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TIE TASDEUILT WILL "Resuming1 the Contest Over the Commodore's WilL CONFLICTING DETECTIVE STORIES. The Conspiracy Allegation in a New Dress. Tbe Vanderbllt will cut (U resumed yesterday la the Surrogate's Court. If the o?n goes on at Its present rate it will certainly not be finished tbls year, although Mr. Henry L. Clinton, counsel lor the pro ponent, said yesterday, in answer to an Inquiry, that their side or the case would be brief. "We'll mulct short worlc ol it," ht declared, "when we once come to It." The rase at its last hearing was set down Tor ? every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday up to the 3d or July, and tnen was to go over to Sopiember 20, when It was to be con tinued on the same days of tiie week to Novem ber L Taking yesterday and previous days at speci mens, the Surrogate, counsel, stenographer, clerks, and others engaged in the Vanderbltt will litigation will not bs likely to kill ihSinsoivts by overwork. Tbo proceedings generally commence alter eleven in the morning; at one there Is a recess lor halt an hour, but wl) chgeuerally extends to an hour; and by half jiatt three or lour this easy day's work Is finished. Nr. Wilnaru H. Vauderoilt, loosing fre-h and hearty alter his European trip, and nit counsel. Judge Coin nock and Mr. Henry L. Clinton, arrived by eleven o'clock. Mr. Augustus Schell and a lew other friends of Mr. William H Vanderbllt took seats beside him. The party mast have felt no apprehension of t legal defeat, lor tliey exchanged lively Jocnlur remarks and laughed loudly. XORB DKLAT. A tiresome wait now ensued. Mr. S. Tennoy was the first of ine contestants' counsel, who made bis app'trance at twenty minutes after eleven. Mr. Clinton finally got very impatient, and hinted that It might be advisable to send for Mr. Soott Lord and Mr. Jeremiah S. Black. This was done, and at half past eleven Mr. Lord appeared and annoenced to tbe Surrogate, who bad been sent for, tbat tie was unable to go oa owing to tbe mysterious absence ol Judge lilack. lie had leil Judge Black at iho New York Hotel, and he promised to come down Immediately, ?fudge Bl'iek, however, now made bis appearance, and tlie Surrogate said:?"Well, Judge Black is bore, aod the case may go on." Mr. Ethan Allen, of coun sel lor me contestants, was also present now, but none ol the contestants ol the Vanderbllt family could bo seen lu the court room. Mr. Scott Lord?11 tbe Court please 1 desire to mako a motion lor a continuance of tho oase, and, as 1 have been unable to tiuish tbe paper* for my motion, 1 shall waul a lutlo additional tirno. Mr. Clinton?Will mo counsel go on with some les llmouy meanwhile? Mr. Scott Lord?I shall want a little time. We? Mr. Clinton (Irowning)-Oh, that's tbe old story all over again. MK. CLINTON* OVKRJtULEU. Surrogate Calvin (laughing)?Let us hear tbe coun sel It may be s new story, perhaps. (Laughter.) Mr. Scott Lord complained mat it had been impossi ble lor him to tiuisb Hie pupers in time. He urged tnat bis motion would either dispose ol tbe case sum marily or take it over to next tall. Mr. Cliutou?Your Honor, I object. Tbls is exactly the old story over again. We have been wailing beie over It ill an hour, and now they want auolbor post ponement 1 uujoct to It because U is the same dilu* lory course which we have opposed all along. Surrogate Calvin?tlow in-cch time will the counsel require ? Mr. Scoti Lord?Till ball-past one. Mr. > liutou (v gurousiy)? 1 he counsol does cot even say to the Court that ho has no witnesses here in Court who could meuuwbile be examined. Now there are witnesses here sitting right Dclilud him (pointing at a stout lady iu black accompanied by a gentleman), ar.d there is no reason why tuoy shoulu not bo ex amined now surrogate Calviu?II Iho counsel wants time till half past ouo to make a motion in good talih I shall cer tainly grant it to mm. Uuanwoile I will announce uiy decision on tne ponding offer ol tbe contestants which Is a Question ol some inat'tiilude. AN IMPORTANT UkCISIOlf. The Surrogate reuu a long decision adverse to tbe eontesiaula, uuil at winch JMessr*. Scott L'lr i and Jere miah black made rutbar loii|[ lacos, wh:lo Ms-ra Clioion aim C.unstuck looked planned nod Mr. W.lliuui xl. Vauderhill, wlio bad llaleuod to it with hia head realtor against hla great, heavy tiuud, iook"d p.rticu larlv jovial. Ilia sly lltllo eyes glistened as he liked his glance upon the Surrogate durltig ilie decisive jioriioue of the opinion. I tie deciaiuii rooltes at leugth tue tosiimouy which provoked the oiler ol the coutoaluou?namely, to put Wrr. Lo 15au ou the stand, feu that (he Wight lesuly that she never ''talked HHMt" the Commodore's second wile (or present wmiow). Hui rjr Alien, u grandson ol ihe Commudore, bad testified that bo had heard the Commodore say Mrs. forronce, ono ol tils daughters, Dud been talking agsiDHl his (second) wile. Alien lurther testltlcd (bat When he tool the Commodore that ho did not bolieve this was so the Commodore reiterated that it was true, and that he knew all his daughters w> re talking against Ins wile, lor Billy (William B. Vsuderhlll) bad told him so. The conieetauis oITered to put Mrs. La Bau, us oue ol the daughters, ou the stand to show by her testimony that she never laiked against the Commodore's wile, and It wits Ibis cvldinoo which thu surrogate's decision excluded. When usked us to the bearing which ihudccislou w ould h ivs ou their side of the case, Mr. Lorl salu to ihe Uuualv repor ter, "It Will exclude u great deal ol testimony which we Should have oQcred. We wuuted to show Irom the daughters that tney n> ver talked ugaiust Ihe Commodore's wile, un.l that William U. poisoned bis lather's miud against his daughters by telling hiin thut they did." fue following are ihe tuuiu j points ol the decision, which quotes IWHMM precedents as to the tnai.mtSMlbiliiy ol suco testimony. LKliAt, UROl'Ntia rOk TI1K DkC'ISION. "It mast be couceued " the Harrogsl* ssys, "that the tesitnioiiy given by air. Alieu as to the dealaratteue ol the tests I if under consideration do not In auy sense rs.fect upon the menial condition ol the deceased, while II there were prool ol tae tact that such liittu-ucs was exeicissd the at lull ions ol the testator are calculated to auow that they adecteil his mfnd and iiitluetu ed Ins wilt would lie c mpeteat, !l the declaration ol a testator alter the exe cution of his will he a .misslbls to show tbe tact 01 amine iultaence, then clearly be aught by such adeclaietlou com pletely destroy ike will, ruviiu-fl this case:?I hat tue de ceased bad declared alter the execution ol his will that ?V. It Vanderbiit had talaeiy stated to blui prior %o Its execution that Cornelius J Venilerullt hart become addicted to the vice of intemperance nod of gambling to -ucn au extent as to r. nder blru entirely loeatiabie ol taking care of property, and had advised hliu am to intrnst iiltn with suy by bis will and tu obiy give htm so much In trust as would support him, and that, ?west these laiae r presentations, he ha i made the , ises In bis will that he did, w kite otherwise he had Intended and would bare giveu uim au equal share with his nruiher Wlblani II. II such a declaration were admissible to prove the I eel bow could test tact ov possibility ne disproved I Koi. umier ib.-a . de, William II. V audi rbiil could not be heard to deuy it aud tbus the testator would be empowered by his owu declaration to COUPLKTsLr DKSTItor A WILL wulcb, under our statu;e, must be revoked by the same Sulemulties as are necessary lor lis execution, aud by nu Bieious oases it It held that such revocation cannot be shoau by .he subsequent ueel oration of the teatalur. >hetelore the evidence is exc uued." ? OKK It ILL Y-h ALL YIN 8 At ball-pest otic Mr. Vuuiieroiii utui his counsel were promptly oh baud. Looking round una seeing mat iho opposing counsel were a.u.u couvp cuou.h by their ab eeuce Mr, Vauderhill remarked lo hie counsel, "Why, 1 thought tucy were going to he prompt ibie Mate,'' Wi.ii hie liking lor puunihg tkJudge Comrioik dryly returned, "l'he Case le now going either over to lull Khe autumn) or it's geiug to lull over;1' at which Mr. Vauderhill hum iuio hearty laughter. Altera wan ol twenty minute* Mr. leunoy, ol counsel lor the contest,iins, walked into the court room, hut see ing none ol hie senior associates present lie waiked oei again. five muiuiua more elapsed bftore Meeer. Lord end Hi ck arrived, and then Mr. Underbill, the, who desired 10 oail ihe Harrogate, queried, "Keeuy, Mr. Lord ?" una Mr. Lord respoud.-u, "Not yet; Mr. Allan iau'1 here yet," Another wait ol neyerei mm Blva and hually Mr. Lilian Alien also turned tip. Mrs. La Biu, a tall, slim lady in deep black, to at tbe Same nine aud stated hereell nehiud Jud.e Uhick. TDK CONMPIKACV SToar HMOPK.MCM. Mr. Allen read no HlhUaVil by Mr. 81011 Lord which opened up the um-t extraordinary lealuie ol tue Van dumilt will uaau which has thus lar neen broiignt lo llgnl. it will he remembered Hint thu ieat sojourn ment ol the cuao was naked uy the contestants 111 or* dcr to produce threedmecuves? trauknii a. Iteuourn, W iillnui H. Clerk 11 lid Ueorge A M.sou?by Whose testimony they proposed to prove tunt Wiilintn H. Vauovrldlt Slid Llieuutey M. Ilepew got up u cMuspiracy against LorUehUs J. , thai 1 bey lured these detectives to tolluw a man whom llcpcw iileuillled as Cornnlius J., but who, as they auhatqueuuy becuinu nitisdcd, wan (?Ol Cornelius J. ; thill Ibis "ImgUn" Corneous J. Was lo towed uy them lo houses ol III repute, gambling bells and improper meetings with womeni that tlicy tiiude a report ol IhvnS laOia to William H. Vauder hill, who pretended to he very sorry ior his broth* cr'a backsliding*, aud mat tliey al-0 male theik report to me Commodore, who wits so inceun, d et Cornelius J. met he winner! hie sou had never been horn. Mr Lord's elUdiVlt 1.11 the documents billowing it elntett that at the eleventh hum these wi meases, who had meanwhilu Coullrhivd their previous declarations, bed illanpp Aron, uud n litter had been received uy Mr. tjord in which Clam sod Mmou retracted all their previoos Stan menu aud turueu the charge ol conspiracy Irom Wlhiaui ii to Corueuua J. In tui* letter iliey declared tueir couvic tiou that Cornelius J. had goitcti up the whole allair In oroer to make It appoar lust hie brother William M. had been guilty o| a conspirncy against bltu ; that hot only wan the Cornelia- J. whom they fultOWt-d a ??bogus" Cornelius J., hut that Chaunc.ey Dcpew, Vihiam U. Vauderhill ami riven the old Corntuodore were irnuuuioniiy personated in this aflqir by persons In the conspiracy. When this letter was read every- 1 body laughed, and William H. Vanderbilt and Meaerr. CMmon mod Couislook seemed Id be luicueely amused, tor litre were net lees iban lour "doubles,"--ad ll w, g clear tbst mo n throe detecitvuj were lying prettv siruugiy nlbtr on ibe one side or tbv other. Tlie follow i ug are I he ieudiog poiuta 01 ibe affidavit ?I Mr Soon Lord, iu wolcb, it will bw eeeu, th? pro ponents of ibe wtU are openly noeused of having lani persd or spirited away lbs three double-dealing de tectives KB. lord's arrioAriT. Thai this deponent, since the last adjournment ot this ease, has seen and conversed with each of said witnesses and wee assured and neileved mat each ol them would he In attendance at the opening of the court on this day to testily as witnesaes in this ?. as?. anil that by appointment ? aid witnesses were lo meet Judge Black and tnia depo nent at the Sew Vors Hotel at nine o'clock iu the forenoon on the loth inat. That thia deponent had no intimation that they would not lulUI such engagement until lain in ibe attemoon on Sun lay, the Bill inat. wuen a >etlur was received Irotu ? id l.edhurn ataliug that euid liars aud Macon had gouo off together, but i hat he should go alter them I mm,".lately, and that until >ho u noon on the 10th iue!., at which time lie received a letter purporting to be written by aaid Clark and Maeon, wl.ich la hereto annexed, tol'owing their aftida vita, he had no intimation that they claimed thnv there waa any error in aueb affidavit*, or that they had oeen attempt ing to review the ground aa to pmcee and persons Deponent further says that he does not believe tbat either of aaid witnesaes could be persnndod or bribed to apnear upon the stand und swear to an untruth, nut he he iieves that in the interest ol the propuuenta they nave been induced to make to tliia deponent sintnmunls contained iu their letter Hereto aunex d. and then on th ? eve of the trial go away to somo plane uuxuoaii to thia deponent, ao that their attendance cannot he procured lor thia cilliitg. Deponent further say a that the cnminuuicatiou received by hint I rout said Mas. 11 and Clark leads hnu to believe that they have b on In cuminunlc itlon with souio p. r?ou or persons in the iuierestol proponents, und have been in duced ny them to put themselves beyond the jurisdiction ret ? kin I 'iimi S i ,? u ir,,iii t nof I ftrini# tsee.i lafc #. I, i a ulurt luilWd ol this Conit to avoid testifying, una thipt thi- also leads him 10 believe that had they uot refused to testily under oath to the statement of their letter they would have been ellowcd to anpear in court mid testify, and the counsel for the contestant, under all these circumstances, d cm it their duty to ask the Court lor a continuance, su that in a matter of such vital importance the truth may be ascer tained. When Mr. Allen was about to read the affidavits of the tbrce detectives Mr. Cliuiou vehemently objected, ou the ground that these affidavits bad bcun inade hut ol court; that they were extra-judicial, aud it the ulB auts commuted perjury they would bo bold to uo re sponsibility and could uot be iudicfoil and punished. surrogate Caiviu thuugut that the affidavits, though iuaoiuicslble as testimony,-might be used by Mr. L?rd to snow that be had acted Iu ^iod faitu Iu trying to produce these witnesses aud now asking lor a post ponement. _ Mr. CIidiod?t want to know whether this Court is to ue used only for the puruoso of scaodal ? Tbeso affidavits can have no relevancy to the motion bolore ibe Court, and they contain uo luots which would eu tltle ibe contestants to the rellei asked by them. (Sneering.) On, we understand this thiug per fectly. The Surrogate (smliiug)?Yes, but tha Court cannot und< rstuud it until ull the testimony l?tn. (Laugntor.) Messrs. Cliuiou aud Comslock continued their oo Jeellous to the reading ol the affidavit*. upon which tbo urrouate askeu lo sec tno papers in oruer to sat isiy hi in .-el i us lo ibctr reluvauoy lo the cause Mr. Clinton (bitterly)-These are the very affidavits which they have asked all the newspapers to publish, and which lUe newspapers have refused to punllsb. They are only put in here to have them published Iu the 'newspapers. They want to try this cause in the new-pa pars. The Surroeato?I don't suppose tnat Intelligent aud rcBpoctub.o conusei wouid try the cuuse in the news papers when they must know that wlint tno news papers suy passes by the mind at tha Court llko tha lulo wind. Surrogato Calvin then allowed the affidavits and ap pended documents lo bo read as a part of Mr. Lord's slatemeut to tuo Court. The gist of these Is con tained iu u loiter written by F. A. itedunrn to Corne lius J. Vaiiderbilt, ol which the following will partially explain. He narrates the visit o< a stranger (Cbanucuy M. Depew) who wanted him, as the head of u private detective office, to watch Corooiins J., in order to con vince the Commodore and Wuliaut H. that he really gave no signs of relorni:? _ To this end be d-sired to have "Cornell" put under strict ?urvxilianoe, and all his operation* and mamevres re ported, and asked the detective if he coalu furnish a reli able man, whose personal appearance wouid carry couvfc ti ui of his trulbtulucss for tbat purpose. The detective assured him that ue couid furnish and promised to meet him with such a man on the lotlowlug day, at the Hub Avenue lictel, when a stranger wuuld accompany them to liud the bad boy. when the ospiouage should begin. Tin' appointment was kept, and the stranger pointed out a very respectable lookiug man as tne prutii gate sen. This man was e'otcly followed and watched lie whs uot a difficult person to keen track ol; tore sure he visited rather disreputable ulaces and was guilty o. some very disgraceful conduct. Un a lew occasions he slipped from the dele live s sight, i-unilng him innch uneasiness slid chagrin for a time; but some fa. w he always stenebled on the ueteclive iBol the detec tive ou him) in such a manner as to cause the spy to feel that he wns lavored by Providence, it had be u arranged that tlie detective should at in tervals ol two or thrto days report to the stranger, and lie did so. He Soon had .u much to disclose tbut tlie other declared he conld wait no longer, but that they must g<> sue William at once. Ttic-r went, st first W illiua appeared to doubt the detective's revela tions, nut at last lie seemed to be convinced against his will. Ills triend, the stranger, suggested that lie to lose uo lime iu laying matters before (lie Commodore, hut tills William refused to do. lie declared thai, m-twitb siau ing his poor brother's backsliding, he could not ex pose his weakness to their tamer; anil, besides, he was very confident Cornelius would eventually relor._i. Wneii the stranger at length said mat he shou.u tUen go himself to tlie Commodore with tin) detective Wlbiaiu urged him not to do so, as he had not the least fear but that his biotlier w mid. when he touud heavier responsibilities, such as great wea.tli imposes, resting upon him. at once be come an exemplary clttsen and au honor to his taiuily. the Hrintrr. how* tit. was not 10 be pjraoaded by lb* indulgent opinion cf William. lie took lUe Uciactivo Ml once be lore the Commodore, iu lie die aevei ul tiiu ? sub -e ? quently, where the re-ulm of his ?urv illunce weie pnrtrayod. mid seemed to cause the old gentlemen much urn prise unit (fkni. Curing tins time the detect ire one day hh? and over heard something between tbo stranger end William ygblch convinced him that the latter had not been alncere in hie nvuvte i wish to conoeal from his father bis brother's delin quencies, but wus on the contrary noxious to have them reported. tone "lay shortly before, or soon alter the Commodore'! death (can't tell which without reterence to papers), the eald detective wus walking lu tiroodway. I tbluk, witn a triciul, oho puliuod you oui to him a> Coroelius J. Vendor bllt. I Lie detective scrutiuised you closely, and believing he knew, and had good reason to know "young Cornell" very well by sight, disputed bis friend's assertion Issue thusfuiued. a wager eusuad and you were loliowo.l br Ibe twHiii until your loentlty wns clearly established to the detective's satisi-ciiou. it was .ow evident to the detoctlve that he bad been made a tool ot lor an inlauious purpose; tliat he had been need to shadow some one employed to personate you tu all sorts of disreoBtai Is places, and to carry dislree-tn.' re uoits to the Cutiiuiodore, which were entirety without Inundation in lact. Curiosity afterward led him to visit some of the resorts to wlneb he uad followed your "double," and learned that lu some ol tbein the object ol his surveillance was known us Cornelius J. V underbill. lie infers that tbo matt r was carried thus far tuat he might not he likely to discover that he wm wstchiug a bogus 'Corueil," and to this eud, that his r. ports ol your visits tu tbeui utuht be Corrobo rated. should the t ouimodorc exact luriher evidence. Later, he went agaiu to these p aces, or some < f llieiu, ac ct'Uipanicd by the head detective, who wus prompted by curiosity, hut tin) parties who hulore rcmemuered "Cor nelias J " hud become dumb, uil but one exception, i iiis phase ol the esse b ? tried to account lor in vain, Her h p. you can account lor it, and much more Very respect, iuily. V .t- KLUi-LK.s, .No. 3H9 New York avenue, Jersey City Heights, J. APS. DAVITS UP TilK DKTKUT1VPS. Then follow llto allidavlie ot the three detective*? ltedhurn aud Ins two uaatsunle, Clara su i Mueuu?to ti,u i Uecl ttiut tho -Hanger who hired Ihetil to follow Cornelius J. was CUuuuccy M. iicpew; that they lol low d ti e lalee Coruelius J. to all soria ol hud places; uiudo raporls to Wuliaoi 11., who protended to bo deeply grieved at the couddct ol hi* broth-r; that they were talton by William 11. Vanderhut aud Cuuuu cey M, Uepow 10 the Ootowodorn, tu wbotu >hcy re tail ad tbo results ot their obeervuiioua; jhut the Conimo-ioro declared he wi-heu ins son iiud u>ysr boon horn ; and tnen they uddod that tlioy Und all along loilowed a "bogus" Cornelius J., and beau tho tools ol William 11.'.* vile conspiracy. aud now cnuiu tu? ? icutei part oi Hie proceedings, the letter ol the deltetlvee Mason and dark to Judge Lord, which, when it ruvaaled, in addi.lou to lha '-bogus" Cornelius J., a "bogus" Co in mod ore, a "bugus" William 11. aud a "bogus" Cbauucey M. lie -pew, mirly ouuvuli-ed the audience with lauguter. a usittdn LurTBK. ?Nsw Yuan. Juu# If. 1*78 Judge Lord:? ,-ik Having given you notice through .Mr. tiedburu that weaauiiut give the svidea e that has tieer, expected ot us. It is hoi lair to >oti ai d to ourselves that ?? slu ulil ex pi?i i tne cans* of our relu-al. The evnieiico >ou expected fro as us was Int.-nded to piove against William il. \ aude.bilt and mnvisacou splracy to Injure Coruelius J. k aiu-ei bllt lu the estimail Ul ol his lathet, Ac . Ac. tor a time we firmly believed this was the rase, and that we ha I oce i na e the t oll o. Will iaiu il. Vauilerotlt to Injure Ins brother lini ur eyes bave been opened, and we find Ilia, the only Conspiracy tiler wo. w ,a originated oy CorneiiUs J Vanderollt ui u sell. That uentleman, auowin. lie had toMetiod all Claim upon his lather, and wuWd avtuently oe oMiuMnteil by Ills Will, conceived a *? hemo oy which tl.e will might oe ot aelde mi tliq aronnd I bat II liad been iiuproporl. pr?euii<d by ols brother, auu that scheme he eoduasureu to carry out in the lo..owing luauu r: - Ills first step was to gel a Irlend to call ou tiedburu. I his li lend, woo was not up to resemble Cbauucey I i-pew ? (laughter) siatM| that uc was a trleud of the Yuud--rbill lea ny. aud tnal the old C-'niinudi-re a as being <ie-civ d by his sou I'orueilus, wbo preteiidud to liav- relonned and tolse eaning e moral lite, when in laci bo was heliaving liiinseli aorse than ever before, and mat as a irieun he felt ceded ui ii*i to open tba old man's ejree tu tns iruili. lie ended < y asking It, dburii to luruleli a iuan to toilow Cornelius and to report ail he might learu of his d dugs. Ac. litis tied urn agrea-l ?? de, and toe m xi day ne met tna Irlend at the Kiltu avenue nntel alio in11oouued Mason as tue proper person ler Ihe stiV ce. tins man asxed Mason II lie had evei seru Corueil. and ol his answering mat lie u ,d n -t was at once employed as a spy. At tne same tlion Cornelius J and hie irlend 'bad a bogus i.ori.eli, or a decide, c-onv, nleauy near who was pointed ou. to Mason as tue real t oraeil. I bin doubts went on 111 it and ma y sUc eedlUg nays tu Various gam bilug uoiis and oawuy, emsaly lullvWCd by Mason, Hut oel re Mason siarted iu pursuit a day was appoliin-d tor li ? us to report lo the person emp.eying li? in at the i Hill Avenflo oti-l. ilu tne nay Uxeu bo d o reoort, and was site ward carried off. as was repre sented. t-> repeat Uls report to William It. \ anderollt. and lie did rope-it it ko a person reeeiiibliua. and at tne lima supposaii by luiii to he - * 111 lis in il Vaisd-roilt, but who wns tu i et -me ul i omellus J.'e assistants (Lauguter.) the affair wns managed In this way : SlasaP went with his employer to the 1'resident's none at the (Irand Central Uep-.t; William H. Vanderollt wns net in. at was ? vi lli ntly known nsmre. in employer then wbiepored to Un-ou, "Wait a uili.uto. I'll see II we ? an Uud him auout tne bunding." lu a few iu itnenta tho party ruturueo. alio OeCKuUiiig to Mason, innk him Into a CbsOflVSI, uawcrupled room ou tne Sstne floor, at quite a distance from Ihe Preside it's oilice, and introduced him lo a runn .mid hot la.sely said, to he Will iaiu M, Vanderbilt. I lien and tuern da-ou repeated hit report, and alt. r some diectissiou between tli nmnloyer ant the b> us Wdoaiu -I. Vanderollt?bill.nte ) L was tii-cldi-d that Matou he taken to tho C.-inmod -re and re; i lie rep -i t lo - I in. Pi,llowiiig the employer, Mas n re-eutari-d the carriage in a Inch tnay had rlouen from the tilth avenue lintel, and was d iveii southward, auu was inuued bafore a b-.uee with n high stoop, where he was told hy Ills eoiupaulou the Cone mom-re had ills uthce liu, nig tills rl-le ilis employer enicrtainnd Mason with lively taik, M that when lie stepped Irom the carriage he could not lieve loid or have lormei an Id a wm-ther be wes In roiirtli or Twelfth or some Intermediate street, or whether east or west ul Itroaowai . Poiiowinn his companion Into a house Msunn wee lal.-o due d to a veuerahlo inoain. old iuan as Coinnieiiure Vau derhlit? (laughter, to wli m na repeated his report, aitor wnlcli the conversation yuu are lamillar Willi took place We have eloce had, uud have uuw, unqucslluhaule ed dene* that the old rota *?? not tbo C?mmodora, and that the ? ? itirt ?u nut lha Commodore' ? Fourth atraet olli. o. The lollotf ">K ol ilia bogus 1'oruall having become lira some to Ma?oa he invited lha undersigned Curk to Join biui. which woadouu, whau simost the aaiue play was re peated. We were both taken to the pretended William U. Vuo derbilt. who waa agaiu fuuud la an unoccupied room in the lirand Central Depot, and were afterward driven to the oid tu u said to oe the > omiuodore. On tine ocenalon the friend or euipioror caused the curtaine of the carriage to bo drawu dowu, saying It were betlar we should not he seen together. Alter we had reported to the bogas Commodore we left, leaving the emuluyar behind We expected to walk awajr. bat as we wara leaving the atoop the Irteud requests J oa to get in the carriage to bo drlteu awav. as he would not wish ua aaou in the vicinity. It struca us like a ailiy notion at the lime, but we were glad enough to submit to it, and rode away without the least suspicion that we bud uot been to the Cuwmcdfre's office. This is a brief statement ol the lucta aa we now know thein. We wore uoi easily cuuviuosd that wo had beau made victims of ulraud iu bcball of Cornelius J. Vaudor but; but we have aeeu the pretended Irieud ol the Vaudor bill family who carried ua to the Urand Central Depot, aud know he is not Mr. Detiew We have seen the man who personated William It. Van derblll and he who persouatad tuo Commodore and know they aro not the persons wu believed theiu to be. We have beau to the office suppose i oy ua to be the Commodore's office ana know it was not his. We know the whole tbiug was a conspiracy of Cornelius J. Vaoderollt aud his policy friend -imnauu and others to manufacture evidence tu attack liis lather's will, which ua knew would cut biiu off We perfectly agree in everything, ex cept us to whether Keii? urn was one of the original cuusnirklors. One ol us believes lie was, and tb it ho know when called ou for a detective tnat ho was to he used lor the benefit ot Cornelius J. Vundarblti, und that tue larce of a call was mads ouly tu allow him to swear to his part with a better cunseieuce. Hut one of the under sluued willingly gives him the oeuetil ol a doubt. Finally# Judge Lord, we wi-li to say that when we made our statements to you wo lully believed them, aud tl-at you had every reason to place continence in thuin, aud thut you could never have had any reason to doubt them until now, when wa give run this disclosure. With great re ?pect, WILLI\M H. CLAltK. U. A AIASO-N. A POSTPONKMCNT STILL RESISTED. After the loud laughter which the tend,tig of the do lective'e letter provokod had subsided, aud Messrs. Viiuderbilt and Cilutou had recovered from the fits ol hilarity into Which it threw tUcm, Mr. cllutoh still vigorously objected to u postponement of lha cure, wfiiie Judge Lord uraed that tue lurther pouring be doierred uulll lUese witnesses could be compelled to come here and testify to (be tmih. "We ask for a reasonable period," ho said, "in which wo can get hold of these witnesses. It is evi ueul from their letter that they havo not yet been quite brought to the point ol porjury." surrogate Cuivia asked what good too testimony of these witnesses could do the oouiesunl. it luey swore t gam to the lacis detailed in their ulUduvus they woulu be coulroniud by the lettor written uuder their own sighuturta, which gave the He to their own statements. Mr. Lord?Wo contend that 11 iv Your Honor's duty aud privilege 10 look at thai quo-riou ol veracity, uud il circumsiauces und corroboialiug testimony point to the truth ui the ouu suiuuieut uot to reject it be cause the parlies have inutie unotuer. Surrogate La.viu asked Mr. Ciintoii if he desired to set up u denial ol the ulliged complicity oi William H. Vubderbiii iu this alleged conspiracy. Mr. Cilutou bony replied thai Mr. William H. Vuu derblll would in live iniuutos have reudv au affidavit deuyiug the whole story, aud Mr. Depow's affidavit ol deuiul would he rcudy uexi nioruiug. Meanwhile tie urged the counselcouid go uu making ibeir urgumeut ou the mmou to posipouo tue case, ihey might a-suaie thai Mr. Hepew's ulli .avil was here, for it would bo duly lurmsqed uexi inorniog. Mr. Lord?tie can't assume any such tiling, for wo doubt wbulber you'll gel IL Lx-Judgo cuius lock (with a flourish)?The story Ol these detective.- is the most truuspureut larce ever cuucied In auy court of Justice. I hero is uot a scin tilla ol truth in it. Surrogate Lalviu declared that aa Mr. Depew's affi davit couid uot be got this aiteruoou the case must go over uunl nexw morning, und tue Court adjourned at tnreo o'clock. BUSINESS TROUBLES. THE f&BSSCBK OF THE HABD TIMES? VOLUN TARY AND INVOLUNXaBY BAKKBUPT8. Tbe (allure of the Combination Rubber Company, ol No. 28 Barclay street, la announced. l'na company was lucorporatoU and bad a capital Block of $80,000, all of which was issued la payment lor mauulsctory aud oilier properly accessary lor tbe business. Tbe officers are John Ureacen, Presided; Stanley Ureacen, Vice President, and K. J. lireuceu, Secretary. They Uave a factory at No. 625 West Tareuty-lourtb street. Tbe much nery bus lecently been ubattul mortgaged for $12,000 to J. Grcsceb, Jr., and $1,000 to N. Ste vens, and a judgment for $1,386 was obtained against tbe company by K. Craighead. The liabilities amount to about $80,0oo, IB addition to $35,000 represented by purobaae mortgages on real estate owned by tbe com pany. Tuo assets consist ol real estate, stock, machinery ana open accounts, tbe value or whieb Is not known at present. Tbe estate bus been placed In tbe bands ol J. J. Campion as receiver. Tbe Bronx Company, bleacher-, dyers sod printers, st No. 115 Worth street, and at Brooxdaic, West chester county, have been adjudicated Involuntary bankrupts, on tue petition ol their creditors, und tbe ease has bet n referred to Register Filch. Tbe com pany Is composed of Henry B. Bolton. Jobn W. Uonon ?uu Thomas Bolton, Jr., and succeeded the arm ol Tbouss Boitoo & Sous. Pi it ecu creditors uuiie in tbe petition, tbolr claims segregating $111,2110 93, among ilirm being the following:?Thomas Bolton, Sr., $10,083 Bti; William H. B.rcucil, $2,017 32; Jume* W. Oolweii, $064 25; Xainau Bircheii, Sr., $9UU; Jobn Livingston. $e84 21; Bircbeil ii Sons, $600, aud Joseph Biuus, Sr., fliho 50. Hicks, Stewart h Rosenborg, msuuiucturers ol puiul.i, at No, 184 ChurcU street, aud utCin inuxil, Ohio, huve failed, and a oobauIiuIioo ol tbe r creditors was beld yesterday. A statement was suuuutted showing liabilities Buiouutlng to $104,660 24. uuu uasets, fsi.OOO less $17,000 sold iroui tne Cincinnati Stock. It was dually doc.ded to appoibt a cotuuiiueu ol three to investigate tn? affairs und report to iho creditors. The coiumitiee is composed ol F. Victor, W. i.. Pome roy und Ueury Newman, Tbe present lirm *..s organ ised May 1, 1377, tbe him ol Hicks k Stewart lukiug in Mr. Kosouberg, who mauulactured their goods as a partner. Andrew Bieakloy, Jr.. bus gnneinto voluntary l?auk ruptcy bolore Register K.?i*huin, baviug iiaOililica allium, ting lu about $16,000 and no assets. The prin cipal crtMliur* aro Andrew llleukley, $3,61(1 46; Will iam E. Spriugsteiu, $1,048 20, au : Charles L. Uuwdey, $1,000. Howard H. Hart, manufacturer of huts at No. 75 Greene street, made un assign moat yesterday for the bcuetit of his creditors to Frederick Lewis. Ills liaoilliics uinoun. to over $10,000, und as soou as a stuteinehl is completed the assiguee will call a uicot ltig of the creditor*. Composition proceedings have been commeiiooii by k. Biouu <SS Sous, niauuuclurera ol cigars at No. 3b4 Canal street, hclore llegiSier Uayioii. Tliey propose to settle with tbeir cr< ditors at twenty live cents oil Ibe dollar, UVe ceulB Cash ami leu cents each l.i boles unsecured si Ih'CO aud SIX OMMllMU 1 he II .bslitivs uinouui to $30 296, distributed among tweuty-iour creditors, tin- iirgunl Bcug tue follow log;?Henry Naibai., $8,3U0; liner Brothers, $3,023 61; H. ColoH, $1,562 21; A. hobu, $1,372 14; H W. Lucks, $1,284 2U; A. il. hoovillo .2 Co., $1,066 50, ,1 lid People's Bans, $1.0<i0, Louis .seines.bgei uuu isioorr Wroukow buve coai 111* uccu coinposillou procee <mgs before Hugistcr Hay tun tor a aBitlctuent wub their creditors ui ten ceute, cash, on the doiiur. MggTlNOK or CkKPITUKB. A mooting ol ibe cr*mura ol nyivcaier Jdurpby, builder at fie. 332 E >et Filly-secuud sireei, was bold yesterday ..t toe olUoe ol Register Bwigni. I bo schedules presented showed liabilities am-miiiing to |437,1.>3 53, hut uuly six cia ius were proved, aggre gating $6,656, ol which tlie were the largest:?Hugu Cn-si.i, ( xecuioi), $4 011 00; 1 Imoiuy Kullener, $1,811 64 uuu Hose liuim, $i,4ou Jonu II. 1'latl Wiu- appoiuied assignee. The ereniiors ?f V. K. WMrveuaoti, Jr., real ostate broker at No. 4 PiM street, m?i yesterday ul tbe ofllco 01 H.gislt-r Aiieu. Tbe sclieiules sumuiltod showed llui'llilles ainouuuug 10 *03...00, auo uuiv una claim was proved ><y C uJert Uroiuor lor $1,149 08. Jotiu U. 1'latl WHS uppoilind a sig.iitc. At . nieviiog ui the creditors ol Oscar ilaraiuerstoio, editor ol the V Tilted MkUct fuOmcu J our mil, nsin )vs i lerduy ut tlic olllc - ol Kigisigr I.nils, dnhu ii 1'latl : Was * lected a ? go**-. Two creditor* proved claims I aggregating $8,u67 74, as lutlows:? A. 1. A C. L. Boil, i $6,'i.,3 13; Oisrounr k Bond, $1,534 01. the ciiditors of Job.i W. Bcnunoer, produce dealer ui N>>. 89 Murray s*r?ei, met yesierua* ui ino olllue of Hegislcr Fitcb, und eieoieu Ueorgu tllil .Or.iud assignee. SIX claim* were proved, tggiogaliug about $1,50$. Tilt. ING.RiOLLS. Alter dragging lie slow length tbrougii Btatlon bouse*, ponce courts and eivil unatnber* ibe case of lugortoli Vs. logersoll came up again for investigation yesterday ot IbeBpecisI Sessions, me prisouur, Will iam P. Ingersoil, stood ul tuo bar In a nonchalant way, idiy swaging ou umbrella una calling at times s sneering glance 00 tbe woman who Charges bun witb twice niiumpiiug to lake nor lite. Bus, lor nsr part, was evidontly anxious about the issue of lbs cuss, and it was clear to Me, by the itseiy glitter of bur eyes, tbe Ooinpresssd lips uuu imrd lines aoout tbe moulb, 1 hat she bad uo merciful disposition toward bar buaujod. I he case wsa called, lbs eViaehca inkuu aud again the old story ul lugersoii's attack upon Aseoinnlymab Jamee Hayes, tux tbrealouing actions on Broadway wlieu bo uruw a kBile upon tbo woman aud bis Mum asraulf upon tier were recalled. "You hud lu cr*oll convicted before and sent to tbe Island,'' Haiti Judge Wanilell. "lfea, I did, and Us dcaorved it," was tbe answer. ' But you alterward begged lor bit release aud got blm off." "1 wi/u't do It agnin," she said, with au mr that showed she meant It. logersoll, win n called to tlio stand, denied having ?truck Uis wile nt all. He ssid be Wua six leel away from Iter wnen siiu called out, "Il you expeao me I'll ?cr am muruor," mid she di* it. "1 bat's the wnolo ol it," said logersoll, ''una I'll soy so un my tsered until. "William F. Ingersoil," said Judge Wendell, "the Court una-r yua guilty aud lenience* you to tbo Peni tsntinry for tbe term 01 eix uiublUs.'1 ARRIVAL OF EMIGRANTS. Fivo hundred find forty-bias emigrants arrived yes terday Bt Castle Gardens COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES WITH CHINA. The follow log statement shows the value ot the commerce of the United States with China (Including Hong Kong) for each ol tho twenty fiscal years ended June HO, Iron) 1867 la 1870 Inclusive, compiled Uom the Uuited States OtUciai Reports on Commerce ana Navigation:? Domestic Foreign Total ? Total Year Mndtd June SQL Exports. Exports. Exports Imports. Commerce. 186 7 $2,0111,900 $2,375,230 $4,395,130 $8,350,932 $12,762,002 1868 3,007,748 2,089,003 0,097.351 10,670,630 10,207,887 1859 4,233,010 2.894,183 7,127,190 10,791.381 17,918,680 180 0 7.170,784 1.733.334 8,900,118 13,600 687 22,472,706 180 1 6.8U9.724 1.107.703 6,917,427 11,361.719 18,269,140 180 2 4.293.158 1,200,130 6,499,288 7,460,318 12,958,600 1663 6,080,818 1,110 980 6,141,798 10,901 004 17,102,802 1804 7,703.504 1.029.362 8,732.920 10,165,414 18,898,340 6.602,698 602.537 7,106 438 8,130.643 12,230,078 1806.. 160#. 8,032,088 1,517,730 10.149,824 10,132,083 20,282,607 1807 8,788,146 979 471 0.707,010 12.112.440 21,880,050 1*;08 0.621,780 2.169.704 11,001,490 11,385.024 23,07o,614 1809 ' ' 10,288,178 2,117,554 12.375,732 13,209 121 25.584,863 187 0 0,421,103 2,618,903 9.040,060 14.028,487 23,008,663 187 1 3,920 210 1.722,203 6.042,479 20,006,316 25,708,794 187 2 7,714,936 1.221,235 6,930,170 20 763,636 35,089,706 i873 7,330 093 2,373,820 9,710,519 27 191,940 86,902,469 674 ' 8.099,905 2,814.737 11.614,7o2 J8.608.712 30,123,414 1876 " *.... 8,702,004 1,408,113 10,170,117 14,083,260 24,853,373 1870 | 10,658,062 2,101.419 12,069,481 12,854,541 25 614,022 Total tor tweuty years $130,384,845 $36 790,023 $172,180,808 $209,979,048 $442,100,610 Average per annum 6,819,243 1,789,801 8.009,044 13.498,982 22.108,020 Average per annum lor last ten yours... 8,108.115 1 952,722 10,150,837 17.149.337 27,300,174 Average tier annum tor last five years.. 8,014,332 1,983,800 10,598,198 20,018,397 30,010,695 Averago per annum lor lust Ova years per capita ol population oi Cuma <400,000,000 estimated) ? ? $0 02^ $0 05 $0 07?? The loiiowlug statement shows the several ports In the United States at which exports were tuude to China (including Hong Kong), and Imports received theietrom, and the value ol the samo at each pert, during the fiscal year ended Juue 30, 1877, compiled train the OlUuial Reports on Commerce and Navigation:? Furrign Domestic Total Total Forts. Exports Exports. Exports. Imports Commerce. Boston ? $36,131 $89,186 $125,310 New Vorlc... ? 1,007,464 $7,920,013 $9,634,107 Oiegou ? ? 192 192 jjau Kianciaco 15,476,610 3,210.237 16,086,847 4.182.097 22,808.944 Willamette 38,129 ? 38.120 114.519 162 648 Totals $17,158,334 $3,210,287 $20,308,571 $12,312,030 $32,081,207 Carried iu American vessels $8,310,344 $1,561,550 $9,871,894 $3,008,060 $13,479,954 Curried In toreign vessels 8,817,990 1,048,087 10 496,677 8,704.670 19.201,263 Totals $17,268,334 $3,210,237 $20,368,671 $12,312,030 $32,081,207 Total imports dutiable. ? ? ? $4,491,643 30 per cent Total luiporta free of duty ? ? 7,82(1.993 04 per cent Totals ? ? ? $12,312,030 _ Total exports oi merchandise ? ? $4,937,700 ? 24 por cent Total exports ol specie ? 15,430 805 ? 70 por cent ? $20,308,571 ? Totul imports ol merchandise ? ? ? $12,301,084 ? imports of specie ? ? 10,952 ? Total ? ? $12,312,030 ? Proportion of total commerce carried In American vessels.... 41 per cent Proportion ol lout commerce carried in foreigu vessels 69 per cent Pronuriioo nt tout commerce at New York 29 per cent Proportion ot totul commerce at sau Vruntisco 70 per cent ENGLAND'S COMMERCE WITH CHINA. The following statement, compiled from the English Parliamentary Reports, shows the value of the com* merce ot tho Uuited Kingdom wltn Ciilna (Including Houg Kouc) for the tou years Irom 1807 to 1870 in clusive, reduced to dollars, at five dollars to the pound sterling:? Exports Imports Imports of Exports of of <if Com and Com ana Total Years. Mrrckandise.. Merchandise. Bullion. Bullion. Commerce. 1807 .*... $38,347,030 $47,018,875 $21,020 $1,303,590 $87,290,505 1968 43.034,830 68,680,845 6,986 4,143.915 106,372,575 i960 40,200,805 60,491,000 8 080 8 366,766 106,040,240 187 0 49,670,620 40,628,580 2,717,005 1,068,970 103,886,175 187 1 49,100,040 61.485,825 15,318.580 1,279.550' 127.213,995 1872 49,848,310 71,976,240 300,405 194,650 122.328.506 187 3 43 137,995 66,519 586 8.142,340 1,505,775 114,865,095 187 4 43 810,750 69,690,970 3,271,035 184,125 100,897,480 1875. 44.079,530 74,048 100 2,271,995 4,815,655 125.316.340 1876 39,906,270 81,477,465 4,120,450 0,248.645 131,762,820 Total lor ten years. $448,336,180 $621,414,135 $31,217,555 $29,600,520 $1,130 408.390 Average per annum .. 44,833,018 02,141.413 3,121,755 2,960,052 113,040,839 Average per annum lor last five years.. 44,270,571 70,742,482 2,023,177 2,489,750 120,131,980 Averago per auuuiu lor last live yearsper * capita ol population ol Chiou $0 12 $0 18 ? ? ? $0 30 liAILKOAD MEN IN COUNCIL. THE QUESTIOX OF CONIINUINO XU* QttMAT "POOL" TO BE DECIDED IN CONFBBENCE. A Tory largely attended ooulercnco of representa tive* ItoLu aouio of tne principal railroad companies throughout tbe oouniry was bold yesterday after noon in tbe Windsor Hotel. Tbe roads represented were: Baltimore and Onto, by J. King, jr., vice-presi dent, C. M. Wicker, general fretgbt agent, M. 1- Dau horty, and C. A. Chepluy; Pennsylvania Kailroad, A. J. Cossuit, third vice president; Erie, 6. K Blancbard and B. C. Viiua; tbo Pennsylva nia Company, comprising the Pittsburg aud Port Wayne and Pittsburg and Chicago roaos, Mr. J. N. McCuileob,%rsl vice prosidenl and Mr. Wiiliuin Stewart, general freight agent; Sl Louir, Vaudaliu, Terra Huute and Indianapolis, Major John E. Simp son, general manager; Michigan Central, H. R Lad yard, general mauager; Chicago and Alton, J. U MeMullin, general manager; James Smith, general freight agent, and L. J. Seargeaut, trafUc muiiuger; Indianapolis and Su Lou's, H. B. HurJburt, presi dent; Indianapolis, Cincinnati and Lafayette, M. E. In gulls, receiver; lndiauapulis, Blowmington aud Western, General George a Wright, receiver; Lane Siioro und Michlguu southern, Julio Ncwcii, gen eral ftaanager; Awuutic und Great Wosieru, J. U. D? veruaux, receiver; Cleveland, Ciuuiunail and ludiauapolia, J. U. Devcrenux, president, and H. B. Hurlburl, vice jiree.acnl; Cuuadu Southern, J. TII lingbasi; Onto and Mississippi, J. King Jr, receiver, and W. Duncan, general freight agent; Marietta und Cincinnati, J, King, jr., receiver, and It. M. Eraser, geucrul Ireignt ugeiu; Luulsvillo und Nashville, M. 11. Smith, general freight agent, and Central Vermont, L. Millie, ireigbt manager. Mr. A inert Plug, 1'ruuk Line Commission, r, was also preseut. Mr. J. N. McCalloub wut> c tiled to the chair und Com missioner N. Gilford, oi Chicago, noted a- secretary. Tho New York Central road was unrepresented. Colonel torn Scott did not attend, but lbs morning was in consultation wuti aouio uf tne ropru suulalives ol the roads n wincn nc is interested. IHIi UHJKCT or Tllk MKKTl.SO. Tbe object ol tuv lueeiiug was to take into cou Stdrraliou the report oi Commissioner Gillord, who IMtd bcuu uppoiuted lo equalize uud inalutaiu ttie rules OU tbo u.Ucreul roads, as laid dowu o.v tbo Chicago comuluuilou, or '*jiool," uiado up iu tout city during tbe month ol March last. At mat meeting the per centage ol >Ue gross e.>rulugs o. the lines concerned IU Hie "pool" Was determined aud portioned out lo euCh of them. Although H was impossible to com pletely sunny ibe wisucs ol all the tumptuius, uud ? some oi llutm Ibougbl that a larger umouul siiuuld i lull lo Iheir share, hi,II, tne "pool system" w..s 1 Inu nd lu Ibe main lo work ao Sain-lac.orily I thai it was tloiuruiiaed lo try It lor another quarter ! ol a year, endeu yesterday. Tus lueihui of portioning out lo uch road Its peic -utugc ol the p.ol eariiiugs Is eased upon the earnings ol tho road lor illti past three years, ?? shown by a slalieiHial uecount pruvtd to tlio suIihIuciion ol the Cu%nui**loocr. Yesterday the silting oi the coaim-nce lasted from three till a Utile alter six o'clock. llie deliberations wero of a frimdly and cordial naturu. a number ol commitues weie up po nied to Inquire luto maliuis ot detail connected with me workings ol too nvw i-yitt*rn. i lit hi* couiiuiltees will report lu-day. Altar ih? Coii lerouce .-h .it Uuvu hesru me report* and uotcd ui*ou lhum ii.i titiai qui-stiou oi eonimu'og tue ??pool" will bo nr..u,nl up lor diacustluu. A uurnber o. gonna ?nen wnoru opiblotie wero usk'-J express*.! s iu lavor u coulluuing lor some ili?u longer Ibe "puoi" I Inn. the cuuibiuulion is louki u upon a- a very p .wennl one, and l. is claimed that ii tho members adtiero 10 their ehgagemeuts with each oilier tocy can do pretty much ?? ibvy like abiiul Bxiuglbo rales lor ircigUi buuod to Ibe East. I bo Coulereucu will resume we o'clock. L1LI oIUK8 LLEUT..D. At tbe animal election oi ilie Parniers' Loau aud Tro.t Company, he id yesterday at their unices, No M Exchange piuce, the lollowmg gentlemen Were chut, b Uirre.oiIsaac Bed, Wiilntui Waller Pnelue, Aboru it. Vis Ski, Jfinn Jacob Aitor, Hubert 1,. Cutting James If. Hunker, Dunning Duer, W. W. As or aud Juau if. Mortimer, .?lAuitiAtjivd AAL) ENGAGtO. Pbommb?Abraham.?Mr. Isaac Phommi tb Mist Holms SkAllAB, OotB el this city. No cards. I'SYtKK -UIII.I.SOOUi'KK SARA! UUkKSUOkfaM tO Isaac it. I kinsic No cams. MARRIED. Damut?I ayuok.?In Now Jersey, Jane 0, 1878, by the Kov. W. H. I'uruiiy, Wii.Majs J. Darhy to Prbu BkrcA k. lAYtoa, all of New York cny. Mo cai-oa. Dkvok? VIo ikk ?Ob Monday evening, June 10, at tbe rusidence of tbe nride'e lather, 407 West 'J4tli ,-t., by inc Kev. W. K Abooti, ol New Yurk, I'btkb II. DkVon lo kriA, Uaugltter of Dtuiui Moure. I'uhoy?KckkMvaa.?on Tuesday, June 11, at at. Rartiioiumuw's t liurrn, by the Kev. Samuel Cooke, D It.. J. Hbbry I'croy to Mary G., daughter ol Gen eral Cbsnncvy MoKeeVer, Uuued a tales Army. amru?Wood. ?un i'uosday, June 11 1878, at the resilience ol tuo bride's parents, by the Kcv. O. W.ll bunion .snuih, Hbwkv Haoisk set fa Bud Mart P., daughter of Dr. Whiiam D. Wood, ell ol Jamaica, L. 1. No cards. Suttob? Domixotok.?Thursday, June 0, at Ibe resi dence or tne bnde'e mother, by the Kev. 8. B. Hor aitor. Kuwih Hitior, ol Waebington, Duiouess county, S. Y., ana Mamy L , jrouugeet daughter ol tbe late Henry Doulnglou, Esq* Rl Elizabeth, N. J. DIED. lUcii.? On Tuesday Kerning, Jane 11, 1878, after a lingering Hloeen, J. cmnnatb Uach, Jr., aged 83 yes ra Puneral Irem the regMenae of hie latber, John C. Bash, at ktratlerd, CW4M., on Priday, 14to met., a three o'clock P. M. Relatives and Irlends ol tbo lamily arc invited to atleud. 76i,*y>"D'~Ja0? 1(?' W,LLU* H- in his Kola lives and friends aro respectfully invited to ? ?erVICe*'*l hf* 10r' sldeueo, No. 171 aReruoon?'' Brool"Jn' al * "?a o'clock (Wednesday) Cincinnati and Philadelphia papers please ?opr. in^t^"',- Monday, loth Inst., Aaiw* T. Blair*. in (he 27m year of bis age. . kJ"?8 "nU ,rl,n<1" ?ro reapoctfully invited to at tend hi. luneral, iron, bis la., residence. 540 u?oo. with at., on Wednesday, lgtn ln*l.,at two P M Bhahlicy.?On Tuesday, June 11, at bis residauco Yrrnr' William Bjcaulry, formerly oi now Notice of tbe funeral hereafter. JoHN?BKowMn mornln?' Jun# U, the Hon. Notice ot (uneral hereafter, i Sunday, Iiiim 0, rAiuciLLA. relict of tbo late Chance Cohen, .o .he 08d your oTTe'r ^e lh? di n.uI'om the reaidaoce of hor brotnor J D Philllpr, 161 West 84th st., on Woubenduv, Jane li Hind fl"u^U,ne *' *' >,mod- ?'e "1co?ted Sot to Ladies of Benevolent Society, Forty.lOartu street Synugoguo, are requested 10 attend fuueral oi ihoir 111tttb ?'ur'" ,row "or '-'?V.t?uelX lot West J4lb St., at iiHlt-puet nine A. M. this day . ? JCUA MORRISON, President. iB^?lKi?Ar7^kt Stamford, June 11, Maria Laku Cootut in ibe Sotn year OI her age. "r,rlc" " ai- John's Church, on Thursday, r ?' a quarter to teu A. M. The remains will be conveyed to New Vorit by tbe train arriv.ue at ' ll,cuco to Cypress Hill uy carriage. Costkllo?Monday. June 10, Av.xik J. CosruLLO only uauKUior oi ihos. and Auuie Costelio ycura and 4 mouth. ? ?????, ugea ? r?I? !nr?^ "e r' ?Pootfully Invited to attend the ?" Wedi.??.^ j^*,!^?wo pb?iP*rWU' 23 1,0nro? Asn^rCM^MaZTif m?rllln*4f- JnD? ^ AL?" fr^Tii' i?!' ,'rl<l^>, "lorning, the 14m mat., at ten ssi 5 fc^ssaslKsi Relatives aud Blonds ?I Iho lamily are invited to ?ri c'Soa cJurt"",1' ' ?h?"MSUr o, p.? o,?i\^c"cs P?M 1Uur8U"'' Wth mat., at nail. Elliott.?On Mouday, June 10 Mary aw i:'*"!";r? iriendsol toe .amily areiuvited lo altcud Hie luneral 1Uh * urn ral nonce lier 'aiior. C?U1UrUP,l0n' Ha^Ktu.y ~iJU JUuua'W'lb. OaoBoa, son oi D. Relatives and frteods are respectimly Invited to at tend the luucrai, at hi. lal. re^ao.; SUM L ?5 on V\ t'UuchUny, .1 uiio 12, a* oi.u k' 11 * iiUc!f,ltK?"" Monday, June lo,' Nkluu, daughter ol 8 days,H' U,B rduc'* Hnnier, aged ^0 yeara and herMil**:?1 ?*??. * A*^*J1,dkA,,TO,^. "C.OvE"n'shaia of? K?bucca Ku"r| o'clock. ,0U ruor"u"J'. June lg. at teu te^aVcti?* J? V?'h-??m?puiw, .laugh fc"" >f"nCe" ? "??d#ll I no rela iv** .i.d fricmla of the lauiny are invited S^TnUooJrTl 'ro,U P 'renfa* res'dwucej * Morton at., ibis evening, at eight o'cl .ck Mct.tHA.unii._oo Monday, Ju?,. m m, rKAMJ,., only ,nu belov.d daughter of p?tr,ck "id i> l u11<ju?- n, U?ed (I years, 7 month, and !W da,A ? litives aoo irlendM <#i me iauiily are reaixteiiiniw invite toat,.no the luinrti, lyom * Si r.VldTnm ol hor parents :io? West am m? on ii,Ur.,i"y 13m 'u J" """ " c,urlt *h"rP> *"houl iuriher notice McKoMkara.- On June v, is;. Kw?a h,6a i .m'i,i W.le ol WiMLtui ki Koberia, aied 73 /.ai" Iteiulivvs Slid Irienusol me laniily, alio tho enn greaatiuu of the l aenty-seveuih Street Mellioiliat' Cl4Ufeh' reepectiuily inviieti to attend tno lunerai services, at saiu church, ou VV'eunesdav U*HAai,J"lOn'ktMU0 T Iu,#riuu"1 ?? Orvenwouo.' ? i.i? . . .1*' Juue 10. Jon* o. O'Hara aidcst eon ol Jo up 11. and Maggie O'Hara seed a ye.ra. tf inooiiia and 15 ua,A " ' *'* # Hi'laiivea aud in.-uda are Invited to attend in. laneral, ou Wednexiay, June 12, at one P. M from their reaiuenoe, S17 West 60tli e,. ' 0UI PutesoA?Juuelu, Jonir 1'ouaaox, beloved hu.baud 01 Margaret 1 ouaaou. lu the tl7ili year ol ma age lh# relatives auil irieuus ol tne laniily arn resnect V41!0- WL? ,un#r*1' ,r?"n ??'? rest. WilVw.ivI i'cmnk WcU.U"Jrt'' 'J1" ?? half. fTvued tiatiend^n. pol,ec *r# P??'??frly JoH" R- Ko?,1B r?o*. aged 6* * uneral irom his lata residence' iu7 iii- ui ? Brooklyn, Wednesday, June lg, ,u mr.'e P M. ' Skibibt.? suddenly, June li i87g Josbph r? hMARO sitiuieT, .geu 48, . Soiico ol luneral tu-morrow. Wkilu?Ou Tuesday, Jcne 11 Ukktha younsest ?f.HTi#.' A,l#lpd *"u M-'hrl Weill ag.-u h n.onm.. an.i r**,,lence oi tier pa renin, No. 240 M/uS Jo' ,l"' 00 I'borsuuy, ldth, at uino A. M. wuraicit.?Ou June 11. ohablus k. W.trioh Jr. Jnu!"l8 ' .T?:00" u\ 238 *'????? ?? lVmaday. I?" ? "l lwo 0 ?louk. Me in Deri ol H company, ?S f?L? A*" rM'"<0Huily invited toattenJ. be". ??e rioist .V" ,Uu'?,!"r.?Olllcer.aud mem CV w.,T lunerml'??? comrade,, ? Thorwdiv tln'p "J" 111? re*'d,no#? m Bieecker "l inourmng ' By ordJV/ c,l"eB?'?"">?? II K w.n HKokoEW HOMAN3, Captain. H. K. MAOonnsa, p,r,t sergeant. V 11 >?*"'??? mDl> ?'? raapeotlulfy Invited to at Prmce? !ro" '?'?, No 1? Willow, 'huraday, lam mat., at one o'clock. Williams.?At Denver, Cel., 10th met sabao f wire ol Frank William.' .ud 'd.agbtwr af Moaei- U ' Taylor, ol tbiacity. ??????* ? Motes u. Notice ef luneral hertaftar. FINANCIAL AND COIERCIAL The Stock Market Fairly Ac tive and Feverish. GOLD lOO 7-8 A 10L Government Bonds Firm, States Strong and Railroads Quiet. MONEY ON CALL 2 1-2 A 3 PER CEN1 Wall Strkh, I Tuesday, Juue 11?6 P. M. | Somebody pulled tbo spigot ol the Lilco Shore speculation this morning, giving'vsnt to a froo flow of shares, una, as a sequenoo, thoroughly damping th? rest or in a market. Tbo mystery which ltaa ao long huug about tbia atoclc hangj about It alUl, and leads to unsatisfactory conjectures as to what all tbla back, lug and ttlllug In market price may mean. Idle brokera, who, for want of aometbing better te de, keep watcb aud ward over the doluga of-their bueter brethren, report that the bow wludow poople covered tbclr aborts largely yesterday at abont OS and resold again to-day at one per cent lower figure*. This wae taken as ovtdeuue thai aomelUIng now was "up," bul what the olevalion consisted In they were uuable te say. At the same time two per cent was bid for the dividend expected next month, and several thou sand shares were bought and sold at this figure, thereby afTordjug a pretty sure Index that speculative opinion ia all adriit upon this poiut also. The most likely explanation seems to be that the break in Lsko Shore to-day was simply a bcsr-balting arrangement, conceived and excouled tor the purpose ol oapturing a iresb lot ol ursine tnnooeuta. Nevertheless the lowest prices, wuhiu a traction, wore made at tba close, so the theory may have Us wsak polnta altar all. Although Lake Shore uhsorood the maximum ol transactions there was a lair amount ol business distributed among tbe other activo stocks at slightly decreased figures. Western Union obtained Us lull share, through a semi official declaration that the qu.irtufty report would show earnings equal to a P*r oent upon the eupital stock, and that tuc amouut due lor purchaso ol Atlantic and Pucitiu slock would be reduced to about $400,000. Michigan Central was unusually active, and tnouga it last a polut In the day's business was a hot favorite with the bulls at the dose. On the 24ih lush lbs sunusl election will be bold, aud it la an open secret that the property will idcu pass undor tbe control ol Mr.Vanderbilt. Groat faith is plaoed lu this gontleman's ability to resuscitate tbe property, particularly It It be true, as stated, that the entangling alliances In tne sbupo ol leased roads have been got rid ol or straight, ened out Into satisfactory shape, la Eric there was less doing, and at lower figures. Tbe policy shop afforded by the Loodou market being closed by reason ol tbo Wuitsuutide holidays the speculators at horns wers lorccd to play their "horses and gigs" among tnem sclves, which they did with Indifferent success. Tbo railway managers Ware to have met this alternoon to take lu cousiuoratlou tne subject ot eastern bound freight, tbe previous contract expiring to*day by limitation. It is generally supposed that an effort will be made to murk up irelgbt charges, with which, Judging by the past, the whole matter will begin and end. Closing prices were measurubly better than tbe lowest unes ol lbs day, and in# markot closed burly atsudy. 11 TUB OPNNING PRIORS. Tne opening prices ol stocks at tlie Board to-day wcro aa followsNew fork Central, 111%; Brtn, 10%; Luke Shorn, do; Wabash, 15%; Northwaaiorn, 62%; do. prolarrod, 76%; Book lalaad, 116%; Mil waukee and Su Baal, 61%; do. prolarrod, 7#*; Del*, ware, Lackawanna and Western, 68)4; Now Jersey Central, at); Delaware and Hndaon Oauai, 67%; ?Mor ris and Kssex, 86%; Michigan Control, 71; Obfoago, Duriinitlou and Qumcy, 107; Obio and Mississippi, 9%i Western Union, 86%; Poclllo Moll, 19. a Ex dividend. CLUttUiO QUOTATIOSS. The closing quotations ut throe P. M. were:? Bid. diked. Bid. Asked, is APScTsl..., 23% 24% Ksnsus Pacific. 7% 7% cm A N ? 61% 3- haness A Texas 2% 3 cut A N W prel. 70% 70% Shore 03% 63% cm. K 1 * Pac..ll0% 116% Michigan Cent. Ob*. 70% Chi. HAW 100% 107 Morn. * i.eeex. 84% 8>% ictic. .. a% ?% MH AdtPunL.. 6l? 61^ o't u Jt 1 30% 31 Mil A St P prof. 70% 7b? Cleve A Pitts... S3% ?3 N V Central. .. 111 111% Ch, A Allen... HI ?1% N J central 29% *>? CUl A AltonpC.103 106 O11I0 A Miss.... 9% Vim Csutoii ..... 15X 17 Faeiflo Malt.-, IB 19% Del LAW 08% 58% Pauauia 1XI 125 Del A llud can. A7M 57% Pitts A Ft W... 87 1/7% Auuuj* It* H)3 lot OuicSsllrer 14 HI American Kx... 4b 49% yutek.llTer pi.. 84% 36% lj e> hxuress 46% 49% ** 1? \\ oila-Pargu t'.x. 911,1, 1*3 St U. K C A N 4*; 4,, trie lh'i 13% St L. K. C A N pt 21 23 11 .irlent 147)a 14b loledo, >V A W. 10% 16% llan A ?t Jo.... 12 12% Uulun PaeiUo... ??'< 7u% linu A St Jo pi. 27% 2S West Union Tel. 84)* 85% Illinois Central. 00% Sola 1110USST AMD LOWEST. The lollowlng were the highest end lowest prlose ol stocks to-day:? Highest. Lowest. Cbloago und Northwestern 61% 11X Chicago, ltock Inland aud 1'aciflo.... 110% 116% Cnicugo, liur.liigton anu yuiucy.... 1D7 % 107 Cleveland and 1'ittaoorg S3 823a Del., Lackawanna uud Westoru...... 69Ja 68% Dul.tWure and Hudson Canal......... 68% 6i% Kno lO.S 13 *a Uunuinol und St. Joseph....?? 12% 12% Unworn Central 86% >4 l.ske snore 66 63% Mulligan Central 71 69% Milwaukee eud St. Paul...... 61% 61% New Yora Central..... 112 111% 30 20% Ohio und Mississippi 9% 9% I'ucillo Meil 19)a IB Toltdo, Wabash und Weeleru 10 16% Western Uuiou Telegraph 06% 84% TUK MOMKT MARKET. The money market continues very easy, and loans on call were made at 2% a 3 per cent, the latter being the cloaing quotation. Tbe loilowtng were tbo rates ol exchange on New York nt tbe undermentioned cilice to daySavannah, having par, soiling % preiu.; Charleston, scare*, nominally 3-10 prem. >4 prom.; New Orleans, commercial 1-10 a bank % j nu Louis, 1-10 prom. ; Boston, in good supply st par, sua Cuicugo, 26 prem. foreign exchange was steely, with easiness on the basis ol 4 84% a 4.84% lor bank ers' sixty uays' sterling bills, and si 4.8'*% a 4.80% lor dumuud. TBS COLO XABkST. Cold was steady at 100% during lbs greater portion ol iue day, but shortly bclore tba close advunoed to 101, si whloli lbs Inst sales were made. Cash geld loaned iroin 3 per cent for borrowing to flat. CLXAKIXU llOCSK STATUMMNT. Currency exenuugea $01,797,189 Currency baiauvee 2,927,393 Uold exchangee 6,016,020 Hold balances 1,108,860 OOLP CLEARINGS AT THE NATIONAL BANS OS TBI BTATB OP BBW TOBK Uold balanose $1,071,600 Currency Oulajces 1,132,411 Uold clearings 7,300,000 UOVSKNXKNT BONUS, Government bonds were Arm and In fair demand, and closed steady st the following quotations:? Bid. Asked. United Stalo* eurroncy slxos 719% 120% Uuih u Ntatee sixes, 1881, regietored... 100 100% United aiatee sixes, 1881, coupon...... 109 109% Uuuod .-itsiee s xns, 1806, u?w, rag.... 107% 102 United Hlalee sixvs, lNilj, coupon 101% 106 United dtstes sixes, 1807, reinsured... 104% 106 Uuitsu Slsiss sixes, 1807, coupon 107% 107% United Nlstos sixes, 180S, rsyistured... 100% 107% Luited states sixes, 1808, coupon 110*. 110% Uuitad Hlates leu-loriiea, rs^istnred.... lo7% 107% United Hi at* s leu-lorliea, coupon 107% 107% United Suites lives, 1*81, registered.... 106% 106% United Niatis lives, 1881, coupon...... 106% 106% United States 4%'s, 1891, registered... 10$% 108% United Males 4%'s, 1891, ooupen 103% 108% United Htstee .uurs, lvo7, ragisiorud... 101 c lol% United .States lours, 1907, coupon 101% lulu Central Pseiflo gold bonds lugjj 108% TBI TOKKKIN MARKST. The London advices report a aeoline ol % per aenl In oonsols and ns advaooo ol % a % per cent in United Sutos bonds. Kris fell off 1 per osnt, to 18% (or tho common and to 82 lor too preferred. Illinois Central advaueeu 1% per cost, to 87%. Mew Jersey Contral was Arm at 30% s 31, and do. consolidated Arsis at 80%. Tbo Bank ol Knglana gained *190,000 bailie* to day on bsUasca. At Paris rentes rose to lilt 8*& The closing prices In London wore:?Console tor money sou aooount, 96% u 96%; now 4% per eonI bonds, 106%; flvs-tweoty bonds ol 1807, 109%; tea forty bonds, 109% a 109%} Ores ol 1881, 101%; Bri*