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THE NEW YORK HERALD "WHOLE NO. 15,272. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1878.?TRIFLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENTS DIHECTOKY FOK ADVERTISERS. HERALD BRANCH OFFICE. KM5 HROADWAY opkn day ani> night for reception of ADVERTISEMENTS AND SA1.ES OF PAPERS. ASIOSEMF.NTS-lrr Pa cx?5th tod Oth cola. ASTROLOGY? 12th PaiK-UcoL BILLIaRuS? In Fauk?tithroL BOARDERS V\ ANTED -2d Page?1st and 2d ools. BOARD AND LODGINO WaK TED?2d Page-2d col. BUSINESS OPPOKTUNITIK8?11th Page. BUSINESS NOTICES?7rn PaGE-Stbool. CITY REAL KSTATfc FOR SaLK-2d Page-lit col. CLERKS AND SAJ.BSRES-12th Page-2a c?L CLOTH ING?l'.'TU Page-2d col. LOACHMKN aND GaKDENERS? 12th PAGV-2d col. coastwise STE Alt SHIPS?12th Page?3d and 4th coll. CO PA RTN KRSHIFS -1 1th Page. COUNTRY BOARD?2n Page 2.1 col. DANCING ACADEMIES?I st Page?dth col. DENTISTKY-I2tii Page-BUi col. I>RY OOODS-1st Page 4tli col. ? 'BOPKAN STkaRSH IPS?12th Page?3d col. BUKOFK-7TII pAGK-5th col. HAGK-4lh, 5th and 6th coll. FIWANl iAL?IItii Pack. ?V!!* Pao??6th coL FURNISHED ROOMS AND APABTXENT8 X0 LBT 2b Page? l?t col. 'UBN1TU? K I2tii Page - 6th col. SEi'L' WANTBD-FEMALBs-liltn Pa?e-2<L SJLH WAN rKi>?M ALES ? 12th Pack -2d col. HOTE?2- C^"kiAGRS. AC.?1st Page -3d and 4th cola. WUTr L8?2D Paub-2?1 col. PCCKES. ROOVIS. AC.. WANTED?2d Page?1st col. INSTRUCTION?1st PAGK-4th col. 1.0ST AND FOUND-Iht Page-2d col. BACHINERY-'sT Page?Oth col. ?|ARULK MANTELS?2n Page-IWcoL MEDICAI.-12TU Page?2d col. MILLINERY ANDDRE smaKINg 1st Page-4'.h col MISCELLANEOUS ADVEKTISEMENTS-IOth Page? Ottl col. pp'p JCii ?LIOATION8?7Tn Page?5th and 6th cols. PERSONAL?1st Page?1st col. ?J?o5 ,r.??TE?. OltGtNS. AC.?Ict PAOB-ath eoL FICE NOTICK-lsi PAGE?4th col. PROPOSALS?12th Page 6th col. PROPERTY OUT OP THE CITY FOB SALE OB TO ??,. "tNT-aD l*toE 1st col. BKAL ESTATE TO KXCHANOB?2d PAOE-lst ool. REAL ESTATE WANTED 2d Page-1st col. BELlUIOUs NOTICES?1st Page ?1st and 2d cola. K' HTAURANTS 1st Page?Sth col. * ?ALBS AT AUCTION?2d Page?-'d and 3d cols. SITUATIONS WANTED female?I2TU Page? latand 2d cols. 5'TUATIO \8 WANThD-MALEH-12TH PAGB-2d col 81E -IAL NOTICES ?1st Page?2d and 3d cols. STORAGE? 1st Paob-011. col. SUMMER RESORTS?2D PAGE?2d col. ?t! TRADE.-i?12tii Page?2d col. 3,"RF?1st Page ?3d col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS pu IIPOSES?2d Pm. ... . TRAVELLERS' OUIDE-12TH PAOE-dTh col 2d Paok?P?tRc??MS ANU APARTMENTS TO LET? YAOHm" *Zr12T" 'AOB-ath col. iALHTb, STEAMBOATS, JkC. ? 11*TII 1'agk?6ih col. personal. \alteroT formei?t~of M *. tAT.*0.% kondou, who About IB yearn ego wan resi dent to Ohio, Lotted States. It the above or hie heirs will f"??u5'C*,t,e,:Uh & "? Vam,n . A* i*T?y A Co., Limited! IB nod ?0, Hoi born Viaduct, London, hnrland. ho will haitF of something to hi?_ad van tags. ' ' * U h9mr Ernest Hernandez mkidesi?an old friend ??uo le"1 '0U* " ' Broadway, Sunday, 2 P. It., Jvr^kS'-W1LL NOT ME 0W "AM); WRITE NEXT -- K JC, "IZALAMAZOO JIM"?let the attorney fix and X wlll'bo't here* "" PUM l" Brooklyn, Ru.1]'!"' B5I,WlV (COW.HED CHAMBERMAID)? Uptown office M 10 Ml" K fAREEK, box It* Herald KlUEL-TODAY (SATURDAY), 3 P. M.. SAME olaco. Do Dot Jail. Will ttyltlu. OINCKRITV-I AM READY TO OPEN NEGOTIATIONS Oon lorras proposed; name timo and place for an Inter view. which will ha .trietly confidential. JEWELER. i J ^H-LETT STREET METHODIC CHURCH r.K! i.?* SuutlAy hy Pastor Soarles, 10%, 7\ .ermou invited? 'se'au'lrVr ^ Mor"1U)r ot " blraugare AT STANTON STREET BAPTIST CHURCH H J a "r?Sab oath morn lug. Sabbath school 2:30 M"tla,c 1?*'??ayana Friday evenings. All arc in A?'.^AhSH,1,NOTONv SQUARE METHODIST KPISCO 7-tS P y ??1, Pr.achlnx by the pastor, 10:30 A. .M. and Bryant."' Tribute to tho N.mory ol AT 34TH ST. REFORMED CllI)KCII.?COMMUNION aaryioo, Sunday at 10210; puupls's service at 7'1U* aer ? on hy Iter. Carlo, Martyn o.. ? lfe.rtn< ..'d llledlur." Alcohol, tobacco and opium?viroil w Blanehard, M. D., will d.l.v.r aconr.o ol|R?Vur.. on ina ahova tubjacta in Dr. Newman's Church, corner lath nailV- .a on the aTeninui of June 17, 21, 24 aod 2H i.i a""". "* """ Wo?au,a American Teunaranee' League. StUElau uy Mr. Geor.e s. Week. Admiaalon **? CLEM hN(,'K 8. I.OZIBK. M l) , Pre.ldin, A,''n.?i,8PKL. UNIOV TKN1'. AY.. 53D ST _ Jnerineo "t?f ?"*,,?ra'moetlns: this alternoon, 3:30. awtiiper.iuce thin eveuing. lo-iuorrow alturnouu preaching by Rev. R s. M c A r t hur.CI typ aa Vri' wefk. day ulahta. Hi.hop Fallows next Saubath. ANER1CAN BLUE RIBBON TEMPERANCE UNION ? rammany Hail, Sunday. 3 o'clock. ? Wouderfol attrac iion. ?Dr. Iroderio Richard l-?e. and i.ev. Ntepheu Todd though "Out on tlio ocean calling," will soud ar.otln? T urn, .id* Dhonograph. The el< uuent Charles 1. Mills aud eminent phreiiuroKiat Prole..or N'el.ou Sia.e will .peak. Mui?. Eeliai.ole will aln?t"r7Lh tM PhoSu' graph. Admla.loa tree INGEKSOLL LuCEWOOD Vice Presidtnt. Emma Gates Cork us. Secretary. ' AL^lai|iNa ?8T?KKT BRKSBYTEKIAN CHURCH ?aHat. Alfred II. Moment. Habbath eervicen frsapKin.# n th. morning 10: O; avenlnc, 7 :4.\ Suh".ct-^WUuLm Lullen Bryant.'^ Strangers walcouie. ,ni American temperance union cooper i\ itltute, Sunday, 3 o'clock.-Major Add It W.i-n r Rhode Iiland, and other eloonent apeakera Professor 1 A. Keenau, "Ihe Druukard'a Wile" aud "The Drinr t.'hrla' Man to Hie Soul," with solo and chorus accoiiiDaunneut o lhaI choir Collection. 5 cant., at tho doo" ' U. L. Pares. Secretary. W. H. MLNDY. Prasldont. At cihceering hall, srn av., corner isrii at.?Rev. Mtepheu H. Tynir, dr., D.D., preaches I3(i rundsy afternoon. Munln.- by Dr. Tynx'a choir thi Young Apollo Cinb. Everybddv welcome ' Amity baptist church, 54th sT. retwfrw Sthi aud Oth ava.?Sunday. J une 10, preaching by Rev vm II uinpatone, at 7 ACt P. M. "cning oy H?v. Ar?Kt?w5f??JKS!S fcg^srswaas 8!&-*?arW55 NNUAL STBAWBERRY FESTIVAL, WITH QRAND literary and musical entertainment. Keadinga?Ml.. JtJLI A THOMAS and MU.ClIA.SK. Ull>lc-.uiu ELLA CODING TOM, Soprano; Mr.. Dr. WINTKitBUKN, Contralto; Mr. O. s. WEEK, Tenor. Franklin street Ml-.Ion, between Greenwich aud IIudioa ate.. MO.NDA V I. VE.MNU. Juno 17. 1878, at 8 o'clock. Tickets Eiftv Cent.. BkrTn U tPTlsT CHURCH. CORNKK BEDFORD and Downing ata. Kev. J O. Advna. paator. ? Services next Sabbath at lOillO A. M. and 7:45 P. M BLKKCKKR STiiKKT UMVKHHAUkT CHUKUII.? Rev. K. C. w'll preach to-morrow morning Hid even lac at 10:45 and 7:45 o'clock. Morning (abject "Law of Liberty." tlANAL ?Ti(E. ET PKKHMYTEKIAN UllUKOli, IN Aireene it , near Canal.? Iter. Alexander McKelvey will preach to-morrow, at 10J< A. M. and 4 I'. M. All welooae. C1HURCH OK TDK ASCENSION. CORN'Kit STII AV. J and Dull at. ?Serdce. at 11 A M. and 5 1*. M. The rec tor, Dr. Cotluu Smith, will officiate. CMVECB OF THE ?7kaJo7kk8. SERVICES TO Jinorrow, oondncted by Rev. K. M. Deem., at 10:110 A. M. aud 8 P. M. Mercer at., near Clinton place. C" A A L.VAK Y8APTI8T C H 0 MUH-J'dD sT." B KT W UN Jitb and (Hh ..a : Kov. K. 8. M(-Arthur, nastor preacnee Sunday morning and ovonlug. Mtrangare invited. R. NEWMAN W||e I. PREACH ON 8 UN DAT. AT loH A M. and 7*4 P M., In Central Methedtat Rple D , ? ? copal Church, 7th av. and 14lh et.; eubject for craning "Christianity In India." D' ISCIPLK. OF 0IIUI4T. 5WTII sT, XKAK BROAD way. ?Praaehlnr Sunday rooming br Kar. H. S. Lo bluger, and In tho evening by Mr. II. Noealaxa. All invited. J"~MKrti a?bNUR hTptist omckcu, 4?irn st., dr. 1 Armltaxe. pa-tor?Morning. tOlSit : nbject?"E'hriet. lb. Aniru ul the i'rotnieoa" evening, 7.45?"God Grad ing Man - strength." FKKK E rfsCUPAl. CHURCH OP TilK rxBt UNCIETa tlun, 243 Ka.t lll?t., near Jo av. - Servleee aud .ermnn |y Kev. K S. Wlddemer, at Di:30 A. M. and 7 :it-1 f. M. tuoday .rUoul at II A. M. Cordial welcome to all. Free baptist churcii, usth st.. en 7th end Sth eve ?Rev. M. L. Howell will preach at WUtO a. M . "Walking with God." and at 7 :1I5 1*. M., "Recompile, lion." All aie Invited. Madison avenue church ok tiie dimciplbs, corner 45tli et., Kev. George II, llepworlli.?Mornlag, 10:15, "Only Leavee;" evening, 7 :4.>, "Unknown > .oil" MADlsON AVENUE PKERRYTEKIAN CHURCH, Uaul.ou av. and 47tn at.. Kev. William Lloyd. - Morn kng, at II o'clock, eubject. "Crowned with Many Crown. " Evening, et 7:45, dramatle wear, front the Bible, etibjeet, "The Death of Mo.aa and IIIddan Grave." stranger, eor. tuliy weicotned. M" ADlnON AVENUE HKlAlKMED ClluHCI!. Co iT ier 57th et?Kov. Jacob Chauiberlla, Mi.eionnry to inula, will preach at 11 A. M. and 7:45 I*. M. Habbatlt ?choni, 3 P. M. AdThuN AVENUE BAPTIsT CHURCH, CORN E It ol HI at it.-Preaching by (be paelor, the Kev 0. 1). vt. bihUraan, D. P., on Mm .av. dune 18. servleee at It A.M. aud 7:45 1'. M. Prayer meeting Wedue-day evening 1:43. PI Lt I HI it HAPlIHl' CHURCH. BSD ST.. N El A It K r II ?t , Kev. K. M Van sljke paetor.?Servleee 10:1111 A. hi. an i 7 :ilo P. M Habbnth echoul aud Hlble cln.eee 2 ;3o. Mir..agar. welcomed KHfTo. w. woooRurr, d. d.. pastor ok allkn Itieel MutbodlH Clmreh, will preach iu the morning on * tioye and ilirlt." Evening. sunuay echuol annlver-ary. RKV-E DIV AHd? M. DEEMS. UN WLOHADU, WILD preach tomorrow In the Chu'-ah of the strainers at lo MO ninriiing and 8 o'clorx eveniu.-. All .eat. I'rte. He v \vm p. uokbTt. pastor or bekkman hill ?lutliudi.t KnUropal Church. Eaet hotlt et., beiwoon l.t aud -'?? av? . will preach Sunday meinlnu on "St. Paul'e A lllln ?turns to Die lor Chrl.t," aid evening oB "Tho Fall .1 Jericho." AH eeate are 1Mb. aRUGlUtii HUTICEO.^ KXAP??ri?D.. ??r>KisAisrnrfTfs Leiglit ?t. Baptist Church, onruur or Vertex. at 10:30 A. M. end 7 45 r. M. Baptism niter evening services EEV. C D. FOSS. D, D.. PRK-IDBNT <>F WES leyen University, will preach In St. Luke's Methodist Epts, opal Church, 41st It., near 6th 4T., on Suuday, at 10>i A. M. and 7& P. d All arc invited SIXTH AVENUE REFORMED CHURCH, UEV. WM. d. Merritt, pastor, will praach at 10:30 A. M.. and 7 :30 P. M. Prayer niaMiui' Wednesday. 7 :45 P. M. SEVENTH PRESBYTERIAN CHUitCU, CORNER Broome and Ridge ata.. tUv. Henry T. Iluutar, pastor.? Morutny servlie, 10^; servico of eoug, 3>i P. -M. Straogere cordially welcome. ST. JAMB' METHODIST EPISCOPAL OllURUU, corner Madltoa nr. and li'tlth st.?Preaching to,morrow, at 10:30 A. SC., by the Kev. G W. Tarbuah; in the even lug, at 7:45, by tha Kay. J. Lyman Uurlbut. All are cor dially Invited. OKlt.MON TO DOCTORS AND NURSES, SOU 1 11 BAP Oilat Cburcb. In Presbyterian Lecture Room, 4Sth at., naur 9th ay.. Sabbatb. 7 :45 P. SC., by A. Stewart Welsh, pa.tor; morning Sabbath achool, 9:30; proaublug. 11 o'clock. TllK FIFTH AVENUE PBEsB YTEKI AN CHURCH (Dr. Hall) will bo ouoned for public worship tha re maining Sabbatha Of June and uaiil the middle of July. Tha uulpit will bo auppliou by the Kev. Dr. Pattou, ?>' Chicago. Moderator of General Assembly. borvlcoaatll A. SI. and 4 P. M. TABERNACLE BAPTIST CHU CM. 2D AV., BF. twaon loth aud lltb ata., Kay. Robert B. Hull, pastor.? Moruing, by J. 8. Holme, D. D. Evening, by tha paator? "Intercession of Jesua." Meetings on Wadueaday and Friday evenings, strangers cordially welcomed. The rioht rev. o. f. skymour. d. d.. will preach nt St. Pbillp'a Church on Sunday evening, ser vice at 7:45 o'clock. UTH STREET METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, between let and 2d ava.?Preaching In moruing by Kav. C. >V Powell; In the evening hv Rev. W. C. Steele, subject. "Don't Reject Him;" to oe followed by Dr. M. L. Kostvally. the converted Jew, and his daughter, who will relate their experience. f) J Til STREET METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, wj'Tnear 9th nr.. Rev. B. H. Bureb, peslor.?Praacning at 10:30A.M. and 7:45 P.M. Seats tree. Strangera wel come. OATH STREET METHODIST r.FISCOPAL CHURCH, O" "near Sib av? W. P. Abbott, pastor ?Seats free, (ten tlemanly ushera at tha door, aabbnth aarvicaa 10:3o A. M.. 7 :30 P. M. All ara welcome. LUBT AND FOUND. tpdUhTB^ON j UNh larWdAUWAVrPARK >LaOE". r I .dv's Pocketbook. containing tew dollars, Address, identifying lame. FINDER. Herald offli e. LOST-ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 12. IN the onra of the Metropolitan Elevated hallway Com pany, an ACCOUNT BOOK A liberal reward will be paid on return ot same to ROBINSON A SCRIBNEIt, 102 Broadway, New York. LOST?A WHITE FOX TERRIER, ABOVE AVERAGE site; short tall, answers to name of Punch ; u liberal re ward for bin retnrn to 105 aud 107 Meroer el. LOST-PACKAOK OF PAPERS. FINDER PLEASE return and rooolve reward. T. C. LYMAN A CO., 518 West 33d at. Lost-silver ukat scotch terrier slut; silver collar around neck; answering t? tlia uami " lopsv strayed away on v\ eduesday evening from 152 Bast 22d at., near 3d av. Liberal reward paid for hie re torn. LOST-ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 13, ON 3d av., 4Stb or 49lh si., a black Pocketbook. coutaiulug a sum ot mosey and a night key. The Under will be re warded by returning to B40 3d sr., In the bakery. SPECIAL. NUTlCbb. A ^eleCtkic bklts^-a cfeifrAinr saik "and ?effectual euro for alt nervous and chrouio diseases. These appliances are applicable to eilbar sex and afford Instant rellel In cases of rheumatism, dyspepsia, general debility, Ac. Puivermacher's are tha only genuine. Depot, 212 Broadway. Attention?twemy years' Prussian Hospi tal axperiance; specialties diseases ol mar and nervous system; cuusnltation tree. Dr. JACOBY, lit tileecker at. A? ELKCrttlC BELTS, SURE OUitE FOR PkEMA ,iure debility; the only reliable; aaud for circular. Dr. KaKK'B32 Broadway. All rheumatism Positively curkd-any stags or tbs disease. EUROPEAN RHEUMATIC SOCIETY. 207 West 34tn st. All special complaints certain, bafe and permanently cured, to eitUer sex. Dr. COX. 202 East 10th st. LL SPECIAL COVIPLAINTS, MeDICAL OR SUR Lgical, lately, suecessfnlly treated. Advice tree. Dr. BKADlOltD, 132 East 12th (t. All diseases of men, whatever, recent or loug standing, speedily and permanently cured by Dra. DYER A URINDLK, 47 West 13tu st., near Oth av. " a "-SURE CURE FOR LUNG DISEASES. ROCK A.a - - - - sand Rye, $1 per large bottle ; $4 per gallon N. VAN B lL. ?S Chambers St. An essay, supplying means fur kfekotinu cure of nervous debility, mailed (roe. W. WaLKIN, box 2,500 Post office. New York. Advice free-dr. whitehead, professor of midwifery; tale treatment guaranteed; board and nursing. 215 East 45th St.. near 3d av. All diseases blood, skin and nkkvous db bllltv ; no tee until cared; examination treo Dr. FUEMAN. 200 Grand el ? EST RYE WHISKEY IN THE WORLD. FOUR years eld, f4 per gallon. $1 per large bottle N. VAN HEIL. ?h chambers St. Brandies, wines, uins and whiskies?best qualities at lowest prices: goods delivered; Kngllsb Breakfast Tea, SO eeuts. N. VAN BKlE. SB Chambers eh De-eases of men a specialty. HENRY A. DANIELS. M. D., 144 Lexington av? near 29th >t. Office hours from 8 to 3 and 0 to 7. Divorces speedily obtained?terms super lallvely reasonable; CONSULTATIONS free l-RED KRICK'I. K1NU, Lawyer, B st, Mark's place, adjoining Cooper lustltuto. Divorce cases attended to promptly with outpnbllclty; consult him. ISAAC U. BOYCE, expe rienced lawyer. 319 Broadway. Dr. kicord's essence of life restores manhood to the debilitated In four weeks: falluru im possible; ff3 per cue*. Sole agent. Dr. J. J ACyUES, 7 Uni versity place. New York. J^hTABLXsIIKD 8KVKKTEKN YEARS. Drs. JORDAN A DAVIKSON, Proprietors of tha UKKAT EUROPEAN MUSEUM, the lir|Mt collection lu the world, 720 Chestnut St.. Phila delphia, wiib to inform tboir patients and tho public Ibtt they mar bo coufLteuttully consulted aa otual on all die auei of maa, wnlch they have made a specialty lor 17 years. Their madical work, "Practloal observations" on differ ent disease*. with an "Essay on Marriage," can ba bad ou receipt ol 2.1 conla postage stamp-. at. Dra JORDAN A IiaVIKMON, H Addraaa 1 1.020 Pllbart at., Philadelphia. No couoaction wltb any other llrni in Aiuorica. AVANA~ LOTTERY. Xazt Drawing Jnna 10. Maw achama aant Iran on application, M. A. Martinez A CO.. Bankara, 10 Walt at., basement Havana lottery. Saturday. junk is. Cavltai Prlta, $2UO.(J00. 2o Capital l'rlat A'dJ <?x) i lid Capital Prlso... .425.000 Ticsata, $4<i. $jo, $IO Twantiatlia. *2. Fonlatbx, #1. JaCKMIN A CO., Hankara, 82 Naaaau at . near pulton. JKN NINUS BROTHERS, M AN UPAOTU Kit US OP THE Japauaaa Paper Ware, will bare ilia Oriu'a nana tu felted latiera on tba iiittotu of tlialr Improved sta..e?ril pail, and their trade mark on a blaa around attached to their baaina, buwla, Ac. Uooda Warranted. Trada auppltod. Odlca I'l Murray at.. New York city. K -OFFICIAL KENTUCKY STATE DRAWINGS . Karnmnr?ritra class no. 381 ? jcm 14 I-C8. 8U, 41. 1?. I, IS. 211, H, 14, 70, 2i?, 7, 37, 3. 33. RkMTuenr?cLaaa Mo. 382-reus 14, IM7H 54, 46, 42. HO, M, 48, 74, ?H, 26, H, 44, 55, 32, IB, 30. SIMMONS A DICKINSON. Managara. gkomoia aTATa? ritra class no 4oi yuan 14, l*7s. 3, OR. 4H. 53. IH. 17. 42. 34. SB, 2S, 21, H2. 5H, 41. GRUItolA ?TAT*-CLAS* NO. 4G2-JUNK 14. IH78. 18, 36, IB. ?L 67, 54. 40, 47, St. 51. HO, 14, 5, 10. 70. K. D. EDDY A CO., Manager. Information glvaa regarding tli? above drawlugs. Aooty to CLITh A CO., Sanaara. 20<i Hroadway. roar uflea. K-BOVAL HAVANA DRAWS JUNI'. 15. ?$610,00*1 In Spanish monoy to Pa diatrlbuiad. Capi ta prtae.B20U.uoo. I prlaa of $50 000 1 lOprlaeaof B't.iRjOeaeli 1 nrlaa of 25.UOO 115 priaaa of .... I.OOiaach 2 priaaa of.... $10,000 each |iis<i pitsea of .... 500 each Tickets. $4<i. $2o. $10. $5, $2. $1. J. CLUi'K A CO.. Bankara. 2'Ai llrnadway. K -KENTUCKY SINGLE NUMHkH ? Dlatriliullon Jnna 15. I prlaa $I5.ik*i. 2 priaaa of .$2,54X1 each 1 prim M iaul 2 prima of 5,(XKIa*cn 1 prise......... 5.1 WO I lo priaaa of 54JU aacb 1.804 priaaa, districting $67.?2\ Tlrkata. >1. CLUTK A CO., Bankara, 2' xi Broad way. Kentucky state lottery will draw ji nk isi W hole lie Rata. $1 ; Capital. $15,000; aanled rlak taken ; our private parlora at M3H Hroadwav are open Iruin 7 A. M. until 8 P.M. B. NAIIIAN. IH! and 838 Broadway. Kentucky state, draws junk is. Capital priae. $15,4X4). I.aat cbanee to-day. 1 Prlaa al $8,IXlO I 1 Priaa ol $5,000 2 Priaaa ol leacbi..., 2.5) W I 2 Priaaa of (each).... l.ixxi 10 Priaaa of (aacb) . . 5<xi | 54) Priaaa ol (each;... 1(A) W HOLE TICK!. IH, $1. Sal# of tlakata clnaaa tliia morning at 12 o'clock. JACKSON A CO.. Hanker*, M2 Nassau at., uaar Fulton. K-LOOB KENTUCKY HTATP. SINGLE NUMBER, a to be drawn -aturdsr. .Intie 13. Capital prlaa. 413,016). I prlaa of f8,i*xj| ?/ prises ?f (each),..,..$2,54)0 I priaa ol 5H0U | 2 prisra of teach) I.txx) 1,804 prlaea. amoiimlng $4)7,025 M Imln Tlckata. $1 Prlrta paid In lull. Hale of tfraeis will alop Saturday at IIW A. M. PARKS. I MKKHUN A CO . Hankert, lHo Hroadway. Sealed risks takan la dally drawlaga. Louisiana state lotti ry company.-c har. lered hy the State. It never scales or pu.tpohaa. Havantn lirand Dlairtbatlon at New Orleans J nly It. I H">7 priaaa, amuiiutliig to $1 IO,4UD: capital prises. $30,(xXi, Blo.lXI), $5.(4)1, Ac.; 14J0.000 tickets, two t$2i dollar*. halve*, one ($1: dollar. Aupty to M. A. DAUPI1IN, Post othce box HH2, New Orleans, La., or II. L. PLUM, SIB Broadway, New York. ? A?i>?-I?E ?B. ~ Al balf coat par day. Better Coif<e aeary w?y. Try It at 83t> Broadway, MRS JUI.IA IIINDLKY, OF PHILADELPHIA, gives private alttings tn tb?*e who wish tn Investigate the truth el spiritualism, by hearing from their departed friend* aad other matters. Honrs flam IU ta 4 e'eloek, at M CUnton plAaa. 4ptaial hoar* U t??alrp4. M SPECIAL. HOT1CA0S. a t ro?5Litan ~ JuB FBI N UNO Of KICK. 28 ANN ST.. DO ALL KINDS OF PRINTING FOB ALL KINDS of BUSINESS. SUMMER EXCURSIONS AND STEAMBOAT WORK, PAMPHLET TIME TABLES. FINE WOOD HNOBAVINO AND COLORED 1'KINTING, FOSTERS, I* BOO KAMMKS AND TIC KITS. LAW CASEa EXPRESS COMPANIES. STEAMBOAT, steamship links and rail road WORK. FIRST class Work AND LOW PRICES FOB CASH. GIVE US A TRIAL. METROPOLITAN JOB PRINTING OFFICE, 28 ANN ST. M ARBLK MANTr.LS AND MONUMKNTS CHEAPER thau ever. A. Kl. a BE It. 124 Knit lMlli at., near 3d av. OPEslNu A 1 UoEi.G'S RESTAURANT. 402 BROAD way. June 15. The bunt Dr.tike and Refreshments will be served. , liuoortant c??e?, medical or surgical; Impairment of any organic luuctiuu, hereditary ur constitutional taint; l ol men end the uervvue system a specialty. iienry a Daniels, m. d.. 144 Lexington ??., near 29th at. llourt. 8 to 3 and 0 to 7. R?DISEASES OP MEN ARISING FROM IMPURITY .ol tue blued, ekln taint auu nervous prostration a ape, claitr. JOSEPH JACtJUEa. M. U.7 Univereity piaoe. Cilice hour* from S till 3 add G to 8. TO SMOKERS VISITING EUKOFE.-IM POltTANT notice?The Smoking tobaccos and Cigarette*, includ ing O.H well known Richmond Gem Cigarette and Tobacco, manufactured by Meaera. J. K. Allen A Co., Kiclimond, Va., may be fuuud on aale at the Old Virglnny Tobacco Store, 317 Piccadilly, London, VV. VTTAL OUPULKS CURE NERVOUS Di.BlLlTY, weakue**: male or letuaU-. Circular aent tree. IRVING A HLAKK, box l td, Brooklyn, N. Y. f * "7 QO; ?KENTUCKY STATE, JUNE 15. tpU I iUJ'Ii Whole ticket*. $1 only. .-ale of tickets cio*ea tbie morning. at II :30 o'clock. OPEN EVERY eVeNING UNiTL II O'CLOCK. Kentucky draw* dally, Tickets, 31 to 33 50. BULLA RD.v CO., Broker,. O >7 Broadway, near 2Uth it. <L'^7 Q')e DISTRIBUTED TO-DaY IN THE !j)0 ( at'it) KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERY. OitCuRE YoUiC TICKETS THIS A. M. There are ti ree capital prises, $15,txX), $8,000. $5,000, and aoiue one mult hold the lucky tlettet and why Not vou t WIIOLE TICKET- $1. WILLIAMSON A CO., Eaatern Agent*. 599 Broadway. <t?ff7 ?"LAST CllANCIi." ?D I .t/,4?>.SAL OF TICKET- STOP AT 11 :30. ONLY A FEW LEFT AT THE LUCKY OFFICE. ONLY ONE DOLLAR EACH. KENTUCKY STATE DRAWS TODAY JUNE 15. B. 11. PORTER A CO., NORTHERN AGENT-i. 1,227 rroadwav.n. y., i8:t Montague st., Brooklyn. $ '?"aordinaky .drawing; Capital Prue. *500.000; ordinary Lottery June 15; orders filled by SONNKNBKKG A CO.. New Haven,Couu. 7*>fi *47/1 ?ROYAL SAXON LOTTERY. I ^U.O | T. Docal Bruuawlck Lottery. Drawings in Germany every month. Royal II nvaua Lottery. J una 15. New acbeuie now ready. Ticket!. $40; quartan. Slu; eighths. $5; lor tilths, $1. I hole ticket*. $1. Prises cashed and full luluriuation of tho above cent free. J. DUFF A CO.. Ruuxeri. 42 Nassuu it., cor. Llbertv. N. Y THE TtRF. A T FLEETWOOD PARK, TWO RATTLING RACES. .1X2:31 ulasa; .Vsrgretta, eloriu, Even John, > ousou burg, Reinuius, Fanny Jefferson and Graee. Frae fur all Nettie Richard, Rasult and Uuntrese. Admission, 60 cents, to all parts of the track. UaTES 11. B-KNaRD, Proprietor. A-FLEETWOUD park-ju.nb meeting. , Wedneeday, Thursday. Friday and Saturday. Sixty entries; great double team race Wednesday 431*4/ ouinc* , fiicnt uvuuitt tonui I ?go ti vuuvnun/ > grand tree lor all Friday ; trotting to commence at 3 o'clock: admission 50c. GATES U BA RN AltD, proprietor. A -BOOK UPK.v TO-DAY ON COLUMBUS RACES ?until 1 o'clock at Browne's, 1,170 Broadway: at Fleet wood this afternoon. JOHN llACKETT A CO. A?AUCTION AND FRENCH POOLS SOLD UN THE aColuinbus Race*: also on ttas trots at Flootwood Park. No. 50 Hudauu St., Uwbokeu. IIACKT.TT A CO. Bl OOK8 OPEN ON THE EONG BRANCH HANDICAPS afid Culumhna races at 19 West 28th st. W. LOVe.Li . B A-KMALL MATCHES. ? AUCTION pools every day at 'Tattersall*>, Otto Cottags, Hohoken. t TOLUMBUS RACES. ENTRIES AND RESULTS Kit Jnlriil at 13 West 28th St., onsement. CRIbOK A CO. (TOLUMBUn tOUlOl RACES, WBDNEHD t Y. THUBS /day, F rldar and Haturday. Anetiun and French Poole at lultersali'e. Otto Cottage. Ilobukuii. CtOl.U MRUS RACES AND FLEETWOOD TROTS.? /Poole sold at US Hudson st., Hoboken. KELLY A BLISS. MOLL' M EC'S RACf-S.? UUUKd Ol'KN Ai 15 Whir U-Stu it. KELLY A llLLsH. TAT 1 EKSALL'S COMBINATION ANU STRAIGHT books ivory 0aJ at SANDY SPENOhK'8, corner Kill tun and Broadway (baaetuent); urdera for llobokeu re. calved. riiuoTS THIS DAY ANl) EVERY DVY Tills WEEK 1 at Fleetwood Park; Auction Prtola and returna ol eacb beat. Tattaraall'a Otto Cottage, llobokeu. UUHiBN, CAKlUAOKk. ABC. ?CHARLES W. HAIIKKII, iMRiKXtK ;\il M'liM' Kin. \ I'l-.i BALE OP THOROUGHBREDA, PlKBT grand aunual aale ut >i A Kit V BAsSKTT YEAH I.INiis, iwo-year-nld., Ac., brad by Uub. DaVID Mc DAMKL; alio tbe Race Marta Sue Ryder. Oak Oral', Juliana, Sarah It., Mary MaoatielU. and ulnar to Milner, an In lual to Harry Baaaett. to take place on Moudav, June 17. at 11 o'clock, at BARKER A sou'. New York Tat taraall'a, i orner ol Broadway and 39tb at. TW LNTY-SIX head of the aouudcai, lluaal and moat SUPERBLY BKKO lot of thoroughbred* over offered at punlic aale. To arrive at tue Mart on Sunday. Juue Iti, for exhibition. Puaitlvely NO POSTPONEMENT. IfV-111 DDIXlJ or WITH DKAWALS. Cataloeneeon aaplicallun. Irmuediaiely alter the above will bo offered the FAM OUS RACE HOKsK M lyjor Barker, by Aateruid, the prop erty ol Harvey Welch. AH.SO, tbe bar thurou.hbrvd hurae REFORMER, by Luther, oaiu Annie Laurie; very bandeome, gentle and .oiind. AUCTION HaLK.-J. BOUART. Al, WILL ?all til la duy, at 11 o'clock, at &3 and 51 Lalayatte p.aee, enilre stock of tue Livery Stable, con.iatlnc of I'd and bay team, eatra atyllab, 7 aad H ) eara o-u.ue Coupe Ho old , very liand-u.oe Coupe Huree, bay. IB jeara old; very hand.ome Road llorae, brown, tl year, old. 15*4 hauda liiith. aoumi and kind; very hnudauina lady'a Pony, 6 yeara old, auund aad kluu ; nlao 7 lloraea aultabia lor anv bualueaa; alao 3 Clarancea, 'J Park Pbnatuna, U lltibt Waguua. 3 Baggage Waguna, Harueaa, Ac, ?t*J Kilts I' ULABs M'JLhil. ALL sl/.KS. FOR i .aale low. Corner Urand and HI.hop ata., Jvraey City. All lamk ami sick cuitho free of charge ?Oily.' Llnltnenl Iodide uf Ammonia (yellow wrapper.I; epavln, apllnta, rlnitbone, ahoolder lamaueaa. Bend poatal card lor pamphlet Trial aiaa. 35 ceuta. Dr. OlLKs, 1.II Wait Broadway, New Yerk. AsTON is 111 NO IIaKOAINS l-NO taah ofler. refuee.l ! ?llandaoine. light eztenalou loo I'haeiuu laoata lour) ; .billing too Whitney aprlug nuad W; full apriua top WAgon; too Pouy Phaeton ; Una llarneaa; all nearly new. Inquire livery atablta 347 Weal 41at at. . -FOR SALK, :> CHUNKY ItUli-T IIOIlsKS: SUIT zA..truck, tarruer, grocer, eaoreaa: trial given; muat be euld. IH7 Mercer ?t., near Hleecker. A J. H. SIIIIIT.NO I OI? WaOON, .Ouoacornh llarne.a, leather too Pnaetun, all little uted and very cheap. No 5tl Kaet 41*t eL -HHIIifH lUORT $HOti). BKAUTIFUL SIIIPT L .Inn top P ark 1'kaeton and f amily W? .... , , ./anon; Haiti, f, r oue huree i-eau four purine. uaed Hve tlutea; hendaouie too I'ouv Plte rt?n, 313.1, coat $.(70 ; beet city in akai ?. In uuire of Mr. U , prlvete etable 3(Jfi haet Jnth at., atar Md av. y _ fMiai WILL BUT ONK OK TIIK BEST KOAfl j'V .lloraea In the city ; can trot to top wagon better than 3:5U; warranted aouod and kind; together with lilt llar ne.a and lop Wagon, almost new. nnd by Wood. 140 Weat Slat at. Alao a very Hue Saddle lloree. A -TWO Vf.KV FINK TEAMS. HAYS, IU HANDS, tl ? year, old; pair of black., 15%. tl and 7 year., good road team ; bote warranted In every particular: a II amble Ionian Mare. 15 1 high tmta belter than 3:50, 7 year., and warranted! T Cart and llarne.a t? match and not eotled; light enune IIarneae, light Single and puubl - liar neaa and Top W'agon, pole and ahalta; ell most be anld at any ufler, .<? owuer ie le .ring the city. Weal Slat at. Arc i.l spring Tor wagon. hi sknhci make, nearly new, $105; alao two Pony Phaeton, cue. at MID West tilth ?t A HA HO AI N - . WO WELL BIRD s a DIM, I. MAKES, Juat iroin Virginia, 15 hauda high, tl yeara old ; perfectly ?onuil and real ? Ceo beieen at BANFIiLD'S Hoard ing stable. S7ih el., between Letlngtun and 3d avi. A -TWO WORK HoltNKia, sUII' IRUt.'K, OHOCKK, ? la. in tug, Ae.; $05. $R5; Harneea; Iruea. 110 Cbria tufher It. A -10 IICsInKHH AND DELIVERY WAOONS, ALL .?ilea, nD to $110; new and eocond hae.l W..guna, for ? groeer. butcher, baaer. milk, depot. 330 Hitting >t. A-PoUH HORSES| sUII KaRMIaO. EXPRESS, ?any bnalu.aa; all wartanted ; trial given. 153 south 5th ae. A-SlftU?1IANOSOMK TOP PONY PIIAKTON, WITH .One 11 aratie, slanketa, Daprone aad Wnip; Ceil $4Ki lonr month, ago; Diiuole llarneaa, $45. Private etable, 1 Weal 15th at., near 5th av. Any cash offer this day?one pair ok y.tuag hay Hnraea, aonntl and kind, l.%liat.d<; hand aotne extra light eStetflon top Phaeton, a ata lour; flue Double llarne-l DOCTOR S., LVI p.a-t ttMIt at. AOoNKKY FOR SALE?WARRANTED SOUND eud kind free from all vice ort.lck; can be ueed Ireely by ? child live year. o.d. liil Eaat 3Htli at. A -TIIK BENT Fa Mli.Y TURNOUT I.T THE CtTY. ?naly $'J*t<l; bey llurae. 15% nandt, tl yeara old, all auund hod kind; ele mil top Phaeton and llarneaa, Lap Kobe, Hlauketa and Wl.ip; t oit two weeka el nee oyer $0.?). Ol\ NEIt 3tm W eat 31 at el. A FINK EXTENSION TOP FIUKTON, HEATS FOUR; flr.e Whltechape. Top W'atmn: Pony Phaetnu end gold plated IIarneai. 114 W eet S7lli at , near Oth av A-BARGAINS-TWO KXIRA FI y F, YOU NO ..Hnraea for ladlee' n.e. one nearly new light Rnekway Carriage ; eeata four perentta; one fall top Fliaeton, eatra light, aval, lour; one ton reuy Fhaeten; flue coupe Hor nate. 1M haet Mtk at. HOKSKS. I A Kill AUKS. At barker a m?n's 01 TV AUCTION MART AND N. Y. 1A)T(1UUMi CORN EK UK Broadway ami BBlh at. 0II ALi.ES W. ii Alt AUCTIONEER. UEGULAK S vl.KS every Wednesday and S itl'UDAYi 'I WENTY-FoUit boor- allowed lor trial. CATALOGUE OK MALE THIS DAY. AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK. LOT OK top ami uo-iup Koad Wagous, Depot. Expreia la, top and no-top Pbaoloue. Carriages, una Business Wagons, top and no-top Ac. CANOPY TOP Phaeton, by O. H. Oloaa. BASEST Phaeton, by G tl. Close. LAKpli lot ol Double and Single Harness. i . XT It AO IU) IN A K Y salo of highbred T. ottiutr Stock. the prooerty ol fcldwaid l!. Gardner. ot 15 WHllaiu at. uoar re siding at Palermo, Sicily, whoso Intended two years'lur tbor abaauce abroad compoL their peremptory aiapoiai, aa to Iowa:? BLACK STAR. black atalllon. fonlod 1874. Irt high : dot by Itlackwo'id. dam Modesty, by Ameiieuu Start winner ol first premium lor two yeare at the Hocklaud county lair: ot extraordinary speed and irreat promise. AKAWANA, black gelding, foaled 1H70, lb'e high; pot by Tbomaa Jefferson, out or tiypaey; one ol tlia beat green borsea to bo had for money*, con trot in 2 :30. NAs, gray nisre.loaled 18U0 143* high; by Peace maker, oam by Huali'a Mesaouger; second rleui by a luu laser, oaiu r.y Hush's Messenger; eecon-i nam or a eon I Withe, el! Messenger: one of the liueat roadalera in ??? iatence; unequalled to tbo pole or single: can trut lu 2 tSfi. EMU, gray gelding, foaled 1870, I53g high: cot by Y ouue America, darn of Black iiawk deaceut; untrained; cau trot in 2 :Uf>. ALLIK. bay lilly, foaled 1875; got by Cyclone (sou of Youui' Aiiierieai, dam Pauline (thoroughbred daughter ol Kentucky and Blue Uiboou;; iu tool to litack Star. Nfc.Ll.lK WASHINGTON. bay uiare. by Happy Medium, daiu Lady Waahiuglou, by Smith's Burr Waahiugton; cau trot in 2 illi. L'llK.STNUT yearling, by Cyclone; dam Modesty, by American Star. BaY Unit, by Cyclone, dam by llapuy Medium. CATALOG! BS with extended deacriptiuus. at lale. HOAl* TUItSuL'T. comprising one of tbe handsomest and blithest bred browu Trotting Mares iu tbe State, 15.13a '?1Kb. 7 Team old: Cot by Dnulel *.umbert: a Uuo, bundy driver; lias trotted a mile to road wagon iu 2:48; warrant ed sound and Kind. Also top sidebar Koad Wagou. by Brewster, ufBroome at. ; II arness. CI thing Ac ALL UAITKD combined dirk bey saddle and harness (leldiug. 1&3, h|gh . 7 yoara old; thoroughly broken lor la dy's u-e : warranted sound and kind Till-. CELEBRATED gray 1 rotting Mare Ladr Kliden, 163lt bigii. 8 years old; naa a record of 2:40; warranted eouud and kind. II aSUsIIMK DARK bay Trotting Gelding, lo1,' lilgb, 7 years old; a game and aaay driver; cau trot In 2 :oO; war ranted sound and kind. HKAU I'lFUL hay Trotting fc'illy, 153a high, f? years old: never handled tor speed; can trot a 2:40gait; warranted eouud ana kind. KamT BAY Trotting Mare, 151? hleh, 0 years old ; cau trot in U uiliiutea ; perfect tor family use ; warranted sound and kind. ELEGANT buy eaddle and harness Gelding, 153a high, 7 yeara old ; u splendid sa-idlur; line lu harness; cau trot IB 2:50, warranted sound and kind. DhStKABLE bay Mare, 15W nigh 7 years old; oan trot close to 2 ;l.">; warranted sound and kind. PKuMINING bay i nly, I5J? high, 5 years old: Just broken siugle; cau trot lu thro* minutes; warranted sound aud kind. M AUNIt-'lCkNT bay saddle Gelding. 153? high, 0 years old; goes all known gaits. BL ACK 8ADDLK auil liarunss M are. 153, lilgn, 0 years old; fiue under saddle ui lu Uuroess; warranted aouud and kind. TI1K extraordiuarily handsome, fast aud highly bred chestnut T rotting Mare La Belle, 1534 high, 0 years old { without exception is oue ol the best aud gamest trotters lu existence; has shown a trial of 3:05; uuequalled to the polo or siugle; warranted sound and kind. fcOKI Y-uNfc. other Horsos. lor all purposos. Etl 1,L description at tale. SALES never postpoued on account nl weather. Bargain thin day for cash.?beautiful top Pony Phaeton, lull spring top lluggy, hue Harness, almost new. ;>(! West lOtu st. BIGGEST BAHGAlN YKT.-SUFEKIOK NEARLY newtop Buggy, hue Harness, Sheet, Lap Kobe, Whip; all $160. 12 East 18th St. CIAKKIaUBB.-OALVIN WITTY'B COMMISSION CAR /riage wareruoina. li t) South 5th ay.; rapairlug shops, 65 Klatbush av.. Brooklyn. ?3 Alt UlAGES, SEC <ND HAND N1Nb-PASsENUEH >Bench Wagon, Laiioaulet, Coupe Kuckawav, Phaetons, Pony Phaeton, top aud uo-top Wagons, A .. Ac. B. M. nil VERS. l '-O f ast 31st si. (3AHKIAUEK, HARNESS, LAP DUsTKKS, SHEETS VAC.? Phaetons, Bug les, Kockaways, Dspuc, Koad aud Jump Seat Wagons, Paik Phaatoiis, Ac.; some sec-ui d hand, from $50 upward; Uaruesr, $U 40 upward; Hhesta and Dusters, superb variety, 00c. upward. JDIIN MOORE, 57 Warren st. (TOUl'K IHHlhK KOK MALE; ONE OP THE FINEST Jut the .city. IU3k hands high. Can he seen at the own er's privet's stable, 120 West 20th at., alter 0 A. M. D OG CANT?TWO WHEELER, BUILT BY WOOI Brothers, lu superb order; price. $350. WW. il. GKAY, 20 Woosterst. IjYOK KALE?A TOP Pll Afc.TON : Kl-.ATK FOUK. AND Child's soul Inside ; limit by Lleiirdaley ; iu good order; trill be sold cheap. KIM PEON'S Stable, 148 East BWtli at. WOK SALE?A GENTLEMAN'S FAST KOAD TEaM. P Apply to JAHViS MOTT. r armliigdale. L. I. IiHiR BALK, TRADE, OK I* XCII AN' 1 -II ANDSOM K ' Horse, 153s bauds; can beat 2:4.5; time shuvs; good roadster, tine saddler: sound, kind, fearless: everything; price $3UO. Stable 113 East 15th st. I/TOR KALE?A GOOD CUaNCE-A N.'.W SINGLE -P Moving Truck with patent wneela, wltn cover; Horse end Harness: will be sold to-morrow at 12 o'clock. Cau be ?ern at No. 253 24tli St.. ou 7th ay. IViK SALE?A VEKY HANDSOME EXTRA STYLImH pair uf brown Cobs, 5 and 8 years old; well brokru; good temp- ra: without fault, unsoundness ur blemish. I good lemp- ra: without lauit. unsoundness . r blemish. < Stir WILLIAM C. OULLIYKK, 1*20 Broadway, city. I loll KALE CIIEAP-CHUaKY BUILT BLACK M t KG, I&I4 hands. 7 years; hall value. 810 llu-laoii st. H1LBOKN. 116 CHAMBERS bT , OFFERS LINEN horse Sheets, (15c. ; hau l mada llarutsa, $0 50; other roods equally low HAK.NhiS.?'THE Pi'.OPKIKTOR OK THh CHKaP est harness atore In New York haa reinuvsd Iron) Bar clay at. to 154 Chamber* at . where he la aelltnir rur;y tlarueaa. 17 50: Grocery or Milkmen'a llarneaa. $20; Track llarneta $22: Truck ll.rn 'ta. Single or Double. $25; Hid ing Saddle. $4; Hiding llridle. $1 50: stcble II auket, 75c. Plena* call hihI examine tor yourselves until A it I> KI - 11111. 154 Chambera St. JO ST AKKIVKU-KIKTY WO UK HOUSE-, SUI TaBLK lor any business; iiiuat be aold; nlao Pony Phuetou, llnrneaa 520 Weat 21th at. IV kUY AND IIIIAUDINO STABLE. CKNTHAL LO. Jcntion, tor sale. with or without Stock : excellent pat Intr raainasa; rood reaaou tor tailing. Address L. N.. Herald w pit. w it "ft La. 1>Kl' FONT, USKD BY I IIIl.KBh.N TOf IONY Phaeton. Ilarnbaa, *200; open I'huelou, $50; last Trot* ttiicr Pony. 511 "tli ar. OTANHOPK I'll A KTON. B Y H. M SIIVKKS; villY ttiiulil Landau. be J. II. Brew.trr. light Oabrlolot T Cart, ly Wtiod llroa ; 4-nata*lig*r surrei Wagon; 12 passenger Aagoiietls; lour Baroucbea. Ir in f75 up ; Ufa ti-?at Pnat iup,$70up: Top Wagon. M5; Caffray Sulky. $50, akslalnn A agon, alx 4-paa?siiger Koekawuys ten aeta aecond band .iameaa. nbaeta, Laps Dnatera, Wbipa, Ac., cheap. WM. II. OKAY. 2 ' and 22 Wooater at OKUONtf HAND'OAKHI AOKrt. f1 iirtain Coaches. 5 t'oupo Itock a ways. 8 Clarence* 2 Curtain ICnckawavs. 1 Olaaa front Lauuan. 4 Halt lop Pliaaloua. 1 B>. i/haiu. 2 Stanhope PnuetoDt. 4 Oniipoa 2 Pop> Pnaotuu*. s> l.aiinuiilrte. I Surrey Cart. 2 lirantt Victorlaa. 2 Depot Wag ops. I Six paaaenacr Kockawara. II Extension Top M'agoaa. 25 Hr? water A Cot'a atandard Boad Wagon*. A. S. Fl.A NDHAU A CO..372 and 571 Broome aft. Sklrndidkokiiklwakk. ii hands. ? YJUM'i .^Toronto Cnlef Block. Private alable, 17 Wetft 44lli at. TO Ufc SOLD CIIKAP-A PAIH OK FAMILY HORSES, perleelly quiet tu ride erurire; tingle or double ll?r leaa, with Park Phaeton aud Coupe lit a gentleman who W leaving the city. May bo aeen at 1217 St. Mark'a nv? ftrouklyp. AtiU.N hTTKS-sllOON O H AND, KOK~ 12 AND~T4 passengers, suitable for cuuntrr or beach uae. 20 Woo-tor at. w ANTED IIIKK?BI'OOY WAdON FOB WEEK. BY rerpuuaiblit party, at 115 Kaat 15th at. Ski I? - - KINK II ANUS?)sK TOP HUUUY. II \ It ipLoi/tni'i, with lilaca Haa* Itobo; wan purchaavd ia-ft winter lor 4525; are In perlect order; elan lieo'Jsuine F tin Ir liorae, young, atiuutl and kind, l&tft hands. Prlvaia Itahle 144 Weat I4th?ft.__ I1KY GOODS. 2V# I lilts.A I KKDl'CltnN. Oantleuit'li'i Boeta and Shots, I I Dress Hounla -ole, Cork Sola.OPttara anil Shoaa, I j Oalord Tlaa, Ac., at $ I hi and upward. , I Ladiaa' line Button Boole, j2 5't. $:t AT 5tI. $4 and I I f5. aft HltOOKb', 1,1U0 Broadway, corner 2:Ith at. | _ 4 4 JUialalWkBHV ANU DUKSSMAKIIIb. 'y ok lacY.ssi^thoaO"W3V7TOah"TtrfTi"sr~r4 t^/.selling off the Pin.ft taqalalto Shape, lu Bopueta, Shade lata end hound I lata, regardleaa of coat. PUNT OVKICR \i)TK K. post or Klok'nfblTdk.' ~ " s~ ~~ I lite Fnielgn Mails lor the week ending Saturday Junn 5. IS7S, will cIobo at tli I a utiles en TueaJav, at 12 P., for urupo by ateamahip Nevada, via Oueensio-rn ; oa Wadset .ay, aft I2i90 P. .P., tor Kurop- br ataaoiahlu Abraaitta, In <duaaii.ttiwii (correspondence lor Franc* to ba tor tarleci by ttiia ateamer mint be specially addreiaedi, and it I P M , Tor Fran, a direct, by atea.n>lil|i St Laurent, via lavre: on I huratlay. at 12 M., lor Kurnpe by .tram.lnp Ala.and. vl t I'.ypiuntb, Cherbourg and II. mnurg (core. pendeura lor Great Britain and Irel.tiid to ba forwarded by ,hla ataaintr mual ba apeclaliy addreaaed. an I at 12 4., lor i>reat Britain and Ireland bv ataaPlehln Oltv of Brut i. |a. via Uuetnatown (eorrtapondance lor (isrmauy and thu 'ontinea. to ba lorwurded bv title fttaaipar mint ba ?pacially addreaaed), on -uiurday, at II ;|.i A. M? lor lii'iliiany, A> , liv ateamahip Doiiuu. via Southampton Mil Bremen (correspondence for Urpat Britain end t ie Continent ti. b* forward* I liv tbla ateamer miiat be apt. ?tally addroaaetll. ami at I P M , lor KaraP*, by atsam ililp liermuule, vl i (JuaetiHlown, and at I P. M. for Scotland Intel hv steamship Victoria, via (lla.g.iw. The ateam .hlpa Navada. Abvaainla and Uermanlc do not taks malli 'or Dei inare. Sweden an.l Norway The mailt lor Maytl, . a v urn I la. Ac , laaea Naw York June Id. Iheinaila lor kaaauu, N. P.. laav* New York.I nun lit. 'I'11os I, l AMF..H, Poatraaatar. Po?T')rric*. New Yopk. June s, 1474 libKTliLCTlO.V \LaBi HftkkfRkitTKdSkd a6aKJIIH aiTu6v", ern??a; Kinrliali, muatc, lliiont French dour years la farla). Die rudlmania ol Herman aud drawing Addieat liii, LOWS., 15 Una Salbt Autnlna, Huraanai (salaai, 'aria. M"~~cnV tk acTTk U4 w a NT k d fki imI* any dTrrc. tiona: spaclally. aaperlencad Kplacopah in lailr priori, ml. r.aateru ?emiliary . prolnaa.ira mualu lor .eminarlea ind couaervai nrlaa, niiialc eombiaail with Pftbar braii. bae; everal cobjnierclal taaclisra ; aaveral tlellion ?t tetrliera , niierlnr candlaatea invited. HC li EKM KHID ?UN, .m ,aat 14th. rKACIIRiiS <lF KNOWN ClI.IB K AND CHAR* actar promptly provided lor families, schools, college.. 10II Kit MK KIIUK.N , SO Rant I lib. 117 AN I Kli - A tOUMtl MAN AS TKACII KK OK KfO TT ilah (immediately) , a cuiiii.stsnt Franco guvariieaa; ilao a Oerinau governeir ; several good tsachara. Apply 'KACUKRr1 Bl IlKAO, U7 Waat SSm at. OANC1NO ACAOIUnk 'lAKtlF.K's DANOlMl aCADKMY, S * f'NION ?2"duar#.. Private laa.ana any hour; UU4* apaalaityt ady aaalatapta. Open all anamtr. iMiiMUiKm. bntANMi ul'KR K lli)l SK. ' ri'ouLK A DONNELLY Umm mil Manager* Kuservud (orchestra Cirolu >iH Baicouy), hue. MAiINKE TODAY AT 2. MATINEE TO-DAY AT 2. THE HESs ENGLISH OF KA COMPANY in tlia grand romantic Opera in tnrae icli, THE I'll I M EH OK NORMANDY. Elegant ami appropriate scenery. ? uoiumea. A a. ilia. Zuli Misses E ?nilia Melville. Zclda segoln LouGe .learle. Ac. Meatus. VVIU. Castle. 0 ii. Turner. Harry I'aaka. A". Mouday, June 17, BRYANT'S YIIN.nTRELS, tbu largest uud beat organisation of Miusireiay iu the world, under lUu uiroelluu ..I Sir. Nell Bryant. SUNDAY KVKSiNO, UKAMI as (.'KM' CONCERT, TISSINOTnN'S SUPERB GRAND ORCHESTRA IN POPULAR MUSIC OP THE DAY', A MAGNIFICENT ARRAY OP SOLOISTS. PoPULtt MUSIC. THE Voice op the people. GILMORE'S garden SHERIDAN SHOOK A P.. O GILMORK Leaaeea THKODORK THOMAS' GRAND SUMMER NIGHTS' UO.NCBKTS. Tills (.-eiurde)) EVENING, ai 0 o'clock. POLKA N MAKC" | Jobanu Sirauaa OVERTURE, "StraUella" Ploiow Waltz "llydruuateii" . Guugt liALLKT MUSIC. "Kerauiora'* Itubluatalu OVERT I* R i'., "Tenu haa uaar" Wagner AVI-. MARIA Gouuod SY'MPHo.NiK I'OKM, "Dause AIacenre" Suint-Saau* SOLO POR CORNET. Mr. R. SHUEBRUCK. lllTN'GAIUAN RIIaP ODY. mi. J Licit OVERTURE-. "l'uet end Peasant" Suppee SO DO POR TROMBONE. "Tuo I'a.r", Stl.-alll Mr. P. LETSCH. WALTZ Keler-Helu QUADRILLE, "Arilal" sirauaa General udiiiDainn, 5(1 ceula; boxes, admitting four, $3 ; package liuketa uf 12, u N10.N SQUARE THEATRE. LAST APPEARANCE of Mill LEON A MOSS, LEON A MOSS, LEON A MOSS. MATINEE TO-DAY, ?t 1 :JU, the Lady op i.yons. KVENING, at 8, LAST NIGHT of Miaa LKOXA MUSS, who will appear aa PAULINE In the LADY OP LYONS, MACBETH (letter sceur) uud acene from CY'MUELINE, supported by tier EXCELLENT COMPANY. Standard iheatkk-hkoadway and ssd sr. VVM. LENDER ON Proprietor and Manager. 50TU TO 571'H PERFORMANCE. J. K. EMMET In hia new version of i ItlTZ. HOUSES CROWDED WITH DELIGHTED AUDIENORS. THREE HOURS OP UN IN Ti-.IIRU PTED PUN. ALL TIIK NEW SONGS. SCENES. AC , NIGHTLY ENCORED. New York llerald?"Prils" is always troab. bumorona ami sympathetic. Ilia sung. never weary, end bla quaint Dutch stories wnet the upp-tiie lor more. EVERY EVENING and SATURDAY MATINEE UNTIL PUR T HER NOTICE. w ALLaCK'S. Proprietor end Manager Mr. LESTER WALLACE SATURDAY. Jane l.r>. POSITIVELY Last NIGHT and LAST MATINEE ??I DIPLOMACY. EVENING AT 8 O'CLOCK. MATINEE 1L11PTU AVENUE THEATRE. r last matinee to-day, at 2. LAST MATINEE | Eraser's Phonograph, and | Curry and Hale. 1 LAST NIGHT I Lavurd Maters, or I Lulu Jot dan. nUMPTY DUMPTY. I Young America. N eraser's farewell benefit tonight. iitLO'a garden. MaTINEE I Immensa succaias of TO-DAY I aDA BRAY. AT 2. I In tbu pathetic drama of matinee 1 east lvnnk. Evening performnnec begins et 8 o'clock Monday, June 17. the greet Union Square Theatre auccaal, A CELEBRA'I ED CASE T HE GREAT NiiW YORK AQUARIUM. Broadway and Both at. Finest collection of Platies in the world. Perlormeacea at 2 '.SO aud S o'clock P. M. Mlaa ANOIE SCHOTT lu the woudi-rlut aeanca LE SALON DC DIABLK. or THE DaVIL'S STATUE, lu which figures appearand disappear In an aetonlshing manner. Alan the amusing performaiioe, M t.sKs AND FACES. Admlaslon 50c. Children hall price No extra charges. Coney Island Aquarium now onen. with W. 0. Coup's Broncho Horses. PUONoGRAI'U ORGAN CONCERTS. Irving llnll (opposite Academy of Mnslc), Every night tins wevg and Saturday Matinee, for tha benoiit of the Organ Puud of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Hume, Italy. EDISON'S SPEAKING PHONOGRAPH. KUISON'8 MUSICAL TELEPHONES. Levy'* marvellous curuet soios reproduced or the Pho nograph. The greatest niuslual sansaituli ot the day. Mute. BELLE CoLE'S charming songs reproduced by tha Phonograph with a lidetlly ot tone and a distinctness uf articulation absolutely imeoiuprehauslhle. MORGAN'S GRAND ORGAN RECITALS ON THE ROOSEVELT ORGAN. Solos on tha Cornet LEVY* Sole. Vocal Mine. HKLLr. COLE lllustrat-d Lecture on Sound Motion a. exampiilied In the Piionograpli Prolessor EOBKiiT SPICE Forming Hie most deligullul. unique, acieutlilc and mil slcul euturtainnient avur wltno.eed in New York. The Phonograph usod at there exhinitlous. lust received from Mr. Edison, demon.'rate, the fact iliat lie is rapidly pe: I, cling the iuveutlon. Admission, 25 cout? re.ervcd ?vats, 00 cents. Ticket, at Hull and Scbabirth's. Pond's. Ditson's and Schlimer's music stores. IJ A K K III K A IliK. THE 1,1 NOV ItllS. X Lesooe and Manager ...IIeNKY K aIIIIKY EVLItV KVEMSii AND SATURDAY MAIIMrM (by toecial permission of Mr, Augu.ilu Daly), Byron'* Comedy, la tbrou act*. OO U I ft UK IIHK oO . r SUM OCUUHR it II < > O * Y S S 0 O U UK R It B l> o t T s O O U V HUH HUB O VY BSS O O U U K R II It O O Y S ... OOUUKR llBOOY^H.. OO UU R R HUB OO Y SHs , new in it* I.Mirth year in I.nn.iuu, bavins ha.-n pla.vad m the Vaudeville Tnentre l.'*?l consecutive tuna*, ana also ptiyed ?? v tli* LINO AH US, In (he Theatre Royal. Melbourne, Australia, with grand ?ucces* to crowded hnnses for eight cause, utivn weeks, and lu .New Zealand nearly It'*) times. Not*.?"Our Hoy*" I* co? given tor the first Unto la Now Yor* iu it* orlsianl atate, aa Mr. llyron wrote it. I'erkyn t'lldiowick W II. Lingard Mary Melrose Alice Dunning Belinda Dlckio Liu nam Couelnd* with 13 ?LINHAI1D BKETOMKB?13. B gin at 8. Carriage* at 11. ri**l* booked a week In ad vance. rjuTSix pastor's theatre.?an TiTnKk-nkw X Company for ihn week ? I'A'f IIUONKY'H CoNSILL I.ATIoN OF STARS. J bo must talented organi* itlnu in America, i'at Koouey, Initio ilo*ebiid, Alurpliy and Mor ton, F re licit I win Slate r*. Will II. Morion. Harlow Brothers, Ida Morrl*. Itarry Maxwell and Fred Carroll, Avery aad La Bar,.Iante* Marlow and Frank Buah. Matinee*?Tuesday. Friday and Saturday, This (Saturday) olternooii aad evening. June 15. lien efltol I'AT KOONKY. MfetKLn's TTvoLI THF.aTkK, sth at., between 3d aad dd ava ?Look at oar Variety Stars.?Herney and Cranio, Aaeriea'a Uroatett Snnu ami liance Altiat- ; Lil il* II all. I lu press of Vocail*!* ; Nelly San ford'* Comhmaiioo. in the drama of "Murdered In the Dark;" I'etilglll end Hale, Holt -ad Alice Dailr, Morrl* y Little, May Raymond. The His Four?rierney. Lester, Crouia and >Valdr..n, and im> specialty artistes th* Oulv ItalUi: BaHet Troup* In New Turk. Matinee* Thursday and Saturday aftTuoon* and Sundry mldntabt. YRVTSa IIALL. SACRED CONCERT, SUNDAY KYI.NINO, JUNE It. UKaND 35 Cl NT CONCKItT. I'eslllvelr LAST LEVY CONCERT thi* eeaion for tho boneBt ol tbe organ lund St. i aui'i Epltcopal Cburcll, HolU", 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. 35 CENTS. Fall particular* lu Sunday paper*. Notice ?Free Hit poiillveiy suspended. NK.W ROYAL CKF.MOR >K, It'JD sT.TnraR BROAD*, way. ?The must gorgeous hallrnom lb tb* world. Fa rlsiab Society Sociable ovory evening. Notice. Monday, June 17. third Urnnd French Costume Ball and Carnival lleceptlun, with Double Orchestra cod elegant Freseots and Dancing Order* JL.YPTlAN HALL, ddlll sr. AND 3D aV~ THE ONLY BKNSATIONaL HIKATKE IN THE CITY. Flrtt weak of the gay Corned* ol Muicr Scenes in new yore. OUR Dlltl.S IN IIIK FKdALK HAT HERB. Tb* Egyptian stelnra oy Lovely Living M..,(#,*. h V K it Y EVENING AT H. Matinees Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, at 3 P. M. (tooper iNhiTnfric to-mokmo#"evemnh~ VOKi'.A, AT IK ACTIONS, DON FKKRKYka. til* won. tieriuI masieai mervarl. who nrritN the most dlttnmt run. tic v\ ITll ?lls IianD-. unaided liv eny me. chamcal cuatrlvanc*. The ? All < uCA I h" HI.HI I LI II, MissKl.t.lS KKADK.MlS* ANNIE ?. WaTHON. Pinnules TOM HAKTLKMAN. HUFFO II t^-O, sad a host ..I other tin a artists. Tl***i* "ONE DIME " Keaervsil -rati (INC. DIME extra, at HtlKNTHVs, Ml dtli ?v. J. JaVW'aT. S .N. Musical Manager C" toolkit ithst?kT 1 n~tiTk ciry-Tcf7n tkal~pakk JOaidsn, .'illth St., 7lh ov. ?-unable* or*ry Tuesday and Saturday evening CAItl'lrvIt A CO , Mabogor*. (YARD.?"DON FF.RREYKA,H THE W ON DKItFUL V M*N" FLITH and musical marvel ol tho ace, now performing at tbe COOPER UNION "DIME" i ONCERI s, can be engaged on olf utgni* by ap|ilr!uu to hi* sol* agent, J. J aV WaTBON. Sfl Waverley plaeo. "/HUMES OF NORMANDY* WaLTX. HaLHI' VJPolka, each 35o. | Potpourri by Wtrren 75e. ; Se er tluii at nlrs, Cramer. $1, and all tbn vocal gems. Snln authorised editions or* published by 1)1 fsON A On., 711 end sl;t Rroadwav. / YARD ? I'ltl VATK LESSON*. PIANO. ORHAN, VIO. \_7 I. IN. OU IT A K, flNOINU, Unlvorslly, ,'ttl ttaveriey pare Circulars mailed. J. J AY W A I sON, Director. BUCliTllH iM pal ace! " " 37th tt.. near 1th av. Th* American Jbr lib Manilla. Paris by night Flue so Cables nightly. Tuesday*. Shadow Dancing. Thursdays, Grand Hala Nlgut and the Dlstrlbatiou of orders ol Dancing. Dont forget Don Frehryra, the musical MAltVF.L of tb* age, plavs at Cooper Union DIMS SA< KF.D CONCRKT TO-MO MOW ipUNDAT) KVKN INO. Admission, ONE DIME. Assisted l.r OTIIF.H Alt TIhTB. J. JAY WATSON. Mu.leal Director Don'i FoitoEr society WjClAMLRs~AT PLKaB ant Valley every M ednesdav and Saturday afternoon and evealn /; element music TXaSa1<T"kTh BY 7?ATuT. day and Tndtday, arifraoun and evening For limp table ?#* Kg??r*leu column Luster's i?M ?nm**tra UaHTiKm A BUdU. Manager*. T Y.HC SK.*IK<T!S. HIRD NATIONAL* MIOOTING FESTIVAL ill Ilia till A P.PSHOOI hRs' L'.N'IO V of tho I ui ti-U Stale* lit* .North America, GEOKGK A K K V, Provident, held June III in 24, 1K7H, SCHUKTZKN PA Hit"1 'uNION MILL, N. J. Priaea on 34 target*. amounting to 4U3,t*xi, and Uv*lll| Prlaaa la tba amount ol it.-too wilt be distributed. PBOi.KAMMH. na>T DAY, sr.NliAV, JUNK 18. Jiecapliou of gueal* bjr ilia Reception Committee. Dur ing tliu atteruoou Krauu Sac roil Concert l>y bit) ot tba bekt mundane, under tba direction of Mr. P. Waanviueebnr. Popular entertainments uud onto Uowtiug In tba Scbusttca Park. SECOND DAV, MONDAY, JUNK 17. (Jraud proceaalou of all ihMVsbootera mid tbair guests, actum itulad by military organisation* riding clu a. slug iug aud g)iuna*ltc societlea. auarpmoulcr*' cadrta and other ersauiastluns. Lino will ba toruaad at b o'clock A. II , la Bowery. b-tween 2d and 7th ata., uudar command ol Cul'inal Carl J uaaan. The irooaalou will mora nracl.oly at l? o'clock to l ay llail I'aik. >ud paaa in review ha lore Ilia Honor the Mayor and Couiinun Council u! tba city af Now York. Prom City Hell Part td Beiclav ntreet larry aud oror to llubogMi, whence extra car* will convey tba proceaalon io the Scnurtaeu Park. The arrival at tho park will o? anuouiicrd by um tiring of aalntaa Tba gusata will man bo utticially welcomed. and tba Union uud aoclallaa' buunoia raceivao with apiiroorlato caraiuoulaa br tba Prcaidant ol ibe Union. Tba mooting commtuce* at 2 P. M. auu close* at 7 P. M. IIIIKU DAY (TUESDAY), JUNK 18. 'Ilio shooting cniumauciia at H a. M. and cloaca at 7 P. M. Festival li tuguot oi tba sharpshooters at 8 I*. M., in tba Grand II all. FOURTH DAY (WEDNESDAY). JUNE ID. 'I he shooting eoininaaoaa and cloaca a* on tba tbirddar. In the aiteruuoii grauil v -cal concert of the singing kociatlat ol Ne? York and vicluity. At Hp. M meeting of tba dele gates at the caatla. PIFTII DAY, THURSDAY. JUNE 20. The shooting coiniuciicua uud dotes aa on the brarloua dat a. In tho ulin iiouu grand exhibition ol gyiunaatic ex arcia. a. for which liberal priaaa will ou awarded to tba succeaaiul compatitora. Ma i ii DAY. KKIDAY, JUNK 21. The aboutiug commences aud clu-os aa ou tbe prarlena day a. SEVENTH DAY. SATURDAY, JUNE 23. The shooting eorautenuei at H A. M. aud closes at 3 P. X. At 4 o'clock P. M. prixe ahooting of tba sharpshooter*' cadets. EIGHTH DAY, SUNDAY. JUNE 23 in the alleiuoon grand aacrad concert nnd diatrlbutian al prima. Coronation ol tba beat luarkainau aa champion of tho festival, with upproprlata cernuoiitaa. Monday, junk 24. 11 a. m.. grand cuiup iltinu match for the "Koreat and Stream epd Hod aud Gun" gold medal, ami caali piliaa. Kvary day ol tue Kaatlval prita h n? lin popular enter talumellta, ncrohiitlc ami gymuaatlc exhibitions, dlsaolv lug view., balloon aaceiivioua. tireworka, illumioatlou, dun* cert and aumiuer iiigiu's ball. To REACH THE PARK TAKF, THE NORTHERN KAILRU .D. vl i Cbaiubera nud Twenty.third atreat terries. Ou SUNDAY. J una III, aud SCNUaY.Juuo 23, lonva depot. Jerauy City, 11:13 A, M., troiu 1 o'clock P. M to 11 o'clock utidnluhl. Special trail.. TO AND PROM THE PARK a vary 30 minutes. ou June 17. 1H, lit, 20, 21, 22 and 24, lunva dapot, Jarsey Ciiy. H:.Vi and 10 A. M., from i o'clock P. M. to 12 o'clock ut.uiii bt. Special traina TO AND PUOM THE PARK evary SO minute* TlckOta, Hi cenla; Excuraion Tlckata (Including tarry), Xicnta; can be obtained at tbr larrlaa, In Ilia Park and ut J. A J. buiillng ( House), curnar Wrat and Cham ber* ata. New York 'lake home cara from Christopher and Barclay atreat feriiua; two cara uvury two iniuutca. Ttckcla tS canti eitcu) cau be hal at the atarting place in lioboken and et tho entrance ol Hie Pur It; Iroiu tteehawken (42d at) Perry, cara troiu Guttanberg every half hour. Admls-lou. 23 cent a. Children Iraa. SOCIETY SUClABLES EVKUY S tTUItoAY AnU Tuaaday evunlng*. Central Pnrk Garden, 30th at. aud 7tu nr.; alaxaut muaie; hanutiful uud cool garden; fash ionable raaort; aujoynrent a certainty. A CO., Manegars. D~ON'T FOKGkT TllK SDCIAULi-.i*, ItVEUY SAiUiC day aud Tueaday evening. Central Park liardan, ODtk at., 7th av.; auuiaialuu 30c.. ladle* Ires ; delightfully cool ami pleaaaut ra.ort. I'-tRTIhK A CO.. Managers. UTTbivs OHCUtbl '.A, MX PIECES, r VEKl JVYedueadny and >aturday, attoruoon aud evening, nt bociahlea. Ploa?ant Valley. UUSli A Co., Managers. DA NO fNG EVER Y SATURDAY AND TUisDAY evening*, Central Park Garden, 30th at.,7lbay. Ad mission, S"c. Ladles free. 0~*7'hNINO AT UOEGG'S RESTAURANT. 402 UEOAD w*y, Juua 13. Tba beat Drluka aud Kefreahtnenta will be aerveil. PIAJVOFOKTES. (MIUIVS. ?t. A -FOR KfcNT. UPKIOH"i\ sgUAKK ANl> UHANU ? Piauoa uf uur own taaka : alio lor sale and rout a num ber of fine s-con.l haud i innoa. In perfect order. WILL IAM KNABK A Co., 112 5th ^v , above 10m at. APKXtATS Fa MILT WILL itACBlFlCli stkinwaY Pianoforte. coat h>UO</. lor SlUD- an ulegant 7X octave ex.|uiait-.|v carved cant, four round corn-red. rosewood tt inilaor Plauotorte, coat laat August $t,OUO. for In cluaiUK Stool, Cuvar. Music Cabinet. co.t $100. Call prk vate raaluanoo 120 Welt 23d at., near Uth a*. Taao El* ?aied Itailr iad to 23d >t. A.N aHboKTM K.NT UK S.-.CoND HeNU STKlNWAl/ I'ianoo al a bargain: alio, Ptaa00 of otliar maaara, ranging from $31) upararda: ap-ciBl Inducetnaaia OB B number of Hleliiway Coacarl and Parlor (tranda, torn a but little oard, all in perleot order and folly warranted bra ? are of boaue Inatrumenta. represented aa genuine Stela, ? ay planoa, at public and private aalea. STI-.1NW.VV A >ON--, Malnaar llatl, Nov York, A?THK KOLl.oWINH WK CLIP FROM RKMINI* ,reiim* Ol the Srboolay Mountains and .tl use.".strong Valley"harlr Life of Daniel F, Realty, Washington, New Jeraey?Jainea iicaitv, lata gran.llathar, came Iroia Ireland, Jol.u Realty. Iii? brother, la chronicled In blatory a. having lough; with honorable distinction ua dur i,?-neral Washington in the Itevolutlonarv War." We are autliorixod to aay that the reiululti-eiicea nl the early lilo of Mr. Iluatty will heaent free to any add rata lie la a lllne $1,101) Pimiolnrtei for only $225; Church organs at the very low price ol $ll.'t. Pleaao adnreaa UKATTY, Wash ington, N. J. NV SKC.1NL HAND WEBKK PIASiVs aT^VKKI great bargains; anino of theia ueed bat a vary abort ti-na uy our boat mu,iciana, aud really aiuioat aa geod at i.ew luliy wa. ranted lu every roaii-et, Pleaae eall at the WKUKK warero tua. 5th ay. and Iblb ah I'ltlVATR FAMILY WILL sF.LL HThlN WAT Plan .ioito at a aacriUoe; richly carved, lour round, roaewood Inlaid marquvtrv caae. 7H octavo, overatrung, lull ugrelfo. every Improvement, coat $H75, tor stool. Cover; alao T'-a octave I'orlvht I'iano; box for abip pint;, (all to -day private reaideuee 41 VV'eat ltllb at., be tween 5th and Uth a?a A LADY Lf.AVINC) THK DITf WILL Hhl.L KOMR JV wood anveu octavo Piauuferte, $75, 22B Eact 30th at. near 3d av. LI aXKLToN HROli, XAltOPAOTVRREM. 94 AMD *$' JH L'liiveraity p ace, nave a large aaaortment ol ae# Bad .rn.ud hand Piano,; aoiue ol the latter aa geed aa new; will be aobi or rented at orieea to edit the timet. L~AUV~~WILL DIHPOsk OK OHICI FIKl.NU It'lsK wood Pianoforte. alao upright Plnuforte. itealdeaca lie, 2d av., near 12th at. NK Kl.Kti AN I " OOIIKL" PIANO. IN PKHKKCt order; liaa neeB naed ouly a few UteatheI prior, $MU ia b . at manufacturer'a wari-rooma. so 5 Kaat 14th at. JJlANOti-$?) AND $l(?r NEW^IMtiUHTr$125 UP rigluaand snoarea. raut 44; new Organ, II mope. $8U; pedal Urvaa. $no CORDON A RON. I I F.aat 14th at. FlA.scTs A Mi Tii11, ANS-LX rKK MKLY ~LOW FOB iaih on amail nionthlv or quarterly oayiueuta, or to let, tu city or country. >rotn $1 upward. IIOp ACK A SONN.dO Kaat 14th at. STK<?K PIANO* NEW AND hECOM> UaM), A1 great bargalua. Piauua taken on storage; na? ewe rooms. II F.nal 14th at. 0 POH MALE. A"~J-KO'K s I I.K.i iRoi; Kt I K a, MIL kti' ti'fF.R, at kAf .Maiaela, Hakerlea, Liquor Stores, IllMsur sail. MITCH LL. 7$ Cedar at. -THE riRST OLAll Liqucik store, hitTated .on aoutbwrat Cor ar 33d at. aud Uth av.. tor n.oerol mortgagee. Apply Bt the store at 12 M. or altei U I' M. BVTHK. MILK, F.OOH AND TKA BIORK KOH ale -Ou one ol the beat avenuea la the oily; an old and w.-il patr.dili -d ? atabllahment For partlcuiara sail at 2*5, Pourlh Mre-t llot.l, lor three day*. CVoN h? TION AND VvklKi Y STORE FOE MALI Jr h?ap . to d location, good reaeon lor eel ling. IN llllh av B10R~bALE?A FIK8T OLAHsluKKRV ON A tlOOD av-nue.witli llorae ano Wagon; aaaa 17 barrala per wrrk; cama of aale, alckneaa. Inquire of JOIIN (I. fit Ol LL, 25 Cbanhert tl. tilOK HALF.?A OOOO WINK A?lTLAOBE HU 1 saloon, ?Ith three Billiard retries Inqulra at J. WALe L VNHThl >'s nfflc*. 02 Bowery. TNuR half? ETAN0 IN WARHlltOTON MAKUSE I* rheap Apply HKO., 24" Waahlnetoa at. FMIK HALE?$4.'M(I-A FIKsr l)i,AHH( PA VINO RRA taerani, in deimt, on llul?on Liver Railroad. Addreae, for one weak. Y DC COR AN, IU7 Eaet 4"th at. ion iti.T?r<?k <? ahiFTw hanp. a fimSVoCSI Keaiaurant In rallroa i depel $4,ikkl r. DC COHAN. 1*17 Baat 4!)th at. ?V omocf.RV STORK O.N LRaIHNII r aveijiie good rea.ona for aelllng. Addreaa OKUCRrV, ;?>h Wen 2 Id jnoK HALF. O'IBAP?oBOOKKf AND LIQUOR STORK r n?a' scb-n tl -u Park, llorae and Wagon, an I two Lata, plar ted, with rheap rent Addreaa It. H.S-H Weal 23,1 at. SOIIA W vTKK A PP AKATC$ roK KALK. ?IStKOi IND hand Apparatua at great Hergalne; ell atylea Apply te JOHN OhAV, No. ft 11 heat JOta at. _ ?ACI??E?t. A HoILP.ll WANThD-POR A^DoW.NTOlfir'tfHof hnu??. H?* 147 H?tri$l4 aflet, BOILKRH. KNlllNR.*. Ta1?KH~aVd RTKaM YACin lb."era lor aele at LKsLlF.'M, Pearl, eear Ureeee at, Jeraey City. Wood npliitfr*. hkhi in lmif.u j tatea lor epll'tlng pine. oak. bl-korv *end lot rlreulsr. W.M. I, It I LI,I Iks, 154 Rail 25th at. b BTUIIAOK. Hakof.R'* waiikiiol'hph. siiT aV.. PitOiflSW to 34th at. - Btura.-e I >r lorn.lore, baggage, g-tode aad ? area ol every deacrimion, lo e-parata moeed compart ments. alware aecoeaihle. olliee 3>a> H aat 34til av 1~|mT ffltf Ml) NT. i h VuLk"nTORaOE W ARE 1 l/aPhouaea).? Scrupulooaly clean; in-.Urate cbargaei Improved elevator , caau a. c rmodatioaa II desired. " Uftw'I'A tuAM'rit. ' '^?J3 OPFNI.NO Iif HOF.O i's RK a I All KAN 1*7402 BROAAP way, hetwe.-n Canal and Walker ate, June 15. The belt drink, end refreshments will ee served. Hi I.I.I till >S. ? MFLlICAN sT >NI) \Kl) lill.LlAKt) I AHI.KS, NlfW jVat.d ?ei end hen-', at r-.lneed price, ; Halla, Clntha. Tlpe Chalk, caea, Ae. WM. H O I FFI ril A CO.. 4?> Yaaey at' If NEW WANK ROOMS OP H. W. COLLh, 7H-? jfV llroa.lway, between (Iran* Church ead (ttewert'a? HUI lard Ianlea. new >ed aecoad hand, la lateat daaigae; beet gouda end lowest price,. WM'ONII HAND MILLIARD AND POOL fAHLKtt| ijKai.r turned and colored, $1. at I'ilhLAN's 14 Vesey at. WHtrK ItVIIIIKH HI i,U aRD~A N iWoOL BALL*. 2',. |lu tet; 2'a po.l, 42<i |Bt| warranted f?r twelve ?tvatn#. WW. W. WKLL1.NU, 307 Ceatra ?a