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business troubles. FOLUMTABY PETITIONS IB BABKBCYTCY?18 SIGNELS APPOINTED IT CBKDIIOBS' XYBT Ik On. Dtnnlson W. BtODi, 9t So. 1,229 Lexington ere tine, toe ot the proprietors of Stouo 4 Co.'o CIrene end 8U 10*1 Brigade, now at Chicago, he* filed a velumary volition m bankruptcy lor bliaiell and against hie tartnora, George it. Brousoo, ot Ktdgway, Kansas, ad Frank Hyatt, ol Conversville, 1ml., and tlio ad judication will be hegrd on June 29, In this city, The total firm liabilities, acoordmglo ma schedules, amount to $23,361 14, of which $623 ott are priority debts, $4,t>0b secured and $18,227 88 unseourud. Susan 11. Btone is the only secured oredltor, her olaim being for 94,800, and she Is secured by a mortgage on theoircus property, valued at $21,000. The priority doots are all lor labor uud bill pontiog, except a claim of $35 85 fue to Lew.s Willis, circus rider. The following nmouuts are due to well-known circus actors lor salary eoutracted between November I, 1877, and fuue 1, 1878:?Hubert Hiicguey, equestrian, $1,177 80; Frederick Lovuntibe, gyinuast, $489 05: Carollue Koi" laud, equestrieune, ?5u_5u; Lawreuce sisters, gym nasts, $472 00; William K. liurke, clowu, $185 20; J. It. Kuudy, bund leader, $1,402 86; Michuci Ford, drum corps leader, $204; Frank Whittaker, riug ni.ster, $00 85; Uol'iie uuu wile uud Kiuele, couovri, $206 75. They are also indebted to Isaac 11. Gahlmau tor $9U0; buylau k Co, lor uitlitaiy goous, $038; Junius ltuiily, lor priiiiuig, $5,861 00; H. A. TUonius, lor mhographing, $1,470; K. F. siicKuoy, lor loan oh two notes, $1,000; George F. 11 alley, ol Dunbury, $170. 'lhe urui's ssseis consist oi the circus property, valued mi $21,000. The Individual liabilities ol Mr. Stouo amouut to $6,011 08. Luclen B. Oloue Is a secured urcdiior lor $3,040 00, uud has a bill ol sale on the lurulture st No. 1,220 Lexiuglun avenue, v.uued at $1,000. A'noug the unsecured creditors are Ueorgo W. Had, $1,60(1; Henry Baruuin, $100; Thoiuas Chrislopuer, $250; all lor borrowed money. His ludieiuuai ussuts consist ol a house uud let, No. 100 Muuutbo street, Uronkiyu, valued at $1U.0jU, tnoi isugcu lor $8,5uu; houscuulu goods, $l,oO(J; one-laird luteiest iu ti>e circus properly, $i,0U0, uuu a promissory uule lor $400 liuniei K. Duvenpcri, ol the firm ol John K. Uowun & Go., rgiiroud cvutraciorn, hus guue into voluntary bunkiuptcy, buluio Uegistur anon. 11.s Labilities amouut to $101,025, oi ?uioi. $46,000 vie coiitiugeut as ibdoi ser, uuu $24,o00 secured u.. real esiule. ? he secured creditors ureGuune* Moruu, $20,000; Ahuer Andrew, $2,500; Juhu W. liixelow, $2,ooo. me priu cipai Uhaei Ui ed creullois are M F. snuppard It Go., $b,i.0O; Ghrisiiun Lehiuau, $6,000; U. 1'. Ui.hert, $2,5u0; M. V. IS. F.tich, $2,000; Jouu Ma., berry, go.UOO; B. F. Mouiuoy e, $l,0o.i; K. K. CCJ luuur, $2,100; J. w. Johnson, r-.buu; U. W. Merchant, $t,6oO; Lyie & G.isuu, $2,0c0. luo Buileheiu Iron \V ol Ks Company appeals iu .liu scUedUla us UulUol's 01 uuies lor $45,c00, indorsed uy tue petitioner, lhe s seis aonsist oi 320 ueies oi Uuu in Worcester, Ohio, aud a bm.s. ana lot at L lUslugnurg, N. V., pienged lor $1.1,000; no equity; tuirty-ilireo lots iu O'NeiU Oitv, Neu.. tuuriguged lor $1,0U0, Va.ue $200; ucuis due, $3,onO, uud u ciulm lor $75,000 iu suit ugaiusl the Goviugloh, Guluuiuus uuu iSiauk Hills Huilroad Gompauy. N'ulhau N. beats, niuhulucturor of mlllimry goods, at No. 387 C-iUal street, nut ueeu adjudicated an in voluntary buUhruplou the petition ot Hewaii, Krrck sou He Go. auU Jouu y.iuiuiei man, wuo-c claims aggre gate $900 40, uuu the case has lieuu rolerred to Keg istcr Urtigni. Appiicaiiou was made to liegister Allen by Jobn 11. Murray, ihu cui us inuDa-er, tor his discnurge irom bankruptcy, uuu as mere was no opposition ou tbo part ol tne cieditors yesterday, nis discharge will bo Iran led. MBKTlNCS OK Ctt O.TOIIB. A meeting ol tuo creditors oi Arthur A. Kline, ol lb* let* tlrn. ol Cburius Oaliiinuuu & Co., tusuulactur oi cloibiug ui No. 34 Koade itr>?l. ?*?* held at tbo tllice ol Kagistor l)a> tun. Tbo r-ueduies proeculed luowed liabilities amounting to about $18,000. Eight alatina wore proved aggregultug about $0,000, ol which tbe largest were tb. se oi K. Koes A Co., $3,300 03; Alpnouae Kalih, $1,100; Keise iiroMieia A Co., *748 SO. tilusOU 1'UlaCl tkus elect, a ue-lguuc. Tbo oruuiiura oi Kuwaru Huigtu, Jr., stock broker, Diet yesterday at tbu clll o oi Uegislur Llille. ticnuu ulea aero pre.-ebieu so owing liabilities outuuutmg to $33,338, and Joub ii. Plait wna uppoiutuu ussigueet At a itieotlng ol tne creditor* ol Felix h. lU-yinan, *al eataie uo>'"t at No. 0 1'iue street, hula st mo cilice oi Megwier Fitch, floury Ncwmuu wuo elected assignee. J.diu H. Piatt w..a yostc-rduy appointed assignee iu bankruptcy oi diaries Jacobs at a meeting oi ureoitora beta bvioro Kegisici Keiciium. itia II ?btiiiKU utuouut to $8,300. A meeting ol ttic credl ora ol Clark K. Griggs, dealer in railroad auppliea at No. 333 iiioaaway, was held ut tbe olttou ol Kegiater Alien and Jonu it. Pialt was ap pointed assiguee. i'no schedules suovt'ed amouuting to over $, but only one oiaitn was Kred bv tbe second Nalioual Buuk ol Peoria lor 703 08. '1 no oreuitors ol tbe late Arm oi 0-iorwot* A Wile, dealera iu lauuy tiooda at No. 330 Bixib avenue, beid u meeting at tbe utllce ol Kegiater Aileu and proved sev enteen claims, aggregating $11,300, ol wittcb tue loi lowiog are tbe largest:?noma Wile, $3,370 87; BaVid Wile, $2,3-6 77; ft. Wo.II A Co., $1,001 lit, anu elected Keojamiu F. Keokal uaaiguee. REAL ESTATE Tim aaien made on tuo Koal Estate Exoliougo yes are aa lollowa ?? nv a. 1. BcrxcxKn a an aoa. Foreclosure sale - h ward U. tlsls. releiee?of a plot ?I land, 1110.llxlihi, on 3d nr., n. w. corner ut 07th kt; toplalonlt *10.000 av a V. UAHNhTT. Foreclosure tale?B. B. tShaler. reiereo?el tne lot, 2uxlOU.4, on ?. s. ol 5?tU kt., 331.?'? It. w. ul av. 1): to U?eo Mornn 2.00D Also, ilnillar sale. Sidney M. Htuart. rsli-ree. ol the two hoasea, with lets'JIxtti 3 ?ud IMx73 nasnec lively, oil ii, e. corner ul 4th it and ar. C; to fed Keelirk ? 24,573 BY VAM TAKSKUL AMI! KKAIINKV. Foreclosure sale ? .1. Urant Mucin r, referee ol the boilse, with lot IM.4xUH.Uon the s. s. ol 3.">IU kt., 130.4 It. e. ol 7th av., to plain ill.. 7,000 BV J. T. Boris Foreclosure ka!? William J. Kan,-, releree-of the bouse, with lot SiSxliD, <m i lie e. a of 3d sr.. 35.7 It. n. ol II th st.. to i*I,iItitlIt 22,700 nr aeon amu aim. Foreclosure ss #-toward s. Ils-lu, leleren?of tne plut ol lauu 174.11x100x7 ix.'mxUU llxl&o. on Hie n. w. corner ot Hth nv end I4n.h si , to plulutllf.. 17,000 ar WICI.HIN AIIHOTT. Auction sale of the house, wlt'i lot 3.>xliO, No. 2'll Van Hrunt M.,k. ? . e. ?l Ueiaran st-, South Brooklyn, toloseph Ferguson.,..,. 1,000 Tatnl 3S.I.173 orriciAb he At. km rate tkvnskehh. Tb* IoIIowiok ?laieaaol, allowing lb* real eatut* trausacllous recorded Id the Koglaior'a pfflco June 17, 1878, la obiaiucd Irora Au^uatua f. Docbarty, Dopuly HogMler:? ? 83d at., n. a.. 211.1 f\ a. of Broadwxr, 21.1x08.0; An u.tua Hcltuil lexacittnr) to Auaten (I. Fnx... .fJM.nOo Bank at., a. a., aw. 221 U.vld I. Korcbhelmar (. arc uior) 10 itewrx* A. Curka Io.inx) 2ii at., n. " 1 H. ol l?t a*., 2U2.-.4H; lirnrtii If, May itud wife to Bar* i. nay Num. 4th.a*., n. w. ennaer 37tli at.. l(x>x1MhA{ Hubert K. Tra.ii and wife to Annie Keltreidi . 60.3(A) 41-t. at.. n. *., liM.SU a, at Uadhxiu or , 14.l*xS2x irregular. Kritncla tan Hrnlhuyaru to Adoinhna K. A arotirion 12,000 let ** . a. w corner ol it.-'t i at.. 40.4x73; al-o I ,t nr.. w. a.. 4S.4 tl. ? ?f HSih #!.? 10.7x73. Jo, ph i'rtar ano wlla ta I'eter Alimony 20,000 824 at,, w. *., 2U6.9 It. a. of 4tl> a*.. 21x100.8, 0. K. T.-lelnway (executor) toll. F. T. Melnwit, ami olbT* . 13,000 7tli at., a a.. 173.10 fl e. of ?r. C, 23.3x02.1U, l.?ri file# In MBMIOOI Ixiwtalola 10.000 |2il<l at. M. a ,1*1 ft. W. ol Sth a*.. Ill 3xllXi. 11, Km an* art KoWrXmla to lc*l I'rice 3,000 117th at., a a.. 2 >1 It. r ol lat a* .23*100.11 J al>? Kim it*., corner ol Uarilcn ?*., ItaixViXJ (Jltii ward), Junior lilyun ami wila to Anuio Mc.Nn 1,01X1 Fruualin a* , w. a., 3flxl27 t2Uh word); Muruarel A. t hurcblll and Itoaaaxd In luooiaa tlnn.twn ... 2.VI 111IIJ" at., o a., 10H It II. Ol rttautoii at., 23x|i?l; K A. Jacoii (remroel to Bernard Amend ^ 1,100 ? imil | M.e|ilii*n V in Wyea ami wile am! utliera to CoruoilM Von Wyca 1,720 10.ith n o a , IHH It ? ol l .t *?.. 2.'>xl'?i; tlnr* Miller to l liniiiii- UoHt lieriy fr,imt Wneater at I hi MSI I'yraa U Wain ami wllo to John I,. Delano ... ...., . hum. 8th nr., a, e. corn?r ol ll?th at., .'iti.'>x|(>itOrrcuii Inr, Thuntaa llraJburn ami wlfu tu Annie r. Bras her!. hum. I*>111 at., a a, BBS It. e. ol Mtb a*. (2 luta) | aame to Mom. 0th a*., a. a. corner ol 12I t at., llXixliatll : *|.? 120tli at., x a.. Ill) It. a. ol lit It an., loualixillt aame tu an me hum. uuaaa. Flotetior at. t.Vn. 40). 10ytara, K. D. Ilrnnoort im< pentur), to firiiiiiell. Muitorii A (!o $1,200 $th XV.. nr. a., corner Slat at (Noa. '.'13.2431%), 21 enara; John ii. iiadon and wil-to Jaun Kwnut*... BOO Itu a*., ?. a., (Aoa. 2t/.i and 211),21 /aara; Mama to 0<% ni o ...#?? 700 MOMTUUiFI. Bnrling, hlaannr. to Mtapheb Murker, ho. llOChrya. lie at.; 2 year $1,30(1 Baiund. John U. to Wllilajn tl. wllllx, a. a of Wouatar at., X ol llouaton : 3 eaara 4.300 Carr, Jamcaand wlla, to J. S. Tpnun (ehamhar. lain), a. a ol 2l?t. a. ol 34 a*. { 1 rear ft.ixai Saate !<? aame. n. a el 2l.t at . e. ol 3d ?*.; I yenr . 7,044 Cock., Ueorge A., to Bank for earing*, ho. 22 llank ?t ; I rear ... ?!????' ??? 2,000 Oelhy. John I., and wife, to Mnry Tumi all. ?. a. of 12'ith at., *. or ;>th nr.: 3 yeaia 1,400 Felt retch, Annie ami bxaband, to Hobert i . T)aen, n. w. corner ot tin nv. end 37th at.; I year ... 3(1,31*1 Fllnn. Peter J., to Jaua l'mler, Wilinni ar. (24ili waul); 3 yaaia 203 Fi-'chcr. Char lea M ami wife, to John h. Flanlior, X. x ol 28th at . w. nl Sth av. ; I jonr 15,imo Fox, Anatoh U, anil wile, to M unbutton Lit" lnaur* an' a Company, h, a. ol 33d at., a. nl Broaden/ ; I rear 13,000 BohruOdcr, Aliirlu (executrix), to Marl. A. Mihtnltt ner, a. a. ol Mtantoii at.. e. of mAiM at. i o year-., 1,000 Ulinai, .-amuei. and ? tber-, to AXun M. Hoaa, a.a. of 14th at., a. of lat ar ; 3/ear* 3,300 W.riiurton, Anolpkcua K., to Franela Van Henthny. fan, n. a. ol 41 at at.,*, ot Madlmn ?r 7,000 Tflliiuinaiiai, Ale*. 14.. I* Albert Hodlno, *. a. of Thumpaon ? of Prince at.; I year 1,310 ataiuxxxxTX. Hall, John, to William Sranley Nom. Well, John t:., to Krnnela Voxel $5,i**) W aubar, Aariar, to ear ah J. Daabar fSSHM *?#????# 4,lUU BUY ANT'S STATUE. To rum Editor or m Hrrald:? As there will Do uudoubieily a atatDO In Central ? Parle o( Mr. Bryant, R ta to bo bop-d, for decency ?alee, iney will not giro hi in a "swallow tail'" coat, aa intbooooooi Mr. Webster, or a choker "that made Haiieolc ildiculous." Mr. Bryant waa not odd- a p?tt, but also an orator. Noiie oi our uativu poeia w?ro more man poets with tn? eacrpilou of Mr. Bryant. No Clothing would boas titling lor ma statue ua tbo Roman tone. No otlter drapery aliould bo foloed around bim. Tlie classical scholar, tbo translator of homer and ot the luHan poets, ho is numbered with tbo sage* of auttqiiliy, and should be so repre sented. Don't you ttnuk so? CLASSIC. SALEs -vl AVC'riUA. 'lT~TUNI3~JOliNisiIN. A tJT f l'ff5KBft. A. t ld Stand .'17 Nassau at. TlilB DAY (TUESDAY). JUNK is, AT 10)$, O'CLOCK, at our ealeeroom, 117 Nassau at., BALK OK SKI ION O HANI) FURNITURE. Mirrcyi, Oarpeta, elegant Parlor Organ, rosewood Piano; J also large assortment of office furniture, Ac. Alse a eerr Hue Wood Bros. Dog Cart. A.?TUNIS JOHNSON, "TucTIONKF.R. a-hiunkk's balk op FINK J I'.WKLK V SAFES, TOOLS. LATI1KA. MA clilncry, Ua- Pistnraa, Trunks, Office Furniture, .to. TllI.S DAY (TUESDAY), JUNK IS, aT 12 O'CLOCK, At' 1!?2 BROADWAY, NBAS JOHN ST., By order ot T. Oranoerry, Esq., Assignee. * TUNIS JOHNSON, AUCTIONEER, ASSIGNEE s salK oF Woolen .machinery, ao., ON FRIDAY. JUNK 21. Al 12 O'CLOCK. AT 321 AND 3211 EAST 22D ST.. BETWEEN 1ST AND 2D A V S . The entire Carding Machines, Oldliam Willows Machine, Pickers, Orintlers, tJiiadruMe It.oarer, lead lined \ ate, Hell ing, .-halting, II angers. Pulleys, Truck*, Eiuuber, Iron Pipe, Wire Cloth, miscellaneous Tools, Ac . Ac. A~ UCTluN SALc. AT PRIVATE RICtlDKNCli. KI.EOA.Nr H0U8EH0LD FUKNIPUitK THIS (IlKSDAY) MORNING. 10 O'CLOCK, at the lire story brum stone inaiisiou NO. 41 We.liT SIXTEENTH HTHKI-.T, . BETWEEN FIFTH AND .-J XT II AVENUES. STEIN W A Y PI ANOI'( IKTK CHICK RING UPRIGHT 1'IANO. MOST SUPERB nasoi lute lit or PARLOR, CHAMRER, LIRItAltY and DIN i NO ROOM PURN i I'UitK ev ir ofi. lercd at pnnlic sale, einliraplng Kaatlaao. MedlMval, tjueen Ar ii", KnaAish Ootliie and otlior modern styles. ELEGANT .PARLOR FURNITURE, uj-h litored In Bittlm, raw silks, plush and reps. FINE COLLECTION CLASSIC Pt I.STINGS, BY FOREIGN AND AMERICAN ARTISTS. "OFF THE FRENCH 0OA T." BY DKL.VOROIX. "UltA.SD CaNaL, V. NIC ," BY GO.SDL, ."ON (ill MtD," IIY CDX. "EMIOHB GAP AND FALLS," in ANDREWS. "LAKE LUCERNE," BY Kill NKll Alt T. "IN THE HOLY LAND," BY MI'.UN 11LITE, FINK SELECTION IMPORTED BRONZE STATUARY. WALNUI' CHAMBER SUITS. MaHHLe Top. DRESSING Cast S, HUilEAUS, W V si IS I AN DS, KXIENSION TABLi S, SIDEBOARD-. > AND MANTi-L CLASSES. < jj LOUNGE AND 80FA BEDSTEADS* Q 5 bo imiase , libraky tables. a o WALNUT BEDSTEADS. H -1 UPHOLSTERED Gil A I Its O 'PARLOR AND CYLINDER DESKS. O MAKB1.M ToP TABLES. t,* o KAsY CHAIRS, Thl E A-TKTES. < ? CAKE SKAT t HaIHS, CORN r.It ST ANDS. C h BKUsSKLS and INGRAIN carpets. a It SPRING BEDS. HAIR MATTRESSES C MIRRORS. C0KNICKB. CURTAINS. LAMHttBQUINH. N. B.?salo poaitlre, rain it alilnp. Don't (all to attend. J. LEVeKICII TA KG KB, Auctioneer. Arrangements made |,or packing and shipping It deair >d. UCTION NOT 1CK. Til IS DAY JOSEPH L SMITH. Auctioneer. WILL SELL THIS DAY (TUKRDaY), AT 10 O'CLOCK. SHARP, AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE 120 WEST 21)D nl., NErtU 6TH AV.t ENTIRE PUKNIIUKE, PAINTINGS, BRONZES, STATUARY, BOOKS. AC. t STEINWaY AND 1 IIIOK e.ltINO PI A NO FOR I KS, LIBRARY. CHAMBER AND DINING FURNITURE, I'AKLdR SUIT'S, covered In richost deaciipiiou ol satin*, raw alike, atyle 01 (juoen Anue. A .; C rhiuvta. Table*, inarqitetry ltilnld: I'edcatala. Consoles, Pier and Mantel Mirrora. rare autiuue Brouxea, Sevres and ermolu Mantel Seta, Ornninenta A LAbOE COLLECTION OF RARE AND VALUABLE oil paintings, by maste artists, viz.: "OFF THE FRENCH t OA-T." B* DELACROIX. ?DASH FOR LIBeRTV." BY -LEVY. ? "GRAND CANAL. VENICE." BY CONDI. "ON UUAKD," BY COX. "K.MIGIIS GAP AND FALL ." BY ANDREWS, "LAKE LUCERNE." BY BHINKMAKT. -WINTER IN HOLLAND" BY VaN DEIIOUSB, "IN THE HOLY LAND." BY MKUN11 KTI F.. And 3(1 otliura. both imported and domestic. OIIaMB.-.KS. ? Dressing C'aaea, Bedsteads. Cltilfonniera,, atyle ol l-artlake. I on I h XIV.: hair Mat trriaea, spring B'da. I'illowa. Blanket.. Sulla in reps. Lounge*. Chair*. Brussels and Ingrain Carpets, Aa Ll brary?Secretary B >okca*n. T able*. Bonk*. \c. DINING Room ?ituff't, Extenalon Table, Cbalra In leather. China. Gla*.' au<l STver Ware Cutlery, Hall Standi, Onaira, Ae. Goods packed and ?hloped. Take ele vated railroad or HI .tit venue cara to 23 1 *t \ UcTION SALE-UNKis i.Vi,l< I'lli> DiY. A. THIS (TuesdayI MORNIMi. COMME >CINfl AT 1(1 O'CLOCK. H.VIN OK Ml INK, at LAIUiE I 00K sroKY HKHWN sTON K M vNSION 131 Wl S HTM ST., NEAR M il AV., EXPENSIVE OVHISC.T FURNITURE, TWO ELKliANT RO'KWOOII I'l i NOFOItTKB, PAH LOU SKIS, OM OIIIKK. LIBRARY AND hi NINO HOiKI SUIT', OIL l'A IN IT N OS. BKwNZK.8, MaRi'LK SKTH. Pitrlore contain ulla III satin ami raw ai1k*. lake mid La lireciennu atylee; ninrquutry Tabled Claims Murbleo, Pier mul baniel Mirrnre. Wi Una oil i'aiuttiiita. 14 pnira uf iinpni tod brinte Kisurea, 3 Clocka, French make; b?i? de rime Cabinet PeBeatals, J nrdlnierea, Lace Curtalna. vulveiand Enulle'.i O.irpou, K?ay Ohalre. Ioii?|ii, salte in repa and haircloth. O hum liar*?12 aria nf aollit walnut llodaieiida, l)rca?li>i: Canea, Bureau*. Waahttanda, Ward rahea. aprlng * id hair Msttreiaea, I'lllnwa. lugrdn and RritaaoL Carpolo. Kxtuusitni Dining T'hies, hiuid-omo Buffet, cnat #2011; < hnira, Bookcase*, Dteka, sliver nnd plated Ten Seta, cliln* Dinner Beta. dataware, Kitchen mid servants' riirnilnre \ I' KltAKMKIt. Auc t to titer. (Mode packed, shipped ur atorad, If required. Tiikn Sixth or Svenlb av care or the elevated railroad to (ha aiutlnu in corner oi Bin av. a d 14lli at See red flat;. -Ol.D l'nsT OFFICE SaLKHROOMS ? llreiit cnual nor'a sale ul elegant I'onaelmid I- nriiiitire. Irom very heal makers. . WEDNESDAY end I'll UKSDAY, Juna in nnd 20, Pantcdl .r- toinnr out. (leu I mi* n exhibition. Hit' iTEK A Tl KTS l>y WM. PENNY, Auctioneer. A ICi'lON, Tills (TUKSI) A V r A K T KK N 0<Tn7 AT IK AuMo**, AT TilK L > Hub FOUR STORY PRIVATE K .'1 OUNCE 127 EAST 3V TII ST.. NK II 4TB AV. Over "iiKllnta tir.ndsnmu nnd ti.eltil ltnu*eliold Furniture: velvet, llraoaele. Ingrain Carpets of IB ronma mm parlors; rosewood Piiiimtorte, B Parlor suit*. t'nrtaina, Mirrors, Paintings Hiom-a, Ynaea. Clneka, Tables; II Bedroom -ails, si' gle nun Oioib e Bedstead*. llreaainic Citaea, liu renni W aliatnnda Wardrobes, 2H linlr and aprlue Mat. troaaea, B- ililliifC, Extension Tables. Siatetioar i ; over l.'iO Iota Oinaa, Clna ., silver (Vara. Kltrhen and Servant'a Fnr tnture, Ac. EMNE'T ItoTH, An ilonoer. All uooda muat lie removed til houra alter tbe sale ? rt ? puivatTT~collect16 n~u f " YIN R OIL I'aINTINIIB, the bioperty of Mr. MARTIN KLBNXR, to be told a( nu:tl >n AT THE M5HENCK-AKT GALLERY, NO. 10 M.IIIikN LANK, O.N TIIUR'UAl. Kill DAY and SATURDAY, 2lHh, 21sl nnd 22il mala.. * AT O.N S. O'CLOCK EACH DAY. Tbe enla will be poremptury. Auction sale hub (Tuesday* moknino. commencing at ID o'clock, at nrlrnte real mice 21 Kaal 17th at., near Nth av. 2 brilliant tonedPianoa. St, In way mid Uardman. s oleic.nt Parlor suite,aatln and rap. Mr nau M nntel Sat. Hronle YLniee, naaorteo. 12 vt iminiv Lace Cnrtalna. is Bruaaelo nnd laentlii Corpvto. l.'ielettmit oil Poliitln^a. Ueleaant II nroom seta. In hlnch wnlnnt. . hhttaiit Cobtarie nnd ll..ohenaea llmr anil ap'inp Mattreaaea. Wanlroliea. 2 cloitnnt imlTe a, r.ntenalon I hi,lea mid Chairs. ? Lot stlv r and Pi Ited VVare. l,ot ?f Kite, en and Servanta' Yurnllnre, N. U.?|.r.Midway aiajteaor urren enr- Irom Orand at. ferry. Oil AoLI.H A. M \ I,LO 1 A CO., Auctioneers, Office I, l.'i I ornadwoy. Aa (H O. A. LKAVITT A 0(1., Anrttoneere. Now on exhibition nl Clinton Hall, Aetor pi ire, t'.e largest nnd Bind imporlnnt c >11. rtlou of L'hlneae Jnp me o Wore The Clilneae collectl n cmnprlaei over IPSYcnaeaof Por ceimra from the mn-t celebrated Maiialactnrervla Caamn, a direct C ' niuenl cx -taaincr M01 ro Cnatle : Lto.i and nawont alylta of the ricnent oeaigna ami quality. Tlie Japsneae c illeetlon eonalata of nearlv MO eaaca Bran tea, Kkolo aad uwnrl R area, Porcelaliin, Tuia, Puna, Ac., Ac., freah Importation 'I he whole to lie ao'd. wlihnet ar.v reaerve whatever. In Iota to anil purchoaer,, IVeilneadny JnneT'.l.and lollowing allern, una ai 2 o'o.ock. D> alera In New Turk, Beaten, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wnabiitcion, Cincinnati and other elttea will Nnd tlila Worthy their attention. Ai.uuk mU. ? A. ?Important Book Hal*. BARKBR A i U..47 A^U 4U i.iHfcltTY Iff,, linvn no* on rlow two extraordinary valuable porno l.inrart**. conniating an Import.mi Medio .1, Mimtliar wito * vury choice MmnllMtMi Libra y, ib1' prapaoy ol ? wealthy New York pliininaii rrlirM ? Irom prnetiae. They nil, bo ?old no It oil on*,lay on#Tburaday, ,1 uno III noil ipi, two 2, o'clock. I?vTimil,t7ViMitiiVll.Lh, At'Utfi?ftKKIt JT DiiIK OhMPURTK Kl.htlAMT KUHMTl'Kh UP tTTk Kill K HTURY I'RIVATK LWbl.l.lNU. NO H2 WKsT ?U II ST.. TO MUHRtMff, lOU O'bliOCK. WKHHK I I a N'ii. hILVhm ? AKK. MoutfRT. WII.TON, A X MIN sT KII t Mi MMl/A*rL* <IA*Pl. TN. Hft.K ANIt UAtlAKK CURTAINS, UAMINKTh. Ml1 ITS IN HA TIN. Ill.t K' Ml!k KKI AMI UJMNO SI II IN I.KA III K It, I.ICll Mli(, OKS, MAN I l'.l<, llAl.l, AM' KlKK; UIIAMHRII SlITS IN AALNUT MhUH, HhimlNII, OKNAMKNTS. Pa IN Tift OR, h.NUKAt IRUs, ROOKS, AO. IIIiiInif nnd Klichen Utennlln and th* anuai b'liinoluilil acqiil'lton. The llaiM" nnd Lot ?rr Tor tale Par IIII to At our Ulllmi, 71 Unlrornlty place. IMiHKIlT MOSRRVIM.K. B V II All Ah I A >11 l.l.h I', Aill-IIOfthKRS, this nil (iuri.iHfi,,iuiio 10W A M., iti their i'tlonrooml D0.IUCI1 _ _ JAtnliori it, liatieral KMorlmtnt ot Hardware, Table nnd Poeket Col lerr, linger* Brother*1 I'lnted Sr."Oii? nnd Pork*, in., Ac. ; nl-a USA k* n i'iii ft ml*, wooden I'nlle, 'lulu, llroouii, IllnrlU, Hrnahee and IUihipi Cn-ill* Mnnp. | > f .1. II A V K V AUCTION hh It. J 1 Will ?"ll tliln ilny. at 11 i. >1., nt St Wont !l4lh, large lot llon-eliold Furult 11 rO, nmqnet Uetpele, Mnfletn, lledmora Hem, liilr Mattrwtne*. Chnim, T?i,lon, sllverplated war*, I '1111 ii K Knom llhalrn, In tool tun Clonk*. Kronen, I'nini, in i, rtcinr**, Ulaao, Cliln* Waro, Ac.; hitch, u 1,'tpiuilii 20,111111 lino lloinontlc Cigar*. |1Y <1. UAVRa, AUUI I ON hi R.?W 11,1, HKLL THIS I) l i?, nt II A. il . nt ill t\ oat ftltli ??., 2'i.UUU Duo llirim rood nna domeetlc I I am. t1HAKL~s 11K1,M. Ai:? CIONKKH, HKl 'm B MAM /Or. l.MAlIM noil, III o'clock, 210 lilti (t . Inru* Moot, Klktnrct, Ao , of Kanry ilm.d* Mora, shnwen en, in loll LA UOI.TON, A LCTIONKKrt. Sparml nolo of rleh llounahold Pdrnllkie, Piano*. Oar* pot*, Mirror*, Uroiim-n. h|nr*n, Ho* Oil Painting*, Ae? on Til ('ItSii A t. .1,1 no 20, at II o'clock, nt tlio nalOkroom, MR llro*.lwa?. below IhuMton ?t., . theontlin expennlee Knrnltiiro of a Hud*,in Hlvrr r*nl, , donee; gevdt will be en eablbltlon faced** and WedbaeAay M lAkt.* AT IVCTIOi. t^ort^'o"UHiT?rLg~-v\{J Takhf,L'u ~'A Kkar. r NEY WILL. BELL at auction at the GBTT* HoUHK, V"NKi KS, on WED.XBAUAY. JUNK 1H, AT 12 O'CLOCK, noou. the following two Plttn n( Property j - House nod Lot No. S3 W averlcy place; lot 110 t-y 25, With one story frame house ; iliu Louse ami Lot No. lit Willow place : lot 100 by 25; two story tram* house, in good order. John p. o'nfilu Receiver Continental Life Company. WixustxA Ccllkx, Plaintiff's Attorneys, 200 Brond w?y. ; HENRY HEkTZHKHG, AUCTIONEER, SELL* To day. 10 o'clock. Stock and Fixture* ol (Irocery T Kl dridge at. vary large assortment Tea, Coffee. Soap, -near, Htm eh, Sardines, oila, Picslae. Muatarda, Cloyea, Baking Powder. Clnt'irspiiis, Cocoa. Voaat, Pepper All ?pice, Ginger Extracts. Jolliea, Pniia, Blueing over 1.0 i0 assorted Cannod Fruits, and niim-mus more containing, Ac, Srat clans (Irocery Store; also lixtures, Caddie., Scales, Icenoz, Spring and Platform Scales, Coffee Mill, Awutuir, Ac. Positively in lota. 8. WKlN BKIUIKH, AUCTIONEKK.-TUls DAY ? (Tiiesduvl, June IS, at 101^ o'clock, at new salesrooms No. A3 Bowery. 1-1 Children's Carriages, I'uruiture and gen orul Merchandise. J A M E S M. FOgD, AUUHO V EKK.-AT 3 O'CLOC K, 102 3d av., entire gcnteoi Parlor, Chamber, iledronm and Dining Furniture, excollunt Carpets, two splendid Mantel Mirrors, l'ier do . two extra Dressing Cnsa Suite China, Dinner Sett, 8- wing Machines, Wardrobes, Parlor Sola Bed, Ann Quantity lialr Mattress a, Holsters and Pil lows; Oil Paintings, preseiitluit an excellent opportunity for housekeepers and olocre. or it is wTl SIS s. a u of it i nTTe IL B. U. LUDLOW A Co. will sell nt auction, on TUESDAY. June 18. at 11 o'clock, at the residence ol the late William T. Garner, on Hard av,. Stolen Island, near Sailors' snug Harbor lauding, executor's sale ol elegant black walnut ?nd rosewood l'arlor, Dining Room, Library and chamber Kurnl ore; larue French Mirrors. Chick-ring Grand Pianoforte, line liroiisss. Eu giitvlngs, Ae ; large Oreheelriott, Mason A Hamlin Organ, liildaru able and Fixtures, Ten Pins and Halls, Ae., Ac. Also all tint Plants, Flowers and Exotics of the large conservatories. , UhKIH WLLBINo, AUOTIUNBEU,-I'BiIPKRTY OM Washington plaeo. West 3d and -Hit sts. K, II LLP l,i iW A OH. .will sop at suction, on Vt eduesday. June lit, 1078, at 12 o'clock, at the Exchange Salesroom, 111 Hrnad wav (trinity Building), New Vork Washington place? The vory desirable three story attic and basement brick Dwelling. No 2(1 Washington place, 27,ti\0S leoi. Incltid In-.' Extensions lot 90 feet. West 3d st No. 22?Valuable Lot, with two story brick Stable, 20xHj feet; lot 7 i feet de p. West-1th si. -The three story iind iiasumcul brick House, known as So. SM. 25x60 lest; lot HI.11 feet. Mape and iiirtner partieutars at No, 3 I'lne St., New York. tTHTGAGB 0ALE.?P. DAI LEY? a UCTIONBBK will sell on Wedlinsday, lHtn iltst , III1, A. M . all the elegant. Fiiriiiture ciditalueil lit Ibo private resilience No. II West JI St st., four 'linns west of Cull ay , conslstilta df hue silk uphnlateroil Parlor Suits, handsome Mirrors, choice w alnut inlaid Parlor and Bi-drount Suits, Axuiiiister. velvet niid t'.iiiflieli liody Ifrussel Carpois, lloulf-t, t;s-itre anil Dressing Tables, Marble l->p Toilet Hureaiis, Silverware, Laee- Curtain*. Inlaid walnut Heilsteads, Bedding, Croc kery, Klielteii Utensils, Ac., Ac. roe Herald of Wednesday. My order P OAlLKV.vAttnriiev for Mortgagee. Mortgage hvle-on TUESDAY, j. nkTs. i*78. at 11 o'clock. entire Fixture* ol Harbor 8bop -i15 Will lam st., corner ol Frankfort it, 11ENUY J. AlTKIs Jr., Attorney lor mortgagee. * ?\JOTIGK 10 HEREBY OIVl-.N THa1\ PURSUANT TO iv an order of tba Superior Court of the ctf y of New. York, entered M ay 27. 1S7S, in the action of John It Gary against Alfred T. Stevens and another, I, the undersigned. r reiver of the assets of the late limited i opnrinWshin ol Allred T. Stevens A Co., wLi sell al public auction, on June 27, 1H78. nt 12:30 I*. M.. at the Exchange salesrooms. No. Ill Broad way. New York city, i.y Richard V. Harnett, auctioneer, the claims due sain linn. Terms cash. N. K. GOULD*. Rereiver. A list of those claims can bo seen at the oilier ol John Brocks Lenviti, attortioy for receiver, 230 tiroadways O0TPON BM EXT. I ho sale ot Furniture from storage werehousc, adver tised to lake place at 03 Liberty st. on Wednesday Is post potied until Thursday, June 20, nt 12 o'clock. Goods on exhlbltlou to-day. A. GEORGE W. KEEPER, Auctioneer, will sell on BATli RDaY. Jnno 22. at 12 o clock, by ur.L r of Prior A. Hilton, on the premises No. to Vamlernilt sr., opposite Grand Union llepnt, THE HOOK HTUilB. coutainlcir about I,(km volumes OF STANDARD BOOKS, STATIONERY, AC It will be sold In bulk making an excellent opportunity for n person desiring to engage In a lucrative business. P~~ AWNBBOKBH's BALE.?TROMAB J." MoUHdTU. Auctioneer, 158 Chatham st.,corner Mitlb-rry. will sell this day, 11 o'clock. 0IHI lota Men'a slid Women's Clothing, Hreiees. Shawls, Krmnnnts. Quilts, Hiankets, Bedulng, Hoots, Shoes, Ac.: also Coats, Pants and Vests, Jewelry, Ac. Hy order A. Hleiman, Greenwich at. dawns it 7k er 'B hal7 7 wat? i Tm-Tl Je w ii 7fcy, X Diamonds, Ac. ? K. FlELD. General Auctioneer, sales room No. 152 Canal si., near Hower.v, will sell vbl, day. at 11 o'c oik, Goods pledged previous to June, 1877, consist lnu ol 8(10 lots of very vulu tlile gold anil silver Watches; diamond, pearl nnd cameo Nets, diamond Leekrts. Plus, Kings, Ka.-iiuKa, a large sseortuient of gold Jewelry, gold Neck Chains and Lockets, gnld flnard, fun and vest ( hsins, Ac.-, also >ilverwar>. Opera Glasses, Guns, Pistols, Mu steal Instrnmeiits, Ac., Ac. By order K. Htmpkon A Oo., IU5 Bowery. PAWN 0BOKM it'll 8 A LB.-THIH DAY, J AM EH soak, auctioneer, will (ell ol s.ilosrooms. ?4 Bowery. 700 1ms silk nnrt hi bur Dresses. Hlmwls, Memneata, Titbit Linen, Underclotiilnir. Sheets, Hpronda yiillts, Pillows, Hoots, shoes. Costs, I'sntnl.Mins sail Vests. By order ol Julius lliirliim, 4Ud Hudson si. s II E K.M AN, ADt "HONKER, SALRMKOOM 15)4 AND 17 Bowery.? Munasy, Jane i7, nt 11 o'clocs. .it 15)4 ilnwsry. essliruee sale of (lie entire (took of Shirt* and Ma terials. dtors end Officii fixtures <>l Ueorirn i.uurlsy. By order of Freo. Lewi#, Esq. issDruee. The above sole Is post posed until Mundsy, June 24. st the ssiue tmie sud pisee. s HKIWKK'H rt A LK.?V A N TASSEL!# A KEARNEY, OshcrllT's Auctioneers, will sell this dsy, si II o'clock, it 442 ChuhI St.. s lot of Barrels, Counters, Reus Ac , Ac. BERNARD KKILlY, Sheriff! * Joint K. Cahuoll, Deputy. MOKTO AOK' BALK, ssme time sud plate. 2 bsy Horses, I Isr.'S Delivery Wuptm, set Double tlsruess. set amnio llsriiess. 2 Soils KouBt'iliis,Generator aao Hottlinic Th le complete; 1 ex tra syrup rump, 2 Ale end Porter llottliuw Mo'-hlne*. By order ot 11. CONNKLL, Mortueuea. L-llr.HIFK'S HA 1,11.?V N TAsHEI.Ii A Kr.ARs EY, t> herllPs Auctioneers, will sell this d?y. at 11 o'clock, ut o? West Houston ??., an Hssnrtincul ? trofleial Klowets, Desk Fixtures, Ao. BERNARD RK1LLV, snerlff. J'. Ta.inti- a. Deputy. SUGAR AT Al CIlON ? BI'KDKTT A DhNNIH It I LI, o il at auction tills day (Cured*. ), at 12 o'clock at '.!) Borlinir slip, 50O barrels jcrauulated ?,id A Coffee Su*ar, data a? id. T HE hi KOPI AN ciiNoilK--. SPECIAL calk DESPATCHES KVKKV NIGHT IN THE EVENING TKLFOKAM. FOR SALE. ~7 TT.Ce tir fHs glDi'hi' iidW'n T iWil'Liyuou A ??tores lor salu; sbipp on locality. I.I.OV D'H. 4 Warren st. t ?PGR SALE. CORN Bit LiyUoRSI ndKs HOTM4.H, J\ ?Uesiaurants. ilrociTiei, .Men Marscis, Ha.eries, Gea f cuonerii S, Furniture stores. M ITCH ELL, 711 Cedar at A Kilt A W ell KlitST CLASS 010AR BToRK UN IIKOiDWAV tuekt'd; an extraordinary opoortuuity. SMITH, KINK CUIIN E Is LKJUOIt lifolth PGR St I R AT (half price. JoM EM, 38 Centre at. ACOUnTkK, 25 KELT I.OMI, sLTTaBLc. nut Innili dry (foods or Kfoeery; also 12 Stools, all pew. Inquire 181) West St. A?THE LI y COR STORE ON SOUTH WKsT CORNER eBlll sr. audi.1 Jd st. lor sale, a baruain. By order ot iii?rtiraRee. AnOAlN.? OllNPICTlO-EKY sNI) ICR CREAM IJMtlnau In town of 4.IKAI III lahiianta, watering place, a5 m lea ifom fit* ; low rem; llvlnir rooms attached; pinny ol busluea,. Andreas E., box .Ull llaralu ulUn, /too, lAliD-ONK U THE BEST LOCAITU IN V nrsaklyii, will be sacrificed by raason ol alcKoCss; Horses. lj*rts, everything, ail working. Address J. CULL SON, Brooklyn I on office D Kt'U itruRk FOR HALE on Hill AV.; BARGAIN, tlao on all principal thoroughfare*, M KICK<?AND'?, 3d Iteekman as. L'nR HALE PERBANKNT CA.sIl HU.sI.N l-.HH, r healtliy and pi aaalti Home, * Uenatry Store (now rer nlioi s ayin itntai soil Resilience, all under one root, in East Htromlshurg, Pa.; the beat business location In ilm tawnl population ft.UUI; hours Horn New Vera; will oid at a .real sacrifice; io?e*iicatlon solicited.' For om it O. hAKP&MTk, 71 alio 75 front titulars can on DsCAt si., or andreaa owner, WM. UAFJTKKTY. East sirondshur/. Pa (.NOR HALE -A It ROCK BY HTORc. IN A O'KIU LoCA r H"U Apply at >o. H i.reeuwicb a*., opposite Jefferson kartM. 1.11111 HAl.K A GOOD WINK AND MK.KR r Saloon, with three Mi Hard I antes, Inquiry at J. IV aL LaNHTKIV* office, 112 Bowery. L'llH -m.K \ OOIID CH ANCE, an OLD . sTaIJ r H-bed c .rner (.lunof Store, wltfl torte years' lease ? r *? riiue anu hotel licenses paid. Ida llelatrrj at.. Corner 'Jlln tnll st. L??K * al.K-JKW KI.KV tftMk. ATTLY Al' *H I Hieerkrrai Ev'ik HAiik? PIFtI V VaKDf IdOttkf i; AMP. T Pok r |M.? ?t HM I I'll'it, MM Kniloo. opposite Citrl. Broiklyn. Ligd HaXFa Mh?rniiAMA DIM.NO liUHM AMD r liar, mi# iloln : a thriving biiaiiieaa. In nnr <>r the nxxt tnealloi a in Viirk ellf . apl nnldiy lilted up nn<l Iniin-a io-p. clion . prlee. ??'I,'**', i ??? i i ii it Ihkkii nl JI tram at r? ry |?t rant. Hl Kit I I.I.'-, 4M >th ??., Hrnoklrn. lViTr~aV.i; -oM'. ifKiliTi .ii'.i i'aTMI l/VI. mm r '1. Ill * I I'r lin k anil hot ; price. $|i#i, .Nii.liiiMiiil.iui at., mum 1.1, elijr. Ami PAI.K-HANDY, TUt, HhMfhBf,Vki* A Mi llnnti-. App jr JWI l?l a*. ijjvjHlii?Lk-hakk<?u.mj utvLhainVi iim uamm t . lulanco by Inetaiuieoia; rare clianon. M M.I I.N R, 7 M array el. b ? Hill S A I.K ?Hhlt TAU KANT AMI HAK. ; IIAI.K " caah; balance eaay; epleiidld, downtown local inn. M AI.ONK, 7 Murray at 17il.ll HAI.K-TIIK most kl*oant wink, hkick and F l.iqnor hetalillahmeat, with Billiard Mall, In the ally; elae. ifllkioo. everything Aral emu- and In aptaaillil working order; great Chant a lor good party; fnlldil uarllrnlara ii.j n J. A. II ahTimiK.n, tl Howard Mtuc Dirtif and t a iid v i no" routnTTTx^okl. lent nnalneaa; tell Mperat# or together; cheap. Kn. hWi N,7 I'lne ah Smhia" w itk? appanatub rrrn wfttiB iitntrfTf 5lnn.t Apperatna at great bargains; all aiylea. Apply to JOHN On AY, No. Mill Ka.t Jklih at. i?iM WILL ?' (J Itt: 11 Adh tllOAIl HTANII, I.NOI III) ?? IIM/ltig Sloek, near Hold Sloe* etching. Tardea lara at M Broadway, mem :kt. A17 A WILL PrittJTt Ask a omodpamiLYTTToTroii ?pl I ifHtoro doing a paying buelneea LLOYD'H, 4 Wat ren at. __ ?ALK ^7,^ l lt y- grout, rix ? Ja'M J U.tam? and Mind Will .if nn old ealahliahed Mil lltiary and Inner ..node In thn neat bnnneaa portion nl Hrnanwar; renaona lor anl Ing I.I liaahli and retiring Irnm bneluatt. Anureaa MiLLI.NMtY OOOUrt, Hera d ertiee. _ .UACiHHIHIliu ewAsnsSorsita, vv* pa."Ti t wifA?iao*M*iiifK.", OP*pef Onttliig Machine, Wood Tlanera, hand and rlr cnlir .->awe, drilling Marhlnee, Lathee. Hballlng, Leather Helling, Ml etaea 37 Hey it. WANTKD A J.N INOII MWrNo7.ATTikT~ALM>TTt Ineh ; in good condition. Addreae W. hen 114 ller nld ullice. dlTPATlOm V/ AITKU-rBOAI'lt* <CM>Ux. Air Tnu EUROPEAN COM} HESS. SPECIAL CAHLK DESPATCHES EV" HY NIGHT IS THR EVENING TBLKGRAM. 10 11 C? WKST I7TH >T?A TKUKTWOTHV. COMPETENT Jpereon at cook; would aeaiat with wuahinir: aereral yeara' city reference &4ll'll .sr~RK r* B'? N 6TH AliU Hl tl AVii ? EX eliem cook. waalter and irouer; no ubjeutlon ?ocountry i boat citr reference. 1 (iKoVK sr.. HE AIL?AS IIIOROl'U II COOK IN 21 private boarding botfte; iptod city reference. i) COURT.-At! KIKsT ClTTHS COOK; NO ocijectlou to boaruinc liouae ; food city reference. iTj ~wevt a7nt sr.?a middle-aged womTvn as A?jplain cook and to aeaiat witb waahliu; ao?d reference 1.> w: sF"auT?i k*. <pkesRnT emploYer'So ?iTw'i reapaclable younir trlrle; one to cook, w>i?h and irou; the othur as cnainbermeld an J waitress. Call two da>w. MKAST t? 1II SI._EIIl.sT CLASS COOK; CITY Oil country: beat re fere tit 1. iJY wi,;sT iTrli st.-as rntsT clvsa cook in a ? I private family; boat city reference. Can be aeeu tor two data. ?J A W EST till II ST.-A VOl'NG WOMAN' AS GOOD ? iTTcook in a private fniniiyt Milling to aaalat with waah Iitlf, good city reference. a a viurr urru sr., ekae mouse. one pair Of titairaup. A reapeeta'de I'rotentaut woman n? excel lent plain cook : good waa|ier ..nd ironer; good .inker; city or country ; will iro any diatenee ; good reieronce. WKsT 47111 ST. (I'i.KsHNI' E.M PLo Y EE'S).?A ouian a, llrat elate cook; good retereucea. Con be 87J f | I.KXlMliIlN AY.?A WOMAN AS KJRsT OI.A-H 1" Abend cook ; Krctieb and Kimllalt rooking, meat* nnd paatrlns cannot be excelled; can cook for a large nnmber; city releirnce. . 4;x EASTSJU ST. -A YOUNG WOMAN Aft GOOD '/cook. w ..after and imner; city reierence. C :>Til AVr"tPHKAc.KT KMPLOVKit's)?\ PttOT i/e tant woman aa drat data cook ; city or country ; rof ereucue n* aunve rCi\ boniT"srT~7iT~TaiTn"oTyTT^mpkctaklis ? )\l woman by tlie week or month : pood eook, waalter and Irouer: country preferred; good reference. Clt I- AST KHOAr.\%aT\ . 1~TW6 ItEKPKCTAni.E lilllLS. ? sls.iilddlc age, ..lie aa cook and lauudra-e: tlie otUer aa Chambermaid; city or country. KA t MTU ST.?A"laTTV " LBaVIN3"P .It KU rnpe dealrea a pino ? lor nor o >ok. 60 63 6-"WEST 4<t i st a woman as cook >nd ?/I.miidrcs?; haa little girl, 10 yeara old, lo go "lib bar; country pielernni ?, wage* uioderiite I Deal cllv refer.?nee. CRUSH* 8T IN i lit La UN DRY " SSrWlSS Broome and spring. ^a good co..k, lor the evniltrv. I 117 WE?T ufrTl ST.. Tol' Kl.onK. a COMPBNtNT 1 'J I Protoataiit girl aa good cook , will aaaiat witUawatU lop uun Irt.iiluic: citv or country; ood reference. 1"|7 Wlis I 33O bT. -A K MPECl'ABLc. GIKb Alt L x llrat claaa cook; no objection to the country; beet city lelorelieo nom laat place. llj WKST 3:tt? NTT?A: A Itt K U L KiOTOO WomXn J. 1 Tin good cook and baker and desaert maker; undor aiamla tbo rare ol milk and otttter; reierence. fj n WKST 1DIH at, NEAR ?lil A v.?AM HRHT A 1 Cfclaaa cook ; iiiideratnnda ail kinda ot cooklnir; three yeara' city reierence aa to mipuhlhiy I'r <m laat plao ?. WCHT :ifsr" ?i7-A COLORED WOMAN At cook; cood ml.'rrttce. 121 1.^,4 WEST HUH sT.-VOUNO Wi.MAN To OOOK. ?t x waali and Iron In a a-uall lamily, city or Country; pood City reioronoo. pM{ "Wair lorn iT., rIak.?ab good nook, i ?jUexcellcnt waalter and Ironer; city or country, couu try prelerrcd: re creuca. l??q WIST 11)111 ST.?A KhSPKl TABbH. WOMAN I-J ?'uit conk; city of country; would as?l>t will ills washing imil irontng; three years' oily relermcu. 1,3" MT a YOUNG COLORED ITOJtAH 131 i enok In a boarding honso. yvis'-i itiTii hf7? vT7u.\u oiitE ah cxiklc lent cook, washer and irousr; good city reference. pj'|~VEST~30i:lf ST.?A VOLOHMo WOMAN 4b JO 1 cook, waah an .1 troa ; city rtftNIM. "T'TiX east .1)r. i~ wIT s rTLA^~r:oi7Kr c"iCn AOObn Bonn with last employer; city reference. "I ?Jq WKar iir>nTsT. -a younu Woman to cook-, J.OU wash unu Iron or do general Uou.o?rork In n amntl private tamily; hot references I At| WMRT 10TU ??., VIKAT FLOOR, FRONT.-A J "re.pectaUle worn in a. good cook, washer and Ironer III a small family; cliv or country ; boat city releronrn. 1 At I Bast :wViTsr. "iPKHnKJiT "km plo v ku'rjIIa ATtl'younst woman aa cook aud to ataiat in washing. Call two dnva. So carda. 1 A |l WEST I'.iTll ST. AS KiltST CI.A S COOK; 1 Xv'un'leratunda English. Knucli and Amsrlean oook. III).', onairlea, brcada and dr.aorta; hotel or boarding lioueo in tlie country prrierred . city relcreoce. eliz a Bhrii si - "a kks p^utablr woman aa oriior cook In hotel or isataurant. 141 1 Id. WKhT?TH Kl'. COLORED WoM tN AsROuK. J."?'Twuaher and Ironer; city or country; good relcr encea. 1 J. L rr" KV - MKAR I8TH ST. ?IIEI.I a M.h WOM tN It xat cook and laun'troaa in |a amull private lain Iv; undcraiaiida all klnila ofcooklng; aood oread and paatry milker; good city tolerance. f. VtKvr 3-Jtl* ST. COLORED IIIKL AN OOOK; city reference from laat piece. 145 Id C NASI 3 20 ST.?A kOUNH PiWIEsTANT ttlKLa ix) 'to oook. wneb and iron In a am ail private family ; It owl reference. 1east jotii st.?woman as cook, wasiikr 1 "xUai.d ironer In a private lanilir; city relereuee from laat piece. 1-r | f WKsT 2hTm NT.-A PKOIKsTANT ui l as rJv'gnon cook and to a?slat with the waaliiojf and iron ing. i nod eity reiercnce irom laat place. I r.ftt W EST ^TiTsT. (In r-Till),?A NICK AMk I t)\ 'rienn girl aa rook or to do housework; wagoa not en olj ct, but a home; city reference. I ". %) WKs I' Tsi'll St., KlKSt klook, rear.-a ?f_ire.pectablo young clrl to cook. wa?h and iron or do geiieral . lour year.' city reference* 1- J RANf MTil ST.?A YUU -O WOM CI As tiOOD ?1 cook, washer and Ironer; city or country ; good city reference. I * U WEST 3?r?i ST.. RiiMM 0-KESPECTaHLK X?JOwom m to cook, waah, and Iron; city or country; beat city rafereiiea. WE ST 37 i 11 ST-A COMPETENT VOUNU WO inau aa cook, baker and laund-oaa in private t n in 11 >; country pr.-lerrn.l. fll<rlVBSf~2MfII sr. A O'/oD K.iKNCli COOK A'lt/and baby nnrae In a small private lainlly; apeaka r.ugliah ami Uermaa; paid cuy raitrawa Ad#ata> aJlYI KAST -i.Til sT-Ta irUUXU WOMAN TO ? lenok. wash and Ir n, or to do ehamn. rwore nod sewing in a email family; In ilia country. Rail lor two days. tHtty EAST 37TII St.?TWO UlKLs; ONI Aft UOtlD aw'' ?icook. wa.her and Ironor and bakor;tba oilier at chain eunald and waitress; will go aeparata; beat city ref eruncu irom their last place. .me) EAST-WTU ST.?A RESPECTABLE PliOTKS a.i'wiint VMM at I teak nod to i^t fn w >t all lit g nnd irwalnifi veara' lelereuce Irom last alHation; no ota. Jectlon to the country. oTt.J OKAS' ..3D ST., OlillNEIt UK 111) A v.. KN* ?a' '?Jtraiice on eldn door.? V re.nectable ylrl aa Verv pood rook and aesut with th waalilug; no objection* to the country i.a*t city relereucu. i)\ t j EAST 2.VTH ST.?RKSPECTABIaR VouNO aaCTwoinmi a* good codk ; willing to a>el.t Willi the a ealilng enil Ironing; no objection to a hoarding house; city or country ; boat city relercnce. Call two days ?) I i \ w hit r ifTrTiVr.?TuUNti Woman as TTxckiC ?a i '/loot cook, washer and Ironor; clly of coanlry ; beat Mly rrlerriioe. k) I >) KAST 'isTII ST.-PIRsr ULASS RImTk7 UNIJKU. w I aaatt'indt rooking In all brancbe?;?ity or country; bt.t city reference. illy Etsi ar.Ttl ST. VOUNti WUE trTAS ANslsT mj I a Jan t rook; public place preferred; City or coiiairy; louf yeera' rel-rnn e Irom la.t p ec*. ? a I." e AsT 41 ST ST.-A J Kl i: HT~ iHTa ss "rImmT ; awl I ? Jwould a.aiat with tne weahliig : three years' beat city re lore nee. Ollf~Wr.Hr #IIH sr.?A KEsPKOfAKIa . tlEKMAN it L< /w .men ?> ll'St rlta. rook ; under*! tnda pastry, d a ?eria and prraervlng; beet city releroncee. ojTWM ?7f H NT. ?CUJdPETKST,KXI'K It I EN ikTi aal I Womith aa good roc* and haker: excellent washer end Ironer; city or country; boat clff reference. , ififtl EAST A7fH ST..TMfitly IfL<MH.-a"|U'7MPKRT Maawilile voinan ai cwk and to naalat In washing an d ironing; neat cltr reference*. 4i?W Wr.itT 27III hT.-PKOI'hsfASr i.fHL AS wnaher mil Irouer; I* firm cl.aa co- k; city or innlr; i (food reference. .i.?7 it. hi 67rii ~hr.-younw tvi7ma.n Aft roi.k mi. | *n<h>r mi l Iriiuiir In prlml, Imuliy; no objection In tun country i ti*l < 11? reference WMt ifir 11 ?r.. ku >m ir-rmkT i.Xam cook, hotel or boarding hence, ally or country. W h 1 i U 71' 11 HI. iiUiri' I O.IK, iXi.I'.MiKNT waelier Mini Ironari cuud city reference; city or co unity. *)'>'/ kahi awrii sr a younu wuiaiTmiiumi Mflwriiok aim lanndreea. nmlereienda the aura of milk ano I on tor; country preferred; reference. I.AMT iftrrII hi- Ik Knoll CUOK. HAHIIK.K mUmioI iroucr; no objection to the country; good relet. 230 231 232 234 _*n? guml Dtltn rtHlll. wnplmr mid Iiout no o'-Jocllon to iIn* country ; l?c I Ctly r*l#r? nr* |r??M hit pin ?* ? i 4i-r hi -a riiTStoi ritor. >ta*t Iwnmin M cunlt in a prl**l* fnnillv ; h?p| rrfcr?*tirn< 231 2-J 7 W Kit I 271 I .-T -A Vim NO WOMAN AH UOtlK, 111 wnaner and Irnnar or to do generni hnneework ; la n yood linker ; lonr yeare' ally relerenee irotn laat place. .1 I I f.A-r -Hi II it." TTTFrD Kl.OOIt. ?VoXnU Wo. tuT lman aa good aonk, weeper and la a email laiully } good city reiofcnee. til ?T~I AS I 41 HI sr in O RXOhLLKNT MhLlANI,* a-'ru-iclrl": good conk, wnehrr and Ironar; chamber maid and trailreaa ar eaenllanl laundreea; would go local her or aaparatcly . Hly nr rnnntry ; anon city refarena ? I M Ml t?PKPRV NT.? A M 11)111.K AllKlT" Wi?ltt,r5 A lOuciHik, w-aher Had Inner; f ol home preferred to litiiH waf -a; city or conniry. ,t IIJ Q K AHT 2HTII Ht.-A t<411 Nil WOMAN AN waahar and Ironor; (no objection to a abort dlatanea In the rOnnlry. n T7r~W h?T~8*7 H Nr.-A i:tl.M I'h.TKNT Til UNO Zl rl'wnman to do Ihe cooking, waehmg and ironing ol a am ell laniliy ; ally or country; haat reference. ij | 7 Ran f :wrn ni t 1.1.- I'M? i ?ni.k voir no Zi't I widow aecook, waahar and troner, nr to do hon>c work In a email family | city or country} boat alty refer ence. 248 wK>r iflTii hi.?riKHi 0Lahh cook, to cio ?hurt dipt no i*w In the euttntry; bo*l City rtlercnce. 250 t; I u WKsr SID NT. t HnNNROtARtiM YoilMfi eat I Ogirl aa e-oa, waahcr nnd Ironer In a email prima family; n<ra yeara' city ralsreiicn from l<tat place. No poatai carda anawored. WhHT t:n> rlT.?HOoTt.'H UfKf, AH fJOOR AND to aaalat wltb wnablna; good alty raleranre. II " I WMT aaril NT ? A KKhPRi TAHI-K OIHL AN ^?i'ir<>k; willing to aaalat Willi the waalilng; beat city roleronoo. </"". t) WRhT huh' *f. - as AtX?:.? i I.knT riiuK, ieOwwadrr and Irddarj ifvod baaor; ill; or dpontry; good city reference. SITUATION* tVAITEH-rKNAliSA 25H 2tU 261, liiuk*. die. 7TI1 AV.-A8 KIl'.tiT CI.A8S COOK IN A KIR8T elaas boarding house ; k?i rolereuic. Snl a v.,~uiT*K7? as tlmMT <:i,ass couiTTxo ob|fcliorj to a bu.iidtu ; house, eitv or eoantrr. 0 II AV., ftfcdR?AK HOOD OOOK, OoOO ?sher and irouei ; pood city reference tW.^tril V I'lli SK * I'K M I" i ?' KK'Si.?A YOl'JftJ -iU womau *( Bet cinse cook ; no b o li a to do ronr** weshinit; will he found eatistsOtorv: Uttr of country. Olilt **'* S?Tl ht. sE AIt.?KNU U*U OtlillC: ^Ul JbjardiiiK bouse pretermit. citjr or countryi cood nlmiM. *dQO LI- XINUTON V. <P'h-KNf KM PL ' Vi. if ?lOOOonim'ieiit yuuhp woman as cook Bud to uiin with washing him Intuitu. 0*11 tor tw > days. 'lit-J 7111 aV.. URiMKRY sroRcT?YOUNli WOtM IV OwOii> lint cms* cook la oil branches In b boarding h<>a?e ; elijr or country; Rood city ref-rt-uce. 'J(J') 7TII .tv., IN Oituosur tiTOitK.?.ti II^aD t'UOigwt Bod poetry eouk in hotel ur boordinir houu*; city reference WkkT38TU Sl\?A VoL Id V0I4H Alt Q(k3> ploin cook; ekocllBiit washer ond ironer; pood city 304 'J|jd WUMl 38TII ,f. Kin IM I.-A li K -PhO TABLE as lirst etniiH cook ; bed fit* reler?-uce. Ol I A h v st"82I? MT. ? HE * P K CTa it L I". I'lf ?1 ESTA VT 0 Tt-ii pood cook, washer itiol irouar; thor uplily un ds'staini* her business In oil lu branches; no objertlou to tiie country ; cood rlty relerenor (Jail for two iteve. ?}/!(? KAfl ItOTi? StTWBHT "FLOOR, PRO# I'. ( ?>",/re,p.'ct?hlo wouibu aa cook, wuber und ironer: good relaraitce. QTlZl FaHT 46TH ST.. NEAR SO AV. A RKSPEOT OiJlJable pin Be pood cook, volttr and Ironer; bed city reference!. UitQ RAMI 880 ST.-A GIRITaI OOOMTWaSHIS ,',/Onnd ironer or to do housework In a email family; willing und obllcln i; irond eltr reference. ?Jf7\ WEST lofTntTHsioT^T^TII)Y PROTESTANT t'lvrlrl to'rook, wash and Iron: excellent lautidreaa and baker; city or country; beat relerenco. 01 7 kabt 4Atu ut.-a itKufEtn ABrai Yousb Oi I itlrl to do ulaln rooking, washing and ironluk; city or country ; good reference. Ol Q HENDERSON ST.. JERSEY"""CITY.-A MOST ? J I.Orespeciahle clrl as ilrst class conk; la a irood maker ?of bread Mod biscuit: also jeliiea of ail kinds willing and ol I Kinr; three yeara' relereuce. OaTTi kAiif IBM ST. (PrKRUKT KMPLoY?K?d., young woman ?a flrut claaa cook; underatanda F.ii IIhIi rooking; will naiial with waablng; underatHiida in ilk nnd butter. '-W1 Kl Eli I'll SI,-,. REM' DTaBLK imiMaN as ? 'Lgood English cook; undereluuda hor business; good City reli renin). O t;a ? K AST . 6TH MY. ?AM COMPr.TltN I COOK A^O ?laundress ; irood city relureneea IJ-ll or nddreaa, 3<) i)' ?4I'H n'l'. ? V KKKPEC I'AnLK lilitli AS ?j tJtrond cook, wtahor and ironer In a pityute taiuily ; city reference. iiiio wk T arrii sr.-rrliaklIT-I?Tiitkstant ey wkJwomitn aa Brat claaa cook and buker; cood city rel OilA East 341II ST A KBMI'KOTABJj ?? H OMtN ? J?i I aa llrat claaa conk, waaher und Ironer; no objection to toe emintry; eily relerenco. Qa? | EAST 31 ST ST.-A UIKh TO OIIOK. WARN ?)-l Xand iron lit a private taiuily; Ave years' oltv rcier 'liH WEST 41 ST ST.-TWO tlfRfi-?, ONK AS t!Ot?K. ? J-e 1 washer end Ironer the other na cli.iinbcrmnld itud waitress Rood ciiy reteroucea. OtJS WEST 33 ft S F, - A KHSEtOTAB ER GIRL AS 0?i? 'fliat class co .k to a hoard'nR house or priyate Ibk iiy. No postal curds auiwsred. O.J7 BAST SITM ST.?YOUNG WOMAN AS COOK, ffmj I washor and ironer; court city rsfersnco; city or country. ?ion 6TM StT, BKTWKtlN 1ST ANO 3D A VS.. THIRD O?i ../floor.? Gorman rook in an American family. OOl| K ASI' II4TII ST.?A YOUNG UIKI. An GOOD #JO' 'plain cook. weahcr and Ironer; nu otijnciiou to the country ; best city relerence. ?J 17 KAST 17 I'll '8T.-S0OTCII WOMaN AS OOOl) O'r I Mot, waih.r and irousr; good city relarauce; city or country. '?117 ?'KST 407H ST.-V ftESFfcOTABteR Gist,AS 0"T 4 pookawaahcr and Ironer, In a private Inmlly; no o Jection to Pbs country ; good citr releronce. Call lur two tlttT". V, _ ?> | 6 4TH AV. (oTOHfc,).?riHST GLASS OOuK) ?)"1 O'irni class rsfsrsnoi'. None paying ?mall wages need apply. ?JC4 KAST 1JTII ?T.-TWO KKSPHCTABLK OIKL-i; OlJTmu as cook, the other us chambermaid and walt rc aa willing and obliging; city or country. QKQ *BST 12III BtFT?A YOUNG "WOMAN AS OtJt/gooil plain cook, waaher and Ironer; good butter maker If required; neat country relerence. 04I I XKXISOTOS A V (I'It K aKNT I SrUJtBRM) ? a" ' I A coiun"tent girl u* good oook. washer and Ironer; excellent baker. 401 k ?8T 1STII Si.?lOUN'. ? lltl, as GOOD cook washer an-l Ironer; city reference. ,| 11 I KAST Mill sT, PlltNT KliOOK. FkO ?T ? A l I'Tyoiinu Protestant woman aa good plain cook; la an rxcelloiii laimdre.s; city relorencr. All A* TTH A V.-YOUNG WOMa N AM IXPkltl t'M fenced, ftr?t claaa rook: will aaalat with coarae wash Inir; city or country : city reference. ,1/VQ 7TII AV., MOM 7.?AH rtl?r CLASS IRQ. xt/O'.laii cook -. thorouirnly uoderetande li r hnalneaa In h|i it? branches: no olilectlona io a boarding houae or a (taall bate! Ill tka country ; good diy reference. till Wisr 2SYH ST. ? It KSl'KCT A It I.K ~ G lit I. A H T ll/cook and lauudreee In email taratly; beet city refer ence. dill 417 WHAT .T.TTII ST-A YOUNG WOMAN TO DO plain cooking or chamberwork and watting. ~KA*T I7TH ST.?rnUNO WnttA* AM rtMT rate cook In a private family; good city refcrenre. 4"it A tMT Mitt ST. - aTk u7t WO RT SFwI > M AN -i'I n- ilret eia?? cook; excellent waaher and Ironer; beat reietoncoe. Gall for two daya. 4 ,Tl KAsT 1MTI ST.1a~KhHPhOT BLK PHOT rUeiuni woman aa cook; no objection to e hoarding bnu-e or i eataurant; good city relerence. I'all for two daya. {li; W KaT Mill "S r. - P KG If K 8 4 KI? COO K I N~A a "X vjprlyate lamily; one who ran take a man'a place ; elty or country; bet city rcterenoe. j I 7 vs Ksr tin li "St.-a! FIRST OlAIW flOOli r r I understand" lior bnalneaa in all ita brancbea; n> objection to the country: beet city relerence. 2l A V? T ST 581) MT . MBUONO FUOUK.?TWO KB TiJT'lwclable glrle; one aa good cook and uerleet laun nreaa, tbeoiner (lately landed) aa aecond lrt;woulugo under ImwiUlll IttMS Aa#k{ good NtafHiri 4 Cl* WKsT Ittl0-*r7-T (IKit M a5-51 itU AS GOOD ToUpnia cook aud to aaalet with tbe waabing and Iron ing. A 71 ,,;rH AV" IMtOK ST, IRS.-A riKST 01.ASS X 4 Icook . nndcr-lanrt" all klnda meat*, bread, rake, pastry, deserts: would aealat In waahlug; city or country; beat relerence. ID AT.?A HIDHLK AGKO Ghli.M AN WOMAN e oook and to do baking. KAMI* laril ST -AA PI.AIN OOOK. WASHKB wtndiruner or to do lioueewurk;*lty relerence rail 491, 512 582 _ .I II AV. (PKKSAvt Ki PI.OYKR'S). ?A KiiUT OwrU.i cook. Call tor twn rtnye. 6.J- IITII AV., PIIUIT slOKK? a PHi.TKSI.vr a,/?>ini>n as tint oook In all brancbea; beat city reference. A | | STII AV-A COMPhI KNT WOMAN AH ll(>4>n Ui Icook. nnderstaado all klnde ol family eooklng; will ss-1-t will, the wa I Inn; city or country; he?t reference*. r? ,j (j 7ii av.. HK-rwaKN nafH Afftf Mrtt vrm^Z I pf . 'ic-pcct able woman aa llrat rlaaa rook ; ennntry pre furred good relercn. e. Call or addroa A IIVe. KTINK It. 741 1 AV?AS KTtt~T (11, A SS O' lOk : TiifbB 4 " '' I Mdil with the waabing and Ironing; beat city relef 71 U 2I> aV.. niMNhll 4<?TII ST.?A KRNPHCTABi.ll Oglrl ee good plain eook. wealier and ironer; beet elty r lerenc*. C m ba aeen fur two day. 7(1 B 7l irAt ., i- i.imih, KilONT HOUM.?A 4 ???/trn-t wore .if and reliable young wijinen aa gnmi rook and In aaaUi wllli washing and Ironing; la an exeel. tent tirsad and bticult haaer; willing and obliging; good city ralermee. 0 i l 7111 AV , dkfWASK MO ADD MTM flm?A 01 Irsapseiabln girl as pood plain cook, waabcr and Ironer. Qilil 3D Af. (lUNll Til IRD IIKI.L.I-A KlWICr >7 hi# yniini: woman fl? rood plain P " k and f nxlit with w??hin/ mm IhUln ?; pity nr runntry s hatt rnVrPiiP#. (W'l uril *V.?A IU>PI.< TAHDK MKMAN ttlRli ?M ) 1 aa i lain conk, waahar ?ud Ir.ntar In a arnall family. (Jail lof In day*. |7r ? i ? l.i \ I . (. 111 > A V ?A LADY OOIXII To TIIP. t/OOfnnnlry oaslraa to frt aplarr lot liar cimk. ollali alan racallrnt lannnraaa pan bp wall ra- nmnipn.Mn; no ohjpction In ff.> to tha country wltlt a family lt>r Ilia aura* 8 1m It/'PSD AV., hM'OKO PMMK.-A" IMUiT Hi.ANl) ,U I I ? ) odd. waahar and iNMf In a prlratn family ; haal dlty falaroocf. 1 DO r. ?D A v7. KKtiXT?KKdVi (TaBL WoMaK A?t rt )? 'aa rook. waaltpf and Irnnpr; til* or entintrr | " t i HKOaDWaV! Hfc.TWkliN (dill AND Mrfii I > I Lai*. A a lltarad h <nnk an.l Uwimil ally nr tnnntry. \i I. lit I t HI. h hi Mia V- I WAHIYkk an ? Irmiar; prirata lanrny ; wall raanmmanapd hy praa tnt amployar. M. P. b?* lit lltrald Uptown nlHea. OKI If KM r ANT VHIHAA, A ilOtlll PI. IX COOK, I wa-Ii.t and liondt, ala-* nor nalta a* ap-tnlra girl and Id m,k ? h?ra?lf grnrrnilr oarlnt: mhii prafatrad. Aadraa* E Kl HEX 11 iff, Peat ofll #,.lrrany Dlty 4 lldlllbrriitH Itla. iVr. WHAT 2 !l> aT. tl'ItKAp. XT KMPUITERH.? PIRXT tlnaa chatnharmald and wallraaa |nr tha roantr* (ij WhsT 2211 MT.-A LADY WIslll.X TO DPT A ! l/nlaea Inr a fi at tlaaa Klrl aa cbarnbarm tid or wailraaa, aavaa yaara' rnlaronra. "I /? WKaT rnrril HT.-A RKAPhOTABLP. YOUXtl (lIRL il'aa ahainliprmald and Wallraaa i willing and obliging; cliy ur tnnntry. Can ha aana at laat antnP.yar'a, 1(i I.AST naril nr. i I'll I-. Ah NT I'MlVKH'Ml.-A IJ/raapretabla girl aa tharabarAlald and wallraaa. no oh jartlnn lo thn country a?a? WK.vr 3HTH at (I'llKAKXr* KMPLtlYMh'Mj.w.A awa JjaniHI girl aa chambarmald anil Wallrp**. t)U WHAT l.'ITII r?T. A YOU NO (|7kI. A* CIIaM art'harm aid and lo aaalat with w calling; ran do Una waaa Iny and ironing; boat ally raleranoaa. JTl *ft;T7sfll ST., REAM.? UlKI, AH i:iUMHKK. XWrna'ld and aaalat with walling la prltata boardlntr h'.tiap ; city ra aranca. I - ,.11 o f*KKnT n I KMPLllYRM'*) a In S., Xr't jar.iman aa . hamli-rni Od aad to aaalat with welting ur Inko cara of children ; ralarpitpaa. ri | O tthKN Wit: II AV. 1 Vol Ml 1. mi. \- <11 vv ? M/bprmaid; willing to aaalat with tha waanlng and Iron. Intr; rlty or country ; good ralaram a. iit\ wi-.Wl ?.t >i inrtniihr BMPtiuririT^A 7/7 Froting girl aa Aral alaaa chambermaid and w .itrcta la aprlrata r >arti 11y. "II 3D IV ill li.ill N 5* l.M ndrVk ts KNfil. II tjtfgiri aa enaii barmaid or to no light hoaaawork. Call or addrat*. DW COl.lMHlA AT.. ItOOM 12 A YOl.'NU tlllll. An \}Oehamliarmaltl and waltraaa; good ralarmca Dim bar I dot pi ado. __ -u i mvk aity rTifli irlitKAKNi h?iri.<rf. I I Ori'a). ?A good, rallahla girl aa rharuharniald aad laaa I droaa or chaninaraald aad aoaiaatraaa. I HTPATIOm Wr*?T?P-r?MAliM. CbambcrMsM*. Ak. 7Q MADISON AV. {KKJ-SKiiT EM PLOTKK'B).?A I t7wail educated young Herman girl aa cbimbarraal1 and walireaa or to law m ? fine Chelation private l.rnilr. Cull lor two <!?>*. Ofl~MA>:lO\ HI.-A YOUHJ UIKL AM C'll > MM Kile > tic/maid and Walira ; country preferred; o??l sit/ relet* enee. Cnli for two day* 1 f17^vkhf i-tlii sr., erCusu Sl.wOK, HACK. A I W I reapeci.bie colored girl a> chambermaid end wait* tel. or a* i ll.Id', nure-) ; II rat claa. tiiy reieieuce. 1 1 11 WKMT 1UTH ST~OKCON I) I'l.OO I. I'ltONT. ? A J. I Ufirel cleat chambermaid fur ? Uotol or boardiug buimt in tbs country. n?T ~kas I 20TII mi.?a Yorsc iiiiil ah ciiam ? Jberiuaid mid waiireee; ciijr or couuirjr; good city r.i ?met. U| WENT ?U MTT~A YOU NO OIRL AS CIIAM" rh rmaid and weitreaa; no objection to ?uo eountryi city reference U- iir ii~a v.7 ? t wit km irrif ..No" isru mts.? ?SKatpacialiie young girl a? chawbcrmai.1 and wait, rata ..r to do liouMworlt; no objection to clly or country; cliy reference H~"E"went i.vrH st~-^a voum; froiKbfant tje.mcrican girl aa rliami.ormaid and waiir.ea or to take caio of children; boat ciiv relureucee. Coll lor two dam. m~" ttaKl 4tJTII AT.?YOUNU OiKia AH (MIAMttEfe in aid and waitreet; in a good Mianitiroaa; .111 bo loun.l wining and ohll .'ing; good retereuee. k asr li'irn sr ii'K .> nt .?.Mri.iit*fcic?i.-^A girl at chambermaid and waitroaa and to do Una wuctiiug. l"?) | ttr KMr 8IST nT. (PREsI.NT K.M I'LOYKK'.J. A 1 m1 lo.prrtahlu young girl aa ehainbermai.i, s< ntnstreso or waiter; high y recommended by pro.oal am ploy or. ]?)(! BAflf a-dli ST-Yi.l N". illltb AS I'll \ IIHKU. ltj\/in.|d and wnttrrea or would do lioatcwork l?r aria ill private inrally; good city re'erence. ion wttsr idth at., ib hockey stohnj.?a You no i tlvrglrl a. chambermaid and waitrata ; city or country; iir.t cl.u pity rolertiuco. witsT 15fa sr. <?ahkmenoT-colo r ed girl aa chambermaid and ivaltra.a "I WKST liril ST. ? a YDI'.Vil KMil isll HROT J t>_je?iHin aa cliamh rmaid and waitroaa. will b? highly recommended br prnaent amp.oyar. 1 Z-J VVKSi aisr st? a voiw; colored '.liiLAi liJilihum o'tnald or mirae. Call or add'e.a O. L. fro ?.?si n sr.. koom i -uk- iitLd J t iOyoung girl aa first claat cbatuheriiiuld and waltrraai boat reference. 1- ( ) " WKitr WO NT.-A YOCNO Of Kit AM CHAM* t ' t/hermaid and wailrvsa, or would taac charge of chil dren; city referenda. 132g M"J hA>t 54fH *f.?A BKHt EOT\HLH YoUSQ If IwnniAii n* (liambcrm id uud wHitr*** or would Willi tvusliiiiM HUti iruiiltifC or <io cliH.ubsrwork auU l?k* caro of cfiil'tr?'u. 1 71 '\ N aV. ( HKVlmK ^12 M.J - an I I ' Jex. rileiit and tru.lwurtliy cb.ini..ariu.iid; three year.' releren e 1Mf? KA8TWTH ST.?YOB NO I WUMAN ?s CHAM. '/Ulinrui.ild mid wuitreas; city or eoumrr; two yeara* relereuee. (jriiil went ?th nr., mm tSr 5SCEI A." J \ "aide. Knapaclable gin na rlianihermald ?nil wait roaa; wm d aatlM with wathlug; wiliiug aud uoligiug; clly or country: good relvrouea. , wksr"i?V? ^?tmjstTrkhNO.1 iM.a. At chnmheruiaid and waltreaa. 2 Oil Ol r: EAST 11ST ST.?AS KlUST CLASS Cll AM IIKH. aei 11 Jniald and waltrc.c uiid to do Ann waahlng; beat city reference. east arm sr.-a younu oikl as chaIu hermeld and waitreaa or nnr.e; heat reference. . 22(1 222 WEST HOT 11 KT. A UErti'KOTA HLK youno girl at chambermaid. nau kauTa?Vh sr.'-YoUSti'iTiKi, ai on am itKfi OtaaId end waitreaa HU I to aa?iat lu waahlng >tnd Ironing; city or couuiry; go.el reference. i)i (j ttiT A?? Ik Ttni CHIWA STORK A YUtfMO AT r'henteli girl ai chambermaid and waitress or tn lane care of children ; no oh|eclion to tue country ; city re I or ence. i)nn wiirr 10TH ;(T.-IOtlNo"iT7nL ah oh AM? go efawbertnald and wait roes; bait refereote. Call tw? d<ye. WEST 4UTtf St.-T'>#Nl> UIKL Art <73 A MHK?i? maid and wnitreaa; elly or counirr, rlty reference. 301) 30A Or |1 KArtT 48TH sr., tiUKSKii OK Jtt AV,?VUUrtO Ovr J. woman aa rharabormild and waitress and weald do housework. Call lor tan daja. 011?J KArtT 34TU (JT.-a BTHAD Y "fjITTL Art Oil A M. Ol"? Jbormald and waitress, or to take care of children! willing and obliging; brat rrierence OibQ TrM AV. (OlOUKIiY rtionH). ? \ hIJNu <MKl rll/Oa* chambermaid and waitress; good ony reference. ~ Wi-.Hf J?IH rtT.? YOUNG tVoMAN Art OI1A*. bermald and wnitreaa: boat cltr reference. O/w. kArtr dflfH ?T. BOOK It-A itMNWrA HLK OUUgirl aa cha nbermitid nr to do general buu-ewors, in a small lamlly ; -rood waaher and ironar: tbree ye art' ret. r eiHte: good home preferred to high wage*. KAST SMI'M rtT.?A YuUNU UliTL Art CIIaM bermald; baa reference. WKrtV dilfll rtT. (PKE8BN T KM PLu YEK'rt).?^ young girl to do chemberwork nr waiting. EAS? 33D rtT. A "YOCKO (ilKL, LATELY landed, to do npatalra work ami plain towing. 306 311 312 OIQ EAST d4'fII rtT.. TWO TAlKo UP-A KB. O L A/.nectalile girl aa chambermaid and waltreaa in ? private fpmlly; would aatitt witb waahlng; tbree yeare' city referend a. ?Jill) KAHT StSTH BT. A KBrtl'EOTAkLb YotfN(I ?Jwj A/glrl aa chambermaid and waltreea, or would Oo con era! liouaework tn a tec all lamlly: no ubjectlona to rounlrjr lor rammer; two ream' city reference trom laet place, ?>.? I Ea?T art HI ST.?A YoUEO AMERICAN (1Ik? Owe I to do cb ?rn'ierwork and nurea or chambermaid alone, beat city rolerecee. 1a8T"aWMT. ? A KErtPEUTAlith'OtHL At 326, 330, 'chambermaid and wattreaei no objection to tha eoontrr lor the euiuiner; beat rlty rrierence. ?J .to VVKrtT IHTH ST.. PA NOV HTOKK.-WKLKH OtAQProieetant at chambermaid, waitreaa or to da aaw* Ing; yood reiereni e. EAST Hi ril 8T.-A H K>I*K?' r A HLK UIWL Ad 'chambermaid and leundieea; c<ty or aeautry; beat city rrtereure. 0?? I HArtT 6MTI1 KT.?KESPKOFABLE YOUNO OIKL OOttea chainbeiiuaid and waltreea or tn aetlet with waa ing and Ironing: na objection to a private boarding hooee; good elly relerenee. Call lor two dayt. ?t ie bast nffTnt~hk spkctaITlk"y~ou.nountil O'JtJas chambermaid aad waltreti; beet city relerenee. Call for two day?, id" rtf. -It rtPKl.TAHLE III KL Aa OIIAM OOUbermald aud waitreaa la eltj; b#?t city rrferenoc from laet place. IJ'I(J * W KMr 4HIII rtT ?A YOUN(1 UlltL Art I'ilAM OOObrrntiil and waitreee: willing to aaelet with tha waebing: on ooJa<Tl?n* to tba country: good city roler i) ii EAST anrii kt? a youno amii hbsi'lota. ? > t XMo girt as chambermaid and waltreea; good dtp reference. ? ?t | - RAMT MfYM rtT.-A* AMERICA* r?UTUTtRf i)i ? /girl at chambermaid and waitress; city or country) beat iclcreacc. UA TT~BA8T 6tfTH rtf.-A KK-PbTtaHLKOIKL ail irt I chain crmald end wcllreteor to do general house wort: haal cur r.h raara O t (Vk ahT MTM ST.. SKCUNiT PLOUK. ? A WELCIf O't ?7l'rotcataiit young woman a*chambermaid and wait, eea and tn a?l*t with the washing and Ironing; city ot coaalry; moderate wages; goon cltr roi r-ow. i)^ I ~Vt KVpiioTI! ?f. (I'* I ? Mfboi tK'.-ti.-A i)') I girl aa chambermaid and waitrete; excellent wa.hei anil Ironer. e " ?jnii" wS5T 11 ii cT.-A Viil flO Wvm an Ad OO Jgehainbermal I ami waitress or launurt-ae; conntr) nrelerred: heel elly reference*. ?1U4 Yktf BOTH* ft. iPttBKEET MPUiTailhic* tlO I Two ri'*|>eet*hle clrlt: one a* eh i inner maid und waitreaa; the cthor aa cook aud tosaelkt with waahlng: ref. arence. il|ii A AST HTM MT.?A YUl'NU AMKKtUANilTiiTI T'M)m rlianib'rmald and waife**; will a*?lel with waahlng and Ironing; reference irons hast place; city of Country. I I A KAhT~i?rir rtT7-A KI'.hI'P.I 'TA HOK~ Yi >l, NU T I Tglrl at chambermaid and wallrra*; wiillug to a.aiat with waahlng and Ironing; baat ell' relerenoe. a*rii AV~Art?r.:iaum hmM ? Jl/reapertaiile iirrman girl aa eh imherniald In a ? mall priralo lamlly) beet relerenee*. Call lor three 4 Ml 4r" YO|!f?l OlttL Art 1: 11 A M H.. II. ? and wnllroaa and la aaalal la waahlag; bonk dltr releronm; eoaolr.* piot. rrcd. I'"-f" wkmswim h r -< ? m a * h k k * i fi a sit r is a *1 ?) I wa?her; can Uule and p.ili.h ; ally ur country ; bad clijr rolcroocn. a ? i irii?*m'koiaHi.k uikl a2 j!eh?nli?riiiiiH or nar??; r?fnr?i*c?i. {La WKrtT ?JI> rtXTiKtWKiiriFM- AS 1* Mti 'rl??.-A rcaprrtabli. irtrl ??> do rhamberwork and ? no w tailing end ironing, * I an lo do Ilia waning; good any relaronoo. Hall lor twa daya Alii Hr" A > ,~THI lib KI.IKIK, l> TllhKhAK-A 'J U Arrapaaiai'l- ralafrd ?nm?n cbaauanaald or la dil /-n-ral noAraaark Call or ?ddr-a? urn "av . in iwhi'.\ iifii ami* auito bTia, ro im B ? A mapo. labia girl aa cbamber/uatd aid 90 r.; I Hill it. A MKKl'fcUTAHLK VuUsu UIKL Afl ? Im 1. cliambcrm aid and In amid allh Ilia waalilng aad Ironing, no objection la thr eoaalrr: all? reference. B??iflSTiiSiiif~*vl <piij&SS I > 17C51BSRmX ? )lJraa|iarlaliio v-ang uIrl aa tbaiaberiii>ild and wali rna?, nr rhamiiorntaid and In lake r iro ?l growing children; ciif nf country; two yeera' reference Hall lor iwo dar?. r i u tth~at.. km r HKiiHoi ? I I O <a rhaaibarmal'l and anamairaaa or chambermaid aad Una wa-har; iall eltr ralnrnnna. WANT 4?lTH Bftaa* CUUNrlU UIKL. Art UHAjir 'barmaid aad waiirraa 553 853, r.\'i WhHT diifH NT.?A COliN i MT UIKL AB itAJAJibambarmaid and waitraaa. t ? 7 it Ml AT., THtBD riA>oiw~A BB*i*Ki: r ami.b * I I ang rl aa ebam'toimald aad laundroaa or do plain conk, lag and Ana wa.king, willing and obliging . boat roloranta, o/w .in at.. iiKAK?nioKoroflLT OOMPffMl O' "?Jglrl aa chambermaid anil waltroa?| will aaaial wild waahlag aad Iraniua nr oarc el clilldron. CO INT AT., BKTWNKN 47TII AMI 4ATII NTH. IVnang girl lo do aiianiborwork aad Baa wa*hlog| good cut rolarani'O. - Jell 30 AV.rSSTWD Kl.OOR. HACK MMV.-X OOvrnpMlaMd ? itni girl In do charnliaranrk and walling III banaowarfe la a amall family; end not laua* hica. ; beai ollf rrlarniiei*. < \ .;m~M < DlNoK 4T,, iovnf MV MWN53THH ?' -dmm. A round nlrl aa ahmnbrrmaid and waltrcaa| wnii'd naalat In waahlng and troutaa; cliy or euaatry ; bang city ralaranea. (IC_| 3>l> AT.?A KKaf, i:TAHI,l. iiIkL dU MaK fj> / I bai mold; no'iid taka a oal rcwa' plana; no xi.Joctlna in tha maatrjr Call lei l*a dajra. ? 1 I iQ. L 30 AV. A kIuTKCtabT.K wiko to "no It" "r/' ti bimbarwork ant oralilait V'OtNO f KKNCM WON \N Art Cll A MHI.l'. t| AIU aNU iiurac; tcwar. baal rrlaraa.a. AddroM A., bug 1MB Uarald I'piawn afllin iirraatnakria nmiI Nrgmuraiaai. i WP.NI 4ITII nr. ?A COMI'BIBNT I'KKaOB AN I aram?trota and In wall on a lady nr will taka care aI rliiidraa ; good rifatrnci; prtlira iba comiirjr. Caller ad draia.