THE NEW YORK HERAED WHOLE NO. 15,274. NEW YORK, MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1878.?TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENT DIRECTORY FOR ADVEHTI8KIIS. HERALD BRANCH OFFICE. 1,263 O P R M DAY AMD NIGHT FOB B*OE>TMl? Of ADVERTISEMENTS AND SALES OF PAPERS. AMUSi:MENT8?1?T Pack?3is sod 6lh cola AS! KOLOGV? I2TI1 Paijk-OiU coL BILLIARDS? 12TU PACE?Otli coL HOARDERS W.NIKD?3t> I'Acn-lst and 2d col*, liUsl NE-8 OPPORTUNITIES?Mtu Pack. BIWNESb NOTICE8-7th P4CK-?th col. CITY i:KAD K.VTA7K FOR SALE-2D PAOE-let eol. CLERKS AND SALESMEN?12tb l'A0K-4tn and 5th cola. CLOTHING?12th Pack?Rtb col. , COACHMEN AND U aKDENKKS-12th Pace?5th cel. COAsTWIbE STK tMSHIP-i-2D l'ACE-3dcol. COUNTRY HOAKD-Jd Page- 2d col. Dancing academies-ut pAo-tthcoi. DENTISTRY-Ist Pace?5th col. DRY OOODs 1st Pack - 5in eol. ______ , __ DvYKLLlNO HOUSE- TO LET. FURNIBI1ED AND UNFURNISHED-2p Pack-let col EUROPEAN SIEAMSHIPS-Jo Pauk-2J imd3d cola EUROPE?"th I'AUK-G h col. EXCURSIONS?2d 1'ack?4th eol. HaANCIAL-Utu Pack. FOR SALE- 1st Pack?5th col. _ FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET?3d Pag*?1st cel. FURNITURE?2d Pace?4th col. HELP WANTED ?FEMALES -12tb Pack?4th eel. HELP WANTED-M ALU.-?12th PA?K-5th eol. HORSES. CARRI \UES. AC.-Ist PAGK-3d end 4th coll. HOTELS?2d Pack?2d c.oi. HOUSES. ROOMS. AO.. WANTED?2? PAO?-Ist eol. INSTRUCTION?1st Pack?4th col. Lost and Found-ist Pace?1st col. ? MARBLE MA NTEI.S?1 ST I*ACK-4th col. MEDICAL? 12th Pace?tttb col. MILLINERY AND DRi S-MaKINO-IstPaoe?5th eol. MISCELLANEOUS ADVEKiISKMENTS-IOtb Page? Oth eol. NEW PUBLICATIONS?7tb Pagb-6i1i col. PERSONAL?1st PAOK-lstcel. PIANOFORTES. ORGANS, AC.?lET Pacb?5th eoL PROPOSALS-Ist Pack?4tli col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATION'S WANTED?FEMALES? 12th P>cK-4th col. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO KENT?2d Pace let col. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?2d Page-Is! col REAL ESTATE WANT.:D-2d Pack-1st col. REWARDS?let Pack? lot col. BaLKs at AUCTION?12th Pace?5tn ?nd flth cols. BITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES?I2TH Pace?lit, 2d, 3d And 4th cola. BITUATIONS WANTED?MALES ? 12th Pace? Ith eel. RPEOl AL NOTICKS-Ikt Pack?lat, 2d nnd 3d col*. STALLIONS?1st Pace 3d coU BTOR\QE?1st 1'auk Nth col. BUMMER RKSOhTS?2d l?ACK-2d coL ?HK TRAOuS ? 12TB Pack-5th col. IIE TUKF-lst Pack?3d col TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d Pace-lat eol. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?2l> Pack-3d nnd 4th cola. UNFURNISH F D ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET 2d Pack?lat col. WATCHEo. JEWELRY. AC -12th Page?Bth eel. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS. AC.. IUth Pace??tli eol. PMKMOKAls. DOPITON?A BKAIIlIKUJi KK sI aT;k IMKANfl'oofb iweek old; lull surrender. 67 West ?'id ?t. S8IK U. K.-Pi.KAMa. WttflK; aM SO LONELY. Address >o. 110, 9 block* below, tui side. 11. 0OL. ?MEET ME '1 UKKDAY. PLK \SE. HlR.ESTiNh. l'.-l W1M11 YOU TU COM.. HOME, AS Ji am kick. > AT HAN. M IMS Nc.TTl MAKofON.?SOO.? MORE. KOLaND L. HKKU?I AM HERE FROM 61IILADEI. plna to >eo you; urgent business, Answer to li."7 KhkI tsi at., at oner. HARRY. \VOULD BROOKLYN YoUNG LADY WITH -ROB" fl at Kockawuy ye?:erday lavor gentleman witli ho |u?intauce f It l ? plums address SINCERITY, cox ISO Herald i ptuvvn office VV'TTt, M1LUS U., KoKnEKLY OK CHARLESTON', ft S. O. (or it dead lil? widow or relative!), will receive Important Information by immediately addressing EXhCU Tod, ileritld office. N. Y. W"lL? MISS IK-B-ITk-E PLEASE SEND HER AD. ilreo! to ber old irienu E-D, bex ISO llerald Uptowu oflleef WALEATR'S, SATURDAY NIGHT.?WILE THE young luuy who left lier bouquet on tbe seat permit acquaintance ofuentleman on the left? Addrem DIPLO. IIAO >, llernld Uptown oBlce, aud to avoid mistake men. linn an incident of the evening. ILL NOT BE AT HOME MONDAY; WRITE AGAIN. C. H. w XY. A. SORRY YOG WOUi.O NOT SEE ME YES ?tcrday. By me memory of tbe diamond locaet aud Ibv cbauioagne we diauk pieaie appoint a meeting for to morrow. Leo, Herald Uptown olUvs. 2D AV.~AND""l.Vrir ST., HATUKIMT, M ALT-BART< elgbt.?Waited half an hour. Make another appoint Bern. Oan lee rou any time during tbe day. Address chV A'l'hD KOAD, linraid Uptown oiHoe. _ 1-OKT ANII rnilNU. ? OSt^SS~WRUNESDAV AFTEii-SOON," J fTNK 12 IS Jjtbr car* of the Metropolitan Elevated Kallwny C'oia p?uv. an ACCOUNT B A V N[OUT, 13TI1 I.N NT, I n~ TWENTY third (t. stage, pe irl Opera Ula*s: name of owuer. Di me Hrewerton engraved on It. A suitable reward will be paid lor It* return at No till West 2Uto at. T OHT?NEAR U h b KitVH >1 K PARK AND 40T11 HtT. XJabout 4 P. At. May lti. a lurao double folded black lace Fichu; the flnder will lie suitably rewarded by leaving It at Ht. Btepben'e Hotel, 11th at., near Broadway. P. 11 BKF.RY. i <>st? a pair of btkuuuan gold e.brings. XJ garnet eat with pearl* Asnitabls reward will be nald ay returning tbe sanie to CHARLES II A.N.N A, Clerk, Gen eral Post oBice. HEUARDL RKWaRD.-I.OSI', FROM fOKNKK'COLLKGK ?Pc)Uplaee and Barclay ??,, Saturday morning, bar Mara, wlilte star on forehead, 14 bands high, 10 year* old, henry tall and mane. Above reward will be paid, and no que* linns asked, npun the retnrn of the mare to MICUaBL KIJHL, 210 Boat With st. IK THE OULOKKD OE.N I'l.KM t.N WltOlOOK MY Watch and I'haltt Saturday nl-'ht will return to 741 ilih tv. he will reeelre N2.7; II pawned (end ticket to C. L. R. tad receive (A for tbe trouble ; no queetion* asked. RPBC1AL. NUTlCBb, V~nKnsCTRrc WCItPX certain. hacB akd jfl .effectual cure for all nerrons end chronic diseases. These eppliencc* are applicable lo either sex and afford Instant relief In case* ol rheumatism, dyspepsia, general < ebtlliy. Ac. Pulrermacher's are tba only genuine. Depot, 21- Broadway. A" rl enTion TWKN i Y YKARS> PRUSSIAN IIOHPL lal expertance: specialties diseases oi men and norvods ay stem; consultation line. Dr. JACOHY, 1HI tfleecuer at. ?tLfcUrnic BELTS. BUKK OUbK POK Pit EM A ?tore debility; the only reliable; send forcrrcniar. Dr. KaKR' H32 Broadway. SURE CUKE FOB I,UNO DISEASES. ROCK and Kya, SI per large bottle; $4 per gallon n. Van hi' 1 is. hff dumber*at. wa.: * SNA K PARK. M. il., MEDICAL h.i.Kl I It IUI AN. CiParaiysis, i.heuniatieiu, nclatics, Ac., specialties. 2"7 last 13th at ALL DldBAbBH, HLOOli, SKIN AND N hit Vol'3 debility ; no Tea until cured . c x mi inn t Ion tree. Dr. FithM A.\, 2(6 (iraud sb TTKNTloN, PATIKN Inl?otiNaULl Dk. PKOTIK, Irom Paris. 34 Bond at.. The mett Intricate diseases, akin disorders and nerrons debility radically cured. DVBKTI-M K NTH HK41BIV BO BOH MORNING and eraulnit newspapers at llstloin. Advertising office. No. 2,20 > 3d sr.. one door sonth of 123th st., at tame rates as at main nth res. Li. hPKOIAL CO MP LA I fWrT CKKT slN, NAFrv AND permanently cored, to eituer sex. Dr. bOX, 2U2 Beet 16th at. LL It U K f M s FlNM POniTI VKLV CltKKD-ANY KUKOPKAN KIlKUMATl.sM SOUL TV, 2i>7 West 34th ?t. ' ore cu .rantceu. LL special o?7mpi7tl.Nfn. medical oif huh rrcal. aalely, eocoeeafully treated l?r URAJIPtiKD, 132 East l-'th et. All disk axes or men" whatever the cause, recent or long slan ting. ?p? dily anil porma pruily cured by Dra. DYER A OKINDLE, 47 West 13th pi. near rrtl. ay. BRST RYE WfiiSKEV IN THI- WORLD. FOUR years old, *4 per gallon, fl per large botlle N. VAN BkFl. HM i lumbers el A ?JJ RANDIER, winks, WINS AND WHISKIES?best Xsqualitiv. at lowest prices uooda delivered; English Breakfast 1 en, cents. N. VAN SKllj. Kit Uhambors si BROUGH lCf^H IN YIGORATINU SYRUP CURES stomach, llrrr, kidney nlsrases. weukm as. Ae.; also restores manhood ; 26 rents; advice 'roe. Ik. West 4th st. DlbKASSs OF MEN A SPECIALTY. HB.NKY A. OA Ml- Lb. M. p., 144 Lexington sr., near 21lth si OIBce hours Irom H to 3 and *1 to 7. Divorces speedily ohtaintD?terms sni-F.R. lallvsly reasonable ; < ON kULTATIoNis tree KRhD EkI' KiI. KINO, Lewytr, 6.-1 Mark's place, adjoining Cooper institute. Divorce casks ATTENDED to promptly without publicity; consult him. IHaAC G. BOYUK, yxperlsuced lawyer, 310 Broad i?f. Dlt. itlCOKli'i* MAE RUB OF LI KB KBSTORM manhood to the debllitat d In lonr weeks; failure lm toeslbla; TS p?r ease. Sole agent, I r. .lAMjU. H, 7 linl (reily piece. New Vork. TT vVAMa LOTTERY. 1 l.Nest drawing .lune 2S, IS7S. S2I prises, amonntlng Li slfiiklO peso*. Illgl.est prise, 20f>,isiri pesos; smallest, poi. As the premloni of go.d is coming down In Cuba Ihese prises are worth more every dev. Scheme for next rtscel year ean be hed by addressing M. A. MART INKS A CO.. Hankers, In Wall at basement. Hold and tlarana 11.nk Hills bought end aoid. Drsfis on Havana leaned. H-OFFICIAL KKNTICKY SIA'I H 11 RAW IN OS. . gkstcckr-KXTH t Ci.sse no. 3 l-.n ss |,">, IS7S. II. 10, 13. 17, 7ii, HO, 43, Sit, 72 12, .7, .M>. HKXIICkT Class No. HH4?JtJJi* I ??, Infa S3 73, fcl, I". 27. 40, 6. II". fi7 4.7. 4, 23. .'IO. 32. SIMMONS ,k lilCh IbhON. Mannur's. OkORIIIA STATK SXTkA ClASS SO. 4dd?4VNU 1.7. M7S 21, 24. tl7. US, 54. 37. 7?. 77. 12, 211. 12. 66. OKOIIIilA .*1(11. 'CLASS No 404? 2 It Ilk 13, IS7H. 43 3.7, 5.7, 14. 37, 73, 2*. .72, OH, Ml, 17, 17. 3M. 44. K D. KDIiV A ' 'fi,, M an agues. Information ilrm regsrdin.- the above drawings. Apply |n <;Lt I K A Co., Ilanaers, idHi Broadway, ra r ndlee. H?ROYAL HAVANA DliAlVs JINL 2st , Uap.lni Prise. fJDi.'KSi in Hp el li money. Tlc.ets. Kso. #W.?lf>, R.7, f2. 31, Nlngle N nnu dr Reetncsy draea .Inoe 20. capital Prise, dl4.IKI'. Tickets, fl. Issnleiena BlngiS N un ner drew* J illy 0. Tlrnpt'. $2 and 31. CLUIB A CO., Bankdre, Jfli Broadway. HPEClAl* HOTICES. CATARRH AND DEAFNESS RADICALLY CURED. Anions tho moot stubborn and difficult of nil humnn ailments catarrh and deafness must taka tbo first rank, because the exoKlng causes ara so various and so easily olude detection. But, thanks to the achievements of Dr. Lighthill, of this eity, those complaints bare been taken out of the cat alogue of ineurable diseases, and now readily yield to his skilful treatment. By the aid of a peculiarly constructed instrument be brings directly before tho rision erery part ol the affected organs, disclosing at ones tbo seat oi the disease, enabling him to ap ply his enrstiro agents directly to tbo affected parts with wonderful precision, and with results immedi ately beneficial. Below appear a long array ol tes timonials from some of onr most influential resi dents, who have been effectually cured by his method of treatmeut after all other attempts had failed.? [Commercial Advertiser]. FROM WM. F. BARNARD, Isf?<}.. Superintendent Fire Points House of Industry. No. 155 Woktii Ht , | Nkw Yore. Jan. 18. 1878. ( For several years I was afllleted with a severe fores of catarrh, and to such an extent that my hearing beeamo Impaired, and I was constantly troubled with roaring sounds in my head. It also > gave rise to a troublesome cough, bronchial Irrlta | tion and pain in my luugs. In fact, my condition | was such tbatl ielt convinced unless something | was done tor my relief I would soon be beyond cure. One physician thonght that eventually 1 would be stono deaf; another gave me his opinion that catarrh could not be cured, and that I bad to endure as best I could Its pernicious conse quences. Finding the treatment pursued of no benefit, I placed myself under the pro fessional care of Dr. Lighthill, of No. 6 West 29th at., whose numerous Indorsements for skill and success from well known reridents of New York city had been brought under my notice. The remit of his treatment has been most beneficial. My Is perfect, the noises in the head have ceased, the pain in my chest has disappeared, the bronchial trouble is gone and I feel that I am sub stantially relieved of what threatened te be a most serious If not fatal dleeaso. I therefore cheerfully coin mend Dr. Lighthill lor his ability and skill, and fesl confidant that any similarly afflicted will be benefited by placing tbemaelvra under his care. Hie treatment gives neither pain nor distress, and can readily be borne by the most nervons person. WILLIAM F. BARNARD. FROM KB. A. MARSHALL, No. 375 Rroidvi;. Nkw York, Jan. 3,1878. After baring atiffered from catarrh nutll life ?ormad e'eegpt ? burden, my throat Inflamed, Ap petite gone and try entire eyetera run doom, 1 can not find worde to rxuren my gratltudo to Dr. Light bill for the cure which he effected la my eaee. I And myeell now perfectly well, eat and aleep better than I hare for yeara punt, and baring been treated before without auccesa, feel convinced that Dr. Llghtblll'a ikilful method li the only correct way to radically care that terrible dieeaee. A. MARSHALL. FROM MR. P. W. QALLaUDRT, Kee 3 and S Wall at.. New York. The nnmletaaable proofa winch I hare of the maa terly eklll of Dr. Lliibihill in the treatment or deaf neee and catarrh, in a cam where he aucceeded alter come of oar moat celebrated phralcians had com pletely failed, enablea me lo recommend him warmly to the favor of all In need of hla profeaalonal eev rleea, and to tender him with pleaetire my name aa reference. P. W. OALLAUDKT. FROM MR. JOHN 8. BKECHRR, . Arm orlvea. Beaenor A Co., No. KM Front at, I Dr. Lightiiim.? I Sir?Aa one of your patient*. 1 ean apeak | from peraonal experience of yonr aklll and aueceaa l In the treatment or catarrh. Yonr method of prac tice I* ao philosophical and effective that It will recommend Itaelf to every anfferer aa ao?n aa dem onetrated. JUIIN li BhECIiKR. PllOM MB. R. B. MYKRMORB. No. 133 Weet 47th it. Now Tore. I am happy to alato that Dr. Idichtblll effected a radical and eompleto euro la an aggravated eaao of catarrh. Iron which I had anffered for many year?, and which bad aerlenaly impaired my bearing. Dr. Llgkthlll ramoyed every reetlge of the catarrh aad roatorod my hearing to all It* former perfection. R. B. L1VKRMOKE. FKOM MR. MORRIS PHILLIPS. Editor aad I*roprletor of the New York llomo .1 carnal. I textlfy with plo aure to the aareeaa whleh at tended Dr. IAirhthlll'a treatment in the caao of my brother, who liad beon affected with deafheea and nolaoa In the bead. The reaalta of Dr. Ughthlll'a appllcalioaa ware ae prompt aa tiiey were effeollre. The hearing waa restored. the aolaea remnrei and the care waa aa radleal aa It bea etna* proved per manent. _ MORRIS rillLI.trs. FROM MIL H. B. CLOHB, No, 100 I'aaaa at It eppaare to ma a almpla Christian duty to roe ommond to enfferora from catarrh a phyaleiaa who, Bern my own paraoaal experience, peaeaaaae the ahlll and ability toeffeet a euro namely. Dr. Light hill, of No. (I Meat 'ilttli aL, New York. Yeara ago bo effect a I a permanent rare, in the caao of a alitor of mine, of catarrh of long Mending, which threat ened the moat aeriona coneequencea. and inora re cently ha ha* treated my own caee with equally happy reanlla. The catarrh from which I coffered win ao aarare aa to debilitate my whole ayatem. and lim a Dr. Llghtkllt aucrecded In ? fleeting Iti cure I experienced renewed health and rigor. ?. H. CLOSE. OIFICE. NO. 0 Wl-.HT 2?ril ST. HOURS FROM S TO 1 AND S Tit 7 P. M. KPKCUL NUTICEt. _ K^SWoSITiiAlLY: TICKETS. *1 To #2 SuTTCrN tucay State, Jutir- 81; ticket*. ?1; Hovai Havana. J una 28; Tickets, $40 10 F 1: open till it o'clock. Ht'LLAKD A OO..U07 Hvorwtwnv. near 2l?th ?KENTUCKY DRAWS DAILY; I ICKK I s *1 TO ?$2 601 Kentucky State drawn June 21; Lnulslaua, July 1); Royal Havana, June 38; Tickets. $40 to $1. JACKSON A Co., ft! Nnssiu *t. 10CISIAXA STATK LOTTlBY COM P AN Y.-C IIA R Jtered hytho Htate. It never scalesor no-tpones. Srveutli Grand Distribution *t Ne? Orisons. J nlv W. 1.857 priza*. amounting to 61l't.400: capital prizes, F3O.0IJO. 610,000. 85.UO I, Ac. ; 100,000 ticket*, two ifl'i dollar*; halve*, one (it'll dollar. Anpljr to M. A. DAl'PlllN, Post ultiee hox H:C. lew Orleans, La., or H. L. PLUM, 3ID Broadway, Mew York. M KTROPOLITAN PRINIINO OK PICB. 28 ANN" ST.. DO ALL KINDS Of PRINTING FOR ALL KIN Lid OK BUSINESS* SUMMER EXCURSIONS AND 8TKAMIIOAT WORK. PAMPHLET TIM it TABLES. FINE WOOD ENGRAVING AND COLORED PRINTING, POSTERS. PROGRAMMES AND TICKETS, LAW CASE8. EXPRESS COMPANIES. STEAMBOAT. pTEamsinp i.i.nkp and Rail. ROAD WORK. FIRST CUSS WORK AND LOW PK1CHS FOR CASH. OIVE US A TRIAL* METROPOLITAN JOB PRINTING OFFICE, 28 ANN ST. M A RULE MAN T i . LS AND .MONUMENTS CHEAPER tnnti ever. A. KLaBEU. 1114 East ISth *L. near 3d av. 4,Q." 1 *u rt riant etui, medical or surgical: iropalrmont of any organic lunctlon. hereditary or constitutional taint; i ol incu and the nervous system a specialty. HENRY A. DANIELS. M. D.. 144 Lexington av., near 20th it. Hours, 8 to 8 and 0 to 7. Royal iia\.\Na loitery-?Ni-.xr drawing June 28; SSiO.CHO distributed: Capital Prlro, $JOU,00O: prizes canhed : rwler* HI led; intnrmatloa lurnikh d; hignest rate* paid for Spanish Rank Bills. Governments. Ac. TAYLO.i .k CO , Bankers, II Walt ?t.. New York. K?1)1 EA-KS OF MEN ARISING FROM IMPURliY .ol the skill taint ana liervoit* prostration a spe, us tr JOSEPH JACQUES M. 0,7 University place, Ofltce hours lrom S till if auu ti to S VrIT.\L CUFULKS CURE NhKVOLS D I1ILITY. weakness, ir.alu or lemale. t.lrcu ar sent Ir -e. IRVING A BLAKE,box 148, Brooklyn. K. V. ") T'J/I 'i"7 A ? RoVAL SaXON IdiTH'.KV. )w?? ? Zo.t) I Xs Dnea! Hiunswick Lottery. Drawings in Germany every month. I 111 lioyal Havana Lottery. June 28. New scheme now ready. Tickets. $4G; quarters, tlu; vikIiiIi*. ?5; fortieths, $|, Kentoekv piste Lottery. .1 une 20. Whole ticket*. 61. Prizes cashed and lull inloriuntlou of the abnv* tent free. J. DUre AGO,. Hanker*.42 Nassau *t.. cor. l.Urertv. N Y, DTALIrlOVs. IN THE KeaCH OF ALL pE. VICEp UnLV #15.? Black Star, the maanlllceut IB high, lour-)eatr-old sou ol Blackwood ana Modesty, oy Amerleau Star, private record Ol 2 :50 at 8 years add III tlin bauds ol C trl Buir, Is now mnOnir the soasuu (limited to a lew ni tres), at 11 tKK KR'p, ddth it. and Broajwar. THE VLKP. it Fleetwood park. Monday, junk 21.? .fLcraud 2v.cepstukei ILE?G K. Blown nnines r. g. Pt. George; William V'.n Valkenking names b. m. Maggie; Kvnert Ptnith names b. g. Alic; Wll.lam Urive names u. c g. Charlev, pacer; Jehu Drlscnl uaiues|n. g. in fant; to saddle, beet 3 in 6; ulso niMlrh I see lur 6IUU? )Vi|. llanr Graves iisiuch b. g. Blind BoY; Alex. Strauss names t. nt. Hannah H.; heat 8 ill 5, lo harness, good uar and track. Admission 50c. GATES II. BARNARD. PKOSPttC I' 1'AitK EaIK GUOUNhs. GHA VK.Ms.t I), Kings county. N. Y.? Friday, Jane 21, 1K7S 3 P. M., grand trot of the season, grand Sweepstakes ami purse, free tor all horses that never bent 2:2o: $TH>0 ent ranee, yfr'Si added bv the proprietors, all lo go to the winning hnr-e. -sine dar. purse of glOO, lor nil double teams; lriio to first, ?30 to second. ?10 to third ; entries to close t.y telegraph on or beloru Wednesday. June In. at 12 o'clock .>!., and to ne directed to the nndersigned. care George A. Powers, 5(H) Fulton it., Brooklyn, >' X. ATWOOD A 0 ). UiMUUi, CAUUUUK?. 4 ?4'lfAiJjiw'w. uaukkk, auction*,'"*? * Xx *UNI'KliCRDSNTk.J saLl Of iMuKoUUtBR US. K1I.ST grand annual ule oi 'lARSV BAvftKTT YEAR MNiih, Lte>Hjfiwi'?lile, Ac.. bv OuL. DaYID Mo* liAMKi.; uli* ? the liic Marei Sua Kvder. Oak Leaf, Ju liana, Sarah H.. Alary Minefield. ami enter la.Mllner, all In foal to llarry Haeeott. to take place 1111 a day (.Holiday), J una 17. at 11 o'clack, at HA It K.KK A Suit'a New V eira I at leratll'a. coruer ul Broadway anu Willi at. TWnkrY-HIX bead of the eouiidcat, finest nn>i ce?l tieriuantown, by Ijuliaoy; alao, 1'ony Bnnetoua, Uockaway* and Depot Matron a, Ac. wa iller bargains. HI' II I Kn A I'ti i.v. AsTII.Maiil.NO B iKOAlNS.?,?u HkaiiM -AhLK caali off re refused. . < aiidanine light axteiirion tap el n (eenMfouri, a lei f tl at k lop Miewater spring Road It agon, ull apitnic top W'aton, top Bony Phaeton, Una Haineaa. all nearly new. Inquire turn-more stab.o., _47 Meat IIat at. \-gl.iO. HIT MHI, M IMBKUV. I) IlLui.V eWllli linn llarneaa, Hlanaei, I.up tt. ? 111 It r. h lliiRafc. ; SUIT KA MM I Nil, Till ? KIND, ?any nnaineat uae; am email pet Bony. L>3 ivoulli 6th ar A BLY II AM' - MAKK OB CAKkIAOi.s ; I II KV aere the heat P stabllelied forty year* Bricea greatly reduced. UA6 itroadway. All A ? it so >t r , S1 V LI Ml, II LACK OoL'l' OK BaM lljr ilorae, 111 hand*. 7 ycare; aiao cheap Bony, kind nud gentle. *14 V andaiu it. Aflflo- BIN p. HANDSOMK Til' HliOHY AND ? llarne-a, with Irlark hear llibe; wae perchnaeil last aimer for NAM. Alto. atylLh tamliyilorae y nop. amine and ? I ml, IT>4 hanoa; ao.d lew lor caah. I'rirale ataole, 144 Weal 1st It ?t. A II A Nli.x ?MK Hti>H ouhl? nnd Mrifln tl*rn??* H7 iV?nl .11th It. A KIMS HTVisKU KAMItdV OoUKh OR Bt?ISKA* U*y fiwiii ltor?f, |5^| uaridn, $lfl
  • . Hoarulag Stable, IJ Beat liHh at. Ai.KN 1 LK d . N. i.b vVl.NO 111W N, WILL S LI. ?'??nibiete Turnout at ^reet aacrlice; Hay lior.e, 1..'4 handa, 7 >e?re; floe romlater; deirea by I a glee; tit reuyh y broke u to a old .a ; wtfrani 4, and tears nnlhtag. Mrewa.ep aprlog Top Wagon, llaraea*, H l> a, Iflnttkct* Ar.; all litele need; very cheap: also Bot.y Bliaetoti; aeil eeparaie. No. At Kiel 11 at al. e - BOK sALK, LADI S Tl MNtlb T; iILai K Mill A.t Xl.Tep Bouy I Itaeioa, Itarneee, Mlgoaeta; all >lly gnua a. lit* ; warranted ead aold at eaerilleo. I4M Hi .linn et. A -MUM UK MOLD. NO Off h.K KKKL'shli; HKBW. ??t*r lap Wagon, lop I'ony I'haeinii, llarneaa aim avt Hoed llotae , an Brat rla-a . tail aeparalvly. No. 142 Weal ;i7lh at. A HACKIBIUK.?TKN MUslNKss AMI DilLiVhKY ? V W ai one. al att a,|>kltafl2j; iOW and uecnud hand, for rxpre.a, erocer miteiier. baker, milk dnpot. Wagon Mafiniariory. dill Spring at A? IIIKKr. IIUKSlie, sL'lT TRUCK. O HOC Hit ? arming. f-M i, tdto, Sfkl; maat rail; bargain; I Hi Uhiietopher at AcuMi'i i.iit Family turnout umhap.?pair nl bay Hurra, amiable lor lady'a ttae, la.1, hnncle, tl yeara old, aouna and klmi; a light ext n I n log Bbae nn, I ennts 4 peraeke; top Bttny Bliaetoti. Dun Double nml Higgle IIaroeaa; aiao Conpe liarne.a; all city made, in Itrat c eta order; wnl aelt milarale Inquired ,M r. >I> I'onjr rliHfiun. unman, liuuo ; offer w.miait, mp. dOOllK'o ?tablr. JHtli ?t., 7th a?. A^mtTiruYcK fi?? ok wan+k iV, iix.CK??i? uakii. M?ta particalar> ?ad pries. J. IHiWa.iI>, stAllan u. \ -TH i*, ii vMHi>M14 if l. AIVV't hM l* AIILisll MK NT il.m i ntlij; lluren, Top I*!? ??? ton mil llaraaie: mu> Kan Mill ?l. A I'AIK OOOll WiiKo M A it trt, AI.MJ VOU.MJ Canml an tl<>r?e, all IH hand* ami warranted. Car* man, ia .?prtii? ?t. y N KLKliANT THOKuifuilHKhii oaIiIM.K HiiK'K iltur Mli*; I i |f o.iil |ii tupwr. atiund. Aii?I*po J11 r i Hi.Aril, Vl'ximnald, ?... I ? I 11 r. Hum KaMIiiV I 0 itftUUT IN i II K CITv" ? ?nlr hajr llara. 1M* liandi, II jrnr? old all lonnd nd kinu; alumni lop f'hailnn ami llarnaM. l,ip Kuhi*. Hlankata ami Whip; toil two watka lino* u?rf ftp*). OM NRH dU? Waal dial al. A A^t aVctiov BY Van YtSSRLLft krarxky. auctioneers AT TffKiU HOUSE AMI CARRIAGE AUCTION MART. On H ESDAV, iKth June, at io o'clock. ELEO AN 1' FAMILY ESTABLISHMENT. FAIR VF.HY FINE AMI EXTB \ STYLISH HAY GELD INGS, linnu* Illicit, U Hiid 7 yearn ?!?!; prompt, pleasant driver*; have extraordinary flue nigh kuie action; do not by or pull; are remarkably h iH?*?otne ; auto for lue most timid driver; ?an run I 10 miles an boor; are ru^uttii Mud hardy in constitution ; an* Hit? single driver a, and are wnrmntf? HANDS HIGH. 7 yearn old; h very nanerlor roadster; can trot In 2.4N or batter to>day ; L fluelv ft*iteil; linn great bottom and endurance and is war. anted sound and kind and true in all burnt***; Single ilarueaa and TOPmDE Bar noaIi Wac;o\. also a FIN I OllEHTNUT TROTTING MAKE, several family Teams. Load Horse*. Ac. A LAK'.K NUMBER OF 0Ai;Kl\UES, Top and No-top Homl Wagons, Phaetons, A?*. BNTK1KS (to bo *urc ot a place on the Catalogue) should lie in ad ? by 4 P. M. on MONDAY. ?TDK WINDSOR WAGON. Popular because reliable. No wabble to ttie whelt. No break age of axles. It ttlffcr and run* lighter than my other. Made only br BREWSTER, of 2f?th at. Bargain-i mm Kin atkly-the handsomest family Turnout In the State; brown Horse. IA)f bands, tl years old. Minn . and kind ; one light bun* low extension too Park Pr.a? ton. *eut* 4, nearly new, with Harness to uintch. lo6 East 2Btb st. Bargains. ,\kw top platform and elliptic spring Business W.ignns,$B"?, RI4D; llornei, |85, $I4D; Sinuie, Dou lie Harness. 2 >7 We?t UHk. IilXECU TOK'n SALE OF A SPAN OP BAY HORSIt, Mv'4 hati J* high; warranted wound and klud are very stylish. will bt *old low. inqui.e at private stable. De tiraw corner ileurv *t., Sonth llrooKlvn. IjltJK SALE?BLACK IlihiSr, IIaNDS HIG i. 8 / year* old ; one ot the mc wt road lioi set in f lie city ; j?edi Ifteo Black Hawk, by Messenger; warranted sound and kind In ??v*rv way; can trot io J :5<). aim with proper hand livtir ean b?? made to trot ufuch taster ALoa.l. H. rrswi. ter Road Wagon, in per'ect order. Will be sold separate or together. Inquire at the Market House, 740 7th av.. south west corn t 45Kb Ht. No il?aler*. [/OK HALE?TWO BAY HORSES, A ISO (J T 10 HANDS, t Hound uud km J : one steps ufnty gal , l??r $T*UO; the etbu. mhI show 2; <0. lor sfl.fdk.). Apply to JOHN II. MaR'PIN, Pro-pec t Park Traca. IjU>tt HaLE-aINE uOOU VODaG Work ioKaKS ' lor tale ciicap aim three top Buggies. 4<>7 West .r?2d st. Li )R SALE?llASDSO\Tk"PKT P<)\V. YERY GEN X? tin; for I idles or children; sound; can beat 3 minutes; a Iraki no car*. Two uav*. 5170 Hudson st LVn: SAL ?STYLISH, PERFECT B .TOKEN HOUSE F "Jack Fio?t,M LA^j bauds; 7 y?.. will bo bolu on Alutniay itt IJ o'clock, a*o. 233 7th a v. Sj^Olt S A L ?Til KKE IIOHHM: St IT FARMING. ' trucking or exnreea; trial *iveu. App.y ut 107 litli at., neur till a v. HAllNES*. LAP SIIKKIS. HOK^E -IIKETS. IIAK net*. at CObt t At com || AicoKtlt! Spouy ph, Oil a in on, Curry toralM, 11 itckini:*, eh a per Ami hotter than at auction. CIO Broxdwav. MO Hrouawny. MO Broadway, i ho Atjrn of tue uuldan bora? head. IMPOKTAK'i TO sT.a'K Mil r D ? KS.- V'ALUABLE Jet black, I t hand* lit.'!:, t Miiadlan Stallion, $75. 88 ho ?v Chamber* at. Ill ON STABLE FIT 11 N Uh? t.hDUOhl) 1'. IOfcs. O.v K third off. Manner*, Hay Knrki, Partition*. Drinking TffOtighs, Ac., of lite beat No 1 iron. CntHLiguen Hunt free. JANUS X KlHlLlND, H 10 12 llenda el. Ml'?l BE SOLO HANDSOME TOP PONY Pll tKTOM, laiproved hide Par Top Buggy and l!aruem, lilt o iimhI. 50 West l'?tl? at. N. CAHRlAOKti for TOWN AND COUNTRY. DEPOT WAOONH AND LIGHT KOCKAft AY8 of ovary description. EXTENSION TOP CABRIOLETS AND PARK PilAE T* NH for jrantlarneti'a own driving. ALL STYLES OF PONY Pll ALTON'S for lad lea* driving. KLANDRAIT ROAD WAGON IN ALL WEIGHTS. A. rt. i LaNDKAU A Co , 374 ami 374 lirome ?t. ONE L t.VDAir. ONE COUI'B. ONR 4 AND ONE ft *eat Park Phaeton, all nearly naw, at At. CUMLEY'S, 14nt i-.MHt 13iU at.. near 4(b av. PONY Pll ALTON > ?TtlK LAKOE'T AND FINEST K!>*ortin nt 4if top Pony Pbaatona; a!m> Doctor'* ton* in tlie city at M. CL'RLLY'X, 1,553 Broadway una -4< ?; h mi. Ql'EKl).?FOBS VLK, NEW STEAM YACUT STAI.TLKD uKhvu, 74 feet long, 10 ifet beiut,4L leet deep. f? t*ei ol water; e i; lc 11??* by Naatt** A Uf r ; two cylinder*, incite*; locomutlvn *tee| boiler; engine hoiuln^A * . 4fwr wrought iron . r ate uf apr *d, 22S mile*. If till by llirely, Millman A streaker, to wboiu nddrem, 1.441 Black St., Philadelphia, Pa. "IflLLAuK OA HI'S, 8IIELL GlOs AND Al IS i A TU ilh V i haetona, lor pony; ladle*' Phaetons. panel and basket b"dle*, leather ati-i eationy top* In all with a 1111 u LI a IfarneHS lor name. at uric* to Milt the time*. W II OR % Y, 2D and 22 Wooeter *t. IV anted-A LADY'S HOKSK ok PONY AND Has. ? r ket Wagon, with top. Addre**, mating price, box 8,890 Pont office. %i Aoo.Nh rOK BALM CHEAP-KBIT AND SECOND m b ind for butcher, gro. , mi.a and Buaiuaaa Wagnnt. 944 an.i 2 Mi V\e?t2?lh at 6 enka?"liiTiiSiCflDiTABLt ro'it "a*t utrsi UCaH, nt 410 Wait d'?t'i at. dual he no d. At - $*'? SACK I KICK ? HOUSES SUIT ANY MI'SI ?^TO.iiro. Home, top exnra** Wftgiiu and liamcfa, $120. 157 Weal Ifllh at. ,~-$4'?-~#r?.~THKK? WAOONs YOUR OWN hjoprlc# ; coiue for a bargain. 416 Went 3??lh at. I'ltOI'OIALS. 1)R(lFOS*LS KOK 15 Dl AH iOOFFtTiX AN# Trenaportatton. Department of tlin Inferior. Otffen uf Indian Affalra, Washington, M ir Jt. 1*7* ?Veiled propaaala, lud.r aad Drop 'sdla lor Kent, Bacon. Hour, Clothing or Tranaport*. ti n. Ao (as tlia rare mar lie), and elrrcted to the Coro mlaali.aer of Indian AITalra, Kaa "1 and tth ATooa. ter *1.. New Vorlc, wilt be reeelred uniH || A M. of Tocaday. Jnne IB, ImTH tor lar lushing f "r llie litdlxn tn?l? a.-miI tlA.Otkl poua ia tiaenn. :W(jili,i p und* Tea. rnjaaj g. .inula l iiiiareo, flMUJaai p >nnd* Aad. 1'SI.inm pouiida soap. I 6,iaai pound* ooaa. WU.UJU pounua Hugpar, and 1.3-Vlaaj p.hi nil a IV lie at. A ?o ll aiiaota. woollen and cotton Honda. co.mlstlng in part of Tickiaif. B6.l*a? y.,rd*t slal. turd rartlt. Mlnary, 7..V11 yard.; t'loitliir, (Jocerira, Notlnne, Hardware. Medical Mippllea And isle* crllaneolte Article", Burn at YA agnus. Iiarnraa, I'lowa, Make*. I oraa. Ac . Ac. aImi Tranaporta'ion tor aneli of th- Rnpplle*. ilo-ola, and arliclea tlmt mar not be aoutracted Tor to he delivered at tue Agrenclea. It I DM Mt-T UK HAMS OUT ON UOVKKNJIIiNT ki.ankm. Schednlea ab"Wmg Hie hinda and qunititie* ef aub oatence supplies requited lor e.iclt npenev and the and quail* tiliea, 111 nrnaa, of ail other p >nd* and nrtu lea. logai tier with blank prnpaaela and lorma lor contract and I..til, co.idltlnna to be obaereed by bidder* time and pla.e ol delivery, term* 01 contract end pay ment, 1 reimport a 1 loe route*. hOo ail dlter necessary lliatructluna will he Inrntalied upon application to the Indian iiflba In Waabludion, or Nea. f'.l and Hit tV.otaler It., New Ynrb. to K c. Kin **|ev, No Hfi Clinton piaee. New fork. Win. it, I,yon ,V. fdi Broadway sew Tori, and to the fnmml**arle* ol Snnaiatenc-, United Maine Army, at Chicago nt. Ionia. Sioux City, Hb I'atil. Leaven worth. Omaiia and Ol cyanic. ttid* will be opened at the and ilay above atatod, and lorlrlci* arc invited to l>a nre*ent at the opening;. Ui-.RTIKIKD ilnKi lit IIM.Y ItnCF. IV A HLh UN TOIr. Letts I NO BAN Km. At;. All blda mutt be arrompatueo by certineJ cliecka upon romn one of the loil.iwln,- i>ank< or aoverntnent depned tnriee lor at Icaat Ave pei cent ol tb" amount ol tli p.o lineal, via: Chemical atlonal. New York; National Broadway. New Yore, Metropolitan National, New Yora; Ninth National. New lork; rhlladelplil 1 National. I'lnla uelpbta; Kiral National. Ilaltlmore: Ibtrd National, Cin* rln 11 all ; Union National, Chicago; Fourth National. Ml. Inuh, .iid Cltlaen'a National. W aahliigton. If C. 1 and the Mann .vaamtant frcaanrcra at Philadelphia. Haiti in01 c? Chicago an t rtt. brntl* It A. IIAY'T. Commissioner. 1|R(fPiiNAMl FOR I .unci tOMR Of COAt, DKLlfKR ahle in hall ton*, will be received until.Iune 'in, Irv ihe Hebrew Benevolent Fuel Association. Addrese M. MAKX, Chairman, d.'fft Hrna iwat ifhIK THUSTKfc.1 OF Til 4 NKW YOKK AND HI(l?OK~ I lya RrlrWn, ORIce, No. 31 YA ater at., Brooklyn, June 13,117*. Reeled prnpoaala will be rnrnlve.l hy the Trn?tee? ot the New 1 oik Md Nfndkjll Bridge, at llieir nlllr*, 31 YA aier at., Brooklfil, nnlll 13 M on the twrnty-eereotn day i.fjone, |?7M, ior the matiulactnre and delivery of ahnnt one hun drerl anil three (luttf ton* nl gslvanliod cltareaiU Iron Wire Nprclflcatlon* ean ho had npon eppileallon at the office. J'rnpoaala Olid ho indorsed "I'ropo.ei* 'ur Wrapplnv Wire." W A. iMIKMi.INII, ? hlef Engineer. DAticikm aujYdk iiiks, BAl.liC.TMAiTKIt DUMAit'i DaNclNfi ACtDKMV. 'J4 Vt eat dtlt at. ? and llvo Han-ea tadghl perleclly lu ait prlvvte ifaanna. / i A hTIKH'rt DaN<;IN(? ACADP.MyT n UN DIN \jai|iiarn, open all aniumett private leaaina any hour; II ne apetlafly; la y a-*lat mia lYalltl 4 Tli?>. VOt'Ntt HKN ri.l.M A v tie 11 i<>u social stiimllfiK aa private aecminrf lar a for-lpn gen. 11M; rood ralary. Iiigheai reference, eapecied Apply. r I o'clntk. at Teacher a' l.nraiu. ?7 YY e?t Ibttli at MAIllllaK 91 YXTtCUk. UK MAN rRial AND M'lNUMKNr* CIlN avar. A KhAHRK. Idt Kill 1Mb lb, nod nd IV. vv VI A l' B jji than A WOK XALIi. * riMiy'tyik* xtl.k"sou'rE ikakt-1 i?S>" V(Tt AmI** T#rjr low. Inquire at 801!I LLK'S ttnluui, 312 Lena! st., corner Church. RAKE CHANCE Irf NO A* OKkEKED <77 A Crockvrjr More, 2KJ years' standing, and a ??? | trade; will be seld rea?ouahle. HiNK A OKAY, 1,285 UroMlwujr. T H i 1?'K 71IAnTTk?IJKl'C "sTOv ft I IN mkoauwaY A tor $ll*>: part c ?sl?, balance *f payment tukfii a* p*r tien can make it out of tlie store; cause lor telling, owner leaving ti?r ritv. Inquire 468 Canal *t Mil.K ROUTE HO (SK, NYaGON, *(!.. FUu >ALK cheap. Aoply at 7i) Marion r.t rViiirUQ^iK s7o?;K ~*Ts" swUTii row ?tier Hth av. ana 3Jd at. fur sal3; a bargain. By order of mortgagee. a i 11 *LP IKTkKaUT FOR 8 %I#H.?? AB. 8V ?PKIt, %\.ice cream arul sleeping n? ?ma; old vstaoliolied; easy terma; lurtune mr an energetic young mau; owner other bukin?"i. -K West 4tU at. F^OK HALE-A hm aix, hit kiust class gk7> eery store; cause death ; doing a good bnmen. 770 81 li av. I Hon HA LK-A GOOD NY INK A NI? LAOKR BR E R ' Saloon, with three Hi Hard I notes. Inquire at J. WAL L\N8TK1> *& ortieo,'rt2 B?nr*ry. f!H>R 8AGR?A OOOD CHANCE.-AN ? OLD >T \ B i|?hcd <* urncr l.iquor Store, with t tree years' tease: r v enue huu hotel Hocuses paid. !r Mouth's Theatre; tci in* cheap. Address L., hox 181 ib raid ofHce. T>0R SaLE-JKWELRY sFokET" AIM'ITy AT 88 r Hieecker st. vALE A MM'K-rLLL ALE l*L'M?\ \MTII HLKli P Tana anil lead Pipes, nil nearly as g??nd as new; price C-40 In plumber's shop, 510 East 1 4th st. jvmTk T a iTk lan dyT ictTiuTt a m , sod a Wai kk r and Stationery Store. Inquire WALLKKM ElN'8 agency.82 Howery. liVMt 8ALL clltiAl'-TflE GKt'CKliY BUSINESS AND J/ stock ol the store No. 231 -awt 45th *t. KEaT~HAfKV KIUL >ECON u li ANI> ILK Houses fur sate. Hiilta- ln lor butchers, b? er or restnu rauts; Butcher*' Fixture* and rnola. MA I IIESON. 02?i loth av., near 44th at. ODA W tTKK Al'i'vKAlUS F(iK~SALK.? SiiCdM) hand Apparatus at great bargains; all styles. Apply to ?loHN 0'?AY, No. 311 ha?t 2Htb \J4T1NE AN I' L vbKRdKEK"ri VLOON 44"? NVKsi 2H| H it st., for sale cheap; ilceuso paid; sutislaclory reasons for selling. A. i)KV G(H)OS. 7 uKr.Ai it it 'N. T (lantlarean'a Boot* Hint Slioea. I Drra* iJont.le Soi?, Cork s.ilo.imit-r* and Shoe*, I j Oxlord 1le?. Ac.. Mt $i 50 mid uuwnrd. I I Ladlea'tirr Bun..11 Hnota, *2 &O.S3 SHAD SI mid j I $5. til KliliOKS', 1,1911 llruldway,eoilitr2lHb Mt. AL.iHOK STOCK OK I)KV OO.iliS, OoMPuISi (i I)rr?* Iiikwi, uiI wool; CnKhmeri.M, l.lnck Mlka, Httirta, NullBi'jlmin U(n lliwlery, Tubln Llntm, Napkin*. Inw ain. A.Carpet* a I ie tire; duraaued tray Manual*, aultuiila lor making bathl 'U auli*, for anient low prior*. WM. MaTHHWm, M Catharine at. Dress goods. - W AN UNEQUALLED ASKOItTMENT OK PRfcSU, SEASONABLE, RICH AND Kl K'.AM OitKa- F ABRICS, INCLUDING A LARGE INVOICE OK Parisian nov lties, Jl'ST RECEIVED, TOGETHER WITH aN ENTIRELY NEW LINK OK BUNTInUS. GRENADINES. DeNTELLKv TISSUES, 40., AT SPECIAL itilHOriONs. FREPARATOKY To SEMIANNUAL INVENTORY. A. T. STK A A ItT A CO.. BROADWAY, 4111 AV , 0111 AND lOTH SIS. / 1 UK.AT HaIIOAINS U In BLACK. COLORED AND PANCV SILKS. SILK NOVELTIES. AO. AND WE WILL OONHNl'll III . SPECIAL SALE OK AMERICAN 111. At K Ol It (IAN M AN UKAOT1' E, AT $i 25 and mi !?'> per yard. THE HANDSOME ! ANo MOST DI.SIIIAHLB SILKS EVE It OKKKliED AT T.itH.i PRICES. A. T. STEWART A CO., RROAIIW AV. 4TII AV..9TH AND IOTII BTS. .Ill L.L.1X Kill AND UUKNn.HAKINL. Ci', intoadw av,'vear no ii si., H. '??oiling rfTilie ni'iMl exqniaite Hliapoa In Hiniueta, shade (lata iiinl itound 111.1?, feicnr>lle*a ?f cn?l. I ill'i. WORK AS PEC I a" LI Y- OA >initiC Ultf.-ssS mad* t> nrilor at aliartaat iwtice Ir.nn fa up; nhita dri-?M?M Iri in IF7 up. Ilil .ma' wear nl all kludv inada at r naoi.ablaprke*. lira. tl. Tit AO A , 11.2 \\ e?t dOtli at. DBSTISTKI. _ rm of rKKTii i.\ tiiKich nrtijRjtf5Pi'HfTifBfi L'?77 dtli av., one do r abovu '131 *t , or 12* \\ 0*1 H4lU . term* to Milt. N KW B HOC <4II .1 N KWHlidII(ill. A A ally T VAM VUKCK'H I.KMaI, KoOM*> i.'ttl ill il AT., fresh gaa, beautiful teeth ; luw cUurge*. Katab. UN 8 C HP A S? >1 il'Y HK \ 1 11Ki. lI' KPy.Y/ I Tv biting Artificial Tooth, fR; Uut?9 $8; wan?nu-d "Now Wrk J'eulal Itoouia," I'll t?U? ?v Kmoitllilieil 1H.?1. Or. \i ahKII. I>AIMJ:ss EXTRACTION; ALMO AKTIKToTal. l.tih; term* to anil. tvtUHTH aVRNIJK uKNCaL AS-? axix*ire, good* and* of every deecription. In i"|iirai? closed compart ments; always acce**tbl W *?t :?4th *i. PIAMOFOltTKft, UUiiWM. A^* N A>SOit*i Mt.K l" OF 0ftS rSTTJ iiXSu hi j * \> t? I'lnnuN ut m burbot it; mIio, I'luno* id other tuskers, ranging from $10 Upward; special inducements on h nuui her of Htelnwu/ Concert and 1'nrlor UrNiidi. point- but lit tlo mad, ml in per'* rt order mid fully narrantrd; Imwtn ot hogu* instruments, reprt-a* nied m genuine hi-iiivray jMmuoi, Mt public miiu private sale*. bTKlNWAY A Mi'inwHf llnll. New York. 8TKI SWAT P I A. N O -A MMiSIKIl'KM Kosf wood Pianoforte. 7;? net*ve, ml modern improvements, end fl.UHIi, to bo miIi ot suction this day ( dummy),M* Ki o'clock, at private residence 1211 Wen 'JMJ ?i., near Oth or. Zpok KhN r, ui'HHiH f, >q u a k k a m> <; k a nT7 ? Pi mQos id our own make : also tor sale and rer.t a num. her of fine a-comi hand I an op, In ported order WI1.L IA M K.N AH K A Hffclff A A Y AND WRHKK I'U MM oat b?r|llni tar da ti: a 7 net are t arred le/a rimio, $7?. Ptenoiutioaa Dom^nt* or *o rent Rent ml *wed II purrha od. KKaKMJM, 4b tnlan aqitiP) w a y jfvI'lniioioite $t(X); 7'j os.tare, lour round, roe wood, In laid iiiarquetrr fl? In nae four muit?4ta (.All prlrato rraldtuco tl Went Ihth at , b? iaa?'u 5t| ?.n ? Mi ar? A?M h N il V uITt IAN-?TY]LB 1,435, T. RE., e )7l" ? reeds, thirteen pfope two knee ?vrli. h'rencti walnut fm e, pAoelled. elaborately fliilaheii ?oh?i blaek wa.out ca?e, pw and a|-?^nnt deeigti. wttu ra'uafiie iiuprorentenie b'-nntlful Vo* Coleata ai? p ; #w-e|eet totio l parlor organ in tha world ; ?'liAlt'*nce cornparit in M *HooniUl pne ?, I14H. my pile . In order to bar# ?hip beautiful lo?timnent Intro ouctd fmmrdtatoly. ogiv fill 7"?; b* xed and ahlpp d on I ? duvp' tent trial. No money reinlran until you m*i perterily a'dialled Header, If ton wian to purcba?e a Cabinet Or* 1 gan now la your *ppoitnnltr. ??arge newspaper tree* A4 urtd J)A.>iKI, I* II '.A lit, W aafetn fton, *1. Arb.W shtONI) II AHl> WR ItKIt 1*1 A NOM At VKRY great bar ialop; soma of tbetn n?ed but a Very ?hort fi ne by onr beet nio?tciann. and really atniopt a< good a? new : tttby arai ranted In evary r> pu ct. |*leaae call at tue WKHfclt wararo fii? .?tl? nr. and Pith at. B\ KOAl NH. fl()H. 7l4 i, $l.'l, 7l-j octave, (1I& , OigNRR fil l, 1 2 plopa. f 7-'?; Ituw rente. 11 o K a C K WAT) L> A INiNH. 4l> Kael 14th si. HaMLTOII HHON. MANUKAOIUHi Kn. 14 Af>fl? <1 limveiftiiy |??oca. tuve a large assortment ot nawanl rerond band Pianos; tn?n n' tbo latter as goad at new; will be sol i ur6*S Of So?K?r?iTro FiTSTT. Jfoit. 'or # >?>; l ?I.U KImI. II.ix lor .hlt pliiK K?.|. IN %i ?M IUIIi H. " \ 1 ' 1" : ? IPRIOIir PI* SOS." HK*I IIKUl, IM ! w.rr.iil.'l clnruhi. ; prlra on j 9I..U A f.? on h iinl Hint '? ?a n.nn n.oJ ?imt. Imi n??i in no*, at ?>?> l?i .li.l fI.MPaiiN A t;O.HrANV, aola m.nataciurari Mn. ft Kaat iii at. aonuk knt 7.'i?rr sy iii)i.hmo (anparinr Inaa), anj- ra I.i nalil. prlca. fTAN'mltlt t M I Kit! A .N I'lA.NO MANUf Al.'Tl'ltl .NK UO.ili M a>| Mtft ??. PlAMUft A .It OkmaMM TO I.N OIK COUMTKV. ur lor .al. on In.taiinoiil.,'r low IIOKAt h -K M Kit . A MOKH. 41) P.aat 14th hi, T)i A NOS AMD UHiIA.Nh KXr K K M B I, Y l.< > W |>(A X loatalmoat* or to lal. in ? Ity or c mutri. f. Mi'lll I.Rk, lit K? l 14th at. ]?Shia5T??k. $?*> ui n't?; i pitiiiii i>, r mi. rFfi ?a4 M|n.itt| Nat t( bow Ur,an, II *ioi>. f .'1. ? .atnrilar all) an i a von I of V- ilio" tiblr ?wa KtmrtlM rmaMl. ilrnml a ?t>a ?? ?< i*?? I?? Jolr 4. I moralur, aitcranoii and month, OA it ? I rt It A It I, .4II. Mnna,ara. oTi.Hl.l-o KV I KV i"UR40aY . AMI. NATViIIMV .r.nln,, l>ntr?i Pnra llnriinn ftlltli ?i . 7th a? ; ronir.t pint in lha tttjr i al.pnnt mn.ii' A>int|..l"n ft)* eant,) I laaicafraa. UAltlii.H A CO., Manaii.r*. M t Mi *1-; i/.iTv THE URbAT NEW YORK AO" An! UM~ Hr .ndway an.i JAiU il Wonderful p Tf.irmance ?l I lie celebrated troupe of trained Monkeys. Docs ami Gnats from ini Royal i.taar lum, England, performing pantomimes an I pla*s lik ? hit ?nan beluga. Must novel oiiiailaintnenl ever given m ml? city. KUIwi. amphibious animal*. CLinipau??a and rare ma rl in w..ndrrs AiluiiMiiiii.jns. Ohllilrrn hilf pries. Coney 1-iHinl Ai|U uimu uow nuan with W. C. Coup'* t roil pa of liroiiebo Dora a. Pa it lit ka r il. en k Z'sUTh.,*. iai-aaa and Manager ..Hi RY I. Alt.II,V HVKKV EVENING AND SATURDAY MAItN'aK (by iprrial permission ot Mr. AiiKu-tin Daly), ItvriMi** Cunii> y, In ibrae acta, OO U II RRK lEHIH ? JO y SSU n C |f I' It R II BO O * Y S H O O u u II R It BO O i y A O O u U KKK HUB '? o yy S8S O O U C R R B B 0 0 Y S ,? o O U IJ It 11 BBOOybrt.. OO UO it R BBB OO y SB* , n"W in it* i.nirtli mar In London, having born played at tlin I aoJ.-vuie I'lieatro I ."Hit c.nsneutlve tiiuoa, anil alao a|iytd by tha Li Nu a It iis, in iho Theatre Royal .Melbourne, Australia. with grand an -craa to crowded baus-s for eight consecutive weeks. and in Now Zualuiid nrnrly ft *) times. Nolo. "On. ISoys" li low Kiven lor tha first time in New Ynrn In its original state, as Mr. Byron wrote it. I'erkyn Midiliewick W. II. Lingird Mary Melrose -Alice Dnnni .* tte.ludn Dickie Lin: arc Conclude wltli 1J-LINGAKD SKETCIIES? la. anionic wlilcli will be the lollnwlHg: EMPEROR WlLle 1A.II ? new). KDIVI > FOREST. CaFIAIn Jh.NKi, IV tLKINil DOWN RROADW'AY. 11 Kin at H. Carriages ut l'J:t >. Beats booked a week la adv Hire. STa \ Da it D I UK VTRE ?ttrtOADW AY AND ?D sr. U'M. Il e N DKIt * ON Proprietor and Manager. fiHTII TO (WITH PEItFOKMAN' K THE LE.iDINO DRAMATIC ATTRACTION. ? .1. K. KM IIKT In liD new veralna of KlTZ. HOUSES CROWDED WIT" DKL10I1TKD AUDIENCES. TII ItKb HOURS Of UNINTERRUPTED FUN. ALL THE NEIV SOM1S, SCENES. AO. NIGHTLY I-SCORED. New York Herald?"Frit*" Is always treah. bnmornu and a> innatlietic. Ilia anmca nerer waary. an 1 bla .plaint Diiuli stories wurl Ilia a|>p-tile lor more. I Vhi-.Y h V h > I m 1 and SATUKDIV MaTINKK. iri.i.'I mIiiIn. ~ " GWtDNEK .1 HADIIE Mann.-art A Reserved m at tur .'n|.-. The Co "eat Theatre In tlia THE GREAT U.lDN SuUAItr. HIEaTRK nUCCEad A CKLF Hit (Ti l) CASE, Perform d by tbe iiieinhora of tlie Union nnnare comnan) tinder the auspices of Messrs. snook X Palmer, and dime lion of .tlr. J. it Collier This wonderful play, bv the authors ol "The f?* Orphans," will be prodn ed with ail ila iirtgl iial arenery, ni? n'fleeait and tnrt111?ac effects, Inlly sustain, lug tile | popnlnilly mid reputiitlon ot A Cr.LbHKATKD Ca>K aa originally prod need. II.ion. open 7, pat formaline at H. Seals secured two week* ahead, Mmineea Wednesday and Saturday at 'J. ("TraND op It A lloUsE. JTFoOLK A DONNELLY Leaaeea and Manager* lt'servrd .matt (urcheaira eircle end balcony), MJ ceuiL Engagement with the world lamed Hilt AN I '.a III NsTKKLS It V A NT'S MiftrlTRKL", H IVANT'S MINSTRELS, the largest and beat organisation of mluitralty In tfef world, under the direction r.f Mr Nr.IL BRYANT. HI. MOST POPULAR ARTTsTS NEIL BRYANT, I.R.N. HI LINDEN, IH OIIEV DOUGHERTY, EDDI . FOX. I.ITTL" Mai;, C. w IIAlti.EY, F iVKTTE WELCH, D. BAltltoN DAVE REED, J. N PEsTORIO. RI El Y It iVANT. ARTHU R CuDK, liltlFKIN and Klt.'E, EDWARD YOU.nO, .1 It. NOKRIE, .1. FaRMIHTON, IIARKY COLEMAN, K. FosiKR. FRANK COBURN, AL. IIEINIIART SAMUEL W'A IS. JolIN ARMSTRONG. GEO. ARMsTlDiNO, TIIOS, O'cahY, in n Mo lei M. rlley of Mirtli and Mlnstcrlsv. maiinees Wednesday an,i Saturday. mONY PaHToR'S THKATik. V?.N BRO UtWAV. -Th8 lLADY ('AVIANDISH HURLEBIJUE. COMUlN.ATloN in tiirlr nrw and >rl.itiinl lliirlriqui* hxtrav.iirani.t.entitled, PUCK ON TO K WOMEN'S lloTBL replete ?ith Uu^-ti ni In Incident*, wonderful ?>tqatliiiiii, ihmuiiIIiiI atdi'. iu*u? uiUe.ent ton?ijr. (IwrmRiciiitgttw *'nl locely women. MO > 1?aY. i U n I-. 24, REAPPEAIIANCK oK III K GREAT VICTORIA I/iKliS TKOI'PR OK HRITIsti BLONDES M A r IN t K S TU I. S l>tV. K l? 111A V AnI) SATURDAY. Cn 1 l.AI I I'iK'S GARDEN. TMIKRIDaN MlooK A P.O. Oil.MORI; Lciieaa iilKolMIKK T"OMAN' OBAN D SUMMER NIUHI8' CONCERTS. 11118 (MONDAVi KVENINO AT 8 O'CLOCK. ? ? II 1.0 ?' K NT'1 PKOO l> A M M E. Mr. THEODORE HlOMAit Hulo rMIa 41r K. sll UEIiilUCK Cornat SUIT", in u, N?. R ilacn I. \Id?(> Handel Vi 'lln I.ti IKHIO. hv Mr. lllKODOUh THOMAS. MENUhi, atriliK 1 rcli"?tr? lloirhmltti OVe.ltTNRK. sakiiiiiill.I Cold nark ill NO A III AN Rll APSODT, No. 2 .. I.l?a? OVERTURE. Ci.rlolao.... Rnetkoveu A N I> 1 N I h. liltu *} mplionr Heetimven N U I' I I ELK Kraocla Kortmyr AVE Maria tlvunud POLO N AlSE, No 2 ine-vl 1.1**4 OVr RTl RK. "William loll" Raaalttl CONCERT POLK i 81. Joooua Mo. K. M-tkHKUCIi WAI/17, Wfio'iroroinn Struma HiimiaBiaN MAhCH B art Ion Genera. inlini*"l"ii oi cent* . Hmei, oil mil tin; lour, 4-11 I'Mi-kiiee rieltet* ut I J. A". SPK I.AL NOTICE Juno 111. 2 >. 21, Seml-Annnat Kxlil'.ltlon III ike NEW YORK HORTICULTURAL M* C1E.TY. alloraoi.n* Mud erviiin^i, wltli TilKO. TIIoM.A.s' O A.M? CON CISTS. U____ ??-(- a1(Khe itToc W'r.U.VI'.sDAY rVlSMN'O. JUNE 10, ORAM* I.XTRa it A I .A MOIIT. II KM. NT OK II. TtsslNGT'ON. EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTIONS Iit a ko*l ul v.i.iinteer?. DRAMATIC ani> musical. I Kn.ii-Kroa, | T Macbeth. I I Wraad Ci.naart. I kr parmtmlon of S .. ?... - ... . zzX Auxuellli Daly, j 1'kuuograDll i ^ Recitation* ^ I KAKOK. Boat* Tor aala at tke l.nx ulltee. note;* and Matte atnraa. A 11 1CK KKl N O It A 1.1 .. THId KVh.Nl N il J Ml*. AOKI.AIDE LENNOX. -III!'. SIA'iK AS IT Is." Illaatratad kv *? loct .trammi.' reader* Ticket* h| tba hull, in* ti.>tel? and schnberth'a. OUOaY-PIIONOiiRAPH CONCKKIS. IKVINi. li ALc. onnon.te Af?il?nir Mmlc, KuR TI1K BEN. KIT OK *T. I'AL L S ED'IsCOPAL CIIUKCII. KDMK. 11 ALV. Ike moat unique. ?ci. ntilte mid mimical entertainment ever |.re*imirn to iha pui.liv. MORGAN ON HIE. 4iKA.NO ROOaKVKLT OROAN. MAIEi. Bhl.l.K COl.t.'.s C.iA. MING BOpKANO SOI,, id. Piof. NPlCR'H ll.l.UslRAII NS OK SOU Kilt MOTION, ua applied I" Iko I'benotTaph. Eolua. Du.'l*, Ilmlotii im, Wlilatlinr, Ir, on .1 r. EDISON'S IXPtinrnu MILIUM. PHONOGRAPH, rvery rvriunr and V* rilutuley nnd S iturday vtatlaao*. Aiiiumaion. 2 > rout*I it -terra I he a ta. ? a?cent*. rniiiitu itAilw.N >1. i itiiixiriNO pkstivai* nf lha Hi I A !i PMI dd f r. KV UNION of the I till' 'I h ??e? of .North America, uK'i H' iKHt, Cr'tHnt, hilld June 1019 34. IM71, ?at Ilia SCUM T7.KN PARK, UNION HILL, N. J. Prlm-i I'll 111 utrivta. nmenntt?|f lo t-~<"" ??ill i??- itiaiilbuiati. hvervdayol the I-clival pride ???> lin . |n>pelar enter* tMliilll'-iil*. Ill rilllNtlr NAM |X| III II eAt 10 ? *lll>U,,i,?. ilDeUIV* Inn Ti'-tv", halloas kiCMtlmii flrrworaa. illumination, cm. ?? rt and ?iim?-r nlwut'e hall. ill liKA" II Tii K PtltK TAKK TUB NORTHERN It A (LRU l?, 11 ? Chamber* *ud I w ?111* third Dreel larrl ?. O't hi' a|iA V. J una III, and hi NliiV.June 83, leave depot .1 vr-.'f ill}, I#:13 A. M,, from I o'clock P. M to U tt'riack inidm xhl -l.eial train T(l AND PROM TUB PARK evrry no ml nil* ?? i in Jim* 17. 1*1, !V. 20, 31. 33 and 34. I?at? drjint, Jer?ey City, h V. and lit A. M., frmn I o'clo ? P. M. 13 a'etucR "hp-el ml trnlnt TII ASH PRO* TIIK PARK cy-rv *J minute* Hcaai*. W rtilt: Etenralnn Ticket* dnctadlnir lerrv), 3-'i ciiiiia: ran tie .ititama ? at Id t?rrle?, In tti* Park and at J. A .1. Ih.hilng'* (r.rie lloa**a), corner M'rei and Obuh her* ?ia. >tw Turk Take 1itif*i car* tr.irn l'lirl?tojili-r and llerrlay alraat ftrrlrt; two cm every two mill AI at. Til'kal* '1 cento til l) ran I.K k* I at 111" atarilA3 BioOa In II dinkan and at the entrain I ln? Perk I truin tterhawkea itJd ?t.) larrv, fart I rum tin' tenner y every half hour. Ailnil. Inn, 8.1 conte Children free. A~~~i4ltRI.E'* I IVul l rIIR iTKprHl ll HT? mFtWI.KN .3d *nd 3d tit.?I'M i hnllrnye :linw In A inarm*. Lit.II Drlni/Ijr, the (Jitern nl Se,rlit I'nrnlrv ; II R Archer, iba ureal i nllf/mila nni Itoaa . H?b?a Brotbara, the only colored Snnix and Dunce artfeta; l.lllUt tiall the II eat Vurtlld; Vile Iraiitlnl, Jnhn Iteiliv, lermu.ui *n.| VA at*?n, llrl. meldl Z?nii"r and Ai ale i eynerl an'ivalled Premier Imi e. u*e. lite Ureal Vl-ee* Ballet Troupe cum.ting nl Ml hremilot Uanc-n together with 7V? other epeclallv erllete. Matinee* Iboftaay end rlatnrday a'ternowu j aioa hnmley nildulMht. ? ItlON HOC IK TV. ARtON HOCIKTT. A U IIA N II ? I MMI R-SIUIIT K sTI V AI* A I I.ID A PARK III.I.VKUK ItK, Till. It-D or, Jt'NK ?>. |K/H rommancat at '? I* M. Orand voeul and Instrumental coiirert direction "I Mr. I* It*atremK at it:hj. tlr* cl.etlr. oltVl ertltt, f, l Uieel. leader; (all military Hand, l.eilio d, lender. AllM|e-|ll\. ft. Htaye* will rnnnert wllli I Imb el ,M av.. frern d P. M. tin tne fine* . fill* teetivel: the Third and Rlyhth ovens* r .1 rnede will run rtira ran. XT P.W ROYAL CUP. Moll .K, 1130 MT? NEAR iikdaU* itire>. -Ihe m- st imvyeoai ballroom In the world Pa* rieiaa rncieiy hoclable eveiy evening. Mir* Munday. Jnna 17. third Urend Prearh Onetntnn Pall and Carnival naceptlun, wlin nimble Urebaetrn and alvgaal Preernte and Ileum g Order*. frilP. DRAMATIC PROF I eiAtni, rkhidkmt and ho* I juiirtiiTi in .n-mmv member* at tne Pree* and nthert fee I in r ?n Iniereel In the reiiei nl nnr tick and nnlnrtnn ile t I M M? Mi'W e ltd, will pieaee men. at thai Minn N|*:i e Iheeire I'nndar. .lana 17. at 3 I'. V.. in make arranreeient* l?r the pmpoead beneltt In aid of lllmeelf a to! ? imlly. II A ?!? A V It It. Chairman JtiHa (lifm, Seeretarr. Cf* Ml, i i 'Kl'l AI. Mil 11 ? In I.AIUitn . - w.inrninif Math*. ? h- d? Cantral I'aik Harden, Mtth ?' and 7tli av III" hatha will he mi?n l?r ladlae wl'li ? lOcetiwan mi Taeaday, Jena |h, m which aeea.infi }ii*. Kate Hi nneti and alater* will appeai with their ?Mil, lata "I four * ear* Old and apwa-il the u itli It ? tnet; mi.Mine: water; awiiniulii. tan ht Udl?e admltiud from '< till 3 n'elock ; irtnilemen till 13 n'clnek /lA'D.-'DOK rP.KKKYltA," Till WONDKKPt.'u V' K it" n.lll K and inuofcaj mnriel nl thn ae.nnw perlnrmia at tk-CDOPKlt i i ID - III M K" i nvi I.K ra, can lie en a '"d "n off nlynte by nplying tn hie ??lna"iu, J J iV W ATRON. RO Wavetley plar* ?Miihmkh (IK RURMARDV" RaLT* O.tLOp VJPi.lka. eat li t.V. ; P itpunrrl nr Vt arren f.Ar . ??rr tlnn nl aire, I rimer, II, end ell the rural feme. aninnvird editlnn. are pubilaked uy Oili*OR A OU , 711 ml H4.I Broadway.