Newspaper Page Text
HTCATIOW W AWTTKH?FT. WALKS. CkMnbcrmaMi. ? EAST 50TH oT.-A YOUNG OIRL TO DO UP )ittln work, wait ?B table ; willing and obliging. ()()t? WEST 27TH ST.. B. TWKBN 7T1I AND HTH A resectable young woman a* chambermaid 1 tu aeaiet la waehing and ironing; good relereaeea. 216. WEST a?TM ST.?A YOU NO OIRL Afi CHAM ? _ barmaid and waitr.ei or tn mind children; city or mtrr; good rolerenca. 224 OOO EAST 29TH ST?AS CHAMBERMAID AND ^^c7wallreea; cnnatry preferred; country rolerence. 233. EAST 87ru ST?A YOUNG U1RL TO DO ihemberwork and mind children. o*JA WKKr 28TII NT. ? K KSP K 0 T A H Lh young iiOTrgirl ae flret elate eliambermall: willing te do nne waehing and ironing and aeaiet with waiting; beet city refr erence. 237 WEST S7TH ST.-A RhSPhCTABLlt VOUWO woman ae chambermaid and waltreee; beet city rer 1)4 ft 4TH AT.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL Ait gUTrUchaaibermatd and waltreee; good city reference. Call or eddreee for two day. e KaST 75 I H ST -A RESPECTABLE YOUNG ae ? aiglrl aa chambermaid and waltreee and to aatlet in waehing and ironing. Call for two Uaye. ~KAST"atTH ST. AN EXPERIENCED l'BKSON 242. 243. mm m _ shsmtisrmEid tod viilrtui bfit city rihwnc^ Call for two daya WEST 11TH ST . REAR. BASEMEN T.?A RE epectable girl ae chambermaid and lauudreee; ref erence Irani I net place. WK?T 37 fH ST.-A YOUNG PROTESTANT 247. 249, jgirl *s chambermaid; city or country. Call or ad Ire**. liri) WB-T 41ST ST.-A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS ^O^ehambermaid aud to aeelet with waehing: beet city reference from laet employer. Call lor two daya. 253 7TII AV?AS Oil AM BE KM AID; CITY OR Popup try ; good rafarence. ? ? WEST 12TII ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYEE'S).?A 291 1 young girl m chambermaid and waitraee; no objec tion to n private boarding bouee. t?/\Q EAST 24TH sT.-A NKaT, TIDY YOUNG GIRL Ov/Oae chambermaid anil waitress iu a prlrata family; wllliag to aeaiet with waehing; good city rolerenca. BART 30TH ST.-A Rs.SPtCTABLE YOUNO LOglrl ae chambermaid; firet rata waehar and ironer; tlty or country; wiping end obliging; beet city rolerauoo. 32: < ?girl to do light npetaire work and t?ke caro of children; reference*. etett) EAST 2BTH ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNO O^Mglrl ae chambormaid end weltroee. or wonld do gen oral hnneework lu a email lamily; two yoare' city refer anco from lact employer.; ae objection to the country lor the enemrt Q()A WKST 38TH ST.?A WELL RECOMMENDED dg? a young girl, neat nod willing, ae chambermaid and waltreee. 8.?r K.AST54TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL TO 44t)do ehamberwork, welting or general honeeworki good eity reference. Call for two daye. 329, EAST 115T11 ST.-A YOUNG BIRL TO DO UP Petal rt work. ejeji EAST SttTH ST. A RESPECTABLE YOUNO OOlgirl ae chambermaid and waltreee; weald aeelet with waehing and ironing; beet city reference. Q A l\ WKST 25TII ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNO OTv/girl to do ehamberwork and waiting; beeteity ref erence from laet piece. 342 ''A8'r 21KT ST_A 04,0i,? W1LLIN(? AND ^obliging young girl ae chambermaid and waltreee, er would do light boneework in a email family; no objrc i to the country. 345 EAST 34TII ST.. 8KCON l)*PLOi IB?A YOUNO girl ah chambermaid aud eeemetreea, or wonld aeaiet bjectlon to the conn tee. in the care of growing children : no ot try; fear yeert* reference from laet pit ?J 4 !? EAST 18TH ST., NEAR 3D AY?AS COMPK OTCt'lant chambermaid and waltrasa In private family; nndaretaade care ef eilver end teiade; eity er eounlry; beat eity reference. 362' WEST 43D ST.-A Y'OUNO WOMAN AS CHAM barmaid and waltreee or lenndrett; boat eity refer A i\A RK*T ,5TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS T-U'xeherabf rmaid end weitreae or to eaelet with waeh ing and ironing; city or conctry; two yaara' reforence. Call lor two daya. A 1 ft 6TII AV,?A RESPECTABLE YOUNO.GIRL aS TT 1 Uehamberinatd and waltreee. er wonld take care ot children ; no objection to the country; beet city relnrence. Tie WEST OfU ST.. FIRST PLOOR. BACK.-A Trl "Treliable Preteetant girl te de ehamberwork and flna Waehing. or weald do boneework; nnderatnnde her bnalneee thoroughly; clly or country. 4-16 KA8T ,5TH 8T,-A RESPECTABLE GIHL TO )do ehamberwork and waiting or boneework In a email family; axcellent waeher end frwner; beet city ret treoce. Call two daye. 420 1ST AV.? A YOUNO OIRL AS CHAMBBR maid and waltreee: beet eitv reference. A ???? WEST IBTH sT.-A RES PHUT ABLE TOO NO ^fc??Ogtrl ne cbnmberroeld and nnrte. or to do light hoeeework lor n email private family; eon iron; good ref 4tlO WEST 48TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNO ? Ogirl at chambermaid, er wonld do the work of n email temlly. Call for two daye. ino KAST 9TII ST.?RhSPKCTABLE YOU NO OIRL 7 atOm chambermaid orlnnndroae; no objection to the tenntry. iOQ 7TH AY?A KB.--. K< -HLK OIRL TO DO ^Tdait/ebamberworg end waiting; two ycare' and a half baet city refarcneo. A I ?J Wi ST 8HTH ST.. TWO TTOapertabie girl ae chambermaid. KL1GUTS.?A RE A A?J EAST ISTil ST.-A YOUNO AMERICAN Tb"T Ogirl ae chambermaid and ta aeaiet with waehing td Ironing: la willing and obliging at any time; beet city reference from laet employer. Call tor two daye. A JQ 7TII AV. (RING BELL THREE TIMES) ? TTOVonn; Protectant girl ae chambermaid and wait raee; willing and obliging; beat city reference. A. ~\7 WEST ISTH -T.. REAM, SECOND PLOOR? Tt) I Yonng girl to dn npetaire work and aeelet with tha waehlnc and Ironing; 12 nnnthe' beat city reference. 459 7TI1 AV?A COLORED GIRL AS CHAMBER, maid. 3D aV?A YUOMtt OIRL AS CHAMBRIt ? aid and waltreee; woulit eaelet with waehing or dn light hnnaewnrk : two ano n half year.' city refereneo. iuu Wr.ST 38I'll ST.. CORNER 7TII AV?a re TtOOepeetable girl to do npetaire work and help la tew tag. roll lor two <'eya ei/\ 3D AV?A YOUNO WOMAN AS CHAMBER UlUmaid and waltreee in a prlvata temlly; four yaara* city rrfereoee. 515 3D AV.?A YOUNG WOMaN TO Du CIIaM herwark end waiting; willing to aeelet with waehing id Ironing If required; good city reference. Ce - TTii AV.. TOP PLOOR.?AH Oil AMHEkM AID OT* 'end weltreee. or nnrae end chambermaid; beet city reference. r]Hi\ 2D AV. SECOND DOOR PROM 41STSST?A 4 4 I 'yonng girl to do ehamberwork and Ann washing or cbamborwork and waiting; eity or eoantry: beet city refer ence. 771 3D AY ?A YOUNO GIRL AM CHAMBERMAID end to aeelet with waehing and Ironing; city rater 7(J*J TTtl AV?A RESPECT A HLK YOUNO OlKl, AS 4 v/Ocberabermeld and to take caro ef children ; eity or geeetry; beet city reference.. Call or adarete. O'JQ 2D AV.. TOP FLOOR, PKOaT?RRHPtCT ifOOnblu yonng gtrl aa ehambermald and waitraee; will ing to aeelet with Una waehing; good city refereoc*. 1 065 3I> ~A VOL,-N<1 .aiKV- JUST LANDED. /to do rhamhorwnrk and make hereelf neefnL 1 1 :,D AV- Iw store?a Young psotkh iiiJUliet girl aa ehambermald and waitraee In email private family ; city reference. 11 ea 3D AV -RESPECTABLE YOUNO girl A* ? 1 ? ftJenemiierm'Id end weltreee and to aeelet with waehing In email private lamllv ; beet city referenoe. 1 2iO 3" tV-ATOt-NO U,RL OHAMBRBe )meld end waltreee In n private family; willing and obliging, eitv nr country : beet clly reference. A YOUNG WOMAN AH CHAMBERMAID AND weltreee: willing to go e rood dletence In the country with e good family; good reltreoce. Addrete M. A., box I7il Harald office, tor two daye. A YOUNG GIRL AS CIIAMIII.IIMA1D AND W AI treat: weget $10; good relerencea. Addrete KATE, Kerala offiea. AN AMERICAN GIRL AS O II A Mil KRM Al D IN A prlvata femilv . will oeeiat In waiting on table: good rel nrence; will enll it oetlreiL Addre-e box 140 Herald oflier. A YOUNG GIRL TO DO CIIAMBKRWOKK AND ' Main, or tnke care of children; good reference. Ad ('EC1LK. Ilereld Uptown office. A PRKNCIt WOMAN A> UIIAMBKIiMAlD AND JA etametroet; good reference. Call, lor two daya, at ?remarry Park liouee. mom 236. OrxaimaHrrii and seametrweeee. KAHT 4MTH MT.-AR COMPRTSNT DRKdNR AKRR: ? ? vend oporator; n . objection to tha country. would by the weak or month ; rood rofkfenea. Call far two 2, c; ??7 WKHT 4ftTH sT. (PHBitBMT KM PLOY t.It'K). - 6 I A lady *liha< to prnrnre a ?Itaatton for bor eeara groee, whom aha can thoroughly recommend : undoratanda Iretamaklng. Can ha aaan on Wadneeday, Juna li, Irom II to ft. E" t> WBKT 1STH Bt?PRBROM 0RRM8*aJCRR AND Oaaaraatreii by tha day: oily or oouotry; prlvato Inml a' work takaa uomo. Fc7~olintun iM.A?iR. -Aa nurtr clash heam 4/Oaroao; ran ant and St; by tha day or woak. Li WBsT atlTII RT -A vTtUMO AMKIII <: AN OIkL "Xtotakoeara of a youoa baby and do ntaln (awing: Boat ally rafaroaaa. U'J rtl ?Ta~ KM FLaCK?DKK -OR AKRR A Nil OOaaamatraaa by toa doy. oaak or moelh; to uhjactlon In aha aoar.try; boat rafaranea Rv Ml AT.. Ik PANCt HTOftji-riMI CLAttS aakor by aba day; thoroughly andaralanda aU praaabaa. ? WR.tT HATH RT.?fKEROM WOMAN An CRM* . Smaaor and aoomatraaa; no objection to waft on ahll n , good ally rofaroaco WK>r l&Tll HT.- A YOLNO LaDT Th ~fTrht alaaa iirooamakrr by aba day Addyoaa M M. Til 118 itHBKlPP It I ? A Oh RMAM VoONO LaOY TO ya oat by fba day aa aaamaaroya Addraaa. T/i 7 vrKar :tsu ?t.?Oom pk I iTvr^iTuKctoM a k kb J. X I wania ? faw moro ladle to work lor by tba day. Tlr'j hAVI a?Tll BT. (KING TinRIT BE 1.1.(7-1X51 JoO?nmor??i and nnraa to rrowing r.mldroo or to watt on an Invalid or to do rhombarwnrll; undaretanda dreaa makln/ . oparataa; willing to an to tba couttry, brat city polareaee. ill a) RAIT AftTrt MT-A OOMPKTn.NT Nt.AMHTRKn.H, Zt\. dmiln a private family; will aaala' In light ehainbrr wora ; nndrrntanda dr'-aamakiar: ba?l elty reference 22 t5a Iflnirbra and dona all klnda ?t tannly a wing; good Operator wllllna and obliging; goad elty rafaranea. a?a?7 Bast 64TW it., HfcduND PLOoB.- A (iFkMaM An) | girl aa aoamrtraaa and M taka eara of ablldren la a Oarnaa faatlly. 111 II KAHT 47T H sr.-A CO MRP.! h NT YOt'Nd JjM l/wainaa aa aramatraaa and maid la a prlvato lamllr; aaantry ar city; would travel with a lady for Ilia ?nioinart goad reforeneee. at W KMT 47TH AT.. TOP H.trOK.-Ad TIIOH woagt. Maiaiinn; ean eat and At. 24 ? Mill t.Aitf 47TM nT , ROOM ft.? A t.oMPK Tt.M t ^tcOiaaamatraaa wlahoa a few engagement! for lamily I?wing, tun m nddraaa u? t 4 306, MITCATIOWS WAHTKU?rKMA LE8. [irtxmakcru aind mraniilr?u?>i (? EAST SOTH ST.?A RESPECTABLE PERRON 'to do sewing and li;ht housework or mtod children; U wiling and obliging. 0 1 Q EAlf 39 TH ST.?AN fXPRRIKNCED DRRS8 01 tsmakor by the da/; hat latest sir lea aod gives boat references JTlTb KahI' AOTH ST.. IX THr. 8TORK.-A KB Xv'Oijioctablo girl to do plain sswlu^ and chsmaer work; ao oljectlon to ths country. 4-JK- 3U aTv-txrr kTenceu drTssmakkr 4 uwUbn low mors engagements, by day or wook, in private families. HT|j A v.. NEAR 34 m sT. ?AS COUPE TENT drOX's-aniatress and operator; can cot and fit Indira' aod children's ciotoea; would aaaist with tbo chaatborwork j city roloroncoa moITu AV.?.aS SEAMSTRESS; UNDiHBTANDS ? v'Xi/oressinskluB and ail ktnda of fatally sowing and Graver A Halter and moat other machines 1 1 fUi 2D AT.-A8 hKAMcTRES- BY THE DAY OR ieX'lv'week; understand* dreesmsking; alao fine aow In* ; will fnrnlah her own macblno (Whoelor A Wilaoal if required. S W KDIM 11 DRKSSM A KER~FOB* ALL KlTTFs OF sowing, by tbo day. Addrooo SWEDE, Advertisement office. 554 3d atr. Mtilth EMIAUhMBNTS BY TliK DAY. ? i'KINO ESSK recaption walkinc aulte triturned in latest etyle. Ad dress VIOTORBIN, floral > Uptown office. General Housework, die. 5 BAST 91ST vr. ?ffKSUfciTAHLB YOU NO GIRL TO do general housework In a private iamily; good city ref I erence. 6 J ONK > ST.-A YOUNG GIRL TO lid GENE RAG bnnsework; no objection to the coantrr ; two years' refer ence Iron last Discs. 7 CORNELIA ST.. ROOM 2.-A YOUNG GIRL TO DO general housework: good washer and iroasr; In pri vate family; city or ennntrr ; best reference. 1 | 1ST ST.. FIRST FLOOR, BaUK.-A PKOTKHTANT X I German icirl for general bnnsework or plain cook ; good washer and irnner; city reference. No cards answered. DESKROSSES ST., FIRST FLOOR. ROOM 1. A Protestant wisboa to do housework; country preferred; city reference. Id WEST 44TH ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN TO DO XTtseneral housework in a small prirato family; good city relereaces. 07 JAY ST. - A RKSPKCTABLE OIRL TO DO ?' I honsewnrk in a small prlrate family; no objection to go a small distance In the country. T7T"W EST ISTii ST.?AW KNULlSH PROTEST A N T 1 V'clrl 10 do general housework; thoroughly under stun dm b?r business. 43 KINO ST.?A OIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work at msdarato wages. 60a GRAND ST.. NEAR WOOHTKK. DOCTOR'S OK 'flea.?A young woman to do general housework; city or country. 7(t KINO HT., FIRST rLOOR.-YOUNO OIRL TO 4* 'do general housework: willing and obliging; good plain cook, washer and ironer; good dty references from her last plaea. 71 VANDAM ST.-AN AMERICAN WOMAN TO DO I Xgeneral housework In a small prirato family. Call tor two days. Qi CHARLTON ST.. SECONDFLOOR, PKONT.?A OTyousr woman to do general housework In a small prl rate iamily ; cltv or country; good plain cook, washer and tronor: reference. No cards. WP.ST 1STH KT..RKAR HOUSE?A YOUNG OIRL to do general housework.: good reference-. mWKST 3?rii t-T.?A YOUNG WOMAN TO DO general housework In a small prirato family; best reference. EAST 2JD ST.?YOUNG OIRL FOR riOUSK w?rk In a small prirato Iamily; good reference. Call for two data 111 118 129, 133 WEST 19TII sr. FRONT HOUSE.?AMRHICAR ? mi Ogirl to do general housework ; willing and obliging. WEST 19TH ST.-A PKOIKSTaNT WOMAN FOR general housework, city references. "I OD WEST"3QTH ST.-YOUNO WOMAN FOR QRN XOUoral housework; good cook, washer end ironer; best eltr reference. 1 A A WEST 19Ty ST.?YOUNG OIRL POR GENERAL J. "T x honsewnrk : tlx roars' reference. EAsf tarli ST. (PRt 8KNT K uPCOYt K'S). ? A respocta le yonng girl to do bnnsework In a prirato family; plain cook; good washer and irouor. 1 CO WEST 28TH ST.. KfcAK_A KKKP-.CTABLE XOsDyon 11 g girl to do general housework: city or coua try; heat city rafereocs. ICO DhLaNCKY ST.?AN AMERICAN WIDOW TO X?'w<lo the work of a small family, take care ol an In valid, or at seamstress; would leave tbo city. Address ADVERTISER. 1 WKST fSTH ST.?YfTNG GIRL TO DO OKN Xs'Ueral housework In a small fsrally. 1 C7 WEST 83D ST.-A RESPECTABLE OIRL TO XU I do honaework: good eook, washor and Ironer; good city reference. fcQ WESt SOTO ST.?A RESPECTABLE TOCNG XUcfgfrl to do general housework In a small private fam ily MUST 19rII iT.. KINO BELL.?YOUNG OIRL XUOfor general housework : good city refereoeo. "1 OA WEST 20TH HT?A RESPECTABLE YOUNfi XUTvomsn to do general housework ? plain cook ; good waher and ironer; not afraid of work; best elty reference. O/WT W tST~4(iTH ST.?A KKsPKCTA11 EE YOUNG AiUUvensn to do housework; good eltv reter-nee. EAST 43TII ST.?A GOflD SIKONO ?lRL TO do general housework; elty reference. 208 Of\Q BAST 3IST ST. ? A COLORED OIkL TO DO gSUOgenoral housework. Call for two days. til ft BART mil 8T.-A TOUN0 oTitL FOR ORN /U 1 l/eral housework ; nice plain eook, washor and ironer; good references. Qlj" WK~ST~27TH ST.?PROTESTANT W"MAN TO Ai L*?do housework for two or three lu family and bo osetul. TvT f\ CORNER 13 TH ST.-A YOUNG girl to do general housework in a small family; good 215. reference!. OI7 WEST 'xHTIl ST.-A WIDOW TO D?i GKNRRAL Z, L I honaework: would like to have her child; willing and oblirlag: home more than wages: city or eonntrv. 217 rages; clly or country. west asm st.?a yoTTnoTiTrl tiTdo gen eral hnasewora and rloep home ; cooa rotorenee. (11 Q WE AT I7TM 8I A CGMPETl'.NT WOMAN TO ZiJOdo general homework; good waahor and iroaer; elty or coontrt h?st referenee. west tnrii nr.?a okrman giri. to do general housework : elty or country: reference. ~~WKST UITH ST.-A YOUNG WOMAN TO DO general housework ; city or renntrr: best reference 222, 224 1107 WEST MOTH sr.-A TOUNG WilMAN TO DO Zss 0 general housework in 0 small family ; good plalp eoos. washer and Ironer: good city roforoncs. 997 WEST a7TU ST.?A aTRL-TO DO OP.NERAL ZsS I honaework; plain eook; good washer and Ironer, elty reference. 90 r East l-STH ST.?A TOUNG WOMAN TO DO aZs >? Jboneswork in o small private family ; first clam ref. erence. OAA WEHT IBTII ST.?EESPECI ABl,R GIRL FOR ZTTntoral honsowora la small family; best refor onces. A J K.flT 53Til ST. ?A TOUNG lilRI, TO I'O T'rsnerol housework In a small family ; willing aud obliging: good referoneo. 111(1 Whsr 17TH ST.?A YOUBG OIRL TO DO sybensework for a small Iamily ou a fiat; l? willing and obliging. Call for iwn daya 9L?ft WEST 34TH ST?A RESPECTABLE WON < N ZUUio do ganoral bouaowork In city or country; city references. OOcll A BT 2BT8 BT.-A TOUNO WOMAN TO DdORN" A^Or'eral hnnaoworkln a small ram fly; couatry preferred; bast roforopcea. f)AI\ WEST I9TH ST.?A RBSPKCTaHLR WOMAN sZT:" "to do general housework la a small family. 9AA WRsf^-irrriT ST.. third floor; hack. ZTTinr 9th av. ? foaug woman for general houso work. In small tarnlly. ij l ~ EAST" 3AI H bT.. RRAR -A YOUNiFwoMAN ^*X''to do boosowork ; elty or eooutry; referoneo Irom laet piece. Zy/k /V\*"e"sT 47frrST -A TOUNO OlRL TO DO OKN DTl'trtl housework In a private family ; good city refer ences. in 6~ WEST "aiTH ST. ? AM RitlU AN GlHL. KOR Ad A Obouscwork of small private Iamily ; besheity refer oneo. tT^I O WKST 1BTH sr.?A RESPECTaBLB youno ^T^tOcIrl for general bnnsework good relerenco. 9/' l ' EAST BilllADWAY.-A girl TO D" gkn AiUUirsI housework 97(1 bkSonb sr.-Two HisrSRd to Do oen Z I Jinl housework Call all weak. Of t r. EAST 30fll ST. ?A RKsIMAITA Hl,K OIKL TO Ol'ijifn rsnsrsl housework; rm>d rolereneo. O IOWBHT 40TII ST. ? A Ri SPKI'I AHI.K Vol NO lately landed, to do general hoooowork id i ro epeetable faintly ill)') i-.AsI 341'It ST d> TIIK STORK) -A 'IK a J ?_fOip-<-nhle young girl to ,lo iroeral homework In ? ainali private family ; city rolereaea. 3~Tw^KAsf~aeTH atT-^a r??FiCTAliXlfiBir?0 _Odo general hnuterrork In ? tmoll laml y, throo yeara' refereace from her laat place .>')() K VST XII) ST.?YOUNG uIRl. TO DO IIOl'SR OOU rrefk in a pneete lamtiy! it a yond conk, waahor ana ironer: Ihrte yoara' reference from laat place. .107 WKsl' 4lhT ST. ? RKRPRCT.tHteK VOl'Ml OIHL ?)0 I for general homework; tood plaia cook t Brat elate laondreaa: good oltr raleronne. 11 | KasT :i4UI Si.-a kKhPROTaBLR WIDOW OTtJlor renaral homework In a email family 1 good ref erence a) I 7 WBST 41ST DT. ? tir.81' RCTAHI,h iJlKO fOR Otc I general honaework Id prirate family; plain cook and lauodreaa; city erenontry ; city reference. 34H WKSI' Ail) .-T.-TO DO GKNRRAL IIUUSR work'. two yeara' reference at.-(t W18T I2TII ST.-A Vol; NO UIRl, If) DO Or Jr./general hnaa-rrork ; plain e?ok and good waaber and Ironer; good city reference. 4 7T1I AV.-A OIltL <>r 17 NOR IIOtlsK WORK : ?/') Ca good home tooro an object than wagtt; neat city reference. ? )OU AV.-A KfeiS I'RC T A BUK TOUhO III 111, 10 OOOdo general homework: good recornmendatloa. *? (WflT. aV.-A YOUNG UIRL. I.AThl.T I.ANr)BD. afr/t/in do general honeerrerk. fall or addreee. 40* kasf iorn nr.?voi.'No woman PGR U1n< eral henaerrnrh; good baker, waaher and ironer: Ity reference. 41 ?J r.AsT i.'?ril sf.?krsi'kotablr V017A0 Oglrl tn do bouaerr.ork ; heat city reference. 4-9() ^ ItHY SBtST s'f. iPIIKSKN T hMPlrOTEII'M. ? competent girl to da general homework; eight yeara' referoncn. 433 ill AV A RKsl-KOTABLK YOUNG WOMaN to do gonaral honaework , beat eity relerenoa. 4r>*| WKST iliTil HI ?l,Al)V DKsIltr.H SlTUAII"N t/' for her gtrl to do hsmewvik la a private lamily; good reioreace 1 ')<? Whsi MiTII ST.?A HKsPKfTaOleh OIRI. TO ^ r ) r 'd" henaereark or ehamoerwork . main arlth frith nothing; good reference. \\n.-l turn sT.-A HBMPr.i TaBUK YOUNG iglrl. lately landed, to do gonaral houeerrork la a private lamily. 452. SITITATIOWS \V 77o wHirS?8rSW^u "J oirJ^or gknk. 453r^UoaVwoVk; I good *MMr ???>"??' -* ?UI" cook ; food rcloronooi. ""TZTu TW WKsr iwn KT.-T<>UNrt fBR^ON TO DO 4o4bo"?work. good plain cook and laundrom; el?y ? eonntry ; bo.l city ..jr. iBoS3Sj?fiai"i- sksb?? VT,T'd''a> nt-..N ...S 4 J I lo'lli h..M ? '? " Aa"ri"" ? oil, reference Call lor two d.ya ^^'."""yy'KsT 45TH ST., GKOCKRV.-A RKSPKCT TT^nrisr dOTrf st.-a Young German ki? DO I do itoaoral honeework. -q? r"6 I 101 ii AV-A III ill* TO DO OKN'-KAL HOU3B 084 work or chamborwork ?? city rcforenoca - - . ;?oaT1i hT ? V YOUNG iJIRIi IO DO UhR 60 1 aral "work in email family; city ar country. good relerenee. " uIbl to oo-iioUSE Jwork. city refereneea .? - J-^V.-rrTu^rKOTABOK GIRL TO DO GEN 5era. honeework; altr rotorenoo. ___. j?3D aT. YOUNG GIRD FOR HOUSEWORK; >C<'VaT "av 'ofni. to do general u?08K: 893w?rk for emnll laiolly: Brat claa. cook, wa.ber aod Ironer; city rataronca. ? ?r> p:?= .ar ay _A kKSPkOTAHLK WOMAN lO DO 9,S7ganaral houMwork; willing and obliging ; ba.t city reference. ltlu 1.039AM^?c.rlVto(K?^ bouae w'ork; no ob jecilonjf^tha count - i;jj aN[) w(Tu Bra.? AAddraaa DANISH. Harald omca. 13w.To^\Toi'EHAH^a ^."^o J?NO Plk-K ST-A KKSPrOTABLB OK KM AN WIDOW. S2?KsbA?r^&sr a ? two di*y*. ? ? W K.ST 'STH ST.. SECOND FLOG K. - A R E 301.JJc^Sa woman a. working Uou.ekecp.r or .earn treat: no objection to the country. _ Ao?r? Add^?B. D8 bS?u^HaKraldfcofflo[.0" A LSK23S FtS^ani ,V'.?U^.hBcbam?."wA?lP; city roftrence. ?-- ~ ill WEST 2SU ST. (PRESENT EMPLOY KRh).?A 1 Aaanxrtable Ctrl at Brat c'.aaa laundreaa. ,? washing and Buter, or to do bouac rTT~W EST 13fll ST.. RE All.?AH FIRST CLASS "l'n a?,^a*l^a mjlyf^?T_^ n ? ? 3^ rl*jl r * * " ' 112n?dBmand!'pa?n7lndIflut?ug?<n?obA?c'tlon'to the country, good reieranca. - op w gT~TnTU~bT IN THR 8TOKK.?A BKhPECT I31abie ylunr woman a. Qr.t claa. laundr.aa and chant barmaid : drat claaa relerence. 4 . ., aur saril sT.?ah first glass laUN 143d" ? In a prlr.te family: four yaara' city reference. , ?? xgn.ToBnTsTr.'TOR KLOOtt -AS KXCl'.l.LKNT 159l.*nar.;.arwo? d Co any kind of work by the day: lul'y competent: relerencra. ?TT A(,rn at ?OOMRBTfaN I' RKKSON AS 200l.Md?aa or cbanibarmaid.nd ..amatrca.; beat city reference. * .. WV/SX ,rtTii st ? KIRsi' CDArtS LAUN DRESB; to the c.mntry. - ?. . r riaT aflTH ST.?AS rIKSl' CIaASS LALN 215dEAa *citf or country ; willing and obltkidB; rood cite reference. ? ?tc It . /? AK-T 31sf ?T?A tint 1a as LAUMDItESS and 2 I Hcharnfcermald: city or country^.t_cl.Y reference. _ ,.hT a|' \ KtHfKUTABLK WOMAN 10 22ld??a.bins and Ironing at her owu home or to go oa^by the day. Cal| any time. M^^dKAX c'tct t wHrt'i'laTll ST. A RhSPEGTABGR 1K|JS"1' 222m fl"t claV. lanndr...; tboronghly ondcratand. her bntineaa; boat raferencea ;? _ UAgr onrii sr.?a VoUNU woman as laun 235dr'laa; wllllus to aaalat wltb cUamberwork; aoven yoara* raference. It.trt wTsr 27TU ST.. IS TIIK STORK. AS KIKbT 238?u.a launtlrran . city or conntrv: citt referonet. . i n \r 11 \ t 11 CAM' V wTOHKi. ? Nl< B? bet citv rc'erenc. _??? '?777! Ty ?KIRST GLASS LAI^NDRBSS; 297thoroLhlr bu>lne..; city .? .. -?rrrr. T -aTm ST.?AS KIKbT GLASS fine 325ironcr by the day_or weok. Call two day. . ?-?rr?irt/ar r?AT11 ST.?A KESPhCTAHldK WOMAN 433aa lanndreat by thejilay;Jjorelarenee. - ....?iiitdSiTs ST KKAR. - FIRST OLAsS LaI/'N. 433drea. and e.alat with city or country; city reference ? ?ZTrTrru aV SKt^oND FLDOR. a VOUNG M)l 47 Soled woman a. lanndrcaa;jronld ^o out by the oar. ? r~i.our ar.111 sr-ifLUN WASHING AND IRON 5 4 ? ^ A d ii rettfor twoweok.. M -KaL^V. V=/e WK-KT '.It'll si. T111 R " HKI.L.-V ?UNG U1HL 506." anndrtla ! cit/.nd country rclercnce. ?=-= rrn Tv (PR BEEN T K. M PLoTh R'R). 7 A 556Prote.tant girl a. Brat claa. laundre.a; ba.t city rale ranee. Call for two daya Z?Of\ BTH aV.?A WOMAN AS FIRST CLASS LAUN OoUdreaa; beat city reference. mt.i 7TI1 AV - AS FIR-'t CLASS LAUNDKhSS IN 793a alrlcliy prtra*. fm?y; beat city ..lercuc Call rtrb a Hi II AV (fliiRO BK.LL). ?A VOUNO WOMAN 884M B"t ela- laundreaa; willing and obliging: no ob jVcUnt" cbamborwork : bet ^ty ralcrcMo. '??-77-7?oil AV. FIRST rL<?OR.-A GtRMAN 1#404Protectant girl a. iunndre.a or to do general h^uiMiw^rk. ? yTTFso Vl^l; ^.VcH^^^ntV^rd^ chimA ei?y"r country. M. Herald Uptown olhee. lanm. Mr. I BAST 4TTII ST.-A CONV.-RT EDUCATED CURL lUu nuree and gorernoea: ueefnl nnrnnry govcrneaa In n family ?! children , I* unliable and capable; wagea Sid Can ha aacn at prtaent tmployer'a before J o'clock. t?0 WAVKKLET PLaCE (PKItSB.vX fcMPLU YEK'8). MiajA reapectaoie y> nog girl aa nurao. I)Q HTH AV., PKLIT dTURK^A HKnPKCTAHLR a(7;ni( girl, aged 17. to take car# of children or make bar-elf uaafiil ?J|t WEST 5pril .mT. APARTMENT H (PRESENT OUrmployer'e).?A young girl aa nnrae and to aaalat with chamberwork ; lour year a' reference JrTgi sowhSyT-a kispkctaiile Tt/komaa aa wot narao or tronld lake a baby at her own homo Mra RINKSTSN. CLINTON PLAOK.-A RKNPRCTABIE VOUNO Woman aa rinre- and good lower; good relermea. 46 s'l south r?rn av.. between iii.kkckkk and ?JJ Hotmon Ha?A competent voting woman aa nnraa; apeaks Engheh and Italian, relerencea. lfti) WK8T ilOTU ST.. NEAR nTit AV.-A REHPKCT LU'Jnbln North tlorniau girl aa chlldran'a nuraa; boat city relerence. l af) WEST M.TD SI. A KESI" kCTAbLK PKoTi eu X'*tstknt woman aa Infant'a bar a-; can taka entire charge Imm i Irth; would Ilea to traeal. good reierance. 1 111 EAST ~ji!? ST. TP RE s7~N T~ E 51PLO V KR's).? A XX'/nent, Intelligent girl aa eliild'a maid or chamber maid ; Cite relerencea. m~ ~ tt KHT 'JOTH ST.?A KEsPKCTA Hl>r. PERSON AS i.urae ; ean take the entire charge ol a baby from ita birth or ernwn children : live yeara' reference. I \ 7 WK.1T "eSATII ST.-XX~cotl phI KMT INFANT'S II I name and aeaiuetrcea; take* charge of an lalnnt Iron birth; beat relerence ffol.A?r asFif-* rT~(Tresknt~1T51?Lovrk'.?.i? XXOReapectable girl aa nur>e and chambermaid; (ow ing; good relerence ; willing and obliging 12& WEST IBTII AT.. REAR.?A YOCNit AMP.ill in girl na nnrae and aeamttreaa or chambermaid. lTVc* kast mth ?r.-< o*PR7h5rr touN?? TiTrl ImUii nnrae and aetmatreaa; city or country; boat city re nrence. 1 \>| I WEST IK III Hf. (IN OKOCEltY) -A YOl'NU XOvf American girl ka nnrae or chumhermald In plain American lainily ; city refarencaa. "ptlil tloT lllH ST.?A tilKL AM NtMSK AND TO lOwmike beraelf aae'nl; city or conntry; oicellaot rof eronaoa. 1 4 ?J EAST :?TH ST.?A YlllMl AMERICAN PROT* XxrOe-tunt girl aa nnrae or to aaalat In houaawork; oily or eon try ; city relarenee. Call or addreaa. rr-: sT.-a yuunu human as I ,r rJnnrae end to do plain towing or chnmborwork ; elty reforonoo. 1 fTI EAST SMT ST A rOUNU (IIKL an NORSK lt /iind chambermaid ; la willing and obliging ; will go to tho country; beat city relerence. Ir\# U EST 2BTII ST.-A COMPETENT PKRSON AR tjilnnMr and aenmatren; la IrnMworthr and reliable In taalng fall charge ol a hnhy or growing clilldren; cnpahle ol bringing a bnny np on Ihs bottle; beat elty relerence. T C * ivi.' i UD el' -as KXpMRUNCED IN, ant's X *)> In line ; ean take entire chn-ge of an Infant; elty ml erencn. I cc west hist ?>tI-a respectable toQtib X>'?'girl to take core of growing children and do plain aewlng. good city reference. 1 ~i \ ?ISt sT?A toU 'U 111 ML AS NURsX: J r Irlla will:eg and ol-llgliig; no objection to tho eonntrp; three year*' reference from lant employer. V. EST IsFll ST"PkKSENT EMPLOYER'*).? A reliable yeong woman na nnrae: can take charge ol a haby Irom Ita birtn ; willing to aew or balp with chnm herw rk EST WlTi ST.?A YOl.'NO AMERICAN uirl 158i i67ar, ?11 204, mo.nI .una -V.. Riff M?K l.t S, Kren. h Proteaiiini nnrae to children: goon reference. West imtii sr?a yiiunoAmerican uIiil cMldrca'a oorao ?nd to do plain aotrlng, or aaalat witk chamber work SITUATIONS WASTKO-rKMALES. fnirMi. site oin bart mth st.. rear-a respectable jjIUwoman, with * Tall fresh Preset or milk. as wet nurse; no objeotinn to the country. Cell fur two diyt Ol'J WERT 38TH ST.?A YOUNG AMERICAN UIHL IOas nurse ; willing to co to Ibo country or travel; will wesr a cad ; food references ?>1 X EAST 2BTII ST.?COMPETENT PERSON AS JL? Jnurse : can take entire chsr-e of An lnlaut fiom Its birth; city or country: elty n terences. 91 7 WKfiT 28TI1 ST.?AMERICAN WOMAN WISHES Ail I huby to wet nurse or oltler child to noard. 9OQ NASI 40TI1 ST.?A Rfc.-PECTABLn. COUPE AAt/iriit women as nurse; nadorstaud* her business thnreufbly end c?n brine up sn intent on the bottle. 99Q KAST a9TH "T.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNG ?>e_i<7Amer1csn woidaa, with A fresh breAst of milk, as wot nurse: doctors'references. WEST *3t> RT.-a YOUNG GIRL TO MIND children end meke heiself useful. 241 248k EAST 34TI1 ST.?A MONTHLY NURSE, WITH Obest references Irein doctors Address Q A n WEST I8TH ST.?AN AMEBIC AN PKOtES .t | tent flrl ss nurse nud seem stress And to Assist with chamber* ork ; four yenrs' reference. fjen WhST 3&D ST. (THIRD BELLI.-A M1DDLB Aol'seed person ss nurse to An Invalid or to wait on as ?i*A#rly lady ilia low ; city r?iereuc#?. <>-/\~KaST HOUSTON SY. SECOND FLOOR.?A ) V/mpectahle yoanx German iflrl to mtud cblldrea and do tfeueral hoosewortc. OfO WEST SOTII sr., SECOND FLOOR.?A COM <?pctent girl ai nurse: willing to assist la chamber* work or waitiug; good reference. _____ 1ST AV., THIRD FLOOR.-A YOUNO AMEBI An girl to ralnd A child In a privets family 283. 'ion AST 20TH ST.?A YOUNO FRENCH QIKL, ? JU^Prolestsnt, ss nurse. Cell lor two days. Oil r~ WB8T 20TII ST ?AN EXPERIKNCKDWOMAN Ouom nurse sod seamstress; asn take charge of A baby; will go In the country; excellent city reference for char acter and capability, O/tEAST 121' 11 ST.?A LADY WISHES TO PRO OUrJcure a situation fur a laithlul Protestant woman, who lived with her five yearn; is capable of tasinf care of child from birth. ?)/?() KaSTOTH ST.. ROOM 3.-A YOUNO GERMAN OU ?'irlrl to mind children ; city or eonntry. Ol 7 WES I' 33D_ST.. LATE EMPLOYER'S.?A OJ. i Protestant flrl as Infant's nurse t Is cepable of taking full charge. Call for two daya. ?? ? ) - WK8T25Til KT.-AS FIRST CLASS i' XI'ERI" OJec/enced nnrae. to travel with a lady; flvo years' refer ence. Call two (lavs. 99(i KA.-T.ViTH ST.?A YOUNO QII'.L AS NURSE O^Oand chambermaid; Is willing and obliging; refer ence I mm last p.ace. EAST 36111 ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL TO OOUtitd cars of children end assist with chamber wnrk; good reference. Call for two daya Oil '"WEST"28T7ThT. (PRESENT KM PLOYKK's).?A OTrXvoung girl to take raro of children; willing to make herself generally uacfnl; city or country. Ol|< EAST 13TH ST.?A MIDDLE AOKU WOMAN TO OTTlIgo out by the dar as nnrae; capable of taKlng charge of a habr from lu birth ; best elty reference. nth av.?a i; rspkotabiTe Fkotestant woman ss nnrse : clly or eonntry. 351 ?ICQ WEST 181 H ST.?A PROTESTANT YOUNO WO OUt/msn to take care of an invalid and do ciamberwork; three years' beat city references. Csll or address. a 17 east mtu sr.?a aefined young amkri tI I can lady as nurse to children or maid to a laily: no objection to travel or the country; willing and Ouliglng. Call or addiors. IOC WEST 38TH ST., STORK.--A YOUNO PBOT.S T^oiant girl as nurse and seamstress; willing and oblig ing: city rsferencs. Too"east 14I II ST.?A YOUNG HIHL AS NUR.-B; TtOOgrowIng children preferred; no objection to ths country; best city reference. 150 450 WE-T 321) ST.? A YOUNG GIRL TO MIND rhi'.dren; ' est reterenee. WEST 27TU ST.?YOUNO GIRL A8 NURSE; elty or country. Call or address. A>\,1 <ru AV. YOUNG Glltu TO TAKE CARE OP ,r?) Tgiowing chihlr.-n and do np-talrs work or usaiat with wailing; no objection to the country; four years' reference 'torn last employer. .1 ~ - 0TII AV.. NF.AK 35TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE Cr? Jyoong girl as nurae and chambermaid: willing and obl'ging; no objection to the country; city reference 17c 3i? a v. - a young girl as vuksk or T I c/lady'a maid; first class hairdresser and plain sewer, city reference. CTC 2D AV.?A K P. ?- P EOT \ 111, K OIKL TO TAKE sJXtJcaro of children and to do plain sawing; good city reference. "3D AV.. SECOND PLOOR. HACK.?A YOU.NU Protestant woman nn wet nurse. 521 U(\A oril AV.. BxkKoY.- AS COMPETENT NURSE; UU I understands the cure of children; Is a good sevtr; best elty reference. 7|U 3D AV.. NEAR 44TH 81.?A YOUNG WOMAN I V'TTas nnrse and seamstress; sews on Wheeler A Wil son's machine; would go to the country; best city refer ence. 743 2D AV., SECOND FLOOR A KESPu.CTaHLK young woman as wet nurse. 77 2U AV.. NEAR 41 NT HI'.-A RhhPRC I A RLE I I ? ./married woman sa wet nnrse: the lady can be seen. Ca'l for two daya Q/wTmItT aV., N ha It 4M H ST., IN STATIONERY OU'/store.?A respectable girl as nnrse; Is capable; three vears'reference; city or country. QiiQ7l " AV.-A illfsPKCTAHLK YOUNG GIRL TO OUt/take care of children; no objection to tho country. Csli for two days. 7Q SD AV., NKAlt 58D nT.-A GERMAN WOMAN ? wet nnrse; fresh breast of milk. 878 1A si /? 3D AV.. BAK.KUY.?YOUNG GERM > N YVID" , Ii.Oow woman, with plentiful, fresh breast nf milk QQf? 3D AV.. Hc.TWEKN NO 111 AND tblTII STS. tJ ?7V/(rlng be 1 three times) ?A young Protestant girl to mind chtldrsn and to do light housework. (.'all two days. 007 3D AV.?A^RKsT'LCTABi.K ToU N G WG ,00 i man to take care of chltdrso; no objsctious to the country; best city referenee. 31> AV.. B (R hi. Y. ?YOUNG GERM -N YVID" iw as wot nurse. 1--J I 21) AV.. Hi'.TW e, N 71ITU AND SGI11 s'l'S ? .c/O-r A respectable German girl as cniln's nurse and do plnin sewing ; IshtiUS, FitKNOU PHOTKSTANT AS NURsK: CAN TAKE full marge of a child; e?u sew ; good rctercuce. Aotlrcss L. S.. Herald Uptown ndlce. Frtl'.NOil GIRL AS NURSE AND r hAMSI RKSS; good elly reference Address bog 1118 Iterald Uptown ofllco. YOUNG GIRL. LA TKLV FROM C sNAIlA. WOULD like a position In a respectable family as intra- to one or two children Ir. the elty ; good home prp'erreil to high wages. Address RKFIN It KNT, bo* 135 lis rata oflicc. APRKNCH WIDOW LAUY W1SII Kk "a~C 1111.D TO taks care of; will bring It np In French or English, nnd will give It a mother's care. Address A. B., 2M Utb st.; n<> teoeinent. UYKENCII PKgTKSTaN. WOMAN Afi NURSE t.N AN r American Ismlly; best ralcruiices Address L. C., Ilsr sld Uptown offlct. Wmiriiwn*. <w-. WKST 35TH ST. (PRESENT EMPLOTRRH).-A it irlrl aa Brit cliii waltrora and chambermaid In ? prlrnte lamily. .? WhnT ioTti ST. (PRESENT EM I'LOYKR'H).?A Mjouiif tlrl to do waiting and One waahlng; ao objec tion io the cnontry. EAST SOTIt ST.?AS PI KMT CLAM) WAITRESS nr chambermaid : beat city rafareaee. en wks pUjifom >3 (ill Pl' ?'b.>T 30TH ST. (PHKafcST E M rUIVKK'H).-A ? rOglrl ae Bret claaa wallreaa and chambermaid; luur yeara'*. 1t?I? UKRKNwinH HT.-RfcSPKUTABLK oIRL, TO mUvhII <>n tli" table end ao plain eewlng ur npatalra work en-i plain.Bowing In a private family. Oall on or ad drera M O'll. lor two daya. fl)n WEST WITH ST.?RRsPROTaBLR YOUNO iltKL XZOda waltresa or chambermaid aedwaltreaa; private family; nndrretaada tier bnelueea; loar yeara' relerence from her laat place; elty or country. iTil I WKsT ?WT'i st7-^PHiiTiS fANT WAITRESS i.l)Uand chanibrrmald . Ave year*'city relerencei city orconntry Oall for tee day. f)l|A WKST 41 ST St.-A TO l. NOW DM A N AM COM ^llUpetrnl waltrcaa; nndrreiamli all kin-la ol ealada and the care of (liver. Or to do chaiubcrwnrk; beet dty ref erence. 2.>?> W hHT~8STII ST.?A HBSPKUTABLK IPEOTKs .jrrtant irlrl ae wallrrse and chambermaid; beat city releience ; no objection to the country. iT| i "EXsr-; te?r 11S f77\~ Yin, mi "WoMajn a 8 l" Tfirai claaa walirate or chambermaid and wallreaa; peed sty nr.d ceaatry referenda. OQQ Lr.XlNO! ON AT. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).? ZOO A I'roicaiaut girl aa tboroucli waltreaa and to naalat wltn chainberwork or washing; ally ercoantry. No tarda. Call Irom 111 to I. OI(i KaHT 21HT ST.-A 01KL AH FIRnT CLASS OI t/wnilreae, or wonld de chainberwork and nlaln tew Ine; beat city relerence. uKaT BSD ST?AS WAirRi-.SS AMI) CHAM barmaid: all klndi talad; tlx yeara' city refarance. or r ?iex av.-a oikl as kirst class wait O xaJraae; wonld aaalat In other work; ean take a narea'i place. Torso WOMAN AH PI KST CLASS WAITRESS; willing Is aeelat la chamlierwork ; flvn yaare' relerence |r?m laat place : city or coantry. Addreat K. S., box 100 Herald Uptown office. .1Ilaee>li(tne>aua *717 WEST B7TII ST. - A lOUNO OIKL TOR MOIIT md L I hunaework and to lake care of eblldreai elly reler ence. I|C1 WKST 3RD ST.?A OIRL IN a PLAIN PAMlLTt m\ r I lidi ytrt rakftaaa O/'Tf IS I AV.'i MILK STOKE.?won AN TO WOSK Z' ' i lir the day or weak I underatanda her baalneee; beat city relerence. ?J||I1 KAeT WITH ST.?A KSnPRCTAHLK ToUNO O'/Uglrl io do light liuaaewora or taao care of grown children ; two yeara' referents. EAST aflTH ST.-A YOU.NO C.lRl. IO DO ANY kind of w<<rk; inference. Oall two days 1st AY.. BETWEEN 34T1I aTd StII HTM.?A yanirxlrl t? do IIulit heneework, mind a baby and IBaka liereelf neefnl; good city reference *Hi WEcT UMII Sf.-A TOUNO AMKrtlt'A.* OIKI, OUin no light honaework or chainberwork ; preler to ?le p at home. 4?(| DTI I AV. FIRST PLOOK.-AS PIHST CLASH 'X ? 'Kreneh in aid; nnderetanda her bnalneae tlioroughly; ne objection to travel; heat referancea Tp"|| 4Tll AV. (i: ANdV"5tfIBKj. ? A Sva KLIIcH OllitL X?Iv/a? lady'a maid; Is aflreicl**i aeainatre-a; can np. etaie on dlfT.-rent machines, or will take Care ol children; good city rrlereace. illQ WENT 5ATH NT., CORNER IOTH AT?A 1'ROT. \X t'Oeatant girl m go to hngland i-r Scotland, where service wenl.l be takrn lor paaaaga ; never tea sick ; beat relerence. Oall or addreaa. CC7 wkst win sr.-a y-uno iTkkman uihl to t)*J I do light hnnaewnrg and tlrep home. 6 A II BD AY.?A fOVM til Mb AS~mTTli Tn7) Hf egaeamatroaa ; nndsratanda halrdreaaing ; one year'* reference Irom her laat ainpiorer, APIRST CLAIR TRENCH LADY'S"STa111 W.tNTS an engagement; le a good halrdreaaer. dressmaker itnd milliner; Cnnid act aa roorier to * lainllv going td Eu rope. Addreaa H. L. 0.. liernld I'd town nflic*. 306 416 SITUATIONS WAfflTKn-FKMAlsEll. MlicelU neout. AS COMPBTKNT*LADr""lAlD: A OOOD HA1R dreeser. dressmaker and Niaitrani wonld |? lo ??? country. best etty reference. Add re m A. B., box 141 tlor. ?Id Uptown office. STEADYPERSON TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK; low wsoes; good re fore neat. Address box 126 Herald Uptown Branch office. Intelllsence Offlcoa. F AMI LIES, 8 I'M MR It HOUSES. HOTFLS SUPPLIED with (elect eerraote oi all nations. *V?2 6th ??. JaCQUIN'B bureau. ET NURSES aNO PROFESSIONAL NUKSKS. with relerenco. Large selection found at HANSEN'S Agency. 144 East 3Jd it 1U1 13TlTlr.7NKAR 80 AV.?A LARGE NUMBER AO I of capable and traetworthy German servants. Mrs LuWE, PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED? FEMALES. ~T~cheEk'fuCTkkfinetTCadv~5gSati.y needs XI honorable employment. Who will aid her f Answer explicitly. HOPE, box 140 Herald Uptown. AS 1IOTBKNKSS. COMPANION. COPVI81 ?WOULD take charge of summer boarding hone# or enperintend a Sntlemsn's household and give a moth*r'e care to ehll en. Address ENERGY,box 1.14 Herald Uptown offlee HELP WANTED?FEMALES. An lndusTRTfiusXady uf goo/T^TmxrEss ajHS butlneia ability as aaiealadv. Jam l-.B SHBBHY. 38 Barclay st. A young girl wanted to do general housework In private family. 243 Ka?t2i?t et. A GIRL, 18 OR 17 YEA l 8 OF aOE. WANTED AT 772 Washington et. Apple. Aoiki. For good cooking, who is willing to aeslat with washing and Ironing: references wanted. 882 Lexington nr.. corner 66tb St.. (Irst floor. jg altMa.n a Co.. ldrll st. and ath aV.. want st onoe an experienced forewoman, with pood taste, to take charge of workroom, and capable of drapiug and looping fine ooetume*. Apply personally or by loiter. B. ALTMAN A CO . 10th et. and 6th a*. ERMaN GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: that understands washing and Ironing; wages, $8. 117 Fast 104th at. NTThhK.?AN ENGLISH WOMAN TO GO TO THE country to take chares of lnlant; wear cap and apron; must bo ai le to drree hair ; wages ?14; relerencee required, 'fo-dey, 59 Weat 19th et.. 10 to 2. ANTED-A GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK AT 1,254 Lexington ??., second (let; reference required. ANTED?A GOOD HAND FOR DRESSMAKING. Apply 49 Carmine at , aoeond floor. w w WANTED?A GIRL. 15 TO 10 YEARS. TO MIND children and make herself ustful; reference required. Ill Grrve at. w ANTRD?FIRST CLASS, DRESSMa KERS. 5ft EAST 128th at. WANTED IMMEDIATELY?HOUSEKEEPER FOR Institution near Philadelphia; mqat be Episcopalian ; English preferred. PINCKNKY'S Agency, 30 Union square. New York. ANTED-A TIDY GIRL. IO MIND A HABY AND do light housework. MUNDOKFK. 236 5th st. Call after 9 o'clock. X\l ANTED ?ACTIVE WOMAN AS FIRST CL tSS ?T cook. Call, aTter 10 o'clock, with references, at 22 Bleecker et. TIT ANTED -A GERMAN COOK AND A CHAMBER " maid; must do the washing together; relerenee re quired. (34 Weat 52d at. ANTED?GIRL FOB GENERAL HOUSEWORK, cook, waah end Iron. Apply, with city referenoe, 107 Woet 41 at st. ANTBD-A FRENCH GIRL AS NURSE; CITY REF errnce required. Cell at 72 East 34th at. beiore 10 o'clock ANTED-A RESPECTABLE COLORED WOMAN aa flrat close coot In a private family In Yonker*. Call at 4U2 Weat 33<1 at., to-day. at 11 o'clock. ~ AN1KD-24 WEST 23o ST.. A GIRL TO DO PLAIN cooking and good shirt Ironer. r'ANlKD-ONE FFproVEK ON DKESsMAKl.NO. Call between 7 and 9 A M.,234 8th ar. w w WANTED-A PROTESTANT NURSE FOR GROW lug children. Apply 10 Livingston place, corner 16th it., opposite stuvveaant Park. ANTED-CIIAMBEKMaTd AND "WAITRESS; A young irlrl well recommended. Call 11 to 2, No. 237 East 13th at. ANTED?FIRST CLASS OPERATORS; ALSO binder, on white work ; no work given out. 93 Priiioe el., corner Mercer at. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES. "7 yoSnu swTsS^'waSts a sIWaTios AS i\ waiter; speaks French. German, English. F. H., 258 7 th av. FIRST CLASS FRENCH WAITER (MAN), SPBaK Ing English, wants situation la private family. B. 11, 253 7th av. young man wants a permanent position In the Insurance business; eau furnish splendid refer ence. Address IV II., Ilereld Uptown nfllce FIRST CLASS GERMaN WAITER WISHES A situation; restanrant preferred. Address H. H.. box 142 Herald Upt~wn office. SMART, WILLING LaD (17) WANTS KmPLOV? ment: will make hlmseit ceoerallr naefui: eltv or coun try; beat n-lerence. AdoriaaJ F. II., II raid Upiown office. ~a pLiST GLASS FRENCH MAN OOOK ? AMI'S A FY situation In private family, restaurant; town or conn try. F. B.. St. Michel reataurant, 183 Wooator at. "1 rksFuctaule oolcTkkd man-wants a gVplace aa gentlemau'a body servant. Address O. A. T? 200 West 21st st. IJTl.KK Olt WAITER-1N A PRIVATE FAMILY; bss first class references end thoroughly understands his business In every respect; city or country. Address 0. F , No. 625 6tli av , In the trult store. 1 tNiro ?J first cla s Jaaa flats; uuderstands ate .m pomp an I heater; three years' experience ; beet city referenc ?- JANITOR, 271) West 11th st. Situation wanted?as night watchman, Oixirier, or anything similar, by a etcauy man ; good city rerorence ; small salary expected. Address J. J, 330 Bast 74th st. "ilTUAlION WaNTED-BY A MAN OF EXPERIENCE, its cook and carver. Address Y. L. 226 West 4<itn st. ITOATION?IIY A SINGLE COLORED MAN. TO KB generally useful. Addrese PKTTRR8. 381 Hudson av , Brooklyn SITUATION WaNTED ? BY AMERICAN YoLTil; HAS some knowledge oi hu-tness; first Clasa references. Ad dtcss AMERICAN, Herald office. W~ANTKD-SITUaTION aS PORTER OR GKNKRAL ly useful man in a hotel or large boarding honse; beet references given. Address 0. C , box 17U Herald Uptown office. VOUNII COLORED MAN WANTS A MTUATUtN AS X porter In store. Address, tor two d iye. K. FLOYD, 41 East 10th st. Aril(IN~(~fM\N AS WAITER lis APIUVaIK FaMII.Y. X 8 West 19th et. CLKltKs \\U MAUOSJtlKlk. \ (JSnIi/kvian or uuou add kbmm 'wiSffETfo .fYioll telephone!, ealery er eommiee.on; hni boen 12 yeari In telegraphic boiintii. Addroea K. A? Herald Up. town office. AMALKmM A.N VISITING UAKGE CiriEh CAN TAKE along a email article nailing without tronbia and loei ol time. Adilraae H. K.. box I Hit Herald Uetown nlhce. YOUNG MAN. AHri) Vfti. WANT* a SITUATION lu a publishing or whoieeale louae; ben reference! Iroin former employers. Addroea ClIAKLKM B , Herald office AIIOuI) OOKRSsFONDkNT. BOOK K i-.EPi-.K AND Caitom lioaea dork, understanding foreign ciahengo, daalrtl poeltlon. MaSONIC. Herald Uptown offiaa. AN ACTIVE VOL'NO MAN, Of LoNO KXPEKIKnOK and good ealeemen. retiring from the clothing bueloetn. ne?Irea a poeltlou with a good huueo. AddroM O. II., tlerald office. A COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER, ABLE TO OORRB epond In r.ngllih, Preneh. (L-rtuiu. >panlih and Datcli, with unexceptionable reference*. daetrea a illaatlon; sal ary mnuernto. tdrtree* B. P., Ilorald office. BOOKKi' KPrR "W ANTi7i7~Tl KMCVT IX)AN EM plurer $1 ,001 m real eatale security . roitilmi perma nent; weehlr (alary. fgo. Addren box 2,<V>4 l'ost nlllro. AN AMERICAN OK 24. TIIOROUOII HOOK keeper and excellent per.mau. dealrex poeltlon la aa office ; low ?aliry SATISFACTION, Herein ftlc?. ADVBKTIBtfc W OPEN TO An KN(JtOEMKxT AS ? ookkeeper <>r eniitant; uudcrnande doable and single 4X' VORNrcyci ??? aaeiaanup , uiiucieaHH'JW tiwuuer- nuu eiilllll entry thoroughly, and li nf mmt temperate and referred habit!. Addren l?. K. N? box It'l Herald Branch nlllee. Active man. wihi ?ino. can mecukk profit able employment; money secured. Innotre DUDLEY, 6 hut 14th it. A FIRST CLAMS BOOKKEEPER DI Ml KES A si f I'A tlon . ha* lent; experience andli thnronghly competent; German ami Knglleh ; New York and ritliaoelphia rarer eacee. Addteee DAY BOOK, Herald Philadelphia Brunch office. BOOKKKKI'RIt WA.NTED-A THOROUGHLY Ex perienced. rctmomlcal young man of moilerata meant to join advertiser In a I neineee ready lor Immediate opera tion . reletenre? exehenged ae a preliminary; advertiser aged .Tit; llret In own home at UBall expanee: hex fl.&of) luveited; widely cxnerleaeed In hii line; will attend la ealee and manufacture, and wanta a partner for office do tnt.a. Artdroie CASHIER, Herald nlllee. DRUG CLERK WANTED-MINULK TO UNO MtNt malt eoeak Uermaa. Apply at b'THICKLANU'iI, 2d Heekmen >1. Man wanted-who can"hell ??hoi.d ?k\l" champagne for oath; need nut apply ttniaei having traue. N. VaN BKIL MM Chamber! it. SI fCATION WANTKD ItV A UiKaUY. MOHK.t AND indnitrlnua young man e? clerk nr light parlor ; boat nf reference!. Andreee VAN K.. Herald office. TI1KA SALESMEN. Cirv OK COUNTRY. WHO CAN 1 enmninnd treilc irmu grocer*, can niakt engagement* lor the year hy addre?tag PtCl^KwT A Co., 1MB Dnane ?!_ WANThD-AN AhHI.vr aNT HtttiKKhKI'BK WHO ?.peaks English and Herman, write* a good hind t beet reference! repaired. Adtlrnat M. T. M., box 2JO Herald of ncn. yy AN TED-ACTIVE. RNKKdhTIt! SALESMEN, FOR ,, tlre?a* moutnlng good*, linen-. d?u,e?tl< * lacee and dreaa trimmings. Apple to JOHN K KaUOHkaN A <11.1.. Hruadwar. corner t'th it. W ANTED?YOt'NG MAN am CAMlllKIt; MUVT UN <Ioret? i<I keeping let of bank!. Apply on board .learner 'I willy.I. 22d it.. Nortn hirer, before II ;3fl. VTOUNO Man i2I> Dc.Ml .KM PoelTION AM AmmImT JL ant bookkeeper, clerk, salesman or copyist; good writer, correct nt figure*; ninnerate salary; roieraiteei. Adtire*! Fa I I'll FUL. Herald "dice. L'tlAITIMEY AMI) OAllUKNEItS. _ A" thoroughly hxri~i1h.NCKD (HmTTTHaI want? eittiatinn; best ctty relarence. Addren COaUII MAN. I4."i Franklin it. A situation wanted?by an kxpkkikncko man, a- coachman and gr.tura ; 10 year!' reierence Irom lent employer; no objeotlon to tne country. Cnil on Or ad dre** M. C., <141 Hilt it . harneea itore. A coachman's si i cation wanted by a young man with nrst clan refer ncee, uttd cen be roc ommaiiiictl by tltrea different employer!. M. II., bug lilt Herald office. A coachman and harhenrk'h situarion wanted: ha* the beet of city reieranea: wage# moderate. Addrtta B. 0>. box 216 lleralu office. COACHKEH A urn OAUDEBTERft. "TTTco AoTTiiAir^ir^ njJLg^Ut Aeltr driver: good refersnoes. Addreu ROBERT. 141 West 28th st., In the renr. SITUaTIu* WANTKD-BY A PROTE8Tam4 ronni men. u oonchtnen In n private family ; oeaotrp preferred: beet refeiweoe. Addreet W., box 128 Herald office. A 00ACIIMAN AND GARDENER-CAN MILK ABO make himself useful. Addraea P. W., bex llU Herald office. ' RESPECTABLE COLORED M vN DR8IKR8 A ell nation as coaclunan aod groom; bait city rat era nee. Address J. W , Herald offi a .- OOACIIMAN.?Si N(ILB. USEFUL MAN; THOR. oatrhiy underrtande bio bnilnew; city and caantry: tail-factory reference Address 11., box 132 Herald office. Id ANT A SITUATION FOB MY COACHMAN; t pert wltb him on acconnt of going to travel; can highly recommend In every respect. Call on Mrs. A RICH, Mm 42 Wen 38th ?t Coachman and thorough servant in a Lit fti branched. In ?r out door, Addreu J. B., box 230 Hep. a d offic , for lv? da< I COtCIIMAN?CAN MILK. KEEP PLACE IN ORDKlt, moderate wages; city or country; reference. X).,box 120 Herald Uptown offlre. CIOACHM AN'rt SITUATION WANTED?PROTESTANT; J 12 yours' flrnt class city reference. Addreu W. H. W., box 113 Herald Uptown office. M~ AN AND W1FK? IIAN AS COACHMAN AND UaR. dener and goueral man; can milk; wife aa plain rook and laundress: be?t city and country reference. Call tea daye at 210 Kant 41at at. WANTKD-PITUATION ON A GENTLEMAN'S PLACE; iaacarefnl driver and good vegetable gardener; 18 moutha with laat employer. Call 120 Cedar at. ANTED A >ITUA'lION AH OROOM ANI1 COACH, man, by a aingle young man who perfectly uuderatendg hit butlneaa; no objection to town or country; con be highly recommended br bla laat employer. Pleats addreu P. Q., private atable, 53 Clark it.. Brooklyn W~ ANTED?BY A YOUNfl ENGLISHMAN. A RITU A linn as coachman or groom: town or country; country preferred; three yoara' rood rctcrcnoe. Call or address 7 West 9th it., private stable. HELP WANTED?MALES. X~CEYIIih.MAN"<>K ADDRESS AND ABILTF?~TO J\ secure advertiaements In thle city for aa eetabliihed Philadelphia publication; pnaltlon permanent and lucre, tlve;'references required. Address (letter only) Rev. J. IfKMtY SMYTIIc.. 153 and 157 Broadway. 4 FKW~7lddl> AO K.N r> TO SOLICIT IIKDBKS FOB ?Aenlnrglng old pictures: bast and efienpeet 227 Grand. FEW DEC"K N TL Y~bRKS^ElT E jTl^U BTIC AGENTS from New Yorx. New Jersey an<! Brooklyn will be lap. nl.hed with ad ireeeos whereto eell goods: basiaeee pep. manant and profitable. Call at SMITH'S, 8 Beach at., ap one flirht. N ENOKAVINO FIRM MEED A FIRST CLASS canvamer; permanent eltuatlon. Send reference! to W H. O., Herald office. (1KNTS WANTKD-TO SKL.Ii BENSON'S RUSSIAN tallow and fancy soaps. 13(1 Rende at. OY WANTS D-hDUCATRD, Til LKARN DKUO business, flying near 14th at. Addreu DRUGGIST, lleraltl office. OY WANTKD-ABOUT 15 YEARS OK AGE. TO DO all kinds of work lu store : S3 per week. Addrau box 4.U27 Post office. OY~TO ATTEND A LIQUOR bTORE. ADDRESS M.' box IBM Herald office. C30PVIST WANTKD-A TOUNG INTELLIGENT MaN J who writes a clear, quick hand, can find employment foi a lew weeks In a downtowu offioc at $5 par week; must epply in hie own handwriting, with reference! aa to good eh racier. Address HOWARD, box 117 Herald office. neroetTc MEN TO SOLICIT FhR HIKE INsUK. unce company ; alio a good, active advertising solicitor) good Inducements to good agents. Addreu M. S. A., Hois aid office. AMIFACTUKINO COMPANY WANTS ORNEKAk agunts; lifetime territories; basinese pays handsomelyj nortsg; unquestionable references necessary. 381 Oth sr., top Boor. * YRTBrtMAN WANTED?SINGLE YOUNOMAN. WHO understands conking, and a hoy to wait on tablos. Ad dress tl. N., lli-rasli Uptown office. PU RE T K AS.-AGE NTS-W aNTF.D KVK It YWIIB RR to sell to fsmllios. Hotels and largo consumers; largess stock in the country; quality and trins the hast. Country storck eDers sn.hiM call or write TUt WELLS TEA OiiMPaNY. 201 Pulton st. USEFUL (Si .Ml PROTESTANT). FIRST CLASS milker: very cleanly, active and earnest at all kinds of work: a good character from last employer indispensable. Address PLAIN I'ALKKIt. box 2.S05 Post office. Wanted?an active"man of good for a light outdoor l-u-inuss. CASStLL, FETTER A OALPPIN, 306 Broadway. ANTED-1 WO Mh . TO ASSlaT IN A DIN INO room. 774 7lh av. Call 0 o'clock. ANTED?A~GKNTLEMTn OF TACT. AND BUSI nesa ability; ona cap title ol repre-entlng a new aerial publication In Sew Yore and vicinity: salary. $25 per week and commlatlon; references required. Addreu, for three days, JUSTIN, box IIS Herald office. WAN TED-AN ACTIVE. ENERGETIC MAN OF posh und goo1|addr*ss as canvasser on a leading eliy Journal. Address box 2.468 New York Post office. \V ANTE IT"IMMEDIATELY MEN OK WOMEN OF V? good address to take orders lor Ibe Complete Poetical Works of William Cnllen Bryant; new edition, with 100 lllustratlona on steel; |ust ready ; active workers can real ire handsomely. Call on J. 11. SLIPPER, at D. Appleton A Co.'s, 34!> Broadway. ANTKD-IN a BUTCiiEK SHOP. A YOUNG MAN having some experience and speaking Trench. 43 South 5ili av. ANTED?A GOOD DRl VEK;'M UK I' HAVE SATIS factory references. Apply at 116 West 25th St.. be tween 0 and 10 A. M. ANTKD-aN ACTIVE MAN WHO THOROUGHLY understands the wholesale and retail milk business, on ?alsry and commission. Address, with relsreneas, MILK, llera.d office. ANTED?ACTIVE YOUNG MAN AS WAITER IN restaurant; mast be well recommended. No. 1.1U8 3d nv. 2~1 POUNDS I'URK TEA. 5n CENTS; ID POUNDS 2 Boasted Coffee. $1. SAMPLE TEA COMPANY, 20S Pearl and 4>> Fulton st. Agents wanted. PER WE Kk~MA |Tk BY SMART AGENTS, male or f?male; a novelty. Apply at 27^Aanjt^ Til 10 TKADK5. TT8io6" waYcHMaKeK. ?ho ko uuiVly TO standing the repairing of Jewelry and fair lottar en* graver, wants a situation. Addreu present employer, Uh G. HAK8TKOM. box 62. Paek.klll. N. Y. A FRENCH DRAUGHTSMAN, HAVING GOOD Ex perience In tbn buiinose, would like a position: wagel no object for a steady place. A. L. B , Herald Uptown tsflli a. PRACTICAL AND I.XPEKIK 4CBD MaN AS IIEaD of eastern work and suit department In a Urge retell hoase ; a Orst class position and liberal (alary 10 right max. Fall particulars and relereneee to box 220 Herald offloe. MtTTaTION WANTED?BY A PRACTICAL CUTTRB ol experience. In a custom elothlnr house; the Out el cllT relorence. Address CUTTER. Herald offiae. $<J0 A Apokkman carp ntkr wantkd-jicbt bi competent to take entire charjse of shop. Addrete A. W. 8.. Herald Uptown office. mTk WANTKl) IN A PAINT PACTOBY; ork who understands mixing paints and dressing mill* THOMAS Q. IIOJKR. O.tft 3d tv. OItUaTION WaNTKD-BY a YOI7NO MAN. A OOOD ^practical plumber and gas Otter; willing to work At ansa thing. Address PLUMrtKR. 460 Canal St. OI??N PAINTKM.-KO. I MEN ON ADVKKTISINff OSigns, pictures. Ac.; must be lightning. Address BKAD> BUKY A CO., box 3.124 Post office. W" ANTED A PBitBON ACQUAIRTK'J WITH JKW. nlrr. ol rood address and references satisfactory, eag gad employment. Address A. A., Herald office. WANTKD-PORRMAN POR BOYS* ODOTHIHOf none bnt experteaoed men need apply at 447 Broadi way. t pkopobaUsT " PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SltPPtl hi IKV i Transportation. Department of the Interior, Offlee of Indian Affair* Washington. May 34. 1878.-. Sealed proposals. Indorsed Proposals tor Beet, Hecon, flour. Clothing or Transport** tloii.Ae. (as the ease mar bo), and directed to the Com missioner of Indian Affairs, hot <11 and 63 Woo* tor st.. New York, will be received until II A. M. of Tuesday, June 18. 1878. for far nishlng for the Indian (ereica annul 67">,00u pounds lincon. 38.014),1*31 ponnds Heef on the hoof, 1110,1X10 pnnmu lleaoe, 28,i?si pounds Haklng l'owder, 2,0U0,i*X) pounds Corn, 45H.IJHH poanns Cnttee. 7,ooii.oui poande Kiour, 58.UUI pounds Keen. 200,flU) pounds hard Hroad, 113 <ygi pnnnds Homlnr, I.T.KNO pounds Lard, 1.100 barrels roess Pork. 2I."?.U<)0 ponnds Klce, 7,000 p mods Tea. 58,(1)0 pnnnds Tobacco, 'JtO.'esi pnnnds Salt. 10)1,001) pnnnds soar. 8,000 pounds nod a. HJO.OOI) pounds Sugar, and 1,358,(JUQ pounds Wheat, Also Blankets, woollen aad cotton Goods, ooaslstlng la part of Ticking, 33.UK) yards; standard Calico. SOO.nOf yards; Drilling, 2U.50U yards; Dank, 2IH,a?o yard*) Denims. 14,880 yards; (llnthatn. 32.BOO yards: Keas Inrkr Jeans, 4HHU) yards; satinet, 3.000 yards I brown Sheeting, 230.1* SI yams; bleached Sheeting, 211.1* KJ yards; Hickory Shirting, 2I).(K<0 cards; ('allce Shirting. 7,300 yards; Wlnsey, 7..VM yards; Clothing, O'ocertes, Notions, Hardware, Medical Eapplles aad mln> eellaneout Articles, such a* Wagons, Harness, Plow* Kakes. forks. Ac . Ac. Also Transportation tor such of the Hoppllea. Goods, aad articles that inay not be aontracted for to ho delivered a( tne Agencies. BlI'S MUsT BE MADE OCT OR GOVXKNMBNl It LAN KS. Sclirdnles showing the kinds and qaantltte* of sebsistenM snpplles required for each agency and the kinds andqnaa* titles. In gross, of all other goods aad articles, togelhot with blank proposals and forms lor contract aad bond, conditions to be nbsereed by l.lddere. time end place oi dellrory, terms ol contract aad pay* mont, transportation routes, ann all other necessary Instructions will be famished upon application to iha Indian Office In Washington, or No* 81 and 03 Wi-osloy St.. New York; to fc. K. Klnuley. No. 3D Clinton place New York; Wrn. H. Lyon. No. 4*3 Hreadway. Now York, and to the Commissaries or Subsistence, United States Army, at Chicago St. fertile, Hloox City, St. Paul, Leavoa worth. Oinaha and Cheyenne. Mids will he Opened at the Itonr and day ebove Hale* and bidders ere Invited to be present at the opening. CKKTIKIKD CM KCK a ONLY RUCKI VABlK ON POL. Low I Ml Banks, ao. All bids must be accompanied by certified cheeks npse some on# of the following banks or government deposi tories for at least flvn per cent of the kmodut ol the pr? lineal, vlt. : Chemical -aliens!. New York; National Broadway, New York; Metropolitan National, New Yorkl Ninth National, New Vork; I'hlladolphla National, PhllSs ?lelphla; Kirsl National, Baltimore; Third National Clin rlnnall; Union National, Chicago; fourth National 81. l.onis. and Clllsen's National, Washington, D. 0,1 anil'the United States Asalstsnt Treasurers at Philadelphia, Balti more, Chicago and St. Louis. K. A. IIAYT. Commissioner. DIAKICI.K MAMTSMk ARHI.R MANTELS AND MGnUM kNTlTTulXFifB than evor. A. KLA III.It. 134 hast l*th St., m ar 3d ay M ARTROLOUk. AsTKOLhGKh LISTr.K, 3UT "Wr.sf ffi only one In the city. Send stamp lor circular. AWONDEKKUL CHILD, OIKTRDWiril 8KC0ND sight; tells everything wlthoat Questioning, low KasA 4Dth, near Lexington av. A ri-?.n i i<? t'ONNULrArloNs iTn hi:sink?Il lawsnlta, enemies, losses alucnt Mends, liyve, n.arrlage and deal it; pay refa-ed iinleee satlsded. Mnie. si N villi. Clairvoyant, 487 West.Tlih St, MMK. KOSA KKTRaLS LIPR PhhM CHADLB grave, euree asrvoas debility, locates disc newt BL AS, , iTt