Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD WHOLE NO. 15,270. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1878.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS . DIRECTORY FOR ADVKKTLSKKS. HERALD BRANCH OFFICE 1/^6j BROADWAY OI'EN DAY AND NlUllf FOR BBOIPTION OF ADV K RTIS K M h NTS AND SALES OF PaPKRS. A MUSK ME NTS?1st PAda-Oth and 6th vol*. ANTROLOGT-'Jd Pauk?4th eol. BILLIARDS?2i) Pagb?4th col. BuaRDERa WANTED-2d eol. board and lodging wasted?3d Fao??m ml BROOKLYN REAL EST ATR FOR SaLK?3d PagH?lat cul. BUSINESS ORPORTUHITIKS-Rtk Pio* BUSINESS NOT1CK.S-.7tu PAUK-Oth coL CITY RRAL EST A IE FOR SaLE?'JD Pao?-I?? oaL clerks and SALESMEN?I2tu Pack-4th col. CLOTHING?3d I'agk?4th col. COACHMEN AND UAUDKNeRS?12th Paoa-4th eoL Coastwise steamships? iith Paub?3a eoL COPARTNERSHIPS?S**tt PAGB. COUNTRY BOA KD?2d Pace -3d and 4th cola. DANCING ACADEMlES-lK t'AG>-SUt coL Dentistry?i?t Pao??Mb coi. DRY GOODS?1st Page?Oth coL . wr> DWELLING HOUSES TO LET, FURNISHED AMD U.NKURNISHED?2d PAGB-tltcol. BUKOPEAN STEAMSHIPS?Ilia PAOK-2dcoL EU4toPB?7tu Pack?ttth col. EXCHANGE-Ist PAC?-5th coL EXCURSIONS ?IItu Pack?4th col. rlN aNUIAL- 9tu Pack tiB S ALE- 12tu PAGM-6th col. FURNISHED ROOMS ANO APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d Pack?III and 2d coll. FUR MTU RE? 12th l'AGie-6th eol. HELP WANTED-FEMaLES?I2TK PA0K-4th eol. HELP WANTED-M\LKS-12tu Pack -4th and 5th cole. thOuSES. CARRIAGES. AC?1st Pag*?2d, 3d, 4th and Otll Colo. HOTELS?2d Pack?3d col. , HuUSK.-i. ROOMS. AC., WANTED?2d PaGK?24 col. INSTRUCTION-Isr l'A0B-5thcol. Lost AND FOUND-Ist PAca-liteol. BACH INERT?12th PAUK-Oth col. Marble mantels? jd pAca-oth col MEDICAL?2d PAGK-4tli col. SILLINKRY AND DRESSMAKING?lit P40B-5th coL ISCELLANEoUS ADVKRT1SEM KNTS-IUXH PaOM? Oth col. MUSICAL?1st Pack?5th cot NEW PUBLICATIONS?7th PA0K-6th col. PERSONAL -1ST Pag*?lit col. , PIANOFORTES, ORGANS. *0.-18* PagK?5th CoL Post OFFICE NOTICE? 1st Pack?Oth eol. PROPOSALS?2d Pack? Bth eol. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 12th Pack -4th cul. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITT POR SALE OB TO RENT?2d Rack-lit col. SEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?2d Paok?lit coL BEAL KHl'ATK WANTED?2u Pack?lit col. BEWARDS-lsx Pack?lit col. BALES at auction?2d Pack?Oth and 6th coll. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALKS-Utu Pack?5th and "th eon. and 12TU Pack-lit. 2d, 3d and 4th cell. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?12th Pagk?4th and Sth coll. SPECIAL NOTIOES-Ist Paok?lit and 2d coll. SPORTING-DOGS. BIRDS. *0.?1st Paok?2dcoL SIOKAllK -2d I'agk ?4tb col. 8UUMBR RESORT'S?2d PACK-4thcoL THE TRADES ? 12th Pack?Othooi. THK TURK?Iit Pack-2<1 col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PIJKPOSHS- 2d PAOK-llt eoL TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?11th Pace- 3d and 4th coll. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d Pack?2>l col. WANTED TO PUROIIASE-Ist PAUK-Oth eol.? WATCHES. JEWELRY. AC.-Hth Pack?HIi eol. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS, AC-IOiu PAGK-Oth coL peksonal. Bon If *8*7 TO 2HTI1 NT., FOURTH A VENUE CAR, Wednesday morning.? Will the young lady kindly ad droll, mentioning lotne circuntatanco, LEXINGTON, Herald Uptown office. Dolly-true oair; you have all the trunki; don't tnakc a miitake; nothing but pure selhah IMSI. L>lora B.-YOURS NOT RECEIVED till tubs J? day evening; vexed beyond word* "Advene fatei" mar be beaten yet; will call at lame place and hoar Thursday and Friday. If any otherwiae lend uoto ai bo ron. OUY L. L- statue.-this Suspense is torture and cruel. At leaat write me ode* mon explaining il* leuce. Do not deaerl me now. but bear with me aud grant forgiveness. BaUY. "ffUBBETTS AVE."?AM IN THK CITY AGAlNt IF A you wiah to loe tr>e write immediately to Herald Up town Branch office. 11. 11., Clinton place. Tuesday, owo p. m.. broadway oar from City Hnll.?La?lr noticed gentleman writing, and left at 45th it. Addreae UNIVERSITY, Herald Uotown office. RS-l HAVE Br.KN GREATLY TROUBLED ABOUT you. Juit lay on* word that you are well. Am 10 ?orry to ne the cauae of your mialorluue. SINCERITY. ILL ONE OF THE two YOUNG LADIES (widow), who eroded the Grand itreet lerry yeater day, at 3:3G P. M., and who noticed gentleman before oroea ing and alterwara in boat, permit an nonorablo acquaint ance I Pleaae mention car taken. Addreae WELLINGTON, Herald Upton offiee. ANTKD-ANNIE'S aDDKSS, FORMERLY WEST 24th it. BUFFALO, box 217 Herald office. w LOST Amu FOUND. ^ou"5n>^a"scu' onToKey." ow'neb oaS HaVe It by calling at K. II. WALDO'S. 1,209 Broadway. fiTOUND AFLO'AT IN EAST RIVER. A SPILE; AF ' not called Tor aball bo sold to pay expenses. Call Ifiot 18th it.. East ltlver. V OST-oN MONDAY MGUT. ELK'S BaDGU. BN AJgruved B. P. O. E , Corvui Aleoi. prevented to' Harry Wood by Coliseum Irieiid. rhe Under leaving same at st. Charles Hotel will be Ilbrally rewarded. OST-JUNK 12, IN rilit GALl.A I IN BANK. 3 OR 4 twenty (20) dollar Notes. Tlie Uoder, on returning them to the Paying Taller, will be suitably rewarded. Z" ' ORT.?A SUITAB Je REWARD~WILL 11R OIYEN Jfur the return at a large cream colorod Spies, strayed out 06 Ctlntuu place. T"MT~f P. M.TBAIN HUDSON RIVRB RaILKOAIX AJ'lueida.r, eanrai Satchel, marked R. W. K., and illk Umbrella. Please return to E. R. K.. 31 Broad it., room 8. STRAYED?FROM 144 WBS'f 3STH ST.' JUNK 12. a fawn eolorod Skyo Terrier Dog. Finder pleaae ra re the same: will bo liberally rewarded " r ~y ? KKH A It OB. RRVS'aRD.?LOST, ON WEDNE?6aT. frjtlT' of gold Cable Chain. Applv at 6 Watt "2d. 15 itoff REWARD.?LOST-ON FOURTH AVENUE V ?Ucar. Monday night last, about H o'clock. Boar Grand Central Depot, a Kitty Dollar bill. Above roward will be paid by returning lima in iki7 Broadway, room X SPECIAL. NOTIC&h. xx.?effectual cure fur all nervous mid cbrnulc disease*. These appliance* are applicable to either wis and atford Sudani reilel In tun ol rheuuiatleni, uyspepsle. general debility, Ac. Pulvermecher's arc llm only genuine. Depot. 211' Broadway. ATTENTION?TWKN lY YEARS' I'RIikmIAN HOhPI tal experience; specialties disease*ol men and nervous system; conenltalion tree. Dr. JACOIIY, IU1 lilcecker it. ?ELECTRIC 1<ELT8. BU KK OIJ KK~ KOU PKKMA ture debility; tlie ouljr reliable; eeud for circular. Dr. AKR'832 Broadway. A A IX RUKUJ4 AT18M POSITIVELY OURKD-ANY stag* of tbo dieeaee. EUROPEAN RHEUMATIC CI It rv. 207 Wed 34tn it. TTKNT10N, PATIENTS.?ALL DISEASES, KBCi.NT Lor old. eltiu disorder* ami itorvmn debility radically red. Dr. PKOTIN (from Paris), 34 Bond si. A LL SPECIAL COMPLAINTS CERT kIN. NAPE AND XI.permanently cured, to enuer eex. Dr. OUX. 203 East loin st. All special complaints, mi dioal or suk. (leal, solely, succostfully treated. Advice Ires Dr. UK A D Ml it 1), 1J2 Kaet 12th st. All dihkahks op men. whatever the cause, recent or long standio*, speedily eud permanently cured by Dra DYER A 0R1NDLE, 47 West 13th st., noer lib nr. 'a.: and Uye. $1 per larire bottle ; $4 pur ration. N. VAN Hi.1L. 38 Chambers at. AN Ess aY, sUPl'LYINU Mi-.aNS POR EPEPCTINO cur* of nervous debility, mailed Iroe. W. WALKLN, box 2,300 Post oflice, New York. LL DISEASES HI.ODIK SK l~N Xn D K eIiVOUS DK bllltf; no fee until cared: etaraiuetlou trs*. Dr. PRKMAM, 2>Ul Orer.d el. A B KaNDIKS. WINKS. HISS and WHISKIES-BEST _ qualities at lowest prices:) goods delivered; English re Strati Tea. Eh eeuts. N. VAN BEIL. 88 Chambers st. BUT RYE WHtSKEY IN TilK WORLD. POUR years old, S4 par gallon. CI par large bottle N. VAN HKIIi. 88 chambers st. BKOUOHToN's IN VlOOHA TINO OYKUP OUUKM .loeiacli, liver, kidney dlseasee, lamnie weakness. As. ; aiso restores uianhevd, Ac., 20c. Advise Desk. 00 West ?th st. f T_o"-0-0?O?O?O?O?O-O-O-O-O-O-O?O?O u oee Earekn Coffee and Tea Urn* O 0 st Broadway, Coffee free. O O?O-O-O-O-O-O- O-O-O?O?O O -O?o?O?o D* IbkACBn or MEN A SPECIALr?^ IIKNHY A. DANIELS. M. D.. 141 Lexington a v., near tilth at Office liaur* Irom 8 to h .ml 0 to 7. I* MVOECEH hpTeOlLV OBf AlNaD?TERM* SUPER* xiailvely reasonable; I CONSULTATIONS tree. ERKD Nli h il. KINO, Lawyer, ttnt. Bark's place, adjoining Cooper laetltute. K. KlCORU'X RbeJINCE OP~ LI PK RESTORES manhood to the debilitated In lour weeks; failure im possible ; C3 per caee. Sole agent. Dr. J. J Al.gUIS, 7 Uui eernt) place. New Yerh. IYORCK CASKS ATTEND^TO PROMPTLY WITH' out publicity ; ronsult Kirn. ISAAC O. HOYCK, nspa He need lawyer. 310 Broadway. yWAlUtlUkU MKYEMTEEB YEARS. Dra JORDAN A DAVIKSON, Proprlctoesaf the URKAT EUROPEAN MIRE CM, Ik* largeet collection la the world, 720 Cheetaut at.. Falls Aelpble, wish to Inform their patient* and the public that tbey may be confidentially consulted aa ntnal on all die eases or men, wtyleh tbey have uiado a specialty lor 17 **Their medical work. "PrHCtlonl Ohsnrvatlons" on differ aat diseases, with an "Essay ou Marriage," eaa be had on receipt el 23 eenls, postage stamp-. Address Ore. JORDAN A IMVIKSON, 1,0-2 . Pllbert at.. Philadelphia No eenneetlon with %y other firm In America. jjAVANA~ LOTTERY." Next Drawing Jnne 13s New tcheme teat free on apnMeellon. M A. MAkTF.SKZ A CO.. Bunker*. ID Wall sE, basement. SAVANA LOTTERY^ 8 aTUKIM Y~,~UNK 13. Canltal Prise. CtAW.bOUk i 'spltal I'rli" f O.ISS) 3d Osplial Price....CXMMS Tic.oil MO, CW, IIV. Twentieths, C2. Fortieths, CI. JaCK^ON A CO., Bankers. 82 Nasseg st. Bear Knlton. tlTVUKI CTATE LOrrlKY Wl ixTirTw J UNB I5| Whole Ticket*. CI ; Capital. CtC.OCD, sealed risk taken) our niivate parlors al 838 Broadway *f* open from 7 X E. until BP. M. U. NATHAN. 1B1 and CUE Broadway. SPECIAL. aimCKS. _ ?yBfSrBcK?" sta r?. TSaiw S" j trffit is. IV. capital prize. $i&,ooa 1 Prise ol $8,000 | 1 Prise ul $5,000 2 1'use.ol leuch).... 2.500 I 2 Prises of (eacli)..., l.OUO 10 Prise* i.f (oucb)... 50u I 50 Prises ol vem-ei ... lOO 1,804 Prises, In til ainouuitug to f07,025. WHOLE TICKETS, $1. JACKSON A CO.. Bankers. 82 Nassau ?t, bear Pulton. OUISIANA STATE LOTT. RY COMPANY.-CHAR. t<-ri-d by the Slatr. It uavtr sculesor po-tpoiie*. Seventh Grand Distribution ui New Orleans. July it. 1.857 pm??, amounting to SI 10.400: capital priiat, $30,000. $10,000, $5,000, Ac.; 100,000 ticket*, two t$2> dollars; halves, uue ($1) duller. Apply to V. A. DAUPHIN, Post uttiee box 082, New Orleans, La..or 11. L. PLU11, 910 Broadway, New York. KTBOPQLITAN PRINl 1N0 DO ALL KINDS OP PR1NT1NO FOB ALL KINDS OP' BUSINESS. SUMMER EXCURSIONS AND BTEAMUOAT WORK, PAMPHLET TIME TABLES. PINE WOOD ENOBAVXNO AND COLORED PRINTING, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES AND TICKETS LAW CASES EXPRESS COMPANIES, STEAMBOAT, STEAMSHIP LINKS AND RAIL ROAD WORK. PIR8T CUSS WORK AND LOW PRICES FOR CASH. GIVE US A TRIAL. MBTEOPOLITAN JOB PRINTING OPPICE, 28 ANN ST. Mrs. j. w. danpirth, magnetic physician.? Patient* aeooinniodatod Willi Board Hdatired. OS Clin ton uluac. M~ UK JUIJA HINDLRY.OP.PHILAUi.lVhiaTgivks private sittiugs To those wbo with to iuv-sligute tbo truth of Spiritualism, by lioarlug front tbelr departed trlouds and other matters. Hours Irom 10 to 4 o'olock, at 58 Clinton placo. M*~KXlUAN onyx" TABLiTrOP, IXKsTANOS, AC.-8. KLABKH A CO.. Steam Marble.Works. West 51st St., between Broadway and stlt av. Mantels, Monuments, Headstone*, at lowest prices. M__k^kotrTcian. swedish move ment. cure* rhoumsti.m aud debility suecesstully. 107 Wert h ?t.. near 6ttt av. M~ AN IOC A. makes most delicious desserts, puddings, blano manga aud Jellies. Por tale by grocers. 0 ?OFFICIAL KENTUCKY STATE DRAWINGS. . KKMTUCXY? XXTBA CLASS MO. 377?J UN k 12. 1878. 5. 71. 55. (10. 26, 7S. 48, 07. 16. 13. 38, 7. KltNTUCUr?CLASS HO. W8 - JU.VK 12, 187R 58, 74. a. 78. 0. 25. 26. 32. 44. 4. 5. 36, 75. SIMMONS A DICKINSON. Managers. CKOItCIA STATU? KXTKA CLASS NO 31/7 -JUNI 12. 1878. 8, 20. 6?. 27. 6. 51. 46. 35, 41. 54. 77. 0. UX0UC1A STATIC-CLASS HO. 398?JUN? 12. 1878. 19, 88, 42, 46, 17. 5. 49. 77. 20. 72. 25, 4, 26. K. U. EDDY A CO.. Managers. Information given regarding the above drawings. Auply to CLt'Tb A CO., Bankers. 2C1U Hroadwjty. rear ofHco. 0" -KOVaT HAVANA DRAWlTjUNK 15. .$810,000 In Mpanlah money to be distributed. Capi tal prise. $200,000. . 1 prise of. $5o.000 I 10 prlnes of $5,000 each 1 nrise of 25,000 I 115 prvaos of l.OOo aaeh 2 prises of. $10,000 each 1)80 prise* of 500 each Tickets. $40. $20. $10. $5, $2. $1. J. CLUTK A CO.. Banker*. 200 Broadway. 0 -KENTUCKY SINGLE NUMBER , Distribution Jans 15 1 prise....... ....$13,0001 2 prisqs of......$2,500 each 1 prise 8.0001 2 prises of...... 5,00Ueach 1 prise 5.000 I 10 prises of 500 each 1.804prioes, distributing $U7d?5. t ickets. $1. CLUTK A CO., Bankers, 200 Broadway. 0?LOOK.?KENTUCKY HTATB SINGLE NUMBER, ? to be drawn Saturday, June 15. Capital prlsa, $15,000. 1 prise of. $8.iso I 2 prises of (each) $2,500 1 prise of?.. 5.0001 2 prises ef (each) 1,000 1,81)4 prises, amouatiag to $67,025 Whole Tickets. $1. Prises paid in full. a PARKS. EMERSON A CO.. Bankers, 180 Broadway. Baalod risks taken la dally drawings. OPKMNG AT llOKUG'S RESTAURANT. 402 BROAD war. June 15. The best Drinks and Refreshments will be served. ^ PARTIES-wlsUINO TO PURCHASE OLD Jl DGh Smoking Tobacco and Cigarettes can obtain very low flgnrss by applying at our ofllce, 88 Wall St. D. illRMH A CO., sole owners of the trade mark "Judge" In any form for the manufaetura of Cigars, Cigarettes, Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos. u ft? _ ...portent cases, medical or surgical: Impairment of any organic (unction, hereditary or constitutional taint; diseases of meu and tbe uarvoua system ? specialty. UK.NKV A. DANIKL8. M. D.. 144 Itiinitn ?., Mu 20tb at. Hours, 8 to 8 and 0 to 7. j^oyal Havana p,tAW8 junk is. i87a $810,000 dlstrlbutatl. Capital Fries, $200,000. Highest rstos paid for prisss, Havana bank bills, da. Address all orders to tbe aulho Izrd ageuts, C. VlADKltO A CO., Bauksrs, 1 Now at. Pout oflico box 2,870, New York. N. B.-Liberal discouul to club*. (Late wltb M. A. Manillas k Co.) Royal Havana loiykky?nkxt drawing June 15; $8IO.?k) dietributed: Capital Prise. $200,000: prises cashed: orders filled; information furnished; highest rata* paid lor Spenlah Bank Bills. Ourrrnuieota. Ae. TAYLOit k CO., Baakers, 11 Wall St., New York. R?DI-KAAK8 OP MKN AK18INO PItu.M IMPUK1TY ?ol tbe blood, skin talut uuu ucrvona prostration a ape, elaity. JOSEPH JAC(JUK.v 11. 11, 7 Uirlwrelty place. Office hours from H till 3 add I) to 8. T7"ITaL cupulkm curb nekvouh i>, bility. V weakaoss. male or lemale. circular sent free. IKYING k BLAKE,box 140, Brooklyn, N. Y. PMQ BROADWAY-GENERAL EASTERN OKFICK D&U KENTUCK-Y bTATK LOTTERY. DRAWS kaTL'KUaY, JUNK 11. 1 Prise of $l5.u*l 2 Prises, sacb... $1,000 1 I.r $M,(??) II) Prises, each... $.H?) 1 Prist) of $11**1 It) Prises, each... $ltk> ...... fea 2 Prises, each $2,1**) 1.MS5 I'rlsua, a mount.$22,026 1,804 PR1KKH AMOUNTING I'D $07,033. WHOLE TICKETS. ONLY *1. In consotincuee of,our Inability to atleud to all oor patror.s during tbe reitular utile# hours during tlie last tew days, we wilt keep open antU 10 o'eloek to-day and to morrow. WILLIAM HON k CO.. 5M? Broadway, naar Houston, N. Y. branch office, 01 Broadway, Wllllamehur/. 67.925.~a PULL PUR8K NRVKK WANTS PKIENDM." We wouldadrloa all wbo wish to replenish tbslr purse to purchase s ticket* In the grand drawing of the Kentucky ? *- Ja - ? Btate Lottery, to be drawn Juuo 15. CAPllAI. PRIZE $13.0*10. 1 prise of -.*8.0 O I prise of $5,000 3 prises (sacb) $3.3*)) 2 prises (sacb).......81.000 1,804 prtaes lu all, amounting to ........867,033 TIC KK I S ONLY. $1 BACH, Order tickets from ths lucky ufficv. ol the Northern areats, U, II. PORTER A CO., 1,227 Broadway (open evenings), sad 183 Montagus at., Brooklrn. <$?>rt. -KENTUCKY 87ATE, JUNK 15. ?0 I .VZO. Capital pkuk $i$uuo. 1 Priss ef $83**) I 1 Prise of $7,000 2 Prises of (escbl.... 2.5(X) | 2 Prisea (each of).... l.OOO 1.H87 Prises Irom #5 te $5ou. 1,804 Prisss In all, amounting to *87,023. WIIOLH TICKr.Ts. U)K OoLLAK OPEN EVBKY EVENING UNTIL 0 O'CLOCK. Ksatueky draws dally. Tlckbts. $1 te $2 lo. BULLAE!) A CO.. Brokers. B07 Broadway. near 20th *4. t?) Otili IWWk -Havana extraordinary -i.ijO".rM/U.drawing; Capital Prise. *500.000; ordinary Lnttrrr June 13; orders filled by BONNENBKKU A CO.. New llavea.Cenn. t?> M7 I ?ROYAL SAXON LOTTERY. I hU? 4* 4 sT. Ducal Krunawlck tauter/. Drawings la Uermaoy trsry month. Royal Havaua Lottery. Juas IA Na* schams now ready. Tickets. $dO: quartsrs, $10; slgblha, $3; fortieths, $1. Kentuek) Male Lotteiy. June 15, Whole tlekels, $1. Prises csabed and full Information of the above sent free, J. UUrr A CO.. Baaeera 42 Naaaau St.. for. Libertv. N. Y. a: MPUHTINfa-OUOK. U1UUK. AC. XL THE CHOICE llKEKDB OK YmiUS POil MAt.1t andtock ; Keater's Eurtka Mangs Cure and Pisa Eater. mlnator,$i. 0. P. KOHTEH.3 Watt 3*1 at. F71 lit ~ HALE?ONE T)K Til h La HO EST * AN DMiTsT paifectTpecluiens af tha Albatross (stuffed) war >ven; leugth. four leet luur luchaa; prise, $20. Vail at H7 Heath st., third floor, front. L7i III IALR EIGHT VERY PBRTTT YORKSHIRE r Blue Tall Skyu Terriers, one pair English limy hound Pugs. KKLLaOIIKH. ill Charlton si. TMK TtltP. A-PCEIitWtikJfe PArK?JWk MRfcTlNgT . Wednesday, Thursday. Pridsy sad natunlay, Bixty entries; great double taam rare Wedaeaday PI At J VNIIIV* * IK WWUVIB I u n HI I Wt V V* WUHUS'IIS^ , ftrdiid itr* for all trotting to cvmiuioet *1 II ??imUiioii'r>Oc. WATB# II HaKN AKU, pruprlotof. A ROOKS OPEN DAY AN*D EVENING AT 1.215 ? Broadway (upstairs) oa races at Columbai. (ihio. TllOn. B. JOHN.-soN. B DDK* UI'RN ON COLC'MBU.4. LONG IIKANUU AND llneiweod Kacea, at 18 West 28tli at. W. i.gVY.LU c loi.t MIIC .1 it AC Kb. Book* OPEN AT 15 WENT gHita at. KRI.LY A HUM*. ClOLUMHU* KAORb.? POill.8 HOLD AT 118 HUDSON JaC. Mohnken. KELLY A HLIs.v c li ILL' ft BUM KaOKM. K.VTKIKH AND KI.8CLTB UK. eelead at 13 Weal 28th St., uaaemenL CRIDGK A CO. C 11)1.C'MBI'V (OHIO) KACKM. WKDM.SII i V. fill IIM ;day. l-rldar and Hnturdny. Auction and Prstioh Pools at Tstteraslpa, Otto Cottage. Iluboken. fin.ltRTWOOD I Itola. - PUOL.4 BOLD AT 08 HUD 1 sun si . Ilnuoknii. KELLY .t HL188. rilAT I EHSAi.L'8 COMBINaTU)N_ AND STHAlGIlT 1 I _ books .vary day nt BANDY BPRNCKH'B. earner Ksl. ton and Br?a.twav (bssvuisnt); orders for HuboSan rs celrsd rtlHOTM THIS DAY AND KVKUV DVY THIN WKKK 1 nt Klentwosd Park; Auction Pools and returns of each bust. T.tlei .all's Otto Cottagn, Iluboken ItOMNKn, CAUIllAUKk. AC. *T~_Kf>Al) WAUoSnrF "anii In'orrToitii! VV.anrl Extension Top I'liaotuas nt redne'd prices: SeS nnd hand Half and Kgtensinn lop and Ductura" I'haetona, fsl< soring tops and tingle scat: one side h.r, parent spring, r 1C8KN - top,neen used hut little, own make. W. PRANK DUB* BURY, 135 and 137 Cbrystls at, HOllSKS. CARRlAUEti. ?C. A' t'crioN sale. J JV3VPT8i|QC THE SPECIAL ATTENTION OK GENTLEMEN IS CALJjKU TO THE AUCTION SALE OK TIIK ENTIRE CONTENTS OK A PRIVATE STABLE. TO BE SOLO AT PUBLIC AUCTION THIS DAY (THURSDAY), JUNE 13. AT 11 O'CLOCK. AT THE STABLE I3S KA- f 19TH ST., ONE DOOR E \>T OK IRVING PLACE, including >o elegsut team of Uarri tie Hareei, color boy. Hi>4 bond* IngU. 7 year*. fine, stylish driver*, fast travel lore aud warranted aouud and kind. A well kuown. fiut and high bred team of bay Holding*, are 13)4 hands high. 7 >ud 8 veers old; ere lull broth ers. got by Hambletonlnti Chief, eon of Hettol'e Hem blutonlan. first dam by Heeler's Amorieau Star, second dam by Nonpareil, by Long Island Hlack Hawk; they nro with hut low exceptions the cloeost matched pair lit thie city: they , have lull black niuuos aud lung tall*. *U ilack points, aud ore without doubt one <>f the fastest t'ems oi geutlemeu's roadsters living; they cnn trot together a tulle on truck in 3:35. and either of them can beat 3:30 single ; one has a record at Troy of 3 rJ7; the otbor hoe no record; they are tally warranted soaud aud kind and aafe for any uue to drive; nave *1**, strength ana bono enough for geutloiuao's private carriage or phaeton; will bo sold separately l| required. Very last Trotting Gelding'15.JW hands htgb. 7 year* old: raised by Captalu linlrd. or Lexington. Ky.; tired by Waxey (the sir* ol Ornltun). dam by Blood's Black Ilnwk (Lady Tarpiu dam) ; is a bay. wltb lull' tall and mane: Is very finely built and shows file breeding; has great bottom; trotted at Kurt Edward fire heats, driven ny C. Davidson, beating Nellie Morris and five others. In 3:39, 3 fJ7>4, 3 :'JH 3 ;3ti and 3 -.21%; also beat Masepoa In a two mile race at nagtnaw. Ml?' 4:341 and 4i?i)4; was sec ond In a live-mile dash in 14:13V; be is a verr nlansaut driver; does not null or shy ; is sale for any oue to drive, and Is warranted sound and kiud. Beautiful aud tOyA. bay Trotting Mar*, 13)4 bands high, 4) years old; jjbt by Woodward's Ethan Allen, Jr. ov Ethan Allen; first dam by Ueueral Knox.aire of Cantors (record 3:19)4): second dam by old ColiAibus; can trot a mile to wagon on auy track In 3:33; she has had but little last work; she will make her mark tbis season sure ; She Is one ol the best and purest called horses that lives, nnd Is a steady, lovol and everyday trotter; good iu company, aud warraatod sound and kind. Kast aud handsome bay Mare Plirt. 13)4. <1 years old; bred iu Eon tueky and sired by Errtesou; dam by l-lyiug Tugue; this mare can boal3:4i); is au extra saddler and warranted souud and kind Carriages iuciudo Park Phaeton, with extension top, polo midshafts, and seats four persona; bae beau used but lit tle; elegant top Puny Pbuotoo, two top Bruwttor spring Wagons; one elegant set of Coach Uarnase, one set or Coupo Harness, light Single and Double Rood Harness, Lady's Side saddle and Bridle, Blankets, Itobss, Whips, Ac., Ac. , N. 15.?The stock Is. now on exhibition, and parties In search of Hue stock ura Invited to call and rids behind buy of the lot bcloro day of saio. "EAi.U HORSE WILD SHOW THE TIME UNDER WATCH" ou any good truck. Bole positive, rain or shine, to highest bidder, without re gard to cost or value. C. C DUKK A CO.. Auctioneers. ~c7lARLKS W. BARKER. AUCTION Bc.R. .EXTRAORDINARY sale of bigbbred TROTTING STOCK, lbs property of EDWARD E. GARDNER, or 15 William st. New York, now residing at Palermo, Sicily, whose intended twu years' fhrther abssnco abroad compels tbelr peremptory disposal without reserve on Saturday, Juue 15. at 11 o'olocs, at BARKER A SON'S New York Tttilersnli's, corner of Broadway and 3btb St., ss follows:? BLACK STaK. black stallion, looted 1874. Ill blgb; gut by Blackwood, dam Modasty. by Amorieau star; wlnnsr of first premium lor two ysars at tba Rockland county fair; nt extraordinary spend and great promise. AUAvYa.N'A. blaok gelding, looted 1870, Hi>4 high; got by Thomas JoObrson, out of Hypsoy: one of the best gresn horses to be had for money; can trot in 3:3U. NAN, gray mare, loalod 18410. 14)4 high; got by Peuce makor, oam"iy Bush's Moaseuger; second dam by a son of Withereil Messengor; oue of the finest roadsters in ex istence ; unequalled to the pole or single; cau trot iu 3t35. E.M1L gray gelding, toalod 1870, 13)4 blgb; got by Younu' America, dam of Black Hawk descent; untrained; can trot In 2A>. ALL1E. bay filly, foaled 1875; got by Cystous (son of Young Ainsrlcnl. dam Paulino (thoroughbred daughter ot Kentucky aud Blue Ribbon); In foal to Blaek Star. NELLIE WASHINGTON,"bay mare, by Uappy Medium, dam Lady Washington, by Smith's Burr Wnabiugton ; eon trot in 3:44>. CHESTNUT yearling, by Cyclone; dam Modesty, by American Star. BAY Colt, by flvelone. dam by Itapoy Medium. 8TOCK will arrive at the Mart this (ThursdayI morning. To be seen and RIDDEN AKTER and tneir SPEED TESTED. ?CIlARLKM W. BARKER. AUCTIONEER. _L.UNPRECEDENTED SALE OP THOROUUH1IRKD8L K1RST grand annual seleoftiARRY BASSKTT YEAR I.ING8. two-year-olds. Ac., brad by Coin DAVID Mo DANIEL: also the Race Mares Haa Ryder, Oak Leaf, Juliana, Sarah B.. Mary Mansfield, and sister to Mlluer, nil in foal to Harry Bassett, to take plaee on Monday, Juue 17. at II o'clock, at BAKKttK A Men's New York Tat tersall'e. corner of Broadway and 39th st. TWENTY-SIX head of the soundest, finest end most KCPEUBLY BRED lot of thoroughbreds eve* offered at public sale. To arrive at the Mart on Sunday, June 18. for exhibition. Poaltlvily NO POMTPON EM E NT. BY-BIDDING ot WITH DRAWALS. Catnlogneaon aoplicallon. A. A. ?TUB WINDSOR WAOON. Popular boaauM reliable. No wabble lo tbe whola No breakage of oxlee. I* ttlffer sad run? Ugh tar than any other. Mate only br BBBW8TBR. of 25th st. A?$225?II AN DBOM H TWO-IBaTKD OAKRUUR. ?polo and shafts, platform springs. wltb extension top, cost #820 ttireo iiiontu* ago, liirbt for one borae; alio Top Pony Phaeton and 8laitl" iiarooss; aloo handsome family flora*, youiiK. sound and kind, !!>)% tiaada: aold very low; on* single seat ltoad Wagon. Private stablo 144 West lHtB A ?CARRIAUK8 A. for city and out of town ns*. Ham's new style Depot Wagon for laulea' driving. Ham's circular glass front Coop* Kockuway, carrying three persons inside. Brewster's English and Ham's American styles of T Carta Ladles' Phaetons In all styles. All of tbe above Carriages greatly reduced In price. JollN C. HAM, 056 Broadway, A?aCMBKK CAttltlAliHR. * Landaus. Victorias. I.andauiets, Cabriolets, Vis-a-vis, "*T" (.arts. Light Pbaetoos, Two-wb eaters, unequalled In form and quality; also a large stock of tbe well known H re water Wagon, tha acknowledged standard for quality; all fitted wltb tbe rubber cushioned axle. UMBW^TBU A CO. (of Brooms St.). Broadway, 47th to 48tb si. A? KKPAIK DBI'AKTMK.NT. . BKKWSI Kit A CO.. ef Kreonte si. Carriages for 1*11 sod wintsrnse ne ulng repairs may now be pieced In our bands, and if rrpalutsd or varnished will be stored without ebarge until autumn. Broadway. 47th to 48th at. A PAIR OK KKKTUOKT IIRKD MAY COACH Curves. IttH hauds: Ibo must ilfllili and pl*u?nl driver# III the city; axtra kuti action; tail* touch the irruunir, must bo hmu to appreciate: aloo Pony Due Cart. HltOWVS American Club Mabloa, 134, 1341 and 138 Wool UUtb ?i.. uue door wool at ISroaJway. ?uakuiaokm ok all kiMOa?roiF^nJooiTis ? Pony Phaetons, Uockawayi, IIkU extension top I'atk Pbaetun* and otlior styles. all my own make, at tuaiiulao tarera* prices toil warranted. OKCHK. :KW Caual. ALbll laVk and kick uok8kh oubbu Vkhk or charge ?tllle*' Liniment Iodide of Atuiuoula (yellow wrappers) ; opaylo, splints, ringbone, shoulder lameneaa Mend posted card tor pamphlet Trial alto, lib cents. Or. IIILKn, I'.O Weil Mrnadway, New York family obkmT ahitoaIt wiSt oaSkTo?rhhi for bandaoma.bay Ces-nage llorto, HI land*; blocky built; high ate|>per; light Brougham and llama**; alau elegant t?p Ponr Phaeton, shitting tap Koad Wagon, al nioai new Inquire ataolo* 247 ? -at 4l*t at. ?I'll R~HA 1. K~B aYTi o K HK. IU>j II AN DM. rt year* .old; iron traveller, atyllab driver. Due knee action; kind ami gentle. Can ba aaan at A. K. OLOVfctt'S Stable*. 342 to 34s Navy A, Hrvuklya. A mm N k L k oa n r ~oi ffk *7>s~o lark SokTT baklt new. loriala ataap. Apply to IIKNMY MOTT, 1,410 Broadway. Am -sisocanii iOoht ?<*?), buautikcl hiiikt ?log top Park Pbaaton and Family Wagon; light, for one Uoraa tent* fntrr pcra n*. u*od Dva tlmea; hiuidtnme top Ponr Phaeton. #123, coat $373 : licit city maker*. In quire of Mr. T., private (labia MH Kaat 20th at.. Bear 3d av. _ ? a _KOB BALK, b OIIUNKY lltllLT IfORMKM; SUIT aV.truck, farmer, grocer, exoreae: trial given;" unit ba eold. 127 Mercor ?L, near Hlaeeber. A?THY UUK OUT CKM'IKH W HIP f WAKBANTKD .nut to break. Kara a largo aaeartmani or Kngluli holly, nralacca and whale A CO., 4 Kaat llonaton i llave a large aaeartnient of Knglisli whale bona Wntoa QKO. P. OMEH1N A PAIR OOOII WOlt K M A KKH OUBaP; Al.HO young Canadian IIorae ; all warraklaA luqulra 130 Yarlck, corner Hprlng. a MAC Mr 1CK MI'mT IIK SOLI); NhW TOP POSY J\ Phaeton: two Tk>p Wagon* (Aaba'a patent (Ida bar rubber coupling). O'LKAItV HHOB.. 1X4 Waal 36th at., opposite Aquarium. N Kj;K^ANfrN 0 KAdHIONiTBLH HP AN OK CAR. rlage lloraaa, 10 hand! high. M year* <.id, warranted aound and kind; propsi ty of a gentleman going to Knrupo; a bargain, at ID Wait 44tli at. NKA'I.Y NKW KILL SPKINO. FULL SBkT, Top Stiver'* Wagon and llarnau; almoat aay offer to-day. 12 Ka.l IHtli at. ALIOiif MHbWSTKH (OK UROOMk ST.) WINDSOB tide bar Top Wagou, pola and ebalta; ewat $32u. prlua. i. 3 Waat 13th at. A' ?FOR BALK, KoITk 7I|4UNKY~BcTlT in.Ri77; ..nit truck, larmcr, grocer, expreea; bail valae. Iu7 Utb at., between 3d aud 4th irt ? UCNnJoMrl HARNbSS, TWO CmYaFUOHaBS .lor asle. I lid Knot 33* b at. A A Aunk siiih bar top STJooY, ALSO Itgf o9 Diiuscnrati Mingle ilarue.a; both warranted Apply Uroaory. 27s 7lb a*. a N\ IlKAHONAHLK OKKKR.?SKPaRATSLY oa TO. J\ gother, vary pretty black Varmonl'Marc. 13 bead*; tara, eouud aud kind; trota faat; low bung top Huggy, boat maker, and Hno Harness Call or aodrees ownor. II. CltOMMKLlN. 44 Will 2Nth at. hkkwmtkk top Waoon. duns comb Harness. Improved top Puny Pbaaton; all 111110' uved and very cheap ikl Knat 4ltl ANKW KlYK CLASH ~landau. TWO Maw COli pev and rlx Huggiai Juat Hniabed. at 4AU 3d av. I.HIHT LANtiaTT ANf>~rFvH oLtKlT LAN DA J", three liratta. two Pbaotona, and In order, at barialn. t. W. KIT SKY ASrOMShlNO t; ASIC BAaOAMn.?TOP PONT I'llaaion, 4123. enat 4323, good Ba new ; light tup Pntnlly Wagun. (eat. luor not lollod. 4130. cost 4AOU; Depot Wagon, SltkJ, cuvt 4273. n?od unly tlx tliaea; handsome bey Morgan Curve. H yeare ?ld, l&H hand., saoad and kind, weight I ,iXS> pounds; thle to a bargain. tJixi Bnlatta Club Stable, 13U bast 2bth St.. bntwoan Lexington and 34 ava. A" UCTION SAI.K.-JT BOOAMT, AUCTIONKBR. Will tall on Satnrday, Jnna 13, at II o'cloak, at Nua. ?2 and 34 Lafayette place, tna entire Bteea aft Ldvery Mteble, Unroas, Carriagaa, Aa.. Aa -TWO CHBAk' WORK IIOKHKS; ?LIT Ill'KKrS, .track, grocer, taruslag, Aa. $3(1, $73. 114 t'hrUtopbar It A-rkji businkmh WAiTuSsriaii to 4ii(>t nmmF. .second band, fur Kxuroas, Orooar, Bntabes. Baaar. Muk. Depot. 22U Boring it. H01J.SKS, C4 KAiAGICIt. At. A"" T AUCTION! " BY VAN I aSSELL A KEARNEY, AUCTIONEERS. AT THE I It HOUSE AND CARRIAGE AUCIIOS MART. 110.112 Ee?i 13ih at.. near 4th a* . TOMORROW (FBI 1>AY). 14TU JUNK, at 10 o'clock. PAIR VERY STYLISH DAPPLE GRAY NORSEB. IHi 11 AN OS HIGH, 7 years old; first din driven, ere aot afraid of anything. ara both wall brokou to sad - die tod ?ru good ?inglo driven; ara only told lor want ol an and are ?arrautod touud and kind and true In all karuaaa; elegant Double Harnett, only a few times utad, and OOUPELbf, HOOD AS NKW. built by Wood Brotbert. HAN DM J VIfc OKAY TROTTING MAKE. IS)* HaNDB II It.II. 7 yaars old; ran trot In 7:45 aud can bo drlvou by a ladr: warranted aeery way. ALSO SEVERAL VERY PINK ROAD AND TROT TING IIOKSKS. ENTRIES 8HOULP BR MADB TiyiB DAY BY 4 P. M. -TWO VERY VlMK TEAMS. BAYS. 16 HANDS. 6 ?yeara old: pair of blaekl, 15)*. 8 aad 7 yoart, good road team: botte warranted io every particular: aHeroble touian Mar*. 15.1 high, trots baiter then 2 4d, 7 yeara, and warranted; T Cart and Harness to mate It and not tolled; llirht coupe llarneaa, light Single aud Double liar net* and Top Wagon, pole una shafts; all moat It* told at any oiler, at owner it leaving the city. 138 Weal Sltt tt. ^ ?$300 WILL BUT ONE OP THE BEST IIOaD A eUortat lu the city; can trot to top wagon better tlian 2:51); warranted touud and kind; together with hit liar neat end Top Wagou. elmoat new, aad by Wood. 140 Weet Slit tt. A?MUST BE SOLD. NO OKPEU RKPUSKD, ? Brewiter top Wagon, top Pony Pbaaton. Harnaaa, and rati road Horde ladiea can drive; all Brit elaat; tell Sep. arately. 13b Wett 37th it. ??0 PIRST CLASS MULES, ALL SIZK8. POK l.tale low, Coruer Grand and Hilltop itl.. Jertey City. A?HAVING SOLD MY HOUSES I WILL SELL THE ?following cbaap for eatb. all were built lor my owu ute :?Shifting lcalu?r extension top Phaeton, very light, teats lour persona; Pole and Shafts. Single and Double Uarnete to match, alto tho ttnoet Pony Phaeton in thie city, gold plated Haruet* to niateb ; alto leather shlttli g top Wbltechauel Wagon. Inquire for Mr. Cornell's property, privito itablo 114 Woat 27th tt., aeartith av. No reasouablo offer refused. Bay canada pet pony 14K hands <uskd by children), top l'oav Phaeton, Uaruoaa, Kobe. Whip, 8215: separated. 511 7tli av. BKAUTIKUL TOP PONY PHAETON. BRJtWblEtt spring too Buggy, Hue Single and Double Haruet*; both nearly new : nn offer rafusod. 5<i Waet 10th at. CI ALLOWS LONDON WHIPS. J tor which wo arc tola agent* In United statue Pour borea Tandem. Single and pair bona. BREWSTER A CO. or Hroomott., Broadway, 47th aud 48th ate C1AKKIAGES. 3EC >ND HAND NINK-PAHSENGBR J Beacli Wagou. Lnnuanlct, Coupe Kockawav, Phaeton*, Puny Pbaoteu, top and uo-top Wagon*, At.. Ac. K. M. sTIVERS. 150 hast 31*t St. CARRIAGES AND HARNKSSl?UL'AKANTEKD, SUfc itcntlal, durable work.-Top Phaotont, 850 upward; Buggia* from 845; Roekawaya; Depot. Koau and Jumpeaat Wagon*; half tup and uxtomon top Phaetone, Ac, second band and uuw, extremely low; Harness. auperb variety. ?very style. 88 40 upward; Sheets. Dusters, Blankets, Whips, Ac. JOHN MOOKK. 57 Warren it. GAKKIAOK3-AT CaLVIN WITTY'S COMMISSION wareroomt are toveral fine, firet elate at half the usual priree. 180 Soutli'5th av. CtOMPltLLKD TO BELL WITHIN THREE DAYS-AN /elegant and perfect Turnout for Park, watering plat* or country u,e; $700 lor all; cost 81.420 two month* ago: fine pair uf bay Horeet, 6 year*. 18)4 band*, toned aud kind, a lady can drive them, one nu extra saddle bursa ; a beautiful extaualoa too Park Phaeton, with tine Double Harnatt to match ; Whip. Mat*, Lap Hobo, Blaukeu, Ac. OWNER. 130k. Woat 1.5th tt., or coachmen will thow at Clob Stable, 158 East 28tb at. DONT LET YOUK HOUSES DIE OK OOLIA.-DR. Tobiat' Venetian Uorta Liniment, in pint boltlat. will surely cure tbeui: no pay i* asked If It dues net euro old cores, tprtiot. cuts and brulsea quicker than any other known remody; thirty-one years It has been warranted, aad never failed ; over 5,000 earllfleatee have b'eea received cumiuondlng Its wouderful virtues, tuiiA* which are Colonel D. McDanlcl, who owae tome of the fastest ruu nlu: horses; S. L. Cohan, president of the Consolidated Laud Company : Kyarson A Brown, 128 West 32d St.; N. II. Loadbettor, 6<>0 7tl: av. ; aod Colonel 0. Delavan, 138 Wett 2Vd >t. Sold by the druggist*, and saddlery depot, 42 Mnrrey St. Dog cart, horse and harness pgr sale-at lets than bslf cost; a bargain: satisfactory reasons for soiling, COACHMAN. 220 Wost 3?tU ?L F ?A LARGE LINE Of PONY PHAETO/3. i Howell sad Queen style*. No topi, canopies ssd leather t^pi. for cit^ or couatr; aio. A. n. PLANDKAU A CU, Sii iod 374 Broome il* POR SALE-HAY IIOUaL, 10JK HANDS M1U1I. SIX ye in olJ ; warranted sound anas _ years ol J; warrsntad sound andllnd. Apply at DUN HAM'S HsMo*. 147 West Soth it. IjlOK SALE-AS A PAIR Oil HNGLK. A HANDSOME _ pair; Li1* hands; can trot la 2 ?0; are vonng. muni and kind lu erery war; no lime to rlua. Address U., 1H7 Mad ison St.. lirooklyu. JjlOR SALK-P1NB HORBKL MAKE; ALSO TOP _ Grocery Wagon aud Top Muggy, cheap, la grocery, 1.385 3d sc., corner 7#th at. K 8ALE-A TOP PHAETON; SKATS PoDK. AND TTtO r ?i ctiild'a seat inside s, buHt^^^BeardsUjr ;Ju good order; will b* sold cheap. Si M PSON'H Stable. 148 East UUlb st. FOR SALE?KgCK GOOD WOKK HOUSES. (1 AND 7 years; cult uny baslueos; must selt; warranted. 583 W asttingtoa st. Fou hale uhkap-por want or use, a wkll bred bay Horse; ?und and klud; about 10 bands blgb; D a pleasant drtrsr and oan trot better then 2 tltU la condi tion. Apply at private stable. 8 West 44Hi at. FOR SaLB-TIIRER HOUSES, THREE TRUCKS, two Water Tanks, three Doable Harnesses. Apply at Harris' market. 480 Hth av. For sale ohkap?t.ihek good work iioksih. warranted sound, kind; small pet Pouy. 310 IIuit sen st. 71 OK 8aLK-PO0K 1IOKSK8, 14 TO IS)*-HANDs'; " werran'.ed sound and kind; trial given. 133 South 3tb ev poK 8ALK-A GOOD RAY COUPE HORSf, 10 - hands high, 0 years old; also a good Saddle and Driving Horse 110 West 5'Xh it. I JIOR KALE OHP. AP-A GOOD TEAM OP HORSES; also single Horse end a good four-seat Para Phaeton, o. 54 Lafayette plaee. TAOK SALE?SEVEN YoUnG HOUSES. sUITABHK r for anr kind of work, sad two small routes, 11 bauds htgb. 4<>7 West 53rt st. 1NOK SALE THREE WKLL TRAINED SADDLE. ' Horses, lor lady or gentleman; tbcy ere different sites, and will be sold reason able ; oue lor a lady to rtdo or drive. V Wast 13th st. B30R HALM?AT VAN TAS.-ELL A KtAKNEV'8 Ai C tlon House, 113 Hast 13th st.. Prlday 14th, the untoil sty 1 ialt Trotting llorae Jack Prost can beat 2:40 sure; pood roadster: tingle or douule ;; Una saddler sold for no fauit. HILflOKN. US CHAMBERS sT. OPPKK8 LINKN Horse Shouts, 85a. ; hand made Harness. 30 SO; other good* oqnelly low. Handsome carriages, landaus, landau lets. Clareecee. Coupes. 4 and 8 seat Park Phaetoas, el tension top Phaetons Pony tup Phaetons. J uuio-soat top Wagons. -Ido-bar sop Wagons, with patent springs, at M. t'UllLKY'S. 1,553 Broadway and 40th St. H ANDSOMK T OART. PULLY WARRANTED, PON sale low. 143 Eael 41st St. HAKNKSU.?THE PrtOKKIKTOB OP Tllh CHEAP est harness store In New York has iMmoved Iroin Har elay at. to 15s Chambers st.. where he It telling Huguy Harness. 87 SO; Grocery or Milkmen's Unrests. Track Harness. 838: Truck st. single or Double, $35: Rid lug Saddle. 84; Riding Hridlu. 81 SO: -table B anket, 75c Please call and sksfnliie for yoursolTss IMCIIAKU PIsHKK. I5h chambers el. H 11 ICSES ru LkVaND POR bale POR ALL PUR Imset. 55 Culuiubla st. JUST ARRIVED KUOM VIKGlNtA?AN EXTRA PINE lilt of Saddle and Harness florae*: alto one duo Work llurae. To be told reasonable at 313 aad 315 West 41st at. IOOKI-83UO. CASH (COST 8750). IIEAI/I1PUL J dare, top Poay I'haeten. Harnei* Lap Blanket. Mat ar.d Whip; have been seed by ladlm aud chlldrent alias' good aa liow. Private atablp Am Rast 3l>th et. T A DIES' I'llAETONA. I J one high aad lew wheels, .leather with canopy, leatber aud uuanrella topa. One. two, three aud platlorm aprin a, at lowar prices tbaa aver beine offered. A. T DEMaKI hi' A Oil . IW* Hroadway. {STANHOI'K PIlAKTlfN. UY K. M STIVES*: Vi-RY 'light Leudaa. by J. B. Brewster: "^bt Cabriolet T Cart, by Wood lirot ; 4-nastengar surrev Wagon; 13 passu ever Wagenotte; tour Baronches, Ir ui 475 up; five U-*eat I'uee tnu, 87ii up; Top Wagon. WIS, Caffrey Sulky 850, skeleton Wegue. six 4-peseenger Knckewaya ten seta nr..nil tfund Harness fittest*. Laps Deatera. Whips, Ac., sheep. WM. II. OKAY. ?> and 38 Wouster at ?MOUND IIaND ; SO Brewster A Co. Road Wavons. some neatly new. nl vartons wel his. A. H. PLANDKAC k CO . 373 and 874 Brooms at qkcond"**^- ,0BaW oonRtton .nr^; laa r> c ueed 4 Uruea. u" Victoria. '?-V^UB.ay.go^-^^ f,?ti,|gaa Brewatov ***#$&!tffrr k ?'--?-?? OIX HEAT WEHTCIIKSTEK RGCKAWAY *375, ALSO O three-quarter Laudaelet, parteet order, 830U. AKfcoLD, 148 We*t truth at. SKCllND HAND C A Kill Ail K8 AT A -At HIPICK. <tne Landaa. one Coupe, on* 4 and 8 seat Park Phae sou. at Id) Rait I3lb Ik, near 4th av CACMIPtCE -NEW AND HKCOND HAND PLATPoltM C>aiil other Wagons; anil any business; Bursas, llaraa**. ?Mft Wast llltb. Second Wand mockawaT AND stanhope Phaeton, la complete order, cheap, wall adapted lor depot nae. 143 Kaet 41 It Sacripick.?iioitnK, kxprk.48 Wagon and maid ness. 8135: Tap Kxprese W a foes, 885 each; Ifureea. 84-t* 875 137 Weal IfMb at. Vt LET ? P UI V ATM HTAHLh, 4 MART 30TU 8T. AP plyloW. HKNKY. Herald uffloti. WANTED?A GOOD tlOUKK aND TGI' PHAETON, seating four; terms most ba msdarate. Address II. K... boa 186 Herald elbce. 11/ANTED?IN EXCHANGE POK STORAGE in PKEB ft or bonded warvbeueea down te?ai a Ijro seat lop or notopwegeri Addreaa WAGoN. Herald onus. tirANTED?PllAETUN and DOG CaKT?MOtll TWO TT tested, wltb pules sad theft*. Address, Mating prise, he.. PHAETON. 113 Herald offioe. Wanted-a oood saddle ami koad hokum tor hi* beep la the country darter the ?enimor. or will oo'thase for ea?h II the prise la reasonenle; must be yoanr. tuutnl sen kind. Address, with particulars, E. M. W.. Herald ofllee. Wanted?a ukntle hokhe, roit riding and driving; prlae mutt as! aacsed *100. Apply nt 44 Wett 33il tt. a WANTED T? HXOIA NOK?A VKKY PINK i.RNKVA tT geld Wateh for n top Soggy er Phaeton; bin be In go***l order. Address H. W . 148 East Still. 7CHEAP~TiokhEJ"fvEKALi?8UiTanlr pok'anY bttalaeas; also one tap Butcher'* WPeon, at 410 West 80th SE MUM '? f; ? ?f Kl tUEH. ftrglitg- um-? "TUSClVEfcy wa'goV; <P')ila?arli N* #??'*. No. 410 Wuit JO'.li -I. . h,..?*T To# ilDE-AARWAUON, WITH ifil ?i eminent evereety lolled. lor tale si BAUEKll A ??>> n. e?raer -I Mru.dw*v end Mil it ?itic-* m ?rivKK.H wauonT Folk and ?t* 1 Llia'ta; alto tavern! ulhora ; lut jIBu.mio." lloraea. cheep lor cub. P. H* MAnTiiKSUV oMtn at. 7lh av. yoK AiX-rtfu. ?>prino tup wagon! <i|IL''Uilaraeai, Whip, Sliacl, Lap Uuitai'l elmoat new. 34B Weat 41 at at. (JjT7\n ?A NUMBER OK PROMISING YOUNG, O 1 *".aouuU, Uurtueaa aoil IImiI Uur.i'a lor aale at R AKEEtt A SON'S, corner Broadway aul 3Uth at. $1; Una llarnoaa. Blankat, Lap Bone and Whip, coat $4U5rix uiuutlia ecu; haiiUaom j top I'our Phaeton. Apply to coatbmen. atablo. 1 Weat litli at., oaar &th av. DRY GOODS. , (1KB AT REDUCTION. I Gentlemen'* Boota and Shoea. I Droaa. Double Sola. Cork Siile.Uultrra and Shoes, I Oxford 'flea, Ac., at A3 SO and upward. I Ladlea' bar Button Boota, f'i SO, A3 S3 50. Stand I A3, at BUOOKB', l.l'JtiBroadway, corner 3IRb at. Nl TO WHOLESALE BUYERS . WR 11AVB JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER NEW LOT OK 3,000 DOZEN 3-BUTTON LADIES' KID CLOVES, AT S4 PER DOZEN. WORTH $7. BESIDES OCR it EC L* LA It IMPOSTATIONS; AT UUEaTLV REDUCED PRICES. HARRIS BROTHERS, H77 BROADWAY. BETWEEN ISTII AND lofll STS, MILL INK ICY AND DIIESSUAKI.VG. (V De' lacY.'ws'J^ b u o a d Way, SEak ioTii n'rT, ./?la aelllutr off the moat exqulaito aaaortmaut of Bouneta and Kouud Hole a't half the coat ol Importation. PONT OFV1CE NOTICK. PT3T Of KU5fc~ NOTICE. The Korelicu Malta lor the weak endlnir Satnrday. Juno IS. 1K7K, will eloae ut tltia otllca on Tuoaday, at 13 (M., 1?' Europe uy atoAiaahip Nevada, via Uueenatowu ; ou Weunea day. at 13 ::I0 I', M., lor Europe by atuaiuaUiu Abvaalna, via (Juotnalowu (oorrvapoudauco lor Krauee to be tor* warded by tltia ateamer luual be apjcially addreaaedi. and at If. I., for Krauee direct, by ateaiitebip St. Laurent, via Uavret ou Thuraday, at 13 M., lor Europe by ataamabip Wleland, via Plymouth, Cherbourg end llanaourg (corra apoudeuca lor Great Britaiu and Ireland to be forwarded by tut*ateaiuor muat be apecially addreaeedl. and at 13 k., lor Ureal Britain and Ireland by atoemnblu City of Hrua aela, via Qneenatowu (corrcapoudouce lor Lartuany and tha Continent to be forwarded by tbU atoauor ninat be epeaially addruaaed); ou Saturday, at 11:3d A. M., for Oeruauy, Ac., by alaaaaabip Douau, via Soutbamptua and Breinan (correepondence for Uraal Britain and tUa Continent to be lurwardod uv tula ateaiuar radat be *|io? elally addrt??ed). and at 1 r M., tor Europe, by ataam abip Germanic, rl t (jgarinlova, and at 1 1*. 11. for Scotland direct bv ateautabip Victoria, via Ulaagow. l'be ateant ahipa Nevada, Abraalnla and Uvrmauic do uol taka utalle for Denmark, Sweden and Norway. The lualla lor ilaytl, Savaullla. Ac., leave Now York June 13. Tbe mailt (or Naaeau, N. K.. Lave New York Jane 13. TIIOS. L. JAMES. Poetraneter. Post Ornoa. Nnw Ypux. J uue s, i?7S. WANTED TO PURCHASE. OAROaid KuT? AKPr;ET6'N'S CYCLOPlCDfA.^tO tureaqoo America and other atandurd boo a a. Addroaa A TUX KNELL. 64 Waat 3Slh at. flTANTED ?A PART OB COMPLETE LIBR vKY OK TT ateudard worka; rauat be nearly new; anrwer, atatlug wurka and urlce. which muat be moderate. Addroaa CUL TURE. box IIS llarald olbce. ANTE U?TO PURCHASE A PORTABLE CART Scale for weighing coal: muat be In Oralclasaorder. Addreaa PUBLIC WEIGHER, llarald office. ANTED?1.800 P E E T SECOND IlAND TWO I NO II OeaPlpo; 1.3C0 feet aecuud uaml one Inclii 360 loet aeeeud band half inch; muat bo pood at new ana abeam IRON. Herald office. "aNTED-A SECOND UANb LIVKRT OUI'Kli KOB w a coachman. Addreaa s.. box 113 Herald office. Wanted to puucuase-a second hand Wooton Deck end one or two other article! ol ufflce furniture. Addroaa CASII DOWN. Herald office. DESTISTHV. iBKt OP fl&TII IN>iTrEK~Tk>UBS, AT KITITeB 377 Oth nr., one donr above 23d st.,or I3H West 31th it . termstosull. NKWBllOl OH A NKWBUOUOU. At van vlkck'r dental rooms. 204 ?tu a v.? Uu administered 14 ;?tn without accident; chergea aw. Beautiful aktikicial tkkth, $0: uum, *h; warranted. "New Turk Dental Koouis," 303 0th a v. Established 1851. Dr. READER. DBNTI8TUY.-TUK OK BVBKY DESCRIPTION at Dr. W aIT'S old ataud, 46 hut 33d tt., at the lowoat llvlur prices. Cell and examine epectmem. P A1N1.ESS BXTlt ACTION; ALSO A RTIK1CIAL teeth; term, to suit. EIOliTIl AVENUE DENTAL ADaOOI aTIoN. ;i7osth av.. one door botuw 3;tih st. EXCHAKiUB. Tci fc*3iTAftOB-lV;mfcKUY' co?Tf,1CFif ~F77ft ruonlug a match factory, and some Stock; about $4,UUU Call 64 Wall at.. room 37. nsTiiiicriuii. "PPLICATIUNrt" DAY' AND" xxstructlou In Penmanship; success guaranteed to all; i.ivku ?. ooLdsmitii. rouma 33 Laet 14lh at. Ol.! IilKKNCII LESSONS HV PARISIAN LaDY, WITH 'pure proDiinclatlou; mine or pupil's reaideuoe; beat ithrreucvs; tenua moderate. 347 0th av. MUSICAL. W"XK?)Sir-ahb/KANb~ >oR~ rATITotien; h iTCcm; unlet i.e eight reader, with lull, rich voice. Addreu II., I3S llcrald Upio.wu uRlce, OANCINU ACADBVIBh. Cn AirriKK-s dancing academy h upiuN SgOXBfi /private lesson* ar.y hour; (Hide specialty; lady assist - ante; opeu all ?utnniir. PUVOKOItl'E.H. UKUAXH, AV. A-B K Aft Y rS*S K L E H"it A f E D~> t A N OKO RrRSAND ?Cabinet Orguua. Wasniugluo, New Jersey. ltnad what actual huyar* sey ol them? Rev Cnarlea Wheeler Deumsoii, W ssoiuatou. Dietrtct Columbia, and huabaad ol the lainooe aathureaa, Mrs M A. Drnuleou, writ**:?"I have great pleasure in Informing you th it tba plana and organ have heeu received, and that thay oth give urtbn highest satis taction." J. L. hveriit,i ashler National Hroadway Bank, New Yore, wrilos:?"Organ received. I am felly sailstiud with tha luatruiiietii; my lamlly are delighted." ?340 Organ, only $'.>4 75; (1.1HI I'lauoforlea ualy CtU. Nnws papor. free Addre.. UEaTTY, Washington. New Jersey A PRIVATE; PAMILY WILL MaCIMKICP. STEINWaY Pianoforte, coal flkJU, lor St (JO. an elegant 7>g octave exquisitely carved case, four round conn-red. rosewood \S lud.or I'ianolurta, coat leat Angoat (l.OUO. for (3UI. In cluding Stool, Cover. Music Cabinet, co.t (UIU. ( a.I pri vate re.Induce I2U West 33d at., near Oth av. Taae hie. vatad Railroad to 33d at. A PRIVATE PAMILY WILL SELL STEINWaY Plan'oiorte at a .acrltlee; richly carved, lour ronud, rosoarvod lalaid luerqustrv case. ij, octavo, overstrung, lull agrafe, evety Improvement, ooat (H75, tor (100; stool. Cover; also < hi ooieve Upright Piano; boxforahip ping. Call to- lay private realdauea 41 West 10th at., he tween 6th and Oth ova A-KOK KANT. UPK1UHT. suCAKK AND GRAND ? Pianos of oar own make : also for sell and rent a num ber of flue aecouo hand t lauoa. In perfect order WILL IaM KNABK A C.i.. 113 6th av . above 10m st. AN ASSORTMENT OK HEOOND Hand STBtNWAY Pianos at a bargain; also, Pianoa of other uiaaers, ranging from (30 upwards; .peclel Inducements on a number ml Stolnway Coacerl end Parlor (fraud., some hut little used, all III ported order and lolly warranted; be ware ut bogus Instruments. represented as genulna Stein Way pianos, at public aad private tales. 1N W / " " STEINWaY A SON a, Btelnway Hall, N?w York. AKINE PlANOPOrtTK ONLY (37. IN GOOD ORDER; great cbauee. Scan at 13 W avarley niece, near Broad way. SUPERB PIANO-LITTLE USED. (160; NEW LPleuut vary law. KaVKN (late Haven A Bacon), 13 Kaat IBth st. APP.W SKCOND HAND WKHKK PIANOS AT VERY creat harualna; some of them us.?d but every short time hy our best muslctsas. and really almost as good as new fully wairanted in every resn-ol. Pleeee sail at tue WHIIEit wareru tat. f>lh av. end liith st. BAIUJAINM-ONK UPKIOHT PIANO. 4HH; ONE DIT to, (IA>; one ditto. (I.'wl; also square Pianos at eg tiemviy low prices; all in perfect order nod r liable; oaah av Inatalmawta W arevueme Be. 6 Kaat 14th at. . aIru^ina^~ucf a vk. syuaT?a"and uriluil Ptaue., #|i*l; new Uprights, (136; A Hamlin Organ,(3D; law rente. MORUON |mi) 13 East 14th sb B" EaUTIKUL (TarVRD ROnKWOOD 7~~OCTAVK Plauoiorte, ecleointed maker, (H6. Residence 23M Ke-t :*Nli st., near 3d av. LHlK SALE -A KlRST CLASS. IIKACTIKUL IROsK p w-od aprlghi Plnuo, 7 1-3 octave; bergaiaa Aitdress YAIES, Herald Uptown airier. rN n K iT M t It' IAIN. (3 MONTHLY WILL BUY NEW rOrgens (il Piano., 7 octata Piauoa. (l3->, 7', oviava, (136; Organ.. (.1 ?; 13 stops, (76; lo. reuts Hull tCE WAlKRs A SONS. 40 Kaat 14th e?. H aXELToN BROS. MANUKAUrUHhRS. 31 AND M second hand Pianos; muiiii(I ilm latter a. good as new; rill he sol i er reeled at orient so salt the times. LaIM WILL DISPONE UK.7S OCTAVE HOMMWOOD Plsnofarte, eoel dAAi, tor less than (3<s> IWII 3d av., near litlc MA tl NI PICS N T 7 oiTaVk KOSKWilO ? D> HTHLB round Piaoolorte,only #S6. (.real bargains at tJOK DON'h, 167 Ulan kef st PI ANON AND OlIO ANN TO ItHNT IN TIIK COUNTRY, or fwr sale eu Instalments, emtrsmely lew III (It A' E W A I'KHs A SoN S, 4H East 14th st STKCK PIANOS NEW ANI> SECOND HAND. AT great bargains, Planes taken on storage; new ware rooms, II haat 14th st. ?>ft KHhl WOOD PIANO, OVEKMrRUNU, KI LL ?W .s_sJstound, eai fed legs *11 improvements ; great bar gain NKWMAiI, 64 Kaat 13th at., near Itmedwey. $i: ANUNK.HKNT3, Boxinci at iiarry Iiiix*? rifin^AT^WTTit noon, at 8 o'clock, for a splendid silver cup. presented l>y Jimmy Kelly. AII kba greatest boxers aud wrestlers will aopear. Ct A HI) ?PRIVATE LlSSOBM, PIANO, ORiJAN, VIO /LIN. I.CITaK, -INlltbl. University, :set staverley piece Circulars milled J. J AY W \ I'eON, Director. t4l\lMK" CONCERT NO. 7d TO-NHIHT, COOPER IN UsIlrUTN. Hon KERREY HA, tba marvellous "MAN" PLl'TK. M.sS. M * I' IS DILkh. Ml -N ANNIe A. WATNVlN and s host of KINK ARTISTS will tahn part J. JAY WATSON. Musical Man agar. OPEN I No Ar IIOK.ID'S RKsTaURANT 4in NRIIAD wsv.Jnaa IX The bast Drinks and Rafrashmaata will hd? H?VV#41 rjfulTu tnixKniKiTB. ore at"m?'w" to r k AQ'/rurtiC * Hroauwar au<J :i")th it. Kinset collection of fc'isliea lu tbu vrnrid. Porformaooea at 3 iki and ? o'clock P M. Mist ANiil K sOllOiT In Ik# wood- rful scant-# LK SALON DU DIAHLK. or TUB DEVIL'S STATUE, lu wl.|ob llgure* acinar tad dliappeac iu au astonishing manner AUu tbe amusing perform ansa. M (SKS AN1> FACfc-S. Admission SOe. Children hall prtca. Su tim eh*r]ta Conor liliiul A|iil>lim Boar odou. with W. 0. Coop's Brnusbo Horses. T~0NY PASTOR'S THEATRIC.?AN ENTIRE NKW Company for ilia week.-l'AT RODNEY'S CONSTBL LaTDiN US STARS, lb* Boat talented urfUliallai la America t'at Koouey, I.itilu Ko.ebud, Murphy tit Mar ton, French I wiu SUtara, Will II. Morton. Barlow Brothers. Ida Morris. Ilarry.Mat wull and Srad Carroll, Arary and La Hue, James Marlaw aud Frank Built Maimeos?Tuesday. Friday and Saturday, Saturdiy altarnoou and evening, Juua IS. BmmMM Pat ruonky. CN ILMOKK'S UAKDK*. JTSUEKIOAN SHOOK, A K. O. UlLMORE JUNK 13. BXTKA NIOHT. QBAKU SUMMKlt XlUHTT PRETTYAL of tba i.arutaa LBIOBkKRANZ SOCIETY, lu conjunction wltb THEODORE THOMAS' CONCERT. An Orabaitra of ISO Mualciaac. A eborui of 100 voice*. Dancing after 11 o'clock. I'rourasme f?r THIS (Thureduy) EVENING TORCHLIGHT MARCH. No. l.iuB .... Mcv.rboeC OVERTURE, Carnaval Roiualua Berlin* PRAYER, from "joaoph In Egypt" . Hobal (lorruan Leiderkrnua, Conductor. Mr. A. Paor. IICNUAUIAN RHAPSODY. No. 3 Litsl ?OKSPIKL. Die Meltlerriiiger run N noruoerg.... Wagner THKSSIK A.ND VARIATIONS, iAoudllobo lloehieit Ooldaarfe BALAMIS, Sons of Victory of tho Greeks ... Uautibola LELDKKKRAM AND OKCUKSTRA. Uoudiictur, Mr. A. Paur. VALSP-CAPBICK <n?w) Haolnttala VOKSPIKL, Loreley ......Max Brucfc HUNGARIAN DANCES. ....Brahms MAC IK IMPRRAT8R. "Hall to thmKmparor ".#. Lachsss LKIDfc.KKKA.NZ AND ?>!{.?'11 KS TBA. SPECIAL NOTICE. -Heasou and package ticksta wU not be good lor this occasion Adiuiealou, SI: Boxes, SI and Sd. Standard thbatrb-broadway and ssd sr. WM. It KNDKRHJN Proprietor and Maoagnc. 50TH TO 57TH PK ItPOKM A NCR. J. K. KM M KT In bU now varalon of i RlTZ. HOUSES CROWDED WITH DKLIUHTBD AUDIRN0B& TiiKfc.E hocks of uninterrupted kuk ALL THE NEW BONOS. SCENES. AO. NIGHTLY ENCORED. New York llarald?"Krtta" It always trash. buwiow aud sympathetic. Mi* eonx* never waary, aad bla quaint Dutoli etorlor wuet the app?til# lor tuore. EVRkY KVENInO AND SATURDAY MAT1NKR UNTIL PURTHBR NOTICE. "JJNION SgUAKK TUKATtlK. EVER* KVENINO at 8 and SATURDAY MATIMSM hi 1 :30, Mits LI ON A MOSS aa PAULINE In vhs LADY Ofc' LYONS, supported by Monra. Wboslocx, Pries, Uassett, Books aad tliud, aud Man. Puolo and BtonoalL PARK TIIEATkV TUB LINOAROtL Leasee and Manager ...HENRY B ABBEY EVERY KVENINO AND SATURDAY MATINhM (by koeclal pormlaalon of Mr. Augustla Daly), BvruiiVComooy, lu tbrse acta, OO 17 U RKU HBB oo > r tu O C II UK R B BO OTIS 0 O O U U R It BBOOYYS O O U U URR HBB O O YY BBS OOUUKR B BOO Y OOUUB R B BOO Y* B., OO UU R R BBB OO y 88S . now In its fourth year la Loudon, bavins bam playad aS tbe Vaudeville Theatre l,08?> couaecutlre times, and alad fl.iyed by the LINOARDS, n the Theatre Royal. Melbourne, Australia, with (read success to crowded bouse* for night coosacutlvo waeka, and la New Zealand nearly 3O0 tltnee. Note.?"Our Boys" it now given tor tbe first lime In Now York in its original state, aa Mr. Byroa wrote it Porkyn Mlddlowlck W. 11. Llugard Mary Melrose Alice Dunniuw Belinda Dlcklo Llugard Conclude wltb 13-LINOAKD SKETCHES?13. Begin at 8. Carriages at U. Seats booked a week In nd> vance. tIRANI) OPERA HOUSE. fPOULK A DONNELLY Lousai nod Mu)|M Keeervcd rente (Orcheetra Circle nud Haleony), hue. THE IIE8S HNULIHll OPERA d'MPANY. T11E HESS KNUIJSH OPKKA CO .PANV. la the grand romantic Opera In tliraa acta, TilK CHIMES OF NORMANDY. THE CHIMBb OP NwRMANDY. Elegant and appropriate eeeuery, ceataiuee. Ac. Mluee Kmllie Melville. Aetna neguln. Loulre lie aria. Clarke. Clarouy, Pre**y. Ac. Meeere. Wro. Caetle, 0 U. Turner. Harry 1'eakee, Blend Hetrntn. 11. Warren. Ae. Oreheetral PI rector .81*. Oluaeppe Oeertl. MATINHES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Monday, June 17. BRYANT'S MINmTREL* tUe large.t and beet orgeulaatiou ?f Mlnitrelay In the world, under the alrectloa of Mr. Nell Bryant. NIBLO'a UAlUO N. IMMENSE 8UCOK88. Mlet ADA OKAY in her celebrated eaaraeter of LAD1 ISABEL, la the great drama EAST LYNNE. or. THE ELOPEMENT. Doer* open at 7. Performance beriae at 8. corn's theaFrk. thuTisdaY, junk 18. I bo DO polar and eloqnuat Weatern orator. M ATI I.l)A FLETCHER, will deliver her new leeture, ?THE HEART OK MAN," at the requent ol ihuoeande of ladlee and g colleen ee ?C New York among whom are thoae who were uuable te hear her reply to JUDGE HILTON, at the Womei'i Indignation Meeting. "A merry I lull of wiee biu t. and auiutlug tliougbta." Boa ofll W edueaday. 8 A, M., lor the eele oraaata. Doors 7|#0. Lecture at tt P. M. Admleatoa. 35 cant teete, SO eeutt. w ALLACK'S. Proprietor and Manager Mr. LESTER W ALLACK LAST THMKB NIOUTS end LAST MATINEE DIPLOMACY. EVENING AT R. RATH KHAY MATINEE, IfSOl LtMPTH AVENUE THKtTRE. D la?t matimek. Saturday at s. LAST NIGHTS Last nights of 1IUMPTY DUMPTT. UL'MPTY dumpty. admission, SO CENTS. RESERVED. 81. THE HRUALD BAY'S ??NOONK ^ SHOULD MISS IT.** PHASER'S PHONOORAPB. CURRY AND HaIJ* ISTI LAVEHO SISTERS, LULU JORDAN, YOUNG AMERICA. ?.?SATURDAY, PRAREB'S PAKKWELL BENEFIT. V VJllONoOKAPIi ORGAN CONCERTS. I Irving llall (oppoelte Academy of Mntle), Rvary night thie went and Saturday Malluae. forth* _ ____ date id ay heaetltol tno Organ Pnndof at. Pael'e Eplecepnl Chnreh. Rome, Italy. EDISON'S SPEAKING PHONOORAPH. EDISON'S MUSICAL TELEPHONES. Levy'* marvalloue cornet eeloe raprodaeod by the Pho nograph- The grenine! raaeleal eeneation ot the day. Mme. UKLLK CoLB'H charming eoage re prod need by (UlliAClAMI flf the I'hooogrnpb with nfidelity ol tone aad a artlcuUtlon sheolntelv imcoiuprebenelble. MORGAN'S GRAND ORGAN RECITALS OM T ROOSEVELT ORGAN. Bolea oe the Cornet .LKYT III Snloa Voeal.... ....Mme. HKLLE OOl Hluetratcd Lecture on Sound Motion ae exemplified la the Phonograph Preleeeor ROHE.iT SPICM Pot in In n the meet dnllgbtiul. oiiuiim. eelcntlAe aad I ? ? dMuWew' tlral entertainment ever wltneeeedwii New Ywrk. The I'beuograpb need at tbeee eahlblttoee, >uet received . betel from Mr. huieon, demonetretce the faei'thet be l? rapidly petlcotlng the luveuiloa. AdtnU.lon, US eente; I (Ml rei eeite, jo eetitn Tickets at Hall aad SahnberthM, Poad'a Dlteon'e aad Sahlrmer'e meeiu eterwe. A BKKLK'S TIVOLI THEATRE, Asth tt., betweeu 3d and 3d an ? Leek at ear Variety - - - a( l^ Stare.?1 leruey ami Creulu, Amarlca'a Graataat Seag i Danee Altlet*; Llole Hall. I mprove ef Voeallete; Netty Sam ford'* Couililuatloa. ia the drama ef "MtuMered la lb? Dark;" Petilglll aad Gate. Bob and Alice Daily, Mervtaey Little, May Kaymoad. The Big Pour?.Tleraey. laeltr, Croalnami Aalrima. and lull mteclally artletei the Omit llailai; Bullet 'troupe in New York. Matinee* ~ " and Saturday efleruooae and Sunday midnight. CViOI'KR INSTITUTE To NIOHT-ORKAt aTTKaO /TIONS. DON PKKKKYRA. the woaderfnl mneledl mam vel, who vxr-cutea the moat dldlcelt miurte entirely WITH HIS IIANDs, unaided by any mechanical coiitrt vaata. The "ADVOCATE'' Gl.hR CLUB, Mr*. MAUD UILB( Ml*< ANNIE A. Watson. ISaalate; TOM HARTLEMaN. IIUPPO IIASNO, and a huet el other fine nrtlsta Tlaaeee ONE DIMM." Heeerved aent* ONE DIME antra, afi _ . HUitNToM'S.UJdtb av. J.JAY W aTHON. Maalaai aver German liuderrkoz CONCERT and BUMMER NIOHTS' FESTIVAL, at HI i.MOKE'S GAKDBN. THURSDAY. JUNK 13. 1S7H, In conjunctiva with Then Tbomae' orchestra. AdiuOeion lleknta, (I, Hmea, fit) and (4. may be efe talned at but nth.e, Uiltnure'l Garden, and lim all the m-inherent the arelety. Daaelnv I rota ft o clock. i.YPTIAN HALL 34TII ST. AND ED A?., THE ONLY SENSATIONAL II1KATKE IN TUB CITY; E" Plret week nf tba gey Comedy ol NIGHT SCENES IN NKW TORE. OUR OIK I.S IN TIIH PP. SALE BATHERS. The Egyptian Mature by Lovely living Medela KYRKY EVENING AT A Matlneee Tneadaye. Tbnreuay* aad Netardayt, at 8 P. 1 Buckingham palace. 27th eh. near Nth av. Tne American Jareln Maldlle. Parle bv night. Kltte IS liable, nightly, fut-edaye. Shadow Dancing. TMuredajA I m Grand Gala Nlgnt aad the DletribaUoa ef Otdere Dauelng. N! EW ROYAL OKKMORnB, ?ID ST.. NEAR BRUAOk way. -The mnet gurgeeee ballroom la the weald. Pan* Uiaa noetely Sociable every avenlag. Notice Monday. Jana 17. third Grand Prearb Onelaaec RaO atd Carnival Heci-pllon. with Doabla Orcbeetra aad ain^Mfi 1'roeenlB aud Dauelng Order*. DON'T PoHORT DON PRRIIBYRA. THE N 0*10*1 MARVEL of the age, playe *t Cooper Union DIMM CONUhliT TO-NIGHT Admltelon. ONE DIME. AaeiMad by OTHER ARTIsTS. J. JAY WATSON. Maateal Ufi. UnllXM OP NORMANDY" WaLTK, OaLOP VJI'-dka. each i'ki. i Potpourri by Warren. Tie.: Nile ol air*. Cramer, fil. and all the voeal gate a Sol* authiivrtnil edition, are published by DITSiMt A OO.. T|| and S43 Broadway. c lAnD. ?"Do.N Pe UK h Y ii A," TUP. WONDBMPUi J% MAN" Pl.UfK and intielca) marvel ef tba aira. aob porformlBg at the COOPER UNION "DIME" CONCERT^ r.n he eecaeed ..a I.ff ulgate by aeplvlag le has ante i i. J aV WATSON, mi Wavarlav place Banjo and oUlfAH tAVliHtj al-o TanoIS& far the tteve. UK NRY C. DoBKON. Mfi Mb aa