Newspaper Page Text
CITY HEAL ESTATE, ma HALE. Central. A 8HORTMF NT CHOICE DW'E LLINOS?MODERATE ' \urlc?>: own production : send for ilcicrlpnou. DUGGIN 0KO88MAN. architect#. 63 K??l Oil. ft For sale-framf: huildino, corner p\kk av.. 57th at.. auitabla for bolchor shop or other businr.. purposes ; el.cap ml. MlHZESIIblMEK. lib. kail 5711.. ok balk?on srn A.V., near aurH sr.. west aid*. a full alio four sterv high (loop House. Alio A corner Houao on I bo iami ilda ol ike avenue. E. H. LUDLOW A CO., 3 Pino el. FOR BAlK-FOUR FOl R mTokY BRuWN ?ro>K Houaea, 54th St., botwoen 5tb and tiallios ava.anb sianiially onilt; mirrors, boiler's ixanlry, extension, Ac, Ac.; plumbing, drainage, ventilation perfect.>_ on premises DANIEL HKN>ESSY. I7IOR SALE CHEAP?HOUSE AND LOT. WF.wT 50TH X; at.; tli'se storv brown stone: 20x50x11*); $?.nOlk TIMPaON A FEF.T. L518 Broadway. near 44th St. Went Side. SHEAP.-rOR SALE, A rULL LOT ON GRAND ST. near Orecne st., tree and clear. Would trade for small ce ol Property. Call any day. between 12 and 3 o clock, ou JOSEPH K. HLAUT, 13 Pine at. TjtOR SALE OR LRASR?TWE.NTY-ONR LOTS OF J? Ground, trontlnc on 11th ar., 10th and 21st sts. Apply to ilEKKINU A CO.. 251 Broadway.corner Murray st. BROOKLYN PROPERTY FOR. SALE AND TO RENT. fiWtr.TfJ."a^?.TrciTTruii.~"Nl;icfibukiIoud in 1 Uronklyn, naar Prsepeet Park, throe slury brown stone, til improvement*, witlilii halt a block ol c<ir* for r nl.oo. Wall and South terries Inquire at 56 Reads ?L, S WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE AND TO RENT. ?rTAfcRVtfo#srssrrmrnxstror furfftns ?on?Furnished House to lot. season or year; cheap rant. h. KMHFUt.SOX.81 Wast 42 dJit. PROPERTY OUT OF TILE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT. "jt"":iigfuBBkT~ iSIfH ? "i da:: A| 261 Broadway. are prodnelng at Kairmnm.t Park. X. J., unusually attractive and complete Snburbau Homes; Plots IUOxKiU. skilfully laid out. Our latest Imwroreinent (the park) excites equal surprise, admiration and delight ol those visiting premises. AT IRVINGTON. O.N I HE HUDSON.?At LAROK stone House. Inlly furnished, billiard table; stnb'e: choice vegetable garden ail planted. Irults ul all kinds In noundauoe : 24 acres ellsnd; and unsurpassed views of the Hudson ; hiah ground: rent very lowto a tlrst| it ass Ismily. For further particular* apply to G. II Alt. L)K>BL'llliU, 51Weel 10th it , or LAllRuUX A WEII BTADT. 58 and 00 K ads st. ASTORIA.?TO RENT, KKW COTTAGE, 0 ROOMS: modern Improvements: lawn extending to riser; Im mediate posses.Ion ; $3u per month; Fnrn.tnro for sale. LAWSON, ltll Kast l'3d sL EST 1XVESTMENT s?sUIT IVRKYBOUY, RlAOTI. ful Houses ; prices, $650. $865. $1,60u. S2.8UO. *4 OHO. at Klisabet .port. Si. J.; come and sea tb"tn. Circulars. K. K. KKLl.OGG, 3 B.-oadway. New York, mornings, or 151 2d St.. Klisatielhport. afternoons KAI'T1 F(Tl_17LAi:E."\VKSTBUKY. L. I.-22 A C R K S excellent land; new bniloiug,; slock, crops and tools. 4k> Weal Houston. CTOI'TaGK TiTlKI' FOR THE sUMMkTI.N LENOX, J Mass.; the house is situated in the village In a very de sirable lucaiten ; is In tbo.ougb repair and newly lur niahed. For partieulsrt apply to 1 HUM AS I'lisT, of Lenox, Mass..or to the owner, Uuv. A. J. LY'MAX, No. 20 Sidney place, Brooklyn, A. Y. ltok rent?Philadelphia stork, no. 45 north r Sth st.; mnrble trout; largest and nest lighted store on tn* street: p*?***eiau July 13 J. R. CASSF.LHc.RKY, Real F.state Broker, Xo. 420 Library at. AltF.~~MAJOPAO"TO LET. FURNISHKD. A KINK House.In good urdur; 12 rooms; good bathroom; ex cellent well; stabls. boathonse and noats; u..rivalled for kealtbfuiners and buauty : price to suit the iuues. Address JOHN DARROW. loot 47th St.. North River. MOKKlS'fOUN, N. J??GENTLEMAN'S HOME FOR sa.a; great sacriflco; handsome house, grounds, stable, I. shade ; very little cael. required. J. 1). COXD1CT, owner, 140 Broadway. ARTII aDs VINEYAKD.-DKBIKaBLK OhTTaUKTO let: fully furwi-hed. S. C. LAW, 21 Wall st.. or 83-O'.ItU U.WInrd st., Brvwalyu. OWNER REMOVING PKKUANF.NTLY IU Ktlr.OPE offers for sale hi* elegaut Kesldenoe, near Ki.glewuod, N. J., fnrntsbed ar nnfnrnlst.ed: either ten or thirty acres (option ol purchaser) strictly healthy; very higo, com manding views; the residence elegautlv fitted op lor anmuier or winter convenience ; large stablea, car riage house, gardener's house, hennery, hot house, ice bouse .filled) ; splendid woods: sprlngwaier pond. Apply to KDWaKU P. HAMILTON, SO Fine. ,W* York. O RENT FURNISHED?COUNTR? HOUSE; healthy; finest s.lunt.ou for bathing aud sailing ou the bound. Box 171 Part I 'heater. X. Y, REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. IjlXtiTjuOnHf FOt; GOOD fltOPKltTY AND $0.00) J ash One of the finest Hotel* In the West, lully lur n.sued and doing good bn*ine?a; valuo $73,1X10. Addroas W'fcSifcRX HOTEL. Herald office. For saLF. oR KXOIiAXUF.-AT Bi.1ZAHF.TII, N. J., on one iol Hie leading avsnnes. a commodious iloti*e, nnencumherrd. srlth gas, hot and cold water, stable. Ac.I lot 35 by 530, with plenty eho'ce Irnlt trees and small Irnits; for a lions* centrally located In the city ol N, w York . principals only. Apply to OW.NEK. Xo. 370 West 5.5th it, between 1 and 4 P. M. For balk or eJohangkfor a iiousk?near 5th av.. a beautiful Country Seat, at Tlvoll. on ton Hudson. hrlck and atone large Mansion, hams, dock, inrm houae. fruit, farm. Ac.; inagnldccnt views of river and Calakllls. Apply to box 1) Tlvoll. or T. 8. CLAuKSON A CO . 146 Broadway. TO KXCIlAJoS?PoR CNIMPROVED PROPKRTf IN 23d-24th wards, or W tstchester Cennty. Ilonsn and I.ut. UMOiicuini-crotl * ml Improveiuaut*; g*oa uelghborhoou, near depot; price #S,OUO. OtVNKit^ 145 Broadway, room 15. TO LET FOR BiiMiVmSS I'LKPOfcu-*. TJENNKTT* SlTIl,rJfNt?T . Jj corner of l- uiton and Nassau sts. Several offloas in ibis building to let at grsntly reduced rente. Tho offices will be altered to suit tenants. The l uildlng Is l.eated by steam, aud each office baa washttand and water in 1L Two elevators running. No sxlrae. Apply to JOHN L. KNIGHT. at the building. BTAND TO LK f?IN MKAT jLwtKK l7 8U11 ABL~ for butter, eggs andcheese. or wonid do tor a D.h siat.d; splendid opportunitv. Inqnire Lalayetls Meat Market, corner Adeiphl and Lafayette ay., Brooklyn. lfbTin r "tJ.7uNF.Tr"Tin~iu avT. bVitable Fur any bnslnesk reqnirlng a firat class store; also hand some Flats, $22 to $55. JOHN D. CKIHM1.NB. 1.(37 3d av. fpo LK'r-Ko. 4 iLDKiDur. nr., near division' a A good slssd More. 4 Kodroeius. front Basement. In quire of the bateher, next door, or BKXJaMI.v aLBRO, 3o3 West 36th st. To" LftT ? OXK OR TWO FLOOK8, W1T0 tttRA~M power and heating; sjdendld light on four sides; floors AO by 70 feet, 11 quire 285 F.ast 3tilb at. Thk barber "il.Tr uadkr grand union Hotel, opposite Grand Central D-pot having boot. re. painted and pat In good osder. Is ready to let. For terms apply at the office. T o LF.r-nroRK northeast cobnf.r bth av. and Weal Td st. Inqnlra on premisss. STORY FACroRY BUILDING. 155 AND 157 WKSJ" :Mtk W . well lighted : suitable lor any purpose. inVKLLI.YG IlOlDKN TO LET. ParnUliwt. COKKT 1TOUBK, TVL.LX FURNISHED; PERFECT <>r<l*r; eenv*1; owner will Board; rate opportunity. IOIIN HURRUS, 1B4 Broadway. F* lUKklflflKD HOU8B nrTRRS KOOMs- FOR rm a month, awinit to alcfcaoie. 417 Writ 2Mb ?t. L'Ul. T Fl RNIBIIKD MEDIUM 8 (ZED Mil*If 8TOOP J? Home. 'Hh ml At* ms : rent fll.Vlpar TlMPnON I PKRf. 1,91-1 Broadway. nnr 44th i|. ro LET FUmBI n MM> jitW BROWN >TONK llenee; owner bearding -at tml! ?u llarlcra boat landing. On BF.d. hot 14W naraJd rltlrr. QOD t. ?t l**?i aEtT-#!,**!; SID. $2.fO; Ma7y tLZ/"then. ferbiihed and intiruUbaa; bargain*. J.t.MliS D. bar. Madtion ay., cwruir 47th. ( ninraiiiimt. At fpnC-NRWI,V PAINTED HOURS, IS KOOVft; alio modern lour ttery. #1.??. 8 H. i.OODALK A CO.. 5 W it 33d it. ?A/iort aoe.**?Muht co-r v | iTTTkoTnt iiiTffH Viiriionb; liable, elty limit! nothing objection nk'*; fare Ilia. Pir'.loiilin l(H Wail USE if. (?iera?e offlee), t~"lHt KM I BO KEO Dl-.BCK? fllllKF. STORY. COM /plete order. RD-Vi; aaiorimenl limn ,f "xio to pj UN); Rati and lower part* et>?ni> FltOh ?l I.IOll, 7BM ltd ??. LABOR PUlfR STORY BROW.^MTONR IIoUaT., *7 Veil 10th it.. In perfect nrder. Apply on pramliea. Ekiftit uitKaTlt krdIcId~a biTmh it Tikrt c>a?i floo'fi la eptandld location*. In-inlre oi MARK LfcVY, Bo. 7"t Ath nr. TTTitrTK sToTif BROWN KTONP. HOUSE. 49TH Hf.. Broadway and Ath a?. . Tl JH rso.N A rnltl. 1.919 /(roadway. near 44ih it. TO L'kT?A NEAT UTiMF. Vm'i aoV.344 Wi.^T.WTH ?A. with water and rai Inquire en pnmiiei rURKISHKU RUDDIh A IS If APAHTMBRTI IO 1.1 IT. XTaTue. McKLTrCTTot 141 AT*718iriti?rf6 let. to one or two rawelamon. A7A Bth nr., Bret floor. fURRiRhRD mm, irm MAI u, fo let. to ono or two respectable rentteineu. 131 Kaet 18th PA. between *? I ana 4th are. eeeond Seer. A LA ROW Pl.KA.aANT BOO*. A3 90; KVBRY CON xLeriilrnoe for hotitekeeplnu ; ether K?. m?. 94 to |S. tf>4 Well JOtli it. AI'KIVAIK FAMILY HAVE NlOhLY rUBNIsllKD Room*: rinllrmeu or pwetleinan end wile; relcrerira, 314 Kan |8tli et. ' ADBFIRARLK ROW?PARLOR. BEDROOM. BAIH, Ac ? (earth floor. 34*4 frth nr., npt>oiite Hotel llrum flMb. itlCK FURMRMhb ROOM TO LET. INUUIRK OF ROM Kin MKO. N*. 187 Meit2*tb 1A HA*d5o1"RLT PURMisHKD ROOlf TO LET TO ?tingle gentlemen. In a prlraia Kreaob family, at 144 Weil S4t!i et. pmiVatr fa?iii.Vwili7LfcT sBYBraE~TTasd. A A Linmeiy faralined large lloomi rery rea-inaoy. 30 W est 4lit It. A ft ALL ROOM. f3; I.A ROE FRONT. #4: BorrilKRN /\tip> lore 47 Went H8d it. LoeaWon AI ; relereaca. ? ACOU'LR OF Nr.ATLV KURnTsTi e.D ROOM 8? Second floor, light hduiekeeplng ; get, water. 4110 Weil 34th. ii.KOA.NT iciT, FURMlaiTKD. RACHP.LOK'rt E pirtmenti, deiighlfully cool; prlv ite bath. 4ft Wen 4rfth at., near Hroadway; term* reasonable. BiTkoan rT.v r'r rsihhT.d" lajmik Buo.9tn.Vi Tit or wlthoat prlrete baihi; Hreaklait lfdeilred. 94 W?ti 4ftto it. WLMABflf FlTRirifflED fllOOMA. K.N BU1TR OK ?j?lnily, for rentleman and wife nr "Inula gentlemen; all modern lmprneemeni>. 8 Wait Tdh it. JfUkfTiUftrliKNfailKO. TO L.KT? F N.nahutt aeraar of 43d it and Hthar.; lineal location; orerlnnktn* Reaerenlr Pari. rpi RN'ldMhD HO0M8 JlTttOUt BOAKI). roB URI* f llemea only; ehohe eecommedetlcne and vary central. 84 W eat 49th et tiuRiti il i?f? booms?iT S > tip war iTTT r an sliilff r or perm ?I. let. 19 kaet I "III aad 109 Kaat lfttli, ntar Villi iquare. FUK WISHED ROOMS AID APARTA1EWTS TO LET. fWfcVmrgD TfdoETT Oi WASfffNOtW BQUAkB. r lodging or buueeseeping; Tory low rout. 5i> We?t -Ob it. IrM ItN IS HED KOlivIK Wmi H1.1>ROOMS. FOR 1 housekeeping: rout veiy low. So. 271 Won 12th it. F_ H H j>RONT HALL HKD OOM TO l.K 1 -FUKN1SHBD. Apuly l?l West 3Dt. second floor; ANDSOMBLY FURNISHED KHIMs" SINGLY ok en unite; lermn moderate 144 iVeel22d it. .V ???*??/'^^~R K r Tsrrr-^ *25Si!*?. *? SXS ."oum,; ? w ""oi14^"?0^To,a'"?^'?h?w"w1Lk KD?^5inr! r 417 <?h ??.. nk.r^tttV * "?uiokwopiun; another. INIH WaBI). ? HANDSOMELY FUKN18HKD Ronmi; rent n?'?d?reie; priv?ite Uouee. Apply Mntn Ward House Agency, 4SU Hudsonj-t. N N O. 101 KA*T flSTH si.-FURNISHED ROOMS, large and imill. I?w for ins nwtt NI0h.LV FURNISHED FLOOR? llOURKKKBPING or gentlemen; would lit separately; onry conven ience. 201 7in ??., our 22d at. K~ KWLY FUKNISH El) ko<fd8 FUR SINGLE QKN tlimrn or gentlemen and wlvii, wltb or without Board. 3i? Weil 23.1. S MADISON 8Q0ARB.-ELEGANTLY FURNISHED Apartm-nts in let. In floors or singly. 12 Bait 23d at. AU.UK Av 1) ALCOVE TO GF.NTLHM AN AND wife, or gentleman, without board. 175 Waverley place, near I'erry. SUlr~FUKNI8HKD ROOMS. WITH KITCHEN i P"<I Tato honae for housekeeping; batli, gas, $35. Real Ks tate Uflice. 17 Abingdon square. TO pTlYSIClANs" Olt_DKNT1STS-A RECEPTION Room, rent $20 P'?r month. 31H West 34th it. T COOL AND llANLIouM. LY FURNISHED FLOOR J.will be let to a family or pnrty of Irieudi for the summer to Hoard, $ti to $7 prr week. Address, with reference, BOARD, Herald Uptown office. 0 NICELY FUrtNISHKU ROOM8. ON PARLOR AND Abatement floors, for phyelclan'i office. 442 MsdDoii nr. dfcO CM FBK IVKKK-H ANDHuMKLT Fi:KNIStlED qp?. (JUlloami; flret clan rele reoce, 40 West 27th it., Broadwny and t'.th a*. ? > CHKISTOPII E~K ST.. NKAlt 6T1I AV. FIRST Ofloor.?A widow bai a liandaomely turnlihed Room, for gentleman only. hT. MARK'S PLAOF.. ?FURNISHED UPFKR ROOM to one quiet gentleman only; extraordinarily quiet place ; uo bill at dPor. 7TII aV., 203, NEAR 211D ST.?FURNISHED ROOM8. elegantly lurnlihed, at moderute rent; also hall Roomi. $2 7 ST. MARK'S PLACE.?FURNISHED ROOMS, ground and aecond floors, $2 Soto $7 weeklyt no house k orpin g. TjTwaverley peaof.. near broadway'-kuTT AUnlshed front Roomi at very moderate prloea : $2 to $6. L5 WASHINGTON PLACE. NEAR BROADWAY. Dllaudiomely lurniihed Rnomi; cleanliness gusrsu teed; betulflul location; temia reasonable. i)?J IKvT N U PI.aOK.-LAKUh. FINELY FURNISHED i.ikuon.f.t; front hall Room. $2; Iront Parlor $1") per month. west a?TH sr., near Madison square.? eft Well furnished Rooms, without board; low lor the summer. 'TTti! ST., THREE DOORS FROM BROADWAY, 113 OttWeel. ? Large, handiouiely tarnished Room, on second floor, $7 por week. All WK T 29TII 8T HANDSOMELY FURNISHED TT If Rooms to parties appreciating cleanliness; permnnent or trsnsleut; breakfast If deslrid; private houni. '* o'WBST I?fli sT.-MCKLY FURNISHED ROOM, TTi - lor one or two gentlemen ; priee $4 per week.l A u WEST 27TH >ST.-HANDBGMELY KURNISHKD '1"0Rooms, large aid small, lu a first class house; sum mer prices. To WKsTTlTH 8T.-TO RENT. Wll'llOUT BOARD, xOl'nrlor Floor of lour rooms and batli. furnished; also other Rooms. 1 lit MACDOUOaE ST.? t URN1SI1EI) ROOMS. W1TII xXVaoiiveuieuee fur houaokeeplug; huuai refurnished and ell .need bauds. EAST I7TI1 ST.?A NEATLY FURNISHED J.XL -ofruut Room to let fur one or two gentlemen 1(1U EAST lOTll.?A EaI?Y OFFERS large 1 A/Opleuaaiit Room, Board lor a lady It desired; no otber bwarders; top floor Room, suit two geutlemen, lor lodging. $2 30. QOff WEST 47TH 8T.-$1 50 TO ?2 5l>, FOR GEN giOtJtlemen. two large Rooms, two medium, second and thirl floor; uewly furnished, hot and cold water, bath, Ac. ?>oA BROOME ST.. NEAR BOWEKY.-FUKNIsITeD ?JOU Rooms, for gentlemen or light boutekeeplng; prloes low. UKFIKN18UED KDDMS AMD APART MEATS TO LET. jTFarrMKNf. -CHfehk/t'C, Aelegaut, moderate, new; play ground; ehado trees; sum* mer house; oriel windows. LOWER PARI OF A HOUSE TO EET?FRONT and back parlors sad two bedrooms, front and back basements; hot and cold watsr. bath, stationary tubs, gas Allures. Ac.; $35 per montb. 131 East 51st st. NICE FLOOR"TO LET IN THE BR 'WN STUNK bouse 307 East 21st SE Apply to J. OTT. 158 Prineo si. AT REDUCED RENT-A SPLENDID FIRST FLAT. 7 rooms, on Lexington av.; also one no Btli av . nesr 44th st. MARK VkYV, 7B7 Bth ST. A -FIRST AND SECOND FLATS TO l.LT. SIX ?rooms each: rent $2U, $22. OWNER, 43<) West 31st st. Elegant flats.?reduced rents-, spli-.ndid bouses and Inoatlous. 455 West 43d st. Elevated road; perfect orrtdr. every improvement, hulls furnl-hi-d ; janitor. fINK FLATS. $18 AND flB.WITIl IMPROVEMENTS. 315 East 78th st. JOHND. CRIMMINS. I . jwy ou m_ PETER A. La LOR. Flat of five koohh and bathroom in houss with owner; halts and stairs handsomely fur nished ; rent $23. 314 West SBth st. Single and connkctino rooms, to ukntrel parties only; first diss bouse, Just opened. 200 Meet 23d et. O-|7eT?ON BKCON1J FLOOR, MUk ROOMS. Wil li every convenience, to a email lamlly in hones No. 287 HDecker st. Kent. $10 ner mootlt. TO LKT-NICF.' FIRST FLOOR. FIVE ROOMS. 238 Hth av.. over drug store. rpo lrt-aV'artments of TWo to seven rooms, 1 in 4th, 12th, lHih, 2Sth and 34th sts. Office 138 East 12tn TO LbT-UPPER PART HOUSE 328 EA8T IBTH ST. Modsrn Improvements; In good or dir. II. MKKRITT, bd 2d sv. TO LET?T*WO FLAfH, WITH ALL IMPRoVEMKNTP. an Lexington sv . between 50th end 57lti st*. Inquire nl DANIEL H NNESRY. Owner. 128 East .ViO. it. MONTH, SMALL FL\TS. EVERY IMPROVE ^A?"ment. five rooms excellent oruer; best loeaiion; each honae turee femllles. JOHN 0. WILSON, 3d av., NtHh st. ilON fill.v.?SECOND FLOOR. TWO PARLORS, Ifiiilun bedrooms, dlulng room and kilcben, nil on same fluor. wltb American family 154 West loth. 222 WEST 13TII BL?THIRD FLOOR, 5 ROOMS; water and Improvements; rent low. Q -?> iikXINOToN AT.?FLAT 15 FIRST CLASH t'rjt fbrowu >tooe bense, six rooms; all improvements ; rent $23. imu'sks, hoowh. ?m.. wjunewm, 'in thtd dlv ami Hruuklrn. GEMTdRKa* WA.Mr* Pr.RM aKKNTLY PCRNIsHED Hloeplng Room In a unlet buuee at about $1J par month rant; roam iniitt haro running watar and be kept itrictlj clean Addreaa K O. <1 . Herald office. WAMKD-A R a ALb. TIIKKK SToRY HKill 8TOOP bm* n utone Henna, pond lucatlna, unfurnished. with ?11 coneeaieaeei, between 34th and flth ate. auu Lexington and ?th era ; rant net te exceed $3<)U per annum, Admass b <x 1,trill Poet office, Row York. II? ANTED?BY POUR ADULTH, POUR OK PIVR UN TV furnished Honnin In a reapoctable loealltr; rant uot te axoetd $17 por month. Addreaa M. L., Herald Uptown office. SECOND PUMIK WITH PIVK K(H?\I8 end all raodarn Impreveraenta nnd la a nice neighbor hood, From il'tth to .Vith at: Kir a full particulars. A. TnuJd AH. 48 and .'?() Walker at., cltf. 11/AM KD-MT a LADT OP Y. A TV pleasant Inrnlaheti Koom. In a respectable houae, where there la an gossip: a eat aide; terma moderate. Ad dreaa la M , box 133 Herald Uptewn office. Iii the Comntrr. APIRRT CLAM Mfl.LP.K WOULD HIKE TO rent a amall rnatnni Mill In onnntrjr. Addreaa II. W., rare ol P. Neadll. tie Wrtha nv? Brooklyn, K. D. WaNTHi-HMAI.I. FURNISHED t OTTAME For summer In healthy lecatton, with ahnde. Ac., an hnnr from clt r; rant not to exceed Shu par month. II. 8.. Herald office BOARURIt* WAITED. rwrr rn>'tjncarmmrFmkik ?mrit7$r>M. A with private table, or without board: Room* lor gent e man, eith Rreakiaat If dealrad; references. 3HKast3t>th 1? HANDSOME MOOMft. IIOllII BOARD; PINK i.O ?ratloa: many banc oomforta: M and (5. 138 East III?i at. 1?NEWLT A.N It Rl.ROANTLY f UKNIMIKD IIOUHgl ?Rooms ?lnglv or an salt#. with axcellant Bncrd, In (iar IIIan family. Ml HUfti at., corner l.axlnirtnn ae. 1 ?Rtttt A It ON hRCONli FI.OOR, lid; 130KahT 371II 1 e*t., Itomns on second and third lloora. with Board, wall tarnished | Hl'ir Ort hINULn ROOMH. W illi OR WMHOUt 1 private tabid, with aummer prlaaa; aleo me ol carrtaire. 438 Madison av. 211 ANIt I III H It FLOORS PI K.N I Nil Kit OK I N P U K nlehed la elegnni brown atone homo en Park sr.. pri vate table li dealred; Rooms lor gentlemen; reference. Ap.-it et The OMH|W l"l Rdd> -14th -t P PKONPEOr PHAi K (KA.aT tldf mTj-ALCOVK ? TRnom and Parlor to lot cheap, with Board; hall Itonm, $6 .VI. r Tit A v.. trill. BKrWhRN 4I'T II AND ftOTIt HIP, vJtMrs. OLIVER). ?Elegant Apartments, with or without Hoard: vupertor location tar the trimmer. 18 f iBk AT. ? HANDSOMELY PLRNINHRI) Koonit, singly or on aolte, with Board; rolorencea. II Til Itr , CORNER 3D AV., JKKi AND HOJ-DK.NIK "1 ahta Kuoraa, with Board; table boarderat terma mud arate. I 4 Til ST, 331 WENT.?DESIRABLE RooMS. WITH 1 TcKonrd . permanently or transiently ; terma fit per * ok ; reference.. a?tiU NT.. NO. 59 WKMT.-H aNDHOMELf FUE ttwnlahtd Rooms for gentlemen and wlvta; al.n dclr abla Ranma lor single gentlemen. Peraona looklnit lor romfort, claanllneat and unexceptionable table should apply. |.yD .sr . WEhT. I? PI KST CI.A8-. HOAKD at i ? ror.v low nrlcoa for tno tnminer ; alto table Hard 2W D HI . 3ftt WEitT OnoL HOOM? POttfilK HUM mar; subtly Brai olaaa labia; price, low; referoioe. t^'ilt f T., 417, MINIM)* TERRACE?HOARD. ?tVAband.ome second Ploor, with private bath, amiable lor gentleman or >)M party; table and location ex rolient; reference. 23S BT., W EdT, I SI.-Htm MB, WITH HoAHI), POR tamlllea nnd single gentlemen. 2a>u ht . wTftr, dnti.?handsomely purmhiiId Oltooma. en anile or alnglrt fKMllout tattle, homo romfortii terma fttMonahltt. BOARDER!* WANTED. f>X~w"EsT 3Jii ST .' (T^iTTkn * * aK6 mTKiciim. Willi Hoard, lor gentleman and wile nr single gentleman: reference* exchanged; alao labia Board. OTfiT ~BT., WhhT. 223 LAROK FRONT ROOM. a?~Twtth Hoard, lor gentleman aad wile, $14; daalrablo Room lor single gentleman,$7 t) .-ffn~T.. VI 4? WKST.? PLKAfltNr KOoMS TO ^?Jl?l. ?llli Board, to gentlemen : alao on# larira Room lor gentleman aud wlta; lirmi moderate; location brat claaa. tJi;TII sr.. 48~VVEST.?t.ARUB. NKATLV KURNldiT w< 'ad Rooma, with Aral claaa Hoard for laralljr or gentle man; auimnar prlcaa: refaroiica. 2~~77 W K 8T 83 6 ST- HANDSOMB ROOMS if OR KAJC < illaa and gentlemen; to not modarat#; tabl# Board; references. OU h aHT ?TH r-T.-TO LET. HANDSOME AldV MOKoomi, larg- and amall, naw and elegantly lurulabad, with or without Hoard. ;|1?T -T-. Tdl WEST.?HANDKOMKLY FURNISHED a Xllooin, with boara, to family or uiugle gentleman; terra. mod* ruts. feVrWKKTBfiTH ST. NKAR KKOAOWaY-HANO tJUaome Rooma, brat, third floors;good Board; horn# com furta; aiimmor prlcaa. r?J WRSI itai) Hi.?HANDSOMELY FUK.S'ISH KD rIOllooina lor laraitioa nr single gontlaman; auramar prlcaa; with Board; raferencaa. S'J R'ASTtlTH ST.."NEAR BI!OADWaY.?HI NULE tJOllooraa, with brat claaa Board; table Board; modarata charges r^A WBKT 24TII 1ST.. NEAR FIFTH AVKNt'B HO *J Jtlal. ?Ronm?. with Hoard, for gentlemen and fnntlllea; stranger* accommodated; highest refaraucaa; honao kept by a Southern lady. tarnia reasonable. CC WKST 28TH BT. -ANSEL WIMIU WILL LET BIN UtJele nr donbla Rooma; prirata tabla if daairad. Cft WEST 3UC1I ST.-PL. ASANT BOOMS TO LET, liUallli Board; reference* exchanged. no KA81 a.vrii 1st. ?nanTTkomk i, y burnished UU Rooms. with Board: appolntmenti 11 rat claaa ???) "stii av7-Handromkly furnished rooms UOalao I'arlor baits, with brat claaa French eulaine; tariua reaaonahla; refereiicoa. Z>Q~WEST 33tIT~8T. . HANDSOMELY FURNISHED VsOlarce Rooma. with brat claaa Board. On IRVING PLACK.-IIANDtiOMKLY FURNISHED UtsRooms to let. with or wilboat Board; day boardera accommodated. Kino Country Board to be had at Pler inont. 1t?o madiso.s av.-dksik nblk suits and sin ?(Ogle Room*, with or without Board, at very-moder ate prlcaa. m" BAST 43TII ST . CORNER LEXINGTON ? AV ? Fnrulahed Rooma, with Board, In private family; term* re aeon able. IO: WEST 3HTII 8T.-EXCKr.DKNT BOARD. WITH XOrJwell furnished front Room, for two gentlemen; terra., $6: honae honti-llae; r-fer.-ncea. WEST 471'iI ST.? ELEGANT SKOONl) FLOOR; brat claaa labia; rare chance for gentlemen of a couple; reference* exchanged. Th?3 7madison av., corner of aao bt.-a very LtsOdestrable Suit and aiugle Rooma to let, with Board. i/?.? %e77t 4fii"St.?ha!*drumi- l y furnished 1')?front Rooma to let with or without Board; with board, $3 np; private family. WEST 38TH ST.?I,AltOK PLEASANT KOoSF, .L ?) v/ w u h Board: alao two single Rooma; term* modarata. WKST 2.'ID KT.?SPLENDID ROOMS. 8INULS 4jU r/and en su.te, in perfect order,with all couvanleneee; beat Board and very reasonable price*. Wi-..?T 20I'll ST.?PLEASANT ROOMS WITH Ov/OBoard; referrnc-ea. O/IO WEST 18i ll~ST.?FRONT AND HAOK ROOMS Ol/Oon aecond Hour, with Board, ball Room; taring reasonable. ?Jdi WKST 23~D ST.?FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH vJaJrrBoard; referoncoa required. KiOaTHTfl-AF., BKTWEliN~3?rH AND 40TII 8T8.-A UO^youn,.- man ean haro good Board, ptaaiant ball Boom, bath. Ac., $A 50 per week. SOCIAL, I' It IV A T K F AM 11, T WOULD LIKE TO accommodate one or two gentlemen with firat claaa Hoard, having a large, square front ttooiu (view of Central Park). Itaudsumelv tnrnUned. light: bathroom and cloeet adjoining and all home comlorts; terma $111 per week lor two. Adilreaa >WKl-.T HtiMK, box 1U0 Herald office. SMALL FAM1LV"oF ADULTS WILL LET HaND aomely furnished Kooma, with brat claaa Board, to gen t rmen, or gentlemen and wlvea; these In uueat of clean apartments, good attendance, Ac., will bnd this an nnnanal opnortuiilly to seenro bright and chaerfnl rooma at mod ern*. price; loeatlou Weat 2'2d et.. near 21st at. station New York Kleva>ed Railway; refarenoai exchanged. Address ONYX, box 210 llerald nffics. RE FIN KD LADY OK OKNTLEMAN CAN OB tain nsat famished Apartmenti, with or without Board, in the home of a widow lady. Ilvlnr alone, and no other boarders: house and neighborhood retired and resoectahla; central location. Mr*. B. aTKI SB, Herald Uptown ollica. I-KASAnT ROOM AND BOARD, WITH.MEDICAL attendance, for a lady before and during confinement. Addreaa N. >1. B., Herald Uptown office. Rooms ake renting low (rkstackant prices moderate I at Grand Union Hotel. 41st at. and Park an BOARD AND LODOIHO WANTED. ~~~ ?^iX77r^T>r^.'Koii"?srvrfiii;?; ? WfkT^is JJehild, In plain private famllt ; no other boardera: 10 initiates Irntn Madison square; terms $14: would furnish room. COLUMBIA, Herald Untnwu Hransh. 1)1 iARD WANT KD?bT TWO I.AHlKh; ttOIlD LOOA J Jtinn, not over HO minutes from City Hall; large Room ; will i-e permanent if iulted; terms not ever $11 for two; reference required. Addreaa EMPLOYED, box 220 ller ald office. OOM WANTED?WITH OR WITrtOUT BREARrAST, iu the vicinity of Hbd at., between Madiaon and 7th ava ; mil at be on top floor. Addreaa. a-atlne terras, which must be moderate, r.. B.. box 1H1 Herald edict. WO YOUNO OENTLKMKX LIKE TO OBTAIN Tahlo Hoard In a privets latnllv in ths neighborhood EeetOHtli ami SM ata? Address BOARl). ttattou II, olty HOTKLh. ItOlBUB, *v ?ftfiirEyoi^rr~^oTrL: iibw* kY-2w /xKoontt; Lodging, HOc..4<>c., 50a ; weakly, $2 to $8. JJARK. AVKNUK IIOrtlT. 4th nv., 32d and 3Hd sta_ Maw York, , (lata Woman'# Hotel.) This magnlfleant itrnetura. with Its splendid appoint thants. nnsnrpeaaad In Ita Inrnltnre anJ equipments, adapted In every particular to the eomiort and eunvanlenca of families and guests, la uow open to the general public at a Drat claaa UoteL It haa npward ol SOU deeping rooms, many with con necting parlors, and there are alao eight large reception rooms, with library.parlors, reading, dining, billiard, walt iug and smoking room*, for toe general uaa of gneata. Surrounding an extensive cunrt. ever, chain -or has the advantage ?t light and ventilation, so daalrablo daring tn* summer weather. The building also Is Indestructible by fire, being flra prnol throughout, and tbe only betel of that close In the city of New Yora. The lli.rar) contains 3,000 volume* of selected and mla esllaneon* hooka Elevators cuuneet with every floor of the Hotel. The table will he at all time- abundantly anpplled, and the aitrhen and culinary department will be euutrolled by eonka ol the highest grade. Au extensive Laundry I* attached to the Hotel, where washing will be done eapedltionaly and at very moderate prlcaa. A peculiar feature of tho building la Ita elegant and spaclons Interior Courtyard, with Fountain, hummer Har der, Balconies aud Promanade. Unrated on lb* Una ol tha Naw York Central and nud enn nlver Railroad, it Is believed tbat the locati on la par ticularly convenient lor tba travelling pub lie. Board, with single Room, $3 per day. Parlors at equally low price*. Families will ha accommodated at specially attractive retee, H EN KY OLA IB. Manager. cot Vl'KY It OA HI). TTihrtMATT rXHTtr" *oC L"6~A?iiumoi>A*I' a Ah* hoarders; nice lawn; good Beard. Call, or address Mn COSTIOAN, M Paul's sr., corner Swan it., Tompkins rllle, Rtatan I-land. OOoRMODaTIONS KUR PamIEt OC TIlTtllK OR four, lor tlie summer, at on* el the m?l delightfully situated places along the line of (he Central Kaliread of New .isreei. ?hlrty,nilles from New York; Iresh milk, but ter, egg* poultry, garden vegetables, *o., on the place; us* oltiors* and phaeton ; term, moderate. Address WILl.lS BRANDON, Herald office. T TARRYTOWN kTVK MINUTLS KKOM Dhl'OT, excellent Board, Rooms; large, shady lawn t priest* family ; terms reasonable. AddressAox 2:10 llerald olhce. A~ DlfLT BOAKDK KHT A KB If RRA iio\AHLT ; II Hill, healthy location: large, airy rooms: plane. orxau. cro qnet lawn: MO minutes to <liy; quirk transit. Call or address WU1TK HOUR*. nnrtheaet ot 3d sr. at.. Mor rls-nla. OCOMMODAflONH roR A KK.W MOIIR BOAIUfKKR at "Anderson Mansion," on I'aasal* Hirer, ten mile* from New York: t n minutes' walk from 1'aaeal* Bridge station. Krle Hallway: farm. ?h*de. fruits, reretablee, milk and egg* In ahnndano* : boat* tree; terms fill to BR. OAK If IN THK HIc II I.ANIIR.-FINF.RT LOCATION, rtest references end pltolograpli nt 600 Oth ar. A. DA I LAY. B Board nkar Manhattan brach and gon^y Island, at a larro house: shady lawn line >lrlre?.ata bllng; term* 97 par week, OvKaM, Mall anas (L. 1.) Boat office. Board kor thrrr or poor adults in pri rain fnml'y ; ? ?tsnslr*, wall shaded ground*; large, eool llooms; geod table i frnlt la abandons*. Call north east corner IIIHth and Boston road. Morrlsnnln. 1JOAKD IN COL'NTKT. ?yl'IRT Pl.AOK, ON PARR; Jbonel and rarrlegea, prlcea moderate Call for one week at New York Motet, trom R A. n. nntll A tVfCRiHY BOARD. PRtiM BB ID $* PRE Wht.Ri /picas ant. healtliy . good banting and llahlng. Address box 136. Pawling. N. Y. TAXI'MII I'.NCKD MIDWIKK OPPRRlt flOOD BOARD Juisnd medlral attendance to ladle* during confinements bon*c la ntapieten, ntalen Island. Andreas K? Herald of* Bee. LONU BRANCH,? MltH. OUTKR'- OOTTAUB." ON Ocean ar , opens Jnne IB; Apartments, with first class Hoard Particularity tlJO fith sr. MoNTOLAIR. N. J.-PRIVATB KAMiLT IIAVK TWO Unoms cnnneotlng to rent, with Board; all Improve. lurBts, including ga?; deelr c le location .terms moderate. Address MUNTCI. 11 K, Uptown llerald office. HKRPROTABL.H. PLAIN KAMI L V WIRII A KKW Boarders, married or single. Apnly to Mr. BRADY, Way men ar . New Roehelle. S*~^RMhk AM> wlflThR HmHJHT KXcTTaNUK, 733 Broadway ?Krea to the public; Complet* descriptions of Rnmmcr Resort* gratuitously printed and furnished callers, proprietors of ?uimner hotels and bearding houses desiring pttests shonld arall tltemsoiyes of the tacllltle* offered by thta Kxchange Call or request circular. ha-hk"Uck a lakh. it'antkii?board riTk'TiTfthh. adults, tflrrt YY Infant; two adjoining Konmt. within I hour's ride from city; mountain al". Saturn It or > nntclatr preferred; terms not to exceen $211 per west. Address, with full par ticulars. M H.. Herald office. AN M D-hY A HJNhLK UhN I LKMAN, M<11KD during tha summer month* (oRe mum) In Nertlt Naw York or Molt llaren Addresa K. H. L>, Poat office bog 611J WANTRD?HOARD, POR TWO ADUIsft and two children, adjoining room*, on Ittrli and Kssex road, between Summit and Merrfst >wn Adm aaa. stating terms and lall psrilcu.ars, J. D., liar aid office. COli If TRY BOARD. Zfrr WIlks TKojnMT. hoi be fTksT clah&\ OlJuiountuin >ir; no malaria or muwunoii: carriago to aud from trains: livery attached ; $5 to $7 weak. uwnvr can b* seen at H ProuacliV No. IB Eait 15th at. or address Dr. Warner, Dtcxertou. N. J. Sl'.UMEh ltESOUTIS. "K naLoiiiNk h7VU;6TT>elaWake^a f E ft 3\t, .j\.ie now open and readv for boarders; prlees to salt tUs timer A pn < y to JAME8 BELL. Jr.. Experiment Mills Past office. Pa CCOLUMBIA HOUSE. J OCEAN HKaOII. n. J., (loaned June 1. 1870. This new and aiatrnnt hotel is bountifully situated on high ground, amid picturesqua surroundings, within two miles of the celebrated Ocean Grove l amp MeetltiK Grounds, and etgui miles below the tamons watariuir re sort. Look Hrauch ; telegraphic coniniunicatlon; contains 106 larKt, airy, and liandsuinely Inmlshed oedsbaiubers; the main feature being good beds; gits and water through out the building; electrical call belle In every room. Plenae addrssr. lor terms, Ac., Mrs. 8, MOWBIt, Columns House, Ocean B.-acli, N J C3AT.-KILL MOCNTA INH.?GRAN I' HOUHh. OAT8 Jkill. N. T.. 1>? miles Irom landing, onent June 12: rates Irum $10 to $20 per week, according to location of rooms. For nlan of rooms address A. J. GIIANT, Catskiil, N. Y? or J. CORNELL, pier 49 .North Kiver, New York. ONO Bi ANOII-OCKaN A V.-VERY DESIRABLE Koi-ins, with strictly first class Hoard; references. Ap ply Scott Cottage, or address box 136 hast Cong Hrauch. PRINCE'S 11AY^ TTcTiJL?1'KINOEM HAT STATION, Staten Island. Oood balling and boating; fish caught iu abundance. SCllTT A KaKL, Proprietors. S* K AS IDE ACCOMMODATIONS AT Hllllr.WHIIUuY, near Seabright; terms shoot $10; bathing in Irnnt. E. DARllOW. Oceanic. N. J. I'KING LAKK BEACH. n7j7-PaLMEK HOUSE IS nuw open for the rceoptlon of guests Address M. L. Palm Ik. ipiIE BKASHOKE COI'TaGK. In order to affbrd a Hammer Kesort for the yonng working women of New York, who are in need of rest aua recrea tion, the Seashore Oottace. at Atlnntlcvllie, near Long Hrauch. N. J , has bean purchased, and will be opened on the 1st of July next for the reception of visitors. The cottage is situated immediately on ths seashore, and has ample facilities for the enjoyment ot the bracing sea air and surl bathing upon its own beach. Person sdeslrlng to svail themselves of the opportunity offered should applt at once in parson mi the CADI ft' CHRISTIAN CM ON, No. 27 Washington place, north side, where farther Information will bo Ireely given. Reference* will be reauired. The charge lor board has been fixed at $ > for one week. ?r $9 for two weeks. Including railroad lares both ways. w INDoOK HOTEL, SARATOGA SPRINGS, M. Y? ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. THIS NEW AND SPLENDID HOTEL. WITH THE TWO LARGE BRICK RESIDEN0F8 AND EXTENSIVE GROUND- ADJOINING. OVERLOOKING CONGUKS8 SPRING PARK, IS NOW OPEN FOR THE RECEPTION OP QUESTS. PARLORS, BEDROOMS-Oil ROOM8 EN SUITE, ELEGANTLY FURNISHED, WILL BE RENTED, WITHOUT BOARD, Al' MODERATE RlThS. THE ADJACENT RESIDENCES HAVE BEEN FUR NISH KI> AND ARRANGED IN FLATS FOR 'THE SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION OF FAMILIES. THE HOTEL RF.STaURaNT WILL BE UNDER CONTROL OF COOKS Op THE HIGHESTORADE AND MEALS WILL RESERVED IN THE MOST BLEOaNT STYLE. ROOMS MAY HE ENGAGED ON APPLICATION AT THE METROPOLITAN HOTEL, NEW YORK. CHARLES II. SHELLEY, Manager. EUROPEAN DTEAiUSMlPk. Xi/Vm stak linC? TV United States and Royal Mall Steamert. For Qnrendsvn and Liverpool. NOTICE.?The steamers of this Una take the lanu routes recommended by Lieutenant Maury, U. 8. N., on both the outward and Homeward passages, GERMoNlC piaturuav. June 15, 4 P. M. BALTIC Tbursdav. Juno 20, 9 A. M. ADRIATIC Thursday, J une 27, 2:3(> P. M. From White Star dock, pier 52 North Klver. Rates-Saloon. $SUand $11* I. in gold. Return tickets on reasonable terme. Bteorage. $2?. currency. Saloons, staterooms, amoklng and bath rooms are placed amidships. where the noise and motion nre least, affording u dagrea el comfort hitherto unattainable at sea. For Inspection ni plans and other Information apply at the company's oBee. 37 Broadway. New York. K. J. COIITIH, Agent. HAMBURG-AMERICAN PACKET COMPANY'S LINE lor Plymouth. Cherbourg and Hamburg. WlELAND,Tlired'y,June 13 I SUEVIa.Thursday, June 27 - POMMEKaNI A. . .J une 21) I '1 ELLEKT Thursday. J uly 4 Rates of passage to Plymouth London, Churbourg, Ham burgh and all points In England;-First cabin. $1U0, gold) second cabin, $??). gold; steerage. $3<>. enrrvni-y. KUNHAKDT A CO.. C. B. RICH aKD A BOAS. General Ageuts, General Pasa-nter Agents, 81 Broad at.. New York. 61 Broadway. New York. I.NMAN ? LI N R " ROYAL MAI lXtTEAMEK.S, FOR QUEKN8T0WN AND LIVERPOOL. CITY OF BRUSSELS Thnrsday. Juuo 13. at 3 P. M. CI I Y OK RICHMOND Saturday. June 22 ntlOA. M. CITr OF CHK.-TER Sniurdsy. June 20. at 3 P. M From pier 37 North River, font ol Charlton at. Cabin, $SU and $10<i. gold. Return tickets on favorable terms. Steerage, $28, currency. Drafts at lowest rates, haloons, staterooms, smoking and hath roems amidships. John g, dale, Agsnt. 31 and 33 Broadway. New York. Philadelphia office. 105 South 4th it. OKTH GERMAN LLOYD steamship Line, batween New York, Southampton, London, Havre and Rremea. DONAU sat., June 15 1 NKCKER Sat., June 29 WEHKR Hut., J una 22 | MAIN -.-Set., July 0 Kate* of passage from New York to Southampton, Lou don, Havre and Hreman: First cabin. $100, gold; sseond oabln, TOO, gold; steer age $.?). currency. Return tlvkefs at reduoed rules. Pre paid steerage cortifieatea. $ U), currency. For Irelght or passage apply to UELKIGH - A CO., 2 Bowling Green. NODOE LINE UNITED STATES MAIL HTKaMoHS. NEW YOllK AND GLASGOW. VICTORIA. June 15. 3 P. M. I DEVON I A. J une 29. 3 P. M. ClKCAS.stA.June22.10A M. I ANCIIORIA, July 6. 10A.M. Cabins. $05 to $M> I xciiralon tickets at reduced rales. From pier 2" North Hlrar, New kork. NEW YORK TO SOUTHAMPTON AND LONDON. ELYSlA... June 12,3 P.M. | UfOPI A....June 20. 2 P. M. Tom pier 46 North River, teat ol Charles ?t. Cabin,$.'>5 and MS, Excursion Tickets at reduced rates. Second Cabin, $40 Steerage, $26. HENDERSON BROS.. Agents. 7 Howling Oreen. OHT D1KEOT AND ECONOMICAL ROUTE TO Holland. Belgium, the Rhine. Hwltssrland, Ac., Ao , via Rotterdam. Cheapest route to Paris. Steamer SCHIEDAM .....Juno 15 Steamer KOTfKnDAll June 20 These beautiful steamers, carrying the United States mall to the Netherlands, are great favorites with the public. Trips regular, rates low, comfort and living perfeet. For freight. Fur passage, PUNCH. EDYB A CO.. L. W. MORRIS, 27 .-south William n. SO llroadway. (Morris' i.nropoan and American Express.' CTOXAMD LINK.?BT Xn I) N. aTk. M. 8. 8. CO. ) NOTICE. With a view to diminish the ehsnees of ootllslon the (tesmers ot this line piko a specifle tourse fur all seasons ofthe yesr. On the outward passage from Qneenstown to New York or Boston, crossing the meridian al 50 at 43 latitude, or ncthli g to tne north ol 43. On tne homeward passage, crossing the meridian ol bo nt 42 latitude, or nothing north of 42. NEW YORK. LIVERPOOL and QUKEXSToWN. ABYSSINIA..* ed..Jnne 12, AldlKRlA.... Wed..June 20 BOTHNIA....Wed..June 19 | ?KtisNlA Wed..July 8 Cabin passage and return tickets on favorable terms. Steerage tickets to and from all parts ol Europe at very low rales. F'relgbt and passags offir-, No. 4 Ruling Green. CIIaKLE- G Ki.ANCKLY -. Agent. PASRKNUKR8 PER hTr AEROIF AHYsMlNIA KM bark from the Canard whirl, font > t tlrend at., Jeraey CHy, at 3:301*. M., on Wedneedar. Jnne 13, IsTB. Oil Ah. U KKAM'KLVN 4 Boellng Ureen. Nf* York. GREAT WESTERN KTK A MSIIIP UNE. .NEW YOKlt to BRISTOL fRNULANP) DIREC1. Taking gnnda and paeaengera from London. Cardiff, New port, tilooceater and all porta in Brlatol Channel From plar Id ham Klror, aa lotlowet ? DEVON ?-iARRAOON June 33 Cabin paaaaira, $30. $<*i, $7U. Prepaid ateeragv cerHfl catra, $3ti liettirn tlrketa hi fevurabla ratea ror trelgh or oaaaaue apply to W. II. MOttO ?N, Agent, 70 South at. CTUION LINK UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS X lor Queenatown and Liverpool. leaving pier .No. ft North Hirer, lout of King at... every rueaoar. WYOMINO ..Jnne |H ml. i MONTANA.July 3. fl A. M. CITY of NEW YOKE, WIM UNsIN JulyH, Noon. juna aa, i r. 1.1 Cabin paaaaro. $<13, $73 and fso. ncrordlng to location. Smoking. bath rooma and piano on each atoaiaer. lnlermadiataJMtl; ateerage fJH. WILLIAMS A QUIPS, 30 Broadway. STATE LINE.?TOGLASGOW. LIVERPOOL, DUBLIN, Reiiaat. Londonderry and Iho Parte E.tpnaltlon, tailing Irom pier 43 North River, font oi Panel at. STATE Of INDIANA Thnraday. .1 una IS BTAfK Of LOUISIANA Tlinndar. Jnna 2" STATE <?r PENNSYLVANIA 11mradar, Jnne 37 Klrat rabln, $?k> to $73. according to aecntnmnd-itlnna. Haturn tlcketa at rednead rataa. Second cabin. $43. Steer age at loweat rataa. Apply to AUSTIN BALDWIN A CO.. Agemta,73 Broadway. BTKKKA1IF. TICKETS AT 45 BROADWAV AND AT TDK COMPANY'S Fli.R, FOOT OF CANaL -ST. W. T. American line pok livrkpoou Tha only tranaatlantlc Una anil In nnder the American flag, sailing erery; Irom Philadelphia CITY OK I.IMhKICK aalla Thureday, June 13,7 A.M. It ED STAR LINK ft lit ANTWERP, earrylngtha Belgian nnd United State, ntaila, tailing eeml month'y Irom Philadelphia and New Yurk s W1 I ZhKLeND aalla Satnrd .y. J una 2'J, 13 M. for ratae ?l peaaaea and otber Inlbrmatlan anoir to PK I KR WRIGHT A HtCNs. UeneralAganta. B07 Walnut at , I'hllade phla; 5l SrondWa/, New York. JOHN MCDONALD, Agent, H Battery place. New York. General transatlantic company, HKMVKKN NEW YORK aNI? I1AVUR. Companr'a niar "new 43" North Hlyar. loot of Morton at. ?SAIN I LA U it K.N T. Laclieartea ...Weil., Jane 13,3 1'. M. LA Bit A DO It, Sen tiler .Wednetiey. J tine III. II A. M. CANADA, Frangnel W e neidey, June 311, J P. M. I'NICh OF I'aHSAUK IN UOI.D (Including wlnet To llerre; ?let renin Sl'ki; 3d cabin. (<>.'?; Mo raliln. $33; Steers -e, $3?l. Including wine, bedding and utenalla. RETURN TICKETS AT KKkUci.D RaTK.s. Nteamnra marked thna ("l do not carry ataarage paaaeif **'*? LOUIS DK BKBtAN, Agent, 53 Broadway. For frel-ht orpaaatge at f hlladelplila apply to ALONE i SIIOI WELL, 3 Chaatnnl at. U? RITED STATES PASSPORT BURK tTJI-c?FFlCIAL Pnaaporta nf lite Departraant ot Stain laaned ?t I oat olllec budding, fourth atury, room 30. Tnko alarntor at norttiweat r may. P" ASSi'.NtIKHS BY ART STKAMRirLANDINtl At IJueenatown dealrlng Tonrlat I lekett ro?nd to I'erla iiy buy mute ahnuld prncnre them In Now York. COOK'S K.YCC RsIo.N 1ST lor Jane notr ro nlv. price 10 canta, haa new entntnnal Progrnmtna Inr Paleatine and hunt. and itaa upward of 2,(*?i nr<.grummet Inr Am-rieun loura. Angn,t raeatlon trip to I'erla ?COOK, sttN A JfNKlNH hare chartarad the ?p endld steamer CITY OF CHEST K to leave New York Angnat I and are leaning a ticket to Parte and back for 33 daya. Ural claaa paaaage, railway and botela tMl OOAITWHl >TMAM?Hir?a ffKXXrl LI.NH Viiir'(hi,VK.,rO.V lotTcoIMG AT 1 Kay W eat?Steamer STATE OF TEXAS. Cap aln Nick trann, will tail Samrday, Jnne 13, at Er M., from pier 3D Rett River. Through retea nf freight nnd bill* nl lading gtren nrer all taliroada In th.. Stale. For Irelttht aad pat tern therlng anpertnr a. eummn tellonat apply in f. II. MALLOK3 A Co.. ndiee pier 30 Ehtt Hlyar, er COOK, SON * Je.S KINS, 301 broadwa/. COAST WIS te WgAMHIPH. ?ACI FIC~M AIL "VfK \ MHU flT COMI* A. sT,-"> X.IN K Kor CALIFORNIA. JAPAN, CHINA. CENTRAL and ? INUWICH I-LANDS. NEW ZHA SOUTH AMERICA. fiAN~w? _ land, al*>tha 1.1 a, Human Columbia, wash. ISOTuN TERRITORY ana OREGON. Ac., tailing Irom pier fiioi ol ChuuI at.. Norm liver ?? _ , u Kor SAN FRANCISCO, via the ISTHMUS OK PAN AMA:- . ^ Steamship COLON... Thursday, Jons 30 'cunueciiug lor Oentral and South A ma iaa). Prom BAN KltMICIAOO 10 JAPAN aud ClIINAl Steamship ALASKA Krlda,r. Jnly 5 Steamship CITY Oh TOKIO i liursday, August I ? torn SAN KKANOIsOO to SANDWICH ISLANDS, AUSTRALI A and NEiV ZEALAND:- 0 Steamship CITY OK NEW Y<>HK Moudav.JnljS Pur freight or passage apply at tue eutupauy't "dices, on the pier t"Ot Canal at.. North River VT Y. HAVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL S. S. LINB . Xl ? Hionmarn leav# from pl*r it N??rth Hirer, at H r. M. FOM HAVANA DIHKOr AND VhRA CKUZ, calling mi t*royre??u, t'lwnpoMciij auU Frontera. CITY O MEXICO Saturday, J una 15 CHYOK WASHINGTON (Havana only) Thnrs., June 20 Sieaiuer leave? New Orleans June 30 for Vera Crua via Matamnras. Tampion, 'luxpao. making clo?* counoollon with (teamer for Havana, New York and above porta. K. vLRXA.VDKB A SONS, SI and 33 Broadway. TTNITKD STATES AND BR ZIL U MAIL HTh.AMSHIl* LINK tor St. Thomaa, Para, Pernanihueo. Kabla and Bio da Janeiro. The ui-w first elaat iron steamship CITY OP RIO DB JANEII'O. 8.5U0 tons. 1 aptsin Weir, wilt sail (or tbo above ports un Saturday. July A. at B A. M. Freluht at low ratos lakan lor tbo above ports. Freight received at all times at Knborts' doek, Brooklyn. insurance lower than by any nthor line, .-flippers desir ing Insurance can etf ct same uuder our open policy. For freight engagements or passage (having elegant no corn mods liuus) apDty to 0. II. MAlLOKY A CO., A vents, nfllce pier 30, B. R. MORGAN'S LOUISIANA AND TEXAS (STEAMSHIPS and Railroad Oompany. ?The (toamor LONE STAR wilt sail from ni?r KB North itlver on Kainrday, June IS, lor New Orleans direct, transferrin it lexas freight to Morgan's Louisiana and 'lexas Railroad and steamship. Through bills of lading signed (o all Texas seapartiand railroad sta tions, Brownsville, Mobile and nil Mississippi River points. Insurance can be effected direct with the Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company, or under open policy of th< lino witb that company, st lowest ralss. Kor freight and other lniormation apply to MORC * BOOKUTtt MORGAN. Agents. ofilee nl-r 30 Nortli Itlver. New yohr and Havana direct mail link.? These first class steamahins will sail at 3 P. M. from pier 13 North River, toot of Cedar (L, for Havana direct, ns follows t? SANTIAGO DB CUBA Wednesday, June 13 Saturday, Jane 32 Kor freight and paaeaga, having uuiurpuased accommo dation*, apply to WILLIaM P. CLYDE A CO., No. 6 Bowling Green. McKKLLAri, LUL1NG M CO.. Agentein Havana. Nassau, n. p., st. jago and ciknkukgos, Cuba.?Steamship SaN J aCINTO, Thursday, June IX ut 3 P. M. V. U Kit A Y. KKKRIS A CO..62 South si. Iil LO HI DA DIRECT.-STEAMERS LEAVE PIER 30 ' East Itivor overy Krldar. at 3 P. M., lor Kernandlnn. Kla.. touching at Brunswick and Port Royal. Steamer CITY OK DALLAS. Captain iiincs, will sail Jane 14. Through freight and passage rates glvon to all points in tho South and Southwest bv C. II- MALLORi A CO., Auonts, office p!or3tl?ast River, or COOK, SON A JEN KIN'S, 201 Broadway. HALIFAX, N. S.. AN ' .-T. JOHNS. N. K. CROMWELL LINE. Steamship CORTES will leave pier 10. North River. 8 P. M., Friday, June 14. For freight or passage apply to CI,ARB A sKAMaN, SO West st. Bermuda, i'O it To rich. sr. THOMAR. W. 1.; L\ GUAYRA. PUERTO CABELLO, VENEZUELA, with nscilons to all parts of WEST INDIE.- and SOUTH AMK -1C.A. - Tho Quebec and Gulf I'orts SS. Co.'s Lino s-ll as tmdsruotsd For BERM UDA, 53. BAHAMA, June 13. Kor si. JOHN (and PONCE on homeward voyage only), ST. THOMAS, LAGUAYKA and PUERTO CABELL", ,-S. II aDJI. June 3S?. For deecriptive pamphlets, freight and passage apply to a. i-? OUTr.KltUlDOB A CO.. Agonts,30 Broadway. C O. DE OAKMKND1A, 35 Broadway; G. LKVE. 371 Broadway. NEW YORK AND CUBA MAIL B. 3. LINE FOE HAVANA DIRECT. From pier 17 East River at 3 K. M. Magnificent accommodatlou for passengers. CITY OF Dallas, llines Saturday, Jnne 15 NIAGARA (now), 2.305 tons, Cortis . Wednesday, J una 26 Ticaets issued also lor VERA CKUZ and WEST INDIA IsL t NDS. in connection with French and hngllen steam ship lines from Havana. JAMB3 E. WARD A CO.. 113 Walt St. SAVANNAH. KLOKIDA. II LIVINGSTON, from pier 18, B. R..Wedneedny, June 13 CITY OK MACON, irom pier 43, N. R...Saturday. June IS OKOHOE YoNOE, Agent Saturday steamer. 400 Broauway. MURRAY, KB it ftls A CO.. Agent Wednesday steamer. 62 South St. O. D. OWENS. GEORGE VONOE, Agent A. AO. K. K.,315 B'way. Agent C. K. R..408B'way. 0 LD DOMINION STEAMSHIP OOMPANY, sailing from pier 37 North River, for NORKOLK, CIlY POINT una RICHMOND, TUES DAYS. THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS, at 3 P M , con necting with aii railroads tor the south. boOth Ml EST and WK.-T; also with steamers for NEWBKRNB and WASHINGTON, N. C. Steamers lor LEWK8. DEL., and counecting railroads, MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, 1 liruugh passenger ttckete and bills ef lading to all point* at lowest rates. Ininrauee lor Norfolk, Ac., at X par cent. Freights recoired daily at pier 87 Norui River. General ofiice No. 107 Greenwich at. N. L. McCRRADY. president. 1NOK Halifax, port hawkksbuky, pictou and 1 Cbarlottetown. P. K. I. The first class steamers CARROLL and WORCESTER, having superior passenger accommodations, will leave T Wharf, Boston, lor the above p rts alternately every Sat urday. at 12 1L Through tickets Irom'New York sola by all the bound lines. For rntos oi trelglit or othor particulars Inquire of WM. H. RING, Is T Wharl, or O. G. PEARSON. 210 Washington it, Boston. NEW ORLEANS DIRECT?THE uROMWr.LL LINE stoamship KNICKERBOCKER will leave Saturday. I'lVto" cl a iV' a'sTm AMireMr? TRAVELLERS' UUlliK. "a MORNING BOAT K"R Kk.YPORT (EXCEPT XxSaiurdays and Sundays).?Steamer NUKWaLK, foot of Harrison St., at 10 A. M.; from Keyport at S P. M. Albany boat. Pare reduced via PEOPLE'S LINK. $1. first class. Deck, 35 cento. Excursion. 31 50. Elegant steamers DRK-V or ST. JOHN leave pi or 41 Nnrth River dally, including Sundays, at 6 P. M., eon peeling at Albany with express trains tor SAR vTOGA, i.AKE GEORGE. LaKK 0HAMPLAlN. the aDIHON LACKS. MONTREAL, end all points NORTH and WEST. Tickets tor sale at principal hotels and all ot Wrsteotl Ex press offices in New York and Brooklyn. Brooklyn passen gers transferred free by "Annex" boat*. Albany and troy by day boats.?a vibbard end DaMKL DREW leave Vestrv street oler at H::t5 end Tweuty-lenrth street pier nt B A. M., landtag at Xyack terry. West Point. Newburg, Poughkeepate. nnlnebeck, Sangertles. Catskill and Hudson. In West Point or New berg, returning by down boat, at excursion rates. Trans fer bv Annex boat leaving Brooklyn at 3 A. M.. connecting at Albany with tratoa north and west. Albany boats DIBkCt. -merchants' express l.lne,?Elegant steamers WALTER BKK.TT or NEW CHAMPION will leave uaily (Saturdays excepted) for Albany, from Canal St., North River, first doek above People's Line, at 6 P. >1.. connecting with trains North and West. Pare idecki. 25c.; cabin fare, 5(H).; meals, 5U*. Freight taken lower than by other lines. \ P. BLACK. Superintendent Boston pake reduced via fall river line; $3 to Boston; excursion llexets. $5; magnificent steamers BRISTOL and PROVIDKNCK leave nler 23 North Klvor daily (Sundays Jaae 38 to September 8). at 5 P. M ; full nirht's rest, five morning trains Irom Fall Itlver to Boston. Tickets for eal* at all prlnelpal ticket offices. Bmoklvu passengers transferred free by "Annex" boats, leaving toot ef Fulton st at 4:3D P. M. 11 0 Boat fur Cathkill, htuytehant and intkr moalata landlngt will learn pier 84. Hantaan it, North Mm, daily . Hunduyr IHNM, nt tl P. M. UDRON BOATR-POk HUDSON. CoXMAOKIR AND via 11. anil A. R. II. to PliufMd. North Adaraa, Lebanon springs and Intermediate pntnta l.earo dally idnnilaya excepted), at 0 P. M.. trom plrr S3 North River. Franglla et. NK HUNDRED AND FIF rY mTlV.rYo K 1O0KNT8. 'citlaene'line Tror boate.?New palace steamer* 01TY OF ThoV ami HARAlOoA leave pier 4t? North River, foot Lcrny ft., delly. Including Saturday and Hnnday, at 6 P. M. Hnre connections with morning tralnt tier all potato North. Kant and Weal HSaieruonu onlr ?1 i bertha. Ua ; Iret elaae tare. 50e. Staterooms and through tickets ot Dndd'e hxprraa, U44 Broadway. New York; 4 Court at . Brooklyn. f'polt nora'alkTanid imnbukt daily. _ 1 steamer AMhrtlt'lIB leavef Itrooklyn (Jewell'l Dock), 3 30 I*. M.; pier No 37 Kant River. 2:43 P. X., and ttd at.. 3 P. M. .connecting with Danbury and New Haven railroad*. Rednred fare. Hft r nta EXCURSION TIOKKTS. SO CRNTM. ONO BRANCH AND PIllLADP.LPHIA via New Jereey .southern Railroad, commencing May til. lR7>t Steamorn will laava Noi ' 50 L New Vork. Pier 1 North River (foot Rector et?>, eonn Imt at Handy Hook with traina lor liono Hranrh. fl:30 A. M.. 1, 4, aadB P. M. Red Rank and Toma River. t?:3f> A. M.. 1 and 4 r X. Bamagat and Tnckorton. 4 P. M. Vineinnd. Bridiretoit and Allantlo Oily, 1 P. M. Philadelphia and Pemborton, 1 and 4 P. X. Bnndaya. for lioag Brancn. DlSo A. M. Leava Long Branch 7 :3A, II i34. 3:80. Snndave, \ \VM. H. SNKDK.N, Heneral Manager. UATL'KDAY MUHT BOAT PoR TROY.?UOMahNOe OlrgJdn-R the Clllam'a Line Troy atenmera will leava every day. including Saturday and naaday. at 0 P. X.. front pter 48 North itlvtr, loot i>?roy et. ____ Til K XARY~PtltrhLL (PARK 73 OhNTA), KOR WKST Polut. Cornwall. .Newbar-s Pongliheepele, liondout, hin.-et"n, Coaeeua. Milton. New Hamburg end Hyde Park, leaven dully from Vuatry at., pier 38 North River, at 8 :.10 P. M. t'onnecta with Brooklyn Anna* Boats. TM* OBIaT PKOTlLXNUK LIN* TO RoRTON. via Provldrnce direct A FULL MOIIT'H RK3I. tiNLY 42 MtLKB OK RAIL. Toe favorlto palace ateamera X aBSAGIIUBKTTS and RHODE IsLaNd, from pier 28, North River, at nP X. Til K OLD, KKI.IAHLh HIONlNOToN LINK, fhr ell points Ka?t. Irom pier .73 North River, foot of .1 ay at , at } P. M. TO H.iiTdW: FIRST OLABR. via ' Tha Old Rellabla" BTONINHTON LINK. Elegant etaamara leave dully (Sundaya excepted) from pier M3 North River, foot al Jay ?t.. at ?"> P. X. e=- ? 1X( i kiiotu. ' "" "aPISIlTS'O BANRs KVKKY "CATn35XTiriff)A? J\ ?nxccp'od) atoainer HKTII I.OW, with new Ooller and saloon, leaving ilarnaon at, N. R., BtSOt Hth st.K. It., 7 ; I ft. pier 27. R. R., 7mS: BSd at.. N. lt..7sV); loth at., ft it , M; pier (I N. I'.. H: 1 A.M. llentlemen'a tlrketa, Jte. t lad let', Sue. Bait, Tackle and RefVeahmenta at city price*. AL ii. FORTKit, Menager. OR AND"" IXkjUlItHlON " ,o the Regatta New York Yaght (Tub. Palare ateamlioat J. H. S< HIYLKK will eccompanv tha yachta over theeoorte on i'lll'RHIiAY. .1 tine 13, leaving 24th at. North illver, ViXIl I.eroy at, 0:43; Jeweli'a Wharf. Brooklyn, 10; pier 1 North Klvar, IU:!S A. M. Karo for round trip, 73 cents. Dinner and retresb menta on board. t -oholkra bankSTiat^roay mohninq, /LiJone 13, Anderaoa Coiwell,pilot Tlekets, 51 AL. (t. PORTRR. A"' ? rniThXCURHlONS. cT AMKR 7. B. 8CIIUYLBR ,snl tl rat clai* Barges, with Hoyntna Beaeh. OeeL dental, HI nwood and other favorite groves. MAit'lKN A K asKi-.LI, 1 If) Hoiitb at. Open Bonnaya HA PI D~TRANS!T f J itOOKAWA Y HK ACfl, ? daily, bv the nppnaltlnn atoamer Twilight; also Bar ami Reireahment Puviiagea lor tale, inqnlre oh hoard 4ho ?teamtr. EXCUHIIUrn. wcnxt A. AND EVERY DaY HEREAFTER. including Sundays. VP TilK LOVELY HUDSON, ? moping at WEsT POINT AND NKWBURO. Jarrctt k Palmer's superb paUee uutntr PLY M wl' I H Ki >?'K. * Captain Snu (}. Martin. Amnio tuna given lor visiting the (J. 8. MILITARW acadkmy or Washington's headquarter* A MAGNIFICENT MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT avarjr day iu grand aHloor. and on uromanade deck ba MARIN DAND, lil.KK CLUH. XYLOPHO.NR. mmnt the great cornet player, CHIMES. As., Ac. PAKE, entire grand excursion, FIFTY CENTS. MOAT LEAVES a aery morning (Including -UN DAYS) from Disr 1 (at lha Battery) North River, Ac 0:l.i o'cloek, and foot of 22d st North Hirer, at 9:45 o'clock BROOKLYN PASSBnOKrA will lake ANNEX ooat at Fin ton at., 0:05 A. M. NO BX. TKA CHARGE for tranaler either way. A -PLYMOUt 117(0. K. MOONLIGHT! e TIII8 (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, J UNK 12. 1878. ROMANTIC SAIL UP THE LOVELY HUDSON BY MOONLIGHT. ALL THE UBEAT MUSICAL ATTRACTION*, PLYMOUTH ROCK will leave pier 1 Nortb Rlrer, at 8 o'clock P. M.. and the foot ol 22d at.. North Klvar, at A So. BROOKLYN excaridonirts will take ANNEX boat at KnL ton terry, H o'clock. No extra c barge lor traueler to I be big eteamer. FARE for the entire grand trip FIFTY CENTS. A-KAPiD T-ANSir TO KOCKAWaY ?by tue oppnrillon steamboat TWILIGHT. The pioneer steamer TWILlt-HT lias brought down the fare to Kockaway froru $1 to only 50 eeuts. Don't forget that tlie Excursion Ticket or tbe eteamer Twllignt la onlj 5o eents; slugl tlrkele. HO eanta. The Twilight in the fastest steamer to Kockaway. THE W-.LL KNOWN kTKaMKR TWILIOQT. Captain ohaklks foster. has been altered ann refitted in splendid style for the ape etal oon.lort of exourslonists, and will make one trip dally to Kockaway Beach, * COMMENDING MONDAY. JUNE 10, and two trips Sundays. Mnsle by a select brass baud and orchestra. A grand minstrtl entertainment by tbe well known weaver brothers, THE STEAMBOAT WILL LEAVE 23d et., North River 9:45 A. M. ll)th at., Nortb River 10.-00 A. M. Pier 1, North River (Battery) 10:13 A. M, Returning, leave Kockaway at 5 P. M. A -A? ROOKAWAY BEACH. " ? . DAILY EXCURSIONS _. WHITE'S LINE OF STHAMER& The mammoth three deckers GRAND REPUBLIC and COLUMBIA (entirelynew). lV LABO&nT nud KIN t ST K? CURSION STEAMERS IN THE WORLD, Vno the w3 known and larorlte steamers AMEKICU8 AND ADKLPHI. _accompanied erery day by DEVERELL'S 13TH REGIMENT BAND, awn wU.?6NTEKN0'S -'.ID REGIMENT BAND -ni^!w anK URAND REPUBLIC QUARTET, will make daily excursion* tr> Kock-iway Beach, on and n??" -r .n !Lfter i'ONDAY. J UNK la ",et wl" !??*? dei'r from 24tl> eg, 2 ' 5 l Ji f?rth Rlrer, et 10:15 A M.: Jewell'* dock, Brooklyn, at 11 a. M. .... V.1!' . * leaves Kockaway 4:RO p. M. EXCURSION TICKETS (for entire excnrelon) 00 oentr ???steamer COLUMBIA, nn June 13 and 14. Steamer AD LPH1, on Jane 12, and on Saturday, Jane 15 GRAND IN * UGURAL T'klP ol the new and roagnmeant GRAND REPUBLIC! ^ ?FOR CONEY ISLAND-DIRECT. The only boat landing et CONEY ISLAND. The new nod favorite steamer IDLBWILD will, en end alter Sunday , J una 0. 1878 mage daily excursions to Cooe] Island Beacb. leaving as follows:? West 24th it. 1 West 10th st. I Franklin st. I Pier No. 2, N.B, 9 A. M. I 9;10 A. M. I 9:_>H a. M. | 9:80 A. M 13 M. I 12:10 P. M. I 12:20 P. M. | 12 30 P M1 3 P. M. | 3:10 P. M. I 3;20 P. M. | 3 2J0 p". M. Fere. 25 cents. Excursion Tickets, 40 cents. CNONEY 181.AND.-ON 7NiFa FTkK JUNK 13. TH1 ystauc.i ana larorlte ateaiuboat BAY ItlDGK will lean Battery, pier 1 East Ulvor. 10 A. M., 2:30 and 5:30 P. VI landing passengers in she iniddlo ul the Island. Leave Locust Grove 8 A. M land 4 P.M. Excursion tickets. oj cents; single farr, 3 i cent*. FOR RON Do U T A N D KINGS TON.-Fare. 750. i Newburg and below. 5oc.: landing at Highland Fall* (??est Point). Cornwall, Newborn. Marlboro, Milton, Poughkvapaie, hsopus, connecting with Ulster and Dela! u r Y a"a,ir,*"'-o??l? Steamboats JAMKS W. BALDWIN and THOMAS CORNELL leave dally at 4 P. M., pier .14 N. K., loot of Harrison St. GO AND ShK TIIK BEAUTIFUL PALISADES. ~ HOUND TRIP 25 CENTS. Boats from Canal st. lor FORT LKK. PLEASANT VALLEY _ AND SHADY SIDE, on SUNDAYS at ?. 10,11 A. M.. 12 M., 1, 2, 3, 4, 0 and 7 I DaILV "t 10 A.M. and 2.5(4 and 7:15 P. St. landing at 24th st. and 34th et. (dailv and .Minday) lOminy. later. J^JANHATTAN BEAuLC OPENING OF THE SEASON, 1878, i . a BKACI1 RAILWAY, completed to Ureenpdnt, opposite 23d st. beat Divas TIME TAkLK TO TAKE EFFECT , SATURDAY. May 25. 1878. The elegant stosmer KlXZA 1JANC0X, eommondsg si ft^rVir"' ?nd',r.ln? ">? season from pier foot of 23d eg, east River, dlieot to company's nook at Greenpntnt. tnakl Inn'Close connection*, going and returning, wltn exnrcs* trains to end from Manhattan Beach. Boat leaves 23d st. pier at 8:40. 9:40. 10:40 11 -40 A. 1L xJSf'?:40' 'i40,if:4>'a">?4*****iItnp. m. ' letw MtnhHltan Bench at corresponding timM J:n7r.".:?Sf f.urrNo.w *31- M ?rMnpo,ut wuh Time, one hour. SUNDAY TIMK TARLK tame at abort, exceptfac traint I euro the Beach erery honr until 9 I* >1 > Trains also connect at f ast New York with Can'nnl* mm* Rookaway Beach Railroad. ?????? mmm VIA BAY RIDOR. 8TBAMER THOMAS COLLYRR. I 22dst, N. K. I Leror sL N. R. I PIerS N Ik l0ap,ast- IA.M.'. 12:10, 1?;25 A *..*12123, of. i i IJ HO and 4 flO P. M. | 2 ?25 and 4 33 P. JC 4:2v)Uaud"o jo" j?*n,'*tUn Beach 8 A. M.. 12 220,2r2(Jh New route to coney island" via locus! Urere.-Paseenxers are landed In tha middle of the an wan ivii. , r June 8 the larorlte steamer Alia U ^ A v Vlt ti'V? r3Jd Norlh 1 fr?r. 8:45 A. * 11 aT 5"e* u; gro' ".I- "ortl> Bnr#r. am liutP ^ f,Kr?n*"" ?'?g Nor*h Rlrer, 9yii A* M ' 12 HS P 2 ' % ?' : P, ,r 13 ,Nortl1 R,Ter. P Vl"?p m n " . 10A.M.. 1:3# sriVpsTl^it /L Inlf b* ",T,n wh<? the JOHN si Vi^?WK&7?D ?l,u',"uU refitted, consort of the ARROWS*!Til, will commence ber regular trlna. Fare. :?j eents Kxrurslon. Sri cents rok?'" trip*. TO CHARTER KOiITeXCURalUNS?STKAMBKK OKIf' ",<1 F?" LM; ????? Caledonla, KCpaolm riarrest Queen ann Anna, also Excelsior Park Karltan Beach. Oriental. Columhla. loua Island and i;old Spring atreat ferry' "? 384 We,t ?l>Poeit* Christopher jraSSiSaSS KUKNI I UItK. -rmBSWWi Tisiox rm*oari?nc _2\ rnra, Carpets, Ac., contained in private residence I'M West 33d (V, peer nth ??.. lor ml* : Parlor Suits, covered In eatln. oott WO", for $175: Sulta In rep. $55 and $25; Bedroom Bulla, Dressing Ca*e?, Bedsteads, Wathsiatida, Tablet, Chairs, hair htid aprin. Mattresses. $150 to $411; Library Md Dining Room Furniture. HnlTat, Extension Tn Ble, China. Olaaa and Hi I re r Were ; alao magnificent ruse, wood Pianoforte, coat $1X*>. for $175. Can be aeen to-day. Take elerated railroad to 'J3d at. A A L. BaUMaNN'S NEW FURNITURE, CARPET ?and Bedding Warehouses, 513 ami 511 HWi ar., noar 94th at.; tbe largest e*tal$i*lun-nt In the elty; loveal cat It prices: weekly and monthly payment* taaen. ?1>AR0AINB"-AT J. CRAWFORD A Cft'H, M XJlloratlo *t.. corner 8th nr. and 13th at. Immenae bargataa In lonktngylaaaae el erery deacrlptlna lor the next 80 Jaya, In order to make room for ropaire and altera* tlena. The laraeat and finest aaaortment of any honae In the Unite l state*. We are lully oonrlnced that ne hooaa eaa offer anch unnaual and attraetlre lnducementa in prices. tfall before purchsstng elaewbere. BAUMANN IIROTII E IS ARE OK PER I NO ORKAT bargains In Furnitura, Carpet* and lle-idlng at tneif. aterea. 339 and 330 llnil?on at., cottar Broome ; weekly aaf monthly paym nk taken. TnCKNITUKR. CARPETS, MIRRORS. PaRLOK r Sulla, Bedroom Seta, Buffets Wardrobea, Ktageree. Table*. Ac.; Do reasonable odor related. 64 Weal 34th rt. IMMENSE REDUCTION IN PRICES OF FURNITURE, XCnrpeta, Ae. for eaart or easy paymeuta. COWPKR* 7 II WAIT'S, 155 and 157 Chatham at Send tar lllualrated price llat. A eekly or monthly payment. Misfit cakpkts and oiiajloths vert cheap at BKHDiLli'S old niece, 113 Falton at. Cell or aead for explanatory prion list. WATCHIt, JKWFJ.11Y, cm/. BRi.AmWaT, amove JriD ?k. UWWft for Personal Property: eld Oold, Silver bought: ada ranees made. Ladlaa'office M 1 I.LI AM A. OLOVKll. I' 817 BRlIADWA V~ sHCOM) FLOO~R.--Dl aMONDIL Watchea. Jewelry hou(ht end sold. Loana negotiated on perineal proparty of every description. ISA AS BAKE. Avert pine white solitaire diamond Ring, $70, oyer a carat- two Diamond Stud* pare Whita, $33; heavy anlid gold Watches, ?tem winders, $-l(k $4.5. MILCH A COLEMAN, IKHUrandat. A MAOHIFIOF.ST tg SECOND BTOP WATCH, UBAVf solid gold eaaea, stem winder, $175; quite new: read $.435. ? MIl.l.S Jj COLEMAN, IHSMIrnnd at. (NONETAnV HaR'IAINS aT JOHNSTON'S! US J Bowery, eilyar Watchea, $11. worth $17; gold Watchea, $40, worth $55; sold by Instalments dfl'J am AV . BETWEEN 34TI1 AND 3BTH STS.-I 't WOLlberal advancea mad* on Diamonds, W*tehee Jewelry, Silks, Lacea and shawl*. Same bnnrht at l?| value L BERNARD. (k| 17 BROADWaV.-DI IMONIIS, Wat" Hk$ anJ ?/" I Jewelry bought and snld; loana nugotlated en Paj annul Property of every description. j tMK8 p. Matthews, 11)1(7 SROvDWAf." OTRR HERALD BRaNOhTI I f.adlea' prlyate offloe ; Diamonds, Waionea, Jew) elry, Ae., and sold. Branch, I.3H7 Broadway. LIN DO BR OR. UEaTIITHl. A^ywnsrnsfii in wkgiTimrwimnni 377 rtth ar.. one d# r ahoye 331 *t.,or I'/s West 34th ?t.; terms toiult. NKWRRol'OII A NP.WIIROUGH. At Van vLeck's dkatal itooss, iti hth av ? Heantifal warranted Set* of Teeth same day ordered. Beautiful artificial teeth, $ti; Sffl rsi ? ar ran ted "Nuw Tork Dental Booms,'' 2fli eth ur Established 1831. Dr. Si KAUKK P~" AIM/EM EXTRACTION: ALSO " ARTIPIuIIk teeth: terms to suit. EIOHTII AVRNL'R oRNTaL AASOOI ATIuN, 370 Sth ar.. one deof below 2;?tli at. "~ril>i6 ARTE. t>A(N?fNOs "in wai kr coi.ors bf mjnCTTHfESA X oegg, on exhibition end fn, salt at the Society of Dam oratlre art. Re. 3t East 10th at. RtBDlCAL*. rnr^WTftTKfrsAfi. -a u v \ m 213 eat 45th ai. aeur $d ay. jyjits. lvons?re moved to 107 Wfcsr *utF it R8. BURNS. ' AIM Leuington n?? near did at, AArtoe Ae*.1*