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WASHINGTON. Nationalists to the Front on the Financial Question. ADDRESS OF PETER COOPER. How to Relieve the Distressed Workinginen of the Country. A PLAN FOR INCREASING FISHES. Report of the House Judiciary Committee on the Presidential Question. FROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. MB. FERGUSON'S METHOD OF FISH HATCHING A SUCCESS?FBOrESSOR rA.IRD'8 EXPECTA TIONS AS TO THE SPAWN OF COD FISH AND iucuui. uw. The new method of fish hatching, devised for the most part by Mr. Ferguson, the Fish Commissioner of Maryland, and put in practice lor the first time this year under the auspices o: Professor Baird, the present Secretary o! the Smithsonian Institute, has proved so sucoesslal that Prolesaor Balrd believes It can be u^ed to batch the spawn ol cod fish, mackerel and other sea Ashes, and thus to very greatly and rapidly Inorease their numbers and establish them at points near our coast, wbero now thoy are Dot found. Mr. Ferguson's method requires no ruunlng water, and can bo aua has been operated this year on tide wator on Chesa peake Bay, and on the wutcri of Albemarle Sound; over twenty-five millions ol shad huvo been artificially hatched this year and distributed all over the country to stock stream*. A largo ship ment went Irom tbis city to Sacramento to-night to Etock tbo Sacramento River, and a part of the young fish will be dropped at tho Green River, which Is one ot the tributaries ol the Colorado. The. hatching Is done In scows and by the holo ol a steam engine, which Is used to agitate the water In the vossels which contain tho eggs. This gentle but constant agitation Is found to answer precisely as woll as the more elab orate apparatus used hitherto. Proicseor Baird saye he has bod sulllciont experience ol this new method to warrant the belief mat with a steamer of moderate size to replace the scows, which sro not seaworthy, he could hatch out with certainty an almost unlim ited number of cod, mackerel and sea herring; fish which spawn at certain seasons in the open eea, near the oast, and which when caught In the spawning . season would yield, for such purposes, so great a quantity of oggs, from but few individuals, that tbelr number could with case be prodigiously ancreased, with tbe help of a steamer properly fitted. The young fish could be dropped by millions at cenvouienl points near our own coasts, aud it bocomes thus pos sib.c to create artificially, and at but a trifling oxpen-e, uew cod banks at points Isr more accessible for our fishermen than the Ne wloutidlin.l Banks. FrOM CUR RlGULAR CORRESPONDENT. NATIONALISTS IN COUNCIL?PETER COOPERS ADDllKKS TO THE PRESIDENT AND THE TWO HOUSES OF CONGRESS. Washington, June 11, 18T8. A number ol representatives ol the nutional party met tins evonlng at the St. James Hotel, in Washing ton. pursuunt to a call issued by Peter Cooper. An I address prepared by that pnilautbropiet was read, and on motion a sub-committee, comprising Messrs. l)r. Woleott, ol Brooklyn, euatrman; David J. TwoUey, Walter H. Sbupe and Gideon J. Tucker, ol New York; John A, Ihompion, Weal Virginia; K. Danh Is, Virginia ; J. A. Nunun, Illinois; J. A. Blind, Pens*)! vnnin; S. C. Hunt, Massachusetts, and Thomas Jacobs, Sew Jenny, was appointed to put tbo address In type and lay printed oopios bnforo tho President, the Secre tary ot ibe Treasury and the members of both nouses ol Congress. Tho Chairman ol the Executive <Jom mUlec ol tho national party, Dr. D. B. Sturgeon. was in town, but was dctaiood from the meeting by sick Bess. The committee will to-morrow gerlorm the luiy aligned it by the meeilng this evening. The iddrrss which they will circulute is ss lollows:? To Tils Pbbsibbst or tiik I xitkd states, thb S?.n at? ask tiik House or Kei bsskatativks, now in mission 1 lis urgent request mado ol me from all quarters ol our country to address some words ol counsel #od ap peal, coming irom ou? who his now no other oujpct In hie man the good ol In* oountry, must be my apol ogy lor making tins sudree* to your honorable body. I he country has become alarmed at the resolution ol Cougress proposing to aujoura on the 17ih met. without giving the proplasoiue relle! Irom the present stale ol tae currency. Your honorable body must be aware tbst property has already greatly declined In value, und uo one can doobi mat it will eonliuu ? t > decline under the present auu luturo financial pros pects, due wholly 10 legislation Ol Congress. Ol these acts ol legislation the Resumption bill, so c.ilU">, is the most dlsis rous, and Hikes away ail hope ol any amelioration until It is ripealoa. Bankroplcy utd distress are covering Ibe land; the courage ol too people nut thus lar been sustains.! by the hope ami ttie expectation that Coogn sa would give tho renei required by the whole country in tbe repeal ol that obnoxious act. We proy, the-refole, ol your houornblo body, not inly to repeal ihut law wuich has tnua ahruua the rulue "I nil property but specie, stopped the enterprise >1 the country .nd tskiu tbe bteau ot luousiry irom .ho niooib ol iiuudresi ol thousands iu eur and, hut aiso to give us soinu lurtlmr measure ol ro le! by i urun.g largo euui ol money Irom mi luveat n. ui ihut now omy i?i?. 'ho niousiry ol iho country io toe tli lUiiels of enterprise aod acltvo inve.imi oi. Wo petition lor a I .w unit shall isaun $1,.|00,OoO.OOO at ^ovurumeui uoica, made a lull legal louder, nuil buy up the six and five per reul bonds now uu* as j lst.1 n? ibey can be purchased at a coin ? tion, or lomo other practicable method by which this sum may he returned to ib? people at mite. Wiib this laaue thus returning bis money 10 the capitalist, bo Woulu bo obliged to icck actiyo investment in real e.iate, railronos, iron mills, uisnuisctories and otber extensions ol trade end commerce. would at once benefit every existing enterprise and sol to work all tbo idle labor ol tho country. It wonld save th ?> over ax d people over $76,000,000 of revenue, now necessary to per the in terest on tbese hoods. In bob.ill ol three hundreds ol thousands ol our countrymen I beseem you not to ad)ourn till you nave some ?ucn measure 01 rcllel. Wo have reason to ho alarmed at Iho attitude o( large bodies ol misguided people toward Iboul.mis ol law >nd order, and, although there con he lllllo ap prehension in a l?w abiding country like tuis that the power ol our government cannot be made respected, v t something is due by a paternal government to those wuo are drlvou b? sheer want and dcsporutiou to disregard the wholesome r-airamt ol l*w. It is due, therefore, to tbe dignity ol your honorable bouy, u* wI'll ns tv Ibe great distress Ol the peipie ov> r wnose imeieus you are uow presiding, to . on Sidi r at one* the measure* ?l relief winch we h*ve been led to recommend bv a 11 ong a* nee ol duty and the imperative demand o! the whole coonirv. Nxw Vonk, June 11, 1878. PKI KK COO! KR. GENERAL WASHINGTON DESPATCH IS. WAauixoTon, Jung It, 18TA TUB rKMULrENITAL TITLE KSTOliT OF TBS IIOU-K Jt'DIClAI Y COMMITTEE, Tbe house Judiciary Committee to-day, by a rote of 8 ngaiuai 1, decided to report n revolution internal in Bub.tanoe that ibe Korty-tooctli Coogresa waa the properly cooatituicd body to couut ilia votea and doc are tbe rcault ol the I'realdeutial dec llou ntnl Ibat no aubaeqnent Congress baa the power to revive tbe action tbua taken, nor can 'Jongreaa confer powera upon tbo Supreme Court or aponanrotber tribunal to roopen qoeauooa winch lave thua been tcttlcU. Tbe committee win meet agnin to-morrow to agree, If posaiblt, upon a pre ambit.' to actoutpany Ibia revolution. Tne vote to-day waa na followe:? In lav >r of ibe reaoluttonKepreaentatirea Uarria ol Virg ma, BartrlUge of (Jeorgia, riteoger ol Pod nay I. tract i, McMabou ol Oblo, Cnlnereoo Of Texne? fdrmo crate), and Mcaara Frye of Maine, Conger of Michigan aod Lapbutn 01 Mow York (republican*). Repreaentn live Knott or Kentucky, chairman, diaaented. Meaara, Sutler of Maaaacbuaetta, republican, and Lynda of Iftaconala, domournt, were abaont. TH* WALLABoUT DIM. fa I V V, AT O. At the evening eeaalon of the Hoaae ol Kapreaoata tlvoa, Mr. Willie, ol Maw York, brought np the bill providing far tt>? rata of property in Wall about Bay 10 the city 01 Brooklyn. Altar soma discussion It vaa defeated? yeas 24, nays 140. The vote was then reoonsidered and tna bill recommitted. ALEXANDER B. STEPHENS TO HIS CON8TITC ? IN rs?A BATHER DEFIANT TONS. Alexander H. Stephens has written a lattar to Iba chairman of (ho Dcmocratlo Executive Commlttea o( the Eighth Congressional dlitriot of Ueorgio, in which lie says ha shall neither seek nor decline a nomina tion at tha hands of the convention soon to meat. Ho says: But It the convention ahull repudiate me as an uuiit representative ot damocrutio principles, and shall at tompt io rule ma out ol the democratic parly baeauae ol anything concocted with my recant publie aota or samlnionta, then I say to you anil to them, plainly and distinctly, ibut I shall regard their edict as but a Orulum fuluten issued by Iba irresponsible taction of tricksters, and the qnention wtu-ibor I or tbay are sonna in the taith ol me fath ers shall bo left lor the true democracy or the dis trict to be settled at the polla If this shall produce any division or dissension in the party, then the re sponsibility for the couseqtfuucee muat rest upon those who nave so assailed and so grossly misrepre sented me. PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS. SENATE. Wasuinqton, J quo 11, 1878. Tbo Senate resumed consideration ol the unfinished business, being the River and Harbor Appropriation hill, the pending question being ou the amendment ol the Committee on Appropriations increasing the ap propriation for Improving the month of Ked River, Louisiana, irom $00,000 to $100,000. Mr. Morrill, (rep.) of Vt., spoke In opposition to the nmeudment, and during his romurks said be had great confidence in the Engineer Corps of the army, but II Congress should follow the reoummendations ol these army engineers the Treasury would not be able to staud the draiu upon It. lie hoped some of the appropriations In this bill would be reduced to such au amount that reasonable meu coma support it. Mr. Saulsblry, (dem.) ot Del., also opposed the amendment, and said be wae willing to appropriate mouey to improvo tbo rivers and harbors which would bo ol booellt to the oommeroe ol the country, but appropriations for' mere looal improvements should be withheld. Alter some Iurthor discussion the amendment was agreed to. / at AXkSPXKMS AOKKKb TO. Other amendments ol? the committee were agreed to, as follows:? Appropriating for removing obstructions in Poco moke River, Maryland, $i0,0uu For the Improvement ol tho Missouri River at Couucll Dlufte. Iowa, and Gmanu, Neo., $50,000. For the improvement oi L'Aaguille River, Ar kansas, $10,000. ^trlkiug out of the House bill the appropriation of $10,000 lor Improviug White Rivor above Jacksou port. Ark., ana removing snags, wrecks sad other ob struulious from that river. The committee reported an amendment providing that $75,u00 ol the $240,000 appropriated lor the im provement ot the Mississippi River between the mouths ot the Ohio and Illinois rivers shall be ex panded lor constructing e duni el Cahoklsehute, oppo site St. Louis. Agreed to. Also an amendment appropriating $12,600 1or Im proving tho Mississippi River from the bridge ot the Chicago, Milwaukee and EL Paul Railroad Company, above La Crosse, Wis., to the month ol Root Klver, below said city,and reducing tbo appropriation tor im proving the harbor at Fatrport, mouth of Grand River, Ohio, from $12,000 to $6,000, The committee reported an amendmont reducing tho appropriation tor improving the harbor at Ash tabula, Onto, Irom $12,000 to $,'.,000. MIL OONkUSO IX OPPOSITION, Mr. Conklixo, (rep.)ol N. Y., chairman of the Com mittee on Commerce, Irom which the bill was re ported, spoke in iavor of non-concurring in tbo amondineal of the committee to reduce the appro priation. He said be was not able to concur with tho cotnmittoe in reporting this bill to the Eeuate, sod therefore was not ablo to aot as tha orgun ot tbo committee as he should do. He behevod many ol the appropriations In this hill were Impracticable, not leusiblo nor judicious. Ho buiievod that mo treasury was in no condition to sub mit to such a drain as this hill proposed. According to the constitution Congress had no more right to ma Kc many ol these appropriations than it bad to build a mansion for a .Senator. In tho ponding ease the amount suould bo tell at $12,000, as appropriated by tbo House bill. Mr. ErgxcBR, (rep.) of Ala., Id charge ol the bill on beualt ol tno committee, withdrew tho amendment, leaving the amount at $12,000, as provided In the House bill. Other amendments reported by the Committee on Appropriations were agreed to as follows:? Appropriating $30,000 for continuing me Improve ment of tho harbor at Dunkirk, N. Y. For the Improvement ol the mouth of the Columbia RiVor, Oregon, $3,000. Increasing thq appropriation for the Improvement el the Mississippi River el and near Vieksourg, Miss., and prosectien ol the harbor at Vickeburg, Mum., from $40.0U0 to $*:,oo(i. Appropriating $2u,000 (or the Improvement of the Missouri Kiver at Kaatport, Ma, and Nebraska City, Neb., and tho s .ine amount tor Improvoraeut ot the Osage River In Missouri and Kansas. Fur the Improvement ol the Missouri Rtvor at Fort Lcnveuworlb, Kan, $26,000. For improving the Missouri River at Sioux City, Iowa, $12,600. lhcreukiug the appropriation (or the Improvement of lllO Mouse RlVfr, h ., irom $20,OUO to $4u.000; that lor improviug the harbor ol Pensaoola, Flo., from $4,000 io $20,000, and that lor the improvement of mo harbor ut New Hevea, Conn, from $10,000 to $26,000. Mr, Eaton (dem.) ol Codd., submitted so amend ment providing that $2,000 ot id- $00,000 appro priated lor improving me Connecticut River below Hurtiord shall be used in improving ibe mouth of Saimou River at Ea*9twi1Uuni. Agreed to. the Committee on Commerce withdrew the amend ment reducing the appropriation tor ibe Improvement of the i'enob?<-ot Uivor Horn $12,000 to $0,000, leavtug the amount $12,000 as the House ol Representatives. Other amendments el the oommlttee were agreed to as follows.? tocrcaalng the sum lor the improvement of Harlem River, New York, Irom $15o,0oo to $800,000; that lor Cocbeco Klver, Now Hampshire, Irom $4,400 io $0,000; mat lor the improvement of Doeiou harbor Irom $U0,0o0 to $50,000; that tor the improvement ot the humors ol Washington aud ol Georgetown, D. ft, Irom $60,000 io )10o,000; ihul lor improving tho haroyr ut blouinglon, Lunu., from $15,000 to $4U,000; reducing the appiopriauou lor the Themes K.v.r, Couneitlcut, Irom $10,000 io $8,000, and appropriating $16,000 lor continuing surveys and examinations at tho South Pasa ol the Mle-litHppi River. UMirLA riMi tub KxrvcNniTonve, Mr, Murium., o Vermont, submitted an amend ment to moui.y the last clause ol the first section as lollows:? It slut I hi the duty el the Secretary ol War to apply tha ?in my - herein appropriated s? Mr hi may he by contract, eacrpk alien specific eslim ilen cart out iw luutle lor tint pi.rticnlar work, or whore, in ilia judgment ol said Secre i?r> the wort cannot i e contracted lor si price- aitrsii tsgi-uu- to tho -over nroiril, and except the nppioprUlloiie lor and surveys, each contracts alia I he made altar sufficient public nirurtlseineni far proposals of War in such form end manner a- the secretary of War -nail prescribe, end such couti acta sltai| be madn with ihe low est t (-sponsible bidders toe rotor, sr. ompanie i by such se curities ss the 'ccretary ot War shall require. Agreed to. Amendment* ol the ouuiraittee providing (or sur vey. oi Saline Rivir, Ark.; ucruse the peninsula of Maryland end Unaware, with a view to a conairaotlon Ol A ship canal to connect the waters el lbs Delaware and Cuchapaako bu/n; acroes tho pouiueul i ol Fiorina, with a view io tno construction ol a ship cuun Irom tna RL Mary's River to toe Gulf ol Megioo; Duck Creek, Dei.; tuoulu ol 8L Joha'a River, Fte.} the Kaesna River, irom Its mouth to Junction City, Kan , end the Delaware River, nelow League lelanu, were agreed to Without discuss on. .--actions 4 to 11 ot the will which provide* ler the appoiniinenl ol tee Mississippi River Improvement commission, hoiug thu the lot usur* submiiied by Mr. Lockrvit, oi Mis-ouri, toiuo weeks ago, having been reached, he submitted vinous amendments of uorert^l character to pi rlect the tcxi, won li wcro agriou to. Mr. Hanson, (dem ) oi N C., submitted au aroeod 4 Iillg $2'I,(J ment appropriating $2 '.000 fur a complete survey ol ail the water lines leading irom Norfolk to the ocean south ol liaiteras, so as to have in-id<' water commu nication bilweon the watere oi tin Chesapeake and those ot the Atlantic south ol Cape ll'iucres. Agreed to. Mr. A huso*, (rep,) ol low*, submitted an amend ment tu ii.e vl 'Use appropriating $110,000 for laipror UK the Missouri Jtiv. r at Oniaua City, Neb., ho aa to liiHtrt "ond at Council UiuAs, loan.'' Agreed to. Mr. MlTCItKLb, (r?|i ) ol tlregon, submitted au uinaiidtneui increasing the appropriation lor con ?tructing a canal around the cascades of Columlta ltiver, Oregon, iront $76,000 to $.60,000. OR1TINO TOO HBaVT. Mr. 8anns.Tr, of Caliluroin, suid tne 'oea of thia bill bail bolter 10 id It np now, in the hope Dial 11 would be made so large IIku the House would reject all. II the treasury to be raited let it bo raked well. He oiiinini'iitcd on some ol Urn appropriation* in ibe bill, and aniu water uarie must be employed to keep water in some ol tb< in during tbo dry ensnn. Mr. Kansas, ol New Vork, katro notice that he erould submit an amenduteol at the proper time, pro. Tiding that not more than a> Teoiy-lier- per cent 01 tbe money appropriated by the act shall tin expended dor* ing the Il eal year ending Juao 30, 1170 1 he amendment of Mr. Macbeil, niioTe mentioned, was dlscuated at eotn Isngih, and Anally Mr, XlliwiX aubmnet n inouon 10 increase the appropriation irotn $76 000 to $20u,0n0 Instead ol *i!6b,is?a Mr. Mitomri.i. aeoeptod the aineuorncn', und It wee agreo.i 10 try the Kenate?yeft* 30, n.iya 30. Mr. WiTtn an, ol Virginia, niibniltled an aurnndment increasing Ilia appropriation lor the improvrinont of Norioik uarbor, Va., front $20,000 to $60,000. Agreed to. Mr. Howk, (rep.) ol Wig., auomiited amennmema increasing ibe appropriation lor improving the heritor ol ahcireygan, Wis., iroru $2,000 to $4.n0u, and appro, priaung $10,00u lor completing oertain iuiuroTomonla ol Chippewa hirer, In tiistHiata. Agraad to. Mr. MaTTWKwa, ire p.) el Onto, anbinittnd an amend, ment appropriating J.iti.uuo lor constrnctlng a harbor ol refuge at or near Cincinnati 10 protect Ibe com. merce of Ibe Ohio Kiver irem ice (lues. At reed to. or., (rep J ol Miue., submitted tin amendment providing lor the survey 01 tue Yellow* stone K Tor. Agreed tot sir. CaMkRox, (rtp.) of Wis., submitted an amend, ment laoreaata* tite aurtwrlatiea lei itanroTiua. ike harbor at Two stivers. ?*, from $10,000 I* 915,000. Rejected?yeas 20, nays 22. Mr. Wixpom (rep.) oi Minn., submitted no amend ment providing lor u survey of ibe sources ol lb* Mississippi River, with a view of constructing rescr voir*, be Agreed to. Mr. Morrill. or Vrrmont, submitted an umeudment to ibe second section ol tbe bill, so as to direct mo Secretary oi War, at bta discretion, ta eauae vxumlnu tlous or surveys and estimated costs ot improvements proper to be made. Agreed to. AM SCroRT AT RRDUCTIOX. Mr. Kkkmam, oi Now York, *u milled tbe amend raeht ol wbicb ho gave notice, providing ibnt not more than sovouiy-ltvo oar cont of tbe amount appro priated Hball be expended during tbo llscal year end. log Juoe 20, 1379 Mr., ol New York, said bo would line to vote for tbis atnenumoni to save money, but tbe itifU cuiiy was tbat it mined upon tbe Just and unjust alike. It established a horizontal reduction. How could a deliberative body mako excuse at tbe bar of public opinion lor appropriating money by the millions and then say ouiv seventy live per cent of tbe money should be apptoprlulrof Here waa it river and harbor bill appropriating over $9,000,000 and ibe Senate shrinking irom the re sponsibility ot making ibe Appropriation. Ho could not say tt was cowardly?mat would be uoparlia menlary?bat if some other legislative body in auotber country should enact such a law be would sav It was cowardly. Mr. Kbrma.n said the only object of bis amendment waa to save money. It wus evident that tbo bill must be taken us it stood or tbo ,good and bad must be reduced alike. Mr. Howk, or Wisconsin, opposed toe amendment ol Mr. Keruau, and argued tbat money should bo ex pended by (be government to put people to work. He would gladly vote lor au amendment adding a hundred per cent to every item In tbe bill. (Applause in tbe galleries, ont it was toon chocked.) Mr. Bkck, ol Kontucky, said bis State bad beeu overlooked, tie desired lo odor an amendmoiu ap propriating $n0,00o for ibe improvemeui ol Salt Kiver, Kentucky, up wniob bo many Distinguished men mud soon go (Laughter.) Mr. Wisdom, ol Minnesota, Inquired if the Senator bad thoroughly surveyed tbat river. Mr. Ihpkmam? We know all abont it. (Kcuowed laughter). The amendment ot Mr. Kernao was rejected?yeas 20, uays 37. Mr. Morrill, of Vermont, submitted an amend ment autlkir.zing ibe Secrotury ol tbe Treasury to rloi sell at parlor coin four und a half per oeni bonds to enable htm to meet the requirements of tbis hill. Mr. Vookiikks, (dem.) ol lnd., submitted an umeud mont authorizing the Sccrolarv ot the treasury lo Issue United Males legal lender notes to Iho amount necessary to meet the requirements of thU bill Mr. M or him. then withdrew his umcndmuiil. Mr. Hoar, ol Massachusetts, raised tbe point of order that it was uot in order to raise money upou an appropriation bill Tbo presiding officer, Mr. Kolllns, sustained the point ol order und ibe > mendmeui was ruled out, amid a good deal ol laughter on tbo democratic side of tbe Chamber. Various amendments were submitted and ruled out on points ol order that tbo improve ments were not recommended by tbe War Depart ment. THE BILL rASSRO. The bill having been cousidoreu in Committee ol tbo Whole was reported to the .Senate, amendments made in oommittee concurred in and it was read n (bird lluiu and passed?yeas 35, nuys 24, as lollows:? Ykas?Messrs. Allison, Anthony, Armstrong, Bruca, Buraslde, bntler. Cameron of i'enusytvsnia, Cameron of Wisconsin, Conovor, Dennis. Kustis, Kerry, Cordon, Crover, Hereford. Ilill. Hows, Johnston. Jones ol Florida, Jam s oi Nevada, Kellogg, Kirkwood, cMIMhii, Matthews, "* rlmon, M'~ J 1 ? Maxoy, Merrloioo, Mlichell. Oitlosby, Padoock, i'luinli. Hansom. Suiiuoers. epoueor. Windoin and Wither*?U.S. Nat*?Me-srs. Uall?y, Havnro, deck, Blaine, Booth, Cox, Davit of Illinois, Dawes. Harris, Hoar, ingalls. Ker nan, McCroerv, Morgan, .Morrill, ftaodoiph, Itoilins, Sar gent, SauDbury. Teller, Tliurmun, Voorhecs. Wa<liel,u and Wallace?24. Messrs. Chrlsttancy and Patterson, who would bave voted In the affirmative, wore paired with Messrs. Edmunds and Wbyte, who would have voted in tbo negative. Mr. Paouock, (rep ) ol Nsb., submitted air amend ment to the Suuury Civil Appropriation bill autboriz. mg tbo President to apjHimt a commission ol three scieutibe uieu to Investigate and report upon the establishment and location, upon tbe elovated plain west of the Mississippi river, ofpn additional observa tory, to be subordinate to tbe principal national ob servatory at Washington, D. C. Holerred to the Com mittee on Appropriations. Mr. Saruknt, of California, from the Committee on ApprwpriB'ions, reported back the Deilctenoy Appro priation bill without amouumoni, and it waa placed on tue caieodar. iioase bill to legalize tbe collection of bead moneys already paid was rend by title and referred to ine Committee on the Judiciary. On motion ol Mr. Barhrmt, of California, tbe senate took np ih?x Dotlciency Appropriation bill in order >Vm be i that It oboflU be ibe uotlnisbcd busineaa to-morrow, and, on motion ol Mr. Astiiomv. at bail-past aix pro ceeded to tne consideration ot vxeouiivo business and wbeo the doors wore reoponed adjearned until eleven to-morrow. HOUSE or REPRESENTATIVES. Washington, Judo 11, 1878. Tbere was quite a good don I of Dome and contusion in tbo House this Doming, and a snort but somewhat sharp discussion took piaco in regard to tho order oV business. ' ? Mr. Arams, (dem.)ot Tenn., asked for Information as to wbctbsr It would bo in order to sospend the rules, discharge the Committee of the Whole troml lur ther consideration ol the Suudry Civil Appropriation bill, and put the bill on Us passage. The SHAKER replied that It would be. Mr. Cox, (dem.) ol N. Y., said be would filibuster against that motion to tbo end ol ttma. Finally the House went into Committee of the Wnole (Mr. Carlisle, ol Keutucky, In the chair) on the Sundry Civil Appropriation bill. 1 Tbo pending question was on the amendment of. lered by Mr. Crittendon, (rep.) of N. Y., yesterday. In creasing tbo appropriation lor the Albany Feat Office Irom $60,000 to $100,000. Mr. Lockwooo, (dem.) ol N. Y., offered an amend ment to tne amenumeni, increasing the amount to $19&,0<K). The people did not complain wncn money wee expended honestly on public buildings. They complained wbeu Congress tacked on to tns appro priation bilia, ue the House did last week, two or three million* ol dollars lor itie psyment ot old contracts made without justification or law. Mr. Atkins, oi Tenneaaee, opposed tbo amendment. Tbo question was whether tne iionae was witling to Increase taxoa or make a lean lor ibe purpose ol car ryiug on tboae public worse. Mr. Lockwood's nmrndment was agreed to?01 to 81?anu Mr. Chittenden's amendment adopted. Mr. Utah, (rep ) oi Kau., odor, d an amendment appropriaung $60,000 .or a Fust oflico at Topeka, Kau. ltuled out on a point ol order. Mr. ALoelGH, (rip.) ol 111., ollered an amendment increasing tbo appropriation lor t lie Chicago custom House Irom $300,000 to $060,000. He argued that Iho adoption ol bis aim uiinii'Di would save to me govern, meiit lb the mailer ol ruble, Ac., at least $l,oo0,000 within alio u*xt two years. Mr. Fohtkk. (rep.) oi (ihio, moved 10amend eo as to fix itie amouut at $400,000. Mr. atki.ns, ol leuiieaaec, pioieeivd, in the n.imo of boncet inuusiry. nguinxt ibe pity thai a lew people who bad lougrcgeied in lurga ciliea aud left tbo 'nr:iie should l<? cootidere.. />ir rxcHrnc tne i opreieut ?? lives. I he lew thousands who won I lie employod nu I nbon building' tvuuid be u m re bagatelle in point ol uuinbera compared with the mil.lone who were scat tered around in rural workshops. Ho baa no hope ol beating any ol Ibe propositions inr incresae ol the appropi billons since ne mid learned the laet Hint last evening n page nud gone around, carrying a net >?! names, uski^i gentlemen to attend a un eting lor lbs i^at purpose, inr nupp.i-vd. ol loriuing a combination io put those a| pr q.riatioua tlirougb. Mr Harkmun. (dem.) ol lit, demod all Knowledge ot ?uch a uiai'tiug. Mr. .'AtkKR, (dim.) oi Obio, alto denied all kuowl edge ol li .be geulitmau Iroin lenue>?ee(Mr. Ai gihs) seemed to think in a l me in here ? bo represented putd c buildings luiemied io n;i?v a grand raid upon ibe Treasury, and bad eoniuiucd together lor mat pnrpose. He did not re?cui that Impulilion, beouusn it was entirely wiiuoui loundition. He am not be lieec It was me polity ol tbo goverument to in .ku un* aauelaeiory appropriation*, nor was It Its potioy to make extravagant a)i| rnpriaiiobs. Mr. Di hiiam, (iiein.)ot Kv., staled that be had beard the same tiling mat mo gentleman Irani Tennessee had beard, thai there wen u cninoin illee in lavor ol increased appropriations Inr public buildings. Mr. Woou, (dem.) ol A'. V.. ibuughi tliat it was no time to increase expenditures wb<u ibo revenues ol ibe country won- decreasing. There could be no douot oi the feet that toe delicti in ibe revenue would be at least $16,000,(10(1 aud may be $110,000,000 lor tbo pltscnl IIschI ycai. Mr. KDkx, (dem.) of 111., suggested thai there bad been a good deal said about gel ling rid ol tbe sinking fund, but he thought n would be gotten rid ol without much trouble II iiieee big anpropriatione were ma e. Mr. 1'RiCK, tro(t) ol Iowa (ro.trriug In ibe alleged continuation), said thai il xuuii a clique did exist mo incinbors ol it were ahvu and should ne irotteu out sod in vcsligstea. Alter sumo lurther discussion Mr. Foster's amend ment was agreed to, and Mr. Aldricli's aiuenrtruoui, as emended. adopted?> eat 84, nays 76. Mr., (rep.)ol ill., ollered an amendment requiring itio lup.rTMing e uiiiuct to Qmen iiiu 8arte oi the mul ing nt i bio.igu lo Ue gum by tho laltisi nod Circuit courts, too eun-trrasury and col lector* ol customs and Internal revouuu, by the 1-t ; 01 July, 1*79. Adopted. Mr. UiObiNtm, (d< in ) of Texas, offered an amend me a i appropriating $60,900 lor ibo completion ot public building el Austin, ieSas. Ue)ectod. Mr. Bankinc*(dom.) ol Ohio, movod to increase tlie amount appropriated lor me Cinciuneti Custom Hod's Irom $3<i0,000 io $400,000 llrjectod?70 to 84. lbs appropriation lor tbe nundlng at Kveneville Ind., Was inoreased Irom $90,000 io $46.two Tbe appropriation for tbo bunding at (trend Haplds, Mich., was increased Irom $30,000 to $47,000t Mr. Atkixn, ol Tennessee, yioldod to the two pre csuiug .tmenumcnis, atstiug that tbe principle ot me bill bad been broken by me ectioa ol ibe House in regard to tbo Court House at Atlanta, tie. By that nciiou Ibo House bad ? xprossed Ha wi*o that wbeu buildings were nearly completed a sufficient amount ?hoold be appropriate.! lor tbair completion. Mr. Kilunukk, (rop ) of Pa., moved to incranso tbo appropriation for tne Uarrisborg Poet Offioe froi% $46,000 to $76,000. * Mr. Cox, ot New York, opposed tbe amendment. He believed iu tlie old Jack soman doetrine of eooaemy. that it wee n sale thing io leave some Money in in pockets ol ibo people. Ibe amendment was ri-jooied?41 to 81 Mr. Whit*, (fen ) of Fa., moved to laerenae tbe amount to $100,000. Mr. Boon*, (dem.) ot KyM opposed tbe dootriat of relieving lb* labor of the country by making largo appn-pri itioos lor public bu Idingu. x.*bor conlu only be relieved by repealing ibe Infamoua Resumption law, ny p .yiuc mo iwe-twenly bonda tu greenbacks and by renriug the national bunk circulation. 11 tbal were not enough be would issue greeubaczs to an utuouui aufllcieut to meet tlio wants and nseosel ties of trude even if It would requlro $1,000,000,000 to do to. '1 be aiueudmeut wua rejected, us was alao another to Hi the atnuuol at ${>0,000. Mr. Bay sk, (rep.) oi Fa., offered an amendment suthoru hg tue construct.on ol a oourl house lu Fltts- , burg. Ku>d out on a point ol order. Mr. Yovzo, (dem.) of I'enn., off-rod an amendmect appropriating $.16,000 lor constructing tho Fosl Office at Memphis leuu., out of 1'eiiuesseo marble, ibis being ruled out on a point of order, Mr. Young offered an amendment providing tbat the building shall bo ' constructed out ol Tcnucssec marble, provided tbat U shall co.I no more than now provided by law. j Adopted. Mr. Colc, (rep.) of Mo., offered au amendment In- , creasing tue appropriation for the SI. Louis Custom | house Irom $300,000 to $400,1X10. Reject- d. Mr. Baooy, (rup.) ol N, Y., moved to increase lbs | appropriation lor the Ultca Court Jiousc from $36,000 to $76,uo0. llr. Baker, Irep.) ol N. Y., luvored the amendment. ! The city ol Ullca had furnished most o! the Senators ' irom the Slaio cf New York. It had luruishod a Su proms Court judge and also lUo godiuther of tho do ui- , ocrai ic party. Mr. Wait, (rep.) of Conn.. Inquired II It would be a comlorl tu Covurnor Seymour for alto house to in crease too appropriation. Mr. Baker hud no doubt it would be. Mr. Hewitt, (dem.j or K. V.?Has the pentlemau any auiburhy tq speak lor Governor Seymour? Mr. Baker ?1 only speak on guncral pnuciplos. Alter lurlher discussion the umendmeut wus re jected. % Mr. Dean, (dem.) oi Mass., moved to iucrooso tlio approprianon lor me Boston Post ulllcc Irom $300,U00 to Kejeeted. Mr. Landers, (dem.) ol Conn., moved to increase tho appropriation lor tho liarilord Post office Irom $'.'6,000 to $10o,OoO. Hijcctod. Mr. Wait, ?l Couucciicul, moved to make the ap propriation $60,000. ltejectcd. " ' Mr. U'Nkui.. (rup. )oi Pa., moved to Increase the ap propriation lor the Pniladoiputa Post Office Irom $300,000 io $400,00u. Kejeeted. Mr. Davis, (rep.) ol Chi., inuved to lucre ise the ap propriation lor appraisers stores lu San Francisco lorm $36,000 lo $103,000. Adopt d?84 to 73. W i ill a ut lurlher .ictiou the cjibidIiico rose. Mr. Urns*, (dem.) oi N. Y., introduced a bill lor tbe salo ol property in Wullubout lJuy to the city of liro>kiyu. Referred. 1 he Houso then, ut hall-pnst lour, took a recess, the evening session to bu lor me consult rauon ol reports made Irom the Committee ou Naval Affairs. CENTENNIAL CLAM BAKE. WHEBR A! L CLASSES OF SOC IETY HAD A BEP BI SENTATlVi'.?A B'iND Of UNI )N IN BI VALVES. About the evo of tho Centenalul Exposition, when amor putrid lot ltsolf loose sud searched the heavens above and ? bo earth boueitb lor motives and mesas to accomplish tho sentimental idea ol a unttod aud happy people, North, South, East sod West, the Ceu icnniut o am bake was established on the shores ol tho harlcm River. Its underlying motive was to bring together once s year people who represented all classes oi New York society, irrespective ol social or poluioai position, und huvo them meet lor a lew brio! hours as common citizens ol ono great nation, sud Id friendly social Intercourselorgct all differences ol political thtnkiug and Ignore all artificial inequali ties of soai'al station over the neutral clam. The scheme was oiiilhently successful, und though ysster day the members ol the Centennial Clam Buke Asso ciation 'wero not all represented in person, there was s sufficient attendance of outsiders well kuown lu various walks ol lite in Now York city to make ample amends lor the lack of full representation on the part of the members of the ussootuuou. The clam hake wis held in a grove to the south ol Uabe Case's bos elry ou JcrOnte uvouu., and tho origiuai luteu tiou was that It should oome oil iu tho open ulr, with the zephyrs singiug through the branches ol the youthiui elm trees aud with the green grass growing all rouud lo sharpen the appetites ol the nobis h ind of clam eaters. There wua no uet-d lor any such stimu lant. ana as the rain came on just about ffvo o'oloc* the managers ol tho oake saw auyihing line an ul fvttco lecd would provo u failure, so ibey wisely eon eluded to buve it within tbe wide arched pavilion whero tho llobakon Turtle Club bus been wont lo eels brste its nnuai entertainments lur years past. MARK UP or A CI.Alt BARS. The removal oi cuairs aud tables oonsamed only a short time, and meanwhile tho preparations Isr tho greut clam bake woul on. They were snperinteuded oy Mr. Baboook, aud consisted of a plaliorm of hard bead bluo stones, 10 loot by 8, ou top ol which, ntior bciug proporiy blazed sud hauled, ttlty bushels ol clams, ua.t bard aud hall soil, were strewn. Throe barrels ol sweet and Bermuda pota toes were distributed over the clams, and over ibesu were piucud 600 pounds oi sheep's head ; over them loo pairs ol chieksns, loo bunches ol asparagus and 600 pounds ol lobsters, the wnole being covored in with a heavy tarpaulin to prevent tho es cape ol stsaiu. The mbtnbers ol the club and its pat rons is the number ol auout three nuodred were com fortably seated wlibitl lbs pavilion when me signal lor nucovertag the clam bake was given. A band played several diverting airs between the poiuls of anticipation and realism ton and thus warded off the Intrusion ol Outness; but finally, when tlio claui caino after tho mild discussion ol snosp's houd, chickens and lobster was over, enthusiasm knew no bounds Sod cheers greeted the Ural appeurau e ol the hot und steaming oivulvo. The two tables extend ing tho enure length ol tbe pavilion wero tally ooou pud. VKAKVUI. BXKOL-riOlt. Among those present went ? onspiouons at tbe bend ol one mole Mr. Shepherd Knnpu, president of tho elun. Ail the members and the rest wore their bats on, and the execution made among the clauis uy soma ol ibem will pass lulu history as feats ol phonomenal achievement. A rumor was given goncrul curroucy luat. ex-Suporinieudeul ol l'olice Kelso con Buiuod i vii dozeu to as many minutes, not lo sneak ol tbo havoc he made umong tho lobster* and shucpshuad, and It Is nonfldently fi. lutod that Frank Allen, of lbs Aator Route, who kept the record in poocil ou his shirt cuff, inane away with iwenty-oas chickens while Kolau was pulling tl.e buhltvl ol olnius out ?l sight. Stories like those gavu iood lor talk and rrlleciton ntnuiig lbs hoy*, many ol wtioin updo >rod to regret wnsu the feast *.? over thai they old not uin-mpt somu hold stroke ol g. uius in the saiuo line, i>ut Keiao and Allen ware uow beyond rivalry, and another year must elapse bolore auybujy can bope lo outer into tbe litis against them. 1'hs music appeared to have been made purpo-ely quick lo assist tlio clem snl- ra While tho discussion oi the 10 haters aud she. p-hsmi was going lorwsid sirs like "You'll Remember Me" and "tho Memory ol tlis i'sel " were played. Hut when it cntne down to bard pari?otherwise io lUo mains?"Wnoa, Kmmal" and oilier such bri-k unit on ivrtiiug melodies ware rattled 011 nod evurybony sn icnd lor a o am DECORATION or TSK OK' ITNDO. I he grounda wore decoraleu me ffiga ol all nations, and ibe kiablea being inadequate to aceotno dale uil Ihe wnguUs and loama mat c nto upon tho grnau'JB many ol ihsm ware HOcuuiraoUated lu tue held wherein the uiani bigo look place. I'ri'iffinont lining too crowd preteni, wnicb uppuuruu io Imvo representatives ot every cl ?? ol peopie In Hie cilv, we.o tfbupnerd f. Knapp, Jo n H. Aires. F. J. Alien, A. J. Dam, U.vid Bonner, II 1>. Feller, Jauob Hues, Cup. tain Vail, ol $?. -, h ,s. , J. R. Ilradlov,of Dunnaiu, Buckley A no. ; J i lies J. Kelso, Sol Buyl-a, J. Lewri* Loin, Man n It. Brown, nope-inieudem Mailing, Joiuau L. Mi.I. Isaiah Hinders, J. J. Mouiiey. 1'. Fatten, ilns-'it It. I'erKins, lia-ry Ueuoi, Foster D wey, Feter K.iapp, William C. Conner, Lew Parlor, Jaints Fiul, U Sheuier, Mieo. mock, John O'K-eio, ot rlortoo A Co,; W. H. Van 1 asset, joUn $r< uluriua, AI.ettnan I'eriey, ex , A-semhiy iwku Maui tue J. llolanao, Charles Harper ' una R. 1), Aliigcr. Tits rsKioo or srazriiKS Wben thn clam devouring bud c ased and Cham I peg no spread ha seductive over all I speeches were railed lor, toe flrtt being mido by Ma I Jor Quitter, wlio spoke ol tnu great nasisianco such occasions wore lu bringing together In I fellowship meu ol different polities un-i ol i different social standing. Be thought it u hnppv idea, i and thou nu lurnod round tu puy a eompllmaut to the : president o: the club, iu ihe mtnsl ol wiuolt be wne ! iniori union by svoioe, "Ihroo cneers lor Shepherd F, j Kbnpp, our next Msvor." i ho cheers were given, i and Mr. Knapp looked almost ovurinmei I bo Major j proce-ded io his eulogv and oinnhed to the high, at ? liilud- oi n.implirnooiary ox pro sum in oomuiend a lion ol Mr. Kn ipp as a man aud everything else, all of j which was vuclitTously applauded. lie was lollowed by Caplnio Isaiah Kynders In a speech lull ol sinking in- taphors, bused on iho clam ol wnlcb he bad beou nariukiiig and which he eom pared to himself as buiug bappy only when it was at | nigh water, a* be expected to be wirru tue d*a>- oralm i party came into power. he waa followed ! by Hutca II. 1'urkins, who sent everybody away delichton with ihe day's entertainment. When ' too ground-, were doserled iho muliltude gaiberod in > liaou Case's saloon mid p-isauil tnu lima in jovial talk and impromptu singing until the ndvont ol night | warneu loom ot homo, <nd ihon occnrrod a lively ; rusu lor McComb's Dam nridgo and the Central Park. FLEETWOOD PARK. Tbe trotting eooounocd to come off at Fleetwood Park yoaierony afternoon *u postponed on acoount nl tno iiouTy condition 01 ilia track (root recent ram*. Tha ireiuug meeting will begin to-..ay. 13ASKJ3ALL Tbo international ahnmploneblp game at London, Canada, yeetorday, baiwcon tbo Hoc hosiers and Tecumaeba, retailed in laeor of tbo lattor by a score of 6 10 2. At Manchester, tbo Manobeater* defeated lb# Mew Boo lords by a acore ol 6 to Ot t he game between the I residence and Cincinnati club', at Providence, wan postponed on account of bad weather. In the game at Woiocater, between tbe Woreoeters and Wi aiooroa, the lornter were Viotortuas i.y it score oi o in a The l.t ague championehip game at Hoeton, beiwcn tbo Intiiauepoiia an t Meaton einot, ream ted la later of tbe Bostons, by a soars of 3 to 0. YACHTING. MATCH OF $500 BETWEIN THE ADDIE TAYDOB AND H. H. UOI.MEH?i'BK HACK NOT MADE WITHIN THE HTII'CLATED TIME. Tho match raco between the opou yachts Addia T.tjrlor and H. H. Holmes, of the Pavonia Vocbt Club, lor $C50 a sido, flxed lor yesterday, lailed to besu-is laciorily decided. One or the eitpulatlone of tbo agrceuieul was tbat the rnco sboiild bo sailed within eight boars, and owing to the exceed ingly poor management of the affair, the start was made eo late in the day, the time-expired wheu the boats wcto miles away iroua the Uu'shlug mark, loo consequence was ibo judges' steamboat took tho yachts in tow, aud the guests were lauaed at the Erie docks, Jersey City, uboul eleven o'clock last night. The course was from a stakeboat nLioliore't oil tho Idlu Hour, Greenville, N. J., to and around buoy 8>i, turning it trout wost to east and raturn. mainrall weru only allowed. flte boats wero louud at tbo Idle Hour dock by tho judges steamboat sloses Taylor, but. as noted, tbo start was not made uutil so late the northerly broezoof tlio morntug bad almost dtod out. The agroemanl was that a fly tug start nbouid bo bad, and the ton minutes limit altor the seoond wlnstto was wasted by the sailing musters iu luffling matubos lor the windward pontion, so mat at lb. 10m., when they snonla have been on their wiv, neither bad passed tbo stakeboat. l'botr ume, bad tno raco been made, would have been taken irora tbat liour The I'aylor was first to cross, lb. 17ui. 65s. and tho Holmes lb. 18m. 14s., being the times ol tho boats as they Dllod uwny on port tack. Both worked down on tne Jersey shore to esc ape me strength of'tho Hood tide, with but slight advantage l" oithor, until ofl Bergen Po-nl, when ibo Taylor caught the southerly brees that lad onen loovod lor. ulid ilrew out in the lead some dis tance. At 2H. #?-, when the Kills were opened out ' there oame an easting in the wind, and' the Taylor acaln oultack-d ner opponent. B.atb then sirelched across thai bay to the Long Island shore, aud at onoe there a as a series of pretty manoeuvres none along the sboro as far m Uravoseud Uav, .-liori lacks being the -ardor ol thiugs. Passing Fort Hamilton dock the lime was taken as lollows:- u M Addle Taylor ? 34 H. H. Ho mes d 4? A differedce it Is seen of eleven inmotes in lavor ol the laylor, due In a great measure to the wind dying almost to a culm and the Holmes b-ing caught in the strength of the tide. Whan In Graveseud Bay the Taylor increased her advantage aud gained rap idly but Captain "Ira" mado too long a hitch down the Conev Island Bench, and captain "Jake," uotic-ng hie error, stood out into open work on tuo uori tack at n juncture that caused the Holmes to runldly lessen tho difference betweeu theiu. A beat to buoy 8>i, with a smooth sea, euded wlib the boats turning as lollows:? ^ ^ ^ AT ho?^:::"v::.v:::^7: ? 11 5 This mado the Taylor 3ra. 3bs. tho best of the Holmes. Several squalls wero encountered by the yachts In tho bay, but uono of a serious chnrucior, although one from tho soutbwFst lor a moment looked serious, hut the yachts caught the last of it only, and it contained "more rain Minn wind. Against tbe ?bh tide, now making with strength, and an the breeze died out almost to a glass calm, It was soon evident that the raco ooald not be made In toe lime agreed upon. Ofl tho Upper Hospital Island the judges' steamboat took tbe Holmes in low at 8h. 30m., aod twenty minutes later the Taylor wus ulso givcu a line, and the two boats wers taken to a pi ce of safely. The race will again bo asited about the 21st Inst., and meanwhile all bets aro off. Tho judges were Messrs/John D. Brassing ton, James l.ennox and H. H. Holmes. ? JEB'EY CITT YACHT CBUB ? ANNUtli BEGATT.V IN THE LOVTEH BAT?THE WINNKB3 OF THE FBIZKS. The twentieth annual regatta of tbo Jorsey City Yucbt Club was held yesterday In New York harbor. Five classes or thirty-one yacbis wero entered, but only eighteen sailed. The course for the flrst, second and third classes was from nn imaginary line between tbe jndgoa' b >at and the stakeboat. whlob wero an chored off Bedloe's Island, thence to bnoy No. 8>i, turning ou port hand and returning 14a line betweon tbo Judges' and the stnkeboats. *be course won to tbe eastward 01 Bedloe's island ouch way. Tho coarse for tbe roorth and tilth classes was from the anine slArllng point, thence between Ellis' and Bedloo's . Islands to tho buoy ofl Bobbin's Reef, turning on port band and returning bsiwoen Ellis' and Bedloo's | inlands, taming the judges' host 00' port hand twice, making a conrae ot thirty-live miles. The winning | yaobt in each oIush was limited to eight hours, run START. The morning promised a lair wind, hut nt ten o'clock, whon the sun came out, tho brcezo died down to almost a calm. At On. 4flm. n flying start was made, the yachts of each class standing off toward the lower terminus In graceful order. At noou tho slight wind fluctuated from different quarters, und , gradually settled to n calm until three o'clock, when an encouraging broezo sprang up from iho aouthweit. i Tho steam ynohl Audio 1*. winch was anchored op posite llio stakeboul, oontuinod the Judges? Mr. Ste phen Uuuife, ex-Jndge of the Court or Common Pleas !>l Hu<l-ou county; William T. lloffiu-.n, Picimting jud-o ol tho same court; John B. llaight, Water Hcgister ol Jersey City; C. L. Crugler, Prosidont ol me Board 01 Fire Commissioners, wno acted us time keeper ; also J. A Nugent, ol tho rcg itta; Assistant District Attorney Vuh-lurroort and others. The fol lowing Is a list 01 boa 1 a tbnl sailed;? FIRST CLASS CABIX BLOOFS. I Mean Length. Same.. O timer. feet. Allowance. Dr. J. H. Vondy...45.04 Allows v. ry Charles K. Garuner.SLOP 8.40 Genia*.'.' 0- N. Wentou 10.07\ #.22 Jf bKCOXU CI.ASS. Lnrllne A. P. Ball 31.04'J Allows Mignon C. W. B.-cmin 21.00 &.16 ? TI1IKU CLASS. Knight Templar.K. Doiieuco...,....30 01J* Allows fay cue...... ...P. Miller 2<iilJ4 M'H VOUKTII CLASS. I Willie...... K. 1'. Ltmpson. ....31.03 Allows Bijou A. E Hughe- 21.00j< 0 14 .Anua Bell J. A. Nugent 2d 00 2.30 j FIFTH CLASS. Alert H. A. Green 18.02? Allows , Edith...... G. N. Weston 17.11 0 34 Audio F?r-yibe. .A. Forsvth 17 07 1.16 Abe-' C. D P. Ulb?on.... 17 OOlf 142,', KMinis A. H. llovnold?r. ..17.00 LA Kan J. 8. Mettl. r 10 CO* 2 30 i Huldsn F. W. I.yon Hi 00>< 4 to I Jieii It. 11. Flier man.... 16 11 4 34 int riMsu. At 8h. 64in. kOs. the Genua, ol the 3rd clas* yachts, rouiioed ihc niukciiOAi und was - eel iron winnsr by 1m. 14i,s. Her aiiowuuou wbs Oiu li-,*, wHieli ' b?lug ueuuci-'-i inude Iter actual mnoon 43m. 10s. In ciuaa secoi.d ibo l.urliuo ilm-liei ner c urse ui llltv ininutea pist three P. M. in f?h. 42m 24- Iu cu?s 1 lourth tne Willie won iu do 26m. 30- , liar oniy com I poll tor, the Anna Hen. having Withdrawn alter going over the course onoe. 1 he y aclil Aoills 6 orsylhc, \ 111 class live, great It distanced her six coiuP' mors and rounded ihe at 2u. 2-in.6ds., her actual 111110 nuiUR 411. 11111. 10s The Pirsie enm-- in at 3n. 44in. 32?., her actual tune be-ng 6u. OStii. 2s. 1 ue Mary did not resell lbs stake boat until 4h. 10m. 40s. 1 liu oorrtcied time of luC I'irulo w?? 4h. 36m 2s.; Mary, On. 41m 40a.; Ueaia, 6u. 33in 47X"*- ? l-urline, 6ii. 11 in 24a; Knight familiar. 7b. 42a ; Willi*, 6b. 8m. ; Annie Forsjnhe, 4n. I?m. 65s. Ihe o ner boats either withdrew or lingered below When the judges returned 10 llio c ult house. I he pr F. s Wero as lollowsFor Oral class, a silver pilcUer; second class, ? silver castor; llilru clasr, a silver Ouunr plate; loorih class, a silvor Iruit basnet: tilth class, a silver ca-e disii. Daring Mi-early part 01 tne race, while the hoaia wers uimosi boosluie<i 10 the lower bay. iho guesis nl the judx-s' boat wero invited over to Kins' Island, wuere the government poaruer is stoied, and wore en tertained by Captain Hayes nod his WHO, TaCUJISO NOTES. 8. hooner yeclu idler, N. Y.Y.O., Mr. S. J. Colg*tn, ?U ii nloi In i ho baatn at Stapluton, 8. I., ytAtcrday, her ii piniin atruck mil light *pnr? ana sail* nouacd. Him will uc laid up for Ilia aratou near the Wnoderor. dcnooncra Proaperu, Druadnauglit aoa Niroid wtro lying ?l anchor oil Simpleton yeiiorday nliernooa. MY8T1O HO vT CLUB. TWELFTH ANNUA!. BiOAXTA AT NEWARK?THE KN1 Bird AND T lE WINNERS. Tba twelfth annml regain ol tue Myailc Boat club, ol Newark, partly oamo ol! on Saturday last, bui owing lo tba nnpropllioua weatnar oaiy on? race waa ran? ilia ebalienge raoa between ttio Myaiioa and the Da 1111 tin* crew ol Harlem, which war won by tba latter. YaaterdAy afternoon tba regatta waa concluded at Nawark, In praaaaoa ot a large and laahlonabie at tendance. It waa not until Ave o'clock that tho flrat raoa waa eilled. It waa a pair-oared gig raco lor light weighta. Thoro were three eutriea:?Idler?N. H. I'aterr, how; J. W. Aim ran, atroke; T. V. Baldwin, coxaweio. Jack ol Cinb*?S. A. Laturwp) bow; K. Van Uuakirk, Jr., *truk-; J. It. Mi. Alpine. coxawatn. Happy Jack?H. K. HeM, bow; N. P. Howell, atroke; W. ti. Dowd, coxewaiu. Tba rour-e wa? one mile, irotg the Triton boathoaaa to the Midland Hail way bridge and return. IheJnck ol Clobs caught tn? Waier Ural end held the lead lor ebout hi.ll a mno, Idler being eecond. On the homeetretch the Idler that aimed und wou the raee by a ooat length. flute? Idler, 7m. ?*.; inok ol Clube, 7in. I5e.; Happy JeOk, 7m. 17*. fhe iteuM r?e* ?n< a eingle ecnll ehell, ihree en trie*, eanie rtiumn. TltUrniriM were J. A. H. Dunning, J. W. Adam* and ft. U I'nilnpa. All three eturted logetber and nagged neb other pretty cioaoly all tho l way tu and doWA^Qhanging their poaiUona? however i every mil* while. a? too trio nearod tne wlnBlnepoint tll.7 r co was very eioillug. It was bard to tell who would carry off the prise. Pr.seully i>UUhlog?a ??''? board oar 'napped lu two >u lUo cap. Tula, ol course. iJ nipped 1'ini out. and tbo struggle betweon Phillip* andAdttuslncreastd. It ended ?u Adam, being the vicar dv ? f'W .'eel and two seoouds difference in tllUl*duois' doiug 5m. 28*. ??<? PU.ilip^ 5m. 30*. 1 be third race?a psir-oared gig reoo. lor liowr woH'hts iiail two entriesKate ?Mai cub r. Haviii* bow ? George G Frelmghuysen. stroke; W A. Brower, cm*wvMh' Hob R,y-L. B G.rd-r. bo. ; I A H flueuiug, strolto; J H. M?Alplne? coxjwaiu. Tnu "a. n?o?ber wod-coutested race.?j? ???*?? the Kuto K., licr unto being 5m 41s., Rob Roy, 5in. ?run lourib and last race was '?r'our.oareJ .bell, iwo entries. Kreeborn-S. A. Smith, bow, J. A. Mil lor, Jr., No. 2: 3. A. Lalbrop, No. J, A H. Dowd, stroke. Futfly?K. U, bow; W.^C. Gasper, No. J; \V. 1\ Jobuson, No. d; N. I . ^owel ,sirok*. 1 he race wad uu Interesting one, althougn trom the ft,.tu became .pp.. rent ibat the the Freeborn, tier time wua 5m. 40a, ibe Firefly a b \V.*K "li.^tolto" acted as rolerco and J. T. Pyl# as timekeeper. ? AMAI'l-UB OAii sMEN. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COM MITTEE?IMPORTANT POINTS DECrDED. A epeotal meeting of tbe Executive Committaa or the National Association ot Amateur Oarsmen was bold ui tbe Astor House last atgui. Taero were pres ent Messrs. 3. W. Remington, Nurragansett Bay Clnb, l'rovidouco, B. I.; Alexander Krumbbaar, Pniladel pu.a Barge Club; Hubert L. Roade, Nassau Boat Club; H. E. Suermeyer, New If orb Atbletio Club; J. H. C. Walts, Uudlue Boat Club, Baltimore; G. W. Parker, Quaker Guy Boat Club, Philadelphia; B. W. GarQeld, Mutual Boat Club, Aloany, and T., W. Kennedy, Pas saic Boat Club, Newark, N. J. Mr. Goorge W. Parkor presided and Henry W. Purser uoted as secretary. Tim minutes ol tbo last meeting were ununnnoualy BUJlr"uueruieye* offered tbe following dollulllon:--'?A lemur senller is dcllood to be one wbo Dae never been winner In a sculler race open to more than one club, nor pulled In suou a race unless it was distinctly an ?nouncedasa Junior sculler*'race." This MUUta Wa- adopted unauimously. The socrotary Bla leu that alter oorrespoudiog win. several clubs be bad author ized ibe mail who wou at tho Wulkius Regatta to bt cousl tered utuateurs, and asked tuai bis action In oon flrined by the oouimittee. A resolution to tbo effect tout iboee wno rowed in tbai ruce were to oe regaraai. as umaieura was unanimously adopted, tbe following are tbe gentlemen whom the resolution earnedMoses N-deuu, W. H. Aureil, J. Nadesu, 3. Uusseau. J. L. Hoflman auu E T. Price, ot tbo sboe-wae-aae-wltu iioat Ciui>, and George W. Lee, ol the lriton Bo-tctuo, ol Newark, N. J. August 20 anu 21 were hxed upou as tbo dales lor holding tbe annual regatta. Certain amateurs naving been disqualified by tbo SobuylkiU Navy Club, on tbe grounu that tbey bad rowed lor stakes, tbey appealed to the committee denying the charge, and stating on their honor that tbey bad not roweu against prolesatonals. 1 ho pre iluiinary discussion oame up as in ins P0*?'*/ "* Executive Committee to remove tbe disabilities ol wiese genttemuu. This was decided in tbe afflrmativa by a v-iie ol 6 to 8. Thee tbo gentlemen conoerood were restored to lull privileges. Their names are> James McCurey, Cuarles MoCarey, James Keeley, Charles lisrdlng, James McCabey, Bernard MoCaboy and Samuel HaaeHu. AMERICAN illFLE T&AM. L. WEBER ELECTED CAPTAIN?THE INTERNA TIONAL MATCH NOT TO BE HELD AT CREED MOOR. The American Rltle Team met yosterday afternoon at tbe office ol Mr. L. C. Bruoe, No. 37 Park row, and transacted considerable bustuoss ol importance. Tbero vrsro present Messrs. Jackson, Jewoll,.Allen, Brnoe, Biydenbnrg and Weber in tbo chair. A letter was rboetred from Adjutant Coleman giving the. opinion )h*t tbe team was tbe legal custodian of tho international iropby. A reso. lution was passed raiiiying tbe permU.loa given on March 12 to Messrs. Tiffany k Co. to exbibU tuo trophy at the Paris Expoiitloo, and n committee, consisting ol Csptain Weber. L. a Bruce and H. 3. Jeweib was appointod lo conler with Tiflso# k Co, and carry out ibu terms ot thoreso.ation. Tbe team then proceeded to tne eleonoo ol a team captain, aud after Three ballots Mr. Weber was elected and duly Tne Question ol the international maton wet tnou taken up a d discussed at length. Tbo lollowiog pro amble and resolution were offered In that and alter an nour's debate was carried, with one voir in me pegauve:? I Whir?Bft wiilU tbl? iima r#cofnl?# tb* that it hrnZnt he SoMom lor the .National Rifle Association and the *m?iLur Rifle Club by Joint action, to select the Amerlcao rltl? Unmi lor luternattousl matohoa, they being hereto tars e!ra?*t the sole representatives ol the intsrest t?ken la this tfoantrv In Ion- rang# rltts shootiiig, J"J11' J*, r w uihei large orsantsaitous having grown uo la dil sr.n^;.mmVKn?uV:wh. ?? ikM gigMtioH of tAtni ol a mUuiiii ciiEiilOW' % ari ti lUMjoriVy of thiA teotn how? ?nieriuhioa iho ,'r tbe repre-ntatlve ehersoter which it acquired by the method of its organisation and so ieeUou Itc'ula with more oropriety iimwW orgsnisatisa ol riflamen nnaariaae tbe selection of tba next iiitainatlonai team ; und.lor tliase reasuns, Mtlevlng tiiMt ihey woulfi i>? mpportou In ibolr octlon by ttt? rill? u ,n it America, and without any dastra to lerpetuate liio usslves as s team or coveting a tru.l which puuld not prove othTrwIse than ?neru?i. tbe^wnad tna pMgremme for the he tectlon ol the t ams ol lKlo. Rut at no iu lira seam bas entered within tne time required (Jone 1) and there will be no long range match this year, tuerefore, ba lWR-?olted. That the programme heretofore adopted and ltsutd by tills team for tho selection ot too team ol 1B78 be auu hereby is rescinded and withdrawn. The place lor the next lutbraaiional ruaich was dls ouseed, und it was evidsnt that Creednioor was not looked upon favorably by any ol the team. Mr. Biy denburg offered a resolution making it the grouudsof tho Buv Vri?w A aooiaiion at Chicago, which was alter ward withdrawn, aud tbo secretary authorixod to cooler with ibe autborino# ol tnet range aud lesra whether thoy w4re prepared to hoidao international mate" .here; The meeting then adjourned subject to the call ol the Chair. SUOOtLsG 1UUKNAMENT. riFTH ANNUAL TOURNAMENT OF THE ILLINOIS bPuRTSMAN'B AHtOOlAlION?FIR *1 Til. [llX TEuEGRAFH TO THE HERlLD.] Qcinct, 111., June 11, 1878 Tbo flftb annual tournament of lh<i Illinois Stat# Hportnmin's Aeaoclatiou opened sv Singleion Park Una morning with good weather, a largo at tendance and very lavoraDle circumstsnoee. Tbe beat marksmen In tho State were present and the crack sbois Irom New York, Missouri, Kansas, ftiscoostu and Ohio were well repreecnted. Torn slung, of Chicago, was on b;?od with 10,000 wild pigeons, whicb ere in flno condition, ana hotter tliera never u-it a tVi'i.arn trap. i ncri-wore bixtv llve entries lor the first coutost, win< h wits lor $305 in cash, uivnied into lour pr.ges, lor y per cent to ihe Ur-.i, thirty to ibe asounu, twenty to the third, aud teu ?o tbo lourtb; ton bird*, o.icn at IWenty-ose yards rise; class auoot iuj ' rtiere wor? ouly lour ptr#on? idaIciq^ clean scores ol the iou who ehot off lor the lirst prise, a ho wcro Auu Kieluiuao, of Cuicaso; Haworth, ?r U iiiicy ; Ero, ol .-l. Joseph, Mo., nod Carr, ol 3L Louis. Mr. Haworth gave thorn e walk h*hy> &T kiiliag hvo straight at twemy-aix yards. On ilea ol u uo eliivcn couieawnta cauie to tho Iront, and i nomas Ntagg, ol Cuioago, took the prise by killing mi th- bird* on ties ol e yht. E guioen mcu sonuiuered their grille, end at twenty six inrds lunill, ol Chicago; Kiuihali and Wliley, oi l'eorm, each killed flv - straight at twouiy-six yards and on goiok oack is tnlriy-one yards ttr. Kunbsil killed nis birue dees, and woe tne money. I nrteen good woi?er? cam i to tbe irout on tiea ol ecveu, but Mr. IV. il. W llcox ol Cuicago, eoon look the lead and W?i na'ieo'Jn** contest wes started sad will be telshed to-innriow. I ne bu?in-?a mopiieg ot the Convention will be held thi> evening. _ . The hotels are tilled with sportsmen end tbe Qulncy Band Is g.viog Ihein a serenadd at the llmeol writing. The meeting la a succeas, and will contluue lour 1__ ATtiLETlC GAMES. ANNUA!, FESTIVAL OF iUI FKIENOSHIP BOAT CLUB. Toe Friendship Boat Club bad lie annual faatlral yesterday alteration at Jonea' W<>#1 Coioaaeum, "le? tival" being a tuphcmiaiio detcripilou ol aoraa mueio ami dunning. aat off wiib ? law aibletla competition*. At tue time act down lor beginning ibe amutemeata tbo alternoou wne Una, bat tlie rata afterward loll hoavily and marred to a conaiderable extant the out door portion ul tne programme. Ine atbtetie aporia ware i.ot o' eepacial prntanaion, yal aoma ol tbom aeie keenly and vigorously uontoated. Many ol tba competl.urs were deal ecu tea, winch la explained by ta<-lact tnatiDey came irom the Kauwood Atnlatio Lilnb, allien g ta a lair proportion of Ita aiembera from the Kenwood Asylum. One ol tbeae, Mr. MoKaui, ia a loo yarua ruun^. Signing at tba aorateh be roabed paat two ether companion to whom bo bad given one and two yarda reapeonveiy, oovoriag tbe distance in 10)? eccooda. Auolh<-r irial beat waa won by John I'aoo, to Whom McKanl ooncedod two yarda In tba llnal corneal. Al< though thu clay track waa aonkeil witb tho ram II did not appear in the leaat to impair bis apeed. lie wai v.ry active in getilog away and in a lew atridoa bf U >d pimaed hlx opponent. Without special effort b? ran the oiatanco in 10# aeconde, aocording to tht tim keeper*. A walk ol one mile waa won by W. E Cody, who beat Ove competitor* Ha received, bowever, lm. 10a. Irom A. Deutcdoerl, wbo atartad at leratob. Hia time waa Sm. 46* M. Kobuiron, atartlng at aeralob In n thraa mild walk, gavalm. .ids. to J. J. Kiinimrooua end dm. to 1*. s. Beglin, aid, oaaily overlapping beta competi tors, won in Mm. 62* A ran of bail a miio wan won by B. Kvaae, wbo roceiveJ 4n yard* atari, and heat three oinar con H a 11iii wa. tin. 'it 4*. 1'uoao ware the ouly aporia regularly a. t dowu In tba programmo, but oiuer* ware improviaed and carried oat in the rain. Finally, everybody want ander oovar, nod [ dancing wan Kept up until lata ia tba tvaalut