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THE COURTS. Woman's Presence of Mind and a Boy's Sagacity. DAMPER TO DISMISSED OFFICIALS. Decision by Chief Justice Waite in a Collision Suit. Tbs Court of General Sessions, Judge Sutherland presiding, was mainly occupied yesterday In the trial of lahmuel E. Clare, a negro charged with burglary In tbo Ural dcgtee. Tbe detullc were listened to witn great ulteutiou by an iutereated throng. The com plainant waa Mra. Sarah Lewie, tbe proprietress ol a boarding bouse at Noa. ill and 33 West Thirtieth street. It appeared that Clare bad been a waiter In ber employ, but becoming raiber Irieudly witb a domoatlc named Llzzlo McCoy botb wore diicbarged on tbe 21st of Mareb last. Mra. Lewis and ber house keeper, Mra. Beddett, two nigbta later, on retiring to their room, wore startled by tbe noiso caused by tbe aflrighted fluttering of a South American bird wblob waa caged lu tbe room. Mrs. Beddett at once arose aod lighted the gas to ascertain what waa tbe matter. Tbe door was found open aud the lady closed It, aud observing nothing unupunl re lumed to bed. Not long after tbe two ladies board a cauary tu the room nuuertng violently, aud again Mra. Beddett arose to leuru tbo cause ol tbe disturb suee. Just as abe was stepping out of tbe bed ber loot alighted on u man's cout tall, tbe owner ol whicn waa coucealou under tbe bod. Mrs. Beddett, with commendable preseuco of mind not to raise the alarm too suddenly, prudeuily motioned to Mrs. Lewis to prestrve bor composure. Tbe man with ins cost talis suspecting, however, that bo bad been discov ered, sprang lrom under tne bed, then tbruugb the door ana Ilea, not, however, colore tbe ladies bad fully identitled the dark invader as tbe disebuigcd waiter, Clare. After lils escape a search was Insti tuted, aud It was iound that jewelry valued at $70 bad been carried awuy. For two months all traces ol the thiol were losl, until May 25, wuuu Mr. P. C. Hun rue, a son ol Mra Lewis, met him in the street und Invited bim to go to bis mother's bouse. Tbe delighted Clare agreed to tbia, but as tbey were passing tbe Twonty-nlntb precinct station Mr. Muuroe caused tbe arrest ol ibe uulucicy lugitive. It was snown on tue trial yesterday tbat Clare bad beeu employed by sevoral highly respect able lamilles, Who gave him a good obaracter aud ap parently toot a good deal ol interest In nim. He was delended by ex-Judge Jones, Assistant District At. torney Bell appearing tor tne prosecution. Lizzie McCoy, truo to nor oid love, appeared as a witness In bis behalI aud swore mat she Uad listened to a con versation in winch she beard Mrs. Beddett threaten to'-get squure" with Clare. Tbe accused positively denied tbe tbefl and tried to prove tbat be was io Philadelphia on tne nlgbl tbe burglary was said to huvu occurred. 1 be jufy louud the prisoner guilty aud Judge Sutherland sentenced bim to ten years in ltie Slate Prison. DECISION BY JUDGE WAITE. Cblel Justice Walte, sitting lu tbe United States Circuit Court, yesterday bunded down a decision In the case of Charles Deems el at, appellees, against Tne Albany and Canul Towlug Company, appellants. From tne recitation ol facts it appears than tbe appel lants ooutructed In the usual course of bualneaa to tow tbe cunalboal C. M. Deems lrom Albany to New York. While rounding tbo Buttery with tbe low a collision ocuurreo wbicu occasioned ibe loss ol tbo Deems. Tbe Judge says that, wullo the policy ol tbcUw is not to impose on towing boats tne responsibility ol com mon earners, the oaptulus are expeciod to exorcise due diligence. He is ol opiuton tbat the present case Is covered by ibe Syracuse esse, reported in 12lb u'?i in? ..j k. J - -i.L.n... Wsln, 167, and be thliiks intt tbo Captain of the Onto, ti>e ooat winch did the towlug, diu not exercise pre liminary caution aud loresignt, ana tbat lbs libel loldf. DISMISSED OFFICIALS. Tbe Supreme Court, General Term, Jndgoa recently referred to Judge Van Brunt various writs of certio rari obtained by dlQorent ollloials dismissed by tbe Police Board and Commissioners of Charities. He yesterday gave bis decision dismissing all (be writs, lu the case of ovWurden Liscomb, of tbe Peniten tlsry, who was discharged id January, 1876, but wbo applied lor tbe writ ol certiorari in Marcu last, be baid tbat tbe application ouino altogether too late. Tbe application ol ex-Sergeaul Larkin, bo held, was not based on tnuubie grounds. As to Pater Bron ?on, lormcr phonograplier ol tbe Poiico Board, and Adolph Waldman, a discharged clerk, who claimed mat tbey were dismissed without cause. Judge Van Brunt decided that tbu Board bud a right to dismiss them at pleasure, and tbat the antne rule dyes not ap p y io them ?s to policemen. > o decisloo bas yet beeu given in tbe cases ol ex-Captains Foley and sstbsrt. JEFFEBSON MAKKET DOORS. In the Superior Court, before Judgo Spetr, yesterday (bore was tried a suit brought by Ellen Oliver against John H. Bundau and Solomon Sayles, to reeover $10,000 damagos lor injuries rsceived through tbe al leged negligence of tbe defendants. It would seem from tbe facts ss staled In tbo oomplamt tbat tho windows or doors at JeflersoD Market, which were detached during the day and l elt piled up on tbe Sixth avenue side, made tbe sidewalk on that aide of the street somewhat dangerous on windy navs. On too 26lb ol August last, tbe plaiuiifT, while walking along Sixth avenue, waa struck by these window*, which bad fallen lrom their position, an J severely wounded. She says some ot her ribs weie broken aud ber nervous system so grestlv shocked that she has evor since beoo sick aud helpless. She charges that tbe deleiidants, wuo occupy meat elands In tho market, are responsible lor tuo accident which oc currod in Irqbt of tbelr maud. Tbe deiendants in their answers separately deny their responsibility lor tbo aceidunt. At the conclusion ot tbe trial yester* day tho Jury brought lu a verdict lor $1,100 lor tbe n aintiir. Mossrs. Joseph H. Choate nuu Frederick B. Cleveland appeared lor the plaintiff, and Messrs. Fallows, Altken and Conuoily lor the doleuaants. NOTHING WITHOUT HIS SALARY. In a suit brought by William E. U rock way against Peter llolbrook t he latter wee ordered to appear and be examined. Palling to obey tola order he was ad Judged guilty ot contempt. Ho at onco mado applica tion to Judgo Van Hoeaen, in the Court of Common Plea*, to be relieved from this Judgment. In an affi davit upon a motion lo that effect he says that the facts a* disclosed by a previous examination held on the 18th Inst., a report of which has not been filed by the referee, set forth that ho is a member of the Police Department, doing duty as a patrolman in the Eleventh ward at a salary ol $100 per month, and that tbo same is liable lo a de duction of anout $15 or $-0. Ho says bis entire -al ary is neoeaaary for the support of himself and wife, but more especially lor bliuaelf, ns witu It he proeures the necessaries ol Hie and thereby is enabled to prop erly discharge bis duty as a public oflloer, and il de prived ol this monthly stipond the cltisena of New York will also lie deprived of bis services He cays further that be has no other property whatever, and ho asks that n balance of $80 salary now duo him In tbe hands of the Commissioners ol Police, payment of which la reluaed him under an order of the Court, bo Dandcd to him, nnd also that he be relieved trom the contempt, ot which he is not intontiooslly guilty. Judge V-u Uoeseu yesierdsy granted lha order aakod for. MEMENTO OF THE EMMA MINE. In the ault ol Jnmoa K. Lyon agalnat Francis H. Psrke and auothor Judge Sedgwick yestcrasy granted an order compelling the plainttfl to tile $10,000 secu rity lor costs. The suit woe began on the 4th ol June Isst, but tbe complaint was not served until Novem ber following, and tbe defendant has not yet put Id an answer, the complaint Is based ou allegations or Irnud, dooelt and ennspiraoy, by moans of which plaintiff was Induced to snisr Into a contract lor tbe ?s lo ol Km ma lllue Company (limited) aieek, and aomo $300,000 damages It asked. Tbe Ueiendaois say their answer will contain a lull nod comu ete denial ?f all traud, and they also assert llmi a great part of Ihe issnmony will have lo be taken hy commission lit London, Nevada aud elaewhere, thus Involving great ixponse. The plaintiff Is a nnn-roaident, living In Wisconsin, and ou tuts ground the order in quaaiion Is askod. A WOMAN'S TROUBLES. During the Kriuioo-fJerman war and In a very crll leal period ol that year of battles Iltca Ncwoily, a well educated nnd accomplished young Parisian demoiselle, left Parle and being somewhat reduced in circumstances came io America to seek her fortune by whatever means her wit and education could fur nish. Having landed In this rlty she at onco began search lor employment. Uelng an excsilent linguist the first plan suggested usell was to open s private school. Accordingly, in May, 1870. she rented No. fi4 Clinton place, belonging to Joseph and Menry bailor, lor one year, lor $1,000. In June fol lowing, as slio soys, Joseph Nallot came to her and told her iliai lie desired lo innko certain necessary al teration! iu tho house, nnd agreed not to charge her rent during tne tune the work was boing done. This being MltOfsctorjr ihe liottre was soon occupied by Journeymen painters and other workmen. *be super loicnded the work, lor which, as she s?y?, Mr. Nuilor agreed to reimburse her, and on various oocastons, when they came lo tlio lions# lo ascertain what was being done, expressed their admiration ol her mate in the conduct ol the improvement*. The house was thus topey turvy for tan wteks, and she lost s whole fiaim bj UUsp^itmu, bU? waa conyjcUod io bfihf j ?alt ???Inst lb* Nallors, claiming $0,500 damages, and tin cut wai brought yesterday belore Judge J. P. D?ly in the Couri ol Cuinuion Plea*. Sbo ciaimad Ibis amouiit lor IomoI pupils, lor her services iu su perintending iba altarationa, and because iu Decem ber luai iba dalaudauta ejected bar lor noo-paymaut 01 rem. tin the trlul the Nailora uanled making any feucu .greemeul aa staled, uud several workiueu also Icsutled tbul tbe plaiullff delayed ihem-iu tliair work, ilia Jury brought in a verd ci lor $500 lor plalnnlt. air. W. 11 Van Colt appaared lor toe plaintiff, and Mr. tieorge W. Mcadstn lor tbe aeleudauts. SUMMAllY OF LAW CASES. In tbe sun of Jatnea Libay agaiuat Merits Paimar, tried belore Judge Lawrence, tda I acta ol wntcb bare boon publish ad, a verdiot wua yesterday rendarad lor tbe delandanl. Edward Ludwlg, who was lndletad on tba complaint ol Kuv. Dr. Crosby's Society lor selling liquor wttuout a 1 ceusu at Mo. 37 Bowery, pleaded guilty In tba Court ol Geueral Sessions yesterday. Judge Suther land imposed a duo ol $'J6. .Goiters ol administration, on 97,000 wortb ol par ?ouai property, leit by Captalu Muihumel B. Palmar, wero yesterday issued to bis brother Alexander B. Palmer, by tbe Surrogate. Jobn McMuuub, ol Oyster Bay, Long Island, was bold yesterday by Commissioner Shields to answer a charge ol alienipliug to pass a uounterleit ten dollar bill of tbo Brooklyn National Bank on Mr S. Holey, ol Mo. 170 Bowery. Michael B. Kiely, ol Brooklyn, wbo, on tna morning ol tbe 6tb ol May last, slabbed J amis 8. Nugent, ol Mo. 0 Extra place, Second street, wltb a buicbet'a knlle, inflieitng severe wounds, was tried and con vioietl Iu tbe Court of General Hessians yesterday. Judge Sutherland sent bim to the Htate Prison lor two yours. Tbe Court of Oyer and Terminer mot yesterday pur suant to adjournment. Judge Barrett ou tbe Bouub. Mo ulber business wuS transacted tban setting down lor tbe 20th mat. tbe trlul ol Louis P. Morassen, tbe lawyer charged with delruuding Mrs. Zaurissie out of $15,000, the Ucls ol wblcb have been published. Tbotnas Ply nil, tbe only prisoner locked up in ibe Tombs on u charge ol murder, applied yesterday, through bis counsel, Me-ars. 11 owe & Hummel, to Judge Lawreuco, in Supreme Court, Chambers, lor a writ ol habeas corpus. Tbo writ was giauted, and Ply on will be brought belore Juuge Lawreuco to-day, wbou an application will bo inado lor bis reiease ou bail. Plynn 1s accused of tbe bomloide of Morris Bernbeiui. In ibe suit ol Henry Webstar against bis wile, Elisabeth Webster, lor divorce on the ground ol adul tory, toe lacis ol wblcb have already boeo published In the U skald, the reiereo reported In favor of tbe husband. That report having been eoutlrmed Juuge Van Hoescn yesterday granted a decree ot divorce in accordance wllb tbe same. Helens Plscber and Eugene Plscber, wbo were mar ried on the 17th ol August, 1804, bad one cntld, a buy now twelve years old. Mrs. Fischer claims to have discovered her busouud's Infidelity, and on a charge ol adultery bus brought a suit against him Iu tbo Court ol Common Pleas I or divorce. Judas Van Hoo seu yesterday ordered a roierence Iu the case. The Grand Jury will commence a new investigation to-day into the cases ot Presldeut Posbay and super intendent Newell, of tba Broadway and Seventh Ave nue Hallroao, wbo aro charged with violating tbe olectiou law, having, as alleged, attempted to influ ence tbe votes of the employes ot tbe road In tbo Sen atorial contest botween Messrs. Bixuy and Koclosino In November lash It will be remembered tout the last indictments were quashed as being luuednite. Por that reason a new inquiry will bo instituted by tbe Urand Jury. Some iiuio ago Mary Wade brought a suit lor lim ited divorce against her husband, Tboroas P. Wade, Ibe charge being cruelty and drunkenness. Pending tbe suit a receiver was appointed of Mrs. Wade's property, lbo suit having been withdrawn tbrougb tbe parties becoming reconciled application Was made yesterday to Judge Lawrence, iu Supreme Court, chambers, lor vacation ol ibe order appointing a receiver. Alter bearing Mr. J. P. Purdy tor the mu tton and Mr. Joseph Stlner lu opposition Judge Law rence grunted lue application. Captuin Ichauod Wiliig, ol the American schooner Almada Wtills, appeared yesterday belore United Sluies Commissioner Shields ana complained ibat Archer Torpey, a seauian whom be hired at Balti more, MU., to make a trip wun him to Havaua and tbeuce to Mow York, bad assaulted him while on tne high sous, and thai on the 16ih ol Marcb, 1878, he re lused to hold the schooner to her course, iorpey de nies this charge and declares that the capuiu as saulted blm brutally and without provocation. The case will no beard to-day. Meunwhilo Torpey la bald in ball to answer. Application was rooontly made to Judge Lawrence In Supreme Court, Chambers, by Mrs. sarub Buckley to set aside a conveyance of real estate corner ol Houston street sua Second avenue and leasenold property on I bird avenue made by August Pink to his wlio, it beiug claimed that such couvsy ance Was to prevent the collection ol a Judgment against Pink obtained lor reut ol Irving Hail, ot which be bcld tbe lease, lue motion came belore tba Conrl again yesterday, wbou ll was staled that at tbe time ol making tbe conveyance Pink was in debted to bit wile tu tbe sum ot $0,760 tor servteea as ma bead cook and $1,500 tor money loaned. Juuge Lawrence took tbe papers for examination. Tuo city not long ago brought a suit aguiust Theo dora ti. Kent, inspector ol Weights und Measures, to recover tba lees puid him as such Inspector, tbe suit being brought in consequenco ol the ordinance allow ing such lees having been repealed by the Common Council. Kent demurred to the suit, and Judge Van Brum yesterday sustained tba demurrer, holding, in accordance with ibe decision given by the General Term ol tbo Court ol Common Pleas, in tbe case of Mccormack vs. McKirson, already published la Ibe Herald, that tbe Cominou Council bad no rlgnt to repeal lbo ordinance allowing lees without providing a tixed salary or abolishing tbo ofllce. In tbe Hixtb Judicial District Court there was tried yesterday tba suit brought by Wililsiu G. Keynter against Gardner A Bacue, managers of Niblo's Gar den. Keyuler brought suit au babsll ot himself aud as assignee ol Louis Kilne lor services. Bolb Kline and Keyuler were engaged lor two weeks to aot In tne play ol ??Ntaiornci," some lunu since produced at Mibio's. J hey acted tor ilireo nignta aud at oue mail nde, and then, because tlio managers took ibepiay off tu* board.i, ware discharged. Judgment was rendered in lavor ol Keyuier lor $80, tbe lull amoom claimed. J >tiss Brice, Jr., appeared lor plainiid and William P. Howe lor delendaoh DECISIONS MAUINK COURTer CHAMBERS. By Judge Goepp. Seer vs. Hoffman ; WMbridgo ri, BibU; The New York Smelling and Kelimug Company vs Crlininius; Walth vs. Styles.?Motiou* granted. autlou vs. Beck.?Button grunted, with $10 coats. Mettam vs. Tail man?Motion dtsinisaed, with $10 cost*. Moivln vs. Andrus.? Motion granted; complaint dismissed, witti ttostr son $10 costs oi motion. Enlers vs. Voersul; vs. Fmlay.? Motions grauitd; complaints dismissed, wltn costs and $10 cosisol motions. Tue American Bible Society vs. Nichols; Lewis vs. Levy; lorpe/ vs. Wllllg; Jmker vs. Sildwngon; Uitzay vs. Burns; Jacob vs. Keller; Urittou vs. Caid woii ; ltauer vs. Storm; Donovan vs.llrignolL?Orders granted. Kobitsiamm vs. Gregernon?Motion denied, with $10 coats. COUliT CADES DAliS?Tlild DAY. SorRKMi Court?Ciiambrbi?Held by Judjro Law* reneo.?Nos. Ol, 71. 73, lod. 123, 13d. 130, 107, 171, 173, '200. '230, '236, 303, 20$, 260, 2t>0, Mil, 270, 270, 270, 372, 277. 279. BiritK.SK Court?irKCiAL Trrm?lleld by Judge Donoliue. ? Nos. '203, $32, $07, 630, $37, 471, 60, 6nil 451. 67, '260, 20, 305, i>60, 4U'2, 10, 135. 131, 630, 640, 641, 644, 646. 660, 557. 562, 503, 304, 607, 670, 674, 70, 409, 470, 502, 60a, 626, 614, 616, 52u. bcrsisi coca*?LUtCt'iT?Part 1?lleld by Judge Van Brum.?Noe. 021, 1237, 1709, UNO, 700, 3342, 1603, 001, 862, 402, 1101, 2723, 2724, 3133, 2047, 1308*?, 411, 1416, 1010, 820, 1300, 124. 3423, 3470, 3346. Part 2? Held by Judge Van Vorsh ?No-. 963, 1004, 1600, IGOR, 1330, 1494, 3342, 1365. 2408, 4u5, 10N7, 1421, 1680, 2606, 1420, 1004, 1077, 1119, 1631, 1594.1s, 2034, 2287. 1093, 3090. I'art 8?Held by Judge Barrett.?Nos. 790, 600, 6o7. 804, 1411, 1125, 1627*, 1217, 1547, 3470, 1174, 1206. 37. 229, 1482, 1203, 1640, 1463, 1442. 2065, 1621. bCFKHIOR COBRT?GKNKRAL I KH2. ?Adjotiruod. summon Court?.wrm ml Tbrm?Uoid t>v Judge Sedgwick.?Demurrers?Mos. 0, 0, 10, 43, 40, 02, 40, 30, 40, 60, 68, 41, 42. SCriKioa Uncut?Trial Trrm?Part 1? Hold by Judge Sanloril?Noa. 1276, 07. 70L 600, 746, 318, 753 167, 612, 1300. 300, 564, 446, 1409, 1213. Part 2? Held by Juilgo Curiia?Ciimo on. Pari 3?Held by Judgo Meeir.? Noa. 151, 001, 1007, loiu, loio, os$. 996, 1027, 820, 302, 875, 083, 902, 004, 020, 1300, 904, 909, 930, 031, 933, 1006, 9H(L Common 1'ubas?OknkralTkrk.? Adjourned to tnird Monday 01 June. O0MH0.R l'LKAS?Kijoitv Trrm?Held by Judge Rob* lUrOll.?Nos. Ill, 13, 0. Common Plras?cimmbkrs?Held by Judge Van Uoeseu.?Not. 2,17 Common Plkab?i rial Trrm?Part 1?Held by Judge G P. Univ. ?Nos. 043, 203, 200, 1143 1438, 820. 1115, 1903, 2620, 481, 1312, 2437, 088, 204. 768, 1076, 644, 318, 651, 666, 18?h, 1782. 053, 1100, lln4 Part 2?Held by Judge J. F. U.ilv. ? Nos. 1401, 880. 2704, 1478, 1403, OSJ Vj, 1460, 1209, 2809, 1460. 824, 20*0. 2129, 2311. 6(arink cockt?Irial I rhm?Part 1?Hi 1,1 by Judge Alker.?Noe. 4578, 1*74. 4018. 1694. 4800. 48n8, 4851, 2062. 2053, 130$, 4647, 2896, 4471, 2648, 2068. Part 2? Hi-111 by Judge Sheridan.? Nos. 3160, 4321, 4h4D, 4060, 0008, 4120, 4800, 4329. 4311, 431U, 4309, 4850, 4806, Part 8?Held hy Judge Bllinotk ?Noe. M70U, 60d, 2890, 1467, 2527, 3938, 1904. 4421. 2043, 4073, 4tii)b, 3443, 4002, 1881, 2870Ml K>47, 2827, 2938, 1904, 4421, 2043, 4073. 3443, 2002, iNNl. 4071, 4037. 4654, 600, 4050. Court or Gixkral Smsrionr?Part 1?Hold by Judge Gil oraieove. ? I'lie Peoi.le vr. Johu Fitzgerald, leionl* oua assault and batlnry; Sai vs. Joseph Wagner, lolonloua assault and bntery; Same vs. Augustus Terry, burglary; Sumo vs. Heury Davis, bnigiary; Same vs. Phnlip Row or, larceny from person ; Same vs. Henry Wallers, lelonious assault? aud battory; 8,line vs. Join Klylin, receiving stolen goods; Same vs. Frank Walton, induction; Same vs. Kmll Koch.II, aisorderly house. Part 2?Held by Judge Sutherland.?The People vs. David Marsh, grand larceny ; Same vs. Bolus Minor, grand larceny; Same vs. Henry Klias and Francis Stemlc, perjury; Same vs. Charles Brown, bur glary; Same vs. Peter Casaidy, burglary; Same vs. James Donnelly, burglary ; Sum# vs. William K. Far rail, burglary; Same Vfc Hugh Gallagher end Daniel Cash, burglary ; Same va. Adiiio Itegau, grand larceny; Ham# vs. Philip Kearson, grand larceny; Same va. Josephino Young, grand larceny; Same va. Annie Ualteg.m, grand larceny; Same vs. James Morisrty, grand larceny; Same vs. Christian Smith, grand lar Bam* ys. WiliiwaAnoltafe grand laroen/; Samo^ t?. James Deyer, grand larceny; Same vs. Domintoo Csultlegro, gruno larceny; same vs. Frederick Eisey, larceoy Irom parson; Sum rr, Jot>epn Wauoo, luiae pretence*; Same va Daniel McGuirn and John Fla herty, pent larceny; Same ra Abraham 11. Strauss, ??auction. COURT OF APPEALS. Albany, N. Y., Juue 11, 1878. IB (be Court of Appeals to-day, present Hon. San lord E. Church, Cblef Justice and Aseoclatoi, the lot lowing decisions were banded down:? Curtis va Delaware, Laokawauna and Woslern Rail road Company; HordeDiieim vs. Mayer; Baldwin vs. Liverpool and Great Western Steamship Company; Fillgrave vs. Cbuppell.?Judgmeuts ulflrmed, With ousts. Tyug vs. Haistead.?Appeal dismissed, with costs of 000 appeal ouly. Goodwin vs. Simonson.?OrderalOrmed, with costs. Bprleigh vs. Ueuire.?Appeal dismissed, with costs. Hiscouk va Harris.?order ufflrniud and Judgment absolute lor deieudanls on stipulation, with costa Jackson va Johnsnn.?Judgment reversed aud new trial granted; eoats to abide event, unless plaluiilt stipuiaios to reduce tbo recovery In the sum ol (847 13 and Inlerest Iroui March 3. 1 HIM, in wuicb 1 event judgmeul us so modified atllrmed, wtlbuut coals to eitusr party In ibis court. MOTIONS. In re Hebrew Benevolent and Orpban Asylum.? Motlou to amend remittitur submitted. Keoiey vs. Uuseubury. ?Motion to dismiss appeal. G. Parks lor nioilun; dcoit D. M. Goodwiu oppoaed. AFI'KALS PHON OROl-ias. Na 407. In re St. Mark's Cburcn to vacate, Ac.? Arguad by William P. Chambers lor uppolluni; J. A. Dealt for respondent. No. 402. People ex rcL Attorney General va The Atlantic Mutual Life Insurance Compnuy.?Argued by William Barnea lor appellant; E. W. Paige lor re spondent. Na 411. In re Emigrants, Ac., Savings Dank to va cate, Ac.?Argued by Cbarles K. Miller and J. A. Bonil lor respondents No. 413. lu re William H. Gale, an attorney, Ac., appellant.?Argued by George F. Belle lor appellaul, submitted by reapood> nl. Ne. 410. In re Gcorgo W. Mead, appellant, to ro duce an assessment, A< .?Argued uy John J. Towns end for appellaul; Williuui C. llewlit lor respoudeut. No. 4'd& Ann Adair ex rel. and olUers, respondents, ?a. Rooert Adair and otners.?dubinitieU. CALKXDAk. Tbe day oalaadar lor Wuduesday, Juno 12, 1878, Is aa lollows:?Noa. 263, 73, 269, 421, 180, 128. 170 and 242. THE FURNISS WILL. No. 133 Nassau St., New York, June 11, 1878. To the Editor or tiis Hkkald:? Your Report ol the settlement ol tbe Leon Furniss will oaae Is slightly inuccurata Tbo arrangament made was that (50,000 should be put at Interest and Income paid to Leon's widow during ber Hie, residue lo be put ut interest, and income puld, one bail to William Farnlss aud tbe other bait to the children ol William Furniss. Hantaan K. Furniss received nothing except a smalt sum' to cover expenses, and Leon leit no children. RANDOLPH D. MAKi'lNE, Attorney lor Dartui&n K. Furniss. FOR DEAR LIBERTY. "You ougbter have aeeu that boy while be was try ing to get away," said Ofllcer Still well, ol tbe Essex Market Court, yestorday, aa ha admiringly looked down on a bright eyed youib ol tblrioeb standing by bis side, "I never sew anything like It," he con tinued. "Why, 1 would not have done It lor (10,000 casta down. It was riskier than any circus Jumping 1 ?var saw. You see, I bad a warrant tor ms arrest on tbe charge ot stealing eight pigeons from Jncob Baum, and 1 went to hie bouse, No, 108 Bulge airee't, to get 'him. He lived in tbe fourth atory. When be sees me be makes a divo for the window, and Jumps out oo tbe llro escape. 1 pat my bead out ot lbs wiudew and there be wee dropping lrotn oue Ore escape to tbe oilier, catching tbo uuisldu ol eaub with bie bands as be loll. 1 expected evory moment to see him dashed lo tbe ground und killed, but be caught the lire esoape every time and landed on bis led sale and sound. In a minute more bo would bavo got away, but OOlcer Klernan caught him." Tbe youthful prisoner seemed to ibluk nothing of bla perilous foal. Tbe stolen pigeons and tne stern magis trate were what occupied uia attention. He was held in (300 bail. Tbe namo ot the daring young acrobat la August Arnold. 8ALK8 AT .MICTION. ^U^llo'ir~^Al7T^l"l'KlTAlK'"l^.r; fURNti2r~* TO-DAY (WEDNESDAY). 10 O'CLOCK, at the live story brawn stone mansion NO. 41 WENT dIXTr.E.N'TH STREET, BETWEEN FIFTH AND sIXTII AVENUES. STEIN WAY PIANOFORTE. MOST RUHF.IUI ansoilment of PARLOR, CHAMBER, LIBRAMY and DINING ROOM KUUN I I'llItK evsr of lered at publte tale, embracing Eiutlase. Mediaval, Quoen Artie, English Gothic and other modern stylet. ELEGANT PAHIjOK KUKMTL'KK, uph Istered lo ?alius. raw silks, plitsb and rent. FINE COLLECTION MODERN CLASSIC P iINTINOS. SPECIALLY attractive in their ORIG1NAL11Y. p:i PlhCr.S IMPORTED BRONZE STATUARY. WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS. M tRHLK TOP. BRUSSELS AND INGRAIN CARPETS. SPRINO ItKDS, UAIlt MATTRESSES. Dressing Cases, . Walnut Bedsteads, Sideboards, t"to Bureau and Glass, Pier Glasses, Enclosed Wei. Intend, Mant I Glasses. v9 Extension fables, Sofa Bedsteads, <- ~ .Marble l?|> WasljslandJ, Lounge Beds, > ane seat Chairs, Library Tables, . Gilt Console Tables, Bookcases. h"0 children's i'arnugot, Wardiobi s. Z" Kltchon Tables, Walnut Library Cases, 9 Brussels Caroet, Easy Chairs, Ingrain Carpet, Parlor Desks, ?" Stair Carpet. MIRRORS. CORNICES, CURTAINS, LAMBREQUINS. Messrs. RANDOLPH A CO., Auctioneers K. B.?(foods boxed if required. Take rttli av. or Univer sity place cars, or Broadway stage to 41 West lRtli st. UCllON SALE Til IK D\Y (WEDNESDAY). ' A PEREMPTORY HALE OF MAONIFICKNT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, AT PbfVATH Re sIDKNOE, 120 WEST 23D ST., NEAR OTll AV., COMMENCING AT ID O'CLOCK. 2 PIANOFuBTi'.-. STEIN WAY AND WINDSOR 3 SUPERB PARLOR SUITS, IN SATIN. (ft PIECES RAKE AND COsTLY BRONZE. 2 MARQUETRY Ot BINE IS. ? INLAID AND SIENNA M RULE TOP TABLES. 211 PARIAN M A KIII.K STATUE ITER. 2 SEVRES AND ORMOLU MAN rEL SETS. 8PIP.K AND MANTEL MIRRORS. 15 WINDOW LACK CURTAINS Si CHOICE PAINTINGS, EMINENT ARTISTS 25 VELVET AND HKUSsKLfl CARPETS. 2 Elegant LIBRARY I1COK A-KS. 4 LIBRARY TABLES TO MATCH. 3 LA MEM E8CIIK TOIBKs an l? WORK BOXES. 4 TURKISH LOU.NOI 8 ANI) CliAlKK. son volu mes choice books a solid walnut i xten?ion table* 2 ELEGANTLY CARVED BUFF Td. 24 DINING CllAlRd, COVERED IN LEATHER. 2 CHINA It AND TEA SKIS 40PIP.CK.fl STERLING AND PLATED WARE. 12 M AGNIFICENT BEDROOM BUITs . 2D CURLED IIAlK MATTREflsER 8 flt'lTs IN RAW 8ILK, RIPS, AC. KITCilr.N AND SERVANTS' APARTMENTS. TAKE ELEVATED It a 11.R ? A D TO 23D ST. STATION. LUKE F1 IZOEKaLD, aUCIIoNKER. Auction hale rius day. THIS (WKDN ESDAY) MORNING. oommonclnir at lu o'clock, the entire coutctita of private realdouce 131 Wen 14th at, between <Hh and 7tli net., SATIN PARLOR SUITS. ROsEWOOU PIANOFOKTE, FINE COLLECTION OK BRONZES AND I*UNTiNQS, CHAMBER, LIBRARY AND DINlWt FURNITURE. Ilendaom* Kaatlako Suit, in raw ?1Ik. Parlor*- Elegant 7K octave Pianoforte; two magnificent Parlor Suit*. Inlaid trams*, covered in ? xpenaivo aatin; handanm# marquetry Cabinet Ktacere, with French plate gla i. Inlaid; Peileital*. Bronte tlrnnpa, Ft .urea and Stat uette*, oxponatvely trained Oil I" luting*. Iac? Cdrtalna, J'le Mlrrora, Centre ann Commie Tallica, velvet Carpet* Chamber*?Heavy mounted and Inlaid aeta of lledatonda, Draaalng Caae*. Bureaus. Wna.atand*. Wardrobes. Chair*. Hooker*. Spring Bed*, eitrled hair Mattresses, I'll 10wa; complete Suit* In rep* and haircloth; Lounge*. Picture*, Engravings, Carpet*. Clock*. Ac Llhrnrv and Dining llooin? I urklah Seta, In tapestry and raw allk ; Secretaire and Library ftookeuana Do-ka. Library Tablet, Hookataud*. 2 hxtciiaion Table*, one a pillar, with patent slides; 24 Dining Clialra, earveo and Inlaid Buffet. Silver and I'lated Ware. Cntlery. (llaa.ware. 'I wo handaome Ilatatanda, stair Carpet* and other good and well preserved Household Furniture. Sale will com* inencc at 10 prompt ami contlnu'i until II o'clock. ALBERT KIIAI, Auctioneer. N. B ?tlooda packed, hoxed and shipped It required, aefe dellverr guaranteed. Sale rain or shine. ?TUNIS Jol! N'SON. AUCTION I'. EK, * old stand. 37 Nassau *1. ON THURSDAY, JUNE IB. AT 10# O'CLOCK, at oar ealearoom 117 Naaaun at. SALE OK SECOND HAND FURNITURE. Refrigerator*. Ollelothe, Brnaaela Oarpeta, painted Bed room Holla. .Mattreaaea, Bedding; alto largo assortment of Office Furniture; alan elegant Chlckerlug Urand i'iano, fine Klrth, Pond A Co. Piano. ON THURSDAY, JUNK 13, AT 1DW O'CLOCK. THE ENTIRE WXITRKS OF ItBsTAUltANT AND BAR NO. (10 Bl'.AVKU ST. Klna Bramhall, Deann A Co. Rone*. Copper*. Bar and Beer I'uinp. all the dataware, t igar Showcase*. Door Hunwcaaea, Oaa Klxturea. line nali and black walnut Ta bles and Cnaire, Partition*, atocka Wine*, Llqnora, Cigar*, Ac., Ac. FTFhk KURIZ art oau.kry, 23D BT. KAMI' OK BROADWAY. FRIDAY. MORN INC. At II O'CLOCK. WILL BE HOLD AT AUCIION, WITHOUT RESKRVE. A SELECT ASSORTMENT OF HLKtl A NT FURNITURE AND UPllOLH iKIty KOR THE DltA Wl.N'O ROOM, LIBRARY. BITIINO KOUM, DININO ROOM AND CHAMBER, raanulaclnred by Mr. John II. Horafall ipeclally lor hi* warero 'm aalea, and guaran>e*d to be tnade and flnMted In the vary beat manner, and the material* uaed of thn flneat qonllty. .nr. II. offer* to all purchaaer* atthlaaale storage lor all good* nurchaaed, will liava tham tally cov ered by insurance and dallvar them when wanted, within the city llmlii, ALL FREE OF OIIAitoK. Also at the same time, bv order of Importer*. iticii Turkish Carpets, now on i xiii'tiriON TIIOS. K. KiltIIY. Auctioneer. Office No. S:i| Broadway. UCrtuN BALK OF FT I NUN <Dt| FUHMTUHK', CARPKIs, AC. BY VAN TAH8KLL A K EARN BY. AT THEIR ?ale*rooin?. 22 Union aquarn and tin nv? TO-MORROW (THURSDAY), JUNK 18, \T II O'CLOCK. SEVENTEEN KINB OIL PAIN ri.Niju. RECK *TLY Imported from Italy; among the *ni.Jecta are the Knman Aqueduct* by Moonlight, the Coioa-enm. Mnaea, Aaron, Judith. Deborah. Taaaa'a linua at honeratu. Lanri*rapea Ac. : all e 111 lie mill without reaerve. Alao an assortment ni Hou.eliold Kernltnre. conaiatlng ol Parlor coin. In row ?I k rep*. Ac.; Itcdro >m suit*. Bedding of all kind* labia i.l ien, Plated aad tilaat Ware, Ornament*, Engraving*, sola Bed*. Piano* and Muait Boxes. Alao ABOUT TOO YARDS BRUSnELH CARPET, In qnantlttee to an It a MAONiriCBNT PAIR OF LAHOK Sill.I PA I It K .Jx Diamond Earring*, very brilliant and flne noior, f27">. dtlLLB A CULEMAB.lbOUrwillM. ^* at IVVTIO!!. A ^ WNVV^SbTRXliiEt -tA.KlGJTER A THUS will ?*R THIS DaT, 11 A. M , ?t uld hunt utile* liltiirooui. pJrTT*?,!? T* "ou??,'?l'? Furniture. including elegant H^lte Vn" ,,lk , "f*? *??: ??? walnut Chamber if f011 { "?d Lounire*. I* xtenaion Tables, Hirlft. ?! heir, Chairs of all kinds. ",d? ?m?e, flnff.BBlers, Wardrobes, Book ce*.<?. Olio Dorcelein Veeas. Ac.. Ac J *lx u?r|uaniiiwu Kookaway, by Quiuby. 1 very One I op p?u, pi11M,iou. W J A "~uK2,"<ifc. W. KRh.L. K, AUCTIuNKER. " -G*.. ru i>A\, at 12 o\ lock. 53 Uoerty St. P.|MJ Jrtrue i?ernmuturv sule of RUfMf a 'Vn-riI.Kx"A ?'AKOV GOOD*. HLsSIa GOulJS, TANS, AO. On TllUHSDAT (to-morrow), at 13 o'clock, rmtcteen. ~ large snle ol FUBMITUBE. CABPKTB. M ATT K BBS KB. AO. A TTENTIO.N I-La Hi IK anOU-hllOKO FL'KNIIUBK AT PPTire^^.Hl !'A,N ?R SHINE, JurZtZi, UbitlDkSCE. 127 EAST 27TII ST.. Thi. ,wl^ N 41,1 A V" OKXINOTON A Vs. i niB (>\ f?uiicfitiay) morning, cninmeucmir at lo o'clock iiKTi He" llOUeettfd TWUlt ??. :17 l'lam.V,rt? r\V.?'!1 u,,r|,Bt?; ntaxnlBcent T,i octave MmulLi LiV, u 1 "'"i tings. 12 pairs Curtains, Pier and stv^a I'JJi ' I"ro."ll??- Clocks. Tables Cabinets, latest l lTrerl li. s V. ?<""ll'io rep and raw Mia; sua as MUrhrnh*"' I J*'*1- ,?4 MnU O"?0lo Bod ih ?. ?* . ardrobes, Rresstug Case*. Bureaus, Waslistamis, I ,1 t* -Pr,?lC .M?!tirc?aif?l Heading, Lounges, Mile brr "'???. Chins. Silver \\ ore: Cut. ssi? ?! i? . r ?:*rpet*. Ae- K? KOI'H. Anelloneer. sired P0"U'V?- ' t0 Hoods packs i II do Auction sake this o\konesdaV) morning comiiciiits at 10 o'clock, rain or shine, in nrivate rest .ence 21 East 17th St., o c mi . . "'tween Hroaiiway and 5th av. 3 brilliant toned Pianos. Stem way and Chambers. B elegant I urlnr suits, satin and rap. liruusu Mantel Set. Contro and I ousole Tablet Bronso K Inures, ussorteu. Turkish Chairs. 12 W iudow Luco Cart sins, is Brussels and lugrulu CarpoU, 1<> eiognnt Oil Paintings. Elegant Upright 1'iauo, mada by Chamban 6 elegant Bedroom Sots. In black walnut. Elegant Cabinet# and*. Hair and spring Mattresses. Wardrobes. Pillows, Unlstnrs and Hod Linen. 7 n".' hkteiislnu tables and Chain. Lot solid silver and Plated Ware. lo'i pieces Glassware. t0tn0' ^Hchen and Servants' Furniture. B II .lAai'itr!!"8'" ur Br*e" c*r' ,rolu 0r*?'l ok ferry. a. tt. *i A It 11 a A uclloneers, nlDce 1,151 Broadway. J^ ? PETER BOWK, AUCTIONEER, ?ells T1IIB DaF, at 11 o'clock, at the private residence. 35 East 00th ib, <i.. .i . ? near..wadlson av., tie vlfi . !lllurc.uf 1118 ?""??-? re.luence, comprising no! W?rrtr nU ,'J L walnut Chamber Suits, black wal Uir Ca?u Tir."'.i c? tBrv ,loukeH"0". black walnut Ores,, i !jf? i ?ressinir Bureaus, tuarble top Oentro and Lib rary iablos, Easy Uhslrs, parble top M ashstauds, Mirrors. A large colloctiou of line Oil Palntlnga. n,,^l^fn.7"'",.'t Dln,"F Room Chairs, in leather, black wal h I, 'v0.140* waluut extension Tallies, Lounges, hair ends ling Mattresses, velvet and Brussels Carpets Ulassware, Crockery, Kliclieu Utensils. Ac. ' a HI?I.MI'uKTaNI' SALE OF HIGH ff.AHS laliu|'. tlm^hMck Ar't l" u'1 I'*,lnt{n?i*0 he sold at auction at ., .'o !!nck .A ' .!ry. So- lu Maiden lane, on Thursday and Friday, June 1U and 14, nt 3 o'clock each day. BDWaHI) BCil KXuK, Auctlonaar. A ?V- Kir?r ,KV5?r9N' ?' R.. AUOTIONEBK, , "ILL SKLL, AT 10:30 Tu-UAV. J"rUr"il"ra,jN RHIVaTK ki sidknok 10 ture. ChUa. Hookca^ .tc*' 1*',rl0r *nJ Chl"ub" K?"" Ay* JJyX.r -J ? ?? KIlLKKN, AUCTION tKK, SELLS ' iaiV.i, , YK 11 ?'cll,clt. 1.322 Urnadwav. gene Bs'dSl ,..i s'nllSr'; Carpets, Crockery, Tinware, dnllarat1 (ikf! h. Br?n*? H mures and aoout 30 Chan ooiieris leCKX) \olmiiea uookv Doaieri/ttteoil. R* KOBErt T .-.'.MKUViu.K, AUCl lo.SEKlt. r l University placo. o irner 13th at., luatln.'e sale Tills UAV at 2 P. Jl. U. ?< . . ,.,?r verT "h" ?'urnlture, rich Mantel, I l-r anil llall Mirrors, marble Statuary, oil I aiming*. Piano, real Brmises, Engravinge. 511*1 nch Ulobe and stand. Carpets Curtains. Heds. Beading, sliver plated Waro and many other requisites. Kemi.Vaf Irom storage, on view until time of sale, and deserve* special attention. Bl III, At' CTlO.NKK It, SELLS, 10 O'cLOi K ?Uroeery, 316 i.aat lionstoii at.; Urge, fresh stock ilro*. i n"- i? ' 'xlllre*. 1 Utfurm scale. Counter Scales, large lcte Box. Counters, shelving. 20 lamps and Brackets. In y ULLMANN a CO., AUCTION l-.KItS.-SKCC To", day commenc ug lOTt o'clock splendid Restaurant. r'na^' TIh\V"'io """A" C nth",l,1": * ??"??. Broiler! lm* i i. Mirrors. Counters lochox. Boiler, Crock* SSs Jinv..U(l!bl,;t P?*UlT0" '0,,? Au<-'C?h?or'. By. JV',!N ,'V I'RNN. AUCTIONEER.-8U.E TII18 day, 10}, nI clock, oil Ureal Jonos sk. Parlor Bulls, wal CM I ,ey\, or,<,!"s, Washstauvls, Solas, Louuges Chain, Goaf I ablus, China, Crockery, CurpetM. MattresN?>N* Slovee. Mirror*. Ice Boxes, Counters, Matting, Sowing Machines, Ac. Boaters invited (t ii J- Ly,,N' AUCTIONEER. WILL SKLL AT PUB* W.lio auction, at the Exchange Salesroom. Ill Broad* ? " 7?* tl'is day (W eduasuar), the valu able Ilunse and l.ot 237 East 84th st.; Tour story Knl-Ms", basement; in complete order, with all modem Improve ment*; large petition purchase money may remain on inort gage at six per cent. (V'V1^ i't'L*.AUCTIONEER, BELLS. 2 O'CLOCK. \J.iM Kast sth sc. complete Fixtures, Icehouse, Ao. of .Meat Maraet, In lots. ?.??., oi IT* CUL'ION, AUCTKINKER. ~ ?? JL ? Morttfag* Rale. .. THIS DAT. Wodnnsuay. June 12. et 11 o'clock, the entire Furnitura of tbo Ciij Hotel, corner of UrotidwRv and sth st . 70or HO rooms; /nrnlturi, Carpet. MI?m?.' Chandeliers, all the Redding, Ac. Catalogus* at th" sain* CI IjoNIOSBERU. AUCTlUNEER-SALAB.t.iOM 2.TO T. 3d av.. tolls to day at 2 o'clock Parlor. Klti benand inning Room Turnlinro. Mirrors, i arpels. Redding, Ac. 1 ?P,a CO" V Shl'LS- T"?? RAT. AT"lT*A. M.. 34 X.lteade St., Marvin Sale, 50 Tables. 3 walnut Dosks U large stores and Partitions, in lots, floaters invited. * TBIIIUBE| J. BWAhSKUPF. AUCTIONEER, BKl.LS. low JLo rlock, 1H4 Greene si., elegant Fixtures of Butcher Shop lino Icehouse, positively In mtt. ?* T , DAVTuitON, AUC1 ionkkiT-hklls 10 O'clock" 0 ,\JM Jd av.. entire Bteck and Fixtures ol Batter Store halt, sSoap, i.aru, Ac., Ac. N'oiICK IS liEltERY U1VEN THAT. PURSUANT TO ?|| order ol the Sup. rior Court ol |i,e city u! New Torn eniered May ?7, 1H7H, iu the action of John U. Cory against Airr 11 I. Htevens aud another. I, the oiiilcrsigned. receiver 01 the assets ol the late limited copartnership ol Allred T .Stevens A Co.. Will sell at pdhlie auction, on J una 27. IH7H. at p. St.. at the Exchange Salesruoms, No 111 Broadway, New lork city, by Richard V. Harnett. MO tiuneor, the claims due said Arm. Terms cash. . ? , , , , N. E GOI/LDY. iteeelrar. n s ' , ,,,,'??'cl"l|i>? ??!> bo seen nt the oflico ol John Brooks Leavltt. atlurnoy receiver. 23n It road war. OAWNitR<)KKKS SALE.-H." MKUBttJ. HENKKAL X Auctioneer, 4.2 Pulton st., Brooklyn, soils this ouy at 1Hl.n;,??kU6!ai |UI!, "bawls H?mneui?. CIuilt!' Blai.kvts, Redding, Boots, Shoos. Ac. . at :i o'clock. Coats. R ut", Vests, Ac. Ity order F Fely 535 court st 1>A6 N HKOKKKB* HA I.E.-THIS DaY, JAMES AGAR* vuciioneer, will sell at eatesroouie IN Jtewery 7'si lots Hresses, Shawls. Remnants. Ta d? 13.,so. Undar'elwthlng. Sheets, hpreada. Blank"!*, yiillls. Pillows. Boom .shoo. Goats, Pantaloons and Vssts, at II o'clock. By order ol' John J Martin, ?2 Mulberry St., and George Cmllipp 521 huat 1'Jtli ai. m !->A"k 'Vipfn "ALK.-WATCHKS aaD JEW General Anctio eer. salesroom No .. I4,n. ,ihL?"*r ,,aw?r3r. will ??.l <>a Tuesday, June Is at II o clock. Good* pledged pr vious to June, IH77, Con sisting ol MUG lot* gull! and sliv. rWatches.dlsni .no am: gold Jewelry, gold Chains, Opera Glasses, Silverware, Mo ?leal and Mathematical Instrument*. Gum, Pistols. Ac. By order B. Simpson A Ce.. 165 Bowery. H1 v 1 HS1DE. ON BOUND-THE CHOICE AND ELh" gant Residence ol the late Richard Benton, Hie mm o tea Ironr depot, will be told at auction J ana IS, at 2 ,.'elocg p r order o executor, to soltln e.tste; comprises Que Ilk room dwoldug, barn and csrrlaga bous* and 10 ae.os Choicest siinsolied land ; no similar placa anywhere has Hnor ?J'? ,^.?f.u>or 1 ? ml,?t h* sold. Particulars ol 11. B BAitH. I'arksruw, Slumlord Conn. l< 11 K. M A N, AliC I ?0 vhhll. O. A??lyuno ???!? of shirt*, Ituolln, Button*. Ac., HU.SDaY, J iiim 17, lit Id ?'?lock. No*. 1.%', nod 17 Bowery, the enttre *tock of n ?tirt mnnnfuctuier. conflating of* large aumortment of whit* mitt colored Shirt*. piece* of white eud colored Mu-llii. Pearl Button*, Speol Cotton, Store Hxlure*, Utile* Furniture, una larye Iron Safe, ,tc. Sale positive. Healer* invited. By oner ol F KF.L)..KIC l? Lit Wis. K*q . a*?i|tn*e ol Uoortte uonrlay. ShTTurr'8 sack.-van tamkll a kbarnky. -iierlff'e Aaetloneor*. will *ell till* day, at In o'clock, at li'.J K?*i B'oadway, the stuck and Fixture* ni a flrmt cl ?*? I I'lnor store. BKKNAltb KhILLY. Hhcrlft 1). u. Uai.b, Hepnty. life KIP FI ."^ATilti?YAN TAHeKLir*" KI.AKNhV. sheriff'* ADCtioneere, will aeli thl* day, at II o'clock, at 7'<t Bill av., llor*e, 3 Cart*. Screen, Sale. Office F'urtii i urn, AO. HBKNAKi) KhlLieY, Sheriff. iHOa. McSpbdon, Deputy. KISsTLhll, AUCTIOM'.KK. SKleLH Tills DAT, 0?at J o'clock, at 4.TO Canal it., br older ol the darahal. a largo <|B'Billy of Household Furnitaie, removed lor *aie Irion Mil ??.. cuniiirialnK Parlor and Chamber suit*. Mat tremae*, Bedding, Uoilktoada, ilarcaiu, llru**elt anil In rma Carpet*, Crockery, Oiaeiware, Ac. i y order of the Mar tha!. _________ tinIX!AM ABBOTT. AUCTIONKl'.It. WILL HKI.I, It on tlila day, at 10)4 o'clock, at auction room* lid Bleeckar at,, elegant Par.or and Chair her Furniture ol the beat make; Kami lake Parlor salt* raw alia, brocaiel and rep*. iW verv Hue walnut marble top Clumber salt*, eatin Itockcr* and F.n*y Chair* roaewoud I.tuyere, Unread, French walnnt BalTel, Pier and X antnl Mirror*, with con un tiny cornice*. Cmtalna and l,amurei|iila*. the male will commence on the walk with about 400 wood Cnaira, lot com icon Fnrnltnra. Ac. WILL BR HOLD AT AUCTION AT GIBSON'S, 47 Montgomery ?t., Jer-ey City, at 'J o'clock P. M., Thnmday, Juno 13, 187H, a Ifonae and two Lot*. ISft ,'ld *t,; the mo*t drairable property in the city; lire minute* irom either lerrlee. iITiXUaM % 1UIY, AUCTION KB It, IthLLd III il it day at 1 o'clock, at 4nll Broadway, by order of Am r ? can Patent Exchange, eereral nmelul and valuable Inven tion*. CLOT III NO. A~"t'f,(Hf bkhahwav. wn&mrwrif and 4utn it* , Broadway price* paid lor Caat-olT Cloth In Jewelry, Hook*. Plea** call or addrem* U MI NT A, J.ikiH Broadway. it KLAlTo'S* BIB ?TH AV., NBA it 40TI1 B I'. - M) iVpcrceot more than al.ewhera will podtlrely he paid lor ladle*' and Kenllemen'i can off Clothing by addree?iny Mr. or Mr*. KLa I TU -aax hiH av , nkak 4TII sr.. pays riik Hiiiil. ,o.t value for ? aet-off Clothing, Carpet*. Jewelry Call or eddre** Mr. or Mr*. NATIIAM7 A" T I U J. N .CW~ks IABLMHM h.NT. U A I'll A V.. A .real demand tnr cut i ll Ciothlay, Jewelry, Book*. Ao. Call or adore** Mr. or Mr*, a. II.. vtBtbav. a TTSkUi?N.-aT lURRlit' HiW kBTABiIBH Ararnt. ISHilih ev.. one hlock halow Meey'*, Riiaraoteee to par the nitnoai raids lur c-*t off Clothing. Jewelry, Hook*. Call or addre** Mr. or Bra II AHltIM, I BO Hi h av. AT F.TjW A KD MILL hi'ft, IIS nTtl AV.. NKAK VvX verley place ? l lmut value paid lor l.'aat-off Clothlny. Cell or adore** * tlup. at iikm or uabt-upp cloth A lug < arpet*. Hook*. Ac., wanted lor the Weatern mar ket. 17W7tn av. Mr or Mr*, i NII ALT. tYVTy 7TiT AV., aBiTvk SJli ST. Mil. OR* MUN adwOZIKKIiH win no?ltlvo|y pay the hlgbeit prleaa fir caat off Clothing and Carpel*. -rri \tio\* VvAVTKu~rRH.\LK?. ??cik?. ?A SEA8T S'.'D 8T. (PRESENT EMPLOT''H'8).-A BE ?piclalili young girl a* cook; country preferred: best city rviereoce. fC BAST 29TH ST.?A i.Oull ( ()()K Ttl UO IN THE 1 ?/country; nu iKtiumlt her kunuto: is * good biesd and Li-call Laker:caw bo re. omuiended from bar last place. Call lor two days. /lit WKvf MTU sT. VOUMi WuMaN AH CouK IN aj'/hutel or boarding bouts ; city or couotiy ; beet roler ?usa*. Oft KAVr :t'JD 8T. (PLEsKST EMPLOYER'--) ?A KK 4mi' *?|>eclable wumao aa first cla.s cook aud willing to do eosrea wasiilng in a private family; town or country; two years' reierence. t an La seen fur one week, til"EAST KIT>1 SI'.. DuUil sTOKE. Iti KPKOTA BLB X woman aa cook ; city or country : beat city reierence. lit; EAST 40Fh ST?A YOUMU t.Iitt. AS ildUD k^wpluin oook. good washer and ironer; beat reference. 'J CLINTON ST.. BEAK MOUSE ?A O Kit MAN AS 'boot inn private family; willluir to aaaist in washing and ironinic. Addresa tTo #B?T 61SI~ST AS TilOttUUMU OOOK AND <?Olenndress; cltv or eonntry. No cards Can ba aaeu at present employer's. tu7 HORATIO ST.-ut COMPETENT WOMAN AB s^Oflrat class cook ; understands VII kinds Ot co iking and baking: bast cltv releranee ?77 wksr i;ii it .vir71(7ak ii<>use. as Vuhk in Ola laiuily In the city or oonnlrr ; will asal-t with wash iua slid trouiaK; best city ratcreuces. Call or addrors COOK. ?J" WKS I' 27 III sr. i I'K I'.sKN 1' K M I'i.O V Kit's). ?A Ot )r 'spactable woman aa cook ; oliy preferred ; over bmr veers' lelereuee. Call for two days W E>|?Cll'il .VI'.-aN KNiil.lSlf WoTt AN A8 lira! elasa cook in hotel ? r restaurant. "ToT P. AVI' ?,TI II ST. - AS 'TiT'Tk OK COAUaK X Miwnslii.'r. Cau be soen at present employer's. A A WtMt an MT.?A LAPT WI8HK8 TO~ PRO "X'Xcuro a situation tor a first class euok in a first class family. Ju \v ks r 401H stTTaTTa ii v l i7avInTPto w n irOwlshes to procure a situation for two desirable ser vanta, conk aud laundress or chambermaid. Call from t> to 11 A M. until Saturday. rI? 41777v7? t scotch woman as "first ci.asb UUmeat and paltry cook : is it good baker; no ni'Jsction to e Loerdlnr nouse; city or countrv; good reference. f" | WEST "if,Til HT. (FREShNI' EMPLOYBR?.S).-A U1 woman as Kond plain cook, washer and inner, or for house work in a small tamily. Call for two days 3t) 6'J WBmT HUTU ST. - A TOCMO WOMAN AS ?/chambermaid and laundress; best city rolerenees. Call at present employer's for two days. UA LEltOV ST."^A N.AT, TIDY YOUNO OiKL TO UxTcook. wash andiron: best city reierence. O WEST~4sT? ?77-A KhSPECJTaITlK YOITN(1 UOworaan at plain cook; first class washer and ironer; no objection to tfia country. Q1 WEST loTH ST.. NKAR BTM AV.--A KE8PECI t/Aable middle aired woman aa first class cook; good baker, city or country; best city retersnce. Q/s 0Trf AT.. TOP- FLOOR.-A YOUNO WOMAN AB </v/cnnk: Is s fine Isnndresa and baksr; city or country; city reierence. No cards. lfllj 51'U AV EXPERIENCED PERSON A8 COOK; IU' /thoroughly understands conking in all Its brsochast no objection to assist with washing: best city reference trom her last place, cau be seen lor two days. lflt WENT lOTii ST.?All" PIK8T CLAH8 COOK IN J U ?J a private larally; no objection to go a short distance lu the country: understand, m iklnir butter; city reierence. lar U,8r du'l'li ST.-A K hsPEl "I'AII I.K WiiMAN J\"v/a? good eook and baker, and to assist with wsshlng aud ironing; city or eonntry: nest city reference from last pi see. I hQTTH AV.-A 8COTOH PRESBYTERIAN WOMAN lUv/asgood cook; no objections to n boarding house; good city references. II west iurn 81'.?YOUNO WOMAN A8 OOOK IXUsnd laundress; good baker; city or country; refer* once. iiKOHAKD mT.. ROOM 1U?A PliOihSTANT woman as plain cook, washer and Ironer; city or country. 114s , It PUT 8STH ?T.?KK8PfcC IsABi.K WdMaN A8 lgood cook; city or enantry ; good city reierence. WEST 880 81'.?AN hXPi'.KIENckl) WdM.vS AS good cook and baser; willing to assist in the laun dry; no objection to a private boaruing bouse; good city reference 115 WESI lttTII ST.. NEAR STB AV.?AS FIRST . H BSI 1WIII m.. conn ui.. n..? XX'/class cook; understands her business in nil Its brauchss; thrse years' olty reference from laat place as to capability. tVP.Kf S5T11 ST.?OOOU FAMILY COOK; KX cslleut baker; good reference; city or country. Can be seen tor two daye 1 (1Q WEST 50TH ST.?A R, SPKCTABCP. YOUNO X^Oglrl to cook, wash and Iron In a email family, or to do bousowork; good city retereneo. 1'?/t WEST 19111 ST.. STORK.?A8 FIK8T CLASH 0\/cook: excellent baker; willing lo assist with washiug: flr.t class city reference; city or country. m? WEST 17TH ST , Hi8hME.sT.-aN KNiiLIHII woniau as first class cook; nnderstaods ell kinds of baking; would go In the conutry; good reierence 1 'Z(\ WE.aT 35< H~ ST.?AS IKIOO COOK ; L NDhR XOUstauds cooking in nil its bruiiches; restaurant, hotel or boardlug house ; good refereneo. " " *T "w EST 101 If K?~ KI RbT FL.OOK.?WOMAN 10 'cook, wash and iron In tmall lamlly; best oily ref erences. 1 A/1 WK8T 25T11 8T.?A PROTESTANT WOMaX AS lxUnotd cook and lanudr-ss: excellent baker; would no tne work oi a small private laraliv with am ther girl; best cltv ref-rones ; no esrds answered unless wage, .tateri. WKSI 3l?r I hT.?PltOTEsI 'N I Wi.m an^as 'good plain oook, wasner and ironer ; city ot country; good referent'#. Kshl' 311' If ST.?A KEsPKOl AH I.K PROT lAfs r.SOl owin a X'X ? feslanl woman as good plain cook, washer and Ironer; country preiorred, cilv references i all or address. 1 Jl' WK.vf -JOTII 8T.-Vl.UNO OIKL TO COOK^ IxUwsili and Iron ; city or conniry ; good reierence. 1/(1 EA8T SliT ST.. RhAK. A YUUMI WOMAN ix t/aa eook, washer and Ironer In a private family; three years' rslsrrnue. 1 C| t W hK f 54TII ST.. 8KCONO FLOOR, RKAR.7Ia X'X I'respectable girl to cook, wash aud Iron In n private family; goo<lelty relorenoe. I WEST 18rn sr.. TUliS""floor. FRONT.-A XUUrosneclablo woman its good eook and baker; conutry preferred. 1 EAhT 318T ST.?A YOUNO WOMAN AS COOK, J.UOwnther ana irouer in a small private family; gooa baker; good reference. f t BAST7urtl HI , IN T11 h KEAIt BUlUDlNli.? J ?XA sespectable girl sa cook and laundress; city or country i best city referencaa foi 6fil At ?A TOCNO WOMAN AS COOK; CN AOlderstan is family baking, soups, meats, desserts; good eity leferenrrs. 1(t 1 1ST AV . NEAR IJI'H ST.?A MOTHER AND ?/' rilangbter as first ela.s rook and waitress; hotel or bttsrdlng bouse; country reterene.' nl WKiT "oiTffi r.T.-A WkLbII WllKAJf, AN '/Xaccorapllehed cook; understands a.I Its brauolies. 11/ | I WK8T Ull U HT.-Art Kl KsT l'LAh. OOOKTn MUTi private or lioartllnr House ; city or ronnlrr. sl/W' KAoT BSD hT.-Pb K.tON~ Ttl ObK, WAS it mIiDwiI Iron or as lauudrsss; eity or ceuntiy; good rcf. ff nee. t)/W> HROOMK ST.. Top I LOO It. ?A liESPKCTABLR aaUUglrl as good cook, wasbar aud ironer lu a private lainby : city rtf-ranco. Of|Q East 3RD hT.-nKaP.'CTAIlLh fJIRL A* siUOcooa or to do general housework In a smell private family; city rsleien.e Call or addre.s sll '> WKoT lsfll .ul A RK-PECi ABLE PROThs". Mliltsut girl as plain rook, sxcellant wa.ber and Ironer In a Small private family ; would ilka to go to Lung Brsueb; best city refarsncaa. Call or address. ?til r 7. A8 t~M I'll BT., MUOCh KY.-A kKHPKUTA BI.K LltJwiimtn as good e"?k. wash r aad Irwiior; under stands cars of milk and Lauer; country preferred. 11 j 7 K vsr JirrII BT^ROOM 77-YOCN.; WOMAN ?1. | as eook and lauudress; country preiorred; under stands tnllk and batter; best refsrenee. i?17 wkht a2i? sr.. top riiOOR ?'io ouuk. wmii I ond iron in n?oinll Itmlly, or to ao general hua.o work ; city reference. 411 7 KaUT 25TM ST.?PROTBNTANT YoF.NO ^1 i >mntn' M it od cook: willing to aeti*t with tlio washing nnd Ironings citr or country ; iinit city reterencn. (to pomal cnrdc Illy WK.VI 17 In hi'.?CoMl'fc.1 r.M >\ mMa> TO dSiOeuok, wAch nnd Iron; city or aouatry; eitr reUi? ??en. 41.141 WKHT X7TH AT.?A COltPBTBNT WOMAN AS w^aw'iook: will Atelei with wo.lung; country nreUrrno; boot city reference 41 tit 1 WKnT itOrH ST.?IWO NOSIUUOIISAM Lj w ?il'rotettant girl*; one no cook, waturr mid ironer; ih? other nt 1'h.unb'T n iH nnd waitre.e; no objection to any matADcc In lb" eountre. 1141 I BAdr S.iTII MT.?YOI'.NO WO.M oN o. (liroll ? ^'icoo*. wuhrr nnd Ironer In n prlrnio fnmily; good City remrenro. 4) 11 - KABT JWTH "if.. ~hic (11*0 ? LOOK, BACK diimjtJmim.?American girl nt no mo And chambermaid; willing nnd obliging: no objoctlon to tlin country for iho euinnier; city re erence. 4141/? WBSl siTlT"ST.?A ' RhhPECTAHUT Wo M a N MttUln conl, WAtli and Iron, or to do general houeewor*; ????try preferred. rtllnM. ijTii? KAnFaTiTH kr.TFlkm r pLooR twii m:oh II AMurlrli; ono At nook, other ei cliAuibernikld ; eouniry preferred. iitiu bast ssth itr ? as pikmt oFamm cooki Ogood itAAtr and paltry maker bent city reference ^ linu WBST a?f H lifl StORlC-AM PIBST cum aJAaOcook In a heerdlnc home or iaiAil country betel; good city rob renen, 2.?/1 hAXT ' bATII MT.-A nTRADT. COMPBThhT ? iVJwoman to eoofc, waeh and Irons city or country; good relercnoe. WKnT 41 ?1 MT. A 1 till An ?\ OMAN TO COOIC, wath and Iron: beet rlty reference. *1 e e ~WBSf 4311 HT.. RKAR.1aN fcNui.MU Wik aj I iJ ma i a> competent cook liiornughly undrrtienda her 1)11 Ineat In ceery branch, hath I enca and kiurluh cooti' g: can take entire coaigeol kitchen. ?o to maikat If rerj iircd; no ebjectlou to the country; flr.t cla. any roleionco. OiW ***T S3I1 ST.?BMP EOT AH LB QtRte AS teiOcMk. WAAlier and Irooar; fl?a jr?are' city rataretu-o treat l?at place. No postal earSa. WB*r ST III HT.?AH KI Hit I OlrAMH OKKM A N mi I'teook ; ?ndaratandi alt klndt e( cooking nnd baking; good city relerenee ill'| Hill aV., RKAR.-PllfO t:LASd COoK, To am' I 1 attlit In waclilng, no objection to n boarding ?Men. 230 tl/'tlSTH AY. (PRS KNI KMIM.oYl R'Hl A YUUNU aMv)tM<r?oian a? tltorongb cook; will be lonnd eatielae lory s city or eonulry. Oi'/l |di AV., MKl'OND KI.OOK, HAi'K.-a RK Ld' )Utp?ctanle woman at plain coo* in a rival* lamilr. i,all lor two daye. oTjiV WKhTatTII nr.. RBAK-Fn IjfSuT.TitM CooK; Ao'yUgood refcraneeas city or country: benrdiug bonac preferred. aoi 301 303. KAM r SSTH ST. ?A YOU Nil WOMAN To TOOK, waeh and Irnn . eltr or country; beet rity reference. k ah r 4?tni Mr ?YoUNfi oIrl to cook" waeh and Irnn ; good relerencea. TTM AY., IN UKOCKRY~ AToRR.?A TIDT iworaan ae coek and baker In ? priyete hoard ing h?a?e i elty reference. SlTtT ATIONI? W ~ Cooks. Ate- _ OA I WEHT S8TH bT-A VOVNO WOMAN AR ()UtpUin cook ; excellent luhn end Iross*; good ??W reference. , BAkT 24TH ST? ENGLISH TOilHO WOMAN OUUu cook, wulur and Ironer; city or eonntryi best rslsrsacs. ijiui IaSt sur ntT-^TT ooou oooe-. would oUOuiial in washing sod Ironlug; go?# breed mesa*! City relereuce. Cell lor tw-> days. oaq" KAST U-4T1I ST. - AM FIRST IJLA88 COOK; 0l/Oander?i?nd* nil kind* of hnutUh cookiutf; wottla **? ftitt with ooartH w%?hiutc; l??*t ciiy r* Trench. .iin 8T.-AB KluKT CLabS CUUlk AND Olvbaliiir: understands miuhi aud desserts; will do coarse washing; In private lamily; country preferred. city ralorenca fall two days. ?J1 *J EAST 38 f 11 ST.?A RKSPr.t TAHLF. WOMAN AS Olullr.i class cook; good pastry co?k; country prarar* rod . best reference. o I Q IIRNUE '.BUN ST., MiaK KaII.KOAO Cttosft 0 I Olng, Jersey Ulty.-A m.,.t respectable tfirl as Aral class C'K.a ; a good maker of broad and biscuit, alto Jalllat 01 *11 kinds; wllliug and obliging; tliraa y?*r? referonoo.1 iio.i wkvt nTiThi.-a young wom an an fieri ?J?J?class oo.ik understand* ail kinds ol cooking; us objection to too eoautrr; ciiy references given "KAST Mllll bI.-a k. HI'K lAHLK WOMAN I r.AM owt n a >?. B?.,.t , ook and t. do conr.o washing: would go A ?bort diotasoa In ib* country gowuJty rel-renct. ^ ?> i Z HAS I StlTII ST.-A COMPETE ?T WOMAN_ A S O I Oo<Mik; in a ifood bnkdr; wiliinu to Milit wllh wkth* tup and ironing city or country; city relerauoa. HUDSON ST., 8r OOND FLUOR?A WOMAN AS ?300jr >od cuo . in ba*?rdiuif htm? ; i-ood retoranw. ? tTFn av"-a Miitiii op ihm.and peotes J tant at cook and to with washing; city of country: good city roleronce. 387t oouutry ? A au East 573 ht.. en-ar-a youn? oihl as rtUOcdok, wasber and ironor; city or country; test city rate re nee. a WK^T 421) SI'.?A COWPhTfcNT WOMAN Ail TlOcAok; uo objection to *?lit with the washing; thor oufhly understand* her bust now*; h??*t city retercnce. 423, p.AST 1.?TII sT.. nKl Wl.h.N AV. A AND 1ST Kr, a f i a ft i u ni., "rj' ? *? ,r if., two flight*.?Heotch Blrl aa good cook: excellent waahor and ironer city reiorduos, I 7TH AV.-A PnTlT EST AN I WOMAN AH GOOD ;c ?ok in a private family : good city reference. j WEST lUTIl ST - A YOUNO UI ItL A8 PLAIN _/c<w>k, waaber and irouer; willing and obliging; city reference. 430. 449. reterenc A r" BTH AV.-HKSPKUTABLh YOUNG WOMAN. Jbt)t)thorouKbly experienced in all branchea of oodk* Inn; will asslxi with washing; bast city reference. Old 21) iV.?A KKSFRC TABLE WOMAN AH tlOOJt TvOId apilvste family; good baker; will aasl.t with tits coarse waslitnu ; bo?t city reterences. 507. 7 WEST 3:u> ST.?A It! HPKCTABLK WOMAN AS _ _ J firm claw cook, or to do gencrkl housework i sood city reference. ? r 1 O WI'.bT 43L> ST., JTmHT PLoOlt (PRESENT KM* ?JLOpluyer'ai. -A rounu I'roteslaiil clrl as rood coos. . ?rn WEST 4)I'll ST.. OORNKK ll'i'ii AV.-A UOUD ?)0 I Germau girl as plain oook and to do general house work l'l\0 -21) AV.. IN FANCY STOKK.-A YOUNG WO. UU Oman as oook, was,ler and ironer In a smnll family! a nice home more than wagea; city or country ; gooa rtu erenc e. I'll Wl-.HI MD sr.-TWO TOGETHER: Olio C, v)J JLwaaher and Ironer; the other aa waitreaa, chamber* maid ?r line wa.lier; six r.jtrs' city relersnce. Bkl-; tVl'll AV., ItUll SIOKK.-A COMPETENT American woman as cook; no objeetlon to tbs country ; ciiy refar.nce r, A Ik 2D"aV,. 1IETWKEN 3iTH AND30TII 818. (RING OTrV/fourtU l oll, north side).? A respectaola woman as I rst class cook ; llTod lu bast faiuilias; good refereuoot elt.v or country. ni\A 3D AV.?AS Flltsr CLaSs CUtlK AND TO | U*Xasslst wltb washing and Ironing; baat city raiar anca. LEXiNHTON AV.-A laoy, leaving tub UODeliy, ,,s.Ires a place for her cook who la also aa sk> salient lanndross; wolt reoummended. jiwil 1?T XV.?YOUNG WOMAN AS HOOD COOKt ,U I Owlll assl-t with washing ?ud Ironing; will go ta country wltn famllv ; heat city reference. l"nil- 1ST AV_ CORNER OF HOTH oT.?A COMPB,. l.U^'Jtent sir', as cook, washer and Ironer; le s good baser; city or country; citr reference WinQHD A v.. NEAR-'itTll ST.?AS FIRST CLASS J ,U r/Ocook ; underklHiids ail kinds ol clear xoups. cams and poultry ol oTtry description; thorough bread aud bis cuit naksr. i~T | <) 20 AV., NEAR 76TII ST.?WOMAN Al X.TCTaaflrst class ceok, or eook, wasliar and Ironarj throe years' reterenc*. 1 a 1 BROADWAY. BETWEEN 4NTH AND 4WTH l.Odrlata-A rerpect ible middle ??ed wofsas utiles ough coi.a; would dn tue work ot a small family; no "hjso tiou to the country ; best elty reference. Call or add rasa. A 8 0(>6d COOK AND TO ASbISf WITH WASHING; J\city or country;boit roferouco. b., 171 llornld uptown office. -- "a RESPECTABLE WOMAN WISHES A SITUATION A as rook: city or country ; boa-ding house; reference; wages modorato Address A. J . bo* 134 llerald office. Th riRsr ulabs cook and to assist with tub A washing; good relereucos. A. B.t box 18j Herald Up town ofHca. - Y~UUNU WOMAN A8 FIRST CLASS COOK <)B LAUN dress- hoarding homo preferred. Address ANNUS. liarald Dpiown odlce. Chan.bernioida. ate. A UNION BQCAKE.-A LADY GIVING UP HO?*?* 4 k suing desires a situation lor har chamharraald who ha. Heed with her six yaars, or to take car# of children; willing to go lu the country lor the aiimmar. Call for two days ______ lis K-ST 331) ST.-A YOUNG GIRL A* ??AM; J.' rbermald: would assist In welting or washing; oil/ or country; reference Iroin lest employer. __ I ?J KabT 52D rT.?llKxI'hCf AHI.K lilKL AS CHAN, i XObarmald aud waitress, good city ref'fences. n~WKST 44T11 HT. ?A RESPECT ABLE OIBL At chsmbermald end waitress and teas care ol children; I first class reference. 4 ws JANE ST.?A YOUNG HIRL AS CIIAMBEKMaID ZUand waitress and to assist wltn tbo washing and iron ing; city or country : good references. cia babt a*ru st.-a young girl as oiiamh b. i_t),i,a,d and waitress or to do light housework and mln? children. i BEACH ST.. FIRST FLOOR, RKAR.-A KB. yS^spaevabla German girl (I'rotestsnt) In a German. American lamlly ?s eham .ermalu or toid;, general house work. Can bo neon from 10 M. until r. m. r ,,. WKbT TsTII 8,. ?AS tOl.i.MBERMAlD ANO OOwaltreae; willing aod obliging; good referenoe from last pisee. ?Trr"houth ?tii av" pTkst floor.-a rkspecta* O I hi* woman to do chauiberwork aud waitlog. or altbar; ref?r6Dct ^ - r~I~ WKbT 40TII sr. (I'REHKNT EMPLOl ER'8).?A a)4:r?spaetahie young girl aa ehamb*rmald and wattreM or w-'Uld do cbomb.rwork and fine objectmn to ihe country ? I -f(l 3l> AV.-AN ENGLISH GIRL Ah OHaUHBR. Dr/mald ><r to do llgbt housework. Can be seen at Hlg. I gittt* Innndrjr. /?ii WRH I' S'tTII ^T.?A UKIlMAK fHOTKHTANT U?)girl as chaos.ermaid and wsltrass *, beet tlinta eneac country pralarrad. Call, for two day*, at praseul employer'*. . m\ WEHT 4SD ST. lIN STOKE).-A YuUNG 7 Os* ahambermsld and waltrose ; country prelerred -, atty reference. , . AOs* WPbT 51ST b f. (PRESENT KMPLOYER'b).?A 7 3 respect able girl as chsmbermald and waitress; willing to a.slst with washing; city or country. T'.. uvk/mT til'II St?A YtJUNif WoMaN A8 C It AM 88bermald and waitress In a private tamlly; willing le assist with the wsshlng: two years and seyen month! in last plaee ; k'nd and ob,Icing ; bast city ralarance. SoenedR i 1 a KAbT ll'ili bT ?HESI'EU I ARLK YOUNG 1 L4a! ehantnarmald and waltra.t or to take tare of cbil. dren. Call at pr?eenl employer a Ill WMI' IHIil ht-A KKM'KUTAULH (IIK L AS 1.17 eh Am harm kill and waitre??, In a prlrate family; elty or eoontry ; ?'* yenre' elty reference m?' m K? r 4SD HT. IP KjtKr.KT KftPUlVKkJ*A )yonnr girl to do chainberwork and aaatet with chile dron.or any othor dnmeatie wore. (.'all foriwodaya 11 /? K iMT J4TII ~r.?A COMPKTfchT Ul KL A< 11' )ehaml>erm?ld or to do canoral ho an work with plain VMkli good rof rencea. m'Wr*T~ MTH HT.-A~ yiTu.NO UIRL TO i?o ehamherwork and waiting or llitht houaowork ; good eltr roforonoo. I OA CLIN TO 3 PL ACkT KKAlW5.ri.ii UK I) lilRL lawUita ebamhormald; willing to aoalat with waahlng. HkTKKKR. m~ WhRT IOTH #r.. hT'iRK -A RKSi'KOr aVlh rlrl to do ehaiuborwork and waltlag; city or coantry) city reference. ________ 1IJO W KHr adTIl ST.-A TOi N'd WilMAM AM CU^T) lOObormald and laundrnao| rltr r brmiffi LH7? I f,2r: eompoiont jronng woman aa chambermaid and waik* rata; neat and obliging. 1"' ji WIRT mrn ifT^vouho" woman a a en am. 'rlbermald In aprimta lamllr I woald naw; (Ira yarn* rafaranaa. Ull IA AT II7TII HT., ?IA KLkM.-YOlIKO WOMgtt l^r' "(or ehamharwnrk and aawlng, or would help io mind children, e.tjr referenda. f A (i"*KiiT STsr HT.-A TOUMl (II kT~A rT I'll A,d" I*t t/t.ermaol and waltreaa or to take ear a ol children! ritr ?r ewwatry ; city raiarenaa. i l (t~KAlir 3*jll~?f."-TmiLIMK PlfoTKiifART iriC 11 i/man a Irham'.armald and nnraa; no objection to th? country rlly ra aranee. WMFSKTIt ?T.. RBAR.-A CoMI'KrK.k T _ . ang American a< chambermaid and waltreaej would maka Itaraalf uaalnl; beat eltjr refaraooa. Call for two day a 1"<1~wkhFsal) Hr-ATouNU wiiu. am OfTSR ? ll/harir.aid and waltreaa, or would take earn of ekU uren . atlp roiarena | fi'llAli sir il ht.?a krrTkctab i.i" Tot'Kci lUOweman aa ahambarmald anil waltreaa or woald aetlal w in waahlng and ironing. 1UA HT.?A VUlTftl UIRL, LAI Hf 1* l^llandad. to dn aliamharwork and Waiting or ta tkkn rare ol ahlldran. l7ifl"*A?T 518T gfTlKK C<? rrShLLI.- AM SDK lllUhermald an I waitroa. .tiling to aaalat with ahIL nron ; ally or ennntry; beet ei:y referanca. 11? 7 WaKT aftl'll nrT cHAlTHhMMAllI ANII WtlT. III I rata or to do general homework la a amalt prlvaio fimilr. TTM AT.-A ToCBii lilRl. aR MaID on 174c _ _"rhambernt ild and teamalreai In a prlrate family; U willing and obliging; heat city ralaranca. I>i|/| | A ST TRTK If.?A TOUNO aSFSIoaI illKh wgl Fllaa chambarmald and wailraaa; good lelorenca. oiil Imt aoTii nt.?tou3o WoilwlTfl TBI _i'lclui onamhermald and waltrnta; no objeotlaa ta the coiintrr ; g?od olty ralaranca. tin*; K Ar?T 47 TII ?!. ?A Ul.H'KC I VUi.K TO* girl aa oh imhwrm il l and ?*4ltre-? In it prlrala fa liy I no abjection to go la i ha aoantry: city raiarenaa. ?ASr atrriT nr.7~ih ttiit ttiLK dturm.-. 208n 'Hmart, willing girl aa rbamhrrmald. or would it* gomai li .outwork; la a good laandraaa; city or aeantryi relerti.oa. Q1Q JU?# font Bf.-A TOOMO MIL At OMlC aw 1 aiharmald ant waltraan ; willing tn aaaiat with with. lug and Ironing; will go to the ooautry a law Bontha; kaodl dtp raftMN,