. M From pier 37 North Kirer, Coot.?! Charlton st. Cabin. $80 end'SlOO. gold. Return tl rkets ou favorably terms. Sioerage, $28, currency. Drtsris at lowest rates. Saloons, staterooms, smoking and ball 11 ooms amidsbips. JOII N o, HALF.. Agent. 31 and 33 Hr tedway. New York. Pbllndslphla office. 1U5 south 4th St. VpiKTH OKI: M AN LLOYI) ll steamship Line, between Now Verk, Southampton, London, Havre and Bremen. DONAU sat.. June 151 Ni.OKKR. Nat.. June 26 WES Kit Hat., June 22 | MAIN..- sau.JnlyB Hates of passage from New York to ?hiuthaniplon, Lon don, Havre and Bremen: First cabin, $100, gold; second cabin. $60, gild; Steer age $tt). rurrencv. Return tickets at rekluced rates. Pre paid steerage certificates. $:m, currency. Fur freight or passage apply to OKLtUCHs A CO.,'1'Bowling flreen. Anchor line united states ma il ' NF.W YORK AND OLaSSHiW. VICTORIA. Jnno 15. 3 P. M. | DEVON! A. J nne 29. 8 P. M CI BC A8SI A, J line 22,10 A M. I WN'OHORILA, July 6. 10A.M. Cabins, $65 te $80. Excursion tlrkets at reduced rstea From pier20 Noftu River, New kork. NEW YORK TO -OUTH AMI'TON AJIO LONDON, BLYSIA Jnne 12, 3 P. M. | U IOI'IA.._ Jnno 26, 2 P. M. Tom pier 46 North River, foot ol el liarles st. Cabill, $55 anil ?65t F xenrslou t ickets a t reduced rates. Second Cabin, $40 ste- rage*. $28. HENDERSON BROS., Agents. 7 1 owllng Green. Most mr.KCT and econo.mulaj* route to Holland. Belgium, the Ruin*. Siftta rland, Ac., Ac , Tin Rotterdam. Cheapest- rnuto to Furl*. KtMnar sCHIEDam Jane IS Steamer ROTl'E DAH June 26 Those beautiful *ta*m?r?, carrying this United states mat! to the Netherlands, are great fit*trite* with the publlo. Trip* regular, rate* lew, comfort and lirtiiK perfect, r or freight, For passage. PUNCH. EDYB A cot. It. MORRIS. 27 sonth William at. SO Broadway. (Morris' huropeen and Amertoau K *pr*>*. Ctohakd LINE.?B. AND N." a. f/L ~m7~.s. S. CO. y KOI ICS. With a riew to diminish the chance* ?>f collision the steamers nl tbi* line take a specific courw > for all season* of the year. On the outward passage from Qneenstow n to New York or Boston, crossing the meridian at SO air 46 latitude, or nothi g to tbe north ot 43. On tne homeward passage, crossing tbearaerldian ol SO at 42 latitude, or nothing north of 42, NKW YORK, LIVERPOOL ANi> ?|Ulfi?NIITOWN. ABYSSINIA.. Wed.. Jane 12, AlsJTItiA.. M. Wed. .Jnno 26 BOTHNIA....Wed..June l!> | 'RUSSIA...? ed July S Cabin passage and return ticket* on fa' orahlo terms. Steerage tickets to ano from all parts nl'liurope at rery low rale*. Freight and passage nfflc, No. 4 1 nwliutf Oreen. Oil A RLE.* Q Fl(ANCK),YAgenk. STATK LINB.-10 OLAMOOW. LIVkKPOt >L, DUBLIN, Hellnst, Londonderry and tho Farts Exposition, ?ailing Irom pier 42 North Kirer, loot ot Canal at. STATE OF IMIiANA Thontdar,June 13 STATE OK LOUISIANA The a dev. June 20 STATE OK PENNSYLVANIA Than day. June 27 First cabla, ?BU to $75, aeeerdlntr to acce ntnmdatious. Return tiekct* at rcdnced rates. second cabla , H's Me cr ag e at inweat rates. Apply to AUSTIN BALDWIN A CO.. Agents,72. Broadway. RTKKKaoK TICKET* A I' 45 BRiMDWA 1 AND AT THE COMPANY'* Pli.R, FOOT OF CANaL S T. N Y. * SiilOAM LINE For LIVERPOOL! i\.The only transatlantic line sallln under th 1 American flag. Sailing erery Thursday Imm Fhiladaiphia CITY OK LIMERICK sad* Thursday, Juno L I, 7 A. M. RED STAR LINK KoR aNTWEKP, carrying the Belgian and United State* malls, a* illng semi monthly Iroat Philadelphia and Nait York. pWi IKl-.HL- Nl) aalis Sator.l y. .Inna 22. 12 M. For rates ol passage ano other Information spa v to Fhi kR WRIOHT A SONs, (.eneml A gents. 307 Walnut at, Fhiladaiphia; 52 Broadway, Ne w York. JOI1.N MoDoNALD. Agent, s Battery place. Na w York. (7 EN ARAL IRAN? ATLANTIC COMPANY" Vj BKI WEEN NEW YORK aND HA 10 IE. Company's pier "new 42" North Hirer, foot of J lorton St. ?sAINT LAlIltRNT. Lachssues ...Wod.. June L J, 3 F. M. LABRADOR. Sandler Wednesday. Jnue If OA. M. CANADA, Krsngual Wsnaeeday, J.unc M 2 I'. M. PRICK OF FsSSAliK IN UOI.D (including wine):? To Ifavr*:?1st cabin, $DiO; 2d enhln, $?ot :td cabin. #35; Steerage, $2(1, Including wlnr. bedding and ut> nails. RETURN TICKET* AT REDUCED ItAl EH. Steamer* marked thus (?) do not carry staeragn passen gers. LOUIS DK BF.BIAN, Agent,BS Rrua dway. Fee freight or pass in* at Philadelphia apply to ALONE > Sill) I WELL, 2 sTheeA nil at. PasBenoriw by any steamer at IJueenstuwn d*?lring fnuilst II ids round to Furls hy sse runt should procure them In New York. 4 ouK'S BaCDRsIOSIHT Inr Jnn? now ready, priee 1" e nnts, ha* ? ear Autumnal Programme lor Palestine and Ego,it. and hi* upwaru of 2J??' programmes lor American Tours. August r seatlon trip to Paris. COOK, miN A J f.NKiNS have chartered ihe splendid tiamnrClTY OF CIU1NI < l{ to leave New York August 1 and are leaning a ticket to Pari* and back for 32 da; s First class paasagc, railway and hotels egufl. COAST WINK ST K A.US HI PS. J>a6ifiu maIl sFeaMsThp company h LIS J"ralJT For CALIFORNIA, JAP\N. CHINA, CBN IT! A'.L and SOUTH A Mi-. RICA, S ,NDA 14711 HLaNIM. NE'V ZEA LAND. AUWKALIa. IIRITISII Coi.l MIIIA, W A II INCHON IKKI.ITIIHY and OREGON. An., sailing limn nler foot of Cinal at. North Hirer. For 131II Mi * OF P > N A MA ! fitesin*iiin CkEMCSKT CI I Y? .... Monday, .its ne 10 (couneatlug for i antral and Soutu America). Froa HAN FRANCISCO t . JAPAN and CHINA f hteainsMp CITY t>F I'FKINU Monday. I nly 1 ?steamship CI1 Y <>F TOKIO..,. Thursday. Aug oat I From MAN FHaNCI CO to SANDWICH IMi.AND.1, Al HIitAI.IA and NEW ZEALAND: Htesmshlp AUSTRALIA Monday. J sis i# 10 For freight ur passage apply at the company's nfll wis, on the pier loot Canal tlreat. North Hirer. * Nr.t YOKE AND HATANA"mREOT * tll. LIJI K Tbase first class steamships will sail at 3 P. M. . rora pi ? r 13 North Rlrsr, loot af Cedar at., for llsrana <ib set. as follows:? HANTlAfJO DK CUBA............... . Weiinesday, Jim ? 13 "i _ Natnrday. Jun * 22 For freight and passage, harlng nnswrpas-cd aeemii me dstlmis. apply to WILLIAM t. CLYDE A CO . Na. 6 Howling Or wis. McKBLLA rt, 1,1'LI.NO A S.O.. A gents fa liarana NASHAU, N. P.. i*r. JAflO AND >.lENKUKtl OsT t uba.?Steamship HAN J \s:l * I'>. Thursday, Jn is Lb at 3 P M MURRAY. FERRIS A CUt.UJ Souths t. J3LI lit ID A DIRrf'T.-"mTRAMEmH LEaVK PIKI 20 East Mirer erry Krldar. at 3 P. M., for FertlsiwR nn, Fl^. touching at Hrunawtck and Port Royal Men* ier ClTV UF DAl.bS.s. Captain lllncs. will sail June 14 Through Irelgbl and passage rates glran to all pmnws In tha South and Southwest t,v C II. M tl.LoltV A 01., Agents, ofles p'.sr 2 i East Hirer, or COOK, SON A Jal N KIN-, 2* I Itroadwoy. M'KXAi UNl~fOR"u ALT UfO N. ft Wo I UNO ~ A Key Wast.? Mlaamer N I aTE OF It a AS. Cap'aln Mr k arson. Will sail Ssarlay, Jane 15. at III' M., from pi* r Hast IllTef. Through rates of freight and bin* of la'llig girsu oyer all itsliroads In the Stale. Kor frelghi and |s* s ? age (haying supeilor a. cnnigieoallons) aptiiy in 0, II. MALLOItY A C<? , nrtirs pier '20 East Hirer, orCOuK, HON A J n.N Kl NR. 261 Broadway. alifax, n. is.7an > r-T. Johns it, r. CROMWELL I,INF.. Steamship COBl'ftH will lasra pier 10, North Hirer^18 L 'ii J2L f,*l*ht bt pweage ?pply?*i CI. A RE A SEAMAN. 99 Welt St. COAST W1SK ITBAnSHIPs. fYSTfifbU STATES AND BR ZIL (J .MAI L STL Ail till IF LINK lor St. Tbomaa, 1'tir*. Fernambuca. Daiiia and Rio da Janeiro. 'Iho new 11 rat clara iron ?t?aniahlp CITY OP KIO MB jANKliO. 3.5UO tuna. aptalb tteir. will aail lor tbo above porta on Saturday. July 8, at II A. M. Krriubt at low ralea lakon lor lilt) above porta. Freiitht received at all mure at lioberii' dock, Brooklyn. i iiauruiico iuwr thau by any other Hue. shipper-* dealr icg inaurauce can effect name untlar oar open policy. Pur Ireivlil cuo.tcenienta or paaaaue (havlup eleaabt ac commodation*) apply to C. II. MAI-LOKY A CO.. Acente, office pier '20. K R MOHLWS I.OUIS1A.NA AND TbX AS S fh A M Sil I l'S auu Railroad Company. -The ateaiuer LllNc kTAK will nan from pier 3H North diver on Saturday, Juno '?>. lor >?w Orleuiia direct, traiialerrini; iczaa IVei?>il to Murgan'a loouieinuu and le*?? Itallroad and steatnabip Tbrunch billa ol ladlnc tinned to all Texaa ?onp trie and railroad eta l on~. iircrwit-vllle. Mobile anil all .di*ela*ippl Kiver poluta. lueiiruuce can be rffectrd direct with the Atlantic Mutual Company, el under opan poller of the line witb tbal copiiptny, at loweat ratea For i'relirht and other inlormalion apply to -.irui. BOUEltT X MOlttrAN. Agcnte office pierBiS Nortli Kiver. NY.. HAVANA AND M hXIC.VN .MAID S. S. LINK ? Steamera leave I rent pier 3 N. K, at 8 F. .M. poll HAVANA AND VERA OnUZ, callintr ? t t'ruureso, Campeacliy, Krvn era CITY Or' .MI.XICo Sattirtiar, June 15 CITY OK WAnlilNOTON' (IIHVniieoiily?..Thura. Juno 80 Steamer leavee New Orieana Juue 8 for Vera Crui via Matamuroi, Tampion. Tuxprii uaakiuir oloai conn ctioa will) ateaiuer for Havana. New York and ail the above por.a. K. ALLXANDItr. A HONS, 81 and 88 Broadway. BKKMUDA, I'OKTl) KICD. ST. THOM AS. W. 1.; LA ? Ul/AVRA. FUKKIO CABKLLO, VENEZUELA, with cooiieeilune to all parte ol WEST INDIE- aud sUl.Tll AME .IGA.-Tbe (Quebec and (<ulf Horte SS. I'o.'a Line a ll < aa undernutmlFur HE ? MJAD A, sS. H All AM A, .leiue 13. For ? I'. JOHN (and FONCls on homeward voyare only), - ? rn iL ST. THOM AS, LaOUAY'HA aim FUERTO CABELL'>, sS. II ADJi. June 2H. For deicrlptive pamphlet!. freight and paaiai;e npuly to n. i. Ol' I e.itil ill DOE A CO.. Agente, 29 Broadway. C <i. DE UaKMENDIA, 35 Broudway; U. LEYK, *71 Broadway. VThW YORK AND CUBA MAIL If. H. LINE FOR 1\ HAVANA DIRECT. From pier 17 hut River hi 3 P. M. Magnificent accommodation far passougera. CITY OF DALLAe. (line* eaturaay. Jose 15 NIAGaRA (new), 2.3(15 loo*, Curtis . Wednesday, J una 20 Tlcsou issued also tor VERA CRUZ and WEST INDIA IsL \NDS. in connection with French and Englitu steam ship lines from Havana. JAMES K. WARD A CO.. 113 Wall a!. gAVANNAH. FLORIDA. 11 LIVINGSTON, irom piar 10, E. R.,Wednesday. June 12 CITY OF MACON, irom pier A3, N. R...Saturday. June 15 GKOKGr. YuNliii, Agent Saturday ate amor, 400 liroa.iway, MURRAY, FEitnJs a; CO., Agent Weduaaduy steamer. 02 south at. O. D. OWI-.NS. GEO ROE VONGI4, Agent A. A II. it. K., 315 It'way Agent C. U. R.. 400 H'way, ^LP DOMINION STEAMSHIP COM PAN Y, sailing from pier 37 North Kitrer, lor NORFOLK. CITY POINT auo RICHMOND, TUES DAYS. THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS, at 3 P. M.. con necting with all RAILROADS lor the SOUTH, SOUTH WEST and WE>T; also with steamers for NKIVBEKNK and WARUlNoToN. N. C. Steamers lbr LEWES, DEL., and connecting railroads, MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, at 3 P. M. ? Through passenger tickets and bills of lading to all points at lowest rates. Insurance lor Norfolk, Ac., at %. per cent. Freights received daily at pier 37 North River. Oeneral oOice No. 107 Greenwich st. N. L. McCKEADY. President. T/K)H nALlFAXrpOltT HAWKESBtfR'yTpICTOU AND JO Charlottelown. P. K. I. The first class steamers CARROLL and WORCESTER, having superior passenger accommodations, will leave T Wharf, Itoston. lor the ahuve ports alternately every Sat urday. at 12 M. Through tickets troin New York sola by all the >ound lines. For rates oi freight or ntber partteulare inquire of W.M. 11. KING, ls'l Wharf, or O. G. PEARSON, 210 Waeblhgton st., Boston. EW ORLEANS DIKKOT-THE CROMWfcLL LINE st-amsbip KNICK EltBOCKKK, Saturday, Juue 15, at 3 P V.. pier 0 North Rlvqr. Through hills of lading given to Mobile and princ'pal points qu the Mississippi tover. For freight or peesage ap ply to CLARK A nEa.MAN. S<> West St. THAVEIiliURS' UtriDB. A c MO?-VIN(J , BOAT FOR KEYPORT (KXCRPT <oot Albany boat! Fare reduced rla PEOPLE'S LINK. $1. first clasa Deck, 23 cents. . Excursion. 81 3l>. Klecant steamers DREW or ST. JOHN leers 41 North River tidily, including Sundays 0 P VI ??? SaklVkokok'iVft & SakaVoa; LAOKS MONTREAL, ami nil Points^OKTlt'a ^d^FST l.ckets tor safe at principal hotols eud .U of W?tCott eI' press Offices in Now York sad Brooklyn. Brooklrn!!ia??? K?rs transferred free by "Annenf' hosts. r ?",n P?s??? Am^OASlSt ,tZ?1Z?AY B"ATH.-C. VJBHAKO i.awhi UAfllBli UKBWr (cominenciujr Monday J mm ltn ?v? TV'T^dilr :i 2 s3* sv *????"r!rV,X . u .. Ml" Un("nE.?t Nyack Kerry, West Poini New. Hi^Lon ? fo w!?sMl'ni?ll ee^?rk- distill snd IIu IHOU 10 w est I oint or Newwburx. returning by down Brook ltn ^R10!' ^ T?"<" Anne* b&l??u? ?Job 5tof. ?*N??cU?e St Albany with train* A if?l!,Yp?OATS ?**"CT.-MERCHAHTS' hXTKEsi OH 1JJ p'rTiw "Til* I ,l*?ln*rs \Y ALTER BRETT or NEW rl w'." ,e.HV8 a?"y (Ssturdkys excepted) lor pi?.?? ?' t *5l! *1'' -N,,rth Hirer, first dock aboro 1 .ople s Lino, st fl I , AE, connecting with v ..i andWest. Fare (deck). 23c.: cabin f.ire 30o ? meals* "iOc! Freight taken lower than by other lines ' ' * i BLACK, .Superintendent. BOSTON.-FAUK REDUCED VIA TALL?iilVPit line ; If It to Boston; excursion rievMta c\- m ? steamers BRISTOL nod PROVIDENCE Ua" k,'? North Ktrerdally (Hunday. Jnue 23 to September H)nt*5 Rtvile'to ?i?? I is 5 ?ur",nX tralna Irom Kali ?h.? n f? T'eketa for sale at all i>rineipal tlek -t ofllces. Brooklm passengers transferred free by "Annex" boatt. I earl ny loot of Fuiton st at 4:3u P. m Annex B^M; CA'?KTLL7hfu YVK8ANT AMI) INTR* iiivIV , u .u^' 12* le*r* pler a4' Harrison >t, North . : * y * Su,|d?y* exceoieu. mi 0 p. M. For nora alk and DanbukFdailt. ~ ji u*u#r AMhKlCllS leuvos Brooklyn (Jewell's Dock) *:nO P. M.: pier No 37 East Itlver. 2:43 P M ? d sk Braced fan;:'C^'Iuh ??" ,t?"n EXCURSION 'IICKKTS, 80 CENT& Hcd.-o.n boats?Pu , Hii|)s(iY CtiXMACk'iB rSn ?'? B and A. R R to nit.fl.ld N^b Adama Ub*non . prings and intermediate puluta Lenre iiaiiv mundara excepted), at 6 1'. M., from pier 3 . North Rleor. franxUk K T ONO BRANCH AND PHILADELPHIA ~*~ *-* ?'? ^rsJaraey southern Railroad. Coramenciuit May Id. IH7H. Steamers will tears c "rk. Pier S North Hirer (foot Rector at.) ennnens. |UK at Sandy llm.k with trains for f OOB"*?* J,'?!I,;?Hl'',nrh-1""* A. M.. 1 4. audd P. M. Rod flank and Toms Riser. !>:3<) A. M. 1 and 4 PM. Barii0K?i and Tnckorton. 4 P. M Yin-laud. Kridireton and Atlaut.le City, 1 P. jL 1 hiladclphiu and Pemberton. I an I i P. U , Sundays, for Ut Brancu. (H30 A. M. Lear. Long Branch 7 M II t54. 3J0; Sundays. 5. * ^ sNKDKN, lien oral Manager. QNK JIUNDHED aND FIFTY MILES FOR lOOKNTR Or-VW.'L'dMttAVaS-"^ px'sca Steamers CITY , ?n?l S.v It Al (>< i a loave t>ior 4i) North kiv. r r..At Lorr.y st , dally. IncHdlntr Saturday aui .Sunday atflJ-M CrhClAL NDT1CR TO TOURISTS." ~ ' islEi"" rr'i"AP>' Otnoral Manager, ilnffalo f{ y pWMWr! rooTriro;:,'' ^n,ur-,tu *?? fr,"? Till*. MARY POWELL (FARE 73 CENTS). MJK WFiT I olnt, ( ornwall, Newbur/, Pouxbkeerisi'e Itoodo'ut. Klncston. tyoasens. Milton New llatnhnru ?mt Hyoe fark :?"? ?*"y from Vestry St.. pier 39 North Hirer at a a] F. M. Connect, with Brooklyn Annex Boats. * rriiK great protilknck link to boston . *!?> I rovidwncc direct At!? N,?"'r1 BRAT. only 42 MILKS OF RAIL BHODk it? ?siP.* I*0* ,4**m*r? M i SSACII US KTTS and RHODE I-LA Nil, froin pier 29. North River at ft P m r '. BKLIARLK SIOiJNUToN LINK, for all points hnst. from pier 33 North olrar t'oR ot Jay st . at 5 P. M * $L 50 TO iin . HTONINGTON link. Klo^snt steamers leare daily (Stiudars exrantadi r..? P'er 33 North Hirer, fek* #7J.y st.! .4 3^*! P^3f sI^Nnrk-p^s" AM BURU? I^NULE AmTlX. a. i iii.Mois hi KhIS for steamers ?f IIanionra-Ainerl. e n Backet Compa.T, sailing J??, 27. July " and II Ho< clai layorable terms summer exeurslana to all noma resort. White, Lake OeorK, iVaT. ^Jm-T', ' Lake Mrmpureniairo ??. Montreal, Quebec Niagara Falls' sax-ienay Itlrrr. MrxandOn Hay. unlf of st lIw/, ne? Tourist ticket Olllco; 271 Broadway Lawn nto. A KHiiimo.i.s. -A -ltOCKAH AY HKVIitl.' Itv u-nPew'A* listONH ^JIITKM LlSH OK tSTKAMFRft. The mammoth tlnoe deckers GRAND REPUBLIC and COLUMRtA (entlrelr new) ?rkj'?"'"fi,re<l to be lbs I^JtUE-T and FIN ST fc* OURSIoN STKAMKRd IJtKk WORLD, ano GM will" known and laroi Its si. araera won AMKRICUS and A DELPHI dktkrkll's mH,,p;i,llVlVK;V*{tAbrND' - - On# of the shore fleet will leers dalle from 34th et Nonh Hirer, at 10 A M : Ifith at.. North Klror?t 1(113 A.' M.: Jcwrll s dock. Brooklyn, mil \. M * . Icaxfts Hocktwav 4::k? P M riOKKTs (for antlm rxcartton) 50 miU. * *81 ^iun a r' aV> i !? I! t' "3 and Ia"*' oteamer A!> |.| III, on Jtin? 11 and 12 iiml on Sntnr?lR>. .hioc ir? ' grand IN UOCRal TRIP *' ,l"1 B,w npfi maxoiflcent GRAND RKPUBLIO. ' ^^-for island biiuor. " The nely boat landing at UONiriMLAND. Tha new end faeorlie steamer IDLKWILD win .n.,s ffiiwxta.ttif.'tijsr;.?'" ';?s' yri:11 v&T?- i r??ts i "sau-v 12 M I 12(10 P. M. I 12:21) p. M |VLi 2' 2 a I'. M. I 3:10 P M. i 3.20 P. M. I s2t p! S: __Fare^ 23 cents. Kxenrtlon Tickets. 4o rents. A :1"S NT AMKKL R. SCIIUTLRR ?? .'Hi" <1 . ' B?rsee. with Beynton Beicli. Ocol oetitai. LL'ii a ood end oilier fevorlta crore. NIARIKN A K A - K i 1,1.. 119 .-nuiii >t. Open Sunuars. \ r.eillLi/!" i?AVrrVi?^ "a* (5aTukmats H dl li v .1,1 . ,:fl'r T'r^'r.Jone ll.sts.msr Z nrtter lJTJ. iWd?t.,fJi a 7,Tei; '(Mb St.. N R.N, pier N. R'.Hilft FlmAe R M aaax'sr" ' ^ ^ U' A ,i V.*?' 'i" !'liAN-11 T'> hdckawav be AC if. aa i'll I the opposition steamer Iwlliyhl; also Bar ItesAer BririlbfOS for sale, inquire ou ooerd the jsxciJKSioas. -fXHHOWW" cot: Kl . AND BVhKY DlY HEREAFTER, including Sunday*. UP TUB LOVELY II UDSON, mopping at WK?T POINT AND NEWBUBG. Jarre it A Pa'iaer'* superb pal-.ce meauier, PLYMi.UlU RcCR. Captain S iiu G. Martin. Ample time riven tor visiting the If. 8. MILITARY ACADEMY or WaBMINQTON'S IIEaDQUARTEKS. A MAGNIFICENT MUSICAL. ENTKBTAIN MENT every day in grand salunn and on nrouienade deck t.v MARIN HAND. GLEE CLUB. XYLOPHONE. BENT, the great cornet player, ClIIMBS. Ac., Ac. PARE, entire trrund excuoioa, FIFTY GENTS. BOAT leaves every morninir (Including -I'NDaYS) from pier 1 fat tbe Buttery) North Klver. at 0:15 o'clock, aud foot oi 22d ?t.. North Hirer, at l>:45 o'clock. BROOKLYN PASSKMIRKS will take ANNEX i.oat at Kniton at.. 0:05 A. M. NO EX TRA CHARGE tor trauefer either way. ?PLYMOUTH ROiJC ' MOON LIGHT. ? NEXT WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 12. 1H78. ROMANTIC SAIL UP THE LOVELY HUDSON BY MOONLIGHT. ALL THE UBEAT MUSICAL ATTBACTIONS. PLYMOUTH ROCK will leave pier 1 North Riror. at 8 o'clock P. M., and the tout <>l 22d *t.. Nortli River, at H ao. BROOKLYN excnridouLt* will take ANNEX boat at Pul ton terry,N o'clock. No extra charge tor Iraneter to the bis *t earner. FARE for the entire grand trip FIFTY CENTS. A A. A BANKS. ANOEItSON COLLWKLL. pilot, Saturday. June 15; ticket*. SI. A. G. FOSTER. (lONKY ISLaND -BROOKLYN. BATH AND CONEY yielaud Kailruad, pioneer meain railroad to Coney island. TrkiUa leave depot, 5th nr. aud 27tli at. (Uretiiwoofl Cem etery main entrance), s :5tl. UsiO, ID:10, 11.11:15 A.M.. 12:30. 1:15. 2,2:4 . 3:30. 4:15. 5 5:45a ?:3<>, 7:15. Sand 8:45 1*. M. From Fulton lorry take Court Street or Third Avenue earn: from Hamilton terry take Fort ? Hamilton car*, which CO direct to (Ireepwood and d. pot in twenty minute*. Kxcureion ticket*. 40 cent*, with i.rlviluge of returning to New York oy ?taainer* Arrowemith ana Bay itlugo front Locum Grove. ? . CIOSEY ISLAND VIA LOCUST GROYB.?THE /?tiiuch and lavorita mcamhoat Bay Ridge will' leave Battery inndluir. plur 1 Lam River (adjoining Stateu liland ferry), 10 A. M..12:3l> 3:30 and ti:15 P. M.. land inn pauenxer* in tbe middle of Coney Ialand. Uetnrnlng Band 11:20 A M.. 2 TNI and 5:20 P. M. Excursion ticket*. 50 cent* fare, 30 cent*. /VONEY 1ST. AND. NEW STEAM LINK KK AN PROSPECT PARK AND CONEY ISLAND RAILROAD. Time from Brooklyn to Coney Ialand only 15 minute*. Train* run every 15 minutes during the afternoon aud evening nod half hourly during the oilier part* of Hie day. GRAND PROMENADE CONCERTS (tree) EVERY WEDNESDAY and -SATURDAY AFTERNOON, and HAND SACKED CONCERTS EVERY SUNDAY AF TKhVoON by DOWNING'S CELEBRATED NINTH REGIMENT BAND, with M. AUHUCKLE. the world ro nowed Cornet .-oloist. EXCURSION TICKETS, 40 CENTS. Take horse cart frum Fulton. Catharine or hamilteu tarry. FOR HON DO IT AND KINGSTON.?FAKE. 750.; Newburg and below. 5: )c.; landing at Highland Kalis (West Kolni). Cornwall. .Newburg. Marlboro. Milton, Piiughkeepsie, I', so pus, counseling with Ulster and Dela ware and Wallkill Valley railroads Steamboats J AVI KS \V. BALDWIN and TUO.M,\S tjOKNELL lonvo dally at 4 P. M., pier 114 N. it., loot ol Harrison st. G 0 AND ShK THE BKaUIIKUL PALISADES. HOUND TRIP 25 GENTS. Boats from Cnnnl st. lor FORT LEE. PLEASANT VALLBT AND SHADY SIDE, on SUNDAYS at ?. 10, II A. M.. 12 M.. 1, 2. 3.4, 6 and 7 P. M.; DAILY at lOA.M. and 2, 5(4 and 7:1ft P. it. landing at 24th st. and 114th st. (dailv and .-utiday) lOiuins. later. "anhattan beacil I M" OPENING OK THE SEASON, 1874 MANHATTAN BEACH RAILWAY, oemplotod to Giegupnint, opposite 2Ud st.. East Rivet. TIME TAbLK IO TAKE EFFECT Saturday. May as 187s. Tbe elegant steamer ELIZA II AN COX, commencing as nhove. will run during tbe season from plerfoot of 23d St., East lilver, dliect to company's nook at (ireenpnint. mak ing close connections, going and retnrnluK, with express trains to and trum Maubattan Beacu Bout leaves 2dd st. pier at 8:40, 0:40. 10:40. II :4Q A. M., and 12:40, 1:40. 2:4o. 3:40, 4:40.3 :4'? and U:4<> P. M. Ttains leave Manhattan Beach at corresponding times. bwtiriy, making sure connection at Greeupotnt with com pany's steamer for New Vork. Tliue. oil" hour. SUNDAY TIME TABLK same as above, excapting that trnlnt leave the Beach every hour until 0 1*. M. Trains also ennuect at East New York with Canarsle and 'Jiuckaway Beach lUilrnad. VIA HAY RIDGE. THOMAS COLLYKR. 22dsL, N. K. I Leroy sL, N. it. | Pier 8 N. R. 10 A. M., 12 M? 10:10 A. M.. 12:10, 10:25 A. M , 12:25, 2 and 4 P. M. | 2:10 and 4:10 P. M. | 2 aJ5 and 4 35 P. M. Reluming, leave Mnnhnttau Beach S A. M.. 12220, 2 :20, 4:20 and S :20 P- M. VJKW KUUTE TO CONEY ISLAND VIA LOCUST Xv Grove. ? Passengers are landed In tbe middle of the island. On and after Jnne 8 tbe faKerite steamer Alt ROWSMITII will leave 22d St.. North tver. 8:45 A. M.. 11 :45 A. .M.,2 :!5 P. M. ; Leroy St., North River, 8:56 A. M., IliM A. M .litVi P.M.; Krurislin si.. Nortli River, 0:05 A. M . I2SJ5 P. M., 3'J:5 P. M.; pier 13 North River. 0:15 A. M? 12:15 P. M.. 3:15 P. M. Returning, 1<? A. M., 1 M) P. M . ?i r. ,M. Dnu notice will bo given when the JOHN 8YLVI-STEK (new boilers), elegant! ?- refltled, consort of the ARKOtVSMITII, will commcnee her regular trips. Pare. 30 cents Mx< nrslou, 50 cents APlD TRANSIT TO ROC KA WAY by tne oppnaltlon steamboat TWILIGHT. I'lie pioneer aleaiuer TWILL.Il l' has brought down the fare to Recksway (roin $1 to only 50 ceuie. Don't foiget that the Excursion Ticket ov the (learner Twilight Is only 6o cents; slugl tickets. 110 cents. The Twilight la the fastest steamer tn Keckaway THE Wr.LL KNOWN eTKAME.R TWILIGHT. captain chaulk8 foster. has been altered sou refit tad In splendid sty la for the spe cial eoiutort of excursionists, and will rnako one trip dally to Rookaway Beach, COMMEINt INO MONDAY. JUNE 10 and two tiipt -undays. Maslc by a select bruss band and orcheetra. A grand minstrel entertainment by the well kuufm WEAVES BitoTHEKn. THE HTKA.MBJAT VVll.L LEAVE 22d ?t.. North River ?r45 A. M. loth St.. North Elver lOJWA- M. Pier 1, North River (Bana y).... 10:15 A. M. Keturniu-. leave r.nekaway at 5 P. M. THK AM i-.EU'AN I XCURslON Till ATI B Up (ha liodaou twice dally, anernuon uud evanng, eo? menciag * SUNDAY. JUNE 0, 1878. (living ? moat cbarmlnc view or Myelin Fields. New York city, Harlem. Manhattan. Ille Wrrnaeken, Plenaant Valley. bpnyten Du> vil. Fori, Fort Waehinpton, I'ue Pall.adea, The Rhine nf America, Tappan Zee. Ac.,'Ac.; aleo wltneaamg leu liouri and a half ol au excellent THEATRICAL I'Kit FORM AO NCR. A eotnplete Theatre on board, with stage, gat, footlights, scenery. reserved aenta. Ac., Ac. Leave taice dally. Iruui In I ion at.. Rrooklyn, ??Annex" free both waya. at 'J and Villi 1*. Al. ; loth at., North Klver, at 2UA) and 7 :4.7 P. M ; 34th at.. North River, M 2:47 anil B 1*. M. Single ticket, adull, 3&C. Children's ticket, 2Dc. Family ticket, admitting four. $1. O CHART kit To It KXCUR > I ONs?ST K A M K K8 Ul.N, Sedgwick and Kurt Lee: Rargae Caledonia. Kepnhllc harvest yueon and Anna, alao Kxcelslor I'ark. Ilnntati Reach. Otleutal. Columbia, lone lalaml and Cold Spring (lioves. N. 8. BKICOS, 384 Weal at., oppoalte Christopher afreet ferry. itiim u it k. "TTnTTilFK^Klilif U'kK, IfKoNZKBrT^iNTINflii* MllC XXrcire, Carpels. Ac., contained in privato realdenoe 12o Went 23d at, near tlth av.. tor tale : Pari r Sana, covered In aatlu. coat WO1), for 8175: rulta In r p f&iaudft27; Hedrooni Suite, Drea.lng <'*?e . lied lean.. Wnehelanda, Tables, Chalra, hair a 'I aprln M .ltr ??et. f Oln fill; Library and Dmltt- Room K nr i uro i i.1T t, ' II ? ai m la. trie, China. I)laaa and Stiver Ware; alao mag.. Uoeni roae wood Pianoforte, coat ilti . lor $l7o. Con oe aocii lo-day. Take elevated railroad to 23d at. A' A 17 BaUMaNN's" NKW rt, HNlTiltK, CAKPl-.T H.mid Heading Warehouses, 512 toil .'>14 Sm av., near 3Htli el.; lire largest eatahllahm at In the city; lo*e.t cash prieee: weekly and monthly paynieula la .en. -RICH HOUSEHOLD K_K?TiTL RK AT AUCTION, a'l bia day (Monday). 10 o'c'ock, at live alory hrnwn atone m an.inn, 41 Wr?t IDth a ., h taeen ftth ana 8lh ava , steiuway and Chickeriug Fiauolurtta Particular. auo tion co.uinn. Baj IAUMANN BROTH Kit 8 AX K OFFKRINli CHEAT harg dne In Furniture, Carpata and Blading at their ?tore. 228 and 2'*i llndnon at., con dr Broom r; weekly and naonthly pay 111 talk n LHJKNlTUtiK. CARFKT?rMl"ltK<?K8, FAItLOR SCI I B, I1 Hedrooni eeta, atlre.eee. Rufl-ia, I tacerea. Tablet, Chair. Ac.; an rraaouabia oiler reiu.ed 04 Wrat Sllb 1.M MKNSK RKDCCHON TST'RICr.S of F 1 KNI I IIRI-.. Carp-tn, Ac . I?r oaan or eaay paymauta. CO.VPKR 1 II WAIT'S 1.75 ami 1.77 Chatham at. send for llluatratad price liat. We kit or monthly payment K^HISM' PATKNYToiDIno llhb . Most UnRFUL AR ^Itlciea in Tablet. Hitreana, De.g-, AoekcaaeS. Ae | re* quire very email apace, have ne appearance of bed, all urd? dine placed in, be-ldee have u-elul drawer., booacaee. Ac. Xtaniil.ictnref, K. KI88. 1.72 Frlnct at. VjjTsVTl CARP Ts AND OILCLOTH8 VlRT CHEAP, IVlai RI-.NDaLl'R place, 112 Knlton at. Rend tor axplau atoiy circular. OK.VI IVI Kk . 4 sKT 'II- fEKTll I .N I'll KICK 4IOURS, AT KfTil KK XX.377 rtth av., one do r ahnvn 23<l at , or 128 We.t 34tb at.: term a to salt. NRWIIROIOII A NKWUKuUCHt 1 Van VLhCK's DENTAL lloOMs, 3 4 f.Tll AV ? Heantiful warranted Set. of Teeth tame day MIIWl BBHKautiTul ahtIFici al~tkkth, m-, mum. tn-. warranted. "Near York Dental Ro.imv" 2*12 'itii av. I atabllali <1 MM Dr. *1 K A DP. K. rAINI.HsS KX I'd ACTIOS; A LSI I VltllPlflAL Teeth: term, it. 1.IU1ITII AVENUE iiKNTaL ASSOCIATION, 373 sth av., one door below 2.I1I1 at. w UIL.L.1ARDA. TTKkw yvarkkooms ok ii. *f. ftou-MOltR, .A Broadway, between (iriei Choreh and Hlewart'a ? H4II lard 1 ablet, new and second liitnd. in lateat dealxna; btal pood* and lowest prlre*. -AMsTilOAN PIANIrAIUJ BILLIARD TAB'ltit; .new and second Imud. At reduced pries*. H il.t. Cloth*. Tip*, Chalk, One*. Ac. WM. ii. OnIrKl I H A CO., ? > Vceey at. lllTi. MUBHfcK HIiLlAHl) AN.t Poot. haTST ill*. tin act. 2pool, S.W ?ot; warranted Tor 1 - manth*. W M M. VVI I I.I Mi. ?>7 Centre at. uurruiatt. At MtltfZ's. i.otw it koaovt a v. iatii and 4!Hh *1* , Mrnadway priest paid IW Cast-off ('loth In .Jewelrjr. Hooka. i'lsatn Call nr address B MI NT/, 1,'KJH Hro dway. ? Ar PLArro'a m? ?tr ay. riaa wtn nr. no n r cent mora than elsowhere will p??*ltlr.>ly or paid lor ladle*' and gsnlletnon'* c?*t off Clothing by addrsa<lng >lr. or Mr*. PLAlTit. A-33H ?ui_AV , .NBaK 4TH sr., PA*8 thk iiiuh. ?a>t tains lor cast-off Clothing, Carpets. Jewelry Call or addreaa Mr. or Mr*. NA I IIaN. "t tilth . i in;wA .|? *.? ?.<?*? nh i- \s?.?>??>? < i.-.r.T .A inc. carpel*. Hook,, Ac , wanted lor the Weatsrn niar jtt 17B7%lt As.. Mr or Mr*. >MHAU. Al III M'.W hot AIII.I.oiIm h.VI ? tt I M >\ A ureal demand lor eaat - If Clotfcmir, Jewelry, Boohs, Ae. Call nr adnra** Mr. or Mr*; A. II.. Ilrtih ar. Al IKMliiN. tT II A It It If*' Ml w ISIAB IHH m*nt, IMtitlth a*, one block balow Maoy't, guarantee* to par tile ntmoat sralne lor cot off I lotnloi/. Jawelry, Hooka Csll or nddr*.* Mr. nr Mrs. HAKHIA, IWifUli as. \M~ markX i??i bth w . oppoTitr arH iir ? ? I.sole* ano rrantismao will ha aatonlahau at the nigh J tier* pa 10 carle tor (Jiinlt riothlnir. Carpel*, Lasps, seslt*. Bseht. As. Ladiss waitsd sa Ur Mrs. Marks. POLITICAL NOTES, Congressman Waddell, ol North Corolla*, baa boon renominated. Colonel John T. Crisp la a candidal* for Congress la the Eigntn diatrict ol Missouri. Judge J. Q Smith tiao been nominated for Coogrooa by tlie republicans In Alabama. * Tbo Solum (Ala.) Times (dem.) any* thai 8holl*y will be hi* own successor in Congress. Tbo Norfolk Virginian (dem.) 8uya that th* return ol Jobu Goode to Congress I* certain. Courur-Journal (dem.):?*<11 tho North can bear a third term (lor Grant) tho South certainly can." The republican pre** everywhere seetus delighted with the platform adopted by the Indiana republican*. Ctnclnuaii Enquirer (dem.):?"Stanley Matthew* la not o bad man, .but n coaUding one. Sherman la ex actly the revcrae." ' ' ? The Norfolk Firyintan (dem.) looks for a solid democratic delegation from the Old Dominion in the next Con area*. Philadelphia Preu (rep.)."The democrats bare at lust made lor us a roat political issue, and it is the lilo or death of tho Republic."* The Augusta Chronicle (dem.) says that the dem ocratic party In Georgia I* too strong. Its strength is Really an element ol weakness. The Boston Traveller (rop.) approvos the restoration of the Iruiikiug privilege so lar as Is contemplated In I he measure psssud by the Semite. Louisville Commercial:?"Jo. Blaokburn seems to be ubout the only demooratto Congressman from Kentucky who will bsve a walk-over In the race for renomination." The Albany Argus (dem.) counts on the vote of Oregon should the next choice of President be mad* by tho House of Representatives, hull, the chickens aro not batched yet. It Is not known whether Alexander H. Stephens means to bo a candidate for Cougress regardless of the action of the Dcmoeratie Convention of his district,* or whether he will merely contest the nomination and abide by the result. Boston Traveller (rep.):?"Tho Malno greonbackers will lncreuso tbeir vole two or three hundred this year, but for every hundred added to their vote tn* republicans will udd a thousand to theirs. It is the democratic party that will sutTer." Because oue B. V. Simpson "emphatically" de clines to be a candidate for Governor ol Kansas, the Fort Scott Monitor suggests a commlsson de lunatico inquirendo. It Is the first known Instanco of the kind that has happened In that State. San Francisco Bulletin:?"The indications st this moment are that there will be flvo tiekete In the Hold lor delegates to tbe Constitutional Convention, designated as lollows:?Non-partisan, democratic, re publican and two workingmen's tickets." Br. Felton la to be the independent candidate lor Congress In tbe Seventh Georgia district. He waa elected In 1874 and 1870, and if be la again sucoesslul he will probably b? nn independent candidate for Governor two fears hence, with a fair prospect ol victory. So says the Augusta Chronicle (dem.) Sau Francisco Bulletin:?"Political anarchy, though it may-be troublesome lotne politicians, cannot beset down as an unmixed evil. Capable men for tho work of framing a conatttutlon are oomlng to the surfaee in all gatherings . and combinations. A wise eclec ticism by aad by on the part of the pubiie mey be at tended with the beat results." St. Louis Globe-Democrat (rep.):?-"A correspondent suggests Great and Key for 1880. This would not do. If we are to have a Southern democrat for Vice Pres ident 1st us take a representative man like General Joseph E. Johnstons But we would prefer a Northern republican like Blaine or Conkling." NEW MUSIC. Potpourri, "Chimes ot Normandy.", Arranged by A. K. Warren. Oliver DiUoa A Ca Contains the principal airs lrom this opera, very nicely strong to gether. ?'in Yonr Haunted Castle." Legend of the Boils, lrom the "Cannes ol Normandy." Oliver Ditson k Co. Solo (as sung by Mrs. Segum) and chorus. ?'Rondo Walts" ("Cblmea or Normandy"!. Ar. ranged by A. E. Wurren. Olivor Ditaou & Co.- This is tno waits sung by the baritone, arranged tor the piano. It is the prettiest air in the opera and the ar rangement is simple: 'Three Good Ships Cams Sailing In." Song. Words by Alice Gary. Mnslc l>y James Giles. Oliver Ditson k Ca A pretty song, in the English ballad stylet Aid quite appropriate to the words. "Tarantolie." By Gostave Schumann. Oliver Dit son k Co. Not particularly Interesting. "Your Uoart Is a Music Box, Dearest." Words hy Mrs. Frances S. Osgood. Music by Theodora T. Barker. Oliver Ditson k Co. Pretty, hat not par. ticulariy original. "Tl Kaptrel." Song. By Tostl Oliver Ditson k Ca An elaborate composition of no great merit. Showy and superficial. ?Tne Moonlight Sleeps." Song. By Clifford Cox. Not wltbopt promise. Shows some originality sad leads one to believe that the composer will do bailor next time 11 he will devote himself to the studv el composition. REAL ESTATE. The following aaioa wero mode on the Rati KiUla Exchange yesterday bt a. r. haubktt. Rlcliard M. Henry, retrree.-Forsclo.HTe sale of the liou.o, Willi lot No. 817 Host 81m M., n. a.. aoj It. a. ofiid nr.. to plaintiff.. *5,800 BT HOWARD W. COATKS. R. B. Uwllllm. rrferre.?Foreclosure sole of a plot of land ItMi. 1 lz8<a>xlrrrirulor. on the road leaning from Klni's Bridge to William's Bridge, Yonkera, to J oliii 1'aTldeon 13,777 Total *19,977 OrriCIAL REAL ESTATE TRAN6EER6. m Tbo following aiatofnoot allowing iba rati tratimcuons recorded id tha lingular'* olBee J una* 8, 1878, it obtained from Auguttu* T. Docharty, Dep uty Register:? Mott ?r., w. a.. 125 ft. a el 150th ah. 35x100 (33d w .r<il : Alfred W. Van la-eeil le Henry Lewie Merri* .. $5,50 ) lVlnnc-y ?t. (No. .0). 35xl(X?; lieerga iJiidenhneflor mm wife to Ilenry K. Barlrld 30,000 34 lb at. . o. ? , .'KJlt. w.? ut 7tu ar.. AlxIM.B; Klieu Jnaephine Itrannl and hnaband Ui Samuel W. 1'iiriiii), . 10,000 IHIi a*., a. w. currier of 123d >1., 100x200.10; JoMpb j. Miner to Florence H llerta 300 ttlh av. ii. w e.trner nl 09th at., 4'ixloo. alto IWMih at., a. a., 575 il? w ol lfKb nr.. 25xJnl.lO; Charlea Dowd to M irr A. Dow.l 20,560 5th av. (No. mil), 10.6x100; Maria I., la Kip and liuanaun to Juua II. Chad wick Nna Both at., n ? , (lo<a No*. 193. 1 MM). 50x100; l.oui.a A. Harbiaen to Jainea .t. Oroeamen 16,000 On hard at. w. ?., I5n It. a. of Grand at., 26x-*i2; Kninrt H. II ay ward aud wile ui Henry K. Cudllpp.* Neat. 4*illi at., a a , 2UU It. w. ufOih ar.. lOOxliKXAxirrega lar; Ibomaa It. Jolninon ana wife to Anna M Cery Norn, ddtlt ak, a. a.. 200 It. w. nl flih nr.. 10UxlUu5xlrreg mar. aanie In Krldxet Kltapalrlrk A. Nom. U7lli at.. a. a., 445 It. w. of.5m ar , 25x9Hll; i hariea II. Iraak and wlla ta Alitor II. Traak 80,000 Water at. ( No. HIM). Mary A. Mceerley and ethera to Aiexandor I'lr.nkelt H37 Water at. (N iv*S4?tj: a-ma to aatne 3.14U I hi <'!>?- ii donee ar, IBB Jxlrrixuiar (24th want); M. . L-yne (rvlen-e) to laaac ii. Johuaun 6.500 8th nr., w. a. between .Mth and Jlhh .la . 24.HxlO<>? Jnl.u A. Hardy ana wife to Tliumaa Hardy. Nom. 7?lli at., n a . 225 It. a. uf 2d ar., 5"XlOJ.2; Patrick MeOnade to Hleliard Lawrence.... 80,000 6th ar.. w. a., JI.A ft. n. ot Jtiih at.. 70.?x 101 Oxlr rexalar: Jarnea Mattliewa (relereel te Antoinette E. rtopd 135,000 4th ar., a e. eomer nl liatth at., I'aixlnu.11; Edwin It. Mcadc (refer.*i to I kited sinter I rmt Com pany 7,800 tun 33d at., n a., w. ef I Ith ar., i.enjamln Moore te 334 at. Railroad Corupam (.21 year 13,200 MKi'oniikD miftTnauxe. Crrmaek. John A aud wlf* to Arthur W. Anatln (executor. Ac I, n. a, tdbaer of 4th ar. and 6let at ; 5 rcara #16,000 llare, Wiulam A., to Fratiria II. Cornell, w. a. ol 7ih iv.,t ol mth at. ; 1 year 8,0(10 Koch. I It to II. Olid wile. to The liana lor Seringa. a a. of 52 i at., e. ol 2d ar.: 1 year 5.500 Lord!. William and wife to Emily It. Stiotwell. W. A of .tew a*., a. of 124t> at,; 3 yeara ... ... 4,000 Malcolm. Jnine. K. aud wife, to Amelia l.'ebliia, a a. oil llli at. .a. of Lalreretty |il nee; in.tnlmaata. 18.000 Manioii. Timolhr and wiia, to Patrick Ourke.a a. of 51 at at , e. el 111 n ar.; d yeara 5.000 X niluor. Jonn, to J ulla Itlilrieiunder, n. a of 31at aa, e. ol lid ar ; 5 yeara 0.4UO Plunk' tt. ilexander, to the Chamberlain of the city of Now Ydr*. No Ht? Waier et J 5 yeara 1,500 Reap. John, to Rohert Sherwood, e. a ef l.ndlow at.. a. ol Stanton at ; I month 4,000 K tap. John and Chrlailan Sola mid their wlrca, to M.irla Anna schnurir. n. a el stamen at., e. of U Wiry; :l yeara 4,000 Wichelna. J nn Henry and wife, to Jamei rt . Mer er,1. Nor. 2 it and Jtl.l lludaon at.: 5 yeara 7,?00 Wood. E and tin.hand, to Franklin II. del iiio and other* itruateea, Ac i. w. a. ol din ar., U. ol :tet! Ii at. (tl lota) ; 2 yeara '. 80,000 rfcokiikp xj.Mw.mB.rTx or aoKTnanna Brown, J anno M. (trnaiee, Ao ), to Fredcriae lint terA'ld ..$9,315 Haggerty. Michael II., and otbera (axecntura. Ac I to John J Lyoaa...., 6M) II nrgeriy, Mlu.iu.l II.. and otheri (execnt r?, Ac ) Injnhn lln-e... 2,1(111 II milton. J .ne M , In Willed Hronron 12,*21 kiarat. Joaepii J . to Marie II. tilwall..... ,'sai l.eaicraft. J Edgar. to Towraand Wandell 8,7<X> Shaw. John, to Willett Hrcnaon 757 So11on. Cl?ra H . and othera to Frederick Hotter Held 40,f?m Union Dune seringa Inatilutlnn to the Irrlltx Ser inga In-tltnilon. ot New Vork 15.000 Von (ilahn. Claue W , to Marin C. Ohlaeen 2,2'ri W tairlnghninx J., to J. i. Lnwreuea 4.500 Same tb aatae. 4.900 ?OUR COMPLAINT BOOK. [Xotr.?Letter* Intended tar this column mnel b* accompanied by tbe writer's full name and addrtaa Id lURuro aUention. Complainants who are unwilling to comply with thu rule atraply waste time In writing Write only on one aide ol tue p.ipor.? Ed. Urraxd.J DU8T IN CENTRE STREET. To T? Editor or Tim Hkrald:? Tbe storekeepers ol Ceutre etroet are exooedlngly annoyed by tbe duel raised by tbe street cleaners. Why don't tbey spriuxlo tbe streets nelore conn monoiug to sweep? STOREKEEPER. THE SIXPENNY 81 VINOS BANK. To tm Editor or tur Hkrald: ? In order to save tbe depositors of tbe Sixpenny Sav. Inge Dank irom any lots by aharpers plaase lat theoa know thut tbey can bure toeir booka written up at tby bank without tbe aid ol third parties. DEPOSITOR. A WOOD YARD ON SIXTH AVENUE. To thb Editor or tur Hkrald:? Tbe Erie Railroad Compuoy put a pile of wood la front of ray door, Sixtn avenuo and Yllty.lbird sireet, some weeks ago. It Is tboro atllL 1 know 11 It was my own tbe puliuo would inulco mo take Is eway. Hug the r%iroad company more rlgbt in lroa? ol my door tbau 1 buve? ORDER, BLIND PUELIC CARTMEN. To thi Editor or Tin Ukkalp:? 1 wish to call the uiiuuuou of the authorities to ? pile of atrt in 1'wonty-lourth street, between Fifth nod Sixth avenues. It is over three weeks slueo tbo street was oleuaed, and still that pile of dirt remains, to the disgust of tno residents ol the neighborhood. K. T. B. POLICE VACATION AND PAY. To tbb Editor of tub Hkkald:? On Saturday night an order was read la the station bouses U>ut tho members ot the loree will be allowed a vseation ol eight days each *on bell pay. A largo number of us cannot aflord to lose this amount. Wo bare large tuuitiies to support, and the sum, trifling as it may appeur, will he a serious loss. PA 1 HOLM AN, . LITTLE TWELFTH STREET. To thb Editor or tub Hkkald:? Allow me to call attentlou to tho disgraceful con dition of Little Twelfth street, between Tentn avenue sod Washington street. It bas been brought to the notice of Mr. Campboll, Commissioner of Poblio Werks, but to no purpose. Will Recorder Uackott pay a little at lentiou to that department f If he doen the streot will be put m order and lUe not be endan gered. H. V. LOOS OUT FOit THE CHEWEB. To. the Editor or tub Ukrald:? As my sister and 1 were crossing Sixth arenas Fri day altornoon we leUgometbiug strike oar basics, and on examination found we woro deluged with tobacco Juice from the mouths of some of the gentlemen on tuu elevated railroad. We are iu mourning, and aa crape is expeusivo perhaps these gentlemen will iorego the amusement lor tue sake 01 other ludles as well as ouiselyee. Tne company should luruiah spit toons. M. ILL-BBEEDINO IN THE ELEVATED OABS. To THg Editor or tub Hrkalp:? Mr. Pullman remarked wnen the first experimental train was ran over the track oi the Metropolitan Elevated Railroad that his beautiful oars would help to-edneate tne public in good breeding. Th|s is a very wise theory, but 1 am sorry to say that the result does not earry it out. On Saturday 1 saw two well dreaaed men?they were not gentlemen?seated In onaei the transverse compartments or an elovaied car, with their muddy uoote reposing on the opposite morocco ousuious, much to the detriment ol the latter aud the evident disgust ol passengers near them. The com pany shouid mako a rule lorbtdding this praotiee, and submit the oflender to instant expulslou, for soon people are unaulo to properly enjoy the contorts oj the road, and their absence will be a luxury to iboat who know bow to behave tbemselros. CLEAN SEATS. SIXTH AVENUE AS A RAILROAD DEPOT. To tub Editor or tub Herald:? 1 am a trend ot rapid trault and In faror of alia*, ing these com pan lag every reasonable* privilege, and 11 the cliy must lurnlsn them with storage room lot the rolling slock of tbeir road, let them use Central Park or tbe Battery ler tbat purpose ana not allow the oompany to store their curs'lor blocks on tJtxtb avenue to Hie auuoyauee and distusl ot the residents, wboso view is entirely shut oil by tbem. It Is bad enough to be annoyod by tbe continuous roar of Das*, lag trains without imposing this additional nulsaoM 01 storing tbe cars lu Jront ol our windows. A BaPID TRANSIT LADT. To ran Editor or tun Hkkald:? Is thtro no way lor a oltissn residing on Sixth ave nue, abovo Fifiy-tblrd street, to havo tbo Elevated Railroad oars removed from In front ol hlawludowf Last ovenlng about five o'clock tney brought flltoon or twenty cars upon the track, and they are tboro at present, extending irom Fifty-ninth to Flltv-third ?troot. A CIllZKN. WASHINGTON MARKET STANDS. To ran Editor or ran Herald:? Tbo stand boluors ol Washington Market have on BSTtral occasions appointed cummittees who, with petitions bearing tbe signatures ot almost every indi vidual member ol the mdrkoi, have waited npoh the Comptroller, asking a reduction commensurate with tbe times ou tno slaud lees. No uotioe bas ever been taken ot ibis, and in apite of the guneral decline in prices tbe market men pay to-day the eame rents they did when overyihiug was at war rales. The ineon sisiency of this seems greater when we reflect tbat tbeee high rates were imposed wben tbo corrupt Ring, heeded by Connolly and sweeny, held sway, and It la burdly in conlurmuy witb ibu reform rule ot oar proaeni city government to follow In me loolsteps of sucn predecessors, it is useless to repeal n luct well known by ail tbst reats throughout tbw city have declined enorioonaly, and mat Washington Market, on account ol tbe upward growth ot mo our, becomes daily lose and lose valuaolo lor baslnesa purposes. U. U. M. ANSWERS. MARTIAL KTIQUETT*. 1q THl Kditob or tri IIkRald:? -1. B.," is iho "Complaiut Boole" of Friday nndov lb* oaption of "Martial Etiquette," soya:?"A few days ago a company llrad (bo funoral aalute oral Major General Dukln, an honor to wblcb a captain la ontltlod, and moat ol the escort marc had wlthoul arm" I am afraid "L 11.'a" memory most Do bad, lor, aa a mailer ol lact, tbo aaoort consisted of a regiiuuut of Inlttutry, a aquadroa ol cavalry ol lour piaeoa of urtillory "armed and equipped aa tbo law direct*." I ho W>lleya were Brad by tbe eulira regiment. "1. It." undoubtedly coo. founded tbo mourners with tba eaooru and provea iho truth ol uta aaaertloo thai soma ol our officers ol voluutaera know out littlo ol "Martial Etiquette." Two miouica' peruaal ol tneregulatioua nod "Uptoa'g Tactics" would bavasalisOed nun tuat thecoroinooias, IB (be moat in mute respect, Were carried out In strlot acuordauoe tnerewitu. Tito other criticisms 1 do not consider worthy ol Bailee. 1 regret that aa uffloor who baa seen service tu tbo field should so naedl.ssly expose bis igoorance. FIFTH BRIGADE. To ma Eoitok or tub Herald:? la tbo "Complaint Book" of Friday lha writer ol tbo article beadad "Marital Etiquette" aaya. In speak lag el General Damn's funeral, that "moat of tbt escort marthed without arms. " Permit ma to correct ibis error. All of (bo aaoort? lamely, one regiment ol lulaolry, two compaaiea ol oavalry and n nailery ol artillery, aa prescribed la "Upioo'a Tactic,," maroncd witu arms. I host aaea by '.'L H." without irrus were there by invitatioa aud aol by ordcra, and were not a part ol tba escort. VEfEHAM. INR01.TB TO WOMEN. ? To teb Editor or tiir Hrralo:? Nut a low ladies will heartily respond to the kind words or "Ald-dc-Camp" In Uat Friday's Hrralo. How ia It that Now \ork Into changed in Hi trost m?nt of wotnouT Alter rar a?/'? dmiti on Friday I sauntered oat #t at* o'clock lor a breatn ot air aatr the Park. Ia a' abort walk I was Intuited by Mire# men. One of ibeae, anting on the atoop 01 a roe tanrant, a man olJ anougti to be rar father, arose and apoko to me, tlicroby convulsing hla companion, also an oil man, with laughter. Another uian,' young enough to be iny eon, spoke to and loilowed me home. Toa young girl suou anouynncea arn cruel, but to a woman ol ihirty-asveu, with aik children, they aro Inexp'ieable and galliug and cruel. Mv mother at my aac, twenty yowa ago, used to go alona to avening prayer meenuga, preparatory leeturea, una so lonn, to Or. Potts' onurcb, and naver received Intuit or dreamed ol laar. In my girlhood 1 tbougigt man my protector; my danghter flnds him her neraeculor. Why iho |hnngef My daughter of eighteen rarely eomes into Ihu house from a walk iliat it le uot with lip quivering and her pride wounded through her promenade's oxpprloncc. AiAl aha le not a flirt, la 001 outrtf In dress, nor conspicuous In cnrrlnge, nhe ia altnpiy a tall, uignplud girl, who, having spent seven ol Iter most Impressionable rears across tlio ocean, la thoroughly Imbued witu the necessity ol genlln and nvaesi streal in inuers. 1 ask 'gain, why are women called uW>in to bear so miicn runeiivat Irmn men Id New Yorkf What Is the cause ol ino great ehangO harat Only women and attractive women know to what a cruel and persistent extent iho rudeness fa earned. Has the woman's right- agitation wrought Hit chang. f some say ao Ara tha tormentors only men Who have come froin countries where women aro not hrtd in reverenceT Are none si mom Amerieanaf If tbo solution ia to he found and the condition rem edied It must he done, not in violence by public women agltatora, but oalmiy aud hy the aid ol womed M Weil M into. A LADY HEADER