Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD WHOLE NO. 15,268. NEW YORK, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1878.-TR1PLE SHEET. TRICE THREE CENTS MKECTOKf FOR ADVERTISERS. HERALD BRANCH ,,\^i,i5!?TinVOf OPEN DAY AND NIGHT FOB, ??CB"ION OF ADVERTISEMENTS AND RALES OK PAPERS. AMUSEMENTS?1st Paqb?5th and6(h oolt. ASTROLOGY?12th PAG*-0tb coL BILLlAKDB-lST PAO*-5tbcol. BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIEB-BtmPaob. , BUSINESS NOTICBS-7th Paob-6H> col. CITY ItKAll ESTATE FOR 8ALE-2P PlOB-lst ooL cLV rKK AND SAI.ESMEN-12TU F*0*-5tb ool. CLOTHING?lam PAO?-6ihicol. .. COACHMEN AND GARDENERS?12** PAHB?oth ML Coastwise btkamships-2d Paak-stheoi. COPARTNEKSIiIPS-0rH PaO*. Country EOAUD-2* Pack-2<1 col DANCING ACADKMIKS-Ut PaOB-SIB coL DENTISTRT-IIth Pag*?5th col. gRY GOODS?1st PAGS-2d coL .__ WELLING HOUSES TO LET. FURNISnBD AND UN FURNISHED?2d Pack-1st col. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?2d Pag*?4th and 5th eels. Europe?7m pagk-hhi <-ol EXCURSIONS?2d Pack?6tbcoL FINANCIAL?0*H Pag*. FOR SALE-IlM PAOK-filh OOl. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d Page?1st and 2d onls. GJJ^^ElSiSiWSi. r?~?h ?. HELP?WANTED?MALES?12th PAo*-5th and6th cols. HOK8RS, CARRIAGES, AC.-UT Fag*-3d. 4th and5th col*- . HOTFLS?2D Pagi?2d col _. . HOUSES. ROOMS, AC.. WaNTED-2? Fag*?*!coL INSTRUCTION?12TII PAOK-6thcol. LEGAL NOTICES 1st Pack-2d col. LOST AND FOUND?1ST PAO*-lstcoL MACHINERY-IItii PAGK-5ib col. MARBLE MANTELS?11th Pag*-5 th coL M ATRIMONIAL-IJth Pagh?5th col. MEDICAL?12tii Pacb?0th col. MILLINERY AND DRE-8M A KING-Ut Paoh?2d coL MISCELLANEOUS auVKBTISEMENIS-IOih Pag*? 0th col. _ NEW PUBLICATIONS?7th PAO*-0th ?ol. PEA NO FORTE." O kg A SH, BO.?1*T PAO*-5th col. TOST OFFICE NOTICE?1st PA?*-5th col. PROPOSALS?12th Pag*?6th col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 12th Pag*?4th col. ? ., ? PROPERTY OUT OF TUB CITY FOB BALE OR TO RENT?2d Paok?1st col. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?2d Pao*?1st ooL RRaL ESTATE WANTED?2d Pacb?1st coL REWARDS?1st Pack?1st eol. BALES AT AUCTION? 2n Pag*?3d and4th eol*. biTuationb wanted?females-iith pag*?1st col., and 12th PAGK-lst. 2d. 3d and 4theols. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES-12th PA<:*-5th eoL SPECIAL NOTICES?Irr Pag*-1st and 2d cols. SPORTING?DOGS, BIRDS. AC.?1st Pag*?3d coL STORAGE?11th Pag*?Nth col. BUMMER RESORTS-2d Pag*-2d and 3d cola THE TIt.ADES?12th PAGK-OthooI. THE TURK-Ist PAGK~3dc.iL TO I.FT FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES-2D PAns-lst eol. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?2d Pagb?5th and Sth onls. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2t> PA0K-2d col. WATCH' S, JEWELRY. *C.-12th PAO*-flth col. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SaLB OR To LET?2d Pag*?1st coL YACHTS, STEAMBOATS, AC.-10th Paqk?0tb coL _ personal.. ___ P.~p7?pLTKASB LET MR 8ElBYd0"6NCK MORE. . S. P. I. Francis callan, who witnessed accident to a child in Rayard St.. Mar 5, IR77. and subsequently testified boforo Coroner's Jury, ploase communicate Irame dlateiy with CHARLES C. 8UYDAM, Atloruoy-at-law, 140 Hr.mdway. VRLKM TRAIN. 1 :30. SATU IIDaY'.-HEAUTIFUL blond.. In brown and gray dree*, gentleman who eat u-xt desiros ncqiintntance. Address, in coutldoneo. 1.ON ELY. Herald Uptown office. ARRVSr. URMOND-I.EAVE THIS WEDNESDAY, steamer St. Laurent. Mmt ?ee von Immediately. Frederic luer. H Henry irvino-yours rbceivi-d. heaven bless you ! I mailen letters se promised In personal, but II you are ill hope you will let them go, only do try and ar range an early Interview. I SHALL BE THERE ON TIME. YOURS RECEIVED. WHIP. NOKMaN LAMONT. WHO HAD AN APPOINTMENT in the Royal f ngineer*. sod rosided In Montreal and Quebec Irotn 1840 to 1819. la. If alive, entitled to some ninnpy. Any person who can give any Information respect Jn? him since ISI9 will please address LK1TU. KING BTO.vh A RKOUG1I, Solicitors, 62 Church ?L, Toronto, Canada. PET.?NO LETTER RECEIVED. WRlTB AGAIN, care Herald office. NO-DAY, 9 A. M. irou HaIi> YOU WOULD PLAN TO MEET MB. . Piea-e da so at once. M. J. T Q'JD STREET CAR. SATURDAY. JUNK 8, AFTER ^Omatinee.?Will lady In black (with gentleman, lady and child), who noticed gentleman on corner ol 23d at. and 0th nr., and afterward In car, please honor the same with an Interview, mentioning some incident! Address L. O., bo* l>;2 Herald Uptown ullUe. is4)ST A.YD POUND. A SMACtri'O?L"Y~BIRD LOSt-ONTHE 5T7i7FROM corner .to 7th ST. Any person retnrning to 200 West SOtli tt. will he rewarded. too FOUND-SUPPOSED TO BE A SOOTCII SIIEP d; 'herd, white and tan; collar with nonber. Address, wltn description. K L.* 100 lierald office. T OST OK MISLtlD-TWO CERTIFICATES, NOS. XJS0.850 a-id 80,857. ol Pacillc M-ll Steamehlo Company. In name of Wm. Tyson; transfer stopped. The llnder will please relnrn to CaIM'ENTF.K A RICHARDS. 22 Pino at. % OST-8UNDAy7 BETWEEN 44TII ST. AND FIFTII Aj wenuu Raptht Church, a pair gold bowed Spectacles. Finder wl-l be suitably rewarded bv returning to 151 West 44th St., or C. J. MURRAY. 343 Broadway. OST ON i-UNDvY, JUNE ?. AT CONEY ISLAND. Li Jn Hrocbo ShawL $10 reward by leaving tbo same at 163 Charles at. o>t-Maltese cat from madison square, Monday evening; wearlnc collar and bell; suitable ro ward oflereiL Call 17 East 20th at. L* OST?SUN DAY NIGHT, JUNK a-A GOLD NKCK laee and Ln- aet In a -eennd areone car. The Under will be rewarded by returning!! to 243 East 'I''t!)_ it. LOST?BETWEEN JoTiTsTTaND IsT AV. AND 221) el. and 2d av . n I'oeketbook. The Under will be suit ably rewarded by returning It ta 8. M.. 220 l-.ast 20th at. STOLEN?FROM TUB STABLE OF WILLIAM MUCH II, on Ills laroi. at Fort Hamilton, N. Y. n., on the eignt nl June 7, between 10 P. M. and 2 A. M., a light bar ll-irae, l.'-H ban-Is high, white star on forehead, white mark *n near Mud foot, heavy inane "and tail docked;" when In harness the horse carries lilt head erect; $25 will he paid lor information leading to the recovery of the horae. Ap piy to the owner, as anove. KKWAJID*. ATr RKWaRD FOR It k TO K N"0 F "Ta RUlTTlEAO'i MPc/Newlonndland Dog, wlln whita hrenal anil pawn; an ?war* to netne of I.Inn. R. OTri'.N, HI?nop Young'a place. Orvmea' Hill, Slat on laland, or 53 bxoUango place, Pew York. RKiYAKO-KOK Til h RRTIJ KN OF .sKVK Terrier Inet Sumluv from 424 ?"'Hi av. UKWARD a Ml Ho Ql'KSTIONS aSKKD FOR ? >UthH recover* of a Indy'a gold hunting cnee Watch, Patch, Philippe A Co.. niakera, >0. 4.1 JO. Addreaa C. A. K-. 13 Read* at. RPRCIAI* KWT1CB,?. ';"":.fcL"Jit';Tufc VKVHCZm*. '?7k Tn5 .effectual cure for all nervona and chronle dtaeaaea. Theae appliance! are applicable 10 either ?n and afford Inetant relief in caaea ?t rheumaHam. dyapcp-la. general nobility, Ac. Pnlvermaeher'a are tlie only genuine. Depot, 313 Broadway. AFFLtOTRD?DInR ,sKH. FROM H IIAI r.VKK CAtL-K, apeefllly anil permanentl.r cared, ll' WKsT'S old ea lebllalied inenleal ofln e, 45 lileecker at ATI KM D rWKN.V Jr. iK.v I'llLSOIAN nonl'i tal experience: apecialtlea dlaeaaeaot men and nervoaa ejatein; eoninltellon free. Dr. JAOOBY, 161 Hleeoner at. ALL KIIKI'MATlHM P iSITI YKLY CURKD-ANT iYetaga of eaee. BLHoFKAN HHRUMATIO BOCIKfY. 2(17 IV eat B4ln at A DVIGK FKi.K. U.i. WIIITKII r.AU, PiOfhS.-OR ot Midwlferr. 215 Mat 45th at., near 3d a* ATI K\HON, FATIK.NTS.?ALL DImEANRR, RRChNT or old. alet?> dia.irdcra and nervona d?inlli/ tadically Hired. Or FltO'lIN (from I'arlaL 34 Bond tt. A LI. SPBCIAL COMPLAINTS CRRTWn. safii and /Xnermanoolljr cared, to either eex. Dr. COX, 203 Kaet 101 n at. LL SPKCItL COMPLAINTS, MkDIQAL OR 80R LRical. aulely, auceeaifnli v trraled. Ailvlcn tree llr. 133 haal Uth at. All disf.asks ok mkn. wratkvrk tiikcalnk, recent or long .landing, _ apaedil^^aad permanently farad hf lire. Dk Kit A (.IIINULL, 47 Wait lftlh av. uear ?th ar. A N KSSAY, SUPPLYING Mr.ANs FOR KPKFCTING J\ euro of nervona debility, mailed free. tt. WaLKIN, hog 2.5O0 Pnat oltlce. New York. Ll, IiISKA.-KS, HI.OOO, SKIN. aNI) NfcRYuOn tdebility; no lee until enred; ex-uuination tree. Dr. FKM.MAN. SOHUrendet. A SK YOOlt 0llOtlF.I'. FOR A PACKAGE OP A MANIOC A. Pell dlrteilona on each pnckaKe for making pnddlnga, lilane menire, Jelllea. aoutte. Ac. U a "-SURB CORK KOli oUNO IiIsBasRH. ROCK A amid Kye, #1 per larire bottle ; 34 per irallon N. VAN Mr.lL. 00 Chwmbereat A LADY. KKUI.NTl.V AKSlVKD FROM I'A III S, IIAS jfYeevrrai haodanme tract and Lrenlng Dreeees to aell Jkrcaah. Call at In4 IVeat 22d at KRaXDIFN. WlNF.s, KINS AND WIII0KIRB-BKST n 11 al 111 - - el loweat prleea: gooda delivered; Rnfliah laklaat Tea, ?t? eenla. N? VAN BKIL. 00 Chamber! av Of) iKtlAlNV'-AT J. CRAWFORD A CO.'S, 10 J3llorntio at., corner 0lh av. and 13th at. Imtnanaa har.aiiia In lookliigulaeaee ol evary deacrlptlon tor tlio peat 3'* J" In "rder to make room lor rapairt end nltara tlone. Th .erprtt anil Oneat aaaortment of any lionae In tlie Unite 1 staie?. \Ve are lully convinced that no hon?e can Oiler Midi iinneual ntni attractive Ittdncamenta to prlcee. Call befora pnrtiltaolng alaewhara. Tib'sF-^iris "wilisKKY in th & world, pour JJyeara old, *4 per gallon. ?1 per large bottle ' N Van rkiu. ss chi 11; ham bare at. DInRABHs OF MKN A sFKCIALTY. ? I hN It Y A. HANI I'.L.A, M. D., 144 Lexington av? near 2Lttli at. Office hoora Iroin 0 to H and il to 7. IVOHCl'.S sPfcRDlLY OBTAIN I D-TKllMs SUPER. 1/lativcly reaennahle ; CONSULTATIONS Iran. FitKat JThL K il. KINll, Lawyer, 0 St. Mark'a place, adjoining Cooper Inatltnte. D DTCltiOORD'4 NSSRRCK of LIFK KRMIoRKS manhood in the debilitated In fonr weoke:/allnra lm po-athle : f:i per cae... agent, Dr. t. JACtJUhS, 7 Uni pa""/ P?e*. Vo,k' J SPKCIAL KUTll'bS. f^f8TKfr'CA8>ir"ATTKNDED to proS pff^wiTir. _L/out publicity; conault him. ISAAC O. BOYCE, expe rieuced lawyer. 818 Broadway. gbTABLI&HED SEVENTEEN VEAHB. Dra. JORDAN A D AVI EBON, Proprietor* of the GREAT EUROPEAN MUSEUM, the 1 arrest collection in the world, 729 Cbeitnnt at.. Phila delphia, wlah to Inform their patient* and the public that they may be confidentially couiulted aa ninal on all dla ?aaes or men, wnich Ibey hare made a specialty for 17 years. Their medical work, "Practloal Observation*" on differ ent disease*. with an "Essay on Marriage." can be bad on receipt of 25 cents, postage stamp-. Address Dra JORDAN A D.WIESON, 1,625 Filbert at.. Philadelphia. No connection with any other Brm in America. H AVANA LOTTERY. Next Drawing June 13. Mew aehcme tent free on application. M. a. Martinez a co.. Banker*, 10 Wall si., basement. H ?K 8?A?1-D. I'o-day. at 839 Broadway, I got That wonderful 14?U?R?h?K?A Now, dear, I hope yon will see Tbat we have batter coffee and tea. H?OFFICIAL KENTUCKY STATE DRAWINGS. , KEXTUCKY? KXTHA CI.ASS HO. 373?JVHK 10, 187& 36. 60. 36. 14, 28, 4. 65. 68, 33. 58. 24, 17. 16. 64. IKNTUCKT? CLASS HO. 374?gUHE 10, 187B 20, 17, 15. 64, 52. 24 77. 0, 48 , 23, 51, 44, 4a SIMMONS A DICKINSON. Managers. CKORGIA IT ATX?EXTRA CLASS WO. 393 -JUNE 10, 1878. 61, 5u, 23, 21. 48, 33 . 20. 43, 15, 42 , 74, 32. 38, 29. GEORGIA STATE-CLASS NO. 394-JUN* 10. 1878. 28. 36. 37. 43, 49, 73, 08, 19. 69. 13. 42. 9. 22. K. U. EDDY A CO., Managers. Information given regarding the above drawings. Apply to CLLTE A CO., Banners, 200 Broadway, rear office. H. ?ROYAL HAVANA DRAWS JUNE 15. Capital prlae.S200.0oo In Spanish money. Tlekete, $40 to $1. single Nuiubor Kentucky. Drews June 15. Capital prize, $15.(IUU 1,896 prises, distrlbntlug $67,925. itcketv $1, Louisiana state ; extraordinary drawing. Capital prise. $100,000. Draws June 11, distributing $522,500. Tickets, $10. $5. $2. $1. CLUTE A CO.. Bankers. 2u0 Broadway. H -KENTUCKY SINGLE NUMBER ? Dietribution June 15. 1 prise . $15,000. 2 prises of. $2,500 each 1 prise 8,000 I 2 prises of 5,000e?ch 1 prise 6.000 111) prises of SOU each 1.8>9prises, distributing $67,925. I icketa $1. CLUTK Jt CO., Bankers, 200 Broadway. Havana lottery. Saturday, junk is. Capital Prise. $200,000. 2d Capital Prise $50,000 | 3d Capital Prise....$25,000 Tict eta, $40, $20, $10. Twentieths, $2. Fortieth*. $1. Jackson k CO.. Banker*, 82 Naseau St.. near Fulton. ?LOOh KENTUCKY 8 I'ATE SINGLE NUMBER, t to be drawn Saturday. June 15. Capital prise, $15,000. 1 nrlae of. #8,ooo i 2 prises of (each) $2,500 1 prise ol 5.000 | 2 prises of (each) 1.0O0 1,804 prises, amounting to $67,925 Whole Tickets. $1. Prises paid in full. PARKS, EMERSON .v CO.. Bankers, 18u Broadway. Sealed risks taken In daily drawings. Kentucky state lottery will draw junr isj Whole Tickets. $1; Capital. $15,000: s aled risk taken; our private parlors at 838 Broadway are open from 7 A. M. until 8 P. M. B. NATHAN. 181 and 8.18 Broadway. ENTUCKY STaTK. DRAWS JUNE 15. CAPITAL PRIZE. #15.000. 1 Prise of .$8,000| 1 Prize ot $5,000 WII> 'L TICKETS. $1, JACKSON A CO., Bankers. 82 Naasau St.. near Fnlton. OUISIANA STATE LOTTERY. JUNE 11. Draws this day. Whole Tickets, $10; Halves, $5: Fifths, 2; Tenths, $1. Hole closes at this office at 11 A. >1. JACKSON a CO.. B inhere, 8*2 Nassau St.. near Fnlton. ARBLE MANTELS AND MONUMENTS CHEAPER than ever. A. 1CLABKR. 134 East 18th St.. near 3d ay. M METROPOLITAN OFFICE. 28 ANN~ ST.. DO ALL~~kFnDS OF PRINTING FOB ALL KINDS OF BUSINESS. SUMMER EXCURSIONS AND STEAMBOAT WORK, PAMPHLET TIME TABLES. FINE WOOD ENGRAVING AND COLORED PRINTING, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES AND TICKBT& LAW CASKS, BXPRESS COMPANIES. STEAMBOAT, STEAMSHIP LINKS AND RaIL. ROAD WORK. FIRST CL (88 WORK AND LOW PRICKS FOR CASH. GIVE US A TRIAL, METROPOLITAN JOB PRINTING OFFICE, 28 ANN ST. Mexican onyx taper iop, inkstands. ac.-s. KLaHKR A CO., Steam Ma'bto Works. West 51st it., between Broadway and Htb ay. Mautelz, Monuments, tleadileuei, at leweet price* US. SHANNONBKRl) AND ~ASSISTANI', MAG netlc pliyeirian, 15 East 10th et. M~ MB. KO?A POsTflVhLY CURE-. O t NCEss, kTd neye, akin rilieazee, rheumatism, nervous debility, 15 6tlt ay.: cnntnlteilon $1. M U" liilnortai innrtant case*, medical or unrgleal: Impairment of any organic function, hrredllary or conatiiutioiial taint and disease* of the nervnus syatem a ipoclaliy. HENRY A. DANIELS. M. D.. 144 Lexington av., near 29th at. Hours, 8 to 3 and 8 to 7. RuYAL HAVaNA.-NEXT DRAWINU JL'.NK 15. 1H7H. I prise or..,. 31*>.<**> peso* 1 prize of peon* 1 pr i? ol .....a. U.'i.rsai pr-soe 2 prizes of K I.oxt our I Ulr (**i pneo* 1" prt??s of 5,1*111 en. h .... fg),M*> peso* "t pri* ?* ol l.fSX) iiml .VO snob... 4115,1**) onsoe H3I prize*. amounting to ZIO.Kll pe?<>? Prize* cashed. Spanish cold nrd Havana bank bill* bought nnrl *?|||. 0. YIADhRO A CO , Danker*. (I.Hi- with M A. Martinez A Co.), 1 New *t.. corner W?lL Royal" mavana loitkky?nkxt drawinu June l'ij $hio.i**idistributed: Capital i'rlte. *.N*>.<)0I?: prize* cashed : order* illled : iiilurtnution furninh d; highest rate* paid lor Spanish Bank Ittll*. (lon-mmem*. Ac. TAVLUil A CO , Hanker*, II Wall at?? New York. ?Ol - KAN KM OK MKN AUMlNO KH ' iyFTmPUKITY .ol III* blood, akin taint ana in rvon- i roatrztiou a ape, ? tain JOSEPH JACyCh-i M. U.7 t'niversliy place, Uflic* lionr. Irout S till J add U to H. fill) BOO K BINDERS ? WK. TIIB JOUK.N'EYMKN X Bookbinder*, of San k ranciico, take thl* mean* of In forming our lir thor workmen In the Ka.lern Staiea that there I* a moeement ou loot among the hoaa bookbinder* of thl* ellv to reuncn tlia wage* ol their employee, to a.ieh a low Agar* that it will be Im; o.allil* to support lliem.elee* at the rednrad rale*: Initberinor*. we are determined to r*?i*t the propotod reduction to lire bitter end: we there fore respeettnlly request all bookbinder* to star away iron* CalKnrnln until the tl'ITereneea between oaraelee* and em ployer* are dellr Italy settled BOOKBINDER*' ASMrt'f ATION, San Francisco, t.'al. fl'MK I'. M. Ii. ASSOCIATION* UKIlkD, WILL X award 0l'*kH?l in premium* on Jane 1 >\ Share*. 33 cerita Send amount In Dnstago stamp*. Utile* 000 Broad way. New York. CQl) IIROAOWAV?OKNKRAir KAN I KK5 AHKNTS tjry'/Kentucky Sla'e Lottery. Draw* June II 1*1)4 Brim*, ill.trlbullnc ?<?? rrjo. Capital pr.* -* 015 OCAM.OUI, 05,i*?i. Branch ofllee.HI Broadway, Williamsburg. TlcZetz, ?l. ATI 1.1.1 A Mail * A CU. $*57 IWf^ ?KENTUCKY SIATK, JUNK 15. UaPIIAL PKIXR flS.iys). 1 Brlzn of.... | Pria> ol fft/mO 3 Briso* of (each),... 3.3t*l I 'J I'riaea (each of).... I.IIUU I.HS7 l'rl*?* Irout 05 to ffszt. 1.B84 I'rlsoa In all, arauiintlng to M7.IXV IV lift I.e. TICK TS. Oh IdKLAIt OPKN EVERY EVKNINU UNTII. l? o'Cl.oCK. Kentnckr draw* dally. Ticket* II to 11 .Vt Hi'l.i,A nil A CO.. Broker*. IWf Broadway, near 30th ai. $(57 U V5 ~A yuKTtltlt rult 0x> PDLLAE. ONE DOLLAR BUYS A WIIU1.K TICKET IX KENTUCKY STATK. DKAWINd JUNK 15. CAPITAL I'uIZK, BIN 'So CASH. SECOND PHIXK. 08,00); THIRD. IfdXM): FOURTH, fxam l.HBI t'KIZhS 0(17,1)23 t: ASH ilisTKtBUTKD. Bit* from the t.uray OIBee* of the Northern Aeeols. H. II. POKTKK A Ob., 1.327 Broadway, Now York; IS J Montague *t., Brooslyn. ?TTSiilh niWl -Havana kxtkaokhinaky _ ,Zi\ )'/?' ' cr' ' .drawing; Capital Prize. a.VO.tswt; ordinary drnwlna June 15: order* Illled by SONNKNBKKu A CO .New llaren,Conn. i) rj? i/j ?? 7 * ?KoYAL sa x"on" LOTTERY." Zi, I *ut)rU I !? IJncal llrun.wlek l.otiary. Drawing* in ilermany oeery innnth. Ilqyal llarana Lor tery. J une IA Ticket*. $4t>; quarter*. Sill; eighth*. $5: InrtiOtba, fl. Kentuekt Mat* Lottery. June 13. Whole ticket*. *1. LnnUlann Mat* Lottery Urand Drawing, Jan* IL I Irketa, f III; halve., #5; tilth*. $2: tenth*. 01 Prise* cashed and fnll Information of the abore sent free, J. DCFir a cu.. Mttnaora. 43 Baoeou at..pgr, Liberie. N. Y. l?HY UIMIIIA. A.* (IKKAT REDUCTION. Gentlemen'* lloota and Shot*. Dress. Double Sola, Cork Sole. Cl liters anil Shoe*. Oxlerd Tie* Ac., at 01 5tt and upward. Ladle*' line Button lloota, 0J 50, 0:t 0:1 fSl. 14 and 05. at HHOUKH', I.IWI Broadway.cornet Jlltli ?t .YI1LLI N Idle % ANI) 1)11 (1 DV LacV. sujt, ititiiai*vyair. -Ka,r I!>riI vT, /?Im ?wlllup ofT the m*?t exqritsite ?s?<>r ft merit of Honnett end Hound Itntn eft liolf the cuk| of hni<ort?tinn. LicoAL Herin k y. XTurnrnrmiisnmnv r. s tba iTi^spinrfo Xl an order ol the Buperlnr Court ol the city ol New York, entered M ay 37. IS7S, In the act inn of J ohn ii. Cary airalnat Alfr> tl f. Meecfia ami another. I, the nndersl (Med, rerelerr of the a*?et* ol the late liinlleil copartnership ol Allied T. Htercn* A Co., will Mil at publla auction, on J una 37. IS7S, at I3::h> P. M., el the Kxrhanye Saleeroums, No. Ill Brnadway, New York city, by Richard V. itnraelt, aoe tloneer, the alalma due said Arm Term* ra*h N. V. UUl l.liY. Keeeleer. A list if thepe elalms can be *ren at the oAtee ol John Arouka Loaeltt, attorney for raceieor. 33d Uroauwar. F gPOKTINb-iiUUS. B1KDS. &C. OR ~tiALB-A SMALL, WRl? TRaI.nED BLACK and Tau Da*. No. 4.11 7th av.. first Boor, lor two days._ THE TUH.r._ A ^KLBKWOOO PaKK.WNR MKKTINtC .tY .Tuesday- 17 boraaa entered. Wednesday?18 horses entered. Thursday?17 horses entered. Friday?11 horses entered. Trotting te commence at 3 o'clock. Admleelon 50o. UaTKS H. BABNAitll. Proprietor. uction pools Sold on the trots at fleet. wood and Narragausett parka and Kalamaaoo, Mich., to day; every heal by telegraph from correapondente on tracks, at 50 Hudaon at., Hohoken. Special alteutlon to commissions. W iuchell Byron and Nick Moouey in ebarge. HACK KIT A CO. UCTION AND FRENCH POOLS ON~r7l K TROTH at Fleetwood. Narratrausett and Kalamaaoo, and run* ning at Colnmbne, at night. at 50 Hudaon^t^.^l^ouolteit^ "7 BOOK OPEN THIS EVENING ON THE OOLUIjI Abna races at Browne's, 1,170 Broadway. JOHN IIACKKTT A CO. OI.UMBl't RACES ?BOOKS OPEN AT 15 WEST 28lb at. KKLLY A BLISS. (tolUmbos races.?pools sold at 68 Hudson At.. Hoboken. KELLY A BLISS. LKKI WOOD TROTS?FOOLS SOLD TO-DAY AT ?8 Hudson at.. Hoboken. KELLY A BlleH. Trots this day and every dvY this week at Fleetwood Park; Auction Pools and returns ol each beat. Tatteranll's Otto Cottage, Hoboken. _ TACTKRSALL'S OTTO COTTAGE, HOBOKEN.? AUG tiou and French Pools this day on St Louis races. ilOHSKs, CAIUllAUKs. t? . , "AUCTION sale. "'THIS hay. -? auction" BAttr' J\. THE SPECIAL ATTENTION OP GENTLEMEN IS CALLKD TO I HE , AUCTION SALE OF THE ENTIRE CONTENT8 OF THE PRIVATE STABLE NO. 317 EAST 34TU ST., A FEW DOORS EAST Ol 30 AV.. THIS DAY (TUESDAY). JUNK II. AT II O'CLOCK PROMPT. cootUtlnc of four fait mod hUu brod Trotting ilorset, one fine U.iupo or Family Horse, one Lediee' Horse, elegant Carrluges. Harness, Ac. By CIIAS. C. DUFF A CO.. Anctlonoars. Includiug the well known, fast end high hred team of bay Qeldlngs, Vlcior and Knsigu; are lftji hands high. 7 and S years old: are lull brothers, gut by llsinbletonlau Chief, son of lleisel's II..mbletoulan, flrst dam by Seeley a American Star, secoud dam be Nonpareil, by Long Island Black Hawk: they are with but lew exceptions the closest matched pair In this city: tbey hare lull black manse and long tails, all i lack points, and are without douut one ol the fastest t araa ol gentlemen's roadsters living; they cen trot together it mile on track In 2:35. and either orih-m can beat 2 :30 single; Victor hss a record at Troy ol 2:27: Ensign has no record; they are Inlly warranted sound and kind and safe for any one to drive, liave also, strength and bono enough fur gentleman's prirale carriage or phaeton; will be sold senarat ly II required. Very lest Trotting Gelding Harvey, 15.2)$ handa M.'h, 7 yearn old; raised by Captain Hiiird. of Lexington, K*.; sired by Waxey (the sire of Oralton). dam by Blood's iiittck Hawk (Lady lurpln darn) ; is it bay, witb lull tell and inane; Is very finely built end shows his breeding; has great bottom ; trotted at Fort r.dwurd Bye heat*, driven or C. Davidson, beating Mnlllo .Morris and live others. In 2:211, 2127)4, 2:28 2?20 and2:27H; also heat Mnsepoa In alwo raile race at Saginaw. Mich . In 4:30 and 4:54Hi; was see onil III a ftve-miie daal. in 14:13)*: he is a verv pleasant driver; does not pall or tby ; is sale for any one to drive, end Is warranted sound and kind. Beautiful sua last bay Trotting Mere Clara D., 13* hand* high. 6 years old ; got by Woodward's Ethan Allen, Jr. by Ethan Allen: Brst dam by General Knox, tiro ot Cantors (rocord 2:1 f)?,); second nam by old Coluinbust Clara D. can trot a uiLe to wagon on auy track In 2 >Jo; she bas had but little last work; she will make her insrk tnls season sure ; she is one ol the best and purest galted horses that lives, snd is a steady, level end every day trotter; goud lu company, and warranted e.nind and kind. ELEGANT, r INK, STYLISH BAY COUPa OR FA M ILY HURSK; was bronchi to this dty, with mate, one year ego, and Mr. Halght puichaaod and p>id $1.7.dl lor ihem; mate waa taken sick and died, and have been una ble to mate since; he is 10,S? hands high. 7 years old; has high kuee action, aud cannot be overstyled by any norse living, and warranted sound and kind. Handsome ladles' or children's Ponv Mare I et, 15 hands high; extra fine harness and saddle beast; has been used solelv by ladies and children: alratd of nothing; can trot in 3:10, and warranted sound and kind. Carriages Include Fark Phaeton, with extension lop, pole end eitafts, aud seats four persons: has been used but lit tle; elegant top Pony Phaeton, two top Brewster spring Wagons; one elegant set of Coach Harness, oue set of Coupe Harness, light Mingle end Double Road Harness, Lady's Side fcadiio end Bridle, Blankets, Robes, WUIps, N*. II.?'The stook le now en exhibition, and parties In search of fine stock are Invited to call and ride behind any ' of the lot beiore day of sate. "EACH liORBi. W ILL SllllW THE TIME UNDER WATCH" on any good track. > Sale positive, rain or shlno, to highest bidder, without re ' (yard to coal or value. ? it HOUSE OF A KCII JOHNSTON. 18, 21. 23 snd 23 13th sL, near University place. OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RELIABLE HOUSE IN THE CITY. RFOULAR SALES OF HORbBS AND CARRIAGF.8 EVE'.Y TUESDAY aND FRIDAY AT 10 O'CLOCK. 24 hoars' te throe days' trial on horses warrsnted sound. A1 TUI8 DAT (TUESDAY), AT 10 O'CLOCK. tA FOUR FIRSTCLARR TEAMS. ELEGANT TEAM BLACK IIORHES (Black - Hawks), 10 hands, 7 years: every wey reliable; 3? warranted sound, kind end true. STY l .IS 11 TEAM oORKEL MARES, 13^ hands, 0 and 7 years; lamily pets: warranted sound, kind and Irue; trot In minutos. FIN . Ti% A M BAY HOUSES. 15?? bands. 7 yeara; In every way reliable lor any use ; warrauted sound, ELKOdANT'THAMCI!RSTNCTTRUCK HORSES, 10 hands. 7 and s years old ; pony built: warranted sound, kind and true. b. . ELEGANT LIGHT CLARENCE, by <?>?? < Brewster, of 23th st. . . I *1 Horses. W I ELEGANT MAIL PHAETON, by <g> ?? 7i Wind Bros. ,, ROtD ESTABLISHMENT?Elegant bay Hnmble tonisn Horse, l.'Hi handa, S rears ohi; has been used by present owner lor last two years; has not a lault or trick o' any kind . Is a first class road or lamilv horan of great endurance; can trot a mile in 3 minutes or no sale, and 12 mllra an hoar alt day. and warranted sound, kind and trns. <&? ? ROAD WAGON aud Harness, built I Never mind loonier. I the weather. ELEGANT BAY COUPE HORSE. $> D"> hands 7 t ears old : a first class fsnilly horse: has not a lault single or double: hee boon u?ed In certlaee and cnU '?;is very alyllsh and handsome and warranted sound, kind and true ? ? ? ? EXTENSION T'lP PHAETON, | See catalogue. nearly new. 4 ?? KU l.L CLaKENCK, by Wood Bros. I FINK MAHOGANY HAY IIoUmK. l-'*i hande, 0 years old; kind and true in all harness; Irse front vLe; a llret Claw hor?e lor any n?o end warrunted sound KTYLImH I UKNoUT-nEAT PHAETON, by Brews ter, of ; 5tfi it. . , , I'aRK nr*w?t?r.of ?t. BEAUTIFUL MoUsK COLORED PONY, It hands, S years old: kind In nil harneas and nu .er saddle; a perhet pet and warranted atmnd. ?> . , TOP PONY PHAETON, leather lined: I Elegant Utile need I ,Mle^ IOP ROtD S-aman ? . ? . FlNh CIIESIM T TRUCK lloRSK, p.dty built, 10 handa. 7 years; In evsry way rrliabfe and warranted sound, kind uml true ELEGANT BUSINESS WAGON, bnllt lo order by S"V""eNTY FOUR OTHER HORSES. I Reliable I buuA0. SIX DEPOT WAGONS and ROCKA- <$> ?? PHAETONS and TOP WAGONS. p*?ARG*K"assortment of every kind of CAR K^Lu^t"^RVA!!-N^k1fFRRRS WITH OUR SALES at Hi O'CLOCK. A.1 LARGK'sale of LIVERY STOCK, eonaistlng of ^ TWENTY IIOIIBEs, twk,'TFfke ulN<smVront COACHFB, FIVE GLAS- LaNDAUH. TWO CHILD'S HEARSES, Fonr seat l*haetons, 20 Road Wagons, Extension Top phseione. M aeta Doubl ? nod Single Harness, Double and Mingle Track Harness. Livery Coets. Ac. Van TASSF.I.LA KEARNEY. AUCTIONEERS, have received inatroctlons te r-KLl. at PUBLIC AUCTION. TO-MORROW (It KDNKSDAt), JUNE 12. at II o'clock, the CONTENTS or LIVKIIY STABLB 150,132, 134 and 150 East 50th at., 3d av. The HOUSES ARE ALL GtiOD DRIVERS, the stock u all In good rendition and will be eold without reserve. CATaLoUURm c tN BE HAD on Ihe PREMIERS end at the Olheea of the AUCTIONEERS, IIO. 112 East llltlt St.. and 22 I nlon sqnere. A fill AltlaKs W. I! A It K Kit. AI.'CIIOMKl It. kail > IMlhl'KOI T< < s AU. OK I II" o I'..'Ill If lilt. MUSI grand annual aele ol 'l A Kit V IIA >HK IT V K.t It I.I.MIs. twn yearolda. Ac.. bred he Onto tlAYIIi Mr DaNIKIi; nl? ? the Race Mnrr? see It.der. link Uaf, Juliana, Sarah II., Mat* MaiifBald, anil aOtnr to Mllner, ml In loal in Harry Itaaaatl. in take place on Wonder, June 17. at 11 o'clock, al IIA I.K KIKAfSon't New I in a I at teranll'e. corner of Broadway and 3(nh at TWKNTV SI.X head of the aonndeat. lineal and Nil I'KKHUV II ItKIt lot of thnronahnri-da eeet offered at pn'lie aalo. Te arrlea at the Mart an snndnv, June l?. for exbiMtlon. fooltlmly Ml I'i isTi'i ? il KM KftT. HY-HllllHNli or WITH DltAWAKs. Calaln jaea nit anpllrattnn. jY -8KCOND IIA.AU IJ A It It I All KS. ~~ l.ight Kandan, for rltr and country. Wood'a make, idrht Landaolot. High front wheela, one and two hnraoo. Victoria for one hotae a il unite 11kl>t. T Carlo. one heavy ; llatliy T fart, high wheela Mall I fine ton. with top on Imnt eoat; onr make, ttrett lor tour ptrtfBt Inaldo, nawly don? up An aeaortmant ol Wtndeor IVaicmv our niakt. J. H. HlthWsTKK A CO., ! Vi I'.aat 2fllh at. ?MI'MT BK .MOLD IMMRUIATkLV, ON ACCOUjfT ,nl leaving tlia city, two extra gentle family lleraei, both rounii and aoand. rltltahla for ladlea' or children'* line ; alao a handaoine extenalOd top family Wagon, extra light and tenia f ur eoraona; alao una atyllan top I'ony fhneion, one no top IOJ ponml Itond A agon. nil nenrly new: single and llonbie foiine. Koad and I lack llarneaa. I aab oilera wanted. Inquire of OWN KK. for three day a, prlrato at aula ?JUS l.aat juth al. ________________ BrOMsillNO CAHII B A R(1 AlNs-TOf FoTft I'haeinn, ClA coat $ fli. |ioo I aa new; light lop family Wairun. tealt lour not tolled. B1H>, cent (BUU| lirpot Wagon. Blt?>, eott B'J7ft, naed only tlx tlmea; Itaiidaome Lay Morgan llorao, tl yearn old, l.1t{ hand*, aottnd and kind, weight I .n *) pounda: thla la a bargain. B.uio I'alette C ub Stable, 1 oil Kant Until at , between Kex uglon ami lid AI.L KAMK AMI sIOK IIOiiSKM OOltKli KKKK or rbarif ?lillea' Liniment lodlria of Ammonia (yellow wrapper-) ; epaeln, apllnta, ringbone, ahoitlder lameneae. Send poatal card lor pamphlet Trial alan. Jft rentt. Or. lllliKs, 1.0 Weet Broadway, New York A4 ?OII k AH-?II KaF^OM HA?. ? I WO MiKOANT ? Top I'ony Khaetona, thren (hilling top llood Wagona; 0 vral <ota Bun Headland t'onpe Harm an; aim oat new. In quire Koaamora atabb a, 4l?t., near Hlh a? ?$ 1.75 tt fuTTu Y Mir It II (?; A Si h it l ? Bnggr. with (In# llarneaa, Hlauket. Kap linl.e and Whin: hnodioma top I'ony I'll K-ton, cheap. Apply at No. 1 Went I Nth at., one door from Nth ae. A.f I'onr rhaetona, Koekawaya, light exientP'n top I'ark I'hnetona and other atrle-. all my own make, at mannlne In re re' nrleoo and warranted. (IKUilH. SWU tJanai ? CAKHlAUKk. <Wl. A1'0"0*"1 va n't a > s isc ir^L't.xutrir*' HO AMI) 112 KAST i:JTll ST.. NEaII 4TII AV. REC.ULAR SyLES OK HOUSES AND CARRIAGEH One?r?ir.;E':} TUfc8r)A* A*? PiSIDAV. iwarranted sound or kiml and true la uurues. Irom one to three doya are ^lveo do teat warrauteea. CATALOGUE OK THIS UaY'8 fTUESDAY) SALE AT 10 O'CLOCK. FAIR VKhv nV'Ji?1 A u TURNOUT. handsome brown trotting marks bU"<mn?o,L'?!IOMA'S JEKKElisON out of a mare br KTWV.S,.V.l(JllhN- WW: the other IomU<1 m7<i Ac w . 0ttl. u' * ihorntixlibreU mure, nleia i.i? hlich. without exception the Fik.o' r ru"? 'em" lh? ,Uy: together ih.aT ",r"8 ' do t"1" tt Pni""l i b >at 2 :5<t to In ?o. I "? "ol ?>l anything; aro both guoi driven he ? ua"' Brest enduraoce; can bs audirn i iV L *"U *rr" ????ut"d aounil au,l kind and true In all harne.a; Double llaroeee. by Milling., T0P and IJUPROV?> SPKINO Road Wagon. pel. CnE??mnTi ,5^ l,ANDS IIIOH.6jear.old; a SITJmP \i " ,lr,ver- .Iiarp traveller ; not atraid ol rle " " railroad or anything; bat rotnarkitbiy flue style "dr""'on : 11* n"icl... horse lor doe eart or conpa. ann tr yi**n.i ? U,,<1 kl,"U "*rr??ted .mind and kind FINKtVawm? L1 ,bV',B"Dn" C,rt Haruo.. and LADVMinXL'S^0'.'0 0AKT 1" perfect order. POINT*Sr^LISII DAKPl.K OKAY. DARK iooorf 'a I., 'tlsh, 14 year. old. warranted sound and kind, aceu.toiued to car.; ha. been u.ed on Ptcenl owner for live year, to a carriage; I. .old ? u. .J,,,??""1" "f death ol hi. mate. THE kOLLowiM, yAI.UABLK Ka.MILY ESTABLISH. to eukokb^-u ACOOUN1" of OWNER OOINO TEA1ol?-Aklwd 0K??S* i15*. l'*nd* hlKh' H Krd 0 rear. ???II i . *" lru8 ul' Itarne.., tree Irom vice, veiy ?... ii '* of nothing; are In everv re.pect a line L. . tram : .old lor no laul t; ouo I. warranted ?uuuo fie.?,? ""?''?trranted kind and true; together with f. 'f*) r kA.NDAU. In line order, made by Million, if Ak.iV 4* ?? i**ria; hiiU II AN Dm > M K rorilsEAr PAKK PHAETON, with ton. biivlUh pHU?*rii. ma le ov it. M. htlvera; nlto ?ai?U?ril*.b"?l"'? "?">???. Kobe., Blanket-, Ac. Ac. HI. ri.t '""TTINO GELDINOs. I5>4 ?IAN08 an. LI tot", old; Irce Irom trick or laul! of *?;. nro,"Pt driver.: afraid ..I nothing ; can trot lu ^ ;oO together; .land without tying; .old M'-T0,T K"i,"r ?? Paris; warranted kind TOi? u-a ..J '""'.I llaruena; eet line Double Harness ana ?i ide I ' POLE AMi.MI.DfS. by K M. STIVERS BLACK ItoRsK. SI.'.ED by ETIIaN aLLKn. 15 Ino.'j; ?' * ve*re old. free, bnndv driver; can trot id g ,-hi; Que pule hor.e ; tele lor any una to .rive p. riiWi".r.r?.n.i"', 14,1,1 ln,a '? ?" harness fair dark hro>vn iidr-es, io ii inds high. ? and J year, old ; have been u.ed by a private family ; nut atraid ol elevated or any other inilread; good TRnvn! warranted kind and true id all harne.a. * HbsT.N I T BUKKrL ti.LDIN.i, i? . i ' Wich; h.iR been lined lor the tewf.V i,Bl\tnontlia by a clergyman a. a .addle horse yek\ hasiistiiiR sivi.lMil pair ki.aciv SV'i ' ""'lsKs, |(i hand. high. <1 and 7 yeura Old; handy drivers; tlr.tclas. carriage team ; .ale ? . of . eery respect and warranted aouiid six BraikRi.r;UK\l[vuU0 vVKY'uo,iTUb'" ??? KBNlbCKY KURD Bay NAi,DLE AND HARNESS URLUINl., I.i'i hand. high. 7 year, old; ha. live dis tinct gait, nuder saddle : a pleasant and handy dri ver; does not any or pull; ha. been u.ed for two year, oy a lady, and I. warranted aonud and kind and trae In nil tinniest. ilu t;NnS"MK BAT SADDLE PONT. 13>f HANDS II!(? II, 0 years old: h.*s been us*<\ around locomo tives: it KAfe lor any little child to ride, and l? war ran11.'d sound. ?AT HORSE.10 HANDS IIIOH.7VEARS OLD; ba* ft??3dt lo 14''""'"o.. wagon ; warranted .ouud and Kind and irtio In ull harness WHITE HOUSE. 15 IIA.ND* HIGH. 10 YEARS OLD 111 V ^ kind and true In nil harne.a. BA* BY WAMLr.T. he by old IIAM MLR IUNIaN; l5Ji hand, high, 0 year, old ; one of Ihemo.l no.liable roau.ter. in the city; can .how a . :b> gait, and ha. had no training; is not alruid ol locomotives, elevated railroad or anything; i. very Btieiy gaited. audi, warranted sound ant kind and true in All hnrness. BAT OELDINL. I5H HANDS IIIOII, 7 YEARS OLD nrsl clas. driver; gentle and sale for any one lo drive1 a rtinrp traveller; very superior .anule hor.e ? warJ , ranted sound and kind ntirl true in all harnr.. CHESTNUT PONY. IUX Hands llltlti. 7 ?ld: h., been used by little clilldrwu ; perfectly sale in every way; lias no trick or lault of any kind, and it war ranted tuund uud kind and true in all ba.-neas ; Slnala Ilarue-K. ' pony oakt. in good order pair Bay Horses. IS^ HANDS IIIOII. 7 and 8 veara old ; gentle nud .ate tor ladies' use; can trot In three minutes; drive wall siucle; not attaid ol anrthinir ? warranted kind and true In all harne a. Djuble llarl ne.s and VICTORIA, IN OOOD ORDER, built by John JL Law. rence. BROWN HORSE. 15* HANDS HIGH. 7 year, old- a goiHt tree drlrer; all day trava'ler; perfectly .afe and reliable ; has great bottom aud endurauoe ; warrantad kind and true in all Harness. BAT TROTTING ilOK.-ih, HARRY GENET. 15* hands high. ID years old; a very pleasant driver; can trot in U:40: I. very steady and reliable; not nirald of anything; a lady can drive him -t lull s.-eed ? ha. (rent endurance, and I. warranted kind and true in nil harness; Single Hemes, end NO TOP ROAD WAGU.N. IN UOOo, built hr 1L M. Stivers. BLACK PARE. 15 HANDS HIGH.Oyeara old; can trot In 2iV) or better: not alrald ot anything; safe lu every respect; a goon pole inure; pleasant and easy to drive ; warranted sound and kind and trua in ail harne.a. PAIR WHITE PONIEH. II* HANDS HIGH. !| ye,r. old. Bate for little culldren to ride or drive; warranted .. kind and true in all harnosa aud under saddle ; Double Harne.a and NO TOP I'll AK TON. Pair VERY Handsome GRAY MARES. (Ot byOenenl Mamhall nut ot n thoroughbred mare, lo bands lilch 0and 7years eld; both boo saddle marea; very atyi! Ish. pleasant, game and prompt drivers; no not shy or pull; bavo lino aclboi aim appearance, cio it boitoiu and endurance ; last travellers, goon tingle drivers warranted sound and klud and true In ail harness: Double L arnes. and LIGHT VICTORIA, IN GOOD ORDER. COUPE KOCKAVVut. VERY LIOll..; Doctor's Ph-etnnt Brewster. Dnsenbnry and stivers4 Top Wi.on?t T..u Pony Pnaaions; line Douhld anil smile II >n e a A. BALE CGMMHNCKH Al TrN O'CIaiCK. ASCIItV t B. A Ul'TIGN KER?M OKI GAGE SALE .MR, o clock. 277 Bowery, d ie Hor.e. top Wagon and flaruoas, without reserve. Dealers Invited. A I I f NII I H ADE SALE <IK HARNRhR aND HORBB Goods at SINEt'S Auction -ale-rnoni?. Tlmradav June 1.1. tmods at orlvate sale I u-?day and W eilnea lay cheap. A? IKACK Slll.hl S IN ALL MKIOGIS. OK IV .equalled form, dnlsh and qinlltr. IIRRWsiKK A C(> Broome ?t.. Hroaitway. -17.ft to ISth si " An r. au tTe-ul leather" f. xienhion t??p piia"k* ton. .eats funr; Pole and Shalt.S; tugle and Donole Har ness to in ate a ; leather top Imp'rial Pony Phaeton; the above not so Red. best city makers; .oil cheap, ill Writ Null at., near Hib av. " ?KOR SALE. 5 CHUNKY BUILT IIGRSKH; SUIT ia#,rV.ei'i*,m"r' K1,1'?". '*pr??s; trial gireii; must be ?o|,|. |;i7 \lerier ?t., m-ar Itleeckrr ?Sl'15?KIN R HANDSOME; llfi* IIIGG I a i iv?* 1!"' l,e"r ?; pu-chssed lost winter INtii st nK" rd*r" ''rtrate stable, 144 West APIRBT CLABa, Vi.Ry HI RiiNGl NLauI.Y N i W lop Hug.-y 4IJ5. worth #250; also One llarnets. Man (tmtHii 12 i.H"l I nth \ TAD U ANDsil.tlE It A Y IHiKs-ErTI.V. II\NDS ?i:r':n ?'iw n ????'"???. tlmronglur broken to ?aililla. nne roadster, tear nothing and warranted; Brew sti-r tin.ting li p Wagon, unproved Pour Phealon Dun. comi. Harness. Ill.nk.-i.. Itooes. Ac.: all good a* new and iMre.v."p 'iV.:1""Ww"""mu-1 ??"4".ap; AIMH, 13 II A NUS llliiH, WAKIltNThir TO travel ivn miiee per hour; very bandanmo. 9*15. 1 Jnmia ?tip. A?pTTlUSIKKHrt AMD OKI.I VKul WA*i*?>NH, Abb .alien, ftk) lo 91 in, new ann aecond hand, Inr eipreaa, car. Lnieher, baker, milk, depot. *?. 236 -prini at, TWO row IllJIl.T 11 OK."* F.N , .\NOITIhi: lldMI, .Mill any biialuean ; *111. 9**5. .rH< I 11*1 f hrlatopoer at. 'mat MA km To hk HOL.D (JiTkaP; THOTa'In J :?X Call at 35 tVeel 41lh at. prm A" vkkv oooo riop Pout piiakton, madk ?r Ulnn,m A Waal llih at, -PoK SALK. roiril "iMICN li YOU NO Housed; ? ?mt truck, farmer, Kmeor. axpreaa. araat earrlflee. a m .factory trial ptven. Ii*7 IHh at., between 34 and dill ava. I1K AIJTIF17L PUtalT*KI'HT.MI AjfH -IIIR BAH TOP JjWairon an i fine Mamma, Lotli almoit new; no offer r. tuaed fK? Weat 10th at. Cill AH. W. K MC h. I K AUUTIONKKK. ~ /Included In to-mormw'e <Wedneeday i aalo at Baraor A 'im'i New York Taller all'a, corner of liroidwav and ;f!i?li at , WILl. HK two ilmrnnyii hrnae bay saddle llor?ea, l.'.ij biph, *1 and 7 year* old. broken to all sella, been aaed ny one family lor the peat two yenrn. perfectly penile in liarneaa; warranted aound ami kind. Al.No h in, Lay Trotting Mare Agnes, I5)j high, 7 yeara old; a nlaaaaiit driver and aala lor Iviy'a u?- ; can trot In 3 :5*' warranted aound and kind. lop aide bar Wasou, by Itrmuia at. lire w ale r ; Hlnirle liarneaa, by Hack, Ac. 1 i.e ab >yo alock ?aw an alow, Ct Alllli Alle.H.? CAl.VIN WITTI'h COM >1 IhMIon CAR /Hag warerooma Inn South Alb ay ; repairing ahopa 55 YTalbtiab a* , Hrooklyn. Ciow-oiYk* nquAKiaftioi1~mTLk,kok halk /lew, at 3,311 3d ay. _____ DKKOT WAUON. TtVo'I.IOiiT Roi K lH AVS I'ONT Chaeion, two llratta. eifnaion top I hteton, Win,leer Wagon. by Hrew>ler. and a law on.era. aaeoad hand URAY, No a K r.n A CO.. Nrnadway and stlitb at. f.lOH HAUK C1IKAK. POR WANT OK CRR. IIOHRK 1 and Dog Cart, horae dealrable, cart beat city make. COACHMAN, 2311 Weal aattli at. lAOll HAI.h^7"VoU Ml~ii(>KnKh. CIIIiaI's 1 I'ONT, r 11 haada hlvn. 4"7 Weat Aid at L'llK HAI.K ?HAY IIOHiah, If.Jj HAND* HIOH, SIX' F yeara old: warranted annnd auu aim. Apply at DUN HAM'S ata'ilaa. 147 Weat Acrtb at. loll SAUK?TllRltK MlllilS, AT BUI.I/S IlKAD fttahlea. 147 Kaat 24th at IT* OK HAlnll?HI' I. K > II11 > II it KW Kollit I' I*raKN F tier onen I'haeton. spring* Stable, rear ot fPitiAtb ay., entrance II Kaat HI at at L'UK S Uv-HAi I'O.NY, ~I4 IIA NHS, *1 YK i Its OLD; F kind, aound; alao I'haeton liarneaa 5H Waal l.'ith at. LMill HA l.i. I'll I II Out III WORK ilOR-~K*,~fl AND 7 I yeara; aull any bualnaaa; muat aall . warranted. 51*3 Washington at. Ft*"I It HA I i'. 5 IHHtShH. :i ti l,'( Ks, :i II AHNEs?,"3 W ater Tank a. at ll Art It IS' Market, tint Si h av. LH?R HAUB?ON K hKW FLaTPORM TprINu KX I" pieaa IVayon. with ahlltlnjc top, and twonul Ornenry W h . on a. 257 Weat .'Lid at. ibid A ALU?PAIR NAY lioRHB.St MINOM ANKS F andtalla; klud and penile. Cm ba aaen at 3<? Kaat 32d at. IVMHl hai.K ClIKAl'?A U'iOH TK.AM iit HOKhi.wi F alao pond single llorae ; aold lor want nao. 54 Lftfayetto place. / ' 1 Kilt. HOUND t'ONY HONsK, S T HARNNHNjlLSa I Jgini I'oay I'haet. n with t'lnbralla, f I Ml; alao fur, ? liy made, top, atde bar W ignn, i'ole end Hhalia, fisi 523 *th. nil III IK N II . I II \ MIII RH ? T III KKHH MM i horae Sheeta, UAd. | hand mad* Harnaaa, 30 00; ether couda aouallr low. ItOUSKn. CAKKIAUEV Mv. Hbiitifi r<> Elff a .v i > tok w?lb 958 !XC run pnees. 55 Columbus it. HOR8K. U A KNURS AN If TOP HII-INK88 WAUON lur ??Ie; nearly new. Apply 50 University plica, cor. liar 13th. J Oil's MOO UK 57 IV SH it EN IT.. I DTK US Till' I'hitrton. and Haggles 111 larea rtilrlji Rockiwsye. De pot and Jnmp-eesi Wagons, ltoacl Ww-ous. I'irk Fhn< loin. Ac. nuiue second hind by city tniS-rD. el front (45 upward; Harness, eliolce assoitmeiii, *8 4o upward. ?CARRIAGES' ~ TO A N AND? CJOUNTKT. DEl*OT WAGONS AND I.llIIIT KOCKAWAY8 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. EXTENSION TO I* CABRIOLETS AND I'ARK I'll AK TOXS FOE GENTLEMEN'S OWN DRlVINU. all btvdes oFTony PHAETONS FOR LADIEV DillVIN i. FLANDIlAU ROAD WAGONS IN ALL WEIGHTS. A. S. FLANDIlAU M CO . 373 und 374 llrnome it. PHN V-SUITaHLEFOK l.ADV. WAIUAN rr.l) miI'ND and kind,cheap; alio a nr* II one. 317 Weil 4'ltli it. SKAMh'naML" CARRIAGES'. ~~ Victoria!, Cabrloleti, T Carta, extension top Pliaetnna, foor oaiuenser ? pan I'tinetoni. lour passenger Mirray top and open Pony PhaMone. canopy lop Phae toii!, several itylei. at pricai to anil lhe lime*. IvM II. GRA Y. 3<) and 22 Wooatrr al. rpUNlh JOHNSON. AUCTION KMC ' X old (laud, 37 Nassxu at. tills Day. AT 13 O'CLOCK. ul our salesroom, 37 'natnuil., to ?lo-o an ratale Elegant Brewster Coupe. I leeant Hrewstur T Cart Elegant Hre.sier lined Wilson. Elegant ltrewit<-r uide bar Wagon. Elegant Hrewsier I'ony Plmeton. 10 LI" BUGGY. IN PEKF-.OT ORDER. CITYXaDR (HID; i.ady'e .-.addle, lUrJO-liorn. $15. Eagle Storage, I M eel Illid it. fp11 LeT-FOIt CllY 1)11 COUNTRY, A iTIlsTOLlSS X Turnout, landed and Urd cb? cacl in m; terms very inolntaie . alio a dapnle pray llorae tor euln HI I ht.-h: the bait hone ler lainily uiu can he loend. ll'J Weil 50tli tt. TWO CANADIAN ~HORSES? SOUND. KIND AND young; halt value; Eipreti Wagon, Harness. Inquire 2.18 Serine el. WTTou Hitus. ir i.Aiir. dtaniiopk phaeton, hy do., quite new ; 3 six-sent llockaway*. 3 Couue flock awayi, 3 l.andaui, 4 Claralicai. 3to,i Depot Wagons, 8 light four pai.aiiK'r Itncsawav*. $85 up: Surrey four passenger Walton. #150 ; lop Waeon. $115 ; CxlTrev Sulky. (50. Skeleton Wagon, $7n WM. Ii. III!AY. 31) and 33 Wooaiar 1U W anted - V KI NK I UllNOUlf.'lix"EXCHANGE FOR TT Loti. lie- and clear, 7 railei from city. In Jar-ay, valued at if.' t*>K Address. witu lull description and price, EXCHANGE, a armiincdalo. Let) lilaiid. W' \XTED-A HANDSOME Sl'I II IT ED 11 OUsR'fiTr T cart. Ad tresx R H T , I'oit ollic ? poz 80. 11'AN I ED A GOOD _BrKW8TeTi BUGGY. AD TT dress CASH, Herald nfllcn TXfANTED-FOR cash. ToFpIivKTon A n D jTaTT. TT noi?, nilinblo for p mv 14 tiandi. Addresi, by letter, LACK, new pier 31) Norm Itlver, New York. utaniFed it) exchange -It wo kleuam gold TT Geuota Watc iei lor a nice liorae and top Buggy; mnatbeln anod condition; no horee iharki need apply. II. W., 148 East 37th at. Z "?BRING OaLi.KD AWAY. WILL sKLL MY K E ?gmt (load Turnout xt great discount; liandaome laat blaca Mara, |.i hauda. 6 years old : safe, entin 1 nud true ; superior top Waeon. line llatnaia. Blanket!, Rohe.ilieep Mat, Whip; nil new in aprll. II. CltOMMMN. 44 Writ 38th at. (I CHEAP II11 USES KOI; SAln?Si II. Ill.h roll Dany luialueta; aleo one Top ltutchoi'e Wacuu at 410 West 3D Ii nt. 7'k GOOD, "young" ffuRK flORS. 8. SUI I WILE ? I oi any bu-lneae; muet bo told half value. 53 ) Weat 24th. (NlTZk ELEGANT To I* sIDE BAR WAGON. tpXXD.ellglitly aoilcd. with all uf Brewater'a attach incuts, lor eale at B iltkhlt A SON'S, corner of Broadway ami 3t)th at. POST OFFICE NOT1UL. CM FIDE NOTICE. ' Foiclgu Mails lor the week ending Saturday June 15. 187s, will ciuae at thia otHce en Tuesday, at 13 .M., for I ttrope or eteainahip Nevada, via Queeiietowu ; on Wednes day. at!3:3n F. d . lor Europe by aleanialiip Abraelna. via Queauatowu (correapondaiiee for France to be lor war ted by ilna ateamer inaat be ip -dally addreaaedi, and at I 1*. M .for France direct, by steamship 8t Laurent, via Havre: no Thursday, at 13 M . for Europe by ateninalitp W Island, via Plymouth. Cherbourg and llamuurg (corre spondence lor Great Britain nod Ireland to be l irwardad by tillsmeainer most be specially addreaaedi and at 12 M-, lor Great Britain end Ireland by steamship City of Itrui a-|a, via Quermlown (correspondence lor Germany and the Continent to Pe forwarded l>v Ibis itoamer untai bo specially addresaed); on eatnrday, at 11 :3 ? A. ,M? lor Germany. Ac.. I>y steamship Donan. via Southampton and Bremen (correspondence for Great Britain end tne Continent to be lorwarded ny this steamer must be spe cially addreaaedi. and all P. M, lor Europe, hy steam ship Gertaanlc, rlt Ouneuatown, and at 1 P. It. for Scotland direct b/ steamship Victoria via Glasgow. The steam ships Nevada. Atxssitilv and Germanic du not taka malls for Denmara, Sweden and Norway The malls for llaytl, Savanllla. Ae., leave New York June 13. The mills for Nass iu, N. P., leave New York June III. TIIOS. L. J A MEM, Postmaster. Post Orricc. Nzw Yoaz, June 8, 1878. U1LL.I AKOis. American ,-tTANDAitD iin.i.fABft TXBl.Ks. Nf'.W ami ?econd hftmi, ui reduced prlooi; Balls, (Moths, Tips, Ciiulk, Cuti, 4c. WM. I! O II>Mril A CO.. 4" Ve?*y *t AT NMV WAKKKOOdS OK II. W. CObbhNOiMt, 7S1 HromlwAj, botwecn Oraoe Church and rit?*w*rt*s?Bill*' fsrd I'sblcs, now ?n<l nccond band, Iu Utssl desUtis; bstl lioods and lowest prices. piLblAK.; AND POiiL TAHLKH Al LOW I'KiCK.H: libalis lurried r ad colored. $l per set, at i*UKLAN\S, 14 Vesey st. IIITK HUBBhli HI.IaIAKD A.N.? POOI# BALLd, -.'s. flO ?oi ;-'.i pool, $jt? set; warranted for 12 mntittis. WM M. WKLL1NO.2H7Ceatre st. OANC1IVU ACAOKVlKli C1ABTIKK?S DANCINU AUADKM Y. 8 L NIO.N HgCARK : #/prlvMta Icmsous snv hour; (Hide spocialty; lauy assist* ts: ??pFfi al. summer; receptions Monday. ima*<;fuutk*. tmuAi^, M?* A?1*1 A .> O."(MoT K "t t.NU ? AH1N i.T OHilAMs. ? Rc iiitiiul Concert Orand 1'ianns, price #1.RH0. only I Mi-'n snneib Cranu Housro I'tanns. nrice fl.ioo. only $J!'5. eltfCHtii Upri^lu I'linos, price 3F8(>Ufconly $I.V?; Up ri lit nat?os $112 .?<??. OriraM.$tt: Ofiwfc,Itjlvsslops, 50; church (rri?an?. sixteen stops, price $:r*? only $11"?; elcgunt $ 175 v? ii ror I op Organs, only Buyers, come snd se?* me at home; II 1 am not as represented rail* rond fnre p?ild Mh wajr nn 1 piano or orirnn u'lven free. Larue ilhiMtrnted tiswsnaper. with much information about rust of pimus im l r?rs*n*,.,lrer. Address i>ANlhL K. BKATTi, Wnllwgtei^ New Jenejr, rKIVvll-. KtMII.V A II.I. HACItiriCfc HTKINWAT .ri.nioforte. cost flax/, lor RlIB an elegant 754 octaro ' I extfulsitel v carvrd case, four round cornered, ruse wood Vt in"Nor I'laiiufnrte, cost last (Ufuit $hOU) for in clndluit rttfjul. (hivor, Music Cabinet. co*t $1UU Ca I prl. A -KOK KhWf. UI'RICIHT. egCAKK AM) UK A Ml #riMij-nuf mirowti nnikf ; also lor sale aud reel a nu n* ie?r ?f fine s*rond hand ixiHM, in perfect order. WILL IaM KN AHK A C-112 f?th sr., sbxrs 10: n st. AN AdNORTMUNT or Hr.CoM> II . N " s I KIN W A If Piano* ill a hirgiln: ilM, I'lanoe of naher ntaeare, rani-lnr from np?arde; apeclel Indwcameala un a nanMr of Ntnlnway i uncart an>l Parlor ilranda, eome but llltle aaed. ell in perfect order mil lulljr warranted ; he vara of boiai in*" mnenlv reprnvanted at *?nuiue Htelii War plain.*, at public and private ?alee. MTF.INWaY A -if.N>, Melnwar llall. New York. A" FINK PlANOKiiMK. #.V I: U KrtAT H A II I aIN ; <7r la rant luw. riean at 13 W'averley pla. a, near llroad way. A III II I V K II t :i, Al". -11"-l-.Vt '.'III I'l I M II II. I ; bat I'tt.a il-a<t, Inr tala. en-t -la innntUa airo ('ill. for #17". nt'.ol. I over end M mlc Stand; ?la??nt cabinet Up rlirlil. Hirer atrlaced. brl liant i.nia.1 laairnmant, for ?na arl^tnai cnat. tfell at prly .t? reel# n ?? 131 Waal lllli at. between ?Itli ann 7th n?a. B?t?i l? ali'p A I, Ui ttll.i. hi I... i' \ HVnT/Hon#. Wool! HhVr~N netnva I'laiinioila. flX ileeldcuce -'311 fcatt JUkti, near 3d iv rIII VA lTT KAMII.Y WIWl iihll Ml nl.M w at Plan mrte at a aacrilien; richly earvoa, Innr round. rmu'Winl Inlaid mari|tirlrt caaa 71, ?rtn*, nvernrti'iK, fnil apialTu avoir Improvement, cut #"7.*>, lor $l'li; htoel, Cnrer: alto ?'? eclave Pprleht Piano; hoalorahlp plnir. <'all to-lay priaaia raaidanei 41 Waal IMib at., be tweau ">th and I'tli a?? * Vrtv MOUND II VNH W null: pianos at vkry treat har/ulnv; eniwe "f lliam uaad a very abort by unr heal mi?uiana, and really amiuat aa rood a< i.e w i nliy <a air an tad lii wary man-el. I'leave call at tna WKIIKIt wareru iu?. .'?lh nr. and "1th at. A -#|i?i, IIONKW'OOO 714 iKTiVI'. Pi tNolollTK ? and Maul ; Piano- In rem. ntr mnntli; Inatalineiita taken. Parlnr 1 'ryauv. $75. OOl.O'-M I Ill's, Jll lileecaer at., near llowery. |> AHOAINH ONK UPlllUHT PI ANO. tN": ON h III f. Din. #l3>;?ne Ollte. #l.?<>; all" l>i|aarn I'lanna at at ?tamely I >w prlcea; all in periett order and r liable, ca-h or Inalaimeni*. Warafvaiaa No. A a-t Mib ?t tl A KVKi > kwhKWOOiI Pit ? or nil I'l'. MM #711. I'lT?! /er and Ktool; boa lor alilpinani. Koeiilent-e ItHI I'd av., Mat INMh HMRLtoN fIRMil . M AN U/AOrUile.Ha. .'II "aNo JI Pniveraltr niece. tiavw a la ire aaanrtmaat nl aa* aa I ?erond hand I'lanna; antna of the latter aa good aa ne<r; will be enli ?r ranted at erieaa to nut tha titwee. IJItN'S A N" "HO t NS~RXI KhM hL,Y LOW FOR 1 > aali on 'mall innnthly or i|uarierly paymenla, er te let. In city or country. Imni M upward. IIOUAPK .1 VI F.1 - A hi IN H, 4" Real |4lh at STKINWAV "H ?m:r a vk "i'l an<7h~1?P.Aki-y "nkw"; real. #7. near 1 prl. hi I'lanna, #I3'?; new Urgana, #.!.'>; luw ranla; email Inatelmeiita. _ OOUOON A SON. 13 Keal Mill el. AMUNK.HK.irN. "/All IV H.N OK NORMANDY" WaI.TZ, ll\t,op. V^Polka. each 3-Ve.: Polponrrl by Warren. 7!Vd. ; trie tlun at aire, "miner. #1. and ail tha vocal rvrtia. Sola aulU' r aed edition- aro publlabad by OITauN ACO.,?ll and H43 Nrnadway. H\l tu Al i'lAMRY II1 l.l.'s i7TiTkh7>aY AKTF.R noon at 3 o'clock, fur ai aplentlld ?ll?er t oo preaentei] bv Jininiy Rally. All Ilia ?rvale?t bnxara and wraitiera will appear. ?4t\lMR" OOM'KKT. NO. 7?, COUPKR INSTITI'TK. J Jn.xi Til If RAH t Y KVKMN". IION I r. itnhY ft t. the tnatvell'.ua "?AN" PI.L I K. from l.labnn, an I a boat ol bur artivta. Adinivvlnn only ' ONKOIM r. raaerved teat- ON "IMF. citrai at H I' KN I ON's Hnok-inrev Pi aud 433 4lb av. J. J*Y WATSON, Mnaleel Manager i)oi0 tapTTTit inT?k gi AKiKit. ai,-i> uaNO Din/for Ilia elate llhNKY I) UORSON. 4?i Utb av. SIM lAHI.K- K? FRY TUhSlltY AN" aATURDAY evanln.a, I'entral I'am Harden, ."?!??Iv at.. 7lh ay. -lineal ballroom and yarden In the world. American Mahllle Ad motion VI rant*. OAKflK - A I'O . Man ere rt. r^tAR" ? P Kl Vat K 1 ,r.e -II Nh piano: o,MAN. \To /I.I N. Of IT A a. r-INOINli. I'nlvaralty. Vl tt avarley Piece. Clrcnlara mallrd. J. JAY WATbOS. Dlrecter. w inusftiKi t?. rAi.i.Acks. ~ ? T "'"" Pioprlotur sod Msuager Mr. LESTER WALUAOfc LAST FIVE NIQbTS and LAST MATINEE ??I DIPLOMACY. KVRNINO ATS. HAN. 1(1)AY MATINEE. liBI BOOTH'S TUBA I RK -.*1MEK'H BENEFIT. ~ TO-NIGHT. Mile. MAItlE AIMKK respeitliillv announces that hat far well benefit ana last apDenranee In America will oeeur Till- (T|I r.Hli A V) EVENING. JUNK II. wnen the Billowing magnificent progr amine will be presealadi? 1. Tlie secnud act ui Lecocq's charming work, LA PBTI I K MAKIBK. A1MEK <in her original character) UrailsUa, Z The Ual act of Lecocq's Inet triumph La MaKJOLAlNt. AI MK (in Iter original craatlonl.La Marjolalne, In which all?- sing. the lanmut Cuckoo and lie.-gar Hoage. 3 The third and 'nurtu acta of OITaubach't tuerrieit work. LA VIK PvRISIKNNK. AlMr.K a? Gabrlelle., 4. Mile. MaKIE AIM KB will amir for the laet time In' Ant-rlcn her lamoua English and Spani-h Songs - (a) Slie'a Juat a Sweet Bouquet. (b) Bolero, from "La Orucbo Caaaee." (ci Pretty ae a Picture, (d) La I'aloma. IYiTtTi aVENUE TIIKATkE " 1 MATINEE- TO-MOUKOW aod SATURDAY, at X SO OK NTS ADMISSION. 14 K-Kit VI- D HKAT-, fl. family CIRCLE, 25 CENTS. FOURTH WEEK New Opening Now -<?-nev Tne Man Flut* Young America. I'arlor GyinnaaMt Carrie ami Hall. The Phonograplb RECO.NS ntUOTBD. FKASEK n? HUMPTY DIJMPTY. Hie. r.nmr. Mr. K. K'.,' OELKIIANTY A HKNULER, Mr. PAT ROliNKY. MUKPHY A MARTIN. AND A HOST OK VilLUNTKKK-. rjllttt^GRBAT ]NKW YOKK AQ'JAltlUX, Hrrtflw.iy nnd 35th tt. Fin#?t collection of Finne* in the world. Performance* M 2 ;%> nnd H o'clock I*. M. Mine ANGIK SCHU'i'T in ttin woml rful ?ennr* LB BALON DU DIAHLK. or THB D.-.VIL's STATUE. In which flcures appear and dlaappear Id an astonishing manner Aim the amusing performanoe. M c-Ks AND PACKS. Admiialon 50c. Olul dren hall prico. No extra ehargth Coney ialand Aquarium now open, with W. C. Coup's Broociio lloraea. T~ ONY P ASTOitM Til It A TltK.?A N KNTIRK N KIT Company for the weok.?PAT UOONEY'8 CONSTEL LATION oK .-Tars, J lie moet talented organisation In Amerira Pat Koouey, Little Ro-sbad, Murphy and Mor ton, French I will -inors. Mill H. Morton. Harlow Brother#, Ida Morris. Barry Maxwell and Kr?d Carroll, Afery and Ln ltne, Jamea Marlow and Frank Bush. Mntineei?Tueaday, Filtay and Saturday. Satnrd ij- nlirruouii and evening, Juno 13, Benefit OF PAT ROQNEY. CA IL M (IRE'S < i A ItDKN. TSUI-UIOAN SHOOK A K. G GILMOKE Leiaeel 1TTT II II 00 MM MM A ESS " T II II O H MN NM A A R 8" T II II O J) M N N M A A 8 ? T Ilium O O MNNM A A 888 T II H O O M M M M A A A R T H o o M NS M A AS ? T H H OO M M M A A 981 SUMMKlt NIGHTS' POPULAR CONCERTS. Tills (TUESDAY) KVENING, at 8 o'clock. MARCH OK VICTORY Bllee POI.Ka MAZOUPKA, Arm In Arm I ... POLKA FILsNOAISB. Gnomen J Jon Straus* OVERTURE. tt illlam Tell Rneelat. Ko d A NZE, in U. op. 4') Beethoven tt ALTZ Keler Bala POLONAISE. No. 2 new) Llatt MARCH MOVEMENT. Louore, eyrophuuy Raff VaLsK. CAPRICE ii)n*i Rublnatem SELECTION. Klyfng Hotchman Wagner OVERTURE. Poet and Peasant Suppae hOEO FOR TROMBONE Hilgelll C MIL K. LET8CH. S. New ' WALTZ. New Vienna Johann Straus* 8 ALT A RKLLO Gounod GENERAL ADMIPStON 50 CENTS; Boxes, admitting lour. $3; Package tickets of twelve, .?5. Standard theatre?hkoahway and 330 8T WM. Ii hN DKK.-ON I'ronrletor and Manager 50TI1 TO 57111 PERFORMANCE. J. K. EMMET ln his uew version or r IllTZ. _ HOUSES CROWDED WITH DELIGHTED AUDIENOI?% THREE HOURS OK UN IN V EKRC PTRD FUN _ ALL THE NEW HONGS. SCENES, AC., NIGHTLY ENCORED. New York Herald???Frits" is always treah. hnmornat and eyra-nihatlc. Ills songs never weary^and his qnalttt Dutch stories wnst the appetite lor morn. IVKUY EVENING and SATURDAY MATINEE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. IBLO'S Ga"iU>KN~ THE GREAT EMOTIONAL DRAMA. KAST LYSNK; OR. THE ELOPEMENT. Mlea Ada Gray as Lady Isabel and Madam Tin*. Sup ported hv the lull strength otMMoV Garden Great Come pany. MATINEE WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at 2^ TTNIoH SQUARE THEATRE. EVERY EVENING at 8 and HATUBDAT MATIN KB ?? 1 :*>, Miss I.KONA MOSS as PAULINE In the LADY OF LYONS, sopported by Messrs. Wheelock. I'rlca, Bassett, Beaks aod Hind, and .limes, Poole and Stoneall. PARK THEATRE. THE LINUAKDA lie-see ami Alannger ..HENRY E ARRET EVERY EVENING AND SATURDAY MAI IN EM (by special permission of Mr. Angustln Daly), llvroii't Comer, In tbree acts, OO U V RRR Kill) OO V f 888 O C U U R it H BO O Y Y 8 ? 0 O U U R R H B O O if 8 O O U U "Kit "KB O Q yf B88 O 0 u 0 R It H II O 0 Y 8 ? OOUUK H II BOO Y 8 H.7 OO UU B It BBB OO Y 888 . now In Ita lourth year In I.nn<lon, having been played at the Y audevlile Theatre I.ghg cnsocutlve ttmes, and alen plsyed by the L1N41AKDS, In ih" Theatre Royal. Melbourne, Anstralla. with grand ?ucceea to crowded houses lor eight consecutive weeks, nan In New Zealand nearly 3(k) times. Nolo, -"our Hoys" is nnw given lor the first time la New York In Its original state, aa Mr. Byron wrote it. I'rrkyn Mtddlewick .........W, H. Llngard Mary Melrose Alice Dnnnlnw Beifmla Dickie Uagmi Conclude with 12 ? l.ING AKD HKKTCIIK8?1Z D-gln at S. Carriages at 11. Seats booked a week la ads vauce. 7 s rang OPERA IIOCHE. YJTPooLK A DONNELLY Lessee* and Managait Reserved Keats (orchestra Circle and Balcony), bua FOR ONE tt . EK ONLY. THE HKSB ENGLISH OPERA COMPANY. ?rile. IIK.NS ENGLISH OPERA COMPANY, THE II Ks-s ENGLISH OP RA COMPANY, The 1IKSS ENGLISH OI'KKA CO P AN Y. In the grand romantic Opera In tbree acta, THE CIIIMRS OF NORMANDY. TIIE CHIMES OK NoKMANDY. THE CHIMES OK NOKMaNDY. TIIK CHIMES OK NOKMANDY. Klaeanl and appropriate aeanary. roatnmaa, An. Htnii Emilia >1 ?? Ivlllw. /,. -In* hniiln, Bitt, Cinr?ny, Praaay. Ar, Kihii, Win. Ctatlr, 0 II. Turner. harry Paakai. Bdwaid S* iriu. II. Warirrt. Ae. Orchratral DirKlar, Pie (liuaeppn Opartl. MATINKKm VKDBBaliAT AND StTDKntT. Monday. June 17. IIUYaBT'n MIX>THK(i| lite Urjirii mill bail nr^anliillnti of klRiirilif In Iba world, uuder Ilia utrerllnn of Mr. Noli Itryant. Booi iim tiTkaTSik! thuTdTda**j553 it iba iKiuular aii<l elonnebt tVaatarn orator, MATII.HA FLETCHER, will deliver her n-w laclura. TIIK HEART OK MAM." at lh> rrqnaet ol ihntiaanda of ladla* and gentleman <J haw Y?rk ain< tig whom ara iboaa who wara wnabla 10 haal b?r reply to JIIDlK IIILTOJC, at Iba Womaa'a tndlenatlon Moetlni;. **A marry a anuria, lull ol wlaa hint* anil amualng thon/lita." Hot offlea op** tVadnoaiay. H A. it , tor lha aala ofeaata. Door* opan a* 7:1". I??rture at H I*. M. Aiimiaalon. 36 cenia. Raaorved ?rale, hO mill. 1)IIIINI|IIKAI'II OROAN CONCERT^ 1 IllVlili II ALL. oppoalta Arad.-mv of Mn?le. Krary nichl Ihla week. Wt ilia hvn*8l ol in* Organ Fm#B of Ml I'anl'a h nla.opal " ntirli at Homo, Italy, F.DIHON'P HPEAklMI I'lll NonRAP i. KulMIN'H M I'M HAL TKLBPHOKIL LEV Y'B CORNET HOMH REPRODUCED BT THE PIIONlMIRAl'H. A rtlataLrvy. eornot; Morc'i". I'd WblML Rrlin.ri.rr. Dyaa, CanlBrld anil Dlllrr, organ ; Mr*. Dor# Hopper and Mm*. Holla Cola, voralHta; fc. II. Jobnaoa, ph.. iiotf rapli. organ roof tall on the b* nullfui ercan Juat bnllt foe lb# Hi. I'aul'i Eplaonpal I'linr- h. ADMIHKION 2*i CRHTA Tirkoia at Hall A Hchuberth*!, Pond*. Dltaon'e 1(4 Bchirmar'a uiuaic alorer. JAMKU HRDPATII, Manairwr. A HKRLE'd TiTOI.I TIIKaTNM, _/\hHi at., bolwaon 2d and 3d ava ? loiok at onr Variety Rlara.?llrrnry and I'r. nln, Amorlan'a Oraataal Nona and liniioa Ailleia; l.lnio Hall. I.mpraaa af Vocal lata; Rally Hati lord'* Camblaailan. in th-> dram* of "Murdore# In Ml# Hark;" IVtilalll and lialo, llolt and Alice Daily, Mnrrlarf l.iiiio. May Raymond, Tb* llld Four?Tlarnay. laitrr, Croaln and iValdr >n. and I? ?? aporlaity artDta. Ilia Only Italian Ball*! Imtipein New Vnrk. Mailnaa* Tnaraday a d Mtnrday MtarnmwM and Hunday midnluht. j,' ITPTIAB HAUL. 94TII NT. AND SD AT.. t IIK ONLY HKNPATION a I. I HEATHS IN TI1B CTT? Tlrat weak of lha (?y I'oraaiir ol MilllT PI.EN Km IN NF.W TORN. Ol'R III Kl.N In 11IK ALK. R ATlfRRN. Th* Egyptian Mtalora ?j l.oraly Llelng Modal# KVKRY I.VKNINO A1 * Mailnaa* Tneadaya. Tlinradaya and Halnrdaya, at 1 P. By German likukkkrinz CONCERT and HI II MR it NlhllTrt' KKHTITAU at Uli.Miilth'a HARDEN. THUHpDaY. JUNE II. IR7R, In eonjnnrllon with Thoo. Thmuni' i irrnratm, Admi.alnn tlfki-ta. Ill No*#*, and 14, may h* efc. talneil at l?.x nllico. Uilm ifa'a liardan, and ti. m all tb# motnliera ol tlio ftnelety. Dan- Iae from 11 o'riort. New not Alt ckbmobnk, mom, near broad# way. ?The #mt goryaoua ballroom la in* wnrld. Pa*. Iilaa -ucleiy Portable oyer* eeonlng. Sut Ice Monday. Jnn* 17. third Orand Pranrh f'natnm* Hall and Carnival i.aeepilan. with linutila Orcbeatra add alrgnat Pretanta and hanclne littler* 1>I.K AMA NT VALLEY HOOf ANLKH RVKRT KRIIKUt .lay and .Saturday afternoon and earning*. Ml. mIi A it)., Man a ear*. ttT \NTM?-TO COMPLETE A CONCERT PARTI TV loriulni> lor a mar tbroueb oaatorn etllaa, ta wliota lair .alnrlaa will ba give#, llira* lady alagora, am# I aura, with good voieaa and pre* nro. may apply. Addram I'llunOiiiiAl'll, II-laid Uptown oDa*. CNAKH. -lios KEHRKTRA. TilK WiiNllRHPI'L akAN ^KI.C rR." now perlormlnr at th* l oopar laatltnt# and Klllh Ave. it- Thvatr*. ran ha anvnead lor GONCRHTd and I* A It l.i lit*, by applying t# big Mt# ag#M, #a JAY WATBoN, ?l Wavariay place.