Newspaper Page Text
WEST rOINt. 1BR1YAL OF VISITORS?VINNIE REAM AND HIB HUSBAND? PREPARING JOB THE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL SHERMAN. Wsst Point, June 11, 1878. Tbe truins and boats have telt numbers or visitors at West Poiut to-day. Relallvaa and friends of tbe Oral class are many among tiieni, for tbls is a proud time for tba graduates wbo are soon to exobange tbe gray lor tbe bloc. We've not much looter here to stay, l' or In a week or two We'll bid f treweli to ''Cadet Gray,' And don tbe "Army Blue," is the song that is popular with tbe young fellows wbo are at tne ond of tbeir four years' probation, to gether with Its oborus:? Armv Blue, Army Blue. We'll dou ibo Army Blue, Wo'll bid larowel 10 ' Cadet Gray," And don tbe Array Blue ! At tbe same time mere arrive by every Northern and Southern conveyance a band o( freeh youngsters whose song ta il la well known tbat many a class Has passed tbis place or lame; Bui tbe Plebcs of '7H surpass All othors that ore curae. The weather, which irownod dismally this morning, origbtenod tbls afternoon and it looks as though there would be a clear sky for to-morrow night's ball una the next day's exercises. 1 ho drill at half-puat flvo this evening was tbe tea eoast battery drill?a performance by tho endett with tbe fllieen-iucli Columbiad and its youngor ton-inch brother bulldogs on tlie nortn shore. To seo the boys in their tight coats, white trowsers, forage caps and buckskin gloves manipulating these heavy plecos or ordnance Is worth muoy a day's travel. It takos lourtuen cadets to man the big Tnmideror. and inoro would be required in actual t-orvico. A llftecn-inch cannon Is the noxl to the largest in tho service. The practice cbnrgo ot powder lor it is ally poands; tlio service charge, 100 pounds. The shell with whlcu It is loaded is hoisted to' Its mozslo by a derrick, and Its carnage, swab and other appurtenances are 0n a colossal scale. The cudets looked from the heights llko lltilo children playing about it, ana wbon me reverberations nt us discharges shook tho bills and the smoke ol them arose and shut oat tne sky It soemod a terrible plaything indeed. '1 be largot practice was uncommonly good, tho tar get being ripped to shreds before tbe firing was half over. Among the arrivals at the West Point Hotol to-day were Lieutenant and Mrs. iioxie (nfe Miss Viuuio Ream), ol Washington. Te-inorrow tba President, General Sherman, tbe Secretary ol War and Gouoral Sheridan are expected, together with a crowd ol other guests THE NAVAL ACADEMY. ORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD OF VISITORS? FLECTION OP STANDING COMMITTEES?EX ERCISES OF THE CADETS YESTERDAY. [BY TELEGRAPH TO THE HhBlLD.] Annapolis, Md? June 11,1879. The Board of Visitors of tho Naval Academy organ ised to-day by the election of Rear Admiral John L. Wordcn as President; General Jeff c. Davis, United States Army, as Vice President, end Master Q. A. Staunton, United States Navy, Secretary. Professor CLfA. Woodward, ol Si. Louis, Ma, was appointeed to deliver tne annual oration. The following standing 'committees wero ap pointed:? In Seamanship, Gunnery and navigation.?General JefT C. Davis, Colonel D. S. Prlntup, Mr. Willluhi U. Parker, Captaiu C. H. Weils and Colonel Alexander H. Brown. In Kngluh Studies and Modem Languages.?liev. G. M. T. Wright, D. D., Hon. John Hancock, Dr. P. O. Hooper and Rev. Dr. A. Wheeler. In Steam Mathematics and Phytic*.? Professor C. M. Woodward, Chief Engineer 1). P. Isherwood an I Col onel D. S. Prlntup. On Grounds, Pub!ic Building* and Sanitary Condi tion.?l>r. P. 0. Hoopor, Colonel I?a?c N. Rood, Gen eral .left C. Davis, and General Wagner Sway no. Finance- and Library.?Colonel Isnac S. Reed, Hon. John llannock, and Rev. G. M. P. Wright, D. D. Administration and Police.?Alexander H. lirown, Captain It. R. Breese and Wiilium 1L Parker. Tbe cadets were examined this morning in naviga tion, marine engines, olectrioity, French and Eng lish. In the afternoon they were exercised In seutnansbip on board tbe United States ship Macedonian. They bent and unbent sails and look down the yard and sails. it was an Interesting sight to see nver one hundred midship men on tbe yards, and in the rigung at once fnriing Mil, while fifty or more were below on deck uianlug tho ropes. They set the ealle Irom the royals to the courses in about six mmules. T he practice through out wua creditablo. The usual dross parade of the bat talion followed. BLOWN UN1VE44B1TY. Pkovidekcb, II. 1., June 10, 1878. Commencement week begins at Drown University an Friday with lb# oxereiaca of class nay. An oration and poem will l>? dollverod daring tho morning, and In tbo afiernoon President Koblnson will give a dinner to the class, and thero will be tbo usual exercises ol planting the class tree, Ate. Tho evening will be glvoa up lor a grand promouude concort on tbo college campus, followed by the annual class sapper. The American band will be present, and a very enjoyable occasion Is predicted. On Snuday afternoon the baccalaureate sermon will bo dellvi red by President Koblnson in the First Bap. list Meeting House. The sermon In tlto evening, be fore the Society of Missionary Inquiry, will be deliv ered by the Kev. II. C. Mabie, ef llreokllne, Mass. On Muoday the annual declamation of tbe Sophomore clasa for liie Carpenter prizes will lake place at Man nlog Hall. Tbe prizes are;?First, $80; second, $'J8: third, fU. on i uesday morning tho Phi Beta Kappa Society will hold a ousiucss meeting in Manning Half. Tbo annual mooting of tho alumni will take place tbe same day. On Wednesday the 110th annual commencement of Brown University will be duly celebrated. The ex ercises will be held in the first Baptist Meeting House. Alter the exercises tbe annual commence ment dinner will bo served In a tent on lha coiloyo sampua. Man v pronuueut gnosis, Including Governor Fan/.audi, wil >o present. A meet lug of tho corpora tion of Brown Uaivor-ity will be beld Thursday morn ing In Uhode Island Hall, and lha examination lor ad misalona will begin the same day and continue on Friday and Auturday. Too university la in a very flourishing condition. KOANUKE COLLEGE. Halm, Vs., Jane 11, 1878. Tbe quarto centennial reunion of the Roanoke Col lege etudeuts took place to-day. Tbe following officers were elected:?President. lion. John Paul, oCVlrglniu; Vicj Presidents?Proirssor L. R. Holland end 1). M. Cleyd, of Virginia; J. M. Line, of West Virginia; Iter. L. A. Mann, of Maryland; Or. C. 8. Hart, of Ohio; Rev. W. J. .Smith, ol Norm Carolina; Captain A. H. filar, of South Carolina; W. Charlton, of Gcvrgta; H D. Sayre. of Alabama; J. M. Lyddell and Mlas K. J. Young, of Louisiana; J. B. French, of Texas; Bon. J. B. Jackson, of Indian Territory; O. P. Moore, of Arkansas; J. D Jtilit, of Tennessee; .8. K Crewdsoti, ol Kentucky; Secretary, Professor J. b. Oretir, ol tho college; Treasurer, II. cjialniera, of Virginia. It was resolved io bold trienaial reunions of tbe graduate* nod ex-atudeois of the college. An rX"on livn coin in it too waa nppotnied to make nrraugc raenln lor ihe first triennial, in 188L Adores*. a were mau? by manv <>i the old atudeuta. lha niiei dauci waa Very large anu ihe meeting lull ef interval. A largo andtenoo thronged Ilia Ton ti Ha l to-night 10 bear Ihe auuuil address before the Alumni A<eecla Hod by the Rev. A. F. Qrcybtll, a Presbyterian mis tlonary to Maiaiuoros, Tbe subject of tbe addreaa was, "Virtuous Character the Need of the Hour." r Alter the address the welcome meeting to tbo gen eral reunion ol students was held. Addresses of welcome *er? made by President bosh in be. h >lf of the col.rge and by ex Uougrcssrasn llenry A. Rdmuua-on in hehnf of the rlt laaua nt Hilem. IWpcnses were made by President Paul, of thu Iteuoion Association, and (loorge W. Keener, or Virginia, on behail of iho atudeoiK. The raeeilng passed oil most plsctwdtly. The grounds are again illuminated. Hun. Clarkson N. Potter, I.leatenint Governor James A. Walker and other dlstinaaiabcil gentlemen Will arrive to-morrow. COLUMBIA COLLEGE ALUMNI. A special meeting of the Alomnl Association of Co lumbia College was beld last nigbt at Delmonieo's, to welcome tbe graduating clasa A deputation from tho latter waa present, as were also a number of gradu ates not members of tbo association. The meet ing was called to order by tbe Vleo President, Frederic Dspeysior. Professor Sllllmao and ex-Judge Mitchell spoke In fsvor of holding monthly instead ol quarterly meetings, but, on being put to a vote, the resolution was lost. Kx-Judge Mitchell then, in a brief address, spoke to the members of Ihe gmddating class present, giving them souto good advice as to tbetr future in the now sphere ol Ilia Into which they wors about to ho called. Alter a roport of progrn-a by tho Library Committee appointed to consider tho advisability of purchasing the Storey Library, tho members adjourned to ihe sapper room where a sumptuous repsat awaited them Muring tbe discus sion at the edibles a number ol the members formed themselves into an Impromptu gise club and rendered In oxcslleni style many of the choice old-lime col lege songs, us entertainment that called fortu frequent applause from Iho listeners. Rev. Dr. Foal, or Trinity Church, Wilmington, Del., a lormsr graduate, was next introduced and delivered an address in whicn he took* la a highly saloslstid timi) would come when tbo-.trusteea of tho college would be composed rauiuly of the Alumni, Thei would always Vave ?ho beet latere*!* ol lb.. wl ??? deep ?i heart. The speaker next roff"^lltosVl?<; 0', Ding post as need in He aware, bia adopted h*?1*' ? ? I! oxp??.nod. to advocate ita Introduction l??o N? York, but to apologize lor it* "? '.S lostoad of being barbarous. as by lorn* s?PI?*?0 J" waa productive ol Men good. XZ'nSZr pinjTpon?.P'The*alanaUce o! 'td? ?!???? tb.ljl bau u moat bsneOolai oirect n pre purposely gUSSX1???"?' ?????'? and speodily tne meeting adjourned. % CITY COLLEGES. the commencement season opens?dipt of THOSE TO GRADUATE AT BUTOKBS FEMALE COLLEGE, COOPEB UNION AND OTHBB INSTI TUTES. Tbe acaaon of eommoncementa at the collect* proper begins to-dav with the exhibition ol Columbia Col lege or rather of tne Aoademic Department nod School oi Mines, as the Law and Medical departments , liuvo bad tbolr commencements. In general tbe med ical and sclentmo schools In the city hold tbelr com moncemcnls at an earlier dato than the purely aoa derate and classical Institutions. Premlnont among tho scientific institutions of loarning ore the schools con peeled with tbe Cooper Union. Their commence, menu were held on the 31st ol May, but the results of the year's tuition still remain on published. Thoso Institutions aro of throe kinds. Tho Free Night School of Science and Art is designed for the education ot young men in tho evenings who are otherwise employed in .the day. The course is one of llvo years, and, as a consequence, but few of ihose wbo enter arc able to remain in tbe classes until the close of tho course, and thus low grad uate and recoivo the diploma and the Cooper medal. Over three thousand pupils have attended during the year tho average attendance being nearly two thou sand. Certlflcatos of proficiency aro given to thoso who nave uttendod tne class and passed a satisfuciory examination lor tho year. Six hundred and Iwogy throe certificates were given this year. TheSchool of Art for IV omen baa been crowded to excess this year, a greator number ot applications having been rocolvcd than ever beloro. Tho number admitted was 345, more than six hundred applications being postponed for wantof room. The ocbool is di vided into Ave departments-lrawing, painting, pho tography, wood engraving aud normal teaching. Tho object ot such instruction is to put an ipdepeudont employment in the hands of every student. In many oases this Is comniooced when tho pupil is atiil under Instruction. Tho amount earned this year by pupils in the Woman's Art School was $10,802 06. There were sixteen graduates in tho Drawing Department, whose nuraos are givon below. Candidates for entrance Into this, as wellas tbo other schools Of the Cooper Union, may nt.niv at all times, hut their examination dons not take olace until the talk The rooms ol the Improving Dena? men" are open to tne students all summer. Tho work they aro employed upon is principally book encrnvitigs and commercial piaiea for advertisements. i n the School ot Telegraphy the course is only six months, during wnicn time the student* lully master lhl hTtonoewiug is s list of the graduate. In all tbe de partments:- us(o# Free NigM School of Science and Art. Ruv.ion John. Smyth, James H. ?!nua John Sieoert, Jacob, gcottrin, Samuel R. Tinalwy, Walter W. School of Aft for II omen. r lleiser Rosalie. Presslsr, Faonie L? Mail, Josoehlue B. piiu'Mfrr*Beli Huntington, Anna. ?iVho? Mri (k V fw Havtland, Emma. Saaboirn, MritC. V.|? Kibbe. Jowpbioe B? Bmlui, Leila M* Martin, Ella Savage, Jessie. School Of Telegraphy. Bar wick, Mai tie, K.ane% Maggie A. Coon, Lizzie M. Moore, Helta R. Fuller. Aume S. Rein, Clarisse. Haiscv Lizzio it. pchraidt, Loolae L. Hodge,' Jennie. Hi nes, Nellie- iaylor, Ida M. Johnson, EM^D. KITOKBS pkmalr collhos. There are aeveo young Indies lu the Hutgera Female College, No. 48# Fnih avenue, who will graduate at the commencement next week. This Is a rattier small number lor this institution, tbe number ot graduates i lost yosr having hoen larger by several members, while that lor the year to come will l?? nearly double. All the graduates receive the uioal honors andI tho de I groo of A. B. Tho baccalaureate sermon to the grad uates will bo prescnert by Dr. Anderson, president of tne losiliuiiou, next Sunday altornoon, at lour o ciock, In the oolloge chapel The class day exercises will also lake plaeo it tbe obapol next Toosdsy afternoon, at nall-pael two. Tho commencement exercises will like tilaco ut eight o'clock on Thursday evening, Jnue 20, in the Church ol tho Dtsclploa, lorty-nith streoi and Madlaou avenue. The examinations, wnich have been going on lor the p?st week, will close I n- xl Friday. Applications for ontranee aro re ceived at any time, but the candidates lor admission aro uot examiued until about | ihrco daya before the opening ol the school nolt ?op ttniber At the commencement Miss Lixzio tl. Jm- I nett will deliver tho valedictory. Ml" ^",ou* "j,*1 Miss Cannon, who have each attained the same de gree ol merit, have boon selected to deliver the saluta tory addresses; thai of tltss Cannonwill be in Latin ana that of Miss bessions in Frsnrh. All tbo older members ol the graduating class will read I>' Anderson will preside. Ibo exercises will spersed with msslc, in wnich tho pnpils will lake part. THE GHADCATSS Cannon. Ads C. lUdiord, Crooey, Annie. tiessions. Ada. Dennett, Lizzie B. Totlon, clara. Gilbert, Auuie. HOME FOR INCURABLES. TWELFTH ANNIVFBSAKE OF ITS FOUNDATION? CONDITION OF THE INSTITUTION. Tbo twelfth anniversary ol tbo lloinw lor IncurabloB was held yesterday at Fordbam. Notwithstanding the threatening charactor of tho weather tbero was a largo attendance of (riends ol the Insulation from New York, a great many ol whom were ladles. The anniversary exercises were hold in tbe second story ball of tbe handsorao now buihl'ng which crowns tbs bill mmwny between Treiuont mid Fordbsm. About half-past tbreo tbo exercises began with tho prerldent, ilr. lienjutnin 11. Fiold, in the cbnir. Ilr, Jacob I). Vernallye, tbe troha uror, read bis report which showed a bal ance on band from last year ol $1,4.17 89 Tbo total amount of recoipis lor tbis year is $34,708 40; dis bursements, $32,068 17; foisl amonut paid in lor beds $3C,7JO 07; donations for lbs erection of tbe north wing which includes cbapol, $2->, IIS IB. Mr. Frederic Do l'oyatcr read tbo report of the Board of Bauagors, In which It was shown that thero are at pro-eat sixty-live persons In lb# ilunie, twcuiy. lour ol whom are free patients. There bare been a great many applications, more tnan there wsro ac commodations lor. With ibe new wing tbero will bo room for eerenty more patients. Tbo report ac knowledged a number of donations, among them $100 Ir-itn Kdwin llootb. Since last year tbe Her. Ilr. Heed, ol t'oiifUkeepsl*. lias been appointed chaplain. Invalids are received regardless ol age, nailouality, aex or creed. 'I ho chupiatn, Ker. Dr. T. C. Heed, reported that two ecrneos were inM every sundry und oto on wenk day a That loriy-three ol the invalids were comma iBeantr, and lliat no bad buried lour. Ibe Iter. Mr. Conrinoy, ol St. Thomas' Church, was Introduced sod meue a lew remarks, in Which ho apoke of ibe eufleriug ol the Inrniie* ol Hie institu tion. The mystery of suffering is sluiost nothing as we sen li oh ail aides, said he, for there is hope, not to have fo sailer with the oonscioueness that tbero Is no relief Is terrible indeed. The He v. Mr. Broods was the next speaker. He crtiloised ibe nuns ol the Insilinuon, ae he said thero had olten been curee effected in It. The iter. Dr. Vermilyo made a very .nmueing address. In wjllcb lie said that he was wholly unprepared to speak, a fact which | was of Utile conerquoDce, be added, for whon be bus notice that he is lo -pens the egooy nomas to him br fore he spoaks, but if he lias not It eomes lo his hosiers. The Iter. Charles Tiffany was ihfl next spuakor. lie spoke of the noble institution* of char tty that show memaelves to tbo stranger as be ap proach's New York, so ibat be soee the good beforo lie loarna the bad. Mr. Iiflany defended Ibe nemo Home for Insurables on the ground tbat It acknowl edge! an unpleasant fact which they do their best to remedy. The officer* of tbe Home were reappointed nrtf are as lollows:?I'rosbleni, Menjiiniu H. Field; Yloerrssl. Urnis. Martin K. Greens, William II. Uuion; rreaiorer, J. D. Yermilye, Merchant's National Bank, No. 42 Wall street; decretory, Hsnry M. Mcl.eren, No. 110 Warren aireet; Huporinicndont, lanel C Jonos, Jr., M. D. : Matron, Mrs. Jans K. Willie; 1'hysioian, Archi bald M. Campbell, H. D.: Conaulllng Physicians, Louis A. Nayre, M. D.; Krsklno Mason, M. D ; Will iam If. Draper, M. D.; If, L. Iformn, M. I). Finance Committee? Frederic De 1'eysior, Wnliam If. Union, Benjamin H. .Sherman, John it Pool, J. I). Vermnye. Aiiaitlag Committee?William M. Union, Henry M. McLaren Kxecullv# Committee?Koberi J. Living Sinn, J. II. Vermiiys, John J. Crane, A. Newbold Mor ris, KiShnfil M. Hoe. Metro-hmenis were prepared for tf?# gnosis, nil of whom exprseaed their delight with the beauty of tbo institution Itself and tbe adinlrabls character ol tbs ?iariyr. THE YONKERS MURDER. Detective King remains reticent regarding the pos sible clews be.may have received la lbs case o( ibe murdered burglar, George 8. Leslie. The following general alarm was sent out yesterday:? Make inquiries of all p. rsone naving tursiehed rooms or aparlmeuts to let, fur s square, sole leather trunk, marked G. Ik lies Philadelphia. II found notify ine at once. G. W. WALLING, ^Superintendent. TERRIELE ACCUSATIONS. George W. Lake was yesterday produced by Captain CafTroy In the Tombs Police Court. He was charged with violating the sanitary code In not reporting the birth ol a child, wboso father bo is supposed to be. He declined to have medical attendance for Nettle Lake, who was regarded as hie wife, but who, there le strong reason to believe le his daughter. From the Investigations already mado thors are grounds lor Huspeeting Lake of malprootloc and incaai. He la locked up In the First precinct statin bouse. SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN STEAMERS. DATES or DKFARTURK FROM XUW TORS FOB TBI MONTHS OF JDNB AND jui.r. Mtumrr. OjKre. Abyssinia. Juno 12 Liverpool . 4 Bowling tlreoa Elyai*,.... funo 12 London.... 7 Bojrllng Green Denmark Line 12 London.... 60 Broadway St Laurent Lino 12 Havre 35 Broadway City of Brussels Iimo l!l| l.leerpool . 31-33 Broadway State of Indiana... June 13 Glasgow... 72 Broadway Wioland fuuo 13 Hamburg til Broadway England June 15 Liverpool. (Ill Broadway Victoria June 15 Glasgow. 7 Bowling Green Don sit June 15 llrcmen... 2 Bowling Green Gormaulr. .Lion 15 Glrnrpool . 37 Broadway Si'hisdnro Juno 15 Kottrrilnra 50 Broadway Wyoming Juno 18 Liverpool . 20 Broadway Canada funo ID London.... 69 Broadway Bothnia Juno 10 Liverpool . I Bowling Green Labrador Line ID Havre 55 H roan way B.llle % June 2<> Liverpool . 37 Broadway Stnte of Louisiana. Juno 20 Glasgow... 72 Hrondwny Po mine rani a. lone 20 Hamburg . 61 Broadway The (Juoen Inue 22 Liverpool. 00 Broadway City of Richmond.. Juno 22 Liverpool. 31 33 Broadway Clrcassia Liu* 22 Glasgow. . 7 Bawling Greon Weser June 22 Bremen... 2 Bowling Greon Hwitsorlaud June 2- Antwerp.. 52 Broadway City of New York.. June 25 Liverpool . 20 Broadway Koiterdain Juno 26 . otteidam 50 Broadway Algeria funo 26 Liverpool. 4 Mowiiug Green Utopia. Juno 26 London.... 7 Buwllug Greon Canada Juno 26 Havre 55 Broadway Adriatic June 27 Liverpool . .'17 Broadway ?St of Pennsylvania. Juno 27 Glasgow. 72 Broadway .Suevis . Juno 27 Hamburg. 61 Broadway City of Chester.... Juno 28 Liverpool. 31-33 Broadway Dcvonla ftine 28 Giaagow... 7 Bowling Graen Neckur June 28 Bremen... 2 Bowling Green Montana July 2 Liverpool . 20 Broadway Russia Jnly 3 Liverpool. 4 Bowling Green liellert IkI.v 4 Hamburg . 61 Broadway Aneheria lulv 6 Glasgow... 7 Bowling Green Main fuiy 6 Kreraen... 2 Bowling Green Wisconsin fuly 8 Liverpool. 20 Broadway ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK-THIS DAY. 8CN AND MOON. I HIGH WATER. Sunrises 4 28 j Sanay Hook...morn 5 02 Sunsets 7 31 Gov. island...morn 5 47 Moon seta morn 2 00 | Hell Gate morn 7 32 HERALD YACHT WEATHER OBSER VATIONS. Jvnr 11. Hu r. Bar. Inch. Ther. D?y. Wind. NTafa of Weather. Statan Island.... Hospital Ship.... Lightship Sandy Hook...... Soon 4 PM 8 PM 12PM 29:85 29745 29 ;?0 29 66 62 68 57 NE 3R SSW W8W Cloudy. Cloudy. Partly cloody. Partly cloudy. WESTERN UNION TIME BALL. Nnw York. June 11?Noon. The Western Union time ball to-day was dropped cor ?ectly. ?0RT OF NEW YORK, JUNE 11, 1878. ARRIVALS. BXPORTSD JIT TflS HRRALD HTKAM TACI1TB AND HKKALD WH1TKSTONK TKLKOBAFH LINE. Steamer Bothnia (Br), MoMlcksn, Liverpool Jane 1 and Queeostown 2d, with mdae and 112 cabin and l>4 steerage passengers to C G Krancklvn Jnne 10, lat 40 50, Ion 66, passed a National steamer, bound W. steamer Canada (Mr), Snmiiar. London May 20, with mdfo and 74 paasenirors to F W J Hurst. Had log the last 3 days; Jnno 2. lat SO, ion 24 14. spoke liark Susan L Campbell (Br), from Liverpool for New York;9tb. lat 4130, Ion 62 37, abtp St Bernards (Br), from New York for Antwerp. Rlaararr Pommeranla (Ger), Sehwensen. Hamburg May 20 aud Havre June 1, with mdae and 30H passengers to Kuuliardt A Co .-teamer Kwltaerland (Belg), Jackain, Antwerp May 30, with mdae and passengers to Geo W Colton. Steamer Lone star. Sorties. New Orleans 6 days, with mdae to Bogert A Morgan. Steamer Isaac Bell, Lawrence, Richmond.City Point and Nvriolk, with mass and passe agar, to the QJo Dominion Steamship Company. Ship Constantino Goto, London 48 days, with radee to Grlnnell, Mlnlnrn A Co May 28, lat 40 42. Ion 52 24, spoke bark Mary Pratt, from New York for Llmerlek. Bark Milan (Ansi, Vncasenrlch. Leitn 56 days. In ballast to order, la snehortd at Sandy llonk for orders. Bark Norlhoru (Jueen (of Yarmonth, N8|, Bollard, Ant werp 62 days. In ballast, to Hard A Itlnokea. First part of passage had floe waaUier; latter part fresh NE winds and a great deal of fog. Bark Bertha (Nor). Gaarn. Rotterdam 44 days, with mdae to Anekmann, Oerloln A Co. Hark Ceroro (Aua), Catiarlplch, 8t Naaalre, in beflast. to order. Anchored in lower bar lor orders. Bark J J H (Br), Biowplng. Bshia Aptil 26. with angar to R 11 Borland; vessel to Geo P Bulley. Brig Orbit, Nsab, Trinidad 17 days, with augur to Simp son, Clapp A Go. Brig Rugenla (of Bangor). Veaslo, Mavagues, PR, 15 days, with sugar to U Amalnek A Co; reoael to Parsons A Loud. Brig Isaac Carver lof Bock sport). Gray. Cardenas 10 days, with molasses to order-, vessel to K II Bnrk A Co. bchr Aselda A i .aura, Jorgenton, Mayaguea, with frnlt to B J IVenberg A Co. Hebr R W Brown, Smith, Kernandtna 10 days, with lum ber to J antes Kfalev. fehr Gee CUmchman, Rlslry. Peraaodlne 7 days, with Intn er to order; veasol to master. Sehr William Young. Van Name. Virginia. Knbr Centurion, Uioilgett. Bangor 6 days, with 1 amber to Geo Rowland ; vassal to If VV I<oiid A Co. ftchr Bath M Todd. Norwood, Calais 6 days, with lnmber to J? hu Hujuiton'e Sunt. Krbr 8 I'tirvea, Lisle, Providence for Philadelphia Juno 10 a; 10 AM. "ff Fire Island, wind fresh from NR. carried swar foremast, which took tbo mainmast with It-.saved sails and rigging. PAASKD THSOCGU HELL GATE. BOUND HOUTH. KlMm?r Tllll?, EwIiik, New London tnd Norwich Tor New York. nrlir hllon Morrison. Dodge. Bangor for New York, sehr Wro A Dnboiae, Know, Ritngor for New York. S< hr Annio Prya. Smith, Windsor, NH. for Now York. Selir Clare Jen*. Allan. Rockland, NH, for Now York. Sehr Kmma (Hri, Dunham, s> John, N B, tor New York, with Inmberto Jed, Krye A < o. .-ehr M J LatiKhtoa, llallowctl, Whiting, Me, for New Sehr Annie T Colllne, Cooalna, Bine Hill, Me, for hew York. Kirfi I Roper, Brerford. k'eon?l>?e for Now York. Sehr Sandv Point, Hrowo, Hencor for Now York Selir Cn?til|an, Thomaa. Th out a at mi for Now York. Selir.Ininei Freeman, Keller, Thoine?ton for New York. Schr -term Child, Young. Deer Island for Now York. SehrChav. Incraham, flyannla for New York, sehr W W Hralnerd. Fitfli. New Bedford for Now York. Schr Minnesota, Dnlllvur, *#? Bedford for New York. Selir Hareti H Jun a. i.upllll, Kali Hirer lor New York. Sehr Sylvester Hale, Cole man. Taantun for New York, Selir Ida, l>eerins, Taunton for New York Sehr ')S|irev. Latham. Vineyard Sound fnt New York, sehr Eaiello. Chapman. Block laland for New York. Ni hr Mary Potter, Fltcb. Nantucket Shoala tor New York. hctir ColOon Rule, Wilton. !*roe|drnre for New York. Sehr lalo of Pinea, Legs, Providence for lloudont. Sehr shnnirnek. Tror. rrorldenee for IIoverdraw. Sehr Dreadiiamrht. SnenJera, Newport Tor New York. Sehr Snaar, K Naah, Ilarvoy, Westerly, Rl, for Phllt? dolphin Srhr F.vnlyn. Blunders, Narrarsnsett lor New York. Sehr N Hhaler. Holmes, Connertlrut River Inr New York. Sehr Howard Woolen. Meyrta. Mrstlc. Ct, for New York. Sehr Thomaa Kllta. Kelly, Myatle. Ct, for New York. Nelir Daniel Wehater. Park?r, Norwleh for S'W York. Sehr Amelia llearn. Moore, Stamford lor Now Ynrk. Sehr Mary Frances, iprsn, (Ireenwleh for New York. At nnelier In Hart Island Roada? Sehr .Mall, Merrill, from Gardiner, Me, lor New Ynrk. BOUND TART. Steamer Ueneral Whitney, llallet. New Ynrk for Boiton. Bark Snrmlenln. Tinheta. New York for Portland, .Me, Brig Reporter, Ryder, llobok*n lor Belfast, Me. Sehr Ada Herbert Allen. New Ynrk fur Boston. Sch' Nellie Cord. Card, New York tor ll'Sioa. Sehr Llirnre, Thurston, New York for Ncwntiryport Sehr George P Trigg, ila.non. New York tor Gloueeetor, Mass. Sehr David Cnrrle, Paaae, New York for Portland, Ct. Bchr Onward. Wheeler. New Yotk for New Daren. Helir Free Wind, Prlatir, Hohnken toe Dover, Sehr Iteta, Hlnrkwell. Rnndoiit ler Motion. Srhr 1 eorre R ferjiow, Ferguson. Knndont for Boston. Sehr Marshal Perrln, I'arkard, Handout for Boston. Solir.f Ponder. Jr. Walsh. Knndont for Hoaten Selir Herbert Mnnton ? ruwley. Handout lor Bosioo. Sehr John Maoieve. Ilalloek. Roedonl for Boston. Sehr Harriet feiwn, Ceshman, lltindmu lor Kew Bedford. Sehr Lewis Jane. Cuia, Kingston tor New Havea. Sehr Itevnons. Phlaney, Albany for Boston. Sehr S L fdmmona. Lake, Hnrflngton, NJ, for Portland, Me. sehr Aetivo, Glnn, Port Johnson lor Seoo. Me. Sehr Mara Mill. Baldwin, Port Johneon for Boston, Selir R II Warfnrri. Nprngua. Port Johuson ler J'roridenee. svhr Karg?nt. Thurston, I'ort Johnson fur Newport. Sehr Whistler, Keefe, .tfnhny ler Taunton. Sehr Poerleaa, Smith, Amboy for Port Jefferson. Sal its M kvane, Nikon, Philadelphia for Plymouth, Maaa. itchr list*, Blkboo. Philadelphia for Weeterly. KI. Sehr Cera I Vaaetlder, Brown. Baltimore lor Nerwalk. Sehr John McGutaeea, Coleman, Richmond,Vn, lor Stam ford. Hailed (mm Hart laland Roads?Bark Cbartee Stewart, Powers, frotn New York tor Adelaide. CLEARED. Steamer Nevada (Br), Oadd, Liverpool via Qnsmstown? Williams A Guion Htoainor Wynnoke, Ceneh, Norfolk, City Point and Rich mond?Old Dominion Steamship Co. Htenmer Hen Whitney, llallett, Boston?II P Dlmock. Bark Admiral legolholT (Car). Bohr, Bremen?Wat)en. Tool A Co. Bark Sknlda (Nor), Wlsnas, II am burr?Benham A Boy Bark Gydn (Nor), Oondersen, Kiel Pnnrh, Rdye A Co. Hark Others (Hr), Hriiee. Antwerp?I W Parker A Co. Hark. Nletauk (Hrl. Masters, Amsterdam? C W Rertaux, Hnrk HnllenJ-n (Nor), Rvresen. Bergen (Norway)-C Tobias A Do. Baik Anrnra (Nor), Rhaa, Amsterdam-Punch. F.dfe A Co Hnrk Horace Heals, Wallace, Copenhagen -John Ztttlo Bark Paolo (Hal), Taneredl. Gibraltar via Philadelphia Ihr orders--Benham A Rereaen. I Bath It Murray. Jr. Harriot no, Havana?J B Ward A Cm Brig Stella (Nor), Johnaosea, Dronsheim (Norway) ? ' r inioh. Kdyr .* On. * Hrl? Frrfdig (Nor), Berg, Bordeaux?O Tobias ? Co Nrla Ranaora (Br), Lltai.n, Marecalbo-Pentatou A O.i. Bcbr Mollis, Atherton, Port Spain (Trinities) ? llowlaud * Aaiiiuwall. Htbr Win K Knighton, liegeman. De merer a?Jimri W Elweli A Do. Schr Annie D Merrlrr, I,owls, Baraeoa?Iaaae R Stsples. f-ehr F Merwia, Pearce. Feruaudina?James A Van Brnut. schr Daybreak. Maehay. Nt Lncla-J B Ward A Co. 8ehr Addle L Perkins, Thompson, Neurburyport?C L Hatch. Schr Elist, Uart, New Haven via Stamford-Cartwright A Doyle. SAILED. ?teamera Nevada (Br),for Liverpool: Byanoke. Richmond, kF, abipe Fawn. Havre; Ivy, San Francisco; barks Loult S)on, Bremen ; llomhnrsund (Nor), Lnbeck; Cedar Orolt r), London; Carvio E Long. Cartha-ieaa; Thomas Brook*. St J?go and Gtmnta"*nio; Aurora (Nor). llniu burg; Cbaa K Lewi*. Havre ; 'Anita He^wind. Alexandria! brig* David Bngbeo, Cauls; Lophema (Br), Hampton Roads; F H Todd, Brunawlek. On. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Capt IX F Sehwenaen, of tU i steamer Pomineranla (from Hamburg, haa our thauka for apeeiat meteorological obarr valiona made la connection witn lb> Herald weather tor vice. Ruir Lizzie Faxatu (Br), bound for Dublin, which wji detained at Baltimore to repair a leak, proceeded on her voyage 11th lnat. Smr Malta (Br), from New York Mareh 2d for Lnador, before reported overdue wai built In 1870. and la owned by Bennett Smith, ot Wlnda ?r. NS. mid registered 1.227 tone, Capt K M Newromb. ot Corawalll*. muster llercorco consisted ol grain and flour. Tho atiip waa conaldered thor oughly seaworthy. Iler olfleera and tome ol the crew bo longed to llaota county. N8. The mate irae Mr Anlhouy. of Newport; the aeeond mate, Mr Maraters. of Newport; tho boatawaln. Chnrloe Cox. or Brooklyn. There were among the crew Thoiuaa Godfrey. ion of Mr. Julin Uodlroy, ol Windsor, and another, M r M a rater 4, with 'about 23 inen of a crow, all told. Mr Smith has not given up hopes ot the safety ot tbe men or that nt the ahln, as ablpa occaalocally have been, from some disaster. 80 and even 90 days out. Haiiic Annie Mr Ada*. vtorrimin, from Antwerp for Capo Breton, which put Into Weymouth May 30 alter collision with British steamer Vlndomora, wes struck on the star board bow, cutting down rail, bulwarks and stanchions, starting waterways. Ac. Bark Joshua Lorihg, Cook, from Rio Jenoirs via Barba dos for Canary I-landv. which put into St Thomas leaking, arrived thero Jnue 2. A survey was onaatd upon har. and It was ordered that she discharge tor further oxamluatton. Bark JoiulRcrtan. Batman, from New York for Itouen, put Into Havro May 29. with loss of anchor ntid chain. Bark ItsimALK (Bri. al San Francisco June 3, from New-' castle, NSW. roports Muy IN. during a terrlflc gale, split lower malntopsail and blow a lower forciop.atl out oltbo bolt ropes. Bark Casikiro C (Aus). from Now Orleans for Liver pool, which pnt into Itnltlmoro April 10, leaky, has re paired and weut to sea 11th Inst. Bark I'tra J.orikr. from Philadelphia for Yokohama, which put Into Cane Town May le>. wit. not leaking: alio had lost sails and boats and had decks swept; vessel tight. Schr Vascello (Br). Macombor. Irom (Haco Hay. CB, for Boston, bolore reported at Ship Harbor leaky, was towed to Halifax June 7 lor repairs. Schr H Barnes. at New Ilaven 10th, from George town. with c?al, encountered bad weather whon off Jersey Beech, and daring the stortn she parted tbe ebrouds on her foremast. * Srun A XT Wixor. Oshermau.of Dennis, reports 3d Inst. ofT Block Island, in a thick fog, foil In with a tolne boat drilling bottom up. liiglited It and found It to belong to schr Colorado, of Gloucester. Tho oars and nil tho inuterial of tho boat were In it except tho seino and pump. Left tho boat with T C Ball, en Block Island. Schr Gxuor thk Or rah, from Boston for St Domingo, beiore reported put Into Newport 10th init In distress, re ports:-May 31, lat 37 SO. Ion tl9 3(l, loon a heavy galo irora the 8K. which lastod 48 hours, carried a?ay headgear nnd split matnssil; JnueS, took another gsle I'om hK. carried away part of bulwaras, shipped large quantities of water, started the mast wodges end othor slight damage, and it is feared the eergo Is damaged by ees water going below around the meet. Fut into Newport for repairs. Schr Alabama. Ross, from Damerara for Wilmington. NC went ashore on Frying Fan shoals at 2 o'clock AM 11th lnat. She got afloat at 8 :I5 FM. snd was sailing up the beach In charge of the mate and ooe man. Capt Boss, who arrived at the signal station at smlthyille, NC. at 3 PM with the remainder of the crew, reported that the ves sel was badly dsmsgod by thumping. Schr Chalcrdomt, at Fortland 10th from Machlai, has bowsprit sprung. ' Budr. May 31?Two barrels of petroleum covered with barnacles, a log of yellow pine timber and the bowsprit and libboom of a large vessel have one on shore here. Philadelphia. June 11?8chr Carried Mills, from Port Antonio, reports;?Ou 8th tnst, 3U miles nK of Chloco teugue, saw a schooner ol about 200 tons, with loss of main mast. foretopmait andjibboom, steering N. under foresail, trisail and Jib. Captain llunter, of tbe steamer Virginia, from Charles ton, report*:?At 0:30 AM on the 10th Inst, 30 miles B of Currituck, passed parte of- a wreck. There was a mast, bed np. cas-d and painted white, as If It had passed through s cabin, and was np Ssrently aitaabed to a wreck, tbe result ol a collision. It ad evidently been but a snort time in that condition. It was In a direct line between the Winter Quarter Lightship and tho east end of Hatterns Shoal, in the track oi vessel* passing from Philadelphia or Now Y-rk around Hattorns. Also 20 miles south hair west of Ch:nd taairne saw a pi'-ce of decs, with skylight, about fonr leet square, attached. Quebec. Jnne S? llarx Rosa, botore reported ash ving been ashore at Mille Vaeboe, went Into dock to-night lor examination and repairs 9th?The Iron bark Roma. In hauling out from the wharf yesterday evening, got Jammed end her figurehead smashed, and was damaged about the stern. Gkrhah Llotps?The April supplement to the German Lloyds International Register, published In Berlin, le re ceived. It contains the partlcalers of a large number of vessels not In the yearly volume; also the reeurvert, met alllngs, Ac. for that month. SPOKEN. 8hlo Bertram Kigby (Rr), Owens, from Liverpool for Ran Francisco April 19. let 0 N, Ion 2ti ff. bhlp Belle O'Brien. O'Brien. Irom Liverpool for St Jobs, NB. /one 2. let 47 3t). Ion 37 38. Ship Alexander Gibson. Speed, Irom Liverpool for Baa Francisco, 37 days out, April 20. lat 22 11 8, !on 37 04 W; all well. A British ship showing MULR. steoriug 8, April 8, lat 0 27 8, Ion 27 08 W. Bark Glide. Beadle, from Zanzibar for Boston, April 31, off tho Capo of Good Hope. Bark Mary A Keraten (Br). Korsten, Irora Liverpool lor Bt John, ?(l. May 24. lat 4.Y lea 41. ? Bark Hanketde (Hrl. Watt, from Liverpool for Hmlth villo. NC, May 24. offTuskar. Bark W H Jenkins (Bri, Rogers, Irom Baltimore for Bremen, May 17, lat 47, Ion 33. Bark Mandarin (Rr). Forth, from Llvsrpool for Quebec, no date. .VI miles 8?W of tho Smalls. A Swedish hark, showing 1ILQB. bound to Java, April 11. lat 7 1(1 8, Ion 3O07W. Brig Adele MeLoon, from Boaton tor Jamaica, Jane 7, let 37 3d. Inn tt?. the Tiger (of Liverpool) from Jjondon for Sydney, CB, no dale, lat 54, Ion 1 K OUR CABLE SHIPPING NEWS. Ahiddik, June 8?Arrived, bark Wessrae (Bui), By si rum, Penteeola. Antwrrp, Jun? 11?Arrived, bnrki look (Nor), Peder Ma, Now York; Km ma (Br), lUnlii, do. Avvtrroam, J quo U?Arrived, bark J II Bowers. Hark nasi, Hatavla Biintii, J nag II? Arrived, skip Bbalbarna (Br), Murphy, Philadelphia. Hki.fasR lone 11?Halted, ship Otngo (Br), OuUlson, Delaware Breakwater. Brihon, Jane 11?Arrived, ship Oatatoe, Pllltbury, Baltimore; barki Mlslotno (Br). Delap, New Orloaus; F.phmlm Willieusa, Koene, Mobile: l,lne Hrbwoon (Oer), Wegmaiin. Dorian. ' Crookhavkk, June 11?Passed itoaiuer Bulgarian (Br), Traut. from Boiton for Liverpool. Bapcm.oha. Jans 8-Arrtveu. brig Nueva Hubur (8p), Corell, Charleston. CnvRsnosfi, June II?Arrived, brig Kllii Morton, J.i land, New York. Coprriiaokr. June 8?Arrived, bark Norma (Nor), Mat thlesen, New York. Capix. to Jane 11?Arilved, bark Ibli, Sawyer, New York: brig I, Staple*, Stewart, de; echr Moo site (Br), Wiltingate, Savnnnsh. Sailed 7(b, bark Brunswick, llatchlnion, Boston. Dorrs, June 10?Arrived, bsrk Ilioa (Bus), Taranen, Penancole. Dt'apAMt, Jane 11?Arrived, bark Viking (Br), Joaae, Balllmare. Dunkirk, Jane 11?Arrived, berk W E Heard (Hr), Bob bine, New Yerk. Orimsrt, June II?Arrived, bark Little Carry (Br) , Carry, New York. (li.AMsrw. Jane 10?Arrived, ship Commerce (Br), Nlek er-on, Philadelphia; 11th. stcamt r State of Vlrilala (Br), Muo.tle, New York. Uai.wat, Jano II?Arrived, berk Oiaee (Br), McDonald, Batilla Ktver. Ukvoa, Jnoe 8?Arrlrod, bark Pomealco (Ttal), Qllloto, New Orleans. Ilci.L, Jnoe 11?Arrivod, barki'llattle n (Br), Imekhart, New York; Hermles (llns), Nrk'opp, Psnsacole; Tenax Propositi (Nor), Kllertsen, Charleston | brig Soslila Cotk (Br), Dunn, Now Yer^vla Philadelphia. LtTKaroot., Juno 10?Arrived, bark (Her (Nor), Amend ?en. New Orleans; 11th, ebip Prussia, NeLoon. do. Sailed KNh, steamer Nepthls (Br, new), for Boston. Lor noun roar, Jane 11?Arrived, bark Nokomls (Br), Cassldy, Baltimore; Mary 1 Baker (Br), Nproul, do. LiaxRfca, Jane 0-Arrived, barks Bmbla (Br), McKen tie, Baltimore; 11th, ITm Wlleex, Crocker, ca; Onatav Adolph (Nor). Mehn, da; Mary Pratt, Savin, New York: On til (Kna), Dahlbarg, Baltimore. MA LP as, Jnae 11?Arrived, bark Bauadetto (Hal), Ca. Hern. New York. Nvwrv, Jane 0-Ballad, bark Edwin (Br). Smith, Balti more. Niri-wkpipp. June 11?Arrived, bark Lalaatar (Has), Rosenberg, Ball Klvsr, leaking badly. Oporto, to Jane 11-Hailed, brig Mary Bartlatt, Smith, Cow Bay, CB; Bertha (Port), Rosa. New York. Prrartit Road*, Jane II?Airived, berk Dlpton (Br), (lannllett. New York. PACU.I.AC, Jnoe II?Arrived, barks Comteesa Dochatel (Tr), Dnpont, New Orleans for Bordesax; Jceqnlnna tflr), Gardner, New York for do. (JrKRRsTowk, Jnae 10-Amved, harks Brothers (Br), Nloketson. Phlladelpbta; tlnldo (Hsl), Sehlsppsessse, New York; Inge (Nor), Olsen. do; Topdal (Nor), Nielsen, do; Altna (Nor), Woxbolt, do: Latene (Nor), Torgesao, do; Soflld (Nor), Horensen, do; lagolf (Nor), Knnasen, de; UHm Northeoto (Nor). Clatitsen, Mobile; Panlloe (Br), Mitchell, Peneeenle; India (Ner), KUdahl, Booton; 11th, ships Atalanta (Nor), GJetdal, New York ; John Gambles (Hr), Lelghto^p, Han Francisco; barks Amphltrlta (w), Hellgreo, Philadelphia; Aste Onlseppe (Ital), Renncct, de; Deride 8 (Ital), Cassera, da; Angtlo (Br), Vldal, New York; Bessie (Br), Ratrvmple, do; Pneeldnn (Nor), Jan ?en, do; Hldon (Nor), Tohlassen, do; brlas Made* (Nor). Andreeeen, Roeton; Orlsla (Ital), Galano, Philadelphia. Alto arrived lutb, N I'M, steamer Natsvla (Br), Hog lead, Boston lor Liverpool (aad proceeded). Romr?DA?, Jane !I?Arrived, ships Korteneer (Dutch), eteain, Pensaeola; Florida, Ourtli, Rangoon; barks lien, ry (tier), Haasloop. New York; Kate Mellick (Br), Prater, do; Laura A Oerirudo (Uer), Scbalte. do: Castello Dra gone (Ital). Schiaffluo, do; Magdalene (Nor), Kuueborg, New Orleans: Transit (Br). Oiren. New Vork. KODTiiAstyro.v. June 11?Arrived. stvamor Othello (Br), Mitchell. New York tor Hull (sad proceeded). siunrnices, June 11?Arrived, bark Arietta, Nietiols, rbiladelobla. Ri.igo. June 10?Arrired, bark Nuora Manilla (Ital). Cnnea. Baltimore. Mia ten At June 8-Arrived. bark Haselhurst (Br). Goudy. New York. W HiTriiarin. June 0?Arrived, barks Rucceas (Nor), Olten, New fork; 11th. Ulo Batltsta O (Ital), Uoatello. Philadelphia. W ATKKPOBD, Jane U?Arrived, bark Olenelaa, Corning, Baltimore. )o?onA*A. June 8-Arrived. ships Flectwtng, Guest, New Tort. Loudo!*, June 11-Ship Hageratown, Whltmore, front HnauilUs lor Ku-opc, was spoken, date, iat. Ac. not given, In a leaky condition. WEATHER REPOBT. Hoi.rnu.tD. Jane 11. PAI-Wind SSK. strong. PtTHomi. Jane 11. PM-WInd W. froth: cloudy: barom eter, Mi. MX FOREIGN POBTS. BuUK'ivVrSo.11-8,1 Ud* bark A"Id> Jnnellus, Bairintore!*' *'8, "J-Oearod. ?chr Almeda, Smith. a5?,IAIIIAS: "?? 7?Arrived, barks Stanley (Nor) S/Jik k' WHI W I'orraot, Liverpool. KhomlM ri7i! ? ? *rk' (Nod- Marebtucu. Grimsby gamut! Monsefl, ln?on; Harry tBr). .Moloney. Dim 8t?KNow,?ork?-ArrWod' 'te*mCT CitT of _ " A'!n?.'i' u"*|c*. MP, May IB?Arrived, schr Harry Huscli Mj Cg,' New York (and cleared 28th for Syd LlveVpo"' Jnne 7~ArrlT#d. b?rk Vmer (Nor), llonrlcksen, BalUmore^ L^v?rpooL Hlbornlan (Br). Klcbardso-t (from 8liVm"ei'.0HLalHax.jB"8 8~Arrlved- ""k Director (Mr). Pmv?denN?.;B*JUnB 7"C,<"lrod- brt* V U 0dl"rne (BO, for for H?ton"r?d7 31~In P?rt' *?br K,t,# Co,IU- Mathl?. nnr^LcuV" Jnn* 8?Sailed. steamer Daront (Br). Ber *!5h- rb,P|l ?l*r of Qnahec (Br). Falconer Ion mrV n'nUberVA? (Hr>- faniobell. Glas-ow; bark. Lune Cori' ' Quoc"ttown ; Olemenllua S (Ital). Ballestra, j&&sU^:codB.,,4rk john <iem? fBr>. IRr? PiJijufr'11, "lyj1'1 .'-Pastod. bark W I? Stewart QiVnrf Juo'i'Ti Oharjottetown, PET, for Qneenatown a 1.1 P? Juno !?-Arrived, steamers Snrmatlan (Br) Cardiffto7P301 ,0l!*OD'r#et; Cosmopolitan (Bn, Hiteham' Cardiff or do: ship Tasmania (Br). Stafford. Sovona <?; . Jemet, Rotterdam: barkt Virginia (Br)* ffcrhiSfVn ? R"b' H'r). Pier Barbados; Pram-la ^Vr'tht (Bn OwIm "1! I Liverpool for Montreal; Win n^^^^^^.^(Br)t*Gtway!' Llve^^oi*8^En!ai8,,(\^V)* i. 7 ("r)- Jones. Pembroke. ??? I? 27?Cleared. bar* Brail elra iilor), Jaoh ens. New Vork : May 1. brig Undine (Gov), Schmidt do arJl'vedydth. Oassiopeia(Br). Pettis, from Cetto, Sr J^?'? uri* ? H Latimer (Br). Armstrong, une. 0harlottetosir' m J brig Quango (Br?: Rich, viurioiijisvn Z9th, barks Winona (or) G udun ?... Sr Join, V* 'jtaaa'V a""' Aarcb,ha,d' Tatamaaoncbo'.' (Br), Prasor. Nei/york 'U,mer HamborougU ronl'-o'nk. New'vork. "*"?**?? "?h. Jed F Du- | NeWJ"? j!f- BO-Wearod, scbrs Harper. Smith, 3d,' VnioWk, to?*0**' d? * Ifcrry" do"? a ? , fPKR Htkawkr Bothnia. 1 ! Oovarly^Mi FrsuBclseo,^c^,1*1'e,1' ^??Vhk (a). | M.7"tYn?rin!f:Mo-u^,rn,Hin#U 8 ",,U ACvn"' WP(JAPlA^'^ne*iSd- .JuJ'e "? ^?nch. Madras. SSip^: r^^,S^Swa%aaaart5t i Lond'orl'for liew York.8'*'1 29. British Queen. Ir,.,,. Hohdkavu, Mav -J9 -Arrived, Teekalet Trao.v Plo"'V' *' "l"*c' a0th- Merlon, Tllley, Pabellon de IlnraT. Mey 23 - Rolled, Neptunna, Wlmet. Oneboc 10^"?Vl^ Hong Kong; n,trii,.V,lr :l,-P*-ed' A"^>^ad^r.ltl. ^l?"-,pw7; B^sl^VsW' Nenuphar, Pitman do Atoiownro Breakwater; yC,,r,KRtr.kK. May 24?Arrived. Itos. Taraldwn. New C.ilais, Miy 31?Suited, St Lewveviee Lftwn n,.n . . o?-,r *?' ?.Tsri4suNSSias; J--1 si tha. Johnson, do for llalhax. k; "r^nn. Railed 3ij?b. Braato, Nlel.on, New York don."C ?>?.J?b? P.lle, NeVton. Hoanfort for Loa ^Dovvn. May 81-Paaaed. Aaalea (a). Rhlelda for Now mo?e!'D4t*' M'T 3'??elled, Charlvs Kahl, Mohr, Baiti burne *Nil" M*T 8?~Arrl,r'd- A?rera. Churchill. Rhel SSr^ 5'K^::"W; ?i?rr..'.'3 as; ""X"-': w-:' j^wast*ST?raft Kb ?S3gFS?BaJ?kS?ss Gukkuook, Mav 30'-ArrlveL Tatar Petti. Gi.iKAt.TAk May 24-Crul.(ar ce? ja.,1 !i iT .1 a from Maraoinca for I'MladelphiiT etward, II Gordon, fc Qna':.*"nl* V> ?"r"rL ,,hl>?d"Pf<'e; BrldgS?^,'r,WBrow5: flAMauna, war ??? sailed, I at mo*. Oleen, Philadelphia. II Avar. Miy 30 ? Sailed, Henrietta, llolhr, Sydney. CR. Half J ACM, WO a. May 4?la port, T K Welden, lioomer, Irom Suit Ptrd lNkutunwra HfAD, May 31?Arrired, Seaward, Copp. Ht John, NH. Krarcti, .May 13? Panted. Balretore Maexa, Florentine, from New 1 ira ior Berdlnmel. I tvrarooi. May 3ft?Arrived. Ecuador. Hustle*, st John, KB; Maratl'MI it). Garrett, Potion; 31 it, Krin (t),Slmp aon, X"* X ir'. silled Mir to. Kale Corert. Keatlnc. CR : 91?t, Pet-r Crerar, Wnalen. l'lctou ; Annie M Law, Hilton Shnllitirno, !IS ; Ocean, Paulenn, Hallux; Jane 1*1. Janna i(),ilu. tnnafrn. Ilirana; Wild llunler, Mlnot, New Orleana; Mag nlflr.nt, Oilleott, M Slmona. Cleared 25?tb. Lady Bu??el1. Mo<idle. One bee; F II Kork nm. Wadit, Sa.neuAT; Slat, Snow (Jneen Graham, Bom bar ; tdoLhn", Churchill, New, York. William, Journeay. St John. IB; Richer* III, Hubbard, Wlaciueet. Ofl (he Ikerrlee 27lh. Pen*hew, from Liverpool for Mon trvideo; Iuitriana, do far Bombay-, 30ih, Caledonia, do lor llatb. I.ONrof, May 31?Arrired, Greece (a), Fearne, Rew York ; 31 at. Thane* (a), Campbell, (Quebec (and entered ont for Unebeo, Jo). Knteramut 31 at, Hetty Mary. Parte*. Halifax. Olearei 31 at. Hloyde, Buryenger (Juebee; .luae 1, T?ora bard (a). William*, Montreal; Pride of Kngleod, McKay, Quebec Ltd If, day 8<??Ballet, Ocean Kmpret*. Oroaby. Halifax. l,rmt,May 90?Sailed. H M Bird, Merrill, Oene Breton. I.ikkiiCK, June 1?Hailed. Htefano Padre, Facia, Balti more ; T amlier, Boae, Philadelphia. l.tttNfnif, May 2ft?Arrived. Ateyrla (HI. Knox,Ctaegow. MAXsHi.Mta, May 2R?balled, Ahd-i-l Kader, Hparrow, Beaton. Maia<r*Mt, about Jone 1?Arrired, Chacma, Watta, Victoria VI. Ntwetan.a. May 90?Cleared, 7.w*e (leaaetere (ilol), Aebeenand Columbia Hirer Nr* (Ann.*, BMW, April 9?Railed, Amie, Gnetafben, Ad elaide roxy-Axn, May 3<>? Pot into the roedr. Ocean Home, Ralrea>n, Ne? York for Leltk I'r.r urn. May 31? Sailed, Columbua, Furnell, Rio Janelti. I'r NX Attn Ftarn. May 28?Pateed, Jupiter, ?I.oltke, ' Ho Uranat-nonth for Randy Hook. Qoflitirmwlt. to May 90 -balled, Frltrtra, Moller, Wit be act; Illit. Pern, II llton. I'ubitn; Alex Krtth, Weyeolt, I,mt*n: CI are nee fer Antwerp; Fratelll Doge. TMaine, blUl Charmer, Leeaa. Dublin Nnora Marina. Krall, Leltft Jnne 1. Fortunate Kepelto fer Delaware Break, wat*-; A*potoiran. McKenale. Onblln. It*, a. Mar 25 - A rrlred. An lei ma. Arentaen, Mew York: 27th Tellua, H.ltoook, April ati-ftailed, Almlra Roblnaoe, Tarhox, Cheteei. __ , _ . . ? Suronn, May ni?OIT, bcatl Dubroraekl, Pende, Ant wen lor M*w York. ft CATitKktkH'e Point, Mey 81? Off, Mwlteerland fe), Antwerp for New York. d'tLl.T, May 30-0ff. Pro Domo, Jnenbaen. from New Yok for Iwith; Caiderbanka (of NewfoundUnd), from st JiUnator Hrlatol. It ion. May 28?Railed, ACtlllo, Dallorte, Philadelphia; 3t|h, Caroline Z. 7,nleaul, Delaware Breakwater. twiNikCsnk, May 27?Railed, Veloc, Olaen. Phil ad-I-? Pf la at. XAfAtnr, Ma? 27?Arrired, Augnet I/eefller, Oleen, 'sr v!nu?:*t, CYI, May 10-Arrlrrd, N art hern Qnnen, ft I lock. Cardiff! sailed May II, Rebecca, Orbanorleh. Delaware Breakwa tr: Graal SenJ, Under., do; 19th, Donald Frrgneon, Btaa, /nrhadoa. .. ^ Hai.t I'orn, Mny 9?In port Oreynonnd, Lloyd, from Oaoe ???Mt IIAkTi.eniot.. May 2P Arrived, Verltaa, Voelta, Itohoy ; 3l*t, J W SetterwaM. Lofqrht, do. WAY* tiro an. May 90?Arrived, Colnmba, Stagno, Phlla delnhla . Wtk.trnAit. May 2?In port, Fantee, Morton, from Ap pam ; Sea Unit, Hterone, from tie. American ports* ASTORIA, O, Jane 9-Arrired, bark Portland, Oane, Ban rrmeltcn. ALhXANnllfA. Jnna lo?Arrlrrrt, eteamer John Olb itt. New York; aehra (<o?la Walah, do (and cleared for llaiiowclt); Jain-a ,lone?, Norfolk (and cleared for Nor wtchr; llenry II Wla.hlp, Roetoa ; O u Crannier, Pltlladel phtaj Pearl, Norfolk. Sailed Steamo' K C Knlfbt, Mew York, Pa*ten up- -Schr* Sarah Sbnbert, t; w Locke, Paul A Thotapioa and W D tttlMn, tor UeergtMowa. BOSTON, Juno 10?\rrlved, berk Walker Amlneton Jr, llo-.per, Hanloewangl# via Cape of (loo i Hop* and ? llel-na; brie Alice ,Br). Baxter. Cieoruecos. 11th-Arrived, stOHin-rs tloopor (llr). Unroll, Llverpoot Conopus (Br). llorsfall. Liverpool; uarks 0-trlhmi. Koiiney Prubollngo: schr* Charles Lawrence, Shaw, Baltimore; \l J Nelson (Br). Nelson. Barbados. Olesrrd-stgntuer Minaa??t? (Br). Rnrwell. Liverpool; ?ehrs .1 M Morales, Eldridge, Wilmington, NO ; Z L Adams, Nlrkrrson. Newark via Kennebec, smloil Stunner Win Orano, Baltimore, stesruer l'erkltimen. Horn Philadelphia, waa off Cape Oo.l HiirhlunJ Light at 2 n'olock I'M. BALTIMORE. Juue 11?Arrived, eteamera MeOiellatt Taylor, Providence; George Appold, Lnv-lnnd. Boston Falcon] Kirby, Charleston : Vineyard, Bowen, New York; bark Valkyrta iBrl, Graham. Gorki brig Ch tries Dennis, Podge. Kennebec; sehrs Muni heward. Pattlaon, Nassau t sr Wine. Hubbard, lileuthera) Charles K Morrison, Smith K?nncbec; Calvin F Baker, Baker. Boston; Mar carat C'Lyons, Young, do; William Slater, Kttleu Havana. Bark Spotless, Chapman, from Rio Jantero. has coma S| from (Quarantine Below?Snip Kendriek Fl?b, Hnnrr.lrom Liverpool. Sailed--Snip I,ii7.le Fennell, before reported leaky; barfc Alice I!nr, Brothers A Sisters, and Mtspah. Hill NSWICK, <la, June 7?Arrived, schr Samuel H?rt Holhraok. St George. Clearol .Nth brie American Union, Collins, Santiago) Bin ?chr Daniel Plerson, Plerson, Providence. BEAUFORT. SO, June 8? Arrived, brig Concord (Br), Reos. Dakar (Allien). RANCOR. June H-Arrlved. brig H If MeQtlvery, Whit tier. Portsmouth; Melville. Blake. New York. Cleared -Seltrs llnttio L Curtis, Bartlett, Mow York; Adeline namiin. Lewis, do. BATH, Juno 7?Arrived, sehrs Rlttx B Emllv, Wicks, and Kline Ross. Boston, to load tor Philadelphia. sih?Arrived, hara Halcyon, llardie. Boston; sohrsJobn A Lord, Thomas Maryland; George W Jewett. Blair. Bos ton. for How-lolnham ; Cear, Hammond, Boston, to load Cor Philadelniiia; Odell, Wlnslow. Now Tork Sarah C Smith, Banks Philadelphia (and nnssedoff); Martha Weleh, Steel iuan, Snvannu'i: Albert Dally. Nason.New York: Ralph llowos, Irani Vircinla: Starlight, Reed, Oambrl Igo, .lid; (Jen Howard, Road. Now York iHIt?dulled, sclirs Hattie M Crowejl, Crowell, Baltimore; Elias Ross for Philadelphia; Joseph W Alton for Balti more. loth?Arrived, ship Scroamer, Austin, Havre, to load lea for New Orleans. Sailed?Sclirs Annie E Martin. Handy. Newark. NJ: Wta P Harrison. Bowen, Washington; Dwight Davidson, Free man. Albany. NY. BDOTIIrtA Y. June Arrlred, schr Alice C Fox, Rows, Now York via Portland. Cll AllLBSTOK, June R?Sailed, sehr E Sinnickson, for Georgetown, SO, uftor putting back. , 11th?Anlred, steamer Charleston, Loekwood, New Cier.rad?Steamer Gall Stream, Ingram. New York. Sailed?Bark Home. Otis. Liverpool: brig Topes (Br),; srltr A I. Dow, Weymouth. Mass. CHESTER, l'n, June 11?Arrived, brig Moses Day, Cros by, Kern an dins. ? w' KDUARTOWX. June 7-Arrived, schr Llssto Coohran, Hopkins Bangor lor New York (and sailed). FORTRESS .MONROE, June U?Sailed, bark India (Sw), Olson. Bnltlmoro. _ . Passed in lor Baltimore?Bark Allee Cooper (Hr), King, Irom Liverpool via Delaware Breakwater; schr J Taylor, JrcoUhod, S*n Aiutrens ' ? Passed out from Rsltlraoro-Shlp Forest Eagle, tor Bre men; barks KonkordU (Nor), Qiteonstown: Emilia Marie (Nor), do; Qneen Victoria (Bri. do; Light Brigade (Br), " p ; Vasa (Nor), Limerick; Oast do: Formosa "(Br). Rotterdam; . mtro C (Aur). Uvernool (Irom New Orleans); 'frnflk (Nor), Nawry ;.lohn Kills (Br) Londonderry; Victoria (Her). Ro chester; brig Odorillo, Martinique; schr Xobeo (Br), Halt tax. Bark Axel (Sw), Sveosen, Irom Rio Janeiro, is ordered to Bnltlmoro. FALL RIVER. June 8-Arrived, sehr Theodora Daen, Evans, Georgetown. Oth?Arrived, steamer Albatross, Davis, New York; sehr I H Borden. Dndgo. do, via Di hton. loth?Arrived steamer Vindicator, Rogers. Philadelphia; scbrNvv. Baser. New York. GLOUCESTER, Moss, Jnuo 11?Arrived, bark Raffaele (Ital), tiaeglno. Trupini. GKOKGKTOWN DC. Jooo 10?Arrived, sehrs L T Whltmore, Whitmore. Boston: Paul A Thompson. Brown. Newark; J V Wellington, Rich, Boston: Sarah Hehnbert, Tomlln. Now York; James U lloyt, Lyons. New Haven; Oliver Sunofleld, Dlseosway. and Jnlla A Crawford, Hal leek, do; Ocnnnue, Yonng, Fsirhavnn. Cleared?Sclirs L T Whltmore, Whltmore. Bath: Sarah Schubert. Tontiln. Pawtnckei; Julia A Crawford, Halleek, New 11 liven; Oceanus, Young, Allan's Point; Jarnet Ilovt, Lyons, lloboken. HYAlthls, June 0?Sailed, sehrs Menqnls, fbr Phtladel phis ; Chase, Iiigraham, New York. MILTON. Chi, Juno 8?Arrived, ship Ravenna Padre (Ital), Henudres, Aonpnleo. MOBILE, Jnno 7 - Cleared, schr BenJ Oartstde, Yan OIL der, Bath mot as before). MYSTIC. Ci, June 8-Arrived, schr Quickstep, Hutchin son. Bondont NEW ORLEANS. Jane 7? Arrived, steamer Xergaret, Baker, Havana; hark Lufra (Nor), Lorentsen, Liverpool; brig Jose Fr Leyva (Mex). Basso, Vera Crus: sehrs A Donike. Jones, Now York; Jos P Maebeca, Woodbury, Jamaica 11th?Cleared, steamer Hudson, Oncer. New Yerk; barkt Pedro Plandotit (Sp). Bolx, Barcelona via Malaga; Nlnt (Ans). Sopo'i, Lou-lon; Ystawa (Nor), soreasen, Leltk (Scotland) ; Cectle Auger (Fr). Croix. Antwerp. Fassks, Junell?Sailed, steamer Orator (Br), Liverpool; ships Colonial Empire (Br), do; Expounder, Havre. NKWBBtlN, NC, June 8?Cleared, sehr Agile, Fulford, New York. NEW BEDFORD. June 9 ? Sailed, ecbrs Thos P Cooper, Kelley, and F P Simpson Mahoney. New York. . l()tn?Arrived, salir Ach-rn. Atkinson, Florenee, NJ. NEWPORT. June 9. l'M-Arrtved. sehrs David U Floyd, Clifford. Philadelphia; Charlie Cobb, Metcalf. Richmond, Va, for Rnstou; Kmnta L 0 Wlasor, Atwood, Boston lor New York: lrono K Mcsservey, Messorrey. Georgetown, D 0. for Portland: James Henry, Snow. Rook laud tor New York : New Regains. Rafford. Providence for do (and nit sailed 9'.b): Martha P King. Jnrvts, New Bedford for da (stid sailed 10th); Thomas P Cooper, Kelley, Haverhill fed N e w Y ork. Sailed?sclirs M W Griffin. Blocking, New York; CynthU Jane. Gardner, New Bedford fordo; L O Potter, Eldridge, Dennis for do. 10th, AM?Arrived, sehrs Sea Breese, Preethy, Philadek pbia tor Boston: Mott Haven. Collins. New Yerk tot Calais; Jolln Clark (Br). Mahoney. New Yerk for St John, NB. NEW LONDON, June 10-Arrived, sehrs E H WUllama. aria lor Baltimore ler Norwich; American Team. Alexam Allvn's Point: W II Hopkins, do tor do; Sandy Point, Ban gor Washington, DO;.lames English, Newhwrg tor .Bristol; CopU. do (or Providence; Henrietta. HriVgoiewn, NJ, for do; Maderla (Br), New York for Nova Scotia. NP.W 11AVKN', June 11?Arrived, eehrt Waldemar, Parkar. Trluldadt Rodney Parker, Gates, Baltimore; Oroonburg. Green, New York. I'KNSACOLA. Jane 7?Arrived, bark Fimafngr (Nor), Chrirtenseo, Arendal. Cleared - Brig Am able Antonio (Sp), Gespedes, Rio Jaw lW-A mn-Arrived, sehr Ajax. Northrop, Indlanola. Cleared Harks Lawrbnss (Nor), Rrlter, Orsn; Mils (Br). Bobbins, London. . H th?In port, schr 11 C Shepherd, Steelman, for N tide ot Cuba. PORT ROYAL, SC. June 11?Arrived, steamer City oi Anstin, Chester, New York fur Feruandlna PHILADELPHIA, June iO-Arrived. sehrs J Clerk, Cousins, Providence; Joseph Hay, Bntler, Newport! Mary J Flshor. Camp, Beech Ridge, NO; Joshua, Porter, Elisabeth City. 1 lib?Arrivod, steamers Ilerrlebnrr, Worth, Boston; Virginia, llunier. Charleston: Mayflower, Davidson. New Yogs; Kettlesnske. swain, Lynn; eebrs Henry Crosky. Sharp. Kennebec River; W Wller, Wharten, do: J Q Sweeney, Somen. H-othbay; H D Mar. May, Farralaga date; C B Wood, Stanley, Boston; R8 Miller. Jams, do; Emma G, Edwards Bryant. ?; B () Irwin. Johnson, Dnnveraport: Mary F Corson. Williams. Geldsborough. Also arrived, barsa Oplilr (Nor>. ChrlsMnsen, flambttrg; Culnmbla (Nor), Andreaton, Waiertord via Savannah; Hergenseren (Nor), Mortensen, Newry; brig Emily Ray mond (Br), Starret. ( leiifnegos; sehr* Five sisters, listen, ings, St Kilts: K M Bnehler, Msllary, Kenneboc Virginia, Burgstt. Portland; C 8 Edwards, Corson, Belfast, Me; Modesty, Nletiereou, Boston; Kate It Gilford, Barrett, do; Kuntce r Newcomb, Baker, Port Antonio; Riehnrd W Den ham. Chose, Abaco. t:leared?steamers Leopard, Wiley, Newburyoert; Pan ther, Miller. Boston (and hot It sailed); Aon Rlisa, Warren, N York; sehrs Speculator (Br), Vflltbanlf, Old Providence 1 Tempest, Riley, Bridgeport; Mist. Carsner, New llavenj Artie Garwood. Stepl ens, Boston; C B Wood. Stanley, hast Cambri-lg": J Clark, Cousins, New Bed lord; Or-ce Cnshlnv. Mo-ltrr. Portland; CK Riley, Hartmsn, Xlllvllle. Also cleared, bark* Taneook (Br), Ilughee, Belfast) Sarpen (Nor), Hacker. Gal way; brig Minnie Abbio, Hording. Gibraltar sclirs E.than Allen, Blake, Portland; E M Buehlrr. Mallory. Portetaootli: Dblmont Looks, Undue, sandy Poial i Virginia, llargem, Boston; C a Kdn-ards, Corson, l.ynn; Katie G RoOlnson, Grace, Bos ton; K A Scrlbner, Smith, Providence; J Clark, Constat, New Bedford. Lnwr.s. Jnna 10?Arrlvrd. bark Rebecca (Aai), Rom ?% lift-Arrived. hark Papu Ollvnrl (Del). Oliver!, Sllirot bria Mettle ? liaaeetl. Athertoii, Hnria Passed uo?Bar* Luchlno (ftnl). Ollverl, from OI<r? "pORTLAE0. Mb. .lunn 10? Arrived, schrt B A Ranche* Baltimore. Howard W 11 llama, Philadelphia; Kate Millar, do: Kllen Morrison, lOllaai.ctliport. Cleared?Hchra C J Wlllard, Wallace, Havana (notPhlle. delphia) ; Ala-ka. New Vork. POKTHMOCTll, .Inna lO?Arrived, aohra Warren Haw. yer. Trio, Georgetown, 1>C ; Heiunel P Adama, Beott, Pertb Atn hoy. PROVIDENCE, J ana 10?Arrival, ataaraara Blaekatnna, Mareb, Baltimore via Nerfolki Ton aw an da, Sherman, Plilladslpliin; aelira Maaaia Mulrey. Plenan. Brunswick, (la; Carrie a Hart, Davis. Oeorgetnwn, DO; Ann S Can. ? non, Norhnry. Philadelphia f?r Pawtnckat: Fanny Pern, Kuion. Port Johnson; Mary Htowe, Baeon, Port Jehnsonl A (I Ltwson, Mehrhof, ltarkenaaek. Sailed?Hrhra Marcena Monaon, Jr. Tyler, Perth Ambon Orient, Htnples. Port Johneon; Mary A Pradraore. Fitch lloboken: Joacph K Potta, Kldd. New York, PAWTUCKKT, June lO?Arrived, aetn Ann N Oaaaon Norbury, Philadelphia. Sailed?Sehra Li/ale Klorenne. Ltpnlneott. Philadelphia^ lmnvne IMvertjr. Uandy, New Vork. RICtlMnND. J Tin ? 10?Arrived, ataamar Old Dominion, Walker. New York: bark Anole Marka, llamhora, do, tn flnlali loading fir Hahla; hria Gulaborotiirh, llanaen. New York, to load tloui lor South America; aehr A II Moore, Kskrldxe, New York. Hailed?Hrlir* Jamea Per* an, Parson. Notion ; L B Wins, Smith do; A B Goodman, lloarn, Stamford. 4 SAN KIIANCIsCO. Juno 3?Arrived, shin Kakdale (Brl, Currla, Naweaatle. NAM ; barka Kortuaa. Chlama, Aca pulco; Ella, Willlatns, I>tnlque. Sailed ?Hark Sauvie (Krj. Chartral, Port Townaand 1 Knoeh i'alhot, Penh allow, Seattle. SAVANNAil. lnne II?Arrived, ataamar City of Savan nah. Mallnrv, New Yoffc. Sallotl? Htoamer Han Barnea, Cheeaman. New Yorkj aehr Stopheii U Hart, Ht John. NB. BTONINoTON. Jane IO~*ArTlvod, eehr Mary Tlee, Eat lock. Port Johnson VI.NKYAKD HAVRE, Jnna 10? Arrived, brig Grace Lothrop. Cape llavtlen; fhra Crtaae Wright, Clark, Savannah; Traveller (of Mlddletewa), C?, Hodges, St Marc via Hampton lioada; Charlie Cobb. Metralf. Rich mond, Va: John ,f ah neon, M?*eei I, A Danennoarer, Pedrleh. Georgetown, I Ml; J Spartel, llallowell. lloboken; I.nev IIammond, Itohlnaon. Philadelphia?ell for Boston; Irene h Me-a fvev, Meaeetvey. Georgetown. DC, for Port land; E F C thada. Swain. Richmond Va. for Portsmouth; John W Hall, Jr. tlrena, Baltimore for Dover: D T Miner, Huntley, Philadelphia for Gardiner; Franc (Jnnen, Cal houn. ilo/or Anitnata: Opera (Br), Fowler, and A mo a (Hr), Leonard. St John for New York ; W Freemen. Hog-re, Thnmast- ii for do; Arlanna (Hri. Wood, St Jenn for ordara (or New York); T W Allen, Carter, Dennyavllle lor or dara. Sailed?Srhra Mall, J Freoman. T W Alien, Rxprese, Chare, Otronto, J II Ferris, end Hudson. WICK FORD, June ?-Arrlve<l, aclir Bella Seaman, Steel man. Port Johnson. W\ Bit KM. June 10?Arrived, aehr Alton T Miner, Mane* Philadelphia WKHTKltl.Y. Jnna lo?Nailed, aehr Soaan B I*aeb. Bar ber, Philadelphia. YACHTS, NTRAMHDATH, Atv. ~ BilATS. -A GOOD SECOND iCaSi?" "WTTTtfiiTalC Howboat, M feet limn ; mnst he In perfeet order, light and ciisy rower. Andreas, with price and full particulars. II. II. H . Post ofllce bo* 121. DOR SACK?YACHT LISTLESS. 45 FKKT LONG. Apply to G. M. T.IOMPsON. H? Barclay at. WANTED TO PURCHASE-A STEAM LAUNCH, from twenty to twenty-five feet keel, d'anght of water not over Itflnen Inches. Address, stating alaa, da. script ion. lowest prlae and where to be seen, K.. box 2.2?7 Poet nfllce. New York. F msORLLANEOCN. UYYTr's XTrK balsam mOsTWinf YrTThfYtt before you give np belnjt cure<l nf rheumatism, itout, arrtnuia. Ac. It has neen pruveri a great, good remedv. rpil SWI'.KTKN T IIR BREATH AND PRESERVE TUB 1 teatb owe Brown's Camphorated ttapenaceoua Dentlflrlea* . 30c,