Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERAED WHOLE NO. 15,275. NEW YORK. TUESDAY. JUNE 18, 1878.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE THREE CENT DIRECTORY FOR ADVERTISERS. HERALD BRANCH OFFICE. l.MS BROADWAY OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 'OK BBOKPTIO'c OF ADV EKTISBM E NTS AND BALES OF PaPBRS. AMUSEMENTS?1st FAO*-5tft and 6th colt. ASTROLOGY?2d PAHK-Olb col. BILLIARDS?12th Pack?Otb coL Boarders wantkd-2d pack?2deoL Board and lodging wan i ed-2d paw-m cot BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE?2b Pace-lit col. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES &TH Paok. BUSINESS NOTICES?7tr Pack?8lh col, CITY REAL ESTATE FOR KALE 2d PAOH-lit Ml. CLERKS AND SALIiSMF.N'-r.Tn Paok-5iU coL CLOTHING?2d PAGK-Uth co!. . . . COACHMEN AND GARDENhKB?12th P*aa-5th col. C0ASTWI8K HTBAMSH IPS?2d Pack?ith And Oth cola. COPARTNERSHIPS--*? Pack COUNTRY BOARD?2d Pack-3d ool. DANCING ACADEME"S?12t 11 I'AOE-aih col. DKNTISTRY-2ii Paok-M co.. SBY GOODS-lit Page?5tb col. WELLING HOUSES To LET, FURNISHED AND UN FURNISHED- 2d Pack - lit ool. EUROPEAN srEA.MSilIP.S-2D PAGE-4?h eoL EUROPE?7th Pack?Glti col. EXCURSIONS?2D Pack-5th and 6th eoU. FINANCIAL?9th Pack. For SaLi.?11th PAUk-Sd ool. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO IJST?2d Pack - lit mid 2<l wli. SURMTUiiK?12th Pack?6th eol. BLP WANTED-EE.MALES?12th Pa?k?4th lid 5?h coll. HELP WANTED?MALES-12rn Pack?5th And 6th colt. HORSES. CARRIAGES. AC.-1st Pack-3d. 4th mad 5tb col*. HOTELS?2d Pack?3d coL . HOUSES, ROOMS, AC.. WANTED?2d Pack-2d c#L IN8I RUCTION-l?T PaOK-5iI> c 1. LOST AND FOUND- IkT Pack-I it 00L MACHINKBY-Utii PA0K-3d col. MARBLr. MAN l b. LS?i2th PAOK-6th cot. MEDICAL?2d Pack?6th col. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING?l?T PAOK-5?h ool. MISCELLANEOUS ADVEKTISEMENTS-IOtb Pack? 5th and 6th cola. MU-IC tL?12tii Pack? 6th eol. NEW PUBLICATIONS?7th PAOH-6theoL PRItKON AL -1st Pack- 1 ?t col. PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, AC.-12TH PAGK-6th cel. POST OFFICE NOTICE?2d Pack -Hth col. PROPOSALS 2d I'AGK-Oth col. PROPRKiY OUT Of THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT?2p Pauk-Ui col. EEAL estate lo EXCHANGE?2d Pack-lit coL REAL ESTATE WANTED?2d Pack?lit col. RESTAURANTS-I2TH Pack?6th col. REWARD*?1*T Pack lit col SALES AT AUC 1'ION - 1 1th Pack?2d And 3d cola. SITUATIONS WaNTKD-FEM ALES-IItai PA0K-4th, 5th and 6tb cola, and 12th Pack?lit. M, 3d aud 4th SITUATIONS WANTED-M XI.K8?12th PAOK-5th eoL SPECIAL NOTICES?Ikt Park lit. 2d and 3d cols. . SPORTING?Dogs, lilKDs, A.'.-lrr Pack?3d col. STORAGE- 2n Pack?sth ool. SUMMPK RIGIOKT*-2d Pagk-34 eol. THc. TRADES?12tii Pack Hih col. THE TURF?1st Pack?3d col. TO LET FOR HUsINKSc PURPOSES?2d PAOH-lM eol. TRAVELLERS' GLIDE?2D PACK-5th col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO Li'.T?2d Pack 2d col. WANTED TO PURCHASE 2d PAGK-Sd eoL watches, jewelry, ac-2d pagk-su coi. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET-2d Park ? lit <ol. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS, AC.-IOth Park?5th coL i'ERSO%Ab. _ TNnIeT^oUR "IStA RSOlCTlAS RKTURSED. WE A are very anxious. Cnmt. 5 -AM HOM i*.; |TaVB~?:OMPANY FOR A WKKK; '.?and tome money to-day. C. a D E CMIN1C O. SEND ADDRESS. ALL WKLK CHAT. JIMMA B -ADDRESS JjIAVOBITa.?PARK, TO-NIGHT. 8. - l^OR ADOPTION?A PINE, HKaLTHY FEMALE JP child; 4 month* old. Address W. B , East New Vork rod ofllce, L. I. foBOKBN.?ARRIVED SATURDAY. SKaD LETTER m _L to general Poet ofBce where 1 eea address you. Im portant. COLONS?* If any of tub relatives ok general l\w renee or Oemmodere Sande, Uomioodore J. P. J "nee. Commodore nmitli, era alive, or those who nerved under Ihem, addreee ARMENIAN, New York Poet ofllce. IP THE LADY WHO CROSSED H.vRCLAY STREET ferry on Saturday afternoon will write to the gentlemnp who eonke to her in railroad depot appointing an interview (be will eonler a greet favor. Audreea ALPHA, Herald ofliee. IfSFORMATION WANTED.?SAM UEL O. PRINCE1 L(prtnter)?Your father ie dead. Addreee R. M., IKs Kaet 4th et. Ss the lady, passing Monday, kulton st.. at 12k, at liberty to eorreapondf Addreee ADMIRER, eraid ofllce. RO~88."?WILL MEET IOC Tills EVENING wTTitRE I Bret eaw yon, at 7 it). HARRY B. M O IMS NbTTl MARSTON.?SOON MORE. WNKR A ANTED?FOR A itU M OK MONEY LEFT with a party fareare keening on nlaht of June 12. G. W. WALLING. Superintendent ot I'eliea. SATURDAY' NIGHT.-OILMOHK'S GaRDeN-CAFE ttranewlck, Breadway care to Canal et. Lady In black who notiead gentleman will eonler great favor by writing Mating aome Incident to avoid mintage and apoointiug In terview to DISCRETION, box 212 Herald ofllce. SUNDAY EVBNINCLfl P. VL. OFF FORT HAMILTON? Will lady In email boat, with gentlemen aud children, favor admirer In yacht with an aeoualntance ? Stole aome alrcnmatanee to avoid mtetake. Addreaa, in oonfldenre, Y. F. U.. Herald olflce. HE CROSS IN THE SUN. -ONE KLEdil ADDRESS JAMES, box 1.189, Poet olflce. TO SAMUEL WKEFORD, FORMERLY OF MONT (omery. Ala.?I deelre to co'renpond with yon with a view ol pureImaler yonr vanlt In Montgomery Cemetery. Address bot 148 Poat olflce, Montgomery. Ala. 4>QTH ST.. NBAR BROADWAY.?IF YOU THINK IT ^tSimprudent t<> meet la either parlor addreee B. C. II., Herald Uptown olfloa. LOST AUD KOl'ND. IrioWD^jfEAR "4b at" a purse, contain In d ' email amoont of money. Prove ownarahlp at ofllce ol AIRFIELD CHEMICAL WORKS, 150 Front et. T OST-ON SUNDAY. JUNK 1?. IN THE STREET AJbeiweea Lafayette place and 25th at., a email gold Hunting Watch, red figure on the back. Suitable reward will be given at 20 Lafayette place. OST?133 E 1ST 10TH -T., SUNDAY P. M., SMALL dark green Canary. Soil abla reward. LONT?SUNDAY MORNlToi GKi.F.N PARROT. Findtr will be rewarded by returning to 37 Sooth 5th av. EO-T-ON THE 4:1k) P. M. TRaIN FOR SAKYLON" L. I., ledy'e light U.later Cloak. i he flnder will b- enlt ably ruwarded by leaving the eame at 518 Weat 88a et.. or with Conductor POWELL, Long Island Railroad depot, Hanter'e Point. T (>8T?SATURDAY, PLAIN GOLD RING, NEAR SOTII JJ*i and 3d av. The flnder will receive 4-5 by returning te No. 2IW Eeet SOth et. I ONT?FRIDAY NKJIir. 14TH INST.. IN TWENTY Jtblrd at. stage, pearl ouara Glass, name of owner. Llult rewrrton, engraved oo it: $5 reward will bo paid for Its return at No. all Weel2Bth at. T OST-FROM 410 WEST 281) ST.. A CANARY BIRD. Jjraleed aa a hirtbdav rift. The Under will eoafer n favor nod bo rewarded by returning it to above address. ItE W A HO Ik. SintIfWAftb.-LOit. ON *a1VK&a?~Nir>ii?TA ^rJBunch of Kayo. 1 ho Under will rieclvi tuc above on Ui'lnt them aMU^^M ^d M. Aim -u?kt on kkidat, ji nk 14, i?7h, rrtwmkn JplU.the < own Hon?e and Wall atreei. paper* eneloacd In ? leather wrapper marked on tbo outalde "Win. W. Owwdriok.M* Ball atreet." Tho llndor will recelva the ?boot reword by returning to addreae AffA RKWAdtD.?LOST, KROM CORNKR COLL lit) K Vt'l'ploM bod Barclay ot.. Hatnrdar morn Inn, bnv Mare. Willie alar on forehead, 14 handa high, 10 yoara ?ld, heavy tall and raiine Aoove reward will be paid, and neqnea> linna naked, npon the rnurn el the mare to MlCUtRL JlUHl,, 21(1 Kaal M'Hh at. ? ftPKCIAL, NOTICRk. ? juiniiir hklt-?a emrrar a? XX ?effectual cure fir all nervoaa and chrnnia diaeaaeV flieae applianrea aie applicable to either aes and afford Inalant rellel in eaaea ot i beamatlam, dyapepala, pebei al eeblllty. Ac. i'ulvermarher'a are the only genuine. I, fl'J Hrnadway. -A.-A.-TO THR LA01 lb OK KKW YOKK: *0. LKTSOIHBK haeinif retained to New York would lie pleaaed to eee lil> idii pntr >ne and ae many new ebe* nt hla unwly-ntled up room a, 47 Unlroreltr plane, tor* ?er 11 ah at., op atnlra. Ladlea wishing a firat .lata band made alien ean liava it by leaving an on er at I.Kf UflinR'H. IMeea to anlt me tlinea, A COO I'M R A TIVI', HA/.AAR WIlL III-. OPRNKD IN The Advocate Hnlldlng, lata l.ealla'a I'ublwhlac llnnee, Earner t'eail and Rim atraeta. Co operative mann'actiir ?b ancletlaa. matmlaclerert nl ahoea, clotliltia. cenerei auppllae, anno, aiari'h,coal deitlera, Hour, Iced receiver,? ?II who deal in to reach tne coaaamer direct, end avoid all middlemen, are Invited to a rv.mprtltl.n a* to which ran laralali tlie beat article tor a alien price, or the came ?r. tlele lor the Inweat price, eaeli on driivrrv. Apply on the premleea to U VII) J. TWollKY, .-iiprrlntennenl. AT1KMTION?TWKNTY YKAK*' IRLkMAN llOnPf tal #?prrienret ?pecieltl-? dl?#e?rvnt men and nervnna ayetem; WIWlMlW Bfp. I>r. .1 At nllV, |H| ItlMUM at. Ma MVHK CLMK NO i.CNo IH*I'.a>KH. HOCK XX.and Kya, $1 per large bottle ; $4 per cation .N. VAN, .*H t'liamlierait. Attention, patiknthi?comsv lt i?h. photin, I rent Pari*. :I4 Hond -t? The moat Intrlsate dleraeee, ?kin diaorderc end nervnna debility radically cared. A LI. HPKCIAL COMPLAINT* ORRTvlN. RANK AND A per m anon lly en red. to either eea. Dr. OOX. J09 Kact lAth at. "jTitL RIHUMaTINM I'OitlTlVRl.V t UKhD -ANY A etauo of dim nee. KLMtol* LAN IMIKL'MATISM 80CI-. EfV. 2ii7 Went .'14th ct. Cure unnrann-ed. A DVRRTI.4 MKN'T.H MROKIYM) NOR MORNINQ A and evening new?pnper? at Harlem. Advertlalnir office. No. l.'M ? 3d ??.. tine'donr aoatli or l2Ath at., at aamo ratea aa at main ollirca. A I.I, DMK.ASI.-t OK MSN, WHATKVHR TIIR Araau. recent or lung ? tun ling. apacdily and perma n.-mlv eared hy bri. A, 17 Wctt I .'It h it , neariltl. nv. *e C t?K Ir.NPAMALLKLRII IN TUB ANNALS OK A-tienicina.?All the natural miner m aprlnca In Lump* e I a 11 ? ? 1111_- to cni-e Hr flu'a Itiaeaae, Uiepav and I r.fla n ut t Hon ?l the Madder were tried na well ?? Ike trentmdht o| the timet eminent "Whyel11 ana In l.nnden, Parle, Rrrlln, klel. I.M'reek, pp?, Hruaeela and New \ or*, hilt lulled to ? <nr rellei, aitkonaU Nlaeat treatment nearly a yeaa end a hail, eat cured ny the Aathel Natural .Mineral Spring W etcr in a month, and an pronnanced by the pnyat vIan, prefer* t and rhemlet Publicity not being allowed, fall pnrtlenlara wilt be given by Ut. liKATH, at gffl Bread way, N#w Yorb SPECIAL. SOTICE5. A. DISK ABES OF THIS NERVOUS FYSTEH The Importance of the nervous system, Ite power over llle anil the direct bearing which it ha* on human happl net* are thoroughly recognised ; It* u?e> aud the danger of overtaxing It. whether through in ten he mental applica tion or by the exces?lve Indulgence ol the appetite* and propensities. are proper subject* lor oouanleraiinn. When the nervoii* *rrtem I* deranged It ?? abauliitely necessary to promptly *eek advice from an expert who. tor a long aerie* of year*, ha* devoted hi* whole time and attention to this study. and a lio, from hi* experience anil practice, ha* learned to discnvor at once the cause, and a* promptly applv the remedy, thti* avoiding the p*ln*ully alow seeking for the truth *11 common to the inexperienced auil io annoy ing to th* patient, who very naturally want* to know witn ont delay what la the nuttier, the extent ot the derange ment. the probabilities ot reenperatlon and the time re quired. It the brain ha* become exhausted by Intense mental applicution. depriving it ot the power ol connected thought, it can only recover It* strength by being properly ted and nourished by the nae of certain systematic methods. It Is precisely the same with the nerves that pre-ide over organic lite. The value of thl* branch ol medical practice can scarcely bo overrated, for It reaches marriage, the perpetu ation of lamily names the securing of hereditary titles, ??id the retention of estates iu tin- same family From a long and large experience In this direction I have been able to command by my suu-ess the thankful appre ciation of some of the first families in the city and nation, ?nd 1 can commnoloete much that pertains to the over txerclse ot every department of the nervous ayatem and the means ol recovering lie powers, whether of brain, appe tite . propensity or pnsslon. HENRY A. DANIELS, M. D., 144 Lexington sr., near 29th at, HOURS?8 to 3, and 0 to 7. AbL,t,t? LL * FECIAL COMPLAINT!., MEDICaL Oil SUM Lgieal eaiely, successfully treated. Hr IIfeAllPoKD. 132 East 12th at. LL DISEASES IILOUU. SKIN AND NEMVoUh Dli no fee until cured; examination tree. Dr. FUKMA.N. 26B (trend at. EST EYE WHISKEY IN TUK WORLD, FOUR years eld, $4 per gallou. $1 par large bottle. N. VAN HKIL. ss t harabera at. ISRASEs OF KEN A SPJECIALTY. IIKNKY A. DANIELS. M. D., 141 Lexington ay., near 2tith st. Office hoars Irom 8 to 3 and tl to 7. DIVORCES SPEEDILY OBTAIN J D-TERMM SUPER Isllvely reasonable ; CONSULTATIONS tree. FRED li'Ic'k >1. KINO, Lawyer, 0 ct. Mark's place, adjoining Cooper Institute. D'r. RIOOKD'S essence of like restores manhood to the debilitated In lour woeke; fallnse lm 03 per cnsc. Sole agent. Lit. JACQUI 8, 7 Uni versity place, New York. Divorce cases attended to promptly, without publicity; consult him. ISaAC O. BOYCE, exnerienred lawyer. 319 Broadway. EPFS' COCOA KPPS' COCOA. UHATEFUL AND COMFORTlMJ. "By a thorough Knowledge ot the natural laws which govern the operations ot digestion and nutrition, and by a carelnl application of tne flue proportion uf woll selected cocoa, Mr. Kopa has provided nor breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which mnr save us many heavy doctors' bills. It Is by the Judicloua use of such srti cles of diet that a constitution may he gradually built up until strong enou.n to resist every tendency to dlseaec. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating arousd us ready te attack wherever there I* a weak peint. We may eseano many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselvee well fortified with pern blood and a p roper I r nourished frame. Clnl Service Oaxette, Sold only In tins (X lb. and 1 lb), labelled, J AXES EPPS k CD., UUMCKOI'aTHIC CHEMISTS, London, England. gSTABLISHED SEVEN I KEN YEARS. Drs. JORDAN k DAVIESON, Proprietors of GREAT EUROPEAN MUSEUM. Ibl Urgent collection In the world, 729 Choatnnt ft., Phila delphia, with to Inform tbelr patients nnd the pnblie that they mar ha cuoBdantlelly consulted.ns canal on all dl? eaeesot men, wbicb tliey hare made a apeclalty for 17 years. Their medical work. "Practical Ob*erratlous" on differ ent dlaeawa. with an "Essay on Murriage." can bo bad on rereint ot 25 cents. pontage tiampe. AOdroaa Dr?. JORDAN k DWIKSON. 1.H25 Kllhert at. Philadelphia. No connection with any moor Brin in Atnarloa aVaNa LOTTERY. ' Next drawing Jnne 28, 187S. 821 ptixea, a moon ting tn HlO.tNX) Ottawa IllgLeat prlae, 200,000 peaoa: amatleat, '?On. Aa the premium of gold la coming down lu Cuba thcae pritea are worth more every day. Scheme lor next year ton bo had by addreaalng M. A. MARTINEZ k Co.. Bankers, 10 Wall at., baaemant. Gold and liar ana Bank Bllla boaght and aold. Draft a on Havana Issued. H~1L?PH EAST INDIAN MANMCA makes the moat detlghtlol puddings. Try It. KENTUCKY DAILY: TICKET*, 81 TO 82 50: KEN" tneky Stata, Jnne 31, ticketa, $1; Koyal liavaoa, J una 28, tickets, 840 to $1; odou till ? o'clock. BULLA><D A CO., 907 Mroadway, near 20tb. L- OFFICIAL K KNTUOKY SI ATE DR A WINCH. ? na.rttJi'KT?nxTK.t cum so. 385-jcwk 17, 1878. 53, 4. 74, 14. 10, 08. fit, 8. 78. 47. 55 40, 35, 68. KKNTUOtr--CLASS HO. :??-4UHn 17. 1878. en. 27, it, tn. tn. t-i. 25. o, ?*. 70, no, .vj, n. SIMMONS k DICKINSON, Manager* ?KORUIA STATa KXTIIA CLARK HO. f'5?JUNK 17, 1*78. t2. 70. 46, 22. H. so, 31. 40. 61. 52. 2. 27, H. 08. UR0KG1A KTATB ? CLASH NO. 40H JL'NU 17, 1*78. 60 . 21, 25. 6. 9. 39, 19, 2*. 42, 71. 45. 74. 7?. K. D. EDDY k CO., Managers. Information ilren regarding the abora drawings. Aoply to CLU TEA CO., Hanker*. 200 Broadway, rear ofllee. ?BUYAL UATANA DRAWS JUNK 28 ? Capital 1'riae, 82<?>,i*?) In S|> inl-li money. Tiekata, 84<i. 820, 81o, $5, $2. 81. Single N nmner Kentucky drawa J one 29. Capital l'riae, 814,06 i. Tiekata, 91. Lonlstana Single Number drawi Jnly 9. Ticket*. 82 and fl. CLUTK k CO., Hanker-, 20 > Broadway. Louisiana statk~mitt i-.r y~com pany.-char tered by the Slate. It never soaleeor po-tpone*. Serenth Grand Dlatiibntinn at New Orleena. Julv it. 1.H37 pnt?a, amunntlng to 81 U>,400: capital prlaea, $30,0)10, $10,001), S5.n01>, Ao.; lOO.KJO tickets, two t82i dollars; halve*. one ($1, dollar. Aaply to M. A. DAL I'lUN, Post office hex 692, > aw Orlaani, La., or H. L. PLUM, 319 Broadway, New York. Louisiana draw* #uly 9 ?tickets. *2; halve", $1. Kentucky draws Jnly 1. Tirketa, 81. Dally tiekata. $1 to $2 .">0. Our private parlors, 838 Mroad way, upon trom 7 A. M. until 8 P. M. B NATHAN, 181 and 838 Broadway. J^KTIIOPOLITAN JOB PRINIINM OK PICE. 28 ANN~ ST.. DO ALL KINDS OP PRINTING FOR ALL KINDS OK BUSINESS* SUMMER EXCURSIONS AND STEAM BOAT WORK, PAMPHLET TIME TABLES. PINE WOOD KNORAVINO AND COLORED PRINTING. POSTERS, PROGRAMME* AND TICKETA LAW-CASKS. EXPnp.84 COMPANIES. STEAMBOAT, STEAMSHIP 1.15Rs AXD IULL. ROAD WORK. FIUST CL\8S WORK* AND LOW price* r<>R rash. OIVK us A TRIAL. METROPOLITAN JOB PRINTING OPPICK, 28 ANN KT. M AKBLK MANTi'.LM AND MONUMKNT8 OH K A PEE tliM mr. A. KI.aBKK. MM MM l?lli ?U. omr Ad ??. MM K.~??KOOMTK~A N I)' AMI At AN ill - hi.MM RIO Ann Magnetic Treat iu?iil enrea corpnlency; French And MtniM ap.iken 17J Hilt aar. M"~ HAThIFaN^OXBKKOANDaHSIH>ANT.MAqTkI'IC! Pliyticlnn, II heat I tit It at. ___________ EW vukC!intorioaTj~??o4k ry?aIipeoiaL m noting will l.n belli At the Library, on Tin-day even ing. Jnoa 11 nlHn'rli'tt ilo?r|? U. Moore, LL. ? r.. will read a paper entitled " I he Battle ol Monmontn and aral La i'a NnliaeiACnt Career. "0; it u YTii k k t; it f; n a rti r * TuaiHF wr a v. YOVOAN'I AFFORD I'OBIi W ITMOUTlTADAT. ONRTA ZlLKMA'H INDIAN RKMKIHKA, COM p.iiinilrd I rem ri'Ola and herlia: female waakneaa a ape eialtr; an cure no pair. .V! Meet J-4 at. MaitnaUc treat meat. It'iYAL HAVANA DRAWH JUXF JS |H7H; $M|'i.(*?) Jteilnlriheieil; capital prlaa t'i ai.OOi, Mgneat rail ? p-nl I r prima and Ifaejina Dank bllla. Addre-e all ardera to til# a nt hi ri and ngi n a, 0. tl.NDKRO A (JO.. Bankera. No I New ?t.. New York (Coft "Wen hoi S.B7BI. New aciii>me aant nn implication. (Late with M. A. Mar tinet At Jo). __________ KOTaL HAVANA LOTtRKY-NKZT HKaivino Jane SWt fniil,(MJrtl?tribnted: Capital I'rlaa, $J?a>.iioii; prlrra reahed : nrdera tilled; inhumation farniab d; highest raiea paid for Spanleli Buna Bllla. ()? errnnieata. Ac. TAYI/On it CO , Bankera, II Wall at.. New Vol*. R lYAL HAVANA DRAMA JUNK M. Cardial prlte, fJtlU.Om - paoisli m.iaejr. Tleaete, *Bi. *Jii. *10. ?7>, tJ, *1. PINOLE NilM Ball KhNTIJi k\ DMA A n JUNK 3?. Capital prlto,*l4,(Aai. Ticket*. fl. IN A Hi yt.Lr. N I NllF.R i LOUlNIANA Hlfn.Lr. NUNIiKKdrawa July 8 Ticket*. $?J and I. JACK'ON A C>?., Bankera. Hit Naaaait at., N. Y. R?DI'KA.o'.H OF MKN AKIHIM) fttmi IMPURITY ?of me hloiid. akin taint ami nrrreii- pmatralion a ape, tin tr JOHhEII lA< <Jl F.h M. D, 7 Unlveralty place, nniie hoora from H till B and tl to H. rpvVO I'kO.MIkHOKY NOTBA. (INK DATED MaY 1.1. I IH7H. at two montba, tor >udl 47, the otber May JM, 1H7H. at two uenilia, lor |dj| 47, drawn by th ? anhai rtliera. to order ol I'lielpa llnngr ,t Co., New York. Iiaelnii hecn loat or ntlacarried In tin- loalla. all peranni are berrbv ran lloncd aitalnei naiiotlailBp tiro aume. aa iliey will not be paid at maturity J. llAI.L KollltMAN A HON, toll Cherry at.. Pli|lmtelphla. T~~llK KUKOI'KAN c6NORh8H. BI'BOIaL CAllIth DhHPATCHRfl K v'KllY X 1(11 IT IN TUB hVKNIXU TKLKURAU. SPECIAL. HUTlCCiR. CCPULKS ClfifK Nliin ot S "ftr.BILff?". weakue** n.tlu ur leuiala. O'lrrular sent tree. IRVING A KLaKK.U..* 14t?. Brooklyn. N. Y. QO!^ ? KKNTIK.' K t mTA'TR, JUNK JO. C A I'l lp U I Prise, $U.(Mi. Hckris, $1. Lucky office* 1,227 Broadway. New York: 183 Mourn cue ?t.; Brooklyn. II. II. PORTER A OIL Northern Aurnts. <5*T1*iU MT I ?RuYAL SaXON Lt7trhitY. ?PZi. I JjO.O I 'r. Ducal Brouewick Lottery. Drawings in Germany every month. Kojal Havana Lottery. .June 28. New scliome now ready. Tickets. $4<>: quarter*. $10; eighths.$5; fortieths, $1. Kentucky State Lottery. Jnno 28. Whole tickets. SI. Prises ctsbed end full tulormutiou of the above sent free. J. Ll kr A Co.. Banners. 42 Mnmau ?t.. eor. l.lhertv. N. Y. I SPOKTIlti G?UUtill, M1U1>S. ?sC. OR CIIE.lP?SOME VERY HANDSOME YORK shirs and Ssye Terriers. Yorkshire Terrier and King Charles anil Pe. Puppii-t, and a pure white male Angola Cat, .Is mouths old. II. KI8TEMANN, 825 hast 34tu st. OhTTMt DOG-TliuKOUUIiLY BR'jK K. Pol .VM Oven stanch, retrieves from Innd and water; Docs honrd ed and iralncuv nought anil sold on commission ; 82 years' experience In caiiiite oiseases ; all disease* tronteu skil fully. Dr. H G_aRI>.NEU 1. 782 Kroad way._ _ THIS TURF. B" OOKs OPEN ON TrlK LONO TbkAN0H IlAMIL caps. Boston trots and other events, at No. II* West 28th si. W. LOVKLL. Long uran'cii races, comu i.ncinu Saturday. June 29, 1878. lleoas open-on the principal stakes. Programmes cau he hsd. 13 A'etl 28th St., hasemeut.l OKI DUE A CO. PKOSPnOT PARK FAIR DKOUmUd. GKAVEsKND, Kings county, N. Y.? Friday, June 21, 1878. 3 P. Si., grand trot ol the season: grand Sweepstakes and purse, free lor all horses that never heat 2:20: 80O1I entrance, $5tk) added by 1 he proprietors, all to go to the winning bor*e. Same day, purse of $100, lor all doable teams; pio to Brsi, fill) to secoud. fllii to third t.entrle* to ctoen by telegraph on or brtore Wednesday. June III, at 12 o'elocg .11., anil to he directed to the undersigned, eare George A. Powers, 580 Pnlton st., Brooklyn. N 1. AT WOOD A OO. PITTSBURG RACK A -POOLS MOLD AT iw HUDSON si., tiohoken. KELLY A BLISS. PI ITKUUUti RACES.?BOOK OPJF AT 1.1 IV i-.MT 28th st. if LLY A Bl.ISS" rpitoTS at BEACvIN park, Tuesday. wkdnes A day, Tburaduy and Friday. Auction Pools sold every day at TAT TKllSALL'S, Otto Cottage. Hobos oil. UOK.SE?, CAHltlAOES. AC. AtftfflON HOUSE OF VaST rAeTsktL .i It&AkltKf, AlU AN 0 112 EAST 13TH ST., NKaR 4TI1 AV. REGULAR BA1.B8 op horses and carriasbs EVERY TUESDAY i.ND FRIDAY. On every horse tluit Is warranted sound or Kind end true in harness from one to three days are given to teet warrantees. catalogue op this d'atw (tuesdaT) bale AT 10 O'CLOCK. ELEGANT FAMILY ESTABLISHMENT. pair very fine and extra stylish iiayobld INGS. hand* high, 8 and 7 year* old; prompt, pleasant driver*; have extraordinary flue high kino action; do not shy or pull: ara remarkably handsome ; lain fur the uinat timid driver; can road lOinllea au honr: are rugged and hardy in constitution; are line single drirera, and ara ararranted sound and kind and true in all harness. net Que Unable Unrneea, made In Parle. VERY HANDSOME CABRIOLET. WITH COLLIN<1 K aXLK, lined with French morocco; 1h almoat equal to new; built oy POlTil AS.oN , oi PARIS. BAY TKOTriNti GELiHNG, l&X HANKS HIGH. 7 yean old; a aery superior roadater; ean trot Iu2;45 or better to-tiay; la finely gaited; haa great bottom and endurance, la not alraid el locomotive! and ia warranted kind aud true In alt barnea*. Single Hei ne** and TOPj m Ufc. BAR ROAD WAGON. CURhTNIil' TROTTING MARK. 15J<.IIaNDS HIGH, 8 tvara old; an aaay, pleaaaut driver; can trot better than three minntea any day; line pole mare; war ranted kiuu aad true la all harneaa VERY HANDSOME Bay PONY, lit HANDS HIGH. 0 years old; perfectly aale lor children to ride or drive; la afraid of nothing; one of the haudaoim-ai and meat reliable pontea in the city; warranted aound aud kind and true in all harneaa Single Harneaa aud NO top basket phakion on g springs. THE THOROUGHBRED CHESTNUT STALLION KIL UAKi.. formerly MILNEK, by LEAY1INoTuN. BAY mare, i;.;. hands high, u years oi.D; a Iree, handy driver, not alraid ol cars, wall b.uken to aaddie: a aaie family mare, an all day traveller;' warranted kind and true in nil harneaa. WHII'e GELDING, lo% IIANDS HIGH. 10 veara old; haa been used bv a lady. Is well accustomed to care, haa go->d style and actlou, a shnrp traveller; war ranted kind and true in all harneaa. BORKeL HORSE. l!>% HANDS HIGH, I) YEARS OLD; a pleaaaut driver; een trot better than tnree roin utoa; hee nnuaual powers of endurattee, endle war ranted rouud and kind una true in all harneee. 'I'U libUsh AN EST a TE. ELEGANT BAROUCHE ON H SPRINGS, LANDAU and PAKA perfect order. BROWN MOKKK, !?'.?< IUNDS HIGH, 8 year*eld; e good worker; warrinted kind and true In all barer**. BAY ?(A,tr\ sired by THUMaS J e.PPEUSON, 15 hsnue high, 0 year* old; fine driver; a mare or extraordi nary endurance; can tret la 2:4!>; an axtra pole marc; wairanted klud and true lu all harneee. HANI) SUM i. BLOCKY BUILT BLaCK MARK, Idtf hand* high, 7 years old: a cafe and reliable mure ler ladies'naa; net.?alraid of anything; good traveller; warranted kind and true lo all hameaa. ?sky handsome bay pony, ia>i hands high, 7 yrara old; a good Iree driver; feat trove I ler; excellent aaddie pony; has been uaed by a boy to ride end anre; warrnutedklnd end true in ell harneaa single llarnesa and NO TOP PONY PHAETON. Dark CHESTNUT HOKsH.16 HANDS HIGH.T year* old: good,atylifh, bandy driver; good traveller: not alraid ol anything; Ural class lamily horee; war ranted kind and true in . 11 harneee. coupe llaruees coupf/rockaway. IN GOOD ORDER BAY HORSE. 15* HANDS HIGH, 7 YEARS OLD* e prompt driver; run trot eloae to 3 minute*; stand* without tyiug; warranted kind and true in all har neee BAY -MARK. 1.13b HANDS HIGH. 8 year* old; e free, handy driver; not afraid ot elevated railroad or any thing ; a fine lamily mere; good roadater; warranted kind and true in all harneaa. BAY IIORSK. Vtfi ipat.NDS HIGH. 9 yean old; a good, Iree driver; not afraid ol anything; thnrp traveller; aafe lor a lady or eiiild to rids or Urtvo; warrant,id kind aud tnte in nil harneee. BAY house. Ill HANDS HIGH. 8 year* old: a very eiylieh driver; faat traveller; aale aad reliable every wav; warranted kind and true lu all baraea*. VERY sIYLImi BaY IIANBLBTOMaN GELDING. 153b hanos high. 8 years old: has extra fine style and actiun; a prompt and easy driver: not afraid of 1 co motives or anything; haa uovar been traiaed, hat een show a 2 : Hi g .it lo-dar; la sale lor the most tluilil driver, and la warranted eoaud aad kind end true in nil harneaa. BBOYV.N TROTTING MARK, aired by HTIUN ALLEN; hand* high. H year* old; a prompt driver: very faat walker; ean trot lu - Is safe lor laoies'use, ami Is wairuated aoand aad alud aad <ruu la all harnea*. BAY TROTTING MAKE, aired by UAMBLKTONIaN, l.'>3b hands high. H year* oiu; can be driven oy e tody: net elraid ol care; con trot in 2:4.~>:ba* greet endur ance and it warranted kind end trae in all harneaa. Single Harneaa and TOP P11.L SPRING WAGON. LIGHT CLARENCE, MOROCCO LINING, la drat elaea order, built by Wood BriMhara; two Ceupe Kock awaya; riiinai n top Phaeton; no tap Road Wagon by Dunseiibarr A Nelson ; top Phaetou on C springe. Thirty qew aad acona band top fall spring and alu* bar KoLi V> agona; two lsandnua, two Bretis eight top Pbaetoas. Over fifty seta Double and Single Har neaa. Blaakete. Kobe*. Ac. SALE COMMENCES AT TEN O'CLOCK. A?THitHh llo link" ; SUIT K Alt VI .NO, TKL'CKINU, ,>n; bmlmtiDH; Mto (mail pet Pony. 153 .South 5th nr. _ _ _ _ AIXhAMK AMI slGK HOilHhM OUftltO PKKK OK rhnrg" ?41l1et' Liniment lodld ? of Atornvniu (yellow wrapper*) ;oparli>. ?plint> ringbone, shoulder lameneta. Solid peetal card l?r pamphlet. Trial (lie. 25 rente i>r. OILkn. lit) Went Broadway, New York. A" l.h \T1Ip7uTO? ThTbtTTTo*" jitS6,.OOOI ptoT; in good order; great redaction In pncea ol nnmnier barriirn HAM, B50 Breanwey. AsToMSII IMi ICAKUAlASI-No KKABOAARI.K cnnh otfrrn relnaed; elegnnt. light, Retention top Piiae ton Peata font,, Brew.irr .pring lop Wagon, top Bony lull tprit.g l'p Wagon, ftne llarnmnen ; all Bear!/ new Inquire kuSmihuK .Sublet, 247 Went dint el. lACKirtUL.-ONh NhW IOP POKY PII iKTON, two lop Side rtnr Wngonr, Beet city mnkert. mint l>o en Id. OIKAKt <WTHl R*. lit \v eat 2Mb it. TfOK A ALU, BROWN HOrtAk, IS# IIANHM tlilgli. warranted eonnil vid kind; iImi top Phaeton, With Harnett and RPbea; will bO tola leptrately. Inquire at etanle* 9UB Wuet L l nt. ?$225.?TWO-rtkAThD hXTKNSlOX TOP PIIAK _ .tou. Pule and rthalt?; enat $<20 tliier raomiit ago; in Bmt cle?? order; alto handtome top Buggy and line Single 10 HI W? A ?d trouble Harnett, eery low. ntable 14* Wret ISlh el. AMkVkR II OKA I??, HUH ANY HCSINbHA: WAUOX ?and llarneta cheap. I V.) and Ifll Crush/ at., near liUerkar el. -jthackTui.kiks.TiT-w.L~WKYTiiTN. or Vs. ?oqiialled form. Uni.n unit qon ity. hKKW .nTi.R A GO., Broom.. M? Bronuway. 47th to 4*tli tt A TRY OUR PATkNT UUfcKAFrk"WHI ? rant-d not to break lama a lar.n eeaortment of Rug llah Holly, Malacca and Wlialehohe iVbipt. OhO. I' OVKlilN. So. 4 itatl II out ton at. A -POR BALK. TOUR MORAL*, SUIT PA KM I.Ml, .grocery ui trucking; mnti be tu'd ; trial glrrn. Inquire 107 More, r at., near lllr?rkar. A -10 Hl'KINKSH A*T> PKI.1VKRY WAOONS, ?alt t, $.,u to $125; now. aeeoud band l\ ng in fur eg' pre a. grocer, bnlclirr, baker, inila. linpot, JRSi spring tl? A HUkWRTKR SPKIMi SIHVTINU TOP WaohX, J\Unntooiiin Harm-it, trip I'niir t'haeton; all little iiteil and eeiy rheep. 50 l-.nll 11 -1 el. "a pi sh RtJfllNKsA, PAJULY OR CA RRI aoR, ApOUHk. (0?nd, lAJt handt, $150; tnpeiior, n.ari? new. ion Buggy <IA>. tlu?le llarnuM, $Ro. 12 i nai ISili at., near Broadway. AflSn TOP HKKWHTKR IMPROVI I) 1IIJOOY. WITH Un? Harnett, Blanket, l.ap Kobe and Whip llandt,una top I'liaetoii cheap. Apply to Coachman, ttabie, Nn. I Met! 15th It., near 511. nr. A" CiTmPI.kTr Pa Ml LY TURNOUT CH BAP,?Pair of bar lionet, tnliabia I if lad)'a a to, 15# lnmli, l) yrart old, trinnn and kind : a light egt.-n lull tup I'hariun, Mate 4 per tribe, ? ith Polo mid shelit; top Pony Phaeton, tine Lunula nod Single llarneet; alto Cuupe llarneta; nil ally lunde, in llrat cuita order; will teli .euarnto Inquire el Mr. U . prlrata et.ih'e 2us l.att 2l>th at. near Bd or AC a Rh I inwi <>K A i.l. KINObT-ToP MlTuTTlhiL ,$s.i; pony Phaeton*. SHJU) light retention top I'erk 1'lin. toot, $125, and otlier tinea, ell my awn nitsr, at ?Baiiaineiorert, .irlcet ntid warranted. Oltl'Bk. Ural Canal. "k -MUSI BBSOLD; Ml OPPi.K KKPLaKII; BRKW . 1 t?ti r 1'np IVagnn, lop Puny I'hactnu, IIarnctt and latl Road llortn; art liret elait. (nil aeperntcly. Sn 142 Wett ;)7tli at. t r sackiph h. pony piianton, $?io. Dkpof j\ Nl'agon, $7.i; Doctor's phaeton, $175; ting.a (eat Read Wagon. $7 >. At Pat-Wry, 145 Weti 2*th at. Till roRI ,. POUR A.sO SH A pI S. Puk B Light and in good order; prion, $175. SIIBKWOOLPB (tablet, 1M Baal 41.1 el. HOUSKS. 14 Kltl AUKN. At. A UCTION Ho. S hfu ?"~AK(TS7 .Iohns'tON, 10. 21. 21 and 25 IMIh ?t, hear University place. OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MONT RELIABLE HOUSE IN THE CITY. REGULAR SALES ok HOUSES AND CARRIAGES EVERY TUESDAY aJ*D FRIDAY AT 10 O'CLOCK. 24 hour*' to throe days' trial ou hones warranted sound. THIS DAY (TU RSDAYj, AT 10 O'CLOCK. ELEGANT BAY COUPE OR CARRIAGE HOR8B. 10 hand., tt .wears old; kind In all harness; Iroo from vice: unusually stylish anil handsome; a Rood, Iran traveller; not afraid ot anything; liaa been used by present oaruar for putt year., and warranted sound. ELEGANT EXTENSION TOP I'llAETON. LIGHT. ELhWA.NT CLARENCE, bv Brewster, of 25th at. M iNDSOMK BLACK MARE:, l.'GJ lianda, ? years old; kind In all harness in.I under saddle; free Irom vice ; a ttmi class lamtly mare; In everyway reliable. And warranted sound Ellin i VlCTo.ii ?, by Qnlinby. CIIRYSTAL CAB, Hole need. RLBGAM H\Y MARK, r>H hande. ? yaara old. can trot a nule inaldu :i minutes; .in all nay great endurance, without a lauit or trick of any kind; a Ural el> ?( road or lannly borao, .and war ranted aonnd, kind and true. SIIVKltd road Wagon. In good order. HUST CLASs SI.TEKEV. by Caffory. ELEGANT SORREL COUPE HORriE, 16 hands, 8 years old ; has been used ? bird In a loam ; la in every respect a Brat clues lamlly borse. aud warranted aouud, kind aud I rue. TWO DOC ICR'S PHAETONS, r od order. PONY ESTABLISHMENT? Hey Pony liorse, 15 handa. II yours old; lias usrn need by a lady to rlun aud dure; a brat class family pom. In eyery w..y reliable 2 and warranted * TOP PUNY I'll AETON. nearly new. EX IOP PHAETON, lebllier lined. MPLEN DID NORMAN TRl'CK HORSE. 1(1 bands, 0 years old; weighs ! ,4<X) pounds; can pnll two tors'; la In every way reliable, aud warranted aouud. kind ana trne. THREE. PARK PHAETONS, beat city inakera. FIRST CLASS DELIVERY WAGON, by seaman. Mahogany hay family horse, is'i bauds. 7 years old', ha- been used by present owner lor past tiro years; Is In avery respect a Brat claaa family liorse and wuiranted sound, kind and true. EOUK CL!r.s. elty builoera. SEVEN TOP PONY PIlAKTUNS and WAGONS to pay advances mid charges. TWENTY OTHER HORSES. FULL ASSO li i MKNT of every kind of CARRIAGE. tyaguN. harness. a?. WEATHER Dover Interferes with onr SALE AT 10 OHTLOcK. UCTlON S iLE, AiCflON sALK, TOMORROW (WEDNESDAY), JUNE 18. AT 11 O'CLOCK. OK THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OK THE PRIVATE STABLE 217 EAST 3ITU ST.. NEAR 3D AV? INCLUDING 4 HORSES, ELEGANT CARRIAGES, HARNESS, AC., including the last and nandaoine brown Trotting Gelding Mystic. 15 21a hand., 7 years; irui by Rail's Mamlirino Pl ot, by Muuibriho Chief, by Mutnbrino Paymaster, by Mauihciuo; dam uy Cassias M. Clay; Myaiie can always ? beat 2 ?U) on track or road ; trotted at Point Creese track 2:20 and on Netick tr ck In 2 37; he Is a perfect roadster and warranted souiid and kind May Gelding, M years old, 111 high, up t by Flying Cloud, Jr., Mel dam by Casslits .M. Clay. Jr., second iluut Tlior qugbbvest; ibis is an elegant comulued saddle aud linrness horse :w ub three weeks' handling would neat three lulu ?ilea; has a splendid way ol g"ing; is a perieet family bursa and warranted sound and kind. Bay' Gelding, got by Allen C. Patehen, by Ueorire M. PatellCn ; first dam by Irnu Duke (son ot Ryadyk's Humble tn'niaal, second daiu by Alexander's Bar Chief isire of Rica Waves), by Mambrlnn ; a very square Mid Bnely galled borse; enn beat 2:4(1; is warranted sound and kind. Bay tieldii g llarry Yonug, I5*>* hands high; got by Young Coin tabus (Smith's), sire ol Harry Hurler, Myron Perry and many others ol the lastesi In tbe coastry ; Brat dam by Dauiei Lambert, son of Kiliau Allen, seroud dam by RoenMlng's Ab.iallab; a most elegant and One appearing borae, gaited like a piece ol machinery and caa heal 2:30 ou traek and warranted sound and kind. Also extension top Pack Phaeton (pole and shafta). top Posy Phaeton, one top Ro d Wagon, Single and Double Harness. Blankets, Robes, Ac. N. B.-STOCK SOW ON EXHIBITION. A-CHAKLKS W. BAHKKK. AUUTIUH^KH. ? BLKftANT PRIVATi. Kstablishm<-ut At Action to morrow, Wednesday, Jnne 10, At II o'clock. At BAKKKK k sOtj'S Now York Tattersal's, corner of Broadway and 90th OA. comprising a rrry handsome pair of dark buy. Geldings. ll>% high, 0 ami 7 yoara old ; Hue, stylish drlvrri and gr?*t roadatora; w.irrantrd round and kind; mugnlfl rout B-seet ratio lined Coupe Kockaway, nearly now; BlIvor Mounted IInuble llanioat. In hue order, ly Wood Uib?on. The whole to he told without rerorvo on teconiit of family's Immediate dOpai tore for hurona. Now on view. ^WILLIAM tl. BiNKY. BIT L. B. ?SIN KY.?Seventh regular trado aala thla duy. com mencing 1"J? o'clock. Ilarncaa. ail klnaa. new and aecond hand; (sheets. Sweata, Koio-a, Laps, Brnahea, Bits, Hniciu glea. Whlpa. Ac. The trane Invited. ?8r,CO.ND HaND CaK ltlAOr.s. Light Ltntan, with light wheelo, Wooda' make; Landan let, with hign and light wheels, annie make; Brett, quite light and low price, lor livery nre Kockaway lor rig per sona, for conntry, a bargain; Brewrter A Co. Wagons, with rnhbor enrhion axles; Windsor Wagons, with vertical ?tool plain ax lee. J. R. BKKW-?TRR k CO., ol 25th at B ABTYLIi-H FAKK PIIAfcTON. PONY AMI II.AK nets complete; clone Conch, Clarence, Coupo, Ixjiresa W agon, ail la good order, and will be sold cheap.- 119 West S3 I at., i ear Broadway. -HAVING BOLD MY HOKH.-.N 1 WILL HKLL THR ?following cheap for cash, all were built for my own nre: Militia,- leather extenaion top Phaeton, rnrr light, seats lonr persona, Pole and Shafts; Single and Double Harnett to match; also the finest Pony Phaeton In tula city, gold plated Harness to match; also leather shifting top Wlilteenapel Waron. Inquire lor Mr. Cornell's prop erty, prival# stable 114 West 97th St., nearflthav. No reason able offer re (used. O KKAT U A KG AIN -ON H OK TH K HANOSOMKsT light Kockaway Carnages In Ilia eity; also ons shilling so hi Depot Wagon and top pony Ptiaetnn, Single and Dnnhle llarnaas; all In Ana order and oity made. PAL fcTTK'CLLB. 156 East 9tlth at. AFIN h SIHRHA It TOP WAOoK, ONLY RUN TWO monthe. fl 10 6 West 13th at. Y ULLsANft k CO..AUCTIOMK RIIS. Rale nl 21 a I rhlluren'a carriages. Tilts DAY, at 11 o'eiock A. M? at corner 5th av. and 14th at., comprising largo assortment of chil Iran's Phaeton Carriages. In different upholstery. In lots to auit purchasers, without reserve BA RGAIM -1M M K DI AT K L Y-THh HAN DR< >M KsT family Turnout In the State ; brown Tlorsa, 15*^ hands, ?> yoara old, sound and Kind; ono llgnt hung low extension ton Park Phaeton, seats 4, nearly new. With Harness to match. l.Vt Kaat 2<itli at. RKWSTKR, OK BkOOMK ST.?Th KfcK-qU AKTKR seat Itoad Wagon; due harness; splendid order; offer wanted. 217 West 41st at. C~THARLKH w bakkak. auctions ~r M' KKAT POSI-TIVK sal ot T llOltol'OII 11 : KDS to morrow (Wednradav), ions 19, at 11 o'elntk, at Barker k Son's Now Vork Tattoraall's corner of Broadway and 39lh st.. as follows OAK LKaK?Bay mare, foaled IHrtfl, by Oakland, dam Lelsare. by Ked Bra; In loal to Harry Bassott. SISIBK TO MILNBll? Chestnut filly, 3 years old, by Imp. Leamington, dam by Lexington; la foal to Harry Bast ot I. kKoWN COLT, 2 years aid, by Uarry Sannelt, dam Oak Bnd, by Asteroid. BKoWN KILLY. 2 yoare old, bja liarry Baoaott, dam Avundaie, by Imp. Leanilngton. HAY KILLY. 2 years old, bv liarry Haseott, dam Fiear Ange, by imp. Leamington. OftksTN iTl" FILLY, yearling, by Harry Raaaett, dam Msry Buckler, by imp. Leamington, CIIRSTNUT KILLY, yearling, by Harry Basaolt, dam He a Bird, by Blarkblrd. A VONOALh?Brown mare, d years old, by Imp. Leam ington. dam rtarat B.: In foal to Harry Hassett. ALL To BR seen and examined to-day C5ARKI AOKS, llAltNhsN, Sll .KTs, LAC Dl'SThflS. 7 blanket*. Ac.; I'h*'torn. Hnssi> a. Ilockawaya. Depot and Jnmp rrat Wacuoa, axlenajou and hall-top I'hoetooa. Homo an.bUv aura, from f.Vi upward: IIarneaa, Inmirna* aaeortment, from *?? 40, .-tan t for illustrated rataiopue. JOHN MOORS,. i>7 Warren at. t-1AK KLAOR*^OAl7vIN W I fTY rt COMMISSION CAR friaf* W ararunnn. I Ml South ith af>; repair abopa U Hatnuth arM hronalyn. C~ tAHRIAUKA.-ftoftHK. ToP llTTl'' iT W.VOON HAR 7 neat Ar., compl-te, tlic property "f a ronllenian ha vine no larther aw for thorn Apply HALTI.N IV1TTY., Carriage Waromonaa. IM Aontb Ilk a*. rVwLIdfWh LONDON WHIPS, \J lor which wo ara nolo agenta in United State*. Sour nuree. Tan 4am. Maria nod pair horaa. RRRWS Kit A l)0.,er Hr?na*li, Broadway. 47th ?sd 4?th ata. D-SROOND HAND UAKItlAUKH. ? Victoria. I Coup* Itorkaway. * at. loiat. I si* acat norkaway. Soar I'haeien. I Si* anal Phaeton. Landau. I < h riot, ft *?a * oaeh. .Tillrury. TC?r| I lhip Cart. Tep W'airon, foil aprlBga. I Top it aroo, aide bar*. All In tin* order and or *?!?? cheap BlvOW N A PRAT, ??ill ?r an ) I4lfi ?k L'OR IALk>rW? RAY HOMIS, ABOUT IB IARDR " row rid and kind: one atop* a f ity gait, lor the other will ahow lor fl.MRi. Apply te'JOllN II. il AKTIN, p|e>p**l park Traea. itdoK HAbK?"NiNK llOob TOUNU WORK ihiKsS.H JP lor lal* cheap and threw top Hlnpea 4l?T WPH AM at. l-tTIR sALK?*?"ToS NO SHOM INDIANA, r ?uiiaht* lor all work: all anuttd 123 Norfrrlk ?t. VI It V I i AN r.SO tl R St I hS I N tTr~HOR?K, I; miund, kind, not alrnld it loronio Hth at. LOIR NALK?HPbRjuFfiT]PA f? ToaD OR O.vilKIAUK r lleraea; round gentle anil apecily. Adurpaa TliOMP HON. Ilerald aBH. tsiilT HALK?A IIK AUTTPiTl "bHOWB HORAK, IS r linnila: Lota In It mlnntea; atanda w it hoot lylnr; round end kind: 7v?arenld. drlva nndor elcratad road, film rlir made Wagon and Sinn'' llarnaaa, nearly new; will lie a.dd at a bargain. aa owner la pone away. I all'at atahla IH4 Wi rt 4Mlh at __________ tTirt SAI K TilllKK f.OOIt WORK ttORltJUl, 0 AND 7 y art; toll any nnalneaaj meat aell; warRlnted. Ml Waanlnirton atroet. TTmhi sai.k?I'll it: R OuOD wiTiTinfoRSKs, i?n aQ r count going out of Itnaineta ; price, AND, S.V), $70; mnat be aold. Apply M I.AlaTrtie pin e. t,TOR SAI.K CH K A P-THRRK HORHKaTacTt KaKXKR f or eay bualnaaa. 107 llth at., near 4th ?r. .tint SAI.K OIIKAP-I.RaVi -O K lldltsfc, A jraara. inhandt; warranted '.'It* Waal l"th at. On BALK?VARY II F 15)4; Iron In ll'tl! tiro. Biibi. M7 Waal '.II F T.MIK SAI.K CM RAP HANDpOWK BUCK NAKR, r I handa high; > tillable for I nlv and rlmdren or any lltrlit work. :tJ Walker aw, third Hour, or n .4 Oreeu? ay., Brooklyn. hOiR SAL* TRMY tlllr.AP'(K)OD.'mOURU HORsK| olca top tt'apia and llameaa. IWt ay. A. b'TlkB R..RW11TRh Vhr' Bi Tl..V ; I'ltcK LOW. CALL to-day, strtrape iSraltli A SI I'ai, 75(1 Ath a*. / i KNtl.KM AN's RAV SADOI.R fit7ftAR; W i I T. VThrekcii to iiaroeaa, enay (oiler. 1 V I hlah, tt reara old; wiirrnoted anand and alnd IU Wan H7th at. G ? RANI* KArSI/K lo-O tY OR.MaHk HIIOTIfL. CRN .Tirol arenne; nrht Road IVanm ; tmm :t to rt P. M. nOHHK. I.I.I 11 r TOP RLS1N K-s WAOON AND llarnaaa, SI IU: lleraea and lap Bnguy at hall value. 167 W eat lAth at. H HOU.SK!!, CAllRIAGEk. iW. X8W0PC?TII K' jHrnpRi ktur ot~WK~ cmWaP ntt hitrnRtK Ntori' In New York hu itnovRd Irom liar si. to 1.W Chambers st, where tie selling Happy Harness. $7 50; Unicoi r or Milkmen's Harness. f- ?; Track " k Harness. Single or Doniile, $ A; llid linrnru. 873; L _ . . in.' Saddle, $4; Hiding Hridle. $1 SO; Stable Blanket. <5?. i'lea-e call nil examine for yourselves. ivICIlARD PMHKK. 1.78 Chambers tl. MAlil S KEPT. $50 A YKAIl; Kt RVli KS KaOINO or iri'llln. stallinna Ires: eo? and oolta, $30. Addrsai oKA&lKK. link IK* Herald Uptown (idle*. Nil OPFKK It HTsKa-HANOslMK TOP PONY Phaeton, Improved side bar top Bu;rr sad lino Hsr u.s>; little uftod- Ml Vft est lOtn ii. s ECOND HAND UARKlAGhS. 2 Curtain Conchas. 5 I'onpe Koekswaya. .'I Clarences. 2 Curtain lioekawava. 1 Glass Iront Landau. 4 IIall Inp Phaeton*. 1 Brougham. 2 Rtaabnps Puaetens. 4 Coupe* 2 I'oin Pnseioua. a i.unJuulets. 1 Surrey Carl. 2 Grand \ ictoriaa. 2 Depot W lemt 4 Sis passenger itockaways. 2 Extension Top IVntom. 2.7 Brewster A Cn'i standard \! an, n-. A. S. Fi.aNDKAU A CO..372 and 374 Brooms st. SiBOOND HAND CARRIAGES AT BARGAINS ? jLlgb't Landau. lircts snd Phaetons. cla?* Iront i.mdsu, lire piaftft Landau*, new Conpeft. J'l I N . Y'S, 4M0 ltd as. TOI* PnNY PHAETON. FINK II aKNKSS A.nD BL Oiv Hear Kobeg$lG7; coat laet winter $.'2.7; also lamily Horse, young, hound and klud, 13>, bands; very low. 144 Went I sib st. T IU RUKOPKAN CIINOKKS.S HI'LClAL CABLK DKSPATCIIB8 KVUKY NIOlIT IN THE EVENING TELKORAM. TO ART. BY WOOD ilm. $260; sTANHOPB 1'baeton. by Stlror*. $2.70; do. by Wood Bros.. $1.70; curtain Coach, $2.70; Clarence. $17-7; I) passenger Platform Wagiiu, $140; li neal Phaolon. *7-7; Barouche, S7.7; 4-seat Phaeton, $.M>; Corbrtt Cauriolet, C60; Tap Wagon. ?0.7; do.,$7.7; I-passenger liock mar. $85 : Skeleton Wag-m. $70; Bulky, $40; do., $30; Single llarnesn, $lo; Dounie, $1.7 up. W. II. OKAY, 20 and 22 Woouter ?t. T/'aLUABLK JW11 LACK 14 HANDS HIOH CaNA t illnu Stallion, rary handsome ; free driver; $7.7. Ho New Chambers YILLAi.K CARTS. SHELL GIGS AND Mfft lATUrtK I'haetont, for pony; ladles' Phaetons, panel and basket bodies, leather and canopy tops in all styles, with suttabio Harness lor same, at priors to suit the limes. W II GR\Y, 20 and 22 Wouster St, Wanted?to buy a light txpi<esh oh di IIvery Wagon, similar to -dams Express Company; cash Wnirons. Apply WaTEUS, 157 Chamber* *t. w ANTED-A PET PONY and RIO FOR fill I.LUKEN. .duet bo perfectly pontic anil tree from all tricks. Also pood llorsi Harness and Concord exprssa Wagon. Ad ess COUNTRYMAN, Herald office. WANTED?A VICTORIA OK CANDA0LKT; MU-T be in pood oroer and cheap; wonld hire lor stnnmor months, Aduress A. J. S , HiHWrst 53.1 st. 5 CHEAP HORSES, MUTABLE POR ANY BUH1 ners, at 410 West 30th St. Must bo sold. n r GOOD WORK MOItSKS?50 YOUNG MULES, I rJhall value, sent Trout Pennsylvania; must be sold. 520 West 24th $110 ?KLKUANT BREWHTKRIMPROVED SPRING ?Koad Wapen, scarcely soiled. HAKKt-.K'.S, ituth at. and Broadway. (PO/WI WILL BUY THE MOST sTYLISU AND <J>s?Uv'best drlrlnp black Coune Uorse In tha city ; Ill's hands, warranted sound and kind; trial given. 219 West 46th st. _____ 011 If GOODS. _ -A.?Large and important purcha'sk op SUITS an.I CLOAKS. J. t C. /OHN8TOX, . Broadway, *tu sr. and 23d it., will commence this ili<y the sale of war 950,000 worth of made up Onrraentn, the wholoaalo (took of (?aaafaetarar and importer. The prleee ot I bo mado-op garments will he lew than the coat of the materials. 700 Children's linen Rnlte. hoc., worth $2. H8U Ladles' Overdrcaaea .ml Kaaqnea, 60c., worth 91 35. l..K?> Cuaiuniea. from $1 to 920. 2,"H9 eamorle Wrapprra, Sue.: worth $1 25. 150 iloaen percale ? yatipera, with llonaco. 75c. 1,000 eamorle Hreakta-l Dreaaea, f 1 85: worth N 50. 1,000 tine linen Hulta (3 pieced. (13; worth 97 50. 1*150 ladiea' Walklnr Coatnmea, made of seasonable fabrics, and oopteaof expensive French model dreaaoa, at 94, 85, 93.97. 93, *1". $12. 815, 918 and9*0. BACKS, MANTLES. VlCHUB AND CLOAKS, 7 eaeea drap d'ete Maeka, 84; worth 9R. M caaea illational cloth naeaa, #5; worth 913 3 eaaea atlk and cashmere Klchiu. 80 and apward. Hare norelttea In ladiea' aad mlaaea' white Co at a met of light enmmer materials. ALWAYS ON HAND, a ehaata and choice eeleetlon nl white Ureaaea, In nil 1 lor stmol exhibition# and eonilrmatlon pnrpoaet. at tremeij low prlcea. - A beautiful collection ol black material Dreeaae and rrlnceaa Itobaa. taalilnnahly made lapm naw fabrics, aulta bie lor thoae who wear black trum ehalee. LADIES' FCRNIBHINH DEPARTMENT. ISu doaea ladiea' plain Chemlaoa. 25 eenta: reduced from 50 eenta. 125doaeo ladiea' tncknd aad trlmmad ( Uemla. a, 28 eenta; rednced from 45 conta 250 daaaa ladiea' tacked Drawers, 20 ernte; reduced from 35 naata 1SS doten ladiea' rallied and looked Drawers, 85 eenta; reducedIrura 60 eenta 200 doe*n tucked Hklrts, 38 coats; redaccd from SO eenta 157 doaen ladiea' Nlxbt Dresses. SO cents; reduced froas SO oenta Ladles' Dressing Saequea, 75 oenta and up. Children's plqnf Cloaks, rery cheap. SHAWL DEPARTMENT. 500 Shetland shawls. M5c.. 81, 81 3.">. 81 SO. striped hhawla from 84 50 to 97. 375 bonreUs SO LLAMA Lack H HAW La, 94; 45 LLAMA LACE 8ACQCBS. 93; 20 LLAMA LACE RAOQUK4, 94; 34 LLAMA LaCE HACQCSS, |5; 18 LLAMA LACK HaCQOKS. 97; teraaerlj sold at 915. fermerlr cold at $18. formerly sold at 93a formerly sold as 82S. formerly sold as 82S. MILL1NKRY DEPARTMENT. 44 eases Beimela trlminod. from 92 5fl upward. 28 caaea Hound Hale, trimmed, Ironi 9U upward. 60 caaea Lee-horn Flats, SO cents and apward. 10U caars Children's riallnr llala, 25 esnta aad upward. 25 caaea French white Chips, flue quality, 9l. HI) caaea French ? hips, blaek, all new ahapea, 75 eenta. 30 earloaa blaek Ostrleh lips, three In a bunch, 80 cents and upward. 2(JO cartons Froneh Flowers, la elnatern, 30 eaata and ap ward. 30 cartons irrns train Rash Rlbbea, 7 Inch. 50 cants. A magnificent assortment of other Millinery Uoods as prleea less than slsewbara. rimk department. Ladles' fine nobble post BOO f3. untlon betas worked, box toea. 83 50: reuaeed from 83. Ladiea' kid fox. battue boles wurksd. Preach heals, 92 SO; redaeed from 93 50. InUnts' flnest quality pink aad Moe button Rhoas, 91; reduced from 91 25. We raaxe e specialty ef ladles' band mode Kpaniah arched lnatep Hoeti, the Saaat produced, the priraa of which at warrant ta ha $1 leas than asked elsewhere. BOTH' RHIT "DEPARTMENT. Relief Suits, bine and (ray flannel, 92 50; worth #4. School flnlta. all wool, F3 75 ta MO. Casalmnra Sulla, 83 to 910. liova' \ralma, llatt, Oapt and Straw Uati. halts mads 10 order ..t (hurt notice. Ramplee of dry roods sent gralnftonaty So nil parts ef the eonntry on application, thae aaanllar ent-oMuwa parties to make tbetr parchasas la .Sew l ark aa aatvaatageuawy as reelueiite u( the city. 1. * O. JOHNFTOK, HltftAT Kl llUCll 'N. flantlmnan'i Root* and Nhona. Dm*. iNinbli' ?(?, t;?m Kiili.iitlifratwl Ox lord 1l??. Ac., at $.1 "I and upward. I.adlra' till" Mutton Monti. #S .Vl. Rl Klin $4 and $:>. Hi BKOOK*', I.1HR Broadway, aoraar J.iyi at JIlLlinUttV v\l? OAM?MAKIR<.. Ci hk i.acY, h?3x tilto V'liw \ Y, iafTs'f.TTd ./.arlllng olttha mn>l axqolallr Shapaa la Bonnala, Miada l! Hill itunnd Hull, Bfafdltfl nf coal. iiWi'iii crio.v I 11.^ 1 lit V> m Itr.t , ^7xIRm ?kKRRf <Ti>, 'afiltTPi IflCT w kit ./Yin*, tprllin*; aamnar tnrma rrdu-d naarijr oaa-nalf. I* \ I K i, i>2 Huaarr , up to wn. la i7 Hmodwo?. APKOYKBTANT KKKNI II LtDY It i-.HI II KB A PllMa tlun aa foyaraaaa. Addrraa TKACIIKHH' lit ItK A U. 0? w rat .l.'iiU at. MIBB MARY K It A HT, OP KAKMIMItON. IMiMN ant haa boon Inn* and anrrta?fnll> oreupiod with tha tart and laatrtirtlon of cltlldrnn, daairaa iw ramlro Into liar lomlly lira or alx clilldrnn andar 12 jn?n ol tur Parattta koIiik abroad may aofnly run (Ida tbrlr rlillnrau to hrr r?ra. T.rttnanl Inquiry may ha addreaood althar io tliaa llart or to hrr Irlaml. MlaaHnrah Purtar, Karinlnirton. l oan lyata famlllra or at l*rotr?aor'a rratnanr* hr B <IA KhAI , lormarly .Boylatrata, mrmhor 01 tha Unlroraity of Iranra tniihH.ur.xra. MMUILft pl<KAMAKf VaI.LKV. I'.VKKT WKDftF.o. Odajr and Batntdaj altornvon and ?y>nln*. for tlma labia aoa Kxcaralnn rommn ilrond oxtra aorlahi* Joly 4, lanrnla*, aitorauoa and rraaln* OA It IIKR A ? OHM .Manager*. AKIlT'Bfc?KNKPIT. A PKW OHOICK HKATH I i n fyaoa't. Pllth Armor liutol. SW IMMINU.-NOTltJ.. Tilh BAST AOqiOKNTR BY drowning and rail ol Monatary'a s?lieol of Arma and ?aiingi Aa.Hlf(mi af. tlolnarl bo.nki ItV gnarontoPa with Ina trainn and Datant awiinfDing pracllrr apporaina lomaaa any adult or enlld o awtmmrr la olglit laaaona, tlia laat twn In walar cour.r, RIM. 1 AltlPoU AND OKNTI.I MKN WlBllINll To VOLt'N 1 Jtr.T for ilia banaltl ol O. Vlnlnu Itowara. to tnaa plan* on tho I'Hth Iitat , will plaoae arnd tlialr nataae at nior to Mr JOB, II. MhADh. vara Wall'* Aaoarr, No. 10 llalon aqaoe. ? LVot.Kl.M AltDfA HP.NKHT.-ON DIT. IT Wtl.L IIK JTiworth tha ortre to aao oil tho old tomlller loroa t?*ath*r la-aMt Yank adamb, tiik rii.i.iakii piiknomknun, at Marry lllll'a aow Billiard Knnm fir ono ????*, mm manrlng Monday. Jona 17. ilrand Htl'lerolatir I.adioa* Mallnoa, Turaday and Frldow altoraoaa, roairaonrlng at it Maty Adalaoiaa U oeata, IHI ShTK.l r?. Ftmrfmaivsg: -?f Trncrirrnrat Le-eee and Manager II N itY K ABBEY NO ANII SATURDAY VIAI11 bit ruii-alou of Mr. Angu"tin Daly), '? Coin' y, la three acta, HUM ui) f MHM R B > O O Y f d d K B B O O fT 4 ItHB '? O \-f EVERY EVENING AXD SATURDAY MAIHER (by special perintwlou of Mr. Angu"tin Daly), Hi rou'a CoiD<"'y, la thrae acta, OO U IT rrr n c v v k O O U It K O O U l' KRIt O O U U It R K B O O Y 8 M U O V U R K HBUQYf??.. 00 UO K R HUB OO y HBii , now in Its 1'iortli year In leumon, having he>-n played at the Veudvville Theatre I.OWJ eniisacit'.ive tlaiaa, and alao pi ived hv the LINO aKDS, in ihe Theatre Royal .Melbourne. A nstralla. with grand success to crowded houaea lor eight consecutive weeks, sod in New Zealand nearly 3<AI timaa. Note.?"Oar Hoya" la t:ow gtreu lor the flrat time la hew Yora in ita original etate. at Mr. Byron wrote it. Perkyn "Iddlewick W. H. Llngard Mary Melroee. Alice Dunning Belinda Dickie Lin-.-ard Conclude with I'd ? 1.1 JiiiAHl) S K ETC IIKS?12, among which will he the lollowlnif! - EM PKHOE WILIw IA.M mnwl. EDWIN PUREST. CAPTAIN JKNEB, WALKING DOWN BROADWAY. Begin at A Carriage! at I0:4'i. Be at a booked e week la advance. Standard hi Mat re-broadway and sod ht. WM. ItKNDER-ON Proorleior and Manaoefc 5STII TO ?3TH PERFORMANCE THE DRAMATIC ATTkAOHON, J. K. EMM KT In hta new version of i iturz. HOUSES CROWDED WITia Di-.LlOIITBn AUDIENCE!. TI1KKE HOURS OK UNlNfE.KRUPThD l-'UN. ALL TIIK NEW BO A OS. SCENES. AC, NIGHTLY ENCORED. New York llcreld? "Frila" Is alweTa treah. hnmoroae end aymnnthetic. Ilia aouira never weary, and hla qaaiol Dutch stories wind the appetite lor mure. 1 VERY KVKW.sG and SATURDAY MATINEE. NIBLO'B GARDEN. A'reserved seat lor 50c. Cooleat theatre In tho etty. The great Union >qnare Theatre aueeeaa, A CELEBRATED CASK, performed by the memhera of tha Union Square Company under the auspices ot SllnoK A PALMER and directioa nl .1. W COLLIER. With nil ltn original aeanery. maguifl cent end thrilling elTecta. aa originally produced. Santa secured two weeks In advance. Doora open at Tt pnrtormance at S. Mntlneea Wednesday and Saturday at 2. ("1 KAND UP-;HA HOUSE.- ! ~ JPOOLE A DONNELLY Leaaaea and Manacere Reaerycd seats (orcheatra circle aad balcony), Nil cents. Engagement with the world lamed BRYANT'S. MINSTRELS, It VAST'S Mi N STRKLa, BRYANT'S MINSTRELS, the largest and best organisation of minstrelsy la tha world, under tho direction r.f Mr. NEIL BRYANT. ALL MUST POPULAR A RTISTh. NEIL BRYANT, ERNEST LINDEN, HUGHEt DOUGHERTY, EDDIE POX. LIT ILK MAC, C. W. IIARLKT. Dave rbbd, d. bakron. BILLY H.iYANT. J. N. PI.STORIO, GRIFFIN end RICH. AUTHOR COOK. J. .M. NOKRIE, EDWARD YOU.MJ. In a Mq iel Medley of Mirth and Minstrelsy. MA IT N EES WF.DNKnDAY AM? SATURDAY. rno.NY-PASTOR'S THEAT-tE. 5SIS IIKOADWA V.?THB 1 LADY CAVK.nDISII BURLESQUE COMBINATION ill tnelr new and irlglnnl Burleaqiie Extraraganaa, entitled, PUCK ON TIIK WOMEN'S HuTKL. replete with laugh able Incldentt, wonderful situations, nrantilul mn-lc, mtp nillcent acenery, charming enstumoe and lovely women. MONDAY, lUhK 24, REAPPEARANCE OK THE GREAT VICTORIA I,OKI US TROUPE OK BUI USD IILONDKS. MAIINr,KS TUESDAY. KKIUAY AND SATURDAY. GILMOKK'S GARDEN. SHERIDAN SHOOK A E.G. GILMORK Leaeeee THEODORE THOMAS' POPULAR SUMMER NIUIIIS' CONCERTS. 11IIS (TUESDAY) EVENING AT S O'CLOCK. EGYPTIAN MARCH ) PuLKA, Kraueuiae, Pnatilllon d'Amonr. > Htranea POLKA, schnell, Leirhtea Blut I ' OV E ItTU HE, ".stradella" Plotow HaLLKT MUSIC, "Prophet" Meyerbeer WALTZ. Keier-bela MARCH OK VICTORY Llsol THEME AND VARIATIONS Gold mark PIZZICATO POLKA Htrausa SERENADE AND VARIATIONS Chapelle Mr. R. HitUKBRUCK. SELECTIONS, flrat act "Lohengrin" Wagnoi OVERTURE, "Viaaanlelln" ? ...Anbea BONG, "Ye Merry Birds" dumber Mr. R. HIIUEBUUCK. WALTZ. "Let Ua Cherish" Btrunae GALOP, six la hand DletrteU General admission 50cants: Boxes, admitting four, 93; Package Tlcknts of 12, Grand semi-Annual e.xhlnllkin ot the NEW YORK HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY' Wednesday, Thnradev end Kridav next, eieninga, and Thursday and Prlday alter aui.ns.wlth THKO. THOMAS' O .AND CONCERTS. N10K SQUARE TIIK tTKK. Wednesday evening, junk is, GRAND EXTKa GALA NIGHT. BENEFIT OK II. TISSINGYON. EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTIONS by a boat ul vmnnieera. DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL. T Kroe-Froo, It t Macbeth. I I Grand Coneert. T hv permission of <f> V V i Aaguatin Daly, I h?, J: i Auguatin Daly, | Phonograph I ^ Kecltatlona ^ ? ?? FA MO*. Seats far aale at the box ofltce. hotels and matte r 11111 it li NATION ?I, 1 SHOOTING FESTIVAL SHARPSHOOTERS' CNIO* ef the t'nltrd Htun of North fmirllL UEoKilh AKRT, Prraideut, hcldJnue 16 to 24. 167*. at tha KCUIIKTZBN PARK. UNION HILL, N. 3. Prlrr. on H4 target., amounting to $2">,<iui. and Huflu Prltti to tha amount ot II. M*) will he dtatrlbntod. hvery day ol the Featlval prlae tnwlm \ p?palar enter talnmrnta. acrobatic and gyinnaelie exhibition*, dial ' In* view*. balloon a.can.iona, firework*. illuminatloa. i cert and Hammer ilrht'i ball. TO REACH TJiK PARK TAKK THE NORTH KM RAIl-ROcO, rla Chambera and Twenty third ntrnat ferrira. On 8U.NHAV.Jana Hi, and MUNDaY.Jane 23, team depot. J armor City, D:U A. front I o'cloalt P M tu 12 o'cioek mldulalit >pecial traliia TO AND PROM THK PARK amy M mlnntea. On Juoa 17.18. 19, 20, 21, 22 and 24, leave depot, Jaraoy City. H?T5 and 10 A. M., from 1 o'clock P. M. tu 12 o'clock minni bl Special tralna TO AND PROM THK PARK ereey SO minuteo. Tic acta. SO aaata; Exeuraion Tickets (laclndlB* ferry), 2."> rente; can ha obtained el life laTrlea, In the Park and at J. A J. holding's (brio Houer), corner Weal and Cham ben eta. Now York. Take horae earn from Chrtatephrr and Harefaj Hroot fartiea; two can every two minute*, Tickets (S rente vacn) ran be bat at the atartiait place in Houakaa asd at the antraaoa ot tne Park; from Weeh'awken <424 at.) Perrv, can from Guttenberg every half hoar. AantU Ion. 2S cents. Children tree. HRRLE'd I'lToLI THEATRE, Hi H 8T.. SKTWRbM 2d and 3d ava.?iliallrnga show in America. Lata Del* may. the Qneen ot Herm Com lea; II. R. Arc bar, the great Cal ifornia ba< Itone : Itohee brother,, the only colored Feng and Itanee artlata; Ulllo ? I all tne Octal Voe.allat; Mile F/aaMnL John Itellly, I-eranlon and ttntaon. Urlaialdl Zeltaer aa? Auele Tagilarl, anrirailo-l Prwmler liaaaeaaa. t.reat Ballet Tron|.e eonalatiag ot 36 baanlifkl yonng dance ra. together with 7l? other apeefaltr artlata. Matinee# Thar* dar and Katarday atlernoen; alee nnnday midnight. o ROAN.?PilONOGRAl'H CONCERTS. IRTINQ HALL, nppnaita Aradomy af Mlda For the benefit of NT. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH. ROME. ITALY. The moat unique. eelenillic and maaieal ? nlartalamaat OWOI prraentad tu tha public MORGAN ON Til h llklMl i.tka iMtVKLT ORGAN. HMi. BKLi.K COLK'd "HARMING SOPRANO SUM Mi (OP. aPICb'H ILU'sTR ATI O N s t>P SOUND MOTION, aa an piled to the phonograph. SOLOM, lyt'bTM, HBCITA I loNS. WHIhTLINO. AOL, ON MR. KIMnON'H IMP ROVKIf MUSICAL PIIO.NOORAPH. EVKKV KTKM.NO AND WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY M A riNKBK Admiaalen, 25 rente. Reaarred aaata, SO centn T" HE ORKAT NhW~T"KK AU~I< ARIUII It read way and 3">th at. Wondarfal pertormencna of the celebrated troupe ad trained MONKhVs, DOOM and GO A TH from the Moral Anuariiim. Fngland. performing oentemiinea and pi eye like bnntea balnga. Moil novel entortaiDmoat ever given inthia euy. Living Oelopna. ar eight-armed devil fi-h. Tropical fl.haa Amphlbioiw Anlmela. Chlapaaaoa, and HARK MARINK WON i'KKH Admla-lon. NO rente , rhlldren halfnrlt-a Conay let and Aqnarium now opan^with MT. C. Cuup'a trenpa ot Broaeha jciNOKLUAMl?rS BhNr.f i r. BOOTH'S THEATRE. THIN (TUBHDAY) I VP.NINU. JUNE IK. PURE ART AND RBPINKD SPORT. A BRII.LIANT KVKNT. Prieea: - Oreheaira and Parquet. SI NO: Haloony, 911 Draae Circle. SO renin Family (.I'd*. 2 > ranla. A IU O.N dOCIhTT. AKION nOOIKTT. OKA Nil sIMMKR-MOIIT V I >TI V ,\L AT UOt I'AKK HKI.VKOKKK, Till KaDaY, JUHK ??. 1*7* Commence* at % I" M. tlrand fueil and instrumental eonrnrt tinner direction Or I.. It, ai it JO. Of Ihftir i nt atlHt, K. Itlatael. leader ; mil military AAA4, l.ethoid, lander. AD >11**10*. ?l, HlA(?i fill mnfft *llh I HHh ? ,:M at., from (If.ll till in* do** ?f the frMtvali lit* Tliirt and Xltbtk iftOM r ihruoli will ran extra rat* Tim" si kopkam i MNiiiti.>s si-f.oiAi, k okspatciiks KVKKV Alii NT IN Til K KVKNINO TKt.KOKAM. TK*TIMOMaI? CONOKRT TO MI** AI.INB COPP, ?t KlArt'i Maatc Mali, No. II Kant llih *t?, oh Warfare d?y ? renliix Mtl.ltM II'. It C o'eloft, Mil-itd b; nHf I'nlNtlMtk Titbtlt At tha door IjlRflRLIIARUT'N HKvKMT-f HOICK RKHKRYKD Iheata at lialltran'a, III llrnaiwey. till J aCIIaKKKM* HA A All HIV NO in Town, and ill wilt commence practice lor hi* MjflOO match with Mr. hrlMi at Oarnler'a htlllard parlor, l,WI Itrnedwar.ornry altarannn and art-nine _____ BUCKlNUHAM r> I.AC8. 27 tli at .nearfth ae. Klitc aoclahlAa nlphtlv l*ho he-t rentllatorf hall ratal M the i lt?. Dancing commoner" at II o'clock. UHAMI.BN CKKAIIII, Manager. S~~F?c7aD Miller. Tui.ADIKM. ~ ... Cattle*'-wlmmlng Hatha, one., at Central Path Harden, fflth it. And Till a* I It" hatha *111 ha "Ben ler laritet with a rataptbaii oa fa-aday, June IH, nn whlah oreailna Mia. Kate iioirtictt and her al-ttera will appear with thalr ?riiolAra "f l iar rrara Old and upward: ilia oath la ?H laat loaa; runtime water; awlmuilux tauitht; ladle* admitted from ? Mil 3 o clock : rrntloinrti from 2 till 13 o'rloeh 1'~AM8H Cli OKM I 1 ] H MK N"cP THK ORAMATld JI'iolr*al?n am roapeatloIly notified to attaad an ad* J.Mirnel rncottn tr of tha Vlntaa Hewera Benefit Commit two. ai tha Cnlon n<t iar? rhaatrc. on Thaender. Jane MU, at 1 I' M l.anlca o I ha nroleaalon parttcalariy larltad ta ha presort JOHN W. l.'AHm il,I., Afllnf Chairman. Joii* liirna *ecretary. UOritRLiR* KVkMV iCKHIIaY AND haTCkOAY Oerenlng Central Part Cardan, btlb at.. 7th at. ; roatcat placa in the etty ; elegant rnuale. A dm I unban INI ewntat l tadlta free. CART1KR * CO., Maaacarn. 1