Newspaper Page Text
31? 157, HART ??IH A*.?AS liOOU SKaMSTKKsHi will gw out by the month; uMntudi all ml WTCATWMH WAITMb-ftKALBg. iVrcHmAkbra rnmii MAauimiM. 5 Bant soth ?t.-a lady wisher ru procure ? situation 'or her French maMrnn: city or comntry. KanT 68b *T. iPREsI^ST B uJFLoYkR'S). Afi L rum pa i ant oeemttrese; uad'tftlande all kinds offemllr eewtug una dressmaking: la a family where some oiliar wwrtla roqulfil with sewing. ? lOMTiH ~*"v.. NEAR 17TH AT. - A FIRST CLASS I 'liratai?krr desires A faw mora cuatoraara by tbs day. or would go wilb a iamOy to the country lor tha sum mer; good city reference. Ia?t) F.ASl Kftrii ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).-*A uwawPrntaetaut airl aa seamstress and chambermaid, ar loaseiti with.cliitilren ar wait on an invalid i operates; ug leratanrit drot ?making; would go in tlia rouniry. TO I WBST^TtlTH SY. Ah xMSTKhko; II AS XO J Oiobjrrtlaa assisting wttb children or la wait on lady; boat rarontmaadatioua. f 1 Whi?T-:?4TH ?t1 nEOOND FLOOR. HACIt.? j Tunny colored widow aa toamatraa* and rhamtier uaid'or to da general bautework ; eoiHitrVpreterred. 204 ? chines. Cellar addr ill WEST ~5STH ST.?A FIRST CLASS SF.aSTI ^TOitrrM *vi! dressmaker in a urirata family; la au ok pari ope r a to rp tana; city refrraatce. oTQ XAIir KtU ST. ?SBAjisTHKSS. BT THK WfOtK 01 t/or tnonth good araaaisaidvr and operator; city ralar ?u,e. Addraaa i-AaXSTKi-.AR. oTTiiSr'26TX ST.?XXPKKlKXCKD AJ(D InH 0TT telllgeivt airi. thoroughly ailaoatad in English, uo ?erManding Fricich perfectly, as araniatraaa; aecnatomed tornitre charge iraialua ana ?f?-?rniiig children. ijy? lfVl'Xv"., XKAR WO .-T.?aK hXPKKl KXCKD OO I operator wishes a lew mora engagements by the I.y or week; rhildran'a clothe* a apocialty. Call or ed Ireaa for twd tiara. Aio*KsTVTbXr nt,?a tid sLlo no pLajn nkw TT-LOlng in aprlmte Inmily: oporntea on Wheeler A Wll gttn'a machine. Call or addruaa htr two tlaya. A t?.> KaHI livru ST.-A SBKNCU DKK.8SMA&KK *r Ao ?thai cnta ana flu wlahoa employment by tha day or week; pood rWoranee. Addraag Time. .ilAl.'hlKS. I H AT.-A YuUNU ,?7rI, FIVK YEAK^kT araaamaklnr. la family, Address. Oil A JO A V.?A J^MqSSL TO sKW BV 1VRKK U-'Tor month on 'Rheelor k Wilson or Wlilcox A Ufbba' macblne. 481 7JCJ 2U AV.-AS lWUtSSM.UCKR BY THK DAY. I "X'Jnuna for tlta summer or in linen room. Mrs. CO I. KM A.N. 7QU ?TU AV.-AS UOiVFKTKKT SKaM.STKKSS AND I tyOdreaaina'aer; can cnX anil fit'; city raferonce. King lecund bell. 1>T AV . sECOND "5 IV.lDII.?A GERMAN OXKL aa aoamatreaa and to attend (crowing children. 949 11 Oj } II K< iADWXY. N RaJI UNTIIST.?A tlKKA AN ?XOUgirl, good ?" am "ire at. ?? chainoermaid or wait ress in a private family. Cnli .between 11 and .1 o'clock. It. A H.*Dhi>KOlK. A CAPABLK FKRSOX WI bifKS KMFLOY.MKNT AS i\dreaantaker and aoammreauA trluia uoatlv; baa IVhreler A WlUon'a machine; roleranca. city or country. M., 187 liorald Uptown ofllce. (icnrral Houaeayork. ?Vc. EAST HOUSTON ST.. .VUtAit BKOaDWaY.?A Omuibor and dankbier to do general housework; city ar' roanlry. JOSKS ?r.^KESrkcTAUL.?d?lllL TO DO HOUSE work for a small family; beat city reference. Call lor two dayt. tJ BANK ST.?A tiKSl'iiO"!'ATTlThPV'a(UNO d'OXA)' TO Odo general liouacvork; no objection-to tba countiy; beat reference. T7ik7iVK ST.?YOUM.J- VVUMaS to do UKNKKAL 2uou?owork ; good city rolarenco frvm last place. ??7 BkND ST?A YOUNO UIllL TO DO (iKNKltVL I botivawork In a retpecrable fancily; boat releroneea Call in tbs grocery store. " WEST dVFil st.?a yocixo girl to do bontowork; city roforence. 10 48 uw 01II AV.?A HESPttCTAJBLE GIkL TO DO OKN COoral housewark or take care of elidldren. or aaaitt with the washing auil ironing, good retareace. DO AK8T li ril ST.-A YOUNO OIltL TO DO UBN> DOoral lionaework in a pidrato family: plain cook, good yarher and ironer; not afraid tif work; two yoars and aeran Bombs In last place ; boat city reference. Call for two dayt. I mo west i?th st.?Tta^iioFATn^FVouNit oikl 1 v/Olor eeoernl housework in brttall private famiiv; good rook, washer nnd irouer; willing and obliging; good rol rranca. U.I WKBT -JOTH ST.?a Kj^SPKCTaMLK UIK1. TO ~do general boncework la | ?mitll iitinlljri best city reference. 11') \Vi-.ST livTiT sr.. Kh.AK.-A YOUNG WOMAN TO XXOdo genertl homework; cltv r?f?(puoe. "1 | L- CHRISTOlTiKIl ST.?AYO-U-SG WOMAN TO DO XXOhouiework la h prlrate family. or chambermaid and ?eltrni in n prircte boarding hotuie ; grilling end obliging; dcop home nigltta; gone city relerence. 1 .1') WEST ~'1>iD atT?A UESPKCTaHLE ' YOUNU X^Ogiritodo general honaework in a private farnily; good references from lent piece. !"?>/? WEST 24T11 SlT? AS hSi.L^H GIKL TO 00 XiwObouiework or cbainberwork; I* kind to children; city br country. i7o? VKSY I7TH Hl'.-YOUNG GIKU J.ATELT L?. J-Ainndrl. to no bonaework In stnnll private family; willing end obliging. I Ol) WhfvF 1!?TH ST., SKOOhD Ki,OOK.-A GIRL I O?it" do homework in a-cmall family ; willing and oblig ing. good city rcterenee. f?j7V?BAliT SlfFii aT.-A KKHPKOTAML.K WOMAN XO'Jln email fiemlly to do general honaework; good iraelier and I run e r; good reference. Ioy WKHTiibrn .n-.. toF"kLook-a KKSI'KOTARLK ? )?'Pr?>testant glrj, lately Uauded, to do general hence Work In a email j>rlr?A? tainily. i t rv west Istxi nr., <~am>v siokk -a middle Xtfc"raced Herman woman to do general homework in a tmall private family: country preferred. II 1 WES I 19TH bT. ? A itkeil7hiFrAHL,h HiKt, TO X^fcXdo general honeework in a email family; It a good took, wother and Iraner; good city relerance. ?CP1 ~~W K6T iwTH SrT?A KfiSl'tCT AH LK GIRL, X'i Xlately landed, to do general honaework In a private '111' WKaT 1UTH ST., lil'Okh.-AUc.BlCAN WO XtUdiu to do itontework in a tmall family; bett citr rrtorcnce. I ff.i WRHT MTH ST.. KK.V'K TWO YOUNG HIKES XosJlo do work ofa tmall tumlly in the city or country; good city reference. ESSEX si A itKsPKcl'TABi1k~GIKI. TO IK) general honeework. Inquire of Mrt. XUilFBT, WEST I8TH ST.?A YOUNG GIRL TO 1M> OKN erel hoaeewerk in a email family. W KS FSSO s't, Til IKD 1'GOOR.?RKSPECTA ble Kngllth girl for noatework; city or country; good relerenre. l"-( l WK8T 44111 ST.?A RESPECTABLE COLORED X#J t'glrl to do general boaeework or to eook iu a priraie family; city relnrniie*. 9 1 O.I 7TH A v.?A P KON-.hTA.vr OIKL FOR QEN-' XOeweral hoaeework. No carde auewered. till I WEST 'JVTH i?tJa R~E*FEt;TABLE UIRL aw'"Xto do geaeral honeework Iu a tmall lateily ; elty ref erence. west 15th ht.?protkstant youno woman to do general lioiieework : bett reference. KA.n flsn ht.?a girl ;ro~00 uhnlTrTL honeework in a tmall family; eiyr rtference. "til I EAST 40TH ST.?A YOUNG G1KL, LaTKLT A-XJ lanued. to do heutewurk; liat Ilred out In the old Country. nit) iMff stfi >r.-a y?uino ?TfkT7 to do 1 ?.housework; willing and obllrlng: city reference. 154 150 157 204 206 *1-1 ?1 WKST l?TU ST. -A YOUNG WOMAN TO IH> ?eXt-genern: hnutowork ; good cook, wanner and Ironor; beet city reierenee. *?i tJ~last '.'mtit sT.. kko.nt'hankmknt Ai eiglrl lor general hoaeenrork t is not leng In the coun try. Ol r EAST 37TH MX A OIBIs TO DO UKhKRtL AJ I ?Jhoueework : good plain cook, wseller and troaer; willing aud oliliglng iii East -jdth bt ?a respectable woman to ^X* f do general honeework; good cook, washer and Ireaer; tii v rnferenc>. Ol 7 WksT ft*nT~ST -dk YOUNO GIRL TO DO'OKN. All eral boncework: good elty reference. 217 honeework, in small prirete family; good city refee. II I 7 ?TU AV.-a YO0.NG WOMAN To DO GKNBRaL. AiX 4 bonsework in a tin all American faniiir; good refer gieet. Qi(t KAsr 2ihF kT.?a young wT>*vTan" to lid ^iX s7honeework fa a small pfirate family ; best elty refer ence. 22]? Lpfii' f'*! b?ti???wt?rk iu A ?mull fftmlty . plntn 0mok, ?Bib?r Mid ir?n?f; city or oonulry; fooi elty rofor 224 22 4 WHAT I7TH HT --CAPAIIU. J'.MiLlsll WQMAN Inr lK?u??wi>fli . gond baker; city reference. vvk>*r~5iri~sr.. mkajl- a j*h8iTKri7*5r% tyoung girl t<> <!? anoaework ; *a|tl a. vdarata ; bait ally reference Np m?Ii ?iir?rfil. nil1 KaAI' tf.TT M'.?A U h -1' KOTaRL R YOU xo aU^r"Xrlrl o do t?n?n DMMvmk In email family; beat rtly r?fercoerv 7).V^Tast ?7tiT at. -to i><7 ?i.>KRti. nocMi. Ai^Owrk ; willing and obllglngi I* a go-Mi talhtr ami tmner; beat eft* referen. o. hAitl AliaT el.?a VOb'JlO ^J7Kl7~fu IK) 230 ?rork ; oni? In?f?r IIv#?<t (ffll k*#tfnr?. Ti'i'J hA.- r Wi ll AT.. H K TWKK."Till AMI 3I? A V A , AcOOtMrd floor, front ?A reipectalile -xlrl ta do general toaw>*?i( IB a aiaall yrltata lanlly ; beat ally rtlarancu ; gn P?cial carta an award. Uall l?r two oayi ZyiA kaw fttTH itt -a foi.xJ oiITl to do ^OTThooeewerk ; any or eoontry ; elty reference OO/T WHAT .tArH AT. (PRKARNT RMI'LOTKR'H).? <cO? ) A reipectalile youar rirl to Ao general fn>nu>work; >coairy preferred. Call lor twn daye. 0??7 WSIIT 86TII ST.. FIltflT fU.OR.-A I a.lncatod uornian *lrl to take caro nt children ami ja On law lug ll'J7 WKir S3TM AT.?A OI5KMAJI OIKL TOOO t 4 ranoral homework In a anmii family; city rotcr iw, IIOD P.A-T VtTI! AT.?A TOUNO (URL TO DO (IKS. AwOOerai hneeework ; good took anil laiinitraaa; baat city reference. eiOO WRIT 4IHT ST.?TO OO IIOUsKWORK tS A nmijOemill private lamlly: coo/I conk, wailier anil Ironar; tlirca yoara' raloraiir? front laat plica. Au oarrlt an (we.-ed. i)3(i kast i?rfifslTi 1" oitfirrKir "flroRK.?tocm'i AtOaciMiin to Ua general Uimacwnrk ; rtti ur eoiiutrr ; gnu.1 raia'ianea ' , nan fKM tfriT at., room li. rrtwF.rn rkoaO Aw Xewway and All) av. -To do aotioral honaawnra In a Mail prlrata family. ail r VlRf I7TH IT flttil i mint WOMAX TO ia xr/do general hnuiework In a 1111^1!' ?l twn adnlta ; la an egrelU-ni took. wa-Uer aad Inmcr; arty ?r country. ij I t{ "r.ASV 741 fI sT * KKaFrCTARLK VlllFd ? 'l 0?-!rl (?? dn genera. lieuiewnr* In a private family . Real rn J r ere nr. ?9 WK'T *?fi i ~s FT* Kt;ONil r r(">K?^-A TOUKO ? ' ? women t" d? generol honewnrk . gtynd reference. *H"> ^ jlHTW Ri n f.-i n 1 n f> *a? 111 T- t x-*> ?ri inir Ac.Pich nrl tn dn iraneral hnnaewurk In a ?mall lawlly. city or conritrri cottoiry iirrfarrrd. 25 STTPATIOlfS W AWTICU?riCMAUBI. Gcnural tfoutowork. ??. 007 WKHT 40TH *T.. NKAR 8TH AT?A YOUNO; Zt\3 I nniu ?o do boHenrt ; loir jrttn' nhrti? ; M CttdlL k)U 7 WEST AOrli bl.-A iTTFBOrABl.K UIKL fo I do nneritl houseware, cbinlitrvwk or walling; experienced waitress; ?tty or conntry; willing Mid obllg ug;good city relcrence. Mniuirdi. i)0| lOTti A v.. DtUli sToKli. ? A VOU JIG <11 KL ?O J to do general housework in > small private family; good city reference. IIOI KLIZaRI. I II ST., tJKuO.KY SToiiU.?A YOUNO ^O10erin..ii arlrl to do general honevwnrk. ?Mill RAdT^I) hT..NB?K 'ill A V.?VOL KG W'oIIaX ?WUforstmril housework la tpilraw family; city rcf ereuec. 7TK AV.-a UKLIAHLKGIRL KOK ORNKRaL Ol/Ohooacwork ; city or conntry; boat city referonc". ??ibast -ifir.i ST.?a Y<i(.'SoTilTL ro dooen O"'Oeral housework lo.a small family; references. ?JdkU KArtf 45TH ST., 91llt.vf" FLOOKT-l'ftoTES. O" "Otant (Icrnian woman to do geueral housework; good reference. ?TTj kaot goth bt.-a '.ii?l to i>o okk ? 'Lleral hooacwork; willing and obliging; good city ref orrnoo. Ol I KANT (KITH ST.?A AftitEKCTABLK YOU NO OA'telrl to do bousewern In a private family; boat elty reieronee. ' .Jl"7"KABTMTH ST., FIRST FLOOR, FRONT.? A OA I young trlrl b>r general houtewor* In amall private (amlly ; witling and obliging; boat cltv reforoiira. KAST :t7TU sr.-A~UKSFkcTABI,fc OlItL TO OJL ?/do general hot)***work ; eivv or eountrj; four yours1 reference from l**t pine*. 319. 'for general bosisowork; good coon, waabor and Iron or; b*?l references. OliirKaST~S5Th sr.?a young oikl. to do okn. 0*j)'erul housework ; no objections to elilldren. Call lor twojdays. ?>T>1Ka?T 74TH ST.. SECOND FLOOR. BACK ? JsU.1 room.--A young clrl to do bonsowork In a nice fain lly ; live roars' city roterenco Irom last employer. Call for two days. ') a) O K AST -OTll ST.-TO DO GENERAL HOUSB Oaj?.work: good-city reference. 3s)BART 82U IST -A RKsVECTABLB PRO TRsTANf ?JtJrirl to do general homework; beat reieronee. ?Jir/- KA?>~?aTTT7.T-irA Khsi'hCt AllLK (ilKL TO Ojj'Jdo general bouaework; three years1 reference from Inst place. J - KAST H4TII ST.?a WiiTfutf WOMAN TO DO 'general housework In a small fa rally. ? ??)/? KAST 11".TH *T~~ OR.kJkkY STORK.-ltK. ?)?)< /sp.-ctablc young girl to do general housework; alao a young girl, lately landed, at nurse and seamstresa; will ntafcu herself generally useful. _____ _. ~-_A YoU x(, (jJtii, I.) Do ?IT ?housework ; Is a good plain 000k, good washer and lroner; ean see lest employer. ??) 'J hAnT BI.I-II HT^A YOU Tu-WOMAN TO DO elTOhousework; good washer and lroner; city reference. Call for two days 3~~r.(i~wiTsi-Tarn st.?a young oiA. to ho ?''-/general housework; plain cook, good washer and lroner; good eity relerence. llUlfMJN ST. ?TO DO OBNKUAL IIOUHKWORK In a small family; good reference. 376 410 WKST 22f) ST. (PKhflKM EMPLOYER'S).? ?Scotch girl to do general housework. /I 111 WKST SBTH ST.?AS -KILKUL COOK OR TO Tlvlo general housework for a small faintly; wages Im material ; relerence*. J|i) Wh.81 "dlTH sr.-KESl' CfASLI'. W.iMAN TO Tr Aswdo general housework; best city reference. ii - &a?t 17T11 st.?a kxspectablb'oirl KOR Tli'jriu rsl housework; good washer, lroner and baker; city or conntry. TT/s WKST d'Jl) sf" UR TWO I'AlK OK STAIRS, T:A vJback.?A girl to do general housework In a small iaiullv; good city reference. TotTT AV.-XWUNO LADY" TO Do~ahNKRAL housework in a small family; tlrst class reference. 417 A 1 Q EAST lftTII ST.?TO DO (IkM'.KAL IHlL'SK At/work or upstairs work; city referenee from lsst placo^ /t 0/\ WKHT 42D M.?A NORTH GERMAN GIRL TO Jjv'do general homework or ns chambermaid and wait ress: rood city reference. 407 wko* aao ?i.?a young uiitL 10 uo I noniiewiirk In a email family; would go a eborl dis tance in the country; frond city reference. A llu WEST MTU 81'.?A GillL TO Do DKM'.KAL Tc ^fOhouseworli; rood plain cook | city or country; elty reference. I ???> WEST WTH ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL TO tOiMo general housework In a small totally ; four roars' reference from last place. 433 2D AV.-A YOUNG WUHAN TO DO GENERAL housework: wlllinic and obliging; bet* city refer A '4 a W..ST a?fll ST.. BETWEEN Dili AND 10TH TUOsra-A respectable young woman to do bouaework in a small private family; ftooil reference. A 'J7 WEST 4STII ST.?A WOMAN TO DO GENERAL TO f housework id a small private iamily; no objection to the country. A ??(? W ST 48 Til ST.?A YOUNG GKRMaN GIRL TOoIo do general housework or take care of one child in American family : city or conntrv. It I WhsT rt'JD ST.?NKaT, TIDY FRRHOa FOR TtfThouHvork; good plain cook and laundress; good city refer nee. A (ill 8TII AV YOUNG WOMAN TO DO GENERAL tyUhousework In a small private family; elty or coun try ; gooJ elty reference. 500 WEST 4?rtl ST.?A OlKh TO DO GENERAL housework la a private family ; good elty reterence. (TOO WENT 4<iT1I ?T.. ONK FLIGHT UP.-A PROT rJOOeatant woman to do general housework Inaplaln family s city reference. . o3o. HUDSON sT.. FlKsT FLOOR.?GIRL 'general bnn??wnrk: good city reference. CDO -3D AY.. THIRD HKLL.-A RESPECTABLE t)(J Ajyoutie girl, lately leaded, to do housework In a email family or assist la kitchen. Call for two days. /?T?Q 3D AV.. SECOND FLOOR. HAOK.-KKttPKCT OOOahle woman tor general housework; good plain cook and Bret class laundress; city or country; can make good linnet; good reference. 668 3D AV.?YOU NO AMERICAN GlnL TO DO . general housework In a small private family. Call r address HOUSr.KEKPErt. IsT AV., HKIWkLN 3BII1 AND 40TM. sTM.? vouiig girl lot general housework; good plkln cook, slier and kroner; good elty rsleronco. 691 fiQil iITII AV.. BETWEEN 81>1H AND 4GTH 8TS.-A V/tfOrespectable girl to do general housework; beet elty reference. f>(U 7TI1 AV.. HKiWSf.N 47TII AND 46fcH Bt?* Ot/T (present employer's).?Respectable girl lor geneMl housework in a small family. 7'-lW8r" AV" *n'AR 46 I'll >T.?AN KNGLIHH I sjQProtestant slrl to do yenersl hoaeework In a small private family elty or country ; good reterence. 773 817: heusswura: elty or country: three years' reference. ]8T s VT~Vi"its'r V LbO K.- A~ YOUNG aMEK lean woman to d? general hoaeework in a email pri vate family, or would take the entire chargeot a baby from Its birth . good city relarence. Call for two nay-. 898 urn aV.. in kiokk? a young woman to lo housework; is a good laundress; city references. l\,1- ST 11 AV., NEAR 5STH 81.?A R E.SP -.CTAHLK <Ji')irirl to do bottsework In a small private lamlly ; best city reterence from Isst place. 1051 8?' AV,, NtAR ,5JI> 8T'' "AIRH UP. _? A girl to do general hunts work In a small private fMntly ; best elty reference Can bo soon lor two days. -a respectable Young* girl 1.895m do houtowork In a small lamilv; best elty ret. 1.?7J 3I? AV.. COB KR 73D ST.?A HKSI'RCTA ,j | Able woman to do general homework; plain cook, waaher and Ironer : beet elty referenre. 1.458 30 AV -A kkbpkctarls youno girl lo do hoasework : bent city relerence "a REitPEi TABLE GIRL TO Do GHor i.AL IIOU8K ixworh . eiry or coantry; referenee. Address MAGGIE, Gerald olBcs. ?iriiUNO GIRL. AGP.I1 IS. TO DO G*Nl KAL MOUSE X work In o email familv. Address EMMA, Herald Up town ofBee. Ileaiekrensrt, dw. 07 POCTH ATI! aV.. back BASEMENT.?A WIDOW Jul <38), isoloteil, ?'ducsteii end reliable, as bouseaecpar for an siderly gentlemen of means. 4.JO 8D AV IN ATORE).-AN EDUCATED AND s )sye\i>eriencod North-German lady of inatnre age. ?peekliiK very little English, desires a situation to keep house lor one ?r two persons; retereneee given end required, i Cell or address. mHTII AV. (HISU rtrtOuNU He. El.)- com. potent p?ra<>n a* working honaaceper, or wnnld rlo the work a an.all family; food city rot-react. Call or ad draca. 594> riMOMiooopcr; woolu do Ksuorol lion*?<rork. tall l>.r tea daye V fut'SO laADY AM UOl'AF.KKKI'K* IX A WIDOW*. /Ye.'a laniily or tnaanc. Addroat Ml.c Cl.AKK. Harold Uptown uflleo. a ?UFA*I.K"iM5WCAjr WOMAN l/krtlHKII A Plf. J\ allien ea hniiankacper tn o hotel, or would keep n.uiae for on Inralld lady or toko entire charge of one or two cliil. aron . wlil glee the bett referencou. AddroM I NTROKIl Y, bo* M."> lleruld wflice. _____ I<it a titl rroooa. dir. r? KA T 4RTH rtl. (f'KfcsKNT I >1PLOVRRIf). ? Art jflrat c.loaa laufadroaa; neat relerarewa; ooiibj.etloa to country. t it} vTftSt V#fM rtT (PithHKNTK>n:MlV no'*).?A ^Oyounir tclrl *? laiindrcac and chambermaid; boat eltr retoronca. WKrtT JUVIi nT.?A WO HA A Art tToiYll I.ACrt r|re?a or to d.> central lionatwork t wo nbjretloii to the untry. 33 wnitr lor it ht a hk8Pk:taii^k hike as ianndreat; beat city reference from Mat plooo. 42 33 ?K)apcciahlo colored woman to do familial' waahtn*,or hr lit** doten. WoiynTKIl rtT.-COUUItKD WUXAM Art KIHflT ^afloao lauiiilrea* or rook. Mra. kl.Ntl. rrtl.lTTI.I. WI ST IJTII A KKSPKIITaBEF. CIIFE ?M/aa laniulroaa; tlira* yeara' elty r?(arcnee ; no objection to tli* country. Cull or addreta r?i; uHahIiKs 577, Ti7mkk 5tai km tfi* in tiTr tlwlioek.?A wumitn wautt truthlng and Ironing; good retcref.vo. j'jj KArtT ittrriF rt I'. - Art KlrtdT ~i:7,Art.a~ EAUN i^didroac; will aa.ltt with rliatnborwork ; city or coun try ; reference 1.1 J Wr.hT IHIII rtf _i'xbei maid ; good city 144 rolcronco Irom Uat place A It HI' 411 III rtT. (I'R trtKNT I Vri.OVER'rt).? A triiatworthy woman It*^ rxrelHtnt and "wiT'TFiii 5r. ~k i.auy eia vTSoThk city ' I isd.i.frea a altuntlwn for Iter eery rnmpeirkt and rhu'tihermalu. t'nn be aean june Irt. ? fit Hrt.NKY nl.-A Hf.sfKi l,\Ml.e. Vtnti A > a - I ? /'T'laundreaa or to do kitchen or ycnoritl homework by the do* or waek. ? jit I MAT iofli 5f7?A JlkAPKU fAll.R YOU Alt Zt'/'xwoman would tata la wacklng or gt oat by tba day ; good reference*. SITUATIONS MfAWTBBO? riMAIiRH. in ?? WERT 1STH ST.?riBHT CLAM LAUNDRESS ^JLOaad chambermaid: city or oouatry; bast reference. m c EAST SmTH ST.?A R BPKOTvBLE WO* tN Ai'-'ulrNtlM Uudtm; city or country; good city reference. siT *7~ ATI! At.-P'lRsT CLASS LaUNDKKBH; UN ?' I I derstands puffing and Anting; neeit with ebainber wark ; ettv or conntry ; raisrene,-. nioii VrKsfaTTM ST.. GROCERY.?A WOMAN AS wA<7i?it Innudreas by the day; will do honaocleantng; roteroneee. l)')l WKhT 271-11 ST.?RESPECTABLE WOMAN TO Aulwaib and Iron or clean house by the day; good ref erence. VAST~?r?l ST.-A8~rii!ST CLASS LAUN Idresa; understand* all branches; can nee scissors' ami machine; would go with a laoaliy to the country; no objection to a summer honee : good city reference*. k)OQ KABI RTH SI., THIKO fLuOR. FRONT.? AUCAt first claaa lanndross; conntry preferred; beet city reference*. Addro** by letter for two day a. S. 1*. ' WEST AID ST.. ReTrT-WOMAN TO ~W A 811, flrou or rlean by the day: rood reference. *)/? 1 WllKT 47TH ST.. THIRD FLOOR.-FaM ILY ablfleiiliiiir by the month or weok or by the ooren, by a first class lanndrees: good reference. KA8T 44TH sr.-WOMAN To WASH, IRON or houseciesnlng by the day; good references. 245,: 309 ?jno Eaj?t 74111 sr.-a young woman to no OsuOont by tlia risy*wn?hing. Ironing or cleaning; refer ence . Oi)7 EAST 20T11 ST.?A FIRST CL\8? LA U T. Ou I dress wishes to do a few gentleman's and family washing; best retsrenca 378, Wr.ST 12111 ST.-HKKPKCTAHLh YOIINO WO. man to go out by she day washing: good relerenco. 442 WEST 25TH ST.? A WOMAN AS LaU.N)/KK?8. willing to Resist at any work: city or country. 4-1 WKBl 27TH ST.-RES PKOT ARLE YuUNO OIKL ? /las first class lanndress and to assist In the chamber work; first class city rsierence. f?1 C* fiTH AV. ? ilhSI'I'.CTAIU.K WOMAN TO I/O UitJwitshing or honseolosnlng by the dsy; references. Address. Q/\V AT I AV., BETWKKN 43l'H ANU 40TII STS.. Ol/.l third floor-two young girls (Protestants) will go on; working by the day or do faml'y wasulug; best refer snos. 1\L'A IIIJ A v.-A KKsPKOTAHLlt OIltL AS L A U N - .WOTdreu or to do coneral housework; good city ref erence. r~7V/? 7 3D AV" GROCERY.?A KEHI'MM'ABLK J..UO I widow woman wishes family washing at her hnnse; well recommended. OO.MI'K lh NT LAUNDRESS WISHK- GKNTLE ranu's washing or to go out by the day. S., box 171 lioraiu Uptown oltlce. Inrses. A /I* WEST 13TI1 ST.?A PROTESTANT AS CHILD'S rrUnurte; can taka charge of an iufant; conntry pre ferred. a "T~ WKST 3?TH ST. (PRESENT E M P L O V K R' S). - A ^tHtynung girl us nurse and seamstress; unricrsiHiids M heeler A Wilson tnncblnr. ~EAST HOUSTON ST.?A YOUNG HERMAN OIRL to take care of children. ro KABTlSifh" ST.-A Y O UN <? UIRL AS NURSE tJOsnd to flu plain sewing: no objection to the'country. To WEST ItOT11 ST.-A YOUNG AMERICAN u7kL Olwnuld takr entire care oflnfsnt. do ulain sewing uud operating; city or country: citv reference. Hi lOKCHAKD ST.?A YOUNG GIRL AS NUlthK IO t I 'growing children ; iseapable of teschlng them ; willing to be tiseiul. FLoRiilK l/KVOR. Q - 1>T AV.. ROOM 8?A KKSl'ECT.yBLTTGKRMAN OtJl'rotestant girl as nnrse oi chambermaid i good city relerenco. QQ, li UUSON ST., ri)P FLOOR.?A YUUNO UIRL TO OOmlnd children and assist In housework; best city ref craned. Call or address. 1 1 ft WEST 197 y ST.?EXPERIENCED VOL NO xLUwumiui as uurse:cau taxe charge of chlla inns birth or growing children; city or country; exeelleut city refercnco. WEBT BOTH 8T. (KINO SKUO.Nl/ KMIi,- A competent petsou as nurse ; is a neat sewer; excel lent reference. 46 1i)| A* EST 30111 ST.-A RKrtREOI AHLE PERSON X? Las nuree; can take entire charge of a baby from Its bin li or a grown child ; lire rears' reierence. 122 WEST 28TH HT.-A OOLOIti.D GIRL Art NURSE ail and to do plain sewing*! Hall or address. I ?}U CHAKLErt ST.?A YOUNG GIrtL. THAT MAS J.AfUnever lived out, to mind children and make bersolt generally uselul. * 130 IVfcST 52D ST.-A YOUNG AMERICAN GIRL, 18, as nurse or to no ehamberwork ; no abjection to the country. Call or address lor two days. American ! (erred. family prefi 1 ?J*? ft EST 30 sr.. NEAR RT.d AV.-FRENCH GIRL lOOas nurse and seamstress; no objection to trnrelllug; city references. Address or call on .Mrs RAUL.. WKMf iWfH kl'H riRdT F LOOK.-A FRENCH irse (does not speak English) to take card ot grow ing children ( peed relertince. 135 C W'RsT 28 ru dl'.-Art NUKaE A NO SEaM r jstress; can cut end lit; best ctty reference. 1 111 E A K i 281 H ST.?A liKSPKCTAiiLR GIRO. NOT X^XOblong In the conntry. as children's nurse; is willing te d.i light liousuwork; city or conntry. Call Tnesosy. Ill EAST 32 O C.T..IN TilE .MI Liv rtTORE? YOUaG All; I widow with a ireeh breast ol milk ae wet nurse: doctor's reference. Call fur two days "1/L7 LEXINGTON AV.-A REiil'ECTAMl.E YOUNG JL X I girl to take care ol children; also a good seamstress; no objection t? the country. 1 fO EAST ??TH 8T.?A RESPECTABLE I'uOI'fcS. X^fcOlant girl to mind one or two growln r children and no plain sewliic; -illing m go to the country. 1 ,~| I KAMI 42H Si.-FRENCH PliK.sON J UrtT 1 tjUuiided, to take care of children In a private family; best city references a L53bWK8T 'V"KM8 AMI SfcAhs.I Ke.i-S Iby a trustworthy and reliable person; is compe tent to take loll charge ot aWubyor growing children and eepable of bringing a baby up on tn# buttle; best city ref erence I/? 7 WhHl 2SirH v|'., REAR.? a YOUNG GIRL A8 iU ? nurse and ebambermnid; references Call lor two days. mTTIl AV., FIRrtT . FLOUR.?a OoMPKTENT English girl. Just arrived trora London, aa irtiild'a nurse : a aires no object. mOLlN ION rtl'., VI lilt r FLOOR.-A YOUNG German American girl to take care ol children end be a companion ; city or count ry. Call lor two days. >111 I-.AM' -Mm sr.?A PROTESTANT GIRL Art Allnsris; elty or country; good reference from last place. Oil WEST -yHTH ST.. Ia THE RKAR.-A KK.nPEOT mlXi able young girl to inlnd children ; 1s witling to go to tne conntry. oi a Mulhivkky ?t.-. second Floor, front. Li 1 it Respectable married women aa wet nurse: a iilfng and oultalng; good city reference. til C EAST 3MTH ST.?A RE8PEOT A RLE liliiL Art ai i.tjnnr?e and seam-trees or to do light ehamberwork; city er country; Ave years' reference from her employers. o|/. Ev-fct.vra sr., hASfcMKNT.?a h.k.dy ^eXUwomsaMe nurse aud seamstress, or to do llghtchniu berw.irk. Hall two days. 217 7 Wr.ftT 38I'll ST.?A YOUNG UltlL TO .MINU A child In a nrivato family. > I I >J II EM' HHln rtl' .ti.SI'r.1'1 Adisfc PKoTi.rt IA NT ZrXOglrl as Infant's nnrse ; can take entire charge or a baby. . ihlil If ..ST 1HTII aT.?A HEaPKO TAR ..h PROTKrt sUAd?itant woman ae narae ; will make berseif geueraily usrlul; good elly references; city or country. WEST rtls'f eT? Hhf'WEHN 7T11 .Ml rtfil ?sAi'iss - A German American girl as nnrsa or ebam bermald; beat elty reference. two fc vhT dirt I' ST.-A YOUNG GIRL A.i IM'A.VT'S jiOUnursc. or would take ears of children ; city refer ences oio East MTU ST.?a YOUNG lady "an IN __ Xawfant's unrad ( or day) or to do general liou-e werk. Call two days. 240 MTU SI'.. NKAR 21) AV. (KINO THE BELL) Young girl to take care of a child. OCX TTH aV.-a FRENO i OJflL Art NUKrtfc FOR suOfc/grnnlng ehlldreu aud first class seamsires*; best eily reference. OKI I WK-I 371 H ST.-A RI.HRr.OI A iii.K YOUaG Zd'J' "girl lo take .are or children snd do plain sewing; i.o objection to the country. Call lor two days. ?J li WKrtT 44TM ST.?A COMPETE.T PERSON A* OXJLanrse aud.senastraes; wouid assist with ebamber Wore: would wall on a.lodr; willing to travel; Wire., and i wore: would wan an aiaur; wining to travel; tlite.- and a half years' reforenco from last olaco. Call or address lor two ds) s mKAAT 2(lTH rtf. -A HI IlL LATE LY A RR1 VK l> from Kurope i. take rare ol one or two children or to go tp the eonntry with a lady. Call lor t? Ql.l WhnT 4.iill ft. A Cn.urKTh.M' olitl. am Ol?nnrae; willing lo make lieraidf tieeliil nr do limine. * -.rK in a em-li p. iy.ite i?iiiuy | oil jr relorouce. <j?l'' JAin .-il.?A.i CLASM MJHAK; 1J&itJllrB nnf?' reiaranea, city or country; will wear enp mul apron. Call lor two daya. OOT, WK.sf lon'l <fi\ -PKOTKeIA.1r UIKL ur 1? OOewtn mind one or two children In n private Amerlcnn family ; will make hereelf naaliil: 111 ea homo. 'it (J fcAhl IMTll MT.. \KAK ill AV.?A ItiTiFotTT. U J i/able rimn* irlrl aa nnrm and aiminIwrmnld, or na aarao and t? no tine aewlna; . nnd retrraneaa. ill I KAMT dUTII MT.. ROOM I l.-A VOt'NU MIRL Tirri" an aa ohlld'a nnrae ; willln,. anil ohi'lclia*; no ob jection Irarel. Call nr aanraaa. r7Tj_ #?Mt IHTH .-r.-A Mil N.I HBALTllY wo T " iTmai, 10 year. all. aa wot mine. Inquire lur three oaya, otwoan 1-and J o'clock. Or adiiraaa UOCTOK, at aninn 1Mb A 1 r WKMl 2?ITI1 Ml.. BOOM fk-YOUNO 0IRL, J 1?/lately landed, aa nnrao or tn do light Innia.-work. ' ailil HUM MT.?A HKafkCTAMlaK MAkKIkD woman aa wot nnram Call (nr two der?. 429 439 WKBT 44ITH MT.?A YOU.VO WKT|.NUltMK Wtihoa a plnco. <JII 7TM AV.-A MIOOLK AiiKU TkWH).\ "am ? y" "nnrae to an Inrallil or In wait on nn elderly lady ; a good e?um?tre?a; city reteronea. AA.1111H AT.-A TOUKU UIHL, 17 YJURM OI.D, T iUn nnrao'; aceaainme.l to children; would aa.Ut Willi eiiamhtrwnrk. Call lor two dara. 450 wkmi turn mt., iIIikii riaOOit, Kuom. apoctehie jonnir girl, lately lam eiinral heaaework Call lor Iwn (lava ir|| 4T? AV.-A YOUNO .11,tl. IOTaKKCACK Xtjlrof a baby aad tow; beat ill y referenco; country preferred. ritu HTH AV.. BACK MAmKMKMT.?A KKSPfcCT ? M/Oabta married woman, with plenty of milk, aa wet nnrao. 0"?jat arif av.-a >kat, capable uirl a? Bin m k ?J?Jntnl aeamatreaa ; competent tn tnke lull rlinrg oi a beb.v or growing children ; beat city reference Irani I a* t .em ployer. 704 it: 704 ?HI AV., NKAK 44TII MT.-A YOL'.NO WUtlA.1 aa norae anil aeamatreia; aewa iln Wheeler A 0 II eliine ; two yeara' rotorenae rmm mat p.aee." ?u av.-a voiTSuTiiBla r*? JtlliT < ilTi. dren ; la a good aewer; would go In tha ennntry. 7 ati- lt> tv , IN IIIK MfnKh. A KMlf'rcf ABC? i dw")peraon na nurae ; can take entire rharge ol a baby and brjny It np an tha bottlal boat alty ratarenca. S1TVATIUH* WASTSl^reMAliBI. 74 &i 997 <*c 20 AT., SECOND FLOOR.?A HBSFBCTABMI onng woman a* wat nurse. PACIFIC ST.. BKOOITlYN.-A YOUNO WOMAN ' Aii wet nirw; ha* ju*t lust iter ba?*y. 1| |7') 21) AV., HhVWhi * 3hTH A-D .171 H H?, ?V* I >)rrar hniua ?A tidy vonn* Gorman girl to uka can nt children or do upstairs work *nrt as wing 1/r.?j[~3D AV~?A VOUNG II1KL TO TaKK uanh ,t I X'Tof a haby or growing children; no objection to go to the country: good relereneei. 177)7 1ST A V.?A YOUNG (il I. L l.AThLY I landed, to sake aero of children end make ber arlt nit* In I. CuLOKKO OlKL AS CHILD'S aUKBu. A NO TO OO plain sewing, or would travel with a Udv with a cklld. Saratoga Qui, rnoin No. 9, corner of S2d at. and Broadway. A FKhNCM 1'K-OTRHT ANT GIKL TiTTaKK CAKE Xvof rlnlaren and a?w; good city rofereno*. K. C., box IIIJ licreld Uptown office. VTi rtSK-BY A OffMI*!? Ti'.NT WOMAN", WHO lit J.1 thoroughly experience I Inthe care of Inlanta and per fectly umlrrainn is raining them liv bend : lour yearn' retrr ?ncr Irotn leal plaoo. C. H., box 44tl M-rald Uptown "flier, Ritt-r.Cr aBCE WOMAN AH CHILD'S SI; KSB; 0 N take charge of an Infant ; willingand obliging; several yoere' rotorence. W., box 171 lli-rald Uptown uOlce. Waitrtuee*. <*t. IT KA'-T S3TH ST. ? A RRHFRCTABLK OIRL Afl J 1 waitress or chambermaid; excellent reference: conn try preferred. ffek WENT NTH oT. G'lthSKNT KAlPl.O YEK'H). - A ?J^yonng clrl to do waiting snd fine wasning ; uo uhjac tien tu the country. No cerda. 56 VI I.HI MH ST.?A UlliL AH FIRST i;l,A.-N wnltrou; flva ) etr>' reforenon from l*rt pUca. 60 wkht washing ion flack.-a kerrkotablb American girl a* waitress and eaelat with cbaraber wora In the country; Poet city relerencc, 1 ?TV* WEST MATH ST.?A lOUNG WOMAN AS AN XOOoxnerleneed waitress or chambermaid; excellent rrferenro; city or country. ?TT a c'.ahtTvrH st.-Ia protbsiant girl as X'T'Xwaliress and rhambermnld; wonld do sewing if re quired; understands tlio Domestic and Wbooler A Wilaon machiue, laity competent; oest rylercnce. Cull for two daye. 1 r i> EAST 27TII HT.-A 1.ADY WANTS A HITUA JtJJltinn fur her wultres* and eliambermald In the country; she thoroughly nnueretnnde her worn; beet rec ommendations. Can be eeeu at her present employer'* until oniratird. WKST 3STH ST.?AS UOMI'i/ri'.N I ? AlTKKSS and elminhcrinald; live years' city relorenera. 160 lino KAS'I 44I'll ST.-YOUNG WOMAN AS WAIT XUumvi and rnambermiild; will assist with washing; city or country. oTff 3D AV. (DRUG STORK).-A GIRL AS FIrAt ?iTi Idas* waitress or to do ch.tmbcrworK and how; heat city reference*. rr/V f l Vl A v.?TWO YOUNG GlRI.S. ONI'. AS WAIT UU tress and tue other as cook; city or cttmtry; good city reference. 7-1 7" WASHINGTON ST.?A KKHFfcCTAilL . YOCNU ? I girl to do waiting, willing to oaalat with up Itair* work, lu a private family : beat city reference. Jilt net* 11 >* 11 <ro a h 9 EAST 4TH ST.-A KKHPECTABLB YOUNO OIRL, snout 16, to do light housework and mind a child In a email private fntnlly. ff MUNUgiThT. KIAU.-A KfcSI'HOlAMLh YO NG X I girl to dp light bonrowork or mind childroo ; la willing and obliging. Call or addroaa. a> 4 EAHl~47TU ST.-A YOUNG SWEDISH GIRL AS h-iXexperienced lady'* maid and eeamalroaa; will travel with lady or take caro ot crowing children; best city rcf erencea. ?JO~~WHHT 13I'll ST.?A YOUNG GlitL ill l>0 LIGHT OOhonaework and take enre of children ; best city refer ence. 4~U~CLINTON PLAOB.-A YvlU.NG LADY AH LADY'S XOmnid or companion ; would also go out lisirdresslng; Address Mils SMITH. WES 1 4tl 1 II HT.--A UEKJ1AN WOMAN TO GO out ny the day hoiiaccleanliig. washing and Ironing. ill "I or; EAST NOT 11 Vf.-A SKHFr.OTABI.K YOUNG XajrJgirl to do light housework and make bcrteif gene rally naelul; gnxl city reirrence. DIVISION ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN IN IIOTRL or reatanrantl thoroughly understand* Kllchen work. Addrea-. tTi~t7 "WhhT 37TU .*?!.?-A~ KKHI'KCI'AHI,k7gIKL Tti \l I <10 light Louaewdrk; is nut afraid of work; heat lel erencea. KATr. GORMAN. t)fj| WEST :i3D SI.?A Vv.RY COMPETKNT GIKL; ?) Uunderataiida bar buetneaa In every way; ell kind* of eaiada an 1 wine; beat city reference. n-/l torn A v.. BETWEEN MTH AND 23TH 8TA ? ^?JUYounic girl to rto light housework.; reference.. 306 EAsT 891) ST.?A YOUNG AMERICAN GIKL to oo light bonaowork or take cnre of children. 311 EAST OOfH HI'.-TO 1)0 LIGHT HOUSEWORK in a ainall family. <1*11 on or addreae aI)V c.K ITS Eft. 'OOvl EAST 27TH ST. - A YOUNG GIKL TO WASH OdiOdieiiea In n restaurant; will aleop home. OOa> EAST aiUT si.-A EKkPkOTABLE TOUlio OO ?willow In a private family ; beat city relerence. ?J-(I WEST 1ST 11 Sf.-PROThSTA.N 1' YOUNG GIKL *)')?/?? lady's mnld or rham oermald; three yeare'beet city referenco. Call lor two deve. "TTTi~lint of :iiir II.?A YOUNG Girt.L, 18, ro i>6 ^tulllirhi U?n?ework: reference. A 111 ft? "T.< THIRD FLOOK.FKONT. ROOM 19.? xl'/Ati educated German woman wiehet a poeitlon In e lintrl, nr to <lo bonaokeenlng. TTTTkaHT ldTII Sl.-A KEbl'KOTABLE WOBAN Tfxtfto do any Kind of work by tbe day; willing and c bilging; goud city relerence. iri) ?rn a v.. pTkvr flouk.? u ladym xOwmmJ; comnotont dreeaiuakor and Krenen toaeiier; will take chnrisc ot iriowinc clilloren; country preferred; beat references. Address K. VI. j (V|i HTli AV.; It'llJ?1 1I.-A FRENCHWOMAN A# ~t t/Ulady'a niald; understands hairdreaelng; beat city relerence. SLI AV."-A WoMaN IN A Qainalt prlrnte family: g.utd olty reference. loTtl" AV.-a ill Ri. TO Flo X/1GIIT HOUSE inrk or to take care of ehlldren; citv reference 568 584 60 - al> AV. -A.v AMM ill A.N WoNIaN To TAlvlt ?JcUarg? of pori* irnomf in luum Q||? alt AV.?A VOO Nil UIKL TO !>(> LIGHT Olli/housework or take cere ot children; willing to make heieelt naelul; *ood city reference. a N AMERICAN LAi7v.~AGKlf?~:h?. ro TIUVKI, Willi J\ a latnlly ur Invalid, or na companion and aeamatreaa; understands dreasmnklng and all Kiiiot of tamlly sewing. Address h. F., Harold Upiown ofllce. A I.ADT OF mITa.VS iVIHIirSTd JOIN A IIRSI'KC T gYable parly lo travel or locate at tome be alt liy report; o'.ieci, protection and compauloLahip. Addreae VIRGINIA, Herald I ptown office SITUATION WANTED BY A VOUNG AMERICAN' girl aa lady's maid or companion lor lady to travel abroad lor any lanetb of lime; beet refereucea. Addreae A. II. II., Ilersld Branch office. I^ANCT AND HOSlhKV IIKRCI1 A.NTB.?POoITION 1 wanted oy nvouny salaaiady ; lour yeara' reference Irem l.ial place. Aoilreaa II.. box INI llcrald l.ptown office. I)ARl*lAN IFRENCH- PR I.SON, HrB'AKINO . Englien and Spanish, to t" to Europe as maid or i oin union: good relaren^n. .' <1 dress EUROPE, box UK) Herald Uptown ulllce. VLTANTKU-A SITUATION" BY A FlRsT CLASS 11 lady'a maid: fully oompeiont In every reelect; alio In travelling: neat relereucna. Addreae J., box 1UI Herald Uptown office. Intclliiirnce OOlcct. BAST lUfii nT NF.AU 3D aV.-LaRGK RUM ber of capable and truatwortby lierniaii aervanta Mra. LOWE. 131 IIK1.P W.VKTBD?FKJIALES, TTfoS** wiiltttU V<Vk, ruh ?;c>Ti viitv OSui^ jfVw.tnti and Iron, also nnrae. Apply ?t 10? tttli IT,,la ?hoo attire, alter 12. A PROTESTANT tilKL W ANTiiB? fU DOjDfcNBKAL hourewora, lo go >i tliurt tilatance in the country; near 2'> teara "I aun; n?t airaln el weak ; wacea till per month. Call at 027 Ureenmeta at., betwaen honraofU anil 11 A. II. lor two darn. Am.-1.xLAM Outfit WA.irHM-DI.SIMI SAldiON: nnn mm.I clul .rnn. anili and Iron. 38U 8th nr., be tween 20th ami .'tilth ?ta. A-SMaLi. 1'HlVATfc F A MIC'l 8 ANT A lllO.Ot'Olt ? mod o *?k, wnkher uni Doner; hnpltali or Swede pro lerred: Mint tiling unexceptionable roiarenca. Call nt Nil. 28 Rati .'Id at. A O iVhn OOMPhTKN r COoJC FO.l PKlVATK MOAitDI.M) heiiaa t all lor two d ?p?, 017 Slard>n*al at. 4 LAl.NllRK.--* AND OIIA n ?KH M Al D IN A UhH 21 man family; beet city referenda required. 110 beat IF Mil al. FIOOK-FOU HR I OLA MS HoAllDlNO IIOI'SK; * Vmnet umleratand bar btialnraa aim Ming good releraneaa. Call at All A'eit 22d >1. MIM.lNl-.Rx.-WANTED. AN KXl'IsItlliNC..U MIL liner, capable *t celling Hp lirr own atylea. K a IIN'SVKI Lr.K A LEWIS, HI Wovater at. XTUllhKItV (ioTK.TthiTs" SS a n TK D IN AN AM KRl 1.7 can Inmlljr; born Herman lady, arlio apeak* French and kuuaa Mat; well. Addict-*, wltli rulereiicea, box 2?x, .New bury, N. f. SALESLADIES IN St'IT DEPARTMENT WANTED.? Onlv ibo?e accniMm id to itroadwar or Otli a*, trade nei'il i*i ply at Kill;II >, iltli ??. and 'Jtltl* at. \%f ANTED? A HOOD OKIOIAN OOOK SVHO CAN OO TT plain waahlns asd ironing; Aral elnae city retarenee required.' I a*l al No IMI SSfcatlUlli al. ^MNTKli-A HERMAN AX Kl7l?F~:TASs~'WaTF Tf r?-aa, i-hainhernnild ami winlirr: Stateu laland. Call, from 11 to 2, nt 77 Knltoii it, New lork. \17 ANTI'.D?TWO OIKLM TO DO TIIB WOK h. OF A ft email prleato larnlly in Plalntleld, N. J. Hull to-day at II'.'ilramj at,, elty. Irmn II in l2o'ein?it. 14' ANTRD?A FlKSI HI.ASS i'OLOKhD COOK, ft ? eeher and troner In an t*> the eoMiitry I |?niHl eauel to th - rlelit party. Apply at IMU Fnltun at., from 2 to 4 Wadnaadaf YY A.NTF.O?SIRONH Ollll, TO DO OKNKRsI ff huiieewnrk ; rrTerence r qnlred. fall ( 1,770 Rrnadway, between .17111 and "?Htii eta, on Mrs. KIND, t|7 A NTKD?VKRY COMPETENT Oil AMMKllHAtD ff nml waltrraa; mnat ha* good city reference. Call af ter in o'clock, morning, al 21t> ,*.aet l.iihat. WANtKD-A HOOD UiitLTO DO i < K > Ft it A L NOVA work. Apply to Mlae sTC s RT. 47 Bondat., Imui toll. 147 AN'TRD-A YOtfNO OIKL TO Cf*?K, WASH AND ff lion In a prlmio lamllyi mnat como well rerom mcmled. Apply 121 haul IOiIi at. \v sNTK.I" A UIK1, (O HOOK, WasII AND IRON, sppl) In hakery (Sift Hth av \\l AN TKD- A.N ACTIVE OILMAN Ulltl. IO UilttK, ff waali and Iron In aimall lamliy; wngcu if 12. Mrs. K. RUKslOSS. 7*"? liaut 4th at. \Aj AN I Kit?A UlKC TO DO IIOtlMKWOKK, StASlI ff andiron. Apply at 40D SS eat 22d al. Keferauce re quired ll'ANTRD-UKST iLasS WaITRKsS, IN PRIVATE ff timiru i >t ar lienae ; m net bring heat city relerenae. Appl* Sti net 22d at. 14/ ANTED?If HNRh.M A KER t StrsT MR FINE HOT ff tnnhole ir.nker and teaiy trimmer! raierenree reqalrad. Applr nine, lit' V ,S L, Sim Hmadwny. 14' ANTED?A Hi. ItM .\ N lilt PROTRsTANT Nl/MN ft who ran lane tab ol prowlng children and do pialn aeetne. Apply, with city reOrenee*. 722 tiexlngtaa ??., between OBtll end OVth lit BELr WAVTSD-rEHALCR. ttTXVTTs u^rf^f f? preferred'. at 152 Rest 54th ?t Kliiir Sell No 8. /"ANTED-A tOUNG Ulttl. KDIt i.VMiHAii a< u.?n" aork. No. 85 West 11th at., front door w \VANT D A WilMAN.'uhlWlih^ K1GH Thr.N AND ff thirty yeara.unmarried, to <io general housework ; no washing or Ironing; uno not abuse sweeping end i?m errubblng; ptriion! references required. ^ Broadway, alore. J \VrAbtKD-AN ORDKB <?OOK ; Mb8T CO MR WELL ff recommended; biro an active man as waiter. 1.10U 3d nr. W A 7A.MKD - HANDS I'M l.ADI.-S' If INK CNDKR ???. 217 Kaat 74th at., first llnor^ SITU VTIOXS W ASTKP-JIIALlSh. AYoITmS AK'IfaSfT'uHABUAl'ir TP A SkkMA.V aom-emy. Ju*t from Gormnay, ?rUhe* a position to fln Ikli crayon portraits; be?t refor?nco. Addr?M J. AHNOLT, cure ol Mr. ftchlurp, ?KJ5 KhkI fH?? si. pifTCATION WANTfcO-HV A YOiTH (18) TO learn typa i<*tttng on a nowipaper. Ad?1r?*s J. b., box 100 Herald offieo. ASINGLK UhilU AN WfSllKKSITUA stands care of horses, gardening. milking and ironeral work : references. Addroaa A!., box 122 liorald office ftn (lATlllN WANTED BY A KKLIABLK YOUNG man iu a hotel or roataurant; l> not afraid ol work: la willing,and obliging; quod yeferenoes given. A. la., box 171 llerald ITpmwn office. iTJUKTKNDMH A BKSPBCTABL.K MAN; THREE years'eltv reference: down town; willing to work In tnwir*-or country. J AM KB, 188 llutton at., Jersey City Heights. MIDDLb-AUKD .MAx WANTS > HIiUATION Art light oorter. janitor or watchman. Addroaa IS. 11. kll,l,>, 15 New Cnamhera at. ~T 1TwTlTK~troirK~t7,t STEWARD, IN HOARDING 71 hnn? ?r prlrate family or y.cht; city reference. A. HICK.', Herald Uptown ulflca. aKKKKI'KR.-WANTc.D a 81 TP A'I'll i N ; GOOD 01TY ref r.Mice Irom laat place. Addreaa HKKHV UoLLON, 1.222 Broadway. BV~a" YOUNG MA I, WILLING TOIVORK, EMPLoT niont of niiy kind; iiiideratnnd' grocery; relerouces Irom laat employer. Addreaa WILLING. box 122 llerald Uptown office. C~*tOLoRKj MAN WISHES SiTUAlION IN WHOLE ./aalo cigar or furniture atora; beet city roferenco. J. A. box 171 licmlil Uptown office. (*?OOK.? A FRENCHMAN WOCbD LIKE lO Kl.ND A Jpusltlou aa a?cnnd chef; oltv or country; beat relarencet. Addreaa 1*. F,, Herald Uptown Branch office. IIiFanT THjs~P 0 Sfl'ToN (IK V/ilThK G IP PORTER; i;eu?rally useful. Apply at preecnt etupjorer'a, 28 Knat 280 at. ? ! 1 D1ILE HkGKD MAX WANTS A SITUATION AS M? light porter,Jaoitor or watchman; pood ral'errncaa. Addreaa h. 11. MILLS, 15 Naw Chamher- at. KKSPKOTaUL- YI.U NU MAN AS KlItfT CLASS waiter: bed city reference. 572 5th ?v? preaent em ployer's. SITUATION WANTED-FoK AN AlfhrtlOAN YOUTH; llrat claaa rel'orence; lina aomo knowledge at buaiiicsa. Ad ireas VOCTII, oox 170 Herald office. ituaiTiTn 'wanted by a Manas cook and carver. AddrustJ L., 220 Weat 4ith at. rfUlfc LU t Ol'TiAN ('O.M)ilhSS "~ I SPECIAL CABLE DESPATCHES KVKHY NIGHT IN Til 1? KVKNINU IKLKORAM. ANTKD-hlTOAT10N AS WATC11 MAN OK PoK tcr: heat relerencea lor honerly and aolirlety. U. O.. box 80S Orange, N. J. ANTED-V SITUATION* FOR AN ACIlVh LAD OK 17 In a atore or bualnosa where there la cliauce for Im provement. Addreaa M. 1)., 814 Weat 2tlth at, ANTED-HY A COLORED TOUKG MAN. A SITU ntion na waiter In a reatanrant or a latnlly ; llrat claat certificate given. Address ?V. V., litis nnlilvnn st. rtTANTED-A 1'OSITMN AS >SUPERINTENDENT. Vf railroad work or constrnctloii ol buildings; has had large experience on public and private works. Addroaa It. A. M.. Herald office. ?\rouNG man wants h,m I'LOimo.n r ok aNy X kind: nnderatands bookkeeping; good references. 8!) Clirjstopher St.. barber shop. Young coXokkd m iTah v^lktTbbst rrkkr ence. Ai dress C. G. S., 144 West 8()th at , rear. eLEHKb AMI gALKSHIEN. AcTTKjago DtoToooBa man, wivl?'"posTi-.d all aoout, la open Inr an agency there er aulesmnn Kaat; la rellablo. Address At B. C.. Continental lintel. Now York. Asviaut young man desires a situation in iin ntilce or In mmt large Uonse. Address 1NDC81UI yi S. box 101 Herald oltico. CttVfc AGENTS VYANfKD-To SOLICIT business (rum manufacturing aud wholesale dealers for Suntk American trade. Address EXPORTERS, box 112 lleruld olllce. ? CI I Y TRAVKLi.hrt KOK RUKFLINGS AND LACK goods: on? who ha* experience only. Address LACK OoOOS. box 112 Herald olllce. YOUNG MAN, OK 12 Y. AHb' B I) SINKS.-. EXI'Ei:I ence, ileslies a -dtuatinu in a fancy goous una notion jab bing bouse. Address U , box lib ^crnLl oflice. HUG CLKKK.-^v YOUNG-SeKMAN. a.N AOCU rste dlspimser, mar address, with references, CLERK, box 146 Herald Uptown ofliee. (JaLKNMaN WANTKD-IN Ol'K LACK CURTAIN i?E Oyorvnent; he ennst understand the business thoroughly. E. H. JAKKKAY a OO. O PIIaBMAOISTS.?GRADUATE WISHES SITUlL Hon ; beat reference; salary small. Inqnire at PII1L LIFE'S nharmocr. 422 2d sr. xij anrki7-1Tt~\ "young man, who has TV been In Chlua and Japan, a position as clerk in a mw esntlle bouse; highest references given. Address X. Y , box IM4 Herald olhco. ' AtitUb- A 7hOK..UOIILY EDUCATED I'll A K VI ntnclst, by a wbo'esale lioure, as salesman; should hare the best testimonials respect in.' character and ubliity Adilre|? T., box 4,812 Poet oHlco, city. \irANThD?NoLlCiroKS FuR A NEW. FIRST CLASS IV general commission agency: old, retiren merclianls preferred, as they best understand toe wantsoi tne business community. Address Peat office box 4.1 H. TIT ANTED?BY A YOU.NO WAN, 20 YKAKH OP AGK, VV a situation as purser or clerk. Address P. K., 140 East 14th at. ,'ANTED-A SITU A'l IWN Ah .SALESMAN. OUT reference. A. D. WALLING, Mendharo, N. J. WANTBdIa DRUGGIST TO iioTOLONG BRANCH; must come recmnioended and caoable of taking charge in prsprlet.-r'e absence. Apply, Tuesday morning. It! o'clock, to Bsrelay st. -fl/ANTc.D?A SITUATION. IN A WHOLESALE UH VV retail grocery store, as clerk or porter; willing and able to work hard tor low wagea; flru years' retereiico from last place. AdJrrss WtiRKfcK, box 104 Herald Uptown Branch office. ? yC/TnTED^-FIRST CLasIT BOOKK"eHPKR; STATE VV age. salary expected, where last employed, references, Ac. X. A. T.. Herald office. 7ANTED-YGU.NO MAN WHO NNDiiltsr t.sDS lionacfiirnlslilng and tinware business; ftl a week. H. W. RINOilOSK. 10B tlonri st.. Hrooklyn. AY W \\TANTED-KIItsf CLANS BOOKKEEPER aND COR, VV respondent, quick and accnrate at flgnrea Andres HI., box 124 Herald ofHce. ANTRD?AN ENKKGi.TIC, EXPERIENCED sAisKS. man to eell a aiaple artlele; llrst class pay. Address MACKBKP.L. Herald onice. AN TED?SITUATION ASSv-BVKYOK. DRAUGHT*, man or northing In the line of civil engineering ; will ing to do any kind or work; good relereuec giv n. Address ENGlN KKk, Ilerald ollioe. VOUSil MAN GERMAN) DBNIRKH A SITUATION; JL has done single entry bookkeeping where last crap orcd; be*t rttr reference. Y., box 172 Ilerald Uptown pfltco | ArOUNG MaN ~Ai PORTER OK NIGliT WATCHMAN X In hotel; oily or country; strictly sober; nest refer ences. Address P. M . Ilera'n Uptown eflice. tUACH.?P AM) UAKOKARUd. ATli&V'ui.Bilt ifltuuM AMD ivA by a reliable ainxle man : hem ilty reference. Aaidreua It. 1) , KldliiK .Icadetny, 7 W?? 13th at. A-v?TunV?~ia> i>ksi Has a Titi'atio.s as a maebmnn; thanouxhly uaderat.anda hit httalnnaa; ha* no nia|rctlaan to ifoin i ta. ti.e country ; alx yenra' city refer ence Iruiti hia luat employer. Aaldraaaa W. II KNDKIt SON, 223 Kaat i-M at. CT<> \i HMA.N?OAN Mil.) Squired; moderate heal Win At., preaent fmimij s A AHITI'ATIO.n WaMKII-BV aN KXIBKIKNOKD man. an mnt'liman anil ?ra?m; no olfaction to tlis oininirv ; Hi > r?ra'rrlffa-iitai fr.ain laat employer. Addrraa M, C? box 1<1 Hernial oltU-o. MARfttKU M*S~ Aft OOACHMA.N. WHIIBs a aieady aatiiatlon In the foam try; und-rainnda boraea and carria^ea nlaaa tfaralen ; la-nvt?a on acconnl of family itoln* taa Kumre; ran ahuar aatiataciory, relorencra. Call twa ainy a 4'di l>th nr. Act | T (i ATIUN WA.MKU Ail HOACit.UAN IIV A M.N cln rraiteatant man; flrat claaa reference. Aaldrcaa JOHN HKa iTV, 2IH Kaal *AHtli at. T UtlAClT~M AVH sirUATION wT.NThll-MY a Vall'MI jVtnnia. with 0rat clana relernneea, aiid nn be ra-ruin nirnila>l by laireo different employe ra. S. II., Dux 110 lleraad Ultra). k YOUN'i OOLORKU ~MAN WaNTs A situation /V na Cainrlimaii; Brat rlnaa city rnloronce. Addrone Oil litUKM, Weat 44tll at. ttOAI'IIM AN AN II U AitHKN r it's Sll CATIO.N?SIN /irlr main ; can inllk; wiffi moderate; nuat relerrnce. Add re as U., tat 12*1 llarald qfBtse. f "i' IA i HM AaN?t)AN MII.Ki HAKOKNirk iV ioT. oxri'lleut reference. If., MM nyrr'a /TOACUMAN AND IIKOOM-BY A KIIIST IILaNS VJbiirai-raan. with alx yeara' beat reference tram laat place. Aaiair nA M. J., box liM ileraid I p.own Hrancla nfllce. CVo~A<)HMaN aXD OA HI)ItN kit7 ?r A Nllilf UlaJUW /?male mnn: thoroughly umleraianda lata bualneaa; boat qperenre. Addrraa W..iaoxl21 tlrrald"dice. /NhllMAN IIAIinhKKK, MAKHIRD MAN, I> K fl IR K k Viaaitnallnn. Addrraa IV. I) A, tat 121 llerald nflW. ITl'AflOh W ANTiTll rtY KlIthT Uf.AHM CDAClT. ,piin ; aiiigle man; can take charge a.f a Krntlenian'a pTarr ; Ural rlaiaa rrferrnce. Addreaa OOAtll Mat, box 3MO Herald a.lHro. Ah I KD?SIT U ATI ON IIV HTRAItY, NO itTTl A NO In lml llama man aa coachman can do any kind nl wnrk In or ont of the honne. 41 Kant 17th at. _ |IKIal? TV VM'KI)-]|\l,Kt. JTRnSs H'A,\fEli Y.VkkV?'ItKRat.'-bt'nCKTKVa J\ lna; Teaa, I'hin.-re Lanterna. Hun shailea. Ac.; up alaira; Sample Toaa, nil klmla, 20e% pound. 2IH Water, coiner Pulton. I hill or write. I. H N Th7k X 0 3 k LK N TIN UUORMHN TH~"7) p. OI) i i R lain* iliirbaK" Hon." I'nhHe laereaaltr. Hand tor rlr mar. Kill RKIMIK, 4h Weat tin M nTKhOtlKAPIIKK KOIt I.IOIIT JKVilNI.NO WaOltlt. Addrraa, In own hand writ Inn, I'ltOM IU K A I'll KK, at a tlon P. MAN IVASTKII IN PLKAsANT I' K Kl I AII Hit budm-a* at aiinimar rerort; NIOU i aan required. DIJ ULfeT, H Knat I dtli at. 11 aHTKROKH Wa'iIBD YOU NO MAM. NUT OVKR J>twaaniy. Willi flrat elaaa experience. Addreaa, with ref urrnrra, hox It'Wreen wood l.aue I'aaat olBco. h. Y / nKnTI.KMAN THAT OA.N Hki.L iiOODH TO f! \ Tpraaa, llvrry and othrr alnblea wanton ; reirrrnera ra. quired. Andrea#, lor ten dnya, DAl.a.KY. box 2t>' llerald * ______ vi am;raiiti ittno comhany wants oknkhai, ill nventa; li'ettine lerrltorlea; bualfleee paya bandaomalyt no rlak ; anqneatlnnahle relernneaa nam try. MSI Oth nr., top flaaur. U, AN I KD-A XiY TO MaKK IfiMNhlaK fuRrllL. IN TV ? ttore; wagea, $3, Addraae bet 221 llerald oOee. HELP WADTKlV-UALBa, tjc^fi^rrAuaviv? Wanted rvr.tYWrtigi X I" veil to families, Hotels end large consumers; largest stick In tlie country; quality and t.-rras the hast. Country tterek eps-s snonld cell or writ# IHh WHLLH TBA CoMPaSI. -'01 Knlton ?t. W aATKD?A Y01T.NU MAN WtiO PftDKlihTAN l? M something a-out cooking., 113 Ilesicr ?t. iifAi KE >v *i;Tivi hITsinehh mkm to Vt take bold of ib? best setting article erer offered; a litotline employment; terms liberal. 14 Uilntoa place, stdj entrance. VNTiu?-ytMJN(j"MAN, IN COPKEK rtAl-OON; a 1*. M. to 2 A. M. ; $'-? gar month and nteala; >:ood.char acter. Aduress H. II. 11.. Herald ofllie. \T7W\Ti"b-two ok tiTkkk 8WKDKK ok nob. M aeginns us porters; low wages, but steely employ. mi nt. Apply, with city rsferancea, at No. 20 Kerry at., alter 2 o'clock I". M. U' AN IEIi?aN INTEI-LIOEN T AND ENERGETIC T? man to oellrer books In eorlal lonn to snbneribora. Addresa SW AD, Ixu 1.4U7 I'ost office. \i/ AM BH-A>KW Y-UNU aTeN, WHO THOROUOH. T> ly understand their hm-lncs, as waiters and ean girt good reference. Apply nt toe City Oyster House aud Hoc tnuritnt, 111)3 bniton si , Brooklyn. aniiiU-AN kTimbVencku UIIAMPASmB EOT tier; also a man to tla Anply 213 Front. /a.Vteo^-a w'aIik.c one hour at dinner w w time. 371 Pearl at 117ANTED-YotJlfU MAN TO RUN ORDER* AND I! keep books, Ac., in a meal market. Addicts 218 9tl sr. C POCNps PUR TEA, ?1; 2>i PODND-t, 300. l) THE tlANlON 'f r. A COMPANY, I4? Chambers s*. dbnn hkii week .made jiv smart a gen iTsj or eountry; bu*lncH? novellv. Applj *1 21 Ana hi. I'BK TKADISS. nr i xt)?i"xniiRSfT vu^n<r fuisf? m ax wb sob j\ot ii tori*mitn of work* unit a carpenter by trade, dentrei aniiiiaiiou with a contractor. Address, tor one week, Z., Herald Uptown office. TOOli.MAflER WOULD LCIKK A HITUATION*.?(J2L demand* guns, pistols and aewln/t machine tools, diet and puocbea; hImO screw tool x. Address, by letter, A.M., 1'ut nam t louse, 4th a v. and 27th nt. N KXPKliiKXOKU ftOA 1TMAKKR? ONE WHO UK demand* making all kinds of soap. Address, win par* tieaiars, three days, KACTOhV, box 175 Herald otHce. rfiu ho,,jnrrjririns;^A" <>uou mukucco and X cloth ease stamper. -K. iVALEER'S SONS, Job Book binder* 14 Key si. ANTKD A FIRST CLASH POTTER CYLINDER pressman; state wages required. Address box 540 Pout odicc, Jersey City, N. J. TNTKir-A PACKER SUITABLE KOK PUTTING W; tip sol-rising (lour in 3 lb. mill lb. puckages, with steam pnwrr suitable for running the same. Addrou* Post oIHco box .Vis. Charleston. S. 0. Wanikd?a~~sitcation hv a young amkkioan (Hired 17) to lenrii h good trade. Cull or address L. DOVLh, 71) Mnin St., Itrooklyn. ANTF.D EN"aVNKKR VVAnYi-TiTt(TWORK AT ICR cream and run a Baxter engine : $1- p?r woes. l'J Blulr 71 oil ho. PUNOFOK'l'BS. UUC4AW8. JO). AiTassokr?ibMi OK Second hand st.-invTa? Pianos at a bargain; also. Piano* of otber makers, ranging Irom 010 upward: special Inducements on h num ber of Sti'lnwny Convert and I'arlor (Jrands. tome bat lit. tin omul, all in per oct order ami fnily warranted; bewarn at bogu. Instruments, represented as uennlne Steli.wny planus, at public ami private salon. hTKlNWAV ?* SOvS, Melnway Hall. New York. A^m ? PI A NOFORTES AND CABINET OHO AN 8. ? .Beiintirul Concert Grand Pianoa. price 01,HIP), only 0125; nupurb (irand Square I'lanos, ririco 01,100, only 0J55; elegant Upright Pianos. price 08 *1. only 9165; Upright I'ihiios.011J 50; Organs, 03.S; Organs, twelve stops, Si'J 50; cliuroh Organs, sixteen stops, price 03i*>, only 0115; - lagans 0373 Allrror Top Organs, only 0103. Buyers como and see me ut home; II I am not at represented railroad fare paid both ways and piano or organ givon Irvo. Large Illustrated newspaper, wlili much Information about cost ol pianoa, organs. Tree. Address DanIc.L F. BEAITY, Washington, New Jersey. STTlINWAY PI A NO.?A MAUN I it I CENT HO*, wood Pianoforte, 7^ octave, all modern Improvement*, rost $1 ,<XX), to be solo st miction this day < Tuesday I, at 1U o'clock, at private residence 120 West 23d St., near 6th av. -KOR BENT. UPRIGHT, SQUARE AND (IRAND ? I'lanos oi our own make : also lor sale and rent a num ber of flue second band ianos. In perfect order. WILL IAM KNABK A O i, 112 5th av.. above 16m at. HI PP.KB PIANO. $150: NEW PIANOS UNU8U ally low HAVEN (late Raven A Bacon). 13 East 10th at. A, Ai A ROSEWOOD PIANOFORTE ONLY 05O; GREAT bargain lor oath. Keen at Bldole's, 13 Waterier place, near Brosdwav. private Family will sell their Bi.k. gant loar round rosewood I'lanolorie, best maker, at n sscriUoe: also an eloaant upright Plane, made by Cham bers. for 0175. Dealets call. Resldeuoo 21 Baat 17th it., near Union square >{rs. MARTIN. I* HI V ATE FaMIlY WILL HELL HTKINWAT .Plauoloite 01OO; 7>f octave, lour ronnd, rosewood. In laid mnrqiiotry case 1'lano, a sacrlllce: cabinet Upright Piano, 0175. Box ft shipping. Tnis Is a rare ensue*. Planus guaranteed tor six rears; Ir. use lonr months. Also satin I'arlor Suit, raw silk do. 07"; handsome Bedroom hoi. Bedding, Carpets, Ac. Must be sold. Call private residence 41 West Kith St., between 5th and 6th a vs. A" if I'KIsWAY PIANO FOR 01OG ? PRIVATE PAMs slly offer for sale their elegant 7X octave rosewood Pianoforte, eost 01.01X1 six months ago, for $16(1; box to ship ; also cabinet grand Upright, at a groat sacrifice Call at private residence 131 West 14tb St., botwsen Utn and 7th av*. A YET NEW 7 Ol/TAVB ROSEWOOD PIANO, ALL modern Improvement*: most be eold. Apply 407 IhI 24th at. AT SOHMKK A ? O'S, 149 BAST 14TII ST., PIANO manufacturer*. ft rut oIkm Plena* at extremely lap price* tor cun ; aevoral good wroid head Plana*, very IIP tlo used, at groat bargain*; rent and inatabmeute; 35 to |30 monthly. StiiiMi.K A CO., 149 h?it 14lli *t. KEW SECOND HAND WE HE It PlA.SOS AT VRRt irreat bargain*; ?omo of thain n*?<l hat a very abort ttaio by oar be?t mntlcinm. and really aimo*t a* Rood ao near; luliy wa. ranted In every rcam-cu Pteaao sail at too WKIIElt warero.mia. 5th av. and Ittth at. BKAITTI E"UI. KO-StWllUl) 7>a OOTaVK PIANO folte. $7.,. 22H Ka*i bl>lh at., near 3d ay. IPOK SAUK AT HARQAlN?NEW. BE a (JTIPCL, 7)< ' octave Upright Piano; every reaped! Brat claaa. Ad* dreaa WAL.IKHS, Herald Cptown office. HaBKLTON BROS.. MAS UFAOT0 HERB, 34 AND 31 University p..tee, have a larico aaaortment ot BOO and eerond hand Piano.*; amne ot the lattor a* Rood at uew; will be eot'l or reutod at nrlnea to anil the time*. -| a c. Kiscifku, mAXUFAcruitKBs op up* tl .rlitht and .Square Pianos wareroom* 4'JB, 425 Weal 2Stn at.; flr?t claa* Piaaoa at moderate prleoa; second bead Piano* verv cheap. KKAMOIl A BACH. 243 EAST 23U KT_ NEAR 2D av., have a benntlful Msoriment of flae PIauotortos both new and second hand, wbtoh thoy are offertns very low. Piano* let and eold on instalments AD? Wi LL~DISPOSE OP i?)*KWOOD PIa Nol forte, 383: Cover and Stool. Box for anlpplnR. lteai* dciiro, 1!H> 2d av., near 12th at. MAI 1 Mr ICE ST KOsK W ODD 7.S OCTAVK, DOU BLR rutin I carved lee* Planolorte, only 895; bargain. UOR DoN'H. 1*>7 Hlcceker at. P" IA NOs A Nil "li UO A Nrt "EXTREMELY LCW FO B ca*li on amall monthly or quarterly payment*, or te let. in city qr conntr) . Iiotn ?1 upward. iftiK tOK WATER.* .t soNs. 40 Raat 14tb as IA SOS a.ND U kiVa n ~ exTrk mkey lotF tub ca*h, on Inatalment* or to let, In city or coautry. P. SCHULKK, IB ha?t 14th ft. IA NOS?7 7)~ TA VKs7 t: A It VKD LB is".-il 00. NEW Upriahta, $125; rent* ritV or couutrv. $4 : Organ*, $30j Mehmeon*, IIOKO lN A if Ka*t 14th *t. ILL SELL AT t iTTk AT Sack I WOK BEAUTIFUL tour round 7'i octave PI*tio;l)r?t elaaa maker. Ad dre*a PIANOFORTE;, Herald Uptown office. MUSICAL. Musician's 'Wanted-.,sir ttlT"WTOTO Bute and violin, day and evening, all eninmer; mint be llrat cl?*? and play lor low wagee. Addre**. with pertlca* lar*. MUSIC Herald office. IV/AnTED-A HOOD TBACHkR OP MUSIC ON TUB Vv ^ilano who ran c> me a uliort dlatunoe Into the cenntry to give leoen* to one m two In a family. Addreea, elating term*. It. II,. Herald Uptown office. W/A.sT l? Pl>. It flIO lOUUli TEACHERS OP THB II rudiment*of ramie. Apply at 1(13 Beat 2StU at., oa Wedneaday, fr.m s to 12 A. .a. DAJICINd ACAOR HIKN. ("I ARTIRh'H OaNOINU academy, 8 CTiffoTi _7?qu.ire. open all ntmincr; private leeaona any hoar| II no specialty; lady a?*l*t*nn. j BRMTAUUANTB. I'"'ivk asu Lkr i,t vk ulfflWaMB Jliriadway ?(Ireen Turtle Soup made by tue rtoward af thu HoboKeu Tnrtle Clnb ; dinner from 12 to 4. H. SPESCKR. Caterer._ I'l It \ I I V IIR,' T"i'v r*ra as setssir wiinK**;' watt f\,*nd Bending Warelionee*. 512 and 514 Stli or., Beat Silili at. ; me lateral r?tabllahment In the city; lowe*teeaK Drier*; wekkly *en monthly pnrment* token. T aucti.,s-tTis day <tu" shay,, at to o'clock, at private rcaidnnee 121, Weat 2.10 at., near flth av ,clo.:*nt Parlor Bnlta, covered la aatla, raw ail a*. Ac.; Ulavere*, lajiicl*, ladle*, a larve collection of valuable Oil Painting*, Hi on tea, Ac.: ch unbar Hate, Dre**lag Caara, Hed-tcnd , W,t-b*ton<i?, ChlfT.nnlera. Metlre-aei, Ac ; Library and Ihumi KnrnUnre. Take elevated rail road to Twenty-third *tre*l -totton. B\~i Mass Itkuinhits "aiiK oFKKitlNU grkaT bargain* In Furniture, Catpete an I Herldlae. at ti.clr ?tore*, 22S and 230 Hudaun at., corner Broome | weekly and monllily paim?nt* taken. IMMENSE KE.DI CTJO.S IN PHtOMor Carpet*, Ac. lor ca*:i or ea*y pa.vmeut* COWPKIL 1 HVV ,vl r% !.'>*? and 157 Chctham at. Send for Ulaatratecl price Hat. w eeblt or monthly payment. MisViT oaktbta ajTh OIL CI,,,Ti|h, VERT cheap, at HKNiiaLL's old place, 112 Pollen at. Head lor ewpiniMtury circular. Z_"hHo RBritMiXit at on "besT 7n iii vmEB Centennial award; I for book. LESLEY, 372 IHh av. HetrlueraMT* repaired. , BlkUAIUM* A MKRfCAft AfANDARD BILLIaKTi 1X170^51?# /Vaiul recond hand, at reouoed nrlree; Hall*, Clotha. Tie*. Uiieikt. t.eea, Ac. \VM. IE O III KEITH A Cvl., 4*, Veacy *b A'" T NEW WABKNOOMS OP II. lif, U^LbimilkW nroHilw*}-, between Qraee Chnrch and Stewart'*?Bill iard Teblra. new and n cnnd hand. In l*tc*t dtalrn*; ban ? o.ol* and lowe?t prlcsv BCOND iuil BILLIARD AND Pool, ft Bl. lis Oil ilia turned and rnlorxl, $1, at I'll KI.A N'S. 14 Ve**y (V FilirK ktiiibr hi>.liVkd~aiii? pool- iiaT.i?s" 2',. ciflaet; 2'* poc.l, 32't mi ; warranted for twalva nRwwtfle. WM. W. W El.1.1 SO. 207 Centra at. MAilBLK MAffTHlaB* ~=S Af'tfttfllia HE.Ill'I"TION IN PRICES KROli TDini I. Monte.*, Urate* end all Kind* o! Sleto Work; larva ?atorlMentl new deelRn*. I'h.Nl.HVN SLATh COM* PAN 1, .VI Union *quarv. 4th av. and I7tn at, Grates and eSn1?KRs.-we would 15afx sPrI rial attention to ..or larR* variety ?>: Ktreplaeea wlin braearramea, Andlrona ?nd P-nder. ?/ autiq.t* do* ?lyn*, with Ha*ket Urate*, for wood and eoalt aura the l*r.e*t a**..rtm.'nt ol Orate* a'tid Pender* In the market wltn enr patent ihakinv'end dnrapiar Urate, wholesale aed retail. .1. s. > o.voVER A O.i,, a.vs Canal ?t., N. Y. MX KB I.E. "mTn" Iels AND M.. h r M EN rs CHRaPRII than ever. A. KLABBB, 184Baei istb at., aaer M aw. s vv