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STONES ON AN ELEVATED TRACK. ATTEMPT OF THREE DOTS TO THROW A TRAIN OFF THE TRACK ON THE GREENWICH STREET ELEVATED ROAD?A NARROW ESCAPE ?DONE MLRi J.Y FOR FUN. For some time past the locomotive engineers on the New York Elevated Railway have beou aware that ub strucuons wero Irotn time to time pieced oa tbo track by some uuknowa parsons, but the hindrances were not so great us either to cause serious alarm or lo be noticeable to passengers. Yet the greatest sauuou wus observed as a consequence. I.sst tvcoinc, shortly bctore seven o'clock, as an 003(00 iud two cars had reached llcctor street, on a down ward trip, ine Urst alarmiug and dangerous impedi nout wus discovered. Fortunately no accident oc turred und no harm was done. As transpired subse lueutly, tbreo Doys, named Henry Alters, aged tleveD, residing at No. 9J Waslilugton street; Henry Hurscblow, ten yesrs of age, residing at No. 112 Greenwich street, und Dugun Thompson, ten years of age, restdlug ut No. 5 Carlisle stroct, ascended to the railroad track by cllmbiug Irom un awning near Rec tor street, intent ou pluoiugoutho track stones which they hud concealed in un old pair of drawers. I ho boys were uol noticed by any one in the street and tbey succeeded in Urmly em bedding ou the truck, between the two timber guards ?n eii her slue ot it, one large stone wbicb must have seen inserted carelully. fhey had scarcely tlntshed tue work much au engine und two cars came rustling by. The motion ol me tram helped lo loosen the hold on the stoue between iUe guards, and as u result the stone slipped lower down man tne edge of the protcctiou on either side, und the engine and curs jumped it. Had tne btouo retnaiued In us original position the probability is ibai both the engine and the cars would nave been thrown over Irom the Hack, us the side guards would then have been useless. The iraiu proceeded to Morris street und too engineer immediately notified John J. Mot'her.-ou, one of the employes, who in turn notified Superintendent Ouderdonk, and then started along the roao to liector street, where he stood waving Ins bat ou the truck to signal mo next down coming engineer lUal there wus danger ahead. By lUis timely action the engineer ol the next train was warned in nme, und helure ho reached Rector street had slackened speed. As he passed by uloug tho track Mcl'licrson swung himself down by one ot the lupporuug pillars, una thus escaped Injury. Mean time the ihreo mischievous boys had jumped dowu en an awning, some twelve leet beuoatu the railroad track, und by the lncudly aid ol some wumon in the tiouso had entered tnrough oue ol the windows, und were In a lair wuy to escape; but news of what had happened had by this tune reucbed the Twenty-seventh precinct llutiou nouso and Ueiective Fucbs soon hud the three buys in custody. When ibey wero taken helorc Ser geant heape at tne station house, one by oue, they tried to throw ihe blaiuo ou one auotuer, but two ol the hoys stated that about a week ago a similar ut tcinpt had been made, the object being lo enjoy tho luu ol seeing the engine and cars jumping the stone. Quite u large crowd ol people soon collected in the neighborhood ol Rector auu Greenwich streets, uud the terror inspired by the imaginary result ol a rail road crush ou an elevated roAd seemed to bo fully realised. GUARDING THE ARMORIES. TBFCAUTIONS THAT ABE EE1NO TAKEN BV ruUBENT COliMANDJillH OK THE NATIONAL UUaKR Considerable discussion has been carried on In mili tary circles lor some tune i>usi us to tbo necessity lor establishing a guard, by night, in each ol tlio city armories. Mutty otlicers ol the National liuard, and among llieiu several colonels ol regiments, have boeu ol opinion since tbo riots ol lost J u.y that the armories, and tho anus and property lu them should bo constancy guarded, aud that somo uieaus should bo devised wliercby the various inililla organizations could be rapidly assembled il uuy suJ feu necessity should arise, coiue otlicers thought, ou the other haml, thut it would bo injudicious to rhow any signs ol aiarm or uuusuul cuutiou, believing tout the agnation wuieii prevailed would wear itseli But it ireaied wnh luiiilloreuce by tuo rtiale. Within i short unio, however, tho loruicr view lias gained ?sceudauty, and nearly ull the commanders o, rogi au nts have made precautionary arruugeiiichls. No (eueral orders liuvu euiuhulcd ironi division head Qu.iru rs in regard to uuy measures to be taken, nut tome ol tbo colonels ol regiments have exercised their discretion in stutiouiug guards each night in the armories ol their respective commuuds, while others seem ou the point m lollowing their oxaiupio. TUK SKVXKTY FIRST lit AUhKb. It being understood that sentries arc posted each night in the armory ot me aeventy-tlrst regiment, u 11 sual.h reporter culled there last night, and meeting Coionei Richard V'use hold a short conversation with hnu on the subject. Jlo said that his urmory had b*ou lor a week past aud will couiiuuu to be, propt 1 erty guurdrd. He did not think U judicious to gite key particulars as to tbo num ber ol nteu detailed each night, or ttio exact course to be pursued in case ot omorgeucy, but sum that his arruugcrneuls were made more with a view to the very rapid assembling oi his men than lor iho uciSial guarding ol the building. He said that he has tell ever since last J uly the need ot having n guard tslubiishcd in limes o! threatened disturbance, and his present action is tneroly the result ol tUat opinion, aud is not caused by uuy of tho imraeaiate rumors ol auproachiog dangor. At another armory, which the reporter visited, be was informed that "every needed precuiiliou is tuken," but no details would be given. At number It was domed that any guard was yet established, but it was expected that one would bu very soon. At still suotlier u wus said that last week the colonel was ou the point ul issuing oruers lor a guard, but bad de emed to potlpoue sucb action until some more marked indication ul need tor it could ue seen. FRANKLIN Mi ARCH PARTY. Tbe dar of depertoro ol the schooner Kothcn with the franklin Arctic search puny has been llnally de termined for tcmorrow. Tho steumhoat Fletcher, winch is to low ibo Kothen down the boy to Sandy Hook, will leave tbo wharf near tbe foot ot Jleok ninii si root at hall-punt eleven A. M., with a largo party ol invited guests, including (Jhiei Justice Italy m.d Alr. James Curson liruvoort and other tneiubere ol the Aiuericsn i.aogrspuical -society; Hear Admiral Jones, ol the British Legation, and several distin guished oUlcers ol the army and navy. Many ladies who regard tbe enterprise with deep (merest will participate and help lo reuder iuo occasion one ol pleasure lo the departing expluiers. Nothing but a dense lug will prevent the departure ol the vessel at the nine named. BIS HOI' M'COSK UY'S SUCCESSOR. It was found necessary yesterday, owlogio the al> ?ci.cb iu Europe ol a number o( l'rotesumt Episcopal bishops, i?> po?tpuue Hit moating of tha ol lit- bop* ? blcli was to have been held lor tbe purpose ol taking .>ett?n upon McOukryi case, fiisbop >uiltb, of Kentucky, hi* announce I thai n? win call Ua next meeting ot the huua? lor Auauat .'S, when the abxaut btaliopa ?han liuvo raturueu Iroui mo Anglican Communion, whlcb ia to be held at Lnmbnlli Pa loo*. AT lOu meeting ID Augilal tllnnop >1 cCoakry's tuccessur will bo appointed, but no action in the retired UislinlTs case will bo taken lurtber tbau to receive ibo resignation he haa already tendered. CAKTMtirS LICENSES. Mayor's Marshal Kelly commenced yesterday to eniorco toe cartmen'g ordinance recently poaaed In tbe Board ot Aldermen over tbe Mayor's veto. The sweeping character ol Ibis ordinance, by winch nil butiuesa carta ol every description are compelled to be ItoenaeU, baa beeu airoatlv explained In ilia llaaabD. It wbh tins enact lueut. loo, which c?u-ed cu inucb dmrusston bow>*n ilia City Fathers of Now York and Brooklyn relative to i bo non-resident ciauaa. Una part ol tne ordinance prolilbited all perilous residing out ol Now Yum oily irout obtaining licenses ascurtnien. I he Legislature was appealed lo by the lirookiynun/. Tbeir appeal resuiicil In tbe passage ol a state luw ronooring tlio non-resident leaturo inoperative, and It Is now .Urged in some quarter* thai the ordinance itself is unconstitutional. Mr. Kelly granted 110 ilcanses yesterday. .11 ot which were lor $?; ana Si lor it. _____ JEWISH ORTHODOXY. For ntii days past there haa been no little excite ment among member* ol the Ninotreulh Street Syna gogue (Sheariib Israel, or the old Portuguese congre gation, Rev. Henry 3. Hondo* minister), relative to a en .nge in tun trusteeship. 1 be term oi two mcmbeti wlio servo three years have expired. Upon inquiry It nppeared that it was morn it coulrovery m to who should be considered the most orlbo.ii x, or rather between tha Ins and the outs, and i ot it question as to woollier ih? introduction ol modern relm ins in iIn. style ol worship should ba tolerated in Ilia old synagogue. 1'be two going out wern A. It. Moses ud 11. Uomas. In tlirir place* worn two dif ferent uokeiK? one composed ol H. I,. C'obee nnd A. Woil!, Jr., tbo other bore the names ol Predentin Nathan and J?r. Homes. Tbo following wiis the rc-ult ol Ihc vole.?W'ollT, 94; Cohen, M| Natlxin, 46; (Jonicey. M. 'line was the largest Vuie ever enst bv tbo congregation, and dnmonsltates the desire on the part ot the majority of ibe congrega tion to sustain it* present orthodox principles. In accepting their nominations the suoccastul candi dates declared It to be their "greatest deiire io pre ?erve tne ancient integrity ot the Hebrew faith and the form ol worship so king established and observed ? our synagogue." THE NINTH'S COLONEL. Oarer a I Lloyd Aspinwall, who** nam* bee been mush talked of among the members of (ho National (lusrd a* tbe ptobable successor ol the late Colonel Hitchcock In the command of the Ninth regiineAi, has di r lined io accept ibe colonelcy, for privnle reasons, T ho Hoard of Officers held a meeting last evening to oonelder woo soould bo Oboaeo to OH the vacancy. | AMUSEMENTS. THE GBAND OrF-EA HOUSE?BBTANT's JflN STBKLs. After a protracted abseuce from too city, during whtela they bavo played in many parts of the country, llrjanl*s Minstrels reappeared last evening at tlio Grand opera House before <t large audience und one which relished every portion of the new programme. The company is composed of several first class performers and .specialists, among wtiom may bo mentioned Dave Heed, Arthur Cook, I.itlle M ic, lltlly brvunt, Jlughey Douxherty. Eddie Fox, vloltniAl, and Ernest I,indeo, who is not innptly do scribed u? the bur.rst|ue Kihtoplsn Queen of Song. The selections ot liie evening wore sell calculated to amuse, and It may tie trmliiuliy said that, in point ot variety and excellence, the eniertciumcnl ba.s rarely i been surpa-sed. The company will certainly appear the remainder ot the week, mid It Is moro than prob able that the success ol last evening will cause Messrs. 1'oole & Donnelly lo engage them lor the lol lowiug week. NJBLO's GABDEK?THE Olf.EBBATED CASE. N'ioIo's Garden last night was filled to overflowing by an audience which, judging ironi tbo enjoyment that was manifested, evidently saw "A Celebrated Caso"lortbo llrst tune. While ibe great size of tlio bouse causes one to miss tbo effect of somo ol the liner touches In vyhirb the piny abounds, tbo company is so excellent tbat tho general uclion compensates lor wiialevur deluult may bo noliood 111 this respect by contrast with tho performance nt tho Union .Square. The pioce has been -upcrbly mounted, iu (act, with 1 scarcely a shade ot difference from Its presentation at the last nninod iheutro as regards scenery, dresses j and tableaux. Jean Kouaud was admirably played by Mr. E. K. Collier. Dennis U'Kourke by Mr. Frank Morduuui, the Soneschnl of the Village by Mr. W. H. T borne, tbe Governor of Provence by Mr. Edwin Varroy, Adrieune tir?t by llitlu Eva French and afterward by Miss Emily K. Uukcr, und Valentine de Morney by Mt.-s M. Charles. As ibis company have many times pcr lormed tbe "Colobrnteu Case" during tho past so.a-.on while "on tbo road," under tho auspices ot Messrs. Shook A 1'aliuer, tho play rau as smoothly and et. fectivcly ss it has anywhere in the country. Tho management have evidently made a hit tn presenting it 10 their patrons down town. THE FINING BO WEES BENEFIT. A meeting of tho dramatic profession was held in tbo Union Square Theatre yesterday afternoon to make arrangements tor a benefit in aid ot G. Vlning Mower.--, tho actor, who is tn poor health and has a family. Tho mooting was well altendod, Mr. Joun Carroll presiding. Mr. Morrissy, the treasurer, le ported that $95 in subscriptions were already re ceived. A committee was appotulod to wait on .Shook A l'almer, and they reported ihel tho Union Fquaro Theatre was nt their service fof*?io buueflt perform auce. It was thou resolved lo noid the beneQl on the altcruoon nnd evening ot Friday, Juue 28, Offers were also received irom Colonel Sinn, ot tho I'nrk Theatre, llrooklyu, and t'ooie A Donnelly, of the Grand Opera Uouso. and a volu ol thanks was passed to those gentlemen. Committees on fiuuucc, enter tainment and press and printing were then named nud ordered to report at the dual meeting next Thurs day. MUSICAL ASU DRAMATIC KOTKS. Miss Allno Oopp, of Brooklyn, a young musical artist, will givo a concert al Stock's Music Hall to morrow evening. Messrs. Hathaway & Ford have otigagod Marie Rose for a series of operatic concerts to take place iu Octo. ber ami November, Mlla. itozi to receive $1,000 for each concert. The object of Mr. Max Strakosch In going to Europe Is to complete bis opera company lor next season und to conclude arrangements (or a series of Italian operas at Drury Lane Theatre, London, next April. AMATEUR THEATRICALS. The "Lexington Dramatic Club" is tho title ot an organization of which a number of boys whose ages range from tea to fifteen years are members, and who a few days ago procured the use ot a sta ble on Lexington uvenue, uour Eighty-fourth street, winch ihoy converted into a theatre bv rigging up a stage on a low old barrels und using a bed sheet lor a curiam. Last niglit the club was giving a "variety performance" to an nuuteucu ot aoout Queen cbildien, who bad each paid two ceuts lor admittance, when a police man walked into the theatre and nrrcsled the "msuuger," Frank Clark, aged fourteen, who was just then Impersonating a belileoso stageUermau. Tbe audience ami actors all ran out of the theatre and left the "uianuger," who wore his fatlior's pantaloons, turned Insiuo om, and a red snirt, In ttie bauds ol tho police, who locked Mm up ou u charge ot not procuring a $100 license for his theutre. > MISS LENNOX ON THE STAGE. Misa Adelaide Lennox last night delivered a lecture on "The Stago As It Is," at Chickering Hall, Sbo re iterated her charges against New York managers, and repeated tho story about the Inlluence of dress and money in securing engagements for iheatrictl ladicr. She -anl soutu sharp things aboii; debutantes who aro advertised as "leaders In sooieiy." &e. The lecture wis embellished with select dramatic recitations, which were warmly received. DIED AT SEA. M. Emll Fostoli yostcrday applied for and was granted letters of administration on $*1,000 worth of peraonul property, lell by Ms wifb, Milnmte l'ostoll. hcc Stephaul, who died on board the French steamer Labrador, May 23, while m mutt lo Havre. Ue ccusoo was long known to New York as a modiste and milliner, and was going abroad lo purchase goods. SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN STEAMERS. DATBS OF DKFART17R1! PRO* SKW TORK FOR TUB MOHTH8 OF Jl'NF. AMI Jl'LT. Mfino r. .Viifcr, /VWffiolt'on OlHrr Wyonilug 'iino I* Liverpool 20 Krondwiy Canada I UK li? London... tit) Broadway Bothnia Juiim 10 Liverpool 4 Howling t.reen Labrador Inno In Havre.... 55 Hrunaway Buttle June 30 Liverpool 17 Hro idway State of Ijoiil?i*HH I line 2H .lasgow.. 72 Broadway Puuinieraniit June !?i Hamburg.. 81 Broadway 'Ihe OQtra Juno 22 Liverpool . (IB Broadway City o| Richmond.. Juno 2-' Liverpool Jl 354 Hroadwav Clrcasata lull* 22 (llmgtiw... 7 Howling tiroee Wf?er lane 2- Bremen,... 2 Howling (Jroen swltserland Inno 22 Antwerp. . >2 Broadway City of .New York.. June 25 Liverpool . 2u Hraaaway Rotterdam June 2il Kmtrrdsin ?<? Broad war Algeria lone'-" Liverpool 4 Howling (ireo I lupin luno 2i London.... T, Howling lireen Canada. June 5?U lavro... 5.? II road way lrance Inue 28 London tfift Mroatlway Adriatic | Inno 27 Liverpool . 547 Hroadwav Male ol' Nevada. . June 27 lilaagow... 72 Broadway Hue via lane 27 llnmiiurg.. '?! Breariwajr City of Cheater. .. June 2W Liverpool . II ;*.*? Hroadwav IJevonla lime 211 .luaitow... 7 Bowling c.roeu .Ncckar.. June 2h Bremen. ? 2 Howling liroen p.rln Inne 2'J Liverpool . Hi broaiwav .aio itana. Inly 2 Liverpool . .11 Broadway Ho.-la iuiv :i Liverpool . 4 14-wnr.g Ccnen I'nlilorniH Jn r H London.... 7 Howling lireen p.-rairt luiy .'4 Havre. >5 Broadway City of Montreal. .1.1 u y 4 Liverpool. II III Broadway HI of Pennsylvania. July 4 (Jlaagow... 72 Broadway (Illicit July I liitmonrg.. HI Hroadwav Britannic luiy H Liverpool . :I7 Hroa way Vt A .-eholten Inly ?> llotterdam .511 Hroadwav Anoliorta. luiy fl Ulnggow... ! Bowling lireea Main Jury ii Bremen... 2 Bowling liroen Wisconsin |.lnl| 0 tdv -rpooi ,fjBt Broadway Sethis July Hi ..irerpooi . |4 Bowling lirnen trial i Jnl.' II Hamburg.,pit Broaden Rlhiopla |J?ly 151 |iilaagnw...'7 Bawling Hreen ,Jniv lM|Hrcinen....|2 Bowliug liroen ALMANAC F011 NEW YORK?THIS DAY. SI'S AXll MOOR. I IIII1B WATRR. Pun rii-en 4 28 I Sandy Hunk..morn 10 08 Sun sets i 514 [ i4ov. ismud... morn lo ."il Moon rises......eve 10 20 I Hell Usto, eve 12 30 HERALD YACHT' WEATHER OB8EH V AT IONS. June 17. lloraoahoe. ... II ... nal ?hlp. Highland".... M I'M fhir. | /*Sei 7lV A I />>*?! B\\ SSI ssp l oudv. Cloudy. ansy. Mmmv Hov* tl'J dW( t'loWlf. WESTERN UN ION TIME BALL. >s.w York, Jane 17?Hoon. The Wcste'n Union time hall dropped to-day 0.13 second 'OUT OF NEW VOIlK, JUNE 17.1878. ARRIVALS. RkPORTkn BY THK IIRHAI.U STKAM YACHTS AM> IIKRAI,T1 WMTB8TOP8 Tkl.Kl.iiAI'll I.IKR. ?te-iPief folteelm (hri. Burg, Palermo May -."i and 'Jib. r It t . r J u ue I. with Imlt to l.iwrenre. tilie- A t o. Had lino wenther. Hirk Andrea Lnvleo fltall, ftnllo. I'lytnunth 52 day*. In HniI,tat. to order linrk liuirto Anal, Cn menorovlfh. SmFTUIt via Brila nov i I H> day*, wftli licorice rocu t# McAndrow A To J una lit. 5li milr. s K ol H " net at, p i?-ed a vessel ttnlioiii tip, shout H<*J tans, end apparently now, green hottoiu and white Upper works There wM i hale in l lie unitom. wlit, h traa on fire. It aorraed to lie about loor days In that con dltlon (see MURiMany) it.irs HreelHe. a (Her), J ivheua, Banloa .'III daye, Willi cof fa? to I, pavenat'dt. I'rosael tliu irquator, May 21, in 1 <n :tn vv. B irk i Ian ilna (Port), I'orrea. Para 28 dnrs, with rnb Bar .ue, to il A ma i in ? A " Burs I alia illri, (liinnlnglinm. I'ien'n'goi IB days, with sir or to.) M Arlleial veeae! to Boyd A Hicckeii. Bars t'endatt, Whittemnft, ualansai II ditr*. with sugar to Mall mad, rketpe ? Vui vrseel to Miller A llough ten Bark Rebecca rare awn, Johnson. Mat annas 11 day*, witu sugar to otder; vessel tu Way dell A lo. Hritr .Monarea del Mare (Ital), Gargullo, Havre 71 days, ! in ballast to slocovich & Co. Brig Amor (tier), Wietinr, Macao 37 difi, with sugar to order; to O t'ohias X Co Br|| t'?ifi(-,a*?lle. Spars-, Card?taa iti days, with sugar to Mnitlund, Phelps X Co; vessel to Jim Heiirv. Brig J i' Merry. Bradley, M -itanza? 11 days, with sugar lino riiwtaMca (o 11 U Howell, Sou A Co; vea->t?l to Jim K Ward X ? 'o Brig John G Xoyea.- George. Matmizas 11 days, with sugar to He Zaldo X Co; vessel to unto tor. Brie Jim ma 1* Hull, Perry. .Vutairzas 11 days, with sugar to ordort vessel to Carver X Harue*. Schr John H Converse. Collin. Matansus Udavs. with sugar to order; vessel to Brett, Son X Co. Sclir Burnet Jouos, Crittenuea, Governor's llnrbor H day*, with Dines to Junies Douglas; ve?ael to B J Weaker* X bo. Schr Uattie E Smith, Lee, AbacO 8 days, with pines to J nines Douglas; vessel to H J Wenberg X Go, ischr Win il Pua?o, (inborn. Jacksonville H days, with lumber to Drew A Bucki; vessel to Geo II Squires. Sclir Herbert B. Cruse, Georgetown. SC. ft days, with nuv^l stores to Johnson A ilertnau, vessel to Woodhouso X Rudd. Sclir Agi'e. TnlTord, Nowberu, NC. 6 days, with naval stores to A T Bruce. Schr Kdwnrd Stade. Soper, Richmond, Va, Schr Warden Evans. Kose, Kichmond, Va, Schr ?? P llalloek, Sharrott. Kichmond, Vt. SchrT W It White, Sinitli. Virginia. Sclir W G Tutts. Tollni% Virginia. Sclir C A C Brooks, Darby. Virginia. Schr K C a Ward. Crane, Virginia. Schr Adcliza, Lovelanu, Virgiuia. Schr Sliver Star, Nelson, Virginia. Sclir Sarah J lloyt, Cranmor, Virginia* Sclir L> S Miller, Scull, Virginia. Schr hit a Warden, Carman, Virginia. Schr Monmouth, Anderson. Virginia. Sclir Philip Kira wood. Crocker, Virginia. Schr Patterson Bash, Rue, Virginia. Schr i'.va Hoiinet, Curtis. Virginia. Schr A M Lee. ft iili ?ma. Georgetown, DOr Sloop Mary Bistou, (iaskill. Virginia. Schr W N Uessuer, Egbert, Baltimore. PASSED THROUGH HisLL GATE. BOUND SOUTH. Steamer City of Fitchourg. Kills, New Bedford for Now York, with mdse and pasbengers to Barling X Davis. Schr L B MfNichol*, Panning. Windsor. Nfl, lor Now York, with plabter to Bortenux X (Jo: vessel to Jed Fry? & Co. Schr Velma, Coffin, Addison. Me. tor New York. Schr Marcenu Miuisoii. Jlayton, Providence lor Now York, schr Jaincs English. Parker, Providence tor New York. Schr Annie M Alien, Allen. Providouoa for Ne>7 York, schr Lamartiiio. Smith, Norwich lor New York. Schr M A Lamlon, Hughes, Hartford for New York. Sclir M C Arudd, Arnold, New Haven for New York. Schr scud, Allen, Now Haven for New York. Schr A & Weeks, Parr, City lslaud tor New York. BOUND KAHT. Steamer Prancotiiu. Bragg, Now York for Portland. Steamer Boiiver, Geer, New York for New Loudvn and Norwich. Bark Clara A Lewis, Pease, Now York for Havre (and anchored in Hurt lslaud roads). Sclir Bertha, Conover. llobokon for Providence, sclir Altred P Howe. Ellis, llohoken for Providence, Schr J K Mitchell, Morreli. ? oboken for Stamford, schr Helen, i'erry. Port Johnson tor New Bedford. Schr Oliver Scholia Id, Dlssosway, Baltimore for New Haven. sailed from Hart Island roads, PM, bark Mary Lowerison (Br), Cook, from New York for Bremen. BELOW. Rark t*>ialaa (Nnr), D*hl. from Marseille. April in. ilark brmua (of Mallland, NS), Smith, from Londoa May H. CLEARED. Stenmer Wyoming (Br), Jones, Liverpool via Queen town?Williams 4 Union, steamer Uorrox (Belg), Mitchell, Liverpool?Busk A Jeroiis. steamer Mayflower, Davidson, Philadelphia?James Hand. steamer Krancoals, Bragg, Portland?J P Ames. Ship Johantio (Ucr), Hut.lo, llreitien?ll llarnstorfT A Co. Berk Angelica (Ilui), Do Martir.o, Bristol, I',?Lauro, Storey 4 >c irpati. Bark Melcliior (tier), Wlerichs, Bremen?Then Kuiror. llnrk Auguste (tier), llillraer, Hamburg?Theo Auger. Berk Koug Oscar II (Nor), Chrlstensen, Lubeck?Punch, Kit re .It Co. i'.ark Akorshus (Nor), Moller, Stettin?C Tobias A Co. Bark Lindcsiiaes (Nor), Tonnesoti, Klsinoro for orders? C Tobias 4 i o. Bark T C Jones (Br), McLeod, Copenhagen?II B Bailey 4 Co. Bark Althlld (Swe), Srendsen, Gothenburg?Punch, Hove 4 Co. Bark Annetta (Nor), Both, Stockholm?Punch, Edye 4 Co. Ilark Testa (Nor). Thorson, Havre?C Tobias 4 Co. Bart Hornet, Hopkins, Lagnayra and Porto Cabello? Dallett, Bonlton 4 Co. Bark Klila Haras (Br). Ilollis, Bermuda?Alex B Tucker. Burk Frethandol (tier), Wacnter, Baltimore?Oel rich* 4 Co. Brig Phantom (Br), Garner, Watcrford, I?George V Bui let-. Brig Don Jacinto, Croston, Marseilles?lames Henry. Brig Caroline Gray, Pease, Barbados?Dwight 4 Piatt. Brig Afton. Perkins, St John, NB -Joint B ynton's Hon. bchr Southern Hume (Br), Thomas, Pernanibuco?Penis ton 4 Co. Scltr hiioutor (Br), Albury, llarhor Island?James Doug lass 4 Co. Scltr Charley Miller, Thomas. Baltimore? Wm Chalmers. Scltr K A Forsyth. Hobble, Htamlord-Htaratord Manufac turing Co. Steam yacht Day Dream, Bisnchard, Galveston?A li Brown. SAILED. Steamer Albemarle, for Lnwes, Del; ship Bokhara (Nor), Antwerp; barks La Maria (Hal). Lisbon; Albion (Nor). Rot terdam; HiimHidaiie (Port), Oporto; Plora (Nor), Copen hagen; Kerraro Heciindo (Hal). Cork or Pulmotith ; l'erolu env (Aits), Ipswich; Elba, Havana; Daring. Cardenas; Florence L Uennvar, Mntausas; brig Manlius, do; schr Col M W Raise, J ackaonville. Also sailed, baiks Annetta (Nor), for Stockholm; Kong Oscar II (Ntr), Lubeck. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Ship Maiiik Frkokickk (Not), from Now Orleans, with cotton nnd rosin. for Dlverpool, put Into K?y West 17th leaking badly, having (truck In houtli Pass. Hahk Apvoiiatk (ot Windsor, N8), Smith, from New York Msy 1.1 tor Dunkirk, was the vessel passed bottom up, May 38, by sellr John II Paige at I'liiiuuelphta. The pilot boat Kira Nye, No 'J, which arrived at New York yes terday, also tell In with the wreck, on June 14, In lat Its 61, Inn 7.1, nod turnislies the following report .?The Advocate's Iml was not injured, with tile exception of her port side, which was a little cut, km It her mainmast had gone out or her. The fore and mlssen mists wera apparently still in ner, and some ot her ssils could he seen under wntor. Day liy her during the night and in tho morning ntieinpted to rlitht her. Put could not do so. .Subsequently .ot a line last to uer rudder and fled to tow her. Could turn her I around bat not start tier abend, and left her it t> 1' M, I June 15. she being apparently held by her chains, be fore leaving sh" was set on (Ire The wreck lies In u oangeroiik position lor vessels bound down the const trnm the eastward (The A was ?i:i4 tons register, snd waa built nt Aavoeate, Ns. In 1874. Her cargo consisted of 30,276 bushels corn and 10,Ids) feet ol lumber.] Hahk Vkstaliniiks (Nor).froui Ki ageroe for Quebec, be* fore rnnorted ashore at Kugllsh Point, was floated and towed to Quebec, where she will dock for repairs. Haiik John K Ciiask (owned by Chase, Telbo; A Co, of New York), t;ant Poet, from Slrunnn lor New Yorg, with 1,108 hhds sugar, consigned to Moses Taylor A i o. was picked up nhaiiooued mid leaky on tho 14th Inst in iat 31> ID, Ion x> 15. by brig Kedowa. byrne, trom New (irieans for Providence, nnd toweu hv her into cavannah 17th inst. The Chase had lost mixeiimast, malumast and foro royal mast, bat the hul is not Injured much. A later despatch says the bark bait about three toet of water In her hold and was on her beam ends. No trace of the crew was loand. One boat was gone and tho other, which was on the deck, was stove. A heavy gale was blowing at the nras, and the crew of the Kedowa were greatly exhausted Irom their efforts In saving the bark. ricon Huaiban (U 8 coast survey), from Key Wert for Baltimore, put Into Fortress Monroe 17tli inst with lore mast broken. ftcnit Alarama, Host, st Wilmlngtsn. NO, from Detne rsra, was not seriously damaged while being ashore, though she is leaking some, slid the captain 'thinks liar stern post may he broken She it also "bogged" somewhat amid. ships. srnii Ki.ia.x Komi, which was In collision with schr John Batch, is bound Irom Haiti to Philadelphia Bona soriiKDRiA. Kolly, ot Ulooeesier, which baited at Newbnrvport and sailed on Saturday, returned on Sunday, having Carried nwav the head of her mainmast. Scat Sonus llanriKTi from (leorgetown, DO, for Oardl nor. pot into Philadelphia 17th for rnpairt, of what nature not stated. W asca?Mark Kvla Reed, at Boston Irom New Orleans, reportsJnne 10, let 38 51 N. Ion 72 64 VY, passed near a wreck, bottom np, forwern part antler Water; appeared to be a vessel of al?>nt 500 tons ; bottom painted brown, npper works green; looker fresh ami clean; apparently a short time in test situation [Supposed Imrk Advocate, of Windsor. NH. before rcportea. ] New llRprono. June 10?.steamer lierenlea. wlica oom Ing up the channel between Pointer's Island and the Pslr liaveu shore. Sunday afternoon, nhoot two e'clock. ran aground on the h'ulrhnven shore a Hills southward ot the lighthouse. She backed off without any trouble in about 2d minutes, PHiLAPrtriut. Jnno 17?Cspt Crosbv, ol the brig Moses Day, ?oion arrived nt Chester the JI th Inst from Kernan dins, reports thai on the 7th and Mill lust, Irom 15 luile Hog lsis - ? ? nd|io 0 miles K of Kanwlck's Island, his rs-.el psss'uf inroiigh qnsntltles ol wrem stull. among which were long pieces of halftannn scroll cnbln finishing, a bag of wast" marked "He Daccrdsiruiso." sou a glass state room door, with a brass luck aud the letter "A" on the glass. R OCULARS, Me, Jnne 1*?Sclir lalph llnwes, netchrll, of snd lor Belfast, from Balli, light, aent ash.>re mi While liead st b;:ni U?t night She remains tight, and will prob ahly bo got off with little damage. WHALEMEN. Arrived at New Bedford June 17. hark Mars, Allen. Pacific Ocean. Tslcsliiiatia, J an 8, with 1,200 libls spoil and 70 bbls wh; fob SEI, off Stolen Imnd. sprung foremast Mild mAlayard; March 80. arrived at Nt Catherine and there fished leromast nnd soiled lor home April 13. SPOKEN. Ship tndeoendence, Strom, trom Boston for Valparaiso, May 12 let 0 30 S. Ion 31 43. Ship Kit Carton, Irom Cardiff (April 4) for Malaria, May 14 lat 35 3, Ion 30 00; was under saly sail, wl'hjlbbioni gone. It ir rseoasttan Booh (tier). Daodsist, from llrrmen fov Phil ? olphi*. Jan i 15. off "Jay head llark Frelr (NorI. Cnrlasn, from Bergen for Hampton Rum ?, June ID, off (lay Iliad Hark Hurts (Nor), Irom Palermo for Philadelphia, Jnne If. off (lav llcsd. Bn k Ivigtut (Mr), from Irlgtut for Plilladalnhlo, June 17, off Moulaok. Mark Kate (hr). Anderson, from Watarford for l'blla l elohiA.June ID, off (lay llnad. OI K CABLE SHIPPING NEWS, AffTwrnr, Jnne 15?Arrived, barks Reformer (Br), Drown, Philadelphia; 17tti, (Ion M Barnard, Berry, New York. AasTRBPAX. June 17?Arrived, berk Colonist (Br), Rob ertson Bsltimoro. Hsistol, .Inns 17?Arrlveil, steamsr Arsdla (Rr), Mont gomory. New York; hsrke Vinceoso (Inlatoln dial), Ms ?tils, end (llnila (Itsll, Trapsnl, do. Arrived lotb, slonmer .Somerset (Br), Stamper, New York. Halted 1.1th, harks Trl Sina (AnP, Paner, United Htutea; I nth, I manual Acrsme (llal). Mi mono. New York. Dn.rAsr, Jane 17 Arrived, barn bnthslr (Rr), llolle wood, Chatham, NB; brig Itomole (Br), Kdgctt. New York. Halleg 17th, bark Anna. (Br),Jo?bali, Ball!moras J I Bjikmkx, June 17?Arrived, bark Gutenberg (UerK Qer [ Inch. Baltimore; brig Carmen (Sp), Ooday, Cienfusgos rt? Charleston. Hailed liitn, ship Annie Blngay (Br), Cenn, America; l*rk Arctnru* (Ger), Brnndhoff, do. Bkkkt. June 7?Arrived, bnrlc NordenskJ dd (Nor), Peterson. New York. Bokpsaix, June 14?Sailed, barks Konigin Augusta (tier), iiuuael. Uultcd States; 15th. Kspelund (Nor). Ter kelseu, do; Frimavera (Ital), Oseaie, do; llitli, Maria Luiaiu (ital), t-avareae. New York (net previously). C-eTrtUAkiii, June 1?Arrived, bark Teraaa Lo Vleo (Ital). Domenico, New Yurk. Cams. June 11-Arrived, brie I, Staplea, Stowera, New York; prior to 17th, achr James E Baylea. Dickenson, do. Sailed prior to 17th, achr Urate Dewey, Davis. Glouces ter. Matt. Duxdalk, June 15?Arrived,berk Quattro Fratelli (Ital), Rafln, Fhiiadelphia; 17th, brig Parana (Br). Derete, New Y or k. Sailed 17th, bark Gloater (Br), Kenward. United States. Dubi.ik,June 1(1?Halted, barks Modarato (Ital), Men daiul. United States; Peru (Br), Hilton, do. Dunkirk, June 15?Sailed, bark Ocean (Nor), Sorenten, Now York. h xnouTU, June 15?Sailed, bark Lady of the Lake (Br), McKemie. New York. Falmouth, June 13-Off, bark Argonaut (Oar), Bremer, from New York for Hamburg. Off the Limnl 16th, 0 I'M, ateamer Holland tBr), Uealey, Irom New York for Loudon. Glouukstkr. Juiie 17?Arrived, bark Gustavo (Ital), Cndiero, N w York. Hailed 16th, hark Kruen (Nor), Beaseaen, Delaware Break wnter. Glasuow, June 16-Arrived, steamer State of Georgia (Br), cooper, New York. Gibraltar, June 0-Arrived, achr Sntati B Ray, Eudl - cott, New Y'ork. Gknoa, Juno 14? Arrived, bark Norlna (Ant). Suttora, Now Orleans; brig IJavllah, Coombs, Fhiiadelphia. Hailed 11th. ship Ktorkora (Nor), Taliukson, New Y'ork. Havrk, June 10?Arrived, ship Wellington (Br), O'Brien, New York. Livkkpool. Jane 16?Arrived, steamer Bavarian (Br), Luttolo, Boston; bark Johanna (Ger). Kocpcke, Philadel phia; 17th, ships Queen of England (Br), Purvis, Pensa oola; Glonllfer tBr), Cununing, Baltimore. Also arrived 17th, stoamor Haytlon (Br), Watson, New Orleans. Hslle ! 16th, stonmer Bulgarian (Br), Trant, Boston. London, June 17?Arrlvjd, steamer Alsatia (lir), Mac Kay, New York. Sailed I5th, steamer Atrato (Br), Jones, Boston. Lkith, Juno 17?bailed, bark Pro Dona (Nor), Jacobteo, United States. J.AttNK, Juue 15?Sailed, steamer State of Pennsylvania (Br), ftownrt (from Glasgow), New Y'ork. Limkhk-k,Juno 17?Arrived, bark ICoska iRisi, Igna tius. l'onsacula. Lisbon, to Juno 17?Arrived, brig Clnrn Jenkins, Dodge, Pliiladolphin. Arrived 9th, baric Aacenzione (Ital), Slano, Mew York $ brig Marianim I (Port), Sautou, Philadelphia (both before reported without date). Malaga, Juue 11?Arrived, bark Zeus (Nor), Christoffer, New York; brlic Villa de Llanos (Men, Llado, New Or leans; 12th, bark FannyJ McLollau, McLellao, do. Mklduuiikk, June 14-Ariived, bark Oboron (Br), Bar voy, New York, Nkwrv, Juue 14?Arrived, brig Nellie Crosby (Br), Bain^ Baltimore. Plymouth, June 17?Arrived, bark Sunbeam (Br), Da vis, Darieu. Sailed 17t!i, bark Fzlo (Am), Premuda, New York. I'knaktu Roads, June 13?Arrived, sehr J B Marshall, Dizer, Calais, Mo ; 10th, bark Kredsei (Nor), N'orborg, New York. PkrmaimuCO, Juno 17?Arrived, bark Ernst Dreyer (Uer), lJrockwoldi. New York; achrs J P Anger, Dayton, Baltimore; John L Merrill, Iluhe, New York. Qukkmhtow.v, June IB-Arrived, barks Champion (ilr), Allen, New York; Suunnne (Nor), Berkeland, do; 17th, Album (Ital), Iterto'.otto, Philadelphia. Sailed ItHb, 3 PM, steamer Moutaaa (Br), Beddoe (from Liverpool). New York. Off Creokbaven 17th, 3 PM. steamer Spain (Br), Grace, from New York lor Liverpool. Kottkkdam, Juno 10 -Sailed, barks Hebe (Ger), Zlesmer, United States; Mary Wiggins (Br), Wood. New York; Baebele (Aus), llolta, do (last two not previously). Arrived 17th. steamer P Caland (Dutch), Deddes, New York. SKaroRD, June 10?Off, bark J U McLaren (Br), Delap, New York. Shields, Jane 17?Arrived, bark Hermes (Rus), Solnl, Psoaaoola. Sevili.r, Jnne 12? Sailed, brig Mary Fink, Spenoer, United States. Yokohama, June 13?Arrived previously, ship Sooloo, AUen, New York. WEATHER REPORT. ITolthkad. June 17, PM?Wind N, gentle; barometer, 20. son. Plymouth, Juno 17, PM?Wind N, gentle; One; barome ter. 22.0). FOREIGN PORTS. Barbados, June 12?Sailed, brlgt America (Br), Len ient, and Beaver (Br), Wlillama, Quebec. Bermuda. June 12?In port, scbr Wm MeLoots, Rogers, from Philadelphia, arrived 11th. Clxiiavkh. June 4-Salted (not arrived), ship Uoschon (tieri, lleina. New York; hark Patinoi (Nor), Olaen, do (botli Irom Hamburg). Drmkkara, Juno 14?Arrived, scbr W 11 Bulan, Miroll, New York via Norfolk. Havana, June 16?Sailed, steamer City of Houston, Steven*. New York. Halieax, Jan- 17?Arrived, steamora Alhambra (Br), Mchlbeny. St Johns, NF (and proceeded for New York) ; Cortex, Bennett. Now York; Carroll, from Boston (and proceeded lor Charlewetown, PKI). LlvmtrooL, K, Jane 12?Arrived, bsrk St Olaves <Br), Carter, lialilax. LmiioRn, June 1?In port, barks Mareaca (Ital) and Italia (Ital), for Now 1 orK . brig Clara t'ickrns, Coomhs, for Philadelphia; Kdlth Hall, Thayer, for Boston. MavagDKS, May 23? Arrived, scbr Alpha, Salisbury. Boston. Sailed 17th, brig Ilattie, Dow. Anuadilla. PR. PoMCK, May 24?Arrived, brig Lord DuSerin (Br), Hsck ett. New York. (,tUFKN*T0ws, Juno 0?Sailed, barks Daanebreg (Nor), Knrtre, Lelth. Cleared tltli. bark M A K Cann (Br), Cann, Dublin. St .Ioii.v, NH, Juno 17? Arrived, acliro Zrila, ilatlowetl: Coateat (Br). Anderson; Annie Cnrrier d*r). Van Wart, and Julia Clinch (Br). Mahoaoy, New York. Cleared 13th. bark Walton (Br), Williams, Carnarvon; aelir I'elro (Br). Kelly, Philadelphia ; 14th, ship Stalnvora (Hr). Mclnloab. Liverpool; barka Hellevun (Br), Kylhn, do; 1.1th. Mallevilla, Harlow, oo: sehra Mary (Br), and Liszie U (Br), New York; Mettle (Br). Philadelphia. AMERICAN PORTS. BO8T0N. June 15?Arrived, berk* Ktiry, Hubbard, Oapa Palinaa. Kvl* llecd, Kalrdeii. Now Orleans; lirlg Reta (Krl, Sallg, Clenlttegos; acbr Katie Collin*. Mathls, Mara. goes. Cleared?Selir Llnte l> Marker, Barker, Haracoa. Sailed?Steamers Partlila, Hooper. Carro l, .lobna Hop. kiin, Norman, lUillosnaxe, Glaucua, und Gen WhJtuey; bark Beanie Simpson. pith?Arrived, solirs Iteno, i.lnnell. Amboy (not aa be fore) ; Rebecca M Smith, liruco. I'niladeiplila; Mar >r*tbo, Klliott; George II Kor .neon, Kergusuu ; Albert Clarence, Fianer; Itetn, Hlackwell; Mara Mill, Howden, Rondoul; Macule Todd, Norwood. New Vork. sailed-Steamer llurrlaburg; bark 1'aleatlna; brig Lyra. 17tli?Arrived, ?trainer* Marathon (Hr), Garrett. Llver noiS ; Worcester, Hedges, Halifax; Dominion, Yarmouth, NS; Sridlnole, llalletl, SavaUDiih: Kumin, Crowell, Phila delphia; Neptene. Kerry, New York; brig tVinftelo. Hlb bor, Matantn*; aehrs Daniel Pleraon. Tlnraon, Brunswick, tie; Mary LTniburner, French, Wilmln ton, Nt'; i.tnlly A Jenur, Champion. Alexandria, Va; L D llath burn, Crowell, G "orgeioarn. DC; rannie \? John *011. Iluokhton, do. John rnruun, llnrat. Ceo S Tarboll, lilugln* and Mary Langdan. Millln, Baltimore; Anna K Kctcbnm, Ketclium; Halite dalr. lionet; H Morris, Dutrli. J antra llolce. M anaon ; C H Wood, St mley ; J auiea MfPlanagau. Klcliardaon ; J H Clarton, outer I; L A A Habcuck, Smith, and Adella Coraen, Corson, Pnnautd. iilita; Idaho, Peck; C IV Bentie.r, haaer; Matririe lodd, Norwood, and Ida Deilalorre, Chase, lfrw Yor ; Loniaa Hlla*. Strnnr. do; Clara K Roger*. 1 ogers, Hobuk*n; Kleetwlng, Mivddock, Port Johnaoii; Wlflaru .Sallabmy, llaudy. do; Anna s Murch. Woodward. Rondoat; L ltul way. Ilrjant. do; Dolpbio, < ha iwlck, l.llxaietliport. IIAI.TIMOKK. June 15?Cleared, ?chr? Helen P. Jotie*, Hartford; Henry Mlddleton, Miller. Providence: 8 V \v Sininiona, Campbell, Charleston. 17th Arrlvru steamer Tnckahoe, Rrown, Neahern, NC; bark* N'uovo Hoveio iltal), Cauipadoftlca, Hull; erraean (lleri. Iletije. Itremen; aclir* It II Mitchell, Mitchell, Phil adclphia; Adelaide (Br), Jnhnaon, Naaiati. Alan arrived?Steam r Louisa. Walker, Koannke ; barks Donald Ferguson (Br), Ro*?, St Vincent; Vincland (Nnr), Anocranu. Hrielol; brig Pustora (Sp). Hunch. Havana; ?chr Kllaa Moore, i,ewl*. New York. Cleared ? Steaiuera Caribbean tBr). Snndrev. Liverpool; Wm Cran*. Kent, lto?tan ; ahina l.latle Mnaee, Cox. Hre. men; Agra (tier). Ilogermao, ?j; .fane Fish. Brown, do; Itepnhllc (Brt, Uo?e, Antwerp; ?chr Mey MeFarland, Mc Parlaiid. Malantaa. sailed?ship* Llseie Mnaea, Aura, .lane Fish; barka Nell 0 Momly and tllnlla Anna. HKI'NSWICK, Ha. J? I una HI?Sailed, ?chr II II Heavey, rhlHirook, N< w York. IlKAl FORI, SC. .litno 8 ?Arrived, briga Concord (Br), Rera, Dakar (Africa); l'nh. Premier (Br). tlnriietf. ilo; Utli, bark* Lewi* M l.smh tflr), William*, Lisbon; Devon (Hr). Wrlton. Malagi. Cleared H'lh, l.arka nlynlllfen (Hr). Tallock, Stroud Jniiclion. K; 0<mond O'Brien Br), hentt, London. KKIeTOL. .lane 15?Arrived, aebr llcatleaa, Bnrnham, Philadelphia. S?Ped?Simmer Clara. Collin*. Havana. Oil A III.hi* ION, June 17?Arrived, aelir Albert Thomaa, Ro e, Ballimore. 'Ilearrd? Hesmer Knlenn, Kitby, Baltimore. Sailed ?Itarli Medbor (Nor), Jensen, Bristol, k| acltra At.nic I' Chase, Pnole, Georgetown, SO: Thomas Van glbler. Vanglldof, do. CALAIS, .tune 11?Arrived, aelir Diamond, Haskell, Richmond, Sailed sthr Alligator, Swain, Newark. |5th?Hailed, bark Corjphene (new), Bristol Channel. DltillTON, June 14?Arrived, sehr* Stephen Morgan, Bint, (leoegatown, DC: Jeltn K San ford, Berry, do. KDOaR row N, June 15?Arrived, aehr S P llalloek, lliilbick. I'hilsdeltililit lur Nanlncset, In port, live small veaarla loading hlnellsh lor market. I OP.TKF.~S MONKOK, June 17-Passed In for Balti more, hark Sarena, ?? (nrobawly St ran a (Ana), from Irlntte). Pasted ont Irom Baltimore?Hnrka Wave King (Br) for Dnbiitt; Kinma Paysant (Br), Bristol: Victoria (Nor), Bor deaux; Kale Crosby (Br), Galway; Wm Gordon (Hr), L011 dn iderry. PALI. Ill VKR, Jane 14?Arrived, aleamev Achillea, Bacon. Philadelphia. Sailed?steamer Kanlta. Howe, Philadelphia. (iALVKHTON, June Iil?Arrived, aehr Jnantta Jnlla, Mnraga*. Corpus Chrlatl. Cleared-sehr Koltrrt K11IT. Brlgga, I'asnsymila. ltl.It ? Arrived, ate imer Rlollraodu, llnlger, .*ew York. Oi.oHQK'l oVf'A, si , June 15?Arrived, schr* Fiances, Patter-on, New York; l?lh, Eleanor, squires, do; Mavrli, I Iminae, Wllmlngtop. NC ilKin ilKTOWN. DC, June 15?Arrived, aehr* 15 J Ray. ?or, Mitchell, Philadelphia (and cleared for Kail River) ; r lei onto Dean. Pblllipa, Fell Hirer, Cleaved?Schre Abble Cor ton. Con"". U?lt UmIhI; F II Odlorne. Crowoll. Sato, ?"? CUsdwick. Norris, Prjvidenoe. Joeonh White GARDINER. Ma. Juue 14-selled, schr hr6t;JArrr?v^.'?bh""K?nk Queen. C-lhoun. PhUv ^"soil'od?Schrs Lottie K Friend. OotllW, 11'hlUd.lpb'a; A P Novell, I,auk, do; Margaret. Clark. ? * ? ? Mauton. HYANS18, June 14-Salled. acbr Herbert Crowelt. New York for Boston. ,11 Baltimore Arrived. aclir L U Katbbnrn, Crowoll. . lor Boktoo. ?? , , . arhrs Froscott JACKSONVILLE. June 13-Arrlved. ecbre llaaollinr. *wr?l. Pall Hirer. n-ruiuda. Oleared 13tl.,.chr II T Potter Af.dne"?p%f""o merara; Sailed 12th, ?chr? >nn h \ alentlne. Pott s?w L V Chaples, Uu.plos.Now London ; PJorlde. ??i1 J #ii York: A P hind,erg. Robinson. do. M M freer. M#reu, do; 13.h. 1? Havryer, Lumml?;i, tore, Edwards. Douglas.. >lo. vtarlo Pre.lrleko KKY WK8T. Juno 17?Arrived, *hlP **r?? mihooI (Nori, Uleseu, New Orleaee lor Liverpool (tee Miscol l,"JOrtILB, June 17?Arrtvod, tchr Harriet Uardner, Nor ri,l1le?r*l-Srh'r"sarah Whltmore, WLUmore MnUoiat. NEA OKL'-A.NS, June 13-Arrlved. ?ohr in.rj?? . ?"V'h?ArrtvedTtteamor Bt Lou.. (Br), Held. Liverpool. 4 Cleared?Steamer Ithuriol (Br). V rtmlV ?hlo Baden, Do,me, do; brig Cluquo Sorelle (line, UK' June 13?ArriveJ, sohr J O Whipple. Arnet. ES?tilo<i?Steamer Chae W Lor'*v?*rt?. . , Provl 17th?Arrived, acbr Earl 1' Mason, Moaerroo, "ThW.KN. NO. June 14-Cleared, schr Llaile Titus, J""' 15-Oteared. bark Waterloo (Dutch). "SEwa-OR*"'.'NT. J.-.U. 1"?Arrived, setirJohn LTraeey, B S?'h'd ? Schr'j on nth an Cone. White, l'liUudiilplHa 10th?Arrived, sclirs Aduie I'erklua, Thurston, Rondout, Samuel Carlton, Burke, coal port. Sailed?Schr M M M-iri.m. Oram. Philadelphia. NEW BEDFORD. Juno 14-Arrlvod. ?chr Saruh Mills, B"^m?ArTi'ved^?chr?J amoa Barrel. Nickerson, andJesoph liar, BBtter. Pblladelphlu; Nelson Harvey, itjd.r, ? * Tilth-Arrived. stramor llerculea. Swaaey. (Me Ml stmt I no y) '? achra Pharo, Wauou. New Yo.h, S Sailed?Vohr*Nclson llarvey. Ryder. Marlon lor New ^vKWPOItT ,|nne 14?Arrival, schr* Onrollnfl Ivnijjbt, ^3S'sari&sa? Kifesar for New York; sohrs Bxoelslor. p'^7nbruV;^y0lk ^^,Jj Loa "epe?ee 'iWtltnd for Zf sar.U W Blake,'Brlcst", Perth Aitiuojr; ^"lt%,?k)m!dP* or "'^YoJk ("mWatled pith)"; Van re f.*M nhoney. New York tor Nnutucket; sloop James EmiHsU and Oeo inWnve. f Qceun. Codv, Boatoa for St CXeared-Ba?i Vlriten de Monserrat (Sp>. Mateu. Rio J ?!h-Ag! ve d,' bar k'Voa' "u i BrService i D m ? r a r a. Cleaied?Haraa Jes io Beyle (Br), Tom. Plymouth; Al '''pobVhOVaY: So"*J uu. 17?Arrived, .te.mor City of BPH?LADF.LPillA^?Juno 15-Oleared, schrs P Hanraor, M a. Nantucket- J O KrIL Shropshire, favtticket. TSth?Arrived, Ste aler llerkH, Pendleton, Boston; .chr Jennie K Wllley. Gilchrist, Cardenas. M a led?steamers Centipede, and Porklomou. ?? ,-Xrrived. VteameA N rutin, Nicker,?n llo.ton; ei ther Mill, do; Osth.trli.o Whiting Harding Prnvl , i?? Pen,ta Crocker. I-all ntver; Beverly, Wallace, New York"'schr W H Reeves, Whitman. New Bodlord: Crank New ? Airmd'arrlved. steamers Achilles. Bsc m, Pall BJv.r; ..A I IVm <?irm Bo?t ?n ; ihip Berth*. Crickett, Port teml 'bark**Nlpole Accame (Italy. Oravlotto. WaterlTord. T tierSdk" Brother's Ptldo (Bri. Tower. Cardenas; brl^s xri:yor Cleared?Steamer Antliraclte. Ontmley New York; .h p Cleareo etea (inndersen. London; bnrks Dido ??\ R^nk Rotterdam; Natrona (3r). 1)1*. Ivictut; (Kus). Rsuk. HI.linn. Bremen; schrs Carlton L .aclt. ""?^lUv S^era W Wiier. WherUin ISa-t fAm Head, Gloucetter; Wild PIC.on, ^3ySrKfi?. 10?Arrived, bark Giuseppe Mar.s nl from Bristol, sailed for New T"7th?Arrmjd, bark Zelllro (Ital). PoUerano. SlUoth; *?f?0Kl LAMeMVnn J* 17-Arrtved, barks Sarmlento, tife^r.r yu^^A^d"ihr. WUI.e Manln, Freeman J W J^bTswsiM'm^d"; Ynn Baron. Im.N I ??' JIh'n Mo*ser, Rhode., B iltlmore Inr Pawtuek.t; | nmck;tonar"Mserchd'B?Hlmore via Nov. I ".n" -s.* York ; Prod Brown. II Ick^tc dm jjeyDtire Prerlerlcton, If'th-Arrlved, itehrs ^,t8 ScVanton. Pond, RiJKSk!^Ti'ri; tes'sifrsi P llawler v e . j Adams, South Amiiov; OeorKO I'sWTL'rKKT June 15?Arrived, schrs Acacia (Or), Haralyn. St.lohn.NM; Eva 1)1 verty Oandy, Philadelphia; !?rff.r?a.,salrwaa ?, uu-Il MoNI) June I5-Arrlved, steamer IsaeeBell, Law renii " e-Yerk; "rif Ernest, Lunt. do; schr Caspar lie t. , Rhlllipt. ^I'^Sl^'iUr (Nor), Lund. Lisbon; schr. HO wit* Mullen Phlledelphla; tllenwood. lUlioet. Albany; Y ankeo Dowile .Rose .New York; U Benton, >111 '"'aVANNAH, June 14-Arrlved. schr Marlon Maylleld, Adsms, Kev West. u.dowa Byrne. New rirleins |for 17th?Arrive J, brl* Kedowa. ajm u |r |ow ^ Providence, with derelle L Philadelphia. "cJunol4?arrived. schr M.^ln (Br). Anthony. 3th?Arrlved| sehr. Mary Shields, W ilte. Port Johnson ; ? 1 (Rh?? Arrlved". Xm.^Pratevllle. Pierce. Pbll.delpble; ?cur Krl. llobin.on. Port Johnson SOMERSET 'june* 15^-Arrived schr Araoe Pnlkenbnr,. E"ade!l--Sehr15d's*y Ann Qrlsr, IloiorA New York. I sTONlNGTOM, June 14-8*lled, sebr Lamnrilne. Smith Kgg&S&XlSS^i&tSl: L J SLtli- E c Oatrs. Preemsn, Port Johnson lorlar Me. |M Math, u t r Smlih, lloboken lor Ports vf""" tCSS- "ffv'TrU LUute. Thurston, o ... m.j,. yf L Abbott, I Georgetown, 1) , Mahals lodd Norwood, l Ludlem, Alexandria, lor ^stoi.."-^^ j port Joknson for d . . i,rader's do lor lultlmore; 5 lair he!' Se an, an rWom J. ,<io ftTd ' bll-delphla; Cha.t, Ruche! __ P h I'.i.t<iiii in an lordO*. Ryder. 'f.'y;., Krnortor- schr. Nadeb. Warsteed. sAd.ll O ill?!-tv L Abbott J Warren, Imttie. Livnre. Mm Perklus. i reBt 'laUROnt, Now Eonlanu. J B Clnytoo, Mason. Nellie ire . ||0lwav. Emily A Jenn-e Slchinond ?er?ba inne trellis (Br). Senle M Jv^Ts. Allevrs, Setsh L Slmtnona, Win j? Oarnlll, Seinnel Carlton. Phll.dvl H,.^icEtwaVe. B~t.a t?rPdo; r.l.lm.h, Bon snnw, atOBiweno, lu;. Ann I. Lek "t |ol)n do lor Baltimore; Mima i. r'u.t Swain do for Perth Ambov; Mahaska, Bonnie (Br) Swain no . |)?,?ht l)?vid...n, llsrrlBKton Pnrtlead tor^j^ ^ Cnok. St John Presmiii, Rroakin(S, Gardiner tor on; ulnro a, tor doinr it,, Wester o '. Whliak.r, hllsw. rth K K James (Bt), Hisseit. St John lor New "Im.eo-Vh?."'^ Carleton. Mountain Lsarol. Kor.l K r ?!alt? Charles I Slnnlekson. Mafsls Todd. Lls.lo Mrew stor Sel'lle B C Chamberlln. Uaeli.l Seaman Crisis il It IMverty. S K V James (Br). Dolnuln. lampa. sab,to, Jed P 1'WIL'm"?oreN, Jnne '^-Cleered. eehr John A fir.fli'n. Poster. Phllndeliiiila. Blohordaoa. London r!rtlhKLt?' June ^7?Arrived* -chr il-.., Hlshop. Trent on. YACHT*, HTKAMIIOAT*, AC. jtOH MAl.h-FAVI''* I I. A.U tiaITSOiI AKK.,,C itttu! ? .losR IM tlAI>?IM.D,7.1 l.ln.-rty M. Full MALK OK TO (IIAH1KK HV Mil. DAV? V VI r.tot Mr urn Yerht Apply en bo.ird, pier IJ North Hirer, or at WnbllgtM Iron tfork*. 71 Weet el.. N, T. Sl'KM>.?FoiTiTaLK, RhW mI RaM t AliliT M a ILhI) Fiiwn.7lfeet Innii. 10 Inei liaem, 4N. faoi donp .~i le?l Oritur lit nl water ; enplnr Uy Krafln A l.evy : two crtln l-rr, ft liy 13 incnee; loroinoilea ete?l boiler; citrine IioiimI n cr wrrnplit iron: releef .peon, 221, milee. Hull hy lllrely. Illllmnn A Mrmk.T, to whom nddreee, 1,141 Black at., riillniiolphie, He. ___________________ STRAM V AUHT run (TaT.*.?ON AtHJOUNT OF Tllr, deati ill Iter owner, Hieom Yacht Hippie, SO It. M In. by In It II In. ny 4 ft II In. For further pertlritlara, addreee KlFI'liK, be* 4.WW4 I'oetomra. ' SAlLMAKMKa, MIIIMaN OalTIl A HON, 177 IHIUTII .I,?Keilnietea wllllnxly plren ; aaila Innii wreua* alwayo on It end. OTKAM LaUKCII roil AAbn-St FMKT liONo. 0 Oioet ii I none* beam, enplnn 4 by H , new l?a? mmmeV, To lie aeon nt Toileiirllle. h. I 0. WAliKbn. We?t Rnj lintel. W"~~ ASTRO?OAT-ill)AI TfTtOM J 1)1.7 IO OUTOMhR." Addrca*, Willi dlui.-nalnnn, Inwrei priee anil where to be enen, Al.I.hKToN, box 'JIH Herald nlHea. MIM('RLIiAtF,0(IH. BRO\Vh"ks VKltMlFUOR COMFl'lH OK WoltM HoZKN per; plenenut to take; children Kite them; the wuruie don't(25 eenta. H"TatF8 1,1 FK BALK AM MUST FIRST"HK I HIh5 lininro yon trite up ttotng Hired ol rheum ??< lam, pool, ?rrelnlM, Ac. It he* boon proyen e gtOat, pood renioOi. Depot, 24i> Oraod ?i Moid by mmiotrofyoaoeo. Vf oT HI Ml _ TniTli Kits! ?7l7iT Kits i JW.IJV.ICT KAll, TO I'RiCl'ltK MRS Wl.v-l,mV\a HIIUTIIINI1 HYKUI* FOK AM. WlSKASKA OF TRUTH I,NO In cllII.DKKN; It rrllrrea the eluld trom pain, cum wind colic, rapu ate* the bewele, and by cltHoir relief nod .beaith to the child plvet real to the mother. NfSCELIiA<VEOD?. CTYsTckX aQBSTK -**? u.wt it# a*. -o i-icii'I. JCjIiKAtVISO OK Til . KKNTDi-'ttY ST.vTB t.oT TKKY ULA3X I). IWaW* AT COVIXiiTOX, KY., -ATU-DA*. "S&i^DIOEIWO* Hmmmh Mo. Priv. Mo. 2'rn Mo. Prim. Mi Prim. ? 82. ..$10 23335. . ..$5o -10299. ... $50 76971. ...$10 19 J. ...50 23433. 40483. 70208. 45i!. ...10 23629. 40537. ...10 76326. ....10 527. 23338. ....25 40672. ....25 76371. Mi. ...50 23702. .... 25 49092. 765 18. ...100 6x?. ... 25 23961. ...100 40936. ..100 76057. 23090. 40090. 76606. ..8008 8'.HI ...10 24210. ....10 5'hi75. 76711. 956. ...10 24412. 50117. ....25 76726. 1209. . .1(8) 24447. ....25 50182. ....25 70891. ....25 1228. ...50 24650. ...50 5)204. ....10 7646 i. 1104. 25 24714. 50305. ...10 77017. 24173 10 5952 >. . ..10 77111. 1566. 25282. 50502. 77133. 15S7. .. 100 25440. 60744. ...500 77152. ...500 16 .8. ..,25 25455. ....10 50884. 77224. 1650. 2)569. ....10 51005. ....10 77227. 1845. 25611. ....10 61104. ....10 77361. . .10 25614. 10 51110. ....10 77661. 1921 ...10 25664. 10 61164. 10 77729. ....10 2328. ... 25 25705. ....10 51100. 76006. 25714 ....10 6146 1. 76U51. ....10 2512. ..100 25722. 61730. ...100 78097. 2656. 25901. 51785. ... 10 78213. ....10 2711. ...10 25029. 25 51850. ....25 78 412. ....25 . 10 25071. 10 54878. 10 7-8575. 50 10 26111. ....10 61085. 78700. ....25 0227. ...25 26135. ....50 52049. 78714. 10 26144. 10 52219. ....10 76980. :i5sn . .. lot) 25171. 52405. 70205. ....25 3)90. ...50 2639 i. ....10 026)7. ....10 79322. ?...10 10 26477. 62837. 10 3742. .. 100 26572. ....25 52882. ....25 79693. ...26 26576. 10 52910. ....25 7.1725. ....50 3828. ...25 20626. ....50 53083. ....10 70762. ....25 10 26706. ....10 53099. ....25 79863. 10 27014. 10 53101. 10 70372. 4050. ...10 27168. 53556. ....10 79923. 25 27232. 53089. 10 80007. ....14 4201. 27273. 53690. ....25 80147. 454o. ...10 27285. 50 538-20. ....25 80199. 4377. ...25 27343. ...500 530)7. 8)350. 4851. ...50 27382. ....10 54005. 80379. ...25 25 ...100 54235. 80487. 10 27775. ....10 80036. 10 10 27811. 64)21. ....10 SMJ'JI. ....10 2783J. ....10 54626. ....10 80602. 27983. 10 54544. 80864. 5526. ...25 28031. ...500 54745. 80097. 5692. ...10 28138. ....10 54707. ....10 .81019. ....14 5032. ...25 2-5229. 10 54601. 81116. 6935. 2858J. ...100 54044. 25 81142. 5095. ...50 28037. .... 10 54057. 81230. ....10 6065. 20204. 10 55037. ....10 81307. ....10 ...10 20420. ....50 81627. ..*.10 612*). ...2.5 20471. ....25 55476. ....10 81660. 6127. ..500 20500. ....10 55810. ....25 81666. ...25 20602. ....50 55836. 10 81039. ....10 6235. ...10 90633. 10 65056. 81009. 6325. 10 20700. 56130. ....10 82130. 10 6772. ...10 20702. 66607. 82204. ....25 6:4<>. 29822. ....25 56108. 82455. ...100 6094. 30072. ....10 50.135. 82400. ...100 7108. ...10 30109. 10 560)7. 10 8273). ....10 7130. 30215. 5690J. ....10 82897. 10 7171 10 30267. .... 10 57061. ....10 83045. 7185. ..100 30278. 67089. ...100 83136. 10 770205. 57000. 10 83431. ....10 7311. ...10 30327. 57182. 10 83430. 7371. ...10 30449. ... 100 67206. 83613. 7539. ...10 30515. 57250. ....10 83702. 7572.. ...10 30604.. .... 10 57316.. ....25 ...25 30637., ....10 ...10 ...10 30764., .... 10 57482.. 8054.. 30778., 57695.. ...100 ...25 3096 J., ....10 67621., ,...25 8587.. ...10 31002., 57039., 8232.. ...10 31153., 57686.. ...50 8296.. ...10 31292., 67863., ...100 31318., 25 5*305.. 8442 , ...50 31418. 10 58507.. ...25 8548.. ...25 31586., ...100 5*663.. ...10 8538.. ..100 32020. 68866., ..10 32065., 58771., ...50 ...10 32087., 10 6*983., 26 8363.. ...10 32175. 59154.. 8914 . ...10 32491. 10 50652.. ....10 ...10 32535., 00094.. ,...26 25 32693., ....10 60123., 0133.. ...10 329)5., ....50 60244.. .... 10 9361 . ...10 33358., ...100 60391.. ,. 100 9379.. ...25 33498., 10 60397.. ....26 9429.. ...10 33(23. ....10 60496.. 9449 . ...10 33681. 1(1 60533.1 9433.. ...50 33721. ...100 00591.. 9513.. 33779., 60703.. 9561.. 318)3. ....10 03793., ,...10 9572.. ...10 33)95 ....10 60852., ... 10 9651.. ...10 34250., 60888., ....10 ...10 34417., ....10 60939.. ...50 34432., 10 01020.. ,...10 9920.. ...10 34869., 61032., ... 10 1O074.. .5000 31682., ....26 61080., 10621.. ...10 34703., 26 61447.. ...10 10340.. ...10 34798., 10 61889., ,...10 11018.. ...25 34816.. 62280., 11222.. 34837., ....10 62311., 11233.. ...10 35376., ....25 62412., 11278.. ...25 35499.. 10 02426., 11417.. ...10 62639., ....10 ...10 3.5909., 10 0)134.. ,...10 . ..10 36038., .... 10 63147.. ,...25 12'J94.. ...10 36)67., 63404.. ....25 ...10 36084., ....10 03524.'. ,...10 12184.. ...50 36109.. ....10 63558.. 12189.. ...10 36220., ,...10 61658.. 12225.. ...10 36829., ....25 63683., 12577.. 36884.. ....50 63744., ,...2o 12762.. ...10 36H0S., .?...25 63756.. 12802.. ... 10 37002., ....10 63767.. ...10 12831.. ...25 37308., ,... 10 041.11.. 13 HI.. 37333., ...100 6(188.. ...10 37375.. 10 6(195.. J 3246.. 376*8., ,...25 64422.. ...25 37003.. ,...50 (>4000.. , ...36 13412.. ...10 37733.. ,...10 64690.. 13499.. ...25 3775)).. 64857.. 13572 . ...10 37919.. ...25 66058.. 10 13627.. ...50 3800-5.. 05128.. 13616.. ...10 38..08., ...10 65206.. 14222.. . .1041 38002. ...10 65236.. 10 14239.. 386)3.. ... 10 65251.. 14361.. 10 3863').. ,...25 05531.. 14370.. 38764.. 65766., ...500 14741.. ..509 38706.. 66)07.. 149SI.. ...10 38898. . ...10 60060.. .1000 ...10 38216., ,1.5009 00099.. ...10 ...25 38885.. 66100.. ...25 ...10 39049.. ,...10 60149.. ...10 15172.. ...25 394.(9.. ,...10 60157. ...10 15216.. ... 10 ;0)523.. 60159.. ...10 15227. ...10 39635.. ,...50 66360.. 15250.. ...10 39704.. ,...25 00(31.. ...50 153 16.. ...10 39924. ... .60 00444.. ...10 15394.. ... 60 39949.. ,.10)0 60457.. ...25 15454.. ...25 4. >053. , ,...2.6 00494.. ...25 15628.. 40245.. 66504.. ...100 16508.. ...25 40438.. 06810.. 15736.. ...10 40765.. 06968.. 15414.. ...25 40849., 07077.. ...101) 15924.. ...10 40874.. 672-83.. ...10 41124.. ,...26 07304.. ,...25 ..10 41289., .... 50 67387.. ...10 41295.. 07559.. ,...10 16386.. 41324. ...10 07671.. .. ..50 41426.. ,...10 07826.. 10 10557.. ...25 41627.. 07940.. 16707.. .. 10 41709.. 07041.. 10 10792.. ...25 41882.. 08326.. ...10 42016., (>839).. ...10 17102.. . 60 42042.. 68059.. ...10 17134.. .. 25 42107.. 08761.. ...10 17217.. .. 10 42222., 08778.. ...25 ...25 42226.. ,...10 00158.. ...10 175-29.. ...60 42458.. ,...50 09238.. ...7(0 17568.. 42.Vol.. 69281.. ..100 1781)8. . 42.577.. ...100 09)48.. 17995.. 42727.. ,...10 69706.. 18017.. .. 10 42798.. 69*1(6.. .. .10 42837.. ...25 60800., 1 Hi 8)4.. 4286 ).. ...26 09846.. ..loo 18136.. ...10 42981.. 09805. ...10 lKl'JO.. 43938.. 69943.. ..100 18706. . 43108.. ...10 70005. . ...26 18967.. 43224.. Touio.. ...10 19013.. 4.3219., ...10 7<I023.. ...10 19035. ...10 43206.. 70,(72.. , 25 19312.. 43451.. ..mi 70536.. 19395.. ..100 43796.. ...50 70557.. 19397. . ...10 43832.. ,... 10 70761.. .. .24 19404). . 43845.. 70911.. ...10 19408.. ...10 43937.. ... 10 70944.. ...50 19498.. ...25 4(118.. ...10 71000.. ...26 19530.. ...50 44121.. ,... 10 71021.. ...10 196(81.. ...10 44189.. ....10 71031.. ...25 19646. . ...10 44427.. ,...10 71192.. 19654.. ...25 44.547.. ...100 71321.. 19692. . ... 10 44794.. ,...50 71418.. ... 10 19770.. 44802. ...10) 71944.. 19875.. 449.(6.. ,...25 72(07.. 210 )9.. .. .50 45468., ,...10 72414.. ...10 20l'>0.. 4541(2.. ,...25 72482.. ,...25 20385.. ...10 45692.. ,...60 72517.. ...25 2.1400.. ...25 45725., 7 2)110.. 10 20720. . ...10 45812., ....25 73209., ,... 10 20736.. 468.(6., . ? . 11K) 73)48.. 2076;).. 451(88,, ...1(81 73730., ...10 463.57. ,...26 2 >959.. ...10 46799., ....50 74000.. ....10 21038.. ..1)8) 46835. ....10 74040.. 21122.. 40839. 74050., 31130.. ....50 47031., ....10 74078., 21142.. ,...10 47382. 10 74393., 21298.. 47411. ... 50 74431.'. ....50 21512.. ...100 47(10. ....10 74470., 21922.. .. ..">(? 47621. 111 74M9. . ...10 21720., ... 10 47'01., 74(21)., 21774. . ... 2") 47720. ....25 74784. 47731. 16 22143.. 48002. 740.16. ...25 '222.2.. ... 25 48918. 74 (65., ....10 225'>6. . .2.(00 48978. 75033., ....25 '22)52.. ...10 (8140. 76035., 2)04 ).. ,..1?H) 48193. ....10 75284., ...10 23082.. ,...10 48(74. 75687.. ....50 23182.. ,...10 48910. 10 21215.. 49148. 75930. 83712 25 10 83844 10 1 10 .10 .10 .10 85500 10 1 10 10 83850 50 8729 7 10 8729 8 10 87447....100 87630 10 87300 10 87858 25 87977 25 88297 50 .10 .50 .10 .10 .10 .50 90958 10 91007... .10 91140 10 91151 10 91225 10 ...10 ..100 10 923 <6 .50 92390 10 .10 ..10 ..10 .50 94314 25 943.54 25 .10 9329.5 10 93446 25 96482 10 97392 10 97593 50 97004 10 97939 10 97991 25 98156 AO 9893i lg 98292 26 98399 26 98491 10 98563 10 93890 10 93917 10 00. >56 10 99124..,.100 99194 10 99177 10 99281 10 99350 50 99101 10 99430 10 99432 25 AlTROXI.Vt A HUN I'HI/.U.S. ,V,> I'rlt' ,Vo PHa*. ,Y?i Prim, Xn, Prim. 10(71....*7ft 1007ff.4t.97A 39987...|160 7Mff4...S108 10079 75 10090 7ft 9H988....1M 7rt(U)5. ...101 10070 76 89911....1A0 389. ID. ...lfto 7M?7... lot 10075 76 0VAI9....15O 39940...,16o 70009 .. 101 10070 75 09933....1A0 TOflfft loo 70000 . lot 10O77 75 89984....160 760*9....100 76701)' 1* 1007m 76 88980....lftO 7000,1....loo The 1,'iao tlckata amiing with :m (thy aatna m the |? terminal miltn ot the mimttnr drawing the Drat caultak. (l.'i.i**)) are earn entitled t.< ?>. Wunrm u?r tiande at OwrtngtM. Kj., thla day (Rata* day), J uua 15, 187H. K. II. KAMNAY, i_ |k I). CKONI noBR j 0"">nti?aloner?. Prlaee payable In full wltnom dndnettou. OIm? >1 will l<? drawn .lane JO Capital*?814 O*) fM.iaai, $a.i*ju. two of 93.SOO, four of $l,i*a), Ae nekett only tl. Addraa* all order* to SI if MO Ms A OtORIVO'iM f!?r. Initl ti. Ky. ; or lha Ureer*l I..stern Agent*. WILoUX l^bOR A CO, 509 Uroadww. Rcw lork. '