Newspaper Page Text
aommoa shares, 18*4; Erie pnlwred shares, 83; New ' Jersey Central, 31; Illinois Central, 87)4. stats sunns. In Bute bonds District ot Coluuibia &65's ware active and advanoed irom 84)4 10 86. Corns i sua oonaola roae Irom 71 to 72. Missouri funded ?ixes sold at 109, do. sizes ol 1888 at 106>a, do. ol 1887 at 108)4, sod Tenoessee new aeries at 36. BAILXOAD Bus Da Rulroad bonds were quiet. New Jersey Central firsts, uew, rose to 114)4; do. consolidated to 84)4, Michigan Central sevens to 110)4. Union P.icifle laud (rants to 107)4, and Grand Rapids a(id Indiana guaranteed firsts to 96)a. Canada Southern debentures were firm at 74)4 a 75. Delaware and Hudson sold at 103)4 l?r registered ol 18S4, 102)4 a 102)4 lor regis tered ol 1891, and 99)4 lor coupon sevens of 1894. Ohio and Mississippi consolidated sold at 101)4, and do. sinking lands si 101)4. miLAusLrnia stocks. The closing prices ot Philadelphia stocks wersc? liid. jttktd. City sixes, aew 113)4 HI L olled Railroads ol New Jersey 123)4 125 Pennsylvania Railroad 29)4 30 Reading Railroad 16)4 15\ Lehigh Vail*? Railroad 38)4 Catawissa Railroad prolerrsd 34 34 >a Philadelphia and Erio Railroad 7 8 Schuylkill Navigation pruierred 8 7 Nortnern Central Railroad 14 18 Lebich Navigation 18)4 18)4 Pittsburg, Tiiusville and Buffalo.... 6)4 6)4 Hssionville Railwiy 7)4 7)4 Central Transportation 38 38)4 MIMNO sharks. The following wore the opening prices ol mining stocks at San Prancisoo to-day:?Tip Top, 1)4; Navajo, )4; Gould & Curry, 6)4; Savage, 11; Cbollar Potosi, 27)*; Optur, 46)4 ; Hale A Norcross, 7; Crown Point, 4; Yellow Jacket, 8)4; Belcher, 2)4; Virginia Consoli dated, 14)4; Calllornia, 20)4; Overman, 13; Kay mood ft Ely, 8)4 ; Best ft Belcher, 14; Union Consolidated, 6; Alpha, 11; Sierra Nevada, 4; Mexican, 11; Eureka Consolidated, 60; Justloe, 4; Utah, 8)4. The closing prices In San Francisco wore:? Alpha 11)4 Julia Consolidated.7)4 ,11 tu 8)4 Justice 3)4 Dolcner 3.W Kontuck 2)4 Best & Belcher 14>4 Leopard 11-32 Bullion 4)4 Mexican.. 11)4 Caleuoaia 1)4 Northern Belle 8)4 Calllornia 20)4 Opbir 47)4 Cboilar. 27 >4 Overman 12)4 Consol. Virginia.... 14)4 Raymond ft Ely 4 Crown Poiut 6)4 Savage 11)4 Eureka Consolidated. 60 Seg. Belcher 20 Exchequer 3)4 Sierra Nevada. 3)4 Gould ft Curry 6)4 Silver Hill 1)4 Grand Prize. 6)4 Union Consolidated.. 6 Hale ft Nor or oa* 7 Yellow Jacket. 9 MKMOKAMIA. The total sales of stocks at the Board to-day aggre gated 125,000 sharsx The exports or domestic produce from this port for the week soding ibis date wore $8,677,748, against $8,023,967 lortho corresponding week last your and $6,513,296 in 1876. The total exports of produce slnoo January 1 wore $152,185,206, against $118,975,094 for the same period last year and $108,993,680 In 1876. The receipts and shlpmeots of wheat and corn at Cbteago and Milwaukee to-day were as follows:? Chicago?Rcoeipisof wheat, 61,657 bushels. Ship, tnents, 88,301 buahols. Receipts ol corn, 208,674 bush lis. Shipments, 184,634 bushels. Milwaukee?Receipts of wheat, 27,400 bushels Ship ments, 2,600 bnsbeis. Receipts ol corn, 800 bushols Bbipmeuis, none. This aflornoon 2 per oent was paid for the next div idend ot Lake shore on 2,000 sharos, and afterward the same pries was bid on 6,000 ahares more. The comparative earolngs ol the Milwaukeo and St. Paul Railroad for the first week of June are as 101 lows :? 1878 .,.$147,000 1877 144,187 Increase this year $2,813 NEW Y0KK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES. Tcksdat, June II,' 1878. BEFORE CALL?10 A. .* II. 130<(0Dlit ColS.e.Vi, e 84 k 2<?) >bi Lake Shore...* 04 V 1201X1 do 842 200 do. 64'? 5000 do b3 H43? 14'X) do 04V 140IX) dl 84 >2 20 do 66 200000 do 86 700 do b3 64% 3000 do b3 85 200 do .3 64*5 1(4X10 HJ Cent lit, eon 84 200 0,0.0* 1 82k 5000 do 84V 312 do 32 3i?i0 Mo. K AT, c ??.. 43k 2iX) I'lttsbnrir o 83 10O0 do 43*5 101) on 83 31XXJ Mo, Kau A T 2d. 10 li*>0 Northweetern.... 5'2k 81X10 Hon A St Jo8'e,c 04 100 do 62k 16000 Obio A Miaooil 101V 100 do 52k iitruixini.1.. l u I ? 17 r.w>, -i _ 161)00 Ohio A Mint con. 1. I 2(4)0 Can Bo debt ctf. 75 ICO nha D.-l A Hud..b5 58k 100 dr. do 52 100 do. >3 51' 500 do 85 5(X) do 115*? 1200 do 84J< 100 do s3 116W 8X1 do 85 300 do lie, 100 do e 85 lOOSt Pdiil *3 51k 100 RICAK K 111V 3(4) do. 51k 40 do lllC 100 do 51>' 1(4) do 111J? 100 do 51}, 150 N J Oentrml 30 100 K*n Pacific ?.1 7}* 5O0 Erie 16V 200 Chic. H A O 107 800 16*3 100 Del, LacX A W.?, 60k 4<"> do |3 16U 200 do 6'.". 220 Micb Centrul 71 5<*1 do 51) 100 do 7i>V 8X) do 58'i; 100 do 1>i\ 1(X) Morrle A Keiex.xd 8>}I 300 do 7I.V 31*) Ohio A Mini 0}, 400 III Central 84 1200 or. |i?? l(X) do 84 V 1UO do 1.3 l)?? 100 do. 84 k 25 do I l?J 20 do 84X 2O0 do I.}, |i?) Lake Shore c 05 800 do Ok 400 a? 65 10:15 A. M. 16000 U 8 6'e, f,'81.... 106 SIOOOUSAk'e.c.'Ol.bcc 103k fc***) do... a be 106 10000 U 8 5'a, r.' lOr.VJ 6000 u 8 5 20.r,'67 I.C I04X 5J0 do ?lu *11 106 500 V S 5-2 >, e. *08. 1 Ink 5'JO U 8 6'e. c. '81 be 105V 1000U 8 4k'?.r,' 1"3?, 750OU8 b3 107k 1100 U 8 iX'e.O' 103}, 11:15 A. M. ?06000 C 8 6'e, r. '81.. 106 820000 U 8 4k'?, o.'Bl 10'Ik 4000 US 5-20. e,*67.b3 10774 FIRST BOARD?10:30 A. M. 85000 La 7'?. eoniol... 72 58)> aba Mich Central . 70 100U) do be ?3 71 100 du >3 7t.?jJ 1U00 Mo 6'e. r. *04-'93 lot) 100 no 7"k 1DOO \lt.?'?. '87,... 108V loO do 7)1*, :**?> MoH'e, '86 100), 100 e 7"k . SOOO Tenu O'e. n * ... 35 li4> do 7o lf**4l DU Col 3.65'e, e *5 200 L S A M 8o be ?4V louoo Har,C RAN let ?0>4 6o rio 64', 5000 Uhl. B .O .*>'?. t I 113 600 do ti4?, Midi * J Cen 111, con H4k 100 do b3 64?, lot*) N J Cen let.c.aa 71', 700 do 64V 1000 Leta A vt B, con. 47 IX) i do >3 64k K*X) Alton A T 64,),' I7D0 do 64V 4<XK) do 64 12*1 do ?3 641. 2ixxi gbi 08?,' 26i*) dr. oik 500 11 o '.18 2000 do 64 k 201X1 WlnonaAHI* lei ?i* V 7o ) do..... ?4), ??rO y.BlatANY let UOV 30) do 04', 5OI.0 Del A Iluu. r.'Ht KiJk loO 111 Central .... 1.3 85 MWU l.elAU.r bde.'Ol D'2', 4iei do NAk I44X) dd.... ... . 11)274 ??? do 85 V l(XXX) Del AII. c, 7'*,'01 007 , 21X1 00 1.3 8.*, 2000 lienASlJo H'e, c 04k 1)*) N 8 Southern. be IK IWWlMlcb 8?nih. ef. loo'e 1:?*? Cbl A N W bo .52 2*x*. Mich Cen 7k.... 11)',1000 do . 51V 1)4X1 I.Shi,re 2d. eon r l(Xi), 100 Cl.l A N W e 76k 801X1 Sonth Pnc let.l.c 86 looO.C. CAI be 32k 3<XJ0 luiA Wab let.xo lOlX ?'*' bo 32W 8000 TolAW let. tLd. 100 do e3 32 x mat eou. be 75k 100 do..., 32', 4000 Cen Ike. 4 bd?.. 10*.', 1"U do.. 1.3 32V 12000 Union Pao let.. lnH.k 200 Chi A R I... . be 116 1M4) Colon Pec7'a.l it l"7k 2fxi do 115*: inouw I'd Tel.*. 1800 10* l'XlCht M A St P. .be 51V 6'*io Can So deb ctle. 7474 100 do .......... 51}, WXM do 75 ll?4> do 51k Is 00 OR And lit, g'd 05k 31*) Del, 1. A Woil.bc 58V 5'(XI do. 85)4 6*? do 58', 1" ebi MX Commerce. 118 20m do 5m), 10 Merehiinle' Hani.. 110 !'*) do 58k ? 68k ... ? L s5 2l*) do. 57 V 26 Albany A sue. 85 50 American Expreea 40 k 300 Waheeh be 15V 12') do 40k ?*) do 15V 30 do 4ti}J :**) Morrle A .-a, 8.}, 18 do be 43)4 I'X* do e 85}, 31 u S hxpreee. .be *3 41) 1'*) do b3 H.>)j 10 do 4874 300 85 k 18O0 Woet Un 1* 85 l'?) do 86k 1400 do 85)4 do '? 10O do b? 8.5k HO d . 8?k 6i*i do 85k 1U) Chi, Hnr A *J..bc c l')7*, 260 Pae Mall *3 10*4 bo Iii7k ItXlN * C A Hod., be II 100 d.. H)7 800 bo b.'lll IX 20 Hon A 8t Jo. 12k lt*l hrie bo H*k J0" bo 12), 700 do 16k 1'*' do 12*, {(.() do *3 16k 7(X)Ohln A Mle*... 61X1 do..,.. 16 k 314) dn b3 III, 200 CI A l'nte ( Kl mi?i do. UX s? do .. 83X IIXI 0, C A I C be 4 100 fl J Central be 3o 1IAI do *3 4 10O Mich 70X HF.FUHK CALL?12:30 P. M. ? B1NOODO 8-66**.,.bS 84k 1*X) abi Laae 64W ??*i > J cent, lei n. 114*4 W?) uo ........... Hit, II*AI Moitl. Mo Ut.,.. 107X 'H?? do..... 6t 221**1 Cen 8o deb eor.. 75 321*) do 63x4 314**) do. 74X 3001) do 04 0<* O N J Cent let o d. flt.'e WO bo 6))(, 31(4X1 M K A T con ae'd 43 500 do e3 Ht),' lixexi do.... .... 4 ik 1014) do 64', 100 nha I'eclfle Mall.e3 111'. :x?) Pltteniirii 83 1U0.A A P Triear.iph.. 24'e 1'Xi Aorthweetern..,eS MX 2UI Wliltrt 85), J?" ''o 61}, H*l do.... ... .... ?'S 1'*) dr..,,,..,, ... ..2 im do". .. .!... 8--X NID.C.CAI 31V ?,,, .jo' Hr.k H?) Rock Inland ?11614 do.! *3 86,k l'A) do 116 *CX) do m ,.'4 Pnul 1''?^ ?jo do 861* F*1 bo. filJi MKT C A lludaon... 11IV ,0" ?do""; '21'* wjt) do IH.k 100 8t Penl prtl 7?X Mill Erie Kallway...;... }J;k liw Del. La* A W....?3 5r., lit*) do . bJ Ink 41,0 do .... .... ft*,| 16k J**' ne .... 68}, 5" do ;"i ?>? IRK lOOChl*. HnrA Q 107 iixi MtcMnan Veatrel. TtiJe 24 ilo.,,... . ?... liii'X ,ri fni am*... . 123 200 Morrle A }.e?ex..b8 85 10 11 Wind e Cent....*2 X->H 1*4) .1 63 jiUHike Shoro 64 ?o .4 J (toutnern IM 11ju de 64X I'M bo ... I;i 12:30 P. M. f5'X4> U 8 5-20'e.e m. 110.X IMS 8 5'e, r ' 105V 2D0 Del AII nd Canal, be 57*4 "'*) do 6m 2 400 do 57 k CM*) oo 254 do 67 k IH<I" do ? 1:30 P. M. _ "81 109 IMXttO n 8 i 2UOOUl> l| KS'I. reg1 J3000 U t> 6\?. eonp "61 109 91(1000 0 S5'e,e '81. b3 105* , ,81 1(W^ 5(W us ^ e.^ ,97 bc l0(^ 2:3<r P. A f10000l'S5'?, 10-4U c.b3 105* 810000 (JS 5's. coup *rtl i06* SEiOND BoAKD?1 P. M. $1(X? La 7's cos 71 lOOabe ("leekplttscbs 83 7000 do 71 * 25 N J Contrikl, bc 20V 4000 N J Can 1st eon. 84* 7 "O Lake ? 4 M So. be 64* 1000 do 84* 14O0 do 64? 1000 Erie id 104 1500 d0 ,3 ,54^ 10*10 11 an A st J 6'? c 94 KJOtt do 63V IOOO i.ake S 1st c r... Ill* lid) do s3 63* 6000 Un Pee 7's I g... 107* t^iO do 63* 111 /O 6 e-t Pacific bda 104 1'0 do .. s3 63? lUOOU South Pacific l>t 86* 3000 do 63* biXX) Ohio 4 Miat c U . 101* UOU ao . ? 03g sum d<> 101 400 d? ' 63* 50UU Tol 4Wnblat. x e 101* 5u>0hlcANW .be 32 20l? l'ol 4 '( all c c x 20O uo 51V ? ?ug '78 4 pre* .. 41 luu do i 51V IOOOO U K A 1 111. ?... 95 200 do 5' I'WlC, C 11 C 1st. 41 UK) do **" 51V 3''00 lot let. w oil ctf UO 100 Chi 4>W pf.Vbe s 71.* IOOO P. Ft W 4 Cbl 2d 115 2"0 Cblc A Kock 1. ,tc 110 50aba u 8 hxpress... 40 25 do . lloV 10 Wells-Kargo Ex . 93 JOO do.. !!' Il5v OO do... bc b3 02 20 de . ." " 110 loo Del 4 Hudson... bo 57* 1(jo do ' 115* "? *1? 10J Chi, Mil 4 St P.*.be 51? 8-m do i.V 300 do 51 \ K*1 Quicksilver pf.. .be 33 100 do... 61? 500 85* 200 do "" 51s loo <lo *">* uoo Wabash ". ".be 15V ?"0 do 8.-, loO do..;.".. 15? 100 N*C4 find K. be 111* 100 s? L. it C 4 N.'.be 4* d;J) trie Hallway .bo .* 8>j0 Cel. Lac A W. .bo 58V 900 do bo 10* 11*1 do 68 C AJ**' 8? 18.1* 200 Cbt.ago A Alton, uc 811, ?*!JJ "Jo }8 30 Cbie 4 Alton 104s 400 do J.i* 100Morrla4r.nox .bc 85* tunn 20'i,Mo,K?"4i?x.b0b3 3 80 15V 20 Chic, 114 Q bo 106V 80 15* 200 Ohio 4 Miae. bc a3 !)* <4? !*>>? 38o do ?tdVe 1UU Illinois Central.bc 2:30 TO 3 P. M. f^?KiIf*7''o0n*21*:'* .7'^ 800 aha Mich Central.. 09V 1000 Ua'ou Pacific lit 108 100 do flof 300o N 1' Kiev lat..b3 80 100 ' 00'* 2000 do 81 100 do ,'a3 70? 15000 Mo. Kau 4 Tea. 43 400 dn ..... ....V. 70* ifllUHJ! C."U 1" deb cir ? 748 100 N J Central 20* 10000 Hun 4 hi J 8'a e 93* 100 do 20? HZXl fe* *Al2 \?\s 2 i*\ 200 lilinoia Central.... 85* 50.J0 Bnr, CU4.N lat 69* 200 Pitta urc .. . 8 >V 100 alia Col 4 lludaon. 57* 200 C, 0 4 1 C b3 31* 100 do 57* -100 do 31? 20O do 07.* 100 do 31 100 Quicksilver pt 33 100 do.... I. " 30V 3O0 Western Union. ,a3 85* 500 8t Panl 51? 100 Pacific Mall 10* 100 do.... is 51? 1005 y Ueu 4 lludaon 111* 500Cel. JUaok 4 Weat. 58? 100. do Ill* 100 do 5h'i* 200 Lake shore. c 03* 300 do " 200 do........,.b3 03* 40 do.... ? 58* 80/ ?3 on? 500 Sojw? 200 do b3 05* 400 do 58* 7,u".Eri* ???wnr 13* 10 Fort Wayne itv* 10<2>5 do 15W 10 do, ...... ?30 074a inoo h? 25 N J Southern 1? i?*: f }8* 200 Kock Ialaud 115? 4(00 do 15* 100 00 115? 1500 do 15* 4(X) do 115? 200 Northweatern.. .b3 52 100 Ohio 4 Miniat'lpoi 9? }?8? 80 61* 3(4) d0 0? 100 Nortliweatern pf 78* 100 do b3 9? BOO Michigan Central. 70* 20 8t Louie 4 Iron M olj ? SSa.r/.v.v.opi 3UJMorrl,*^e? NEW YQHK MINING STOCK "EXCHANGE. Tukdday, June 11, 1878. FIB8T BOARD?11 A. M. .11 lOOaha Pluutaa ...blO 4.10 ?11 Ber 4 ?d...()? bid, .07 aaaed ?18 Bobtail. 2* bid. 2* naked 1000 tba Am Flax. sCO 500 do ,...?6o IOOO do 10 California.. 100 tiold Placer. be loo 00 ....a3 100 do loo do 200 do 200 do ..... 100 do 100 do...... ... a3 100 do...... 100 do 500 do ..... 100 do 100 do loo do 100 do ......c 100 do 100 do .... 0 100 do 100 do 1(10 do...... . ...0 100 do 600 Dahionegn . . bc 0 1500 do 5(10 Lacrosse.... 100 do 100 do...... 500 do 100 Moose ....... ICO do 5 Ontario..ex dlv ob lOO Plumna 100 aha Amerienn Flag 5UO da ...b30 500 uo. 500 Cold Placer. 100 do 100 do .. b30 100 d<> ? ^ Bu. koye.... 37bld.-aaked Caledonia. 1* bid. 2* aaked Caahier.,.1* bid. I 60 aaked ?HO ltnprrial. .00 bid, - aaked .(.() Con Va. 14* bid. 15* aaked "Si! Crown Point.. 4 bid, 5 aaked 'So Suf*k? v; " 58 "'8. ?2 aaked .62 11 ale 4 Nor.0* bid, ? aaked .62 II"hi 11...4.75 aid, 4.80aer.ed ?82 Julia 7 V bid.-aaked .01 Juatlce.....3 6o bid, - uakod ?S,1 h?utuck...2.03 bid. ? asked .63 klnga M. 1.05 bid. 1.75 naked .64 lieopard 45 bid. ? aaked ? iO Lucerne. .25 bid, .26 aak< d ?SI Marlpoaa..... - bld.2 aaaed ?84 Mextvau.. .10* bid, ? aaked .64 Mont Uroea bid, 1.25 aakeu ?J} g?r Belle. .7* bid. 8* naked .14 M 4 Col.l.bObid, l.Uo aaked .30 Kay X ?..3.85 old, 4.10naked .30 Opuir ..42 bid, ? aaked .3(> Ovarman.... 12 bid, ? naked .31 bavaan 11 bid, ? naked 4 Oj VelJncket.. - bid, t?* naked SECOND BOARD?T P. AI. .15 600 aha Dablonegs 15 .14 100 Lacroaae a3 .30 .14 100 Moose 2 85 .65 Atlantic. 6 bid. 7 naked .65 Amri'n Con. ? hid. lit aaked . 70 M?biail Tun 3.10 bid, 4 naked .70 Bulltou 4 bid, 5* naked lid do. b30 .70 Holeuer..... 2 bid, 3* nakod 100 do 65 Cnl?donin....l bid. 2* naked llfJ do 03 Cnlilornta.21 bid. 21V naked 100 do .02 Couaol.Va.15 Did, 15* atkad 100 do, 62 Cashier. A. ?bid. l.oo naked 200 do..... 62 Crown Point. .4 bid. 5 aaked 100 do..... 63 Kkclioquar..2* bid, ? naked 100 do 62 tinle 4 N'e.6* bid. ? aaaed 100 do 62 Julia 7 old, ? aabed 1?0 do b30 .63 Keutuck ... ? bid, 3* naked 10"t do ...b30 .63 King* M'n.1.66 bia. ? eased 100 do 59 l.uceriie .. .25 bid, .26 naked 100 do 58 Memphle... .10 bid, 20 naked 100 do 57 Moiil Hroeal. 10 bid. ? naked loo Hnkill 4.80 N'ortb'n K'e.7* bid. 9 seked 100 Oertbn 4 Kd'U. bjo .07 N. Y. 4 C. 1.40 bid, t.00 naked 100 do b!5 .07 Uutarto.36 18(1, x d. ? etked 200 da b3 a3 .00 K'd 4lily 3.20 bid.4.15 naked loo Suekere bio .38 Opbir - bid, 50 naked 500 do...... bid .38 hnrnite 11* bid.. 13 naked 500 Dahloucgn.... a30 .14 Senton... ?. ? bid. ,9u naked 500 do 15 Sierra .3* bid. 5 naked 5(H) do 15 Yellow J't..8* bid. 10 asked 100 do 15 Union Cod.. .4* bid, 6 naked THIRD BOARD?P. M. 500 bl5 .15 100 aba Ovid Placer.%. .51 2(K) do ?3 .14 200 Lncmaae ben .30 200 dn bc *01) .14 3o0 do. ...bcb30 .31 500 do bc b20 .15 500 do bo bSO .31 5(k) do.. >30 .14 1000 do bc b30 .31 500 do uc b30 .15 5oo do ..'In SOo do ,...bcb30 .15 500 do...... .30 5oO do be .15 iP8? do.... ..oc *3 .30 500 ao bc b30 .15 ldo do uo .30 ,'r? do be slO .15 100 do be s30 .3(1 5/0 dn be .15 3'JO do .3(1 50;t no bealO .15 20(1 do 3D 5'k) do tcslO .15 700 do b3 .30 4'N> d? bc a 10 .15 100 do 3:) 600 do be .13^00 do !>3 .30 lmiOold Placer S7TU0 do ado .29 100 do 55 101 do blO .30 Ilk) do -56 200 do 015 .31) 100 lno do 29 Ilk) do 53 lOOCasnier an 1 60 10J de 53 2D Conaol. VlrR'n. bc a3 15* Ilk) do a IO .52 KM! Mooae bc 2* 100 do 58 200 doabentOOd'e 2* 100 do 51 COMMERCIAL REPORT. COTTON : SPOT l-16c. HIGH Ml ; FUTURES CLOSED STEADY? FLOUR QL'IKT ? WHEAT DILL?CORN 1IKAVY? OATS UNCHANGED-? WHISKEY FIRM l it VOIIK QUIET ? LARD STrADIKB?TUTUOLI CM QUIET?oil 8 QUI LI ? 8T11UT8 TUBPLN'IINK QUILT?ROBIN QUIET? COl FLU QUIRT? &UUA It QUIET. Tcehdat, June 11?0 P. M. Kutlueis wte attll moderate, and lbs markets ware without decided change. At the Prodjco Exchange flour was quiet. Wheat dull, but without decided change. Com wag dull and heavy. 0?e were with, out decided cbauBo. Pork waa quiet, Lard was steadier. Whiskey firmer. Coltou on hie spot wus l-16c. up; future*closed steady. tin caries here generally iiuiat. Oil* and petroleum and uavai snores wire alao quiet. asiib* were quoted at 4}je. a 4),c. lor DOS and 5J?c. a 3J.o. lor pearls. Antimony remained steady at 12j*e? n 123*1. for regulua, according to brand. Hkkswax ruled aula! at 27c. n 27Mb. Abeit 3,000 Ibe. Western and .-outnern a ild within tbn above rtnge. Corraa.?Ihe market for Kto waa lower. Ve note sales ot 331 bags Klo, as Paswall, and 500 and 315 bays do. ax Hams ail on |> irate terms. At Hat'lmom l.dmh.igs Ki? ex Wlenairen, at llamplon l oads 3,3<ift hassto. ex Axel, all on prlrate terms. Mild eoff.e waa quiet ife quote Ordinary cargoes. I3>*i\ a 13T{c. , lair lo.. I 3 Qe.; good do.. lUc H l?i;4e.; prime e<>. 10)4c. a ISj^a,; extreme range for Iota. I3>fe. a IN'^o i naWoe, lair to good. 13c. a l-'OiC., gold, tk) dajya; .Ian. meernmeut bags, 2<ir. n 21 t^e.; do., gras. rnasa, 211c. * gj q. . a|?g*. pore 17c. a lMt^c. . < ley Ion, t3o. a lRc.; Mara.-aita, I8t2c a 17c.: Lsguayru I4tfc. a Idjfr ; Jamaica. I.IQs , liiLo. ? St. ILpmlngo. little. , t'orto nJco, o3c. n I74<c. ; lasts t.ica, 14c. a I He.; Mexican 13c. a ItJ.V..; iiacasear. IV. a lMe.: Angostura, 13c. a IIJ)ic.; Saraiitilu, 1344c. A 17a. fUuracoa, 13V- a 15c. . WKKRLY NIO corntk STATKMKNT. 5h, Stock of Klo and .Samoa coffee, Jhine 4, 1878 74,333 Arrived since June 3. ex i'aecal, Klo.19,883 Juue 3. ex Pascal, Santos ?... 8.IUI 28.0211 June 3, ex Woodland .. ???? 4,"Its June 3. ex "mill.dude Msl June 10, ex llormx _ 23,27J 33.900 Total So I'M. June 4. ex J. L. "endtrgaet 2,101 June 4, ex Haralsh... - l.n.PI June 4. ex Laplace 31M June 4, ex Lnpieee, Santos I .mm Jil ,w t,ii I.apiece, Santo*. . I 44 i Jiinu.'i.ex Kreidericb, Santos ?,ik?) .)un ? 3, ex Ulenlogan ....... 1,033 Juuo 3, ox tiienlugau 1.4<s> June 3, ex llleniogau. 1.330 June 3. i x nerald I.H..3 j uue 3, ex 11 at aid. 1,132 June 5, OX Lnpl >ce 808 Juue M, ex llMiiilidade .v*) June 0. ex I'a-cai 231 June 7, ex Pascal. Santoe 1.3ml June 7. ex Pascal. Bsntoe I.tssi J une 7. ex Pascal, Santas... -141 June 7. ex Pascal, itlstf Juue 7. ex I'aecal. Meotoe (123 Juno 7, ex Pascal, Ssiitot..., .Vi 1 Juue 7. ex Pascal, Santos....,, 5 ,, June 7. ex Pascal, Santos J une 7, ax Pascal, santoe... .... June 7. ex I'eecal 310 June 8 ex Pascal 2.317 June 8, at Pascal 1,1.0 June 8, ex Pascal. Santoe l.ino I J hoc 8. cx Pasc al, Santos 7-1 Junes ex Ulenlugsn I.ID3 June 8, ex J. L. Pendergast AO 1 Pascal.,* 1,240 Paseal...... .J?. 357 Pascal Uj ?? M.Ofl Sleek el kle and Hie tee aafteslwae IA, 187S.?.. 85,7 ji Stock of Rio la tret hands? ? Uxlveston 2.600 New Orleans <4.-'7f. Mobile 1(p.i XXI Savannah 3,060 Uuaptra Roods 3,5*5 Baltimore 25,323 New York 96,736 e o . . . 148,519 Stock in second bauds? New Urleane 2.000 Hahieiore 23 hHI New York wi'l-jM 92.038 _ Total stock 235.578 Afloat and loading lor United -States to May 16 48,'J48 purchased tor Untied liUtoi to Juue 5 iR.OtXi Ssniosi 50.000 Total rial Ola ?uoplr sjEsje Deilicred irom warohoaac duriitr the weak? New Orleans 7. ... 1.545 B*'limore 5,545 .New York 17,427 J01"1 24,617 OoorkRAGK Stock was ouiet Wo quoteMolasses shocks, 32-iueh, with head*. SI 65 a $1 00; ?boo*., with heads. 36-incb. $2 a #2 50; d?.. do., Saiuch. * ^ox : rum, do., f?4; pi|>?, do., u $5 y>: empty hok'iQoadi. $2 50; Hoop*. 14 teet, ordioorj lo prime, *?* a *35; do.. 12 feet. do.. *28**30 per M corpus was qolet, with salaa of ho(>00 a 75,t)nO lbs. lake at 16,ac. a 163*0-, market oloslng at that (,ukpaGK was dull. Wa quota :?Manila, large and small ?lie. pur lb.. 1134c. a 17>ie ; do., eordsge, bolt rope yarns, Iflc. a 17c.: tarred Mani.s, I4e. ; sisal rope, 93*0. a 103. a: hew Zealand, 1134c. a 123^c.: Russia 17c. Cot 1 os on tba spot was quiet, but quotations wara a-ain merged up 1-1Hr Kuture (tailverica ware very quiet but closed steady and generally from 2 10 4 points hi.nor. lo dajf'a price, compared with Monday's were aa loliowt:? Monday, June IU Tuesday. J,in, U. June 11.66 a ? June 11.66a ? Jnly a ? July 11.62 a ? August 11,67 a ? August ll.U6a ? September..... 11.4Da ? beptembar .... 11.42a ? October -11.19 a 11.20 October 11.21 a ? November 11.05 a 11.06 November 11.07 a 1 LOS Deccmuer U.O?all.u3 December 11.06 a 11.07 Jauuary 11.(6a 11.10 January........ 11.12a 11.14 February 11.15a 11.17 9'euruerv 11.19a 11.21 March ? 11.24 a 11.26 March 11.26 a 11.30 April Il.35all.a7 April. .... ll.39all.40 11 45 a 11.46 May ll.46all.50 ?'' urroni prices ot spot cotton ttlis following qu Rations are based on American standard of classification, aud on cotton in store, ruuniug iu quality not more than half a grade above or below tbo grade qu >ta<<) _ .. Lptnneu. A iinama. A. Orleans. Texas. Ordinary SU 934 934 0*4 Strict ordinary 834 934 10 10 Uood ordinary 104, 1034 10J4 1"34 otrlcj good ordinary I034 111,7, 11 11 Cow middling lljj 1134 11V 1134 Strict low middling. 11 5-16 11 5-16 11 T 1? 11 7-16 Middling lit; 11 *s 114 * !1C Uood middling 11*4 Hra 12 12 Strict good middling 12 3-16 12 3-16 12 5-18 12 5-16 Middling fair 12 11-16 12 11-10 12 13-10 12 13-18 ?? 13 3-16 13 3-10 13 5-16 13 5-10 ?Stained?Uood ordinary, 9?4a ; strict good ordiuary. 0%a; low middling, 1034c.; middling, lie. Sales ot spot cotton s? To-Day. Last Evening. Total. Kxport 267 267 Cousumpilon 340 554 KM4 Speculation 121 ?. 121 Totals 748 554 1,302 ?Delivered on coutract, 600 bales yesterday, ror luiuro delivery the sales were ae follows:-Yesterday, alter two I. M.-JuiM, 100 bales at 11 58c. ; July, 1J0 at 11.03c ? August,000 at ll.H7o ; September, tiuo at 11.40c.; De cember, 600 at 11.04c.; 1'ebrumry. 100 at 11.17c.: AdHI 100 at 11.36c. I'otal, 2,2'X) bales. To-dav. up to two P M ? Juno. 300 hales at 11.59c.. 1.200 at 11.58c.; July. 20O at II.U4c., 600 at 11.03c., 200 at 11.62c.. 100 at 11.63c.. 400 at 11.64c,; August, 1,000 at 11.08c., 1,400 ,, t27c',.~,1'500,, *' 1108c.: September, .'too at ll.JOc., 400 at U.40e., 1,000 at 11.41c., 800 at 11.42c.: October. 200 at 1I.2ua, 600 at ll.2lc. ? No vember, 700 at 11;"5a, 30O at 11 07c.; December. 600 at I l.Olc., 100 at U.O60.. 4?) at 11.06c.; April, 100 at 11.30c. Total. 12.000 bales. Urand total. 16,100 pales. The lecelpte at the ports were as followsUalvesten. 271 bales: Aow Orleans. 456 ; Moiilla, 94; Savannah 202 Charleston, 63; Wilmington, 60; .Norfolk, 113: Balti more, 17: Bestoo, 52". Total, 1,662 balsa This day last week, 2,396 bales; this day last vear. 3.240. Total elnoe September 1. 4.178.437 bales. Cottou freights closed ae followsi-To Havre, by steam, JTe , cora uressod; by sail, 34c. To Hamburg, by sloa.n, fcc. com pressed. lo Hrsmeu,.by steam, 1116c., compressed; by sail, '.a To Liverpool. 3ad. by steam; by sail. pressed. Dttuus, AC. ?Opium was entlroly nominal at $3 50, gold, in bond ; 94 60, currcniy. for jobbing lots, and $0, currency for powuercd. bliellacs wore firm, with un upwnrd ten dency, aud dueled as follows:?0. U. and S. B. L S. 22c. per lb.; V. 8. O., 2'Jc. uo.; diamond 1, 19c. do.; garnet idiiimoud A. l?ic. do. (juinine was sSill quoted at $3 50 aud morphine quoted at 93 60, which was the manufac turers' price, but outside lots could be bought lor 93 7a Kucbelle salts were quiet st3(i>,c. Cor bbls. end 31 "dc. for boxes, ltlbc vitriol wet quoted at 7.!tfe. fir prima Iodide potash was quoted at 93 75 a $3 6". Iodine was quoted at 85. Quicksilver was quoted at 48c, gold, lor small lots; t.aliloiuia quoted at 42)sC., gold; London. ?7. Alum ? Lump wqs quoted as 2Lc a 234c. Chlorate potash was quoted at 16c , gold, and 19c . gout, fur powdered. Tartaric acid was quoted at 42jjc.. gold, for cry-tal. and 4334c. a 4414c. for powdered, citric acid was lower and nominal; quoted at 61c. a 62c., gold. Camphor was quoted at 25c. a 2534s. for rehned iu bbls.. 011 spot. t<'rctuu tartar was quoted at 25c.. gold, for American, 26a tor powcered in bbis. and 27c. lor do. la boxes. Alcoholics-Chloro form aud ether ware quiet, at 76c. a 80c. lor the former aud 55c. e 65c. for the luster. Moras - Rehne.l citr was quoted at 73{c. for barrels end 8c. lor cases, and reflned California was quoted at 6c. Burgundy pitch was quoted at 4>4a a 4J4c. tluarana was bald at $1 7o a 91 60. Manna was quiet; uuuted at 35c. a 36c. for small. Hoe. a95c. for Urge and 27a a 2He. tor sorts. Cuttlefish hones were quoted at 14c. Balsam copaioa was aaoieh at 33c. a 35c. balsam tolu was held at 91 a $1 05. RalTron-Amerlean quoted at 19a a 21a. opanisb at 98 50 a 91U Ua langat root was quoted at lie. a 10c. Squills were quiet at 8c. a 9a Cod liver oil wet quiet, and quoted at 91 lo e $1 20 tor Newfoundland and $1 65 a 91 75 for Nor wegian. Rhubarb was quiet at prices ranging frum 5<)a to 91 10. Ulnger was Quoted at 173jv. for Jamaica bleached dura uamar was quiet at 16c. a 18a Uauthoge was quoted at 67e. Assalmtida was quiet at 15c. a 17a Carbonate ammonia was Hrrn. and ouutud at 1634A a 19e , gold, according to package Seeds ? The market wae generally quiet; canary was very dim We quote :-Canary-Spanish, 92 u 92 Mi; Sicily. $2 3V4 Dutch. 91 70; Smyrna, $1 SO. llemp?Russian, 91 A*' Smyrna, $1 40. Rape-Herman, $2 75. Knglitb, 93 12Q dumestio, 92 30 a 92 7o. Caraway?Dutch, Uret. IOIw'a; do. .second, 9'iA Mustard-Trieste. 7c ; California tic ? yellow Rngliab. 6a ; Dutch, 7>4c. Rriios wee quetad at 2-a e 25c. Camomile flowers were quoted at 15c. a I Ha lor Herman and 28e. a 30c. lor Roman. Sweet marjoram was quiet ut IOA a 18a Touoa beans were scarce and the now crop is almost a complete lailure. Tliu market Is in couse^ience very Urni eS $1 60 a 91 75; held as 91 6) a 91 75 tor Angostura. Valerian rnut was quoted St 16a a 2oe. for Rngilali anil 13a a 15c. lor Herman Sartaparllia wae quiet tte quote:?Honduras, comm.iu 2334c.; do., no., tor export. 3oa. gold: Mexican, 13c a 15o. Jalap wae quoted at JOc., gold Catch was quiet attic, a 63-jA I'russiate potash was quiet at 23c. a 25a Bichro mate putasti was Quoted at 12e. a l2i?e. Humbler was quiet at 414C. Sumac was quoted at 91 a 91 Uu. Dirt dm was quiet at 965 per too. tieniiau root was quiet el 3'ic. a 4c. c'asuia cuds were quoted at 34c. Colotuho loot ? ae quoted at :>A for whole and 14a lor o w.tared. Hum gedda was quiet at Mijc. a lOVjC.; Us. taica, lis a 1134a Juni per hurries were quoted at 2.',c. u 3c. for common and .ic *;I3bc. for ordinary Italian. "range pet-l was quiet at ID4C. a 7'4c Veuice turpentine was quoted at 2"o. Castile soap?Centi irblle was quoted at 14c. a 14i,c.; Marseilles rinre mettled at 11a, . uoid. and do. cum in011 at 73,0. a 7)4c , currency. Licorice root was quiol at Irom 7a to ?5e.. lor selected. Licorice paste Calabria at 30o.. Spanish, solid. 2 ia a 28c.. gold; Migua telll at 27c.; small Uusailiia at 26a . large Husaiiaa at Jlo a 34a : 1*. A 6. small at 2'Jc.; i eriglleno at 42a Rssrntial oils were dull and nominal. We quote; ?till bergemut am inters n's, f73, oil icmon, Sanderson t. 82 4) a 92 55; llimsaii's hnesi nil roee. *11 ; anise. r2; oil ckesia. 75c., .ill gold oil caraway, 41 25 a f- 5u; nil crolon, 4i IfJ; ulleiit roueila, 6Uc., Sua, a 41; oil lavender, 75c. >42; do qu. iMikcliam), 947; ell cloves, *2 45 ; oll wiutcr0eun. 92 ; oil eassalrass. 41a; nil pt-1110royal nominal at 41 a *1 25, oil ot bay. .112, all currency. Kien. ? Ine market was generally brm. Codfish were qulm, selling In a uioderste way 94 lor "surge's, $3 2> lor new Urand Batik end $2 75 lor old 110. Unoil luacnurel were In demand and about 4"U bbls yud ahbiii the range ot $12 a9HJ for .No I aud 9.1101 .No. 2. Herring ruled quiet 1 oil I'll AND URAIX ? Receipts -Kiour, 3.747 bbls. ; wueal 133,.est bushels; com meat. I.iSX) bbls aud 72 sacks, corn' 246,662 I ustiels. oate. 48.815 do ; rye. 2,6<t6 do ; i.arl. y' ll.4otl do.. Parley mall. 7,036 do. Ktoui was quial but steady. Tbo sales, luclnjiug .Male, n eater 11 and noutu em, weru about IH.issi bole., wKnln the annexed range .ye flour rui. d quiol, with ee es ul 45" hois. Corn meal was moderately ectiv . the sales bei ig scout 55" o Is, I was active; 1 /.tXg) bushels No. 2 esteri., for d-llv.-ry ' first hell July, sold as 64c . sun auout 6.UU" bushels Htate 1 at 66c. Hatley and barley uialt quiet. quote: No. 2State .. ...... a- i.i uf.) mi hupefUue null 3 ftOa -4 'JO ixtra ftatC 4 2n a 4 ?> t'lMNf* M*(< 4 .?<> h 4 75 ui,crime Wetieru. 3 "HI ? 3?.i kxtra Wc.lurn 4 Ut 4 QU 4 16 ? 0 1*1 houuQ hoop Ohio. aliipiiitiK brainit... 4 o.Ta 4 7J J.i.mid hoop Ohio. trauo ur-tuuc A III * A All family, '5 4" 4 ft 1*1 Oil.) mill* 4 .iU? 5 fto St Loult, low extra 4 75 t ft 00 St. Coma, tow xtranrut fi Win ft ftU St. Li.iii*. choice douole extra ftboe 5 ift ft. l.oui*. choice letoily ft 75 a 6 7.) I.j r lluur 2 75 a 3 .*m Southern. No. 11 2 511a 9 25 noutliern xupctBua .... 3 2ft a 4 1X1 Southern, extra 4 25 a 5 IJO huiiihein, uniiljr ft <41 a 7 51 Ouru tueai. n extern 2 Klx 2 ftll Ouru ineitl wUi e O extern 2 75 a 5 50 Otim meal, Jenejr 2 >11 a 2 1*1 Corn in. hi. lltxnilvwlue 2 mi a 2 H5 Ouin ineai, puncheon*. 15 50 a ? ? ttural whi lex* nctlvn and In buyer'* laror, though uot material.y ch*nx#d. ft.* aal * ii. twaau the caiix were a .nut luu.ixxi mixuelt at 41 10 lor No. I Minnea.. a. ?1 13 for No. 1 Chicago, 51 12 S lor No. 2 Mlnnetui* and liwaua.-e, 91 17*41 IRior amber .Michigan and No. 1 ran winter, ?1 15 lor No. 2 no , 41 H3 lor No. 3 led and 41 I, lor Nu 2 no., all j uue. No tal <e at the rail The ioIIuwiiik were tue hnl aad exited prnet a>4the tec.nd oallNn. 2 red winter tor June, 41 14 bid, 41 1*1 eahnd; no., July, 41 12 bid. $1 14 axaed, No. 2 xprlUK. 'or J?a#4l II bid, 41 13 Caked: do., Ju.y. $1 usi, oiu, 41 IOS utaed: do, Atiiruxt .-1 Oft hid, fl 1*1,'* axkei, u. 2 North wot, lor June 41 11 bid, 41 13 aland. iln, July. 41 oB bit 41 ll>* a*Kcd; do., lor aui(u.t 41 Oft bid. Corn wax duil and can r; th xn.ex at th -tlrxt cell weie 32.1*10 uusualx. July, No. 2 at 47ltc.; at ib. a.*eoiid call the xal 1 were H.i 410 buxhelc. J alt*. No. 2. at to H 1**1 do., July. No 2, at 47I4C. 1 H,(**i do., t uuu-t, xti-aiu. r, ?t 4Hc. and IH.iMI do. do No. 2, at tH,S' The* ilea be taeen tue callx were 21*1,01X4 ..u.hel* at t ie., a -MSa lor ?teaiuar mixed, 4oc. a 4oSc lor Nit, 2 mixed, 4_'ac for No. 3 mixed ..n 1 4HJ4C. In. H 11OO buabal* No. 2 mixed, for July d<li>ery. Oitt* were am.out decided clien*e, eioelng ?a lolloaxi.xtra .. bilo, 3(C; No. loo., 3*l)*c; N*. JL do., 31'.c.; No. 3 do.. 3>e.i extra inixed. 31 ;,i-. ; No. I do.,3l'4c. . No. 2 do.. 311c.; No. 3 do.. 20c. lite xalex were aoout 75.01*; bnxneix. Ihuit. ? I he luaraet lot lor# I * 11 urled waa inactie*. At quote, new retain#, layer*, 41 HA; new looen muxcatal*, ?l tfj; new Vai#u? la laitmt 7>jC. ; new currant*. 4a a HSc. ; n- wellroa. I4'.c. Ki.a, in uuxex, Oc a lie. , iu ?eji,7c. : In druina. til*" UatCe, In mat*, 4c. Nee Ur n i nnit, 4\'iv a 5c. t eld Oi.,3e, quarter boaex, I20. i MM xex, I He. ierke. prunax. nrop I <N, Ku.; ciop 1477. H , , ueur pruu. a, s,',c.,new Ufeuoulo w .mutt, 12.Sc,; new M .rbot do. He. . new llordoaux Jo.,7H : new Sicily filbert*, . Hare "inn*. 7S? Shelled aimoudx, la haul. Sic. a 34c.; ISInectt alutou .*. new. In caxax, 40c. liar Ann Htii tw?I he market wal dull .ind ? alter. Vte quote : -ilay-Nlilppinx, ftOa a .">.5*.; retail, B5o. a 75c. straw?lsnia r?a. 4Ho. aftoc. . abort rre. 3&e. iixcr aRD Jut*.?'The market tor Jut* uutta waa quint. Ilimp a a* quiet, but xteady. \V? quoteAmetlcau drexxod. 417.? a alM2 Oo lor atunia, 42IO a #215 lo? douoie anu 413>l a 417ft lor uudiexxed. .utile, clean, $205 a SJIO, BOl 1; It* la 1. 4-70 a 4275, goto Ju.n, 4 S c ? * tic., pold: Jiite butli. 2 11-llle. a 3S0-, currency, caah and time; ,?i anlla liemp, HJao. * 7a i nicat. bSc. a ftSo.; lelle. 5e. a ft>aO? all roid. ilipxc. -The market wax Terr dn.l; 500 Central Amer ican >uld at leyqa We quote.-Hueiioi Ayrce, lift I'm. to 24 ibx? 13c. a 19S* ? do., 20 Ib* to 2 > ma. IOu.| Vootorldau, 20,S Ibx. t# 22 liix., 111c.; Currlnntax, 21 Ibt. to 22 Iht.. 17>tc. a 14a: Kb) liiaade, Jt< ii.x, to 22 int., lvjqn a i Orinoco, 21 loa lo 23 Iba. I7)q? * 14* ? > nitluiiila, 2a Ihx. to 25 lt>, , lHe a 14)4* ? Central A oefican, 20 Ib*. to 22 loa, I He, a H<S' 1 MxttnoMr, 22 ,br. te 2ft Iba, Itlc. a 17c.; Vera Crux. Is it. to Itlibx., 1 o. c J.?SC. *?' 2<ild, xalectcd; dry xaltcd Icaax. 24 Ibt. tu 30 bx., l2Sc. c 13a ; do. .-outhern. 34 lot. to :PI ilm , Itxa a loSc.' city tiankbier. ox, 40 Htx. in 40 It.* , Hj^a , 4c. Cow, 4ft im. tc iw inc., 7a a i s<5, Ml cam nay, ttlectci, bors.? The market wu quiet. hut Una. The rainy Weather operates against tie movement of bops. which prevents an active movement. tt e quote New Torn, gooo to prime. So. a luc.; do., low to fair, he. a 7c.; I aeteru, Sc. a *0.; Wisconsin. Sc. a Sc. ; yearlings. 2a a 3c.: olds. all growths, la a 2a. Inog.-The market wee generally dnli.and lu the absence 01 Imirottant -alee value* were more or less nomioal. Vt e Juote i?American pic So. 1. $t7a$l8 50; So. 2. f 18 a IT SO; gray lorge, $15 a 918 SO. Scoteli-Holmes*. No. . $23 7.'i a $24 5(i; (iieugarnosk. No. 1. $23 So a *23 73; Eglluton. No. 1. t'J'J 58 Llap steady st 3^c. a H>{c. for dumeatlc. Lrathar.?The market wae steady with a moderate demand. We qu le: ? Hemlock -Light Buenos Ayres' 10c. a JOc.: do. California. 10c a 28c.: do. common hide. 10c. a 30c.; middle Buenos Ayrea. 2 ic. a 21c.; do. Caliloru a. 20c. a 2ut, .. no, common hide, lt>i$c. a 20c.; heavy Buenos ayroi, 2()c. a 2lc. : do CHllforuia, 2 >c. a 2",l-jC.; do. couiwon hide, 28c. a 21c.; good dam aged Bucuot tyres, ISc. a H)a; do California, 18c.; do. common iiide, 17',c a 18c.: poor damaged common hide. ISc. a ld>.e.; belle*. Inc. a 18c. Molassi.s. foreign waa ateady; 180 hhds. Porto Rice sold at 3He. Domestic waa ateady. I>et quiet. We quote:? t uba, centrifugal and mixed, 23c. a JOc. ; clayed, 32c. a 34a; uiaacovaOo rettulnn, 32c. a 35c.; grocery, 32c. a 38c.; Porto i.ico. 3tc. a 13c.; English ialaiida, 33c. a 40c.; .New Orleans, new crou. coutinou to fjney, 23c. a 48a Naval storks -the inaiact waa generally quiet but un changed. We ^tote : -Spirita iurp> utine. morchuutaule order. 30>je. a 31c ; roaln. good strained. 41 32tj a #1 S3; attained $1 30; tar, $2 23; pitch. $3 Advices trom Wil mington w. re itafoliowtItoeJii Hun; strained. *1 IS: good strained, $1 17>,. Tar ateady, $1 35. Turpentine steady: hard.CI; toll, $i 75. bpirile lirm, 28e. Sior/u. Atll'irt. AjUflt. Rosin or, 7*2 300 Spirits 5,185 44 iar 740 44 Turpoutine 1.4-id ? <)ii s ?Cottonseed oil was dull ana without material change, Cloaai- at the oall aa iullowa J uue, July and August, 48c bid. 4l)c. naked; 8eptciubur. 48c. bid. 4U,'4C aaaed; aelier voar, 4B)ua bio, 47c. naked. Liusocd oil wwa tu tatr d, maud and ateady. i> e quote:? Linseed oil. 37c. a 58c.; aourm, crude, t)8a a SI. bleached winter euerm, SI 12; (to. natural do.. SI 07; crude. Northern whale, Sua :do. Soutnerii, 43c.; bleached winter, 38a; natural do., 3.3c.; extra bleached winter elephant, 70c.; uatur?l winte r extra do. do., 03c.; winter bleached hah. 43a ; crude llsh, Sound. 33o PhTROLKUM. -The market for reHned rloaed ilrmer, with ll%c. bid uud u cargo was sold at that. At ilie Petro leum Exchange the market waa latriy active, wiih sales of about 3D OOO bbls. I he market opened at SI 13J?. closed at ST 1 JJa uid. The highest point reached w is el 17)4 and the lowest $1 I3!g'. Vi e quote:?Crude, in nulk, 73jc.; uu., in bids.. Do. it 0'4c.; ratlnei. in bhls.. 11 '?a : do., lu cases, 14;?c. naked lor ordinary Uranus Nuphtua, 8c. a tf.'qC.; re Hned. at Philadelphia. 11 Sic.; at lia tliuuie. ll'i;. Poultrv.?The market waa still quiet. \\M quote i ? lireaaeu poultry?T urkeys, good to prime, 17c. a 20c.; froson turkeya, Vermont, nrime, small, 23c. a 25c. f owl*?Western, 13c. a 17c.; Jersey mid etate, 13c. a 14c.; ciiickena. winter, Philadelphia dry picked. 33a a 4oc.; do., soring. JOc. a 32c.; do., yenrllug*. ury picked, 13c. a ltio Live poultry-Fowls, Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, 12c ; no., southern. 12c. a 13c.; do.. Western. 12c a 13c.. roosters per le., 7c a 8c; turkeys. Jersey, New Vork and Pennsylvania, 12a a 14c.; do.. Western, per lb., 12c. a 13c.; ducka, Jersey. New York and Pennsylvania, per pair. 87c. a *112: do., ?\ astern, per pair, 33c. a 85c..- Philadelphia soring, per lb., JOc. -a 32c.; geese. Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, per pair; $1 25 a $1 50; do.. Western, ner pair, 6Uu. a $1. Wild pigeons, prime flight, Dir dur.en, 90c. u$l; wild squabs, per dozen, 00c. a *1 23; English snipe, per doseu. S3. Provisions.?Receipts?Pork,838bbls. ;laid. 1,281 tierces, 5 bins . l.oll kegs and 34.> cases, cut meats. 1,713 packa;e>; bacon. 20 tierces and UJOiiuxes; heal, 18 tierces, 10 bbls. and 750 cases. Pork was quiet, closing at the a eoud call as follows:?July. $10 asknu, August, $0 05 bid, $10 asked; September, $10 03 bid, $10 23 asked; October. $!<> bid, CIO 40 asked. We uute sales of 130 bbis. messatClo a $10 20, cash autt tor luture delivery. 230 bols. do , lor July, at $0 03, 500 bbls. same deliv ery at CIO and 250 bbls. for August at CIO. (Jut meats were steady; 500 pickled shoulder* sold at 5a. mid 38,000 lbs. do. bellier, 10 lbs , sold at 5Jgc. a 35.i\ its con was firmer; city lung clear quoted at 5>?c n Sf^a. and Western loug clear quoted at 5c. a 3^a Beef remained firm. W e quote Bbls., exira mess, $11 50 u $12, plain mesa, $10 s $li 30; packet, $13 a $13 30; tierced. city extra India Hies*. $20 a <22. Heel hams ruled steady; Sil bbls. sold at $20. Dressed hogs were easier and now quoted st 4>4e. a 5e. lor city, heavy to light, and 3)fe. for pigs. Lard was a little steadier, closing .it tlio second call as follows ;-June. $7 lo old. $7 13 a,tod. .1 uly, C7 "7>a hid, $7 I2>y asked; August, $7 13 bid, $7 2o naked -, Septem ber. $7 32>s askeu; October. $g 32), bid, $7 40 asked; seller year, $7 03 bid, $7 13 assed. Tbo sales were about 8.7oil tierces at $7 07)4 a C7 12)4 lor July, ami 87 13 a |7 20 lor August. Ttie spot sales were 2-*) tierces city at C7, sud Too do. Western at $7 10. Refined was quiet; 500 tierces Cuba sold at $7 25 a $7 30. Butter?Re ceipts, 8,408 packages. The market was firm. We quote : - Creamery, suit - and Western, 18a a 2i?u ; Slate tab*, flue, 17c. a 18c.: do., lair to good, 13c. a 18c.; firkins, good to Una, 18c. n 18c.; W ester 11 lino, 13c. n 14c.: fuir to good. 8c. a 12c.; low grades, old, 5c. a 8c. Choese?Receipts, 28.4413 boxes. The mark l was firm: full cream quoted .t 8c. a 8>?c. end skimmed ut He. a 4c. Eggs?Receipts, 2,058 bhls. The market ruled steady. We quoteLong Island, New Jersey a_ud near-by, 15 ?c. a lT'.c.: State and Petinsvl viinla, lSe. a ISUc,; Western. l'resli laid. I4'4c. a 15c.; do., interior. 12)4c a 1344c ; Lauada. Iresb laid, 14)Jc. a 15c.; do., interior. 13>?c. a 14a Uic-k.?There waa a goud demand and a steady market lor domestic; 500 bugs Rangoon soid itt 3'4a, gold, in bond. We quote :?Carolina, fair, il'4a a ti)4c ; good to prime, O'qC a 7c.; choice. 7)4c. a 7.VJc.; Patua, 7c a 7>?c., currency ; iu bond. 4c. a s)ic.; Rangoon, in bond. 3.'4c., gold. Messrs. Dan I almage's ??es A Lo., < liarlostnu, a. L.. re port rice croo movement to date, June il, 1878: ? Keo-ipts, .17,5' M casks; sale*. 33,733 do.; stock In liaud, 1.773 do. Spkltku was quiet and nominal, at 4?4c. a 5c. for domes tic, according to lots. Stkarink. ? Krceipt*c74 tierces. The market was quiet. 8DUAK?The uiarsei lor raw was quiet. Rolined remained dull and easy We quote;? l-air refiniog. 7(4c. ; good do.. 7 718c.; t ubs, centrifugal, hogshead* and nexes, Nos. 8 to 13, 7%c. a 8','e.; do. moiassea, hogshead* an I boxes. Bide, a 7\c.; Porto Kico, refining, comoiun to lair, 8^0. a 7 (4c.; uo., do., good to prime, 714c. a 7?ic.; refined standard A. HJfc a Ha ; off A. SJgc. a b?4c.i cruslieo. a B.'4c.. powdered, 8V?c. a .)J*c.; granulated, 814e.. off gr moisted. ii>4c ; cut i?uf, ?A4e ; while extra L>, 7?e. a H'qc.; yellow extra (J's, 7Sc. a 7^a -, other grades, includ ing U'n. 7c. a 7,Jtc. UN ?Pi a tin was scarce and firm, with a good deal going into coosiiinptlou. Ratp* were stoady. We quote: ? Hnnca, 17,,4o. ; Straits, 14(40.: English, tsmli and Hag, 14;'tc. a 1414c ; do., refined, nominally 14>4c , nil geld. Plates?Ohsrcosl. $5 7ft a$8; terns, $3 SO a $5 B2)4; coke. $5 It $5 23; do., lerno. $4 73 a l ALLOa-.?Receipts, 70 lihds . 383 hbls. andH lcaska TI10 market was firm, with tales ol sb?ui no.iskJ Iba at 7e. a 7 1 - 18c., and M,tHX> libit. In tlnrou* at 7t^c Tobacco ?Tiib ranrxet lor Ketttiieky leaf was fairly active and steady I ho sales were about 3ilO hhds. *1 2 ',o. a 12>4C. Seed leaf was less active. The sales wars I'D cases New Englaad, crop 1878, at lie. a lHe.; I(JH casus Ohio, crop 1877, at 7>,a a 7J4c.; 42 caves Wisconsin, crop 1877, at private priee, and .MX) bales Havana at 80c. a $1 18. Wmiskkt? Kecslplt-713 bbls. Tbe market was firmer; 108 bbls. sold at $1 88. Krsiuiitb. -Kates were firm and the demand for tonnage was quite good. Engagements:-To Liverpool, by steam, rj.ikki uses eh etc at 48*.; 3D tons leather, 4.3s.; 1.1 AX) packages nutter, 48s.: 1,000 boxes bacon, 30s.; I<X) bales cotton, 15-818.j 8,008 nus els grain. mi4u.. 811 lbs.; 180 turc-s liei-l on prlyaie terms; .VS) hslrs rotten (througli freight), 'ad. To i.omlon. bv tail. IV ?> bills llonr (ilirougln, 2a 114't.; 2,iSK)bhia do., 2s.Hd ; 2'"' bbls. rostu 2s 7I3 I,: and by steam. 588 bbls. flour ou private ler-os; 2.888 boxes cheese via Bouttampton. 8 s. lo i.lasgew. by steam, 4,'sXi boxes ebeese, 48*.; 1,008 packages buitsr, 4ii? , 58) bbls.,llonr, through. Ha , and sail, 5o libdA tallow 27s. Ud.; 2 s) puncheons syrnp, 25s. Bristol, steam, ld.iasi busliels grain. Oil. Avonmonth. steam, 18,i?S) bushels grain, ihl, 88 lb* Antwerp, steam, !HS> tierces lard, 28*. t)J. a 38s , and 32,888 biisnnls gram on private terms. T'o lire men. by sail, 24,808 bushels gram. 81I.; 4'X) bales cotton uu private terms; 508 tierc-s lard. 27a ?d. ; 50 tons measurement goods, 17s. 8d. Ilainburg. salt, 280 bols. lubricating nil. 4s. ILL ; 33(l>Al bushels grain, frivate terms; ?HO tlnrcen lard. 23a !)d. 1 ,'harters ? A11 lallan bars, hence ic Bristol i'hannel, 3, ilN) quarlors grain, it. 7U1.; an Italian brig, 2.7XX) quarters do . hcuco to do.. 5a l1 i>?d , direct to Lardiff, Newport or iswansea. 5s ILL; Norwegian bark (In arrive) hence to Uor*, for orders, with 3,888 quarters grain, (it.; a Rweoiih hark, truui Baltimore to Eltlnore, lor orders. U.nOdbbls. refined Pel roleuin, Is Hd.; Ainericsn brig 352 tons, brnco to lor orders, with case oil and general cargo at 37s. tvd. per lihd. lor tobacco; case do , (2 58. niid case petroleum. 24c.. uieasm ciiicut goods, 14a ; an Ameri can bin, 412 tuns, hence tu leer Plate, with general cai.o. at rates; a Ocrmau bmk, hence to Dansig. with 3,888 b 'is rafinod petruioum,4t Rd ; a Brllian bark licn< a 10 Livcrpoel, with->..'X>) nbis do.,:t?.!)d ; a lieriuau sliip, l'niladripiila to Bremen, with R.hui hols, on 3s.; Italian nark liehce lu Bristol Lbaiinel, wllb 3.888 quarters grain at ?>-. ILI.; au It diau oars, hence tu l.ork for onlers, wi b B.igXj quarters gram at 5s 81) , an Austrian bark, bene,- to uo., vvltii 3,4X18 quarters grain nt Us.. aHritisii bark, lienco tu ihirk lor orders, witli lias) quartors graiu at 81.; e Norwegian bars, houue 10 (leoen ha ven, with 4.(SSI quarters grain ut lis. l.LjU.; one, long lor orders, 3,N<sy quarters grain, 8s. ; American ship l.ihu tons, heiiee to .-liaughai. general car.o at rates; Bwedisli bar., hence lo Antwerp, with genera carg ? at rates; Britieh snip, I.IK.i ton-, hence to London or Liver pool. general cargo at rates; a Butisli oars Irom Pbtlauel puia to Lork lur urdors, 3,508 quartets grain, its 3d DOML8111) MAilhKTH. S ohilk June It, IH7H, iidton quiet; nnddliac, I0I4C . ivw imUdiliiK, lir4e.: good nrdiuary HWe mi r c.lpte, '4 b .u-n. . sport* cooatwiee, 234. Hsln*. -'*? Htnck, H,J.'t #, > lew Hrlc AM. June It. IK7H. Cotton quiet Aurt firm . mliluhuj. 11'4i. 1 low middling, 10k, . cood ordinary. ???*'?. Not receli t> OIJ bilwi; trim, l.i'JH. K\p'>rte to tjraat Mritnin, 1,3.11, Maine, l.Jixc block, 7?b,b3<>. tjAI.VMTO.W. Jane II, l?7a. 1 ottoii nominal: middling, tic.; low middling, ID.'Jc.: good ordinary, ii\'e Net receipt*. -71 onion. Export! coowtwiM. Hi. Hale*. none, a toe A, S.mitL Havamwaii. Juno It, IH7H. 1 Minn Mondy ; mlddllnK, lu]|p. ; low inflnltim. Ii>',e.; co d ordlnorir, wjq*. Not neeinto. MI'J beiei; fraq,ml, ExportstMMwlee, 450. below. 7 > btucw, J.ftdi CIIANLVITOX, Jane 11, IM7*. Cotton unlot; mlddllnK, lie.; low mlduhnj. !<>%>?? : c'nnd ilfiery.ltlV ordinerr, lli'ic. n lu>ie. N*t receipt*, H I onlee. MlM.M Mum, 1,115. W ii.mi.Oi; rob, N C. .Jene II, IH7d bp.rlto ol tnrpentln* Arm *1 Abe. dieln Ann. 91 1714 lor ?truluad. Crude tnrpeiitlu* -leed.v; 91 lor linrd, *1 !l.? lor yellow dip, ft 75 to *2 for Tlreiu. I ar needy et 91 :?.V Oemmo, Jan* 11. ih?m. Finer ancbeiiKed; *ele* I.Uiki b 1*. Wheal dull, oelee Jim iiunliei* No, 1 Milwaukee emb u 91 Ul cor l< to do , *1 lb; red .-lata, 91 09 rod' luo, $1 15. Corn ancu ,n ad| *a 0* luixru fined*, 4A* elite held et I t1 Oat* quiet; mixed .Mate Lold At 4D*. Hurley immlOHl. Oiltwl iri-ijlit* ? itlioet end pee*. 4|*c.i corn end rye, 4!?e. , bir I?J. :,%c to New Voce, lumber, 91 H i 10 tlbaey. fJ In ta o< tore No receipt* 8I1 , incut*? I.1"*? bin. floor, Htel.ik 11 leet 111 in her. lirniii on the canal from Itaffaio end >1*01. gn for tidewater yeiteiday noon UOlJklO Iiu Itel* Wheal, i,J42,-AJU do. com. -144,1410 do oel*. In,<M4) do. bar ley, 44,000 do. rye, 5,0uu do. oiai. Hi rrALo Juno II. IM7K Finer In lelr demand; ?alo* HVi b I* ; city Krouiid Nn. 1 ?pi 111K, ? > 50 a *11, No. J do.. 4 .Vi a *4 /,., etnher. 9"' a 9H ei; white winter. 9*1 "J5 a bit 75; new nro e??. 97 2.1 a 7 75; ry. flour, t-i 75 a *4 . Wr?iemi Ne I >prli>K * ? 2 ? ? 9.1 7>; No ||l?,|4 oil ? $??: beei-rr. 9 > 5" w 90 -??. ?nio-r, No id a90? wall* winter. ?H '? *?l 5t?; new ereor*., *7 ? *44 2b Whoit In limit in 111 ft 11 tr demand ; *al*i 1,7" > nu*h elw Nn. I herd Umiim end 4,l*n 110 o I Milwaukee mi nrlveto term* Ctirn lu liiil.t demand , omen J,i4m liu?iiela K . 111H. At ftj't'-. n 4 ie. ; i.iMti do. ftch miked et 49c. '>*ia quoted? m? A Chie-ifo. 5714c. a Hun,; tele, Hie, a ode, It a 1 ley dull; sale* 1,5444 bnihele I Aiinda nil rrnrie I. run. It V ! lllA< live. Malt needy: ten,,01 trie, a 41. male, b<?o, a Wic lllahaliic* In lair de 01 Bid| faint J11 bbli at 91 <41 4 91 ?" tnr city made I'nre ?Weoo and short eat. 99 n 99 Stfielrer, 9fl a 911 541 per bOt. I.erd, Ill ll-rce* and bble., 7c . I. tune end key*. 7,'nc per lb. Hule meat*?11 erne, Htfe. a |4c. j hecaa, 7e ?7^c.; ihauldert, 5c. n.'iU urled beef, lie. ell>*< perlu Keliroe I Irrigate *te?dy. t aim irtlpht* m m . wheal, 4 '4c. ; corp. ft'wC ; AlA. be. In New Vnrk ; iioato plenty Itiilrnotl rec Ipl* ? K.uqr. 1.7441 t?4?'w. j, I;t,ip?j huihel*; corn, ,Vt,4l*.l do. ; b?rh y. Il,9i*i do. ; rye. I.J 11 dx I.eke receipt*?Wheat. Kb,WW initfcal*; enn, 47,Km do , eat*, .11,000do, Miipment* ny ralirnad Hour, l,J i4l hid*. ; wheal, II.H5H baaliel*; e rn 414,51141 do ; bar ley. 5,014r do ; rye. l,J(4)do. nhlpmani* by canal to tide watei Wheal. 7o,llr4fl uiheli. corn. 147,099 do.; oata, 5li,i:<Hda. Uraln In (tore? Wlitat ?IJ.I>7'4 aftlialt; enra, 177.1541 do.; o*t?, HJ.I'JHd- ; barley 15,999 do.; rye, tt.irnj do . malt, IOI,*ev do Ihe eatlreeted anion 111 of mnli In tha home* I* 17">,(*u hnehnle. I'rtnoit. Jann It, IH7H finer eteady end nnchanged. ftVlictl linn , extm wnitt Mtr niea. 91 t?. a 91 I' '* NW. I wbltw Ml**l*en 91 I4M a 91 i4', Corn dull, una tiled *nd low r. hi* < atlaetft, nmn mailt d k'. , Nn I miend, nninioally .17,',c Oat* steady and In lair item tnd : So. I iin*ed, JH'f; Clunarene ? iluil end I0**r; Iiutnlnellf f.l H5 une>ioi*--H?ar, 1,9441 kit; wheat, buiuti*, oora, 4,400 dtai etMa. 1.4W do. 8hl omenta?Floor, 1,700 bbls.; wheat. 30,000 bushels; corn, l.uuu uo.; mu, 5.8??i do. .? . . CiXt'iMKATl. Juno 11. 1878. Fleor MM# aud unchanged. W he it inactive ; rod, !?*c. ? Bl 113. Lorn dull at 41c a 42c. Outs quiet: 2Be. a '.'He. Bye steady wild a fail Colli a ed. at 35c. a 58.- B.irb-y dull and Hum in il Pork dull: liaid at $U .30 Lard la fair do Bond at higher prtcoa; current make. $0 73 bid. $0 80 nskt'd. kettle. 7l?|C. ? 7^c. liulk incut# in uno d? uiend; liiiiuidBri, $4 10 m *4 '2o; Khun rib, (15 citkh $5 It) Oliver Juno: aliort clear, aJgc. Mac a dull; sh.mid.-ri. 43?c ; clear ri . oj.c, tj'icclear ?ldo?. ;>%e. ? tic. Whlske. iu good demand at $t (J.l Butter qui t and unchanged. Sugar quiet and unchanged. Hog* in active ileuiaud and pricea ?."?? alvaneed; coiu-uou. $3 a $3 25: light. $3 3U a $3 43; packing $3 33 a #.'1 $6: lonelier e, *3 53 a i J 00. Receipts. 2,728. Bblpmcuts. 1,111. ?. . CiilCdUO. June 11, 1878 Flour steady and un< banned V. beat In lair demund ; No. 2 spring, US},,-, a OS^o., caali; Ue^u.. June U4',c., July; a,tlea at B$V u 05?,c.. July; ppV c? Au gust; No. 3 da, 88ljc. torn lairly active ut 2';.nc ? cuali; 37'uC., July: 38','c., Au net: rejected, SJ?4o. Oats I liriy active at 33i,c.. cuab; 23?,c. a JJ-l.c.. July , rejected. *1 18. IIye firmer at 52Lc. a *2.\c. uarl ley dull ;io minally 48)uc. Pork iu lair iieinaud at h Hi cash ?8 8., a $S 87.',. July. $0 02*. Au/u-t; $0 17', a *? -?. Seiieinbor. l.aru active at $i> 58>s. caafi, $C 72>i, July: 5>4j 82.',. Aufud. i'Ulk lueata ale .dy and uucuanged. Alcoiiol Urmer at 33',c. ?til-key, $1 o4. i.eceipie? io'lilr. J* "our- hunie.s wheal. 208,300 do. coru, .TJ,0O0 do. Orits, 6,(jGO do. rye, 5.(300 do barley, hbin* meuts 7,500 bbls. Hour, 88.000 Oualtcla trbuitt. 18 ..0 Kl tlo corn, illo.lkio du. oats, 884) uo narley M.trkote Closed :?iVheat Unuer at . June ,t u8!,c.. July. Corn dull at 3d*Jc. a 3?&c.. June ; 37e a 3." V . July. Lata easier. Jfe lower. I'or* in lair demand ut 4-8 77J uly ; $8 Oo. August. Lard eaaier at $0 70 a *6 721, July , id 80 apt) JAJJo. August. PRINT CLOTHS MARKET. Fall It iter. Mast.. Juuo 11, IR7R rui> printing cloths murKet has shown but very liitle activity, ami though previous quotations ol'3 7-ltie. to 5|?c, for 04 by 04 staudar.1 eu . extra ciotlte uro g?uer?Uy mafu tftineu, sal-s liaro beou made at 5>a'e., cash. HAVANA MARKETS. Havana, June 11, 187ft cold. 211 a 212. Exeli age flriuer:on the United Mates, Bo daya, currency, .'I1, a 4 premium; do.. Short sight. 41k a fi'g oirmluut; do . Hit days. cold, 4'. a " premium ; eliort .1. lit, , il |.rcmium; ou London. 10 17 premium ; ou i'uria, 3.1, a 4 premium Sugar active. European markets. COMMERCIAL. ? ' ? . , London, June 11?3:30 P. M. Produce?spirit, of torpentiue. 21a. tid. perewt. Tt . , London, June 11?livening. Liuaeed oil, ?.'0 10?. per too. * v.. I ....... Antwkkp. June II, 1878. 1 etroleum. 2d\f. for Que pale American. NKW YOUK raoDtICK KXCIiaXOK UKPOU*. u . ? I.IVKIIPOOL. Juuo XI. 1878. Fork?hasten) steady at 53a. du. Western dull at 42s. Uncoil?Cumberland cut firmer at 27s.. do. abort rib steady ut 27s.; *>. Ionic clea: firmer ut 27a. Od. . do. afinrt ?cieai firmer at 28a. Od. liaun- Loin: em firmer at 3Wa. boulders atendy ut 23a. Od Ileal?ludla moss dull ut Wiia.; V.""ttt l"A*w-; <lt? prime ruesa dull ut 77 s. urd-l rune AN steru Urmer at 30v I allow?Fruna city dull at dia. Od. Turpcnuue .-spirits dull ut 23a. On. itosin ?Lomuion dull ut 4a. Do.; do. fine dull ut 10* A.uocae Aiuaricau clioice dull at 47a Lurd oil dull at JUs. Hour -fcxtru Stuto steady ut 2?a. Whnat-SprlnL'No. 1 firmer at Us. 8d.; do. aprlue No. 2 firmer at Os. 2d.; do wiutor steady at 10a Id (Jorn-ilixud soft, ol.l, doll at 2.ia Jil; do. mlxoil sort, new, dull a: 23a. 3d. Uottanaoed oil? Nellow American, none In the market. Kec iptaof Wliout lor the week Irura Atlantic ports. 40,000 quarters ; Joc. iptb ot vtheat for tlio week from ^ucitic port* 2U.0U0 P1,1* oi wh**1, f?r tbn woMk from other source*. e>,7o0 do; receiptH of coru. 50,000 ao. T. u tf ? Londow, Juno 11, 1M78. Tho MiKrh f ans hxprw nays :-!*rokeu. uuAettlcd woHther huH prevailed during the pant w?elt. There w.ih hcnrcoly a day without copious showers. The agricultural mtuatlou is CMusini; tarmera greater anxiety every day. Com planus ol the diauoloratinu of tne whent uio rif? I** Lnitlaud, and in Frauce, where in many districts tbe wheat plant lias been laid by beavy ruins, while weed. Have everywhere lucre a. d with creut rapidity. In Scotland a euutlar state ol uffalra exists, all the low lyluit land bcinjf saturated Sponsion ceuerally the appcaruiice of nil cereals la bulky. Put tbe tendency ol so much moisture haa been to develop the plant ut the expense of tbo praiu pioduciui; power, and however luvortblo the weather may be uurin^ the next two months. the appearances an not favor the presumption ol more than a bare yield, at any rnte a* rec .rds wheat ami barley. The .im plies ot P.UdUsii whent have been moderate, both in the country markets and Mark lane. Salsa were ouiy practicable ut u decline of la to 2a. per quarter, a reduction which growers have ac cepted with muuiieat reluctance FurriA'i wheal haa i-een coming to baud Ireely. J'ho trade having beeu very dull iu >at of this wheat ha, gone into store, aud a material Incroiiso iu stocks will proouinv bo apparent at the end ot the month. America, ttussia aud ilermanv have been the chief sources ol su, ply, and Irum the two coiiutries first named we shall recoive heavy imports lor some time. India may also resume her prominent place in the ilet of grain supplying territories. As regards tiade there is very utile cli.n.e. but there baa beeu a rather stronger toeiing as regards foreign wheat at tbe reduced prices .iflast .NIouday, which were 2?. per quarter lower on lue week. The inquiry is cfiiefir trom ountry millers^ The sales Uave beeu to a great extent iu a retail way. Values have declined lor all varieties of ce real prio.uoe now tout tbo Congrese is definitely settled upon, end, iu the opinion of the corn trade, the Influence oi politics has ceased as a factor in the course of prices. FINANCIAL. , , I ONP03. June 11-5:30 P. M. l aris sovlcesqaote 3 per cunt rentes lllf. 82}4c. lor the account. . . Pabin. June 11, 1878. Exchange on London. 25f. 13>,c. for short sight. FINANCIAL, y ^T TllL 1'UBLTo dfuJK r.AC 11ANtih.'-fTfiitOAOrtT. AND 70 HKOAOWAY. NEW YOUK, AND 200 MONTAUUK ST.. BROOKLYN, MESSRS. E. W. TODD A 4JO. will bay and sell all active Stocks at New York Stock Ex change prices. In lots of IrouT5 to 100 shares, ou a margin ot 1 per cent. Ooinmlssiona, 1-16, All California asd othek mining stocka ?N a buy and sell .Mining etocks ut thq San rraueisco auu New York uinuig Stock Excbange daily on commission, and dividends paid In New York: our custom 27 years. ? . ? . ALBERT H. N1COLAV A UO.. Hankers. Brokers and Aiiction- ors. No. 43 Pine st.. N "Y. AI Lv.NTA AND AUi.L'STa CI i Y BONDS and ? joorgla Railroad Mock wanted; also Kl-tsbcth bonds. J. ?>? HON T a son, 4 Pine ??. ?S. II. HAZARD, 0 MltOAD 81, mT-MBLR OK ?the Now York Stock Kxciiange.? Stocks bought and sold on mod-rate margins: also s'i'OUK I'KI VluhtlKh, "Puts," "Calls" and "Straddlus," on the active stocks! negotiated on first rlass parties only; orders a-nicited AT ItK A.SON AU bk KAI'l-.S. ?MuNhY ON LIKE AND hndowu-ent Insarance Policies aud Mortgoges; aamu bought; Insnranea ol all kinds -fleeted with Oeet rorauanies at lowest premium*. J. J. tiAliRiCH A CO.. Uk'> Broadway, liox 1.880. V NY AMOUNT OK ifoNKY TO LOA .~Ti ?~aTI77 ?\ per rent nit citr real estate. Apoiy 30 Nasaou, ru-.m 4. t DVANUKs ON KCK.virUILE. Pi AN O a, CAKltlAUES, am Ac , It sto-e i at oor ..ddrcss 8TOKAOK box 178 llerabl office. * A AC!, r Ih .all kith-a ??KA..r JN AT Till. NKVt YORK Stock l.xcbauga bnu hi and ao'd urictlv on r<>mioi.aluu upou a deposit of 1 per cent, witnotit lurtb.-r risk to npnra tor. WILLIAM WARD, 52 iiromlwtty. A BONUS i?K #U?i WiLL Ilk Ol V E.N TO A PA MTV securing tbe loan ol /nr onn year; ?? cured by rhattel inurtuege worth lour times the- amount; n mo but principals no d apply. Address LoaN, box 123 lu-r.du iiltice. AH FEW IIOI.MIIS TO Lf)AN ON FUR _ nituri- III imuse Ail'lr -?s 1) . mix |8(| ll-rslil ofli.-e. ** k I'VAM l-.S" ON PIA.N04. KU NI H'ltK. AC I'll *\Wast 33d St.. west ui (ilb av. latoraga olhcn) withont bon$fi. AT 6 PER CENT?MONEY M.Wvys To LOAN 11 n mortgage. I. S. < LAllKsOa A Co . 14H Broadway s ? LADT ?NO CHILD IN blStRKiM EARNESTLY kVpiav lor auuid fin ncial ad Immrdlalaly. Addi-t-sa liuN'OBABLh, llerald Uptown office. ?U. li. Ul. K k (HI.'H . BTOOK. (JoTIOM ASK OKAl.N hXUn ?Ull. MAi-UINs I i'Kii OB NT. Six. Nil mid Ml Broadway. AI.AliV KRSIIfcS lAJ A n iiKfctO' PAItT OP SA.VK In ri h an to Wr Boaiu ?uii Ikwll Inr.lnu llr.tcl.aa; reference ?i?on. AMTKKA. Ilnra d l ot .wn wfltod IssiAfh will loa\ ?BJ5?~ri?? l . pbop. gefip. Old per ertil, ftro pear*. Principe ? addrn** hX hCHO . tiotloo R. iilLiS .TiT~CITV AM) 11AH WaV CITY _(N. J.) inc1? wanted; ?l?0 Oawejro crp. S Y O. W. M Ai.KUAM. 10 Plnd ot. ElnTAKUiHkS H*?A J*J iia.NDAI. M. fOOU. Hanker, 7<) Broadway, New York < up. Hurl * Ml tor IJ r a'* n w in .or of Sow (mil Mm K Kxcli<ui?o oud Vli o PreOdeM ul Hold Hoard. tlio hl*ln*t |*i'-rioiiif ond fbarMlfr nu?i ameed Stuck*, i.old on 1 H hd* : a'*o stock I'oiitmri* ewrli ae "e* red Ice,? "Mil*" Mini "call*" on leree or .mail amount*. bouitnt and ?old on rdjfular coinmiMio * and moderate in irjfui-. Pamphlet rtdtltldd "Wall MrMl," and ?tork table* con ta nine eainebln inlorniatlon, walled on receipt ?l Hie. N" I AV Yt >KK S1'( ii K KXf IAN .!?: AlX SKi I' It I - tin* dnall In at tlio liner. bought and *nld axWua.Tely on romml -alon and carried a* Ion* a* ilr.Iran on nrrtn-r ernt marvln. Monrr adtraiicoil al llio market rain. Hh.NltY 01*' W.N k (JO, Bauson. member Now York St. ra. nolo and Uoyernmeal lionu I.xekauge. IB Nr? ot.. Sow Yin* _____________ _____ j^TLfcfuP i; LhVkliA N K HON UhT OtTY AtPITOIl'* KurAltTMrkt, I Ct?Tkt?an. 'Ino. Juno .1. |s7s f Opnn bid* will ha rocolrod at lha ..(II.? ol tna COY And Itor. florrland, tthln, until IJo'rlo.k M., on llio l.'ilh i.ap of J nno. IS7H. fortka tinrrlia*r ot $.'??1,1*11 nt I'llri l -nd flip Bond*, ninturla* In twrotr p?er*. d .tad Jaao I, l*7H, Interest at M* oil per cent, papdbie aaml.annnallr . nrlnclpal and In trrasl papahlo al tho American i x> l.enga National Hank, Sow Irtri. ? Theft bond* am laau d tindar anthnrltrof tUa iaw* of Ohio and lha ordlnancn* ol fleroloiid Olif COImB I he peren or porouo* to whom Ihroo bond* oi aov part of thrtn map b awarded will ha r ? .pi I red to dopotit a mar ..In of llva (A) prr crnl when llio award I* mad*. So hid., for la** than oar wl'l ha i on*..tared. The dtp rrtarvo* the right to adept aop or reject ell tilde. A. K. UPKNCKK. , in tu.Oh W it A . llNRll, 8. M CAKl kNTKB. Council Committee on Finance. ST. JOsBImTaND DM NT It (J! rT, KtSNAaANO NR. hra*k* and al o h r **ladln ? ?rnritie* dealt in hp b^.i.UM WAHU. Hanker and Hrnk I, .ii Broadway. fPilh st X PF.N N Y It A VINO-., *11 A * K. J. The napo?lloi* la ibr 8I? i-aniif Sarin-* Bank are ra nn**t d tn tiraarnt thatr Uro-a* at the Irnnt ofUra, No, 744 llrmdwap. in lha SaTlng* Bank building. lor lha pnrpon oi herinc tliaiu written up nrauaratorr to the pnymrnl ol tbr flr*t dlridrod. *1 r Hl'SsKI.L, l.roaiyar. Iiaidd Jua* I J, l*7H. Tit U HT~Kit.slIS To Loan-is sltv- To Sill. ON rltp or Hreoklpn Prepertp. Box 3,484 I'ott ..Ik. a. WK 11IIMHKLL. BroUliHBoK H, 411 B.iO tK sl\, ? will e*ei ale mar* for the pitrmana or ta.e ol *toeki at Ilia New York stock hat-hang-. on a margin ol .> per caat and ai ibe puoilc Htoex I xs.iang* In late el ffora 2"> to Ilk) ? hare* on a maftrln ol I per cent. VVTsrki?-d<?l**J Al ? I'h'tt "tJKN'l'i I VIPhOV 1.1) fT flip I' i ample *?rnltp| pidMpt Inlereel; no limber*. o., Pu?t uttn-euna :i.'rM4 W' lilTailwihiuUli, KANSAS ASK fKXAd RAll KOAII MO< K, l.N jLurs. AUK. ksa C. U. J., UlkitAUj UrfiVrlK VY _ ' PIMANCIAb. rV'ANTKb^ fcifNTKAL Js&W J I. ,.Y^a. it.jCouFoff IT and tu.laliueul receipla VAN'LRU A CO., No. 40 Broad at / ANTfcij-#l ~US~ r 1K.n r H'i.ND AND MOKT ??-? ? Ai.|.iy ti, j n. k. aid .VtateUirtaaM ?i~IOO W1LL MK '' v l lJ KY \ i ill.K ad MaN FOB nP1 ">'? -????! position ?d elevated or other at earn rail road. ftCOTr, Herald lTptnvn office. Qi'J IWWk ?' ?"?*)., $3 3U>, TO LOAN, OO.'MMJ.In V? J,-r.ey. A. U. MELLK'K. Jr.. ?i William at.. New York, room 20 rn.i wasi eu~ Af'hix pekTknt. nji four O* '.lory double tenement in Harlem. Addraaa 8IKLVK. 10 Ota at. Q< iO I U\l I WaNTED-FOR A TERM OF THKEB VU\/.Uv"io lour va.tra at 10 p-r cant aniinalltr: ona of the moat valuable place, ot Property in California. Ad drt-.s U. A. H . Herald office. Cjfi-N (WW I TitUsF FUNDS TO LOA . ON MOW VwOiOl/l l^ara. lu miaa to auit; city property. lias I". at office. 817 .T nilH TO 1*"AM ON 141'ltOVED I'HOP ?J." /' '" "oriy in thla city or Brooxlrn. JOHN O. ? ii . tti-.V, lilt Br,,a way. Sk>fWl Iliwi-'N i?0Ma TO Bin 1. T ' LOAM ON ?dV/\M/Ul;ilurt(a|[a bvo years, New York oity i also money at 8 per ceut. ii. L. GRANT, 145 Broadway. lil'SINKSS Oi'i'UiiTl \IHK' \ PARTNER W A NT K D -WIT i fl.'MO; AMOUNT in 2Vvest--d ,lou .led in tliraa muiitUa. WILsO.N, at Travel lers' Aooclatinn. 107 Duune at. ?.V1AKT MaN Teo "IKED Ah I'AIU NER In A well known hotel; Utile capital reqntrad; rara oppor tunity. BMiTli, 17 t/'autre at. Additional capital rwocMp #o* mjdl clinnU. luaiiutacturvr* and othara. already aatablitbad; buainea. opportunitia. ot all kind*. STRICKLAND'S. 3d Bee km an at. -T11 d i i io n ai 7 c a pita l "p.iocu red kokTKR ?cliant., mauofartiireia and othera; 'teal Batata ax changed lor Business; Mining Interests, Ac., negntl tted; per.oua wy it It capital acekiuir business without charge o! approved opportunities. K fereuece. -Leonard, Howell A Co.. Hank era, 5# It ma. I way; Kruslne Titus, Esq.. Cracker Bakery. 2*'i Wa.hingiou at , and oUiera. oKIUUS A ?A It!,I-. TON, Financial and Baeiuess Brokera. (M Broadway. bTr ani> k est a it it ant. fTnbly LOCATED, ON Coney laland, cheap Call lourtli houae weal of Itanach'a hhtel, or call or addreaa 8., 34 Cbaaeer place, Brooklyn iiALF INTEREST. WITH PAItTNP,.(BHIP, IN A tine retail business, can be lia>< for $ J.OHO. DUi'LKY A CO., 0 Eaat I4Ui at. ITaiTf- interest In "a Sick i.ittLe~sroki lor only SOHEOKDER A CO.. "J Clinton placa. A RELIABLE MAN Mini *1,500 CAN SECURE nartiierahip in a reapeetahlc light business, i-uorm -usly profitable Call to-day ou Mr. II It * RY. IIM East 2nd at. til NTLI-Tm AN~WI III C API l \L AS PARTNER FOB Import business able a cent lor loading European; one acquainted with the drug line preferred. 11 OFF, Herald onici-. PAltrNhk WITH $30u WAN TED-IN AN OLD BS. t.ii,lulled monev-inakiu.- boaineaa: aafe Inyaaiment; aleady income. HCllltOKIlKK A CO. 2 Clinton place. ( tli; lit. IOOA BTOftB AKli LUNCH DOOM OOM> VVblncd; price W.500. Anply GIIIOOB A CaKLETON. OS Broadway /TAPITAl. W VNTKO-l.N AN K? TAB LIS 11 KD. PROFIT v^nhle bu.inrsk, mannfacturink a maple article that la an abaolute neceaaily to everyone; to a bu.ineaa man with (t.O.OMi thla la a rare opening, aa the bu.ineaa can he in cruaaeil to any extent, and priillta made are larqa. Addreaa H. I), P., Herald I ptnwn um,(. C" 1IIANOE SELDOM 77r~KRUKD.?$1.50(1 WILL BUY J half lntereat la the manntacturinK Mil ill article; great demand ; .iirpn prollta; Inveiimunt accurnd. Apply 2tiS Broadway, room 14 NOIl HALK^PERMANKNT CASH BUSINESS, healthy and pleaaant llutne, a Country Store (now ear Tying a liclii atock) an I Residence, all under one roof. In l-.ast stroutibnrg. Pa.; the best business location In the town; population i.(KH); 31^ hoars from New York; will b? sold at a groat sacrifice; Invcatl ation solicited. For par ticulars call on OSCAR G. KAFFEItTY, 71 and Tt Front at., or addreaa owner. WM HaFFEHTY. l-.aat Stroudsunrg, Pa. IjTIKST cTTaCITY HOTKL. FUlt.NisHEO. ADMI It. . ably located, to lease. Only responsible purlins ad* dress OWNER. Herald office. alf inter est. with full control, of tiir finest Hotel In Michigan lor sale; beautifully turnlabod and making money; Ao.NUO down, balance In lieu I Estate or long timo. Address VV ESTKilN HOTEL. Herald office. IADY OK Uh.NTLEMAN~ \vTlLING ft) I NY EST ?(KW Jin a auccesstiil thofttricul enterprise c?n m-enre * week ly return of $5(1 lor one year and 7 per cent for use of money. Address, atatlng when yon can call on advertiser. SUCCESS. Herald Uptown offiae. PsRiNKIt REQUIRED IN 1-IltsT CLASS CORNER liquor store on splendid business thoroughfare; rare op. porlunlty to smart man. SMITH, 17 Centre ?t. Reliable man wanted as partner in well established grocery store on eaav terms; proprietor has other basluess to atleud to. SV11TH, 17 Ceuire at STAPLE BU SIN ESS. WITH UNL1MMF. l> FIELD nbotit eztendlag, requires an Intereated asaoolftte. with *l,i*J0, to learn hnslne.s, money secured <2,n0<> gusran teen first year and future competency It eatlatectory. DUDLEY A CO . fl East 14th .treet. ANTED-IN ANEW EH1 AHLlHUKD DRUG S I ORE, lu best situation, a Partner with $Y>0-9l.QUU each. A. Z , Hernld otlloe. __________ - WAN IBD. PARTNER WiTli ABOVE ?p_t )V/.amouut for variety theatre. Apply to-day, 22 <&1 rikft CASH WILL BUY ONE OK TIIE REST J-aOUUpuylng wine rooms down town i located In tho business ceutio. having n hue trade: rent Fl.iKJO satlsfac* torv reasons given for selling. Address OWNER, box lit Herald office. $?? iwilk kok saiTe LOW. The STOCK, fix ? >?" 'l/l/.tures and Gun I Will --f an old established Mil. Imery and Fancy Ouodt Store in the uest business portion ol Broadway; reasons lor selling III liealtd end retiring Iroru buslnoss. Aouress MILLINERY UOODH, lleraia office. dh.'i r/wi will pukchask half iNTKKKhT IN (pO.iJUWiiii established importing buslnoss lu whirls over #7,'kH) were mads the past night months; larger nmount can be made nsxi season HEIti.lN. Heral I office. $.M| AAA CAFirAL?A UtlNi'LEMAN7^7 YKakI wU.uUUul age, with a ove means and unexc?p. tioueble rvlerences aa to character ? d business repackly, off-r. his toeaus, expenence and services to e well club. Iished. lucrative wholesale business wauling such a nersoq in- partner: nil communications considered oonttdeatteL Address PARI MRU, box 2CK> Herald ulhce. REAL ESTATE. The fallowing Mien were made on the Rdnl Kitnta Kxchuogto ynxterday:? it tL r. umirrr. Fureeloaure *ale?Joi.u A. G<iMliilt, referee?ef the building*. with tw<> let*, eneli 25xIO". No*. Ml end UL?*liit. ( h., 175 ft. n. ol Delnncey *t.. tu h re lories Hollander '. .(16,554 Alio. tiuiilur tele ? A. Muuell, releree?of the hou*e, with lot 2<l **U? ?. No. 235 Wut Jfcnii at. n. 28.1 U It. w. of 7tb a?.. to Martha Kartell 10,000 BT C. J. LTOH. Foreelnenre ?ele?John 9 rterb. nr. releree-of the bouse, with lot 15x1*1.5, Nu. 1 .12 I. a* I 7l?t et, *. a., 45 It. w. of L' xinifton .* . tu plaintiff. 8,4 S3 IIV XCllTT AMU XTMI. Kurecloeure asle f. >1- HurxUard. r. ioree-of the house, with lot 18.10x90, No 2.300 4tu ar . w. a, 25.6 It. x ul I 25ih *t., to plaintiff 5,000 Tut el (+I.O.IA officii!, real ustaib tbanbfki b. The lullowiug xialemout euuwmg lb* reel relet) trauenclioo* recorded mine Iterator'* oflloi Jane 11, 187#, in obtained (ruui Augualu* T. Doeu.?rt/, Dep uty Kigieler:? 5MtU et., ?. * t 345 ft. w. efttU nr., 20x100.5; Minion lieiiilieiuacr .uil wile tu siiUle It .-seliiiiiien Nor*. Iltli at..* ? 36M it w. ol ar. A. 25*94.8; i-.dward VI. .nor.nil to Margaret KreXelur Net*. 1 Itt> et ? *.. 389 it. ? of a*. a. 25alil 8. Marin Moddau t > Marx .ret M. Kreheier (2,000 fit-"* -* w a.. (O It a. ol neater at, 2 >xti2 ti. >? stoaucupp aud wife aud uth.ra to toaratt Kos?n an I others . . .. 15..xO I *aex at lNo. 10 . *ame to aatua 15, sal NuMuia at. (so 130), -5xlHi K.d eard ileaay and wilelu.lamra Henry aud other*. 1.8(10 7lat*t,a a. 185 It. e ul 3d at., 75x100.4; Itebreca Junes t > Mary O'ltel Ijr H.UXl 3i?t.t.a ?. 2?rrt. e ?>? Jd ar., jokuhw; ntckwd M lloari ireleie*) to Isreenwirb nartun* BauX.. 5.l?n* RmM at.. Meal No W( . la UaMH l.iljr L ay and uuaoauil to noobla Uudiuau aud other*. Nob. ?Meaner at., a a ,25 ft. e. ul tiftata at.. 2 alJU 10 lotit-lourtU part of). Juahua 8 Tueaar te i.miaa K. ? acker Nona. 71 "t at., a. a 11 I It e. of 3d nr., lot4i,5; hdltu 0. I."lib and to Marx U' ilanlf t.'ll) WilU'tt at. e a., 75 It a ol r-tantun at, 25xlUU; Jirlcblor Hoffmann aud wlte to l.lit 1.0*7 ' (JO Sdar. .*-*. comer o 1.5th at., i.wixill XirreKelar; Ko aeaer H Khalar irrleiari'taJsBM A lluoae ?rit (trustee). 75,51) 12 lib at., n. a . 131 It. W. ol 3d ar . i?ix4l, aaaaa to soma .... M ,1*10 ll2tu at, a. a, 22t) 11 It w. ol ar A, ill 5x I (JO. II; Hourj W. kouiieiy tieferee) to uoor^o 11. D* Milt. Jr., and utliera ilruatees) MO 11.'Hi St., a a. 24(1.1 It, w. ul ae. A. 1V.5xI0U,I1 J ?aiae t? same (00 112th at., a a. 259 3 ft. w. ol ar. A, 19 5xIUU 11; a.taa to llarrtai it. I araona itrtlsteei.... . .... buO (Otli at., a. a, 425 It. a. ul Hth ??.. (HxIUO 5; hd ward D, t?a<e (r-fifcei to B.wnk Vau Loan and etbcra 9,150 ttr.coenau tos* Hllrnn. Ntrah M aud anuthar, te Knoarl M HIre ne ub. N?a III ana 119 Nurluik at.; it yaare (2,400 brown, ur. neltle It. to ibeinaa I', fshnnuaa, a. a. I lib at,, e ol 5tlt a*,; I rear 1.0011 Couaiiu. llauaah. tu Joaapb Agate, a. a 54th at. a ol 8111 ar ; 3 year* (.OJ0 Fratnpacii, r reoerlca aud elle, to 'lenrji V. Allien and another (Irnelee*, (a). No. 13 bin n* . and a.eo Cornelia at, 5 yO ra t,lO] Hrelli r. Klcbard, lo Nathaniel McKay, w. a Huh in. ton at. e ut nurlnu at; 1 jear 4.18 0 Henry J aiuea. and utbera to Mdward lleuey, 0. a Nurluik at , a ot -*1 an tun el 1 ;a*ra??M ...... 1,800 llntt. 1 n win anu wile, to J nun Mcanm ann anotbor (tXeeul r*. Ac.), No. 5nl in or . d raand 7,600 boorrre. Carol toe r,. and Imabaud. tu Htephen Itaixnaltrr trustee, Ac.), a a 01 ,-pnn, at, w. of at .5 years..,, ..... 10,00( Mr Mantis, Thomas aud wile, to 8erah A. - ends, a a III ImAiukIi.b ??., *, ol .>7 tla M , 9 year* 7.0IJQ M ? 11 a* 1?. lluanes anil wile, to 1 arolin* Miller, a. a of rtanlnn et , w. of Oeryatlo at. i t yeare ll.iao Nagent Matbew, to chariea K. I rain ana,* a. a of diibat , ? ol 34 ar.; J rear*. 2,(?*J O K lily. Mary, In Mrbeeea Juan, a a uf 71*1 aa, a. uf 3d ar.; 3 . ear a ....*. 4.500 0 Keilly. Mary, to hdlth C. laeilo, a a of Tlat at., e. ot 3d i.r.. 3 yeera...M (,3n0 Klon. Anele ?" I huanaud, lo The Sal.or*' Nnug Ha-imi.n. a ol 124th at., a. ol i-tn ae.; I year .. 12,10) Car*. John it. to Itrntdai i? r Itipatrlth lexe -e irtx, A et (18,333 I'Barirl, nuli. it. In I'liatla* .-ruuh aud another 4Jf llenry, tdwar to Prancia naahea ..... l.Axi Marlarland. J auaxs H . tu Narab A. H uowaa 40Q 1 i.orp Minn A, tojeaopo 11. ' 5orp it,uua Union Ulna naelnaa luatitullon tu Philip Keeker ?*M?' (,00( THhV PUT lllAI OUT. A mil who d*tcrtbed bitnaelf n* i, Oray, of Day ?treet, weal 1910 the Keal Kslai# Cscbang# yestrrdag and attempted to break up a lale which Wai being cv*eno?e( toy AM?ie?*?r Uareett. tt( waa (|*M?g m aotae uf MM atteeatoa.