Newspaper Page Text
From All Parte o 1 the World. READY FOR THE CONGRESS. Assembling of the Diplomatists of Europe. PROGRAMME OF THE SESSION. Difficulties About the Turkish Fort resses Threatened. EMPEROR WILLIAM'S RECOVERY. Republicanism Spreading Throughout Europe. ILL HEALTH OF LEO XIII. IBT CABLE TO TIIE HERALD.] London, June 12, 1878. The Daily Ke\pt' Vienna special says that otllcers have been ordered to join their regiments in Dal mutia, which will bo Immediately raised to a war footing. BROWBEATING AUSTRIA. The Dally TeUgraph't Vienna correspondent Bays"Russia has recently taken a very overbearing tone toward Austria. A rup ture seemed imminent a week ago in consequence of Russia's curt refusal to listen to Austria's representations relative to the limits of Bulgaria." KUSSIA AND ROUMANIA. The Vienna despatch to the Daily Telegraph re ports that it is stated that the Russians In Roama nla have received orders to be In readiness lor hostilities. secret session. The Standard's Vienna correspondent says:? ??The various governments havo agreed that the discussions In the Congress shall be secret, but a committee will immediately be appointed to select what portion of the dellbcraUons it Is desirable to publish." WHAT AUSTRIA EXPECTS. "At the Austrian Foreign Office in Vienna It Is fully expected that Austria will be asked by the Congress to occupy Bosnia. A mobilization ol the Austrian forces In Transylvania has been ordered." THE PORTRESS DIFFICULTIES. The Timet Berlin correspondent says:?"The non compliance of Turkey with the reiterated demand of Russia, supported by Germany, lor an Immediate surrender of Shumla, which had already caused the Congress to bo convened two weeks later than was originally Intended, threatens to create ircsh difficulties." CONFIDENCE AT 8T. PETERSBURG. The Timet' Vienna correspondent says:?"Con fidence both in St. Petersburg and Berltafht the successlol Issue of the Congress is reported to bo ao deep aa almost to exclude a doubt that Count SchonvaloiTs policy Is triumphant at St. Petersburg and his antagonists are tllenced Bnt the situation at Constantinople still continues to cause uneasiness." ENGLAND'S REPRESENTATIVE. Lord Beaconsfleld arrived at Berlin at eight o'clock last evening. He was received by Lord Odo Russell and Count Von Rulone, and conducted to the Kalscrhof Hotel. Tho Marquis of Salisbufy fids also arrived at Berlin. Lord Beaconsfleld had a two hours' conference with Prince Bismarck laBl night TI1B AUSTRIAN PKLKll ATIOX. Count Andraasy and M. liny merle, the Austrian plenipotentiaries to the Congress, started from Vienna yesterday alternoon for Berlin. TIIK CZAlt'S DIPLOMATISTS. Count SchouvalotT has reached Berlin and estate lished himself at thp lturslnn Legation. THE BERLIN CONGRESS. All the Plenipotentiaries will have arrived at Berlin by Wednesday except the Turkish, who only left the Bosphorus on Monday morning, and can not reach Berlin berore Friday or Saturday next. The plenipotentiaries will be rocelved on Wednes day in State audience by the Crown Prince. They will be conveyed to the I'alace in State carriages. OPENING TIIK NB88I0X. On Thursday afternoon, about two o'clock, the Congress will meet lor the flrst time, and, alter the transaction'of the necessary formalities, such as the veriUcatlon oi the several powers of the plenipotentiaries ami the appointment of ofliciala. rite proceedings will bo opened by Princo Bis marck, as president, by submitting his memoran dum of the points, or return4 of the subjects, to be treated directly by tlio plenipotentiaries, each of Whom will receive a copy ol this document. A PRELIMINARY TALK. The Tune* Vienna correspondent says It seems that most of tho plenipotentiaries are to arrive In Berlin either on Tuesday or Wednesday, so that they will have an opportunity ror meeting prl. Vately bciore meeting officially. Considering the Dumber of visits and return visits which will have to be made in twenty-rour hours there will not be much time for each ol tlicm. PACK TO PACK. Still, even the short time that will be available may be of sonic importance, affording, as It will, the flrst opportunity for exchanging Ideas in direct personal Interview Instead ol indirectly through the medium of embassies and dcsuatencs. Many things may appear then In a quite different light from that in which they have appeared hitherto. KAHIKIl THAN WIUTIMI. In' such confidential and dircet intercourse things may be said which cannot well be written, nnd ob jections that present themselves may be met at once. Above all, the personal meeting of the Minis ters who have been directing nflatrs at home,* and who have not known each other before, is not likely to remain without Influence on the course ol the negotiations. They will t>c t>ctter abio to Judge of each other thun they could be by tho written communications-which they have hitherto xchangcd and which muy derive new meouiug from personal Intercourse FIRST IN REGARD TO GREECC. The business of the first sitting will bo confined to the settlement of the question whether or not the Congress shall Invite Greece to participate in its transactions. It Is highly Improbable that Roumanlaor Scrvia will be accorded direct access to tho Congress, either with full or consultative powers. A shout sitting. The origlnsi anticipation that the Congress wonkl complete its labors in a fortnight is thought tlkeiy to be realized. Commissioners will then bo aent to Turkey to aettie the details. WHAT RUSSIA WILL OUT. The result of the Congress, it is anticipated at Berlin, will not bo uniavorablc to Russia. Hhc will probably get a portion of Bessarabia and Armenia, the latter including Kara and Ardahan certainly, gad perhaps also Batoum, but not Bayozid. A STATE BANQUET. A Btate banquet at the castle will be given to the plenipotentiaries and their suites on Thursday or Friday evening. THK KKWSPArEH CORRESPONDENTS. The Wilhelm Btrasse Is In a great stir of anticipa tion. Newspaper correspondents from all parts of the world are already in Berlin. FRENCH BONAPAIITfSTS. There is a report current that the Bonaparte, Orleans and Bourbon interests are to be privately advocated during the Congress Hy guntleuien de puted tcr tlie occasion, the hope being entertained by tbs monarchical, parlies Ot Franco"that a con servative reaction will shortly set in at Berlin, anu that the monarchy may have another chance at Paris. 8BKVia*8 HO PBS. Minister Ristlcs Has been instructed to urge at Berlin tbe annexation of ail Old hervla to Servitk IN ANXIOUS WAITING. Prince Charles, of Roumunnla, will leave Bucha rest lor his summer palace at Sinala during the week to await the decisions ot the Congress. BRITISH PAHI.IAMEV1' TO ADJOURN. The London correspondent of the Manchester Guardian telegraphs that a statement is current at the clubs and in high political circles that the dissolution ol Parliament will shortly be an nounced and that the jreport linds such general acceptance that several members have gone to look alter their constituencies. The Daily -Vetca, m a leading editorial article, makes reference to the prevailing belief in the early dissolution of Parliament TUB RUSSIANS IN ROI MANIA. A despatch to the Vienna Dolilk-al Correspond 'Of nee iroui Bucharest states that a Russian army corps begun advancing on 1'itesti on Sunday, and has already reached Pilu and UaestL It entered some villages occupied by Roumanian troops Tue Roumanian government, fearing bloodshed, or dered their troops to retire in the direction of Pilesti and TirgovestL The Russian movement in terrupts the communication ol the Roumanian army with Bucharest. The Roumanian govern ment intends to ask explanations of Russia, and, 11 the answer is unsatisfactory, it will address a solemn protest to the Powers. PRINCE NIKITA NOT TO BE POOI.KD. A Ragnsa correspondent says:??? The Montene grin government lias sent an envoy to Scut&rl to adjust the frontier differences with Turkey. Prince Nlkita professes to be anxious to avoid a conflict, but refuses to surrender his present holdings. '? GONB TO MALTA. The Duke of Cambridge has ieit London en route tor Malta THE EMPBKOR WILLIAM'S RECOVERY. The recovery ot the Emperor la progressing won derfully. Yesterday he celebrated the forty-ninth anniversary ol his marriage. A bulletin Issued at half-post ten A. M. yesterday, said:?"The Em peror continues to improve. His wounds have all healed. The right arm is sttll swollen, but is less susceptible to pain." An official bulletin last evening says:?"The Emperor sat at an open window during the greater part of the day. lie leels invigorated." NOBIL1KO GUTTING BETTER. The condition o( Dr. Nobiling is so mnch Im proved that it is thought likely he will recover. THE REICHSTAG DISSOLVED. The Federal Council have .uuanlinonsly voted the proposal to dissolve the German Parliament. As announced in tbe Herald several days ago, the elections are appointed for the second half ol July. FAITH IN THE PEOPLE. Prince Frederick William, replying yesterday to an address of the municipality of Berlin, declared that his faith In the loyalty of an overwhelming majority of the nation was unshaken. THOUGHTS NOT IN THE EAST, The subject ol the app/oaching Congress of the Powers in Berlin attracts throughout Germany rela tively less public attention than the Internal crisis, which la kept prominently In view by the activity of the police and the partisan preparations lor the approaching elections. 4 WILL THB GOVERNMENT WIN? The leaders of the national liberal party have assembled In Berlin for consultation and to deter mluo on a coarse of action. They believe that frlflce Bismarck had determined upon the dissolu tion of the tfelchstag even before Xoblllng's at tempt to kill the Emperor, or that he would, at least, have reconvened tbe Reichstag and ascer tained tue disposition of that body. Their war cry will tie Uke that of the French republicans in the contest with the De Broglle Ministry- the return of the present liberal members. NOT TUB WAT TO CHECK IT. Arrests throughout Germany lor treasonable utterances among the clauses infected with social Ism continue to be very lrequent PAMPHLETS IN THE UARRACE& The limes' Berlin correspondent says:? "There Is reason to believe that the re pre-slve measures against tbe Boeiallsts will bo COtiflhed to what is absolutely required. H is stated that socialistic pamphlets are being circu lated lathe Benin barracks." TBS RSrOilUCAV WAVS. The genoral ?lections In Belgium are over. Tbe re takes, nearly complete, show that the liberals will h tvo a majority of lour In tbe Cbnmbor ot Repro sontntlvex Therefore tbe downfall of the prenent embolic ministry Is certain. CTBOSQ LIBKRAL MAJORITY. Tbe resultn of tbo elections already known show tbnt tbo liberals have a majority of too to tbo CAitu ber ol Representatives and three in the Senate. It is Hated that tbe Minister* have already resigned. Tbe liberate ore rejoicing. Ghent and Antwerp are dec orated with flag*, and noisy crowds are parading tbo ntroota In Broitels. HEALTH OS TBS CZARINA. * A bulletin, dated St. Petersburg, Monday morning, reports the oondltion of tbo Empress a* lollows:? ?'The lever baa decreased and tbe p Inflamma tion has not been augmented. Tbe pattern'* condition during the night won lens disturbed, but obo is weaker." There was a solemn servloe ol prayer nt 8L Isaac'* Cathedral In SL Petersburg yesterday lor tbe recovrry of tbe Empree*. l?o sin.'a ?aiu>0 iibalth. The Roma duspateh lo tbe Tuna rays that tut many recent reports of lUe l'opo's failing health and bit In* tended abdication clrcalated la tbo London prcas aro unlouadod. tub cosoiTiox or tub roTTo.y stsiex. At a tunas moot lug of 1,000 operatives at Dlakney Moor, called by a aaotlon of t?e operatives who with to terminate the strike, a motion In favor of submis sion was rejected by a lareo majority. Apart from this tneollng, 209 operatives formed tliemefelves Into a committee to endeavor to arrive at n settlement. Ti.o Secretary of tbe Mature' Association has refused even to call a meeting to discuss the offer of tbe opcr- ( ativee' Wages Commltloe to recommend tbe men to accept sevou and a half per cent reduction. BSAOT TO YlkLO. A meeting ol thi iTeriookers representing overy tut 11Xopt one In Accrtogton yesterday ununimuutly favored submltalou lo tbe inaaiera' terms and decided t> mako evory effort to terminate tbo strike. at tiib txniniTins. Mn hit I'acbasnd s psrty of ItirKltb gcntlomon peld n special visit lo tbe American section of the Exhi bition on Monday. AM AUBR1CAH Bkl KITIOK Oovarnor McCormlck will give e reception on Thursday to tbe Jodges, oommlssionors, Jurymen and all others ol&eially oonoected with tbe Exhibition. BSD or THB SMSHIOX. Tbe French Senate and Chamber of Deputise el Ver sailles adjourned yesterday until October 28. * TUB last The Fronoh Senate yesterday acquiesced In tbe sup pression by tho Chamber of Deputies of Its emend* iik'dis to the Officers' Ponaiou* and Direct Texts bills. A possible conflict between tbe two bouses Is thus averted. CASOAeSAO VIGIITS MO JSOKK. f ne Parle Payt says ibai Peal de Ceseagoeo will shortly marry e niece of tbe lets Cardinal Anlonelli. TUB WBATIIBK IB BXULASO. Tbo weather yesterday wee cold, showery end un seasonable. INTERNATIONAL LITEKABY" C0NGUES8. ^TlllBT DAl'a SESSION?Bucnioly or THE OrriCEBI or THE C SITED STATES SECTION. [bx gable to the bbbald.] Paris, June 11, 1878. The International Lltcr.try Cong reus held Its Urut sitting 1& this city to-day. The meeting was merely lor organization, however. Many distln gnlsned foreign \utrrafears were present, Includ* Ing Jenn-8ergtewlts, Tourgatileff and Tom Taylor. Edmund About occupied Uio chair In place of Victor Hugo, who was to have presided, but was unavoidably absent. THE AMERICAN SUCTION. Andrew D. Wnite, LL. D., President of Cornell University, was elected president and William Balch secretary of the United States section of the International Bureau. APPOINTING TUB COMMITTEES. Three working committees oi delegates were then appointed, alter which the Congress ad. journed until Thursday. ? FUNERAL OF MR. MACGAHAN. ACCOMPANIED TO THE OB AVE BY BIS LATE COLLEAGUES *AND DISTINGUISHED OFFICES^ AMD DIPLOMATISTS. [BY OABLE TO THE HEBALD.] Constantinople, June 11, 1878. The funeral of Mr. John A. Mactlahan, the well known correspondent of the Hehald and of the London Daily News, took place this morning. The body was borne to the grave on the shoulders of stalwart men, and the pall, which was thrown over the coffin, was held by the correspondents of the Loudon Daily News, the Titnes, the Dally Telegraph, the standard and the Graphic. PUIKNPS TO THE LAST. , General SkobelefT, whose heroic conduct before the Groivltza redoubt in September last re ceived the hall mark of Immortality from the pen of the lamented MacGalian; Colonel Chambers, military attache of the British Embassy; Horace Muynard, United States Minister; several officers from the United States despatch boats, the Assistant Judge of the British Consulate aud many well known persons ol position attended the body to the grave, in order to testify their respect for the deceased journalist. THE WEST INDIES. SURRENDER OP THE LAST OP THE CUBAN IN SURGENTS?HAYTI AT PEACE?VENEZUELA BEADY JOB REVOLUTION. Havana, Jane 11, 1678. Brigadier Gaettermo Monoada and Colonel Krai re, with 1,000 men and 000 members of insurgent families, the last of the Unban Insurgents, have surrendered at Barocoa and Cobro. General Marlines Campos will males a triumphal entry into Havana at the head ol 4,000 troops on M|iday next. FROM OTOSR ISLANDS. Tbe French steamer from St. Thomas June 7, baa arrived, bringing tho following news:? l'erlect pcaco prevails In HaytL Confidence is re., established and business is lively. The Importations being rather above the wants ot the people an advance of tblrty-flve per sent on customs revenues has been established. Twelve thousand bags of coffee beve reached the coast from the Interior. It le quoted 10>? n IX cents per pound. American provisions are eqarce at St. Croix and nre nailing at hlgb prieot. Sugar in quoted at nn average ot 3 a 4)? coats per pound. An English banker ha* proposed to loan the St. Domingo government $3,Ouu,OUO for twenty years on moderate terms VSNKZUKLA IWQUIET. The Kopobllc Is very unseltlod. Tbe poople gener ally disapprove of the acts ot the government, end the position of President Guzmen Blanoo is consid ered unsaie. Business is completely paralysed, and the customs revenues show a decrease ol lully forty per ceut wltniu tbe last six mouths. Yellow lever Is prevalent among tno shipping at Laguayra. Coffee le quoted at 18c. a Tic. per pound, but the mar ket Is bare ol stock. THE BANNOCK INDIANS. A DESPATCH FROM FOBT HALL BF.BBRVATIOH? ONLT FOUR AND A HALF CENTS FEU DAT FOB BACH INDIAN APPROPRIATED. Washington, June 11, 1878, Tbe Commissioner of Indian Affairs to-day recolved tbo following telogram I rout W. H. Dani olson, Indian agent at Fort Bali reservation, Idaho Territory:? Could not keop tbo roaming Bannooks here wben the amount of supplies was scarcely enough to ieod the Iudians enraged in farming Beo your Uespatchoe of April 3 and 9. All quiet at the agency. the despatches above reierredto eodtained state moms tbat owing to the emnUness of tbo apprvprla t on made by Congress for the support of these In diana tho department could not furnish any additional supplies. The amount appropriated lor tbe subsistence of Indians on tbo Fort Hall Reservation was $24,000 to cover tbe entire year, being only about lour and a half cents per day for each Indian, and their total number was recontly as high as 1,600. THE TROOPS ON THE FRONTIER. Fort McKisskt, Wy. T., Jane 11, 1878. General Morrilt, with eight companies of cavalry, leit here yesterday lor the camp on tbo Clear Fort Creek, aOont Ally miles dtstsni, where he will remain lor tho preaent, for ibe purposo of scouting, Ac. ALLEGED FliAUDS IN THE NAVY. mb. h. w. Gardner's reply to thb charges MADE BY THE CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE. [RY TELKURAPil TO THE HERALD. ] Pkovidkncx, K. L, Jane 11, 1878. H. w. Gardner, ol this city, prominently mentloeod In tbe report oi the Congressional investigation Into tbe management of tbe Navy Department while under tbe control ol Secretary Koboson stated to-day tbat tbe report of tbe sole of tbo government property bad not boco guarded wltb secrcoy. It wae published nearly n year ago, and )u his opinion It had been seen a hundred times since. The report was responded to by Mr. llanseoin, and wan pronouuoed satisfactory m every particular by Secretary ltobesou. ' Mr. Klog himself stated that tbe materiel sold were worthier! except aa old Iron and he eworo to tills feci, t'be materiel bought hei been la iho Navy Yard lor nearly ton years, and would probanly have remained there lor all time II they had not beau sold. Tho I articles bought were becoming leea valuable to the depurimoet aud eoold uoi be disposed of other, wise. Mr. Gardner admits that msny ol the articles wuicb be purebssed were sold by blui'lor lets tbun he gave for them, especially tbe fifteen loo bamuior, but tbat be was glad to gel rid of thorn. Ho further suit's thnt ho is willinc to appesr before the Grand Jury, tbst be bus nothing to coneeal, and thai be was not afraid to stand by III* record, lln bsd no desire to vinulesio hituaeli iu the newspapers. Ho proposed, nowevor, It it was neeeaa.iry to ahow ilia report in which the al leged "crooked" transactions bad been pronounced correct. MIDNIGHT WEATHER REPORT. .1 Wah OirUTIMT, Oriica of tub CiiiKK SiuxAL Orncaa,! Washixctox, Jud? 1M?l a.m. ) AmNmMmm For tbe Middle Atlantic SUIN ud New England, higher proaaurc, aouthwoat to nortbweal wind*, slightly warmer and generally clear woatber, exaept occasional light ruins in lb* northern portion ot tb* latior. For tb* Booth Atlantic Slat**, rlalngand stationary, followed by tailing barometer, weatorly and southerly wind* and warmer, olear or oartly cloudy weatner. For tb* Unit b tales, generally lower preaanre, eaat to aodlb wlnda, warmer, elaar or partly olondy weather, and la tb* Southwest occasional rains. For the lower lax* region, rising barometer, west erly wlnda and ellgbtly warmer, clearer partly cloudy weather, ooeaalonal light ralna, followed In the west ern portion by falling barometer end easterly winds. Tne Ubio, Cumberland and Tonnease* rivers con tinue rialcg. Cautionary algaals continue at KaetporL THE WEATHER TKSTKODAT. Tb* fbllawlag record Will abow the cbaages in tbe temperaiuro lor tbe peat twenty-four hours, to com parison wltb tbe corresponding dale of last year, aa indicated by the thermometer at Undent's pharmacy, Iikbald Building, No. 218 Broadway:? 1877. IH7H, 1877. 187% 3 A. M 511 50 8:30 P. M..... 73 63 0 A. M 53 40 0 I". M 07 02 ? A. M 62 53 ? P. M 02 68 13 M 60 67 12 V. M 00 50 Average temperature yeeterdar Average temperature for correapondiog date last year 63 J* THE FUNERAL OF MR. WIN AN 8. A SIMPLE AND US OSTENTATION 8 SKHVICE? AUDBfciSS BX THE BLV. C. T. BBOCES ?A UilEAT MANIFESTATION OP It ASPECT. [BT TELEOBAPH TO THE HEBALD.] Niwi'uer, H. L, Juuo 11, 1878. The funeral of the late Thomas Wiuuns look place to-lay from big laie residence near Brontou'e Point. It was a very quiet and unostentatious service, lully in keeping with tbo Ule and character ol the deceased. The remains were placed In the Irunt parlor and 'wero enclosed In a massive broadcloth oasket, heavilv mounted with silver, but they wero shown only to a few personal friends ol tbu lamtly. Owing to tbo ucavoidablo absence front tbe city of the ltov. M. K. Bcbermerliorn, the services were con ducted by ltov. Cburles T. Brooks, the well knowu Germau scholar aud poet. Boloro reading aouie appropriate selections Iroin the Scriptures tbu vener able gentleman said:? Though a personal stranger to tbe family, still 1 come at your request to join in this service with do small personal Interest. Iu the hour ol sorrow we aro uone of us stranger* to one another. We are thcu especially unprcssol with a sense ol ourmul'l depend ence upon me Hcuvcuiy Father, as brothers and sisters ol ouo common family. The event which oulls us together is one which must always produce sober ness and sadness in every thoughtful uiiud aiW feeling heart. The disruption of tbo tender tie which binds us to a beloved luther and brother falls with peculiar intensity, but my office as a minister of the gospel and my deep personal conviction lead me to exhort you to recognize In this affliction the hand of chasten ing love. TUo busy una honehceut lite now closed on eurth is recaliod to the Lord ol life, who, we doubt not, has called his servant to a larger sphere of labor. It will be your blessed privilege to cberisn in constant remembrance all that was bright and ?udeartng In tbo example ol him who is taken away from your eurlbly companionship, and ho whom you have lost as u lrieud oil earth You will have guluod as a friend lu heaven, nay, as an augol of the Father, to strengthou una guide and cheer you iu all tbe cares suid trials of life, and, with the poet, we oun say:? Those lives are aserod to IhC Lord, Kindled by llim. by Hliu restored. And while our hours renew their race, Still would we walk helure His face. Mo when by llim our souls arc led Through unknown regiousoftho dead, totibJoy triumphant may we move To seats or nobler Ule abovo. TO TUB CXXKTXItr. A prayer was then ottered, and the funeral cortdga was soon wending tts way to the silent city of the dead, a distance ol Qvo miles, where the remains were temporarily en tombed. Miss Winans was uuablo to ut> toud at the cemetery, as she was prostratod with grief ut her bereavement. Tbo oleguul casket was hidden from viow by exquisite aud rare cnl flowers, the olToiintt of the children of tbe de ceased. None were wreathed luto forms or dcvloos; they wore simply tcuttercd on the coffin us they wero cut. Tbo silver plate bore the simple inscription V THU MAS WINANd, . I > Boro December 0, 1819, Died Juno 10, 1878. J Ttttl FAMILY AND FKIKNU8. only a very low of tbe immediate irionds ot the family were presouu Among tbe uumber wero Mr. Thomas Whistler, Mr. Uosa B. Whistler, tbe Missus Whistler, Mr. Ferdinand U. Latrobe, ex-Mayor of Bal timore; Colonel Osmuu Latrube, Irotn Balti more; Mr. Edsar Lombard, from Boston; Mrs. U. A. Lilhrop, and Mr. Gcorgo 1'. Litbrup, liom Cambridge, Mass.; Mrs. Isaac. Uurtshorn and Dr. and Mrs. Okie, Iroin Providence. Six of the trusted employds of the deceusod were solociod an bearers, and there wero as many underbearvrs. Tno lormer wore long linen cashes lestcoued wlih black ribbons. They nUo wore black kid gloves and" heavy crape on their hats. msi'osiTioN or tbk imrATti. Mr. V. C. Latrobc, the legal adviser ot the deceased, will proceed lo Europe at once to attend to some tin fortant business allairs cooDecied with the estate. t Is understood that the bulk ot the property bus been leit to the son and daughter of tbe deceuaufl. It ia also rumorod that the children ot his sister, Mrs. General Whistler, have alao coen handsomely remem bered. THE POET BRYANT DYING. All hope of Mr. Bryant's recovery has now boon abandoned by hia friends; In fact It is extremely dooblful that he will outlast the day. Since Mon day night he has failed rapidly, and hia condition throughout the afternoon and even log of yoetorday was cxiromcly low. lie slept uninterruptedly and his physicians Uoslly ceased to administer any nourisDiueat. Dr. Gray oalled at seven A. M., as usual, and again later in tbo day. Dr. Peine made three visits, one lu tho day lime, and again at eight and ten P. M. At the latter hour bo re mained about flfteeu minutes, and then left not to re turn over night unless scut tor. Miss Godwin, Mr. Bryant's granddaughter, and other members of his family wero la oousiunt at tendance, and oo one olso wua admitted to the room In which tbe Uyiug man lay. Numerous calls were, however, made by unxious friends, sod lor tuctr use and that of thu reporters the lollowtng bulletin was niaJo out at eight o'clock and left with tho waiter in the vestibule:? "Mr. Bryant is exceedingly feeble to-nlgb'. But for his wonderlul vitality could Hardly live through the night." Dr. Palno at his last visit, at ton o'clock, vutd that nothing additional or Uifloroul could be said. Among tho oaliors in tho evening wure ox-Governor Ttldeu, an inttmalo personal lrieud ol Mr. Dryant; Mr. llcury Wxitoraon, woo called with him, and tho poet stoddird. PENTECOSTAL FESTIVALS. ANNUAL ilEKI1X1 OF TUB UEJJUUW LAMES* BIKKKR CUOI.1M SOCIKTT. lb* annual meeting of Ihe Ilobrow Lidica' Hikesr Cbolim was hobl yesterday nltcrnoon at ibo School of Industry, ha. 212 West Seventeenth streot, M rs. U. Lovyeon, proaidout, In ibe cbair. Tbo objects of this society aro to rcilovo dosorvlug poor, assist women during conflocment and widows lu want. In lb# same connection tbero is a school of Industry In wblcb some tblrty-flvo children aro Instructed In needlework, dressmaking and other lotulolne employment*, From the reports prossnted yesterday It ap|>earod that tbo* receipts ol the society during the past year were $*,P30 74; ex penses, $4,530 02, leaving u balance lu cash ol $3,304 02. The property of the sueloty amounts to about $14,003 In value, and couslals ol oasb and United Stales government bonds, tboro ha? beoo a lulls controversy in the society daring tbo yesr arising Irom various motives, wblcb re sulted In ibe resignation of several or ibo olhccre uud the appointment pro tcni. of others to Itll tbo veeauoiea Uutil tlio regular uunual lueellug. Tula conlruvorsy aroso Irom ibe lacl that I lie society occupied expeuaivo quailcrs in West Ybirty-aaound stroei. lu order to reduce tbo tieecs sury expense tbe prcaidoui upon ber own rospoasl btuiy engaged tne rooms uuw occupied in Wist rtuv eutevniu etroel at abuul one bail me lurmcr rent I l.o onicors ol tbe aaaouialluu tbnuglit tbu piesidcot was overstepping bor pewrre in eugagiug tbo pieseut quarters without consulting Ibeiu. Charges 01 cur roption and inisappropriatiuo ol mouoys ware Irmly made, and resulted lu ibe resignation ol ollicsra and members, and tbu starting ol a rival society. 1'bo ilikeer Cbolim Secieiy lias been in existence sluco ISOO, and U said to be lu a proeporuus coadlltoli. Ibe lollowing o Ulcere were yeeierday uleclod:?. President, Mrs. I), l.cvyson (rc-eisctod); Vico Presi dent, Mm L. liamoerger; Treasurer, Mrs. Lucxiu durl (re-elected); MccrvUrv, Mrs. F. Mlouelilll; Oi rectresses, Mines. J4. Cobn, K. liosenbnuiu, J. Wold, C l.ippuiunn, It. Ueldsnyth, K. Kahn, H. Molomon, 1. I* lloalgman, It. ltaun; Ftuauce Committee, Mis. M. Cobn, Mm a. Wold and Mrs. tCioma Hoseubaum. A number ol ibe members of the society have lormed an '?endowment luud" for tbe bcoetll oI those wno may desire 10 )eiu and during tbe time ol tboir membership uisv lose their husbands. Mm 1). Lovyson ta also tbe president ol ibis organisation. THE BY AN HOMICIDE. A coroner's Jury ycattrdiy Invealigatod the oirouui ataucee which led (? Hi* death of Jainei Ryan, who was tubbed daring a row la a Brooklyn barroom by John U Keaiiog, and returned ? verdict In aoeord um with tho lacta. Keating wan remanded to await the Grand Jury'* action. SlIEBWOODb DEATH. /The five young tnou? Patrick Mc(iui?-an, John luilly, Ttioraaa Ulenaiog, 1 bomaa Coetello and Alex auder Jtfferi?who wore arretted ou Monday night on suspicion ol being itupileatud in tho burning ol ex j'oiiceman .Sherwood, were yeoterday oomiuittud to the House ol Ueteniion. 'AUBkhied fob shocking his yiFE. Henry Clinton, who ahot hit wilo at their real donoo, No. 6U Warren street, Brooklyn, on October 1, 1877, was arretted by Detective Roach, of tho Third l'recliict. re tier'lay, while visiting 0110 of hia children nt the Industrial Home in Williamsburg. Mra. Cliu t jn won aeverely wounded in the baox. OLDEB THAN UNCLE SAM. There died In Newark, N. J., on Monday a negroes named Margaret Francis, who. It le claim od. waa born in Hoaaex couuiy a lew moniha belore the Declaration ol Independence woa atgned. THE INDICTED ALDEUMEN. K* Judge Dlltenhweler notified tho Dialrlct Attor ney'* elbow yeetorday that he would move to quash too indictment* agaiaat tho Board of Aldermen In the Court el Oyer and Terminer to tuorrew. Details of Their Dold Attack on Mr. Lafetra. PRECONCERTED ACTION. Singular Ignorance and Neg ligence ox the Police. Tbe bold and successful raid made by oast sido ban cytti uu a Third avenue car at the early hour of half, past nine ou Monday evening has created the greatest excitement among iho residents ol that section of tho city. Everywhere along tho Hue ol tho Second and Third avenues yesterday the uupurullclod outrage was tho great subjecj o; discussion and indignation. All citizens ugroe that It was tho most barefaced attack ever made on a public conveyance in tho city of Now York. COKltECTXO YMtSlOX Of TUK OUTBACK. Tho olliciuts connected wl.b the Third Avenue Rati* road Company displayed most extraordinary energy throughout the day lu ondeavorlng to icrrel out the miscreants who assaulted and robbed their rocolvcr, Lulolru, and, hot rtslylug solely upon tho oflorts ol the police, at once cuguged private detectives who, la conjunction with auveral e'mployds of tho road, wore engaged iu soekiog the least possible clew to tho whore* unfits ol' tho brigands. Tho police of the Twouty tbird prectact, seeing tho activity ol tho railroad com* pany, also sol to work toward the imddlo of tho day In placing threo detectives on the lookout for the robbers. Tboso latter detectives wero so egftly recog nizable wben they stood ut tho oorner of Eighty. niulU strcot and Second avcuuo yesterday afternoon that two genilfoiou happening to pa-s by at ouco polatod thorn out as charged with Icrrotiug out tho great mystery. A reporter of the Hkralu conversed with the police ofllctals of tho precinct, with the wounded reccivor, with tho treasurer and other otn ployds of tho road, urn I ae the various details como tnore and inoro to light the outrage weurs a still more serious aspect thaii was reported in yesterday's ac counts. The plan was evidently coucoctod carolully by the robbers, who know exactly tho car Mr. haletra was to tuke, lor the wugon lollowed tho car down from tbu Harlem depot and contalnod only two of tbo men. TIMIKK OF TUB ROllBKitk FAT Til Kill FAkXK. Tbe tliico accomplices, who mailt the assault, took passago la tho car at tbo depot aod puid their fare, la the neighborhood ol lOUtb street tbo people ro turning from tbeir Pfingstinontig lostival, accom panied by some soldiers of tbo Eleventh rogiuient, who, ft Is said, wore side arms, entered tbe cur, wnicn was soon filled ap. Mr. Lalotrabad Just collected tbo rolarus of some ot tbo alternoou cars, tbe bulk of tbe receipts having been taken awuy curjier lu tbe auy. Ho took a soat In tbe cornor ol tbe car, near the platlorm, koeping a book containing the pay roll ot tbe ctnplojda ot tbat division of the road wrapped In a abeet of light brown paper on bis laft and resllug his satcbel containing the silver on tbe book, tbe strap of tbe satabei being slung around bis arm. Moving still eloser up to tbe cornor so as to give all room obtainable to tbo numerous possongers, bis atieutiou was somewhat directed to u very hi.url ous Gorman, who made a great deal ol noise. Woilo looking 10 ibui direction toward tbe centra of tbe ear be receives tbe first blow on tbe leit slue ol tne noud. .Simultaneously wilb tbe blow some one opened tbo trout door and oalied out '?All right," as If telling the conductor to go iihoad with bis osr. Immediately alter a second blow was struck, tbis time with tne muxzle ot a pistol, Mr. l.uletra at ouco conceived tint the object ol bis assullaui* was rob bery. He shouted lor tbe couductor, clung desperately to bis satcbel, but blows ueguu to lull so thick on his head, wnicu was bare, Unit he soou lost coutcloui boss, uod the blood (lowed Iroui the wounds. Tbe con ductor, wbose name is diaries Auld, was In tbe Iront part ol the car at tbe tliue collecting Urea He at tempted l? make his way to where Mr. Lulotra was alroady lyiug Insensible, but It was dilllcult lor biui to get through tbe crowd, aud wUsu be ruuobod ihure 0110 lellow pointed u pistol at him and told hnn not to liilerivrc. At too sums moment another IcHow struck bim ou tbo forobsud. Wittnu thirty seconds oiler tbe banditti hud loll the our tbe three wbo bad ouiue along as pusseugors Iroai Harlootjuuiped into the wagon that bad closely lolivwed the car, and tbo five, robbers orcuped with tbolr booty. Not ouo ol too passengers interfered; In laet only thuso sitting near Mr. Luictru were at all aware that uu aseault bad been made, bat, as most of tbe passengers woie pleasure seekers, under the in fluence ol heer, tbo Impression provwiled tbat thcro was an ordinary row uiuoug those who ban been jolly throughout the day. Ihu soldiers present did not even stir. Sumo ol them did uot suow what was going oo, while others, in this instance, couMdeied discretion, perhaps, the holler part ol tbuit vuluf t ne Uliow woe pe aled tbo iiittol at Couductor Auld, whou tho latter cudcuvorod to arrest thoroj Dorr, is thus described by bim in hlH statement, .>? made at the Twenty-third street police stationHo i.euinod ubout tweuty-clgnt years ol ago, five leel elefou Inches high, suioovli, tanned luce, orowu bair, high divot boner, stralgbt nose, small eyes. Toe wagon was an ordinary vender'* wagon, with one horse, which kept bentud the car ail tbo way down Iroui the depot. Tne throe meu jumped ihto tbo wagon oilor the affair was over aud urovo off with tfcem. no i*olicw in aiunr. As already slated ell this oecuried oo Third avenue, between Niucly-tbird aud Ninety-fourth struct.-, at about ball-past uiuo o'clock, and the resljsuta ol tho neighborhood, who wire crowding lu Urgo numbers lu Iroul ol lb? drug t-tore, atkuowUdged mat not u policeman was to be scou lu the neighborhood. A nisssinger employed til tbo clerical department ol the Third Aseuuu Mailroad Company happened to pass tuat crowd ul the time uud curiosity led bim to tnqulro into tbe cause 01 lue < seucuieat, wbou be found Sir. I.uietrii in tho drug store bleed lug. Or course be ro malucd wiib blai, nut w is of opiuion that mo police ha t already been ooliUcd anu ware actively un tno truck of the robbers. I n a wounded uiau soon ro covurod coukcluueuoau and witb tbo aid ol tbu mes senger repaired to tbo station bouso in Kast fciguiy ctghili street, Mergtanl Sullivan, who Was In tbtitgo ol tbo dealt at tbe uiuu, said It waa twenty-live inioutaa ol eloyeu o'clock P. SI. belore Sir. Laletra rnudo h.s iippo.vr.iuco uud told bla atory. "An hour bud elapsed since the Ichrfal outrage had been commuted In oueul Mow York's public streets," said a lawyer romdiug in tho neighborhood yeaicru iy, "and the police within a sloue's throw 01 tbe sucuo knew notning of ilia crime, and were brst Inioriued ol It by tbo wrouuded mm himself, a bo bud to tali bis siory while bleeding. And this is what you newspaper men call tbo lineal police lu tho world." TIIS HkKOKANT'S SLOW Rkl'OltTlL On this subject tbo reporter ol ibu Mahalo apoko to Sunifnu yesterday, when tbu latter said "Oillcer Siorlis, on tbut post, waa at the station bouso nt the lime, having brought in u stray borne and buggy which hu bad lounJ on the uvcnric lie was compelled to leave bis post, wuicb estenda Iroiu h ighty-Mxlb siroct to Ninuiy-lourih street along both sides ol tbo .iVsuuc, uncovered for tbu time being. It w ?$ dating bis ao*ouco mat l bo all i?r oceurred. " n "You say it was twoniy-uvc minutes to ten o'clock P. SI. at least when you beard el it. Ituw ouuo it that no word was soul lu l'oilco Headquarters until near midnight t" "Well," said tbe sergeant, "you know It lo?k soino tune lor Mr. I.vleirn to tnsku Ins slaieuiont and lor us to write II out. 1 lent word as soon at I could." "How many men have you in your precinct f" ".Mxty-ono ulllcera und men." "Ami iioimug waa done to pursueAbe robbera till after 10:115 f" w "Ol course wa could do nothing till we knew of It," Till captain hp vua I HJCCISCT. Tbe reporter next called upon Captain Uobblns, com manning tbe precinct, llo was la bin private ofllco. ' Can yon give uio uiy lurtbor Inlori .lion about laai nisbt'a adairf said the reporter. "All 1 can say la that the police are not to blame lor It." "1 don't make euoh an asaarilon. All I desire to knew Is wueiber you liav? uuy clew to the robbers f " "No. I bsve not. Yes, a Csiiuku piano maker goto some eue else a description ol the wagon. " "llo told that to the rmlroad company, did bo not?" "Yes; I have no other lul iriuation. Would be glad i to give it to you II I bad, but m?y get some lurmer news to night. I have talked luagmu many ticopie, but nobody can give me anytblug of inieresi n< yet We are working oo tbe case as hard as possible." I be Captain men explained mat tlio I * ? ntv-lhird precinct extended irom .levei.t?-ninth to llOih street and Irom Filth avenue to toe Matt Kivor. and that the product was "hi good order." Ha bad been lour yeaia In roiumaud ol tbe precinct. A I'HNCINCr OP THIKYKlk Onool Iko employes ol the i bird Avenue Hsllroad Compauy who lor years lias worked in the esnto ollloo with Mr. Laletra, said ibut tbe eutirs aectiou betwnnn H venty-mirth and Heventy-eighlb stria ta tow aid the Kaat itiver .wanned with thieves. l he neigh borbood was infested by the worst class ol robbers, and hu bnd i.o doubt that the banditti, tf caught, would prove to belong to that part of the city. "Iluy will no doubt bo caught,*' said lresaurer bpons, ol tbe I hint Avenue Kaliroad Company; "at least we ahull loavn nu atone untamed ioreton fellows, and wo bavo now quit# a number ut men en gaged In tbe pursuit, w n had a r.oufvrehdo hero this moruihg with tho polios i> a thornier, and wo aro working barraoniousl) in tbo matter, fbe robbers no doubt fsnoiod that tbe) were going to tutka a large h.u'. I ho outrage Is the very wur-i oo record. It a|i|>eanito be now a growing opinion that tb? rob bers bad iiocumpitces In tbe car, nut tb it wheu all aro Otiught tbe number may be lound to be seven in.-tewd ol llVflt" Mr. l.yons then exhibited tbn paper in w^toh lho book eoutamiog tbe payroll wns wrapped wuen tbt assault was made. It waa covered with blood. TM Gorman pmuo maker wiio called at tbe depot ta tbe luori.iug said iliai the wazon waa painted rod, and of a all allow buoy. htatkmkit or tub woexoan bjcckivkk. Mr. I.aleira, ito wounded rccoiver, waa vUlled at Ilia yesterday by ?ylupuibizlng friend*. Ua . waa able to riae iruoi In* coucn iu tbu alloruoon and was seated iu an artucbatr, wilb bia bead bacduged anil looking exceedingly pale. The aolt bat whieb be wore hud also itinured considerably, tbe tell having becu cut through in two dtlfereul places. At tbe suggestion of tbu olticlais tbe bbirt which be wore, actuully reu with blood, waa curelullv laid aside, preaumabiy lor future evidence. Mr. Lafctra, though consideta'hy cxbaustod, said:?"'J saw several revolver* just before 1 tainted, one of tbe robbers u stlverplated revolver. When 1 game to 1 wanted to ioIIow tbu robber* and asked ta wbat dnectiou they bad gone. No one would leil iue and 1 was lakeu to tbe drug store. Tbe ouly one 1 remember having scpti iu tbe cur la a Mr. Uil lesple, wbo sat opposite. Home people, no doubt, thought that 1 wa* engaged iu u row uad uid not come to my ass.stance wb?-n I called lor help." Up to a late hour last' evening tbu grout raid con tinued to lie tbe great town talk everywhere, several eitueaa wondering bow such tiling* could happen in u civilized comuiuniiy. Must ol those wbo couvcrscd on the subject coudi'tuiiod tbo dilatorncs* ot tbe police of tbe I weniy-tbird product in not reporting tbe case to Headquarters, and iu giving tbe robber* luily an hour tbo start ol tbo doloctlvcs. mi COLONS!, Of TUK BLCVKNTil DBfR.HPa UIS MUX. Colonel L'ubekaui. ol ibe Eleventh rcgiuiout, stales, In a letter to tbu Ukoalu, that tbe. e were bat two members ol Ills regiment Iu the car at tho time ot tbu robbery. Tbey were unarmed and seated at tbe for ward end ot tbe car, and thai tut tbe aimck and rob bery was tbe work ol a moment only, the oatrago waa accomplished and ibn robber* hud tied before the two members were aware that anything beyond what tbey thought was a dranneu quarrel had ukeu place. XIIE ELEVENTH It BGIS1ENT. To thi EniToit or thl- Hebacd;? 1 read in your paper ol this morning on account ol a robbery committed lu a Third uveuuo oar by Qvs blgbwayitiou ou an luolloosivo old gentloinan in ths presence of eleven ubiluruii'd member* of the'Kiev unlb regiment N.G.SN.Y., and nut oue of these bravt soldiers raised a bund to even assut In protoctlng tb? geutlemsu who so narrowly escaped death, being more concerned lu Ibotr own t-actpe. How could sucn soldiers be depouded upon iu case ol riot If called upon by the Coininander-in-Cltiel? These men uro unworthy the Dame ol National Guardsmen, and their colouel should lorret them out tlad have tbem dishon orably discharged from tbe service ol tbi Stale, ua sued cowards are a ulsgruce to the same as weli as to their comrades In arms. SEKGEAN f. Ni.w Yubk, June 11, 1878. "PRETTY ONE. Willi UEK AWAY?" "TO CRIT. TEN ION'S, for a box of Uli nh's Hi'Leiiun Soar for my complexion." APOLLISAHIS .N VY Lit Alt MINERALWATER. HIGHLY E F F li KVEhO K NT. Approved l>y the Academic do Medeeine of Frauco. and Hi >uli< in rmnca authorised by special order or tho French government. Kecoinraeudod|oy tbe hlgnest medical uutDorillos la Nsa York ns *A great roller for seasickness." "A delightful beve> ago " "Fur superior to Vlcby. SelUor or any otbor." "Most grateful and refreshing." "Absulutoly pure i.ud wbelusorue; saperior to all for daily use; tree from all tbe objections ur.,ed agulust Crotoa and artificially aerated waters." "Impregnated only with its oarn cos." "Useful and Yery agreeable." "Ilealtblul and well suited for dyaoepsla and cayes of acute disease " "Mildly antacid: aprons well with dyspeptics and wbera there is a pouty diathesis." "By far the most agreeable, alona or mixed with wlneg useful in catarrhs of stomach or bladder and in gout." "Not only a luxury, but a necessity." lo be bad of all Wine Merchants, Grocer*. Druggists and Mineral Water Dealers throughout tue United hiatus, and wholesale ot FREDERICK DK BABY .fc OCX, Bole Agent*. Nos. 41 and 43 VYurren St., New York. Every gennino bottle bears the registered YELLOw pictorial label et the Al'OLLINAKIB COMPANY (LIMITED), LONDON. A.? "BEE WHAT A QOODl.Y OUTSIDE FALSEHOOD bath."?11 um iikky's i'auisiss* aro not rsal gems; If tbey were liiey could not be sold so cheap, but their "goodly outside" makes them pass current as real everywhere. Tbey are a coaling ot real lamonu on a pure crystal huso. Jewellers cannot detect thoiu troin real dia utuuils. Their brilliancy lusts forever. Tbe ueuuino i'sni* ian Dismomps can be bought at my store only. UH'HAKll llUMi'il ithYS, Jowcllor, Bid Broadway, touter 12th itw New York. ? A.?RUPTURE CURED; FORI"Y YEARS' RXPE riooae; Dr. MAMB1 Iraaiment the oaty sain ami ot foctasl cure, tinly ofllco, 2 Veacy st.. Astor Uouso, oppo site St. Paul'e Oburch. 11Y TELEGRAPH. ~ Xaw OitLKAss. La.. June 11. 1S7S. At the Grand Semi- uinaal Drawing of the Louisiana Stalo laitlury Company, which took place here to*lay under the per.ional umaageinent of Gonsrals lleanreiratsi and Early, wlmlu ticket No. SI,'179, sold in this city, drew tba first capital prlto. M A. DAUPHIN. President. A S3 PEARL OR~ MIXED DERBY. $1 90 (Mackixaws, dl tkf, worth if:i). 15 New Church at., up stalra. BRiaHru "disease, dropsy," diabetes, cured hy "D?, Cat 10' Kumar Ct'itk." A positive remedy. Beud fur pamphlet containing treutiunnt and many ieiiu'>ld tcstlni ill sis. net luytlnt. Medical advice Iter. Dr. CliAKLKS CKAlG.dJ I nivarsity place. Now York. COOK'S IMPERIAL?EXTRA DRY. For excellence wo challenge all Imported chltmnsnref American Wine Company, lit. lamia. For sale by i'AUIC A 11 Lit) It 11 au.l AC KKit. M K Itit ALL A CO. HAIR DYE.?BATCUKLOR'S IS BEST. SOLD by dttiggtsts. Applied at celebrated Wig Factory, It] Bond at. SINGER'S "PATENT" NON-GAS CONDUCTING Waste I'irr . positive exemption hum sewor gases, perpet ually and without expense; In operation at 7ut Broadway. All are Invited. BtiHOPlu Ci MCI UliMfZllol tVi KNuL'i'ik 1 J J1 / Mess/a. LAMBERT A xy.N, Lire iHKl Stlwaim, Atrrtlurd. Manchester. solicit coo*li' DiMOti of II** stock to (ha XuchuM market. Muelinltr I* l~> mil t or rail from Liverpool. Roforcticcs to bankers, merchants ho.I others. Established feCkl. I>"mcATH,s in riuiui ?a hikm:u" laijv <>i Jgond faintly. and hii experienced Isachar, would l>a happy to receive Io tier bouse a law female pupils, *ba ?? oil bare I.I I the advantages of lb* host prolessora *n4 a.ratal tnatornal aupei Int'-mlen. a . exceptional couilmtsi terms. eoiuprlsinu all a a?t par annum Ad dress aua aolua do Mine. Ill KAUltK, 16 Ku? D? sliordea Va mora, I'aojr, Paris. i!Ttuk"mioM bluuT oFjuirioii in iuklamj, I Probate and Matrimonial I'lvlnlon To Jamoa Itaalpin. now residing In itia Unite I States ol America, br.dner of Matthew Hatpin. lato of K>clini<"Ml Fairvlrw, In Ilia g maty oi Dublin. dairyman, deceseed Take notlca tbat a citation latuad nndnr the anal ol Ilia I'robalH ami Matrimonial Die'sloa of ller Meje?ty'd IInth Court of Justiee In Ireland, dated the No day or May, IHTrt, whereby you. Jnmct llalpln. are . Ited to appear within ?> data altar tue laat implication of thla notice, and lo or refuae letter* of admltilttratlon of tha personal ea ala ami effect i ef Matlbew lla'pin. lata of Ittabmond Pan view, lo tba evanty ol Dublin, dairyman, iieaoaved or rhow esiiae why am ia abould not h? trau'.aa to Patrick Augustine Rally, of KlchmoOd f'ulrviaw, In thw eoanly of I'abliu. tbo eldeat aon ol n lawful alatar of aald deceased, now ataa deceased. an.l ? neh citation contains an Iniimall. n that In Isballff your apiM'ttanco within (ltd time aforesaid, aald leitara of aumlniatratlou will bd 1.1 anted to tliu aald Patrick Augustine Kelly. Dated thla IHtli day d May. 1H7S A. M. PILK1K0TOB. Itegtstrar. Hamuil Hcunxr, solicitor, 54 Mlddla Abbey sW Da bite. Mlft, ft'lMAl/UNL LoKDUS.-PATHOM/.KD rtl the aristocracy and Ameriraii rlsltora "The" irroua ol to-day's Kaabl us. Prealdoul Oraot. 4 tr llroup, Urasl Duka HkluiUt. Daman I'acba, Ac. | superb repruJuctian of I'lua I*, lyut/ la Ktata at M Peter's, every Crowned Head an I Celebrity; tha Terrible Chamber uf llorrois; splendid orchestra i men from ton till too. urKLL hnTA~HLI*YlK0 AtlMNTd 1 iTbOMUoi aiiB II desirous to repreeeat a Ural claa. Ilrin fur malta, xrala and fleer; ot.l references. Address AP1.M, care of d. Dew ami A i a.'? vdsertlslng Agent). I.ondon, England I'UHLICATIUIIIt. 'j^ Til KIl.l.t.NO NKW IIOCK. ' -TKATAill'.MH AMI) COMNPIRACIER TO DRPUAUU LI Pi. I.NHI' H AACK UOM PaMKm ?An expose of the aosl aatad attempts lliat have ever been made lor trap slntf false lie .the norulrlds. suicides. Ac . upon life in.uranoa companies. One of tha most thrllllngiv interesting yolauiad acer publuhed. Large IJeio Price fJ. U. W. CAHLI.T h.N A CO., Pa' Ushers. A MEW HOVEL. OWCft AMI PORKVm. Heady thl* woes, a splenuld ne? Morel, entitled OJH'll AND HiHKVnlt. by Mis. Grant. autboi of "Artiste.''' "fite Sun Maid." do. I'aper coreri, f I, cloth beaud |ela> paulf. 41 SM. O. W. CAHLITOM d OOm Pnhllaher*. BRIGHT'S. DlABBTK't. iWOPdif, I'ticti \-.|"J crsvel. atone, rheumatism, gout, kidney and bladdaf Aaaaaaa nrt< Incurable with medlulue: then lure the nataral mineral *pi lux waters ware tiled, fTridleg the Asnhel tfca oaly one laat cure* tin na A* two t rlrd* of thatn arc caused by strlcturd, catarrh, ol tba heart, prostata gland. akin anu blood, ncrvons or organic debility, sp< o4af treatment Is prescribed by ilia flfNrlsa when necessary. Treatise .rati. 21H Broadway, New Vorb. MAN'S MISSION OR RAKtR.-A THOROUGH MEfll cat treatla Indicating how confirmed (llsabllnibs mag ha removed. Tba experience Of twenty years' study, aer ration ami professional practice, showing the aeaaeted that will luaare tastured mstifuerl, atrenclnenod vltalikf and sound conditions of Health mat Bare rean Impaired by urcrtHXed powers. A st.t rneiit of ob.t ich a to inarrlaga and of tha mean* by whleb they can he removed )iy mall 2.1c.. car reney or postage stamps. Address Secretary Mm MB as Anatomy and Selene* .1,146 Hraadwsy, New Visrk. ON TRUE AND PaTJS I'KOSTItAflON.-MKW Kol tlnir of the Philosophy of Marriage. Addrea* SRi'KKs I v It 1, Museum of Anatomy, Old liioadway. Raw l'urk. Free. '45#. tlauipt.